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The Dragaera Timeline Maintained at http://www.panix.com/~alexx/dragtime.html

The Dragaera Timeline

A Tentative Timeline of Dragaeran History
[last updated 03/02/04]
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About halfway through writing the first draft of this, I came across Mark Mandel's excellent Cracks and Shards web page. It illuminated several previously-mysterious points for me, and did a wonderful job of making explicit (in the "Look Who's Talking" section) many of the principles that I was already subconsciously using in putting together this document. Go read it now, and come back when you're done.

List of Abbreviations:


BI = Before Interregnum
I = Interregnum
PI = After Interregnum
NR = Norathar's Reign

Vlad books:

J = Jhereg
Y = Yendi
Tk = Teckla
Ts = Taltos
P = Phoenix
A = Athyra
O = Orca
D = Dragon
Is = Issola
ADOP = "A Dream of Passion"

Khaavren books:

PG = The Phoenix Guards
FH = Five Hundred Years After
PD = The Paths of the Dead (Book One of The Viscount of Adrilankha)
LCB = The Lord of Castle Black (Book Two of The Viscount of Adrilankha)

The Fenarian book:

BP = Brokedown Palace

The Cycle:

1 Reborn Phoenix
2 Dragon
3 Lyorn
4 Tiassa
5 Hawk
6 Dzur
7 Issola
8 Tsalmoth
9 Vallista
10 Jhereg
11 Iorich
12 Chreotha
13 Yendi
14 Orca
15 Teckla
16 Jhegaala
17 Athyra
1' Decadent Phoenix

General Notes on the Dragaeran Calendar

There are 30 hours in a day (PG 142, et al). References are made to hours 'of the morning' and 'after noon', so they have AM and PM as we do, just with 15 hours in each half, not 12. Note that four meals a day is standard (PG 405, 433), so they eat roughly as often as Terrans do. [There are a few references in early books to 24-hour days, but these are almost certainly "translations" on Brust's part.] Hours have 60 minutes (FH 256). Hours and minutes are apparently close to their Terran counterparts, and were presumably established by the original Terran colonists (see below). Philip Hart ([email protected]) points out that an exact 30/24 ratio is unlikely, but also mentioned a workaround used by the fictional lunar colonists in John M. Ford's Growing Up Weightless; namely, having one "hour" of the day be a non-standard length, to make up the difference. This "lunar" model does presume that the time system was "restored" after the creation of the Orb, since it certainly wouldn't have been used during the immedate Post-Jenoine period. Alternatively, the "lunar" model may have been used by the original colonists, but then, after the Jenoine were driven out, the Dragaerans simplified matters to an even 30/60/60 division of their actual day length, which would give us seconds, minutes, and hours that were similar to Terran ones, but not identical. There are 17 months in the year, of 17 days each (PG 59). Both days and months are named after the Houses. There may be 'calendar hacks' such as the Terran Leap Year, but none have so far been mentioned, and their impact is likely to be small in any case. This works out to a year of about 8,670 hours, as compared with a Terran year of about 8,736 hours, so the length of the year is almost identical to a Terran year, which fits with various references to Easterner's ages and life expectancies. The year starts in spring (P 128), with a large celebration. Other holidays include Kieron's Eve (time unknown, O 222). Some Teckla celebrate a day called Pudding Morn (A 95). A week is five days long (Y 39). Days include Endweek (numerous refs), Farmday and Homeday (Tk 7), Marketday (O 82), Firstday and Skyday (O 143). That's six; maybe one of them is an alternate or regional name, or Marketday is not a day of the week but whatever day market is held. The two references to Marketday in LCB (151, 175) make the suggestion that Marketday is a movable one somewhat less supportable. It's a safe bet that Firstday begins the week and Endweek ends it, but we have no guidance for the order of the rest. Vlad sometimes works on Endweek, but not always (D 95), meaning that it may or may not be equivalent to our notion of "a weekend". A Fortnight (Eastern term) is 14 days (Tk 95), implying that Easterners keep a 7 day week. In Fenario, they celebrate a holiday called Ascension Day (BP 143). Birthdays are celebrated, though with differences between various cultures. Easterners (or at least Fenarians) celebrate much as we do; Dragaerans "honor and thank those who brought him into the world" (Ts 30). A House can hold the Orb between 289 (17^2) and 4,913 (17^3) years (Tl 96-97) (Vlad says "three thousand something"; he isn't very good at math). Since exactly one Great Cycle has passed (P 161) in the last ~224,000 years (J 72), the average Cycle is about 13,200 years, and a given House's reign averages about 775 years. These figures have been used in estimating antique historical dates, although these have been rounded to the nearest thousand to acknowledge the fact that these are estimates based on very little real data. References to antique historical events in this document will be made using the format Cycle/Reign; e.g. "4/5" would indicate the 4th Hawk reign. When reference is made to an emperor such as "Juraj IX", without explicit mention of a Cycle, I have usually tentatively assigned the Cycle to be the same as the Emperor's number, but have left a question mark in, as there is certainly no requirement of 1-to-1 correspondence between the numbers of the name and the Cycle. It seems likely that, in at least some cases, there is more than one consecutive ruler from the same House. 4,913 years is longer than the (natural) Dragaeran lifespan, and undead aren't allowed to hold office. A period of 17 years is called a Turn, and these are, naturally, named after the Houses. Similarly, 17 Turns (289 years) make up a Phase, also so named (FH 9). The numbering of Years, Turns, and Phases restart with every Reign (FH 9, PD 11). This works, since no House can hold the Orb for more than 17 Phases (Tl 96-97). [The numbering was also restarted after the Interregnum, even though that was still technically part of the Reign of the Phoenix, which probably leads to some confusion with using numeric dates.] Long-form dates often leave out one or more of these items, but this may be translation error. Perhaps Dragaeran writing includes some way of indicating what part each number in the date plays, but the translator isn't very good at catching that level of detail. Conversions between long-form text dates, "slashed dates" and decimal dates are extremely tricky to work out, as they aren't a straightforward "convert to base 17" operation. For the terms except the Turn, counting starts with Phoenix as 1, not 0. But for Turns, the count does appear to start with Phoenix as 0, and Dragon as 1. [At least, that assumption makes four apparent errors go away, and only seems to introduce one new one (and that one is dubious), so Occam's Razor supports it.] As the decimal dates are used most frequently, I've generally assumed them to be correct, and massaged the rest of the data to match.

The Timeline:

Wayyyyyy back

The Cycle "created"??? Barlen asserts that "it is part of the fundamental nature of the universe" (PD 193). Serioli appear to be the original natives of Dragaera (Is 36). Terrans(?) discover Dragaera (P 117, D 110, Is 36). Although some theories claim they were brought in by the Jenoine (J 110), this is pretty clearly false (Is 35-36). Many Terran lifeforms are introduced to Dragaera (notably Hawks, Orca, and horses, plus many animals and plants used for food), although native ones are probably already abundant. Not all animals and plants with Terran names are necessarily the same as their Terran counterparts, due to both evolution and "translation errors", but as a general guideline, if it's called a duck, assume it's a duck. Native lifeforms at this time include Dragon, Dzur, Jhereg, and Serioli (Is 36). Are the cat-centaurs native? [Question: Why didn't the Jenoine create a Tribe of the Horse? Or did they, and it just didn't survive until the founding of the Empire? Perhaps Bolcseseg is a 'survivor' of that tribe.] The "Dragaeran" race arrives on Dragaera after the Terrans (Is 36). [It should be noted here that we have no compelling evidence that the inhabitants call this world Dragaera, or indeed, that they have any name for it at all.]

~20,000,000 BI???

The Jenoine arrive, bringing their servant Verra with them (Is 36). Jenoine begin experiments on Dragaera "a few hundred thousand generations ago" (J 109-110). Unclear how old a typical Dragaeran has to be to parent (and thus be a 'generation'), but I'm arbitrarily guessing about 200 years. Jenoine experiments create Dragaerans from Human stock (Is 36-37).

~10,000,000 BI?

Mountains of Faerie start forming (BP 14).

~300,000 BI??

Jenoine Disaster, fomented by Verra "and a few others" (Is 37) forms Great Sea of Chaos, creates sorcery, elevates Verra and her peers to godhood, and kills all Jenoine then on Dragaera (J 111, P 107-108, FH 429, Is 37, 204). [This dating is extremely tentative, but I'd gather that a significant period of anarchy elapsed between this event and the founding of the Dragaeran Empire.] Ordwynac addresses Barlen as "old god" (LCB 389). Does Barlen predate the Jenoine Disaster? Or is Ordwynac younger?

Events whose exact timing is unknown, but which would seem to be Ancient.

Dri'Chazik a Tukknaro Dzur born (created?) (LCB 147,148). Sethra Lavode born ("older than the Empire" J 114). [Some readers speculate she helped bring about the Jenoine Disaster.] Teckla tribe invents agriculture (J 112). Chaos stones first created (by the Jenoine? or nature?) (FH 205). Serioli smiths invent Morganti weapons and wipe out warfare (among themselves, at least) ("before the beginning of the Empire" D 36). Blackchapel founded "far back in prehistory" (PD 40). A "very old" prophecy is made (LCB 190). Tukko tells Sethra of it "some years ago" (LCB 188), which I think is likely to be extreme understatement.

~250,000 - 200,000 BI?
Events surrounding the formation of the Empire. Ordering is mostly speculative.

Before the Empire, there were thirty-one tribes (Is 35). Although Kieron's army is called "The Army of All Tribes" (Y 39), it seems to have actually had only seventeen out of a possible thirty-one. What happened to the other fourteen tribes is not yet known. Dolivar is "good with irony" (Is 40). Dolivar shames Kieron & Dragons; he is expelled from tribe (J 114). Dolivar forms the Jhereg tribe (J 113). Dolivar dies (and is sent over Deathsgate? D 257). Empire formed (J 72) out of various tribes by Kieron the Conqueror (J 110) (inspired by dreams from the gods, IS 39, "only Zerika knew we were [making an empire]", Is 41) and a union of Shamans (J 113). First Empress is Zerika I (PG 16). [See also FH 345.] Orb created out of Great Sea of Chaos "by Zerika the First, according to legend; by the Jenoine, according to myth" (J 215, FH 206). Sethra is quite clear that Zerika created the Orb, inspired to do so by the gods. (FH 344, Is 37,39). The Orb was created from Trellanstone (Is 151), which was apparently a gift from the gods (Is 155). Elder Sorcery declared illegal ("at the beginning of the Empire", FH 80; "since the creation of the Orb", FH 182). "black has been considered the color of sorcery for hundreds of thousands of years" (J 79). [This would seem likely to be connected with the Orb; prior to this the 'color of sorcery' might well have been purple (FH 205-206).] Zerika negotiates with the Serioli; Kanefthali culture starts developing (PD 47). Kieron's army drives eastward, displacing many Easterners and Serioli (J 113, Is 39). Kieron debates with Shamans (J 134; Y 39). Kieron comes "within a hairsbreadth of attempting to take the Orb" (PD 198). Kieron Watches for the arrival of the Orca, for 5 days (Y 39-40; LCB 113). Warlord's Headress adopted as symbol of command (1/?, FH 99). [Definitely in the First Cycle, possibly dates back as far as Kieron.] Kieron killed by Lyorn warriors and Shamans due to Jhereg (J 113-114). Drien is a famous Shaman/warrior contemporary of Kieron's. Sex is unknown, and allegedly involved a sex-change at one point (Is 138). The gods recall his judgement (PD 195).

Events which seem fairly ancient, but probably post-date the founding of the Empire.

"...a Serioli named Cly!ng Fr'ngtha that made the Elder Sorcery tangible by embodying it in object blurring the distinction between animate and inanimate..." (Is 37). A later reference (Is 40) seems to clarify this as referring to the creation of the first Great Weapons. Godslayer and Pathfinder created (D 111-112). The gods attempt to destroy Godslayer, converting it to Spellbreaker? (D 111-112) The Jenoine attack the Great Sea of Chaos (Is 82,207?). The Jenoine attack the Halls of Judgement (Is 82). The Jenoine attack the Imperial Palace (Is 82). Sethra arranges for steps to be carved in the interior of Dzur Mountain (LCB 185). [Just how much of the interior did she create/excavate/remodel?] Sethra becomes "part of the rock of Dzur Mountain", possibly because she considers her "existence fulfilled" (Is 217). Obviously, she didn't stay a rock, but what brought her out of it is still unrevealed. Pitra sculpts a mammoth Dzur ("in the depths of time" FH 358). Eight (or possibly nine) "Battles of Dzur Mountain" before the end of the Interregnum (LCB 19 et al). One of these may be the "Third Seige of Dzur Mountain (J 134). At least three of them were fought at least twenty miles from the foot of the mountain (LCB 197-198). Sethra says "I speak for the Mountain, and the Mountain speaks for the Orb" (LCB 113). The walls of Adrilankha allegedly taken down "thousands upon thousands of years before" (LCB 40). If Adrilankha eved did have walls, it was long enough ago that historians think it to have never been the case. County of Southmoor was a domain of the House of the Dragon "dating back to the earliest days of the Empire" (PD 279; LCB 41). The city of Salute on Elde Island begins an "ancient" custom of waving flags at Imperial ships (LCB 213).

Misc. Elde Island entries

Dragaerans invade Elde Island for the first time (P 95). [This may (or may not) postdate the founding of the Empire.] There have been somewhere between 9 and 11 wars with Elde, including one that happened "during the Ash Mountain uprising" (P 95). Elde and Greenaere have had a (several?) wars, but "haven't actually fought since before the Interregnum" (P 94).

~218,000 BI

Jamiss (later Jamiss I) begins construction of the Imperial Palace in the reign of Faarith I (1/8, PG 22).

~219,000 BI

Imperial Palace (earliest version) completed (1/9, PG 22).

~210,000 BI

In the reign of Kieron the Younger, the Great Houses near the Palace are begun, just after the reign of Zerika II (2/2, PG 22).

~198,000 BI

Zerik II has A'jo's discretion (3?/1, PG 148). [Probably no earlier than the third Cycle, as the first Empress was Zerika, but could possibly be earlier, and could easily be later.]

~197,000 BI

The House of the Dragon reaches the Southmoor region (3/2, LCB 44). This page also reference a "Lord Drien". If this is the same individual who is referenced in Is 138, he/she was extremely long-lived. If not, then the name is puzzling, since one would think it was already "reserved" for the e'Drien line. Or perhaps the custom of using e' style names was not yet current. Vallista architects brought into Southmoor in great numbers (LCB 44). Dzur Mountain erupts (LCB 44).

~196,000 BI

Building project in Southmoor abandoned; Nacine grows (3/3, LCB 45).

~185,000 BI

Lanya e'Kieron arrested (3/17, PG 271). Eastern expansion of the Empire ends "toward the end of the Third Cycle" (PD 48).

~183,000 BI

Lanya takes the Orb after the Coup of the Bureaucrats (4/2, PG 272). 200-year War of the Streets follows; Lanya designs & builds Inner Palace to be defensible (PG 273). [Presumably, this Lanya also founds the e'Lanya line.] Marish'Chala is Warlord (4/2, PG 85). Bengloarafurd region discovered by Imperial scouts (4/?, PG 166). Mt. Kieron discovered by the Dzurlord Brionn (PG 233).

~176,000 BI

Sethra helps turn back an invasion from Elde Island (4/11, FH 98). Lishni invents the Fire-ram (D 35). [Presumably a relatively low-tech(sorcery) tactic, and so tentatively placed early in the chronology.]

~165,000 BI

Maalics e'Kieron conquers Redface region, begins to fortify it (5/?, PG 182).

~165,000 - 140,000 BI

Spell-sticks used in warfare (5/? - 7/?, O 224).

~158,000 BI

First documented person enters Dzur Mountain (6/1, FH 99).

~151,000 BI

Imperial laws defining the contributions of the Houses to the Imperial Allowance created (6/?, FH 27).

~146,000 BI

Kiva VI, of the House of Jhegaala (6?/16, PG 167)

~138,000 BI

During the Seventh Jhereg reign, the Emperor/ess uses the Orb (to listen in on private communications?) (7/10, O 153).

~132,000 - 119,000 BI

Sethra is Warlord (8/?, O 156).

~129,000 BI

Whetstone Rising (8/4, O 123).

~123,000 BI

Blackbirdriver region settled (8/12, PD 231-232).

~120,000 BI

The Empire claims Elde Island for 30-35 years (9/2, LCB 213).

~113,000 BI

County of Arylle founded (9/7, FH 109). Markon e'Lanya and the Smallflute Uprising; Flower Road (9/7, FH 305-306). Sethra was fighting on the other side (FH 306). Floating Bridge built during the Pioneer Wars (late 9?/7, PG 220-221). Blackbirdriver raised to a duchy. A subsequent naming dispute lasts seven hundred years (9/7, PD 232).

~112,000 BI

County of Arylle raised to Duchy after the Siege of Blacktar (9/9, FH 109).

~106,000 BI

Athyra wizards discover how to make Chaos stones (9/17?, FH 205).

~104,000 BI

Battle of Waterford Landing (10/2, O 79). Dragons use Chaos stones effectively (10/2?, FH 205).

~103,500 BI

Lyorn Emperor Cuorfor II bans Chaos stones (10/3, FH 205).

~99,000 BI

Conspiracies (and/or plays about them?) become common (10/?, FH 65).

~87,000 BI

Meeting between Ricci of Longgarden and Nessa of Kobi; Battle Beneath the Hills (11/7, PD 147).

~86,500 BI

Ekrasan of Sibletown writes about literature (11/7 or 11/8, PD 189).

~86,000 BI

Ziver the Tall's last stand (11/8, PG 234).

~85,000 BI

Ekrasan defends fiction against Fecila the Third (11/9, PD 189).

~83,000 BI

Chreotha Empress Synna IV (11/12. PD 147).

~70,000 BI

Catchman Tower built (12/12, FH 390).

~68,000 BI

Hold of Purchase laws instituted (12/15, O 140).

~64,000 BI

Sethra is Warlord (13/3, FH 98-99).

~51,000 BI

Sethra is Warlord (and still alive) (14/2, FH 98).

~47,000 BI

Defense of the Running Circle developed (14/7, PG 234).

~37,000 BI?

Lord Brythor (Dzur Heir), fights a duel (15/?, PG 106).

~34,000 BI

Elde island attacks during a war with the East (15/7, P 95).

~33,000 BI

The southern border of Southmoor County is fixed "after the Fifteenth Issola Reign" (15/8, LCB 197). Sorceress in Green creates Wall of Circling Winds (15/8, PD 204).

~30,000 BI

Sorceress in Green and Sethra Lavode involved in Littleshell War (15/12, PD 204). Farcical costume dramas being written ("late Fifteenth Cycle", FH 87).

~27,000-25,000 BI

Notes on Orca history in the "late Fifteenth and early Sixteenth Cycles (O 148).

~25,000 BI

"Beed'n, the Cavalier Minstrel of the early Sixteenth Cycle" (PG 131).

~22,000 BI

The Charge of Sundered Trees wins back the Pepperfields (16/6, PG 234). Maps are teleported (16/6, FH 430). [This campaign is "far to the southeast", and thus probably not involving the Pepperfields.]

~21,000 BI

Pavilion of the Sycamores built (16/7, PG 283). Piro's sword made ("dating back to the Sixteenth Cycle", PD 333).

~15,000 BI

Kragar finds references to Sethra being Warlord, "more than once" "about fifteen thousand years ago" (Tl 6-7). He's not as good a researcher as Paarfi, as Paarfi's earliest mention of her as Warlord is the 13th Cycle, about 64,000 years ago (FH 98-99), and his most recent is late 17th Cycle, less than 2,000 years ago (PG 30). We've seen a reference to her being Warlord in the 8th Cycle (O 156), but that came from her herself, and may not be available to researchers.

~13,000 BI

The Three Barons practice strange magics ("during an Athyra reign a few cycles ago" 16?/17, P 75). [Possibly the same as the "War of the Barons" mentioned in PG 3, which involved three forts?] "About ten thousand years ago" (J 72), during the Athyra reign 2 before the Interregnum (Vlad says "nearly a full turn of the cycle" (J 72), but he probably means "just over a full turn"), the first Dragon/Jhereg war takes place (J 72-74). It lasts "about six months", which is about 100 days (J 74). Sethra (note that Kiera hasn't been "born" yet) gets involved on the side of the Dragons (O 156). [This last reference may actually refer to the second Dragon/Jhereg war, but is phrased in such a way as to make me think they mean the first.]

~12,000 BI

Norathar the Sorcerer works on teleportation (17/2, FH 430).

~10,000 BI

Last time Nacine had a Speaker? ("ten thousand years", LCB 45).

~7,000 BI

House Jhereg recovers from the first Dragon/Jhereg war after "several thousand years" (J 74).

~6,000 BI

Merinna "founded", and under protection of the Kings of Elde.

??? BI
Events which are "thousands of years" ago.

Easterners have used the same spell to find familiars (J 5). Dragons have manned the watch-posts at Mount Kieron (PG 184). The Silver Shadow erected (FH 239). Dragaera City enters a growth phase (FH 241). The problem of refuse disposal solved "tens of millenia" ago (PD 228). Valabars permitted in Adrilankha "since time immemorial" (PD 229).

??? BI
Events whose dates are unclear, but seem to be well before Tortaalik's reign.

Undauntra I wins the War of the Wine Cups (PG 23, 177; LCB 113). She engages in some palace construction (FH 151). Korotta the Sixth's powerful reign (P 161). Sethra founds the Lavodes (FH 419). "The Lavodes were created to handle threats or potential threats to the Empire that were fundamentally non-military." (Is 199). "Kiereth, four thirty-seven" bottled (J 217). Unclear what dating system is being used here. "Greenhills Wine, '637" bottled (Tl 48). Valabar's founded (Tl 141). Yinta's great-great-uncle designs a new ship steerage system (P 23). Vallista architects split into Idyllic and Realist camps, reform, and split again (PG 23). Sethra fights at the Battle of Ice River Crossing (Is 188). Agate settled (LCB 175). There are no clear records of this, but there may be oral tradition. Barony of Loraan awarded to House Athyra (LCB 310).

~3,000 BI

Tortaalik's mother thrown out of the Navy (17/14, FH 199). Marquis of Mistyvale born? No date given, but he is "stooped now from age" (PD 150). Fawnd born? Again, no date, but "age had come upon him" (PD 223).

~2,500 BI

Qion born (Tl 3). Khaavren's house on the Street of Glass Cutters built (17/15, PG 47).

~2,300 BI

G'aereth born, travels to Dragaera (late 17/15, PG 30). He is involved in the installation of the Jhegaala Empress Viodonna VI.

~2,250 BI

Cropper born ("probably getting close to three thousand" D 127).

~2,200 BI

Owner of what will be Khaavren's house dies ("three hundred years later" PG 47).

~2,000 BI?

Tazendra's great-grandfather made a baron "during the Elde Island Wars" (Tk 27) [dating speculative]. A sculpture of Kieron is placed outside the Dragon Wing of the Palace ("a score of centuries" PD 144). Black founds The Painted Sign (early 17/16, PG 167).

~1,950 BI

Black paints a sign for The Painted Sign ("fifty years" PG 167-168).

~1,750 BI

Fornia born ("over two thousand" D 48). Tukko born? No date given, but he is "of middle years" (PD 183). Tevna born ("nearly two thousand years" PD 266). The Silver Goblet founded ("two thousand years before" LCB 214).

~1,500 BI

Kiera "born"? (O 284). County Shallowbanks sold back to the Empire by Khaavren's family (PG 10, 307). The position of Imperial Brigadier becomes vacant ("almost a thousand years", PG 50). Brudik gains the post of Lord of the Chimes (FH 22).

~1,300 BI

Sorceress in Green turns down a Court position (17/17, PD 204).

~1,275 BI

Wellborn born (PG 148).

~1,250 BI

Count Ritsak born ("around fifteen hundred years", PD 151).

~1,100 BI

Rollondar e'Drien born (FH 57, 277).


Adron e'Kieron born ("past his thousandth year", FH 77). Carnaro born ("about one thousand and three hundred years" LCB 214).

~1,000 BI

Tiassa oracle born ("probably pushing fifteen hundred" Tk 2). Red boots cease to be worn by the Red Boot Company ("more than four hundred years", PG 49). Gyorg Lavode born (PG 60). Fountain in the Sycamore Pavilion falls into disrepair (PG 283). Sethra dies ("some hundreds of years" before the Lavode Scandal (c.750 BI), FH 98). She is allowed out by the Lords of Judgement (PD 197). Cariss born (FH 373).

~951 BI

A coin minted with the face of Rollandar e'Drien (17/16, LCB 47-48). Placed here as late as possible within that reign, since Rollondar would still be a young man. But perhaps he inherited his estate at an early age. Alternatively, Teldra is mistaken, and this is actually Rollandar's father.

~950 BI

Navier born ("nine hundred or a thousand years", FH 281). Adron wins fame at the Battle of Twelve Pines (PG 189). G'aereth involved in Island Wars, which lead to establishment of Athyra Emperor Cherova III. He receives a battlefield promotion to officer at the Battle of Near P'iensotta. Yaro e'Lanya dies in his arms in the Charge of the Brown River (PG 30). [This makes the Athyra reign somewhat on the short side, but it has to start after Adron is born.] Sethra is warlord during the latter part of these wars (PG 30). Adron is also distinguished during these wars (PG 189). Trees planted at Khaavren's house (PG 47).

~900 BI

Fyres born (O 49). G'aereth founds the Featherhats (PG 30). Klorynderata born (FH 284).

~850 BI?

Kathana born (she had achieved mastery by the age of 300, but it is unclear how much before The Phoenix Guards this happened, PG 202).

~750 BI??

The Lavode Scandal (PG 30). Sethra banned from court, resigns as head of the Lavodes ("many years ago", PG 49). This may be a result of the discovery that she is now undead (FH 98). The Lavodes are disbanded "before the Interregnum" (Is 199). [But we see what appear to be active Lavodes right up until the Disaster itself. Were they reformed? Perhaps this "disbanding" is merely Sethra's own point of view. She founded the Lavodes to protect the Empire -- specifically seen as a distinct entity from "the current Emperor". If the Lavode Scandal caused a reorganization which put the Lavodes in a chain-of-command that descended from the Emperor, rather than Sethra, then their function would have been, to her mind, subverted. The argument is somewhat weakened by the fact that it is Vlad, not Sethra, who makes the statement, but he may have "learned" that tidbit of history from her in the first place.] Tortaalik stops his schooling at the age of 110 (date totally speculative, FH 199). Haro born ("Perhaps a thousand years" PD 157).

~735 BI

Jenicor e'Terics born ("scarcely two hundred years in age", PG 106). Master Cleff of Beed'n's Inn last has a prince as a guest (PG 139).

~700 BI

Sethra the Younger serves her apprenticeship to Sethra Lavode and takes her mentor's name (Y 118). [A moderately daring move, politically, as Sethra Lavode was out of favor at court at this time.] The Count of Endmarch builds a personal army, in defiance of the Empire ("almost two hundred years ago", PG 109). An early work on teleportation published (17/17, FH 430).

~675 BI

Aerich born. [Aerich is ~50 years older than Tazendra (PG 67, 102-103), and she is (I'm guessing) roughly Khaavren's age.] Wellborn becomes Imperial Discreet (PG 148).

~650 BI

A certain Teckla messenger is born ("about nine hundred years", PD 235).

627 BI

Khaavren born (PG 6).

~600 BI?

Aerich's father gets involved in politics, to his detriment (PG 102-103, 162-163). Tazendra's parents 'flee' a battle (PG 67, 323-324). [I'm guessing that Tazendra is roughly the same age as Khaavren; this happens when she is "barely thirty years of age".] Khaavren has a bad drinking experience ("early in his childhood", PG 66).

~580 BI

Easterners driven out of Pepperfields ("few score of years", PG 233).

~575 BI

The palace of Fenario (hut) built (BP 5).

~570 BI

The Revolt of the Livery (PG 48); police abolished in Draaera City (PG 54). Kathana begins working on her painting by observing dragons (PG 231).

~559 BI

Kathana begins painting the background (PG 231).

~554 BI

Kathana begins sketching dragons (PG 231).

~550 BI

Grita born ("not more than six hundred", FH 68). [PD 57 describes her as "eight or nine hundred", which would put her birth closer to 620 BI. On the other hand, one would hardly be surprised if she appeared to have aged faster than normal, given her experiences.] Mellar born, child of a Dragon/Dzur halfbreed mother and a Jhereg assassin father (J 179). [Date conjectural, but placed here in support of the Grita/Mellar theory, for more about which see the entry for FH, Day 7.]

533 BI

The Carriage House Uprising (PG 78). This included at least two battles in the duchy of Fautonswell, in which Uttrik fought (PG 132-133). The Baroness of Kaluma kills the Marquis of Pepperfield (PG 77). Tortaalik I made Emperor, 7 days before the end of the year (PG 3, FH 9). G'aereth made Captain of the Guard (PG 31). Tortaalik defeats the Carriage House Uprising (PG 147). Serioli speech is fashionable in court at this time (PG 28).

The Phoenix Guards

532 BI

[The Disaster occurs in the 532nd year of Tortaalik's reign (FH 9). The long date at the beginning of the Phoenix Guards (PG ix) incorrectly omits "of the Turn of the Dragon" in between the Year and Phase. Note also that The Phoenix Guards (PG ix) claims that this is still the Cycle of the Athyra. This is certainly incorrect by standard practice, but an exception may have been made in this case so as to count Zerika IV's reign as the beginning of the Great Cycle. It is interesting that Five Hundred Years After, published shortly after the end of her reign, returns to correct usage, calling Tortaalik's reign the beginning of the Great Cycle of the Dragon.]

PG, day 1 (6th day of the month of Phoenix (PG 3))

Pel leaves to join the Guard (PG 21). Pel tested, and accepted to the Guard (PG 32). Meetings (PG 3-12). Revels in Pondview? (PG 14).

PG, day 2 (7th of Phoenix)

A coach ride (PG 13-18).

PG, day 3 (8th of Phoenix)

Pel (PG 19-23). G'aereth (PG 24-27). An overheard conversation (PG 25, 260-261). Outfitting (PG 28-30). Assignments (PG 31-32). First Duties (PG 33-39). Debriefing (PG 40-46).

PG, days 4-17

Life in the Guard (PG 47-51).

PG, day 18 (or so)

["some three weeks after our friends' arrival in the city", PG 51.] Police? (PG 52-58).

PG, day 50 (or so)

["...these weeks, likewise, turned themselves into months...", PG 59.] Lack of privacy (PG 59-66). Celebration (PG 66-68). Skinter involved in a duel "early in the last Phoenix reign" (date approximate, but probably before Illista exiled; LCB 216).

PG, day 55 (or so)

[Emperor Tortaalik ascended to the throne "some eleven weeks ago", PG 76.] Recognition (PG 68-73). Aftermath of Dueling (PG 73-75). News of Court (PG 76-80).

PG, day 56

Research (PG 81-86). Intrigues (PG 87-91). Illista (PG 92-97). Warnings (PG 98-105).

PG, day 57

Jenicor e'Terics (PG 106-111). Preparation (PG 112-118). Uttrik set up (PG 128-129).

PG, day 58

Reflecting (PG 121-129). An Eventful Lunch (PG 130-141). Failures Reported (PG 143-148). Discretion (PG 148-155). Apologies (PG 156-159). More Intrigues (PG 159-164).

PG, day 59-70 (or so)

[Tazendra states that they have been traveling for "many weeks" (PG 187).] Travelling through the /pushta/ (PG 165).

PG, day 71

Overheard Ambush (PG 165-177). Adron arrives at Redface (PG 189).

PG, day 72

Ambush Ambushed (178-181). Lost & Found (182-187). Adron (PG 188-197). Adron has already begun to study Elder Sorcery (PG 189). Kathana (PG 198-207).

PG, day 73

Taking the northern route (PG 208-211). Garland prepares another ambush (PG 216).

PG, day 74

Ambushed again (PG 212-219).

PG, day 75

Eve of tragedy (PG 220-232).

PG, day 76

Interrupted duel (PG 233-238). Diplomacy (PG 237-263). 'Fenarr and Kav' (BP 1-3). Paresh's master (possibly Tazendra, see below) involved in "some war with the East" (Tk 27).

PG, day 77

Birth Announcement (PG 264-266). Aliera born. ["less than a thousand years old, however you measured her age" Tl 151; actually, just over that. "less than five hundred" (P 67-68), but that must not be counting the time she was "mortally challenged". Also, see Paarfi's comments on her "agelessness", FH 77.]

PG, day 78-86 (or so)

Travelling home (PG 267).

PG, day 87

Arrested (PG 267-278).

PG, day 89

Affairs of honor (PG 279-289). Prison (PG 290-301). Questioning (PG 302-319). Kathana joins the Guard (PG 316, 326).

PG, day 90

Turnabout (PG 319-320).

PG, day 140 (or so)

["some months" later, PG 321.] Conclusion (PG 321-325). Illista & Allistar exiled (PG 326). G'aereth made Brigadier (PG 326). Aerich & Tazendra leave the Guard (PG 326).

Illista, at least, travels in exile to Elde Island (LCB 217, 223). [No mention is made of what happened to Allistar; I presume that he perished some time before LCB, as he isn't mentioned as a surviving Phoenix.] Illista (and, presumably Allistar) are stripped of at least some of their lands at this time (LCB 218).

~530 BI

Pel enters the Academy of Discretion (PG 326).

~525 BI

The palace of Fenario (fort) built (BP 5).

529 BI

Treaty with Crionofenarr concluded (PG 326). Statue of Verra brought from Faerie to Fenario? (BP 207).

~500 BI?

Nielar born ("probably close to a thousand", J 13). Laris born ("say around a thousand", Y 29). Illista arrives on Elde Island (LCB 215).

~494 BI

Kathana leaves the Guard (PG 326-327). Kathana paints Adron's portrait (FH 77) [placement extremely tentative]

~492 BI

Fenarr succeeded by Jozsef I (BP 133).

~450 BI

Thack transfers to G'aereth's command (FH 56). Adron begins studying Elder Sorcery in earnest ("more than four hundred years", FH 206).

~444 BI

Norathar born ("You were about four years old" Y 121).

~440 BI
The Second Dragon/Jhereg War and the Affair of the White Goblets

[This mess all starts "early in Tortaalik's reign" (PD 21), but some of the repercussions detailed below may have played out over centuries.] Paarfi's (PD 21-23) and Aliera's (J 166-167) accounts of the Second Dragon/Jhereg War differ drastically, but between them, information from Yendi, (and the Brust quote, below), some sense can be made. Remember that none of these sources are infallible, or even completely honest. Steven Brust wrote (in rec.arts.sf.written, 7/16/97): "Aliera got her stories tangled, is all. She's referring to the incident of the Goblets, which happened well before Adron's move, and only indirectly had anything to do with it. Aliera doesn't know as much history as she thinks she does, and tends toward tunnelvision. And, besides, Daddy couldn't have done anything really wrong." The incident he's referring to is probably the same as "the matter of the White Goblets" (PG 326), which I take to be the public fallout from the Dragon/Jhereg war, the attempt to poison the Emperor (using those goblets?), or both. The Count of Kee'Laiyer Meadows becomes Dragon Heir ("for a short time early in Tortaalik's reign" (PD 21). Sethra the Younger and The Sorceress in Green plot to make Adron Emperor (Y 205). Norathar's parentage accused by Sethra Lavode (Y 118). Scan faked by Sethra the Younger, Baritt, an 'Athyra', and a Lyorn (Y 117-118) with Laris' help (Y 205). Dragon heir, K'Laiyer E'Lanya, and his wife, Miera, killed in war; their daughter Norathar is expelled from House Dragon (Y 116-118). Adron is accused of having had Kee'Laiyer assassinated, and then protecting the assassin (who may have been Mario) (PD 21-22). Paarfi doesn't seem to give credence to these rumors, but they may have arisen because (according to Aliera), Adron was working with a Jhereg assassin (call him A), on a plan to poison the Emperor (J 167) (or perhaps Adron was working with this particular assassin because he had successfully used him before against Kee'Laiyer). This plan may or may not have been identical with the White Goblet plan (see below). A is killed by another Jhereg (B), presumably (I'm guessing here) because the Jhereg Council hear about it and don't want the Emperor assassinated (J 166). This means that A could not have been Mario, since we know he's alive after this date. Vlad later guesses that B is Mellar's father (J 186), and gets that guess verified (J 189). The Dragons demand that B be delivered to them, and the Jhereg comply. B, however, escapes, killing several Dragonlords. B also kills some of the Jhereg bosses who had turned him in, and a general bloodbath ensues, in which (among others) several wizards working for Adron are killed (J 167, PD 22). Vlad guesses that B is also killed around now ("revenge for the death of his father" J 187). But some of Kragar's research (J 179) says "as far as I can tell" that he died during the Disaster. I suppose he might yet turn up, still alive... Gyorg Lavode foils a plot to poison the Emperor, with Tortaalik's own sister as the prime mover (FH 23). This seems likely to be the primary source for Aliera's puzzling statement, "another Phoenix tried to take the throne, and father had to move too quickly" (J 167). The connection between those events and The Disaster is for from immediate, but it fits with Brust's comments, above. Lytra executed for her part in the matter of the White Goblets (PG 326). Tortaalik is forced to exile his sister for her part in the affair (FH 23). Adron is unhappy about Tortaalik's "mismanagement" of the White Goblet affair (FH 207). Paarfi portrays this as the start of his dissatisfaction with Tortaalik, but it nonetheless seems possible from Aliera's recounting (J 167) that he was involved in the plot himself! It's possible that Tortaalik "tried to use the Orb against the Jhereg" (J 167) at some point during this complicated mess.

~400 BI

Seb born (FH 21). Udaar born (LCB 215).

~350 BI

Theen born (FH 415). A temple to the Three Sisters built in Blackchapel ("several hundred years before" PD 40).

349 BI

Sewage Edicts enacted (FH 62).

~327 BI?

A five year war with Elde during Tortaalik's reign (FH 30-31). The "debacle along the coast that had left an entire district, and one critical to Imperial trade, without a liege" (FH 207) may have been connected with this war. It was certainly during Tortaalik's reign. "The last time we fought Elde, Greenaere was on our side" (P 94). [This is presumably the most recent time there was conflict between Elde and Greenaere, unless further volumes of The Viscount of Adrilankha show a more recent one.]

326 BI

Food riots in the capitol (FH 51-52). [I'm speculating that the disruption in trade caused by the war with Elde led to the food riots the following year.]

~300 BI??

"The Demon" (later to be a Jhereg Council member) born ("probably under eight hundred" J 23; "looked to be somewhere between eight hundred and a thousand" J 30).

~275 BI

The palace of Fenario (Old Palace) built (BP 5).

~250 BI?

Rolling Rock Wars; Adron creates the Breath of Fire Battalion (PG 189). Breath of Fire Battalion in the Kanefthali mountains (FH 77).

~200 BI?

Leen born ("about seven hundred" O 29). Climate changes (due to imperial mismanagement?) lead to 30 or 40 seasons of drought over the next few centuries (FH 28). Lysek born (FH 84). Adron involved in the War of Three Sieges (FH 77). Fentor e'Mondaar born (LCB 73).

~150 BI??

Adron involved in "Whitecrest Uprising" (FH 77, 207?). Presumably, Daro is made Countess of Whitecrest after (as a result of?) this event (FH 207, 220).

~130 BI

Seodra dies in prison (PG 326). Khaavren fights his last duel for some time ("more than a century ago", FH 41).

~105 BI

Mario born ("scarcely seen his hundredth year", FH 245).

~100 BI??

Adron settles "the Briartown affair", which encourages Tortaalik to improve the post system (FH 126). Rollondar e'Drien becomes Warlord ("early this past century" FH 51). Skinter e'Terics' cousin starts to annoy him ("over the previous century" PD 48). Lar born (was a "young man" at the Disaster, PD 101). Fentor joins the Army of the Three Spears "upon reaching sufficient age" (LCB 73).

~95 BI

Laris starts as a collector for a moneylender; does 'work' once or twice as part of job (Y 19).

~90 BI

Khaavren gains Raf's gratitude (FH 48). Raf begins to consider having a child (FH 49).

~80 BI

Princess Loudin marries Lord Vernoi (FH 266).

~65 BI

Kytraan born ("three hundred or three hundred and twenty" PD 114).

~60 BI

Laris starts working as a moneylender (Y 19). Smaller employed by Countess Bellor ("scores of years", FH 176).

~50 BI

Wellborn retires (FH 73). Lar granted use of land on the coast ("In my youth", PD 104).

32 BI

Khaavren receives a 500th anniversary mug (FH 162).

??? BI
Miscellaneous undated events that happen not long before the Interregnum.

Baritt is Imperial Sorcerer "for a few hundred years" (D 92), but not at the time of Five Hundred Years After. Perhaps he fell out of favor with Tortaalik? Or perhaps he was part of the previous administration It seems unlikely in the extreme that he could have been Imperial Sorcerer during an Athyra reign, but on the other hand, his successes (and his enemies) were described as remarkable. However the balance of power had shifted, Sethra the Younger was convinced that Baritt would be Adron's choice for Warlord (not Imperial Sorcerer) (Y 205). Adron was not (technically) the Dragon heir (Y 116). Aliera seems to imply that he (and she) knew this at the time, which is quite interesting, if true. Kathana marries a Dragonlord (FH 52). Tazendra's experiment explodes (FH 52, "some years ago" 434-435). Skinter e'Terics begins gathering an army ("shortly before the disaster" PD 48). Nelshet becomes known for his fine swords (LCB 37). The Three Hands Road Campaign (LCB 37). Grassfog is apprenticed to a physicker "shortly before the Interregnum (LCB 161). Dortmond serves under Morrolan's father (LCB 319). Tazendra's cousin assaults Dzur Mountain (LCB 346).

~4 BI

Tem born ("barely reached his five hundredth year", A 4).

Five Hundred Years After

~0 BI (~500 years before Jhereg?)

"In the Year of the Hawk, In the Turn of the Orca, In the Phase of the Dragon, In the Reign of the Phoenix, In the Cycle of the Phoenix, In the Great Cycle of the Dragon, Or, the 532nd Year of the Reign of Tortaalik the Third" (FH 9). Skinter e'Terics begins gathering an army ("shortly before the disaster" PD 48).

FH, day -15 or so

Khaavren starts writing a letter to Aerich, but doesn't get around to finishing it ("some weeks before", FH 51).

FH, day -3 or so

Tortaalik asks Khaavren about the state of the people ("some days ago", FH 51).

FH, day 1 (9th of Vallista)

First day of Autumn (FH 21). Imperial Troubles (FH 21-38). The next Phase (Lyorn) will occur "in less than fifty years" (FH 27), in the 578th year of the reign. Pel (FH 34-47). Tax & Pastries (FH 48-50). Casual correspondence (FH 51-54). Assassinations (FH 57-59).

FH, day 2 (10th of Vallista)

Morning News (FH 55-60). Conspiracy (FH 61-71). Theater-going (FH 88-91).

FH, day 3 (11th of Vallista)

Adron arrives (FH 72-83). Pel interrogates (FH 84-92). More correspondence (FH 93-94). Sethra (FH 95-101). Forensics (FH 102-107).

FH, day 4 (12th of Vallista)

Aerich & Tazendra set out (FH 108-118). It is notable that, for all practical purposes, nothing else of note happens on this date, which is itself rather unusual. Indeed, the scene with Khaavren that starts on page 119, while on first glance appearing to continue directly from page 107, and on the same day (the 11th), must in fact start today (the 12th), as the following day is explicitly the 13th. One wonders if Paarfi is deliberately concealing something here, either some scandalous occurrence, or his own inability to find source documentation for this particular day...

FH, day 5 (13th of Vallista)

Various suspcions (FH 119-133). Assassinations aborted (FH 134-142). Aliera and the Baker (FH 231-232). [Presumably, this happens on her way to or from a break from her forensics work with Sethra.]

FH, day 6 (14th of Vallista)

Riot (FH 143-147). Conspiracies (FH 147-148). Palace siege (FH 149-158). Sethra & Aliera avoid coming to blows due to a librarian (FH 166).

FH, day 7 (15th of Vallista)

A restful morning (FH 159-169). Bellor (FH 170-178). Aliera makes a fuss (FH 179-184). Consulting Pel (FH 185-191). Greycat's plots (FH 192-197). [Various members of rec.arts.sf.written, notably Elio M. Garica, Jr., have speculated that Greycat's presence in this story is a romanticization of some facts that Paarfi may have had only incompletely; and that his child, Grita, is a fictional stand-in for Mellar, from Jhereg.] Adron's plans (FH 198-204). Tazendra's confidences (FH 208-212). Khaavren overhears Daro (FH 213-223). Khaavren in demand (FH 224-235). Adron's ethics (FH 236-239). Conversations at the Silver Shadow (FH 239-245). Translations & Interpretations (FH 246-255). Khaavren's mission (FH 256-272). Pregnant departures (FH 265-267). Tazendra & Pel (FH 272-274). Srahi & Mica (FH 274-276). His Majesty's plans (FH 276-282). Laral strikes (FH 283-293). His Majesty realizes some important things (FH 293-295).

FH, day 8 (16th of Vallista)

Philosophy & Conquest (FH 296-306). Sethra's suggestion (FH 307-316). More of Greycat's plots (FH 316-325). On Dzurlords (FH 326-332). Mario's first try (FH 333-352). [A fellow named Erik ([email protected]) made an interesting speculation: "Consider, perhaps, that the hour that Mario spent with Aliera in /Five Hundred Years After/ caused Aliera to become pregnant. When Aliera was thrown in spirit from the Disaster and trapped as a disembodied soul for hundreds of years, what would have happened to any unborn child she carried? Maybe Aliera's daughter is simply hanging around in the Paths of the Dead, waiting for her mother to get pregnant again so she can come back."] Aerich leaves Adron (FH 353-355). The servants depart (FH 355-358). Tazendra sharpens (FH 358). Khaavren prepares for the morrow (FH 358-363). Two assassins (FH 364-369). Daro departs (FH 370-372). Mario is inspired (FH 373-377).

FH, day 9 (17th of Vallista)

Battle plans (FH 378-391). Uprisings (FH 392-396). Mario moves in (FH 396-399). The Gate of Seven Flags (FH 399-405). Khaavren vs. Greycat (FH 406-416). Adron's arrest (FH 417-421). Mario's grey mist (FH 422-423). [Note that Aliera's recounting of these events in Jhereg (J 41, 166-167) is almost certainly incorrect in major ways. For more details, see the entry for ~440 BI, above.] Adron's Disaster (FH 424-433). Adron's Disaster starts Interregnum (J 111). Draegara City destroyed (J 23). Sethra somehow rescues Zerika and (imperfectly) Aliera (Tl 146). [She doesn't really rescue Zerika at this time, it appears, from PD.] The Orb is transported to the Paths of the Dead (FH 432, PD 210-211). [With Sethra's help? The two accounts are not in agreement.] The gods halt the growth of the Lesser Sea by use of the Greater (Is 204). Aftermath (FH 434-435). Mario disappears? There are many references to him being hard to find and/or out of touch (O 156, FH 433, others). Mellar's parents die? (J 179). Presumably, enough (all?) of the Lavodes die in the Disaster that the organization no longer exists afterwards (PG 49). The Disaster causes huge "breakwaves" at sea (P 23). Skinter e'Terics' cousin dies, as does the Duchess of Kana (PD 48). Vernoi (Zerika's father) dies (PD 113). Uttrik dies (PD 114). Grita escapes (PD 219).

FH, day 10 (1st of Jhereg)

Doubts (FH 436).

FH, day 11 (2nd of Jhereg)

Survivors (FH 436-439).

??? I
Miscellaneous undated events during the Interregnum.

Zerika 'born' ("three or four hundred" Y 63). "Sethra had something to do with it" (Tl 146). In Phoenix, Vlad claims that she "survived Adron's Disaster" (P 152), but this is either a mistake or a non-standard use of the word "survived". "Two hundred and forty or two hundred and fifty" as of 246 I (PD 86). Loudin (Zerika's mother) was said to have died "in the Disaster" (Tl 146). Actually died of plague "scarcely ... a year" later (PD 113, 254). Sethra Lavode arranges fosterage for Zerika (PD 254). Sethra vanishes from public life (FH 430-432). Sethra creates illusions to convince the Jenoine that Dragaera is still being protected by the Orb (LCB 147). Jhereg Council puts their House in order, becomes official governing body of the Jhereg (J 22). Plagues (J 23, PD 89-90, 113). Eastern Invasions (J 23, P 116). Many Easterners arrive in Adrilankha in an Exodus (P 181, PD 289). Morrolan born "around the time of Adron's Disaster" (Is 104), grows up in the East (J 79), unaware he is a Dragaeran (Is 104). Presumably his parents (who "didn't survive") were refugees fleeing the general social chaos of the time. His mother was Adron's youngest sister. (Ts 144). His father was Rollondar e'Drien (PD 81). There is some implication that Molric e'Drien was his elder brother ("he would never meet his brother" FH 431); although Morrolan describes himself as "eldest son" (Ts 144) this could easily be ascribed to a translation error, perhaps for "eldest living son". [Does Morrolan have any other living siblings?] Morrolan fights to retake his ancestral homelands. Morrolan kills many villages full of his enemies (worshippers of Tri'nagore), dedicating their deaths to Verra (Is 136-137, J 154). There are stories that these scarifices were in order to learn Elder Sorcery (D 259), but that seems to be, at best, an incomplete version of the truth. Mellar infects, then saves Lord Onarr's wife (J 181). According to the Athyra Broinn, sorcery skill develops in the absence of the Orb (P 86). Count Fornia expands his territory (D 48). Rascha sees action against Easterners as a marine (D 131). The Jenoine launch some sort of attack (Is 82). Lord Ibron dies of plague before seeing his daughter (PD 154). Tazendra travels to Dzur Mountain and becomes a Lavode (PD 180; "some years ago", PD 321-322). Larkspur Manor rebuilt (PD 232). Tevna disbelieves a vision (PD 268-269). Kieron's Watch collapses (PD 289). Khaavren learns to predict storms at sea (LCB 31). Army of the Three Spears disbands (LCB 73). Fentor serves under a warlord (LCB 73). Dortmond soldiers, presumably for several armies (LCB 319).

These events might be placed before, during, or after the Interregnum.

Kragar kicked out of House Dragon after unsuccsessful battles (J 129). Bolk is stronger than Faerie (BP 13). Bolk & Verra allied (BP 212). Gellert I of Fenario erects a statue of a taltos bull (BP 22). Alfredo is sent to Faerie (from somewhere south of Fenario) (BP 152). At some point, his name is changed to Sandor (BP 153). Sandor comes out of Faerie into Fenario (BP 153). Sandor becomes a fixture in the Fenarian court "since before Laszlo's grandfather's time" (BP 31). Kragar meets Daymar (D 37). Kragar and Morollan meet (D 116). Morrolan meets a Serioli (D 108). Kiera and Aliera have met (J 204). War of the Barons (P 90). "the Berdoign business" (O 233). The Wars for Indepence in the Mountain States (D 52). Zungaron gains a great weapon (unknowingly?) (Is 41). Sethra the Younger at the Third Battle of Hartstongue Wash (PD 205). "the incident that gave inspiation to the popular ballad "Lord Stonewright's Revenge"" (PD 297). "Reega before the onslaught at the gates of Thuvin" (PD 385). Lord Kuinu says "By all the Lords of Judgement, it is proved at last" (LCB 113). Tigarre says "Turn around, my lord; I am behind you" (LCB 113). Deo says "Welcome, my lady, to my home" (LCB 113). Loraan is trained by his uncle, the Marquis of Blackvine, and acquires interest in necromancy (LCB 312).

~5 I

Skinter e'Terics completes his conquest of Kana "within the fist few years after the disaster" (PD 49).

~20 I

Habil talks with Kana "scarcely twenty years after the Disaster" (PD 49-53).

~45 I

Islanders attempt to invade Adrilankha ("two hunded years ago" PD 138). Presumably this is the same event referred to as "Reavers" on PD 272-273. Izak born ("scarcely two hundred years old" LCB 105). Brawre born (LCB 67)?

~50 I

Lewchin and Shant born ("a hundred and ninety or two hundred" PD 85-86). Kana subdues the area around the mountains (PD 122).

~75 I

The palace of Fenario (Current Version) built (BP 5).

~90 I

Clari born ("hundred and fifty or hundred and sixty years", PD 241).

~100 I

Kana controls as far as the Ocean-sea and the desert (PD 122). Orlaan lights a fire (PD 217).

~110 I

Clari's family moves north ("twenty-year-old", PD 241).

~125 I

Clari's family arives in Blackbirdriver ("thirty-five", PD 241).

~129 I

Orlaan "sees" Aliera's soul ("scarcely a hundred years ago" PD 56).

~145 I

Piro born ("just about one hundred" PD 87). Pel starts working his way into Kana's network (PD 122).

~155 I

Roaana born ("ninety or ninety-five years" PD 157).

The Paths of the Dead

156 I

Morrolan makes a pact with Verra (Is 105, PD 27-46). [This is presumably the last time that Verra spoke with Arra "a hundred years" ago (PD 68).]

~160 I

Ibronka born ("not yet reached her ninetieth year", PD 233).

~167 I

The Baron of Bellows dies "some eighty years before" (LCB 41).

~175 I

5-year siege of Fenarian palace; tunnels dug (BP 5, 73-74, 203). Clari's remaining brother dies "some years later" (PD 241)?

~180 I

Morrolan is an accomplished witch ("three hundred years before you were born" Y 43).

~200 I

Chimov born ("maybe three hundred" Y 54). Kana decides not to recruit Khaavren (PD 122). Pel becomes head of Kana's spy network (PD 122).

~205 I

Society of the Porker Poker founded ("forty or forty-five yeas previously" PD 87). Plague hits Adrilankha ("forty years ago", PD 267).

~210 I

Khaavren's brooding grows worse (PD 102, 107).

~225 I

Fwynn starts gathering strength (PD 123). Clari becomes Ibronka's maid "some years after that" (PD 241)?

229 I

Orlaan meets some brigands, and finds what she sought (PD 55-58). Lar is out of a job (PD 58). [Presumably he gets some respectable ones between now and working for Piro, as he has letters of recommendation by then.]

242 I

Morrolan's Circle prevents a raid "last year" (PD 62).

243 I

Morrolan discusses raids (PD 59-64).

244 I

Blackchapel raided (PD 65-73). Morrolan makes discoveries and plans (PD 75-83). Morrolan meets Teldra in Blackchapel village around the time he completes his pact with Verra, which Teldra assists with (Is 104-105). Morrolan gathers his Circle of Witches, with Teldra's help (Is 105).


Various members of the Society of the Porker Poker disperse (PD 85). Grita observes Piro -- and Zerika's secret (LCB 335).

245 I

Lord Shellar dies ("two years ago", PD 357).

246 I


PD, day -4

Penultimate meeting of the SotPP ("the day after" PD 88).

PD, day -3

A messenger arrives at Whitecrest ("four days ago" PD 88).

PD, day -2?

Khaavren advertises for a lackey ("within the last few days", PD 102).

PD, day 1

The Society of the Porker Poker meets for the last time (PD 85-96). Piro meets Lar (PD 97-105). Zivra bids farewell to Laszlo, who also leaves that night (LCB 300-301).

PD, day 2

Zivra leaves, in the morning (PD 95). The envoy (PD 107-120). He was not expected "until next week" (PD 113).

PD, day 3

Departure (PD 121). Pel's status report (PD 121-126). [It is presumably shortly after this that unwelcome visitors become common at Dzur Mountain, see PD 178.]

PD, day 4

Zerika's companion reveals herself ("after traveling for two days" PD 255).

PD, day 7

Pel leaves on his mission ("six days ago" PD 137).

PD, day 8

Traveling ("exactly a week" PD 127-131).

PD, day 10

Zerika arrives at Dzur Mountain ("last week", PD 184, 254, "only eight days", PD 255).

PD, day 11

Orlaan ("nearly two weeks" PD 131-134). [It seems clear that Orlaan does not completely recognise Piro at this time. Presumably, she discovers his identity shortly thereafter, possibly through use of Elder Sorcery.]

PD, day 12

Khaavren's visitor (PD 135-145).

PD, day 13

Kana holds a meeting (PD 147-155). Bandits (PD 165-172). [Paarfi claims that we have passed "a day or two" plus "several days" (PD 165), but there are problems with that. We know that Zerika arrives at Dzur Mountain on day 10, and that that was "a week" ago when Piro arrives. The latest possible arrival time for Piro would therefore seem to be about day 16, and there are still two days of travel to be accounted for before that arrival.]

PD, day 14

Roannac returns home (PD 157-163).

PD, day 14-16

Climbing Dzur Mountain (PD 172-185).

PD, day 16

The Gods debate (PD 191-200). Sethra Lavode plans (PD 201-213). Wadre & his band meet Orlaan (PD 215-221). Pel visits Aerich (PD 223-227). [Not explicitly stated to be the same day, but seems a reasonable assumption.]

PD, day 17

Pel plants a thought (PD 227-230). Ibronka receives a messenger (PD 233-243). [Not explicitly stated to be the same day, but seems a reasonable assumption.] Zerika is introduced (PD 249-261). [This chapter appears to happen the day after the one that ended on page 213, though it might be later. Kyttran's reference on page 253 that Piro was summoned by Zerika is somewhat misleading; at the time Kyttran set out, though he was acting in Zerika's name (by Sethra Lavode's orders), Zerika herself had not yet become aware of her destiny.]

PD, day 18

Kana's meeting due to resume ("in a week", PD 153). Ibronka meets Roaana (PD 243-248). Tevna the Pyrologist ("Several days after Pel had left", PD 263-277).

PD, day 19

Zerika sets out ("the day after to-morrow", PD 261; "a Farmday in late winter of the 246th year of the Interregnum", PD 279). Orlaan pursues (PD 307-309). Morrolan gives up on finding a pass, "closer to two years" after leaving Blackchapel (PD 293-298).

PD, day 24

Keybrook Village ("after a week", PD 288-304).

247 I


PD, day ~30

Piro becomes accustomed to traveling ("ten or twelve days", PD 282).

PD, day ~31?

"Imperial" Army (PD 282-288).

PD, day ~32?

Noticing Easterners "as they traveled" (PD 288-291).

PD, day ~38

Saynac and Dortmond get lucky (PD 316).

PD, day ~40

Kiss and Tell (PD 314-317). [They've been tavelling at least a hundred leagues with the caavan; probably at least twenty days.]

PD, day ~41

Hartre (PD 317-320).

PD, day ~42

Aerich prepares (PD 320-322).

PD, later

Pel visits Dzur Mountain (PD 309-311). Pel sets watch on Dzur Mountain ("a week or six days", PD 311-312). Passing Easteners (PD 288-291). Pel hears of Zerika's band (PD 312-314). A Near Miss (PD 304-305). Ibronka and Roaana arrive in Adrilankha (PD 351-364).


Khaavren gets back into shape (LCB 27-30). This process takes "months" (LCB 29). Deathsgate Falls (PD 323-342). [Why I am putting this in early summer, when this is allegedly "nearly a full year after setting off" (PD 323)? Because it solves a later problem with dating in LCB. Piro clearly states that they pursued Grita for more than half a year, starting in the summer (LCB 97). This pursuit seems to have begun no more than 4 days after the battle at Deathgate Falls (LCB 50-60). The pursuit clearly ends in the winter of 247 (LCB 109). Occam's razor says that the "nearly a full year" reference must be wrong, especially as Paarfi is deliberately obscure as to the events which took place during that time. The error may be due to the fact that Zerika emerges from the Paths "nearly a full year after setting off".] [Why is Orlaan opposed to Zerika's mission? She has desires for personal revenge against Tazendra and Piro, but no obvious grudge against Zerika.] Zerika IV regains Orb from Paths of the Dead with Morrolan's help (J 79, Ts 98). "at the tender age of one hundred or thereabouts" (Y 64). [Well, Morrolan's involvement has now been cast in considerable doubt. Paarfi makes it quite clear in The Paths of the Dead that Morrolan was nowhere near there at the time. Morrolan's speech at the Falls (Ts 98) makes it quite clear that he was there, so either Vlad misremembers that speech, or Morrolan or Paarfi is lying. Of course, Paarfi also goes out of his way to say that Morrolan is capable of lying (PD 45). It's also worth noting that Morrolan's statements (Ts 98) are somewhat inconsistent with other well known facts; he claims that sorcery doesn't work as one approaches Greymist Valley, and that he knows this from personal experience while helping Zerika; but during this period, no sorcery could have worked, as the Orb was unavailable. One possible explanation for this discrepancy is that the word "sorcery" here is a mistranslation, possibly for "wizardry". We know that wizardry was possible without the Orb, and that wizardry was explicitly not used in the battle above Deathsgate Falls (PD 338). Paarfi seems to think that this non-use was by choice rather than necessity, but he may be incorrect. The reference in Jhereg (J 79) refers to help Morrolan gives Zerika after retrieving the Orb, so may still be completely valid. As to Zerika's alleged tender age (Y 64), Vlad is simply very mistaken.]

The Lord of Castle Black

Still Summer, 247 I

Grita follows Piro and company for four days (LCB 50-60). Kana has many problems (LCB 61-68). Mica travels alone for "months" (LCB 85). Morrolan arrives in Southmoor "on a Firstday in the summer of the two hundred and forty-seventh year of the Interregnum" (LCB 41-42). The following day he arrives at Nacine (LCB 42-46). The next day, he arrives at the ruins of a floating castle (LCB 46-49). Piro & company are nearly caught in a brushfire (LCB 97).


The Necromancer arrives (PD 343-350). The Paths of the Dead (PD 365-379). The Gods (PD 381-392). Pel meets Wadre (LCB 22-26) Construction on Morrolan's temple (LCB 69-72). Morrolan begins gathering an army (LCB 72-74). Morrolan learns of Kana's approach (LCB 74-78). Piro & company are nearly caught in a landslide (LCB 97).


Piro & company are nearly caught by a dragon (LCB 98). Mica is trapped by a snowfall, but gets out due to an "unseasonable thaw" (LCB 85).

LCB, day 1

Khaavren prepares to leave (LCB 30-36).

LCB, day 2

Khaavren and company set out (LCB 36-40). The reference to Khaavren's adventures having started "almost eight hundred years before" (LCB 37) is reasonably correct; it was 779 years by my reckoning. Khaavren has not been on a mission "for hundreds of years" (LCB 39), so he must have become settled in Whitecrest very soon after Adron's Disaster.

LCB, day 7

Khaavren and company arrive at Brachington's Moor "early evening of the sixth day" (LCB 40, 79-82).

LCB, day 8

Setting out with Aerich (LCB 82-83).

LCB, day ~21

Mica begins following a brook "for days and days" (LCB 93).

LCB, day ~27

Mica meets Pel "not two days ago" (LCB 89).

LCB, day ~28

Khaavren & company sight South Mountain after "weeks" of travel. (LCB 83-84).

LCB, day ~29

Khaavren & company meet Mica (LCB 84-91).

LCB, day ~30

Khaavren & company flee from Kana (LCB 91-95). Pel steals Grita's horse (LCB 192) and reports in (LCB 104-106). Piro and company discuss the hunt for Grita (LCB 96-100). They have been in the mountains for "very nearly a year" (LCB 97); a slight exaggeration, as they reached the mountains in the spring of this year. They have been chasing Grita for "All of summer, all of autumn, and much of this winter" (LCB 97). Wadre meets Grita (LCB 100-104). He has been seeking his band for "months" (LCB 100). Grita prepares to attack (LCB 107-109). Zerika emerges with the Orb (PD 392; LCB 21-22, 109). This is "the thirteenth of the month of Jhegaala in the two hundred and forty-seventh year of the Interregnum" (LCB 109), a "winter's day" (LCB 112). End of Interregnum. As of Jhereg, the Interregnum began "over four hundred years ago" (J 79) and it's been "243 years since the end of the Interregnum" (J 19). The Interregnum lasted "close to two hundred years" (J 167) or "more than two hundred years" (Tk 45). Verra says "those four hundred and ninety-seven years of Interregnum" (P 117), but this is obviously impossible; she must mean 497 years since the beginning of the Interregnum [or perhaps Vlad misremembers what she said]; this would place the end at ~254 I. Various methods of determining the date are discussed in LCB 109-113. Grita's attack (LCB 114-116). Reunions (LCB 117-119). Defensive preparations (LCB 119-127). The Battle of South Mountain (LCB 128-140). Battle's aftermath (LCB 140-144). Grita joins Kana's team (LCB 144-145). The Necromancer is sent to Morrolan (LCB 147, 151-158). This is "the middle of a morning on a Marketday in the first year of the reign of the Empress Zerika the Fourth" (LCB 151). Can this be the actual day that the Orb returned, and all the preceeding occured before noon? Possibly, especially given the 30-hour day. Since Paarfi speculates that this is "the first use of the Orb for sorcery after the Interregnum" (LCB 156), yet spends some time showing how sorcery was used early the next morning (LCB 159), this event has to take place on the day of the Orb's return. Zerika consults her advisors (LCB 149-150).

LCB, day ~31

Fun with new, improved sorcery (LCB 159-163). Kana's forces approach (LCB 163-165). His armies are nine days from Dzur Mountain, so due there about day 40 by my count. They actually arrive a bit early! The Gods discuss matters (LCB 165-166). Horse-trading in Agate ("two days ago", LCB 180).

LCB, day ~32

Sethra and her servant (LCB 145-148). [This seems to take place somewhat later than the surrounding material, since she refers to the Necromancer's presence with Morrolan in the past tense.] An artifact is sent west "some days ago" as of day 39 (LCB 304).

LCB, day ~33

Morrolan contemplates command (LCB 167-171). He had intended to leave yesterday (LCB 167). The report that the enemy is "two weeks, perhaps a month" (LCB 168) is over-optimistic. Morrolan believes his "errand" will take "a day or two" (LCB 171), but it's closer to three. Zerika acquires horses (LCB 172-17X). [Note that, despite Marketday being mentioned on page 175, today appears not to be a Marketday, as (by my reckoning) the next one should be in two days.]

LCB, day ~34

Morrolan demands tribute (LCB 182-18X; Is 138). He arrives "the day after setting out" (LCB 182). His cut-off reference to "a hundred years" (LCB 190) was probably meant to continue "later"; it is a slight exaggeration, as he met Teldra (in a coach) 88 years after first meeting "the fool". Sethra the Younger befriends Morrolan (Y 206). Fentor begins constructing battlements on the temple (LCB 199). Biscuits begin to be baked (LCB 231).

LCB, day ~35

Morrolan sets out with his tribute (LCB 191-192). Meeting on Elde Island (LCB 213-220). [Five days from now (LCB 225), Kana's army is expected to be attacking Dzur Mountain, which is expected to be at day 40. This implies that a fast rider (with post?) can make it from where the army was at day 30, to the port of Merinna, in about four days.] Zerika plans her approach (LCB 201-210). They expect themselves and the enemy army to intersect on day 37 (LCB 202) or the morning of day 38 (LCB 208), and by LCB 227, they "ad arrived where they had planned".

LCB, day ~36

Morrolan returns (LCB 192-198). Note that though he refers to his sword as a "black wand" (LCB 195), the name is not yet capitalized. It is clearly a very strong Morganti blade, but may not yet be a complete Great Weapon. The enemy is now believed to be "three days, maybe four" away (LCB 196), but is actually rather closer, being camped ten miles away the next day (LCB 198). Departing from Elde Island (LCB 220).

LCB, day ~37

Morrolan prepares to attack (LCB 198-200; 227-231). [Although a cursory reading might give the impression that several days have passed between the end of chapter 50 and the beginning of chapter 53, a closer reading shows that Morrolan is finishing the same conversation, and that the reported position of Izak's army is identical.] Illista arrives on the mainland (LCB 220-221). Grita and Tsanaali (LCB 231-233). Zerika's band discusses Means and Ends (LCB 233-241). First engagements (LCB 242-248). Retreats (LCB 248-258).

LCB, day ~38

To Merinna (LCB 221-222). Zerika's band approaches Morrolan (LCB 259-275). The Warlock's sortie (LCB 276-280). Rising Hopes (LCB 281-291). [Supplies will last until day 40 (LCB 290).]

LCB, day ~39

Leaving Merinna (LCB 222-225). Lovers' woes (LCB 291-303). [Morrolan should be able to teleport inanimate objects "in a week" (LCB 298).] Various Faces (LCB 304-309). Habil visits Loraan (date arbitrary, LCB 310-314). "shortly after the end of the Interregnum", Loraan acquires Aliera's soul (Tl 37). More courtships (LCB 315-321, 328-329).

LCB, day ~40

On the road (LCB 225-226). Morrolan meets Sethra the Younger (LCB 322-327). He is judged to be "fine" (Y 187). "They say that the banquet hall of Castle Black has never been empty since it was built, over three hundred years ago" (J 133). If the banquet hall is indeed the room that was a partial survival of the original castle, then it would be over three hundred years old, but would often have been empty before being rebuilt. Probably Vlad just said "three" when he should have said "two". PG 184 states that Castle Black "survives", though we see in LCB that that is somewhat of an exaggeration. See also LCB 323-324, 363-365. Khaavren returns from a scouting trip (LCB 339-342). Sethra's unease (LCB 342-).

LCB, day ~41

Zerika's army defeats Kana's (LCB 348-349). "Late in the Interregnum" Morrolan is a division commander under Sethra (Is 210-211; LCB 348-349).

LCB, day ~42

Zerika begins her march to Adrilankha "on a Farmday in the late winter" (LCB 348-349). Sethra is appointed as Warlord, which may technically be illegal (LCB 349). Not quite a duel (LCB 350-352).

LCB, day ~43

Three women (LCB 330-338). Illista has been in Hartre "several days" (LCB 331) and Grita has traveled "three days" (LCB 331-332).

LCB, day ~54

A coach is requisitioned (LCB 353). The Countess of Whitecrest is summoned (LCB 354).

LCB, day ~55

Zerika's army arrives at Adrilankha after a march of fourteen days (LCB 352). Piro had set out "more than a year before" (LCB 353); true -- he set out in early winter of 246, and it is now late in the winter of the following year. Welcome and housing arrangements (LCB 353-356). Social niceties -- or not (LCB 356-360). Piro's flight (LCB 368-371).

LCB, day ~56

Piro heads East (LCB 371-372).

LCB, day ~57

Reunions (LCB 373-380).

Morrolan studies magic, while Castle Black grows (LCB 361-367). Kana still plots (LCB 381-387). Udaar has been sent on a mission (LCB 382), but word isn't expected for several days. Grita is moving on Tazendra and Aerich (LCB 382). The Gods Puzzled (LCB 388-391).

"shortly after the end of the Interregnum", Sethra and Morollan start looking for Aliera's soul ("more than two hundred years" Tl 37).

~1 PI?
Events that occur not long after the Interregnum ends.

"just after" the Interregnum, Demon takes Council seat (J 23), as does Boralinoi (P 194). Morrolan instrumental in driving back Easterners and curing plagues (J 80). Northmen invade Fenario in the reign of Janos the Third, but are tricked into defeat (BP 24-25). Heir to the throne of Greenaere born ("couldn't be more than two or three hundred", P 216). Loftis joins Imperial Service (O 118).

??? PI
Miscellaneous events that aren't exactly dated, but are Post-Interregnum and Pre-Vlad.

Demon institutes practice of selling Jhereg titles to Easterners (J 23). Mellar tries (unsuccessfully) to join Dragon and Dzur (J 179). Paresh grows up in a Dzurlord's home (Tk 27). At 60, Paresh gets land (Tk 28). At 80, Paresh's loans are paid off (Tk 28). At 81, Paresh's home burns down (Tk 28-29). [This implies subtly that his master is Tazendra, who has some history of exploding experiments (FH 52, 434-435). Her literary model, Porthos, was also noted for his extensive (if largely unread) library.] Paresh spends "most of a year" learning sorcery (Tk 30). Paresh fights Aerich's son(?) (Tk 31-32). [Paresh was almost certainly born after the Interregnum, since sorcery figures highly in his biography, and he makes no mention of any interruption of it. He battles "The Duke of Arylle", who is "about my age" (in Dragaaeran terms, quite a young man). We can infer that Aerich has either died or retired. His literary model, Athos, died and left his estate to an adopted son in The Man in the Iron Mask. The Duke refers to Paresh's master as "him", but this might be a mistranslation of the genderless Dragaeran pronoun on Brust's part (it being unlikely that Aerich's heir would be either misinformed or rude), if, in fact, Paresh's mistess was Tazendra.] Loraan discovers a means to preserve last thoughts of the dying (Tl 37). A "flood-year" in Smallcliff ("a generation ago", A 24). An epidemic in Smallcliff ("many years before Savn had been born", A 24-25). A dock built in Northport (O 5). "Early Paarfi". While Paarfi of Roundwood clearly becomes most famous for his "Khaavren" novels hundreds of years after this, there are two mentions of his works (without titles) in "Vlad-period" books (refs?). While it is implied that he only had one earlier "popular" work (Three Broken Strings, FH 13) from University Press, it is possible that some other "popular" work was released by other publishers, possibly including early drafts of what later became the "Khaavren" novels. Perhaps these became sufficiently widely read that Paarfi acquired some upper-class fans who persuaded him to "clean up" his work sufficiently to submit to the Imperial Library. Teleportation spell is refined (LCB 295).

~20 PI?

A communist tract (from Earth?) is unearthed from a Lyorn vault (P 116-117). [The vault is unearthed "during the Interregnum", but Kelly can't have gotten the book (and understood it) much earlier than ~215 PI, which happens "nearly two hundred years" later (P 117). On the other hand, maybe this is another error on Verra's (or Vlad's) part.]

~50 PI

A Serioli tribe moves away from the Bigcliff area ("a few hundred years ago", A 62) Loftis gets his first Signet (O 118). Dortmond joins Copper Company (D 183).

~75 PI

Northmen invade Fenario, doing much damage (BP 24).

~91 PI

Laris starts selling Jhereg titles to Easteners (Y 20).

~100 PI

Fyres is a wealthy man "by the end of the first century" (O 49).

~135 PI

Mellar starts working freelance for House Jhereg, while studying fencing with Lord Onarr (J 180-182). He works with Onarr for "close to a hundred years" (J 182).

~140 PI

Morrolan picks up an interest in Pre-Empire sorcery "a hundred years or so" (J 83) ago. Count Fornia begins expanding his territory again (D 48).

~145 PI

Fyres loses his first fortune (O 49). He gains and loses a fortune twice more (O 49) between now and Orca, and has his fourth fortune about to go under as the book opens.

~160 PI

Savn born ("probably not more than ninety" O 5).

~161 PI

Rezso born (BP 25).

~165 PI

Polyi born ("now in her eighties", A 3).

~172 PI

Vlad's grandfather born ("almost seventy" Y 206). Janos VI of Fenario born (date approximate).

~176 PI

Count of Mordfal born (BP 64).

~177 PI

Laache born (O 67). Tip born (O 68).

~185 PI

Savn "fills the bucket" (A 64).

~188 PI

Laszlo born (BP 6).

~191 PI

Laris starts working as an enforcer for Welok. He 'works' a few more times (Y 20). Vlad's grandfather in the army (D 121) [dating conjectural].

~192 PI

Andor born (BP 8).

~193 PI

Kelly born (Tk 153).

~195 PI?

Vlad's father born. "squandered everything he had earned in forty years of running a restaurant" (J 5); "forty years of work" (J 23). Maybe he died at age 40, or maybe he actually lived 40 years after taking over the restaurant. I'm guessing the former. Vilmos born (BP 8).

~198 PI

Miklos born (BP 4). Viktor born (BP 27).

~202 PI

A dragon is last seen in Fenario (BP 25).

~203 PI

Miklos moved out of nursery (BP 6). Margit marries a demon (BP 73-74, 218, 260-261, 264). [While this event clearly happened, it probably didn't happen in the manner (or the period) that the coachman told it.]

~204 PI

West wing of Fenarian palace collapses (BP 8). King Janos abdicates (BP 30). Brigitta born (BP 28).

~206 PI

Mariska born (BP 26).

~207 PI

Natalia born (Tk 155).

~209 PI

Miklos is 11. He watches the River (BP 4).

~215 PI(?)

Kelly discovers communist tract (P 116)

~216 PI

Viktor starts working at the palace of Fenario (BP 132).

~217 PI

Natalia caught stealing, runs away (Tk 151-152). Natalia meets Kelly (Tk 153). Tavern Tax (Tk 153).

~218 PI

Miklos is 21. Miklos is wounded horribly (BP 4-8). Bolcseseg (BP 9-16). They travel for 8 days (BP 14). Devera (BP 17-18). Laszlo begins sparring with Viktor (BP 27). Brigitta runs away to Faerie (BP 218, 263).

~219 PI

Natalia starts reading (Tk 152).

~220 PI

Brigitta's mother dies in winter (BP 77). Presumably, Brigitta came home in the mean time. What (if anything) happened between her and her father at this time is not clear. Uprisings in the eastern and northern duchies to end forced labor (Tk 155).

221 PI

Brigitta moves to Fenario in Spring (BP 77). Head tax instituted in the Eastern section (Tk 154). Uprising of 221 in South Adrilankha (Tk 48-49). [Presumably year 221 of Zerika IV's reign.] "riots and killings" (Tk 155). Vlad's family involved in riots; his father kills a Guard (Tk 160). Noish-pa meets Kelly (Tk 121). Lumber exchange torched, bringing troops in, Dragons who had fought in the East (Tk 156, 160-161). Ibronka dies (Tk 156). Kelly incarcerated (Tk 156). Empress lifts head tax (Tk 155).

Brokedown Palace

BP, day 1

Laszlo's day (BP 20-34).

BP, day 2-6

Miklos' return (BP 38-43). He has been gone "more than two years" (BP 38).

BP, day 7-8

Dragon (BP 43-51).

BP, day 8-9

Andor (BP 53-66). It is late autumn (BP 55).

BP, day 10

Miklos arrives (BP 70-83).

BP, day 10-11

Vilmos (BP 86-99). Miklos considers things (BP 103-115).

BP, day 11-12

Viktor (BP 117-134).

BP, day 12

Miklos comes home (BP 137-150).

BP, day 13

Sandor (BP 152-164). Bolk frees himself (BP 168-172). Miklos seeks beauty (BP 173-180). Mariska (BP 182-188). Collapse & Norska (BP 188-196).

BP, day 14

Calm before the storm (BP 199-201).

BP, day 15

Resolve (BP 201-206). Goddess (BP 207-213). [Note that, though everyone seems to assume that Verra is dead, the narrator never states so himself. The only character who might definitively know, Bolk, says nothing on the subject. For that matter, he himself displays the tendency of 'killed' supernatural beings to return to life in various ways. Hence, there is no inherent contradiction with Verra appearing later in the timeline (without even getting into the messy way time works for gods in the first place...). Verra is probably referring to this story when she later says, "there is one place I cannot be" (Is 78).] Brigitta & Miklos (BP 215-227).

BP, day 16

Battle of the Tree (BP 231-245). Fruit falls (BP 246-259). Brigitta departs (BP 262-264). Kingship (BP 264-266).

BP, day 17

Devera again (BP 267-269). The standard assumption among Brust fans is that Brigitta's daughter is Cawti, later Vlad's wife. Does Cawti know that her grandfather was a demon? Or her father a Prince?

222 PI

Vlad born Cawti born? [She seems to be about the same age as Vlad. I'll assume this, so as to have a date to hang the Brokedown Palace events off of.] Welok takes over from K'tang the Hook. Laris gets an area under him (Y 20).

~224 PI

Noish-pa throws the sands for the last time (for 20 years) (P 243).

~224-227 PI

Something happens with Vlad's mother (Tl 4-5).

~226 PI

At age 4, Vlad begins seeing Noish-pa regularly (Tl 7). Savn & friends play near Loraan's manor (A 203).

~227 PI

At age 5, Vlad beaten for first time, goes to Noish-pa (Tl 7-8).

~230 PI

At age 8, Vlad beaten by Easterners for the first time (Tl 19-20).

~231 PI

Mellar joins House Dzur (J 125).

~232 PI

Chimov joins the Jhereg "less than ten years" before Yendi, but has already 'worked' at least twice (Y 54). On his tenth birthday, Vlad starts learning to communicate psionically (Tl 31).

~233 PI

Vlad is 11. Meets Kiera (J 1-3, Tl 68). Mellar leaves House Dzur (J 126). Mellar steals Morrolan's book ("about ten years ago" J 85). Mellar starts out protecting a brothel (J 53). Mellar is running his brothel (J 53). [If Kragar is speaking in literal years on this page, this would have been in 230 PI. It seems more plausible that it happens just after Mellar leaves the Dzur.] Kelly's movement founded (Tk 69).

~234 PI

Mellar is running ten brothels (J 53). At 12, Vlad is beaten and gets cynical (Tk 157). Vlad starts walking around with a lepip ("I think I was twelve or thirteen" Tl 43-44).

~235 PI

At 13, Vlad first knowingly kills someone (Tl 45, 50-51).

~236 PI

The Sword and Dagger of the Jhereg start making names for themselves (Y 84). Vlad is 14. His father buys a Jhereg title, then soon dies (J 7) of a Plague (J 181). Kiera teaches Vlad to move in crowds (Tk 111-112) and other things (Tl 69). Tuk "fills the bucket" (A 32).

237 PI

Vlad is 15. Vlad holds a package for Kiera (Tl 69-70). [Since Devera seems to be able to time travel ("I'm probably early" BP 17), it's possible that Verra arranged for Vlad to hold this package precisely in order so he would use it in the way he eventually does (Tl 176).]

238 PI

Vlad is 16. Vlad starts preparing to get a familiar (Tl 71). Vlad starts wearing a sword (Tl 60-61). Vlad finds Loiosh (J 4-9) "more than five years" (J 229) before the main events of Jhereg. Soon after "the following week", Vlad sells restaurant and considers his career (J 9). "About two months" later, Loiosh hatches (J 10-12) "The next day" Vlad is approached by Nielar (J 13-14). [Yendi (in 242 PI) says that this took place "some three years ago" (Y 13), but it's more like four.] One of Nielar's men had an 'accident' "last week" (J 14). Vlad begins working with Kragar ("several years" as of 243 PI, J 20). Vlad's first day at work (Tl 72-75, 80-81, 83-88). "the next few months" Vlad becomes immune to jhereg poison (J 14). Vlad "moves fast" for his first few years (J 24). Vlad spots an attempt on Welok (P 134). Vlad's 1st assassination (Kynn) is part of Welok's war with Rolaan (Y 13, Tl 97ff) "three months later" (P 134). Vlad's 3rd assassination is part of Welok's war with Rolaan (Y 13). Rolaan dies, Feet Charno takes over (Y 13). The war had "lasted for several months" (Tl 137). Vlad dates Jeanine and Constance (Tl 137). Vlad starts practicing knife-throwing (D 94).

239 PI

[Exact change-over of year somewhat arbitrary.] Vlad's 4th assasination: "button man" (J 45). Vlad dates Mara (Tl 141-142). Vlad's first Morganti job (Tl 150-151, 158, 160-161, 163-164, 168-169, 170-171, 173-174). Vlad has 'worked' Morganti on one other ocassion (J 41). Vlad starts working directly for Welok (Y 14, Tl 173-174). Vlad 'works' at the Blue Flame "about a year and a half ago" as of Yendi (Y 53). Vlad dates Ibronka (Tl 174).

240 PI

Welok dies "about a year and a half after Rolaan" (which pretty much has to put us in early 240 PI, as Rolaan died in late 238). Tagichatn takes over his area (Y 14, Tl 177) and buys a Dukedom (P 152). "Inside of a month" Laris breaks from Tagichatn (Y 14). "Two months" in, Vlad kills Tagichatn (Y 14, Tl 175, 177, P 152-153). Vlad imprisoned, questioned Under the Orb (P 152-153). This is probably his first imprisonment (P 104). Vlad hires Melestav as a receptionist/bodyguard (Y 15). Over the next "two years" (J 49, but actually three, by my count), he kills 3 visitors, and is himself killed once (Y 58). Vlad solidifies his position with Toronnan (Y 16). Vlad buys psychedelics business as office cover, and hires extra enforcers, both within "the next few months" (Y 18). The extra enforcers pay for themselves "in four months" (Y 19). Vlad's 12th assassination: "small-time muscle" (J 45). Vlad's 19th assassination: "sorcerer" (J 45). "During that period"(?) Vlad 'works' a few times (Y 19). ["that period" probably includes the events in Taltos and Dragon, and is immediately followed by Yendi (Y 19).]


Tl, -1 month

"several weeks ago" (as of Tl day 6) Sethra, Morollan, and "others" (Tl 75, 147) learn Aliera's whereabouts (Tl 37). [Reading between the lines, I suspect that Sethra actually used Vlad's reincaration-connection with Aliera to help find her, then mind-wiped his memory of the experience.] Qion runs errand to Morollan (Tl 6).

Tl, day 1

[At least 8 months have passed since Welok's death, so we're into the middle or late portion of 240 PI.] Qion runs (Tl 1-4). Vlad has had his own area "a few months" (Tl 2-3).

Tl, day 4

Researching Dzur Mountain (Tl 5-7).

Tl, day 5

Preparing for an outing (Tl 7-11).

Tl, day 6

Vlad has a drink with Kiera (Tl 12-17). Castle Black (Tl 18-24). Dzur Mountain (Tl 25-41). Morrolan hires Vlad about "three weeks" (Y 51) after Vlad gets his own area. Morrolan and Vlad almost kill each other on first meeting (J 80; Y 51). "four years?" (Maybe 3 1/2... J 169). Sethra Lavode fights a Jenoine ("a few years ago" J 110) on Dzur Mountain (Is 82,203). This is at the time of her first meeting with Vlad. It starts with "Division Six looking into the activities of a wizard working for, uh, a foreign kingdom" (O 122). Khaavren's Special Tasks Group is brought in later to 'clean up'.

Tl, day 8-9

Vlad reviews info on Loraan (Tl 45-46).

Tl, day 11?

The Big Job (Tl 48-65). Reins leaves town (A 25). Vlad fought an Athyra wizard in his own castle (J 50). Vlad finds Spellbreaker; Sethra suggests he name it (Tk 83). Vlad has saved Morrolan's life "on more than one ocassion" (J 168). Back to Dzur Mountain (Tl 67-68).

Tl, day 12

You want me to go where?!? (Tl 70-80).

Tl, day 13

Setting out (Tl 82-90).

Tl, day 14

Cat-centaurs (Tl 91-96).

Tl, day 15

Approaching the falls (Tl 97-99). Morollan performs an "embarrassing ritual" by a statue? (D 15). Vlad, Loiosh, & Morrolan have visited Paths of Dead. They saw some Big jhereg (Y 4).

Tl, day 16-17??

Deathgate Falls (Tl 101-110). Outskirts (Tl 111-120). Duel (Tl 121-125). Guided (Tl 127-131). The Halls of Judgement (Tl 132-141). Vlad, Aliera, Morrolan meet Baritt's shade in Paths of the Dead (Y 118, Tl 135-136, 159-160), despite his not being dead yet (indeed, his death is triggered by Aliera's return to life; see below). Aliera's revival (Tl 142-148). Aliera meets Kieron in Paths of the Dead (J 63, 115, Tl 149-152) Kelchor (Tl 153-154). Aliera takes Kieron's sword (Y 3, Tl 156-158). Bargaining with the Gods (Tl 161-163). The Cycle (Tl 164-170). The Spell (Tl 171-174 (and 1ff)). Devera: "We've met before, Uncle Vlad" (Y 78). Out (Tl 175-179).

Tl, day 18?

Telling the tale (Tl 180).

Aliera's "arrival" (Y 115) "three years or so ago" as of 242 PI (Y 180); actually, couldn't have been much over two years, if that -- this is late 240, Yendi is sometime (possibly early in the year) in 242. Baritt assassinated (Y 131-132) "within a year" of Aliera's arrival (Y 180) by Laris (Y 206). Given that Dragon seems to pick up very shortly after the events of Taltos, I'd guess it to be considerably quicker than that. Lady Teldra starts leaning Jenoine ("some years ago" Is 201). [From whom? Placed here in the chronology on the assumption that it was in some way prompted by the recent Jenoine incident at Dzur Mountain.]


241 PI

[From various references, Dragon commences not long after the conclusion of Taltos. As Taltos was late 240, it seems reasonable to place this book in early 241. As the Dragaeran year starts in Spring, the weather seems to fit also.]

D, day 0

Vlad finishes narrating Taltos (D 15). Morollan inspects Baritt's collection (D 24).

D, day 1

Invitation (D 15-28). Traps (D 31-41). Vlad almost kills Daymar on first meeting (J 60).

D, day 2

Assessing Forces (D 44-57).

D, day 3

"Stay out of it" (D 62-67).

D, day 4

Ready to sign on (D 68-72). Funeral Rights (D 75-85).

D, day 7

Battle Plans (D 89-93).

D, day 8

A normal workday (D 95).

D, day 9

Endweek (D 95). Morollan's Tower (D 95-99). Serioli (D 106-114). Office Visit (D 115-118). Noish-Pa (D 119-123).

D, day 10

Preparing? (D 123-124).

D, day 11

Enlisting (D 126-138).

D, day 12

Moving out (D 138-139, 142-148).

D, day 13

Colors in the dark (D 148-154).

D, day 14

First battle (D 156-165).

D, day 15

Services for the dead (D 165-166).

D, day 16

More mud-marching (D 166).

D, days 17-18

Marching in the dust (D 167).

D, day 19

At the Eastern River (D 168-170).

D, day 20

Philosophy (D 178-184). Breakfast preparations (D 184-192).

D, day 21

Second battle (D 195-201).

D, days 22-29

Long march (D 205-207). [This, since Vlad thinks of it as a "long march" must be longer than his previous march, of a (5-day) week's duration (D 167).]

D, day 30

Soldier's Stew (D 210-215).

D, day 31

More battle plans (D 215-222).

D, day 32

Attack on Dorian's Hill (D 225-235). Vlad says he "had never touched a javelin two weeks before" (D 234), but he has clearly lost track of his own story, as it had been rather longer than that since his first battle by now.

D, day 33

Holding Dorian's Hill (D 242-250). Vlad is hit from behind (P 103-104, D 250-253). Dreamwalking (D 257-263).

D, day 34

Final Battle (D 263, 266, 13ff, 267-281). Vlad prays to Verra effectively? (P 7, D 14, Is 74-76). Vlad attacked with black energy-bolt (J 63, D 177). [Vlad says that he met Daymar "Two weeks ago? Less? Impossible." (D 210). Imposssible indeed; it's really more like 6 or 7.] Blackwand slays a thousand at Baritt's Tomb (J 80). 5,000 Dragons charge Eastern army (J 62). Vlad sees thousands in battle (Tk 89). "[Baritt's] monument, near Deathsgate Falls, had been the site of the bloodiest battle since the Interregnum" (Y 132). Baritt's Tomb is "stuck way out in the east" near the pepper trade (Tk 98). Easterners vs. Teckla, Dragonlords in no real danger (Tk 98).

D, day 35

Back to crime (D 281).

241-242 PI???
Events in Vlad's early career that haven't yet been fully explored. Some (related in later books) may turn out to be much later in his life.

Vlad killed as a warning, revivified by Sethra Lavode (J 39-40). Vlad has "never bothered the guy since". Vlad sees a Dzur hero attack Sethra Lavode (J 62-63). "Cawti holding a knife to Morollan's throat and explaining how it was going to be, while I sat paralyzed and helpless" (Tk 13). Vlad learns "you can never go home" (Tk 99). [This is listed as one of the effects of the Battle of Baritt's Tomb, but doesn't seem to apply to anything that happens in Dragon.] Vlad and Loiosh go East (P 238, O 201, Is 253). Vlad gets in "a little trouble with the Empire" once (J 20). Might be referring to the Tagichatn matter in 240 PI, but more likely refers to the untold tale immediately below. Vlad is incarcerated for "a few weeks" "as part of the affair that gained me my exalted position in the Jhereg and had first brought my friend Aliera to the attention of the Empress" (P 54). Vlad has been in prison once more that we don't know about (P 104, 152-153). Vlad "had lain helpless while Morrolan battled a demon that had taken his own sword from him" (P 111). Vlad "parlayed with spirits from my ancestral home for the release of the Necromancer's soul" (P 111). Vlad "battled with my own likeness" (P 111). "the time I took a job selling fish in the market" (O 24). "Once I ended up impersonating a corporal in the Imperial Guard and had to arrest someone for creating a disturbance in a public place" (O 24). Vlad is held captive somewhere (not by the Empire), involving "far too much potato soup" (Is 90). Vlad sees Morrolan fight a nasty duel with Vrudric e'Lanya in Castle Black (Is 137). Vlad has an unpleasant run-in with someone who (unexpectedly) can jump an eleven-foot crevasse (Is 120).

Vlad asks Sethra about her view of the Wall of Baritt's Tomb ("months later" D 30, 202-205). Mellar has a bigger territory than Vlad will 2 years from now (J 53). Kelly's folk have a 20-person parade (Tk 53). An oracle tells Vlad to beware his left hand "many years" before Phoenix (P 171).


242 PI

[Jhereg (definitely in 243 PI) says "that business with Laris last year" (J 24), so Yendi must take place in 242.]

Y, -8 weeks

Vlad extends a loan (Y 34-35).

Y, -1 month

Temek 'works' on a Dzurlord (Y 23).

Y, day 1

Vlad has just done some 'work' (Y 2). Vlad visits Castle Black (Y 2-6). Vlad checks out the competition (Y 6-11). Laris controls "about ten square blocks" which is "more than twice as much" as Vlad (Y 10).

Y, day 2

Vlad plots (Y 19-22).

Y, day 3

Vlad meets with Laris (Y 24-33). Preparing for the siege (Y 33-37). First hit (Y 37-41). Vlad decides to form a spy network (Y 41). Vlad gets a loan (Y 41-45).

Y, day 4

Vlad attacks Laris (Y 45).

Y, day 5

Vlad buys sorcerous protection (Y 46).

Y, day 6

Endweek (Y 47-51). Kiera delivers a present (Y 52-57). Vlad strikes (Y 57).

Y, day 8

Vlad strikes again. Laris goes into hiding (Y 57).

Y, day 9

Temek dead (Y 57).

Y, day 12

Laris tries to bribe Varg (Y 57).

Y, day 14

Shoen kills Laris' rep (Y 57-58).

Y, day 19

Vlad's infiltrators get burned (Y 58).

Y, day 24

Vlad strikes again (Y 58).

Y, day 29

Laris burns cleaner (Y 58).

Y, day 31

Chimov & Narvane attacked (Y 58).

Y, day 39

Double Event (Y 58).

Y, day 41

Laris attacks (Y 58).

Y, day 45

Vlad strikes again (Y 59). Vlad gets a talking-to by a Council member (J 22, 24; Y 59-61).

Y, day 46

Phoenix crackdown (Y 64-67).

Y, day 51

Vlad reopens a brothel (Y 67-68).

Y, day 52

No trouble yet... (Y 69).

Y, day 54

Vlad reopens a cleaner (Y 69).

Y, day 55

Back to normal? (Y 69-70).

Y, day 57

Vlad reopens a lender (Y 70).

Y, day 59

Vlad reopens a Shareba game (Y 71).

Y, day 60

Vlad reopens more gambling (Y 71). Vlad goes for a walk (Y 71-75) Phoenix Guards pulled out due to an Easterner riot (Y 110). Vlad killed by Norathar and Cawti (J 59).

Y, day 62

[Two days (Y 81) or three (Y 82)?] Alive! (Y 79-88)

Y, day 63

Good morning (89-99). Back to work (101-111).

Y, day 64

Back to bed (Y 111-112). Dinner [lunch?] at Castle Black (Y 113-124). Back to work (Y 125 135). [It's 2 days to Endweek (Y 131).] Party at Castle Black (Y 137-148). Aliera helps Norathar be Dragon again (J 203).

Y, day 65

Mystery assassins (Y 149-165). Cawti's caution going through a door saves Vlad's life (J 71). Back to Castle Black (Y 165-191). Confrontation (Y 192-197). Vlad kills Laris (Y 198-204).

Y, day 66

Vlad introduces Cawti to Noish-pa (Y 206-209).

Y, day 67

Vlad starts taking over Laris' area (Y 209).

Shortly after the events of Yendi, Morrolan is appointed Court Wizard, in place of Sethra the Younger (Is 222).

243 PI

D', day 1

Vlad begins narrating Dragon (D 15-16). He claims that it's "more than three years later" (D 15), but that doesn't jibe with other sources, as it can't have been much more than 2 years at best. This sequence takes place very shortly after Yendi, but I'm assuming the New Year intervenes, in order to make the main storyline have occurred at least more than two years ago, so as not to have Vlad be completely bogus in his dating.

D', day 2

Sethra the Younger comes home (Y 206, D 101). Sethra the Younger approaches Vlad about an exchange of weapons (D 101-104). Vlad consults Cawti (D 171-172).

D', day 3

Vlad speaks with Aliera (D 173-175).

D', day 4

Vlad contacts Sethra the Younger (D 237).

D', day 5

Farmday (D 286). Transactions (D 237-240, 283). Aliera acquires Pathfinder ("I've only had Pathfinder for a few months" J 88). Sethra the Younger gets Kieron's sword (Tk 99). Morollan has suspected things about the Battle of Baritt's Tomb "for years now" (D 285), but it's actually been roughly two full years.

Y, day 64+4 months

Menthar's duty with the Phoenix Guards ends (Y 109-110).

Cawti & Vlad marry [exact dating conjectural]. Cawti and Vlad eat treska leaves (while visiting some Islands? On their honeymoon? Is 195). Vlad takes out Leonyar ("last year" in 243, J 24). Mellar takes out Terion and joins Council (J 53). Cawti gives Vlad a tea-table, he gives her a /lant/ (Tk 37-38). Nath starts watching Kelly's group (Tk 63). Jhereg trouble in the Hills (P 135). Trouble with G'ranthar (J 20)? Cawti hasn't tuned her /lant/ in 12 weeks, as of Tk day 8 (Tk 38). Cawti has some sort of job, which Vlad doesn't help with (J 67). No more pimps in Southern Adrilankha (Tk 69).


~J, -1 month

Lord Keleth's loan is due ("over a month ago" J 122).

~J, day -14 or so

Mellar approaches Morrollan about 'lost' book "a few weeks ago" (J 82) as of day 3.

J, day -1.

"night before last" (J 24), Teckla in Vlad's territory mugged. Mellar makes arrangements to bring book to Morrolan ("four days ago" J 84).

J, day 0?

Mellar rips off Council. Demon says "Yesterday" (J 34) on day 2, but Vlad says "Three days ago" (J 68) on day 3. He arrives at Castle Black "three days ago" (J 82), also on day 3.

J, day 1.

"243 years since the end of the Interregnum" (J 19). Vlad gets a message from the Demon (J 19-27).

J, day 2.

Vlad meets mugged Teckla (J 29). Vlad meets Demon (J 29-37). Vlad meets with Kragar, Daymar, and Kiera (J 42-55). This will be Vlad's 42nd assassination (J 45). Demon delivers Vlad's 65,000 fee (J 57).

J, day 3.

"the next morning" Vlad finds Kiera's present (J 57). Vlad, Loiosh, Cawti, and Daymar find Mellar with ritual (J 57-64). Vlad has "lunch" with Cawti (J 67-71). Several scenes later (but still clearly the same day), it is still "barely half an hour before noon" (J 96) and Vlad has an upcoming appointment for lunch. At first, this seemed like a problem, but then I discovered that Dragaerans have four meals a day. No doubt Brust 'translated' both of the middle two as "lunch". Vlad finds out Mellar is in Castle Black, and consults with Morrolan, Aliera, and Sethra (J 72-93). Vlad meets with Demon for lunch (J 95-104). Vlad has a heart-to-heart talk with Aliera (J 106-121).

J, day 4.

Vlad visits Lord Keleth (J 121-126). Vlad checks in for some excitement at Castle Black (J 133-169).

J, day 5.

"early the next morning" Vlad gets to work (J 178-187). Vlad to Castle Black to finish planning (J 189-214).

J, day 6.

The plan goes into action (J 216-229).

J, day 7.

Vlad has another meeting with the Demon ("three days since [day 6] ... two days since [this scene]" J 234).

J, day 8.

Vlad finds the dirt on the Dzurs (J 237).

J, day 9.

Final debrief at Castle Black (J 234-239).

Cawti visits Vlad's grandfather, meets Gregory "a few weeks" before Teckla, thus just after Jhereg (Y 11), Vlad studies a little Elder Sorcery (Is 127). This must be after Jhereg, but is presumably before Phoenix. Vlad has visited the Demon's "place" (O 88). Again, presumably between Jhereg and Phoenix.


~Tk, day -7

Nath reports to Herth about Kelly's group "two weeks" before Franz is killed (Tk 63).

Tk, day 1

"a few weeks" after the end of Jhereg (Tk 5; 43). Vlad visits an oracle and gets a job offer (Tk 3-5).

Tk, day 3

Franz killed (Tk 11).

Tk, day 4

Exact day arbitrary, but three days feels about right for "last week" (Tk 8). Gregory comes to visit (Tk 8-12).

Tk, day 5

Vlad sets up a meeting with Herth (Tk 13-15).

Tk, day 6

Vlad and Cawti fail to communicate (Tk 15). Vlad meets Herth (Tk 15-16). Vlad tries to help (Tk 17-20).

Tk, day 7

Labwork (Tk 21-23).

Tk, day 8

Vlad meets Paresh (Tk 24-33). "Keep out of it" (Tk 34-36). Bad night (Tk 37-39).

Tk, day 9

Tea with Cawti (Tk 40-46). Talk with Kelly (Tk 47-50). Talk with Noish-pa (Tk 51-54). Back home (Tk 55-56).

Tk, day 10

Chatting with Bajinok (Tk 57-60). Chatting with Nath (Tk 61-64). Chatting with Sheryl (Tk 65-71). Fighting with Cawti (Tk 73-75). Another talk with Bajinok (Tk 76-79). Cavalry (Tk 79-84).

Tk, day 11

Work out (Tk 85-88). Vlad as bodyguard (Tk 81-91).

Tk, day 12

Sheryl's dead (Tk 92-94). Chatting with Noish-pa (Tk 95-97).

Tk, day 13

Stalking horse (Tk 99-101).

Tk, day 14

Barricades (Tk 102-108).

Tk, day 15

Confrontation (Tk 111-128). Assassins in mirrors (Tk 129-133). A new plan (Tk 134-139). Chatting with Franz (Tk 141-145).

Tk, day 16

Inner turmoil (Tk 146-150). Chatting with Natalia (Tk 151-158). Chatting with Noish-pa (tk 159-162). A better plan? (Tk 163-167).

Tk, day 17

Still working on the plan (Tk 168-171). Home fires (Tk 172-176). War in motion (Tk 177-181).

Tk, day 18

Chatting with Kelly (Tk 182-192). Chatting with Cawti (Tk 193-195).

Tk, day 19

Final confrontation (Tk 196-210).

Tk, day 20

Final plan (Tk 211).

Tk, day 22

Vlad buys himself a present (Tk 212-214).

Aliera gives up levitating to hide her height ("recently", as of P 211).


P, day 1

[In the prologue to Phoenix, Vlad says that Phoenix took place in 234 and 235. Given Vlad's bad memory, he must have misremembered 243 as 234, and then just added one, since he remembered it as being the New Year. I thought that the original dating reference (Jhereg says it's been "243 years since the end of the Interregnum", J 19) might have been mistaken, but if it was, then Vlad would have been seven or eight years old during the 221 uprising, and remembered it himself, which he clearly doesn't (T 160-161). Later (P 152), Vlad says correctly that it's 244 PI.] It's been "a few weeks" since Teckla (P 10). Prayers answered (P 5-13). Preparing to leave (P 14-16).

P, day 2

At sea (P 17-19).

P. day 3

Sailing (P 19-23).

P, day 4

Arrival (P 23-26).

P, day 5

To the Capitol (P 27-31). [The incident on P 28 may be "the time I spent half a day under a pile of refuse because it was the only place to hide" (O 24). It would be a bit of an exaggeration, but it's a fairly close match.]

P, day 6-7

Scouting (P 31).

P, day 8

Inside (P 31-34).

P, day 9

Final Rehearsal (P 34-35).

P, day 10

Killing and Running (P 35-44).

P, day 11-12

Aibynn (P 44-48).

P, day 13-15

Interrogation (P 49-53). Around now, the Phoenix Guards start coming out in force in places oher than South Adrilankha (P 72-73) Sethra mentions the troubles in South Adrilankha to Morrolan (P 91).

P, day 16

Healing up (P 53-54).

P, day 17-18

More Interrogation (P 54-57).

P, day 20

Rescue! (P 57-62).

P, day 21-22

Homeward Bound (P 63-74).

P, day 23

Home (P 75-76).

P, day 26

Toronnan (P 79-86). Vlad has worked for Toronnan for about "three years" (P 83), though I make it closer to four. Chatting at home (P 86-90).

P, day 27

Murmurs of war (P 90-96). Questions without answers (P 96-100).

P, day 28

Stupid ideas (P 100-105). Talking about Gods (P 106-110). Talking with Gods (P 111-118). "was it only days ago?" (P 112). Technically, yes, but it's been over a Dragaeran month. Verra says "those four hundred and ninety-seven years of Interregnum" were a time of great growth. This is obviously impossible; she must mean 497 years since the beginning of the Interregnum. [Or perhaps Vlad misremembers what she said.] No Help (P 119-120). Paresh (P 120-122). "a few weeks ago" the Empress pulled out the troops (P 122). Actually, this is more like 8 weeks, unless he's referring to some incident other than the end of Teckla (entirely possible, as Cawti's group has still been active). At the Palace (P 123-128). Repercussions (P 129-140). "Remember a few weeks ago?" "Not more than a month ago" (P 140). Again, Vlad must be misremembering; this all happened about 2 months ago.

244 PI

P, day 29

[Vlad say that this is "the Month of the Phoenix, in the year of the Dzur, during the phase of the Yendi in the reign of the Phoenix, Cycle of the Phoenix, Great Cycle of the Dragon" (P 151-152). This isn't quite right; it's the Phase of the Phoenix, and the Turn of the Yendi. Note that Vlad himself admits here that he doesn't often use this form of dating, hence his error is understandable.] Boralinoi (P 141-147). Interlude at Castle Black (P 148-151). Meeting the Empress (P 153-163). Cawti (P 164-168). Kragar starts researching Boralinoi (P 173). Trouble starts brewing with the press gangs (P 173). About this time, "Someone high up in the Empire dipped his hand into the war chest" (O 72-73).

P, day 30

Going into hiding (P 168-175). Kragar has been in charge "most of the last year" (P 172). A fair assessment, as that year has encompassed at least Jhereg, Teckla, and Phoenix, all of which have kept Vlad pretty busy. Noish-pa (P 175-180). Riot and Revolt (P 181-184). Khaavren resigns as Brigadier (P 191). This is apparently a fairly regular occurence, and not permanent (O 119).

P, day 31

Riots continue (184-187). Refuge in Castle Black (P 188-199).

P, day 32

Final Preparation (P 200-212). Return to Greenaere (P 213-220). Sacrifice (P 221-228). Escape? (P 229-234). Just Deserts (P 234-245).

~7-9 (Terran) months after Phoenix (but still in 244 PI).

Vlad Norathar born (O 290).

During Vlad's Travels, 244-???

Vlad narrates Phoenix. He says there (P 1) that it tells of the last time he killed someone, but he's clearly killed since then (see below). Perhaps Vlad seeks out his "audience" as one of the few truly safe ways he can think of to raise a little cash fast. Vlad meets a philosopher "a couple of years ago", then kills her (A 58-59). "A long time later, in the cottage of an Eastern family" Vlad reads a history of the riots (P 183-184). Vlad loses his left pinky (A 6, 30, 45, O 4, IS 18-19). The details of how it happened seem to change with each telling, though. Perhaps it happened in some extremely embarassing way, and Vlad just makes up a new story each time? Vlad tours "the islands" (implied in Is 195, must be after Phoenix, which is his first time on a ship (P 18)).

245 PI

Savn starts studying with Master Wag ("a year before", A 80).


246 PI

Just before Athyra (a few days at most)

Loraan becomes aware of Vlad's presence, and contacts Ishtvan ("more than a week" as of day 6, A 201). "I've avoided the Jhereg for more than two years" (A 242). Probably about 2 1/2, as he left in spring, and it's now harvest.

A, day 1

Arrival (A 3-15). Endweek (A 16). Reins is dead (A 16-23). Evening at Tem's (A 24-41). "within the last five years" (A 38). Actually, Loraan was 'killed' about 6 years ago, see above. A magic lesson (A 42-52).

A, day 2

Chores (A 52-57). A real magic lesson (A 58-75).

A, day 3

More Chores (A 77-83). Lesson 3 -- Necromancy (A 83-87). Dinner & Music (A 88-96). Vlad claims that he's "never been in the army" (A 90). I guess he figures that his actions in Dragon don't count... What are friends for? (A 97-100).

A, day 4

Troubled thoughts (A 101-106). Reconnecting (A 107-109). Attack! (A 110-112). Emergency Operation (A 113-127). Lesson 4 -- Dreams (A 128-132). Treatment (A 132-156).

A, day 5

Roast Norska (A 151-163). Enchanted Worries (A 164-167). Fird (A 168-170). Troubled Town (A 171-175). Relapse (A 176-182).

A, day 6

Hard Words (A 183-202). Finding Out (A 203-213). Bones (A 214-218). Knife (A 218-222). Down (A 222-227). Death in the Darkness (A 228-238).

A, day 8

Roast Athyra (A 1-2, 239-243).


247 PI

~O, day -7

Fyres has dinner with Shortisle (O 257).

~O, day -2

Fyres dies ("A couple of weeks ago" as of day 8, O 7).

O, day 1

It's been roughly a year since Athyra (O 16). Hedge-witch (O 16-23).

O, day 2-6

Papers (O 23-26). Mother's bank is gone by day 5 (O 32). Fyre's death is pronounced an accident "a week later" (O 258).

O, day 7

Bureaucrats (O 26-33).

O, day 8

Hiring Kiera (O 3-9).

O, day 10

Burglary (O 9-14).

O, day 11

Delivery (O 14-15). Professional Risks (O 36-40).

O, day 12

Early Investigations (O 40-43). Stony (O 43-51). Initial Findings (O 52-56).

O, day 13

Discussing Dreams (O 56-60). Getting Information (O 60-71). Fyres died "a few weeks ago" (O 62), to be accurate, three weeks. Gossip (O 72-73). The Empress is missing (presumed to be with her Eastern lover) for the fourth time in three years (previous times for 3 days, 9 days, and 6 days; O 72). Cops (O 74-86). Endra & Reega (O 87-95). Good Cop/Bad Cop (O 95-104). What's wrong with this picture? (107-111).

O, day 14

Breakfast (O 111-116). Loftis (O 117-126). Taltos happened "three or four years ago" (O 122); well, actually seven, by my reckoning. Unless there's been another Jenoine incident since then. But these are Dragaerans, and seven years is still "quite recently" to them. Talking about knives (O 127-130). Talking about banks (O 131-137). Robbing Banks (O 137-140).

O, day 15

Puzzles (O 141-146). Vonnith (O 147-154). Positions of Strength? (O 155-159). [Kiera makes reference to "the next two days" (O 159) and "the first couple of days" (O 172) that, in context, make it sound like there were more than two days between leaving Vlad and returning to him. But Vlad's movements for that period are very closely reported, and take just about exactly two days. But there's wiggle room for a possible delay of a day before finally deciding to talk to Loftis (O 177), and/or a delay of a day tracking down a useful minstrel (O 195).] Economic Damage (O 175-182). Eating Habits (O 183-191). No good answers (O 192-204).

O, day 16

Shortisle's Office (O 159-168). Shorty's Advice (O 168-171). Vonnith Again (O 205-219).

O, day 17

Back to Vlad (O 171-174). [Kiera says that after leaving Stony, she "hastened back", but she must be either lying or mistaken. After she saw Stony, there had to be time for Stony to be killed by Vlad, and for Savn to work on Loiosh "far into the night" (O 219). Thanks to [email protected] for pointing out this discrepancy. David Silberstein ([email protected]) speculates that the "Kiera" chapters of Orca are being "told to" a diary that Sethra keeps, and that the unaccounted-for time here was taken up by something that Sethra kept out of that diary (possibly having to do with the larger ramifications of the financial crisis).] "Breaking the Stick" (O 222-230). Economics Lesson (O 231-238). Connections (O 239-244). Kiera talks to Savn (O 245-249). Timmer (O 250-271). Unexpected Friends (O 274-288).

a few weeks later?

Prologue, Interludes, and Epilogue of Orca


248 PI

Is, day 1

Issola starts "a year or so" after Orca (Is 17). Dates are given in terms of the time that passes on Dragaera, not the subjective time that Vlad experiences. By this time, Vlad has performed 63 assassinations (Is 68). An Unexpected Visit (Is 11-26). Briefing (Is 27-46). Window (Is 47-56). Contract (Is 57-70). Verra (Is 71-86). Sethra and Verra have been anticipating a Jenoine attack "for some time" (Is 79). It's unclear exactly why they are anticipating thus, but it seems likely that there suspicions are rooted somewhere in the events surrounding the Jenoine attack on Dzur Mountain about eight years ago. Prisoner Exchange (Is 81-100). Escape (Is 101-115). River (Is 116-132).

Is, day 3

"a couple of days" have passed (Is 139). Back to the Cell (Is 133-140).

Is, day 4

Visions (Is 141-160). Loiosh has mind-scanned Vlad for possible interference "maybe half a dozen times" by now (Is 147). Summoning (Is 161-167), Courtesy (Is 168-171). Attack (Is 172-184).

Is, day 10

They have been gone "a week and a day" (Is 184). Recovery (Is 184-198). Analysis (Is 198-211). There is one other Lavode left besides Sethra, "but he isn't ready yet" (Is 198)??? Preparation (Is 212-224). Fighting for Life (Is 225-246). Aftermath (Is 247-255). Sometime after the events of Issola, Lady Teldra is expected to "wake up" (Is 253).

"A Dream of Passion"
??? PI

[References are to paragraphs.] This short story is set further ahead in Vlad's life than any other yet published. Exact date, naturally, unknown. This story is probably not "canonically" true; given the forms that Spellbreaker and Godslayer appear in in it, there would have had to have been some very strange events in between Issola and this story. Such events are conceivable, but I doubt Brust would go in that direction. Vlad is no longer running Morollan's security (p2). Obviously, he stopped that job at the end of Phoenix, but we see that he hasn't (formally, at least) resumed it. Vlad is slowing down (p2). Could be just age, or it could be that he's finally managed to figure out how to get the Jhereg off his back so he's been able to relax for a while. Kragar is "long dead" (p10). Vlad says that he "misnamed Spellbreaker" (p8). He raises it to "to give it a good look at the window" (p10), and then apparently uses it to travel in a manner that is not teleportation (p10-11,57). [He presumbly learned this method of transport starting in Is 43-44).] He goes somewhere with a purple overcast (p12). Possibly related in some manner to the purple stones that let one harness Chaos energy? It is apparently a "created world" (p26-27,56). Verra considers Morollan's window an Imperial Secret (p24). One wonders at the context in which this little tidbit became known to Vlad... The unnamed goddess has found (remade?) Godslayer (p 33-35). She indicates that she found it, but it is on a world that she claims to have created, so how did it get there? Vlad has apparently gotten back together with Cawti somehow (p49). It has been "more years than I cared to remember" since Vlad cried (p51).

~269 PI

Toward Beginning a Survey of Some Events Contributing To the Fall of Empire rejected (at least temporarily) by "the Institute" (PG xiii). Paarfi begins to "hone" his notes for The Phoenix Guards. He corresponds occasionally with Sethra Lavode (PD 23). [Damien Sullivan ([email protected]) contributed a wonderful speculation as to the possible contents of that correspondence:
"Will you do me the honor of answering some small questions about certain events concerning the Interregnum?"

~288 PI

Paarfi begins work on The Phoenix Guards (PG xiii).

309 PI

Paarfi writes his introduction and About the Author "309 (2/1/2/3)" (PG xv, 331). [This date is extremely problematic, as a well-formed date should have at least 6 digits just to specify the Year, or 8 digits to cover Month and Day. The date may follow the sequence I posit for The Paths of the Dead's preface (see below), leaving out Cycle and Phase. Or it could be leaving out the Turn and Reign (as the long form on the title page does. Either one would yield the correct date of 309 PI.] Paarfi submits The Phoenix Guards to the Imperial Library (PG ix). [The long form of the date incorrectly leaves out "of the Turn of the Dragon" in between the Year and the Phase, and "of the Reign of the Phoenix" in between the Phase and the Cycle.]

~-21 NR

Luchia of North Greenleaf becomes Publisher of Glorious Mountain Press ("two hundred years" PD 17).

0 NR

Norathar II assumes the Orb (FH 9, 315-316). [This obviously happens sometime after 309 PI, but we've had no clear indication yet how much after, hence the designation "NR" for "Norathar's Reign", which I will happily excise as soon as Brust establishes the data. Incidentally, Vlad would be 88 years old in 309 PI, so he (and Cawti) might not have lived to see Norathar's coronation. Of course, with sorcery, who knows?] "....And a Bandit's Never Parted from His Sword" becomes popular (LCB 396, dating highly tentative).

5 NR

Edicts on Half-Breeds signed (FH 68-69).

11 NR

Five Hundred Years After submitted to the Imperial Library (FH 9). [The long date given leaves out Cycle, Reign, Phase, and Turn.]

46 NR

Preface to Five Hundred Years After written "2:1/2:1/2/12" (FH 17). [The first four digits parse as "Great Cycle of the Dragon, Cycle of the Phoenix, Reign of the Dragon, Phase of the Phoenix". The last two would logically be "Turn of the Lyorn, Year of the Chreotha", but that places this preface as being written 35 years after the book was published! But perhaps "submitted to the Imperial Library" is something distinct from (and prior to) actual publication. Some alternative explanations (though I think them less likely): The 2/12 may indicate Month and Day. It might have been intended to be 11 NR, but there were two typos in the date (which should have read "2:1/2:1/0/11").]

~35 NR??

Paarfi becomes a celebrity "almost overnight" (PD 17). There are scandals over Five Hundred Years After (PD 19).

~169 NR

The Paths of the Dead first due to be published (PD 18). Lawsuits are threatened (PD 20).

179 NR

The Viscount of Adrilankha submitted to the Imperial Library on the third day of the month of Athyra (PD 11). Zerran and Bolis suffer a warehouse flood (PD 18).

181 NR

Preface of The Viscount of Adrilankha written "2/2/10/11 (Norath. II: 181)" (PD 24). [This date (like so many) is problematic. If it's the least signifigant digits (as the introduction date to The Phoenix Guards was), then it must represent either 19 NR or 308 NR, neither of which seem reasonable. If it is the most signifigant digits, then it's in the Cycle of the Dragon, which is even less reasonable. But! If we look at the curious form of the Preface to Five Hundred Years After ("2:1/2:1/2/12"), there is some support for the theory that the numbers after the colons (Cycle and Phase) might be left out. If so, then this date parses to "Great Cycle of the Dragon, (Cycle of the Phoenix), Reign of the Dragon, (Phase of the Phoenix,) Turn of the Iorich, Year of the Iorich". This yields the correct date of 181. Note that this is another instance of a Preface being written after the book is submitted to the Imperial Library, lending credence to the notes on Five Hundred Years After, above.]

200 NR???

The second volume of The Viscount of Adrilankha printed, as is A Mighty Thundering... (LCB 393).


Preface to The Lord of Castle Black written. No date given, but almost certainly some time after the Dragaeran publication of Viscount. Afterword to The Lord of Castle Black written. Ditto.

~5,000-83,000 PI

The next Phoenix Reign. With average reign lengths, it would be expected to be about 13,000 years. Certainly not "a few hundred thousand years" as Morollan claims (Tl 146); guess he isn't good at math either. It is, however, pretty certain to be after all the main characters (except Sethra, of course) are long dead. Ordwynac will ask Nyssa a question (PD 197).

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The Dragaera Timeline

A Tentative Timeline of Dragaeran History
[last updated 03/02/04]
This site took a great deal of effort to create. If you enjoy it, please help support it. Thank you.
About halfway through writing the first draft of this, I came across Mark Mandel's excellent Cracks and Shards web page. It illuminated several previously-mysterious points for me, and did a wonderful job of making explicit (in the "Look Who's Talking" section) many of the principles that I was already subconsciously using in putting together this document. Go read it now, and come back when you're done.

List of Abbreviations:


BI = Before Interregnum
I = Interregnum
PI = After Interregnum
NR = Norathar's Reign

Vlad books:

J = Jhereg
Y = Yendi
Tk = Teckla
Ts = Taltos
P = Phoenix
A = Athyra
O = Orca
D = Dragon
Is = Issola
ADOP = "A Dream of Passion"

Khaavren books:

PG = The Phoenix Guards
FH = Five Hundred Years After
PD = The Paths of the Dead (Book One of The Viscount of Adrilankha)
LCB = The Lord of Castle Black (Book Two of The Viscount of Adrilankha)

The Fenarian book:

BP = Brokedown Palace

The Cycle:

1 Reborn Phoenix
2 Dragon
3 Lyorn
4 Tiassa
5 Hawk
6 Dzur
7 Issola
8 Tsalmoth
9 Vallista
10 Jhereg
11 Iorich
12 Chreotha
13 Yendi
14 Orca
15 Teckla
16 Jhegaala
17 Athyra
1' Decadent Phoenix

General Notes on the Dragaeran Calendar

There are 30 hours in a day (PG 142, et al). References are made to hours 'of the morning' and 'after noon', so they have AM and PM as we do, just with 15 hours in each half, not 12. Note that four meals a day is standard (PG 405, 433), so they eat roughly as often as Terrans do. [There are a few references in early books to 24-hour days, but these are almost certainly "translations" on Brust's part.] Hours have 60 minutes (FH 256). Hours and minutes are apparently close to their Terran counterparts, and were presumably established by the original Terran colonists (see below). Philip Hart ([email protected]) points out that an exact 30/24 ratio is unlikely, but also mentioned a workaround used by the fictional lunar colonists in John M. Ford's Growing Up Weightless; namely, having one "hour" of the day be a non-standard length, to make up the difference. This "lunar" model does presume that the time system was "restored" after the creation of the Orb, since it certainly wouldn't have been used during the immedate Post-Jenoine period. Alternatively, the "lunar" model may have been used by the original colonists, but then, after the Jenoine were driven out, the Dragaerans simplified matters to an even 30/60/60 division of their actual day length, which would give us seconds, minutes, and hours that were similar to Terran ones, but not identical. There are 17 months in the year, of 17 days each (PG 59). Both days and months are named after the Houses. There may be 'calendar hacks' such as the Terran Leap Year, but none have so far been mentioned, and their impact is likely to be small in any case. This works out to a year of about 8,670 hours, as compared with a Terran year of about 8,736 hours, so the length of the year is almost identical to a Terran year, which fits with various references to Easterner's ages and life expectancies. The year starts in spring (P 128), with a large celebration. Other holidays include Kieron's Eve (time unknown, O 222). Some Teckla celebrate a day called Pudding Morn (A 95). A week is five days long (Y 39). Days include Endweek (numerous refs), Farmday and Homeday (Tk 7), Marketday (O 82), Firstday and Skyday (O 143). That's six; maybe one of them is an alternate or regional name, or Marketday is not a day of the week but whatever day market is held. The two references to Marketday in LCB (151, 175) make the suggestion that Marketday is a movable one somewhat less supportable. It's a safe bet that Firstday begins the week and Endweek ends it, but we have no guidance for the order of the rest. Vlad sometimes works on Endweek, but not always (D 95), meaning that it may or may not be equivalent to our notion of "a weekend". A Fortnight (Eastern term) is 14 days (Tk 95), implying that Easterners keep a 7 day week. In Fenario, they celebrate a holiday called Ascension Day (BP 143). Birthdays are celebrated, though with differences between various cultures. Easterners (or at least Fenarians) celebrate much as we do; Dragaerans "honor and thank those who brought him into the world" (Ts 30). A House can hold the Orb between 289 (17^2) and 4,913 (17^3) years (Tl 96-97) (Vlad says "three thousand something"; he isn't very good at math). Since exactly one Great Cycle has passed (P 161) in the last ~224,000 years (J 72), the average Cycle is about 13,200 years, and a given House's reign averages about 775 years. These figures have been used in estimating antique historical dates, although these have been rounded to the nearest thousand to acknowledge the fact that these are estimates based on very little real data. References to antique historical events in this document will be made using the format Cycle/Reign; e.g. "4/5" would indicate the 4th Hawk reign. When reference is made to an emperor such as "Juraj IX", without explicit mention of a Cycle, I have usually tentatively assigned the Cycle to be the same as the Emperor's number, but have left a question mark in, as there is certainly no requirement of 1-to-1 correspondence between the numbers of the name and the Cycle. It seems likely that, in at least some cases, there is more than one consecutive ruler from the same House. 4,913 years is longer than the (natural) Dragaeran lifespan, and undead aren't allowed to hold office. A period of 17 years is called a Turn, and these are, naturally, named after the Houses. Similarly, 17 Turns (289 years) make up a Phase, also so named (FH 9). The numbering of Years, Turns, and Phases restart with every Reign (FH 9, PD 11). This works, since no House can hold the Orb for more than 17 Phases (Tl 96-97). [The numbering was also restarted after the Interregnum, even though that was still technically part of the Reign of the Phoenix, which probably leads to some confusion with using numeric dates.] Long-form dates often leave out one or more of these items, but this may be translation error. Perhaps Dragaeran writing includes some way of indicating what part each number in the date plays, but the translator isn't very good at catching that level of detail. Conversions between long-form text dates, "slashed dates" and decimal dates are extremely tricky to work out, as they aren't a straightforward "convert to base 17" operation. For the terms except the Turn, counting starts with Phoenix as 1, not 0. But for Turns, the count does appear to start with Phoenix as 0, and Dragon as 1. [At least, that assumption makes four apparent errors go away, and only seems to introduce one new one (and that one is dubious), so Occam's Razor supports it.] As the decimal dates are used most frequently, I've generally assumed them to be correct, and massaged the rest of the data to match.

The Timeline:

Wayyyyyy back

The Cycle "created"??? Barlen asserts that "it is part of the fundamental nature of the universe" (PD 193). Serioli appear to be the original natives of Dragaera (Is 36). Terrans(?) discover Dragaera (P 117, D 110, Is 36). Although some theories claim they were brought in by the Jenoine (J 110), this is pretty clearly false (Is 35-36). Many Terran lifeforms are introduced to Dragaera (notably Hawks, Orca, and horses, plus many animals and plants used for food), although native ones are probably already abundant. Not all animals and plants with Terran names are necessarily the same as their Terran counterparts, due to both evolution and "translation errors", but as a general guideline, if it's called a duck, assume it's a duck. Native lifeforms at this time include Dragon, Dzur, Jhereg, and Serioli (Is 36). Are the cat-centaurs native? [Question: Why didn't the Jenoine create a Tribe of the Horse? Or did they, and it just didn't survive until the founding of the Empire? Perhaps Bolcseseg is a 'survivor' of that tribe.] The "Dragaeran" race arrives on Dragaera after the Terrans (Is 36). [It should be noted here that we have no compelling evidence that the inhabitants call this world Dragaera, or indeed, that they have any name for it at all.]

~20,000,000 BI???

The Jenoine arrive, bringing their servant Verra with them (Is 36). Jenoine begin experiments on Dragaera "a few hundred thousand generations ago" (J 109-110). Unclear how old a typical Dragaeran has to be to parent (and thus be a 'generation'), but I'm arbitrarily guessing about 200 years. Jenoine experiments create Dragaerans from Human stock (Is 36-37).

~10,000,000 BI?

Mountains of Faerie start forming (BP 14).

~300,000 BI??

Jenoine Disaster, fomented by Verra "and a few others" (Is 37) forms Great Sea of Chaos, creates sorcery, elevates Verra and her peers to godhood, and kills all Jenoine then on Dragaera (J 111, P 107-108, FH 429, Is 37, 204). [This dating is extremely tentative, but I'd gather that a significant period of anarchy elapsed between this event and the founding of the Dragaeran Empire.] Ordwynac addresses Barlen as "old god" (LCB 389). Does Barlen predate the Jenoine Disaster? Or is Ordwynac younger?

Events whose exact timing is unknown, but which would seem to be Ancient.

Dri'Chazik a Tukknaro Dzur born (created?) (LCB 147,148). Sethra Lavode born ("older than the Empire" J 114). [Some readers speculate she helped bring about the Jenoine Disaster.] Teckla tribe invents agriculture (J 112). Chaos stones first created (by the Jenoine? or nature?) (FH 205). Serioli smiths invent Morganti weapons and wipe out warfare (among themselves, at least) ("before the beginning of the Empire" D 36). Blackchapel founded "far back in prehistory" (PD 40). A "very old" prophecy is made (LCB 190). Tukko tells Sethra of it "some years ago" (LCB 188), which I think is likely to be extreme understatement.

~250,000 - 200,000 BI?
Events surrounding the formation of the Empire. Ordering is mostly speculative.

Before the Empire, there were thirty-one tribes (Is 35). Although Kieron's army is called "The Army of All Tribes" (Y 39), it seems to have actually had only seventeen out of a possible thirty-one. What happened to the other fourteen tribes is not yet known. Dolivar is "good with irony" (Is 40). Dolivar shames Kieron & Dragons; he is expelled from tribe (J 114). Dolivar forms the Jhereg tribe (J 113). Dolivar dies (and is sent over Deathsgate? D 257). Empire formed (J 72) out of various tribes by Kieron the Conqueror (J 110) (inspired by dreams from the gods, IS 39, "only Zerika knew we were [making an empire]", Is 41) and a union of Shamans (J 113). First Empress is Zerika I (PG 16). [See also FH 345.] Orb created out of Great Sea of Chaos "by Zerika the First, according to legend; by the Jenoine, according to myth" (J 215, FH 206). Sethra is quite clear that Zerika created the Orb, inspired to do so by the gods. (FH 344, Is 37,39). The Orb was created from Trellanstone (Is 151), which was apparently a gift from the gods (Is 155). Elder Sorcery declared illegal ("at the beginning of the Empire", FH 80; "since the creation of the Orb", FH 182). "black has been considered the color of sorcery for hundreds of thousands of years" (J 79). [This would seem likely to be connected with the Orb; prior to this the 'color of sorcery' might well have been purple (FH 205-206).] Zerika negotiates with the Serioli; Kanefthali culture starts developing (PD 47). Kieron's army drives eastward, displacing many Easterners and Serioli (J 113, Is 39). Kieron debates with Shamans (J 134; Y 39). Kieron comes "within a hairsbreadth of attempting to take the Orb" (PD 198). Kieron Watches for the arrival of the Orca, for 5 days (Y 39-40; LCB 113). Warlord's Headress adopted as symbol of command (1/?, FH 99). [Definitely in the First Cycle, possibly dates back as far as Kieron.] Kieron killed by Lyorn warriors and Shamans due to Jhereg (J 113-114). Drien is a famous Shaman/warrior contemporary of Kieron's. Sex is unknown, and allegedly involved a sex-change at one point (Is 138). The gods recall his judgement (PD 195).

Events which seem fairly ancient, but probably post-date the founding of the Empire.

"...a Serioli named Cly!ng Fr'ngtha that made the Elder Sorcery tangible by embodying it in object blurring the distinction between animate and inanimate..." (Is 37). A later reference (Is 40) seems to clarify this as referring to the creation of the first Great Weapons. Godslayer and Pathfinder created (D 111-112). The gods attempt to destroy Godslayer, converting it to Spellbreaker? (D 111-112) The Jenoine attack the Great Sea of Chaos (Is 82,207?). The Jenoine attack the Halls of Judgement (Is 82). The Jenoine attack the Imperial Palace (Is 82). Sethra arranges for steps to be carved in the interior of Dzur Mountain (LCB 185). [Just how much of the interior did she create/excavate/remodel?] Sethra becomes "part of the rock of Dzur Mountain", possibly because she considers her "existence fulfilled" (Is 217). Obviously, she didn't stay a rock, but what brought her out of it is still unrevealed. Pitra sculpts a mammoth Dzur ("in the depths of time" FH 358). Eight (or possibly nine) "Battles of Dzur Mountain" before the end of the Interregnum (LCB 19 et al). One of these may be the "Third Seige of Dzur Mountain (J 134). At least three of them were fought at least twenty miles from the foot of the mountain (LCB 197-198). Sethra says "I speak for the Mountain, and the Mountain speaks for the Orb" (LCB 113). The walls of Adrilankha allegedly taken down "thousands upon thousands of years before" (LCB 40). If Adrilankha eved did have walls, it was long enough ago that historians think it to have never been the case. County of Southmoor was a domain of the House of the Dragon "dating back to the earliest days of the Empire" (PD 279; LCB 41). The city of Salute on Elde Island begins an "ancient" custom of waving flags at Imperial ships (LCB 213).

Misc. Elde Island entries

Dragaerans invade Elde Island for the first time (P 95). [This may (or may not) postdate the founding of the Empire.] There have been somewhere between 9 and 11 wars with Elde, including one that happened "during the Ash Mountain uprising" (P 95). Elde and Greenaere have had a (several?) wars, but "haven't actually fought since before the Interregnum" (P 94).

~218,000 BI

Jamiss (later Jamiss I) begins construction of the Imperial Palace in the reign of Faarith I (1/8, PG 22).

~219,000 BI

Imperial Palace (earliest version) completed (1/9, PG 22).

~210,000 BI

In the reign of Kieron the Younger, the Great Houses near the Palace are begun, just after the reign of Zerika II (2/2, PG 22).

~198,000 BI

Zerik II has A'jo's discretion (3?/1, PG 148). [Probably no earlier than the third Cycle, as the first Empress was Zerika, but could possibly be earlier, and could easily be later.]

~197,000 BI

The House of the Dragon reaches the Southmoor region (3/2, LCB 44). This page also reference a "Lord Drien". If this is the same individual who is referenced in Is 138, he/she was extremely long-lived. If not, then the name is puzzling, since one would think it was already "reserved" for the e'Drien line. Or perhaps the custom of using e' style names was not yet current. Vallista architects brought into Southmoor in great numbers (LCB 44). Dzur Mountain erupts (LCB 44).

~196,000 BI

Building project in Southmoor abandoned; Nacine grows (3/3, LCB 45).

~185,000 BI

Lanya e'Kieron arrested (3/17, PG 271). Eastern expansion of the Empire ends "toward the end of the Third Cycle" (PD 48).

~183,000 BI

Lanya takes the Orb after the Coup of the Bureaucrats (4/2, PG 272). 200-year War of the Streets follows; Lanya designs & builds Inner Palace to be defensible (PG 273). [Presumably, this Lanya also founds the e'Lanya line.] Marish'Chala is Warlord (4/2, PG 85). Bengloarafurd region discovered by Imperial scouts (4/?, PG 166). Mt. Kieron discovered by the Dzurlord Brionn (PG 233).

~176,000 BI

Sethra helps turn back an invasion from Elde Island (4/11, FH 98). Lishni invents the Fire-ram (D 35). [Presumably a relatively low-tech(sorcery) tactic, and so tentatively placed early in the chronology.]

~165,000 BI

Maalics e'Kieron conquers Redface region, begins to fortify it (5/?, PG 182).

~165,000 - 140,000 BI

Spell-sticks used in warfare (5/? - 7/?, O 224).

~158,000 BI

First documented person enters Dzur Mountain (6/1, FH 99).

~151,000 BI

Imperial laws defining the contributions of the Houses to the Imperial Allowance created (6/?, FH 27).

~146,000 BI

Kiva VI, of the House of Jhegaala (6?/16, PG 167)

~138,000 BI

During the Seventh Jhereg reign, the Emperor/ess uses the Orb (to listen in on private communications?) (7/10, O 153).

~132,000 - 119,000 BI

Sethra is Warlord (8/?, O 156).

~129,000 BI

Whetstone Rising (8/4, O 123).

~123,000 BI

Blackbirdriver region settled (8/12, PD 231-232).

~120,000 BI

The Empire claims Elde Island for 30-35 years (9/2, LCB 213).

~113,000 BI

County of Arylle founded (9/7, FH 109). Markon e'Lanya and the Smallflute Uprising; Flower Road (9/7, FH 305-306). Sethra was fighting on the other side (FH 306). Floating Bridge built during the Pioneer Wars (late 9?/7, PG 220-221). Blackbirdriver raised to a duchy. A subsequent naming dispute lasts seven hundred years (9/7, PD 232).

~112,000 BI

County of Arylle raised to Duchy after the Siege of Blacktar (9/9, FH 109).

~106,000 BI

Athyra wizards discover how to make Chaos stones (9/17?, FH 205).

~104,000 BI

Battle of Waterford Landing (10/2, O 79). Dragons use Chaos stones effectively (10/2?, FH 205).

~103,500 BI

Lyorn Emperor Cuorfor II bans Chaos stones (10/3, FH 205).

~99,000 BI

Conspiracies (and/or plays about them?) become common (10/?, FH 65).

~87,000 BI

Meeting between Ricci of Longgarden and Nessa of Kobi; Battle Beneath the Hills (11/7, PD 147).

~86,500 BI

Ekrasan of Sibletown writes about literature (11/7 or 11/8, PD 189).

~86,000 BI

Ziver the Tall's last stand (11/8, PG 234).

~85,000 BI

Ekrasan defends fiction against Fecila the Third (11/9, PD 189).

~83,000 BI

Chreotha Empress Synna IV (11/12. PD 147).

~70,000 BI

Catchman Tower built (12/12, FH 390).

~68,000 BI

Hold of Purchase laws instituted (12/15, O 140).

~64,000 BI

Sethra is Warlord (13/3, FH 98-99).

~51,000 BI

Sethra is Warlord (and still alive) (14/2, FH 98).

~47,000 BI

Defense of the Running Circle developed (14/7, PG 234).

~37,000 BI?

Lord Brythor (Dzur Heir), fights a duel (15/?, PG 106).

~34,000 BI

Elde island attacks during a war with the East (15/7, P 95).

~33,000 BI

The southern border of Southmoor County is fixed "after the Fifteenth Issola Reign" (15/8, LCB 197). Sorceress in Green creates Wall of Circling Winds (15/8, PD 204).

~30,000 BI

Sorceress in Green and Sethra Lavode involved in Littleshell War (15/12, PD 204). Farcical costume dramas being written ("late Fifteenth Cycle", FH 87).

~27,000-25,000 BI

Notes on Orca history in the "late Fifteenth and early Sixteenth Cycles (O 148).

~25,000 BI

"Beed'n, the Cavalier Minstrel of the early Sixteenth Cycle" (PG 131).

~22,000 BI

The Charge of Sundered Trees wins back the Pepperfields (16/6, PG 234). Maps are teleported (16/6, FH 430). [This campaign is "far to the southeast", and thus probably not involving the Pepperfields.]

~21,000 BI

Pavilion of the Sycamores built (16/7, PG 283). Piro's sword made ("dating back to the Sixteenth Cycle", PD 333).

~15,000 BI

Kragar finds references to Sethra being Warlord, "more than once" "about fifteen thousand years ago" (Tl 6-7). He's not as good a researcher as Paarfi, as Paarfi's earliest mention of her as Warlord is the 13th Cycle, about 64,000 years ago (FH 98-99), and his most recent is late 17th Cycle, less than 2,000 years ago (PG 30). We've seen a reference to her being Warlord in the 8th Cycle (O 156), but that came from her herself, and may not be available to researchers.

~13,000 BI

The Three Barons practice strange magics ("during an Athyra reign a few cycles ago" 16?/17, P 75). [Possibly the same as the "War of the Barons" mentioned in PG 3, which involved three forts?] "About ten thousand years ago" (J 72), during the Athyra reign 2 before the Interregnum (Vlad says "nearly a full turn of the cycle" (J 72), but he probably means "just over a full turn"), the first Dragon/Jhereg war takes place (J 72-74). It lasts "about six months", which is about 100 days (J 74). Sethra (note that Kiera hasn't been "born" yet) gets involved on the side of the Dragons (O 156). [This last reference may actually refer to the second Dragon/Jhereg war, but is phrased in such a way as to make me think they mean the first.]

~12,000 BI

Norathar the Sorcerer works on teleportation (17/2, FH 430).

~10,000 BI

Last time Nacine had a Speaker? ("ten thousand years", LCB 45).

~7,000 BI

House Jhereg recovers from the first Dragon/Jhereg war after "several thousand years" (J 74).

~6,000 BI

Merinna "founded", and under protection of the Kings of Elde.

??? BI
Events which are "thousands of years" ago.

Easterners have used the same spell to find familiars (J 5). Dragons have manned the watch-posts at Mount Kieron (PG 184). The Silver Shadow erected (FH 239). Dragaera City enters a growth phase (FH 241). The problem of refuse disposal solved "tens of millenia" ago (PD 228). Valabars permitted in Adrilankha "since time immemorial" (PD 229).

??? BI
Events whose dates are unclear, but seem to be well before Tortaalik's reign.

Undauntra I wins the War of the Wine Cups (PG 23, 177; LCB 113). She engages in some palace construction (FH 151). Korotta the Sixth's powerful reign (P 161). Sethra founds the Lavodes (FH 419). "The Lavodes were created to handle threats or potential threats to the Empire that were fundamentally non-military." (Is 199). "Kiereth, four thirty-seven" bottled (J 217). Unclear what dating system is being used here. "Greenhills Wine, '637" bottled (Tl 48). Valabar's founded (Tl 141). Yinta's great-great-uncle designs a new ship steerage system (P 23). Vallista architects split into Idyllic and Realist camps, reform, and split again (PG 23). Sethra fights at the Battle of Ice River Crossing (Is 188). Agate settled (LCB 175). There are no clear records of this, but there may be oral tradition. Barony of Loraan awarded to House Athyra (LCB 310).

~3,000 BI

Tortaalik's mother thrown out of the Navy (17/14, FH 199). Marquis of Mistyvale born? No date given, but he is "stooped now from age" (PD 150). Fawnd born? Again, no date, but "age had come upon him" (PD 223).

~2,500 BI

Qion born (Tl 3). Khaavren's house on the Street of Glass Cutters built (17/15, PG 47).

~2,300 BI

G'aereth born, travels to Dragaera (late 17/15, PG 30). He is involved in the installation of the Jhegaala Empress Viodonna VI.

~2,250 BI

Cropper born ("probably getting close to three thousand" D 127).

~2,200 BI

Owner of what will be Khaavren's house dies ("three hundred years later" PG 47).

~2,000 BI?

Tazendra's great-grandfather made a baron "during the Elde Island Wars" (Tk 27) [dating speculative]. A sculpture of Kieron is placed outside the Dragon Wing of the Palace ("a score of centuries" PD 144). Black founds The Painted Sign (early 17/16, PG 167).

~1,950 BI

Black paints a sign for The Painted Sign ("fifty years" PG 167-168).

~1,750 BI

Fornia born ("over two thousand" D 48). Tukko born? No date given, but he is "of middle years" (PD 183). Tevna born ("nearly two thousand years" PD 266). The Silver Goblet founded ("two thousand years before" LCB 214).

~1,500 BI

Kiera "born"? (O 284). County Shallowbanks sold back to the Empire by Khaavren's family (PG 10, 307). The position of Imperial Brigadier becomes vacant ("almost a thousand years", PG 50). Brudik gains the post of Lord of the Chimes (FH 22).

~1,300 BI

Sorceress in Green turns down a Court position (17/17, PD 204).

~1,275 BI

Wellborn born (PG 148).

~1,250 BI

Count Ritsak born ("around fifteen hundred years", PD 151).

~1,100 BI

Rollondar e'Drien born (FH 57, 277).


Adron e'Kieron born ("past his thousandth year", FH 77). Carnaro born ("about one thousand and three hundred years" LCB 214).

~1,000 BI

Tiassa oracle born ("probably pushing fifteen hundred" Tk 2). Red boots cease to be worn by the Red Boot Company ("more than four hundred years", PG 49). Gyorg Lavode born (PG 60). Fountain in the Sycamore Pavilion falls into disrepair (PG 283). Sethra dies ("some hundreds of years" before the Lavode Scandal (c.750 BI), FH 98). She is allowed out by the Lords of Judgement (PD 197). Cariss born (FH 373).

~951 BI

A coin minted with the face of Rollandar e'Drien (17/16, LCB 47-48). Placed here as late as possible within that reign, since Rollondar would still be a young man. But perhaps he inherited his estate at an early age. Alternatively, Teldra is mistaken, and this is actually Rollandar's father.

~950 BI

Navier born ("nine hundred or a thousand years", FH 281). Adron wins fame at the Battle of Twelve Pines (PG 189). G'aereth involved in Island Wars, which lead to establishment of Athyra Emperor Cherova III. He receives a battlefield promotion to officer at the Battle of Near P'iensotta. Yaro e'Lanya dies in his arms in the Charge of the Brown River (PG 30). [This makes the Athyra reign somewhat on the short side, but it has to start after Adron is born.] Sethra is warlord during the latter part of these wars (PG 30). Adron is also distinguished during these wars (PG 189). Trees planted at Khaavren's house (PG 47).

~900 BI

Fyres born (O 49). G'aereth founds the Featherhats (PG 30). Klorynderata born (FH 284).

~850 BI?

Kathana born (she had achieved mastery by the age of 300, but it is unclear how much before The Phoenix Guards this happened, PG 202).

~750 BI??

The Lavode Scandal (PG 30). Sethra banned from court, resigns as head of the Lavodes ("many years ago", PG 49). This may be a result of the discovery that she is now undead (FH 98). The Lavodes are disbanded "before the Interregnum" (Is 199). [But we see what appear to be active Lavodes right up until the Disaster itself. Were they reformed? Perhaps this "disbanding" is merely Sethra's own point of view. She founded the Lavodes to protect the Empire -- specifically seen as a distinct entity from "the current Emperor". If the Lavode Scandal caused a reorganization which put the Lavodes in a chain-of-command that descended from the Emperor, rather than Sethra, then their function would have been, to her mind, subverted. The argument is somewhat weakened by the fact that it is Vlad, not Sethra, who makes the statement, but he may have "learned" that tidbit of history from her in the first place.] Tortaalik stops his schooling at the age of 110 (date totally speculative, FH 199). Haro born ("Perhaps a thousand years" PD 157).

~735 BI

Jenicor e'Terics born ("scarcely two hundred years in age", PG 106). Master Cleff of Beed'n's Inn last has a prince as a guest (PG 139).

~700 BI

Sethra the Younger serves her apprenticeship to Sethra Lavode and takes her mentor's name (Y 118). [A moderately daring move, politically, as Sethra Lavode was out of favor at court at this time.] The Count of Endmarch builds a personal army, in defiance of the Empire ("almost two hundred years ago", PG 109). An early work on teleportation published (17/17, FH 430).

~675 BI

Aerich born. [Aerich is ~50 years older than Tazendra (PG 67, 102-103), and she is (I'm guessing) roughly Khaavren's age.] Wellborn becomes Imperial Discreet (PG 148).

~650 BI

A certain Teckla messenger is born ("about nine hundred years", PD 235).

627 BI

Khaavren born (PG 6).

~600 BI?

Aerich's father gets involved in politics, to his detriment (PG 102-103, 162-163). Tazendra's parents 'flee' a battle (PG 67, 323-324). [I'm guessing that Tazendra is roughly the same age as Khaavren; this happens when she is "barely thirty years of age".] Khaavren has a bad drinking experience ("early in his childhood", PG 66).

~580 BI

Easterners driven out of Pepperfields ("few score of years", PG 233).

~575 BI

The palace of Fenario (hut) built (BP 5).

~570 BI

The Revolt of the Livery (PG 48); police abolished in Draaera City (PG 54). Kathana begins working on her painting by observing dragons (PG 231).

~559 BI

Kathana begins painting the background (PG 231).

~554 BI

Kathana begins sketching dragons (PG 231).

~550 BI

Grita born ("not more than six hundred", FH 68). [PD 57 describes her as "eight or nine hundred", which would put her birth closer to 620 BI. On the other hand, one would hardly be surprised if she appeared to have aged faster than normal, given her experiences.] Mellar born, child of a Dragon/Dzur halfbreed mother and a Jhereg assassin father (J 179). [Date conjectural, but placed here in support of the Grita/Mellar theory, for more about which see the entry for FH, Day 7.]

533 BI

The Carriage House Uprising (PG 78). This included at least two battles in the duchy of Fautonswell, in which Uttrik fought (PG 132-133). The Baroness of Kaluma kills the Marquis of Pepperfield (PG 77). Tortaalik I made Emperor, 7 days before the end of the year (PG 3, FH 9). G'aereth made Captain of the Guard (PG 31). Tortaalik defeats the Carriage House Uprising (PG 147). Serioli speech is fashionable in court at this time (PG 28).

The Phoenix Guards

532 BI

[The Disaster occurs in the 532nd year of Tortaalik's reign (FH 9). The long date at the beginning of the Phoenix Guards (PG ix) incorrectly omits "of the Turn of the Dragon" in between the Year and Phase. Note also that The Phoenix Guards (PG ix) claims that this is still the Cycle of the Athyra. This is certainly incorrect by standard practice, but an exception may have been made in this case so as to count Zerika IV's reign as the beginning of the Great Cycle. It is interesting that Five Hundred Years After, published shortly after the end of her reign, returns to correct usage, calling Tortaalik's reign the beginning of the Great Cycle of the Dragon.]

PG, day 1 (6th day of the month of Phoenix (PG 3))

Pel leaves to join the Guard (PG 21). Pel tested, and accepted to the Guard (PG 32). Meetings (PG 3-12). Revels in Pondview? (PG 14).

PG, day 2 (7th of Phoenix)

A coach ride (PG 13-18).

PG, day 3 (8th of Phoenix)

Pel (PG 19-23). G'aereth (PG 24-27). An overheard conversation (PG 25, 260-261). Outfitting (PG 28-30). Assignments (PG 31-32). First Duties (PG 33-39). Debriefing (PG 40-46).

PG, days 4-17

Life in the Guard (PG 47-51).

PG, day 18 (or so)

["some three weeks after our friends' arrival in the city", PG 51.] Police? (PG 52-58).

PG, day 50 (or so)

["...these weeks, likewise, turned themselves into months...", PG 59.] Lack of privacy (PG 59-66). Celebration (PG 66-68). Skinter involved in a duel "early in the last Phoenix reign" (date approximate, but probably before Illista exiled; LCB 216).

PG, day 55 (or so)

[Emperor Tortaalik ascended to the throne "some eleven weeks ago", PG 76.] Recognition (PG 68-73). Aftermath of Dueling (PG 73-75). News of Court (PG 76-80).

PG, day 56

Research (PG 81-86). Intrigues (PG 87-91). Illista (PG 92-97). Warnings (PG 98-105).

PG, day 57

Jenicor e'Terics (PG 106-111). Preparation (PG 112-118). Uttrik set up (PG 128-129).

PG, day 58

Reflecting (PG 121-129). An Eventful Lunch (PG 130-141). Failures Reported (PG 143-148). Discretion (PG 148-155). Apologies (PG 156-159). More Intrigues (PG 159-164).

PG, day 59-70 (or so)

[Tazendra states that they have been traveling for "many weeks" (PG 187).] Travelling through the /pushta/ (PG 165).

PG, day 71

Overheard Ambush (PG 165-177). Adron arrives at Redface (PG 189).

PG, day 72

Ambush Ambushed (178-181). Lost & Found (182-187). Adron (PG 188-197). Adron has already begun to study Elder Sorcery (PG 189). Kathana (PG 198-207).

PG, day 73

Taking the northern route (PG 208-211). Garland prepares another ambush (PG 216).

PG, day 74

Ambushed again (PG 212-219).

PG, day 75

Eve of tragedy (PG 220-232).

PG, day 76

Interrupted duel (PG 233-238). Diplomacy (PG 237-263). 'Fenarr and Kav' (BP 1-3). Paresh's master (possibly Tazendra, see below) involved in "some war with the East" (Tk 27).

PG, day 77

Birth Announcement (PG 264-266). Aliera born. ["less than a thousand years old, however you measured her age" Tl 151; actually, just over that. "less than five hundred" (P 67-68), but that must not be counting the time she was "mortally challenged". Also, see Paarfi's comments on her "agelessness", FH 77.]

PG, day 78-86 (or so)

Travelling home (PG 267).

PG, day 87

Arrested (PG 267-278).

PG, day 89

Affairs of honor (PG 279-289). Prison (PG 290-301). Questioning (PG 302-319). Kathana joins the Guard (PG 316, 326).

PG, day 90

Turnabout (PG 319-320).

PG, day 140 (or so)

["some months" later, PG 321.] Conclusion (PG 321-325). Illista & Allistar exiled (PG 326). G'aereth made Brigadier (PG 326). Aerich & Tazendra leave the Guard (PG 326).

Illista, at least, travels in exile to Elde Island (LCB 217, 223). [No mention is made of what happened to Allistar; I presume that he perished some time before LCB, as he isn't mentioned as a surviving Phoenix.] Illista (and, presumably Allistar) are stripped of at least some of their lands at this time (LCB 218).

~530 BI

Pel enters the Academy of Discretion (PG 326).

~525 BI

The palace of Fenario (fort) built (BP 5).

529 BI

Treaty with Crionofenarr concluded (PG 326). Statue of Verra brought from Faerie to Fenario? (BP 207).

~500 BI?

Nielar born ("probably close to a thousand", J 13). Laris born ("say around a thousand", Y 29). Illista arrives on Elde Island (LCB 215).

~494 BI

Kathana leaves the Guard (PG 326-327). Kathana paints Adron's portrait (FH 77) [placement extremely tentative]

~492 BI

Fenarr succeeded by Jozsef I (BP 133).

~450 BI

Thack transfers to G'aereth's command (FH 56). Adron begins studying Elder Sorcery in earnest ("more than four hundred years", FH 206).

~444 BI

Norathar born ("You were about four years old" Y 121).

~440 BI
The Second Dragon/Jhereg War and the Affair of the White Goblets

[This mess all starts "early in Tortaalik's reign" (PD 21), but some of the repercussions detailed below may have played out over centuries.] Paarfi's (PD 21-23) and Aliera's (J 166-167) accounts of the Second Dragon/Jhereg War differ drastically, but between them, information from Yendi, (and the Brust quote, below), some sense can be made. Remember that none of these sources are infallible, or even completely honest. Steven Brust wrote (in rec.arts.sf.written, 7/16/97): "Aliera got her stories tangled, is all. She's referring to the incident of the Goblets, which happened well before Adron's move, and only indirectly had anything to do with it. Aliera doesn't know as much history as she thinks she does, and tends toward tunnelvision. And, besides, Daddy couldn't have done anything really wrong." The incident he's referring to is probably the same as "the matter of the White Goblets" (PG 326), which I take to be the public fallout from the Dragon/Jhereg war, the attempt to poison the Emperor (using those goblets?), or both. The Count of Kee'Laiyer Meadows becomes Dragon Heir ("for a short time early in Tortaalik's reign" (PD 21). Sethra the Younger and The Sorceress in Green plot to make Adron Emperor (Y 205). Norathar's parentage accused by Sethra Lavode (Y 118). Scan faked by Sethra the Younger, Baritt, an 'Athyra', and a Lyorn (Y 117-118) with Laris' help (Y 205). Dragon heir, K'Laiyer E'Lanya, and his wife, Miera, killed in war; their daughter Norathar is expelled from House Dragon (Y 116-118). Adron is accused of having had Kee'Laiyer assassinated, and then protecting the assassin (who may have been Mario) (PD 21-22). Paarfi doesn't seem to give credence to these rumors, but they may have arisen because (according to Aliera), Adron was working with a Jhereg assassin (call him A), on a plan to poison the Emperor (J 167) (or perhaps Adron was working with this particular assassin because he had successfully used him before against Kee'Laiyer). This plan may or may not have been identical with the White Goblet plan (see below). A is killed by another Jhereg (B), presumably (I'm guessing here) because the Jhereg Council hear about it and don't want the Emperor assassinated (J 166). This means that A could not have been Mario, since we know he's alive after this date. Vlad later guesses that B is Mellar's father (J 186), and gets that guess verified (J 189). The Dragons demand that B be delivered to them, and the Jhereg comply. B, however, escapes, killing several Dragonlords. B also kills some of the Jhereg bosses who had turned him in, and a general bloodbath ensues, in which (among others) several wizards working for Adron are killed (J 167, PD 22). Vlad guesses that B is also killed around now ("revenge for the death of his father" J 187). But some of Kragar's research (J 179) says "as far as I can tell" that he died during the Disaster. I suppose he might yet turn up, still alive... Gyorg Lavode foils a plot to poison the Emperor, with Tortaalik's own sister as the prime mover (FH 23). This seems likely to be the primary source for Aliera's puzzling statement, "another Phoenix tried to take the throne, and father had to move too quickly" (J 167). The connection between those events and The Disaster is for from immediate, but it fits with Brust's comments, above. Lytra executed for her part in the matter of the White Goblets (PG 326). Tortaalik is forced to exile his sister for her part in the affair (FH 23). Adron is unhappy about Tortaalik's "mismanagement" of the White Goblet affair (FH 207). Paarfi portrays this as the start of his dissatisfaction with Tortaalik, but it nonetheless seems possible from Aliera's recounting (J 167) that he was involved in the plot himself! It's possible that Tortaalik "tried to use the Orb against the Jhereg" (J 167) at some point during this complicated mess.

~400 BI

Seb born (FH 21). Udaar born (LCB 215).

~350 BI

Theen born (FH 415). A temple to the Three Sisters built in Blackchapel ("several hundred years before" PD 40).

349 BI

Sewage Edicts enacted (FH 62).

~327 BI?

A five year war with Elde during Tortaalik's reign (FH 30-31). The "debacle along the coast that had left an entire district, and one critical to Imperial trade, without a liege" (FH 207) may have been connected with this war. It was certainly during Tortaalik's reign. "The last time we fought Elde, Greenaere was on our side" (P 94). [This is presumably the most recent time there was conflict between Elde and Greenaere, unless further volumes of The Viscount of Adrilankha show a more recent one.]

326 BI

Food riots in the capitol (FH 51-52). [I'm speculating that the disruption in trade caused by the war with Elde led to the food riots the following year.]

~300 BI??

"The Demon" (later to be a Jhereg Council member) born ("probably under eight hundred" J 23; "looked to be somewhere between eight hundred and a thousand" J 30).

~275 BI

The palace of Fenario (Old Palace) built (BP 5).

~250 BI?

Rolling Rock Wars; Adron creates the Breath of Fire Battalion (PG 189). Breath of Fire Battalion in the Kanefthali mountains (FH 77).

~200 BI?

Leen born ("about seven hundred" O 29). Climate changes (due to imperial mismanagement?) lead to 30 or 40 seasons of drought over the next few centuries (FH 28). Lysek born (FH 84). Adron involved in the War of Three Sieges (FH 77). Fentor e'Mondaar born (LCB 73).

~150 BI??

Adron involved in "Whitecrest Uprising" (FH 77, 207?). Presumably, Daro is made Countess of Whitecrest after (as a result of?) this event (FH 207, 220).

~130 BI

Seodra dies in prison (PG 326). Khaavren fights his last duel for some time ("more than a century ago", FH 41).

~105 BI

Mario born ("scarcely seen his hundredth year", FH 245).

~100 BI??

Adron settles "the Briartown affair", which encourages Tortaalik to improve the post system (FH 126). Rollondar e'Drien becomes Warlord ("early this past century" FH 51). Skinter e'Terics' cousin starts to annoy him ("over the previous century" PD 48). Lar born (was a "young man" at the Disaster, PD 101). Fentor joins the Army of the Three Spears "upon reaching sufficient age" (LCB 73).

~95 BI

Laris starts as a collector for a moneylender; does 'work' once or twice as part of job (Y 19).

~90 BI

Khaavren gains Raf's gratitude (FH 48). Raf begins to consider having a child (FH 49).

~80 BI

Princess Loudin marries Lord Vernoi (FH 266).

~65 BI

Kytraan born ("three hundred or three hundred and twenty" PD 114).

~60 BI

Laris starts working as a moneylender (Y 19). Smaller employed by Countess Bellor ("scores of years", FH 176).

~50 BI

Wellborn retires (FH 73). Lar granted use of land on the coast ("In my youth", PD 104).

32 BI

Khaavren receives a 500th anniversary mug (FH 162).

??? BI
Miscellaneous undated events that happen not long before the Interregnum.

Baritt is Imperial Sorcerer "for a few hundred years" (D 92), but not at the time of Five Hundred Years After. Perhaps he fell out of favor with Tortaalik? Or perhaps he was part of the previous administration It seems unlikely in the extreme that he could have been Imperial Sorcerer during an Athyra reign, but on the other hand, his successes (and his enemies) were described as remarkable. However the balance of power had shifted, Sethra the Younger was convinced that Baritt would be Adron's choice for Warlord (not Imperial Sorcerer) (Y 205). Adron was not (technically) the Dragon heir (Y 116). Aliera seems to imply that he (and she) knew this at the time, which is quite interesting, if true. Kathana marries a Dragonlord (FH 52). Tazendra's experiment explodes (FH 52, "some years ago" 434-435). Skinter e'Terics begins gathering an army ("shortly before the disaster" PD 48). Nelshet becomes known for his fine swords (LCB 37). The Three Hands Road Campaign (LCB 37). Grassfog is apprenticed to a physicker "shortly before the Interregnum (LCB 161). Dortmond serves under Morrolan's father (LCB 319). Tazendra's cousin assaults Dzur Mountain (LCB 346).

~4 BI

Tem born ("barely reached his five hundredth year", A 4).

Five Hundred Years After

~0 BI (~500 years before Jhereg?)

"In the Year of the Hawk, In the Turn of the Orca, In the Phase of the Dragon, In the Reign of the Phoenix, In the Cycle of the Phoenix, In the Great Cycle of the Dragon, Or, the 532nd Year of the Reign of Tortaalik the Third" (FH 9). Skinter e'Terics begins gathering an army ("shortly before the disaster" PD 48).

FH, day -15 or so

Khaavren starts writing a letter to Aerich, but doesn't get around to finishing it ("some weeks before", FH 51).

FH, day -3 or so

Tortaalik asks Khaavren about the state of the people ("some days ago", FH 51).

FH, day 1 (9th of Vallista)

First day of Autumn (FH 21). Imperial Troubles (FH 21-38). The next Phase (Lyorn) will occur "in less than fifty years" (FH 27), in the 578th year of the reign. Pel (FH 34-47). Tax & Pastries (FH 48-50). Casual correspondence (FH 51-54). Assassinations (FH 57-59).

FH, day 2 (10th of Vallista)

Morning News (FH 55-60). Conspiracy (FH 61-71). Theater-going (FH 88-91).

FH, day 3 (11th of Vallista)

Adron arrives (FH 72-83). Pel interrogates (FH 84-92). More correspondence (FH 93-94). Sethra (FH 95-101). Forensics (FH 102-107).

FH, day 4 (12th of Vallista)

Aerich & Tazendra set out (FH 108-118). It is notable that, for all practical purposes, nothing else of note happens on this date, which is itself rather unusual. Indeed, the scene with Khaavren that starts on page 119, while on first glance appearing to continue directly from page 107, and on the same day (the 11th), must in fact start today (the 12th), as the following day is explicitly the 13th. One wonders if Paarfi is deliberately concealing something here, either some scandalous occurrence, or his own inability to find source documentation for this particular day...

FH, day 5 (13th of Vallista)

Various suspcions (FH 119-133). Assassinations aborted (FH 134-142). Aliera and the Baker (FH 231-232). [Presumably, this happens on her way to or from a break from her forensics work with Sethra.]

FH, day 6 (14th of Vallista)

Riot (FH 143-147). Conspiracies (FH 147-148). Palace siege (FH 149-158). Sethra & Aliera avoid coming to blows due to a librarian (FH 166).

FH, day 7 (15th of Vallista)

A restful morning (FH 159-169). Bellor (FH 170-178). Aliera makes a fuss (FH 179-184). Consulting Pel (FH 185-191). Greycat's plots (FH 192-197). [Various members of rec.arts.sf.written, notably Elio M. Garica, Jr., have speculated that Greycat's presence in this story is a romanticization of some facts that Paarfi may have had only incompletely; and that his child, Grita, is a fictional stand-in for Mellar, from Jhereg.] Adron's plans (FH 198-204). Tazendra's confidences (FH 208-212). Khaavren overhears Daro (FH 213-223). Khaavren in demand (FH 224-235). Adron's ethics (FH 236-239). Conversations at the Silver Shadow (FH 239-245). Translations & Interpretations (FH 246-255). Khaavren's mission (FH 256-272). Pregnant departures (FH 265-267). Tazendra & Pel (FH 272-274). Srahi & Mica (FH 274-276). His Majesty's plans (FH 276-282). Laral strikes (FH 283-293). His Majesty realizes some important things (FH 293-295).

FH, day 8 (16th of Vallista)

Philosophy & Conquest (FH 296-306). Sethra's suggestion (FH 307-316). More of Greycat's plots (FH 316-325). On Dzurlords (FH 326-332). Mario's first try (FH 333-352). [A fellow named Erik ([email protected]) made an interesting speculation: "Consider, perhaps, that the hour that Mario spent with Aliera in /Five Hundred Years After/ caused Aliera to become pregnant. When Aliera was thrown in spirit from the Disaster and trapped as a disembodied soul for hundreds of years, what would have happened to any unborn child she carried? Maybe Aliera's daughter is simply hanging around in the Paths of the Dead, waiting for her mother to get pregnant again so she can come back."] Aerich leaves Adron (FH 353-355). The servants depart (FH 355-358). Tazendra sharpens (FH 358). Khaavren prepares for the morrow (FH 358-363). Two assassins (FH 364-369). Daro departs (FH 370-372). Mario is inspired (FH 373-377).

FH, day 9 (17th of Vallista)

Battle plans (FH 378-391). Uprisings (FH 392-396). Mario moves in (FH 396-399). The Gate of Seven Flags (FH 399-405). Khaavren vs. Greycat (FH 406-416). Adron's arrest (FH 417-421). Mario's grey mist (FH 422-423). [Note that Aliera's recounting of these events in Jhereg (J 41, 166-167) is almost certainly incorrect in major ways. For more details, see the entry for ~440 BI, above.] Adron's Disaster (FH 424-433). Adron's Disaster starts Interregnum (J 111). Draegara City destroyed (J 23). Sethra somehow rescues Zerika and (imperfectly) Aliera (Tl 146). [She doesn't really rescue Zerika at this time, it appears, from PD.] The Orb is transported to the Paths of the Dead (FH 432, PD 210-211). [With Sethra's help? The two accounts are not in agreement.] The gods halt the growth of the Lesser Sea by use of the Greater (Is 204). Aftermath (FH 434-435). Mario disappears? There are many references to him being hard to find and/or out of touch (O 156, FH 433, others). Mellar's parents die? (J 179). Presumably, enough (all?) of the Lavodes die in the Disaster that the organization no longer exists afterwards (PG 49). The Disaster causes huge "breakwaves" at sea (P 23). Skinter e'Terics' cousin dies, as does the Duchess of Kana (PD 48). Vernoi (Zerika's father) dies (PD 113). Uttrik dies (PD 114). Grita escapes (PD 219).

FH, day 10 (1st of Jhereg)

Doubts (FH 436).

FH, day 11 (2nd of Jhereg)

Survivors (FH 436-439).

??? I
Miscellaneous undated events during the Interregnum.

Zerika 'born' ("three or four hundred" Y 63). "Sethra had something to do with it" (Tl 146). In Phoenix, Vlad claims that she "survived Adron's Disaster" (P 152), but this is either a mistake or a non-standard use of the word "survived". "Two hundred and forty or two hundred and fifty" as of 246 I (PD 86). Loudin (Zerika's mother) was said to have died "in the Disaster" (Tl 146). Actually died of plague "scarcely ... a year" later (PD 113, 254). Sethra Lavode arranges fosterage for Zerika (PD 254). Sethra vanishes from public life (FH 430-432). Sethra creates illusions to convince the Jenoine that Dragaera is still being protected by the Orb (LCB 147). Jhereg Council puts their House in order, becomes official governing body of the Jhereg (J 22). Plagues (J 23, PD 89-90, 113). Eastern Invasions (J 23, P 116). Many Easterners arrive in Adrilankha in an Exodus (P 181, PD 289). Morrolan born "around the time of Adron's Disaster" (Is 104), grows up in the East (J 79), unaware he is a Dragaeran (Is 104). Presumably his parents (who "didn't survive") were refugees fleeing the general social chaos of the time. His mother was Adron's youngest sister. (Ts 144). His father was Rollondar e'Drien (PD 81). There is some implication that Molric e'Drien was his elder brother ("he would never meet his brother" FH 431); although Morrolan describes himself as "eldest son" (Ts 144) this could easily be ascribed to a translation error, perhaps for "eldest living son". [Does Morrolan have any other living siblings?] Morrolan fights to retake his ancestral homelands. Morrolan kills many villages full of his enemies (worshippers of Tri'nagore), dedicating their deaths to Verra (Is 136-137, J 154). There are stories that these scarifices were in order to learn Elder Sorcery (D 259), but that seems to be, at best, an incomplete version of the truth. Mellar infects, then saves Lord Onarr's wife (J 181). According to the Athyra Broinn, sorcery skill develops in the absence of the Orb (P 86). Count Fornia expands his territory (D 48). Rascha sees action against Easterners as a marine (D 131). The Jenoine launch some sort of attack (Is 82). Lord Ibron dies of plague before seeing his daughter (PD 154). Tazendra travels to Dzur Mountain and becomes a Lavode (PD 180; "some years ago", PD 321-322). Larkspur Manor rebuilt (PD 232). Tevna disbelieves a vision (PD 268-269). Kieron's Watch collapses (PD 289). Khaavren learns to predict storms at sea (LCB 31). Army of the Three Spears disbands (LCB 73). Fentor serves under a warlord (LCB 73). Dortmond soldiers, presumably for several armies (LCB 319).

These events might be placed before, during, or after the Interregnum.

Kragar kicked out of House Dragon after unsuccsessful battles (J 129). Bolk is stronger than Faerie (BP 13). Bolk & Verra allied (BP 212). Gellert I of Fenario erects a statue of a taltos bull (BP 22). Alfredo is sent to Faerie (from somewhere south of Fenario) (BP 152). At some point, his name is changed to Sandor (BP 153). Sandor comes out of Faerie into Fenario (BP 153). Sandor becomes a fixture in the Fenarian court "since before Laszlo's grandfather's time" (BP 31). Kragar meets Daymar (D 37). Kragar and Morollan meet (D 116). Morrolan meets a Serioli (D 108). Kiera and Aliera have met (J 204). War of the Barons (P 90). "the Berdoign business" (O 233). The Wars for Indepence in the Mountain States (D 52). Zungaron gains a great weapon (unknowingly?) (Is 41). Sethra the Younger at the Third Battle of Hartstongue Wash (PD 205). "the incident that gave inspiation to the popular ballad "Lord Stonewright's Revenge"" (PD 297). "Reega before the onslaught at the gates of Thuvin" (PD 385). Lord Kuinu says "By all the Lords of Judgement, it is proved at last" (LCB 113). Tigarre says "Turn around, my lord; I am behind you" (LCB 113). Deo says "Welcome, my lady, to my home" (LCB 113). Loraan is trained by his uncle, the Marquis of Blackvine, and acquires interest in necromancy (LCB 312).

~5 I

Skinter e'Terics completes his conquest of Kana "within the fist few years after the disaster" (PD 49).

~20 I

Habil talks with Kana "scarcely twenty years after the Disaster" (PD 49-53).

~45 I

Islanders attempt to invade Adrilankha ("two hunded years ago" PD 138). Presumably this is the same event referred to as "Reavers" on PD 272-273. Izak born ("scarcely two hundred years old" LCB 105). Brawre born (LCB 67)?

~50 I

Lewchin and Shant born ("a hundred and ninety or two hundred" PD 85-86). Kana subdues the area around the mountains (PD 122).

~75 I

The palace of Fenario (Current Version) built (BP 5).

~90 I

Clari born ("hundred and fifty or hundred and sixty years", PD 241).

~100 I

Kana controls as far as the Ocean-sea and the desert (PD 122). Orlaan lights a fire (PD 217).

~110 I

Clari's family moves north ("twenty-year-old", PD 241).

~125 I

Clari's family arives in Blackbirdriver ("thirty-five", PD 241).

~129 I

Orlaan "sees" Aliera's soul ("scarcely a hundred years ago" PD 56).

~145 I

Piro born ("just about one hundred" PD 87). Pel starts working his way into Kana's network (PD 122).

~155 I

Roaana born ("ninety or ninety-five years" PD 157).

The Paths of the Dead

156 I

Morrolan makes a pact with Verra (Is 105, PD 27-46). [This is presumably the last time that Verra spoke with Arra "a hundred years" ago (PD 68).]

~160 I

Ibronka born ("not yet reached her ninetieth year", PD 233).

~167 I

The Baron of Bellows dies "some eighty years before" (LCB 41).

~175 I

5-year siege of Fenarian palace; tunnels dug (BP 5, 73-74, 203). Clari's remaining brother dies "some years later" (PD 241)?

~180 I

Morrolan is an accomplished witch ("three hundred years before you were born" Y 43).

~200 I

Chimov born ("maybe three hundred" Y 54). Kana decides not to recruit Khaavren (PD 122). Pel becomes head of Kana's spy network (PD 122).

~205 I

Society of the Porker Poker founded ("forty or forty-five yeas previously" PD 87). Plague hits Adrilankha ("forty years ago", PD 267).

~210 I

Khaavren's brooding grows worse (PD 102, 107).

~225 I

Fwynn starts gathering strength (PD 123). Clari becomes Ibronka's maid "some years after that" (PD 241)?

229 I

Orlaan meets some brigands, and finds what she sought (PD 55-58). Lar is out of a job (PD 58). [Presumably he gets some respectable ones between now and working for Piro, as he has letters of recommendation by then.]

242 I

Morrolan's Circle prevents a raid "last year" (PD 62).

243 I

Morrolan discusses raids (PD 59-64).

244 I

Blackchapel raided (PD 65-73). Morrolan makes discoveries and plans (PD 75-83). Morrolan meets Teldra in Blackchapel village around the time he completes his pact with Verra, which Teldra assists with (Is 104-105). Morrolan gathers his Circle of Witches, with Teldra's help (Is 105).


Various members of the Society of the Porker Poker disperse (PD 85). Grita observes Piro -- and Zerika's secret (LCB 335).

245 I

Lord Shellar dies ("two years ago", PD 357).

246 I


PD, day -4

Penultimate meeting of the SotPP ("the day after" PD 88).

PD, day -3

A messenger arrives at Whitecrest ("four days ago" PD 88).

PD, day -2?

Khaavren advertises for a lackey ("within the last few days", PD 102).

PD, day 1

The Society of the Porker Poker meets for the last time (PD 85-96). Piro meets Lar (PD 97-105). Zivra bids farewell to Laszlo, who also leaves that night (LCB 300-301).

PD, day 2

Zivra leaves, in the morning (PD 95). The envoy (PD 107-120). He was not expected "until next week" (PD 113).

PD, day 3

Departure (PD 121). Pel's status report (PD 121-126). [It is presumably shortly after this that unwelcome visitors become common at Dzur Mountain, see PD 178.]

PD, day 4

Zerika's companion reveals herself ("after traveling for two days" PD 255).

PD, day 7

Pel leaves on his mission ("six days ago" PD 137).

PD, day 8

Traveling ("exactly a week" PD 127-131).

PD, day 10

Zerika arrives at Dzur Mountain ("last week", PD 184, 254, "only eight days", PD 255).

PD, day 11

Orlaan ("nearly two weeks" PD 131-134). [It seems clear that Orlaan does not completely recognise Piro at this time. Presumably, she discovers his identity shortly thereafter, possibly through use of Elder Sorcery.]

PD, day 12

Khaavren's visitor (PD 135-145).

PD, day 13

Kana holds a meeting (PD 147-155). Bandits (PD 165-172). [Paarfi claims that we have passed "a day or two" plus "several days" (PD 165), but there are problems with that. We know that Zerika arrives at Dzur Mountain on day 10, and that that was "a week" ago when Piro arrives. The latest possible arrival time for Piro would therefore seem to be about day 16, and there are still two days of travel to be accounted for before that arrival.]

PD, day 14

Roannac returns home (PD 157-163).

PD, day 14-16

Climbing Dzur Mountain (PD 172-185).

PD, day 16

The Gods debate (PD 191-200). Sethra Lavode plans (PD 201-213). Wadre & his band meet Orlaan (PD 215-221). Pel visits Aerich (PD 223-227). [Not explicitly stated to be the same day, but seems a reasonable assumption.]

PD, day 17

Pel plants a thought (PD 227-230). Ibronka receives a messenger (PD 233-243). [Not explicitly stated to be the same day, but seems a reasonable assumption.] Zerika is introduced (PD 249-261). [This chapter appears to happen the day after the one that ended on page 213, though it might be later. Kyttran's reference on page 253 that Piro was summoned by Zerika is somewhat misleading; at the time Kyttran set out, though he was acting in Zerika's name (by Sethra Lavode's orders), Zerika herself had not yet become aware of her destiny.]

PD, day 18

Kana's meeting due to resume ("in a week", PD 153). Ibronka meets Roaana (PD 243-248). Tevna the Pyrologist ("Several days after Pel had left", PD 263-277).

PD, day 19

Zerika sets out ("the day after to-morrow", PD 261; "a Farmday in late winter of the 246th year of the Interregnum", PD 279). Orlaan pursues (PD 307-309). Morrolan gives up on finding a pass, "closer to two years" after leaving Blackchapel (PD 293-298).

PD, day 24

Keybrook Village ("after a week", PD 288-304).

247 I


PD, day ~30

Piro becomes accustomed to traveling ("ten or twelve days", PD 282).

PD, day ~31?

"Imperial" Army (PD 282-288).

PD, day ~32?

Noticing Easterners "as they traveled" (PD 288-291).

PD, day ~38

Saynac and Dortmond get lucky (PD 316).

PD, day ~40

Kiss and Tell (PD 314-317). [They've been tavelling at least a hundred leagues with the caavan; probably at least twenty days.]

PD, day ~41

Hartre (PD 317-320).

PD, day ~42

Aerich prepares (PD 320-322).

PD, later

Pel visits Dzur Mountain (PD 309-311). Pel sets watch on Dzur Mountain ("a week or six days", PD 311-312). Passing Easteners (PD 288-291). Pel hears of Zerika's band (PD 312-314). A Near Miss (PD 304-305). Ibronka and Roaana arrive in Adrilankha (PD 351-364).


Khaavren gets back into shape (LCB 27-30). This process takes "months" (LCB 29). Deathsgate Falls (PD 323-342). [Why I am putting this in early summer, when this is allegedly "nearly a full year after setting off" (PD 323)? Because it solves a later problem with dating in LCB. Piro clearly states that they pursued Grita for more than half a year, starting in the summer (LCB 97). This pursuit seems to have begun no more than 4 days after the battle at Deathgate Falls (LCB 50-60). The pursuit clearly ends in the winter of 247 (LCB 109). Occam's razor says that the "nearly a full year" reference must be wrong, especially as Paarfi is deliberately obscure as to the events which took place during that time. The error may be due to the fact that Zerika emerges from the Paths "nearly a full year after setting off".] [Why is Orlaan opposed to Zerika's mission? She has desires for personal revenge against Tazendra and Piro, but no obvious grudge against Zerika.] Zerika IV regains Orb from Paths of the Dead with Morrolan's help (J 79, Ts 98). "at the tender age of one hundred or thereabouts" (Y 64). [Well, Morrolan's involvement has now been cast in considerable doubt. Paarfi makes it quite clear in The Paths of the Dead that Morrolan was nowhere near there at the time. Morrolan's speech at the Falls (Ts 98) makes it quite clear that he was there, so either Vlad misremembers that speech, or Morrolan or Paarfi is lying. Of course, Paarfi also goes out of his way to say that Morrolan is capable of lying (PD 45). It's also worth noting that Morrolan's statements (Ts 98) are somewhat inconsistent with other well known facts; he claims that sorcery doesn't work as one approaches Greymist Valley, and that he knows this from personal experience while helping Zerika; but during this period, no sorcery could have worked, as the Orb was unavailable. One possible explanation for this discrepancy is that the word "sorcery" here is a mistranslation, possibly for "wizardry". We know that wizardry was possible without the Orb, and that wizardry was explicitly not used in the battle above Deathsgate Falls (PD 338). Paarfi seems to think that this non-use was by choice rather than necessity, but he may be incorrect. The reference in Jhereg (J 79) refers to help Morrolan gives Zerika after retrieving the Orb, so may still be completely valid. As to Zerika's alleged tender age (Y 64), Vlad is simply very mistaken.]

The Lord of Castle Black

Still Summer, 247 I

Grita follows Piro and company for four days (LCB 50-60). Kana has many problems (LCB 61-68). Mica travels alone for "months" (LCB 85). Morrolan arrives in Southmoor "on a Firstday in the summer of the two hundred and forty-seventh year of the Interregnum" (LCB 41-42). The following day he arrives at Nacine (LCB 42-46). The next day, he arrives at the ruins of a floating castle (LCB 46-49). Piro & company are nearly caught in a brushfire (LCB 97).


The Necromancer arrives (PD 343-350). The Paths of the Dead (PD 365-379). The Gods (PD 381-392). Pel meets Wadre (LCB 22-26) Construction on Morrolan's temple (LCB 69-72). Morrolan begins gathering an army (LCB 72-74). Morrolan learns of Kana's approach (LCB 74-78). Piro & company are nearly caught in a landslide (LCB 97).


Piro & company are nearly caught by a dragon (LCB 98). Mica is trapped by a snowfall, but gets out due to an "unseasonable thaw" (LCB 85).

LCB, day 1

Khaavren prepares to leave (LCB 30-36).

LCB, day 2

Khaavren and company set out (LCB 36-40). The reference to Khaavren's adventures having started "almost eight hundred years before" (LCB 37) is reasonably correct; it was 779 years by my reckoning. Khaavren has not been on a mission "for hundreds of years" (LCB 39), so he must have become settled in Whitecrest very soon after Adron's Disaster.

LCB, day 7

Khaavren and company arrive at Brachington's Moor "early evening of the sixth day" (LCB 40, 79-82).

LCB, day 8

Setting out with Aerich (LCB 82-83).

LCB, day ~21

Mica begins following a brook "for days and days" (LCB 93).

LCB, day ~27

Mica meets Pel "not two days ago" (LCB 89).

LCB, day ~28

Khaavren & company sight South Mountain after "weeks" of travel. (LCB 83-84).

LCB, day ~29

Khaavren & company meet Mica (LCB 84-91).

LCB, day ~30

Khaavren & company flee from Kana (LCB 91-95). Pel steals Grita's horse (LCB 192) and reports in (LCB 104-106). Piro and company discuss the hunt for Grita (LCB 96-100). They have been in the mountains for "very nearly a year" (LCB 97); a slight exaggeration, as they reached the mountains in the spring of this year. They have been chasing Grita for "All of summer, all of autumn, and much of this winter" (LCB 97). Wadre meets Grita (LCB 100-104). He has been seeking his band for "months" (LCB 100). Grita prepares to attack (LCB 107-109). Zerika emerges with the Orb (PD 392; LCB 21-22, 109). This is "the thirteenth of the month of Jhegaala in the two hundred and forty-seventh year of the Interregnum" (LCB 109), a "winter's day" (LCB 112). End of Interregnum. As of Jhereg, the Interregnum began "over four hundred years ago" (J 79) and it's been "243 years since the end of the Interregnum" (J 19). The Interregnum lasted "close to two hundred years" (J 167) or "more than two hundred years" (Tk 45). Verra says "those four hundred and ninety-seven years of Interregnum" (P 117), but this is obviously impossible; she must mean 497 years since the beginning of the Interregnum [or perhaps Vlad misremembers what she said]; this would place the end at ~254 I. Various methods of determining the date are discussed in LCB 109-113. Grita's attack (LCB 114-116). Reunions (LCB 117-119). Defensive preparations (LCB 119-127). The Battle of South Mountain (LCB 128-140). Battle's aftermath (LCB 140-144). Grita joins Kana's team (LCB 144-145). The Necromancer is sent to Morrolan (LCB 147, 151-158). This is "the middle of a morning on a Marketday in the first year of the reign of the Empress Zerika the Fourth" (LCB 151). Can this be the actual day that the Orb returned, and all the preceeding occured before noon? Possibly, especially given the 30-hour day. Since Paarfi speculates that this is "the first use of the Orb for sorcery after the Interregnum" (LCB 156), yet spends some time showing how sorcery was used early the next morning (LCB 159), this event has to take place on the day of the Orb's return. Zerika consults her advisors (LCB 149-150).

LCB, day ~31

Fun with new, improved sorcery (LCB 159-163). Kana's forces approach (LCB 163-165). His armies are nine days from Dzur Mountain, so due there about day 40 by my count. They actually arrive a bit early! The Gods discuss matters (LCB 165-166). Horse-trading in Agate ("two days ago", LCB 180).

LCB, day ~32

Sethra and her servant (LCB 145-148). [This seems to take place somewhat later than the surrounding material, since she refers to the Necromancer's presence with Morrolan in the past tense.] An artifact is sent west "some days ago" as of day 39 (LCB 304).

LCB, day ~33

Morrolan contemplates command (LCB 167-171). He had intended to leave yesterday (LCB 167). The report that the enemy is "two weeks, perhaps a month" (LCB 168) is over-optimistic. Morrolan believes his "errand" will take "a day or two" (LCB 171), but it's closer to three. Zerika acquires horses (LCB 172-17X). [Note that, despite Marketday being mentioned on page 175, today appears not to be a Marketday, as (by my reckoning) the next one should be in two days.]

LCB, day ~34

Morrolan demands tribute (LCB 182-18X; Is 138). He arrives "the day after setting out" (LCB 182). His cut-off reference to "a hundred years" (LCB 190) was probably meant to continue "later"; it is a slight exaggeration, as he met Teldra (in a coach) 88 years after first meeting "the fool". Sethra the Younger befriends Morrolan (Y 206). Fentor begins constructing battlements on the temple (LCB 199). Biscuits begin to be baked (LCB 231).

LCB, day ~35

Morrolan sets out with his tribute (LCB 191-192). Meeting on Elde Island (LCB 213-220). [Five days from now (LCB 225), Kana's army is expected to be attacking Dzur Mountain, which is expected to be at day 40. This implies that a fast rider (with post?) can make it from where the army was at day 30, to the port of Merinna, in about four days.] Zerika plans her approach (LCB 201-210). They expect themselves and the enemy army to intersect on day 37 (LCB 202) or the morning of day 38 (LCB 208), and by LCB 227, they "ad arrived where they had planned".

LCB, day ~36

Morrolan returns (LCB 192-198). Note that though he refers to his sword as a "black wand" (LCB 195), the name is not yet capitalized. It is clearly a very strong Morganti blade, but may not yet be a complete Great Weapon. The enemy is now believed to be "three days, maybe four" away (LCB 196), but is actually rather closer, being camped ten miles away the next day (LCB 198). Departing from Elde Island (LCB 220).

LCB, day ~37

Morrolan prepares to attack (LCB 198-200; 227-231). [Although a cursory reading might give the impression that several days have passed between the end of chapter 50 and the beginning of chapter 53, a closer reading shows that Morrolan is finishing the same conversation, and that the reported position of Izak's army is identical.] Illista arrives on the mainland (LCB 220-221). Grita and Tsanaali (LCB 231-233). Zerika's band discusses Means and Ends (LCB 233-241). First engagements (LCB 242-248). Retreats (LCB 248-258).

LCB, day ~38

To Merinna (LCB 221-222). Zerika's band approaches Morrolan (LCB 259-275). The Warlock's sortie (LCB 276-280). Rising Hopes (LCB 281-291). [Supplies will last until day 40 (LCB 290).]

LCB, day ~39

Leaving Merinna (LCB 222-225). Lovers' woes (LCB 291-303). [Morrolan should be able to teleport inanimate objects "in a week" (LCB 298).] Various Faces (LCB 304-309). Habil visits Loraan (date arbitrary, LCB 310-314). "shortly after the end of the Interregnum", Loraan acquires Aliera's soul (Tl 37). More courtships (LCB 315-321, 328-329).

LCB, day ~40

On the road (LCB 225-226). Morrolan meets Sethra the Younger (LCB 322-327). He is judged to be "fine" (Y 187). "They say that the banquet hall of Castle Black has never been empty since it was built, over three hundred years ago" (J 133). If the banquet hall is indeed the room that was a partial survival of the original castle, then it would be over three hundred years old, but would often have been empty before being rebuilt. Probably Vlad just said "three" when he should have said "two". PG 184 states that Castle Black "survives", though we see in LCB that that is somewhat of an exaggeration. See also LCB 323-324, 363-365. Khaavren returns from a scouting trip (LCB 339-342). Sethra's unease (LCB 342-).

LCB, day ~41

Zerika's army defeats Kana's (LCB 348-349). "Late in the Interregnum" Morrolan is a division commander under Sethra (Is 210-211; LCB 348-349).

LCB, day ~42

Zerika begins her march to Adrilankha "on a Farmday in the late winter" (LCB 348-349). Sethra is appointed as Warlord, which may technically be illegal (LCB 349). Not quite a duel (LCB 350-352).

LCB, day ~43

Three women (LCB 330-338). Illista has been in Hartre "several days" (LCB 331) and Grita has traveled "three days" (LCB 331-332).

LCB, day ~54

A coach is requisitioned (LCB 353). The Countess of Whitecrest is summoned (LCB 354).

LCB, day ~55

Zerika's army arrives at Adrilankha after a march of fourteen days (LCB 352). Piro had set out "more than a year before" (LCB 353); true -- he set out in early winter of 246, and it is now late in the winter of the following year. Welcome and housing arrangements (LCB 353-356). Social niceties -- or not (LCB 356-360). Piro's flight (LCB 368-371).

LCB, day ~56

Piro heads East (LCB 371-372).

LCB, day ~57

Reunions (LCB 373-380).

Morrolan studies magic, while Castle Black grows (LCB 361-367). Kana still plots (LCB 381-387). Udaar has been sent on a mission (LCB 382), but word isn't expected for several days. Grita is moving on Tazendra and Aerich (LCB 382). The Gods Puzzled (LCB 388-391).

"shortly after the end of the Interregnum", Sethra and Morollan start looking for Aliera's soul ("more than two hundred years" Tl 37).

~1 PI?
Events that occur not long after the Interregnum ends.

"just after" the Interregnum, Demon takes Council seat (J 23), as does Boralinoi (P 194). Morrolan instrumental in driving back Easterners and curing plagues (J 80). Northmen invade Fenario in the reign of Janos the Third, but are tricked into defeat (BP 24-25). Heir to the throne of Greenaere born ("couldn't be more than two or three hundred", P 216). Loftis joins Imperial Service (O 118).

??? PI
Miscellaneous events that aren't exactly dated, but are Post-Interregnum and Pre-Vlad.

Demon institutes practice of selling Jhereg titles to Easterners (J 23). Mellar tries (unsuccessfully) to join Dragon and Dzur (J 179). Paresh grows up in a Dzurlord's home (Tk 27). At 60, Paresh gets land (Tk 28). At 80, Paresh's loans are paid off (Tk 28). At 81, Paresh's home burns down (Tk 28-29). [This implies subtly that his master is Tazendra, who has some history of exploding experiments (FH 52, 434-435). Her literary model, Porthos, was also noted for his extensive (if largely unread) library.] Paresh spends "most of a year" learning sorcery (Tk 30). Paresh fights Aerich's son(?) (Tk 31-32). [Paresh was almost certainly born after the Interregnum, since sorcery figures highly in his biography, and he makes no mention of any interruption of it. He battles "The Duke of Arylle", who is "about my age" (in Dragaaeran terms, quite a young man). We can infer that Aerich has either died or retired. His literary model, Athos, died and left his estate to an adopted son in The Man in the Iron Mask. The Duke refers to Paresh's master as "him", but this might be a mistranslation of the genderless Dragaeran pronoun on Brust's part (it being unlikely that Aerich's heir would be either misinformed or rude), if, in fact, Paresh's mistess was Tazendra.] Loraan discovers a means to preserve last thoughts of the dying (Tl 37). A "flood-year" in Smallcliff ("a generation ago", A 24). An epidemic in Smallcliff ("many years before Savn had been born", A 24-25). A dock built in Northport (O 5). "Early Paarfi". While Paarfi of Roundwood clearly becomes most famous for his "Khaavren" novels hundreds of years after this, there are two mentions of his works (without titles) in "Vlad-period" books (refs?). While it is implied that he only had one earlier "popular" work (Three Broken Strings, FH 13) from University Press, it is possible that some other "popular" work was released by other publishers, possibly including early drafts of what later became the "Khaavren" novels. Perhaps these became sufficiently widely read that Paarfi acquired some upper-class fans who persuaded him to "clean up" his work sufficiently to submit to the Imperial Library. Teleportation spell is refined (LCB 295).

~20 PI?

A communist tract (from Earth?) is unearthed from a Lyorn vault (P 116-117). [The vault is unearthed "during the Interregnum", but Kelly can't have gotten the book (and understood it) much earlier than ~215 PI, which happens "nearly two hundred years" later (P 117). On the other hand, maybe this is another error on Verra's (or Vlad's) part.]

~50 PI

A Serioli tribe moves away from the Bigcliff area ("a few hundred years ago", A 62) Loftis gets his first Signet (O 118). Dortmond joins Copper Company (D 183).

~75 PI

Northmen invade Fenario, doing much damage (BP 24).

~91 PI

Laris starts selling Jhereg titles to Easteners (Y 20).

~100 PI

Fyres is a wealthy man "by the end of the first century" (O 49).

~135 PI

Mellar starts working freelance for House Jhereg, while studying fencing with Lord Onarr (J 180-182). He works with Onarr for "close to a hundred years" (J 182).

~140 PI

Morrolan picks up an interest in Pre-Empire sorcery "a hundred years or so" (J 83) ago. Count Fornia begins expanding his territory again (D 48).

~145 PI

Fyres loses his first fortune (O 49). He gains and loses a fortune twice more (O 49) between now and Orca, and has his fourth fortune about to go under as the book opens.

~160 PI

Savn born ("probably not more than ninety" O 5).

~161 PI

Rezso born (BP 25).

~165 PI

Polyi born ("now in her eighties", A 3).

~172 PI

Vlad's grandfather born ("almost seventy" Y 206). Janos VI of Fenario born (date approximate).

~176 PI

Count of Mordfal born (BP 64).

~177 PI

Laache born (O 67). Tip born (O 68).

~185 PI

Savn "fills the bucket" (A 64).

~188 PI

Laszlo born (BP 6).

~191 PI

Laris starts working as an enforcer for Welok. He 'works' a few more times (Y 20). Vlad's grandfather in the army (D 121) [dating conjectural].

~192 PI

Andor born (BP 8).

~193 PI

Kelly born (Tk 153).

~195 PI?

Vlad's father born. "squandered everything he had earned in forty years of running a restaurant" (J 5); "forty years of work" (J 23). Maybe he died at age 40, or maybe he actually lived 40 years after taking over the restaurant. I'm guessing the former. Vilmos born (BP 8).

~198 PI

Miklos born (BP 4). Viktor born (BP 27).

~202 PI

A dragon is last seen in Fenario (BP 25).

~203 PI

Miklos moved out of nursery (BP 6). Margit marries a demon (BP 73-74, 218, 260-261, 264). [While this event clearly happened, it probably didn't happen in the manner (or the period) that the coachman told it.]

~204 PI

West wing of Fenarian palace collapses (BP 8). King Janos abdicates (BP 30). Brigitta born (BP 28).

~206 PI

Mariska born (BP 26).

~207 PI

Natalia born (Tk 155).

~209 PI

Miklos is 11. He watches the River (BP 4).

~215 PI(?)

Kelly discovers communist tract (P 116)

~216 PI

Viktor starts working at the palace of Fenario (BP 132).

~217 PI

Natalia caught stealing, runs away (Tk 151-152). Natalia meets Kelly (Tk 153). Tavern Tax (Tk 153).

~218 PI

Miklos is 21. Miklos is wounded horribly (BP 4-8). Bolcseseg (BP 9-16). They travel for 8 days (BP 14). Devera (BP 17-18). Laszlo begins sparring with Viktor (BP 27). Brigitta runs away to Faerie (BP 218, 263).

~219 PI

Natalia starts reading (Tk 152).

~220 PI

Brigitta's mother dies in winter (BP 77). Presumably, Brigitta came home in the mean time. What (if anything) happened between her and her father at this time is not clear. Uprisings in the eastern and northern duchies to end forced labor (Tk 155).

221 PI

Brigitta moves to Fenario in Spring (BP 77). Head tax instituted in the Eastern section (Tk 154). Uprising of 221 in South Adrilankha (Tk 48-49). [Presumably year 221 of Zerika IV's reign.] "riots and killings" (Tk 155). Vlad's family involved in riots; his father kills a Guard (Tk 160). Noish-pa meets Kelly (Tk 121). Lumber exchange torched, bringing troops in, Dragons who had fought in the East (Tk 156, 160-161). Ibronka dies (Tk 156). Kelly incarcerated (Tk 156). Empress lifts head tax (Tk 155).

Brokedown Palace

BP, day 1

Laszlo's day (BP 20-34).

BP, day 2-6

Miklos' return (BP 38-43). He has been gone "more than two years" (BP 38).

BP, day 7-8

Dragon (BP 43-51).

BP, day 8-9

Andor (BP 53-66). It is late autumn (BP 55).

BP, day 10

Miklos arrives (BP 70-83).

BP, day 10-11

Vilmos (BP 86-99). Miklos considers things (BP 103-115).

BP, day 11-12

Viktor (BP 117-134).

BP, day 12

Miklos comes home (BP 137-150).

BP, day 13

Sandor (BP 152-164). Bolk frees himself (BP 168-172). Miklos seeks beauty (BP 173-180). Mariska (BP 182-188). Collapse & Norska (BP 188-196).

BP, day 14

Calm before the storm (BP 199-201).

BP, day 15

Resolve (BP 201-206). Goddess (BP 207-213). [Note that, though everyone seems to assume that Verra is dead, the narrator never states so himself. The only character who might definitively know, Bolk, says nothing on the subject. For that matter, he himself displays the tendency of 'killed' supernatural beings to return to life in various ways. Hence, there is no inherent contradiction with Verra appearing later in the timeline (without even getting into the messy way time works for gods in the first place...). Verra is probably referring to this story when she later says, "there is one place I cannot be" (Is 78).] Brigitta & Miklos (BP 215-227).

BP, day 16

Battle of the Tree (BP 231-245). Fruit falls (BP 246-259). Brigitta departs (BP 262-264). Kingship (BP 264-266).

BP, day 17

Devera again (BP 267-269). The standard assumption among Brust fans is that Brigitta's daughter is Cawti, later Vlad's wife. Does Cawti know that her grandfather was a demon? Or her father a Prince?

222 PI

Vlad born Cawti born? [She seems to be about the same age as Vlad. I'll assume this, so as to have a date to hang the Brokedown Palace events off of.] Welok takes over from K'tang the Hook. Laris gets an area under him (Y 20).

~224 PI

Noish-pa throws the sands for the last time (for 20 years) (P 243).

~224-227 PI

Something happens with Vlad's mother (Tl 4-5).

~226 PI

At age 4, Vlad begins seeing Noish-pa regularly (Tl 7). Savn & friends play near Loraan's manor (A 203).

~227 PI

At age 5, Vlad beaten for first time, goes to Noish-pa (Tl 7-8).

~230 PI

At age 8, Vlad beaten by Easterners for the first time (Tl 19-20).

~231 PI

Mellar joins House Dzur (J 125).

~232 PI

Chimov joins the Jhereg "less than ten years" before Yendi, but has already 'worked' at least twice (Y 54). On his tenth birthday, Vlad starts learning to communicate psionically (Tl 31).

~233 PI

Vlad is 11. Meets Kiera (J 1-3, Tl 68). Mellar leaves House Dzur (J 126). Mellar steals Morrolan's book ("about ten years ago" J 85). Mellar starts out protecting a brothel (J 53). Mellar is running his brothel (J 53). [If Kragar is speaking in literal years on this page, this would have been in 230 PI. It seems more plausible that it happens just after Mellar leaves the Dzur.] Kelly's movement founded (Tk 69).

~234 PI

Mellar is running ten brothels (J 53). At 12, Vlad is beaten and gets cynical (Tk 157). Vlad starts walking around with a lepip ("I think I was twelve or thirteen" Tl 43-44).

~235 PI

At 13, Vlad first knowingly kills someone (Tl 45, 50-51).

~236 PI

The Sword and Dagger of the Jhereg start making names for themselves (Y 84). Vlad is 14. His father buys a Jhereg title, then soon dies (J 7) of a Plague (J 181). Kiera teaches Vlad to move in crowds (Tk 111-112) and other things (Tl 69). Tuk "fills the bucket" (A 32).

237 PI

Vlad is 15. Vlad holds a package for Kiera (Tl 69-70). [Since Devera seems to be able to time travel ("I'm probably early" BP 17), it's possible that Verra arranged for Vlad to hold this package precisely in order so he would use it in the way he eventually does (Tl 176).]

238 PI

Vlad is 16. Vlad starts preparing to get a familiar (Tl 71). Vlad starts wearing a sword (Tl 60-61). Vlad finds Loiosh (J 4-9) "more than five years" (J 229) before the main events of Jhereg. Soon after "the following week", Vlad sells restaurant and considers his career (J 9). "About two months" later, Loiosh hatches (J 10-12) "The next day" Vlad is approached by Nielar (J 13-14). [Yendi (in 242 PI) says that this took place "some three years ago" (Y 13), but it's more like four.] One of Nielar's men had an 'accident' "last week" (J 14). Vlad begins working with Kragar ("several years" as of 243 PI, J 20). Vlad's first day at work (Tl 72-75, 80-81, 83-88). "the next few months" Vlad becomes immune to jhereg poison (J 14). Vlad "moves fast" for his first few years (J 24). Vlad spots an attempt on Welok (P 134). Vlad's 1st assassination (Kynn) is part of Welok's war with Rolaan (Y 13, Tl 97ff) "three months later" (P 134). Vlad's 3rd assassination is part of Welok's war with Rolaan (Y 13). Rolaan dies, Feet Charno takes over (Y 13). The war had "lasted for several months" (Tl 137). Vlad dates Jeanine and Constance (Tl 137). Vlad starts practicing knife-throwing (D 94).

239 PI

[Exact change-over of year somewhat arbitrary.] Vlad's 4th assasination: "button man" (J 45). Vlad dates Mara (Tl 141-142). Vlad's first Morganti job (Tl 150-151, 158, 160-161, 163-164, 168-169, 170-171, 173-174). Vlad has 'worked' Morganti on one other ocassion (J 41). Vlad starts working directly for Welok (Y 14, Tl 173-174). Vlad 'works' at the Blue Flame "about a year and a half ago" as of Yendi (Y 53). Vlad dates Ibronka (Tl 174).

240 PI

Welok dies "about a year and a half after Rolaan" (which pretty much has to put us in early 240 PI, as Rolaan died in late 238). Tagichatn takes over his area (Y 14, Tl 177) and buys a Dukedom (P 152). "Inside of a month" Laris breaks from Tagichatn (Y 14). "Two months" in, Vlad kills Tagichatn (Y 14, Tl 175, 177, P 152-153). Vlad imprisoned, questioned Under the Orb (P 152-153). This is probably his first imprisonment (P 104). Vlad hires Melestav as a receptionist/bodyguard (Y 15). Over the next "two years" (J 49, but actually three, by my count), he kills 3 visitors, and is himself killed once (Y 58). Vlad solidifies his position with Toronnan (Y 16). Vlad buys psychedelics business as office cover, and hires extra enforcers, both within "the next few months" (Y 18). The extra enforcers pay for themselves "in four months" (Y 19). Vlad's 12th assassination: "small-time muscle" (J 45). Vlad's 19th assassination: "sorcerer" (J 45). "During that period"(?) Vlad 'works' a few times (Y 19). ["that period" probably includes the events in Taltos and Dragon, and is immediately followed by Yendi (Y 19).]


Tl, -1 month

"several weeks ago" (as of Tl day 6) Sethra, Morollan, and "others" (Tl 75, 147) learn Aliera's whereabouts (Tl 37). [Reading between the lines, I suspect that Sethra actually used Vlad's reincaration-connection with Aliera to help find her, then mind-wiped his memory of the experience.] Qion runs errand to Morollan (Tl 6).

Tl, day 1

[At least 8 months have passed since Welok's death, so we're into the middle or late portion of 240 PI.] Qion runs (Tl 1-4). Vlad has had his own area "a few months" (Tl 2-3).

Tl, day 4

Researching Dzur Mountain (Tl 5-7).

Tl, day 5

Preparing for an outing (Tl 7-11).

Tl, day 6

Vlad has a drink with Kiera (Tl 12-17). Castle Black (Tl 18-24). Dzur Mountain (Tl 25-41). Morrolan hires Vlad about "three weeks" (Y 51) after Vlad gets his own area. Morrolan and Vlad almost kill each other on first meeting (J 80; Y 51). "four years?" (Maybe 3 1/2... J 169). Sethra Lavode fights a Jenoine ("a few years ago" J 110) on Dzur Mountain (Is 82,203). This is at the time of her first meeting with Vlad. It starts with "Division Six looking into the activities of a wizard working for, uh, a foreign kingdom" (O 122). Khaavren's Special Tasks Group is brought in later to 'clean up'.

Tl, day 8-9

Vlad reviews info on Loraan (Tl 45-46).

Tl, day 11?

The Big Job (Tl 48-65). Reins leaves town (A 25). Vlad fought an Athyra wizard in his own castle (J 50). Vlad finds Spellbreaker; Sethra suggests he name it (Tk 83). Vlad has saved Morrolan's life "on more than one ocassion" (J 168). Back to Dzur Mountain (Tl 67-68).

Tl, day 12

You want me to go where?!? (Tl 70-80).

Tl, day 13

Setting out (Tl 82-90).

Tl, day 14

Cat-centaurs (Tl 91-96).

Tl, day 15

Approaching the falls (Tl 97-99). Morollan performs an "embarrassing ritual" by a statue? (D 15). Vlad, Loiosh, & Morrolan have visited Paths of Dead. They saw some Big jhereg (Y 4).

Tl, day 16-17??

Deathgate Falls (Tl 101-110). Outskirts (Tl 111-120). Duel (Tl 121-125). Guided (Tl 127-131). The Halls of Judgement (Tl 132-141). Vlad, Aliera, Morrolan meet Baritt's shade in Paths of the Dead (Y 118, Tl 135-136, 159-160), despite his not being dead yet (indeed, his death is triggered by Aliera's return to life; see below). Aliera's revival (Tl 142-148). Aliera meets Kieron in Paths of the Dead (J 63, 115, Tl 149-152) Kelchor (Tl 153-154). Aliera takes Kieron's sword (Y 3, Tl 156-158). Bargaining with the Gods (Tl 161-163). The Cycle (Tl 164-170). The Spell (Tl 171-174 (and 1ff)). Devera: "We've met before, Uncle Vlad" (Y 78). Out (Tl 175-179).

Tl, day 18?

Telling the tale (Tl 180).

Aliera's "arrival" (Y 115) "three years or so ago" as of 242 PI (Y 180); actually, couldn't have been much over two years, if that -- this is late 240, Yendi is sometime (possibly early in the year) in 242. Baritt assassinated (Y 131-132) "within a year" of Aliera's arrival (Y 180) by Laris (Y 206). Given that Dragon seems to pick up very shortly after the events of Taltos, I'd guess it to be considerably quicker than that. Lady Teldra starts leaning Jenoine ("some years ago" Is 201). [From whom? Placed here in the chronology on the assumption that it was in some way prompted by the recent Jenoine incident at Dzur Mountain.]


241 PI

[From various references, Dragon commences not long after the conclusion of Taltos. As Taltos was late 240, it seems reasonable to place this book in early 241. As the Dragaeran year starts in Spring, the weather seems to fit also.]

D, day 0

Vlad finishes narrating Taltos (D 15). Morollan inspects Baritt's collection (D 24).

D, day 1

Invitation (D 15-28). Traps (D 31-41). Vlad almost kills Daymar on first meeting (J 60).

D, day 2

Assessing Forces (D 44-57).

D, day 3

"Stay out of it" (D 62-67).

D, day 4

Ready to sign on (D 68-72). Funeral Rights (D 75-85).

D, day 7

Battle Plans (D 89-93).

D, day 8

A normal workday (D 95).

D, day 9

Endweek (D 95). Morollan's Tower (D 95-99). Serioli (D 106-114). Office Visit (D 115-118). Noish-Pa (D 119-123).

D, day 10

Preparing? (D 123-124).

D, day 11

Enlisting (D 126-138).

D, day 12

Moving out (D 138-139, 142-148).

D, day 13

Colors in the dark (D 148-154).

D, day 14

First battle (D 156-165).

D, day 15

Services for the dead (D 165-166).

D, day 16

More mud-marching (D 166).

D, days 17-18

Marching in the dust (D 167).

D, day 19

At the Eastern River (D 168-170).

D, day 20

Philosophy (D 178-184). Breakfast preparations (D 184-192).

D, day 21

Second battle (D 195-201).

D, days 22-29

Long march (D 205-207). [This, since Vlad thinks of it as a "long march" must be longer than his previous march, of a (5-day) week's duration (D 167).]

D, day 30

Soldier's Stew (D 210-215).

D, day 31

More battle plans (D 215-222).

D, day 32

Attack on Dorian's Hill (D 225-235). Vlad says he "had never touched a javelin two weeks before" (D 234), but he has clearly lost track of his own story, as it had been rather longer than that since his first battle by now.

D, day 33

Holding Dorian's Hill (D 242-250). Vlad is hit from behind (P 103-104, D 250-253). Dreamwalking (D 257-263).

D, day 34

Final Battle (D 263, 266, 13ff, 267-281). Vlad prays to Verra effectively? (P 7, D 14, Is 74-76). Vlad attacked with black energy-bolt (J 63, D 177). [Vlad says that he met Daymar "Two weeks ago? Less? Impossible." (D 210). Imposssible indeed; it's really more like 6 or 7.] Blackwand slays a thousand at Baritt's Tomb (J 80). 5,000 Dragons charge Eastern army (J 62). Vlad sees thousands in battle (Tk 89). "[Baritt's] monument, near Deathsgate Falls, had been the site of the bloodiest battle since the Interregnum" (Y 132). Baritt's Tomb is "stuck way out in the east" near the pepper trade (Tk 98). Easterners vs. Teckla, Dragonlords in no real danger (Tk 98).

D, day 35

Back to crime (D 281).

241-242 PI???
Events in Vlad's early career that haven't yet been fully explored. Some (related in later books) may turn out to be much later in his life.

Vlad killed as a warning, revivified by Sethra Lavode (J 39-40). Vlad has "never bothered the guy since". Vlad sees a Dzur hero attack Sethra Lavode (J 62-63). "Cawti holding a knife to Morollan's throat and explaining how it was going to be, while I sat paralyzed and helpless" (Tk 13). Vlad learns "you can never go home" (Tk 99). [This is listed as one of the effects of the Battle of Baritt's Tomb, but doesn't seem to apply to anything that happens in Dragon.] Vlad and Loiosh go East (P 238, O 201, Is 253). Vlad gets in "a little trouble with the Empire" once (J 20). Might be referring to the Tagichatn matter in 240 PI, but more likely refers to the untold tale immediately below. Vlad is incarcerated for "a few weeks" "as part of the affair that gained me my exalted position in the Jhereg and had first brought my friend Aliera to the attention of the Empress" (P 54). Vlad has been in prison once more that we don't know about (P 104, 152-153). Vlad "had lain helpless while Morrolan battled a demon that had taken his own sword from him" (P 111). Vlad "parlayed with spirits from my ancestral home for the release of the Necromancer's soul" (P 111). Vlad "battled with my own likeness" (P 111). "the time I took a job selling fish in the market" (O 24). "Once I ended up impersonating a corporal in the Imperial Guard and had to arrest someone for creating a disturbance in a public place" (O 24). Vlad is held captive somewhere (not by the Empire), involving "far too much potato soup" (Is 90). Vlad sees Morrolan fight a nasty duel with Vrudric e'Lanya in Castle Black (Is 137). Vlad has an unpleasant run-in with someone who (unexpectedly) can jump an eleven-foot crevasse (Is 120).

Vlad asks Sethra about her view of the Wall of Baritt's Tomb ("months later" D 30, 202-205). Mellar has a bigger territory than Vlad will 2 years from now (J 53). Kelly's folk have a 20-person parade (Tk 53). An oracle tells Vlad to beware his left hand "many years" before Phoenix (P 171).


242 PI

[Jhereg (definitely in 243 PI) says "that business with Laris last year" (J 24), so Yendi must take place in 242.]

Y, -8 weeks

Vlad extends a loan (Y 34-35).

Y, -1 month

Temek 'works' on a Dzurlord (Y 23).

Y, day 1

Vlad has just done some 'work' (Y 2). Vlad visits Castle Black (Y 2-6). Vlad checks out the competition (Y 6-11). Laris controls "about ten square blocks" which is "more than twice as much" as Vlad (Y 10).

Y, day 2

Vlad plots (Y 19-22).

Y, day 3

Vlad meets with Laris (Y 24-33). Preparing for the siege (Y 33-37). First hit (Y 37-41). Vlad decides to form a spy network (Y 41). Vlad gets a loan (Y 41-45).

Y, day 4

Vlad attacks Laris (Y 45).

Y, day 5

Vlad buys sorcerous protection (Y 46).

Y, day 6

Endweek (Y 47-51). Kiera delivers a present (Y 52-57). Vlad strikes (Y 57).

Y, day 8

Vlad strikes again. Laris goes into hiding (Y 57).

Y, day 9

Temek dead (Y 57).

Y, day 12

Laris tries to bribe Varg (Y 57).

Y, day 14

Shoen kills Laris' rep (Y 57-58).

Y, day 19

Vlad's infiltrators get burned (Y 58).

Y, day 24

Vlad strikes again (Y 58).

Y, day 29

Laris burns cleaner (Y 58).

Y, day 31

Chimov & Narvane attacked (Y 58).

Y, day 39

Double Event (Y 58).

Y, day 41

Laris attacks (Y 58).

Y, day 45

Vlad strikes again (Y 59). Vlad gets a talking-to by a Council member (J 22, 24; Y 59-61).

Y, day 46

Phoenix crackdown (Y 64-67).

Y, day 51

Vlad reopens a brothel (Y 67-68).

Y, day 52

No trouble yet... (Y 69).

Y, day 54

Vlad reopens a cleaner (Y 69).

Y, day 55

Back to normal? (Y 69-70).

Y, day 57

Vlad reopens a lender (Y 70).

Y, day 59

Vlad reopens a Shareba game (Y 71).

Y, day 60

Vlad reopens more gambling (Y 71). Vlad goes for a walk (Y 71-75) Phoenix Guards pulled out due to an Easterner riot (Y 110). Vlad killed by Norathar and Cawti (J 59).

Y, day 62

[Two days (Y 81) or three (Y 82)?] Alive! (Y 79-88)

Y, day 63

Good morning (89-99). Back to work (101-111).

Y, day 64

Back to bed (Y 111-112). Dinner [lunch?] at Castle Black (Y 113-124). Back to work (Y 125 135). [It's 2 days to Endweek (Y 131).] Party at Castle Black (Y 137-148). Aliera helps Norathar be Dragon again (J 203).

Y, day 65

Mystery assassins (Y 149-165). Cawti's caution going through a door saves Vlad's life (J 71). Back to Castle Black (Y 165-191). Confrontation (Y 192-197). Vlad kills Laris (Y 198-204).

Y, day 66

Vlad introduces Cawti to Noish-pa (Y 206-209).

Y, day 67

Vlad starts taking over Laris' area (Y 209).

Shortly after the events of Yendi, Morrolan is appointed Court Wizard, in place of Sethra the Younger (Is 222).

243 PI

D', day 1

Vlad begins narrating Dragon (D 15-16). He claims that it's "more than three years later" (D 15), but that doesn't jibe with other sources, as it can't have been much more than 2 years at best. This sequence takes place very shortly after Yendi, but I'm assuming the New Year intervenes, in order to make the main storyline have occurred at least more than two years ago, so as not to have Vlad be completely bogus in his dating.

D', day 2

Sethra the Younger comes home (Y 206, D 101). Sethra the Younger approaches Vlad about an exchange of weapons (D 101-104). Vlad consults Cawti (D 171-172).

D', day 3

Vlad speaks with Aliera (D 173-175).

D', day 4

Vlad contacts Sethra the Younger (D 237).

D', day 5

Farmday (D 286). Transactions (D 237-240, 283). Aliera acquires Pathfinder ("I've only had Pathfinder for a few months" J 88). Sethra the Younger gets Kieron's sword (Tk 99). Morollan has suspected things about the Battle of Baritt's Tomb "for years now" (D 285), but it's actually been roughly two full years.

Y, day 64+4 months

Menthar's duty with the Phoenix Guards ends (Y 109-110).

Cawti & Vlad marry [exact dating conjectural]. Cawti and Vlad eat treska leaves (while visiting some Islands? On their honeymoon? Is 195). Vlad takes out Leonyar ("last year" in 243, J 24). Mellar takes out Terion and joins Council (J 53). Cawti gives Vlad a tea-table, he gives her a /lant/ (Tk 37-38). Nath starts watching Kelly's group (Tk 63). Jhereg trouble in the Hills (P 135). Trouble with G'ranthar (J 20)? Cawti hasn't tuned her /lant/ in 12 weeks, as of Tk day 8 (Tk 38). Cawti has some sort of job, which Vlad doesn't help with (J 67). No more pimps in Southern Adrilankha (Tk 69).


~J, -1 month

Lord Keleth's loan is due ("over a month ago" J 122).

~J, day -14 or so

Mellar approaches Morrollan about 'lost' book "a few weeks ago" (J 82) as of day 3.

J, day -1.

"night before last" (J 24), Teckla in Vlad's territory mugged. Mellar makes arrangements to bring book to Morrolan ("four days ago" J 84).

J, day 0?

Mellar rips off Council. Demon says "Yesterday" (J 34) on day 2, but Vlad says "Three days ago" (J 68) on day 3. He arrives at Castle Black "three days ago" (J 82), also on day 3.

J, day 1.

"243 years since the end of the Interregnum" (J 19). Vlad gets a message from the Demon (J 19-27).

J, day 2.

Vlad meets mugged Teckla (J 29). Vlad meets Demon (J 29-37). Vlad meets with Kragar, Daymar, and Kiera (J 42-55). This will be Vlad's 42nd assassination (J 45). Demon delivers Vlad's 65,000 fee (J 57).

J, day 3.

"the next morning" Vlad finds Kiera's present (J 57). Vlad, Loiosh, Cawti, and Daymar find Mellar with ritual (J 57-64). Vlad has "lunch" with Cawti (J 67-71). Several scenes later (but still clearly the same day), it is still "barely half an hour before noon" (J 96) and Vlad has an upcoming appointment for lunch. At first, this seemed like a problem, but then I discovered that Dragaerans have four meals a day. No doubt Brust 'translated' both of the middle two as "lunch". Vlad finds out Mellar is in Castle Black, and consults with Morrolan, Aliera, and Sethra (J 72-93). Vlad meets with Demon for lunch (J 95-104). Vlad has a heart-to-heart talk with Aliera (J 106-121).

J, day 4.

Vlad visits Lord Keleth (J 121-126). Vlad checks in for some excitement at Castle Black (J 133-169).

J, day 5.

"early the next morning" Vlad gets to work (J 178-187). Vlad to Castle Black to finish planning (J 189-214).

J, day 6.

The plan goes into action (J 216-229).

J, day 7.

Vlad has another meeting with the Demon ("three days since [day 6] ... two days since [this scene]" J 234).

J, day 8.

Vlad finds the dirt on the Dzurs (J 237).

J, day 9.

Final debrief at Castle Black (J 234-239).

Cawti visits Vlad's grandfather, meets Gregory "a few weeks" before Teckla, thus just after Jhereg (Y 11), Vlad studies a little Elder Sorcery (Is 127). This must be after Jhereg, but is presumably before Phoenix. Vlad has visited the Demon's "place" (O 88). Again, presumably between Jhereg and Phoenix.


~Tk, day -7

Nath reports to Herth about Kelly's group "two weeks" before Franz is killed (Tk 63).

Tk, day 1

"a few weeks" after the end of Jhereg (Tk 5; 43). Vlad visits an oracle and gets a job offer (Tk 3-5).

Tk, day 3

Franz killed (Tk 11).

Tk, day 4

Exact day arbitrary, but three days feels about right for "last week" (Tk 8). Gregory comes to visit (Tk 8-12).

Tk, day 5

Vlad sets up a meeting with Herth (Tk 13-15).

Tk, day 6

Vlad and Cawti fail to communicate (Tk 15). Vlad meets Herth (Tk 15-16). Vlad tries to help (Tk 17-20).

Tk, day 7

Labwork (Tk 21-23).

Tk, day 8

Vlad meets Paresh (Tk 24-33). "Keep out of it" (Tk 34-36). Bad night (Tk 37-39).

Tk, day 9

Tea with Cawti (Tk 40-46). Talk with Kelly (Tk 47-50). Talk with Noish-pa (Tk 51-54). Back home (Tk 55-56).

Tk, day 10

Chatting with Bajinok (Tk 57-60). Chatting with Nath (Tk 61-64). Chatting with Sheryl (Tk 65-71). Fighting with Cawti (Tk 73-75). Another talk with Bajinok (Tk 76-79). Cavalry (Tk 79-84).

Tk, day 11

Work out (Tk 85-88). Vlad as bodyguard (Tk 81-91).

Tk, day 12

Sheryl's dead (Tk 92-94). Chatting with Noish-pa (Tk 95-97).

Tk, day 13

Stalking horse (Tk 99-101).

Tk, day 14

Barricades (Tk 102-108).

Tk, day 15

Confrontation (Tk 111-128). Assassins in mirrors (Tk 129-133). A new plan (Tk 134-139). Chatting with Franz (Tk 141-145).

Tk, day 16

Inner turmoil (Tk 146-150). Chatting with Natalia (Tk 151-158). Chatting with Noish-pa (tk 159-162). A better plan? (Tk 163-167).

Tk, day 17

Still working on the plan (Tk 168-171). Home fires (Tk 172-176). War in motion (Tk 177-181).

Tk, day 18

Chatting with Kelly (Tk 182-192). Chatting with Cawti (Tk 193-195).

Tk, day 19

Final confrontation (Tk 196-210).

Tk, day 20

Final plan (Tk 211).

Tk, day 22

Vlad buys himself a present (Tk 212-214).

Aliera gives up levitating to hide her height ("recently", as of P 211).


P, day 1

[In the prologue to Phoenix, Vlad says that Phoenix took place in 234 and 235. Given Vlad's bad memory, he must have misremembered 243 as 234, and then just added one, since he remembered it as being the New Year. I thought that the original dating reference (Jhereg says it's been "243 years since the end of the Interregnum", J 19) might have been mistaken, but if it was, then Vlad would have been seven or eight years old during the 221 uprising, and remembered it himself, which he clearly doesn't (T 160-161). Later (P 152), Vlad says correctly that it's 244 PI.] It's been "a few weeks" since Teckla (P 10). Prayers answered (P 5-13). Preparing to leave (P 14-16).

P, day 2

At sea (P 17-19).

P. day 3

Sailing (P 19-23).

P, day 4

Arrival (P 23-26).

P, day 5

To the Capitol (P 27-31). [The incident on P 28 may be "the time I spent half a day under a pile of refuse because it was the only place to hide" (O 24). It would be a bit of an exaggeration, but it's a fairly close match.]

P, day 6-7

Scouting (P 31).

P, day 8

Inside (P 31-34).

P, day 9

Final Rehearsal (P 34-35).

P, day 10

Killing and Running (P 35-44).

P, day 11-12

Aibynn (P 44-48).

P, day 13-15

Interrogation (P 49-53). Around now, the Phoenix Guards start coming out in force in places oher than South Adrilankha (P 72-73) Sethra mentions the troubles in South Adrilankha to Morrolan (P 91).

P, day 16

Healing up (P 53-54).

P, day 17-18

More Interrogation (P 54-57).

P, day 20

Rescue! (P 57-62).

P, day 21-22

Homeward Bound (P 63-74).

P, day 23

Home (P 75-76).

P, day 26

Toronnan (P 79-86). Vlad has worked for Toronnan for about "three years" (P 83), though I make it closer to four. Chatting at home (P 86-90).

P, day 27

Murmurs of war (P 90-96). Questions without answers (P 96-100).

P, day 28

Stupid ideas (P 100-105). Talking about Gods (P 106-110). Talking with Gods (P 111-118). "was it only days ago?" (P 112). Technically, yes, but it's been over a Dragaeran month. Verra says "those four hundred and ninety-seven years of Interregnum" were a time of great growth. This is obviously impossible; she must mean 497 years since the beginning of the Interregnum. [Or perhaps Vlad misremembers what she said.] No Help (P 119-120). Paresh (P 120-122). "a few weeks ago" the Empress pulled out the troops (P 122). Actually, this is more like 8 weeks, unless he's referring to some incident other than the end of Teckla (entirely possible, as Cawti's group has still been active). At the Palace (P 123-128). Repercussions (P 129-140). "Remember a few weeks ago?" "Not more than a month ago" (P 140). Again, Vlad must be misremembering; this all happened about 2 months ago.

244 PI

P, day 29

[Vlad say that this is "the Month of the Phoenix, in the year of the Dzur, during the phase of the Yendi in the reign of the Phoenix, Cycle of the Phoenix, Great Cycle of the Dragon" (P 151-152). This isn't quite right; it's the Phase of the Phoenix, and the Turn of the Yendi. Note that Vlad himself admits here that he doesn't often use this form of dating, hence his error is understandable.] Boralinoi (P 141-147). Interlude at Castle Black (P 148-151). Meeting the Empress (P 153-163). Cawti (P 164-168). Kragar starts researching Boralinoi (P 173). Trouble starts brewing with the press gangs (P 173). About this time, "Someone high up in the Empire dipped his hand into the war chest" (O 72-73).

P, day 30

Going into hiding (P 168-175). Kragar has been in charge "most of the last year" (P 172). A fair assessment, as that year has encompassed at least Jhereg, Teckla, and Phoenix, all of which have kept Vlad pretty busy. Noish-pa (P 175-180). Riot and Revolt (P 181-184). Khaavren resigns as Brigadier (P 191). This is apparently a fairly regular occurence, and not permanent (O 119).

P, day 31

Riots continue (184-187). Refuge in Castle Black (P 188-199).

P, day 32

Final Preparation (P 200-212). Return to Greenaere (P 213-220). Sacrifice (P 221-228). Escape? (P 229-234). Just Deserts (P 234-245).

~7-9 (Terran) months after Phoenix (but still in 244 PI).

Vlad Norathar born (O 290).

During Vlad's Travels, 244-???

Vlad narrates Phoenix. He says there (P 1) that it tells of the last time he killed someone, but he's clearly killed since then (see below). Perhaps Vlad seeks out his "audience" as one of the few truly safe ways he can think of to raise a little cash fast. Vlad meets a philosopher "a couple of years ago", then kills her (A 58-59). "A long time later, in the cottage of an Eastern family" Vlad reads a history of the riots (P 183-184). Vlad loses his left pinky (A 6, 30, 45, O 4, IS 18-19). The details of how it happened seem to change with each telling, though. Perhaps it happened in some extremely embarassing way, and Vlad just makes up a new story each time? Vlad tours "the islands" (implied in Is 195, must be after Phoenix, which is his first time on a ship (P 18)).

245 PI

Savn starts studying with Master Wag ("a year before", A 80).


246 PI

Just before Athyra (a few days at most)

Loraan becomes aware of Vlad's presence, and contacts Ishtvan ("more than a week" as of day 6, A 201). "I've avoided the Jhereg for more than two years" (A 242). Probably about 2 1/2, as he left in spring, and it's now harvest.

A, day 1

Arrival (A 3-15). Endweek (A 16). Reins is dead (A 16-23). Evening at Tem's (A 24-41). "within the last five years" (A 38). Actually, Loraan was 'killed' about 6 years ago, see above. A magic lesson (A 42-52).

A, day 2

Chores (A 52-57). A real magic lesson (A 58-75).

A, day 3

More Chores (A 77-83). Lesson 3 -- Necromancy (A 83-87). Dinner & Music (A 88-96). Vlad claims that he's "never been in the army" (A 90). I guess he figures that his actions in Dragon don't count... What are friends for? (A 97-100).

A, day 4

Troubled thoughts (A 101-106). Reconnecting (A 107-109). Attack! (A 110-112). Emergency Operation (A 113-127). Lesson 4 -- Dreams (A 128-132). Treatment (A 132-156).

A, day 5

Roast Norska (A 151-163). Enchanted Worries (A 164-167). Fird (A 168-170). Troubled Town (A 171-175). Relapse (A 176-182).

A, day 6

Hard Words (A 183-202). Finding Out (A 203-213). Bones (A 214-218). Knife (A 218-222). Down (A 222-227). Death in the Darkness (A 228-238).

A, day 8

Roast Athyra (A 1-2, 239-243).


247 PI

~O, day -7

Fyres has dinner with Shortisle (O 257).

~O, day -2

Fyres dies ("A couple of weeks ago" as of day 8, O 7).

O, day 1

It's been roughly a year since Athyra (O 16). Hedge-witch (O 16-23).

O, day 2-6

Papers (O 23-26). Mother's bank is gone by day 5 (O 32). Fyre's death is pronounced an accident "a week later" (O 258).

O, day 7

Bureaucrats (O 26-33).

O, day 8

Hiring Kiera (O 3-9).

O, day 10

Burglary (O 9-14).

O, day 11

Delivery (O 14-15). Professional Risks (O 36-40).

O, day 12

Early Investigations (O 40-43). Stony (O 43-51). Initial Findings (O 52-56).

O, day 13

Discussing Dreams (O 56-60). Getting Information (O 60-71). Fyres died "a few weeks ago" (O 62), to be accurate, three weeks. Gossip (O 72-73). The Empress is missing (presumed to be with her Eastern lover) for the fourth time in three years (previous times for 3 days, 9 days, and 6 days; O 72). Cops (O 74-86). Endra & Reega (O 87-95). Good Cop/Bad Cop (O 95-104). What's wrong with this picture? (107-111).

O, day 14

Breakfast (O 111-116). Loftis (O 117-126). Taltos happened "three or four years ago" (O 122); well, actually seven, by my reckoning. Unless there's been another Jenoine incident since then. But these are Dragaerans, and seven years is still "quite recently" to them. Talking about knives (O 127-130). Talking about banks (O 131-137). Robbing Banks (O 137-140).

O, day 15

Puzzles (O 141-146). Vonnith (O 147-154). Positions of Strength? (O 155-159). [Kiera makes reference to "the next two days" (O 159) and "the first couple of days" (O 172) that, in context, make it sound like there were more than two days between leaving Vlad and returning to him. But Vlad's movements for that period are very closely reported, and take just about exactly two days. But there's wiggle room for a possible delay of a day before finally deciding to talk to Loftis (O 177), and/or a delay of a day tracking down a useful minstrel (O 195).] Economic Damage (O 175-182). Eating Habits (O 183-191). No good answers (O 192-204).

O, day 16

Shortisle's Office (O 159-168). Shorty's Advice (O 168-171). Vonnith Again (O 205-219).

O, day 17

Back to Vlad (O 171-174). [Kiera says that after leaving Stony, she "hastened back", but she must be either lying or mistaken. After she saw Stony, there had to be time for Stony to be killed by Vlad, and for Savn to work on Loiosh "far into the night" (O 219). Thanks to [email protected] for pointing out this discrepancy. David Silberstein ([email protected]) speculates that the "Kiera" chapters of Orca are being "told to" a diary that Sethra keeps, and that the unaccounted-for time here was taken up by something that Sethra kept out of that diary (possibly having to do with the larger ramifications of the financial crisis).] "Breaking the Stick" (O 222-230). Economics Lesson (O 231-238). Connections (O 239-244). Kiera talks to Savn (O 245-249). Timmer (O 250-271). Unexpected Friends (O 274-288).

a few weeks later?

Prologue, Interludes, and Epilogue of Orca


248 PI

Is, day 1

Issola starts "a year or so" after Orca (Is 17). Dates are given in terms of the time that passes on Dragaera, not the subjective time that Vlad experiences. By this time, Vlad has performed 63 assassinations (Is 68). An Unexpected Visit (Is 11-26). Briefing (Is 27-46). Window (Is 47-56). Contract (Is 57-70). Verra (Is 71-86). Sethra and Verra have been anticipating a Jenoine attack "for some time" (Is 79). It's unclear exactly why they are anticipating thus, but it seems likely that there suspicions are rooted somewhere in the events surrounding the Jenoine attack on Dzur Mountain about eight years ago. Prisoner Exchange (Is 81-100). Escape (Is 101-115). River (Is 116-132).

Is, day 3

"a couple of days" have passed (Is 139). Back to the Cell (Is 133-140).

Is, day 4

Visions (Is 141-160). Loiosh has mind-scanned Vlad for possible interference "maybe half a dozen times" by now (Is 147). Summoning (Is 161-167), Courtesy (Is 168-171). Attack (Is 172-184).

Is, day 10

They have been gone "a week and a day" (Is 184). Recovery (Is 184-198). Analysis (Is 198-211). There is one other Lavode left besides Sethra, "but he isn't ready yet" (Is 198)??? Preparation (Is 212-224). Fighting for Life (Is 225-246). Aftermath (Is 247-255). Sometime after the events of Issola, Lady Teldra is expected to "wake up" (Is 253).

"A Dream of Passion"
??? PI

[References are to paragraphs.] This short story is set further ahead in Vlad's life than any other yet published. Exact date, naturally, unknown. This story is probably not "canonically" true; given the forms that Spellbreaker and Godslayer appear in in it, there would have had to have been some very strange events in between Issola and this story. Such events are conceivable, but I doubt Brust would go in that direction. Vlad is no longer running Morollan's security (p2). Obviously, he stopped that job at the end of Phoenix, but we see that he hasn't (formally, at least) resumed it. Vlad is slowing down (p2). Could be just age, or it could be that he's finally managed to figure out how to get the Jhereg off his back so he's been able to relax for a while. Kragar is "long dead" (p10). Vlad says that he "misnamed Spellbreaker" (p8). He raises it to "to give it a good look at the window" (p10), and then apparently uses it to travel in a manner that is not teleportation (p10-11,57). [He presumbly learned this method of transport starting in Is 43-44).] He goes somewhere with a purple overcast (p12). Possibly related in some manner to the purple stones that let one harness Chaos energy? It is apparently a "created world" (p26-27,56). Verra considers Morollan's window an Imperial Secret (p24). One wonders at the context in which this little tidbit became known to Vlad... The unnamed goddess has found (remade?) Godslayer (p 33-35). She indicates that she found it, but it is on a world that she claims to have created, so how did it get there? Vlad has apparently gotten back together with Cawti somehow (p49). It has been "more years than I cared to remember" since Vlad cried (p51).

~269 PI

Toward Beginning a Survey of Some Events Contributing To the Fall of Empire rejected (at least temporarily) by "the Institute" (PG xiii). Paarfi begins to "hone" his notes for The Phoenix Guards. He corresponds occasionally with Sethra Lavode (PD 23). [Damien Sullivan ([email protected]) contributed a wonderful speculation as to the possible contents of that correspondence:
"Will you do me the honor of answering some small questions about certain events concerning the Interregnum?"

~288 PI

Paarfi begins work on The Phoenix Guards (PG xiii).

309 PI

Paarfi writes his introduction and About the Author "309 (2/1/2/3)" (PG xv, 331). [This date is extremely problematic, as a well-formed date should have at least 6 digits just to specify the Year, or 8 digits to cover Month and Day. The date may follow the sequence I posit for The Paths of the Dead's preface (see below), leaving out Cycle and Phase. Or it could be leaving out the Turn and Reign (as the long form on the title page does. Either one would yield the correct date of 309 PI.] Paarfi submits The Phoenix Guards to the Imperial Library (PG ix). [The long form of the date incorrectly leaves out "of the Turn of the Dragon" in between the Year and the Phase, and "of the Reign of the Phoenix" in between the Phase and the Cycle.]

~-21 NR

Luchia of North Greenleaf becomes Publisher of Glorious Mountain Press ("two hundred years" PD 17).

0 NR

Norathar II assumes the Orb (FH 9, 315-316). [This obviously happens sometime after 309 PI, but we've had no clear indication yet how much after, hence the designation "NR" for "Norathar's Reign", which I will happily excise as soon as Brust establishes the data. Incidentally, Vlad would be 88 years old in 309 PI, so he (and Cawti) might not have lived to see Norathar's coronation. Of course, with sorcery, who knows?] "....And a Bandit's Never Parted from His Sword" becomes popular (LCB 396, dating highly tentative).

5 NR

Edicts on Half-Breeds signed (FH 68-69).

11 NR

Five Hundred Years After submitted to the Imperial Library (FH 9). [The long date given leaves out Cycle, Reign, Phase, and Turn.]

46 NR

Preface to Five Hundred Years After written "2:1/2:1/2/12" (FH 17). [The first four digits parse as "Great Cycle of the Dragon, Cycle of the Phoenix, Reign of the Dragon, Phase of the Phoenix". The last two would logically be "Turn of the Lyorn, Year of the Chreotha", but that places this preface as being written 35 years after the book was published! But perhaps "submitted to the Imperial Library" is something distinct from (and prior to) actual publication. Some alternative explanations (though I think them less likely): The 2/12 may indicate Month and Day. It might have been intended to be 11 NR, but there were two typos in the date (which should have read "2:1/2:1/0/11").]

~35 NR??

Paarfi becomes a celebrity "almost overnight" (PD 17). There are scandals over Five Hundred Years After (PD 19).

~169 NR

The Paths of the Dead first due to be published (PD 18). Lawsuits are threatened (PD 20).

179 NR

The Viscount of Adrilankha submitted to the Imperial Library on the third day of the month of Athyra (PD 11). Zerran and Bolis suffer a warehouse flood (PD 18).

181 NR

Preface of The Viscount of Adrilankha written "2/2/10/11 (Norath. II: 181)" (PD 24). [This date (like so many) is problematic. If it's the least signifigant digits (as the introduction date to The Phoenix Guards was), then it must represent either 19 NR or 308 NR, neither of which seem reasonable. If it is the most signifigant digits, then it's in the Cycle of the Dragon, which is even less reasonable. But! If we look at the curious form of the Preface to Five Hundred Years After ("2:1/2:1/2/12"), there is some support for the theory that the numbers after the colons (Cycle and Phase) might be left out. If so, then this date parses to "Great Cycle of the Dragon, (Cycle of the Phoenix), Reign of the Dragon, (Phase of the Phoenix,) Turn of the Iorich, Year of the Iorich". This yields the correct date of 181. Note that this is another instance of a Preface being written after the book is submitted to the Imperial Library, lending credence to the notes on Five Hundred Years After, above.]

200 NR???

The second volume of The Viscount of Adrilankha printed, as is A Mighty Thundering... (LCB 393).


Preface to The Lord of Castle Black written. No date given, but almost certainly some time after the Dragaeran publication of Viscount. Afterword to The Lord of Castle Black written. Ditto.

~5,000-83,000 PI

The next Phoenix Reign. With average reign lengths, it would be expected to be about 13,000 years. Certainly not "a few hundred thousand years" as Morollan claims (Tl 146); guess he isn't good at math either. It is, however, pretty certain to be after all the main characters (except Sethra, of course) are long dead. Ordwynac will ask Nyssa a question (PD 197).

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