"Chalker, Jack L - Hotel Andromeda (SSCol)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Chalker Jack L)

"I see. Thank you."
The next caller wanted a better room and Lekvich told him

to call reservations.

The caller after that wanted to know where the environ-
mental control in his room was, and if it could decrease the



gravity at all, and what exactly would happen to alcohol at

"You're not planning to drink in zero-g, are you?" Lekvich
asked in alarm.

"Why not?"

"You can't do it unless you use a closed container and suc-
tion straw," he said. "With a glass, you'll just get floating
globules, which will splash on the rug and stain the uphol-
stery when you restore the room to normal g."

The caller giggled, said, "Sounds like fun," and hung up
before Lekvich could check the room number and notify
Housekeeping and/or Security.

For a moment the board was quiet Lekvich indulged him-
self in a hearty sigh and looked at his notes.

Now, let's see, he thought, room 5627 wanted me to call
the kennel master about the guppy. Or was that room 5427?
Horrified, Lekvich realized that he couldn't read his own
scrawl. Well, he did remember the guppy -- he would call the
kennel master first and worry about the owner later.

But what about that woman who wanted to use the nuli-g
gym? Had he already called about that? And the man who
wanted to experiment with drinking in zero-g, or was it the
woman who wanted to do that and the man who wanted the
gym? Lekvich Tor rubbed the bridge of his nose where it had
begun to ache. His head was swimming. He checked the
clock: had it really only been three hours? It felt like three
