"Chalker, Jack L - Changewinds 3 - War of the Maelstrom" - читать интересную книгу автора (Chalker Jack L)"General, we have two problems and we must now ad- vance our timetable to meet them," Klittichom told him. "We must have the duplicate. It's the fat one we want, and there is no reward too high to pay for her -- dead. I no longer need to see her. The one who kills her need only bring me evidence of the deed and he can name his own price." A snakelike tongue ran around the upper lip of the toad- faced general. "Very well. Do you still want the decoy? I ask although it appears they both lead extraordinarily charmed lives." "No, don't capture the pretty whore, but put people on her and keep them with her. She and that crazy artist both. They are the magnets that may draw our quarry out from wherever she is. Just do not allow them to get all the way to Masalur hub and Boolean. Take them alive if possible at that point but not before, and hold them for me. Something in the back of my mind keeps telling me that they are the key to locating the duplicate but I can't put my finger on just how yet, so keep them ready. I want to know where they are and be able to put my hands on them if it comes to me." The general bowed. "Very well." "That's not all," the sorcerer added. "We have a growing danger to all our plans the longer we wait. The duplicate WAR OF THE MAELSTROM 9 might still continue to elude us, since we haven't been able to find her in almost two years and we now have far less time and Boolean might be well served to Just hide her. How long would it take to get the word to all the armies in the field to assemble?'' "All of them? For the full assault? Months. There are many hundreds of worlds that would have to be notified, given orders, and there's assembly time, and, of course, it must be done without alerting the Akhbreed." the officer replied. Klittichom did a little figuring in his head. "Let's see. . . . Assuming it was those apes with Asterial, it would be -- hmm -- six months, give or take." He thought a moment. "You have eight weeks, General. Exactly fifty-six days and not one more. No excuses. Those who are not ready at that time we wilt do without. We will attack in full force starting at |