"Burroughs, William S. - The Electronic Revolution" - читать интересную книгу автора (Burroughs William S)sex films, films of other festivals, and this material is cut in with live
TV broadcasts and shots of the crowd. Of course, the rock festival will be cut in on the screens, thousands of fans portable recorders recording, and playing back, the singer could direct play back und record. Set up an area for travelling performers, jugglers, animal acts, snake charmers, singers, musicians, and cut these acts in. Film and tape from the festival, edited for best material, could then be used at other festivals. Quite a lot of equipment and engineering to set it up. the festival could certainly be enhanced if as many festival goers as possible bring portable tape recorders and play back at the festival. Any message, music, conversation you want to pass around, bring it pre-recorded on tape so everybody takes a piece of your tape home. Research project: to find out to what extent scrambled messages are unscrambled, that is scanned out by experimental subjects. The simplest experiments consists in playing back a scrambled message to subject. Message could contain simple commands. Does the scrambled message have any command value comparable to post-hypnotic suggestion? Is the actual content of the message received? What drugs, if any, increase ability to unscramble messages? Do subjects vary widely in this ability? Are scrambled messages in the subject's own voice more effective than messages in other voices? Are messages scrambled in certain voices more easily unscrambled by specific subjects? Is the message more potent with both word and image scramble on video tape? Now to use, for example, a video tape message with a unified emotional content. Let us say the message is fear. For this we take all the past fear shots of the subject we can collect or evoke. We cut these in with fear words and pictures, and threats, etc. This is all acted out and would be upsetting in any case. Now let's try it scrambled and see if we can get an even stronger effect. The subject's blood pressure, rate of heart beat, and brain waves are recorded as we play back the scrambled tape. His face is photographed and visible to him on video screen at all times. the actual scrambling of the tape can be done in two ways. It can be a completely random operation like pulling pieces out of a hat and if this is done several consecutive units may occur together yielding an identifiable picture of intelligible word. Both methods of course can be used at varying intervals. Blood pressure, heart beat, and brainwave recordings will show the |