"Burroughs, William S. - The Electronic Revolution" - читать интересную книгу автора (Burroughs William S) President Johnson burst into a swank apartment, held three girls at
gunpoint, 26 miles north of Saigon yesterday. you can cut the mutter line of the mass media and put the altered mutter line out in the streets with a tape recorder. Consider the mutter line of the daily press. It goes up with the morning papers, millions of people read the same words. In different ways, of course. A motion praising Mr. Callaghan's action in banning the South African Cricket Tour has spoiled the colonel's breakfast. All reacting one way or another to the paper world or unseen events which becomes an integral part of your reality. You will notice that this process is continually subject to random juxtapostation. Just what sign did you see in the Green Park station as you glanced up from the PEOPLE? Just who called as you were reading your letter in the TIMES? What were you reading when your wife broke a dish in the kitchen? An unreal paper world and yet completely real because it is actually happening. Mutter line of the EVENING NEWS, TV. Fix yourself on millions of people all watching Jesse James or the Virginian at the same time. International mutter line of the weekly news magazine always dated a week ahead. Have you noticed it's the kiss of death to be on the front cover of TIME. Madam Nhu was there when her husband was killed and her government fell. Verwoerd was on the front cover of TIME when a demon tapeworm gave the order for his death through a messenger of the same. Read the Bible, kept to himself, no bad habits, you know the type. Old reliable, read all about it. So stir in news stories, TV plays, stock market quotations, adverts and put The underground press serves as the only effective counter to a growing power and more sophisticated technique used by establishment mass media to falsify, misrepresent, misquote, rule out of consideration as a PRIORI ridiculous or simply ignore and blot out of existence: data, books, discoveries that they consider prejudicial to establishment interest. I suggest that the underground press could perform this function much more effectively by the use of cut/up techniques. For example, prepare cut/ups of the ugliest reactionary statements you can find and surround them with the ugliest pictures. Now give it the drool, slobber, animal noise treatment and put it out on the mutter line with recorders. Run a scramble page in every issue of a transcribed tape recorded cut/up of news, radio and TV. Put the recordings out on the mutter line before the paper hits the stand. It gives you a funny feeling to see a headline that's been going round and round inside your head. The underground press could add a mutter line to their adverts and provide a unique advertising service. Cut the product in with pop tunes, cut the product in with advertising slogans and jingles of other products and syphon off the sales. Anybody that doubts that these techniques work has only to put them to the test. The techniques here described are in use by the CIA and agents of other countries ...Ten years ago they were making systematic street recordings in every district of Paris. I recall the Voice of America man in Tangir and a room full of tape recorders and you could hear some strange sounds through the wall. Kept to himself, hello in |