"Carr, Terry (ed) - anthology - Science Fiction for People Who Hate Science Fiction - 07 - Davidso" - читать интересную книгу автора (Carr Terry)that King Solomon had three hundred wives and six hun-
dred cucumbers? Wow! I'm really naughty! You other folks who volunteered just take seats right there" The first lady volunteer was old and pretty. Well, maybe not so old. But maybe like Mary Clay who realized that she was too old for young David Webster and after she cried she accepted the fact and sent him back to Madge Barkley whom he really loved all the while, only they had this silly quarrel. The lady smiled at him. He smiled back. I-feel-GREATI "So that's the way the rules work, and now, folks, in just five seconds we'll be on the air! Fivefourthreetwo one Good evening, all you lovely people out there in TV Land! This is Keith Kane, bringing you the greatthe greaterthe GREATEST quiz program ever: Cash or Credit?" Now he felt his heart beating very fast. So that was what it was like! And now he knew what was odor. But the lovely lady volunteer next to him smelled, yes, that was sweet. But if it was Muls or Van Art Number Three, this he would learn later. "just rinse and dry, folks, that's all there is to it: Clear-o, the all-purpose vegetable detergent. And now whom have we here? What is your name, sir?" Here it was. And how terrible if he should break down But he did know; he had it all ready. "David. My name is David Taylor." All the ones named David were good. Oh, they had their troubles, but in the end everyone loved them. And see: nice Keith Kane beaming. The lady, too. "Well, David, what'll it be? Cash-or-Credit? You know the rules: If you pick Cash, we spin this little wheel. If it comes up with a number, you go on to answerif you can, hah-haa question worth however many thousand dollars follow that number. If it comes up blankyou're out. Where- as, if you pick Credit, you take your place among the vol- unteers and if any contestant makes a boo-boo, why, you step into his shoes and he is out. Soooo?" "Take the cash and let the credit go," said David. Grinning from lobe to lobe, Keith Kane asked the same questions of the lady, whose name was Mrs. Conar, Mrs. Ethel-Mae Conar, a widow: and received the same an- swer. The audience applauded, the wheel was spun, and it came up io. "TenthousandDOLLARS!" screamed Keith Kane. "That's what your first question is worth and here it is: What former President of the United States is associated with this tune, and what is the name of the tune, which re- fers to his State? Remember, you have thirty seconds to think it over . . ." |