"Brust,.Steven.-.To.Reign.In.Hell" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brust Steven)

her to places she'd wished to be—the Southern Hold, Yaweh's
palace, the meadows of Lucifer. Slowly, his voice faded, and his
hands were still.

She sighed. "Welcome, Harut."

"Thank you, Leviathan. Been a long while."

It was strange, she reflected, but when he wasn't singing, his voice
sounded harsh and raspy. "Yes, it has. Have you been happy,

"Hard to say. Been making music. People seem pleased to see
me. I think I'm gettin' better. Yeah, I guess that makes me happy.

"I'm at peace with myself. It took me a long time, but I'm not bitter

"I'm glad," he said.

"Have you heard news?"

"Yeah. I visited with Yaweh himself a while ago, and with Michael,
and an archangel named Asmodai, and an angel named Abdiel.
They're planning something big, honey."

She was instantly alert. "Is another Wave coming?"

"I don't think so. It sounded more as if they were gonna start one
themselves—well, not exactly, but something like it. All I heard
were bits and pieces of the talk."

Leviathan was silent for a moment, then she said, "Harut, will you
be seeing Ariel?"

"I see him from time to time. Pretty often, I guess."

"When you see him next,would you send him here?"

"Sure, honey."

"Thank you." She relaxed. "Play me something, Harut. I think I'm
going to need it."

His answer was not with words.

Thrumb thrumb thrumb.

An owl circled over the vast expanse of water, hooting loudly, and