"Cabot, Meg - 1-800-Where-R-You 04 - Sanctuary" - читать интересную книгу автора (Cabot Meg)

Jenny Carroll
For Jeemo
my heart, my love, always
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
About the Author
This time when it started, I so totally wasn't expecting it.
You would think I'd have figured it out by now. I mean, after all this time. But
apparently not. Apparently, in spite of everything, I am just as big an idiot as
I ever was.
This time when it started, it wasn't with a phone call, or a letter in the mail.
This time it was the doorbell. It rang right in the middle of Thanksgiving
This wasn't so unusual. I mean, lately, our doorbell? Yeah, it's been ringing a
lot. That's because a couple of months ago, one of my parents' restaurants
burned down, and our neighbors—we live in a pretty small town—wanted to show
their sympathy for our loss by bringing over beef Stroganoff and the occasional
persimmon pie.
Seriously. As if someone had died. People always bring over gifts of food when
someone has died, because the grieving family isn't supposed to feel up to
cooking, and would starve to death if friends and neighbors didn't come over all
the time with lemon squares or whatever.
Like there was no such thing as Dominos.
Only in our case, it wasn't a person who had died. It was Mastriani's, an
Establishment for Fine Dining—thechoice for pre-prom dinner, or catering local
weddings or bar mitzvahs—which got burned down thanks to some juvenile
delinquents who'd wanted to show me just how much they didn't appreciate the way
I was poking my nose into their business.