"necronomicon-FAQ" - читать интересную книгу автора (Call of Cthulhu RPG)

Frequently Asked Questions -- The Necronomicon Part I
Version 1.2
29 June 1993
compiled by Kendrick Kerwin Chua ([email protected])
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
United States of America

Table of Contents
= Introduction to Version 1.2
= Introduction to original version
= Frequently Asked Questions
(1) What is the Necronomicon?
(1a) Who is H.P. Lovecraft?
(2) Where can I get a copy of the Necronomicon?
1. The Necronomicon, edited by Simon
1a. The Necronomicon Spellbook, The Gates of the Necronomicon
2. The Necronomicon by Colin Wilson, edited by George Hay
3. Al Azif, the Owlswick Press Necronomicon
4. The Necronomicon by L. Sprague DeCamp or W.T. Faraday
(3) Who is/was Abdul Al-Hazred? Does he exist?
(4) Who or what is Cthulhu?
(5) What is a *Necromicon*? Shouldn't it be Necronomicon?
(6) Does thge Necronomicon really exist?
(7) What is the Voynich Manuscript?
(8) Where can I find more information?
= Appendix
(1) History of the Necronomicon, as rendered by H.P. Lovecraft
(2) An abridged Pantheon of Mythos, as given by Lovecraft and Simon
(3) Miscellaneous useful information about the Necronomicon


Revision time, boys and girls. The changes here are not major except
perhaps for the listing of one of the four Necronomicons that I have
given as relevant. It seems that the existence of the DeCamp version of
the Necronomicon is questionable, and in my decsription of the thing I
have confused it with the W.T. Faraday version of the book, which I did
not list. For right now, I am going to list the two together as a single
entity (because I believe that they are actually the same book) and
leave it at that until I am able to find better evidence, preferably the
books themselves.

Other than that, I have been able to fill in a few blanks in the
original FAQ, a table of contents, and I have added a third part as a
sort of appendix. This includes within it the complete text of
Lovecraft's fictional _History of the Necronomicon_, as well as a
Pantheon listing of the dieties which are common to Lovecraft and the