Here There Be Dragonnes
Mary Brown

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this
book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely
Copyright © 2003 by Mary Brown
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions
thereof in any form.
A Baen Books Original Omnibus
Baen Publishing Enterprises
P.O. Box 1403
Riverdale, NY 10471
ISBN: 0-7434-3596-6
Cover art by Carol Heyer
First omnibus printing, March 2003
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Brown, Mary, 1929–
Here there be dragonnes / by Mary Brown.
p. cm.
Previously published as three separate novels: The unlikely ones, Pigs don't
fly, Master of many treasures.
ISBN 0-7434-3596-6 (pbk.)
1. Young women—Fiction. 2. England—Fiction. 3. Rings—Fiction. I. Title.
PR6052.R6143 H47 2003
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Produced by Windhaven Press, Auburn, NH
Printed in the United States of America
Here There Be Happy Readers
"What a splendid, unusual and intriguing fantasy quest! You've got a
winner here." —Anne McCaffrey
"I think The Unlikely Ones is going to be a new classic for
generations of young people to fall in love with. I already have."
—Marion Zimmer Bradley
"Beautiful . . . compelling; I got caught reading [Pigs Don't Fly]
late at night, and lost sleep, because it did what fiction seldom does: held my
attention beyond sleep." —Piers Anthony
"Summer is a fully realized character . . . and there are generous
dollops of humor to balance the tenser moments." —Starlog
"Delightful!" —Kliatt
"A captivating fantasy, with a lovable cast of characters." —VOYA
* * *
Best known for her
popular quest fantasies, Mary Brown also wrote the historical romances Playing
the Jack and The Heart has Its Reasons, the post-apocalyptic fantasy
novel Strange Deliverance, and a fourth Unicorn Ring novel, Dragonne's
Eg. Several of her fantasy novels were selected by the American Library
Association for their Best Books for Young Adults list, by the New York Public
Library for their annual list of Books for the Teen Age, and by the Young Adult
Library Services Association for their Best Books for Young Adults list. Before
becoming a full-time writer, she had been an artist's model, actress, caterer,
and store clerk. She wrote her novels in a home located high in the scenic
mountains of Spain, which she shared with her husband, cats, tortoises, and
assorted fish and pigeons. Her death in 1999 was a loss to the many readers of
her quirky and fascinating brand of fantasy.
Strange Deliverance
Here There Be Dragonnes (omnibus)
The Unlikely Ones
Pigs Don't Fly
Master of Many Treasures
Dragonne's Eg
The Unlikely Ones
To the then of "C" and "Ly," my father and my mother and the
now of Christopher, their great-grandson.
My thanks as usual to:
My husband, Peter;
My editor, Paul Sidey;
My typist, Anne Pitt.
Especial thanks to the author
A. C. H. (Anthony) Smith,
Without whose encouragement this book
would not have been written, and
Finally, last but not least,
Love and thanks to "Wellington,"
Once again my companion and also this time
Invaluable referee on the peculiarities of
animal behaviour . . .
The Beginning
The Thief in the Night
The cave itself was cosy
enough as caves go: sandy floor, reasonably draught-proof, convenient ledges
for storing treasure, a rain/dew pond just outside, a southerly aspect and an
excellent landing strip adjacent, but the occupant was definitely not at his
best and the central heating in his belly not functioning as it should. Granted
he must have been all of two hundred and fifty years old but that was merely a
youngling in dragon-years, measuring as he did a man-and-a-half (Western
Hominid Standard) excluding tail, and at his age he should have been flowing
with fiery, red health.
He was not. He was blue,
and that was not good. Dragons may be red, scarlet, crimson, vermilion,
rose-madder at a pinch, purple, gold, silver, orange, yellow, even certain
shades of green—but not blue.
He lay in a muddled heap
on the cave floor, not even bothering to arrange his tail into one of the
regulation turns, hitches or knots, listlessly turning over and over the pile
of pebbles that heaped the space before him. The dull, bluish-purple glow that
emanated from his scales illuminated only dimly the confines of the cave but
made mock-amethysts and sham-sapphires of the grey and white stones he sorted:
a semiprecious illusion. Nothing could transform them into a ruby from a sacred
temple of Ind, an emerald from the rainforests of Amazonia; a diamond
from the Great Desert, a sapphire from the Southern Seas or a great, glowing
pearl from the oyster-mouth of the grey Northern River. And that was the
trouble: they were pebbles, nothing more, the insulting substitute left by The
Thief . . .
For the three thousand
two hundred and fifty-fifth time or so he went over in his mind that dreadful
day, some seven years ago, when he had sallied forth all unsuspecting for the
Year's-Turn Feast. Over the few years previously spent
gold-and-silver-gathering in this retrospectively accursed, damp, boggy,
sunless island, he had made the cave his principal headquarters and had
twice-yearly, shortest day and longest, received his tribute of roast mutton,
pork or beef from the village below (after he had explained that raw maidens
were not in his line). He had good-humouredly tolerated the current yokel
dragon-slayer brandishing home-made spear, sword or some-such who insisted on
defending a symbolic maiden staked out in front of his feast; he even retreated
the regulation ten paces in mock-submission before insisting on his roast. He
had flown forth that day secure in the knowledge that he need only wait for the
better weather of the equinox to return Home with the assorted extras of gold
helm, breastplate, mail, dishes, brooches, bowl, buckles and coin (there was
too much silver to carry) and the glory of the necessary jewels, and was urged
on with a healthy hunger for his last tribute. The side of beef had, he remembered,
been slightly underdone, and he had had to barbecue it a little himself to
bring out that nice charred flavour that added scrunch to bones and singe to
fat. He remembered, too, that he had obligingly restarted the damp, smoky fire
on which his rather unflattering effigy was regularly cremated, and had even
joined in the dancing and jollification that always succeeded his surrogate
demise, and so it had been well after midnight when he had returned to the
cave, replete, sticky and tired, to find—
The end of his world,
and a heap of pebbles.
* * *
His quest had been
specific: one each of ruby, emerald, diamond, sapphire and lastly, the pearl.
And any incidentals by way of gold or silver, of course. The ruby had been an
easy snatch-and-grab, but the emerald had required travel at the worst time of
year over seas grey and wrinkled as an elephant's hide; the diamond had proved
troublesome and the sapphire fiendishly difficult, but one expected a gradation
of difficulty in all quests, and he had been well within the hundred-year limit
when the fresh-water oyster had yielded the final treasure, his personal
dragon-pearl beyond price, the largest and most perfect he had ever seen,
mistletoe-moon-coloured and perfectly cylindrical.
And now? And now he
remembered as vividly as ever his return to the furtive sweat-smell of excited
theft in the night, an unidentified shadow that left only a silhouette of the
sorcery that had accompanied it. He had roared out into the dark, his whole
body twisting into an agonized coruscation of shining scales whose thunderous
passage through the gaps between the mountain and the hills had left a rain of
split rocks and splintering shale cascading in a black torrent to the valleys
beneath. But there had been no sight, no sound of the thing he sought, only the
taint of a thing that crawled, that flew, that walked, that ran; a shape
intangible, a sniggering darkness that fled faster than he could pursue and
left no trail to follow. And this—this Thief-without-a-name—had stolen his
jewels, his quest, his very life, for he could not return Home without those
precious things. The gold was still there, true, but it was merely incidental:
every dragon collected gold as a child might gather shells from the shore, but
the jewels were special. They were the confirmation of his maturity, the price
of his transition from Novice to Master-Dragon, and without these proofs of his
quest, the badges of his success, he was condemned to die. Oh, not a sudden
execution, that perhaps he would have welcomed: rather an exile's slow
withering, an embering and ashing of the once-bright fires, a shrivelling of
scales from calcined bones, a fossil's hardening in the remorseless silt of the
years. And if he attempted to return without his treasure there would be the
turned shoulder, the stifled snigger, the, in itself, mortal loss of face that
would be death in life. And he could not bear that: better to die a suicide of
wasting, cold and hunger on this wretched Black Mountain far from home; better
to suffer the slow pangs of winter and starvation than to return disgraced.
For a moment his tired
brain flickered with pictures of his bright egg-brothers and sisters, a
remembrance of sky-soaring flight, of play among the circumscribed cloudlets of
his youth; once again he saw the heaven-turn of pagoda roof, heard the
dissonant tonk of temple bells, felt the yellow sun of the yellow people gild
his scales, tasted fire in his mouth, smelt sandalwood and cedar, and all at
once he let out such a howl that for the first time in many, many moons the
peasants in the village some two miles below heard him quite clearly; a cry of
such piercing despair that it slunk under their ill-fitting doors like the
keening of hound condemned to out-kennel in the worst of wolf-pelt winters. And
those hearing crossed themselves, touched lucky charms, threw placatory
offerings on the smoky fires, whichever pleased whatever God, gods or Fate to
which their superstition turned. Then they cursed the dragon, near-forgotten in
the years of silence, and at the same time were glad he still lived, for he was
their very own living legend. They wished him gone and they wished him come,
wished him dead and wished him living, all at one and the same time, like all
disconcerting, uncomfortable, prestige-making myths-come-alive that they could
neither control nor explain.
But this time the echoes
of the dragon's despair went farther than the confines of the little village beneath
the Black Mountain. Something of it travelled, thinner and more attenuated the
farther it went, and eventually reached an ear just waking from sleep, an ear
that had been seeking a diversion such as this. The owner of the ear thought
about it for a moment, weighed the pros and cons, and then bestirred himself to
look for a miracle.
And found it, in the
unlikeliest septet imaginable . . .
The Gathering: One
The Unicorn and the Prince
He was bathing in a
rainbow, the rainbow made by the long fall of waters, and the colours shone in
bands of coloured light across the white screen of his hide. Long mane and tail
rippled like silver seaweed in the clear waters and the golden, spiralled horn
flashed and sparkled in the light. Tender pink of belly and gums assumed a rosy
glow, the long white lashes were spiky with water and the cloven hooves stamped
the spray with sheer enjoyment until it splintered into mist. He was a splendid
creature, at the height of his powers, all white, pink and gold except for the
dark, deep, beautiful eyes which held a colour all their own that none had been
able to name, but that reminded some of the sky at night, others of dark,
new-turned earth, a few of the tender greening spring slips of fir and pine.
The falls dropped hissing
to foam about his hooves, the sun flickered and shone on the tumbling waters, a
crowd of gnats danced in crazy circles above the ripples, a dragonfly,
iridescent green and purple, darted away to the tall reeds on the left; a
silver fish clooped a lazy arc downstream, not really caring that the mayfly
were out of reach; kingfisher flashed blue to his nest in the bank and an otter
drifted by on its back, paws tucked up on its chest, creamy belly-fur warmed by
the sun, ruddered tail lazily steering. All was right with the world, all was
beautiful, all was high summer and yet, suddenly, like the shadow of a bird
across the sun, black and fleeting, an alien fear touched the unicorn and he
knew that something unknown threatened his world.
Flinging up his head, the
droplets scattering like diamonds from his thick, floss-silk mane, he snuffed
the air through flaring nostrils, the long, pointed ears with their furred
inners laid back against the small delicate head. There was no strange sound or
scent, yet still a feeling lingered in the air. As he stepped from the stream,
the waters flowed away from rounded shoulders and back to trickle into the
plumed fetlocks above the bifurcated hooves. A green-white shadow, he slipped
into the forest, bending in and out of the drowse-leafed trees, his hooves
leaving no trace on the soft turf. Then, leaving the deciduous fringes for the
quiet corridors of conifer, he heard it. A thin sound, a catch of music as
plainly faery as himself, that stole like mist through the silent, bare trunks
of the trees. Hurrying now, desperate at what he would find, he brushed
heedlessly through the forest until he came to the clearing where he had left
his prince, and the sudden sunlight shone upon a scene so unexpected, so
bizarre, that he checked back violently on his haunches, hooves skidding on the
In the middle of the
open space between the dark avenues of trees a young man, no more than nineteen
or twenty, was dancing. At first sight this was a beautiful thing to see: he
moved so lightly, so gracefully, his whole being responding instinctively to
the music—
The music? This appeared
to come from a harp, played pleasantly by a pretty young girl seated on a
hummock on the opposite side of the glade, but the unicorn had the eyes of
faery and what he saw struck sudden fear to his heart. He saw the young maiden,
assuredly, but she was merely an ephemeral outline, a deceiving frame for the
evil thing that crouched within. A naked witch mouthed there, her wrinkled,
sagging body twisting and turning within the illusionary young body that
covered it like a second skin, her face alight with malice as she watched her
prey dance himself to death. Already, even as the unicorn watched helplessly,
the beautiful face of the prince aged some five years, and the lithe, lissom
figure hesitated as it attempted a twisting leap into the air. But the music
quickened, drove him on and on, and the movements of his dancing body grew more
and more frenzied as his proud countenance tautened and paled.
The unicorn started
forward, neighing his distress, and for a moment the music faltered and the
young prince stumbled and slowed, but then the tune grew louder and more
insistent and he danced on, his face now turned imploringly to the great white
animal, his arms extended in entreaty while his body and legs turned and
twisted to the infernal music. The unicorn reached his side by tremendous
effort of will, it seemed, his body for the moment a shield from the witch, and
the prince stopped dancing and laid his trembling hands on the curling mane,
whimpering, "Help me, help me!" The great horned animal turned his
head to gaze deeply into the distressed blue eyes so near his own, at the sweat
pouring down the beautiful, ageing face, at the sweet mouth imploring his aid,
felt the slim hand shaking as it clutched at his mane and the young/old heart
racing close to his, and bent his head to nuzzle the damp tangled-gold curls.
"Trust me," he
breathed. "I love you more than life, you know that . . ."
He turned to face the
witch. And the birds of the forest fell silent, the small creatures were still,
the wind held its breath and no cloud crossed the sun.
* * *
That very sun was
declining behind the trees when at last the unicorn had to admit that he was
beaten. The witch and her music now lay in an enchanted bubble that no hoof
could break, no charging shoulder shift, no tooth pierce; he had blocked the
tune effectively enough for a while by throwing a magic sound barrier round his
beloved but the music had shifted, crept, sidled, turned about his shield and
the prince was now lying exhausted on the grass of the shadow-lengthening glade
and the unicorn dared not look into his face for fear lest all youth, all
beauty had fled. Runnels of foam dripped from the animal's muzzle, flecking his
neck and forelegs and the great head was lowered, the dark eyes full of pain.
After a while the spiral horn on his forehead touched the ground in his
exhaustion, sending a sharp pain through his body and jerking him fully upright
once more. At once he knew what he must do. The magic horn, that which confers
enchantment upon all unicorns, was irreplaceable; if it became damaged or
broken he was no longer immortal. But he knew there was no choice—for the love
he bore was greater than his fear of death and he lowered his head once more,
giving himself no time to weigh the chances, and in that last moment before his
magic horn pierced the bubble that encapsulated the witch and her killing music
he at last saw fear in her eyes.
The bubble burst with
the noise of a great crystal palace shattering around his ears, and the ringing
and clattering echoed the great pain that suffused his head, his whole body. He
knelt on the grass, his flanks heaving, a stink of singed flesh and horn in his
nostrils, and knew without mirrored confirmation that his proud golden horn was
no more. He was nothing now, a white horse with cloven hooves and no magic, but
at least his beloved was safe and young again and beautiful, and would weep
tears to heal the broken place where the horn had been, and together they would
flee this horror, and find a kind of peace—
Not so. As he turned, he
saw with dismay that the witch had escaped the destruction of her bubble and
stood, tall, dark-cloaked and menacing over the senseless body of his prince.
Even as the unicorn started forward to challenge her, the pain in his mutilated
head receding to a dull, bearable ache, he heard her begin to chant a spell of
such malevolence that he started back again, his great eyes wide with distress,
realizing too late that without the magic horn he was impotent. The darkening
forest seemed to close in against the reddening sky as between him and the
witch there appeared a deep pool: not of water, but hard as diamonds and as
clear, with the illusion of plants waving in invisible currents in its depths.
And there, at the very heart of it, resting on a bed of pebbles, grey, blue and
white, lay the prince, eyes closed, legs and arms flung carelessly as though he
slept on some feather bed.
Vainly the unicorn
stamped and pawed at the unyielding surface of the magic pond, neighing his
distress. He turned once more to the witch and she answered his unspoken
"Why? He refused
me, that's why, even though I made myself young and beautiful as he: I was not
to know he was a freak, a creature-lover, was I?" and she spat. "But
no, he is not dead, he lies in spelled sleep. And the only thing that can save
him—" and she laughed shrilly, confident in her revenge "—is a whole
unicorn, who will sacrifice himself and his horn to pierce that sleep! And
you—" she pointed derisively, "—you are hornless!"
And her shrieks of
laughter pursued him like demons as he fled despairing into the forest.
The Gathering: Two
The Knight and a Lady
She was the fairest lady
he had ever seen: eyes like sapphires, lips ruby-red, diamond-fair hair flowing
down her emerald-green dress, skin translucent as pearl. Although the fire on
which he had toasted the rye-bread of his supper had burned low this jewel-creature
seemed to carry her own light and her voice was soft and caressing as she
crossed the clearing towards him, her robes making the faintest susurration in
the long, dry grass.
"All alone, fair
He rubbed his eyes,
convinced he must be dreaming. Sure his eyes had been closed but a moment—too
short a time for sleep—but what else in the world could this apparition be but
a dream? This one must come from a towered castle somewhere in Germanica; she
should live in pillared hall on the slopes of the Middle Sea; she would not
have been out of place in a screened harem in the Great Desert; she could have
come from anywhere beautiful, faraway, exotic: all he knew was that she did not
belong here, on the scrubby edges of this shabby forest hundreds of miles from
the nearest towers, halls or harems.
He pinched himself,
half-hesitating even as he did so, for if this were indeed a dream, he would be
fool to wake just as everything seemed to be going so nicely. The pinch hurt
and she was still there so she must be real, and indeed now she was standing a
mere foot or so away and her heady perfume flowed out round him like a bog
mist, a miasma, near-palpable in its form. All at once he became conscious of
the sleep in the corners of his eyes, his two-day stubble, untrimmed moustache
and crumpled clothes. All else, sword, armour, purpose were instantly
forgotten: she was all that mattered.
"I—I—" he
stammered, for coherence was gone also.
"I—I—" she
mocked, and laid her cool hand on his wrist, where it burnt like fire.
"L—Lady," he
stuttered then recalled, by a tremendous effort of will it seemed, the
courtesies and protocol demanded. Knights were always respectful and courtly;
ladies, in return, gracious and yielding. The men were allowed a little
flattery and boldness of the eye, plus a little twirl or two of the moustache
and from the women one expected a fluttering and dimpling, a casting-down of
eyes and an implied admiration. But of course at first one had to go through
the preliminary ritual of polite verbal exchanges—How the hell did it go? Ah,
yes . . .
"Lady, I am at your
service, and with my sword will gladly defend you from all perils and dangers
of this night." (When he had been a mere squire there had been the usual
ribaldry with his fellows as to the true connotation of the "sword"
and whether it was "night" or "knight.") "And if you
will inform me of your desire, I—"
"Tu," she
interrupted. "Tu es mon seul desir . . ."
Somehow her use of the
Frankish tongue made this all much more difficult. Although he could not fault
her courtly language, yet the words were in the wrong context: they were the
words one would use to one's affianced or groom, and this one looked neither
virginal nor a bride . . .
He found himself
trembling, hot desire running like siege-fire into the pit of his loins. He
gritted his teeth: this must be A Temptation, sent to test him; he had heard
They sometimes took fleshly form, the better to ensnare and seduce. Sadly,
Goodness usually came wrapped plain in everyday clothes and required effort of
a different kind: a dragon slain (only nowadays there were none left), the
routing of wolf or bear or somesuch. Anyway, This in front of him now, clad in
shameless importunity and little else, was not Good, so therefore must be Bad,
coming as It did in the middle of the night, that lonely vulnerable time when a
man's strength is at an ebb and his resolve at its weakest. Still, if It were A
Temptation, all one had to do was to summon up the required Formula, step
smartly away, and deliver the words with clarity and feeling, and after a
moment the temptation would disappear. Simple.
Pulling free of her hold
he crossed himself.
"Begone, Foul
Fiend!" he said, in capitals, and crossed himself once more, to be on the
safe side. "For I Know You For What You Are . . ."
Initially he could not
have wished for a more gratifying result. She hissed and drew back, her silken
locks seeming to writhe like a nest of blond snakes, but before he could even
draw breath for a sigh of relief that he had been right, everything was as it
had been a moment since, only worse, for he found himself gazing, with a lust
he found increasingly difficult to control, at a long, perfectly formed leg,
bare to the thigh, and pointed, rosy-tipped breasts that spilled out like
forbidden fruit, from a suddenly diabolically disarranged dress. These delights
invited a more intimate examination than the eye alone could give, caressing
hand or tongue or both, and he had to concentrate very hard on knightly vows,
candled altars (priapic, phallic candles; bare naked, unclothed crosses—No!
dear Lord, no . . . ), hard, penancing stone floors, the weight of mail, the
chill of steel at dawn (better . . . ), chanting monks with tonsured heads,
cold water and thin gruel, hair-shirts and such, before his rising excitement
cooled sufficiently for him to be able to stand comfortably again. It did not
help that instantly he wished to relieve himself.
Resolutely he drew his
"Thou art an Evil
Thing, a witch, and ere you suborn me further I shall set good Christian steel
to your flesh . . ." It was all excellent stuff, learnt from The
Knight's Manual, but unfortunately it seemed to have little effect on its
intended victim. The manual had not provided for laughter, for disdain, for a
flying-off of all clothes, for a moving forward until bare flesh was pressed
skin-tight against his suddenly disarranged wear. Neither had it dealt with
seeking hands that drew out a rebellious prick and caressed it unbearably
If that had been all,
then he would have been lost indeed, but even Evil makes mistakes.
"Swyve me,
soldier-boy," she said.
Instantly his prick
shrivelled like a salt-sprinkled slug and he felt as naked and cold as a fowl
plucked living in a snowstorm. It was the words that did it. During his military
service it had been an almost universal and convenient phrase that was accepted
in all the stews and bordellos; it was used by the sluts on the quaysides, the
wenches in the hedge, the girls (and boys) of the back streets all over the
world, the preliminary to quick bargaining, the passing of coin, and even
quicker release. It was a phrase become meaningless with time that nevertheless
came trippingly off the tongue, alliteratively used as it usually was with
other words than "soldier": sailor, sweetheart, sire, sugar, saucy,
sheikh, sahib, sergeant, signor, senorita . . . But a lady would never say it,
never, not even in extremis.
The court ladies he had
known, in reality quite as randy as their stew-sisters, if not more so, were
all brought up to use polite euphemisms. "Put the Devil in Hell" was
a popular one, as was "Sheath the sword," and the less flattering
"Pop the coney down its burrow." All these were perfectly acceptable,
and the very words gave the actions a superficial respectability, so that
the lady could ask whether the Devil found it warm enough yet, or the gentleman
assure his partner that the scabbard was a perfect fit without blush staining
either's cheek.
So, for the second time
that night his proud prick took a tumble, for the words had dampened his ardour
irretrievably. It was just like being asked to drink nectar from a piss-pot.
She sensed his
withdrawal, and for an instant she seemed to him to flare and grow taller, then
her face crumpled, her bosom sagged and she spat in his face from blackened,
broken teeth.
"You will pay for
this, my fine gentleman, you will pay!"
Considerably frightened,
but more scared to show the fear, he recalled the torn edges of his dignity and
neatly sewed them straight with the classic line: "Do your worst, foul
hag: I am ready for you!" And perhaps he thought he was.
Stepping back, the once
beautiful hair now a greasy grey thatch, she raised her left hand and pointed
the index finger at him, the nail curved and blackened. She started to curse
him, roundly and fluently. Shrinking back in spite of himself he forgot to
cross himself: afterwards he wondered if it would have made any difference; on
balance he thought not.
"I hereby curse
you, and call the trees that stand and the stones that lie, the sun that rises
and the moon that sets, the wind that blows and the rain that falls, the sky
above and the earth below, and all creatures that walk, run, crawl, fly and
swim betwixt and between to bear witness to the same . . ."
As if in answer there
was a sympathetic growl of thunder: it had been a hot, sultry day.
"I curse you
waking, I curse you sleeping; I curse you standing, sitting, lying; I curse you
by day, I curse you by night; I curse you spring, summer, autumn and winter;
hot or cold, wet or dry . . ."
So far, so good: it was
the Standard Formula, nothing specific, and easy enough to be lifted by a bit
extra to the priest and a few penances to the poor. The knight wondered if,
after all, he was going to get away with it.
"And my special and
irrevocable curse is this: may your armour remain rusty, your weapons blunted,
your desires unfulfilled and your questions unanswered until you ask for the
hand in marriage of the ugliest creature in the land!"
He started back,
appalled, but before he could interrupt she went on: "May she not only be
ugly, but poor, twisted and deformed as well! And may you be tied to her for
life!" And she laughed, shrilly, exultantly. In a blind rage he snatched
up his sword again from where it had fallen during the cursing and sprinted
forward ready to run her through in his anger, female or no, but came bump! up
against some invisible wall that snapped off his sword some three inches from
the hilt and bloodied his nose. He went hurtling back as if he had been thrown
in a wrestle, to lie on his back on the ground, his head ringing and the broken
sword blade embedded in the turf an inch from his left ear.
When he finally rose to
his feet, pale and winded, she had gone, leaving a foul, decaying stench that
made him gag and pinch his nostrils. Gone, too, was his horse, probably miles
away by now, to be appropriated by some grateful peasant in the morning, who
would have great difficulty in persuading a fully trained warhorse to submit to
the plough. He peered at his heaped armour; already small spots of rust, like
dried blood, were speckling and spreading on the bright metal.
There was only one thing
to do.
Falling to his knees he
prayed: long, angrily and in vain.
The Gathering: Three-
Four- Five- Six- Seven
The Slaves of the Pebbles
One moment our little
world was predictable, safe, ordinary: the next we were nearly immolated in a
welter of flame.
Predictable, safe,
ordinary: I suppose those words could be misleading. Perhaps I should explain
that "predictable" meant that we knew tomorrow would be as miserable
as today; "safe" meant housed and tolerably fed without outside
interference, and that "ordinary" meant just that. It meant an
existence we had always known, as far back as faulty memory would take us; it
meant a crouching, fearful, nothing-being, prisoned, chained and subject to the
whims of our mistress. She should have a capital letter: Mistress. There. For
that is what we called her, the only name we knew, slaves as we were, and woe
betide any who even thought of her with a small "m" for she would
know, or pretend she did, and punish us, and we were so accustomed to her
domination that we believed she could read all our thoughts, sleeping and
We? Us? There were five
of her creatures in that small hut on the edge of the forest. Slaves, I should
say. I was the only one ever let out of the hut, and that for necessaries
alone—a sack of flour, tallow for dips, herbs from the hedgerow—and then I was
spat upon, ridiculed, even pelted with stones upon occasion by the
superstitious villagers who called me her "Thing," her Familiar. Even
those intermittent forays were no freedom, for the stomach cramps hit me even
worse when I was from her side, only easing when I returned, so it was no
wonder that people only saw me as a humped, ugly, deformed thing. I could not
even speak properly, for the only tongue I heard was an occasional command,
spells and the words of my friends, the others who shared my thrall.
There was Corby, the
great black crow, Puddy, the warty toad, Pisky the little golden fish and
kitten-cat Moglet, and though we conversed quite freely amongst ourselves when
the Mistress was out, it was a language of squawks, hisses, spits, bubbles, and
more thought-communication than human speech. I told you I was held near my
Mistress by stomach-cramps, and the others, in addition to cages, strings and
bars were held in the same fashion, by a pain that increased by degrees of hurt
the farther we were from our jailer. The origins of all these hurts were
concrete enough; small pebbles or stones that clung to our bodies as though
they were part of us. For me it was a sullen red stone that stuck to my navel
like a crab; for Corby it was a blue chip that stopped the stretch of his right
wing; for Puddy a green rock on his forehead that gave him headaches; for
Moglet a crippling glass piece that was embedded in the soft part of her left
front pad and for poor Pisky a great moon-coloured pebble that quite filled his
starving, round mouth. Why not pull them out? We had tried and all we had got
was an intensification of the pain, till it grew too excruciating to bear and
we had to stop.
Perhaps the worst part
was that we could not remember them being put there, nor coming to this place
nor, even, who we were. Yet there were tantalizing remembrances for us all of
another life of freedom without pain, in another place, another time: yet so
fleeting was this recall to all of us, swift as the space between puff and
candle-out, that it was only when the flame dipped and wavered and bent a
little before expiring that one remembered a swoop of wings, a cool stone
grotto, the rasp of another tongue on one's fur, a gnat at twilight and—another
name, clash of swords, warm arms, crying . . . We all had these moments, yet
even as we snatched at memory, like a snowflake on the tongue it dissolved and
all form was lost. Some things we could remember, though: apparently Corby remembered
us all coming, except himself; Puddy remembered me, Moglet and Pisky; I
remembered the last two, but Moglet remembered only Pisky, and he not even
himself. The interval between arrivals none could judge, so it could have been
seven hours, days, weeks, months, years between first and last. Neither did we
know why we were held thus, nor would She tell us, and all questions were
answered by laughter, blows or the scorn of silence. Seasons meant little to
us, cabined as we were, for we saw and felt little of sunshine or storm, light
or dark, rain or warmth—the inside of the hut was always cold, a meagre fire
kept burning and the one window shuttered fast, so that day or night, summer or
winter were much the same to us. Sometimes birds whistled down the chimney or a
hedgepig would pause on the doorstep when She was out, but always these
encounters were reported to Her on her return by her Creature-in-the-corner,
the broom that was her real familiar, and we were beaten for encouraging
curiosity. Once, I remember, I asked a martin resting on the thatch whether it
was spring or autumn, and when she heard of this from the sly, crackling spy,
she had it beat me senseless.
Yet this Broom-Creature
was not only violent towards us, for sometimes when the air, even inside, was
sticky and hot, and it was difficult to sleep, She would take the thing into
her arms and whisper to it and push the smooth, knobbed end under her skirt and
it would jerk and throb until she cried out in what seemed pain and would
thrust it from her, its tip swollen into the thickness of a man's fist and all
glistening and wet with what looked like blood . . . But it was not real as she
and we were. It was only a piece of wood bound with dried stems and twigs and
she had to use words to bring it alive, the same sort of words she used to
bring things into the hovel, things that were shadows so thin you could put
your hand through them like smoke and yet which threw writhing coloured
patterns on any surface they touched. These apparitions floated and gestured
and whispered in an obscene language only she could understand and always after
they had gone she became increasingly short-tempered and restless, and sooner
or later would come the time when we would be caged and tied and she would
begin the preparations for a Shape-Change.
In some ways I looked
forward to this, for it meant that I was let out to gather plants and herbs for
her spells: mugwort and valerian; comfrey and stinking hellebore; bryony and
monkshood; oak galls and liverwort; fly agaric and pennyroyal. All the
ingredients She used I did not know, for she had others in bottles and jars and
boxes I was not allowed to see, locked away by magic words in cupboards and a
chest. And of the mixing we saw little for She would go behind a curtained-off
alcove at the other end of the hut when she was ready to begin. Then all we
would know was the stink of dried, crushed and powdered ingredients in the
smoke that rose from the blending of her concoctions, a stench that invaded
every corner, lending foul odours to the dry bread we ate, the cold water we
drank. We could hear a little of the muttered spells and incantations that
accompanied all this and we were allowed to see all the transformation: I think
having an audience for this somehow fed her overweening vanity, even of small
account as we were.
She would come out from
the alcove and stand in the middle of the hut, and gradually her whole
appearance would change. First she would untwist her body and grow taller, then
her greasy grey locks would untangle and grow lighter or darker, straighten or
curl as she desired. Even as we watched she took breasts that rose firm and
round, instead of flapping around her waist like empty goat-skins; her stomach
flattened, her legs and arms grew shapely and hair-free; her skin whitened and
discarded the liverish brown spots, the crooked, dirty nails on fingers and
toes became pink and the dry, split pouch at her groin would rise, mounded with
curling, moist hair. Lastly her face would take on the lineaments of a beautiful
woman: gone the warts, the beard, the moustache and come rosy cheeks, sparkling
eyes, white teeth and full, red lips. Then she would laugh and stretch her arms
wide and her voice would come sweet and rich as she called from the air silks
and fine linen to clothe her nakedness. Then she would beckon Broom, her
creature, and sit astride, call on the roof to open and fly out into the dark.
But She would not forget
us, oh no. The very last thing would be a spell to bind us faster than the
rope, cage, chains and bars that already held us. But once She had gone we
would breathe freer and stretch a little and talk, and that is when we
practised conversing without the usual constraints of her presence, exchanged
hopes and fears, ideas, what little we remembered of the past, and endless
speculation on the immediate present. Talk of the future held small part in all
this, for I found that my friends had very little conception of what it was,
and I was afraid even to think about it.
Perhaps I should qualify
"talk," for it was not the sort ordinary beings would recognize, let
alone understand. When I had first arrived I had talked wildly in human speech
to Corby and Puddy, and they had understood nothing except the terror and
distress, but in their different ways they had tried to soothe and reassure and
gradually I had come to understand a little of what they were trying to
communicate, and had tried to copy. It had become easier when Moglet and Pisky
arrived later. Communication of the simplest kind was usually by noise; more
complicated ideas were expressed by bodily position, movement, odour—in this I
was way behind the understanding, let alone the expressing—but the most
refined, and to me eventually the easiest to understand and adopt, was thought.
A simple dialogue between Moglet and myself would use all these processes:—
Moglet:—A loud,
attention-seeking mew, on a particular pitch that meant "I'm hungry!"
Moglet:—Body position
tight, paws together: "And I've been waiting ages . . ."
Moglet:—A thought, like
a ray of light penetrating my mind, giving me a memory-picture of what
happened, cat's eye level, of course: "Breakfast was the last meal and
that was only gruel and it was a long time ago when that slant of sun was over
in the corner and the fly buzzed up the wall and I caught it but Puddy ate it .
. ."
Me:—"Mmmm . .
Moglet:—Left eye
blinking twice. "You're not even listening straight!"
Me:—"You'll have to
wait . . ."
Moglet:—Eyes glancing
sideways, to the right. "Don't want to wait."
Me:— "Will a small
piece of cheese rind do, for the moment?"
Moglet:—Blink with both
eyes, lids returning to halfway. "Yes."
Me:—"Was that
Moglet:—Tail flat out
behind, tip gently vibrating. "Very nice . . ."
Me:— "What do you
want now, then?"
Moglet:—Tail gently
swished from side to side, right, left, right. "More, please . . ."
Of course it was not all
as easy as this. Abstract ideas like "fear," for instance, were most
difficult to express, for they did not use words for these, rather a
thought-impression of what frightened them most, and it was easy to get an
actual picture of our Mistress approaching the hut mixed up with an impression
of her doing so, which might approximate to, say, Corby's idea of fear. None of
this came naturally to us: it was just that we were thrown together in such
close proximity that we formed a sort of alliance of misery—and in some queer
way I believe our burden of pebbles brought us and our understanding closer
together. And so gradually I forgot my human speech and could barely mutter my
requests in the marketplace: my mother tongue became almost a foreign language.
Instead I would listen
while Corby would tell of the grasping of sliding air under the fingertips of
his wings, or soaring heights and dizzy drops; then there was Puddy reminiscing
of cool grottos, buzz of fly and crawl of worm; Moglet half-remembering a warm
hearth and dishes of cream, a substance none had tasted save Her, which sounded
rich, thick and delicious; Pisky recalling the silk-slide of summer waters, the
bright shoaling of his kin. While I held a dream of an armoured warrior, a fair
lady and someone singing—but who was to say that all these were not just
imaginings, for none of us could recall a place, a time, nor indeed how or why.
These respites together
were all too short and sometimes not worth Her absence, for twice latterly she
had returned in daylight and a foul temper, screaming at the air, the times and
us. The first time she had contented herself with kicking out at whoever had
been nearest, joggling Corby's perch till he fell off and emptying most of
Pisky's water till he gasped. But the second time was worse. Usually she
returned in the garb and looks in which she had departed, losing them only
gradually, but this time she dragged herself back with the dawn in her
accustomed evil form and there was a slitting to her eyes and a slavering to
her mouth that boded ill. At first she had laughed shrilly and pointed at me.
"I thought of you,
you ugly thing, when I cursed him! Yes, I tried to think of the worst fate I
could for the accursed fool, and then the thought came to burden him with the
dirtiest, most hideous creature I could imagine and you came to mind, you
filthy little obscenity! Twisted, monstrous, revolting—Thing—that you are . .
." And I had shrunk back, for the venom in her voice frightened me more
than anything she had done before. "Yes!" she had howled, "I
cursed him, for he refused—" but she suddenly snapped her mouth shut and
seizing her Broom, proceeded to beat me so hard I could not help but cry,
despite my determination never to let her see how much she hurt me either
physically or mentally. Then she seized Moglet and tried to throw her on the
fire, but I snatched her back and hid her, mewing pitifully, under my cloak.
Thwarted, she kicked Puddy out of his crock and stamped down catching my hand
instead, for he had jumped into my pocket for protection. Poor Pisky was next,
for she threw his bowl against the wall where it smashed and he lay helpless
and flapping on the mud floor till I stretched forth my uninjured hand and
popped him into the leather water-bucket, drawing that also under my cloak.
Then came Corby: she snapped the fine chain that kept him to his perch and
pulled and twisted at his neck until he pecked her and spiralled down helpless
to join the rest of the creatures huddled under my cloak. Then she seemed to go
mad, and though she now made no attempt to touch us herself, she shrieked a
curse that made all the pebbles we were burdened with hurt as they never had
before. And then her Broom was beating and beating at my bowed head until the
blood ran . . .
That seemed to calm her,
the sight of my blood, for she called off her minion and I heard her whisper,
as though to herself: "No, no not yet: They must have a living home, a
living body, or He will seek them out . . . Hide, hide, my precious ones, till
I find the formula . . ."
* * *
For a while after that
She had stayed at home and life had resumed its monotonous sameness, but I
never forgot that moment of utter terror when she had lost control and we had
seemed to face extinction; nor had I forgotten how my friends, for that is what
they were, had all sought refuge under my cloak, as though I were in some way
responsible for them all.
This action seemed to
bind us all closer together in a way we all secretly acknowledged but never
mentioned, which appeared to make our lives together easier and more hopeful in
the days that followed.
And now came this day,
the day that was going to change our lives irrevocably. The preceding night She
had left the hut just before moon-high, and the whole of the two days preceding
had been taken up with Shape-Changing. It was early autumn, for she had sent me
out for a few heads of saffron which I had found easily enough and then
lingered awhile at the edge of the forest gazing down at the village below.
Two-wheeled carts laden with the last of the hay and straw creaked down the
muddy street; children played with top and ball, their happy squeals and shouts
loud in the still air; men trudged back from the fields, mattocks on their
shoulders from breaking up the earth ready for the winter sowings; a woman beat
out a rag rug and farther off they were burning off stubble, for the smoke
curled up thin into my nostrils and stretched them wide with the acrid, sad
smell that is the ending of the year. At last an extra-sharp twinge in my
stomach reminded me of my Mistress and I hastened back in the blue twilight,
snatching a handful of blackberries from a bush as I went and eating each bleb
separately to make them last longer. I had been almost happy for a moment or
two that afternoon, but there had been a cuff for my tardiness and another for
my betraying, juice-stained mouth and I had gone into the corner by the fire
and turned my face to the wall. And so, in a fit of the sulks, I missed that
last change to beauty, with all its preenings and posturings, which to the
others at least broke the monotony of their drab days. So once I heard her
split the roof and disappear I was surprised as snow to find a beautiful lady
return by the door some two minutes later, to fling Broom at my head with the
remark to it: "No point in taking you, after all: it's not far. There'll
be no point in the binding, either," and with a few words she loosened the
invisible ties we were bound with, like a soaking in warm water softens dried
meat. Broom hustled up next to me and rustled and chattered, so I moved away
from my corner to join the others by the fire. Our Mistress paused once more
before she left by the conventional door, swirling her long, purple gown:
"I shall not be late," she warned. "So, quiet as mice and no
tricks or I shall have you all with the cramps when I return . . ."
She looked very
beautiful that night, with long brown hair the sheen of hazelnuts hanging down
her back and eyes the colour of squirrel-fur. I wondered what it felt like to
be beautiful.
It may seem strange that
we never queried her Shape-Changing, nor questioned where she went in that
guise, nor why, but it was so much a part of our lives that we just accepted
it, I suppose: I do not remember puzzling over it—I was just glad that she was
not there. Afterwards the reasons became clearer, but at the time we all took
it as a sort of Holy Day, and relaxed. That night I rustled up some nice bone
broth I had hidden away and ate it with freshish bread, sharing it with Corby
and Moglet, and shaving a sliver of new-dead moth and slipping it with
agonizing patience round the moon-pebble in Pisky's mouth, giving the rest,
wings and all, to Puddy. I was comfortably dozing, back against the angle of
the fireplace, when the door was flung open and she was back.
I could see that this
time it was going to be different from any time before. She seemed to glow, to
expand, to fill the whole room with a musky odour of femininity that scared me.
Her eyes were sleep-puffed, satiated, and her lips full as a wasp sting and red
as new-killed meat. There were scratches on her bare arms and legs as though
she had run through bramble and her gown hung open on her breasts. But she
seemed in a singular good humour and did not even ask whether we had behaved
but whirled about the room in her ruined dress like the wind in a pile of
new-fallen leaves.
"Now there was a
man!" She sighed and yawned. "A village yokel maybe, but hard as iron
and full of juices . . . This time there will be a child! And then you, my
pets, will be superfluous . . ." We shrank back, for even in the unaccustomed
mellowness of her tone there was an implied threat, even though the others
could not clearly understand what she said. "I may decide however to keep
you as you are for a while, slaves and servants, for Thing there at least is
sometimes useful." She ran long, still-beautiful fingers through her hair,
for the magic had not yet slipped away. "And of course the babe will need
a nurse . . ." She mused. "I shall have to see . . ." and such
was our awe of her that I believed in the immediate appearance of some infant
witch, a smaller version of herself, and even peered into all the corners when
one did not immediately materialize. I told the others what she had said and we
huddled round the cheerless fire, trembling at this new threat, but she did not
appear to notice and went into her alcove from whence we could hear her
chinking glass and pouring liquid. She came out at last and drained a green,
smoking mixture with every indication of enjoyment, but as she set down the
drinking-flagon a couple of drops spilled on the oaken table and crackled and
fizzed in the dark wood, leaving two shallow, smoking depressions.
She, however, looked
more beautiful than ever, and as soon as she had drunk her fill she went over
to her couch under the shuttered window. "I shall sleep long during the next
few months, Thing, and you will have to keep the place tidy and provisioned. I
want no disturbances, no undue noise, and I expect the stock-pot full if ever I
wake and am hungry." She reached beneath her pillow for some copper coins
and flung them to the floor, watching me scrabble in the dirt. "That
should last till the turn of the year, if you are careful. Buy the cheapest you
can find, remember: I am not made of money. Gruel and bones will do fine for
you," and she yawned and lay down on the couch. "I shall want you to
go out at first light in the morning: there is one more mixture I have to
complete. Bring me ten drops of blood from a boar; three heads of feverfew and
twelve seeds of honesty. Oh, and six fleas from a male hedgepig not more than
six months old. You may wake me when you return," and with that, perfectly
composed, she closed her eyes, her beautiful lips parted, and she started to
snore as she usually did.
We looked at one
another, afraid of being vocal, concentrating on thought, but were too
frightened, too confused by the turn of events for the refinements we had so
carefully practised. All I had from Corby was: "Oh Hell! Hell! Witch
brat—that's all we need!" Puddy said "Shit!" and nothing more,
but he was never a quick thinker. Moglet mewed that she was frightened and
Pisky rushed round and round his bowl, talking to himself backwards, the
thoughts and sounds bubbling up in little pops through the gaps between his
stretched mouth and the moon-pebble. I tried calming thoughts for them all:
grass, trees, lakes, rivers, wind, sky, stars, dark, sleep . . . And gradually
they quietened and we settled into an uneasy doze.
As first light pinched
through the edges of the shutters I blew the embers of the fire into a blaze
and swung the gruel pot over the flames; it needed no salt, for as I mixed the
oatmeal and water the miserable tears dripped from the end of my nose. I sensed
change in the air and did not want it, for always change had been for the
worse. My little friends stirred in their sleep; Corby creaked and hunched his
feathers; Puddy glugged, his yellow throat moving up and down; Moglet stretched
and mewed in the stretch as though her muscles hurt, but her eyes remained
shut; Pisky's tail waved, once. In that quiet time, apart from my silent tears,
I suppose we were at peace.
I went out while the dew
was still on the grass and spiders' webs hung with diamonds. I found the pearl
plates of honesty and harvested the black seeds, one from each pod; withering
head of feverfew, with its pungent leaves, grew near the hut; an obliging
hedgepig curled from his coat of leaves in the roots of an oak, only too glad
to lose a few fleas at hibernation time. I tickled his coarse, ticked fur
stomach and rolled him back into his hole with thanks, then set off for the
village since wild pig were uncertain at the best of times, even though now was
acorn-harvest, and I should have better luck with one of the domestic ones. A
quick and relatively painless nick on the ear should do the trick and I had a
pocketful of beechmast and acorns for sweeteners: in my experience one never
took without giving, for that would upset the balance we all lived by. As I
crept down the narrow path to the village I took care to keep well out of
sight, for as I said before the peasants mistrusted me as a representative of
my Mistress and would not hesitate to harm me if they could, especially if I
was not buying anything. I found a convenient sty and struck a bargain with the
boar, for my time with the others had given me a primitive understanding of all
beast-talk and certainly enough to bribe a pig. I nicked his ear neatly enough
and dripped the blood into the little glass phial I carried. The drops were
slow in coming for it was a cold morning and I fed the pig a few more acorns to
keep him still.
He whiffled contentedly.
"Mmm . . . make a nice change, these do. What's your old woman been up to
then? They say as she's gone too far this time . . ."
"How?" I
questioned. Six drops; better make it seven.
"Seems as she
rogered young Cerdic to death last night. Sprang on him and tuckered him out in
five minutes . . . Mind you, these humans ain't got no stamina. Now I, I could
tell you a thing or two about that . . ." and he rumbled away for a moment
or two about servicing the sows they kept for him but I wasn't listening.
"He's dead?" I
remembered the lad, bonny and brawny in the fields at haying, from my lonely
spyings. Was that what my Mistress had meant, with all her talk of witch-babe?
Had She taken man-seed into her body and now hoped—but she couldn't: she was
too old. But then, her spells were strong. And was this what had happened on
those other times, when she had returned angry and frustrated? Was this because
her spells had not worked on those others, whoever they had been? My mind was
in a whirl; why had she to kill that handsome young man, especially when he had
obviously pleasured her so well? "Dead, you say?" I repeated.
"As firewood. Seems
they're all cut up about it; say she's gone too far this time." His fanged
mouth nudged me, none too gently. "Got any more?"
"Of course."
To retreat safely from these razor-backed horrors, a precarious domestication a
few generations back having done little for their manners, always required a
diplomatic withdrawal. I threw down the rest of the mast and nuts and scuttled
back over the fence.
"Where have they
put him?"
"Huh? Oh, the dead
'un. Square. There's a meeting. All there. Come again . . ."
Stoppering and pocketing
the phial, I crept cautiously round the back of the houses till I could see,
between the washerwoman's and the whore's, that rectangle of trampled earth
they called the Square. Sure enough the place was crowded, and there was talk I
could not hear so, not daring to approach directly, I made a leap for the
thatch of the washerwoman's house, luckily only a few feet from the ground at
this point, and crept up among the straw till I could both hear and see without
fear of discovery. Glancing sideways at the next roof I was glad I had chosen
the one I was on, for the whore's roof was all rotten grey straw and loose with
it; I could see an old nest or two and the roots of sear vervain: it would not
have held me for two breaths.
Below me was a lake of
people, heads bobbing like floats, and an angry hum of voices, a hive
disturbed. In a space in the centre was a bier, roughly fashioned from larch
poles and skins and the body of Cerdic lay disarranged upon it. His clothing
was rough, homespun of course, but the young face held an unworldly look of
disillusion and, strangely enough, an air of peaceful exultation too, at odds
with the rough, uncomprehending features of the villagers surrounding him. The
talk confused me, for I was not used to such a babble, but the gist was of
witchcraft and revenge. They led forward a young woman, pretty enough, and she
cast herself down weeping by the bier, clasping the careless dead hand of the
young man and carrying it to her mouth, kissing it feverishly, and sobbing the
while in an uncontrolled burst of emotion that made me hot all over.
I moved away, sliding
back down the thatch till my feet found the ground, and crept back home,
thoroughly bewildered and with a horrible feeling that something nasty was
about to fall on my head or leap out and bite my ankles. The air was very
still, as if everything was holding its breath, waiting, and I found myself
glancing over my shoulder every few yards; I couldn't get back quick enough.
Back there, there where
we all belonged, I tried to tell the others what I had seen and heard but it
was only Corby and perhaps Puddy who understood. "Always like that when
they turn the corner," said the former. "Turn a corner and see Death
staring 'em in the face. Gets 'em all, one way and another. Know it's long past
childbearing time but reckon a touch of magic might make the difference. Think
they'll renew themselves. Seldom works, but I've heard tell of a deformed
mippet born of an old witch. Nigh unkillable, too. Pity She couldn't keep it
off'n her own doorstep, though; sounds as though she's stirred up a hornet's
nest down there. Could mean trouble for us all . . ."
"Water," said
Puddy. For a moment I thought he wanted a sprinkle from the water jar, but he
continued his thought a space later, as was his wont. It was sometimes a little
irritating waiting for a toad's thoughts, although they were usually worth
having. "Don't like it. That and fire . . ." He appeared to meditate.
"Best things for killing them off."
A hiss from Moglet
alerted me as the Mistress yawned, stretched and rose from the bed in the
corner. She still looked remarkably young and beautiful, so much so that I
forgot to duck as her ringed hand slapped my cheek.
"Well, where are
they? The things I sent you for?"
Humbly I offered my
gatherings. She picked them over grudgingly, then took them over to the alcove,
where we could hear her chopping and pounding and mixing during a long
afternoon, while we huddled together, not sure what the next hours would bring.
Twice I tried to tell her what I had heard and seen in the village and twice
she stopped me, the second time with a jar hurled across the room and a threat
that she would get Broom to beat me if I disturbed her further. "I am not
interested in what those peasants do or think," she said, so I held my
When it was dusk within
and near enough outside I lighted a tallow and stirred the omnipresent stew;
putting bowls by the fire to warm, I opened the earth-oven and took out the
day's bread, standing it on end to cool and tapping it to make sure it was
cooked through, for the oven was very slow. I fed the others surreptitiously,
with an eye to the alcove and ear to the mixings and a nose pricked against the
unpleasant aromas. When they were satisfied I gestured them back to their
boxes, crocks and perches, for all day we had been uncharacteristically free to
move and I did not want her reminded we were comparatively free.
"Supper is ready,
Mistress," I said timidly, but as she came from the alcove I saw with
horror that her beauty had faded by ten years while her smile showed that she
had not consulted her mirror recently. What had happened to the magic she was
convinced would keep her young forever now she was pregnant of a witch-child?
And was she indeed? My eyes went to her swelling belly: she seemed some three
or four months gone, and that in less than twenty-four hours.
"Nine days!"
she said triumphantly, her eyes following my gaze. "Nine days, that is
all! And then you will have a new Master, you miserable worm . . ." Her
mood changed as she took the bowl and bread, well over half of what I had cooked.
"What do you mean by giving me these slops? My baby needs good, red meat
and fresh vegetables and fruit, and wine to strengthen his blood! Why did you
not prepare such?"
Mistress," I faltered, "you told me to—"
I got no further for her
free hand shot out and gave me a stinging slap. Holding my hand to my reddened
cheek I backed away.
"Go now, and fetch
me a rich pie from the village and a flagon of their best wine." She
reached into one of her boxes and spilt coins, silver coins I had never seen,
in a stream onto the floor. Scrabbling to obey I pocketed ten, twenty even. I
knew my task would be difficult, or well-nigh impossible, at this time of the
evening, for it was now dark and the villagers would equate me with the
darkness and chase me from their doors—but which was worse, their
vindictiveness or hers? And there was the dead man . . . I hesitated.
And even as I did so,
everything began to happen at once.
There was a thump, as
some large object struck the door and a crash as stones rattled against the
shutters. Starting back I whimpered with shock and fright, my hand still
tingling, for it had been on the latch when the door had vibrated under the
blow. For a long moment my mewlings were the only sound in that confined space,
then there was a voice outside; ragged, scared, but still truculent.
"Come out, Witch!
Come out and meet your accusers!"
For a moment the
stillness inside was intensified. Then my Mistress hissed like a snake behind
me and, turning, I saw such a look of evil on her face that even I, inured as I
was, cowered flat in terror. But her look was not for me, and her voice, when
it came for those outside, was honey-sweet, though I could see her hair and
fingers writhe like snakes.
"Who calls so late,
and on what errand?"
"You know who's
here, and why!" came the answer. "You knows what you've done, there
were those that oversaw. Time's come to pay for it!"
She hissed again, but
her voice was beguiling still. "I know not of what you speak . . . Has
someone been hurt? Perhaps my medicines . . ." but even as she finished
speaking she was muttering under her breath spells I had never heard even the
echo of before. All at once the pretence of beauty was gone and her body
resumed its usual hideosity—all except her belly. Her fine clothes dropped to
the floor but her stomach seemed to swell visibly—a smooth, rounded mockery in
that ancient frame. She caressed it with her fingers, still spell-making—the gnarled,
dirty fingers were an obscenity against the youthful mound she touched.
"Grow, grow!"
she muttered. "Grow, my manikin! I give you my strength, my lust for
life—Make it not nine days, nor even nine hours . . . Not five, not four, not
even one! Less, less!" and her voice became louder with the repeated
rhythms of some incantation in a strange tongue. "Help me, help me,
Master, and he shall be yours!"
Of a sudden it grew
deathly cold and a foul stench filled the hut. I crawled back to the fireplace
unregarded, to cower against the hearth where the fire now burned blue and
heatless. Outside the clamour rose; more voices, more stones, and a flicker of
flame blossomed behind the gaps in the shutters. They were firing the hut! Now
there was a scrambling outside, another thump above our heads this time, and a
tearing at the thatch on the roof and an ominous chanting.
"Burn the witch!
Burn the witch!"
The smell of smoke
filled my nostrils. There was a crackling, a flaming of tinder-dry straw
roofing and the voices grew louder, a chant to rival my Mistress's mouthings.
"To the stake, to
the stake! Burn the murderess, the witch!"
But my Mistress
continued her spells, louder now and even louder till I covered my ears and
shut my eyes, pressed back against the back wall of the hut as far as possible
from threat and danger. It was cold; it was hot; flames shot up, smouldered
down, till it all grew as regular as my pounding heartbeats and I was afraid as
I had never been.
And there my life might
have ended, choked by smoke and charred by fire, but for one thing—
The Gathering: Three-
Four- Five- Six- Seven
Death of a Witch
A mew.
A small frightened mew
from a small, helpless cat. All at once I stopped being so scared and gathered
Moglet in my arms, soothing and caressing as I had done so often in the lesser
bad times. At the same time I felt Puddy climb onto my lap and heard Pisky
bubbling in distress and Corby thumped down from his perch, breaking his tie,
to flap around my feet.
"Get us out, for
goodness sake!" he croaked. "You'll have us all cinders!"
Get us out, but how? For
a moment or two my brain would not work, then Puddy nudged my knee.
"Back wall. Weak.
Corby's beak . . ."
Of course! Corby had
heard too and we both remembered where the stones had fallen away from the side
of the fireplace last winter with the cracking of the Great Frost, and how we
had repaired it with a temporary amalgam of stones and mud. Tumbling the others
from me I took out my sharp knife and tried to remember where our botched
repairs had begun. There it was. I attacked it at once with the knife and
beside me Corby pecked away with his strong, yellow beak—both unheeding
everything else except the desperate need for clean air, for outside, for life.
I knew the villagers would not be on this side, for out there the ground
dropped steeply away to the stinking ditch where we emptied the slops.
Desperately I chipped and scrabbled at the caked mud, my fingers tearing at
stones, my nails breaking on flints, while behind me the clamour grew louder.
Glancing round for one terrified moment I saw our Mistress outlined by the
flames from the burning hut, her belly grown monstrous and huge, her screams
rending the air and in the corner her familiar, Broom, with fire creeping
towards the tangled heathers of its feet. Suddenly my bruised and torn hands
jerked forward into open air and without thought I picked up Puddy and thrust
him through the hole I had made, careless of where he fell.
quickly!" I thought-shouted, then reached for little Moglet: "Run, my
dear, run!" The hole was only just big enough for Pisky's bowl and I
reached through the gap and balanced it carefully outside. But that was it: no
way was the hole big enough for Corby, let alone me; the others would perhaps
be all right—Oh Hell, however I hurt the bird must be given his chance, too!
"Keep pecking, you great black gormless thing!" I hissed, and
together we renewed our attack on the crumbling wall. A sudden blast of heat
behind me redoubled my efforts and all at once the gap was large enough for me
to push the crow through, scraping his feathers against the stone unmercifully.
"Hop away, friend," I muttered, "and please push Pisky's crock
down to the ditch; he may be able to find his way down to the stream. Help him,
help the others . . ."
"Don't be so
blasted silly!" came the hoarse croak from outside: "Come and do it
yourself! Get scraping: I'm not nursemaiding this lot. We need you . . ."
And there was a gurgle, a mew, a glug less than a foot away. They were waiting for
me, they needed me to look after them! Perhaps without the incentive of their
responsibility I might have succumbed, let the now-choking smoke take my last
breath, but the knowledge that I was needed gave me the spur that fear and
exhaustion had blunted.
With the last of my
strength, from the crouching position in which I found myself, I charged that
hole in the wall; my head was through, one shoulder. Breathing the fresh air
outside aided my efforts; I twisted, scraped, shoved, tore and wriggled and
with a final heave fell free of the inferno behind me, to lie gasping on the
steep bank outside, my head lower than my heels, bruised, battered and
exhausted, smoke pouring from the gap behind me.
"Come on then,
Thing," they all cried. "Come on; we're not free of her yet . .
* * *
We crept stealthily to
the edge of the wood, me carrying Pisky's crock, and hid behind a great
bramble-patch. The hut was ringed by fire, except for the back part where we
had escaped, and even now flames ran around the corner to eat the dry grass at
that side. Not only ringed but crowned, for hungry tongues of fire leapt like
bears licking for honey up among the thatch and all around was the choking
smoke. The noise was indescribable: although we hid in comparative safety some
hundred yards from the hut, yet the clamour, both of shouting villagers and
their barking dogs, the crack and crackle of burning wood and the screaming of
our Mistress seemed but a foot or two away. The men were gathered in a
semicircle about the hut, most armed with clubs, billhooks or scythes, but even
as we watched they were retreating step by step from the heat of the fire,
hands before their faces. And what of my Mistress? Thoroughly sickened by the
mad screaming we heard, I almost determined to go back and try to get her out
through the hole in the back wall, but Corby grabbed my sleeve in his beak.
"Wait! She's not
done for yet . . ."
True enough: as we
watched there was a sudden change to the quality of the flames. One moment they
were hot-tongued, roaring with insatiable desire, the next they were cool and
pretty, green and blue, burning with a delicate flame that decorated rather
than consumed. The hut now looked as if it were dressed for an autumn Maying,
the scorched timbers and charred thatch hidden by the green leaves and blue
flowers of the flames, and as we watched the whole place blossomed as the
thatch burst asunder. The sudden flowering created a seed-pod burst as the
witch, our Mistress, black and ripe and full, thrust from the roof, borne
astride by her faithful Broom.
I picked up Pisky and
with one accord we fled deeper into the forest as She swooped and shrieked
among the villagers who cowered and ran from her as though she were a hornet,
stinged and deadly. There was a path that twisted and turned away from the
holocaust behind us, and at first the fluttering Corby was well ahead, with
Moglet running behind, but before long they lagged back, crippled wing and foot
hampering, so I stopped, gathered Moglet in my arms with Pisky's crock slopping
water over all of us, perched Corby on my shoulder, pocketed the tired Puddy
and scuttled as fast as I could, not even sure why I was except that somehow we
all knew we had to get as far away as possible as quickly as we could. The
trees grew denser and I halted, out of breath and lost, and in that moment they
came again, those terrible pains near the seating of our pebbles so that I
cried out and doubled up. I heard Puddy's moans and Moglet's mew, Corby's
screech and Pisky's demented bubbles and realized that we were still in
terrible danger.
"She wants
us," breathed Moglet. "Wants us still . . ."
"Watch it,"
said Corby. "She's not going to let us escape if she can help it . .
"Help, help, help!"
bubbled Pisky.
"What can we
do?" I was screwed up in agony. "Oh, the pain . . ."
"Lake," said
Puddy. "Head hurts . . . Left and down: hates water."
His words stuck in my
fuddled, paining brain: "Lake . . . hates water . . ." Of course:
clever toad. All witches avoid water like the plague and the stretch of lake
lay to our left: I could see a glint of water in the direction Puddy had
indicated. Gathering the others close once more, my stomach still contracting
with pain, I crashed heedlessly through the bushes towards the stretch of
water, tumbling at last down the steep bank to land us all splash! in the murky
waters among the sear reeds and drowned twigs that littered its edge.
Not for nothing was this
called the Dead Water, for nothing grew on or in it except the nastiest weeds.
Even frogs, desperate for cool in the summer, eschewed its water, while in
spring the shallowest puddle seemed preferable for their spawn. Long ago the
lake had been fished-out and even restocking had failed, for the villagers said
it was cursed by the drowned souls of a party of young men and women who had
gone out on a raft for a dare on Beltane's Eve countless years ago and never
returned. The raft had been found the following morning, caught in reeds at the
edge, but of the dozen or so—the superstitious said thirteen—that had essayed
the water there was no sign. Of course the villagers had gone out and dragged
the depths with hastily made rope nets but these yielded nothing, and one
intrepid fellow who had ventured the depths at the end of a line had burst to
the surface with tales of huge snake-like leeches that had curled for him out
of the watery dark and of a ring of dead bodies silently dancing among the
tangled weeds of the deep, their white faces and open eyes full of the horrors
of the drowned, and worms and bubbles rising from the open mouths that cried of
devils and black magic. Certain it was now that no one would venture out on
this black smoothness and I had seen none but the rash, unfearing wild pig ever
drink from its waters when I had been out early for herbs.
Even now, stranded as we
were among the shallows, me sitting in but two inches of water, Pisky bubbling
up in his crock, which was bobbing up and down where I had dropped it, I had
all the others clutched and clinging to my head and shoulders with beak, claw
and damp feet rather than touch the waters.
"Pick me up, pick
me up!" panicked Pisky.
"Help!" moaned
up-an'-orf," croaked Corby.
"Not healthy,"
pondered Puddy.
All at once, of course.
I struggled to my feet,
as much to escape their din as anything else, but then looked down with horror
at the breeches I always wore, on our Mistress's instruction. I was damp from
the waist down from sitting in the water and on the wet leather fat blue-grey worms
crawled with open mouths, burrowing blindly for my naked skin. I struck out,
brushing them back into the scummy water, only to feel them immediately fasten
on my bare ankles. Stumbling to the bank I lay back against the sloping earth
thrusting with panic at the evil things that still clung and sucked at my skin.
Unexpectedly I was helped by Corby who fluttered from my shoulder and pecked at
the slimy things with his beak, wiping them off into the sludge as a bird will
clean his beak on a twig.
At last I was free and
turned to struggle to the top of the bank when the pains struck us all again
and we screeched and tumbled back towards the water. Desperately I clung to a
gnarled tree root that jutted out above the water, my feet frantically
scrabbling for a hold on the greasy earth, Pisky's bowl jammed under my chin,
the others hanging on as best they could. Something made me look up and there a
great bat-like shape blotted out the hazy light from a wisp-clouded harvest
moon that rocked unsteadily through the trees, and with despair I realized that
our Mistress had found us and was flying over our hiding place on Broom.
"She'll get
us!" I screamed. "We'll never escape!"
This time I knew She
would at last kill us and then throw our bodies into the black waters of the
lake, and I could not think at all, only feel as the cramps clutched at me
again and my terrified friends clawed and clung till I could feel the trickle
of blood from torn shoulder-skin. I felt a sudden rush of stinking air as our
Mistress swooped down on us and the smell of singed cloth overwhelmed even the
stench of scummy water: a burning fragment from somewhere had landed on my arm
and there was a smoulder of cloth which I beat at frantically as the witch
misjudged her landing and soared away to approach from an easier angle.
I heard Puddy trying to
say something, urgently for him, agonizingly slow for the rest of us in those
few moments when everything—pain, fear, drowning, burning, death—was rushing
upon us like a great, irresistible storm wind that will snap and crack even the
most pliant tree in its fury.
"Can't get us
surrounded by water . . ." but even as I understood and acknowledged what
he was saying I knew I could not wade out into that lake of desolation and
stand, helpless, while my flesh was sucked away from my bones by the unseen
horrors that lurked beneath.
somewhere," came Corby's hoarse voice, stirring into a sort of incredulous
hope. "If you could wade out, Thing . . . Think it's over there to the
left someways . . ."
I do not remember
scrambling up the bank, scurrying through the thin belt of trees that lined the
shore, searching ever for a darker shape on the waters, ducking automatically
from the swooping thing that held off only because of the branches that hid us
from full view. I do remember at last seeing a dark lump that rose from the
water some hundred yards out and recall too the fear and pain that accompanied
my wild splashings through the shadows; I remember that at one stage the water
sucked greedily at my waist, at another my foot turned on a treacherous stone
and slime rushed headlong into my open mouth, but that at last my feet found
dry ground and I staggered free of the clutching waters to fall to my knees,
shedding cat, bird, toad and fish's crock, and lie prone, crying my exhaustion.
The islet on which we
found ourselves was only a scratch of ground barely ten feet long and half that
wide with a stunted tree and a prickly bush for company: I looked back and the
bank seemed an immeasurable distance away. Had I really crossed that stretch of
water? I shivered with wet and cold and beside me Corby ruffled and rattled his
feathers and Moglet tried to wipe herself dry against my ankles, mercifully
leech-free: I supposed my wild splashings and the speed of our progress had
hindered the creatures' blind seekings. For the time being, too, we were
witch-free, but a massy heap of clouds raced up on the increasing wind that
rattled the branches of the stunted tree above me and whispered in the bush to
my right, fluttering the ivy that clung to the ground round our feet. I bent
and straightened Pisky's bowl which was dangerously tilted and heard him mutter
and cough as he rushed around backwards: "Horrid black stuff: chokes the
lungs, black water does, not good for my gills. Oh, deary, deary me! If my
great-grandfather could see me now . . ."
I put out my hand and
stroked Moglet's damp fur. "Are we all right now?" she asked
anxiously, purring a little to reassure us both.
Corby and Pisky were
conversing in low tones. "Notice them trees?" I heard the bird
"And the ivy,"
said Puddy. "Should help."
"Wouldn't be a bad
idea to form a ring, though," said Corby. "Can you remember any of
that stuff? You know . . ."
"A little."
They turned to me.
"Best get into a
circle and hold fast to each other: dip a finger in Pisky's bowl and touch his
fin and toad here can do the same with a toe t'other side. Now, Thing dear,
before it is too late . . ."
Hastily we arranged
ourselves: me with Moglet and Pisky on either side, Corby and Puddy opposite. I
did not question how or why for obviously these two knew something I did not.
"Now then, all
close your eyes and empty your minds," said Corby urgently. "Let old
Puddy and I do the thinking here, for this is what we knows. Go on, sharp about
it! Listen to nothing save our words, our thoughts . . ."
"And don't let
go," murmured Puddy. "Keep in touch . . ."
For a moment there was
nothing as I knelt with closed eyes, listening to Corby muttering and Puddy
coming in now and again with a single word, almost like the priest and
congregation I had heard sometimes from outside the little church in the
village. Then, as now, I did not understand what was being said, for it seemed
to be in a language I had never heard, and yet in spite of this I felt a sort
of strength flow back into my limbs and a string of hope seemed to circle
between our points of contact; fingers, claws, paws and fins. I felt Pisky
quieten under my touch and Moglet had ceased her trembling.
And then the pictures
came into my mind.
A sunlit grove,
whispering leaves, white berries, bearded faces with sad, dark eyes, a flashing
knife and with all these an instinctive knowledge of great secrets, of ancient
ways; between the mutterings something deeper and even more secret came from my
left hand where Moglet's race-memory wandered back to an even earlier time
where the dominant figure was female and the secrets were held only by women .
. . On my right hand a golden sun, silk-embroidered cities, a great wall that
wound like a snake; from somewhere else there was a rumble as the Sea-God
stirred and cones of bright fire erupted on the hillsides bringing cliff and
temple tumbling together; tall candles, a man kissing the cross-hilt of a
"Hold fast, hold
fast to that which is great, that which is good," came the message between
us. "Keep your eyes closed, closed . . ."
Perhaps if I had not
been reminded they were shut I should not have opened them just to see—
"She's coming
again!" I screamed, jumping up and breaking the circle, and the others
scattered as the great bat-like figure swooped down on us again, howling
imprecations, only to veer at the last moment to avoid the tree, whose twisted
branches defied a landing.
"A circle again,
you dumb idiots!" yelled Corby, but the spell was broken and we were in
disarray, all concentration gone, running hither and yon in the small space
afforded us like rats terrier-struck in a pit. Again and again the figure dived
down on us and in the end we stopped trying to escape and cowered between the
prickly bush and the stunted tree clutching at anything to stop ourselves being
scooped up off the island, up, up into her clutches.
Up? Or down? For
suddenly it felt as though the island had turned upside down and we now hung by
fingertip and claw from the strands of ivy as flies on a ceiling; I had Pisky's
bowl under my chest and so great was the illusion of being topsyturvy that I
remembered being amazed that the water from his crock did not pour all down my
But still She did not
land, could not reach us, and I glanced up, or down, I was not sure which, and
saw her hovering some twenty feet above, or below us, and I almost did not
recognize her. She had grown incredibly old and ugly and was naked except for a
few shreds and tatters that hung from her shoulders. And her belly—her belly
was a huge, monstrous puffball of growth that rocked and swelled in front of
her. Even as I watched in terrified fascination it seemed as though it were
being struck like a great gong from within, a soundless blow that yet brought
an answering scream from my Mistress.
"It is time!"
she shrieked. "I give birth to my son, my monster, who shall rule you all!
But I need blood, blood for him to suck, blood to bring him alive, and I will
have it!" and she raised her arms and chanted a spell I remembered: the
fire-bringing one, only this time much stronger and more vindictive than I had
heard it when she had used it once or twice to relight our fire when the wood
was too damp to do anything but smoulder. As we gazed up at her we saw her body
redden with reflected flame and I glanced down to see flickers and sparks among
the fallen leaves at my feet. Springing up I stamped frantically but all the
time the ground was growing hotter and the stones started to glow like the
embers of a fire, even as a tongue of flame licked the trunk of the twisted
tree and ran up into the branches like a squirrel. Tearing off my cloak I
flapped despairingly at the flames, and beside me Puddy and Moglet were leaping
up and down squealing at the pain from singed paws; Corby had fallen on his
back, feathers browning, and poor Pisky's bowl was steaming as he gasped away
his life on the surface.
Then something inside me
snapped, and I behaved like a mad thing, for the dreadful pains were twisting
my guts again and I came outside myself with pain and stood like a creature of
no substance and all substance and I was nothing and everything and had no
power and all power. Stretching out my hands I gathered the flames into them
and cooled them and rolled them into a living entity in my palms. Throwing back
my head I stood as firm as a pillar of stone upon the ground beneath and
opening my mouth I cursed the witch that hovered and swooped above us. Using no
language and all language I cursed her into Hell and eternal fire, I cursed the
monster she bore and wished it non-born; I cursed them living and dead and
forbade earth, air or water to receive their bones. Then, gathering all my
strength, I took the ball of fire that yet clung to my hands and flung it
straight up into her face.
While I had been cursing
her, she had dipped and wavered and I could see her shocked mouth and suddenly
wary eyes. But as soon as the ball of fire left my hands she swerved away on
Broom and then seemed to redouble her strength, as I collapsed like a pricked
bubble on the stony ground, whimpering for the pain in my burnt hands. But at
least the fire on the island was out, and the stones once more blessedly cool.
The others clung to me and I felt Puddy spit into my burning palms and mutter
something and at once they were soothed.
"Good try,"
croaked Corby, "but I'm afraid she's coming back . . ."
We all looked up at her
then, waited for her to come down the inevitable last time, the time when we
would have no strength, no reserves left. We were all brave now, I think, for
there comes a time when death must be faced, and it is only the manner of the
dying that matters. And as she rose to a greater height the better to gain
momentum, then turned and bore down on us like a meteor, I felt strangely calm.
Like a meteor? With flames
streaming out behind her? Even as I wondered, as I dared surmise, there was a
sudden mew of excitement from Moglet, Pisky stopped going backwards and I do
not think I heeded Corby's expletive or Puddy's awed croak. She had swerved her
face and body from the ball of fire I had thrown but it had landed on the tail
of Broom, where the bunched heather and twigs were already tinder-dry and
needed only that final spark.
Down, down she came,
either not knowing, or not caring in her madness that Broom was on fire, but
then it added its scream to hers: "Mistress, Mistress, I burn, I burn! Put
me out, put me out!" And it wavered in its course, bucked like an unbroken
horse and twisted off course so that she passed us by yet again, missing the
island by a hand's-breadth and soaring back into the blackness above. By now
her bearer was truly on fire and I saw her lips move, one hand to belly, the
other beating at the flames behind her. She must have been reciting the
Flame-Cooler spell, for I saw the fire falter, turn for a moment blue and green
and then steady, but at the same moment there was a rip of lightning to the
east and a crack of thunder that momentarily deafened us, and I saw that her
travail was beginning.
Desperately she tried to
control her bearer, to quench the flames, to catch us, to give birth at one and
the same time, but she could not do it and Broom in its insensate agony bore
her away from us to the centre of the lake, to try and quench its tailing
flames in the dark waters. Just as desperately she screamed imprecations and
beat it with her fist, raising it by sheer willpower. By now she was afire also
and the tattered remnants of clothing flamed and sparked. Even from where we
stood, mesmerized by the drama that had suddenly made us spectators instead of
victims, we could smell the sickening stench of burning flesh. In spite of my
fear, my misery, my hatred of the evil tyrant who had kept us thralls to her
pleasure for so long, I could not help a tremendous surge of pity: if then it
had been within my power to quench the flames, to end her misery, I think I
would have done so.
But the Power was now
Another's, a greater force than mine, with perhaps a greater pity also, for at
that moment there came a great fork of lightning that blinded us with its light
and for a moment illuminated the whole world in which we stood. The same fork
split our Mistress from breastbone to groin and a great gout of night-blackened
blood ribboned into the air, and out from the gash emptied a twisting, tumbling
manikin with mortal face and body and the claws and wings of a bat. It mewled
and screeched and clawed at the air like a falling cat and its mother, our
Mistress, stretched and grabbed at the hideous creature with hungry arms and it
turned and bit her and scratched and sucked at the black blood that ran down
her thighs and dripped, hissing, into the lake. It crawled up her legs and up
to her breasts but, scorning the empty, flapping dugs, reached up for her
throat and fastened there, sucking the last of the life-blood from scorched and
blackened flesh. At last she realized just what she had spawned and beat at it
with her fists: in vain, for it clung now like a lake-leech so that she, greasy
hair now spitting and bubbling with the flames, her Broom and her manikin were
one, sinking indivisible to destruction.
In a last effort she
pointed Broom at the sky and they shot up like some huge, rocketing pheasant,
but even as I thought they might escape another bolt of lightning struck them.
For an instant time stood still, they hung in the air as though pinned to the
night, and then—and then they plummeted slowly down, a dying, screeching,
moaning, blackened bundle. And the waters of the lake rose to greet them, to
eat them, to drown them, to exterminate them. There was a fearsome hiss as the
burning mass hit the water which fountained into black fingers around them,
fastened and drew them down, and then for a moment it seemed as though a
ghostly ring of dancing figures ringed the yawning chasm that received them—
"Hang on
lads," warned Corby. "And lasses. Here comes trouble . . ."
Huge waves, displaced by
the falling bodies, were rearing and racing across the empty waters and
instinctively I clung to the stunted tree, Corby and Moglet in the branches
above me, Pisky's crock in my free hand, Pisky in my pocket. Then we were
deluged with evil slime, weed and black water till I was sure we would drown;
there was a moment's respite as the wall of liquid surged past us to beat
against the banks and, frustrated, fall back so that we were subjected to the
process in reverse. At last, choking and gasping, my mouth and eyes were free,
but then came an immense pulling and we all clung for dear life as the waters
rushed away from us to the centre of the lake, where it seemed a great
whirlpool sucked all down into a vortex.
For a moment the last of
the waters swirled about our feet, and then came a great rumble like thunder
and I felt as though the soles of my feet had been struck a blow that drove
them up into my hipbones, just like jumping off a roof in the dark, not knowing
where the ground was. They stung with pain and instinctively I lifted them off
the ground as a second jolt, slighter than the first, disturbed the island.
Then all was quiet.
We shook ourselves,
moved all our legs, arms, wings, fins, joints and muscles to make sure they
worked and felt hastily all over to make sure none of the leeches from the dark
water were left behind. Just as we were reassured there came a great wind that
thrashed the branches of the trees on the bank and buffeted us and tugged hair,
fur and feathers the wrong way. On its heels came the rain: cold, hard,
freezing us in a moment. But as we gasped and chattered with the chill the
quality of the downpour changed and it was soft and warm. The rain came down
like a torrent and we stood beneath a waterfall, and if we were wet before we were
now drenched. But it was a cleansing, gentle rain, washing away all dirt, all
grime, all fears and tears in its caress and even Moglet, who hated the wet,
stood and steamed and licked and steamed again, and I emptied Pisky's crock
three times, until the water felt like silk.
And then it stopped, as
suddenly as it began, and the moon shone bright and sweet, a curved lantern
high above us, and the stars pricked out one by one and, wet as we were, we
collapsed where we stood and slept like dead things until dawn.
The Gathering: Three-
Four- Five- Six- Seven
The Escape
We awoke to a beautiful
morning, and a different world.
One by one we crept back
to consciousness, stretched stiff joints, yawned, opened our eyes. And all,
without exception, let out some exclamation of surprise: in fact my initial
awakening was to an uncharacteristically unladylike screech from Moglet.
"Spiced mice!
Marooned . . ."
Sitting up and surveying
our position I was as inelegant as Corby: "Cripes!" while Puddy was
puffing and panting and Pisky, who could see nothing at all except the sky, was
rushing around in circles bubbling "Lemme see! Lemme see!
Lemmelemmelemmesee . . ."
I lifted him up
automatically, tilting his crock and murmuring soothing thought-sounds. Slowly
I stood up and gazed at the scene around us. As I said before, it was a
beautiful morning, the sun shining on the colouring of the leaves; the breeze,
what there was of it, was from the south, birds sang their thin autumn songs
and all in all the world seemed a promising place. The woods stood around us on
the bank as though there had been no storm of the night before, no rain; the
island was the same island, the stunted oak still holding its leaves, the
prickly bush discovered as a holly with clusters of berries lightening to
crimson, and the dark, secret ivy still clinging to the ground at our feet . .
It was everything else
that was different.
Before we had been
surrounded on all sides by black, thick, scummy water, now the island on which
we stood was still an island, but an island on dry land. We were about ten feet
above the dried-up bed of a lake which had disappeared in the night. The ground
beneath our perch was hummocky, pebbly, undulating, bare, but it was not a
lake, not a pond, not even a puddle: it was dry, dry as a bone. Wildly I turned
about. The bank was the same distance away, the bare expanse on which our islet
stood was lake-size, but there was no water, no leeches, no nothing! I gazed
down at the lake-bed: no scum, no mud; I looked out over the bare expanse to
the lake-middle: stones, sandy soil, bones—bones?—bleached and bare, a heap of
rocks in the middle like a sunken cairn, but still no lake, no water . . .
Slowly I sat down again.
"What—What happened?"
There was a moment's
silence, then Puddy delivered his opinion. "Earthquake."
I looked at Corby.
"The old lad may be
right; summat happened, sure enough. Seems the land here rose and the lake
drained away when old Mistress went to perdition."
I remembered the thump
to the soles of my feet, the roaring noise, the vortex.
Pisky bubbled: "My
great-great-great-grandmother told me of somesuch: when there is great evil the
land and the sea conspire to destroy it. Earthquakes can happen undersea as
well as on land and can swallow whole cities . . ."
Moglet said: "And
you called out a spell, Thing; you said neither earth nor air nor water could
receive Her body . . ."
"But my feeble
curses couldn't have made any difference! Besides, I didn't realize what I was
saying at the time."
"Doesn't really
matter what did it," said Corby thoughtfully. "There was more'n one
thing on our side. The oak, f'r instance: even has a sprig of mistletoe
in the crook of that branch . . ."
"Holly and
ivy," said Moglet.
"What do you
mean?" I asked. "And where is the water?" But they did not
answer. I persisted. "What do you mean, holly and ivy and oak and
mistletoe? What's that got to do with it?"
Puddy tried to explain.
"It's what one's used to: gods and suchlike. Forces. Good and evil."
I remembered him chanting
with Corby and turned to Moglet. "Holly and ivy?"
"Older things in
the world than we know, and sometimes they can be on your side. Sometimes . .
"She was a bad 'un,
right enough," said Corby. "Bad through and through. And there was
only one place for her." He nodded to the sunken place in the middle of
the once-lake. "Down under there is fire like you never did see before,
all running and boiling and bubbling like porridge, and that's where She
belongs, her and her manikin. Down there all the bad things gets churned up and
chewed-like, and then sometimes the old Earth gets indigestion, collywobbles,
and burps or farts out the bad airs through them volcanoes and those hot
mud-holes what travellers speak of."
said Puddy.
I looked at them with
new respect: what a lot they knew! "You mean She won't ever come back? Not
"Not never,"
said Corby. "Just bits and pieces, she is now. 'Sides, plughole is blocked
with them rocks, see?"
"Then . . . Then
we're—we're free?"
"As air—an' twice
as hungry . . ."
"Then why . .
." I suddenly felt terribly lonely. "Why does my stomach still
We gazed at one another.
Moglet tested her paw, and lifted it hastily. Corby stretched his wings: one
side went the full distance, not the other.
"Still got heavy
head," said Puddy.
I shook Pisky's crock
but could see the pearly pebble firmly fixed in his mouth. "So we're not
really free at all," I said slowly. "Her spell is still on us."
"Seems so,"
said Corby. "Yet I would have thought—"
We were interrupted by a
wail from Moglet. "I'll never walk properly again! No mice, no birds . .
." and she spat at Corby.
"Now then, now
then," he said, backing away. "You're not the only one, you know:
Thing here has still got the cramps, and—"
"But not as
badly," I said thoughtfully. "And at least we're free of her. There
must be a way to break this last spell. Let me think . . ."
But it appeared I was
not much good at this; besides, while the others were being quiet to let me
concentrate they made a further discovery about themselves which was alien to
me, who had spent at least part of my time out of doors when we lived with the
witch. The first I knew of this new element in our lives was when Moglet
crawled up on my knee and hid her head away from the nice, fresh air in the
crook of my arm. A minute or two later she was joined by Puddy, who at least
apologized as he crept into a fold of my tattered cloak. Next Corby shuffled up
close to me, on the pretence of looking for woodlice under a stone, and Pisky
started to swim backwards again.
"All right," I
said. "What is it?"
said Puddy after a considerable pause, which the others were unwilling, it
seemed, to interrupt. "It's big. Bit overwhelming."
"Frightened of the
open," supplemented Moglet, sniffling a little. "Not used to it,
Thing dear—what happens when it gets dark?"
"Long time since
I've been out in the wide-open spaces, as you might call 'em," said Corby.
"Bit—well, different you know, if you've been used to a cage of sorts for
as long as you can remember. There's rather a lot of it, too, if you follows my
meaning: sky and trees and ground . . . Sun's a bit bright, too."
"Know where you are
if there's a still crock or bowl," muttered Pisky. "All this moving
about and rocking back and forth and jiggling up and down and not a bit of weed
to soften the light—"
"Well, you
miserable lot!" I cried, jumping to my feet and scattering them like
discarded toys. "Here we all are, free from—from Her, and all you can do
is grumble! As for all this talk of being afraid of the open air and not liking
the sunshine and what happens when it gets dark and being jiggled back and
"Up and down,"
said Pisky. "Up and down for jiggles. Back and forth for rocking. I should
know! Up and down gives you stomach-wobbles; back and forth makes you
"Oh shut up!"
I was becoming exasperated, the more so because, at the moment, I could see no
further than the next five minutes, knew they were looking to me for guidance
and hadn't the faintest idea how to proceed. So I fell back on anger.
"We're free, free, don't you realize that? Surely that means
something to you after all those years we spent shut up in that hellhole? All
you wanted then was to be free and look at you now! Whingeing and crying
because you've got what you wanted, but it's going to take a little getting
used to! The powers-that-be give me patience! Whatever did I do to be saddled
with such a bunch of—of stupid animals!"
I had not meant to say
that, and luckily for me they knew it, for even as the bright tears blurred my
vision, making the trees on the bank dance up and down like unsteady puppets, I
felt a rub of fur around my ankles and Pisky burped past his pebble.
"Don't blame
you," said Corby. "Big responsibility, changing one's way of
"Insecurity breeds
uncertainty," added Puddy.
"Oh, blast you
all," I said unsteadily. "I love you all, you know that . . . Right!
First thing to do is get off this island, then count up our assets and take a
vote on what we do next. We'll go back to the hut and see if there is anything
we can salvage, then we'll plan our next move. Any questions? No? Good."
And as we climbed down from the islet, with difficulty, I added: "You're
not alone in feeling a bit—afraid—of the open, but don't forget most people
have managed it all their lives. It's just that we will take a little while to
adjust to it, that's all."
I hoped that I was right.
* * *
Whatever I had thought
to find at our former home I do not know—some food perhaps, clothes, useful
things like cooking pots—but my hopes were doomed to disappointment, for as we
neared the clearing where we had lived it was obvious that either the villagers
had been up all night or they had risen at dawn, for they were there before us.
As we crept down the track that led up to the lake we could hear them shouting
to one another and banging and clanking, and as we came nearer we slid behind
the big bramble bush, Corby hopping off my shoulder, Puddy out of my pocket and
Moglet from my arms and Pisky's crock set with its mouth to the scene.
Through the thorned
branches I could see our former home, or what was left of it, and that was not
much. The hut had been mostly wattle and daub, built on the foundations of an
earlier home, basically stone, and the roof had been thatched. I had expected
that the roof would have gone and probably much of the upper walls, but what I
had not expected was the total destruction that met my eyes. The peasants, some
twenty or so of them, mostly men but I counted some women too, were tearing
down what remained of the walls and scattering the stones about the clearing,
stamping and chanting as they did so, words that, half-heard, appeared to
relate to their relief at the disappearance of the witch. It was possible that
they did not yet know of her death. What was certain was that they would ensure
She would not return to her former home. I saw a large crock of precious salt standing
ready: they were even ready to sow this on the ground which had held her, thus
ensuring that no plant would grow there for the next ten years, to be infected
with the evil she might have left behind.
"I wish I could
hear what they are saying," I muttered. "Perhaps if we moved a little
closer . . ."
"Not you!"
said Corby sharply. "We don't know that they aren't still on the lookout
for you, and if they catch you—" He made expressive gurgles in his throat.
"Don't forget they will think you and She one and the same."
"I'll go,"
said Moglet. "I can creep through the grass, and even if I don't
understand human speech I can tell by the tone of voice whether they mean us
"Me too,"
supplemented Puddy. "Won't notice old toad. Perhaps we can hear them think,
"Well, just be
careful," warned Corby. "Toads and cats are known witch-familiars . .
They were back within a
half hour or so and the tale they had to tell was disturbing. Apparently some
of the villagers had seen our Mistress soaring over the lake and then struck by
lightning but were not sure of her fate. The manikin had also been spotted,
although a few people thought it might be me, and that I had fallen to earth
somewhere and was in hiding. They were going to finish making the hut and its environs
unlivable-in, the priest was coming to pronounce a blessing or curse or
somesuch, and then they were going to look for me, just to make sure.
"Said they would
burn you," said Moglet. "All up, in a bonfire."
Frightened and
bewildered, for I had never harmed any of the villagers that I knew of, I
glanced round at the others. "What shall I—we—do?"
"Time for a
strategic withdrawal," said Corby.
"What's that?"
"Beat a hasty
retreat. Come on, where's a handy place to hide till they've cooled off a
We finally climbed to a
convenient perch in the old oak tree that stood at the junction of the path
from the lake to the remains of the hut, where it joined another that I used to
use down to the village. From here we were hidden and could watch the comings
and goings, and were an audience for the priest when he came, incense and all,
to cleanse the witch's former abode from any lingering taint of evil. At noon
he came back down the path, accompanied by most of the villagers, and I was
just going to climb down after they passed for some nuts and berries at least,
for we were all starving, when a shouting arose from the direction of the lake
and a youngster dashed past down the road that led to the village and was
stopped by two tardy peasants returning from the hut with the empty salt crock.
"Whoa there,
lad," said one of the men, neatly stopping the boy by dint of tripping him
full-length. "What be your hurry, now?"
"They've been up to
the lake," he gasped, winded. "Found the bones of those drownded all
that long time ago and ol' witch's burnt-out stick and no water left, none at
all. I've to fetch the priest again and a cart for the bones so's they get
decent burial . . ."
"Well, get along
then," muttered the other and aimed a kick as the lad staggered to his
feet again and set off running. "Come on, Matt: I've a mind to see all
this for meself."
And the two left the
crock where it was and set off at a fast pace for the lake.
Again I was about to
climb down and seek sustenance when Moglet growled "Wait!" and a
moment or two later it seemed the whole village streamed away below us in the
direction of the lake; men and women, some still with tools or pots in hand;
children and babes-in-arms, the latter carried by their siblings; the old and
lame and fat on sticks and one in a litter. I even noted the village whore,
dressing herself as she went, arguing with a sheepish fellow who was apparently
unwilling to pay the full price for an obviously interrupted session. Bringing
up the rear, jouncing and rattling on the uneven track, came a large cart
driven by the miller and filled with his wife and the priest, once again hung
all about with crosses and baubles and beads and robes and candles.
We waited for a moment
or two longer when they had passed, until we heard shouts and exclamations from
the lakeside, then I jumped down and extricated the others, arranging them on
my person like a verderer's gibbet, for that seemed the quickest way to travel.
"Where now?" I
panted, for together they were no light weight.
Corby spoke in my ear,
claws firm on my shoulder. "Now, if'n they are looking for you, where's
the last place they'd look?" And as I still did not understand he tweaked
my hair. "Come on, Thing, where's your brains? Where's the one place they
ain't at, right now?"
"Ow! The
"Right! Best foot
forward now, and see if we can't make summat of this yet!"
* * *
Ten minutes later we
stood in an empty village square. Doors and windows swung open, piglets
rootled, a tethered dog barked, chickens pecked at the dirt, but of people
there was no sign. I had never had time to stand and admire the buildings
before, for my visits to the market had been short, sharp, fear-filled: in and
out as quickly as possible before someone threw a stone, or worse. But our
Mistress's money had been good, and I was always charged over the odds for even
the scraps she had me buy. Money! Suddenly I remembered: the money she had
given me the night before—was it only a few hours past? It seemed like a
year!—was it still in my pocket? Frantically I felt about. Yes! I drew them out
into my hand: three small gold pieces, three large silver ones, six copper
"We're rich!"
I shouted. "Look, Corby, Moglet: I can buy stores to take with us . .
"Buy? Buy!"
snorted Corby. "Why buy? There's no one about, things are here to take—and
do keep your voice down, Thing, there might just be someone still here!"
"But I can't just
take things: that would be stealing, and then they really would be after
"They're after us
anyway, by all accounts, and you might as well be hung for stealing as burnt
for summat you ain't done! Come on, don't they owe us something for all the
hard words you had and the shit they chucked after you? We'll only take what's
necessary: it's for the sake of us all . . . Hurry, do!"
We needed food: a small
sack of flour, a joint of fatty ham, a piece of cheese, half-a-pound of salt.
All this went into a sack, together with a cooking pan, a large spoon and a
couple of wooden dishes; I had my sharp knife, almost dagger-long, and flint
and tinder, and I thought a length of fine rope and a small trowel would come
in useful. Needle and thread were necessaries, filched from someone's
workbasket. Anything else? Well, if I were to look tidily inconspicuous I would
need a new cloak, preferably with a hood, my hose was a disgrace, and I had no
shoes. I was tempted by yellow stockings and a red jacket, but in the end
settled for brown wool hose, sensible short boots, and a splendid cloak that
almost reached my ankles, with a deep hood, all in a mixture of dyed green,
brown and black threads and thick as two pennies laid together. I think it
belonged to the priest, for it lay just within the church porch. I also took a length
of linen and a piece of leather, for I thought they might come in useful, too.
The only trouble with
stealing was that you got used to it with alarming rapidity, and my greed
nearly had us caught. Puddy had just found the most useful thing yet, a green
glass bottle with a fat belly, a sensible corked top and threaded all about
with a net of twine, ideal for carrying Pisky, and I entered the shop where he
had found it. It was full of jars, boxes, containers, bottles, chests and other
paraphernalia and I set down everything I had gathered just to admire and then
covet an utterly useless bowl with decoration of interlacing gold snakes on its
rim, when there was a squawk from Corby outside and Moglet came racing in, bad
paw and all.
"Quick!" she
mewed. "Some of them are coming back! Oh, Thing dear, please hurry!"
For a moment I panicked,
then common sense reasserted itself. "How many?"
"Two—three. Old
woman with stick, girl, young man."
"That'll be Gammer
Thatcher: she lives at the far end with her daughter and son-in-law.
Bad-tempered old soul: probably couldn't get to the lake fast enough to get a
good view so pretended she was ill . . ."
I had a few moments to
get myself ready. Rope round middle with knife; sack full on my right shoulder;
Pisky transferred (only for a short while I hoped) to carrying-bottle—not
without protest—and slung from my waist; Puddy in pocket, Corby on left
shoulder, Moglet tucked in my jacket, new cloak over all.
A muffled: "Yes . .
. S'pose so . . . Just don't jiggle up and down . . . Headache . . ." and
I stuck my nose out of the doorway. All clear. Keeping to the sides of houses,
scuttling behind the church, I soon left the village behind and found myself in
unknown territory. Ahead was a track leading through fields of harvested grain,
an orchard, a vegetable patch and ahead, low scrub melting into forest. A path
led off to the left across the fields, another to the right, behind us the
track back to the village.
"Which way?"
It may sound stupid, but provisioning and unaccustomed freedom had taken up all
my thoughts. Where and why were new.
"Away from the
village," suggested Corby sensibly.
"Under cover,"
added Puddy.
A donkey, tethered on
common ground to our right, trotted over as far as his tether would allow, and
I more or less understood what he was trying to say.
"Want directions?
Cut my rope, let me get at those thistles over yon, and I'll tell you which way
is best."
Three minutes later we
left him chewing ecstatically, safe in the knowledge that to the left was marsh
and, eventually, sea; to the right the track led back to the lake; but straight
ahead if we walked about two miles, we came to a great ditch that marked the
boundary between the lord of this demesne and the next, and beyond that was
forest for days. Once beyond the boundary none from this place could pursue . .
We took the middle road.
The Gathering: Three-
Four- Five- Six- Seven
The Fellowship of the Pebbles
Climbing up into a tree
is normally fairly easy, climbing down the same. Sitting in a tree and just
relaxing is a fine way to enjoy oneself, while the world passes by beneath.
Using the vantage-point of a tree to spy out one's surroundings, or as an emergency
escape route is useful too, but I had never tried sleeping in one. All night .
. .
In theory it is a very
good idea if you are travelling light with no fixed idea where you will find
yourself at nightfall, and are too small a party to risk wolf, boar or robber
by staying on the ground, and there are no convenient caves, ricks or ruins to
provide shelter. Just find a nice, comfortable-looking tree with a fork in the
main branches for a sleeping-place and lowest support not too far from the
ground, hoist your belongings up with a rope and follow. Settle your bits and
pieces in a convenient niche or crook, lean back in comfort against the main
trunk of the tree and spread your legs along a branch or even let them dangle.
Wrap your cloak about you and wriggle comfortable; tuck your hands around your
body to keep them warm, close your eyes, listen to the pleasant little rustles
and chirps of the nightlife around you and—
"Want to get
down," said Moglet. "Must . . . You know."
"Oh dear . . .
Can't you just do as Corby does? Over the edge?"
"Can't. It's . . .
private. You wouldn't . . ."
"Maybe not, but I
saw to all that before I came up here!"
Perhaps I should have
said that all the necessary functions should be attended to before climbing the
tree. So, now compose yourself for sleep, shut your eyes and—
"Bloody hell!"
Peering down from the
branches: "What on earth are you doing, Corby?"
"What the bleedin'
hell do you think I'm doing? Fell off, din't I? Trying to get me balance on
that rotten branch, weren't I? Cracked, din't it? Well, what you waiting for?
Not an effing squirrel am I?"
For the third time
compose yourself for sleep, listen to the pleasant night-sounds—
I should also add that
if there is the slightest chance that a screech-owl might startle you out of
your wits, it is perhaps a wise precaution to attach yourself securely to the
trunk so that you do not fall out of it yourself.
One last word on trees
as sleeping-places: they look much more comfortable than they really are, and
in some of them, especially the more bendy and wavy ones, the actual motion
when there is a wind blowing can make toads and fish sick—if, of course, you
are idiot enough to take them up there in the first place.
We stood three nights of
this, and could have made little more than six leagues progress during the
days, when I called a conference.
"Now, listen!"
I said. "We can't go on like this . . ." I was raggedy at the edges
from lack of sleep and jumped and twitched at every sound, so had decided we
would rest in the middle of the day and, leaving Corby as notional lookout, we
had all settled under the shelter of a huge beech and slept for a couple of
hours. Then I had lit a cautious fire—our first—and made thin pancakes to eat
with a slice of the fatty ham. It tasted like the best food I had had for ages,
and I had finished with a handful of late brambles and some just-ripe
hazelnuts. Moglet had shared the ham and I had shovelled away at the earth
under the nearest heap of leaves to provide a feast of insects and worms for
Corby and Puddy, and had as usual coaxed a sliver round Pisky's pebble. We were
fed, a little rested and warm and now, while daylight chased fears away, would
be the best time to pool our ideas and decide where we were going, why and how.
I knew animals found it difficult to concentrate, certainly on abstracts, for
any length of time, so decided to keep it as simple as possible.
"We have been on
the road—all right, Moglet, through the forest and in the trees—for nearly four
days now; food is running short, we haven't had much sleep and we haven't made
much progress, either. I reckon at this pace we might make a hundred miles by
next new moon—if we survive that long. And we don't even know which way we're
going, or why . . ." I glanced around at them, all attention, for the
moment. "Now, let's think about this. Firstly: what was the most important
thing we did four days ago?"
"Escaped from
Her," suggested Moglet.
"Good! That was
what was more important than anything else at the time. And we did it: we
escaped! More by good luck and—" I glanced at Corby and Puddy, "—and
a few charms than our own skill, perhaps. That was step number one. What was
most important next?"
"Getting you—and
us, probably—away from those nasty minded villagers, I reckon," said
"Right again. So
we've managed two important things: we've gained our freedom, and we've kept
it—so far. But what is most important to us now?"
"Food," said
"Water," said
said Moglet.
"Safety," said
"All short-time
daily goals, yes," I said. "But what about the longer term? Why are
we all together like this? What are we aiming for? What's stopping us, for
instance, just splitting up and going our separate ways and finding different
homes or colonies or ponds or what?"
And it was the usually
feather-brained Puddy who got it right, rushing around his bowl in great
excitement, making wavelets splash against the sides in his desire to get it
"We want to get rid
of the nasty pebbles so we can eat and stretch and fly and walk and not be
bad-tempered with headaches all the time," and he bumped his nose against
the glass in the direction of Puddy. "We aren't any of us really free till
we do that. Not until I have a pond of golden wives, Puddy has a lady toad and
plenty of stones to hide under, Corby can go off and swim through the air
again, the cat has cream and a fire and can go hunting at nights and you, dear
Thing, can walk upright and not have cramps in your belly . . . So, can I have
some sand and a nice plant in my bowl now 'cos I'm clever and it takes a golden
king-carp like me to tell you what you ought to know anyway, and I want the
plant now and how about another slice of that centipede or midge or whatever it
I clapped my hands then,
both to stop and applaud him. "What a clever king-carp! Yes, that is just
what I meant. We are all here and belong together because we have a common aim:
we want to get rid of these hurting, disfiguring pebbles! They have been with
us ever since we can remember—and that's another thing: do any of you find you
are recalling more about the time before?"
It was a regrettable
digression for they all spent the next quarter hour telling me of brief flashes
of memory they had experienced. I had had these too: I could remember now some
time when I was without my burden; a pleasant villa in the country, a
brown-faced nurse, music from a tinkling fountain—
"All right, all
right!" I clapped my hands again. "So, for all of us, part of our
Mistress's curse is wearing off. But not these burdens," and I touched my
stomach, Corby's wing, Moglet's paw, Puddy's forehead and dipped my finger to
Pisky's mouth. "So this is a stronger spell, but one we must be rid of if
we are to lead normal lives, as Pisky suggests."
He stood on his tail and
waved his fins but I interrupted quickly before he could remind us again about
sand and plant.
"Now none of us can
remember the stones being put in place, but that our Mistress set great store
by them there is no doubt. There is another thing, too: She was so frightened
lest they be discovered that she covered them all with a disguise of skin. Each
of your pebbles, whether you can see them or not, is hidden under a covering
like a blister: this is one of the things that makes me think they were stolen.
What is more, I believe they were all stolen of a piece from the same person,
for if you remember when we were apart from each other she would chastise us
unmercifully, yet when you clustered under my cloak she would not dare touch us
herself but would order Broom to beat me . . ."
"Brave Thing,"
murmured Puddy.
"Saved us
all," said Moglet, and nuzzled against my hand.
"Nonsense," I
said gruffly. "What I was trying to get at was that once the stones were
together within us, near touching, they themselves gave us some sort of
protection. A sort of power, if you like . . ."
"The Fellowship of
the Pebbles?" suggested Corby caustically.
"Don't be silly!
And yet . . . Yes, perhaps even that. This is why we must stay together for our
own protection and seek the owner of these stones, for obviously they must be
important to him. Or her. We must find this mysterious person and ask them to
take the pebbles back. They will know how to remove them without hurting
us." I hoped I was right. "But where do we look? That's our real
They were all silent for
a minute or two.
"Can't be from
nearby," considered Puddy. "She'd never risk nearby."
"How do we know the
owner won't kill us when he finds us, or we find him?" said Corby.
"May think we pinched the bloody things!"
"It's a
possibility," I admitted. "But we shall just have to explain. After
all, only an idiot would burden themselves with these things voluntarily, and
might be even bigger idiots to return them. I think that whoever it is will be
so glad to have them back that he will reward rather than punish."
"Could be an
ogre," said Moglet nervously. "Or another witch. Or a dragon . .
But at this Corby, Puddy
and myself all jeered: there weren't any dragons. They were just a myth, a tale
to frighten children.
"Now, concentrate:
how do we go about looking for him, this pebble-owner?"
We were silent again for
a while.
"Ask someone?"
said Moglet.
"But who?"
said Corby. "Use your chump, feline. Most people wouldn't have any idea
what we were talking about."
"Magician might
know the answer," said Puddy. "Or wise man. Or sage."
"A good idea,"
I said. "But how does one go about finding one? And how would we know we
were going in the right direction? I don't even know whether there are any
magicians or wise men any more, like Moglet's dragon—"
great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-greatgrandfather used to live
in a lake where dragon-shadows floated over like kites at noonday," said
Pisky unexpectedly. "All colours they were, like jewels, and they sang
songs like cymbals and temple-gongs . . ."
"But that must have
been a long, long time ago," I said gently. "For each generation of
king-carp lives for a great many years. No, I think we must try and find the
owner of these stones. Somehow we must decide on a direction and it must be the
right one, then when we have done that we can worry about food and transport
and the quickest way of getting there.
"Now, can any of
you remember anything the Mistress ever said or hinted or implied that might
give us some idea where these came from?"
We all thought. I could
recall little except that She had always seemed nervous that the pebbles would
be found; not by the villagers certainly, for she was always contemptuous of
them, and there were only certain times when she would not let me, who carried
one of the stones in my navel for any to discover, out of the hut on errands.
In winter I had been glad not to go when the easterly wind howled across the
icy meadows, or when the wind veered northerly and flakes of snow or sleet
stung one's cheeks; but sometimes when those same winds brought long, hot days,
settled weather and even the far distant smell of the seas over which it had
But Corby was there
before me. "There were times when she wouldn't let you out, Thing, even
though we were down on provisions, times when it seemed she tested the wind to
see if it blew too strong from one direction, or near it. Then she kept us all
close, even in the hottest weather, when all within stank, as though she feared
the scent would be carried downwind too far."
"The east
wind," said Puddy, "and the northeast. So, who looks for these
pebbles lives to the west, or southwest. That is the way we must go."
It was so simple, now we
came to consider it! And the very next pond we came to Pisky was given his
layer of sand, fresh water and a little green plant with two snails on it for
company. He was so proud and happy that he was like a housewife in spring,
moving that plant busily from one side of the bowl to the other, until Moglet
remarked that perhaps we should fit wheels to it. The snails, too, though of
somewhat limited intelligence, discovered something neither Pisky nor I had:
the pebble would revolve in the fish's mouth and therefore, with some
reminding, they would make a paste of whatever I offered Pisky, smear it on the
pebble and revolve that segment into his mouth, which kept him going and was one
less chore to worry about.
From then on, perhaps
because we had a definite goal in view, however vast and faraway was the
southwest, we made better progress and the weather held good for us. Now was
the month of Leaf-Change, so we hastened as well as we could to beat the frosts
of Leaf-Fall, splitting our sleeping into an hour or two at midday and pressing
on well into dusk before seeking shelter and rising again at dawn. I had crept
into a couple of villages we passed, usually at twilight when my appearance
would cause less comment, for more flour, cheese and eggs, and supplemented
this diet with berries, roots and nuts, and we were only hungry half the time.
Then with the new moon
the weather changed and we ran into rain and wind, a roaring wind that swung
crazily from south to northwest and back again, and we were chased from the
shelter of barn by barking dogs, from warm rick by angry farmer. Corby was not
too bad, Pisky of course couldn't care less and Puddy was more or less
comfortable, but Moglet and I were thoroughly wet and miserable and shivered
and growled and spat at ourselves and the others impartially. My cloak was
reasonably weatherproof, but there came a time when it was so waterlogged and
heavy that it would have been a pleasure to throw it away, and one night when
it was too wet to light a fire and the flour and salt were damp and the cheese
mouldy, I just threw myself on the ground scattering sack and animals anywhere,
and sobbed my despair.
"Oh, I wish I were
The Gathering: Three-
Four- Five- Six- Seven
“Now then, that's no way
for youngsters with all their life afore them to be speaking! Just a little
rain it is and isn't the earth glad, her being so thirsty after the suns of
ripening? And the wind running free like a 'prentice let out early . . . And
can't you smell the salt of the sea and the pines and the black rocks and the
heather and curving downs that he brings with him?" The voice was high,
light and ran on like a stream over small stones.
At the first words I had
sprung to my feet, knife at the ready, and of course all my friends were now
clustered under my cloak, hampering any footwork I might need. But as the voice
went on and on soothingly, a hand holding a flickering lantern appeared from
beneath the stranger's cloak, was held steady for a moment and then moved
slowly up and down so we could see who was speaking.
A tall, tall man,
seeming almost as tall as a tree in that flickering, smoky light, and as thin
as a shadow seen sideways. Clothes all browns and greens, like the earth and
the grass and the leaves, and then a merry red cap atop an untidy cluster of
black curls, all twisted and gnarled like the potbound roots of a youngling
tree. A face round and guileless as a child's, full red lips and rosy cheeks,
but skin tanned and seamed like leather; a pair of snapping black eyes, by
turns bright and shy.
The figure bowed and set
down a covered basket.
"Thomas Herrilees
Trundleweed at your service, Missy. Commonly known as Mushroom Tom, by'r leave.
On account of my tasting 'em and treasuring 'em, and gathering 'em and selling
'em, too. Out in all weathers I am, best to find my little darlings and talk to
'em and tickle 'em awake and pluck 'em and eat 'em raw, or cooked in a little
butter, or added to a stew, or even dried at a pinch . . . And whom may I have
the honour of addressing?"
His flow of talk was
having its soothing effect on me, and apparently on the others as well:
Moglet's fur flattened again. "Seems all right, Thing dear . . ."
Corby rearranged his feathers. "Hmmm . . . Harmless enough, I reckon;
still, keep a hand to that knife." Puddy snorted: "Mushrooms!"
while Pisky rushed round and round, dislodging the disgusted snails: "My
great-great-great-aunt on the paternal side told me of the efficacious
properties of fungi . . ."
All this communication
took but a moment, then I bowed in return.
"My name—my name is
Thing, and these are my friends," and I introduced them.
"Thing? A Thing is
a thing is a Thing—and there's more to you than a name, I'll be bound, you and
your friends . . . Still, a merry meeting, masters and mistresses all!" He
hesitated a moment then smiled, showing strong, long teeth rather like a horse.
"None of my business why you are all out in the wet on a night like this,
but Tom fancies company and has a pot bubbling and a fire burning just a
little-ways ahead. Perhaps you travellers would do me the honour to share both,
and perhaps a tale or two to brighten the evening?"
It would have been
churlish to refuse, but anyway I had the feeling it would be all right,
especially as Moglet needed no second invitation but was curling herself around
his ankles, while Corby gave an approving "Caw!" So we followed him
down an almost invisible trail to the right to find a ruined cottage with half
its roof sagging to make the inside like a cave, and the aroma of a stew, that
smelt like pigeon and hare and onions and turnip and mushroom, hit me like a
blow to my empty stomach. A fire burned brightly in the old fireplace and a
trickle of smoke rose from the hole in the turved roof.
We crowded in and Tom
let down a flap of hide to make us enclosed and cosy.
"There, now! That's
something like, isn't it?" Without waiting for an answer he had my wet
cloak hanging over a rail near the fire, stoked the fire with more peat and
wood till it blazed high, tasted the stew, brought forward a bundle of heather
for me to sit on and with a wave of his hand invited us all to sit round the
fire. "Now, who's hungry?"
Some half-hour later I
leant back and licked my wooden platter clean. "Mmmm . . . That was the
best meal I've ever tasted. Thanks!"
"Best till next
time as you're starving and cold! That's one of the best things about food:
every much-needed time is the best. Like love . . ." He stared at the
fire. "All warm and cosy, now?"
I glanced round at the
others: Puddy had earlier found some disgusting scuttling things in a corner
and was nodding happily; Pisky burped round the remnants of the paste from the
bread that had accompanied the meal; Corby was perched on a stack of logs,
already half-asleep, and my little cat, her creamy black-barred stomach as
tight as a barrel, was stretched out on the hearth, paws and eyes
"Seems so," I
said. "I don't know how to thank you. We—or I at least—had come to the end
of my tether, I think. We all started out with such high hopes, but it's so
slow, and winter's coming on and there is so far to go—" I shut my mouth
with a snap, realizing I had said too much.
But Tom didn't seem to
notice, stretching behind him for a flask. "Perhaps you'll join me in a
little nightcap? Very thing to settle the stomach, soothe the nerves, dissipate
the ill-humours that a soaking may bring and avert the chills: you don't want
to be sneezing and coughing and shivering tomorrow, now do you?"
It was the last that
decided me. I didn't want to catch cold, and the liquid looked innocuous
enough. I had heard of drugs and suchlike, but if I were to watch him drink
some first . . . I accepted the little horn cup he offered, and pretended to
He laughed. "Nay,
it's not poison, little Missy, and 'twill do you no harm. See, I'll drink some
first," and he swallowed half his cup. I took a cautious sip: it tasted of
honey, sunshine and herbs and ran down my throat like hot soup: unlike hot soup
the warmth seemed to spread into my stomach, chest and limbs till I felt warm
to my toes. I took another sip: definitely more-ish.
"Nice," I
He topped up my cup.
"Drink up, then: plenty more where that came from." Leaning forward
he appeared to throw some dust onto the fire: immediately it flared up then
died down again and now appeared to shimmer like silk, all colours, red, blue,
green, purple . . . In its depths I saw great trees as high as hills, hills as
tall as mountains, and mountains touching the clouds . . . Little faces peeped
out of the corners, cheeky mischievous faces which thumbed their noses at me
and giggled. A fiery snake coiled itself into a knot and interlaced itself with
another. Great molten rivers ran, earth shifted, winds blew, seas came and
went, sun and moon and stars ran together in a mad dance . . .
"And where did you
say you were going?" said someone.
"To find the owner
of the pebbles, somewhere in the southwest. But maybe first a wise man, a sage,
to show us the right path . . ."
"And where do you
come from? And why? And how?" The voice seemed to come from the fire and
dreamily I answered it, dreamily I told the fire the whole story.
"There now,"
said the fire. "There now . . . Finish your drink and lie down by me and
rest till morning. There's nothing to fear and you are safe and your friends
are safe and travelling will wait till later . . ."
I felt the spring of
dried heather and bracken beneath me, a cloak over me, heard the rain pattering
harmless on the roof, had Moglet curled up against my chest and I was warm and
full and safe and so, so tired . . .
* * *
"You told him everything!"
accused Moglet. "Every single thing!"
"All about the
pebbles," added Corby. "And about the Mistress and Shape-Changing and
her manikin."
"And about trying
to find someone to take this great lump out of my mouth so I can eat again
properly: I've never heard so much talk since my great-great-aunt on the
maternal side came back from—"
"And about losing
our memories and not knowing where we came from," added Puddy.
I had awoken some five
minutes past. It was obviously well on into the morning, though no sun shone;
it was not raining either, though the air was damp. Beside me the fire was
damped down, a thin wisp of smoke curling up with its acrid, peaty smell. Swung
over the fire was a small pot, contents simmering, and on a rack above my small
sacks of flour and salt were drying.
"Did I?" I
couldn't remember. I only knew that I felt rested as I had not in years, warm
and comfortable, and extraordinarily well-disposed to the world in general.
"It was that drink
that done it," said Corby. "Loosened your tongue something
"My paternal
grandfather's cousin twice removed—no, thrice times—told me sometimes men fell
into the waters and drowned because of strong liquor," added Pisky,
unhelpfully I thought, seeing there was nothing but his bowl for me to fall
I took refuge in
indignation. "Well you lot didn't try and stop me! You were all flat out
and snoring like pigs, as I remember . . . And, after all, what harm did it
"Why, none at all,
none at all," came a voice from the doorway. "Old Tom's got more than
one secret tucked away in his noddle, and no one the wiser." And he came
in, smelling of falling leaves and earth, in his hands a flat basket of
mushrooms. "Mind you, there's not all of it I understood: 'tis a long time
since you've used proper speech, aren't it, my flower?"
At his last words
something flashed into my mind and was gone again, as swift as a blink.
"Proper speech?" I said. "And why did you call me your
"Manner of
speaking," he said easily, and bent over the pot to stir it. "As to
speechifying: well, I understand a lot of what the birds and the trees and the
creatures says, being as I've lived here and abouts many, many years, but
though I reckon you can understand me well enough, some of your words come out
like a man with the runs, all anyhow and in a hurry. Now then, 'tis
breaking-fast time." And he held out his hand for my bowl. Thick gruel,
nutty and sharp, with honey on mine, but none on Moglet's. Corby had a strip of
dried meat, Puddy found something to his satisfaction in the hearth, and a
small gobbet of the same, squashed, satisfied both Pisky and the snails. I had
a second helping.
When we were all
satisfied, Tom squatted down on his heels and tickled Moglet under her chin.
"Like to come a-mushrooming, then? We've some six hours of daylight,
"We really should
get on," I interrupted, getting to my feet. "Thank you all the
"—of those perhaps
two, two and a half will be fine," he went on, as though I had not spoken.
"'Twill rain heavy again tonight, but clear by midnight and wind'll veer
southeast for a day or two's fine weather. So, there's no point in you
a-setting off till the morrow, to get wet again. 'Sides, then I can put you on
the road to another night's shelter and a lift partways, if'n I can get my
baskets full. So, how do you say you help a man out for an hour or so?"
I learnt a lot in those
two hours, about both mushrooms and fungi. I learnt to recognize the poisonous
ones, especially the most dangerous of all, Death-Cap, deadly even to touch; I
learnt that the prettiest—Red-Cap, Yellow-Belly, Blue-Legs, Blood-Hose and
Magpie, the latter little white stars on black—were harmless but tasted foul,
but that some that looked disgusting, like the tattered Horn of Plenty, the
wavy-wild Chanterelle and the Oyster, the dull Cob and the Green-Nut, can all
be cooked or eaten raw. Tom also gathered some he would not show
me—"Later, Flower, later" —and with Corby's keen eyes and Puddy's
ground-level view we had two baskets full before it started to spit with rain.
We must have covered at least four or five miles, but had circled and were
within easy distance of the ruined cottage, so did not get too wet. Moglet and
Pisky, left behind at their own request, had obviously been idling away the day
in sleep for they were both lively and hungry when we returned; I pointed
Moglet to a rather large and hairy spider with short legs—the sort that go
plop! when they drop off a shelf—and told her to cull it for Puddy and Pisky,
but she pretended she couldn't see it: I think she was frightened of spiders.
Tom set me to making oatcakes and getting a good blaze going, then fished
around outside for a crock containing fat. He produced a large pan and some slices
of smoked ham from a flank hung in the rafters and fried these up with a
handful or two of mushrooms, including the raggedy Chanterelle we had picked
and before long the insidious good smells were making us drool.
I fetched a jug of water
from a stream some two hundred yards away and we feasted like kings, forcing me
to say with a grin: "You were right: every much-needed time is best! I
shall know how to find those mushrooms again and they will help our diet on—on
the way . . ."
"Mind you, most of
those we saw today you'll only see in woods: a tree-mixture, with some oak and
some birch thrown in, is best."
"Well, I suppose we
shall find plenty of woods: it's safer travel that way, rather than trying the
roads . . ." I hesitated: I still couldn't remember, but the others had
said—"I believe I told you all about us last night?"
He chuckled. "A
goodly tale, and one to keep old Tom a-thinking on cold, dark nights!"
"It wasn't just a
tale, it was true, all of it! At least, so the others say," I amended.
"I don't really remember what I said . . ."
"Didn't say as how
it wasn't true, just said it was the kind of tale to keep a man awake at night
and wondering . . . You did say as you were a-looking for the party as
those—pebbles, as you call 'em—belong to, and thinks your way might lie
southwestish: well, I think as you are travelling in the right direction. As
for finding a wise man or a magician to help you on your ways—well, there's
plenty of magic still left in this old world and your direction is as good as any,
especially as I heard tell a while back that a venerable sage lived near the
sea thataways . . . But that, as I said, was a while ago, when the land was
full of battle and surmise, and the beacons flared from down to hill—Why,
what's the matter, Flower?"
"Beacons," I
murmured, feeling strangely uncomfortable. "I seem to recall something
about beacons . . ."
"Memory is a thing
that can play strange tricks: it seems yours is buried deep and will only be
dug up piece by piece. Don't try too hard, 'twill all come in good time."
I was silent for a
while, staring into the fire: ordinary pictures now. "How can we ever
thank you?" I said at last. "Not only have you housed and fed us, but
taken us at our word and kept our confidence . . ."
"And who else would
there be to tell, youngling? 'Sides, Tom's always kept his own counsel
since—Never mind . . . You've all been good company, and worth your keep, for
Tom gets lonely, sometimes."
"Do you live here
all the time?"
"Here? Why, bless
me, no! Tom has homes all over the place: he has another ruined cot like this,
an abandoned charcoal burner's place, a hollow tree six feet across, a cavelet,
even the corner of a derelict cell that once held an eremite—my home is
everywhere and nowhere! Meadowland, ditch and hedgerow; pine forest, oak wood;
heath, fen and bog, wherever my little darlings grow! And they may be found in
the most unexpected places, too: halfway up a tree, under a turd, in among the
ashes of last week's campfire . . . And they all have their uses, wet or dry,
oh yes!"
And for a moment he
looked sly and crafty and I did not like him so much—but then, like sun in and
out of cloud, he was his normal, jolly self again.
"And does he live
off his mushrooms, you ask yourselves, and the answer is yes: he gathers them
and he eats them and he markets them, too. Tom's patch is a hundred miles all
ways, give a league or two, and stretches north to where the hills begin and
south to the great river; west to the farmlands and east—why, east as far as
here, and lucky you are to find him this late, for winter comes and he should
be working south now, to fetch up a moon or two hence in a snug little nest he
"It sounds an
interesting life," I ventured. "But don't you ever get . . . well,
For a moment his face darkened,
shadowed, then again he laughed. "No, for I see those I sell to when I
have a need for company—and there, my friends, is where you can help me out. I
have three baskets of mushrooms here, including those dried, which I would be
obliged if you would deliver on your way tomorrow. Then I can stay here a
further two-three days and look for some old Tough-Trunks: haven't seen any
round here for a couple of years but they makes excellent eating, and if I try
a couple of the larger clearings there might be a few left. They likes a bit of
air and sun, see, but the shelter of the trees to run to if'n they wants. Left
more'n a day or two 'twill be too late, for they're coming to the end of their
season. Then, if I'm lucky, I can travel the way you go and pick up goods in
pay to see me on my way. The folk I'll send you to will travel the next day to
sell in the town, for mushrooms is best fresh, and so they'll carry you in
comfort a mile or ten nearer your goal . . . How long is't since you laughed,
It seemed such an odd
question, coming after all that talk of mushrooms, that I gaped.
"Aye, laughed.
Rolled around on your belly and held your ribs till they ached, and howled with
merriment and joy? Laughed till tears ran from your eyes and your ears
I could still only gape
at him: I didn't know what he meant. The only laughter I had seen was the wild
cackling of our Mistress when something pleased her, and sometimes I had seen
young men and girls from the village laughing in the fields at harvest, as they
chased each other in and out the stocks of corn, teasing with chaff, dried
milkweed or poppy-heads . . .
I didn't know what it
was to laugh.
I stretched my mouth as
I had seen them do and gave an experimental "Ho-ho-ho, Ha-ha-ha" as I
remembered the sound, but it didn't seem quite right and certainly felt very
silly. It had an unexpected effect on Tom, too, for it sent him off into
paroxysms of giggles that sounded strange coming from a grown man.
"I don't believe
you know how!" he accused, and giggled again.
remember," I said crossly. "What does it matter, anyway? I'm not
missing anything."
"Don't be too sure
about that, then! All folks feels better after a good laugh: almost as good as
a—Never mind: you're too young. Like to try some of Tom's magic?"
"You can do
magic?" I gasped.
"Oh, not your old
spells and suchlike, only the magic what's in my little friends here," and
he opened his pouch and took out some more mushrooms, a large red one with
white spots on it and some tiny brown ones with a little knob on top.
"This one here, the big fellow, is what they call the Magic Mushroom. Why
there are folks overseas who worship this one like a god on account of it gives
them pleasant dreams if they take it in moderation, and kills their enemies for
them taken in larger amounts: I reckon enough of 'em died finding the right
doses . . . I ain't going to give you none of him 'cos you has to think of size
and weight and age and tolerance to make the dose right for dreams and wrong
for t'other, but these little fellows—Fairies Tits when they're fresh and
Mouse-Dugs dried—these fellows I can measure out for you and give you nothing
more'n a good laugh or two. Not that they ain't bad when taken too much, but
I'll only give you a tickle.
"Well? You looks
doubtful: then I'll take 'em too, like the drink last night, but I'll take
twice as much . . ."
In the end he persuaded
me, not so much from his words as from a mutter from Puddy: "Seen 'em
before: not poison in small quantities. No more than the number of my toes,
mind . . ."
And that is exactly the
number he gave me, lightly cooked in the fat remaining in the pan-juices:
fourteen tiny little mushrooms. I tasted one: nothing special. I waited till he
had eaten half his—double my quantity—before I started on the rest.
Then I waited for the
laugh. Nothing.
He read my mind.
"Oh, you has to linger awhile for them to work . . ."
"How did you come
to know so much about mushrooms?" I asked curiously, while I waited.
That darkening of his
face again. He seemed to hesitate, then shovelled the rest of his mushrooms
into his mouth and drank the pan juices. When he looked at me he was smiling.
"A tale for a tale,
then? 'Tain't much, when all's said and done, not really . . .
"Well, see, once
Tom loved a fair lady and they lived in a fine house in a town many miles from
here. Now Tom had a good living then and they were both happy, this beautiful
lady and he, and their happiness was crowned when she told him there was a child
on the way. And as is the way with ladies in that condition she came to have
strange tastes, wanting things out of season and difficult to come by. But Tom,
he kept her satisfied, going miles out of his way for strawberries in April and
brambles in June. Then came a time, and she was near her lying-in, when of all
things she wanted mushrooms, some of those wood mushrooms that grow best near
pines. And Tom knew where he had seen some, near to a clump of fir trees, so
off he went and picked them and rushed back and tossed them in a pan and
carried them in to her on a silver platter, and she cried with joy when she saw
them and kissed her Tom and turned to scoop them to her mouth . . ."
He stopped, and I knew,
oh I knew, what was to come next and tried to stop him, but he shook his head.
"Better out than
in, Flower . . .
"I should have
known that smell: smelt of sleep, smelt of death." Now there was no
third-person Tom, it was himself . . . "They was Destroying-Angel, all
white in their purity, all black in their intent, and my lady died in agony and
the child with her. After that I was a little mad, I think, for they shut me
away . . .
"But I had time to
think, there in the darkness of soul, and when they finally let me out and I
found the business sold and all moneys gone I didn't care: it was the mushrooms
that had taken from me all I held dear and by my own ignorance and I swore to
spend the rest of my life learning about the little devils until I was always
one jump ahead and could fair say I had beaten them at their own game. And so I
"So, old Tom's a
mushroom expert, you might say . . ."
"I'm sorry," I
"No need to be, no
need. 'Tis time past, and if there is one thing I did learn then it was to look
to time present . . .
"And, talking of
the present: how do you feel?"
Now he came to mention
it, I was beginning to feel different, as if my stomach had a pleasant little
fire chuckling away all warm inside it. The fire light seemed stronger too,
making all colours brighter, but a little fuzzy round the edges.
Nice . . .
Then it happened. Tom
got up to throw more wood on the fire, slipped, and for a moment, trying to
regain his balance, stood on one leg like a heron, lanky and ungainly, arms
flapping like wings, and such a comical look of surprise on his face that I
felt a little tickle of amusement jerking my tummy, then another and another,
till I was like a pot waiting to boil, bottom all covered with bubbles. I
couldn't help it: I came to the boil, slowly but surely. Snorts, spasms, gasps
all accompanied these completely new feelings till, with a painfulness that
only those who laugh out loud but seldom could appreciate, merriment rose to
the surface and, once there, wouldn't stop, and I was boiling away like a pot
of forgotten water, salted by the tears of laughter that coursed down my
cheeks. At first I thought I was dying, for I could not laugh and breathe and
cry at the same time and got the hiccoughs, but in the end everything sorted
itself out, except that by that time my ribs ached and so did the bones at the
back of my ears.
The trouble was that
once started, I couldn't stop: Moglet's studied aversion and turned back and
Corby's offended stare only set me off worse than ever.
Tom poked me in the
ribs: he too was laughing fit to burst, his arms hugging his ribs, knees up to
his chin. "Tell—tell me: why—why do you wear that terribly tatty little
flap of—of leather? Oh, dear me, what with a fringe of hair like a taggley pony
and that flap of hide there's nothing but eyes like post-holes to be seen—oh,
dear me!—all across your face."
I giggled helplessly.
"'Cos—'cos I look like a fright without! I've worn it ever since—ever
since I could remember! Our Mistress made me, so I didn't frighten the
villagers to death! Got a face like a—like a cross between a pig and a snake
without it . . . Oh, dear: how do you stop laughing? It hurts . . ." And I
doubled up.
"How—how do you
know what—what you look like, then?"
"Mistress showed
me—in a mirror of polished metal . . . Ha! Ha! Ha! You should have seen me! Oh,
dear, I shall die if I don't stop this . . . Said I was too ugly to go abroad
without a mask, so I made—tee-hee!—this. Ho! Ho! And if any ask—He! He!—I say I
am marked bad with the 'pox!"
"You don't mind
looking like that, then?"
"Can't, can I? Always
have, s'pose . . . Oh, mercy, mercy! Stop making me laugh!"
"What with that
mask and walking around doubled up with that—stone—in your stomach, you
look—you look much like a hobgoblin!"
"A hob—hobgoblin?
Oh dear, yes, I must do! How—how hilarious! What a fright! Enough to scare the
children, and the old folk from the chimney-corner . . . He-he-he . . ."
And thus was changed in
my mind the hidden hurt of the day when our Mistress had found me trying to
gaze at my reflection in a pail of water—just to see whether my fingers lied
when they felt a straightish little nose, a wideish mouth and long lashes—and,
muttering a few words, had shown me what a horror I really was, in that
polished mirror of hers: jutting brow, little snake-like eyes downturned at the
corners, a crooked nose, squashed like a pig's, uneven, jagged teeth, and a
drooling, loose mouth. The whole face, from brow down, was covered in
skin-blemishes: blue scars, pocks and a web of red like a spider's which had
spread up from the red pebble in my navel like the plague . . . After that I
had begged a piece of soft leather from her and hung it on a thong threaded
through the top over my nose and across the rest of my face.
And she had laughed even
more when she had seen it.
But now it was I who was
laughing, and far harder than she had ever done.
After that I fell
suddenly asleep, exhausted by the strange thing called laughter, but the others
told me in the morning that even in my dreams I had been giggling happily,
though when I awoke I could not recall a single thing.
The Gathering: One- Three-
Four- Five- Six- Seven
The White Horse
The last sight we had of
that extraordinary man, Thomas Herrilees Trundleweed, was of him bowing us
exaggeratedly away, and then striking his head on a branch some seven feet up
as he straightened, and being showered thus with last night's raindrops. I had
smothered a giggle against the back of my hand, remembering the release of the
night before, but he was, by then, too far away to have heard anyway. I was
still not sure whether I really liked him, in spite of his kindnesses, for he
was too mercurial and fey to understand completely, but I had to admit we had
been very well treated and were now better off with a route to follow for the
next few miles, full stomachs, dry clothes, fur and feathers, the promise of a
lift partways, a grounding in the art of mushrooming—and in the case of the
latter, a further present.
That morning Tom had
handed me a small package of the dried Mouse-Dugs, as he called them, enough
for two adult dosings.
"Though I doubt if
you'll find any other that hasn't laughed for seven years . . ." But when
I had queried the specific number seven he had just winked and tapped the side
of his nose. "It's a number, just like any other, ain't it? 'Sides, old
Tom listens to the trees and the birds, don't forget." And that was all I
could get out of him, try as I would.
We made fair progress,
although the village we were aiming for was a good ten miles away, and arrived
soon after noon. Tom's contacts were an elderly couple, quiet and reserved, but
ready enough with food and lodging once we had explained who we were; they said
that it would be a waste of time to set out for the market till the following
morning as it would take at least three hours at their donkey's sedate pace. So
I had to curb my natural impatience to get on, and spent the afternoon learning
to weave simple baskets and carriers, which was their trade. I grew quite
proficient after an hour or so, and by the time the light faded and rushes were
lit I had managed a creditable back-carrier, which they gave to me, pointing
out that my sack was almost threadbare. The broad top of the carrier meant that
there was somewhere for Moglet to perch, so that only one
shoulder—Corby's—would be sore, and this I padded with a scrap of leather.
We suppered from fresh
bread, goat's milk and cheese, and they parted with some eggs and a loaf for
our journey, taking but one copper coin, so we bedded down in the lean-to shed
at the side of the cottage with light hearts soon after eating, warned of an
early start. They woke us before light as they had stock to feed and the little
cart to load with their weavings and the mushrooms and me, and we eventually
set off an hour before daybreak, to arrive at the market as early as possible.
We slipped away before they came to the town proper, for though neither of them
had made any comment about my friends, the woman especially had cast curious
glances at my mask, and I judged it better not to risk us with the more open townsfolk.
So, considerably
heartened, we set off again on our way south and west. Before long the broad
road on which we found ourselves became too well populated, and we took to the
byways and woods again, only using the main thoroughfare very early or very late
and in this fashion, lucky with our nightly lodgings—ruined hut, upturned
wagon, barn and, once, church porch—we made another fifty miles or so.
Then our luck changed.
The road we were following took in another and turned to run due
southeast/northwest for many miles, and though we followed the left hand for
many miles it soon became evident that we were bearing ever more easterly, and
when I assisted Corby with his keener eyes to the top of the tallest tree
around he came fluttering to earth with the news that there was no change in
direction "as far as a crow can see." I was disheartened, for that
meant either a detour to find another road, or crossing the present one and
plunging into forest that looked far less hospitable than the one we had so
recently left. A detour was too risky, so for the next day or two it was
scratched arms and legs from briars, whipped head and shoulders from tangled
branches and snappy twigs and a rapidly dwindling store of food.
One thing I learnt:
staying in one place and going round and about with an expert gathering
mushrooms was one thing; gathering them without one on the march was another.
You only saw them if they were right in front of you, or at least in eye-reach,
and then one had to stop, dislodge Corby, wake up Moglet in the
carrying-basket, set down Pisky, where he moaned that he couldn't see, and, if
you were lucky, get away without disturbing Puddy in the side-pocket. Then,
when you had examined the mushrooms they might turn out to be the wrong sort,
or if they were the right kind there weren't enough of them to justify cooking
or, more often, they were a species I had not come across before.
We were down to our last
handful of flour and a rind of cheese when we came to a small village. Here, in
the forest, were signs of cultivation: trees had been lopped and felled for
building and fuel and the scrub thinned down in the direction of a navigable
river, unluckily flowing the wrong way for us, otherwise I might have risked
trying to hire a boat, but here the only transport available seemed to be large
working rafts, and I did not have the strength to pole one of those against the
current. Leaving the others on a knoll overlooking the river I slipped down to
the village and paid the usual stranger's over-price for bread, cheese, apples
and a hand of salt pork. This reduced our savings to two silver and two gold
coins: these latter I was wary of changing, for the last time I had been
short-changed and almost openly accused of being a thief, for obviously no one
who looked as I did could possibly come by gold honestly.
I was anxious to rejoin
the others as soon as I could because for the last few days, even as the trees
had thinned and broadened into great stands of leaf-dropping beech and oak and
the going had become easier, I had had the uneasy feeling that we were being
followed. Not that there had been anything to see, merely a fleeting impression
of something white through the trees to the left, the right; the half-heard
sound of a footfall, muffled by leaves, ahead, behind; a soft breathing in the
night-hours; a feeling of loneliness, of an empty heart . . . None of the
others had seen anything, although they too were uneasy.
However, today the sun
was shining full on the knoll, they were safe and sound, and we ate till we
were comfortable. Stomach full I felt decidedly soporific: after all, if we had
an hour or so's rest now, safe out of sight of the village, it would mean less
time tonight in a possibly uncomfortable sleeping-place.
Unbuttoning my jacket to
the pleasant rays of the sun, I laid aside my mask and stretched out, pillowing
my head on my cloak.
"We'll stay here
for a while," I told the others. "Moglet: you can keep half an eye
open, can't you?" For I could see that Corby and Puddy fancied some
Closing my eyes I
slipped effortlessly into dreamless sleep.
"Pig, pigs,
pig-person! Wake up, Thing—" Moglet's urgent mew in my right ear and I was
struggling to open my eyes, to make some sense of what was happening. There was
a rootling, grunting, scrunching noise, a strong, not unpleasant piggy smell
and then Corby's raucous croak: "Geroff! That's mine, you big bastard!
Find your own, you great vat of lard—" and then the sound of a stone
striking the earth and a yelp from the crow. I leapt to my feet, the sun in my
eyes, and squinted at a herd of swine grunting their way slowly along the
fringes of the forest, and standing about six feet away the swineherd, another
stone ready to follow the first.
Snatching up my mask
with one hand and fumbling with the fastenings of my jacket with the other, I
cursed Moglet for not waking me sooner.
"Fell asleep . . . wind
in the wrong direction . . ." she whispered.
said the swineherd. "What-have-we-here?" Each word was slow,
measured, calculating. He was a dirty-looking man, short and squat but
powerful. He smelt of pig and frowsty nights of drink and even as I watched he
took a flask from his pocket and offered it to me. I shook my head but he took
a draught and replaced the stopper but not the flask. Instead he eyed me up and
down and smiled. Not a nice smile: his mouth was too fat and he looked to have
twice as many teeth as he should, yellow, sharp teeth with little pits in them.
His skin, too, was pitted and the pits black; his nose was upturned, the
nostrils sprouting black hairs like his ears, and his eyes were too small.
I backed away a step or two
and Moglet backed with me, her fur anxious. Out of the corner of my eye I could
see Corby hopping up and down, luckily undamaged, and the movement of grass as
Puddy crawled closer.
"Keep back," I
thought-ordered them. "I don't like the look of this fellow . . ."
"You'd like him
even less if you'd had a ruddy great rock up your arse," was Corby's
succinct reply. "And we're not abandoning you in a dangerous
situation," he added. "Fellow like that means business. Where's your
"Words first,"
said Puddy. "Action second if necessary. You've never used that knife in
anger . . ." No. It was the one I used for vegetables, peeling and
slicing. But it was very sharp.
The swineherd had moved
forward as I moved back, and now he was the same distance away as before.
"No-harm-meant," he said ingratiatingly, and stretched out his free
hand to my still half-covered chest. "Pretty-little-bubs-them.
Shame-to-hide-them. Like-to-touch-them-I-would . . ."
I backed away again,
looking away past him to where I had left our belongings, with Pisky's bowl in
the shade of the wicker carrier. I received his anxiety and sent back a
reassurance, but inside I was panicking. I did not know what this man intended:
did he mean to kill us for our paltry belongings? He could not know I had our
remaining coins hidden away in a pouch in my breeches. Perhaps if I offered
them to him he would let us go . . . Frantically I dug down and his eyes
followed my hand, his tongue passing slowly over his lips.
the voice was suggestive, nasty.
I held out the coins.
"That's all I have. Please take them and leave us alone . . ."
His eyes lit up and he
snatched the coins away from me and bit them. "Good-good . . ." He
took another pull from the flask, pulling the cork with his teeth and spitting
it to the grass. "Why-don't-you-speak-proper? Why-the-mask?
And-what-you-got-over-there?" and he gestured in the direction of our
He wasn't going to leave
us in peace, he wanted everything. "Take it all," I said despairingly.
"Except my little fish. Then please let us alone . . ."
He put down the flask
and placed the coins atop, where they winked in the sunshine.
"Don't-hear-you-right-girl. Ain't-answered-my-questions.
Let's-see-what-else-you-got-in-there—" and he made a grab for me but I
jumped back, and this time my knife leapt to my hand, glinting to match the
"Let us alone, or
I'll—I'll kill you!"
He couldn't reach me but
unfortunately Moglet had not moved fast enough and he grabbed her and held her
high by the scruff of the neck, his other hand flashing to his own knife. He
made as if to strike her and I screamed, a scream that was echoed by a
strangled wail from Moglet.
"Help me, Thing
dear, help me!"
"No, no!" I
yelled. "Anything you want, anything!"
Apparently this time he
understood, for he lowered my kitten, but his knife was still at the ready.
All-right-put-your-knife-down-over-there-and-I'll-let-it-go. That's-right . .
." For a moment longer he held her, then opened his hand and she dropped,
choking and gasping, to crawl back to my side. I bent to stroke her, but a
moment later a hand was at my throat and I was forced backwards to the ground
and his other hand tore at my belt. "Get-'em-down, get-'em-down," he
muttered and pulled my trews past my knees. In hideous shame I tried to cover
my red-pebbled belly with my hands and roll over, but he slapped my face till
my head rang. "Lie-still-curse-you-or-it'll-be-the-worse-for-you—"
At that moment he broke
off with a yell for all at once he was attacked by the spitting fury of Puddy,
whose venom shot up into his face, the claws of an enraged Moglet, scratching
blood from his hands, and the beak of an angry Corby, who tore at his rear.
"Run, Thing,
run!" they yelled, but with a fist the swineherd punched Moglet from him,
with a foot he kicked Puddy away and his knife flashed within an inch of Corby.
I knew it was no use and called on them to stop.
"Go away, go away,
my dear ones: you cannot help me now. Go into the forest where he cannot find
you, and drag Pisky's bowl with you. I'll be all right, only please, please
go!" But still they hesitated, crying and cursing, till I used the words
of command. "Go, and do not disobey. I command you by all that holds the
Earth, the Waters, the Sky in their accustomed places; the Now, the Then, the
Hereafter . . ."
I heard them leave me,
and the desolation of the abandoned tied my stomach in knots, spilt the tears
from my eyes and cut at my heart as keen as any knife. The sun went behind
cloud and the figure standing over me assumed the proportions of a giant. Why
doesn't he kill me, I thought, and get it over with? And I sent a hope-call for
my dear ones, to be left to fend for themselves. Let them be brave and
resourceful, I prayed, let them find their own peace . . .
The swineherd unbuttoned
his trousers. Staring upwards, all at once I realized what he intended: he
meant to use me as Broom used to punish our Mistress, for the great thing that
poked out from his groin was smooth-knobbed, and ridged and gnarled along its
length like Broom, and it throbbed and pulsed and swelled like Broom, and like
Broom it had a great bush of furze at its base the colour of dead heather, and
it waved and nodded and beckoned just like Broom and any moment now it was
going to thrust into my stomach where the pebble hurt and bring forth great
gouts of blood and pain, and I began to whimper and cry.
"Oh, do not hurt
me! Do not hurt me—I cannot stand more pain! Please, please!" I did not
want to writhe and curse and bleed as she had done—
The sun came out from
behind the clouds, there was a thudding noise on the turf, a wild neighing, and
all at once the swineherd was gone, clear over the top of the knoll, and soft
horse-breath was sweet on my face.
"Come up,
youngling, come up! He is gone and you are safe, for the moment. Gather your
things quickly, for he will be back . . ."
I stared up in
bewilderment at the tattered, ragged-maned horse that stood over me.
"Gather your things
quickly, before he returns," he repeated. "The others are safe: I
will take you to them. Come!"
* * *
That night we had a
fire, and ate at our leisure, and slept in the open. No looking for a tree to
climb up, a hole to crawl into; that night we slept at peace for the first time
since we had left on our great adventure. It is difficult to explain just why
we all felt this sense of security—and we all felt it, not just me—except that
the finding of the white horse, or rather his finding of us, was at the root of
it all. Not then nor after did we ever question his unerring sense of
direction, his knowledge, his warm benignity: we just accepted them, and him as
something special.
Not that he was a
splendid white stallion of some eighteen hands, like the great chargers I
seemed to recall from some other time, some other place; he was small, perhaps
a little larger than pony-size, with cloven hooves and tatty feathers, a long
tail and mane, curly and tangled, and large, soft, brown eyes. It was probably
those eyes that set the seal on it: they seemed brown most of the time, but in
sunlight they were blue-green, in shade brown-green and they beamed—there is no
other word for it. Reassurance, comfort and a strange other-worldliness shone
from those eyes, and yet they were not happy . . .
He promised us nothing
that first day, except that he would take us to a place of safety: he had
carried us all smoothly and swiftly through the forest, stopping as twilight
fell in a particularly pleasant glade to let us down. After gazing at us
reassuringly for a moment or two he went to lie down a little distance away,
leaving us, as I said, feeling so calm and confident that I had lighted a fire
without further thought, and we slept in the open that night all wrapped under
my cloak, for the nights were chill—all that is except Corby, who preferred to
roost off the ground.
In the morning the white
horse was still there, quietly cropping the sweet grass that still lingered in
the hollows. He seemed shy of approaching us, so I went across with one of the
small russets I had bought the day before.
"Please have one:
they are nice and juicy."
Lipping the apple gently
from my palm, he scrunched it with evident enjoyment. "Thank you."
"Talking of thanks,
I quite forgot to offer mine—and ours—for the rescue and the ride and—and
"I had been near
you for some days: I thought sometimes you realized I was near."
"I thought someone,
or something, was following us, but I wasn't sure. And if you hadn't, I don't
know what would have happened to us. That—that man, with his—his—" I still
wasn't sure what it had been.
"I followed you
because you seemed a small and vulnerable party to be making your way in such a
determined manner, and I was curious. Besides, you are a maiden, and even in my
present state I have not forgotten my duties."
"To defend all
maidens and the pure and unsullied from Evil, in whatever form that may come .
. ." The answer was confident as if it came from a much bigger animal, but
my eyes must have mirrored my astonishment, for the white horse blew softly in
my ear. "Things are not always what they seem," he said. "I was
not always the wretched thing you see me now . . . No more of that. Now tell
me, youngling—"
"My name is
Thing," I interrupted. "And may I know just whom I have the honour of
addressing?" I knew that was the correct way to ask someone's name because
I had overheard two gentlemen meeting on the road one day, and they had
addressed one another in just that way. I had crept away and practised it.
"You may, but not
just now. Give me a name of your own: whatever you would call a white
I thought of all the
things that were white: clouds, linen, daisies, dough (sometimes);
swan-feathers, chalk, marble, eggwhite; snow—Snow. "Would you mind if we
called you 'Snowy'?"
"I would not mind
being called Snowy at all," he said gravely. "I do not think I should
have liked 'Doughy' or 'Eggwhitey' as much . . ." He had been reading my
mind! That was another thing: all of us could understand him perfectly, but
none of us considered this strange, although we had been used to our own
methods of conversation for so long. And he seemed to sharpen our understanding
of all the other creatures we met along the way, as if he were a catalyst
through which all tongues became one. What surprises me now is that we accepted
it without question at the time, but perhaps that was all part of his magic,
"And now," he
said. "Would you like to trust me with your purpose in journeying so far
and so poorly attended? I can see you have a tale to tell—but perhaps you would
prefer it if we talked as we went? I am afraid I am not strong enough to carry
you far in one go, but if you can manage to walk a league, say, and then travel
on my back for the same distance, we could probably manage double your usual
"You go our way,
then?" I said, delighted.
"For want of a
better, my road lies with yours for a while, yes," replied the gentle
It was a day of sun and
shadow, wind and the falling of leaves. As we went I told our new companion our
story, right from the beginning. He questioned me closely about our Mistress,
then sighed. "You are sure She is indeed dead?"
I was sure, and he
sighed again. "Then that is that: no hope that it may be changed." He
seemed to make up his mind. "Then, if you will have me, I shall be with
you till your journey's end.
"You wanted to find
a magician, a wise man: I heard tell of a great sorcerer who lived once in the
arm of the west. I had supposed him dead or fled, but you have such faith that
it is possible he is still there. If he is, I think I know the way.
"Come, my friends:
the sooner we are there the better. I have an idea the hour-glass has been
turned for the last time . . ."
The Gathering: One- Two-
Three- Four- Five- Six- Seven
The Rusty Knight
It had been a beautiful
morning. For some days now we had been following the upstream course of a big
river, which the white horse, Snowy, said was called the Tamesis. It was
fordable, but he said the going was better on this side and we could make another
seven leagues or so before crossing and striking more southward. We had woken
that morning to the loud, sweet song of a little wren, and everything touched
with frost fingers. It was near the end of the month of Leaf-Fall and soon we
should be in the Moon of Mists, but the morning was sparkling and still and
clear. We had spent the night cosily enough in an abandoned charcoal-burner's
hut, but the sharpness of the morning turned my nose pink and snapped at my
cheeks, or so Corby said. "You look just like a ripe apple, m'dear,"
which was a generous compliment to my maskless face, for I now only wore this
disguise if there was a chance of meeting other folk on the way. Not that this
was a frequent occurrence, for we left the road if we heard steps on the way,
and hid till they were past.
Snowy had made no
comment on my disfigured face, for which I was grateful: he just seemed to
accept it as the others had. I always considered this a peculiarly delicate
gesture on their part, until I overheard Moglet one day remark to Corby:
"I don't know why Thing bothers with that silly piece of leather: she
looks all right to me," to which the gracious bird replied: "She
could be as beautiful as Heaven or ugly as Hell, as the saying goes, and it
would be all the same to me: humans all look alike, don't they? I can't tell
one from t'other 'cept by their height and the length of their beaks, and hers
is nothing to beat the drum for. Now mine, mine you would call a patrician beak
. . ."
So much for vanity.
The road swung away from
the river for a while and lay between high banks where beards of traveller's
joy draped the bushes and blackbirds feasted from the last brambles and watched
the haws ripen. We had climbed a little and now stood on an escarpment. To the
left, down by the river, a few houses hugged its curves, smoke rising straight
and thin into a pale sky. Below us in a clearing was a winter barn full of hay;
the southering sun shone on gleaming pebbles on its roof, and only when I saw
their restless shift and heard the bubbling chatter carried up to us on the
still air did I realize they were those tardy travellers, house martins,
adorning like pearls the rough surcoat of the barn roof. Beside the barn
someone had planted a line of fruit trees and these, for rapture of the
morning, had shed their last leaves to lie, discarded red petticoats, around
their feet, and stretched bare silver limbs to embrace the shafted sunlight.
Beneath our feet, as we trod the rutted road, fallen leaves leapt away like
frogs from our intrusion, and somewhere amidst the smells of cold stone, damp
earth and the sweet sweat-smell of Snowy, was the evocative scent of burning
apple logs—
"Listen!" It
was Moglet, large pointed ears flickering back and forth.
We stopped and at first
I could hear nothing, but as I watched the others their reactions told me what
was afoot long before the faint sounds reached my ears. It was a stealth of
ambush, a fight-back, a battle, and as we hurried towards the sound,
half-afraid, half-curious, I found my heart beating with a rare excitement as
if something special was about to happen. We rounded a corner, the road dropped
away in a steep decline and there beneath us where the road banked high, river
on one side, forest the other, a lone man in rusty chain mail was trying to
fight off three sneak-thieves with his fists and a broken sword.
Even as we watched he
was beaten to his knees then rose again, staggering, with scarce enough breath
to call for help, and the next moment returned to the attack, in the name of
one St. Patrick. He was a bonny fighter, but I could see he had no chance at
all, and would be lucky to escape with a broken skull and the loss of his pack.
I turned impulsively to
Snowy. "We must help him! We can't just stand by and let him be
"Are you sure you
want to be involved? We could lie low till they have done . . ."
Somehow I knew this was
no cowardice on his part, more a test of me, the biggest coward I knew. But—
"Of course we must
help him! We must draw them off, distract them—"
"I can imitate a
horn," said Corby, hopping up and down.
"Hear me
shriek!" said Moglet.
"Poison in their
eyes," muttered Puddy.
"You can borrow my
water," bubbled Pisky. "But only borrow, mind . . ."
"Right," said
Snowy. "I shall gallop round through the trees and try to sound like a
troop of horses, dropping you off, crow, to make your horn-calls on the other
side of the road, with cat doing her screeches. Toad, you shall be left nearer
to aim your poison, and the maid here shall hide in the trees with the fish and
bang against a pan and shout 'A rescue! A rescue!' in as deep a voice as she
can. Ready?"
We had no time to think.
Up on Snowy's back, then away like the wind down through the trees and into
action. It was wildly improbable, highly dangerous, wholly exhilarating—and it
worked. A perfect cacophony of horn and trumpets sounded from the river side of
the road, accompanied by ear-splitting screeches. A cavalcade of horsemen
thundered through the woods; one attacker was half-blinded by an evil jet of
poison that shot from the bushes at his feet and my clattering sounded like at
least three men in armour blundering through the trees. In a moment the three
attackers were flying for their lives down the road away from us, leaving a
huddled figure heaped in the ditch, pack still intact by its side. We
approached warily from our various concealments, one eye on the dust of the
attackers' retreat, the other on the victim. The only one making any noise was
Pisky, furious at not being allowed to help in the attack, sulking vociferously
at the bottom of his bowl.
The knight lay on his
face in the muddy ditch.
"He's awfully
still," I said doubtfully.
Puddy hopped closer.
"He's breathing, though."
"All bloody,"
said Moglet. "Not nice . . ."
"I've seen worse
get up and walk," said Corby. "But not much."
Pisky decided to ignore
the whole thing.
"Well," said
Snowy, "we should get him away from here in case they come back; we should
be safer under cover. If you will pull him on to my back and walk beside to
keep him steady we can make a mile or two to an abandoned anchorite's cell I
know of in the forest. Can you manage his pack as well?"
Somehow we did manage,
though we were all exhausted when at last we laid him on the floor of the cell,
a gloomy place that smelt of old bones and cat-piss. I placed the knight's head
on his pack, but carefully because the back of his head was sticky with blood,
and covered him with my cloak. He moaned a little and moved his legs, so we
knew they weren't broken; I flexed his arms: they were whole too, though his
knuckles were broken and bruised with the fighting. He seemed to be whole in
body, no holes or gashes, but I fancied from the bruising and his ragged
breathing that a couple of ribs might be broken, but I dared not completely
remove his rusty chainmail coat to confirm this. His head seemed worst hurt: it
bled freely from a gash on his forehead, he had a black eye and a bloody nose,
but these would heal; I was more worried about the injury at the back: a lump was
already forming, though the blood oozed more slowly now.
I sat up from my
examination. "Can we light a fire? He's very cold . . ."
"We're safe enough
here," said Snowy.
Corby rattled off for
some twigs for kindling, I found some larger pieces of branch and soon we had a
fire blazing away in the corner. I remembered the so far unused piece of linen
I had taken from our village, what seemed so long ago, and knew at last how to
make my peace with Pisky as well. With dampened cloth, carefully dipped in his bowl,
I wiped away the worst of the blood from the knight's head and bound up his
wound as best I could; he moaned a little and grimaced but still remained
unconscious, and I looked up anxiously at Snowy.
"Will he be all
"Lift his head a
little and give him half a cup of water from Pisky's bowl. Wait: put the cup on
the ground," and I watched as he bent his head and covered it with his
mane. I wondered for a moment whether he was checking for weed or snails, but
when he nodded to me to take up the cup the liquid within was warm and cloudy
and smelt of herbs. "Now, give him a drink."
I put the cup to his
lips. "Drink, Sir Knight: you are in safe hands."
Obediently he swallowed
the liquid and, as I held his head on my arm, a pair of autumn-brown eyes opened
and gazed into mine. Too late I remembered I was maskless.
But he was whispering
something. "Thank you, beautiful one . . ." His eyes closed and he
was unconscious again, but he had looked at me, he had spoken, he would get
better . . . He must, for at that look, those words, something in my middle had
started galloping round like a colt in spring, ungainly and clumsy and untamed,
and I knew I could not let him die, even if common sense told me that it was
not me he had seen but some lady of dream.
"He'll do for the
moment," said Snowy. "There's a spring down in the trees a small walk
away. Make your suppers and put on some broth for when he wakens. I'll fetch
herbs, and I think you'll find a flask of wine in his pack: put a cupful in the
* * *
We kept watch all night,
in turns, lest he should need us, and I put his broken sword in his right hand
in case he woke and thought it lost. Dawn came in frost again and a chill wind,
and I built up the fire and tucked my cloak more closely about him—though my
teeth were chattering with cold and I could well have done with it myself. The
broth I had prepared tasted strong and stimulating and I had a cupful myself
and soon felt warmed through.
The sun spear-slanted
among the trees as it rose and a shaft touched the Rusty Knight's face. His
eyelids fluttered, he frowned, moved a little, and hastily I put away my dreams
and donned my mask. The others crowded round: he opened his eyes once more,
this time in puzzlement, put his hand to his head, shut his eyes again,
groaned, winced, lay still. After a moment his eyes re-opened and this time he
spoke, too.
"Wha—What happened?
Where am I?"
I explained as best I
could, introducing the others, lifting his head, offering the broth, but I was
nervous and the words got tangled up and didn't sound right, so I tried again
and that was worse.
The Rusty Knight raised
himself on one elbow and opened his mouth again.
"By all that's
holy! Would you credit it? I am attacked, I am wounded, I am rescued—and by
what? A broken-down nag, a tatty black bird, a scraggy cat, a frog,
something-in-a-bowl and—and a hobgoblin who talks scribble!"
The Gathering: One- Two-
Three- Four- Five- Six- Seven
Peter and Paul
But by midday his
breathing was worse and he had lapsed into unconsciousness again, muttering and
moaning in delirium.
Snowy looked grave.
"It would seem there is infection in the chest: I can do nothing about
that, but if it is untreated he may succumb. Dangerous as it may be to move
him, I think we should try."
"But where?" I
cried, hearing the tiredness and tension in my voice. "There's just forest
for miles!"
"Not quite: two
leagues to the north there is a hump of folding hills where two brothers from
an order of monks tend sheep from late autumn to lambing; they are experienced
with animals of all kinds and would at least know what was best for the knight,
of that I am sure. Come, we will have to start now, otherwise it will be night
before we reach them."
It took over five hours,
for Snowy could not carry his burden for long and had to rest as did I,
burdened as I was with the others. Each time we had to move the poor knight he
seemed worse, and I was in a right old state by the time we heard the distant
blearing of sheep and emerged from the twilight of the forest to smoothly
sweeping downs and the Evening Star pricked clear into the deepening blue of a
frosty sky. The shieling was built of stones and mud and lay low to the ground,
surrounded by wattle-fenced enclosures filled with restless sheep, just driven
in for the night by a monk in brown habit and a couple of shaggy, point-nosed
dogs. To the left was a barn, full of hay and housing a two-wheeled cart and a
donkey, whose braying blotted out the baa-ing of sheep, calling of monk and
barking of dogs.
We approached warily, my
hands palm outwards to show we came in peace, and Snowy whispered a word of
advice. "Play dumb, youngling: once they see he is injured you may leave
the rest to them."
I took his words
literally, and when the monk came running, a tall, thin figure with robe kilted
up thin shanks to knobbly knees, I mouthed distress and pointed to our burden.
Luckily he understood immediately.
"Tut-tut, whatever
have we here? A poor wounded fellow and an assortment of animals . . . Deary,
deary me! May the Good Lord preserve us!" and he crossed himself.
"This person needs attention, yes indeed . . . An accident, perhaps?"
He had a thin, high, fluting voice and his eyes were kind.
I mimed sword-play, an
"Ah, yes; I see.
How unfortunate: travelling has become so fraught these days . . . Well, well,
well! Never mind, we must get him to shelter and comfortable as soon as
possible. Brother Paul!" He had a surprisingly loud hail.
"Coming, Brother
Peter!" and a fat, squat monk came running out of the shieling, his robe,
even hitched as it was through his belt, trailing a little on the ground
behind. "What is it, what is it?" His voice was as deep as the
other's was high. "May His Holy Angels defend us! A wounded man, with
servant and—and pets? Brother Peter, the place for him is inside, with a robe
to cover, a posset to soothe and a fresh bandage for that head . . ." And,
fussing and fretting, he led the way over to the barn. "Now then, now
then: baggage and animals to remain here with Brother Donkey, and servant and
master to the house . . ."
I thought-transmitted
delay to the others, a later visit with food, but they were already abandoning
themselves to sleep. Snowy was lying down, Corby had shuffled to the beam above
the door, Moglet was curled up in the hay, weather eye open for the dogs, and
Puddy, eyes shut, was sheltering under a convenient crock. I put a somnolent
Pisky beside him, drawing hay round them both.
"I'll be back . .
I doubt if they heard
for all had been made to walk, crawl and hop further than usual during the day.
My eyes were closing too, as I followed the monks to their home. I looked round
for the dogs, but they were obviously well-trained and were already kennelled,
but unchained, ready, I supposed, to patrol the sheep pens against thief or
even wolf, though the latter usually left their hunting so far south till
winter really bit.
The room I was drawn
into, in the wake of the monks and their burden of wounded man, was long and
low, heat well-trapped in the rafters. To my right was a huge fire and
simmering pot, a drying rack of herbs suspended from the ceiling; two stools, a
table and hooks for cloaks and tools. Facing me were two pallets, straw-stuffed
palliasses on a wood and rope frame; to my left sacks and bales of provisions,
more tools and a barrel of apples. On shelves were arranged jars of ointment
and pots of unguent and packets of dried leaves and there was also room around
and about for shepherd's crooks, a large wooden tub, two leather buckets and a
besom. My nose wrinkled as it was assailed by the assorted odours of plain
stew, baking bread, leather, hay, sheep, dog, tallow, herbs, strong medicaments
and rather smelly monks, and my eyes stung with tiredness.
Peter and Paul laid my
knight carefully on one of the pallets and covered him with a woollen blanket,
twittering and muttering to each other as they did so; then the taller one
indicated the other pallet.
"Rest there,
traveller, while we attend to your master and prepare supper."
I had meant to stay
awake, to watch that they were careful of my knight, to return with food to the
others, but as soon as my head touched the pillow, rustling with lavender,
rosemary and thyme, I was asleep.
* * *
In the morning I woke
guiltily, aware that I had overslept, vaguely remembering that I had woken
briefly to drink a bowl of thick broth, then had fallen asleep again almost
immediately. Aware, too, that I had neglected my friends in the barn
shamefully, for I had not returned as promised.
Sunlight streamed in
dusty bars through the open doorway beyond my bed, and the fat monk was
sweeping out the dust into the yard, making the sunlight dance with motes that
climbed and fell, twisted and turned like tiny peasants celebrating a miniature
feast day. There was music too, for somewhere I heard the soft clucking of hens
and the monk was humming through his nose, a little bass tune that repeated
itself, then paused and was repeated in a higher key. It was soothing and yet
somehow disturbing, as though it perhaps required a respect that lying lazing
on a bed was not according it, so I jumped up. The broom fell with a clatter—a
perfectly ordinary broom used for sweeping and nothing else, I was glad to
see—and the little monk came fussing up, inquiring whether I had slept well and
pouring me a mug of goat's milk and handing me a heel of bread.
Miming my thanks, I took
these over to see the knight. It seemed he slept, though his breathing was
ragged and he frowned a little. They had stripped him down to his shirt, and
the discarded spotty mail lay to one side; his face had been cleaned up, to
re-dress the head wound, and though now much of his head was covered with the
bandage, over his brow a few springy curls escaped, russet as beech leaves, and
looking curiously soft. Wondering a little, for lambs' coats look soft as down
and are wiry instead, I stretched out a hand and lifted a strand, where it
curled round my fingers like a living thing; soft, yes, but with a strength and
hold I had not anticipated. It gave me a curious delight to touch, and next I
laid a finger on one frowning brow and traced the curve to its outer edge. The
skin beneath was burning hot, and under his high cheekbones the flesh was drawn
in, hollowed, and a dark red stubble shadowed his chin.
I drew back as the monk
approached, to take the empty mug from my hand.
"It is a pity you
are dumb, poor creature, else could you tell us this knight's pedigree and
destination. Brother Peter and I are most worried about his condition, indeed
we are, and fear that he needs better care than we can provide in our humble
quarters." He fussed round the patient, laying a hand on his forehead,
shaking his own head, drawing the coverlets higher. "Not good, not good at
all. We are used to sheep of course, sheep in a fever we can deal with, but
this man needs Brother Infirmarar.
"Now, there is
water to wash yourself; we prefer those who relieve themselves to go to the
corner of the yard, where we have a trench. Waste products attract flies; flies
lay maggots; maggots pester sheep. Simple enough if one uses logic . . ."
I washed my hands, wiped
my mouth and escaped from his chatter to the yard. From thence, affecting an
unconcern I did not feel, I sauntered over to the barn. The sheep were back in
the fields, the pens were empty, save for one limping ewe, and there was no
sign of Brother Peter or the dogs. I rounded the corner to the open front of
the barn.
morning," I said heartily. "Ready for some breakfast?"
"What happened to
supper?" said Corby.
They let me suffer and
apologize for fully two minutes before Snowy took pity and explained that
"the thin one" had been over with a handful of oats for horse and
donkey and some scraps for Moglet.
"And two
eggs," said Corby, "for me. Broken eggs, and not of the freshest.
Still, they were better than nothing." And he glared at me.
"Then this
morning," said Moglet, "I had goat's milk. And more scraps."
I lifted the straw from
Puddy and Pisky. The latter was languidly waving his tail and Puddy had a
moth's wing sticking from the corner of his mouth.
"I see you two are
all right," I said.
"Fair," said
Puddy. "Fair."
bubbled Pisky. "A nice little sliver of moth . . . But you left me where I
couldn't see, couldn't see, and you know how important it is to me to have a
good view. A fish hasn't much choice, you know, shut up like a genie in a
"A what?"
But he didn't reply, and
went on grumbling till I explained that the straw was to keep his water
"And how is the
knight?" asked Snowy. "Any better?"
I described his
condition as best I could.
"I feared as much.
I have seen that gasp of the breath in man before, and it can be grave."
"I just wish there
were something I could do: I feel so helpless . . ."
"We could do,"
corrected Snowy, gently. "We are all in this together, for the present,
"Yes," I said.
"Yes, of course." I must stop thinking of him as my knight, because
he wasn't and never would be. And what would I, ugly, deformed Thing, want with
a knight? And if I had one, what would I do with him? Tie him down to a bed or
something forever, fasten his legs and arms down tight, just so I could get
that strangely exciting feeling curling his hair around my grubby little
fingers? The idea was ridiculous, and yet lying there he had seemed so
vulnerable, so nice, so—
coming," warned Moglet.
I peered round the
corner of the barn: Brother Peter was striding down the nearest field, his gown
flapping vigorously against his thin shanks, the two sheepdogs slinking at his
He saw me and waved.
"How is our patient, the gallant knight? Such a well-set-up young man!
Such strong shoulders, and a fine pair of . . . And his hair: my dear, such an
unusual colour . . . Ah well."
I shook my head,
remembering in time I was supposed to be dumb.
"No better? I
feared not. And, much as I—as we—would like to keep him longer, I think it best
if we take him up to the Priory."
I manifested alarm.
"Much better for
him, much better. He will have a comfortable bed in the infirmary, where they
have salves and ointments and infusions and draughts which will go a long way
towards reducing the fever and healing his head.
"Come, now, we
shall go and consult with Brother Paul: we always decide things together."
My—our—knight was worse,
I could see that. The two monks consulted in a corner, a high mutter, a deep
rumble, bobbing their heads up and down like ducks' tails, but at last they
came to agreement.
"He must be taken
to the Priory," said Brother Paul.
"So pack up his
belongings," said Brother Peter. "We shall harness Brother Donkey to
the cart, and perhaps you might ride your white nag—strange animal that: never
seen hooves like that on a horse before—or perhaps you may prefer to walk: he
does not look overly strong."
"It is not
far," added Brother Paul. "You will be there before nightfall."
"Brother Paul will
stay behind with the sheep," explained Brother Peter. "Sheep must be
brought down before dark. Foxes; wolves; thieves after a nice piece of mutton,
for all it is a hanging offence . . ."
"May the Lord
forgive them." Brother Paul cast his eyes upwards. "And may we
remember that He shared His last hours with such . . ."
"Amen, amen,"
intoned Brother Peter.
They were like two
turtledoves, bowing and cooing to one another.
* * *
The two-wheeled cart was
harnessed to the protesting donkey and a bed of bracken prepared. The two monks
carried out the poor knight, bandaged head bobbing, and laid him carefully
down, padding him round with blankets to stop him from rolling. I added Pisky's
bowl, Moglet and Corby to the load, keeping Puddy in my pocket, and balanced
Snowy on one side with our wicker carrier, the other the knight's pack,
covering all with the knight's mail, now rustier than ever, for I thought it
better if I tried to walk.
The day was fair enough,
but a rising wind from the west scattered leaves about our feet and blew
Moglet's fur the wrong way, and I was anxious lest it rain before we reached
our destination. The way was uphill at the beginning and I found it hard going,
but Brother Peter strode ahead, seeming almost to pull the cart himself plus
the donkey, for the latter was mutinous at first, only cooperating when we
reached flatter countryside and Brother Peter remembered the slices of raw
turnip Brother Paul had put in his pocket, which was fed to the happier animal
at appropriate intervals. The sky darkened early, and as we passed through the
first of two small villages, large drops of rain plopped on my cloak. For a
hopeful moment I thought we might stop and shelter but Brother Peter strode on,
only stopping to cover the knight (who looked the worse for his jolting and
bumping) with his cloak, under which crept Moglet and Corby as well.
Then it started to pour
down in earnest: my cloak offered me some protection, but the poor monk was
soaked in minutes and his sandals squelched and his robe dripped, and so did
the end of his beaky nose. I pulled the end of the cloak over the knight's
face, for he was getting rustier than ever, and I could see a stain of dark
blood on his bandages. The donkey now stepped up his pace without bribery and
we staggered and stumbled and rattled over tracks that were rapidly becoming
impassable. At last, at long last, I saw through the drifting curtain of rain a
lantern, a dim, twinkling light suspended over a pair of high, closed wooden
gates. Away to either side stretched stone walls: Brother Peter lifted his
staff and beat at the gates, the while hailing in his loud voice.
There was a shuffling,
another voice raised in query, a drawing of bolts, a swinging back of one of
the gates, and suddenly we were in a courtyard full of scurrying welcome
. . .
The Gathering: One- Two-
Three- Four- Five- Six- Seven
“Come along now,"
said a not unkindly voice, as Brother Matthew came into the stable carrying a
large binding strap. "You and your animals will be eating us out of priory
and refectory soon: how about taking your nag out to eat fresh grass instead of
our precious hay, and bringing back some kindling in this strap to set against
your keep?"
Brother Matthew was one
of the younger brethren, lay brothers they were called, who were mainly
concerned with the physical work of the Priory of St. Augustine. Shared with
Brother Mark it was his concern to care for the stock and the provision of wood
for the fires. They kept two heavy draught horses, five cows, three goats and a
billy, two pigs for fattening and one for farrowing, and about three dozen
hens, some of which, the poor layers, would be eaten during the winter. These
two monks also kept the stables and courtyard clean, and the harness and tack
oiled and mended, and this all between their numerous calls to prayer,
signalled by the little bell in the chapel. I had been told that all the
brothers, whatever their tasks, and all visitors, which included me, were
expected to attend prayers three times a day—morning, noon and night, and the
ordained monks those in between as well.
His request wasn't
unreasonable and I got to my feet, yawning and shivering a little in the cold
morning air that was rushing, unnecessarily fast, through the open door and
dissipating the nice fug we had built up during the night. We were in a stable
along the western side of the courtyard, a small one obviously for donkeys or
ponies, for the stalls were not big enough for the larger horses. The mangers
contained loose hay, more bales of it were stacked in a corner, and there was a
comfortable layer of straw on the floor which I had not had to muck out, for I
had asked Snowy and Moglet to please use the midden corner in the courtyard,
and had persuaded Corby to turn his tail over one particular spot, which he
usually remembered. If Puddy did anything I didn't find it, for he was eating
less now and sleeping more, it being near winter-sleep for him, and of course
the snails took care of Pisky.
I think it rather
surprised Brother Mark the first time I escorted Snowy and Moglet over to
evacuate themselves and empty out my bucket and wash it out, for he called
Brother Matthew and they came over afterwards and asked me how I trained my
animals. Of course I did not answer but merely shrugged my shoulders, for
Brother Peter before he had returned to Brother Paul had told them all that I
was dumb, as he truly believed of course.
Even had I not been the
knight's servant, I believe they would still have treated me with kindness, for
they believed, I think, that in strangers and the lost and afflicted they
received their own God, who by all accounts was stern but kind. Sometimes, in
the words they used in prayer, I thought I caught an echo of something I should
remember, but was never quite sure. One thing I did find special was the
chanting of the monks: a sort of extension of the humming of Brother Paul at
the shieling, it had its own sort of magic. Sometimes in the night I would wake
and hear them and the sound always made me comfortable and secure; when I was
in the chapel, what with the dancing of the tallow dips and the question/answer
of the chants, it made me feel as if I always wanted to be good and kind, and I
usually managed to find something special for the others as a consequence: a
bigger share of my supper for Moglet, some oats filched from the big horses for
The knight was housed in
the Infirmary, on the opposite side of the courtyard from the gateway, and one
floor up. When we had arrived I had been allowed to carry up his pack and mail
and see him safely bestowed on a raised pallet, and water and clean linen
brought, before I was firmly shooed away to where I belonged: in the stable
with the animals. I was allowed upstairs once daily to see my master, and I
could see he was profiting from their care, for after a couple of anxious days
when his bedside was always attended by a couple of the brothers praying, his
fever abated slowly and—although the brothers had kept him largely unaware of
what went on around him, aided I suspect by Brother Infirmarar's poppy-juice—he
was nevertheless much better. On my brief visits, more to do me good than my
master, I suspect, I was supposed to contribute to his recovery: at first I had
not known what was expected of me and just watched as Brother Infirmarar sank
to his knees by the unconscious man's bed, folded his hands, bowed his head and
began to mutter in a foreign language. It was only after he had put out an
impatient hand to tug me down beside him that I realized that I, too, must bow
my head, fold my hands and pray. This last wasn't so difficult after all, for
as I was supposed to be dumb I didn't have to say anything.
Once the knight was
safely in the monks' care, why didn't we leave and continue our journey? One
reason, I suppose, was that the brothers believed me his servant, the animals
his pets. That would not have stopped us slipping away unnoticed while they
were all in chapel, of course, but there was another, stronger reason why we
did not leave him: it just never occurred to us that he was not part of the
team. We would wait till he was better and go on together. It may not have been
in any of their minds, of course, but they never said anything and I never
asked: perhaps it was only that I was being selfish . . .
I think the monks all
became a little wary of me, because of the way I could apparently manage my
friends without words of command, and I even caught Brother Mark crossing
himself one morning surreptitiously after I had forgotten to bring back the
water bucket and asked Snowy to bring it back on his return. Because of this,
perhaps, they tended to leave us alone, and this started me thinking of my
curious position within our group, and the difficulties this posed in the world
of man. I could communicate with my friends and some of the lesser beasts—the
pigs and the donkey in our village, migrating birds—but though I understood
human language I could only answer in what the knight had rightly called
"scribble," on that awful day when he had called me a hobgoblin. And
I didn't know how to correct this. I knew the words, understood the
inflections, appreciated the intonations, but still my words came out like
accidentally spilling a bag of dried peas: all over the place. To get any
further—and especially to be able to explain things to the knight, I realized
guiltily—I should need to practise words properly: everyone wasn't as clever as
Mushroom Tom, who had lived so long away from people that the language of
nature was more real to him.
* * *
One afternoon when,
having collected a large bundle of wood in the morning and helped with
mucking-out the other stables, I was free and bored and playing a game of tag
in the courtyard with Moglet, who was bored too, I heard my name—or rather what
the monks called me: "Boy!" —called from an upstairs window. That was
another thing: the monks accepted my hunched back, my mask, my silence, but I
would not have been allowed within the Priory if they had known I was female—or
perhaps they guessed but were pretending not to know. After all, if I wished to
relieve myself I had to squat, not having one of the useful pipes that men were
equipped with, that allowed them to stand and spray all over the place for this
most necessary of functions, and I couldn't be sure no one had seen me. I
remember, when first I had noted this distinct advantage that males had, I felt
envious; then I had thought perhaps it was more of a disadvantage, for one had
to find somewhere to put it, to tuck it away, and I had finally come to the
conclusion that being a female was probably tidier.
"Hist! Boy . .
." The voice came again, louder this time, and I looked up towards the
library, which was on the upper floor to the left. The shutters were open at
the end nearest the gateway and a youth leant out, his sandy hair catching the
last gleams of the misty sun.
I nearly said
"Hello!" back again because he had a nice, cheerful face, but I waved
instead and Moglet came to wipe her dusty fur clean on my ankles.
"Doing anything special?"
asked Cheerful Face.
I shook my head and
picked up Moglet, wary of an extra chore.
He glanced around, saw
the courtyard was empty but for us two. "Hang on a minute: I've a favour
to ask." The head disappeared, but a moment later it reappeared, attached
to a small wiry body clad in the usual brown, rope-girdled sack, at the bottom
of a small stairway set in the wall at the corner of the courtyard. "Come
up for a moment, if you can spare the time—please, that is?" It was the
honest smile as well as the words that made me decide: I put Moglet down, but
the young Brother held out his hand. "Please bring your little cat: I like
"It's all
right," said Moglet. "He means it. He looks as if he has a
comfortable lap. And perhaps milk . . ."
I followed the boy up
the stairs, Moglet trotting just ahead of me.
She was disappointed
about the milk, but there was a sliver of cheese. The room in which we found
ourselves was obviously an annexe to the library proper, for an archway filled
by a curtain separated it from the dusty main room, and here was a cheerful
brazier burning, two candles, a large sloping desk, a table and two stools. On
the table were quills, inks, brushes and tiny pots of different coloured
liquids, tightly stoppered. On the desk was a partly written manuscript.
The boy followed my
gaze. "That's Brother John's work: he has an ague at the moment so I'm on
my own. I'm his apprentice and I have to finish the script on that page, but
apart from the gilding I'm not yet allowed to make the illustrations. I'm to
practise on these scraps of vellum—see?—and while I'm pretty good on leaves and
flowers, I've had very little practice on animals. That's why I'd like to
borrow your little cat—such splendid colours she is, all the bars and stripes
and splotches of autumn woods—that is, if you could persuade her to sit still
for a little while? I hear you're very good with animals," and he smiled
ingenuously. "If you could manage to come two or three times—just before
dusk is the best time, they leave me alone then—I could get some good sketches
done. Please?"
I spoke to Moglet, who
was agreeable so long as there was a tit-bit and she could pose near the fire.
"She says
yes," I translated. "For a piece of cheese or somesuch and a share of
the fire for each sitting," and it was only when I saw the boy's eyes
round with shock that I realized I had broken my vow of silence.
"They told me you
were dumb," he said after a moment, fiddling with a brush, but as he
didn't rush away to tell on me or shout for help, I made up my mind to trust
him and, speaking very slowly, carefully, weighing each word, I explained.
I-have-been-with-my-friends-so-long-I-find-it . . . it . . ." I wavered.
he supplied.
I stopped.
But he had understood.
"You know the words: it's just practice, I suspect. You're not deaf, are
you?" I shook my head. "Good. And you can understand what I
say?" I nodded. "Fine! Tell you what: I'll draw little cat—what's her
name? Such a pretty little thing . . ."
She bridled visibly, and
the tip of her tail vibrated. "Nice man . . ."
"Moglet," I
"Moglet it is,
then," and he bent to tickle her just behind her ears. "And if you
can tell her what I would like her to do: stand, sit, lie down—you know—at the
same time as I'm drawing her, I'll teach you to talk properly. How's that?"
I turned a somersault
(easy with my humped back) and then had a sudden thought.
"Of course! Half
the fun!"
As it turned out, the
fact that it took almost a month for our Rusty Knight to be anywhere near ready
to continue the journey was a blessing in disguise, for in those four weeks
Brother Jude-the-Less as he was called grew amazingly proficient at drawing
cats, birds, toads and fish and my hands and feet (he was delicate enough not
to ask me to remove my mask once I had explained) and I—I found I could speak
human-talk. Not all at once, not every time, but day by day it grew easier to
express myself so that others could understand. I suppose the most difficult
was the radical switch from thought-pictures to word-symbols to describe the
same thing. Apart from the more primitive sounds that normally expressed fear,
pain, hate or desire, my animal friends usually presented most of their
thoughts in visual gradations of fur, feathers, scales and so forth, in size
and texture of touch, position of limbs and tail, attitude, flicker of eyes and
movement of whiskers, ears or mouth. Apart from that, when it was less a matter
of immediate communication than of thought, they sent vibrations in the form of
pictures into one's mind, and I had become adept at receiving messages from
their various eye levels, even through the distortion that Pisky's waterbound
existence gave him.
At first I thought the
human way of expressing oneself a clumsy and longwinded one, especially as
people didn't always say what they really meant, but gradually I became used to
it. I still sometimes got the order of words wrong, or missed out the, to me,
unessential ones, but soon I found I could carry on a reasonable conversation
with Brother Jude (the Less). We were undisturbed at our lessons because I
would only creep back and forth by way of the side stair when the coast was
clear, and at that time the monks were sitting down to break their daily fast
before the first of the three evening prayer sessions. Brother Jude, being a
lay brother, had a meal in the middle of the day and a snack in the evening.
I still performed my
daily tasks of taking Snowy out to graze—although fresh grass was getting more
difficult to find—fetching water, helping clean out the stables and sweep the
courtyard, and I paid my daily visit to the Rusty Knight. By now the fever was
gone, the gash on his forehead had healed and he was all cleaned up and
presentable. They had bandaged his ribs as well and these, together with his
ragged breathing, appeared to be mending. He was often awake now when I
went to visit him, but there was a blank look in his eyes as though he were
still dreaming and he obviously didn't recognize me, nor could he yet answer
coherently the questions Brother Infirmarar or his assistant put to him.
But one day I had to
face reality.
That day he was awake
when I paid my visit, and not only awake but sensible and he recognized me.
"Sit down," he
said. "There, on that stool. No, bring it nearer. I don't want the whole
world to hear our conversation."
We were chaperoned, but
only by old Brother Timothy, who was deaf as a blue-eyed cat and spent most of
his days nodding away happily in a corner. Reluctantly I turned back to my
inquisitor. Now that he was better and cleaned up and tidy I saw him properly
for the first time, and I am afraid I ignored his first few words because I was
listening to the lilt of them rather than the meaning.
" . . . remember it
all. The monks have told me how I was brought here, but why did you give them
the impression you were my servant?"
"I didn't: they
just assumed it. They think I am dumb." Between the words I was studying
his face. His hair curled as I remembered it, the colour almost that dull red
of hedgerow hips.
"How could you
possibly be dumb, when I remember that torrent of words with which you and—and
your animals overwhelmed me? I do recall some animals?"
"Yes. They are my
friends. We are travelling together." He has a broad, high brow, I
thought, and his dark eyebrows are straight when he frowns and a lovely curve
when he doesn't—
"And where do you
"To find the
answers to our problems . . ." He is very pale still, and his cheeks
hollow beneath the bones. He has a very firm chin—
Brother Timothy stirred
from his stool and put a fresh piece of peat on the brazier, nodding and
smiling over at us.
The knight lowered his
voice. "Speak softly, now . . . What problems have you?"
"You see me: you
called me hobgoblin, remember?" He had a firm mouth, too, under that
curling moustache, but it looked as though it would curve upwards and transform
his face if he smiled. "The others are deformed too. We seek release from
this bondage."
"But surely if you
are deformed there is no cure?"
"Not deformed by
nature, by a spell." His eyes were brown like peaty water, yet clear and
sparkling too.
"A spell!
Then—" The curtain at the end of the Infirmary opened and another of the
brothers entered, bearing a steaming bowl. "Quiet, now. I'll ask for you
tomorrow, earlier maybe. Now, go!" I turned away but his hand shot out and
caught my wrist. "Do you really talk with your animals, as the monks say?
And what is your name?"
I nodded. "We do
talk, and—and the only name I know is 'Thing' . . ."
Suddenly he grinned: it
made him look five years younger.
"Perhaps you aren't
so daft after all . . ."
* * *
I reported back to the
"We can go, then,
now he's better?" said Corby.
"We could, I
suppose," I said slowly. "But I had hoped . . ."
"That he would join
us," said Snowy softly. "I think—I think we should give him the
choice. You would be better with an escort, my little wandering ones. You will
do well enough here for the time being . . ."
This left me wondering
how long the white horse would remain with us if the knight joined us. We still
had no firm destination, but that we were on the right path towards the owner
of the pebbles I had no doubt. Since the witch's death our pains and cramps had
been better, and once we had headed in the general direction of the southwest
they had eased even more. Pisky was able to eat a little more, Corby's crippled
wing stretched farther, Moglet's paw was less tender, Puddy complained less of headaches
and I was standing at least an inch more upright, with only a stab now and
again, as if I were pulling at stitched leather.
Out of, perhaps, a
general feeling of optimism and inner gratefulness for the knight's recovery, I
offered to comb out the tangles in Snowy's tail and mane. He was looking much
sleeker and fatter since we came to the Priory, and he seemed calmer and less
sad, so I thought it would be nice if he had to leave us sometime that he
should do it looking tidy as well. When I offered he seemed to be surprised,
and glanced round at his tail as if expecting it to be immaculate, then shook
his head ruefully.
"You are reminding
me that I have neglected myself . . . If you please, youngling; I would deem it
a favour." He tended to talk like that, rather formally, but I supposed he
had probably lived among courtly people at one time. A teasing thought about
talking and speech touched my mind for a moment but was gone before I could
identify it, so I started on Snowy's tail: burrs, tangles, mud, nasty bits and
all. It took the rest of the evening, but by yawning-time it was sleek, curled
and oiled like even the best horses in our village had been—though they had
been beribboned as well—for the feasts of Beltane or Lugnosa.
"I'll do the rest
tomorrow," I promised, as I blew out the lantern and settled to sleep, my
head on his comforting flank, Moglet on my lap, Corby on his beam, Puddy and
Pisky tucked up in their hay. My last thought was of the morrow, and seeing
my—our—knight again . . .
But when I finally
reached the Infirmary it was to disappointment. The knight was propped up in
bed, but the Prior was there on a courtesy visit with his chaplain, and I was
only allowed to join dumbly in the prayers before being dismissed. I did try to
creep back later but Brother Matthew caught me and set me to replaiting and
lashing some frayed rope-ends, which was a boring task that took till supper,
which I always collected from the kitchen after six o'clock prayers. That
evening, I remember, it was cold salt pork and black bread and, for once, a mug
of ale, which I found sour but warming. Because of the pork, fatty from
fingers, I had to go and rinse my hands at the well before starting on Snowy's
mane with my rather battered comb. I made him lie down and leant against his
warm flank, pulling all the mane over to my side. It had incredibly long, soft,
silky hair and as I gradually worked from withers to ears it began to shine
like a rippling curtain. I only had to cut out a couple of the really tangled
bits, and he began to look beautiful.
"You should take
more care," I said, as I reached his ears. "It was a shame to get it
all tangled like that. Now, just your forelock—What's that?" For as I
lifted the hair from his forehead my hand touched a knobbled lump in the centre
and he started violently away, rising to his knees and giving a little whinny
of pain. I patted his neck. "Poor old fellow! Did someone give you a bad
knock, then? I'll be gentle, I promise . . ." But he pulled his head away.
"Come on," I urged. "It won't hurt, I swear, and you look so—so
beautiful now, almost like a faery horse—"
Snowy rose to his feet,
and all at once he seemed to grow twice as large, and his hide shone like
silver in the flickering lamplight.
"Oh wise young
maid, wise for all your tattered clothes and crouched back—you have discovered
what all others could not see . . ." He tossed back his forelock and
stamped dainty cloven hooves on the straw. "See, maid; see, O wandering
ones! See, and marvel, for this is probably the only time you will witness such
I stared at the jagged
coil of gold on his forehead, curled like a shell and rising perhaps an inch
from the bone.
"Trotters and
swill!" I breathed, my reverence in direct contrast to the words. "A
At these words the
others, hitherto in disarray because of our jumping up and down, crept closer
and gazed up at Snowy.
"A unicorn!"
breathed Moglet. "Magic!"
"Should have
known," muttered Corby. "Evening, Your Gracefulness . . ."
"A unicorn without
a horn," mused Puddy. "Unusual . . . Cloven hooves: obvious when you
think about it."
want-to-look; can't see a thing down here. Want-to-see, want-to-look!" So
I lifted Pisky's bowl to a level with Snowy's head. "Hmm . . . My
grandfather's cousin mentioned unicorns, but I don't see much more than a white
horse here . . ."
"And that is all I
am now," said Snowy quietly. "My precious horn is gone by the sorcery
of a witch—your Mistress, little maid. You tell me she is dead and so there is
no hope for me but to travel back to my once-kin and try to end my days, my now
mortal days, in peace."
"But how?" I
asked. "Why? And can't you grow another?"
"The how and the
why I will tell you another time, perhaps. Suffice it for now to tell you that
the spell is unbreakable, as far as I know. Once, a drop of dragon's blood,
freely given, could reverse the spell, but there are no dragons any more that I
know of. I had hoped . . ." He hesitated.
"Yes?" I
"I thought maybe a
wise man, a magician, could find a solution. There was one such, The Ancient,
who lived the way we travel. But he must be dead a hundred years since . . .
Then, when I heard your story, knew you had been cursed by the same witch, I
had thought that some way we were bound together, might even find the
"Yes!" I
almost shouted. "I am sure now there is someone, something that can help
us all. Maybe not the immediate answer right away, but at least an indication
of our next move . . . Don't give up on us, Snowy dear: we need you!
"Er . . . Should we
call you something more formal now?"
"Snowy will
do," and his voice was gentle. "My secret name is not for you, I'm
"Well, Snowy then:
where do your kin live?"
"The last I heard,
they too were in the southwest, in the forests of the Old Land."
"A double reason
for coming our way! Please . . ." For a moment the unicorn-without-a-horn
laid his cheek against mine.
"You are very
convincing, little maid. Very well: I will stay with you all for as long as you
need me . . ."
I realized afterwards
that I should have been quicker to recognize our unicorn for something special,
even if not for what he was, for of course there had been that question of
words and language that had been nagging me. I had become so used to only
communicating with my friends, and they with me, that we had all forgotten that
talk across different species was unusual; of course most birds could speak
with one another, gull, owl or sparrow, but they did not communicate, except in
the most superficial way, with felines, reptiles and fish and the same applied
to the others, and of course humans were special: it took a long time to work
out what they meant, even if you were one yourself.
We five had almost
evolved our own language and were so self-orientated that it had never occurred
to us to question how easy it had been to understand, and be understood by, the
white horse. Of course, coming across him in a moment of crisis had meant less
formality, but now that we had been formally introduced, as it were, I
understood why we had always felt so safe with him and why his manners and way
of speaking sometimes sounded so old-fashioned: magic ones couldn't be expected
to talk slang like we did.
* * *
Once again I was looking
forward to my meeting with the knight, for there was now lots to tell him, but
once again I was disappointed. For the second time it was other visitors, dumb
attendance, lots of prayer, but on the next day we had the Infirmary to
ourselves and he once more indicated that I should bring a stool close in case
someone came in unexpectedly.
"Now," he said
purposefully. He was propped up against high pillows, had on a clean linen
shift open at the neck, and a little bulge-ended cross rested on a chain around
his throat. "Now . . ." he began again, perhaps unnerved by my intent
gaze. His skin was still pale but now there was a faint tinge of colour under
the high cheekbones and his moustache was jauntier, the ends not drooping
towards the corners of his mouth as it had before. No bandages now marred his
head and a shaft of sun lit his russet curls.
"What are you
staring at?" He glared at me.
"You," I said.
"Very gratifying. Rather like picking up a stone and finding it an egg.
Are you feeling better?" I had been practising my words, and they were
coming out beautifully, though perhaps not exactly as planned: sometimes the
thoughts better unsaid were coming out with the politenesses.
He had the sort of face
that could scowl or smile, harden or become tender as if the expression had
never been used before—
"I want an
explanation," he said and folded his arms. "Begin."
"At the beginning
of course, er . . . Thingummy jig."
I had a new name: I was
delighted, and did not attempt to enlighten him.
"Right," I
said. "Once upon a time there were five of us living with a witch . .
." It took some time to tell it properly, but when I finished he was
staring at me as if he could not believe his ears.
"Take off that
mask, Thingumabob," he commanded.
I wriggled: another
name! "No," I said.
"No," I said
again, and explained why.
He gazed at me
broodingly. "Shame," he said at last. "Shame . . ."
"I don't
mind," I said, which wasn't exactly the truth. "But I think I would
rather have known all along that I was ugly than have been surprised into it.
Disconcerting, it was." That was a good word, and I said it again to make
sure it came out right a second time, and then explained to him how Brother
Jude (the Less) had been teaching me to speak properly. He was impressed, I
could tell, because he stroked his moustache and under his hand I saw his lips
twitch a little.
"And where do you
go now?"
"To find the owner
of the pebbles, of course: this is mine, see?" and I pulled up my jerkin.
"Put it away,"
he said hurriedly, and went quite red. "You shouldn't—never mind."
"You mean it's a
"Very. Don't do
that again."
"But I just wanted
to show—"
"All right! Enough
. . . Just don't go—displaying—it like that again. Understand?"
I didn't, but I nodded
wisely. "Are you coming with us, then?"
"With you . . .
?" He was plainly at a loss.
"Well, we came
together, so we'd better leave the same way, I suppose, or the monks will think
it rather funny."
"Oh. Yes. Of
"But I didn't mean
just the leaving bit, I meant about coming with us to find a magician first.
It's obvious you are also under some spell or other too, with that rusty armour
and broken sword—"
"Nonsense!" he
shouted. Really shouted, so that I fell off the stool in surprise and ended up
on the floor. He glared at me again. "Nothing of the sort!"
The curtains at the end
of the Infirmary parted and Brother Infirmarar came rushing in. "You
called, Brother Knight, you called? You are worse? Dearie, dearie me: too much
excitement, I fear. Your servant must return to the stables, but before that we
shall pray together, and then I will bleed you . . ."
* * *
I reported back
despondently to the others, but Snowy comforted me.
"You did your best.
Don't forget that we shall be leaving together and he may well change his mind
once we are on the road . . ."
And so it was that, some
five days later in the Moon of Frost, we seven were assembled at the gates of
the Priory. Snowy was loaded with our gear and the knight's, the animals all in
or on my wicker carrier. The knight and I were on foot. The Brothers came to
wish us "God-speed," and Brother Jude (the Less) even gave me an
affectionate hug, at which Brothers Matthew and Mark looked suitably
scandalized. We were provisioned for three days and I saw the knight hand over
a suitable "donation" to the Head Prior, for of course they would not
charge for their charity to us. The size of the gift occasioned much bowing of
heads, folding of hands and the beginning of what looked like another prayer
session, but we didn't wait for the end because I nudged Snowy and we moved
away, the knight following.
"Looks like
snow," said Corby, and ruffled his feathers against the cold.
The Gathering: One- Two-
Three- Four- Five- Six- Seven
We had our first
confrontation that very evening.
We had walked due south
from the Priory, because Snowy said there was a reasonable road some couple of
leagues away that was heading in the right direction. At first the knight
strode ahead, scornful of our slow pace, but after the third stop he made for us
I could see he was still not as strong as he thought. He leant against a tree,
ostensibly being very patient and forbearing of our tardiness, but I could see
the beads of sweat on his forehead. Somehow I knew that his pride was a very
big thing in him, and if necessary I should have to pretend sometimes to give
him an excuse to indulge his weakness—
Another knight in
another time, a woman feigning fatigue to hide his convalescent wound, an
uncomprehending child who could run forever—
I shook my head, and the
vision faded.
"I'm sorry we're so
slow," I said. "But poor old Snowy is laden down and I've got much
shorter legs than you. It was kind of you to wait."
He shrugged.
"Doesn't matter. But the days grow shorter: perhaps we should look for a
night's shelter soon."
I snatched at his
suggestion. "Snowy says there is a ruined church some half-league away:
most of the walls are standing and Puddy says it will be fine."
He scowled. "Which
is Puddy, for God's sake? A toad! He says, the horse says . . . Never mind.
Lead on then, but it had better be there!" and he gave Snowy a gentle slap
on the rump. I hoped he didn't mind: I had forgotten to tell the knight he was
The church had three
walls left, but only a scrap of roofing, in the corner nearest where a desecrated
altar still stood. The knight stood in the ruined nave and stared upwards to
where a trefoil window, framed in still-green ivy, showed us the last of a
reddening sun.
"Vandals," he
muttered. "Barbarians."
Again my mind gave a
sudden jump: soldiers in armour; horses, spears, swords; long hair, beards,
distant shouting; a hiding place—Gone.
"What is there to
eat?" demanded the knight, but did not wait for an answer, lifting his
pack and my baggage from Snowy's back. "How about a fire, Thingummy, while
I make this fellow more comfortable . . ." and I crept to the roofed
corner and Corby brought me sticks. The knight rubbed Snowy down with a wisp or
two of dried grasses, then gave him a handful of oats from the provisions sack.
"There you are, old lad: there's still grass between the stones, and a
dew-pond over there . . ."
We ate; cold lamb, rye
bread and cheese, and shared a flagon of ale. The empty jar would be useful for
water, in case we were away from a supply, so I packed it with our things: the
knight had a proper one in his pack, but just in case he decided—But I would
not think about things like that.
The fire burned brightly
and we had no need of the lantern the Brothers had so thoughtfully provided.
"This is
cosy," I said, throwing the rest of the crumbs to Corby and taking Moglet
on my lap, where she continued to clean lamb-fat from her whiskers. "Find
something to eat, Puddy?"
His throat moved up and
down towards the roof of his mouth, which was a toad's way of toothless
chewing. "Would you believe gnats? It's sheltered here: fine tomorrow,
I translated the last
bit to the knight, and added that Snowy had said we were free from danger for
the time being.
"I don't believe
all that falderal about speaking with animals," said the knight, crossly.
"None of you said a word just then: nobody even moved. I think you are
just making it all up."
Patiently I explained
about thought-messages, about the niceties of body-communication, but obviously
my words were not enough.
"Prove it! Make
them do things . . ."
"They're not
performing animals!"
"I never said they
were!" He was getting crosser by the minute: then he sighed and shook his
head. "Sorry, Thingummybob—You must have some other name than that?"
I looked at the fire,
and shrugged. "I've known no other, ever since I can remember." I
didn't want to add that it was just "Thing," because I rather liked
the way he added bits like "ummy" and "ummybob" at the end:
it made it more personal between him and me. And nice.
There was a nudge on my
chest. "If he wants some sort of proof," sighed Moglet plaintively,
"I don't mind chasing my tail, or something like that . . ."
"Count me in,"
said Corby and Puddy and Pisky, one after the other, for I had been thinking to
them what the knight had been saying, even while we were talking, and that
hadn't been easy.
"All right, Sir
Knight," I said. "My friends have volunteered to prove that we do
communicate. First, here's Pisky. You remember I told you about the pebbles we
were burdened with? Well, his is in his mouth so he can't eat properly.
See?" And I held up his bowl.
The knight peered
closely. "Won't it come out? No, you did say you'd tried. Poor fish: he
won't get much bigger if he doesn't eat. Still, he's a handsome fellow, though,
and with a bit more weight to him would be a real beauty. Very imposing fins .
. ."
"Shall I ask him to
wave them for you? First one, then the other and then his tail?" I took
his silence for answer and relayed my request to Pisky, who performed his trick
slowly and gracefully, ending with two extra large bubbles. "Thanks,"
I said. "Now, Puddy dear, forward. I shall ask him to turn around three
times and then croak," I added to the knight. Puddy rather ponderously executed
this, and I tickled him under his chin. "Puddy's pebble gives him
headaches," I added. "It's in his forehead, as you can see. But we
have all felt somewhat better since we started out on our quest. Now, Moglet:
her pebble is in her paw—show him, darling—and she can't put much weight on it,
but I will ask her to walk backwards three steps and then sit down. Will that
do?" I glanced at the knight: his eyebrows were up somewhere near his
"My turn,"
said Corby, as Moglet returned to my lap. "I'll do the mating-dance if you
"Corby's pebble is
in his wing," I explained, as the crow creaked his way through his ritual,
ending with a couple of beak-scrapes on the knight's right boot. "That's
his burden: he can't fly any more."
By now our audience was
goggling. "All right," he said slowly. "I believe you have some
hold over these creatures. But how do I know this isn't just something you've
taught them, that they wouldn't do the same each time?"
I sighed: he really was
a sceptic. "Well, then," I said. "How about you deciding what
you want Snowy to do—if you don't mind, dear one? He's a unicorn, by the way,
so he understands all speech, even yours. So, just ask him yourself what you
want him to do."
punycorns," said the knight. "Oh well, where's the harm? Here, horse:
go over to the west window and find me that piece of wood that's lying
underneath and bring it over here for the fire . . ." He obviously thought
the whole thing was a joke, but his expression when Snowy laid the wood at his
feet was a study. "All right," he said at last. "If you're a
unicorn, where's your horn?"
Snowy tossed his head,
exposing the golden stump.
"Don't touch it,
please," I warned. "It still hurts him . . ."
Then the knight did a
strange thing: he got to his feet and bowed to the white horse. Taking his
broken sword from his pack, he offered it to Snowy, hilt first. "May my
sword, broken or whole, never harm thee or thy kind, O Wondrous One. I offer
you my friendship, my respect, my trust . . ."
Snowy bowed his head in
return. "Peace, friend," he said. "If I could mend your sword,
Knight, I would, but the spell under which you lie is stronger than I, no
longer a unicorn, can break."
I started to translate
to the knight, but saw he had understood the gist of Snowy's message.
"What spell?"
I asked him.
He frowned and shook his
head. (I wished he wouldn't frown so much: he would soon grow two little lines
between his eyes if he went on like that.)
"No spell.
Misfortune, perhaps. Nothing else . . . Time for bed."
But that night, and for
a while afterwards, he talked in his sleep. During the next few days we made
fair progress, thanks to clear days and cloudy nights, which made the weather
unseasonably warm. Our Rusty Knight had obviously taken to heart our burdened
plight, for he no longer strode ahead but suited his pace to ours and we made
at least three leagues a day. He had money, a purse of silver coins, so we were
never without food and several times sheltered in villages at night instead of
the open. At those times I persuaded him I was happier in the stables with my
friends, and everyone accepted me without question as his servant.
In this fashion we made
fifty miles or so and it was near The Turn of the Year when we had another
confrontation. Somehow, during all those miles together I had persuaded myself
that we would continue to travel together, all seven of us, until we found
someone to show us how to get rid of our burdens and spells, so I was utterly
unprepared when we came to the crossroads.
The road we had been
following had been well used, judging by the ruts, wheel-tracks and potholes,
but on this particular day we came to another, much larger, going straight as a
die north-south, and here the knight stopped.
"Well," he
said. "It was fun while it lasted, but this is where we part
For a moment I did not
understand. "Part company?" but even as I said the words I realized
what he meant, and I felt as if someone had kicked me in the stomach and then
pulled out the stuffing.
"Yes. Part company.
Our ways lie in different directions henceforward." He tugged at his
moustache. "I never said I would go all the way with you. Besides, I think
your expedition is a waste of time. You're obviously hoping some miracle-man,
like the fabled Arthur's Merlin, is sitting waiting for you, just longing to
wave his magic wand and solve all your troubles." He snorted. "Me, I
have more commonplace ideals. I'm going south to the nearest port to cross back
to the Frankish lands, where I can easily find work as a mercenary. A few spots
of rust on my mail mean nothing: I can afford more armour anytime I choose, and
as for swords—"
"A few spots of
rust!" I exploded, raging against his departure. "A few spots! Why,
you are covered with it from shoulder to thigh like—like a beech-hedge! And any
other armour you buy will be covered the same way in five minutes flat! You
can't just get rid of a witch's curse by—by snapping your fingers—" I
"And how," he
said, his voice nasty, and the scowl more ferocious than ever, "just how
do you know about curses and spells and things? And your answer had better be
good, or shall I believe you are in league with the Powers of Darkness
I backed away. "You
talked in your sleep . . ."
He flushed angrily.
"And who says you should eavesdrop on a man in his most private moments?
Besides, 'twas but dream, no foundation in fact—"
"We all heard
you," I interrupted. "No help for it. You were shouting. All about a
witch and a spurning, and the curses she laid upon you because of it. The rusty
armour and the bit about asking the hand in marriage of the ugliest creature in
the land. And how it was your father's sword, and—"
"I've heard
enough!" he shouted, very red in the face now. "It's all a pack of
lies, the lot of it, and I won't stay to listen to a word more on the subject.
Goodbye!" And he snatched his pack from Snowy's back and flung it over his
shoulder, before setting off at a determined pace southwards, towards where the
smoke of a fair-sized village showed on the horizon.
I ran after him down the
road, not thinking, just not wanting to lose him, hoppity-skip-jump down the
rutted way till I fell flat on my face, out of breath and crying. With the last
of my strength I yelled out: "And after we saved your life! And learnt to
love you . . ." That last bit hadn't meant to come out at all, and I lay
where I was and the rebellious tears seeped through my mask and dripped onto
the road, where they dried in an instant on the hard-baked clay.
A moment later there was
a snuffle and Snowy nudged my shoulder. "Don't worry, dear one: I am sure
he will think better of it . . ."
"He won't!" I
howled. "He's a pig, and an ungrateful wretch into the bargain!"
Moglet sat on my back
and teased at my hair with her claws, but gently. "Come on, Thing dear, we
love you . . ."
"And will go on
with you whatever happens," added Corby.
"Of course. Goes
without saying," said Puddy, from the now lopsided basket on Snowy's back.
"My great-great
cousin twice removed said constancy was greatly to be admired," declared
Pisky. "Don't make salt-drops, Thing dear: my very constitution shrinks
from the thought of salt-drops . . . And can you come and straighten me up? I
don't want to lose my snails."
I laughed through my
tears. "Dear friends," I said, "you are idiots, and I love you!
Who cares about Rusty Knights, anyway?" And we camped just across the road
and I made an extra effort to give them a very special midday meal, even
scrabbling under leaves to find insects Puddy could share with Pisky and
letting Moglet and Corby have one of the pig's feet we had bought the day
before. I drank the last of the goat's milk and even doled out a little fresh
cheese to the others. By now it was darkening, and I gave Snowy an apple.
"Shall we move on a
He scrunched
contentedly. "We can camp for the night right here. The night will be fine
and we can build a fire without fear of passers-by: the road is empty of
I did not really care
for the thought of a night in so exposed a position, even with the
lattice-shelter of bare trees, but he had never been wrong, so I moved a bit
further into the woods and soon had a fine blaze crackling up through the trees
and spread my cloak among the fallen leaves, ready to dig a shallow pit if it
grew too cold.
Perhaps because I was a
little lonely, in spite of the nearness of my friends, perhaps because,
although safe, I felt far from home, wherever that was, perhaps just because, I
took off my mask and sang a small song, a lonely sort of song that came into my
head from nowhere and ran down to my lips and tongue. I sat gazing into the
fire, seeing ruined castles, great pits of flame, towering mountains and
endless forest, and I sang the song of the traveller far from home. It had no
words, just a rising and falling tune that could have rocked a babe to sleep,
but in my mind's eye I was in a green and pleasant land; rolling meadows,
gentle hills, smoke rising from a little cottage set in the angle between sea
and down. In that home there were children, a woman waiting for—
I broke off suddenly as
my tune was echoed by a voice from the road. Springing to my feet, my hand
snatched at my dagger, but Snowy murmured "Steady, now!" and through
the trees came the Rusty Knight.
Over his shoulder,
besides his pack, was slung a sack of provisions, and these he slung to the
ground, before remarking: "Trying to set the forest on fire? I could see
your blaze for miles . . . Well, now: how are we all? Had something to eat? If
not, I've got—"
"You've come
back?" I interrupted, scarce believing, still poised dagger in hand.
"Well . . . Had a
think about it, after I left you. Thought of what my mother might have said if
she had known I was leaving you parcel of sillies to go forward on your own;
thought about my duties as a knight to protect those weaker than myself;
thought about my Christian conscience, too. Came to the conclusion I might as
well see you to wherever you're going, before I set off on my own travels
again. So, here I am again, for the time being at least—Whatever's the matter,
For I had leapt across
the fire to embrace him in my enthusiasm, remembered in mid-leap I was still
carrying my dagger but not wearing my mask, leapt straight back again to
rectify both errors, and then jumped to his side once more, only to find that
the idea of hugging him was ridiculous, so just stood there, feeling foolish.
back," I said inadequately. "I say: how did you know my song?"
"Your song? I first
heard that sung in some court or other abroad oh, years ago. It's a Frankish
tune; I was going to ask you where you knew it from . . . I've forgotten most
of the words, but it is something about a lady waiting in vain for her lover to
come back from the wars. I remember the air, though: very pretty."
I couldn't tell him how
I knew it, because I didn't know, but there were more important things to think
about than a sad tune that teased at memory. He was back, he was coming with
us, and the others shuffled closer, Moglet even going so far as to twine round
his ankles. He bent to stroke her.
"They all say
they're glad to see you back," I said. I didn't interpret exactly: would
he have been as happy with Corby's "Well, I suppose he's better than
nothing: at least he has silver for food," and Puddy's: "Tell him not
to shout all the time: gives me a headache"?
"Have you eaten,
Rust—er, Sir Knight?" I asked.
He glanced at me
quizzically. "If we are to become fellow-adventurers 'tis as well for you
to know my name, and where I come from . . ."
His name was Connor
Cieran O'Connell of Hirland, and he was the younger son of a chief. When his
father died, as was the custom, his lands and belongings had been divided
equally among his kinsmen, and to Connor's lot had fallen a bag of gold and his
father's sword, so, landless, he had set off to seek his fortune. He had
travelled a great deal and had earned his knighthood in the Frankish lands, for
some "trifling service" as he put it, to a Duke. Earlier this year he
had travelled back to his homeland, found his brother dead, his mother
remarried and an unwelcoming cousin the new chief. So he had decided to make
his way back to the Duke's court and seek employment in the endless wars that
part of the world produced.
"A man's
life," he said, and scowled at me. "Still, there may have been
something in what you were saying about swords and rust and—and spells and
things. I'll tell you someday. But for the present we won't mention it again.
I nodded. "Don't
worry," I said. "I know it will turn out all right; I feel it in my
heart, Sir Connor."
He smiled then, and his
smile was all I had known it would be.
"I wish I had your
faith, little Thingummy, though I think it depends more on hope than
experience. And never mind the 'Sir': call me Conn."
"Yes—Conn," I
said shyly.
He glanced around at us
all, his eyes sparkling, and pushed up the edges of his moustache with his
finger. "A crippled cat, a creaky crow, a torpid toad, a miserable minnow,
an unhorned unicorn and you and me, Thingy: did you ever see a more unlikely
combination for high adventure? 'Twould make the angels themselves laugh fit to
weep . . .
"Come, my friends:
supper and bed, before I change my mind and regret the very day you rescued
But he was smiling again
. . .
The Gathering
The Turning-point
It may have been the
sunlight that awoke him, low enough now at midday on the shortest day to shine
momentarily on the neglected heap of pebbles; it may have been his dreams, too
intolerable to be longer endured, concerned as they were with happier times,
the search for his treasure—whatever it was, the dragon jerked in his sleep,
coughed like one strangling, and opened his eyes to stare out over the
snow-shrouded hills beyond his cave. He blinked once, twice, the narrow slits
of pupil narrowing still further, then their gaze shifted to the piled stones
before him, and a great sigh moved the scaly flanks that hung, mere skin upon
bone now, behind the sharpened shoulders.
The sun prismed an
icicle that hung from the mouth of the cave, and a single drip of water plopped
onto the rock beneath. The dragon considered this for a moment, then his forked
tongue flickered out of his mouth and he hissed. It took a long time for him to
uncoil stiff joints and rise, and the sunlight had shifted away from the mouth
of the cave by the time he reached it. Stretching up, his yellow fangs snapped
off the icicle at its base and then scrunched the ice between his teeth,
swallowing the pieces before they melted so that they rattled and chinked on
their way down to his stomach.
He burped uneasily, then
suddenly sniffed the air like a surprised hound that scents hare when he least
expects it. For a moment his whole body tensed, straining after the elusive
hint of something alien, then his brow wrinkled and he shook his head as if to
clear it. Again he sniffed the clean, cold air, but the trail had gone stale,
He went back and lay
down again, this time not even glancing at his pebbles, but now his sleep was
lighter, uneasier, and once or twice he rumbled and frowned and raised his
head, as though the thing he thought he might have sensed had left the faintest
trace of itself behind, to tease at the edge of consciousness with the merest
shadow of hope . . .
* * *
Ki-ya the buzzard moved
cramped pinions, one eye on the weather outside, the other warily watching the
now sleeping dragon. He had sought shelter two days since during the blizzard,
and had perched on the pinnacle of rock just inside the cave-mouth, stomach
empty, one tail feather damaged. Now that feather, groomed, smoothed, oiled,
would carry him on a favourable wind, but he would have to take care. A week
ago he had strayed from his home territory, a bold yearling male, and the great
southwesterly had caught him foraging on the edge of the moor. A more
experienced bird would have sought shelter but he had thought, with his young
defiance, that he was strong enough to ride out the storm, to slip the winds
under his wings and rise above the worst of it, but the elements had decided to
teach him a lesson and had lifted him high, high on a thermal, then tipped him
sideways across the mouth of the Great Western River and flung him
helter-skelter to the teeth of the Black Hills, where he had spun crazily from
one down-draught to an up and vice-versa, until the wind had veered in a night,
and dawn had found him disorientated and dispossessed on the ledge of the
dragon's lair.
At first, with the
northering wind fetching a blizzard, he had not noticed that the inner side of
the cave was occupied, and when he had it seemed the heap of bones and scales
was merely that: Now it was different: nest-tales had included Dragons,
Fire-drakes and Wyrmes, but this was his first encounter with one. He was not
even sure this was a dragon: parent tales had described him as such, but with
fire in his belly and flying, higher and faster than even his own kin. But this
thing looked near dead and its fires were out: still, a good enough tale to
carry to The Ancient, if he were not off on his travels again. Fair exchange
for a decent dinner . . . His stomach contracted and he spread his wings.
* * *
Five or so days later,
living by rick and midden, tolerably full but defeated from straight flight by
adverse winds, he followed a trail of footprints through the new snow some
quarter mile below. The trail wound over the downs for half-a-league, going in
his direction, and lazily he let it lead him, switching off the nagging pull
and ignoring the pre-set markers for a while, till he saw the footprints halt in
a huddle of creatures a mile or so from a village. Coasting down, for now he
could feel a favourable veer in the wind was imminent and see the build-up of
high, scattered cloud to the west, which would mean a good six hours' clear
flight, he alighted silently in a tall pine some fifty yards from the party.
Two humans, a unicorn if his guess was right, but in a sorry, hornless state, a
crow, a . . . cat? something that looked amphibian in a basket and a bowl with
a tiddler in it. The smaller human was holding the bowl and breathing on it to
melt the thin coating of ice.
The crow glanced up.
"Greetings, brother!" He had a crippled wing.
"Greetings: may the
wind lift your wings and smooth your passing, your eyes never grow dim, nor
your beak or talons less sharp." It was the standard predator's greeting.
"Whither away?"
"Southwest, to seek
a sorcerer they say still lives there."
"All of you?"
"All of us."
"A quest?"
"Something of the
sort . . ."
"Travel well,
brother: I shall be there before you," and he coasted up until he felt the
familiar tickle of wind slide round to hug his body and then he spread the
fingers of his wings to grasp at the air, joying in the buoyancy, the waves
that met and passed him, the crests that he rode as easily as a gull on the
He screamed his name:
"Ki-ya! Ki-ya!" that all should know him. Here was another tit-bit of
news: he should reach the old man in a couple of days. He screamed again.
But they would
have a longer journey . . .
The Gathering
Hedged by Magic
It was a long, hard
journey and a long, hard winter.
At the turning of the
year I had thought we were over the worst of it, but with the lightening of the
days came a darkening of the weather. The Moon of Snows lived up to her name
and by Inbolc, or Candlemas as Conn called it—a much prettier name—we were
still up to our ears in the white stuff. Well, nearly. Well, Moglet was, and in
the drifts Snowy was in to his belly. Twice we were forced to make long
detours, once for unseasonable floods, and for two weeks we were holed up in
one village, snow to the lintels. Conn's money ran low and mine was finished
and by the Moon of Waters we were cold, hungry, tattered and snappy with each
other. Puddy and Pisky fared better than the rest of us because they went into
half-hibernation, stirring only on warm days and requiring little or nothing to
eat. Corby and Moglet were reasonably sheltered and not unfed but Conn, Snowy
and I fared worse. Conn, despite his long legs, found the going hard and his
mail, which he wore all the time now to lighten Snowy's load, heavy and
cumbersome, and he still did not have my belief in journey's end and the
magician to lessen his burdens. Snowy, for all he was a unicorn, albeit no longer
magic, could still feel hunger, cold, the weight of his burdens, and the frost
struck cruelly at the poor, tender stump of his horn. And I? I felt I was
colder, tireder, hungrier than all of them put together, and even the binding
of my feet with rags, the wrapping of sacking around my shoulders and chest and
Conn's purchase of a squirrel-fur hood did little to keep out the shivers that
chattered my teeth and rattled my bones.
We almost quarrelled and
parted company more than once, but now it was Snowy that kept us together. As
the weather gradually changed for the better he declared he could smell spring
on the softer winds from the south, and broke into a trot now and again,
snuffling the breeze and discovering the new, tender mosses and thin slivers of
fresh grass revealed by the thaw to persuade us. We crossed the downs and came
to the high moors, and the last, bitter fling of a winter whose reign was
nearly over. Below us to our left lay a grey-green expanse that Conn said was
the sea, but all we were concerned with was struggling through bog, slough,
bitter thicket and twisted, stunted wood. One night we spent crouched in the
lee of some towered stones on the flank of the moor and even Snowy stamped his
hooves and looked uneasy, and I dreamt of our Mistress and woke screaming till
Conn clapped one hand over my mouth and with the other stroked my back until I
Then, suddenly, things
We came off the moor
after five days, slipping and sliding down a steep combe to a valley, and it
was as if the Moon of Birth had arrived three weeks early and spent her first
few days all out, day and night, to persuade us our sense of timing was all
a-kilter and surprise us with her husbandry. On either side of the narrow track
that led deep between bank and wood, bracken was uncoiling in shy green crooks,
grass spiked in surprised clumps, colts-foot shocked with their bright heads,
furred bramble leaves were gently unfolding and everywhere birds sang. Rounding
a corner to where a stream chattered across stony hollows a willow was already
greeny-yellowing with slim leaves, bending to the water to admire its
reflection, and downs-pastured lambs ran wag-tailed to their dams with dirty
knees and black faces as they heard us approach. Somewhere high above us a lark
strove mightily with the heavens, and other birds darted busily across our
path, twigs, dead leaves, sheep's wool and dried grass in their beaks,
nest-building leaving them too busy to do anything but ignore our passing. A
balmy breeze from the south kissed us in greeting and Corby shook up all his
"Not bad," he
said. "Not bad at all. Feel like a dip in that puddle over there. Too much
grease on your feathers and you can't fluff 'em up at night . . ."
"Think I'll try a
walk," said Moglet. "Sun's warm. And a drink from the stream."
Puddy emerged, looking
rather saggy and crinkled. "May we stop? Definitely need some water . .
Pisky swam to the top of
his bowl. "I fancy a little dip, and perhaps a change of water. My
grandmother always said . . ."
Conn and I watched them,
and I kept an eye on Pisky in case the stream ran too strong, and re-filled his
bowl with fresh water and set it in the sunshine to warm.
"D'you know,"
said Conn, stretching upwards till his fingertips burnt red in the sunlight,
"I think they've the right idea. Mind if I wander off downstream and have
a dip? The winter's sweat is sticky on my body like scum," and he ambled
off down the road, whistling an experimental happiness.
I turned to Snowy.
"A good idea: I could do with a wash. How about you, dear one?"
"If you could set
down the packs for a while . . ." I unloaded him and he pranced like a
yearling to the nearest patch of grass and rolled, his tummy pink and his
hooves tucked up close to his body. I wandered down till I found a pool then
undressed, hesitating for a delightful moment of anticipation before gasping
into the water. It was freezing and exhilarating and glorious; putting on my
old clothes while I was still damp was rather nasty, but I heard Conn returning
and dared not shame him with my ugly nakedness.
He came striding down
the road, jerkin and mail over his arm, his hair curled tight, dark red with
the water, and it gleaming in drops on his shoulders and running to the darker
hairs on his chest, and a smile on his face as he saw me. I felt a jolt in my
insides like someone had kicked me, but without the pain and yet with it—
"Fish for dinner,
Thingy dear!" and he held aloft two silver trout. "And I'd never have
caught them but that the wash of my dive into the water threw them up onto the
bank, and they surrendered without a fight . . . I had not realized how long
your hair was; right down your back it is and black as Corby's wing," and
he flicked the damp fringe on my forehead as he passed and I was absurdly pleased,
almost as though he had told me I had turned pretty overnight, and I watched
the muscles on his back and shoulders as he broke up some dead branches for our
fire, and longed to touch their hard knots . . . Then laughed at my foolishness
and went to gather up the others, fussing over them more than usual, stroking
and holding them.
The fish were delicious
and fed all of us, one way and another, although in truth they were but one
man's dinner, but I made oatcakes to go with them for Conn and myself, and we
had the snow-fed waters of the stream to wash them down. That night we found an
old barn and slept warm and dry in the last of the winter hay and woke early,
for though none of us said so, I think we all felt that the end of our search
was near. And as we walked that day it seemed that spring walked with us, or
ran a little ahead and turned and beckoned so that we had no need to ask the
way, and all our aches and pains were smoothed away and we paced as if in a
dream . . .
And so we came to the
"We can't get
through there," said Conn, scratching his head. "Not without an axe
or two," for our way was blocked by a tangle of briars and thorns well
above man-height. "We shall have to go round," and indeed the track
we had been following branched off to the left and right as though there had
never been a way through, though the barrier seemed to stretch as far as the
eye could see without a break.
"But that's the
way," I said, pointing ahead, as sure as eggs, though I could not have
explained why.
"It can't be,"
said Conn. "You must be wrong. There's nothing behind there, there can't
be . . ."
"There is," I
insisted. "I'm sure of it. Come on," and without thinking I walked
forward straight into—and through—the thorny mass, just as if it hadn't been
there. Snowy followed by my side, the others on his back, but when we found
ourselves on the other side and I turned to look for Conn, I found he had not
followed us.
"Bother!" I
said. "Conn?" Faintly, very faintly, I heard him call back, as though
he were on the other side of a house, for the thorn hedge had closed behind us
as though there had never been a way through. "I shall have to go back for
him," I said, and started forward, but this time I merely scratched my
hands and arms, for the thorns would not give way. I shook the branches
frantically, but try as I would they did not shift, and all the time I could
hear Conn calling, calling . . . Bursting into tears I tore and pulled at the
thicket till I was covered in scratches, but it was no good.
Rushing over to Snowy I
clasped him round the neck. "Help me, dear one, help me!"
He breathed gently down
my neck. "There is no way back, only forward. He can come to you, but you
cannot return to him. You will have to use your mind, make him believe he can
walk through, just as we did . . . Concentrate: call him to you."
"Call him?"
But even as I questioned I knew what to do. Kneeling down I heeled my palms
over my eyes till all was blackness and dug my fingers into my ears till all was
silence and thought hard of Conn, conjuring him up in my mind from feet to
crown of head and then walking towards him in my mind, back through the hedge,
till I stood again by his side and held out my hand.
"Come," I
said. "Come with me. Don't be afraid . . ."
But he looked at me as
though I were someone different.
"I cannot go
through there: it is solid. Must be five or six feet thick."
"It's not
there," I said. "Not there. It's an illusion . . . Close your eyes,
take my hand, and believe!"
And I took his hand and
led him through the way I had come.
"What on earth—Are
you all right, Thingy?"
I opened my eyes and
they hurt with sunlight and I took my fingers from my ears and they rang, and
there was Conn coming across the grass towards us. I stumbled to my feet and
hobbled towards him.
"I'm fine . . . You
all right?"
"Think so . . .
Extraordinary thing: one moment I thought I'd lost you all, and then there was
this gap—What is this place?"
We were standing in a
glade, full of sun and sound and smell. To our left was the hedge we had come
through, but already it seemed some distance away, and between it and us there
were trees, some blossoming, some in full leaf, others with the tints of autumn
and bearing scarlet and yellow fruit. Before us a meadow, full of daisies and
buttercups and clover and blue, white and yellow butterflies. Beyond that was
what I thought might be the sea, now sparkling and blue, with little white
lines dancing towards the shore. To the right were more trees, a wood of
conifer, all greens from black to yellow. Squirrels ran up and down the trunks
and along the branches, nuts in their mouths, and tall ferns rustled as deer
came out from the shadows and sniffed the air and gazed at us, their furred
ears swinging back and forth, their tails wagging. Behind us a little spring
gushed out of the rock and ran away, disappearing into a shallow pool. And by
the spring was a cave, and at the mouth of the cave lines of strata where
martlet and martin bubbled and chattered. And I could hear the sea and the
trees and the birds and the bees and the wind in the grass and smell pine and
ripe apples and clover and—
And on a rock-seat in
front of the cave, apparently asleep, sat the largest owl I had ever seen.
"It's an
illusion," I said, but I wasn't quite sure.
"Not all of
it," said Conn, plucking and scrunching a rosy apple from a nearby tree.
Snowy was cropping the
short, sweet grass and, reassured, I lifted down Puddy, who made for the stones
by the pond; next I put Moglet down, and she was off batting at butterflies in
a blink, but never quite catching them. I carried Pisky over to the pond and
submerged his crock. "There," I said. "I think it's all right .
. ." Corby had not waited: turning over a pile of leaves he had found some
grubs, or what looked like grubs.
"Have an
apple," said Conn, already on his second, but I shook my head. At my feet
the runners of a strawberry were thick with tiny pointed, scarlet fruit which
burst in my mouth in an explosion of delight.
But things were just not
right: they looked as they should, felt as they should, tasted and sounded as
they should, but where in the world would you find a place that held all
seasons as one? The promise of spring blossom, the warmth of summer sunshine,
the fulfilment of autumn's apples, the consolation of winter's conifers . . .
But it didn't feel bad, not as though it were an enchantment to thrall us into
evil: there must be an explanation.
I looked around me again
for some sort of clue to these contradictions. My friends seemed to find nothing
strange in the situation: they were peaceful and happy enough for the moment. I
supposed I was meant to be too, but somehow I felt annoyed with whatever-it-was
for presuming I could be so easily lulled into compliant acceptance of the
situation. For something to do I picked and ate another strawberry,
appreciating its tart sweetness, the gritting of pips in my mouth. One got
stuck between my teeth, and I nudged it loose with my tongue; if anything were
designed to convince one that life was normal a pip between one's teeth was the
thing . . .
I felt a tickly feeling
between my shoulder blades and whirled round: the owl was shutting his eyes
"All right," I
said. "Explain!"
But the bird remained
silent, eyes firmly shut, feathers fluffed, just as we had first seen him. I
was sure now that I was right so I marched up to where he was sitting in the
bright sunshine on that throne-like chair, and addressed him again. "I know
you're foxing," I told him. "Tawnys don't sit out like that in the
sunshine at midday. And all the rest of this," I waved my hand, "is
just too perfect. So, bird, tell me what all this is about or I'll—I'll break
your blasted neck!"
There was a little
silence. The others left off eating or playing and came up behind me, Pisky
swimming up the stream to where the spring gushed out, Corby wiping his
feathers with his beak, Puddy damp, Moglet with pollen on her flanks, Conn with
an applecore in his hand, Snowy smelling of new grass.
The owl opened one eye.
"Just try it, that's all: just try it!"
He closed the eye again.
He had spoken so Conn and I could understand, man-speech, but even as I
registered this I realized he had also answered so the others could understand
as well, the different sounds and attitudes echoing one behind the other with
the fraction of a second between so that only I, and most probably Snowy, would
know this was some kind of magic. I shook my head: only one way to deal with
this. I did the same thing, talked so they could all understand, but whereas
the owl had talked to each in their individual speech, I just used human speech
and the special language my friends used. It was still like trying to do five
things at once.
"I will, don't
think I won't! We haven't travelled all this way to find a magician, a wise
man, just to be put off by apples and strawberries and—and things! Now then, I
know this is the right place, so please tell us where we may find your
The owl opened his eyes
again, and now they were full open, considering. "What business have you
with The Ancient?"
"That's ours to
say, to him. Tell your master we are here!" I sounded bold, but inside I
was shaking. For the last few minutes—hours?—since we had arrived, ever since
we had come across the thorny hedge in fact, I had seemed to assume charge, and
now I realized how that was entirely against my nature; with Conn and Snowy so
much better qualified than I, the strain began to tell. So I repeated what I
had just said, but my voice was uncertain, to my ears anyway. "Tell him
we're here . . ."
The owl shifted on his
perch. "You're too late."
"Too late?"
"Too-hoo late. By
about two-hoo hundred years . . ."
"What do you
mean?" But even as I spoke I could feel the frustration, the despair of
having walked so many, many miles for nothing, and my stomach contracted as it
used to when we were with the witch, and it seemed the others were similarly
affected, for I heard a curse from Corby, a wail from Moglet and sympathetic
noises from the others, echoing my distress.
"Do you mean, by
all the saints, that we've come all this way for nothing?" began Conn
angrily, and it was only Snowy who said nothing, his large, dark eyes switching
from me to the owl and back again. Somehow this gave me confidence, and I
looked hard at the fluffy bird again. There was something cloudy, undefined
about the area behind him, something not quite right . . .
"You say your
master died—er, two hundred years ago? Can you prove this?" I spoke
carefully, politely.
"Why, of course!
Come this way," and he waved an inviting wing.
Conn had learnt enough
about my friends by now to go back for Pisky's bowl without being asked, and we
all followed the owl as he flew into the cave. Inside it was light, dry and
airy, about twenty feet long by ten or twelve wide; torches burned quietly in
sconces and there was no need for the owl to indicate a recess in the
right-hand corner, for we could not have missed it.
Behind a kind of crystal
curtain hung a suit of clothes, enclosing a skeleton. The clothes were ornate,
jewel-encrusted, richly embroidered; the skeleton was—a skeleton, with a few
wisps of greying hair still adhering to the skull. Though there can have been
no wind behind that curtain, yet the whole thing swayed, very gently, back and
The owl waved his wing
again. "There you see the mortal remains of my dearly beloved master,
trapped into a living death by a treacherous maiden," he intoned.
"Here he wasted away, imprisoned by the webs you see fastening his legs
and arms, enchanted by the power of a woman's wiles. For weeks he endured,
railing against his fate, but at last he succumbed . . ." The owl wiped
his eye, visibly affected. "With his last breath he forgave the errant
maid who enslaved him, and now his remains are a reminder to mortal man that
even the greatest may not be proof against female pulchritude and greed . .
It might have been a
servant showing unexpected guests around a castle in the owner's absence, and I
didn't believe a word of it. Conn, on our travels, had sometimes beguiled us
with folk tales and legends, and among the latter I remembered various episodes
in the life of one Artorius, a Romano-Saxon king of Wessex and his magician
friend Myrddin of Cymri—but even Conn sometimes mixed these tales with others
about an Arthur Pendragon of the Old Lands and a shaman of Scotia called
Merlon—and although all these tales bore some similarity and indeed did have a
treacherous maiden in them, sometimes it was the king who fell foul of her and
other times the magician, so this hotch-potch of the owl's was obviously meant
to beguile the superstitious into connecting a very-present enchantment with
something that happened, or might have happened, two hundred years ago, and was
obviously intended to deter us from further inquiries, pack ourselves up and go
But I had no intention
of going away; here we were and here we stayed until we got some of the right
answers, at least. I would have to be careful, though, and play it just right.
"Thank you, O
Guardian of the late-lamented One," I said, bowing to the owl. "May
we now go back outside? I find this sad atmosphere somewhat oppressive, and I
am sure my companions do also," and I rushed back into the open, hoping
for a glimpse of that shadowy something I thought I had detected behind the
owl. Nothing. Still . . .
"What the hell are
you doing?" queried Conn, but I turned my back to the cave and gave him a
big wink.
"Trust me . .
." I turned to the owl, back once more on his perch on the stone.
"May I question you a little further before we gather up our belongings
and take our leave of this fair place?"
"But of
course," said the owl, fluffing up his feathers and mollified, no doubt,
by my obsequious tone. "Pray proceed."
"Your master (rest
his soul) has been dead—or in this state in which we found him—for two hundred
years, you said?"
"Alas yes, almost
to the day. And many the pilgrims, like yourselves, who have passed this way to
marvel and to mourn . . ."
I said, and bowed my head. "It is the world's loss . . . Men say he could
have been the greatest sorcerer and magician since the world began—"
greatest," asserted the owl, nodding his head wisely.
"Yet I question
this," I said. "Tell me—"
"Question it?"
said the owl in a different voice. I looked again: yes, I was not mistaken.
There was a sort of greyish, wavery background to the bird.
"Yes," I
hurried on, for I was almost sure now: "for I have heard of other such who
gave counsel and comfort to the great ones of the land who were accounted less
great than this Ancient One we came to seek, and then lived their allotted span
and passed away amid scenes of universal grief: they did not succumb to mortal
wiles, they—"
"My master was
greater far than these—these minor tricksters you speak of," said the owl,
and he was definitely becoming more ruffled. "My master is—was—the
greatest sorcerer the world has ever seen! Master of the Art of Illusion,
Traveller in Time, Licentiate of Language, Far-Seer . . . Why, he was a man so
great that the kings of the world came to him on bended knee asking him to
solve their problems, work out their battle strategy, choose their companions,
and would not rest until he had seen them and given them the benefit of his
experience. It's not my fault if they didn't listen . . ."
I pretended not to hear
this last. "Yet he succumbed to a bronze-coin's-worth of tawdry
female," I said warmly. "Just like any other male. No magician worth
his salt would even admit to—"
"Do you dare to
question The Ancient?"
"Oh, I don't
question his mortality, his frailty: I do question, yes, whether he ever was
the great magician he claimed to be!"
"Not claimed to be:
is! Er . . . was."
"No! For no
magician as great as that could possibly behave as vulnerably as you say; no
sorcerer with his reputation could be so reduced by a mere woman—" I moved
closer. "And no Master of Illusion worth anything could resist the
temptation to try and con ordinary people into believing he was dead and gone,
if only because he was too lazy to—"
"Lazy!" came
an indignant voice. "I've never been accused of being lazy all my life!
And I am the greatest!"
"Then stop mucking
about, Ancient or whatever you call yourself," I said.
"Right! You've
asked for it," he said, and materialized behind the owl.
The Gathering
The Ancient
“You've asked for
it!" repeated The Ancient crossly, swatting at the owl, who fluttered onto
his shoulder and shut its eyes again. "I'm not used to visitors, don't
want visitors! Anyway, you've come too soon—stop digging your claws in,
Hoowi!—and I'm not ready . . ." and he went on grumbling and grousing to
himself, a seamed old man with nut-brown wrinkles, bright blue eyes, long white
hair and a longer tri-forked beard dyed yellow, red and blue. He wore a
lopsided paper crown that kept slipping to one side, a mothy green velvet cloak
edged with tarnished gold braid, and what looked like a rather lived-in
yellow-woolly night robe. His feet were shoved in scuffed purple slippers; his
fingernails looked chewed, although what teeth he had were decidedly rocky. His
voice was high, nasal and singsong; not lilting like Conn's. His nose was
rather large and definitely hooked; his ears stuck out, and behind the one that
wasn't saving the paper crown was a quill pen; round his neck hung a rope of
blue glass beads.
"Done weighing me
up?" he snapped, but I fancied the snap was as harmless as an old dog
threatening flies.
I bowed: time for
politeness and diplomacy. I had tried him very hard and he had let me, but I
thought that so far he was merely amusing himself, pretending wrath merely to
see me crumple at his feet in awe. My bow extended so far I could almost bump
my forehead with my knees, for this man was an unknown quantity.
"Dear Sir," I
began. "Am I correct in supposing that we have reached journey's end? That
I am, in fact, addressing The Ancient, a magician and sorcerer without
parallel, whose reputation reaches far across the land?"
"That's not what
you said two minutes ago . . ."
"Ah, but then you
were playing games with us. I may have seemed presumptuous, but I assure you it
was the presumption of desperation. We have come so far, and it has been such a
hard journey, and we are so—so in need of your help . . ." My voice
quavered: I couldn't help it.
"Indeed, sir, the
little lassie speaks only the truth." Conn's hand was on my shoulder.
"She can be a mite sharp-tongued perhaps, but this Thingummy has had one
hell of a life and you have only to look at her to know she is really as guileless
as a newborn lamb. She—"
"I know, I
know," said The Ancient. "You all are. Lambs to the slaughter, all of
you; except perhaps the White One, and even he has been foolish enough to
forget the rules of faery and lose his heart along with his horn . . . Never
mind, never mind. Come, all of you: you are all welcome. We shall eat, and then
we shall talk." He looked at me. "Here you, Flora who brought the
Fauna," and he wheezed at some joke only he could understand, although I
felt a sudden jolt of recognition I could not account for. "Go back into
the cave. On a shelf you will find oatcakes, butter, honey and a flagon of
mead, a crock of goat's milk and some cheese . . ."
They were there as he
said, and of course the silly skeleton had gone, as had the crystal curtain.
Moglet had milk and cheese, Corby oatcakes and cheese, Puddy appeared to be
devouring fireflies, though there were always as many again, but for Pisky
there was something special: the old man scooped him up in his bowl, and
sprinkled something into the water.
"Here, Emperor of
the fishes: my de-luxe mixture."
This kept Pisky quiet
for at least ten minutes, then I saw him glance down at his flanks, flirting
his tail, standing on his head: "Emperor of the fishes, he called me. Did
you ever! Emperor . . ."
At last I leant back,
wiping my sticky mouth on the back of my hand: I was full. Any more and I
should be uncomfortable. I looked round at the others. Snowy was lying down,
legs tucked under. Puddy had his eyes shut, which meant he was still chewing;
he burped. Pisky was still. Corby groomed his uninjured wing, oiling it evenly
with his beak. Moglet was licking her stomach, with long, even strokes that
left sticky runnels on it. Conn was lying full-length on the grass, chin in
hand, his rusty armour a discarded heap in the shadows. It was a still, warm
night, with just the faintest breath of a mint-smelling breeze to touch our
faces, ruffle my hair. Somewhere a bird still sang, sweet and low, and
fireflies danced among the trees. Perfect.
"Now then,"
said The Ancient. "We shall talk . . ."
* * *
I do not remember what
tongue we spoke; I know we all understood. One by one we told The Ancient who
we were, how we met and why we were travelling together. It was thus I learnt
more fully of Conn's encounter with our Mistress and a little of what it had
meant to Snowy, and less and less did it seem that our meetings were chance.
"So, you are bound
together, all of you, by the unfortunate wiles of a powerful witch," mused
The Ancient. His throne-like rock seat gave him an advantage, for sitting on it
he was taller than any of us standing up, even Conn. "And so she is dead .
. . I find it hard to believe she is gone, for she was an adversary worthy of
even such as I, but she moved away to the east many, many years ago, so long
that I have forgotten her name. Strange, for once I could recall her with ease
. . . You are sure she is dead?"
We reassured him.
"One of the best
Shape-Changers ever, too: I remember once . . . No matter." He stroked his
beard. "Not at her best recently, I gather. However, good as she was, I
fancy I could give her a run for her money. Watch this!"
And as we gazed his
edges grew blurred, then he disappeared completely, leaving in his place a
white rabbit washing its whiskers. Then it wasn't a rabbit but a hedgepig. Then
a rather foolish-looking sheep. Then just a head, looking rather like Tom
Trundleweed. Then a brightly spinning ball. Then nothing. Then The Ancient
He beamed at us.
"How's that for Shape-Changing, then?"
Conn applauded, clapping
his hands, but I frowned. "That's not Shape-Changing!"
"Then what is it,
clever-sticks?" and he frowned, too.
"Illusion. Like
your hedge. And a lot more here, I shouldn't be surprised."
"You're a fine one
to talk of illusion!" He had half-risen from his seat, and Conn put a hand
on my arm.
"Now then,
Thingummy dear," he muttered. "You may be right and all that, but the
laws of hospitality—"
I began to apologize,
but The Ancient cut me short. "She's right, you know, right in her own
way. Comes of spending her formative years with that old bitch of a witch
What's-her-name . . . No, no apologies. I'm not a true Shape-Changer, but I am
an Illusionist and, though I say it myself, the best!" He failed to look
modest. "One can't do everything, and I concentrated on what I did best.
Worth remembering that: forget what you want to do, find something you do
better than anyone else, even if it's only turd-throwing, and become undisputed
champion: better a champion shit-shoveller than a forty-second-rate turnip-carver
. . . Where was I? Ah yes. Time-Traveller, too, and Master of Languages and the
Crystal Ball. Not very good at the last: lost the old ball . . . Some are good
at one thing, some at another. Never fancied the Resurrectionists, for example;
there is always a price to pay for immortality, and sometimes it is far harder
to render than the common coin of mortal clay. And who knows what one might
have to bear? Watching those one has loved pass into decay and die; perhaps
seeing all one believes in, had fought for, pass into disrepute . . .
"The enchanted may
mourn, but they may not weep: that relief is the only compensation for mortal
grief. My friend, the White One, knows that, do you not?" And he nodded at
Snowy, who bowed his head until I could see the maimed stump where his horn had
Without thinking I rose
and went to his side and knelt down and kissed him. "Never mind, dear one,
The Ancient will help you find a new horn—you will, won't you?" I asked
anxiously. "We've come all this way . . . Forgive my rudeness and help
them. Please?"
"Depends on what
you want, doesn't it? I can't work miracles!"
"Sure and we don't
ask for the impossible, your Sagacity," said Conn earnestly, rising to his
feet. "All we seek is your wisdom. As you said, it seems we are all
enchanted by the same witch, and I, for one, will not believe that her spells
cannot be broken."
"Broken, perhaps
not: bent a little is what we seek. Never go at magic straight on, you'll only
bruise your hopes. Sneak round the edges if you can. It's like Roman law:
or," looking at Conn, "killing a boar, if you like. Get round to the
flank." He blew his nose on an orange scarf he pulled from his cloak.
"Now then, my White One, let's begin with you: what do you wish for? You
know, of course, that it would take far stronger powers than mine to undo the
ill to your enchanted prince? Only a life, freely given, may release him, and
then only to a Between-World . . . So, if it is possible, you would wish your
horn to be restored?"
Snowy bowed his head,
and I thought I could see the gleam of a tear in his eye. "Yes, then if—if
all else fails, I shall still have the right to rejoin my brethren in the west,
and live out the rest of my life with them."
"Then I do have
some hope for you; small hope, 'tis true, but one grain of salt on an egg is
better than none at all. The witch's curse was powerful enough, but there was
more concentration on the boy than on you, and I am fairly sure, from what you
said, that she cut off the closing words that stifle all hope.
"Your horn, my
friend, may be restored by one thing and one thing alone: a fresh drop of
dragon's blood, freely given!"
"But that is not
fair!" burst out Conn, coming over to Snowy's side. "There are no
dragons! They all died out—oh, hundreds of years ago! You're just saying
something to comfort the poor old thing that can't possibly come true, and
that's the cruellest kind of hope—"
thundered The Ancient, and for a moment, behind the doddery old man who rose
unsteadily from his seat, I caught a glimpse of another, a tall stern-faced
warrior wearing purple and blue and carrying a wand in his right hand . . .
Then the vision faded, but it was my turn to catch at Conn's arm, anxious not
to offend.
"Yes, wait, my dear
. . ."
"For, if I mistake
me not, all your problems resolve around the same end," said the old man,
slowly resuming his seat, as if there had been no interruption. "Tell me
now, Connor O'Connell, as you seem to like the sound of your own voice. What is
your heart's desire?"
"My desire? Why
sure and that's plain enough to see. My sword, my father's sword, is snapped in
two and needs to be made whole; my armour is rusted past polishing and I want
it once more bright!"
"And then?"
"Then? Oh, I see.
Well, then I would go off to Frankish lands or Germanica and hire myself out as
a mercenary, or maybe even seek adventure farther abroad. There is money to be
made in service, you know, and perhaps more as free-sword."
"No settling-down,
then?" The Ancient stroked his beard, the yellow bit on the right.
"Me? Not likely!
There's all life to be lived out there. No, worthy Sir, I'm just not the
settling-down kind!"
"Pity, pity,"
said The Ancient, "for part of the lifting of the witch's curse depended
on your asking the hand in marriage of the ugliest female in the land, as I
recall—and that part cannot be altered, not in essence, anyway."
Conn went bright red.
"As to that—if I ever find this female, then 'tis to be hoped that for her
sake she is rich; if she is, then might I ask for her hand, for then she'll be
so grateful she'll give me her dowry, and I'll kiss her goodbye. And if she's
not rich—why then she won't get asked. And any that question my right to travel
this world in tarnished mail, then my sword—if I can get it reforged—will teach
them a lesson they won't forget in a hurry!" He looked very fierce and
pushed up the tips of his moustache, then spoilt the whole effect by
apologizing to Moglet for nearly treading on her tail.
"You also wished
your sword whole again: that curse cannot be lifted save by the same magic the
White One seeks. In your case that sword, which bears magic runes not seen by
mortal eye, can only be welded together by flame from dragon's tongue, again
freely given."
Conn started up in
protest, no doubt once again to point out that dragons were extinct, but The
Ancient waved him to silence, and I felt a sudden surge of excitement, as if
there was more to come.
He turned to me.
"And you: do you believe in dragons?"
"I believe in them,
yes of course, because everyone knows they existed once. My—the witch sometimes
used powdered dragon-bones in her spells: the one to make different coloured
flames, I think . . ."
The Ancient positively
beamed. "Well, then?"
"But Sir . .
"I must confess to
believing, like Conn, that they—they . . ."
"Well?" He
"Well, that
they—are extinct."
"Like witches and
unicorns, I suppose. And magicians," he added maliciously.
"Well, no . .
." I trailed off.
"You see? Never
take things like that for granted, youngster. You, of all people, with your
upbringing, should know better! I daresay if you told the folk in—oh, say Sarum
or Silchester of your life with the witch, they would pelt you with refuse for
lying." He leant forward. "Now, leaving aside the question of dragon/no
dragon for the moment, why have you come on this quest? What is your
"To get rid of my
pebble," I said, on surer ground. "And so have the others," and
I nodded at Corby, Puddy, Pisky and Moglet. "You see we all want to be
whole and unencumbered and free of pain again. I want to be able to walk
upright, Corby wants to fly, Puddy wants to be rid of his headaches, Pisky
needs to eat properly and little Moglet wants to run fast enough to catch mice.
And to do this we must find the person or thing who rightfully owns these
pebbles and give them back; the witch stuck them fast but I expect the rightful
owner might have a way to extract them. Oh, and we'd like our memories back,
too," I added.
"Don't want much,
do you?" but he was smiling. "Right: Let's have a look at these
famous pebbles . . ."
One by one we showed him
our encumbrances, and he himself picked up Pisky's bowl. Then, when he had
inspected them all, he did a very strange thing.
He laughed.
He laughed till the
rheumy tears ran down his cheeks, leaving rather dirty runnels; he laughed till
he wheezed and coughed and, speechless, pointed to his back and Conn kindly
went and gave him a couple of good thumps between his shoulder blades to stop
him choking. At last he sat up, wiped his eyes on the orange scarf, blew his
nose again, and took a swig from Pisky's bowl.
"Oh dear, oh
dear," he said at last, still chuckling. "Oh dearie, dearie me . .
We looked at one
another, feeling like idiots, and it was Corby who voiced our feelings.
"What we done, then? Must be mighty foolish to make the Man o' Wisdom
laugh as if we were the village idiot who saw his face reflected in the pond,
thought it were the moon, an' tried to pluck it out to stop it from
"No, no, my
friend!" said The Ancient, trying to compose his features. "I'm not
laughing at you: I'm laughing with you, and for you, for I think I have solved
the mystery!"
We all began talking at
once, but he raised his hand for silence.
"I'm going to tell
you all a story," he said. "So settle down and listen . . ."
The Gathering
So it was that the warm
night closed around us like a cloak as we heard the tale of a young dragon sent
out on his Master-Quest. We heard of the gold he collected, of the brilliant
jewels he snatched, stole, retrieved, found; we heard how the last search, for
his personal pearl, had led him to this land, and how he had stored his
treasure high in a cave in the Black Mountains, and one night had left it
unguarded to pay one last visit to the villagers nearby who had feasted him
regularly during his years of search. How in that last feasting a black shadow,
a greedy, grasping thing, crept to his cave and stole his hoard, fleeing into
the forests of the night where he could not find her. And how the dragon could
not return to his homeland without the jewels, and lay a-dying from grief and
frustration in that same cave.
How the thief fled far,
far away, as far as the winds would take her; how she had to hide the jewels,
possession of which, given the correct spells and formulae, would give her a
mastery of magic greater than any ever known. How she had not hidden them from
the dragon by burying them deep, lest they be dug up; neither had she thrown
them into the deeps, lest they be trawled to surface; nor had she hung them
from a tree, lest they fall: rather had she fastened them safe into living
creatures snatched at random from the highways and byways, as they came to
hand. A netted crow, a toad pulled from under a stone, a kitten taken from its
doorstep, a fish scooped from a rich man's pond, a child taken under promise of
"It's us!" I
shouted, bobbing up and down like some crazy creature. "It's us!"
bubbled Pisky. "Which have I got? What am I? Tell me quick!"
"My headache is a
jewel?" pondered Puddy.
squawked Corby, peering under his wing. "Bleeding 'ell! A sapphire for a
splint . . ."
"Don't want
it," mewed Moglet. "Take it away, Thing dear! Don't want a diamond .
. ."
"I don't
particularly want a ruby navel either, my pet," I said, after a quick peek
to confirm, picking her up and cuddling her. "But at least we now know
what they are. And just think how costly that paw of yours is now!"
Pisky was trying to squint
at the bulge in his mouth. "What-is-it, what-colour, which-one? Quick!
The Ancient took pity on
him. "A moon-pearl, precious one. The dragon's special stone . . ."
Puddy had got his by a
process of elimination. "An emerald? Hmmm . . . could be worse, I suppose.
Green is my favourite colour . . ."
"Ruby, emerald,
sapphire, diamond, pearl," I said, musing. "Is that why we used
to—still do—hurt? The spell she put on us to keep them hidden?"
"Yes," said
The Ancient. "But the spell worked against her in the end. At first,
individually, she could keep you in thrall but later, collectively, and without
realizing it, you formed a bond between yourselves that was enforced by the
holding of the jewels: if you like, the dragon's power was transformed into a
shield against harm, as long as you kept together, and neither the witch, nor
anyone else, could really hurt you. Especially if you kept in physical contact
with each other."
I nodded. I could
remember when she had had to set Broom to beating us because she dared not do
so herself; those times when we huddled together under my cloak.
"And so she never
really benefited from the jewels," said the old man. "You never gave
her the chance: by the time her knowledge was sufficient to use them you lot
had adopted them for yourselves. If you hadn't that last experiment would have
worked, and powers that should lie hidden would have walked the Earth . .
I shivered: I could
still remember with loathing that night on the island when our world had nearly
come to an end . . .
Conn had remained silent
until now. "But—does that mean that there really is a dragon still alive?
That somewhere, in those Black Mountains you spoke of, he is waiting for Thingy
and her friends to return his jewels?"
"I think he has
given up all hope," said The Ancient, "but yes, he is still
there." He glanced round at us all. "He is the only one who can rid
you of your burdens, his jewels; he is the only one to mend your sword, Connor
O'Connell, and grow your new horn, White One, with a blast of fire and a drop
of blood. He is your only hope, my wandering ones . . ."
"I knew we all
belonged together," I said. "I knew it!"
* * *
We talked far into the
night—at least the others did, for all too soon the excitement, the warm night,
my full stomach, the earlier travelling and, most of all, the knowledge that
our quest had not been in vain, that there really was hope for us all, however
far away, induced in me the most complete and utter weariness, and my eyes kept
closing in spite of themselves. In the end I fashioned my cloak into a pillow
and lay down, an equally soporific Moglet tucked up to my chest. As we dropped
off to sleep Conn was questioning the magician on Time-and-Space Travelling,
and I heard him ask what the other side of the moon looked like.
"Very disappointing
. . ."
And so I fell asleep to
dream I travelled in a silver tube with windows open to the stars to where the
moon grinned away like a yellow cheese; and then I spun round to her backside
to find—
"But supposing you
could," said Puddy. "Just how much would colour weigh?"
I drifted off again to
find myself trying to scrape colours from a leaf, a stone, a jewel and weigh
the differences in little pots and pans on my fingers . . . But before I knew
where I was I had taken all colour from everything, and the whole world was
white, white as snow; but white is a colour too, and I had to catch each
snowflake and take away the white, and wash the white from every fleece of
every sheep in the world, but Snowy was the only white thing that wouldn't play
and ran off into the forest, but I could still see him for now everything else
was without colour, clear as glass, transparent as crystal; and The Ancient was
an icicle, and then he melted and dripped all over me—
"Come on
children," he said. "It's starting to rain. You'll be better off
And Conn picked me and
Moglet up in one sleepy heap and carried us into the cave and plonked us down
on a heap of bracken and heather, covered with some soft, silky material, and
we snuggled down and I could smell thyme and rosemary. Someone covered me with
my cloak, tucked it round snug, and then someone else was singing, a wordless
song that ran and turned and curled back on itself like the golden ring Conn
wore on his finger . . . And then I felt him lie down beside me, and his hand
stroked my hair, and the trees and the rocks began to sing too, and the wind
and the waters, a song so heart-catching and sad and beautiful that my eyes
were full of tears, and yet I was smiling—
said The Ancient, at least I think that is what he said. "But for you it
will be Liebeslied . . ."
I didn't understand the
words but I did understand my feelings, and I snuggled up to Conn's breathing,
sleeping body and my heart sang with the music.
* * *
After breakfast the next
morning—a helping of what looked like gruel but tasted of butter and nuts and
honey and raspberries and milk—the magician led us outside into a morning sparkling
with raindrops and clean as river-washed linen, but strangely the grass was dry
when we seated ourselves in a semicircle in front of his throne. Hoowi, the
owl, was again perched on his shoulder, eyes shut, and he took up Pisky's bowl
into his lap. Although the birds sang, their songs were courtesy-muted, for The
Ancient's voice was softer this morning as though he were tired, and indeed his
first words confirmed this.
"I have been awake
most of the night, my friends, pondering your problems. That is why I have
convened this meeting. We agreed yesterday that you had all been called
together for a special mission, a quest to find the dragon. You need him, but
he also needs you." He paused, and glanced at each one of us in turn.
"But perhaps last night you thought this would be easy. Find the Black
Mountains, seek out the dragon's lair, return the jewels, ask for a drop of
blood and a blast of fire and Hey Presto! your problems are all solved.
"But it is not as
easy as that, my friends. Of your actual meeting with the dragon, if indeed you
reach him, I will say nothing, for that is still in the realms of conjecture.
What I can say is this: in order to reach the dragon you have a long and
terrible journey ahead of you, one that will tax you all to the utmost, and may
even find one or other of you tempted to give up, to leave the others and
return; if that happens then you are all doomed, for I must impress upon you
that as the seven you are now you have a chance, but even were there one less
your chances of survival would be halved. There is no easy way to your dragon,
understand that before you start. I can give you a map, signs to follow, but
these will only be indications, at best. What perils and dangers you may meet
upon the way I cannot tell you: all I know is that the success of your venture
depends upon you staying together, and that you must all agree to go, or none.
"I can see by your
expressions that you have no real idea of what I mean when I say 'perils and
dangers': believe me, your imaginations cannot encompass the terrors you might
have to face—"
"But if we do stay
together?" I interrupted.
"Then you have a
better chance: that is all I can say. It is up to you." He was serious,
and for the first time I felt a qualm, a hesitation, and glancing at my friends
I saw mirrored the same doubts.
"And if we don't go
at all—if we decide to go back to—to wherever we came from?" I persisted.
"Then you will be
crippled, all of you, in one way or another, for the rest of your lives."
"Then there is no
choice," said Conn. "And so the sooner we all set off the
better," and he half-rose to his feet.
thundered the magician, and Conn subsided, flushing. "That's better. I
have not finished."
"Sit down, shurrup,
be a good boy and listen to granpa," muttered Corby sarcastically, but The
Ancient affected not to hear.
"There is another
thing," said he. "If you succeed in your quest and find the dragon,
and if he takes back the jewels, and if he yields a drop of blood and a blast
of fire, if, I say . . . then what happens afterwards?"
The question was
rhetorical, but Moglet did not understand this.
"I can catch mice
again," she said brightly, happily.
But he was gentle with
her. "Yes, kitten, you will be able to catch mice, and grow up properly to
have kittens of your own—but at what cost? You may not realize it but your
life, and the life of the others, has been in suspension while you have worn
the jewels, but once you lose your diamond then time will catch up with you.
You will be subject to your other eight lives and no longer immune, as you
others have been also, to the diseases of mortality.
"Also, don't
forget, your lives have been so closely woven together that you talk a language
of your own making, you work together, live, eat, sleep, think together. Once the
spell is broken you, cat, will want to catch birds, eat fish and kill toads;
you, crow, will kill toads too, and try for kittens and fish; toad here will be
frightened of you all, save the fish; and the fish will have none but enemies
among you.
"And do not think
that you either, Thing-as-they-call-you, will be immune from this; you may not
have their killer instinct but, like them, you will forget how to talk their
language and will gradually grow away from them, until even you cross your fingers
when a toad crosses your path, shoo away crows and net fish for supper—"
"You are
wrong!" I said, almost crying. "I shall always want them, and never
hurt them! We shall always be together!"
"But will they want
you," asked The Ancient quietly, "once they have their freedom and
identity returned to them? If not, why is it that only dog, horse, cattle, goat
and sheep have been domesticated and even these revert to the wild, given the
chance? Do you not think that there must be some reason why humans and wild
animals dwell apart? Is it perhaps that they value their freedom, their
individuality, more than man's circumscribed domesticity? Is it not that they
prefer the hazards of the wild, and only live with man when they are caught,
then tamed and chained by food and warmth?"
"I shall never
desert Thing!" declared Moglet stoutly. "I shan't care whether she
has food and fire or not, my place is with her!"
"Of course . . .
Indubitably . . . What would I do without her . . ." came from the others,
and I turned to the magician.
"You see? They
don't believe we shall change!"
"Not now,"
said The Ancient heavily. "Not now. But there will come a time . . . So,
you are all determined to go?"
"Just a
moment," said Conn. "You have told Thingmajig and her friends just
what might be in store for them if we find the dragon: what of me and Snowy
here? What unexpected changes in personality have you in store for us?" He
was angry, sarcastic.
"You," said
The Ancient, "you and my friend here, the White One, might just do the
impossible: impossible, that is, for such a dedicated knight as yourself . .
"And what's
"You might change
your minds . . ."
"About what,
pray?" And I saw Snowy shake his head.
"What Life is all
about . . ."
"Never is a long
time . . . Ah me, I'm getting old: another clitch."
"What's a
clitch?" I asked, trying not to let the thought of losing Conn and Snowy
at the end of it all, if ever we got to the beginning, upset me too much.
"A clitch?" He
sniggered. "It's like 'It always rains before it pours' or 'Every cloud
has a silver lining'—you know, the sort of hackneyed phrase everyone says over
and over again until it becomes boring and predictable and—and a clitch.
Clichй," he amended.
Although I had heard
neither phrase before, I tried to look wise. "Comme: 'Toujours la
politesse,' ou 'chacun а son goыt'," I suggested, then was shocked when I
realized I didn't know where the words had come from, let alone what they
"Exactly," he
said, glancing at me sharply from under thatchy brows. "Exactement, p'tite
. . . Couldn't have put it better myself . . ."
Conn looked as if he was
going to say something, but didn't.
"Well," said
The Ancient. "It's midday: supposing we meet again at supper, and you can
tell me what you have all decided. Think about it carefully, mind, and don't
forget what I told you." But he sighed: it must have been clear to him
even then that none of us believed his dire predictions.
* * *
We all spent the
intervening hours characteristically, I suppose.
Snowy disappeared into
the wood and every now and again I saw his shadow flickering among the trees.
Conn went to a little knoll, got out his broken sword and, holding it up before
him hilt uppermost, prayed with his eyes open, face to the sky. Pisky spent the
time rearranging his bowl to his liking, pulling the weed this way and that,
nudging the poor snails all over the place. Corby went into a corner by
himself, walking about in circles and muttering. Puddy found another corner and
sat quiet, looking as though his head were aching. Moglet chased a butterfly or
two, then washed herself from ears to toe and tail, then went and sharpened the
claws on her good paw. And I? I, I regret to say, did none of these useful,
constructive things. Instead, I crept closer till I could see Conn's profile,
then lay back in the long grass and watched the clouds pass, then rolled over
on my stomach to regard the busy ants scurrying to and fro. I listened to the
ascending lark, smelt the cowslips, stroked Moglet and ate wild raspberries.
And fell asleep and dreamt of nothing—
Conn shook my shoulder.
"Suppertime, Thingumabob . . . Made up your mind?"
We all had, as I found
out when we rejoined the others. We were determined to set out on this perilous
venture, keep together and risk whatever came.
The Ancient heard us
out, Conn the spokesman.
"Then all I can do,
my friends, is to prepare you for your journey as best I can—and wish you luck.
You'll need it . . ."
* * *
I was dreaming, a long,
slow, wordless, placeless dream, and there were people I knew but could not
know, and then someone was pulling me away and I was rushing faster and faster
until the wind howled in my ears with the speed of my passing, and I was being
pulled upwards to a hole in the ceiling, and then I bumped my head and fell
back with a thud and—
"Wake up,
child!" said The Ancient. "The others are almost ready, and you'll
want a bite to eat before you set off."
I stumbled out into a
mist that curled round my feet like an attenuated cat. Everything looked
unreal, almost as though I were still dreaming, or had missed out on a day
somewhere. I rubbed my eyes and Conn was busy loading up Snowy and the others
were waiting, more or less patiently, for their turn. A hand appeared at my
elbow: a hunk of bread with a slice of cheese tucked inside. A mug of goat's
milk followed and I munched and drank, then moved forward to help the others.
Besides the meagre
provisions we had brought with us there were flour and salt, apples, cheese and
a large jar of honey, and the water-bottle was fresh-filled from the spring.
Poor Snowy looked very laden, so I took Moglet in my arms and Puddy in my
pocket and, to my surprise, Conn put Corby on his shoulder and strung Pisky's
bowl round his waist.
Catching my look, he
grinned. "We'll swap later! Besides, as we eat the provisions the old
horse—sorry, unicorn—will find his burden that much lighter."
The Ancient was in his
best today: a purple robe sewn with silver stars and his beard in three shades
of blue, although his conical hat with a crescent moon on its tip was crooked
and threatened to slip over his ears, protruding though they were. In his hand
was a roll of soft leather.
"Your map," he
announced. He unfolded it and we stared at squiggles, arrows, letters: it
didn't look like a map at all.
I pointed to some humps
and bumps. "What are those?"
"What do they look
like?" snapped the magician. "Hills, mountains, that's what!"
"And the
"Rivers, streams .
. ."
"The dotty
places?" At least the forests were shown by recognizable trees.
"Waste land: moors,
heaths, bogs . . ."
"The straightish
"Roads. Such as
they are. Roman mostly: the straight ones are, anyway. Probably a bit out of
date . . ."
Conn put his finger on
the middle of the map, on a thing that looked like a cross between a star and a
spider. "What's this?"
"A compass: north,
south, east, west—"
"I've seen
something like that before," said Conn. "Only they didn't call it a
compass: a magic needle, I think. I was hitching a trip cross-channel on a
Skandia galley—and damned uncomfortable it was too, full of great sweaty
fellows splashing everyone with their oars—and they had this little sliver of
metal suspended in a stone bowl of oil. They reckoned they could find their way
in dark, fog, storm because the thin end of the metal pointed always north,
whichever way they turned. The captain said he had it from a trader from the
east, in exchange for a bale of furs. Swore he had the best of the bargain,
"There you are, then!"
"But we've no piece
of metal," I said. "And if we are to go in any special direction . .
. And what's that, round the edge?" I looked closer. "That says
'ENE,' or something: I've never heard of that word . . ."
initials," said The Ancient impatiently. "East-north-east: those
letters are your direction-finders. And you have got a magic needle, of
sorts: the White One knows one way from t'other, and come to that so does the
raggedy bird."
said Corby, looking slightly offended at the adjective. "As the crow
flies, of course . . ."
"There are some
tiny circles marked as well," said Conn, peering closely. "There is
one on its own, and there's three together, and four—"
"Those are your
markers," and the old man looked at each of us in turn. "And you have
to go their way. One, then two, then three and so on up to seven. They are all
standing stones, some higgledy-piggledy, some straight, some in circles. You go
by the directions I have marked in the margin: there is the letter one, and a
direction. Follow that and you come to the first stone, then letter number two
and its direction et cetera."
"Sounds simple
enough," said Conn, but he was frowning.
"It is simple: just
follow your noses. And the directions, of course," he added hastily.
"Now: are you all ready?"
"Thank you," I
said, "from all of us. For the hospitality and the help and the food
and—and everything."
He pinched my cheek, not
hard, but I could feel it through my mask just the same. "Think nothing of
it, Flower: it has been vastly amusing, so far. I was out of practice . .
I didn't quite
understand what he meant. "Shall we see you again?"
"Very likely, if
you follow the instructions and remember what I said about staying together.
Don't look so gloomy: you will have your sunny days too, you know . . . Now,
see that wood over there? Well that's a good enough marker for your first
direction, east by south. That's your way. Goodbye, and good luck . . ."
The mist had thinned,
and so had his voice: it sounded now like an echo.
We had all been
straining our eyes to the wood, answered "Goodbye," and then turned
to wave, but he had gone. So had the glade, the cave, the stream. We were
standing on the highest point of a bleak moor in the burning-off of a summer
mist that rolled away from our feet as rapidly as Brother Jude-the-Less's
manuscripts rolled up across the table if they weren't weighted down. Nearby
was what might once have been a ring of stones, but there was nothing else
recognizable for miles: even the wood was a half-day's walk. It was as if
something had picked us up from somewhere and dumped us down again nowhere.
"Well, I'll be . .
. blest!" said Conn, scratching his head. "However did he manage
But nobody had an
answer. There was the illusion-bit, which I thought might help, but even I was
uneasy about this. If I explored it too deep I should have to explain how it
was we seemed to have only been with the magician a couple of days, reaching
him in early spring, while now we were standing in countryside that was—
"High summer,"
said Moglet. "How nice. Didn't know we'd been there so long . . ."
There: where was there?
What about all the anachronisms of season? The strange sleep that had fallen so
easily on us all, a blanket of time-consuming dream so that one woke unsure
whether one still slept? I should have pinched myself, but didn't, I don't know
We all felt the same, I
could see that, but no one wanted to talk about it: a bit like suspecting there
might be a wasp in the preserve, but hoping it will fly out of the window
before you have to disturb it.
It was Snowy who pulled
us together. "The wood is indeed east by south, and that is our first
direction, is it not? Come, my friends, this quest is for all, and better to
start at once than to question too much. We are together, that is what matters.
Friend Corby, do you confirm the direction?"
Corby shuffled on Conn's
shoulder. "As the crow flies, unicorn, as the crow flies. Not that crows
allus fly straight, mind . . ."
The Binding: Unicorn
The Castle of Fair Delights
And so we went south by
east and past the wood, and on to a different mark as we passed through it. The
going was easy, the foods of the wayside plentiful, and both Conn and I found
we had more money than we thought in our pockets, so it was easy to keep us all
provisioned. It was almost dream-like, that progression, from the high
heathlands to the downs, the plain to the valleys: everywhere they were bringing
in the first cutting of hay, and the air was full of the sun-warmed smell of
the drying grasses, the honey-heavy perfume of may, the bruise of wild garlic.
Lambs, colts, calves, kids were younglings now, no longer babes, and the birds
were feeding their second brood; sweet cicely pollen-powdered my knees,
keck-parsley my hips, angelica my shoulders; corn-poppies, Demeter's bane, bled
at my feet and elder laced my hair, and all day and every day the sun walked
with us. There may have been days when it was cold or cloudy or it rained, but
in truth I do not remember.
It was, therefore,
something of a shock to all of us when we were brought abruptly back to the
realization of our quest by finding the first standing stone. Bare, ragged as a
sore tooth, twice man-height, it stood alone on the crest of a little hill and
pointed with afternoon's shadow finger to the valley beneath, a valley ringed
by forest and bearing in its midst a fair castle, towered and beflagged. The
building lay in greensward; at the front a wide driveway led to the massive
doors of the courtyard and at the back was what looked like a jousting-yard.
From the four corners of the main building where little wooden towers rose like
siege-toys, fluttered pennants, banners, flags in stripes of yellow and gold,
seeming to beckon us down to this place that might have been painted onto the
landscape one moment since, a scene from some legendary tale. Indeed I blinked
twice, to make sure it was really there, and it was only on the second blink
that I saw something I had missed before: the crescent-shaped lake that lay to
the left of the castle. Even at this distance it was dark and deep and still, a
black scar on the green.
exclaimed Conn. "And isn't that a sight to gladden the heart? There we
shall surely find a warm welcome and hospitality of the finest if I'm not
mistaken, Thingummy. And as the finger of the stone points that way and the
direction on the map says the same . . . Well, then?"
I frowned. For no reason
I felt shivery.
"If it's so fair .
. ." said Puddy.
"And we're supposed
to face great danger?" supplemented Moglet.
"What the hell's
wrong with it?" added Corby. "Must be something we can't see from
great-great-great-grandfather was fond of remarking that the prettiest flies often
hid the sharpest barb," contributed Pisky, helpfully.
"Oh, come on now!
You're just a bunch of confirmed pessimists!" exploded Conn. "You see
something nice and welcoming and all you want to do is run away from it, just
because it is pleasant! That old magician did say that the sun would
sometimes shine on our endeavours, didn't he? Well it is, and down there is a
castle as fair as any I've seen, and I'm longing to sit at a table bearing
venison pasties and beef and oyster pies and drink a decent Frankish burgundy.
And when I've eaten and drunk I should like to be shown to a chamber containing
a man-sized bed laid with real linen sheets and pull a bear-pelt over my
toes—not lie out under the stars itching with hay-ticks and walked over by
hedgepigs! Down there is civilization and that's where I'm going, and you can
come or not, as you please!" He tugged at Snowy's bridle.
"It is as The
Ancient said," he replied cryptically. "This is the way we must
"Told you,"
exulted Conn. "Now, are you others coming or not?"
He knew we would, if
only because we remembered what the old magician had said about the importance
of keeping together, and indeed, as we descended the gentle path that led to
the fringe of woods surrounding the castle, we all began to wonder—us
pessimists, that is—what foundation, if any, our fears were grounded upon, for
the day was fair and the sun indeed shone, and little fluffy clouds
deliberately either missed it or else hid it for a moment only, just to remind us
how beautiful it beamed uncovered; bees fed on deep trumpets of creaming
honeysuckle, grasshoppers made a raspy music and above us larks climbed to
their pinnacle of song—
Then we descended to the
The trees closed in, the
sun was a sullen greenish glow; there were no flowers for the bees, no grass
for the grasshoppers and no bird sang. Silence, and only our footsteps on the
loamy track that led, straight and true, through the heart of the trees. I felt
as though I were in a bowl of silence, as confining as Pisky's crock; drowning,
oppressed unbearably by the lack of sound. Conn had stopped whistling the merry
tune he had had on his lips a moment since and even the echoes had fled without
memory. We all trod softly, as if some terrible thing lurked asleep in the
shadows, only waiting a snapped twig to waken to attack.
It was Moglet who voiced
our fears: "Why no birds? Where are all the creatures who should be here?
Are they all frightened of something?"
I could not have
answered, but luckily there was no need for at that moment a half-dozen
men-at-arms appeared on the path before us, clad in blue and yellow, spears at
the slope, and at their head a knight, mounted on a black palfrey. He was
elderly, moustached and bearded, and his hand was held up and open in the
universal gesture of greeting.
friends," he called, and we halted. At that moment I had Corby on my
shoulder, Moglet in my arms, Puddy in my pocket, head out, and Pisky's bowl
dangling from my elbow, and I could feel their united suspicion as they turned
to the stranger.
Conn and I confirmed his
gesture of greeting, and he dismounted, waving back the men-at-arms to stand
"Greetings: name's
Egerton de Ruys. Glad to welcome you, Sir Knight," and he strode forward
to clasp arms with Conn. He had a nasal, pinched sort of voice and clipped his
words off short; one eye socket was empty: a retired knight, if I was not
mistaken. "You and y'r servant very welcome, by'r Lady! Saw you from the
west tower, don't y'know, and m'niece, the Lady Adiora, sent me to beg you to
take advantage of our hospitality in the Castle of Fair Delights and sojourn
awhile. Be glad of y'r company."
"Well, and that's
gracious enough," said Conn. "Hear that, you disbelievers?" But
seeing that he was apparently talking to a broken-down pony, a hunched servant
carrying a scrawny crow, a frightened kitten and a small fish, he pinched his
lips together and stroked his moustache, trying to look nonchalant. It was
evident that the time spent in our exclusive company had made him forget that,
to anyone else, talking to animals and a mere servant like that would be
considered eccentric, to say the least.
"Sir Egerton: your
servant," he said formally, and introduced himself. "My—my servant
and I would be glad to accept your hospitality . . ." and he turned and
scowled at us, as if daring us to contradict.
So we came through that
last fringe of wood, silent still save for the jingling of harness on Sir
Egerton's horse, the plod-plod of the men-at-arms and the thudding of my heart.
The track broadened as
we left the trees, and as we approached it I was better able to admire the
grandeur of the castle. The bottom storey-and-a-half was built of stone,
perhaps fifty or so years ago and, I guessed, founded on an earlier structure,
Roman perhaps. The upper storey-and-a-half was completed in wood, as were the
four towers, the whole gilded and pierced and painted in blue and gold and
decorated with carved and sculpted figures of knights, ladies and mythical
beasts with three heads or a dozen feet, and there were many little narrow
windows, like surprised eyes. A bit draughty in winter, I thought. However, it
was difficult to remember snow and ice on so pleasant a day, though
paradoxically it certainly seemed cooler down here in the valley. Once more for
no reason I shivered, and glanced sideways at the lake: it should have sparkled
with sunshine and glinted in the breeze that cracked and snapped the pennons
and flags atop the towers, but instead it lay dark and still, dead, and I felt
the others shift and press closer as we passed through the heavy wooden gates
into the courtyard. This was paved with white cobbles, and to left and right
were stables and sheds, and servants in a scurry: one boy's task, I noticed,
seemed to be solely that of picking up any stray leaf, straw, or other piece of
rubbish that might mar the otherwise pristine approach. I hoped Snowy wouldn't
disgrace us by relieving himself, because that would obviously have meant
shovels, buckets and mops almost before he had finished.
The stable to which we
were assigned was, again, almost too clean and, apart from two palfreys, clear
of horses. Sir Egerton indicated the end stall, away from the other mounts.
"Can put your—er,
nag, here, don't y'know. The other creatures—er, pets?"
"Er . . .
yes," said Conn, his swift glance at us coloured by his suddenly luxurious
surroundings to the extent that we obviously appeared to him suddenly exactly
as we were: dirty and disreputable. "And my—my servant, er—Thingummy . .
"Well," said
Sir Egerton, rubbing at the white whiskers on his chin. "Can see you have
problems, yes indeed. Never can remember their names meself! Like to leave the
animals here, and you and your er, servant can be housed within? M'niece don't
care much for cats, or birds come to that, and that fish don't look big enough
for eating."
I was frowning
dreadfully at Conn, but he affected not to notice. "Why, of course, of
course! Just leave the—the animals comfortable, Thingy, and follow me."
Making sure there was
fresh fodder and water for Snowy and stowing the others in the manger, I wiped
my grubby hands ineffectively on my jacket. "I'll be back," I said
shortly. "Just spy out the land."
"Don't like this
place," wailed Moglet.
"Neither do
I," said Corby. "Summat wrong somewheres . . ."
Puddy hunched up.
"Don't be long."
Pisky was at the very
bottom of his bowl and said nothing.
I turned to Snowy.
"Keep an eye on them, dear one."
He shook his head.
"I agree with the crow. Listen hard when you are in that place, watch
closely. All is too fair, too clean. And guard the Rusty One: we don't want to
lose him."
"Lose him?"
"Are you
coming?" said Conn, poking his head round the door. "For goodness
sake! Leave those animals alone for a moment, can't you?"
So, it was just
"animals" they were, was it? For a moment I almost hated him.
But only for a moment,
for as soon as we entered the castle proper I was traitor too to my friends,
and had eyes and thought only for the delights that surrounded us. We entered from
the courtyard through a pillared portico raised, surprisingly, only a couple of
feet from the white cobbles, unlike most castles in which the ground floor was
used for stores and the main floor was reached by outside steps: this place was
obviously not built for siege.
There were no windows in
the great hall in which we found ourselves, but large oil lamps hung from the
high ceiling in chains and a cheerful fire burned in a huge fireplace opposite
the doors: another innovation, for most hearths were still in the centre. The
walls were hung with fine fabrics and tapestries, and a long table stretched
the length of the room, with the usual dais at the end for the gentry. The
floor, again unusually, was not covered with rushes but laid bare a very fine and
detailed mosaic of a hunting scene. It must have predated the present building
by a couple of centuries at least and some pieces were missing, others trod
pale of colour, but at one end a very convincing stag fled its pursuers,
antlers laid back across its shoulders, one terrified eye glancing back at the
pursuing hounds, while at the other end a huntsman wound his horn and another
notched his bow.
"Ah, my weary
travellers, you are welcome!" Down a marble staircase behind the pictured
hunters floated a vision. Even to my inexperienced eyes she was a very lovely
lady, clad in a clinging robe of blue, fair hair bound and twisted in bands of
gold, slippers of the same colour on her feet. Her gown had a long train that
whispered over the patterned floor as she moved towards us, hands outstretched
to Conn, no eyes for me, and on her fingers and slim wrists more bands of gold.
A Golden Lady with hair to match, and eyes as blue as her gown.
And now Sir Egerton was
introducing them but to my eyes they needed none such, for her hands were in
Conn's and his eyes locked to hers as if they would never let go. She was near
as tall as he and slim as a wand, and as she talked and smiled and nodded her
little pointed teeth shone and her pink tongue flickered over her lips and they
had no eyes for any but each other.
I suddenly felt very
small and mean and hunched and dirty and would have given anything not to have
seen these two together, to be back with the others, outside, free . . . And
even as I thought this I felt the ground beneath my feet groan and move and cry
so that I almost stumbled, but even as I looked around, terrified, I saw that
no one else had noticed anything out of the way. There it was again! A
voiceless moaning, a wordless fear, an empty desolation that beat at the soles
of my feet until I felt as though the whole floor moved, and in the flicker and
sway of the oil-lamps the stag looked more terrified than ever; his eye shut
and opened, his muzzle dripped foam and the hounds bayed their blood-lust—
I dropped to the ground,
staggering at the shift in the floor, my eyes shut, my hands over my ears to
stop that awful sound—
But Conn was shaking me.
"Whatever's the matter, Thingy? Are you all right? Then for heaven's sake
stand up and behave yourself! Whatever will the Lady Adiora think of you? Come
now . . ." and he raised me and pushed me in the direction of the lady,
but I would not look at her, and hung my head and shuffled my feet.
"But how clever of
you, my dear Sir Connor!" she exclaimed, and I detected a slight lisp.
"How amusing: a hunchie! Does it do tricks? Tumble? And it wears a mask—it
must be perfectly hideous! Do let me see . . ." and she stretched out her
hand, but with a curiously protective gesture Conn drew me against him.
"No creature for
laughter or amusement, my Lady," he said quietly. "Merely a poor
unfortunate that cannot help either the shape or the looks the dear Lord saw
fit to burden it with. And it is under my protection, as are the other
creatures I travel with—"
But immediately she was
all smiles, all contrition for her thoughtlessness, as she came to lay her hand
on his arm.
She also trod on my
foot, quite hard.
"But of course, Sir
Connor! I did not mean to make fun of your servant or your playthings. 'Tis
just that I, too, have an interest in finding—employment—for like unfortunates.
You will see them tonight . . . And now, if you will follow me?" She
gathered the train of her gown. "I declare! It is so good to see a fresh
face! Sometimes I feel I shall die with boredom in this out-of-the-way
prison . . ."
And she took his hand,
as naturally as if they had known each other years, and led him towards the
stairway and the first floor, me trailing miserably and awkwardly behind.
* * *
The room we were to
share was octagon-shaped, in one of the towers overlooking the back of the
castle. This part was built of wood, in the Moorish pattern, Conn told me, and
the tall, leather-curtained windows looked out over the enclosed courtyard
behind, curiously bare of ornamentation except for tubs of bay and myrtle, and
with an open end enclosed by tall, pointed stakes of wood, with a gateway set
in, firmly latched and bolted. Around the two sides were pavilions, set some
ten feet from the ground, but there was no indication what it was used for: on
closer acquaintance it was far too small for jousting or tourney. As I stared
down at its emptiness, again I felt that desolation that I had experienced
below, though all seemed fair on the surface.
"Did you ever see
such a bed!" exulted Conn, and I turned back from the window to see him
stretched out full length on a massive couch set on a platform, hung around
with curtains and spread with clean linen and plump cushions and a great
coverlet of wolf-skins. "Here's luxury, then!"
"Just what you
wanted," I said. "Except it's wolf and not bear."
"One's as warm as
the other, and there's only one thing wanting to make it perfect," and he
winked at the ceiling, but did not elaborate. "Tell you what, Thingumajig:
I reckon we've cat-fallen on our feet here, and no mistake! My nose tells me
dinner's on the way, and did you see Milady? Have you ever seen anyone more
"No," I said
truthfully, for though our Mistress had been more lovely still in some of her
Shape-Changes, that had been magic and not painted prettiness like the Lady
Adiora. "Conn . . ."
"Did you notice
anything—odd—downstairs? I mean a sort of feeling, a strangeness in the air, a
sort of—well, unhappiness?"
"Not a thing,
Thingy, not a thing!" He leant up on his elbow. "Was that why you
came over all unnecessary?"
I nodded. "I
just—felt something. Queer. Nasty . . ."
He leant back again,
obviously bored with my imaginings. "Well, there's nothing nasty here, I
assure you. Just good living, a beautiful lady, and—"
"And" was a
servant, attired in the castle blue and yellow, scratching at the door with a
flagon of wine and a Roman glass, green and fragile. One glass.
Conn filled and raised
it. "Here's to adventure, Thingy: may all quests be as promising! Oh, look
here, the servant must not have been told you were with me . . . A sip from
mine: come now, no need to sulk!"
I wasn't sulking, far
from it, but I suppose it must have looked that way. Obediently I sipped from
the other side of the goblet: it was sweet and heady. I watched Conn help
himself to another glass.
"You haven't eaten
"No hurry, no
But by the time other
servants brought hot water and cloths and filled the tub in the corner, I had
practically to undress him. A lot of water went on the floor while he splashed
and sang, a mournful ditty of great emotion and little tune, and I had to help
him into the clean linen, hose and embroidered surcoat that the Lady Adiora had
thoughtfully provided, both to please her eye and put him more firmly in her
debt, I had no doubt.
He spoilt the whole
effect by falling asleep, fully clothed, on top of the bed, waking up crumpled
and cross when a great dinner-gong sounded below some half-hour later. I had
taken advantage of his unconsciousness to use the cooling water for a bath
myself, and felt immensely better and enormously hungry when he woke, and
trotted down to the hall quite happily at his heels, telling myself that my
earlier unease was merely engendered by fatigue, an empty stomach and an
overactive imagination.
This time there was
noise enough to drown any half-imagined sounds from beneath my feet and food
enough to ease the stomach-cramps—which strangely enough had re-occurred quite
sharply since we came to the castle—and entertainment to feast the eye as well.
Though I was seated well below the salt I had a good view of Conn and the Lady
Adiora. She had him on her right hand, Sir Egerton on her left, and I could see
they were all enjoying themselves. The food was excellent—there was even the
venison Conn had craved—and I stuffed myself on pig and truffles and roast duck
till I had no room left for the other dozen or so dishes. So I relaxed,
pleasantly full of rich food, and listened to the conversation on either side.
My companions were
inferior servants of the other gentlemen who attended the feast—there were no
ladies save our hostess—and, although they ignored me except for a nod of
courtesy and a look of disdain at my shabby wear, they chattered quite freely
amongst themselves, and once I had done pigging I listened more carefully. What
I heard disturbed me. There were six knights in attendance on the top table,
four of whom were staying at the castle, the other two neighbours. They were
all well attired, handsome, and of an age or younger than Conn, but once I
realized what their servants were saying I observed them more closely.
The conversation I
overheard went something like this:
Servant One: "Yours
doesn't look too chuffed . . ."
Servant Two: "Yours
neither." (Belch) "What do you expect? Stranger appears and knocks
their noses together!"
Servant One: "Yours
had had it anyway. Six weeks . . ."
Servant Two: "So
what? Yours took longer, but look at his eyes! Doubt if he'll carry those
saddle-bags round much longer."
Servant Three, from
across the table, picking at his teeth: "What gets me is how she does it!
Cool as the lake and twice as deep."
Servant Two: "Cool?
By'r Lady, she's no more cool than this stew! Randiest whore I ever
Servant Three:
"Anyway, this one's no better than his stamina, and by the looks of him
he's travelled hard already—"
Servant One:
"Nothing to the road he has to ride!"
The others sniggered,
then one of them glanced at me and winked his companions to silence, and after
that I turned to their masters with more awareness. I saw pinched faces under
the handsome exteriors: hollow eyes, nervous fingers crumbling unregarded
bread, sidelong glances; tongues licking lips, but not of gravy; a hand too
ready to stray to knife or dagger; damp palms, pallor, greed—and all directed
to where Conn sat, blissfully ignorant, picking at a capon with idle fingers,
his gaze always toward the sparkling Adiora, looking more beautiful than ever in
a midnight-blue dress sewn with silver thread, her hair unbound save for a
silver fillet round her brow. In spite of the look of bemused happiness on
Conn's face, and the sight of his moustache once more elevated in eagerness, I
felt uneasy: it seemed the lady's interest had antagonized just about everyone
except Sir Egerton, who was dozing happily.
All at once I wanted to
be back on the quest again together, in spite of my present ease and comfort; I
wanted the sweet horsey smell of Snowy's flank to snuggle up to; I wanted
Corby's caustic comments, Puddy's good sense, Moglet's soft fur, even Pisky's
endless reminiscences, tangled as a nest of grass snakes . . . I wanted Conn
back with us, dusty, irritable sometimes, gentle always—
Oh heavens! Hours ago I had
promised to go back and report to the others, and by now they must be starving!
Pretending I was still hungry I helped myself to a plate of the beef and oyster
stew, then slipped away from the table unnoticed and found my way back to the
stables. I expected the usual wails and moans about hunger and promises not
kept, but they were remarkably quiet. It appeared Puddy had caught a couple of
fat bluebottles and had shared shreds with Pisky, so it was only Moglet and
Corby for stew. I thought of telling them about Conn's infatuation, about the
strange sounds I thought I had heard, but decided it would be foolish:
everything would probably be different in the morning, and after all we should
be on our way again in a day or so. In the meanwhile, I was missing the
promised entertainment at the feast, so after ten restless moments I announced
I was going back inside.
Then in their eyes, all
five pairs of them, I saw the knowledge of my neglect and guilt lent an angry
and spiteful spark to my tongue.
"No reason why I
shouldn't go and enjoy myself once in a while! Everyone but me seems to have
fun, gets to eat at a table like the gentry, sometimes joins in pleasant
conversation, exchanges gossip, has a change of company every now and again!
Everyone but me, it seems, finds themselves among their own kind! And what have
I got? The promise of a smelly stable and a load of helpless animals!"
And, thoroughly frightened at my reaction, guilty at my outburst and lonely as
hell without either my friends or Conn, I went back to the feast, to be faced
by a thoroughly distasteful entertainment I would have done well to miss.
This consisted of
"performances," if you could call them that, by dwarves, manikins,
cripples and deformed animals. I found it very easy to imagine myself and the
others in their place, and it seemed worse when I saw Conn, his flushed face
and sparkling eyes telling only too well their story of too much food and wine,
applaud and laugh as heartily as the rest at some poor creature with but one
eye in the centre of its forehead and no arms, doing a wretchedly inept
tumbling act which ended with it falling into the hearth and setting up a
bewildered howl as its hair caught fire. I felt even sicker when they put an
emaciated dog with only three legs into a sack with a giant rat: I did not wait
for the outcome but ran out to the coolness of the courtyard and was sick on
their nice, clean cobbles.
After that I was too
ashamed to return either to the others or the feast, so crept away to the
shadows of a side-stair and up to our chamber, and there lay down by the fire
and sniffled myself to sleep.
* * *
I must have slept
heavily, for when I awoke the bed in the shadows was already occupied. Still
feeling slightly sick and with a nasty taste in my mouth, I blinked sleepily at
the fire, which someone had replenished for it was now leaping and dancing like
those wretched creatures downstairs, throwing shadows crooked enough to give
one the frights. And it was not only the flames that made the shadows caper on
the wall, for somehow there was a different shadow-play from the bed. The
firelight shone ruddily on Conn's red hair, his eyes, shining bright, and over
his thin, white body. But not only Conn: the Lady Adiora hung over him, and her
hands and legs and teeth were busy on him, holding, twisting, biting,
clutching, pulling, tearing until I heard him groan as if in pain and jumped to
my feet despite my thumping head and scuttled over to the bedside.
"Stop it!" I
cried shrilly to the lady, who was clad only in her golden hair. "You're
hurting him!" And I drew my dagger, prepared to drive her away by force,
for he now lay gasping as in a fever, with her sitting across his loins and
raking his chest with her pointed fingernails till the blood darkened his skin
like sloe-juice on a pigeon's breast. But he only gazed at me with unseeing
eyes and groaned the more and she leant across and struck me on the cheek.
"Don't you dare
interfere, you dirty little hunchie! You're—you're no better than those others
in the dungeons: you should never have been allowed inside! Now, get out! Out,
I say, or it will be the worse for you!" And she spat at me so hard that
the gobbet stuck to my mask and I had to wipe it away with the back of my hand.
Slowly I sheathed my
dagger and looked again at Conn, whose eyes and hands were on the lady's
"Er . . . it
doesn't understand, my beautiful." He turned for a moment to give me an
apologetic smile. "Do as she says, there's a good, er . . .
"And don't come
back!" she hissed.
"But—but she's
hurting you!" I faltered, but at that they both gave such a snigger that I
started back, and then suddenly knew what they were doing.
I understood all at once
about our Mistress and her Shape-Changes and the sticky head of Broom; about
the swineherd who had threatened me with that great thing sticking out in
front; all about what it meant to be a female; most of all what the parts of
Conn's body were for, and hers—and mine, and it was as if someone had flung me
naked from the warm into a bank of snow, so that I gasped with shock and
disbelief and ran to the curtained doorway and fought my way through the thick
folds and stumbled tear-blinded down the steep stairs, my shadow running
hunched before me from the flaming cressets in the wall, until I fell down the
last few steps to lie, stunned, on the patterned marble mosaic of the empty
It was the cold that
brought me to: I suppose I must have lain there no more than a few minutes, yet
in that time it seemed everything had changed. The oil lamps still guttered in
their chains, the dampened fire still stuttered and lisped in the fireplace,
but the air was filled with an echo like a great gong and the mosaic beneath me
sweated with fear. I managed to raise myself to my hands and knees, and from
where I crouched I could see the glazed eye of the great stag, running away
from me, hear the beat of his terrified heart, the thud of his hooves, the
harsh rasp of his breathing and wiped a fleck of bloodstained foam from my
hand. And then I was running with him, crashing heedless through the
undergrowth, careless of stinging bramble and whipping branch, and the ground
sprang away from beneath my feet and the knot of fear in my stomach grew into a
physical pain that made me cry out, but still the pursuers came on and at last
I turned to face them and an arrow hissed through the singing air and thudded
into my breast and I was bleeding, dying, dead—
"Come back, come
away, dear one!" All at once I heard my friends calling me, and with a
great effort I dragged myself back to reality, staggered to my feet and hunched
my way to the great oaken doors that led to the courtyard, struggled with bolts
and latches strangely heavy and stiff, flung myself through the gap that
offered and stumbled down the shallow steps and across the cobbled yard to the
safety of the stable, where Snowy took my arms around his neck, Moglet caressed
my ankles, Corby brushed his sound wing across my face, Puddy hummed gently and
Pisky sang me a bubbly song.
"I'm sorry, so
sorry!" I sobbed. "And so afraid!"
"We know,"
whispered Snowy, "but you are safe now . . ." and he let me cry out
my tears and remorse and wipe my eyes on his silky mane. When I was comforted
enough they asked me what had happened, and first I told them about Conn and
the lady and then of the fear and sorrow that I had experienced in the hall.
They listened
attentively, but it was Corby who summed up our problem, in his own inimitable
"So he's
temporarily not one of us," he said slowly. "And there's something
nasty under the floorboards . . ."
The Binding: Unicorn
The Terror under the Floor
After a good night's
sleep we went over it all again, and I had to endure once more my memories of
Conn and the lady, but my friends instinctively made it easy for me, and once
again it was Corby's good sense that made it bearable.
"Time you grew up
anyway, Thing dear, and my guess is that it was only a thing of the flesh and
nothing to worry about in the long run. Sometimes with humans, I understand, it
is a bit like eating: wasn't it the Rusty Knight himself that said he was tired
of plain fare and craved venison? Fair enough, but a diet of venison day and
night will make you liverish, and before long you're back to bread and cheese
and ale, the stuff that keeps you going most of your life.
"So, let it be:
he'll return to plain fare soon enough . . ."
After I was reconciled
to all this—superficially at least—there was still the wonderment of realizing
where men and women fitted into each other like mortice and tenon, their bodies
tongued and grooved and dovetailed like fair furniture. But I had not thought
that this coupling could be a thing of such violence, of cries and tearings, of
hurt and passion. Still, it was interesting, just the same, and I thought about
it at intervals for quite some time. The only sure thing in all this cogitating
was that a body such as mine, all humps and crookedness, would need a very fine
carpenter indeed to marry the parts to another.
Of the strange noises in
the hall, the feelings of terror and despair, Snowy at least was positive
something should be done. The trouble was, we did not know whether there was
anything actually underneath the floor, as I suspected, though when I went back
later and stamped, quietly, I reported back that there seemed to be an echo of
sorts beneath my feet.
"Sounds like a
cellar," said Puddy. "Or a dungeon."
Something tickled at the
back of my mind: hadn't the Lady Adiora said something about a dungeon? But my
thoughts were going back farther than that.
"The castle seems
to have been built on the foundations of a large Roman villa," I said
slowly. "And if I remember—if I recall—someone must have told me that
those old villas had great storerooms underneath, and lots of pipes and
channels for a hot-water warming system; sometimes these cellars extended even
beyond the foundations of the house itself if there wasn't a ready supply of
water adjacent—"
"The lake!"
said Corby. "But they don't use it now: go a half-mile for fresh water
from a river through on the other side of the woods. Heard one of the nags
grumbling 'bout doing the journey three times a day or more when there's
"Water in that lake
looks dead," said Puddy. "Can't have been alive for years."
"We must take a
look," said Snowy. "All that you have said, Thing, makes me believe
that there is something gravely amiss here. A larger amount of fodder than is
necessary for the beasts here is collected daily, and some of it carried outside
the castle walls. As far as I remember there are no outer stables, nor any
cattle grazing . . . I think, friends, it is time we took some exercise."
So it was that I rode
out of the stable, Moglet and Puddy inside my jacket, Pisky's bowl slung round
my waist and Corby wobbling on my shoulder, to ask the soldiers on duty that
the main gate be opened.
We were greeted by a
shout of laughter. "Call that thing a horse?" guffawed one of the
gate-guards. "And as for that tatty bird . . . Any more in the travelling
I frowned most
dreadfully, and I could hear Corby grinding his beak, but Snowy behaved just
like the clown they believed him: stumbled a little, flicked his ears back and
forth, swished his tail and gave me some good advice in the midst of all this
as well.
"Go easy, Thing
dear: every human likes to laugh, and the more they despise us the more ready
they will be to disregard us as a threat to whatever they are hiding. Play as
silly as me, there's a good girl. And, wise crow, fall off your perch and try
and look ridiculous, if you can . . ."
So we found ourselves
outside the gate, with a good deal of chaffing on the guard's part, and a
secret rage in my breast. I turned Snowy's head eagerly towards the side of the
castle nearest the lake, but quite unexpectedly he stopped suddenly and lowered
his head and I slid gracefully down his neck to land on the turf in a heap. I
got to my feet, spilling cats and toads and fish all over the place.
"What on earth did
you do that for?" I demanded furiously, but even as I asked I heard the
sound of laughter carried from the gateway, and turned to see them all still
watching us.
"That was the
reason," said Snowy. "So, today we shall not go near the lake, but
shall rather ride innocently through the forest for a while. Get up again,
Thing: I promise none of this will be wasted."
So that day we rode the
perimeter of the castle, but some hundred yards hidden in the forest. We found
neither bird nor beast to disturb its stillness, but we did find another exit.
We had originally approached the castle from the east, joining the woodland
ride that approached it from the south; but running near north there was
another ride that ended on a knoll looking over a swift-running river, which
was obviously where the household water was collected each day. Beyond this was
a wooden bridge, a small village on the other bank, and thick forest. We
followed the ride back towards the castle, and found that we emerged some
quarter mile from the strange enclosed space at the back of the building, and
even as we watched from the shelter of the trees we could see that the
pavilions inside were being enlarged and painted, and at one time someone
opened the bolted wooden gates and we could see the gravel within being
meticulously raked into formal patterns and the tubs of shrubs being moved to
the sides.
Snowy sighed, and I
could feel him shiver beneath me. "I think we are almost too late:
tomorrow and the day after it will rain, and then I think they will leave it
till the full moon . . . We have five days. Tomorrow we shall have to risk
going by the lake. It is too soon, I fear, but it is a risk we shall have to
take if we are to free them."
"Them?" I
echoed, but he only shook his head, and carried us swiftly back through the
rest of the semicircle of forest.
The next morning we were
out again, but this time attracted far less attention from the guards, as Snowy
had predicted. Again as he had promised the sky was overcast and a little
warning wind rattled the flags on their poles, then died away.
I had attended supper
again the previous night in the great hall, and had had to face once again the
sight of Conn, utterly besotted, eyes only for the Lady Adiora. Upstairs there
had been castle servants who shouldered me out of the way when the
bathing-water was produced, and there were others to air his new clothes—russet
and green, fine wool and silk—and make up the bed, so I was largely redundant
as far as I could see. We had only exchanged a couple of words, when he had
fallen over me in his hurry to bathe and change and then, as I had apologized
for being in the way, he had looked at me with an air of puzzlement as if he
did not recognize me, and had merely asked, after a moment, if my room were
comfortable. I had said yes, of course I had, for it was obvious that he had
forgotten about the rest of us, or at least put us to the back of his mind for
the time being. So I had not reminded him I had been banished to the stables,
had not told him our fear of what the dungeons held, and most of all had not
let him know how I hated the Lady Adiora for stealing him away and despised him
for letting her. In all this, of course, I was forgetting Corby's wise words,
but solecisms and banalities, however true they may be to the objective eye,
are no use at all to one who is subjectively green with jealousy all over like
an unripe apple, even if that one has absolutely no right to be . . .
So, as I said, we went
out that next morning to spy out the land on the lakeward side of the castle. I
dismounted on the other side of a clump of sear and withered reeds and tipped
Puddy and Pisky into the waters to see what life there was, if any, and Moglet
was detailed to work her way around the edge, keeping as far as possible out of
sight. Corby was set as lookout and Snowy was to crop aimlessly towards the
castle and an interesting-looking dark, gullied gateway set in the castle wall.
I was the distraction: if I thought anyone was watching I behaved like the
village idiot, capering around and turning somersaults and picking daisies for
a chain.
We agreed a sun-time,
which I reckoned would be near enough an hour, and it must have been near
midday when we met again, casually enough, behind the clump of reeds. Pisky and
Puddy were last at the rendezvous and I had to haul them both out of the water,
gasping and distressed, all too ready to blurt out their joint discoveries.
"It's all dark and
lifeless and choking and black with slime and mud and there are no fish—"
"Water's stagnant,
been like that a long time. Once connected to the castle. Long pipe, blocked up
with mud. Tried to get down it but failed."
"Pipe is all choked
up with clay and dead bones and gravel—"
"Could be cleared.
Water level is above pipe-mouth."
"—and nasty,
smelly, stinking water. A hand beneath the water and you can't see a fin in
front of you. No water-bugs, no snails, no red bottom-worms even, no nothing .
. ."
"There's something
like a sluice gate above that pipe," said Moglet unexpectedly. "I've
seen something like that before: the wood is sound, but it looks as though it
hasn't been used for many years, and would need a good greasing before it would
shift. The rest of the lakeside is barren, and there is very little
"The Romans' water
system worked something like that," I said, still wondering how I knew.
"Water from an outside source ran through pipes that were heated in
cavities under the house. A—a hypocaust . . ."
"Well," said
Snowy. "I've been cropping grass till I'm swollen-bellied, but I still
can't see a way into the dungeons, or whatever they are, to find what I know is
there. There is nothing but that barred gate to see."
"That pipe runs
right beneath the grass and through that gate," said Corby. "The
grass is a different colour. Dug years ago, but you can always tell."
"But the water
can't get through," I objected. "Moglet and Puddy and Pisky said so.
It can't have anything to do with floods or things drowning—"
strangers!" hissed Corby, and we all ducked down behind the reeds except
Snowy, who was too big.
From the front of the
castle came half-a-dozen or so stable-hands carrying sacks and fodder and as we
watched they moved, bowed with the weights, to the dark gateway in the wall.
One man took out a large key and unlocked it and they passed inside—and out
from that unlocked gate flowed such a miasma of fear and despair that it
crawled as palpable as a fog to where we lay hidden, and such overwhelming
sorrow struck my heart that I beat my hands against invisible bars and sobbed
out my prisonment.
"Shut up,
Thing!" warned Corby. "They're coming out again."
And as we watched the
stable-servants emerged with baskets of ordure and cast them into the cesspit
beyond the lake and rapidly infilled with fresh earth, but as they did so
Moglet and Snowy sniffed the wind.
"Deer, boar . .
"Hare, coney?"
"Bear? Wild pony,
"We must get in
there somehow," said Snowy urgently. "My nose tells me that there are
dozens of animals in there, and we still don't know why!"
The idea seemed
ridiculous to me. Why keep animals imprisoned underground? If one wanted meat
one either grazed cattle or hunted, that was part of life. Why keep them fed
and watered underground, when it was so much cheaper to let them roam free?
Deer and boar were plentiful, at least outside this forest, and so were the smaller
game. Everywhere else but here: was that the answer? Was that why they stored
them? But what of the absence of any kind of life: no birds, no hedgepigs, no
mice, no rats? And the overwhelming fear that overlaid all? But why, why? There
must be a simple explanation . . . A feast and a fair, that was it! They had
some deer, boar and hare for the feast, ready for easy slaughter when the time
was ripe. And the others were for the usual tainted entertainment this place
seemed to afford. The smell of badger that Moglet had detected in the droppings
must mean that one comer of that enclosed space they had been tidying and
gravelling yesterday would be reserved for baiting, and the bear must be a tame
one, trained for dancing. The wild ponies? Those I supposed would be for the
lady's horsebreakers to show off their arts. If the general standards of
entertainment in this place were anything to go by, this was an improvement:
better than the stupid torturing pleasure they usually seemed to take with
strange, twisted things like me . . .
"No," said
Snowy, who had obviously been reading my thoughts. "No, there are too
many, dear child, and their fear has infected all the land around. It is more
than mere sport or entertainment."
"Then what?"
"I am not sure. Not
yet . . . But one of us must get in there to find out."
It started to rain,
quite heavily. One of the men carrying over more hay looked up and saw us.
"Hey you:
Crookback! Yes, you . . . Bring that nag of yours over here and make him
useful, otherwise we'll all get soaked."
I would have refused,
but Snowy spoke urgently. "This is just the chance we have been waiting
for! Take me over . . ."
"You're not a beast
of burden at the beck of anyone!"
"Don't argue, for
once. Just do as I say."
So I left the others
sheltering as best they could and led Snowy over. "You want to borrow the
pony?" I asked, sounding, and looking too, I suppose, like a halfwit.
The stable-hand grabbed
Snowy's bridle and thwacked his rump. "C'mon, you bag-of-bones!"
I watched him load up,
noted Snowy's meek head hanging down, saw him led down a slight incline to the
mouth of a tunnel that revealed itself now I was nearer to the barred gate,
then made my way back to the others.
Puddy and Pisky were
fine, revelling in the warm summer rain, which was coming down faster now, but
Moglet made a wild leap at me, burrowing under my jacket and proceeding to soak
us both, and Corby, nothing loath, tried to huddle under my cloak. We made our
way back to the castle, more or less together, and I stowed away the others,
for I could not know how long Snowy would be. Then, as luck would have it, I
ran straight into Conn and the Lady Adiora.
We had obviously missed
their riding out, for they were now returning wet with rain, Conn mounted on a
beautiful strawberry-roan Apparisoned with red velvet, both now dark with rain.
I rushed over to clutch at his bridle but he looked down at me as though I were
a stranger, all the while listening to the lady's prattle.
" . . . but because
of the weather we had better postpone it. My weathermen say it should clear up
by New Moon, so probably four days hence. You will have to practise your
archery, meanwhile—What is that dirty creature doing?" In a different
voice. I was frantically pulling at Conn's bridle to try to gain his attention.
"Send it away! That part of your life is gone, my love, but if you still
have a fondness for the creature I will find it work in the kitchens . .
Conn pulled away from
me. "Not now, not now," he said. "Later, Thingy, later . .
I spat on the ground as
they passed, but the angry tears were not far from my eyes, and when I went
into the castle that night I was denied the table and pushed towards the
kitchens, where a greasy scullion grabbed me and made me turn one of the spits
while he dipped his fingers in the gravy and lay back at his ease, and every
time I tried to escape he pulled me back by my ear, cackling with laughter at
my discomfort.
I was worried, for Snowy
had not returned by the time I went over to the castle, and each minute dragged
interminably. When I finally escaped the rain had stopped and the summer stars
were shining faintly, and low clouds obscured the moon. I had only had beans
and bread for supper and water to wash them down, but managed to salvage a
beef-rib bone from under the nose of a great hound and, dusted down, it would
be more than adequate for Corby and Moglet. I hoped Puddy had managed to find
one of his unmentionables during the day, and Pisky could have a sliver of the
But when I reached the
stable all this planning was forgotten, for there was Snowy, head drooping,
flanks heaving, trembling as though in an icy blast. The bone went flying as I
rushed forward, and I will give the others their due, that bone was not touched
until we had heard Snowy's story.
At first I thought his
distress was due to ill-treatment and abuse, and I ran my hands over his hide,
his joints and tendons, looked to see he had water and fodder, but all was as
it should be. And then, though he had volunteered nothing, I realized that the
aura of near-palpable suffering that emanated from him was an exhaustion of the
spirit that has had to suffer mental ill-treatment as real as if it had been
beaten or starved, and I put my arms around his neck and leant my head against
his jaw.
"Tell me—tell us—dear
one, what has happened, what you saw that was so dreadful . . ." And as he
told us it was as if we were there and could see through his eyes, hear through
his ears, smell it and taste it and feel it.
As he had approached the
open gate in the wall a great stench of animal came from it, and out of the
dark, yawning mouth of the tunnel a belch of fear, raw and undigested, that had
made him stop in his tracks, and the men had used a whip to urge him on,
jesting that he could smell the wolves and was afraid he would be turned into
their dinner.
And wolves there were,
penned next to the great dusty bear and her yearling cub: three grey, slinking
animals, eyes slitted sharp as their teeth. And next to the wolves two large
badgers, almost as big as the half-dozen wild boar, both these pig-like animals
full still of rage and lust for killing, wasting their strength on futile
rushes against the bars as the men approached, the badgers' claws rattling
impotently against the metal, the boars' tusks ringing as they clashed with
their prison. And opposite these fierce creatures were the grass-eaters, the
proud stag with his three terrified hinds, the wild ponies, mountain goats,
hares, coneys—and their keepers rattled the bars and taunted them as they threw
them their food, gave them their water, telling them how their days, hours,
minutes were numbered.
"Four days from
tomorrow you've got, my fine creatures, and then you'll be so much skin for the
buzzards! Midsummer Night will be perpetual night for you all! And not from
each other, oh no! 'Twill be the fine lords and ladies as will lead the
massacre, and them getting points each for the ones they kill. Not so many for
the bears, 'cos they're a bigger target, though more difficult to finish off,
but big points for the hares, 'cos they're smaller and move faster. Roast
venison all round from you, my fine fellow and your dames; only ones we can't
eat are the pesky wolves and rancid badgers, but they'll do for bait for the
next lot of meat-eaters. Ah yes, roll on the Midsummer-Night massacre!"
And so, Snowy told us,
big-eyed with wonder and horror, he had had to calm all those beasts, tell them
what they needed and hoped for.
"And what was
that?" I asked, knowing what the answer would be even as I asked the
"Why, that we would
rescue them all, of course," he said.
The Binding: Unicorn
Midsummer Madness
And, looking at the
faith shining from those strange brown-grey-green eyes I almost believed we
could, even as I asked the hopeless: "But—how?"
So he told us.
In essence the plan was
to open the exit gates beyond the slaughter-yard and guide the animals away
from the castle to the ride leading through the woods to the bridge across the
river that marked the boundary between this petty tenure and another. The plan
entailed opening well oiled gates, the control of panic among the animals and
slowest ones to go first, and also a distraction at the castle end to divert
those attending the Madness. Snowy promised to organize the animals and keep
them from panic, if the rest of us could ensure the opening of the gates and
the distraction.
"There," he
said. "How about it?"
We all agreed
enthusiastically, caught in the euphoria of the moment, but it was the
common-sensical Puddy who brought us back to reality.
"A good idea,"
he said, with his sometimes maddening slowness, "but what would distract
the lords and ladies enough not to send their servants chasing the beasts? And
how would we escape afterwards? And what of the Rusty Knight? Remember, The
Ancient insisted that we had all to keep together, and this is only the first
of our trials. By all accounts he has eschewed his loyalties already."
Conn! Oh, dear Gods, I
had forgotten him already!
No, I had not forgotten,
that was not the right way to think of it. He was in my thoughts day and night,
and I was made both fiercely jealous and desperately miserable by his defection
to the beautiful Adiora, but he had assumed the proportion of a dream, not to
be confused with the day-to-day realities of eating and drinking, sleep,
discoveries, plans for the escape of the animals. I cursed myself for my
forgetfulness of his place in the general scheme of things as I gazed blankly
at the others.
"Thing-dear will
think of something," said Snowy comfortably, and such was the assurance in
his voice that at that moment I truly believed I would, and put the problem
temporarily from my mind.
But there was still the
question of a distraction, and it was Corby who suggested fire. "Top half
of this place is all wood, and would make a merry blaze . . ." and so I
volunteered the next day to scout around on the upper floors and try to find a
convenient corner to set combustible material. For the escape afterwards Snowy
promised that we would not be left behind. Pisky asked why the animals couldn't
be let out now, please, but Snowy confirmed that there were guards on duty day
and night around the castle, and escape before massacre-day would be
We settled down for the
night, curiosity allayed by Snowy's story and a definite plan of action to
follow, but perhaps because of this the stimulation of thought made us
restless, bog-eyed sleepers when at last dawn broke on another grey, dripping
The stable-servants
"borrowed" Snowy again, and I asked him specifically to look out for
and question the prisoned animals as to the whereabouts of a particular item I
thought might be in the dungeons; Conn and the lady went out riding again,
accompanied only by two discreet grooms, and I shut my mind to reclaiming him
for the time being. By dint of dodging servants on occasion and behaving as if I
belonged on others, I managed to gain access to the upper floors of the castle.
The first floor consisted of bedchamber after bedchamber, a magnificent solar
and a small library, but the next floor with its jutting towers was more
hopeful. Those rooms facing to the front of the castle were all occupied, but
of the others overlooking the back Conn was in one and the last was full of
empty chests, discarded pallets, hangings in need of repair and tattered
tapestries: these were all dry, and would give off a good smoulder-smoke if
All this reconnoitring
took time, and I still had not had a chance to speak to Conn alone by the time
the rest of us gathered in the stable after supper. I had managed a bowl of
scraps for the others, having been relegated to the kitchens again, and also a
useful pocketful of fat strips, ideal for starting a fire. I had also checked
the gates out of the slaughter-yard: these had been opened again today, and
while I noted the ease with which the bolts slid back, I also saw that it took
two men to swing them open, largely because the ground sloped slightly upwards
at this point. A careful removal of accumulated stones and debris was all that
was needed, and I saw how I could play an idiot and build mudpies at this
point, and also lay out a couple of arrow-pointers the way the animals were to
Snowy was able to
confirm what I had suspected, that a pipe, now blocked with debris, led into
the upper part of the dungeon and thence into a disused cistern, cracked and
"That must be the
pipe that leads to the lake," I said eagerly. "Which animal is
"Luckily for us it
is the badgers; their cage holds both pipe and cistern. I have asked them to
clear away what rubble they can and pile it under the pipe. Some of the smaller
coneys are going to squeeze through their bars to help. Now it's up to you lot
at the lake end. Have you spied out the escape route?"
"Tomorrow," I
* * *
The next day was the
penultimate one before the intended killings, and there was a lot to do. The
most important thing, of course, was to investigate the escape route, but my
idea about the underground pipe, which had started merely as a secondary
diversion, now assumed greater importance in my mind, for if it succeeded it
would mean no more "games" like these could be played at the castle
ever again: fire from above, water from below . . .
But I was thinking ahead
too fast: back to the first priority. That morning I begged a ride on one of
the water-carts, Corby paying for our passage by playing counting tricks with
stones, to my dictation: Pisky, Puddy and Moglet I kept hidden under my cloak.
As soon as the cart stopped at the river and they started to fill the
water-skins I excused myself, saying I would walk back. There was a wooden
bridge across the river and I strolled across, to be accosted by a sleepy
bridge-keeper on the other side, who demanded a copper coin before I could
proceed to the village, five huts and a tavern.
"Lord Ric's
demesne," yawned the bridge-keeper. "Naught to look at for miles.
Forest clear through for five leagues at least, then the Hall. Looks of you,
you wouldn't want to try it without a mount."
"Where does the
river come from?" I ventured.
"Gawd knows!
Somewheres to the west. Now, you coming or going?"
"Going," I
said, and went.
So far, so good. A
bridge guarded by one man, a forest north for miles, a river flowing east/west:
the animals had a good chance if they got this far; it was to be hoped that
there were meadows or clearings for the coneys and hares farther up the
Now for the sluice in
the lake. Luckily I got a lift back with a later water-cart because the pebble
in my stomach was pulling again—no, not a pebble, the dragon's ruby: I kept
forgetting. It was midday when we reached the scummy waterside, and I asked
Pisky to swim down as far as he could to determine the construction of the
sluice, and Puddy to hop down the pipe to see how far in it was blocked; I set
Corby to find likely pieces of wood in case we had to lever up the sluice, and
sat back on the bank for five minutes' rest, Moglet on my lap.
After a moment or two
she became restless. "Why can't I do something?" she demanded.
"Everyone else is being important . . ."
"I was just coming
to that," I said carefully. "I couldn't manage without you, Moglet
dear. We need a sentinel, a watcher, and I can't be in two places at
once." I was improvising rapidly, my thoughts in careful man-speech so she
wouldn't understand. "You were just what I had in mind; would you go
behind that clump of dried grasses, keep an eye on the comings and goings at
the castle, and watch the tunnel-gate as well?"
Pisky reported back,
choking, that the nether end of the sluice was deep in mud, but that the
mechanism seemed simple enough; the only bar to raising it seemed to be a block
of iron placed crossways across the wheel that had to be turned north/south to
engage a number of teeth that governed the height. Puddy said that, as far as
he could judge, the tunnel, apart from silt, was clear up to within a foot of
the walls of the castle: the echo of his splashes changed in quality with the
weight of the walls above him. We called it a day after I had leant over as far
as I dared to try turning the wheel, and had fallen in. The wheel needed
greasing and I needed a bath.
That night I told an
exhausted Snowy what we had found out. He nodded.
"The badgers have
worked hard all day, and they say there is only a foot or so more of debris to
move; they reckon they are right under the castle walls now. But the last bit
will be the hardest: there are rocks and hard-packed earth in there."
"How deep is the
water in the pipe?" I asked Puddy.
"Inches only. The
silt piled up at the lakeward end is what holds the water back. Once the pipe
is clear it will run straight down to the dungeon, provided the digging beasts
get it clear. Pressure of water will take all before it—the last six inches,
I instructed Snowy to
have the badgers excavate through as far as they dared, leaving an airway of
about three inches at the top; the pipe's diameter was at least two feet, but
we didn't want anyone excavating so far that they leaked the plot. On the other
hand, if I could wind up the sluicegate just a little, at least we would know
if our plan might work.
"Is it level, or
does it slope down towards the castle—the pipe, I mean?" I asked Puddy.
"Slopes down. Only
gradually. Exit is some foot or two lower than the lake end."
"Bother!" I
said, thinking rapidly. "That means someone will have to come back for us,
Snowy dear, after you have led the others out. Can you find someone else to
lead them down to the river?"
"I am the only one
who speaks all their languages. Perhaps I could send back a couple of the
ponies . . ." he hesitated. "Is all this necessary, my dear?"
"Yes," I said.
"Very necessary. The majority of the animals may well escape this time,
but what about the next ones? And the next? We want to make certain, don't we,
that it never happens again, and if we flood the dungeons it will take them a
long time—a very long time—to dredge it out again. Perhaps never, as the
lake is on a higher level than the castle. Then maybe they will give up this
sort of thing forever. I hope so . . . Send us back whatever help you can, for
there will be all five of us—"
"And what about the
Rusty Knight?" asked Snowy.
* * *
What indeed about the
Rusty Knight? About Conn, the redhaired wanderer who had captured my heart . .
. I had not seen him, except fleetingly, since the night we arrived. And when I
had tried to speak to him it would seem he had forgotten all about us, for his
eyes were only for the Lady Adiora in all her seductive beauty. For a moment or
two I felt sorry for myself, lying sleepless on the straw in the stable, while
he—while he luxuriated in silks and linen, but then the straw pricked at my
spine and with that discomfort came the realization that I hadn't done much,
hadn't done anything in fact, to wrest him from his diversion. I had crept away
like a whipped slave on the lady's bidding and had sobbed from the hurt his
carelessness of me had engendered, but had I gone back upstairs and tried to
win him back to us next morning? No. Had I fought for what I wanted, even
though it might be impossible? No. Had I reasoned with him, bribed him,
suborned him, warned him? No. Had I reminded him of the quest we were bound
upon, of The Ancient's words, of the dragon? No. Had I rebelled, fought,
poisoned, stabbed? No . . .
In fact I was a coward,
that was the truth, as soft as Moglet who now lay across my chest, sides gently
heaving, needing the reassurance of my body for her tentative purr. But then
Moglet had me, and I had—? Them, of course, Snowy, Corby, Puddy, Pisky and my
little cat. We were interdependent. Independent, too, by very virtue of our
differences. But Conn? He and I should have been closer, for we were humans;
but then he was a man, and men were different, it seemed. They had all sorts of
privileges and greeds and lusts of their own, which they were allowed to
indulge quite freely, it seemed, but didn't they too have such fundamental
qualities as loyalty, for instance? Couldn't he, even for the short time the
quest might take, leave his pleasures for another time?
I realized, of course,
that he did not see the Lady Adiora quite as we did. To him she was a lovely
body, a luxury, a dream to be indulged. To us she was a shallow, heartless
queen who exploited the fears and vulnerabilities of helpless animals for her
own pleasures and satiation, much as she was using Conn—
I sat up suddenly,
disturbing a protesting Moglet. Of course! Just as she had to have this
midsummer madness of a massacre to satiate her lust for cruelty, so also did
she have to have this succession of men to satisfy her other lusts; not only
Conn, but also those other knights with pale faces and jealous eyes who had
stared at him on that first night. And Conn would become a cast-off, just like
the rest of them, so soon as a fresh male appeared! Now I understood the
mutterings of the servants, the angry looks of the desiccated knights. She was
the spider, they the flies, to be seduced and devoured, sucked dry and
discarded as and when she pleased.
And poor Conn believed
she was the love of his life, true and tender and everlasting! But how could I
possibly disillusion him, show him he was only one of many? And how, most
important of all, persuade him to leave her the day after tomorrow? How make
him understand what she was, his impermanence in her life? Make him realize
about the massacre, her part in it? I didn't know, I just didn't know. And
there was so little time . . .
* * *
There was less time than
I had bargained for. That next morning there was more hustle and bustle than
usual and I caught at a servant's sleeve.
"What goes
"Her Ladyship's
weathermen have been at it again, that's what! They say all's changing, and
that if we leave the entertainment till tomorrow 'twill be wet. So, 'tis
tonight, an hour after sundown, and there's lights and tapers and rushes to
set—don't bother me, I've enough to do!"
I rushed back to Snowy.
"It's today, tonight, at twilight! We'll never be ready!"
"The animals must
be told," worried Snowy. "And if it is to be tonight they won't
bother feeding them. I wondered why I had not been sent for . . ."
"But you must get
in there, they won't know what to expect! If we ever manage it . . . There's
Corby to stake out, the sluice to make operable, and—oh Gods! Conn . . ."
And I ran my fingers through my tangled hair in desperation.
panicking," said Snowy gently. "All will be done. Just tell me when
you expect everything to be ready . . ."
Hastily revising
practically everything I set approximate times, my mind racing ahead with gates
to clear, dried rushes and fat to add to fuel, Conn . . . oh dear! And the
problem of everyone being prepared to escape.
"Just be ready at
the end of the lake nearest where all will be moving," said Snowy.
"Someone will pick you up. It may not be me, but you will be rescued, I
promise. Now, your only real problem is to persuade the Rusty One to
"But you—how will
you get in to tell the other animals?"
"That is the
easiest part! Go over now and tell the head-groom—that sharp-faced fellow in
the striped yellow breeches—that your master has donated me to the
entertainment. Go on: do as I say!"
"But—but that means
. . ."
"That I shall be
there to lead them to freedom, yes. Go, child: do as you are told. It's our
only chance."
I wanted to say no, no!
We can escape, we can leave the other animals to their fate, we seven can get
away, but knew it would be no use, knew that our unicorn would never agree. To
him those lost, frightened animals down there in the dark were just as
important as we were and that was right, I knew, but the miserable cowardly bit
of me would not admit it. I knew that those prisoners were just as important to
the world as the king in his castle, the knights in their armour, the maidens
in their towers, and I wished there was something, someone, who would look
kindly on our enterprise just for the sake of all the lost and frightened and
persecuted ones who could not help themselves. Conn prayed regularly: perhaps I
should too. I shut my eyes and tried to think of a force, a power, a stream of
goodness, pity, love.
"Please, please
help us!" I prayed. "Help us to free those animals, help us to ensure
it doesn't happen again. Help me to help poor Conn, help me to take care of
them all; keep us together and safe . . ."
I should have liked to
record that I felt an enormous force sweep through me in answer, making me feel
ten feet tall, full of courage and capable of dealing with anything, but I
regret to say that all I felt was Moglet's claws in my right ankle.
* * *
After that I was too
busy to think of anything, except the searing compunction I felt as they led
Snowy away.
They had laughed at my
offer at first. "What, that decrepit old bag o' bones?" they had
jeered. "Don't you know we don't take jades? Down there we have the pick
of the fields and forests—what, an old hack like that?" Then: "But perhaps,
being white and so slow an' all, he'd be an easier target for some of the
less-practised ladies . . . All right, then, we'll take him."
And then, before I had
time to think how desperately easily all this could go wrong, it was off to the
kitchens to steal oil, tallow and fat-scraps, and racing upstairs to secrete it
behind the other materials for Corby's fire. And back down again for some dried
rushes . . . Then over to the lake. The waters had risen with the rain of the
last couple of days and I had to grope for the lever that worked the sluice: it
would still not budge further, but I had brought some tallow to grease it
later. Then over to the wooden gates, and a frantic clearing of any dirt and
stones that might impede their easy opening: no one took much notice. They were
too busy with last-minute raking of the gravel, the fixing of tallow-dips, the
hanging of silks and flags to the pavilions. Then I left the others in the
stable while I attempted the task I had secretly been putting off till the last
moment, the most difficult one of all . . .
Halfway up the steep,
twisting stairs to Conn's room I hesitated. It was well into the morning:
suppose he was due to go riding with Lady Adiora? Suppose he was with her now?
Or perhaps with the other knights and newly arrived guests in the solar?
Perhaps with Sir Egerton in the library? I realized I was trying to put more
obstacles in my own way, and that maybe I could put it off till later: it was
no use, procrastination would just make it worse. I should have to search until
I found him and hope it would not be too long.
But I need not have
worried. Pushing aside the curtain to his room, still not sure what to say, how
to persuade him to leave with us, I found him stretched out on the bed, still
apparently in the blue-and-silver garb he had worn to last night's banquet and
certainly with the day before's stubble on his chin, and a stale, perfumed air
about him. He lay flat on his back, his arms folded on his breast, his toes
pointed down for all the world like a knight laid out for his burying. If it
hadn't been for the frown and the open eyes I might well have believed him
Going over to the bed I
laid my hand hesitantly on his arm, still not sure of what I was going to say.
"Conn? Are you all right?"
He didn't move, not even
his eyes: it was as if he were in a trance. Then—"Thingy?"
"Haven't seen you
for days—weeks." Slowly his eyes swivelled round to meet mine. "Yes,
I'm all right. I think . . . Where have you been?"
I forebore to remind him
how I had been thrown out. "Oh—around. You know . . ."
"Mmmm. What's been
"Nothing much. What
about you?"
"The same." He
sighed. "Er . . . I've been thinking . . ."
"I had almost
forgotten, in this—this Castle of Delights, that we were supposed to be on a
quest. Came to me last night. Wasn't sleeping. You know . . ."
I nodded. "I know.
Restless . . ." Keep up the pretence, especially as I knew how awkward he
felt by the staccato sentences, just as he had been when he first met us,
before he had become used to us and spoke with that lovely, running lilt I
remembered so well.
Then, to my horror, my
utter embarrassment, my downfall, he suddenly started to cry. Not noisy sobs,
his head in his hands, but the slow, hopeless, unable-to-stop kind of tears
that trickled from the corner of his eyes and ran down to his ears, leaving
little snail-tracks glistening in the space between.
"Conn! Oh Conn,
don't! My dear, don't cry!" and I reached forward, quite without thinking,
and held his hands, my heart bursting. "What is it? Who has hurt
He released one hand,
but only to wipe away the emotion, then sniffed, blew his nose on the linen
sheet, and drew me down to sit on the edge of the bed beside him. Propping
himself on one elbow he regarded me steadily. "Thingummy, I've been a
I agreed wholeheartedly,
but inside. "No," I said. "Of course you haven't! Whatever makes
you think such a silly thing?"
"Don't deny it, you
know I have!" Luckily he went straight on without expecting any more
protests, because I am sure a second time around he might have noticed my
insincerity. "I've been a complete idiot! I fancied myself a youth again
and tried to behave like one, when I should have remembered I am nearly
I put my hand over his
mouth. "Age doesn't matter," I told him firmly. "Just how you
feel . . . Er, were you talking of the Lady Adiora?" I knew he was, but
guessed it would be easier for him if I pretended I hadn't noticed his
infatuation. I was right, for immediately he loosed a torrent of words,
conveying his hopeless adoration, her surprising reciprocation, his
forgetfulness of aught else—and then came the interesting bit. I think he had
temporarily forgotten that I, the deformed, ugly little Thing, with potentially
no knowledge of Life with a capital L, would, or should, be unable to
understand what he was saying.
"—and I thought it
was only because it was the first time for ages, you know, when one gets too
keyed up and can't perform. Like drinking too much wine, when the intent is
there but you can't raise a thing. But she seemed to be satisfied enough when I
found myself in a permanent state of arousal, but getting nowhere. I tried,
dear God! how I tried, but I just couldn't come off! It was all right for her,
me with a permanent hard-on, but I got nothing from it except frustration and a
sore prick . . ."
I understood enough now
to anticipate his next remark.
"Then I remembered
that old witch, cursing me in the forest, all that long time ago. She
"That your desires
would remain unfulfilled until you asked the ugliest woman in the world to
marry you!"
He sat straight up on
the bed and glared at me, his brow a thick, uncompromising and unbroken line
across his forehead. "How the hell—!"
"You talked in your
sleep. When you were sick after that ambush. And you told The Ancient too,
He subsided, but not for
long. "Well, I'm damn well not going to ask any female to marry me, ugly
or no! Sod that for a game . . . No, if I'm to get no satisfaction, I'll put
the temptations out of the way from now onwards. Pity, never fancied celibacy.
Still, could shave my head and become a monk, I suppose . . ." The grim
lines were smoothing themselves out from his face.
"The Ancient said
that some spells could be broken if one sneaked up on them, took them by
surprise, went in by the side entrance," I reminded him, though how this
would apply in his case I could not imagine. "He also said that if we
completed this quest and returned the dragon's jewels our troubles would be
solved. Remember?" Not exactly how he had put it, but still . . .
"Just what I was
thinking first thing this morning," he said, more cheerfully. "I
reckon we should be going back to the road in a day or two—"
"No!" I cried.
"A day or two will be too late—" and for the next quarter hour, half
hour, I tried to explain to him what was happening, what we had planned to do.
It was no use: he
utterly refused to believe me.
"But that would be
like—like the Slaughter of the Innocents! No hunter would trap animals like
that and wipe them all out without a chance of escape. It's—it's just not done,
that sort of thing!"
"But it will be
done, just like that, unless we carry out our plan!"
Thingumajig! Now you're letting your imagination run away with you—"
"Come with
me!" and I half-pulled, half-dragged him from the bed. The lancet windows
overlooked the yard at the back. "See? They have everything ready!"
"But for what? Lady
Adiora said there was to be an outdoor entertainment, that was all . . ."
"Then why all those
bows and spears stacked over there? And the carts outside the walls, waiting to
carry off the dead animals? And the sand and sawdust in those leather buckets
to cover up the blood, lest the ladies feel squeamish?
"Conn, wake up! Believe
me . . ."
He still shook his head,
but there were frown lines between his eyes. "No, you must be wrong . .
I could feel the tears
of anger and frustration seeping through my mask. "Well, if you don't
believe it, hard luck, that's all! We'll manage without you: you can stay with
your—your precious Adiora and—and—and never 'come-off,' as far as I'm
concerned!" and I turned and stumbled away towards the door. His bundle of
clothes, the ones he had travelled in, were in a heap in the corner: we still
had his mail in the stable. I glanced back. He was staring down from the window
and his fingers were tapping restlessly on the sill. Gathering up the bundle of
clothes I fled downstairs. Perhaps he would come. Perhaps . . .
The others were restless
for action after being cooped up, and I hastily packed up all our gear and
humped it and them over to the lakeside, then went back to beg some scraps for
a meal, coming away with some bread and cheese, a ham-bone destined originally
for the stockpot and a half-empty jar of honey. That would have to do, but I
remembered to fill the water-bottle from one of the river-water buckets.
It may seem strange that
no one grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and asked what the hell I was doing
and where I was going, but everyone was, thankfully, far too busy preparing for
the evening's festivities. In the kitchens the spits were turning with fowl and
game and pork, bread and pies filled the ovens and the tables were already
laden with sweetmeats and glazed confections, but I was too busy and
apprehensive to feel hungry. Guests were still arriving, and already the
wineskins were being broached, and more decorations were being carried through
to the hall.
I crept back to the
others, wondering what poor Snowy was feeling at this moment, far beneath us in
the darkness. They could not help but hear some of the preparation and, perhaps
because of this, my stomach began to stretch and pull in sympathy with the
trapped ones. I would not have had our unicorn's courage, I knew that.
The others had sensibly
hidden in the reeds with our gear, and we ate frugally, not knowing when food
would come our way again, so I saved a little of everything and packed it with
the rest. Then I stripped off, for as much as I hated the idea I knew I should
have to climb down into that scummy water and clear away all the debris I could
from round the sluicegate.
The water was cold as
death and smelt of rotting corpses, and I was gagging as I came up for a breath
of fresh air.
"It's impossible! I
can't shift it!"
"Let me take a
look," said Puddy, diving neatly into the stinking water. He came up
filthy, and looking grave. "Gives me a worse headache than ever, down
there," he said. "There's a great pile of silt on both sides of the
gate. Goes down two or three feet at least. Have to be scooped away."
"What with?" I
said despairingly, for looking round there was nothing to scoop with, no
container of any sort except Pisky's bowl—
"No!" said the
little fish. "Not never! Not my bowl . . ."
I was not even conscious
of having transmitted the thought, but quickly reassured him. "No, no, my
pet, not your bowl. I'll—I'll just have to dig it away with my hands and throw
it up on the bank."
"There's the
cooking-pot," said Corby slowly, "or, better still: this!" and
he stalked over to Conn's pack and tapped sharply on the hidden shape of his
conical helmet. I drew it out, rust-spotted and dented—it couldn't look worse.
A little mud . . .
For two hours I
struggled with the slimy muck that squelched between my toes, choked my
nostrils and layered my body with its evil-smelling slime, and I was hot, dirty
and exhausted when Puddy finally took another dive to see if it was clear. His
report was optimistic.
"You've shifted all
that was blocking it. Now try the lever—gently, mind. We don't want the water
through yet."
I put my weight on the
lever: nothing. I tried, again and again, and at last, to my gratification,
felt the whole thing stir, quiver under my hand, and shift all of an inch to
the next ratchet. Puddy went down again.
"It's moving. Jaws
are locked and the wheel engaged with the teeth. Don't move it any more for a
moment," and he disappeared again. Five minutes later he reappeared
gasping for breath. "Water's trickling down the pipe. Three inches of
debris only holding it back at the other end. Badgers did a good job. Can hear
the animals."
"And Snowy?" I
cried. "Is he all right?"
"Sorry. Forgot. Get
my breath back and—"
"Oh, no! I can't
let you go back!"
"My fault for not
checking." And back he went, and this time he was so much longer that my
nails were digging into my palms by the time his head emerged plop! from the
water and he swam, very tired, to the bank.
I stroked his back and
his belly and used some of the water from Pisky's bowl, eagerly offered, to
wipe his eyes and mouth, then puffed a little of my air into his lungs.
"Are you all right? You're a very brave toad . . ."
He perked up a little,
but his skin was still pale and bloodless. I snapped my hand fast round a
passing damselfly and stuffed it in his mouth. His throat worked up and down,
an absurd wing sticking out of the corner of his jaw, but at last he swallowed,
breathed more easily, and squatted down comfortably.
"I went right
through, down the tunnel, over the barrier and into the dungeon. Snowy sensed I
was coming and was there to meet me. Place stinks: haven't cleaned it out this
morning, of course, but neither have they fed or watered them and they are all
hungry and thirsty and it is stifling hot. But Snowy has kept them in stout
heart, and he shines like a light in the darkness—"
"A light?" I
questioned, momentarily distracted.
"Why, yes: the
silver light, like star-glow, that shines from him all the time. You must have
noticed it?"
"But I hadn't. The
others had, of course, and it was strangely humbling to remember that I was
merely a human being, and because of that missed so many things these animals
took for granted, like a unicorn's light . . .
"I fear,
though," added Puddy, "that his light grows dimmer, for he is near
exhausted, I think. He says be sure to wait by the north side of the lake. Oh,
and try your best to persuade the Rusty One. I think that was all," and he
shut his eyes and went promptly to sleep, after the most sustained bout of
communication I had ever heard him make, albeit the words had taken an
agonizing ten minutes to emerge. It felt that long, anyway.
A horn sounded from the
battlements behind us; it was about the sixth hour after noon, and a warning
that the banquet was about to begin. I hid Moglet, Puddy and Pisky in the reeds
as best I could and piled our belongings nearby where they would be readily
accessible. Tucking Corby under my arm I scuttled back to the castle and was
only just in time, for the gates were being shut as the last of the guests, a
straggler knight, clattered into the courtyard.
I was pushed roughly out
of the way for all the stables, including the one we had used, were full, and
ostlers and grooms had no time for someone underfoot. So I made my way past
them and into the Great Hall, where the noise and bustle were, if possible,
worse. Creeping round the wall I went to the kitchens, and my only problem
there was not to be grabbed to hold, baste, cut, drain, chop, pour, slice or
wipe anything as the whole place was full of the reek of burning fat, people's
feet and elbows, temperamental shouts and greasy tiles, but no one noticed as I
slid past and made for a little-used staircase that wound up to the unused
tower. Luckily the torches were already burning in their sconces, and there was
one near enough to the room we had chosen for it to be easy enough for Corby to
climb onto the stool I dragged out for him and pull it from its fastenings when
the time came. I hid him behind a pile of heaped hangings, gave him a hug and
my blessing.
"And mind, as soon
as you see me wave . . ." The tall window gave an excellent view of the
yard and the double gates. "Are you sure you will be all right coming
He eyed the drop.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained," he said gloomily. "Just you
take care, Thing dear: we couldn't manage without you."
Just for a moment I had
a sickening realization of how inadequate I was; of how easily things could
still go wrong; of how we seven were so separate, that should be together; how
futile this venture really was—but luckily it was only a momentary pang,
however sharp, for there was still so much to do, and doubts such as these had
no place with action.
I went to see if Conn
was in his room, but he had gone down with the others to the banquet. It was
lucky, though, that I had checked his room for there, lying beside the bed, was
his broken sword, so that meant a journey back to the lakeside, over the wall
by the pigsties, where the others greeted me: nervous, on edge, and definitely
scratchy. I reassured them, feeling far from confident myself, then made my way
back to the castle, having to knock at the postern for admittance and receiving
a cuff for bringing the porter out while he was relaxing with ale and a pie.
I aimed at the banquet,
where the air made my eyes smart with its smoke of candles, tallow, fat and
incense. Conn was at the top table but he was only picking at his food, and the
Lady Adiora was fully engaged with a young knight on her left whom I had not
seen before, though I noticed she kept a proprietary hand on Conn's wrist the
while. Taking advantage of shadows and the distracting screech of pipes and the
patter of drums from a troupe of musicians in the centre of the hall, I sidled
up to the table nearest the main doors and scrabbled on hands and knees up on
to the platform of the top table. Luckily distraction was provided by a
juggler, in competition with the music, tossing brightly coloured wooden balls
in the air, who lost his rhythm and his footing when he tripped over one of the
bone-gnawing hounds.
I crept up to Conn's
side in the ensuing merriment and plucked at his sleeve.
"What the devil—Oh,
it's you, Thingy."
"Yes it's me,"
I said, unnecessarily. "We're all ready. Don't forget: Snowy is going to
lead the animals out and across to the river. The rest of us will wait for you
at the north end of the lake. I've got all your gear. Oh, and don't worry if
the castle catches fire: it's all part of the plan," and I didn't give him
time to question, but slid back the way I had come.
Now for the real
business of the evening. Climbing out over the castle walls again, I made my
way to the gates at the far end of the slaughter-yard. It was still light,
although there were dark clouds massing to the west and the sun was glimmering
through them like a lantern through strips of cloth, yellow light flashing
intermittently. The air was heavy and close, and it was not only fear that made
me sweat as I crawled round to my position. The bolts in the gates appeared
well oiled, the gates themselves were free of obstruction, but I had not
bargained for the two-wheeled carts that were already drawn up at one side, for
the carcasses I supposed.
There were three
drivers, playing five-stones in the lee of one of the carts, and I had to
retreat swiftly in case they saw me. This was an added and unforeseen danger:
would they stride forward and stop me opening the gates? I crouched behind the
near wall, biting my nails, thinking furiously, but the more I thought the more
my mind chased itself in circles, like a wasp in a jar. And as I thought,
conjectured, despaired, the answer came from another source. A serving-man
poked his head over the wall and waved his hand at the men cheerfully.
"There's ale at the
side-gate. Cook's in a good mood. But you've to save a couple of hares and the
smallest of the hinds—on the side, you understand. His cousin's brother will
pick 'em up later . . ." And he tapped his nose and winked.
The drivers understood
well enough; with a glance at each other they hobbled their horses and almost
ran in the direction of the side-gate, one remarking to the other: "Well
enough: there's coneys and to spare, so they said, and the wife fancies a
badger-skin mantle. Pity they don't hold these do's more'n twice a year . .
Creeping forwards I went
over to the carts: the grazing horses glanced at me incuriously and went on
with their feeding, and I had not their language so could not explain that I
wished them to pursue a policy of non-cooperation: instead, with my knife I cut
through the leather strips that hobbled them and prayed that they would gallop
their carts to the four winds once the animals were running.
And even as I moved back
to the shelter of the gate, and the advantage of a knot-hole in the wood that
afforded me all but a minimal viewpoint of what was going on, the fine lords
and ladies came out from their feasting and took their places in the bright
pavilions. The sky was more overcast than ever to the west and great clouds,
castled and battlemented now, reared high and threatening, yet seeming not to
move at all, and over everything was a sickly, greenish light, lurid and yet
speaking of dark to come. The air was breathless and tasted of wet iron.
The audience, the
murderers, were dressed in gay colours, the ladies in blues, yellows and reds,
with fillets set with rough-cut stones on their brows; the gentlemen sported
browns, purples and greens and all voices were high and shrill, light and
laughing, and the liveliest and most beautiful of them all was the Lady Adiora.
One could almost believe she had eaten magic mushroom to see her, all laughter
and glinting teeth and tossing hair and swaying body. By her side, as she led
him to the most resplendent pavilion, Conn looked dull and heavy and uneasy, and
I could tell he had eaten little and drunk less for once, his eyes the only
alive things about him, darting anxious glances from side to side.
I watched him carefully,
for on him, on his reactions to what was about to happen, depended all our
perilous venture. If he understood, soon enough, how depraved the Lady Adiora
and her guests were, then he might be able to escape with us and the Seven
would be together again; if, on the other hand he could not see how wrong it
was to herd some fifty or sixty animals into an enclosure from which they could
not possibly escape and proceed to make a sport of their slaughter, then he was
lost to us indeed, as we were to him. No quest, no return of the jewels to the
dragon . . .
A trumpet sounded. A
herald, clad in the castle's colours of blue and yellow, advanced to the centre
of the courtyard, and the knights and ladies settled themselves to listen with
a great shushing of skirts and creak of leather, jangling of ornaments and
clashing of ceremonial mail.
"My Lady Adiora,
Sir Egerton, brave knights, fair ladies, esquires, gentlemen and franklins:
this night will see the culmination of our pleasures, an entertainment
especially designed by our hostess to determine the best archer amongst her
guests. Shortly there will be released below you in the yard various ferocious
beasts and creatures of the wild" (affected screams from the ladies)
"some large and some small. The Lady wishes me to emphasize that in no way
are you in any danger from these animals, ladies, for the pavilions have been
placed too high for even the tallest to reach.
"You will each
receive a bow and arrows—" the servants were distributing these as he
spoke "—and each set of six arrows is notched or fletched in a different
manner so as to be readily identifiable. After the—er, destruction of the game,
scores will be added up for each hit. The highest number will win this jewelled
casket, donated by the Lady Adiora. If several arrows hit the same animal, then
that blow which would be deemed most fatal will be the winner.
"May the best
marksman win!" and the herald stepped back and out of the way as four
servants went to the wooden doors that led down to the dungeons, ready to fling
them open on command.
This then was it. I
glanced at Conn, and saw him expostulating with his hostess, his bow lax in his
hand, and she ignoring him for the young knight I had seen earlier; but I could
wait no longer. I was not aware of even breathing as I raised my hand clear and
glanced up at the northwest tower; I had to strain my eyes for the night was
now drawing in fast and my gaze had become accustomed to the glare of
torchlight in the yard, but I managed to make out Corby perched on the lintel
of the narrow window, and saw him flap his wing in answer to my gesture and
disappear inside.
Then Lady Adiora must
have given some signal, for at that moment, with a grinding of bolts and a
creaking of hinges as cages were opened, the prisoning doors to the dungeons
were thrown wide and I, like the rest of the audience, peered down into the
blackness beyond, nose wrinkling against the stench. Already my hand was
reaching for the bolts on the outside gates when something moved back there in
the darkness, and two dozen arrows were notched to two dozen bows as we all
waited for the prey to pour out, defenceless, into the brightly lighted arena—
But what did emerge was
not at all what any of us had expected.
The Binding: Unicorn
The Running
Out of the darkness
trotted a dainty white horse, trim and neat, mane curled, tail flowing, and on
its back was a hare, an ordinary brown hare.
Fingers relaxed on
bowstrings, arrows drooped and were unnotched and a buzz of speculation ran
round the audience. The white pony, in whom I scarcely recognized a transformed
Snowy, knelt on one knee and bowed, his companion nodding on his back, paws
stretched forward to prevent him sliding over the withers. Then Snowy executed
a few light dancing steps, first to the left, then to the right, so that he
zigzagged across the yard and in doing so approached the pavilion where the
Lady Adiora was sitting, a bemused expression on her face. I distinctly saw him
say something to Conn, who backed away with an unreadable expression on his
face, then he was approaching the gate where I was hidden.
"All well, Thing
dear? This nonsense will go on for a minute or two longer, but when I kick my
heels against the gates, open them as fast as you can—" and he was gone,
trotting like a white fire around and around the yard, faster and faster, now
and again bucking and kicking up his heels, whilst the hare, descended from his
back, was punching the air in the centre, turning somersaults, leaping in the
air and twisting like a falls-riding salmon and now the audience were applauding
and the bows and arrows were being laid aside, one by one. And now Snowy went
faster still, until the wind of his passing streamed and extinguished the
torchlight, and he seemed like a continuous incandescent circle. The hare
bounded higher and higher and if one closed one's eyes the images spread right
over the darkness and were still there when they opened again. All at once they
stopped and with an almighty kick Snowy opened one of the gates, neighed
shrilly, and called forward the other animals waiting at the entrance to the
yard. Immediately I pulled back on the other gate and even as I did so a brown
flood poured across the gravel. Coneys and hares, two badgers, a bear and her
cub poured out of the gate and raced towards the woods and the river, led by
the hare who had performed with Snowy.
The surprise lasted long
enough among the audience for me to glance up at the northwestern tower in time
to see a black, spiralling, flapping shape launch itself down the side of the
building, bounce off the roof beneath and catapult out of sight to the ground.
From the window it had left curled a lazy puff of smoke . . . Dear, good Corby!
I hoped he had landed safely, then stopped thinking as the horses with the
carrion carts at last took off across the gateway. I had to somersault out of
the way and then was narrowly missed by a squealing of swine who rushed out at
the same time, eyes red, teeth fearsome under curled lips. In their midst ran
Snowy, and as he passed me he called: "The lake, the lake!" and I
suddenly realized just what I should be doing. I risked one last, despairing
look for Conn, but he seemed to have disappeared in a melee of shouting
knights, screaming ladies, floundering servants and the tossing antlers of a
great stag. One or two of the guests had drawn their bows and I heard a sudden
cry as an animal was hit. Another arrow thudded into the open gate at my side,
a couple of servants ran over to try and close the gates, a snarling wolf leapt
and I fled.
Scuttling along as fast
as I could I reached the lakeside to see a lick of flame and then another
reflected from its black surface. I looked up at the tower: smoke was now thick
and oily, fed well by the rancid fat I had poured over the rubbish earlier. A
freshening wind from the west pushed the tongues of flame towards the roof
between the northwest and northeast turrets. A cry of "Fire!" and I
ran back towards the castle to the point where I had seen Corby fall. I found a
still, black shape on the grass. Sobbing with fear I reached forward and gathered
him into my arms, feeling with a sudden stab of relief the strong heart beating
warm and fast beneath the draggled feathers.
He opened one eye.
"Hullo, Thing: sorry to be a nuisance, but I still feel a bit groggy.
Knocked myself out, I did, when I tried a glide—forgot all about the blasted
old wing, didn't I? Sorry and all that . . ." and his eye closed. It
opened again. "How's it going, then?"
I ran back to the
lakeside, to find the others huddled expectantly beside the baggage, laid Corby
on Conn's pack, with strict instructions to the others to look after him, then
went round to the sluicegate. Grabbing the lever I heaved with all my strength:
nothing. I heaved again, crying out with the pain in my stomach as the muscles
of lifting fought with the cramps from the red stone, that contracted as the
others expanded. At last there was movement beneath: a grudging, slurring
sound, and the lever moved a little and I heard the rush of water seeking its
lower level in the pipe. Eagerly, in spite of the pain, I strained at the lever
again and with a crack! the handle broke off in my hand and I tumbled back onto
the bank, the loose wooden lever sailing over my head to land on the grass
behind me.
I crawled back to the
sluice; the water was still running, but even as I listened I could hear the
suck of mud and stones against the gate. Despairingly I shook the wooden
structure, but the water had slowed to a trickle now, and there was the sound
of running footsteps behind me. I turned to see three or four of the castle
servants making for the near side of the lake, leather buckets in their hands.
There was only one thing
for it: I dived into the stinking water, my hands scrabbling at the stones that
choked the partially opened sluice. Lungs bursting I tugged and pulled upward
at the gate, but it wouldn't shift. I rose to the surface gasping and blowing,
to be greeted by a hand on the scruff of my neck hauling me out onto the bank
to lie in a half-drowned heap.
"Out of the way,
stupid child! This is man's work," said Conn, and he dived into the water
just as the servants with the buckets arrived.
I was in a panic, and
instead of realizing that three or four buckets of slopped-out water could not
possibly halt the fire that was now almost enveloping the whole of the wooden
upper structure of the castle I lost all reason, and flung myself at the
servants, knocking the bucket out of one's hand and doubling another over with
a butt to the stomach, then ran back to look anxiously at the turmoil of water
that swirled where Conn had disappeared.
His head emerged, black
with mud, his eyes like eggwhites in a dirty frying pan, his mouth opening
briefly. "Bloody thing's well and truly stuck—" then he disappeared
again. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see one of the servants,
dagger upraised, but even as I ducked beneath his arm a grey shape snapped at
his heels. He swung with his knife and kicked out at the same time and the
cabling wolf yelped as his shoulder was laid open and spun and collapsed as the
boot caught his head. Instantly I straddled his inert body and snatched up
Conn's broken sword, which lay where he must have dropped it.
"Don't dare touch
The servant circled
warily, dagger glinting in the lurid light that heralded storm; he feinted but
I stood still, the hilt of Conn's sword to my stomach, both my hands to it, the
jagged end of it about two feet from my body. Two of the other servants came
running to his aid, the other went back to the castle presumably for more
support, but help for me was at hand. Two other wolves, full adults, a dog and
a bitch, hackles raised, had come to look for their cub and now snarled at my
side. The young cubling struggled to his feet, shaking his head, obviously not
too badly hurt. Even so, we were outmatched, for each of the servants was
armed. I do not know how it would have ended but there was a sudden tremendous
flash of lightning, a crack of thunder and then a roar that shook the ground as
the sluicegate at last opened fully and a torrent of water plunged down the
pipe towards the dungeons.
That was not all: a
figure, back-lit by another flash of blue sheet-lightning, appeared to leap
from the disappearing waters, as black in itself as the clouds now racing in
from the west, its mouth and eyes white gashes in the dark, and it howled like
a devil from hell. What it actually said was: "Thank Christ that's over! I
thought I would choke . . ." but it came out like:
"Worra-worra-worra!" To a man the servants flung down their weapons
and fled convinced, I am sure, that some black demon had drunk the lake dry
and, appetite unslaked, had now risen to devour them. Watching them run I
laughed weakly and collapsed, shouting: "We've done it! We've done it! Oh
bravo, Conn!"
maybe," said my Rusty Knight, looking more like a tall, thin hobgoblin
than a warrior, "but how the hell do we get out of here? And what in the
name of goodness are you doing with a wolf in your arms?"
For I was soothing the
young cub, afraid he was concussed still, and the two adults were anxiously
nuzzling and licking his injured shoulder. But even as Conn spoke, the answer
to his first question came in the form of two mountain ponies, who galloped up,
manes tossing nervously at sight of the wolves. They patently offered
themselves as mounts, though we had not their language: out of the corner of my
eye I saw a further detachment of men appear beneath the castle walls, this
time armed with swords and staves. With them was a knight, fighting to control
a panic-stricken horse that screeched with fear as burning sparks from the
building floated down on its quarters, singeing its tail.
"Up!" said
Conn briefly, tossing me onto the back of the first pony and handing me a
frightened Moglet, (inside-jacket-at-once), a pocketed Puddy and Pisky's bowl.
Corby was recovered enough to ride on my shoulder and Conn snatched his sword
from my hand and mounted the other curvetting pony, the packs set before him.
"Right: go!" he shouted and dug his heels into his mount, which
careered off in the direction of the wood, mine following, the wolves bringing
up the rear, the youngster recovered enough to run, albeit with a limp.
We fled across the field
to the white blur that was Snowy, guarding, encouraging and shepherding at the
entrance to the ride in the woods that led to the river and safety. I glanced
quickly back at the castle: all the upper part was well ablaze by now, and, as
I watched, one of the towers, the southeastern, swayed and collapsed into the
cobbled courtyard behind. The slaughter-yard was still full of people milling
around, and even now the stragglers among the animals were making their slow
way to safety: a couple of bewildered coneys, a disorientated boar, a hind
heavy with young, the last glancing anxiously behind her to where her stag,
horns flailing, hooves striking out, was discouraging those few who essayed to
follow the escaping animals, though few among the former audience could still
believe that this flight and fire and flood was part of a planned
My heart lurched for the
stag when I saw his reason for lingering: an older hind lay twitching in her
death throes, an arrow in her throat. I slipped from my pony's back and ran
over to Snowy, indicating the stag. "Call him in, dear one! She is dead,
his lady, but he has another in calf to care for and this one." I nodded
at a younger hind who trembled indecisively just inside the wood.
Snowy nodded. "Just
wait for the coneys—they are smaller, but just as precious," and a moment
later he called out shrilly. Reluctantly the great stag, a twelve-pointer red,
still angry and sad at the death of one of his wives, joined the other hind and
the one in calf, snapping at two arrows sticking in his shoulder as if they
were of no more consequence than buzzing flies. I slipped over and pulled them
out as gently as I could.
"Come," said
Snowy, "to the river. There is nothing left for us here . . ."
We were lucky that no
humans followed until daybreak, for some of the animals, good for short runs,
were paw-weary and fur-dulled by the time they reached the river. The swine had
passed their lower brethren and crossed the bridge first, without a word of
thanks; most of the hares, too, were over by the time we stragglers reached it.
The five or six houses in the village on the other side were all barred tight
shut—I should think the vision of all those animals charging across must have
been too much for them. Even the bridge-keeper was missing.
The she-bear had waited
with her cub to thank Snowy: she, too, had arrows in her hide but nothing
serious for her coat was thick, and we removed the barbs before the animals
slipped into the river, noses making arrowheads in the flowing water as they
swam quietly upstream to a place they called Malbryn, bare hills to the
northwest. The ponies who had carried Conn and me clattered across the bridge,
all wild again; the shuffling badgers, tireder I should think than the rest of
us put together, rattled their claws, snuffled and shuffled off bandy-legged
into the undergrowth, and the great stag—so like the mosaic on the floor of the
Great Hall we had left—bowed his head to us and led off his two surviving
It was the poor
bewildered coneys who needed most help, and in the end we had to go back and
find the last ones, weary and disorientated. I also ended up carrying one
little doe in my arms across the bridge, but luckily on the other side we found
a wise old buck who had come to investigate the commotion, and agreed to lead
the survivors to a warren some two miles away, by easy stages.
As I watched them leave
us it was sad to think that these animals, united in purpose so short a while
ago, were reverting again to hunters and hunted, without more than a breath's
pause. A cold nose touched my hand and I started back as three great grey shapes
fawned at my feet, pushed at the back of my knees, nudged my thighs.
"They give you
thanks for the cub," said Snowy. "They wish me to say that they and
theirs are yours to command until the debt is paid."
"Ask them—ask them
then not to hunt those who were their companions," I said, thinking of the
tired coneys. I glanced down doubtfully at the pointed muzzles, the swelling
cheeks, the slanting yellow eyes, and smelt the breath of meat-eater that
curled up through the sharp teeth and the grinning, foam-flecked jaws.
"That will repay, and more."
promise," said Snowy. "But they will travel a couple of leagues
before they kill anyway, to lose the trail."
"Call it quits,
then," I said, and knelt to embrace each of them. This time the words came
plain to me.
"There is still a
debt to pay," said the bitch softly. "One day, when your need is
great, one will come . . ." and they melted into the trees like shadows.
Dawn was breaking. I
looked at Conn. "You're filthy!"
"The river is clean
and flows quiet on this side," said Snowy. "Go wash, children."
As I luxuriated in the
clear, sharply cool water, washing the ooze and slime of the lake, the sweat of
flight and the smuts of burning from my aching body, conscious of Conn, a
shadow to my left, doing the same, I glanced up and saw a buzzard wheeling
lazily against a sky the colour of daisy-petal tips.
"Ki-ya, ki-ya,
ki-ya," he called.
Snowy on the bank above
neighed once in answer. "He says the castle is in ruins: they are coming
to seek for succour this side . . . Sir Rusty Knight, if you push quite hard on
the bridge-piling to your left—"
The piling collapsed,
its weakness no doubt exacerbated by the unusual amount of traffic it had had
during the night, and the whole structure slid gracefully into the river, to
drift away down the current even as the thud of hooves announced the arrival of
the advance-guard from the castle. There were shouts, curses; Conn leant over
to pull me from the water. Hurriedly I donned clothes and mask, grateful to realize
that he had been too busy bridge-pushing to see I had been barefaced.
We set off along the
riverbank towards the rising sun, but I don't remember much of the next
half-hour or so; I was so tired that I could not even feel elation when Conn
swung me up in his arms to carry me after I had stumbled and fallen for the
second or third time.
Later, as he laid me
down in the shelter of trees to sleep, my head on a mossy bank, and had assured
me that, yes, the others were all right, I heard something that sounded strange
after all those terrible days at the castle. Momentarily I forgot all about how
tired I was and sat up, clutching at his arm.
"Listen, Conn, oh
listen! All the birds in the world are singing!"
The Binding: Toad
The Trees that Walked
And after that all the
birds in the world did indeed sing for us day and night, for a while at least.
Although we found the stones we sought quite soon and followed the line of the
second one, it was many recuperating days later before we happened on the next
test. Meanwhile, I found we all seemed to be drifting into a dream-like state,
not noticing the world about us. Towns and villages, feuds and dissensions,
forests and rivers, all drifted past like a vision, and the most detached of
all was myself, who probably should have been the most impressionable after my
long years incarcerated with the witch. But now only our quest seemed real, the
rest grey and apart . . .
When our next adventure
came it was over almost before we realized, in a flash of fire: like paying
one's penny in advance for the entertainment and then finding the performance
over before one had had a chance to lay one's cloak upon the ground to
appreciate the entertainment.
Only this was not
entertaining . . .
The country we travelled
turned upwards, and before long we were in the high down where wind twisted our
clothes and pulled our hair and puffed from behind boulders and blew up our
trews. Grey rock stuck up through ling and bracken like knees and elbows
through tattered clothes and birds slid sideways in the wind. Villages were few
and far between and the people startled and shy at our approach; not because
they saw in us any threat, I think, it was just that visitors were rare.
Perhaps because of this
the hospitality was greater when they granted it. One night, a week or so after
we had escaped from the castle, we had been regarded at first with suspicion
followed by tolerance, then given pallets and marrowbones, hare-stew, goat's
milk cheese and bread, and were invited to sit round the host's fire for music
with pipe and tabor. No one at any time thought it strange of us to be
travelling with an assortment of animals, and all expected a story, a song, a
tune to pay the way rather than the few coins we had to offer. That night Conn
told a tale, I sang a lullaby I remembered from somewhere, Corby picked out a
chosen stone or two and everyone was cosy and warm when one of the host's
friends—for we were an entertainment in ourselves, and the whole village
expected to be invited to meet us, that was clear—asked our destination.
But when we pointed
north and east he crossed himself.
"Not the way of the
questioned Conn.
"Yes. Those that
walk the forests and devour travellers . . ."
"Walk the forests .
. . ?"
"We never goes that
way now. Time was there was safe passage through the heathland to the
northeast. Time was trade came through the hills. But then they came . .
"Come, now,
Tod," said our host uneasily. "That's talk, no more. None here's seen
"Ever travellers
come from that way?" said Tod. "No. Ever travellers go that way and
come back to tell? No. Ever anyone from round here go that way? No . . ."
I took a nervous sip of
my mead. "But we are bound that way . . ."
"Then more fool
you," said Tod. "More fool you . . ." Around that fire others
seemed to agree, for there were shaking heads, spittings into the embers, a
furtive crossing of hands, pointing of two fingers, sighings, groans . . .
"Oh come now,"
said Conn. "What solid proof have you? Travellers do not return the same
way if they quest as we do; visitors do not come that way for probably there is
an easier route. And if you listen to old wives' tales here no wonder none of
you ventures further!"
I looked at him with
admiration. Since our time at the castle he seemed in some subtle way to have
grown into his years. No more did he think of this as some careless expedition
to be endured, now he was as dedicated as the rest of us; no longer was he just
my dearest Rusty Knight, he was a thinking, caring man. But not once had I
referred to the things he had confessed to me at the castle, nor had I ever
mentioned the faithless Lady Adiora, much as my bitter tongue had wished it.
For I knew, deep down in that submerged part of me that was totally female, that
a man sets great store by his pride and that only a nagging wife or a fool
would remind him of his fall from sense, and then be lucky not to have a
slammed door and empty chair to remind them of their folly.
And I was neither wife
nor nag—but would have wished for the choice.
The men round the fire
stirred uneasily, glanced everywhere but at each other, then a short, stout man
spoke up.
"We've been up
there. Found a skellington. Flesh cleaned clear off . . ."
"Up where?"
asked Conn sharply.
The man shrugged.
"Anywheres. Near the trees. Doesn't matter: they can walk. Come out of the
night . . ."
I shivered. "What
"Knobby peoples.
Root peoples. Tree peoples . . . Folks say as they are trees. Eating
trees . . ."
"Eating trees?"
I tried to keep the panic from my voice.
Conn put his hand on my
arm, and his brown eyes were warm and kind.
Thingummy, folktales. Part of the night and the entertainment. Worry not,
little one: they shan't touch you. Trust Conn . . ."
Oh, how I loved him! How
that careless touch tingled my whole body, far stronger in that moment than the
cramps that bound my stomach. Through the eyes and touch of imagination for one
breathless instant I allowed myself the indulgence of my mouth touching his
under the soft moustache, and flesh met flesh in a stab of loving—
"Doesn't sound all
faery-tale to me," said Corby, considering.
"Don't want to
go!" said Moglet, stirring uneasily on my lap.
"No smoke without
fire," said Puddy gloomily from my pocket.
great-great-grandfather once said that some trees ate a village," offered
Pisky, helpfully.
"Oh, shut up!"
I said crossly, annoyed with myself for relaying both the conversation and my
fears to them. "That's the way we have to go, so that's that! No, Pisky,
not another word, or I'll—I'll move your snails!" This was a dire threat
indeed, as Pisky felt threatened if any but he rearranged his bowl, which he
did whenever he was bored. I felt mean as soon as I had said it, because in
spite of the brave words I knew I was the most cowardly of them all.
No one in the room had
understood our exchange of course, except possibly Conn, but the villagers
looked tolerantly enough on someone who shook and twitched, breathed heavily,
blinked, grunted and sniffed all of a sudden for no apparent reason. I saw one
of them lean over and poke Conn in the ribs.
"That lad of yourn
. . . ?" and he tapped his forehead. "Never mind: that sort's usually
good with horses. Rubbed that old nag of yours down a treat earlier . . ."
Conn winked at me and
rubbed the back of his hand over his mouth to hide the smile-twitch.
* * *
Two days later we had
climbed even higher, into an area of twisting tracks, moorland turning purple
and bracken browning; of startled flocks of plump brown birds who broke cover
almost from beneath our feet; of keen winds that hissed through the dried
grasses; of solitary trees leaning away from the blast; of hunting creatures
that slipped sly and secret from our path; of the water tumbling icy from no
source we could see; no people, no habitations, no woods . . .
Of that I think we were
most glad, although no one was idiot enough to refer to the talk in the
village. That would have been inviting Fate, or the gods, or whatever. No
woods, that is, until the third day, when the land broke into deep combes where
the north-flowing streams had bedded into the rock. Then there were trees:
spindly rowans clinging for their lives to cracked rocks with only a pocketful
of earth to offer; pines twisted beyond recognition, oaks leaf-shredded, ivy
twisted and gnarled, ash already almost keyless in the Moon of Plenty . . .
We breathed easier.
Nothing had come to threaten us, nothing had answered the description the
villagers had given us of knobbly Tree-People, of devouring trees, and that
night we camped in a convenient hollow, a riverlet to our left, heath and a few
scattered pines on its banks, a small copse to our right. It had been wet all
day, with that fine, penetrating rain that looks like mist and is as good as a
bath you don't want. We lit no fire, for luckily the night was suddenly warm
and we had oatcakes, cheese, a bottle of wine and honey. After our meal we
drowsed in the hollow, unwilling to unpack and settle for the night and too
lazy to move for the moment, while the few summer stars pricked into the
deepening sky, a curlew called on its homeward flight and directly above us a
buzzard swung his dreaming circles. He must have a wonderful view, I thought
dozily. Miles and miles, from the village we had left to the edge of the
uplands further north, and who knew what from side to side, and all the while
he could even see a mouse bend the grasses, a hare's ear prick the bracken, a
beetle on a rock, a fish in the stream . . .
Suddenly he called:
high, weird, lonely, a warning perhaps: "Ki-ya, ki-ya, ki-ya . . ."
and I saw Snowy fling up his dreaming head and warnings buzzed in my ears.
I sat up. Nothing had
happened, nothing had changed. The others still lay where they were and Conn
was chewing a blade of grass, his eyes closed. Dusk had crept down like an
interloper to the bank of the stream, stretching towards the rocks, trying for
entry. The trees to our right seemed to have moved in with the darkening to be
nearer company, and the trees to our left had their feet in the water and
were already starting to cross—
I could not put my fears
into words. Instead, as I glanced behind me at the oaks, the ash, the ivy, then
before me at the pines, the birch, the rowan—the hair on my head stirred.
"C—C—Conn," I
whispered shakily. "S—S—Snowy . . . The trees. Oh, look at the trees . . .
Instantly all were awake
and Snowy neighed once, shrilly, and started to circle us as fast as he could.
It was no use; now I could actually see the trees moving, hear the rustle and
squeak of leaf and branch, feel the earth tear beneath the protesting roots.
Snowy's circle grew smaller as I rose to my feet, Conn at my side, and gathered
the others into my arms. Now we could see gnarled roots stretch forth their
questing feet, branches reach and curl, leaves glint and flash like eyes.
I was turned to stone. I
could not move, could not speak, only whimper, seeing with despair the futile
stump of Conn's sword waving and jabbing at the threat.
"Help us, dear
Lord, help us . . ." It was my voice, but the words came from nowhere.
Then came another voice.
"Fire, Thing, fire!
That is what they fear!"
With an astonishment
quite separate from my terror I recognized the voice of Puddy, no longer slow
and ponderous but sharp and decisive. Fire? Of course. Fire eats wood. With
stiff fingers I fumbled for flint and tinder, but fear and a damp day would not
produce even the tiniest spark. More urgently I chipped and struck: desperate,
the tears ran down my cheeks and I prayed again and again: "Please, help
The strong voice came
again. "There is more than one kind of fire. Remember the words, remember
what She used to say! Fire to set them back, to drive them away—the
words, Thing, the words!"
I put my hands on Puddy
and through my fingers I recalled the right spell as he put it on my tongue.
The words, sharp and harsh, poured forth and instantly we were ringed by blue
flame that licked and spat like a grass-fire. Immediately, or so it seemed, the
crowding trees drew back and I saw clearly the evil, knotted, earthy brown
faces, the squat bodies, the bulbous eyes, the yellow teeth, the pale tongues
like the underside of slugs—
I seized a rotted branch
and dipped it in the fire and ran with my torch at the nearest tree: there was
a sigh, a hiss, a tearing sound and the ring melted, the trees dissolved
into the night and we were alone once more—
Without another word we
picked up our belongings and fled.
The Binding: Cat
Under the Mountain
Once more we were in the
lowlands, in pleasant undulating countryside and heading due north. By unspoken
consent the ordeal of the walking trees was forgotten, but once, in a quiet
moment, I spoke of it to Conn.
"Did we see—what we
thought we saw? Did those trees walk? Did they have grinning mouths and fingers
like twigs? Or . . ."
"Or," said
Conn. "Most probably. If we hadn't all been frightened out of our wits we
would have seen an old army trick, I reckon."
"Mmmm. I saw
something like it once in Scotia, and again in the Low Lands—only then they
used reeds." I wriggled impatiently and he ruffled my hair.
"Patience, child! When I saw it in Scotia it was an ambush, sort of. There
were these savage highlanders sitting round their campfires—oh, perhaps a
hundred, two hundred—and the besieging force was less than half that, and their
only advantage lay in surprise. So they cut down a rowan or two and some gorse
bushes—have you ever tried to cut into a gorse bush in the daylight, let alone
when it's pitch black? Bloody prickles everywhere . . . As I was saying, they
had some dozen fellows move these, bit by bit, nearer to the enemy, and the
others lined up behind in the shadows. They were into the camp before the
defenders realized they were there."
"And the
"Same idea, only
this time the reeds were protection as well. A thick wall of reeds, green ones,
the sort that arrows bounce off . . . There were more of them that time, so the
odds were even. We lost. And ran."
"You were with the
attackers the first time?" I said, remembering what he had said about
"And the defenders
the second. I reckon that's what the Tree-People do. An outlaw band with
perhaps an old campaigner like me among them, preying on unsuspecting
travellers. Probably been watching us for days."
"You're not
old," I said absently, trying to reconcile what I thought I had seen with
what Conn had just said. But his reaction to my remark was entirely unexpected.
His thin, warm, pale-freckled hand closed over my grubby paws.
"That's nice: no, I
suppose I'm not really, not by actual years. It's just that time sometimes
seems to be slipping by . . ." He released my hands with a sigh.
I looked at him
compassionately. So my Rusty Knight was afraid of growing old. Men took a lot of
understanding, I thought. One part of them is grown-up, brave, lustful, full of
confidence, and the other, as I had also seen at the castle, is still little
boy, needing encouragement and reassurance.
"You should try
being me," I said, as cheerfully as I could. "I don't even know how
old I am . . ."
"And ugly to
boot," he said softly. "Never mind, Thingummybob, I love you . .
." He patted my head as kindly and absent-mindedly as a lord would pat one
of his hounds. And he couldn't, even now, get my name right! If it was my name
. . . I was glad, then, for the mask, for it hid and soaked up the stupid tears
of frustration and disappointment his well-meant words engendered. But what
right, I told myself furiously, did I have to be either? I had made the mistake
of falling in love, and cripples should never make the error of doing that,
especially if they are also ugly. If I had known how it would hurt, this love,
then I should never have indulged in it.
And yet I didn't want to
let it go, to deny it, for it made me alive in a way I had never known. I
tingled from top to toe. I felt beautiful inside, as beautiful as the Lady
Adiora. Love made me aware of Conn's frustrations and anxieties, made me
willing to sacrifice all I was, anything I had, for his wellbeing. And, in an
obscure way, it made me understand and love my animal friends even more.
I sensed now why Pisky
talked like an ever-running stream, knew why Moglet was near as great a coward
as I was myself, acknowledged the slowness of Puddy—except for the other
night—and understood Corby's coarse carelessness. I was also starting to
comprehend—but the fringes only, because he was magic—what our beloved Snowy
had loved and lost, and how his love was different, somehow stronger than life
itself. And as I realized this, a great calm and peace stole over me.
* * *
It rained, and it rained
and it rained. Non-stop. For three nights and three days, and it was just our
luck that we were between villages and had to seek shelter every night where we
could. The first night it was in a deserted barn by a crumbling cottage, the
second in the open and the third—
"A cave!"
called Corby. "Just past the three stones—are those the ones we're looking
For the last five miles
or so we had encountered gently rising ground, and had begun to hear our own
footsteps beneath us, each step with the faint echo of a drum. Snowy lowered
each hoof with increasing suspicion.
caves," he said. "Deep ones, at that. With all this water about we
shall have to be careful."
So when Corby hopped
into the cave ahead of us, giving a hollow and thankful caw! as he arrived,
Snowy was the only one to hesitate, but he could do little but follow when we
all rushed in to celebrate our shelter. My flint and tinder was dry enough from
the oiled pouch I now carried it in, and I soon had a lusty fire going where
the floor fell steeply from the entrance towards a large passageway we had had
no chance yet of exploring. The cave had obviously been used before. There were
two piles of kindling, some logs and peat in a dry corner, although it was
clear that the usage was not recent, for boulders had rolled down from the cave
entrance, partially blocking the passageway, and the store of wood was almost
rotted through.
It all made a fine
blaze, however, and I soon had our last strips of pork fat spitting from
skewers above, curling and browning with a smell that made my mouth water. I
still carried cheese and some rather stale oatcakes and had picked wild
raspberries earlier, so we made a fine supper and afterwards lay lazily around
the fire, listening to the rain outside, while the smoke rose up in a wavering
pillar and flattened itself against the roof of the cave.
"Funny," I
said. "D'you think the bats don't like our smoke?"
"What bats?"
said Conn lazily.
I sat up. "Well,
the cave is a bit smelly, isn't it—"
"But dry—"
"But dry. And there
are fresh bat-droppings around and bat-ledges up there, but no bats. And they
wouldn't be flying in this weather. Perhaps they've gone off down the passage .
. ."
"No bats,"
repeated Moglet, from my lap. "No bats; no rats, no bats but a cat . .
Of course Pisky took
that up. "No bats, but a cat; no dish, but a fish with a wish . . ."
"A crow that can't
go, and so full of woe . . ."
"A toad with a
node, who bears a load on the road—"
"Quiet!" said
Snowy sharply. I thought for an instant that he was annoyed with the game, that
he didn't want one of them to come to the bit of the "unicorn with no
horn"—I had already thought of rhyming "Knight" with "blight"—but
as we stopped I could hear it too.
A queer, rumbly,
shifting sound. A runnel of water slithered past my toe, and then another. I
looked up at the mouth of the cave, some three or four feet higher than the
place where we sat, and more muddy water was pouring over the lip. The sounds
of movement intensified; small stones clattered over into the cave—but they
were falling from above! I scrambled to my feet with Conn, even
as a shape flitted past my ears, then another and another, flittering and
piping, wide mouths agape on needle teeth, ears like open leather purses. I
couldn't tell what they were trying to communicate, although the shrill sounds
overrode the dull rumble that seemed all around us, but Snowy understood well
enough. With a wild call he had us all gathering up our belongings in a
scrambling haste. One moment Conn was loaded with everything, then I was, then
Snowy and Moglet and Corby and Puddy and Pisky were passed from one to other of
us like a first lesson in juggling but eventually—and this took but one
bat-sweep round the cave—Conn had the baggage balanced on Snowy, Corby on one
wrist and Pisky's bowl dangling from the other, and I had Moglet inside my
jacket and Puddy in my pocket.
The bats' cries grew
more urgent and the rumbling louder: I felt the floor shift and sway under my
feet and clutched at Snowy's mane.
"What do we do?
Where do we go?"
"The bats will show
us. Take a brand from the fire—nay, better two, one to light from the other,
and some kindling. But hurry, dear one, there is little time!"
I snatched a glowing
branch, whereupon it snapped and sparked about my feet. I drew a deep breath;
we were together, don't panic, nothing can harm us if we're together . . . I
picked up a convenient bundle of kindling and thrust it into my jacket, where a
protesting Moglet fought with the twigs. Selecting carefully I picked out a
large gnarled branch and then another. Thrusting the tip of the first into the
fire I soon had the tip ablaze and swung it round the cave: the bats were
sweeping and squeaking round a jut of rock to the left. Ahead of us was the
unexplored passage we had noticed earlier and Conn was scrambling towards that.
"No!" called
Snowy. "Not that way, Rusty Knight: it's a dead end, they say!"
There was a louder roar
than before and by the light of my improvised torch we swung round to face the
entrance of the cave. It was collapsing before our eyes. Where before there had
been a clear, jagged outline with the fall of rain hanging like a curtain
behind a stone arch, now the outlines were blurring before our eyes. The arch
was changing shape, becoming rounder, lowering, cracking and the rain-curtain
became a fall of stones that blotted out the last dim shapes we had seen
before. But that was not all: the curtain now started to slide towards us,
faster and faster, as if some wind had bellowed out behind an arras.
"Follow the bats:
it's our only chance!" cried Snowy.
I thrust my burning
branch into Conn's hand, grabbed his belt and he jinked behind the rock: so
there was another passage. The bats flew ahead into the cold darkness and I
followed Conn's first hesitating steps. I turned my head for Snowy but even as
he followed I saw the river of slurry engulf our fire with a despairing hiss,
and then all was black except for the flickering torch. The floor of the
passage was painfully sharp with stones as we hobbled along. Of a sudden Conn's
belt was jerked from my grasp. The torch went out and I could hear nothing but
the great roar of stones behind, felt a great, stuffy blast of air buffet my
ears and screamed as I fell helplessly into darkness—
The Binding: Cat
Stalagmites and Stalactites
It was cold. I was lying
on bare rock, there was no light, my head hurt. The end of the world? Not
quite. A raspy tongue was scraping my chin under the mask with anxious zeal.
There was a terrible cursing in my right ear.
"Caw! Blind me—why
can't someone strike a light? Black as a raven's armpit in here . . ."
But there was light, of
a sort. A dim white shape stood where I thought my legs should be, if only I
could think and see straight.
Snowy bent his head and
snuffed gently. "All right, Thing dear? You will have a headache for a
while—you bumped your head. But we're safe, for the time being . . ."
"No worse than my
headache," said a muffled voice from my pocket, and I felt Puddy
squeeze himself out. "How goes it, fish?"
"Well," said
some extremely angry little bubbles. "I'm not broken, but a lot of
water has slopped out, thanks to nobody in particular, and one of my
snails is missing."
"Here's your
snail," said Corby soothingly, "and a couple of nice new round
pebbles." I heard three little plops. "And a—oh, no: it's a bone . .
. Sorry."
"What sort of
bone?" I sat up incautiously, to be rewarded with a pain that beat like a
drum behind my eyes.
"Only a little 'un.
Rat, mouse; bat perhaps . . ."
There was a shuffling
behind me and Conn's groping hand closed on my shoulder. "Sorry about
that, Thingy dear: there was a drop at the end of the passage. No bones
"I don't think
so," I said crossly. "Where—where are we?"
Snowy shifted his
hooves. "Under the mountain . . . Have you your flint and tinder safe?"
I felt in my pocket.
"Yes, but—"
"What happened to
the torch you carried?"
I groped. "Here . .
"Right. You have
kindling somewhere about you, too; I saw you pick it up. Let's have some light,
shall we?"
Given something to do, I
felt better, and even more so when Snowy bent his head and touched the stub of
his horn to my head. I heard his soft moan even as my pain lessened, and I
reached forward to push him aside.
"Don't, oh don't! I
can bear it. Don't hurt yourself . . ."
"We are one, child,
all of us. All pain is to be shared, all troubles; all endeavour, all joys . .
." I felt an immense comfort, as though my mother had kissed me better, my
nurse taken me on her lap, my father laid his hand upon my head. It was another
of those elusive flashes of what I could not even call memory, and gone as
swift as kingfisher-flash.
I lit the
kindling—birch-bark, moss, twigs—and took from their friendliness a branch-tip
of fire. As it flared I stood up, all aches and pains miraculously gone, and
held it out to Conn.
"Hold it high—let's
see where we are . . . Oh, oh!" I gasped in awe as Conn held up the torch.
It flared and dipped and crackled and shone its flickering light upon towers,
castles, trees, mountains, cliffs, frozen waterfalls, avalanches—all shimmering
like ice and moon-glow. "What—what are they? So beautiful . . ."
castles," said Corby admiringly. "Cliffs; snow-slides . . . Caw . .
"Stalactites and
stalagmites," said Conn, and he whistled through his teeth.
"Magnificent! I've seen the like in Frankish lands, but nothing so grand .
. ."
As we stood there,
admiring, I heard a faint tinkling sound as first one great icicle and then
another dripped into the silence. Moglet wrapped herself round my ankles.
"Too big," she
said. I knew what she meant, and some of her unconscious, unspoken fear formed
my next words.
"Which is—is the
way out?" and even as I spoke the torch in Conn's hand flared and
sputtered and I realized how little fuel we had left.
Then came Snowy's
comfort. "There are several openings on the other side of the cavern. To
save fuel we shall go without light, travelling around the perimeter and
exploring each passageway as we come to it.
"I shall go first
as, to some extent, I can see in the dark. Thing dear can come next, holding to
my tail—but try not to pull it—and the knight shall bring up the rear. We shall
not travel too fast, and if I come across any obstacles I shall try and warn you
in plenty of time. Toad and cat with Thing, crow and fish with the knight . . .
It will take some time, but we have that to spare. Now, get ready, and remember
to bring what wood we have left and any kindling. Easy does it!"
I don't know about the
others but I kept my eyes closed, pretending to myself that it was only a game
and that if I opened them there would be light. Puddy was quiet in my pocket,
but I could feel Moglet trembling against my chest. Snowy's tail was soft and
silky and comforting to hold and Conn's hand warm on my shoulder. It seemed we
stumbled, tripped, wandered for hours; sometimes we climbed over rocks,
sometimes squeezed round or ducked under; sometimes there was open space and
nothing tangible save the last step and the next. If we paused for even an
instant, the silence clawed back into our consciousness as palpable as the
ever-present dark. But there was always the tinkle-drip of water, sometimes
nearby, sometimes seeming miles away, by its very randomness making the black
silence all the more terrifying—the drip of melting snow in an immense and
deserted forest, the crack of ice on a hollow lake, a child crying in a
deserted house—
By now my mouth was dry,
my brain in a vacuum, my senses like little sea-anemone tentacles, scared of
touch or bruise. Some of the passages Snowy didn't even bother with, as if he
knew at once they were dead ends; others we traversed for a hundred steps or so
until they narrowed impossibly. I lost count: was this the fifth or
twenty-fifth way we had gone? And all the while an uncooked lump as big as a
cottage loaf, doughy and indigestible, was rising, ever so slowly, from my
stomach to my throat, so that when the squeaking began all my tensions, all my
fears, erupted in a small shrill scream.
"Quiet, child!"
said Snowy sternly. The perspiration ran through my fingers into his tail and
Conn's fingers gripped my shoulder so fiercely in answer to my terror that I
could not help but cry out again. "Quiet: the bats are back!"
The bats! I had
forgotten them, although it was they who had led us the right way after the
deluge of water, mud and stones had destroyed our first refuge. I felt a sudden
rush of air as myriad wings brushed my mask, stirred my hair, and a language I
did not understand touched the high pitches of my hearing. Apparently Conn
noticed nothing, neither did Puddy or Pisky, but Corby put his head on one side
to listen and Moglet poked her head from under my jacket.
"What do they
say?" I asked.
"That the way out
is three openings to the right: we were nearly there," said Snowy
comfortingly. "Best foot forward!"
We squeezed into a
narrower passage than most we had tried, but even I beneath closed lids could
feel the gradual difference in the quality of the light, and risked ungluing
gummy lids. We found ourselves now in a smaller cave than the last. There was
light but no magic castles of rock, no everlasting dripping. Ahead was a rift
or chasm, and beyond it the cave mouth and the setting sun sending bars of
rose-colour across the floor. We had been entombed for nearly twenty-four
hours. No wonder I was suddenly ravenous!
Over the chasm stretched
a natural bridge of stone, wide enough for two to cross abreast. I started
towards it eagerly, only to be halted by a buffet of bat-wings and a hundred
shrill voices, and Conn's voice, harsh and incredulous.
"Look! Sweet Jesus,
Mary and Joseph! Look to the right, Thing!" He had got my name right at
last but I did not heed it.
Across the chasm,
stretched from side to side in eight equally spaced strands, was an enormous
web. Even as we watched, a spider, as thick in body as a Lugnosa moon and as
black and hairy as the Devil himself, legs jointed and hooked like some
grotesque toy, ran across to the centre of the web and halted, multifaceted
eyes glaring and mouth moving like the jaws of a wolf. I did not need Snowy's
words to know we were beyond hope.
"The bats say that
she stops all who would cross: see the corpses parcelled among the strands?
They have tried to break through but fall helpless to the glue on the web.
There is no way out for any of us, none, unless we can bring the spider to
destruction . . ."
The Binding: Cat
Web of Despair
It was Conn's fighting
Hirlandish temper that brought me to my senses. With a cry of rage he had
charged the web, only to be repulsed by a twang! of impenetrable strands, a
sticky front and a menacing clatter of joints from the spider. Conn collapsed
on the ground by my side, such a comical look of frustrated fury on his face
that I forgot my worries and patted his shoulder.
"You all
"All right! All
right? I'll kill the bastard, sure and I will! Just let me take my sword to its
evil body and I'll—" but then he stopped and of course remembered that his
weapon was in pieces. "Ah, wouldn't you believe it then! Just when I
needed it . . ." He put his hands to his head and tugged at the unruly
curls. All of a sudden he had shed ten years and was again an edgy,
temperamental lad, the brogue tripping from his tongue like a slashed wineskin.
"Ah, 'tis terrible, terrible! How in the world can we get past that—that
black bag of air?" He sprang to his feet and began to pace the ten feet or
so of rock in front of the chasm. "See, the bugger has stuck its net to
the rock; there, there and there," and he pointed to thick suckers that
anchored the strands. "And two at this side, one the other and two at the
top—eight together, by the saints!"
Between the thick
strands glistening with an evil, tarry glue that clung to whatever touched,
were finer strands that glowed with a greyish light of their own. These were
pearled with sticky droplets and clogged with pitiful little bat-parcels, some
still feebly struggling in the last rays of the setting sun that slanted
through the seemingly unattainable mouth of the cave. Freedom! So near, so frustratingly
near! Were we, too, to end like those bats, waiting to be sucked to the bone,
then discarded into the torrent of water we could hear echoing in the chasm far
below the web? Or would we choose rather to drown in those depths, so far
beneath the open sky, the woods, the fields we were used to? Or would we huddle
here, cowards all, and slowly starve to death?
"Time for
supper," said Snowy. "What have you got in the pack, Thing
Not much: half a flagon
of water, some ends of ham, rinds of cheese, honey. We ate what we could,
bunched close together and shivering now, for the sun had gone down. Conn
doubled his cloak to sit upon, for the rock struck chill, and Snowy lay down
behind us so that my cloak would do as a coverall. Beyond us and the web the
cave mouth was pricked with stars and a near-full moon swung into view, her
pale light too high to penetrate the gloom of the cave. A couple of desperately
hungry bats dared the web; one pulled back at the last moment, the other, with
a high-pitched scream, became entangled and a moment later a pair of
pincer-like jaws fastened on the poor, furry body. Poisoned venom quickly did
its work and the stunned bat was rolled and twisted into an obscene shroud. The
dry rustling and shaking of the web ceased, and the only sign of the terror
that lurked there was a hooked claw that crossed the rising moon, a bar
sinister on the gold.
I leant back against
Snowy. "What can we do? How . . ."
"We must
think," he said. "Consider, assess. There must be a way . . . But now
sleep, my friends, sleep. Often in dreams the answer comes. Sleep . . ."
And cold, still hungry,
I dozed off, the comfort of a strangely silent Conn's shoulder my pillow.
* * *
thinking," said Moglet.
After breaking our fast—a
bad joke, this, on what we had left—Moglet had washed her face and perched on
an outcrop of rock some discreet ten yards from the web. With inscrutable eyes
she had watched the loathsome spider take two bat-parcels and suck them dry,
then spit the bones to the torrent below. She had watched the giant insect wipe
its jaws with a rattle of forelegs and, satiated, settle back in the middle of
the web, to watch us.
The rest of us,
excluding Snowy who said nothing, had spent some two hours in fruitless argument
and discussion, first one and then the other putting forward wild schemes that
could come to nothing. The only idea that had seemed remotely feasible, that of
Pisky's to dare the torrent below, had been dashed by one quick look, a wary
eye on the spider the while. If we managed to miss the ledges and projections
on the way down and avoided being dashed to pieces on the rocks that reared up
like fangs, we should surely perish in the swirling black waters that
disappeared into a gaping hole in the rock to heaven knew where.
Twice Conn had tried to
get near the bridge of stone that spanned the chasm and twice had been
threatened by an immediately alert spider who had run down the web to meet him,
jaws clashing. It even pursued him on to the rock floor of the cave the second
time, to be driven back by some stones I flung in desperation. After this we
were exhausted, and it was only then I had noticed and questioned the
non-participating Moglet.
A careless retort sprang
to my lips on her reply, engendered perhaps by frustration, but Snowy blew
softly down the back of my neck before I could say anything.
"It is perhaps her
turn," he murmured softly, which I did not understand. "Gather close,
all of you, and send your thoughts to her aid. Close your eyes and empty your
minds of all except that which will help her thoughts. Concentrate on cunning,
wisdom, energy and, above all, freedom. Now, my dears, now . . ."
So we did. Huddled
together, hungry, thirsty, cold and in despair, we nevertheless freed our minds
and sent them over to where Moglet sat, a little receiving statue.
At last she stirred. She
had been sitting bolt upright, large ears forward, eyes apparently unblinking.
But now she performed a long, slow stretch, arching her rump in the air, tail a
relaxed loop, front legs stretched out, claws a-scrape against the rock, ears
back, head sloped down between her front paws, jaws almost at right angles in
an exaggerated yawn. The ritual done, she sidled over to us.
"Well?" I
asked, aware that the sun outside was at its zenith, aware of time trickling
away like water through carelessly cupped hands.
"Stones," said
Moglet. "Lots of them. A big pile. As heavy as you can throw . . ."
And, exasperating animal as she could sometimes be, she folded her front pads
underneath her and promptly went to sleep.
Stones it was then,
gathered in the half-gloom by Conn and myself, pecked from ledges by Corby,
hoofed from their hiding places by Snowy, until there must have been two
hundred of them of all shapes and sizes.
Moglet opened her eyes
and considered. "That should be enough . . . Now then, Sir Rusty Knight, I
want you to cut two strips from your cloak, about half a man-hand thick and a
hand-and-a-half wide—"
"From my good
leather cloak? You must be joking!" expostulated Conn.
"Do as she
says," said Snowy quietly.
Surprised into
compliance, Conn did as he was told and laid the tanned strips by the stones.
"Now what?"
"Now," said my
kitten, thoughtfully flexing her paws, "now I shall have to ask our white
friend here to do some interpreting to the bats: don't speak their squeak
myself, but I gather he does . . ."
Quickly she explained
what she wanted, and while we were still exchanging glances wondering whether
it would work, the bats had swarmed down and picked up, four to each strip, the
pieces of leather. For a minute or two they practised flying in formation, a
thing they were obviously not used to, the strips falling from their grasp
twice, luckily onto the rocks close by. Then they were ready, hovering above us
with strange clicks and twitters.
"Right!" said
Moglet. "Thing dear and Conn, will you please throw stones as hard as you
can at the web in the bottom right-hand corner, there where the web has been
darned; the small strands, not the thick ones. As soon as you have made a hole,
start to make another, still at the bottom, but this time on the left-hand
side." She turned to Snowy. "Tell the bats to go as soon as I say
'Ready!' "
Conn and I started
flinging the stones: his aim was much better than mine. Some of the missiles went
through the fine meshes, clattering across to the cave mouth. Many of mine
dropped soundlessly into the water-filled chasm, but before long we had a
sizable hole in the right side of the web. As soon as the first stone struck,
the spider was down to investigate, throwing out fast streamers to try and plug
the holes we made. The stones themselves seemed to have little effect on it,
bouncing off the tough carapace like pebbles off armour, but its anger at our
attempted destruction of its trap was plain to see, for, even while knitting up
the severed strands, it chattered and snapped its jaws.
I heard Moglet's
"Ready!" to Snowy and would have stopped to watch the bats but for
his hissed warning.
"Keep going: do not
let your eyes stray!"
By now each stone was
getting heavier and heavier, and as we switched to the left side of the web,
Conn was throwing at least three to my one; in the end I was chucking them
underarm, scarce able to see their direction for the sweat that ran down inside
my mask and threatened to blind me. I thought I could do no more, but suddenly
there was a loud twang! from above and the whole web dropped about six feet.
With the speed of light the spider turned and ran up one of the central struts
towards the roof. At last I could look up to see what the bats had been doing.
The leather flaps had been wrapped round two of the central struts and, thus
protected from the gluey stickiness, the bats had been able to bite completely
through one strand so that the web hung now only from seven supports instead of
eight. The other four bats had not fared so well: the second top main strut had
not parted, and even as they tried to escape, one poor bat was caught in
snapping jaws. No refinements this time: the spider crunched it with one bite
and then spat it out to spiral down, back broken, into the torrent below.
Then the great insect
went back to the repair of its web. Spreading itself on the surface of the rock
above the break, it clung safe with the four back legs while holding the
severed end in its front claws, dribbling some foul oozing mess on it and then
drawing up the longer end to meet the shorter and binding all together with
some kind of thread it teased from its belly.
"Now," said
Moglet, her eyes green with concentration. "Take your sharp little knife,
Thing dear, and a piece of leather to protect you from the stickiness, and saw
through the left-hand bottom strut. You, Sir Conn, do the same for the upper
right-hand one: you are the only one tall enough to reach, and your broken
sword has a nice sawy edge. Don't worry: the spider cannot be in three places
at once and I'll ask Snowy to get the bats to tackle the bottom strut on the
right at the same time. That will account for four more struts; one is already
through and the other nearly, I think. That leaves two, the extreme left one
near the bridge and the one nearest us in the middle. Sir Conn, before you
start please make a loop round that one—yes, more leather, please—and attach it
by our rope in Thing's pack to Snowy. He may not be able to free it, but at
least the shaking will give the creature pause." I marvelled at my
incisive, logical, quick-thinking kitten; never would I have believed her
capable of five minutes' sustained thought, let alone the drive and
determination she had shown thus far. She gave a quick lick to each front paw.
"I shall give each warning if the spider changes direction: off you
An hour later we were
totally exhausted, and the spider must have been too. The bats had gnawed
through one more strand, Conn had cut through another and so had I, but all
Snowy's weight had not shifted the bottom one. We had lost two more bats, but
now the web was looking decidedly the worse for wear. Great holes marred it
where the stones had gone through and the insect had only managed temporary
repairs. Now, not counting the first strut the bats had failed to sever, four
had been cut through and temporarily repaired, but did not look as though they
would bear any weight until the tarry substance that anchored them had had time
to set. And time was something none of us had to spare.
Moglet still burned with
energy. Her eyes were huge in the early twilight, for the sun had sulked behind
cloud since midday. None of us had had time to think of food but I would have
given almost anything for a drink, and looking round at the others I knew they
felt the same. For two pins I would have drunk Pisky dry and watched enviously
as Moglet lapped a quick half-inch, with permission of course.
work," she remarked, fastidiously pawing the top clear of weed and snails.
"Now: one last go! Conn, take the last right-hand strand and bats the
left. Thing dear, sharpen that knife of yours once more, for the strand in the
middle here is the strongest—"
The right-hand strand
parted. Conn ran to my side and together we sawed away at the middle one. The
last left-hand strand suddenly snapped loose from the wall above the bridge and
the bats screeched above our heads as the maddened spider came rushing down towards
us. The bats suddenly flew in a cluster at her eyes so that she could not see,
and at last with a strange thrumming noise our strand broke. The others, the
mended ones, sucked stickily away from their supports and now the whole web
hung suspended by one single line.
The black creature
retreated to the middle of her ruined web, hairy legs waving, jaws snapping,
eyes darting from side to side judging which repair to make next. Then,
crouching back, it gathered its legs to spring—
"A torch, Thing, a
torch!" called Snowy urgently.
With a speed I had not
thought my tired body possessed I grabbed what kindling we had left, bound it
with the cord from Conn's cloak to a piece of wood and struck tinder and flint.
In a moment I had a blazing torch that illuminated the whole cave even as the
spider leapt from the web to the rock before me. Waving the torch I advanced.
"Back, back you
thing of darkness and deceit! Back, I say—" and I flung the fiery brand
straight at its eyes.
With a screaming hiss it
leapt back for the web, which rocked crazily at the impact. There was a crack!
like a whiplash and the last strand parted. For an instant web and spider
seemed to hang suspended, then with a rush both fell down into the chasm. The
torch followed, and as we rushed forward for a moment it lit up the shattered
body of the monstrous creature—arms and legs broken and askew, all smothered by
the broken web. Then the foaming waters closed over it and spun it away into
the endless rivers below the mountain . . .
The Binding: Crow
The Great White Worm
Outside, in the clean,
cool evening air, it was raining again. But now none of us would have exchanged
the downpour for the deceptive shelter of those accursed caves. As for me, I
opened my mouth and let the blessed water bounce off my tongue; I even sucked
the ends of my hair for the precious drops. In spite of being drenched Moglet
stood stiff-legged and tail-high as if she had just routed a pack of marauding
toms from the backyard, revelling in our admiration and affection. As for the
bats, they swarmed away in a great cloud, despite the rain, only to return in
twos and threes to drop small fragments of food. I didn't fancy the idea myself
but Corby, Pisky, Puddy and Moglet were delighted. It was the bats' way of
saying thank you.
After a while common
sense reasserted itself; I was pretty wet but Conn was in a worse plight. His
cloak now, with all the pieces hacked from it and the cord missing, was more
like a tatty head-cape, and he was drenched and shivering.
"Skin is supposed
to be watertight," he grumbled, "but I'll swear this water is leaking
through to my bones . . . There's a village of sorts down in the valley: I can
see smoke. Shall we?"
Above our heads the last
escort of bats swooped in farewell, and somewhere a buzzard called its lonely:
"Ki-ya, ki-ya, ki-ya . . ."
An hour later I was dozy
with heat, more-or-less dry and had a stomach full of a thick, meaty stew. The
last piece of bread still firmly clasped to my chest, I fell asleep on the
* * *
We found the four stones
the very next day, on the edge of the uplands north of the village, and
consulted The Ancient's map.
"North from here,
due north," said Conn. "That should be easy enough. Even I know
north. Well, that's three adventures past us and we're still all in one piece.
Allonz, mez enfants! Four to go . . ."
"What's that?"
I asked. The words sounded familiar.
"What? Oh, allonz
et cetera? The Frankish words for let's get going," he said
But I knew, even as he
spoke I had heard them before—somewhere. Another of those tantalizing glimpses
of another life.
"Don't you mean:
'En avant, mez braves?' " I suggested, and was rewarded by a startled look
from those brown eyes, but he said nothing further.
The moors and forests
through which our way led were bare, for the most part, of human life, but the
cooler, crisp air did not deter an abundance of wild life. Hares, foxes,
stoats, weasels; badger, deer, squirrel, marten; eagle, merlin, finch, tit; and
the purple heath and heather, crisp, curling bracken and colourful butterflies,
dingy moths and laden bees. Here I found, in the endless quest for berries and
roots, two plants I had never come across before; one, with sticky-pad leaves,
trapped small insects much as Puddy did with his tongue, and the other, looking
deceptively like a large violet, had fleshy leaves which performed much the
same function. Pisky declared the brownish water we replenished him with as
"a nice change"; Moglet managed, even with her damaged paw, to find
voles and mice. At times voles in particular were almost too easy to catch,
running away from us like a brown wave in the long grasses. Indeed Moglet
became rather blase about her new-found prowess, and shared her meals with
Corby, so they both grew sleeker and better groomed. Snowy, too, enjoyed the
change in diet. Now I only had to provide for Conn and myself and we relied
mainly on what I could cull, for we had no bows, arrows or spears for hunting,
and did not stay long enough in any one place to set snares.
We made good progress,
only having to detour once when a stagnant bog barred our way, a question mark
to safety with its green slime lying quiet on ominously inviting open
stretches, midges dancing their one-day life above. The main impediment to any
enjoyment was the rain that seemed to fall more plentifully on these bleak
uplands, so perhaps it was with a sense of relief that we found the ground
sloping away beneath our feet and that one day the rising sun showed us cliffs
and the sea.
Again that nagging sense
of a thing known and should-be-remembered tugged at my mind. The salty smell,
the crash and roar of the waves, the endless shift of great waters, all these I
had seen before, somewhere, sometime. Only the steep, black, boulder-shod
cliffs were different; the ones I thought I remembered were—white? Cream?
Gentler, with sandy beaches, not these pebble- and rock-encumbered stretches. A
summer house by the sea, collected shells, sea-bright pebbles that faded
without the lap of water, the grit of sand between teeth and toes, the
salt-harsh cry of gulls—
The great gulls wheeled
and broke before us, screamed a welcome, and for two days they accompanied us
as we traversed the edge of those dark and frowning cliffs, unable to find a
way down. On the third day we came to a small river, which afforded access to
the beach below. It flowed gently between restraining banks to a large bay,
some three miles across at the widest part but narrowing at its mouth to about
fifty feet, enclosed by sharply rising cliffs. Here the sea frothed and
seethed, eager to burst its bottleneck as the tide receded. The beach around
the wishbone-shaped bay was broken with tumbled rocks and boulders but inland
the terrain was smooth and low, until it rose behind to the moors we had left.
In that fair and gentle valley lay a prosperous-looking village, more a small
town, with houses on either side of the river and boats drawn up tidily on the
shelving banks.
For a while as we
descended to the beach, I became aware of a curious shifting movement among the
rocks, and thought I could hear a strange mixture of sounds: keening, grunting,
shuffling, splashing. The smell was less indistinct: a fishy, animal smell, but
it was Corby's keen eyes, perched as he was on Conn's shoulder, that recognized
all this for what it was.
"Caw! People of the
Sea—ruddy millions of 'em!"
Almost at the same
moment came Conn's voice. "Seals! A great colony of seals! But rather
late, I should have thought . . ."
Even as we adjusted to
the sight, a boy of ten or twelve, clad in rough homespun and barelegged, rose
from behind a clump of gorse to our right and stood regarding us wide-eyed.
"Hullo," said
The boy's eyes opened
wider than ever, as if he thought us incapable of ordinary speech. "Be you
they travellers what are spoke of and expected?" It came out in a rush and
in an accent strange to me and hard to follow. "If you be, then I bids you
welcome, masters both, and ask that you follow me to't chief's house," and
he set off forthwith down a narrow track leading to the village, with many a
scared, backward look. I almost expected him to cross his fingers against the
Evil Eye.
We looked at one
"We are
travellers," said Conn. "But as to being expected—Or spoken of, come
to that—"
"Strange tales
travel with the wind," said Snowy. "And, like smoke, they change
shape in passing."
"Well," I
said, "we can only find out if they mean us by going down and
" 'What am I?' as
the worm said to the blackbird," contributed Corby, gloomily. "Oh,
well, don't say as I didn't warn you . . ."
So we followed the boy,
who kept pausing for us to catch up, as if afraid of losing us, but at the same
time he kept his distance, as if afraid of what we might do if we came too
close. We passed several huts and the people there also regarded us with a kind
of wary fascination. The town was well laid out, with straight streets swept
clear of rubbish, animals tethered or penned and folk decently dressed. Most of
the people were tall and slim, many with fair hair, the men moustached and
bearded, some with tattoos on their arms and fingers. As we walked I glanced
over my shoulder: we were being followed. Men, women, children, all had put
aside what they were doing and were pacing behind us. At another time this
might have seemed menacing, but in spite of the numbers I was aware most of all
of curiosity, and almost began to wonder whether we had all grown two heads,
though the others looked normal enough to me.
After what seemed a very
long walk, we reached a bluff overlooking the river and what I supposed to be
the chief's house. It was a long, low building, the wooden supports curiously
carved with serpentine figures picked out in red and blue, the shapes outlined
with rows of white shells. We reached the entrance, preceded by a couple of
townspeople obviously come to forewarn of our presence; no leather-hinged door,
no curtained flap awaited us, instead two painted panels that fitted into
well-grooved wood top and bottom and now slid apart to reveal a dark, smoky
interior. I thought it a very good idea for a door and was busy examining the
mechanics when someone nudged me forward and I found myself inside, adjusting
my eyes to the gloom.
Wooden pillars down each
side supported a steeply pitched thatched roof; behind these were stacked
trestles and stools. In a central stone fireplace, raised some three feet from
the ground, smouldered a peat fire, smoke wisping up through a square exit in
the thatch. At the far end were curtained recesses, no doubt for sleeping and
stores. Light was provided by stands holding small basins of strong-smelling
oil with wicks floating inside, although iron sconces were set in the pillars
should stronger illumination be needed.
Beside the fire stood a
taller man than the rest, with white hair that curled to his shoulders, wearing
blue woollen trews and a fine cloak to match, fastened by a cord drawn through
ornamented bronze rings; on his right side hung a short, bright sword and his
arms were braceleted above the elbow by golden snakes. By his side stood a
tall, dark lady with plaited grey hair and the same strong features as her
husband, and behind them lurked three tall boys and a girl, by the mark of
their features their children.
travellers all," said the chief. He, too, used that strangely accented
speech—they clipped the hard sounds short and drew out the soft ones—but he
spoke, majestic and slow, so that it was easier to understand him than the boy
earlier. "We have much to talk of, you and I. My name is Ragnar. My wife,
Gunnhilde, and I welcome you to our house and our town of Skarrbrae. You must
rest yourselves and eat. When the sun is low we shall speak again."
He clapped his hands and
hot water and towels were brought. Conn and I retired to separate recesses,
where I luxuriated in a clean body once again. When we emerged, stools and a
wooden trestle were set in front of us with great wooden bowls of some fishy broth,
strips of dried fish and a coarse bread. There were also bowls of goat's milk
and a refreshing herbal brew, in which I thought I detected camomile and
feverfew. Snowy and the others were not neglected either, and while I wondered
at why (to them) a pony was allowed within doors, a great pile of hay was set
in front of him; Corby was given fish-guts, Moglet the same with goat's milk,
and I crumbled a paste of bread into Pisky's bowl. Puddy stayed quiet in my
pocket after a snorted: "Fish!" I wasn't worried, as insects had been
plentiful during our journey.
Stuffed full, we were
led to a pile of rushes on which were spread fur rugs, and, perhaps because of
the food, or the gloom, or simply because we were dry and warm and welcome, we
all dozed off for a couple of hours. When I awoke, torches were being lit in
the sconces along the pillars and Puddy was sitting three inches away from my
nose, a wing and a leg of some large insect sticking out of the corner of his
mouth. His throat moved up and down decisively. As I watched the bits
disappeared, and he burped.
I said.
"Each to his
own," said Puddy. "Anyway, I didn't think you would like it marching
down the back of your neck . . ." and he crawled back into my pocket,
where I could feel him hiccoughing quietly.
"Serves you
right," I said.
Corby came up and looked
me in the eye—one of his to both mine. "Does one crap inside or out?"
I rose to my feet.
"Those who wish to crap," I said carefully, "crap, to use your
expression, outside." I looked down at my pocket. "And those who crap
in my pockets, or sick-up because they're too greedy, get their mouths fastened
together for a week!"
"Want to . . . the
other," said Moglet. So did I, so we all went outside for five minutes.
When we returned, Ragnar
and his wife were waiting for us and invited us to join them round the
replenished fire. Everyone else had disappeared, and I judged the serious part
of the business was about to start.
Ragnar nodded at us.
"You may wonder," he began, "why it is that you are looked-for:
but perhaps you know?"
I glanced at Conn, who
shook his head. "No, we do not know how it is that you expected us,"
he said slowly, choosing his words carefully. "We are on a journey that
means much to us but, I should have thought, little to others. Yet are we
grateful for your welcome and hospitality, and if our appearance in your part
of the country means that my friends and I can help you in any way, then I
think I speak for us all when I say we will do our best." He glanced round
at us all, receiving our agreement. "But may I ask why you need us
particularly and how you knew that we should come—if, indeed, it is us you
expected?" He sounded doubtful.
Gunnhilde took up some
embroidery. "It is a combination of a need and a legend. The need I shall
come to later, but I assure you it is very real." Her husband nodded
gravely. "First, the legend. Our people have lived here for many generations.
They say that folk from the northern lands were wrecked on this coast during a
great storm; the survivors scrambled ashore and settled among the fisherfolk
who already lived here, in a village much smaller than you see it now. The
marriage of different peoples and variant skills brought both peace and
prosperity to this part of the country; we had the sea for fishing, our friends
who visited us every year—"
I looked at Snowy: the
seals? He nodded.
"—sweet water from
the river, good earth for crops and the uplands and forests for hunting and
timber. For many years we prospered—I speak of a time before I was born, you
understand—but a wise man, a shaman as we call them, who once lived and died
here warned of a time when the sea should boil, the fish flee and our friends come
no more to visit us. Then, it was a tale for children but even so his words
were remembered, for who knows what the gods have in store? My mother's mother
told me of the prophecies when I was a child and I remembered. But unlike some
prophecy it was not all doom: there was a promise of deliverance also."
She glanced at her husband. "You tell them, for you know the words as well
as I."
"Indeed I do, for
it was a tale to fright children into the dark imaginings of the night. We
learnt it as it was told, in verse, so that no meaning should be lost by later
mis-telling or exaggeration. It goes thus," and he straightened his back
and delivered the lines in a deep, sonorous voice. I didn't think much of them
as verse; they didn't even rhyme, but some of the words started with the same
letters, so it had a kind of hypnotic beat to it, wrapped up as it was in
symbolism and metaphor.
"And in that time:
the token of the terror shall be thus:
The people of the sea shall come: and bring forth their young that year;
And the young that year shall be great: and their melody music the meadows.
But for jealousy of their joy: evil shall bring forth evil e'en greater
And the sea shall boil: and bring forth a beast to despoil.
Men shall starve and women too: and children cry from hunger,
And the sea-people and people of the sea: shall keen and cower,
While the great White Wyrme: shall devour the dead and despoil the sea . .
He paused. "If it
were only that, then we should be lost indeed, for that which was prophesied
has indeed come to pass—more of that later. But the prophecy speaks of a
deliverance, and this is where I believe you were sent to help us." He
cleared his throat.
"But this shall last only so long: then from the south shall come the
A wight on a white horse: holding for help in his arms
The moon and stars for measure: and the stars shall be green as grass
Blue as a babe's eye: red as rust and clear as river running.
And the seven shall strive: and the White Wyrme shall wither.
And behold! all shall be: as before and better.
Then the people of the sea and the sea-people: shall gift and guard them,
For they go with the gods: and shall take the road west with weal . . .
"So, that is why we
have looked for you, for now is the time of our greatest need, and in your
company there would seem to be at least part of the promise of our deliverance.
A man on a white horse, that is clear enough, but the prophecy foretold of
seven. I count but six—"
"Seven," I
said, and plonked Puddy on a free stool.
There was a moment's
silence and then Gunnhilde laughed and put aside her sewing.
"Seven it is,
seven. We are lucky husband, for in them the prophecy does come true!"
I wriggled on my seat.
"But the bit about the moon and stars?"
Ragnar frowned.
"That I cannot see, but there must be an answer . . ." He glanced at
his wife but she was staring at Puddy and then picked up Pisky's bowl.
"Green as grass:
the moon," and she threw back her head and laughed. "Under our noses,
husband, other riddles to be read, I fancy . . . And you and you and you,"
she pointed to me, Corby, Moglet, "must hold the other 'stars?' "
I lifted Corby's wing
and Moglet's paw and pointed to my stomach. "And there is another tale.
But it hasn't been written yet, 'cos it isn't finished."
"The riddle is read,"
said Gunnhilde. "Husband, call them to prepare a feast!"
Amidst the bustle, the
uproar, the feasting, the smiles, I caught a mutter from Corby. "First
part's easy, all feasting and fal-lals and what-a-pretty-bird: I've an idea the
second part will be more difficult . . ."
It was not until the
morrow that we realized just what we had let ourselves in for, but that evening
it was indeed all "feasting and fal-lals" for it was obvious the
townsfolk were sure we were the answer to all their prayers. We ate and drank
our fill and were entertained by their songs and dances until the small hours.
It wasn't till all was quiet that I began to wonder what was in store for us.
Then I remembered the verses and fell asleep uneasily wondering about boiling
seas and great white worms which, together with the cheese I had eaten earlier,
engendered weird and disturbing dreams. Twice I woke in a cold sweat, only to
be soothed to sleep again by the gentle breathing of my companions and a sort
of mournful lullaby that seemed to come in time with the distant rush and suck
of the sea.
The next morning Ragnar,
with about fifty interested townspeople in tow, took us down to the beach, and
there, restlessly milling and turning, were about two to three hundred seals.
They were of all ages and sizes, male, female and pups, and seemed to have
little fear of humans, allowing us to walk amongst them on the rocks and the
greyish-black sand. They became excited when they saw Snowy and gave soft
hooting sounds and groans and I realized they were telling him something,
recognizing that he was one who would understand. There were more of them
bobbing about in the bay, seeming to stand on their back-flippers in the water
eyeing us with curiosity. Some porpoised up and down, showing off, others with
mouthfuls of seaweed were tossing their heads from side to side, threshing the
water, exactly like a housewife beating clothes on stones in a river—another
way of drawing attention to themselves, I supposed. All seemed jolly, a
gathering of wild animals grown tame and choosing to live in close proximity
with man, but there was an unease, a restlessness, a frustration that
communicated itself as surely as the ever-moving sea.
Conn questioned Ragnar
on their lameness. "Are they always like this?"
"Not always, but at
the moment they have no choice; they are restless because they know the time
has long passed this year when they should be at sea. Supplies of food are
running low, both for them and us, though we have given them what we
could." He paused. "You see, we have an arrangement with them; oh,
nothing that has ever been written down by us nor agreed with them: one cannot
speak with animals."
I opened my mouth, but
Snowy nudged me, and I closed it again.
"The way it works
is this: every year the seals are allowed to come to our beaches and have their
pups, and then they mate again. During that time we leave them unmolested.
Then, when autumn and winter comes we go forth to hunt them, mainly for their
skins, for that is our only surplus for trading. By then they are out at sea,
and it is an even battle between man and beast. Even then, we do not hunt
indiscriminately; each spring the pups are counted. Of these a third will not
survive their first year, from natural causes. We only cull a half of the
number of adults of the number remaining, the population is kept more or less
constant. There are enough pelts for us and enough fish for both man and
I looked at Ragnar with
new respect: a little different from Lady Adiora's method.
The tide was retreating
now, making a noise on the pebbles like someone clearing their throat and then
spitting. Ragnar waved to the townsfolk not to follow us further.
"We shall go on
alone," he said. Alone? Where? Echoes of last night's dreams made my heart
beat faster. "Of course there may be little to see: if the creature has
eaten recently he may not show himself. But if we stay quiet and tempt him a
little, then perhaps—" He beckoned to one of the men, who ran back to one of
the huts and reappeared with some strips of dried goat's meat. "Ah, yes:
this should do it."
With the chief leading
we made our way round the bay to the southernmost tip, climbing steadily all
the way and passing through a small flock of horned sheep, almost
indistinguishable from their goat-brothers, so unlike the low-slung fatties
Brothers Peter and Paul tended: still, I supposed the brothers' sheep would
have been hard put to it to find sustenance on these harsher uplands, while
Ragnar's sheep looked fit and well on their poor diet. More evidence of how
careful husbandry had made this such a prosperous place. I supposed The Ancient
would have a "clitch" for all this: "Difficult to tell sheep
from goats when both wear horns"?
At last we stood on the
edge of the cliff, the breeze from the sea ruffling Moglet's fur and snatching
at my mask. The sea foamed and raced beneath us and some twenty feet away was
the opposite cliff, crowned by an immense slab of rock that reared precariously
over the edge with what looked to me like a dangerous tilt.
"The Look-Out
Stone," said Ragnar. "The highest point around. We use it for spying
out shoals of fish, for posting a beacon if anyone is overdue and, of course,
for spotting the forerunners of the seal-cows in April. But there is a
suggestion for building a tower on this side instead: that rock can sway
dangerously in a high wind and we're not sure how firmly it's anchored."
He sighed. "It seems we can have little use for either till the Wyrme is
destroyed. When the seals whelped this year we had promise of good hunting, for
there were more than usual and we only took the born-dead or injured as we
always do. Then the Wyrme came, and they could not escape. They lost about
twenty cows and pups, before the males arrived looking for them. They only got
in by dint of numbers, a mad rush on a high tide. But now of course the beast
knows where they are and also knows a mass exit will leave the pups behind. The
cows will not risk the pups and the bulls will not leave the cows . . ."
He sighed again. "And it is not only them, it is us also. We have tried to
take to the boats and carry on our fishing but the Wyrme overturns them and
anyone who swims is immediate prey. We are trapped and the seals are trapped!
This is why we welcomed you, knowing that, through you, the second part of the
prophecy would come to pass." And he began to recite.
"And the seven
shall strive: and the White Wyrme shall wither.
And behold! all shall
be: as before and better."
"Doesn't he know
any nice cheerful little ditties?" muttered Corby. "Anyway, he's
missed out that bit about the road west. And gifts . . . Fat chance! Looks as
if we are trapped as tight as the rest. After all that mumbo jumbo can you see
'em saying 'Bye-bye, thanks for trying and all that?' No, we ain't going north,
south or east, let alone west—"
"Well, then,"
said Snowy, "put your tongue back in its beak, where it belongs, and use
your eyes and your cunning brain to see if you can come up with a solution! It
could be your turn, you know."
There it was:
"turns" again. Moglet's turn, Corby's turn—
"Watch," said
Ragnar, who of course had heard none of this by-play. "Down there, in that
wide cleft in the base of the opposite cliff where the water is calmer . . .
That's where he rests and watches and waits." And with that he tossed a
strip of goat's-flesh out as far as he could.
Nothing. We watched the
meat sink slowly in the clear water beyond where the tide was racing out, until
it touched bottom some twenty feet down. Ragnar took another strip of flesh; I
was still gazing at the first and the water appeared to be cloudier, as though
something had stirred the grey-black sand. Ragnar flung the second piece.
A gull, a yearling with
less sense than it should have, flung itself seawards in a dive after the meat;
they touched water together and for a moment I believed the bird had won, but
there was a boiling beneath us, a great rearing and with the speed of my
thought bright blood sprayed between great sharp teeth, teeth like a hundred
bone needles, and the blood became the darker colour of the sea and there was a
white, grey-tipped feather floating and nothing more . . .
The air was filled with
the screaming of sea birds: gulls, guillemots, tern, as they rose from crevices
in the cliff upwards from the sea, and the harsh cries of raven, crow and
cormorant who banked and wheeled from their perches on the rearing rocks. Bird
mingled with bird, and screamed with fright and mourned with despair and
watched the feather as it slipped, alone and broken, away with the ebbing tide.
Black and white, grey and grey, and the birds calling and Corby answering and
trying to fly from my arms on one wing only, and me clasping him tight to save
him from further harm, and the stone in my belly hurting—
And then Snowy called,
loud and clear. What had been senseless flight settled into a pattern, rising
and falling like the midsummer dance of gnats over a pond, and the voices
softened and fell quiet. Corby ceased struggling and lay quiet too, except to
say in a small voice: "Those are my brothers—if only I could fly!" I
could do nothing save stroke his untidy feathers in sympathy.
Conn nudged me.
"Did you ever see anything so fearsome, Thingumajig?"
Down there, some five
feet below the surface, its body undulating with the unseen currents, was a
great white worm-like creature. Despite the distortion of the water I could see
quite clearly; I suppose it was not a true white, more a grey-tan colour but
the green water gave it luminescence. At first, horror made it a hundred feet
long and twenty wide at the least, but when sense reasserted itself I suppose
it must have been about eighteen to twenty feet in length, including a flat,
splayed, scooping tail. It was segmented, but the shell seemed to be soft,
judging by the ease with which it arched and bent its spine; there were two
vestigial suckers on the foremost segment behind the head, and double gills
like fringed curtains. The head itself was the most frightening of all: it
looked much as an eel's but the eyes were positioned much closer on the top of
its head and the mouth was wider and set, as far as I could see, with a triple
row of the fearsome, needle-sharp teeth.
I shivered. "Do
you—" I said, "do you think it is the only one of its kind—or—or
could there be others?"
"Well," said
Conn. "The sight of that little monster does bring to mind a tale I heard
once, told by one who had returned from seas on the other side of the world. He
said it had been narrated to him (and I cannot vouch for its veracity, mind,
though one of his longer tales about a great grey beast like a mountain with an
extra arm in the middle of its head I do know to be true, for my friend
Fitzalan had seen such) but, as I was saying, this traveller had been told that
in a sea as warm as new milk, a seaman had fallen overboard and by chance
bobbed up again where a lucky rope had saved him. But he had come aboard quite
mad, babbling of a great forest of worms such as this one, waving beneath many
fathoms like a field of sun-white grain. All thought him touched and suspected
a knock on the head had addled his brains, but he insisted and it was
all written down by the captain in his log."
Ragnar had been paying
keen attention to this story and nodded his head. "The water you spoke of
was warm; hereabouts, even in winter, there is a warm current that brings the
fish in close to our bay. Maybe such a worm as you speak of could have lost its
way and followed such?"
It all sounded highly
unlikely to me, but here it was and here were we, and I was not looking forward
to closer acquaintance. Neither were the others, to judge by the careful way
they avoided looking at us and each other. There was not even a "Lemme
see! Lemme see better . . ." from Pisky.
Ragnar brought us back
sharply to the task in hand. "Well now, you have seen our monster: you can
see our problem. I realize you will have to think about this, so I will leave
you to confer."
"A conference was
just what I had in mind," said Conn, as easy as if he were discussing the
weather, and looking Ragnar straight in the eye. "Of course, you realize
that deep magic such as we shall have to use takes a while to conjure . .
We watched the chief out
of sight.
I turned to Conn
admiringly. "You were great! Just what idea have you got?"
"Not a one, not a
one in the world, Thingummy, but I thought we needed a breather. That fellow is
not going to let us out of his sight until his little miracle-workers have got
rid of that—that creature down there, and I thought we could talk more freely
amongst ourselves. Now then, who's got an idea?"
No one, it seemed. I
glanced desperately round our circle.
"We cannot dig it
out," said Snowy. "Nor lead it away."
"Fire's no
good," said Puddy gloomily.
"We can't spike it
or claw it or carve it up," said Moglet.
"Can't starve it
either," said Pisky, from the bottom of his bowl.
Which left little. I
could think of nothing, save drinking the sea dry, and even I knew better than
to make that sort of suggestion.
Eventually, aware of an
uncharacteristic silence, we all looked at the culprit. We looked so hard that
Corby started shifting from claw to claw and muttering to himself.
"Well?" I
"Well, nothing!
Just don't expect me to come out pat with the solution. Still . . ."
I think we all shuffled
forward a pace.
"Still . . ."
he continued, musingly, "there's something a-tapping from the inside of
the shell. Probably as addled as the rest of the eggs in the nest, but you
never know . . . Tell you what: all right if we go into one of those huddles,
like what we used to? You know, when we all held beaks and claws and things
under Thing dear's cloak, in the good old days of Her Ladyship? Always felt it
concentrated my mind wonderfully . . ."
It was stuffy and warm
under my cloak and I was only too conscious of how silly we must have looked as
we wriggled together, until I heard Snowy's thoughts through the thick folds
and felt Conn's hand on my shoulder.
ideas," they seemed to say. "Think, think; concentrate, concentrate.
Give Corby your minds, your help . . ."
Deliberately I tried to
make my mind go blank, but still a series of pictures flashed across my mind,
like the glint of sunlight on metal, seen a long way off. Cliffs; movement of
green water; a rock; birds, flocks of birds; pecking beaks; the sky turning over—
"Got it!"
cried Corby. "Leastways . . ."
I flung back the cloak
and we all blinked in the midday sun.
said Corby. "A possibility, anyways. Beaks out: can feel the sun. Now to
chip away the rest of the shell . . ." I realized that what I had thought
foreign language and complicated imagery merely meant that he had gone back to
his nestling days. "Can't say for certain . . . Still covered with egg
yolk at the moment. But, it might work . . ."
"What?" cried
Conn in exasperation.
"Not in words. Not
at the moment. Lot of thinking to do . . ."
"How can we
help?" asked Snowy, practical as always.
Corby glanced up, but
his gaze was abstracted. "Hmmm? Help? Oh—yes, you might at that. I need to
get around this bay to the other side. Over by the big rock. Perhaps, if you
wouldn't mind like, you could give me a lift . . ."
And so, for the rest of
the afternoon, as the rest of us watched and wondered, Snowy or Conn carried
him round the bay, back and forth the three miles or so that separated one headland
from the other. Each time he reached the other side he was met by an increasing
number of birds, many of them crows as ragged as himself. They all seemed to
crowd and confer around the base of the great lookout rock that reared up
across from us, but no one said anything specific, although Conn looked
thoughtful when he came back with Corby the third time, and Snowy was obviously
in on the secret too. For secret it was: Corby refused to discuss his idea with
the rest of us, afraid, perhaps, that he might look a fool if it didn't work.
The only clue came from
Moglet, who at one stage remarked frivolously that it might save time if we ran
a cat's cradle between the two headlands, and Corby looked at her so sharply
that I thought we were on to something. Unfortunately, I didn't know what.
His behaviour later that
day when we returned to the town, also had us puzzled. He first asked Pisky if
he could practise dropping pebbles in his bowl, and met an indignant refusal
when the first one narrowly missed one of the snails. Then he asked Conn to
fill him a leather bucket with sea-water and by dusk was still picking stones
from the beach and dropping them in the water until the container was full,
then was asking Conn to empty them out and repeating the process until it was
too dark to see.
If we were mystified, so
were the townsfolk, and in the end Ragnar himself came down to watch.
"This is obviously
powerful magic," he observed, but I could see one hand was stroking his
beard and he was frowning.
"Yes," said
Conn. "And it works better, it does, if the whole world is not breathing
down our necks. Some things are meant to be secret, you know."
And, as everyone
retreated precipitately, it was only I who caught his irreverent wink.
Later that night, Corby
asleep before any by the smouldering fire, I tried Conn again.
"Can't you tell
"Tell you
"What's this
business with the pebbles? Why did you ask Ragnar tonight about the weather and
the times of the tides and so on?"
He pinched my cheek
through the mask, but his eyes were dancing.
"'Tis Corby's
secret, so it is, and it's for him to tell. Go to sleep, Thingy, and perhaps
you'll learn all in the morning." And he ruffled my hair with an intimate
caressing gesture that sufficiently banished sleep. If it had only been the
puzzle over Corby's scheme for ridding the town of the White Wyrme I might have
dropped off eventually, but what does one do when one tingles and throbs and
glows from nose to toes? It wasn't as though he had meant it as something more
than the pat he would give Snowy's flank, the tickle behind Moglet's ear or
under Puddy's chin—My stupid, vulnerable inside made me want to make more of
it, to kid myself that he had a special feeling for me, that he even looked beneath
the hunched back, the mask, the hidden ugly face, and saw someone to love. I
knew also that it was no good for me, for us, to think this way. Ever since we
had rescued him from that ditch, so many moons away, I had loved him. And
although the adventures we had undergone had bred an easy, superficial
comradeship that sometimes helped me forget my hopeless love, it was at times
like these when I lay unable to sleep; at dawn when we woke to a new day; at
evening when the night cloaked our familiar forms; when we were nearest in
joint endeavour and when we were farthest, like the time when he had conceived
his passion for the Lady Adiora—it was at all these times that I held fast in
my heart, knowing, hoping, despairing, realizing, the love I knew would never
give me peace.
I looked over to where
he lay, long and relaxed on the cushions, one hand flung over his head, the
other curled close to his body, breathing gently in a deep sleep. If I had
dared, I would have leant over and kissed his curving mouth—
"Do stop fidgeting!"
said Moglet sleepily. "Got a tummy-ache?"
The Binding: Crow
The Sea-People and the People of
the Sea
“What a marvellous
idea!" I said, for Corby had at last outlined his plan.
"But surely we
can't manage it on our own? Can't we get the townsfolk to help?"
"That's the general
idea," said Conn. "Corby thinks his friends, the other birds, can do
a great deal, but we need some strong men or women, and we've got to get it all
exactly right, the timing and everything."
"Then," said
Snowy, "as we are supposed to be magic, it were surely best to see that
all those details are worked out beforehand. If we ask for aid too early they
may doubt our powers and perhaps realize that eventually ordinary brains such
as theirs could have worked out such a solution—not to detract in any way from
your achievement, Crow dear—so we shall give them a hint, but no more.
"Now," he
continued, "there are the tides. At low on the slack, I think you said?
Then there is the question of light: that from the sun is best. Dawn, or
perhaps noon when the sun strikes sword-straight into the flesh of the water.
The timings we shall leave to your discreet inquiries, Sir Knight. Corby will
coordinate the birds so that they work from dawn till dusk, and the people
shall be told that the headland is out of bounds—it would make sense to tell
them that we are drawing a magic circle round the beast, or somesuch. I shall
accompany the crow and also arrange for the decoy, which is most important, and
keep the people of the sea from trying any more suicidal attempts to escape.
"Which leaves you,
Thing dear, and Moglet, Puddy and Pisky. As you realize, we shall need two
ropes, and at a pinch could manage by binding those available, but I should
prefer entirely new ones, so I want you to explain that we need one rope one
hundred feet long, with nine strands worked into nine twists—seven or eight
would do, of course, but nine is a magic number and that they'll understand—and
the other eighty feet long, twists and strands three and three (more magic),
and a net the same, to measure three by nine. That should convince them they
are being allowed on the fringes of our 'magic,' but just to add verisimilitude
I want you to cast spells on the making, all of you, in full view of everyone.
Not real ones, of course, any mumbo jumbo will do. And don't let them know what
the ropes are for; let them believe, if you like, that they are to bind the
beast when we have captured it. Anything: I'll leave it to you . . ."
* * *
It appeared the tides
were approaching the midpoint between neap and flood, which meant we were in
the Moon of Harvest, and the most favourable time—slack at midday and ideally a
sunny day—would occur in seven days. Seven, a magic number, too . . . This made
it easier to explain to Ragnar and Gunnhilde about the "magic" ropes.
They fully appreciated the significance of numbers (this is why we made the
ropes ninety-nine and eighty-one feet respectively, to fit in with the
illusion), but it did not give Corby and his friends much time.
Moglet, Puddy, Pisky and
I were so busy supervising and spelling the ropes, we saw little of what the
others were doing, though of course we all compared progress at night. Corby
said little, beyond moaning that his beak hurt, and indeed he looked more ragged
and unkempt than ever. Conn said little either, but ate (and drank) more than
he had for some time, declaring that "opportunity makes gluttons of us
all"; Snowy was obviously tired, too, and we had little to report, for
ropemaking is, even with "magic" rope, a very boring business. That
is, until it gets snarled up . . .
Ever tried inventing
convincing spell-words? Especially a different one for every foot of
one-hundred-and-eighty feet of rope and a net? At first it's easy: you say
things like "Shamma-damma-namma-a-do-ma" which doesn't mean anything,
as far as I know—leastways it may in another language, but it didn't have any
effect on the rope—and then you get bored and think you are clever to say
things backwards (I was very proud of "Der-obots-ra-et" and
"Sra-etot-der-ob"). But eventually I became so "derob,"
both backwards and forwards, that I started to say anything. It was on the
third day, after the net and the shorter rope were completed, I was half asleep
and yawning and gabbled the first thing that came into my head—
"Er . . . Thing
dear," said Moglet. "Did you mean to do that?"
I thought it had gone
quiet. I opened my eyes. Everyone but us had fallen asleep where they were;
standing, sitting; upright, leaning; working, idle. Fast asleep. Just like
"What did I
"The instant
turned-to-stone-where-they-stand one," said Pisky, rushing round
excitedly. "Isn't it peaceful? None of that nasty dust flying
around . . . When are you going to wake them up?"
I hadn't the faintest
idea. I realized with horror that I had used, all unknowing, one of the Witch's
spells. Not one I had ever heard her use, but one I must have read from her
books when she was absent—and now, how on earth did I unsay something I hadn't
known I'd said in the first place? I went cold all over.
"Puddy . . ."
His slow, quiet thinking
reassured me. "Not to worry; no harm done. 'Tis a weak spell anyway, and
needs but a break in the conjunction. Saw Her try to use it once, but She only
had me and a bowl of water; need a cat or somesuch as well. You, me, Moglet and
the fish's bowl make a filled triangle. Now, if we move a fraction . . ."
Of course the first time
we all moved the same way so the conjunction stayed the same, with Pisky's bowl
the central point, but we got it right the second time. I looked around
fearfully, but all the folk were taking up their tasks as if there had been no
break. My heart pounded sickeningly for a full five minutes and I was very
careful after that. Not that it did us any harm in the long run, rather the
reverse, for whilst the sleepers were not aware that anything untoward had
happened, others too far away to hear the spell had seen what had occurred, and
we were treated with an added respect and awe after that.
The seventh day dawned
misty and damp. It must, it must be sunny at midday! The night before,
Conn had told part of Corby's plan to Ragnar, who had promised to find the
seven times seven volunteers to man the rope and do the pushing. And that was
all of the plan he had outlined, on Snowy's advice. The headlands had been
out-of-bounds for the last week, and although the increased activity of the
birds, wheeling and crying, must have been some indication that something
special was going on, no one questioned us—especially after my unfortunate
slip—though I could see they were muttering amongst themselves. I had had awful
stomach-cramps after the spelling, incidentally, almost as though by remembering
the witch's spells in my unconscious I was also subconsciously calling up the
pain associated with Her.
"The sun will show
its face before midday," said Snowy, as if he had read our thoughts.
"Come, you laggards: today is the day . . ." and so after a hurried
breakfast of oatcakes, cheese and goat's milk we set off for the headland.
Conn and Snowy and Corby
carried the beautifully coiled new ropes—well, the first two did, and Corby
supervised—over to the far cliff. I left the others on the near clifftop and
made my way to the narrow strip of beach below. From where I stood I could see
Conn passing the longer rope around the base of the black slice of the lookout
rock and tying it off in a complicated knot. Once he nearly slipped on the
bird-droppings which whitened the surrounding stones, but eventually the rope
was tied to Snowy's satisfaction. Then they made their way down to the beach
opposite and I could see them bending over something else on the stones, but
knew I must wait. There was a splash! the other end, then nothing for what
seemed ages. As I was beginning to think everything had gone wrong, a round
head with tearful brown eyes popped up in the shallows nearby and a large seal
dragged itself up the beach to my feet.
Round its neck were the
two ropes. Swiftly I stroked the seal's head, surprised to find how warm the
skin over the skull was, then unlooped the ropes. It—I think it was a
he—grunted, a soft moan, its eyes shining. I patted its head again. "Well
done . . ."
I attached the shorter rope
to the netting left on the beach with the tie Snowy had taught me, and helped
the seal into his net-sling. "I think you are very brave," I said,
and stroked him again.
Then it was up to my
side of the clifftop again, hauling both ends of rope with me and paying it off
as I went, puffing and panting with the effort. The longer piece, taut now
across to the opposite headland, I tied to a pre-chosen rock, and the other I
anchored under a stone nearer to the cliff-face.
I waved to Conn and
Snowy. All set.
I gazed down into the
dark, green sea, still half-hidden by wisps of morning mist that clung to the
columns of the cliffs and wreathed the rocks. I was half-convinced I could see
the shape of the White Wyrme, distorted by the water, lurking under the shelf of
rock that was its favourite resting-place . . .
The sun brightened, the
last wisps of mist blew away like smoke from a camp fire, the tide drew softer
and softer away from the cliffs until the pebbles and rocks shone like jasper
before catching the drying dullness of sun and breeze.
Behind me I heard the
people who were to haul on the rope, twenty-eight of them; across on the other
headland I watched Ragnar lead the other twenty-one behind the Look-Out Stone:
I hoped someone had got their calculations right. There were onlookers too; I
noticed the boy who had led us into the town on that first day sitting on his
father's shoulder for a better look. Below us, in the bay, the people of the
sea seethed like tadpoles in a drying rut, venturing ever nearer the mouth
between the headlands.
Conn came up behind me,
breathless. "Dear God, and isn't it a haul around that bay? Snowy says
that when the sun strikes that submerged rock—there—it will be time. I'd better
get the haulers briefed."
I watched the sun creep
round, fascinated by the finger of light that probed—so slowly when watched,
two inches at a time if you took your eyes away—deep into the waters below.
About five minutes before time I glanced back at Conn who had his contingent
holding the longer rope, just off the taut, ready between nervous fingers. Too
late I wished we had had time to have a rehearsal, had a tug-of-war to test the
ropes, had—
Conn was at my side
again, this time taking the end of the second rope in his hand and thrusting it
into mine. "Christ! I near forgot—You'll have to help me with this, Thing
dear!" I was so astonished I grasped the rope without further thought. He
had got my name right again . . . "Belay it now, round that rock, there's
a good girl, and when I say 'Pull!' do it as though your life depended on
Two inches of sunlight
to go . . .
Below me one after
another of the bull seals and a couple of the cows were venturing almost to the
gap between the cliffs, and then seeming to think better of their effort were
plunging back into the bay with a great slapping of the water with fins and
"Oh, Conn!" I
said despairingly. "It's too soon! Tell them—tell them to go back! They'll
be killed . . ."
"Never worry,"
said a concentrating Conn. "Snowy has briefed them; they know what they
are doing. Just stirring up a little interest . . ." As he spoke a
greyish-white shape stirred under the ledge on the far side of the rocks and
the White Wynne's monstrous head and six feet of his body came into view.
"A minute, a
minute! Oh, dear Lord!" Conn muttered from beside me, his lean body coiled
with tension. "Now, my friend, now!"
As if in answer to his
fierce vehemence, a solitary seal swam into view beneath us, seeming to test
the water, the tide, the creature itself. A foolish, young seal that behaved as
though it had never heard of danger . . . Slow, hesitantly, it paddled right
through the gap in the cliffs, and the very tide itself stood still . . .
And the sun, the sun,
shining clear and true through the slack water, touched the special rock
beneath us and the seal swam straight out into the sea, right into the sudden
uprush of teeth from the monster below and Conn cried: "Pull! Pull, you
bastards!" even as there was a shrill neigh from Snowy and all the birds
in the world rose in the air screaming and Conn's hands closed over mine as we
hauled desperately on the shorter rope and the weight below almost pulled my
arms from their sockets and—
There was a crack! and
groan from across the water and I watched almost unbelieving as the pinnacle of
rock, the Look-Out Stone, shivered a little, leaned, hung for a moment at an
impossible angle, and then toppled with at first maddening slowness and then
faster and faster towards the water beneath.
"Leave go the
rope!" yelled Conn to the haulers behind him. "Drop it, if you value
your lives!" They let go just in time for the depth the rock had to plunge
was far greater than its length of ninety-nine feet. I watched the end snake
and whip over the edge of the cliff. There was an almighty great splash beneath
us and then a high-pitched whistling sound. Conn belayed the taut rope we held
around a rock and rushed forwards, grabbing my hand.
Through the mist of
still-falling spray, the cloud of screaming birds, we peered into the waters
beneath. The great black stone had fallen true, just as had been planned. The
monster, the great White Wyrme, lay pinned beneath its biting edge, its back
broken, a strange whistling noise coming from between its wicked teeth. A great
cheer rose from the townsfolk and those with us ran back to join the others,
all streaming back to the bay to launch anything seaworthy, mostly skin and
wood boats for inshore and bank fishing. The people were armed with spears and
short, stabbing swords, and these they waved in the air as they took to the
I went forward to check
on our seal-lure, the animal we had hauled up with such desperate haste in his
netting hammock. I saw him wriggle free, but as he dived the ten feet or so
back into the sea I could see a gash on his shoulder, a torn flipper.
The people in their
boats were racing across the bay, the bows throwing up steep little waves. The
first boats were reckless, came too close, too soon, and one was overturned by
a thrash of the dying beast's scooped tail and another's side was stove-in by
the still-lethal jaws. But soon there were too many of them and the water oozed
with a greenish-white murk as the spears and swords rose and fell; thrusting,
tearing, gouging out great clumps of flesh until I had to turn away, sickened
with the sight.
Snowy, a triumphant
Corby on his back, nuzzled my shoulder. "The creature is dead: he can feel
nothing . . ."
Conn nodded soberly,
watching the carnage beneath. "'Tis often that way, after long fear and
frustration; all a man's tensions build up, and unless one takes the lid off
the pot—" He shivered, and a haunted look came into his eyes and was gone,
so quickly I almost believed I had imagined it.
"Come on,
now!" said the irrepressible Corby. "Where's all the feasting and
fal-lals, then?"
* * *
The following morning we
stood once more on the headland. The feasting was over, the songs sung, the
thanks given, the gifts received. On Snowy's back, besides two panniers full of
food and some herb wine, was a fresh-cured sealskin, soft and supple, ready to
make into mitts, slippers, leggings, whatever we chose. Conn sported a new
cloak, as like the old as made no difference, and our pockets were lined with
silver. We were waiting for the great procession, the release of the seals—the
people of the sea, and the townsfolk—the sea-people. It had been arranged that
at midday, tide-slack, both animals and men would venture beyond the cliffs,
past the mutilated body of the Wyrme, now fast disappearing down the throats of
the constant sea birds, and out, out into the limitless sea. From then on,
after this last day of amnesty, man and seal would revert to their natural
roles, hunters and hunted. Until the spring, and the coming of the seal-cows .
. .
I shivered a little as
my hand crept to the soft hide on Snowy's back: perhaps this skin had come from
some autumn killing like the ones that would start soon. I didn't want to think
about it, for I had a secret, a secret only Snowy and I and one other shared.
For last night . . .
Last night either the
feasting had been too rich or my sleep had been too light, but suddenly, in the
dark hour before dawn, I had awoken, all my senses keen, aware of far music in
my ears. I sat up in the warm darkness of the hall. There it was again, quite
unmistakable. Four notes in a descending scale, as though a child stepped down
a great staircase, then an upward note as though he had gone back, up a missed
step, and then down again to the ground on the last note, and all in a sadness
of sound like innocence lost.
The melody was repeated,
and I saw the shadow of our unicorn push aside the hangings from the shrouded
doorway and disappear into the night. I tiptoed after him—none of the others,
even Moglet of the bat-ears, had heard me go.
I followed Snowy down to
the beach, his unshod hooves making no sound on the shingle, my stumbling
progress plain enough to my ears and his, though he had not turned his head.
There, beached on the pebbles, was the source of the song, our brave young
seal-lure, his eyes swimming in the light of the half-moon, singing a song of loneliness
and present pain. Snowy bent to the torn side, the injured flipper and I felt a
shudder of power pass from him.
"There, my
friend," he said. "It will heal. It is healed . . ."
I joined them, and in
that dream, half-dream, I looked at the young, royal seal and thanked him
again, and the scar on his side and the rip in his flippers shone white and
healed. And it seemed to me that he asked whether I would like to try his world
and that I agreed, and stripped off my clothes and mask and stepped into the
waves and that they were as warm and smooth as new-drawn milk. And I put my
arms about his neck, or so it seemed, and with Snowy's blessing we slid into
the flooding bay, and the sea closed round us like the finest silk cloth, and
there was the taste of salt in my mouth and the waves slid over my back with
the gentlest of caresses.
The seal's body
undulated like the weeds that waved in dark streamers from the rocks. When we
reached the inlet, I felt the sudden great surge of the ocean and I held on
tight, breathed deeply and then we were in his world, into the sudden cold
beyond the cliffs, and the water sang and bubbled in my ears and lifted me from
his back until only my arms held me to his curving, twisting body, and I knew
what it was to fly in water and walk in water and live in water . . .
"You helped
us," he said. "And because of that we shall sing to you when you come
to your home by the water. Listen for us . . ."
* * *
Now, as we all watched
from the headland, the tide from the bay started to flow out from the beach.
First came the seals, the people of the sea; the males, the females, the
younglings, surging out to meet their natural element, the sea; and after came
the sea-people, the townsfolk and fishermen, singing and shouting and brandishing
their spears, paddles flashing in the sun. And leading them my seal,
breasting proudly the breakers that led to his freedom of the seas.
My eyes prickled with
Over our heads the sea
birds and the cliff birds screamed their victory, told of the long hours spent
chipping away at the base of the great, lost Look-Out Rock and above them a
lone buzzard spiralled, his call lost in the clamour.
"Shall we go?"
said Conn. "They won't miss us now . . ."
The Binding: Knight
The Holy Terrier of Argamundness
The ruined fortified
wall ran just the way we wanted to go, judging by our next marker: the five
fingers of rock indicating northwest-by-north that we found on the edge of the
moor above the town of the sea-people.
The shortening days were
sunny and dry and bramble and hazel yielded a rich harvest. Brimstone (first
and last in every year), tortoiseshell and peacock fluttered in ditch and
hedge, some of the trees were goldening towards their fall and sheep fleeces were
thickening. Folk were hospitable, for harvest was in, and for a time there
would be an abundance of fruits and grain, and cattle- and pig-salting was
still some way off while there was still stubble for the former and an
abundance of acorns for the latter. Thatch was being replaced, wood chopped,
peat stacked, preserves jarred, honey collected, grain threshed and stored;
everywhere was bustle, harmony, plenty, and we ourselves were in fine fettle,
exchanging shelter and food in the main just for a tale or two, a song, some of
Corby's "tricks," but for the most part we just walked the wall,
content with our own company and aware that we had in some way "turned a
Conn had shown us The
Ancient's map and with charcoal had traced the way we had come so far.
"See, 'tis the four sides of a septagon we have done already: over
halfway, and not a bone broken!"
"Yes," I
objected, "but it has taken us at least three months to get this far: at
this rate we will be into the Moon of Fogs at least before we finish. And who
knows what else we have to face? Snowy got us and the animals out of that
prison of a castle, Puddy reminded me of that fire-spell before we got eaten by
tree-roots, Moglet thought of a way to get rid of that spider before we and the
bats starved to death, and back there Corby and his friends chucked half a
mountain at a sea-monster but—" I stopped. I had suddenly remembered what
Snowy had said about it being someone's "turn," and thought flashed
past thought; Snowy, Puddy, Moglet, Corby: they had all had their turns. Which
left . . . ? Me, Conn and Pisky. "Oh dear!" I said.
Snowy gave me a
sympathetic look. "They were not all as bad as each other."
"Bad enough!"
I said gloomily, and spent the next couple of days in fruitless speculation on
who would be the next one to save his comrades, and would it be difficult and
long-drawn out or just plain scary? And would whoever-it-was prove equal to the
task? (I meant me, of course.)
But the sun continued to
shine by day, and when there were no hamlets we snugged down on colder nights
in the remains of stables, dormitories and officers' quarters along the wall.
We built fires against the ghosts that still marched those ramparts and stewed
hare and wild fowl and vegetables, drank wine if we were lucky and water if we
were not. Soon I forgot my cares and exulted in the peace and companionship and
stared north up the steep decline from whence the blue-painted savages had
challenged the ordered life and discipline of the Romans. I found a sandal,
thongs broken, the haft of a sword, burnt grain scattered among broken shards,
a pin without its set-stone, half a helmet . . .
"We turn
here," said Conn. "Away from the wall, if we are to keep our
direction." To the north the hills were starting to crowd down, though still
blue with distance. We were on a plateau, but from now on the way was down, the
slopes thickly wooded. It was a clear, pleasant day, but ahead lamb's-fleece
cloud banked high on the horizon. "Leaf-Change will be with us soon, and
the way lies through the woods. Corby, your eyes are best." He took him on
his shoulder. "Is that the sea?"
I squinted through my
lashes as he asked the question, but could only make out a haze, a deepening of
colour, a glint of sun.
"Two rivers,"
said Corby slowly. "Small 'un and a bigger. Second one's got a wide
estuary. Tide's out: plenty of sand."
"That's our
way," said Snowy. "We could follow the river from its source, but it
would be easier to cut down through the woods and join it nearer the mouth . .
. What do you say?"
With the weather
changing there was only one answer: we took our bearings and plunged into the
forest. The way was difficult, for these woods were old as time and scarce of
habitation, and fallen timber and thick undergrowth pestered our way, but I
found plenty of mushroom and fungi to supplement our diet, though none of the
Magic ones or the Fairies' Tits Tom Trundleweed had shown me. I remembered I
still had a little packet of the dried ones in my pack, never used. I checked:
they were still there, perhaps a bit squashed and crumbly, but better not to
throw them away, just in case.
We descended to the
river plain, and here the land had been cleared and farmers and smallholders
raised sheep and a few cattle on the sparse, thin grass and fished the banks of
the river for salmon and trout. Small, stunted trees bent their backs away from
the westerly winds and the fleeced sky brought rain and an uneasy half-gale
that gusted and died an instant before it was born. At last the river broadened
into a wide estuary where the river Rippam, as it was called, ran fast and wide
over great ribbed flats of sand, birds flocked and ran at low tide among the
shrimped pools and worm-casts, and the heron flapped slow home with dab and eel
in its craw.
We stayed in a
fisherman's cottage the night of the Big Storm and lucky it was we found
shelter, for the forest and fields of Argamundness, as it was called, were soon
roaring with an equinoctial tide and a following gale that had waves leaping
twenty feet high over the artificial barriers erected years ago in the little
hamlet of Lethum in which we found ourselves.
We had crossed a
precarious log roadway over the marsh; the earth and sand packed between the
logs were seeping away, and more than once we found places where the logs themselves
had disappeared. So it was with a sense of relief that we found the little
hamlet tucked away on sand dunes, some twenty feet above the usual tide-level,
and protected by an artificial barrier about ten feet high of smooth pebbles,
glistening grey, pink and white under the onslaught of the waters. There were
also the dunes of sand, bound by spiky marram grass, themselves a natural
barrier to the west and north. The hamlet was a poor one, the only livelihood
being the fishing that depended so much on wind and tide. Their sturdy boats,
broad in the beam, could go out in all but the fiercest weather, and they had
nets fine enough for shrimp and tough enough for plaice and dab, which hung
pungently from the rafters of the cottages whose shuttered windows faced away
from the prevailing westerlies.
Lethum was so poor, it
did not even have an inn and the speech of its inhabitants reflected their
isolation, being thick and sprinkled with a patois we could not understand.
However, our coin they did recognize, and we fed well on fish stew, crabbed
apples and goat's milk, and were provided with sacking pallets against the wall
of one of the larger cottages. There was no problem with bringing Snowy inside
either, for our host's few scrawny hens, a pig and a patient donkey were
obviously used to sharing his space. It was warm, if fuggy, and I was more than
accustomed to animal smells, so sleeping would have been no problem but for the
violent wind.
Suddenly it was upon us,
battering and hammering at doors and windows, skirling the rushes on the floor,
puffing the smoke from the peat fire in our faces, and ripping great chunks of
thatch from the roof, netted and weighted as it was. The mud-and-stone cottage
seemed to crouch down upon itself, shrinking into the earth with ears back and
eyes closed, a hare in the swirling, shifting dunes. Sand was everywhere; it
gritted our teeth, rubbed the sore places in our skin, spun into little
shifting castles on the floor. The whole world roared and bellowed and screamed
and shouted outside like a huge army of barbarians come to pillage and destroy.
I found myself huddled
in a heap on the floor, hands to my ears and eyes tight shut. I only realized I
was moaning with fear when Conn took me by the shoulders and shook me.
"Pull yourself
together: look at the others!"
I sat up, still
shuddering. Snowy was fine, reassuring our host's animals with his mere
presence, but poor Moglet was plastered like a dying spider against the far
wall, eyes rolling in terror; Corby had his head under his wing in a corner and
his feathers were twitching; Pisky had dived right to the bottom of his bowl
and hidden his head under the weed; Puddy's throat was gulping up and down in
distress and his eyes bulged more than ever. Our host crouched in a corner and
was muttering, whether prayers, charms or incantations I could not tell.
I looked up at Conn; his
eyes were troubled, and he moved as restlessly as a penned horse who has been
used to the plain, but he showed none of the panic of the others. I took courage
from his brown eyes, his firm chin, the challenge in his slim taut body.
"Well," I
said, rising a trifle unsteadily to my feet. "It's going to be at least
morning before this thing blows itself out, and I don't feel like sleep. Come,
you lot, closer to me so I don't have to shout, and we'll think of a game to
pass away the time." And I staggered over to Moglet and prised her claws
from the mud wall, picked up Puddy and put him in my pocket, then made my way
to Corby's side and indicated that he should join us by Pisky's bowl. Once
there we went into our familiar huddle, all of them under the shelter of my
cloak, and there we played "Going to Market" which Pisky won, having
one of those retentive memories that remembers every detail, relevant or no;
Corby was runner-up. Then we played it again, with the same result, for by now
another sound had added itself to the din outside, and we were all trying our
hardest to shut it out—
The sea.
The wind had been bad
enough, but now there was the regular beat and fall of waves upon the barricade
outside; on the mutable bank of pebbles, on the shifting sand dunes, and with
every moment the thrusting, sucking roar came nearer and nearer. I glanced from
under my cloak at our host: he was on his knees. I looked over at Snowy: he,
too, was listening, poised on his hooves as if for flight. I opened my mouth to
say something, I will never know what, and then Conn's arm was about my
shoulders and his smile stopped my mouth.
"'Tis only the
tide, Thingy dear. 'Twill soon be full, and then back it will go again . . .
Can I join your game?"
Instantly everything was
all right again, or very nearly. He must have been as anxious, if not actually
as afraid, as we were, but all he was concerned with was our fear, our anxiety,
and in so doing, in forgetting himself, he gave us all a courage we had not
known we possessed. Suddenly all would be bearable, just so long as we were
together. Even death, for surely the frightening part of that is not what comes
after but the loneliness of dying, the actuality of leaving the world on one's
own. But if we held one another tight and didn't let go, it would surely only
be a little jump, like leaping down steps in one's dream and awaking with a
sudden jolt into reality. And I supposed that Death must be as great a reality
as Life. It must be, for everything, everyone, had once been alive, and would
all be dead. So, if it happened to everyone, to everything, it could be no
worse than Life, for everyone could manage that, one way or another. And, although
Life could be difficult, at least it was never so bad that one wanted to leave
it. And yet . . . ? Snowy? Had he not spoken of despair, of a longing so great
it was a Death-Wish? If so, the Death was to be desired, for if Snowy knew it
would bring him release from whatever tortured him, then surely—
"Tide's on the
turn," said Conn. "And the wind has outrun itself. It's tiring . .
From the cracks in the
shutters facing east came the first grey, sandy light of morning, and his words
were true; the sound of the tide, once advancing so ferociously, was now
retreating, but with a sullen roar that spoke of victory lost. The wind still
buffeted the cottage but the impetus had gone.
I was suddenly tired, so
tired, and I sank down upon the floor, the others huddled to me in like
fashion, and now the sea became a lullaby. I felt Conn stretch out beside me,
sensed Snowy's relaxation and I slept. We all slept.
It was well into
daylight when we awoke, to a grudging bowl of oatmeal and milk, seasoned by
sand, and a rind of cheese. The hamlet had suffered badly. Two roofs were blown
clean away and the sand dunes, under the driving force of wind and sea, had
changed their shape, creeping towards the huts, half-burying the one nearest
the shore. Two boats were also lost; one, its sides smashed, had been flung
high up the strand to lean crazily against a de-roofed cottage. And sand was in
everything: gritty, pervasive, yielding like water and as impossible to shift,
for it ran through one's hand and off shovels like liquid, only twice as heavy.
The pebble dyke was in
most need of urgent repair; parts of it were entirely washed away where the sea
had breached, and all in all it seemed some two or three feet lower. The
villagers were working frantically for the tide was at the slack and they had
barely six hours to patch things up before high. We offered to help, but even I
could see that an inexperienced knight—a novice at building dykes, that
is—however willing, and a small hunched female would be of more hindrance than
help, so we left our host an overpayment of two silver pieces and set off
I could see Snowy
becoming anxious, for we were running out of land. Ahead of us the deepening
river channel was starting to curve across to the right, directly in our path,
and ahead there was nothing but an uneasy ocean. Walking was difficult, for
though the sand was firm enough the retreating water had ridged it into tight brown
waves some two inches high and it was hillocked with sandworm casts so that I
stumbled and stubbed my toes and cursed. The wind had shifted north and though
it had lessened considerably it was strong enough still to skim the sand from
the shifting dunes to our right and send it wraithing across the firmer beach
to redden our legs and arms and grit our teeth. Above our heads tattered,
yellow-eyed gulls screamed and slid, tip-winged, into the currents of air and
beyond the river mouth we could still hear the sullen roar of surf. Our way was
further hampered now by the detritus of the receded tide: uprooted trees and
bushes, the carcases of drowned sheep, logs, bales of soaking straw and even a
broken chair. One of the Lethum boats was also stranded, its stern shattered.
Little brown crabs ran in and out of its broken ribs.
Moglet's ears pricked
from the shelter of my jacket. "Listen! A dog barking . . ."
"Out here?" I
said incredulously. "Don't be daft! There's nothing out here but sea and
sand and wind and gulls—" But then I heard it too, a high yapping that
seemed to come from our left. We peered through the clouds of sand that swirled
round us and saw a sky-ring of gulls circling slowly about a sandbank.
"There's someone
out there," said Conn. "Come on!"
We came upon an
extraordinary sight. On a sand bar, some hundred feet long and half as wide, a
tall, thin man was sitting on an upturned fishing boat, reading, his thin hair
blowing in his eyes and as calm and unperturbed as if the tide was not already
sneaking in behind him, fast and stealthy, scummy skirts brushing the sand to
hide its hurrying feet. Between the man and us was a bubbling race of water,
widening by inches every minute, and at the man's feet was the source of the
barking: a small, dock-tailed mongrel terrier, white, brown and black. He was
racing in circles, yelling his head off and now and again tugging at the
voluminous skirts of the unheeding reader's habit.
We glanced at one
another, then Conn hailed the stranded man. "Ahoy, there!"
The reaction was not
what we had expected; the tall man merely looked up, regarded us, raised his
hand in greeting, then fell to reading again, just as if all in the world was
perfect and he were not threatened by imminent immersion, or worse.
But the little dog was
different. Even as we stared in stupefaction at his master's apparently
careless attitude to life, the animal had thrown himself into the channel that
lay between us and was paddling valiantly in our direction. The race of the
incoming tide inevitably carried him off to our left and he was struggling to
reach our position, but Conn moved along the water's edge and, wading out,
grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and bore him to safety, gasping and
choking with the salt water.
Conn set him down.
"Now then . . ." he said uncertainly. "Good doggie—"
"Bloody good
doggie, nuffin!" hiccoughed the animal and, probably thanks to Snowy's
mind-interpretation we could understand everything he said. "Bleeding
salt-water—gets up yer nose, it does . . . Wait a bit, me hearties . . ."
He sneezed and coughed and hacked and shook himself in a mist of droplets.
"That's better!" He glanced at us all in turn, brown eyes keen and
calculating. "Well, not exactly the Imperial Guard, are you then? Not even
the rearguard . . . Still, he says you are the deliverers; more like the
unlikely ones, you look to me, but you never can tell . . . What's the scheme,
then? 'E can't swim, you know . . ."
"Scheme?" we
"Yus. How're you
getting 'im orf, then?"
"Getting him
off?" We must have sounded like the chorus to a play.
"Orf! Orf!! C'mon
then, get the grey stuff workin'!" He really was worse than Corby, who
could be difficult enough to understand sometimes. But then, I reminded myself,
upbringing and privilege had a lot to do with it; he was obviously a Deprived
"I can't
swim," said Conn. "Can you, Thingummybob?"
"I—I don't think so
. . ."
"But I can,"
said Snowy. "Leastways, unicorns can and horses can—I've never tried it.
But I guess now's the time . . . Conn, can you hang on to my tail and wave your
legs up and down? Thing dear, you can ride on my back with the others as safe
as possible. The water will be cold, but don't be frightened."
We got there, but it
wasn't easy. Moglet screamed every time she got splashed, Pisky grumbled and
choked on the odd drop of salt water and said it was making his snails curl up,
Corby rattled his pinions and flapped a wet wing in my face and Puddy made a
mistake and shot out a jet of evil-smelling liquid into my pocket, from the
wrong end. And me? I was terrified, of course, cold and wet, and hung on to
Snowy's mane as if it were a lifeline. It felt so strange to know there was no
firm ground beneath his hooves, to know we were at the mercy of the tide, the
waves, the water. And it was so cold, that tidal sea, the waters coming
sweeping in from the deeps ready to freeze your legs, your arms, your stomach;
pulling you gently, insistently, inexorably in the way it would go . . . I
tried to remember my seal-friend, and how natural he had found it, and I felt a
little better.
We landed on the edge of
the sandbank, upriver where the tide had carried us in spite of Snowy's strong
swimming legs, and walked back, shivering, to where the man in the long robe
was still sitting. He raised his eyes from the page he was reading, still
apparently oblivious of the encroaching waters that were creeping up behind his
"My friends:
welcome!" He closed the book, leaving his finger as a marker. "I see
you have met my companion." And he nodded at the dog, who was shaking
himself again, wetting us even more. "Now, I am ready when you are. I do
not, at this moment in time, see exactly how you will transport myself and my
precious cargo—" He indicated with a wave of his fine, long-fingered hand
a leather-wrapped bundle at his feet, "—across yon turbulent waste,"
(the ever-encroaching tide) "but as the Good Lord has sent you to my aid,
I am confident in our safe passage." He drew the skirts of his habit
absent-mindedly from an early wave, which retreated as if stung. "We have
not long, I surmise . . ."
"I gather you need
transport for yourself, the dog and—and those books, to dry land," said
Conn, politely, but breathing hard. "It has proved a hard task to reach
you; perhaps if you left behind those last—"
"And the
books," said the other, firmly. I glanced up at his face; thin, ascetic,
with deceptively mild, pale-blue eyes. A strong nose, thin-lipped mouth, long
chin, large ears, almost nonexistent eyebrows; a large Adam's apple, unshaven
chin whose hairs were whiter than the thin wisps that floated about his head.
Pointy fingers, pale-skinned, the index finger of his left hand off at the
second joint—not a recent injury—ridged fingernails, long elegant feet in
much-mended sandals, with uncut toenails that either curved yellow round the
toes or were broken off in jagged points. He smelt quite strongly, too.
"You will be doing
the Lord's work, my son . . ." And he sketched a vague cross in the air,
in Conn's direction.
I saw Conn bow and cross
himself, and knew we were all now committed to getting this strange man and his
cargo across to dry land, and Conn's next words confirmed this. "Any
particular part you are bound for, Father?"
"The brothers at
Whalley; my associates at Lindisfarne have lent their precious Gospels for the
copying, and I have other relics, scrolls and records to convey to our order on
the Holy Isle." He shifted his now decidedly wet feet again. "I
should be obliged, Sir Knight, if we could proceed as soon as possible. The
written word does not take kindly to immersion in salt water, and although I
protected them as well as I could during the voyage across some two days since,
and this morning on our trip from Martin's Mere, I fear that the Sea of Galilee
and the Sea of Hirland have little in common. I did indeed try the Lord's
commandment: 'Peace, be still!' but I fear I was presumptuous, and later said
several 'Pater Nosters' to atone for this. However, the weather is now less
inclement, and by this sign I see that He has graciously forgiven me . . ."
I hadn't a clue what to
do next, but luckily that magic cross-in-the-air had worked a miracle on Conn.
Motioning the tall monk to stand he upended the boat on which the man had been
sitting and scratched his head. The craft was small, bluff-bowed, wooden, and
two of the wooden planks in the bows were split. The rest was sound enough, but
the mast was missing, snapped off some two feet from its stepping. Conn
scratched his head.
It began to rain, quite
"Right!" said
the Rusty Knight. "The sealskin from the pack, Thingy, and the rope . . .
Thanks." And in a moment it seemed he had slit the skin a third, two
thirds, and the larger piece was wrapped round the bows of the boat, secured by
twine, and the smaller effectually parcelled the books, including the one that
was being read. The rope was attached to the stump of mast and a loop at the
other end was placed round Snowy's neck. "Now, Father, if you will sit
well back in the stern—the back of the boat—with the—er, books on your lap, my
horse will tow you through the flood, letting the tide take us with it until we
hit a sandbank or firmer ground. Right, Snowy?"
"What abaht me,
then?" asked the dog. "Bloody swim again, is it? And how do we know
our white friend can manage?" He jerked his head at Snowy. "Beggin'
your pardon I'm sure, Your Worship, and appearances are deceptive, so they say,
but you look fair knackered already, if you'll pardon the expression," and
he sniggered to himself at the pun.
said Snowy mildly, "are, as you remarked, sometimes deceptive. As you
should know," and he shot a glance full of such sharp intent at the dog
that if it had had eyebrows to raise it would have done so.
"I see," said
the mongrel softly. "I see . . ." and when Conn lifted him into the
boat by his master's feet he made no further protest at the water slopping
around his paws but settled down quietly. On his face, as he looked at Snowy,
was much the same expression that Conn had worn when the monk had crossed
With little ceremony
Conn put Moglet and Puddy on the monk's lap, bade him hold Pisky's bowl safe
and perched Corby high on the bows. By now water was sloshing round my calves,
insidiously nudging at me like a dog, turning in little currents about my
ankles, and any minute now it would rear up and butt me behind my knees. I
dared not look at the increasing expanse of water that separated us from the
nearest land. My breakfast rose to the back of my throat in sheer terror and I
had to swallow back on the bitter bile.
"Ready?" asked
I nodded. "Any
time," I squeaked, wishing I had kept it to the nod.
"Right, then—"
raining," said the monk gently. "If you could just tuck the end of
the wrapping more securely round the books . . ."
Grimly Conn re-wrapped
the parcel. "All right now?"
The monk nodded, then
rose to his feet in the now gently rocking boat and raised his right hand,
upsetting practically everything in the process. "I think a
"Sit down!"
said Conn savagely. "And stay there . . ."
Luckily it was easier
than I had expected, for the tide was stronger now and soon Snowy found the
main current. We moved steadily upstream, Conn and I clinging to the sides, the
better to tip up the suspect bows, gently kicking our legs up and down as Snowy
directed. I felt better this time, partly because the exercise warmed me up;
indeed I let go of the boat a couple of times, just to see what it felt like,
and paddled with my hands. I even turned over on to my back and let the sea
sing in my ears the way it had with my friend the seal, and my body unfolded in
the water like seaweed and stretched itself, crooked back forgotten, and I
floated, a log beneath the racing clouds—
yelled Conn. "You're getting lost!" and in a frantic panic that
forgot seal and swimming and turned my body awkward and deformed again I
threshed my way back to the safety of the gunwhale, my throat and mouth full of
choking, salty water.
We landed safely on a
spit of land some miles upstream, where the river narrowed and curved to meet
the opposite bank. Conn beached the boat, retrieved the rope and offloaded
everything and everyone. I noticed how exhausted Snowy looked and slipped a
comforting arm around his neck. "Another half-mile and it's shore and supper,"
I said. "You were great . . ." He nuzzled my neck, and I was aware in
myself of an aching tiredness and the pain of cold limbs.
I looked round at the
others: all present and correct, if as wet, cold and tired as me. All but our
passenger; he seemed invigorated by the cold, revitalized by the water, and now
flung his arms in the air and began invoking his Lord. Conn sank to his knees
and bowed his head; I thought I had better do likewise, and let the
foreign-sounding words flow over my head like a warm, drying wind.
Behind us, in the
fervency of prayer, the boat slipped off the bank and rocked on its way
upstream, with two thirds of the sealskin . . .
"I shall travel to
my brothers at Friarsgate first," said our travelling monk. "Will you
not go with me part of the way?" He was addressing Conn, who shook his
"Thank you, but our
way now lies—" he glanced at Snowy, "—southeast." There was the
faintest interrogative lift to his voice.
"Six stones lie
half a mile south," said Snowy.
"So we shall bid
you farewell and safe journey," added Conn. He helped the monk arrange his
pack of books—still wrapped in the other third of our sealskin—comfortably on
his shoulders. "God speed you . . ."
"He will, He
will," said the monk fervently. "He has my project in his care, for
He sent you to my succour . . ."
I wished fervently at
that moment that He, whoever He was, had thought to ask us first, for I could
not remember ever having felt so damp and cold.
The monk hitched up his
robe through his belt. "Goodbye, then, goodbye!" and he strode off
towards the dunes behind us, wet robe flapping about his knees. "Ask for
me if ever you come to Lindisfarne. Or the Holy Isle. Or . . . Name's
The little dog still sat
where he was; at last he stirred, had a good hoof of his left ear and shook out
some salt water. "Oh, well," he sighed, and rose to his feet.
"Better see the old boy doesn't turn left at Priorstown. Thanks, you lot .
. . Still say you're unlikely."
"Why don't you
travel with us?" I asked. "You're welcome, you know . . ."
"He knows,"
said the dog, nodding at Snowy. "He knows as how the old boy would be
hopelessly lost without a guide. Sort of thing I've got to do, somehow. Sorry
for the old bugger, really: head in the clouds, feet anywhere . . . Oh,
well," and he sighed again.
I pulled out a piece of
dried fish from the pack. "Here."
"Ta!" He
swallowed it. "Can't live on fresh air like some people I could mention.
Likes me nosh, I does." He burped fishily. "Don't worry; I'll get him
where he wants to go. Keep him snug for the winter, then back to the bloody bogs
come spring." He scratched again. "Gawd! Anyone'd think all that
bleeding water would have drowned the perishers! Well, benny-bloody-dickerty,
you lot!" And he was away, jaunty docked tail and ears erect, trotting off
in the steps of his master.
"There are saints
and saints," said Snowy cryptically.
"Will he be all
right?" I asked, and didn't need to specify whom I meant.
"Of course,"
said Snowy. "They both serve the same Master, don't they? He is a good
guide: he found us." He twitched his ears. "The unlikely ones: I
rather like that . . ."
"Come on!"
called Conn, by now well ahead. "I can see the stones, as you said. So
we're on the right road . . . Got any dry wood, Thingummy? I fancy a hot drink
of something-or-other . . ."
Slinging the others all
over me as best I could I followed Snowy's sure steps, while above our heads a
storm-driven buzzard or kite or whatever fled our path south.
The Binding: Fish
The Face in the Water
Pisky's adventure, when
it came, was over in a flash of fins.
But there were many days
of travel before he had his moment of glory, and all through the preceding
misty mornings and sharp nights of Leaf-Fall I was wondering, on and off,
whether it would be his turn or mine. Each day was so beautiful and smelt so of
the poignancy of decay as the world wended its way to the long sleep of winter,
that often I would forget and run to catch a falling leaf, or gather
finger-staining dewberries for their sharp-sweet explosion of taste. The last
flowers were a patchwork of butterflies and moths, and martlets gathered in
soft twittering lines on bending sprays of hawthorn, their gaze south. Bees fed
heavy and wasps found fallen fruit before I did, angry colours a warning.
Squirrels raced the treetops, younglings not yet the russet of their parents,
and chattered angrily as we plundered the nuts they would have hoarded and
forgotten. We heard wild pig crashing in the undergrowth in their search for
acorn and truffle, and at night their little prickly brothers wandered
sharp-nosed and blind amidst our sleeping bodies, rootling for slugs and
snails. At night, too, the dog-fox barked his territory and once, far away, we
heard the howl of wolf. Rutting stags roared and clashed their antlers, owls
ghosted through the twilight to screech threat to every tiny creature that cowered
within range, and mushroom and fungi uncurled and swelled between dawn and dusk
so that we trod a cushion of them, marvelling at the shelvings and bloatings
that shawled and blanketed the trees with deep, livid colours in contrast with
the other, more muted colours of autumn.
Then came storms that
shook the trees, bent the brittling grass, drove the clouds so fast they seemed
not to know whether to drop their rain or carry it on to another market. On
such a day as this I found two martlets and three fledglings locked fast in a
cot where the door had slammed shut and the latch fallen. We were seeking
shelter ourselves and I was first to the hut—probably some
charcoal-burner's—and wrenched open the door. Immediately I was swathed with
wings, and even without Snowy's interpreting presence I could understand what
they said.
"Thank you, human,
thank you: it is late, and we must fly. The children are fat, but little
practised in flight. We had hoped . . ."
I listened to their soft
trilling and stretched my arms wide so they might light on them. "Fear
not, travellers; the wind is from the west and will carry you all high in its
arms to safety. Fly now, and fear not . . ."
"We go, we go . . .
And are grateful that you came. We and ours shall bring summer to your eaves
when we return, and your home shall be blessed . . ."
And they were gone, the
youngsters a little unsteady at first then, escorted tenderly by their parents,
flying higher and higher till they were mere specks in the air and turning
"Gawd! Wish I could
stretch my wings like that!" muttered Corby who had joined me, striding
and hopping through the undergrowth.
"You will, you will!"
I promised, bending down to stroke the ruffled feathers. "Not long now . .
But in spite of my
optimism—had we not, after all, covered some hundreds of leagues in our quest
and taken a whole summer and much of the autumn to do it?—the end of our
travels, expected now in every turn of the road for there were only two
adventures to go, still seemed as far away as growing up: the nearer, the
farther. In the end even I grew impatient, feeling that if it were my
"turn" next I should welcome it; anything would be better than this
endless walking. Not that the way was unpleasant; rivers to follow, streams to
cross, blue hills to our right, the vales to our left, woods full of the
russet, yellow and browns of Leaf-Fall—but there was a sense of urgency in the
air that sharpened and quickened with the first frosts and the great skeins of
geese that passed swiftly overhead, the way we were going but so much faster!
We ate well enough from
wood, river, coppice and field, for the earth gave forth in plenty that year.
With our fast-dwindling stock of silver we paused at town and village as seldom
as we could, but we exchanged a night or two for the nuts and mushrooms we
gathered on the way and luckily did not fall foul of foresters or verderers,
for great lords seemed few and far between. The robin began his song again and
once more we heard the large voice of the wren and the twitter of sparrow, long
silent over the summer.
Then we came to the
meres, the pools, the lakes—and, in particular, one lake. We had managed, so
far, to keep our direction by sidestepping, cornering, splashing straight
through the shallower pools, but now we were faced by a lake whose ends, to
right and left, seemed boundless. It was a misty, moist day and the sun shone
faint as a moon through a veil of gauzy cloud. Ahead of us the water lay still,
unnaturally still, its grey waters scarce rippling though all the while a cold
steam rose from it and the reflected sun floated like a blob of yellow fat on
its surface. Reeds stood up from the fringes some ten feet distant but they
were winter-dying back to their roots and bent in dry hoops to their images,
until the edges of the lake seemed looped with them. Ahead, perhaps some
half-mile distant, hanging as though suspended above the surface, were trees,
land; an island? The farther shore? There was no way of telling.
Conn chucked a stone
into the water, as far out as it would go. There was a dull cloop! as though a
lazy fish rose for sport instead of food, and a ripple or two ran in
faint-hearted circles but disappeared before they reached the shore, as if the
water were thick as oil.
"Hmmm . . ."
he said. "A dead lake. Not very inspiring."
"Dead?" said
Pisky's inquiring bubbles. "Lemme see, lemme see . . ."
I tilted his bowl nearer
the water. "There . . ."
He said something
surprising. "I want to try the water!" He had never said anything
like this before, had never ventured willingly outside his bowl except at The
Ancient's, and for a moment I hesitated, almost as though I was afraid that
once in he would be lost.
"Don't be silly,
Thing dear," he said, reading my thoughts. "I only want a quick look.
Besides, my scales itch. My great-aunt on my mother's side always said that if
one's scales felt itchy it was either a change in the weather or mites."
"Tickly things that
bite like the fleas you humans and animals have. Now, lemme see!"
Obediently I lowered his
bowl to the still lake and tipped it until he had ingress and egress. He
hesitated for a moment and I saw a convulsive shudder run through his little
frame, then slowly he moved from the shelter of his weed and I saw what I had
feared, a golden-orange shape dim and falter as he moved out into the deeper
water. Almost, stretching out my hand, I betrayed his trust, distressfully
trying to catch him back before I lost sight, but Snowy nudged me with his nose
in time.
"He knows what he
does, Thing dear: have faith! And patience . . ."
It nevertheless seemed
an age before the orange blur moved back to his bowl again, very thoughtfully.
"I don't know, I just don't know . . . Never seen or felt water like that
before. Soft, soft as the robes of a courtesan, the robes they used to trail in
the Great Pond at Chaykung . . . Misty on top, but there are clear pools.
Bottom's thick mud and tangled roots. Difficult to swim in; slows you down, it
does, but it's breathable, just. Nothing living that I can see, but I feel that
there is something, or someone, down there . . . Curious. Whatever it is
is not unwelcoming, there's just a kind of . . . nothingness. No feeling,
nothing positive. Doesn't operate on any level that I recognize.
"Wouldn't do to
fall in the deeper bits, Thingy . . ."
"As if I
"There's a sort of
boat here," called Conn and, sure enough, there was a broad-bottomed craft
lying hidden under the bank some hundred yards further up. It was built of some
tough, greyish wood and looked very old, but when I tried it with my dagger it
seemed sound enough. The flat planking inside was almost covered by a drifting
of last year's leaves. A long paddle lay amidships, obviously for steering and
propelling the boat through a ring in the stern.
"Some sort of
ferryboat?" I ventured. "Is it safe?"
"Seems so,"
said Conn, jumping down into the bows. He stamped around for a minute or two,
but apart from the quiet ripples that spread in the water there was no other
disturbance, hardly even a lowering of the boat's level from his weight.
Jumping back on the bank he leant forward and pulled in the broad stern.
"Well, the only way is across, and it seems there's land of sorts over
there . . . Shall we risk it?"
"As you say, it's
the only way," said Snowy. "However, I don't like the feel of this
place and I shall be glad when we're across." He stepped delicately onto
the boards and lay down, his hooves tucked close. Somewhere a bird cried
mournfully, but there was no other sound save the sluggish lap of water. I went
up to the bows carrying Pisky, and the others settled themselves beside Snowy.
Conn pushed the boat away from the bank and leapt in after, stepping the steering-paddle.
It was an eerie passage,
no sound save the creak and swish of the paddle, Conn's heavy breathing and the
"sss" of the water past our bows. No one felt like talking: it was
almost as though we held our breath for fear of waking something. I looked back
at the bank we had left but already it was disappearing in mist. The land ahead
looked no nearer, although the trees we could see held a dark and menacing
We were perhaps some
three-quarters of the way across when, glancing down, I became aware of a
difference in the quality of the water. Where before it had had a thickness, an
opacity that made it look like liquid iron, now this seemed to be drifting
away, like heavy clouds clearing a rainwashed sky. If it had been real sky then
all one would have seen would be an infinite blue, but in the depths there
seemed to be tantalizing glimpses of another world, a world in which there were
trees, fields, mountains and valleys, an image so immediate and real that I
glanced up, expecting to see it was merely a reflection. But no: the mist
seemed thicker and, more disturbing, my companions appeared somehow different
too; discontented, distorted, disturbingly alien, like the time when I had
laughingly viewed them through a piece of broken green Roman glass on our
journey. Suddenly they all seemed strangers and I turned from them in
discomfort to look again at my prettier pictures in the water.
They had changed also.
Where there had been vague landscapes, viewed from a distance, now I could see
flowers in the fields, birds in the trees. I leant closer and someone spoke
behind me; irritated, I turned back and saw Conn mouthing at me, but he was
speaking as though he had a mouthful of rags, and his face and figure were as
grey as the mist. Impatiently I turned back. There were other words, other
voices still squeaking in my ears but I covered them and leant closer to the
water, the better to appreciate the bright colours, the beautiful pictures that
were such a contrast to the grim, grey reality above.
Now there were animals
and people down there, too. Horses ran through the meadow, manes and tails
flowing in the breeze; fair knights armed and helmed were practising swordplay;
hounds were on the scent, their bright tongues lolling; birds, fishes, deer,
all living in colours livelier than the day. It was like some great new-woven
tapestry, but a tapestry that moved and lived and breathed. And there, right in
the middle of it all, was a lady, a beautiful dark-haired lady who stretched
her arms out to me and smiled a smile that I remembered from times past. Surely
my mother must have had a smile like that? I cried out to the pretty lady and
she leant up to take my hand and I clasped hers in both of mine and was drawn
down, down into the overwhelming brightness beneath.
The waters sang in my
ears and I was warm as an infant enshawled. The lady, so like my mother must
have been, drew me into her arms and rocked me back and forth and the knights
smiled and nodded and clashed their weapons, the horses threw back their heads
and neighed and the hounds bayed a welcome, their tails waving like weeds in a
"Weeds in a stream!
Weeds in a stream!" came a little voice in my ears, as insistent and
annoying as the zinging of a gnat. "Rocks in a pool! Bones in a bog!
Illusion, illusion and death! Come away, Thing dear, dearest dear, before you
drown in a dream, before your lungs burst and the Creature nibbles your flesh
from your bones in a kiss of death and arranges you in her gallery like the
others . . . Look! Look, and see . . ."
And I looked, and I saw.
As Pisky swam to and fro in front of my eyes I had to shift my focus and the
lady's green gaze no longer held mine. Her arms were about me still, caressing
and stroking and soothing and I was aware of her smiling, scarlet mouth and the
questing teeth—
The knights were bones,
the horses were bones, the hounds were bones. Their hair, their manes, their
tails waved in the gentle current and they were prisoned by their feet, their
hooves, their legs to the floor of the lake to dance and prance and bounce to
the Creature's whim. And were long dead and Its playthings, as were the rocks
and stones and weeds that made Its landscapes. I saw, too, that It had no
heart, no evil intent even, just an overweening curiosity. And that curiosity
drew me closer, closer, and I saw that It had drawn from me my own thoughts to
create the illusions I had seen, and that It had no real form of Its own, just
the locking arms and the open mouth and the teeth, that sought me and my blood
and my breath and my being.
All at once I could not
breathe and a little orange-gold fish with a pearl in his mouth swam between
the teeth that threatened me and down the throat that waited and the Creature
choked and gasped and convulsed and spat and loosed Its hold and I shot to the
surface and was grabbed and hauled into the boat and all I could think about
was a little fish and the sight of him disappearing down that gaping throat—
"Thing, darling,
are you all right? Christ Almighty, she's near drowned!" came Conn's distracted,
loving voice and even with my tortured lungs and rasping throat I recognized
that he had used my right name for a third time while I lay on the bottom
boards of the boat, heedless, soaking, abandoned to decency and decorum, and
spewed up the foul, cloudy water, murmuring between the violent retchings that
Pisky had saved me.
"No thanks to your
abominable gullibility!" came a little bubbling voice in my ear, and there
was my rescuer, leaping back into his bowl no worse for wear. "How anyone
in their right mind could mistake an apparition like that for the real thing I
do not know! My grandmother's cousin, twice removed, was once suborned by one
such but her disgrace was never mentioned. By my fins and scales—"
"Pisky you're a
darlin' and a hero, and if you weren't in that bowl I'd pick you up and kiss
you, that I would!" declared Conn, and leaving the paddle he stepped
forward to cradle my helpless, revolting body in his arms. "I shall never
be able to thank you . . . But unless we get this child to dry land and the
water pumped out of her—"
With a sudden jolt—just
as I was warming to his utterly unexpected embrace and revelling in both my
escape and the sweetness of breath in my lungs and wondering at the supreme
courage of Pisky's rescue—the boat grounded on dry land and promptly broke up
in pieces. I was shoved and trampled on as the others struggled with me and the
baggage over rocks and boulders. Once there I was subjected to further
indignity as Conn rolled me over on to my face and proceeded to press the air
out of my lungs with the flat of his hand. I consequently threw up the contents
of my stomach onto the ground, near choking with vomit and froth, my mask
tangled in my mouth.
Just before I died from
his ministrations Snowy luckily told him to stop and I was hauled round to sit
upright, still gasping for air and shivering uncontrollably.
"Stay with
her," ordered Conn to Moglet, Corby, Puddy and Pisky. "The unicorn
and I will search for wood to make a fire before she perishes from cold."
demanded Pisky, and, such was the aura of his recent success, Conn picked him
up without demur and carried him off.
I staggered to my feet,
I wanted to ask questions about the Creature in the water, about the bones and
the hair and the pictures—but at that moment I looked up and saw the shadow of
the seven stones and my adventure began . . .
The Binding: Thing
The Last Giants and Ogres
Except for the seat of
my breeches which was still damp against the stone floor, at least now I was
dry and warm for the fire was very hot. Not that I was exactly next to it: I
lay bound and trussed like a recalcitrant chicken against the woven fence that
formed the outer wall of the cave-house. The wind whistled past my ears and
outside I could hear the gale that roared and tore at the last remains of the
trees in the forest. It was night, for we—me, Moglet and Corby—had been carried
here for many miles along twisting, curling paths after our capture.
Prisoners. I had never
been physically tied up before and I didn't like it, not one bit. I closed my
eyes, looked back on what had happened, wondered if it could have been
Conn, Snowy and Pisky
had gone to find wood to build a fire and dry me out—so it had been my fault
from the beginning. I had started to ask Moglet, Corby and Puddy a
question—what question? It had all gone now, was not important any longer—and
then had come that sudden crash, a cry from Conn, an unintelligible whinny from
Snowy and the awful, hair-raising howl—
I had run, we had run,
away from the lakeside, stumbling and cursing over the twisted tree-roots,
tearing our way through the shoulder-high ferns, pushing through thicket and
briar, and all the while the wild threshing and howling grew louder until—until
we came to the clearing, the net and the pit.
At first I thought I had
been carried away by the Night-Mare, and fought against the reality I saw, even
shutting my eyes tight and throwing my arms wide in an effort to transport
myself to another dream or even, please the gods! to awake sweating on some
pallet, somewhere else . . .
But no; it was real, and
it was horrible.
In front of me, almost
at my feet, opened a pit, dark and deep, and the broken branches that had
hidden it tipped, crazy and broken, laced with man-high ferns, to the bottom
some ten or twelve feet below, where Conn and Snowy were milling about, pulling
at the branches which slid down on top of them. Conn's anxious eyes lifted to
mine, then I saw him glance over his shoulder towards the other side of the pit.
I followed his gaze and recoiled in horror. There, illuminated by branch
torches, sputtering with some oily foulness, stood half-a-dozen giants! Ogres.
Trolls . . . ten feet high, more perhaps, covered with shaggy hair, their
clothing a few skins. Barefooted, tangle-locked, with long yellow teeth, flat
noses and great craggy brows overhanging small, dark, red-rimmed eyes. Legs
bowed with the weight of their bodies, hands with hairy backs grasping clubs, a
spear, a—
"Thing, look out!"
yelled Conn, but even as I turned I was meshed in a creeper net, borne down by
heavy bodies, smothered in the sharp tang of earth and leaves. I could not
breathe, Moglet was nowhere, Puddy was missing, Corby was flapping on his back
at my side; we were all panicking, panicking, and we shouldn't panic, we
I felt a thump on the
side of my head, there were bright lights . . . then darkness.
* * *
I awoke to the
realization that we were being carried in a kind of sling between two poles. My
lungs were not fully recovered from the water, my head hurt, but even greater
was the pain from creeper-fastened wrists and ankles. Worst of all was the
terror of not knowing how or where, the disappearance of my friends, the
awe-inspiring figures of my captors—Not knowing, not understanding what one is
facing is far more terrible than facing the most tremendous calculable odds;
the Tree-People had been worse than the Great Spider or the White Wyrme.
"Heart up,
Thing!" came a hoarse croak above my head. "At least you're right-way
up!" I glanced through tears at the ragged bundle trussed to the pole
above me. Corby, poor dear Corby, was hanging by his bound legs, wing flapping,
beak agape, eyes rolling. "Not as bad as it looks," he thought
quietly at me. "Least I've got a better view . . ."
"Where are Puddy
and Moglet?" I thought back urgently at him.
"Former jumped out
of your pocket way back; latter is tied in a bundle at your feet."
"Thing! Corby! I
can't see, I'm frightened—"
"Hush dear!" I
tried to quiet her audible wails. "It'll be all right, I promise. Just lie
There were only three of
us left. Somehow we had to escape, find out what had happened to the others.
But supposing there were no others? Supposing the frightful creatures that
captured us had killed them? Supposing, even now, that my beloved Conn was
lying somewhere with his head smashed in by one of those vicious clubs, the
bright blood shaming his russet hair, his fierce brown eyes staring up at a
darkening sky he could not see? And dear, gentle Snowy? And silly, voluble
last-minute courageous Pisky, and stolid, dependable Puddy? Had the one been
gobbled in one bite, the other crushed in careless passing beneath some
primeval foot? I sobbed again, but not for myself.
I suppose it must have
been some half-hour later, and quite dark, when we arrived at the cave. We were
untied from the carrying poles and carried roughly over stones, past a wicker
fence, into the prison in which we now found ourselves. I had looked round it
so many times during the last minutes—hours?—that I knew it by heart.
High-ceilinged with, as
I have said, a wicker or wattle fence behind my back protecting about one half
of the perimeter. The other half was the stone face of the cave, which extended
back into the hillside about thirty feet, in a roughly semicircular shape. At
the far end, in the shadows, was a deep ledge, about twelve feet wide and the
same deep, and about two feet off the floor, on which was a pile of skins and
three toothless and white-haired creatures with hanging dugs (though men or
women I could not tell), who mumbled and waved and shrieked with laughter as
the fire was replenished.
This same fire was built
high in the middle of the cave, fed by large pieces of green wood which snapped
and spat and twisted in sappy fury, belching great clouds of choking smoke up
to the blackened roof. Every now and again a lurid flame leapt like a new-drawn
sword to be as quickly spitting-sheathed in the scabbard of the dark logs,
bejewelled by oozing black resin, before it had time to do more than stab
twice, thrice at the darkness.
The torches had been
extinguished as soon as we arrived, to conserve them I supposed, and were now
stacked upright against the left-hand wall, together with clubs, spears and
queerly shaped stone axes, wood-hafted and bound with twine. On the right-hand
wall were hung more skins over a stack of roughly chopped wood. Behind this
were heaped crudely fashioned pottery bowls and platters, and then a pen
containing five or six skinny goats. These were nannies, all of them, who
looked as if they had not seen a billy for years. There were no younglings. The
floor of the cave was stony, dung-ridden, running with filth; no attempt had
been made to sweep away the ordure, both human and animal, and the stench
fought an even battle with the smoke.
And the giants, the
ogres, the trolls, whatever they were? The flames threw their shadows
flickering on the cave wall. They were the creatures of legend: threatening,
huge, terrible—until one looked at the substance rather than the shadow. Six of
them, that was all, not counting those elders on the ledge at the back. About
four feet tall, perhaps a little more; covered with reddish hair and
bandy-legged, with low foreheads, jutting chins and wide noses. The youngest I
suppose was about fourteen, a boy; two women in their twenties; three men,
ranging from early twenties to late thirties: and all of them weak, rickety,
with missing teeth, sores on their bodies, arthritic joints. No children,
either; where were their youngsters, their promise of a future?
The wood caught suddenly
and flared its banners to the roof, and there, silent, vibrant, moving with the
firelight, a whole host of creatures was revealed, chased by hunters wielding
spears and clubs. A giant striped cat bared its fangs, incisors reaching
beneath the chin; deer with mighty horns raced across the plains, hooves
flying; a creature such as Conn had talked of, tail both ends, all coated in
reddish hair like a shaggy goat, impaled a man with its yellow tusks as the
spears in its hide maddened it past bearing. The man's mouth was open forever
on a silent scream. Other men, defiant, puny, armed only with spears, managed
to herd, pit, snare all these creatures in a magnificent display of primeval
bravery and guile. Great fish opened their toothed mouths to engulf; huge
lizards flicked their tongues; birds with strange, barbed wings, or ones hooked
and spread like bats, flew shrieking from a rain of arrows, and still the
hunters advanced, striking, stabbing, flaying, destroying—
They were sketches only,
in browns, whites, blacks, greys, ochres, but the sudden firelight made them
live and die in glorious movement on the walls of the cave. In a sudden pitying
moment, quite divorced from my immediate terror, I could see how these few
stunted survivors would spend their last years; drawing their pride, their
comfort from the splendid, fierce deeds of their forefathers, those who dead a
thousand years had yet ensured their present existence on earth.
My imagination when we
were trapped in the pit had given our captors twice their height, three times
their ferocity but they still outnumbered us, small, weak and diseased as they
were; in this and in one other fact, lay their squalid strength. They had an
overwhelming need that our combined strength could not overcome. They were
Not only hungry:
I knew this because of
their staring bones pushing at the skin as if mad to break out; I knew this
because of the thin streams of saliva that ran between their bared and gappy
teeth; I knew this because the fire had been built higher, higher; I knew this
because of the water now boiling in the misshapen pot at the side of the fire.
I knew it because I could see the skewers ready to be thrust into the heart of
the flames; I knew it because of the animals they had prepared to thrust on
those same bone skewers. I knew it because the first of those creatures was my
darling Moglet, trussed up in a bundle on the end of a stick, paws together,
jaws bared in agony, her pitiful wails half-drowned by the roaring of the
flames. I knew it because my friend Corby was hanging by his legs, the next to
go, his beak half-open, his eyes closed. I knew it because they had poked and
pinched me, licked the salt from my face and hands with eager tongues, made to
tear out my hair, pinched my legs until the blood ran . . .
Tears ran helplessly
from my eyes and I could see nothing now between the swollen lids except a
merciful blur. Then, oh then! something moved under my bound hands, something
dry, warty, breathing fast.
"Puddy? Oh,
said the toad, puffing asthmatically. "I come from the others—"
"They are all
right? Oh, dear one, say they are all right!"
"Yes, yes. They will
be all right, given time . . ."
"Given time . . .
"To get out of that
"But how—?"
"It is not that
deep. When I left them they were pulling down branches to raise the level. Then
Sir Knight will climb out over the unicorn's back and throw down more foliage
until he is able to scramble out. My feet . . . The webs are all
I was filled with
instant contrition. "Poor Puddy! Is it very far, then?"
He moved under my hands.
"The way your captors took 'tis two, three miles, but straight up—toads
can climb, you know—it's much less. But Snowy will find a way." His flanks
were still heaving. "Let me see what's happening . . ." He moved out
to get a better view. "Ye gods! 'Tis as well the fish is with the others,
else would he boil!"
Someone picked up the
stick on which Moglet's trussed figure swung and pointed it towards the
crackling fire. I heard her anguished cry, saw the fire turn to lick at the
fur, and then something suddenly clicked in my mind, like fivestones on a stone
floor. I found myself remembering.
"Fire cold, flames
die, heat go, no warmth . . ." but not in those words, in another language,
an older one full of spits and clicks and grunts and as old as the earth. Words
I had learnt long ago in another life, in another time than the feared one with
our Mistress. Words older even than the creatures painted on the walls; words,
not words, sounds only that came with the dawning of time when earth and air
and fire and water were still one and four, and apart and together, divisible
and indivisible, and Man crouched among the animals and was part of them and
Woman was the God . . .
The fire burned blue and
cold and died. The painted creatures on the walls faded and disappeared, and an
ice crept into the cave. The giants, the ogres, the trolls became small and
helpless and frightened and I stepped from my bonds and went to the middle of
the cave and gathered the cat to me smoothing the charred fur until it was new,
and took the plucked bird from his ties and the feathers grew again under my
hand. And I stood in the ashes of the fire and the strength flowed up through
the soles of my feet, until my fingertips tingled with the strength of it and I
stood straight and tall and unblemished and nursed the creatures in my arms
until they, too, were whole—
"Thing, darlin',
oh, Thing! Are you all right, then?" And Conn was there, taking me and
Moglet and Corby in his arms, while the creatures cowered in the farthest
corner of the cave. Suddenly I was myself and glad of his human comfort, and
fell in love again with the strength of his arms.
Snowy was holding the
troll-men back, dancing on his hooves and neighing, striking out at their
slowly recovering bodies.
"Come, my children,
come: magic lasts only so long!"
Magic, I wondered,
magic? For what I had been, what I had done, seemed of a sudden in another
life, far away, and now there was only bewilderment as I glanced down at my
chafed wrists. In my arms was a purring Moglet—the purr of relief rather than
content—and a once-more sleek Corby. Puddy nudged my toe and Pisky was bubbling
away in his bowl dangling from Conn's wrist, telling of dark pits and torches
and spears, of great scrambles of wood and a swinging forest, of travel
sickness and a lack of water. I looked up at Conn's smiling eyes, his shining
white teeth and curling moustache, his sweat-dampened hair and thanked the
gods, and his God too, for our preservation.
"Come!" called
Snowy again. "I cannot hold them back any longer!" and indeed the
troll-men from the corner were stealing forth again. The youngest seized a
spear and hurled it in our direction, but luckily it missed. Conn tucked Moglet
inside my jacket and Puddy in my pocket, picked up Corby and resettled Pisky,
then grabbed my wrist and hurried us out of the cave, stumbling and swearing
under his breath.
"Which way?"
"Follow your noses
and then bear right . . ."
I heard scuffles behind
me, howls of rage as Snowy carried on a rearguard action, then we were plunging
helter-skelter through bush, thicket and wood, branches whipping our faces and
shoulders, stones slipping under our feet and briars and nettles tearing and
stinging. Pursuit was not far behind and the thump of feet mixed with the
bearing of my heart. We had been running downhill but at last the ground
levelled out and we were splashing amongst reeds, mud sucking at our feet. Now
Snowy went ahead for we were in a quaking bog and heatless fires started at our
steps, evil little voices sang in our ears and would have led us astray. All
the while the stink of bubbling decay was in our nostrils, but Conn followed
the white glimmer that was our unicorn and dragged me in his wake.
I stumbled and swayed
from sheer exhaustion and did not even heed Moglet's panicky claws on my chest.
At last the ground was firmer beneath our feet and the air smelt sweet and
clean once more. We were on rising ground and the wind swung behind us, but it
was chill, so that for all my exertions I shivered.
"Are we safe?"
"The men from the
cave would not dare the bog," came Snowy's comforting voice. "Yes, we
are nearly there. Just up this slope and you will see . . ."
I was not sure I could
make it. My legs no longer seemed part of me, my feet were numb, my arms locked
rigid around a protesting Moglet. There seemed to be a ring of stones—had I
seen them before?—then some sort of prickly barrier, a hedge, I could hear a
buzzard calling—
And firelight, gentle
and warm, a familiar voice, hands taking Puddy and Moglet, a drink of fire and
ice, a bed—
The Binding: Magician
Past, Present, Future
I opened my eyes to sun
shining through the narrow opening to the cave. I was warm, I was refreshed with
sleep, I was hungry. The cave! Which ca—
"Easy now,
lambkin," said The Ancient, and pressed me back gently against the
pillows. "Time enough to talk, to question. Here's oatmeal and cream and
cheese. Break your fast at your ease. The others are taking the air."
"Food first, buts
later. Sufficient that you are safe, well, and finished with journeyings for
the time being. Now, eat: there's a pitcher of spring water by your elbow, and
if you want to wash there's a bowl of warm water by the fire and privacy and
cloths behind that curtain. Oh, and the usual offices are where they were
before . . ."
A wren was bursting his
heart with sweet song when I at last hurried out to join the others. Conn was
lying back in the sunshine, his jerkin unlaced and the dark red hairs on his
chest glinting in the light; Corby was preening, Moglet chasing after a scarlet
leaf on its breeze-helped progress across the grass, not really interested, but
it was something to do; Puddy had his eyes shut, a revolting remnant of legs
and wings sticking out of the left side of his mouth; Pisky's bowl was in the
little pool nearby and he was housekeeping his weed and the snails, and making
little flicking jumps in the air to rid himself of even the suspicion of
parasites; Snowy, ungainly for once, pink belly in the air, tail and mane
a'tangle, was rolling in the lush grass under the apple trees, where there was
the usual bewildering mixture of blossom and ripe apple. I looked for The
Ancient: he was walking some distance away on a rise in the ground.
"Better now,
Thingummyjig?" asked Conn, stretching lazily.
"Come and
play," said Moglet.
"Could you just
pull my third tail-feather straight?" asked Corby. "No, from the left
. . . Your left—"
morning," said Puddy, stickily.
"Just look how
clear the water is," said Pisky. "I doubt if my grandfather, or even
his, ever bathed in such as this. And some nice new pebbles, too . . ."
No answers here and it
was answers I wanted, so after politely attending to the others I walked up to
the hillock where The Ancient was standing, apparently lost in thought. He had
one of his more absurd hats on this morning, green, with a white bobble that
kept falling in his eyes, and yellow ribbons hanging from the back.
He greeted me
effusively, perhaps too effusively, spreading an imaginary cloak on the ground
and inviting me to sit down.
"A beautiful
morning, is it not? You rested well, I hope?" Receiving no answer, he
plucked at his beard, neatly plaited and tied off in a knot. "You are
well, I suppose? No ill effects?" He looked at me again, then shuffled in
his purple slippers, the ones with pointy toes. "No harm done, no harm
done—and you completed the quest. Admirably, I might say—Go away!" he
shouted, flapping his arms at a large buzzard importuning the air a few feet
above his head. "Come back later . . . Pestiferous nuisance. Now, where
were we?"
I shaded my eyes and
looked up at the bird. "Perhaps you should give him his reward now,"
I suggested. "After all, he worked for it."
"Worked for
it?" spluttered The Ancient, then turned the splutter into a fit of
"Well, he kept an
eye on us all the way," I said, and plucking a stem of grass, pulled at
the delicate inner core and nibbled it gently. "Go on: I can wait."
The Ancient flustered
and puffed, but eventually called down the bird who alighted on his
outstretched arm, wings a'tilt and yellow eyes wary at me.
Without concern I rose
to my feet and stretched out my hand to the restless pinions and the
surprisingly soft and warm breast-feathers. "Well done, Kiya." (I
knew instinctively the bird's name.) "I'll vouch that you were there, all
the time . . . What has he," and I nodded at The Ancient, "promised
"Leave off!"
said the old man, his beard coming untied as if it had a life of its own and
curling up on either side of his face like lamb's fleece. "I'll
deal with this . . . Now then bird, what was to be your reward?"
"You know
well," said the handsome buzzard, fluffing his feathers, and I was
surprised I could understand. "For a watching brief—a week only you said,
and nothing of the distances, the time-shift, the abominable weather—you said
you would find me—"
"Ah, yes,"
said The Ancient hastily. "Now I remember . . . Well, then: fly some seven
leagues west-by-south—you'll have to correct with this wind—turn due south by
the cross at Isca—now the new-fangled Escancastre, I believe—then another two
leagues. Bear west again till you come to the old highway bearing roughly
north-south. Two miles further on there is a sudden switch to east-west and
there you will find a southerly track. Half a mile on there is a barton in a
valley, a stream running east-west on its southern border: can't miss it, the
place is full of sheep. In a wood just northeast of the barton—Totley, it's
called—you will find a deeper wood, triangular in shape, and there you will
find—what I promised you. She has," and he glanced at me to see if I was
listening and, as I was, lowered his voice. I did not realize till afterwards
that he was speaking bird-talk, but it didn't seem to make much difference: I
still understood. "She has," he repeated to the bird, "been
blown from oversea by that last southeasterly and is not used to us as yet.
Wants to return to the mountains of Hispania . . . But doubtless you will be
able to persuade her to stay. Tell her . . ." and he bent forward to
whisper in Kiya's hidden ear. "That should do it!" And he tossed the
buzzard in the air and it rode the wind, balancing delicately from wingtip to
wingtip, before taking an updraught and sliding away out of sight above the
conifers to my right.
"Now then,"
said The Ancient, flicking a lump of bird-dropping from his already liberally
marked blue gown. "Now then—where were we? Ah, yes. You were about to
thank me for my hospitality and ask about the next stage in—"
"Sit down," I
interrupted, reseating myself and patting the turf beside me. "And
explain. Please?"
But he remained
standing, drawing the edges of his cloak together and becoming very tall all of
a sudden.
"And don't," I
said, "fly off into another dimension or something: we've had enough of
that for the time being . . . Just think of me as your equal, for the moment,
and, as such, wanting answers."
"To what?" But
he did sit down, rather heavily it's true, and at a discreet distance.
"What to?"
I crossed my legs,
comfortably, and selected another blade of grass. "Lots of things . . .
Firstly, how long has this quest taken us? The truth, mind!"
He regarded me under
bushy eyebrows like the thatch of an ill-kept house. "Why—how long do you
think it took?"
I recognized the ploy,
but went along with it for the time being. "Well, the others obviously
think it took at least six months—"
"So why is my hair
no longer? So why are my clothes no tattier? So why did we conveniently lose
all those things on the way, like the sealskin, that could have proved we
actually went anywhere? So why did Kiya still have the feathers of a yearling?
"All right, all
right, all right!" yelled The Ancient. "All right . . . I can
see you have been talking to that blasted unicorn—"
"Not a word! So,
you do admit—"
"I admit nothing!
So there . . ." and he grabbed a stalk of grass, just like me, and stuck
it in the corner of his mouth. "Just prove it, that's all! Prove it!"
"So there is
something to prove, then?"
"I didn't say
"You did!"
I lay back and laughed.
"For an Ancient you are behaving more like a New—no, listen!" For he
had half-risen and his face was all red. "I didn't mean to be rude, you
know I didn't. But isn't it time we stopped being childish and started talking
like—like adults?" Like human beings, I had been going to say, but I
wasn't sure of his claim to this. I rolled over on to my stomach. "I admit
I am being presumptuous, but there are certain questions I should like—more, I
think I deserve—answers to. Straightforward answers. Agreed?"
"Agreed," came
the rather sulky answer, but a sharp glance from under the bushy eyebrows
accompanied it. "Shake on it?"
"Good!" I
offered my hand, all unsuspecting. A moment later an almighty shock ran through
my fingers and palm and up my arm into my shoulder and I was knocked sideways
by a sudden strike of power that left me numb. I had not anticipated he would
use anything like that: so far it had been a low-dice board game but now he had
thrown a double and I was no match for this.
"Thanks," I
said, rubbing my still-tingling arm. "All right, you're the boss. My
strengths have been accidental, yours are calculated. Truce?"
For the first time he
smiled, and nodded his head. "You are an endearing child, Flower . . . I
must admit you have called upon powers that I would have thought impossible.
Still, a flower may hold a thorn . . ." and he chuckled, shaking his head,
and somewhere bells rang.
"You," I said,
"have had ever so much more practice . . . Perhaps, then, because of what
I did accidentally, you will accept that I have a right to some truthful
answers? No more evasions? No more—" I rubbed my arm "—games?"
He nodded and his beard
replaited itself, even to the knot. "No more games."
I studied him; at last
we were on equal terms, but only perhaps because he had won earlier.
"Right. Last things first: in that cave . . . The Power. Where did it come
from? How did I manage to use it? And was it bad or good?"
"Backwards answer:
neither good nor evil. Just there."
He considered for a
moment, chin in hands. "Under and over and about and through this old
world of ours there flow sources of Power, as aimless as streams and rivers. As
I said, they are neither good nor bad, they are just there. Clever
magicians and wise men and shamans know where and when and sometimes how, but
how you knew how to use it, I just don't know."
"But the
gods—God—whatever; are they, It, good or bad, or just people like ourselves? Or
forces and powers in their own right? And how many are there of them?" I
was bewildered.
"I think—but I do
not know, child, I do not know—that there must be a Supreme Being, above all
others, who wishes for us, for the world as we know it, our good. There are
also Forces, name them I cannot, who wish to take all Power for themselves:
riches, domination, everlasting life. And they have forgotten the welfare of
ordinary people. Just see you use whatever powers you find in the proper way.
There is good, there is bad: make sure you choose aright!"
I wanted to ask whether
it would make the slightest difference what I did, but then, stealing into my
heart as soft as a mouse at dusk, came the answer; a tentative sureness that
quietened my fears and gave me breath where before there had been none. It was
a sureness outside of myself, borne on the gentle touch of breeze on my cheek,
the feel of the crisscross of grass under my hand, the sad smell of autumn, the
sweet call of the wren, the taste of doubt in my mouth—
"I will try,"
I said simply. It did not matter whether one used the prayer of the peasant or
of the enlightened, the supplications of the Christian or the infidel, like
smoke they would find their outlet, their goal. The only thing one had to
remember was that one's reach had to be towards this goal, this good, and that
prayer was the way—not for oneself, for all.
I smiled at The Ancient.
"Thank you. I feel much better." I noticed him shuffle himself
together, as if he had just got out of a tight corner and was now about to
obliterate himself from further questions. "But there are other things . .
He glowered at me.
"What things?"
"Time," I
said. "Time . . . What is time?"
"Time? Time . . .
is something man invented to table the night and the day. To explain the good
times and the bad. To excuse the wrinkles in the skin. To count the falling of
the leaves; to guard against the sudden sun—to know how long to boil an egg . .
"And our
time?" I prompted. "Our time? The days, the weeks, the months
we spent on our quest? Why did it take six months by our calculations and
nothing by yours?"
"How did—? No, you
have answered that question. All right. Time was invented by man: you
understand that?"
I nodded. "Minutes,
hours, days—yes. But not the concept in full." I hesitated. "We
arrived with you in late winter, left on a summer's day when it seemed we had
been with you but a week, and arrive back in late winter again apparently not
one day older. Some of our travelling seemed to take weeks, some days. Some of
the places we visited looked as if they existed now, others had a strangeness
we could not account for—"
travelled," said The Ancient, "in time. As you know it."
"Think of a
tapestry. It perhaps shows a court scene, a country scene, a hunt; someone has
embroidered part of it only. At the sides are the silks that wait to be sewn,
the future. Those already in the picture are the past. The threads now on the
needle are the present. All there, all at the same time, yet not all in the
picture. Not yet. But the picture can be added to at any time without changing
the essentials. It will still be a court scene, a hunt . . . And even if the
tapestry is complete, or one thinks it is, as the hangings shift and sway in a
draught and a candle brightens one fold and then another, one can imagine it is
only the lighted corner that is important." He leant forward and cupped my
masked face in his hands. "So, you found yourselves first in one part of
time and then another." He wagged his beard. "And don't ask how I got
you there and back, because a magician never gives away all his secrets.
Suffice it to say that I had the power—" He laughed, and released me.
"No, the knowledge to do it. And you didn't change anything: Time-Travellers
are observers. Oh, you robbed the Tree-People of a meal, released some trapped
animals, helped a traveller on his way, but you didn't change history; you can
only do that in the now, when it is your hand guiding the needle."
I rose to my feet. I did
not fully comprehend, but the image of the tapestry stayed in my mind. So time
was a vast picture, never finished, that one could stitch oneself into at any
point . . .
"I don't really understand,"
I said.
He laughed, and rose to
his feet also. "Sometimes I feel I don't either, if that's any
Together we walked back
down the little hill towards the others, but slowly.
"Snowy? He
understands all this?"
"Better than you or
I, for he is immortal."
"Can the immortal
never die?"
"No one can kill
them, unless it is their choice to die."
We walked on in silence
for a moment.
"Was it necessary
for us to go the long way round?" I asked.
"The long
"Yes. Making us
suffer all that long journey, making us believe it took so long . . ."
"Maybe it was not
necessary. But think how much you all would have missed, how much all those
adventures and travelling together taught you of each other and of
"We might have been
killed, any or all of us—"
"Not while you five
held the jewels and the dragon was still alive in the Now. You were
"And Snowy? And
"As I said,
unicorns are immortal, with or without their horns."
"And Conn?"
"Ah, well . .
." For the first time he looked guilty. "Well, I must admit that there
I took a chance. But then . . ." He reached out and squeezed my hand,
regaining his composure. "But then . . ." He winked and tapped his
nose, "I knew you would look after him, you see . . ."
I frowned. "As far
as I can recall he took care of himself, and all of us too, in the end. And it
was rather presumptuous of you to suppose that I—"
"Loved him?"
I went all hot under my
mask. "That has nothing—"
"—to do with it! It
was only in the beginning—"
"The Lady
"—that he faltered.
In the end he was looking after everyone."
"Your tests came
when you were ready for them, not before. The first was Snowy, as you call him,
to point the way."
"I notice I was
last . . ."
"So? It was rather
a grand finale, wasn't it?"
* * *
We stayed in that
enchanted place for a week, allowing even for The Ancient's erratic sense of
time, grew sleek and mended our gear and healed the last bruises the quest had
engendered. And though it was winter away from this place, where we were the
sun shone by day and the old man's owl too-whitted us to sleep at night, cosy
in the cave. I was given a new comb by the magician and it did wonders for my
tangles and for Snowy's mane and tail. I sharpened my little dagger on the
honing-stone by the cave entrance till it was as sharp as a dragon's tooth.
Conn looked over his spotty armour and pronounced it "no worse."
Pisky's bowl was cleaned to his satisfaction, Corby's plumage once more lay
straight, Puddy had a nice rest and declared his headaches much better, I
played with Moglet with twine, leaf and nut till she grew tired, and The
Ancient appeared in a different robe and headgear every day.
I didn't tell the others
about the Time-Travel bit: it had confused me enough without my having to
explain it to anyone else.
On the seventh day I
found The Ancient on his hands and knees with a measuring stick at midday,
frowning at the shadow it cast.
"One more
day," he said.
"Then it's on your
travels again. The dragon still waits, or had you forgotten?"
No, I had not forgotten.
I had just hoped against hope that perhaps we would have had a little longer .
. .
The Binding: All
Journey to the Black Mountains
It was near the shortest
day. Away from the shelter of The Ancient's hide away we found how much the
weather had changed in the world outside. In spite of our thickest clothes we
shivered in the chill wind that whined down from the northeast and huddled
closer as he led us across moorland, past the stone circle where I now
recognized we had started and ended our quest, and northwards towards the sea.
Across the tumbled grey water of the straits one could see the farther shore,
massed and woody on its lower slopes and soaring upward to bare scree and the
distance-shrouded mountains, their tops capped like the magician himself with
fanciful shapes, in their case of snow. It was both an awesome and an
awe-inspiring sight and I was not the only one who drew back and trembled, for
Moglet cuddled closer in my arms, Corby blinked and Conn whistled.
"Not easy, not easy
at all! How do we get across, Sir Magician?"
For answer The Ancient
leant among the reeds that bordered the little estuary in which we found
ourselves and pulled on a rope. Slowly, silently, a narrow boat, half a man wide
but the length of three and more, nosed its way to the bank. It was painted
black but on the bows, on either side, were depicted great slanted eyes in some
luminous, silvery substance, watching us from the beaked prow of the boat with
a calculating stare.
Silently we boarded,
silently The Ancient leant back to fend us off, and silently but for the slap
of waves at the bow, we headed for the farther shore. There were no oars, no
rudder, no sails and yet none of us thought to question our effortless progress.
The Ancient stood in the prow, hatless for once, the wind blowing his white
locks into strange patterns behind. It seemed that with his right hand he
guided the passage of the boat and with the left gathered the waters behind to
aid its progress. But still no one said anything and we moved as if in a dream
on those dark waters, a great stillness all around us.
I do not know whether it
was minutes or hours we were upon that ghostly passage, but it was with a sense
of thankful awakening that I felt the bows of the craft ground upon the farther
shore and my feet once more trod upon dry land. If all this had been magic,
then I felt more comfortable without. I glanced back at the boat as we crunched
up the shingle and the luminescent eyes stared back at me.
We found ourselves in a
barren land. The trees were in their winter sleep, only showing they still
breathed by the melted circles of frost beneath their branches; they were heavy
with years and twisted by wind, and the moss and lichen that licked their roots
and slithered down their northern sides only survived by grudging assent. There
were no animals, no birds except a couple of gulls who came screaming down to
see whether we had any scraps, but we had nothing to spare from our packs, for
The Ancient had warned us that our journey would take over a week with no
unnecessary stops. He was to come with us, partways as he said, to set us on
the right path, and for the next few days, always cold, always hungry, we
followed his tall and tireless figure ever higher among the folds of high hill
that confronted us.
It was hard going, and
even more so because of the hurt our burdens of the dragon's stones gave us.
The nearer we came to him, still a mythical idea to me, the more we were
reminded of the jewels we had carried so long, though of late they had seemed
lighter and easier to bear. Now we were assailed by pains as strong as those
that had hindered us while we were still prisoners of our Witch-Mistress. Puddy
complained daylong, night-long, of headaches and hid his eyes from the winter
sun in my or Conn's pocket. Pisky was always hungry, in spite of the
hibernation-cold and rushed around his bowl seemingly lightheaded and losing
weight at an alarming rate. Corby dragged his injured wing, lost his cheery
banter and grumbled all the time. Moglet could not even put her damaged paw to
the ground and had to be carried inside my jacket. And me? The stomach-cramps
became worse, I was more doubled-up than ever. Only Conn and Snowy—and, of
course, The Ancient—seemed unaffected. Snowy had the restoration of his horn to
think about and was impatient—as far as that most patient of creatures could
be—of our necessarily slow progress; Conn was cheerful, for now it seemed he
was nearing the end of his quest to mend his broken sword and go adventuring
again. So, added to my burden of physical pain was an extra heartache. Seeing
how optimistic Conn was becoming, I could not but realize that while his mended
sword would mean escape for him once more to foreign lands, for me it would
mean loss and an eternal worry as to his well-being; I cried a little, but
under my mask, and any who saw reckoned it was the hurt of the stone I carried.
It grew colder, and the
land became ever more barren save for the occasional green valley sheltering
sheep and a few shepherds' houses, and they had little enough to spare for
unexpected travellers. Our burdens became heavier even as our packs of food
grew lighter, or so it seemed, and in the end Snowy, who alone seemed to thrive
on the sparse herbage and icy streams, carried me as well as the remains of our
food. The Ancient, too, another member of the Faery kingdom, or near-kin to it,
seemed to stride faster, eat less and grow younger as the days passed and the
hills grew taller.
We rested up at night,
but although the days now gave but some seven hours of travelling light we made
good progress. Ever nearer, glimpsed but fleetingly at first but now more
menacing, loomed the cone-shaped Black Mountain. Tantalizingly far, ominously
near, it was the first thing we looked for at dawning, the last thing at night.
At first it had looked smooth, almost like a child's brick placed among the
rougher stones of the other mountains, but as we drew nearer we could see the
cliffs, gullies, crevasses that marred its surface. Corby swore that he, with
his keen eyesight, could even see the cave, high up on the southern slopes, but
I don't think any of us believed him. At last the mountain towered above all
its fellows, dark, forbidding, looking virtually unclimbable, and that was the
day that the magician led us through a high pass, chilly with the grey-sky
threat of snow, into a bowl of green grass right by the mountain's root.
Here we were sheltered
somewhat from the wind and here we found also a moderate-sized village, some
twenty houses and huts, a meeting-house and even the ruin of a once-fortified
manor. The priest that had occupied the little chapel—big enough to hold two
dozen, no more—had died three years back and had not been replaced, but I
noticed a ram's horn twisted with berries and fresh winter-ivy under the
half-hidden shrine that held a rudely carved wooden figure that could have been
either male or female, so religion of some sort still held their superstitions.
We were welcome in the
village, albeit shyly, for travellers in this high valley were few and far
between and we were more unusual than most; but over a supper of mutton broth,
barley and rye-bread we learnt at first hand that our fabled dragon did indeed
exist, and had last been seen in the valley some years back. He could be heard
at certain times of the year when the wind was in the right direction, roaring
in great desolation from his cave. No, no one had dared the mountain in pursuit
but yes, they were sure he was still there, though it was six months back since
last Michaelmas or Samain that any had heard him. Yes, once he had been a
regular—and welcome—visitor, but since that last feasting some years ago—as far
away in time as young Gruffydd here had years—he had not visited them. No, he
never did them harm, but had entered pleasantly enough into the spirit of the
jollifications they had held in his honour, and it was not many who could boast
of a dragon on their doorstep. No, not large, but again not small. Yes, fire
and smoke, but not too much damage. And were we really come to seek him out?
"So you see,"
said The Ancient, when we were at last alone, with the doubtful luxury of a
smoky fire that seemed afraid of standing tall and puffing its smoke through
the opening of the meeting-house in which we had been lodged, instead creeping
along the floor and curling up among the smelly sheepskins we were to use for
our bedding, "I wasn't telling stories. Your dragon is up there, on that
mountain, waiting for the return of his jewels."
"But no one's seen
or heard of him for an awful long time," said Conn. "And if, as they
say, he's not been down here to feast for some seven years or more, how do we
know he's still alive?"
"We don't,"
said The Ancient, "but I think he is. Your stones still hurt, my children,
don't they? Well, if he were dead, they would fall away from your bodies like
dust, but you have all complained of greater hurt as we approached this
mountain, have you not? And I can feel—and I think your unicorn can, too—a
sense of latent power, a drawing-forward towards some central point . . ."
"He is still
there," said Snowy. "But only just. The fires burn low . . ."
"Then the sooner
you climb that mountain the better!"
"That sounds,"
I said, "as if you are not coming too."
"Right. I'm not.
This is your quest. I am only your guide . . ."
We gazed at one another.
Somehow this old man—older in years, but with the single-mindedness and
determination of one much younger—had kept us all together without our giving
much thought to what would happen next. We had all conveniently forgotten that
he was only coming part of the way with us and now, faced with the reality of
his departure, I think we all felt rather like that boat we had ridden in,
rudderless, sailless, oarless, without the guiding force.
Conn cleared his throat.
"And just how—er, hmmm, sorry; how will we know the right route?"
"You have guides:
Corby's eyes and Snowy's good sense. They will show the way."
"And you? You will
wait for us? Watch us go?" I thought perhaps he felt too tired to go
further and didn't want to admit it.
But there was a flash of
fire from those usually mild eyes. "And why should I? Think you that you
are the only creatures on earth who have a task to fulfil? That you are the
Only Ones because you are the Unlikely Ones?" He frowned, those thick
eyebrows coming down over the windows of his eyes like snow-laden eaves.
"You are not. But if you come through this—if, I say—I shall see you
again. That is all!"
"But I thought—I
thought it would be easy once we . . ." faltered poor Moglet.
His gaze softened.
"Easier than your spider, my kitten, perhaps. But it will demand a great
deal of physical effort. And you will be cold, very cold . . ."
"But it will be
worth it, won't it?" she persisted. "For then we shall all lose our
burdens and be whole again and able to run down the mountain and play!"
He smiled. "If that
is what you choose . . ."
"Hang on,"
said Corby. "Of course that's what we choose. Isn't that what we came all
this way for? To lose these wretched encumbrances!" And he flapped his
burdened wing.
"Maybe that is what
you wanted when you started. But perhaps you will not be of the same mind
"Of course we
are!" said Puddy. "Anything to rest this weary head of mine . .
"And I want to eat
again," said Pisky. "Properly. A feast. Talk right, instead of with a
mouthful of pebble. If my parents could see me now they would think I was last
year's laying instead of . . . whenever it was," he finished lamely.
Conn glanced at us all.
"I think you have your answer, Magician. I for one came on this journey
for one reason, and one reason only: to mend my father's sword so that once
again I can hold up my head and fight with the best!"
"And the
armour?" said The Ancient, slyly.
"Oh, that! Well—I
can buy fresh armour easy enough," but he scowled, obviously annoyed at
being reminded of something he had patently forgotten.
"And before you ask
it," added Snowy softly, "yes, I want my horn back, more than
anything, and all that has happened will be worth just that. But I think, my
friend, you were about to question our motives: and I confess mine are not as
clear as I thought. I believed I had made up my mind—but I am not sure, not
sure . . ."
I could not understand
why The Ancient was sowing doubt in our minds, and making even the
always-dependable Snowy have second thoughts!
"Look here!" I
said, rising to my feet. "No one has asked me! I am determined to see this
thing through to the finish as I want more than anything, whatever the cost, to
rid myself of this accursed burden and walk straight!"
"Well done,
Thingy!" applauded Conn. "We're all behind you—"
But The Ancient had
caught at my words—and I suspect that he had chosen them for me even as I
spoke. I sat down again sharply. "Whatever the cost? Whatever-the-cost? Whatever?"
His voice, heavy and pregnant with meaning, filled the sudden silence until
there was no room for further thought. "Think, oh think, my children of
what I warned you, so long ago! You have forgotten, I believe, what I said . .
Yes, we had.
"I said then, and I
repeat it most solemnly now: whatever we gain in this life must be paid
"But we are about
to give something back that we never asked for in the first place—"
He glared at me.
"Did I say different? So—you offer back your burdens, in return for
"Freedom from
pain," I suggested. "A straight back, mended wing, whole paw, open
mouth, clear head—"
"And do you not
think that these also must be paid for?" he thundered, rising to his feet
and towering above us, his robe drawn close about him. For a breathless instant
I caught a glimpse once more of a younger, sterner warrior, helmed and
dour-faced. "How can you have the presumption to imagine that life will
then become a bed of mosses, free from trouble? The unicorn here has admitted
that perhaps his motives have altered: can you be sure that you will not change
also? All of you?"
"All right," I
said, and stood up again. "Remind us. Tell us again of the cost we shall
bear, that once before we said we could discount. Tell us what we have to lose,
we who have nothing save pain and burden. What could possibly be worse than
For a moment he glared
at me, then slowly his hand came out to pat my head, very gently. "Why,
nothing but the loosing. That is it. The loosing not only of the burdens but
also of the bonds . . . Come, sit down. And listen."
He sat down by the fire
and I followed suit, but immediately coughed at the crawling smoke. Almost
abstractedly the old man waved his hand and the smoke gathered itself up from
the floor, formed a wavery pillar and found the roof-exit.
"That's better . .
. Listen well, my children, for I shall say this just once more." He
turned to me. "You said just now 'We have nothing but burden and pain . .
.' Now, is that entirely true?" I opened my mouth, but he waved me to
silence. "None of your silly remarks now about being alive, food in your
belly, clothes . . . Think, child, think! Look about you . . ."
"What I think he
means, dear one," said Moglet, crawling onto my lap, "is that we have
each other. That we all belong together, after our quest more than ever. That
we love each other. That we have been through so much, shared so much, that we
are more like one than five."
"O wise
kitten," said The Ancient softly.
"And not just
five," said Conn, smiling and leaning over to tickle Moglet's ears.
"For have we not, the unicorn and I, shared your travels?"
"I like that,"
said Puddy ruminatively, a couple of sentences behind. "The seven who are
one . . . Yes."
"Mmmm," said
Corby. "Not bad; never thought of it that way meself. But now as you comes
to mention it . . ."
said Pisky, bubbling happily, "is one of the finest gifts one can ever
expect, my great-great-grandmother used to say. When I was swimming around in
shoals with my brothers and sisters and cousins and second cousins and
half-brothers and half-sisters and—"
I dipped my little
finger in his bowl. "Yes, dear one, it is." I was ashamed. When I had
spoken so carelessly a few minutes ago, I had not really meant to sound callous
and unthinking. I knew that I loved my companions and that they loved me, but I
had been with the idea so long, took it so much for granted, that it was as
much a part of me now as—as my mask. As night and day. As loving Conn, in a way
that was not quite the same as loving the others . . .
"So you have all
this," said the old man, no doubt reading my mind, "and you have your
burdens. To you these burdens are your greatest handicap, the one thing you
wish to be rid of—and once rid, you will be happy?"
"Of course!"
"And once Sir
Knight has his sword and the unicorn his horn—then you will all be happy and
all your problems will be solved?"
"Well, you know now
that I shall be pitifully sorry to say goodbye to my friends, but I shall need
to find my way to some indulgent duke or princeling who needs a
mercenary—" Conn scowled suddenly. I reckoned he had remembered his armour
"And I can join my
kindred again," said Snowy. "Or not . . . At least I shall have the
choice . . ." There seemed to be more to this than I understood, but I
could see The Ancient did.
"And we," I
nodded at my friends, "must find somewhere to live, and the means of
livelihood too . . ." I had not seriously considered this before. I
supposed I could work at something to keep us all going, but what? Perhaps we
could build a little cottage somewhere in the woods and grow our own produce
and—and Moglet could catch mice and Puddy and Corby and Pisky would be all
right, and I could gather mushrooms . . . No point in working it out in too
much detail now. Getting rid of our burdens was the most important thing. It
was! I could see the others were following my thought processes and agreeing,
The Ancient threw some
powdery stuff on the fire and of a sudden it flared blue and a strange, sweet
smell stole into—our noses, I was going to say, but it was more like our minds,
and the perfume acted like a dousing of cold water, waking us up, sharpening
what little wits we had, and I suddenly realized what he had been trying to
"The loosing? You
are telling us that when—when we are whole again, we shall be so busy being
ourselves again—real animals and people—that we shall not need each other
anymore? That we shall be happy to split up, each to go his own way?" I
knew we should lose Snowy and that I should never see my beloved Conn again,
but the others? "Rubbish! We shall always want to be together, shan't
They all agreed. Of
course . . .
"And the forgotten
years?" came the creaky, inexorable voice. "The years you have all forgotten?
How long do you think you were with the witch? Now, you live in an enchantment
of arrested and forgotten time: what happens when your memories return? And how
old will you be? Were you with her five minutes, two days, six months, seven
years? That time will have to be paid for, you know: soon, if all goes well,
you will be as old as you really are. And those years will have gone and you
will be left with what remains of your normal span—"
"Golden king-carp
live for fifty years and more," said Pisky bravely, but his voice was
smaller than usual. "My great-aunt on my father's side said her
great-great-great-grandfather was over eighty . . ."
"Cats have nine
"Crows don't do so
badly, neither!"
"And toads are
noted for their longevity . . ."
"And I," I
said slowly, "don't know how old I am, but I don't think it matters. And I
don't think I have anything to go back to either. There is only forwards
. . . Oh, why do you have to muddle us so!" I turned on The Ancient in a
fury. "I'd never have thought about all this, but for you!"
"But you had to!
You must not believe that just because your burdens are removed all your
problems will be solved! You must not think that life will then be yours to do
with as you will! I have to warn you—and not only you five jewel-bearers, but
the knight and the unicorn too! You think that all your dreams will come true,
just as you have planned, and it may not be so!"
"I don't
care!" I turned to the others. "Just as we are so near our goal, just
as we are about to realize our dearest wishes—don't listen to his gloomy
forecasts! After all we have been through—" I turned back to our tormentor
"—you don't think we will just give up, do you?"
"No. I did not
expect it for one instant. I only wanted to remind you not to expect things to
turn out exactly as you planned." He smiled brilliantly, and his face was
transformed. "Thank the gods that you are all children of Earth! Yes, even
you at times, my friend." He nodded at Snowy. "The world will never
die when there are brave idiots such as you." He smiled. "Just
remember that you always have a choice . . . And now, my children, my weary
travellers, I will give you all one more thing to counter all that wearisome
advice." He waved his hands and the lights in the wayward fire turned rose
and green and violet and gold and we fell asleep in a moment, just where we
were, and slept dreamlessly and deep.
And, in the morning when
we awoke, he was gone.
The Binding: All
The Black Mountain
The first part was
relatively easy, and the weather was with us. The lower slopes of the so-called
Black Mountain—nearer to it was more dark grey, but littered with shiny black
rocks that seemed to absorb the light, making it all look darker from a
distance—were made up of hummocky ground bisected by small, cold streams that
were no barrier to hurrying feet. Now that we were on the last lap, everyone
was eager to finish the marathon endeavour as soon as possible. On the second
day, however, it began to rain, rain that penetrated our furs and feathers and
skins, and by nightfall we were grateful for the shelter of a cluster of pines
that clung grimly, roots deep in crevices, to the inhospitable rock. We lit a
fire, inadequate barrier to the cold stone beneath and the colder sky. By
morning it had begun to snow; fine, thin snow as small as salt with none of the
largesse of the patterned crystals that had delighted my eyes as a child—as a
child! A sudden memory of stars on my window ledge . . . Gone. But this snow
was different. It was hard as hail and ran away beneath our feet, only to
circle back behind and around our ankles and paw up the backs of our legs.
Before us we could see it form trickles, streams, rivers, sheets, whirlpools in
the towering obsidian rocks above, pouring and falling and tumbling down to
meet us.
The going became
increasingly treacherous, for though Snowy's unerring hooves found a track of
sorts that led up towards the top, yet it twisted and turned—one moment edging
a crevasse, another stealing behind a buttress and yet again scaling in steps
straight up the mountain. Gone were the sheltering trees. Only that morning we
had seen our last, a twisted ash bent like an old woman, an incredible last
bunch of skeleton keys clinging to the lowest branch, twig-fingers rattling
them as if in an ague. Dark clouds raced overhead and no sun shone. Now there
was only a lace-pattern of lichen, dank mosses, dead bracken, a few tufts of
grass and once in this twilight world we saw five goats, their wild yellow eyes
glaring, slanting in single file down the shoulder of the mountain towards the
kinder shelter of the valleys beneath.
Only at night did the
snow cease completely. Then the moon shone on a scene so desolate, so forlorn,
that she would have been better to hide her face. We were halfway up the mountain
by now but the climb, the lack of food and the thin air were all beginning to
take their toll. That night we scarcely seemed to sleep at all in spite of our
weariness, and used the last of our precious store of wood, our fire a brief
and brave candle, and as near comfortless.
An inch of ice formed in
Pisky's bowl, and in the morning Conn took his pack, unwrapped it and put on
his rusty armour.
"'Tis only a
further burden for poor Snowy here, and mayhap it will keep out a few of the
draughts, rust and all . . ."
We continued our upward
climb, clawing, slipping and stumbling, eyes half-closed from the bitter chill
which rimed our eyelashes and made my teeth ache. The last of the food—oatmeal,
apple and honey—we had eaten that morning, and the summit of the mountain
seemed as far away as ever. My hands and feet ached with cold and the tears
froze on my cheeks under the mask. Now Conn had rucked Corby within his cloak
and looped a corner of it into his belt to hold Pisky's bowl. I had Moglet
inside my jerkin and Puddy permanently in my pocket. Only Snowy seemed
unaffected, but the breath from his nostrils came like plumed smoke.
At last we could go no
further, although the sun was still a red ball in the southwestern sky. We
crawled onto a wide shelf beneath an overhang of rock, too exhausted to speak.
Moglet voiced what, I think, most of us felt.
"We're not going to
get there! We're going to die . . ."
"Nonsense!" I
said immediately, not because I believed what I was saying but because she was
smaller and needed comforting. Conn echoed me at once, and much more
"Blather and
winderskite, kitten! Of course we'll get there!"
"Let me lie
down—so," said Snowy, and positioned himself on the outer edge of the
shelf so that he formed a retaining wall. "Now, if you put the creatures
next to me and you, Thing dear, put your feet by me and Sir Knight sits behind
you . . . That's better, isn't it?"
And indeed it was.
Somehow that wonderful white creature threw out a warmth that thawed the
fingers and toes and doubts of us all.
"And now," he
said, "I think it is time for that little packet in your pack."
"Remember that
evening in the forest with Tom Trundleweed, and the mushrooms?"
"Of course! The
Mouse-Dugs . . ." I scrabbled frantically in the almost-empty haversack.
At last I found the desiccated remains and held them up to Snowy. "How
"Divide one between
cat, crow and toad, and a sprinkle in the fish's bowl," he suggested.
"I want none. Take two for yourself and three for Sir Knight. Let them lie
first beneath your tongue to moisten, then chew them slowly . . ."
At first there was
nothing, then gradually a warmth and fullness crept into my belly. The drug was
quicker-acting on the animals. One by one they started talking. Pisky bubbled
away of what he was going to eat when his pearl was gone, Puddy explained how
much time he would have for constructive thought and philosophy once rid of the
emerald, Corby described his anticipations of flight, and Moglet purred and
licked her diamonded paw and thought of mice, until all at once they fell
asleep. Moglet even snored a little.
I leant back and there
was Conn's chest behind me, his mailed shoulder a pillow for my head. He didn't
seem to mind, just shifted a little so that he was wedged more comfortably
against the rock face, his knees on either side of me.
"They've got
themselves all sorted out, haven't they?" he said.
"Mmmm. I hope it's
all as instantaneous as they hope. Won't it leave a dent in Puddy's head? And,
after all, if one hasn't flown for a while . . . ?"
"It'll all take
time, I guess, but the loss of pain and inconvenience will be enough for a
while, I suppose. Your stomach, fr'instance: that'll stop aching, but you won't
be able to stand upright properly for a while. Your bones will have become used
to being in a different position."
"Yours should be
easier: one moment two halves of a sword, then suddenly—"
"If it works. If
the dragon condescends to help. If he's in a good mood. If he's even there . .
"'Course he is!
We'll give him our jewels first, then he'll be in a good mood for you . . . No,
perhaps it would be better to give him one, then get your sword mended, give
him one more, then ask for Snowy . . . Or perhaps two first, then Snowy, and
once he had his horn back he could help to persuade the dragon with his magic
"Stop whittering,
child!" and Conn put his arms round me and squeezed. "God! you're as
skinny as a starved rabbit!" And as I protested he shushed me. "Don't
talk too loud, they're all asleep . . ." Glancing round, I saw that
Snowy's white lashes, the last to close, were lying in a calm fringe on his
cheeks. "Never mind about planning about dragons: let what will be happen
. . ."
"That's not really
the philosophy of a soldier, I shouldn't have thought." I snuggled closer.
He rested his chin on my
head and I could imagine him staring out into the dark night, a frown of
concentration between his brows. "No . . . Most military actions are
planned, methodical—that's if we are hunting down an enemy, of course—but there
is always a hell of a lot of waiting around just polishing up arms, tending the
horses, mending gear . . . Of course in an ambush it's training plus instinct.
And then there's the awful anticipation when two forces are drawn up opposite
one another, each waiting for the other's attack; you spend the days with your
stomach a'churn and the nights on your knees, praying, afraid to rest your head
in case the other side takes advantage of the dark. You have to wait too for
the high-ups to decide when and where: that's how planning comes into it. But
it's never your decision. For all you know you may be sacrificed as a
diversion, a suicide troop, or may spend your time fuming in the rear as a
reserve that never gets used at all—"
"Doesn't sound much
fun to me," I observed.
"It's a way of
life. Besides, what else is there for a youngest son with no skills but his
sword and a touch, perhaps, of the old blarney?" I could hear the smile
round the words.
"Aye, there's an
old stone somewhere in Hirland, so they say, where they hang you by your heels
to reach it and if you manage to touch it with your lips then you can charm the
lassies into Kingdom-Come with just words. Me mother said as I had no need to
seek it . . . Said it came as natural as a hen laying eggs . . ." The
mushrooms made his voice more lilting. He shifted a little to make us both more
comfortable. "And, believe you me, there were times when I found it
useful." He laughed out loud. "Why, I could tell you such tales! When
I attended my first court I had no idea at all what was expected of me . . .
"I had just been
accepted in one of the courts of Brittanye on the recommendation of my father's
name—for a grand warrior he was, and his name good as a password in all the
lands across the water—and there was I, but a scrap of a lad from the bogs of
Hirland with nothing to my name save the horse I rode, a second-hand suit of
clothes and my father's sword, pitched of a sudden arse-over-noddle into the
silks and jewels and soft hands of a parcel of women, the likes of whom I had
never seen before! Plucked were their eyebrows and oiled their skins and
painted their eyes and lips, and they walked small but tall in their pattens,
like cripples, and swayed their hips and fluttered their scarves till I was as
helpless as a newborn babe! And if it hadn't been that as a lad of fifteen I
had already spent time with the lasses at home and learnt to give them
pleasure, I would have had problems, I promise you.
"They all thought,
you see, that it would be amusing to sport a little with me. Until I knew what
it was all about, I played the innocent and listened to their soft words and
pretended I did not know what lay behind them. It did not take me long to
realize that they all suffered from the same thing: their lords were so often
away at war, and worn out with battling when they returned, and had no time for
the soft words, the strokes and caresses, that they were all like pullets
without the cockerel. So, when one day they said I had to pass this test they
had planned for me, and that six of the chosen ladies were to visit me one
night to initiate me into the ways of the court, I knew what was coming.
"For three days I
ate lamb's fries, bull's pizzle and herring roe and bathed in rose water till I
was surfeited and stank in my own nostrils, but when they came I was ready for
them and serviced them all, one after the other, with flattering words and
pleasant courtesies between, till the eyeballs fair popped from their heads and
they declared themselves worn out!" He chuckled again. "Took me a
week to recover, so it did, but after that I could do no wrong. They declared I
was a poet of the bedchamber, so they did!"
I think he had
temporarily forgotten to whom he was talking, for he had never disclosed his
past so freely before and the topic was not the most suitable for the youngster
he obviously considered me. But I stayed quiet and did not remind him, for I
was where I had always longed to be, in his arms, albeit as unregarded as a pup
or a child's wooden doll. It was only gradually, I think, that I had fully
realized my good fortune, for the drug we had chewed, while heightening our
sensibilities in some ways, made stranger things as acceptable as they would be
in dreams. So, it was only now that I realized the full implications of Conn's
arms about me and I had to hide my jubilation, for it was in me to tremble and
shake and behave as those women he had spoken of, perfumed and pretty and
seductive in silks. Except that I was not like them and never could be, ugly
and crooked and poor as I was!
But my love for him was
beautiful, more beautiful even than they could ever be, for I loved him without
subterfuge. I did not desire him from boredom, or the joy of conquest or in
rivalry. I loved him firm and true and plain. Not unquestioningly, for we had
travelled too long together for that, but acceptingly and thankfully, for he
was a man who deserved to be loved and cherished, even if only in secret.
"I can see you
cannot wait to get back to it all," I said wistfully, and with no hint of
sarcasm. "I suppose the Castle of Fair Delights was a bit like that
"Something like.
But do you know, Thingy, the good life can pall after a while? A man can yearn
for the simpler things, he can become tired of trailing across indifferent
country through all the seasons to face an enemy he has never met, and would
probably drink with instead of fighting if he had the chance. I was bored, for
too long, and too often." He relaxed his arms about me. "That's why,
I suppose, I began to spend so much time with the surgeons—"
"Yes, the fellows
who patch up the damage done by sword and axe, pike and spear, bolts, daggers,
falling horses; the men who try to cure gangrene and chopped-off limbs, set
bones, assuage fever, bandage boils on the bum, scalds from burning oil and
give you a cure for the clap. The ones who give the same ointment for dog-bites
and pox and saddle-blisters, who gave wine to all and unction to the dying if
there was no priest about . . . Horse-doctors, most of them, used to galls and
spavin, mange and sprains, but not to humans. But there was one—a little man,
dark and pocked from some obscure town in Italia, I think, but married to an
English wife, who had a gift with bones. He did not just bind and bandage and
splint, he had a full set of human bones, of horse bones, of dog bones, and
these he had cunningly strung together with wires so that they held like
puppets on strings and he could study the way they moved and were dependent on
each other. Also, when a man died of some blow to his head, back, hip, he would
lay back the flesh when he could and study the injured bones, to see where and
how they might have been mended." He sighed. "I learnt a lot from
him, Thingummy. That's one of the reasons that makes me suspect that to
straighten that back of yours will take more than a sudden dragon-spark. The
spine is a marvellous thing, all locked and connected like a necklet of ivory shapes
. . ." He settled back against the rock. "Got any more of those
mushroomy things?"
"Let's split it.
Thanks . . ." He chewed for a moment, then tucked the scrap under his
tongue. "Mmmm, that's better . . . So, I might think twice before committing
myself to anything too protracted this time; a short campaign, perhaps.
"And you—what will
you do?"
I sighed. "Try to
find somewhere to live, then make a home of it for the others. Scratch a living
somehow, whether by trying to be self-sufficient with food, or by trading
mushrooms, or—oh, something or other will turn up, I suppose. It must. It
always has . . ."
"What else is there
to be? Pessimists are always expecting the end of the world tomorrow, so don't
bother doing anything in case it comes today instead. Optimists fall flat on
their noses often, too often, but at least they don't believe the worst will
happen till they've had time to get in the harvest, sow the winter wheat, spin
the fleece, set the ram among his ewes, lay in wood, jar the honey—"
"Oh, darling
Thingummyjig! You're a tonic for the footsore and heart-weary, truly you
are!" And he threw back his head and laughed, quite forgetting I think
that he had hushed me a moment since for the sake of the others. They stirred,
but it was only to seek a more comfortable position. He hugged me. "I
shall miss you, girl, sure and I will! You're more fun altogether than those
fine court ladies with their fal-lals and insipid talk—and if it's more than
that I seek, sure a willing trollop from the village is heartier and more
honest by far!"
"I shall miss you
too," I said, but I tried to keep my voice light. "We have had some
good times together, have we not, even among the bad?"
"Sure we
have!" He seemed to hesitate for a moment. "You know, I don't like to
think of you and all those animals just going off into the wilderness after
this is all over without making proper plans. Why, there's no telling what
mischief you might get up to, and there's all those dangers along the road . .
. 'Sides, you need someone to help build that house you spoke of . . ." He
hesitated again, then seemed to make up his mind. "So—'tis in my mind to
stay with you awhile, just until you're all set up. Then my mind would be at
ease when I took to the road again."
I couldn't help the
shiver of excitement that started in my stomach and ran out to fingertips and
toes and shut my eyes on its way to burning my ears.
"You mean . . .
"I mean that we'll
be companions of the road that much longer."
I wriggled inside my
clothes like an eel through grass. "Hurray! I mean—I mean thanks! I
suppose I didn't really fancy being on my own, and then having to find
somewhere and build a house with only the others to help. A—" I was going
to say "young woman" but changed my mind, "a person can have a
hard time persuading villagers to accept them if they don't appear to have
a—" oh dear, this was getting difficult; "—I mean, females do . . .
If they don't . . . So you see it will help if they see you around at first:
you can say I'm your—your servant . . ."
He didn't answer, so I
twisted round in his arms anxiously for confirmation that he had understood,
for by now I had a clear picture in my mind of myself, grown straight if not
beautiful, dressed in a skirt instead of trews, spinning thread at the doorway
of my little hut on the edge of the clearing near the village, and perhaps even
leaving off my mask once Conn had gone, and of the villagers accepting me
eventually and not even looking at my ugly face after a while, but glad to
welcome me into their world because I had arrived with a great knight like
"I know it's a lot
to ask, but if you just said—said to whoever is there that you would be back
every now and again—you wouldn't really have to, of course—to see that I was
comfortable, then I'm sure they would treat me as—as more normal. More like
them . . ."
My voice trailed away,
for I was suddenly aware how close we were, now I was facing him. His eyes
glittered down into mine, our noses almost touched through my mask and his
chainmail tunic rubbed my chin as he breathed. I quite forgot what I had been
saying and when his next words came, for a moment they had no context.
"Servant? No, you
deserve better than that." His breath came in little white puffs of vapour
and for a moment he closed his eyes. "Dear Mother of God, she's such a
helpless little Thing really . . . Let this be one unselfish thing I do."
He opened his eyes. "So, Thing dear, as they all call you, before I go off
on my travels again, if you're agreeable that is, we'll tie it up all nice and
neat in a contract before the priest. I shall give you my name so you'll be the
equal of all, and I'll have a home to come back to when I weary of my
travels." He regarded me for a moment, then frowned. "Well?"
"I—I don't
understand . . ." I didn't.
He gave me a little
shake. "Thick, all of a sudden? Well, I'm telling you that my hand is
yours, my name will be yours, and my sword to defend, if necessary, when I'm
around. Damn it all, Thing—what is your real name, by the way? I can't marry
'Thing'—We'll have to find you a name; what would you fancy? How about Bridget?
Or Freya? Claudia?"
"Marry?" I
faltered, and it must have come out like the silliest bleat in the world.
"Of course. What
did you think I had been trying to say?"
"You—you haven't
seen my face, and I don't think I want—"
He misunderstood what I
was trying to say, interrupting me so I should not get the wrong idea.
"No, no, of course it won't be like that, silly girl! A marriage in name
only, I promise you that. We'll be just as we are now, good companions, and you
can keep your blasted mask on if you like, though I'm sure I could get used to
what's underneath!"
"But supposing you
find someone else, someone—well, er, more suitable you wished to marry? Marry
properly, I mean. A pretty lady . . . With money?"
"I am nearly thirty
years old and I have seen enough 'pretty ladies' to last me all my days! They
are all alike, believe you me, and the prettier the worse! As for money—I can
earn my keep, and if not, I've managed before and can again. And as for—the
other—well, I can always find that when I need it, and I promise I would not
disgrace you by seeking it while I was with you. No soiling your own front step
and all that sort of thing . . . Well, what do you say?"
All sorts of thoughts
were chasing through my brain. The first, illogical one: suppose I had been
pretty? Would he by now have got so used to me that he would still have
conferred his request for my hand like a royal order, assuming that I had no
other choice—but that thought was so stupid, so illogical that I shocked it
into oblivion. The second thought: the man I love above all others has asked me
to marry him!! The stars should whirl from their courses, the rivers run
backwards, hills grow flat, trees flower in winter and cattle bring forth in
threes . . . Why, then, did they all stay as they were and why did I feel like
crying? I knew the answer to that one in my rebellious heart, but frantically
pushed it away. The third thought: I want to be sick . . . And the fourth? It
suddenly burst like an overfull wineskin and I was drowned in intoxication for
I loved him so, so, and here was my chance to really do something for my
dearest knight at last—
I stumbled to my feet,
pulling at his hands. "Stand up!"
"Stand up!
Now, quick: I have something for you—"
"An answer, I
hope," he grumbled and unfolded himself so that we stood, precariously
facing one another.
"Now what?"
"Now, say it over
again. Formally. But before you do, just say that you realize just what I
"What you are? Oh,
come on, Thingy, no time for games—"
"No game. Promise!
Listen . . ." I was trembling with excitement. "Am I or am I not poor
and deformed?"
"At the moment,
yes, but—"
"And am I not also
the ugliest person in the world?"
He shifted his gaze.
"Now, you know I would never say that . . ."
"You wouldn't say
it, but do you not truly believe me to be so?"
"A man can get
"Am I not?"
"Well, yes, I
suppose you must be. You keep saying so, but remember I have never seen you
"Still, you believe
me to be?"
"I told you—"
"Never mind! In spite
of all this," I spoke clearly, slowly, emphatically and could see out of
the corner of my eye that Snowy was awake and the others stirring, and there
was a hint of a lightening in the sky to the east, "in spite of all this,
you have made me an offer?"
"Oh Thing, you know
I have! Why all this rigmarole?"
"Then please ask me
"Ask what?"
"Ask me to marry
"But why—"
He looked at me
impatiently for a moment, then his gaze softened and he smiled so that my heart
turned over.
"All right, my
dear, all right, have it your way . . . Hey, you lot!" He looked over at
the others, all now awake and alert in the growing light. "Your Thingy
doesn't seem to credit what I asked her a moment ago, and I need you as
witnesses. So, we'll go over it once again, just so as we all get it
right." Squaring his shoulders, he put his hand to the hilt of his broken
sword. "In the full understanding that Thingy here is poor and deformed
and I believe the ugliest person around—though I have told her that does not matter
and I could get used to it—I hereby ask, in front of you all, for her hand in
marriage. In name only," he added hastily, "on that we are agreed.
But marriage, nonetheless . . ."
There was a gay,
tinkling sound.
"And I
refuse!" I said triumphantly, as the sun's first rays slanted full on my
beautiful knight, glinting on his armour till it almost blinded us.
"Sir Conn,"
said the others, more or less in unison, "your armour isn't rusty any more
. . ."
And indeed it wasn't,
celebrated with all the "Begorras," "Hail Marys," holy
shamrocks and all the saints in the calendar (especially St. Patrick), and a
whooping and hollering that woke all the echoes in that previously God-forsaken
He honestly hadn't
remembered about the witch's curse when he had asked me to marry him and it had
to be explained to him all over again.
"But you turned me
down!" he expostulated.
"That didn't
matter! You asked, that was all the curse said you had to do. Don't you
remember how The Ancient said you can't face straight up to a curse like that,
you had to go at it sideways? You could have broken it any time if you had
bribed someone ugly enough to refuse you!"
"To the devil with
anyone else! It was you I asked, and you refused. But I'm not taking no for an
answer: I shall marry you whether you want to or no. As I told you, you need
looking after—"
"Wait till all this
is over then. Till we are all whole. You still have a broken sword—"
"And don't you
think me still capable of defending you, even with my bare hands? Mother of
God, you take some convincing! Very well, I shall ask you once again when all
this is over, and you'll not refuse!"
* * *
It was a glorious
morning. The snow sparkled on the mountain and all around us stretched a chain
of hills white and shining, their shadows purple and blue and green. No longer
were we hungry, no longer cold, and when Conn set off again up the steep slopes
we followed with more enthusiasm than we had shown for many a day. When we were
faced with what looked like a sheer wall of rock, Snowy took the lead, slipping
and stumbling for all his surefootedness. I felt like a fly crawling up a wall,
my hands grasping poor Snowy's tail like a lifeline, Conn panting behind, but
at last we emerged on a ledge far bigger than we had seen before, wide and long
enough to hold a wagon and two horses.
Even as we gazed out
over the ridged carpet of hills below us we became aware of a sound, alien even
to our harsh breathing.
There was somebody,
something, up there with us—
The Binding: Dragon
The Dragon Awakes
Raised in natural steps
some four or five feet above the ledge on which we stood, was the dark,
triangular shape of a cave mouth, and it was from this direction that the sound
came. Instantly we all retreated to the very edge of the ledge, clutching at
one another in panic like children caught stealing apples. All, that is, except
Snowy, who stood his ground, snuffing the air.
"He's asleep,"
he said. "Or in a coma."
"Is it . . .
"Of course. We were
bound to reach him sooner or later. Come, my children, you're not afraid?"
"No! . . .
Certainly not . . . Afraid, us?"
But we were, of course
we were. It was all right for Snowy, I reasoned, being of faery stock to begin
with, but the rest of us were all mortal. Too late I began to recall all I had
heard about dragons; immense scaly beings, with leathery wings and huge claws
and mouths full of teeth and fire. They ate people, whole sometimes depending
on size, and were capable of incinerating entire towns and villages with their
flame. They guarded vast hordes of treasure with jealous attention and demanded
a sacrifice of seven maidens every year. They hatched from golden eggs and took
only a day to reach full size and after that a thousand years to die. They flew
in swarms a hundred strong and mated once every nine years, laying nine eggs
which took another nine years to hatch—
I jumped back as if I
had been punched and fell over the edge of our precarious perch, luckily
landing on soft snow only some five feet below, to be hauled back by an anxious
Conn. Puddy and Moglet, in jerkin and pocket respectively, had of course
accompanied my fall but as I had landed on my back they escaped with bumps but
not bruises.
When we were all
assembled back on the ledge I looked at Conn. "I'm not sure . . ."
"Neither am I,
neither am I, dear girl, but this is what we all came for . . ."
"Bravo, Sir
Knight!" said Snowy. "Now, shall we—?"
"I'm frightened!"
said Moglet.
"So am I," I
said. "But, dear one, Conn is right. This is what we came for. And we're
together, so nothing can really hurt us—remember what The Ancient said?"
And so it was that, with
Snowy ever so slightly in front, we climbed up the last steps of rock and found
ourselves in the mouth of the dragon's cave.
The winter sun was at
its highest, illuminating all but the farthest depths of the south-facing cave.
Fearfully we peeped: a bare stone floor, stained with droppings; shelves
running erratically across the back and sides, and on these humps and piles of metal:
shields, helms, coins, a cup or two. In the middle of the cave a few discarded
bones—bullock or sheep, perhaps—and a bluish leathery cloak or bag, flung aside
from some foray probably, tattered and patched and torn.
But no dragon . . .
Perhaps there was an
inner cave. Perhaps—my heart lifted, coward as I was—perhaps he had gone.
Perhaps he had never been here. But there were the piles of metal, the bones .
. .
"There's nothing
here," I whispered. "Except rusty metal, old bones and rubbish."
"Rubbish is rubbish
is rubbish," said Snowy cryptically, who alone of us did not seem
disturbed, anxious or disappointed, the sun shining on the hairs on his chin
and making his lips pink.
"Well there
isn't," I said. "If—he—was here, then he's gone, long since. Look!
These old bones were chewed years ago."
"And the noise we
"Oh—wind in the
rocks, I expect . . ." I became bolder and advanced into the cave, while
Conn stepped forward and examined the shelves.
"Darling girl,
there's gold up here!" His voice was excited. "Lots of these shields
and things are bronze or iron, but there's silver and gold coin and buckles and
rings and brooches set with coloured stones . . ."
I put Moglet and Puddy
down so they could explore. "So what? What good is gold on a mountain-top?
We need broth and bread. And, besides, we came here to get rid of our burdens,
not set up a second-hand armour stall in the market." I was disappointed
now, angry with anticlimax. "The place is disgusting, that's what it is,
and this heap of rubbish smells!" and I kicked the heap of
leathery discard in the middle of the cave.
Upon which the bundle of
rubbish stirred.
And opened one baleful
Upon which we beat a
fast retreat. I had heard of the phrase "one's hair standing up on one's
head" and now I experienced it. It was horrid! I felt as though a hand had
scooped its icy fingers up the back of my neck and yanked my hair by the roots.
Once again only Snowy
seemed at ease.
"One doesn't kick
dragons," he said mildly. "At least, not until one has struck up a
friendly acquaintance."
Helplessly I stared at
that yellow eye and, unbidden, a child's rhyme I had learnt—when? where?—popped
suddenly into my mind.
"Let sleeping
dragons lie;
Tread soft, child, pass
him by.
Better not know the
power and glory,
Learn it best by myth
and story . . ."
Too late! I had awoken
chaos, and ineptly too.
The bundle of rubbish
stirred again, rearranged itself, snorted, sneezed, and opened the other eye,
which was, if anything, more baleful and bleary than the first, and for a long—a
very long—moment, we all stared at it, and it at us.
Then the bundle spoke,
coughing out an ashy, cinderous breath. "Who disturbs my
Nobody moved, nobody
even breathed, then suddenly an absolutely unstoppable sensation rose somewhere
behind my eyes, gathered strength behind my cheekbones, ordered itself behind
my tongue, pressing its advantage so firmly I had finally to snatch for breath
The best of it was that I hadn't sneezed for months.
"Bless you!"
said the dragon, and suddenly everything was much better, so much so that
almost without thinking I wiped my nose on my sleeve and advanced two paces.
"Good-day," I
said, and bowed. "I regret that we disturbed your slumbers, O—O
Magnificence, but I'm afraid it was necessary. Well, not afraid exactly:
that's perhaps the wrong word." (It was the right word.) "But it was
necessary . . ."
Uncompromising. "And who are you, anyway? From the village, perhaps? Well,
if you are, your climb was for nothing. I do not intend to play puppet for your
silly games any longer." He yawned, and a furry yellow tongue curled up
like a cat's around stained, yellow fangs. "Now, go away!"
"At once!" He
raised himself for a moment and his wings rustled as he half-opened them. A few
dry, diamond-shaped scales fell to the floor in dusty disarray, and he sank
back on his haunches.
I retreated one step but
no further, for Snowy's nose nudged me forward again, none too gently.
"Please Sir, please
Lord-of-the-Sky . . ."
The eyes, which had gone
slitty, opened wide again. "What, still here?"
"Yes, if it please
Your Eminence. I . . . I—We're not from the village; no, we're from much farther
away. Much farther," I repeated firmly, for now I realized it was no good
blurting everything out in one go. It would have to be told in stages, perhaps
like a story, for I would have to wake this creature gradually to the reason we
were here, lest he lose his temper and blow us over the edge. So, a tale for
the fireside . . . "It all started this way: once upon a time . . ."
When I had got into my
story and the dragon was clearly listening, his claws folded in front of him, I
sat down cross-legged on the cave floor and made myself comfortable, giving him
a condensed version of all that had happened, introducing us all by name at the
appropriate moment, so he knew where we fitted in the story. When I spoke of
the witch the dragon allowed a wisp of smoke to emerge from his right nostril,
but otherwise there was little show of emotion. He glanced at Snowy once or
twice and nodded when I spoke of The Ancient, as though they were acquainted,
but otherwise he was a quiet and attentive audience. By the time I had
finished, the sun's rays cast a fading light on the left wall of the cave.
I coughed heartily for
my throat was now dry and parched, but Conn handed me Pisky's bowl and he sank
warily to the bottom as I sipped.
"Is that it?"
said the dragon, but it was not really a question. "So . . ."
Slowly he seemed to
reassemble himself, taking deep breaths, scales rustling like a long-forgotten
pile of dry leaves. Now I could see the shape of his ribs, the heave of his
flanks and he seemed to swell to twice his original size before our eyes.
Suddenly we all became less cold, as though we had stepped into a room where
the ashes were still warm. Indeed little curls and wisps of smoke issued from
the dragon's nostrils and when he opened his mouth I stepped back involuntarily,
for a small flame licked momentarily between his teeth and then died back
"Fear not," he
said. "I mean you no harm, but when a dragon wakes from as long a sleep as
mine the fires take some time to get restarted. Come forward, nearer to me, you
and your companions. Show me where the sorceress hid my treasure . . ."
Slowly the others joined
me; I pointed to Puddy's head, lifted Corby's wing and Moglet's paw, held up
Pisky's bowl and hefted my jerkin to expose my navel.
"It was true, then
. . ." Somehow he was changing colour. At first he had been a dull,
metallic grey-blue, but now the colour was deepening, brightening, and round
the middle of his body assuming a purplish hue. I jumped back again as with a
hissing, swishing sound his tail, which had so far been hidden, twitched and
curled and unfolded itself, the tip, like a huge arrow-head, curling up against
his left flank.
Now he addressed Snowy
and Conn. "Come hither, let me look at you . . . Ah, I see. You both want
restored that which you would not use . . ." They both looked puzzled, but
he did not explain. "And what would you give, to restore a horn, to mend a
"What you would
need of healing to set you free," said Snowy, stepping forward and nodding
at the discarded scales.
"And I," said
Conn, "will trim and sharpen your claws that you may take flight and
return home without pain." And he indicated what I had not noted before,
the bent and twisted claws on the right front paw.
The dragon nodded.
"A fair bargain, from you both. Stand aside, Sir Knight, stand aside all
save the unicorn!"
No need for second
telling. We all pressed back against the cave wall as the dragon took several
deep breaths and then shot a jet of flame that flared with a gassy roar, like
those lumps of blackened wood that one sometimes finds in peat. A thick, acrid
smoke curled in our nostrils and I put my hand over Pisky's bowl to save him
from the smuts that floated down.
"Sorry," said
the dragon. "Out of practice. Must concentrate." And now the flame
quietened, burned steady, changed colour from yellow to orange to red to a sort
of silvery pink and now we were all very warm indeed. The flame seemed to
transmute into a shimmering glow.
Into that glow stepped
Snowy, for all that I extended a last-minute hand to stop him and cried out:
"No, no! You will be burnt . . ." and shut my eyes and put my hands
over my ears. From her perch on my shoulder Moglet's cold nose nudged my cheek.
"Look! It's all
right, really it is . . ."
The shabby little white
horse, uncombed and uncared for, stood calmly in the silver fire. As the light
streamed over his dumpy body and lifted his mane and tail with the breath of
its passing, a curious change took place. The lumps and bumps and tangles were
smoothed out and curried and combed and he stood taller, slimmer and shining
with the light itself. And suddenly there were golden sparks and a ting! as of
a golden bell and there, between his ears, on the sore little stump he had
borne so long, there sprouted a beautiful, spiralling golden horn. The silver
fire died down and he stepped forth, shining like the moon at Lugnosa, the
harvest month; not gold, not silver, but a glorious mixture of both. For a
moment he stood, a creature of pure faery, untouched and untouchable, the snow
with the sun upon it, and I sank to my knees in awe as he reared and neighed
his triumph. Then hooves found the floor of the cave again and he looked over
at us.
"It's all right,
you know," he said, and suddenly he was our beloved Snowy again. Going
over to the dragon he bent on one knee, his horn touching the floor.
"Thank you, O Master of the Clouds!" and, standing now, he circled
the dragon on delicate hooves, bending to touch certain portions of the scaly
hide with his golden horn. To my astonishment I saw the parts touched burn with
a blue light which gradually faded to leave new scales growing in place of the
"Magic," I
whispered. "Real magic . . ."
"Good magic,"
said Snowy, and came over to bend his head and nuzzle my hair, his rippling
mane curtaining us both. "I am whole again . . ."
And now it was Conn's
turn. He was told to place the broken halves of the sword upon the ground in
front of the dragon. The latter carefully rearranged the pieces, muttering
under his breath as Conn retreated to join us.
murmured Snowy, "and a perfect alignment, north/south."
The dragon's tail lay
straight behind him this time and the fire he breathed was red and hot, so hot
that I began to perspire, and the sword itself glowed with a fire of its own.
It seemed to me, through the shimmer of heat, that letters of fire appeared on
the blade, but if so they were in symbols and words that I could not read. I
could not have pinpointed the moment when the two pieces became one; suffice it
to say that when the metal glowed as one piece the dragon suddenly roared for:
"Snow! and plenty of it!" Conn and I ran outside, scooped up handfuls
and placed them in heaps on the glowing metal. The snow hissed and melted as we
watched, and then the blade of the sword gleamed blue and whole on the floor of
the cave. Conn, in wonderment, bent to pick it up, but a claw fastened on his
"Not yet, not yet:
the metal still burns!"
"But the magic . .
." faltered Conn.
"No magic. Expert
welding, that's all. Dragon-fire and snow."
It was many minutes
before the hilt had cooled enough, even with more snow, but eventually Conn
wrapped a piece of cloth around his right hand and raised the sword. Blue light
still seemed to flow along the blade and it sang in the air as Conn swung, thrust,
"Begorra, 'tis
better than ever it was! A power in the hand with a mind of its own! Many
thanks, Great Sky-Lizard, for giving me back my right arm!" and he bowed
deeply to the beast, sword-point down, both hands folded over the hilt.
"Let's try the
edge, then," said the dragon. "These pesky claws . . ."
The sun was much lower
in the sky by the time his claws were trimmed to his satisfaction. I knew that
it was now our turn and my heart seemed to bounce between my mouth and my boots
as he beckoned us forwards. I had to carry Moglet, who by now was so terrified
that I felt a warm trickle on my arm as I lifted her; Puddy and Corby shuffled
forward slowly of their own volition, and the only one who seemed eager was
Pisky, who was frisking about happily in his bowl.
"Going to see a
dragon face to face, a thing even my revered great-grandparents never did; their
parents, on the great-grandmother's side, had one drink from their pool,
but they hid and were afraid. I'm not! This is a thing I am going to tell my
great-great-grandchildren! Wish I could have something special to remember it
by . . ."
So did I: instant
"Now," said
the dragon, as we arranged ourselves in a semicircle before him. "Now, did
The Ancient, as you call him, tell you of the possible consequences of
relinquishing these jewels?"
I nodded.
"You realize that
you must give freely?"
"I cannot force you
to give these jewels up—"
"We understand. But
"I could take them?
No. You yourselves have bound them into a magic of your own, something never
envisaged by the sorceress. She merely thought to hide them from me, knowing I
should find them difficult to locate if she hid them within living flesh in
five different locations. She did not reckon with the bond you forged between
you, a bond so strong that, had she tried, she could not have taken them
"She—you—could kill
us and rip them away . . ."
"No again. I could
kill, she could have too, if you were separate, but even then the jewels would
be worthless, dull and insignificant. You were given them to guard, whether you
realized it or not, and a gift like that can only be returned freely, never
forcibly taken."
"We—we have
travelled many miles, not only to rid ourselves of our burdens, but to return
that which is not ours to keep. We are not thieves: the jewels are yours, and
we bring them to you through storm and fire, flood and cold, distance and
dangers for precisely that reason. It was a joint decision," and I looked
round at the others for confirmation.
"Agreed," said
said Corby. "Mind you, I don't think I realized all that was entailed.
Still . . ."
"I'm ready, ready,
ready!" sang Pisky, happily. "Great privilege, meeting a
"Don't want
to," whispered Moglet. "Changed my mind . . . Frightened . . ."
"No, you're
not!" I whispered back. "You want a nice painless paw, now don't you?
So you can play and hunt properly? Surely my brave Moglet, who wasn't afraid of
the wicked spider, won't balk at the last moment when all her friends are willing?"
"Are you?"
"Of course," I
lied, more frightened than I could remember. "Of course!"
"That's all right
then," said Moglet. "But you must hold me tight!"
The dragon had missed
none of the exchange, I am sure, but he chose to ignore it. "You do
realize, also, that you will regain your memories?" And he looked at me.
"Not all at once, perhaps, but eventually you will remember where you were
taken from, your past life, your home . . . And this may be more painful than
anything else."
"We understand. But
sometimes the torture of not knowing is worse. You should know that . .
." It was daring to speak thus to a dragon, but apart from a hiss and a
wisp of smoke he did not respond.
I spoke again. "We
are ready. How will you remove these stones?"
I thought he meant one thing, but as it transpired he was being literal and
physical rather then mental.
"Who will be
We glanced at one
another, then Puddy gamely dragged himself forward.
"I only hope it
will not hurt too much," he said mildly. "Until now the headaches
have been bad, but not unbearable. Will the hole in my head hurt worse?"
"I shall take care
of that," said Snowy, stepping forward to stand beside the dragon.
"My golden horn, now it has been restored, will heal your pain."
"Come," said
the dragon, addressing Puddy. "Close your eyes and think of nothing save
willing me back your burden, my treasure . . ."
The air grew soft,
spring-like, and a greenish haze surrounded Puddy where he sat, feet planted
firmly on the ground. The light grew brighter and it was now a sharp, metallic
green and suddenly Puddy seemed impelled forwards towards the dragon's mouth.
Without thinking I leapt forwards and grabbed him, found myself in the green
haze and also in a visionless storm of wind sucking me forwards towards the
dragon. Shutting my eyes I hung on grimly, my hands cupped round Puddy's frail
body, and suddenly there was a pop! as if someone had squeezed a seaweed pod
between finger and thumb, a tiny scream, and I was flat on my back still
holding the toad, with Snowy bending over us both.
"There," he
said. "It will soon be better . . ." and he touched Puddy with his
"Sorry," said
the dragon. "Took more breath than I thought. Been there near seven or
eight years . . ."
I turned Puddy round
anxiously, looking for the hole in his head, but there was only a shallow
depression, through the thin, healing skin of which I could see a throbbing
vein. "Are you all right, dear one?"
He considered, eyes
shut. "Headache's gone. Head feels cold—sort of empty. Much lighter,
though." He opened his eyes. "Bit like waking up out of hibernation:
you feel stiff and cold for a while and have forgotten the taste of a meal. Get
used to it. Much better, really; can't grumble . . ." He inclined his head
to the dragon. "Thank you, Your Graciousness. My goodness! Was I carrying that
Well might he express
disbelief, for the greenish, muddy lump that I had grown so used to on his
forehead now lay before the dragon, a shining, glittering clear green stone,
sparkling like spring water at the edges, dark and deep as a forest in its
depths. Lovingly the dragon curled his claws about it, turning it so that the
low rays of the sun caught it with a sudden flash of green fire.
"You were,"
said the dragon. "An emerald from the cloudy heights of a rainforest on
the other side of the world, where their gods demand a blood-sacrifice and the
suns that shine from the gold they bear are as uncountable as the rays from
this stone. Green it is as their forests, deep as their fears . . ."
I shivered, and looked
at the jewel with new respect: it was not such as I would care to wear. No
wonder it had given Puddy headaches.
"I'll go
next," said Corby, after a doubtful look at Moglet, cowering again under
my jacket. "Can't be so bad . . . 'Sides, I'm interested to see how long
it takes before I'll remember how to fly."
"Well done,
bird," said Snowy. "I'll be here to ease any hurt."
"I'd better hold
you," I offered. "The pull is very strong, and we don't want you a
dragon's dinner . . ."
I was only joking, but
the dragon made a terrible frown and Snowy hastened to intervene. "The
inhalation, the drawing of the burden, it worries them: the child but makes
jest to lessen the fear . . ."
The dragon said nothing
but settled down, elbow-joints protruding. I sat about six feet away, holding
Corby's wing spread with one hand, the other binding him tight to my breast.
"Close your eyes," I whispered. "Remember I've got you . .
The dragon intoned:
"Concentrate, bird; will me your burden, my jewel . . ."
"Gawd knows I
do," said Corby. "'Tain't no use to me, Your Worship . . ."
This time the
drawing-power was greater, and I found the hair blowing forward round my mask
as I hung on grimly to my friend, whose feathers were pulled forward as in a
gale. His claws were fastened tight in my drawn-up knees and I had to clench my
jaw to stop from flinching. Now the light was a burning, scorching blue, and
before I closed my eyes from its intensity it seemed as though great waves were
rearing their foaming crests and threatening to engulf us. Suddenly as we hung
on there was a crack! as of a breaking branch and once again I was on my back
on the cave floor, Corby by my side in a squawking, tangled heap.
Snowy stepped forward
and stroked the injured wing with his horn, the bare featherless joint
pathetically pink, and slowly the desperate fluttering stopped.
I lay eye to eye with
the exhausted bird. "How does it feel, dear one?"
He considered, getting
to his feet and bringing the injured wing gingerly to his side, then stretching
it again. "No pain. Stiff, but it's getting easier every minute.
Look!" and he flapped the wing—an awkward effort it was true, but still
the first movement of the sort he had been able to make since I knew him.
"Thanks again, Your Worship!" and he bowed to the dragon.
We looked over at the
sapphire. Unlike the emerald it lay beside, rectangular and deep, the stone was
oval and shallow, yet a blue more dense than I had ever seen. It was deeper
than the deepest sea, yet on its edges was a lighter, sparkling fringe, like
waves upon a shore. Now the great beast turned it in his claws, murmuring
lovingly: "A fine journey I had for you, my friend: across the warm
oceans, skimming the little islands that rose like pustules on the pocked sea;
but I found you where others had hidden you, didn't I, left to rot as you were
with the other jewels. But you were the prize, my beautiful one, as blue as the
eyes of the dead who buried you . . ."
I gazed at the jewel
with new respect: dead man's treasure, not such as I would wish to wear. No
wonder it had twisted Corby's wing.
"And now,"
said the dragon. "The little cat and her diamond . . ."
"No, no, no, no!"
howled Moglet, burying her head into my armpit, "I'm afraid! It's
going to hurt . . ."
"Only a little, I
promise," I said, comforting her trembling body. "Ask the others, ask
Puddy and Corby: was it very bad, you two?"
"Not unbearable, I
suppose," said Puddy. He looked very wrinkly and thin. "More
unpleasant than anything."
"Felt for a moment
as though my wing was coming out by the roots," admitted Corby, "but
the feeling didn't last long." I noticed for the first time how grey the
feathers were above his beak. Strange how fear sharpened the senses, for I was
afraid, just like Moglet, yet for her sake hid it.
"There you are, you
see?" I exhorted. "And Pisky's not afraid . . ."
"Then why can't he
go first?" demanded Moglet. "I don't mind."
"But I do!"
interrupted the dragon. "You are next, cat, but you must be willing."
"She is, she
is!" I said. "You are really, you know, dear one: it's just that,
like me, you don't like the unknown. I'm next, you know, and I can't get rid of
this—this dreadful stomachache till you loose your burden."
"It's very deep,"
said Moglet, showing me her paw. "It'll hurt much more than the others . .
"Then it's very
brave of you to agree," I said hastily, sensing her weaken. "You must
show me how to be courageous."
"I wouldn't really
mind keeping it," she said. "With you to carry me round. Still . . .
If you say your stomach hurts most of the time?"
"Oh, it does!"
I assured her, though at the moment it felt both numb and tingly at the same
"Right!" said
Moglet and, shutting her eyes, she stretched out her burdened paw in the
general direction of the dragon, while fastening the claws of the other three
firmly in my sleeve.
"You are sure? You
will me freely your burden, my stone?"
"Yes . . ."
The dragon gave her no
time to reconsider. A roaring, sparkling wind surrounded us and my back bent
further in its hunch as I tried to step no nearer the dragon. Stars wheeled and
danced around us, there was a blinding flash as of a veritable avalanche of
snow falling about our ears and, before I had to close my eyes against the unbearable
aching of the light, I saw a rainbow that spanned the distance between Moglet's
paw and the dragon's mouth. She howled, an awful sound, her claws tore trails
of blood from the outer side of my wrist so that I nearly cried out too. There
was a long ripping sound, the light died behind my clenched eyelids, I was on
the floor again and Snowy was bending to Moglet's paw and my lacerated flesh.
"Better now?"
The dragon had three
stones now and the latest, Moglet's burden, sparkled and spiked with a thousand
coloured lights as he turned it in his claws. "A rare flight that was, the
sands burning bright and the sun a molten dagger in one's back. They laboured
to bring wealth out of the depths, they died in the darkness that this might
have light . . ."
I shuddered: I would not
willingly wear such. No wonder Moglet hadn't been able to put paw to ground.
But she was dabbing at
my face. "Let go of me, I want to try it!" Already the healing hole
was closing up, the blackberry pads drawing together. She seemed heavier,
sleeker, pain now forgotten in the space of two breaths. I set her down, and
gingerly at first but then with increasing confidence she set down the
once-burdened paw on the ground. "Look! Look!" she cried with
delight. "It's better! Soon be quite well . . ."
"Now you, little
wanderer," said the dragon. "You are ready?"
No, I wasn't. Suddenly
gripped by irrational fears I sank down again. It was not only the thought of
more pain, sharp and quick-over though it might be, it was also the familiarity
of the burden itself, like an aching tooth that, however irksome, is still an
understood part of one till removed. Most of all, I think, it was the certainty
that once I lost it and regained both health and memory, paradoxically this
latter might prove a greater burden than the burden itself. I was afraid to be
given a future so sudden, so different. Better the devil one knew—
"Come on, Thing
darling," said Conn. "I've watched you bravely hold the others, now
it's your turn to be held . . ." and the words—my name clear and
"darling"—rang so loud in my ears that body was all unresisting as he
reached down and lifted me to my feet, kneeling behind me on one knee, one arm
across my thighs, one across my breast. He pressed me back against his chest and
his breath was warm on my cheek. "Courage, girl, courage: 'twill soon be
over and I'm here, your Conn is here . . ."
My Conn! I felt at least
one joint of my backbone click as I tried to straighten. Without further
hesitation I pulled my jerkin up with one hand, my trews down with the other
and pre-empted the dragon's question.
"Yes, yes; I give
freely my burden, your treasure. Take it, take it away quickly, please!"
I was staring straight
at the dragon who seemed to grow immensely tall and then there was fire all about
us and toppling towers and men and women crying out in fear. The fire blazed
stronger and there was a tearing, twisting pain in my guts that I could not
bear. I tried to bring down my hands to cover the agony but somehow Conn was
preventing me, and I screamed. With a sound like tearing a snail from its
shell, but horribly magnified, I felt my burden leave me and there was Snowy's
horn to numb the pain and take away the sickness. Strangely the greatest
discomfort was Conn's arm across my breasts, which suddenly felt full and
tender. I straightened up one crick! more, drew together my clothes and turned,
for an instant, to bury my head in Conn's shoulder. He patted my back and
released me.
The ruby lay in the
dragon's claw and burnt cool as he turned it lovingly. "The temple held it
dear, but it was housed in a heathen idol that crumbled to the touch. The
priests in their robes cried desecration and the temple dancers fled into the
night as it was drawn from their grasp . . ."
I shuddered, and the
stone seemed to wink back evilly at me; if I had known what I carried I would
have cut it from my flesh like a canker. No wonder it had hurt . . .
"Are you ready, O
King of Fish? You I have left till the last because the burden you bear is
probably the greatest, my last and most beautiful gain . . ."
That muddy pebble?
"Of course, Lord of
the Clouds, Master of the Skies; all my life I have wished to be acquainted
with you and your brethren. It had been my ambition to mount the Dragon Falls
that I might join you in the skies, but now that can never be. I shall be
content to see you a little closer, perhaps to touch fin to scale. Pray, Thing
dear, move my bowl nearer . . . so. It will do." In his exuberance bubbles
broke from either side of the burden in his mouth. I knelt by his side, my
finger in the water.
"You are
"Sure? Why, of
course I am sure! I have been carrying this stone safe for a Dragon-Master and
now I yield it with eagerness, with pride!"
The dragon bent closer
and I flinched. But he did not notice.
"Here, little
brother, take a closer look. Look your fill . . ."
For a moment dragon and
fish touched, nose to nose as Pisky rose from the water. He looked so small, so
defenceless, so like a gulp for breakfast that I leant forward, ready to snatch
him away from danger, but he turned on me.
"No, Thing, no!
This is my day, my moment that I have waited for so long and you
must not spoil it!"
"I was only—"
"There is no need.
We understand one another." It was the dragon who spoke, but the words
might just as well have been Pisky's.
"He is so small . .
. the wind of withdrawal . . ." I faltered.
"He is stronger
than you think. Watch . . . It is given freely, and you are cognizant of the
"It is," said
Pisky. "I am. But spare my friends the snails; slow and unintelligent they
may be, but excellent privy-servants. And prolific, I hope."
The air grew thick, like
the mist that streams between the trees at shoulder-height on a late-autumn morning;
then it was as if the moon rose on this same mist, silvering it until it glowed
and shimmered with an unearthly light. I saw clear water running, waves
tumbling, spray mounting the rocks, horses of sea-foam . . .
There was no sound when
the pearl left Pisky's mouth: it rose like a little moon and hung between them
like a sigh. Then the magic disappeared and Pisky sank back in his bowl, his
mouth a pained O of surprise and hurt. Swiftly golden horn touched golden mouth
and he sank to the bottom, the snails crowding close for comfort.
The dragon had a huge
pearl between his claws—how its sheer size must have hurt poor Pisky!—but he
was holding it with reverence, for it still glowed and shimmered and shone like
a moon behind thin cloud.
"A hard struggle it
was for you, my most precious of all; searching fjords and creeks, inlets and
rivers; I glimpsed you beneath tossed waters and running streams; saw you in
the reflection of the moon on swollen rivers and high tarns; you were the
winter sun on ice, a wraith of summer stars; I tasted you on tumbling stones
and in the thickness of reeds; sensed you in the flash of scales, the turn of
fin; always you called to me and at last you came of your own free will when I
had despaired . . ."
The pearl glowed, and it
was a stone I, anyone, would have been glad to touch, admire, hold in one's
hand, bear on one's breast . . .
"And now,"
said the dragon, "it is almost time for me to go. But, before I do, I
would thank you all again for returning my jewels, my treasure. Because of you,
because of your honesty and determination, I am now a Master-Dragon, as the
little fish so truly observed." He bowed gravely to each one of us in
turn. "Now, I must try my wings: if you will excuse me?" He went to
the mouth of the cave and down the steps flexing his bony, leathery, creaky
wings, which gusted a powdering of cinder-tasting snow back into the cave. I
gazed at the ring of glowing jewels lying on the cave floor and wondered at
their gathering, their binding, their loosing. Lying there like that, now that
they were back with the dragon, they still seemed to have a magic of their own,
a kinship; they seemed almost like a ring of animals who will turn into a tight
circle to meet a common enemy, horns lowered and rear protected against wolf or
bear . . . Like us, when we bore them—
There was a humph!! of
flame from the dragon, a series of short, staccato bursts from his rear, as one
who has dined too exclusively on pease-porridge, and then he turned to where we
watched him, smuts on his face.
"A trial flight . .
. I think the Lord of the Carp would like to see my world; after all, had he
stayed in our country he might well have climbed the Dragon-Falls. This will
only be a substitute, of course, but I think he would enjoy it. Would you be so
kind as to accompany us and carry his bowl?"
He was looking at me,
but I wasn't quite sure what he wanted. Pisky popped his head out of his bowl,
speaking like someone who has had a tooth pulled.
"I should like it
above all, Thing dear—please?"
"Yes, but I—"
I suddenly realized what was expected. Oh, no! I couldn't, I couldn't! I looked
at Snowy, and he nodded.
"It will be all
right. You will be safe. I promise."
So, awkwardly, stiffly,
still hunched, I clambered onto the dragon's back, Pisky's bowl clutched in my
arms, and lay down, my face to the leathery scales, my heart thudding.
"Hold tight!"
There was a slithering followed by a sudden sickening lurch. I opened my eyes
and my mouth to yell as I saw the mountainside slipping away from me in a
sideways slide. My breath was snatched away by the wind, my face froze and my
cheeks blew inward with the sudden rush of air. There was another lurch that
left my stomach behind somewhere and then we steadied and the mountain slid by.
"Sorry about that:
trailing-edge muscles weren't working." I could only just hear the words,
for the roar of wind and wings in my ears. My eyes were shut once more and
would have stayed so but for a little bubbling voice beside my left ear.
"Isn't it
beautiful? Just like being in a bigger, lighter bowl. Look, far down below are
the weeds and the stony bottom, around us the waters rushing over our fins, and
above the deep bowl of air beyond the rim of everything . . . Hold me up,
Thing, that I may see and remember!"
"Let the King of
the Carp see!" said the dragon, and such was the command in his voice that
I obeyed at once, sitting up and holding Pisky's bowl high in my hands, though
my fingers were half-frozen: I wound his string round my wrist to make sure he
didn't fall. The rest of me was warm enough, for the huge reptile now exuded
warmth, and the inside of my calves were, indeed, becoming uncomfortably hot.
But all this was forgotten as I looked about and saw what Pisky saw, but with
human understanding.
Below, so far as to take
away fear, lay the village we had come from. It was dusk down there, for I
could see the little twinkling lights of rush and candle; higher the sun still
shone on snowy slopes, but to the west great purple shadows showed glen and
canyon as they crept forward like a massed pack of wolves towards the
lamb's-fleece snow of the nearer slopes. Black sticks of winter forest covered
the lower slopes and iced streams lay like saliva among the black-fanged rocks:
but it was all remote, like sand-houses made by children's hands and I was
curious, but not fearful. Nearer, the mountains stood like sentinels and I saw
great orange fires burst from the dying sun, so that it seemed that pustules of
fever opened on a great sore. No bird flew as high as we and all was silent
save for the pumping of the dragon's fire-bellows, a gentle thrumming, and the
whistle of the wind past my ears. I remembered my swim with the seal: as Pisky
said, it was like, very like, an ocean of sky.
With a creak of wings we
altered course, and once again I felt the cold air buffet my body and, too
soon, we were again at the mouth of the cave. A sudden, jolting landing, a
slurp of water from Pisky's bowl, and Conn's arms were lifting me, bowl and
all, from the dragon's back.
"You all right,
I nodded and clung to
him, my legs strangely weak. As in a dream I watched the dragon pick up his
jewels one by precious one and place them in a pouch of skin beneath his jaw,
lastly his precious pearl, which he rolled around his forked tongue for a
moment before placing it with the others. He was no longer a blue dragon, he
was a pearl-pink dragon, and even the long whiskers on his jaw curled and
vibrated as if fired with his new vitality. He gazed around the cave, and then
at us, and in his eyes was a remoteness, as if we and the cave were discarded
bones and his eyes were on another prey.
"That is all, then.
Farewell to my imprisonment, and farewell to you, my deliverers."
With a scrabble of
impatient claws upon stone he moved once more toward the opening of the
"Wait!" called
Conn. "The gold—the silver—you have left it!" He gestured to the
shelves round the cave.
"Keep it: it is
yours. You deserve it. The jewels were what mattered . . ." and he was
gone, launching himself in a clatter of wings into the sunset.
The wind of his passing
scuffled the dust in a spiral over the spot where his jewels had lain. When it
settled there was no sign of their presence. It was as if they had never been.
In the country of his
upbringing they would have recognized the special corkscrewing rocket-rise with
the sideways twist, but all the watchers from the cave and the village below
could say afterwards was that the dragon ascended like a reversed shooting star
with a noise like twenty hungry bears.
A handful of rustic
peasants and the seven weary travellers were the only witnesses of the most
extraordinary and accomplished display of free—as opposed to compulsory—figures
of dragon skyrobatics since the illustrious Master of the Chrysanthemum had
given the Millennium Display for the Many-Titled
Emperor-of-the-Thousand-Palaces five centuries past and three oceans away . . .
The dragon swam in the
air as if it were water and he an otter, a shark, a seal, a fish. He used the
air-currents and therms as an acrobat would use bars and trampolines and
springboard, and all the while he played with his great pearl as though it were
a ball, an essential part of his act, tossing it in the air so that it
described milky arcs, letting it fall a thousand feet and diving like a
thunderbolt beneath to catch it again.
For what seemed an hour,
but might have been no longer than ten to fifteen minutes, the great beast
played like a child in the nursery with its first toy, then as the sun dipped
to touch the horizon with its burning belly and as the eastering shadows threw
their arms across hill and valley alike, he snatched his pearl from the sky, a
pearl now pink as an opened rose, stood on his spade-tail for a heart-stopping
moment then clapped his wings together like a vengeful cormorant and dived the
depth of the mountain towards the village below, the wind of his passing
creating a down-draught like a thousand flocking geese at marshing-time. In a
flash of fire he incinerated their alarm beacon and burnt the easterly copse.
The villagers cowered
together, the men cursing and shaking impotent fists at the fast-retreating
sky-climber, the women flapping useless aprons. Only the children cheered and
waved. In their maturity, when visiting other villages, the story would
crystallize into legend. They would tell of the thunder-crack of his passing,
of a red dragon who soared over their impossibly green fields, until the
telling became a symbol recognized by all who listened to a tale: an
inspiration, a banner, under which princelings would rise to repel invaders,
ordinary men would fight and fall, and a usurper unite and divide . . .
But the Master-Dragon's
mind had turned from them all—the past imperfect, the passing present. Taking
his bearings from the first stars that winked from the eastern sky, he wiped
his memory free of time, of disappointment, of frustrations, tucked away his
pearl with the other jewels in the pouch beneath his jaw, spun thrice on his
spade-tail and then sang his farewell song.
To those watching and
listening, dodging the mini-avalanches and fires set off by his rejuvenation,
watching stone clatter down the slopes, regarding with dismay the collapsing
huts that disintegrated like imploding puffballs, all they heard was an
enormous clash and rattle as of giant metal plates tumbled together, a ringing
of bells so huge their peals were as sound-sight, ripples of torturing
light-noise in a stone-tossed lake—but to the dragon the cacophony was the best
music he had ever made, a soaring passion of release from bondage, a paean of
An ascending
rocket-burst of flame, crackling in the still air, a rapid climb to five, ten,
twenty thousand feet; a moment's hesitation when dying fires fell like
shattered stars to the mountains beneath, and then the Master-Dragon shook free
and headed east for Home.
The Loosing
In spring the young
shoots of corn struggle hesitantly from their blanket of earth and poke wary
green heads up into the unfamiliar air; too soon, and the frosts nip them
black; too late, and they are drowned in the shadows of their bigger brethren,
starved of light and nourishment, and shrivel and die. Just as I, the new
Thing, was not sure whether I had emerged from the darkness of forgetting to
the lightness of an Inbolc or a Beltane. At first I was ill, tossing and
turning in fever, waking briefly to moments of lucidity. But before I could reorientate
myself, grab hold of life and become better, back I would slide into a haunted
black vault of the mind where hope ran down the mazed tunnels of thought,
knocking in vain on doors that would not open, with the hounds of Hell baying
They said afterwards it
was seven days I was unconscious, sent back into the earth to remember the seed
from whence I sprang, but it could have been seven hours or seven years for all
I knew. Conn was kept away from me for fear of contagion, for it seemed my skin
sloughed away in great strips with the fever. They took away my clothes and
burnt them.
When I woke up at last
clear-headed, starving hungry, I felt the cold air touch my face with
inquisitive fingers: when I put up my own I found my mask had gone, and panicked.
Throwing the shift I was dressed in up over my head I screamed: "Where is
it? Where is my mask?"
"There now, dearie,
what a to-do!" Strong, warm hands pulled up the covers, covered my hands
with hers. "No need to take on so! Come, take your hands from your
"They'll see my
ugliness! He will see . . ."
"Now, then!
Ugliness is a state of mind, and there's none wrong with that face of yours
that fresh air and sunlight and a little extra feeding-up wouldn't cure. Got
eyes like piss-holes in snow, you have . . . Now, then: that's better! Let Old
Nan (what has been chosen to care for you because she's born twenty and buried
all but three, survived four husbands and the phlegm and the sores and the runs
and vomits and scabs) let her comb out that nice, thick hair of yours and then
Megan—she's the youngest, touched a mite some would say, but a grand girl with
the sheep—she will fetch some broth and bread. Been told to make a fuss of you,
I has, by that nice tall fellow with the sword. Soon as I lets him know you're
better he's to come and see you, he says, and all those animals you brought . .
Unlike most chatterers
her actions were suited to her words and she had me combed and tidied and fed
in no time at all, all the while her strangely accented voice, hovering like a
salmon in leap on the vowels until you sometimes wondered whether she would
ever reach the smooth waters of the consonants, burbled on like a busy brook,
soothing and stimulating at the same time. At my insistence she fashioned me
another mask, from kidskin, although I could see she was bewildered by the
need. In truth her face was so seamed and pocked that it was difficult to
identify any features, except for toothless mouth and red nose, so perhaps my
physical deficiencies were not so strange to her after all. I made up some tale
about being handfasted to Conn, but having made a vow not to uncover my face
until we were wed. This made sense to her, full of superstition like all
country folk, who must explain away disaster and joy, gain or loss somehow.
Their "little people," for instance, seemed to have a hand in
everything, from birth to death; and they seemed to prefer these household gods
to any other, although Conn found a deserted Christian shrine in the woods to
say his prayers by.
Once my mask was on I
couldn't wait to see the others again, and indeed the next time the door was
left open Moglet was on the bed in a flash, and enthusiastically kneading my
"Look! it's much
better . . ." She turned over her damaged paw and now there was only the
smallest hollow and increased width among the pink and black pads. "Are
you better, too?"
"Been a bit worried
about you," said Puddy, from under the bed. "Thought you were . . .
Nice to see you. My head is much improved."
"Caw! Bleedin' cold
out there!" said Corby, actually managing a flapping ascent to the
rafters, and landing safely. "Best off where you are . . ."
"Look at me, look
at me!" bubbled Pisky, borne in by Conn. "Twice the size I was
already, they say, and eating better all the time. Sir Knight says that if I
don't stop I shall have to have a bigger bowl, and the snails are complaining
at the extra work—"
Conn sat down on the bed
and took my hand. "How are you, Thingummy? We were all worried about you,
but they said it was only a bad fever. Still, you've been away from us a whole
week, and had it been but one day longer I should have insisted, infection or
no, on taking a turn at minding you. How's the back?"
"The back?" I
had genuinely forgotten my other deformity with the trauma of the mask. So much
had happened in my feverish tossings and turnings, happened, that is, to memory
and understanding, that I had had no recall of my twisted and bent spine. Now I
sat up as best I could and eased back my shoulders. There was a little crick!
as another knob in my spine straightened its alignment and I found that my eyes
were on a level a good six inches higher. With Conn seated so near I could look
almost straight into those kind, concerned brown eyes.
I saw him glance down in
surprise at my front. "Why, you've—" He stopped, confused.
"Got a proper
front," said Moglet happily, and pushed painfully against my budding
"Er—it's better, I
think," I said, and I pulled away my hand, that had gone hot and sticky
with embarrassment. I pulled up the covers to my chin. "Where's
"Here, dear
one," and he stepped daintily through the doorway. A shaft of late
sunlight followed him in and ran in admiration down the beautiful spirals of
his golden horn and over the waves of his luxuriant mane and tail. "I only
come in the village when there are few about, for I reckon a dragon-memory is
enough for these simple folk, without having to get used to a unicorn as well.
I can make them unsee me for a while, but it is more convenient to stay out of
sight in the forest. Glad to see you are recovering . . ."
"But—isn't it
awfully cold out there?"
He lifted his head in an
unconsciously arrogant gesture. "Unicorns don't catch cold," he said.
* * *
I suppose we were there
for about another three or four weeks. Gradually I grew stronger in body,
although my mind was still full of darkness. When I got up they brought me
woman's clothes, for another thing had happened that had sent me cowering to
the floor in terror. Until Snowy explained. I had spent the day in bed, with
intervals on the stool at the side, and had been feeling grumpy and unsettled
all morning with a vague stomach-ache, then suddenly, as I stood up to practise
walking a few steps, I was seized with one of the old pains I had thought gone
forever. There was no one with me, as Old Nan was busy baking, Conn had gone
hunting with Corby, and the others were holed up somewhere in the warm. The
pain hit me again and of a sudden a bright scarlet plop! of blood hit the floor
from beneath my shift and then another. In terror I flung open the door and
rushed out into the snow, instinctively heading for the forest.
"Snowy, oh Snowy!
The pain's come back, worse than ever, and there's blood . . ."
Another moment and he
was there, his warm breath on my face, his mane sheltering us both as he bent
and snuffed at me gently.
"No, dear girl, it
hasn't, not in the way you think. Listen to me . . ." and he told me how I
had become a woman, and that what was happening to me now was something I had
been waiting for during the seven long years of the stone's captivity.
"That is why it hurts so much: it means you are catching up on all those
years in one go. Now you are girl-child no longer." He looked sad and I remembered—so
many things to remember!—that unicorns appear only to young virgins, never to
mature women, and I suddenly understood a whole lot more.
He bent his head and
touched my stomach with his healing horn. "There: the pain is gone, and
never will be so bad again."
I kissed him, suddenly
shy. "I won't . . . I don't mean to . . ."
"I know. I shall be
with you till you don't need me any more . . . Now, come: sit on my back and I
will bear you to the hut, otherwise you will freeze to death!"
The pain disappeared,
but when Snowy turned once more to return to his voluntary exile I noticed a
small spot of blood on his otherwise flawless back, like the stain of a trodden
berry . . .
At last the snow started
to slide from roof and rick, the sun stayed longer with us, fingernails of ice
fell with a tinkle from the swelling buds in the trees, and it was time to say
goodbye to the village, for we all felt we should move on with the lightening
days, though where we had no clear idea. Conn gave the headman three gold coins,
a princely sum, for their care of us. He also told him that the dragon had left
some treasure in the cave for them—silver and bronze armour, plates and cups
(we had the gold coin)—as recompense for burnt thatch and general damage. I
could see they could scarcely wait for the snows to melt. The coins and the
anticipated treasure were celebrated in our farewell party, which included a
roasted steer, mock dragon-fights and much mead, so that it was with a thick
head that I turned for my last look at where our quest had ended. The villagers
stood a quarter-mile away, still watching us go. I waved once more and then
glanced up at the Black Mountain. I could not see the cave, and of a sudden
clouds from a warmer air frothed and spilt over the top like scum from a mess
of new-boiling bones until all was hidden from view.
The road ahead lay
downhill. Once again we heard the tentative song of birds, buds were thick and
sticky, and catkins hung like lamb's tails from the willow and everywhere there
was promise and hope. Conn sang and the others grew strong and fat, but my
heart still lay heavy and full of dread, for I had grown up.
Every day fresh memories
arrived with the softening of the days. Sometimes I felt as though my heart
would break, for I now knew who I was, where I had come from, some, not all
yet, of what had happened in the twelve years before the witch abducted me. I
remembered, too, what had befallen my parents and wept the inner tears of one
who could only mourn too late. Conn kept glancing at me anxiously but I could
not tell him, not yet. And there were the others: I began to appreciate fully
what my "release" meant now for, as The Ancient had predicted, whole
and free again, they spent far less time with me and I found my eyes and ears
and touch and taste and smell not understanding them as before, as if a veil
lay between us.
I think perhaps I
realized more was to come, so I was not unduly surprised when one spring day we
found ourselves in a countryside of rolling downs and there, sitting on a rock
as coolly as if he had only wandered a little way ahead five minutes ago, was
The Ancient.
Part of me wanted to run
and embrace him, part to refute his very presence, to blame him in some obscure
fashion for my private world of misery, so I stood and did nothing as the
others crowded round him. Conn's sword, Snowy's horn, Puddy's forehead, Corby's
wing, Moglet's paw, Pisky's mouth were all exhibited and admired: he did shoot
one piercing glance at Conn's armour and then at me, but had the sense not to make
any remark.
That night we spent
round his campfire and ate better than we had for weeks. The only question he
raised was, where were we bound? Had we thought of this? Yes. Come to any
decision? No. It seemed everyone thought everyone else was leading the way . .
At last Conn voiced all
our thoughts. "We—we all thought there must be something else. What, we
did not know. Perhaps it was you?"
"Not me," said
The Ancient, taking off his red-and-white striped hat, decorated with shells,
and scratching his head. "I'm merely here to see the fun . . ."
"The fun!" I
exploded, exasperated at last into coherent speech. "What fun do you think
it has been for us? Where have you been, that you think that cold and hunger
and fear and illness constitute fun? What makes you think that
the traumas, the tiredness, the soul-searchings, have been fun? You're
just a stupid, uncaring, flippant old man who is concerned with nothing but his
vicarious pleasures, and has merely learnt enough so-called 'magic' to think
himself immune from us mortal creatures! You are complacent, narrow-minded,
cold—" I ran out of words.
The others, except Snowy
who merely looked amused, stared at me in varying degrees of horror.
reminded Puddy.
"Bit strong,"
added Corby.
"Special case,"
remarked Moglet.
"I really don't
think—" Puddy.
"Hang on, Thing
dear, moderate it a bit," from Conn.
More or less all
"No," I said.
"I won't moderate or anything! I meant it!" and burst into tears.
Huffily pushing them all aside, I retired to a corner, wrapped myself in my
cloak and pretended to go to sleep.
The next morning I arose
very early and wandered off among the dunes to where the land sloped away into
a haze of forest and fields. It had turned cold again, so the streams were
marked by twisting snakes of mist that followed the waters and trees held a
shadow-self of clear earth beneath their branches and the rest was tipped and
branched and swathed with fingers of frost. I shivered.
"I'm sorry,"
said The Ancient. "Forgive me, Fleur?"
I remembered what he had
called me before. "You knew . . . All the time?"
"Of course. And now
you do, too?"
"Most of it. Some
of it won't come yet."
"It has made you
sad . . . And bitter."
Of course it had. To
lose your parents, home, nurse, childhood all in one day, to lose your memory
for seven years and then to remember everything at once, more or less, was like
being forced to swallow huge doses of bitter herb-medicine. I felt
disorientated and most of all, alone. Remembering nothing, I had had my friends:
the comradeship, their love, and my passion for Conn. Now it was all coloured
differently but, in spite of my new knowledge I was not sure who I was, what I
felt, where I should be . . .
"I warned
"Yes, I know: but I
didn't know it would hurt so much!"
"Don't forget that
your friends are in exactly the same boat."
"The same?"
"Of course the
same. As if it were yesterday. Your cat now remembers the home she was stolen
from, the warm fire, the loving mother; the toad remembers his pond, the crow
his treed brethren and the fish his capture and long travel from abroad while
his kin died one by one in neglect . . . Don't you think that they, too, have
regrets and memories? Are you unique in suffering just because you are a human
"But they didn't
say . . ."
"Of course not.
You've been ill. You recover to look like a wet Lugnosa! What did you expect?
You have always been something special to them, something that to them was
better, more able to cope—of course they are uneasy when you appear to go to
"But we no longer
talk as we used to . . ."
"I told you that
would gradually go as well."
"But I don't want
it to!"
"You said a lot of
things last night that were true—about me being immune from reality, from
mortality—well, I'll say the same to you, but in reverse. You are mortal,
and being so must accept that mortality, with all it implies. You wished to
escape from a painful and confining enchantment, but now you refuse to accept
the responsibilities that go with the release!" His tone softened.
"Being a human is hurtful at times but it can also be wonderful, more
wonderful than the immortals can ever experience."
"How can that be?
You have life everlasting, if you want it—"
"For that very
reason! Quite apart from life itself becoming boring when one has lived it two,
three, four times as long as anybody else, it is rather like always having
enough money to buy whatever you desire. If you can always have what you want,
on demand, it ceases to be desirable. In the end there is nothing left to experience."
He frowned, and his look dared me to probe further.
"But do you—can
you—never die?"
"Oh, yes. But only
by our own choice, by our own hand. There is another way, but that involves the
Powers I told you of once. They are stronger than all."
"The powers of good
and evil, you mean?"
"I have told you,
there are no such things. There is Power, there are so-called
Forces. They are like—oh, like a team of strong horses, harnessed and ready for
a driver. It is up to their user, whether he or she directs it to plough a
field or ride down innocent bystanders." He nodded. "Mmm."
"I still don't
quite see . . ." I hesitated. "This question of immortality: surely
the promise of a life eternal, dependent on your own decision to terminate,
must far outweigh our little lives, that are bound by the certainty of
"That very thought
of mortality adds spice to what you do, don't you see? A summer's day is all
the more beautiful for the knowledge that storm could blight the blossoms and
frost surely will; a child is all the more precious for the perils of
growing-up and the winter of old age; love is all the more glorious for its
very ephemerality, the pain of parting or disillusion." He frowned.
"But perhaps worse than this is when immortal loves mortal . . ." His
face darkened, and all at once in his place was a grim warrior standing:
illusion, for the image passed and he was once again an untidy old man.
"Ask Snowy . . ."
"He will tell you
one day, perhaps."
"I don't understand
. . ."
"You will, sooner
or later."
My mind went off on
another tack, perhaps inspired by all this talk of love. "And that's
another thing: when I was—was hunched and miserable it didn't matter that I
loved Conn, because he was so far out of reach. It seemed right. But now—"
and I gestured to my nearly upright stance "—now I am nearly a respectable
woman (except for my face, of course). I find I want more, desire more, need
more. When it was impossible I could bear it: now, I can't!"
"So that's it . .
"No! Not just that—"
He grinned at me.
"It's not!"
"To me it's simple.
Then, you loved like an idealistic twelve-year-old; now you are nineteen and a
woman grown. At twelve one is allowed to worship from afar, because one's
thoughts don't usually encompass anything physical, real . . . Now you are
suddenly grown, the passions you feel are different. You have missed the years
from twelve to now that would have made you someone's lover, wife, mistress,
and now it is all coalescing into an unbearable desire that you think—"
"—cannot be
satisfied, because under that mask of yours lies ugliness."
I stared at him.
"What do you mean—'wrong'?"
But he seemed to change
his mind, became a grumpy old man again: even his hands started to dither and
fuss among his brooches and fastenings till he seemed the very dotard I knew he
was not.
I persisted. "What
do you mean 'wrong'? My body may have changed, I can see and feel that, but my
face hasn't. I know: I feel it all over every day when no one's looking, hoping
against hope, but it feels exactly the same as it did when we lived
He steepled his fingers
and considered me under eyebrows like thatches. "What you need—what you
all need—I reckon, is a bathe in the Waters of Truth."
"And where and what
are they?"
"They are in the
centre of the world that you know, and they have the gift of clearing your
mind, making you see things as they really are."
I suppose I must have
sounded wearily disbelieving. "And just how do we find these—these magical
He snorted crossly.
"In order to get you lot off my back and out of my hair I shall lead you
there myself. Right away!"
The Loosing
The Waters of Truth
We travelled by the
Secret Ways, the paths known only to sage and faery. Under hedge, by forest
path, through tunnels of ancient, gnarled wood, once through caves; and all
that while we met none others save shadows, a disembodied greeting, a stirring
of windless branches and a bending of grasses, laughter, the sound of dissonant
harebells, and yet we knew They crowded us through our journeying, watching,
guarding, guiding, enfolding us in their hands so soft we could not see . . .
They? The spirits that man has driven from his world to hidden fastnesses among
the rocks, the dells, the streams that wind through underground caverns.
Listening to their laughter, feeling their mischievous hands I could understand
and yet regret man with his earthy, clumsy honesty—but did not Time itself lay
aside these Earlier Ones, for They were children of another world than ours, too
delicate to survive in ours?
They loved Snowy,
climbed on his back for rides, plaited his mane in the night, garlanded him
with faery flowers none could see, but picture from their evocative scent. They
tweaked The Ancient's beard unmercifully and rode unseen on his shoulders, and
he was as indulgent as a father to his children. They pressed fruit I had never
tasted and could not see against my lips till the juices ran down my chin, and
yet when I opened my eager mouth they were gone, skin, flesh and seeds so that
I stood there like a gaping idiot and their laughter tinkled in my ears and I
could smell cowslips and rain.
We walked, rode, slept,
talked, ate and drank like any other travellers, but of that time I remember
less than any other. I do not even remember how long it took, faery time I
suppose; all I know was that we left the dragon's village in early spring and
it was near the summer of Beltane when we came to our destination. Like all
things to do with The Ancient there was a certain dream-like quality about the
whole thing, with none of the wear and tear associated with ordinary
One evening we couched
on soft moss in the forest, the next morning we burst through the thinning
trees, breasted a soft green slope starred with day's-eye and lion's teeth,
speed-you-well and bright-eyes, and there beneath us lay a secret valley.
Behind us the deciduous forest, to the north steep crags, to the east a forest
of pines, to the south downs melting misty blue with distance and cuddling a
lazy river in their arms. Below us a thin cascade fell like a veil from the
crags above onto dark rocks and down to a deep pool of water surrounded by
banks stained with flowers. A rainbow arced the falls and from where we stood
we could hear the birds sing.
As if in a dream we
descended the steep sides of the valley almost as though we were floating, and
dropped down by the water and drank deep. And fell asleep, fast asleep, all of
us, without dream.
When we awoke the sun
was still rising in the sky and we had no way of knowing whether we had slept
five minutes or a whole day and night. We stretched, yawned and greeted each
other with smiles as if this were one day when all was right with the world. A
fire smoked lazily and there were thin pancakes and honey, a mess of vegetable,
tiny strawberries and The Ancient in a sparkling robe of purple with golden
glints, sleeves rolled up to the elbows, dishing out our breakfast. I moved in
a daze, sticky and replete, my nostrils filled with strange, soft smells, my ears
full of the rush and fall of water, the song of a blackbird—"veni, vidi,
vici, Dubree, Dubree" (whoever he was)—my body warm, my eyes closed
against the flicker of sunlight on water. I opened them to roll over on to my
stomach and watched an ant climb a stalk of grass until it tilted with its
weight against another, which it scaled, busy and full of purpose. My eyes
closed again—
There was a slap on my
rump that had me leaping to my feet with a yowl of indignation.
"What did you do
that for?"
"You were asleep."
"Wasn't! I was
just—resting my eyes."
"Sounded like
snores to me," said The Ancient, nursing his right hand. "'Sides,
that hurt me as much as it did you. What in the world have you got back there
that is so hard?"
"My knife."
"You don't need
that now."
"You never know . .
. Anyway, why did you want me awake? To wash the pots? Can't you just wave a
wand, or something?"
He ignored my flippancy.
"We're here!"
'here'?" I was being naughty, for I saw all the others were seated around
looking expectant and I knew we were about to have A Serious Talk, and I wanted
to giggle instead and run away very fast and pick flowers. I did giggle, then
clapped my hand to my mouth over my mask, remembering that I hadn't wanted even
to smile for what seemed like months.
Conn patted the grass by
his side. "Come and sit down by me, darling girl. Sure, and I haven't
heard you laugh like that in an age!"
But I sat down
cross-legged between Moglet and Corby, facing him. I could not trust myself
nearer to Conn. Snowy blew down the back of my neck.
"Right," said
The Ancient. "Now then . . . Well, this is it!"
He glared at me.
"Will you let me speak? Good. As I was saying—"
Puddy burped loudly and
happily, his eyes closed, a wing or something worse sticking from the corner of
his mouth.
"As I was
Corby bent his head
under his left wing then rattled all over, ending with his tail, like a wet
"As I was saying—"
shouted The Ancient.
Moglet jumped, then
scratched inside her right ear, contemplated the sticky mess on her claws, and
licked them clean.
"Can't we go in the
real water?" asked Pisky. "I've been waiting ever so long for real
water and I am sure there are ever so many good things over there. My blood
needs variety, you know, and when one is trying to regain weight after an
enforced diet my aunt twice-removed on my mother's side used to say—or was
yelled The Ancient.
"No need to shout,
now," said Conn peaceably. "We're all listening, you know, and—"
There was a sudden
gesture from the old man and the fire jumped into a shower of blue and green
sparks as if it had been booted across the grass. Then it died down into pale
steady flame.
"Right! Now, can we
get on without interruption? Good." The Ancient seated himself. "I
have brought you here, as I promised, because I think you have all lost your
purpose." He absent-mindedly plaited the wisp of hair above his right ear.
"My way is clear,"
said Snowy softly. "At least . . ."
"I think . . . I
should . . . I ought . . . There are places I've never seen. Now my sword is
mended . . ." said Conn vaguely, and trailed off into silence.
"Now these
headaches are better," said Puddy slowly, "I suppose . . ."
"I could go
and—" said Corby. "On the other hand . . ."
There was a protracted
"I don't
know!" wailed Moglet.
I hugged her.
"Neither do I, dear one! Except . . ." I looked everywhere except at
"You see? I was
right. This is why I brought you all here." The Ancient glanced round at
us all. "Do you want to wander around for the next ten years or so
wondering who, what, why and when? Or would you rather wash away the cobwebs,
rattle your brains into some sort of order, discover again the ability to make
decisions—your own this time, not everyone else's?"
There was another
silence, all of ten heartbeats long. Then, faint and faraway, I thought I heard
music. Not the flute and drum of village dances, nor the chant of monks, nor
yet the harsh trumpet of battle, rather a gathering together of sounds from
wind and sky and sea, rock and stream, trees and leaves . . . It was gone.
"What do we have to
do?" I asked.
"That's my girl!
Easy. Go bathe in the pool."
"Just that?"
asked Conn. "Simple—too simple, methinks." He got to his feet and
yawned. "Still, I could do with a dip. Wash off some of the grime. Coming,
I wanted to say that I
wasn't Thing, Thingy, Thingummy, or Thingumajig, but held my tongue.
"Perhaps. In a moment. You go."
said Pisky. "Carrymeover, carrymeover . . . !" Gently I tipped him
into the water, so clear, so cold. His little body wriggled delightedly and
sank like a stone to the bottom, where I could see him nosing among the
plants—trouble was, that pearl had stretched his mouth so that he now ate twice
as much as I was sure a fish should, even a starved one: still, I suppose he
was making up for seven years—and sucking and spitting, standing on his head,
flashing his sides against the sandy bottom as if to rid himself of mites.
"Oh, well,"
said Corby. "Nothing ventured . . ." and he splashed himself into the
shallows, claws gripping at stones, wings flapping an arc of spray. "Corrr
. . ."
Beside me Puddy slid
into the water and paddled away, bubbling thoughtfully, then shooting off into
the reeds with a stretch of legs and a flash of pale belly.
"Can't swim. Don't
like water," said Moglet, but she dipped her paw in and shook off the
droplets in a fine spray that diamonded her fur in a million droplets.
"Still, water's warm. I'll soon dry off in the sun, I suppose," and
she stepped delicately into a puddle and wriggled.
I looked around; Snowy
had disappeared—strange, I should have thought he would be first into the
water—and The Ancient was tending the fire, once more trying to go to sleep.
Conn? Ah, there was
Conn. And I blushed and hid my eyes, then peered through my fingers. For Conn
stood, naked, right where the cascade of water hit the pool and he was misted
with water, his tall, slim body gleaming, the hair on his chest and under his
raised arms darker than the hair on his head and the hair at his groin—
I hid my eyes and wished
myself desperately somewhere, nearer, farther—
"Come on,
Thingummy!" called Conn, splashing happily. "It's wonderful!"
"In a minute, a
minute," I answered, but I crouched down and held my head in my hands. I
did not want—
There was a tremendous
shove in the small of my back and I was gasping, drowning, freezing, the water
roaring in my ears, my dress floating up past my face, the hair on my head
streaming like seaweed. I surfaced, spluttering, to see The Ancient grinning as
he fished out my shift and dress with a stick and hauled it to the bank.
"You pushed me
"If I'd waited for
you to jump there'd be as much snow on your hair as mine." He picked up my
clothing. "I'll dry these out by the fire. Enjoy your swim . . ."
For a moment I panicked
and tried to climb out, only to slip on the wet grass and fall back in,
struggling like a hooked trout, the water filling my eyes, my nose, my mouth
once again; but suddenly I realized that the water was not cold, as my frantic
mind had told my skin. It seemed now almost the same temperature as my own
body. I relaxed, and it caressed me, tickling and stroking, hushing and
soothing, a nurse calming her charge. I remembered again how the seal had borne
me on his back out of the bay. I turned to embrace the water, and, sliding into
the unseen depths, gave myself to the element as though we were indivisible so
that I was almost resentful that I had to rise to the surface and take breath.
Then, when I surfaced the sun struck me full upon the face. For a moment I did
not recognize the significance, but when I did I dived straight back into the
water searching frantically, but the mask had gone!
Borne away by the
vagaries of the current maybe, tangled in the weed, trapped by a shifting
stone: all I knew was that I could not leave the water without it. Why, I had
rather stumble naked than bare my ugliness! At any moment now I might come face
to face with Conn. Desperately I paddled away into the middle of the stream;
perhaps I could ask Pisky and Puddy to look for me: but they seemed to have
disappeared. If I gathered a handful of reeds, could I plait them into a square
and hold that before my face? But the reeds bent away from my questing hands,
slipping teasingly through my fingers, and all at once the water silvered with
bubbles, like a pan of water just before it boils, and I forgot I needed to
breathe, forgot everything except the shower of brightness that surrounded me.
It scoured my mind free
of the stains of bitterness and despair, as it sloughed away all the remaining
grime and dirt from my body, until I was as clean as a new-washed child,
carefree at last. Now all the memories had returned, but tidied into their
proper places; I knew how and where and why and what, and with this came a sort
of peace, an acceptance of what I had been, what I was now, so that my face was
my face and that was that; no moaning over lost looks, for I had been fair as a
child, I had had my mother's silver mirror and my nurse's words for that. So,
when the change? The day the raiders came? Had my nurse scarred me to be no
longer desirable as a slave? Or had the witch disfigured me? There were no
memories for this, but perhaps I had not known at the time. Useless to
speculate: I was ugly now, would be ugly for the rest of my life, but at least
now I was straight and slim, and unknotted in body as well as mind. Perhaps I
could still be of use to Conn, keep house for him while he went off on his
adventures. I recognized, too, that the paths of my other companions might take
a different direction from mine.
I accepted all this, but
it did not mean I wanted it so. No, what had been washed away in those waters
was not desire or love or needing, but the worst of my selfishness. I was aware
that I must show Conn my face before I lost courage, because this was the face
he would have to accept if he were to ask me again to take his name. And if he
changed his mind when he saw it, if he did not renew his offer, then I knew he
would be gentleman enough at least to help me to find a place of my own. And
with that I might have to be content . . .
I surfaced for breath
and he was standing thigh-deep in the water, some dozen or so yards away, his
back turned, the water running from his freckled shoulders down into the hollow
of his back and dropping from his firm buttocks. I stood up and my hair
streamed down my back and my face and body were naked to the sun.
Now! Now—or never. Oh,
how I loved him, in that last moment before he turned. I should not be able to
bear that look of revulsion, I knew that, but I had to, I had to, there must be
truth between us. I held that last moment tight as a precious stone . . . I was
aware that the water was quiet, the birds had hushed their song, that my
friends were nowhere to be seen, except for the flicker of Snowy between the
dark trees away to my right. I wished I knew how to pray . . .
"Conn!" I
called softly. "Conn . . ."
And slowly, so slowly he
turned and we stood face to face, and then the waters parted and he walked
towards me and there was nothing except a loving astonishment in his eyes as he
reached for my hands.
"And is it really
you? Why, in the name of all the saints, did you hide that away and pretend to
be ugly? Sure, and you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!"
And suddenly there was
music, music that The Ancient had said was Love's Song rather than Love's
Death, and all the earth sang until my whole body was filled with it and it
spilt from my mouth, nostrils and ears and gushed from my eyes in astonished,
grateful tears. For he told the truth. It was in his eyes, and to him, at
least, I was beautiful. I freed my hands and put them to my face to discover
the sudden difference but it was the same face. Then, how? Was he blinded by
the waters? Had some spell diverted him from the truth? And how long would this
illusion last?
"I'm not really.
It's this place, I suppose. I'm ugly: I saw my face in the witch's mirror and
felt it all over and the feel hasn't changed. It was scarred and twisted and
blurred and askew, as though someone had ground their heel into the bones and
turned it against the flesh. Truly, truly Conn . . ."
He smiled, and the tips
of his moustache curled upwards and smiled also. His eyes held laughter-wrinkles
at the corners and what I saw in their depths made me conscious that I stood
breast to breast with a naked man, naked myself. I lowered my gaze and saw his
body, which was more embarrassing still. I blushed, and would have turned away
but he reached out and took my shoulders and held them fast. I was intensely
aware of the rough callouses on his hands, the puckered scar that ran across
his left palm. I raised my eyes to his again, surprised to see the reflection
there in miniature of a face I did not recognize.
I had to know.
"Tell me what—tell me what you see?"
"Vain is it now,
and asking for compliments? Very well—" He saw me flinch, "—it's
teasing I was. Now, let me see . . ." He stood back a pace. "Well,
the hair is straight, and black as Corby's wings, that you'll agree. The skin
is pale, as well it might be, hidden all that time behind that pestiferous
mask! But I think it will always be milk rather than ale . . . Cheekbones that
stretch the skin high and a chin that bodes ill for anyone that crosses you—No,
no!" He leant forward and his hand caressed my cheek. "I did not mean
ill, and if you scowl like that you'll turn the milk of your complexion sour,
so you will . . . That's better!" He smiled again, a heart-turning smile,
and I shut my eyes. "And if that's for me to admire your eyelashes,
they're as long as grass-spider's legs . . . Look up. I'll tell you that your
eyes are the colour of the violets under the hedge and big as an owl's, but
twice as pretty. But your mouth . . ."
He frowned, and my heart
stopped. Had I fangs like a wolf, a mouth like a fish? Or a beak like a bird?
Was it puckered like a tight-drawn purse or sprouting with hairs? Was this last
to spoil the whole?
He laughed, and the sun
caught his eyes so that they screwed up. "Your mouth is different,"
he said. "It is the most kissable mouth I have ever seen!"
And he bent his head and
placed his lips on mine.
The Loosing: Unicorn
The Sleeping Prince
“But then of course you
always were pretty," said The Ancient.
In utter confusion I had
fled Conn's embrace back to the fire, flinging on my still damp clothes with
scant ceremony, and combing my hair furiously with my fingers. The Ancient had
chuckled, obviously having overseen our dramatic meeting in the waters. Of
course I had had to ask whether my new face would last, and he had told me it
was my always-face. "The one you were born with," he had said, and
somehow, even in all the confusion of remembering, the traumas of the quest,
the half-forgotten pains, this little consolation was the most important thing
of all.
"But it was
different when I lived with the witch," I said, for he had reminded me
that my nurse had called me her "pretty chick." My father told me
that although I had my mother's colouring and eyes, I had his chin, cheekbones
and hair. I could recall him well: tall, lean, fierce, with scowling brows yet
with a mouth that could smile as easily as it would tighten in determination.
And my mother; small, rounded, soft, with hair a little lighter than Conn's,
skin like cream and a mouth to kiss and laugh—but remembering was still very
painful. It was as though they had died a few days since, and I did not want to
think of them as I had seen them last, not yet . . .
"Of course it was
different with the witch," scoffed The Ancient. "Because you were
told so."
I dragged my mind back
to the present. "She showed me. She had a mirror . . ."
"A magic mirror.
You saw what she wanted you to see. She told you you had a face like the
arse-end of a pig with a curling snout, and that's what you saw in the mirror.
You were conned, my flower, conned good and proper." He flung a couple
more sticks on the fire and I leant forward to dry my hair the better.
"Not surprising really."
"Why convince you
you were ugly? She could see even then that you would grow into the beauty she
could never be, save by sorcery. Number one: jealousy. Number two: even if you
were unconscious of your attraction, those morons in the village would soon
have sought you out as you grew. Notoriety of any kind she did not want.
So, you became her hunched and ugly familiar, a Thing to be avoided by
outsiders and ignored by her, for masked you were as anonymous as the furniture
. . .
"Have you told him
who you are?"
I blushed. "Not
yet. We—we didn't have much chance . . ."
"Chance enough
now." He dropped the stick he had been using to poke the fire as Conn came
striding up towards us, his hair still darkened and wildly curling from the
water. "Come, Sir Knight, and be properly introduced to your
"I'm not—"
"She hasn't—"
we said together, and then would not look at one another.
"Come, come
now!" said The Ancient, absent-mindedly throwing a handful of some pungent
powder on the fire so that we all started back, eyes smarting from the smoke.
"Damnation and pestbags! Wrong one . . . Never mind. Chaudy-froidy then,
you two?"
But apparently Conn
understood his jargon. "Not exactly. Not as far as I'm concerned. But
she—" he hesitated. "Her, Thingy I mean, er—She's different."
"Not at all! You
agreed to give your name to a person, not a pretty face. You too, flower."
"That's another
thing!" I said, glad to snatch at any excuse to change the course of this
embarrassing conversation. "You knew my real name all along, didn't you?
All that business of flowers and flora and fauna and things . . ."
echoed poor Conn, the only one not in the know.
"Of course I did!
What's the use of being unusually gifted—" He failed to look modest,
"—if one doesn't use the gift? Come on now, tell him your real name . .
I remembered my manners
and curtseyed formally in Conn's direction. "My name, Sir Knight, is Fleur
de Malyon, only child of the late Sir Ranulf de Malyon of Cottiswode and his
wife, Julia Flavia, second daughter of Claudius of Winkinworth . . . So my
blood is just as good as yours!" I added childishly and glared at him.
"I never—"
"I know you didn't!
But that's not the point . . ."
"Well what is? I
"Not really! Really,
really . . . It's just like buying a hen that lays one a month and then
finding it performs every day instead. Or twinned lambs from a barren ewe . . .
All of a sudden you develop a special affection for your liability—"
"I never said
"I know you didn't!
But that's not the point—"
"Well, in Heaven's
name what is, then?"
"You thought it,
even if you didn't say so!"
"I did not!"
"Anyway, I'm not,
so there!" I left Conn standing with his mouth open and ran towards
the river, angry tears rolling down my new-old face, not even sure why I was
behaving this way. Was it because everything seemed to be going right, that now
I had a reasonable face I also had bargaining power? Had I really wanted to be
ugly, to make a martyr of Conn and a victim of myself? Wasn't I glad he would
have a pretty face to look at? Did this mean that perhaps he would no longer
want me, except as a plaything? Had my ugly security vanished? I didn't know, I
didn't understand myself and, blinded by the futile tears, I ran straight into
Snowy. "Sorry!"
"No bones broken,
Fleur," he said mildly, and nuzzled my cheek. "Come now, no tears:
life is for enjoying, my little one, and what seems an insurmountable mountain
one day will be a molehill the next. No, don't try to explain—" for I had
opened my mouth to sick-up my troubles, "—there is no need. Come, we shall
pay a visit together . . ."
"A visit?"
"To a place I know
nearby. I have a tryst to keep. Are you too ladylike to ride astride once
"I'm no lady . .
"You will be some
time, whether you wish it or no. We must all grow up."
So I vaulted to his back
and clung to his mane as we splashed through the stream and moved into the dark
forest on the other side. His coat was damp, so he, too, must have bathed in The
Ancient's Pool of Truth. He carried me swiftly down a path that snaked among
the cool, pale trunks of conifer that crowded in on either side, his hooves
making no sound on the deep carpet of old needles. Although here it was dark,
and the spring sun seemed far away, there was a sense of stealthy movement, of
trees stretching and yawning from their sleep, and the slow stir of sap. Once
or twice there was the russet flash of squirrel and roe deer, but for the most
part only the soft beat of our passing. We emerged into a bare clearing, where
the trees drew back into a circle—winter-blackened grass, a few scrubby bushes,
a cloudy sky now visible above.
Snowy halted so smartly
that I slid from his back.
"Are we here?"
I said, struggling to my feet.
"We are . . . Come,
I want to show you something." He paced slowly to the northernmost corner
of the clearing and stopped. There was a bare patch, moss and lichen scraped
away but recently, a space surrounded by rock and stone, about as wide and long
as a man. Just like a grave—
"Look!" said
Snowy. "Come and look close . . ."
I looked, and saw what
seemed like a sheet of dirty ice, but as I knelt down the substance cleared
when my breath touched it and it seemed as though I was staring down into a
deep, transparent pool.
"Oh, dear
Gods!" I cried. "There's a body down there! Snowy, Snowy, help me
drag him out! He may not be quite drowned. See, there is colour still in his
cheeks, and—"
"No, my dear
one," said Snowy sadly. "There is no life there, not as we know it.
Do not break your nails, child, it is useless . . ." For I was scrabbling
vainly against what I first had taken to be ice, then water, and now knew to be
neither. It seemed like some thick, diamond-clear glass, and yet the hair of
the drowning boy waved with the weeds and if only I could—I looked wildly round
for a rock, a stone.
"It is
enchantment," said Snowy. "And one of her best."
"Her?" I
questioned, but there was no need for the question. I knew at once who he
meant. "You mean you fell foul of Her, too? But how?"
And then he told me of
the dance of death his beloved prince had performed to her bidding, how he and
the witch had battled and how the prince now lay in everlasting sleep, locked
in the crystal pool. I gazed down at the long limbs, slim hips, broad chest,
tapering fingers; at the cloud of fair hair that framed the handsome, perhaps
too handsome face.
"But—but there must
be some way of releasing him!" I said. "The spell she laid on
us was dispelled by the dragon, that on Conn by a twist of words . . ."
"Oh yes, there is a
way. But it means death, death to both of us. If I strike the crystal with my
new golden horn, the one the dragon restored, then I cease to live in this
world; I choose death, as mortals have to die. And my prince? Now, see, he dreams,
and could be left forever in a kind of immortality. If I break the spell he
dies also, for he is mortal like you. Do I choose that for him, or am I content
to leave him to his dreams, and find my brethren in the west?"
"But how can you
know what he dreams? See, he frowns, even now, and turns his head . . ."
Snowy reared up, and
struck his front hooves hard on the crystal tomb. There was a hollow ringing,
but no sign of a crack. "How do I know whether she locked away nightmares
in that living death?" I put my arms around his neck, but what could I
say? How could I, with my petty temper and uncertainties, console this faery
creature whose agony was so much greater than mine had ever been? How could I
reconcile the love of human being and immortal, when apparently I couldn't even
manage a mortal affair myself?
* * *
When we reached the camp
again it was dusk. I slipped down from Snowy's back and joined the others round
The Ancient's fire, but no one asked where we had been, or what we had done.
There was a vegetable
stew for supper and rye bread, and then a truffle cake, tasting sweet and warm
and earthy all at once and we all, even Snowy and Moglet and Pisky, had
generous helpings. It was strange, it seemed to answer all the needs for taste
in the world. In a way it reminded me—
I accused, sitting bolt upright and glaring at The Ancient. "And something
else . . ."
"Maybe. Maybe
not," he answered mildly, tapping the side of his long nose. "And
then again, perhaps."
"But you know it
makes us all act funnily . . ." I giggled, remembering Tom Trundleweed and
as suddenly sobered, recalling Conn's proposal.
"Does no harm.
After all, it's our last meal together: you won't need me any more after
"Last meal?"
said Conn. "Why, are you going away?"
"Away? Where's
away? You knew I could not stay with you once the quest was completed. There are
other little crises here and there, you know, and also with increasing age
I need my sleep. A hundred years perhaps, and then something interesting might
turn up . . ." His voice trailed away and he poked the fire until it
burned blue.
I looked at him, it
seemed for the first time. The trouble was, he kept shifting; like three or
four people playing peep-and-hide all at the same time. One moment there was a
very, very old man with cheeks wrinkled like a forgotten russet and wearing a
silly hat, the next a young helmeted warrior sat there, dark and grim-faced;
again, a merry-eyed child with inquisitive eyes and snapping fingers, or a
mild-faced middle-aged man with receding hair and protruding teeth . . . I shut
my eyes: it was too confusing. Which was The Ancient? Or was he all of
them? Or they all part of him?
I must have dozed off.
When I opened my eyes again the fire was pale green with crackling silver sparks.
The Ancient was an old man again, answering some question of Conn's of which I
caught the echo but not the sense.
" . . . a question
of a different dimension," The Ancient was saying. "And only those
who have been there could understand. They don't very often come back. It is, I
suppose, very much like a vivid dream; you are real and there and experiencing
everything as though it were here and now, but when you return you have to
re-adjust to now as if now were the dream . . . It's confusing,
especially if something momentous is involved: sometimes you wish to stay too
long, and then you are trapped in that time forever . . ."
Time-Travel. I dozed
again, and then someone else must have asked a question—Moglet?—for The Ancient
was answering again.
"No, once they have
gone, let them go. They have a journey to make and are only confused if you try
and call them back, and might lose their way. You would not wake a smiling
child from dream, nor yet a peaceful kitten, would you? No, let them go: in
peace, and with your blessing."
Suddenly I did not like
all this talk about "going"—was he talking about death? I sat up,
rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
"You say we don't
need you anymore, now we have completed our quest—but we haven't." I
tucked my feet under me and glanced round at the others. Snowy's long mane hung
down, hiding his eyes; Corby was preening, Puddy's throat moved up and down;
Pisky's fins, beautiful now, waved gently from side to side; Moglet was purring
with her eyes shut and Conn—Conn was looking across the fire at me, his eyes
bright and soft at the same time: I took a deep breath and looked away.
"What I mean is this: we have lost our burdens, thanks to you and the
dragon, and you told us that once this was done we should be healed—which we
are—" I stretched, feeling with pleasure the way my spine arched back,
"—but you also said we should find our own destinies, or words to that
effect, and you made us bathe in that pool over there to clear our minds. Well,
has it? Cleared them, I mean?"
The fire was now a soft,
rosy pink and the cinders gold and purple.
"Oh, I think they
all know what they want," said The Ancient. "But let's ask them, just
to make sure . . ."
"Well, now,"
said Puddy, "let me consider . . ." He made up his mind. "I have
a picture in my mind of a low heath topped by a wood and dotted with broom,
furze, gorse and thickets of bramble. There are two or three ponds—nothing too
grand, you understand—and there is a jumble of rocks to hide amongst when the
sun is too hot or the wind too cold. And there are others there of my kind, to
exchange reminiscences with during the long days . . . A toad could grow old
there, with pleasure."
"And I sees a bit
of countryside, nothing too grand neither, with a bit of a village with fields
and woods behind and cliffs in front," said Corby. "Something like
that place of the White Wyrme. A place where the wind stretches your wings and
there's food when you seek it and company in plenty and shelter if the going's
tough. But the great thing is to have the fellers to natter to and the
youngsters growing up to be taught to take your place . . ."
"A lake," said
Pisky. "Full of bright shallows and deep crannies, so you may have the sun
and the shadow when you wish it. People to come down and feed you and trail
their fingers in the water, which warms at their touch; and they call you by
name and there are other, lesser fish, who need a king, a consort. By and by
the lake runs with your kind and your children and grandchildren and
great-grandchildren come to you for your wisdom . . ."
"A fire and fish
and milk and a cuddle," said Moglet. "Mice to catch, the run of the
rooftops, a length of twine to chase, a basket full of milky kittens . .
And they lapsed into
their dreams again, dreams that now had a purpose.
I thought, jealously,
that I could find them their sandy heaths with pond, cliffs and woods, a small
lake, a warm fire; they didn't have to sound as if it would all have nothing to
do with me.
"And you,
Flora?" said The Ancient. The fire was gold, all gold.
I leant back in the long
grass and looked up at the stars, so near I could reach out and pluck them,
then blow them away like thistledown . . . "I want a house, not a big one,
but large enough to have separate rooms to sleep, to eat, to cook, to sew and
just sit. It must be near enough to the sea for me to hear the seals sing, with
a stream that wanders nearby. It would be nice if it were near a hump of hill
that would shoulder away the north winds, and I should welcome the martlets in
the eaves, come summer. I should grow herbs for the market and we should keep
goats and chickens and have a big enough plot to keep us in vegetables . .
"We? Us?"
"Me and my husband
and the children. Two boys and two girls. And cats. And a dog, something to
guard us when my husband is away, but who will go hunting with him when he is
home. Oh, and his horse, a mare so we can breed."
"And what is his
name, this husband-to-be?"
I frowned; I had been
able to see all this like a picture, a tapestry of bright colours, but somehow
a draught had caught the weave and I could only catch glimpses, no faces, no
names. "I don't know: he won't keep still. Perhaps if I close my eyes . .
." I did, and was drifting off into a dream where I was standing near a
gate in the sunshine with a blue butterfly on my finger and the scent of honey
in my nostrils, when I heard someone I knew talking nearby.
" . . . and I
thought I would go back to travelling, to fighting, the only things I knew, but
I have changed my mind. Once, I thought that all I wanted was a sword to be
mended and armour to be clean, but now I know there are other, more important
things in life than wandering. I, too, want a house, a home; I want a woman to
love me and be loved in return, and I want children as well. The sword I was so
proud of shall be used no more. I want to mend bones, not break them . .
I smiled in my dream:
that was my husband talking. I knew who he was now and I turned to greet him
and the butterfly flew out of my hands into the sun . . .
The Loosing: Unicorn
Snowy's Choice
I awoke with a start,
clear in mind and very cold, for Corby and Moglet had appropriated my cloak.
Puddy squatted on a stone nearby, Pisky was dreaming in his bowl, Conn and The
Ancient were huddled under their cloaks, the latter snoring gently. We were complete
still, in spite of all the talk earlier, all seven of us, eight with—I knew
immediately what had woken me: Snowy was gone. Not just physically, for he
often wandered off on his own; no, it was more than that. It was as though he
had suddenly severed the ties that had bound us all, cut us from his heart,
banished us from his thoughts, and with a growing sense of anxiety I knew what
he was about to do. No wonder he had been silent earlier.
Springing to my feet I
scanned the far bank of the stream . . . There was a ghostly shimmer of white
among the dark trunks of the trees. I should not have seen him at all but that
it was the still hour before dawn, when there is an almost imperceptible lightening,
as though one veil at least has been drawn back from night's dark window.
Without thought I followed him, splashing through the shallows of the stream
and scrambling up the bank, running onto the silent pine carpet that aisled its
way through the trees, always that pale glimmer tantalizingly far ahead. He was
so much faster than I, too, and it was only my desperate desire to catch him
before he abandoned us all that lent speed to my stumbling feet.
At last I reached the
clearing and there he was, standing before the crystal pool. Stumbling over a
fallen log I fell to my knees with a jolt that knocked the breath from me. But
with the last of my ebbing strength I called out to him with my mind, my heart.
He raised his head and
looked over at me. "I must," he said. "You know that, my little
Fleur. Go back, child, to your love, and leave me to mine . . ."
"But my dear one,
my dearest one, we need you too!" Crying helplessly now, I buried
my face in my hands; only to feel his soft nose against my wet cheek, his mane
brushing my hair.
"Peace, peace . . .
I loved you, too. Remember us!" I listened to the soft thud of his hooves,
dying away. Then there was silence. Opening my tear-blurred eyes, I started at
a terrible crash and a scream of anguish I will always remember. Afterwards all
that could be heard was the agonizingly slow tinkle as of thousands of glasses
I was almost afraid to
look up. At the edge of the clearing, where the trees faded into darkness,
stood my beloved unicorn, the first light of dawn catching the gleam of his
golden horn. Standing by his side, one arm flung around his neck, stood the
"You're all
right," I whispered. "You're all right . . ."
They did not hear me,
they could not hear me! Slowly they walked away from me into the forest, in a
world of their own.
The tears were scalding
my cheeks, as I watched them go, the most terrible thing of all was that I
could see the trees beyond them right through their bodies, clearer and
clearer, and the rising sun rose and dissolved them slowly, like mist, until
they were merely a twist of smoke that rose into the air, hung for a moment
like a frosty breath, and then were no more . . .
The Loosing: Toad , Crow
Six Feathers
Conn found me a little
while later. He caught me close and hugged me, not entirely and unreservedly,
but with a sort of courteous passion, as though he was not yet quite sure how I
should welcome his embrace. "Don't cry, girl," he said. "It's
what they wanted. And there are other worlds than this."
I looked up at last,
wiping my swollen eyes. Everything had changed. Where there had been
desolation, now the sun struck through the dim conifers, a diffused morning
light that candled the wild anemones into pink and mauve and purple, touched
late snowdrops into warm white, glowed among the violets, turned the coltsfoot
into flame, uncurled the tiny daffy-down-dillies into open-faced wonder and
crept like a hesitant visitor among the moss, lichens and first tender spears
of grass. A squirrel raced down a tree and hesitated upside down, cocking his
head, bright eyes gleaming, russet tail twitching as if timing the
full-throated, sweet music of the wren on the branch above. A tiny round vole,
furry, sat up and washed his whiskers in the dew.
I stood up. Where the
crystal tomb had shattered a tiny spring rose and bubbled in the grass. With a
breath that tore in my throat I stepped forward to pick up a scrap of gold that
glistened in the clear water, and held it out to Conn.
"It's from his
horn!" I said, marvelling at the three-spiralled gold ring.
Without a word, Conn
took it from me, and gently slipped it on the middle finger of my right hand.
* * *
"Went at early
light," said Puddy, back at the camp. "Packed up his things and just
"Without even
saying goodbye?" said Conn.
"Not exactly,"
said Corby. "Sort of said it was time he made tracks. Said you two would
"Well, I don't . .
"'Course you
do," said Pisky briskly. "He said so last night. Not in so many
words, I admit, but I understood him to say that we didn't need him any more
now we knew what we were looking for . . ."
"He left you a
message," said Moglet. "Well, all of us, really. 'A direction and
some reminders' he said . . . Where's Snowy?"
So we told them.
"Glad for
him," said Puddy.
"Brave thing to
do," said Corby.
"Wish I had seen
his prince," said Pisky. "Never seen a prince . . ."
"I wish I was
brave," said Moglet. "When Snowy was here he made me braver."
Conn looked at me.
"So, now what?"
"I suppose we pack
up and go—wherever we belong," I said slowly. "Wherever that may be .
. ." I would not look at Conn. "Where's this 'direction' you were
talking about, Moglet?"
She led us over to a
flat patch of ground. There, forming a rough arrow pointing southwestish, were
six feathers. A rook's and a martlet's; a sparrow's and a cockerel's; an owl's
and a dove's.
Conn took a sighting,
then picked up the feathers one by one, scratching his head. "The
direction's clear enough, but what's the reminder? What have any of us, apart
from Corby here, got to do with feathers?"
" 'One each,' he
said," said Moglet. " 'So as we wouldn't forget . . .' "
I looked at the feathers
in Conn's hand. "Some of them do have meanings," I said. "Like
flowers . . ."
"Of course! Cock
feather for courage, owl for wisdom; martlet's traveller's luck; dove . . .
"Or fidelity,"
said I. "Sparrow is for fecundity—Lots of babies," I explained to
Moglet, because we had been talking human-speech.
"And a rook does
nothing but chatter, so I suppose that one is for the power of speech,"
said Conn. "Well, who has what?"
I glanced at the others.
"They could apply to us all, one way and another. Why don't you just pin
them to your cloak until we discover which is which?" I said to Conn.
"Right," he
said, twisting the feathers into a badge.
"Fleur, is
everything packed up? Puddy, into my pocket! Corby, would you take a scan from
the top of that tree and see if the path is clear: in line with the oak and the
ash . . . Like a top-up before we go, Pisky? Moglet, you can run on a little until
you get tired, then I'm sure Thingy—sorry, Fleur, won't mind carrying you for a
while, I'll take the big pack, girl, if you can manage the other?"
I gazed at him in
astonishment. Here was a new Conn, very definitely in command. He caught my
gaze and winked. "Amazing what a few feathers will do, isn't it?"
We left that enchanted
place in early summer, but when we left its shelter we found that the world
outside was still in early spring and none too warm.
For the first few miles
I missed both Snowy and The Ancient, maddening magician that he was. Sometimes
I would look up, half-expecting to catch a glimpse of our unicorn. But I knew
in my heart that he had gone for ever, and gradually his loss became less hard
to bear. But Conn kept up a fast pace with Corby calling out the route from
overhead. Moglet continually got lost in the bushes chasing inviting smells.
Pisky demanded to stop every time we came to a likely pond. We also had to buy
provisions in the first village we came to, and I had Conn's shirt and my shift
to wash as well as a rip in his hose to mend.
We travelled the way The
Ancient had indicated, and were happy in each other's company as every day the
light grew stronger, the sun rose higher and the land burgeoned. Every day the
animals grew stronger, braver, more capable of providing for themselves, and
every night they slept nearby and every morning I found it easier to talk to
Conn than to remember their speech, and forgot to remember why . . .
Until one day, just
after Conn's Easter Feast. It had been cold at night and sharp during the day
for a week. Spring had held back her buds, but that morning we awoke to a
change of wind; a warm southerly breeze shook the pale catkins and ruffled my
hair. We had been climbing a small escarpment under a hazy sun, and at midday I
suggested we sit under the trees for bread and cheese.
"Can we go just a
little further?" asked Puddy, restlessly shifting on webbed feet.
"And a bit to the left?"
"What's 'a little
"I don't know; just
a feeling. Can we?"
If only I had said
no—but would it have been any different in the long run?
Instead I picked him up
in my hands and followed his directions, the others trailing behind. The land
dropped away into a sandy slope, rock-strewn and gorse-covered. Beyond lay scrub,
marsh, two ponds—
"Oh, Puddy," I
said. "Not yet, not yet!"
"But this is the
place," he said simply. "My home."
"You can't! We
belong . . ."
"Yes. We belong,
and always will. But I had a picture in my mind, and this is it. Sorry, Thing
dear, but this is where I want to live out the rest of my life." He looked
up at me. "You wouldn't want to deny me this?"
I shook my head, not
trusting any other form of communication.
"Glad for
you," said Corby. "Hope it's as easy for the rest of us . . ."
"Nice ponds,"
said Pisky. "But too shallow for me, I suspect; a king-carp wants a larger
territory. Still, I'm pleased you have found your destiny so soon. May luck go
with you, my friend: cool summers and warm winters and food and company
whenever you need it."
said Moglet.
"Good place for
toads, I should think," said Conn. "Shall I carry him down to the
nearest pond?"
"Next one's
best," said Puddy. "Doesn't dry up in a drought, as I remember . .
But I had to carry him,
not anyone else. Making my way down between rocks and yellow gorse I trod upon
the soft sand where all about me were the tracks of other creatures:
water-birds, lizards, frogs, newts, grass snake, and I saw several toads bound
on the same journey as Puddy. A brimstone butterfly brushed my cheek and joined
another dancing towards the bright waters. Midges patterned rhythmically above
our heads.
Gently I set Puddy down,
looking for the last time at that warm, warty little body, the bright eyes, the
tapered toes, the gulping throat, and the slight, light scar where the emerald
had lived for so long. The wind was soft, the water ruffled with cat's-paws,
and all around bird-song, the calling of frogs late, toads early.
"Oh, Puddy," I
said. "I didn't realize how much it would hurt!"
Conn came over and
tickled his finger under Puddy's chin. "Goodbye, old comrade: it was fun
travelling together. Now, go and find a nice young lady toad . . ." I
doubted if Puddy understood, for Conn was speaking human. "Come on, girl,
he'll be just fine now."
But I knelt and cupped
Puddy in my hands once more. "I love you," I said.
"Me too,
human." He nodded at Conn. "I understood . . . Our ways are different
now, but I shall not forget. It was good, was it not?" And he jumped from
my hands and waded into the pond, turning at the last moment. "May your
destiny be near," he said formally, "and me and mine will always live
in peace with you."
"And I with
you," I answered, equally formally. "And all creatures that share
water and land shall be my concern and that of my children and theirs for ever
"Thanks. Can I have
my feather? The rook's, I think: I have rather got out of the way of speech, of
gossip . . ."
My fingers trembled as I
unfastened the feather from Conn's jacket. "I'll stick it here, so you can
see it when you come out of the pond . . ."
"Remember me!"
he said, and I watched the gallant little form, moving a little stiffly, for he
was well into middle-years, toad-time, swim down and down into the depths until
he was hidden from view.
From then on it was as
if I had forgotten how to speak to his kindred. I could never again, as long as
I lived, converse with them as I had once done.
But Moglet snuggled up
to me and whispered: "I'll never leave you . . ."
* * *
It was Corby's turn
After three days the
wind changed yet again and came gusting in from the northeast, and farmers were
looking anxiously at their orchards as the trees tossed and troubled, blossom
falling too soon. One morning Corby declined breakfast, but stretched and
flapped his wings, rising a few feet, then sinking down again, his eyes bright,
his head restless.
"It's no use,"
he said at last. "I shall have to go; the winds are calling . . ."
"Oh, no, Corby! Not
you, too!" I cried.
"Me too, lass. You
knew it had to come."
"But so soon!"
"Human years are
not crow years; I'm not a youngster any more, you know." It was true:
around his bill, and under his wing where the sapphire had been, the feathers
were greying. "The winds tell me of that village I was speaking of, remember?
And I know my brethren are waiting: I can hear them call down the wind. You
wouldn't deny me that, now would you?"
What could I say? But I
tried to put him off, till tomorrow, next week—
"The winds are
right and I can smell my way home. If I wait . . ."
"But—I shall never
see you again!"
"Who knows, who
knows . . . Better choose a feather, I s'pose . . . Give us the martlet's:
traveller's luck, that's what I need." And he tucked it under his wing,
where it blended with the rest of his feathers.
I wanted the others to
help me to persuade him to stay, but once again they played me traitor.
"Fly the air like
water," said Pisky. "And may you have food a-plenty, comradeship, and
your choice of the ladies."
said Moglet.
"Fare you
well," said Conn. "Enjoyed your company, bird . . ."
I sank to the ground and
held out my arms and he waddled to my lap, his beak nibbling my ear. "Now,
come on then, human: your life lies ahead of you too, you know . . . We all
knew this had to happen sooner or later, didn't we? Me and mine will always
live in peace with you . . ."
"I love you,"
I said, and he walked from my lap and rose into the air, at first clumsily,
then as a gust of wind caught him, riding the currents easily.
"Me too!" he
cried. "It was fun, wasn't it? Remember me . . ." and he spiralled
upwards and then headed northeast into the wind, and the sun hurt my eyes so I
could not see for the tears.
"The winds be with
you," I said unsteadily. "And all creatures that fly the air shall be
my concern and that of my children and theirs for ever more . . ."
But from then on it was
as if I had forgotten how to speak to his kindred and I could never again, as
long as I lived, converse with them as I had once done.
For days after, whenever
I saw an untidy bundle of crow on the ground, or heard their harsh cry or
watched their erratic flight in the air, my heart beat faster, hoping against
hope that it was Corby. But it never was.
There was no bright
destiny waiting for me that I could see. But I had Pisky still, trapped in his
bowl, and my beloved Moglet.
And every night now she
snuggled up to me and whispered: "I'll never leave you . . ."
The Loosing: Fish
The Lake by the Castle
During the next six
weeks I was lulled into a sense of false security, for the four of us travelled
undisturbed and undivided. There seemed no change in anyone although there was,
so subtle that I did not note it at the time. Every day, imperceptibly,
Moglet's and Pisky's voices dimmed to me and more and more I heard Conn's. I
grew stronger in body, more capable of walking the distances he demanded and,
in secret, I bought a mirror at the first opportunity and it was as The Ancient
had said: I was pretty, or at least not ugly. I begged silver from Conn for a
new dress, sandals, a fillet for my hair and he indulged me without quibble,
for we had plenty of dragon-gold to spare.
Once or twice I asked
where we were bound, but he only answered that he followed The Ancient's
directions. Still, it was pleasant travelling, for the weather was warm and I
did not have to decide anything. There was one puzzling factor: Conn had never
again referred to the contract between us; at first I was glad not to have to
think of an answer, then I became a little uneasy, and at last I became
downright anxious. Had he forgotten? Did he think, perhaps, that my
metamorphosis from masked hunchie to presentable female absolved him? Was the
new me—because less pitiable, less dependent—less attractive to him also? I
longed to ask and almost succumbed once or twice but held my tongue. I had rather
anything than be rejected, for my love, dimmed and almost forgotten sometimes
in the trials we had endured, nevertheless had always burned true and clear.
Every day when I woke I
checked first to see whether he was awake, perhaps to dwell on his sleeping,
unprotected face, mouth calm under the curling red moustache; to watch the
fluttering lids, so white against the lean brown cheeks; to touch, perhaps, the
unruly curls that framed his head; and then, when he was awake before me, to
note with delight the flash of those red-brown eyes, so clear, so positive; and
all the while to watch the taut grace, the economy of movement, the sudden,
fierce aggression. Had he some goal in mind that did not include me? I tried to
remember what he had said that last night round the fire with The Ancient, when
we had all eaten those tongue-loosening mushrooms, but could recall very
little—something about healing instead of fighting? Memory teased at the
fringes of consciousness, a cat's paw under the curtain.
The beginning of the
Month of Maying, Beltane was warm, very warm, and it was with relief that we
crested a hill and saw a castle off to our right, the town beneath us.
"Cool ale,"
said Conn. "And a fresh shirt. This one is in tatters."
"I need more needle
and thread," I said. "And more provisions all round."
"Houses mean
mice," said Moglet. "And things . . ." She did not specify what.
I looked at her. My
kitten no longer, she was grown of a sudden to a full-size cat, small maybe,
and dainty, but nevertheless mature.
"Did you say there
was a castle?" asked Pisky. "A real one? Lemme see, lemme see . .
He was growing out of
the bowl I obligingly raised, and he now had twelve snail retainers. His fins
were bright red, not gold, and they waved like the pennons on the litter we saw
being carried down from the castle towards us.
Pisky contemplated the
castle and gave a bob of satisfaction, then his eyes slid sideways. "Is
that gleam over there a lake by any chance?"
"Er . . . yes, I
believe it is . . ."
"With trees all
around, and a sunny bank covered with flowers?"
"Why, yes: but you
can't possibly see—Oh, Pisky . . ."
"I only
"I know what you
asked! And I won't let you! You can't walk over there, and I'm not going to
take you, and besides the castle probably belongs to someone important and they
will chase us away . . ."
I had been standing on
the bank to let the litter go by. It swayed with white and gold curtains and
was accompanied by six men-at-arms riding before and behind. Conn bowed
courteously as it passed, the dust from flying hooves powdering his boots. I
was so busy reprimanding Pisky that I shook his bowl, to emphasize my
displeasure, and water splashed over my bare feet and I had to rescue a snail.
There was an unseen command and the liner came to a lurching stop, and twelve
unprepared horsemen reined in their skittish mounts with difficulty on the
narrow path. The curtains of the litter parted and a dumpy little lady with her
grey hair drawn back in an optimistic bun leant out. She spoke to one of the
escort and he beckoned to us.
"The Lady Rowena
wishes to speak with you!"
Conn held out his hand
to me and slowly I descended the bank, Pisky's bowl in my hands, Moglet keeping
pace safely from beneath my skirts. I curtseyed then looked up at the lady
shyly. She had merry eyes, a round red face full of fine wrinkles, a generous
mouth, and surprisingly looked all-over untidy. The gown she wore, though of
stiffened silk, did not sit prettily on her overweight figure, the rings on her
fingers were either too tight or too loose, hair wisped about her face because
the pins in her bun had come out and she was eating sweetmeats out of a box and
dropping the crumbs in her lap. But her voice was surprisingly young, clear and
"My dears . . . You
did not mind me stopping you to have a word?" She didn't wait for a reply,
but first dabbed at her sticky mouth with a linen cloth, then ineffectually
flicked at the crumbs. "Oh dear, oh dear, I am so . . . Now, what was I
saying? Ah, yes. Stopping you . . . You did say you didn't mind? But I
thought it was—yes, it is!—just what I have been looking for all
these years! I send my men far and wide, and seven years ago I was all but
promised . . . He said it had been stolen: probably kept it for himself, if the
truth were known . . . Inferior ones I have been offered from time to time, but
this!" She tumbled out of the litter, all skirts and grey hair and crumbs,
and clasped her hands round Pisky's bowl. "A king! A king Magnus golden carp!
And in such condition! A youngster, not more than twenty years old—they
take an unconscionable time a-growing, my dears—and this one has fifty—nay,
seventy or more years to go and may end up as long—as long as my arm! And who
would have thought . . . It's my birthday, you see, and I had meant to treat
myself to some more . . . But no matter. Just to see him is sweetmeat
enough! Here, my handsome fellow: a crumb of something special . . .
There!" And she dropped a sliver of sweet stuff from her sleeve into his
"What does she say,
what does she say?" said Pisky excitedly, between further offerings.
I translated the
relevant bits, adding: "And she talks more than you do, even!" in
human speech, but luckily she was casting about for the combs to fasten her
hair at the time and didn't hear me. The combs and pins were all scattered in
the dust, and she and Conn bumped heads companionably a couple of times before
they were all retrieved.
I put my nose up against
Pisky's: "And she's not having you," I added, but he was not
listening either.
"There now, that's
better!" said Lady Rowena, at last, patting a precarious pile. "And
now—why, I don't even know your names! A handsome knight and a pretty young
lady, a king among fish and—ah, yes! I thought so: a little cat, and so dainty,
too . . . There must be a story to tell here . . . Now, come: I have quite lost
interest in a trip to town; we must all go back to the castle and have some
refreshment. My husband must see the fish! You, dear child, squeeze up beside
me in the litter . . ."
And so, without going
willingly at all, resisting her blandishments in my mind, I nevertheless found
myself being carried back to the castle among the crumbs and scattered
cushions, with a suspicious Moglet on my lap and Pisky's bowl cradled in hers.
She chattered all the way to the keep, and although she asked questions she
never quite waited for all the answers and by the time we were introduced to
her husband, the lord of the manor of Warwek, she had twisted our names to
Connie (me) and Flint.
Sir Ranulf was as tall,
thin and cadaverous as his wife was short, plump and rosy, but his eyes were
brown and kind. "Now then, Rosie dear, don't bewilder the young people . .
"Now, would I!
But see here, Ranny darling, what the young lady has brought with her!"
She exhibited Pisky, who was now beside himself, aware that all eyes were
admiring. He pranced and danced, curved and pirouetted, rose and sank, fluted
his fins and tail and pouted and gasped, till I muttered that he would run out
of air.
"Shan't! But I want
to see the water she talked about. Ask them, ask them, Thing dear!
I knew I had lost the
battle as soon as they led us to the lake. It was large and calm, its northern
side some hundred paces from the castle, shallow, reed-fringed waters dipping
to a deep centre. On the eastern side were thick trees, to the south a smooth
hillock and to the west the land sloped gently away. There were water lilies, a
little artificial island, an arch of rocks, again artificial, and the water was
warm and clear. A moorhen with her half-grown chicks swam away from the reeds
at our approach and two black swans, younglings, curved to their high-winged
"Down in
there," said the Lady Rowena, pointing down into the water, "there
are twenty-five assorted fish, including three young golden carp princesses. My
collection . . . It is mating-time now, and the water is the right temperature
. . ." and she knelt down and pulled up her sleeve, testing the lake with
her elbow, just like a nurse trying the water for a babe.
Sir Ranulf stood
watching her, twirling the ends of his moustache. "Loves 'em, you know.
Never had any children . . . Pity. Spends all her time caring for the fish.
Feeds 'em every evening, rain or shine. Designed all this herself. Been looking
for one like yours for years. Pride of her collection and all that. Still . .
"Now then,"
she said, "I should love him above all the others; I can't help thinking
of those carp princesses waiting too . . . They are a little larger, being
females, and they usually spend their time near the western bank, under the
lily-leaves, just hoping . . . But I could never try to persuade these darlings
to part with him against their will!"
"It's his
decision," I said, knowing all the while what that decision would be, for
he was leaping about now like something possessed. "Oh, Pisky, dear one,
is this what you really want?"
"Lemme see
first," he said, and gently I lowered his bowl to the waters and with a
flash of silver belly he was gone. We waited for five minutes, for ten, for
twenty . . . Oh, Pisky! I prayed for his return, I prayed for him not to like
it, for disillusion to overcome the invitation of the lake. Conn looked at me,
and in his expression I read that I was wrong.
"It's right, Fleur
love," he said, and at that moment Pisky's head popped out of the water at
my feet.
"Oh, Thing dear,
you've no idea how beautiful it is! Everything laid on! There are waters deep
and cool, waters shallow and warm and a veritable underwater garden to
exclusive design, with tall spawning-trees just to fin! And I found them, the
lady fish: they are a beginning, a beginning! Oh, dear one, my father, my
grandfather, my uncles, my great-grandfather—they never had it so good! A fish
could be happy here for a hundred years, he could found a generation that would
last a thousand . . ."
I turned to Lady Rowena.
"He wants to stay," I said, and my throat tightened on the words,
thick with unshed tears. "A gift for your birthday."
Her face lightened with
joy, and she bent to tickle Pisky's chin, very gently. "Bless you, King
"Can I?"
"Pisky," I
said. "You don't have to ask . . ."
"Good manners . .
"Yes," I said.
"You always had those . . . Oh, Pisky, are you sure?"
"Sure as snails . .
. Which reminds me: can I have them, please?"
I submerged his bowl in
the water. "There; let them crawl out in their own good time."
"Now. I am king
of the lake!" And, sure enough, the bowl was empty in double-quick time as
I teased out the last of the weed.
"There, dear one .
. ."
"Thanks . . ."
He whirled away, but in a moment he was back, balancing on his tail. "It
was a tremendous experience, wasn't it? I rode the winds with a dragon . . .
Bless you both, and you, cat. I love you. Remember me!" and he was
away, lost forever to me beneath the water of his lake. I plucked the sparrow
feather from Conn's jacket and stuck it in the earth at the water's edge.
"I love you,
too," I said unsteadily. "The waters give you peace . . . And all
creatures that swim the waters shall be my concern and that of my children and
theirs for evermore . . ."
But from then on it was
as if I had forgotten how to speak to his kindred, and I could never again, as
long as I lived, converse with them as once I had done.
* * *
They asked us to stay at
the castle that night, and the Lady Rowena found me a gold pin and a pearl
necklace she wanted me to have, but we pleaded urgent travel and refused both
hospitality and gifts, and left them with her searching for ant's eggs for her
"children" and spent the night in the nearest hostelry. I could not
bear the thought of being so near to Pisky as to want to go and scoop him back
into his bowl . . .
"Do you think he's
all right?"
"The best of them
all, so far." I didn't like the last two words. "He's found his
kingdom. Be glad for him!"
"Oh, I am, I
am!" I said, the stupid tears pressing hard behind my eyes, all the while
cuddling my beloved Moglet, who had whispered earlier: "I'll never, ever
leave you!"
"But I do miss
"That's not what
you said when you had to carry him all those miles without spilling!" said
"That was
different." And it was. "He will—he will live for seventy
"And found a
dynasty. All of whom will be exactly like him, down to the smallest tiddler
who, in hundreds of years to come, will bore his great-great-great-grandchildren
with the tale of his great-great-great-grandfather who spoke to dragons and,
for a little while, carried a Dragon-Pearl . . ."
"You're laughing at
"Perhaps just a
little . . . But think of it rationally, Thingy—sorry, I just can't get used to
the 'Fleur' bit after all this time—if you can. Three creatures: a toad,
happily basking in the sun in the company of his friends, and probably already
having contributed to the increase of the toad population, is sitting with his
eyes shut digesting some horrible insect, and remembering happily his moment of
glory with the Walking Trees; he's home, and has no more headaches . . . Then
there's that great crow, soaring happily over the cliffs somewhere, enjoying
the feel of the wind under his once-crippled wing; remembering, too, his part
in the White Wyrme adventure; beneath him, somewhere, his mate is on the eggs
that will produce other Corbys. He is fulfilled. And Pisky: his own kingdom,
able to eat what he wants, when he wants, a harem attendant on every wish, and
memories of a dragon, and of rescuing you from that thing in the water—Dear
Christ, girl, let them be! It's just selfishness to want them back!"
"I know," I
said, cuddling Moglet tight. "I know . . ."
The Loosing: Cat
A Gain and a Loss
In the morning Conn
declared his intention of going to buy a horse. "We're travelling too
"To where?"
"How should I know?
The way The Ancient pointed us."
"But why the
"I don't know that,
either. I just feel that something is waiting. And . . ." He hesitated
"Today I am going
to buy a horse."
So we went to the
market, held in the square. How he knew, I do not know, but it was the monthly
horse-trading fair and we dodged hooves as they were trotted up and down, some
still shaggy with winter. There was no other stock; on inquiry I found that
apparently one week it was fowl and pigs, the second sheep and goats, the third
cattle and the fourth horses. I left Conn watching the trading and wandered
among the other stalls, Moglet under my cloak, buying eggs, salt, cheese,
bread, honey and my needles and thread. I found some excellent cured pork and
bought a small sack of oatmeal; it would hardly fit in my hard-pressed
haversack, but I reckoned if Conn found a horse we should have saddlebags as
I reached the pens where
the last of the horses were being held; there were a few left, the dregs by the
look of it, but I glanced at them all, nevertheless. One never knew—Perhaps,
that one in the corner . . . A pale mare, filthy dirty, with matted mane and
tangled, soiled tail, her ribs sticking through her coat; unclipped, uncared
for. I moved over, pushing the others aside, and pulled a tuft of grass from
the stones outside the pen.
"Here, girl . .
." She did not raise her head. I coaxed. "Here my beauty . . ."
The Roman nose lifted, dark brown eyes regarded me steadily, warm breath blew
in my face. "So it's Beauty, is it? Here, take it . . ." Gently she
lipped the grass, no snatching. I studied the collar marks that had seared the
skin, the missing slashes of hair on the rump where the switches had bitten
deep. "Here, Beauty, let's see . . ." I took the jaw and opened the
mouth; six, seven years old, no more. She blew at me again, searching for
response. "I can't talk your language, sorry . . ." But I blew back
gently and brushed aside the ragged forelock, then slipped into the pen beside
her, to run my hands down her legs, lift the hooves to look for rot, try the
lameness test, legs held bent tight for a minute. She was basically sound, as
far as I could see, but had been badly neglected, was weak with winter fasting
and hard work. I had hooked my haversack over the nearest post, now I popped
Moglet on top. "Keep an eye open; I'll be back in a minute."
Conn was watching a
rangy chestnut being run up and down, all rolling eyes and flaring nostrils,
ears laid back.
"Mettle, yes, but
temper too. Did you find anything?"
He turned. "Was
outbid on quite a nice grey, but I decided I would only pay twenty silver
pieces top, and he went for twenty-two. You don't think this one . . . ?"
"No," I said
firmly. "All fire and no heart; short-winded too, I shouldn't be
surprised. Come on, I've found one to show you." I dragged him back to the
pen and led him over to the corner. "See? There's a good horse lost under
all that hair. She's been hard-used, but with a little feeding-up . . ."
"She wouldn't carry
your kitten, let alone you or me! She's clapped-out!"
I leant forward and
pulled at her halter. "You're not, are you, Beauty?"
"Beauty?" He
managed to make it sound utterly ridiculous.
"Yes, Beauty."
The mare gave a soft whinny and lipped at Conn's sleeve. He moved back,
frowning, then suddenly leant forward and pulled aside her forelock.
"I don't believe
it! I-just-don't-believe-it . . ."
I pulled at his sleeve.
"Don't believe what?"
"Look here—there,
on her forehead. Yes, there . . ."
There was a silvery
patch arranged in a peculiar radiating whorl.
"Is that
But Conn was dancing
around like a mad thing. "Special? I'll say it is! And of course she's
Beauty, you were right there. When I got her in the Low-Lands she was booty,
and that's what I called her: 'Booty' or 'Beauty.' Seems she still knows her
name. She ran off when—" He stopped abruptly.
"When the witch . .
. ?" I prompted.
"Yes. Well—The
horse got frightened by her fireworks and I never thought to see her again.
Yet, here she is. I'm sure of it." He snatched a wizened apple from my
pack and offered it to Beauty, who again took it gently and scrunched it
happily, allowing him to pass his hands all over her. "Hmm . . . a bit of
muscle strain in the right shoulder. No problem. Well, well, well . . ."
"You're sure it's
"Quite. Here's the
little knot in her shoulder where she was nicked by an arrow just before I got
her. How's my old Booty, then?" and the beast nuzzled his shoulder only to
start back nervously, flinging her head up, as a diminutive man came and
perched himself on the pen rails.
"Thinking of buying
'er, then?" He had a cold. "Shouldn't. Not with 'er 'istory. Three
owners already from 'ereabouts she's 'ad, and not a one satisfied. No good to
none of them, she's been. Some feller east of here found 'er eighteen months
back, tried 'er with the plough—"
"The plough!"
snorted Conn.
"No good,"
continued the snuffly little man, nodding his head. "Got a good price for
'er though, none knowing 'er 'istory. Second feller, Wyngalf, tried putting her
in shafts: no good. Still got a decent price, 'cos she were a looker, then.
Peterkin's 'ad 'er overwinter—couldn't even put 'er to 'is stallion, she
weren't 'aving none. No good for anything, if you asks me . . ."
"Perhaps not round
here," said Conn, sarcastically. He ran his hand over the scarce-healed
weals on her quarters. "Doesn't look to have been well-treated."
"That Peterkin's a
violent man, 'e is. 'Eard 'im say as 'e'd carve 'er up for meat 'imself if she
didn't fetch ten of silver . . ."
"Well," said
Conn. "In spite of what you say, I've a mind to her."
The man jumped down from
the rails. "Don't say as I didn't warn you, then." He shuffled off,
then looked back. "'E'll ask fifteen, but'll take ten . . ."
Conn tossed him a coin.
"Thanks for the advice. Get something for that cold of yours . . ."
We got her for the ten
pieces of silver: no one else was interested beyond knacker's price. Afterwards
Conn bought second-hand bridle, saddle and saddle-bags cheaply and led her to
the nearest stables to give her a rub down, clean and file her hooves, curry her
mane and tail and bed her down with oats and a bran-mash. "We'll spend
another night here," he said cheerfully. "Give her time to get used
to the saddle again tomorrow. See if the inn can put us up again, will
"I'll leave the
haversack with you, then," I said, setting it down. "And come back
and let you know. Come on, Moglet . . . Moglet? Oh, Conn! I've lost
He stopped rubbing
Beauty down, hearing the anxiety in my voice. "She was with us at the
pens, because she hopped off the haversack when I gave Booty that apple. Don't
worry, she can't have gone far. Just got lost in the bustle, I expect. She'll
turn up."
Frantic, I ran back to
where the horses had been corralled: no kitten-cat. I wasted time asking
passers-by whether they had seen her; some were sympathetic, others just stared
or tapped their foreheads significantly. I asked at every open doorway I could
find, but still no cat. There were a couple of tabbies, a black and white, a
ginger torn, but no multicoloured striped/brindled/spotted cat like Moglet. At
last, almost crying, I went back to the stables, where I found that Conn had
spread out some sacking in a corner and laid out bread, pies and ale.
"No inn tonight.
Too late to get a decent lodging," he said, seeing from my face how miserable
I felt. "We'll have a bite to eat and then I'll have a look with you for
that wretched animal of yours." He was only teasing with the
"wretched," I knew that, but I couldn't stop myself.
"You don't care
about her!" I sobbed. "You don't care about me, either! Now you've
got that—that wretched horse of yours back again all you can think about is
going off adventuring! You don't need us anymore . . ."
"Don't be
silly!" He was quite sharp with me, a fact that set me wailing again.
"Of course I care; but she'll be back—and, if not, don't you think she
might have found something she wants to do, somewhere she wants
to go? She's got the use of her paw back now and this town is full of nooks and
crannies where mice hide out. She's probably out hunting her dinner—"
"She may have been
"Why on earth would
anyone want to steal a scrawny little scrap like that? Be sensible!"
But I didn't want to be
sensible, all the more so because although he had been quick to assert that he
did care about Moglet, he still hadn't mentioned me . . .
I ran out into the
street, darkening now, with shadows deep in the alleyways. "Moglet!
A little figure, tail
high in greeting, came running down the centre of the road. "I'm here:
stop shouting!"
I scooped her up into my
arms, my heart beating more wildly than hers, and now that I had her safe I
scolded her like a mother who has snatched her child from under the hooves of a
runaway horse, anger proportionate with relief. "You're naughty! Where on
earth have you been? You had me worried sick—didn't you hear me calling?"
"I was hunting . .
. Two mice! And I was invited into a house for supper. Such nice people!
They fussed over me as though I belonged to them and had been lost, and in
truth it did feel like some place I had been before. There is a girl
there, younger than you perhaps, and she can't walk properly—like me when I had
the stone in my paw. The back of their house leads down to the river and it's
there, in their mill, that I caught the mice. And the miller's daughter, the
one who is crippled, was watching him work and he saw me catch the mice and put
me on her lap for a cuddle. And he has a little cart to wheel her in, because
she can't walk, and I went back to their house in the cart with her, and they
gave me a bowl of cream, real cream! Then they let me out, and the girl was
sad. And then I heard you calling and I came . . ."
I had never heard Moglet
talk so fast, so excitedly, nor had I been able to understand her so well for
ages. At first I was so glad to get her back that the implications of what she
was saying didn't register, but at last I understood: Moglet had found a
family, a home—
She was the one of them
all, perhaps, that I had loved the most, because she had been, then, like I was:
small, crippled, female, frightened and tatty. Now she was a full-grown cat,
quick, alert, loving and whole, and she wanted a fire to dream by, mice to
catch, a bowl of cream and a basketful of kittens to croon over and tell how
once she had been on a quest and had carried a dragon's diamond in her paw. And
the kittens would not know what a dragon was, but would listen just the same.
But she would be able to catch a spider for them and tell of the one that was
as big as a house . . .
But I could give her all
that! She could come with me and I would give her cream and shelter. She
didn't need this—or the crippled girl who had to ride in a cart. I opened my
mouth and my mind to say all this, to explain to Moglet that she mustn't be
misled by the first family who fancied a mouse-catcher, to tell her that I
needed her because I had no one else, but instead I listened to myself say:
"Well, I'm glad you're back, 'cos I've saved some pie. Tell you what,
we'll all go back and see these people tomorrow, shall we, and you can see that
crippled girl again. I'm sure she'll be glad to see you." And Moglet
purred, and lifted her face to my hand and showed her teeth and half-closed her
eyes and opened her mouth to take in all my scent, the greatest show of affection
a cat can give, and the back of my throat ached with the effort not to cry.
* * *
Magdalen was actually a
very nice girl; small, pale, with a twisted and shortened leg, but eyes that
were loving, and hands that gentled Moglet with a skill I had never achieved.
Her parents had married late in life and obviously adored their only child. The
home they lived in was one of the more prosperous in town with a large kitchen
and eating room on the ground floor, with a solar and three bedrooms above.
I began by resenting the
whole idea of the family and ended up by liking them, although I confess I was
surprised by the way they had taken to Moglet, until the wife explained.
"It's like this, my
dear; when that little cat appeared it was just like seeing a ghost! You see our
mother cat, bless her, lived to fifteen years and only passed away last winter.
She hadn't had kits for seven years and the last one she had was stolen off
this very doorstep when our Mag was seven years old, and this one is as like as
two peas, even to the one white whisker. My husband says she's a champion
mouser, like our Sue that died, and Mag just fell straight in love with her!
She cuddled her like she never did with dolls when that kitten was stolen. It
were she, though, as knew that the cat belonged to someone else, and insisted
we let her go, otherwise I'd have shut that door tight last night, bless me if
I wouldn't! As it was, she cried fit to flood the meadows when the little thing
slipped out and was away . . ."
I looked across the
solar to where the sun shafted through the windows; Magdalen had rolled a scrap
of leather into a fair imitation of a mouse, ears and tail and all, and had
attached it to a length of her sewing silks, and now Moglet was playing
catch-as-catch-can among the rushes, eyes intent, body totally involved. I
realized with a pang that I had never played with her like that . . . At last
the girl drew the toy up onto her lap and Moglet followed, to settle down in
the sunshine with a yawn of delicious tiredness.
"Would you let her
have kittens?" I asked.
"First thing,"
said the father (I never did find out their proper names). "I could do
with a good mouser or two in the mill and there's plenty of the neighbours as
could do with one too; been a shortage of good ones since our Sue died."
"There's a nice
ginger tom down the road," said the mother. "He might do."
I glanced again at
Moglet; she was purring. Yes, the ginger tom "might do" very well.
The girl glanced across
at me, but her hands did not cease their caressing, I was glad to see. Her
speech was slightly impaired, but I could understand her well enough. "But
you love her too: we can't take her away. It wouldn't be right."
"She is not mine,
nor yet Conn's," and I nodded in his direction. "She is her own
creature, and as such is free to choose her own destiny. And if you will care .
. . ?"
"Always," and
she gently stroked Moglet's ears the right way so that she sighed happily and
settled deeper.
I plucked the cock's
feather, emblem of courage, from Conn's jacket and gave it to the girl.
"Let her play with this sometimes . . ."
But we had not reached
the turn in the street when there was a cry behind us and Moglet was in my
"You are leaving
For the last time I
hugged her. "But you want to stay. So, we were only leaving you without
saying goodbye because we thought it was best. Besides, I hate goodbyes . .
She looked up at me.
"You don't mind? I thought . . . I thought . . ."
"Of course we mind!
Don't be silly!"
"But I always said
. . ." she hesitated.
"That you would never
leave us," I supplied. "But—but she definitely needs you.
She—she hasn't a dragon to cure her of that poor leg, and because you were
crippled once you will be able to understand her better. And I am cured, and
I—I have Conn."
"I still promised
never to leave you . . ."
"And I said all
sorts of things. And meant them, at the time. Circumstances change, my dearest
one, and so do we."
"You won't cry, and
call me back?"
"I can't promise
not to cry, but I will try not to call you. But if I do, and you hear me, just
ignore it . . . You may miss us too, you know."
"Oh, I will, I
will!" and the little wet nose touched mine. "Always . . . But it was
fun, wasn't it?"
I nodded, not trusting
myself further.
"Even the bad times
. . . I'll never forget!" She purred anxiously. "Are you sure?"
"Oh Moglet! You're
grown-up now, so am I! Yes I'm sure. Go, and live your life, and kittens and
mice and cream be yours always!" I spoke the formal words. "And all
creatures that walk the earth shall be my concern and that of my children and
theirs for evermore . . ."
She licked my right ear,
briefly, rough-tongued, and then sprang down and away, back to where her new
mistress waited hopefully by the open door.
"I love you!"
"Me, too," I
"Remember me . .
." and tail up, little pale dot-and-dash under her tail the last things I
saw, she went happily to her new life.
"Oh, I will, I
will!" and I turned to Conn and cried into his leather jacket until the
front was all damp with my tears.
But from then on it was
as if I had forgotten how to speak to her kindred, and I could never again, as
long as I lived, converse with them as once I had done . . .
The Loosing: Dragon
The Journey Home
It was a long journey,
that last one, the longest he had ever made in one haul. At first the very
flush of enthusiasm, the knowledge of his quest ended, the eager thought of
Home, carried him hundreds of miles with ease, helped by a fresh westerly.
Initially, too, it was easy to forget the hunger, the thirst, the scorching
heat as he flew nearer the sun by day, the searing cold of brittle nights, but
he had forgotten how low his reserves had become over the bitter seven years of
waiting. At first he had thought the sudden dizzy drop of a thousand feet or
so, the giddy turns of a hundred-and-eighty degrees, the retching and nausea,
were due to the weather and his inevitable weariness but at last, after an
unplanned and disorientated plunge into the black cold of a northern fjord,
which almost extinguished his fires forever, he realized that part of his
trouble was lack of nourishment. Then, also, he remembered Precept No. 137 of
Dragon-lore: never forage in a northern winter.
There was no food:
berries, a pitiful few; nuts, a mere clawful; moss and cones a bland taste, no
more, and the icy waters of the tarns and rivers gave him stomach-cramps and
hiccoughs. Vainly he searched for frog, toad, newt, fish: they were all
hibernating and sifted easily through claws grown desperate with famine as they
scooped the silt of scummy, half-frozen ponds. And all the animals were crowded
too deep in safe burrow or fled too fast to catch, and the domestic ones were
close-byred or cottage-stabled for the winter.
Somehow he kept going,
though his flights became shorter and lower, so that fanged mountains with
glaciered saliva reached hungry jaws to scrape his belly. His tired eyes were
forced to follow the slow, silver snake-wind of rivers instead of a higher scan
for the headwaters and a shorter route, and all the while a north-falling
dragon-shadow kept pace on the earth beneath, sometimes ahead, sometimes
behind, depending on sun or moon. And then came the snow, borne in from the
north in goose-feather flakes, striking across his path in cruel, blinding
flurries that weighted his back and iced-up the trailing edge of his wings till
he was forced to lie-up in a convenient pine forest for a few days, pondering
his mistake in not taking the longer, southerly route home; but it was too late
for him to change his mind for the detour would cost him precious weeks, and he
doubted whether he would now have either the strength or the memory. His
enforced stay in the forest brought him some sort of luck, however, for he
found a cache of frozen meat left by some hunter, and managed enough heated
breath to thaw out the chunks to an acceptable chewy stage, though he suffered
from indigestion for days afterwards.
But there were many,
many hundreds of miles still to go and the weather, if anything, grew worse. It
was a mere shadow of a dragon that turned due south for the last few leagues
and drifted down like a spent leaf into his own, welcoming valley. There was a
cessation of singing wind in his ears, no more rattle of sleet on his stretched
skin, no creak and flap of shedding wings. His breath no longer rasped
painfully in his throat. It was suddenly warm in this sheltered valley, though
the towering mountains that surrounded it seemed to touch the sky, their
snow-covered tips tapering to the sun.
The sun! The golden sun
that tinted the yellow skin of the villagers who crept out to look, to touch
him, to wonder as he lay at last in the dusty square under the green
Heaven-Trees that sheltered the temple. A tonk! tonk! of bells heralded more
people still and there was the smell of cedar and sandalwood. A silken robe was
slipped beneath his tired limbs. Warm, scented oils washed away the crusted
tears of effort from his eyes and the dried saliva from jaws grown strangely
slack. There was rice, too, in flat wicker baskets, but suddenly he was hungry
no longer. Hunger and tiredness had no place here. All he wanted was the
friendly scrape of scale against wing-tip, the intimate caress of spade-tail,
the warm, ashy smell. He opened his eyes and there they were: gold upon silver
upon red upon green upon yellow upon purple, breathing a fiery welcome from the
steps, the walls, the doors of the temple. He lurched forwards crying his
greeting, a clashing of cymbal and rattle of drum—
But there was no
answering greeting, no surging forward to welcome him. The dragons were not
real dragons, they were stone, they were wood, they were plaster, they were
paint. He tore his claws reaching for them and swung round and round in his
dismay until he was circled by his own disillusionment. The villagers fell to
their knees at the sight of his distress, their pigtails bobbing in the dust.
At last there was one brave, or wise enough, to come forward and explain: an
old, old man with a moustache that hung like white string to his knees, and who
lisped in the faded, once-familiar sing-song that the dragon remembered from
his childhood. He told how the last of the dragons had left the valley in his
father's father's time, taking their treasure back with them to the mountains
from whence they came, but leaving gold to gild the temple and memory to make
their likenesses.
And the tired dragon
lifted his eyes to the distant peaks and he sighed.
After a little while he
took out his pearl and looked at it for a long, long time. Then he took out the
diamond, the ruby, the emerald and the sapphire and looked at them. He rolled
the pearl on his tongue and then he put all the jewels back in the pouch under
his jaw and sighed again and then seemed to fall asleep and all the people
tiptoed away, shushing each other to let him sleep in peace.
But in the morning he
was gone, leaving only the shallow depression where he had lain and several
baskets of uneaten rice. So they painted his picture on the temple, in the one
space above the doors that was left: a small blue dragon with a red belly and a
pearl the size of the moon curled on his tongue. And they pointed out to
visitors the high peaks where he must have gone and told of his last visit,
until the paint faded from the temple in the time of their children's children
and the dragon passed into legend.
The Gleaning: Dog
“Where the hell are
we?" said Conn.
"How do I know?
You're the one who's supposed to be guiding us."
The fog lay like a
dense, muffling blanket all around. When we stopped all we could hear was our
own breathing, the chink of Beauty's harness, the stamp of her hoof.
"I'm sure I heard .
. ."
"Something. It
sounded like a dog howling. Yes, there it is again!"
"I can't—"
"Shut up, and
We were near to
quarrelling. Over the past few days our relationship had worsened, and now,
with the added uncertainty of direction, the baffling fog, the hint of
something crying in the mist, I felt I hated everything and everybody,
including Conn.
For nights I had lain
awake mourning my lost ones and he had wearied of my sullenness and misery and
told me so. And I had snapped back at him that he was unfeeling, uncaring, a
man without sensitivity—and so it had gone on. Vanished was the comradeship,
the warmth there had always been between us; instead there was a tension, a
bitterness, a resentment on my part and irritation and arrogance on his. No
longer did I wake early from sleep just to wonder at his resting form, nor
watch his lithe movements during the day, nor tease a smile from those curving
lips. No longer did he pay me little compliments, pick me a flower from the
hedge, glance at me sometimes with an unfathomable look in his eyes that made
me turn away, suddenly embarrassed. No, it had all gone as sour as yesterday's
milk and every moment we spent together drove us farther and farther apart—
There it was again, a
high, plaintive keening, a dog mourning. I shivered. Conn sighed with relief.
"We must be near a farm, a village, some habitation. That dog is tethered,
not roaming. Come on." He pulled at Beauty's bridle and started off in the
direction of the sound, me trailing miserably behind, damp and cold. Who would
have imagined weather like this in high summer?
The howl came again, but
apparently from another direction, more to the left. We stopped.
"This damned
fog," muttered Conn. "It distorts everything . . ." We listened,
and again came the keening. "Left it is," said Conn.
We found the village, if
you could call it that, after another half-hour of tripping and stumbling. The
fog, if anything, was worse. There were some half-dozen hovels, single-roomed,
and a somewhat larger farmhouse. Doors were closed, tallow-dips flared at
midday through chinks in the shutters, but no one, not even dog or cat, was
abroad. We groped our way towards the gate to the farmyard, for none but
funerals or weddings went to the front door, and all the while we heard the
keening of the dog grow louder.
"What the
hell—!" I stopped behind Conn, fighting to control Beauty, who was doing her
best to dislodge his hold, puffing and snorting and stamping her hooves, trying
all the while to sidle away from whatever it was that hung threateningly from
the tall farm gate. Peering past Conn's shoulder I saw snarling teeth, grey
hair— "Thank the Lord!" said Conn. "It's only the skin . . .
Still, one of the biggest I've ever seen."
It was a wolf-pelt, torn
with rents as if from sword or spear, and those teeth were fighting even in
death. "Poor thing," I said. The eyes had gone long since, probably
pecked out by birds. I lifted one of the huge, bony feet and the dry claws
"Poor thing, my
arse!" said Conn. "A great brute like that could even take a pony,
let alone sheep or pig. Villagers were well rid of him. Shouldn't like to come
up against such myself, without weapon."
But still I held the
lifeless paw, remembering the wolves at the Castle of Fair Delights, so long,
long ago . . . Had he forgotten so easily?
The gate was firmly
bolted, and Conn rattled the latch. "Hola! Anyone at home?" For a
long while it seemed as though the fog itself held breath, then a door opened
and shut and we heard uncertain steps across the yard.
"Who's there?"
It was a woman, the voice thin and quavery with a hint of fear beneath.
travellers, Ma'am," said Conn in his most reassuring voice. "Me
and—" he glanced at me, "—my wife, seeking shelter and a bite to eat.
And with pence in their pocket." He jingled his purse.
"Go away!"
came the uncompromising reply. "We want no strangers here!"
Conn glanced at me
again, a quick frown on his face. "Strange: a poor village that needs no
company and no copper . . ." He raised his voice again. "Bring your
lantern nearer and see that we pose no threat to you and yours. We have but one
sword and two daggers between us."
There was hesitation,
the steps retreated then advanced again, and now I could hear clearly the click
of dog's claws on the stones. I peered through a knot-hole in the thick wood of
the gate and saw a middle-aged woman, some forty years old, advancing across
the yard, lantern in one hand, a great bitch-hound on a leash in the other. She
was an old dog, with thick curly hair, a long, lean body and small ears,
obviously built for speed. I wondered if it were she we had heard howling
earlier. They arrived at the gate and the woman thrust aside a looking-panel
and gazed out at us.
Conn returned her gaze
steadily. "We mean no harm, as you can see. Just shelter for the night,
for 'tis miserable cold and dripping out here. And perhaps a bowl of broth and
bread and a handful of hay for the horse?"
"There's no hay and
no broth neither," said the woman, her eyes fearful in the wavering
lantern-light. "And no letting-in of strangers. And hasn't been since that
great devil came to the village at the turn of the year." And she
indicated the great wolf pelt. The bitch hound reared up, as tall, taller, than
the woman, and put her muzzle to the dried pelt. Gently she blew through her
nostrils, stirring the skin, making a strange growl-snarl-wail in the back of
her throat. Conn started and cursed. The dog turned her brown yellow-flecked
eyes on him, considering.
"By the Saints!
'Tis one of the Great Ones!"
"Great Ones?"
"Aye, the Great
Dogs of Hirland." As always when he was excited his voice held a singing
lilt. "By all that's Holy! Here, girl . . ." and he placed his hands
on either side of the great muzzle that poked out through the looking-panel.
The woman gasped and dropped the wildly flickering lantern, as the dog growled
softly in her throat but did not move her gaze from Conn's nor pull away from
his hold.
The woman retrieved the
still-burning lantern. "She's supposed to bite!" she whispered, her
eyes large with distress. "She's supposed to kill!"
"Not this
one," said Conn confidently. "Not with me. She's a princess, this
one, and princesses know their own . . ."
The great dog still
regarded him steadily, then whined softly and turned to look at me, her muzzle
still in Conn's hold.
"She wants
something," I said. "More than anything ever before . . . I don't
know what it is."
"She's after that
pup of hers," said the woman, and I could see by her guilty expression and
the hand she clapped to her mouth that she had not intended to speak of it.
Conn released the dog.
"What pup? Oh, come on now: you started to tell us."
She hesitated, then made
up her mind. "You'd better come in." She unbolted and unlatched the
gate. "He's away hunting . . ." She nodded back at the house, and I
presumed she was speaking of her husband. She led the way into the yard and
Conn looped Beauty's reins over a post, loosened her girths and offloaded the
Inside the hall a
cheerless fire burned fitfully, adding smoke to the fog that curled under the
door and through the ill-fitting shutters. "You see? Even the fire won't
burn true!"
draught," muttered Conn out of the side of his mouth, then he put some
coin on the table, addressing the woman. "Some bread, perhaps?"
She put the coin back in
his hand. "What I can give you will be a gift: we have tempted the Gods
far enough." From a cupboard she brought stale bread, a rind of cheese,
and from the barrel in the corner two horn mugs of sour ale. "'Tis all we
have since—" She shivered.
"Since?" Conn
prompted, making a face as the liquid touched his tongue.
"Since—What harm
can the telling do now?" She was persuading herself. "None, I reckon
. . . Well, it was like this . . ."
Like all tales it had
grown in the telling and now was so twisted and twined with her own thoughts
and local superstitions that it took two or three times as long as it should,
but the bare facts were these. It had been a late, cold spring and just before
lambing a number of wolves had pestered the village, setting the sheep and
cattle to uneasiness and the dogs to singing the night long. This was not
unusual, for many outlying villages were used to wintering packs like these, on
the scavenge. What was unusual, apparently, was that their leader was a giant
wolf, more cunning and ferocious than any seen before, who had led his
inferiors in raids of such daring that the villagers had lost three tups and
two swine before they had had time to organize themselves.
All efforts to drive the
wolves away had failed, until the woman's husband had a bright idea. His hound,
now old but still fertile, had come into season and he had staked her out one
night and watched from the safety of a tree. It appeared that the giant wolf
had not been able to resist this lure, and on the second night the husband had
gathered all the able-bodied of the village together and when the wolf returned
they had rushed in and slain him on the spot, though he had not given up
without a fight. The pelt had been borne home in triumph and nailed to the
gate. The village had celebrated, in anticipation of the routing of the wolves
and a return to normality. Not so: from that moment the cattle had suffered
from a murrain, the ewes had slipped their lambs, the hay crop had been
blighted, blossom had not taken, milk went sour between udder and pail and the
women had miscarried.
Apparently, the wolves
had disappeared, but their presence was still felt. Paw-prints were spotted in
the village street, chickens and a goat went missing, yet never was there clear
evidence. No one ever saw anything . . . Added to this, the hound was
now clearly in pup, and her behaviour so peculiar that it was suspected she was
suffering from wolf-bite. She was short-tempered, skulked in corners, cried at
night and would not hunt anymore. Eventually she whelped, one pup only. The
husband and wife were not allowed near her nest in the barn, so it was only
after the pup was able to crawl out into the open that they could see what had
happened: the pup was part hound, part wolf, and the bitch was so intensely
protective that she would still not let anyone near. Twice the husband, fearing
the wolf blood, had tried to kill it and twice the bitch had forestalled him.
But when the pup was some seven or eight weeks old, he had lured its dam with
fresh-killed hare and had tied her up; he was about to hit the pup over the
head when thick fog swirled in about them and they had heard the howling of a
wolf at noonday. The wife had warned him against shedding the pup's blood in
the face of these obvious signs and he had said: "Let his kinfolk have him
then." Hurrying across the fields to the great pit where all the village
rubbish was dumped, a deep gash in the earth with unscalable sides and a deep
pool at the bottom, he had tossed the pup down. He had heard a yelp, a splash,
then silence. He wasted no time in making for home, lantern swinging wildly,
breaking into a run when he imagined he heard the padding of feet behind him.
This had happened only
the night before last. Since then, the bitch had howled constantly, driving all
distracted, and the unlifting fog was full of wolves, grey and vengeful.
It was a strange enough
story. I looked over at Conn for his reaction, but he was frowning. The hound
stood quietly by the door, now and again scratching at the lintel and whining
softly. The wife jumped to her feet. "I shouldn't have let her loose! My
husband said to hold her fast, lest she go after the pup!" She rose to her
feet, but Conn forestalled her.
"Wait a moment . .
. Fleur—Thingy dear—what's to do?"
For a moment I was so
flummoxed with him calling me "dear" again that I could only stare,
then I pulled myself together and went over to the hound. Lifting her chin in
my hand I looked into her eyes aslant, avoiding the threat of out-staring, and
although I could no longer receive her thoughts in my mind, nor give her mine,
yet I could read puzzlement, hatred, yearning. I put my hand on top of her head
and my fingers tingled, and all became clear.
I beckoned to Conn and
he came to stand beside me, putting his hand over mine on the dog's head, then
snatching it back and shaking his fingers. "Like touching iron in a
thunderstorm! What is it?"
I kept my voice low,
looking over my shoulder at the woman, who had backed away from us. "I
don't want her to hear, otherwise they might destroy this one too . . .
Somewhere near here is a Place of Power, where the lines cross—Oh, you
know!" I said impatiently. "Don't you remember The Ancient saying
that power sometimes lies beneath our feet, neither good nor evil, just waiting
to be used?" He nodded, his eyes grave, his fingers fiddling with the
little silver cross he wore about his neck. "Well, this one, without
knowing it, has tapped the power. She grieves for her lost pup, she mourns the
great wolf that was its father, and it is she that has cursed the village,
albeit without conscious evil . . .
"You said she was a
Great One?"
Conn nodded. "In
Hirland her line is royal."
"Then would she
have the greater power . . . Poor lass!" And I kissed the wide brow while
the woman cowered behind us in terror. "You don't know what it's all
about, do you?" I whispered softly to the dog. "What's her
"He bought her from
traders, ten year back. Deirdre, they called her . . ."
"Deidre of the
Sorrows," said Conn. "I'll tell you the story sometime, Fleur."
My heart jumped and I
reached for his hand and held it tight, for all the good was suddenly back
between us. "Right now this princess is sorrowing for her pup.
He nodded and turned
back to the woman. "We are—we are going to lift the spell. But we shall
need the bitch. All right?" Without waiting for an answer he lifted the
latch and we slipped out into the fog, now denser than ever. "Which
"Follow the dog . .
Out through the gate,
down the narrow street, up on to the downs. I stumbled and fell once but
dragged myself to my feet, for the great bitch was outrunning us. Instantly
Conn whistled and she turned, ears pricked.
"Wait, girl,
After that we moved more
easily, for she kept turning, to accommodate our slower speed. Behind us the
fog closed in and I, too, could hear the pad of paws keeping pace to our right.
I looked at Conn, but he had not heard it as clearly as I. "You are going
to have to help me."
He misunderstood.
"Not far now, I shouldn't think. Here, take my arm: I won't let you fall
again, I promise."
I smiled to myself.
Darling Conn, so eager to help even if he didn't understand . . . We were
panting up a slope now and ahead of us the bitch had stopped and was whining
softly. We reached the brink of the pit and gazed down together at the
precipitous sides, the jagged boulders, the bushes dinging with precarious
roots to the few pockets of earth.
Conn dropped a stone
into the depths and counted under his breath before we heard the splash.
"It's deep: we'll need a rope."
"You go back for
one. I'll stay here."
The instant he had gone
I felt the wolf-fog close in about me. "I'm going down," I said
steadily into the mist. "He shall be brought up, never fear. Just wait,
and do not harm my friends."
Hitching my
now-cumbersome skirt into its waistband, longing for the once-despised trews
and jacket, I lowered myself over the edge, clinging to a rowan tree as I did.
I looked up at the bitch; she whined, and paced the edge of the pit. "It's
all right, old girl; stay there. Conn will know where I've gone down. I'll
bring your pup back if he's there, never fear." Slowly, cautiously, I
lowered myself down, grabbing at whatever prominence or crevice I could for a
finger- or toe-hold. It was nearer fifty feet than forty, and looking up, I
realized I could never manage the ascent without help. By a miracle, I
completed the descent without falling, and at last felt firm ground beneath my
My arms and shoulders
ached intolerably, my exposed legs were badly scratched and my nails broken,
but at least I had made it. The fog was slightly less dense at the bottom.
Piles of stinking rubbish, old bones, a broken wheel, shards of pottery,
droppings, torn cloth lay around me. Behind me was a scummy pond, dancing with
midges. Every now and again a plop! disturbed the surface, but there were no
fish here. The borborygmi from decaying matter were eructating spontaneously
from the foul depths. If the pup had fallen into that—! I moved forward and
heard, just ahead, a whining snarl. So, he was here!
Forgetting caution,
forgetting that I no longer held the power to communicate, I stumbled in the
direction of the sound, to be brought up short by bared teeth and a definite
growl. I peered through the murk; there, back against a rock, was one very
hungry seven-week pup, stomach cramped, paws thrust hard against the earth to
keep him upright, determined to fight to the last!
I crumpled to the
ground, fighting a desire to laugh. I could have eaten him for breakfast! But
still, the courage of the little thing! Recollecting myself, I feigned the
surrender position, carefully avoiding looking him straight in the eye.
"Come, little one, I mean you no harm . . ." I edged forward, my
hands held for him to sniff. As if to help, I heard his dam's whine from up
above and so did he; absurd ears cocked, he gave a little yelp, all the while
keeping his eyes steady on mine. This time the teeth were not bared, although
he shrank back as far as he could. I used all the powers I could remember to
reassure, to comfort. At last I was near enough to reach out without the smell
of fear on my fingers and stroke his muzzle.
"Come, little Great
One: I am here to take you back. It's cold and lonely down here, and up there
the world awaits you. Be brave, and let me take you back where you belong. I
promise you no harm: my man and I will keep you safe, and you will grow into a
great hound whose fame will travel far and wide. You are hungry, and your dam
waits to feed you. Come to me, and show you are my friend, as I am yours . .
." I patted my lap. I do not know how much he understood but two seconds
later I had a lapful of tired, desperate pup and a tongue sought my face and
two very dirty paws were around my neck.
Luckily he appeared
uninjured by his fall into the pit, so I wrapped us together tightly in my
shawl, and when Conn's rope came snaking down I made a loop in it and he hauled
us seemingly without effort to the top, using the rowan tree as a belayer. He
embraced us both and I released the pup, who immediately rushed over to his
dam, two days of deprivation emptying the two rows of teats in record time.
Conn watched him, still
keeping his arms around me. "You all right?"
"Fine," I
said. "Just fine!" I leaned against his shoulder, burning hands,
scarred knees and aching shoulders forgotten for the moment.
Suddenly there was a low
yipping from the other side of the pit. Peering through the fog, I thought I
could see grey shapes and the glint of yellow eyes, a prowl of wolves reminding
me that all was not yet well. I shivered for a moment then walked over to the
pup: the concave stomach was now rounded and full and as I picked him up he
once more smelt as any pup should, of fur and sunshine, warm milk and hay.
"Come on, you
two," I said. "Time to get things sorted out . . ." And I led
the way back to the village, the pup in my arms, Conn's hand round my waist,
the bitch at our side. But keeping pace, just out of sight, something moved
beside us in the fog.
Halting outside the gate
of the farmhouse I hooked the pup's paws over the top bar and motioned to the
bitch. "Up, girl!" She stretched to her full height so that now the
pup was between the pelt of his father and the head of his mother, his body
against my chest. I sensed rather than saw the woman on the other side of the
gate and knew that eyes and ears in the village were pressed against gaps in
the doors, chinks in the shutters. I took a deep breath and, summoning up
memory and instinct, spoke clearly and slowly so that all who wished could hear
and remember. Clasping the pup firmly with my right hand I raised my left, the
sinister, the magic hand, to pass from pelt to pup to bitch.
"Father, son,
mother; dog, pup, bitch; each of each and one of both; wild one, child, tame
one: here I lay the spirit of the father to rest, nevermore to roam: may he
give the little one his courage, his cunning, his hunting skills. I release the
spirit of the bitch back to her owners. May she give the little one her speed,
her wisdom, her devotion. I take this pup for me and mine. He shall be ours to
take away, ours to keep, ours to cherish. He shall never come nigh this village
again, and the curse that was laid upon this place shall vanish with his
departure, never to return . . ."
I was exhausted: all
this meant nothing in real terms, just reassurance for the villagers, the
farmer's wife. Conn slipped an arm about me and the pup, his other hand through
Beauty's bridle.
"Well done, dear
one." What the others used to call me . . . "We've done all we can
here. Give me the pup, and do you mount and ride for a while." He had no
idea that this was only the beginning . . .
We progressed slowly
down the main street, conscious that the skulking villagers spied our every
movement. The great bitch trotted at our heels, her eyes fixed on the pup Conn
was holding. I had a moment's unease; supposing . . . ?
We came to the edge of
the village and I looked back; already the fog was thinning behind us. I
slipped from Beauty's back and held out my arms for the pup. "Let me have
him, Conn."
I put him to the ground
and he gambolled over to his dam, nuzzling at the empty teats, and biting
teasingly at her ears. Elbowing him aside I knelt to the bitch and used all the
powers I had left to try to communicate, voicing the words to myself as I tried
to remember the nuances of thought communication I had once so easily used with
my friends, such a little while ago . . .
"He is old enough
to leave you now, and if you take him back they will destroy him. Let us
take him, Great One: we will care for him as one of our own and he will grow to
be the greatest hound of his time and his children's children shall hunt with
kings. Go back to your people, who have loved and cared for you over many
years, and live out your life in peace . . ."
She was listening to me,
but I could feel the power still rising through her, confusing thought.
"Give me your
hatred, your bewilderment, your fear—Conn! Pick her up in your arms high above
the ground, when I give the word—Now!" And as he did so, staggering under
her weight, I flung myself directly beneath her and covered the Power, pressing
it back to flow once more beneath the earth where it belonged. "Back, back!"
I heard my tongue use words in a language I do not remember. Slowly,
reluctantly it seemed, the tension eased. At last I nodded to Conn to put the
bitch down; she whined, looked puzzled for a moment, shook herself all over
from ears to tail, then turned towards the village.
"Back then, girl;
but first say your goodbyes to the pup. He is in good hands: make him
understand that he must not follow you."
I watched as she gently
licked his head and under his tail. Then, as he jumped up, snapping playfully,
she raised her head to us, eyes full of sorrow, then snapped back at him and
growled. He shrank bewildered into an uncoordinated heap. I longed to pick him
up and comfort him: not yet, not yet! The bitch turned and trotted off
purposefully towards the village, and after a moment the pup gathered his feet
together and stumbled after her. Conn started forward but I clutched his arm.
"It's all right: wait . . ."
The pup reached his
mother: she checked and turned. For a moment I feared, then as he attempted to
nuzzle her she growled again and nipped him sharply in the flank. He yelped,
and for a moment did not know where to turn, then came pelting back to us, ears
back, tail between his legs, the whites of his eyes showing. I picked him up.
"He has chosen . . . Conn, a rind of cheese from the pack!" I cuddled
him, feeding him a scrap of cheese from my fingers, then deliberately walked on
up the down, Conn following with Beauty. Once, I looked back. The bitch stood,
just within misty vision, gazing at us. "Go on, girl," I willed.
"Back home. And forget . . ."
She turned, and went her
We reached the top of
the down and the fog was still with us. But now it had a different quality;
before, it had blanketed all in still, grey anonymity, now it had shape. The
pup shivered in my arms and Beauty flung up her head fretfully. Only Conn was
steady as a rock at my side, asking no questions, trusting me.
I halted. "This is
the place."
"The place?"
"The boundary
between the village and their world. Listen!"
All around us the fog
was advancing and retreating; paws rattling, tails swishing; whining, yapping;
ears laid back, eyes yellow; teeth bared, tongues lolling—
"Dear God!"
muttered Conn. "Are they real?"
"More or less. Take
Beauty up to that small hawthorn and tether her tight, otherwise she will
panic. They won't hurt either of you: they are only interested in the pup. I'll
be all right . . ."
Brave words . . . Now I
was alone with them. The pup lay quiet in my arms but now and again a shiver
ran through him and a little trickle of warm wet ran down my arm. But he was
trying hard to hide his terror and in that moment I accepted him as one of us.
The wolf-fog swirled
closer and now I was truly alone, for no longer could I see either Conn or
Beauty, some hundred yards away. The beasts were becoming braver, encroaching
on the unwritten empty space that humans keep between themselves and other
creatures, beyond which none may come unless invited. A tail brushed my leg, a
muzzle snatched at my skirt, a paw struck my arm.
"Enough!" I
said, and used a Word of Command, one that our Mistress had used.
The fog hesitated then
steadied, and I had my space again. Remembering the witch's spells, The
Ancient's commands, the bond that had existed between me and my friends, and
now, most of all, the memory of Snowy, I summoned up all my strength. "I
am not calling you back, dear one," I said in my mind, "for that I
know is forbidden, but please give me what help you can . . ." Instantly,
or so it seemed, the middle finger of my right hand itched intolerably.
Absentmindedly I reached to scratch and touched the golden band around it. I
felt a charge go through me. Touching the pup on the head with Snowy's ring, I
boldly set him down at my feet.
"Once, long
ago," I said to the fog, "you and yours said you were mine to command
until a certain debt was repaid. The debt is still owing. I was also promised
that when my need was great, one would come. I have him here: the answer to a
need, the repayment of the debt." The words were only in my mind, but I felt
their meaning ring round the circling mist. "This pup before you is not of
yours; he is neither dog nor wolf, and as such is only acceptable to such as
we. Let him go! His dam has released him: now it is your turn! This pup before
you, sired by your dead leader, now belongs to me and the man who—"
The man who now strode
urgently through the mist to my side, wading carelessly through tails and
muzzles, to stand with sword drawn, his other arm encircling my waist.
"You're not
tackling this on your own! We may be outnumbered, but my sword can bite as
sharp as their teeth!" He never knew how near he came to upsetting
everything, even while my heart sang with his "rescue," for as I let
my attention turn to him the thread that kept the wolves at bay nearly snapped.
In time I recalled myself.
"No need, I think,
my dear Conn . . ." I touched Snowy's ring to my lips and concentrated
again, willing a visual impression of that strange flight from the Castle of
Fair Delights. I tried to project that last meeting with the three wolves, the
bitch's last words . . . I felt the wolves about me grow still, then there was
a pause, as though they were considering. The mist thinned a little and I could
see a silent, watchful ring of animals. They sat or lay where they were as if waiting
for something to happen. A young wolf, scarce six months, became tired of the
delay and crawled towards the pup. Instantly an old bitch snapped it into
We waited. And waited.
At length, trotting
proudly through the pack, came the largest of the wolves. In its jaws were the
dangling remains of a fresh-killed hare. He halted in front of me, eyes
blazing. A pledge. I held out my hand and he laid the limp body of the hare in
front of the pup, who immediately sniffed at the still-warm body. Kneeling, I
took out my knife and, slitting open the body, brought out the liver, steaming
in the cold mist. Quickly I sliced at the meat and handed a piece to the
leader-wolf, who snapped it from my fingers. Quelling my nausea I stuffed a bit
in my own mouth and handed a piece up to Conn.
"Eat! and don't
argue. It's important . . ."
The last piece I gave to
the pup, who took it delicately and chewed likewise, his eyes never leaving the
wolf. The body of the hare still lay before the leader: in one swift movement
he snatched it up and tossed it over his shoulder, almost like a game, and
immediately the whole pack fell on it, growling and snarling till there was not
the smallest scrap of fur or bone left. The new wolf-leader looked at me, at
Conn, then slowly, deliberately, he lifted his leg and urinated on the pup and
then wheeled round into the thinning mist without looking back. One by one, in
correct pack order, the other wolves got up and followed him until at last we
were alone.
A fresh breeze blew from
the west.
said Conn, "you tell me what all that was about?" I picked up the
pup. "Pah! You smell, you poor little so-and-so! Let's find a stream and
get you cleaned up . . . Yes, I'll tell you, Conn, but shall we get out of
here? I'm hungry, and cold, and tired . . ."
Without a word he picked
me up, pup and all, and carried me over to where Beauty was waiting.
The Gleaning:
The Knight and His Lady
Journey's End
After that it was
different. We were back to the easy, gentle relationship we had had when first
setting out on our journey, when Conn had plucked me flowers from the hedge and
I had gazed at him when I did not think he would notice.
But that was all: we
were back where we started, but no further. It was just like going to all the
trouble of preparing a meal, smelling the delicious aromas as it cooked,
tasting to see that the juices blended right, preparing the table, sharpening
the knives, wiping the bowls, even putting the serving spoon into the stew—and
then, no food. Just the tantalizing smells, the salivating mouth, the
stomach-turn of anticipation, the growing hunger. And surely, just like a meal
that is kept too long, the meat would dry up, the bread go mouldy, the wine
sour, and the chief guest disappear? I was hungry for love, real love,
desperate to taste what I was sure would be the finest nourishment I had ever
been offered, sure that it would fill me to satiation: but the guest at the
meal was too polite to invite himself to dinner, and I was too proud to ask,
lest I be refused.
That was the worst of
all, I suppose, not knowing. When I had been ugly he had promised to take care
of me; when I was pretty he had tried to renew his offer but I had sidestepped,
and since then he had not referred to it again. I knew he had a journey's end
in mind where everything would suddenly be right, why else had we hastened all
these miles? But I was not so sanguine. Had I dreamt those moments round The
Ancient's fire when he had talked about laying down his arms? Did I imagine in
dreams that he had said he wanted to settle down with wife and children? Or had
he some other person in mind? To me, love didn't wait on destinations—if,
indeed, this were love, this funny, aching, irritating, lovely, despairing
longing that I felt.
But thankfully I could
not be introspective the whole time. We were travelling through countryside
rich with late summer, through forests where the leaves hung heavy and the
birds were almost too drowsy to sing, across streams and rivers where the trout
lay in somnolent shoals, through villages where it was too hot to do anything
but laze in the sun. Beauty grew sleek and plump, Conn and I became almost as
tanned as the Dark People and the pup grew tall and strong. We had discussed
what to call him. None of the names I tried—Misty, Silver, to do with his
colour; Hero and Speedy (hopefully his attributes)—seemed to fit. Then Conn
told me how, as a child, he had tumbled on the floor of the Great Hall of his
father's home with all the hounds and dogs and terriers, and how he had had a
chosen animal he had later hunted with and loved above the rest, one of the Great
Ones named Bran. I looked at the pup. "Bran?" I said. He wagged his
tail. So Bran it was.
He was already showing
promise. Every day Conn, firm and dedicated, taught him obedience and exploited
those skills in which he showed promise. For an hour at a time man and dog
worked like teacher and pupil, both wearing frowns of concentration, both
throwing all they had into the lessons. Then would come a break; Conn would
relax, lie back with cheese and bread and the pup would come running to me, all
smiles and wagging tail, and I laughed with him and we tussled on the ground
together until we were both exhausted. He would roll onto his back, ears
flopping in the dust and his hairless belly gleaming in the sunlight and I
would kiss his nose and pick the burrs out of his coat . . .
"You spoil
him," grumbled Conn. "He's a working dog."
"Not all the time.
You weren't a soldier every minute of every day. He's only young: he's got to
relax sometimes, just as you are doing now."
"I'm eating."
"And resting . .
"At least I'm not
playing about!"
"Children must play
sometimes; he's still only a youngster."
And then Conn would
relent and come and join us, playing with the great paws and scratching him
behind the ears. "He's going to be a beauty, just like his dam!"
But the pup would slide
his slitted yellow eyes round to mine, eyes slanting back along his head that
were pure wolf—
And so the promise they
had made, all that long time ago when they escaped from their prison in the
Castle of Fair Delights, was fulfilled . . .
* * *
And then we came to
Encancastre, that the Romans before us had called Isca, through fields heavy
with harvest and sickle Lugnosa moon at night. The town stretched away in front
of us up narrow, winding streets, a roof-pattern of thatch and wood and
tile—and the river ran away at our feet. A haze of smoke drifted down to our
nostrils and somewhere was the merry sound of pipe and drum and all the usual
hubbub of people living on top of one another: shouts, hails, laughter,
complaint; a man singing, a cow bellowing, a dog barking, a child crying—
Part of me welcomed
this, looked for the close intimacy of person to person, the comfortable
proximity of my own kind; part rejected the whole idea and wished for the
loneliness, the open spaces, the close communion that was possible between
humans and nature—or was it that I was frightened of giving myself unreservedly
to my own kind? Perhaps this had something to do with the gulf that still
existed between Conn and myself? I knew, by that extra sense that all women
have, that he was far from indifferent to me and even desired me, but I also
knew that he was ignorant of the full extent to which his feelings were
involved. I knew also that unless he was reminded fairly soon we should just
drift farther and farther apart, until—
"—so I thought it
would be fair if we split it two-thirds to you and one to myself," said
Conn, arranging the gold pieces on a convenient tree-stump. "That means
twenty for you and ten for me. I can earn my living easily enough now that I
have Booty back and sword and armour. I'll leave Bran with you for the time
being anyway, because you need some kind of protector and, although he's by no
means full size yet, I'd not like to—"
"What are you talking
He looked across at me,
puzzled. "Weren't you listening? I said that now we had reached journey's
"I don't believe
you heard a word I said!" He frowned. "A long time ago, or so it
seems, I said I knew of an army surgeon and bonesetter from my Frankish days
who had settled with his English wife in Isca and that I had a mind to learn
his trade—"
"But you just said
you were going back to fighting—"
"I said that now I
had horse and armour I could earn my living, yes, but I intend to learn the
trade of surgeon, to travel to where the battles are, fight if needs be, but to
offer my services initially as mender rather than breaker."
I was silent. My insides
had settled in a doughy lump and my head felt as if it were stuffed with
uncombed fleece. He was really going, then: I was to be left on my own.
I tried to keep my voice
steady. "I—I remember you saying you—you would see me settled . . ."
"Of course, of
course!" He looked uncomfortable at the reminder, was speaking too
heartily, would not look at me. "Well now, I've given the matter more than
a little thought in the last few days—" (I'll bet! I thought bitterly)
"—and the best idea is that I leave you with my friend's wife, who I am
sure will prove an excellent chaperone until you get settled. You will have the
gold as a nice little—dowry, or somesuch, and when you find someone—somewhere
that you want to settle—What's the matter?"
He had said once that I
had a stubborn chin: I stuck it out. "You said you would! I don't
want just any old female looking after me, either! Besides—" I had a
sudden, saving thought. "How do you know she'll agree? In fact, how do you
even know they are still there?" I warmed to the theme. "Hadn't you
better make sure that this is journey's end before you start dividing up
the dragon's gold?" And our lives, I added silently. "Why don't you
take Beauty and go up into the town and find out? Bran and I will wait for you
here." It sounded thoroughly reasonable, yet I thought he might detect the
guile that had prompted my words.
He didn't. "Very
well. You are sure you want to stay here?"
Oh yes, I was sure, very
sure. Even if the animals conspired against our parting, Beauty turning her
head twice to look back at me, and Bran whining to see them go.
"Traitor!" I
murmured, and stroked his ears. "Now, it's long past noon already, and
there is a lot to do . . ."
Further into the woods
behind the town I found what I wanted and spent a very busy two or three hours.
It was already blueing into twilight when I heard Beauty's hooves on the track.
On one edge of the world a thin silver reaper's knife peeked over to
counterbalance the gold-plated platter that was sliding away over the other
side. Between them a star blinked and yawned, ready to blaze the night, and the
air was very still: earth, sun, moon and stars in perfect conjunction and the
paths of Power beneath my feet. All boded well and it must be near, or on, the
actual feast of Lugnosa, when all good things ripened and fell to the knife and
were gathered for harvest. Not the painful, cold birth of Inbolc, nor the
frenzied coupling of Beltane, nor yet the haunted darkness of Samain, but still
a time for magic . . .
"Did you find
him?" I asked Conn as he tethered Beauty to the rowan where I had already
tied Bran. Pretending to fuss I looped the garland I had prepared over her neck
and turned for Conn's answer.
"After a fair bit
of searching, yes. His name is Hieronymus, but he is called Jeremy here, so
that complicated the search. But he is just the same, and his wife's as
charming a lady as you could hope to meet: makes three of him but still
handsome enough, and she's more than willing to take care of you—"
"And what does he
say," I interrupted, "about you learning the trade?"
"He agreed at once!
He wants us to set up in business together for a while, and says that after a
year or so I shall be able to start up on my own if I wish, or buy him out,
because he wants to return to his birthland and—"
"Well, isn't that
nice!" I said. "Just what you had hoped for!"
"You'll like them
too, darling girl. And now shall we—"
I was temporarily
sidetracked by the "darling girl" but not so much as not to try and
divert him as he moved back towards Beauty, obviously wanting us to go back to
the town straightaway. "Let's just have a last, quiet supper on our own
tonight and go and see them tomorrow first thing. I made a stew, just in case,
and baked some bread, and I saved some of that mead you liked . . ."
The smoke from the fire
drifted upwards in a careless spiral, the air was lazy and warm, and all the
scents of the earth mingled and thrust at one's senses; great hawk-wings
fluttered on teasel and late foxglove, bats swung low, and the ground was dry,
the heath springy beneath one's feet. Such a perfect, sweet-smelling night
meant unsettled weather for the next few days, especially as tabby-stripe
clouds were rising slowly in the west, but now it was perfect.
As was the place I had
Once there had been a
circle but now only the pestholes were left for those who cared to see. A minor
place of power, else there would have been standing stones instead of rotted
wood, but the rowan, ivy, holly and hawthorn were still there. There were paths
of Power beneath our feet, and Conn had seated himself unknowingly on the old
altar stone, a slab of rock half-overgrown by the ubiquitous ivy.
He stretched back, his
arms behind his head. "What a perfect night! Just right for—" He
stopped abruptly. "Er . . . Dinner ready, Thingy?"
Fine, it was going as I
had planned.
"Nearly. Why don't
you go over to the stream, down there in the hollow, and wash off the grime of
the day? I have a clean shirt waiting for you. I'll just add a pinch or two of
salt to the stew and cut the bread and then it'll all be ready."
If he thought it was a
little odd having a dip at this time of day he made no sign and disappeared
behind the bushes. Good. It was necessary to be cleansed.
I added the special
touches to the stew, inhaling the pungent, earthy smell of the mushrooms before
crumbling them into the bubbling pot, then laid the bowls and horn mugs ready,
unstoppering the mead to let it breathe the night air. I had bathed earlier and
now, in these few stolen moments, was the time to tune myself to the Power.
I was about to step into
the circle to begin the incantations but suddenly there came the hoot of an
owl, as out of season as The Ancient's Hoowi. Without thinking I looked across
the clearing at Conn's discarded jacket, where the owl's feather and the dove's
still blazoned the right breast. The owl's, wisdom; the dove's, peace and
fidelity. The owl hooted again, urgently it seemed. Was that, then, my feather?
Wisdom? And surely what I was about to do was the only wisdom: lulling Conn
into an acceptance of what he really felt, make him declare that which was
My right hand spasmed as
if it were cramped, but only for an instant. I opened the fingers again and
stretched them: strange, for one's toes sometimes cramped, but not one's
fingers . . . I stepped towards the circle, the owl hooted, my hand spasmed
once more and this time the ring on my middle finger, Snowy's spiral of magic
horn, bit into the palm of my hand. I pulled at it, tried to unwind the coil,
but it was as firm as a fingernail yet still soft and malleable, and as like my
own flesh as if it had grown into it, and it wouldn't shift.
Once again I stepped
forward, once again my fingers clenched involuntarily. So, I was doing
something wrong. Had I mispronounced one of the correct words, mispaced one of
the steps, forgotten one of the essential herbs? Quickly I ran through them in
my mind, but everything seemed as it should. Then through the soft night air
came stealing a strange, alien odour, compounded of so many different things
that were foreign to the time and place. There was a warm, sweaty horse-smell,
like but unlike Beauty; a scent of singed horn, fresh spring grass; water
bubbling over rocks, summer hay; moss, trampled pine-needles—Snowy!
Forgetting, I turned to
look for him, but the traitorous moon showed only emptiness. My eyes flooded
with tears, aching for one more sighting of that beloved form, my hands
reaching in vain for the soft curtain of his mane, my ears for that quaint,
gentle speech. At this moment he was nearer to me than he had ever been since I
had seen him pace away into oblivion with his prince, the prince he loved
without subterfuge or dissembling or magic—
Oh, Snowy! Of course.
Real love was either there or it wasn't. No need to conjure it with runes, bind
it with ivy and hawthorn, induce it with mushrooms and mead! Love thus forced
was as bad—worse!—than our Mistress's Shape-Changing that had seduced an
innocent village-lad and near-trapped Conn also. What was I doing, what was I
thinking of? If Conn loved me he would tell me: if he didn't then I had no
right to drug him into believing he did!
Running over to Bran and
Beauty I tore off their garlands, untied them from the rowan and tethered them
again to an innocent oak sapling. Picking up the heavy cooking pot I attempted
to heave away the contents into the bushes, but some of the scalding fluid
tipped down my dress; panicking both from the heat of the liquid and from some
imagined contamination I ripped it off and stood naked. Quickly I circled
widdershins to counteract any lingering spells, then raced away to the stream
to rinse my dress, without thinking further than that a great load was off my
mind: I was free of power, spells and enchantments forever. Now I was me,
myself, and never again would I be tempted to use a magic I was not entitled
Running through the
bushes barefoot I stumbled more than once, but the knowledge that I must wash
away all traces of my foolishness spurred me on. Splashing at last into the
clear, cold water, I held my dress under and scrubbed away all traces of the
magic between my ringers and looped it over a bush to dry, then turned to wash
all fever from myself.
"Whatever in the
world are you doing, Thingy dear?" There was a lilt to his voice like the
turn of the water over the stones, and once more we stood face to face in
running water, birth-naked the pair of us, but this time there was no shame on
my part, no coyness, no hesitation. I had to know, I had to know right there
and then, and convention and a few scraps of cloth, or rather the lack of them,
were irrelevant.
"Oh, Conn! I had it
all planned but it wasn't right, it was wicked and Snowy told me so and I think
The Ancient's owl did too, but I spilt the supper down my dress and had to get
myself clean and please say you don't mind, but I must know!"
"Darling girl,
you're talking scribble again! Spilt the supper, have you? No bother: there's a
tavern not a half-mile from here—"
"You don't
understand!" I wailed. "I'm unclean, I—"
"Then that's soon
remedied. Just stand still, girl dear, and I'll scoop some water over you . . .
So." The water poured from his cupped hands over my shoulders, between my
breasts and down my flat stomach to the cleft between my thighs. He lifted
more, and this time the tips of his fingers accidentally brushed my breasts and
I felt as though I had been kicked in the stomach. Looking down, I saw that my
nipples were hard and firm like two wild cherries.
Looking down revealed
something else, as well.
"Is that—is that
because of me?" I asked wonderingly and put out my hand to touch, but he
leapt back as though he had been stung, hands over his crotch, and all but lost
his balance.
he said. "You don't know, you don't realize . . ."
"I'm sorry," I
said, but there was no consciousness of shame, only a lively curiosity. "I
just wanted to touch. You see, that sort of thing has always frightened me
before; there was Broom, and then the swineherd: they only wanted to attack, to
hurt . . . But yours looks rather nice and friendly, not threatening at all. I
have seen it before, you know," I added. "When you were ill, or
bathing or getting dressed." I was going to say something about the Lady
Adiora, but thought better of it.
"If you try and
touch me," he said unsteadily, "knight or no, I won't answer for the
consequences . . ."
"Do you mean—you
would make love to me?"
"Just that!"
"Then—Oh Conn, I
must ask! Does that mean you love me, just the littlest bit? Or is it only what
they call lust? You see, I have to know. I've loved you so much all this time,
ever since we found you in that ditch, in fact, and at one time I thought you
might—Then you didn't ask again, and I thought you didn't . . . I know ladies
aren't supposed to ask things like this, and it doesn't matter if you don't, I
won't mind—well, not much anyway—but I must know—"
He stepped forward and
kissed me then, quite hard, and I fitted nicely into his arms and everything
was very interesting, because although my feet by now were cold from the stream
and the skin was going all washerwoman-wrinkly, the rest of me was warm and
smooth and tingly.
"Does that mean you
do?" I asked, when I had got my breath back.
"Does it mean . . .
! Dear Christ, girl, I've worshipped you ever since I first saw you properly in
those Waters of Truth! I loved you before, poor helpless little Thingummy that
you were, but when I saw that beautiful face on you and the body to match and I
knew you were born a lady it was just like your dull pebbles turning into the
dragon's jewels: I felt you were way beyond my reach and would never consider
an ageing, well-used adventurer!"
"But I love you—"
"But I wasn't to
know, now was I? You never said . . ."
"Neither did
you!" I thought back over the wasted miles. "You're not really
well-used . . . Can I now?"
"What? Oh. Well . .
." He seemed a little disconcerted, but I looked down and saw that his
body was still keen. Perhaps he was hungry. My mother had always made sure my
father was fed and wined before she asked him something special, especially if
she was afraid he might say no.
"Perhaps we could
have supper first," I suggested. "There's bread left and a bit of
cheese, and the mead—"
"Blow supper!"
said Conn. "Hang supper! To perdition with supper!" And he picked me
up in his arms and carried me all the way back to the fire.
On the way I tried to
explain what I had intended to do and he kissed me in all the nicest places and
told me he didn't need magic and moonlight and mushrooms to know that I
belonged in his heart for always and then he laid me down and took me in his
arms again and the earth stretched beneath us like a dreaming beast, and the
sickle of the reaper took the last thread that bound me to my past and gathered
me and tied me to my love and I heard the music again, the music The Ancient
had called Love's Song, and the air sang with it the whole night through . . .
* * *
"How about
breakfast?" said Conn.
"Yes, breakfast: making
love always leaves me with an appetite . . . Now you are to be my wife I shall
expect all the comforts of home, you know: meals on demand, and all the rest of
it . . ."
"Your wife? Am I
really to be your wife?" I looked at him. He was laughing, his moustache
curled upward, his eyes sparkled, and on his face was a look of love and
contentment and on his jacket our two feathers: wisdom and fidelity. Yes, he
meant it.
"Just as soon as we
can say the right words in front of the right person." He reached over and
spanked my rump. "Now, lazy one, get some clothes on and we'll go up to
town." He followed the spank with a kiss on the offended portion.
"And then if you'll bear with me learning the surgeon's trade for a while,
we'll go on afterwards and find that home you dreamt of: sea, hills and a
stream, wasn't it, with martlets in the eaves and seals to sing us to sleep?
And we'll settle there and have children and love and quarrel and then kiss and
make up. I'll cure the people and you will tend to the hurts of the animals,
and we'll live happily ever after . . ."
And so we did.
And so the soldier: hung up his sword;
The hands that had hewn: turned to heal.
The loves she had lost: became different loves,
And the martlet made: his mansion in the eaves.
The wolf-cub waited: by the wall of the house
And the people of the sea: sang them to sleep.
Pigs Don't Fly
This one is for my little brother,
Micky-Michael, and my half-sister,
Anna, and their families.
Thanks, as always, to my husband Peter, for his care and patience.
Belated thanks—sorry, folks!—to Bobby Travers and his daughter Joanna for
smoothing our way out here.
Thanks, too, to Margaret and Barry Shaw for their help with Christopher.
I am also grateful to our alcalde, Don Carlos Mateo
Donet Donet, for his assistance and encouragement.
Last, but never ever least, thank you Samimi-Babaloo, my Sam—just for being
Part 1:
An End
Chapter One
My mother was the
village whore and I loved her very much.
Having regard to the
nature of her calling, we lived a discreet distance away from her clients, in a
cottage up the end of a winding lane that backed onto the forest. Once the
dwelling had been a forester's hut, shielded by a stand of pines from the
biting winter northerlies, but during the twenty years since she had come to
the village it had been transformed into a pleasant one-roomed cottage with a
lean-to at the side for wood and stores. Part of the ground outside had been
cleared and fenced, and we had a vegetable patch, three apple trees, an
enclosure for the hens, a tethering post for the goat and a skep for the bees.
Inside it was very cozy.
Apart from the bed, which took, with its hangings, perhaps a third of the
space, there was a table, two stools, hooks for our clothing, a chest for linen
and a dresser for the pots and dishes. Above the fire was the rack for drying
herbs or clothes, beside it a folding screen that Mama sometimes used when she
was entertaining if it was too cold for me to stay outside—though as I grew
older I preferred to sit among the pungent, resinous logs in the lean-to,
wrapped in my father's cloak, thinking my own thoughts, dreaming my own dreams,
where witches and dragons, princes and treasure could make me forget chilblains
or a runny nose until it was time for Mama to call me back into the warmth and
the comfort of honey-cakes and mulled wine in front of the fire.
Then Mama would sit in
her great carved chair in front of the blaze—a chair so heavy with age and
carving it couldn't be moved—a queen on her throne, me crouched on a cushion at
her feet, my head against her knee, and if she were in a good mood she would
talk about Life and all it held in store for me.
"You will be all I
could never be," she would say. "For you I have worked and planned so
that you may have a handsome husband, a home of your own, and a dress for every
season. . . ."
That would be luxury
indeed! Just imagine, for instance, a green dress for spring in a fine, soft
wool, a saffron-yellow silk for summer, a brown worsted for autumn and a thick
black serge for winter with fresh shifts for each. . . . A man who could afford
those for his wife would have to be rich indeed, and live in a house with an
upstairs as well as a downstairs. Even as I listened the dresses changed colour
in my mind's eye as quick as the painted flight of the kingfisher.
Mama's planning for me
had been thorough indeed. On a Monday she entertained the miller, who kept us
regularly supplied with flour and meal for me to practice my pies, pastry and
cakes; Tuesday brought the clerk with his scraps of vellum and inks for me to
form my letters and show my skills with tally-sticks; on Wednesday Mama spent
two hours with the butcher and once again I practiced my cooking. On Thursday
the visit of the tailor-cum-shoemaker gave me pieces of cloth and leather to
show off my stitching; Friday brought the Mayor, who was skilled with pipe and
tabor so I could display my trills and taps and on a Saturday the old priest
listened to me read, heard my catechism, and took our confessions.
Sunday was Mama's day
She had other visitors
as well, of course, besides her regulars. The apothecary came once a month or
so, sharing with us his wisdom of herbs and bone-setting, the carpenter usually
at the same interval, teaching me to recognize the best woods and their various
properties, and how to repair and polish furniture. The thatcher showed me how
to choose and gather reeds for repairing the roof, the basketmaker, also an
accomplished poacher, instructed me in both his crafts.
All in all, as Mama kept
telling me, I must have been the best educated girl in the province, and she
covered any gaps in my education with her own knowledge. It was she who taught
me plain sewing, cooking and cleaning, leaving the refinements to the others.
She insisted that as soon as I was big enough to wield a broom, lift a
cooking-pot or heat water without scalding myself, that I kept us fed, clean
and washed, and throughout the year my days were full and busy.
During the spring and
summer I would be up before dawn—taking care not to wake Mama—and into the
forest, cutting wood, fetching water, looking to my traps, gathering herbs and
then home again to collect eggs, feed the hens, and weed the vegetables. Then I
would milk the nanny and lay and light the fire, mix the dough for bread, sweep
the floor and empty the piss-pot in the midden, so that when Mama finally woke
there was fresh milk for her and a scramble of eggs while I made the great bed
and heated water to wash us both; then I changed her linen, combed and dressed
her hair and prepared her for her visitors. Once the ashes were good and hot
they were raked aside for the bread, or if it was pies or patties I would set
them on the hearthstone under their iron cover and rake back the ashes to cover
Once Mama was settled in
her chair by the fire it was away again for more wood and water and once I was
back there were the hives to check, a watch on the curdling goat's milk for
cheese, digging or sowing or watering in the vegetable-patch and perhaps mixing
straw and mud for any cracks in the fabric of the cottage. Then indoors for
sewing, mending, washing pots and bowls, followed by any other tasks Mama
thought necessary.
Once the gathering,
storing and salting of autumn were over, my outside tasks during the winter
were of a necessity curtailed, although there were still the wood- and
water-chores, even with snow on the ground. There were the stores to check:
jars of our honey, crocks of flour, trays of apples, salted ham, clamps of root
vegetables, strings of onions and garlic, bunches of herbs, dried beans and
pulses. That done, it was time for candle-dipping, spinning, carding wool,
sharpening of knives, re-stuffing pillows and cushions, sewing and mending,
mixing of pastes and potions and repairing of shoes.
Then came the time I
liked best. While I dampened down the fire and made us a brew of camomile
flowers, Mama would comb her hair and sing some of the old songs. We would
climb into bed and snuggle down behind the drawn hangings for warmth, and if
she felt like it my mother would either tell me a tale of wicked witches and
beautiful princesses or else, which I like even better, would tell once more of
how she had come to be here and of the men she had known. Especially my father.
I had heard her story
many times before, but a good tale loses nothing in the retelling, and I would
close my eyes and see pictures in my mind of the pretty young girl fleeing home
to escape the vile attentions of her stepfather; I would shiver with sympathy
as I followed the flight of the pregnant lass through the worst of winters and
sigh with relief when she reached, by chance, the haven of our village, and my
heart filled with relief when I re-heard how she had been taken in by the
miller and his wife. Once her pregnancy was discovered, however, there was a
meeting of the Council to decide what should be done with her, for now she was
a Burden on the Parish and could be turned away to starve.
"But of course
there was no question of that," said Mama complacently. "Once I had
discovered who was what, I had distributed my favors enthusiastically to those
who mattered, and all the important men of the village were well disposed to
heed my suggestion for easing their . . . problems, shall we say? Of course
much was tease and promise, for there is nothing more arousing to a man than
the thought of undisclosed delights to come. . . . Remember that, daughter. You
had better write it down some time. Of course I was far more beautiful and
accomplished than the other girls in the village, though I say it myself, even
though I was four months gone. I still had my figure and my soft, creamy skin,
and of course every man likes a woman with hair as black and smooth as mine. .
. .You would say, would you not, child, that my skin and hair are still
"Of course,
Mama!" I would answer fervently, though if truth were told her hair had
grey in it aplenty, and her skin was wrinkled like skin too long in water. But
she had no mirror but me and her clients, and who were the latter to notice in
the flattery of candles or behind drawn bed-curtains? Besides, those she
entertained were mostly well into middle age themselves and in no position to
"So by the time the
meeting of the Council came round it was a foregone conclusion that I would
stay. It was decided to offer me this cottage and food and supplies in return
for my services," continued Mama. "Of course I laid down certain
conditions. This place was to be renovated, extended, re-roofed and furnished.
I was also to entertain six days a week only: Sunday was to be my day of rest.
"At first, of
course, I was at it morning, noon and night, but eventually the novelty-value
wore off and my friends and I settled to a comfortable routine. Your elder
half-brother, Erik, was born here and three years later your other
half-brother, Luke. . . ."
Erik now was a man grown
with a shrewish and complaining wife. Dark, long-faced, with tight lips, he had
teased me unmercifully as a child. Luke I remembered more kindly. He was
apprenticed to the miller and had the same sandy hair, snub nose and gap-toothed
smile. It was obvious who his father was and he even resembled him in
temperament: kind and a little dim.
And now came the part of
Mama's story of which I never wearied.
"Some dozen or more
years ago," she would begin, "your half-brothers were fast asleep and
I was all alone, restless with the spirit of autumn that was sending the
swallows one way, bringing the geese the other. It was twilight, and all at
once there came a knocking at the door. It had to be a stranger, for there was
fever in the village and I had forsworn my regulars until it had passed. . .
"And so there you
were, Mama," I would prompt, "all alone in the growing dusk. . .
." Just in case she had forgotten, or didn't feel like going on. So vivid
was my imagination that I felt the shivers of her long-ago apprehension,
imagining myself alone and unprotected as she had been with the October mist
curling around the cottage like a tangle of great grey eels, slither-slide,
slither-creep. . . .
"And so there I
was," continued Mama, "determined to ignore whoever, whatever it was.
But again came that dreadful knocking! I grasped the poker tight in my hand,
for I had forgotten to bolt the door—"
"And then?" I
could scarcely breathe for excitement.
"And then—and then
the door was pulled open and a man, a tall, thin man, stood in the shadows, the
hood of his cloak pulled down so I could not see his face. You can imagine how
terrified I felt! "What—what do you want?" I quavered, grasping the
poker still tighter. He took one step forward, and now I could see his cloak
was forest-green, and the hand that held it was brown and sinewy but still he
said nothing. Then was I truly afraid, for specters do not speak, and of what
use was a poker against the supernatural?"
I gasped in sympathy,
crossing myself in superstitious fear.
"I think that my
bowels would have turned to water had he stood there silent one moment
longer," she said, "but of a sudden he thrust one hand against his
side and held the other out towards me, saying in a low and throbbing tone: 'A
vision of loveliness indeed! Do I wake or sleep? In very truth I believe the
pain of my wound has conjured up a dream of angels.' "
How very romantic! No
wonder Mama was impressed.
"The very next
moment he crumpled in a heap on my doorstep, out like a snuffed candle! What
else could I do but tend him?" and she spread her hands helplessly.
And that was how my
father had come into her life. At once she had taken him into both her heart
and her bed—what woman wouldn't with that introduction?—and nursed him back to
health. For an idyllic month, while the village still lay under the curse of a
low fever, my father and mother enjoyed their secret love.
"He was both a
courtly and a fierce lover," said my mother. "A trifle unpolished,
perhaps, but not beyond teaching. He was always eager to learn those little
refinements that make all the difference to a woman's enjoyment. . . ."
and my mother paused, a reminiscent smile on her face.
"And what did he
look like, my father?"
But here always came the
odd part. Perhaps the passage of years had played strange tricks with my
mother's memory for my father never looked the same for two tellings. At first
he was tall, then recollection had him shorter. Dark as Hades, fair as
sunlight; eyes grey as storm clouds, blue as sky, brown as autumn leaf, green
as duck-weed; he was loquacious, he was taciturn; he was happy, he was sad;
shy, outgoing . . . I was sure that if ever I loved a man I would remember
every detail forever, right down to the number of his teeth, the shape of his fingernails,
the curl of his lashes. But then Mama had known as many men as there were
leaves on a tree, so she said, and always tended to remember them by their
physical endowments rather than their physiognomy. In this respect she assured
me that my father was outstanding.
I hated the sad part of
my father's story, but it had to be told. One frosty day, as my mother told it,
the men from the village came and dragged him from the cottage and carried him
away, never to be seen again. "They were jealous of our love," she
said, and she had never ceased hoping that he would return, her wounded lover
who came with the falling leaves and left with the first frosts.
He had left nothing
behind save his tattered cloak, a purse full of strange coins, and a ring. Mama
said the coins were for my dowry, but that the ring was special, a magic ring.
She had shown it to me a couple of times, but it looked like nothing more than
the shaving of a horn, a colorless spiral. It would not fit any of my mother's
fingers, and she would not let me try it on.
"He wore it round
his neck on a cord," she said, "for it would not fit him either. He
said it was from the horn of a unicorn, passed down in his family for
generations, but it did nothing for him. . . ."
She had tried to sell it
a couple of times, but as it looked so ordinary and fit no one, she had tossed
it into a box with the rest of her bits and pieces of jewelry—necklace, brooch,
two bracelets—where it still lay, gathering dust.
* * *
My days were not all
work and no play, though I mostly made my own free time by working that much
harder. I had two special treats. If the weather was fine, summer or winter, I
would escape into the woods or down by the river, lie under a tree and gaze up
into the leaf-dappled sunshine and dream, or sit by the river and dangle my
toes in the fast-running water. This would be summer, of course, but even in
the cold and snow there were games to play. Skipping-stones, snowballs,
imaginary chases, battles with trees and bushes . . . Away from the cottage I
was anything I chose and could forget the confines of my cumbersome flesh and
flew with the birds, swam with the fish, ran with the deer. Gaze up into the
rocking trees in spring and I was a rook, swaying with the wind till I felt
sick, my beak weaving the rough bundles they called nests. Dangle my fingers in
the water and I was a fish, heading upstream into the current, the river
sliding past my flanks like silk. Given the bright fall of leaves and I ran
along the branches with the squirrels and hid my nuts in secret holes I would
never remember. Winter and I sympathized with the striped badgers, leaving the
fug of their sets on warmer days to search for the scrunch of beetle or a
forgotten berry or two, blackened into a honey sweetness by the frost.
But the thing I loved
most in the world to do was write in my book.
This had grown from my
very first attempt at writing my letters, many years ago. Now it was thick as a
kindling log and twice as heavy. At first the clerk had formed letters for me
in the earth outside, or had taught me to mark a flat stone with another,
scratchy one, but as I progressed he had shown me how to fashion a quill pen
and mix inks, so it was but a short step to putting my first, tentative words
on a scraped piece of vellum.
As parchment or skin was
so expensive I sometimes had to wait for weeks for a fresh piece, but I
practiced diligently with my finger on the table to ensure I should make no
mistakes when the time came.
For the Ten
Commandments, my first page, the old priest provided me with a fine, clear
page, but by the time I finished it was as rough and scraped as a pig's bum. My
next task was the days of the week, months and seasons of the year, followed by
the principal saint's days and festivals of the Church calendar. Then came
numbers from one to a hundred. This done, the elderly priest dead and another,
less tolerant, in his place—he never visited Mama—I was free to write what I
wished, whenever I could beg a scrap of vellum from the clerk. Down went
recipes for cakes, horehound candy, poultices, dyes and charms.
I do not remember what
occasioned my first essays into proverbs, saws and sayings. It may have been
the mayor, once chiding me for hurrying my tasks. "Don't remove your shoes
till you reach the stream," he had said, and this conjured up such a vivid
picture of stumbling barefoot among stones, thorns and nettles that down it had
to go. Not that it cured me of haste, mind, but it was an extremely sensible
suggestion. Then there were my mother's frequent strictures on the behavior
expected of a lady: "Do not put your chewed bones on the communal platter;
reserve them to be thrown on the fire, returned to the stock pot, or given to
the dogs." Or: "A lady does not wipe her mouth or nose on her sleeve;
if there is no napkin available, use the inner hem of your shift."
She also gave me the
benefit of her experience of sex; pet names for the private parts, methods of
exciting passion, of restraining it; how to deal with the importunate or the
reluctant, and various draughts to prevent conception or procure an abortion.
Down these all went in my book, for I was sure they would one day prove useful,
though she had explained that husbands didn't need the same titillation as
clients. "After all, once you're married he's yours: you will need excuses
more than encouragements."
When the pages of my
book grew to a dozen, then twenty, I threaded them together and begged a piece
of soft leather from the tanner for a cover and a piece of silk from Mama to
wrap it in. A heated poker provided the singed title: My Boke. At first
Mama had laughed at my scribblings, as she called them, for she could not read
or write herself, but once she realized I was treasuring her little gems of
wisdom and could read them back to her, she even gave me an occasional coin or
two for more materials, and reminded me constantly of her forethought in
providing me with such a good education.
"What with your
father's dowry and my teachings, you will be able to choose any man in the
kingdom," she said.
And that was perhaps the
only cause of friction between us.
A secure, protected,
industrious childhood slipped almost unnoticed into puberty, but I made the
mistake one day of asking Mama how long it would be before she found me the
promised husband, to be met with a coldness, a hurt withdrawal I had not
anticipated. "Are you so ready to leave me alone after all I have done for
you?" I kept quiet for two more years, but then asked, timidly, again. I
was unprepared for the barrage of blows. Her rage was terrible. She beat me the
colors of the rainbow, shrieking that I was the most ungrateful child in the
world and didn't deserve the consideration I had been shown. How could I think
of leaving her?
Of course I sobbed and
cried and begged her on my knees to forgive me my thoughtlessness, and after a
while she consented for me to cut out and sew a new robe for her, so I knew I
was back in favor. Even so, as year slipped into year without change, I began
to wonder just when my life would alter, when I would have a home and husband
of my own, as she had promised.
And then, suddenly,
everything changed in a single day.
Chapter Two
That morning Mama was
uncharacteristically edgy and irritable. She complained of having eaten
something that disagreed with her, and although I made an infusion of mint
leaves and camomile, she still seemed restless and uneasy.
"I shall go back to
bed," she announced. "And I don't want you clattering around. Have
you finished all your outside jobs?" I had. "Then you can go down to
the village and fetch some more salt. We're not without, but will need more
before winter sets in. Wait outside and I'll find a coin or two. . . ."
This was always the
ritual. Our store of coins, which Mama always took from passing trade, were
hidden away, and only she knew the whereabouts. I didn't see the need for such
secrecy, but she explained that I was such a silly, gullible child that I might
give away the hiding place. I couldn't see how, as I scarcely spoke to anyone,
but she insisted.
I picked up an empty
crock and dawdled down the path towards the gate. It was a beautiful morning,
and I was in no hurry to go. I hated these visits to the village, but luckily
only made them when there were goods we could not barter for—salt, oil, tallow,
wine, spices. I enjoyed the walk there, the walk back and would have also
enjoyed gazing about me when I got there, but for the behavior of the
villagers. When I was very young I did not understand why the men pretended I
didn't exist, the women hissed and spat and made unkind remarks and the
children threw stones and refuse. Now I was older I both understood and was
better able to cope. When I complained, Mama always said she couldn't
comprehend why the women weren't more grateful: after all, she took the heat
from their men once a week. Like everyone else, she said, she provided a
service. But that didn't stop the children calling after me: "Bastard
daughter of a whore!" or worse.
daughter!" I turned back to where Mama stood on the threshold. She would
never come outside. In summer it was "too hot," in winter "too
cold." In autumn it was wasps and other insects, in spring the flowers
made her sneeze, and through all the seasons it was a question of preserving
her complexion. "I wouldn't want to be all brown and gypsyish; part of my
attraction to my clients is my pale, creamy skin. You had better watch yours,
too, girl: you're becoming as dark as your father. What's acceptable on a man
won't do on a woman."
Now she handed me some
coin. "Watch for the change: I don't want any counterfeit. And if I'm
asleep when you return, don't wake me. I shall try and sleep off this
"If you're really
feeling ill I could fetch the apothecary—"
"Don't be stupid: I
am never ill! Now, get along with you before you make me feel worse—and for
goodness sake straighten your skirt and tie the strings on your shift: no
prospective husband would look at you twice like that! Do you want to disgrace
I kissed her cheek and
curtseyed, as I had been taught, and walked away sedately till I was out of
sight, then hung the crock over my shoulder by its strap, hitched up my skirts
and scuffed my feet among the crunchy, crackly heaps of leaves along the lane,
taking great delight in disordering the wind-arranged heaps and humming a
catchy little tune the mayor had taught me for my pipe.
It seemed I was not the
only one fetching winter stores. Above my head squirrels were squabbling over
the last acorns. I could hear hedgepigs scuffling in a ditch searching for
grubs, too impatient for their winter fat to wait till dusk, and thrushes and
blackbirds were testing the hips and haws in the hedges and finishing off the
last brambles, while tits and siskins were cheeping softly in search of
insects. A rat, obviously with a late litter, ran across in front of me, a huge
cockchafer in her mouth.
The sun shone directly
in my eyes and shimmered off the ivy and hawthorn to either side, making their
leaves all silver. I passed through a cloud of midges, dancing their
up-and-down day dance—a fine day tomorrow— and on a patch of badger turd a
meadow-brown butterfly basked, its long tongue delicately probing the stinking
heap. My only annoyance was the flies, wanting the sweat on my face, and the
wasps, seeking something sweet, so I pulled a handful of dried cow parsley and
waved that freely round my head.
I purchased the salt
without much notice being taken, for a peddler had found his way to the
village, and the women and children were crowding round his wares. So engrossed
were they that the miller passing by with his cart had time to give me a huge
wink and toss me a copper coin. "Don't spend it all at once. . . ."
Money of my own! A whole
coin to spend on whatever I wanted! At first I thought to buy a ribbon from the
peddler, but that would need explanations when I returned home, and somehow I
didn't think Mama would approve of her clients giving me money. Lessons and
food were different. Food! I had just reminded myself I was hungry. I looked up
at the sun: an hour before noon. Still, if I bought something now I needn't
hurry home, and Mama could enjoy her sleep. I peered at the tray in the bakers.
Ham pies, baked apples, cheese pasties . . . The pies looked a little tired and
I had had an apple for breakfast, so I carried away two cheese pasties.
One had gone even before
I reached the lane again, but I decided to find somewhere to sit in the sun and
thoroughly enjoy the other. There was a bank full of sunshine a quarter mile
from the cottage just where the lane kinked opposite one of the rides through
the forest, and I seated myself comfortably and enjoyed the other pasty down to
the last crumb, wiping my mouth thoroughly to leave no telltale grease or crumbs.
I found a couple of desiccated mint leaves in the hedge behind and chewed those
too, just in case Mama spotted the smell of onions, then burped comfortably and
lay back in the sunshine, the scent of the mint an ephemeral accompaniment to
the background of autumn smells: drying leaves, damp ground, wood smoke, fungi,
a gentle decay.
I sniffed my fingers
again, but the scent of mint had almost gone; strange how the pleasant smells
didn't last as long as the stinks. I must put that thought down in my book.
"Perfumes are nice while they last, but foul smells last longer"?
Clumsy. What about: "Sweet smells are a welcome guest, but foul odors stay
too long." Still clumsy; it needed to be shorter, more succinct, and could
do with some alliteration. "Sweet smells stay but short: foul odors linger
longer." Much better.
As soon as I had time to
spare I would write that down. The trouble was that it took so long; not the
actual writing, now that I was more used to it, but the preparation beforehand.
First, I had to be sure I had at least a clear hour before me, then the weather
had to be right: too hot and the ink dried too quickly; too wet and it wouldn't
dry at all. It had to be mixed first of course to the right color and
consistency, and the quills had to be sharpened and the vellum smoothed and
weighted down and the light just right.
But then what joy! I
scarcely breathed as I formed the letters: the full-bellied downward curve of
the l the mysterious double arch of the m, the change of quill
position for the s, the cozy cuddle of the e—each had its own
individual pattern, separate symbols that together made plain the things I had
only thought before.
Magic, for sure. First
the letters themselves, precise in shape and order, then the interpretation
into words and meaning and lastly the imagination engendered by the whole. The
old priest had once given me a saying: "God created man from the clay of
the ground: take care lest you crack in the firing of Life." I had
dutifully copied this down, but once it was there it took on a new dimension.
In my mind I could actually see little clay men running round with bits broken
and chipped off them, crying out that the Almighty Potter had not shaped them
right or had made the kiln too hot or too cold, and—
"Hey, there! Wake
up, girl!"
Suddenly the sun had
gone. I opened my eyes and there, towering over me, was the awesome bulk of a
caparisoned horse, snorting and champing at the bit. Still half-asleep I
scrambled to my feet and backed up the bank, wondering if I was still dreaming.
"Which way to the
High Road?"
The horse swung round
and now the sun was in my eyes again. I dropped down to the road, and was
seemingly surrounded by a party of horsemen who had obviously just ridden along
the ride out of the forest. Hooves stamped, harness jingled, men cursed and I
was about to panic and run for home, when the face of the man on the
caparisoned horse swam into view and I felt as though I had been struck by
He was the handsomest
man I had ever seen in my life. It was the eyes I noticed first, so dark and
deep a blue they seemed to shine with a light all their own. Dark brows drawn
together over a slight frown, a high, broad forehead and crispy dark hair that
curled down unfashionably to his collar. His skin was faintly tanned, his nose
straight; there was a little cleft in his rounded chin and his mouth—ah, his
mouth! Full and sensual, wide and mobile . . . I remembered afterwards broad
shoulders, wide chest and long, well-muscled legs, but at the time I could only
stare spellbound at his face.
Someone else spoke, a
man who was probably one of his retainers, but the words didn't register. I
couldn't take my eyes off his master.
The mouth opened on
perfect teeth and the apparition spoke.
"I asked if you
knew the way to the High Road."
"She's maybe a
daftie, Sir Gilman. . . ."
I shook my head. No, I
wasn't a daftie, I just couldn't speak for a moment. I nodded my head. Yes, I
did know the way to the High Road. I was conscious of the sweat pouring from my
face, an itch on my nose where a fly had alighted, could feel an ant run over
my bare toe—
"If you follow the
lane the way I have come"—I pointed—"you will come to the village. If
you take the turning by the church you will have to follow a track through the
forest, but it is quicker. Otherwise go across the bridge at the end of the
village, past the miller's, and there is a fair road. Perhaps four miles in
all." I didn't sound like me at all.
He smiled. "And
that is the way to civilization?"
I stared. Civilization
was here. Then I remembered my manners and curtsied. "As you please, sir.
. . ."
He smiled again.
"Thank you, pretty maid. . . ."
And in a trample of
hooves, a flash of embroidered cloth, a half-glimpsed banner, he and his men
were gone clattering down the lane.
I stood there with my
mouth open, my mind in a daze. He had called me "pretty maid"! Never
in my wildest imaginings had I conjured up a man like this! Oh, I was in love,
no doubt of it, hopelessly, irrevocably in love. . . .
I must tell Mama at
I hugged his words to my
heart like a heated stone in a winter bed as I raced home, near tripping and
losing the salt. Flinging open the door and quite forgetting she might be
sleeping, I rushed over to the bed where she sat up against the pillows.
I grabbed her hand.
"Mama, Mama, I must tell you—Mama?"
Her hand was cold, and
her cheek, when I bent to kiss it, was cold too. The cottage was dark after the
bright outside and I could not see her face, but I didn't need to. She couldn't
hear me, couldn't see me, would never know what I had longed to tell her.
My mother was dead.
Chapter Three
At first I panicked,
backing away from the bed till I was brought up short by the wall and then
sinking to my knees and covering my head with my arms, rocking back and forth
and keening loudly. I felt as if I had been simultaneously kicked in the
stomach and bashed over the head. She couldn't be dead, she couldn't! She
couldn't leave me all alone like this! I didn't know what to do, I couldn't
cope. . . . Oh, Mama, Mama, come back! I won't ever be naughty again, I
promise! I'll work twice as hard, I'll never leave you, I didn't mean to upset
My eyes were near
half-shut with tears, my nose was running, I was dribbling, but gradually it
seemed as though a little voice was trying to be heard in my head, and my sobs
subsided as I tried to listen. All at once the voice was quite plain, sharp and
clear and scolding, like Mama's, but not in sentences, just odd words and
"Pull yourself
together . . . Things to be done . . . Tell them."
Of course. Things
couldn't just be left. I wiped my face, took one more look just to be sure,
then ran as fast as I could back to the village. Luckily the first man I saw
was the apothecary. As shocked as a man could be, he hurried back with me to
confirm my fears. He examined Mama perfunctorily, asked if she had complained
of pains in the chest and shook his head as I described her symptoms of this
morning, as best I could for the stitch in my side from running.
"Mmm. Massive heart
attack. Pains were a warning. Must have hit her all at once. Wouldn't have
known a thing."
Indeed, now I had lit a
candle for his examination I could see her face held a look of surprise, as
though Death had walked in without knocking.
"Will tell the
others. Expect us later." And he was gone.
Expect us later? What .
. . ? But then the voice in my head took over again.
"Decisions . . .
Burial . . . Prepare . . . Food."
Of course. They would
all come to view the body, decide how and when she should be buried, and would
expect the courtesy of food and drink. What to do first?
"Cold . . . Water .
. ."
The fire was nearly out
and there was a chill in the room. For an absurd moment I almost apologized to
Mama for the cold, then pulled myself together, and with an economy born of
long familiarity rekindled the ashes, brought in the driest logs and set the
largest cauldron on for hot water. With bright flames now illuminating the
room, I checked the food. A large pie and a half should be enough, with some of
the goat's-milk cheese and yesterday's loaf, set to crisp on the hearth. There
were just enough bowls and platters to go round, but only two mugs; I could put
milk into a flagon and what wine we had left into a jug and they could pass
those round. Seating was a problem; the stools and Mama's chair would
accommodate three, and perhaps two could perch on the table or the chest. The
rest would have to stand.
The water was now
finger-hot, and I turned to the most important task of all. Crossing to Mama's
clothes chest I pulled out her best robe, the red one edged with coney fur, and
her newest shift, the silk one with gold ribbons at neck and sleeve, and the
fine linen sheet that would be her shroud.
The heat from the fire,
which had me sweating like a pie, had relaxed her muscles, so it was an easy
enough task to wash her, change the death-soiled sheets, pad all orifices and
dress her in her best. That done, I combed and plaited her hair and arranged it
in coils around her head, but was distressed to see that the grey streaks would
show once I had the candles burning round the bed. She would never forgive me
for that, I thought, then remembered my inks. A little smoothed across with my
fingers and no one would notice. . . .
I crumbled dried
rosemary and lavender between the folds of her dress for sweetness, then went
outside and burned the soiled sheets and the dress she had been wearing when
she died. Outside it was quite cool, the sun saying nearer four than three, and
the smoke from the bonfire rising thin and straight: a slight frost tonight, I
thought. On the way back in I gathered some late daisies and a few flowers of
the yellow Mary's-gold, and placed them in Mama's folded hands, then set the
best beeswax candles in the few holders we had around the bed, ready to light
once it grew dark.
I looked at her once
more, to see all was as she would have wished and to my amazement saw that
Death had given her back her youth. Gone were the frown lines, the pinched
mouth, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. She looked as though she were
sleeping, her face calm and smooth, and the candle I held flickered as though
she were smiling. She was so beautiful I wanted to cry again—
"Enough! Late . . .
Tidy up. Wash and change . . ."
I heeded the voice, so
like hers—but it couldn't be, could it?—and a half-hour later or so I had swept
out and tidied, washed myself in the rest of the water, including my hair and
my filthy clothes, hanging out the latter to dry over the hedge by the chicken
run, and had changed into my other shift and my winter dress. Mama would be
proud of my industriousness, I thought. But there was no time for further
tears, for I could hear the tramp of feet down the lane. My mother's clients
come to pay their last respects.
* * *
Suddenly the room,
comfortably roomy for Mama and me, had shrunk to a hulk and shuffle of too many
bodies, with scarce space to move. The only part they avoided was the bed.
They had all come:
mayor, miller, clerk, butcher, tailor, forester, carpenter, thatcher,
basket-maker, apothecary; all at one time my mother's regular customers. The
new priest was the only odd one out. In spite of their common interest I
noticed how they avoided looking at one another. At last, after much coughing,
scratching and picking of noses, the mayor stepped forward and everything went
as quiet as if someone had shut a door.
"Ah, hmmm, yes.
This is a sad occasion, very sad." He shook his head solemnly, and the
rest of them did likewise or nodded as they thought fit. "We meet here to
mourn the sudden passing of someone who, er, someone who was . . ."
"With whom we
shared a common interest?" suggested the clerk.
"Yes, yes of
course. Very neatly put. . . . As I was saying, Mistress Margaret here—"
Isabella," said the miller.
Isabella," said the butcher. "Susan."
said the clerk. "Or Bess for short."
"I thought she was
Alice," said the tailor.
"Maude, for sure .
. ."
"No, Ellen—"
"I'm sure she said
"Sukey . . ."
I stared at them in
bewilderment. It didn't seem as though they were talking about her at all: how
could she possibly be ten different people? Then, like an echo, came my
mother's voice: "In my position I have to be all things to all men,
daughter. . . ."
The mayor turned to me.
"What was your mother's real name?"
I shrugged my shoulders
helplessly. "I never asked her. To me she was just—just Mama." I
would not cry. . . .
"Well," said
the priest snappily, "you will have to decide on something if I am to bury
her tomorrow morning. At first light, you said?"
They had obviously been
discussing it on the way here.
"It would be . . .
more discreet," said the mayor, lamely. "Less fuss the better, I
"Aye," said
the butcher. "What's over, is over."
"What I want to
know is," said the priest, "who's paying?"
They all looked at me. I
shook my head. I knew there were a few coins for essentials in Mama's box, but
not near enough to pay for a burial and Mass.
"I don't think she
ever thought about dying," I said. This was true. Death had never been
part of our conversations. She had been so full of life and living there had
been no room for death. I thought about it for a moment more, then I knew what
she would have said. "I believe she would have trusted you, all of you, to
share her dying as you shared her living."
I could see they didn't
like it, but there were grudging nods of assent.
"What about a
sin-eater?" said the priest suddenly. "She died unshriven. Masses for
a year and a day might do it, but . . ."
More money. "There
isn't one hereabouts," said the mayor worriedly. "I suppose if we
could find someone willing we should have to find a few more coins, but—"
"I'll do it,"
I said. "She was my mother." I couldn't leave her in Purgatory for a
year, even if I was scared to death of the burden. "What do I do?"
But no one seemed very
sure, not even the priest. In the end he suggested I take a hunk of bread,
place it on my mother's chest and pray for her sins to pass from one to the
other. Then I had to eat the bread.
It near choked me, and
once I had forced it down I was assailed by the most intolerable sense of
burdening, as though I had been squashed head down in a small box after eating
too much.
They watched me with
"Is it
working?" asked the priest.
"Yes," I
gasped, and begged him for absolution.
said the priest, looking relieved. "We shall repair to the church, choose
the burial site and you may confess your mother's sins and I shall absolve
It was cold inside the
church for the sun was now gone and twilight shrouded the altar, mercifully
hiding the mural of the Day of Judgment which, faded though it was, always gave
me nightmares. To be sure, there were the righteous rising in their underwear
to Heaven, but the unknown artist had had an inspired brush with the damned,
their mouths open on silent screams as they tumbled towards the flames, poked
and prodded by the demons of the Devil.
The priest led me
through Mama's confession—it was very strange confessing unknown sins for
someone else—and he told me to confess to absolutely everything, just in case.
Some of those sins he prompted me with I had never even heard of.
"Now you may either
say a thousand Hail Marys in expiation, or perhaps find it more
convenient to make a small donation," he said hopefully.
As it happened I had the
change from buying the salt still tied round my waist in my special
purse-pocket, so he gave me a hurried full absolution to our mutual
satisfaction. Immediately it seemed as though the dreadful heaviness left me, just
like shucking off a heavy load of firewood after a long tramp home. Now Mama
could ascend to Heaven happily with the rest of the righteous.
We came out into a dusky
churchyard, and found the others grouped in the far corner against the wall.
"This'll do,"
said the mayor. Next to the rubbish dump. "It'll take less digging and is
nicely screened from view. Why, you could even scratch the date of death on the
wall behind. Pity she couldn't lie next to your father, girl, but of course his
bones were tossed to the pigs long ago—"
"My father?"
I could not believe what I was hearing. My father had been driven away by
jealous villagers and dared not return; my mother had told me so.
"Of course. Led us
a merry chase, but we caught him about two mile into the forest, and—"
"She doesn't
know," interrupted the miller, glancing at my face. "Happen her Ma
told her something different." He looked at the others. "No point in
bringing it up now."
I could feel something
crumbling inside me, just like the hopeful dams I had built as a child across
the stream, only to see them crumble with the first rains. I had cherished for
years the vision of a handsome soldier-father forced to leave his only love, my
beautiful mother, and now they were trying to say—
"Tell me!" I
shrieked, the anger and bewilderment escaping me like air from a pricked
bladder, surprising them and myself so much that we all jumped apart as though
someone had just tossed a snake into our midst.
So they told me, in fits
and starts: apologetically, belligerently, defiantly. At first it was just as
Mama had related it; there had been fever in the village, the stranger had
sought refuge at our cottage and they had enjoyed their secret idyll. Then
everything had gone wrong. Houses left empty by fever deaths had been looted,
and as they reasoned no one in the village could have been responsible, they
had searched farther afield, and had found some of the bulkier objects hidden
in a sack at the rear of our dwelling. My father had run; they had pursued him
into the forest where a lucky arrow had brought him down. Although he was dead
they had had a ceremonial hanging in the village, then had chopped him in
pieces and thrown the pieces to the pigs.
So the man whose memory
I had cherished, the father who my imagination had made taller, handsomer and
braver than anyone else in the world, was nothing more than a common thief!
"I don't believe
you, any of you! You're all lying, and just because Mama isn't here
you're—you're—" I burst into tears. But I knew they were telling the
truth; they had no reason to lie, not after all this time. But the anger and
frustration would out, and I switched to another hurt. "And I won't have
Mama buried next to the midden! She must have a proper plot, a proper marker, a
decent service and committal, just as she deserves—"
"Now look here,
girl," interrupted the butcher angrily. "Don't you realize we have to
pay for all this? Now your Ma's dead you have nothing, are nothing. Of all the
ungrateful hussies—"
"Easy, Seth,"
said the clerk. "She's upset. None of this is her fault. It's up to us to
do the best for—for . . . I'm sorry, girl, I don't think I remember your
"My name?"
"Yes," said
the tailor. "Always just called you 'girl,' as your mother did."
There were nods, murmurs
of confirmation from the others.
"Well?" said
the priest.
I stared at them all
aghast. I could feel myself falling. . . .
"I haven't the
faintest idea. . . ." I croaked, then everything went black.
Chapter Four
They brought me round
with hastily sprinkled font water.
I had never fainted
before in my life and I felt stupid, embarrassed and slightly sick. Their faces
swam above me like great moons, in the light from the miller's lantern. For a
moment I could remember nothing, and then it came back like a knife-thrust:
Mama was dead, my father a thief, and I had no name. In a way the last was the
worst. Without an identity I was a blank piece of vellum, a discarded feather,
the emptiness that is a hole in the ground. I felt that if I let go I should
float up into the sky like smoke, and dissolve as easily. I was deathly
Then somebody had a good
idea. "You must have been baptized." Of course, else would I not have
been allowed to attend Mass.
They helped me to my
feet and we all repaired to the vestry, where by the light of the lantern and
the priest's candle, the fusty, dusty, mildewy parish records were dragged out
of a chest.
"How old are
But I couldn't be exact
about that either, till the miller suggested the Year of the Great Fever, and
there was much counting backwards on fingers and thumbs and at last the entry
was found, in the old priest's fumbling, scratchy hand.
"Here we are. . . .
Strange name to call anyone," said the present priest. Only the clerk, he
and I could read, and I bent forward to follow his finger. There it was,
between the death of one John Tyler and the marriage of Wat Wood and Megan
Baker. The cramped letters danced in front of my eyes, but at last I spelled it
No date, but the
previous entry was June, the latter July.
"Baptism of dorter
to the Traveling woman: one Somerdai."
"Somerdai . .
." I tried it out on my tongue. "Summer-day." And Mama had
called herself one of the Travelers. All right, she had given me an outlandish
name, but at least I now existed officially. And, according to the records, I
was seventeen years old, and knew something more of Mama's origins. All at once
I felt a hundred times better, and was able to invite them all back for the
funeral meats almost as graciously as she would have done.
* * *
It did not take them
long to demolish everything. I closed the shutters, made up the fire and
lighted the candles around Mama; they threw our shadows like grotesques on the
whitewashed walls and made it look as though Mama sighed, smiled and twitched
in a natural sleep.
The mayor accepted the
dregs of the wine jug, drained them and brushed the crumbs from his front.
Clearing his throat, he addressed us all.
"I now declare this
special meeting open. . . ."
What meeting?
"Having determined
to settle this little matter as soon as may be, I think it is now time for us
to agree on our previously discussed course of action."
My! They had certainly
been busy amongst themselves, either on the way here or in the churchyard. . .
. But what "little matter"?
Summerhill, or whatever your name is—I should like to thank you on behalf of us
all for the refreshments." Everyone murmured their approval. "We have
already agreed to attend to the burial of the—the lady, your mother, and to
defray all costs." He cleared his throat again. "Now we come to the
distribution of the assets. . . ."
"My hens,"
said the butcher.
"My goat,"
said the tailor.
"My bees,"
said the clerk.
"The clothes
And suddenly they were
all shouting against each other, pointing at our belongings, even gesturing
towards the padded quilt on which Mama lay and touching the gown she wore.
I was horrified, but as
they quietened down it became obvious that everything I had thought we owned,
Mama and I, belonged in some way or other to her clients. They were just loans.
If I had ever thought about it at all, which I hadn't, I should have guessed
that the finely carved bed, the elaborate hangings, some of the fine clothes,
could not have been gifts, like the flour, meat and pulses.
Now the butcher was on
his feet. He was the man I had always liked least of Mama's clients, not only
because he sometimes tried to put his hands down my front.
"Comrades . . .
Quiet! I know what we all have at stake here, but we cannot leave the new whore
entirely without."
Surely they couldn't
mean that I—
But the mayor took over,
with an uneasy glance in my direction.
"Normally, of
course, we could have left all this for a day or two until everything settled
down," he said. "But under the circumstances—"
"With her losing
her job and all—" said the butcher.
"—we shall have to
make a quick decision," continued the mayor.
My heart gave a sudden
lurch of thankfulness. They hadn't been thinking of me as a replacement after
all. But the mayor's next words hurt. "Normally we might have offered
young Summer-Solstice here the job, as her mother's daughter, but under the
circumstances I don't believe she would attract the same sort of custom. . .
"Oh, come on!"
said the miller, always ready with a kind word. "She's not that bad! A
nice smile, all her teeth, small hands and feet, a fine head of hair . .
." Even he couldn't think of anything else.
"Mama wished me to
become a wife, not a whore," I said stiffly. Whores were special, but
wives came in all shapes and sizes, so I had a better chance as the latter,
especially with my learning and dowry—come to that, where was it? Mama had
never said. And when I found the coins, how did I set about finding this
elusive husband I had been promised? With winter coming on, it would be better
to leave it until New Year. If what they had said about the furniture going to
the next whore was true, the cottage would seem very bare. I had a few coins
left of Mama's, and perhaps if they let me keep a couple of the hens and I
could persuade the carpenter to knock me up a truckle bed, I could manage with
what was laid aside. But I should have to buy some salted pork—
" . . . so, if it
is convenient, shall we say noon tomorrow?" asked the mayor.
"Although your brothers are not here now, they will attend the interment
in the morning, and your eldest brother let it be known his wife would not be
averse to the dresses. . . ."
I had lost something in
his speechifying, but that pinched-nosed sister-in-law of mine was not going to
wear my mother's dresses, and I told him so.
"Why not? They're
of no use to you. Your ma was tall and thin."
"I still would not
like to see another in her dresses—"
"Nonsense! Why
waste them? The new whore, Agnes-from-the-Inn, would fit into them nicely, too.
No point in wasting them."
So that sandy-haired,
big-bosomed wench was to be the next village whore! "No," I said.
"As she's getting
everything else," said the butcher, "including this cottage, why not
chuck the dresses in as well? Not yours to dispose of, anyway."
"This place? But
it's ours—mine, surely?"
The mayor shook his
head. "Goes with the job. So, as I said a moment or two back, I can expect
you out by midday tomorrow?"
"I can't! I've
nowhere to go!" This just couldn't be happening. All in one day to lose my
mother, the shreds of my father's reputation and also find I possessed a
ridiculous name, then to be turned out into an unknown world with nothing to my
name and nowhere to go—
I burst into tears;
angry, snuffly, hurt, uncontrollable, ugly tears. Now Mama had always taught me
that tears were a woman's finest weapon. She had also tried to teach me how to
weep gently and affectingly, without reddening the eyes or screwing up the
face, but all my tears produced were embarrassment, red faces and a rush for
the door, just as if I had been found with plague spots.
"Back at
dawn," called out the mayor. "We'll bring a hurdle for the body. . .
The priest was the last
to leave. "Not even one coin for the Masses?" I shook my head.
I heard their footsteps
retreating, then one set returning. The miller poked his head round the door.
"Just wanted to
say—will miss your Ma. She was a lady. Sorry I can't take you in like your
brother, but the wife wouldn't stand for it." He turned to go, then
stopped. "Thought you might like to know; years after your dad—died—someone
else confessed to planting those stolen goods. Said he was jealous. Dead and
gone, now . . . Hey there: no more tears! Could never abide to see a lass cry.
Here, there's a couple of coins for your journey. And don't worry, you'll do
fine. I'll see the grave's kept nice," He sidled out through the door.
"Sorry I can't do more, but you know how it is. . . ."
"Yes," I said.
"I know how it is. . . ."
Alone, I sank to my
knees beside the dying fire, my mind a muddle. Shock and grief had filled my
mind to such an extent I was incapable of thinking clearly. All I wanted was
for Mama to be back to tell me what to do, for I felt an itching between my
shoulder blades that told me I had forgotten something, and could not rest till
it was seen to.
A log crashed in the
hearth and I started up. Mustn't let the fire die down, tonight of all
nights—But why? Of course: tonight was All Hallows' Eve, the eve of Samhain.
Tonight was the night when the unshriven dead rode the skies with the witches
and warlocks and the Court of Faery roamed the earth. . . . Tonight was the
night that, every year, Mama and I closed and locked the shutters and doors
early, stoked up the fire and roasted chestnuts and melted cheese over toasted
bread, thumbing our noses at those spirits who moaned and cursed outside,
wanting to take our places and live again. But it was the fire that kept them
away, so Mama said, that and the songs we sang: "There is a time for
everything," or "After Winter cometh Spring," and "Curst be
all who ride abroad this night."
I rushed outside and
brought in all the wood I could gather. Why bother to save any for the new
whore? Let her seek her own. And she had no daughter to fetch and carry as Mama
had done: they would soon be sick of her. I even emptied the lean-to of our
emergency supply, running back and forth under an uneasy moon, till the room
was overflowing with faggots and logs. Tonight we would have the biggest blaze
ever, Mama and I.
By the time I had
finished I was quite light-headed, even addressing the still figure on the bed.
"There you are, Mama! Enough to set the chimney alight!"
"And everything
else . . ." came a voice in my head. "Everything must go with me. . .
. Nothing left."
Was that what she
wanted? Everything burned? But wasn't that what her people, the Travelers, did?
Hadn't she told me once that when a chief died his van was piled with his
belongings, his dogs and horses were sacrificed and all consumed in a great
pyre? Then if that was what she wanted, that was what she should have.
I approached the bed
again. "You shall have a bonfire fit for a queen," I told the silent
figure. "They shall not have your bed, your dresses, your chair; I
"Open . . . Fly . .
I frowned; what did that
little voice mean: Fly? What was to fly? There was a moth doing a
crazy dance round one of the guttering candles and I moved my hand to bat it
away, upon which it swerved over my head and made for the shuttered window,
beating frantically against the wood. Then I understood.
"Sorry, Mama . .
Ceremoniously I flung
back the shutters onto the night, then wedged open the door. Coming back to the
bed I blew out the candles, one by one, then knelt to pray. I prayed for a safe
journey for my mother's soul, reminding God that her sins were all absolved. Then
I leaned over for the last time and kissed her brow.
"All ready, Mama.
Go with God." As I did so it seemed a little breeze stirred the hangings,
and I distinctly felt a rap on my head—the sort Mama used to make with her
knuckles when I had completed a task after a reminder. A moment later the door
crashed shut. She had gone.
I refastened door and
window, then bethought myself of my own arrangements. If I were to be away from
here before they discovered what I had done, then I must pack up all I needed for
my journey quickly. Clothes, food, utensils, blanket, money . . . Money. Where
had Mama put my dowry? Frantically I searched all the places it could be and
came up with nothing. It must be somewhere; Mama wouldn't have made it up. I
wished it was light again, for the cottage was full of shadows and every corner
looked like a potential hiding place. I must find it, I must! I couldn't face
the wide world with the few coins left in Mama's box and the couple the miller
had left me.
Opening Mama's box,
however, discovered her bracelets, necklet and brooches, and the horn ring my
father had left behind. I took them over to the bed, fastened the brooch and
necklet, and then tried to force the ring onto her fingers, one after the
other, but it wouldn't go: her fingers were too fat. Strange, she had long,
slim fingers. I put on the bracelets, deciding I would take the ring with me,
wearing it on a string round my neck. It might bring me luck, I thought, and
without thinking slipped it onto the middle finger of my right hand, while I
bent forward to adjust the bracelets on Mama's wrists to their best advantage.
As I placed her hands
once more crossed upon her breast, I noticed something strange; although I was
certain I had washed her thoroughly there was what looked like a sooty residue
caught under the fingernails of her right hand—All at once I knew where the
dowry would be. Rushing over to the fireplace I felt high up in the chimney,
first to one side, then the other. At first all I got were scorched fingers and
a fall of soot, but at last on the left-hand side my scrabblings found a ledge,
and on the ledge a bag of sorts, which I snatched out to drop on the floor with
a clink and chink of coin.
I fell to my knees on
the hearth and gazed with excitement at the pile of coins that had burst from
the split leather pouch that had contained them. I had never seen so much money
in my life! And all the coins looked like either silver or gold. . . . All in
all, a fortune. Hastily wiping my sooty fingers I began to examine them, one by
one. All but two were strange to me, the inscriptions and symbols utterly
alien. A scrap of singed paper fluttered to the floor. It was so brittle with
age and heat it crumbled to pieces in my fingers even as I read it:
"Thomas Fletcher, Mercernairy, his monnaies." There followed a list I
could not follow, then "Ayti coyns in all."
So my father had been
named, and could write, after a fashion! That surely was where I had got my
learning skills. But eighty coins? There were less than half, surely, for even
with the confirmation of my tally sticks there were forty-seven missing. I
glanced over to the bed where my mother lay in all her finery, extra dresses
and shifts spread around her, and my eyes filled with tears, remembering the
silver coins and a couple of gold that had purchased them. At the time I had
wondered where they had come from, and now I knew. But how was I to know that
my father hadn't wished it so? After all, she had been his beloved, and I
shouldn't grudge a single coin. Before me lay enough still for a fair dowry,
even if the coins would have to be weighed for their metal content only, as
they were foreign. But there were still a couple of our own coinage: I could
manage for a while on those.
Before my eyes the piece
of paper crumbled into ash, the pouch also, as if they had been just waiting
for me to find them and were now dead like my mother. Carefully I packed the
coins inside my waistband purse, determined as soon as possible to make them a
separate hiding place.
As I tucked them away I
noticed for the first time the ring upon my finger. I couldn't remember putting
it there, and absent-mindedly tried to pull it off to tie round my neck, as I
had originally intended. But it wouldn't come. There it was, settled snug on my
finger as if it was part of the very skin. . . . Suddenly I tingled all over
and everything became brighter and sharper, as if a veil had been pulled away.
As if a stranger I saw
all the cracks in the wall, the shabbiness of the room; I heard the crackle of
the fire, the creak of furniture as if it were talking to me; for the first
time smelled the sweetish-sickly odor of decay coming from the bed so strongly I
had to pinch my nostrils and swallow hard. There was a taste of soot and ashes
in my mouth where I had licked my fingers and the hearth beneath my hands was
rough with grit and dust.
But there was something
else as well. Not exactly hope, that was too strong a word, but a sort of
energy I had not known I possessed. Something enforced the knowledge that I was
alone for the first time in my life, but also that I would manage somehow or
other, that I wasn't a complete idiot, that life held more than I had expected.
I rose to my feet. There
were things to be done and, as my inside time clock told it was near midnight,
the sooner the better. Outside, when I went to check that the goat and chickens
would be safe, the moon was riding clear of cloud, the stars were bright and a
crispness to the air confirmed frost.
I loaded up the sledge I
used for wood with what I thought necessary, did a last check, then piled wood
around the bed, sprinkling it with oil the better to burn. I opened the
shutters for a draught and left the door open. That done I made a last check,
then gazed around the cottage that had been my home, expecting nostalgia.
Nothing. Nothing at all.
It was just a place that
two people had lived in, an empty shell with now no personality left. A room,
nothing more, as empty of life as the still figure on the bed, the living and
memory seeping from it as surely as the body became cold in death. No, there
was nothing for me here now.
Mama," I said, and threw a lighted brand from the fire towards the bed.
Part 2: Summer's Journey
Chapter Five
Someone had
opened both shutters and door, and pulled back the bed
clothes; the light was shining in my eyes and I was freezing—
I came to with a start.
I was in a forest, so had I fallen asleep while collecting wood? Realization
came as bitter as the early morning taste in my mouth, as I struggled out of
the blanket I had wrapped myself in.
I was in the woods
somewhere between the village and the High Road, I was alone, and I was hungry
and needed to relieve myself. First things first, and as I squatted down I
glanced around the little dell in which I had hidden myself the night before.
Last night's frost still silvered the grasses and ferns, but the rising sun
promised a warm day. Already a cloud of midges danced above my head and a
breeze stirred the almost leafless trees. A pouch-cheeked squirrel darted
across the glade ahead, and I could hear the warning chink of a blackbird as I
scrambled to my feet. Otherwise everything was quiet, except for the tinkle of a
stream away to my right.
So, I hadn't been
followed. So far . . .
I cringed when I
remembered my escape of the night before. Once I had been sure the cottage was
blazing merrily, the flames lighting up the night sky until I feared the
conflagration would be spotted in the village, I had set off down the path,
dragging the loaded wood sledge behind me. Sighting the way had been easy, with
the fire behind and the moon above, so I had not needed my lantern. But where
had my caution, my fear of the night, gone? As I remembered it I had strode
through the village as if it were a midsummer day, singing some crazy song I
couldn't now remember, almost asking those within doors to come out and
discover the suddenly-gone-mad girl who had made the cottage a funeral pyre for
both her mama and all those goods that now belonged to someone else, and who
was now disregarding the terror of All Hallows' night and marching down the
road with the demons at her heels and the witches swooping around her head.
But no one had appeared.
Doors remained bolted and barred, shutters firmly closed. Those who had heard
my wild passage had probably hid beneath the bedclothes, crossed themselves and
been convinced that at last all their fears walked abroad in ghastly form and
that to look on such would snatch what little wits they had away forever. And
in the morning, when they saw what remained of the cottage, with luck they
might think it had all been a ghastly accident, and that I had been immolated
with Mama. Of course, once the embers had cooled down and they could rake
through the ashes they would probably realize what I had done and make some
sort of search for me—but by that time I hoped to be well away beyond their
My stomach gave a great
growling lurch, reminding me it had had nothing since I couldn't remember when.
I didn't remember eating a thing last night, so those cheese pasties must have
been the last thing to comfort it. I scrabbled among the wreck of my belongings
on the sledge—it had tipped over twice last night and scattered everything—and
at last found twice-baked bread, cheese and a slice of cold bacon. Washing it
down with water from my flask, I refilled the same from the stream nearby,
determined next to sort out the things I had brought. But I was still hungry. I
couldn't think straight without something else in my stomach. After all, to
someone who was used to breaking her fast with gruel, goat's milk, bread and
cheese, ham, an egg or two and honey cakes, this morning's scraps were more of
an aggravation than a satisfaction.
Searching among the
debris I found a heap of honey cakes I had forgotten about. I gobbled down one,
two, three. . . . That was enough; I should have to go easy. I couldn't be sure
when I would come upon the next village. Well, perhaps just one more: that
would leave an even number—easier to count.
Feeling much better, the
stiffness of the night nearly gone, I spread out my belongings on the grass.
The sledge looked the worse for wear; too late I remembered it was due to be
renewed as soon as possible: the carpenter had promised to make new runners. I
should just have to hope it would carry my belongings as far as the High Road,
then I would have to think again. Even now, there must be at least something I
could leave behind to lighten the load.
An axe for chopping
wood: I couldn't do without that. Tinder, flint and kindling, also necessary.
Lantern, candles, couldn't do without those either. The smallest cooking pot,
with a lid that would double as a griddle, a ladle, large knife and small one,
spoon, two bowls and a mug. Essentials. Water flask, small jug, blanket, rope,
couldn't do without those, either.
Clothes? I was wearing
as much as I could, but surely I still needed the two spare shifts, ditto
drawers and stockings? My father's comfortable green cloak, pattens for the
wet, clothes for my monthly flow, comb, needles, thread and strips of leather
for mending clothes and shoes. Packets of dried herbs and spices, seeds for
planting when I finally reached my destination—onion, garlic, chive, rosemary,
dill, bay, thyme, sage, turnip, marjoram—and a small pestle and mortar.
Which brought me to the
food. A small sack of flour—bread to eat if nothing else—a crock of salt,
bottle of oil, pot of honey, jar of fat, pack of oats. And for ready
consumption two cheeses, a hunk of bacon, two slices of smoked ham, some dried
fish, two loaves and twelve honey cakes.
Which left my writing
materials, tally sticks and the Boke. Those came with me if nothing else did.
I surveyed the articles
laid out on the grass with dismay. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, I
could leave behind. Somehow or other I would have to pack them better, and
trust the sledge would at least get me as far as the High Road. Then perhaps I
could find a lift, or could repair the runners well enough to get me to a
The sun was already
clear of the trees: I had better get moving. Setting to work I found the
packing much easier and the result neater and better balanced, especially when
I utilized one of the double panniers I had also dragged along for the
eatables, salt and flour, and I reckoned I should get along much faster now.
Perhaps the pannier
would be better balanced if I distributed the food more evenly: it must be ten
o'clock, and I should travel better with a nibble of something in my stomach.
That bread was already stale, so if I ate a crust and a slice of cheese—or two
. . .
"Proper little
piggy, ain't you?" said a voice.
I whirled around on my
knees, sure I had been discovered. But there was no one in sight, the forest
was in the same state of suspended alert and there was no sound of footsteps. I
decided I must be light-headed and had imagined it. I took another bite of
cheese, and—
"Some of us ain't
eaten for two days," said the same voice. "Chuck us a bit of rind,
and I'll go away. . . ."
Dear God! It must be one
of the Little People, of which I had heard from Mama. I crossed myself hastily.
What had she said about Them? Mischievous, usually only out at night, not to be
crossed lightly. With shaking fingers I cut a piece of rind and threw it as far
as I could, then hid my eyes, remembering that They don't like to be looked at
"Mmm, not bad at
all," said the voice again. A very uneducated voice, I thought, then wondered
if They could read minds. "How's about a bite of crust, while we're at
Obediently I threw the
crust, and this time there were distinct crunching noises, then silence. I
decided I could risk a peep. Surely It had gone. . . .
At first I thought It was
an Imp, a black Imp, then I saw that Whatever-it-was had taken the form of a
dog. At least I think it was meant to be a dog. I shut my eyes again.
"Gam! I ain't that
bad-lookin', surely?"
"Of course
not," I said, still with my eyes shut tight. Heaven knows what would
happen if I looked at it straight in the eye. "If—if there is nothing
else, may I please go my way?"
"I ain't stoppin'
you," said the Thing. "Though I thought as how you might like a bit
of company, like."
"No thanks," I
said hastily. "I'm fine, thanks."
"Pity," said
the Thing. "Could be a lot of use to you, I could. Fetch and carry, spot
out the way ahead, general guide, guard dog . . ."
"Guard dog?" I
said, suddenly suspicious. "You did say 'dog'?"
"'Course. Don' look
like a cat, do I?"
I scrambled to my feet
and stared at the apparition. "I've seen you before somewhere. . . ."
"Course you have,
in the village; seen you a coupla times, too."
I stared across the
diplomatic space that still separated us. Of course he was a dog, how had I
ever thought otherwise? But dogs don't talk. Especially this one. He resembled
nothing so much as a scrap of rug you might leave outside the door to wipe your
feet upon. He was like a furry sausage, a black and grey and brown sausage. One
ear was up, one down; there was a tail of sorts and presumably mouth and eyes
hidden under the tangle of hair at the front. The nose was there and underneath
four paws, big ones like paddles, but set under the shortest set of legs
imaginable. I remembered now where I had seen him before: chased down the
village street by the butcher, those stumpy legs going like a demented
All right, he wasn't a
figment of my imagination and he wasn't one of the Little People, but there was
still something wrong. Dogs don't talk. . . .
"Where you goin'
"To—to seek a new
home. My mother died yesterday."
"Makes two of
us—lookin' for somewhere, that is. Never had a place to set down me bum
permanent-like. Folks is wary of strays."
Dogs don't talk.
. . .
All right, if he wasn't
the Devil himself—which was just possible—and he wasn't of Faery stock, then
this must be magic. A very powerful magic, too. Surreptitiously I first crossed
myself again, then made the secular anti-witch sign, the first two fingers of
my hand forked. Nothing happened; he still sat there, but now he indulged in a
fury of scratching and nipping, then hoofed out both ears with a dreadful, dry,
rattling sound.
"Little buggers
lively 's mornin'. . . . Tell you what: I'll just come with you as far as the
road—that's where you're headed, ain't it? Keep each other company, like."
"No . . . Yes, I
don't know. . . ." I said helplessly.
"Aw, c'mon! What
harm can it do? You and I will get along real well, I know we will. 'Tween us
we'll make a good team—"
The scream would out. It
had been sitting there at the bottom of my throat like a gigantic belch and I
could hold it back no longer. It escaped like the tuning wail from a set of
bagpipes, only ten times as loud.
"Go away, go away,
go away! I can't stand it anymore! Dogs don't talk, dogs don't talk, DOGS
And I ran away across
the glade, screaming like a banshee, until there was a thud! in the
middle of my back and I fell face down in a heap of leaves, all the wind knocked
out of me.
"Shurrup a minute,
will you? Want the whole world to hear? Got hold of the wrong end of the stick,
you has. Just sit up nice and quiet-like, and I'll explain. . . ."
I did as I was told,
emptying my mouth of leaves and pulling twigs from my hair. The dog sat about
six feet away, his head on one side. Close to he was even tattier. I felt like
a feather mattress that has been beaten into an entirely different shape.
"Now then you says
as how dogs don't talk. Well o' course they does. All the time. Mostly to each
other, 'cos you 'umans don't bother to listen. You expects us to learn how you
speak, but when we tries you tells us to shut up. Ain't that so?"
I nodded. I had had
nothing to do with animals, except the goat, hens and bees—Mama wouldn't have a
dog or cat in the house: she said they were messy, full of disease, and took up
too much space. Some of the dogs in the village were used for hunting, others
as guards, a couple as children's pets, but I had never heard anything from
their owners save a sharp word of command, though I had seen kicks and cuffs in
plenty. Certainly no one talked to them.
"We don' only talk,
we sings, too. P'raps you heard us sometimes o' nights, when the moon is full
and the world smells of the chase and we can hear the 'Ounds o' Eaven at the
'eels of the 'Unter?"
Indeed I had. Some
nights it seemed that the dogs of the village never slept, and even where we
lived we could hear the howling and baying and yelping.
"Lovely songs they
are too," he said. "'Anded down from sire to dam, from bitch to pup.
. . ."
"But why," I
said carefully, "can I now understand what you say?"
"Now, I could spin
you a yarn as fine as silk and tell you as 'ow I was the magickest dog in the
'ole wide world, and you'd believe me. For a while, that is, till you found as
you could talk with other animals, too. No, I won't tell you no lies, 'cos I
believe we got business together, you and I—" He nipped so quickly at
whatever was biting him that I jumped. "Got the little bugger. . . . Truth
is, lady, that why I can talk to you and you to me is all on account of that
there bit o' Unicorn you carries round with you." And he scratched at his
left ear, the floppy one, till it rattled like dry beans in a near-empty
I was lost. "Bit of
a Unicorn?" Unicorns were gone, long ago.
"The ring you wear,
you great puddin'! That what you got on that finger of yours. Bit of 'orn off'n
a Unicorn, that is. Now you can understand what all the creatures say if'n you
pays a bit of attention. Din' you know what you got?"
I sat looking at the
curl of horn on my finger in bemusement. It still looked like nothing more than
a large nail-paring, almost transparent. I tried to pull it off but it wouldn't
budge. Indeed, it now felt like part of my skin. I tried again. "Ouch!"
"Once it's on, it's
on," said the dog. "Only come off if'n you don' need it no more, or
don' deserve it. Very rare, these days. . . . Come by it legal?"
I nodded, remembering my
mother telling me how my father had worn it round his neck. So perhaps he hadn't
needed it anymore—or hadn't deserved it. But I wouldn't think about that. Nor
that it wouldn't fit my mother. But why me? Perhaps I needed it more than them,
specially now I was on my own. Indeed, it had a comforting feel, like something
I had been looking for for a long time and had found at last.
"Well," said
the dog. "We'd best be goin'. Day ain't gettin' any younger, and we've a
ways to travel to the Road."
"I'm not sure I
want . . . What I mean, is . . ." However I said it, it was going to sound
ungracious, but I had no intention of sharing my dwindling rations with a
smelly stray dog with an appetite even bigger than mine.
"Come on, now: you needs
me. I can be your eyes and ears, I can. Best thief for fifty mile. Nab you
a bit o' grub any time; never go 'ungry with me around. 'Sides, I'll be
comp'ny, someone to talk to. Nighttimes I'll keep watch, so's you can sleep
easy. No one creeps up on me, I can tell you!" He put his head on one
side, in what I supposed he thought was an engaging manner. "What d'you
say? Give us a trial. We can always part comp'ny if'n it don' work. . . ."
Some of what he said
made sense, if he stuck to what he said. And I wouldn't really be any worse
off, unless he decamped with all the food. He made it sound, too, as if all the
advantages were on my side.
"And just what do
you get out of it?"
He hung his head, and I
could scarcely hear what he was saying. "P'raps I'm tired o' bein' on me
own. P'raps, just for once, I should like to belong. Never had a 'ome, nor one
I could call boss." He looked up, and there was a sort of defiant guilt in
the one eye I could see. He shook his head as if to free it of water. "Got
me whinging like a sentimental pup, you has. C'mon, let's get started; with all
that fat you're carryin' it'll take us twice as long. . . . Now what's the
Just exactly what he had
said: that was the matter. The words were carelessly cruel but none the less
accurate. He had put into words a fact that everyone—me, my mother, her
clients—all knew but never mentioned. The children in the village shouted it
out often enough, one of the reasons I hated shopping there, but I could always
pretend they were just being malicious. That was one of the reasons the mayor
last night would not have accepted me as Mama's replacement; the reason the
kind miller had run out of compliments past hair, smile, teeth and the size of
my hands and feet.
The fact was I was fat.
Not fat, obese. No, admit it: gross. I was a huge lump of grease, wobbling from
foot to foot like ill-set aspic. I couldn't see my feet for my stomach, hadn't
seen them for years; I had to roll myself in and out of bed, was unable to rise
from the floor without first going on hands and knees and grabbing bedpost or
chair. I couldn't climb the slightest rise without panting like a heat-hit dog;
had lost count of my chins and got sores on my thighs with the flesh rubbing
And I had been unable to
stop eating, which made it worse. Surprisingly Mama had made no attempt to stop
me: she had even encouraged my consumption of honey cakes, fresh bread and
cream after that time I had asked her about a prospective husband—
"Missin' your Ma,
eh?" said the dog sympathetically. "Understand how you feels; felt
the same myself once . . . Are you all right, then?"
* * *
We had struggled on for
perhaps another half mile when the dog stopped suddenly, his good ear cocked.
"Shurrup, and
Gratefully I put down my
burdens. I could hear nothing. Perhaps a kind of rustling and stamping far
ahead, a sort of cry . . .
The dog was off through
the undergrowth like a flash, his legs a blur of movement. He was gone what
seemed like hours, but could only have been a matter of minutes, and arrived
back literally dancing with impatience. "C'mon, c'mon! I got us
"A—a cart? Another
"Nah! The real
thin'! I got us a 'orse!"
Chapter Six
“That's—that's a horse?
You're joking!"
A creature with four
legs, sure, head and tail in the right place but the mess in between—was a
mess. From what I could see, shading my eyes against the sun, it was
swaybacked, gaunt, hollow-necked, filthy dirty and with a hopelessly matted
mane and tail.
"Sure it's a 'orse.
Got all the essentials. Needs a bit of a wash and brush-up, p'raps. . . ."
It would need more than
that. As I walked cautiously forward, fearing it might run at sight of us, I
saw that it wasn't going anywhere. It had got itself hopelessly entangled in
the undergrowth by bridle, tail, hoof and the remains of a slashed girth and
saddlebags that had ended up under its stomach. Its eyes widened with alarm as
we approached and it made a token struggle against the bonds that held it, only
to become more enmeshed than ever.
I halted a few feet away
and spoke soothingly, using the words I had heard the villagers use to their
workhorses, for I had never had cause to deal with one before and wasn't quite
sure how to begin. The horse showed the whites of its eyes, as well as it could
for the sticky tendrils of bindweed that clung to mane and ears.
"Speak to it nicely,"
said the dog. "Just like you would to me."
"You mean—it can
understand me?"
he said. "Din' I tell you about the ring? 'Course it understands, but it's
a bit scared right now and may not listen. Nice and easy, now." He walked
nearer. "Now stand still, 'Orse, and 'er ladyship 'ere will see to you. .
. ."
"Get away, get
away! I'll kick you to death—"
"You an' 'oose
I had understood this
plainly enough, so I walked up to the horse more confidently and stretched out
my hand. It made a halfhearted snap, but seemed quieter, though it still
trembled till the branches and twigs which held it fast shook like
wind-troubled water.
"Look," I
said, "at my finger. I wear the ring of the Unicorn and that means we can
understand each other. All I want to do is help. If I release you, will you
promise not to run away till we have talked?"
It looked at the ring,
at my face, and back at the ring. The shivering stopped, and I gathered it
agreed, though I heard nothing definite.
It took a long time, and
I was sweating as much as the horse by the time it was released and stood free.
I picked away the last of the bramble and bindweed, and tried to comb out the
worst tangles from mane and tail with my fingers. Standing free it didn't look
much better. There was a long gash across its rump where someone had tried to
slash the girths that held the now-empty saddlebags, but these had only
loosened, not broken. I slid them up from under the belly and restrapped them.
"There, that's
better. . . . Stand still a moment and I'll put some salve on the cut and the
graze on your shoulder." In my belongings, dragged along behind as I
followed the dog to his "'orse," was a pot of one of the apothecary's
favorite healing balms, a mixture of spiderwebs, dock-leaf juice and boar's
grease. I smeared some gently on the broken hide, and found another gash on one
hock, which I treated the same way.
"There," I
said, standing back. "Near as good as new. . . ."
"I thank you,
bearer of the Ring," said the horse. It had a soft, gentle voice, quite
unlike the dog's raucous voice. "I am in your debt—"
"Then you can help
us carry 'er things," said the dog, who had been remarkably quiet during
the last half hour or so, not surprising when I found he was chewing on the
rest of the cheese I hadn't packed well enough.
"There was ants on
it . . . All right, all right! Won't do it again. Well, what about it, 'orse?
Gonna 'elp?"
The horse glanced from
one to the other of us. "I don't know. . . ."
"Of course I can't
ask you to help if you belong to someone," I said. "That would be
stealing. Is your master hereabouts?"
"All gone, all gone
. . ." It started shivering again. "I ran away."
Obviously some disaster.
"Calm down! Well, if you don't belong to anyone, what did you plan on
doing, boy?"
I was interrupted by a
loud snigger from the dog. "Blind as a bat, you is! 'E's a she. . .
I felt as though I had
been caught in a thicket with my drawers down, and apologized profusely.
"My name is
Mistral," said the horse, "and among my own people I am a princess. I
wish to go back to where I came from, of course."
Anything less like a
princess of anything I had yet to see, but I hadn't had much experience of
horses. "And where was that?"
The horse hung her head.
"That I do not know. They stole my mother when she had me at her side, and
would not leave me to escape. She told me of our people, of how we lived, and
of my inheritance. But she died, they killed her with overwork, and I was sold
as a packhorse. That was a year, two, ago. All I want now is to find my way
back to my people. . . ."
"And you have no
idea where that is?"
"No, except that
south and west feels right."
"Well," said
the dog, "if'n you goes on your own you could be picked up by anyone; best
you can get from that is 'eavier burdens or a knock on the 'ead for the glue in
your bones and a tough stew or two. Then there's wolves if'n you're thinkin' o'
goin' the long way round. Now we offers you a bit o' protection-like, a step or
two in the right direction, reg'lar food and all in exchange for carryin' a
light load for this lady. What d'you say?"
"And you go south,
south and west?"
The dog must have seen
my mouth open to say we had decided nothing like that, for he jumped in before
I could say anything. "'Course we is! With winter comin' on, 'oo'd be
idiot enough to go north? North there is snow, west there is storms, east there
is icy winds, so south we goes. Right, lady?"
Weakly I nodded. Put
like that it seemed like the only road to take.
"Right," I
said. "And—and if you agree to come with us, then I will care for you as
best I can and try and put you on the right road for your home. Is that
"Without you I
should probably have starved to death, or worse," said Mistral. "I
accept. And now, perhaps, we should load up. The sun starts to go down."
Indeed it was well past
its zenith. Hastily I started to pack our belongings on the horse, only to be
brought up short by her patient explanation of weight distribution, top-heavy
loads, etc., so the light was already reddening as we set off. Even then she
seemed curiously reluctant to go the way I wanted, the way the dog assured me
led straight to the High Road.
"We'll have to go
past there," she said. "There, where it happened."
"Where what
"Yesterday . . .
sun-downing. Men, horses, swords. Panic, fighting, blood . . . No, I can't go
that way again!"
muttered the dog.
"They came out of
the trees, the sun behind them. Couldn't see . . . Noise and pain. I ran this
way. . . ." Indeed I could see we were now following the road she must
have taken: branches broken, shrubs torn by her wild progress, grass trampled
and leaves scattered.
"Look," I
said. "Whatever happened, happened yesterday. It sounds as though it was
an ambush, but they will all have gone by now. It's perfectly safe, I promise.
. . . Go forward, dog, and reconnoiter."
"You what?"
I explained, and he ran
on ahead. The ground started to slope downwards towards a little dell and
Mistral was breathing anxiously.
"Down there . .
." she whispered.
The dog came running
back, his tail between his legs. "You ain't goin' to like this, lady: 'old
your nose. . . ."
But I could already
smell the stench of death, and hear a great buzzing of flies, the flap of
carrion crow. There were four of them, lying sprawled in the random
carelessness of sudden death, naked except for their braies. Their eyes had
already gone, and the crows rose heavily gorged, the men's wounds torn still
further by cruel beaks. I shouted and ran at the birds till they flapped to the
nearest tree; they would be back, and there was nothing I could do about the
clouds of flies, the ants, the beetles. I moved among the corpses, holding my
nose, but there was nothing to say who they were, where they had come from,
save a scrap of torn pennant under one twisted leg—
My heart gave a sudden,
sickening lurch. Staring at the scrap of silk I suddenly recalled what I had
completely forgotten until this moment: a tall, beautiful knight on a huge
horse, who had smiled a heart-catching smile and called me "pretty."
So much had happened since that encounter that he had not crossed my mind
again—until this bitter moment. And I had sent him down this road. . . . No,
no, it couldn't be! Life couldn't be that cruel!
Frantically I ran among
the corpses in the dell, no longer squeamish, turning the lolling heads from
side to side, seeking my knight. One head, already severed from the body, came
easily to my hand, and I was left holding something that was shaped and heavy
as a cabbage, but crawling with maggots. . . .
He wasn't there, he
wasn't there! I ran up from the dell, farther into the forest, but there was no
other stink of death, nor flies, nor carrion. I ran back to the horse, Mistral.
"What happened to
him, where is he? Where is your master, Sir—Sir . . ." But I had forgotten
his name.
"Who? What
"He was a knight
and rode a black horse—you must remember!"
"They killed the
men and took the horses and the baggage. I ran away. That's all I know."
"All of them?"
"I don't know. I
only saw my corner of it."
Maybe they had taken him
for ransom. Perhaps they had ridden him away into the forest on his fine black
horse, to bargain with his folks for far more than the horses and baggage they
had stolen—I held the tattered piece of blue silk in my hand and prayed for his
The dog nudged my knee.
"Better find a place to kip for the night soon: near sundown."
I gestured towards the
bodies. "We can't just leave them like this. . . ."
"You gotta spade
and a coupla hours? No. Don't worry 'bout them. This track is used by those in
the village; they'll deal with the remains. Bury them the way you 'umans do
things. To my way o' thinkin', better leave bodies to the birds and the foxes
to pick clean."
I muttered a prayer,
crossed myself. "Right: lead on, dog."
About a half-mile
farther along, as it grew too dark to see underfoot and my feet felt swollen to
twice their usual size with the unaccustomed walking, the trees suddenly
thinned and we found ourselves at the top of a steep bank. The moon rode out
from behind some scummy clouds and there beneath us was a luminous strip of
roadway, wide enough for six horsemen to ride abreast.
"Is that it?"
"Well, it's a
road," said the dog. "Give or take . . ."
"It runs
north/south," said Mistral.
"Come on,
then," and in my eagerness I started to slide down the bank towards the
shining expanse.
"Not so fast,
lady," said the dog behind me. "You doesn't travel a road like this
at night—"
"Scared?" and
I slid down to the bottom, giving my right ankle a nasty jar, but determined to
continue our journey now we had found what we were looking for.
"—'cos it's too
dark to see," continued the dog, as the moon disappeared again.
"Neither do you
travel alone," said Mistral. "There is safety in numbers. Look what
happened to me."
A night-jar churred
above my head and I lost one of my shoes in the scramble back. The dog
retrieved it for me, all slathery from his mouth.
Scrabbling around in the
dark, for I was now afraid of the risk of a lantern, I found the ham and the
rest of the honey cakes, sharing a third, two-thirds with the dog. Afterwards,
snugged down in my blanket, I listened to Mistral cropping the grass, sounding
in the night like the tearing of strips of linen, and felt strangely comforted
by the proximity of the two animals, even though the promised guard-dog, alert
to every danger, the one who had promised to stay awake so I could sleep easy,
was snoring heavily long before I closed my eyes.
* * *
I woke early and now
that we had reached the road I was eager to be on my way. Not only impatience
but also the knowledge that we were still within a half-day's travel of the
village by foot, and those on horseback could travel much faster. I had no
intention of being called to account for burning down the cottage and
everything in it, and at mention of the villagers' possible vengeance the dog,
too, looked thoughtful, then volunteered to scout out the road beneath us.
He was gone some twenty
minutes, and arrived back to announce that all was clear as far as eyesight.
"Been a group of
people past in the last twenty-four hours," he reported. "Mule turds,
dried piss. Doubt if there'll be others on the road today."
I decided we'd risk it,
and the sooner we were away the better. A quick snack of cheese for the dog and
me and we all scrambled down the bank and onto the road.
My memory of the highway
from the night before had been of a broad ghostly ribbon winding away smoothly
into the distance, but the reality was far different. The surface was stony and
uneven, marred by wheel-ruts and loose flints big enough to turn one's ankle,
and it twisted and turned like a pig's tail, to follow the contours of the
land. Nor was it the same width all the way. Sometimes it narrowed to pass
through a gully or across a bridge, like the one that spanned the river that
flowed away from our village; at other places it widened or split in two where
the ground was obviously boggy after rain.
After an hour of this I
felt I had had enough, even though Mistral matched her pace to my waddle—the
dog scurried about like an agitated beetle, up and down, back and forth, till
it made me dizzy to watch him—and I called a halt. The sun was shining in my
eyes, sweat running into my eyes until they stung; my feet were swollen, my
thighs sore with rubbing together and my stomach was howling-empty.
But unpacking the food
gave me a shock. I hadn't realized how much I—we, I thought, scowling at the
dog—had consumed. All that was left that didn't need cooking was a rind of
cheese, a slice of cold bacon and one squashed honey cake. I threw the rind to
the dog and ate what was left almost as quickly, while Mistral munched
philosophically among the scrub at the side of the road, lipping at leaves I
wouldn't have thought edible. Obviously her wasted look was partly due to
The dog, too, found
something edible: he crawled out from under a bush crunching on an enormous
stag beetle. I felt sick.
"Better get
goin'," he said. "Only done a coupla miles . . ."
"Oh, do stop
grouching!" I cried in exasperation, all the more annoyed because I knew
he was right. "Grumble and grouch and eat, that's all you do all day!
Matter of fact, that's what I'll call you from now on: 'Growch'! So there . .
He spat out stag-beetle
bits, then hoofed his right ear and inspected the results. "Never had a
name before," he said. "Thanks." He tried it out. "Growch,
Growch, Growch . . . Not bad."
And I immediately felt
mean: how would I have felt if I had been christened "Grumble"? Even
though "Somerdai" was odd, it had nice connotations. But the dog
seemed happy enough; I think he liked the subdued barking noise his name made.
We progressed better for
the next hour or so, heartened by the various pieces of evidence that others
had traversed this way earlier—a scrap of cloth, more droppings, a midday
cooking fire. I began to feel much better, as if a great load had left my mind.
I was no longer confined by routine, everything was new and exciting and
different. All I encountered from now on would be fresh to my senses and would
have to be dealt with by me alone, no one to tell me what to do. In a way
daunting, in another exciting. I hoped I was equal to the challenge. But why
not? With my education and God's help even I could have a stab at Life. True,
not everything was on my side, and I now had the added responsibilities of the
horse and the dog, but the former at least was more of a help than a hindrance.
So it was with a sense
of lively anticipation that we topped a rise shortly after midday to see,
spread beneath us, a huddle of roofs that meant safety and food. The air was
still, and the northerly drift of house fires stained the deep blue sky like
snarls of sheep's wool caught in a hedge.
I forgot my discomforts
and hunger as we wound our way down into the valley beneath, and even though
the journey was longer than I thought, due to the bafflement of distance in the
clear air and the twists of the road, it was not much after two in the
afternoon by the time we reached the outskirts of the sizable village. It must,
I calculated, hold at least five times as many people as ours, if not more.
Even without my tally-sticks that would mean well over a thousand: more people
than I had ever seen in my life!
I stopped to enquire if
a caravan of people had passed by of the first person I saw, an old crone
catching the last of the sun outside her hovel.
"Went this way
yesterday and on again this morning. Left the blind idiot behind."
My heart sank. The sun
was now dipping away behind the hills to our right and there was no way we
could hope to catch them up. That would mean we should have to shelter here for
the night and think again in the morning. I asked if there was a traveler's
rest place.
"Not as such. Ask
at the inn down the road for stable space."
We trudged down the main
street till we came to the tavern she had indicated, a mean-looking place with
a tattered bunch of hops hanging over the doorway. I was not reassured by the
surly landlord telling me he was short on both food and ale.
"Blame them as came
through yesterday," he said brusquely. "More'n usual for this time o'
year. Can do you a stew tonight and there's space in the stable out back."
"How much?"
He named an outrageous
price, but Mama had taught me how to bargain and the matter was settled for a
couple of coins. I begged a crust of bread in anticipation of the stew, which I
shared with Growch, then bedded Mistral down in the dilapidated stable,
collecting together some stray wisps of hay for her. Growch I left on guard,
mindful of the packs I had stored away under the manger. I reckoned the threat
of a horse's kick and a dog's bite would be enough to deter even the landlord
or his wife, were they inquisitive enough to try and inspect my belongings.
I decided to take a walk
through the village while it was still light. In the distance, from the
direction of the church tower, came shouts of merriment and I made my way in
that direction. Turning a corner I saw that the space in front of the church
was crammed with people all apparently enjoying themselves heartily. Children
were screaming and running about, playing tag, and over to my left folk were
dancing to the strains of a bagpipe.
I caught the sleeve of a
woman passing by with her friends. "Is it a festival? A Saint's Day?"
She stared at me and
shrugged. "Not as I know. We just come to see the fun. Got a blind idiot
in the stocks over there, been pelting 'im all day. Come night we drums 'im
outa town, as the rules say."
I knew these
"rules." Anyone liable to be a burden on the parish was got rid of,
quick. I remembered what the old crone had said.
"Is this the man
that was picked up on the road by the caravan yesterday?"
"The same. Now,
if'n you'll 'scuse me . . ."
I peered over shoulders
in the direction the woman went, but was too short. Might as well see what was
going on. We had the small-brained in our village, more than one, but people
were generally kind enough to them. After all they were part of the community,
somebody's relatives. Of course the worst ones got smothered at birth. This one
must be something special.
Using my elbows I
squirmed through for a better view. A few minutes later I was at the front,
staring at the pathetic figure drooping over the stocks. He was naked except
for a short pair of braies, and his hair and body were matted with filth.
Someone picked up a
rotten apple, obviously used before for target practice, and chucked it, but it
fell short.
I stared hard at the
pilloried man. There was something familiar about that tall figure. But what
did some disreputable blind idiot in the stocks of an out-of-the-way village
have to do with me? I edged nearer: now I was only a couple of feet away. Look
up, I begged him silently; let me see your face. . . .
I found I was twisting
the horn ring on my finger, unreasonably agitated, as if something unexpected
was about to happen.
And then it did.
Someone threw a stone
which struck the man in the stocks a painful blow on the shoulder and he lifted
his head and howled like a dog at his tormentors.
"Leave me alone!
What have I done to you that you should torture me like this?"
My gasp of horror and
recognition was lost in the jeers and catcalls of the crowd. How could I have
been so blind? That filthy, disheveled, near-naked creature in the stocks had
been wearing silks and riding a tall black horse the last time I had seen him.
It was my beautiful
knight, Sir Gilman!
Chapter Seven
Horror, exultation,
anxiety: all three emotions chased through my mind at the same time. Horror at
his condition, exultation at his survival of the ambush, anxiety as to how I
was to get him out of this terrible mess. Indulge in the other two later, I
told myself: concentrate on the last. Come on, now: it's up to you. No one else
can save him. You fell in love with him at first sight, remember? You never
believed you would see him again, he was just someone to fantasize about. Well,
here he is, just like all the stories you used to tell yourself. In those
stories you got your hero out of the most impossible situations: what would
your heroine do to save him?
I rushed to the foot of
the platform on which stood the pillory and shouted up at him: "Sir Gilman!
Sir Gilman? Can you hear me?"
But his face,
bespattered with grime and with a two-day growth of beard, showed no
recognition, his blue eyes staring past my right shoulder.
Behind me I heard ribald
comments, requests to move myself, but my whole being was concentrated on the
figure before me. I noticed a huge bruise on his right temple, extending from
his hairline right down to his eyebrow; it was a livid, raised purplish-blue,
and I recalled what they had said of him: "Blind idiot." Had the blow
to his head robbed him both of his sight and his wits? I tried his name again,
but there was no reaction.
"Move aht the way,
yer silly cow!"
"Shift yer fat
arse, and let's get a sight o' the action!"
A hand grasped my arm. A
stout man with a colored sash round his waist frowned down at me. "Now
then, lass . . ."
I twisted the ring on my
finger in my agitation, opened my mouth to say something, but found I was
speaking words out of the air instead!
"Are you in charge
of—of this travesty, sir?"
"I'm the bailiff,
yes, but—"
"Then kindly
release my brother at once!" Now I knew what to say, what to do; it was
just like my stories. I jingled the few coins in my purse. "I have been
seeking him three days now. I am sorry if he has been a nuisance, but . .
." and I tapped my forehead significantly. "You know how it is."
He nodded. "And you
come from . . . ?"
I mentioned the name of
our village and even spoke the first deliberate lie of my life. "Of
course, the mayor, our cousin, has been worried sick! He has always been very
fond of—of er, Gill, and even lent me his horse to seek him out, and I have
bespoke stabling for us all tonight at the 'Jumping Stag' down the road. . . .
And now, if you would please release him, I promise to be responsible for the silly
boy!" and I pressed a couple of coins into his hand.
He glanced at me keenly
out of eyes like currants, pocketed the coins, and turned to address the
restless crowd.
"Listen here, my
friends . . ." and as he spoke I climbed up to the pillory and whispered
in Sir Gilman's ear.
"Don't fret! I've
got you out of this and we'll sort things out in the morning. . . ." I
didn't want him disclaiming all knowledge of me.
He swung his confined
head in my direction. "Who am I!"
"I know who you
are, but you must be patient. Say nothing, just take my hand when you are free,
and I will lead you to safety."
The bailiff took keys
from his pocket and I led my knight down from the platform and through a
clearly discontented crowd, already armed with sticks and stones to drive him
out of town. These expulsions often meant the death of the victim, I knew that;
I also knew that the bailiff believed little, if any, of my story. Still, he
had the coins in his pockets and it was too late to send a horseman to the
village to check tonight. Tomorrow I determined to be away at dawn.
I led Sir Gilman through
darkening streets to the stables behind the inn, lucky to be unfollowed.
"What the 'ell's
that?" said Growch.
But Mistral recognized
him and crowded back in her stall. "He brings danger! He led the
"Rubbish! He's in
need of care and attention. He's no threat to anyone. Just stay quiet while I
see to him."
I went to the inn and
begged a bucket of washing water, but had to part with another small coin. I
gave my knight a strip wash, even taking off his braies to rinse them out, and
he stood quiet as a felled ox, even when I rinsed his private parts, which I
noted were ample. But Mama had always said that the criterion was less in
inches than in the performance.
Apart from his trousers
he wore a pair of tattered boots, and that was all. I should have to make him
something to wear, but in the interim I put my father's green cloak over his
shivers and went to fetch the promised stew and a helping of bread. It was
tasteless and stringy, but I added salt and a sprinkle of dried parsley and
thyme to make it edible. I fed him with soaked bread until he pushed aside my
hand and said: "Enough."
That was the first word
he had spoken since his release, but as if a dam had been broken he now started
with how's and why's and when's until I shushed him. "Enough for now. It's
night and you should sleep. Rest easy. Does your head still hurt?"
"Very much. What
happened to it?"
"I told you: in the
morning. Lie still, and I'll put salve on it and give you a sleeping
draught," remembering of a sudden the vial of poppy juice I had brought
with me.
I led him out to piss
against the wall, but two minutes later, after I had tucked him up in the
straw, he was snoring happily. I fended off questions from the others, merely
asking the more reliable of them to wake me at false dawn. That done, the rest
of the stew shared between Growch and myself and a few strands more of hay
scrounged for Mistral, I lit my lantern and settled down with scissors, needle
and thread to turn the better of the two blankets into a tunic for my knight.
A round cut-out for the
neck, plus a strip cut down the front for ease of donning; seams sewn down the
sides, with plenty of room for arms; laces threaded through holes in the neckline
and rope bound into an eye at one end, knotted and frayed at the other for a
belt . . .
I opened my eyes,
lantern guttered, stiff and sore, to find Mistral nudging me.
"An hour before
dawning . . ."
We crept through the
outskirts of the village till we found the road south and once out of sight of
the village I cut an ash-plant stave from the roadside, thrust it into my
knight's right hand, put his left on Mistral's crupper, and determined to put
as many miles as I could between us and possible questions or pursuit.
We made about four miles
before a growling stomach, the proximity of a nearby stream and the knight's
questions decided me it was time to break our fast. As the thin flames flared
beneath the cooking pot and the gruel thickened around my spoon, I answered Sir
Gilman's questions as best I could. His name and station, the ambush, his blow
on the head, that was all I really knew. And he knew no more. Even what I told
him raised his eyebrows. "You are sure?"
I reassured him, but did
not remind him of our meeting in the forest the day before, lest he remember a
hideous fat girl he had courteously called "pretty." . . . Indeed, I
was careful to avoid any physical contact except by hand or arm, so that he
wouldn't guess at my bulk.
After I had explained
twice all that I knew of his circumstances he was silent for a moment or two,
spooning down his gruel which I had sweetened with a little honey.
"So I am a knight.
But of what use is my knighthood without sight or memory? Where can I go? What
can I do? How can I manage without my horse, my sword and armor, money? How do
I even know which road to take?" He flung the bowl and spoon away and
buried his face in his arms. I longed to put my arms about him, to thrill to
the feel of his helplessness, but I knew better than to try. Instead I went
over to Mistral and talked quietly to her.
"All I know is
this," she said slowly in answer to my questions. "I was hired as a
packhorse to carry his armor—and heavy it was. This was in a town many miles
north of here. In winter it was very cold in that town, and the people's talk
was heavy and thick, not like yours or his. When he set off he said farewell
with much of your human embraces and tears with a young woman who seemed
reluctant to let him go. Since then we have traveled south by west, and I
gather there were many more miles to go. That is all I know."
"Who are you
talking to?"
"No one, Sir
Knight," I said hurriedly. "I was thinking aloud."
"And what
conclusion have you come to?" he said sarcastically. "I for one am
tired of walking in this stupid manner and eating food for pigs. I demand you
take me to someone in authority and see that I am escorted—taken . . . That I
am properly cared for till I regain my memory, and can return to my home. Wherever
that is . . ."
He was being rather
tiresome. After his experiences of the last few days, how on earth did he think
that anyone would believe his story, even with my word as well? Folk would
think we were trying it on. If he could have remembered where he came from,
even, it would have been a simple matter of sending a messenger to his home,
requesting assistance, and then waiting a week or so for grateful parents or
family to rescue him. As it was, he was lucky to be still alive. Patiently I
tried to explain this to him, but he was not in a receptive mood.
"Still," he
said magnanimously, "I am grateful for your help, girl. You know my name:
what's yours? And why are you here? Where is your home?"
What a wonderful tale I
told! The only really true fact was my name. He learned of loving parents dying
of fever, leaving their only child with a huge dowry, traveling south to find
her betrothed—
"But why did you
not wait till he could send for you?" he asked reasonably.
"Ah," I said,
thinking rapidly. "The fact is, my parents did not entirely trust his
family, although they paid over the dowry. They said, before they died—" I
crossed myself for the lie: he could not see me. "—that it were better I
arrive unannounced. Then they could not turn me away."
"Sounds chancy to
me. Which way do you go?"
"I was just coming
to that," thinking again as fast as light. "I am not in any hurry to
reach my new home, so I thought we might try and find where you live first. You
were traveling south, so why don't we both go that way and hope you recover
your memory on the journey? I have very little money, but we'll manage—if you
don't expect too many comforts. As for walking—it will do you good, help you
recover. What do you say?"
"It seems I have
little choice." He still sounded resentful. "But you will promise to
speed my return when I regain my memory?" He sounded so sure.
"Of course! But in
the meantime . . ." I could see so many problems ahead if we continued as
we were. "It would seem strange if we travel together and I address you as
a knight and no relation. We may have to share accommodation, so I think it
best—until you regain your memory—if we pretended we were brother and sister,
traveling south to seek a cure for your blindness. If you didn't mind I could
call you Gill and you can call me Summer. . . . No disrespect intended, of
He sighed heavily.
"Again I see no help for it. All right—Summer," and he suddenly
smiled that heart-catching smile that had me emotionally groveling immediately.
"Any more pig food? A drop more honey this time, please. . . ."
* * *
That night we were dry
and cozy enough in a small copse off the road, with the slices of ham fried
with an onion and oatcakes, but in the morning as I prepared gruel again, I had
an argument with Growch. This precipitated another confrontation with Sir
Gilman—Gill, as I must remember to call him. It still seemed disrespectful.
Growch:—"Is that
all, then?"
Me:—"You've had as
much as anyone else."
don't go far. . . ."
Me:—"We've all had
the same."
Growch:—"'E's 'ad
more'n me. . . ."
Me:—"He's a man. He
needs more."
Growch:—"You gave
'im some o' yours; I saw you."
Me:—"So what? I
wasn't very hungry."
that's what it is. Ever since 'e joined us you been 'anging round 'is neck like
'e was the Queen o' Sheba, 'stead o' a bloody hencumbrance. Don't know what you
sees in 'im. Can't see a bloody thing; can't hunt, can't keep watch, all the
Me:—"Shut up!
Otherwise no dinner . . . Go and catch another beetle."
"You're doing it
again," said Sir—said Gill, irritably.
"Talking to
yourself." I loved the way he spoke, with an imperious lilt to his voice—I
must practice the way he pronounced things—but I wasn't too keen on some of the
things he said, especially when I had to explain something awkward, like now.
I decided the truth was
best. Some of it, anyway; he didn't look the sort of man to believe in magic
rings, unicorns and such.
He wasn't. "What
you're telling me, Winter—sorry, Summer—is that you possess a ring your father
gave you that enables you to understand what the beasts of the field say?"
I nodded, then
remembered he couldn't see. "Yes, more or less. It heightens my
"What utter
rubbish! There are no such things as magic rings, and as for conversing with
animals . . . Does not religion teach that animals are lower creatures, fit
only to fetch and carry, guard, or hunt and kill?"
I didn't think so. What
did religion have to do with it anyway? I knew that Jesus had shown his friends
where to fish, and had ridden on a donkey into Jerusalem but I didn't remember
him talking about hunting and killing. And hadn't he somewhere rebuked one of
his followers for holding his nose against the stink of a dead dog in the
gutter, and said something like: "But pearls cannot equal the whiteness of
its teeth?" It showed he noticed things, anyway.
But Gill hadn't
finished. "I'm surprised you should try and deceive me in this way! I had
thought you to be an intelligent girl, but now you're talking like a superstitious
village chit!"
He was so persuasive
that for a moment I began to doubt the ring, my own powers. Had I made up what
Growch and Mistral said to me, a mere delusion bred of my loneliness and
anxiety? I glanced down at the ring to make sure it still existed, and found it
no longer a thin curl of horn but rather a sparkling bandeau, glittering like
limestone after a shower of rain.
"What's 'e on
about?" asked Growch. I opened my mouth, but daren't speak back. The dog
cocked his head on one side. "Like that, is it? Don't 'eed 'im. 'E'll get
used to the idea. You can think-talk, you know, long as you keeps it clear.
Easier for us, too. Try it: tell me to do somethin' in your mind," and
after I had successfully demonstrated that Growch would turn a circle and
Mistral nod her head up and down, I felt much better.
I remembered something
my mother had once said: "Don't expect them (men) to have any imagination,
except what they carry between their legs. Don't forget, either, that they are
always right; even if they swear black's white, just agree with them. No point
in aggravation . . ."
This exchange had only
taken a few moments—that was another thing: this communication by mind was much
quicker than speech—and I was able to answer Gill almost immediately. "You
are quite right, of course; and yet . . ."
"Would you not call
the commands you teach your dogs, horses and falcons a sort of magic?"
"Certainly not!
Their response is limited to their intelligence. And they are our servants, not
our friends and equals."
He really could be
rather stuffy at times, but I had only to gaze across at him to renew my
adulation. Torn and bruised he might be, my beautiful knight, with a three-day
growth of beard and blind to boot, but he was all my dreams rolled into one.
Nay, more: for what dreams could have prepared me for the reality! And the very
best thing of all was that he was so helpless he needed me, fat, plain Summer,
to tend him. And he couldn't see my blemishes; that was perhaps even better. To
him I was just a voice, a pair of hands, and I could indulge my adoration
unseen. It was just as if Heaven had fallen straight into my lap. All I could
further hope was that it would be a long time before he regained his memory. In
the meantime he was mine, mine, mine!
* * *
By midday we had made
eight or ten miles and it started to cloud over. It had been gruel again for
lunch, there was nothing else, and I was eager to press forward, especially as
Growch's nose told him of smoke ahead, borne tantalizingly on the freshening
breeze. Gill grumbled constantly and the weather worsened, so it was with a
real sense of relief that we glimpsed the roofs of a village away on a side
road to our right. I had given up hope of catching the caravan ahead of us, and
was now resigned to spending the night in a stable. Money wasted, but at least
we could stock up on provisions, even if it meant breaking into my dowry money.
Needs must, and I thought I could recall at least two coins of our
We still had a couple of
miles to go when it started to rain, hard. Leaning into the wind, my cloak
soaked, my feet slipping and sliding in the mud, dragging behind me a reluctant
knight and complaining animals, I had to think quite hard about my blessings.
But then, in which of the stories I remembered did the heroine have it all her
own way? On the other hand, reading and hearing of privations was quite
different from enduring them.
Three quarters of an
hour later the animals were rubbed down and fed, dry in a warm stable, and my
"brother" and I were ensconced in front of a roaring fire, our cloaks
steaming on hooks, our mouths full of lamb stew and mulled ale. I wanted
nothing more than to nod off with the warmth and the food in my belly, but
there were things to be done. Upon enquiry I found a cobbler and leather worker
and a barber, and by suppertime Gill was washed, shaved, trimmed, and had
mended boots, a leather jerkin and woolen hose, and we had paid for our food
and lodging in the stable. That took care of the silver coin in my father's
dowry, which left only the gold one of our coinage. The others were all strange
to me, though mainly gold. These I would keep untouched, for unless I could
find an honest money changer, as rare as bird's teeth, they would have to be
handed over to my future husband intact. If I chose a sensible man, he would
know what to do with them.
And when would I find
this husband of mine, I wondered, as I lay quiet on my heap of straw, listening
to the gentle snores of Gill and the snorting of Growch, who seemed to hunt
fleas even in his sleep. When I had left home my plan had been to join a
caravan, travel to the nearest large town, engage the services of a marriage
broker and be wed by Christmas. Now I was promised to the service of a man who
had lost his memory, had pledged assistance to a horse who had forgotten where
she came from, and was lumbered with a dog nobody wanted—and they had
preference over my plans, I realized. I was beginning to understand the meaning
of the word "responsibility."
* * *
The weather had cleared
by morning. By diligent enquiry I found that the larger caravans of travelers
came past about once a week in either direction during the summer months, but
far more rarely during autumn, scarcely ever in winter. The one we were
pursuing hadn't stopped at the village, and I realized now that they had a
two-day start and we should probably never catch them up. The nearest town, we
were informed, was two days travel south—nearer three for us, I thought—but I
wasn't going to waste money waiting for the next party of travelers or
pilgrims. We had been safe from surprise on the road so far, and with Growch
and Mistral as lookouts we could probably make it as far as the next town,
where three roads met: a better chance to find traveling company.
But first I had to
change my gold coin to buy provisions, and I knew it was a mistake as soon as I
handed it over at the butcher's in exchange for bacon and bones for stew. He
took the coin from me as though it were fairy gold, liable to disappear at any
moment. He held it up to the light, turned it over and over, tested it on
tongue and teeth, showed it to the other customers, then called his wife to a
whispered conference.
Apparently satisfied it
was real, he turned suspicious again and demanded to know where I had got it,
implying with his look that no one as tatty-looking as I was could possibly
have come by it honestly.
The real story was so
preposterous—renegade father, a dowry of strange coins found stuffed up a
chimney just before I sent my Mama's body up in flames and fled—that I realized
I should have to make something up, and could have kicked myself for not
thinking it out earlier. Embarrassed, unused to lying, I floundered.
"It's . . . it's .
. ." In my distress I found I was twisting the ring on my finger and all
at once, so it seemed, a story came out pat.
"It is a
confidential matter," I said glibly, "but I am sure there is no good
reason why I should not tell you." I looked around: the place was filling
rapidly, and even the local priest had turned up. "My brother is blind,
but he heard of the shrine of St. Eleutheria where it seems miracles have
occurred, and there was nothing for it but that he must travel there. My father
wished him to travel in comfort of course, with a proper escort, but my brother
insisted that it must be a proper pilgrimage, every inch on foot, dressed
poorly and eating the meanest viands on the way." I smiled at the priest.
"You will agree, good Father, that this shows true religious intent?"
The priest nodded, and I could see him trying the obscure saint's name on his
tongue: I hoped it was right.
"As the youngest
daughter," I continued, marveling at when I was ever going to find the
time to confess all my duplicity, "it was decided I should accompany him
to find the way. But my father was determined we should not want on the way,
whatever my brother said, so he gave me a secret hoard of coin to smooth our
passage. But no one must tell my brother," I said, gazing round at the
assembled company in entreaty. "It would distress him to think we could
not manage on the few copper coins he holds. . . ."
The priest gave us his
seal of approval. "I shall pray for you both, my child," he said
solemnly. "Take good care of the change: we are good, honest people here,
but farther abroad . . ." and he shook his head.
After a deal of counting
and re-counting I pocketed a great deal of coin, more than I had ever handled
before, and made sure to give the priest a couple of small coins for prayers.
On to the vegetable stall for onions, turnip, winter cabbage; the merchant for
more oil, the millers for flour and oats and a small sack to carry everything
in, and lastly the bakers for a loaf and two pies for the day's food. The
cheese at the inn was of excellent quality so I bought a half there, then had
to shuffle all round to get it packed tidily on Mistral's back.
Everywhere I went in the
village I found my invented tale had preceded me, and folks nudged each other
and nodded and smiled as I went past. It seemed everyone came to see us off,
just as if we were a royal procession. Quite embarrassing, really, especially
as I couldn't explain to Gill what all the fuss was about.
We made reasonable progress,
stopping a little later than usual for our pies and bread and cheese. I had
indulged in a couple of flasks of indifferent wine, but it was warming and
stimulating, so that when we resumed I endured the discomfort of a blister long
after it would have been prudent to stop, so that when it finally burst I found
I could hardly walk. Cursing my stupidity I unpacked salve and was just
applying it when both Growch and Mistral pricked up their ears.
coming," said Growch.
I was ready to pull off
the road and hide, but Mistral reassured me. "Cart, single horse, coming
fast so either empty or certainly holding only one man . . ."
By the time I had put on
my shoe again I could hear it too, and after a minute or two a simple
two-wheeled cart came into view, carrying a few hides. The driver pulled up
beside us.
problems?" he asked.
I recognized him as one
of the men from the village. He had been in the butcher's when I was trying to
change the gold coin, and afterwards I had seen him outside the inn just before
we set off. He had a cheerful open face, a smile which revealed broken teeth
and eyes as round and black as bilberries. I remembered what the priest had
said about the villagers being honest, and smiled back.
"Not really,"
I said. "We're slowed down a bit because I've blistered my heel."
"Well now," he
said, "seems as I came by just when needed! Couldn't ha' timed it better,
now could I? We'll all get along fine if you an he"—he nodded at the
knight—"just hops aboard the back o' the cart and you ties your horse to
the tailgate. That way we'll reach my cousin's afore nightfall. He's got a
small cottage on the edge of the woods a few miles on, and he'll welcome
company overnight. By tomorrow you'll be in easy reach of the next town. That
suit you?"
It suited me fine. The
heavy horse he drove seemed more than capable of taking our extra weight—after
all the cart was nearly empty—so I tied Mistral securely to the back and guided
Gill to sit so that his long legs dangled free of the road, then pulled myself
up beside him.
It was sheer bliss to be
riding instead of walking, and the countryside seemed to slip by with
satisfying speed. The only complaints came from Growch, and after I saw how
fast those little legs of his were working, trying to keep up, I leaned down
and hauled him up by the scruff of the neck and sat him beside us.
I relaxed for what
seemed the first time in days. Soon, with the sun already dipping red towards
the low hills to the west, we should be snug in some cottage for the night, with
perhaps a spoonful or two of stew to warm our bellies.
The driver pulled to a
halt, and skipped down to relieve himself. "Best do the same
yourselves," he said cheerily. "Last stop before my cousin's. I'll
help your brother, lass, and you disappear in them bushes."
I needed no
encouragement: I had been really uncomfortable with the jolting of the cart
over the last mile or so. I clambered down and looked about me. The road was
deserted and the land lay flat and featureless, except for a dark mass of forest
a couple of miles or so ahead. The nearest shrubs were a little way off, and as
I trotted towards them the ring on my finger started to itch: I must have
caught one of Growch's fleas or touched a nettle.
Squatting down in
blissful privacy I looked up as a flock of starlings clattered away above my
head, bound for roosts in the woods. It was suddenly cold as the sun
disappeared: even my bum felt the difference as the night wind stirred the
grasses around me and I stood up hastily and pulled up my drawers.
Suddenly there was a
shout from the direction of the roadway, a clatter of hooves, frantic barking
and the creak of wheels. Whatever had happened? Had we been attacked? Had the
horse bolted? Had my beloved Gill been abducted? Hurrying as fast as I could, all
caution forgotten in my anxiety, I tripped over a root and fell flat on my
face. Struggling to rise I was immediately downed again by a hysterical dog.
"C'mon, c'mon,
come-'n'-see, come-'n'-see!" was all I could get out of him.
"I'm coming!"
I yelled back at him, skirt torn, face all muddy, shaking like a leaf.
"Get out of the way!"
The first thing I saw as
I arrived at the roadside were the long legs of Gill waving from the ditch as
he tried frantically to right himself. I rushed forwards and grabbed an arm, a
hand, and by dint of pulling and tugging till I was breathless, managed to get
him back on his feet again, spluttering and cursing.
"Are you all
"No thanks to that
cursed carter! Just wait till I see him again—till I get hold of him," he
"The carter? Oh, my
God! Where is he?"
"Gone," said
Growch, back to normal, his voice full of gloom. "Gone and the horse and
all our food with 'im. Waited till you went behind those bushes then tipped
your fancy-boy into the ditch. Chucked a stone at me and was off down the road
like rat up a drain. Got a nip at 'is ankle, though," he added more
cheerfully. "Now what we goin' to do?"
Chapter Eight
What, indeed! As for
this "we," it was down to me really, wasn't it? So, I could cry,
scream, yell, kick the dog, run off down the road in vain pursuit. I could
refuse to go any further, abandon both my knight and the dog, do my own thing.
I could tear my hair out in handfuls, creep away into the wilderness and die; I
could become a hermit or take the veil. . . .
I did none of these, of
course. Instead I sat down by the roadside and considered, steadily and calmly,
the options left to us. I was aware that despair was only just around the
corner; I was also aware just how much I had changed. A few days ago, while
Mama was still alive, I would have been totally incapable of coping. Then, if
even the smallest thing went wrong, my fault or no, I had run to her skirts and
asked for forgiveness, aid, advice, whatever; I had been whipped, scolded, but
given my course of action. Now I was on my own.
No, not on my own. I had
the others to consider. Without me they would probably perish, except perhaps
for Growch. Had the unaccustomed responsibility brought this mood of somehow
being able to deal with it all? Or had my "magic" ring wrought the
change? It had certainly tried to warn me of danger when it prickled and itched
on my finger. I glanced down at it wryly. In the stories I remembered one twist
and straw would be spun into gold, a table spread with unimaginable
delicacies—But of course! I still had all my money safe, so we wouldn't starve.
We might have lost our transport, food, provisions, utensils and, saddest loss
of all to me, my Boke and writing materials, but what was that against our
lives and some money?
And my ring did give me
the power to communicate with Growch and Mistral: why not send out a call to
her to escape back to us if she could, however long it took? Given the choice,
I would rather have her back than regain our goods. If the carter turned her
loose perhaps she would find us. Shutting my eyes and praying that my thoughts
had the power of travel I sent her a message, wondering at the same time if I
wasn't being foolish to hope.
And while I was about
it, an ordinary prayer wouldn't do any harm. So I made one, and Gill joined in
with an "Amen."
Rising to my feet I
dusted myself down, retrieved Gill's staff, put one end into his right hand and
took the other in my left.
"Right! Hang on
tight. I'll try and keep to the smoother part of the road, but it will soon be
dark and we must seek shelter."
"There are woods a
mile or so down the road."
"And what do we do
for food?"
"I'll find
"Not more of your
stupid 'magic,' I hope!"
"If you must know,
yes, I have tried to reach Mis—the horse."
"What rubbish!
She's miles away by now. You'll never see her again."
"Wait and see. . .
And in this way we set
off down the road in the gathering gloom, a sneaky wind fingering my ankles and
blowing up my skirts indecently. Then just as we reached the shelter of the
first trees, it started to rain. It was now almost too dark to see, and we
sheltered uneasily, unwilling to lose our footing venturing father into the
forest. But the rain came down harder, and while the firs and pines provided
some protection, the oaks and beech had lost most of their leaves by now and
were useless as shelter.
From the distance came a
growl of thunder, a gust of wind shook the branches above us, increasing our
wet misery with a few hundred more drops, and we struggled on, Gill falling on
every tenth step and Growch tripping me up on every twentieth. If we didn't
find better shelter soon we could die of exposure—
A vivid flash of lightning
flared through the trees, followed almost immediately by a tremendous
clap of thunder and—
And something else.
A frightened cry. An
owl? Something trapped? Someone in distress? It came again. The high-pitched
whinny of a terrified horse. This time I recognised it at once.
"Mistral!" I
shouted. "Mistral, where are you?"
An answer came, but from
which direction? I plunged forward, forgetting Gill, and we near tumbled
"Mistral, Mistral!
Here, we're here!"
But it took a few
minutes more of stumbling around and calling before she found us. I flung my
arms around her trembling neck, dropping my end of Gill's staff.
"What happened? Are
you all right? How did you escape?" I had forgotten about thought-speech,
forgotten that Gill would hear me.
She told me that when
the carter had rattled off down the road she had resigned herself to her fate,
but once she heard my thought-call—yes, she had heard it—she struggled
to free herself, but alas! I had fastened her too securely to the tail of the
cart. Then she had tried to bite through the rope, with little success until
the cart had bumped over a particularly deep rut, when the chewed rope had at
last parted, and she had galloped back to find us.
"Brought the food
back with you?" asked Growch hopefully.
"Everything is just
as it was. He didn't stop to investigate." She paused. "But now I am
so tired and wet. . . ."
"Now you're back
everything will be fine," I said. "I'll light the lantern and we'll
find a snug spot in no time at all!"
"And eat,"
said Growch.
For once I was in full
agreement with him. "And eat."
I held the lantern high
to try and get our bearings and saw what seemed like a reflection of our light
off to the right. I blinked my eyes free of moisture and looked again. As I
watched, the lantern or whatever it was swung slowly from side to side. Yes, it
wasn't my imagination.
I stumbled forward,
never considering any danger I might be heading for. "Is there anyone
there? Help, we need shelter. . . ." and grabbing Gill's hand I made off
towards the other light.
The trees shuffled away
into the shadows on either side and we found ourselves in a small clearing. A
flickering lantern held by a small man threw dances of light onto a queer,
humpbacked building, no taller than me, that crouched for all the world like a
giant hedgehog beneath the trees. It must be a charcoal-burner's hut, I
thought, and certainly not big enough to hold us all. A wisp of smoke trickled
from the roof.
The small man bowed.
"Welcome travelers. It is not often I have the pleasure of welcoming
visitors so far into the forest. Pray take advantage of my humble dwelling, for
methinks the weather can only worsen." He spoke in a creaky, old-fashioned
way, as though speech came seldom to his tongue. He was elderly, and looked to
be dressed in skins; the hand that clutched the lantern was gnarled like a
bunch of twigs.
"Thank you, sir,
for your kind offer," I said formally. I looked at the low doorway.
"But there are four of us, and I fear . . ."
"Plenty of room:
You will see."
One of us wasn't
waiting; Growch pushed past and disappeared behind the hides that covered the
entrance and I found myself pulling Gill in with me. Inside it wasn't a bit
what I expected.
Somehow the roof seemed
higher—perhaps we had come down a step or two—and the space far greater than I
had imagined. It was quite roomy, in fact. The floor was clean sand, the walls
wattle and daub; there were piled skins to sit on and a merry fire burned in
the center, the smoke curling up tidily to a hole in the roof. To one side of
the fire a cauldron simmered and on the other meat was skewered to a spit,
browning nicely. A pile of oatcakes was warming on a flat stone, a flagon of
wine stood by a jug and wooden bowls and mugs were piled ready. The tantalizing
smell of the food was almost more than I could bear without drooling.
I guided Gill to a pile
of skins and sat him down, hanging his sodden cloak on a hook in the wall.
Growch was already steaming, as near to the fire as he could get, and biting at
his reawakened fleas. I heard a munching sound and there was Mistral behind me,
lipping at a bunch of winter grass.
It was all rather
unexpected, but then I was still unused to much of the refinements of the
world. Perhaps houses could, and did, stretch to accommodate extra guests; far
more likely, I told myself, my eyes had deceived me outside and I had thought
the place much smaller than it obviously was; if not, then we must be in some
underground chamber.
Our host came forward,
rubbing his hands together with a dry, whispery sound. "Help yourselves to
refreshments, my friends. There should be more than enough for all."
Indeed there was. Gill
and I spent the next half hour or so crunching into the delicious spicy meat,
throwing the bones to Growch, and chasing the last of a thick, hearty broth
with oat bread. Then with a mug or two of wine to follow I leaned back and
relaxed. The fire still chuckled merrily, apparently without need of fuel,
although our host threw a handful of what looked like powder into the flames
and instantly the room was full of the scents of the forest.
He was much taller than
I had thought, nearly as tall as Gill. How could I ever have thought him
smaller than me, I thought muzzily. It was difficult to make out his features properly,
too. He seemed to have greyish hair and bushy eyebrows, big ears like ladles
and small, round eyes so deeply set I couldn't make out their color. I thought
at first his nose was as round as an oak-apple, but in the firelight it
suddenly seemed sharp as a thorn and twice as long. His mouth was hidden by an
untrimmed beard, but one moment he seemed to have long, sawlike teeth, then
none at all.
The food and the wine
and the fire were getting to me, I thought: I must pull myself together.
Glancing to one side I saw that Mistral's eyes were closed, her head drooping;
Growch was staring vacantly at the fire and Gill had his head on his chest. I
pinched myself on the hand, surreptitiously, to try and keep awake, catching at
my ring as I did so. It seemed very cool to the touch.
I looked up at our host.
"I thank you, from all of us, for your food and shelter."
"A pleasure, young
traveler. As I said, it is rare for anyone to venture this far into my
"Your territory?"
"Indeed. I said so.
This forest is my domain."
Surely all land and the
people thereon were owned by the lords of the manors? Even in our village we
owed ours work in his fields and tithings.
"You are a
He chuckled, a sound
like wind in the trees. "Lord of the Forest, yes. All around you are my
trees, my shrubs, my brushes. My birds, my wild creatures. Every living thing .
. ." He sounded quite fierce.
"It—it must be a
big responsibility," I said weakly.
He shrugged.
"Everything usually runs smoothly: I see to that. Besides, who is there to
challenge my authority?"
Certainly not me, I
thought, noting the scowl, the beetling brows.
"And now," he
continued, "I should like to ascertain just how you come to invade my
territory. You seem an ill-assorted company, if I may say so. This young man .
. ." Gill was fast asleep, too far gone even to snore. " . . . is a
relative, perhaps?"
In the silence that
awaited the answer to his question, short though it was, I suddenly became
aware of all sorts of sights and sounds that had been hidden before. The uneasy
prickle of the ring on my finger, the rush of wind and thunder of rain outside,
the fire that needed no wood, the unnatural stillness of my companions. Even
the shelter in which we found ourselves was seeming to change: the walls were
closing in, the roof becoming lower. It's all a big illusion, I thought; he is
trying his magic on me and if I tell him the wrong thing—
Before there had been a
great compulsion to tell the truth, but now outside reality and I had erected a
kind of barrier between the Lord of the Forest and us. So, I told him the story
I had told everyone else, lying as though it were the truth.
At the end of it all he
humphed! as if he knew it was untrue but couldn't fault the telling. I was
beginning to relax again when he suddenly switched his attention to something
"That's an unusual
ring you have on your finger. A pity it is so undistinguished. Not worth much,
I should say."
"It is worth the love
of my father, who gave it to me. Were it made only of thread, still would I
treasure it. Of course, because it is part of the horn of a—" Horrified, I
stopped myself, the ring itself now throbbing like a sore on my finger.
"The horn of a
what? Some fabled creature who never existed, save in the imagination of man? I
am surprised you believe in such a fable. Still," and now his face was all
smiles, benign, kindly, "I am willing to exchange it for something far
more valuable, just because I am grateful for your company. See here. . .
." and from his pocket he drew out a handful of jewels; gold, silver,
green stones, red ones, blue, purple, yellow. "Rings, brooches, necklaces,
bracelets: take your pick! Just slide that old piece from your finger and I
will give you two for one! How's that?"
"It won't come
off," I said flatly. "Not even if I wanted it to. Which I don't. It
was my father's gift, and I shall keep it. Sorry."
Of a sudden I felt a
great squeezing, as though the breath were being taken from my body by an
unwelcome hug, and the walls were so close as to squash me up against the
others. Instinctively I took hold of Gill's sleeping hand and cuddled Growch
close. Above me Mistral's mane hung like a curtain before my face and I grabbed
a handful with my free hand.
Then sleep came down
with a rush like a collapsing tapestry.
* * *
A drop of rain plopped
onto my nose, the aftermath of the storm. Opening my eyes, I blinked up at the
trees above. I was cold and very hungry. I had been lying uncomfortably
on a heap of twigs and stones and my hip and back ached. I sat up; where was
the fire? A tiny charred ring in the grass. Walls had gone, roof disappeared. I
let go Mistral's mane, Gill's hand, moved away from Growch. Whatever had
happened? In a little heap beside the remains of the fire lay a pathetic heap
of small, burnt bones: mouse, rat, vole? By them a small pile of desiccated
skins crumbled to dust, and blew away on the morning breeze together with half
a dozen acorn cups.
Gill stretched and
yawned. "What time is it? I'm hungry."
"Hungry?" said
Growch. "Hungry? I could eat an 'orse!"
"You can talk! I
haven't eaten for twenty-four hours," said Mistral.
I gazed at them all.
"But don't you remember last night? The food? The little man?" But
none of them had the slightest idea what I was talking about.
Chapter Nine
After that, all I wanted
was to get away back to normality, and I never thought I should be so glad to
see a plain old ribbon of road again. We had no idea exactly where we were, but
with the aid of a watery sun headed west by south; even so it must have been at
least an hour of stumbling progress before we were free of the forest.
All the while I wondered
about what had really happened during the night. As far as we four were
concerned we shared the experience of seeing the flickering light between the
trees, but after that the others remembered nothing but disturbed dreams. Only
I recalled a gnarled old man first small then tall, a room that expanded then
contracted, a fire that needed no fuel, food and drink. . . . And in the
morning the Lord of the Forest had gone, if he had ever existed. So had his
shelter. I might have believed myself the victim of hallucination, except for
that tiny ring of charred ground, the little chewed vermin bones, the acorn
cups. Magic of a kind, but not nice.
How many other travelers
had succumbed, I wondered? If it hadn't been for my ring, the ring he had
coveted, the ring that I realized had bound us all together as I gathered the
others around me, we too might have been bones on the forest floor. I glanced
down at the circle on my finger: it was the color of my skin and nestled
quietly now. Whatever had threatened was behind us now, but I wouldn't rest
easy till we were away from the forest completely. The trees still crowded the
road on either side, dank and dripping, their rain-laden branches drooping down
like disapproving faces, and no birds sang.
* * *
A half hour later we
were out in the open. Standing once again in the blessed sunshine, I offered up
a silent prayer for our deliverance. It was a chilly morning, last night's rain
still lingering in pockets of mist that swirled about our feet and slithered
down into the valley below. The countryside was spread out like a checkered
quilt beneath us, and some five miles or so distant I could make out through
the haze the snaking of a river that curled round the smoke of a fair-sized
town. I even imagined that I could hear on the freshening breeze the faint
ting-ting of a church bell.
There was little enough
dry wood about, but with the aid of the kindling in my pack I soon had a fire
going, and spread out cloaks on bushes as I hurried up the first solid food we
had eaten for hours—bacon, fried stale bread, cheese and onions eaten raw. It
seemed like a feast, but I still mentally gagged when I remembered the
"food" of the night before and could swallow but little, busying
myself instead finding choice bits of fodder for Mistral.
We reached the town by
midday, and I managed to find an inn which provided both stable room and
pallets in the attic. After hearing that a caravan from the east, heading
south, was expected within the next couple of days—a rider coming through had
reported passing it—I determined to stay until they arrived. Far better to
travel in company after the misadventures of the last few days. It meant
spending money, but at least we could tidy ourselves up and have the choice of
provisions before the others arrived.
I took our washing to
the river stones and beat it clean, bought hot water to cleanse ourselves and
took Gill once more to the barber, investing in a razor which I thought he
could use if careful. I also bought him a cloak with a hood, at horrible
expense, and a silken scarf to tie around his eyes: although he could still see
nothing, he complained of headaches and a cold prickling in the eyes
themselves. The bump on his head was scarcely visible now, but I gave it more
salve, just in case.
After decent food and a
good night's rest I felt a hundred times better and much more optimistic. I sat
Gill out in the sunshine while I caught up with the mending, and tried to jog
his memory regarding his family, his home, anything relevant, but he still shook
his head sadly.
"I don't remember,
Summer: I'm sorry." I could not bear to see someone who should be so
haughty and sure of himself brought so low. I tried to recall anything I could
of that scene of carnage in the woods and suddenly bethought myself of the
scrap of silk I had rescued. Digging it out from the baggage I showed it to
Mistral, who sniffed at it, identified it as belonging to the knight's train,
but knew nothing of color or shape, as I understood it. I took it to Gill,
tried to describe the blue and yellow and what looked like a beak, but he still
shook his head. I was sure I could recall a bird's head on the shield I had
glimpsed that first day when he asked the way, and tried to combine it all in a
drawing, but it was hopeless. Still, I asked about the town as best I could
with the scrap of silk, but met with no success there either.
I was making my way back
to the inn at dusk, after a wasted afternoon's questioning, when I came across
a scuffle of small boys throwing stones up onto the roof of a deserted cottage,
shouting and yelling with enjoyment. Looking up, I saw the feeble flapping of
wings—obviously they were trying to finish off an injured bird. Even as I
passed the bird fell off into the gutter, where it was scooped up by greedy
hands and held on high by the tallest boy.
"Mine! Mine!"
he chanted. "Pigeon pie for supper!" He was a thin, starved-looking
child of about nine, and I couldn't blame him for capturing his supper, but as
he put his hand around the bird's neck something made me put out a hand to stop
"Stop! Don't kill
it. I—I'll buy it off you. . . ." I said impulsively, cursing myself for a
soft-pate even as the words were out. What on earth did I want an injured
pigeon for?
The boy hesitated, his
hand still ready to wring the bird's neck.
"'Ow much you
givin' us, fatty?"
I flushed with anger—but
then I was fat, wasn't I, and he was as skinny as only starvation can make one.
"Twice as much as
it's worth in the market. Only I want it alive—to fatten it up." I
reckoned an alley-wise kid such as this would appreciate that argument. I
pulled some coins from my pocket and jingled them invitingly. Immediately his
eyes glowed fiercely, and I realized I had made a mistake: I should have only
produced the two small coins I was willing to part with. I held out my other
hand. "Give me the bird. Please."
He clutched the bird
closer. "Four pennies, then."
"Rubbish! It's only
worth one in that condition, and you know it." To my alarm I sensed the
other children closing in around me. There were at least a half-dozen, and I
knew I could never escape by running. The alley we were in was narrow and
twisting, and if they made a concerted attack I would have no chance. They
could crack my head open with a stone with as little compunction as they would
wring the bird's neck and share the coins between them, and none the wiser.
If only I had thought to
at least bring Growch with me! Nothing to look at, he still had a fearsome
bark, a worse growl and very sharp teeth. I took a step back, which was a foolish
thine to do. "I—I'll give you another half-penny on top, and that's my
last offer."
But still they crept
closer, so near that one child nudged my elbow. I took a further step back till
I was up against the wall. My heart was beating like a tambour at a feast, and
I felt like chucking the money in my hand away as far as I could and taking a
chance on running. If only I could reach the end of the alley . . . I lifted my
hand, but suddenly there was a small frightened voice in my ears.
"Help me!" The
ring on my ringer tingled briefly. "Help me. . . ." It was the bird.
Suddenly I felt a surge of anger and stepped away from the wall. "Give me
the bird! At once! Or I'll . . ."
"You'll what?"
But it was the boy who backed away.
"Just wait and see!
Well?" I spoke from a confidence I did not feel but even as he shook his
head my deliverance was at hand.
A black blur erupted at
the far end of the alleyway and charged towards us, bringing its own cloud of
dust, the little legs were working so fast. Then there was a nipping and a
snarling and a yarling and a yelping and a barking and a biting and boys were
scattering everywhere to escape. The pigeon's tormentor dropped the bird in his
flight and I snatched it up and made for safety, closely followed by Growch.
We fetched up near the
inn and I paused for breath. He spat a fragment of cloth from his mouth, tail
wagging. His eyes were bright as blackberries and he smelt as high as hung
venison. I made a mental note to dunk him in water whether he liked it or not.
"Lucky I was only
dozin' when you called," he observed. "Saw that lot off pretty
sharpish, din' I?"
"I called
"Yeh, you yelled
'help!' in my ear. Took off like a flea on a griddle I did. What's that you
Once again the ring had
worked, and only a thought this time. . . .
"A . . . a
pigeon," I said, and loosened my fingers a little, aware that I was
holding the bird far too tight. "I think it has a broken wing."
"Certainly not!
Don't you ever think of anything except food?"
"Yes, but I ain't
seen nor smelt any likely bitches recent. . . . Don' I get anything for
helpin'? A reward, like . . ."
He was disgusting, but I
bought a pie and gave him half, stuffing the rest into my mouth with relish.
"Mmmm . . . Good."
"Might justa well
been your bird. Pigeon pie, weren't it?"
"Of course not!
Pork and sage," I said, before I realized he was teasing. The bird
shivered in my hands.
Upstairs at the inn I
examined it more closely. It was a handsome bird in an unusual coloring of soft
pinky-brown and buff. On its leg was a tiny canister, locked tight. So, it was
a homing pigeon. But from where? One wing lay splayed and crooked and I touched
it gently, using slow thought for my question.
"Is this where it
"Yes. Broken I
think. Falcon strike, two days back. Hungry . . ." The voice in my head
was faint but clear. A mug of water and some oats later and the voice was
strong enough to guide me as I bound and strapped the wing with a splint of
wattle and strips of cloth while he mind-guided my clumsy fingers into the most
comfortable position.
"That'll take a
while to heal," I said. "Where are you from?"
"South. A town tall
with towers. I am a messenger."
"I can see
that." I touched the canister on his leg. "How far have you
"From north fifty
miles or so. The same again three times to go."
"Well, you can't
fly for a while. . . . South, you said?"
"Yes, and a little
"Is your message
"It is a message of
love from my mistress' betrothed."
Urgent enough to the one
who waited. "We travel south," I said. "But not as fast as you
could fly. I don't know how long you will take to heal, but you are welcome to
travel with us if you choose. I can make a box for your transport."
Of course my dear Gill
thought I was quite mad when he found out what I was doing sitting on the
settle by the fire that night, weaving a little basket from withies I had
gathered from the riverside by lantern light (with Growch for company this
time). When I explained about the injured pigeon he snorted most unaristocratically
and asked whether I was thinking of gathering any more encumbrances to hold up
our journeying.
Of course I loved my
knight most dearly, and could not now imagine the day when I could not refresh
my heart by gazing at his beautiful face; marveling at the high forehead,
straight nose, and those darkly fringed eyes, so blue in spite of their
blindness—but I did wish sometimes that he would grumble a little less.
"Anything the
"Of course not.
I'll just finish this, then perhaps I could ask the landlord for some mulled
ale. You'd like that?"
"I should prefer a
decent bottle of wine."
Wine was twice as dear. "I know how you must hate all this idleness, but
perhaps the caravan will arrive tomorrow. . . ."
* * *
The travelers straggled
in at midday the next day, some fifty of them. The inn and all the other
lodging places in town were full that night and we had to share our pallets and
those spare with a husband and wife and their three half-grown children. I
doubled up with the wife and Gill with the largest boy. The latter grumbled
that Gill took up too much room, while I found myself on the floor a couple of
times, the wife having a thin body but a restless one, and the sharpest elbows
this side of a skeleton.
The caravan did not
waste time and was determined to set off again next day. I had had the
forethought to stock up with provisions the previous day, so not for me the
frantic buying of everything eatable. I already had flour, oats, cheese, salt
pork, dried beans, honey, a small sack of onions and vegetables and a dozen
apples, but I did remember to buy some barley for the pigeon and a truss of hay
for Mistral in the morning.
I judged there would be
room for barter on our travels, for I noticed a couple of goats and a crate of
hens were traveling with us, part of a merchant's entourage. Milk and eggs
would be a treat, although it was late in the year for laying.
Like all so-called
"safe" caravans, this one was in charge of a captain and men-at-arms,
six of the latter in this case. The captain's job was to determine our rate of
progress, decide when and where to halt and to keep us safe from marauders. Our
captain was a very large man called Adelbert; he looked quite outlandish,
wearing skins and a huge helmet decorated with a pair of bull's horns sticking
out on either side. He had a habit of hunching his broad shoulders and
thrusting his head forward if anyone dared to question his decisions, that made
him look more taurine than ever. His men were a surly bunch, too. They
conversed with their captain in a guttural patois I didn't recognize and kept
themselves well apart from the rest of us.
Before we set off the
following morning "Captain" Adelbert explained his terms. In return
for his guidance and protection he demanded a penny a day from each traveler,
or sixpence a week in advance. Wagon and carts double, but no charge for
horses, asses or mules. I was only too happy to relinquish my worries to
someone else, so handed over money for Gill and myself. A week at a time would
That first day there
were forty-seven of us. Besides the captain and his men, Gill and me, there
were the merchant, his wife and four attendants, five lay monks returning south
after pilgrimage to another monastery, our room companions of the night before,
another family consisting of four generations and thirteen assorted people, a
trader and his assistant, a clerk and a troupe of jugglers going south for
winter pickings. Captain Adelbert himself led the caravan, two of his men
brought up the rear, and the other four patrolled out on either side.
Our pace was of
necessity that of the slowest amongst us. We were ruled by a rigid routine
imposed by our leader, who became increasingly autocratic the farther south we
traveled. We rose an hour before dawn, broke our fast and were on the road as
the sun came up. We traveled for four hours, then broke for a meal—not longer
than an hour: the captain had a very efficient sand-glass, which to me always
traveled faster than the sun—then we were on the road again till dusk, another
three hours, perhaps a little more. We camped where he stopped us, unless we
were in reach of a town, then it was first in, best served. If we were camping
out then we built fires for our evening meal, sometimes combining with others
for a joint meal, which was a nice change: the merchant and his wife were too
aloof, but the other families and the jugglers became good companions. If the
weather was wet we supped cold and soon huddled beneath what shelter we could
Luckily we had few
really cold days; farther north by now all would be huddled in front of roaring
fires, waiting for the snow. I think this was the first thing that made me
realize how far we had already come, for by the beginning of December I must
have been at least a hundred and fifty miles south of my old home, if not more.
I began to enjoy my life
outside, to look around me more. I started to notice weather signs, to see
trees, rocks, stones, streams as separate entities. I delighted in the colors
of the falling leaves—red, yellow, brown, purple, orange—was forever running
off the road to supplement our diet with mushroom and fungi, and was the first
of the humans to hear and see the skeins of geese winging south, though I must
admit it had been our little pigeon who had alerted me.
He was healing slowly
but well, and I didn't need to alter the splint of his wing. Seen at close
quarters he was extremely handsome, his pinky-brown plumage set off by creamy
beak and legs and bright eyes as red as rubies. He was in no doubt we were
heading in the right direction for his home, though he found it difficult to
explain why.
"Don't know for
sure . . . Something inside my head pulls me the right way." He scratched
behind his left ear, or where I supposed it to be, with a delicate claw, then
followed the itch all around his neck. "You see, when I am taken away from
home and then released to carry a message I climb slowly in spirals, looking
all the while for familiar landmarks. If there are none, which means a long
journey, I climb until the tug inside comes and I know which way to go."
He settled down in his basket, fluffing out his breast feathers. "Of
course if I am within ten miles or so of home, then I can see my way, and will
be home, weather and hawks permitting, between strikes of the church of the
tall tower, which is nearest my loft."
Three hours was the
usual interval between strikes of the bell, if the priest was awake, to
coincide with the church Offices.
"What does it look
like, the earth, from so far above?" I asked hesitantly.
I had put his basket and
our baggage on a rock while we took one of our halts, so that Mistral could
graze unburdened, and now the bird looked up and then down and around. For a
while he said nothing, then: "Stand you up and look down on this rock.
This is a mountain. That clump of grass over there is a forest. Scratch a line
on the ground and stick two or three twigs along it and you have a river with a
town beside it. The ants you can see are the people . . ."
For an instant I could
feel the currents of air beneath my wings, stroking my feathers, and glancing
down watched the moving map beneath unfold, instinct pulling me farther and
farther south—
"You all
right?" asked Growch. "Got a funny look on your face, like you was
goin' to be sick. If'n it's the bacon, I don' mind finishin' off that bit for
you. . . ."
Gill had been remarkably
silent about my exchanges with the animals ever since Mistral had found us in
the forest; of course I now mostly used thought-communication, but sometimes
forgot and used speech. I don't for a moment believe he thought I was really
talking to them, or they to me, but he suspected there was something special
between us and was no longer sure enough of himself to ridicule it.
The fresh air, plain
food and walking miles every day did appear to be helping his memory a little;
odd things, like: "I remember having my hair cut when I was a child, and
the smell as the pieces burned on the fire," or: "My mother had a
blue robe with a gold border," and: "I fell out of a tree when I was
six and broke my arm." All endearing memories that made the child he was
more real to me, but not really helpful as far as finding out where he lived.
Still, it was a hopeful sign.
* * *
The caravan changed its
character, size and shape as various travelers left or joined us. Among the
former were the jugglers and the large family, but the farther south we went,
the more our numbers swelled. There were more merchants, with or without wives
and attendants, a merry band of students, a couple of pardoners, craftsmen and
masons looking for work during the winter and even a dark-skinned man wearing a
turban who had woven silk mats and hangings in his wagon.
Of course as the road
became more traveled, the deeper the ruts and the more chance of being held up
for repairs to wheels or axles. Then we would all stand round cursing the
inaction while the Captain organized repairs and restless horses steamed in the
chill of December mornings. In spite of this we still managed an average of
some fifteen miles a day.
At this time we were
traveling through broken countryside: small hills, stony heath, straggly old
woods half-strangled with ivy, isolated coppices and turbulent streams. The
road, from its usual width of twenty or thirty feet, had shrunk to a wagon's
width. Earlier in the day we had come to a crossroads and Captain Adelbert had
insisted on taking this narrower right-hand road, saying it was a short cut. I
began to wonder if he had made a mistake. It had obviously rained heavily here
in the last twenty-four hours, for in many places the horses were splashing
through shallows and I had to lift my skirts to my knees and paddle. Once I
actually had to carry the smelly Growch twenty yards when he pretended he
couldn't swim—it was easier than arguing.
It was getting dark,
with a lowering sky overhead, but there was no sight of a suitable camping
site. The countryside looked even more inhospitable, outcrops of rock and
tangled undergrowth crowding down towards the narrowing road. To make it worse
Adelbert's men were harrying the train, trying to make us close ranks and we
were soon almost treading on one another's heels. The wagon ahead of us snagged
on an overhang and came to an abrupt halt. I was bursting to relieve myself, so
dragged Gill and Mistral off the track and behind some rocks, just as the monks
behind us closed up.
Our departure went
unnoticed in the general hubbub, and I was able to squat down in peace. That
was one of the only advantages of Gill's blindness: I had no need to hide
myself. He took advantage of the break also, and I was just leading him back to
Mistral when the ring on my finger started to itch and burn, and a moment later
all hell broke loose in the direction of the road.
Shouts, screams, the
thunder of hooves, the frantic barking of a dog, sickening thuds and crashes—
Whatever in the world had happened? Making sure Gill had hold of Mistral's
mane, I pulled at her bridle to lead her back to the road, but she dug in her
hooves and refused to budge, wordless terror coming from her mind to mine.
Well, if she wouldn't move I would have to come back for her, but I must see
what was happening.
Just as I stumbled
towards the rocks something thumped me hard in the stomach and down I went to
my knees. Growch was tumbling all over me, stinking of fear.
"Get back, get
back!" he barked over the increasing din. "Hide, quick! It's a
Chapter Ten
I woke with a sudden
jerk, as though I had plummeted down a steep stair, and gazed around wildly.
Mistral blew soothingly through her nostrils.
"All safe: sleep .
. ."
I lay down again,
chilled through to the core of my being, glad for once for the smelly warmth of
Growch against my back. Gill was breathing heavily beside me and above the
stars shone clear. I closed my eyes, tried to doze off again, but even if I
managed a moment or two I soon jumped into wakefulness, fighting the hideous
images that crowded sleep.
We had camped beneath an
overhang of rock off the road—somewhere. It had been too dark to see, I had not
dared light the lantern, and sheer luck and Growch had found this comparatively
sheltered spot. We had eaten hastily of broken meats—some sort of pie, I
judged—then had wrapped ourselves in the extra blankets and tried to sleep.
Gill had dropped off first, but then he hadn't seen what I had. . . .
* * *
When Growch had cannoned
into me crying "Massacre!" I had not at first believed him, despite the
shouts and screams, the clash of weapons. At first I thought it was a minor
ambush and that Captain Adelbert and his men were fighting off the attackers,
glad that we were out of the way. I saw two monks flee past our hiding place,
pursued by a man on horseback waving a sword. It was obviously not safe for us
to emerge.
I crept back to Gill.
"It looks as though the caravan has been ambushed. It's not safe to move
until it's all over. . . ."
But the noise seemed to
go on for ever. The screams of anguish and pain were the worst, and I held my
hands over my ears; I saw Gill do the same. Perhaps through his dim memory he
was reminded of the ambush in which he had been caught.
At last it grew quiet,
as far as the screaming was concerned, but I could still hear the tramp of
hooves, the crunch of wheels, men's voices, curiously exultant voices. The
battle was over; someone had won. I crept forward for a better look. Nothing to
be seen, just an empty road. I was about to step out for a better look when
there was a fierce tugging at my skirt.
"No! Not yet,"
growled Growch. "Let me take a quick sken first."
"No buts! You ain't
got the sense of a newborn pup!" and he crawled forward on his belly and
disappeared. I waited for what seemed an age, shivering a little from both fear
and excitement, but he came back so stealthily that I heard and saw nothing
until a wet nose was pressed into my hand, making me jump. He was shivering,
"What's happened?
Is anyone hurt? Is it over?"
"S'over all right.
They'll be movin' off soon, I reckon. Got what they wanted." He lay down,
panting. "All dead."
"I can smell the
blood," came the frightened thought from Mistral.
"Like a
slaughterhouse," said Growch, still shivering. "Move back a bit:
they'll be coming past in a minute or two."
"Who? Who will be
coming past? You haven't explained anything! Who is dead? Who attacked
"Never trust no
one," was all he would say. "Never trust no one. . . ."
Impatiently I moved for
a better view of the road, crouching down behind a rock, mindful through my
curiosity of Growch's warnings. Two minutes later I nearly burst out of my
hiding place with relief, for here rode our Captain on his stallion, leading
behind him two pack horses laden with unwieldy packages. So we had beaten off
our attackers! I opened my mouth to cry out, but then I saw the sword hanging
from his hand, thick with congealing blood. Instinctively I shrank back; if I
leapt out at him too suddenly he might use it without thinking. A moment later
and his six men followed, one nursing a gash on his arm, but all chattering and
laughing among themselves. Each one led two or three laden horses, and on one I
saw the silken rugs from the dark merchant's cart. And surely those two
piebalds were the ones who had pulled one of the other merchant's carts? And
wasn't that mule the one belonging to one of the pardoners? Where were the
I craned forward; the
horsemen passed, but there were no others behind. Their voices still carried
"Din' take too
long. . . ."
"Pity about the
younger woman—"
"Should'a thought
o' that before you chopped her!"
"Whores aplenty
where we're goin'."
"Why din' we take
one o' the wagons?"
"Captain says as
we're goin' cross-country."
"Three cheers for
'im, anyways! More this time than last!"
"'E says enough to
lay up for the winter. No pickin's worth the candle till spring."
"What about those
that ran?"
"Two-three at most.
One o' the monks—"
"Din' see the fat
girl and 'er blind brother. . . ."
"Quite fancied 'er,
I did. Like an armful, meself. . . ."
"Won't none of 'em
get far. Not with the bogs all around."
"Shit! Dropped a
bundle. . . ."
"Coupla blankets.
Leave 'em. Got plenty. . . ."
Their voices faded as
the road bent away, until there was only the dull clop of hooves and a tuneless
whistling, and soon both were lost in distance and the growing dark.
I sat down heavily, my
mind whirring like a cockchafer. Had I heard aright, or was it all some
horrible nightmare? Had our captain, the man we all trusted, led us all astray
and proceeded to massacre everyone for the goods we carried? And was it his
living, something they did regularly?
Growch slipped past me.
He was back in a couple of minutes, looking jauntier. "All clear. You can
come out now. Not much to see, though. Or do . . ."
He was right, about the
second part anyway. They were all dead, all our companions, strewn along the
road for two or three hundred yards like broken dolls—
But dolls never looked
like this. Gash a doll and you have splintered wood; wood does not bleed, and
there was blood everywhere. My shoes stuck in it, clothes, faces, limbs were
caked with it. Dark blood, pink, frothy blood, bright blood—my lantern showed
it all. Who would have thought blood would have so many different shades?
And the flies—It was
December: where had they all come from? Greedy, fat, blue-black flies crawling
everywhere over the carrion that lay cooling in the dark. And in the morning
would come the kites, the crows, the buzzards. . . .
Gill was at my side as
we picked our way through the corpses, but of course he could see nothing.
Growch sniffed his way from corpse to corpse, but there was no life left. We
came to the end of death, and there, on the narrowest part of the roadway, a
great tree blocked any further progress. At first I thought it had fallen, then
I saw the axe marks. So, this had all been carefully planned, and by the look
of the tree this way had been used before, this sudden death had come out of
the dusk to other travelers.
I must leave word,
warning, at the nearest town, I thought distractedly, but first we must get
away from here ourselves. Mistral wouldn't come near, and the pigeon cowered in
his basket. Taking Gill's hand once more I led him back through the obscenity
of bodies, the bile rising in my throat and threatening to choke me. I found I
was muttering: "Oh God! Oh God!" over and over as I turned from
slashed limbs, contorted bodies, gaping wounds and from the faces that wore
death masks of surprise, terror and pain.
Behind me Gill stumbled
and cursed. "What the devil—?"
He jerked his hand from
my grasp as he fell to one knee, groping in front of him.
"I kicked
something: a flagon of wine, a bladder of lard?"
This time I was sick,
though there was little save bitter water to spit out. The thing he had
stumbled over was a severed head.
"Let's get outta
here," said Growch. "Nothin' left but stink o' death."
True enough. The
assassins had stripped the caravan of everything: clothes, goods, weapons,
valuables, harness, horses and mules, even all food and drink. There was no
reason to believe they would return, and they were probably miles away by now,
but I still felt uneasy. They had said three others had run off, but if it were
true about the bogs they were probably drowned by now.
As if to echo the dread
and fear that still lingered among the corpses, a thick miasma of mist started
to rise from the ground around us, curling round my ankles with cold fingers.
I took Gill's arm.
"We must move. There is nothing we can do for these poor souls save give
them our prayers." And we bowed our heads, the muttered prayers sounding
loud in that unnatural stillness. There was only one way to go; that was down
the road we had come by, for none of us wanted to linger near the slaughter
longer than we could help. Even a mile or two would make a difference, for who
knew what ghosts might not rise from those poor unshriven souls, to harry us
through the night?
Growch slipped off
ahead, and I extinguished the lantern: I could not risk the murderers seeing a
light, though common sense told me we would never see them again. I knew the
dog's and horse's ears were sharp enough to pick up any danger, but we walked
forward cautiously, a step at a time. Growch came running back.
"No sign of anyone
for miles, but there's a bundle what they musta dropped just ahead. Over to the
right . . ."
Two new blankets, still
smelling of sheep oil and practically waterproof. I strapped them on Mistral's
back. They had been someone else's property, but that person was now dead: no
point in leaving them there to rot. There was also a small sack of various
broken foods: no point in wasting that either.
We stumbled forward for
another mile or so, then Growch had found the rocks we were now sheltering
beneath. I shared out the broken pies and bread and cheese and covered us with
the new blankets, and then tried to sleep for a few hours.
* * *
And was still trying.
But the sights and
sounds of the carnage we had left behind were still sharp and shrill in my
imagination, too clamorous for sleep. Why did it have to end like that, the
journey I was becoming so used to, was even beginning to enjoy? I had become
accustomed to walking all day, to spending the occasional night huddled under
the stars, to cleaning and mending and patching and gathering wood and cooking.
I had met more people in the last few weeks than I had come across in the whole
of my life before, seen more villages, towns, hills, rivers, forests and fields
than any lord could own in one holding. Of course I had been bone-weary at
times, hungry, cold and burdened with responsibility but, given the choice, I
would not have retraced one step. Had not my father traveled the world, and
Mama been one of the Travelers?
No, I would not have
gone back—until now.
Right now I would give
almost anything to be back in my own village, under any conditions—even working
in the tavern, or as kitchen maid to the sharp-tongued miller's wife. I wanted
desperately for life to be ordinary again, safe and predictable. I didn't want
responsibility for anyone or anything but myself; I didn't want to think, to
plan, to lead. I wanted to have all the decisions made for me. No more
choices, please God! I couldn't cope, I couldn't, especially if they were going
to turn out like this.
I snuggled into the
scratchy, uncomfortable-because-new blanket, more awake than ever. Gill was now
snoring loudly, Growch smelt like a dung heap and I was sure I was starting a
miserable cold. . . .
I awoke with the sun
full on my face.
"What time is it?
Why didn't you wake me?"
"I thought you
needed the sleep," said Gill gently, putting out a tentative hand till he
found my shoulder, then patting it. "You do so much for us: you deserve a
lie-in once in a while. We couldn't manage without you, you know. . . ."
And suddenly, somehow,
it all seemed worth it.
Chapter Eleven
We regained the
crossroads at midday. It was empty. The road north by which we had originally
come stretched back into the distance, a straight arrow. The turnoff that had
proved so disastrous, we left thankfully. There remained two ways: southeast
and southwest. I sent the turd expert down first one then the other.
He came trotting back
triumphantly. "Not thataway," he said, indicating southeast.
"They went along some twelve hours back, then camped for the night and
struck off 'cross the moor."
I turned to Mistral and
the pigeon. "Does this southwest road seem all right to you?"
Unfortunately I had used
human speech, and Gill stared towards me irritably. "Do we have to
consult—pretend to consult—the impedimenta every time anything is to be
decided? Or can't you make a decision on your own?"
"Animals have a
much better sense of direction than we humans have," I said stiffly.
"And I do communicate with them, whatever you may think!" And
I explained about Growch's foray down the roads. "If you still aren't
convinced, we can waste time going down the southeast road till we find the
relevant horse droppings and you can feel and smell them for yourself!"
He shook his head and
sighed. "No. I believe you somehow manage to tell them what you want,
better than most. Now, can we go?"
I turned to Mistral and
the pigeon once more. "What do you say?"
She snuffed the air.
"We go the right way, for me."
"It will do,"
said the pigeon. "If only I could fly up and take a look . . ."
"Patience," I
said. "You are healing nicely."
"I know . . . Not
fast enough." He paused, and preened himself shyly. "They—the
others—have names. I should like a name too. If you wouldn't mind. If it's not
too much bother . . ."
"But of
course!" I suddenly realized that the name had been there all the time.
"I have been thinking of you as 'Traveler' all this while. Will that
He crooned to himself.
" 'Traveler' . . . Thank you."
* * *
We camped off the road
that night, and made reasonable progress the next day, without seeing another
soul. The same the day after, though by midday we were down to a handful of
flour and two wrinkled apples, so it was with relief that I saw the outline of roofs
and a church tower some distance ahead. The land around us became cultivated,
there were sheep in a fold guarded by two dogs and I could hear wood being
chopped in a wood to the west. Small tracks came to join the highway from left
and right: it all pointed to a fair-sized town.
Indeed it was so
prosperous that on the outskirts were two or three large houses standing in
their own walled grounds, which must mean this was a peaceful area too. We were
passing the last of these mansions when I stopped abruptly. My ring was
tingling and I thought I heard something—no, not heard, rather felt.
"What was
"Bells ringing for
afternoon Mass," said Gill, as indeed they were.
"No. Something
else. Listen. . . ." There it was again: a sad, cold, dying call.
"Came from over the
wall," said Growch, ear pricked. "Somethin' shufflin' about."
there?" I called and thought, "Answer me!"
There was a longish
pause. "Help. . . ." The sound was faint, drawn out like a thread.
"Sooo . . . cooold . . ."
I had to find out what
It was, what It wanted. I looked about, but the pebble-dash walls surrounding
the house were some ten feet high. No way could Gill lift me up—besides he'd
discover just how fat I was—and there were no handy trees to climb. I followed
the wall till I came to a small gate, but it was firmly bolted. Still—
I called Mistral and
explained what I wanted. We managed it on the third attempt as she bucked me up
high enough to grab the top of the gate, climb over and drop to the other side.
The first thing I did was to draw back the bolts to ensure a swift exit, just
in case. Then I looked about me.
I was in a small formal
garden, with apple and pear trees, leafless now, graveled paths, boxed alleys,
square and diamond-shaped plots edged with rosemary, a scummy pond and the
remains of a camomile lawn. All winter-dead and desolate. The house beyond was
shuttered and quiet too.
I peered around in the
gathering gloom. Nothing moved. And yet—I started back. Over there, at the edge
of the shriveled lawn a rock moved. Rocks don't move, I told myself firmly. But
It did it again and I backed away:
"Heeelp . . ."
Talking, moving rocks? If
it hadn't been for the positive feeling in the ring on my finger I think I
would have fled, but instead I approached It cautiously, ready however to run
if It jumped up and tried to bite. Seen closer It was a sort of rough oval,
almost black, with orangey-brown patches. I stretched out my hands to pick It
up and It suddenly sprouted a smooth head, four scrabbling claws and a stumpy tail.
I sprang back: perhaps It did bite!
came the mournful, slow voice again. "Faairly fraaagile. Chiiip eaaasily .
. ."
I squatted down to look
more closely. "What are you?"
. . ."
It was talking Latin,
and that was not my best subject. I understood Church Latin and some market
Latin—both understood wherever one went in a Christian country of course,
whatever local language the native people spoke—but classical and scientific
Latin were beyond me. "Er . . . How can I help you?"
"Cooold . . .
Fooorgotten. Neeeeeed fooooood. Sleeeeeep . . ."
It was getting more and
more difficult to understand. Obviously as the house was shut up It could
expect no help from there. At least I could see It-whatever-it-was-in-Latin got
some warmth. "You'd better come with me." I bent to lift It, my hands
closing round a cool, horny shell. "Don't stick your claws in . . ."
but I was brought up short by a sharp tug. I put It down again. "What's
"Chaaain. Caan't escaaape.
Caaan't buuurrow . . ."
Looking more carefully I
could see that a thin chain was looped through a hole pierced in the rear of
the shell and then went to an iron staple driven into the ground some eighteen
inches away. It was an easy matter for me to lift the chain over the staple and
release It, but I could see how constricting it had been, for the creature's
walking round had worn a deep circular trench, the limit of the chain.
I looked around, but
there was nowhere I could put It that wasn't just as exposed, and no food that
I could see.
"What do you
Fruuuit . . ."
I sighed. "And
where do you come from originally?" but even as I asked I knew what the
answer would be.
"Sooouth . .
Another one! Whatever
would Gill say? I stooped to wrap the chain around Its shell and started to
lift It, but was arrested by a hiss of pain. "Toooooo faaast . . . Huuurts
Slow and steady then. I
wrapped him in my shawl and left by the side gate; I couldn't bar it again.
There was nothing to steal in the garden, and anyone wanting to rob the house
was perfectly capable of climbing the wall.
"What you
got?" asked Growch. I showed him. "Hmmm. Smells like dried grass and
Gill asked the same question
and I placed It in his hands. He ran his hands over the shell and his face lit
up. "Ah! A tortoise! Had one when I was a boy. . . . Laid eggs, but never
came to anything. Ran off one August and we never found it again. . . ."
I was delighted. He had
not only identified the strange creature, but it had also touched off another
piece of memory, however irrelevant. And I had heard of tortoises, but never
seen one before.
I hesitated. "Do
you mind if we take it with us? I believe its kind live farther south. . .
"Of course.
Tortoises can't stand winter here. Ours used to bury itself in cold weather.
Where did you find it?"
I explained. "It
feels as though . . . I think it's hungry. I believe they eat greens, but there
aren't many to be found right now. . . ."
He was delighted to be
consulted. "Some sops of bread in milk. Ours used to love that."
So that was one problem
solved: bread and milk as soon as we reached a decent inn. I wrapped the
tortoise in a piece of sacking and tucked him up on Mistral's saddle.
"Food soon. You may
find your perch a bit rocky, but you'll get used to it. What do we call
you?" I wasn't going to make the same mistake as I had with Traveler, the
Now he was warmer his
speech wasn't (quite) so slurred or slow. "Back at hooome," he said,
shuffling around a little as if he were embarrassed, "the ladies called me
Basher. Could hear me for miles," and he gave a little sound, which, if he
had been human, I would have interpreted as nothing more or less than a snigger.
* * *
By the time we reached
the town proper it was near dark and we were lucky to knock up an inn with
reasonable stable accommodation, which we shared with the animals, snug enough
on fresh hay. I was lucky also with chicken stew, bread and mugs of milk for
Gill and myself, and Basher the tortoise had his first meal "for three or
four mooonths," he said. He didn't eat much, but as he said: "Little
and oooften. The shell is a bit cooonstricting on the stomach." Like armor
must be, I thought.
"How did they come
to forget you?" I asked.
"Neeews came.
Somebooody ill. All left. Forgooot me."
I fingered the chain
wrapped around him. "Shall I take this off?"
"Please. Dooon't
want to be reeeminded."
I found there was a
catch, easy enough to unfasten, and it now looked just like a gold necklet,
something used as an expedient rather than something permanent.
"Who put this on
"Maaan drilled
hole. Huuurt. Lady put on chain. Laaaughed . . ."
"Do you want it? It
looks as if it might be gold, enough to buy us more food and lodging."
"It's yours. Paaay
for my travel . . ."
In the morning we found
the town full of people, and the landlord told us many had come from roundabout
for the feast day of the Eve of St. Martin, the last chance of fresh meat
before the spring. There was a traditional fair to be held on a piece of common
land and dancing on the green in front of the church. "Be glad when it's
all over," he grumbled. "House is full of the wife's relations. We'll
dine early tonight, if you don't mind. Everyone'll be at the fair later."
I didn't know whether to
stay another night or no: it rather depended on whether the tortoise's necklet
was indeed gold. I remembered Mama's strictures on trading and bargaining, and
went to three different coin and metal traders. It was indeed gold and the
middle one offered the best price but was too inquisitive: "Who gave it to
you? Where are you from? Where are you bound for?" and in the end the last
man, an elderly Jew, exchanged it for enough moneys to keep us in food and
lodgings for many a day, and without too much haggling.
So much money, in fact,
that I decided to sleep another night in the town and also visit the fair. I
had never been to a fair before. I had been partly persuaded to find in my
travels round the town that our acquaintances of a few weeks earlier, the
jugglers, were to perform that night.
When told of the
disaster that had overtaken us at the hands of Captain Adelbert and his men,
the juggler's eyebrows rose into his thatch of fair hair, and his mouth made a
great "O" of surprise. He crossed himself several times in thanks for
his deliverance and promised us a free show that evening. I left him going into
the church to give a donation for his lucky escape, for I was reminded to
report the caravan master's perfidy to the authorities.
This took longer than I
had expected, as everything had to be written down, and as it was a holiday the
town clerk was nowhere to be found and I had to be content with his deputy, who
was mighty slow with pen and ink. I could have done better myself. Then they
had to have Gill's corroboration, for what it was worth, so we were only just
in time for our midday meal—rabbit and mushroom stew, dumplings, bread, cheese
and ale—and the fair was already in full swing by the time Gill and I arrived.
I had wanted to leave Growch behind, but he had promised he would sneak out and
follow us anyway.
"Like a couple of
unweaned pups, you two! Not fit to let out on your own . . ." So he
trailed a few yards behind us.
I took hold of Gill's
hand, and because this was a leisure time, not leading him to relieve himself
or across obstacles, the touch of his skin sent little shivers of excitement
rolling up and down my spine. Routine flesh to flesh contact became, in my
case, imbued with all sorts of undertones and overtones that had my palm sweaty
in a minute, and I had to wipe it a couple of times and apologize.
It was difficult in any
case to thread our way through the crowds that milled more or less aimlessly
among the stalls, tents, platforms and stages that filled the common ground.
Like me, I suppose, they wanted to see everything before making up their minds
what to spend their money on. As it was afternoon, over half the crowd
consisted of children: tonight husbands would bring their wives, young men
their sweethearts and the singles would seek a partner.
We found our friends the
jugglers easily enough and, as promised, had our free show, though I could tell
Gill was bored, his blindness making a mockery of the tumbling balls, daggers
and clubs. I found some musicians and we listened to those for a while, then I
bought some bonbons which we shared. I described a couple of wrestling falls
for him, as best I could, also the greasy pole contest, which to me was
hilarious, but again irritated Gill because he could not watch the humor.
The further we went, the
more I realized how much these entertainments relied on visual enjoyment—morris
dancers, animal freaks, the strong man, a woman as hairy as a monkey, a
"living corpse," and all the throwing, catching, running and contests
of strength. The only real interest he showed was when I found a stall selling
rabbit-skin mitts, and I treated him to the biggest pair I could find.
I was reluctantly
leading him back, when I came across a treat I could not resist. Outside a tent
hung a sign saying: the winged pygge. To reinforce the words (for most could
not read) there was a lurid poster depicting something that looked like a cross
between a huge bat and a plum pudding with a curly tail. Perhaps I would have
lingered for a moment, yearned for a while and then walked on, but at the very
moment we stopped, the showman flung aside the flaps of his tent and strode
forward, ready to capture the passing trade with his spiel.
"My friends, lads
and lassies, youngsters: I invite you all to come in and see the marvel
of the age!" His restless little eyes darted amongst us, noting those who
had paused, those who would listen, those who were customers. "Here we
have a magic such as I dare swear you never have seen! A horse may swim, an eel
walk the land, but have you ever seen a pig fly? No, of course you have not!
But here, fresh from the lands of the East—the fabled lands of myth and
mystery—at great expense I have managed to purchase from the Great Sultan
Abracadabra himself, the only, original, once-in-a-lifetime Flying Pig!"
The crowd around us was
growing, their eyes and mouths round with speculation and awe. The showman knew
when he was on to a good thing.
"Here is your
chance to see something that you can tell your children, your grandchildren,
your great-grandchildren, knowing they will never see the same! And how much is
this marvel of the senses, this delectation of the eyes, this feast of the
consciousness?" He had captured them as much with his long words as with
his subject, I realized. "I am not asking the gold I have received from
crowned heads, nor the silver showered on me by bishops and knights. . . . No,
for you, my friends, I have brought down my price, out of my respect and fellow
feeling, to the ridiculous, the paltry, the infinitesimal sum of two copper
The crowd hesitated,
those at the fringe began to break away, but immediately the showman drew them
back into his embrace with a dramatic reduction.
"Of course this
ridiculous price includes all children in the family. And for the elderly, half
price!" Some people who had been leaving turned back, but others remained
irresolute. Down came the price again.
"All right, all
right!" He spread his arms in supplication. "But this price is just
for you: you must not tell your neighbor how little you paid, else will I
starve. . . . My final offer: one copper coin, just one, for the treat of a
lifetime! Come on, now: who will be first?"
Should we, shouldn't we?
After all, I would have to pay for Gill and he would see nothing. I nudged
Growch with my foot.
"There's supposed
to be a pig with wings in there," I nodded towards the tent. "Be a
dear and check up for me. I don't want to waste money if it's a con."
He slipped away towards
the back, presumably to squeeze under the canvas unseen. A steady trickle of
people were now paying their coin: soon the tent would be full. Growch nudged
my ankle.
"Dunno. Honest I
don'. There's summat in there. . . ."
"Is it a pig?"
"Could be . .
"What do you mean
'could be'? It either is or it isn't. Which?"
"Looks like one,
but don' smell like one. Don' smell o' nuffin, really. Nuffin as I
"Perhaps somebody
washed him. Unlike some I could mention," I added sarcastically.
"Does it have wings?"
He scratched. "Sort
of. Bits o' leathery stuff comin' out o' its shoulders. Like bat wings . .
That decided me. I bargained
for Gill's blindness but got a "takes-up-the-same-space-don't-he"
answer. Inside it was dark and stuffy, lit only by tallow dips. Tiptoeing, I
could see a small stage hung with almost transparent netting that stretched
from floor to ceiling and was nailed to the floor. To stop the creature flying
away, I thought.
There was a rustle of
anticipation. The showman reappeared, on the stage this time. He was carrying a
large cage which he set down before him, and then started another harangue.
"You've got your
money," I thought. "Why prolong it?"
"Once in a lifetime
. . . marvel of the age . . . far lands of the East . . ." It went on and
on, and the thirty or so people in the tent started to grow restive, shuffle
their feet, mutter to one another. A baby began to cry and was irritably
"Get on with
it," somebody shouted from the back.
The showman changed his
tack. "And now, here is the moment you have all been waiting for! Come
close, my friends—not too close—and wonder at this miracle I have procured
solely for your mystification and delight!" And with this he opened the
cage, groped around in the interior and finally hauled forth, by one leathery
wing, a small disreputable object that could have been almost anything.
It could have been a
large rat, a mangy cat, a small, hairless dog or, I suppose, a pig. A very
small, tatty pig. Pinkish, greyish, whitish, blackish, it certainly had four
legs, two ears, a snout and a curly tail, but even from where I stood I could
understand Growch's earlier confusion.
There was a murmur of
astonishment from the audience, which quickly grew to ooh's and aah's of
appreciation as the showman plucked at first one stubby little wing and then
the other, extending them until the creature gave very pig-like squeals of
"There now, what
did I tell you? Never seen anything like this before, I'll be bound! Worth
every penny, isn't it?" He brought the creature nearer to the front of the
stage and the crowd pressed forward, making the tallow dips flare and the net
curtains bulge inwards.
I held on tight to Gill,
explaining what I had seen as best I could.
"Sounds like some
sort of freak to me. . . . Are you sure those wings aren't sewn on?"
He wasn't the only one
to express doubts. Once the first wonder had worn off there was muttering and
whispering all about us, one man going so far as to suggest that there was a
manikin sewn up inside a pig's skin.
"Let's see it fly,
then," shouted one stalwart, encouraged by his wife. "You promised us
a flying pig, so let's see a flying pig!"
His cry was taken up by
the others, and for the first time I saw the showman discomfited.
"Well now, the
creature does fly, I can certify to that, but it strained its wings last week,
and—" but the rest of his words were drowned in a howl of protest.
"You promised . . .
we paid good money . . . cash back . . ."
It was probably the last
that decided him. Retreating to the back of the stage, he held the creature
high above his head.
"Right, then!"
He seemed to have recovered his equilibrium. "A flying pig you shall see!
Stand back!" and he threw the creature as high as he could, as you would
toss a pigeon into the air. For a moment it reached the top of the tent and
seemed to hang there, desperately fluttering its vestigial wings. Then, abruptly,
they folded and it spiraled to the floor, to land with a sickening thump and a
heart-rending squeal.
Quite suddenly it was
over. The creature was stuffed back in its cage and we found ourselves out in
the sunshine. For no reason that I could think of I found my eyes were full of
indignant tears. It was so small! I told Gill what had happened.
He shrugged his shoulders.
"They would have
done better to wire it up and suspend it in the air," was his comment.
"I'm getting hungry: shall we go?"
* * *
I took Gill to Mass and
then we ate a rather scrappy supper, everyone in the inn eager to be off to the
evening's festivities. There was to be a bullock roasted in the churchyard,
maybe two, and all you could eat for two pence. I was in two minds what to do.
Part of me couldn't get the images of that pathetic little pig out of my mind
and wanted to see him again, the other part knew that Gill would be bored and
unhappy if I dragged him round the fair again.
My dilemma was solved in
the most satisfactory way. One of the landlord's cronies came dashing into the
inn for a quick ale before the festivities started, grumbling that their best
tenor had dropped out of the part-singing with a sore throat.
"We'll just have to
cut out 'Autumn leaves like a young girl's hair' and 'See the silver moon.'
Pity: they're very popular. . . ."
From the corner by the
fire came a soft humming, then a very pleasant tenor voice started to sing the
descant from "Autumn Leaves." It was Gill; I had never heard him sing
before and my heart gave a sudden bump! of unalloyed pleasure.
Everyone turned to
"Can you do 'Silver
Moon'? 'The bells ring out'? 'Take my heart'?" and a half-dozen more I had
never heard of. Gill reassured the landlord's friend he knew all but two.
"Then you've saved us
all! You come alonga me, we'll slip into the church for a quick practice, then
you're part of our singers for tonight. No arguments: there'll be plenty to
drink and eat. Blind, are you? Pity, pity . . . Don't worry, we'll look after
you!" and he took Gill's arm and whisked him away before one could say
"knife." At first I was dubious, but one look at Gill's face
reassured me. It was full of animation: at last he had found something he could
do for himself, I realized, and wondered for a moment whether I was coddling
him too much. No man likes to be smothered, Mama used to say. . . .
Which left me free for
an hour or so. At first I pretended to myself that I was just going to have a
general look around, perhaps buy a ribbon or two, arrive at the barbecue in
time for some roast beef and then stay to listen to Gill sing, but my feet knew
a different route. Before long I found myself once more outside the
"Flying Pygge" tent listening to the showman's spiel. This time I
pushed my way to the front, determined to be near the stage. And the silly
thing was that I didn't know why, though there was a prickling in my ring that
told me that somehow it was important.
I stopped the speech in
mid-flow. "My penny, sir!"
He stopped and
glared at me, and I realized he had not yet reached his "special
reduction" bit. Blushing, I prepared to step back into the crowd, but he
recognized me, and seized on his opportunity.
"See how eager
this—this young lady is to see the show! Don't I remember you from this
I nodded.
"And you have come
back because you marveled at the show, never having seen its like before? And
you told all your friends about it, so I have had two more performances than
I nodded again.
Anything, but let's get a move on!
He beamed. "There's
your proof, then," he said to the rest. "Can't wait to see the
performance again . . . The young lady perhaps forgets that the price is two
copper coins, but I think that this time, as a special treat—and don't tell
your neighbors—I shall do as she suggests and reduce the entrance to just one
penny. . . ."
Once inside I rushed to
the front as if blown by a gale and clutched at the curtains. The showman
brought out the cage and far away in its depths I could see two sad little eyes
staring out, and a great shudder shake the small frame. "It's not fair,
it's not fair!" I thought angrily and, impelled by I knew not what, I bent
down while the showman had his back turned and ripped up a section of the
curtain nearest the bottom of the stage. Looking at the pig as he hung in the
showman's hands I willed him to see what I had done. All the while the ring on
my finger was pulsing like mad.
The pig was held on
high, then hurled towards the ceiling. Once more it appeared to rise a little,
then hover, but it was only an illusion, for down it came to land with a crash
and a whimper right in front of me—
I ripped up the rest of
the curtain, snatched the pig into my arms and, using surprise and my
considerable weight, carved my way through the astonished crowd and out into
the darkness. I could hear the howl of the showman behind and ran until there
were a couple of stalls between us. Then I set down the pig and gave it a
little shove.
"Now's your chance
to escape! Run, run away as fast as you can!"
But the stupid creature
wouldn't move. . . .
Chapter Twelve
I took a quick glance
behind. The crowd were still pouring out of the tent, getting tangled up with
the tent flaps, guy ropes and each other. I hesitated, then darted back and
picked up the creature from under the noses of our nearest pursuers and set off
once more. If the silly animal hadn't the sense it was born with—!
I ran in the direction
of the town, dodging between strollers, around trees and bushes, tents, wagons
and stalls until my heart was banging in my ears. I was wheezing like an old
woman and could hardly draw a breath. My feet felt like balls of fire and the
salty sweat was stinging my eyes till I could hardly see. Behind me I could
hear the thud of pursuing feet and cries of "Thief! Stop thief!"
Twice I tried to rid
myself of my burden but each time part of it became entangled with my clothing
some way or another, and I was scared to pull too hard lest I damage its
fragile wings. At one moment it felt as heavy as lead, at another as light as a
farthing loaf; it seemed to change shape with every step I took: now long and
thin, now short and fat; round, square, oblong—
"What the 'ell you doin'?"
Growch was dancing alongside. "Got the 'ole town after you . . ."
I panted. "Help me get away!"
He swerved off to one
side and a moment later I heard a loud crash. Risking a backward glance I saw
he had cannoned into a stall selling cooking pots; those that survived the fall
were rolling about on the grass, bringing some of my pursuers down. But not the
showman: he was in the van of about twelve yelling, shouting villagers. I then
saw a blackish blur run between his legs and bring him crashing to the ground,
also bringing down another who upturned a stall of fruit and vegetables in his
wake. The rest of the pursuers lost interest in the chase and began to fill
pockets and aprons with the spoils.
Slowing down I gained
the outer streets of the town and sought the temporary refuge of a deserted
doorway, panting, disheveled and exhausted, the pig-creature still clutched
beneath my arm. Growch came trotting down the alley, tail jaunty.
"Well, that stirred
'em up! What was you doin' anyway?"
"Tell you later . .
. Thanks, anyway. Let's get back to the inn."
I crept into the stable,
looking fearfully behind, and deposited the creature in the manger.
There was a long moment
of silence.
"W - e - l -
l," said Growch. "Don't look any better close to. What you want to
pinch that for?"
Mistral blew down her
nostrils then sniffed, trying to catch its scent. "Strange . . ."
"Those supposed to
be wings?" asked Traveler.
"Claaaws like mine
. . ." mused Basher, awake for once.
Indeed, its cloven
hooves did have tiny hooks embedded in the horn. Those must have been what
caught in my clothes when I tried to put it down earlier.
"What are you?"
I whispered, as if the whole world were asleep and the answer was a secret.
Was it a pig? The snout
seemed too long, the bum too high, the skin hairless. The backbone was knobbed
as though it hadn't eaten for ages and the tail had a little spade-like tip.
The ears were small, and then there were the wings. . . . Scarcely stretching
beyond the span of my hand, they were leathery like those of a bat, but without
the claw-like tips. He was stretching them out tentatively right now—there was
no doubt it was a he—but when folded they tucked away in a couple of pouches on
either side of his shoulders. It was a freak—
"I am a pig. At
least I think I am. . . . When I came out of the egg—"
He looked at me.
"Yes. Does not everything come from an egg?"
I didn't mink so. As far
as I knew horses, cows, sheep, dogs, cats, rats, mice, people and—yes—pigs were
born bloody and whole from their dams. But on the other hand hens, ducks,
birds, snakes, lizards, fish, frogs and toads laid eggs. But he wasn't one of
the latter. It was all very puzzling. Perhaps he was a new species.
"Some creatures
come from eggs," I said cautiously. "Are you absolutely sure you
"I remember being
in a tight place and fighting my way out with my nose. Then there was my mother
and my brothers and sisters; they were all pigs. But they picked me out and
sold me because of these things," and he nodded along his back to where
his wings were folded away. "A man said pigs do not have wings. Said I was
a freak. Called me not a pigling but a wimperling, because I cried so much when
they tried to stretch my wings. So I suppose that is what I am."
Wimperling?" I shook my head. "I'm afraid I've never heard of one of
those." It looked sadder than ever, its big brown eyes with the long
lashes seeming ready to shed tears any minute. "But I'm sure you're not on
your own," I added hastily.
"Thank you anyway
for rescuing me. I hope I shall not get you into trouble?"
I hope not, too, I
thought. Pig stealing was punishable by hanging. "Of course not. Er . . .
Now you are here is there anywhere I can take you? Drop you off?" I waited
for the dreaded word "south," like Mistral, Traveler, Basher and
Gill, but it didn't come.
Instead: "I do not
know where I belong. Nowhere I suppose. Perhaps I might travel with you a
while? I shall be no bother. And I eat anything and take up but little space. .
. ."
What could I say? After
all, I had stolen him from his owner, and so I was now responsible for his
well-being. But what about Gill? What would his reaction be when he learned I
had burdened us with yet another responsibility? And another thought: how long
would it be before they traced the stolen pig to me? After all, I was scarcely
invisible and there were plenty of people to remember.
First things first. I
must hide the little thing securely—from both the villagers and Gill. I made a
space under the manger behind our baggage.
"Just for tonight.
We'll be away early in the morning. Are you hungry?"
The Wimperling shook his
head, but Growch muttered: "Starving, I am. What about all that roast
beef?" and my stomach gave a growl of sympathy. I decided that my best cover
was to go out again, in my hooded cloak this time instead of the shawl, and try
and look as though I had been listening to Gill's singing all the time. Trying
to be insignificant was easier than I thought; everyone was so busy enjoying
themselves that no one gave me a second glance. Growch and I chewed the rather
tough meat—the roasted ox was down to skin and bone by the time we got
there—and I was able to listen to the last couple of songs, in which Gill
comported himself very creditably.
Afterwards Gill's
newfound friends escorted us back to the inn, roistering noisily. On the way I
heard a strange tale of a long-haired witch who, accompanied by a pack of
fierce hounds, had stolen a flying pig and rode up into the sky on him. . . .
"Wake me an hour before
dawn," I said to Mistral.
In any event I was awake
long before, spending most of the night tossing and turning, my snatched dreams
full of visions of the hooded hangman. We were away long before anyone else was
stirring. Gill, of course, had no idea it was still dark. Unfortunately it was
a damp, misty morning, threatening rain. The dropleted air smelled of wood
smoke, night soil, last night's bad ale and wet wool as we groped our way out
of the town, but once on the road again it was wet leaves, damp earth, the
complicated decay of December.
A fine, hazy rain
started to fall, too light yet to do anything but lie on top of everything like
an extra skin. Growch, as usual, grumbled like mad, but Mistral was easy,
plodding forward at walking pace, her load balanced so the tortoise and pigeon
were basketed on one side, the pig in a pannier on the other. I made sure Gill
walked on the former side.
I had bethought myself
the day before to renew our dry goods and buy more cheese, so we breakfasted by
a quick, small fire on gruel, oatcakes and honey. I dowsed the fire as soon as
the food was cooked, pleasant though it was, because I was still afeared of
pursuit. I had made extra oatcakes for our midday meal, to be eaten with the
cheese, and without thinking I handed them to Gill to tuck away under Mistral's
blankets while I finished scouring the cooking pot. There was a sudden sharp
squeal and a shout of anger.
"Summer! Come here.
. . ."
Oh no! I had thought to
get away with it a while longer. "Coming . . ."
"What is this?"
"What's what?"
"You know perfectly
well what I'm talking about—"
"Oh, that . .
"Yes, that!"
"Um. It's a pig.
Sort of. A very little pig. It'll be no trouble. . . ."
"And where did it
come from?"
"Er . . . the town.
Last night. It's come along for the ride."
"That's a
ridiculous thing to say, and you know it!" He frowned in my direction.
"As you're
determined on being flippant, I suppose you are now going to suggest to me that
it's another of your talking animals and that it stood by the roadside and
begged a lift? Tchaa!" he snorted. "Well, it can come right out of
there and—What's this?"
Damnation, hell and
perdition! He had been fumbling inside the pannier and he must have found—
"Where did you
get this animal?"
"I told you—"
"You stole it! This
is the creature we went to see yesterday afternoon, the one you told me had
wings! You were the 'witch' they were all talking about last night!"
I wanted to giggle: he
looked so—so silly, when he was angry, not at all like his usual handsome
self. More like a cross little boy.
"I didn't exactly steal
him; it was more of a rescue."
"Don't play with
words! Don't you realize this could be a hanging matter?" Suddenly he
looked scared. "And they might say I was aiding and abetting you—"
but my heart began to beat a little faster. I had never thought my deed might
involve anyone else.
The pig's head popped
out of the pannier like a puppet on cue. "I told you I don't want to be
any bother. Let me out and I'll—I'll just disappear. No bother . . ."
"You just stay
right where you are!" All this was beginning to make me quite angry.
"I said you could come with us and I meant it." I turned to Gill.
"This animal was being badly mistreated. If I had left it where it was it
would have died. After that stupid story about a witch, no one is going to come
after us. And as for anyone recognizing the animal, I'll—I'll make it a little
leather coat so you can't see the wings. Satisfied?"
He looked dumbfounded. I
had never shouted at him before. Growch sniggered. "All right, whatever
you say. But don't blame me if we get caught."
"I won't." I
shouldn't get the chance: everyone would be too busy blaming me.
We made damp progress
during the rest of the morning and ate our midday meal on the move. Only a few
weeks ago I hadn't been able to walk more than an hour without having to rest
for another; strange how easily one became accustomed to a different
life-style. Besides, it helped that I had lost at least a little weight; my
clothes no longer fitted as tightly as before and I didn't have to lever myself
up from the ground by hanging on to something. A small victory, perhaps, but it
did me the world of good.
Around three in the
afternoon it began to rain in earnest, the sort of rain that states its
intention of continuing for some time. We pulled off the road to shelter while
we donned our cloaks and I adjusted Mistral's load to give the animals maximum
protection; it also gave Growch the opportunity to shake himself all over us.
It was lucky we were off
the road, for Mistral pricked her ears and gave us warning of horsemen
approaching. We crowded back farther into the trees as six horsemen rode by,
looking neither to left nor right, mud splashing up from the horses' hooves to
mire the fluttering cloaks of the riders. They went by too fast for me to
recognize anyone and they were probably not seeking us at all, but their
appearance gave us all a nasty jolt.
Besides, even innocent
travelers were wary of sudden strangers, especially when they were as
unprotected as we were. Bandits, brigands, mercenaries were none of them averse
to slitting a quick throat and making off with the spoils and even opposing
armies had been known to break off the conflict for long enough to plunder a
caravan and share the spoils, then happily rejoin the conflict.
We waited for half an
hour before rejoining the road, just in case, and the downpour grew steadily
worse. We found we were plodding, head down, the freshening wind driving into
our faces and under our clothes till we were all as blind as Gill and soaked
through. There was little shelter to either side and I couldn't have lighted a
fire, so we just struggled forward, hoping against hope for a deserted hut, a
byre, anything at all we could use to get out of the wet.
To add to our misery
there came an unseasonal thunderstorm, lightning crackling down the sky with a
noise like ripped cloth and thunder bouncing along the road ahead of us. We
even seemed to be walking through the fires of hell, for the road by now was a
shallow lake with the rain, and the sheets and daggers of lightning were
reflected off it like a burnished shield, till I was almost blinded.
A bolt of lightning
split a tree off to our right and as I instinctively started back I thought I
could see a building just beyond the smoldering tree. Another flash lit up the
sky and yes! there was definitely something there. Grabbing Mistral's bridle
with one hand and Gill with the other I started to follow a narrow path that
seemed to lead in the right direction. As we drew nearer the building the storm
revealed it as a small castle built of stone, but there was no sign of life.
We ended up in front of
a massive oaken door studded with iron and with a huge ring set in one side. I
thumped on the wood and shouted: "Anyone there?" two or three times,
but there was no answer. I tried again with the same result, and at last,
greatly daring, twisted the iron ring. At first it was so stiff it would not
yield an inch, but when Gill lent a hand it slowly turned and the door, with
our weights behind it, juddered open a fraction.
"Once more," I
panted, and suddenly it swung wide with a loud groan. As I stepped forward into
the stuffy darkness I became aware of two things: my ring was burning like fire
and the pig was crying: "No, no, no! It's bad!"
Chapter Thirteen
Too late for any
warnings: we were in. The relief was so great that any trepidation I might have
had was canceled by the luxury of four walls and a roof. The place was dusty,
fusty, stuffy, but it was sheer heaven contrasted with outside. Obviously old
and untenanted, except probably by rats, mice and cockroaches, it nevertheless
must have once been a place of some consequence.
It was fashioned on the
old lines; a great hall on the ground floor with a fire in the center that
would have found its way through a hole in the roof, a raised dais at one end
for the lord and his guests to dine, and presumably outhouses for cooking and
stabling. There were turret stairs leading to two round towers I had noticed
from outside, but the stairs had collapsed and there was no way up. There was a
stairway at the back, but this led only to the chaos of storm-ridden
Our priorities were
warmth and food. There were plenty of crumbling sticks of furniture—tables,
stools, benches—so I soon had a brisk fire burning in the central fireplace,
unpacked Mistral and rubbed her down, plonked Gill down on a rickety stool near
enough the fire for his clothes to steam and hung our sodden cloaks to dry.
Deciding to feed the animals first, I gave the pigeon some grain and dashed out
in the rain again to pull up some grass for Mistral and the tortoise. I set out
some corn for the Wimperling, but he cowered under Mistral's belly, still
moaning about things being "Bad, bad!"
Growch, stretched out
beside the fire steaming gently and beginning to smell quite high in the
warmth, told him quite rudely to shut his trap.
I rummaged in our packs
for food, wishing I had had time to stock up better. There must be something. .
. . In the end I decided on an experiment. I had plenty of beans and grain, but
no time to soak the former. Perhaps the latter would yield to drastic
treatment. I put some pork fat in the cooking pot, heated it till it smoked,
then dropped in a handful of grain. The results were quite dramatic.
There was a moment's
pause and then the pot crackled, spat, popped, and grain cascaded everywhere,
all puffed up to three times its size or more. A lot sprang back into the fire,
more over the floor and I caught some in my apron. Too late I slammed the lid
on the pot. In the end I had a large bowlful of something crunchy and very
tasty. I devoured a handful then gave the rest to Gill, under protest from
"Mmmm," said
Gill. "Any more?"
The second and third lot
was much better because I remembered the lid. Not entirely filling, but
certainly better than nothing. I offered some to the Wimperling, hoping to
tempt him out of his terrors, but he wasn't having any.
"No, no, not here!
This place is bad. . . ."
yourself," I snapped, by now quite cross, more so because my ring was
still tingling and yet my sight and common sense told me there was nothing
wrong. The place was old, but it was empty of threat, I was convinced.
"Seems to be
getting colder, Summer," said Gill. He was actually shivering. Suddenly it
seemed also several degrees darker in the hall. Of course it would, I told
myself: it must be well after the set of a sun we had never seen; time to make
up the fire and settle down to a night's rest. I made up the fire, fetched out
the blankets, luckily only slightly damp, and wrapped myself up tight. I fell
into an uneasy sleep, waking every now and again almost choking with the smoke
that no longer found its exit in the roof, but was wreathing the hall with
bands and ribbons of greyish mist.
Growch and Gill were
snoring, but Mistral was restless, twitching her tail; the pigeon was still
awake, and so was the tortoise. There was no sign of the pig. I got up to
replenish the fire yet again, but it was no longer throwing out any heat. It
sulked and spat and burned yellow and blue around the wood, which smoldered but
would not catch. I lay down again but sharp cold rose from the flagstones
beneath me, making my bones ache. Flinging the blanket aside I grabbed Gill's
stool and hunched as near as I could to the fire, till my toes were almost in
the embers and the wool of my skirt smelled as though it were scorching, though
it was cool to the touch.
"May I join
I must be dreaming, I
thought. I could have sworn somebody spoke. I glanced around: nothing but
wreaths of smoke crowding the shadows. No one there except the animals, Gill
and myself. I kicked the fire, hoping for flame, but there was none. It must be
well after midnight—
"Greetings! May I
join you?"
I whirled around, my
heart beating like a drum. "Who—who's there?" It didn't sound like my
voice, all high and squeaky. In spite of the cold I could feel myself beginning
to sweat. Cautiously I slid my hand towards the bundles and luckily found a
candle almost at once. Lighting it in a stubbornly flameless fire was more
difficult, but the melting wax encouraged a quick flare. Holding the candle
high I stood up.
"I said: 'Who's
there?' "
"Only me. Sorry if
I gave you a fright." Whoever it was gave a little laugh as though he was
perfectly at home.
"Where are
"Here . . ."
The voice came from the
shadows on the other side of the fire, and now I thought I could see an
indistinct shape among the clouds of smoke that made me cough and squint.
"Do I have your
permission to join you?" From what I could make out the figure was small
and slight, not much taller than I was. What a strange question though:
presumably the place was as much his as ours; we were all trespassers.
"Are you
alone?" I asked.
"Alone? I am always
alone." Again that light, sneering laugh. "No one has visited this
place for a very long time. You must be the first for . . . oh, I suppose at
least fifteen years. Before that—Nice to see fresh faces. The last people here
were a band of robbers. Not very nice people. No culture . . ." The
figure came nearer, but the smoke made it seem blurred at the edges. "I
ask again: may I join you?"
Why this insistence upon
invitation? It was the fourth time. From the way he spoke—
"Is this your
place? Do you live here?"
He paused for a moment,
then laughed again. "This is my family home, yes. But I don't live here.
Not exactly. More visitor's rights, you might say."
"Then we are the
intruders. Please—" "make yourself at home" I was about to say,
but there was an agonized squeal from the shadows.
"No, no, no!"
cried the Wimperling. "Don't ask it in! Part of the spell! Bad, bad,
I felt him creep against
my skirts, and nudged him with my foot. "What spell? You're being stupid.
He has more right than us to be here. Just be quiet."
"Don't invite him
to join you—"
But this time I kicked
him quite hard, my irritation getting the better of me, and he scuttled away
into the shadows again, with a pitiful cry like a child's. I was instantly
sorry, of course, but turned my pity into a welcome for our visitor.
"You are most
welcome. Please come and join us."
Couldn't he see?
"My—my brother and our animals. They are all asleep. Except for the
I could have sworn he
hissed between his teeth. He moved forward, however, and now I could see him
more clearly.
To my surprise our
visitor was little more than a youth, perhaps a year younger than myself, with
the beginnings of a fluff of beard. He was fair, with unfashionably long hair
curling down to his thin shoulders, and likewise his clothes were unfamiliar. A
long tabard reaching to below his knees, complemented with old-fashioned
cross-gartered hose and set off with a short, dark cloak, fastened to one
shoulder with a gold pin. In his left ear he sported a gold earring, and there
were rings on his fingers and a twisted bracelet on his right arm. He carried,
of all things, a tasseled fly-whisk, which he waved in one languid hand.
I vacated my stool.
"Please . . ."
He smiled and sat down,
showing small, pointed teeth. "I thank you, fair damsel."
Unaccountably flurried,
I found a backless chair and joined him by the fire. We stared at one another
across the cold flames. I was shivering, but he seemed perfectly comfortable.
"You said this was
your family's home? Do you live nearby?"
"I regard this as
my home. Do you know any stories?"
I blinked at the change
of subject. "Why, yes, I suppose so. My mother was a great storyteller.
But first—"
"Nothing like a
good story to pass the time." He wriggled on the stool like an expectant
child. "I hope you have a great story to tell me." He stroked
his almost nonexistent beard. "A story is almost my favorite thing
in the world. . . ." Close to he was very, very pale, almost chalk-like,
the skin near transparent. Obviously he didn't get out much. Contrasted with
him, Gill and I looked disgustingly tanned and healthy. So far he made me feel
uneasy, uncomfortable: I couldn't say I liked him at all, but we were intruding
in his home, and I thought I should try and make myself agreeable.
"Would you like
something to eat? There isn't much, but—"
He turned on me a look
of fury. "What makes you think I am hungry for your disgusting
comestibles? Of what use are they save to make you better able to—Never mind. .
. ." With a visible effort, it seemed, he settled back on the stool and
gave another of those rather unpleasant sniggers. "Don't mind me; I am my
own company much of the time, and it makes me forget the social niceties."
He waved that absurd fly-whisk in front of his face. "Quite warm for the
time of year isn't it?"
As I was practically
freezing and it seemed to be getting colder and colder, I didn't know what to
say to this. I changed the subject.
"You said this was
your home?"
"I have lived here
all my life." He leaned forward and quite deliberately passed his thin,
white hands through the blue flicker of flame in the fireplace. I reached
forward to snatch at him, but the fingers were white and unmarked as before.
Suddenly I wanted to wake Gill, Growch, all of them. "Very fond of this
place I am," he mused.
"I am sorry we
intruded. I did call out. . . ."
"I heard you,
but—but I was some way away at the time. Don't apologize. You are more welcome
than you know. It is rare that I can welcome strangers these days. . . ."
He stroked his beard once more, once more came that disconcerting giggle.
"Of course in the old days this place was quite, quite, different. . .
A story was coming, I
was sure of it. His story. I leaned forward on the chair, my chin in my
hands, as I used to do when Mama had conjured up a fresh tale for my delight.
The stranger smiled,
showing those pointy teeth again. "The story starts many years ago—I am
enjoying this: it is many years also since I had the chance to tell it—when
the country was wilder and less civilized than it is now. It all began when a
great chief who had fought in many wars and gathered much plunder decided to
build for himself and his new wife (part of his booty) a home in which to
settle down and raise a family. He was now well into middle age and wearied of
battle." The stranger almost absent-mindedly passed his hands through the
flames again, and this time it seemed for a moment as though his thin, white
fingers were lapped in fire. "He chose this site, near the highway,
topping a small rise, surrounded by forest and near enough a stream for water.
He annexed a thousand acres of the forest for his hunting and set those slaves
he had captured to building this castle. By the time it was completed his
eldest son was nineteen, the second seventeen, the youngest . . ." For a
moment he hesitated. "The youngest near sixteen."
There was a movement at
my side: Gill had woken and was propped on his elbow, listening. Quickly I
explained what had happened. The stranger frowned petulantly: obviously he did
not care for interruptions.
"To continue . . .
The finished castle was furnished in the most exquisite way possible. The Lord
had brought with him hangings, gold, silver, silk, wool, carved chests of
sandalwood, pelts of wolf and bear, timber and pottery, all part of his
conquests, and his wife, children—even his servants—were dressed in the finest
of materials."
My eyes half-closed, I
could see it all: the splendor, the comfort, the ease of living . . .
"It seemed nothing
could ever mar this idyllic existence: a united family, devoted servants, a
fine home, but all was not as it seemed." He shifted on his stool, stroked
his wispy beard, flicked the fly-whisk, toyed with his earring. "From an
outsider's point of view the three sons were all their father could have wished
for. The eldest, tall and fair-haired like his father, was skilled at arms, a
womanizer and a prodigious quaffer of ale; the second son was dark like his
mother, merry and careless, with a fine singing voice. It was the third son who
was different. Outwardly unlike either parent, except for his father's fairness
and his mother's eyes, he was slighter, more refined in manner, a great reader
and penman. His ideas were in advance of his time; he wanted his father to
annex more land, build onto the castle, expand a common holding into a kingdom!
But his parents were not interested." He frowned. "They should have
known better. . . ."
I glanced around. All
the animals were awake too.
"His father's hairs
were grey now, and when he wasn't in the saddle with his falcons he was dozing
by the fire. The mother died of a low fever and the two eldest boys ran wild,
promising each other how they would enjoy life after their father's death,
filling the castle with wine, women and song! They laughed at the youngest son,
gibed at his bookish ways, his ineptitude at the hunt, his miserable showing
with the two-handed sword, his distaste for wenching, his lack of prospects as
the youngest. By law the estate should be divided between all three equally on
their father's demise, but he knew he had little chance of a fair deal with two
such brothers."
The stranger was still
scowling, now biting at his nails between sentences. He really was absorbed in
his story, I thought. The ring on my finger was now colder than I was. Biting
cold . . .
"The youngest son
smoldered with anger, with frustration, with contempt for his weak father, fear
of what would happen when his brothers inherited. It was as he feared. His
father was scarcely in his grave when the two eldest brothers filled the castle
with whores and roisterers. Week-long, month-long, they caroused and capered
till the air was thick with the stench of scorched meats, sour wine and stale
sex!" He rose to his feet and paced back and forth, the smoke from the
fire swirling round his fingers like an extra cloak. "Driven to near
madness, the youngest son consulted a witch, then sought certain plants in the
forest. Taking them up to the turret room where he spent his days he brewed and
distilled them until he had a vial of liquid the color of blood and clear as
wine. He tasted—Ach! Bitter! Too bitter to mix with anything. He added more
water, cloves, honey; much better.
"Waiting for
another night of feasting the youngest son crept down with the vial beneath his
cloak to join the revelry. He watched until the servants had been dismissed and
the eldest brothers were too drunk to notice his actions. He then proposed a
toast to a long life and a happy one, taking care to open a new bottle and add
his poison to the brew. It did not take long: within five minutes they were
slumped at the table, no longer breathing. The young man then went out to the
kitchens and stables and threw out the servants, not caring where they went.
Coming back into the hall he gloated over the bodies at the table, then
remembered his two young sisters, asleep in the other turret. Taking a knife he
crept up the stairs and cut their throats as they slept. It was like
slaughtering two suckling pigs. . . ."
I shivered, not from the
cold this time. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Gill had made a grimace
of distaste; he liked the story no better than I did. I liked even less the way
it was being told—there was a sort of gloating about the stranger that I found
"Coming back to the
hall the young man noticed with horror that one of the brothers was groaning.
Obviously diluting the poison had weakened it, so he took his brother by the
hair, tilted back his head and slit his throat. Then he did the same to the
other, just in case, and the bright blood spurted onto the linen cloth, quite
ruining it." He sounded more regretful of the spoiled napery than the
murders—I shivered again. I could swear that a fine mist was stealing through
the high slit windows of the hall and under the door, to thicken the smoke that
already seethed around us.
The young man reseated himself,
rubbing his hands together with a dry, whispery sound like the shuffle of dead
leaves. "A good story, don't you think?"
Gill sat up and rubbed
the sleep from his eyes. "And all this happened right here? Then I am
surprised it has not been pulled down long since! Such places are accursed! If
we had known . . ."
"But we didn't and
it has done us no harm," I said briskly, as much to convince myself as
him. "I presume the young man was taken and hanged for his crimes?"
"No, it was not at
all like that," said the stranger. "No one came near the place—the
servants were all gone, if you remember, and this place is very isolated—so the
young man's crimes went undiscovered. At first he delighted in the solitude,
the peace, but after a while the silence began to oppress him and he found he
was talking to himself, just to hear another voice. He even invented
conversations with the corpses at the table. . . ."
"They were still
there?" I queried, aghast. Something too terrible to name was nagging at
the back of my mind, but as yet I couldn't put a name to it. But when I did—
"Oh, yes. He left
them as they were, a reminder of his victory. As time went on and no one came
to investigate, he loosed the horses, hounds and falcons and the corpses were
chewed by rats till nothing but the lolling bones, strands of hair and scraps
of clothing were left." He sighed. "After a while even talking to the
dead began to pall, so the young man traveled to the nearest town, seeking
company. He had not eaten for weeks and he thought perhaps the lack of food had
made him transparent, for all passed him by as though he did not exist and none
answered his pleas for help. In the end he went back to his dead family, for
that was all he had left. After many years, at infrequent intervals, travelers—like
yourselves—sought shelter. Then the young man was happy, for he persuaded them
to tell him stories, tales to remember that he could hug to himself during the
long years when no one visited." And he hugged his arms around his knees,
much as that other young man must have done all those years ago.
"And the
bodies?" I asked, glancing about me fearfully.
"Oh, they
eventually crumbled into dust," said the stranger indifferently. "It
all happened over two hundred years ago. Even the bodies of the last travelers
are dust. . . ."
"The last
travelers?" said Gill sharply, while a rising panic threatened to choke
me. "Why did they not leave?"
"They didn't know
any stories," said the stranger discontentedly. "The young man wove
his spell about them, but still they didn't understand. He even offered to
break the chain that held them, let them out one by one, but they still
wouldn't play fair. So . . ." He fell silent.
"And so?"
prompted Gill, and in his voice I heard an echo of all the horrors that were
threatening to envelop me entirely.
"Eh? Oh, the usual
thing happened. When they found they couldn't escape they went mad. Killed each
other. The only exciting thing was betting on the survivor. Not that he ever
lasted long on his own . . ."
Gill rose to his feet.
"Then, with all these bloody murders, I'm surprised the place isn't
"Oh, but it
is," said the stranger. "It is haunted by the ghost of the youngest
son. He still waits here for those who have a tale to tell."
I could feel the hair
rising on my scalp. "Then—then why aren't you afraid?" I backed away,
my chair overturning with a crash.
"Afraid? Why should
I be afraid?" He smiled at us sweetly. "You see—I am the
Chapter Fourteen
I is impossible to
describe what happened in the next few moments. For one thing, I was too
frightened to do anything except open my mouth and yell; for another,
everything happened on top of itself.
I screamed, Gill fell
over something and brought me down with him, the animals panicked and yelled as
well and the stranger rushed round and round bleating trivialities like a
demented sheep. That made it worse. My expectant terror had anticipated that
he—It—would turn into something shrieking and gibbering, wearing a linen sheet,
dragging Its chains and blowing like the east wind through a fleshless mouth—
Instead he—It—seemed to
flow around us like the smoke from the fire, never touching us but making
little patting, placatory gestures, tut-tutting in that high, mellifluous
voice, soothing as if the terror I felt had an origin other than Itself. Apart
from Its outlandish dress, It looked disturbingly normal, capering around us
with Its senseless blandishments.
"No need to panic .
. . didn't mean to alarm you . . . all a joke really. Want to be friends . .
. you must stay awhile . . . don't run away . . ." It went on and on
till the whisperings were as thick in my ears and nose and mouth as the air I
breathed and I would have promised anything if it would just stop for a minute
and let me think. . . .
So this—this
creature—purported to be a two-hundred-year-old fratricide! This pale, frail
youth walking and talking like anyone else . . . No, it just wasn't believable.
It was a joke: in bad taste, to be sure, but still a joke. Well, I would call
Its bluff.
"That's a—" My
voice was coming out like a bat's squeak. I tried again. "That's a good
act of yours. . . ." Better. "I congratulate you. But perhaps if you
dressed differently, tried a few screams and howls, colored lights . . ."
It stopped rushing about
and looked at me doubtfully. "What do you mean? I can't change myself.
It's how I was—am! You don't like the story? I can't change that either."
It seemed really put out. "You want special effects? Well, perhaps I can
arrange some of those. Wait just a minute or two. . . ." and It turned and
walked up to the other end of the hall.
There was a violent
nudge at my ankle.
"Get away,
quick!" whispered the Wimperling. "Now's our chance!"
"What for? I want to
see what he's doing—"
"No, you
don't!" and this time he gave me a sharp nip. "If he weaves a strong
enough spell he can keep us here forever! Didn't you listen to his story?"
"Of course I did!
But he's not a real ghost; ghosts don't look like that. He's just a
storyteller, playing a game—"
"Game, my
arse!" growled Growch, shivering so hard his teeth clattered. "You've
lost yer senses of a sudden; let's go!"
I looked round at the
others. Mistral had backed away into a corner and the pigeon and the tortoise
had hidden their heads. I suddenly felt betrayed by them all. Even Gill looked
disturbed, afraid, but I knew there was no harm in the youth: how could there
be? All I wanted was to see what It would do next. Even my accursed ring was
hurting so much I wanted to tear it off.
All right: if I couldn't
have my fun, then I would teach them all a lesson! Striding over to the horse
with the blankets over my arm, I rolled and stowed them, snapped shut the cages
that held Basher and Traveler and fetched the cooking pot and slung it over the
other goods. Lucky I hadn't unpacked all our gear. If I'd had to start at the
beginning my temper would have gotten even worse.
Running over to the door
I flung it open with a crash, letting in a howling gale and lashing rain.
"You are scared
shitless? You want to go out in that? Then go, and good riddance! Me, I'm
staying here."
They cowered away from
me as though I had struck them, all save the Wimperling. He stood his ground.
"We're not going
without you," he insisted. "But don't you see what danger
you're in? There is no more substance to that—that Thing than the
shadows which surround him!"
"Rubbish!" I
snapped, and went back over to Gill, still standing by the cold fire, moving
his blind head from side to side like a wounded animal.
"Summer? Is that
you? What's going on?"
"I'm here. . .
." I took his hand, if possible even colder than mine and clammy with
fear. "Don't worry; there's nothing to be scared of. The stranger has
promised us some magic. Special effects, he said. Ah, it looks as though they
are starting now."
Beyond us, on the dais
where once the high table had stood, came a reddish glow. I moved down the
room, dragging the reluctant knight with me, and out of the incandescence I
could hear the high, mannered voice of the stranger.
"Come nearer,
nearer! That's it, right at the front. No, you won't need that candle. . . .
Now, watch!" It sounded just like a showman at a fair.
As I stared at the red
light, which shifted and swayed like smoke, now brighter, now dimmer, I thought
I could discern the outlines of a table, a bench, shadowy figures seated in
front of dishes and goblets.
"Closer . . ."
urged the voice, now almost in my ears. The smoky dimness swirled back like a
curtain and everything became clearer. There was no sound and the outlines
wavered now and again like wind on a tapestry, but I could see distinctly two
men seated at the table, obviously enjoying the remnants of a feast. A silent
carousal, I nevertheless added imagined sounds to myself. They chewed at lumps
of meat, quaffed their wine, tossed back their heads and laughed, clapped one
another on the shoulder. They both seemed to be dressed in the same quaint way
as the stranger, but their outlines were so changeable it was difficult to be
"Not perfect,"
said the languid voice in my ear, "but memory is not infallible. Watch
this: enter the villain!"
Behind the two men I saw
the stranger, a flagon of wine in one hand, a vial in the other. He was as
insubstantial as the others but I saw part of the story he had told enacted
before my credulous eyes. The vial was tipped into the flagon, the men drank a
toast and then their heads sank to the table as though they were asleep, and
the stranger tiptoed away with a silent giggle. The wavering picture remained
thus for a minute or two and I explained to Gill what I had seen.
"It's very
clever," I said. "I don't know how he does it!"
"I don't like
it," muttered Gill. "Please can we go?"
"It's pitch-black,
blowing a gale and raining torrents outside," I said. "Besides, I
want to watch. . . ."
The men in the illusion
were very still, but then one of them moved a little, choked, flung out an arm.
The figure of the stranger appeared again, but this time he carried a knife, a
knife that already dripped blood. A hand came out, plucked at the hair of the
man who had moved, jerked back his head until the throat was stretched tight, and
then slit it from ear to ear. At first a thin beaded seam where the knife had
entered and then a great gush of blood that fountained across the table—The
stranger turned to the second man—
"No, no!" I
screamed. "I believe you, I believe you!"
I pulled at Gill's hand,
my heart thumping, and turned to run, but now, between us and the open door at
the other end of the hall, stood the grinning figure of the stranger, the
murderous ghost, knife still in hand, and now he seemed of a sudden more
substantial than anything else around us. Even the animals huddled by the door
were assuming a dim and cloudy aspect, seeming to have lost their colors like
well-leached cloth.
It smiled that
sickly-sweet smile at us again. "Well, I gave you your special effects:
did you like them? You must admit I have played my part: now it is your
turn to entertain me." The last words were as sharp and
threatening as the knife he carried.
"Let us go, we
haven't harmed you. . . ." Why, oh why, hadn't I listened to the
"You haven't done
me any good, either! That illusion-making takes it out of me." The tone
was as sulky and whining as a child's. "Tell me a story, you promised me a
story. Lots of stories! I'll let you go when you have told me a story—if I like
it, that is. If I haven't heard it before." He moved closer, tossing the
knife in the air and catching it. "Come on, we haven't got all night. . .
I backed away, still
clutching Gill's arm, looking desperately for a way to escape, but the ghost
was still between us and safety, and now he seemed to be taller, broader than
before. I fetched up against the wall, sidestepped and seemed to find another I
couldn't see, only feel—like cushioned stone. I moved the other way and there
was another barrier. It seemed as though we were surrounded—was this what the
Wimperling had warned me against? Was this the invisible "chain" that
had trapped all others who visited the hellish place? There was only one thing
for it.
"Just one story and
you will let us go?"
"If I like it well
"What—what kind of
"Oh, knights and
ladies, witches and dragons, giants and ogres, shipwrecks and sea monsters,
spells and counter-spells—Heaven and Hell and the Four Winds!"
Up until that very
moment I had known dozens of tales; ones my mother had told me, stories from
the Bible the priest told us, tales we had heard on our travels, ones I made up
for myself (the largest amount). I could have sworn that with a minute or two's
thought I could spin a yarn to satisfy any critic, but all of a sudden my mind
was completely empty. I couldn't even summon up the magic formula that started
all stories, that first thread drawn from the spinning wheel that has all else
following without thought.
"Well? Why haven't
you begun?"
"I—I . . ."
"Get on with it! I warn
you, I'm beginning to lose my patience! You're just like all the others: no
fun. . . ." The voice managed at the same time to be both petulant and
menacing. "'Once upon a time . . .'"
That was it! I looked
once more at the ghost, who had stretched and expanded until his head nearly
touched the beams overhead, a thin wraith like a plume of colored smoke, a
genie escaping its lamp. I opened my mouth to start, hoping now that the rest
would follow. My ring throbbed mercilessly.
"No!" It was
another voice, a small voice but one made sharp and decisive by some sudden
determination. It didn't sound like the Wimperling at all. "He'll have you
if you do! Don't say another word. Just get ready to run. . . ." And with
that I saw the most extraordinary sight.
A roundish object
suddenly launched itself like a boulder from a catapult. As it reached a height
of a couple of feet from the ground it seemed to waver for a moment, then there
was a snap! and a crack! like a pennon flapping in a gale, and wings sprouted
on either side, a nose pointed forward, a tail balanced back, and the pig rose
to ten, twelve feet in the air and then, yelling like a banshee, swooped down
and passed right through the ghost's body, just where its stomach would
The ghost-thing wavered
and twisted and began to thicken and shrink back to its normal size, but where
the Wimperling had flown through there was a great gaping hole, a sudden window
through which everything once more looked clear and sharp. But the hole was
beginning to close up again, to heal itself even as I dragged Gill forward.
Then was a buzzing above our heads like a thousand bluebottles and the
Wimperling zoomed above our heads, yelling: "I'm going to try it again,
but my strength is failing. . . . As I go through, run for your lives!"
He arrowed down once
more on the now normal-sized figure and as his flailing wings beat aside the
trails and tatters of vapor that made up the creature, Gill and I ran
hand-in-hand right through what remained. For one heart-stopping moment there
was resistance, a sudden darkness, a frightful stench, then we were near the
open door. Now the darkness was only that of night; the resistance, the wind;
the smell that of rain. Never had I been so glad to face a storm before!
I grabbed Mistral's
bridle with my free hand and we all ran down the path away from the castle,
unheeding of dark and wind and rain. Some fifty yards away I stopped and
counted heads.
"Oh, God! Where's
the Wimperling? He must be . . . Wait there, the rest of you!" and I ran
back to the castle door, my heart thumping with renewed terror. Growch, to do
him credit, was right at my heels. I stepped into the hall and there was the
ghost, still gathering pieces of itself together, gibbering and mouthing threats;
there, too, was the little pig, trying vainly to drag its battered body towards
the door. Growch hesitated only a moment then rushed forward, barking and
snapping hysterically. Seizing my chance I dashed forwards, snatched up the
pig, tucked him under my arm and, shouting to Growch to follow, escaped down
the path once more.
As we moved off into the
storm we could hear a wailing cry behind us, full of reproach and self-pity.
"Come back, come
back! I wouldn't have hurt you. . . . all I wanted was a story!"
* * *
After that it was hard
going, for all of us. The weather cleared for a while after that dreadful
night, but the Wimperling lay for days in his pannier in a sort of coma, hardly
eating anything. Tenderly I greased his sore wings and saved the choicest pieces
of food, and gradually he started to pick up. Gill, however, caught a chill and
could not shake it off; night after night I heard his cough get worse. Mistral,
too, coughed and shivered; Basher the tortoise retreated into his shell and
refused to eat, and Traveler's wing wouldn't heal. As for me, my stomach and
bowels churned for days and I had to keep dashing off the road to find a
convenient bush.
The weather grew
steadily colder, with a biting east wind that snapped at our faces, bit at our
heels, snatched at our clothes and blew a scud of leaves and grit into the
food. The fires wouldn't light and if they did the hot embers scattered and
threatened to set fire to everything. To add to our miseries, we seemed to have
lost our way. All the roads were mere tracks between villages, and however much
we asked for directions south and followed the road indicated, we still twisted
and turned until, as often as not, we ended up facing north again.
The lodgings and food we
found were poor and mean, and we were charged far too much: they knew, of
course, that we had no choice but to pay what they asked. I began to think we
were accursed, except that the ring on my finger was quiet—never again would I
ignore its warning—and that of course Gill and I had made confession as soon as
we could and been absolved. But the days themselves ceased to have individual
meaning, apart from the labels of the Saint's days as we passed through various
villages: Barbara, Nicholas, Andrew, Lucy, Thomas . . .
After a particularly hard
day—we hadn't seen a village for forty-eight hours and were on short
rations—and five hours, walking without rest, it started to snow. Just the odd
flake floating prettily down, but the sky above held a grey cloak that was
gradually spreading from the northeast and the air smelled of cold iron. I
shuddered to think what might happen if we were caught without cover; we had
escaped any heavy falls so far south, but that searing east wind canceled any
advantage of distance.
But it seemed our luck
had at last turned, for the next twist in the road revealed below us what
seemed like a fair-sized town, with at least five or six streets, a large
square and two churches. For the first time in days I could feel my cold face
stretching into a smile.
"Warm lodgings and
a fair supper tonight, for a change! Come on, it's downhill all the way. . .
By the time we reached
the outskirts the snow was falling with that unhurrying steadiness that meant
that, like an uninvited relation, it was here to stay. Because of the weather
there were few folk around; those that were were engaged on last-minute
precautions: putting up shutters, stabling beasts, hurrying home with a bundle
of kindling or a couple of pies. We enquired for an inn, but the first we found
was closed for the winter, as we were informed by the slatternly girl who
answered my knock, slamming the door in my face before I could ask for further
The snow was now so
thick that we found the square by luck only; I caught at the sleeve of a man
hurrying past with a capon under his arm and a sack over his head for
"An inn, good
He paused for a moment,
blinking the snow from his eyelashes, then pointed to the other side of the
square, gave us a left and a right and a left. "Martlet and Swan," he
said and was gone, swallowed by the swirling snow.
Now we were the only
ones moving in a world of white. We found the first turning right enough, but I
had a feeling we had missed the second. I could scarce see more than a few
yards; the snow was clogging our footsteps and weighting our clothes. I took a
last left turn, but it seemed as though we were right on the outskirts of town
again. I was just about to turn and retrace our steps, knock at the first door
that would open to us, when I caught sight of the inn sign swinging above my
head. Snow had already obliterated most of the sign, but I could make out the
"M-A" of the Martlet and the "S" of Swan, so I knew we were
on the right road.
It was larger than the
inns we had frequented so far. Double-fronted, the door was locked and barred
and there were no lights to be seen. I knocked twice, but there was no answer.
On the right, however, the gates were open onto a cobbled yard. We passed under
the archway into lights, bustle, activity. On the far side a wagon had just
been unloaded and was now being tipped against the snow, while its cargo of
sacks was being hurried into shelter. Two steaming draft horses were being led
into stables on the right, and buckets of water were sluicing down the cobbles.
To our left the door was open onto firelight and the enticing smells of food.
Everyone was too busy to
notice us, until I spied out the man who seemed to be directing operations, a
well-fed man with a long, furred cloak and red hair, on which the snow melted
as soon as it touched. I went over and tugged at his sleeve.
"Sir! Sir? You have
lodgings and stabling for the night? For myself, my brother and the animals . .
The face he turned
towards me had a pleasant, lived-in look, but he seemed to be puzzled.
"Why, yes."
Quickly I explained how I had been directed here. "And I saw the sign
outside—only a couple of letters, but it was obviously the right place. You
aren't full up, are you? I'm afraid my brother is not at all well, and we are
cold and hungry. . . . If you are, perhaps you could direct us somewhere else,
but . . ." Then I am afraid I started to cry. I couldn't help it. It had
been a long, hard, frustrating time since we had fled the castle and the ghost.
He looked at me for a
moment longer, then he smiled, a full, heartwarming smile. "Never let it
be said . . . Come on, let's look at that sign of mine." Hurrying me out
into the street, he gazed up at the nearly covered letters. "'Martlet and
Swan' . . . Dear me: I must get that cleared. No matter, little lady: you found
me." And he smiled again, and I knew we were home.
Before I knew what was
happening, and with the minimum of direction from the landlord, Gill, his
blindness noted, was being led away towards that enticing open door, and I,
having insisted, was bedding down the animals with the help of the young stable
boy. A rubdown and unloading for Mistral, followed by bran-mash; sleeping
Basher tucked away in his box under the manger. Grain for Traveler and the run
of the stall. Chopped vegetables and gruel for the Wimperling and a large bone
for Growch: everything I asked for, diffidently enough, appeared as if by
magic. But then the inn was obviously not full: Mistral had a commodious closed
stall to herself, and there were only the draft horses and a brown palfrey to
occupy the rest of the large stables.
The stable boy lighted
me over to the side door, now closed, after fastening the yard gates and
bolting them. He was obviously glad to be back in the inn, and after a dazzled
look around the large kitchen in which I found myself I agreed with him
It was the largest
kitchen I had ever seen, stretching the length of the stables which matched it
across the yard. And there were two fires; one obviously incorporating
some kind of oven, the other a large spit. Two long tables, one for preparation
of food, the other for serving. Cupboards and shelves full of pots and
crockery, long sinks for scouring and cleaning, wood stacked waist-high,
clothes drying on racks, herbs, onions and garlic swinging gently from strings,
hams and bacon hanging from hooks in the smoke-blackened ceiling, baskets of
eggs and vegetables, jars of pickles, preserves and dried fruits . . .
And everyone merry and
busy, not a long face or laggard step among them. And the nose-tickling smells
. . . My mouth was watering as I followed a beckoning finger and found, behind
a hastily slung screen, Gill immersed in a large tub of hot water.
"You all
He couldn't answer, for
at that moment one of the giggling maids who were scrubbing him put a cloth
across his mouth, but he looked happy enough. The landlord poked his head
behind the curtain.
"I thought it was
the quickest way to warm him up. He'll feel better with the grime of the road
away, too. You're next."
No arguments, I noticed.
A moment later my clothes were taken away to be washed and I was relaxing in
the hot, herb-scented water, my hair combed and rinsed. A brisk rubbing in
warmed towels and someone handed me a clean shift and wrapped me in a blanket,
shoving my feet into felt slippers a size too large.
I looked around for
Gill, but he had evidently preceded me, for by the time one of the servants had
ushered me into a parlor at the front of the house, he was already tucking into
a bowl of thick vegetable soup. A small round table in front of a blazing fire
was laid with linen, bread platters, spoons and knives. I sat down and was
instantly served. As I supped I gazed around the comfortable room. Red tiles on
the floor, shuttered window, tapestry, huge sideboard decked with pewter and
silver, linen chest, a rack of wine . . . What a strange inn!
Hot baths, clothes
washed, expensive surroundings—I hoped to God my purse would cover the cost!
And where were the other guests? True, there was a third place laid at the
table: we should have to wait and see. I must discuss terms with the cheerful
landlord as soon as possible. I finished my broth and the bowl was whipped
away, to be replaced by steaming venison-and-hare pasties, the juice soaking
into the bread platter beneath. A pewter goblet of wine appeared at my elbow as
I leaned over to cut Gill's pasty and guide his fingers.
"May I join
you?" It was our host, changed into a crimson wool robe and a white
undershirt, his feet in rabbit's-wool slippers. He should never wear
that shade of red with his color hair, I thought abstractedly, even as I
welcomed and thanked him for his excellent hospitality. I had better tackle him
straightaway, I thought, even as fruit tarts and cheese were placed on the
table. He gave me the opening I needed. "I trust everything is to your
"Everything is just
fine, sir, and we are most grateful, but I am afraid we cannot afford—"
He frowned, then smiled.
"I had forgot. Perhaps I had better explain. That notice, so helpfully
cloaked by the snow, does not read 'Martlet and Swan', but rather 'Matthew
Spicer, Merchant.' The inn is two roads away, I'm afraid, but the natural
mistake has given me the opportunity to enjoy your company. As my guests,
naturally, so no more talk of money, little lady!"
Chapter Fifteen
Those weeks we spent in
Matthew's house were like another world to me. Not only were we cosseted, fed,
warm, entertained and cared for—we were safe. We had only been on the
road some seven weeks or so, and yet it seemed to me that I had spent an
eternity footsore, usually hungry and cold and always anxious. Not anxious for
myself so much as the others. And to have that burden of responsibility taken,
however temporarily, from my shoulders was like shucking off a load of wood I
had carried, and immediately feeling I could bounce as high as the trees.
My mother had taught me
a trick when I was little; lean hard against a wall, pressing one arm and
shoulder as tight as I could. Count to a hundred then stand away from the wall.
Your arm rises up of its own accord, like magic! I felt like that released arm.
Of course on that first
evening there was a lot of explaining to do. At first I had felt like grabbing
Gill's arm and rushing out into the night, so embarrassed was I at mistaking a
rich merchant's house for an inn, but our host soon made us feel at home.
"A natural mistake,
little lady, in all that confusing snow! And what would you have done in my
place? Confronted by a damsel in distress, what could any Christian do but take
her and her brother in?" He chuckled. "Besides, the servants tell me
it is getting thicker by the moment out there. Six inches settled already, and
by morning it will be two or three feet. No, it was Providence that brought you
to my door, I'm convinced, and Preference will keep you here! But of
course," he added hastily, "if after a while you tire of my
hospitality, you are perfectly free to go elsewhere."
"But we cannot
impose on you like this! You must allow me to—"
"Now you're not
going to spoil our new acquaintanceship by talking about money, I hope! Money
is one thing I don't need. Companionship I do. As a widower without family I
find I do not make friends easily, and strangers such as yourselves will give
me an interest to take me out of my usual dull routine. So, you will be doing me
the favor by staying for a while. . . . Ah, mulled ale! Just what we
It was piping hot,
redolent with cloves, cinnamon and ginger. I stretched out towards the fire,
dazed with heat and food and drink. I hadn't felt as good as far back as I
could remember—in fact since before my mother died, when we had stoked up the
fire, told stories and eaten honey cakes, while the wolf wind of winter had
howled down the chimney and keened under the door, making the sparks at the
back of the chimney glow into patterns among the soot.
"Perhaps for a day
or two, then . . ." I said weakly. He had sounded as though he
meant it.
Gill was seized with a
fit of coughing and clenched his fist against his chest with a look of pain. I
leaned over and rubbed his back but the merchant went into action at once.
"Time we got your
brother to bed. That cough sounds bad. Tomorrow we shall engage a doctor, snow
or no snow."
He led us up a winding
stair to the next floor and pointed to the left. "That is the solar. And
here . . ." to the right: "the bedroom."
It was a lone,
commodious chamber, strewn with rushes, hung with tapestries, dominated by a
huge bed that would have slept six with ease. A huge fire burned in the hearth;
candles were glimmering on a table by the fire and on two blanket chests
against the walls. Two heavily carved chairs stood on either side of the
fireplace and a series of hooks on one wall provided hanging space for clothes.
Between the two shuttered windows was a small prie-dieu. A low archway
at the far end was protected by a curtain.
"For washing and
the usual offices," said the merchant, following my gaze. "I shall
show your brother. Come, sir," and he led him away.
I moved over to the bed
but let out a stifled gasp as I saw the covers move, and a moment or two
afterwards a naked man and woman slipped from beneath the covers and
unselfconsciously donned the clothes they had left on the floor. The woman
bobbed a curtsy.
"I believe the
chill is off the sheets now, mistress, but a maid will be up in a minute or two
to renew the hot bricks. . . ." and with that the pair of them disappeared
downstairs, leaving me open-mouthed. What luxury! Was this the way it was done
among the rich? Come to think of it, many times at night my mother had insisted
I retire first "to warm up the bed for my old bones. . . ." A maid
scurried in with hot bricks wrapped with flannel, which she exchanged for those
that must have already cooled. The bed looked very inviting, piled high as it
was with furs.
The merchant came back
with Gill, now shivering. "Into bed at once. Shall we put him on this
side? No, I think it better if he is in the middle, then with you and me on
either side he will keep warmer." He helped Gill under the covers and
slipped into bed beside him. He nodded at the curtained recess. "Take a
candle with you, little lady," and I headed for the garde-robe.
When I returned another
maid was handing Gill a posset; she waited till he drank it then snuffed all
the candles but two slow burners, in case we needed to relieve ourselves during
the night. She bobbed away, but I hesitated. I knew it was the custom for a
host and his lady to share their bed with guests, but even in the ill-assorted
places in which Gill and I had slept we had never shared a pallet. In the open
we had slept with more intimacy, but the animals had been there too. . . .
Matthew Spicer propped
himself on his elbow. "Something the matter?"
"Er . . . No. That
is . . . I think I'll just stay here by the fire for a while. I—I'm really not
"Nonsense, young
lady! You've been yawning and blinking for the past two hours!" He
scrambled out of bed and came over to me, the long night-shift flapping round
his ankles. "It's something I've done, isn't it? Or not done . . . Tell
me." For a successful merchant, he had the least self-confidence I had
ever seen. But perhaps women made him nervous. Mama had always said that men
like that were a pain to begin with but sometimes made the best lovers.
"No, no! You've
been kindness itself. It's just that—" I glanced over to the bed: Gill was
snoring softly. "You see, even at home I never shared a bed with my
brother, and on our travels I slept separately also. I have never shared
sleeping space with a man. Perhaps I'm being silly, but—"
He struck his forehead
with the palm of his hand. "Of course, of course! Being a widower I don't
have someone to remind me of the niceties. Come to think of it, if we had
people staying overnight they were always married couples who shared. Since
then all my guests have been men. Do forgive me! I shall have a pallet made up
for you immediately. I—Whatever in the world is that?"
"That" was
He must have escaped
from the stables and somehow infiltrated into the kitchen, for in his mouth was
a large piece of pastry. He was soaking wet and smelled like a midden, but he
rushed to my side and sat on my feet, growling softly through the pasty, his
eyes swiveling from me to the merchant, the servants who were in pursuit, and
back again.
He "spoke"
through his full mouth. "Found you! What's goin' on then?"
"Nothing is 'going
on'! You've no right up here! Why couldn't you stay where you were put?"
To Master Spicer: "I'm sorry. It's my—our dog. I left him in the stables,
but he's been spoiled, I'm afraid, and is not used to being on his own."
To Growch I added furiously: "Just get back to the stables right now, and
behave yourself!"
"No way! Needs
lookin' after, you does. . . ." He belched, having swallowed the pastry
whole. "My place is with you." I could see him eyeing the fire
greedily. "Never tell what mischief you'll get into without me. No, here I
am, and here I'll stay." He looked up at me through his tangle of hair.
"Send me back down there again and I'll howl all night, full strength.
Keep yer all awake . . . Promise!"
I turned to the merchant
apologetically—my exchange with Growch had taken no more than a couple of
silent seconds. "I'm sorry if he has been a nuisance. May he stay up here
for tonight? I'll—I'll make some other arrangement tomorrow."
He considered. "I
have no objection, though in the morning he might reconsider his decision. I
happen to share the house with a rather large cat. . . ." He smiled.
"Saffron will sort him out. In the meantime he could do with a bath. While
they make up your bed."
No sooner said than
done. Up came a large tub, in went Growch, and by the time his outraged
grumbles had subsided, the bed was made up and he was clean and combed—probably
for the first time in his short life. In the meanwhile Matthew Spicer sent for
more wine and little spiced biscuits and we sat by the fire together. He didn't
ask any questions, but I decided I had better tell him our names and our story.
Not the real one of course: I used the one I had told everyone so far, but this
time I killed off our parents and for some reason didn't mention my
"affianced," or the dowry.
"You have had a
hard time, Mistress Somerdai. That is a pretty name, by the way: most unusual.
If I may say so, it suits you. . . . I see your bed is made up. We shall
talk further in the morning."
Shyly I knelt before the
prie-dieu to give hearty thanks for the temporary haven we had found,
then cuddled down in the pallet by the fire. I lay awake for a while, tired
though I was, listening to the gentle contrapuntal snores from the bed, and the
occasional stifled cough from Gill. There was a soft flumph! from
outside as a load of snow slid off the roof to the yard below. The fire
crackled pleasantly but there was another, less endearing sound: Growch was
scratching his ears, flap-flap-flap, and snorting into his coat as he chased
fleas made lively by the heat. It seemed a bath wasn't enough.
I raised myself on one
elbow, my head swimming with the need for sleep. By the light from the
night-candle and the fire I could see that my scrawny little black dog was
black no longer. He looked half as big again, now his cleaned coat had fluffed
out—though nothing could lengthen those diminutive legs—and he was not only
black, but tan and brown and grey and ginger and white also.
He sneezed six times.
"Can't you stop
He glared at me from
under a fuzzy fringe. "Sneeze or scratch?"
"Listen 'ere . . .
Never mind. All I can say is, if'n you 'ad these little buggers chasin' around,
you'd scratch."
"You wanted to be
beside the fire! And don't pretend it was all concern for my welfare, 'cos it
wasn't! Anyway, why the sneezing? Caught a chill from the unexpected
"Nar . . . Stuff
they washed me in: smell like an effin' whore, I do."
* * *
In the morning Gill was
definitely worse, tossing and turning in a fever, his cough hard and painful.
Matthew Spicer shook his head. "He needs treatment right away." He
flung open the shutters: snow was still falling. He closed them again, and
shook his head. "Don't worry; one of the servants will get through."
Up and dressed—my
clothes returned clean, mended, pressed—I slipped across the cleared yard to
the stables. The others were fine; Mistral had been given fresh hay, Basher was
still asleep, and I found grain in the bins for Traveler. The Wimperling's nose
peeped out from a nest he had made for himself.
"Everything all
I told him about Gill,
and the merchant sending for treatment.
"Don't let him
bleed the knight; he needs all his blood." I wondered what on earth he
knew of doctoring, but let it pass. After all, he had been right before.
"Are you
"A little grain
will do. I've had a nibble of hay already."
"apothecary" arrived an hour or so later, in a litter. I don't know
what I had expected, but it was certainly not the small, scrunched-up man with
the brown skin, hooked nose and black eyes whose candle-lit shadow on the
stairs was the first I saw of him. The stooping silhouette with the grotesque
reaping-hook nose at first made me cross myself in superstitious fear, but face
to face there was nothing to alarm, quite the reverse. The black eyes sparkled
with a keen intelligence, the mouth curved easily into a smile and the thin,
hunched shoulders and long, clever fingers emphasised everything he said: a
shrug of the body, a wave of the hands more expressive than mere words. These
he spoke with a heavily accented touch, at first a little difficult to follow.
Matthew Spicer introduced
him with pride. "My friend Suleiman, who comes from the East and
specializes in many things, including medicine. We have worked together for
many years. He has for a long time been my agent in Araby, but now he has been
caught by the weather, providentially for us, I might add! I know of his
healing powers and salves of old, and he has consented to treat your brother,
Mistress Somerdai." He noted my expression of doubt—so did the visitor.
"You couldn't do better, I assure you!"
This was soon evident,
at least in Suleiman's meticulous examination of Gill. The Arab first
questioned his patient thoroughly, asking for all the symptoms, their duration
and severity, before he even touched his body. Then he felt his forehead,
looked in his eyes and ears with a little glass, put a spatula in his mouth and
peered down his throat, then counted the pulse at his wrist.
He glanced up at me.
"Your brother has a high fever; to bring this down is our first priority,
but first we must find the seat of it. I believe it is in the chest, and I
shall now listen to this."
"How?" I was
by now too interested for politeness.
"Watch." From
the folds of his capacious red robes he brought forth a metal object shaped
like a Madonna lily with a hollow, twisted stem. He held it out to me.
"Copied from the horn of a rare antelope in the sands of the desert."
He held a silver cup to Gill's mouth and asked him to cough, looking gravely at
the sputum. "Too thick . . ." Then he placed the wide end of the
metal object on Gill's chest, the thin end in his own ear, and listened
intently. Repeating this on various parts of the knight's chest, he asked him
to sit up and repeated the process on his back. He then beckoned to me.
"Do as I did and listen; make sure the instrument is firmly against his
At first all I could
hear was a shush-beat, shush-beat which I realized must be the heart, then as
Gill breathed in there was a gurgling wheezy noise, as he breathed out a
whistling bubble. Incredible!
Master Suleiman took the
instrument from me and held it to his own chest. "Listen to the
difference. . . ." The steady heartbeat, somewhat slower, but no wheezing,
no whistling. "You understand? Your brother has a deep infection in the
lungs, hampering his breathing: it is almost as though he drowns in the ill
humours that have gathered. So, we can only cure the fever by eradicating its
cause: the lung infection. I shall return to my rooms and prepare certain
"You're not going
to bleed him, then?" I blurted out, remembering what the Wimperling had
He shot me a sharp
glance from under dark brows. "Sounds as though you are no friend to
"A—a friend of mine
. . . He says it takes away your strength."
"Perfectly correct.
I sometimes wish we had a method to pump blood in instead of taking it out."
He looked over at Gill, manfully trying to stifle another bout of coughing.
"We'll soon ease that. . . . Keep my patient warm, no solid food, plenty
of drinks. I shall prepare herbs to be steamed over water on a low boil, to
soften the air he breathes in here. Please see the fire does not smoke too
much. I shall also prepare an expectorant, a potion to reduce the fever and a
sleeping draught."
For once I didn't think
of cost: whatever he needed, Gill must have. "Will . . . will he be all
right?" I asked, hesitantly, fearfully.
Suleiman glanced at me
sympathetically. "I tell the truth. He is very ill, your brother. I have
seen men die in his condition and I have seen them live. His advantages are his
youth and strength—and, I hope, my medicines. And a prayer or two wouldn't come
For three days my knight
seemed to hover between life and death, but gradually the fever abated, his
breathing grew easier and the coughing less painful. I did not leave his side
save to tend the animals, relieve myself and wash. I even ate my meals by the
bedside, though I have no memory of their content.
Suleiman called twice a
day, Master Spicer fussed and cosseted, the maids washed and dried the patient,
gave him fresh linen and night clothes daily. I dozed in fits and starts on a
stool by the bed, trying always to be ready for the turn of the sand-glass for
the regular dosings, to see the fire was kept topped up, to be ready with
cooling drinks and a damp sponge to wipe away the sweat.
On the morning of the
sixth day from our arrival Suleiman came in, examined his patient, then crossed
the room and flung the shutters wide.
"The sun is
shining, the wind has dropped, the temperature is rising and my patient is
recovering! Some fresh air will do us all good." He glanced at me, dazed
by sudden sun and ready to drop. "I have the very thing for you, Mistress
Somerdai. . . ." and he handed me a vial of thick, greenish liquid.
"Half of this in a glass of wine—now!—and I guarantee you will be a new
young woman before you know where you are!"
I hadn't the strength to
resist and downed the bitter-tasting liquid without a murmur. I don't know
about feeling like a new woman, I thought, but if I just lie down for a moment
or two and close my eyes I'm sure I will. . . .
* * *
"Time to wake
up," said Matthew Spicer, gently pinching my earlobe. "I'll bet you
are hungry. Hot milk and honey has been recommended. Sit up and take a
I did as I was told,
opening gummy eyelids, considering how I felt. Apart from an unpleasant taste
in my mouth, soon dispelled by a sip or two of the milk, remarkably fit.
"What time is
"A little after two
in the afternoon."
"I must have slept
over four hours! Sorry . . ."
"Four? More like
twenty-eight. You took that draught yesterday morning."
"Yesterday? But I
can't have. . . ."
"You did!"
said another voice, and there, sitting in one of the large chairs by the fire,
wrapped in blankets, sat Gill. A pale, thin Gill, but the hectic flush was gone
from his cheeks. He smiled in my direction. "Sleepyhead Summer!"
My heart turned over
with love and longing. It was a long time since I had had the chance to study
him at leisure. Being on the road had been such a struggle just to survive,
especially latterly, that I had grown accustomed to an unshaven, grumbling,
blind man who needed all my spare attention. Now he was washed, shaved, fed and
at ease, and I found once more I was seeing him as I had that first day, and
all the old adoration rushed to the surface, so that I had to hide my face lest
Matthew Spicer saw my confusion.
"And in case you
are worrying about your menagerie," said the merchant, chuckling:
"Don't! The horse and the pig—that one will never fatten—have been given
mash, the pigeon grain and the reptile left to sleep. When we have some time
you must tell me how you acquired such a motley collection! As for your
dog—" he nudged a recumbent form lying in the hearth: "—he has been
bathed again and near eaten his weight in leftovers. . . ."
Growch was stretched out
in a nose-twitching, leg-paddling dream. His curly coat of black and tan,
ginger and grey, his white chest and paws, all gleamed in the fire and
candlelight, and his stomach was so full it was stretched as tight as the skin
on a tabour, the thinner hair on his belly showing the pied skin underneath.
"He met Saffron, my
ginger cat, on the stairs," continued the merchant. "And he retreated
at once, as I knew he would: Saffron makes two of most dogs, especially in his
winter coat. However, I think you will find they have come to some agreement.
Your dog is allowed inside as long as he recognizes who is boss. . . . And now,
Mistress Somerdai, when you are dressed and have broken your fast, perhaps I
may show you something of my house?"
Through the archway at
the top of the stairs was the solar, a pleasant room with a deep hearth, set
with benches on either side. The floor was polished oak, partly covered with
two large rugs the merchant told me had come from a place called Persher; these
were pleasant underfoot and partially muffled the creak of the floorboards. Two
carved chairs stood by the window, and leather-topped stools provided further
seating. On one side of the curtained doorway were hooks for cloaks; there were
two chests, one containing cushions for extra comfort, the other a set of
games: chess, draughts, backgammon and dice.
In the center of the
room was a table, the top inlaid in marble to represent a chess or draughts
board; a hanging cupboard contained three precious books: a psalter, a
breviary, and a delightful Boke of Beestes. Eventually I read this from cover
to cover more than once, carefully examining the delightfully illustrated
initials, head- and tail-pieces, marveling all the while at the strange creatures—spotted,
dotted, patched, striped; furred, feathered, scaled; toothed, beaked, tusked,
clawed—that curled, writhed, marched and snaked across the pages. There were
creatures I had never heard of, others I couldn't believe in—gryphons, mermen,
crocodiles, elephants—and yet, amongst them all were tortoises! Very strange .
. .
The walls of the solar
were part paneled, part painted, these latter in patterns of yellow suns, moons
and stars on a pale blue background. Just as the bedroom windows overlooked the
yard, the window in the solar looked out over the street in front, and it was
this window that was the most curious item in the room. There were the usual
shutters, of course, but now no one need freeze to death to look out on the
busy street below, for the merchant had installed proper windows that opened
outwards for summer and remained closed in winter—all of glass! Not just plain
glass, either: he knew a man who restored stained-glass in churches, and the
window was filled with a higgle-piggle of colors, all small pieces like a
patched cloak—red, blue, yellow, green, purple and even some that had been part
of trees, creatures, faces—so that one looked out on the street through colors
that discolored the folk below, and yet when the sun shone these same pieces
threw a rainbow of light onto the polished floor. Like a spring lawn sown with
wildflowers . . .
Down the stairs and
there were the long kitchens at the back where the staff lived, ate and slept.
At the front was the room where we had dined on that first night: "Near
the kitchens so the food doesn't get cold," my host explained, and, next
to it, with a separate entrance and shuttered counter to the street, the shop
where the merchant did his day-to-day business.
A long counter held
weighing scales, paper, wax and string. Behind this were piles of small sacks,
neatly tied and labeled and above them shelves reaching to the ceiling, filled
with bottles, jars, pouches, boxes of all shapes and sizes and parcels. Behind
the counter was the merchant's assistant, a small, pocked man called Jacob. But
it was the smell of the place one remembered. All through Matthew Spicer's
house little teasing scents met one on the stairs, hid in chests, fled down
nooks and crannies, popped up in the linen, but here was the source, the heart
of it all.
There were herbs in
plenty—rosemary, thyme, dill, fennel, sage, rue, peppermint, balm, bay, basil,
but it was the scent of the exotic spices that overlay all. Cloves, ginger,
cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, mace, saffron, pepper, cumin, all combining to
tickle the nose with their pungency and invite their flavors to match their
Matthew Spicer was a
member of the Guild, and he explained that most of his goods came from the East
to a place called Vennis, a magical town that floated on the sea like an
anchored island. From there the goods traveled overland to the nearest western
port and again took ship across the Mediterranean to a southern port. From
there it came by road to the merchant's house, the bulk being stored in the
large sheds at the back of the yard, to be packed into smaller containers ready
for distribution to various large towns and cities throughout the country, and
even farther north.
It sounded like a long
and complicated business, and I said so.
"Certainly it
is," he said. "Sometimes it can take up to three years between
ordering something and its delivery."
"And what if one of
the ships founders, or your wagons are attacked? Or the spices spoil in
"Luckily that
doesn't happen very often. God is good." He crossed himself. "Also,
there is a very good profit margin. I am not poor." He sighed. "But
money isn't everything. I lost my wife seven years ago, God rest her soul, and
I have no family to carry on the business."
"You could marry
again. . . ."
"I could, yes, but
if I found a woman who pleased me, who knows but that she might refuse
me?" He attempted a smile. "I am not very good at understanding the
fair sex, I'm afraid, and I am no longer a young man."
I presumed him to be in
his early forties. Not stout, but not slim either; not handsome, but not ugly:
he had a pleasant, lived-in sort of face. His reddish hair was thinning
slightly but his teeth were still good. I spoke to him as I thought Mama would
have done.
"I am sure any
woman you chose would be only too pleased to accept your offer. Youth is only
an attitude of mind, after all, and you are the kindest man I know."
His face brightened.
"You really think so? You have cheered me more than I would have thought
What with Gill's illness
we had missed any Christmas festivities, but with Suleiman as another guest we
four celebrated the New Year in style: the rooms decorated with sprays of
evergreen, sprinkled with rose water, alive with candles; Mass (except for
Suleiman), then back to a veritable feast. Chicken stuffed with dates and
olives—two fruits I had never tasted before—a baked ham stuck with cloves and
glazed with honey, root vegetables in butter with a touch of ginger, small
pastry cases full of meat and spices, the latter so hot they made you feel you
breathed fire, roast chestnuts, rice with apple, apricot and other dried fruit
and a soft, sheep's-milk cheese.
And to drink a toast to
the rebirth of the year, an ice-cold sweet white wine that came, like the
silken hangings, from a place called Sissilia . . .
* * *
I had anticipated taking
our journey up again within days, but the visit to church had not done Gill any
good—except spiritually, of course. He started to cough again, and Suleiman
insisted that he stay quiet and within doors for a week or more at least. This
meant that we fell into a certain routine. After breaking our fast we would,
Gill and I, go into the solar, where I would take up sewing and mending, which
our clothes sorely needed.
I was surprised to find
just how much thinner I had become, and the chore of sewing was mixed with a
secret delight in being able to take in my clothes as well as patch and repair
them. I regretted that my things were so shabby and worn, but they still
covered me well enough and I could not afford to indulge in non-necessities.
Gill was a different matter. He had been used to so much better, whether he
remembered it or not, and as I had taken to exercising Mistral and Growch if
the weather was fine, I took the opportunity of buying some rough woolen cloth,
burel, and fitting my knight for longer braies and a new surcoat. The town was
a pleasant place and obviously Matthew Spicer was held in high regard, for once
folk knew we were staying with him—and news travels faster than a grass fire in
a place like that—we were welcomed with smiles and cheerful greetings. I
suspect, too, that I was given a special price for my cloth, and for the repair
of our shoes which was also essential.
One morning Matthew—he
had asked us to dispense with the more formal address—came into the solar
looking helpless, a length of fine green wool over his arm. He hesitated for a
moment, then asked if I had much sewing in hand.
"Why, no. I have
only to finish attaching the ties to these braies. Is there something you would
like me to do?"
"Er . . . yes.
There is, actually. If you're sure you don't mind? I have a sister, married to
a Dutchman, and she writes in her letters that she finds it difficult to buy
wool in this particular color." He held the soft wool against my shoulder.
"Yes, the shade is just right! Her coloring is near yours, and I wonder .
. ."
"Yes?" I
encouraged, indulgent of this successful man who could yet be so diffident.
"If you could make
her a surcoat," he said, all in a rush. "Something simple and
serviceable, nothing fancy? You and she are much of a height and size, and if
you make generous seams and hems . . . But perhaps I ask too much?"
"Of course not! I
only hope I can do this beautiful material justice." I fingered it: strong
and hard-wearing, it was still fine enough to hang practically creaseless.
"A lovely color: like fresh mint."
He was obviously
pleased. "Again, if it's not too much trouble, she would need two
undercottes; I have some fine linen dyed a soft brown which would go nicely. .
. ."
It was the least I could
do. He had been so kind to us both: a man in a thousand.
During the time I sewed,
Gill would be practicing on a small lute Matthew had found, or on my pipes,
although he soon became bored and restless; sighing deeply, drumming his
fingers on the furniture, yawning. Then I would coax him to sing:
"Winter's weary winds," "Silk for my sweetheart," or, if
Matthew joined us, tenor, baritone and soprano would essay a round: "The
beggars now have come to town," or something similar.
Afternoons I would read
while Gill rested, though if there were a hint of warmth and sunshine I would
take a stroll with Growch—who had become so used to Matthew's majestic cat,
Saffron, that they would now share the solar hearth together. In the evenings
we played chess or draughts or backgammon, Matthew against Gill and me. Not
surprisingly, Gill was familiar with all the games, and once recalled a chess
set he had had, each piece carved in relief, birds for red, animals for white.
If Suleiman joined us the men would swap rhymes and riddles while I stayed
quiet and listened, for it was not proper for women to assume an equality with
men in this sort of area.
If enough wine had been
consumed after Suleiman went home, then Gill and Matthew would sing again, each
trying to outdo the other. First Gill might chant the "Gaudeamus
igitur," Matthew follow this with the drinking song: "Meum est
propositum in taberna more" and both finish with the sentimental "My
mistress she hath other loves."
We had further snow in
mid-January, but by the end of the month Suleiman pronounced Gill fit enough to
travel. He had been taking more exercise each day and almost looked as good as
new. But Matthew was a puzzle: the nearer the time came for us to leave, the
more restless he became. Then one night it all became clear. Gill had just
retired and Matthew roamed around the solar, then abruptly followed Gill. I
stretched and yawned, enjoying a few more moments before the fire, when
suddenly the curtain was flung back and Matthew appeared, looking thoroughly
upset. Had something happened to Gill? I rose to my feet in alarm.
"Whatever's the
He hesitated, then came
towards me. His face was all red. "I'm not sure. . . . Perhaps you can
"I don't
understand. . . ."
"I—I approached the
man you call your brother upon—upon a certain matter, only to be told that you
and he were not related at all." He really did look most upset. "I
think I deserve an explanation!"
Chapter Sixteen
So I gave him one.
Not the real, entire,
whole truth. He wouldn't have believed me. He heard about the knight passing
through our village one day, being ambushed the next and wandering about blinded
until I found him by chance and had promised to try and find his home, when it
was obvious no one else either believed his story, such as it was, or was
willing to help.
I told Matthew how Gill
couldn't even remember his name, that all I could recall was an impression of
his standard. I even brought out the scrap of cloth I had kept, but he shook
his head. No help there. From there it was an easy progression to explaining
away the "menagerie," as he called them. My dog, fair enough, a horse
to carry our gear, no trouble there. The pigeon? Found wounded, a carrier,
unusual color, might breed from him. Satisfactory. The tortoise? Abandoned,
feed him up and sell him off. Fine.
The pig was more
difficult. Runt of the litter, got him for next to nothing. Foraged off the
land as we passed, always a useful standby for barter. He accepted that, too,
and I breathed a sigh of relief. No need for him to know we "talked"
among ourselves: animals didn't in Matthew's circle, in spite of all the folk
tales of talking foxes, mice, bears and fish. People should pay more attention
to stories: they didn't make themselves up.
I thought I had gotten
away with it beautifully, but there was obviously something still bothering our
host. He umm'd and aah'd and then came to the point.
"And you had no
hesitation in—in helping this man, Sir Gilman?"
"Of course not! I
had nothing to keep me in the village, I had some money put by, and thought I
would like to see a little of the world before I settled down. Besides, if you
had seen him that first time, all handsome and elegant, just like a prince in a
fairy tale! He was so utterly unattainable, that when I saw him again, all
threatened, maimed and desolate, it was like being given a present! Even beaten
up and dirty as he was, he was still the handsomest man I had ever seen in my
life! And with him being blind, it was like an extra bonus, because—" I
stopped. I had given myself away well and truly this time.
He looked at me in a way
I couldn't fathom. "Because what?"
So I told the truth.
What did it matter, now? "Because he couldn't see me; he couldn't see how
fat and ugly I was. And, please God, he never will. I don't ever want him to
know what I look like: I couldn't bear it!" I paused: he was looking most
odd. "There, now I've told you. I would be obliged if you don't
disillusion him." I looked down at my feet—yes, I could just about see
them now—feeling very uncomfortable; I hated remembering my ugliness, my
But he didn't give me
time to feel sorry for myself. "Fat?" he said. "Ugly? Whatever
in the world gave you that idea? A little on the plump side, perhaps, a
comfortable armful for any man, but ugly? Not at all! You have lovely
greeny-grey eyes, a straight nose and—"
"Please don't!"
I cried. "You're only making it worse!" I lost all discretion:
kindness and tact could go too far. I knew what I looked like: hadn't I
seen my reflection in the river often enough? Piggy eyes, squabby nose, double
chins and all? And Mama had sighed, but added that my superior education and
dowry would "go a long way towards overcoming" my other deficiencies.
"You know perfectly well that in a million million years I could never
attract a man like Gill, that the only time I will ever be able to hold his hand,
care for him, gaze unhindered on his beautiful face, is now, when he's
"You—you love him,
"Of course I do!
How could I not? He is the sort of man every woman dreams about, and I am
lucky, lucky, that even part of that dream has come true! I don't want
to find his home, I don't want him ever to see again, may God
forgive me!" Suleiman had examined his eyes and could find no obvious
cause for the sudden blindness and loss of memory, except the blow to the head.
He had advised him that memory might return gradually and he could even regain
his sight one day as quickly as it had gone, if the circumstances were
right—what circumstances he wasn't prepared to say. "I shouldn't have said
that, I know I shouldn't, but each day I have him as he is, is one day snatched
from heaven!"
Matthew looked
completely different: older, greyer, sort of crumpled. "I did not realize.
. . ."
"And neither does
he!" I said quickly. "He treats me like a sister since we decided on
the story we told you earlier: it is easier to travel that way."
He gathered his robes
tightly around him as if he were suddenly cold. "Don't worry: your secret
is safe with me. . . ."
The next time we were on
our own I asked Gill how he had come to betray our true relationship.
He laughed. "You
won't believe this, Summer, but he actually came and asked me, as your brother
and next of kin, if he had my permission to pay court to you! Of course I
couldn't say yea or nay, could I? So I had to tell him we weren't related.
Anyway, I gather you must have talked your way out of it. Pity: you could have
done worse, I imagine, and he seemed very taken. . . ."
Just imagine what my
mother would have said! She would have considered him the perfect catch.
"You should have had more sense!" I could hear her scolding.
"What future is there traipsing around the countryside with a blind and
helpless knight, handsome though he may be, when there is absolutely no future
in it? Here is a comfortable home, a good-natured husband who is bound to die
before you and leave you with his wealth; you just haven't the sense you were
born with!" and then she would have given me a good beating, and it would
have been no use pointing out that I had no idea Matthew felt that way.
Too late now, and it
wouldn't have made any difference if I had known: my heart, for however short
the time, was given to Gill. I was truly sorry if I had hurt Matthew, but I
hoped it wouldn't spoil our last few days with him.
I needn't have worried;
he was quieter than usual perhaps, and spent more time at his work, but there
were no sulks, no reproaches, although I sensed he was under strain and would
be glad when we were gone. Suleiman was going to supervise a consignment of
spices further north and it had been agreed we would accompany him as far as the
crossroads on the main north-south highway, for we had indeed come much too far
east for our purpose.
So we set off at
Candlemas, in a fine drizzle, all save Mistral safe under cover of one of the
wagons, with Matthew out to see us go. I watched him dwindle on the road and
then vanish as we turned the corner towards the countryside. I said a short
prayer for his future well-being: I felt sorry for him, but had no regrets as
to my decision.
"Nice to be on the
road again," said Gill. "Perhaps this time I can get nearer home. . .
I think the animals felt
the same way. The rest and food had benefited them all: Mistral had filled out
and her coat shone with regular brushing; Basher was eating a little and still
sleeping a lot, but Traveler's wing was almost healed and he was taking short
flights with increasing regularity. The biggest change of all was in the
Wimperling. He had grown almost out of recognition; he was three times as big
as before, easily, and tubby with it. No more lifts in the pannier for him: he
would have to walk with the rest of us. There seemed to be changes in his shape
as well. His nose was longer, the claws on his hooves were bigger, his rump was
higher than his head and the vestigial wings were vestigial no longer, in fact
they looked definitely uncomfortable. In fact he looked so odd that the first
thing I did that first night on the road was to fashion him a sacking coat that
at least hid the worst of his strangeness. Funnily enough, though, other people
didn't seem to notice he was any different from a normal pig. Very strange . .
Too soon our journey in
comfort came to an end. At the crossroads, the third day after we had set out,
I loaded up Mistral once more, checked and double-checked that everything was
where it should be, then turned to say good-bye and thanks to Suleiman. He
handed me a parcel.
"You'll have to
find room for this," he said. "It's from Matthew."
Inside were the green
woolen dress and undershifts I had made for Matthew's sister. "He must
have made a mistake. . . ."
Suleiman smiled.
"No mistake. He has no sister, never had." He handed me a small
leather purse. "He said this was for the extra care of your knight."
Inside were five gold coins. "He asked me to remind you that love cannot
feed on thin air, and that the rain and wind are no discriminators. . . ."
Less than an hour later
we were lucky enough to catch up with a small caravan of pilgrims and
journeymen; the weather fined up, the road was easy, other travelers joined us.
We became friendly with our companions of the road, swapping experiences and
comparing dogs and horses: I even remember boasting that Growch was the
cleverest dog for miles and that our pig could count to twenty—and this last
idiocy got us into real trouble.
* * *
It all started about two
weeks after we had left the crossroads. It was around midday, the sun was
shining, a soft breeze came from the south, the grass was looking greener than
it had for months, little shoots were pricking up through the earth, buds were
starting to uncurl on bush and shrub, birds were becoming much more urgent in
their courting and I was planning ahead for the next two days' meals. Someone
ahead was singing a catchy little tune, behind us a baby was being hushed; Gill
was whistling the same tune as the singer, the pigeon was giving his wings a
tryout on Mistral's back and—
—and they came out of
the woods on our left with a clatter of arms and thud of hooves. A dozen or so
men, mounted and in half-armor, all in burgundy livery. They clattered to a
halt and their leader drew his sword.
"Halt! Halt, I say!
Stay right where you are, or it will be the worse for you!"
Panic does all sorts of
strange things to people. Some freeze in their tracks, others run, it doesn't
matter where; others scream and scream; some faint, others wet themselves.
Remembering the last attack in which I was involved, I was about to run to the
shelter of the tree—we were at the back, and I could probably have made it—but
was brought up short remembering Gill and the others.
At least they weren't
killing anybody yet, but a couple of the soldiers cantered down to our end and
rounded up the stragglers.
"Move along there,
now: not got all day . . ."
Now we were circled by
restive, sweating horses, stamping their hooves, tossing their heads till the
harness jingled. Behind me someone was moaning in terror. I reached for Gill's
hand, whispered what was happening, conscious of Growch's unease, of the
Wimperling rock-steady at my other side. My ring wasn't sending out signals,
The leader of the troupe
stood in his stirrups and addressed us.
"Just shut up, the
lot of you, and listen to me! I mean you, you miserable worms! I am Captain
Portall from the Castle of the White Rock—look, if you aren't quiet I shall be
forced to make you. . . ." and he raised his sword threateningly.
"That's better. . . ." He gazed around us, his expression adequately
conveying just what a sorry lot we were, how far below his normal
consideration, and just how wearisome he found the whole business. "Now,
as I said, I am from White Rock Castle, and my lady Aleinor is bored—even more
bored than I am in talking to you peasants." He brushed at his drooping
mustache with a mailed fist. "And when the lady is bored we all suffer!
And her husband and four sons being off on some crusade or other doesn't help;
she wants cheering up, does the lady, and that's what I'm here for." He
looked at us all once more, even more despondently. "Now, what I want to
know is, which of you likely lot has the skills to entertain a lady? And you
can drop that sort of thought," he said threateningly at a ribald snigger
from somewhere at the back. "I mean singing, dancing, tumbling, juggling,
minstrelsy, tricks, that sort of rubbish. Trifles to amuse, tales to entertain,
ballads to hearten—something to make her laugh, dammit! Come now,
half-a-dozen volunteers . . ."
Such was my relief at
realizing that we were not about to be hacked to death, robbed or raped that I
paid little attention to the captain's speech. Everyone else began to relax
also, picking up whatever they had dropped, gathering their scattered
belongings, chattering among themselves.
"Well, that's
that!" I said to Gill confidently. "We should be on our way—"
"I meant what I
said!" suddenly shouted the captain. "Unless I find volunteers to accompany
me back to the castle to entertain the Lady Aleinor, there will be . . .
trouble! And I mean trouble! I want half-a-dozen right now: if not, I shall
start stringing you all up, one by one!" He leaned from his horse and
grabbed a man by his ear. "And we'll start with this one!"
A woman and girl started
wailing, and everyone seemed to shrink into little family and friends groups.
The circle grew smaller as the horses closed in. Fear became something you
could touch and smell.
"Well? I'm waiting.
I shall count to ten. One, two, three . . ."
"I've done a bit of
juggling in my time." A man pushed forward. "Nothing fancy, mind . .
"You'll do."
Captain Portall released the ear he was holding and rose in his stirrups once
more. "Who else? You'll get a meal and a handful of silver if you please
the lady. Come on, now. . . ."
"Should have
mentioned that earlier," muttered a man to my left. He raised his hand.
"I know a ballad or two might suit her."
One by one we got a
tumbler and his son, a teller of tales, a man who could twist himself into
impossible positions.
"Is that all? I'm
disappointed, very disappointed! Singers, tumblers, a juggler, contortionist,
story-teller: can't any of you do something different?"
To my horror one of our
fellow travelers piped up with: "That girl over there, the one with the
blind brother, she's got a dog what does tricks and a pig that counts. . .
I could have sunk
straight into the ground! What a fool, what an utter idiot I had been to boast
in such a way the other night! And it was lies, all lies—
But the captain on his
horse was towering over us. "A counting pig? Now that is different.
Never come across one of those before. Right, that's enough! Get them all
organized, men! This the pig? I'll take him, then." And before I knew it
he was down, had heaved up the Wimperling onto his saddle bow and remounted.
"Heavy, isn't he?" and he turned and trotted off.
What could we do but
follow? We couldn't desert the pig.
Our anxious way took us
down a broad ride of the wood for perhaps a half mile, the fallen leaves of the
autumn before muffling the thud of the escort's hooves, the chinking of the
harness echoed by the chattering of a jay as it jinked away to the left. About
twenty minutes later we came through thinning trees into the afternoon February
sunshine and saw a picture that might have graced a Book of Hours.
Perhaps a couple of
miles away, girdled by the neatest fields I had ever seen, rose the towers of
faery. Perched on a grey-white outcrop of rock, from where we stood it looked
insubstantial, a building from the edges of dream. There were four towers of
unequal height, one much taller than the others. The castle itself was built
from white stone, just whiter than the rock from which it rose; silhouetted
against the clear, blue winter sky it looked like something one could cut from
As we drew nearer we
could see the crenellations along the walls and even small figures patrolling
the perimeters, and the road along which we traveled curving up towards a
drawbridge and portcullis, over what looked like a moat of some kind. On our
travels we had glimpsed other castles in the distance, most of them squat and
frowning, with solid grey foundations and the hunched look of a sick animal,
but this was quite different. Apart from its coloring, the way it seemed to
spring upwards out of the rock, there were colored flags fluttering from the
gateway, and the thin sound of a trumpet announcing our arrival.
We were traveling
through fields plowed or already sown, through orchards of fruit trees beneath
which not a single weed could be seen—unlike the unfamiliar orange groves
outside the last town we had visited, the goat's-foot trefoil beneath their
trunks a yellow so bright it seared the eye—and past the twisted, bare branches
of dead-looking vines, that later would cluster with heavy grapes. There was
also an avenue of pollarded oaks, their knobbed branches giving no hint of the
summer lushness to come. Everything neat, everything tidy, not a wavy line in
the plowing, not a weed in the fields, not a dead leaf on the paths. Perhaps I
had an untidy mind, but I would have welcomed a little disarray, a hint that
outside belonged to nature as well as man.
Small houses were
clustered at the foot of the White Rock, all as spic and span as the rest, and
these we passed, together with the huge communal bread ovens, as we trudged up
the sudden steep ascent to the castle proper and clattered over the short
drawbridge. I peered over the edge as I passed: as I thought, a dry moat, and
judging by the stench and the brown streaks down the walls that had not been
evident from a distance, showing that refuse from the kitchens and garde-robes
was allowed to flow unchecked, it was evident that there was no constant source
of water. The creaking of the portcullis preceded us, but it needed only to be
drawn halfway for us all to squeeze beneath.
We found ourselves in a
large, cobbled courtyard, full of noise and bustle. Horses were being curried
and exercised, wagons loaded and unloaded, soldiers were practicing with short
swords, others examining armor and mail newly come from the sand barrels that
were rolling up and down a short slope. A bowyer was stringing bows, a fletcher
feathering arrows, an armorer busy at his anvil. Stable boys were shoveling
ordure into an empty cart and a couple of cooks were gutting and jointing
venison. The noise was indescribable.
Captain Portall
dismounted his troop and started issuing orders as to our disposition. He
lifted the Wimperling from his saddle with a look of distaste: the pig had just
let loose a series of little popping farts.
Once down, the
Wimperling nudged me. "We must be together. . . ."
Captain Portall turned to me. "You and you—" he pointed to Gill:
"—over there in one of those huts. Animals in the stables. Gerrout, you
mangy hound!" and he aimed a kick at Growch, who was trying to christen
his boots. "Whose is this?"
"Mine," I said
firmly. "Just like the horse and the pig. All part of our act. And if you
want a decent performance for your—your lady tonight, you'll see we are kept
together. To rehearse," I added. "It is a couple of months since we
have performed together. I presume you want us to be at our best?"
It worked. Ten minutes
later we were snug in a stall at the end of the stables nearest the entrance,
and a sullen stable boy was bringing hay, oats, mash and buckets of water.
"Two more
buckets," I said firmly, twisting the ring on my finger to give courage.
"This time of hot water. And towels. Hurry, boy."
Then I had to explain
everything to Gill: where we were, what we were supposed to be doing.
"But we are
performing nothing until we are clean and presentable: it's obvious the Lady
Aleinor places great store on everything being just so. She also wants
entertainment, so we've got to prepare something to please her. Besides, we
could do with the silver she is offering."
"Have you ever done
anything like this before?" asked poor, bewildered Gill.
"There's always a
first time. . . ."
"And a last,"
muttered Growch. "Glad I'm not part of this farce."
"Oh, but you
are," said the Wimperling unexpectedly. "We all are. That's why we
couldn't be separated."
"Well, what we
goin' to do, then? She said you could count, whatever that means: I
heard her. What about me? The 'orse, the tortoise, the pigeon? Them,"
indicating Gill and me.
"Be patient,"
said the Wimperling. "And listen. . . ."
Chapter Seventeen
It was both hot and
smoky in the hall. Although there was a huge modern hearth, tall and wide
enough for half a dozen to stand upright, there seemed to be something amiss
with the chimney, or perhaps the wind was in the wrong direction, for as much
smoke came down and out as went up. The torches smoked in their holders on the
walls, the candles on the tables smoked; an erratic wind would seem to have
taken possession of the kitchens as well, for the bread was burned, the meat
tasted half-cured, the fowls were charred on one side and nearly raw on the
other and the underdone chickpeas, lentils and onions sulked in a sauce that
reeked of too much garlic and was definitely full of smuts.
But we were too hungry
to care much. The ale was good, the smoked herring and eels very tasty and the
cheeses of excellent quality. We were seated at the very bottom of the left-hand
table, and it was a good place from which to see everything. The edge off my
hunger, and Gill well provided for, I had time to gaze around, and a word or
two with our neighbors identified who was who.
There must have been
upwards of a hundred and fifty people in the hall, counting servitors. The
level of conversation was deafening, and this, coupled with the hysterical
yelping and snarling of hounds fighting for bones and scraps in the rushes, the
roar of flame from the fireplace, the clatter of knives, the thump of mugs
impatient for refill and the intermittent screeching of a cageful of exotic
multicolored birds, made hearing a sense to endure rather than enjoy.
So I used my eyes
instead. At the top table, raised some two hands high from the rest of us, sat
the Lady Aleinor with a neighbor, Sir Bevin, and his wife on her right, and on
her left her sister and her husband on a visit. Also on the top table were her
daughter, a pudding-faced girl of twelve or thirteen, her chaplain, steward and
Captain Portall. Below the salt ran the two long tables, seating about thirty
on each side, crammed elbow to elbow on benches with scarce room to lift hand
to mouth. At the ends nearest the top table were accommodated the more
important members of the household: reeve, almoner, chief usher, head falconer,
armorer, apothecary, head groom and verdurers; between them and us were the
middle to lower orders: smiths, farriers, bowyers, fletchers, coopers, dyers,
gardeners, soldiers, hedgers, cobbler, tinder-maker, trumpeter, clerk,
wine-storekeeper and all my Lady's maids, her housekeeper, tirewoman, sewing
ladies and her daughter's nurse-companion.
The table manners of
those nearest us left much to be desired. Those sharing two to a trencher were
using their hands rather than their knives, and even those who had their own
place were tearing at the bread and meat instead of cutting it neatly. There
was much munching with open mouth and unseemly belching, and few were using
cloths to wipe their fingers and mouths: it appeared sleeves were more
convenient for the men, hems of skirt or shift for the women. Not that the
manners on the top table were much better, though the Lady Aleinor did at least
lick her fingers one by one before applying them and her mouth to the linen
We had not yet seen the
lady close to and were bowing respectfully when she entered the hall, so I had
only had a quick impression of a tall, slim woman in rich red robes and an
elaborate headdress of linen, lawn and ribbons. Now I could see her more clearly
I saw she was handsome enough, but her face was marred by a discontented
expression—much as my mother used to wear if bad weather kept her customers
away too long. The lady was obviously bored.
The hall grew hotter,
noisier, smokier, but at last the tables were cleared, the hounds kicked into
silence, a cover put over the squawking birds and water brought for
finger-washing. The steward rose to his feet, banged on the top table for
silence, and announced that the entertainment would begin. A young varlet, one
of the two cadet-squires who had been serving at the top table—much more
palatable food than we had been served with, I noticed—walked down the room and
picked out the first of our "volunteers."
After a whispered
conversation he walked back between the two lower tables, bowed to the lady,
and announced that Master Peter Bowe would sing a couple of ballads:
"Travel the Broad Highway" and "Lips Like Cherries." He had
a pleasant enough voice, but it was suited to a smaller place than this vast
hall, whose timbers reached up into a ribbed darkness like leafless trees.
However the Lady spoke to her steward and he was rewarded with a couple of
silver coins.
Next it was the turn of
the juggler, who was reasonably dextrous. He was certainly good at improvisation,
for he had only what lay around to toss and catch; eventually, one by one, he
had two shriveled apples, a goblet, a large bone and a trencher all in the air
at once. He, too, received two silver coins.
The teller of tales was
found to be hopelessly drunk and was thrown out, so it was the turn of the
tumbler and his boy. Once the man had obviously been very good, but he was well
into middle age and I could tell by the grimaces that he suffered from
rheumatism, and both his spring and balance were faulty. The boy did his best
to cover for his father's deficiencies—one day he, too, would be very good—but
in the end he was dropped heavily; judging by his resigned expression as he
rose to his feet, rubbing his elbow, it wasn't the first time and wouldn't be
the last. They were given three coins.
Now it was the turn of
the contortionist, but I had to miss his performance to slip outside and
collect Mistral and the others, for we were next—and last. I brought them in by
the kitchen ramp, for the steps up to the main door would not have done: too
steep. Leaving them just outside, I rejoined Gill for the applause and coin for
the contortionist. The varlet walked up to us, I whispered to him, he went back
and announced us.
"My lady . .
." a deep bow: "for your entertainment I present travelers from the
north, the south, the east, the west: fresh from their successful performances
all over the country, I crave your indulgence for brother and sister, Gill and
Summer, and their troupe of performing animals!" Another deep bow, a
ripple of interest.
Smoothing down the dress
Matthew had given me with nervous fingers I led Mistral towards the top table,
Gill on her other side, flanked on either side by a sedate dog and a sedater
pig. Traveler was perched on Mistral's back. We all looked our best, I had seen
to that, and the animals wore colored ribbons—a sad good-bye to my special
ones, I thought. (We had had to leave Basher behind, for there isn't much
lively capering to be got from a hibernating tortoise.)
Reaching the dais we
performed the only trick we had rehearsed together: we all knelt—man, girl,
horse, pig, dog. Traveler bowed his head.
Applause. Encouraged, I
rose and addressed the lady. "First we shall show you a roundelay. . .
." and pulling my pipe from my pocket I gave Gill the note and he began
singing the "Bluebell Hey." For a dreadful moment I thought it wasn't
going to work, then my dear animals obeyed my unspoken instructions. Mistral
and the pig revolved slowly, majestically, and Growch began to chase his tail.
No matter they were not in time with the music: we were receiving applause
already. Traveler rose into the air and gracefully circled the top table. . . .
Then it happened.
It is well-nigh
impossible to house-train birds, and Traveler was no exception. On his last
circuit, obviously full of grain, he let loose and an enormous chunk of
pigeon-dropping landed unerringly on the bald pate of the lady's chaplain.
There was a long drawing in of breath and then total silence. I stopped playing,
Gill stopped singing, Growch stopped chasing his tail. Mistral and the
Wimperling stood like statues.
We all gazed at the Lady
Aleinor. She rose to her feet, her face suffused with color. If she had said:
"Off with their heads!" I would not have been surprised. I twisted
the ring on my finger, still cool and calm. The lady's eyes seemed ready to pop
out of her head, and the silence was something palpable, a thing you could
touch and weigh. She opened her mouth—
And laughed.
And she went on
laughing. Not a genteel titter behind her hand, as I had been taught, but a
gut-wrenching belly laugh, the sort my mother had produced one day when the
butcher had risen from her bed in a temper, tripped and landed bare-arsed and
bum-high with his nose in the dirt.
What's more, she went on
laughing. She laughed until the tears spurted from her eyes, she laughed till
her ribs ached and she had to double up to stop the ache, till she had to cover
her ears for the pain behind. And the more indignant the lugubrious chaplain became,
trying to wipe the yellow mess from his bald head with the tablecloth, the more
she laughed.
Her sycophantic
household took its cue from her, and soon the whole place was rocking with
guffaws and the very flames of the torches and candles were threatened by the
shouts and table-thumpings. The most relieved face in the hall, apart from
mine, was that of Captain Portall, who had promised amusement for his lady.
The noise, however, was
upsetting Mistral, however I tried to calm her, and Traveler was no better.
Growch, too, was starting to growl at the lymers, brachs and mastiffs who had
started up again with their baying and yelping, so I grabbed the horse's bridle
and led them back to the courtyard. Growch, of course, took advantage of this
to snatch a rib bone from a distracted greyhound on his way out.
Picking up a leathern
bucket I had appropriated earlier I rejoined Gill and the Wimperling, the
latter of whom seemed totally unmoved by the hullabaloo around him. In fact his
snout was working happily above exposed teeth, almost as though he were
laughing too. As I re-entered the merriment was dying down, and the lady leaned
forward and addressed us.
"I hope the rest of
your act is as stimulating: I declare I have not been as diverted for months!
Of course—" she waved her hand dismissively: "I realize it was but a
fortuitous accident. Presumably the rest of your performance owes more to
I bowed. "My lady .
. . First my brother will sing a ballad dedicated especially to yourself. An
old tune, but new words." I gave Gill his note, and he began to sing:
"When I hunger, there is meat;
When I tire, there is sleep;
I am cold, there is fire;
I am thirsty, there is wine.
But when I love, unless you care,
I am poorer than the poor.
Hungry, thirsty, sleepless, cold.
But smile, lady, and I am full;
Touch me and I am warm;
Kiss me once and I
Need never sleep again. . . ."
It was a touching song,
and Gill sang it as if he held a picture of a secret love tight behind his
blind lids. So heartfelt was the throb in his voice that it gave me goose
bumps. The lady seemed to like it too.
Now for the culmination
of our act: I crossed my fingers and went down to the Wimperling.
"If you are . .
I upended the bucket and
lifted his front hooves onto the top, catching one of my fingers on the funny
claws that circled them. "We will have to clip those. . . ."
"I think they are
meant to be there . . ."
Gill finished his song
to sentimental applause from Lady Aleinor, which everyone copied. So, the lady
decided what amused and what did not. In that case, the Wimperling and I would
play to her alone.
"And now, my lady,
we present to you the wonder of this or any other age: a pig who counts. As
good as any human, and better than most. Would you please give me two simple
numbers for the pig to add together?" I saw her hesitate, and gathered
that tallying was not her strong point. She would probably be furious if we
exposed her weakness so I played it safe. "Perhaps we could start more
simply: if you would place some manchets of bread in front of you in a line, so
that your guests may see the number, then I will ask the pig to guess
correctly. He cannot, of course, see what is on the table."
She looked more pleased
and lined up five pieces of bread. I thought the number to the Wimperling, then
made a great fuss and to-do with waving of arms and incantations.
Obediently the
Wimperling tapped with his right hoof on the top of the bucket: one, two,
three, four . . . There was a hesitation, a ghastly moment when I thought everything
was going to go wrong, then I saw from the gleam in his eye that he was
enjoying himself . . . five.
Applause, again, and
from then on in it was easy. Shouts from those on the top table who could
count: "Three and two . . . Six and one . . . two and four . . ." The
lady was counting frantically on her fingers to keep up with her guests, then
nodding and beaming as though she had known the answer all the time. Her
daughter intervened in an affected lisp.
"Does the creature
subtract as well?"
It could, if my mental
counting was swift enough.
We finished, by prior
agreement with the Wimperling, by me asking him a leading question: "You
are a pig of perspicacity: tell me now, O Wise One, who is the fairest, the
most generous, the most beloved lady in this castle?" I went along the
tables, touching each woman on the shoulder as I passed, and each time the
Wimperling shook his head—a pity, for some of the ladies were really far
prettier than our hostess. At last, and last, I came to the Lady Aleinor. At
once the pig drummed both hooves on the bucket, squealed enthusiastically and
nodded his head.
Everyone clapped, as
they knew that they had to, and the lady was so pleased she snatched the purse
of silver from her steward and threw it to me. As I shepherded Gill back
outside, the Wimperling trotting behind, I counted the coins: twelve!
"Told you it would
be all right," said the Wimperling happily.
We had almost reached
the stables when there were running footsteps behind us. It was the varlet who
had introduced us earlier.
"You are invited to
dine with the rest of the household at dawn," he panted, "and the
lady requests that you and your brother—and the wondrous pig—attend her at noon
in the solar. I am to come and fetch you at the appointed hour."
Back at the stables I
requested more hay and made comfortable resting places for Gill and myself,
then went to say goodnight and congratulate the animals.
"You were
absolutely marvelous, all of you! The lady liked our performance, and we have a
purseful of silver to prove it! She wants to see Gill and me and the Wimperling
again tomorrow morning, but we shall be on the road again just after noon, I
"Tonight was one
thing," said the Wimperling, "but tomorrow might be different again.
. . ."
"Oh, stop being
such an old pessimist!" I cried. "You were the star of the show,
remember?" and in my euphoria I raised his front hooves, bent down, and
kissed him fair and square on his pink snout.
Bam! I felt as
though I had been struck by a thunderbolt. Once when combing my hair at home by
the fire, I had leaned forward to sip at a metal dipper of water and had the
same sharp prickling, but this was a thousand times worse. I must have jumped,
or been thrown, back about six feet, my lips numb and feeling twice their size,
my hair standing up from my head. But this was as nothing to the effect it had
on the pig. He leapt up at the same distance I had back, his wings creaked into
action as well and bore him still further until he cracked his head against the
rafters and came plummeting back down to the floor.
We stared at one another
in horror. The feeling was coming back to my lips, but I still had to put up a
hand to convince myself they weren't swollen. They tingled like pins and
needles, only far worse.
"What happened?"
He shook his head as
though his ears were full of ticks. "I don't know. . . . I feel as if all
my insides have turned over. Most peculiar. I'm not the same as I was, I know
"I won't do it
again, I promise!"
"No, don't. It's
just that . . . I don't know. Very strange. . . ."
I had never seen or
heard him so confused. After a moment or two he slunk off into a corner under
the manger and hunched up. I thought he would sleep, but when I settled down on
my bed of hay he was still awake, his eyes bright and watchful in the light of
the lantern that swung overhead.
* * *
When we entered the
solar a little after noon, the Lady Aleinor was seated in a high-backed chair
by a roaring fire; like all the chimneys in the castle, this one smoked. The
lady's daughter was on a stool at her feet, the nurse and two tirewomen stood
behind the chair.
Though the room was
sumptuously furnished, it did not have the cozy, lived-in look of Matthew's
solar: it was a room to be seen in, rather than used. Candles were lit because
the shutters on the one window at the back were tight closed.
The lady received us
graciously. We were invited to move into the center of the room—though not
asked to sit down—and she started to question us: where we trained the animals,
where we were bound, etc. From anyone except a fine lady like herself it might
have seemed an impertinence, but we had been long enough together for the
brother/sister story to come out like truth. It was more difficult to answer
questions about the animals, but I did emphasize (in order that our
performances were worthy of reward) the years of training, the bonds of
familiarity that had to be forged, the difficulty of communication—and here I
mentally crossed myself and touched my ring.
"But surely the
whip speaks louder than words?"
I was shocked—would I
have been before I wore the ring of the Unicorn? I wondered—but did my best to
hide it. Her ways were obviously not ours.
"You may use a whip
when breaking in a horse, my lady, or beat a dog, but how can you use punishment
to train a pigeon? Our training is accomplished by treating the animals as if
they were part of our family and rewarding their tricks, not punishing their
mistakes. It has worked well, so far."
Her eyes flashed as
though she would argue, then once more she was sweetness itself. "Would
you let me see what else your pig can do? I am sure there were tricks you did
not show us last night. . . ." I almost looked for the honey dripping from
her tongue.
I was deceived, I admit
it, even as a warning message came from the Wimperling. "Don't intrigue
her too much. . . ."
"Hush!" I
thought to him. And to the lady: "I am sure we can find something to
divert you. . . ." Back to the Wimperling, quick as a flash: "Can you
keep time to a song? Find hidden objects if I tell you where they are?"
He answered reluctantly
that he thought he could: "But don't overdo it!" Why? More
tricks, more money, and we should be away from here in an hour or two with
enough to keep us going for weeks.
I asked Gill to sing
"Come away to the woods today" which was a song with a regular,
impelling beat, and my pig trod first one way and then the other in perfect
time, to polite applause from the lady and her daughter.
"Now the pig on his
own," demanded Lady Aleinor, dismissing Gill's song, which privately I
thought wonderful, as a mere trifle. "Come on girl: show us what else he
can do!"
"Very well.
Perhaps, my lady, if you would hide some trifling object—yes, that needle case
would do fine—while the pig's back is turned—so, then I will ask him to
discover it."
And behind a cushion,
under a chair, beneath the sideboard, in the wood-basket—he found it every
time. After I had told him where to look, of course.
The lady watched him
perform with a gleam in her eyes. "Very good, very good indeed! Anything
else he can do?"
I was about to open my
mouth and rashly volunteer his flying abilities, when his thoughts struck into
my mind like a string of sharp pebbles to the head. "No, no, no!
Don't tell her that! Tell her I am tired, anything! Let's get out of
Confused, I stammered
out an excuse. She looked at me coldly. "Very well, you may go now and
rest. But I shall expect another performance tonight. I have sent out
messengers to others of my neighbors and I look forward to an even better
exposition of the pig's power." She saw my face. "What's the matter,
girl? A few coins? Here you are, then. . . ." and she tossed a handful of
silver at my feet.
Automatically I bent to
retrieve it, then straightened my back. "It is not a matter of money, my
lady, thank you all the same. Last night you were more than generous, and we
had not planned to stay longer than midday today. We must be on our way as soon
as possible."
Another flash
of—what?—from those hooded eyes, then the pleasantness was back again, on her
mouth at least. "Of course, of course, but I couldn't possibly let you go
without one more of your marvelous performances! You can't let me down after I
have invited extra guests! Please say you will do this last favor? One more
treat for us all and then you may go on your way. . . ."
It would have been more
than churlish of me to refuse, in spite of the warning signs I was getting from
the Wimperling. Gill, poor dear, had no idea of the conflict that was going on
and added his voice to the lady's plea.
"Of course we must
oblige the Lady Aleinor, Summer: it will be no hardship to stay one more night,
I could hear the
Wimperling almost screaming at him to stop, stop, stop! but of course he
couldn't hear the pig's thoughts as I could, and he went on with a few more
complimentary sentences until I could have screamed also. There was no doubt as
to the outcome now, and I picked up the coins and we made our way down the
winding stone stairs to the courtyard. Up had been much easier for all of us,
and the Wimperling nearly ended by rolling down the last few twists. Once in
the courtyard he started to say something, but I hushed him, using our midday
meal in the hall as an excuse. Right at that moment I didn't want any prognostications
of doom and disaster, so I saw him back to the stable before hurrying back for
what was left of the meal.
I purposely lingered
over the last night's leftovers, plus a thick broth, a blancmange of brawn and
custards of potted meats, but I couldn't put off the reproaches forever. Even
so, it was a little past two by the time Gill and I regained the stable,
whereupon I immediately found a stool for him out in the sunshine, and returned
alone to face the agitation I had sensed at once.
They all had something
to say, but it was Growch who was noisiest. "What's all this, then? 'E
tells me—" he nodded towards the pig: "—that we're all in danger!
Danger from what, I'd like to know? Last night you was full of how well we
done, and now 'e tells us the Lady-of-the-'Ouse is poison! In that case, why
don't we all go, right now? O' course, if I was just to nip into the kitchens
and fetch a bone first . . ."
"I think we should
go," said Mistral restlessly. "But our companion tells us we must
perform again tonight."
Traveler flapped his
wings. "Listen to the pig: he is a wise one."
Thank the Lord the
tortoise was still asleep! "What's all this, then?" I asked the
Wimperling. "We have a purse full of money and will get more tonight. All
we have to do is one more performance and we can leave in the morning. What's
one more day? The more money the better."
"If it is
only one more day . . . I do not trust her. I can read her heart a little way
and it is full of wickedness, guile and greed. I cannot see what she intends,
for I believe she does not yet know herself, but it is not good for any of us,
of that I am sure."
"You have no
"No, Summer, but in
this you must trust me. Tonight when the performance ends we must be ready to
leave, all packed up. If we don't, tomorrow may bring disaster to us all."
I shook my head. I just
couldn't believe she meant us harm. And yet—I recalled those flashes of spite
from her eyes. Perhaps . . . "It would be too dark to see. Besides, the
portcullis will be down."
"Stays up for them
as was guests and isn't stayin' over," said Growch. "'Sides, we've
traveled at night before. Moon's near full."
"I shall have to
ask Gill," I said weakly.
"Consult 'im?
When've you ever consulted 'im? You tells 'im what to do an' 'e does it!
Couldn't 'ave got this far without you, an' 'e knows it!" Whenever he got
particularly agitated Growch's speech went to pieces. "Consult 'im
indeed!" And he emphasized his annoyance by kicking up a shower of hay
with his back legs.
"You've all had
your say: why shouldn't he?" I was angry, largely because I wasn't sure
that they weren't right.
said Growch. "Not-nuffin!"
"That's only
because he's blind," I said quickly. "You try going around for a
while with your eyes tight shut and see how you get on! Anyway, I shall ask him
just the same. We're all in this together."
And before I could
change my mind I went outside and suggested to a dozy Gill that we leave that
night. Of course I couldn't give the true reason, and, understandably, he
couldn't see why we didn't postpone it till morning. I decided to wait and see
what the evening brought, but packed everything ready, just in case.
We made a good job of
our performance that night, repeating much of what we had done the evening
before, but adding a couple more tricks to the Wimperling's repertoire. Led by
the lady, we received prolonged applause, a purse from her and another from one
of her guests. When we returned to the stable there was disappointment: none of
the guests was leaving that night and the portcullis remained down.
Right, first thing in
the morning then, when the first wagons came up with provisions. If we were
ready in the shadow of the wall, we would sneak out as soon as the portcullis
was raised. . . . I willed myself to wake up an hour before dawn.
I woke on time, loaded
up our gear and we were ready in the darkest part of the courtyard a good
quarter-hour before we heard the first wagon rumble across the drawbridge. The
driver called out; two yawning soldiers ran across and started to wind up the
portcullis with enough creaks and groans to awaken the dead. I shivered: my
teeth were chattering both with the early morning chill and with dread.
Three wagons passed
through, steam rising from the horses' and the drivers' mouths. I grabbed
Gill's hand and Mistral's bridle, and we had almost reached the first plank of
the drawbridge when two sentries I hadn't seen stepped out and barred our
progress, their spears crossed in front of us.
"Sorry girl,
sir," said one of them peremptorily. "None of you is to leave the
castle. Orders of the Lady Aleinor . . ."
Chapter Eighteen
I stared at them in
horror. "But why?"
They looked at one
another and then the spokesman said: "We don't ask questions of the lady.
All we know is, orders were sent down yesterday midday as you weren't to be let
"Doesn't pay to
disobey," said the other soldier. "We just does as we're told. Sorry
an' all that . . . Enjoyed your performance, by the way: that pig's a good 'un.
Would he do a trick for me?"
"No, no," I
said distractedly. "Only for me . . ." Which was the best answer I
could have given, although I didn't realize it at the time. "Er . . .
Under the circumstances, perhaps it would be better if—if the lady didn't think
we were trying to leave." Scrabbling in my now full purse I handed out a
couple of coins. "I think she might be annoyed if she thought we didn't
appreciate her hospitality."
On our dispirited way
back to the stables I noticed a boy from the village unloading his wagon and
eyeing us speculatively: he had obviously seen the exchange of coin. I clutched
my purse tighter and hurried past.
I was all for requesting
an instant audience with Lady Aleinor, demanding to know the reason for our
confinement and insisting on instant release, but Gill urged caution.
"I reckon that
might make her more determined to keep us a while. She seems to be a very
contrary lady. . . . After all, where's the harm of a few more days? Personally
I'm growing a bit tired of singing love ballads to a woman I can't see, but at
least it means more money, and we are fed and housed. Not that the food is all
that good, but—"
"The most important
thing is to be very, very careful," said the Wimperling. "We must
find out what she has in mind. Don't force the issue: corner any vicious animal
and you relinquish the initiative."
"I want to
go," said Mistral impatiently. "This place is bad, and—"
There was a rustling
noise from farther down the stable and silhouetted against the open door was
the figure of the boy I had noticed earlier. "Hullo . . ." he called
out tentatively.
I was in no mood to be
polite. "What do you want?"
He hesitated for a
moment then moved towards us, twisting a piece of straw between his fingers. He
was dressed in a rough, patched jerkin, trousers tied beneath the knee with
twine, and was barefoot. He was also filthy dirty—I could smell him from where
I stood—and his thatch of hair could well have been fair if it had ever been
washed. He could have been any age from twelve onwards.
"To see if I can
help. I heard what was going on. Gather you want out of here?" His
speech was country-thick but in the lantern light I could see a bright
intelligence in those grey eyes.
I temporized: who knew
where his real interest lay? "Maybe we do—but why should you help?"
"No love for the
Lady 'Ell-an'-All," he muttered. "Killed my father she did," and
he glanced over his shoulder as if he, too, was afraid of being overheard.
"Killed him?"
and once he started telling us, I thought his story to the animals at the same
time as he told it.
"We live in the
hamlet beneath the castle. Two rooms, patch of ground behind. Lived there
happy, father, mother, self and three young sisters. Father was a forester for
the lady, mother helped in the fields with the girls, weeding and picking
stones. I was a crow-scarer, then a shit-shoveler. Still am. Bad winter last
year, after the lord and his sons went off. Not much food. Pa helped himself to
a hare—"
"A poacher?"
"First time he ever
done it. We needed the food, and there were a glut of 'em. Kept helping
theirselves to our vegetable clumps. Pa caught this one with the dog, on our patch
at the back. Someone saw him, told the Lady 'Ell-an'-All. No excuses, no trial.
Hanged the dog, old Blackie, castrated my father—"
"Oh, my God!"
It was Gill. "How barbaric! My father—My father . . ." He put his
hands to his head. "I don't remember. . . ."
"And then she had
his eyes put out," continued the boy, stony-faced. "My father stood
it for six month. Last August we came in late, found he'd cut his throat. With
the trimming knife. They let him keep that."
I put my hand on his
arm, but he shook it off.
"Don't want no
sympathy. Understand why he did it. Less than half a man . . . Anyway, if you
means harm to the lady, then I'm your man."
I didn't know what to
say. We still didn't know if our position was serious. It might just be that
all the lady wanted was a couple more performances. Even as I tried to persuade
myself that the situation didn't warrant any panic, I got a strong signal from
the Wimperling to enlist this boy on our side.
"Thank you," I
said formally. "We don't wish personal harm to the lady, but we do wish to
leave here as soon as possible."
"If she's taken a
fancy to you, here you stay."
"We've given her
what she asked—"
"Look," I
said. "First we have to find out exactly what is going on. I don't quite
know how you can help, but—"
"You'd be
surprised. Bet I can get you all out of here in twenty-four hours." He
hesitated. "'Course, there'd be a price. . . ."
I thought rapidly of
what we could afford. "Ten silver pieces. If we need you, that is . .
His eyes gleamed.
"Done! I'm getting out myself, soon as I can, but can't leave Ma and the
sisters without. See you later. . . ."
* * *
"But I don't
understand," I said.
Gill and I were in the
lady's solar again, having requested an audience after the midday meal. She had
us standing in the center of the room as before while she reclined by the fire.
There was more light in the room today, for the shutters at the window had been
flung back on a sunny sky. The room must face south, for low bars of February
sunshine slanted through the window and across the floor, specks of dust
dancing like midges in the beams. Outside I could see a forest of leafless
trees stretching to the horizon, while black specks rose and fell lazily above
the branches, a soft breeze carrying the quarreling cries of nest-building
I had come straight to
the point and asked why we had been refused permission to leave. She had gazed
at us through half-closed lids.
"I should have
thought that would be perfectly obvious."
But when I said I didn't
understand, she seemed to come to life and sat up, arms gripping the sides of
her chair: "You are not an idiot, girl. If I say you are not to leave, it
is because I wish you to stay. And why? Because, for the moment, I find you and
your animals—diverting. Life can be so boring. . . ." Leaning back
in her chair she closed her eyes. "And now I shall rest for a while, I
expect more entertainment this evening. Some new tricks, please. . . ."
And she let her voice die away, as if indeed it was too tiring to try and
explain further to peasants such as ourselves.
"But I don't want—we
don't wish to stay," I said. "You told us we might leave if we
gave an extra performance, which we did. We do have a life of our own to lead,
you know, and—"
She rose to her feet in
a sudden swirl of skirts, the cone-shaped headdress she wore wobbling
"How dare you! How dare
you! What matter your wishes, your little lives? All that
matters here is what I want! This is my castle, my demesne!
Within its bounds I have jurisdiction of life and death over everyone—everyone,
do you hear?" She was almost hysterical, red blotches on her neck and
face, her eyes snapping sparks like fresh pine bark on a fire. She rushed
forward and struck first me and then Gill hard across the face. My eyes
smarted with the sudden pain, for one of her thumb rings had caught my lip and
I could taste the salt of blood. Gill swayed on his feet and would have fallen
had I not caught at his arm and steadied him.
"God's teeth! What
was that for, lady?"
"Impertinence, blind
man! And there's more where that came from if you do not both watch your
tongues. I will not be disagreed with, do you hear?"
I was so angry with the
way she was treating us that given a pinch of pepper I would have sprung
forward and given her a dose of her own treatment, but the presence of Gill
gave me pause. That, plus the possible danger to the animals. God knew what she
could do if further provoked.
"We have no wish to
cross you," I said, as meekly as I could. "But we would like to know
when we can leave. If you could let us know how many more performances you
require? And if you have any special tricks in mind . . . Of course, it will
take time to teach them all—"
"There is no need
to teach them all fresh tricks: I am only interested in the pig! Any fool can
make a horse turn, a dog obey, a bird fly in circles. You combine them
cleverly, I agree, but it is only the pig that has real intelligence. Your
brother has a pleasant enough voice, I dare say, but singers are a dozen a
week, and you know it! No, the rest of you may leave as and when you wish, but
the pig stays!"
"But—but he
"What do you mean
'can't'? If I say he stays, he stays." She looked at us for a moment, then
changed her tactics. Sitting down once more, she smoothed her skirts, turned
the rings on her fingers. "Of course you will be recompensed. I realize
your pig is a means of livelihood and that you are seeking a cure for your
brother's blindness, which will need special donations. I will give you what I
reckon it will cost for a further three months' travel. Now, I cannot say
fairer than that, can I?"
"You don't understand!
It's not just—just what he could earn us, he is part of us: I couldn't
leave him behind. Besides, he won't do tricks for anyone else, only me."
"Well, you can stay
for a while, too. Just till you have taught me how he works."
The woman was mad!
"But I can't teach you—"
"Can't? Or
won't?" She rose from her chair again, as angry as before. She narrowed
her eyes. "Everything can be taught—unless it's some form of magic. . . .
Magic? Yes, I suppose that could be the answer. If so," and now her voice
was full of menace: "I could have you denounced as a witch! And you know
what that means: trial by fire, earth and water and lastly, being burned at the
stake. . . ."
"I'm no
witch!" I felt the ring of the unicorn cold, cold on my finger. Was that a
form of witchcraft? It had never occurred to me, being as it was a gift from my
dead father which helped me understand the speech of animals and also warned me
of danger, gave me courage—yet perhaps to the lady, to the gullible majority,
it would seem like a form of magic—
Suddenly I was
terrified. Death came in many forms: illness, accident, war, pestilence, age,
famine—but to be burned at the stake! God, please God, sweet Jesus, Mary,
Mother of Sorrows, No! I was trembling; the lady saw it, and smiled gleefully.
"Then if it is not
magic, it is trickery, and that can be taught. Right? And if you do not wish to
teach me, and your—companions—are so precious to you, then perhaps they can
be persuaded to persuade you. . . . Pigeons' necks can be wrung, a horse can be
hamstrung, a dog hung by its tail, a man—"
"Stop it, stop
it!" I had my hands over my ears. "Leave them alone! They have no
part in all this! You said they could all go. . . ."
I should not have been
so vehement. I realized from the gleam in her eye that she now knew I was
vulnerable to the threat of harm to the others.
"Certainly not! I
have changed my mind. They can all be hostages to your good behavior. And just
so as there will be no mistake, we can start the lessons right now! Go fetch
the pig!"
There was nothing I
could do but obey. As I led the Wimperling back I told him what had happened.
"What are we going to do?"
He looked worried, as
worried as I felt, the loose skin over his snout all wrinkled up in perplexity.
"The only thing we can do is go along with what she wants for the moment
and trust to luck. You had better make plans with that boy to escape if you
can. In the meantime give me something simple to do—count to five, perhaps—give
her some gibberish to learn, then say I can only adapt to a new mistress slowly
and tomorrow she will learn more."
So it was decided, but
unfortunately it didn't turn out quite as we had planned. . . .
At first it was all
right. I gave the Lady Aleinor some rhyming words to repeat—taking great
pleasure in correcting her twice—and obediently the Wimperling tapped his hoof
five times. She practiced it half a dozen times, but in the middle of the
nonsense the pig sent me an urgent message.
"Take a look out of
that window. Remember everything you see."
I wandered over and did
as I was bid. A sheer drop of some forty feet to the dry moat below; beyond
that the forests, with a stretch of greensward in front of the trees.
"What are you
doing, girl?"
I walked back.
"Turning my back on the pig, lady, just to prove I am not influencing him.
I just thought—"
"You do not think!
You do as you are told. Come back here and teach me some more."
"The pig is tired,
it will take time for him to get used to—"
"Rubbish! We have
been at this less than an hour! Do as you are told!"
"He won't—"
"He will!
You can make him." She paused, and her next words came honey-sweet and
loaded with sting. "Unless, of course, you would rather I summoned my
soldiers to give your brother here a painful lesson. They are experts, I assure
you. . . ."
The Wimperling flashed
me a warning. "Do as she says! Simple addition: two and one, two and two.
She can't count."
And so it went on, until
the Wimperling himself took a hand, sinking to the ground with a groan and
puffing and panting, rolling his eyes round and around.
"There! I told you
so!" For a heart-stopping moment I believed he was indeed ill, but as I
rushed forward and knelt distractedly at his side, I saw him wink.
"Tell me, quickly,
what you saw from the window. . . ."
So, as I fussed over
him, I described the scene outside.
"Mmm . . . Doesn't
sound too promising. Don't look so worried! We'll find a way out of this."
The Lady Aleinor at last
seemed persuaded she could go no further today. She sank back in her chair,
still repeating to herself the rubbish I had taught her.
"Very well,"
she said after a moment. "What does it eat?"
"He eats
most things," I said. "When I get back to the stables I can ask
"The stables? The
creature stays here. It's mine now, and I shall look after it."
I was devastated. How in
the world could we all escape together when we were down there and he was up
here? Together we had a chance: apart, none.
"But—but he needs
exercise, grooming, companionship, light. . . ."
"All of which he
will get. My soldiers will escort him out twice a day—the exercise will do them
good as well. A nice trot around the castle grounds . . . Now, you can go.
Attend me tomorrow at the same hour."
"But—but I . .
"Do you want a
beating? No? Then get out! The creature will soon adapt to its new
surroundings. As soon as you have taught me all I need to know you may leave.
But if there is any more argument or backsliding I shall have to reconsider.
Just remember what I said about the expendability of your other animals. . .
* * *
Back in the stables I
sobbed in despair, trying to explain to the others the mess we—I—had gotten us
into. Gill patted me awkwardly on the shoulder, Growch whined in sympathy and
Mistral and Traveler shifted from foot to foot in anxiety. I felt terribly
alone. I had not realized before how much I had relied on the simple common
sense of the Wimperling, his stoicism, his comfortable, fat, ugly little body.
Not that he was so small anymore . . . Only a few weeks ago I had been able to
tuck him under my arm, and now he seemed near full-grown. One of the nicest
things about him was that he never grumbled, and now he had been taken from us
I felt utterly helpless: I couldn't even think straight.
"There's the
boy," said Gill. "He said he could get us out of here,
"But that was
before she took the Wimperling," I wept.
"Let's see what he
got to say, anyways," said Growch. "Ain't nuffin more than we can do
today: gettin' dark already."
So it was, and we had
missed the midday meal. I found, too, that no one was going to rush to feed the
animals, and in the gathering gloom I had to find my own oats and hay, and fill
the buckets with water from the well in the courtyard.
It was even more obvious
that we didn't exist when we went into the hall for the evening meal. Word had
obviously got around of the lady's displeasure, for we were elbowed away from
the table, were not offered a trencher, nor any ale. In the end I snatched what
I could for both of us and we ate standing; rye bread, stale cheese and a
couple of bones with a little meat left on them.
Worse was to come. The
Lady Aleinor brought in the Wimperling, an animal so bedecked with ribbons and
bunting as to be practically unrecognizable. She made him go through what I had
taught her in front of the whole assembly, mouthing the rubbish she had
learned; she had a little whip in her hand with which she stroked his flanks:
if she had actually struck him I don't know what I would have done.
The applause was loud
and sycophantic, and as soon as she had done I rushed forward to give him a
reassuring hug before they dragged me away. He managed some quick words:
"See the boy! If the rest of you can get away, I think I can manage as
well. . . ."
Slightly reassured, we
all spent a better night, and in the morning, after feeding and watering the
animals and snatching some bread and cheese from the hall for Gill and myself,
we settled down to await the boy and his wagon. He brought winter cabbage, some
turnips, a barrel of smoked fish and some firewood for the kitchens. Once he
had unloaded he picked up a shovel and started to clear the far end of the
"Down here as well,
please!" I called out, as if I had never seen him before. He walked down
the aisle, trailing a barrow behind him, and bent to shovel out Mistral's
"Well? Thought
about it, then?" All the while he spoke to us he never stopped his steady
shoveling. "Still want out?"
"Yes, yes; we do.
Are you willing to help us?"
"I said so, didn't
I? Ten silver pieces you said? Good. How many are there of you?"
I pointed to the others.
"And our packages." I mustn't forget the tortoise, either.
"The—the pig has been taken into the castle."
He shook his head.
"Can't help you there. There's no getting it out now. One of them out
there—" he jerked his thumb over his shoulder: "—told me as how you
had taught the lady some magic words?"
"Not really,"
I said hurriedly. "Just the words I always use to direct his act. She's a
slow learner. . . . What about the rest of us, then?"
He carried on shoveling.
"Dog can slip through the portcullis any time: bars are wide enough.
Pigeon can fly over, right?"
"And my brother?
He's blind."
"Him and your
packages can go in the back of the wagon. I'll back it up to the door at the
end of the stables tonight. He'll have to sit under a load o'shit, though, but
I got a cover."
"And me?"
"Got a cloak?
Right, then. Pin up your skirt and I'll bring a pair of my pa's braies. Be a
tight fit, but . . . At dusk, won't matter as much. Get you a hat as well. Find
a sack of something to put over your back, walk out t'other side from the
soldiers. Dirty your face a bit, too."
"What about the
"Swap her for mine.
Blanket over her, bit of muck on her quarters and head, sack on her back. I'll
let on mine's lame and I'm borrowing."
"Quicker the
better. We'll all meet behind the castle, in the forest. Follow the wood trail.
Clearing about quarter-mile in."
"But . . . will it
He stopped shoveling and
grinned. "Got to. Else I don't get my money, do I?"
There was much to do.
Everything, including the tortoise, to be parceled as small as possible,
Traveler and Growch to be briefed as to our meeting place, Mistral to be
dirtied up, Gill to be encouraged—
"Hidden in a manure
cart? I couldn't possibly. . . ."
—and in between as much
food as possible to be filched from the hall and kitchens.
Promptly at midday I was
summoned once more to the Lady Hell-and-All (as I now thought of her). More
instruction included the Wimperling "finding" lost objects. He was
deliberately slow, earning one sharp reprimand and a slash with her jeweled
girdle at me for not teaching her properly. In between I managed to convey to
him what we had planned and where we were to meet.
"But what about
"Have you
forgotten? I can fly. . . ."
I thought he was joking,
trying to make me feel better.
The afternoon seemed
interminable, though there was only now some three hours till dusk. I checked
and re-checked that all was packed and prepared; noted that the sky was clear
and remembered there would be a helpful moon; worried lest we didn't get away
quick enough, for the lady's soldiers and her scent-working lymers and brachs
could pick up a trail easily enough if she discovered us missing too soon; I
also prayed: hard.
In between I paced the courtyard
restlessly, watching people come and go, all busy, all employed on some task or
another. Soldiers drilling, squires practicing with wooden swords, wood being
stacked, slops emptied, weapons being cleaned and sharpened, horses groomed and
exercised, dogs fighting, chickens being plucked for the evening meal . . .
I felt terribly
conspicuous, as if everyone could read my mind, knew what I was planning, but
in fact no one took the slightest notice of me. Most were too busy, but as for
the others, all knew I had incurred the lady's displeasure, so it was as if I
didn't exist at all. If there had been any dungeons in the castle, I should
have been shut away in those; being denied the gates, the courtyard was as good
a prison as any.
At long last the sun
started to sink behind the castle walls. The boy's was one of the last wagons
to enter through the gate, and to my dismay he was directed, not to the
stables, but to picking up empty water casks. This meant he was half-loaded. He
then backed the wagon as near as he could to the stable door and muttered:
"Can you get your dog to start a fight?"
Get Growch to fight? It
had been with the greatest difficulty I had restrained him during the last few
days, and now he needed no further bidding. He chose a pack of hounds near the
gateway, slipped on his short legs beneath their bellies, and with a couple of
sharp nips here and there and a heap of shouted insults had them in a trice
snapping and barking and snarling and biting at one another, in an unavailing
attempt to catch him. As soon as the pace got too hot, even for him, he
careered through the open gates and across the drawbridge, yelling the dog
equivalent of "can't-catch-me!" Half-a-dozen hounds tore off in
immediate pursuit, which meant at least the same number of servitors went in
pursuit, to ensure the lady's precious dogs came to no harm.
The chase was enlivening
an otherwise boring afternoon, and more and more people were breaking off what
they were doing to cheer, laugh or shake their heads disapprovingly. A couple
of the horses who were being groomed chose that moment to display temper,
snapping and kicking out at their handlers, scattering the rest of the dogs and
some hens and ducks, whose squawks added to the commotion.
"Load up now!"
hissed the boy, and in a fumblingly long moment I had Gill and our packages up
and into the back of the wagon, and a tarpaulin hastily thrown over the whole.
I threw Traveler up, and after a couple of abortive flutters he took wing and
wheeled out of the gate, heading west. "Bring out the horse!" and in
a moment he had exchanged her in the traces for his own animal, stooping to
fiddle for a minute with his horse's off-hind hoof. He then thrust a bundle
into my hand: "Change into these!" And a moment later was
nonchalantly loading up a couple more casks and roping them down. All this had
taken perhaps three minutes. "See you in the forest," he muttered,
and led Mistral and the wagon towards the gateway, his own horse limping
I watched them, my heart
in my mouth, but no one took the slightest notice, and in a minute they were
trundling across the drawbridge and away, just as the last of the protesting
hounds were being led back to the courtyard. I heard a derisive bark from the
far side of the moat and knew Growch was safe.
But I was wasting
precious time. Ducking back into the stables I opened the package the boy had
given me, tucked up my skirt as best I could and struggled into the braies, a
very tight fit. I shoved my hair up under the broad-brimmed straw hat—why the
hell hadn't I thought to braid it up!—and wrapped my cloak around me. Picking
up the sack I had earlier filled with hay I flung it over my shoulder and
stooped over as though I was carrying a much heavier burden.
It was perhaps twenty
yards from the stable to the gateway, but it seemed like a million miles. I had
to walk slowly, I had to hunch up to keep my face hidden, and with the broad
brim of the hat I could only see a couple of paces in front of me. At last I
could see the penultimate wagon ahead trundling through the gateway, and
hurried a little to pass through in its wake. I had my hand out ready to hang
on to the tailgate when everything went horribly wrong.
I had hurried too much
in changing and hadn't fastened my skirt up securely. It started to drop down
and, bending to retrieve it, I felt my hat fall off and my hair cascade down
round my face. There was a shout off to my left and I dropped the sack and was
panicked into running, my heart thumping like a drum. A soldier slipped from
the shadows, stuck out a foot and I landed flat on my face in the dust, winded
and bruised.
I was hauled to my feet,
none too gently.
"What's all this,
then? Trying it on again, are we? We'll just see what the lady has to say about
all this. . . ."
Chapter Nineteen
The lady had a great
deal to say, or rather scream, the words punctuated with slaps, punches and
pinches which I was helpless to avoid, being held firmly by the two soldiers
who had brought me upstairs. I was almost blinded by tears of rage and pain and
at first I only half heard the little voice in my head. There it was again:
"Courage; we'll soon be out of this. . . ." Then I realized the
Wimperling must be in the solar as well.
The lady eventually ran
out of breath and went back to her chair, her face crimson with rage and
exertion. "After all I've done for you, you ungrateful little whore! Oh, I
see I shall have to teach you a real lesson this time? Misbegotten little tart!
You can't say I didn't warn you. . . ." She turned to the soldiers.
"Go and wring the neck of that pigeon of hers, then take it to the
kitchens and bid them make a little pie of it: I shall start my meal with it
tonight. Then bring her brother here: we'll see how he likes losing his tongue
as well as his eyes. . . ."
"Oh, no!" The
words were out before I realized that the others had gone, were hopefully safe
for a while, but she enjoyed my reaction, clapping as if she had just performed
a clever trick and was applauding herself. Her tongue flickered back and forth
between her teeth, a snake tasting the air for my terror.
"I'll show you just
who is in charge here! If you don't want your brother to lose other parts as
well—a hand, his ears, his balls perhaps—you will swear on God's Body not to
dare cross me again!"
We were alone now—where was
the Wimperling? The fire smoked abominably, my face hurt and the soft flesh
on my upper arms throbbed where she had pinched and nipped with unmerciful
nails. My loosened hair was plastered across my face, and I lifted my hands to
braid it back, but she half-rose from her chair on an instant.
"No tricks, now, or
I'll call the guard!" I let my hands drop again and she subsided. Just
then the Wimperling appeared from behind her chair, festooned as before with
ridiculous ribbons and bows. He gave me a reassuring wink; I could see his ears
were cocked, listening to something I could not hear.
"Not on their way
back yet," he said to me. "On my count of three run across to the
window and open the shutters as wide as you can!" He started to take deep
breaths. The lady's expression changed; she bent down to caress him.
"But you
"Don't argue!"
he said. "Just go. Trust me. . . . One, two, three!"
I should perhaps have
rushed to the window without risking a glance back. As it was I nearly knocked
myself senseless on the corner of the ornate sideboard just to glimpse the lady
rise from her chair and call out, the Wimperling circling her warily with
exposed teeth—he had real tusks I noticed—all the while hissing gently.
I reached the window
without further mishap and looked round wildly for the fastening. Of course!
There was a heavy bar that dropped into slots on either side. I tried to lift
it, but it wouldn't budge. Swearing under my breath, I heaved and heaved again.
One side started to move, the other was stuck. Helplessly I shoved and pulled,
then realized that one shutter hadn't been closed properly and was catching
against the bar. I slammed it shut with the heel of my hand then hefted the bar
once more. It came loose so easily it flew up in the air and narrowly missed my
feet as it crashed onto the floor. I tugged the shutters open as hard as I
could till they crashed back against the wall and suddenly the room was flooded
with dusk-light and there was a great gust of welcome fresh air.
"Right!" I yelled,
and turned back to an incredible sight. The Wimperling appeared to have grown
to twice or three times his normal size: he was blowing himself up as one would
inflate a bladder, and looked in imminent danger of bursting. I could hardly
see his eyes, his tail stuck straight out like an arrow and his wings were
unfolding away from his shoulders, because there was no room to tuck them away.
The lady's eyes were
almost popping out of her head, but she was still making valiant attempts to
reach me, thwarted by the pig's circling motions. I took a quick peep out of
the window; we couldn't possibly escape that way. It was a sheer drop down to
the dry moat and I didn't fancy suicide.
The Wimperling took a
last, deep, deep breath, adding yet more inches all over, until his tightly
stretched skin looked as if it were cracking all over onto tiny, fine lines
like unoiled leather.
I could hear footsteps
on the spiral stair.
"Bolt the
door!" cried the Wimperling. "Then watch out!"
As I ran to the door I
saw him charge the Lady Hell-and-All, knocking her flying into the hearth,
shrieking and cursing. I threw both bolts and dashed back, the lady being
occupied in trying to extinguish the smoldering sparks that had caught her
purple woolen dress, doing less than well because the bright-edged specks were
widening into holes and then crawling like maggots this way and that in the
close weave.
Somehow the Wimperling
had managed to heave himself up onto the windowsill, and was now balanced
precariously on the edge. He was so fat he could barely squeeze his bulk
through the frame.
"Hurry up,
"What? Where?"
"On my back,"
he said impatiently. "Hurry!"
"You can't—"
"I can!"
I tried to
scramble up, but whereas the windowsill had been on a level with my waist, with
the pig's bulk on top his back was at chin-height and I kept slipping off. Now
behind us we could hear a hammering on the door, the lady was still screeching
and any minute she would rush over and snatch me back—
I grabbed a stool,
climbed on that and found myself lying flat on the pig's back.
"Arms round my neck
and hang on tight! Here we go-o-ooo!" and before I could take a breath
there was a sudden sickening plunge and we were away. I felt a shriek of pure
terror wind its way up from my stomach and escape through my mouth, the sound
mingling with the screech of disturbed rooks and the rush of air past my ears.
There was a sudden Whoosh! of sound and then a Crack! as of flags snapping in a
sharp breeze, and we were flying!
A steady rush of air
came from the Wimperling's backside and his wings spread out from his
shoulders, balancing us on our downward path away from the castle. The moat
slid away from beneath my frightened eyes; there were the trees of the forest,
the patch of greensward rising gently to meet us. . . .
It was a terrifying,
wonderful few moments. The wind blew my hair all over my face, I felt utterly
insecure, my teeth were chattering with fear, yet there was enough in me left
to appreciate just what I was experiencing. The world was spinning, I was a
bird, I was going to the moon, I would live forever, I was immortal,
The hiss of escaping air
behind us stopped suddenly, started again, then deteriorated into a series of
popping little farts, and in an instant we were wobbling all over the sky. The
world turned upside down and a moment later we landed on the strip of grass in
front of the trees with an almighty crash that rattled my teeth and knocked all
the breath from my body.
For a moment—a minute?
longer?—I lay fighting to regain my breath, then sat up and felt myself all
over. Plenty of bruises and bumps, but nothing broken. Where was I, what was
The Wimperling! Oh, God,
where was he?
I gazed around wildly,
saw what looked like a shrunken sack lying a few yards away. "Wimperling?
Are you all right?" I crawled over and poked the heap.
"Yes," said a
muffled voice. "No thanks to you. I was underneath when we landed. . .
He sat up slowly, shook
each leg in turn, then his tail and ears and took a deep breath. Immediately he
looked less like a sack and more like a pig.
I shook my head
admiringly. "How did you do it? The flying, I mean?"
"Improvisation. I
don't think I'd try it again, though: not easy enough to control emission.
Without it, though, I couldn't have managed you as well—my wings aren't strong
enough yet."
There was a sudden shout
from the direction of the castle. I looked back and could see the lady hanging
out of the window we had just left, waving her arms and shouting, and around
the corner of the castle came a party of foot soldiers, trotting purposefully
our way. I scrambled to my feet.
"Quick! We've got
to find the others. Something about a firewood trail . . ."
"I saw it on the
way down, as well as I could for mouthfuls of your hair," said the pig
tranquilly. "Off to the left." And he set out at a fast trot, with me
stumbling behind. We swerved into the undergrowth and it was hard going, for
the bushes were thick and overhead branches became tangled in my hair while
roots tripped my feet. But the Wimperling kept going and soon we burst out into
a twig-strewn ride.
Behind us we could hear
shouts, the lady's fading screams, and we ran as fast as we could down the ride
into the forest, me fearful lest we had missed the others. The trees swung away
on either side and there were stacks of part-chopped wood, two
charcoal-burner's huts and—yes, they were all there, Mistral already loaded.
Growch came bouncing to
meet us. "Hullo! Got away all right, I see. Didn't I do well? Saw that lot
off, I did."
Gill fumbled for my arm.
"You all right? That cart . . . I smell terrible." He did.
I mind-checked the
others: all well. Even Basher was awake, and grumbling. "A-a-all that
bouncing . . . Chap ca-a-an't sleep. . . ."
The boy was dancing
about impatiently. "Hurry! I must be away before they come. Wind's from
the east—them to you, which'll help you with the dogs. I'll try and head 'em
off. . . ." and he swung a smelly sack from his hand.
"Thanks!" I
panted. I had a stitch in my side from running. "Why the extra help?"
"Catch you and they
catch me," he answered succinctly. "If they screwed your arms out of
their sockets you'd tell. Have to."
I pulled out my purse
from under my skirt and poured coins into my hand. "Ten silver pieces:
one, two— ey! What are you doing?" To my consternation a dirty brown hand
had snatched the purse and scooped the coins from my hand.
The boy stepped back
well out of reach. He pulled a knife from his belt, and I bent down to restrain
a growling Growch.
"For my Mam and
sisters, remember? Reckon they need the money more'n you. You got the pig:
reckon he can earn for you. Better get going: the lady has a long arm. Take the
path to your right, then first left to the stream. Walk in the water to confuse
the hounds till you come to a grove of oaks. After that take the path either to
the east or south. Lady's demesne finishes at the road you'll find either way.
Twenty miles or so. Get going, will you?"
"Wait!" I
called, as he made for the shelter of the trees. "What's your name?"
"Dickon. Why?"
I should have been
furious with him, risked setting Growch on him, fought him myself for the
money, but in a queer way I knew he needed it more. It was a shame, but I still
had some of Matthew's money left: we'd manage. "When are you
"Soon as the
weather brings the first leaves on the beech. Go and get myself 'prenticed.
Come back for the family once I'm earning."
"If you go north,
seek out . . ." and I gave him Matthew's name and direction. "Say we
sent you. He's a kind man but a canny merchant. He might fix you up with
something. Treat him fair and he'll do the same."
"Thanks. I—"
But there came a flurry of shouts and barking behind us and we fled one way, he
the other.
At first it was easy, in
spite of the deepening dusk. Behind us we could hear the hounds and then a
sudden whooping, hollering sound and gathered they had picked up a scent. I
only hoped it wasn't ours, but the sounds seemed to be away to our left, no
nearer. We nearly missed the path to the stream, it was so overgrown, but at
last we found ourselves splashing ankle-deep in freezing water, and by the time
we managed to identify the grove of oaks the icy chill of my feet had crept up
to my stomach and chest. It was near full dark; Mistral, the pigeon and the
tortoise were fine, but Gill, Growch and I were so cold that all we wanted to
do was light a fire and roast ourselves by it, forgetting bruised feet, turned
ankles and scratched faces and hands.
But there was no way we
could risk that. Far away I could still hear the mournful belling of the
hounds, though the distance between us seemed to be increasing. I hoped Dickon
was safe back home. Even if he had laid a trail, eventually when it came to an
end they would cast back, though they would probably wait now until morning:
the lady would not thank them for losing any of the hounds, even to catch us.
And I knew she would be even keener to do that now she knew the pig could fly.
. . .
We stumbled on as best
we could through the long night, halting only for a quick snack of the bits and
pieces I had managed to bring with me. We had the advantage of clear skies, a
near-full moon and the prickle of stars, but it was still hard going. There
were no rides here and the undergrowth hadn't been cleared for years. Fallen
trees, hidden roots, sudden dips and hollows, the tangle of briars, an
occasionally stagnant pond—all contrived to hinder our halting passage.
The noise of our
progress effectively drove away most of the wildlife, though tawny owl hunted
relentlessly. There was the intermittent scurrying in the undergrowth as some
small animal was disturbed, and we almost fell over a grunting badger, turning
the fallen leaves for early grubs. Towards dawn I called a halt under some
pines and we hunkered down in an uneasy doze. There was nothing much to eat for
break-fast but the rest of what I had brought from the castle, and that was
little enough: the bread stale, the cheese hard, the pie so high only the
Wimperling and Growch would touch it. Luckily there was grazing for Mistral,
some seeds for Traveler; Basher had dozed off again.
It was a long day. Once
or twice we heard the far-off sounds of men, dogs and even horses, but even
these receded after a while. At the midday halt Mistral and the Wimperling
foraged as best they could, the pigeon found some thistle heads, and Basher,
thankfully, had decided to hibernate again. Gill and I just had to tighten our
belts and trudge on. Luckily that afternoon I found some Judas' Ear growing on
elder: it was a tough fungus with little taste, but after dusk I risked a small
fire—during the light I reckoned smoke could be still seen from the turrets of
the castle, but a tiny red glow in a hollow was more difficult to spot at
night—and chopped the fungus into the pot with oil, salt, a pinch of herbs and
a little flour and water and it made a filling enough mess. I also made some
oatcakes to eat in the morning. Of course we were still hungry, but at least
our stomachs didn't grumble all night.
And this was the pattern
of the next two days. Luckily the sun shone and we took whatever promising
trail we could, though very often these animal tracks started going east or
south, and then wandered all over the place, sometimes even circling right
back, and the undergrowth was too thick for us to wade through, unless we found
bare ground beneath pine or fir. Twenty miles straight it might be, crooked it
was not. I wondered how far we had really come: probably halfway only.
I looked for more fungi
and found a few Scarlet Cups, better for color than taste, some Blisters, and a
few Sandys. This time I boiled them up with a dozen or so chicory and dandelion
leaves and the last of the flour. Growch dug up a couple of truffles and I
added these and the result was quite tasty. Gill and I were down to one thin
meal a day, though the animals fared better with their foraging, and the
Wimperling it was who found us both some shriveled haws and the handful or so
of hazelnuts the next day. But we were all weakened and weary by the evening of
the fifth day when the trees started to thin out and at last we could walk
straight with the setting sun to our right.
I don't think any of us
quite believed it at first when we found ourselves actually stepping on a
proper road, able to see in all directions and with no pushing and shoving
along a trail. I looked back. Nothing save anonymous trees: it could have been
anyone's demesne. I felt like putting up a great notice by the side of the road
saying: "Beware! The Lady Aleinor is an evil Bitch!" But what good
would it do? Most who passed here would not be able to read, and for those who
did the castle was twenty miles away from this side.
I hadn't realized how
tired I was: we were on a road, pointing in the right direction, but we had no
food and no shelter: I didn't feel I could go a step further. Growch nuzzled my
knee sympathetically, but it was Traveler who called to be let out of his cage.
"I'll fly a little
way and see what I can see. . . ."
He was back in ten
minutes, to report a hamlet some two miles ahead. I don't know how we made it
but we did, just before dark. We had to knock them up, the food was poor, the
shelter minimal, but at that stage we couldn't be choosers. We ate, we slept,
and the next day we did the same. On the second day we were on our way again,
wending from hamlet to hamlet. The weather remained dry, the village folk were
hospitable, the food adequate, but I was worried at how far east we were
veering, although there was no alternative except the occasional track. Even
Traveler, who was a definite bonus, could see no alternative way, fly as high
as he could.
The countryside was
changing, too. It was becoming more rocky and the road more undulating, and we
passed through scrub and pine as the land gradually rose. On either side
mountains rose in sympathy, at first blue and distant, then nearer and sharper
each day, till we could clearly see the tall escarpments, the towering crags,
the black holes of faraway caves, the skirts of pine that clothed their waists.
Above our heads we could hear the complaint of flocks of crows and sometimes
see the mighty soar of eagles, their great wings fingering the winds we could
not feel.
Understandably Traveler
became wary of flying too far with so many predators about, but one day he came
winging back to report a "town of sorts" off to our left. Three or
four flights away, he said, but a pigeon's flight was variable, relying as it
did day by day on weather conditions: wind, rain, cloud, sun and the type of
flight needed to suit each variation.
"Can we reach it
before nightfall?"
"Up the hill, down
the hill, round the next hill, turn east, twisting road between high
escarpments, down to the valley . . . Yes."
"And what's it
like, this town?" A town meant proper shelter, a full replenishment of our
stores, mending of shoes, a warm wash—everything we had sorely needed for the
past two weeks.
"Difficult to say.
Never seen anything like it. Lots of tents, few buildings. Many people and
animals. No castle, no church. Big road leading on to the south."
And that is what decided
me. This was the road we needed, and if it meant going through the
"town" Traveler had described, then that was the way we had to go,
although many times during that long day I cursed the pigeon's directions.
Birds fly, they don't walk, and their "up" and "down" meant
little to them, but a hell of a lot to those on foot. The narrow path we
followed that crawled and looped what seemed a million miles towards the valley
floor nearly finished us all off: it was so frustrating being able to see our
goal one moment, and then having to turn away from it. That, plus the falling
rocks, the blocked paths we had to climb around, the streams that poured on our
heads or meandered across the track . . .
I had already lit the
lantern and fixed it to Mistral's crupper by the time we reached the valley
floor. Ahead was a short walk through well-trodden scrub to the perimeter of
the "town," marked by a regular series of posts set into the ground,
a very shallow artificial moat and a couple of temporary bridges. Beyond we
could see a score of small stone buildings, a mass of tents, a half-ruined
amphitheater and a slender temple, the broken columns throwing exquisite
shadows in the moonlight. Obviously once this had been the site of an earlier
civilization. And now?
We were stopped at the
nearest bridge. Not by a soldier, but by a fussy little civilian with a mass of
papers in his hand, a quill behind his ear and an ink pot in his pocket. His
very officiousness calmed any fears I might have had, and before long I was
trying not to smile at his earnestness. Here was normalcy: no shrinking houses,
ghosts or wicked ladies.
"What have we here,
then? There are only two weeks left, you know: you're late!" He consulted
his lists. "Do you know just how many models we have had this year? Nearly
two hundred! And of course now accommodation is at a premium. . . . Do you have
a sponsor? No? Still, there is always Mordecai, the Jew, or Bartholomew. . . .
I believe they are both short this year. Now, how many are there of you? A man,
a lady and a horse . . . And what's this? A pig? and do I see a dog? Well, I
don't think I've seen a pig, this year, but of course dogs are two a farthing.
You have a pigeon? And a tortoise? Now that is a novelty! This might make all
the difference. Quite a call for exotic creatures like that, especially for
breviaries. Haven't by any chance got a coney or a hedge-pig, I suppose? Pity;
both in short supply this year. Seven of you, then: lucky number, seven . . .
Come far? Now, that will be nine of copper: two each for the humans, one for
the animals."
I was completely
confused. "Models," "sponsors," a tortoise to make all the
difference? Instead of the expected normalcy, this place sounded like a
madhouse. But the word "models" gave me a clue: perhaps this place
contained artists who wanted various creatures to draw and paint, human and
"How many artists
here this year?" I asked diffidently, to make sure I was on the right
"Artists? A few
more than last year . . ." So now I was right. "Now, let's have your
names. . . ." He took them down.
"What—what are the
"Depends on your
sponsor. You haven't been before? No, well if you follow me I will try and find
someone to take you on."
He led us across the
wooden bridge to a squalid huddle of temporary huts, a line of tethered horses,
mules and donkeys. Small cooking fires burned in the deepening gloom and people
scurried back and forth carrying washing, water, pots and pans, babes in arms.
"This is the poorer
end," said our guide, wrinkling his nose. "Not organized at all, this
lot . . . Farther in are the stores, stables, cooking and washing areas. Plus
of course the hiring place, market and artists supplies . . . Stay here: I
won't be long." And off he strode with a purposeful air, papers flapping.
"What have you
got us into this time, Summer?" said poor Gill.
He might well ask!
Our guide, Master
Fettiplace, returned, and led us a few hundred yards to a row of orderly tents.
"Let me introduce you to Master Bumbo—" a small, bustling,
bald-headed man, with a snub nose red from wine and a potbelly to match.
"He is willing to take you on, providing terms can be agreed."
"No reason why
not!" cried our new sponsor. He beamed at us all, but the smile did not
reach a pair of small, black, calculating eyes. He would drive a hard bargain
but we had no option. He had a large black mole on his left cheek, from which
sprouted three bristly hairs: this should not have made him any less likable,
but somehow it did.
"Come along, come
along, all of you!" said Master Bumbo. "Let's get you settled in.
You'll be hungry and tired, I have no doubt. . . . Er, you did say you had a
tortoise . . . ?"
I sized up Master Bumbo,
and decided it would be a battle. But we needed the money. . . .
"Of course," I
said. "A trained one. As are the horse, the pigeon, the pig and the dog.
Very expensive animals. They will do exactly as I say: stand, sit, walk, fly,
or be perfectly still. But they only obey me. We do not come cheap, my brother
and I. . . ."
"Of course, of
course! My commission is small, very small—and in return you will have
bountiful accommodation, free, and one good meal a day. And of course your fees
for posing . . ." He walked along the row of tents, disappeared into one;
there was the sound of an altercation and a moment or two later a tawdry female
came flying out, followed by half a dozen cushions, a blanket and various pots
and pans. Master Bumbo returned with an ingratiating smile and a bruised lip.
"As soon as you like . . ." The tent smelled like a whorehouse, and
showed signs of the hasty eviction of its former occupant: underwear, pots of
perfume, a torn night dress. I handed these gravely to our sponsor.
"You mentioned a
meal. . . . I think we will take today's now. And if I may accompany you to the
cooking lines, I believe we shall have better service when we need it.
Precooked meals, or will they cook our own?"
"Er . . . Either.
They are not cheap, but who is these days?"
I decided to build our
own fire. Hanging our lantern on a hook, I saw there was rush matting on the
floor and a few rather tatty cushions. We had our own bedding, so that was all
right. "Is there a bathhouse?"
"Over there."
He pointed. "Again, not cheap . . ."
Right. We would pay for
hot water once, and I would wash the clothes, myself; there must be a stream
He tried again.
"Fodder for the animals a hundred yards to your right—"
"Not cheap," I
said gravely.
"Er . . . No. Your
horse can join the lines down—"
"My horse," I
said, "stays here, behind the tent. She's trained, remember?"
And so the first small
victory was mine, but it didn't remain that way for long. Every day it swung
first one way then the other, as first Master Bumbo then I gained advantage. Of
course he tried to cheat us, and I retorted by snatching the odd freelance for
any of us I could.
The "town" was
as I had suspected: a winter retreat for artists where they could paint, draw
or sketch in peace with everything provided—from the latest tube or pot of
Italian Brown to the row of whores' tents behind the temple. They had all the
scenery they needed—a river, mountains, forests, romantic ruins—and all the
models imaginable; black, white, brown; tall, short, wide, thin; dwarfs and
giants, men, women and children; the beautiful, the ugly and those in between.
They had animals of all shapes and sizes (but ours was the only tortoise), the
flowers of the field carefully painted on wood and cut out to be placed where
they wished and all the impedimenta of indoor life—pots, pans, candlesticks,
stools, chairs, tables, hangings, goblets, knives etc. There were costumes and
armor, swords and spears, in fact everything an artist could need. At a price.
Why in this hidden
valley? I had thought we were miles from anywhere, but in fact the road
Traveler had seen led straight to an important crossroads, and was only ten
miles from the nearest town. The whole venture was run by an Italian, who had
another such project in his own country, held in the autumn. Signor Cavalotti,
whose brainchild this was, believed that exchanges of ideas and techniques were
essential to the development of art; indeed, I was told there had been
significant advances in perspective and the mixing of paints in the ten years
the two "towns" had existed.
Well, Signer Cavalotti
may have had high ideals and thought he was a philanthropist, but the
consortium who ran this caper was very far from being either. Everything was
very highly priced, but those who came off worst were probably the models like
us. It went like this: the artist paid the model, who then relinquished some
seventy percent to the sponsor; he in turn paid ten percent for food, five
percent to pitch the tents, and then perhaps twenty percent to the consortium
for the privilege of sponsorship. Probably the artists spent more than everyone
else—space, canvas, paints, props, costumes, models, food, accommodation—but
then they had the money to start with.
Most of them were
sponsored by rich families or the church—I counted at least a dozen altar pieces
and triptychs in various stages of completion—and many had private means. There
was a handful of students and apprentices, but most of these were under the
patronage of the artists themselves. Useful to be able to take credit for the
important bits and have an unpaid lackey to fill in the background!
Master Bumbo had very
little idea how to promote his models—he had ten others besides ourselves—but
in spite of his laziness, incompetence and avariciousness Gill's good looks
provided us with two St. Sebastians and a disciple; I got two crowd scenes,
very background, and Basher was fully occupied with two young monks composing a
bestiary and an artist creating a series of panels on popular legends. One
artist was interested exclusively in birds and their plumage and anatomy and
was very pleased with the (private) sittings with Traveler.
And what of the
Wimperling in all this? All in all, he earned more than the rest of us put
together. Master Bimbo gave up on him after the first day: he was, after all, a
rather ugly pig—but I had better ideas. A German artist who had used poor
Mistral in an allegory for famine recommended a Dutchman who was looking for
"odd" creatures, and I saw why when I peeped round the corner of his
screened off area. He was painting the pains of Hell on a large canvas, and
very frightening they were, too. Fires, flames, smoke; imps, demons, devils,
trolls, dragons: all delighting in torturing, beheading, raping and
disemboweling the hapless sinners who cascaded down from the top of the canvas
in a never-ending stream. And everywhere there was an inch or so of space
capered creatures from a wildly demented imagination, gleefully cheering on the
These creatures could
never have existed: birds with fish heads, lizards with horses' hooves, cats
with six arms and two heads, mouths with thin spindly legs, spiders with human
faces, torsos with heads in their stomachs, a pair of legs with wings—It was
this last that gave me the idea. Withdrawing quietly before the artist noticed
me, I returned later with a fully briefed Wimperling.
The artist was a
thoroughly unpleasant little man, hunched and smelly, so much I had already
heard, but I wasn't prepared for the brusque way he dismissed me before I had
opened my mouth.
"Unless you've got
an extra pair of tits or balls I don't want to know: bugger off!"
But I wasn't going to be
thrown out just like that. Instead I dared his wrath and looked critically at
the lizard-like thing with wings he was trying to draw.
"You've got the
wings wrong," I said. "They should be more leathery and the tips less
scooped. . . ."
"What? What do you
mean? How do you know anything about Wyrm-wings?"
"Look," I
said, and the Wimperling carefully extended one wing. "And if it's claws
and hooves you are after, just look at these. . . ." The pig lifted one
hoof. "And as for fangs—" Obligingly the Wimperling bared his teeth.
I hadn't realized just how sharp they were till now. The pig folded himself
away again. "What do you say?"
breathed the artist. "Do that again!"
The Wimperling obliged.
"How much do you
want for it?" snapped the artist, his eyes even piggier than the pig.
"I'll give you what you want. Within reason . . . Ten gold pieces?"
His ringers were crawling towards the pig with desire, his sleeve smudging the
charcoal sketch I had criticized.
"He's not for
sale," I replied firmly. "But I am offering him to you as a model:
exclusive rights, of course. At a reasonable price."
"For the rest of
the time here? Nine days? One gold coin."
"Two. He's worth
far more, and you know it. Exclusive rights, remember: you'd better keep
him hidden away." I was calculating on his artistic greed in this: I
didn't want anyone else to know about the wings. I needn't have worried: the
artist's "find" was far too precious to share, and at the end of our
two weeks the artist had dozens of sketches of every part of the pig's anatomy,
from the tip of his fanged snout to the end of his spade-tipped tail and
everything in between.
I supposed this was the
way to assure immortality, I thought, looking at the sketches, remembering the
other drawings and paintings of all of us, even my crowd scenes. Some day, many
years hence perhaps, people would look at a pigeon's wing, a horse's flanks, a
scruffy dog, a tortoise in a bestiary, the wings on a creature from hell, a
woman bending over a basket, a saint's agony, and maybe wonder at the originals
they were created from. But only we would know, and we wouldn't be there to
tell them. It was a shivery thought.
But once more on the
road, with the warm wind lifting the hair from my forehead and the
prickly-sweet perfume of the gorse on the hillsides tickling our noses, all
such somber thoughts were chased away.
"I can smell
spring," said Gill, lifting his blind eyes to the sun. "And after
spring comes Summer!" and he smiled at his own little joke, a smile to
lift my heart and renew my love.
Chapter Twenty
It was true, Spring had
arrived, and with it came an uplifting of the spirit, a healthy optimism that
had nothing to do with reality. I would wake in the mornings, stretch the
creaks from my bones (for the nights were still cold), sniff the crisp dawn air
and feel as though I had drunk a bucketful of chilled white wine.
As we traveled further
and further south, I delighted in plants, trees and herbiage that were strange
to my northern eyes. All seemed brighter, bigger, pricklier; citrus trees with
evergreen leaves sprouted little dots of white bud; bushy grey-green cacti and
succulents were tipped with barbs like daggers; a yellow cascade of mimosa
poured over stone walls, and miniature iris and crocus speared up through the
scrub under olive and carob. Of course I had to ask the names of all these, but
there were plants I recognized, though their flowering was at least a month ahead
of ours at home.
I found the pale tremble
of pink-white-purple wood anemones, petals ready to fly on the slightest
breeze; heart-shaped leaves of deepest green hiding the thick, soft scent of
violets; the perfumed cream of wild jonquil; shaggy coltsfoot and tender
celandine, days-eye, lions-tooth—the last two demanded daily by an awakening
Basher, together with the tender young leaves of chicory and clover.
As we passed through
villages and hamlets the pink smoke of almond blossom clothed the slopes of the
hillsides, though the knobbed vines were still bare. I experimented with the
new-grown herbs: wild mint (good with lamb and goat), young and bitter shoots
of asparagus, pale among its prickly adult cage, the tasty tips of nettle, and
thyme and rosemary (excellent with all meats and fish).
And the birds and
animals echoed this burgeoning promise. Sparrows, thrushes, blackbirds, green-
and gold-finch, tits, siskin, flycatchers, brambling, all were busy picking and
pecking for insects, snails and young shoots, twigs, hair, moss and mud for
nests. Wrens scuttled along old walls, tree-creepers sidled up the bark, and
against the eaves of buildings the house martins were already building new
nests or repairing last year's, dark mud against pale. In the trees the russet
squirrels were dashing about with their usual indetermination, all mouth and
ruffed tails; shy roe deer leapt among the ground elder and sweet cicely, the
hinds already heavy with young; the jaunty scuts of coney were glimpsed
flashing through the undergrowth, we could hear the crash and grunt of swine,
the faraway howl of wolf and scream of vixen; the shepherds who walked their
sheep and goats along the slope often carried new-dropped lambs, their wool
still sticky with pale birth blood, the ewes reaching up anxiously to nuzzle
their young, the dogs chewing at strings of afterbirth as they followed the
flock. Above our heads came the first sweet babble of the ascending larks, and
if you searched carefully you could find in nests soft with down and moss the
incredible promise of eggs blue as the sky, or scrambled with speckles and
blotches, like a child's scribbles.
The first flies came to
torment us, yolk-yellow butterflies quivered on the scarcely less bright gorse
and broom, mornings showed the sliver-slime trail of snails, clouds of midges
danced about our heads, bees buzzed from flower to bush; from the groves of
pines crept processions of striped caterpillars: I picked up a couple,
disturbing the caravan of their passage, and was well rewarded with a crop of
white blebs which itched intolerably till an old crone in one of the hamlets
took pity on me and threw a jug of sour wine over me: I stank for days, but the
irritation was gone.
In the ponds and ditches
humps and strings of spawn showed where frog and toad had been: some had
already hatched into flickering life and sun-warmed lizards ran along the
stones. Fish began to spawn, a flurry among the stones of streams, three or
four males to every female, or so it seemed.
The farther south we
went, the more the countryside changed: arid, mountainous, yet conversely in
the valleys, more fertile. The air was clearer, colors brighter, contours
sharper; the people wore more colorful clothes, too: patterned skirt, red
scarf, purple jacket although the elderly were still in a contrast of black,
for mourning: who at their age had not lost a member of the family? We passed repainted
shrines and gaily clad processions for St. Joseph's day, disregarding the
rigors of Lent, and then the hearty celebrations for the new Year of Grace on
March 25, a fiesta full of green branches, embroidered shawls and colored
The going became easier
the farther south we went, perhaps because our feet had become accustomed to
the ruts, bumps, flints, pebbles and stones of the highways. More and more we
traveled in company, too many for ambush or treachery. Many languages were
distributed among the mighty campfires each evening; men spoke of ice, fog and
snow in islands to the north and west, even in summer; of sand, sun and people
black as ink to the southlands, of great temples of stone and creatures as tall
as a house and with horns of ivory; when they spoke of the east they told of
beasts of burden who never drank, yet carried houses upon their backs, of
heathens who sang to their gods from tall towers, of men as yellow as a canary
bird who fought like devils. The west was full of great grey seas, ships with
bird's wings that skimmed the waves to deliver their cargoes of cloth and wine,
spices and silk, of great sea monsters who devoured a ship in one mouthful, and
of the sea maidens with long hair and fishes' tails who sang the mariners to destruction
on the rocks.
All this talk was heady
stuff: it whetted my appetite to see more of the world before I finally found a
husband and settled down. If men could travel around the world, why not a
Travel seemed to improve
the health and well-being of us all. Gill became tan-skinned, his step was
bolder, he lost his gauntness. Mistral grew rounder and sleeker, her tail and
mane longer, her hide lightened to a creamy color. Basher ate till he filled
his shell and developed an extra ridge on his carapace, demanding a short walk
each day to exercise off the excess. Traveler declared himself fit and
wing-whole again, taking longer and longer flights and dancing back in
brightened browny-pink feathers to wheel and dive above our heads. The Wimperling
grew stouter and stronger by the day, until he was fast becoming the largest
pig I had ever seen, and I felt lighter and fitter every day.
But it was Growch who
took full advantage of all spring had to offer. One day the caravan in which we
currently traveled was joined by an abbess and her servants, bound to take
healing waters. She rode in a litter with silk curtains and was too superior to
mix with the rest of us. Not so, apparently, her dogs. With her in the litter,
fed on a diet of chicken and milk and sleeping on silk cushions, were two
small, long-haired bitches, silky hair trimmed, curled, plaited and beribboned;
they were exercised four times a day by the lady's attendants, waddling around
like small brown sausages, their long black claws clip-clipping on the road,
their plumed tails cleaned every time they excreted, their hair combed free of
tangles by their mistress herself, using the same comb she used on her own
hair, it was rumored. Growch's inquisitive nose and eyes found them the first
time they set paws to ground, although his first essay was beaten back by the
lady's attendants.
"Stripe me like a
badger! What little chunks of sweetness! Plump and petted and just ready for
it! You've no idea—"
"Now just you keep
away from them," I said severely. "We don't want any trouble. The
lady's servants will chop you in half if you—"
"Gam! Got to catch
me first! 'Sides, I can have 'em away any time I choose. They fancies me, I can
tell. . . ."
And apparently they did,
to my amazement, for first one and then the other managed to escape from the
servants and disappear from sight in the undergrowth, hotly pursued by a dog I
promptly disowned. The abbess was distraught and insisted on staying behind
until her "darlings" turned up again. . . .
Growch rejoined us two
days later, some fifteen miles further on, absolutely shattered, his belly
dragging on the ground. He was even filthier than usual, and declared himself
"You don't deserve
a thing!" I said, giving him a hunk of cheese and some stale bread. "You're
absolutely disgusting! Er—what happened to the bitches? Did their owner get
them back?"
Servants caught one, t'other went back when she was hungry. Not before we'd had
a coupla nights of it . . . I can recommend a threesome. Never enjoyed one
before," and he smacked his lips, whether from the cheese or fond memory I
wasn't sure.
"I'd never seen
dogs like them before," I said, remembering their snub noses, plumed tails
and flouncy way of walking.
"Come from a place
east, long-a-ways," said Growch, scratching furiously. He smelled like a
midden, and I determined to dump him in the next stretch of water we came to
and scrub him, hard. "Nice manners—none of this nonsense of equality
between the sexes—just the right height with them little bow legs, and virgins
as well . . . Not that that made much difference once they got goin'—"
"Shut up!" I
said automatically. "I don't want to know!" I wondered whether the
pups would look like him: probably a mixture. The abbess would have a shock.
"They had nice faces. . . ."
"Faces? Faces?"
He leered. "'Oo the 'ell was looking at their faces?"
* * *
We were holed up for
five days by howling winds and driving rain, which Basher assured us were
normal at this time of year. "Good for the young heather shoots," he
said. Traveler took advantage of the downpour to sit in puddles and air his
wing-pits to the rain.
"Gets rid of the
ticks," he explained.
I decided to take the
opportunity of tidying us all up. We had taken a large loft above the stable in
a hospitable farmhouse and there were a couple of rain butts in the yard below,
now overflowing, so we were allowed unlimited bucketfuls and paid for two
cauldrons of water heated over the kitchen fires.
First I scrubbed
Growch—who immediately went out and found something disgusting to roll in—then
the Wimperling and Mistral, combing out the tangles in the latter's mane and
tail. With fresh water I washed our winter clothes, hoping that now we could
wear our lighter things. With the hot water I found an old tub and first
submitted Gill and then myself to a thorough going over. I remembered thinking
it was a good job he was blind, else he would have seen my blushes as I washed
those parts difficult for him to reach. . . .
I felt wonderfully fresh
myself after I had bathed and washed my hair, changing into a clean shift and
my thinner bliaut, surprised to see how winter storage had stretched the
material: it was far roomier than I remembered, and I had to take it in an inch
or two down the side seams.
I finally caught Growch
and washed him again, threatening permanent exile in the rain if he did it
Being a stock farm we
were staying in, there was no lack of leather and I bought some and busied
myself stitching fresh boots for Gill. I used my mother's simple recipe: triple
leather soles turned up at the sides and hemmed for a lace that fastened at the
front, the whole stuffed with discarded sheep's wool for comfort and warmth.
While I was about it I also made us sandals for the warmer weather: thick
soles, a single band across the instep, a toe thong to go between the big toe
and its brother, and a loop at the back to thread with a lace that tied round
the ankle.
When we took to the road
again we found that the wind and rain had washed the world as clean and fresh
and new as we were. The grass was greener and taller, all the trees were in
leaf, the woods were full of birds shouting, singing, quarreling, wildflowers
and weeds had sprung up overnight and the stones and rocks sparkled and glinted
like jewels in the sun.
Now many roads joined
the highway and wandered off again and the houses were whitewashed against the
summer sun. People were smaller, darker and spoke with a harsher patois and
used their shoulders, hands and their faces to express themselves, like actors in
a play.
Our little group was
just one of many traveling the roads, but I could see that while we were
nothing out of the ordinary, the Wimperling did attract attention. He was so
large that I could see by the speculation in many an eye that they were measuring
him for chops, sausages, brawn, roasts and bones for soup. I was careful to
keep him by my side at night, though I believe he was more than capable of
taking care of himself.
By now I was content
with our little group, used to all their idiosyncrasies and fond of them all,
but I knew it couldn't last. One by one the animals would leave us when they
found whatever haven they were seeking, and each departure would diminish me.
Once I had been alone except for my beloved Mama; now it seemed I was friends
with all the world via a dog, a horse, a pigeon, a tortoise and a pig. I
couldn't bear the thought of losing any of them, and when the time suddenly
came for the first of them to leave us, I was unprepared.
One fine morning
Traveler ate a handful of grain, pecked digesting grit from the roadside, drank
from a puddle and rose in the air to scan our road southward as usual. But this
time he was gone longer than usual, so long in fact that I began to gaze
anxiously up in the sky for eagles or falcons but could see none. I was
beginning to get really fidgety when I saw him skimming back across the trees
as he slowed his wings, starting to curve down at the tips, and waver a little
as he gauged the wind. He skidded down in front of us, trembling from both excitement
and exhaustion.
"I've found it!
It's there! I had begun to think it wasn't—I hadn't—"
"Calm down!"
He was so elated his beak was gaping and I was afraid his heart would stop.
"Here, take a sip of this," and I poured some water from my flask
into my horn mug. "That's better. . . . Now, tell us!"
It seemed he had flown
higher than usual to surmount a range of hills to the southeast and had seen
through the haze a large town and a ribbon of river, much like others on our
journey, but as the mist cleared and he flew closer the sun touched the towers
and pinnacles with gold, and he knew he had found his home town.
"I flew on and on,
just to make sure, but there was no need. The knowing in my body, the thing
that tells me where to go, it was pointing right at the city. . . ."
"What's going
on?" asked Gill. "Why have we stopped? Don't tell me you are talking
to your animals again. . . ."
"Hush! Let him
finish. What then? You're sure it's the right place?"
"Sure as eggs
become squabs . . ."
"Did you go near enough
to find your home?"
"Not enough
wing-time. Tomorrow, perhaps."
I turned back to the
pigeon. "Just a minute, Gill! Will you . . . Will you go on your
own, then?" I was suddenly scared that the time had come to say goodbye,
and I wasn't ready, not yet.
"No, of course not!
I need you to tell the lady about the broken wing so she understands why I was
so long."
"Very well . . .
The message on your leg is for her, if I remember?"
"Yes, I told you.
From her lover."
"Then she will
forgive the delay, I'm sure. How far away is this town of yours?"
He considered. "For
you, three, four days," and began to nibble at the tender shoots of grass
by the roadside, tired of talking.
I knew Gill still didn't
believe I had any real communication with the animals, but I reported exactly
what the bird had said. There was a silence.
"I'd like to say
I'll believe it when I see it," he said carefully. "But you know
that's impossible. I'll say this, though; if we find this town, and his
home, and the lady he speaks of, then I will ask your forgiveness for
doubting you. If . . ." He suddenly grinned. "Ask him if the lady is
pretty." And he grinned again, not really expecting an answer.
"He says he doesn't
know the meaning of the word 'pretty' as applied to humans," I translated
after a moment or two. "He says she is smaller than me and that her hair
is straight and pale. He says she has a quiet voice and gentle hands."
He thought about it.
"Well . . . Tell you what, as long as there's a town ahead, she can be
tall or small, fat or thin, dark or fair, just so long as we have a day or two
in comfort again. No reflections on your cooking, Summer, but it will feel good
to have my feet under a table again, eat a great chunk of game pie and drink a
quart of ale."
"Well in that case,"
I said stiffly, "the sooner we get going the better!"
* * *
We arrived at our
destination mid-afternoon of the fourth day, guided all the way by an ever more
excited pigeon. After a couple of his disastrous "shortcuts," we kept
to the roads; the flight of a bird takes no account of hills, rivers, stones or
Once we had entered the
town by the west gate and paid our toll, Traveler disappeared. He had obviously
flown straight on, but like all the towns we had been in, there was no straight
way anywhere; side roads, crooked lanes, blind alleys, and everywhere choked
with traffic: horses, mules, carts, wagons, litters, pedestrians laden and
unladen, children, cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs and cats.
He eventually returned
and tried to guide us, soaring above us one minute, on a ledge the next, but
several times we lost sight of him altogether. I became more and more conscious
of the curious glances we were attracting: a blind man holding on to a horse's
tail, and a scruffy dog, large pig and fat girl all scanning the rooftops like
It seemed to take hours,
but at last Traveler led us, fluttering just above our heads now, down a quiet
street near the river, with high-walled houses on either side and a tall church
at the end just striking the office for three hours after noon, echoed by
others near and far.
Traveler came to rest
atop a large double gate and fluffed his feathers. "It's here. . . ."
I could feel his anticipation and anxiety as if it were my own and shivered in
sympathy. Lifting my hand I knocked firmly: no answer. Somewhere down the road
a dog, awakened from his siesta, barked for a moment. I knocked again, and
there was a limping step, a creaking bolt and a face peered out at us, the
chain still prudently fastened. Traveler hopped down to my shoulder.
"Yes?" said
the door porter. He was almost bald and nearly toothless but had fierce, bushy
"I wish to—to see
the lady of the house," I said, conscious that a name would have been
better, but of course names meant nothing to a bird. "About a pigeon. This
one," and I touched Traveler with my finger. "I believe he is one of
hers. He has a message to deliver."
The porter stared out at
us, at our travel-stained clothes, our generally tatty appearance, and I didn't
blame him for his next remark.
"My mistress don't
entertain rogues and vagabonds. Why, you don't even know her name, do you?
Besides, how do I know it ain't all a trick to get in and rob us all? Could be
anyone's pigeon you got."
"This color?"
and I stroked Traveler's wing. "Pink pigeons don't come in dozens.
Besides, only your mistress has the key to the message strapped to his leg. . .
He thought about it.
Finally: "I'll go and see," and he shut the gate again.
We waited for what
seemed an age. I urged Traveler to fly over the gate and find his mistress, but
he refused.
"We go in together,"
he said firmly.
Once more the shuffling
steps approached the gate, but this time one half was flung open.
"Mistress Rowena is in the garden at the back. Leave the beasts
here." I took Gill's hand and followed the way that was pointed out to me,
across the cobbles and down a narrow alleyway at the side of the house to a
garden full of sun and sleepy afternoon scents.
Square beds were planted
centrally with bay or evergreen, fancifully trimmed, and edged with box or
rosemary. In the beds themselves were the long runners and green tips of
miniature strawberries, the soft faces of violet and pansy, the tight buds of
clove carnations. Beside each bed ran a little canal of water, probably fed
from the river I could see glinting at the foot of the garden, beyond a lawn
starred with daisies, camomile and buttercups. Against one wall were trellises
for the climbing roses, on the other were tall clumps of dark Bear's Braies and
pale fennel, and behind was a thick hedge of oleander.
At the top end of the
garden fat, lazy carp swam in a pond plated with water-lily pads and
there, tossing pinches of manchet into their hungry mouths, was Traveler's
owner, who turned to meet us with a smile. She was as the bird had described:
small, slim, with icy blond hair hanging straight down her back with a blue and
gold fillet binding her brow, to match her deep-sleeved dress. Her face was
pale, as were her lashes, brows and blue eyes.
Her smile revealed white
teeth as small as a child's, with tiny points. A cat's smile, I thought. She
held out her hands and reached for Traveler, fluttering nervously on my
shoulder, and pinioned him in her soft white hands.
"My servant,
Pauncefoot, told me you had found one of my birds, but I never expected it to
be my Beauty! Where did you find him?" and she put her cheek against his
head, crooning softly.
I started to explain how
I had rescued him, about the broken wing and how long it had taken to heal, but
as soon as I mentioned the message on his leg I could see the rest didn't
matter. Still nursing the bird she fumbled in her purse pocket and drew out a
tiny key, as fine as a needle and in a moment the leg ring was open and she was
unrolling a thin strip of paper between finger and thumb. For the first time I
saw a tinge of color in her cheeks as she read the few words it contained. She
looked at us, smiling that cat smile.
"He comes at the
end of this month, as he promised. . . ." Her eyes were dreamy. "I
knew he could not stay away. He was my father's apprentice. When he asked for
my hand, my father stipulated that we spend a year apart and he sent Lorenzo
north on business, with the added proviso that we should not communicate with
each other. He still thinks Lorenzo is after my money. . . ." She cuddled
Traveler closer. "I thought of a scheme to circumvent my father's dictum.
Lorenzo took two of my pigeons with him: a grey, and Beauty here. The grey
arrived back in October confirming his love, and he must have sent Beauty soon
after. My father will know nothing of the message. He had bribed the servants
to intercept any letters, but he never thought of the pigeons." She turned
to me. "I cannot thank you enough: with my father ill I cannot ask you to
stay overnight, but perhaps with these—" She handed me some coins, one
gold, I noticed "—I can combine my thanks with assurance you may find good
At first I was shy of
accepting, but looking at the well-cared-for garden, her clothes, the tall
house behind, I realized she could well afford it. "Thank you . . . The
pigeon: his wing has healed, but he may not be able to manage such long flights
as before. You will . . . ?"
"Still care for
him?" she supplied. "Of course. Somehow he guided you here with my
message—I can always breed from him. I have a couple of females the same shade.
. . ."
I turned to go but
suddenly Traveler—I couldn't think of him as "Beauty"—flew from her
arms onto my shoulder. I turned my head to see his ruby eyes regarding me
steadily. "Thanks," he crooned. "I shall always remember you,
all of you. . . ." And he leaned forward and pretend-fed me, as an adult
pigeon would a squab, then sprang from my shoulder and flew to the pigeon loft
against the house wall.
I heard his owner draw
her breath in sharply as she watched his flight, but my eyes were suddenly too
blurred to see the expression on her face. She called out peremptorily to a
gardener's boy raking the gravel between the flower beds. "Shut the loft
door! Hurry . . ."
Out in the street again,
the doors shut behind us, the coins jingling satisfactorily in my pocket, I should
have felt satisfaction at a task well completed, a wanderer having found his
home, but I didn't. I felt uneasy, depressed, somehow all wrong. I
opened my mouth to say something and the ring on my finger, dormant so long,
gave me such a sudden painful jolt that I cried out instead. At the same time a
voice full of terror rang in my mind: "Help me! Help me. . . ." It
was Traveler. What in the world had gone wrong?
Obeying an instinct
stronger than thought or caution I turned and began to beat on the closed gate:
"Let me in!" but there was no answer, and all the while I could sense
the feather-flutter of Traveler's fear in my mind. I threw myself against the
gate, but it wouldn't yield; by now the others, with the exception of course of
Gill, had also "heard" the pigeon's panic. They needed no urging to
help my assault on the gate. Growch barked hysterically, setting off other dogs
down the road, the Wimperling added a shoulder-charge to my efforts and Basher
even battered his head against his basket, but it was Mistral who got us in.
Turning, she aimed two
vicious kicks at the gate panels, which gave on the second blow, allowing me to
reach in and slip the bolts. As I reached the garden again at a run, I saw the
gardener's boy hand a feebly fluttering bird to his mistress. Grabbing his
wings cruelly with one hand she put the other hand around his neck, the tendons
on her wrist already tightened to twist his head off. "Stop!" I
cried. "In the name of God, stop!"
Chapter Twenty.One
She paused, her fingers
still cruelly tight on Traveler's wings and neck. "Get out! What business
is it of yours?"
"But you promised.
. . ." I was bewildered. "You said you would care for him. . . . I
don't understand!"
"It doesn't matter
whether you understand or not!" she hissed. "It is my bird, to
do with as I will! If I wish to wring the wretched thing's neck because it has
betrayed me—"
"Betrayed you?
She showed her small,
pointed teeth in a grimace. "He is my bird, he does as I
say, he owes me all his devotion! I saw what he did to you: he has never
done that to me!"
She was jealous! Jealous
of an affectionate gesture the poor bird had given me. . . . She must be mad.
Feeling in my pocket I tossed her coins to the ground in front of her.
"Take your money: I
don't want it! Instead, I'll take back a bird you obviously don't want
White lids came down
over pale blue eyes, but not before I had seen the sudden gleam of cunning, so
quickly veiled. "Very well," she said slowly, but her fingers were
almost imperceptibly tightening round the bird's neck. At the same moment the
ring on my finger gave me another sharp shock and my hand jerked forward, the
ring now pointing at the Lady Rowena.
She screamed as though
she had been stung and dropped Traveler, who lay at her feet, fluttering
feebly, scrabbling round in the dirt in helpless circles. I picked him up
gently and held him close. "It's all right now. . . ."
His owner backed away
from me, crossing herself, her eyes wide with an emotion I couldn't fathom.
"Witch! What have you done?" I moved towards her and she crossed
herself again: I realized now the emotion she felt was fear. "All right,
all right, take him! I wouldn't have kept him anyway: there is a knot in his
wing, and I never keep anything that isn't perfect. . . ." And she spat at
me, the phlegm landing in a yellow gobbet at my feet. "Now get out, before
I call the servants to have you thrown out, or summon the soldiery and have you
all arrested for theft and witchcraft!"
We went.
When I told Gill what
had happened he actually put out a finger and stroked the still-trembling bird.
"Poor little thing," he said. It was the first time I had seen him
ever evince any interest in any of the animals: his usual stance was
indifference. "What will you do with him now?"
"The first thing to
do," said the Wimperling, "is to get out of this town right now,
before she pulls herself together and does get us all thrown into jail. A woman
like that cannot bear to be bested."
We took the southern
gate from the city, not stopping even to eat. A trembling Traveler sat on my
shoulder, looking back at the towers and pinnacles from which he had hoped so
much, now bathed in the magical light of a yellow-orange sunset. I smoothed his
"Don't worry,"
I said. "We'll find you somewhere better. . . ."
"But that was my
home," he said with sad, unassailable logic.
The Wimperling looked
up. "A home is not one place," he said slowly. "A home can be a
place where you are born and brought up, a place you like better than any
other; it can be a dwelling where your loved one lives, a house in which your
children are raised, or somewhere you have to live because there is no other. A
home is made by you, it does not create itself. It can be large or small,
beautiful or ugly, grand or mean. But in the end it is only one thing: the
place where your heart is. And you don't have to be there in your bodily self;
you can carry it with you in spirit wherever you go. . . . Like love," he
I thought about what he
had said later that night when we had found a farmhouse and paid a couple of
coins for well-water and a share of the undercroft with their other
animals—goats and chickens. What did "home" mean to the bird, the
tortoise, the horse, the knight? For them it was where they were born, where
their own kind lived, simple as that. Growch and I were on the lookout for
comfort and security, in my case a husband, and in his case I suspected he
would settle wherever I did—and wherever it was, and with whom, there we would
call "home."
But what about the
Wimperling? He was the philosopher, but he had never indicated where he wanted
to go, where his heart lay. Born from an egg (if his memory was to be
believed), raised as the runt of a litter of piglets and sold into a life of
performing slavery—where did he want to go? South, he had said, but I
believed he had no clear direction. I must ask him. If he went on growing at
his present rate he would have to go and live with the hellephunts, which I
understood were as big as houses, or live by himself in a cave, for no sty
would hold him.
We traveled south and
west for six days and the terrain grew gradually wilder; the roads more
tortuous. Now the hills were of limestone, striped by tumbling streams fed by
the snow water that still lingered on the high peaks. Pockets of reddish earth
were starred with the scalding yellow of gorse and broom, pink-plumed spears of
valerian and blossom from wild cherry. The pines and fir were showing a new,
tender green at their tips, and the air was full of the scribble-song of
siskins; orioles swung above our heads, gold and blue; flycatchers, wagtails
and bee-eaters chittered and bobbed ahead of us on the road, and from far away
I could hear the strange call of the hoopoe. Bees droned on the bushes, all on
the same soporific note, ants marched in lines across our path, wasps were
after anything we ate and the dusk was full of the piping of pipistrelles—the
airy-mouses of legend.
And above and beyond all
this there was a teasing, ephemeral scent that came and went with the southern
breeze: a smell that could have been wet rocks, a drying lake, salted fish,
dried blood but was none of these.
"It is the
ocean," said Traveler, soaring high above us.
"It's the Great
Water," said Basher, now stuffing himself from dawn to dusk with heather
shoots, clover and young grass till his scales shone and his voice no longer
was drawn out, thin and feeble.
"It's the
sea," said Mistral, her pink nostrils flaring as she snuffed the wind.
"But not my sea. This is a little sea; mine is endless and comes crashing
in from the far corners of the world and the foam is like the manes of my
people as they outrun the waves. . . ."
"Can you see this
Great Water from your home?" I asked Basher curiously.
"It is a glint in
the sun, far, far away, but you can taste it in the breeze and the salt
sometimes touches the air like seasoning." He scurried away among the
undergrowth, his long black claws clicking on the stones. "Thirsty-making
. . ."
Southward still we went,
leaving the great snow-tipped mountains behind. The land was gentler, there
were farms, orchards, tilled fields, small towns. The midday sun burned Gill's
and my faces, arms and legs and we shed clothes till he only wore a pair of
shortened braies and an open shirt, and I kilted my skirt between my legs, glad
that he could not see my bare legs.
One night, when sudden
warm rain and a gusting wind that chased up and down like a boisterous child
made us seek shelter, we found a ruined chapel on a little hill. Once there had
been a settlement of houses nearby, but these were deserted and had fallen into
disrepair, like the chapel. There was no clue as to what had happened to the
previous inhabitants, but beneath the chapel walls were more than the usual
number of untended graves. Perhaps one of the sudden pestilences had decimated
the villagers and they had abandoned their homes; perhaps marauders had carried
off the women and children: who knows?
It was near dusk when we
sought shelter under the crumbling tower of the chapel, and I found enough
broken sticks of furniture in the deserted houses to build a good blaze. There
were no church vessels to be seen, nor any crosses, and the once-colorful
murals had faded to blisters of pale brown and yellow—an arm, a leg, part of a
flowing robe—so the place had obviously been de-consecrated, and I had no
hesitation in building a fire to cook our strips of dried meat and vegetables.
The smoke rose upwards
and then wavered as the gusts of wind from the round-arched windows caught it
and blew it like a rag. Soon enough the pot was bubbling and the seductive
smell of herby stew set my—and Growch's—stomach rumbling. I pulled the pot to
one side and lidded it, to simmer till the ingredients were softer, and set
about cutting up the two-day-old bread to warm through.
Suddenly there was a
wild flutter and commotion above our heads and debris showered down amongst us.
I was glad the lid was on the pot: I didn't fancy stewed pigeon shit.
"What in the world
. . . ?"
Traveler took wing and
circled our heads. "I'll go and see. . . ."
He was gone some time,
and there were more flutterings, scrapings and dried excreta, which luckily
burned well. The noise subsided, there were a couple of coos and soft hoots and
he rejoined us, feathers ruffled and disheveled, but he looked brighter, less
despairful, than he had since we left his hometown.
"There are couple
of dozen of my kind up there—wild ones, with little civility, but they are
thriving. They have been in the tower since any can remember, and manage well
enough foraging off the land. I have promised we will douse the fire as soon as
possible, for the smoke is choking the young squabs who cannot leave their
nests. I shall talk to them again in the morning."
With the morning came
the sun again, and I built a fire in the open for oatmeal porridge and cheese
and toasted bread. At dawn Traveler had disappeared up into the chapel tower
again, and I saw him perched on a ledge with some of the other grey pigeons, or
flying around the tower in formation, his pinky-brown color the only dissonance
in the otherwise perfect unison of their wheeling and turning.
I scrubbed out the
cooking pot with grass and sand from the nearby stream, filled the water
bottle, packed everything up, washed my hands, feet and face, and helped Gill
to do the same, but Traveler still did not reappear. I went into the chapel
again and called him, and eventually he came fluttering down to land on my
shoulder, his feathers a little disarranged.
"Time to go,"
I said, stroking the soft feathers on his neck and scratching him under his
chin. He shuffled about on my shoulder.
"Do you mind . . .
Do you mind if I stay?"
I looked up at the tower
above; little heads peeped down, there was a ruffling of neck feathers, a
warning "hoof!" , a croon or two, the pleading cheep of a squab.
"Are you sure? They don't look very friendly to me."
"They know I am
different: it will take time. But there are more hens than cocks and rats got
at the eggs last year. The ropes the rodents used to climb with have rotted and
gone, but the flock needs building up. I think it will be all right. . .
." He sighed. "I hope so."
"But you don't know
how to forage the countryside as they do," I objected. "You will go
He straightened up and
preened himself. "Then I shall just have to learn, won't I? I have all the
summer to learn, and by winter I will be no different from the others."
"This wasn't what I
meant for you. . . ."
"I know that, but
you cannot decide my life for me: only I have the right to do that, now that
you have freed me. Do not worry, I shall be fine. It is better that I take this
chance while I can for I may not find a better. Living is better than
not-living, whatever it brings. . . ."
"Good-bye," I
said and kissed the top of his head. He sprang away and flew up to the rafters.
We had not gone far down
the road, however, when there was a rush of wings and he was circling above us.
"May you all find what you seek. Remember me!" And he was gone,
leaving me feeling as empty as though I had had no breakfast.
"We have a dovecote
at home," said Gill unexpectedly. "Their cooing was the first thing I
used to hear when . . ." He trailed off. "I don't remember any
But at least he was
recalling more and more; inconsequential little fragments maybe, but one day
they might all fit together like a tapestry. And if I was missing the pigeon so
much, what would it be like when my beloved knight finally found his home?
* * *
It was about a week
later that we came to a place on the road where the land sloped sharply down to
the south and there, a glittering shield that stretched away as far as the eye
could see, was Basher's Great Water. I sniffed the air and there it was again,
that tantalizing salt smell that was like no other, even mixed as it was with
pine, heather, wild garlic and gorse. I started to point it out to Gill, before
I remembered he couldn't see.
Mistral was also
snuffing the air, as was Growch, and Basher stopped chewing the chicory leaves
I had put for him in his basket.
"It's here,"
he said. "Here, or hereabouts. We've found it. . . ."
"You're sure this
is the place?"
"Smells right.
There should be land sloping to the sea, way off in the distance. Lots of
heather, sandy soil for the eggs and hibernation. Pools or a stream, trees for
shade. Rocks to keep the claws strong. No people. Lots of lady tortoises."
"From what I can
"Oh, let meee
doooown," he said impatiently. "Let meee see . . ."
Holding him to my chest,
I scrambled down the steep slope to level ground, Growch beside me. I stood and
looked about me for Basher's specifications. The sea was about three miles distant
and there was no sign of human habitation. The soil was sandyish, rocky, there
was the sound of a stream off to the right and there were both pines and
heather in abundance. Gorse, broom, wild garlic, oleander, fan palms, Creeping
Jesus, the huge leaves of asphodel, thyme and rosemary—"Looks all
right," I said cautiously. "But I can't see any other
"I can!"
helped Growch, who had christened every bush in sight and was now foraging
farther down. "There's more movin' rocks down here: 'ow the 'ell do you
tell if'n they're male or female? Looks all the effin' same to me. . . ."
"Females larger,
flat shells underneath," said Basher succinctly. "Males undershells
curved concave. Makes sense. Think about it . . ."
But I was about to get a
demonstration. Growch came panting back.
"Two females down
there. Tell you what, don't like bein' up-ended! Cursin' like 'Ell, they
By the time we got there
they had righted themselves again, their pale brown patched shells disappearing
into the undergrowth at speed. I put Basher down and immediately he was off,
pausing only to eye the disappearing females with an experienced eye and turn
in scurrying pursuit of the larger. A moment later there was a resonant
tap-tapping noise, a pause, then a sort of triumphant mewing. Cats? No, just a
tortoise enjoying himself; as I came nearer I could see him reared up at the
back of the female, his mouth open on pointed pink tongue. "M-e-e-w! Oh,
what bliss! How I've missed thiiiis! Hey—"
With several violent
jerks from side to side, the female disengaged herself and charged off once
again, Basher in pursuit. Then once again the tap-tapping, pause, and
"M-e-w! Bliss . . ."
"Basher! Are you
all right?"
"Couldn't be
better! Thanks for eeeeverything . . ."
"Basher, wait . . ."
There was something wrong, something about him, about the female . . . Oh, God!
They were a different species! He was black and gold with a shell that frilled
out at the back, they were pale brown shaped in a perfect hump. . . . I ran
after him. "Wait! They're a different species! Come back, and we'll go on
further. . . ."
"No fear!" His
voice was rapidly diminishing. "This'll do me. Color isn't everything. . .
. Their parts are in the right place!" Tap-tap. "This is far better
than freezing to death! May you all find what you seeeeek. . . ."
When I rejoined the
others, my heart heavy, Gill was listening, his ears cocked. "That tapping
noise: reminds me of the cobbler mending my boots. . . . Is he all right?"
"Yes," I said.
"He has—what he wants." What he thinks he wants, I added to myself.
But there would be no eggs to hatch into little black and gold tortoises: his
would be sterile couplings. Why couldn't he have waited till we found the right
place? And yet, like Traveler, he seemed to be content with a substitute, and
they had both said it was better than being dead. . . .
Were none of us to find
what we really sought, I wondered?
"Half a loaf is
better than none," said the Wimperling unexpectedly. "Especially when
you're hungry."
"Talkin' of bein'
hungry," said Growch: "Ain't we stoppin' for lunch today?"
Chapter Twenty.Two
We had come as far south
as we could, without crossing into another country. As one accommodating monk
explained when next we sought food and lodging (overnight stay in the guesthouse,
sleeping on straw; stew and ale for supper, bread and ale for breakfast and
please leave a donation, however small), our country was a rough square,
bounded to the northeast by one kingdom, the southeast by another and the south
by a third. The other boundaries were sea, but there was still a lot of the
square to explore. He drew everything in the dirt with a stick so I could
Because he was a monk I
told him a bit more of the truth than I had anyone else, and once he understood
I was looking for Gill's home he worked out roughly for me the way we had come,
like the right-hand side of a tall triangle. He suggested that I travel along
the ways that led from east to west till I came to the sea, then either
complete the triangle by going northeast, or bisect it by going straight up the
That seemed good advice,
but there was not only Gill to consider. The Wimperling contemplated for a
moment, then said he had felt no tuggings of place so far, and was content to
continue as I suggested. Growch scratched a lot—warmer weather—and said that as
long as there was food and company he wasn't bothered. But it was Mistral who
was keenest on the idea. She said that the distance south seemed about right,
and if there was a real sea to the west of us, that would be right too.
Not having told Gill
about consulting the others, of course, he was happy enough to fall in with the
idea, so we walked the many miles west during those spring days in a sort of
dreamy vacuum. Mistral became more and more convinced we were heading in the
right direction and I knew I wasn't about to lose Gill, for he had suddenly
recalled that he couldn't see any mountains from his home—which was comforting
to me, as we were leaving the highest ones I had ever seen to our left as we traveled.
The range seemed endless, rearing purple, snow-fanged tips so high that the sun
hid his face early behind them, the shadows stretching cold in our path.
But even the biggest
mountains come to an end, and gradually they sank away the farther west we
traveled. By now we looked like a band of gypsies, brown and weatherbeaten, our
clothes comfortably ragged, although I tried to keep Gill as smart as possible
by trimming his hair and beard regularly, and I kept my hair in its plaits.
Mistral was shedding her winter coat, and I could have stuffed a mattress with
the brown hair that came out in handfuls when I tried to brush her. Growch
evaded all attempts to wash, brush or trim anything.
But it was the
Wimperling that was changing faster than anyone else—so much so that his name
seemed too childish to fit the long-as-me-and-growing-longer animal that
trotted away the miles beside us. He was taller, too, near up to my waist, and
his knobs and protuberances were growing more pronounced as well. The claws on
his hooves were real claws, the tip of his tail more like a spade than ever and
his wings were bigger as well.
He was shy of showing
them off, preferring to flex them behind a tree or large rock or in a dell, but
I saw them once or twice. They resembled bat's wings more than anything else,
but they were proper wings, not extended hands and fingers like the night-flyers.
I began to feel embarrassed in villages or with our fellow travelers, for fear
they would think him some sort of monster and stone him to death, but for some
peculiar reason they seemed to see him as just another rather largish pig: they
even looked at him as if he were much smaller, their eyes seeming to span him
from halfway down and halfway across. It was most peculiar, but the Wimperling
merely said: "They see what they expect to see. . . ."
"But why don't I
see you like that?"
"You wear the Ring."
And quiet it was now, almost transparent, with tiny flecks of gold in its
As he had no objection,
every now and again the pig gave a simple performance in a village square, to
augment our dwindling moneys—nothing fancy, just a bit of tapping out numbers,
no flying, and Gill and I would sometimes literally sing for our suppers.
Growch disappeared a
couple of times—I caught a glimpse of him once on the skyline at the very tail
end of a procession of dogs (five hounds, two terriers, three other mongrels),
following some bitch in season, but he had little success, I gathered, spending
more time fighting for a place in the queue than actually performing. Being so
small, he was a master of infighting, but he would have needed a pair of steps
to most of the females he coveted. He remembered with nostalgia the two little
bitches with plumed tails he had successfully seduced way back.
"Don't make them
like that round here. Some day, p'raps . . ."
I hoped so. Fervently.
Then perhaps we would all get some peace.
The terrain became
flatter, more wooded, and every day I peered ahead to try for my first glimpse
of the sea. Now and again I thought I caught a teasing reminder of that
evocative sea smell, and Mistral was forever throwing up her head and snuffing
the breeze. Now she had shed her winter coat she was a different creature. Her
coat was creamy white, her mane and tail long and flowing, and the sharp bones
of haunch and rib were now covered with flesh. Her step was jauntier, her chest
deeper, her head held high and proud; she was no longer just a beast of burden,
and sometimes in the mornings when I loaded her up I felt a little guilty, as
though I were asking a lady to do the tasks of a servant.
At last one morning she
sniffed the air for a full five minutes, and she was trembling. "It is
here," she said. "Over the next ridge, you will see . . ."
And there, glittering in
the morning light, some five miles or so distant across flat, marshy land, was
her ocean.
"You are
"I am certain. This
is the place. This is where I came from."
I looked more carefully
and there, sure enough, some two miles away, were other horses, mostly white,
some with half-grown brown colts, grazing almost belly-deep in grass. Perhaps
because we were not as high as when we had seen Basher's Great Water, this sea
seemed different: steely, clear, sharp against the horizon. And the smell was
subtly different, too; colder and saltier.
"Right," I
said, my heart strangely heavy. "Let's go and find your people,
Princess." And taking Gill's hand I followed the sure-footed Mistral
towards the shore. As we drew nearer the sands, I could see that the grassy
stretches I had taken for meadows were in fact only wide strips of green, full
also of daisies, dent-de-lions, buttercups and sedge, bisected by narrow
channels of water, so that the ground was sometimes treacherous underfoot and
we had to take a circuitous path.
Growch took a flying
leap into the first channel we came to, after what looked like a bank vole,
which disappeared long before we hit the water, and we had to spend the next
five minutes or so fishing him out, as the banks were too high for a scramble.
When he finally landed he was soaking wet and, choking and hawking and
spitting, he managed to let us know that the water was: "salty as dried
'erring, and twice as nasty!"
Now we were in a marshy
bit—it didn't seem to bother Mistral, and for the first time I noted that her
hooves were wider than usual in a horse—and Gill and I took off our shoes and
boots, squelching with every step. The Wimperling and Growch were even worse
off, and when the horse noticed our difficulty she led us off to the right and
firmer ground, through a thicket of bamboo twice as tall as Gill.
At last we emerged on a
firm stretch of sand and there in front of us was the sea, stretching on right
and left as far as the eye could see. From here I could see whitecapped waves
that looked like the fancy smocking on a shirt, but moving towards us all the
time, like never-ending sewing. A cool breeze lifted the hair from my hot
forehead and flared Mistral's tail and mane.
I lifted the packs from
her back, undid the straps and took off the bridle, laying them down on the
sand. Strange: I had never thought how we were to manage our burdens when she
was gone; share them out, I supposed now. I looked at the pile with growing
dismay—we had taken her bearing of our goods so much for granted.
"There you
are," I said. "You're free now. . . ."
In a moment she was
flying across the ribbed sand away from us and towards the foam-fringed edges
of the sea, then turning and galloping along the shoreline, her hooves sending
up great gouts of water until she was soaked and streaming. Then she came
thundering back and wheeled round us, her hooves whitening the sand as they
drove out the water, the prints hesitating before they darkened again into
hoof-shaped pools.
"This is
wonderful," she neighed. "It's been so long, so long. . . . And now
I'm free, free, free!" and away she galloped again, until she was only a
speck on the horizon.
I sighed. Was that the
last we would see of her?
"Let's walk down to
the sea," I said to the others. "I have a fancy to paddle. And I want
to taste it, too. I've never done either."
It was farther than I
thought, nearer a mile than a half, but the long walk was worth it once I got
there, for it entranced all my senses. The regular shush, shush, shush as the
waves broke on the shore like a slow-beating heart, the faraway scream of a sea
bird; the limitless horizon seeming to curve down at either side as if the
world were round; the unutterably strange and pleasurable feeling of walking
along the water's edge, the yielding sand spurting up between my toes, the
sharp taste of salt on my tongue, the smell of water and mud and weed . . .
I stepped into the water
and it lapped around my ankles like the warm tongue of a calf or pup. I had
been so certain it would be cold that I threw away all caution and kilted up my
skirt till my behind was bare and waded further in, until the water was round
my knees, up to my thighs. I lifted my skirts higher, and now it was round my
waist, but also noticeably colder, too.
Suddenly I began to feel
the power of the sea. What at first had been a gentle push against my knees, my
thighs, now became a more insistent thrust against the whole of my body. At
first the sensation was pleasurable, then a stronger wave actually lifted me
from my feet, knocked me off balance, and I tipped back into the water.
Help! I was drowning!
There was a roaring in my ears, my hair was floating round my face, I swallowed
a mouthful of water, I couldn't breathe, I didn't know which way was up.
Desperately I flailed with my arms, paddled with my legs and, perhaps five
seconds later, though it felt like forever, I was once more standing upright. I
coughed and choked, dribble running from my mouth and nose, my eyes stinging,
my ears still bubbling and popping.
As soon as I had pulled
myself together I turned to wade back to the others—but they were miles away!
Surely they had been nearer than that? Now I could see Gill waving, apparently
calling my name, saw Growch shaking with barks, the Wimperling running up and
down the shoreline anxiously, but I could hear nothing for the freshening
breeze, which was whistling in my ears and making the waves angry, so that they
swished past me with foam on their tips.
I set off towards the
others as fast as I could, but I was now hampered with the drag of wet clothes,
and fast as I tried to go the sea seemed to beat me, and I could see the others
retreating even as I watched. The water was definitely pushing hard at me now,
even when I was only thigh and knee deep, and twice I nearly stumbled and fell,
but at last it was only round my calves, and I thought I was safe. But then
came another hazard; as I reached the shoreline the waves no longer pushed,
they pulled, scooping back from where they broke and drawing the sand with them
so that I almost lost my feet again.
At last I stood on firm
sand, chilled to the bone and shivering violently.
Gill groped towards the
sound of my heavy breathing. "Are you all right? You were gone such a long
time. . . ."
"Look just like a
drowned rat," said Growch, with relish.
"I can't
swim," said the Wimperling, "else I would have come in after you.
Come on, we'd better get going: the tide's coming in fast."
"What's that?"
I asked, wringing the water from my hair and skirt as best I could.
"The very thing
that means you were on dry sand a moment ago and now are standing in water
again," he said, retreating as the water washed over his hooves.
"Twice a day the sea comes in, twice a day it goes out. That is a tide.
Hurry, there's a way to go till we're safe."
We set off at a brisk
walk, the sun and breeze soon drying my exposed skin, though my bodice was damp
and my skirt flapped in dismal, wet folds, irritating skin already chapped by
salt and sand. The latter had even got between my teeth, making them grind
unpleasantly together.
The Wimperling was
right: the tide was coming in very fast, and the haven of the fields ahead was
still a long way away. We trudged on through sand that seemed to drag at our
feet like mud, till my legs were aching and Growch was whimpering away to
himself, lifting his feet more and more reluctantly. At last I picked him up
and tucked him under my arm, only to have him grumble about my wet clothes.
"Shut up, or I'll
put you down!" I threatened. Turning round I glanced back at the sea, to
comfort myself that it was at least as far behind us as the fields were ahead,
meaning we had come at least half way. To my horror the creeping water was only
some twenty yards behind us, creaming forward inexorably like a brown flood.
Surely we had not stood still? Even as I watched the next wave spread within a
few yards of us. The tide . . .
"Run!" I
yelled. "Run!" and I grabbed Gill with my free hand. As we stumbled
along I saw we were at last keeping pace with the sea, it was no longer gaining
on us, thank God! But now, on either side of us I could see arms of water
creeping to surround us; with relief I realized the fields were much nearer, I
could see the shrubs tossing in the wind, the heap of our belongings. . . . I
slackened speed nearly there.
The Wimperling and
Growch had galloped ahead as Gill and I caught our breath, but now I saw them
come to a sudden stop, Growch running from side to side and barking
hysterically. I pulled Gill forward again and my heart gave a sudden lurch of
fear: ahead of us, cutting us off from safety, a swirling mass of water frothed
and bubbled and roiled, growing wider and deeper by the second. To either side
the arms of water encircled us and behind the tide raced to catch us up.
We were trapped!
Chapter Twenty.Three
I was riveted with fear
and panic, terrified of coming into contact with that suffocating water again.
"Gill, we're cut
off by the tide: can you swim?" I was unable to keep the panic from my
He shook his head.
"I don't think so. . . . Is it that bad?"
"Yes, and getting
worse every minute!" I glanced back: the water was flooding towards us,
and now we had to retreat a step or two from the flood in front as it bubbled
and frothed. Without being asked Growch and the Wimperling dashed off in different
directions to see if there was any escape to left or right, but returned within
a few moments to report we were entirely cut off.
Now we were marooned on
a strip of sand some hundred yards long and twenty wide, and it was getting
smaller by the second.
"We shall have to
try and wade across," I said firmly, twisting the ring on my finger to
give me courage: strangely enough it was not emitting any warning signals; a
little bit warmer than usual, with a light throbbing, that was all. We must be
all right: we would be all right, please God! "The water can't be
all that deep. Dogs can swim, Growch, so you'll be all right. Now's the time to
find if you can paddle as well as you can fly, pig dear." I tried to
smile, but it was difficult. "Right, Gill: keep tight hold. Off we
The animals plunged in
ahead of us gamely enough, Growch's legs going like a centipede, but the
swirling currents were making a nonsense of him swimming in anything but
circles, until I saw the Wimperling, who had floundered a couple of times,
suddenly spread his wings and float like a raft. He came up alongside the dog,
who grabbed his tail in its teeth and then they headed in the right direction.
I pulled Gill into the
water, but as soon I did so I knew we had no chance. The water deepened after
less than a couple of steps and the swirling water clutched at our legs, so
that we had to lean sideways as if in a great subterranean wind. We couldn't
swim and we couldn't float, and as soon as we took another step we were
immersed up to our shoulders, our legs flailing helplessly in the water. I lost
hold of Gill and we were swept apart, choking and gasping. I grasped his tunic
and we were swept together again and somehow we managed to scramble back to our
"island" again, now half its size.
I clutched the ring on
my finger, shaking so hard it nearly slipped from my fingers. "Help us,
please help us. . . ."
Across the widening
stretch of water I saw the dog and the pig struggle out of the water and flop
down on the sand, completely exhausted. Thank God, they at least were safe.
Gill was muttering a prayer, but prayers were a last resort: surely there must
be something we could do? If only there was something we could
cling to and paddle across, if only the tide would suddenly turn—
I gazed around wildly,
and suddenly saw what seemed like an apparition racing through the water
towards us from our left, throwing up great clouds of spray as it came.
"Mistral! Gill,
it's all right, it's all right! Mistral's coming!"
She arrived with a snort
and a skid of hooves, her body flowing with water.
"I heard your call.
. . ." The ring on my finger gave a sudden throb. "I should have
warned you about the tides. Quick, follow me: it's shallower this way."
She led us at a trot to a place where the water was wider, but I could see none
of the eddies and swirls of deep currents. "It will only be a short swim
this way; wade out as far as you can, one on either side of me, and then hold
fast to my mane when I tell you." I told Gill what we were going to do,
guided his hand to her neck, and after that it was easy, taking only a few
minutes to cross what had once seemed impossible, her warmth and steadiness
against me giving me back all my confidence, so that once we were safe I flung my
arms about her neck and gave her a big hug.
"Thanks, Princess
Mistral, thanks a million times!" Once the word "princess"
applied to the tatty, broken-down horse I had first known was nothing more than
a joke, but now it was nothing more or less than the truth. She was utterly
changed from the swaybacked skinny creature who had trudged the roads with us,
head down: now she was white as the foam of the sea, sleek as the waves; her
eyes were bright, her neck arched, her long mane and tail like curtains of mist.
"You are so beautiful now. . . ."
"Thanks to
"I did nothing. . .
"You rescued me,
healed my hurts, fed me, talked to me and burdened me but lightly. I am
grateful to you. And now . . ."
"And now you must
go and join your kin. We shall miss you." I had seen out of the corner of
my eye a mixed herd of horses, colts and foals, led by a great white stallion,
moving across the fields to the reeds and shallows. She neighed once and the
stallion flung up his head. She turned to me. "Make for that clump of
trees; keep to the higher ground. You will be safe now. Remember me: and may
you all find what you seek!" And she was gone, cantering up to the other
horses and wheeling into the middle of the herd.
She was full-grown now,
but I saw with a stab of pity how much smaller she was than the other mares.
Her hard life had stunted her growth. Would the great stallion consider mating
with one so undersized? Could she carry a foal to full term and deliver it
successfully? To me she was the most beautiful of all those beautiful horses,
but would they see it that way?
My eyes filled with
tears. It was the tortoise and the pigeon repeated again. Why could not their
lives be as perfect as they deserved? One robbed of his home and forced to
fight a wilder existence, another living in the wrong place, and now one
handicapped among her peers by the life she had been forced to lead. If these
were to be the precedents, then what in the world would happen to Growch, the
Wimperling, Gill and me?
"We keep thirty
horses in the stables," said Gill suddenly. "My stallion is called
Fleetfoot, but I take Dainty when I go falconing. My tiercel kills rooks and we
. . ." He trailed off. "I forget. . . ."
I opened my mouth but
was interrupted by Growch's salt-roughened bark. "Better get 'ere quick!
The blankets is soaked and yer pots and pans is floating out to sea. . .
* * *
Midsummer's Day, and we
were no nearer finding Gill's home. Yet there seemed no hurry. Deceived by a
summer dreaminess we drifted down tiny lanes and dusty highways, the former
further drowsing us with the honey-sweet scent of hawthorn and showering us in
the pale petals of the hedge rose, the latter a patchwork of blinding white
road and the black shadow of forest.
Everywhere color
brightened the eye; scarlet poppies shaking out their crumpled petals,
gold-hearted daisy and camomile, creamy elder and sweet cecily, sky-blue
lungwort, vinca and chicory, pink mallow and bindweed, white asphodel, purple
vetches. And all the greens in the world: willow, beech, oak, ash, pine, fir,
reed, duckweed, grass, ground elder, horsetail, clover, moss, nettle, sorrel,
ivy, bracken—grey-green, red-green, blue-green, yellow-green, shock-green and
baby green: both a stimulus and a soothing to the eyes. There was color, too,
in the myriads of butterflies, in the dragon- and damsel-flies and even in the
barbaric stripes of wasp and hornet.
The spring shrillness of
the birds had abated somewhat; at one end of their scales was the brisk morning
chirping of sparrows scavenging hay and straw for seeds and the faraway bubble
of ascending larks; in the middle, hot afternoons held the sleepy croon of wood
pigeons and the evening sky rang with the high scream of swifts scything the
sky. We passed lakes and ponds where frogs barked like terriers and sudden
splashes marked the recklessness of mating fish; whirring grasshoppers sprang
from beneath our feet, bees and hummingbird hawk moths droned like bagpipes,
cicadas sawed away incessantly and great June Dugs racketed clumsily by.
We were surrounded, too,
by the particular scents of summer; not just the dried dung and dust of the
highways, the pungent smells of grass and leaves after rain, the thin,
evocative perfume of wildflowers, but sudden surprises: a pinch of fresh mint,
crush of thyme and rosemary underfoot, warm river water, salty smells of fresh
sweat, the clean smell of drying linen, the oily smell of resin from fresh-cut
logs stacked to dry for winter and the gentle, fading scent of drying hay.
Different tastes, too.
Salads instead of stew, fresh meat instead of salted, plenty of eggs and milk,
newly brewed ale. Fish and eel and shellfish from the rivers, butter and cheese
so light they had practically no taste at all. A deal of vegetables I could
collect myself from the fields and woods: hop tips, ground elder, duckweed,
dent-de-lion, nettle, wood sorrel, broom buds, ash keys, young bracken fronds
and the leaves of wild strawberry and violet. Chopped up with a little oil and
salt and eaten with a hunk of cheese and fresh rye bread it made a feast.
Not that we were short
of food. If there was a fair, a saint's day or a local fiesta, out would come
my pipe and tabor and Gill would sing, Growch would "dance for the
lady," answer yes or no and "die for his country." My
instructions to him were simple enough; the "dance" consisted of him
chasing his tail, yes and no barking once or twice, nodding or shaking his
head— "bend your head down as if you had fleas under your chin, shake your
head as if you had mites in your ears—you haven't, have you?"—and dying
was merely lying down and pretending to go to sleep. But he had a short
attention span, and if we really wanted to bring in more than a few coppers
then the Wimperling would do some of his tricks.
He was still
growing—which was just as well, for he was needed to share with Gill and me the
carrying of our bundles—but still people saw him as smaller than he was: in
fact one traveler accused us of overloading him! But he was looking at a pig he
expected to see, as the Wimperling reminded me, not the giant he had become.
June became a warm,
thundery July. Once I had decided that Gill's home must lie farther north—for
he had not recognized many of the plants I had described to him, nor the
terrain this far south—I led them first east northeast then west northwest as
best my judgment and the countryside would allow, trying to cover both the
left-hand side of the triangle the monk had described and the bisection of the
whole at one and the same time.
Gill was recalling more
and more as the days went by; little inconsequential things for the most part,
like a favorite tapestry; the pool where they bred carp for the table, the time
he was scraped by a boar's tusk—sure enough, there was a crescent scar on his
thigh. Once or twice he did remember facts relevant to our search. I already
knew there were no mountains, I realized that if he went falconing for rooks
his home was probably surrounded by fields of grain crops and there must be
woodland or forest for both the birds and wild boar; now he talked of the Great
Forest half a day's ride across the plain where once the king had hunted. Which
king? He shook his head. He also spoke of the wide and lazy river that curved
round the estate, but again a name meant nothing.
So we were looking for a
province of plains, rivers and forests, and as he never spoke of the sea we
didn't travel too far west and kept the mountains to a distance. I continued to
question people we met and showed them the sketch I had made of Gill's
escutcheon, also the scrap of silk I had kept, but they all shrugged their
shoulders and shook their heads.
The breakthrough, when
it came, was entirely unexpected.
We had lodged on the
outskirts of a largish town overnight, on the promise of celebrations for St.
Swithin on the following day. There was to be a fair in the marketplace and
dancing in the church yard, plus the usual roasts. I groomed both Growch and
the Wimperling thoroughly, a ribbon round the neck of one, the tail of the
other. The skies remained clear and as long as the prayers at Mass that morning
were efficacious, it would remain that way until harvest, so the superstition
We did well in the
marketplace, for folk were happy at the prospect of a good harvest, and wished
to relax and enjoy themselves. There were other attractions of course, but a
counting pig was still a novelty, and I collected enough coins that afternoon
and early evening to keep us going for a week or two.
As it grew dusk, great
torches were stuck in the ground and lanterns hung from the branches of the
trees, and the people gathered to dance away an hour or so as the lamb
carcasses turned slowly on the spits set in a corner of the square. A traveling
band—bagpipes, two shawm, a fiddle, trumpet, pipe and tabor and a girl singer
with a tambourine—performed for the dancers. Round followed reel and back
again, until the dust was soon rising from the ground with the pounding and
stamping of feet, jumps and twirls. When they paused for breath jugs of ale
were brought out from the nearest tavern, and enterprising bakers sent their
assistants round with trays of pies and sweetmeats.
As Gill couldn't see to
dance I had not joined in, though my feet were tapping impatiently to the
music. During one of the intervals I brought out the Wimperling again for a few
more coins, then went and joined the line for slices of roast lamb and bread.
Afterwards we sat for a while longer, watching and listening. As the evening
wore on and it became quite dark, one by one the dancers dropped out,
exhausted; couples snuggled up to one another in the shadows, children fell
asleep in their parents' laps, babies were suckled, dogs snapped and snarled
over the scraps, the church bells sounded for nine o'clock and some went in to
pray. Somewhere a nightingale provided a soft background for the girl with the
tambourine to sing simple, sad songs of love, of longing, of childhood.
She sang without other
accompaniment than her tambourine, just an occasional tap or shake to emphasize
a word, a phrase. She sang as if to herself and to listen seemed almost like
eavesdropping. It was so soothing that I found myself nodding off, and was just
about to gather us all together and find our lodgings, when Gill suddenly gave
a great start as though he had been bitten.
"That song . . .
Song? A sentimental song
of swallows, eternal summer, of home. One I had never heard before, with a
plaintive descending refrain.
"What about
But he wasn't listening
to me, and when she started on the second verse, to my amazement he joined in,
at first hesitantly, as though he had difficulty remembering the words, then
more confidently. At first they sang in unison, then he took the harmony in the
last verse.
"The sun is warm, the wind is soft,
O'er wood and plain, house and croft;
I long to wake again at dawn,
In the land where I was born. . . ."
Gill looked as though he
had awakened from a dream and to my embarrassment I saw that tears were pouring
down his cheeks. He rose to his feet.
"The singer . . .
Take me to her!"
But she had come over to
us. "Congratulations, stranger: you sing well. But where did you learn
that song?" Close to she was no girl. The paint on her cheeks, eyes and
mouth had disguised at a flattering torchlit distance that she must be at least
thirty. "I had thought no one outside my own province knew it. Do you come
from there?"
Gill stretched out his
hand to her, and it was shaking. Quickly I explained his condition and that we
sought his home, and this was the first real clue we had had.
"Tell me, are there
great plains, a big river, forests, much grain growing?" I was trying to
remember all Gill had recalled.
"Assuredly the land
is flat. There are cattle, many fields of grain, great orchards—"
"Apples," said
Gill. "And plum and cherry."
She glanced at him.
"You are right. And there are wide rivers, and forests stretching as far
as the eye can see. Can you not remember your name, now?"
He shook his head.
"But I know that is where I come from," and his voice was strong with
a confidence I had never heard in him before. "My nurse taught me that
song when I was scarce out of the cradle." He turned to me. "That is
the way we must go, don't you see? Oh, Summer, take me there, take me
there!" And now his tears were spilling down onto the skin of my arm, warm
as summer rain.
"Of course we
will!" I turned to the singer. "Thank you so much, you don't know how
much this means! We have been searching for nine months, so far. . . . Here, do
you recognize this emblem?" and I pulled the scrap of silk from my purse.
She peered at it,
listened to what else I could recall of it, but shook her head regretfully.
"No, but it is a large country. I come from the southeast, but your—your
friend may well live to the north and west. But you can ask again when you get
"How far away is
it?" asked Gill eagerly. "How long will it take us?"
She shook her head
again. "Straight, I do not know. Many days. You will have to ask my
husband. We travel as the will and the weather take us, following as best we
can fairs and feast days, the larger towns." She turned and beckoned, and
the short, dark man who had been playing the fiddle joined us.
Once she had explained
he, too, shook his head. "It lies to the northwest of here, but I can give
you no direct route. If you head that way, and take the better roads, it might
take a month, perhaps two. It depends on the roads, the weather, your pace, as
you must know. If you are lucky, you will reach there in time for
"The best time of
the year," murmured Gill. "Great feasts, hunting songs, dancing . . .
We must start at dawn."
"Yes, yes, of
course," I said. "But now we must sleep. In this weather it's better
to travel early and late and rest at midday—"
"But not for long!
I could walk a hundred miles without rest if I knew home was at the end of
it!" Gone was the often sad, sometimes complaining man I had known: here
was an impatient young man with hope in his face, as eager for tomorrow as any
The singer and her
husband wished us luck, and I emptied the day's takings into her hand.
"Pray that this time we were heading in the right direction. . . ."
Gill fell asleep as soon
as he lay down in the straw of the stable we occupied that night; all the way
back he had been humming the song that had awakened his memory, but I could not
sleep. I tossed and turned restlessly. Outside a full moon shone through the
gaps in the planking of the walls, its pale light seeming to touch my closed
lids whichever way I turned on the rustling straw. I told myself I was relieved
we knew the way at last, how happy I was for Gill; in a month, two at most, he
would be restored to his family, and my responsibility towards him would end.
Then I would be free to pursue my original objective and find a safe,
respectable husband and a comfortable home.
And at that happy
prospect, I cried myself to sleep.
Chapter Twenty.Four
It took us exactly six
We departed at dawn on
the day after St. Swithin's and arrived on the feast day of Saints Cosmos and
Damien. It was a long, hard trek, with a hotter August and early September than
I could remember. At home with Mama, of course, I was not exposed to the
merciless heat of an open road; I had been able to take my ease under the trees
in the forest, once my chores were done, and perhaps cool my feet in the river.
Even at night we sometimes slept with the door open, the goat tethered nearby
to challenge any intruder and give us time to bolt the door.
But now I was walking
all day—at least the hours between dawn and two in the afternoon, and then
again for a couple of hours in the evenings. Often there were no trees to shade
our path, no streams or rivers to cool our feet or to bathe in. In fact water
became scarcer the farther we traveled, and often they had none to spare in the
villages we passed through. I bought another flask and filled it when I could,
sometimes walking a good way cross-country to find a river, after spying out
the land to find the telltale signs of willow, shrub and reed which marked its
I think the flies were
the biggest nuisance. Somehow they always managed to find us, great tickling,
annoying things, alighting on any part of our exposed bodies to suck the salty
moisture from our skins. They buzzed, they clustered, they crawled; other
insects, midges, mosquitos, horseflies and wasps stung also, and unless one
flailed ones arms like a windmill all day long, or waved a switch cut from the
hedgerows, one was irritated to say the least and, more usually, infuriated and
exhausted by nightfall, for they wouldn't even let us alone during the
afternoon rest.
No food could be left
uncovered for more than a moment because it was immediately attacked. I had
never particularly disliked any insect before, except perhaps for the ugly
black cockroaches that scuttled and tapped around fireplaces at night, but now
I had a personal vendetta against any fly, wasp, hornet, midge, mosquito,
horsefly or ant in the country. Gill was not as badly affected as I was—perhaps
he didn't taste as good—and Growch's thick coat protected most of him, although
he was regularly infested with sheep ticks, which were as difficult to dislodge
as body lice.
Strangely enough, they
all left the Wimperling well alone.
All around us the
country was getting ready for harvest. In the south the grapes were swelling
and coloring, often on land that looked too arid to support anything, and we
passed olive and orange trees that looked ready for picking, but as we headed
north it was the grain that caught the eye and the orchards of apple and
espaliered pears that promised delights to come. It was a bounteous time in the
woods and wayside, too, and many a skirt of raspberries and blackberries I
gathered. Hips, haws and hazelnuts had a month or so to go, but the autumn
mushrooms and fungi were coming to their best.
The drought dried many
of the ponds and streams that would have provided fish, and sheep and cattle
were being fattened for the winter salting, poultry were wilting in the heat
and there was little milk, but we managed, though I could feel the lighter
clothes I wore were hanging looser by the day, and Gill and Growch looked
leaner and fitter. Not so the Wimperling.
He still appeared to eat
anything and everything with gusto and to my eyes was bigger than a small pony
and no longer as pig-like as before, though it was difficult to say exactly
what he did resemble. One day I took a piece of the rope we used for tying our
bundles and surreptitiously measured him as he lay snoozing. From stem to stern
he was as long as Gill was tall, and, if my calculations were right, near as
much around the middle.
"No, you're not
imagining things," he said, opening one eye. "I'm growing. A lot of
it is the wings, though."
I was so startled I
dropped the piece of rope. "Wings?"
"Round the middle.
Look." And he rose to his hooves and slowly, lazily, extended his left
wing. What I had taken for fat was in fact a combination of the wing itself and
the disguising pouch he hid it under, grown larger with its contents. The wing
itself now extended some five feet away from his body, a warm, living extension
of himself, lifting in the slight breeze of evening. "See?"
"I still don't
understand how everyone else sees you as small," I said helplessly, more
shocked by the revelation than I cared to say. "When—when will you stop
"I told you: people
see what they expect, and to help that I think pig." He didn't answer the
second question, I noticed. Perhaps he didn't know.
This was a silly
conversation, and I decided to be silly, too. "So if I wanted people to
believe me beautiful, all I would have to do was think it?"
"Matthew the
merchant thought you were beautiful. . . ."
"But I didn't try
and make him think so!"
"So perhaps you are
"Rubbish! My mother
always said—"
"You shouldn't
believe all she said. Many mothers tell their daughters they are plain in order
to steal their beauty for themselves. Think yourself ugly and unattractive and
you will be."
"My mother wouldn't
have done a thing like that!" Would she? No, of course she wouldn't. That
would have been cruel. Besides I must have been ugly: I was never considered as
her replacement when she died. Then had I thought myself ugly, as he was
suggesting? No, I remembered my reflection in the river: fat,
double-treble-chinned, mouthless, eye-less, disgusting. "Anyway, I'm fat,
gross, obese." These at least were true.
"Was what?"
"Fat. Didn't you
boast once to your knight about how well you were fed by your imaginary
family?" How did he know I hadn't been telling the truth? "You said
your mother fed you with all the greatest delicacies; it sounded more like
force-feeding, and you were the Michaelmas goose. That was another way to make
you less attractive than she was. No competition."
"Nonsense! She
wouldn't have done a thing like that! It would be wicked!" Why, she had
loved me so much she had had me educated for the best in the land, and could
not then bear for me to leave her to seek a husband!
Apparently the
Wimperling could read my mind. "Most men don't choose their spouses for
their education. A pretty face goes further than being able to construe Latin.
Child-bearing hips and a still tongue go even farther. And a dowry, of course .
. ."
"I have that!"
I said, stung with anger. "My father left it for me."
"All of it? Or was
some of it gone? And did your mother show you it?"
"No, but—"
"Exactly. Another
five years as her slave and there would have been no dowry left, only a grossly
fat woman tied irrevocably to her mother's side, a useless human being who
could hold a pen, add two and two, sew a seam, cook a meal—and eat most of
it—and who would have had ideas far above her station. When your mother died
you would have been released from your bondage only to starve, or become a kitchen
slut. You would have been the pig, not I!"
"But she didn't
know she was going to die!" I flung back at him. "She—she thought she
would live a long, long time, and . . . and . . ."
"I know that, don't
get angry. I don't suppose for a moment she realized how selfish she was: she
just didn't want to lose you. But she went about it all the wrong way. There
are people like that, so scared of losing the ones they love that they cling to
them like ivy on a wall, not realizing that you have to let go to retain."
I thought about it: poor
Mama, she should have realized I would never leave her. If she had found me a
husband I would have been happy for her to live with us, or at least have a
house nearby.
"But I'm not like
that now," I said, subdued. "Life is very different on the road. . .
"Yes, and thank the
gods for that! But mostly you have your father and the ring he left you to be
grateful for."
"My father? The
"He bequeathed a
ring to the child he would never see, a ring he knew he could no longer wear
because he did not deserve it. It probably served him well in earlier years,
but his life must have been such that the ring shed itself from his finger. The
ring on your finger—diluted by age and wearing—is part of a Unicorn, and as
such cannot be worn by anyone undeserving of its protection."
How did he know all
Again he seemed to read
my mind. "Because your tumbled thoughts spill out into the wind sometimes,
and before you have a chance to catch them back I can pattern them in my mind.
Better than you, sometimes. Besides, I can sense the power. Unicorns—and
witches and warlocks, wizards and dragons, fairies and elves, trolls and
ogres—are become unfashionable in this modern world of ours. Yet all are still
there, if you look for them or need them, although their power is greatly
diminished by man's indifference and disbelief. One day they will disappear
altogether, and the world will be a sadder place."
I looked down at the
ring on the middle finger of my right hand. A sliver of horn, almost transparent,
nearly indistinguishable from the flesh it clung to. And yet it had served me
well. How else would I have been able to communicate with the others, the
animals? I should have rejected Growch, probably misused Mistral, would not
have been able to mend Traveler, never heard Basher in his cold misery. And
what of the Wimperling himself? Would he not still be a showman's toy if the
ring had not sharpened my pity when I heard his cry for help? Or dead?
One way or another, the
ring had given them all another chance: me too.
* * *
The farther north we
traveled, the more soldiery we came across. Not fighting, just minding their
own business: wars were things that happened all the time. Some soldiers were
quartered in the villages we went through, and there food was scarce: for
whatever king, lord or seigneur they served made it a practice to utilize their
subjects to supply their troops. Cheaper than having them loll around the
castles idle, and out on the borders they were nearer the action, if and when
it came.
Apparently no one had
fought any battles for at least three years but rumors were rife of imminent
attacks here, there and everywhere and hostilities were expected any time. I
began to wonder if we should find Gill's home under siege or razed to the ground,
but said nothing of my fears, for each day he grew more and more tense, fuller
of longing to see his home again—for he was sure, too, that once back his sight
would return also.
"It is a fine
place, Summer: not a fortress, more a fortified manor house, as I recall. . . .
I seem to remember my nurse's name was Brigitte. I think my mother was as tall
as my father, but very thin. . . . We have lots of hounds. I seem to remember a
friend called Pierre. I don't think I enjoyed my lessons. . . ." And so
I tried to keep him as
clean, shaved and smart as I could, just in case we suddenly came across
someone who recognized him, for I remembered only too well how magnificently he
was dressed and accoutered that never-to-be-forgotten day when he had asked me the
way to the High Road. Now I doubted even his mother would recognize him, in
spite of my care. I bought a length of linen and made him a tunic that reached
mid-calf, as befitted his station, but kept it hidden till the time was right.
When the light lingered in the evenings I would take it out, to complete the
key pattern I was edging the hem and side slits with, in a blue to match his
beautiful, blind eyes. . . .
One August morning,
around ten of the clock, we came to a confused halt, we and the dozen or so we
were traveling with, for ahead of us the highway, which had broadened out
considerably during the last few days, was now blocked by a formidable line of
the military. A caravan ahead of us had also been halted, for beasts were
already tethered for foraging by the side of the road, carts and wagons were
drawn up in orderly rows, their occupants either resting or arguing with the
captain of the troops, with much gesticulating and nodding and shaking of
Whatever it was, it
obviously meant delay. Seating Gill in the shade, I pushed my way forward,
asking first one and then the other the reason for the delay, but got only
confused replies. "It's the war. . . . Road ahead is blocked. . . . Plague
. . . Robbers and brigands . . ." In the end I approached one of the
ordinary soldiers, relieving himself in a ditch some way away from the others,
a bored expression on his face. I remembered what the Wimperling had said about
thinking oneself into what people expected to see, so I tried to project myself
as pretty.
"Excuse me,
captain. . . ." He turned, shook off the drops and tucked himself in
again. I saw the boredom on his face replaced with interested speculation.
Perhaps it was working!
"Yes, missy? How
can I help you?" His gambeson was food- and sweat-stained, he hadn't
shaved for days, his iron cap was missing and his hose full of holes. Most of
his teeth were rotting or gone, and he spoke with a thick, clipped lisp.
I smiled sweetly.
"I can make neither head nor tail of what is going on, sir, so bethought
me to seek one out who surely would." Mama had taught me how to flatter.
"One can tell at a glance those worth talking to." I smiled again.
"A man of experience such as yourself must surely know everything. . .
It worked. He grinned
self-consciously, then with a quick look over his shoulder to where his captain
was still waving his arms about and shouting, he settled the dagger at his belt
and took my arm, drawing me away behind a clump of elder bushes, strutting like
the dung-heap cockerel he was.
"Well, look here,
pretty missy, it's like this. . . ." The Wimperling had spoke true! He had
called me "pretty"! "You knows of course we is at war, has been
for as long as I can remember. . . ."
"But there haven't
been any battles for years. . . ."
"That don't matter
round here. 'Readiness is all,' as the captain says, and we can't afford to
relax for a moment." He spat on the ground. "Arrogant bastard! Thinks
he knows it all because he fought in a couple of campaigns abroad! Still, no
use crossing him. Worth a flogging, that is." He peered at me.
"What's a nice-spoken lass like you doing here, anyways?"
But I was ready for
that. "Traveling north with my father, a spice merchant," I said
quickly, conscious that he had moved closer. "He's over there," and I
pointed in the direction of the still-arguing captain. "He's also trying
to find out what is going on—but I think I am having a better success! Er . . .
I heard somebody say something about a renewal of war?" And that was the
last thing we needed, I thought.
"Not exactly, but
there have been a couple of skirmishes on the border last few days. Still it
puts us on alert, and means the border's closed for a while. Usually it's open
twice a day for trade and barter: they likes the wine and fruits from the
south, we likes their grain, cider and cheese. Everyone gets searched, 'cos
that's enemy territory over there, there's a small toll, and everyone's happy.
Not strictly official, mind . . ." He sucked his teeth. "Still, none
o' that for a week or so." He looked disconsolate: I could imagine in
whose pockets the "tolls" went.
Oh, no! Gill, I was
sure, could not bear to be patient for so long now he was near his home. Our
money was running out, there'd be little food nearby and as for entertaining,
with only the soldier's pay to depend on, we should soon starve.
"Is there no other
way across?"
He turned me round to
face north, taking the opportunity to put his grimy hands round my waist. My
mind shuddered at his touch, my nose wrinkled up at the stinking breath
whistling past my left ear, but I kept my body still. He pointed over my
"See there, that
line o' trees? That's the border between here, what belongs to our king,
and there, what belongs to the king over-water, Steady Eddie, they calls
him. Got quite a bit o' land over here: that's what the battles are about. Road
across goes through the trees. Left there's thick forest for miles, fifty or
so, and their patrols go up and down there day and night." He swiveled me
towards the right. "There's the village. T'other side o' that's the river
what runs into enemy territory. They got their camp on the banks; we patrols
this side, they patrols the other. No way through . . ."
But there had to be:
somehow we must cross that border. From the other travelers I had confirmed
that what lay ahead was indeed Gill's part of this divided country, so for his
sake it was imperative we lingered no longer than was necessary. But how to
evade the patrols? Alone, I might have tried to creep through their lines at
night, especially with Growch to spy ahead, but a blind man was clumsy at the
best of times and the Wimperling's bulk precluded any attempt for the four of
us together.
Successfully evading the
importunate soldier we ate what little we had left and lazed the day away, but
in the evening, to quiet Gill's restlessness, I took him to the tavern in the
village for an indifferent stew and a mug or two of thin ale, together with
half-a-dozen or so other disconsolate travelers.
And there, in that
stuffy, malodorous little ale house, came the answer to our prayers. . . .
Chapter Twenty.Five
“Hullo, Walter! How many
this time? A dozen? Good. Welcome to our side, gents—and lady. . . ."
A trap, a stupid,
miserable trap! All we had thought of was crossing the border, too eager to
question the ease with which our "safe" passage had been procured. If
I had had half the sense I credited myself with we should have been suspicious
from the start and never joined this sorry enterprise.
Thinking back, Walter
the ferryman had been a shifty-looking individual from the start, but his
suggestion of slipping through enemy lines on his raft—at a price—had seemed
like the answer to a prayer to all of us. He said that if we set off around
three in the morning we could drift past the sentries on both sides, and
assured us he had done it many times. Twelve of us had paid the silver coin
demanded, and rushed back to gather up our belongings. The Wimperling said that
nothing in the world would get him on a raft, he would spread his wings and float
past, and Growch said that if he couldn't slip past a sentry or two we could
chuck him in the river. Next time . . .
The raft nearly tipped
twice, although the river was low and sluggish, for most of the other
passengers were frightened of the water and didn't heed instructions to keep to
the center and be still, but rushed from side to side, imperiling us all. The
boatmen poled us out from the bank with a suck and a slurp and a pungent smell
of mud, and once all was settled we drifted downstream through the oily water.
There was a quarter
moon, few stars and an absence of sound: no wind, no birds. It was warm and
still, the heat of the day still lingering in the heavy air. I trailed my
fingers in the river: water warm as my skin. The banks on either side seemed
All at once the sneaky
Walter started to pole us in towards the bank—surely we couldn't be beyond the
enemy lines yet?—and I could see a makeshift landing stage through the gloom.
The raft slapped against the pilings with a jolt that nearly had us all in the
water, sudden torches flared, a dozen hands pulled us from the craft and hauled
us up on the bank. By the flickering light I could see we were surrounded by
soldiers. Different ones.
said their leader again, snickering. "Line 'em up, lads, and let's see
what they got. . . ."
They relieved us of our
packs and bundles, chuckling and commenting to themselves all the while.
"Sorry-lookin' set o' buggers . . . Which pack belongs to the Jew? Pity
they don' close the border more often. . . . Got a blind 'un here, with 'is
girl. . . ." One of them gave a couple of coins to Walter, our betrayer.
"Bringin' more
"If'n I can con
'em. Two lots if possible. Twenty-four hours'll make 'em keener. Don' let any
o' these slip back to give a warnin'. . . ."
A moment or two later
the Jew broke away from the rest of us and fled into the darkness and another
of our companions jumped into the river, where he foundered and gasped and was
twirled away on the current, flowing faster here, his mouth open on a yell
drowned by a gurgle of water. A moment later he was swept out of sight.
They brought the Jew
back five minutes later. He was unconscious and had obviously been beaten. He
was thrown to the ground and disregarded, while the soldiery enjoyed themselves
opening the packs and sharing out the contents, including our blankets, which
they declared "a fine weave—good against the winter," and promptly
confiscated. Luckily they could find no use for Gill's new tunic, and by the
time they had emptied the other pack they were so surfeited with some golden
spices, oils and unguents, jewelry, embroidered cloth, carved bone figures,
some fine daggers and a silver crucifix that they tossed my pots and pans to
one side. They were momentarily puzzled by my precious Boke, ripped off its
cover looking for a hiding place, then tossed the loose pages into a bush.
Anyone who protested was
beaten quiet. My pens and inks were scattered on the ground but they took what
little food we had, chomping noisily on hastily divided cheese. The ten of us
who could still stand were then searched. Rings were pulled from fingers (mine
went suddenly invisible), brooches unfastened, earrings torn from ears,
embroidered clothes ripped from the owner's back, leather boots pulled off.
Ours were too tatty to bother with. Luckily Gill and I looked so poor that our
search was perfunctory, and they didn't discover the dowry, or the few coins I
had left of ordinary money.
Some of our compatriots
were weeping and wringing their hands, but I held Gill's hand and preserved a
stoical silence. What else could I do? I was worrying about Growch and the
Wimperling, but at least we no longer had Mistral, Traveler and Basher with us:
I could well imagine what would have happened to them if we did.
Searching and scavenging
done, one of the soldiers ran off in the darkness to return a moment or two
later with a man on a horse, obviously in command. There followed what was a
well-rehearsed interchange between the captain and his troops. I don't think it
fooled anyone.
Captain: "What have
we here, then?"
Soldiers: (One, two,
three or seven, it didn't matter which: sometimes they answered singly,
sometimes together, like a ragged chorus. Suffice it to say they all knew their
parts off pat.) "Infiltrators, sir! Crossing the border without
permission, sir!"
Captain: "Have you
examined them and their belongings?"
Soldiers: "Yes,
Soldiers: "All
guilty, sir! Carrying contraband, some of 'em . . ."
Captain: "Let me
see the goods."
Here some of our fellow
travelers tried to protest, but a stave round the legs, a buffet to the jaw
soon silenced them. The captain dismounted and pawed through the heap of
spoils, finally selecting the silver crucifix, one of the more ornamental
daggers, a ring set with a ruby and the gold coins. "Mmmm . . ." He
shook his head. "Obviously stolen goods. I shall have to confiscate these
while further enquiries are made." He carried a big enough pouch to hold
them all. "Now then, men: what is the punishment for spies and
I gripped Gill's hand so
tightly I could feel my ring biting into flesh. One of the other travelers
broke away and flung himself at the captain's knees, scrabbling at his ankles,
sobbing pitifully.
"Mercy, kind sir,
mercy! I have a wife, three children. . . ."
The captain kicked him
away. "So have I, so have the rest of us! You should have thought of that
before you entered a war zone." He rubbed his chin. "Mind you . .
I think we all took an
anxious step forward, for the soldier's voice held a considering tone.
"Mind you . .
." he repeated: "If they were willing to pledge themselves against a
little ransom, as an earnest of their repentance, men, I think we might
reconsider, don't you?"
Immediately the man
still on his knees was joined by three others, all well-dressed, pledging
house, money, jewels, coin or livestock as bribes. The four were led aside into
the darkness, their faces now expressing a hope none of the remainder could hope
to match. The captain gestured at the unconscious Jew. "And him?"
"Caught trying to
run off, sir . . ."
"His baggage?"
"Nothing of
consequence. Papers mostly, sir." The soldier pointed to a scatter of
"Cunning bastard;
not worth the investigation. Get rid of him!"
To my horror two of the
soldiers came forward, picked him up and flung him into the river. A couple of
large bubbles broke the surface and that was all.
The captain surveyed the
rest of us. "Send the rest of them back: let their own side deal with
them." My heart leapt, but I might have known it was just a cruel jest.
"No, wait: they can either enlist with us or work as slaves: give them the
choice." He turned away to remount but one of the soldiers who had been
eyeing me with a leer went over and whispered in his ear. The captain turned
back, beckoned us nearer. "And what have you to say for yourselves?"
He addressed himself to me.
I kept my gaze modestly
lowered, my voice meek. "My blind brother and I are returning home, sir.
We traveled south in a vain attempt to find a cure for him. We live in this
province, we are not spies, and we have spent all our money in doctor's bills.
We are only here because war does not take account of innocent travelers. . .
He stared at me in a
calculating manner. "What was in their baggage?"
One of the soldiers
indicated the scattered pots and pans, the flasks, odd bits of clothing.
"Just these, sir."
"Whereabouts do you
come from? What does your father do?"
I had dreaded such
questioning. "Our—our father is a carpenter. We were sent—" I twisted
the ring on my finger in my agitation and out of nowhere came a name I must
have heard somewhere, sometime I could not recall. "We were sent south
with the recommendation and blessing of Bishop Sigismund of the Abbey of St.
Evroult," I said firmly, and raised my head to look at him straight.
He raised his eyebrows.
"I see. . . . Let them continue their journey." He crossed himself.
"I have no quarrel with the church." He turned away again, but once
more the soldier whispered to him. He turned and looked at me again. "Very
well: I am sure she will cooperate. But no rough stuff, mind." And with
that he remounted and clattered off into the darkness.
The importunate soldier
came over and took my arm, not unkindly. "You come along o' me, you and
your brother."
"Our things . .
." I pointed to the pots and pans.
"Well, pack 'em up,
then," he said impatiently. "Coupla minutes, no more . . ."
Well within that time I
had retrieved everything, even my torn Boke, and tied it into two bundles. The
pans were dented, one of the horn mugs was cracked and one of the flask
stoppers had disappeared, but at least we were alive. The soldier plucked up
one of the torches stuck in the ground and nodded to us to follow, winking at his
fellows as he led us off.
"She'll keep till
later!" one of them yelled, and suddenly I realized the implication of the
captain's words: "I am sure she will cooperate. . . ." and a cold
finger of fear and revulsion touched my spine.
He led us to a broken-down
hut that must once have housed sheep or goats, for the earthen floor was
covered with their coney-like droppings and the place smelled of fusty, damp
wool. There was no place to sit so we huddled against a wall, and he took the
torch with him so we were left in darkness. As we became more used to our
surroundings, however, I could see, through the gaps in the wattle and daub
walls and the rents in the reed thatch, a certain lightening outside: false
dawn preceding the real one.
I tiptoed over to the flap
of skin that served as a door and peeked out. To my right, about ten yards
away, two soldiers sat cross-legged by a small fire, playing dice. No escape
that way. Coming back into the darkness I felt my way round the wall seeking
for a weakness, but apart from a few fist-sized holes there was nothing. If
only we had been able to reach the roof, now, there was—
I nearly leapt out of my
clothes as something damp and cold touched my bare ankle.
"For 'Eaven's sake!
It's only me. . . ."
I knelt down and hugged
him, tacky though he was. "Where've you been? Are you all right? Where's
the Wimperling?"
"'Ush, now! We're
all right. More'n I can say for you . . . Now, listen! I gotta message for you
from the pig." And he told me what they planned to do, but when I started
to question, he shut me up. "No time to argue: we gotta get goin'. Be
light soon," and he slipped out of the door as I felt my way back to Gill
and explained, slinging our packs ready as I spoke.
This time he didn't
argue about talking to animals but shrugged his shoulders fatalistically.
"Just carry on: we couldn't be in a worse position, I suppose."
I felt like saying that
it was me, not him, that was liable to be raped, but thought better of it.
"It'll be all right, I'm sure: just a couple of minutes more. . . ."
It felt like an
eternity, and I kept wiping my hands nervously on my skirt because they were
sweating so much, I pulled Gill over to the doorway with a fast-beating heart
so that we were ready—ready for the shout that came moments later from over to
our left. Peering through a gap in the hide covering I could see a tongue of
flame shoot upwards at the fringes of the forest, some quarter-mile away, then
heard the drumming of hooves from a couple of panicking horses. The two guards
outside leapt to their feet, undecided what to do, but when a second tongue of
flame started to run merrily towards the tents of the soldiery and there were
more galloping hooves, ours abandoned fire and dice and started running towards
the confusion.
Now was our chance.
Grabbing Gill's hand I led him, stumbling, out of the hut and to our right,
where the river should be. It was much closer than I thought and in fact we
nearly fell in, because at the wrong moment I risked a glance behind us, to see
a merry blaze had caught the summer-dry grasses at the fringe of the forest
and, fanned by the dawn breeze, the flames were creeping towards the
encampment. Luckily Gill fell full length as we reached the riverbank, just
before we both plunged down the slope into the water, and a moment later Growch
appeared to lead us further downstream to where a small rowing boat was
tethered in the reeds. Untying the rope I helped Gill aboard, instructed Growch
to jump in, and—
"Where's the
"Right here,"
grunted a hoarse, cindery voice and he rolled up, panting and covered with
smuts. "Don't wait: I'll float. Need to get rid of the smoke . . ."
"You're sure?"
"Just get going!
Push off from the bank, keep your heads down and the boat trimmed."
"Both of you in the
middle. No looking over the side. The current will carry us away from all
It was as he said. I
kicked off from the bank and collapsed in an ungraceful heap at Gill's feet, as
the boat nudged out into the center and found the current. It seemed my knight
had been in boats before, for he told me much the same as the pig: "Sit
down in the middle, Summer, hands on both thwarts—" (thwarts? I presumed
he meant the sides) "—and don't lean over the side, either. That's it. . .
Slowly and surely we
gained speed to almost a walking pace. Over to our left fires were still
burning, accompanied by shouts and curses, but everyone was too busy to have
noticed our defection, and a moment later we swung round a bend in the river,
shaded by trees, and the fire and commotion died away behind us. Gill seemed
calm and content, but I was still terrified of rocking the boat, and
desperately needed to relieve myself. The Wimperling was floating just behind
us, so when I told him he gave the boat a nudge out of the current and I
scrambled ashore, and thankfully ran behind some bushes, while Growch
christened the nearest tree.
"Do we have to go
back?" I asked the pig, gesturing towards the boat, where Gill was happily
trailing his fingers in the water. "I—I feel safer on land."
"Not safe yet.
Besides, we can travel faster by boat."
"We're not going
very fast now," I objected.
"We will, just wait
and see. Back you go. . . ."
We swung out into the
channel again, and I gripped the sides as tight as I could, till my knuckles
turned white with the strain. The Wimperling swam up behind us once more.
"Move towards the
bow—the front—both of you." I told Gill and we both shuffled
forward and it was just as well we did, for a moment later the rear of the boat
tipped down as the pig hooked his useful claws into the broad bit. I thought
for a moment he was going to try and clamber in, but a moment later there was a
flapping noise and his wings lifted out of the water and spread until they
caught the now freshening breeze behind us, and we were bowling along in a
moment at twice the speed, and the banks of the river were fairly whizzing by.
We traveled this way for
the rest of the day, with a couple of stops for me to forage for berries, for
we had nothing to eat. We saw no one, and I became used to the rocking motion
of the boat eventually. The only creatures we disturbed were water fowl, a
couple of graceful swans with their grey cygnets and an occasional water vole.
At dusk the Wimperling steered us to the bank again.
"There's a village
ahead—you can see the smoke. You can find a buyer for the boat. It'll provide
you with enough for some days' food."
"Thank the gods for
that!" said Growch. "The sides of me stummick is stuck together like
broken bellows. . . ."
And the thought of dry
land, food, and perhaps a mug or so of ale, rather than the risk of river
water, so filled my mind that I quite forgot the question that had been
tickling at the back of my mind since our escape: how on earth had the
Wimperling managed to light those fires?
* * *
No one questioned where
we had come from, where we were going, and there were no soldiers. I got a
reasonable price for the boat, even without oars, and that night we slept in
comparative luxury in a barn attached to the alehouse. It was fish pie for
supper with baked apple and cheese, but everything was fresh and tasty. There
was no talk of war and battles, only of the approaching harvest. I tried once more
to describe Gill's home and showed them the piece of silk, but they shook their
"Further north's
best place for grain and orchards. . . ."
My hopes were
momentarily dashed, but Gill's enthusiasm was unabated. He declared he could
hear in the villager's voices the echo of the patois they used near his home,
and the more ale he drank the more details he seemed to remember. Wooden toys,
servants, fishing, a boat, a blue silk surcoat, a flood . . . After he had
downed his third flagon of ale I tried to dissuade him from more, but he
declared petulantly that I was spoiling his evening and was worse than a
nursemaid, so I mentally shrugged my shoulders and ordered a fourth.
Halfway through he fell
asleep with his head on the trestle table, and I had to enlist the help of a
couple of the locals to carry him back to the barn and lay him down on the
straw, face down in case he vomited during his sleep. I stayed awake for a
while, for sometimes when he had drunk too much he woke and the liquor excited
that ache between the loins that all men have, so Mama used to say, and he
would toss and turn and groan until his hands had accomplished relief; at times
like that I couldn't bear to listen, and would tiptoe away till he had
Tonight, however,
everything was quiet and peaceful, so I wriggled myself about till I was
comfortable and fell asleep at peace with the world—
To awake in the dark
with a hand on my bosom and a voice in my ear.
"My dearest one . .
. I've waited so long for this moment! I've been thinking of you night and day.
Don't turn me away, I beg you, I implore you! I need you, oh, so much. . .
My heart was thumping,
my breath caught in my throat with a hiccuping sob, and I reached up in
wonderment to hold Gill's head with my hands, ruffling the familiar curly hair
with my fingers. I had waited so long for a sign, anything to prove he cared
for me, and now my whole body was filled with an aching, melting tenderness, a
yielding that left me trembling and helpless. His hand left my breast and slipped
beneath my skirt, his hand warm on my thigh, and his seeking mouth found mine
in our first kiss. . . .
So that was what it was
like to be kissed by the man you loved! A little, distracting voice from
somewhere was whispering: "Not yet, not yet! He's drunk too much, you only
lose your virginity once. . . ." But if he was drunk, then so was I: drunk
with desire for this man I had secretly loved so long.
Already he was fumbling
with the ties of his braies and I felt him gently part my thighs.
"My sweet Rosamund,
my Rose of the World . . ."
Chapter Twenty.Six
I froze, like a rabbit
faced by a stoat. Rosamund? Who the hell was Rosamund? Not me, anyway. But
perhaps I had misheard. . . .
I hadn't.
He nuzzled my neck.
"I have waited for this so long, my Rosamund of the white skin, the golden
hair! At last you are mine. . . ." and he thrust up between my legs, still
murmuring her name.
That did it. In a sudden
spurt of anger, disappointment and frustration I kneed him as hard as I could
then rolled away from beneath him, got to my feet and ran out into the night.
He yelled with pain, then groaned, but I didn't look back: I couldn't. My fist
stuffed into my mouth to stifle the sobs, I let the stupid tears run down my
cheeks like a salty waterfall till my eyes were swollen and my throat felt all
closed up.
I didn't know whether I
hated him or myself the most.
Hating him was
irrational, I knew that in my mind, but my heart and stomach couldn't forgive.
He was drunk, and in his dreams had turned to a suddenly recalled love; he had
found a female body and mistaken me for her.
But I was worse, I told
myself. Without thought I had surrendered to my feelings and immediate
emotions, forgetting all Mama had impressed upon me about staying chaste for
one's husband, not succumbing to temptation, etc. All I wanted was to indulge
myself with a man I had fantasized about for months—husband, future, possible
pregnancy, all had been disregarded in the urgency of desire. And if I thought
about it for even one moment, I would have realized that it could never lead to
anything else once he returned home, for he was a knight and I was nothing. I
cursed myself for my stupidity.
But at the back of my
mind was something else, something worse: hurt pride. He had preferred his
dreams, his memories, his vision, to me. In reality I hadn't even been there.
Summer was a companion, his guide, his crutch, his eyes: if he had known it was
me he wouldn't have bothered, drunk or no. The tears came so fast now they
hadn't time to cool and ran down into my mouth as warm as when they left my
eyes. They tasted like the sea.
There was a shuffling
and a grunt behind me and the Wimperling lumbered out of the barn and looked up
at the lightening sky, sniffing. "Another fine day . . . Did I ever tell
you about the story of the pig with one wish?"
"Er . . . No."
I couldn't see what he was getting at. Surreptitiously I wiped my eyes on the
hem of my skirt. "What—what pig?"
"It was a tale my
mother pig used to tell us when we were little. Once there was a pig who had
done a magician some service, and in return he was granted one wish. He was a
greedy thing, so immediately without thinking he wished that all food he
touched would turn into truffles, because that was what he liked most. His wish
was granted, and for days he stuffed himself so full he nearly burst. Then as
he grew surfeited, he wished once more for plainer fare, and he cursed the day
he had wished without thought. . . ."
"And then what
happened?" I was interested in spite of my misery.
"Well, first he
tried to punish himself by trying to starve to death, but that didn't work, so,
because he was basically a kind and caring pig, he decided to turn his
misfortune into a treat for others, going around touching other pigs' food so
they had the treat of truffles. And it did his sad heart good to see them
enjoying themselves. . . ." He stopped. "What's for breakfast?"
I smiled in spite of
everything. "Not truffles, anyway! And then what?"
"Then what
"The pig."
"Oh, the pig . . .
I disremember."
"You can't just
leave it like that! All stories have a proper ending. They start 'Once upon a
time . . . ' and end ' . . . and so they lived happily ever after,' with an
exciting story in between."
"Life's not like
"I don't see why it
can't be. . . ."
"That is what man
has been saying for thousands of years and look where it's got him! Without
hope and a God the human race would have died out eons ago."
"You say that as if
animals were superior!"
"So they are, in
many ways. They don't think and puzzle and wonder and theorize, look back and
look forward. What matters is only what they feel right now, this minute, and
if they can fill their bellies and mate and keep clear of danger. And when they
dream, and twitch and paddle in their sleep, then they are either the hunters
or the hunted, nothing more. No grand visions, no romance—and no tears,
So he had noticed.
I felt embarrassed and went back to his tale. "But the story was a story,
so it must have an ending. . . ."
"Well, then, you
give it one, just to satisfy your romantic leanings."
I thought. "Because
the pig turned out to be so unselfish after all, helping his friends to enjoy
the truffles when he could no longer, the wizard reconsidered his spell and
then lifted it. And—and the pig was properly grateful to have been shown the
error of his ways and never again yearned after something unsuitable. He
married his sweetheart pig, who had stayed loyal to him through good times and
bad, and they had lots of little piglets and lived happily ever afterwards.
There!" I stopped, pleased with myself, then had another thought.
"Oh, yes: The strange thing about it all was, that the piglets and their
children and their children's children couldn't stand truffles!"
The Wimperling made
polite applause noises with his tongue. "A predictable tale—redeemed, I
think, by the last line. I liked that. And the moral of the story is?"
"Does it have to
have one?"
"All the best ones
have. Disguised sometimes, but still there."
"Er . . . Don't
make hasty decisions; think before you open your mouth?"
"Or your
legs," said the Wimperling. "Exactly!" And off he trotted.
* * *
Over a breakfast of
oatcakes, fish baked in leaves and ale, Gill told me he had had a wonderful
dream during the night. "And Summer, it seems my memory is really coming
It was lucky for him he
could not see my face, and did not sense the desolate churning in my stomach
that made me push aside the fish with a sickness I could not disguise.
"In this dream I
was wandering through a building that seemed familiar yet wasn't, if you know
what I mean. Then I realized I was in the household where I had served my time
as first page, then squire. But I was no longer a boy, I was as I am now, but
without the blindness—you know how illogical dreams can be."
I nodded, then
remembered. "Yes." In my dreams I was slim. And beautiful . .
. How illogical could you get?
"Then suddenly I
was in a barn—a barn in the middle of a castle, Summer!—and there, lying in the
straw, was my affianced, my beloved, my Rosamund!"
"Yes—I told you my
memory was coming back. Any more ale?"
I handed him mine.
"Tell me more about—about this Rosamund."
"Ah, what can I
say? No mere words could do her adequate justice! I met her when I was a squire
and with my parents' consent we became affianced. Her father was a rich
merchant and his daughter Rosamund, the middle one of three, with a handsome
dowry. She is two years older than I, but as sweet and chaste and demure as a
nun. We plighted our troth five years ago, but I was determined to earn my
knighthood before I claimed her as my bride. I journeyed north to bring her
gifts from my parents and say we were ready to receive her, and on my way back
I think I . . . That bit still isn't clear. I don't remember."
On that journey back he
had been ambushed, and he wouldn't be here if I hadn't rescued him, I thought
bitterly. "Is your bride-to-be as pretty as she is chaste?" I asked
between my teeth.
"Pretty? Nay,
beautiful! Tall, slim, perfectly proportioned. Her skin is white as milk, her
cheeks like the wild rose, her hair like ripened corn—"
"And her teeth as
white as a new-peeled withy," I muttered sulkily.
"How did you know?
I was going to say pearls. . . . A straight nose, a small mouth—" He
sighed. "Truly is she named the Rose of the World. . . ."
I rubbed my smallish
nose and practiced pursing my not-so-small mouth.
He sighed again. "As
I said, she is as chaste as a nun, and has never permitted me more than a kiss
or two, a quick embrace. . . . But in this dream I had my impatience got the
better of me and I threw aside her objections and embraced her long and
heartily. It was just getting interesting when—when . . ."
"Yes?" I said
"When all of a
sudden I was in a tournament and my opponent unhorsed me, to the detriment of
my manhood, if you will excuse the expression. . . ." He scowled.
"Very painful."
"You got kicked in
the balls," I said succinctly. "And woke up. Are you sure it wasn't
the fair Rosamund defending her chastity?"
He looked shocked.
"Really, Summer! Even in dreams she wouldn't be so—so unladylike! And she
was never coarse in her language . . ."
Of course not. "Seeing
how much your memory had improved, was there anything else you recalled that we
might find useful in our search for your home and family? Such as a name, or a
He looked surprised.
"Oh, didn't I say? How remiss of me. I meant to. I remembered my father's
name a few days ago, just before we came to the border. But then there was so
much to think about, with escaping and all. . . ."
I could have throttled
him. "Well?"
"My father's name
is Sir Robert de Faucon and our nearest big town is Evreux; we live some thirty
miles to the west. My mother's name is Jeanne, and—"
"Why in the world
didn't you tell me before!" Of course: the bird on his pennant was a
falcon; I remembered it now. And the name was the same. Simple.
"We were trying to
cross the border—"
"But your name
might have meant something—"
"Yes! A ransom. And
we'd still be there."
Very reasonable, but I
was sure it had never crossed his mind till now. I simmered down. We would make
our way to Evreux, the place that had come so providentially to mind when we
were questioned at the border, and from there on it should be easy.
Not as easy as I had
hoped. There were fewer travelers on the road and fewer itinerants as well, for
these latter were hoping for jobs with the imminent harvest. It was the wrong
time and the wrong place for pilgrimages also, so we had to keep to the high
roads in daylight and not chance evening walking. We also found these people of
the north stingier with their money and their handouts, more suspicious of
strangers: maybe it was the war that had been going on for so long, maybe their
northern blood ran colder, I just do not know.
We took some money with
a performance or two in the cathedral town of Evreux, and confirmed the
westerly road towards Gill's home. Now we were so near our objective I would
have expected him to be far more impatient to press on than he actually was.
Instead he walked slower than usual, complained of blisters, said his back
hurt, had an in-growing toe-nail. I pricked and dressed his blisters with
salve, rubbed his back and examined a perfectly normal toe. Next day he felt
dizzy, had stomach pains, nausea, vomiting and cramps. I treated all these,
difficult to confirm or deny, but on the third day, when we were less than five
miles from the turn-off that we had been told led straight to his estates, and
he said his legs were too weak to hold him, I knew something was seriously
I sat him down under the
shade of a large oak tree, dumped our parcels and asked him straight out what
was the matter.
"For something is,
of that I am sure. And it has nothing to do with bad backs, blisters or your
belly!" I remembered how he had "forgotten" his father's name so
conveniently, until I had jolted his memory. "For all your talk of your
beautiful lady, you are behaving like a very reluctant bridegroom! One would
almost think you didn't want to go home!" I was joking, trying to
bring an air of ease to a puzzling situation, but to my amazement he took me
"Perhaps I don't."
"What do you mean?
Ever since I first met you we have been trying to find out where you live, and
no one has been more insistent than you! We have traveled hundreds of
miles—never mind your blisters, you should see mine!—and have gone through
great dangers, faced starvation, scraped and scrounged for every penny, crossed
innumerable provinces, just so that we can bring you to the bosom of your
family once more! You can't mean at this late stage that you don't want to go
home, you just can't!"
His blind eyes were
fixed unseeingly on his boots. He muttered something I couldn't catch, so I
asked him to repeat it.
"I said: what use
to anyone is a blind knight?"
Dear Christ, I had never
thought of that. How terrible! When first I had rescued him I had thought of
nothing but helping him to recover, largely, now I admitted, for my own
gratification. His blindness had been an inconvenience for him, but a bonus for
me. It had meant I could worship him unseen; feed him, clothe him, wash him,
cut his hair and beard, touch him, hold his hand. . . . And all without him
realizing how fat and ugly I was. Facing it now, I could see that all I had
wanted was his dependence, in a false conviction that that would bring me love.
And also boost my own self-importance: was that why I had also taken on a
hungry tortoise, a broken pigeon, a decrepit horse? Just so that they would
pander to my ego by being grateful to me? Dear God, I hoped not: I hoped it was
the gentler emotion of compassion, but how could I be sure? I had had little
choice with Growch, and the Wimperling was almost forced on me, but the others?
It didn't bear thinking of.
And now my beloved Gill
had faced me with an impossible question: what, indeed, was there for a blind
knight? Knights fought in battles, competed in tourneys, hunted, went on
Crusades—what did a knight know save of arms? Would his overlord, the king from
oversea, want a man incapable of warring?
Quick, Summer, think of
something. . . .
"There are plenty
of things you can do," I said briskly. "People will still obey your
commands, won't they? A blind man can still ride a horse, play an instrument,
sing a song, run an estate, make wise judgments, and . . . and . . ." I
had to think of something else. "Remember what that wise physician, Suleiman,
said? He foretold you would regain your memory, as you have, and he also said
there was nothing wrong with your eyes that time also couldn't cure. He said
you could regain your sight suddenly, any day!"
I don't think he was
listening. There was something even more pressing at the back of his mind.
"Of what use is a blind husband?"
I was about to observe
that most lovemaking took place in the dark anyway, but suddenly realized just
how much he must be fearing rejection: some women wouldn't consider allying themselves
to a blind man, never mind that to me it would be an advantage. But then, I
wasn't beautiful. . . . I remembered that Mama had told me that a man's pride
was his greatest emotion. Let's give him a boost and a get-out, however
frivolous the latter.
I put my arms about him
and hugged him. "Any woman would be crazy to look elsewhere!" I said
comfortingly. "A handsome man such as you? Why, if she won't have you, I
will!" I added in a lighthearted, teasing way. "We shall take to the
road again, you and I, and have many more adventures, until your sight is
returned. We'll go back and stay with Matthew the merchant for a start,
and—" I stopped, because his hands had sought the source of my voice, and
now they cupped my face.
"You know, you are
the kindest and most warmhearted woman I have ever known," he said, then
leaned forward and kissed me. "And I don't think I shall ever forget you.
Tell me, Summer, are you as pretty as your voice? If so, I might even take you
up on your offer," and now his voice was as light and teasing as mine had
I leapt to my feet, my
stomach churning, my face red as a ripe apple, my mind all topsy-turvy. It was
the first time he had ever offered me a gesture of affection. Why now? I
screamed inside, why now when you are so near home and in a few hours I am
going to lose you? If he had told me before of his fears, if he had once shown
me any love, then I would have ensured it took twice as long to reach here. And
now how I regretted refusing his love-making attempt: what would it have
mattered if he had thought me someone else? What would have been simpler than
to take what he offered and enjoy it, then perhaps confess to him afterwards?
But all I said was:
"You can judge of that when you can see again. But the offer's open. . . ."
in my gruffest voice, adding: "Enough of all this nonsense! Let's get you
cleaned up, bathed and properly dressed, so you will not disgrace us all. And I
must do the animals as well. . . ." and I grabbed Growch, who had gathered
the main import of what I had been talking of in human speech, and was about to
disappear down the road.
Luckily there was a
meandering stream not far away through the trees, and though it was summer-low
I managed to dunk the dog and comb out the worst of the fleas, and freshen up
the pig. Then I gave Gill an all-over, my eyes and hands perhaps lingering too
long on those special parts that would soon belong to another. I trimmed his
beard and mustache as close as I could and cut his hair, then gave him a fresh
shirt and the new blue-embroidered surcoat.
There was little I could
do for myself except bathe, plaiting my hair, donning a fresh shift and the
woolen dress Matthew had given me, but I felt clean and more comfortable. One
bonus was to find some watercress to supplement our bread and cheese.
We still had several
miles to walk before we reached Gill's home. Once we found the left-hand
turning we were bounded by forest on both sides, and the road narrowed to a
wheel-rutted track, but after a mile or so we came to a pair of gates that
seemed to be permanently fastened back, and through them the road wound among
orchard trees and harvested fields towards a fortified manor house some
half-mile away. There were few people about, and no one challenged us as I led
Gill slowly towards his home.
It was now late
afternoon, but the sun had lost little of its heat and we finished off the
water in the flask and I picked three apples from those near-ripe. Then another
and another for the Wimperling, who had suddenly decided they were his favorite
food. I picked them quite openly, for there were none to see, save a boy
coaxing some swine back from acorns in the forest, and a gin with her geese
picking at the stubble. Besides, I thought, these are Gill's orchards, or will
be some day.
I started to describe
our surroundings to him, but I had no need. Now his memory was nearly complete
once more, he could smell, hear, taste and touch his own land; at first
tentatively, then more assured as he described what lay on either side of us as
we passed. Here a copse, there a stream, crabapples on one side, late pears on
the other, and he even anticipated the flags flying from the gateway.
As he drew nearer I
could see that his memory of the grandness of the manor house was a little
exaggerated, like most fond memories. It was nothing special; we had passed
much grander on our travels. The original structure was of wood, in two
stories, but a high stone wall now surrounded it, embracing also the courtyard,
stables, kitchens and stores; outside, small hovels housed the workers, though
everything seemed empty and deserted.
said the porter at the side gate. "Everyone's welcome today, even your
beasts. Round to your right you'll find the kitchens. Tonight's the Grain
Supper: always held on this day, come rain or shine." And he went back to
gnawing at what was left of a large mutton bone.
"This is
ridiculous!" protested Gill, as we started off again across the courtyard,
also deserted. "I belong here: this is my home! What in God's name are we
doing creeping round like a couple of thieves? Just lead me over to the main
door—no, I can find my own way!"
"Wait!" I
said, catching hold of his arm. "Let's not rush it. You don't want to give
them all heart failure! Let's surprise them gently. Listen a moment, and I'll
tell you what we'll do. . . ."
Leaving Gill and the
animals outside, I went to the kitchens and was given a large bowl of mutton
stew and a loaf of the "poor-bread" I remembered as a child, before
Mama could afford better: the grain was mixed with beans, peas and pulses, and
this was fresh as an hour ago and very filling. We ate hungrily, sitting in the
courtyard with our backs to a sunny wall, then I went back and asked to see the
steward, asking permission to perform in the Great Hall later. As it happened
there were a juggler and a minstrel already waiting, but we were added to the
All that remained was to
keep out of the way of anyone who might recognize Gill, and a couple of hours
later I was waiting nervously at the side door, Gill tucked away in the shadows
with the hood of his cloak pulled well down over his face, Growch and the
Wimperling at his side. As the minstrel sang the song of Roland, I peeped into
the hall; so thick with smoke, I could barely see the top table, but obviously
the thick-set, bearded man must be Gill's father, the thin woman with the tall
headdress his mother. And there, sitting beside Gill's father, was a slim woman
with long blond hair fastened back with a fillet: the fair Rosamund, if I
wasn't mistaken. I wished I could see her more clearly.
Beside me the kitchen
servants brushed past, ducking their heads automatically as they passed under
the low lintel, laden with dishes and jugs, though this was the last course:
fruits in aspic, nuts and cheese, so there was more clearing away than
The juggler had passed
back to the kitchens a half-hour ago, jingling coins in his hand, and now the
minstrel was coming to the end of his recital. There was polite applause, the
tinkle of thrown coins, and a hum of conversation as the singer made his way back
to the kitchens. Our turn next: I don't think I had ever felt so nervous in my
One of the varlets
announced us. "Entertainers from the south, with a song or two and some
tricks to divert . . ."
"danced" to my piping, somersaulted, rolled over and over, nodded or
shook his head as required and "died" for his king, then the
Wimperling did some very simple counting; a) because I was nervous to the point
of nearly wetting myself and b) wanting to get it all over and done with, at
the same time fearing the outcome—a little like having severe toothache and
knowing the tooth-puller was just around the corner; it was the last few steps
to his door that were the worst.
I finished the tricks to
a good deal of applause and dismissed the animals, picking up the coins that
were thrown and putting them in my pocket. "Thank you ladies, knights, and
gentle-persons all. If I may crave your indulgence, my partner and I will
conclude with a song," and taking a candle branch boldly from one of the
side tables I walked back to the doorway where Gill was waiting, his hood
hiding his face.
"When I come to the
right words," I whispered, "throw back your hood, hold the candles
high and march through the doorway, straight ahead. I'll come and meet
Walking back to the
space in front of the high table I started to sing, beating a soft
accompaniment on my tabor. It was an old favorite, the one where the knight
rides away to seek his fortune.
A knight rode away.
In the month of May,
All on a summer's day;
"I shall not stray,
Nor lose my way,
But return this way,
On St. Valentine's Day. . . ."
It had several verses,
with lots of to-ra-lays in between, and I had to sing quickly to turn
"Valentine" to "Cosmos and Damien." The ballad tells of how
news came to the knight's fiancee that he was dead; she visits a witch and
sells her soul to the Devil in order that her beloved will return. And, of
course, he returns, the rumor of his death having been exaggerated, right on
the day he foretold. Just as she calls on the Devil to redeem his promise she
hears the voice of the knight. This was Gill's cue, and his clear tenor rang
out through the hall.
"I have returned as I said,
I am not dead,
But astray was led. . . ."
I answered his words
with the words of the song:
"Knave, knight or pelf:
Come show yourself!"
Gill threw back the hood
of his cloak, held the candles high and stepped firmly forward. There was a
hush from the audience, then a muffled scream as his face was illuminated. He
hesitated for a moment on the threshold, then threw back his head and marched
briskly forward.
And then it happened.
There was a crack! that
echoed all around as his head came into contact with the low lintel of the
doorway. He teetered for a moment, rocking back and forth on his heels, then dropped
like a stone to the rushes.
I ran forward with my
heart full of terror and reached his side, kneeling to take his poor head in my
arms, looking with horror at the red mark across his forehead where he had
"Gill! Gill . . .
Are you all right?"
He opened his eyes,
thank God! and stared straight up at me.
"That bloody door
was always too low. . . . And who the hell are you?"
Chapter Twenty.Seven
After that everything
became confused.
I got up, was knocked
down, rose again and tripped over the Wimperling and Growch, was overwhelmed by
a great rush of bodies, flung this way and that, buffeted and elbowed. I saw
Gill embraced, hugged, kissed, slapped on the back, borne off, brought back, cried
over. Women fainted, men wept, dogs howled; trenchers, mugs, jugs, cups, food,
drink littered the rushes. Trestles and small tables were overturned, candles
burned dangerously and the clamor of voices threatened to bring down the roof.
Little by little the
animals and I found ourselves, from being at the center of the fuss, to being
on the fringes of the activity. Behind us was the door to the kitchens. I
looked at them, they looked at me, and with one accord we marched off. The
kitchens had been abandoned as the staff heard the commotion in the Great Hall,
and we found ourselves alone, surrounded by the detritus of the Grain Supper in
all its sordidness. Unwashed dishes, greasy pans, empty jugs; bread crusts,
bones, fish heads, chicken wings littered the tables and floor, and half-eaten
mutton and beef showed where kitchen supper had been left for the excitement
"Well . . ." I
said, and sat down suddenly on a convenient stool. There didn't seem anything
else to say.
Growch was sniffing
round. "Pity to waste all this," he said, helping himself to a rib of
beef almost as big as he was.
The Wimperling rested
his chin on my lap. "Give it all time to settle down," he said.
"He'll remember about us later. In the meantime, why not stock up on a bit
of food and drink and find a stable or something to settle in for the
I scratched his chin
affectionately. "Why not?"
There were some boiling
cloths drying on a rack, so I wrapped up a whole chicken, slightly charred,
three black puddings, a cheese and onion pasty and a half-empty flagon of wine,
and crept away guiltily to the courtyard. The stables were all full, but I
found a small room that must have been used for stores, but was now empty
except for a heap of sacks in one corner and a pile of rush baskets. The whole
place smelled pleasantly of apples.
We could still hear
sounds of revelry and carousing from the direction of the Great Hall, but it
was full dark outside by now, so I closed the door and lit my lanthorn and we
shared out the food. I had half the chicken and all the crispy skin, and the
pasty, and I shared the rest of the chicken and the black puddings among the
other two, though the Wimperling said the latter could be cannibalism.
"I thought you said
you didn't know whether you were a pig or not," I said sleepily, for it
had been a long day and the unaccustomed wine was making me feel soporific. I
arranged the sacks to make a comfortable bed for us.
"True," said
the Wimperling. "And I'm still not sure. . . ."
"Then pretend
you're something else. A prince in disguise . . ."
Growch snorted.
* * *
We were wakened at dawn
by an almighty hullabaloo. I was grabbed from the pile of sacks and held,
struggling, between two surly men; another had hold of the Wimperling's tail
and was hauling him towards the door and two others were trying to corner a
snapping, snarling Growch. The storeroom seemed to be full of people all
jabbering away, pointing at me, the animals. What had we done? Then I
remembered the food I had filched from the kitchens the night before: was I
about to lose a hand for thieving?
"Is this the
one?" shouted one of the men who was holding me.
The steward stood in the
doorway, consulting a piece of vellum. "A girl, named of Summer; a pig and
a small dog. Seems we've got 'em. Well done, lads." And, addressing me:
"Is your name Summer?"
What point in denying
it? "Let the animals alone: they've done nothing!" I suddenly
remembered. "I demand to see Gill—Sir Gilman, immediately! There's been
some mistake. . . ."
He thrust the piece of vellum
back in his pocket. "You're all wanted, girl, pig and dog. Do you realize
just how long we've been looking for you?" He seemed in a very bad temper,
and my heart sank. "Why, not a half-hour ago I sent mounted men out to
chase you up. . . . Have to send more to recall them. All this fuss and pother,
never a moment's peace. . . . Well, come on then! They're waiting. . . ."
and without giving me time to tidy my hair or smooth down my dress I was hauled
across the courtyard, in through the main doorway, across the Great Hall—still
full of last night's somnolent revelers, the smoldering ashes of the fire and a
stink of stale food and wine, dogs, guttered candles and torches, vomit and
sweat—closely followed by a man carrying the Wimperling, who seemed to have
shrunk of a sudden, and three others still trying to catch Growch.
Up a winding stone
staircase hidden by an arras behind the top table and we were thrust, carried
or chased into a large solar wherein were seated four people: the lord of the
manor, Sir Robert, his wife, the golden-haired Rosamund and—and Gill. A Gill
close-shaven, handsomer than ever, clad in fine linen and silks. He looked now
just as he had when I first saw him: beautiful, haughty and unattainable.
As we were shoved into
the room he rose from the settle where he had been holding hands with his
affianced, a look of bewilderment on his face as he gazed first at me, then the
animals, and back to me again.
"Can it be . . .
The steward gave me a
shove in the back that had me down on my knees and addressed Sir Robert.
"Is this them, then?"
Sir Robert glanced at
his son. "Gilman?" but Gill had started forward, a look of anger on
his face as he helped me to my feet.
"Whether it is or
no, you have no right to treat a girl like that! Leave us, I will deal with
this!" The steward and his men bowed and retreated and Gill looked
searchingly into my face. "Is it really you, Summer?"
Of course he had never
seen me, except for that time he had asked the way, and he didn't know it was
the same girl. I blushed to the roots of my hair that now he should see me in
all my ugliness.
admitted finally. "I am Summer. And this is the Wimperling and that is
Growch," hoping he would stop staring at me.
"But I had no idea.
. . ." He plucked a dried leaf from my hair abstractedly, then took my
hands in his again. "I thought—I had thought you were quite different. . .
"Blind men have all
sorts of strange fancies," I said, then forgot myself to ask anxiously:
"You are all right, then? You can see properly again?"
"Apart from a
slight headache, yes. You and Suleiman were right. I reckon it was the knock on
the head that did it. It all happened so quickly I still feel confused—"
"And so you
should!" came a cool voice from behind him and there stood the fair
Rosamund, who pulled his hands from mine and tucked them round her arm, all so
gently done that it seemed the initiative had come from him. She gazed at me, a
faint sneer on her lips. "I'm not surprised you feel confused! Used as you
are to the best, it must have been hell for you to traipse around the
countryside with this tatterdemalion crew!" Her cold blue eyes raked me
from head to foot. "Still, I suppose the girl needs some recompense,
before she and her—menagerie—take to the road again." She paused. "I
may well have a dress I need no more, though I doubt it would fit. . . ."
"Enough of
this!" It was Gill's tall, thin mother Jeanne who spoke. I had the
impression that nothing short of a catastrophe gave her the courage to speak
normally, though now of course her beloved Gill's return must have sparked her
into fresh resolution. "The girl brought our son back to us safe and
sound, and she deserves the very best we can give her. As long as she wishes to
stay, she is our honored guest. As—as are her pets! See that they are
accommodated in the hall tonight: I myself will find a length of cloth so she
is decently clad."
"The hall?"
said Gill. "Father, Mother, nothing less than a good bed will do! Why, I
am sure my betrothed would be only too glad to share her room with Mistress
She looked at me as if I
had the plague, then turned to Gill as sweet as honey. "My dearest,
whatever you wish. But—" and she flashed me a glance that would have split
stone as neatly as any mason's chisel and hammer: "—perhaps we should ask
the young person herself? She may have other ideas. . . ."
Meaning I had better.
She needn't have worried. The last person in the world I wished to share a bed
with was her. Now, if it had been Gill . . . I pulled myself together and
addressed Sir Robert and his wife.
"I thank you Sir,
Lady, for your kind offer," I said, and curtsied. "The length of
cloth would be most welcome, and I can make it up myself. As for accommodation,
however, if I might be allowed to sleep in the storeroom where I spent last
night, then I can be with our traveling companions, who are used to being with
us and have been of great assistance in our travels, as no doubt Sir Gilman has
told you." I curtsied again. "I should also be grateful for hot water
for washing and some extra thread: I used the last to make Sir Gilman a
There! I thought: that
should give them something to think about. Polite, accommodating, clean,
thrifty and yet independent, with a couple of reminders of the life we had led
and how I had cared for Gill . . . I smiled at him. Never mind my ugliness: he
still seemed to care about my welfare.
Sir Robert inclined his
head. "As you wish. I shall see to it that the room you prefer is made
more comfortable. And now, I think it is time to break our fast. . . ."
And while we ate—just
below the top table this time: on it would have been too much to ask—the
storeroom was transformed. Swept out, sacks and baskets removed, a table, stool
and truckle bed installed, hooks for our packages knocked into the wall, two
large lanthorns and a pile of straw for the animals—luxury indeed!
After breakfast servants
brought hot water, soap, linen towels, and from Gill's mother came a length of
fine woolen cloth in blue, needles and thread, a new comb and ribbons for my
hair, and even a new shift: too long, of course, but surprisingly, none too
tight. I took it up, cut out my new surcoat, mended my old one, washed and
indulged recklessly in the bottle of rosemary oil that came with the soap and
towels, washed my other two shifts and stitched my shoes where they were coming
The midday meal was at
noon, the evening meal at six, and by that evening I had my new surcoat
finished, so for the first time I felt comfortable enough to survey my hosts at
my leisure. My position just below the top table gave me ample opportunity to
look at both Gill's parents and his affianced.
Sir Robert was stout
rather than tall; he had fierce mustaches and a rather dictatorial manner, but
he always treated me with kindness. His wife was normally silent, looked older
than her husband, and her usually careworn expression only lightened when she
talked to her beloved son. I scarcely recognized him that evening, for he had
had his curly hair cropped short like his father's, to facilitate the wearing
of the close-fitting helmet they affected in these parts. I liked him better
with it long.
It was the fair Rosamund
however who intrigued me most. "Fair" once I judged, but whatever she
may have told Gill about her age, she must be at least four or five years
older. Already fine lines radiated from the corners of her eyes when she
smiled, which was seldom enough, and her mouth had a discontented droop. She
was also missing two teeth; perhaps that was why she didn't smile much, that
and the fear of deepening her lines.
She had pretty manners
however, using her table napkin often to dab away grease from mouth or fingers.
Her voice was pleasant enough, her figure good and her walk swaying and
graceful and her hands were white and beautifully shaped. Her hair was rather
thin—or mine was too thick—but it was her pale complexion I envied most of all;
but, come to think of it, if she tramped the roads as we had, it would have
reddened and blotched it a most unsightly way.
In all this I was fully
aware that I was being over-critical, but I knew she didn't like me, and I
hated the way she monopolized Gill, snatching his attention if ever he glanced
over at me, and giving exaggerated little "oohs" and "aahs"
as he told of our adventures. And it didn't do any good for me to remind myself
she had a perfect right to do so.
Several times during the
next few days he tried to speak to me alone, and each time he was foiled,
usually by her, sometimes by other interruptions. Sometimes I would catch him
gazing at me, and if I smiled at him he would smile back, but it was always an
uncertain, puzzled smile. It got to the stage when I started worrying whether I
had two noses or was covered in some disfiguring rash.
But life drifted by for
a week in this lazy fashion, eating, sleeping, and I let it, for I was in no
hurry to leave. A golden September would all too soon give way to October. The
mornings even now held a hint of the chill to come, dew heavy on the millions
of spiderwebs that carpeted the stubble till it glinted in the rising sun like
diamonds; the swifts were long gone, but a few swallows still gathered on the
tower tops, and martins on the slopes of the roofs like a scattering of pearls.
The leaves of the willow were already yellowing, and across in the forest the
trees were a patchwork of color.
Noons were still warm
and heavy, the sparse birdsong drowsed by heat, only the robins still disputing
their territory in fierce red breastplates. Nights were colder and it was nice
to snuggle under a blanket once more and listen to the tawny owls practicing
their "hoo-hoos" across the empty fields.
I thought of Mistral; at
this time of year, she had told us, the tide sometimes raced in and overwhelmed
the fields till even the horses ran from it, their coats flecked with foam from
the waves that roared in over the ribbed sands from the other side of the
world. I thought of Traveler, safe I hoped in the ruined chapel tower; at this
time of year there were still seeds and fruits in plenty, but soon would come
the harsh winter, when the weakest would die. I thought of Basher: about now he
would be looking for a soft, sandy place to dig himself in for the winter, till
that funny shelled body of his was safe for the long sleep. . . .
I thought of them all, I
missed them all, I prayed for them all.
And what of the fourth
of the travelers to find his "home"? The others had accepted less
than they deserved: would Gill, too, be cruelly rewarded? I hoped not, but I sensed
there was something amiss, in spite of the fact that he had regained his sight,
his home, his beloved.
One night after supper
he caught at my sleeve and murmured urgently, "At the back of the room you
sleep in there is a stairway up to the walkway on the wall: meet me there in an
hour. I need to talk to you."
My heart gave a great
thump of apprehension: what was so important we couldn't discuss it openly?
I found the doorway he
described, behind some stacked hurdles, but it was so small I could only just
manage to squeeze my way up the dusty, cobwebbed spiral. Obviously it hadn't
been used in years and there was a stout wooden door at the top, luckily bolted
on my side, but it took all my strength to slide back the rusty iron.
Once out on the guarded
walkway I felt a deal better; I had never liked confined spaces, and now I took
deep breaths of the welcome fresh air. Not that it was all that invigorating:
the night was cloudy, the atmosphere oppressive, as though we waited for a
storm. Down in the courtyard the little chapel bell rang for nine of night and
I could see one or two going for prayers. An owl hooted, far away in the
forest; a dog barked from the cluster of huts beneath the wall. Somewhere a
child wailed briefly, then all was quiet once more.
I leaned against the low
parapet and rested my eyes on the darkness. I heard quick footsteps mounting
the outside stair to my right but didn't turn; for a moment longer I felt I
didn't want to know what Gill had to say, didn't want to become involved once
more. Whatever it was, I had the feeling it would mean more heartache, one way
or the other.
"Here . . ." I
turned and was immediately taken into an urgent, awkward embrace that had my
nose squashed against his shoulder and the breath knocked out of me. I pushed
him away as hard as I could.
"Are you
He stepped back, but
regained possession of my hands. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean . . . Look
here, Summer, I can't stand this much longer, not being able to see you and
speak to you! There is so much we must talk about, and I—"
"Hush!" I
pulled my hands from his grasp. "If you yell like that you'll have
everyone up here!" for his voice had risen with his anxiety. I looked down
into the courtyard but all was quiet. "Now, just tell me—quietly—what on
earth's the matter?"
"Don't be so
dramatic! You are back home, safe and comfortable, you have your sight back,
and are reunited with your betrothed—so what could possibly be wrong?"
He hesitated. "I
don't know. . . . It's just that—that everything, everybody's changed. It's not
what I expected. . . ."
My breathing slowed down
a little. Silly fellow! "You've been away for over a year, you know! But
they haven't done anything drastic like moving the house or burning down the
forest, have they? Perhaps there are some new faces, old ones gone, different
fields plowed, but—"
"It's not that. How
can I explain it?" He ran his hand through his close-cropped hair.
"Everything looks somehow smaller, shabbier, meaner!" he burst out.
"Shhh . . . That's
easily explained. While you were away you'd built up a picture in your mind,
that's all—like a dream. Things always look larger in dreams."
"But what about the
people? My mother looks older, sort of—defeated. And I don't remember my
father's beard having so much grey in it."
"But they are
older: over a year older. So are you. . . . Life didn't just stand still,
waiting for you to come home. They probably feel the same about you. You are
thinner, browner, more restless, and have had enough adventures and mishaps to
change anyone. You've got to have patience, time to settle in once again."
I patted his arm. "There: lots of good advice! I'm afraid there's no other
way I can help. . . ."
He turned away, gripped
the parapet, stared out into the darkness. "Yes. Yes, there is."
"How? Do you want
me to talk to them? I don't think they would take much notice of me."
"It's not that. . .
. It's Rosamund." He exhaled heavily, as though he had been holding his
breath, and turned back to me. "You see, I just don't love her
I was speechless. Of all
the things I had expected him to say, this was the last.
"It happened as
soon as I saw her again," he hurried on, as if now eager to tell
everything as fast as possible. "Perhaps, as you say, I had built up an
idealized picture of things in my mind, and especially her. It wasn't only that
she looked—looked older, harder; it seemed she had changed in other ways, too.
I hadn't remembered her as so overpowering and at the same time sickly-sweet.
And I had forgotten her little mannerisms; things that I found once so
enchanting now did nothing but irritate me. You must have noticed them,
Of course I had. But let
him tell it in his own way.
"You know the sort
of thing: the little cough to get attention, the way she keeps smoothing her
throat to draw notice to its whiteness, how she holds her head to one side when
she listens to you and opens her eyes wide like an owl's, the way she sucks her
teeth. . . . She's stiff, unreal, mannered, like one of those jointed wooden
puppets you can buy. . . . I can't explain it any better."
What could I say? I
tried the same arguments I had used before, how it took everyone time to
adjust, that he had changed too and there were probably things about him that
annoyed her too, and all the while I had the horrible feeling that I knew just
what he was going to say next, and I hadn't the slightest idea how to deal with
"But you are not
like that, Summer! You are young, younger than I, and so full of life! If I had
had the slightest idea what you were really like, if I hadn't been blind in
more ways than one, then—then I should never have come back! Not unless and
until I could have brought you back with me as my wife!"
He couldn't mean it! Not
now; it was too cruel a twist of fate! For how many months had I worshiped him
in secret, never once letting him know how I felt? If only . . . He couldn't
see the tears on my cheek but I tried to keep them from my voice.
"You know it
wouldn't have worked. I'm not your kind, would never fit into this kind of
life. No, wait!" For he had moved forward to embrace me. "Besides,
you could never have broken your betrothal vows. They are sacred things, as
sacred as marriage itself, and you know it. The dowry has been paid, she has
been accepted into your family, there is no going back now. In the eyes of God
you are already wed."
"God could not be
so cruel, not now when I have found my one, my true and only love! To hell with
the dowry, that can be paid back. . . ." He took me in his arms, and I
could smell the acrid sweat of emotion and anxiety. "The contract can be
canceled. Come away with me, Summer! We can go back on the road, we managed
before. Now I can see again I can find work somewhere farther south where no
one will follow us." He tipped up my chin with one hand. "And don't
tell me you have no fondness for me: I know you have!" and he bent his
head and kissed me, at first soft and then hard and hungry.
It was my first real
kiss; I had always wondered where the noses went, how the faces would fit, what
it felt like to taste someone else. Now I knew, but even as my whole body
seemed to melt against him, part of me knew it was wrong, wrong!
"Stop it, Gill! Let
me breathe, let me think. . . . Please!"
He released me and I had
to cling to the parapet, I was shaking so much. He took my hand. "I know
it's sudden, my dearest one, but don't you see? It's the only way. Please say
you will at least consider it. I have some moneys, not a lot, but enough to
find us a safe haven for the winter. I swear to you that I will make it worth
your while. Why shouldn't we both be happy instead of both miserable?"
There were a hundred, a
thousand reasons why, but I couldn't think straight. "Give me time to
think. . . . I don't know, right now I don't know." And then the words
that must have been spoken so many times in the past by women far less surprised
than I: "This is all so sudden!"
He bent and kissed my
hands, one after the other.
"Of course, my
love, but not more than a couple of days. I am being pressed already by
Rosamund to name the wedding date. Tonight is Tuesday; I'll meet you here for
your answer the same time on Thursday. In the meantime," he added, "I
shall find it extremely difficult to avoid grabbing you and kissing you in
front of everyone! I love you, my dearest. . . ."
I staggered back to my
room down the stone stairs in a complete daze. At the bottom, by the light of a
candle I had left burning, I saw two pairs of eyes staring up at me accusingly.
Too much to expect that, between them, they didn't know exactly what had
"I'm going to
bed," I said firmly. "Right now. We'll talk in the morning, if you
have anything you want to say."
The truth was that for a
few precious hours, just a few, I wanted to hug to myself everything he had
said, everything he had done, without dissipating the secret joy a jot by
sharing or discussing it. If you leave the stopper off a vial of perfume it
soon evaporates, and this love potion I had received tonight was the sweetest
perfume in the world, and I had every intention of staying awake all night to
conserve and savor every drop. . . .
* * *
said the Wimperling succinctly, "is outside the door. As we didn't turn up
for breakfast, they brought it to you."
I opened bleary eyes,
for a moment lost to the day and hour. Then I remembered. But surely I couldn't
have fallen asleep—
"What time is
"Getting on for two
hours after dawn, I reckon."
So much for spending the
night awake, relishing the declaration of Gill's love! I must have fallen
asleep almost at once and been tireder than I thought, for now I was grouchy,
headachy, scratchy-eyed. The storm that had threatened last night hadn't broken
after all and, like most animals, I still felt the oppression in the air, like
a hand pressing down on the top of my head. And there was so much to do, so
much to think about. . . .
We ate, what I don't
remember, but I know the others had most of whatever it was. All the while the
thoughts in my head danced up and down, round and about, like a cloud of
midges, and as patternless.
"I'm going for a
walk," I said abruptly. "You can come or stay as you wish."
We left the courtyard
and passed the cluster of huts below the wall. Ahead stretched the long,
straight road that led through the fields and orchards, past the fringes of the
forest, to the gates of the demesne. I walked, not even noticing the surrounding
landscape, just thumping my feet down one after the other, my mind a hopeless
blank. It was an unseasonably hot day and at last sheer discomfort made me turn
off to the shade of one of the still-unpicked orchards. I sank down on the long
grass, leaned back against one of the gnarled trunks and sank my teeth into one
of the small, sweet, pink-fleshed apples they probably used for cider. The
Wimperling wandered off in search of windfalls, and the breeze brought faint
and faraway the sound of the chapel bell ringing for noon.
Even Growch knew what
that meant. "We've missed the midday meal," he said plaintively,
sucking in his stomach.
"I know," I
said unsympathetically.
"Ain't you got
nuffin with you? Bit o' crust, cheese rind?"
"No. You had most
of my breakfast, remember? Go away and look for beetles or bugs or something
and don't bother me. I need to think," and promptly fell asleep once more,
to awake only when the lengthening shadows brought with them a chill that
finally roused me from sleep. The Wimperling lay by my side, the freshening
breeze lapping his hide with the dancing shadows of the leaves above; Growch
was lying on his back, snoring, his disgraceful stomach, pink, brown and
black-patched, exposed to a bar of sunshine.
I sat up, suddenly feeling
rested, alert, alive once more. I stretched until my bones cracked and twanged,
then bounced to my feet and snatched another apple, sucking at the juice
thirstily, then another, not caring whether I got stomachache. Time to walk
back, or we should miss another meal, and now I felt hungry.
I realized I was
enjoying the leisurely walk back, and spoke without thinking. "It'd be
nice to be back on the road again. . . ."
Then began the Great
Campaign, as I called it later, though the first few words were innocuous
"Nice enough when
the weather is like this," said the Wimperling. "But it's autumn
already. All right for those with stamina and guts."
"Remember how cold
it was last winter?" said Growch. "His Lordship—beggin' your pardon,
lady—caught a cold what turned to pew-money?"
"Certainly doesn't
like cold weather," said the Wimperling. "His sort are used to
riding: never liked walking far."
"Remember how he
used to complain about his feet?" said Growch. "Used to whinge about
the food, too. . . ."
"That's the trouble
with knights," said the Wimperling. "Only trained for one life. Give
them a sword, a charger, a battle, and they're happy. In civilian life they can
loose a hawk, sing a ballad—"
"Or flatter a lady
. . ." said Growch.
"Easy enough for
them to get accustomed to being waited on, having the best of everything—"
"Soon enough blame
anyone what robs 'em of it—"
At last I realized where
all this was leading, refused to listen, stopped up my ears. How dared they
try and influence what I was going to do! It had nothing to do with them, it
was between me and Gill.
The trouble was, their
words remained in my consciousness, as annoying and insidious as the last of
the summer fleas and ticks. And what they had said, exaggerated as it was, still
held a grain of truth. Gill had grumbled a lot—but then he had had a
right to. But would choice make it any easier for him to bear a simple life?
Yes, he did catch cold easily, yes he was a bit soft, but he hadn't been used
to the traveling life. Would he be any better prepared now? A small voice
inside me whispered that it had been a new way of life for me, too, though
perhaps I had made a better job of it, but I brushed the thought aside
impatiently: everyone was different.
It was true, too, that
the only life he had known was that of a knight, and that in spite of his brave
words he would find it difficult to turn his hand to anything else. And that
bit about flattering ladies: were the words he had spoken to me merely the
courtesies he thought I would like to hear, not meant to be taken seriously? If
he found it so easy to be turned from his betrothed, would a week or so in bad
weather have him feeling the same way about me?
I got through the rest
of the day somehow or other, but at dinner that night I found myself studying
Gill's face for signs of what he was really like. Was his chin just a little
bit weak, compared with his father's? Had he always looked so petulant when
something displeased him, as it did that night when a particular dish was empty
before it reached him? And if he now disliked his fiancee so much, why was he
paying her such great attention? His fine new clothes certainly suited him:
that was the third new surcoat I had seen him in. Who would carry all his gear
if we were on the road once more?
That night I couldn't
sleep at all. Hoping a little fresh air would help, I crept up the spiral stair
to the walls again, but just as I drew back the bolts, greased earlier in
anticipation of my meeting with Gill on the following night, I saw that the
walkway was already occupied, although it must be near midnight. A man and a
woman stood close by, talking softly. I was about to descend again when
something about her stance made me believe I recognized the woman, and
curiosity kept me where I was.
" . . . that makes
it so important to risk being seen?" I couldn't identify his voice, and he
had his back to me.
"I had to see you!
As things are, I have to be with him all the time. . . ." Rosamund's face
was as pale as the moon that rode clear of cloud as she turned fully towards
the man before her. "Robert, what are we going to do? I'm at least two
months pregnant!"
Chapter Twenty.Eight
I couldn't help a gasp
of horror as I realized the implications of what she had just said, but they
were so intent on each other that they didn't hear. Once again I knew I should
retreat without further eavesdropping, but how could I? This concerned Gill's
and my future so closely I had to listen.
"Two months, you
say?" said Gill's father, after a pause. His voice never faltered: he
might have been discussing the gestation period of a favorite horse.
"I have missed two
monthly courses, yes. One could have been ignored perhaps, but I have always
been as regular as an hourglass, and now there are further signs. . . ." A
shrug of those cloaked shoulders. "It will start to show soon."
"Let me think. . .
." He started to pace up and down the walkway, up and back twice, his arms
folded across his chest. How like Gill he walks, I thought. He came back to
face her. "You were no virgin when I took you," he stated flatly.
"How do I know . . . ?"
"Of course it's
yours! You know it is. Whatever I did in the past has nothing to do with
He regarded her
broodingly. "Maybe not, but you were already a practiced whore when you
came here. You seduced me with sighs and words and gestures, and I believed you
knew what you were doing, that there would be no harm in it. I am not in the
habit of soiling my own midden."
"You were as eager
as I," she said sulkily.
"Maybe . . . How
come you never got caught before?"
"Medicines, herbs;
they are not available here."
"Then it was either
intentional, because you thought my son would never return, and you wished me
to keep you as my mistress—"
"It was an
accident. Do you think I wanted to spoil my figure on the chance you would
accept the child? No: like you I gave way to something I could not help."
She spoke with conviction, and apparently he accepted it.
"Then there are two
ways to deal with this—three, if you count being sent home in disgrace. But I
shall not do that. Your dowry has been paid, and some of it already spent. The
second way is to seek out the witch in the wood, and try one of her
"I have already
tried that. The maid you gave me was pregnant by one of the grooms, so I sent
her for a double dose. It worked for her but not for me. Your child is lusty,
Robert: it wants to live."
He thought for a moment.
"Then it has to be the third way, and no delay. No one knows about this
but us, so let's keep it that way, but I shall want your full cooperation. . .
She nodded. "You
have it."
"Right. The first
thing is to get my son to your bed now, tonight—no, listen to me! I will give
you a potion that I have sometimes used when my wife has failed to excite me.
Make sure he drinks it, and if you cannot tempt him to your bed, then visit
his. He will be so befuddled he will not know whether he has or has not
performed. He will sleep without memory, but make sure you are there beside him
when he wakes. He is a simple man: he will believe whatever you say."
"And the
"There are plenty
of seven-month babes. And he could be away. . . . There are many errands I
could send him on."
"But your wife . .
. She would know."
"She will say
nothing. Her only thought is of Gill, what would make him happy. She may
suspect, but once the babe is born, she will accept it. And once he, and
everyone else, is persuaded he has slept with you then the wedding can take
place within the week."
"The sooner the better
. . ." She moved forward and rested her hands on his shoulders. "You
think of everything. I had rather it had been you, but I promise to make your
son a good wife." She was smiling like a pig in muck. "And your son—our
son—will be the next in line, after Gill. Quite something, don't you
think?" She leaned forward and kissed him, and I noticed he didn't draw
back, but rather folded his arms around her and returned her embrace. "And
perhaps, another time?"
"Get away with you,
hussy. . . ." but he didn't sound displeased. "Remember, my son
mustn't suffer over this."
"Of course not! I
am really quite fond of him. There will be no complaints from that quarter, I
swear. I know some tricks that even that girl he traveled with would not
know—which reminds me: I fancy he became quite close to her, and I would not
wish her to distract him from what we have planned. I have caught him looking
at her a couple of times as if he were quite ready to disappear with her
again—and we can't have that, can we?"
Oh, Gill, you idiot! I
thought, shrinking back into the shadows as far as I could go. She is much
cleverer than you thought. . . .
"She shall be
disposed of, if you play your part. By tomorrow morning I want to see everyone
convinced that my son will be the father of your child."
"Disposed of?"
"An accident, a
disappearance: what do you care? No problem. It will be in my interest as well
as yours, remember? But first, you must do your part. Tomorrow I will take care
of Winter, or Summer, whatever she calls herself. . . . Meet me in the chapel
in ten minutes and I will give you the potion."
I started back down the
stairs, carefully closing the door behind me, shocked and horrified by what I
had just heard. First their arrant duplicity regarding Rosamund's pregnancy:
what could I do? Rush and find Gill, tell him what I had heard? I didn't even
know how to find him and if I did, would he believe me? I doubted it. Whatever
happened, I realized that Gill's dream of running away with me was gone
forever. If his father's plan succeeded, by tomorrow morning he would believe
he had seduced a virgin, his betrothed, and would be honor bound to marry her
as quickly as possible; in cases like these his knightly training would give
him no choice, however much he fancied someone else. And had I the right to try
and stop it, even if I could? That baby could not be born illegitimate; I was
myself, and I knew how it felt, not to have a father and to be jeered at
because my mother was a whore. It would be worse in the sort of household Gill's
father ran, and I believed both he and the perfidious Rosamund would bring the
child up as Gill's. He need never know, and I was sure he would make a good
So now the choice I had
thought would be so difficult was taken from me. Why was it that with no
decision to make, I now felt a great sense of relief? Did that mean that what
had happened was for the best, that Gill was not, never had been meant for me?
I should always remember his declaration of love, I thought, but now I need
never discover he would change, or I would as we traveled the roads. It was as
if he were dead to me already: I should just remember the best, and nurse a few
sentimental regrets.
said the Wimperling at my elbow. "Nothing like the real thing. You wait
and see."
"What are you
doing! You made me jump out of my skin!"
"Just wanted to
remind you that we'd better not tarry—yes, I was listening to your
thoughts—because I reckon they mean you harm. . . ."
Of course! How could I
have forgotten. I had to be got out of the way, and that didn't mean a bag of
gold and a lift to the nearest town, I knew that. Headfirst down the nearest
well, a stab in the back, perhaps a deadly potion . . . It would have been
better to leave right away but I wanted to be sure, quite sure, that there was
no chance Rosamund had failed in her plan. I knew in my heart she would
succeed, but something within me wanted to twist a knife in the wound already
so sore in my heart. Besides, Sir Robert had said he would do nothing until the
During that long night I
packed everything securely into two bundles, one for the Wimperling, one for
me. The only money we had left were the few coins tossed down for our
performance before Gill's miraculous appearance on the first night, but I
wasn't worried. The countryside was still full of apples, late blackberries,
enough grain to glean to thicken a stew, fungi and mushrooms. Besides we could
always give a performance or two.
The last thing I did was
to write to Gill: I felt he deserved some explanation, even if not the true
one, and it might also serve to put his father off trying to pursue us. I tore
a blank page from the back of my Boke and thought carefully.
* * *
"Gill:— I am sorry
to leave without a farewell, but it is time I was on my way. Besides, I hate
good-byes. Perhaps I should have confided my hopes to you earlier, but I have
not had the chance to speak with you alone. . . ."
* * *
That should allay their
suspicions, I thought.
* * *
"I am going back to
Matthew, and will now accept his proposal. It will be a good match for
* * *
I paused, flicking the
end of the quill against my cheek. Yes . . .
"Please thank your
family for their hospitality. I wish you and your betrothed every happiness,
and many sons."
I signed my name
"Someradai" as it had been written in the church register at home.
After some thought I scratched out "Gill" and substituted "Sir
Gilman." There, that would do. I rolled it carefully and tied it with one
of the ribbons Gill's mother had given me. I would leave it on the table.
Satisfied that I had
done all I could until dawn, I snatched a couple of hours sleep, but was up and
ready as soon as the kitchens opened. We might as well take something with us,
so I made up some tale about spending the day out-of-doors, missing meals,
etc., but everyone was only half-awake, so it wasn't difficult to help myself
to a cold chicken, some sausages, a small bag of flour and a string of onions.
After taking these back
and packing them, I slipped into the Great Hall for breakfast, as if everything
was normal, the Wimperling and Growch with me as usual. We should have to eat
as much as we could, for the other food would have to last some time.
I watched carefully as
the family appeared, one by one, on the top table. First Sir Robert, yawning
hugely, downing two mugs of ale before touching any food. He never even glanced
in my direction. Next came Gill's mother, who picked listlessly at a manchet,
dipping it in wine, her eyes downcast. Where, oh where was Gill?
At last he appeared, but
I would not have recognized him. Even on our worst days on the road he had not
looked so disheveled, haggard, outworn. Unshaven, tousled in spite of his
cropped head, it seemed as though he had thrown his clothes together in a
hurry, and as soon as he sat down next to his mother, he grabbed her arm and
started whispering in her ear; no food, no drink, nothing. He didn't glance in
my direction either.
Then came Rosamund, and
as soon as she appeared she made the position quite clear. In an artfully
disarranged dress, she yawned, rolled her eyes; her hair was unbound, her
cheeks flushed, and as she made the obligatory curtsy to Sir Robert and his
wife she pretended to stagger a little. She sat down next to Gill, and to
everyone's fascinated gaze, proceeded to examine her arms and neck for
imaginary bruises, smiling contentedly all the while. Above the neckline of her
low-cut shift were strawberry bruises; love-marks. She could not have placed
them there herself. She appeared to notice Gill for the first time, and her
hands flew to her mouth and she gazed away as though she were ashamed.
It was a consummate
performance, and it quite halted breakfast. Eating and drinking were
temporarily suspended as elbow nudged elbow and nods and winks were exchanged.
The message was quite clear, even to those on the bottom tables, and there was
a sigh of envious relief as she suddenly swamped him in her arms, pouting,
grinning, cuddling up, murmuring in his ear. He looked half-awake, bemused,
bewildered, but she leaned across and spoke to his parents, then she nudged him
and, prompting as she went, she made him say what she wanted.
I had seen enough, and
even as Sir Robert rose to announce that his son's wedding would take place a
week hence, the animals and I were making our way back across the courtyard.
Now the plotting was confirmed, I had no intention of finding myself suffocated
in the midden or letting the Wimperling crackle nicely on a spit; Growch would
escape anyway, but what use was that to the pig and me?
I loaded up the
Wimperling and myself as quickly as I could and made our way to the gate. We
were in luck; two carts were about to go down to the cider-apple orchards,
farthest away from the house, and we accepted a lift; no one questioned our
right to leave, though all the talk was of the coming wedding and who would be
invited. It had been less than a half-hour since Rosamund's performance, yet it
seemed everyone had a topic of conversation to last for days. I tried not to
We were only a quarter
mile from the forest when the wagon halted. Getting down I thanked them for our
lift, and at a nudge and thought from the Wimperling, asked for the quickest
road to Evreux, making sure they remembered the direction I had asked for.
"Now, make for the
gates as fast as possible," said the Wimperling and within a quarter hour,
breathless, we were on the road again. A couple of foresters were at work
clearing the undergrowth, and once again, on the Wimperling's prompting, I
asked the road to Evreux. Once out of earshot I asked him why the insistence on
that road.
"Because if they
come after us, they will waste time looking along that way," he answered
tranquilly. "We will take the other road west just to throw them off the
"I see. . . . In
the note I wrote to Gill I said we were going to Matthew's, so everything is
consistent. Clever pig!"
"But your knight
won't get the note."
"Why not?"
"If he had done,
then he wouldn't bother any further, and the road would be clear for his father
to pursue you uninterrupted. Without it he will worry, perhaps insist he goes
out with a search-party. . . . Sir Robert won't have it all his own way, and it
will give us a better chance."
I hadn't considered
this: the Wimperling was cleverer than I thought. He must also know who I was
writing to. How did pigs know things like that?
"But what did you
do with the letter?"
"I ate it. Ribbon
and all."
"Did it taste
nice?" asked Growch interestedly.
"But why should
anyone come after us now?" I questioned. "Sir Robert and Rosamund
have everything as they want it, surely?"
He didn't answer for a
moment, then he said: "Just suppose you had been bothered by a mosquito
all night, but hadn't caught it? Then in the morning you saw it again, ready to
swat? Would you leave it, on the off chance it would disappear, or would you
annihilate it there and then, so there was no further chance of it
"I see. . . . At
least, I think I do."
"All that matters
to Sir Robert now is that his son is born legitimate, and no one to question it
or deflect his son's interest. He is a very proud man, and to ensure this he
would do almost anything, believe me."
The Wimperling wouldn't
even let us stop to eat at midday; instead we had to march on, chewing at the
chicken. I was getting crosser and crosser as we approached the fork in the
road we had turned off before, the right-hand fork, leading to Evreux, the left
to the west. I was about to demand a rest when we came across a swineherd
grazing his half-dozen charges along the fringes of the forest.
By now I knew what
question we were supposed to ask. He pointed the way to Evreux, but as soon as
we left him at the turn in the road the Wimperling directed us into the trees
to double back.
"Why? Can't we
leave it a little longer? This is a good road, and so far no one has come after
us. . . ."
"You've still got a
lot to learn about human nature! Do as I say. . . ."
We crept back through
the trees till we were almost opposite the fork in the road again, and skulked
down behind some bushes. Ahead I could see the swineherd patiently prodding his
"Now what?"
"We wait."
Nothing happened for
five, ten minutes, a quarter hour. Then I heard them: hooves thudding down the
road from the de Faucon estate. A moment later two horsemen clattered by,
wearing swords but no mail. They halted by the swineherd and one called out:
"Seen a girl on the road with a couple of animals?"
The swineherd pointed in
the direction we had supposedly gone, but when asked how long ago he looked
blank; time obviously meant little to him. The horsemen rode off in the
direction of Evreux and in a moment were out of sight.
I stood up. "Gill
might have sent them. Why should we hide?"
"They would hardly
have come seeking you with an invitation to the wedding armed with swords and
daggers! Be sensible. It's as I said; Sir Robert wants to be rid of you."
I had the sense to
become frightened. "Then, what do we do?"
"Once they find you
are not on the road they have taken, they will come back and take the western
road. And if they don't find us, others will be sent out. So, we go back to the
"You must be mad!
That's straight back into danger!"
"Not at all. The
last place they would look is on their own doorstep. Come on: there's a good
five miles to go before sundown!"
Chapter Twenty.Nine
So, using the road, but
dodging back into the forest when we thought we heard anything, we made our way
back to the estate. We had one more narrow escape: Growch was fifty yards
ahead, the Wimperling the same distance behind, and their danger signals came
at the same moment. Luckily I had time to hide, only to find that the first
couple of horsemen had ridden back, to meet up with a fresh contingent of four
who had come straight from Sir Robert. They halted so near my hiding place I
could smell both their sweat and that of their lathered animals.
anything?" asked the leader of the second band.
"They took the road
to Evreux, according to a peasant we met, but we went a good five miles down
and no sign of them. Another fellow coming back from the town reported a wagon
going the other way, but we saw no sign of it."
instructions: Sir Robert found a door or something leading up to the walk-away,
and has reason to believe the girl may be wise to the pursuit. Go back the way
you came, search along the way for more clues. We are taking the western road.
Orders are the same: lose 'em, permanently!"
"Jewels still
"So the lady
"How's the boy
taking it?"
"State of shock.
Can't believe it. I fancy he was sweet on her. Can't say as I blame him: know
which one I'd've preferred."
And they rode off in the
direction of the fork in the road, leaving me in a state of disbelief. So that
was Sir Robert's excuse: I was supposed to have stolen some jewels! I realized
that it would have made no difference what I had written; valuables would still
have disappeared, and I should have been to blame. So now there was a price on
my head, and death the reward. No turning back, however much I might have
wanted to.
I wondered when the
jewels would conveniently turn up again—or would Gill's father believe it worth
the game to leave them buried or whatever, and buy Rosamund some more?
Once we reached the
demesne, the Wimperling led us along deer tracks through the forest, at a
convenient distance from the manor house. We described a great loop around the
demesne, going short of food because I couldn't light fires, though the
Wimperling and Growch were quite happy with raw sausages. On the third day the
Wimperling declared us free of the de Faucon estate, and we found a road of
At the first village we
came to, two days later, I threw caution to the winds, and spent far more than
I intended on bought food, luxuriating on pies and roasted meat. In the next
village and the next I recouped some of the results of my spendthrift ways with
a performance, but villagers have little enough to spend at the best of times,
and now the winter was fast approaching.
Which led to the
question of where we were headed.
All I had thought about
up to now had been escaping Sir Robert, but now was the time to consider our
future. I knew Growch had said he wanted a warm fire, a family and plenty to
eat, and I had set off on this whole enterprise with the thought of finding a
complaisant and wealthy husband, but as far as I could see, neither of us were
nearer our goal, once I had refused Matthew's offer. And what of the
Wimperling? He had never asked for a destination, had seemed content to follow
wherever we went. But we couldn't just go on wandering like this: if nothing
else we had to find winter quarters, and soon.
The question of which
way to go came up naturally enough. One morning we stood at a crossroads; all
roads looked more or less the same, and I had no particular feeling about any
of them, except that south would be warmer, and it might be easier to
over-winter in or near some town.
"Which way?" I
asked the others, not really expecting an answer, for Growch was a follower
rather than a leader, and the Wimperling had never expressed a preference. Now,
however, he did have something to say.
"Er . . . I'd
rather like to discuss that," he said diffidently. "Perhaps we could
sit down?"
anyhow," said Growch, looking up at the weak sun. "Got any more o'
that pie left?"
"We finished that
yesterday. Cheese, apples, bean loaf, cold bacon—"
The Wimperling chose the
apples and I munched on the cheese.
"Right, Wimperling,
what did you have in mind?"
He still seemed
reluctant to ask. "When—when you so kindly rescued me," he began,
"I said I would like to tag along because there was nowhere special I
wanted to go. . . ."
I nodded encouragingly.
"And now there is?"
"There wasn't then,
but there is now. Yes." He sat back on his haunches, looking relieved.
"Let me explain. When I was little I was brought up as a pig and believed
I was one—in spite of the wings and the other bits that didn't quite fit."
He held up one foot, and looked at the claws, much bigger now. "See what I
mean? Well, ever since then as I have been growing I have felt more and more
that I wasn't a pig. What I was, I didn't quite know, though I had my
suspicions. Then, that night when we crossed the border, I thought I knew. And
the feeling has been growing stronger ever since."
"Can you tell
He shuffled about a bit.
"I'd rather not, just yet. In case I'm terribly wrong . . . But I should
like you to come with me, to find out. You might find it quite interesting, I
I looked at Growch, who
was practically standing on his head trying to get a piece of rind out of his
back teeth. No help there.
"Of course we will
come. Where do you want to go? How far away is it?"
"One hundred and
twelve miles and a quarter west-southwest," he said precisely. "Give
or take a yard or so."
I flung my arms about
his neck, laughing, then planted a kiss on his snout.
"How on earth can
you be so—"
But before I had finished
my sentence an extraordinary explosion took place. The Wimperling literally
zoomed some twenty feet into the air vertically, then whizzed first right and
then left and then in circles, almost faster than the eye could see. As he was
now considerably larger than I was, I was tumbled head-over-heels and Growch
disappeared into a bush, rind and all.
The whole thing can only
have lasted some fifteen seconds or so, but it seemed forever. I curled up in a
ball for protection, my fingers in my ears, my eyes tight shut, until an
almighty thump on the ground in front of me announced the Wimperling's return
to earth.
I opened my eyes, my
ears and finally my mouth. "You nearly scared the skin off me! What in the
world do you think you're doing?" I asked furiously. Then:
"You're—you're different!"
He looked as if someone
had just taken him apart and then reassembled him rather badly. Everything was
in the right place, more or less, but the pieces looked as if they might have
been borrowed from half a dozen other animals. His ears were smaller, his tail
longer, his back scalier, his snout bigger, his chest deeper, his stomach
flatter, his claws more curved, and the lumps on his side where he hid his
wings looked like badly folded sacks. He looked less like a pig than ever,
while still being one, and his expression was pure misery.
My anger and fright
evaporated like morning mist. "Oh, Wimperling! I'm so sorry! You look
dreadful—was it something I said? Or did?"
His voice had gone
unexpectedly deep and gruff, as if his insides had been shaken up as well.
"You kissed me. I told you once before never to do that again. . . .
I did, now. "Sorry,
sorry, sorry! It's just that—just that when one feels grateful or happy or
loving it seems the right thing to do. For me, anyway." I thought.
"It didn't have the same effect on Gill. And, come to that, I've never
kissed Growch. . . ."
"Who wants kisses,
anyway?" demanded the latter, who had crept out from his bush, minus rind,
I was glad to see. "Kissin's soppy; kissin's for pups and babies an' all
that rubbish!" Something told me that in spite of the words he was
jealous, so I picked him up and planted three kisses on his nose.
"There! Now you're
one ahead. . . ."
He rubbed his nose on
his paws and then sneezed violently. "Gerroff! Shit: now
you'll have me sneezin' all night. . . . Poof!" He nodded towards the
Wimperling. "An' if that's what a kiss can do, then I don' wan' no more,
I turned back to the
Wimperling. "Better now?"
He nodded. "Think
so . . ." His voice was still deep, and if I hoped he would regain his old
shape gradually, I was to be disappointed. "As I was saying, before
all—this—happened—" He looked down at his altered shape. "I should
like to go to the place where it all started. The place where I was hatched,
born, whatever . . . The Place of Stones."
This sounded
interesting. "And is this the place that you said was a hundred miles or
so to the west-something?"
He nodded.
I wasn't going to miss
this, hundred miles or no. "Will you set up your home where you were
born?" "Hatched" still sounded silly. Pigs aren't hatched.
"No. It will merely
be the place from where I set out on a longer journey, to the place where my
ancestors came from."
"A sentimental
journey, then," I said.
"An essential one.
Without going back to the beginnings I will not have my coordinates."
"Yer what?"
"Guidelines, dog.
Itinerary to humans."
Growch scratched
vigorously. "Me ancestors go back as far as me mum, and I doubt if even
she knew who me dad was, and as for me guidelines . . . I follows me
nose." And he accompanied the said object into the bushes, his tail waving
"And how far is it
to where your ancestors came from?"
"Many thousands of
miles," said the Wimperling. "A journey only I can take. But I should
be glad of your company as far as the Place of Stones. . . ."
"You have it,"
I said. We sat quiet for a moment, and I suddenly realized that my
conversations had been, for a long time, on a different level with the
Wimperling than with the others. He didn't just "talk" in short
sentences about the food or the weather, he communicated with me as though we
were two equal beings, talking about feelings and emotions, even philosophizing
a little. He wasn't really like an animal at all—
"And then you will
be free to seek that husband of yours," continued the Wimperling, as
though I had just said something. "Will you tell him your real name?"
I gazed at him blankly.
"My real name? What do you mean? My name is Summer—well,
"The name on the
register, as you keep telling yourself. Your birth was recorded by the priest
but he never knew the exact date. So he wrote 'Summer day,' only he ran the
letters together and misspelled them because he was an old man. . . . But when
you saw it written down you seized on the name, as a convenient way of burying
deeper the hurt when you learned your real, given name. . . ."
I was stunned. How did
he know about the register? But it was my name, it was, it was! If I'd had
another, then my mother would have called me by it instead of "girl,"
or "daughter" as she always did.
"I know because the
memory is still there inside you," he said, "hurting to get out.
Thoughts like that escape sometimes when you are asleep because they want to be
out in the open. I have become used to your thoughts in the time we have
traveled together. You have tried to kill the memory because you are ashamed,
but let it go and you will feel better. I know, because I am not what they
called me, Wimperling, and when my new name comes I shall be a different
A nasty, horrid picture
was forming in my mind, however hard I tried to stifle it, cry "Go away! I
don't want to remember. It happened to someone else, not me!" A child, a
girl of four or five, a fat little girl, was playing on the doorstep as one of
her mother's clients came to the door. And the mother said to the child:
"Go and play for a while, girl. . . ." And the man said: "Why
don't you call her by her given name?"
" . . . and my
mother said: 'How can I call that shapeless lump with the pudding-face Talitha
when she is neither graceful nor beautiful, nor will ever be? I was
pregnant when—when her father died, and he had made me promise to give her that
name if it were a girl. Of course I agreed, never expecting she would be so
plain and clumsy!'" I was crying now, hot tears of shame and remembered
humiliation. "How could you remind me! I had forgotten, I didn't remember,
it hurts!"
"And that is why
you stuffed the memory away for so long, just because you were afraid of the
hurt. But it was a long time ago, and things—and people—change. Now you have
let it out, you will heal, believe me, and be whole." He hesitated.
"I will not be with you much longer, so please forgive me. I did it for
"Yes, yes, I know
you did. . . ." I tried the name on my tongue. Now I remembered my father
had chosen it, it seemed right. "I feel better already. Thanks, Whimper .
. . But you said you weren't. Aren't . . . you know what I mean! What is your
real name?"
He shook his head.
"That's the exciting thing. I don't know yet. It comes with the change,
the rebirth if you like. All I know is that I took a form and a name that was
convenient at the time, in order to survive. That's how I remember how far it
is, counting the steps we traveled when they took me away. And that is how I
can guide you there."
"Then what are we
waiting for? Let's get going. Come on Growch, wherever you are: we are going to
a place full of stones, and you can christen every one!"
"Oh, I don't think
so," said the Wimperling. "These stones are—different."
* * *
We were now in the last
couple of weeks of October, and the weather stayed fine. We made leisurely
progress, ten or twelve miles a day, but the terrain changed dramatically with
every turn of the road. Villages became smaller, more isolated, there were
fewer farms and no great houses or castles. The land became rocky, wilder, less
hospitable, and now, instead of dusty lanes, there were sheep tracks, moorland
paths, great stretches of heather, thyme, gorse and broom. A barren land as far
as crops went, but with a wild beauty of its own.
The winds blew with no
hindrance, whirling my hair into great tangles and carrying in their arms
gulls, buzzards, crows, peregrines and merlin. The undergrowth hid fox, hare,
coney, stoat, weasel and an occasional marten; under our feet the ground was
springy with mosses, lichen, heather, bilberry, juniper, cotton grass and
bracken, the latter the color of Matthew's hair, Saffron's cat-coat. Away from
the paths the going was tough; wet feet, scratched legs and turned ankles the
penalty for trying a shortcut.
We came upon a small
village, some seven days before the end of the month, and the Wimperling
advised me to stock up. They had only had a small harvest, but were eager to
have coin to buy in some grain, so I used what little I had left and was
rewarded with cheese, salt pork, honey, turnip, onion and small apples, till I
could hardly stagger away under the weight. Once away from the village however,
the Wimperling insisted I load most of it on his back.
"My strength is
much greater now I approach the end of my journey."
"So is your
size," I said, for now he was truly enormous: over twice as big as me,
length and breadth.
"Ah, but I have
much to hide. . . ."
"If you hides it
much longer you'll burst," said Growch. "If'n I had that load abroad
I reckon me legs'ud be worn to stumps."
"Really? I was
under the impression that is what had happened already. . . ."
The next day we topped a
rise in the land and there were the Stones in the distance. Not just ordinary
stones, but ones of great size and power, even from miles away. I could feel
them now from where I stood, both repelling and attracting at the same time. We
had already passed the odd standing stone and the stumps of plundered circles,
but there for the first time was a veritable forest, a city of stones: circles,
lanes, avenues, clumps; grey and forbidding, they pointed cold stone fingers at
the sky, now whipped by a westerly into a roil of rearing clouds. Down here at
ground level it was still relatively calm, but the heavens were racing faster
than man could run.
The Wimperling heaved a
great tremble of anticipation and satisfaction. "The Place of Stones
starts here. Half a day's journey and we are there."
Briefly I wondered how
we were going to find our way back to civilization without our guide, but I
held my tongue, sure he would have a solution.
That night we sheltered
in a dell, the freshening wind creaking the branches of the twisted pine and
rowan above our heads, the latter's leaves near all gone, the few berries
blackened. I fell asleep uneasily, with Growch tucked against my side, to wake
half a dozen times. And each time it was to see the Wimperling standing still
as the stones, his gaze fixed westward, the wind flapping his small ears, his
snout questing from side to side and up and down, as though reading a message
in the night only he could comprehend.
In the morning the wind
had swung to the northwest and it was noticeably chillier. After breakfast, as
I strapped the Wimperling's burdens to his back, I noticed how hot his skin
felt, as if he was burning from some internal fever; I made some silly quip
about burning my fingers, but I don't think he even heard. His gaze was fixed
on the journey ahead, and he didn't seem ill in any way, only impatient to be
The further we went, the
more stones; some upright, others broken, a few lying full length, yet more
with a drunken lean like the few trees in this bare landscape, which all grew
away from the prevailing westerlies, like little hunched people with their
hoods up and their cloaks flapping in the breeze.
More and more stones,
and yet we never seemed to get near enough to them to touch. There they were to
left and right, ahead, behind, distinguishable apart by their different shapes,
height, angle, markings and yet as soon as I headed towards one I found I had
mysteriously left it behind, or it had grown more distant. I even felt as
though I passed the same monolith a dozen times as if we were walking in
circles through a gigantic maze, but the Wimperling still trotted forward
confidently and the ring was quiet on my finger.
At last we came to a great
avenue of stone, and there in the distance was a huddle of ruined buildings on
a small rise. The Wimperling stopped and looked back at us. "There it
is," he said simply. "Journey's end."
It didn't look like much
to me, and looked less so the nearer we approached. It was the remains of what
had obviously been a small farm—cottage, barn, stable and sty—and the buildings
were rapidly crumbling. The thatch had gone, apart from some on one corner of
the cottage, the broken-shuttered windows gaped like missing teeth and all
walls and fencing had been broken down. The place was deserted, no people, no
animals and, perhaps because it was the only sign of civilization we had seen
in a couple of days, the desolation seemed worse than it probably was.
"And all this in
less than a year," said the Wimperling, as if to himself. "They
angered the Stones. . . ." Then he turned to us. "You must be hungry
and tired. And cold, too. Come with me and don't be afraid. I promise you will feel
better in a little while."
I hoped so. Just at that
moment I felt I had had more than enough of the mysterious Stones: all I wanted
was to find some cozy corner inside where I could curl up and forget outside.
He led us to that part
of the cottage adjoining the barn where there was still a corner of roofing.
The room itself was about twelve feet square, with a central hearth, but I
dragged over enough stones to make another fireplace under the remaining
thatch. There was plenty of wood lying about, and I soon had a cheerful blaze
going, the smoke obliging by curling up and disappearing without hindrance. I
found a stave in one corner and, binding some heather to the end, made a broom
stout enough to sweep away the debris from our end of the room. Then I went out
and gathered enough bracken to make a comfortable bed for later. The Wimperling
showed me where a small spring trickled away past the house, and I filled the
cooking pot and set about dinner.
I had the bone from the
salt bacon, root vegetables and onion, and was just adding a pinch or two of
herbs when the Wimperling strode in with a carefully wrapped leaf in his mouth.
Inside were other leaves, some mushrooms and a powder I couldn't identify, but
on his nod I added them all to the stew, and the aroma that immediately spread
around the room had me salivating and Growch's stomach rumbling. I had a little
flour left so I put some dough to cook on a hot hearthstone. I tasted the stew,
added a little salt, then walked outside to join the Wimperling and Growch, who
were variously gazing up at a waxing moon, some three or four days off full,
riding uneasily at anchor among the tossing clouds, and searching the old
midden for anything edible.
"Will it rain
said the Wimperling. "But we have shelter."
"Is it—time? Are
you going tomorrow?"
"No, the time is
not quite right. A day or two."
"We haven't got
much food left. . . ."
"Don't worry. The
food will last."
And that night it seemed
he was right. However much we ate—and Growch and I stuffed ourselves silly on a
stew that tasted like no other I had ever come across—the pot still seemed
full. The Wimperling said he wasn't hungry, but he did have a nibble of bread.
As we sat round in the
firelight, the fire damped down by some turves of peat I had found in the barn,
I felt sleepier than I had for ages; not exhausted but happily tired, the sort
of tiredness that looks forward to dream. Growch was yawning at my feet,
stretching then relaxing, his eyes half-shut already.
"Gawdamighty! I
could sleep fer days. . . ."
"Why not?"
said the Wimperling.
"He'd die of
starvation in his sleep," I said, laughing, and stifled a yawn.
"Not necessarily.
What about those animals who sleep all winter?"
"Good idea," I
said. "Wake me in March. . . ." And as I wrapped myself tight in my
father's old cloak and lay down on the springy bracken bed, Growch at my feet,
I gazed sleepily at the glowing embers of the fire, breaking into abortive
little flames every now and again, or creeping like tiny snakes across the
peat, till all merged into a pattern that repeated itself, changed a fraction,
moved away, came back. Soothing patterns, familiar patterns, patterns in the
mind, sleep-making patterns . . .
* * *
When I finally came to I
found it was already mid-afternoon, and Growch was still snoring. The fire
smoldered under a great heap of ash that seemed to have doubled overnight. I
broke the bread, stale now, into the stew, and put it on to heat up. Then I
went outside to relieve myself and look for the Wimperling, but he was nowhere
about. I went down to the spring for a quick, cold wash, for I still felt
sleepy, then combed out my tangled hair. Still no sign of the Wimperling. He
couldn't have gone without saying good-bye, surely?
It had obviously rained
overnight, for the ground was damp and the heather wetted my ankles as I lifted
my skirts free from the moisture. After calling out three or four times I
shrugged and went back to dish out the stew, leaving a good half for our
companion. I cleaned out the bowls, banked up the fire and went outside again.
The wind was still strong, but it seemed to be veering back towards the west
and the biting chill had gone.
Something large trotted
out of the shadows. "Were you looking for me?"
"Wimperling! Where
have you been?"
"Around and about .
. . Did you sleep well?"
"Like a babe! Your
supper is waiting."
"I'm fine without,
thanks." He gazed up at the sky, where the moon seemed to bounce back and
forth between the clouds like a blown-up bladder. "Tonight I can sup off
the stars and drink the clouds. . . ."
"And what about the
moon? I teased, looking up at where she hung, free of cloud at last. "A
bite or two of—Oh, my God!"
I felt as if I had been
kicked in the stomach. "I don't understand!" Suddenly I was afraid.
"Last night when I went to sleep the moon was three or four days short of
full. And now . . ."
And now the moon was
Chapter Thirty
“Yes," said the
Wimperling, following my gaze. "You have slept through four days. 'Like a
babe' is what I think you said."
Just like that. Like
saying I overslept. Or missed Mass.
There was still a clutch
of fear in my stomach. "I don't understand! Magic? How? Why?"
"No magic, just a
pinch of special herbs in your stew. They slowed down your mind and your body,
therefore you needed less breath, less food, less drink. As to why . . . As you
said, there was little food left, and I had some things to do while you
I still felt scared that
anyone's body could be so used without their knowledge and permission; suppose,
for instance, the dose had been too strong? And did one age the same while in
that sleep? Did one dream? I couldn't remember any.
As usual, he knew what I
was thinking.
"I wouldn't hurt
you for the world, you know that. The dose was carefully measured. All it meant
was that you and the dog had a longer rest than usual, that's all. And saved on
food. No, you haven't gained time and yes, you did dream. One has to. But you
don't always remember."
you do?"
"I will show you.
When—when I am gone, if you travel due west for two days, you will come to a
road that leads either south or east. You will have enough food to last till
you come to another village. As to coinage—Follow me!"
He led us back to the
room we had slept in, and there, in a heap on the floor, were twenty gold
"It takes time to
make those," he said.
I ran the coins through
my fingers. "Are they real?" They felt very cold to the touch.
"As real as I can
make them. More solid than faery gold, which can disappear in a breath. But you
must be careful how you use them. As long as they are used honestly for trade
they will stay as they are, although each time they change hands they will lose
a little of their value. A coating of gold, you might say. But if they are
stolen or used dishonestly, then the perpetrator will die."
"How are they
"White fire, black
blood, green earth, yellow water."
None of which I had ever
come across, but I supposed anything was possible with a flying pig-not-a-pig.
A large flying pig. Very large. Now he almost reached my shoulder: those four
days sleep of mine had made him almost twice as big again.
"You will soon be
too big for your skin, you know," I said jokingly.
He looked at me gravely.
"I hope so. . . . Come and see what else I have been doing. You'd better
make up the fire, while you're at it."
"I've been letting
it die down. I can light it again for breakfast. It's not cold."
"Don't you remember
what your mother taught you? On no account let the house fires go out on the
eve of Samhain, lest Evil gain entry. . . ."
"Samhain? All
Hallows' Eve?"
He nodded, and I
suddenly realized that it had been exactly a year ago that I had made a funeral
pyre of our house for my mother and had set out on my adventures.
A year, a whole year . .
. Somehow it seemed longer. That other life seemed a hundred years and a
million miles away. I couldn't even clearly recall the girl I had been then:
this Summer was a totally different person. For one thing she had a name—two
names, in fact. For another, this person would not have been content to sit by
the fire and dream, and eat honey cakes till she burst. In fact, I couldn't now
remember when I had the last one. This girl now talked to animals, tramped the
roads, thought less of her own bodily comforts and more of others, and had
learned a great deal that was not taught in books. And hadn't used one single
item of her expensive education that she could recall . . .
I threw a couple more
logs on the fire and then followed the Wimperling out and across the yard to
where the pigsties had once been, an unusually subdued Growch tailing us. The
Wimperling stepped over what had once been one of the walls of the sty, and now
in the middle, rising some six feet high, was a newly built cairn of stones.
"Did you build
point," he said.
I looked at him. He
seemed so different from the little persecuted pig I had stolen from the fair
and run off with tucked under my arm. Not just the size, which was phenomenal;
he had also grown in confidence over the months I had known him. He was mature,
patient, wise, and had saved us more than once with courage and good advice. I
had lost my little piglet to an adult one, and wasn't sure whether to be glad
or sorry.
"What are you going
to do?"
"You will see.
First let me tell you a little of what happened when I was young. . . ."
I sat down on part of
the old wall and listened, Growch at my feet.
"This is where I
was bom. The very spot I hatched." "Hatched" again, as though he
truly believed he had come from an egg. "I was raised, as you know, among
a litter of innumerable little piglets, although I didn't grow exactly the same
and stayed the runt of the litter. As I told you, I would probably have made a
fine dish of suckling pig if the farmer hadn't discovered my stubs of wings,
and sold me. After weeks of torment you found me, and the rest you know."
"But if you were
unhappy here, and pretending to be something you were not, why come back?"
"Because this place
is a Place of Power. It was arranged that I start my breathing life here, and
also meant that I eventually leave from here for the land of my ancestors. The
fact that a farmer built a pigsty over my hatching place was an accident that
couldn't have been foreseen. However, once I had been sold, the Stones made
sure they left and destroyed what remained of the farm. The Stones are my
Guardians, they have watched and waited for a hundred years for my birth and
then the Change."
"What?" I
couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was fantasizing. "You waited to be
born—for a hundred years?"
"Legends have it as
a thousand, but that is an exaggeration. A hundred is the minimum, though, but
the warmth of the sty above me accelerated things somewhat and I only had
ninety-nine years. This hadn't given my personality enough charge to resist the
nearness of the other piglets, so I adapted their bodily conformation to give
myself time to acclimatize before the Change. Exactly a year, in fact."
I was utterly
bewildered. I had lost him somewhere. Hatching, a hundred years, Stones of
Power, a "change," guardians . . . I seized on one question.
"You say the stones around us are Stones of Power? What does that
"Listen. Listen and
feel. Where we are now is the centre of it all, like the center of a spider's
web. If you hung like a hawk from the sky you would see the pattern. This is
not the only Center of Power, of course: they exist in other countries as well.
Because of their special magic they have been used since understanding began
for birth, breeding, death, religions, sacrifice, healing. I say again: listen
and feel. . . ."
I tried. At first,
although the night was still as an empty church, I could hear nothing special.
Then there was a growl from Growch and I began to feel something. A low, very
faint vibration, as though someone had plucked the lowest string of a bass
viol, waited till the sound died away, then touched the silent string and still
found it stirring under their finger. I put both hands flat on the ground and
found I could hear it as well, though the sound was not on one note, it came
from a hundred, a thousand different strings, all just on the edge of hearing.
I felt the sound both through my body and in my ears at the same time, both
repelling and attracting, till I felt as if I had been a rat shaken by a
terrier. Beside me Growch was whimpering, lifting first one paw then the other
from the ground—
now?" asked the Wimperling, and with his voice the noise and vibration
faded and was still. "That is why I had to come back. Had my life been as
it should, my hatching taken place at the right time, had I not become part
pig, I should have needed no one. But you were instrumental in saving my life,
you have fed and tended me, and now I need you as the final instrument to cut
me from my past. I cannot be rid of this constriction without you," and he
flexed and stretched and twisted and strove as though he were indeed bound by
bonds he could not loose.
"Anything," I
said. "Anything, of course. How soon—how soon before you change?" I
wanted to ask into what, but didn't dare. I didn't think I wanted to know, not
just yet, anyway. In fact, just for a moment I wished I was anywhere but here,
then affection and common sense returned: nothing he became could harm us.
He glanced up at the
sky. The moon was calm and full and clear and among the stars there ran the
Hare and Leveret, the Hunter, his Dog and the Cooking Pan. There were the
Twins, the Ram, the Red Star, the Blue, the White. . . . No wind as yet, night
a hushed breath, as if it, too, waited as we did.
Around us the ruins of
the farm, all hummocks and heaps, farther away the Stones, seeming to catch
from the moon and stars a ghostly radiance all their own, casting their shadows
like fingers across the heath, so the land was all bars of silver and black
like some strange tapestry bearing a pattern just out of reach of
comprehension. And yet if one looked long enough . . .
minutes," said the Wimperling. "When the shadow of the cairn touches
the nearest Stone. Climb up with me and you will see. . . . That's right. See,
there is room for us both at the top."
Growch yipped beneath
us, and scrabbled with his claws at the stone but could get no further.
"This is not for
you, dog," said the Wimperling. "Be patient." He turned to me.
"Do you have your sharp little knife with you?"
"Of course." I
touched the little pouch at my waist where it always lay, wondering why he
wanted to know.
"Then it is
farewell to you both, Girl and Dog. My thanks to you, and may you find what you
seek soon." He took a deep breath. "I had not thought partings would
be so hard. . . . Are you ready, Talitha?"
"Yes," I said,
wondering what was to happen next. The shadow was creeping nearer and nearer to
the Stone. . . . "At least I think I am."
"Then take out your
knife, and when I count to ten, but not before, cut my throat. One . . ."
Chapter Thirty.One
“Two . . ."
"What are you talking
"Three . . . Four .
. ."
"I'm doing no such
thing! How could I possibly hurt you?"
"Listen, listen!
If I dig this knife into you—"
"—you will die!
I thought you said you were going to—"
"I won't, I
Wimperling, I can't kill you!"
"Nine! Do it! You must!"
"I love you too
much to—"
"Do it now, before
it's too late! Ten . . ."
And there was such a
look of agonized entreaty on his face that I brought the knife out and drew it
across his skin. The tiny gash started to bleed, a necklace of dark drops in
the moonlight, and I couldn't do any more. I had rather cut my own throat.
Summer—there are only a few seconds left!" His voice was full of an
imprisoned anguish. "Please . . ."
"I can't!
Stay a pig: I'll care for you always, I promise!" and I flung away the
knife, threw my arms around his neck and kissed him.
There was a tremendous
bang! like a thunderbolt, a great blast of hot air, and I was toppled off the
cairn. The moon and stars were blotted out and I lay stunned, conscious only of
a huge tumult in the air, as if a storm had burst right over my head. I could
hear Growch yelping with terror, but where was the Wimperling?
I sat up, my head
spinning, and saw an extraordinary sight. The body of the flying pig was
hurtling around the cairn like a burst bladder, every second getting smaller
and smaller. Pony-size, man-size, hound-size, piglet-size, until at last it
collapsed at my feet, a tiny bundle no bigger than my purse, and the moon
appeared again.
Crawling forward I
picked up the pathetic little bundle and held it to my breast, rocking back and
forth and sobbing. Once again I had been asked to help, once again it had all
gone wrong. At least I had never physically harmed any of the others, but there
was my precious little flying pig burst into smithereens, and all I had left
was a split piece of hide with the imprint of a face and a string of tail, four
little hooves and two small pouches where his wings had been—
"Look up! Look up .
. . !" The voice came from the air, from the clouds that were now massing
to the west, from the Stones—
The Stones! They were
alight, they burned like candles. One after the other their tips started to
glow with a greenish light as if they were tracking another great shadow that
glowed itself with the same unearthly light as it swooped, banked and turned,
dived in great loops from sky to earth and back again. The sky was full of
light and there was a smell like the firecrackers I had once seen, and a
beating sound like dozens of sheets flapping in a gale.
Again came the voice:
"Look up! Look up!" but I could only hug the remains of the Wimperling,
little cold pieces of leather, and cry. Growch crept to my feet from wherever
he had been hiding, whimpering softly.
"Great gods! What
was it? Where's the pig? Are you all right? C'mon, let's get back inside. . .
But even as he whined
there was a sudden rush of air that had me flat on my back again and there,
balancing precariously on the cairn above us, wings flapping to maintain
balance, clawed feet gripping the shifting stones was a—
Was a great dragon!
I think I fainted, for
darkness rushed into my eyes and I felt my insides gurgling away in a spiral
down some hole, like water draining away and out down a privy, and there was a
peculiar ashy smell in my nostrils. Then everything steadied, I decided I had
been seeing things because of the terror of the night, and cautiously opened
one eye. . . .
It was still there.
The great wings were now
quiet at its sides, and the scaly tail with the arrow-like tip was curled
neatly around its clawed feet. The great nostrils were flared, as if questing
my scent, the lips were slightly curved back above the pointed teeth, but the
yellow eyes with the split pupils seemed to hold quite a benign gaze. I could
see its hide rise and fall as it breathed.
I had never seen a dragon
before, but it closely resembled the pictures I had seen, the descriptions I
had read, so I knew what it was. Perhaps if I stayed perfectly still it would
go away. It couldn't be hungry, for it had obviously eaten the Wimperling. So I
waited, scarcely daring to breathe, conscious of Growch trembling at my side.
It cleared its throat,
rather like emptying a sack of stones.
"Well?" it
said, in a gritty voice. "How do I look?"
I swallowed, surprised
it could speak or that I could understand. But of course the ring on my finger
. . . Come to think of it, why wasn't it throbbing a warning? To my surprise it
was still and warm. Perhaps after all, dragons didn't eat maidens, in spite of
what the legends said.
"Er . . . Very
smart," I said, my voice a squeak. "Very . . . grand."
It stretched its great
wings, one after the other, till I could see the moon shine faintly through the
thin skin, like a lamp through horn shutters. "Still a bit creaky, but
they haven't dried properly yet," said the dragon. "Everything else
seems to be stretching and adjusting quite nicely. Of course I shall have to
take it in short bursts for a day or two, but—"
"What have you done
with the Wimperling?" I blurted out. "He was my friend, and all he
wanted was to return to his ancestors! He never harmed anyone, and—and . . . If
you've swallowed him, could you possibly spit him out again? I have his skin
here, and I could sew him up in it and give him a decent burial. And if you're
still hungry, I have some salt pork and vegetables left. . . ."
He stared at me, and for
a moment I thought if he hadn't been a dragon, he would have laughed.
"You want your
little pig back?"
"Of course. I said
he was my friend. Now I am alone, except for my dog. He—he's somewhere about. .
. ." Hiding, I thought, as I should have been.
"You offered me
salt pork. . . . Pork is pig."
"Not—not like the
Wimperling. He was different. He wasn't a real pig. You want some? Wait
a moment. . . ." and I dashed back inside and emerged with the cook pot
and put it on the cairn. "I'm afraid it's only warm. . . ." But there
was no sign of the dragon. "Don't go away! It's here," I called out.
"So am I,"
said a small voice. "But I can't reach it there," and a tiny slightly
blurred piglet was at my feet, just the same size as the Wimperling when I
first met him. I bent to scoop him into my arms, my heart beating joyously, but
as my hands closed over him he was gone, only the scrap of hide I had earlier
cuddled in my fingers. Then I was angry. I shook my fist at the sky.
"I don't care who
or what you are!" I screamed. "You cheated me! Just eat your accursed
stew, and I hope it chokes you. Where's my Wimperling?"
A man stepped from the
shadows behind the cairn, a tall man wearing a hooded cloak that was all jags
and points. I could not see his face and my heart missed a couple of beats. I
snatched up my little sharp knife, the one I had thrown away only minutes ago,
and held it in front of me.
"Keep away, or I'll
set my dog on you!"
"That arrant
coward? He couldn't—Ouch!"
Apparently Growch was
less afraid of strangers than he was of dragons, for he darted from the shadows
and gave the man's ankle a swift and accurate nip before dashing back, barking
"Mmmm . . ."
said the stranger. "I could blunt all your teeth for that, Dog!" He
addressed me. "I mean you no harm, so put that knife away. You weren't so
keen to use it five minutes ago, to help your friend."
So he had seen it all. I
wondered where he had been hiding. I tried to peek under his hood, but he
jerked his head away.
"Not yet. It takes
time. . . ."
I didn't know what he
was talking about. Just then the rising wind caught the edge of his jagged
cloak and a hand came out to pull it back. I stared in horror: the hand was
like a claw, the fingers scaled like a chicken's foot. What was this man? A
monstrosity? A leper? He saw the look in my eyes.
Talitha-Summer. I had thought to spare you that. See . . ." and held out a
hand, now a normal, everyday sort. "I told you it would take time. Better
with a little more practice. And it's all your fault, you know. . . . If you
hadn't kissed me—not once, but the magic three times—I would have appeared to
you only in my dragon skin. As it is, I am now obliged to spend part of my life
as a man." He sighed. "And yet it was that last kiss of yours that
set me free. If you had but kissed me once there would have been a blurring at
the edges every once in a while, human thoughts. Two kisses, a part-change now
and again and a definite case of human conscience—which hampers a dragon, you
know. But the magic three . . ."
"The same. And
different." He came forward and one hand reached out and clasped mine,
warm and reassuring. The other threw back the concealing hood and there,
smiling down at me, was at one and the same time the handsomest and most
forbidding face I had ever seen.
Dark skin and hair, high
cheekbones, a wide mouth, a hooked nose, frowning brows, a determined chin. And
the eyes? Dragon-yellow with lashes like a spider's legs. Under the cloak he
was naked; his hands, his feet, were manlike, but at elbow and knee, chest and
belly, there was a creasing like the skin of a snake's belly. Even as I looked
the scaly parts shifted and man-skin took their place.
"You see what you
have done?"
"Does it
hurt?" I asked wonderingly. Down there, at his groin, he was all man, I
noted, with a funny little stirring in my insides.
"Changing? Not
really. More uncomfortable, I suppose. Like struggling in the dark into an
unfamiliar set of clothes that don't fit and are inside out."
"How long can you
stay? When did you know what you were meant to be? When—when will you change
back? Er . . . Do you want the stew?"
He laughed, a normal
hearty man's laugh. "How long can I stay? A few minutes more, I suppose.
Until I start changing back into my real self and my dragon-body. When did I
know I was meant to be a dragon? Almost as soon as I was hatched, but the
piglet bit fazed me a little. I was sure again that night when we crossed the
border and I set the forest on fire with dragon's breath—" Of course! The
question I had forgotten to ask at the time. "The stew? No, from now on my
diet will be different. Here," and he lifted it down from the top of the
"Like what?"
said Growch, already accepting the situation and sniffing around the stew pot.
I tipped some out for him.
"Well, back east
where my ancestors come from, there is a land called Cathay, and there—"
"And there they has
those enticing little bitches wiv the short legs and the fluffy tails!"
said Growch, the stew temporarily forgotten. "That was the name
they used: Cathay!"
"And men with
yellow skins and a civilization that goes back a thousand years! You have a
one-track—no, two-track mind, Dog: food and sex. There are other things in
life, you know. . . ."
"Not as important.
Think about it, dragon-pig-man: reckon in some ways as I'm cleverer than
Sustenance and
propagation, with the spice of fear to leaven it: he could be right.
But the
Wimperling-dragon-man ignored him and took my hand. "Let's walk a way. I
don't know how long I can stay like this. Trust me?" And we strolled towards
the nearest Stones, an avenue shimmering softly in the moonlight, a soft green,
nearly as bright as glowworms.
As we walked I became
gradually aware of his hand still clasping mine, of the contact of skin to
skin, and my whole body seemed to warm like a fire. There were tickly
sensations on my groin, tingly ones in my breasts and I'm sure my face burned
like fire. I had never realized that palm-to-palm contact could be so erotic,
could engender such a feeling of intimacy.
He stopped and swung me
round to face him. "Well, Talitha-Summer, this is journey's end for us.
Where will you go?"
"Wait a
minute!" I didn't want to say good-bye, and couldn't think straight.
"You know my name, but what is yours? We called you the Wimperling, but
that was a pet name, a piglet name."
He laughed. "In
Cathay they will call me the
One-who-beats-his-wings-against-the-clouds-and-lights-the-sky-with-fire, but
that is a ceremonial name and you'd never be able to pronounce it in their
tongue. My shorter name is 'Master-of-Many-Treasures,' and that does have a
Western equivalent: Jasper."
"Like the
stone," I said. "Black and brown and yellow . . . I don't want you to
go!" Gauche, naive and true.
He didn't laugh, just
took both my hands in his.
"If I were only a
man, my beautiful Talitha-Summer, I would stay."
But that made me angry
and embarrassed, and I pulled my hands away. "Now you are laughing at me!
Don't mock; I am fat and ugly, not in the slightest bit beautiful. . . ."
I was close to tears.
"Dear girl, would I
lie to you? Look, my love, look!" And in front of us was a mirror of
clarity I couldn't believe. I saw the reflection of the man-dragon beside a
woman I didn't recognize. Slim, straight-backed with a mass of tangled hair, a
pretty girl with eyes like a deer, a clear skin, a straight nose and an
expressive mouth—a woman I had never seen before.
"You're lying! It's
some fiendish magic! I'm not—not like that!" I gestured at
the image and it gestured back at me. "I'm ugly, fat, spotty. . . ."
"You were. When you
rescued me you were all you said, but a year of wandering has worn away the fat
your mother disguised you with. She didn't want a pretty daughter to rival her,
so she did the only thing she could, short of disfigurement: she fattened you
up like a prize pig, so that only a pervert would prefer you. Now you are all
you should be. Why do you think Matthew wanted to marry you? Gill leave all
behind and run away with you? You're beautiful, Summer-Talitha, and don't ever
forget it!"
I reached out my hand to
touch the reflection and it vanished, but not before I had seen the Unicorn's
ring on my finger reflected back at me. So, it was true.
"Look at me,"
said the dragon-man, the Wimperling, Jasper. "Look into my eyes. You will
see the same picture."
It was so. Dark though
it was, I could see myself in the pupils of his eyes, a different Summer. I
shivered. Instantly he put his cloak around both of us and pulled me towards
him, so I could feel the heat of his body.
"Too much to
comprehend all in one day? Don't worry: tomorrow you will be used to being
beautiful. And now I must go: it will take me many days and nights to—"
"Don't! Please
don't leave me. . . ."
"I must, girl. From
now on our paths lie in different directions. Go back to Matthew, who will love
and care for you, take the dragon gold to a big city and find a man you fancy,
travel to—"
"I want you,"
I said. "Just you. Kiss me, please. . . ." and I reached up and
pulled his head down to mine, my hands cupped around his head. Suddenly he
responded, he pulled me close, as close as a second skin, and his mouth came
down on mine. It was a fierce, hot, possessive kiss that had my whole being
fused into his and my body melting like sun-kissed ice into his warmth.
Then, oh then, we were
no longer standing, we were lying and—and I don't know what happened. There was
a pain like knives and a sharp joy that made me cry out—
And then I was pinned to
the ground by a huge scaly beast and I cried out in horror and scrambled away,
my revulsion as strong as the attraction I had felt only moments since.
"You see,"
said the dragon, in his different, gritty voice. "It didn't work. For a
moment, perhaps, but you would not like my real self. Don't hurt yourself
wishing it were any different."
I swallowed. "But
for a moment, back there, you forgot the dragon bit completely. We were both
human beings." I felt sore and bruised inside.
He was silent for a
moment, shifting restlessly. "Perhaps," he said finally: "but it
shouldn't have happened. It gave me a taste for . . . Never mind. Forget it.
Forget me. Bury your remembrances with that scrap of hide you kept. Go and live
the life you were meant to lead.
"And now: stand
He flapped his great
wings once, twice, as a warning and I scrambled back to safety, watching from
behind one of the Stones. He flapped his wings again, faster and faster, and it
was like being caught in a gale. Bits of scrub and heather flew past my ears till
I covered them with my hands and shut my eyes for safety. There came a roaring
sound that I heard through my hands and a great whoosh!, a smell of cinders, my
hair nearly parted from my scalp and I tumbled head over heels.
Once I righted myself
and opened my eyes, my dragon was gone. A burned patch of ground showed where
he had taken off and in the sky was a great shadow like a huge bat that circled
and swooped and filled the air with the deep throb of wings. To my right—the
east—the Stones had started to glow again, a long avenue of them, like a
The shadow swooped once
more towards the earth then shot up like an arrow till it was almost out of
sight, then it steadied and hovered for a moment before heading due east,
following the direction the Stones indicated, head and tail out straight, wings
flapping slowly. I watched until its silhouette crossed the moon, then went
wearily back to the ruined farmhouse.
I wasn't even annoyed to
see Growch with his head inside the now-empty cook pot. I was too tired. His
voice sounded hollow.
"I saw you! Doing
naughties, you was!"
"Naughties? What do
you mean?" But even as I said it I realized what it must have looked like
to an inquisitive dog. Was that what had happened?
"You know . . . you
didn't do naughties with the knight or the merchant with the cat and the warm
fires: why with him?" He pulled his head out of the pot a trifle
guiltily and his ears were clogged with juice. "Sort of fell over it did;
din' want to waste it. . . . Why don' we go to that nice place for a while?
Likes you, he does, and it's too cold to stay outside all winter. Just for a
coupla months . . ."
"Matthew?" I
was deadly tired, confused, bereft, couldn't think straight. I must have time
to sort myself out, and better the known than the unknown. "Yes, why
Chapter Thirty.Two
Easier said than done.
It was the beginning of November now, and we were all of three or four hundred
miles from the town where Matthew lived, north and east. It took us two weeks
to get anywhere near a decent, well-traveled road, and those people we met were
usually traveling south as we had done the year before, so we were heading
against the flow of traffic. Company and lifts were few and far between and I
was burdened with all the baggage, now there was no Wimperling, and what I
would have expected to travel before—ten or twelve miles a day—was now only
five or six: less if we were delayed by rain.
For the weather had
changed with the waning of the moon: cold, blustery, with frequent rain
showers. We seldom saw the sun and then only fitfully, and too pale and far
away to heat us. To ease my burdens I made a pole sleigh—two poles lashed
together in a vee-shape, the tattered blanket acting as receptacle for the rest
of the goods—but the majority of the roads were so rutted and stony that the
sleigh either kept twisting out of my hands, or the ends wore away and the
poles had to be renewed.
Thanks to a couple of
good lifts, by the end of November we were over halfway, but every day now saw
worsening weather, and at night sometimes, if the wind came from the hills, we
could hear wolves on the high slopes howling their hunger. Mostly we slept in
what shelter we could find by the way—an isolated farmhouse, a barn, a
shepherd's croft—but sometimes I paid for the use of a village stable or a
place beside a tavern fire. Careful as I was, the cost of food and lodgings was
so high in winter that almost half the dragon gold had gone when disaster
struck us.
One night in a tavern I
had been paying in advance for a meal when my frozen fingers spilled the rest
of the gold from my purse onto the earthen floor. I scooped it up as quickly as
I could, but three unkempt men at a corner table were nodding and winking at
one another slyly as I did so. That night I slept but little, although the men
had long gone into the dark, and in the morning my fears were justified.
Growch and I had
scarcely made a couple of miles out of the village when the three men leapt out
from the bushes at the side of the road, kicked and punched me till I was
dazed, snatched my purse, pulled my bundle apart and flung Growch into the
undergrowth when he tried to bite them. They were just pulling up my skirts,
determined to make the most of me, when there was the sound of a wagon
approaching and they fled, taking with them my blanket, food, cooking things
and my other dress.
The carter who came to
my rescue was from the village I had just left, and he was kind enough to help
me gather together what little I had left and give the dog and me a lift back.
I was in a sorry state: my head and arms and face bruised and swollen and my
clothes torn, but poor Growch was worse off, with a broken front leg. The
tavern-keeper's wife gave me water to wash in, needle and thread to mend my
torn skirt and sleeve and a crust of bread and rind of cheese for the journey
and I made complaint to the village mayor, but as the thieves had not been
local men there was nothing they could do, and I was hurried on my way with
sympathy but little else, lest I became a burden on the parish.
Once out of the village
I bound up Growch's leg, using hazel twigs wrapped with torn strips from my
shift, and poulticing it with herbs from the wayside to keep down the swelling
and aid the healing, using the knowledge I had and the feel of the ring of my
finger to choose the best. Of course now I would have to carry him, so I
discarded any nonessentials, leaving me a small parcel to strap to my back, and
my hands free for Growch.
By nightfall, hungry and
depressed, I reached a tumbledown hut just off the road. As I walked through
the scrub towards it I saw various articles strewn by the way: a man's belt, a
rusty knife, a tattered blanket—surely that last was mine? I shrank back into
the undergrowth ready to run, but Growch sniffed, wrinkled his nose and demanded
to be put down. My ring was quiet, but cold, so I let him hobble forward on
three legs to investigate further.
He came back a few
minutes later. "We're not dossin' down there tonight, that's for sure.
They's all dead an' it stinks to high heaven."
I crept forward, but
even before I reached the hut I was gagging, and had to hold my cloak across my
face. There, huddled on the earth floor, were the men who had robbed us only
this morning, dead and smelling as though they had been that way for weeks. The
contorted bodies lay in postures of extreme agony, mouths agape on swollen
tongues and bitten lips, arms and legs twisted in some private torture, a
noisome liquid oozing from great suppurating blisters on their blackened skin.
Surely even the plague could not strike so quickly and devastatingly?
Then I noticed a little
pile that was smoking away in a corner, like the last wisps from a dying fire.
It was from here also that the worst stench came. Carefully stepping over the
bodies, I walked over to investigate. There, dissolving in a last sizzling
bubble, were the remains of the coins of dragon gold the then-Wimperling had
left for me. I remembered what he had told me: given or used for trade they
were perfectly safe; stolen, they brought death and destruction. I shivered
uncontrollably, but not from cold.
That night we spent in
the open, the first of many. With no money but my dowry left, which coins the
country people would not accept, not recognizing the denominations and being
suspicious of strangers anyway, I was reduced to begging, to stealing from
henhouses, a handful of grain from sacks, vegetables from clamps. It was a
wonder I was never caught, but with a dog who could no longer dance for his
supper what else could I do? I did find the occasional root or fungi and gather
what I could of herbs and winter-blackened leaves, but every day I grew weaker.
Growch's leg healed slowly, but he probably fared worse than I did, for I could
no longer find even the beetles and grubs that he would eat if there was
nothing else. I even tried to trap fish, as I had been taught as a child, but
with the frosts the fish lay low in the water and it all came to nothing, even
the frogs having burrowed down under the mud.
There were one or two
remissions, like the time I came upon a late November village wedding—none too
soon from the look of the bride's waistline—and I stuffed myself stupid in
return for a handful of coins and a tune or two on my pipe and tabor which I
had providentially kept. I took with me a sack of leftovers that lasted us for
a week.
But that was the last of
our good luck. The weather got even worse and our progress slowed to a crawl.
Lifts, even for a couple of miles, were few, and the stripped hedgerows and
empty fields mocked our hunger. A couple of times, dirty and disreputable
though I now was, I could have bought us a meal or two by pandering to the
needs of importunate sex-seekers, but somehow I just couldn't. I do not believe
it had anything to do with morals, nor the off-putting stench of their bodies:
it was something deeper than that. I had been infatuated with Gill—the
Wimperling had been right about that—I had had an affection for Matthew,
and—But I would think no further than that. The recent past I blotted out from
memory. Sufficient that it stopped me from greater folly.
I have no clear
recollection of those last few days. I know I was always hungry, always cold.
My shoes had fallen to pieces but my numb feet no longer hurt on the sharp
stones. I was conscious of a thin shadow that dogged my heels as a limping
Growch tried to keep up, and I do recall him bringing me a stinking mess of raw
meat he had stolen from somewhere and me cramming it into my mouth, trying to
chew and swallow and then being violently sick. I also remember a compassionate
woman at a cottage door, with half a dozen children clinging to her skirts,
sparing me a mug of goat's milk and a few crusts, and finding rags to bind my
feet, but the rest was forgotten.
It started to snow. At
first thin and gritty, hurting my face and hands like needles, then softer,
thicker, gentler, drifting down like feathers to cover my hair, burden my
shoulders, drag at my skirt, but provide a soft carpet for my feet. I think it
was then that I realized I wasn't going to make it, although some streak of
perversity in my nature kept me putting one foot in front of the other. I
remember falling more than once, stumbling to my knees many times, and on each
occasion a small hoarse voice would bark: "Get up! Get up! Not far to go
now . . . We ain't done yet. . . ."
But at the end even this
failed to rouse me. The snow was up to my knees, above them, and I could go no
further. Even Growch, plowing along in my dragging footsteps and then trying to
tug at my skirt to pull me forward, failed to rouse me.
"Come on, come on,
now! A little further, just two steps, and two more! Round this corner, that's
right! You can't give up now. . . . Now, down here a step or two—don't fall
down, don't!" Another tug at my skirt, and this time a nip to my ankle as
well. I tried to thrust him away, but he was as persistent as a mosquito. I
staggered a few steps, fell again. The snow was like a featherbed and no longer
cold and forbidding. If I could just lie down for a few minutes, pull up the
covers and sleep and sleep and sleep . . .
"Get up! Don't go
to sleep! Up, up, up!" Nip, nip, nip . . .
"Go away! Leave me alone!"
For the last time I got to my feet and stumbled down the road. "Leave me,
go away, I don't want you anymore!" and I fell into a snowdrift that was
larger, deeper, softer, warmer than any before. Shutting my eyes I burrowed
deeper still and drifted away, the last thing I heard being Growch's hysterical
barking: "Yip! Yip! Yip!" but soon that too faded and I heard no
more. . . .
* * *
"I think she's
coming round . . . How are you feeling?"
A strangely familiar
face swam into focus, an anxious, rubicund face with a fringe of hair like the
setting sun. I shut my eyes again, opened them. Did angels have red hair?
Assuredly I must be in Heaven whether I deserved it or not, for I was warm,
rested, lying I suppose on a cloud, and no longer hungry, thirsty or worried
about anything. Except—
"Growch? Where's
Growch? Is he here too?"
"She means the
dog," said someone, and something walked up my feet, legs, stomach and
chest, then thrust a cold wet nose against my cheek and I smelt the familiar,
hacky breath.
"Been here all the
time—'cept for breakfast 'n' lunch 'n' supper—thought at one time as how you
wasn't goin' to make it. . . ."
I put up a strangely
heavy and trembly hand to touch his head. Did they have dogs in Heaven,
then? I'd think about it later. Just have a little sleep . . .
down," said another voice I thought I recognized. "By the morning
she'll be fine."
And by morning I was at
least properly awake, conscious of my surroundings and hungry, though not
exactly "fine" just yet, for all the damaged parts of me that had
been exposed to the bitter weather started to smart and ache, and I was still
very weak.
Of course I had ended up
at Matthew's house, thanks to Growch. He had led us both over the last few
miles, scenting food and warmth and comfort, and luckily my final collapse had
taken place just outside the merchant's house, though it had taken Growch a
long time to rouse them from sleep and he had ended up voiceless, for a few
hours at least.
At first they were
convinced I was dead, so pale and cold and lifeless I had become, but
providentially for me Suleiman had been staying with Matthew once more and he
found a thin pulse and proceeded to thaw me out.
"Not by putting you
in hot water or roasting you by the fire, as my dear friend would have me
do," he said. "That would have killed you of a certainty. Instead I
used a method I learned when a boy, from the Tartars my father sometimes traded
with in hides. A tepid bath, oil rubbed gently into the skin, a cotton
wrapping, then the natural warmth of naked bodies enfolding you. The servants
took it in turns. Then the water a little warmer, and so on again . . . It took
many hours until you were breathing normally, though once I saw you could
swallow, though still unconscious, I gave you warm sweet drinks.
there was a fever there, waiting for your body to warm up, but with one of my
special concoctions and poppy juice to keep the body asleep, we managed to pull
you through, though it was a close thing. The bruises and cuts will heal soon,
but you have two broken toes, and I have bound those together; you were lucky
you did not get frostbite as well."
After I had done my best
to thank him, I asked about Growch's broken leg.
"Ah, you did a good
job there. He still limps a little, but I have removed the splints and renewed
the healing herbs. He will be as good as new."
Once I started to eat
again properly I made rapid progress and was soon allowed up to sit by the fire
in the solar, with a fully mobile Growch at my feet, luxuriating in the
idleness, and Saffron, the great ginger cat, actually venturing his weight on
my lap, though he was singularly uncommunicative, even when he realized I could
talk to him. Of course I was petted and pampered and cosseted by Matthew, who
seemed delighted to have me back. Both he and Suleiman could hardly wait to
hear of my travels and find out what had happened to "Sir Gilman," so
I gave them an edited, but nevertheless entertaining, account of my wanderings.
I had had plenty of time
while convalescing to think up a good story, for who would believe the real
one? I told them about the ghost in the castle and about our sojourn in the
artist's village, and they were suitably impressed, both believing in the
supernatural and Suleiman having heard of the other artist's seminars in
Italia. When I recounted our stay with the Lady Aleinor, I had a surprise, and
further confirmation (to them) of the complete veracity of my story.
"I quite forgot to
tell you!" exclaimed Matthew. "The lad who helped you escape, Dickon,
came here eventually, he said on your recommendation. He seemed an enterprising
sort of lad and brought news of you—though he did embroider the facts a
"Something about
you flying to safety on the back of that pig of yours," said Suleiman, but
his eyes were speculative. "It was a good tale. . . ."
"Anyway, I decided
to give him a chance, for your sake," said Matthew. "Sent him off on
one of our caravans with a letter of introduction. He'll be away at least a
year, and he may prove useful. We can always do with promising
Of course I didn't tell
them the whole truth about Gill. I made a great tale of our escape across the
border and of the miraculous return of his eyesight, however, the latter
gratifying Suleiman.
"A theory of mine
proved. One blow to the head: blindness. Another knock, and whatever has been
displaced in the brain is jarred back. I expect he will have recurrent
headaches for a while, but all should be well."
Matthew looked
uncomfortable, but after a while he asked: "And the young man's parents?
They must have been glad of his return. . . . He—also had—others—who must have
I nodded and said, my
voice quite steady and unemotional, "His fiancee had almost given him up
for dead. They celebrated their nuptials while I was there and Rosamund, a
beautiful fair-haired lady, was already with child when I left, I believe. . .
." That at least was true.
"And the rest of
your little menagerie?" asked Suleiman. "The horse, the pigeon, the
tortoise and the—er, flying pig?"
"The pigeon flew
away once his wing was healed and joined a flock of his brethren." Truish.
"The tortoise I let loose in suitable surroundings." True, but
short of the full facts. "The mare—she grew up into quite a fine specimen
and went for breeding." Again, basically true, but not the full story.
But what is truth? I
thought to myself. It is always open to interpretation. Even if I had told them
everything it would have been colored by the telling, my subjectiveness, and
they would have heard it with ears that would hear parts better than others,
would remember some facts and forget others, so the story to each would be
different. If someone asked you what you ate for breakfast and you answered
truthfully: "eggs," that would be truth but still not tell the
enquirer how many, how cooked and what they tasted like, though they would
probably be quite satisfied with the answer.
"And the pig?"
asked Suleiman. "The odd one out . . ."
"He—the pig,
died." I said. Another sort of truth. "He just dwindled away. He
doesn't exist anymore." I still had the little scrap of hide, shriveled
still smaller now though still bearing the imprint of its owner's face and the
remnants of his hooves. Stuffed, it would make a mini-pig, and child's
plaything. My eyes were full as I remembered all that had happened.
"Well, it seems all
turned out for the best," said Matthew comfortably. "Feel well enough
for a game of chess, Mistress Summer?"
* * *
Through the colored
glass of the window in the solar I watched the sun climb higher in the sky
every day as the celebrations of Candlemas gave way to the rules of Lent.
Matthew and Suleiman still insisted on convalescence, so I brought out my Boke,
one of the few things I had managed to save, and wrote out my adventurings as
best I could, but the version for my eyes only. When I had finished, the fine
vellum Matthew had insisted on buying stood elbow to wrist high and my fingers
ached. And even then the story wasn't complete.
It ended when the
Wimperling "died," for there were still some things I couldn't bring
myself to write down, or even think about.
Matthew and Suleiman
brought out their maps, planning the year's trade and seeking a faster route to
the spices of the East. I studied the maps too, fascinated by the lands and
seas they portrayed, so far from everything I knew. At one stage Suleiman
mentioned the difficulties of coinage barter and exchange between the different
countries and I bethought myself of my father's dowry gift, bringing the coins
to show him.
To my amazement and
delight he recognized them all and spread out the largest map in the house,
weighing it down at the four corners with candlesticks.
"See, these coins
all belong to different countries: Sicilia, Italia and across the seas to
Graecia. Then Persia, Armenia . . ." and he placed the coins one by one
across the map so they looked like a silver and gold snake. South by east,
east, east by north, northeast; all tending the same way. "Your father
must almost have reached Cathay. . . . He did: look!" And he held out the
last and tiniest coin of all, no bigger than a baby's fingernail and dull gold.
"Either that, or he was friendly with the traders who went there. These
coins follow our trade routes almost exactly. . . . Don't lose them: they might
come in useful some day."
I offered the coins, my
precious dowry, to dear, kind Matthew when he tentatively proposed marriage to
me just before Easter, but he closed my hand over them. "No, I have no
need of them; you are enough gift for any man. Keep them in memory of your
It was agreed we would
be wed when he returned from a two-week journey to barter for the new season's
wool in advance. He and Suleiman set off together one fine April morning and I
waved them out of sight, clutching Matthew's parting gift, a purseful of coins,
to buy "whatever fripperies you desire."
He had kissed me a fond
good-bye, and as his lips pressed mine I remembered Gill's urgent mouth on
mine. And another's . . .
"Well, then: that's
settled," said Growch by my side, tail wagging furiously. "Home at
last, for both of us. When's lunch?"
Part 3: A Beginning
Chapter Thirty.Three
I awoke with a start to
find Growch trampling all over me, tail wagging furiously. Night had fallen
early with lowering cloud, but I was snug in the last of the hay at the far end
of the barn, wrapped in my father's old cloak, and had been sleeping dreamlessly.
"D'you know how
long I been lookin' for you? Four days! Four bleedin' days . . . Fair ran me
legs orf I did. You musta got a lift. . . ."
"I did.
Yesterday." I sat up. "How did you know which way I'd gone?"
"Easy! Only way we
ain't been. 'Sides, I gotta nose, and that there ring of yours got a pull,
I glanced down at it.
Warm, but pulsing softly.
"Got anythin' to
eat? Fair starvin' I am," and he pulled in his stomach and tried to look
I gave him half the loaf
I had been saving for breakfast. "And when you've finished that you can
turn right round again and head back where you came from!"
He choked. "You're
"No, I am not. I
left you behind deliberately. I even asked Matthew in my note to take care of
you while I was away. . . ."
A note he wouldn't find
yet, not for a couple of days at least, and by that time I should be aboard a
ship for Italia, cross-country to Venezia and ship again for points east. And
then to find Master Scipio and present myself to the caravan-master as Matthew's
newest apprentice . . .
* * *
Once the merchant and
Suleiman had disappeared I had had plenty of time to think.
Before, there had always
been someone hovering, in the kindest possible way of course, making sure I
wasn't hungry/cold/thirsty/tired/bored. I hadn't realized how constricted I had
felt until they were both gone: the first action of mine had been to run from
room to room, down the stairs, round the yard and then back again, flinging
cushions in the air and the shutters wide open. Free, free, free! I sang, I
danced, I felt pounds lighter, almost as if I could fly. Growch thought I was
mad, so did the cat and surely the servants.
Once I had calmed down I
asked myself why I had acted like that, and I didn't particularly like the
answers I came up with. One of them was obviously that a year or more traveling
the freedom of the roads had left me with a taste for elbow room; another that
I was obviously not ready to settle down yet. The third answer was, in a way,
the most hurtful: I obviously didn't care enough for Matthew to marry him—at
least I didn't return his affection the way he would have wished.
And why should you
expect to love him? I could hear my mother's voice like a dim echo. Marriage is
a contract, nothing more. You are lucky in that you don't actively dislike him.
Just look around you, see what you will have! A rich husband who will grant
your every wish, a comfortable home, security at last . . . A little pretense
on your part every now and again: is that so much to ask?
Yes, Mama, I answered
her in my mind. You had my father, don't forget, you knew what real love felt
like. You, too, had a choice. Didn't you ever regret not flinging everything
aside and following him to the ends of the earth and beyond? A cruel and unjust
death took him away from you, but at least you had your memories. And what have
I got? A taste, just the tiniest taste, of what life could really be like, what
love meant.
If I married Matthew
now, feeling the way I did, I should be doing him a grave injustice and he was
too nice, too kind a man for that. He would know I was pretending. Whereas if I
tried to find what I was seeking and failed, then I could return and truly make
the best of things. If he would still have me, of course. And if I succeeded .
. . But I wouldn't even think of that, not yet. Besides, the odds were so
great, maybe ten thousand to one, probably more. But I was damn well going to
That letter to dear
Matthew had been difficult to write, for I knew how it would hurt him.
I know you will be upset to find me gone, but I find I cannot yet settle
down, much as I am fond of you and am grateful for your many kindnesses. I hope
you can forgive me. I am not sure where I shall go, but I hope to return within
a year and a day, all being well. By then, of course, you may well have changed
your mind about me, but if not I hope I shall be ready to settle down with you.
I have taken the bag of coins you gave me so I shall not be without funds,
although I know you intended them for more frivolous purposes. Thank you again
for everything. Please, of your goodness, take care of my dog till I return. .
. .
There were two
things—three—that I didn't tell him. I had spent a few coins in kitting myself
out in boy's clothes: braies and tunic, stockings and boots. Also, I had cut my
hair short. At first I had been horrified at the result, for now my hair sprang
up round my head in a riot of curls, but I soon became used to the extra
lightness, and it would be much more convenient. I had taken the discarded
tresses with me, for there was always a call for hair to make false pieces and
they might be worth a meal or two.
Another thing he
wouldn't know was that I had copied his maps showing the trade routes, and the
last way I had taken advantage was to use his seal and forge his signature to a
letter of introduction to one of his caravan masters, the same one who had engaged
young Dickon. Having memorized, unconsciously at the time, the schedules of the
routes, I now knew I had a couple of days more to make the twenty miles or so
to the first rendezvous. And now here came trouble on four legs just to
complicate matters. . . .
"I locked you in
deliberately to stop you following! You can't come with me! I'm not even sure
where I'm going. . . ."
"Why can't I come?
S'all very well tellin' the servants as you're goin' visitin', but I ain't
stupid! They tried to keep me in, as you ordered, but I jumped out a window, I
did. You ain't goin' nowheres without me. You knows you ain't fit to be let out
on your own. Din' I get us to that fellow's house?"
I admitted he had.
"Well, then!
There's gratitude for you. . . . I don' care where you're goin', I'm comin'
too. Try an' stop me."
"I thought all you
wanted was a comfortable home. Matthew would take good care of you. And all
that lovely food . . ."
"I can change me
mind, can't I? You have. Don' know what you wants do you? Well, then . . .
Where we goin'?"
I gave up. "To
sleep, right now. In the morning . . . east."
"Where the little
fluffy-bum bitches come from? Cor, worth a walk of a hundred miles or so . .
Nearer thousands, I
thought, as I lay down again. It was a daunting prospect, thought of like that.
But otherwise how could my mind and body ever be rid of the ache, the
questioning, the unknown, engendered on that never-to-be-forgotten night when
my world had turned upside down?
Growch had been wrong
there: I did know what I wanted.
Somewhere a dragon was
waiting. . . .
Master of Many Treasures
It was a difficult
Once in the air he had
thought the flight would be easy; after all, he would be flying higher than all
but the largest raptors. The thermals, currents of air, clouds, and winds
provided his highways, hills and vales, and the skyscape freed him from the
pedestrian pace of those on the earth beneath. In that other skin he had once
worn ten or fifteen miles a day had been enough, but now he could easily manage
a hundred in one stint, though he usually cut this by half. After all, there
was no hurry.
No problems with the
route, either. Like all of his kind the ways of the air were etched into his
brain as a birthright, a primitive race memory he shared with birds, fishes and
some of the foraging mammals.
At first the wind aided
him on his way and the sun shone kindly at dawning and dusk, for he preferred
to return to land during the day for food and rest, ready for the guidance of
the stars at night. The sleeping earth rolled away beneath his claws, and his
reptilian hide adapted to the cold better than he had expected, not slowing him
down with his reduced heartbeat as he had feared.
Rivers glinted in
serpentine curves beneath the moon, hills reared jagged teeth, tiny pinpoints
of light showed where those wealthy enough burned candles and tapers in castle
or church, and he grew complacent, so much so that when the Change came, he
wasn't ready for it.
It was that comfortable
time between moondown and sunrise and he was cruising at about a thousand feet,
ready to do a long glide down in search of breakfast, when he suddenly became
aware that something was terribly wrong. Although his wings were beating at the
same rate, he was losing height rapidly and feeling increasingly cold.
Glancing from side to
side, he was horrified to see that his wings were almost transparent, were
shrinking; his heartbeats were quickening, his legs stretching in an agony of
tendons and muscles, his clawed forefeet turning into . . . hands?
Then he remembered.
She had kissed him, not
once but three times, and so as part of those accepted Laws—Laws that until now
he had dismissed as mere myth, though he had jokingly told her of them as
truth—he would now have to spend part of his life as a human, earthbound as any
All right, all right, so
he was going to be a man for a minute, two, five, but why no sort of warning?
He was falling faster and faster, but all he could think about was there should
be some way of delaying the Change, or of controlling it—
He landed plump in the
middle of a village rubbish dump, all the breath knocked out of him but
otherwise unhurt. For a moment he lay dazed and winded, then the stench was
enough to make him stumble to his feet and stagger drunkenly down the main (and
only) street, shedding leaves, stalks, bones and worse. Halfway down he
realized he was not alone.
A small boy, perhaps
five years old, clad only in a tattered shirt, was watching him with solemn
brown eyes in the growing dawnlight. By his side was a smaller child, perhaps
his two- or three-year-old sister, in a smock far too short for her, thumb
stuck firmly in her mouth.
He thrust his hands out
in a useless gesture of friendship. "Sorry, children: didn't mean to scare
you. Just passing through. . . ."
Fiercely he concentrated
on his real self—though what was real anymore?—and to his relief he began the
awkward pain of changing back. In the midst of his discomfort he became aware
of the children still watching him, their eyes growing rounder and rounder with
amazement, and the humor of the situation struck him even as he took a running
leap into the air, as clumsy as any heavy water fowl.
"Good-bye," he
called, but it sounded just like the rumble of thunder, and he could see now
the terrified children beneath him rush for the nearest hut and safety. Never
mind, they would have a tale to tell that would keep the village buzzing for
After that the weather
became more hostile, and not only was he battling against his
"changes," which took time to recognize and regularize, but also
strong easterlies, snow, and sleet, so it was well after the turn of the year
before he saw in the distance his objective, four thousand miles from the Place
of Stones of his transformation: a small conical hill set proud on a plain, a
hill that shone softly blue against the encircling mountains. . . .
Part One
Chapter One
Venice stank. For the
loveliest city in the world (so I had been told), center of Western trade,
Queen of the Adriatic, she certainly needed a bath. One would have thought with
all that water around the smells would have been washed away, but the reverse
was true: it made it worse. The waters in the canals were moved only by the
water traffic, which stirred but did not dissipate, and all the slops and
garbage merely settled a few feet further on.
The city was certainly
busy with trade and teeming with merchants and dripping with gold, but she was
only beautiful at a discreet distance. Pinch one's nose and one could admire
the tall towers, fine buildings, richly dressed gentry; one could feel the
sun-warmed stone, listen to the sweet dissonance of bells and the calls of the
gondoliers; watch the bustle at the quays as the laden barques and caravels
were rowed in the last few yards . . . but keep one's nostrils closed.
I moved restlessly from
bed to window and back again: three paces and then another three. It was hot
and stuffy in this little attic room, but when I had opened the window some
time back the stench had made me gag, so it stayed shuttered. Consequently it
was not only stifling but also dark: I had trodden on my dog twice, but
couldn't keep still.
Mind you, I was lucky to
have a room to myself. Apart from Master Adolpho, the trading captain, all the
others—horse master, interpreter, accountant, guards, cooks and servants—had to
share. And why was I so privileged? Because I bore papers that proved I was
under the personal protection of the wealthy merchant who had financed the
expedition, Master Matthew Spicer.
And I was the only one
who knew the papers were forged. By me.
I had a couple of other
secrets, too, and secrets they must remain, else this whole journey would be
jeopardized, and that mustn't happen. I had left too much behind, risked too
much, hurt too many people to fail now. This was the most important journey of
my life, and to justify what I had done, it must succeed.
A bad conscience and a
real fear of pursuit had kept me glancing over my shoulder during our
journeying the last couple of months, but at least then we had been moving,
whereas for the last two weeks we had been stuck in this stinking city. No
wonder I couldn't keep still. I—
Feet on the stairs, a
thumping on the ill-fitting door.
"Hey, boy! Wake up
there. . . . Cargo's in, we're going down to the quay. Coming?"
Action at last! Telling
my dog, Growch, to "stay," I jammed my cap on my head, grabbed my
tally sticks and clattered down three flights of wooden stairs to the street
below. Outside it was scarcely less hot than my room, but at least there was
shade and a faint breeze off the sea. Master Alphonso, the interpreter, and
half a dozen others were milling around, but as soon as I appeared we set off for
the quay, through the twists and turns of narrow streets, across the elegant
curves of bridges, through the busy thoroughfares, all the while having to
contend with the purposeful and the loiterers; carts, wagons, riders,
pedestrians, children, dogs and cats impeded our progress. Watch out for the
overhead slops—forbidden, but who was to see?—and be careful not to trip over
that heap of rags, a sudden thin hand snatching at your sleeve for alms. Keep
your hand on your purse and your feet from skidding in the ordure. . . .
Matthew's ship was
already being unladen. Because of the press of the sea traffic she was anchored
some way out, rowing boats busy ferrying the cargo ashore. A couple of our
guards stood over the deepening piles of bales on the quayside, and our
accountant started setting out paper, pens and ink on his portable writing
desk, ready to itemize the cargo.
I tugged at Master
Alphonso's sleeve. "How soon before it is all unladen? When can we go
aboard? When do we sail?"
He twitched his sleeve away
impatiently. "How many times do you have to be told, boy? When all the
cargo is on dry land and checked by description against the captain's listings,
then it is taken to a warehouse, opened and itemized, piece by piece. Then, and
only then, will it be distributed as Master Spicer wishes. In the meantime the
ship will take on a fresh crew and fresh supplies, the new cargo will be listed
and loaded aboard. Then if the weather is fair, the ship sets sail. If not, it
waits. Satisfied? I shan't tell you again."
I nodded, but inside I
was in turmoil. Just how long would all this take? A week, at least . . . I
turned away, but he stopped me.
"Just where do you
think you're going? You may be Master Spicer's protegeй, but that doesn't mean
you skip out every time there's work to be done. You're here to learn the
business, that's what your papers say, so stop farting around and go help the
So I spent a long, hot
afternoon working my tally sticks at top speed against the accountant's vastly
superior abacus, then helped load the cargo for the warehouse. All my own
fault; when I had forged Matthew's signature on the carefully prepared papers,
I had represented myself as a privileged apprentice, to learn a merchant's
trade from the bottom up. This was obviously the bottom. Up till now I had been
a supernumerary; now it appeared I was about to earn my keep.
Snatching a meat pie and
a mug of watered wine from a stall, I followed the cargo to a warehouse on the
outskirts of the city. There the bales were off-loaded, recounted against the
existing lists and at last opened to check the contents.
This was the exciting
bit. Although Matthew was principally a spice merchant, and some eighty percent
of the cargo was just this—mainly pepper, cloves, nutmeg, and mace—he also
traded in whatever was out-of-the-way and unusual, sometimes to special order.
Thus the rich, black furs would be auctioned off in Venice, the jewelry
entrusted to another outlet; some rather phallic statues were a special order,
as were certain seeds of exotic plants. This left drawings and sketches of
strange animals, two curiously-shaped musical instruments, and several maps.
These last were earmarked for Matthew himself, together with a couple of rolls
of silk so fine it ran through one's fingers like water.
And who was in charge of
these sortings and decisions? A tall thin man with a hawk nose, conservatively
dressed, who Master Alphonso whispered to me was Matthew's agent in Venice,
responsible not only for distribution and collection of cargo, but also for
hiring and firing.
It happened that he and
I were the only ones left later: he because he was arranging for warehouse
guards, I because I was going back over one of my calculations which did not
tally. By now I was almost cross-eyed with fatigue, so was only too grateful
when the soft-spoken Signor Falcone came over and in a couple of minutes traced
my mistake and amended it.
"Only one error:
tenths are important, youngster. Still, well done." His fingers were long
and well manicured. "You are Master Summer, I believe?"
I nodded. Relief at
having finished without too much blame made my tongue careless and impudent.
"Matthew must have great trust in you. I wouldn't—" and I stopped,
blushing to the roots of my hair.
"Trust someone so
greatly without supervision? Of course you should not, unless you know him
well." He regarded me gravely. "But then, you see, I owe him and his
friend not only my livelihood, but my education. And also my life."
"Your life?"
He hesitated.
"I'm sorry," I
said. "I shouldn't be so inquisitive."
"No matter. At your
age I was the same." He hesitated again. "It is not a tale I recount
easily. Still . . ." His eyes were bright and dark as sloe berries. He
took a bundle of keys from his belt and, beckoning me to follow, locked up the
warehouse, nodded to a couple of armed men lounging nearby, and started back
towards the center of the city. "Come, we shall walk together. . . ."
It was a strange enough
tale, and I forgot my weariness as I listened.
"When I was eight
years old I was sold into slavery by a parent burdened by too many children. It
was in a country far from here, and I was pretty enough to be auctioned as a
bum-boy—you understand what I mean?—but I was lucky. A stranger stopped to
watch the bidding and among those who fancied me was an old enemy of the
stranger. So, to teach this man a lesson, the stranger bid for me too, and in
the course of time he won himself a boy he had no use for. The stranger's name
was Suleiman, on his way to visit his old friend Matthew Spicer—I see that
first name means something to you?"
I wasn't conscious of
having betrayed myself, but I nodded. "I met him while I was at Master
Spicer's." I didn't add that it was the gifted Suleiman whose doctoring
had saved the life of my blind knight, the man I had once fancied myself in
love with.
"Then you will know
that he is both wise and kind. He left me with his friend, to care for and
educate, to learn to read, write and calculate. There I also learned French,
Italian and Latin, for my own language was Arabic. At about the same age as
yourself I was sent abroad to learn the ways of trade, and after some years
Matthew appointed me his agent here. I have never regretted it, nor, I believe,
has he. His is a generous and trusting nature, and such a man's trust is not
easily abused. Nor should it be: remember that."
How could I not? For in
my own way I had betrayed his trust in worse ways than Signor Falcone could
We had reached the end
of the street where I lodged.
"Your journey
starts in a day or two. I do not think you have the slightest idea how far it
will take you, nor are you mentally prepared as you should be. About that I can
do little, but at least I can see you are physically ready. Do not forget you
will be representing Master Spicer, and you need a new outfit for that."
He fished in his purse and brought out a handful of coin. He saw my eyes widen
with surprise at the gold, and allowed himself a wry grimace. "Call this
the Special Fund. For emergencies—and youngsters who need smartening up. Choose
good materials, and something neat but not gaudy." He put a couple of
coins in my hand. "You will also need travelling gear: leather breeches
and jacket; a thick cloak; good, strong boots; riding gloves." Another
couple of coins in my hand. "It can be cold at nights where you are going,
so a woollen cap, underwear and hose." A last coin. "And a good,
sharp dagger. Go to Signor Ermani in the Via Orsini and say I sent you."
And he swung away across the square. "And get your hair cut! At the moment
you look like a girl!"
It was so late by now
that the pie shop around the corner was closing as I went past, but I managed
to grab some leftovers and broken pieces for my dog, who was almost crossing his
back legs in an effort not to relieve himself by the time I reached my room. So
pressured was he that he forwent his supper until he had christened every post
and arch within a considerable distance. I trailed after him without fear of
marauders, for he had a piercing bark, an aggressive manner, and extremely
sharp teeth.
And, after all, when one
has bitten a dragon and got away with it, what else has a dog to fear?
That evening, what was
left of it, I brought my journal up to date. This was Part Two of my life. Part
One was already finished the day I left Matthew's for the second time. It was a
bulky volume, bound with a wooden cover, and as I weighed it in my hands I
realized how much of an extra burden it would be to carry it any further. It
would be better to leave it with someone I could trust.
Part Two was far less
bulky. I had already devised a form of shortened words and wrote smaller, so
could justify taking it with me. Pen and inks would have to go with me as part
of my job, and a couple of extra rolls or so of vellum were neither here nor
Next morning I went out
in search of new clothes. Neat but not gaudy, Signor Falcone had said, but
although hose, breeches and boots were easy enough in shades of brown, the
jacket was an entirely different matter. Finding a good, plain one was
practically impossible. They all seemed to be embroidered with vine leaves,
pomegranates, artichokes, red and white flowers and even stars and moons, but
then Venice catered mainly to the rich and fickle. The materials, too—silks and
satins—were too fine for prolonged wear, but at least after a search I tracked
down a fawn-colored jerkin with the minimum of decoration, and a green surcoat
of fine wool, without the usual scallops, fringes and frills.
The afternoon I spent in
mending my existing hose and underwear, a chore I detested, but just as I had
decided it was candle time, there was a rush of feet on the stair and a
hammering at the door.
"Master Summer? You
"Yes . . ." I
was practically naked, so the door stayed shut.
"Master Alphonso
says you're to be ready at dawn."
"So soon?"
"Outbreak of plague
reported in the south. Report to the quayside at first light." The feet
stumbled back down the stairs.
Plague? Perhaps the
greatest fear man had, far more threatening than battle or siege. Against a
human enemy there were weapons, but the plague recognized no armies
but—deadlier than sword, spear or arrowhead, unseen, unheard, unfelt—could
decimate the largest army in the world within days. Either great pustules broke
out on the skin and the victim died screaming, else it was the drowning
sickness, when the chest filled with phlegm and a choking death came in less
than a day—
I shivered in spite of
the heat, fear closing my throat and opening my pores. No time to waste. I must
call down for water to wash in, then collect my cloak from the laundry down the
road. Once my father's, then my mother's, it was practically indestructible,
being of a particularly fine and thick weave, though light and soft, with a
deep hood. Much mended and much worn, it was nevertheless better than many new
ones I had seen, but I had thought to have the mire and mud of the journey to
Venice dispersed by a good soak.
So, that to collect, a
good scrub for myself—and the dog, if possible—then everything to be packed as
tight as could be. Something to eat, and lastly a safe place to leave Part One
of my journal.
I hurried as well as I
could, but the last streaks of gold and crimson were staining the skies to the
west when I knocked at Signor Falcone's door, praying that he had not gone out
to dine.
I was shown by a
liveried servant to an upstairs room and gasped in wonder at the fine
furniture, glowing tapestries, delicate glass and silken drapes. My host smiled
at my expression.
"Without Suleiman
and Matthew a mere slave could never have afforded all this. . . . What do you
want of me, youngster?"
I started to explain
about the plague and our early departure, but he cut me short.
"I know all this. We
have worked throughout the day to get everything loaded and ready. What is that
package under your arm?"
Straight to the point,
Signor Falcone! I had rehearsed my story on the way.
"It contains a
journal I have been keeping. Before I—before Master Spicer sponsored me I had
some amusing adventures, which I have written down plain. If—if anything should
happen to me on my travels I should wish Master Spicer to have it. A sort of
thanks . . . It might also explain some of my actions more clearly." I was
floundering, and I knew it. "Besides, it is too heavy to carry.
"So, if anything
should happen to you on the way—Allah forbid!—this is to be forwarded to
Matthew? Otherwise I hold it until your return; is that it? Very well. The
package if you please." Going over to his ornate desk he extracted sealing
wax and, rolling the stick in a candle flame, dropped the pungent-smelling
stuff onto the knots in my package. He motioned to quill and ink. "Write
Master Spicer's name there clearly. So. Now come with me."
Taking up a candle I
followed him down a short passage into a small locked back room, windowless,
full of shelves and nose-tickly with dust. Boxes, scrolls, books, small
paintings and other packages lined the shelves, all neatly labelled. He placed
my parcel high up on the nearest shelf.
"There, it will be
safe till you return. And, should anything happen to me, my servants' orders
are to forward everything in here to the name on the label. And now, if there
is nothing else you wish to tell me, I think I shall take to my bed, and I
would advise you to do the same." Ushering me downstairs, he opened the
door on a night of stars, with a thin veil of mist creeping up from the east.
"Hmmm. Don't like the look of the weather."
"There's no moon,
no land breeze either, but the sky is clear enough."
"Exactly. Moon
change and a sea mist. Still . . . off you go, sleep well." He turned to
re-enter, then turned back. "I thought I told you to get your hair
Dear Lord, I had
completely forgotten! Surely it would be too late at night now. Taverns,
brothels, gaming houses, eating places would be open for business, but barbers
. . . Collecting Growch from some odorous rubbish bin, I set out to look.
I was lucky, although it
looked very expensive.
A gilded sign above the
door hung motionless, announcing to those who could read that Signor Leporello
was hairdresser and barber to the greatest in the land. On the door was tacked
a list of prices; a trim didn't look too expensive. Telling Growch to wait, I
lifted the latch and peered within. A little bell on a string gave a melodious
"Hallo? Anyone
there?" A couple of candles burned on a side table, otherwise the room was
empty. I called again.
A moment's pause, then a
bead curtain swung back and a creature teeter-tottered forward on those ghastly
wooden-platformed shoes that the fashionable all seemed to be wearing these
days. This man—if it was a man—had mismatched hose, red and blue, slashed
sleeves and a surcoat flapping with pink and gold embroidery. Topping it all
off was a huge green turban with a large purple stone set in the center.
Probably real, which made it all worse. Gaudy, but not neat . . .
A waft of oil of
violets, the glint of rings as he lit a couple more candles. "And what
have we here? A late customer, I do believe. Come in dear boy, come in! A shave
perhaps? No, not a shave, definitely not. A trim? Yes, a trim I think. A trim
and a wash. Pretty hair like yours should always be clean and dust-free. . .
"Pretty hair?"
I squeaked. This was obviously the sort of place and proprietor young boys were
warned about. "I'm sorry, there is some mistake: I have no money,
"Nonsense! You need
a trim and I am in a good mood. Come, it shall be on the house," and
before I knew what was happening he had plonked me down on a tall stool, and
swiftly plucked a few hairs from my head, holding them to the candlelight.
"See these? All different colors. Two shades of red, two of brown, blonde
and black." It was true. "All together they are individually
responsive to light and shade, like those clear eyes of yours. Now, bend over
that basin and we'll begin!"
If there was to be a
dangerous moment, this would be it, but my worries soon vanished as he washed,
rinsed, rubbed, combed, brushed and clipped. At last he brought me a mirror,
and even with its uncertain depths and the flicker of candles I was gazing at a
different me. Gone was the tangle of jagged ends and unruly curls. The hair was
layered and waved neatly to my head—
"Is he someone I
would know? How long ago did you run away from your family—or the convent,
perhaps? Come, I've seen all this before, many times. A young girl imprisoned
against the unsuitability of her beloved, dresses as a boy, runs away to find him.
. . ."
"A—girl!" I
stammered, and I must have been as red as fire.
"Why, yes! Oh
come!" and he leant forward and lightly brushed his fingers across my
chest. "I have been leaning over you for near an hour . . . I happen to
have some stretch webbing that will hide those breasts much more discreetly,
young lady, and only a silver piece a yard. . . ."
Chapter Two
The morning was gray,
dull, misty, chill. A sulky red sun lurked behind the mist and I was shivering,
both from cold and anticipation. Strange to think the Shortest Day was but a
week past: it felt more like November.
Dirty water slap-slapped
against the piles of the Piazetta as the rowboats came and went, ferrying the
last of the cargo aboard. Behind us the square was deserted, or so I thought,
but at the last moment a figure came scurrying across carrying a tray of
freshly baked rolls and pasties. They were delicious, the meat sending little
pipes of steam into the air from the crumbling pastry. The baker was an
enterprising fellow baking so early—but then his prices were enterprising too,
as I discovered after Growch and I had burnt our tongues.
"Feel better?"
asked a familiar voice. I turned to see Signor Falcone, well wrapped against
the cold.
"Well try and keep
it down. I still don't like the look of the weather; red sky at morning,
sailor's warning . . . Still you're safer away from the plague, and the captain
has done this run many times."
"Aren't you afraid
of catching the sickness?"
He smiled. "It is
as Allah wills. If it comes too close I have a small villa in the hills to the
north. I usually spend August there anyway: it is pleasantly cool, and Matthew
curtails his trade during the hottest months. In fact, the stuffs now in the
warehouse are the last but one Master Alphonso will escort back till
I glanced over to where
the trade captain was talking to his accountant. "But—but I thought they
were coming with us. . . . With me." I should be alone, no one to ask
questions of, to depend on. A little fist of panic curled up in my stomach, and
I could taste the pasties a second time around.
Falcone patted my
shoulder. "Stop worrying. Master Scipio takes over on the other side, and
he is a competent man, one of the best. You'll be safe enough with him.
Matthew's papers and listings are on board, and mention has been made of you. .
. . Have I said how much better you look with your hair cut?" He smiled.
"Now, I must bid you farewell, but first I have a commission to
execute." He pulled a small, tightly wrapped package from an inner pocket.
"This arrived some time back, but I had to be sure it was going to the
right person."
I took the package and
turned it over. No name, no superscription. "Who's it from? How do you
know it's for me?"
"The sender is a
mutual friend. And how do I know it is for you? Just answer me one question:
what is the name of your dog?"
"My dog?
Why, Growch . . ."
"Exactly! That was
the password, just in case I was not convinced by my own observations. You make
a handsome enough lad, but I'm sure the woman underneath is even more
attractive." He laughed a little at my stricken face. "Your secret is
safe. Our—friend—believes he knows the purpose of your journey and its
destination. You are a brave lass: may Allah be with you. Now go: you don't
want to miss the boat."
As the rowers pulled
away from the quay, my mind was in turmoil. Disguising myself as a boy had
seemed a good idea at the time, but in less than twenty-four hours two men had
discovered at least one of my secrets. Did anyone else suspect? I felt as
though my face was burning as I tried to flatten my chest, pull my long legs in
under my surcoat.
Of course even twelve
months ago it would have been impossible to think of posing as a boy. At that
time I had still been decidedly plump, decidedly female. It had been that last,
impossible journey back to the haven of Matthew's home that had fined me down
to the weight I now carried, that and the pain of losing the one love I could
never replace, the love I had found too late by the Place of Stones. . . .
I had tried, of course I
had, to be satisfied with a substitute, but even the kindest of men—and Matthew
was certainly that—could not compensate for that searing moment when I
discovered what true love really meant.
And that was why I was
here, in this rackety little rowboat, heading for—for what? Even I wasn't sure.
All I knew was that somehow I must find my love again, see him just once more,
for the touch that had fired my blood with an indescribable hunger could never
be satisfied by another.
Perhaps I would never
find him, perhaps if I did he would spurn me, or be so changed I would matter
less than a leaf on a tree but at least I had to try! Nothing else in
the world mattered.
The rowboat bumped
against the towering hull above, a rope ladder dangling just out of reach. Only
the most agile of monkeys could have scaled that, what with the overhang and
the sluggish dip and sway of the ship, but luckily there was one more bale to
be hauled up by hand, and Growch and I went the undignified way, bumped and
banged against the ship's sides on what felt like a bed of nails.
If I had expected a
fanfare of trumpets to greet me once on board I was to be disappointed. In fact
no one took the slightest notice of us at all. We were tipped unceremoniously
off the bale, which was then lashed to others on the deck. The whole ship was
boiling with activity, and gradually we were pushed into an obscure corner as
sailors scurried around getting us ready for sea. Up came the anchor, down came
the sails, two men unlashed the tiller and swung it across, and everyone seemed
to be shouting commands and countercommands. What with that and the creak of
chain, snap of sail, hiss of rope and scream of the gulls overhead, I doubt if
anyone would have noticed if I had set fire to myself.
But all this frantic
activity didn't seem to be getting us anywhere at all. The ship wallowed
uneasily from side to side, the sails flapped listlessly, everything creaked,
but we weren't moving. After half an hour or so, a flag was run up on the
forward mast, and eventually a rowing barge came astern, took a line and
ponderously towed us, tail first, outside of the shipping roads and into clear
Peering over the side, I
could see how, even here, the contamination of the city behind us reached its
dirty fingers into the main. The water was still brown and scummy and I could
see flotsam from the sewers float past, plus a broken packing case and the
bloated carcass of a goat. I glanced back at the city and now, at last, she
resembled the lady I had heard about. She looked to float well above the water,
the pale sun gilding her towers and cupolas till she seemed crowned like any
The sails above me
filled at last, the tiller was pushed over to starboard, and at first slowly,
then with gathering speed, we headed northeast into the open sea. Immediately I
had to grab at the side to keep myself from slipping: it was probably only a cant
of a foot or so, but it was most disconcerting for me and worse for Growch, for
his claws slipped and he slithered straight into the scuppers. We would have to
find a place to call our own.
The ship was quieter
now, although everyone seemed to have a job to do: trimming sails, coiling
rope, swilling down the deck, and I could see an extremely large lady was
shaking out bedding and punching energetically at what seemed to be a feather
mattress. Probably the captain's wife: I had heard they often accompanied their
husbands to sea. I had correctly identified the captain as the man who shouted
the loudest and longest, and decided now was the time to introduce myself. He
was a self-important looking man, stout and short, with a bristling beard and
lots of hair in his ears. He stared at me as I approached.
"Who's this,
I introduced myself, but
had to explain who and what I was before his brow cleared and he nodded his
head. Yes, yes, he'd heard I was coming aboard, but it had slipped his mind,
and now he was too busy to deal with me personally. I would have to see the
mate, find myself quarters, settle myself in. And keep that blasted dog from
under everyone's feet. . . .
The mate, when I found
him, had even less time for me. I was handed over to one of the crew, who
showed me round in a desultory manner, and had me peering down the
bilges—sick-making—and trying to climb in and out of a string bag he called a
hammock; needless to say I fell out either one side or the other immediately.
Apparently all the crew slept in these because a) they took up little space and
b) they always stayed level, however the ship swayed. I went down into the
hold, where everything was stacked away neatly, and into the galley, where it
wasn't. Pots and pans, jugs, bottles, a side of ham, bags of flour, jars of
oil, dried beans, strings of onions and garlic, sultanas and raisins, boxes of
eggs, all hugger-mugger on shelves and floor. Outside, a couple of barrels
rolled from side to side, and a couple of crates of scrawny chickens were
stacked next to a bleating nanny goat. The cook was snoring it off in a corner.
But where was I to
sleep? There were eighteen crew, split into three watches, so that at any one
time there would be six on duty, six asleep and six relaxing, and I wasn't going
to fall out of hammocks all day and night. Besides, there was no locker in
which to stow my gear. I asked if there was any other space, but apparently
not. The captain and his wife had quarters aft, the mate a tiny cubicle next to
the rope locker and the cook slept in the galley.
The sailor had one
useful suggestion. I could either doss down in the hold, although the hatchway
was normally battened down, or find myself a niche topside, among the deck
I didn't fancy being
shut away, so I inspected the bales on deck and, sure enough, they were so
stacked that there was a cozy sort of cave to one side, which I thought would
do. Even with my gear dragged in as well, there was room to lie down or sit up
quite comfortably, and the smell of tarred string and sea salt was far
pleasanter than bilge water.
I had about got myself
settled down when bells rang for noon and food. I never quite got the hang of
those bells; I knew they signalled change of watches, time passing, but the
number of chimes never seemed to fit the hours, striking as they did in
By the time I had
unpacked my wooden bowl and horn mug I was almost too late; there was only a
scrape of gristly stew left and a heel of yesterday's bread, plus some watered
wine, but I wasn't particularly hungry so Growch benefitted. The bread and wine
sloshed around uncomfortably in my stomach, for the ship was definitely rolling
more heavily now. Before long, too, there came the pressing need to relieve
myself. I had watched at first with embarrassment, then in increasing awareness
of my own problems, as the crew relieved themselves when necessary over the
side, and had seen the captain's wife empty a couple of chamber pots the same
way. I couldn't do the first and hadn't got the second. Then I remembered there
were some buckets and line in the rope locker. I pinched the smallest of the
former and fastened it to a length of rope long enough to drop over the side
and rinse in the seawater as I had seen the crew do when they needed water for
swilling anything down.
Temporarily more
comfortable, I slid my knife under the seals and string of the packet Signor
Falcone had given me and drew out a letter. I might have known: it was from
"I believe this
will reach you before you sail. Do not fear pursuit for there will be none.
Matthew was most distressed to find you gone, and hopes for your return, but I
know better, I think. Something changed you before you came back to us; I have
seen that restless hunger in other eyes. So, go find your dragon-man—yes, you
talked a great deal in your delirium, but I was the one who nursed you, so it
is our secret. In case you did not copy all the right maps before you left, I
enclose one that is the farthest east that I have.
"Use the gold
wisely: you will need as much as you can, the way you go. May all the gods be
with you, and may you find your dream."
There were tears in my
eyes as I unfolded the map and found the gold coins he had enclosed. His
understanding touched me deeply.
Sitting back I recalled
the time Suleiman had taken the handful of coins my father had left me and
arranged them across a map of the trade routes, showing how each one—copper,
silver or gold—led inexorably towards the east and the unknown, the very way a
certain dragon had gone, that night when he had left the Place of Stones—
And me.
Towards evening the
weather steadily worsened. The wind blew in gusts, first from one quarter, then
another, the lulls leaving the ship rolling uneasily on an increasingly oily
swell. Dusk came down early, showing the thinnest crescent moon slicing in and
out of the clouds; the cheese I had for supper was causing me great discomfort.
At last it and I just had to part company, and I rushed for the rail, only to
be jerked back at the last moment by the brawny arm of the mate.
"No puking into the
wind!" he hissed. "Else you'll spend all night swilling down both the
decks and yourself!"
I made it to leeward
just in time, and spent the rest of that miserable night rushing back and forth
to the rail. Sometime in the small hours all hands were called to shorten sail,
and now I was pushed and cursed at and stumbled over, until in the end someone
tied a rope around my waist and wrapped the other end round the after mast,
leaving just enough room and no more for me to move between the rail and my
improvised quarters.
In the end there was
nothing more to come up and I curled up miserably in my cloak, dry-retching
every now and again, a sympathetic Growch curled against my hip. In the morning
I was no better; I staggered along the now alarmingly tilted deck to fetch
food—cheese once more—but it was for my dog. I took a sip or two of wine, but
up it came again, and as I was leaning over the rail a huge wave came aboard,
near dragging me away back with it, and soaking me to the skin.
Somehow I just couldn't
get dry again; rain came lashing down, and the ship was running bare-masted
before a wind that had decided to blow us as far off course as possible. The
whole vessel creaked and groaned under the onslaught of the waves, and it took
three men to hold the ship steady, the tiller threatening to wrest itself from
their grasp. I lay half in, half out of my shelter, too weak now to move either
way, conscious of Growch's urgent bark in my ears, but lost in a lethargy of
cold and darkness of soul and body. Soaked by the rain, tossed to and fro by
the motion of the ship, stomach, ribs and shoulders sore and aching, I slipped
into a sort of unconsciousness, aware only that I was probably dying. And the
worst of it was, I didn't care, even though the ring on my finger was stabbing
like a needle.
Suddenly an extra lurch
of the ship rolled me right into the scuppers. This is it, I thought. Good-bye
world. I'm sorry—
Someone grabbed me by
the scruff of my neck, hauled me to my feet and shook me like the drowned rat I
so nearly was. A couple of discarded chamber pots skittered past my feet and a
voice boomed in my ears in a language I couldn't understand. I shook my head
helplessly, muttered something in my own tongue and tried to be sick again.
"Ah, it is so? You
come with me . . ." and I was tossed over a brawny shoulder and carried
off in a crabwise slant across the deck. A foot shoved hard, a door crashed
open and I was spilled onto the floor of a room full of fug, wildly dancing lantern
light and blessed warmth.
Dimly I realized that
the stout boots and swishing skirts that now stood over me were those of the
captain's lady, and that it was her strong arms and broad shoulders that had
brought me to the haven of their quarters. Squinting a little through the salt
water that still stung my eyes, I saw the captain and mate seated at a center
table screwed to the floor, studying what looked to be maps. They had obviously
been discussing how far we had been blown off course, but the captain's wife wasn't
I was hauled to my feet
"What is this poor
boy doing out there? Who is he? Where he come from?" She was speaking my
language, although with a strong guttural accent.
The captain rose to his
feet. "Ah—an apprentice, my dear, to be delivered to Master Scipio—"
"Then what he do
dying out there in storm? No good to deliver dead boy! What you thinking? Get
out, both of you! I take charge now—"
"But my dear, we
were just—"
"Out! This is now
sick bay. Find elsewhere. I take care now. You go sail ship, storm slack
There was a scuffle of
feet, a door opened to let in a gust of tempest, shriek of wind. "And you
find chamber pots and bring back clean. . . ." The door shut.
I was picked up again,
more gently this time, and placed on a bunk in the corner. A large hand felt my
forehead, brushed the salt-sticky hair from my brow.
"There, poor boy!
You stay still and Helga will care for you, make you well again. Now, out of
those wet things and we give wash . . ." and fingers were at the
fastenings of my clothes.
I tried to sit up, to
protest, but my voice was gone, my hands too feeble to pull my jacket tight
across my chest.
"Now, boy, no
modestness! I have born and raised six strong boys, and know what bodies is
like! Lie still! Once I have . . . Ahhh!" There was a moment's pause.
"What do we have here, then?" Rapidly the rest of my clothes were
peeled off and I lay naked and exposed, in agonies of shame.
I think I expected
almost anything but what I got: a great roar of laughter.
"This is what you
call a joke, yes? I feel sorry for skinny lad, and what do I get? A young lady
instead . . ." But the voice wasn't unkind, and even as I tried to explain
in my cracked voice I was enveloped in a bone-breaking hug. "No talking,
that come later. We get you warm and dry first."
A knock at the door.
"You wait. . . ." Hastily she flung a blanket over me. "What is
Apparently the return of
the chamber pots. "Good. Now you fetch two buckets fresh water. Where are
your things?" to me. I whispered. "And boy's things in bales on deck.
He stay here. Hurry! What devil is this?"
"This" was
Growch, a small, wet, filthy bundle that hurled itself across the cabin and
onto my bunk, sitting on my chest and growling at everyone and everything,
teeth bared.
I found my voice.
"My dog. Very devoted. Please don't throw him out. He and I are alone in
the world." Weak tears filled my eyes.
"Poor little
orphans!" Another hug, for us both this time. "He can stay, but on
the floor. Is filthy!"
As usual.
The water arrived plus
my cloak and bundle. Ten minutes later I was in cold water, being scrubbed
clean, my dirty clothes were handed out for washing, and then I was rubbed warm
and dry, donned someone's clean shirt and drawers, and was thrust back into
bed. A moment later and Growch was in the tub as well, too shocked to protest,
and five minutes later he was shaking himself dry in a corner, thoroughly
Out went the dirty
water, in came food, a sort of broth and some real bread. I went green at the
thought of anything to eat, but the captain's wife insisted.
"If you going to be
sick, better you be sick with something to be sick on. Dip bread into soup,
suck juices, nibble bread. Count to ten tens—you can count?—then do again. And
again. Try . . ."
I did, and it worked.
After a few queasy moments I kept the first two pieces of bread down, and the
rest was easy. The last few pieces of bread and broth I indicated were for
A hammering on the door
again, and that loud-voiced martinet who strode the deck of his ship like a
small but determined Colossus and ruled his crew with the threat of a rope's
end, was heard asking his wife in the meekest way possible if he might have
some more maps?
"Take them and be
quick about it! Take also a blanket and your eating things. You will bunk with
the mate. Now, be off with you! I have work to do. . . ."
I suppose my mouth must
have been hanging open, because as he left she turned and winked at me.
"Never let them get away with nothing, my chick," she said comfortably.
"Out there—" she gestured to the sea, the storm, the tossing deck,
"—he is boss. In here, I am, and he don't forget it."
I looked around the
cabin. Comfortable, yes, but not luxurious. Not the sort of place one could
call home.
"Do you sail with
him all the time? I mean, haven't you got a place ashore? And aren't you ever
She laughed. "No,
yes, and yes. I sail when I want a change, go to new places. I have a home far
from here, near youngest son, not yet married. Afraid? Of course. But this not
bad storm, only little Levante who blow us off course forty-fifty mile. Rest of
voyage routine. My man know this: he only want maps to make him look
important." She bustled about, tidying the already tidy. "Now you get
some rest. Tell me all about yourself when you wake up." She held up one
of the chamber pots. "You or dog want pee-pee?"
I slept all through the
rest of that day and the night, and when I awoke at last the storm was off away
somewhere else, my sickness had gone, I was hungry for the first time in days
and all I had to do was concoct a romantic enough story to satisfy my indulgent
hostess. It wasn't too difficult: I remembered my beautiful blind knight,
invented parents who didn't understand my love, relived parts of my earlier
journeys, including a near rape, and finally sent my betrothed off on a
pilgrimage from which he had not yet returned, thus my escapade.
Tears of sympathy poured
from her eyes. She sighed, she sobbed as my tears—of hunger: where was my
breakfast?—mingled with hers.
"My dearest chick!
How often I wish for a daughter! Now my prayers will all be with you. . .
." She dried her eyes, glanced at me. "You are sure you are set on
this knight of yours? My youngest son, he is not the brightest boy in the
world, but . . ."
I was almost sorry to
disappoint her.
One fine evening we
sailed between two jaws of land into the mouth of a bay made bloodred by the
setting sun. Climbing the hill behind was a beautiful city, with gold cupolas,
pierced minarets, palaces and tree-lined streets. Even as we nudged in towards
the quay, lights appeared in windows, along streets, moving with carriages or
hand-held, until the whole city resembled a rosy hive alive with sparkling
Matthew's ships had a
permanently allotted landing stage, so we were rowed in and tied up right on
the quayside. Immediately aboard was the Master Scipio I was waiting to meet.
Of medium height, with a forked beard, he exuded authority. After a brief
courtesy to myself, he took Falcone's papers from the captain and started the
unloading with his own team, disregarding the swarm of itinerants who crowded the
quay touting for work.
The cargo was checked by
myself, now fully recovered, and Master Scipio's assistant, a dark man called
Justus, then it was borne away to a warehouse for storage. It was well into the
night by the time we finished and we ate where we stood, highly flavored meats
on skewers with a sort of pancake bread. At last we went back to the ship for
what remained of the night. It was strange to lie down and not be rocked from
side to side, and it took a while, tired as I was, to get to sleep.
Added to the lack of
motion there was the noise from ashore. Used as I was to the creaking of the
ship, the noise of wind and sea, my ears were now assailed by the sounds of
humanity at large, determined to wine and carouse the night away. The ship was
moored right up against the "entertainment" part of the harbor, and
the night was alive with singing, wailing and shouting, wheels, hooves, and
musical instruments. I learned later that the captain's wife had stood guard
for the rest of the night on the gangplank, armed with an ancient sword,
turning back not only those members of the crew who wished to creep ashore, but
also any enterprising whore who attempted to board.
Before we went ashore
finally she drew me aside and pressed a small packet into my hand.
"Is a
nothings," she said. "But pretty enough perhaps. You take it for
present. My husband he bring it back as gift when he sail alone. Say it come
from wise man down on his luck. . . ." She laughed. "Only truth is, I
get gift means he has another woman somewhere. Guilty conscience. Better you
have it for dowry," and she gave me another of her bear hugs, which almost
had my eyes popping out. "Take care, chick; I so hope you find your
On shore Master Scipio
was waiting with his second-in-command, half a dozen guards and a horse master.
After briefly introducing me, we went off for breakfast at a small tavern some
half-mile from the port. We ate a thick fish stew, more of the pancakelike
bread, olives, a bland cheese, and drank the local wine. A street and a half
further on were our lodgings; a three-story house in a narrow twisting alley,
that almost touched its neighbor across the street at roof level.
Our rooms were little
more than cubicles, overlooking a central courtyard where a small fountain
tinkled pleasantly amid vine-covered walls. I was lucky enough to have a small
space to myself: a clean pallet and a stool, and it was relatively cool.
Master Scipio spoke to
us from the stairs. "I have things to arrange. We shall meet again tonight
at the same tavern. To those of you who are new to the city, a word or two of
advice. Don't venture far and keep your hand on your purse. Don't get involved
in arguments on religion or over women, because I won't bail you out. Watch
both the food and the drink; if you are ill you are left behind. One last
thing: do not discuss our cargo or our destination."
"How long are we
here for?" asked one of the guards.
"We start out at
dawn tomorrow. Anyone not packed and ready will be left behind," and off
he clattered down the stairs. Not a gentle man, but at least one knew where one
was with him.
Two of the guards set
off almost immediately, to "see the sights," as they put it, but the
others lingered. Eventually one, a local man, went off to visit some relative
or other, and the others decided to go out sightseeing.
"You coming,
I would dearly have
loved to explore the city, but after last night's sleeplessness the pallet was
more inviting. I took off my jacket and lay back, promising myself a good wash
later. My eyes closed. . . .
At the foot of the
pallet Growch made a great to-do of hoofing out his ears and nipping busily for
"Can't you do that
on the floor?" I asked sleepily.
"More comfortable
up 'ere." He was quiet for a moment or two, and I began to drift off.
" 'Ow long you goin' to kip, then?"
"An hour or so.
"I'm 'ungry!"
"You're always
hungry. . . ."
"Can you remember
the last thing I ate? No, and neither can I."
"Just give me an
hour," I said between my teeth. "One hour . . ."
Chapter Three
Actually he let me sleep
for two and I woke gently and naturally, lying back in a luxury of lassitude. I
could hear him out on the landing, snapping at flies. He was quite good at it,
usually; having such short legs he tried to compensate in other ways, and
quickness of paw, mouth, and eye were three of them.
And of course it was
Growch who had alerted me to the other of my secrets: the power of the ring I
wore on my right hand. One could hardly guess it was there, I thought, lifting
my finger to gaze at it. As thin as a piece of skin it nestled on my middle
finger as if it were a part of it. I couldn't remove it, either. According to
what I had heard, the ring chose its wearer and stayed there, until either the
wearer had no further use for it or grew unworthy to wear it.
This latter must have
been what happened to my father, who had left the ring, some coins and his
cloak as the only legacies to my mother and myself. He had been hunted down and
killed on a false accusation before I had ever been born, but my mother—who was
the village whore and no worse for it either—had kept the few pieces he left as
mementos. She had worn the cloak I now possessed, had spent all the current
moneys he had left, but was unable to change the curious coins I inherited,
that had so fitted the maps Suleiman and I had studied. Coincidence perhaps,
but intuition told me my father had once come this way, too. A good omen.
As to the ring I had
slipped on my finger so thoughtlessly the night my mother died, it had been the
most magical thing in my life. According to Growch, the first creature I had
met after fleeing the village where I was born, it was a precious sliver of
horn from the head of a fabulous Unicorn, and as such enabled me to communicate
with other creatures and also, as I discovered later, warned of impending
I wondered what sin my
father had committed for it to leave his finger; my mother had not been able to
fit it to hers either, whereas it had slipped onto mine like bear grease and
stuck like glue.
I couldn't have managed
without it. Nor, I thought with a wry smile, would I have once encumbered
myself with not only a blind knight, but also a dog, Mistral the horse,
Traveler the pigeon, Basher the tortoise, and my beloved little pig. . . . No,
I mustn't think about the pig.
Be that as it may, the
ring had completely changed my life. My mother had had ambitions for me. With
the help of her "clients," I had been educated far beyond a village
girl's station. I could read, write, figure, cook, sew, carpenter, cure, fish,
hunt, brew, farm, spin and weave. She had plans for me to become the sort of
woman who could choose her own husband and take a place in society, but the
queer paradox had been that she couldn't bear to part with me, so had,
knowingly or not, fed me with sweet cakes and honeyed fruits until I was the
fattest, most unattractive girl in the province and no one would have me. I
hadn't realized it until after she died, and it took a while to become
reconciled to her duplicity, conscious or not.
But, as I said, the ring
had changed all that. By the time I had learned to communicate properly with
all the creatures I met and who needed my help, the original intent of seeking
the first husband I could find had disappeared under other considerations.
Not that understanding
the animals had been easy. Only one-tenth of animal speech is in sound—barks,
neighs, bleats, etc.—and another three-tenths are in body movement, position of
head, legs, ears, and feel of coat and fur. The other, and greater part, is
thought-talk. This last was the most difficult for me, even with the help of
the Unicorn's ring. Animals think in sorts of pictures, colored only by their
own thoughts and seen from their own angles, so a bird didn't send back the
same images as, say, a dog or a horse. Eventually, though, it became easier,
and Growch and I spoke to each other almost entirely by thought.
Dear dog: all he had
wanted in the beginning was a real home, a warm fire to curl up by in the
winter, regular food and a pat or two, but he had left all that behind to
follow me into an uncertain future. He had pretended that his real reason was
to find more of those "fluffy bum" bitches he had fallen for in our
earlier travels, pampered creatures from Cathay with legs as short as his and no
morals whatsoever, but I knew better. He had decided that his real role in life
was to keep an eye on me: he was convinced I couldn't manage on my own.
He trotted in now, one
ear up, one down, as usual.
"Awake now, are we?
'Ow's about some food, then?"
We assembled in a small
square behind our lodgings in shivering dawn. The sun would soon rise above the
rearing mountains, but now the sky was a pale greenish-blue, and the mist lay
knee-high in the streets. Breakfast was pancake bread and honey, and as the
church bells called out six and a muezzin sang from his tower, the convoy got
under way.
A string of heavily
laden mules, two wagons, eight mounted guards and horses for Master Scipio,
interpreter Justus, horse master Antonius and our guide, a skinny fellow called
Ibrahim. Nothing for me: Master Scipio explained that I either walked or
hitched a lift in one of the wagons.
"Do you good,
boy," he said robustly. "Half day walk, half ride. And you can
alternate the wagons. One driver doubles as the cook—you can give him a hand,
he'll teach you what foods are best for travelling. T'other wagon is driven by
the farrier: knows all there is to know about horses. Right?"
So we were off, all
yawning, for we had none of us had much sleep at the lodgings. The guards had
straggled back at all hours, full of the local wine and boasting of their
winnings and/or conquests.
I reached up to pull at
Master Scipio's sleeve.
"Where are we
"For the trading
town of Kьm."
"How long will it
"Over the trails we
follow, four or five days."
So long! Now that we
were finally on our way proper I was eager to complete my journey east as fast
as I could. It seemed I would have to be patient.
Our way lay to the
northeast, and once we left the city behind the travelling was frustratingly
slow. We twisted and turned along trails that followed the lowest contours of
the land; the tracks had been there for time immemorial, the easiest for man
and beast, and for the most part were within easy reach of water, but were also
rutted and broken by the years of travel.
At first the surrounding
countryside was relatively well wooded and we were hemmed by low hills, but the
farther we travelled the wilder became the terrain. The hills grew higher and
crowded closer, the trees gave way to low scrub and the sun burned us in the
breezeless valleys. It was cooler at night, but we always built a fire, both to
cook the evening meal and to deter any wild animal; every evening we heard
mountain dogs howling at the moon, sometimes near, sometimes far.
We had brought our own
provisions with us, to avoid paying high prices in the small villages we passed
through, and this proved our undoing.
On the third night the
cook prepared a stew, and in order to disguise the (by now) high smell and
taste of the meat, threw some very pungent herbs and spices into the pot. I
watched him take various packets from his pockets, but after asking the names
of a few, all unknown to me, I lost interest; besides, he said my watching him
made him feel nervous. He was a taciturn man at best, and poor company if I
rode in his wagon. He wasn't a very good cook, either.
I took a portion of the
stew over to Growch and sat down beside him to eat mine, but two very
disconcerting things happened. One, my precious ring gave a little warning
stab, and two, Growch took one sniff and flatly refused to eat any.
Now, my dog doesn't
refuse food. Ever. He can devour stuff that turns my stomach even to look at.
"What's the matter?
It smells all right. A little spicy, perhaps, but you've eaten worse." I
lifted my spoon to my mouth but his tail got in the way, and at the same time
my ring prickled again.
"Don' touch it!
S'not good to eat. Don' know why, but somethin' in there ain't right."
"Are you suggesting
it's poisoned?" I tried to laugh it off. I was hungry.
"Not poison. Told
you, don' know what's wrong; all I know is, I'm not havin' any, and you
shouldn' neither."
The ring stabbed again.
"All right," I said crossly, as much to it as to Growch. "Cheese
and dates."
"Skip the dates. .
. ."
As I went to return our
untouched food to the stew pot, I noticed others doing the same. Not all, by
any means. About half the men were eating heartily, others were just picking.
If I had needed any confirmation that it wasn't entirely palatable, I would
have had it in the fact that the cook himself wasn't eating his own food: he
had just handed the guide Ibrahim a plate of dried fruit and cut himself a heel
of cheese, although he scowled when I asked for the same.
It wasn't until we had
been on the road for a couple of hours the next day that the wisdom of avoiding
the stew became apparent. One by one men groaned, clutched their stomachs and
disappeared into the brush to be violently ill. By noon about half were
incapacitated, unable to ride, and had to be hauled up onto the wagons, their
horses tied behind.
Master Scipio called me
over, his face gray and sweating.
"Here, boy: take my
horse. I'm going to rest for a while," and off he disappeared into the
bushes, to reemerge some moments later to help me up on the horse and then
climb himself onto the nearest wagon.
At first it was just
fine to be riding up so high, feeling well and fit while all around were
groaning and moaning, but Growch was grumbling that he was wearing his legs
down to their stumps trying to keep up with me as I rode from one end of the
line to the other, as Master Scipio did, and after a while the high wooden
saddle began to chafe and the bottom of my spine felt bruised. I checked up and
down once more: half the mule drivers and half the guards were riding the
wagons and the guide, Ibrahim, was driving the farrier's cart.
I brought the horse to
an amble beside Master Scipio.
"Like to ride
again? Or shall we halt and have a rest, water the horses?"
He looked better, but
not much.
"Not yet. We won't
stop, because if we do we'll never get going again. Keep riding; there's a good
camping place a few miles further on. We'll stop there overnight."
The trouble was, we had
had to travel so slowly with the overladen wagons that we had made very little
progress by the time the sun slid behind the hills and the valley we travelled
became gloomy and full of shadows. Once again I implored Master Scipio to take
to his horse but once again he refused.
"A mile or so more,
that's all, then we can rest, I promise. Ride up to the head of the line and
see if you can hurry up those mules. . . ."
I was so sorry for
myself and my saddle sores as I rode to the front, noting the weariness of the
animals as they plodded on, heads hanging, puffing and blowing, that it wasn't
for a moment or two that the growing noise behind me made any sense. It seemed
that the hubbub and the prickling of my ring coincided, which meant danger, so
I wheeled the horse as quickly as I could (not easy because the track had
narrowed to a defile) and pushed him back towards the wagons and Master Scipio.
Our whole caravan
stretched back now over a quarter-mile or thereabouts, because of the growing
dusk, general weariness, lack of Scipio's incisive leadership and, most of all,
the narrowness of the trail. As I kicked my reluctant jade to a faster pace,
Growch panting at our heels, the noise—shouts, yells, neighing of horses, clash
of swords—made no sense, until I rounded a curve and saw the horde of ragged
men armed with spears, swords, clubs, and knives that were creeping out of the
bush and attacking the wagons.
My heart gave a thump
of terror, and the hand that fumbled at my belt for the dagger I kept there was
slick with the sweat of fear. My horse had caught the scent of blood and reared
suddenly, so that I lost the reins and had to hang on to his mane with both
hands as he turned away from the battle. I tried my damnedest to pull his head
round, find the reins again, but all of a sudden a figure leapt from the
undergrowth, a knife between his teeth, a spear in his hand.
The ring was burning on
my finger but I could do nothing but freeze in horror as the spear was lifted
in my direction and the man's mouth opened in a howl of exultation. Death
stared at me, and I couldn't even pray—
There was a growl, a
yelp, a cry of pain, and the spear missed me by a fraction and struck my
horse's rump. It reared with a scream of pain, its flailing hooves downed my
would-be attacker, luckily missing Growch, then it plunged off again down the
track and away from the fighting.
Once more it was all I
could do to hang on as I was bounced and jounced like a sack of meal on that
horrid hard saddle. I bumped both nose and chin on the high pommel, banged my
leg on a rock as the horse swerved at the last moment, and scratched my arm on
some branch or scrub that scraped our sides.
Tears of pain squeezed
past my closed eyelids: would this never stop? We must have galloped at least—
The animal came to an
abrupt halt, forelegs quivering, and the sudden lack of motion did what the
flight couldn't. I fell off onto the ground and lay there with my head spinning
and everything else hurting, while the wretched animal cropped the grass next
to my ear with a sound like tearing linen.
I'm dead, I thought. I
must be. No one could have survived that headlong gallop. I'll just lie here
and wait for the golden trumpets. . . . Washed in the blood of the Lamb—
Nothing so sacred. I was
being washed, but by a sloppy, anxious dog. I sat up gingerly.
"Go away, Growch!
I'm all right. . . ."
"Then get up and
tell 'em! 'Bout the ambush!"
I opened my eyes. We
were in a clearing full of people running towards us. Over to one side a huge
fire was flickering. For a desperate moment I thought I had stumbled into the
ambushers' camp, but a closer look showed these were respectable travellers. In
a moment I was surrounded and a babel of tongues was flinging questions at me
till my head hurt worse than ever. I explained in my own tongue, market Latin,
a little Italian and a couple of words of Arabic I had picked up (I think these
last were profanities, remembering where I had heard them, but no one seemed to
mind) and a moment or two later armed men were clattering away back the way I
had come.
Someone led me over to
the fire and smeared an evil-smelling grease on the more obvious bumps and
bruises, and gave me a mug of spiced wine which I downed gratefully. I accepted
another and a bowl of rice and chicken. Something nudged my arm, and half the
contents of the bowl were on the ground.
"Ta!" said
Growch pleasantly, licking up the last grains. "That was fun, wasn' it?
That fella din' 'alf yell when I nipped 'im! Quite a battle . . ."
Of course! I remembered
now. He had doubtless saved my life when he bit my attacker's ankle, though I
didn't know whether he realized it. I tipped the rest of the rice out.
"Here: I'm not
hungry. . . . Thanks."
"Nothing to it.
'Ere: why don't you ask for another bowlful?"
It appeared the ambush
had been well planned. The stew had been dosed with a powerful emetic, and both
the guide Ibrahim and the cook had made good their escape. We had lost two
guards and a mule driver and there were several wounded, including Master
Scipio, who finally rode in with his arm in a sling. But I was hailed as a hero
for riding to seek help and feted with choice titbits and a handful of hastily
gathered coin, a whip-round from the survivors.
I felt a trifle guilty
as I accepted the coins and blushed when they called me a hero, but as Growch
remarked, now was not the time to tell them my horse had bolted from a
superficial spear wound and heroism had nothing to do with it.
Master Scipio accepted
the offer of our new friends to travel under the protection of their bigger
caravan—a friendship cemented in gold I noticed—as far as the trading city.
Being a larger party, and with wounded to care for, our progress was of
necessity slow, so it was on the third afternoon after our rescue that we
topped the final ridge and I gazed down on the city of Kьm.
Chapter Four
“But that's not a town,"
I said, bitterly disappointed. "It's just—just a collection of
Scipio drew his horse
alongside the wagon I was riding in.
"Tents maybe, but
still the largest trading center for hundreds of miles." He gestured
below. "A plain some three miles wide, the same long, with a river to the
east. Mountains all around, yes, but with age-old trails that lead in from
Cathay, India, the Middle Sea, the Baltic, the Western Isles . . ." He
leant back, let the reins lie slack, as we waited for the wagon ahead to start
the narrow trail down. "Looks fine now, doesn't it? But in the autumn when
the rains come the river down there is a raging torrent; in the winter the
bitter winds blow in from the north, the river freezes over and the sands below
are as sharp as hailstones as they whirl across the plain. In the spring the
rain and the melting snows from the hills flood the plateau, but when the
waters recede and the sun comes out, the grass and flowers grow thick and fast.
Then the advance parties come, those who cut and dry the grasses for forage;
after them come the men with tents for hire, the cooks, the laundrymen, the
farriers, and the men who dig the cesspits. Local villagers bring in fresh
fruit, vegetables, chickens, sheep, and goats, and there is a committee of
those concerned who ensure everything runs smoothly for when the first of the
traders arrive in mid-June. From then until mid-September the place is
seething. I truly believe one can find anything in the world down there if
needed. . . ." And off he spurred down the hill.
I turned to Nod, my
driver. "Have you been this way before?"
"Oh, aye: wouldn't
miss it for the world. Just as Master Scipio says: the world and his mate meet
here. Nice rest for us too. We can just sit back and enjoy ourselves while the
bosses natter and bicker and blather and dicker over every blessed piece of
barter." He was chewing on a root of liquorice and spat a brown stream
over the edge of the wagon as we began the descent. "I seen stuff there as
you couldn't imagine: furs, silks, wools, dyes, carpets, rugs, 'broideries;
copper pots, clay pots, glass, china; daggers, swords, spears; paintings and
manuscripts, pens and brushes; all the spices you could think of and dried
herbs; wines, dried fruits, rice, and tea. There's even bars of gold and
silver, precious jewels, children's toys—Whoa, there!" He was silent for a
moment or two as we negotiated a difficult turn. He spat out more juice.
"Then there's the animals. . . ."
"Lions and
"Sometimes. They're
mostly to special order. I seen a panther and a spotted cat with jewelled
collars, tame as you please, and even once, a helefant, with a nose longer than
its tail. . . . No, mostly they's more portable. Monkeys, 'xotic birds, snakes
as thick as your arm, queer little dogs . . ."
Oh, no! I thought. Not
Growch's "fluffy bums"; keeping an eye on him in that place would be
"Then there's the
slaves. Mostly men, 'cos women and children don't travel well, but you see the
occasional two or three. All colors, too: mostly black or brown, but there's
some yellows and near-whites. Dwarfs, sometimes, they fetch a good price."
He spoke as indifferently as if they were bales of cloth.
We were on easier ground
now, and the town beneath seemed to be taking on a pattern. The tents appeared
to be arranged in rows rather than haphazardly, and although the number of
people running around made it seem chaotic, there also seemed to be a purpose
in all they did.
Nod pointed out the
various vantage points with his whip.
"To the right
there, by the river, is the laundries, below 'em the cesspits, above stables
and forage. In the center the living accommodation, to the left the cooking
areas. Below us are the money-changers. Top left the brothels. Clear space in
the middle, the market, held daily. Doubles up for special entertainment at
"What sort of
special entertainment?"
"Oh, dancing girls,
snake charmers, acrobats—whatever's going. One year there were those belly
dancers from Afriky: sight for sore eyes they were. . . ."
It seemed Master Scipio
was right: everyone was catered for.
Rent-a-tent came first.
We hired four. Scipio, interpreter Justus, horse master Antonius and I shared
one, the remaining guards and mule drivers another, larger, and our goods took
up the last two.
The sleeping tents were
circular, those for the goods rectangular. The poles were bamboo, the canvas
thin and light, for no rain was expected at this time of year. Other traders
had brought their own, more luxurious, with hangings to divide the interiors
into smaller sections for sleeping or entertaining. Some had oriental rugs and
silken cushions to sit upon, small brass or inlaid wooden tables, oil lamps and
fine crockery, but we had grass matting, stools and wood-frame beds strung with
rope, which were highly uncomfortable. I stated my intention of sleeping on the
floor, but Scipio pointed silently to a double column of ants, in one side of
the tent, out of the other. He then handed me some small clay cups.
"Fill these with
water, then put the feet of the beds in them, otherwise we'll have all sorts
climbing up. Bad enough with the mosquitoes."
He wasn't joking; I
spent a most uncomfortable night, listening with dread for the sudden silence
which meant they had found their target. The next night I was given a jar of
evil-smelling grease, which helped, but that first day I was as spotty as any
adolescent lad.
Even without the
mosquitoes, that first night would have kept me wakeful. I had not yet learnt
how to fold my blanket so as to even out the rope sling I was suspended upon,
the moon shone with relentless brightness through the thin walls of the tent,
and the night was full of unaccustomed noise. There were snores from my
companions, barking from scores of dogs—including Growch, who was absent
without leave—the flap-flap of canvas as it responded to the night breeze,
shouts and yells in the distance, and somewhere someone was singing what
sounded like an endless dirge full of quarter tones that scraped at my
sensibilities like the squeaks of an unoiled axle.
That first day—and many
afterwards—was spent visiting tent after tent with the attendant interminable
bargaining that seemed so much a part of any sort of trade out here. No price
was ever fixed, not even for the food we ate, and even less so for the goods we
bought and sold. A great deal of exchange and barter took the place of coin: we
exchanged all our wool, for instance, for what seemed to me a minute quantity
of saffron and some lily bulbs, but Scipio was more than satisfied.
I had to attend as it
was part of my (supposed) training, and if it hadn't been for the endless
hospitality—sherbet, yoghurt or mint tea, small sweet cakes or wafers—I should
have dropped off long before the sun was high. Nearly everything had to be done
through our interpreter, Justus, and one had to go through all the politenesses
of enquiry about travel, friends, relatives, weather and health long before one
revealed one's true objectives. It seemed such a waste of time, but Master
Scipio was insistent that I realize it was the only way to get things done, and
was less than sympathetic when I begged off the last visit with an
ill-concealed yawn.
"I'm sorry: I
didn't sleep very well last night. I'll be better tomorrow, I promise."
"And so you better
had; you're here to work, to learn, to become a trader, and a night or two's
lost sleep is neither here nor there. A young lad like you should party the
night away and then be fresh as new milk in the morning. I don't know what the
world is coming to: why at your age . . ." and so on.
They went off on their
last visit, I smeared myself with grease, fell on the bed and must have slept
for hours, for when I awoke, hungry and refreshed, they were all abed and
snoring and it must have been around an hour past midnight. It was Growch's
cold nose that had woken me: he was hungry too.
As he had been absent
most of the day I wasn't sympathetic, would probably have turned over and tried
to sleep again, except that my own stomach was grumbling likewise. I was also
sweaty and sticky and needed a good wash. By the sounds outside, the food
stalls would probably still be open, so I swung my legs off the bed and we
crept out through the tent flap into the moony night.
It was as near light as
day, and there was no problem in finding our way towards the cooking stalls. I
found one of our guards seated on a long bench by a large barbecue and he
invited me to join him in a dish of chicken, lentils and herbs. I sneaked some
to Growch, then repaid the guard by buying the wine. While we travelled food
and lodgings were paid for out of the travelling purse, so at a place like this
we were given a food allowance every day, the same for all. The guards and
drivers were either paid their wages at the end of the journey or re-engaged to
be paid at the other end on their return, which was the case with our guards
and drivers, so they would have little enough to spare. I left him a couple of
coins for more wine, then strolled in the direction of the river, hoping it
would be deserted enough for a wash.
It seemed, though, that
some people worked throughout the night. The forage-and-horse lines were
relatively quiet, but the launderers were hard at work, washing and rinsing,
beating out the dirt on great flat stones and draping the clothes out on rocks
to catch the early sun. Here the river was scummy with dirt, which flowed on
down towards the cesspits, where I could hear the noise of digging.
I turned north, past the
great tumps of hay and straw to where the land grew rockier and the river
flowed faster, and was lucky enough to find a tiny sandy bay which curved round
a pool where the water was quieter.
I gazed about me but
could see no one, and all the activity seemed to be away south.
"Keep watch,"
I said to Growch. "I fancy a quick dip—"
"You're mad!"
he snorted. "Wouldn' catch me bathin' in that! Un'ealthy, all this washin'
. . ."
I stripped right down
and plunged into the water, stifling a yell as the freezing mountain water all
but numbed me. Summer it might be, but the water didn't know that. After the first
shock, however, I luxuriated in the fast-flowing water as it washed away the
stinks and grime of the last few days. Even my bruises from the bolting horse
had started to fade, I noted. My underwear and shirt joined me in the water:
they could dry out on my body, for the night seemed positively hot after the
icy water.
My last act before
getting clothed again was to pick up a furious, scratching, nipping Growch, and
dump him in the deepest pool I could find. . . .
He cursed for a full
fluid minute without repeating himself when he reached dry land, but I had a
couple of raisin biscuits in my pouch which mollified him somewhat, though he
did treat me to an exhibition of the hollow cough he had suddenly picked up,
and shivered most convincingly.
"Don' ever do that
again! 'Nough to give me my death, that was!"
I suggested a walk, to
dry us both off.
"Quickest way to
the food tents is straight across," he said, so that was the way we went,
though I doubted they would still be serving. Luckily for him we found a couple
of stalls still open and I bargained for some skewers of meat, which we chewed
as we wandered back towards the sleeping tents.
Growch stopped in
midstride. "Listen . . ."
At first I could hear
nothing, then the wind picked up the sound. A soft whimpering, moaning,
keening, like the sound a child will make when it has been punished and sent to
bed, but dare not make too much noise unless it invites more punishment. The
breeze changed direction and the noise died away, then I heard it again.
Growch's nose was
working overtime. "Back there," he said tersely. His nose was
pointing way beyond the rest of the encampment. "Not nice . . ."
My ring was warm on my
finger, so there was no danger, and there was something in the sound that
called out to me, like the despair of a trapped animal. Almost without
conscious thought I started to walk towards the crying. At first, in spite of
the moonlight, I could see nothing unusual, but as I rounded an outcrop of rock
I saw what looked like a huge cage, or series of cages, like those in which
they kept the exotic animals on offer.
But animals didn't sound
like this, or smell like this either.
I wrinkled my nose with
distaste and beside me Growch was growling, not in anger but rather in a
mixture of bewilderment and disgust, as if this was a situation he did not know
how to cope with. I moved closer till the moonlight threw the shadow of the
bars across me like cold fingers, and I could see the full horror of what lay
behind them.
The cages were crowded
with human beings, men, women and children, all shackled, and all standing,
sitting, or lying in their own foulnesses. Even in the stews of large towns I
had smelt nothing like this, and it was not only the excrement but a sort of
miasma of despair and fear that came from the unwashed captives that made me
recoil in disgust.
Hands were stretched out
between the bars towards me, the keening rose in volume and now there were
words I could not understand, except that they were pleas for help. Against my
will I moved closer and now the chains were clanking, the babble of words grew
louder and fingers clutched at my sleeve with a strength I would not have
thought possible.
"I can't do
anything," I said urgently, although I knew they would not understand.
"Let me go. . . ."
But their seeking hands
found more and more of me, until there was a prickle from my ring and almost at
once a shout and running feet. At once I was released and, looking back, I saw
a couple of men with lanterns bobbing in their hands running towards the cages.
barked Growch urgently. "We don't want to be caught by that lot. They'll
think we've been tryin' to help 'em escape. . . ."
Dodging in and out of
whatever shadow I could find, I ran back to the safety of the lines of tents,
my heart beating uncomfortably fast, my mind churning. It was not that I didn't
know slavery existed—why, in the very village in which I had grown up, we were
less than animals to the lord of the manor, who held the power of life and
death, imprisonment or mutilation, as he chose. But there at least we had known
the rules and abided by them, and life was comfortable enough if we paid our
dues. Besides we knew no other existence; those poor captives back there had
been snatched away from homes and families against their will—and what sort of
future could they expect?
That they would be
exploited there was no doubt. If you paid for something you expected your
money's worth. Physical labor, prostitution, degradation, these were the least
they could look forward to. Perhaps I should not have minded so much if I
hadn't remembered Signor Falcone's far kinder fate—but where were the Suleimans
of this world to rescue this batch? And the thousands of others, both now and
in the future? How many of these would still be alive in, say, a year's time?
I was saddened and
frustrated, and said extra prayers for those poor creatures before seeking what
I thought would be a sleepless bed, but I must have been more exhausted than I
thought, for I slept like a child.
The following days were
spent in more trading. It seemed that you could exchange what you had for
something of equal value, and the next day swap that for something you
considered to be more valuable, sell half that, find a customer for the rest,
use the money for another purchase and so on. In this way our tents of goods
were emptied and filled at least three times to my knowledge. Master Scipio did
not appear to lose by these deals for he went about with less than his usual
degree of taciturnity, though whether this had anything to do with the nightly
entertainments he went to, I do not know. Sufficient to note that he, Justus
and Antonius seldom came to bed before the small hours.
The pattern of barter
and trade soon became easier for me to follow, although I still found the whole
process tedious and realized I would never have either the patience of Matthew
nor the acumen of Suleiman. But this apprenticeship was the only way to my
goal, so I tried my hardest to learn and even earned compliments from Scipio
for my diligence. Of course there were still the language barriers, but I was
picking up a word or phrase or two of Arabic every day and could refer to our
interpreter, Justus, if I had need.
On the fifth day I asked
Scipio how much longer we should be at Kьm, to receive the answer that we
awaited one particular trader to conclude our business.
"We shall do no
more trading until he arrives," continued Scipio, "so why don't you
take the afternoon off and see the sights? Here, go buy yourself a trinket or
two," and he tossed me a couple of coins.
Glad enough not to be
shut up in a stuffy tent for hours, Growch and I wandered off into the
sunshine. For many this was the afternoon time, which meant we could roam at will
without being trampled underfoot, so we stopped for sherbet and barbecued meat
on sticks, then watched a basket weaver for a few minutes. Growch decided he
was going to investigate what sounded like one of the interminable dogfights
that went on day and night, so I just walked where my feet took me, refusing a
sweet seller here, a rug seller there, until I found myself at the western end
of the camp, beyond the tents.
Here on the edge of the
encampment lived those too poor to hire tents, or nomads who preferred to
wander the fringes with their flocks, sleeping under the stars. Among the
former were the fearsome men from the far north who had brought their shaggy
ponies laden with furs, carvings of wood and bone and metal ornaments in the
shape of dragons and strange sea creatures. I had learned from the horse
master, Antonius, that they found no trouble in disposing of their wares,
exchanging them for salt, dried fruits, linen and presents for their women:
combs, polished metal mirrors, needles and colored threads, but that as it was
all strictly barter they were always short of cash for food and amusements, and
often went to unorthodox methods to obtain it. Of course they could go straight
home once the goods were exchanged, but it seemed they stayed as long as they
could, loath to return to their cold and barren lands.
They were wild enough to
look at, these northerners. Dressed in their outlandish gear of iron skullcaps
(some with horns affixed), fur capes and short leather trews, their faces
scarred with ritual knife cuts and adorned with straggling moustaches, they
would have been fearsome enough even without the assortment of knives and axes
they stuck in their belts.
If truth would have it
though, they were probably no more fearsome than the adolescent town louts of
any large town, swaggering the streets with boasts of their conquests on the
field and in bed, swearing that they could drink anyone under the bench. All
mouth and cock, as my mother used to say.
They appeared to have
arranged some sort of wrestling match and had shouted up a reasonable audience
for it, one man busy taking bets on the outcome. It was to be a no-holds-barred
free-for-all, with kicking, gouging, biting, hair-pulling and balls-grabbing
part of the fun, as a bystander explained to me; he seemed to think all the
fights were fixed, but watching the first, in which the loser ended up with
half an ear torn off and his face ground into the dirt till he lost
consciousness, I wasn't convinced.
Someone came round with
an upended skullcap and I tossed in the smallest coin I could find. Another
bout was just starting—promising, from the look of the combatants, to be even
bloodier than the first—but by now more people, siesta over, had arrived to
watch, and being slighter and smaller than most I found myself elbowed out to
the fringes, where I could see but little. I had just decided to look for
amusement elsewhere when there was a nudge on the back of my leg and Growch,
absent till now, said quietly: "Look at that feller over there; pickin'
their purses, he is. . . ."
Nearby was a stack of
bales, ready for loading onto the shaggy ponies when these warriors decided
enough was enough and I moved behind it to watch the thief unobserved. He was
younger than most—around seventeen I should guess—and slim, stealthy and quick.
I could not help but admire the way he circled the back of the crowd, picking
his next victim, then holding back till the people surged forward at a
particularly vicious moment in the wrestling to yell encouragement to one or other
contestant, then taking advantage of the press of bodies to lift a purse to his
hand, weigh its possibilities—I saw him reject two in this way—and then use his
sharp knife to detach pouch and contents from its owner. Judging from the bulge
at the back of his trews he had been busy for quite a while.
I was so busy admiring
his expertise that it wasn't until he had lifted three more purses that I
realized that I should do something about it. But what? Shout "Stop
thief!"? Thieving was a sin, but did I owe the gullible crowd anything?
Besides he was an artist, in his own way, and nearly everyone would steal if
the need was great—Stop it, Summer! I told myself severely. Never mind the
ethics, just prevent him from further robbery.
I had a word with
Growch, then stepped from behind my hiding place and tapped the young man on
the shoulder. He jumped about a foot in the air and was about to bolt, but
Growch's teeth were now fixed lovingly in his right ankle, and he had no
alternative than to follow me to my hiding place behind the bales.
Perspiration was pouring
off his forehead and I could smell the acrid sweat of fear. We knew not a word
of each other's language but I mimed my disgust at his actions and threatened
to trumpet his thefts to all within earshot.
He crumpled at my feet;
purses and bags came tumbling from his trews. One by one he offered them to me,
his hands shaking, but this was not what I had meant at all. He was obviously
terrified, so the purpose of my intervention had worked: there would probably
be no more stealing today.
I shook my head
vigorously at the pile of purses at my feet and backed away, but he must have
thought I wanted more, something special, for he offered me a blue amulet that
hung round his neck, then an iron ring set with a red stone, and the more I
shook my head, waved him away, the worse he got. I suddenly realized the reason
for his fear; thieves could be hung, or at the least their hands cut off—
Something was thrust
into my hands, a hard object wrapped in soft leather, and from the look of the
thief's face it was his prize possession, the ultimate gift. I unwrapped it,
curiously, but all it was was a piece of stone or rock or metal pointed at one
end, about two fingers long and one wide. There was a small groove around the middle
and wound round this was a piece of gut with a loop at the end so that it could
be hung from one's finger. What was it? A weapon? A child's toy?
My puzzlement must have
shown, for the thief took it from my hand, gestured to the north and held the
stone so that it pointed in that direction. He looked at me, then turned the
pointed end to the south, let it go—and it swung back to the north again. He
handed it back to me and it worked once again. Sure that there was some
trickery I twisted the gut round and round and let the stone twirl—still it
ended up pointing north. Light dawned: this was a fabulous navigating
instrument that would work even if the sun was hidden or the night without
stars. Just think how wonderful it would be at sea, with no landmarks to steer
But apparently this
stone had other properties, for he held out the iron ring on his finger and the
stone swung towards it, then to his iron dagger and it did the same. He shook
his head, indicating that it would only work away from iron.
As the sounds of the
fight—which I had completely forgotten—rose to a real hubbub of yells and
counteryells, I tried the stone myself on an iron spear, a discarded buckle,
then back to the north again, thinking with wonderment as I did so that there
must be the biggest mountain of iron in the whole world up there in the frozen
" 'E's orf!"
barked Growch. "Want me to chase 'im?"
I shook my head. The
thief was gone with his gains, but he had left behind something far more
precious to me: a magic stone!
When I returned to our
tent and showed it to the others, I could not miss the look of envy on their
"That there is a
Waystone," said Antonius at last. "Heard of 'em but never seen one
"Look after it
well, boy," said Scipio. "It could fetch a penny or two. Want to sell
I shook my head.
"Where did you get
it?" asked Justus.
I decided to tell them
half the truth: the rest was too complicated. "I had it from one of the
northerners. He wanted cash to spend before he left for home."
Luckily they didn't ask
me how much I had spent, but apparently they, too, had a surprise for me. Sayid
ben Hassan, the trader they had been expecting, had turned up at last, and we
were to go to his tent at sundown for the usual courtesies.
"So, spruce
yourself, boy; put on something more appropriate. And we don't take dogs."
Obeying Master Scipio's
instructions I scared up a clean shirt and the clothes I had bought in Venice,
sending the rest down to the laundry via one of the guards. Buying a bucket of
water from one of the water sellers I made myself look as presentable as I
could, and bribed Growch to be good in my absence with a pie from the stall
nearest the tents.
Sayid ben Hassan's tent
was at the end of a line. He had obviously brought his own, although the three
next to it, full of goods, were hired. It was huge, to my eyes, easily
rivalling any others I had seen. Fashioned of some dark-blue material, thicker
than the usual canvas, it was layered like some extravagant fancy, the lowest
being a sort of corridor, then the next, rising higher, compartmented into
small rooms and the third and highest a spacious circle full of rugs, small
tables and embroidered cushions.
Incense smoked on one of
the tables—a sickly sort of smell, like powder—and water was bubbling in a
little burner. A servant came in and made mint tea and remained to serve small
dishes of nuts and raisins. Elaborate courtesies followed, meaning nothing but
essential to Eastern hospitality. Then out came the cargo manifests from both
sides and the haggling began. For once I didn't mind, for there was plenty to
look at.
Sayid himself was a
tall, slim Arab with a large hooked nose and piercing black eyes. He was
dressed simply enough in white robes, but on his wrists were several gold
bangles and the dagger at his belt had a jewelled hilt. The servant and the
guards outside were all young, handsome men, dressed in short blue jackets and
voluminous baggy trews; and the rugs, hangings, cushions, shawls, tables,
lanterns and pottery were of the highest quality. I wouldn't mind living in
such sybaritic luxury, I thought, but there was something perhaps a little too
soft, too cloying, for it to be enjoyed forever.
I dragged my mind back
to the haggling and Justus' whispered translations. It seemed that we had raw
ivory from Africa and cotton from the same source and he had a mix of spices
and silk carpeting of an incredible lightness and color. I let my mind drift
again, only to be brought up short by the mention of my name.
"Master Scipio just
said that you will be travelling with Sayid to—"
"With him? Why not
with you?" I interrupted. Surely I wasn't going to be shuffled off to
someone strange yet again?
"I thought you
understood that," said Scipio. "We all go only so far, you know. We
each have our own territory and our own contacts. I go no further than
this." He saw me open my mouth and snapped: "Don't argue! As an
apprentice you do as you are told! If you don't wish to continue your journey
now you may come back with me for the winter but you will have to start over
again next year. Or, if you wish, you can surrender your papers right now and
cancel your apprenticeship. It's up to you."
Out of the corner of my
eye I could see Sayid listening to what was said, and from the expression on
his face I believed he understood much more than people imagined. For some
reason I began to blush, and I thought I saw a spark of amusement in the Arab's
eyes. He murmured something to Scipio, who looked annoyed.
"What did he
say?" I whispered to Justus.
"He said . . . He said
he didn't know Master Scipio was in the habit of hiring children to do a man's
All of a sudden I hated
this supercilious Arab with his fine tent and expensive accoutrements and would
have given anything not to be travelling with him. But what choice did I have?
I had come this far in pursuit of a dream, far, far further than I had ever
been before. How big was this world of ours, anyway? If I went back now I would
be wasting all I had planned and saved for. And it would all be worth it in the
end, it had to be!
"I shall be honored
to travel with you," I said and bowed to Sayid.
"Good, good,"
said Scipio. "And now, if the business is concluded I believe Sayid wishes
to visit the slave market?"
The Arab nodded.
"Then we shall join
you. Come along, boy: it should be an interesting experience for you."
Chapter Five
We made our way to the
open marketplace, cleared now of stalls and lit with flares and torches. A
temporary platform had been erected in the middle and there, huddled together as
if for mutual protection, were the captives I had seen in the cages.
They had all been washed
down, for there was less smell, and now the shackles had been removed and they
were roped loosely between the ankles. They looked reasonably well fed; most
were dark-skinned, but one or two were lighter. An overseer stood on the
platform with them, running the thongs of a whip through his fingers.
Many of those crowded
round had merely come to watch, but there was a scattering of genuine traders
like Sayid, who had their servants clear a way close to the platform.
The slave master, a fat
Arab wearing rich robes, had a thin, drooping moustache and great dark pouches
under his eyes. He waited until he reckoned all prospective buyers had arrived,
then stepped up onto the platform and the sale began.
But first he had to
extol the worth of his wares, the exotic locations they had come from, the
distances travelled, the hardships he had had in transporting them, all to bump
up the price as master Justus explained as he translated for me. "He
doesn't say how many he lost on the way, though," he added.
I shivered, although it
was a warm night.
One by one the slaves
were paraded around the platform. Bids were called in a leisurely fashion, and
betweentimes would-be buyers went up on the platform and examined the slaves as
casually as they would choose fruit in a market. Mouths were wrenched open for
teeth to be counted, heads inspected for ringworm or lice, joints tapped,
eyelids lifted and—embarrassing to me at least—genitals were scrutinized for
disease and, in the case of the men, testicles weighed in cupped hands.
"Estimating whether
they will be good breeders," said Scipio. "Bit of a hit-and-miss way
to do it, I should have thought. I remember . . ."
He turned to Antonius
and I missed the rest.
The slave master could
have earned his living on the stage. He had a rather high-pitched, whiny voice,
but he wiggled and postured across the platform in spite of his bulk, all the
while beseeching, cajoling, exhorting. He begged for bids, he pretended horror
at their paucity and near wept with gratitude when his price was reached.
Sayid ben Hassan went up
to examine four men of much the same height and age. He bid for three and
settled for two, having them led off by four of his guards. Once again Justus
explained to me.
"He had an order
for two good-looking blacks for a widow in Persia. Got fancy tastes,
apparently. Told to look for sweet breath and large, er, you-know-whats."
"Why didn't he bid
for the fourth one?"
"Foul teeth and a
leery left eye."
We were coming to the
end; now there were only some four or five scrawny children left. These were
going at much lower prices.
"Might survive,
might not," said Scipio. "Not everyone wants to take a chance on a
child. The next one, though, he's different: fetch the highest price of the
night, I shouldn't wonder," and he pointed to a slight, exceptionally
beautiful black boy of perhaps twelve or thirteen with huge, lustrous eyes.
He gave me a quick,
almost contemptuous glance. "Where've you been, lad? Maybe you missed out
on all that, but he's ripe for it. Bum-boys like that will be pampered pets for
years, then go to train others. Wait for the bidding. . . ."
And indeed the boy
fetched an astronomical sum, sold after brisk bidding to a thin Arab with long
slim fingers that could not forbear from caressing his purchase even as he led
him away. Another two children went for small sums, and now there was only one
figure left. At first I thought it must be a dwarf, so much smaller and squatter
he was than the rest. The other boys had been either brown or black, this one
was a sort of yellowish color. His hair was as black as the others had been,
but unlike theirs it was straight as a pony's tail, hanging over his eyes in a
ragged fringe. His body was muscular enough, but his legs were slightly bandy
and he scowled horribly.
For the first time the
auctioneer seemed less than confident.
"What does he
say?" I asked Justus.
"He says the boy is
special. He comes from the east, was captured by brigands, nearly drowned
trying to escape, was sold to someone or other who lost him in a game of
chance. He speaks an unknown tongue, but is fit and healthy and good with
horses." He yawned. "That's as may be, but the lad looks like trouble
to me. Probably a pickpocket and thief—Ah!"
This exclamation was
prompted by the said small boy suddenly bending down and freeing himself from
the ropes around his ankles, butting the overseer in the stomach and jumping
off the platform into the crowd. Although he seemed as slippery as an eel as he
successfully eluded one pursuer after another, he really had no chance in that
audience, and was finally hauled back onto the platform, kicking and biting. The
overseer grabbed him by his hair, lifted him off the ground and hit him so hard
across the face that he at last hung limp and shuddering.
My ring was suddenly
warm on my finger, throbbing with my heartbeat.
The auctioneer stepped
forward and spoke, but his words were lost in a howl of derision from the
"He says all the
boy wants is a bit of correction and lot of understanding," translated
Justus, without me asking. He snorted. "The only thing that child would
understand is a rope's end. . . ."
The slavemaster made a
last appeal; the overseer lowered the boy to his feet and gave him a shake. The
boy turned his head and spat, accurately.
The audience clapped and
jeered, but in a good-natured way, the overseer lifted his hand to administer
another blow—and the ring on my finger throbbed harder than ever.
Without quite realizing
what was happening, I found I was on my feet.
"I offer—ten silver
pieces," I called out, astounded to hear my own voice. Now why on earth
had I done that? I sat down again in confusion, conscious of the incredulous
looks of those around me. Never mind: perhaps the auctioneer hadn't understood,
for I was speaking in my own tongue.
But slave-trading
auctioneers don't get rich without learning more than one language. He
understood all right. He gesticulated, cupped his ear, pretended he had
misheard my paltry bid. Then came the histrionics. The very idea that anyone
could have the gall, the impertinence to offer a mere ten pieces of silver for
this treasure of a boy! High spirited he might be, yes, but with a little
judicious discipline . . .
He appealed to the
audience: he would be generous. As a great favor he wouldn't ask for
twenty-five silver pieces, though even that was a mockery: just this once he
would settle for fifteen, although that in itself was sheer robbery . . . the
bargain of the day! Now, what about it?
The audience laughed,
they jeered, they clapped their hands together, they pointed at me.
"What are they
"That yours is the
best offer he will get!"
As if to underline this
the boy tried to kick the overseer where it would hurt the most and almost
succeeded, to be rewarded by another blow to the head. My ring throbbed again
and I leapt to my feet.
"Stop that! I said
I offer ten silver pieces—"
Scipio reached up to
pull me down. "Steady on, boy: if you're not careful you really will buy
him, and you don't want . . ."
But I was pushing myself
to the front. I stepped up on the platform, fumbled in my purse and took out
the ten coins.
"My final offer!
Take it or leave it!"
The slave trader stared
at me. "Twelve?"
I knew enough Arabic to
count and shook my head.
Behind us the audience
were whistling and jeering. The auctioneer must have realized he was making an
idiot of himself by trying to force up the price, because his face darkened and
he snatched the coins from my hand, grabbed the boy and thrust him towards me.
"Take the son of
Shaitan then," he hissed between his teeth in a sort of market-Latin.
"And may Allah deliver me from such again. You deserve each other!"
The boy had sunk to the
ground. I touched him on the shoulder and he flinched. Reaching for his hand, I
pulled him to his feet.
"Come with me.
There's nothing to fear."
I knew he would not
understand, but hoped the tone of my voice was enough. The ring on my finger
had quietened down, so I was obviously doing the right thing. Not according to
Scipio, Justus and Antonius. They were loud in condemnation.
"Complete waste of
time and money . . . be off as soon as you look away . . . watch your purse,
etc. . . ."
Luckily Sayid ben Hassan
had already left, so I didn't have to undergo his scorn as well. As it was I
felt like a mother who has been left with her newborn for the first time: I
hadn't a clue what to do next.
I needn't have worried.
"What you goin' to do with that?"
Him as well! But that
was the spur I needed. "We're going to feed him, wash him and clothe him,
Growch: in that order. And you can come along to see he doesn't run off.
"Right!" If I
hadn't named our chores in that particular order he probably wouldn't have been
so cooperative.
Keeping a firm hold on
the boy's hand we made our way over to the food. I let him choose. He pointed
to rice, curd cheese, and yoghurt, mixing it together in the bowl and eating
hungrily with his fingers, while Growch and I chose something more palatable. I
let him have a second helping, then dragged him towards the river.
All at once he twisted
away and was gone, running across the sand like a young deer.
"Growch . . ."
But he was already in pursuit, his short legs a blur of determination. They
both disappeared behind some rocks, there was a yell, a cry and then Growch's
"Come and get
When I reached them the
boy was sitting on the ground rubbing his left ankle, where a neat row of
dents, already turning blue, showed how my dog had floored him.
I knelt by his side and
mimed a slap, upon which he immediately cowered, but I shook my head.
"No," I said slowly. "But you must be good," and I made
soothing gestures. "And now—" I mimed again "—down to the river
to wash . . ."
Half an hour later we
were all soaked, for it was obvious the boy and water were virtual strangers,
but at least he didn't smell anymore. We found the tailors and menders next to
the launderers, which should have been obvious. Now what clothes to fit him
with? I looked at his naked body and could see faint marks which were paler
than the rest. It seemed that once he had worn short trews of some sort and a
sleeveless jacket. I asked the tailor in market-Latin and sign language for
what I wanted, adding underdrawers and a short smock, remembering what Signor
Falcone had said about the cold to come. We bargained, the tailor fetched a
relative to help with the sewing, and the clothes were promised within the
What next? I looked at
the scowling little face: I could hardly see his eyes. At the barbers he
panicked again once he saw the knives and shears, but this time I had a firmer
grip. Patiently I mimed and he consented to sit on a stool, his eyes tight
shut, shivering like a cold monkey as the barber snipped and cut his hair into
a basin cut, so that at least his eyes, ears, and nape of the neck were free of
the wild tangle that had obscured them before.
The barber brushed away
the cut hair from the boy's face, neck, and shoulders, then proffered a
polished silver mirror. The boy stared at his reflection, his narrow eyes
slowly widening, until at last he flung the mirror away before bolting again.
"Probably never
seen hisself afore," said Growch resignedly, before taking off in pursuit.
This time he didn't get so far, and I led him back to the tailor's. The clothes
were ready, and now, washed, barbered and decently dressed, he really looked
quite presentable.
But how to keep him from
running off? He looked quite capable of taking care of himself, but supposing
another slave trader found him? Or if he was caught stealing and had his hands
chopped off? Or starved to death because of not knowing the routes? No, I had
bought him and he was my responsibility.
But how to convince him
of that? How to explain that he would travel with us until he was near enough
to his home and people to travel alone? How had things been explained to me as
a child, when words were not enough?
Of course! I led him
back out beyond the tents until I found a smooth stretch of sand. I motioned
him to sit beside me, then pointed at myself, repeating my name slowly and
clearly. Then I pointed at him and raised my eyebrows in enquiry. He just
grinned as if it were some sort of entertainment, but at least it was the first
time I had seen him smile. I tried again.
"Summer. Summer.
Summer . . ."
A grunt, then "Umma
. . ."
"Good, very
good!" I clapped my hands. Did I have one of those salted nuts left in my
pouch? I did, and popped it in his mouth.
"Summer. Summer . .
"Zumma. Summa . .
I clapped my hands
again, gave him another nut, then pointed to him. He said nothing, so I cupped
one ear as if I was listening and jabbed him in the chest.
A slow smile spread over
his face, making his eyes crease up more than ever. He pointed to himself and
out came a string of clicks and whines and grunts that sounded something like:
"Xytilckhihijyckntug." I tried it out—hopeless! His black eyes
crinkled up more than ever. He repeated the word more slowly and again I made a
fool of myself, waving my hands in frustration. Again. And again. The only bit
I could remember was the last syllable: tug.
I pointed to him.
He grinned again, then
nodded. He pointed to me. "Summa" then to himself "Tug,"
clapped his hands as I had done and held his out for a nut.
So far so good, but now
he had become withdrawn again, the scowl was back, and he kept glancing from
side to side as if gauging his chances of escape.
Right, if words wouldn't
do, it would have to be pictures. I smoothed out the sand, took out my dagger
and drew a circle in the sand. The rising moon cast our images long across the
ground, so I moved round until what I drew was clear of shadows. Inside the
circle I drew a rudimentary tent, then pointed back at the encampment. Then
came two little stick figures. I pointed to him and to me and the tent. He
nodded his head. Now came the tricky bit. Moving a little way to the west I
drew another circle, another tent, another stick figure, then pointed to myself.
Then I "walked" my fingers slowly to the first circle. And stopped,
pointing at him and then to the east. He took the dagger slowly from my hand,
and I had a moment's panic, then he moved away to the path of the rising moon
and drew a wavery circle. A tent inside the circle, a line with a little head
atop, and his fingers walked back to the first circle the way mine had done.
But had he understood so far? I hoped so, for the next bit was the important
Taking his hand, dagger
safely back in my belt, I walked our fingers to the west, to my circle, then
shook my head, making sure he was watching. Back in the center circle I pointed
first to him then to me and used our fingers to reach his circle. I looked at
him; his brow was creased in thought. At last he took my hand and we went
through the same performance, only this time he did the finger-walking and it
was he who shook his head at my circle. When we came to his he nodded his head
vigorously, pointed at both of us and clapped his hands. I shared out the last
of the nuts.
" 'E's got
it," said Growch wearily. "The thickest pup in the world wouldn' 'ave
taken that long. . . . Now do the bit about you 'avin' the cash an' buyin' the
food and all that. . . ."
That night Tug slept at
the foot of my bed, ants or no ants, with a watchful Growch stretched across
the tent flap in case he did a runner.
The next morning Scipio
and company were keen to be on their way. They were travelling back with
another trader for extra safety, and I spent most of the day helping them load
up, after making a careful inventory of the goods they carried. They set off
midafternoon, with just enough time to make their first scheduled camp stop.
Tug had stayed near my side all day, helping with the loading and carrying. He
was even more anxious than I was to be on our way, and every now and again he
would pull at my sleeve and point towards the east. I had no idea how much
longer Sayid wished to stay, so I pointed at the sun, mimed it rising and
setting twice, and luckily for Tug's faith in me, was exactly right.
That night I had
presented myself at Sayid's tent, and one of the guards pointed me in the
direction of the tents packed with goods, which suited us fine. It seemed we
were not invited to eat with the rest of them, and I felt a little anxious
about this, as food and lodging were normally included, but reasoned that once
we were on the road things would be different. So we made pigs of ourselves on
chicken and rice and slept comfortably on the bales of wool in the tent.
Tucked inside my jacket
were my apprentice papers and a note from Master Scipio to the merchant at our
next destination; they had been entrusted to me rather than to Sayid, and for
this I was both apprehensive and grateful; apprehensive because it seemed that
Scipio trusted Sayid about as much as I did, grateful because it meant that
even if I was abandoned I had the means, and the money—for Scipio had given me
an advance—to make my own way.
The next day, and the
next, Sayid did more trading, we slept in the same tent and bought our own
food. On the third morning, however, things were different. At dawn the tent
was pulled down around our ears, a string of men carried the goods away and we
found ourselves on the edge of the camp, shivering in the cool morning air,
while a half-dozen grumbling, spitting camels and the same amount of mules were
loaded up.
It was the first time I
had been near one of these fabled camels, with the floppy humps, long legs and
disagreeable manners. Growch had warned me about them: apparently he had been
near enough to just escape being badly bitten. From what I had heard, however,
they were the ideal beasts of burden over long journeys, being strong, swift,
and needing little water: every three days was enough, Antonius had said.
Water: I had seen two or
three large containers being loaded onto one camel. Did that mean we should
bring our own? I turned tail and ran back to the water carriers, purchased two
flasks and a fill from the yawning vendor. Why didn't anyone tell me? As I
arrived back I saw my pack being loaded onto an already overloaded mule;
hastily I strapped on my flasks.
It seemed we were ready.
The camels were loaded, so were the mules, on two of which perched the cook and
Sayid's personal servant. The two slaves the Arab had purchased were manacled
in the space between camels and mules. The guards and Sayid were mounted on
magnificent Arabs, but where was our transportation?
It seemed we were to
walk. (Later it transpired that we were to share the mules, but it was an
uneven swap: the servant and the cook were loath to set foot on the ground.)
Tug had given a moan of
terror when he saw the chained slaves, but I quieted him. During the last
couple of days I had spent an hour or two teaching him simple words and
phrases, and he had responded remarkably well. Now was the time for another
I pointed to the
manacled slaves. "Tug bad, chains. Tug good, no chains . . ."
"Tug good," he
said perfectly clearly, and held out his hand for a reward.
Chapter Six
Thus began the most
arduous part of my journey so far. Our destination, a town called Beleth, was
some three hundred miles away, and it took four weeks to reach it. Of those
three hundred miles, I reckon Tug, Growch and I must have walked two-thirds.
Growch I carried when he was too exhausted to go further. Tug's feet were tough
and horny, but after the first day my soft leather boots were the worse for
wear and my feet were killing me.
At the first village we
stopped at, Tug—yes, Tug of all people!—persuaded me with signs and a few words
to buy a pair of the ubiquitous sandals worn there, and after that it became
easier. It was Tug, too, who made the first contact with the rest of the
caravan that eventually made our presence more welcome. Every night he helped
with unloading the camels and mules, assisted with setting up Sayid's tent,
brought wood for the cook and led the horses down to drink. He was a marvel
with the horses, and before long the guards allowed him to ride their mounts
for an hour or two each day. He was even allowed to groom Sayid's own mount, a
magnificent white Arab, whose mane and tail nearly reached the ground.
Thus it was we found
ourselves welcome in the big tent at night, albeit in the outer corridor with
the slaves, and shared the somewhat monotonous food: couscous or rice with
whatever meat or vegetables the cook had been able to buy.
We travelled a well-worn
trail from village to village, though there were days when we camped out at
night. A large fire was always built and the guards would spend the evenings in
wrestling with each other or playing endless games of chance. I took these
opportunities to teach Tug more of my language; in the meantime he was also
picking up a good deal of Arabic. One day I noticed he wore a brand-new knife
at his belt; I decided not to ask him where he got it, although I suspected he
could gamble with the best.
For the most part the
weather was fair, although it became progressively colder, not only because the
nights were drawing in, but also because we were climbing, gradually but
surely, into the foothills of the mountains that loomed ever nearer. Those
nearest were green with thick vegetation; behind, some fifty miles farther
away, they assumed a more jagged and unfriendly look, while those on the
farthest horizon reared so high they seemed to touch the very sky, their sides
white with snow.
Was it there, among
those unimaginable heights, that my love, my dragon-man, had his home?
The terrain around us
changed in character, too. From sun-baked earth, scrub, and tumbled rocks, with
scant water trickling down deep canyons, we then travelled grass-covered
slopes, with herdsmen tending their goats along the trail, and through
deciduous woods and windswept valleys. As we trekked even higher we were among
pines and spruce, seemingly brushed by the wings of great eagles soaring on the
thermals that sometimes took them beneath us, to dive on some prey unseen. It
seemed the less we saw other human beings, the more vigilant Sayid became, and
the guards closed up every time we traversed any place likely for ambush, and
were doubled at night.
As there were now four
guards around the campfires at night, that meant Tug, Growch, and I moved into
one of the smaller cubicles that led off the main room of the tent. It was so
nippy after dark that I wished I had more blankets, and I envied Sayid the
brazier that burned so warm in his inner sanctum. I envied, too, those guards
he chose to share his luxury: a sort of reward, I supposed, for their devotion.
Sometimes it was one, sometimes two or three. His method of choosing was always
the same; he would tap the privileged one on the shoulder and offer him a
sweetmeat, upon which they would disappear to the cosiness of cushions and
warmth, and the silken drapes would be drawn to.
One night I, too, had my
chance to sleep soft.
I had rolled myself up
in my blanket and was drifting off to sleep when there was a touch on my head,
more of a stroke really, and I opened my eyes to see Sayid squatting by my
side. As I sat up, struggling free of the blanket, he popped a sugared fruit in
my mouth and then another. Taking my hand he pulled me to my feet, nodding
towards the inner tent as he did so.
I had taken no more than
one step forward when there was a sudden commotion and somehow or other there
was a fierce little Tug standing between us, knife in hand. Shoving me back he
hissed: "No! No! Bad . . ." and then followed some words in Arabic I
didn't understand.
But Sayid obviously did,
for he backed away, a scowl on his face, after a moment choosing one of his
guards to accompany him, who gave me a big grin and an obscene gesture before
following his master.
"What in the world
. . . ?" I turned furiously to Tug. "Why did you do that?"
"I shouldn't ask, I
really shouldn't," said Growch.
But Tug was not
inhibited, and after a minute or two of a few words and plenty of bodily
gestures I realized what I had escaped.
"Yes, yes,
thanks!" I said, to save further embarrassment. "Very good,
I learned later that it
was common practice among the Arabs to seek out their own sex for relaxation
when away from women for any length of time and no one thought twice about it
but, unprepared as I was at the time, I was both scared and disgusted. Luckily
there was also a small bubble of amusement lurking around: whatever would have
happened if Sayid had found out I was a girl? It would almost have been worth
it to see his face. . . .
After that he was very
cool towards me, and I also earned the derision of the guards, so it was
perhaps just as well that we had our first sight of the city of Beleth less
than a week later.
It lay like a child's
toy extravaganza at the foot of a steep valley, probably some three thousand
feet straight down from us. I could make out what looked like a large square
with streets radiating from it, a palace, big and small buildings, twisty
alleys and the smoke of a myriad house fires. I wanted to run down the track
straightaway, but Sayid camped where we were for the night and I saw why in the
daylight, for it took half a day to bring us all down safe, the precipitous
trail winding like the coils of a snake in order to use the safest ground.
Everyone had spruced
themselves up that morning, and there was a lot of combing, plucking and
twisting of hair, oiling of skin and use of a blackened stick to enhance the
eyes, but I decided to leave well alone, except for a clean shirt and the
donning of my boots once again.
At noon, or a little
past, we clattered across the wooden bridge that spanned the narrow river
flowing to the west of the city. We had already passed through neat and
obviously fertile fields, the soil dark and friable. At the town side of the
bridge we passed under a splendid carved arch set in battlemented walls, and
onto a broad street, paved with river cobbles, that led after a half-mile to
the large square that dominated the center of the city. All the way along the
route we were flanked by laughing children and saluted by well-dressed
citizens. It seemed a well organized, wealthy city, and my spirits rose. A
proper bed—
"A proper
meal," said Growch.
And no more walking, at
least for a while.
Everyone dismounted, and
I was glad enough to squat down and rest in the sunshine as the unloading began
and men rushed in all directions, presumably to herald our arrival. The square
must have been a quarter-mile across; at the moment it was full of market
stalls, but these looked about ready to pack up for the day. Tall houses, many
set back in courtyards, ringed the perimeter, and facing us was the imposing
facade of the palace, with—as I learned later—one hundred marble steps leading
up to the columned portico, built in the Greek style. Some twenty or thirty
soldiers lounged on the steps, and others were tossing a ball about in a corner
of the square. All very relaxed and comforting: obviously they were more for
show than use.
I glanced up at the
houses. They were in different styles, although most were white with flat
roofs, and the windows were either tightly shuttered or barred with a fancy
fretwork. Smoke rose lazily into the air and there were tantalizing snatches of
music, pipes and strings and a tabor. Growch's nose lifted.
"Food . . ."
he said.
Just then one of Sayid's
guards returned, accompanied by a fat, waddling creature in purple silks and a
large turban. He was perspiring freely and mopping his brow with a long scarf,
whose color matched his red leather shoes with curved toes. He and Sayid
embraced conventionally and exchanged courtesies, then Sayid produced papers,
the fat man did the same; another thin man in white started checking the bales
and porters appeared from nowhere and started to carry off the items as soon as
they were unloaded and checked on both manifests. In no time at all it seemed
all that was left to be dealt with were two loaded mules, three loaded camels,
the slaves, and ourselves.
Sayid signed to his
guards and drivers and the animals were led away. He assigned two guards to the
slaves and these also were led away, but in a different direction. Sayid
remounted and swung his horse in a long curvette before bowing his farewells to
the fat man.
"Hey! What about
us?" I ran forward to clutch at his bridle.
He spat on the ground
just in front of my boots.
"You go with
him," and he nodded in the direction of the fat man, who had sat down on
one of the bales, mopping his brow again. He shouted something which sounded
nasty, indicated us, then reared his stallion so sharply the bridle was
snatched from my hand and I tumbled back in the dirt, then rode away out of the
I got up, dusted myself
down, and walked over to the fat man who had relinquished the last bale to one
of his porters.
I looked at him, he
looked at me.
I bowed, he did the
same. We spoke together.
"My name is Master
. . ."
"And whom do I have
. . ."
He had a sense of humor,
this fat man, because he grinned when I did. I handed him the sheaf of papers
Master Scipio had given me and introduced myself. He read through the scrolls
rapidly, then handed them back to me, and bowed again.
"Welcome, Master
Summer. I am Karim Bey, accredited agent to Master Spicer, and have been these
past fifteen years." He bowed again. "I am happy to welcome you to
our city, and hope to make your stay as pleasant as possible."
He spoke my tongue very
well, albeit in a slightly archaic manner.
"I am happy to be
here," I said. "Tell me, what did Sayid say to you about us?"
"Something to the
effect that I had inherited excess baggage . . . Do not mind him. He is a very
proud man, he likes his own way. But he is trustworthy, and guards his goods
well. And now, if you and—your friends—would please to follow me?"
He led us to a pleasant
house down a side street, set in a courtyard draped with bougainvillea and with
a fountain tinkling away in the center. He indicated a stone bench covered with
a Persian rug. Tug and Growch perched themselves on either side of me. Karim
Bey looked at me interrogatively.
"My friend
Tug," I said, indicating the boy. "I rescued him from a slave market
and am trying to find his people. The dog's name is Growch, and he has been
with me on all my travels."
"Where does the boy
come from?"
"I don't rightly
know. He speaks a language no one seems to understand."
"From his looks he
comes from farther north and east. Let me have a word. . . ." He tried
various dialects, but Tug shook his head, speaking in his strange clicks and
hisses. Karim shook his head, too. "No, the language is unfamiliar to me,
and he does not appear to understand any Italian, French, Spanish, Arabic,
Turkish, Hindi, or Persian, all languages familiar to me. I will make further
enquiries." He clapped his hands. "And now I think we shall
Five minutes later we
were tucking into kebabs of meat and red peppers, boiled and fried rice, pastry
cases full of beans, peas and bamboo shoots, with a dessert of stuffed dates,
peaches, cheese, and yoghurt. There was a chilled red wine, sherbet or goat's
milk to quench our thirst.
After dining we were
invited to bathe and rest, while Karim Bey made arrangements for our lodgings.
We were led to a room in which stood two tubs of warm, scented water, towels,
and various oils. Tug needed persuading to the water, but not the ointments: he
smelt like a bunch of mixed out-of-season flowers when he had finished. In the
next room there were pallets for our siesta, and I persuaded him to take a nap
so I could bathe in private, unafraid my true sex would be discovered. I
luxuriated in the chance to have a proper soak and wash my hair, the first time
since I couldn't remember when.
Around dusk Karim sent
one of his servants to wake us up, and announced that we were to lodge with
another of his "regulars"—whatever that meant—and that the servant
would escort us. He added that he would be seeking my help the next day in the
warehouses. More tallying, I thought dismally.
The servant shouldered
my pack with ease and led us through a maze of streets and alleys until we
arrived at a thick double gate. We found ourselves in a courtyard with a well
in the center, stables to the left, living quarters to the right, and a low
arch, on either side of which was a washhouse and a kitchen, leading through
into what looked like a vegetable garden. Stone steps led up to a galleried
upper floor, with half a dozen closed doors.
The servant put down my
pack, saluted and left, just as a man emerged from the downstairs living
quarters and hurried towards us. He was dark-skinned, black-haired, small and
thin, clad in a white jacket, cap and a sort of skirt looped between his legs
and tucked into his belt. On his fingers were many rings and a jewel dangled
from one ear, though both metal and gems looked too large for real worth.
He was already gabbling
as he came towards us, and his speech was the most amazing I had ever heard. He
used words from every language I had ever heard, and some I hadn't, though when
he found where I came from it settled into a mixture of Arabic, French,
Italian, market-Latin, Greek and what I learned later was his native tongue,
Hindi. Whatever it was, his sentences had a quaintness that kept me constantly
"Velly welcome,
isn't it? Chippi Patel at your service, young sir! Jolly damn glad see you.
Room you are taking. Up this, pliss," and he led the way up to the
verandah. Stopping at one of the doors he flung it open and ushered us into a
small whitewashed room containing two pallets, two stools, two wooden chests, a
grass mat, a row of hooks on the wall and a small, shuttered window at the
"Habitation of
other young sir, Ricardus, happy to share. Boy sleep on mat. Dog too,
"You are most kind,
Master Patel, but—"
"No, no, no! My
name Chippi! Mix marriage, Daddy name Chippi, Mummy Patel. Many Patel, few
"Very well, Master
"No mater-pater
here! Just Chippi . . ."
"Well then, Chippi,
my name is Summer, and—"
He took my arm and
clasped it fervently, then clapped me on the back. "Happy you meet, Zuma!
You happy here. Nice room, nice mate to share . . ."
"No, Chippi,"
I said firmly, disengaging myself from his clasp (he did smell awfully garlicky)
and knowing that if I did not stop this garrulous little man right now I never
should get my own way. "We need another. Just for us. For me, my friend
Tug, my friend Growch." I indicated us in turn.
"Not friend with
dirty pi-dog . . . ?"
"Not pi-dog . .
." I found to my exasperation that I was speaking just like him. "Dog
is good friend for many miles. Long pedigree: much money. Not see another like
He looked askance at my
filthy, tatty animal.
"You right there .
. . Now, this room most commodious, and—"
"Karim Bey assured
me we should have our own room," I said mendaciously.
That did it. At the
mention of the agent's name Chippi scuttled away down the verandah and showed
us into another room two doors down, the twin of the first. He had an injured
air, but I learned later it was common practice to try to make newcomers share
and collect for two separate rooms. Corruption became more rife the farther
east we came, but it was all good-humored, played as a sort of game: you won
some, you lost some, and within a minute or two Chippi was all smiles again,
showing us the washhouse and taking away our dirty laundry, to be returned
spotless within hours.
For the next few days I
worked busily for Karim, first in the warehouses where I assisted his tally man
as goods moved day by day; one morning we would exchange silks from Cathay for pottery
from Greece, and in the afternoon check in rice or rugs or rich tapestries.
Perishables were usually targeted to the market, but in the main office, full
of scrolls, clerks and comings and goings, the rest of the goods were assigned
to various caravans, north, south, east or west; orders were taken, part
consignments made up, other traders contacted for out-of-the-way requirements.
Karim also had an army of scouts distributed throughout the town and outlying
villages, ready to report the unusual, and if he thought it worth his while he
would send an expert to bargain for whatever it was. He also did his own
trading, short journeys only, mainly in small goods and local pottery.
Besides the warehouses,
and the office, I was also sent to the market to oversee the trading in the
perishables, and by the end of that first week I earned a commendation for my
hard work.
"And now we must
concentrate on the language. Master Ricardus, he must be much of an age with
you, and he was fluent in basic Arabic within weeks, could add and subtract
faster than most and bargain with the best. An old head on young
"And where is this
young paragon now?" I asked, masking my irritation with a smile. I could
just imagine this pompous, unbearable young man strutting around dispensing
wisdom I didn't want at all hours of the day and night.
"He has accompanied
a small caravan some seventy miles south, to act as my agent. It is the second
such journey he has undertaken; he made me a good profit the last time. I
expect him back within a couple of days."
But in fact he came back
that very afternoon. When I returned to our room at sunset, after making a
couple of deliveries of orders for ribbons and sewing materials to some small
shops down the alleys, Chippi met me at the gate to the courtyard with a
conspiratorial smile on his lips.
"Your new friend is
back being with us. He has just had a big bath. . . ." He indicated the
bathhouse. "At suppertime you will see."
I hurried up the steps,
Tug and Growch close behind. I had better have a wash myself, find a clean
shirt and comb my hair before I met Wonder Boy. But there was someone in my
room already, bending over the wooden chest at the foot of my bed, just about
to lift the lid.
"What the hell . .
. !"
He straightened up guiltily,
then just stared and stared.
"When I heard the
name . . . You've come a long way, haven't you, Mistress Summer!"
The recognition was
"My God!" I
said, "You . . ."
Chapter Seven
Instantly my mind was
whirled back to a stretch of forest in a country hundreds of miles away. It
must have been some eighteen months ago but it seemed like a hundred years. So
much had happened in between that I didn't even feel like the same girl. Now
the scene came back with sudden clarity, and I could see the dirty-faced stable
lad who had helped me and my previous friends escape imprisonment and torture,
been well paid for his trouble—and then robbed me of the rest of my moneys.
Even then I had somewhat
admired his cheek and, remembering he was only stealing to help his widowed
mother and sisters, I had told him to seek out Master Spicer, feeling sure that
the kind man would give him a better-paid job in his own stables. I recalled
Matthew had said the lad had been sent somewhere for "training," but
until this moment had thought no more about it.
But the young man
standing in front of me now, with his freshly coiffed hair, fine clothes and
added inches of height—he must be at least as tall as I—bore little resemblance
to the scruffy boy I had thought to be only about fourteen. Amazing what good
food and an easier life could do; he must be about seventeen, I guessed, and
the only familiar features were the thatch of fair hair—still untidy in spite
of the fashionable basin cut with the curled fringe—the intensely blue eyes
with their look of sharp intelligence, and the rather greedy mouth.
"What in the world
are you doing here, Dickon?"
"Not Dickon
anymore: Ricardus. I'm working for Matthew Spicer as a trainee trader and have
done pretty well for myself—"
"So I've heard . .
"—and Dickon is a
common, peasant name. Latinized it sounds far more impressive, don't you
To me he was still
Dickon. "How are your mother and sisters?"
A hint of a scowl.
"Well enough. Master Spicer secretly sends them a part of my wages. My
eldest sister has got married. . . . But what about you? Why are you here? And
why dressed as a lad? What happened to the rest of the ragtag you carted round
with you?"
"Part of it is
still here," I said, pointing to Growch, who was growling softly.
"Quiet, boy; you've met him before." I nodded at Tug. "He
travels with us to find his people; he was stolen as a slave sometime
back." Tug was scowling. "Friend, Tug. Ricardus. Say it . . ."
But he wouldn't, and, still scowling, spat over his shoulder, which is neither
easy nor a sign of approval.
"Looks a bit of a
dimwit to me," commented Dickon. "What of the others?"
"The knight went
back to his lady—"
"Thought you were
sweet on him?"
"—and the mare, the
tortoise and the pigeon found their own kind."
"What about the
pig? The one I saw fly. What of him?"
"Nothing," I
said defensively. I still didn't want to think about him. "He—went back to
his beginnings." Which was true enough, but light on the full details.
"Thought you might
have got some money out of it by selling him to a freak show. Pigs don't
fly." His eyes were too sharp, too inquisitive.
"His wings were
only temporary things. . . ."
"Oh, fell off did
they? You should have sewed them on more firmly. . . . Still haven't told me
why you're here, though. Must say you've got nice long legs, Mistress
I pulled my jerkin down.
"Master Summer, if you please!" I had had just about enough
time to think. "I'm here for the same reason you are: to learn the
business. Matthew—Master Spicer—thought I would be safer dressed this
way." Why was I blushing?
He grinned, winked.
"Way he talked about you, took me in without question on your word,
thought he was keen on you. . . . Fact remains, dressed as a lad or not, this
is no job for a female. Surprised he let you come."
"It wasn't a
question of letting me—" I stopped. Better not tell him too much. Somehow
I didn't feel I could trust him. Apart from that brief meeting a year and a half
ago, what else did I know about him except that he was a thief, made the most
of his opportunities and had become a bit of a snob?
His eyes were narrowed,
considering me. "And no one knows of this change of sex, 'cept me?"
"Apart from
Matthew, Suleiman—and Signor Falcone in Venice." Two of the three, anyway.
He seemed satisfied.
"Must admit you don't look too bad. Bet you don't walk right, though;
women walk from the hips, men from the knee."
"You haven't seen
me walk," I objected.
"Not yet, but I'll
bet you . . ."
"Just wait and
see," I snapped. "At least I don't suppose you have ever been
propositioned as a bum-boy!"
His eyes widened.
"My, you have been living it up! How did you get out of that one?"
I shrugged. "A
knife and a few words, carefully chosen . . ."
"I still can't
believe Master Spicer sent you all the way out here just to learn the
business." He narrowed his eyes again. "Are you sure you weren't sent
out on a special mission? As a spy, perhaps?"
"Don't be
ridiculous. I just wanted to see a bit of the world, that's all. I haven't the
money to travel as a pampered female and I—we—thought this was a good way to do
it." What had he been searching for in the wooden chest? Why was he afraid
of someone spying? After all, he hadn't known I would turn up until he saw me.
Chippi came bustling up
the stairs to announce that the evening meal was ready.
"Ah, the great
friends they have met! Two such pretty young fellows, by damn! Much good pals
will be. Wife has prepared special dish. Coming down for same, isn't it?"
Tables were set out in
the courtyard as usual, but tonight Chippi deigned to sit with us at the table
of honor nearest the kitchen. Mistress Chippi wouldn't join us, of course:
women were generally of lower status than the menfolk out here. As dark as her
husband, but much fatter, she bustled about setting out delicacies for
starters: crisply fried savory biscuits, bean shoots, meat balls. Then came the
special dish, a steaming heap of meat and vegetables on a bed of boiled rice. I
watched how Dickon would cope; he took up one of the soft pancakes Chippi
called chapatis, folded it round a mouthful of food, conveyed it to his mouth
without so much as spilling a grain of rice and chewed appreciatively.
He spoke with his mouth full: he hadn't learned everything yet.
It looked easy enough,
and I managed quite nicely but, as I leant forward to scoop up another
mouthful, a terrible delayed reaction set in.
My tongue, my mouth, my
throat, my stomach—they were all on fire! I had been poisoned! My eyes were
streaming, I couldn't breathe. . . . Struggling to my feet, choking and
gasping, I signalled frantically for a drink—water, wine, sherbet, anything!
Slurping down whatever
was offered—it could have been anything for all the effect it had on the
terrible taste in my mouth—I could feel a gradual lessening of the burning
heat. Perhaps I hadn't been poisoned after all.
At last I could breathe
normally again. I mopped my streaming eyes and looked across at Dickon and
Chippi—they were doubled over with laughter!
"It's not funny!
What on earth was it?"
"Oh, dearie, dearie
me!" Chippi blew his nose on his sleeve. "We are larks having, isn't
it . . . First time you eat curry, yes?"
"Curry. Very hot
being. Wife cook it good, yes, Ricardus?"
"Very good,"
said the objectionable Dickon, tucking in heartily. "You'll soon get used
to it, Master Summer."
"I will not!"
And I kept my word.
For the next few days
Dickon initiated me further into the mysteries of merchanting, and I took care
not to show him how bored I became, trying to appear interested and attentive.
He of course knew nothing of my true reason for taking on the guise of
apprentice; my only worry was Tug, who was growing increasingly restless at being
confined to the town.
I had a word with Karim
Bey on the subject of moving on as soon as possible, pretending eagerness to
travel further. He looked shocked.
"But it is entirely
the wrong time of year to venture further, Master Summer; everything closes
down shortly because the higher routes will soon become impassable. I had
thought you would be content to over-winter here, and learn as much as possible
for the spring journeys." He must have seen the disappointment on my face.
"I myself shall not be sending out any more caravans. However, as you seem
so keen, I will try and get you a place with an eastbound trader, if I can find
one. You may well find that you end up at the back of beyond, forced to stay
until the snow melts, and find it difficult to return. However, that is up to
And with that I had to
be content. I told Tug we were waiting for a special trader to take us further
east, and I think he believed me.
Our daily work had to
finish sometime, and in the evenings after supper Dickon, Tug, Growch, and I
took to wandering down the myriad side streets and alleys that radiated from
the square right through to the edges of town, as haphazardly as the tiny veins
on the inside of one's elbow.
Here lay the real life
of the city, a place where the great and wealthy never came. During the day one
might see town officials bustling about in the city proper, respectable
citizens about their business, soldiers exercising, merchants fingering the
goods on offer in the market, discreetly veiled ladies taking the air, either
on foot or in gilded palanquins, and all around were the workers, those who
catered to their whims: servants, both male and female, stall holders,
farriers, cooks, children running errands, water carriers, weavers, tailors,
hairdressers, beauticians, fortune-tellers, launderers, beggars, refuse
gatherers, cleaners, night-soil collectors, rope makers, jewellers, wine
sellers, oil vendors—in fact all those unregarded people without whom the city
could not function at all.
At night, though, it was
as if a soft blanket came down on all this bustle and the little side streets
and alleys came into their own, for this was where the workers lived. Here they
had their homes; here they were born, grew up, loved, hated, became ill, died.
Here was all manner of meaner housing; tenements, small one-roomed hovels,
stables, tents, holes in the ground or in the walls, shacks and even the bare
Here also were the
little family restaurants, minor businesses, brothels, stalls that sold items
not available in the open market: strange drugs, stolen goods, information;
here there was trade in quack medicines and human beings; much gossip and
entertainment; and lastly were the stalls that sold those small, largely
useless objects that might just fetch enough to buy the daily bowl of rice.
These alleyways were
only dimly lit and the town guard generally gave them a wide berth. It was not
wise for a stranger to walk there alone, but I had always felt safe with Tug
and Growch, though we didn't go far. However when Dickon heard of our
expeditions he insisted on accompanying us, ostensibly as guard, but I
suspected he had never dared go alone before and we were merely an excuse. As
it was he strutted and postured like a young lord, especially when there was a
pretty girl about. He was trying to grow a moustache, none too successfully,
and he fancied himself as a ladykiller. In fact on the third evening he
thoroughly embarrased me, suggesting a visit to one of the many little
"I'm not going to
one of those! How could I?"
"You're dressed as
a lad. You don't have to—participate. You can just watch, can't you?"
"Certainly not! You
can do what you like, but I'm staying outside."
"Suit yourself!
Just don't get lost: I may be some time. . . ."
Which left the rest of
us wandering up and down the street, pretending to examine the goods at one or
another of the stalls, fending off too persistent vendors and generally feeling
conspicuous. I had almost made up my mind to trust Growch's sense of direction
to get us back to our lodgings, when Dickon reappeared with a smirk on his face
and ostentatiously adjusting his clothing.
"I hope it was
worth it," I said nastily.
"Of course. I
always ensure that I get value for money. Pity in some ways you ain't a lad: I
could show you a thing or two in this town."
"If I were, I doubt
if I'd take advantage of your offer. I wouldn't want to risk catching something
"I know what I'm
"Good for you. Can
we go now?"
He didn't repeat the
experiment, if that was what it was. After all he certainly hadn't been in
there more than a quarter hour, however long it had seemed outside. But perhaps
that was the way they did things in those places. I wasn't going to ask.
Two nights later
something very strange happened.
We had wandered farther
than usual and came at last to a narrow street that twisted and turned like a
snake almost under the tall battlements that protected the city. Here were more
stalls than usual, some set out on the ground on scraps of cloth, others
displayed on stools or tables, yet more in tiny cupboardlike niches in the
walls. There was less noise than usual and those who passed by seemed to do so
as if in a dream. Even the bargaining sounded muted, the examination of objects
slow and unhurried. At one corner the street seemed as light as a fairground,
at another full of shadows, much as a candleflame in a draught will flare one
moment and be down to a mere flicker the next.
I found myself infected
with the same strange lethargy, yet my mind seemed as sharp as a needle. I
found I, too, was taking my time at each stall, examining everything minutely,
yet no one was pressing me to buy. I looked at small prayer mats, embroidery
silks, combs and brushes, painted scarves, brooches and bangles; I picked up a
length of silk here, a phial of perfume there. I waved a fly whisk, tried on a
pair of felt slippers, tapped a brass tray, turned over some table mats,
flicked my finger at a tray of pearls that rolled about like a handful of dry
white peas; I bought and ate a couple of sticky, green sweetmeats, passed by
painting brushes, colored inks, charcoal, dyes, spices, pellets of opium. . . .
Between a hole in the
wall occupied by a man selling sachets of sweet-smelling dried flowers and a
conventional stall laden with pots and pans, an old man squatted behind a small
folding table on which was displayed a heterogenous collection of what looked
like secondhand curios. I bent down to see a small, blue brush jar with a chip,
a dented brass bowl, a piece of dirty amber, a paperweight dull with use, some
scraps of embroidery, a yellowed piece of carved ivory. . . .
I straightened up, ready
to pass on, when the old man lifted his head and looked straight into my eyes.
He was nearly bald, what was left of his hair hanging white on either side of
his face to mingle with a wispy beard. There were laugh lines at the corners of
his eyes, and his whole expression radiated a warmth and good humor, although
if you asked me to describe him feature by feature I could not have done so.
He nodded at me as if we
were old friends, said something I didn't understand, then indicated the tray
in front of him. Obviously an invitation to look closer. I glanced around for
the others. Tug was bargaining for some sweetmeats in sign language with some
coins I had given him. Growch was flushing out imaginary rats from some rubbish
heap, Dickon was chatting up the girl selling rice wine in tiny cups.
Why not indulge the old
man while I waited for the others? He seemed pleasant enough, although I had
seen nothing that attracted me on the tray, except perhaps that little ivory
Strange. The goods
looked different. A pearl, discolored; a chipped blue and white cup; a carved
bamboo flute the worse for wear; an old inkpot—surely those had not been there
before? Ah, there was something I recognized: the little ivory figure. I
couldn't quite make out what it was meant to represent. The old man said
something, and as I looked up he nodded, wreathed in smiles.
I smiled back and
squatted down in front of the tray.
Now the tray was full,
and every object, cracked, chipped, dented, worn or just old, all were carved
or decorated with representations of living things. The blue brush jar had a
lively dragon wrapped around its base, the brass bowl had raised figures of
mice chasing each other's tails; inside the amber, carved as a fish's mouth, a
tiny fly awaited its fate. Embroidery covered with lotus blossoms, a
paperweight with a grasshopper for a handle, a carved bee on the side of the
flute looking alive enough to fly away, a pearl etched with chrysanthemums, a
blue and white cup painted with butterflies, and an inkpot decorated with a
flock of small birds: broken they all might be, but these objects had an exquisite
living grace. And around them all, lively as a kitten, cavorted the ivory
Some part of me, the
sensible part, told me there was something very amiss here. Half a dozen
pieces, less than interesting, then others, and now both lots together, and all
worth a second look. But the sensible side of Summer stayed quiet and the
credulous Summer just accepted what she saw.
Or thought she saw . . .
The old man stretched
out his right hand and took mine; in his left he held a green bowl of water
that danced its reflections in the lamplight as the ring on my finger tingled,
but not unpleasantly. He nodded at me again, indicating that I should look into
the liquid. I leaned forward and found myself gazing into a swirl of colors.
Figures passed through the water; I saw a white horse with a horn on its
forehead, a frog or toad, a cat, a black bird, a fish. . . . Then something I
thought I recognized: another horse galloping across the sands, a scrabbling
tortoise, a pink pigeon, a small elongated dog with short legs, a pig . . . Ah,
the pig!
A pig with wings. A pig
I had kissed three times. A pig that turned into a dragon.
And the girl in the
picture kissed the pig-that-was-a-dark-dragon for the third time, and he turned
into a man. A dark man called Jasper, Master of Many Treasures, and my heart
broke as he turned back into a dragon again and flew away from the Place of
Leaping to my feet, I
dashed the bowl from the old man's hands. I could feel the stupid tears welling
"How could you
know? Dickon?" I called over my shoulder. "Come and translate for me,
please. I want to ask this old man a couple of questions."
He, too, had risen to
his feet, although he still had hold of my hand. He was speaking again, but
thanks to Dickon who must have been standing behind me, I now had a
"I mean no harm,
young traveller."
"The pictures in
the bowl . . ." I stopped. I didn't want Dickon to know what I had seen.
"Before you there
was another who wore a ring," said the old man, and now the translation
was almost simultaneous. "Many, many years ago. She, too, adventured with
animals she was wise enough to call her friends. The rest you saw was what you
wanted to see."
"No! I never wanted
. . ."
"Then the head
denies the heart it would seem. You travel far, girl, to find what you do not
want, then?" There was a gentle, teasing quality in his voice, which I now
seemed to hear clearer than Dickon's. "It will be a long journey for the
seven of you. . . ."
"Seven? Three, you
mean." Me, Tug and Growch.
"Three is a lucky
number, I agree, but seven is better. She who first wore the ring knew
"It's just
three," I repeated firmly.
"Life does not
always turn out the way you want it. I think you will need help with your
journey, extra help."
"You—know where we
are bound?"
"I know
everything." He picked up the bowl again, and miraculously it was still
full of colored water. "Look again. Closer . . ."
Forgetting Dickon, I
gazed once more into the bowl. The colors paled, faded, and now there was just a
milky haze. The haze steadied, snow was falling and I was in it, flying like a
bird between high mountain peaks. But the snow started to drag at my wings, at
the same time destroying my perspective of the land beneath, the familiar
landscape I should know so well. Mountain after mountain, peak after peak, they
all looked alike. The snow grew heavier and now I was weary, blinking away the
flakes of snow that threatened to blind me. Each beat of my wings seemed to
wrench them from their sockets; if I couldn't find what I was looking for soon
I should have to land, but it was unlikely I would find shelter in unknown
Then, suddenly, I saw
A momentary lessening in
the blur of snow, and the three fangs of the Mighty One, gateway to my goal,
loomed up ahead. A turn to the left and I steered between the first two of the
three rock teeth that were so steep that even now they gloomed blackly in the
snow that could not rest against their sides.
Over at last and down,
down, down into the valley beyond. There was the monastery on its hill, where
the saffron-robed monks rang their gongs, sounded their queer, cracked bells
and said their prayers to an endlessly smiling, fat god. Finally a switch to
the right, away from the Hill of Constant Prayer and the village beneath, and a
long slow glide to the Blue Mountain and the cave entrance hidden on the
northern face.
Wearily I braked back,
my leathern wings as clumsy as the landing gear of a youngling. Wobbling a
little, I shoved forward my dragon claws and—
"Jasper!" I
cried out, and smashed the green bowl into a thousand pieces. "Jasper! I
was him!"
The old man stooped down
and picked up one of the tiny shards of glass. One piece? No, for now all the
others seemed to fly into his hand and the bowl was whole again. He tucked it
away in his robe.
"And so you now
know the way to go," he said. "It is always the last part of the
journey that is the hardest."
My mind was in such
turmoil that I could think of nothing to say—except thank him.
He bowed. "It is
nothing; a breath of wind across a sleeping face, bringing with it a dream of
the poppies over which it has travelled. . . . And now, young traveller, you
were thinking of bearing something away from my tray."
I was? Yes, perhaps I
was. That must be why I was bending over the tray again, and now all the
creatures and flowers were real, alive. A butterfly perched on my finger, then
flew to the old man's beard; a tiny fly cleaned its wings of the amber that had
imprisoned it; a fish swam in the brass bowl that the old man tucked away in
his robe; a string of mice disappeared up his sleeve; a tiny blue dragon flew
to his shoulder then vanished down his collar; a grasshopper leapt to his head,
a flock of tiny birds circled the stall and a bee, heavy with pollen, rested
for a moment on my sleeve, before crawling up a fold of the old man's robe,
whose lap now held a mass of flowers. . . .
Now all that was left on
the tray was the little ivory figure. It was still difficult to make out
exactly what it was meant to represent—he looked like a mixture of dog, horse,
dragon, deer—but he did have a very intelligent expression.
"How much?"
"He is not for
sale. He goes where he wishes." He spoke as though the creature had a will
of its own, but then nothing would have surprised me now.
"May I pick him
"If he will let you
. . ."
What did he do then?
Bite? Disappear in a puff of smoke?
Gingerly I bent forward,
picked him up between finger and thumb and put him on my palm. Exquisitely
carved, he had the body of a deer, hooves of a horse, a water buffalo's tail
with a huge plume on the end, a stubby little face with a minihorn in his
forehead and what looked like fine filaments or antennae sweeping back from his
mouth. Funny that I hadn't been able to see him clearly before, especially as
he was the only perfect piece. He sat quite comfortably on my hand.
"What is
"That is for him to
tell you. If he wishes."
I waited for something
to happen, but nothing did, so with a strange reluctance I put him back on the
tray. My ring was warm on my finger.
"Are you coming?
The young lass over there says her dad has an eating house round the
corner." Dickon spoke over my shoulder. "I'm hungry even if you're
All the lights were
suddenly brighter, and I could smell sewers.
He nudged my arm impatiently.
"You've been staring at that tray for hours. Looks like a lot of junk to
I looked down. An old
man squatted in front of a tray of secondhand objects, none of which I had seen
before. The ivory figure I thought I remembered seeing wasn't there.
I shook my head, as much
to clear it as a form of negation. "I can't see anything I want," I
said slowly. "Thanks for translating just the same." I bowed to the
old man, and we moved away down the street. I felt all jangled inside as if
someone had jumped me out of a dream too soon.
We were finishing off an
indifferent dish of vegetables and rice when Dickon said suddenly: "What
did you mean: 'thanks for translating'? I wasn't anywhere near you."
"Yes you were! I
called you over because I couldn't understand what the old man was saying. You
were just behind me."
"Was never!"
"You're kidding. .
. ."
"I'm not!"
And the more I insisted,
the more adamant he became. Had I imagined it all, then? The whole episode was
becoming less clear by the minute, but still I clung to an image, a feeling: a
dragon—me, him?—flying in the face of a storm to the Blue Mountain.
Jasper . . .
lover-dragon, dragon-lover.
He was what this journey
was all about, of course. Once upon a time I had rescued a little pig with
vestigial wings from a cruel showman. The pig had grown and grown until one day
when we found the place where he had hatched out, the pig's skin had been cast
away and there was a beautiful, dark, fearsome dragon in the place of my pig.
But why fall in love
with a dragon? Because I had loved the pig and the dragon wasn't a dragon all
the time. And that was my fault. Three times I had kissed the pig, out of
affection and gratitude, and because he was a dragon inside that pig skin I had
broken a law of the equilibrium of the universe, and for each kiss the dragon
was forced to spend a month a year in human form.
That's how he had
explained it to me as he kissed me, made love to me as Jasper the man, just
before he changed back into what he called his true self and flew away to the
east, where all dragons come from, leaving me sick at heart beside the Place of
The blind knight had
offered me love of a sort, Matthew Spicer had proposed marriage, but it had
only been in the arms of Jasper, the Master of Many Treasures, that I had found
that overwhelming joy that true love brings.
And that was why I was
here, in this strange town many hundreds—nay, thousands—of miles from my home.
I would find him, I had sworn I would. I would sacrifice anything for just one
more embrace—
"Your turn."
"I beg your
"Wake up,
Summer!" said Dickon. "I said it was your turn to pay."
I fished among the small
change I kept in my pouch (the greater coins I kept next to my skin) and all of
a sudden I drew out an extraneous object and placed it on the table.
"What the hell's
"The old man had it
on his tray. . . . Quick, I must take it back," and I picked up the ivory
figure and hurried out, leaving Dickon to settle up. Search as I would,
however, there was no sign of the old man. Even the street seemed different,
better lighted, less twisty, and when I found a stall holder I thought I
recognized he said he had seen me standing in a corner talking to myself. Which
was ridiculous!
In the end we returned
to our lodgings, though I promised myself I would go back the next day and try
and find the old man. In the meantime I put the figurine on the chest at the
foot of my bed and curled up in bed seeking a sleep that seemed strangely
elusive. I tossed and turned, flickered in and out of brightly colored dreams I
could not recall, but was at last sinking into deeper slumber when all at once
there was a voice in my ears, a tiny, shrill voice that snapped me back into
consciousness at once.
"Stop thief! Stop
Chapter Eight
I sat up at once, my
sleepy eyes just making out a shadowy form slipping through the open doorway
into the near darkness outside. Stumbling off the bed I made my way over to the
door, shut and bolted it. Normally I didn't bother with the bolt, as Dickon and
I were the only occupants of the verandah at the moment. Feeling my way back to
the chest, I discovered that the lid was open, meaning flint, tinder and candle
stub must be on the floor somewhere. I found the first two and was fumbling for
the third when that squeaky voice came again.
"To your right a
little . . . That's it!"
Needless to say I nearly
dropped the lot.
"Who's there?"
Nothing, save Tug's soft
breathing and a snore from Growch. Fingers trembling, I at last managed a light
and held the candle high. Plenty of shadows but no intruder. Tug rolled up on
the floor in his blanket—he still wouldn't use the bed—and Growch curled up at
the foot of mine. No one else—
"I'm here. On the
floor by your feet. Please don't tread on me. . . ."
I stared down at the
ivory figure. Surely not! I must be dreaming.
"Yes, it's me. You
can pick me up, if you don't mind. Quite uncomfortable standing on one's head.
I found I had picked it—him—up
and put him on the chest, right way up. I stared down; no damage from his
tumble as far as I could see. But the voice! Surely that would have woken the
others, or one of them would have heard the intruder. If there was one.
Suddenly I wasn't sure of anything anymore.
"If you could just
touch me with your ring for a moment—that's it—then I shall find the transition
much easier. . . ."
I did as he said: my
ring thrummed with energy for a moment, but there was nothing but good here.
"Dearie, dearie
me!" said the squeaky voice. "It's been such a long time! Ivory is
pretty to look at but it hasn't the warmth of amber or the manipulation of
wood. But with wood there's always the threat of woodworm of course. . .
I sank to my knees in
front of the chest; this wasn't happening! That little figure wasn't talking to
me, it wasn't, it couldn't!
"Oh, yes I am! I
suppose it must be rather disconcerting for you, but if you will bear with me
I'll try and make the change to living as quickly as I can. . . ." He thought
for a moment. "If you could just hold me in your hands for a moment, warm
me up. That's fine. Don't worry about your friends: they can't hear us."
I put him down on the
chest again and sat back on my heels to watch one of the most amazing things I
had ever seen. It was almost like a chicken breaking from an egg, a crumpled
poppy unfurling its petals from the bud; you wondered how on earth it ever
fitted inside. Of course this creature's task was different: it had to turn
from inanimate to living, but the process seemed about the same.
First I saw the nostrils
dilate as the first breaths of air were inhaled, then the nostrils became
pinkish and the antennae at the side of his mouth flexed back and forth. Like a
chick's feathers, dry little hairs released themselves from the ivory and
fluffed up around his face; dark brown eyes blinked and moistened. Then came
the ears and throat, the former twitching back and forth till they were set as
he wanted. A forked tongue tested the air.
"A little rest:
this is tougher than I thought. It's been a long time. Please excuse the delay.
. . ."
He curled back his lips,
panting a little, and I could see a tiny row of chewing teeth. Now the process
speeded up; tiny hooves stamped, ribs expanded, a rump gave an experimental
wiggle and lastly a short tail with an outsized plume gave an exultant wave.
"There! That's
better. How do I look?"
"Er . . . very
impressive." I didn't really know what to say. The whole process was
mind-bending, but as I didn't know what he was supposed to look like, I
couldn't really qualify my statement.
He seemed to be reading
my mind. "You're quite right! I've forgotten the colors, haven't I? Just
watch. . . ."
In a way this was the
most impressive of all his tricks. From being a dullish creamy yellow, he
rapidly developed a uniquely tinted body that glowed like a jewel on the lid of
the chest. First came a bright yellow belly, then the fur on his back developed
shades of blue, purple, violet, brown and rose, his legs and tail darkened to
gray and lastly the plume on his tail fanned out into crimson, gold and green.
For a brief moment it seemed that his whole body was lapped by flame, but then
he was as before.
"Not bad, not bad
at all. I'm particularly proud of the tail: not exactly conventional, but we
are allowed a certain latitude. . . . Just a moment. I'd feel more comfortable
with a bit more space."
And something that had
been beetle-sized rapidly expanded to the dimensions of a mouse.
"Er . . . are you
going to get any bigger?" I asked nervously, as the growth seemed to be
"Sorry! Not for the
moment. Would you like to see just how big I can grow?"
"Not at the
moment," I said hastily. "Some other time."
"Very well. I
suppose it has taken it out of me a little. . . . Let me introduce myself. My
name is Ky-Lin." His voice was less squeaky.
"Ky-Lin," I
repeated like a dummy. I found it difficult to cope with what was happening.
"Yes, and
"My name is Summer.
Pleased to make your acquaintance."
"A mutual
A little silence, then I
plucked up courage. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'm not quite sure to what
I owe the pleasure of your company? I found you in my pouch last night, and I
was going to try and find the old man tomorrow to return you—"
"Didn't he say that
I went where I wanted? Where I thought I was needed?"
"Yes, but—"
"So, I am here. You
need me, I think. You have a long journey ahead of you and I believe I might
prove useful. The trip sounds interesting and if I comport myself well I shall
have earned myself more points."
"Points? For
what?" This conversation was very confusing.
"For my
"The old man?"
"No, no!" He
looked scandalized. "He is one of the Old Ones, a Master of Illusion, but
quite earthbound I assure you. No, I speak of my Lord." He settled back on
his haunches. "A long, long time ago there lived a great and good man
called Siddhartha, later known as the Buddha. He was so wise and so loving that
he gave up all worldly distractions. He had to walk about the world in poverty,
preaching of the Divine Way to Eternal Life. He saw life as a great wheel that
eventually led to Paradise, which is a way of becoming part of the Eternal. But
this way can only be realized by living a perfect life, and as man is not
perfect he is given many chances. These take the form of various animal lives
or incarnations, accompanied by rewards and punishments—points, if you like.
You may be a good horse in one incarnation, and be rewarded by being a man in
the next. Or you may be a bad man, and find yourself a lowly insect in another.
Do you see?"
I thought so, though it
was a novel idea, these many chances to be good. Like all people in my country
I had been brought up a Catholic, but since then on my travels had come across
many other religions: Judaism, Hinduism, Mohammedanism. It seemed there was
more than one road to God. A clever God would understand that just as different
countries, different climates, different cultures produced different ideas, so
He could tailor these to men's beliefs so that their worship was comfortable to
"You are partly
following my Lord's teachings," he continued, "because you care about
animals. We are taught to go even further; we believe that we must not damage
any living thing, because we might be hurting one of our fellows, temporarily
on a lower path or incarnation."
"But you—you are
not like any creature I have ever seen."
"Because I, and my
many companions, were created especially by my Lord Himself to epitomize how
many creatures may be one, a harmonious whole. We traveled with Him, as His
guards and friends."
"Your Lord, whom
you said lived many years ago, has presumably found His Eternal Life: why are
you still here, and not with Him?"
There was a longer
silence. "I hoped you wouldn't ask. . . ."
"Sorry, I didn't mean—"
"It's all right.
You should know." Another silence. "The fact is, I should be perfect,
and I'm not. Wasn't."
The words came out in a
rush. "I-was-careless-and-trod-on-the-grass.
I-was-also-greedy-and-lazy-and-rebellious." He paused. "But the worst
was—I-said-I-didn't-want-Eternity. . . . I thought it would be boring. There!
Now you know. That's why I'm here. I can't change my shape, but I have to work
off my badnesses by helping others, until my Lord Buddha decides I am fit to
join Him."
It seemed so unfair to
me. Poor little creature! How on earth could you remember not to tread on
grass? I reached out a finger without thought and stroked his head, and there
was a little grumbling purr, like a cat, but suddenly he twitched his head
"You mustn't
indulge me; that is pure pleasure, and I am forbidden anything like that. I've
lost a point already, being proud of my plumed tail a moment ago."
"All right." I
had made a mistake with my pig-dragon. "And how many points have you got
"I don't know. The
trouble is, my last choice was purely selfish, and my Lord recognized it as
such. I came across an old man—he was nearly eighty—who wanted help translating
Greek and Roman texts. I reckoned he might last another five years or so, but
my Lord saw through my deception, and the old man lived to a hundred and ten.
It was hard work, too," he added, and sighed.
I found myself trying
not to smile. The idea of this vibrant little creature being tied to dusty
scrolls for thirty years . . . I had another idea.
"You speak, or
understand, other languages, too?"
"Most. My Lord
arranged it so we have an inbuilt translator in our heads."
An extra bonus: perhaps
he would be able to make sense of Tug's click-clicks, and find out where he
came from.
Ky-Lin yawned, his
forked tongue curling back on itself till I could see the ridged roof of his
mouth. "And now, it is time for sleep. I shall, with your permission, curl
up inside the chest, if you would open it up? Thanks."
A last wave of his tail
and I found I couldn't keep my eyes open nor my brain fit to think over what I
had just seen and heard. As I pulled the blanket up round my ears, I realized
that I hadn't asked him who had been the potential thief he had disturbed.
And in the morning there
wasn't time.
Karim Bey sent for both
Dickon and I shortly after dawn. He had found a caravan that had come in the
previous day and intended to leave at midday for points further east, with a
special order of furs, perfume and German glass. When Karim told Dickon I had asked
to accompany it, he at once volunteered to go too. "Just to keep an eye on
a trainee," as he put it.
I was surprised: I
thought the distractions of the town would have been more enticing. I wasn't
sure whether to be glad or sorry; Dickon was a passable lad, a good linguist,
knew far more than I did about merchandising and had always been helpful. But
there was something, just something I couldn't put a name to, that made me
uneasy in his company. It wasn't his womanizing, though that was annoying enough,
nor was it his vanity—how many lads of seventeen or so wouldn't take advantage
of good wages to dress well? If I were back in my girl's guise wouldn't I want
ribbons and fal-lals? No, there was something else, something sneaky
about him.
We were hurriedly
introduced to the caravan owner, a small and undistinguished character called
Ali Qased, then Karim paid out moneys for our food and lodgings and the hire of
a couple of mules, making sure we realized that the latter would be deducted
from our commissions.
I hurried back to our
lodgings for a quick breakfast, an even quicker packing—a sleepy Ky-Lin tucked
surreptitiously in the lining of my jacket—and a prolonged and formal farewell
to Chippi and his wife, with much head bobbing and wringing of hands from them
The sun was high in the
sky when we set off, winding away from the city and up again into the hills,
this time to the east. Tug was beside himself with happiness that we were at
last on the move, and sang tunelessly as he trotted along beside us, disdaining
the offer of a ride.
I didn't find things so
easy. For some reason I felt out of sorts, with a grumbling stomach, a sort of
warning that things might get worse. I was snappy with the others, critical of
the journey, couldn't sleep—in fact it reminded me of nothing so much as those
times before my monthly loss. It was a shock to realize too that these had not
manifested themselves for nearly a year, a fact I had initially put down to the
terrible journey I undertook to return to Matthew, after my dragon had flown
away and left me.
The lack of a monthly
flow had been a boon in my travels as a boy, and I had completely forgotten
about it until now. Perhaps I should be worried, I thought; perhaps there was
something permanently wrong. Surreptitiously I felt my stomach: a little
swollen, but nothing else. If it was pregnancy I was worried about, then there
was nothing to fear, of course, for Jasper was the only man to touch me in that
way and the nine months needed to make a baby had long gone. Just in case I
checked my pack to make sure the cloths I had packed were still there if
It grew rapidly much
colder the farther east and north we travelled, with an intermittent icy wind
sliding down the ever-nearing mountains, and it was with relief that we mostly
found small villages in which to spend the lengthening nights; tents in the
open were no substitute for four walls and a roof, however basic. Tug was the
only one who didn't feel the cold, merely wrapping himself up tighter in his
I kept Ky-Lin hidden, as
we mostly shared quarters with Dickon, and for some reason I was reluctant to
share him. I fed him scraps of rice or dried fruit, because of his taboo on
eating or killing anything live.
One night we were on our
own, Dickon and Tug foraging for wood for the communal fire and Growch off on
an expedition of his own. I set out some raisins and a few nuts in front of
Ky-Lin, watching his pleasure as he nibbled at the latter.
"You like
"Mmm. One of my
favorites. You know what I like best of all?"
"Flaked almonds
coated with honey, or a nice pod or two of carob. Very bad for the teeth, but
quite delicious."
I made a mental note to
seek out either or both as soon as I could.
As I watched him I
suddenly remembered something I had meant to ask a long time ago.
"Ky-Lin, that first
night you came to us . . ."
"You woke me up
calling out 'Stop thief!' "
He nodded.
"Did you see
He nodded again, mouth
full of nut.
"Did you see who it
Another nod.
It seemed ages before he
answered. "Got sticky fingers that one."
"Who has?"
"Your friend
Dickon, of course! Who did you think it would be?"
Chapter Nine
“I don't believe
it!" I shook my head. "There's nothing there he would want."
"Have you anything
in your baggage he desires?"
I thought through all my
belongings: clothes, writing materials and journal, now written in a form of
shortened hand and difficult to decipher; tally sticks, a few herbs and
simples, my forged papers from Matthew, Suleiman's letter—had Dickon made
something that wasn't out of that?—mug, bowl and spoon, plus the lump of glass
the captain's wife had given me. This had proved rather disappointing:
beautifully shaped and cut, it nevertheless had looked nothing other than dull
when I had looked at it one gray evening when we had been on our way to the
tent city of Kьm. My other treasure from that city, the Waystone, I kept in a
pouch about my neck, together with some little scraps of discarded skin that
had come from a certain little pig; just a keepsake, I kept telling myself.
But there must be
something. Think . . . I went through the list again in my mind. No, there was
nothing else—nothing except the maps I had copied, and the one Suleiman had
enclosed with his letter. Could it be these he had been looking for?
Ky-Lin was reading my
mind. "Could be," he said. "Especially if he has the sort of
suspicious mind that believes you are doing something other than just being an
I remembered Dickon's
accusations of being a spy, or on a secret mission for Matthew. "Let's
take a look," I said. I peeked past the hanging leather that served as a
door in this poor place; Tug was squatting by the fire, Dickon was talking to
one of the village girls.
"All clear." I
pulled out the two maps I had duplicated at Matthew's and spread them out on
the dirt floor using elbows and knees to keep them flat. Ky-Lin trotted over to
sit on the fourth corner.
I pointed to the first,
larger map. "Here's where I come from, and that's the route, marked out,
that we took to Venice. . . . Here's the sea we crossed to the Golden Horn, and
this could be the way we took to Kьm. But there are lots of trails leading from
there, so we must have used the most easterly. I suppose we could be just about
here, now. . . ."
Ky-Lin squinted horribly
and shook his head from side to side which he explained helped him concentrate.
"The trouble with maps is that they are never used by people who know the
routes and know the terrain, so there is no one to update them. Most of them
are hopelessly inaccurate, and at best are mostly guesswork. Distances, too,
can be very misleading, for who counts his paces or even his days to mark his
passage? Ask one caravan master how long it takes from this city to that and he
will tell you ten, twenty days, depending on the weather. Another will take a
different trail over easier ground and shorten the time by half, yet as the
bird flies the mileage would be the same."
"It's marked with
mountains and things," I said defensively. An erupting volcano graced part
of Italia, a couple of small ships on the seas; there was what looked like a
lion and a triangular temple on the coast of Africa, and Cathay was shown with
snaky rivers and high mountains. In the corner where Ky-Lin was sitting was a
great empty space and the legend: "Here be Dragons." That was one of
the reasons I had been keen to have a copy.
"Pictures of them,
yes, but are they where it shows them? I think you have a clue here," and
he tapped his hoof right in front of where he was sitting. "To the
ignorant layman, when you see the word 'dragons,' what would you immediately
think of? Yes," he added, crossing my thoughts. "Treasure. Maybe your
young friend believes you are on a treasure hunt, with or without Master Spicer's
assistance or knowledge. Let me see the others. . . ."
The second of Matthew's
maps he pronounced as better, but not much. I produced the one Suleiman had
"Ah, this is more
like it. The man who made this actually travelled these routes. I recognize
this, and this, and this. . . ." He shook his head, crossed his eyes
alarmingly, waved his plumed tail.
"But I can't read
these squiggles. . . ."
"Those 'squiggles'
are in Cantonese, but even without them I can see places I have visited. See,
the Land of the Lotus, the Singing Gardens, the Desert of Death, the City of
Golden Towers (not true, they are only gilded), and there are others I have
heard of. The country of Snakes, the town of the Three-legged Men (named after
an annual race they hold), the Blue Mountain, the—"
"Did you—did you
say the Blue Mountain?"
"Yes. Here it is,
just beyond the Three Fangs of the Mighty One. This means something special to
All at once all I could
think about was the vision the old man had shown me in that magical bowl of
colored water, where I had been for a brief moment or two a dragon, steering my
way through the Fangs and down to the valley beneath and the Blue Mountain with
the hidden cave.
I jabbed my finger down
on the map. "It's there, it's true, it's real! That's where I must
go!" I was almost shouting with joy.
There was a sudden
silence. The ivory figurine that had been holding down the map rolled off into
the shadows. I looked up, and there was Dickon framed in the doorway.
I don't know how much he
had heard or seen, but of course he pretended there was nothing amiss, merely
saying that he had come to ask whether I would prefer rice or pancakes for our
evening meal, but all the time he was speaking his eyes were darting
suspiciously around the hut, glancing at the map I had immediately released so
that it had scrolled itself and rolled into a corner.
Poor Ky-Lin, I thought:
he will have to start all over again. Even while I was thinking this I was
gathering up the maps and stuffing them back in my pack, and all the while
chattering away like a demented monkey.
"Hello, Dickon, I
didn't see you there! How nice of you to come and ask what I wanted. . . . Let
me see, now. We had pancakes yesterday, didn't we? Or was it beans . . . On the
other hand I'm a bit tired of rice. My stomach hasn't been all that good, as
you know, so perhaps it had better be pancakes. Or do you think they will be
too greasy? What do you suggest?"
I continued to rummage
around for my writing things.
"I thought I would
catch up with my diary of our travels, so I checked the maps to make sure I
have the route all planned out correctly. They're not very accurate, though;
what's this place called, do you know? Never mind, I'll just mark it as a village.
. . ."
And so on, trying to
cover my confusion and making it worse.
But he couldn't contain
his curiosity for long. "I heard—I thought you were talking to someone . .
. ?"
"Me? Now who could
I be talking to: there's no one else here. The place is empty. . . ." Think
of something quick, Summer! "Oh that! You heard me talking to myself, I
suppose. Haven't you ever done that? It always helps if you're trying to work
something out in your mind, makes it all much clearer. . . ."
I could see he wasn't
satisfied, kept looking around the room, but there was nothing to see.
"I'll order you rice then. It'll be ready soon."
As soon as he was gone,
I rushed over to Ky-Lin and picked him up.
"I'm terribly
sorry. I hope it isn't too difficult to come alive again?"
Almost at once out
popped a living nose and mouth. "Easier each time. Give me a few minutes.
Go and get your food; if you wouldn't mind bringing me a few grains of rice? I
always get particularly hungry after a change. . . ."
The meal was an uneasy
one. Dickon put himself out to be charming and entertaining, but I still
worried about what he might have seen and overheard. Besides which, my stomach
had started aching again and I definitely felt queasy. I couldn't finish all
the rice and vegetables and excused myself before the others had finished,
longing to just wrap myself in a blanket, lie down on my pallet and try to
forget the pain in my guts in sleep. It wasn't particularly cold, but I was
"Did you remember .
. . ? It doesn't matter. You look ill. . . ."
"Oh, hell! Sorry
Ky-Lin. Yes. It does matter." I went to the door and called Tug over and
explained what I wanted. He had been playing five-stones with the village boys,
but he was always cheerful and willing these days. Two minutes later he was
back with some rice and vegetables wrapped in a vine leaf.
"You still hungry,
I made up my mind.
"Tug come with me. New friend to meet."
Tug's eyes were as wide
as I had ever seen them as Ky-Lin fluffed out his tail in welcome. But instead
of dropping the rice or running off in horror, he instead gave a stiff little
bow, then walked over to the creature and placed the food in front of him,
standing back to watch him eat.
"Tug, this is
said Tug, and gave that jerky little bow again. "Very good. Go with
Lord Buddha."
"He knows. . .
"My Lord's wisdom
has travelled to many places, like the wind," said Ky-Lin, chasing the
last pieces of rice with his forked tongue. "If I am not mistaken, this
child comes from the Northern Plains."
"Can you speak his
tongue?" Perhaps at last we should be better able to help him.
"I will try. . .
." And for the next few moments there was an incomprehensible (to me)
series and exchange of clicks and hisses, at the end of which Ky-Lin's eyes
were crossed and Tug had a broad grin on his face.
"I was right,"
said Ky-Lin. "The boy is one of the Plainsmen, the great Horsemen. They
are nomadic herdsmen, live in tents, and travel many hundreds of miles in a
"And how far away
is his homeland?" I asked, my heart already sinking in anticipation of his
"Perhaps a thousand
miles to the north, perhaps a little more."
It was as I had feared.
I had promised Tug, in sign language if not in words, that I would take him
back to his homeland, and I couldn't break a promise, even if it meant I went
hundreds of miles out of my way. I looked at the hope in his face, and knew I
couldn't let him down. How should I have felt if I had been snatched away from
home and family at ten or eleven years old, transported hundreds of miles, only
to be sold like an animal to the highest bidder? After all, my dragon would
wait, wouldn't he?
"Do you know the
way there, Ky-Lin?"
"I can guide you in
the right direction, if that is what you wish; the way is quite clearly shown
on that last map of yours. But I warn you that the country itself, besides
being many miles away, is also far vaster than anything you have come across so
far. Another thing; it will take many months to reach, and this caravan we
travel with is taking us too far to the east."
Which meant we should
have to abandon the safety of the caravan and strike out on our own. For a
terrible moment I thought I hadn't got the courage; feeling as I did now, I
would have been thankful to have just curled up for the winter and hibernated
like the red-leaf squirrels near my old home. My ring gave a little throb, and
I remembered we had Ky-Lin with us, and we hadn't failed up to now, had we? And
we wouldn't: not with the help of God's good grace—and a little luck.
But we should have to be
careful not to rouse Dickon's suspicions. He was the last person I wanted to
accompany us, but if he got the slightest hint we were to be away on our own he
would be sure to follow, especially if, as Ky-Lin had suggested, he believed we
were after treasure. And, knowing Dickon, he would stick like a leech.
The following morning I
made enquiries that all could hear as to when we would reach the next town,
explaining that I needed the services of a competent purveyor of pills for my
stomach pains. The answer was three days; once there I would plead
indisposition and stay behind. Of course once I announced my indisposition, it
miraculously cured itself, as an aching tooth will while queuing for the tooth
puller, but I still pretended it was worsening, and this was aided by the fact
that apparently I still looked pale and drawn.
In the meantime I
introduced Growch to Ky-Lin, only to be informed that he had "known all
the time, and just how many more spare parts was I going to invite along on
what was, after all, supposed to be a special journey just for the two of us .
. ." etc.
I realized that he was
jealous, only had been too caught up in my own plans to recognize it, so from
then on I made a special fuss over him, even going to the extreme of treating
him to a bath and comb. He whined like hell, of course, but secretly I believe
he thought any attention was better than none, and we were soon back to our old
The journey that should
have taken three days took five, due to torrential rains, but this worked to my
advantage in the end, because Ali Qased, the caravan master, was eager to press
on immediately before any more autumnal downpours held him up, and as far as he
was concerned one sick apprentice more or less would only hold him up.
Using Dickon as my
interpreter, he was quite willing I should stay behind until he returned—a
guess of a month or more—but he also insisted that I consult the local
apothecary, a shabby little man with an obsequious manner and a satchel full of
phials of crushed insects, dried bats' wings, unidentified blood, powder of
tiger claw, bitter herbs and pellets of opium. He prodded my stomach, shook his
head, and went away to make up some pills.
To add color to my
"illness," I took to my bed in the small attic room Dickon had found
for me. He returned with powder in a twist of rice paper and half a dozen
pills, insisting that I take them at once.
"You owe me two
silver coins—"
"Yes, but if you
take these at once you may be better in the morning and ready to continue the
journey. We don't leave till ten."
I fished out the money,
then groaned. "I don't think I shall. . . . Now, leave me alone to get
some rest."
"When you've taken
your medicine. The powder is to be dissolved in water and the—"
"I haven't got
He nodded at Tug, who
was arranging some stones on the floor in a complicated game. "Send your
slave boy."
I was tired of his
attitude towards Tug.
"Once and for all,
he's not a slave. I bought him and gave him his freedom. And no, I'm not
sending him: he couldn't make himself understood. Go yourself."
"He's a cretin. . .
"He's not that
either. You just don't understand him."
I might add that Tug was
perfectly well aware of Dickon's dislike and played up to it, acting like a
village idiot when he was near, so Dickon's remark wasn't entirely unjustified.
Now the boy stuck out his tongue and waggled his fingers in his ears.
"Tug . . ." I
said reprovingly, wanting to giggle.
"Told you,"
said Dickon. "All right, I'll fetch you some water. Just stay here till I
get back."
What did he think I was
going to do? Fly out the window?
As soon as he had gone I
scooped Ky-Lin out of my sleeve.
"Quick!" I
said. "The medicines. Are they fit to take?"
He sniffed delicately at
the twists of paper.
"Mmmm . . . the
powder is harmless. Crushed pearl, a pinch of gentian for color, cinnamon for
taste. The pills? Sweetener for coating, a little clay for setting; inside
rat's blood, burnt feathers and a good dose of opium."
"You've eaten
worse, certainly from my point of view! At least there is nothing to harm you
permanently. Try and get away with just drinking the powder: the opium in a
pill will make you sleep heavily, and if you want to be away tomorrow as soon
as they leave . . . spit it out as soon as he's gone."
But the trouble was he
wouldn't go. He watched me tip some of the powder into my mug and add water,
stirring it with my finger till it was purple. I drank it down with an
expression of disgust, though the taste was not unpleasant.
"I think I'll take
a rest now. . . ."
"Pills first."
"In a minute! I'll
just see if the drink will—"
"The pills are to
be taken at the same time. Go on. Two."
"I am not
taking two! Suppose they don't agree with me? Do you want to spend the night
nursing me?"
"One, then.
I put it in my mouth,
and tucked it quickly under my tongue, making exaggerated swallowing motions.
"There! Now you can go and leave me alone."
He still wouldn't leave;
instead he paced the floor, small though the room was: three steps one way, two
"How can I leave
you on your own? Master Spicer would never forgive me if you worsened. . . .
You said yourself that heathen boy can't make himself understood. No, my duty
is to stay here with you. The caravan can manage without me."
The pill was gradually
melting in my mouth. I could taste the bitterness through the coating.
"And Matthew would
never forgive me if you broke your apprenticeship just to look after me! I'll
be fine in a couple of days. I've enough money to stay here until you come
back, and I can spend the time bringing my journal up to date and learning a
bit more of the language. I wouldn't dream of you staying behind!"
"Don't tell me what
I ought or ought not to do!" Then in a gentler tone: "I consider it
my duty to look after you. Don't forget I am the only one who knows you are a
girl . . ."
Was this an implied
" . . . and you
wouldn't want anyone else to find out, would you?"
Yes, it was.
"What harm can it
do for me to stay and—you to go?" The pill must be taking effect. I
mustn't go to sleep, I mustn't! "After all, I can't go anywhere, can I?
Ali Qased said his was the last caravan expected this year. . . ." I
yawned uncontrollably.
At last he left,
promising to look in again, and the next thing was Ky-Lin hissing in my ear:
"Spit it out! Spit it out!"
The pill, what little
was left of it, dropped to the floor. I struggled up on my elbow. "Mustn't
sleep . . . lots to do. Got to find out—find out—how to get away. Transport . .
. food. Can't . . . can't sleep."
said Ky-Lin, close to my ear. "We-will-see-to-it. Leave-it-to-us.
Sleep-in-peace. . . ."
I didn't hear or see
them leave, knew nothing else in fact until a bright light flashed across my
eyelids. I tried to open my mouth, my eyes, but nothing happened. It was as if
I was frozen to my bed. The light flashed again.
"Perhaps you were
telling the truth after all, little witch," said a voice I should
recognize. Then more sharply: "Wake up, Summer! Time to get up," and
someone shook me, none too gently. I moaned and rolled over, but could respond
no further, slipping back down into a velvety darkness.
Then something triggered
a thought. Of course I recognized the voice: it had to be Dickon. With a
supreme effort I opened my eyes. There was a lantern on the floor, and by its
light I could see Dickon going through my papers, my pack open at his side. He
held up first one map and then another, frowning and muttering to himself.
"Can't see much there. . . . Possible, possible. We're way off track,
though. . . ."
He rolled the maps,
turned his attention to my journal but, as I had anticipated, he could make
little of my scrawl, especially as it had been only recently that the former
stable lad had learned to know his letters. "Still, I heard her say there
was somewhere she had to go . . . but where, where?"
He glanced across at me,
but luckily my face was in shadow and I closed my eyes quickly.
"Still, there's
nowhere to go from here. Safe enough, I reckon."
At that moment there was
a bark on the stone steps that led up to my room; the others were back.
With a speed that
obviously owed much to practice, maps and papers were stuffed back in my pack
and it was rapidly refastened. A moment later and he was standing over the bed,
lantern held high.
Growch rushed in
growling, closely followed by Tug. Dickon straightened up.
"Just checking on
the patient, for the benefit of a cretin and a scruffy hound," said
Dickon. "I know you can't understand, stupid bastards both, but I'll be
back to check in the morning."
I heard his steps on the
stair and tried to keep awake long enough to tell Ky-Lin, emerging from Tug's
jacket, just what had happened, but he shushed me.
"Go to sleep. Don't
worry about a thing. We have got it all organized. By this time tomorrow we
shall be spending our first night afloat. . . ."
I could have sworn he
said "afloat." But we weren't anywhere near the sea. I must have been
And two minutes later I
really was.
He was bored. Restless.
He told himself not to
be stupid, that he had everything he needed, that dragons did not admit to
boredom, or restlessness. And, most of all, not to unhappiness. Yet how else
could he explain why he felt as he did? Dragons usually were only affected by
purely physical things: heat and cold, hunger and thirst; and by the pure
pleasure, endless delight, of jewels and gems, and the retelling of tales of
But then he wasn't a
dragon all the time, was he? Like now. Now he was a man sitting on a deserted
beach somewhere, chucking stones into the sea and suffering from indigestion.
And that was another
thing: a man ate what a man ate, dragons were different. If one had a fire in
one's belly, used regularly or not, one could digest anything, bones and all,
but a man's stomach churned on the remains of a dragon dinner.
He gave a snort of disgust.
This just shouldn't be happening to him. He had reported back, been welcomed
and initiated into the proper rituals, then allowed the treat of inspecting the
Hoard. He had been obliged, however, to disclose his Affliction, as he termed
it, and been rewarded with consternation and disbelief. Spells had been cast,
charms used, lore memory consulted, but all to no avail. Nothing like this had
ever happened before; of course it was known that it could, but what mortal
maid in her right mind had ever kissed a dragon?
At first, of course,
they hadn't believed him, until he had done an involuntary change and back
right there in front of them. It was the most exciting thing that had happened
to the community since the Blue Dragon had returned hundreds of years back with
his jewels and the tales of the witch who had stolen them, and the knight and
the girl and the animals who had returned them.
His Affliction had had a
mixed reception. Some of them thought it added to his powers, others that it
must inevitably detract from the purity of line they had preserved.
Five minutes, ten, of
thought, and he was still bored, restless and unhappy, and the sea a hundred
stones fuller. He might as well admit it; he still hankered after that lass
with the long legs who had rescued him from death in his first incarnation as a
pig, cared for him, loved him and finally—irony of ironies!—given him the three
kisses he would remember forever. That, and the moment of passion when he was
caught between man and dragon—Aiyee! That experience had been enough to make
anyone's toes curl!
Fire and ice! He must
see her again—if only to convince himself that he didn't need to. . . .
It was late spring when
he started his journey. Back first to the Place of Stones, where his
transformation had taken place, then retracing her route back to that fat
merchant she would probably marry. As a man he came down to earth to ask
questions, see if she had passed that way, but to no avail. By midsummer he had
even dared the servants at the merchant's house, only to find she had
disappeared a few weeks before with her dog to parts unknown, and that the
merchant, heartbroken, had gone on pilgrimage to Spain.
So, where was she, the
girl whose memory still tormented him? North, south, east, west? He tried haphazardly:
northern fjords, southern deserts, western isles, eastern mountains—but surely
even she wouldn't travel that far. Why run away from a perfectly good marriage
anyway? What was she looking for now? What worm was eating her brain this time,
silly girl?
He grew crosser and
crosser; what right had she to haunt him so? Time he pulled himself together;
what he needed was a break, a few months, a year perhaps; time, anyway, that he
sought some gifts for the Hoard, part of his dragon duty. Perhaps by then he
would be free of what was rapidly becoming an obsession.
So, which way? Somewhere
warm for the winter. Africa, India, the isles of the Southern Seas? It didn't
really matter. . . .
Part Two
Chapter Ten
I had never thought it
would be so wonderful to be one's own mistress again, to be free of caravans,
merchants, warehouses, tally sticks, accounts, invoices, bales and bargaining.
Most of all it was wonderful to be rid of Dickon. More and more he had constricted
my every move and his suspicions had haunted me so much I found myself glancing
over my shoulder even now to make sure he wasn't following.
Of course being free was
a comparative term. I had the others to think about and care for, Tug to return
to his people and my own journey to complete, but at least we could proceed at
our own pace.
It was bliss to just lie
back against the thwarts of the boat, even hemmed in as we were by peasants,
farmers, children, sacks of grain, rolls of cloth, strings of dried fish and
crates of chickens. Above us was a cloudless sky, rice fields and stands of
bamboo slid past with a lazy regularity, and the smooth water of the Yellow
Snake River gurgled and slapped against the hull, accompanied by the flap of
sail and creak of rudder.
Ky-Lin, Tug and Growch
had done well while I lay deadened by the opium. Ky-Lin had remembered from the
map that the river looped briefly towards the town some five miles away and had
ascertained that boats travelled regularly both north and south, and in fact we
had picked up one this midafternoon. The river eventually turned to the east
and Cathay, but by this way, though slower, we should be some two hundred miles
farther towards our goal, with little effort on our part. Just as long as the money
held out: we should have to be careful and economize where we could. Luckily
nobody would charge for Growch, and Ky-Lin was tucked up in the hood of my
cloak, both for safety and so he could whisper translations if necessary.
I patted Tug's knee.
"Not bad, eh?" He shivered and snuggled nearer, his eyes rolling in
fright. "It's all right," I said slowly, hoping he would understand.
"Ky-Lin: tell him there's nothing to be afraid of."
But though the magic
creature did his best Tug refused to be comforted, and I recalled my own
experience with water. The first time I had been in a frail rowing boat
carrying me away from marauding soldiers; the second I had nearly been drowned
when I was cut off by an incoming tide and the third had been that dreadful
storm when we had left Venice, so perhaps Tug was to be pitied. I stretched out
my hand but he had bolted to the side and heaved up into the river.
I moved over to rub his
back, a thing my mother had done when I was a child in some sick situation, and
I had always found it comforting. Remembering my ring had many powers, I drew
that gently down his spine too, and wasn't surprised when he turned to me with
a weak smile and announced he was: "Better with no tum!" He added:
"Like ride horse. Fall off two three time. Learn quick." And after
that he was all right.
We travelled from one
stopover to another, at each one discharging cargo and passengers and taking on
others. I had no word of the native tongue, even having to bargain for our fare
with sign language and Ky-Lin's whispers, but the people were kind and
cheerful, inviting us to share their meagre provisions. These were usually
cooked on a brazier in the well of the boat, although occasionally we tied up
for the night by some village or other and dined there in one of the tiny
eating houses. In this way we travelled some seventy or eighty miles north,
then the boat in which we were travelling turned back and we took another,
smaller, which tied up every night. In order to eat I had to buy a small
cooking pot, food on the way and have Tug forage for the wood for a fire. This
took us another fifty miles, and then we swapped to a string of barges carrying
cattle—not an experience to be repeated.
The weather gradually
changed as autumn and the approaching north brought colder winds, rain, falling
leaves, and cranes winging south. By now we were some hundred and fifty miles
further on, but the river narrowed into a series of gorges through which water
raced in a torrent, and only the hardiest and most reckless boatman would
venture the rapids. It seemed this terrain was unchanged for fifty miles or so,
and we decided to finally leave the river and start walking.
We hadn't gone more than
a couple of miles or so when I, at least, was regretting it. I had gone soft,
what with mule and river travel, and although Tug carried his fair share of the
baggage, mine felt to weigh a ton, and we were all hot, sticky, and tired by
the time we had walked ten miles that first day. A village gave us shelter for
the night, we had a lift on a bullock cart the following day, which was a bit
like travelling snail-back, but at least it gave my feet a rest. My stomach,
too, had begun to play up again, but only intermittently. For the next three
days it rained continuously and we were holed up in a miserable hovel with a
dripping roof and I began to wonder if we had offended some local god.
On the fifth day our
luck changed for the better. The sun shone warm, we dried out, and I reckoned
we could risk a night in the open if we could find some bushes or convenient
trees. During the day we had managed to gather some nuts and berries to
supplement our diet, and as we were now in sight of a good-sized village, I
decided to go in and buy rice or beans. Travelling on the river, the money had
trickled away as fast as the water ran, and I had no idea how much farther we
had to go.
We had just found a
likely camping spot and set down our baggage, dusk was falling and Tug was
about to forage for wood, when we heard the sound of pipes and firecrackers
from the village. I never got used to the half and quarter tones of eastern
music and firecrackers always made me jump, but Tug loved both, so we picked up
our packs again and set off towards the celebrations. At the very worst there
would be some scraps of food dropping from the tables for Growch to scrounge,
and at best we might be invited to share with some hospitable villager.
Although the outer
streets were deserted there had obviously been a procession of sorts earlier,
for the ground was littered with scraps of colored paper and burned-out
firecrackers, but the noise now came from the center of the village, as did a
healthy smell of cooking meat and rice. We followed our ears and our noses and
found ourselves in the village square.
In one corner a couple
of spits were turning vigorously and large pans were simmering over a trench
fire; while they waited for the food, the villagers were clapping an
entertainment. As usual at these functions, like any other village in the
world, certain unwritten rules for social behavior were observed. The elderly
were comfortably seated around the perimeter, some with smaller children and
babies on their laps, the young men congregated in one corner, the girls in the
opposite, parents and middle-aged bustled from one group to another exchanging
gossip, and the older children played tag and got under everyone's feet.
But for now all was
relatively quiet as they watched the performers. A trio of children, some
younger even than Tug, were working acrobatic tricks with a man who was obviously
their father, while an older boy twisted himself into knots and did cartwheels
round them; in another space a pair of jugglers tossed balls, rings and torches
into the air and at each other, while on the fringes waited a great brown bear
with a ring through its nose, shifting restlessly from paw to paw. Its owner, a
thickset man with a pipe in his hand ready to play the music for the creature
to dance to, suddenly jerked at the chain that ran through the ring in the
bear's nose, which bit into the soft part of the nostril and made the poor
thing squeal with pain. Simultaneously, it seemed, my heart jumped in sympathy
and the ring on my finger gave a sudden stab.
The ring stabbed again,
and all at once I had a brilliant idea. In what seemed another life my
beautiful blind knight with his clear singing voice and the animals with me
then had given performances such as these to pay our way. Why not try it again?
True, the only original members of our troupe were Growch and myself, and all
he had ever done was beg, turn somersaults, and lie down and "die,"
but surely we could concoct something between us. I asked Tug if he knew any
tricks, through Ky-Lin.
"He says,"
translated the latter, "give him a horse and he is the best in the world.
He also says he can turn cartwheels, do leaping somersaults and walk on his
hands as well as the children over there. Oh, and he says he dances and plays
the pipe also."
I had left my old pipe
and tabor behind at Matthew's, but I supposed one could be bought somewhere
here. In the meantime . . .
"Growch darling,
come over here." But he had found some scraps under a table and was
discussing their ownership vigorously with a couple of village curs. I dragged
him away.
"What d'yer wanna
do that for? Got 'em on the run, I 'ad—"
"Listen to me a
moment! I'll buy you all the supper you want if you'll do me a small favor. Do
you remember . . ." and I reminded him of our past performances, and tried
to get him interested in some more immediate ones.
"Not on yer life!
Right twit I used ter look, all ponced up in ribbons an' fings! Said then
'never again' I said. . . ."
"You never
"Said it to meself.
Never break a promise to yerself." And he scratched until the fur flew.
"Right. Have it
your own way. But the only way we can buy supper—slices of juicy meat with lots
of crackly skin, nice crunchy bones filled with marrow—is by earning some money
performing here and now."
He hoofed out his left
ear, looked at his paw and licked it. "Well, what you goin' ter do,
What indeed. I didn't
sing or play their music and couldn't stand on my head.
Ky-Lin spoke softly in
my ear. "How about a little magic?"
"Real magic?
"What they will
believe is magic. How about a talking dog?"
"Who else? Listen .
. ." and he outlined a scheme so beautiful in its simplicity that I felt
at once optimistic. We crept around a corner to rehearse.
I thought I foresaw a
"How can I announce
us and also name the objects when I don't speak a word of their language?"
"Simple!" said
Ky-Lin. "Mime. I'll speak the words and you just open and shut your mouth
and wave your arms about. Listen!" and all at once in my ear came my own
voice, echoing my persuasions to Growch awhile back. This was followed by a
rapid speech in the language of the country. As he was sitting on my shoulder
it was like having an echo to the earlier part. "Convinced?"
With a little more
practice it might just work. After all, they could only boo and jeer and turn us
out of the village if they didn't like us, and we'd be no worse off. . . .
"Well," I
said, patting my stomach, "I haven't eaten so well for weeks!"
palatable," said Ky-Lin, licking the remains of the honey from his
"Good, good,
good!" grinned a greasy-faced Tug, and belched—a habit which seemed to be
the polite way to express appreciation in his country. "Do again, more
money, more food . . ." He belched again.
"Growch? Are you
But a snore was the only
answer. His stomach was so distended with rice, pork, beans and pancakes that
it shone like a pink-gray bladder through the thinner hair of his belly. A
couple of fleas scurried through the curls quite clearly. Oh, Growch! Still he
had done a great job this evening: so had they all.
I curled up on my pallet
in the small back room we had hired for the night and let the images of our
performance dance behind my closed eyelids, secure in the comfortable
discomfort of a just-too-full stomach and the consciousness of a pouch full of small
coins . . .
villagers, fathers of industry, mothers of many, older folk with the wisdom of
the years, youngsters who will grow strong and tall as their ancestors . .
"Move your mouth a
bit more," whispered Ky-Lin. "It looks more authentic."
We should have to
practice this more; still in the torchlight it probably didn't look too bad.
"Tonight we bring
you, from the far corners of the world, an entertainment to delight and
mystify. You will see marvels of agility from a prince of his people, feats of
intelligence from a dog who learnt his wisdom from the Great Masters of the
East, and finally an act so mind-bending that you will be telling your
children's children of it for years to come. . . ."
It was strange to hear
my voice ringing strong and confident, translating the words I gave Ky-Lin in a
whisper into the local language. It was the showman's spiel, of course, used
throughout the world with only local variations. Grab the attention of your
audience, flatter them, then give them an inflated idea of the acts they were
about to see, and provide the performers with exotic backgrounds for greater
wonder and appreciation.
Puff the acts as they
appear and keep the best till last, for that is how your audience will remember
you when the bowl comes round for the coins. In this way Tug did his
acrobatics, Growch his tricks. Then came the part I was dreading: if it failed
we would be laughed out of town.
But it hadn't, the dear
Lord be praised! In fact it had gone better than expected. After an
introduction, explaining what we intended to do, Tug had moved among the
audience borrowing an object here, another there. These he showed to Growch one
by one, and the dog had then trotted over to where I sat with my back turned
and "told" me what each object was with barks and yips, Ky-Lin,
tucked up in my hood, correctly identifying the objects as Tug showed them to
Growch. I then made a great thing of rising to my feet and pretending to
consider what the dog had "told" me, Ky-Lin eventually announcing it
in my voice. To add verisimilitude I had once or twice pretended that I hadn't
understood, and made Growch repeat his noises with a little variation, till he
had informed me he was giving himself a headache. . . .
Sleepily I began to plan
ahead. If we could polish up the act a little, were sure of finding enough
audiences, then we should not only not have to worry about money, but could
afford some costumes: the more profitable you looked, the more likely you were
to attract more money and greater respect.
It may have been the
unaccustomed feast that lay uneasy on my stomach, but when I finally did fall
asleep it wasn't of our better fortunes that I dreamt: it was of a poor
tormented bear, dancing an eternal jig to a screech of pipes, his nose bleeding
and his feet sore. . . .
From then on the
travelling, though not perfect, became more tolerable. Our first
"take" lasted until our next, more polished performance in a larger
village. That one not only filled my pouch, but provided a bright costume for
Tug (he wanted to wear it all the time) and ribbons for Growch (who never
wanted them at all). Now we could afford a lift to the next villages and if,
when we got there, they were too poor to pay us in anything except a bowl of
rice and a room for the night, then that was all right too. We were moving in
the right direction as Suleiman's map showed and my Waystone confirmed.
The only drawback was
that the weather was worsening; it was now late fall and we were travelling
towards the northerly cold as well. Every now and again a flurry of sleet bore
down on the winds, and a chill breath lay over the early mornings. In the
countryside the harvests of rice and grain were safely gathered, fodder for the
wintering beasts stacked and fruits dried, cheeses stored. The peasants knew
that their food had to last until spring so there was little enough to spare
for travellers, even if they could pay. One could not eat coin, but two
handfuls of rice saved meant another day's bellyful.
As we travelled farther,
rumors began to trickle back about a great celebration to be held in one of the
principal cities of the province. Ky-Lin (who listened to everything about him)
reported that the second and favorite son of the ruler was to be married amid
great pomp and ceremony.
"They say it will
be a sight no man should miss. There will be enough food and drink to feed the
whole city free for a week, and entertainments are to be held day and night. It
is also said that those who have such entertainments to offer will be doubly
welcome and paid accordingly."
"It might be just a
rumor. You know how these things get exaggerated by hearsay."
He waved his plumed
tail. "True, but judging by the consistency of the tales, I think we can
safely say that there is to be a marriage, there will be celebrations and
possibly entertainers would find it worth their while to attend."
"Is it far out of
our way?"
"A little perhaps,
but that should be outweighed by the fact that as we go towards the city more
lifts will be available. The same after the celebrations, for everyone will
disperse to their homes again, and that will include those who travel our way.
It should bring us nearer Tug's people."
"Can we wait for a
day or so more? Just in case . . ."
But it seemed that
Ky-Lin was right. The roads became suddenly more crowded; not only with the
usual traffic but with other entertainers and even a more prosperous traveller
or two, able to afford his own transport, and they were all moving in the same
direction. Now we were joined by caravans carrying goods and provisions, and it
became more difficult to find food along the way, so we took to carrying and
cooking our own, it having been tacitly decided that we would take our chances
with the rest travelling to the celebrations.
Along the way we met
other entertainers we had come across before—the father with his acrobatic
children, two or three jugglers, a sword swallower. Also on the road were cages
of exotic animals: I saw two lions, large apes, a striped horse and huge,
comatose snakes. And then, in a largish village some seventy miles short of our
destination, we came across the dancing bear again.
For once I had managed
to secure a room for us in a ramshackle house on the edge of town, but at least
it was shelter from the cold. The proprietor had also provided a reasonable
meal of rice and vegetables, with even a bit of meat thrown in. It had been a
miserably wet, windy day's travelling, but the rain let up in the evening, and
we decided to take a stroll, having no intention of wasting a show on such an
inclement night, but wanting to see if anyone else was desperate enough to try
As I thought, most
houses were already tight-shuttered for the night, just a chink of light from
their lamp wicks floating in saucers of oil to show they were occupied, and
even these would soon be dowsed to save the precious fuel. It wasn't till we
came to the ubiquitous square that we saw others had braved the weather. This
village boasted the equivalent of a town hall, and on its steps lounged a
couple of the village law enforcers, stout cudgels in their hands. In the
square itself were half a dozen men, two women and about twenty children,
watching the antics of a second-class juggler and a magician whose tricks were
of the simplest. The juggler, a thin man with long, yellowed teeth, dropped his
last few sticks, grimaced, and, picking up the single coin that had been
dropped, disappeared down a side street. The magician continued to pull his
colored scarves, open and shut his "magic" boxes, but now all eyes
went to another attraction: the bear had emerged with his keeper, the latter
obviously well away on rice wine.
The creature looked
worse for wear than ever; he was shabbier and thinner than when I had seen him
last, and his fur now stuck up in spikes from the soaking he must have got
earlier that day. His owner was in a foul mood as well as being too drunk even
to play his pipes properly. The worse he played, the more he jerked on the
chain that ended at the bear's nose as it refused to respond, even kicking it
with his heavy boots till it grunted in pain. A couple of the village curs
decided to join in, nipping at the bear's heels till it roared in pain; the
owner struck it on the nose with his pipe, the crowd jeered and the bewildered
creature dropped to all fours.
The ring on my finger
was throbbing, and I could bear the cruelty no longer. I started forward, but
Ky-Lin hissed in my ear: "Wait! oh impatient one, wait a little
"We must do
"We will. Just be
still. . . ."
Eventually the torture
stopped. No coins were forthcoming, the dogs found something else to distract
them and the bear owner gave a last cruel twist to the chain and led the beast
"Now we
follow," said Ky-Lin, "if you still wish to help."
"Of course!"
But how, I wondered.
We followed them at a
discreet distance right to the outskirts of the village, where there was fifty
yards or so of open land till thick wood crowded in. The bear and his keeper
disappeared into the trees. With open ground to cover we were threatened with
"I'll go,"
said Growch. "See what 'e's up to. You wait 'ere."
Five minutes later he
was back. "Anchored the bear to a rock in a clearin'," he reported.
" 'E's on 'is way back. Better clear out."
We made our way back to
our lodgings, but I couldn't settle.
"Can't we take him
some food or something? The poor thing was starving." In a corner of our
room, also used as a storeroom, there was a pile of root vegetables. I picked
out two or three. "These'd do; I'll pay for them in the morning."
Ky-Lin thought for a
moment. "We need a clear field," he said at last. "No
interruptions. I think I can arrange that. Follow me. . . ."
At a little smoky eating
house we found the bear keeper, seated on a stool, arguing with the two law
keepers we had seen earlier. They were not inclined to argue back, I could see
that, but Ky-Lin had a little magic at his disposal. I heard him chuntering
away to himself, and a moment later the stool on which the bear keeper sat
collapsed under him, he grabbed at one of the law keepers for support and the
pair of them crashed to the floor, fists flying. In a moment the other man had
joined in, and the upshot of it all was one rebellious bear keeper dragged away
to the village's small lockup to spend the night.
"How did you do
that?" I asked Ky-Lin, as we hurried off to feed the bear.
"All matter has its
own composition; it just needed disarranging a little," he said, which I
didn't understand at all.
Growch led us across the
waste ground, littered with rubbish and odds and ends, and through the scrub to
a path between the trees, now faintly illuminated by a quarter moon.
"Down 'ere a bit.
You'll 'ear 'im afore you sees 'im, more'n like."
I had thought it was the
moaning of the wind in the trees, but it was a voice, made clear and stark by
the ring on my finger, throbbing once more in time with my heart.
"Oh me, oh my, how
miserable I be! How I hurts, how I stings! How dark is the world, how drear . .
. I be hungry, I be wet, I be cold! I long to be dead, dead or back in the land
that gave me birth. My hills and forests, they call out to me. . . ."
" 'E's mad!"
breathed Growch. "Stark, starin' . . . Don' go too near 'im, girl!"
In the clearing, chained
to a rock, the bear was weaving his own kind of dance. Moonlight dappled his
shabby fur as he swayed from front to back, his paws leaving the ground one
after the other and back again, his head swinging from side to side, his eyes
crazed and red.
Strangely I felt no
fear, and my ring was comforting. I stepped forward and placed the roots on the
ground in front of him, then stepped back again. "Food for you,
Bear," I said slowly and clearly.
But the animal still
swung back and forth, his eyes glazed, his jaw dripping spittle. I went forward
again, and this time, in spite of an anguished squeal from Growch, I gripped
the dripping muzzle firmly in my hands. "Stop it! We are friends. We have
come to free you. . . ."
Gradually he stilled,
and a pair of small black eyes looked straight up at me.
"Who are you?"
"A friend." I
brought the ring close to his eyes. "We have come to help you."
"How? But
how?" The head started swinging again. "I am chained, chained
forever! Nose hurts, but keeps me chained . . ."
I hadn't thought about
the chain. "Ky-Lin?"
A tiny sigh. "If I
thought what I thought just then it would put me back another twenty points. .
. . But I'm not going to think it. I am here to help. Now, listen: it is time
for a little more magic. This time both yours and mine."
"How? I have no
magic. . . ."
A patient sigh. "Of
a sort. Just do as I say." He leaned over my shoulder and a tiny puff of
smoke escaped his nostrils and drifted towards the bear. A moment later the
beast's eyes closed, its head drooped. "He's asleep. Take out your
Waystone and stroke it round and round the nose ring—no questions, just do as I
ask. That's it: one hundred times, no more, no less. Are you counting?"
A minute, two, three.
"Ninety-nine, one hundred. Now what?"
"Hold me close to
the nose ring. . . ." There was a ting of metal and the ring
snapped. "Twist it out of his nose." The chain fell to the ground,
the bear opened his eyes and blinked. "Alteration of matter twice in one
night: amazing! Just pass your Unicorn's ring across his nose: it'll ease the
The bear was free:
groggy, but free. I stepped back and breathed more easily. "Eat the food
and then get yourself back to your hills or forests," I said. "Good
luck, Bear!"
I was just going to ask
Ky-Lin how on earth the Waystone had anything to do with snapping the ring in
the animal's nose when I tripped over Growch who had stopped suddenly on the
path back to the village. He growled menacingly.
I gazed ahead: nothing
unusual. "One of these days you'll give me heart failure," I said.
"Move over—"
It was then I screamed.
Without any warning a heavy hand clamped down on my shoulder, a voice hissed in
my ear.
"Got you! Thought
you'd escaped me, didn't you? Well, you can think again. . . ."
Chapter Eleven
It was just as well I
had no pressing need to relieve myself. I leapt away, Growch growling, Tug
cursing, but it was a moment longer before I recognized the shabbily dressed
"The same, my girl!
I've had the devil's own job finding you, although at the end you left enough
clues with your playacting—"
"But why? Why did
you follow us? I told you—"
"A pack of lies! I
know where you're bound, and why! I'm just not going to let you get away with
it, that's all! I don't know whether you're in league with Matthew Spicer, or
that darkie fellow Suleiman, or whether you're working on your own, but either
way I'm going to be a part of it."
"Part of what? Oh
Dickon! You're not thinking we're after treasure, are you? I tell you, there's
no such thing!"
"You have maps. On
it is the legend 'Here be Dragons.' And where there are dragons there is
treasure. Everyone knows that!"
"Oh, you silly
boy!" I said wearily. "If you could read a bit more you would know
that all mapmakers put that when the terrain is unknown. It's their excuse,
don't you see?"
"Then why are you
headed that way? What's in it for you? What would drag you halfway round the
world unless it was a fabulous treasure?"
"That's my
business," I said. "Now why don't you leave us all alone and go back
where you came from?" I was so utterly fed up with his sudden appearance
that had I had a magic wand I would have waved him away to perdition. "I'm
leaving, and I don't want to see you again."
His hand snapped down on
my wrist. "Not so fast! I'm not letting you— Ow! Let go! Summer . .
"You want me to
kill?" asked the bear, whom I had completely forgotten. On his hind legs
he was taller than any man I knew, and he held Dickon against his chest as
easily as I would hug a doll. I thought he had eaten his roots and disappeared,
but it seemed he was trying to repay me for his freedom.
"No, no!" I
said hastily. "You can let him go. Thank you just the same. He is no
threat, just a bloody nuisance."
"You sure?" He
sounded disappointed.
"I'm sure." I
went forward to help Dickon to his feet, for the bear had dropped him pretty
hard on his rear. "Get up, Dickon, and be on your way."
He scrambled to his
feet. "You can communicate with that—that beast? I realized when I saw you
all that time ago that you had some sort of rapport with the other animals,
especially that flying pig of yours, but I thought it was just good training.
But that—that Thing," and he nodded in the direction of the bear, now busy
polishing off the roots I had brought him, "He's new to you, surely?"
"Best I've ever
tasted," mumbled the bear. "Best I've ever tasted. My, oh my, oh
I suppose I hadn't
thought about it. My ring could give me access to animal communication, but
this time I had just "talked" to the creature without prior
reasoning. Well, it had worked.
"Yes," I said.
"We can understand one another."
"Well, tell him to
disappear," said Dickon, brushing himself down. "You've set him free,
I saw you unlock his chain, but that's that, isn't it? Come on, let's get back
to that room you've hired. I've got to talk to you. It's important."
To whom? I wondered. It
meant that I couldn't get rid of him immediately, not if he had been following
us so close he even knew where we lodged. I supposed the least I could do was
explain once more and give him a few coins to speed him on his way. The trouble
was, he had a very persuasive tongue. . . .
"Very well. You go
ahead, you obviously know where it is. I'll just see this creature on his way.
Growch, you go with him." I didn't want him searching my baggage again.
I turned to the bear,
now cleaning his mouth with his paw of any residue of root.
"All better now?
Good. Now you are free, free to go wherever you please. Your master is locked
up for the night, but you had better get going so he doesn't catch you again.
Why don't you go back home?"
The bear turned puzzled
eyes towards me. "Home? Home many, many, many treks away. Not sure where
to find. You help."
"Oh dear!"
said Ky-Lin. "I should have guessed as much. Sorry, girl."
"What that?"
said Bear, his scarred nose questing the air. "Demon?"
Ky-Lin showed himself
and Bear seemed suitably impressed. "Good demon."
"I'm afraid he is
of limited intelligence," said Ky-Lin for my ears only. "Probably
taken too soon from his parents, and the treatment he has suffered would make
it worse."
I felt that at any
moment I should have a headache.
"Don't you have any
idea which way is home?" I asked wearily.
He settled down on his
haunches, closed his eyes and began to recite.
"Long times ago,
cub with sister. Hunters come, kill mother, take cubs." He stopped, and
his head began to sway from side to side again. "First treat good, feed
well. Then hot stones to burn feet, make dance. Tie up with chain to stand
high. Pipe make squeak, dance, dance . . ." and now his whole body was
swaying, his paws leaving the ground rhythmically, one after the other.
"Ring through nose, much pain. Sister lie down, not get up any more.
Aieee, aieee!" and he lifted his muzzle and roared in pain and anger.
"Hush, now!" I
was scared we were making too much noise. "No more pain. You'll find home
soon. . . ."
"How? Bears not see
good longways. Know from that way," and he nodded west. "Mountains.
Trees. Streams. Caves. Honey, roots, grubs. Mother, warm, milk, play, sister,
love . . ."
That did it. Love is so
many things.
"If we show you the
way to go?"
"Lose way without
help. You help, Bear help. Show you where is honey, roots." He smacked his
lips. "Bear find caves to sleep. Bear protect. Bear come with you."
I saw it was hopeless.
"Very well. Bear come with us. First we find home for boy—" I nodded
at Tug, who was keeping his distance, "—then we find your home. But we
have little . . ." I hesitated, then drew some coins from my pocket.
"We have little of these. They buy us food and lodging. You will have to
forage for food."
"Is same as man get
for dance—you want more? I dance for you. All eat well."
It was an idea, but we
should have to move fast if we were to get away from his former master. If he
wasn't chained we couldn't be accused of stealing him, I reckoned. I led the
way back to our lodgings without meeting anyone. Perhaps the better for
Dickon's peace of mind, Bear elected to sleep outside by the woodpile. I warned
him to keep out of sight.
"If Bear want no
see, no see."
Inside, Dickon had made
up the fire in the brazier and was sitting on a stool nervously regarding
Growch, who was perched like a hairy statue on top of the baggage. Part of his
left lip was snagged back on a tooth, showing he had had occasion to snarl.
"Not very trusting,
is he?" said Dickon, sucking the knuckles of his right hand.
"Depends. He takes
his duties very seriously."
"I was just trying
to be friendly. . . ." There were a couple of neat blue puncture marks on
his hand.
"Friendly is as
friendly does," said Growch. "Don' call it friendly when 'e puts 'is
paw where 'e shouldn'."
I sat on the other
stool, a sullen Tug crouched at my feet.
"Now, Dickon, what
was it you wanted to say?"
He shifted
uncomfortably. "It's a bit difficult. You see, when I left the caravan,
I—I sort of resigned."
"You what?"
"Chucked it in,
said I wasn't going back. You see, I thought that when I found you—"
"Not that stupid
business of a treasure again! If I've told you once, I've—"
"I know you have! I
just don't believe you. I thought it was worth the risk."
"Well it wasn't! It
was just plain stupid of you to throw all that away. Just look at you: where
are all your fine clothes, your fancy haircut?" There must be a way out of
this. "If I give you some travelling money and a note to Matthew, I'm sure
he'd take you back."
"Why? You two got
something special going? He'll take me back just to keep my mouth shut? Is that
"I assure you, once
and for all," I said through gritted teeth, "what I'm doing here has
absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Matthew Spicer. Quite the reverse, in
"Well, I can't
afford to go back, not now. I used all the cash I had in tracing you." He
gestured at his rags. "Even had to sell my clothes. Got anything to eat?
I'm starving! I'm also broke, and cold. Didn't reckon you'd use the river:
clever, that." He stood up. "Thanks for offering some travel money,
but how far do you think I'd get before winter caught up?" His tone
changed; now it held a wheedling note. "Look, I'll accept all you say
about not going after treasure, but you must see that you need me. You're going
somewhere, that's plain, and presumably also coming back. So why can't I go
with you? If it's no secret, then how can you possibly object? After all,
you're only a girl, and you need a man to look after you. . . ."
"I seem to have
managed all right so far with Tug and Growch. And now the bear has volunteered
to join us." I stood up. "Going somewhere? Yes. I'm taking Tug back
to his people, then finding Bear his home; after that, who knows? So, there's
nothing in it for you except a lot of travelling with companions you have
already found—unfriendly. What's more, we just can't afford you. Back there you
spoke the language, you had experience of the routes; here, you're less than we
are. We have to work our passage and we have enough mouths to feed
"I can work!"
"Doing what?
Standing on your head, walking on your hands, turning cartwheels? Or would you
fancy a bit of mind reading? Oh, come on, Dickon!"
"No, no, no! Don't
be silly, I've seen your act twice—just waiting a good moment to approach
you—and I think you could do with someone more polished to choose the objects
from the audience. We could establish a code, you and I; if I said 'what have
we here?' it could mean a scarf; 'what is this?' a piece of jewelry—"
"Don't be silly! If
you spoke in our language folk would believe you were telling me straight out
what was in your hand, and you don't speak their tongue. Besides, I don't need
your code; Growch manages quite well to tell me what Tug has in his hand. If
you've seen us perform you'll know how it works."
"Stuff and
nonsense! That cur wouldn't know how to describe—a spectacle case, for
instance, or an embroidered purse, whatever primitive language you have going
between you. I've seen you identify things like that, so, how do you do it?
Mirrors? And where did you learn the language? They seem to understand you."
So he didn't know our
secrets, didn't know about Ky-Lin.
"I don't need
mirrors; I am told exactly what Tug holds up—by magic."
"Rubbish! No such
thing. You can't kid me. It's all a trick, albeit a damned clever one."
I shrugged. "Think
what you like. . . . So, what else could you do?"
"Manage the bear.
With a bit more training, it'd—"
"He, then. I'm not
in the business of sexing bears. He could learn a few more tricks, and
"He doesn't like
"A bear on a chain
doesn't have to like you. . . ."
"He's not on a
chain, and he's never going to wear one again."
"Then how are you
going to control him? He's vicious, you know."
"He's as gentle
as—a lamb. Just a bit bigger, that's all."
"And the rest! That
creature isn't safe! You can't control it with—"
"—a softly, softly
approach. Now if you'd just let me have a go—"
"Why not? We'd
increase our profits, buy new clothes, even could hire a wagon to travel in;
you'd like that, wouldn't you?"
All of a sudden he had
become a part of the "we". . . .
"Of course I
would," I said. "But I've freed Bear and in return for trying to find
his homeland, he has already agreed to work with us. I don't know yet just what
form this will take, but no way will I have a chain put back on him, or try and
coerce him into something he doesn't want to do. He's suffered enough."
He looked at me for a
long moment, but I couldn't read his expression. Then he looked away and
shrugged his shoulders.
"Have it your way.
I still think I could be an asset. Let me travel with you for, say, a couple of
days: after that, if I don't prove my worth, we'll say farewell. Fair
"And if I don't
"I'd follow you
anyway. And you wouldn't like any disruption to your plans, would you?"
That sounded like a
veiled threat. Welcome me into the bosom of your little family, otherwise I'll
throw firecrackers at the bear, interrupt your mind-reading sessions and tell
everyone you're a girl. . . .
If I'd had more time to
think, had considered how Ky-Lin could perhaps have come up with a better
solution, I probably wouldn't have caved in so easily. As it was I was too
tired to argue.
"Two days, then.
We're off at dawn. Walking—until of course your grandiose schemes come to
pass," I added nastily.
He had never been one to
recognize sarcasm. Instead he beamed, giving me a glimpse of the handsome lad
he had become, in spite of the rags.
"Thanks. I sort of
thought you might see it my way eventually. We'll make a great team, you and I,
Summer. You want to get ahead in the world, make some money, then I'm your man.
You're really quite an attractive girl in your own fashion and if you let your
hair grow and—"
"Have you
eaten?" I was furious at his condescension. "Here you are!" I
flung a couple of coins in his direction. "Don't disturb us when you come
back. I'm sorry there isn't another blanket, but you could always go outside to
the woodpile and curl up with Bear!"
But as it happened he
did wake us, and that long before dawn.
I heard someone
stumbling around, knocking over a stool, treading on my foot, groaning. It must
have been around four in the morning, and I reckoned he must have spent most of
his money on rice wine and was too drunk to keep quiet. Sitting up, I unwrapped
myself and lit one of the oil lamps.
"Can't you keep
quiet?" I hissed. "Some of us are—why, whatever's the matter? Are you
Even by the scanty light
I could see his face had a greenish cast, and he was swaying from side to side,
wringing his hands.
He shook his head, less
in negation than in what seemed an effort to clear it of some awful memory.
"No, no, it's
nothing like that. . . ." Even his voice was different: he sounded like a
child afraid of the dark.
"Then, what? Here,
sit down before you fall down. I've got some water—"
He waved it away.
"No thanks. It's just that . . . I've never seen . . . Oh, Summer, it was
terrible! You wouldn't believe—" and to my complete consternation he broke
down and wept noisily. "We must get away, now!"
All animosity forgotten,
I went over and laid a hand on his shoulder.
"Tell me. Take your
time, but I want to know. . . ."
I held my lantern high
over the form of the sleeping bear, curled into a ball like any domestic cat,
paws over his nose and snoring a little.
"Wake up,
Bear," I said. "Time to go."
He opened his small
black eyes, blinked, yawned and stretched. "Why go in dark? Wait till
"No, Bear; we move
now. Village not safe anymore. There are—there are men who seek to hurt you.
Come, quick: we are ready."
"You say go, we
go." He lumbered to his feet and had a good scratch, his loose skin moving
up and down as if it were an extra coat. "Why men want to hurt Bear? Bear
not do wrong. . . ."
No, Bear, I thought: you
wouldn't think it wrong. To you it was the law by which you had been taught to
Dickon had told me how a
man had come stumbling into the eating house where he had been sitting, yelling
and shouting, pointing down the street towards the thatched hut where the bear
owner had been imprisoned overnight. The clientele had all streamed out and
followed the man to a terrible sight. The flimsy thatch on the low roof had
been torn away, and inside lay the prisoner, the skin flayed from his back, his
throat chewed open.
No, Bear, I said to
myself again, you didn't do wrong. But I watched with a squeeze of horror in my
heart as the animal completed his toilet by licking the last of the dried blood
from his claws.
Chapter Twelve
We made the best speed
we could that day and the next, but to my great relief no one seemed to have
followed us. There was no reason why they should, of course; they would assume
that the bear had killed his master and then fled into the wilderness. All the
same, I didn't want anyone to see the animal until I had changed his appearance
a little. To that end he had a thorough wash and brush and, at Ky-Lin's
suggestion, I used some wood dye to darken his mask and paint a broad stripe
down his back, like a badger's. In truth though, washing and brushing and good
food made more alteration than anything else: after a few days I doubt
anyone—even his old master—would have recognized him.
The thought of what he
had done still gave me shivers, but once again it was Ky-Lin, the creature who
could not even bend a blade of grass, who understood better than I.
"He is a
child," he said. "In his last incarnation he was probably a neglected
baby never taught right from wrong and died before he learnt. The
Great-One-Who-Understands-All would not blame him. He has a chance now to learn
from us that we all owe each other something and that includes living together
in a social harmony. He was just removing something that had hurt him—like you
humans think nothing of swatting a wasp."
I managed a weak smile.
"Wasps don't sting you," I said. "They wouldn't dare!"
He fluffed out his
plumed tail. "The colors put them off," he said, perfectly serious.
"Besides," he added: "Like your Son-of-God, we are taught to
turn the other cheek. One good thing has come out of this."
"The bear's owner
has been sent away before he can compound his crimes. Perhaps the Great One
will bring him back as a bear, so that next time he will have learnt and will
be redeemed to a higher plane."
I didn't feel I was
competent to enter into a religious discussion with Ky-Lin; all I was grateful
for was that Bear was gentle and sweet-tempered with us, and willingly
cooperated in perfecting our act.
Tug did his acrobatics
first, then Bear ambled in, wearing a soft red collar I had made for him, decorated
with little bells. Tug coaxed a weird tune or two out of the pipe I had bought
for him, the bear danced and when he had finished dropped to all fours. Tug
climbed on his back with a shivering, eyes-tight-shut-all-the-time Growch in
his arms. Bear rose to his hind legs as Tug climbed up his back and, having
perfect balance, the boy stood on the bear's shoulders, holding Growch aloft as
Bear slowly clapped his paws together. Needless to say, the only one who needed
persuasion, bribes and petting, was Growch.
dignified," he said, "for the star performer, the talkin' dog, to be
'ung up in the air like so much washin'. 'Sides, makes me all dizzy!"
"But just listen to
the applause," I said slyly. "How many of your kind do you know that
could be as brave? And just look at all the fine meals we're having, and all
because of you. . . ."
After that he didn't
grumble as much, but he still kept his eyes tightly shut.
I kept Ky-Lin a secret
from Dickon still, and although the latter now took over the job of selecting
trinkets from the audience for me, dressed in a multicolored costume I had sewn
from scraps of colored silks and cottons I had bargained for, he was still
mystified at my "guesses," as he called them.
For the most part Ky-Lin
lived either in the lining of my jacket or in the hood of my cloak, though if
we had a room to ourselves at night, he would come out and prance around like a
tiny pony, all fluffed up and full of energy. Separate rooms were becoming an
increasing problem, though, as we neared the city. At most, with the increasing
traffic, we were making only a few miles a day, and accommodation in the
villages we rested at was becoming difficult to find, bespoke by those who came
first. Sometimes we were lucky, sometimes not.
On one of the luckier
occasions we were only twenty miles short of the city: we tried the houses on
the edges of the village first and, just as it started to rain—a rain that
would last for two, soaking days—we found a widow woman willing to rent us her
Through Ky-Lin I learned
that her daughter-in-law was expecting her first and had taken to her bed, so
the woman was going to keep house for her son till the baby appeared. It was
less costly to hire than I thought, and I asked Ky-Lin (who had done the
bargaining in my voice) just why.
"I told her that on
the third day from now she would be nursing a fine, healthy grandson on her
"Wasn't that
chancing it a bit? Supposing it arrives tomorrow and it's a girl?"
"It won't and it
won't be."
I opened my mouth and
shut it again. By now I was learning not to question Ky-Lin: he was always
We spent a restful
night. The house, if you could call it that, had a largish room, partitioned
off by a screen to make a living and sleeping area. Outside was a woodshed,
where Bear was comfortable enough. I lit the small brazier and cooked a meal I
had sent Dickon out for: ubiquitous rice, beans, and some vegetables. Out of
respect for Ky-Lin I kept our consumption of meat to a minimum (except for
Growch). Him I kept content with a huge ham bone I had been saving, and Bear
was perfectly happy with beans and some pancakes I made.
In the morning it was
still raining, so I decided to do some sewing. I thought that my cloak, warm
and comfortable as it was, needed tarting up a little for our performances, so
had sketched a design of a blue dragon I had seen on a broken-down temple,
bought a piece of sky-blue silk and now settled down to cut it out.
Suddenly I felt a cold
breath touch my cheek, as though sleet had been chucked in my face. At the same
time my ring stabbed like a pinprick and my stomach throbbed in sympathy. I had
a vision of great mountains, like those that marched alongside our daily
travels, but these were much nearer, rearing up until they filled the sky, the
snow glittering on their sides, their tops clouded by the spinning of
wind-driven flakes like a permanent veil. I saw a blue dragon, I saw a black
matter?" said Growch. "Look like you seen a ghost. . . . Hey, you all
right? That ol' stummick again? Too many of those black beans; been fartin'
meself all mornin'."
"Nothing to do with
the beans," I said, by now doubled over in pain, "I'll be better in a
moment. . . ."
But I wasn't. It was
worse by the minute, like I used to get with my monthly show, only sharper.
Ky-Lin whispered
urgently in my ear. "Send Dickon out for a drink. Tell him you have
woman's trouble and wish to be alone for a while. He'll go if you give him some
coin: the rain's eased off a bit."
I gave him enough to get
drunk twice over, and dragged myself off to my pallet in the partitioned part
of the room. I heard Ky-Lin speak to Tug, and a moment later the boy had
brought in both the little oil lamp and our own stronger lantern.
"Lie down,"
said Ky-Lin. "Take your clothes off and lie under the blanket—"
"He has known all
along you were a girl. You washed him once in a river, so he says, and you all
got so wet your outline was unmistakable. He's never questioned it: I need him
now to help me. Don't worry: it means nothing to him at his age."
"It hurts," I
whimpered like a child.
"Not for
long," and he spoke to Tug, and a moment or two later one of the opium
pills I had kept in my pouch, just in case, was pushed into my mouth, followed
by a draught of cool water.
I undressed with
difficulty and lay on my back, as instructed by Ky-Lin. Then I was told to rub
my ring in a circular movement round my navel, and whether it was the pill or
that, or both, the pain diminished and I felt sleepy and relaxed. I began to
fantasize. I saw again the cottage where I was born, the forest and river where
I played as a child; I could taste the honey cakes my mother gave me,
remembered the little church where the mural of the Last Judgment faded gently
on either side of the altar. A knight rode by, a handsome knight; a white horse
gambolled in surf no whiter than she; I heard a tortoise rustle away into the
undergrowth and the clap of a pigeon's wings; I was flying, and then suddenly
the dream changed. A castle whose stones were stained with the sins before
committed, a thin, wheedling voice: "Tell me a story. . . ."
gently," said a voice in my ear. "Nearly over . . ."
I dreamt again. A dog
was barking, his voice ringing through woodland; I flew once more, then crashed
to the ground, bruised and breathless; waves dragged at my clothes, I was so
cold, so cold—
No, it was only my
stomach that was cold, numbing the pain. . . .
"Rest, rest, lie
still. Remember the Place of Stones and what happened there a year ago
Yes, yes, of course I
remembered! I was looking for a pig, a large pig, who had disappeared. It was
All Hallows' Eve, exactly a year since I had left home, and the air about
crackled with mystery and magic. And then I had found my pig, my dearest pig,
and had kissed him and suddenly there was a stranger in his place, a dark
stranger—but no! it was a dragon, a black dragon with claws that could rend me
in twain—
"Just a minute more
. . ."
And the dragon was the
stranger, no stranger, again. And he had enfolded me in his arms. He had kissed
me, lain with me, and a hot flood of feeling had filled me like an empty skin
waiting to be filled and the pain had been so exquisite that I had cried out—
"Aaahhh . . ."
But when I opened my
eyes he was a dragon again and had flown away into the east, his shadow passing
across the moon, and I was alone. . . .
A warm tongue caressed
my cheek and my nose was filled with the smell of warm, hacky breath.
"Better, Summer dear?"
But I wasn't Summer: I
was Talitha. He had called me Talitha, and he was . . . he was Jasper,
Master of Many Treasures.
"Wake up!"
barked Growch.
"All over,"
said Ky-Lin. "No more pain."
I tried to sit up, but
there was a sort of stitchy feeling in my stomach. Tug's hands raised my head,
propped something behind it and fed me some welcome, warming broth. Then I was
lying down again, a blanket tucked under my chin.
"You can sleep
now," said Ky-Lin. "No more pain."
"But I don't
"Yes, you do. In
the morning you will feel wonderful. Just breathe deeply and I will give you
some Sleepy Dust. . . ."
My mouth and nose were
filled with the scent and taste of fresh spring flowers, summer leaves, autumn
fires, winter snow. . . . I breathed it all in greedily until I was floating
way up, up, up till I could touch the damp edges of the clouds and twist and
turn with the screaming swifts. Ghostlike, I flew on silent wings with the
owls, hung on the tip of a crescent moon, fell back into a bed of thistledown,
a nest lined with the bellyfur of rabbit, a bed with down pillows—a hard pallet
with a couple of blankets and someone shaking me awake.
"Hey! You going to
sleep all day as well?"
"Oh, piss off,
Dickon!" I said irritably. "I was having a wonderful dream. . .
"Well, you can't
sleep all day! We're all hungry, and you've got the money. . . ."
And will have to cook it
too, I thought. "How long have I slept?"
"You were asleep
when I came back yesterday, you've snored all night, and it's around noon
Nearly twenty-four
hours! Still, it was as Ky-Lin had promised: I felt wonderful, relaxed,
happy—and now I came to think about it: very hungry.
"Is it still
raining?" A nod. "Well give me a few minutes to get dressed and we'll
go to the eating house. My treat."
It was while I was
dressing that I discovered something wrong.
"Ky-Lin," I
hissed. "What's this around my waist?"
"Just something to
keep you warm," came the small voice from under my pillow. "Leave it
there for the time being, there's a good girl." He must have sensed my
indecision. "Have I ever given you bad advice?"
So I left it where it
was. It didn't discommode me at all, but I was a little disconcerted to find
out I had started my monthly flow again, which was annoying after so long
It stopped raining on
the afternoon of the third day, and with the weak sun came the widow woman,
almost crying with joy, the rent money held out for me to take.
"It is as I
said," whispered Ky-Lin. "Now, open and shut your mouth as you do in
our performances. I have something to tell her. . . ."
And to the openmouthed
astonishment of Dickon, out came a soft stream of words from my lips and, for a
moment hidden from all but the woman, Ky-Lin showed himself.
She fell to the floor
and gabbled, the tears of joy streaming down her face, then bowed her way out
of the door. Dickon picked the coins up and tucked them in his pouch.
"What was all that
gibberish about?"
Luckily Ky-Lin had
briefed me.
"It was a prophesy;
her grandson will become one of the great sages of the country."
"Still don't know
how you do it," he muttered. "However, a nice way of conning her out
of the rent."
I bit back an angry
retort. Ky-Lin whispered in my ear.
"Right, everyone,"
I said. "Time to go. We'll steal a march on the rest who have stopped
over. With the roads empty we can make good time. Oh, Dickon: leave that money
on the stool. Call it a present for the baby. . . ."
We made reasonable
progress during the next couple of days, and on the second night, Dickon having
gone out scouting the prospects for a performance, Ky-Lin made me lie down on
the bed.
"I want to take the
bandage off." He seemed uncharacteristically nervous; he had gone a shaky
sort of blue color all over. "Let's have a look. . . ."
He spoke to Tug, who
slowly and carefully unwound the cloth.
"Mmmm . . ."
"What's the
matter?" I tried to sit up; my stomach felt cold.
"Nothing. Nothing
at all." His color had returned to normal. "Take a look. . . ."
Sitting up, I gazed down
at my stomach; at first I could see nothing and then—
"Hey, Summer! We've
got a performance!"
Damn and blast and
perdition! Hastily pulling my shirt down and my breeches up, I staggered over
to the bolted door. Dickon burst in.
"There's a rich
caravan just pulled in and they were enquiring about entertainment; Arabs and
Greeks mostly, so you'll have to 'Magic' some of their language. . . ." He
sniggered. Little did he know Ky-Lin!
"But it's full
dark; must be near nine at night."
"They're camping in
the square, 'cos there's no other accommodation. Plenty of light, torches,
lanterns. They're being fed now, so we'd better hurry before they decide to kip
down for the night."
It was past midnight
before we returned to our quarters, but my pouch was full of coins. It had been
a treat to have a relatively sophisticated audience, for it was a rich caravan,
and they had insisted on us performing twice over. They had travelled from the
south, with a special order for the wedding: gold and silver platters,
silver-handled daggers and filigree jewelry, and were near two weeks late.
Tonight would be their last stop, for with horses and camels they could make
the city easily by the next day.
So they were relaxed and
generous, and Ky-Lin's Arabic, Greek and a little Persian was impeccable. When
we packed up Dickon obviously had a yen to go farther afield, so I gave him a
generous advance, knowing full well he had also gathered tips on the way from
the audience, and he disappeared for a while in search of his own
Growch was on a high;
one of the objects held up for my "discovery" had been one of his
"fluffy bum" pups, and he had nearly let us all down at this point,
completely forgetting to concentrate, even running over to the puppy and investigating.
"Keep your mind on
the job!" I hissed at him when at last he reached me.
"Thought I 'ad—my
job. Why I came, an' all. Boy pup: pity."
I was so tired when we
returned that all I wanted to do was flop down on my pallet and sleep, but
there was one other thing to do: look once more at my stomach. I thought I had
seen—but no, it couldn't be. I lay down, lifted my shirt and peered down, aware
out of the corner of my eye that Ky-Lin was watching anxiously. At first
nothing, then—
What looked like a pearl
nestled in my belly button. I touched it gingerly: it gave a little to my
touch. I tried to prize it out—
"No! Don't touch it
yet; it hasn't quite hardened." Ky-Lin had gone quite pale again, and was
peering anxiously over my shoulder. "Give it a day or two more. . .
"But what is
it?" It resembled nothing so much as a jewel one might stick in a belly
dancer's navel. "And how in heaven's name did it get there?"
"Er . . . I put it
there. For safekeeping. Nicely insulated. Warm . . ."
"What is
it's quite simple really. It's a dragon's egg."
Chapter Thirteen
“A . . . what?" I
was already asleep; I must be.
"Egg. Dragon's. Not
yet set," said Growch succinctly. "Leastways, that's what I thought
'e said." He didn't seem the least surprised or alarmed—but then it wasn't
happening to him.
I attempted to laugh it
off, all the time nursing a horrible feeling it wasn't a laughing matter.
"If this is all a joke, it's not in very good taste. Now be a good
creature and take it away, Ky-Lin, and I'll forget all about it."
"I can't 'take it
away,' just like that," said Ky-Lin unhappily. "It's yours. Yours
I knew immediately who
he meant, but wasn't going to accept what he said. It was impossible! That sort
of thing just didn't happen; it couldn't.
"That was what was
hurting you, giving you the stomachache. It was ready to come out for the
second stage of its development," said Ky-Lin. "Don't ask me how, or
why; I'm no expert in this sort of thing, and indeed I doubt it has ever happened
before just like this. Humans don't mate with dragons. Normally dragons are
bisexual: they can reproduce themselves. Theoretically so can Ky-Lins; that's
what my name means: male/female. We never have, though."
I remembered the pain of
that embrace by the Place of Stones: the pain and the ecstasy. Had we bypassed
the natural laws, my man-dragon and I? Was this, this tiny pearl, still
semisoft and shining, a product of a love that had never been seen before, just
because I had kissed a creature and made him man, however temporarily?
I gazed down at my navel
and, gently, so gently touched the shining pearl. Just in case . . .
"But it's so
"Oh, it grows. A
fully developed egg, ready to hatch, will be at least as big as a human baby.
But, I warn you, this one could take many, many years—longer than you have—to
grow and mature. You will never see what it contains. You are just its
guardian, for a little while. So, don't get fond of it. Your job is to keep it
warm, give it its first few weeks of incubation." He sighed. "You are
very privileged."
I didn't feel the least
bit "privileged": quite the reverse, in fact. I felt confused, hurt,
bewildered, used, somehow dirty.
Ky-Lin read part of what
I was thinking. "You truly are privileged, dear girl. You may not realize
it now but that egg, however it got there, has been a part of you for a year,
you nourished it in your body, and whatever happens to it in the future, you
will always be a part of it. Also remember, it was created in love."
I looked down again;
right now it was tiny, soft, vulnerable. Anyone could squash it, crush it,
snuff the little life that lay inside. . . . Without conscious thought my hands
curled protectively over my navel, and emotion took over from instinct,
realizing ruefully that once more I had conned myself into caring for yet one
more burden. Once before they had all been maimed in their separate ways; this
time they were all more or less normal, even if they still had their particular
needs—except Ky-Lin, of course, though even he was trying to gain extra points
towards his redemption.
"And so we are
lucky seven," said Ky-Lin happily. "You and I, Growch and Tug,
Dickon, Bear and the Egg. Just as the Old One foretold."
I shivered and crossed
myself; the Good Lord protect us all and bring us to a safe haven. . . .
Two days later we topped
a rise and there lay the Golden City beneath us. They called it golden because
the stone used was a warm, yellow sandstone, quarried from goodness knew where,
because the surrounding hills and mountains were dark and forbidding. Right
now, at midday, the sun made the whole place glow, picking out the various
towers and steeples that were gilded with real gold, till the whole scene
shimmered with warmth and welcome.
We had a steep descent,
but beneath us a wide river curled around the east of the city, a river so wide
I could see the boats, like beetles at this distance, scurrying about on the
water. To the south the plain widened out, and I could see a wide field, with
men drilling and horses being exercised.
It looked like a place
full of promise, but it took all of three hours to reach the city gates, the
road ahead being crowded to suffocation with caravans, carts, wagons, cattle,
horses and travellers on foot like ourselves. Past experience made us head for
the side streets once we had passed through the west gate; the city would be
crowded already, and the best chance of accommodation was out of the
mainstream. We were lucky; entertainers were at a premium, and although I had
to pay more than I had reckoned, we found two ground-floor rooms with
accommodation in a shed for Bear, breakfast and midday meal included.
After a plain but
satisfying meal of rice, chicken, and fruit, we left Bear behind and decided to
explore the city. By now it was dusk, and evening fires hazed the rooftops.
There was already a chill to the air but it made no difference to those who,
like us, were determined to make the most of all the city had to offer. The
main streets were paved and bordered with fine buildings, but the streets
radiating from the main square were full of bustle, crowd, and character.
The stalls were crammed
with all the goods in the world, or so it seemed. Over glowing braziers meat,
fish, glazed chicken wings, and nuts sizzled and popped and every available
space was filled with beggars, jugglers, fortune-tellers (bones, water, sand,
and stones), and pretty ladies plying their charms, which is how we lost
The rest of us found
ourselves in the huge main square, deserted now except for a few gawpers like
us. Ahead of us lay the palace, a heterogenous mass of gilded roofs, towers,
tilted eaves, and balconies, approached by wide steps guarded by soldiers in
green and gold. Flares, torches and lanterns kept the whole facade brightly
lit, and through the screened and fretted windows could be glimpsed figures
scurrying to and fro.
"This square is
where the main celebrations for the wedding will take place," said Ky-Lin,
who as usual had been listening to everything going on around him. "During
the next few days, palace scouts will seek out the best entertainers and they
will be invited to perform here in front of the prince and his prospective
" 'Ow they goin' to
choose us, then?" asked Growch.
"They go around the
streets and smaller squares, list those they prefer, then send others for a
second opinion."
We had already come
across some half-dozen of these smaller squares.
"Do we keep to one
or try as many as we can?" I wondered.
"More the
better," said Ky-Lin. "That way we reach a wider audience and have a
better chance of being noticed. Even if we aren't picked, we can at least earn
some money. There are many very good acts here already, so we need to polish up
our performances, make some new costumes, and I will provide some powders to
burn that will give you a better light, sprinkled on torches. Can you walk on
your hind legs, dog?"
" 'Course I can!
Well, sometimes. A bit. I could try. . . ."
His legs were so short
and his body so long, I sometimes wondered how his messages got from one end to
the other. "That would be very nice," I said enthusiastically.
"Worth an extra bone or two."
And he tried, he really
did; at the end of two days he could stagger at least two yards. . . .
We made—I made—new
costumes, we played the small squares and larger side streets from one end of
the city to the other, and at the end of four days both Dickon and Ky-Lin
recognized the same nonpaying faces at our performances.
Ky-Lin nodded his head
in satisfaction. "Definitely scouts," he said.
In the meantime we had
been making more money than in all our journey so far and I was perplexed as to
where to keep it—by now a small sackful—safe. I daren't leave it in our rooms:
quite apart from thieves I couldn't trust Dickon's sticky fingers, and it was
Growch who suggested the solution. " 'Oo's the one they're all scared of?
That great bear. 'E can guard it daytimes, and when we give performances, 'e
can 'ave it tucked under 'is arm or sumfin'."
Which solved the
With only twenty-four hours
to go before the grand entertainment we were visited in our lodgings by two
palace officials, smartly dressed in gold jackets and green trews, who informed
me (through Ky-Lin) that we had been picked to perform in the Palace Square the
following evening. It was a great honor, as the acts were limited to thirteen,
the Moons of the Year. We were allowed a half-hour only, to give time for all
the other acts, so we practiced curtailing Tug and Bear and it made for a
crisper performance, which we took round the streets that night, able to boast
that we were one of the chosen ones for the following night. Our purse was
heavier than ever that day.
Our actual performance
seemed to be over before it began. We had to wait through performing ponies,
acrobats, contortionists, a magician, and a woman who climbed a ladder of
swords and lay on a bed of nails with a man standing on her chest, but
eventually the large hourglass was set down again in the sand and it was our
turn. By now I had worked myself into such a lather of expectation that I was
trembling in every limb, my mouth was as dry as the sands of the desert and I
desperately needed to relieve myself.
Once we started,
however, I was as cool as a draught of cold water, even remembering to direct
our act towards the balcony where the prince had his seat. They said afterwards
that the prince, a sophisticated man, was bored by much he saw, but that his
prospective bride, an ingenuous girl, clapped enthusiastically the whole way
through. Be that as it may, each performance was rewarded by a bag of silver
coins, good, bad or indifferent, and was cheered impartially by the large crowd
penned behind rope barriers at the perimeter of the square.
There were many acts
after ours, but I fell asleep through exhaustion, tucked up against Bear, and
only woke when Dickon nudged me. The square was emptying, torches guttering and
a chill wind blew away the detritus of the evening.
"Bed," said
Dickon. "There are three days till the wedding and after tonight the
audiences will pay even better. . . ."
But the morning was to
bring a further surprise. Before the first cock had even cleared his throat,
another official from the palace, this one with gold braid and tassels,
presented us with an invitation to perform that evening within the palace
confines themselves. Apparently the prince and his bride-to-be wished a closer
look at some of the acts they had enjoyed the night before.
"We've cracked
it!" exulted Dickon. "Can't you just see it? We can advertise
ourselves as by royal command!"
It was an attractive
idea, but I could see it would only complicate matters. As far as I was
concerned I had places to go, people and animals to answer to, and that was
enough. I didn't want more than would carry us to our next destination, but
Dickon wanted it all: gold, prestige, fame.
"Are you coming,
then?" asked Dickon.
"I've just been
telling you. Outside the city, on the parade ground, they're having races,
entertainments, wild animals. It's a day out. It's a free day out. All
you want is money for some food. Or, take our own. Hurry up, or all the best
vantage points will be taken."
We left Bear in the
shed; as the winter advanced, although he had never been allowed his natural
hibernation since he was a cub, he nevertheless became more lethargic, and was
quite happy to be left guarding the money and snoozing the day away. I hoped
that when, and if, we ever found his homeland, he would find a convenient cave
in which to sleep every winter till spring.
The races and
entertainment were held in the amphitheater to the south I had noticed on first
looking down on the city. Cordoned off and edged with a low wall of stones, it
was an oval, sandy space perhaps three-quarters of a mile in length and half
that distance wide. Roughly marked out were four staggered lanes for foot or
horse racing, and in the center a raised circle for wrestling. Seats there were
none, but plenty of boulders and banked sand, so we made ourselves comfortable
behind the ropes, knotted with colored cloths, that kept us from the tracks.
Heats of the footraces
had already been run, and the finalists rested while the children of the city
had their turn. All kinds were represented, from the silk-kilted privileged to
the half-naked urchins, and it was one of the latter I was glad to see that won
the junior race, two laps of the track, to bear a purse back to his delighted
I could see that Tug,
too, would have liked to participate, but we didn't know the rules, so I
consoled him with sticky sweetmeats from a peddler's tray. There was plenty to
eat—if you could afford it—for behind the crowd there were braziers frying and
roasting all sorts of delights, and trays of cheeses, cakes, boiled rice, and
fruit. The poorer people had brought their own food, but we were in a festive
mood and nibbled away all afternoon, fortified by drinks of water, wine, or
goat's milk from the skins of the sellers.
The day wore on. We
watched the wrestling—which seemed to be a near-killing exercise of arms, feet,
hands, teeth and nails—and applauded the finals of the footraces. Then came the
chariot races; light, wicker-framed two-wheeled carts with two horses. There
were plenty of thrills and spills, and special applause when the prince's
charioteer won the top prize. Next was an exhibition of kite flying, great
monsters of birds, flowers, giants, and dragons, but there was little or no
wind, so these were a disappointment. We were about to pack up and go back to
our lodgings to ready ourselves for tonight's performance, when there was a
clamor from far across the field.
A distant thunder of
hooves, a murmur from the crowd: "The Riders of the Plains!" and into
the arena galloped a troop of wild-looking horsemen, riding even wilder horses.
They circled the arena at an even faster pace, churning the sand into swirls of
smoke, manes and tails flying, the horsemen uttering wild yells of
encouragement until suddenly, with no apparent signal, they crashed to a
rearing halt in the center, shouting what sounded like a battle cry to my
untrained ears.
There was an eruption at
my side and Tug sprang to his feet, his face alight with joy, his fists raised
over his head in salute.
"My people, my
people! They come. . . ." and he was gone, scrambling over rocks and
people with abandon, to disappear into the amphitheater amid the melee of men,
horses, sand and dust.
I called after him, but
it was no use: he couldn't, or wouldn't, hear.
"Leave him
be," whispered Ky-Lin. "He will be back. Just watch."
And watch we did, an
unparalleled exhibition of horsemanship. Horses raced, apparently riderless,
till their riders twisted up from under their bellies; one horseman balanced on
the backs of two, three, four mounts at a gallop; they threw spears at targets
as they raced past, hitting them every time; they leapt to the ground first one
side, then the other, rode with their heads towards the horse's tail; they
fought mock battles; they jumped—one, two, three men—onto the back of a
galloping horse until we were exhausted just watching.
The crowd was as
stupified as we were, then on their feet yelling for more.
And Tug? He was in the
midst of it all. Running, riding, vaulting, balancing; handstands, yells, two
hands, one hand, no hands . . . On the ground he was a rather awkward boy with
bandy legs and a usually sullen expression; put him on a horse and he was
transformed. I could see now that those bandy legs had been used to riding from
the time he could toddle and saw from his face how much being back with his own
kind meant to him. I didn't need the confirmation of his words when he finally
climbed back to us, tattered, sweaty, and utterly happy.
"Found them! They
mine . . . Go home!" He started to speak in the few words of my tongue I
had taught him, but soon lapsed into his own language, and I was glad to have
Ky-Lin's whispered translation. Dickon stood by, his face a picture of
bewilderment, but Growch's tail was wagging furiously: he at least understood
what was going on.
"My people come for
prince's wedding: special invitation. Prince rides with us, in disguise. . .
." He pointed to a taller man, dressed as the rest, who was sneaking off
the field. "His treat . . ." He waved his hand at the rest of the
horsemen. "They are of my people, but not of my tribe, although they know
of my father. He is chieftain. They return to our lands tomorrow, next day,
before snows come and I will travel with them."
"If your father is
chieftain, then you . . . ?" I asked through Ky-Lin.
"I am my father's
first son, and will be chieftain when he dies."
So, I had rescued a
prince among his people, this shabby boy who now squatted before me, took one
of my hands in his and pressed it to his forehead.
"I shall always be
in your debt," he said simply. "You bought my freedom, fed me and
clothed me, treated me with kindness. I shall never forget you. And you, Great
One," and he bowed in the hidden direction of Ky-Lin.
"Rubbish!" I
said gruffly, conscious that I had difficulty in speaking. I ruffled his hair,
just as if he were the young boy who had already shared our adventures, and not
a young prince.
Dickon had finally
picked up the drift of what was happening. "He's not going, is he? Not
before the performance tonight, surely! In the palace, by special request,
remember? You don't turn up only with half your act!" He looked
scandalized. "Out here they could cut your head off for a thing like
that—or at least chuck you in a dungeon and throw away the key. . . . Besides,
just think of the money!"
In the excitement I had
completely forgotten; although I did not believe we should be punished for
turning up without Tug, it would certainly mean a revision of our act. I asked
Ky-Lin to explain as best he could.
As we had been talking,
we had gradually become surrounded by Tug's fellow countrymen, smelling
strongly of horses and sweat. Smaller in stature than most, they were still a
fearsome-looking lot, with their yellowish faces, high cheekbones, long hair,
fierce eyebrows and drooping moustaches. Like Tug, they had black eyes and
bandy legs. They shuffled closer, and I had the distinct impression that they
were quite ready to kidnap Tug and carry him away if we had any intention of
trying to keep him.
But Tug listened to what
Ky-Lin had to say, shrugged his shoulders and nodded. Turning to his people he
made a little speech, indicating us, then bowed quite regally in dismissal. The
men glanced at each other, then, thankfully, bowed also and moved away.
"I have told
them," said Tug formally, "that I have an obligation to fulfill, but
shall join them later tonight. All right, Summer-Lady-Boy?" And he
grinned, once more the boy I would always remember.
Returning to our
lodgings, we washed and dressed in our costumes and made our way as previously
directed to the side door of the palace, giving onto the kitchens, armory, stores,
laundries, etc. We crossed the large, cobblestoned courtyard and were shown
into an anteroom. Like the largest houses I had seen, this part of the building
was strictly utilitarian. No fancy clothes, no elaborate decoration, everything
meant for use. In the anteroom the other three acts were already waiting,
obviously as nervous as we were ourselves. They became positively agitated when
they saw Bear, however, and that coupled with the thought of bear droppings on
the carpets, made me ask through Ky-Lin if we might wait in the courtyard.
It was chilly out there,
so I walked over to one of the braziers to warm myself up. There were some
half-dozen of these, crowded by off-duty soldiers, kitchen porters, and
itinerants waiting for the scraps of the feast now taking place. Obviously they
were still eating, for enticing smells were coming from the kitchens: behind
the bland scents of rice and vegetables came the aromas of fish and meat,
sharpened to a fine edge by the pungency of spices such as ginger and
coriander. My stomach started to rumble, although we had all eaten before we
came out. A couple of trays of saffron-colored rice full of niblets of dried
fish were thrust out into the courtyard; you ate, if you were lucky, with your
fingers: the beggars had brought their own bowls.
I managed a handful for
Bear and Growch; one of the better-dressed beggars shouted at me, gesticulating
to his friends.
"What does he
say?" I asked Ky-Lin, passing him a grain or two of rice.
"Not to waste good
food on animals. Just ignore him."
"It's just that—I'm
sure I've seen him somewhere before. . . ."
I racked my brains, but
came up with nothing; here, there, somewhere, I was sure of it. "I don't
know. . . ."
"Well, don't worry
about it: it's our turn next."
It must have been near
midnight when we came out into the courtyard again, still dazed by the lights,
music, dancing, gold, embroideries, costumes, decorations, plate, jewelry, and
sheer opulence of all we had seen, touched, heard, smelled, in the last couple
of hours. The inner reality of the palace was like something from a legend;
pointless to wonder where the money had come from to create such luxury: to
marvel and enjoy was enough.
In the vast banqueting
hall in which we had been called upon to perform there were patterned marble
floors, thick colored rugs, gilded pillars, painted walls and ceilings,
embroidered cushions, long carved tables, a silver throne, and men and women
guests wearing robes of silk and fine wools, heavily sewn with gold and silver thread
and studded with jewels. The whole area was lighted to brilliance with oil
lamps, torches and flares, the light reflected from vast sheets of brass,
placed the best for catching the flames.
Behind painted screens
musicians sighed and wailed on strings and woodwind, with the insistent
drubbing of a tabor; there was a heavy scent of incense, sweet oils, of opium
and hashish, both cloying and exciting at the same time.
The prince, on a silver
throne, had been gracious enough to lead the applause for our act, but as an
audience the rich guests could not have been more different from our credulous
village spectators. There was a background murmur of conversation all the
while, the applause was polite and it seemed there was more attention paid to
eating and drinking than to the performance. It was not just us though: all the
other acts were received in the same way, a restrained appreciation for
something far beneath such a sophisticated guest list.
Still, the coins we were
paid with this time were of gold. . . .
As we came out into the
courtyard we all breathed in the clean, cold night air with relief. All but a
couple of the braziers had been extinguished and someone was unfastening the
heavy gates for us, just as a shout came from away to our left, and a figure
ran at us, followed by a half-dozen others. I stopped, bewildered; it was the
man I thought I had seen somewhere before, but now he was yelling out something
over and over again. Ky-Lin hissed urgently in my ear: "Run, girl, run!
Tell them all to run and hide. . . ."
"But why? What's he
"That's the man you
thought you recognized; he comes from the village where Bear's former master
was found dead. They are going to arrest you and Dickon on a charge of
Chapter Fourteen
I opened my eyes:
I shut them tight again,
screwed them up, rubbed them with my knuckles, opened them again.
Nothing. Black as pitch.
If I wasn't so cold and
it didn't hurt when I pinched myself, I might have thought I was still asleep
and dreaming, or in that muddled half-awake situation children find themselves
in sometimes when nothing makes sense. Once—I think I was six or seven at the
time—I found myself trying to pull up the earthen floor of the hut in which my
mother and I lived, in the mistaken belief that it was a blanket. I had fallen
out of bed but the fall had only half woken me, so I thought I was still there.
I remembered crying with the cold and frustration, then Mama had leaned over
and plucked me to her side again, scolding me heartily for waking her. . . .
I wanted my Mama again,
right now, scolding or no. I wouldn't have cared if she had thrashed me—the
physical blows wouldn't have counted against the warmth of contact with another
human—but she was long dead and I was alone, totally alone, in a mind-numbing
darkness that froze my mind and made icicles round my heart.
I hadn't even got the
comforting presence of Ky-Lin: he had disappeared together with the others.
In the confusion of that
sudden attack in the courtyard we had all become separated. The gate was
half-open, I had shouted a warning, and a white-faced Dickon had been first
away, followed by a bewildered Bear. I felt Ky-Lin leap from my shoulder, heard
Growch growling and barking at my feet and was conscious of Tug trying to fend
off my attackers. Somebody had grabbed the boy by his jacket, but he twisted
free and punched someone else on the nose. Growch had another aggressor by the
ankle and was being shaken like a rat, and a guard tried to catch me by the
"Run, you idiots,
run!" I yelled. "Watch the gate!" Which was already being closed
again. I started off for the narrow gap that remained; ten feet, five, four. My
hands touched the thick oak, I pushed with all my might, Growch squeezed
through, then suddenly I tripped, fell flat on my face and was immediately
pinned to the ground by half a dozen men. Fighting to keep my head clear, I saw
the gate clang to, followed by a flying leap from Tug, who seemed to run up the
ten feet or so like a cat scaling a wall, to disappear over the top.
So at least Tug, Growch,
Bear and Dickon had a chance of escape, although I had no idea of Ky-Lin's
whereabouts. Knowing how violence of any kind was anathema to him, I wondered
if he had hidden himself away somewhere; wherever he was, I could certainly
have done with his help during the next hour or so.
I had been hauled into
the palace again, but this time to a small windowless antechamber, in which I
was ruthlessly questioned, my accuser and his friends pointing the finger of
guilt; a senior palace official tried to get a statement out of me. Impossible,
of course: without a translator we couldn't understand each other at all. In
any case I was so bruised, battered and confused by now, that I doubt I could
have said anything sensible in any language.
My brain seemed to have
gone to sleep, and after three hours we had gotten nowhere. For the moment it
seemed it was one person's accusation against my silence, for my accuser was
treated no better than I; finally we were both marched along endless corridors,
down steps, across a winding walkway and finally into what could only be the
dungeons. Then we were separated: my accuser went one way, I went the other, to
end up in front of a low, barred door. The bolts were drawn, the door creaked
open and I was flung headlong onto a pile of filthy straw; the door clanged
shut and the bolts were drawn with a dull finality. Something was shouted from
outside, and the footsteps marched away, their sound to be smothered all too
soon in the darkness of the thick walls.
The stench of the cell
was terrible. At first after I got to my feet I wasted my breath calling and
shouting, but the air was so thick my voice lost itself in the gloom, and there
was no answer. Next I felt my way all around the cell—with, strangely enough,
my eyes shut: it seemed easier that way—only to find it was empty of all but a
rusty ring on one wall with a chain dangling from it and a small drain in the
floor, presumably for excreta. I must have spent an hour trying to find a way
out, but in the end had sunk to my knees in the filth, as miserable as I had
ever been in my life.
And what of the others?
Dickon had got away and was capable of looking after himself, but Bear was too
large and clumsy to hide. Tug and Growch would probably come looking for me,
but what could a boy and a dog do on their own? And what had happened to
Ky-Lin? I had not seen him at all and he was so small that someone might have
trodden on him—But I could not bear to think of that.
I had no idea of time,
for in that fetid darkness my inside body-clock seemed to have stopped; I found
I could no more judge either time or distance.
My ears caught a sound:
a tiny, scratching, rustling noise. My God—rats! No, I couldn't stand rats, I
couldn't! There it was again. . . .
Rising to my feet I
shuffled backwards until my trembling hands touched the damp wall. I listened:
nothing, except a distant irregular drip of water. I must have imagined it. I
took a deep breath, tried to relax. I counted to a hundred slowly under my breath.
No sound—Scratch, scritch . . . thump!
I screamed: I couldn't
help it. The sound bounced back off the walls in a dead, muffled tone. No one
could hear me—I opened my mouth again—
"Steady there,
girl," came a small voice. "It's only me. Quite a jump down—"
"The same. Now,
stand still, and I'll find you. . . ."
There were further
rustlings and a moment later something touched my ankle. I bent down and found
a plumed tail.
He was now puppy-sized.
"It seemed like a
good idea. Better for getting around. There was a lot to do before we could get
to you."
"Tug, Growch, and
myself. Bear was willing to help, but we left him guarding the money and
baggage. All safe. Now, just listen; in another hour or so—"
"How did you get
in?" I interrupted. The door was solid and I hadn't found the smallest
space anything could crawl through. "How did you find the others? Where
are they? Where's Dickon?"
"In what order am I
supposed to answer these questions? Perhaps in reverse. The young man has
disappeared: I smelled his fright as he ran—"
Typical Dickon, I
thought. Keen for gold, coward for danger.
"The bear went back
to your lodgings. I had climbed onto the boy's shoulder when I left you; we had
to persuade the dog to follow us: he was all for staying by the gate."
Typical of Growch too:
loyal and devoted, whatever the danger.
"We packed your
belongings and moved them to a safe place. The boy went away to arrange certain
matters and is less than two hundred yards away with the dog. As to how I got
in? Through the window."
"What window?"
I stared around once more. "I can't see any window!"
"Perhaps because
you are not looking in the right place. Besides, there is no moon."
"Look to your right
. . . no, much higher, to twice your height. Keep looking; let your eyes get
accustomed to the dark. There now: do you see it?"
Yes, now I did. A
grayish sort of oblong. Like all things, obvious once you knew where they were,
I wondered how I could have missed it earlier. I stared and stared, with
growing hope, until I got dancing specks in front of my eyes. Specks . . . and
"But—there are bars
across! You might be able to squeeze through those, but I couldn't. Besides,
it's miles too high to reach!"
"Don't exaggerate!
We've thought about all that."
"You're sure?"
"Sure." He
hesitated. "At least . . ."
least—what?" Hope received a dent.
"If everything goes
according to plan. Don't worry! If plan alpha doesn't work, we can
always go to plan beta."
"If I don't get
away from here before morning they'll probably haul me up for questioning
again, and I'll need you to translate. And you can't hide in my cloak if you're
as big as—"
"There is another
hour until the false dawn, and now is the time when everyone sleeps deepest. That's
why we chose it." He interrupted. "And now, if you will excuse
"Don't go!" I
was going to panic again, I knew it.
"Courage, girl! We
have things to do. Firstly, put the Waystone in my mouth—that's it. Now lift me
to your shoulders and bring me under the window. . . ."
He was much heavier now,
and the spring he took from my shoulder nearly knocked me to the floor. I
stared upwards, and could make out a darker shape against the outline of the
window. He appeared to be doing the same he did with the bear's nose ring:
stroking the iron bars in one direction. It seemed to take an age.
"Shhh . . ."
I shushed, for what
seemed a lifetime. At last the scraping noise stopped. "That should do it:
catch!" The Waystone dropped into my cupped hands. "Can you climb a
"I don't know. . .
." I never had.
"Well, now's the
time to find out!"
Something touched my
face and reaching out a hand I found I was clutching a knotted rope. Looking
up, I thought I detected movement, a muffled whisper, but still eight bars
stood between me and freedom. It must be getting lighter, because now I could
make them out quite clearly.
"Wait for a
moment," breathed Ky-Lin. "But when I say 'move!' you move!"
A moment's pause, a
straining noise, a muffled thud of hooves, and the first bar snapped cleanly
away from the window. Two minutes later another, then a third. The fourth broke
only at the top.
"Now!" said
Ky-Lin urgently. I grabbed the rope tight, wrapped my legs around it and tried
to pull myself up. The rope swung wildly, I made perhaps a couple of feet,
banged hard against the wall, let go and dropped heavily to the floor of the
cell. I didn't even manage a foot of climbing before banging my knuckles against
the slime of the walls and falling down again.
"It won't work. . .
." I was desperate.
"Wait. . . ."
What seemed like a
muttered conversation took place above, then Ky-Lin called down: "Wrap the
rope around your waist, hold it tight in your hands, and hang on!"
I swung out and in
against the wall, almost fainting at one stage from the pain of a bruised
elbow, but gradually I was being hauled higher and higher. At last, when I
thought the strain was too great and I would have to let go, a pair of hands
gripped my wrists and pulled me up the last few inches till my shoulders were
level with the window.
"Tug . . . !"
With his hands to help
me I tried to wriggle through the space left by the missing bars. At first it
was easy, and I was halfway through and could just make out, in the grayness
that preceded the false dawn, a courtyard and a couple of the Plainsmen's small
horses, ropes around their necks. At last I was breathing fresh air again, and
Growch's eager tongue lapped at my cheek. Another pull, I was nearly there—and
then I stuck.
That last bar, the one
that had only broken halfway, was lodged against my hip, and I couldn't move.
Tug tried to maneuver me past it, but it was hopeless. At last Ky-Lin slipped
in beside me and pushed sideways as Tug pulled, and with a final jerk I was
free, minus some trouser cloth and skin.
But there was no time to
feel sorry for myself. I was shoved onto one of the horses. Tug led both out of
the gates, then went back to bolt the gates on the inside, climbing back out when
he had finished.
"That courtyard is
where prisoners' friends are allowed to bring the food," explained Ky-Lin.
"They are fed through the bars. For most that is all they get. The boy has
bolted the gates so they will think you escaped by magic—or flew away with the
dragons—and nothing will be traced back to his people."
The sky was lightening
perceptibly as we moved silently through the deserted streets, the horses'
hooves muffled with straw, to one of the smaller gates in the city wall. A few
early fires smudged the clear, predawn air, a child whimpered somewhere, a dog
howled, but that was all.
A smaller gate it might
be, but it was still some twenty feet high, bolted, barred and with an enormous
keyhole that could only encompass an equally enormous key. I knew these gates
were not opened until the dawn call from the muezzin, and feared that if we
lingered here my escape might be discovered. Besides which, we were a motley
enough collection that any guards would remember, for at that moment two of Tug's
people came to join us on horseback, Bear ambling amiably behind. Our packs
were fastened on the horses.
I gazed fearfully at the
gate house, expecting the guards to emerge any moment and tell us to be about
our business; instead, Tug dismounted, went over, opened the door and a minute
later reappeared with a key almost half his size. Over his shoulder I could see
the two guards lying in a huddle on the floor.
"Sleepy Dust,"
said Ky-Lin, his tail fluffed out. "Good for another hour at least. . .
With a struggle Tug and
his fellows managed to slide back the bolts and bars and manipulate the key; we
slipped through the gate and there was a straight road leading north. Tug
stayed behind to close up again and return the key, before scaling the gate and
rejoining us on the road.
"Right!" said
Tug, in my tongue. "Now ride. Slow first, then faster."
Once the city was out of
sight behind a curve in the dusty road we quickened our pace; as we rode we
shared rice cakes and a flask of water but there was no slackening until the
sun was at its zenith, when Tug led us off the road into a stand of trees.
Behind the trees was a
tumbledown, deserted hut, and Bear collapsed into the shade, closely followed
by Growch. Tug dismounted and helped me down, bumped and bruised from the ride,
my hip aching from the scrape against the broken bar in the cell. Tug's friends
dismounted, took the muffles from all four horses' hooves and led them over to
a nearby stream to drink. Our baggage they put in the shade. I drank deep of
the clear, cold water then lay down in the winter sun, glad of the transient
warmth. I felt I could sleep for a week. . . .
"Anyfin' to
I don't think I could
have roused myself even for Growch's plaintive plea, but luckily Tug and his
friends had lit a discreet fire and we were soon eating cheese, strips of dried
meat and pancakes.
Tug pointed to the road
ahead. "Bear's way," he said. "Keep to trail during day, not
roads. Bear will soon sniff way. We go now." He bent and put his forehead
to my hands. "My freedom—your freedom. It is right. When I man, I travel
much. Good for learn better things my people."
I didn't kiss him
good-bye, although I wanted to; I just ruffled his hair, waved, and listened to
the sound of hooves as he and his followers rode away out of my life.
Just before I fell
asleep, Growch already snoring at my side, Ky-Lin at my feet, I asked the
latter a question that had been bothering me.
"Ky-Lin . . . if
plan alpha had failed, what was plan beta?"
"Plan what?"
"Beta. You told
"Oh that. I haven't
the faintest idea, but we would have thought of something. Alpha, beta, gamma,
delta . . . Now that really would have been a test. . . ."
Chapter Fifteen
As far as I knew, we
were never followed. It would have been difficult for the townspeople to trace
our route, even if they had bothered. Probably it was as Ky-Lin had surmised:
they would think I had had magic to help me escape, and you can't chase magic.
I slept—we all slept—for
the rest of the day and the ensuing night, waking cold, hungry, but thoroughly
rested. Tug had left us provisions, so we broke our fast with gruel and honey,
cheese and dried fruit.
Bear was eager to be
away, declaring in his slow way that we were on the right road for his
homeland. He sniffed the air, sneezed, then shook himself like a dog just out
of water, his pelt rippling like a loose furry robe.
"Not far," he
said, and sneezed again. "Air smells good. Woods, rivers, mountains."
Fine. The sooner the
better as far as I was concerned, then we could take the more northern route to
where I hoped I would find the Blue Mountain. Right at this moment, though, I
couldn't see how we were going to move an inch further. I had repacked our
baggage and rescued our money—including the gold from the palace performance—from
Bear and tucked it away. I thought I could just about manage my pack, though
how far I could carry it in one day was doubtful, but there was another
problem. Tug had left us provisions, obviously believing we would find villages
few and far between the farther we travelled, but now I looked with dismay at
the sack of rice, the smaller ones of beans and oats, the pack of dried fruit,
another of dried meat, a half of cheese and the three jars of salt, oil and
Now there was no Tug or
Dickon to share the burdens. I thought of Bear: he was big enough and strong
enough to carry the burdens, but he was too unpredictable in his mode of
travel. Sometimes he was content to lope along by my side, but he would often
go off on his own for long periods of time, searching for grubs, roots, and
honey. During one of these foragings he would be quite capable of forgetting
his burdens, or dropping them, or just leaving them behind.
I scratched my nose;
perhaps I could fashion a litter, or a form of sleigh, but they would have to
be pretty tough to withstand the terrain. Perhaps Ky-Lin could think of
something constructive.
But once again, he had
read my mind and was now shaking his head from side to side in self-reproach.
"Aieee! What a fool I am! If only we could all exist on fresh air . .
." He pulled himself together. "But we don't and can't, so there is
the little matter of carrying the provisions is there not?"
"Not exactly a
'little' matter," I said. "There's enough there for a small
"Of course! Exactly
what I had calculated. And I must now work twice as hard for not having
anticipated all this, otherwise my Lord will be displeased. . . . You will
excuse me for ten minutes, please?" and he disappeared into the
undergrowth. Perhaps he had gone to look for some wood to build a litter, I
thought; in any case, he had no need to reproach himself for anything; he had
organized our escape, designed our performances and been a cheerful companion
in all our journeying. And even now, running off like that, he had moved from
stone to rock, in order not to even bend a blade of grass. His Lord was surely
a hard taskmaster. On the other hand, the idea of not harming anything living
if one could help it appealed to my soft heart. I should—
" 'Elp! 'Elp! Go
'way! Geroff!" and Growch burst into the clearing, barking wildly, closely
pursued by what looked like a running rainbow, about four times his size.
I leapt to my feet and
snatched up the cooking pot, now fortunately attached to the other implements,
but at least it made a satisfactory clanging noise. Both Growch and the
apparition stopped dead. Pulling out my little knife and wondering where the
hell Bear had disappeared to, I walked slowly nearer.
"Now then, what do
you—my God! Ky-Lin!—but you've grown . . . ! Growch, it's all right:
just turn around and look!"
Instead of the
puppy-sized Ky-Lin, there stood a creature the size of a small pony, perhaps as
high at the withers as my waist. He looked extremely diffident, in spite of his
new size, for parts of him hadn't grown as quickly as the others. No longer
neat and petite, he was now large and untidy. The only completely perfect part
of him was his plumed tail, with a spread now like that of a peacock.
He looked down and
around at himself.
"It's a long time
since I did this," he said apologetically. "Unfortunately it would
seem that not everything changes at the same rate. Perhaps a grain or two of
rice, or a little dried fruit . . . Thank you."
Almost immediately the
shortest leg at the back grew to the right size.
"A little
more?" I asked.
Ten minutes later and he
was more or less all of a piece, except for a smaller left ear, a bare patch on
his chest and extremely small antennae.
"A couple of days
and everything will be as it should," he said. "I hope. . . ."
He glanced at the packs of food. "And now, if you would load me up please?
If you would put the spare blanket on first, I would find it more comfortable,
and I could manage the cooking things as well."
I tried to balance the
load as evenly as I could.
"Have you . . . ?
Can you . . . ? Do you do this often?"
"Bigger and
smaller? Let me think. . . ." I could almost hear the sound of the mental
tally sticks flying. "This will be the seventy-ninth time bigger. Three
times with you: figurine to mouse-size, then puppy-size and now what you want,
pony-size. Smaller? Fifty-three times. I think that's right."
"Try notchin' yer
'ooves," said Growch. He was still behaving in a surly way, just because
he'd allowed himself to be panicked, and had let me see it.
"I couldn't do
that," said Ky-Lin seriously. "They are living tissue and I mustn't
harm anything living, you know that."
"Funny way o'
thinkin' . . ."
"Well then, what is
your philosophy of life, dog?"
"Filly—what? Oh,
you means what life is? Life is livin' the best way you can for the longest
time you can manage. Grab what you can while you can, is me motto. An' that
includes nosh. Catch me eatin' rice an' leaves when there's rats and rabbits!
Anyways, it don' make no difference when you're gone."
What a contrast! One
striving for (to me) an impossible state of perfection, the other living only
for the day. And I suppose I was somewhere in between. But even I was having
rebellious thoughts about what I had been taught. After all I had experienced I
couldn't imagine a happy Heaven without my animal friends somewhere around. And
think how sterile it would be without trees and flowers, streams and lakes, sun
and rain? Hold it, I told myself, crossing myself guiltily. God knows what He's
doing. Would the Jesus who considered the beauty of the lilies, who knew where
to cast a fisherman's net and admired the whiteness of a dog's teeth expect us
to live without natural beauty in our final reward?
Bear made no comment
when he saw Ky-Lin's change of size. As I said, he was a very phlegmatic bear.
We set off west by
north, using the Waystone and a fixed point every morning. We used mostly
trails, but also the occasional road, though these were few and far between,
only existing between villages, which also became scarcer. Money meant little
out here in the wilds, so if we came to a village Bear danced for our supper,
Ky-Lin keeping well out of sight to save scaring the children.
It was Bear also who was
adept at finding shelter for our nights in the open: a cave, an overhang of
rock, a deserted hut—we usually stayed warm and dry. Without realizing it, the
turning of the year passed us by, and it grew imperceptibly lighter each day.
Careful as I was with
our food, our stores diminished rapidly, for the villagers had little to spare
and had no use for our money, relying on the barter system. Hens don't lay in
winter, and their stores of grain, beans, cheeses, and fruit were all
calculated to a nicety for their own needs. Now of course, Ky-Lin was eating as
befitted his size and work load, so I sent Bear foraging. He seemed to find a
sufficiency for himself, so I hoped for something to supplement our diet. Nine
times out of ten I was disappointed because he either hadn't found anything
extra, or had eaten it or just plain forgotten, but occasionally he returned
with a slice of old honeycomb, a pawful of withered berries or some succulent
roots which I baked or boiled.
There was one thing he
was excellent at, however, and which helped our diet considerably, but we only
found that out by accident.
One morning we came to a
small river swollen by melted snows. It wasn't deep, perhaps three or four feet
at most, but it was wide, probably a hundred feet across, rushing busily over
stones around rocks, forming swirling pools and mini-rapids. I turned
downstream to find an easier place to cross; no point in getting the baggage
" 'Ey-oop! Just
look at that!" Growch's voice was full of genuine wonder. I turned, just
in time to see Bear flipping a fat fish from the shallows and swallowing it
whole. "That's the second one. . . ." He was salivating.
I ran back along the
bank, just in time to see Bear miss number three. He growled with
disappointment and turned away.
"Can you do that
He stared at me, his
little eyes bright as sloe berries. "If I want fish."
"Well, want!"
I said. "Did it never occur to you that we should like some, too?"
He stared at me.
"You not like grubs and beetles I bring. Should ask."
"You eat our gruel
and rice: we like fish. I ask now, to try."
He caught two more and I
cleaned and grilled them over a small fire for our midday meal. They were
delicious. After that, whenever we came across a stretch of water we encouraged
him to go fishing. All he caught didn't look edible to me, but he wasn't fussy
and ate the rejections as well. A couple of times we even had enough to barter
for salted meat or beans, and we ate tolerably well.
The mountains came
nearer to the north and west of us, the terrain was rougher and the air colder.
Growch and I tired more easily, though Ky-Lin seemed unaffected, and Bear was
positively rejuvenated. He bounced ahead of us most days, sniffing, grubbing,
rolling in the undergrowth, snatching at leaves like an errant cub, splashing
noisily through any water we came across, eating like a pig and snoring like
one at night, too.
I reckoned we must have
covered near three hundred miles since we left the Golden City when we stood on
a wide ridge and looked down on a limitless land of forests, rivers, lakes and
crags. Not a village or hamlet to be seen, no sign of human habitation for
Bear sniffed deep, then
reared up on his hind legs, to tower over all of us.
"My land," he
said. "Start here, go on forever."
I smiled at his
enthusiastic certainty. "Then we can leave you here?"
He sank down on his
haunches. "Be with me until I find cave to sleep for rest of the cold, and
I find you food to take with you. My country; I find fish and honey."
Near though the woodland
had seemed, it took us two days to reach the forest proper, and as we came to
the more thickly carpeted ground it was a difficult time for poor Ky-Lin, sworn
as he was not to tread on anything living. Once under the trees it was easier
for him; they were mostly pine and fir, and the dead needles made a nice carpet
for his hooves.
Three days later Bear
found his cave. Entered through a narrow cleft that widened out into a cozy
chamber behind, it had not been occupied for years, judging by the thick drift
of leaves that had piled up. The cave was situated at the foot of a bluff; in
front the land stretched down to a thick stand of conifers and a stream
trickled away to the right. An ideal hibernation place for a winter-weary bear.
He grunted with
satisfaction. "Stay here till spring. You need fish. Go get, you light
fire. Stay here tonight."
And off he trotted. True
to his earlier word he had found us honeycombs and half a sack of nuts. He had
obviously spied or smelled some water, so we could stock up with fish as well,
God willing.
I dithered over lighting
a fire inside the cave or out, but decided on the latter, reckoning that
lingering smoke might disturb our night's sleep. There was plenty of wood and I
filled the cooking pot from the stream and set it on to boil with salt, herbs,
and some wild garlic I found growing nearby. It all depended on what Bear
brought back, but if the worst came to the worst I could chuck in some rice and
dried meat.
Just as I sat back on my
heels, enjoying the warmth of the fire, and Growch had come to lean against me,
there came a noise, and simultaneously my ring gave a sharp stab. Growch
stiffened, Ky-Lin's antennae shot out in the direction of the forest and I
sprang to my feet. It wasn't Bear, it was men's voices I had heard.
There it was again: voices,
crackle of twigs, a laugh.
"Quick! Back in the
cave, Ky-Lin. Growch, stay with me." There was no point in us all
retreating to the cave; the fire was sending up a thin plume of smoke and
whoever was out there would soon be coming to investigate. I didn't fancy being
trapped in a confined space, but they might miss Ky-Lin if we hid him away. If
we were lucky it might just be a couple of hunters, but my ring was still
sending out warning signs and the hair had risen on Growch's back.
He growled. "There
they are. . . ."
There was a shout,
another, and three figures stood at the edge of the pine trees and gazed up the
short slope towards us. I ignored them, putting more kindling on the fire and
stirring the pot, although my hands were trembling.
"They look bad 'uns
to me," muttered Growch. "Rough. Got weapons, too. Better run . .
Where to? The bluff was
too steep to climb, the cave a trap.
"Just don't get
into trouble," I urged. "Low profile . . ."
The strangers moved up
the slope towards us, and now I could see them more closely my heart sank. They
were ragged, dirty and unshaven with straggling moustaches and their hair tied
up in bandannas. As Growch had said, they were armed; a rusty, curved sword, a
couple of daggers, a club spiked with nails. They were used to this: as they
moved up the slope they spread out, so they were approaching me from three
sides, their dark eyes darting from side to side in case of ambush.
They came to a halt some
ten yards away and I could smell the rank stench of sweat, excitement and fear.
The one in the middle stepped forward. He spoke, but my heart was hammering so
hard I couldn't hear him, even if I had been able to understand. Perhaps Ky-Lin
was sending a translation from his hiding place in the cave, but I couldn't hear
that, either. I could feel my knees knocking together.
"What—what do you
want?" I asked in my own tongue, but my voice came out high and very
unladlike. They glanced at each other, and the one in the middle muttered out
of the corner of his mouth. He addressed me again. This time I heard Ky-Lin's
"They are asking if
you are alone."
I nodded my head
foolishly, then could have kicked myself. Why, oh why couldn't I have indicated
four, five others in the forest?
They grinned, shuffled
closer, their hands resting on their weapons. The middle one squatted down in
front of the fire, warmed his hands, pointed at the pot and asked a question.
"He asks if there
is enough for all, and where is the meat," translated Ky-Lin.
I tried to smile, but my
face seemed frozen. I shrugged my shoulders and waved at the pot, then at them.
If you want meat, then go get it yourselves. . . . The leader leered at me,
plucked a dagger from his belt and made slicing motions in the direction of
Growch, who was growling valiantly. The man's meaning was plain: no ready meat,
then the dog would do.
I backed away, pushing
Growch behind me, still trying to smile as though it was all some huge joke—but
I knew it wasn't. I thought even I might not be safe if they were especially
hungry; I knew that in certain parts of the world human flesh was considered a
"No," I said.
"Please no! Let us alone. . . ." and I could hear myself whimpering
like a child as I retreated with Growch until my shoulders were hard against
the bluff behind me.
The bandits were
laughing as they closed in for the kill, but suddenly there was a call from the
forest behind, then another and another, as if the forest were suddenly full of
strangers. My attackers drew back uncertainly, and at that moment Ky-Lin leapt
from the cave, his tail seeming aflame with color. I snatched my knife from my
belt and Growch attacked the legs of the man on the right. For a moment I hoped
we could scare them away, but then I realized that Ky-Lin couldn't attack any
of them: he could only frighten. Growch's teeth were sharp but not killers, and
I had never used a knife on anyone in my life.
I saw Ky-Lin dodge a
sword thrust and then be clubbed over the head and crumple into a heap and lie
still; Growch was still snarling and growling and snapping and had done some
bloody damage to one of our attackers; then a boot caught him on the side of
the jaw, he shrieked with pain and somersaulted through the air, to land with a
sickening crack against one of the rocks. At the same time I was caught from
behind, my arm was twisted behind my back and the knife clattered harmlessly
from my grasp to the ground. I screamed, but the sound was choked off by the
hand at my throat.
I could feel the blood
thumping in my ears as the hand squeezed tighter. I couldn't draw breath, felt
consciousness slipping away—
So this was what it was
like to die, I thought: strange but it doesn't hurt that much, it's just
uncomfortable. I was already rushing away down a dark tunnel, a long tube with
a tiny light at the other end, when suddenly everything changed.
The pressure went from
my throat, my breathing eased, but I could feel cold air on my body. As
conscious thought returned I realized they must have been searching me for
hidden moneys, but their rough handling had torn my clothes and revealed my
true sex. Now their handling of me changed in character; they were eager for
something other than my immediate death, they wanted to enjoy my body first.
I struggled now, really
struggled, for the threat of rape seemed far more terrible than the certainty
of death. I could feel the obscenity of their hands on my private parts, their
hot breath on my face, something hard and thrusting against my thigh, and the
more I fought them, the more they liked it. Despairingly I clenched my free
hand, the right, and aimed for one of the faces above me. I missed, but felt
another stab from my ring, my magic ring.
"Help me," I
breathed, "please help me. . . ."
The hands still probed,
my back was naked to the sharp stones on the ground, a mouth reached for mine,
excited voices were laughing and urging each other on, then the whole world
seemed to erupt in a world-shaking sound: an ear-splitting roar like a volcano.
Suddenly I was free. My
attackers no longer threatened. The air was cold on my bruised flesh as I
staggered to my feet, striving to cover my nakedness with the torn remnants of
my clothes.
That dreadful roar came
again, loud enough to make me cover my ears. I looked down towards the forest
and there, coming up the slope towards us, was Bear!
But it was a Bear I had
never seen before. . . .
Chapter Sixteen
Even I was frightened.
Bear stood on his hind
legs, his great arms spread wide, the five oval pads set in a row on his front
paws each sprouting a wickedly curved claw. The mane on his shoulders stood up
like an extra fur cape, but the greatest change was in his head. Usually the
fur framed his face rather like the feathers on an owl, his round ears pricked
forward: now his ears were slicked back to his head, the ruff of fur was gone
and instead there was a pointed snout with lips curled back in a snarl over a
double row of pointed teeth. Saliva dripped down onto his chest and the little
eyes were red with anger.
He roared again, and the
sound seemed to reverberate from the rocks of the bluff behind me, then he
dropped to all fours and bounded up the slope towards us.
Suddenly I was alone.
The bandits were running helter-skelter towards the trees, their weapons
scattered, the air full of their cries of terror. As one passed too close to
the bear I saw a paw flash out and ribbons of cloth and skin flew from the
gashed shoulder of one of my attackers. He shrieked and clasped his arm, blood
dripping through his fingers, but he didn't stop running, though he stumbled
now and again in his flight.
Bear reached me and
reared up, his snakelike head twisting down till he nearly touched me. He
sniffed, and almost too late I remembered how shortsighted he was.
"It's me, Bear. . .
He sniffed again.
"So it is. Smell of them. Heard you call. All right? The others,
then," and he whipped round and shambled off towards the forest, where the
crashing sounds of the escaping bandits were growing fainter.
I pulled my clothes together
as best I could, though needle and thread were urgently needed, found the pouch
that had been ripped from my neck lying close by, then hurried over to where
Growch lay, moaning a little. He wagged his tail however as I lifed his head to
my lap.
"You all
right?" As I spoke I was feeling him all over for breaks or wounds, but
although he winced now and again there didn't seem to be anything broken,
"Ouch! Them's me
"Do they
"Reckon I cracked a
couple." He struggled to his feet, shook himself, groaned, and spat out a
couple of teeth, luckily not essential ones. "You all right? What about
'im?" He nodded towards the motionless figure of Ky-Lin.
He lay where he had
fallen, utterly still. My heart kicked against my breastbone. No, not dear
Ky-Lin! Not after all he had done for us. He had existed for so many hundreds
of years, he couldn't suddenly end like this. I bent over him, the tears
dripping off the end of my nose.
"You're wetting my
fur," came a muffled voice.
"Ky-Lin! You're alive!"
"Of course I'm
alive! Take more than a knock on the head to finish me off!" and a moment
or two later he was up on his hooves again, shaking out his crumpled tail and
straightening his twisted antennae.
"You all right? I
heard your ring call the bear, and I presume he has chased them off. Oh dear .
. ." and he sat down suddenly on his haunches, looking puzzled.
"What's the
matter?" I asked anxiously, for his colors had also faded.
"Long years; lots
of changes; body material not what it was . . . Would you be kind enough to
examine the dent in my head? It feels quite deep."
It was, a cleft running
from where his left eyebrow would have been to the opening of his right ear.
The skin, or hide, didn't appear to be broken, but I wasn't happy about the
bone beneath. Recalling the healing properties of the ring I drew it slowly and
gently along the indentation.
"That's better; a
Unicorn has great healing powers. Dog would benefit too, I believe."
And so he did. I found
some Self-Heal growing nearby, mashed it into a paste, bound up Growch's ribs
and Ky-Lin's head, and they both declared themselves much recovered, though
Growch said the healing process would be accelerated by a spot of something to eat.
. . .
I remade the fire, got
the pot boiling again, and threw in rice and some rather dessicated vegetables
in deference to Ky-Lin's tastes, Growch getting a strip of dried meat to chew.
Where was Bear? There
was neither sight nor sound of him, and the sky was darkening into twilight.
"He'll be all
right," said Ky-Lin. "Why not get out your needle and thread while
you wait? Your clothes are falling to pieces!"
By the flicker of the
flames I was able to cobble together my jerkin, rebind my breasts and renew the
laces in my trews; my shirt was in ribbons, and I used it for binding up the
animals, but I had one more in my pack. First, however, I scrubbed myself with
cold water, determined to rid myself of any lingering taint from my attackers.
It was now full dark,
and the dancing flames threw our shadows on the rocks behind, making them
prance like demons. A larger shadow overtopped us all: Bear was back.
I hadn't heard him
approach, but suddenly there he was, fur smooth once more, his face round and
innocent, in his jaws a couple of trout.
He dropped them at my
feet. "Took long time to catch."
I looked at him. He
seemed as unconcerned as if he had been out for a stroll. Skewering the trout I
laid them across the fire to broil.
"Have you
"Trout. Roots.
I turned the trout.
"What happened?" I was dying to know how far he had chased them, but
knew I would have to be patient.
"Long walk to lake.
Take time to catch."
"No, not that! The
men—the bad ones. Did they all go away?"
He looked puzzled, licked
his paw.
"I called you: you
chased them. . . ."
"Oh, them.
"They won't come
"Not ever.
I breathed more easily.
He seemed very sure.
"All dead. Lives
for life. You help me, I help you. Will have some honey. . . ."
I carved him off a chunk,
although I thought he had said he was full.
"But how . . .
?" I didn't know how to put it, was afraid of the answer.
"Men?" He
thought for a moment. "In ravine. Long way down to rocks. All still."
He turned to the pot. "Smells good. Small portion . . ."
And that was all I, or
anyone else for that matter, ever got out of him, for the following morning he
was so deep in his hibernating sleep that we couldn't rouse him even to say
His deep, rumbling
snores kept me awake that night—that and the various aches and bruises I
nursed. I kept thinking about the complexity of the creature, if one could call
one so simple complicated. The problem lay in me, I finally decided; I just
couldn't comprehend a mind that thought in such straight lines. All that
concerned him was food, sleep, and play. Like all simple souls he could only
hold one thought at a time: once fixed, though, the idea was carried out
ruthlessly, whether it was to catch a fish, scoop out grubs from a dead log,
sniff out a honeycomb, chase a butterfly—or kill a man. And someone as simple
as that would have no conscience, wouldn't know what one meant.
When we stepped out of
the cave the following morning, we realized that Bear had the best of it,
snoring away the winter in his drift of leaves, because the weather had changed
for the worse. A nasty, nippy wind churned the ashes of last night's fire,
whipping the tall grass into a frenzy and driving the tops of the distant pines
into uneasy circles. The sky was gray, flat and oppressive, and looked as
though it might hold snow.
We packed up quickly,
then had to decide in which direction to go. I pulled out Suleiman's map and
unscrolled it on a rock. Ky-Lin bent over it, doing his disconcerting bit of
shaking his head from side to side with his eyes crossed.
"We are too far
west," he said finally. "If we could all fly over the mountains for a
thousand miles, it would be easy. But not even a dragon would go that way in
this weather." His sensitive antennae traced a line to the northeast.
"We need to turn east and find the Silk River, then follow it north to the
headwaters. Then when the weather is better we find the Desert of Death, cross
that, and we are within a few miles—say, a hundred—of our destination."
"Yes," I said.
It sounded simple, and also rather daunting. I didn't like the sound of that
desert, and a thousand miles in a straight line meant many more afoot.
Ky-Lin glanced at me.
"Don't be disheartened; think how far we've come already! The next few
days, till we reach the river, will be tough; but once we get there, there will
be plenty of villages."
He was right: it was
tough. It took over a week of hard slog to reach any sort of civilization, and
by that time we had run out of provisions and were footsore and cold and weary
to the bone. The snow held off, but the winds were fierce and biting, shelter
hard to find and our faces burned from several sharp showers of sleet. It might
be February, but the winter's hold was tightening rather than otherwise. Once
we came to the river it was easier.
Apparently it connected
farther south with another, larger, which in its turn coincided with the
caravan routes, so the boatmen were used enough to taking paying passengers up
to the headwaters, especially with the rivers being so low at this time of
The town at the head of
the river was one that concerned itself with the weaving of plain silks, ready
for transport in great flat barges to the caravan routes. During the winter
months the river was too low for large-scale transport, so the townspeople used
this time to spin the silks, dye some of the hanks and bale eveything up for
the first barges to come through once the melting snows made the river navigable.
We made our way to this town by leisurely stages from village to village, with
a lift here, a boat trip there. Everywhere there were mulberry trees, the harsh
winter making the icicles that hung from their branches tinkle like wind
The headwaters of the
river were a disappointment. No waters gushing from a spring, rather a seeping
from a huge bog that stretched for miles to the north. This was a smelly place,
and I was not surprised to learn that it had been the custom, years back, to
execute their criminals by tying them up with a hood over their faces and
chucking them into the marsh. But the bog got its own back. Eventually the
bodies were spewed forth again in the spring rains, to float away down the
river, providing their own curiosity, for their long immersion in the bog had
preserved their bodies like tanned leather. I saw one once; the clothes were
stiff and shrunken, but the whole effect was rather that of an amateur wood
carving. This practice of execution had been discontinued some fifty years
back, but the odd corpse resurfaced now and again.
The town itself was a
prosperous one with everyone, from children to grandparents, all engaged in
work connected with the silk trade. At one end were the weaving sheds, at
another the huge barns where the silkworms were reared, in artificial heat if
necessary. In between were the huge vats for the dyes, the boiling rooms, and
the sheds of drying racks. Nearer the docks were the baling sheds.
We rented one of the
ubiquitous summer workers' houses; it was like a thatched clay beehive, one
large room with shelves built into the walls for food and utensils, a sleeping
platform, a central brazier and smoke hole, and niches in the walls for lamps.
The floor was covered with rush matting and there were a couple of functional
stools and a low table. Clothes were hung from a pole above the sleeping
platform. No windows, and the door was like a heavy sheep hurdle, to be placed
as one desired.
Once we reached
civilization again Ky-Lin had decided to revert to a smaller size to avoid
embarrassing questions, and now he travelled once more on my shoulder, ready to
interpret if necessary. Coin was acceptable once more so there was no problem
with food, nor with the warmer padded clothing I bought, the kind the locals
wore. My hair had grown quite long, too, as it hadn't been trimmed since we
were in the Golden City, and I adopted the local custom, used by men and women
alike, of plaiting it into a pigtail.
For six weeks the
weather pressed in on us; rain, sleet, snow, gales, frost and ice. The little
house however was warm and dry, raised as they all were from the streets to
prevent flooding, and there was plenty to keep me busy. Mending and repairing,
bringing my journal up to date, going to the market, cooking and cleaning,
buying off-cuts of silk for underwear—luxury!—and yet I yearned for action. To
be so near and yet still so far from my objective kept me in a permanent fret
for the better weather.
Growch, however, was in
his element.
Fortunately for him,
unfortunately for me, he had at last found his "fluffy bums." The
town was full of them. It seemed that every family had one as a pet, and at the
rate Growch was carrying on, there would soon be the same amount of
After the first
complaint from an irate owner Ky-Lin and I put our heads together and decided
Growch was one of the rarest dogs in the world:
With a title like that, who could resist seeing what the puppies would be like?
The bitches were soon literally queuing up and Growch was totally exhausted.
He came in one day, even
filthier than usual, his fur matted and muddy, his stomach dragging on the
ground, his tail and ears at half-mast, his eyes—what you could see of
them—half-closed and his tongue hanging out like a forgotten piece of washing.
"Serves you
right," I said unsympathetically. "It's what you wanted, isn't it?
The reason you came all this way with me?" I jabbed my needle into the
sandal I was finishing off, trying hard not to laugh. "Unlimited sex,
that's what you wanted, isn't it? Well now you've got it, so don't
" 'Oose
complainin'? I ain't. It's just—just I think I've gorra cold or somefin'. . .
"Dogs don't catch
"Well, a chill, then.
Think I'll stay in fer a coupla days. Have a rest."
"All right," I
said placatingly. "I'll give you a dose of herbs, and if you have a fever
we'll have to cut down on meat. Slops and gruel for you, my boy," and I
bent over my sewing again and coughed to hide my giggles.
The transition from
winter to spring, when it finally came, seemed to take place over a couple of
days only. One moment a grim wind blew from the north and the ground was hard
with frost, the next the sun shone, the ice melted and caged canaries were
singing outside every door. It seemed thousands of little streams from the bog
emptied into the river, which awoke from its sluggish sleep and ran merrily
between its banks once more. Bales of silk were loaded onto flat-bottomed boats
and set off southward, but the first trading boats didn't come upriver until
the end of April, struggling against the swollen waters.
The whole town turned
out to welcome the first string of barges, bearing long-needed supplies and the
first of the seasonal workers, many of whom had relatives in the town. Ky-Lin
and I had decided to start our journey north again within the week, so it was
with holiday mood on me that I joined the rest of the town to watch the boats
come in. I noted with satisfaction that the cargoes included dried fruits,
grain, strips of meat and fish and cheeses, all goods that had been in short
supply for the last month and that we would need for our journey.
Goods hauled ashore,
passengers politely clapped and welcomed, bales of silk waiting to be loaded,
we turned for our lodgings, content that the world had started awake again. In
a few days we should be on our way.
"Got you!"
A hooded stranger, one
of the passengers, had stepped from behind one of the warehouses and grabbed me
by the wrist, so tightly I fancied I could hear the crunch of bone.
"Let me go! You're
hurting me!" With my free hand I attempted to strike out at him, but he
dodged the blow, holding me even tighter.
Growch growled
warningly, and the stranger kicked out at him.
"You want to keep
that cur of yours under control, Summer," came the voice again, but this
time I recognized it, and my heart sank.
Dickon had found us
Chapter Seventeen
His explanation of what
had happened to him since he ran away when I was arrested was very plausible; I
think that after all the rehearsal it must have gone through he even believed
it himself.
After I had fed him—and
I admit he needed food; he looked half-starved—and had gone out for a jar of
heady rice wine to loosen his tongue, he settled down on a stool by the
brazier, a second mug of wine in his hand.
"I just didn't know
what way to turn," he confessed. "I went chasing the bear, but he
escaped me—where did he go, by the way? Never saw him again. Good riddance, I
say. If it hadn't been for him murdering his master you would never have been
arrested in the first place."
As I remember it, he had
been running in a different direction from the animal; as for the reason for my
arrest, how could I blame Bear? I had never had my feet scorched to make me
dance. I didn't think it necessary to explain we had returned him to his own
"I couldn't find
your dog, either, but I see you got him back. I saw that heathen boy and his
friends carrying off your baggage, but there were too many for me to tackle.
Once a thief always a thief, I say; I never trusted him."
He took another swig of
the wine.
"After that I went
back to the palace and demanded an interview, late though it was."
Unlikely even a minor palace official would have bothered to get out of bed;
besides, they were looking for him, too. "I begged, I pleaded to be
allowed to see you; I even offered a bribe"—as far as I knew he had no
money at all—"but they said I would have to wait until morning.
"I walked the
streets all night, my mind in turmoil, turning over in my mind the options open
to us. I had little money, no influence, and my command of the language was not
as good as it should be. I thought of you, all alone and helpless in some
underground dungeon—" he leant forward and patted my knee "—and I
wept to think of your suffering."
I'll bet: he probably
spent the night in a brothel. But now he was getting into his stride, aided by
the wine.
"I went back to the
palace at crack of dawn, to find everything in complete turmoil! I found that
you had disappeared into thin air—'flown up into the clouds' was the way they
put it—but of course I knew that was rubbish, even with your magic bits and
pieces and talking animals, so I reckoned that you'd had some kind of help. I
thought, too, that they might recognize me as having been with you, so I
decided to lie low for a while till things settled down; found a nice young
lady who let me stay rent free for a while. . . ." His face grew dreamy,
and he finished the mug of wine. "That's why I didn't immediately come
looking for you. How did you escape, by the way? Bribe the guards? Pick the
"As a matter of
fact," I said stiffly, "that 'little thief' as you called him, and
his friends, pulled the bars from my cell and saw me safe on the road, together
with my baggage, money, and extra provisions. He called it an exchange for the
slavery I rescued him from."
"Oh . . . well, you
never can tell, I suppose. Any more of that wine?"
"It's quite
strong," I said, refilling his mug for the third time.
"I've got a strong
enough head to take piss water like this. . . . Now, where was I?"
"Hiding," I
"Not for long, my
dear, not for long! I found it very difficult to pick up your trail, though; no
one had seen you go, though I realized you must have used one of the gates.
After having questioned everyone I knew, and some I didn't, I remembered those
maps of yours. You know the ones: 'Here be Dragons'?" I wondered whether
he realized he had given himself away by confirming he had seen them. "I
recalled the direction was north, but where? Here I was lucky." He tapped
his nose. "I came across a mapmaker and—for a consideration—was allowed to
take a peek and managed to copy a couple. Here!" He reached into his
tattered clothes and brought out a couple of pieces of rice paper, the folds
marked with the sweat from his body.
Gingerly I unfolded the
scraps, still warm from his body. The first one was very like the ones I had
copied at Matthew's house although with more detail: a couple more rivers and
towns, more routes. The other was far more precise and Ky-Lin, viewing them
from his hiding place on my shoulder, gave a little hiss when he saw it. I
looked more closely. The Silk River was marked quite clearly, although in the
unintelligible (to me) picture scribble they used. Here was our town, mountains
to the north and west, and what looked like a plateau to the northwest.
Dickon was now nodding,
his eyes closed, his body swaying on the stool.
"Keep that
one," whispered Ky-Lin. "That is one we could use. If he won't part
with it, we'll copy it while he sleeps."
But even as I prepared
to tuck it away in my jerkin the mug fell from his lax fingers, his eyes
snapped open and he reached and took the map from my hand.
"Oh, no you don't!
I'm not having you running off on your own again. I have the maps, and we go
for the treasure together!"
"There isn't any
treasure! There never was!"
"Rubbish! What kept
you going all this long time? We've been all through this before, and I know
you're lying."
There was no point in
"If you really
believe that, then go and look for it on your own. As for me, I am on a private
pilgrimage to find a friend and there is no, repeat no, money at the end of
it." I rose to my feet. "There is a spare blanket over there but
you'll have to sleep on the floor. If you wish to relieve yourself there is a
communal latrine at the end of the street."
Later I peered down from
the sleeping platform; he was muffled up in the blanket on one of the grass
mats, snoring gently. Slipping to the floor I made up the brazier and brewed
myself a mug of camomile tea, an excuse in case he woke, though I usually had
one before I went to bed anyway.
"What's so special
about the map?" I whispered to Ky-Lin.
He sipped at the tea.
"Nice . . . The map shows that we are on the right track. It also
indicates the way we must take once we cross the Desert of Death."
I shivered. "We
must go that way?"
He nodded. "If you
can study that map you will see it is the most direct route. The only other way
lies through the mountains, which are notorious bandit country."
I had had enough of
"Then we had better
pinch the map and copy it. Is he fast enough asleep, do you think?"
"I shall make sure.
. . ." He trotted across the floor. I saw him touch Dickon's face with one
of his hooves, there was a tiny puff of what looked like pinkish smoke, and he
trotted back, nodding his head. "You can take it now; I gave him a little
Sleepy Dust."
Together we studied the
map. He pointed to where the town was marked: "We are here." With his
delicate antennae he traced a way around the bog, shook his head and marked a
path across the middle. "Quicker; as I remember there are markers."
I didn't ask how long it
was since he had been this way. "What if they are no longer there?"
"We'll check first.
After the bog the trail winds along that valley bottom to the desert. The
Desert of Death," he repeated.
"Is it—is it that
He hesitated. "I
have only been there once, and I was with my master and the others of my kind.
Then it was not too bad, but you must realize that my brethren can manage on
little water and food if necessary, and my Lord had reached such an exalted
plane of consciousness that he could, I believe, have existed on air
alone." He was perfectly serious. "Besides which, there was a town
and temple halfway across."
"Isn't it very
"Yes, during the
day. At night it can be equally cold. The terrain is difficult too. It is a
bare, arid place, littered with small stones and rocks. It is necessary to
carry all one's food and water; it is not called the Desert of Death for
nothing. However if we take care and prepare ourselves properly it shouldn't be
too difficult. I am sure I can find the temple again, and there we can stay for
a while and stock up with fresh provisions; it is on the only oasis we shall
come across."
He paused and his
antennae flicked across the map.
"Once across the
mountains we are in the foothills of the final range of mountains. Over them,
just there, marked by a circle, is a Buddhist monastery. It looks over a deep
valley, and in the center of that valley there is a conical hill—they say it
could be the core of a long-extinct volcano—and because of the way the light
falls and its distance, they call it the Blue Mountain. In the margin of the
map is written: 'This is believed to be the home of Dragons.' This, by the way,
and whatever your friend says, is an original map, not a copy."
"Then he must have
stolen it. . . ." But I was not really concerned with that; all I could do
was concentrate on that little hill on the map. It looked so near, but also, if
the truth were told, so insignificant a thing to hold all my dreams.
"I saw it once in
the distance," said Ky-Lin, "and it did look blue, but I did not know
then that it was rumored a dragon lair. Come, you should make a copy before he
My hands were shaking so
much both with anticipation and the discovery that my mountain did exist, that
it took me longer than I had anticipated to complete the copy, but we managed
to get the original back in Dickon's clothing without him waking.
"Ky-Lin," I
whispered. "How soon can we go?"
He considered. "The
weather is set fair, new provisions have come into the town, we have the
confirmation of the map . . . two days, perhaps."
"Why not
tomorrow?" I couldn't wait to leave.
"Provisions to buy
and pack for a start; you need to make a proper list. Then we shall need a
half-dozen water skins, more blankets, a length of rope and you could do with a
new pair of strong boots. In order to carry all the baggage, I shall have to
grow again, and you will have to alert your friend to my existence."
I glanced over at
Dickon. "But he's not coming!"
"You don't want him
to accompany us?"
"Certainly not!
We've managed fine without him so far."
"He could be useful
carrying the baggage. . . ."
"I—I just don't
want him along, that's all." I couldn't explain it. It wasn't the sort of
thing you could put into words. I could quote his cowardice, his obsession with
the thought of treasure, his searching of my belongings, the way he literally
seemed to haunt my every move, but it wasn't just that; it was something deeper
and more frightening. Inside of me there was an unspoken dread of him: not what
he was but what he might become. He posed a threat to my future happiness, of
that I was sure, but how or why I had no idea. It was like waking to a day of
brilliant sunshine and being convinced that it would rain before nightfall, but
far more sinister than that. All I was sure of was that I couldn't explain it.
"Very well; if you
can manage the purchasing tomorrow, and the packing, then we'll make it the day
after. I'll tell you again what we need in the morning."
"Can you give him
some more Sleepy Dust?"
Ky-Lin hesitated.
"It is not good for humans to give them too much. Ideally there should be
a twelve-month between each dose. But he did not take much tonight; perhaps a
small dose will do no harm."
From the moment he awoke
in the morning Dickon did his unintentional best to hamper all my attempts to
organize our departure; he was a positive pain, following me round the town as
I made my purchases.
"Why are you buying
that? We've got a couple already. What do we need those for? When are we
setting out? Where are you supposed to be going on your pilgrimage? How are we
getting there? I hope you don't think I'm going to carry that. Are we going to
hire some sort of transport? How much money have you left? Are we going to do
another performance?" Etc., etc., etc., till I could have screamed.
But I knew I had to behave
in a calm and rational manner, as if the last thought on my mind was to escape
from him that very night, so I made up answers to those questions I couldn't
answer truthfully, telling a heap of lies with a smile on my face and my
fingers mentally crossed. Fifteen Hail Marys later . . .
By late afternoon I
think I had persuaded him we would not be leaving for a few days' time, and I
tried to make my frantic packing that evening look like routine tidying up. He
eyed the sacks, packs and panniers with distrust.
"We'll never carry
all that!"
"It's not more than
we can manage; you carry your share, I'll carry mine."
"I shall just look
like a donkey. . . ."
"No more than
usual," I said briskly. "Now, what would you like for supper?"
We dined well, as Growch
and I would be snacking until we had crossed the bog, and we didn't know how
long that would take, so it was chicken soup with chopped hard-boiled eggs,
fried pastry rolls filled with bean shoots and herbs, and chopped chicken
livers in a bean and lentil pudding. I had camomile tea, Dickon had rice wine.
I thought to allay further suspicion by begging for a further look at his maps,
knowing what his reponse would be.
"Oh, no you don't!
I'm not having you learn them by heart and then steal a march on me! Once we're
on the road together you can take another look."
I yawned. "Have it
your own way. There's no hurry. I'm for bed. The clearing-up can wait till the
morning. Blow out the lamp before you go to bed, please. . . ."
I watched Ky-Lin scuttle
out of the door to effect his "change," and lay down, convinced that
I wouldn't sleep a wink, but my eyes kept closing in spite of it: must have
been that heavy meal. Still, Ky-Lin would wake me as soon as he returned. . . .
I woke to broad
daylight, Growch still snoring at my side and Dickon returning with a pitcher
of water for washing.
"Wake up,
sleepyheads!" he called out cheerily.
What in the world . . .
Where was Ky-Lin?
The answer came from
beneath my blanket. "I spend all evening changing to a suitable size, then
find when I return that your ridiculous friend has so jammed the door tight
shut that I can't gain entrance! So, I have to spend more time changing to be
small enough to get back in again!" He wasn't at all happy.
"Sorry," I
whispered. "We'll manage it better tonight, I promise."
But the matter was taken
out of my hands by Dickon himself. That evening I left a stew of vegetables
simmering on the brazier, and suggested we take a walk. I was hoping this would
give Ky-Lin the chance for his change, since we had discovered that the house
next door was empty, and he could hide in there while I ate less and didn't
fall asleep before Dickon, so I could ensure the door was left open.
Dickon, however, had
other ideas. We were wandering through the bazaar examining the goods without
any intention of buying, when I straightened up in front of a stall selling
slippers and found he had disappeared.
Not into thin air and
not forever. On the other side of the road was a lighted doorway, screened by a
beaded curtain still gently swaying as though someone had just entered. I
crossed over and peeped inside. A waft of perfume, smoke from incense sticks,
rustle of silks, a mutter of feminine voices. It was obvious what sort of place
it was. I knew Dickon had no money, so wandered slowly off towards our
lodgings, fairly sure he would seek me out. I was right; I had only gone a
hundred yards when he caught me up.
"I say, Summer: got
a bit of change on you?"
"No. It's
suppertime. Come on, before it spoils."
"It's just that—that
I saw there was to be an entertainment tonight and I thought I might take a
look. . . . There's an entrance fee, of course, and I'd need a few coins for
drinks. Come on, Summer! Life's short enough without missing out on all the
fun! You're a real sobersides, you know: getting just like an old maid!"
Old maid, indeed! I
should like to see anyone of that ilk who had travelled as far as I had, faced
as many dangers, had two proposals of marriage and a dragon-lover! But I
mustn't lose my temper.
I thought quickly. If he
went to a brothel—place of entertainment as he preferred me to think of it—then
he would roll home hungry at midnight and keep us all awake. On the other hand,
if I could drag out supper till around nine, then give him extra moneys, he might
well stay out all night, which would be perfect for our plans.
first," I said. "Then I'll see if I have a few coins to spare. Er . .
. do you think it's the sort of entertainment I should enjoy?"
not!" he said, and added hurriedly: "You might attract unwelcome
attentions. It would be a shame if I had to escort you back just when it
started to get interesting. . . ."
I made sure he had extra
helpings of the meal, much to Growch's disgust, watched him finish off the rice
wine and gave him more than enough coin to buy his choice for the night.
"Don't wake us when
you return. . . ."
I waited until he had
turned the corner, then went to the empty house next door to see how Ky-Lin was
managing. Very well, he informed me, but was there a bowl of rice to spare? It
helped the changeover.
I was too nervous to go
to bed; I reckoned if Dickon was going to roll home before dawn it would be
around two o'clock. At three he still hadn't arrived, so I went for Ky-Lin.
"Any reason why we
can't leave right now?"
"We should wait for
a little more light, but I expect we can manage. Light a lantern, and load me
Less than ten minutes
later we were creeping through the deserted streets and, following Ky-Lin's
lead, found ourselves in the poorer section of town. I kept the lantern as well
shaded as I could, but in this part of town the streets were ill-kept, and we
stumbled over rubbish and filth, so we needed the lantern on full beam. Ky-Lin
was uneasy that someone would see us, but to me the streets were as quiet as
the grave.
The ground beneath our
feet became soft and spongy as we left the last straggle behind, and I was glad
that my new boots had been thoroughly oiled.
"How much
further?" We were splashing through pools of water now, and in the east
the first graying of the sky announced the false dawn.
"Nearly at the
causeway," said Ky-Lin, a large shadow ahead of me. "From there,
about a mile to the first of the markers."
"Can't come too
soon for me," grumbled Growch. "Me stummick is wet as a duck's arse and
me paws full of gunge. When do we eat?"
Some time later we stood
on a relatively dry pebbled causeway. Ahead of us lay a flat, steamy expanse of
what looked like a vast, waterlogged plain, tinged pink by the just-rising sun.
Tufts of grasses, the odd bush, a stunted tree or two, a couple of hummocks
were all that interrupted the horizon, fringed in the distance by the
ever-present and distant mountains.
Ky-Lin was
concentrating: eyes crossed, head weaving from side to side.
"Well, this is it.
I can see the first marker. Shall we go?"
Chapter Eighteen
I was soaked to the
skin. No, I hadn't fallen in the water, nor had it been raining; it was just
the all-pervading miasma of damp that rose from the bog that drenched us all as
thoroughly as if we had jumped in. Ky-Lin's coat shone with droplets of
moisture, like a spider's web heavy with dew, and poor Growch's hair was
plastered down to his body as if it had been soaked in oil. I was not only wet,
I was cold. Although there was a sun of sorts, it had to fight its way through
the steamy mists it sucked up from the stagnant pools all around us.
The ground beneath our
feet was solid enough, thanks to Ky-Lin's instinct; how he did it I couldn't
even guess, for I had seen nothing to guide us. Around us the bog bubbled,
seethed, slurped, belched and burped, an ever-present reminder of the dangers
we faced if we stepped off the invisible path we followed.
No animals, no birds.
Plenty of insects, though; whining mosquitoes, huge flies, buzzing gnats, all
of whom welcomed the chance to land on my face and hands, and Growch's nose,
eyes and bum. Ky-Lin they left alone, as if he were composed of other than
flesh and blood.
We seemed to have been
walking all day but the sun was at less than its zenith when Ky-Lin called a
halt. There was a small, knee-high cairn to our left, and we shed our loads,
sat down and I unpacked some cheese and dried fruit. Growch had a knuckle of
ham which he chewed on disconsolately, deliberately dropping it into the muck
every now and again to emphasize how hardly used he was.
Ky-Lin insisted we
continue our journey as soon as we had eaten.
"To the next
marker, and then perhaps another rest," he explained.
I sighed as I packed up
again. "I haven't seen a marker yet! How do you know where they
"You're sitting on
one," he said. "Or were. The last one we passed was that pile of
peeled sticks, and the first was that moss-covered rock."
"And the
"The skeleton of a
bird with one wing missing."
"But how can you
see from all that way off?"
"Because my
antennae give me enhanced sensibilities—like extra eyes, noses and ears; two
are arranged so they see further ahead; two tell me what goes on at the side;
two what happens behind."
I was busy counting.
"You've got four pairs. . . ."
"The last ones are
for seeing beneath the ground for a few inches, so I don't damage anything
growing out of sight; a germinating seed, a worm, an incubating chrysalis: my
master thought of everything."
"Then you could see
where a squirrel hoarded its nuts?"
"Or a dog a
bone," said Growch, interested in spite of himself in what he had
considered up to now to be a very boring conversation. "Or a burrow of
nice, fat little rabbits?"
"If I could, I
shouldn't tell you," said Ky-Lin. "The eating of flesh—"
"All right, you
two," I said soothingly. There could never be true accord between one who
believed all killing was wrong, and another whose greatest pleasure was eating
red meat.
We had walked perhaps a
half hour more when we came to a division of the ways. To our left the track
had obviously been repaired, and was neatly outlined with stones; the track we
had been following continued ahead, but was now rutted and pocked, with pools
of standing water as far as one could see. Ky-Lin was plodding along the old
path, head down, so I stepped onto the new one and called him back.
"Hey! You're going
the wrong way!"
He turned his head.
"No. I'm not. That way may look to be the right road but it is a
deception. Especially constructed to trap the unwary. Go down that road and you
step straight into a quagmire which will suck you down into an underground
river that would carry you to a subterranean tomb."
But I was tired of him
always being right, tired of the seemingly endless bog, tired of playing
follow-my-leader! "I don't believe you! The road you are taking is the one
that looks like it ends in disaster; why, even now you are nearly hock-deep in
He splashed back to my
side. "Very well, have it your own way. We will take this road. But I warn
you, you are wasting our time."
I felt exuberant, glad
that I had shown an obviously tiring creature the correct route, and for a
while, as the ground beneath us remained firm and dry, my spirits rose still
further, especially as it seemed a more direct route to the mountains ahead,
and although my ring had started to itch intolerably, I ignored it, telling
myself it was just another mosquito bite.
I turned to Ky-Lin who
was some ten yards behind. "I told you this was the right—Ow!"
Walking backwards, my feet suddenly found the path had disappeared and,
scrabbling at the air for balance, I toppled back into the slimy, sucking mess,
dragged down still further by the weight of my pack.
A moment later I felt
Ky-Lin's teeth in my jerkin and I was dragged back onto the path, a sticky mess
smelling like a midden.
I looked back: the open
maw I had so nearly been sucked down into was closing up again, and in less
than a minute the path gave the illusion of being as it was before.
"Better get cleaned
up," said Ky-Lin. "There's a small spring a little way back. . . .
You're not crying, are you? Anyone can make a mistake."
"But you knew
I was wrong: why didn't you shout at me?"
"Ky-Lins don't
"Well they
should!" I sniffed and wiped my eyes with my filthy hand. "We're
friends aren't we? Well then: don't be sweet and gentle and kind and forgiving
all the time. Next time I do or say or suggest something stupid or silly, say
so! Loudly . . ."
"You shouts at
me—" grumbled Growch.
"If I shout at you,
then you deserve it!"
"Not always! I
"All right, you
two," said Ky-Lin, in such a perfect mimicry of my earlier attempts to
soothe him and Growch, that I couldn't help laughing.
"Sorry, Ky-Lin! And
thanks for pulling me out. From now on you lead the way." And next time I
would heed the ring, I promised myself.
After that interruption
it was a real slog to reach the spot Ky-Lin had decided would be our night
stop. Several times, when we reached a comparatively dry spot, I begged him to
stop, but he was adamant.
"There we will be
safe. The ground is dry, but more important is our safety."
"But there's
nothing to threaten us—except mosquitoes," I added, slapping at my face
and neck. "You're not going to tell me there are monsters down
"I do not know
precisely what is down there. But I do know that the place I seek will keep us
safe from whatever could threaten."
So we trudged on. The
sun sank below the horizon, the mist thickened and it grew more chill. All at
once the air above us was darkened by clouds of great bats, obviously seeking
the insects who had so plagued us during the day. They weaved and ducked and
swerved only inches above my head, and I found myself wrapping my hands about
my head, uneasy at their proximity.
"They will neither
touch you nor bite you," said Ky-Lin peaceably. "Those are not the
Then as quickly as they
had come, they were gone.
Everything was quiet;
now the whine of insects was gone there was nothing to break the silence except
the sound of our steps and an occasional suck or blow from the bog itself. It
was eerie.
"You'd better light
the lantern," said Ky-Lin, his voice loud in the gloom. "It's getting
dark, and we still have a couple of miles to go."
Easier said than done.
The air was damp, so was I, and when I opened my tinderbox I couldn't raise a
spark. More and more frantic, my fingers now bruised, my breath dampening the
dried moss, I was ready to cry with frustration.
"Here," said
Ky-Lin. "Let me try." He breathed over the box, and miraculously
everything was suddenly dry, and my lantern lighted us over the last stretch.
When we reached the
marker it was not in the least what I had expected, although it was a place
that was recognizable. There was the skeleton of a bird, hanging upside down on
a roughly fashioned wooden cross, and the whole area, a paved rough circle some
eight feet across, was surrounded by a raised rim of stones a couple of inches
high. Within the circle were a couple of stunted shrubs, one with sharp,
prickly leaves like holly, the other bearing hairy leaves with a sharp, bitter
smell. In the middle was a symbol picked out in white stones, but I couldn't
make out exactly what it was meant to represent.
"Right," said
Ky-Lin. "We can have a fire now, dry ourselves out. The dry kindling and
charcoal are in the left-hand pannier."
In a few minutes the
fire shut out the dark, creating a cozy circle like a room. I reheated some
rice left over from the day before, adding herbs, and also ate some cheese and
a couple of sweet cakes. The food, though dull, put new heart into me. I was
warm for the first time that day, and we were drying out nicely. Even Growch
had stopped grumbling.
"How much
further?" I asked Ky-Lin.
"If we make good
progress tomorrow, then we should be across by nightfall."
"Can't be soon
enough," said Growch. "Never bin so cold or wet in me life, I ain't.
'Cept for now," he added, stretching his speckled stomach to the glow of
the fire.
"Throw on the last of
the charcoal," said Ky-Lin. "And sleep. If you wake, or think you do,
pay no attention to what you see, or think you see."
"Why?" How
could you see something that wasn't there?
"This is a Place of
Power," he said. "And as such attracts both good and evil. But we are
safe as long as we stay within the circle." Searching the ground he found
a couple of discarded leaves from the bushes and threw them on the fire, where
they blazed brightly for a moment then smoldered, giving off an unpleasant
smell. "Lie down, close your eyes. . . ."
I scarcely had time to
wrap myself in my blanket before I was asleep and slipping from one fragment of
dream to another. I played in the dirt in front of my mother's house, drawing
pictures on the ground with a stick; I struggled through a storm to reach
shelter; once, for a startling moment I saw the father who was dead before I
was born: I knew the tall smiling stranger was my father because I could see
him from where I lay in my mother's womb. He had stretched out his hand to rest
it on her belly and through his fingers I heard the resonance of the name he
then gave me, that my mother later denied me: Talitha, the graceful one. My
dragon had known that name. . . .
Another dream—no, this
time a nightmare. I was shut in, enclosed, chained up in the dark, and
something was there beside me, something with scrabbly sounding claws like a
crab, something with fetid breath, something that was crawling nearer and
nearer, something that had grabbed at my arm and was drawing me into its mouth—I
And woke.
And it was real, not a
nightmare. Something had gripped my arm, something I couldn't see, and it was
dragging me over the edge of the rim of stones, down into the stinking depths
of the bog. I screamed again, Growch barked wildly and suddenly there was
light, a flashing light, my jerkin was gripped in strong teeth and I was
dragged back to safety beside a fire blazing up a shower of colored sparks,
nursing a bruised arm.
"You tossed about
in your sleep and your arm went over the edge," said Ky-Lin.
"Whatever you dreamt about awakened one of the creatures in the bog."
"But—what was
"Look." And
there, in the extended light thrown by the still-sparking fire, I saw the waters
of the mere surrounding us stir and shift as strange creatures broke the
surface. Just a claw, a spiny back, an evil eye, the glimpse of a whiplike
tail, then they disappeared again in bubbles of foul-smelling gas.
"Some of these
creatures are blind, some deaf, but all are hungry. They are not necessarily
evil—evil needs an active determination—and that is a concept alien to them.
They will eat you or their fellow creatures, even each other, but they lack
discrimination. You should be afraid of them, but also feel pity. Human beings
have choice, most animals too. They have none."
I shivered. They were
foul, distorted creatures and they made me feel sick. If I had been dragged a
little further I should now be beneath that slime with mud in my lungs, being
chewed into fragments. How could I possibly show pity for such? I wasn't a
saint like Ky-Lin, full of his Master's all-forgiveness, I was just a
frightened human being.
The rest of the night
Growch and I huddled together, both for warmth and for company. I slept but
little, for the creature who had grabbed me seemed to have woken all the rest,
and the waters around us seethed and gurgled, every now and again throwing up a
great gout of water. I heard the wicked snapping of teeth, splash of tails,
queer gruntings and groans. Even worse were the lights. Livid yellow, sickly
green, lurid purple, they shone both above and below the surface. I couldn't
tell whether they were animal or plant or some other manifestation, all I knew
was some of them hovered, some zipped through the air, others hopped in and out
of water like frogs, with a strange whistling sound.
I must have dozed off
eventually, because when Ky-Lin woke me it was light again and, apart from the
mist, insects and unhealthy-looking surroundings, all was as it had been the
day before.
"Let's get
going," I said. I couldn't stand the thought of another moment in that
place. We ate breakfast as we walked, stale pancakes and dried fruit, and made
good progress, although the path, if you could call it that, was almost covered
with water most of the way. At noon we halted briefly at the last of the
markers, so Ky-Lin told us, though to me it looked just like a bundle of dried
rushes. There was little left that didn't need cooking, but even Growch didn't
grumble at the rice cakes and cheese.
But Ky-Lin ate very
sparingly, and kept glancing back the way he had come.
"What is it?"
"Not sure. We were
followed earlier—men and horses, but they have gone back. But there is still
someone back there, I am sure."
"Can't you see
"No. The land where
we rested last night is on a sort of hummock, and that is between me and our
pursuer, if there is one. No one from the village comes further than the
circle, where they used to hold sacrifices and ritual executions—"
"You never told me
"Would you have
felt any easier?"
"So all I can think
He was interrupted by a
scream, a howl of pure terror. In that misty desolation it was difficult to
tell what direction it came from, but as it was repeated Ky-Lin's antennae got
busy, swivelling this way and that and finally pointing firmly back the way he
had come.
There was a further
shriek: "Help me! Oh God, help me. . . ."
"It's Dickon!"
I felt a sudden violent
jolt of revolt. If he were in trouble, then let him get out of it himself. I
didn't want him with us, he had no right to follow, and more and more I felt he
was a threat to us all. I wanted to run away, put my hands over my ears and
escape as fast as I could, leave him to die, but even as I wished it my
reluctant feet were carrying me back along the path we had come.
He was sinking fast. He
had obviously stepped off the path, tried to cut a corner where the trail
twisted back on itself after a half mile and had been caught in a morass.
Already the green slime was bubbling up around his hips, and the more he
struggled, the faster he sank.
He was crying, tears of
pure terror, choking on my name.
I pulled the rope from
Ky-Lin's pack, put one end between his teeth and threw the other towards
Dickon; it fell short, and I drew it back, already slick with green slime. He
started to flail his arms, and sank down further still.
"Stay still, you
This time he caught the
end of the rope and Ky-Lin and I started to drag him out, but it was hard work,
as at least half his body was now out of sight. We at last were making headway
when the rope suddenly refused to move; we tugged again with all our strength
and found we were not hauling at one body, but two: tangled up with Dickon was
a corpse, one of the criminals executed ages ago. The face had been eaten away,
and as Dickon caught sight of the grinning skeleton skull he gave another
scream and let go the rope.
I threw it again and
this time we managed to pull him free, the corpse releasing its hold and
sinking back beneath the slime, throwing up its arms as it disappeared in an
obscene gesture of farewell.
Dickon at last lay on
the path, gasping and groaning, covered in stinking mud and slime. He staggered
to his feet, attempted to thank me, but I had had enough.
I walked away from him
and didn't look back.
Chapter Nineteen
And what is more I
didn't even speak to him until we had finally crossed the bog by last light and
reached firm ground. I let Ky-Lin lead the way and followed close behind with
Growch, paying no attention to the plodding footsteps behind, the whimpers and
The bog finally petered
out into a series of dank pools, bulrushes, bog grass and squelchy mud. The
land then rose sharply into a stand of conifers and we moved thankfully into
the shelter of the trees and were immediately enclosed in an entirely different
atmosphere. The needles underfoot cushioned our tread, the air was soft and
full of the clean smell of resin, and the evening breeze soughed gently in the
branches above.
I could hear a stream
off to our right, so, after unloading Ky-Lin, I brushed aside the needles till
I found some stones, then built a fire from pine cones and dead wood, before
unpacking the cooking pot and going in search of the water.
The stream dropped into
a series of little pools and, after filling the pot, I stripped off and stepped
into the largest one, enjoying the shock of cold water, and scrubbed myself as
best I could with my shirt and drawers, which I washed as well. Ky-Lin had
followed me and drank deep, then stepped into the water and managed to surround
himself with a fine cloud of spray, coming out as clean and fresh as ever.
I was about to don my
clothes again, wet as they were, when he remarked: "The egg is ready to
find another resting place: put it in your pouch for safety. Wrap it in a
little moss."
I glanced down: it had
certainly grown, and looked ready to pop out of my belly button any minute. I
picked it up between finger and thumb expecting it to still give a little, but
no. It was set hard and came away easily. I wrapped it in some dry moss,
promising myself to make a proper purse for it as soon as I could. The pearly
sheen had gone, and it now held a sort of stony sparkle, like granite in the
A nose nudged my knee.
"Where's the dinner then? Fire's goin' a treat, and all it wants is—"
diners," I said, picking him up and dropping him into the pool, leaving
him scrabbling to get out and cursing me fluently.
Back at the fire, which
I noticed had been replenished by a cowed Dickon, I put the pot on to boil,
added dried vegetables, salt, herbs, dried fish and rice, and mixed some rice
flour to make pancakes on a heated stone. A livid Growch came back in the midst
of all this preparation and shook himself all over everything and everyone, so
that the fire spat and sizzled and God knows what ended up in the cooking pot.
Dickon still cowered on
the other side of the fire, a truly sorry sight, his clothes tattered and torn
and covered with drying mud and slime, his face greenish under all the muck. I
enjoyed my first words to him.
"You'd better go
over to the stream and wash yourself. You stink! Wash your clothes out as well:
you're not sitting down to eat like that. They'll soon dry out by the
fire." Then, as he hesitated, glancing nervously at Ky-Lin, who was
resting a little way away: "Go on; he won't bite you!"
"What . . . what is
it?" he whispered.
" 'It' is a
mythical creature called Ky-Lin. He and his brethren were guardians of the Lord
Buddha. He is my friend."
His lip curled in a familiar
sneer, obvious even through the layer of dirt on his face. "Oh, another of
your only-talks-to-me creatures is he? Like the cur, the mad bear and the
flying pig you once had—"
"Not at all!"
I said sharply. "He understands you perfectly and talks as well as anyone.
He's worth his weight in gold, and has been a perfect guide. If it hadn't been
for him I could never have pulled you out of that morass, so mind your manners.
Now, go wash!"
He told me later that
the reason he had been able to find us was that someone from the seedy edge of
town had seen us go, and he had persuaded a couple of horsemen to follow us as
far as the Place of Power. But no further.
"I should have
thought that by now you would have got the message," I said. "We
don't need you; we can manage without your ceaseless suspicions and innuendos.
The only reason you followed this time is because of your obsession with
treasure, a treasure I have told you again and again doesn't exist. I am on a
private pilgrimage to find a friend of mine and Growch has come along to keep
me company."
"And—him?" He
jerked his head in Ky-Lin's direction.
"I've told you that
too. He is my guide and my friend, and I am his mission, if you like."
"Mission, suspicion
. . . All a load of shit if you ask me. Anyway, who's this 'friend' you're
looking for?"
"None of your
business. And there is no place for you where I must go. I have a little money
saved: I shan't need it where I am going, and I'm willing that you should have
it if you will go back." I realized as soon as I opened my mouth that it
was the wrong thing to say. By implying that I was unlikely to need money, it
would only make him more convinced than ever that I was in expectation of
finding more. I think my next remark made it worse, if possible. "I can give
you ten gold pieces."
I still had the money
Suleiman gave me, together with the coins my father had left me—but he wasn't
having those.
I saw his eyebrows
raise, but he was still staring into the fire, avoiding my eyes. The other two
were already asleep, but I had stayed awake in order to have it out with him.
"If it is as you
say," he said slowly, "then it matters little to either of us whether
I go now or stay and see you safe. If I do the latter, then at least I can bear
a message back to Matthew Spicer that I have left you safe and well. I can
still be useful in fetching and carrying and I wouldn't feel I was doing my
duty after all we've been through together if I didn't offer you my protection
while I could."
Oh, very clever! I
thought. Showing merely friendship and concern for my safety, but ensuring he
kept his eye on me—and my money—right to the end. If I hadn't still had this
indefinable feeling that only harm could come from his accompanying us, then I
probably wouldn't have hesitated—but if I didn't know exactly what I was afraid
of, how could I insist on leaving him behind?
"Very well," I
said. "But I expect you to share all the chores and portage. And
don't," I added, "grumble. Wherever you find yourself, or however
tough it gets. I still think you're wasting your time."
"We'll see,"
he said, and by the next morning he was almost his usual cocky, arrogant self,
just as if he had donned a new suit of clothes.
In fact more clothes
were the first things we bought when we came across a decent-sized village. Our
winter things had suffered badly in the bog, and besides the warmer weather was
here and we needed thinner coverings. I bought us both loose cotton jackets and
short breeches, reaching to the knees, and on Ky-Lin's recommendation, straw
hats against the sun. I was going to buy sandals as well, but he advised me to
keep my boots until we had crossed the desert.
As the villages we
passed through were scattered, it didn't seem worthwhile Ky-Lin changing his
shape or trying to hide, so we met a great deal of superstitious terror, but
were better able to bargain: in many cases I believe they were only too glad to
get rid of us!
As we worked our way
through the foothills of the mountains towards our next objective, the Desert
of Death, my spirits rose with each day that dawned, each mile we walked, each
hour that passed. This was the last barrier to surmount, the last real test of
our endurance. And with Ky-Lin to lead the way, what could possibly go wrong?
Suddenly, one day, there
it was, stretching to the horizon as far as the eye could see. Even the
mountains to the north seemed farther away than ever, misty blue in the haze
that hung over the sand. There was no gradual approach; it seemed that one
stepped off civilization into the wilderness like crossing a threshold. One
pace and there you were.
We spent the night at
the last village marked on the map, a tiny place squashed between two rearing
crags, like a piece of stringy meat caught between two teeth. We were
curiosities; very few travellers came their way, but even their awe at seeing
Ky-Lin could not overcome their horror at the realization that we were
intending to cross the desert.
At first Ky-Lin was
reluctant to translate what they said, seated with us in the headman's hut that
night, privileged guests, but I insisted, and he was honest enough to interpret
Did we understand that
it was called the Desert of Death?
Yes, we did.
Did we understand why it
was called thus?
We thought so.
Did we know that no one
returned from such a journey?
There was no call to, if
they were travelling further on.
Then it was our turn to
ask some questions.
Did the villagers ever
venture out there?
Why did they go?
To hunt desert foxes and
Then there must be food
for them, and water?
A shrug was the only
How far did the hunters
go into the desert?
Well provisioned they
could last for a week, over a twenty-five-mile radius. After that there are no
more animals to hunt.
What about other settlements?
Another shrug, then
someone ventured that there were legends of a fabulous city, a great temple,
but . . .
But what?
More shrugs. A long time
ago, many lifetimes. No one came back to tell. Maybe it got lost under the Sand
What are those?
Great hills of sand that
march across the desert, eating everything they come across.
"Are you sure we're
going in the right direction?" muttered Dickon.
"You can always
turn around and go back," I whispered in return.
All the village turned
out the next morning to see us off, and it didn't help one bit that they were
burning incense, chanting prayers, and already looked at us as if we were
"Don't worry too
much," said Ky-Lin. "I assure you that out there, there is a huge
temple and a thriving town: I've been there. It's situated on an underground
river, but there is plenty of water. It was a while ago since I was there, but
bricks and mortar and bronze and gold don't just disappear."
Comforted by his
assurance we made our way to a line of scrub that, the villagers had informed
us, marked the course of a now dried-up riverbed. Ky-Lin frowned a little as he
gazed down at the river pebbles that lined the bottom.
"I remember a river
running here. . . . Perhaps I was mistaken. Still it goes the way we want to,
so let's follow it."
As the sun got higher in
the sky the sweat started to trickle down my face, back and from under my arms.
Five minutes later I saw Dickon drop behind and take a surreptitious swig from
one of the water bottles he was carrying. He and I both carried four, and
Ky-Lin another two, and these were meant to last us until we reached the
temple: Ky-Lin's were for cooking and washing, ours for drinking. I was sorely
tempted to copy him but decided to wait until Ky-Lin called a halt.
By my reckoning this
must have been near noon, and we were now in a shimmering landscape, strewn
with rocks under a baking sun. I blinked gritty eyes, but the shimmering
persisted, like some curtain of gauze billowing out over a scene at best only
guessed at.
"Right," said
Ky-Lin. "Unload me, please, and then start digging."
I had wondered why we
bought two mattocks some days past: now it seemed I was to find out.
Dickon and I queried in unison.
said Ky-Lin firmly. "Every midmorning and every night you will dig a hole,
or a trench, or whatever you prefer, to hide us from the worst heat of the day,
and the extremes of cold at night. During the journey we will travel till noon,
then rest until sunset. Then we shall march again till it gets too cold, and
rest till dawn. That way we shall escape the worst extremes of temperature.
First, a drink for everyone—only a mugful—and after the hole is dug we can
Growch was so exhausted
he just lay on his side, panting, his tongue flapping in and out like a snake
tasting the air, so I served him first, letting him lap the lukewarm water from
the cooking pot. He was so grateful that he showed us the best place to dig,
and even helped for a while, the sand flying out between his hind legs far
faster than we could dig. Once we had dug a reasonable trench we settled down
in it and shared out the rice cakes, dried fruit, and cheese that was to be our
midday meal from now on. At night we should have something cooked, and I would
make enough rice cakes to eat cold at the next meal.
Propping a blanket
across the trench, supported on the upended mattocks, I settled back to sleep
for a while in sticky shade, but saw Dickon once again helping himself from one
of his water skins, and was alarmed to see that he had almost finished one.
Well, he'd get none of mine: I had to share with Growch.
I noticed that Ky-Lin
had eaten but little and drank less; when the same thing happened that evening,
I questioned him.
"I can manage for a
few days; then I shall need rice, water, and salt in quantity."
"Salt? In this
heat? It will only make you thirstier!"
"Not at all.
Everyone needs salt, and you humans sweat it away in the hot sun. Without it
you will become weak and dizzy, and your arms and legs will ache. That is why I
insisted you bring salted meat with you: at least you will receive some that
We moved on again as the
sun sank, a red ball, into the western sky, and kept the same routine day by
night by day. It was very hard to reconcile the great extremes of temperature;
at midday I would have given anything to be naked and blanketless, at night I
could have welcomed two layers of everything. Once the shimmer of heat left the
land at night, the stars were incredible; they seemed to be so much nearer, as
if one could reach up and snatch them from the sky. It seemed some little
compensation for the sting of sweat in one's eyes at midday, and the chattering
of one's teeth twelve hours later.
Have you ever heard a
dog's teeth chatter?
By the third day the
mountains we had left had disappeared into haze, those we were moving towards
seemed no nearer, those to the west invisible. The desert makes you feel very
small: there is too much sky. There is nothing to mark your progress, no trees
or bushes or other landmarks, so you might just as well be standing still, or
be an ant endlessly circling a huge bowl.
When I woke on the
fourth morning and reached for the last of my water flasks, I found it was
missing. I had been careful to follow Ky-Lin's instructions; it would be on the
fifth day that we would reach the temple, and the water must last that long.
There was a full day to go, and there wasn't a drop left! Frantically I shook
the other skins: all empty. I couldn't have dropped the full one, surely! No, I
remembered clearly the night before shaking it to make sure none had
Springing to my feet I
was just in time to see Dickon emptying the last of the water down his throat
and sprinkling a few drops over his head and face. He started guiltily as he
saw me.
"Sorry! I was just
so thirsty. . . . Anyway, it's not far now. We can manage for a day. . .
I struck him hard across
the mouth. "You selfish bastard! You had four skins all to yourself, and
Growch and I had to share! I wish you had never come, I wish you were
"Hush, child!"
said Ky-Lin. "Bring Dog over to me and close your eyes. I will give you
some of myself. . . ." and he breathed gently down his nostrils onto our
faces. "There! You will not feel thirsty for a while."
And it was true. Both
Growch and I managed that day without needing water; somehow Ky-Lin had
transferred liquid, precious water from his body to ours: I only hoped that it
would not hurt him. Magic only goes so far.
That day we travelled
faster and further than any day before, and the following morning Ky-Lin woke
us early.
"By midday we
should be there," said Ky-Lin encouragingly. "Just over that little
ridge ahead and you will see the temple. And then water, food, rest, shelter .
. ."
The struggle up that
ridge was a nightmare. The sweat near blinded me, I ached, my limbs wouldn't
obey me, my throat hurt, I was too dry to swallow. At last we topped the
incline and, full of anticipation, gazed down on Ky-Lin's fabled city.
Only it wasn't there.
Nothing, except a heap
of tumbled stones.
Chapter Twenty
I gazed around wildly,
thinking for one stupid moment that we were in the wrong place, but one look at
Ky-Lin's stricken face told me the truth.
It was Dickon who voiced
all our thoughts.
"Well, where is it
then? Where's your town, temple, water, food, shelter, and rest?"
I had never seen Ky-Lin
look so dejected. For an eye-deceiving moment he lost all color and almost
appeared transparent, his beautiful plumed tail dragging in the dust. But even
as I blinked he regained his color, and his tail its optimism. The only sign of
disquiet was a furrowing of his silky brow.
"Well?" Dickon
was panicking, his voice hysterical. "What do we do now?"
"What happened,
Ky-Lin? There was something here once. . . ."
He turned to me. "I
don't know. I wish I did. I told you it was a long time since I was here. Let's
go down and see. There must be something we can salvage from all this."
At my feet Growch was
whimpering. "Sod me if I can go no further. Me bleedin' paws hurt, me legs
is sawn off, me stummick tells me me throat's cut and I could murder a straight
bowl of water. . . ."
I picked him up, though
my body told me I ached as much and was twice as thirsty, and we all stumbled
like drunkards down the slope to the first of the tumbled wrecks of stones.
When we reached them we found they were not stones but mud bricks, and as I
looked around I could see this was the remains of what had once been a street
of shops or small dwelling places, and as they fell they had crumbled and broken.
Ky-Lin prowled down the
street, looking here, there, everywhere. "No sign of war or pestilence.
This place has been empty for many, many years, but it looks as if they went
peaceably. Everything has been cleared away, no artifacts left about, no evidence
of fire. . . . Let's take a look at the temple, or what's left of it."
Not much. We threaded
our way through other deserted, tumbledown streets until we reached what must
have been a courtyard. It surrounded a partly stone-walled temple, with now-roofless
cells behind, which would have housed the monks. Sand had drifted deep on the
temple floor, the roof had fallen in and the stone altar was empty. No idols,
no incense, no prayer wheels, no bells. Only the wind, shush-shushing the sand
back and forth across the stone floor in little patterns. On either side of the
altar were a couple of stone lumps, now so eroded by sand, sun and wind that
they were unrecognizable.
Unrecognizable to all
but Ky-Lin, that was.
"Here, girl: come
see what is left of my brothers. . . ."
Nearer I could see what
must have once been their heads, their tails.
"Were they Ky-Lins
He nuzzled the stones
lovingly. "Once. But these two attained Paradise a long time ago, and the
monks carved them to remind them of my Master's visit." He sighed.
"At least it shows one thing, all this: the soul outlasts the strongest
"How about getting
your priorities right?" came Dickon's voice over my shoulder. "Souls
belong to the dead: we're living. But we won't be much longer unless you find
us something to eat and drink."
Without cooking I had a
couple of rice cakes, some dried fruit, a little cheese.
"If you will unload
me please," said Ky-Lin, "you will find one small water skin under
the blankets. One mug of water each, no more; the rice cakes and cheese will be
enough for now."
Strange: I had never
noticed that particular water skin before, but then he was Magic. . . .
I shared my cheese and
water with Growch, and although his share of the liquid was gone in half a
dozen quick laps, I sipped mine as slowly as I could, running it over my
parched tongue before swallowing, to get the maximum benefit; behind me I heard
Dickon's water gone in a couple of quick gulps. I went over to Ky-Lin with some
dried raisins and apricots.
"Come, you must eat
something too; we depend on you to keep us going."
His forked tongue, ever
so soft, lapped the fruit from my palm. "Now get some rest. Go into the
shade of that wall. I am going to reconnoiter. I shall return as soon as I
I settled back with my
back against the stone. Just five minutes' nap, and then . . .
And then it was dawn.
Someone had tucked a blanket round Growch and me, and further away Dickon was
snoring softly. I was neither hot nor cold, hungry nor thirsty, and I felt
rested and refreshed. Beside me was a heap of wood, smooth, bleached wood that
had obviously been around for a while. Beyond, Ky-Lin was curled around, fast
asleep, only the rise and fall of his chest showing that he was still alive.
A surprisingly wet and
cold nose was shoved in my face. "What's for breakfast, then?"
I used half the water
that was left to boil up rice, beans, dried vegetables and herbs, on Ky-Lin's
advice adding the rest of the salted meat, and some rather dessicated roots he
had found. They smelt oniony, and looked like water lily suckers. The wood
burned brightly and too fast, with a sort of bluish flame, and I kept it down
as much as I could, for now the sun was high and extra heat was unwelcome. Just
before it was cooked I took the pot off the fire and clamped on the lid tight,
then buried it in the sand so it would retain heat and absorb the last of the
liquid, as I had seen it done in this country to ensure both tenderness and
conservation of fuel.
"And now,"
said Ky-Lin, "we must find somewhere to shelter. I can smell wind, and
that here will mean a sandstorm." He led us through the remains of a small
archway to the left of the altar. Behind was part of a wall and domed roof, and
a set of steps leading down into the darkness. There was remarkably little of
the ubiquitous drifted sand.
"The way the wind
blows here," explained Ky-Lin, "the sand merely piles up on the other
side of the wall. Now, we shall go down the steps to better shelter. Once at
the bottom, if we spread out the blankets, we shall be snug enough."
Something scuttled past
my feet and I gave a stifled scream.
said Dickon. "I'm not going down there, and that's flat!"
He kicked out at the
creature, who raised its stinging tail threateningly and disappeared through a
crack in the wall.
"The ultimate
survivors," said Ky-Lin. "When everything else has disappeared from
the earth, the ants, the scorpions, and the cockroaches will have it all to
themselves. Don't worry," he added. "There are no more down there.
Follow me," and he disappeared down the flight of stone steps.
"You're on your
own," said Dickon, as I prepared to follow. "I'm not going
I fumbled my way down
steps worn smooth by generations of monks. Once at the bottom the air was
pleasantly cool, with only a fine layer of sand underfoot. The light from above
was enough for me to see that this was a little cul-de-sac, but large enough to
hold us all comfortably.
"Come on
"Not on your
life," came Dickon's voice, oddly distorted by the turn in the stairs,
although Growch had already joined me quite happily.
"In that
case," I yelled back, "you can go out and fetch in all the baggage.
And the cooking pot," I added.
I knew he wouldn't, and
it took the three of us to transfer everything to safety, Dickon grumbling all
the while. By the time all was stowed away safely the wind had risen enough for
us to hear even at the bottom of the stairs, and when I went out to retrieve
the cooking pot it was really nasty up top. The wind was whining like a caged
dog, gusting every now and again into a shriek, and with it the sand was
spiralling as tall as a man, blasting into any unprotected skin like the rasp
of a file. The very heaps of sand in the courtyard had changed position so much
that it took me several minutes to locate where I had buried the cooking pot;
it was still hot, and I had to take off my shirt and wrap it in that to carry
it safely, the driving sand stinging my bare skin unmercifully.
I served out half the
contents of the pot; a bowl each, my meat ration for Growch, and half a mug of
water, and as I scoured out the bowls with the ubiquitous sand I wondered which
of us was still the hungriest and thirstiest. Settling down on my blanket, I
asked the questions that would probably mean the difference between life and
death to us. Somebody had to ask; I didn't want to, but it was obvious Dickon
wanted to hear the answers even less than I did.
"What did you find
out, Ky-Lin?"
"I searched the
whole of the ruins while you were asleep. I gave you all a little Sleepy Dust
to ensure you slept for a day and a half—" He raised his left front hoof
as we protested. "Yes, yes, I know; but you needed the rest, and I wanted time
without your worries burdening me. I needed to let my senses roam free.
"This place was
abandoned some eighty years ago. What drove them out was probably the threat of
famine. From what I could determine, the wells on which the town depended for
its water started to dry up, due to the river deep beneath the desert floor
changing course. There may still have been enough for drinking, but certainly
not enough for irrigating their crops.
"Added to this,
there was the unprecedented advance of the Sand Mountains, a phenomenon
peculiar to this desert. The villagers mentioned them, remember? They are
formed by a combination of wind and sand, and move to any place they are
driven. They may not be seen for a hundred years, but given special conditions
they can build up within days, and overwhelm anything in their path. Such a
disaster overtook this town. They had enough notice to move out in an orderly
fashion, so everything portable was taken with them. The monks were the last to
"And where are the
Sand Mountains now?"
He shrugged. "Who
knows? They were not here long, but time enough to destroy the fabric of the
buildings, as you saw."
"Where did the
people go?"
He shrugged again.
"Probably west and north. The way we go. . . ."
Here it was, the
question I had so been dreading. "Any—any sign of water?"
He looked at me with
compassion, then shook his head. "No, I found no trace of water. Not yet,
anyway. That doesn't mean there isn't any."
Dickon leapt to his
feet. "No water, no food—what the hell do we do now?"
"We would do well
to pray. Now, together. Each to our own God or gods." He bowed his head.
"In any case it will concentrate our minds if we are quiet for a few
minutes. Prayer always helps. Focus on our predicament and ask for guidance. .
. ."
I wanted to pray as my
mother had taught me: speak to God direct, she had always said. But she had
sent me to the priest to learn my letters and the Catechism, and it was these
familiar formulas, as comforting as a child's rhymes, that I now found filled
my mind; the priest had taught me that God could only be approached through His
intermediaries, those like Himself. My mother, on the other hand, had never
been afraid to speak her mind, and she told me God was there to be talked to, just
like anyone else, person to person.
I don't know whether she
believed in Him; I think she only believed in herself. I recited three rapid
Ave's under my breath, not thinking of anything really, except the comfort of
the formula. I glanced at the others; Ky-Lin was obviously in communication
with his Lord, but Dickon's hands were twisting as if he was wringing out a
cloth, his eyelids flickering. No point in looking at Growch; his god, Pan, was
a heathen.
But it was Growch who
saved us.
I was in the middle of
my third Paternoster when a sacrilegious interruption destroyed all thought of
"Bloody 'ell!
Effin' little bastards!"
"Sorree! But
what d'you say if'n you'd just been bit on yer privates by a bunch o' ravenin'
"Ants? But—"
Ky-Lin and I had the
same thought at the same time. Ants in a town deserted for many years and
surrounded by an arid desert could mean only one thing: ants, to exist, need
both food and water, however minimal. So, somewhere there was water!
"Move, dog!"
said Ky-Lin. "Slowly and carefully. The lantern, girl!"
At first the flames
flickered wildly all over the stone floor because my hand was shaking so much,
but as it steadied we all saw what had so rudely interrupted whatever Growch
had been thinking about. A double line of ants, both coming and going, the ones
advancing towards us laden with what looked like grains, the others
empty-legged. I swung the lantern to the left; the laden ants were disappearing
into a large crack in the masonry, obviously behind which they had their nest.
The outgoing ones, where did they go?
I swung the light the
other way, but obviously too far: no ants.
"Gently does
it," breathed Ky-Lin. "Back a little . . ."
And there it was. There
was a long, straight crack in the floor, and down this the ants were appearing
and disappearing without hindrance. I brushed away some of the sand, and there
was another crack in the stone, this one at right angles to the first. Ky-Lin
used his tail on the sand as well, and between us we uncovered a full square,
some two and a half feet along each side. It was obviously an entrance of some
sort to an underground storage area, but how did it work? I scraped away at the
center: nothing! I blew at the sand, I scrabbled with my fingers, still
Ky-Lin's delicate
antennae were probing the surface. "Try here," he said, indicating
the corner farthest away. I brushed away the sand and there, recessed into the
stone, was a rusty iron ring.
"That's it! That's
it!" I was now in a fever of excitement. "There must be something
down there, there must!" and bending down I tugged at the ring, but all I
got was red, flaky dust on my fingers; the square had not budged.
Dickon had finally
worked out what all the fuss was about, and exercised all his strength, again
to no purpose except for rusty fingers.
"Let's try this
scientifically," said Ky-Lin. "Neither of you is powerful enough to
shift the trapdoor on your own and I cannot get a grip. Think, my children; how
can we raise it?"
I knew he had something
in mind, but Dickon and I could only gaze at each other in perplexity. It was
Growch, puffed up with his success in finding the stone trapdoor, who provided
us with the simple answer.
"Well, you are a
coupla dummies! Rope, that's what you want: rope."
Of course! And while the
increasing wind raged outside and the sand trickled its way in little drifts
down the steps, we found the rope in the baggage, looped it through the ring in
the floor and, one end tied round Ky-Lin's neck, the other held by Dickon and
myself, we tried once more to heave the square of stone from its bed.
"One, two, three,
heave! One, two, three, heave!" We heaved, we pulled, we jerked, we
struggled, but the damned thing wouldn't shift. We tried again and again, and
finally there was a faint grating noise and it seemed the trapdoor shifted just
a fraction.
"We've got
it!" yelled Dickon. "Just one more heave. All together
Another minuscule shift
in the stone, then it settled back into its square with a little puff of dust.
The ants had disappeared, not surprisingly.
"Once more,"
exhorted Dickon. "Pull up and back this time. Now!"
We heaved as hard as we
could, there was a sudden snap and we all three landed in a tangled bruised
heap in the corner, the rope coiling itself round our legs. I pulled the length
through my fingers, conscious of a bruised shoulder. "But it hasn't
broken. . . ."
"No," said
Ky-Lin. "It was the ring that snapped; it had rusted right through."
I burst into tears: I
couldn't help it. "It's not fair! I'm so thirsty. . . ."
Ky-Lin nuzzled my neck
comfortingly. "Courage. We haven't lost yet." He inspected the broken
ring. "It was weak at this one point. Perhaps it could be repaired.
Remember the bars in your prison, girl? Well this time we shall have to try the
process in reverse. Give me some space; I shall have to think about this."
Obediently we moved
back, and one look at Dickon's stricken face told me what I must be looking
like too. True, we didn't know what we would find down there, but hope had been
rekindled, only to be dashed again by a few flakes of rust. I had never felt so
thirsty in all my life, not even as a child in a high fever when I had cried
and begged my mother for the cool spring water she had trickled down my throat
from a wet cloth.
"Shut your eyes,
children, you too, dog!"
Suddenly I felt the hair
curl on my head, and even behind closed eyelids I was near blinded by a
brilliant light. There was a smell of ozone, of snow, of wet iron. I opened my
eyes to see Ky-Lin momentarily surrounded by a haze of colorless flame. I shut
my eyes again, and when I opened them the ring was whole again, though
considerably smaller.
I stretched forward to
touch it, but Ky-Lin stopped me. "Not yet; it is not yet cool enough. . .
." He looked tired, diminished.
I put my arms about his
neck. "Rest awhile; we can wait."
But it seemed an age
before the ring cooled enough to try; up above it was full dark, and the wind
still howled.
At last Ky-Lin nodded
his head. "This time just keep pulling: no sudden jerks."
Once more I looped the
rope around his neck, once more Dickon and I took up the slack at the other
end. This was it.
"Now," said
Ky-Lin softly. "Pull as hard as you can—and pray. . . ."
Chapter Twenty.One
This time I didn't pray;
I swore.
It made me feel better
as I once more took the strain of the rope, endured the aches in my shoulders
and arms, the rasp in my throat, the grit between my teeth—oh yes, I really
enjoyed that swear, and I used all the bad words I had ever heard, whether I
knew their meaning or not, and included the sort of things one sees written on
walls. In fact I was concentrating so hard on remembering all the words, with
my eyes shut, that I didn't see the stone begin to shift.
The first I knew was
Dickon's mutter: "It's coming, it's coming. . . ."
There was a sudden
slither, a grinding of stone against sand, and the rope burnt through my
fingers. I collided once again with the other two, but this time it didn't
hurt, and I found I was staring down at a black hole in the floor, revealing a
triangular gap and the glimpse of more stone steps leading downward.
With the opening came a
sudden breath of stale air, thick with the stink of rancid oil, dust, decaying
"I can smell
water," said Growch. "There's some down there somewheres. Faint, but
it's there. Shall we go?"
A gap that would admit a
dog wasn't large enough for two adults and a pony-sized mythical creature, so
we had to push the stone trapdoor right away to one side before we could
descend, Ky-Lin in the lead and Dickon and I with the two lanterns. Growch in
his eagerness near tripped me up. I sat down hurriedly on one of the steps,
noticing that even here the sand had penetrated, the only clear spaces being
the lines where the ants had trailed up and back over the years. I had a sudden
idea, which got shoved to the back of my mind immediately I reached the
It was a huge cellar in
which we found ourselves, the stone roof supported by a row of pillars marching
away into dark corners our lanterns didn't reach. The floor was flagged, and on
either side stone shelves lined the walls. Empty shelves, no sign of containers
to hold the water Growch still insisted he could smell. Slowly we walked the
full length of the cellar, the lantern light sending our shadows into black
giants that climbed startled pillars, crept along stone walls, trailed our
footsteps like devoted pets.
To the left and right of
us there were only empty shelves, dust and ancient cobwebs like dirty,
disintegrating lace. The atmosphere was dry and choking and I sneezed
involuntarily, expecting the noise to echo and reverberate, but the cellar had
a peculiar deadening effect and the sneeze seemed to die at my feet. It was
like being stuck behind the heavy curtains of a four-poster.
We reached the far end
and there, ranged against the walls, were several tall clay pots, seemingly
sealed with wax stoppers. My heart gave a bound of anticipation and I rushed
forward, lantern bobbing wildly, my knife cutting hastily through the seals. I
stepped backward, covering my nostrils as a dreadful stench seeped out.
"It's fermenting
grain," said Ky-Lin. "Not fit to touch. Except for the ants," he
added. "This is what has kept them going over the years. With luck it will
last for many years more. They are sensible creatures and will not overbreed,
so perhaps—"
"But where is the
water?" shouted Dickon, coughing and choking, all control gone.
"Don't you realize, you stupid creature, that we will die without it? Who
cares about bloody ants? Fuck the ants!"
"I care about
them," said Ky-Lin severely. "And so should you. I care for all
living creatures, and if you would just realize that those little creatures can
point the way to your salvation—"
salvation!" yelled Dickon. "And fuck you too!" and flung his
lantern full into Ky-Lin's face.
There was a burst of
colored light—red, green, purple, orange, blue, yellow—then nothing.
Darkness. Even my
lantern had gone out.
A brief moment of panic,
angry sobs from Dickon, then a comforting nudge at my ankle.
"You stay 'ere,
nice an' quiet, an' I'll nip up top an' get your lightin' things. Don' move
now," and Growch's claws click-clacked away over the stone floor. A faint
light came from the opening above, and I saw him disappear over the last step.
A moment or two later he was back, and thrust the box into my free hand with
his muzzle.
"Nice bit o' light,
an' things'll look different . . ."
My hands were shaking so
much it took two or three goes before I could light my lantern. I swung it over
my head and saw Dickon, his face all blubbery with angry tears, the other
lantern shattered at his feet.
"I didn't mean to
hurt him," he whined. "It wasn't my fault! He shouldn't have riled
me! Where's he gone, anyway?"
Where indeed? I rushed
from one end of the cellar to the other, my lantern swinging wildly, but there
was no sign of Ky-Lin. Perhaps he had gone up the steps?
Growch shook his head.
" 'E's not up there. 'E ain't nowhere as I can see. Can't smell 'im
I stumbled and fell to
my knees, the lantern nearly slipping from my fingers. I had fallen over
something, a stone, a pebble—
No, not a stone, not a
pebble. A tiny little image, looking as old as the stone from which it had been
fashioned. Tears stung my eyes as I recognized the pudgy little features, the
plumed tail.
"He's here," I
said. "What's left of him."
The stone was cold in my
hand. There was no life here, no flicker of movement. Just the small shell of
what had been a vibrant, loving, colorful creature. Even my ring was cold and
dead, like Ky-Lin.
I felt anger rising in
me inescapably, like the sudden jet of blue flame from a burning, sappy log. I
thrust the stone figure under Dickon's nose.
"You killed him!
You destroyed him with your evil temper! I hate you! I hate you! I hate
you!" I sobbed, and swung my lantern at his head as he ducked.
"Steady on
there," said Growch mildly. " 'E wouldn't 'ave wanted no 'istrionics.
What's done is done. Nuffin's ever truly lost. 'E may be just a bit of stone in
yer 'and right now, but what 'e was is still 'ere. What 'e taught you. Well
then, try and think like 'e would 'ave wanted you to. Pretend 'e's still 'ere.
If you concentrate 'ard enough it'll be like 'e's still speakin' to us."
I could feel my ring
warming up again; looking down it had a pearly glow. Growch was right, wherever
his doggy wisdom had suddenly come from. My anger evaporated. I kissed the
little stone figure and tucked it in my pouch, promising it a better resting
place when I found one.
What would he have done
now? I shut my eyes and concentrated. Looked for water, of course. Just before
we came down here, when I was sitting on the step, I had had an idea, a good
one, I was sure. But what was it? Something to do with . . . Stone? Tracks?
Ants? Yes, that was it. But how could it help? Think, girl, think! Ants,
sand-covered stone, tracks, Ky-Lin saying they had to have water—That was it!
Rushing back to the steps
I held the lantern high, searching for ant trails, but our comings and goings
had made a complete mess of anything I was looking for, and the ants themselves
were milling around in aimless circles. Half-shuttering the lantern, I settled
down to wait.
"What the hell are
you doing?" asked Dickon irritably. "We're wasting time. We should be
searching for water."
"I am."
"What? Sitting on
your arse?"
"Just shut up, keep
still, and be patient."
"I know, I know, I
know!" said Growch triumphantly. "Clever lady."
Which left Dickon in the
dark, especially as he couldn't understand Growch, but seeing us both
concentrating he lapsed into silence. The ants settled down and began their
marching from the nest above. Down the steps in a double line, then—yes, my
theory was correct. The line split into two, one set of ants going off to the
darkness at the rear end for food, the other half turning left, and—
"Under the
steps!" I called out. "We never looked there!"
Behind the steps was a
man-sized space and three shallow steps leading down to a small cistern and—a
thousand candles to Saint Whoever when I could afford them!—it was still a
third full.
The water was clear, but
littered with unwary ant bodies and with a layer of silt beneath, but nothing
had ever tasted so good. We scooped it with our mugs into the cooking pot, then
all of us drank till we were full and I for one felt slightly sick.
Growch rolled over with
a grunt and a distended belly. "Near as good as a beef bone . . ."
A drink seemed to bring
Dickon back to sense once more and cooled his temper for days to come. "We
mustn't stir up the water too much," he said. "We need to fill the
water skins with clean."
Looking at the cistern
more carefully, wondering how the water hadn't dried up long since, I noticed a
darker patch at the back which felt damp to the touch, so there was obviously
seepage from some long-forgotten spring or rivulet behind. Not enough to keep
the temple in water, just enough for the ants—and us. Praise be!
By now it was full dark
above and the wind still whined and shrieked unabated, so we moved everything
down into the cellar and I used what fuel we had left to cook up enough rice to
keep us going that night and the following morning.
We fell asleep over the
meal, but I had had sense enough to remove everything eatable from the ants
though, remembering Ky-Lin, I sprinkled a few grains on the floor near their
trail. Ky-Lin would have done the same if he had been with us, of that I was
sure, making some gentle remark about it being a "change of diet" for
the insects. Anyway, they deserved it: they had shown the way to the water.
The following morning
the wind was gone as though it had never been and the sun shone brilliantly
from a clear sky. We all wanted to get going as soon as possible, but now there
was no Ky-Lin to help with advice and porterage, we were faced with real
problems. The mythical creature had told us that the temple was
"halfway," which meant there were at least five more days of travel
to endure. He had consulted the maps and shown me the route we should follow,
and with my Waystone I thought I could manage that. Burdened as we were,
though, we should probably have to expect at least one more day's travel,
bringing it to six, which would be over the limit for even the stretching of
what food we had.
Well, we could go
hungry, but not thirsty. I spread out everything from our baggage, hoping we
could leave at least half behind to lighten our load, while Dickon carefully
filled the ten water skins. I knew how heavy these were from bitter experience,
but they were essential. But what to leave behind? The remaining food, blankets
against the cold, and mattocks, these must come as well. Money in a belt around
my waist, personal possessions (and the egg) in a pouch at my neck. Cooking
pot, spoons and mugs (I had dismissed the idea of boiling everything up before
we went: in the desert heat it would be uneatable in twenty-four hours); honey
and salt were heavy to carry, but both were necessary. Likewise my few packs of
herbs, the maps, sewing kit and oil: all had their uses.
In the end all we could
reasonably do without was everything we were not actually wearing, the broken
lantern, one blanket out of three, my writing things and my journal. This last
went with me, I was determined on that; at worst if our skeletons were found in
the desert, it would explain everything. I hefted the bundle we could leave: I
could lift it on one finger. Well, two. So that wasn't going to make much
"Dickon," I
called out. "We'll never carry all this!"
He emerged with the last
two water skins. "I've been thinking about that. The water is covered with
a small grid the monks must have stood on to bucket up the water, and if you
recall, there was a metal cover lying to one side. We could use both as
sledges; why carry if you can pull? Both are metal, so they shouldn't wear
away. The grid is no problem, and the metal cover has holes where it fitted
over the cistern, so if we cut the rope in half you can pull the grid as it's
smaller, and I'll take the cover. Right?"
So it was decided. We
then ate, packed up and waited for the worst of the day's heat to dissipate,
deciding to keep to Ky-Lin's order of march: early evening and dawn. While we
were waiting I soaked some beans and dried vegetables for the following day,
ready to cook. Fuel was going to be a problem, but I persuaded Growch to pick
up everything we could burn during the march. Before we left we drank as much
as we could take from the cistern, and I even took the luxury of a quick wash,
soaking my clothes as well for a cool start to the trek. The water was all
cloudy by the time I had finished, but it would soon settle back for the ants
and I left them a few more grains and a dollop of honey as compensation.
We left the trapdoor
open, in case other travellers came that way, and I took a soft stone and drew
the universally recognized symbol of an arrow on the cellar floor to indicate
the position of the cistern.
And so we left the
temple to the ants and set off across the desert towards the dying sun.
At first our progress
was slow but steady. The management of the improvised sledges was difficult to
master. The metal cover travelled easier, but was more unstable. As we
travelled the sledges became lighter each day, and now we took turns with each.
The weather stayed clear, my directions appeared to be correct, for each day we
persuaded ourselves the mountains we were headed for came fractionally nearer.
Then on the fourth day
we ran into trouble.
The night had been
overcast, for once, and we had overslept after a hard day's trek the previous
day. When we awoke the eastern sky was bright and we cast long shadows ahead of
us. We ate a hurried breakfast—not as much as any of us wanted, but rations
were short by now—and set off at a good pace for a steep rise just ahead. We
hauled the sledges up the rise, looking forward to the incline beyond and—
"What the hell . .
. !" If he hadn't said it, I would. Ahead of us, about a mile distant,
reared a sudden and unexpected range of mountains.
Sand Mountains.
These were the ones
Ky-Lin and the villagers had warned us about, the giants who could stay in one
place for years and then, given the right conditions, move across the desert
floor at a terrifying speed, destroying everything in their path. And here they
were, straight across our path, barring our way to the mountains. At the moment
they were quiet, a range of sandhills some fifty to a hundred feet high at
their lowest. And they stretched for miles. As we moved close an errant wind
agitated sand on the tops into whirls and curls like smoke, and every now and
again miniavalanches of sand fell down the steeper slopes.
For the rest of the
morning we tried to climb those restless, shifting mountains, but for every
stride up, we tumbled back two. The sledges became bogged down in the sand and
we sank to our knees in it, like falling into quicksand, and twice we nearly
lost Growch. Eventually we tried to find a way between, but the sand blew in
our faces and filled our footsteps within seconds.
There was only one thing
for it: we should have to take the long trek round them; the worst of that was
we had no idea whether the way east or west was shorter, as they stretched as
far as the eye could see in both directions.
Three days later we
struggled round the western end and tried to pick up our bearings. We had
wasted three days to find ourselves in virtually the same spot we had started
out from and the real mountains seemed as far away as ever. On we tramped, our
travelling time curtailed by our increasing weariness from lack of proper
nourishment. Two days later the last of our food and water was gone and we
piled all our goods onto the smoother sledge, pulling it in tandem to conserve
our strength.
I began to see things
that weren't there—houses, lakes, trees, camels, people—shimmering in the
distance some feet above the desert floor, and beside me Dickon was
hallucinating too. On the tenth day we put Growch on the sledge because he
could move no further and lay there with his tongue hanging out like one dead.
Dickon and I now fell
every dozen yards or so and our throats were so parched we couldn't even curse
each other. At last we both tripped and fell together and I just wanted to lie
there forever and forget everything. I was conscious it was high noon already
and I knew if we didn't get up and seek shelter we should surely be dead before
I rose to my knees and
peered ahead, but all I could see was one of those fevered images again: a
train of camels seeming to stride six feet above the sand and some half mile
away. I collapsed, without even the energy to rouse Dickon, to offer a last
prayer, and drifted off into unconsciousness.
But somewhere, somehow,
I could swear I heard a dog barking. . . .
Chapter Twenty.Two
…A dog barking.
Cautiously I opened my eyes. Normally in the desert Dickon and I slept within
feet of each other, but now all my hands encountered was a blanket. There was a
dim light over to my right, it must be the moon. No stars. And where was
Growch? I was sure I had heard him a moment ago. I struggled to sit up, and
there was a cold, wet nose against my cheek.
" 'Ad a nice kip,
then? Thought we'd lost you at one stage. Feel a bit better?"
"I don't
understand. . . . What's happened? I—" And then, suddenly, it all came
back to me. The desert, the vast, terrible, unforgiving desert. Sun, heat,
thirst, hunger, hallucinations, death already rattling in my throat, the last
thing a dog barking . . .
I sat up slowly,
stretched, wiggled my fingers and toes. I seemed to be all in one piece, but I
was dreadfully stiff, my throat was sore and my head ached.
"Wanna drink? On
yer right. On the table. That's it. Careful now, don' spill it."
Blessed, beautiful,
clear cold water. The most wonderful liquid in the world. I drank it all, then
burped luxuriously. I looked around me. I was obviously inside a house or hut,
and the light I had thought the moon was a saucer oil lamp. I was on a pallet
of sorts and it must be sometime at night. So, we had been rescued, but how and
when? Where were we? And where was Dickon?
More than one question
at a time flummoxed Growch. "I'll tell yer, I'll tell yer, but one at a
time! Dickon? 'Is lordship is around and about in the town somewheres,
"Which town? What's
it called? Where is it?"
" 'Ow the 'ell does
I know? A town's a town ain't it? Same as all towns. 'Ouses, streets, people,
dogs, food . . . We're still in the desert, but they got plenty o' water.
Goats, chickens, camels. It was their camels as brought us in. I barked till I
was 'oarse, managed to get over to the caravan, and they came back and picked
you up."
"Oh, Growch! You
saved our lives!" and I hugged him till he swore he couldn't breathe and
why did I have to be so soppy? All the while his tail was wagging like mad, so
I knew he was secretly as pleased as could be.
"An' afore you ask,
all yer belongings is snug as well."
I felt for my money belt
and neck pouch: all safe.
"Short and long of
it is, they brought us in—gave you camel's milk out there, they did, an' you
sicked it all up—" I was not surprised: the very thought of camel's milk
made me ill again. "—then they gave you water an' things an' brought us
'ere. Got two rooms, an' I kep' 'is lordship away from all what is ours."
I stretched again, felt
my headache lessening. "What time is it?"
"Middle evenin'.
Sun down, moon not yet up."
"I must have been
asleep for—nine or ten hours, then?"
"An' the rest! Four
days ago it was when they brought us in. There's a woman been feedin' you slops
an' things with a spoon."
"Four days!" I
swung my legs over the edge of the bed, tried to stand up and fell back again.
"By our Lady! I feel so weak!"
"Not surprised.
Slops never did no one no good. Yer wants some good red meat inside of yer,
like what I have." He smacked his chops. "Nuffin' like it. Treated me
real well they 'as. Called me a 'ero . . ."
"And so you
are," I said, giving him another hug. "Be a dear and go and find
Dickon for me?"
Two days later I was up
and about again, with an urge to get going as soon as we could. It was now well
past Middle Year, we had been travelling for over fifteen months, and now I had
recovered from my ordeal I felt a renewal of hope and energy. But it seemed we
should have to wait a little longer. The nearest town, at the foothills of the
mountains we were seeking, was a good four-day journey away by camel train—the
same one that had rescued us—and they were not due to leave for another two and
a half weeks, and strongly advised us not to try it on our own.
They were a hospitable
people, and their town was clean and prosperous. Everywhere we went we were
greeted with bows and smiles and clapping of hands, and though we couldn't
speak a word of their language, we managed very well with sign language and the
occasional drawing. As they existed solely on the barter system, our money
meant nothing to them, and they insisted on treating us as honored guests.
Which was lucky, seeing we had nothing to barter with.
Under the town was a
river system that kept their cisterns full, with enough also for their crops of
fruit and vegetables and the watering of their stock: goats, chickens, ducks,
camels. They even kept ponds stocked with fish that looked rather like carp.
The only goods they needed from outside were rice, clay for pots, and cotton
cloth, and these they traded for with their own produce, which included pickled
eggs, a special spiced pancake and other delicacies, desert fox furs, and
exquisite carvings fashioned from the soft stone they found roundabouts. Once a
month they journeyed to do their bargaining, and we agreed to await the next
There was plenty for us
to do, however—for me at least, that is. Our clothes, what was left of them,
were a disgrace, and I had spent four or five days doing the best I could with
my sewing kit, when we had an unexpected bonus. Growch, investigating a
tempting little bitch—what else?—had chased her into a store where cotton cloth
awaited making up into the loose clothes the inhabitants preferred, and had
been diverted by finding a huge nest of rats. He had set about them in true
Growch fashion, and the grateful owner of the store had come to me, counting
out at least twenty on his fingers, bearing also a roll of cloth sufficient to
clothe both Dickon and myself.
Only when all my tasks
were done, which included tedious things like washing blankets and mending
panniers, did I keep a promise I had made to myself some weeks past. We had
found out that the monks who had fled the destruction of the temple in the
desert had found this town in time for survival, and had built a small temple
to give thanks for their deliverance. This temple was now in the custody of one
of the original monks, then a boy, now a blind old man of near a hundred. One
of the village boys was his apprentice, and led him about the village with
their begging bowls—always full—and assisted in leading the prayers.
One evening, when I knew
the old monk and his acolyte would be dining, the sun tipping over the rim of
the world had led to the lighting of the dried camel-dung fires for cooking and
the last of the workers and herd's boys came tramping home, I made my way down
the deserted streets towards the temple, the sad stone remnant of what had been
Ky-Lin clutched in my hands.
It was only a small
edifice, this temple, built from desert stone and mud bricks, but inside the
floor was flagged, the air smelt of incense and oil saucers burned in front of
the stone altar. Someone had left a garland of wildflowers by the crossed knees
of the little smiling Buddha.
I had thought I would
feel like an interloper, not knowing the language either, but it felt entirely
natural to stand in front of the idol and speak in my own tongue.
I looked up at the
statue, who stared above my head the while with empty, slanted eyes and an
eternal smile, then I knelt down, as I would in one of my own churches, shut my
eyes, and folded my hands around the remains of Ky-Lin.
"Please forgive me
for not knowing your customs and language, Sir, but I have a special request.
In my hands are the remains of a true friend, counsellor and guide, whom You
lent to us to help us on our journey. He no longer has life, as You can see,
but his death was a tragic accident, and he would have been the first to
"He was one of
Yours, a Ky-Lin, who was left on earth to work off some trifling sins he had
committed. Well I thought they were trifling. . . . Whatever they were,
I assure You they must have been more than cancelled out by his care of us. So,
will You please take him back? He spoke of a place where all was perfect and at
peace: we would call it Heaven. Please allow him in Yours. Amen. Oh, and thanks
for lending him to us. Amen again."
The Buddha had one
gilded hand on his knee; the other was cupped on his chest. Reaching up as far
as I could, I kissed the tiny stone that had been Ky-Lin and placed him gently
in the cupped hand.
There: it was done.
Ky-Lin could rest in peace.
I rose to my feet, bowed
to the Buddha and backed out of the little temple. The idol seemed to be
smiling more broadly than ever.
I had never ridden a
camel before. It was extremely difficult to adjust to the rocking, swaying
movement so far above the ground, and there was more than one moment when I
definitely felt camel-sick. However, even the lap-held Growch agreed that it
was better than walking, and in four days we were in a village in the foothills
of the mountains where we said good-bye to our kind hosts, replenished our
stores and set off in a direction of north by west.
At first we had an easy
time of it; the tracks we followed led to other villages and small towns, where
our money was accepted. We travelled easily into autumn, through reddening
leaves, ripening fruit and the migration of small animals and birds: pint-size
deer, foxes, squirrels; duck, swallows, swifts; the large butterflies flirting
their just-before-hibernating wings on clumps of pink and purple fleshy-leaved
plants. Peasants brought in the last of their harvest, stored their fruits,
pickled and salted their meats, and the bats were coming out earlier and
earlier to catch the last of the midges that stung us so heartily during the
day. So, were the bats eating us, I wondered?
As we climbed higher the
air became more exhilarating, and the streams were ice cold from the snowy
heights above. All this, and the plain but adequate fare we ate satisfied me
well enough, but Dickon was always grumbling, comparing our food with the
comparative luxury he had enjoyed on the caravan routes.
"Nobody asked you
to come," I said crossly one day, when he had been whining all day about
not being allowed extra money to buy some more rice wine. "You're here
because you wanted to be, remember?"
"And you're not
being reasonable," he said, dodging the issue. "A man needs a bit of
relaxation now and again, a sip or two of wine."
"You've already had
a sip or four," I said. "And you said not yesterday that it was piss
water, rotgut."
"Depends on the
vintage . . ."
"This stuff doesn't
have any vintage. They make it all the year round."
"I only want a nip.
Set me up for the evening."
I flung him a coin.
"Buy yourself a measure then. But only a small one, otherwise you won't be
fit to go on."
I was right. That
afternoon's trek was a complete waste of time. He swayed from side to side of
the road, fell over twice, and when I went to help him up he made a grab at me.
"C'mon Summer: gi'e
us a kiss!"
I kicked him where it
hurt, and when he doubled up pushed him into a ditch and marched on for a half
mile without him. By then, as I could see he wasn't following, I retrieved my
steps, my temper near at boiling point, especially when I found him still in
the ditch, snoring his head off. I was strongly tempted to leave him where he
was and travel on alone, but common sense told me I couldn't manage the baggage
on my own.
We climbed higher and higher,
but the mountains we were aiming for, our last barrier, called on the maps
Ky-Lin had explained to me the "Sleeping Giants," still seemed many
miles away. Travelling during the day was still pleasant, but the nights were
increasingly chill and we needed extra clothes plus the blankets to keep warm,
especially if we spent nights in the open. A couple of times we slept under
both blankets together, Dickon and I, but his behavior on these occasions
worried and annoyed me. On both these times after I had dozed off, I awoke to
find his hands where they shouldn't be.
At first I thought he
was searching my person for money, but the intimate movement of his hands on my
breasts and thighs persuaded me otherwise. I could not believe it was a
personal thing, rather that he had been robbed of his usual visits to houses of
pleasure, but in any case I found it highly embarrassing.
After all we had
travelled together in enforced intimacy for many months, and in all that time,
especially with all our differences, there had never been any hint of sexual
familiarity. As it was, on both occasions I had turned away as if in my sleep,
wrapping myself up tight so there was no way he could attempt anything further.
I tried to enlist
Growch's help, but his views on sex being what they were—the more the merrier,
whoever or whatever it was—I received little encouragement, until I slanted my
argument towards the money I was carrying.
"I don't like him
searching me like that when I'm asleep. Just think what would happen if he ran
off with all our money!"
Growch knew what money
meant: it meant food.
"Right, then. I'll
see 'e don' touch you nowheres from now on. Sleep between you both, I
Which worked much
better, especially as my dog by now smelt so high that Dickon and I slept
back-to-back by choice. It was either that or holding our noses all night.
We came to the last
village before the snow line of the mountains we planned to cross to our goal.
I consulted the best of the maps. It showed a route that wandered away in the
lee of the mountains to the east for what looked like a week's journey, before
finding a gap into the valley beyond. There was another trail, however. This
led almost due north from where we were now and, looking up, I could see, or
believed I could see, past a thick stand of coniferous forest, the gap I was
seeking, the first in the three-peaked range. This reminded me of the
illusion/dream the old man in the market had engendered in me, when I had
imagined I was a dragon flying through that very gap.
But when the villagers
realized our intent there was an indrawing of breath, a lowering of lids, a
shaking of heads.
"What's the matter
with them? There's a trail that starts off that way. I can see it leading up to
the forest."
Dickon shook his head.
"They seem to be afraid of something up there."
"How the hell do I
know? Look at that old fool in the corner: he's been jabbering away for five
minutes now, but I can't understand a word he's saying. Can you?"
"N . . . no. Not
exactly. But he's making signs as well." I felt uneasy, not least because
the ring on my finger felt uncomfortable, as if it was too tight. I went over
to the villager and squatted in front of him watching his dirt-ingrained hands
expressing alarm and dismay. Making signs that I didn't understand—oh, what I
wouldn't have done for Ky-Lin's comforting presence!—I motioned him to slow
down, hoping this would make him more intelligible. It didn't, but one of the
brighter of his friends understood what I wanted and came to join us.
It went something like
this—all in sign language, whether with hands, eyes, expression, body language,
or sheer acting and mime.
Why can't we go that
Huge men up there.
No giants now.
Yes. They also eat
They eat anything. Prefer
Have you seen them?
Heard them howling.
No. Human voice.
How do you know they are
When they howl we leave
them food at the edge of the forest.
How do you know they
aren't animals?
What sort of print?
In snow.
Show me.
And that was the most
puzzling of all. They drew in the dirt the outline of a foot, but it was no
ordinary one. In general it followed the shape of a human foot, but it was two
or three times as large. I drew one smaller, but they rubbed that out and drew an
even larger one. What was worse, this foot had eight toes, with sharp long
nails, if their drawings were to be believed.
I looked at Dickon.
"Could be. They've
never seen one of these creatures."
"Exactly. And if
they've seen some prints in the snow—well, when snow melts so do the prints.
Outwards. So a small print would look bigger after an hour or so. Right?"
"Could well be
wolves, as you suggested."
"Wrong time of the
year for them to be hungry. Shall we chance it? It'd save three or four days'
travel. . . ."
"Why not? I'm game
if you are."
"Of course!"
At least I would have if my ring hadn't kept on insisting that somewhere ahead
lay the possibility of danger. But this way would save so many days, and if we
were careful . . .
In order to try and
reach the gap before nightfall, we set off before dawn. None of the villagers
came to see us off. At first it was easy, a clear track leading up towards the
forest, which we hoped to skirt to the east. On the fringes we could see where
the villagers below had started to clear the wood for fuel, for we came across
chippings, a discarded and broken axe, a couple of sleds they used for
transporting the wood.
Dickon pointed to one of
these. "Why shouldn't we borrow one? It would make carrying all this stuff
much easier. Quicker, too. The runners on the underside are obviously meant for
Growch cocked his leg,
then thought better of it. "Good for a lift, too, for those poor critturs
as 'as short legs . . ."
"We can't just
steal it. . . ."
"I said 'borrow,'
" said Dickon quickly. "Once we get to the top we can send it back
down. The slope'll carry it back."
"All right, we'll
haul it unladen till we get to the snow line, to preserve the runners, then
we'll load it up."
When we stopped to eat
the sun was already high in the sky, and I reckoned we were nearly halfway to
the summit. For some reason, although nothing stirred except a couple of eagles
taking advantage of the thermals high above, we all felt irritable and uneasy.
Dickon kept glancing over his shoulder in the direction of the forest we were
skirting, my ring was getting more uncomfortable by the minute, although I
reckoned any threat would come from the trees and we were giving them a wide
berth. Growch said his mind felt "itchy." I knew exactly what he
We carried on climbing.
The forest thinned out to the left of us, and we came across the first patches
of snow as the air grew colder. To our left the sun began its western descent
and I realized it would be a race for the gap between us and the dark. We
stopped briefly for food again, and this time we loaded the sled with
everything portable, including Growch.
I looked up. Another
couple of hours should do it, and there would be the valley I had dreamed of
for so long, the valley that cushioned the fabled Blue Mountain. "Here be
Dragons. . . ."
"Let's go," I
said. "Let's go!"
Now we were crunching
our way through real snow, unmelted all the way through summer, not the slush
we had encountered on the lower slopes. The sled slid easily in our wake; we
had attached the rope so that we could both pull it. The slope however grew
steeper, and now we were bending forward, me at least wishing I had stouter
boots: the cold was already striking through the soles and I had hardly any
grip, but at least we were nearly there. The thinning forest was behind us and
the gap was only some half mile away. The last bit looked the worst; the
incline became so steep that it looked as though we should have to crawl on
hands and knees.
We took a final
breather; less than a half hour should do it. The breath plumed from our
nostrils like smoke. Growch's eyebrows, such as they were, were rimed with
frost. The sun was near gone, a red ball waiting to slide down the western
"Right," I
said. "One more push should do it. . . . What's the matter?" Dickon
was staring at something in the snow just ahead of us. With a sudden look of
horror he backed away, his hands held out in front as though he was pushing the
sight away from him.
Summer," he said. "Look there! It was true what they said!"
And there, clear as
crystal in hitherto untrodden snow, was the print of an enormous eight-toed
Chapter Twenty.Three
I clapped my hands to my
mouth and stepped back in unconscious repudiation, but there was no denying
what I had seen. It was as clear as the ice that lined it, reflecting the last
of the red sun so it looked as though the giant that made the print had bled
into the snow. Dickon pointed out another print, another and another. They came
from just above us and then went away down towards the forest.
I swallowed, hard. Those
footprints were just as large and terrifying as the villagers had indicated,
and I couldn't begin to imagine the height and breadth of a creature who
boasted feet that big. And eight toes . . .
Suddenly the sun was
gone, like blowing out half the candles in a room at once, and a cold chill of
terror gripped us all. Without realizing it Dickon and I were holding hands and
a trembling Growch was actually sitting on my feet, his hackles raised, moaning
"We—we'd better get
going." I found I was whispering, although there seemed to be nothing
moving in the snow. "It's clear straight up to the gap, and if we . .
My voice died away as a
hideous ululating howl split the quiet around us, followed by another and
another. With one accord we ran, sled forgotten, scrambling on all fours to
find a grip. I could feel the hairs rising at the back of my neck and my heart
was bounding like a March hare.
The howl came again, and
this time it was answered by another—from ahead of us.
We came to a sudden,
skidding halt.
"What the
And Dickon's prophetic
exclamation was answered by a horrific apparition that rose from behind a huge
rock to our right. Nearly twice the size of a man, it was covered in fur—brown,
black, gray—and its face was a twisted mask of hate, with huge fangs sprouting
from its jaw. Slowly, lumberingly, it left the shelter of the rock and, with
arms raised, came down the slope towards us, uttering that hideous howl we had
heard before.
As one we fled down the
slope towards the shelter of the forest, slipping, stumbling, falling, rolling,
all thought gone save the urgency of escape, although something deep inside
seemed to tell me to stop, not to run, but it was such a tiny voice that my
fear drowned it.
Not looking where I was
going I crashed into the trunk of a tree, knocking all the breath from my body,
and I whooped and coughed with the effort to draw air into my lungs. I was
aware of Growch gasping and panting beside me, and the inert form of Dickon a
few yards away.
I struggled to my feet
to see what had happened to him.
"Come on, Growch,
we must get—"
"Too late!" he
whimpered. "Look behind you!"
I turned, and found we
were surrounded. Not by giants, but by strange, hairy humans holding stone axes
and primitive spears. They were no taller than I, slightly hunched, and the
hair on their bodies, thick on back and arms, was a reddish-black. Prominent
brows and jaws, small eyes and noses, wide mouths with yellow teeth and long,
tangled hair were common to all and they were mostly naked, though some of the
women had bound their babies to their backs with strips of fur.
These creatures looked
at us and chattered to themselves in a series of grunts, sibilants and clicks,
and a moment later a couple of them dragged the half-conscious body of Dickon
forward and dumped him without ceremony at my feet. He had a bruise the size of
an egg on his temple. As I looked down he stirred, put his hand to his head and
sat up, opening his eyes.
"Holy Mary, Mother
of God!"
But he wasn't looking at
the strange creatures who now crowded closer till I could smell the rank odor
of their bodies; he was staring back up the hill the way we had come. I
followed his pointing finger and gasped. Down the hill came striding the giant
we had fled from, swaying from side to side, arms spread—Arms? What beast had
four arms? I sank to my knees despairingly, clutching Growch for comfort, for
surely the hairy people would have no defense against this hideous apparition.
From the giant came that
dreadful wolflike howl again, and to my amazement it was answered with like
from the hairy people around us, waving their weapons in the air in greeting
with what could only be described as grins on their faces.
I scrambled to my feet,
pulled Dickon to his. What the hell was happening? Surely the giant and the
hairy people weren't in league with one another? Why didn't they—
Dickon and I gasped
together. The giant careening down the hill towards us had been gathering speed
in a more and more wild manner and now, suddenly, it broke in two! No, no, all
in bits. Two pieces came rolling towards us, another sheared off to the left,
one slithered to a stop against a tree—
And the hairy people
were laughing, dancing, waving their spears!
"Laugh too,"
came a tiny voice from somewhere. "It's all a big joke to them. You've
been had."
And I only realized just
how much when two of the "pieces" came to a stop, unrolled, and
became two more of the hairy people, one of them still wearing the misshapen
boots that had made such a convincing giant's footstep. The other man went back
and retrieved the mask that had so horrified us, plus the long cloak that had
so convincingly covered one man riding on another's shoulders.
My heart sank even
further as our captors, as they must be thought of now, closed in, pointing at
the boots, the mask, the cloak, laughing and jeering and miming our terror,
confusion and fear when faced with the "giant."
"Laugh with
them," came that tiny voice again. "It's your only chance to get
away. . . ."
But I couldn't. I tried;
I forced the muscles of my face into what I knew was a hideous rictus, but I
knew it only looked threatening, like that of a chattering monkey. I nudged
Dickon, tried to make him smile, laugh, speak, do anything, but it was hopeless:
he was almost rigid with fear.
One by one our captors
fell silent, glanced at each other, at us, scowled: we weren't enjoying their
joke. They muttered again, then gestured that we should follow them into the
forest. Dickon fell to his knees again. Growch whimpered in my arms, and my
ring felt as cold as ice.
"Do as they
want," said the little voice in my head. "Don't despair!"
So on top of everything
else, I was hearing voices. It must be all my terrified imagination, but the
voice sounded so much like my dead-and-gone Ky-Lin that I could have cried.
Perhaps it was his voice, perhaps his ghost had come back to comfort me.
I could feel the tears, warm on my frozen cheeks.
"Help us," I
whispered. "Wherever you are . . ."
Our captors hauled
Dickon roughly to his feet and jostled us both along a narrow track through the
trees. Too soon the last of the light was gone, forest gloom descended, and I
had to hold one hand in front of my face to push aside the whippy branches I
could hardly see. It was less cold under the trees, and the only sounds were
the shush-shush of pine needles under our feet and an occasional grunt or snort
from our captors, just like a sounder of swine.
After what seemed like
hours, but can only have been minutes, we stumbled into a clearing. Other hairy
people came out from the trees: the old ones and young children. About fifty or
sixty surrounded us now, pointing, grimacing and, what was much worse, touching
us; pulling at our clothes and hair, pinching our cheeks and arms, treating us as
though we were strange animals instead of human beings.
I wanted so much to hear
that ghosty voice of Ky-Lin's again, but, try as I could, the noise around us
drowned all else. The sound of wood being dragged to the glowing pit in the
center of the clearing, the hissing of the logs, the snorting grunts of those
around us—I should have liked to cover my ears, but daren't put Growch down.
The women arranged a
framework of sticks across the fire, and on these were spitted several small
animals: squirrels, what looked like rats, a small snake. In baskets at the
side were pine nuts, roots, wild herbs and a fungus of some sort. The smell of
the cooking meat was hardly appetizing, nor was the sight of the filthy fingers
that turned the sticks, poking the flesh now and again to see if it was cooked
Hands on our shoulders
forced us down to sit a little away from the fire while the men went into a
huddle, glancing over at us every now and again and then having some sort of
I poked Dickon, a rigid figure
of fear. "It doesn't look too good, does it? Got any ideas?"
He shook his head,
probably not trusting himself to speak, and I remembered what the villagers had
intimated: these people were cannibals. I shivered, in spite of the heat from
the fire, but the ring on my finger, though cold, didn't convey any threat of
imminent danger; for the moment we were safe.
By my side lay one of
the "giant's" boots; shifting Growch a little, I picked it up to have
a closer look. It really was rather ingenious. The sole was made of two bear
pads, sewn together, just four claws on each, making eight in all; the top was
ordinary leather, the whole sewn over a wickerwork frame and padded, so there
was just enough room for a human foot: it must have taken some practice to walk
properly, especially with someone else perched on one's back.
One of the hairy ones
saw me examining the boot, scowled for a moment, then nudged his fellows and
brought over the other with a grin, miming their walk. He also brought over the
mask for me to examine as well.
Near to it was quite
crudely carved, I guessed from the hollowed stump of a tree, so that it fitted
loosely over the head. The nose was a natural hooked beak of wood, stained red
by some sort of dye, the eyes had been burnt out and were outlined in yellow.
The top of the mask was covered with hair, real hair, and with a shock I
realized it was human. Of course it could have been cut from someone's hair
within the tribe but I had the terrible feeling that it came from some more
reluctant source. They showed me the robe as well, and my suspicions were
proved right: these were human scalps sewn together.
I pushed everything away
with a sudden surge of revulsion, and they laughed as if it were the best joke
in the world. Seeing them then one would have thought them a happy and harmless
people, until one realized that their secrets would not have been shared if
they had any intention of letting us go.
There was a diversion:
apparently the meal was ready. Flat pieces of bark and large leaves were
produced and filled with nuts, roots and fungi. Sticks were snatched from the
fire and fought over, the meat on them charred on one side, raw on the other.
No one offered us
They ate noisily,
licking their fingers before wiping them on their stomachs, hair, each other,
and the women spat out half-chewed bits to feed to the smallest of their
scrawny brats. Too soon for us the meal was ended; they finished with the last
of the unwashed pine nuts, crammed into their mouths so that the black, powdery
stain covered their faces and hair, the grease on their skins spreading it
still further.
Now they were looking
for entertainment—or was it more food? Several of the women were rubbing their
stomachs, looking at the men, looking at us. My ring was throbbing again, so
cold it felt as though it would burn straight through my finger. I looked
around desperately, but we were ringed in on all sides. Suddenly two of the men
separated from the rest and came towards us; Dickon and I scrambled to our feet
and backed away, a trembling Growch hugged close to my chest.
Dickon was pushed
unceremoniously aside and they approached me, great grins on their faces; in
the sudden clarity that terror can bring, I noticed how stained their teeth
were: fangs for tearing at the front, grinding molars at the back—
One of the men leaned
forward, jabbering excitedly—and tried to pluck the terrified Growch from my
arms. I had thought they came for me, and was quite prepared to take out my
knife and hurt them as much as I could before I was overpowered. But Growch?
No, never! Not my little dog spitted over a fire till his hair singed and the
blood and fat ran spattering into the fire! I had rather slit his throat myself
to spare him the pain and betrayal.
"Get away! Get your
filthy hands off!" I was shouting hysterically. "Dickon, for God's
sake do something! Help me. . . ." Now my knife was in my right
hand, Growch still held with my left, and as one man advanced still further I
connected with a lucky slash across his arm and he retreated with a grunt,
sucking at the blood.
Dickon's voice came to
me. "Give them the wretched animal, for Christ's sake! It's him they want.
Give us time to escape. . . ."
I couldn't believe my
ears! Give up Growch! In sudden anger I turned on Dickon and slashed out at him
also, and saw the bright beads of blood spring from a cut across his cheek.
Turning, I hit out again at my two attackers, and had the satisfaction of
seeing them spring back from the arc of my knife. But now the others behind
were closing in and I couldn't deal with them all—
"Help me! Help
me!" I didn't realize I was screaming, or to whom, but all of a sudden
everything changed.
"Leave this to
me!" boomed a voice, and with a burst of firecrackers that would have done
justice to a town celebration, into the clearing came bounding a huge creature,
an apparition surrounded with light and noise and color and fire.
The hairy tribe
scattered in all directions, sparks from the unguarded fire catching at their
hair and stinging their bodies. For a moment I thought we had exchanged one
horror for another, then I suddenly recognized the creature for who he was,
larger now than I had ever seen him—
"Ky-Lin! But how .
. . What did—"
"Follow me! No
questions, just hurry!"
I can't remember much of
that frantic dash through the trees, out into the snow and up towards the gap.
I do remember finding the sled, Ky-Lin taking the rope between his teeth and
dragging us all as hard as he could towards safety. I remember, too, the chill
of terror when we heard the howls of pursuit behind us, as the tribe realized
Ky-Lin provided no threat and they were losing a source of easy food. Their
noise came nearer and nearer, a couple of ill-thrown spears skimmed past our
heads, and we were there!
A gap as wide as a door,
no more, a glimpse of a valley, more hills and we were through. Ky-Lin loosed
the rope and the sled careened faster and faster down a slope of snow towards
the valley below.
Now the moon was up, and
through the tears of cold in my eyes and the wind whipping my cheeks a scene of
beauty spread itself beneath, and there in the midst of it all was a coldly
blue shape on the horizon.
"Look, look!"
I cried out to Ky-Lin who had been left behind. "It's there, we've found
the Blue Mountain—"
The sled veered,
skidded, struck something hard and I was lifted into the air. Suddenly
everything was upside down, and then my head hit something, lights buzzed
through my brain, and everything went black.
Part Three
Chapter Twenty.Four
The first thing I was
conscious of was a pleasant smell: sandalwood, beeswax, pine, cedarwood. It
reminded me of Ky-Lin. Then, what must have woken me, a dissonance, not
unpleasant, of tinkling bells, and a faraway chanting, a deep resonance of a
gong. For a moment longer I savored the light warmth of blankets tucked under
my chin, then I became aware of a dull throbbing in my head and an unpleasant
taste in my mouth.
I opened my eyes and sat
up, immediately wishing I hadn't done either.
I closed my eyes and lay
down again, but must have groaned, because at once there was a rustle of
clothing and a woman was chattering away quietly by my side. Her hands were
cool on my forehead; my head was raised and a feeding cup pressed to my lips.
The drink was warm and fragrant, tasted of mint and honey and camomile and took
away the nasty taste in my mouth. I wasn't about to open my eyes or sit up
again, but there was a sort of puzzle that wouldn't go away: where was I, and
indeed who was I? I couldn't remember a thing, so decided to think about
it later. . . .
When I opened my eyes
again the room was full of soft lamplight and shadows and I remembered who and
what I was, what had happened before, but I had no idea where I lay. My head
still hurt, but the pain was lessening. Putting up a languid hand I found a
cloth wound tight about my forehead, the rag cool and damp to my touch. The
last thing I recalled was riding at a giddy speed on the sled down the
mountain, of hitting some obstruction and flying through the air to hit my head
on something—it must have been quite a bump for me to feel like this.
Something moved up from
the foot of the bed, and a sloppy tongue and hacky breath announced the arrival
of my dog.
"Feelin' better?
Thought we'd lost you again we did; glad we didn'. Gawd, what a place this is!
All corridors, steps, passages . . . 'Nuff to turn a dog dizzy! Don't think
much of the nosh, neither. All pap, no gristle, nuffin' to get yer teeth into.
Still, most 'portant thing is you're back with us. I said to meself yesterday,
I said, if'n she don' wake up soon, I'm—"
"Can I speak? Can I
ask you a couple of questions?"
" 'Course. Ain't
stoppin' you am I? Now then, what d'you wanna know? Don' tell me, let me guess.
. . . Where is we? Well, I ain't ezackly sure. It's a sort o' temple, high up
in the mountains. Took us near a week to get 'ere, what with you bein'
unconscious an' all, but that big beast, 'e pulled the sled wiv you on it all
the way. 'Is lordship fancy pants weren't much use, 'e was all for stayin' in
the first village we come to but Ky-Lin 'e said no, you needed special
treatment and the best nursin'. Must say, though—"
"Where are Ky-Lin
and Dickon?"
"Well, 'is
lordship's next door, snorin' 'is 'ead orf, an' the lady what was tendin' you
'as gone fer a nap. Ain't seen much o' Ky-Lin, seein' 'e's special 'ere. 'E
comes an' checks on you, then back 'e goes to them monks. They seem to think a
lot o' 'im. 'E's the only one allowed inside their temple." He settled
down on the pillow next to me, had a good scratch, licked my ear and continued.
"This place, bein'
'arfway up a 'ill, is sorta built in layers. The temple and the monks' part,
they's at the top. This bit, the guests', is next down, then at the bottom is a
'uge courtyard, with goats 'n chickens 'n bees 'n things. All around is
workshops—they weave these blankets down there; must say they're the softest I
ever come acrost. Come from a goat wiv long hair what they combs. Cooking is
done down there, too, an' the washin'. . . . Well, then: look 'oose 'ere!"
and he jumped off the bed to greet Ky-Lin.
He seemed to have grown
larger and more splendid than ever. His hide and hooves shone with health, his
eyes were bright, his colors clear and vibrant. His plumed tail was truly
magnificent and his antennae curled and waved like weeds in a stream. Bending
over the bed he touched these latter to my head and immediately the dull ache
lessened. I flung my arms about his neck in greeting.
"I thought it was
you out there in the forest speaking to me—but then I believed I must have been
hearing things! How did you come back to us? When I left you on that altar I
was convinced you were—you were dead. Are you sure you are real?"
"Of course I'm
real, silly one! I never really went away. I was hurt, yes, but we soon heal. A
little rest, a word or two from my Master, and I was well enough to follow you.
I was sitting in the lining of your jacket most of the time, staying quiet
until you needed me."
I hugged him again.
"Thank you a million, million times! Thank you for saving us, for bringing
me here, for everything. Without you . . ." Words failed me. "But
there is just one thing I don't understand."
"And that is?"
"When—when I
thought you were dead . . ." I hesitated.
"Yes?" he
"I said a prayer
for you. I said to the Buddha that I thought you had already done enough to go
to your Heaven. Why didn't he listen?"
For the first time he
looked embarrassed. He looked away, he looked back, his eyes crossed, he shook
his head from side to side. Finally he mumbled something I couldn't catch.
"What did you
"I said . . . said
I was given a choice. My Lord was willing for me to go to rest with Him, or—go
back and see it through. I'm afraid that for me there was little choice."
"How wonderful of
you to choose the hard way!"
He raised a hoof, looked
even more abashed. "No, no, no praise! It was partly selfish. I told you
once before that I didn't think I would enjoy eternal peace and rest. Besides,
I have grown used to this whole big, imperfect world. I actually enjoy being in
it. I shouldn't, you know; it should be renounced, like anything
imperfect." His head bobbed again. "My Lord said I was a child still,
putting off the moment to go to bed."
The awkward silence was
luckily broken by the entrance of Dickon, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"What's all the
noise about? Oh, you're awake at last, Summer. Feeling better? What's the
matter? Why are you laughing?"
"What in the world
are you wearing?"
"A nightshirt.
What's so funny? You're wearing one too. . . ."
I had never seen him
look so ridiculous. The high-necked gray garment had short sleeves and was slit
down the sides, to end just below his knees, so that his thin, hairy shanks
poked out below it, and if he moved incautiously, one caught a glimpse of
dimpled backside.
Before I disgraced
myself by laughing too much and gave myself a second headache the nursing woman
bustled in, dismissing everyone except Growch—who retreated growling under the
bed—gave me a bitter draught, blew out all the lamps bar one, tucked me up
tight, and I had no alternative but to sink back again into a drugged sleep.
Three days later I was
well on the road to recovery. My headache was gone, the cloth on my head had
been removed, no more bitter draughts, and I was allowed out of bed to sit by
the fire. There was a washroom down the corridor and at last I could have a tub
of hot water to bathe in, although I had been sponged down while I was in bed.
Without asking, both Dickon
and I had been provided with new clothes, the sort the peasants wore: padded
jackets and trousers, with cotton drawers and undershirt and felt slippers.
The first thing I did,
after a really good wash, was to check that all my belongings were safe, although
Growch assured me that he had "guarded 'em with me life!" All was as
he said, though I was surprised to see how much the egg had grown. One evening
when Ky-Lin paid a visit, I asked about this.
"All the eggs I
have ever seen stay their laying size: it's the chick inside that grows, not
the shell. Why is this different?"
"The simple answer
is that I don't know, but then I've never had to deal with a dragon's egg
before. Obviously they don't behave like other eggs, but I can assure you that
there are live cells in there and I can hear them growing."
It was exciting,
awesome, and although I knew I should never see what was inside, I desperately
wanted to. "Can your antennae see inside?"
"If they could—and
I'm not going to try it—I wouldn't tell you. Some things are best left
alone." And with that answer I had to be content.
However he did reveal
something to me I hadn't suspected, perhaps to take my mind off the question of
the egg.
"Have you looked at
that piece of crystal lately?"
"The one the
captain's wife gave me? No, not recently."
"Then perhaps you
should take another look."
"Why not?"
I unwrapped it carefully
and laid it on the bed. "There's nothing special about it—oh!" Ky-Lin
had rolled it to the end where it caught the light, and now it was as though a
rainbow had entered the room. The lamps caught the glass in a hundred, a
thousand bands, strips and rays; red, crimson, scarlet, orange, yellow, green,
viridian, pine, cobalt, ultramarine, mauve, purple, violet—and colors in
between one could only guess at.
"Hold it up,"
said Ky-Lin. "Let it find the light it has been denied so long. . .
I was blinded by color;
it was the most wonderful jewel I had ever seen in my life. As I swung it
between my fingers the light flashed around the room ever faster, creating a
gem within a gem, and we were all patterned with color like strange
animals—even Ky-Lin's tail was dimmed.
"What is
"Whatever it is,
turn it orf!" said Growch. "You talk about your 'ead achin'. .
. ."
"It is only a
crystal," said Ky-Lin. "But beautifully cut. I've never seen a
better. Anyone would be delighted to own that."
I was reluctant to put
it away, like a child with a toy. I must try it again tomorrow. . . . Tomorrow?
Why was I wasting time like this?
"Ky-Lin . . . are
we in the right place? Is the Blue Mountain near? Is that really the place of
"Legend has it that
this is one of the few places on earth where dragons can still be found. The
Blue Mountain is a half-day's journey away."
"Then I must go
there. Now. Tomorrow." But if this was the place where my dragon-man had
headed for, why was it I had no sense of him being near? Surely my love was
strong enough to sense his presence, even over a half-day's journey. I couldn't
come this far to find I was wasting my time! "Tomorrow," I repeated
"You may go,"
said Ky-Lin, "when you are completely recovered. Not before. A week or
"But—but I want to
go now!"
"At the moment you
couldn't walk up a flight of steps, let alone climb a mountain. Come now, be
sensible! It has taken months to get so far: surely a few days more won't
change the world!"
"I shall be
perfectly recovered in far less time than that," I said firmly, although I
was fighting a rearguard action, and knew it.
"We shall
see," was all he said, but three days later he came for me. Not to climb
any mountains, but to speak to one of the monks, the Chief Historian and Keeper
of the Scrolls.
I followed him down a
narrow, twisting corridor, following the curve of the hill on which the
monastery was situated, narrow slit windows giving hair-raising glimpses of the
sheer drop below. Once I thought I caught sight of the Blue Mountain itself,
but couldn't be sure. Down some steps, up a lot more and then we found
ourselves in a small chamber, scarce six feet by six.
Facing us was an
intricately carved grille, decorated with red enamel and gold paint. Beside the
grille was a small brass gong and a shallow wooden bowl with a red leather
handle. The silence lay as thick as last year's dust.
"Strike the gong
once," whispered Ky-Lin. (It was a room for whispering). "Wait a
count of five and strike it twice, then once again."
"What is this—some
sort of secret society?"
"Each monk has his
own call; if you do it any differently you may get the Chief Architect, the
Cloth Master, the Master of Intercession or even the Reader of the Weather.
Every monk is trained to be an expert in one thing or another."
I wondered if there was
a Master of Sewers and Latrines. . . .
"Go on!"
I tiptoed to the gong—there
was no need; the stone muffled even our whispers—struck it once, then stepped
back hastily; it was far louder than I had expected.
"It won't
bite," said Ky-Lin.
I struck the gong twice
more, for a moment waited and struck it once again. As the last echoes died
away, the silence seemed thicker than ever. Then came a faint creak, the
distant sound of chanting, another creak, and the chant dying away. Another,
more comforting sound; the flap, flap of sandals, a wheezy breath, a cough.
Almost immediately a shadow formed behind the grille, a mere shift of light and
shadow, and a thin high voice asked a question.
Ky-Lin answered, then
turned to me. "If anyone knows of the dragons, he will. He has consented
to speak to you through me. He is not allowed to speak to a woman directly. I
will translate for you both. What is it you wish me to ask him?"
"Ask him how
recently there were dragons here?"
Apparently the answer
took some time, but eventually Ky-Lin translated. "He says it is unclear.
There has been certain activity reported around the Blue Mountain during the
last fifteen months, but these reports have not yet been substantiated."
"What sort of
"Strange lights,
odd noises, a smell of cinders, an unexplained grass fire," he translated.
"And has it always
been a tradition that dragons lived here?"
Apparently the records
of the monastery only went back the three hundred years since its inception. At
that time there was no direct mention of dragons, only a passing reference to
the fact that the locals believed the Blue Mountain was "haunted."
One hundred years later, when the monks had consolidated and had time on their
hands, there were several references to a "Blue Monster," which had
been reported many years back ravaging the crops in a particularly bad year for
harvest. This particular monster apparently flew in the sky and breathed flame
and smoke. There were no other sightings until another year of drought, when
the creature was apparently spotted "drinking a river dry." Another
time it was seen at night circling the valley, beating wings that "caused
a great draught to blow the roofs off several houses, and the populace to take
their children and hide them." Further sightings were reported over the
years, but nothing recent.
"Is there nothing
about dragons over the past two years?"
"He says not."
"Nothing at all out
of the ordinary? However unlikely it might seem?"
"The Master has
much patience, girl, but even I can see it is wearing a little thin. . . .
However, I am sure he will give us a recital of every unusual or unexplained
event that has come to his attention over the last couple of years, if I ask
Triplets, all of whom
survived; a two-headed calf that didn't; a fish caught in the river with
another fish in its belly; a plague of red ants; an albino child; another born
with a full set of teeth; a rogue tiger carrying off villagers in the foothills
to the north; rumors of a great battle to the east; the sudden appearance and
disappearance of a stranger borne on a great wind; death of the oldest monk at
the age of one hundred and twenty—
"Wait!" I
said. "The stranger: does he know any more?"
Ky-Lin made his query,
received his answer.
"Well?" I
asked, for a tiny hope had started to flutter in my breast and Ky-Lin was
looking puzzled.
"It seems . .
." He hesitated. "It seems all this happened in a village to the
north of here, many miles away, and a report was brought in by visiting monks.
There is doubt as to its authenticity as the only witnesses were children, yet
there is no doubt that some unnatural phenomenon took place, for damage was
done to buildings and many heard a strange noise. The children, a six-year-old
boy and his three-year-old sister, went out early one morning to relieve
themselves and suddenly there was a great wind and a man in a black cloak was
standing by them. The children said he looked angry with himself, but then he
laughed and spoke to them, but they don't remember what he said. They saw him
run off down the street, then came the fierce wind again and they thought they
saw a great bird in the sky."
I remembered a dark man
in a black cloak, a man with a hawk nose, piercing yellow eyes and a mouth that
could be either cruel or tender—
"That must have
been Jasper!" I said excitedly. "He had to spend part of his life in
human guise because I kissed him! Ask him—"
whatever—it was, it won't be there now," said Ky-Lin firmly. "And you
may have one more question and that's it. You are here on sufferance, remember?
Now, what do you want to ask?"
I thought for a moment.
"Ask him how long ago this took place."
"Do you have the
coins I asked you to bring?" I nodded. "Then when we receive our
answer, bow once, place the coins in that bowl and push it under the grille.
Then step back and bow again. The monks need the money, you needed the
information, and the bows are common courtesy here."
"What did he
say?" I pestered Ky-Lin as we walked back down the winding passage.
"He said that all
this took place sometime during the winter before last, but the exact month is
not known."
"But that means it
could have been my dragon-man! He left me at the Place of Stones at the
beginning of November and 'during the winter' could be anytime in the next four
"Patience! There is
absolutely nothing to indicate that he is here."
"But I've got to
find out! And if you won't take me to the Blue Mountain, I'll go alone!"
Chapter Twenty.Five
“The one thing Ky-Lins
can't do," said Ky-Lin firmly, "is fly. Ky-Lins can change their
size, their substance, their colors. They can run like the wind, go without
food and drink, speak any language. They can produce Sleepy Dust, firecrackers
and colored smoke. They also possess certain healing properties, but fly they
We were standing at the
foot of the so-called Blue Mountain. So-called because close to it didn't look
blue at all. It was a sort of blackish cindery gray, rising steeply from the
valley floor. Conical in shape, it was almost entirely bare of vegetation, and
I was quite ready to believe it was the core of an extinct volcano. It smelled
rather like the puff of air you sometimes get from a long-dead fireplace.
Ky-Lin had explained not
once but twice why it looked blue at a distance, but I had become more than a
little confused with the principles of distance, air, refraction (whatever that
was), and vapor.
"Well," said
Growch. "It's as plain as me nuts as we can't climb that. We ain't ruddy
Now Growch wasn't
supposed to be here at all. Three days after Ky-Lin had questioned the monk, he
had come to me suggesting we visit the Blue Mountain the very next day. "I
can carry you," he had said, "but even with what speed I can make it
will take several hours. I suggest, therefore, that we set off before light, in
order to be back before nightfall. I shall wake you when I am ready, and shall
ask one of the cooks to make you up a parcel of rice cakes and honey, and a
skin of water."
"Don' eat
'unny," said Growch. "You knows I don'. Bit o' cheese'll do. An' a
"You're not
coming," I said firmly. "This is my journey. After all," I added
placatingly, as his shaggy brows drew down in a dreadful frown, "this is
only a reconnaissance. I just want to know what's there."
"Never!" he
said. "Not never no-how. You ain't goin' nowhere without you take me.
You'd never 'ave got this far without me, and you knows it. Why d'you think I
left the comfort o' that merchant's 'ouse to go with you? Not to be left
behin', and that's flat! I bin with you since the day after yer Ma died an' you
left 'ome, ain't I? An' if'n you even tries to go without me I'll bark the
place down, that I will!"
Blackmail, that was what
it had come down to, so he had come too, and to my secret satisfaction had
hated every moment of Ky-Lin's erratic bounding from stone to rock to pebble,
as he had borne us on his back across the valley.
So had I, if it came to
that, but there's nothing like sharing one's woes, is there?
We had left well before
dawn, Dickon unaware and asleep, and were let out through the gates of the
courtyard by a half-awake porter. We had followed the twisting track down to
the village below, and once on level ground I had climbed on Ky-Lin's back,
taken Growch up in front of me and started the long journey across the valley
At first, along the
level bare tracks, it was easy, Ky-Lin skimming smooth and steady with scarce a
jolt to disturb us, but when the trail petered out we had a much more
adventurous journey. At first I couldn't understand why Ky-Lin was bounding
about like an overgrown and demented grasshopper, but then I remembered his
devotion to not even spoiling a blade of grass or errant ant. Obviously there
must have been many such in our path, for we jigged and jagged our way across
the plain till the breath was near knocked out of me.
"Sorry," said
Ky-Lin at one point. "It's not all (bounce) that easy (leap) by the last
light (swerve) of the (crunch) moon, but once the sun comes up (hop) it should
be better." Bump.
I sure hoped so.
It was a relief to us
all when we finally arrived at the foot of the mountain. Sliding off Ky-Lin's
back I collapsed on the ground, dropping Growch as I did so, and we spent the
next couple of minutes shaking ourselves together. We looked up at the
mountain; smooth rock all the way to the top, no bushes, shrubs, trees, grass
or foot- or hand-holds that I could see. Far, far above us was what could be a
ledge of some sort and a hole in the rock, but it was too high up to see
"Now what?"
said Ky-Lin, "and then I will scout around the base of the mountain."
He was gone about an
hour, and appeared from the opposite direction.
"What did you
"Better news, I
think. Around the other side, to the south where the sun shines strong, there
has been a certain amount of erosion over the years. The rocks are porous, and
I think there is a way up, a narrow way that follows a crack in the rock. Up
you get, and we'll take a look."
Perhaps because he had
been this way before, our ride this time was easier, and the other side of the
mountain provided a surprise. As Ky-Lin had said this side faced due south, and
perhaps because of this the lower slopes were covered with vegetation—young
pines and firs at the foot, and bushes, grass and scrub to about a third of the
way up before it reverted back to bare rock. There were also numerous cracks,
fissures and gullies worn away by rain, wind and sun.
I saw what I thought
were several promising paths, but Ky-Lin ignored all these and led us about
halfway round the southern side before stopping.
"Here we are: take
a look."
I couldn't see anything,
but Growch's eyes were sharper than mine.
"I sees it. Bit of
a scramble, then there's a crack as goes roun' like a pig's tail an' outa sight
roun' the other side."
"Does it go all the
way up to that ledge we saw?"
"Seems to,"
said Ky-Lin. "We'll have to try it. It's the only way I can see to get us
After the first
"scramble" as Growch had put it, which was a hands and knees job, the
first part of the narrow path seemed easy enough. We were gradually working our
way round to the westward, and when I looked down the first time the plain
still looked only a jump away, but by the time we were facing northwest it
looked a giddy mile away, although we could only have been a thousand feet up.
Now the path became more difficult. It narrowed, and some of the footholds were
crumbling away; at one point, when I paused for a moment's rest and gazed down
again, I felt so dizzy I had to shut my eyes and cling to the rock, too
paralyzed to move another step.
"C'mon, 'fraidy
cat!" It was Growch's ultimate insult. "If'n I can do it, so can
I chanced one open eye,
and there he was, perched on a rock some three feet above me. As I watched he
leapt down beside me and then up again.
"Up you
Then Ky-Lin was beside
me. "I told you not to look down. Come on, I'll give you a lift up to the
next bit. Don't let us down now, girl: there's only a short way to go."
And, incredibly, he was
right. With a leap of anticipation I saw the ledge we were heading for not a
hundred yards away, and five minutes later we were there.
It was obvious that the
ledge was part natural, part engineered. The natural rock jutted out like a
platform, perhaps six feet, but its inner side had been painstakingly excavated
to a depth of about ten feet further and smoothed down, making a natural stage
some fifteen feet deep and the same wide. Stage? What about a landing strip for
a dragon? Especially as, at the back, leading into the heart of the mountain
was a dark, yawning passage.
Suddenly the strange,
cindery smell was much stronger and I wanted to gag, so much so that I turned
away and looked across the plain to where the faraway mountains raised their
snowcapped heads. And with the sight came a scent from the distance, a hint of
snow, thyme, ice, pine, a perfume to dispel the one that had so disturbed me.
Ky-Lin lay down with a
sigh, hooves tucked under. "Well, we're here. Are you going in?"
I stared at him.
"Aren't you coming?"
He shook his head.
"Dragons are not—not within my commitments. It's like . . ." He
struggled for an explanation. "It's like two different elements. The
difference between a fish and a bird. Our boundaries just don't cross. I have
my magic, they have theirs."
I thought of flying
fish, of sea-diving eagles; for a moment at least they tried different
elements. But Ky-Lin was adamant.
"This is your
adventure, girl. I brought you here, I can take you back, but in there I cannot
help you."
For a moment I
hesitated. The passage looked dark and forbidding. I wished I had had the
forethought to bring some form of illumination. I looked at Growch.
"You coming?"
His ears were down, his
tail between his legs. " 'Course . . ." Not very convincing.
"Come on then: this
is what I came for."
"What you
came for! Orl right. Lead on. . . ."
But I didn't want to
either. I closed my eyes, just to remind myself why I was here. The maps had
shown a Blue Mountain, and I had no other lead to where my dragon-man had gone;
he was the reason I had travelled so many miles, to try and find the one who
had so roused my body and my heart to the realization that no one else but he
would do. A dragon-kiss, that was why I was here.
I tried to recall the
magic of that moment; the fear, the joy, the exhilaration of that moment nearly
two years ago, when I had tasted what love really meant—but like all memories
and the best dreams the edges were blunted by time, the sharpness rubbed off by
recollection. However, this was why I was here, so how could I fail at the last
moment, just because I was scared of a dark passage?
"You'll wait,
"Of course. Just
take it slow and easy. I don't believe there will be anything to fear except
I peered down the
tunnel. "It's very dark. . . ."
"You want a light?
You should have reminded me humans cannot see in the dark like us. Here, pluck
some hairs from the tip of my tail. Go on, it won't hurt you."
It might hurt him,
though. I chose a small handful and gave a gentle tug; it stayed where it was.
"It won't hurt me
either," said Ky-Lin. "As I say, I'm not a human."
I tugged harder and pop!—out
they came, immediately fusing together into a minitorch that burned with a
brilliant white light. I nearly dropped it.
"That won't hurt
you either," said Ky-Lin. "You can even put your finger in the flame.
It's really an illusion, like my firecrackers."
"How long will it
"As long as you
need it. Now, off you go: you're wasting time again."
Holding the torch high I
stepped into the tunnel, Growch's wet nose nudging my ankles. Now that we had a
light he didn't seem so reluctant. Step by step, my free hand against the
tunnel wall to keep me steady, I stumbled along—stumbled because the way was
littered with small stones, and even as we walked other stones and pebbles
detached themselves from the roof and walls to complicate our passage.
At first the tunnel—some
six feet wide—went straight, and if I glanced behind I could see the comforting
daylight behind me. Then it kinked sharply to the left, to the right and to the
left again, till the only light we had I held in my hand, except for a faint
illumination I could not trace to its source. It was very still; the air
smelled of rotten eggs and cinders, and it was strangely warm.
We seemed to have been
travelling into the heart of the mountain for what seemed ages but could only
have been a cautious five minutes, when suddenly the tunnel widened into a huge
cavern. It was so wide and high that, even with the brilliance of Ky-Lin's
torch, we couldn't see the roof or the far walls.
Two things I noticed at
once: both the smell and the heat were suddenly increased, and as far as the
latter was concerned it was like walking from winter into spring. The heat
seemed to be coming from somewhere beneath our feet, as a hearthstone will keep
the warmth long after the fire itself is out. It increased as we advanced further
into the cavern, until we were halted by a great fissure that stretched from
one side to the other, effectively blocking our way to the other side. It was
from this great crack that the heat and the smell came.
Cautiously I peered over
the edge, down into darkness so deep it was almost a color on its own. Up came
a waft of hot air; Ky-Lin had said this was the cone of an extinct volcano, but
there was certainly something down there still. No noise, however; no grumbling
and bubbling, so perhaps I was mistaken.
I stepped back and held
the torch as high as I could once more. It was like being in a huge cathedral,
ribs and buttresses of rock rearing up into shadow. On the other side of the
fissure, to add to the illusion, huge lumps of stone could well be mistaken for
effigies of long-dead knights. But giant knights these, in fact the shadows
thrown by the torch gave these effigies of stone less than human
characteristics: heads and claws and scaly backs.
"There's a sorta
bridge here," Growch grumbled. It wasn't the sort of place to be too
A thin arch of stone
spanned the chasm; perhaps a couple of feet wide, it looked both daunting and
insubstantial, and the thought of what might lie below was more than enough to
make me decide not to chance it. Besides, I persuaded myself, there was nothing
over there to look at, only misshapen lumps of rock and, now I noticed for the
first time, some irregularly spaced heaps of pebbles, the sort of heaps a child
might make while playing.
I felt terribly let
down. All that travelling, the building up of anticipation, the hard times, the
dangerous ones: was it all to lead to an empty, hot cavern scattered with
stones and smelling of cinders? And where, oh where was Jasper? Where was my
wonderful man-dragon? How could the maps, the legends, my own intuition, all be
so wrong?
In sudden frustration
and anguish I called out his name. "Jasper! Jasper! Where are you?"
but the echoes engendered by my voice magnified his name into a frightening
"Boom! boom! boom!" that bounced off the rocks, hissing on the
sibilant, popping on the plosive, till I felt as if I had been hurled headlong
into a thunderstorm.
Terrified, I clapped my
hands to my ears, dropping the torch, but to add to the din Growch started
yelping in fear and the noise was so dreadful it almost seemed as if the stones
themselves were adding to the clamor. To add to the confusion the fallen torch
was now pointing directly across at the misshapen rocks and I definitely saw
one move—
That did it. I snatched
up the torch, and with one accord Growch and I headed for the tunnel and fled
as if the Devil himself were after us, never mind stones and stumbles, emerging
out onto the ledge again with a speed that nearly had us over the edge.
"Well," asked
Ky-Lin, comfortingly matter-of-fact. "Was it worth the climb?"
Out it all came, my
disappointment, the way we had almost scared ourselves to death, the sheer
empty futility of it all.
"I had thought it
would be so different," I finished miserably. "Just great big rocks
and heaps of pebbles."
"What did you
expect?" he asked mildly. "A welcoming committee? Besides, rocks are
rocks are rocks, you know. . . ."
I could have done
without his homespun philosophy right then, especially as I didn't understand
what he was getting at, and nearly told him so. Instead we wended our way down
the mountain again and endured another bumpy ride, and it was well past dark
when we arrived back at the monastery.
And the last person in
the world I wanted to face was Dickon, but there he was, near hysterical.
"Where the hell do
you think you've been? You've been missing all day! What on earth time is this
to return?"
"Oh shut up,
Dickon," I said wearily. I was exhausted, bumped, bruised, fed up and near
to tears. "I'm tired. I want a bath and I want to go to bed. I'll tell you
all about it in the morning."
"I know what it is:
you went off on your own to find the treasure!"
"How many times do
I have to tell you?" I yelled back. "There is no bloody treasure!
There never was!"
"Oh, yes?" he
sneered. "That's what you keep on saying, isn't it? Well, let me tell you
this; nothing you say will ever convince me that you dragged us all this way
for nothing—"
"Us? You mean
you! Who dragged you? You insisted on coming. Each time we
tried to go on alone, you insisted on following. You left the
caravan to follow us, you travelled up the Silk River to find us, you
tracked us across the bog—"
He evaded that.
"But where did you go today, then?"
"Look," I
said. "If you will leave me in peace right now, I have already told you
I'll explain it all in the morning."
"I said so."
"I can trust
"It's your only
choice." I shrugged. "If you believe I am going to lie, I can do it
as well now as tomorrow. Think about it. Goodnight."
But even after a welcome
soak and a bowl of chicken and egg soup, and a bed that welcomed like coming
home, I could not sleep. I nodded off for an hour or so, then woke to toss and
turn. I was too hot, too cold, itchy, uncomfortable. The longer I tried to
sleep, the worse it became. I dozed again, with dream-starts that melted one
into another. One moment the once-fat Summer fled an imagined horror, the next
a huge moon was shining too bright on my face; now great bats chased across the
sky, their wings obscuring the same moon. I woke fretful and pushed a too-heavy
Growch away. I rolled down a steep mountain to escape the pursuing flames, a
sudden wind rattled the shutters and I opened my eyes to see the oil lamp
guttering. It must have been about three in the morning.
Growch stretched and
yawned. "You goin' ter tell 'im where we went?"
"What choice have
I? And what does it matter anyway?"
And I burst into useless
Chapter Twenty.Six
About two hours later I
had had enough. Although it was still full dark I disturbed Growch again as I
flung aside the blankets, donned my father's cloak and stepped outside onto the
narrow balcony that served both my room and Dickon's.
Although it was October,
the night was still comparatively warm and the stone of the balustrade under my
fingers was no colder than the air. Below was a set of steps leading down to a
small, ornamental garden, no bigger than ten feet by ten, facing south. I had
sat there during the day a couple of times, on one of the two stone benches,
amid pots of exotic plants, ivies, and those tiny stunted trees so beloved by
the people of this land. Pines, firs, even cherry trees were bound and twisted
into grotesque shapes no higher than my hand, yet it is said that they were as
much as one hundred years old!
I wondered vaguely if it
hurt them to be twisted so unnaturally, and whether it would be a kindness to
dig them all up secretly and replant them in the freedom of unrestricted soil
many miles away. Or were they so used to their pot-bound existence that they
would perish without special nurturing?
The stars had nearly all
gone to bed, those left pale with tiredness, but the waxing moon still held a
sullen glow as it balanced on the tips of the faraway mountains. It was the
color of watered blood, the warts and scars of its face showing up like plague
spots. A faint breeze touched my cheek; false dawn would come with the going
down of the moon. As I watched I could almost imagine it starting to slide down
out of sight. My breathing slowed: I was in tune with the speed of the heavens.
Then, just as the jaws
of the mountains gaped to swallow the moon, there came a lightening of the sky
in the east. False dawn had turned everything dark gray, and somewhere a sleepy
bird woke for an instant, tried a trill and fell silent once more.
And suddenly, like a
stifling blanket being pulled off my head, came a lifting of both mind and
spirit. I felt so different I could have cried out with the relief. But what
had brought all this about? I gazed around at the fading stars, the sinking
moon, a lightening in the sky to the east—no, it was none of these.
Then I looked back at
the nearly gone moon and realized there was something different about the marks
on its face. It was there, then it disappeared. I rubbed my eyes, but when I
looked again the moon had slid away and so had the strange mark I thought—I
imagined?—I had seen.
I wouldn't, couldn't
allow hope to rise once more, only to be dashed. And yet . . .
I went back to bed and
slept until midday.
And so, in the afternoon
when Dickon again tried to question me about yesterday's activities I told him
what we had done almost indifferently, as though it didn't really matter
anymore. And at that moment it didn't.
"So you see we just
went to look at the place the legends say the dragons live in, but after all
that there was nothing there; nothing except an extinct volcano and heaps of
rocks and stones, that is."
"Why didn't you let
me come?"
"Ky-Lin carried us:
he couldn't have managed you as well."
"I should like to
have seen it. There might have been something you missed."
"Go see for
yourself, then," I said recklessly, and described how he could climb up to
the cavern. "But I tell you, it's a waste of time!"
"Then if there was
nothing, and you didn't find this friend you told me about, why don't you just
pack up now and go back to your tame merchant boyfriend?"
"Here's as good a
place as any to overwinter."
"What about
I shrugged. "I
offered you some once. I still have it. I might even do a little trading
myself. And you: what are you going to do with yourself now your journey is
He looked aghast.
"But—I understood we were together in this! I haven't come all this way
just to be cast aside like an odd glove. I've got no capital! If you decide to
trade, we trade together. What do you really know about buying and selling?
Why, you can't even communicate with these people without that colored freak at
your heels. . . ." He had always been jealous of Ky-Lin. "At least I
have been learning the language in my spare time. You wouldn't last five
minutes without me and you know it!"
"Well I shall have
to try, shan't I? Don't worry, I shall manage. I shall stay around here for a
while, and I shall stay alone. Apart from Growch, of course."
I felt mean, but somehow
knew I had to shed him. I knew I had to be on my own, that whatever pass I had
come to in my life, whatever awaited me, I had to meet it alone, free of the
threat that someone like Dickon posed. No, not "someone like": it was
the person himself I had to be free of. He had always made me feel uneasy, that
was why I had tried so hard so many times to go ahead without him. And had
failed. He was not evil, most people would just see him as a nuisance, and
wonder why I had tried so hard to be rid of him. I couldn't explain it, even
now: it was just something that was part of him that one day would do me great
hurt, of that I was sure. It was nothing of which he was aware either, just as
a straight man will not glance back to see he has a crooked shadow. . . .
I made one last try.
"My offer of the
money still stands." I'd manage somehow.
"You can keep your
ten pieces of gold—or were they thirty pieces of silver?" And he slammed
out; as a parting shot it wasn't bad at all.
For the next hour I made
a full inventory of my possessions. It was time I moved from the monastery, now
I was fully recovered. I would try to rent a couple of rooms in the village
below, rather than presume too much on the hospitality of the monks.
There wasn't much to
take with me. A few well-worn clothes, sewing kit, leather for patching,
monthly cloths, comb; my journal, writing materials and maps; a cooking pot,
spoons, mug, and sharp knife; a bag or two of herbs. With a blanket to wrap it
all in and my father's cloak, that was about it. Except, of course, for my
money belt, in which I still had a little coinage from our performing days,
Suleiman's gold, and the assorted coins from my father's dowry to me.
Lastly there were my
special treasures: the Waystone, the beautiful crystal gem and, last but first
as well, the dragon's egg. I took it out now and looked at it: even since the
last time I had done this it seemed to have grown. I cradled it in my hands,
marvelling at its perfect symmetry and the way the light caught the speckles
that glinted like granite on its surface. I remembered what both my long-ago
Wimperling and Ky-Lin had said about the hundred years or so of incubation it
needed before hatching, and was sad I should never see what it contained; I
should have to find a suitable place to leave it soon, for it needed quiet and
rest, to develop as it should.
There were three or four
hours to go until dark, so Growch and I hitched a ride taking woollen cloth
from the monastery down to the village, but we hadn't gone far down the narrow,
twisty track when Growch announced that we were being followed.
"Who is it?" I
asked, peering back up the track. I could see nothing.
" 'Is lordship. 'Oo
"Hell and
damnation! Why can't he leave us alone?"
"Wanna lose
"Of course."
"Then when we gets
to the first 'ouses, jump off quick an' follow me, sharpish."
Once on foot, I realized
just how well Growch had used his time when he was off "exploring,"
as he put it. No doubt he had been in search of his "fluffy bums,"
but he had learnt the village like a cartographer.
He led me a swift left
turn down a side alley, turned right into a courtyard and straight out again
through someone's (luckily unoccupied) kitchen, across another street, into a
laundry and out again, ducking under wet clothes; two sharp lefts, three rights
and then helter-skelter up some steps, down others and into a stuffy little
room, greasy with the smell of frying pork and chicken.
Growch trotted up to the
cook, who had obviously met him before, because he aimed a halfhearted blow
with his skillet, then fished out a pig's foot.
"C'mon," said
Growch through the gristle. "Out the back."
This led out onto a
street where the unoccupied ladies of the town held their nightly
"entertainments." Everything was now closed, shuttered and barred,
and backed out onto some unattractive garbage heaps, but I could hear awakening
chatter behind the closed doors. Growch went over to inspect the rubbish, but I
called him sharply back.
"That's enough!
You'll be sick. . . ."
" 'Ow often you
seen me sick?" It was a rhetorical question, and he knew it.
"Where now?" I
asked, changing the subject.
" 'E's a'ead o' us
now. Let's see what 'e's up to. I'll scout, you follow close."
So we crept along the
irregular streets, stepping in and out of afternoon-going-on-evening shadows,
passing the elderly taking patches of sun, children playing primitive games
with colored squares of baked clay, or chasing each other in the eternal game
of tag. I ducked under lines of washing, stepped around rubbish, avoided the
throwing out of slops. There seemed no system or plan to the village; it had
just grown. Every now and then we passed through little squares, apparently
there just because the houses had been built facing one another. Several lanes
led nowhere.
Suddenly I heard
Dickon's voice. He seemed to be involved in some sort of altercation and,
rounding a corner, there he was, arguing with a couple of villagers over a
tatty-looking horse. From the look of it he wanted to "borrow" the
horse against future payment, but they were having none of it.
I ducked back into the
shadows, but he had seen me. All that rushing around with Growch for nothing,
but perhaps after all it had only been an excuse on the dog's part to pick up a
snack or two. He wouldn't admit it if it was.
"Hey, Summer! Come
here a minute. . . ." Dickon led me aside. "Look here. I've been
thinking about what you said earlier: the parting of the ways and all that
stuff. Well, I've decided to do something about it." He stood back and
folded his arms. "I think it would be best if I took off for a few days,
before the winter sets in. I could travel between the villages, see what
opportunities there are for trade, check on what goods they are short of, that
sort of thing. What do they import now? Rice, salt, oil, metals; those are
taken care of, but there must be other commodities they could do with. Why, if
I sat down and worked it all out I bet I could do substantial undercutting of
the other traders."
commendable," I said. Why was it I didn't believe him?
"Well, what do you
say? I was just bargaining with these fellows for the loan of their horse for a
few days, but they obviously want cash down. Now, if you want me to make a life
of my own—if you still insist you don't want to come in with me, which is the
most sensible thing to do, let's face it—then you can't deny me this chance. I
just need a few coins to hire the horse and kit myself out—"
"How much?" At
least it meant he would be out from under my feet for a few days.
He named a sum, but I
shook my head. "Too much. I'll talk to them, or try to. . . ."
"No, no, no. No
need. I'll do my own bargaining. Probably bring them down by half . . ."
Which meant he had been
trying to con me out of some extra for himself. Apparently the men were
satisfied with his revised offer, and I paid out a few coins from my money belt
after they had shown us where the horse was stabled and included the hire of
saddle and bridle.
We started back up the
steep track to the monastery together, hoping for a lift on the way, but quite
prepared to walk, though Growch would grumble long before the top.
"I suppose you were
in the village looking for lodgings," said Dickon carelessly, when we had
walked for about five minutes. "Any luck?"
"Not yet," I
answered, equally carelessly. "Plenty of time."
"Oh. Yes, of
course. Well you might as well wait now until I get back and I can give you a
hand shifting your gear."
"There's not much
to carry. Anyway, Ky-Lin can help me."
"He can do the
bargaining. Don't worry, just take your time. I'll be fine."
He hesitated. "In
that case—I'll need a bit more money. For provisions."
I gave him a couple of
coins. "That should be enough for some cooked rice and dried fruit."
He inspected the coins.
"Not very generous, are you?"
"We've managed on
Just then we heard the
rattle of the little wagon that carried goat milk down from the monastery twice
a day coming up behind us, so we rode the rest of the way.
That he was determined
on going somewhere there was no doubt; that night he was packed up well before
bedtime, and had already arranged a lift down to the village before cockcrow.
Once again I couldn't
sleep. Once again I went out onto the balcony, once again gazed out at the
waxing moon. Had it been just my imagination that had showed me a fleeting
shadow across that glowing surface? Was my sudden change of spirits due to no
more than an illusion? And then, just as the moon touched the tip of the
mountains I saw it again! No bigger than a distant leaf in autumn, it drifted
across the face of the moon. I was almost certain now. Almost . . .
My heart thudding, not
even bothering to throw a cloak over the nightshirt I wore, I ran down to the
little garden below, my hands grasping the balustrade so hard they hurt. But
there was nothing there, nothing.
Nothing other than the
whisper of air across my cheek as though great wings were beating far above.
I waited and waited, but
it seemed that was that. Despondently I trailed back to bed, and was just
dozing off when there came a sudden rattling crash. It seemed to come from the
direction of Dickon's room. He wasn't sleepwalking, was he? Or perhaps he had
decided to get up extra early so as not to miss his lift to the village. Once
again I hurried out onto the balcony; now the noise appeared to be coming from
the little garden. The stupid boy hadn't fallen down the steps, had he?
"What the devil do
you think you are doing, Dickon? Some of us are trying to sleep. . . ."
"Some of us can't
sleep," came a voice from below. "And who the hell is Dickon? Not
that stupid boy who stole your money all that long time ago, surely?"
Chapter Twenty.Seven
“Wimperling!" I
called out joyously.
But no, it wasn't my
little winged pig, the one who had flown me to safety all that long time ago,
because he wasn't a pig at all, was he? He had almost broken my heart when he
had burst to smithereens at my third kiss and left only a tiny piece of
shrivelled hide that even now I wore in the pouch around my neck.
"Summer? Somerdai .
. . my Talitha. Come here, my dear. Let me see you!"
A man, a tall man
dressed in the colors of the night, was leaning on the balustrade in the little
garden. I knew who it was although I couldn't see his face, of course I did,
but was I still asleep and dreaming?
"Come on down! It's
been a long time. . . ."
And many, many wearisome
miles. Heat, cold, exhaustion, near starvation, danger; and my imaginings of it
had not been at all like this, a hidden-faced stranger who lolled against a
balustrade and called my name as though we had only parted yesterday. The
memory that had sustained me had been of a snatched embrace, a burning kiss, a
wrenching away. Quick, violent, fraught with emotion for both of us.
"Do I have to come
up there and fetch you?" It wasn't a soft, warm voice like my blind knight
had used in his seducing mood, nor the comfortable town-burr of the merchant,
Matthew Spicer; it had a harsh, nasal quality, a sort of scraping reluctance
for the words to form. A disturbing voice, a compelling one, but not
necessarily a very nice one.
"No," I said.
"I'm coming down."
And slowly, almost
reluctantly, I moved down the steps till I stood on the bottom one, clutching
the neck of my nightshirt as if it could be the one gesture that kept me from
being stripped naked.
thinner," said the voice. "And your hair is shorter. But your eyes
are just the same; great big wondering eyes, mirrors of your soul. Why don't you
come nearer? Are you afraid?"
"I—I don't know. I
don't remember . . . I didn't think—"
"If you don't know,
remember, think—then why are you here?" The voice was gentler now, as if
it was getting more used to human speech, and there was even a hint of amused
tenderness. "And why don't you use my human name?"
Jasper. Master of Many
Treasures. The dragon-man, man-dragon I had travelled half the known world to
find. And yet I couldn't even use his name. Why? I was frightened, shy, now
uncertain of those feelings I had been so certain of before. Or thought I had.
Even while I cursed myself for my stupidity I could feel the tears welling up
in my eyes, spilling down my cheeks, blurring my vision, till the figure before
me wavered and dissolved.
Something touched my
face, and the corner of a cloak caught the tears as they fell, absorbed them as
they coursed down my cheeks, wiped my nose.
"Blow . . . That's
better! Am I so terrifying? Why you're trembling. . . . Here, wrap my cloak
around you. There, isn't that better?"
As he was still wearing
the cloak himself—yes, it was. Suddenly, very much better. But he didn't press
it; he had one arm round my shoulders now and with the other hand he lifted my
chin, but we were still inches away from a proper embrace. Physically, that is;
emotionally, as far as he was concerned, I could see it was miles.
"Open your eyes:
look at me! I don't bite."
"Dragons do,"
I said, still feebly resisting the temptations of his sudden nearness.
"I'm not a dragon
all the time. I've learnt a lot in the time we've been apart, including how to
keep my two selves separate—usually. I make mistakes, of course—and I still
find it difficult to land on narrow balconies at night, as no doubt you heard.
. . ."
"Have you been a
dragon all the time till now?"
"Mostly, but not
all. So now I am owed a little man-time."
"Three months in
every year," I said, remembering.
"And all because
you kissed a rather ugly little pig three times—"
"You weren't ugly!
I mean the Wimperling wasn't! You—he—wasn't exactly beautiful, I suppose, but
very endearing."
"More than me, I
suppose! Perhaps I'd better reverse the process."
"You can't, can
you?" Forgetting to be shy I opened my eyes properly and looked up at him.
It wasn't fair: I had
forgotten just how handsome he was. The dim light threw half his face into
darkness, but the dark, frowning brows, yellow eyes set slightly aslant,
strong, hooked nose and the wide mouth that could express both harshness or
humor, strength or tenderness, they were quite clear. Tentatively I raised my
fingers to the hand that cradled my chin; two years ago it had been cold, with
the traces of scales still evident, but now it was warm and smooth.
"Remember me?"
He was teasing.
"Of course I do,
but—" I lifted a finger to trace the thin line of moustache, the short
hairs along his jawline. "You're not quite the same."
"Neither are you,
my dear. You've grown up." He tipped my chin higher. "There are great
shadows under your eyes, your mouth is firmer, you are much slimmer. . . . Was
it bad, your journey? No, don't tell me now," and his mouth brushed mine
so gently it was come and gone like the touch of a moth's wing. "We have
plenty of time to talk." His lips met mine again, lingering there longer,
exerted a stronger pressure. "I can't tell you how nice it is to see you
again. And what a surprise!" The next kiss still teased, though it was
more like a proper one. "You know something, my little Talitha? You are
practically irresistible! Tell me something; how did you manage to end up here,
of all places in the world to choose from?"
For a moment the meaning
of what he had said didn't sink in, but when it did I pushed away from him and
stood there, bewildered. His question meant that he didn't realize that I had
come all this way just to seek him out; he didn't know how much I loved him.
How could I now betray my foolish hopes, my enduring love, to someone who
obviously thought of me just as a temporary plaything?
The hot blood rushed to
my cheeks and I was about to cover my shame and confusion by muttering
something utterly inane like "looking for treasure," when I was saved
from making a fool of myself by glimpsing a sudden flash of white on the
balcony above.
I tugged at Jasper's
sleeve. "Quick, you must go! Dickon—yes, the same one—is up there on the balcony,
and he mustn't see you!"
"Then I shall come
again tomorrow night. Earlier."
"He's away this
morning for a few days—"
"Good." He
leapt up on the balustrade. "Tomorrow. Midnight . . ." He paused for
a moment, then plunged over the edge.
My genuine cry of fright
was echoed by a yell from Dickon above. I rushed over to the void,
terror-stricken, my heart in my mouth, then I heard the crack! of
opening wings and saw my man-dragon soar away into the darkness.
Dickon, who had seen
nothing of this, joined me at the balustrade. "Who was it? What happened?
Where did he go?"
I was still trembling,
though he didn't notice this, and I tried to keep the shakes from my voice as I
"I've no idea. A
thief, a voyeur? I heard a noise, got up and came down here. I tried to talk to
him, find out what he was doing—" how long had he been listening?
"—but when he saw you he jumped down to the rocks below." I leant
over the edge. "There's no sign of him now."
"You must be more
careful! Are you sure that money of yours is safe? Bar your door and your
windows. Get that lazy dog of yours to stand guard out here at night." He
seemed genuinely worried, though whether it was me or my money he was more
bothered about it was difficult to say. "Promise me you won't do anything—foolish—while
I am away?"
No, I wouldn't do
anything foolish. I had done enough of that already, including coming here in
the first place, following an impossible dream.
"I promise," I
said. "I shall be here when you return, safe and sound. And—" the
thought coming to me unbidden and forcing itself into speech "—and I may
change my mind about staying here after all."
"You mean . . . go
back to the merchant?" He sounded incredulous. Then, suddenly, suspicious.
"You have found what you seek, then?" I could almost see the picture
of a heap of treasure in his mind, followed by the thought: where has she
hidden it?
"Why not? There I
was safe and secure. A good marriage . . ." I shrugged. "Or I could
still go into trade somewhere else. It's not entirely a man's world, you know;
there are women physicians, builders, painters, herbalists, farmers, metal
workers, writers. . . . And now I'm going back to bed. Have a good
It was a relief to be
rid of him, but unfortunately this also gave me too much time to think. Over
and over again I reviewed in my mind Jasper's visit, what he had looked like,
what he said, and, more important, what he didn't. I had been stupid, shy, tearful,
but he had been—different. I suppose it was ridiculous of me to suppose we
could pick up just where we had left off over two years ago, for that had been
a moment of such high intensity it could not be repeated, but I had expected
him to understand why I had travelled all this way to see him again.
Instead he was treating
me with an amused tenderness, just as you would a particular pet, indulging my
tears and stupid behavior. But hadn't he said I was now grown-up, too? And did
he truly not know why I was here? Long, long ago he had warned me against
loving him: was this because he knew he was incapable of such emotion? Or was
it that he no longer found me attractive?
Had my journey been in
vain, then?
I'd be damned if it had!
My pride wouldn't let me just creep away without a fight. I hadn't come all
this way to be brushed aside. As for being attractive—well, just let him wait
and see!
Off I went down to the
village and when I returned spent the rest of the day with scissors, needle and
thread, warm water, the opening of this jar, that bottle.
Ky-Lin visited me at
around six. I hadn't seen him for days, but it seemed he knew, somehow, of
Jasper's visit.
"Was it how you
imagined it, girl? Was it worth all the journeying?" He looked around at
my preparations. "You know, I remember something my Master used to say to
his disciples: 'Be careful on what you set your heart, for it may just be you
achieve your desire.' "
I didn't understand;
surely to get what you wanted was the ultimate goal.
He looked at me steadily,
his plumed tail swishing gently from side to side. "You will understand
someday, I think." I had never seen him look so sad. "Do not forget I
am still here to help you, if you need me."
At last I heard the
monks chanting their evening prayers, the dissonance of their softly struck
bells. Soon it would be midnight. I slipped the green silk gown I had made that
afternoon over my head. There was no mirror of course, but it felt good, the
dress swirling round me in soft, loose folds, as it did so catching the perfume
of sandalwood oil I had used in my bathing water. On my feet were a pair of
green felt slippers I had hastily cobbled once the dress was finished, and I
had a green ribbon in my hair.
I had told Growch whom I
was expecting and asked him to please not interrupt our meeting.
"Din' last night,
did I? You goin' to do naughties tonight, like the first time you met?"
Ridiculously I felt
myself blushing: fancy being embarrassed by a dog! "None of your business
what I'm going to do!"
"You looks
nice," he said unexpectedly. "Quite the lady . . ."
Probably I was now
wearing the most beautiful dress I had ever possessed, and after what Growch
had said, I wished, I wished I had a mirror. It would be nice to see a
beautiful Summer, just for once, especially as I had spent so much of my life
as a plain, fat girl nobody looked at twice.
I left a lamp burning in
my room, took the lantern from Dickon's room and set it on the balcony. Tonight
was overcast, the moon hidden behind a scud of cloud. There was a sudden sound
behind me: only a moth, banging helplessly against the oiled paper of the
lantern. I brushed it aside, although the flame was well shielded.
Suddenly it was cold; a
chill wind came rushing from the snowcapped mountains to the north and whirled
around me: my skin shivered into goosebumps and the breeze lifted the hair on
my head into tangles. Winter was giving its warning—or was it something else
that made me think of a dying end?
The wind ceased as
suddenly as it had risen, the clouds parted and the moon shone clear and
bright. I twisted the ring on my finger—strange, it seemed much looser; perhaps
I was losing too much weight—but it was warm and comforting, and I pushed any
dark thoughts from my mind as a shadow flicked across the edge of my sight and
swooped away beneath.
I ran down the steps to
the little garden and there, just climbing over the edge, was my man-dragon,
his cloak flapping behind him like wings. He stopped when he saw me, one foot
still on the balustrade.
"My, what have we
here, then? A strange fair lady!"
"Wha—what do you
"To what do I owe
this honor, beauteous maid?" Stepping down, he gave me a bow, his hand on
his heart. "I swear you are the very vision of loveliness. . . ."
For a moment I truly
believed he didn't recognize me, then he laughed, came forward, and took my
"You look
absolutely wonderful, Talitha! I wouldn't have believed it possible!" Did
it depend so much on the clothes I wore, I wondered? "Of course you are
beautiful anyway, always were, but that dress frames your loveliness perfectly!
Did you make it especially for me?"
"Of course
not!" I lied too quickly. (Never let a man think you've tarted yourself up
just for him, Mama used to say. They are big-headed enough as it is. A little
disarray is perfectly acceptable.) "It's just something I had put
He turned over my right
hand, brushing his thumb across my index finger. "With fresh needle marks?
You're not a good liar, my dear—no, don't be angry. I am deeply honored,
believe me," and he sang a little song I used to be familiar with in my
own country.
"Silver ribbons in your hair, lady;
"Golden shoon upon your feet.
"Crimson silk to clothe you, lady:
"And a kiss your knight to greet!"
Only he changed all the
colors to "green," and I got a kiss at the end of it, a proper one
this time.
In an instant my arms
went around his neck and my body curved into his, so you couldn't have passed a
silken thread between us. I felt as though I was melting, fusing with him until
we were metal of the same mold. I couldn't breathe or think, all I could do was
Then at once everything
changed. Suddenly I was standing alone, scarcely able to keep my feet for the
trembling in my limbs, shaking with a frustration I had no words for, an ache
that came from the deepest parts of my body.
All I could say was:
"Why?" and I didn't even realize I had spoken out loud.
"No," he said.
"No, my very dear one, no."
I didn't understand.
"What's wrong? What have I done?"
"Done? Nothing,
nothing at all. But we can't let this happen again. It was bad enough last
time, against all the laws of nature, and I was the one who let it happen. No,
now don't cry. . . ." He came forward and held my hands again. "Remember
this: we are different, you and I. You are human, through and through, and
nothing but. I am three-quarters, nay more, of a completely different creature.
Normally I have a different form, different morals, different view of life,
different future. There is no way, absolutely none, in which we could ever have
a future together, even for a few days, and anything less wouldn't be fair to
you. Don't you understand?"
"What about the
quarter that isn't dragon? What about the times when you are 'He who Scrapes
the Clouds' or whatever is your dragon name? What about the man who stands
before me now? What happens to Jasper?"
"Jasper," he
said, "may be the Master of Many Treasures, but not of his own soul—if he
has one, that is. He is ruled by his larger part and that is dragon; he is
subject to dragon rule and dragon law. He may make no important decisions
contrary to those that are already laid down, unless it is first referred to
the Council for consideration. And unless this Jasper is a Master Dragon, which
he is not, then there is no hope of changing the laws or of making any appeal
against them. . . ." He was speaking in a dull, monotonous way, like a
priest bored with the service.
I tried to humor him.
"What is the difference between an ordinary dragon and a master?"
"Treasure. The
gathering of enough to satisfy the Council. The last master brought five great
jewels, still much admired. An emerald from a rainforest on the other side of
the world, a sapphire from an island in the warm seas, a diamond from the mines
of the southern desert, a ruby from a temple of the infidel, and a priceless
freshwater pearl from the Islands of Mist."
"How long ago was
"Some five hundred
I gasped. So long ago!
"Then how long can a dragon live? And what is the Council?"
"A fit dragon can
live for a thousand years, perhaps more. Once there were hundreds, all over the
world, together with other similar creatures of all sorts, shapes and sizes.
Now their bones lie scattered, for our legends say that a disaster came from
the sky, a great ball of fire that brought with it a breath of death that
destroyed millions of creatures, the dragons among them. Some survived, but
very few, and those only in the high mountains, where the contamination
couldn't reach them. Other pockets of safety conserved other creatures, mainly
small ones: lizards, tortoises, lemurs. Then the world gradually changed,
mammals growing strong at the expense of the dragon." He glanced at my
indignant face. "That is what our legends say; yours are probably rather
"God created the
world," I said stiffly. "And Adam and Eve came before dragons. I
think. If He ever created them; some say they come from the Devil."
"Who's he?"
He didn't know?
"And in any case I don't think Noah would have been able to cope with a pair
of dragons in his Ark. It must have been difficult enough putting lions and
sheep with rats and camels. . . ."
He was laughing now.
"Oh Summer-Talitha, you take things so seriously, so literally!"
I was so happy to see
him back to normal, as it were, that I couldn't take offense. I knew what was
right, so what the dragons believed in didn't matter. "And the
Council?" I prompted.
"All the Master
Dragons who survive, eleven in all."
"And where is the
"You've seen
"I have?"
"Of course!" He
smiled again. "Let us say they saw you, and the dog. They told me
"The Blue
"But there was
nothing there—except rocks and stones and pebbles and dust and a nasty
"Rocks and pebbles?
Are you sure?"
I remembered something
Ky-Lin had said: "Rocks are rocks are rocks, you know. . . ."
"You mean—the
cavern was full of dragons? The rocks . . ."
"And the
"Treasure. Heaps of
So Dickon had been right
after all! There had been a fabulous treasure waiting at the end of our
journey. . . .
I was silent for a
moment. "How do they hide—look like rocks?"
"A mist of
illusion. Easy stuff."
"But don't you
think it's an awful waste having all that treasure just sitting there doing
"It's very pretty.
A delight to run between one's claws, to taste with one's tongue. Did you know
all jewels taste different? Like bonbons do to humans . . . Myself, I prefer
the tang of a fire opal."
I thought he might be
joking, but a glance told me he wasn't.
"I still think it's
a waste."
"Why? What about
all those kings and princes, merchants and misers who do precisely the same
thing? They have rooms full of treasure that never see the light of day. What
about those who bury treasure so it is lost forever? What about those vandals
that actually destroy what you would call treasure, just for the joy of it? Why
should a few ageing dragons be denied their simple pleasures? Which is worse:
to steal a jewel every now and again, or to take lives in the name of religion,
or whatever?"
"But dragons eat
people, too!" I remembered the tales of my childhood; beautiful damsels
chained to rocks, children offered up, young men stripped naked to fight with a
wooden sword a battle they could not hope to win.
"Perhaps some did,
once. There were many more of us then. Now we eat seldom, and then only to fuel
our fires, speed our wings. And there are not many of us left who undertake
journeys of any distance."
"Most of them are
too old, some well over the thousand-year norm. All they want is a little heat,
a little sleep, and their memories. They are great tale-tellers. To them the
puny adventures and battles and wars of humankind are like a breath, soon
I wondered. Sometimes he
spoke of "us," sometimes of "them." Was this because of the
life he was forced to lead? A quarter man, three-quarters dragon? I must try
and keep him thinking of dragons as "them," and concentrate on making
him feel like a man.
"Well, waste or no,
I didn't come all this way for treasure," I said, choosing my words
"Why, then?"
He released my hands and slipped an arm about my waist. "Adventure?
No, Love, you great
idiot! I thought, but of course didn't say it. "A little of both, I
suppose," I said. "All that travelling we did, while you were still
the Wimperling, gave me a taste for it. Besides which, I have had a chance of
earning my own living. Real money . . ."
"And where did you
pick up that little thief, Dickon, again?"
I explained. "I
kept trying to leave him behind, but he persisted in believing that I was after
treasure, dragon treasure. Thank God he has given up that idea and gone off for
a couple of days looking for trading opportunities."
"Oh, I don't think
he has given up. Did you tell him about your visit to the Blue Mountain?"
"Yes, but—"
"I flew over his
encampment earlier, frightened his horse off into the bush. Take him the best
part of a day to catch up with it again."
"You don't mean . .
"I do mean. He's
camped at the foot of the Blue Mountain, and tomorrow, if I'm not much
mistaken, he'll be climbing the path you took, looking for the treasure!"
Chapter Twenty.Eight
The crafty devil!
Telling me he was looking for new opportunities, and making me pay for yet
another treasure hunt! I should never have told him about the Blue Mountain; it
was obvious he hadn't believed me.
"He won't find
anything, will he?"
"No more than you
"Well, I hope he
falls off the path!" I said crossly. "He's been nothing but trouble
ever since we met up again."
"Tell me . .
." and he spread out his cloak on the stone flags of the little garden,
sat cross-legged and pulled me down beside him. "I want to hear everything
that's happened to you since the Place of Stones."
I glossed over that
dreadful journey back to Matthew's, for after all it wasn't his fault I had
near starved to death; I told him of my decision to turn down Matthew's offer
(but not the real reason), made him smile over my forgeries of the merchant's
signature and running off dressed as a boy to seek my fortune. I made my
adventures as amusing as I could: storm at sea, ambush, imprisonment, the bog,
bandits, the Desert of Death and the hairy people.
When I had finished he
ruffled my hair, leant forward and kissed my cheek.
"I reckon it was a
good job you had your friend Ky-Lin with you. I have heard of them, but never
seen one. You could have easily died a dozen times without him. . . ." He
frowned. "But all this doesn't explain why you left the caravan trails and
came this way."
Ah, Jasper, my love,
this was the difficult part. . . .
"I wanted to see
you again," I said lightly. "Man-dragons are a little out of my
experience, you see. Added to that, the coins my father left me led me all the
way across every country to this one. And on Matthew's maps this part was
marked: 'Here be Dragons.' Simple as that."
"Was it? Was it
really?" He slipped his arm about my waist again. "You know
something? I went back to look for you after I made my initial journey here. I
worried that you would find it difficult to find your merchant's house again.
But you had vanished from the face of the earth! Nice to know you were all
right." He cuddled me closer. "Well, now that you've found your
man-dragon again, what do you want of him?"
"A couple of
kisses," I said promptly. "Proper ones. Not
Neither should it be let's-have-a-laugh-and-a-kiss-and-say-good-bye! I want you
to pretend," I snuggled up closer, "just for a moment, that I am the
most desirable woman in the world. . . ." My hand stroked his cheek.
"I am a princess under a spell, and only you can break the ice about her
heart." Had I gone too far? "It's not a lot to ask, it can't threaten
your life! You're not going to change back into a pig, or anything like
"I should hope
He was chuckling; that
was encouraging. At least there was no outright rejection.
"Well, then?"
Now for it; my heart was beating uncomfortably fast and loud. "Or can't
you pretend?"
"I don't need to
pretend," he said, and gathered me in his arms.
At first he just held me
close, his hands stroking my hair, my cheeks, my hands. Every time he touched
me my inside tangled itself up into knots and I feared he would hear my heart,
but he hummed a gentle little droning song, as soothing as the sound of a hive
or the turning of a spinning wheel. Gradually the tune and his gentle touch
calmed my mind, but not my body.
I was aware of my skin,
my blood, my bones. I could see his shadowy face bent over mine; I could hear
his soft voice, with the slight grating tone in the lower notes; in the air was
the pungency of the rough-headed autumn plants in pots in the garden, the
night-wind smell of Jasper's clothes, and a certain slightly musky scent that
seemed to come from his skin. My whole body was stimulated to a point I had not
thought possible, and now came the taste of his lips.
I thought of the tang of
burnt sugar, the bitter black heart of an opium poppy, the smoke from autumn
bonfires, the cold, iron smell of ice and snow, newly washed linen sun-dried,
the sharp bite of a juicy apple, a snuffed candle—then I didn't think at all.
At first he was
experimenting with my lips and tongue, but gradually as he pulled me closer I
knew that at last it was me, me, me! that he wanted. I didn't care if it was
lust without love, desire without commitment, I just kissed him back with all
my heart. His hands found my breasts, his body was full of a hard urgency that
found a response in my yielding form.
Talitha," he murmured. "My little love . . ."
For answer I pulled him
down so we rested together on his cloak, our bodies inhibited only by the
clothes we wore. For a brief instant it seemed he might think better of it, but
then I took over the caressing, my fingers moving on his chest and stomach,
untying the laces of his trews, my mouth thrust up hungrily to his. . . .
And then it was too late
for either of us.
I remember the rip of
silk as my dress parted company with its stitches; I remember the feel of his
crisp, dark hair under my fingers, the rasp of his beard against my cheek; I
remember stifling my cries in the soft skin where his neck met his shoulder; I
remember, oh I remember the hard thrusts I welcomed with fierce ripostes of my
own; I remember—but there are no words to describe the cascades of delight that
followed, never will be. No words, no music, no painting: nothing can
adequately portray raw emotion like that. Until you have felt it you will never
know, and if you have you will realize it is beyond description.
Afterwards we lay in
each other's arms. Only now did my cheeks sting where his beard had rubbed
them; only now was I conscious of the uncomfortable rucks of the cloak beneath
us; only now did my insides ache with an inward tension as though they pulled
against a cat's cradle of tiny inside stitches. I was sticky and sweaty, but so
was he, and it didn't matter.
He stirred, sighed,
stroked my hair. "You are a witch, girl: you know that?" He leant up
on one elbow and gazed down at me. "You realize I had no intention of that
"I know." I
put up a finger and traced the line of his nose. "But I did." I sat
up. "And you wanted it too."
"Maybe. But it was
wrong, wrong! We shouldn't have done it."
"Why not? Who are
we hurting?"
His voice was bitter. "In time I could have forgotten you and, whatever
you think now, you would have forgotten me too. But now I shall always want
you. You will always want me. If we looked for love elsewhere, or tried to do
without, we should both think only of each other. We have forged a link that
can never be broken."
"But that was the
way I wanted it—"
"You didn't
understand what you were getting yourself into. We can never be together, don't
you understand? And you will suffer more than I. In my dragon form I can forget
you for three-quarters of the year, but you—you will never forget!"
"Then I shall wait
for the quarter-year you are a man," I said obstinately. "Wherever it
is. That will be enough for me. Three months with you is better than none at
He rose to his feet in
one swift movement and crossed to the balustrade. His whole posture was stiff,
his hands clenched on the stone, his shoulders raised, his head bent.
I went to stand at his
side, clutching at my torn gown, aware all at once of a chill wind that blew
from the north, making the stars shiver in sympathy. The moon was down, but a
pale light had followed her descent, a trace of silver on the permanent snows.
"Why is it
impossible? Don't you want to see me again?"
He glanced at me, but I
couldn't see his expression. "Of course I want to be with you, as often as
I can—but that is just the point. It's not possible!"
"But why, if
you want to? What's to stop you?"
He turned, gripped my
shoulders. "It's not as simple as you seem to think! If I could know for
sure, say to you: all right, my dear, my love, I am yours from November until
January. Find us a house where we can be one for those three months of the
year. . . . Or if I could say: I can be with you in March, May and September,
find me that house etc."
He released me, leant
over the balustrade again. "But it doesn't work that way: I wish it did. I
just don't have those certainties. These—" he gestured at himself
"—these remissions, if you can call them that, give me very little
warning. At first, they gave me none at all and it was dangerous. Then I had no
idea how long they would last either: five minutes, five hours, five days. . .
He traced the line of my
jaw with his finger. "That was one of the reasons I gave up looking for
you; it was too unpredictable, the time I could spend asking questions, and
twice I nearly got killed." He sighed. "It has become easier, like
changing to come and see you. I can control it for a couple of hours or so, and
if it is going to be longer, a week or so, I get a warning beforehand, a sort
of painless headache. But I still don't know how long it will last."
I was devastated.
"No," he said
firmly. "I couldn't live with you all the time. My dragon side is too
unpredictable. Nor could you keep me in a shed at the bottom of the garden
betweenwhiles, just waiting for my nicer side to come out. I think the
neighbors might object," he added, with a smile. "Oh, come on
darling: we'll think of something!"
"But what?" I
was close to tears.
He shrugged. "Right
now I have no idea. I shall consult the Council, though I warn you they are
finding it difficult to accept that I am not completely dragon. No precedent,
you see. Plenty of legends, but no firm records. At the moment I am something
of a celebrity, but there are those who wish to cast me out." He shook his
head. "I should have a better case to argue if I could bring them the
jewels they so desire—my permit to become a Master Dragon. But that, of course,
will take time."
"So it is just some
jewels they need?"
"To become a Master
Dragon and not a mere Apprentice—as I am now—I have to be able to perform the
usual flying tricks: spirals, hovering, steep dives, flying backwards,
backspins, and I also have to contribute something of value to the Hoard. It
can be of gold or silver, but they prefer the easier-to-handle glitter of
jewels, cut or uncut."
"Do there have to
be a certain number of these?"
He shook his head.
"Recently—within the last thousand years or so that is—it has become
traditional to bring in a selection, but the foremost criterion is that of
color. Sometimes one stone is enough; we possess, I believe, the largest uncut
emerald the world has yet seen. As big as your fist, Talitha, but too fragile
to cut."
An idea was forming in
my mind. "Do they have light in that cave of theirs?"
"Of course. There
are a number of small openings that let in both sun- and moonlight, and with a
blast or two of fire they can light semipermanent torches. Why?"
"Just wait a
moment. . . ." Running up the steps I found what I wanted in my room,
disturbing a sleepy Growch, then went back out again, picking up the lantern as
I rejoined Jasper in the garden. Setting the light on one of the benches I
opened my fist and slowly twisted the crystal the captain's wife had given me
in front of the flame. Even with that relatively dim illumination the crystal
threw a thousand rainbow lights across the garden, the balcony, our faces and
clothes, the wall above, the rocks beneath, and we were almost blinded by reds
and greens, yellows and purples, blues and oranges.
Jasper took it from my
fingers. "By the stars! This is the most beautiful . . . Where did you get
I explained.
"Do you know what
it is?" He sounded excited.
"A crystal. Nicely
cut, but—"
"But nothing! This
has been cut by a master! In fact—" He looked at it more closely. "In
fact I believe this may be one of the thirteen lost many hundreds of years ago
when pagan hordes overran the city of the Hundred Towers. . . . So far six have
been traced of the thirteen that were made by the Master of Cut Glass—one for
each lunar month, you see—and this might well be the seventh." He was
handling it as reverently as I would a splinter of the True Cross. "We—the
Council that is—already possess one of these, but to have a pair . . . Do you
realize what this means? If you let me take it to them, that will mean
automatic Dragon Mastership!" He wrapped his arms about me. "And that
would mean I would be equal to any, and they would be bound to consider any
request I made!"
"They could agree
to—regularize your changes?"
"Yes! I can also
ask to spend my man-time with you."
He was fairly dancing
around the small space of the garden, holding me up high against his chest.
"We can find somewhere. . . . Why, I've just remembered the very place!
There is an island set in the bluest of seas, miles away from the trade routes,
where the sun shines warm year round and the land is peopled by the gentlest of
natives, who would welcome us both. Everything you planted would grow, and
there are fish in the sea—"
"It sounds like
Paradise," I said wistfully. I could see it now. Yellow sands running up
to the greenery of a forest, cool streams running between moss-covered stones,
hills blue in the distance, huge butterflies feeding from the trumpets of
exotic lilies, trees alive with the chatter of multicolored birds. A little hut
set in a clearing, not too far from the sea, lines set out for fish, a net for
the collection of shellfish; a patch of ground for the vegetables, another for
a few chickens and a goat; a hammock slung between the trees, and Growch for
company when Jasper had to be away . . .
His kiss prevented any
further daydreaming.
"And now I must go,
and quickly; I can feel a change coming over me already. Forgive me, my dear: I
shall hope to see you tomorrow." He kissed me again. "And I shall
keep an eye on your Dickon. . . ."
"Not my
Dickon!" I protested, but Jasper had disappeared. Instead a black dragon
hung on to the balustrade: scaly body, gaping jaws, huge leathery wings
outspread, yellow eyes burning in a bony skull. I was afraid, but not so
frightened as I would have been two hours or so earlier if Jasper had suddenly
appeared in his dragon shape without warning.
The intelligence in
those yellow eyes was benign, I was sure of that, so I had no hesitation in
picking up the crystal and placing it in one outstretched claw.
"Godspeed, my
love," I said, then stepped back hurriedly as the wind of his wings blew
hair, dress, leaves, petals around me like a whirlwind.
All that long day I was
in a fever of impatience. I mended my green silk dress, sorted out my
belongings for the umpteenth time, brought my journal up to date, couldn't eat;
snapped at Growch, then hugged him; washed my hair and set it; didn't like the
result and washed it again to hang loose, and sun-dried it.
Ky-Lin paid a visit
around midmorning, looked at all my preparations, fluffed the tip of his tail
up like a peacock and retired, remarking: "I hope you know what you are
doing. . . ."
Of course I did! I was
getting ready for my love, shedding what I did not need, preparing for the time
when we would both be together forever, even if only for part of each year.
Nothing was more important than this, yet the day seemed to crawl by, the sun
standing still in the sky on purpose, the hours marked only by gongs, dissonant
bells, and the soft, monotonous chant of the monks.
Several times I went out
onto the balcony and looked in the direction of the Blue Mountain, wondering
how Jasper was presenting his case to the Council; I wondered, too, if Dickon,
that handsome treacherous boy, had reached the cave, only to be as disappointed
as I had been.
At last the sun really
did start to slide down the sky to the west. I supped some broth and bread,
tasting nothing in my impatience, took a warm bath, slid into my mended dress,
combed my hair until it sparked out from my head like a halo, then sat down by
the door to the balcony to wait.
And wait.
The moon came up, near
full now, and flooded the countryside with light, the stars pricked through
their cover; at midnight a small wind blew up; at one it died down again, and I
was yawning; by two I was half-asleep and must have drifted into a dream,
because I thought I was talking to my old friends Basher, Traveler, Mistral,
and the Wimperling, when suddenly the latter took wing, swung around in the sky
and came back to land at my side, only this time he was a man.
"Jasper!" I
started up, suddenly wide awake once more. "What did they say?"
"I am now a Master
Dragon, thanks to your gift!" Glints like raindrops or tiny diamonds
seemed to surround him. "But . . ."
"But what? Will
they let you go?" I ran into his arms.
He kissed me, but there
was a constraint in his manner. "They are considering it, yes. But they
want to see you: face-to-face."
Chapter Twenty.Nine
I drew back, shocked and
horrified. "B—but I can't! They might eat me!"
He drew me close again.
"Nonsense! They are so pleased with the Dragon Stone that a whole village
full of desirable maidens could parade in front of them and they would never
notice! They were so euphoric they gave me the accolade of Master Dragon at
once, without asking to assess my flying skills. Just as well: I think I would
have failed on the backspins. . . ." He kissed my brow. "Then I asked
for leave of absence from my dragon form for a fixed term each year. They
wanted to know why, of course." He frowned. "It was very difficult
for them to understand. To them, fair maidens were for dining on, not living
with—in the legends, of course," he amended hastily.
"There must be lady
dragons," I said. "Couldn't you have explained it that way?"
"There are no 'lady
dragons' as you call them. There may have been once, I suppose, but now many of
those left are hermaphroditic. There are others, like myself, who are totally
male, who can fertilize the hermaphrodites, though most of them manage on their
own. It's a bit difficult to explain, because it just—just happens. You don't
think about it."
He was right: I didn't
understand at all. Except the bit about him being totally male. I wouldn't like
to think I had been making love with a hermaphrodite. Then I suddenly
remembered something so important I couldn't get the words out straight.
"Supposing . . . if
it's as you say . . . the dragon's eggs . . . your being a male . . . it isn't
possible, is it? I mean you and me . . . Ky-Lin was so sure!"
"What in the world
are you talking about?"
But I had second
thoughts; my ring had given a warning tingle. Don't tell him yet: wait and see.
"Nothing. When were
you thinking of taking me to see them?"
"When? Right
"Now? But
I'm not ready, I've nothing suitable to wear, how do we get there, I don't want
"Now!" he said
firmly. "The sooner the better. Trust me—you do trust me, don't you? You
would have trusted the Wimperling, as you called him, with your life, wouldn't
you? Good. Go get your cloak and wrap yourself up tight: you're going to be
dragon-borne tonight!"
And it all happened so
quickly I had no chance to argue. One moment I was standing there in my silken
dress, terrified at the whole idea, the next I was back on the same spot,
swathed and hooded in my father's cloak.
Jasper held me close.
"You are not used
to riding on the back of a dragon, and now is not the time to teach you
properly." I could feel him laughing a little. "So we'll do it the easy
way. I shall carry you—no, don't panic! You won't know much about it. Close
your eyes and relax. I am going to make you go to sleep for a little while,
long enough to get you safe to the mountain. I don't want you struggling at the
wrong moment."
His lips came down on
mine and I surrendered to his embrace as his fingers came up to my neck. A
little pressure—in my mind or my body I wasn't sure—and I slipped into a sort
of waking unconsciousness. I didn't dream, or anything like that, but the
sensation of flying was curiously dimmed, though I could sense wind, the
clapping of wings, a cindery smell. . . .
My stomach gave a sudden
jolt, like the leap of a stranded fish.
"Sorry about that:
I came down a bit sharply and changed early. You can open your eyes now, my
It was lucky his arm was
around my waist, otherwise I might have tumbled to the ground. I was shaking
and cold and my hair, in spite of the hood of my cloak, felt as though it had
been attacked by a flying thornbush. I thought my eyes were open, but
everything seemed as black as pitch. I blinked rapidly a couple of times and
tried again. Looking up now I could see the stars and the moon illuminating the
ledge on which we stood, but I had been staring straight at the entrance to the
passageway that led to the cavern, and this still remained ominously dark. How
could we possibly negotiate that without a light?
"Come," said
Jasper. "Take my hand."
I pulled back.
"It's so dark. . . ."
"I know the way,
just as easily as you would in the dark of your own home without a candle.
Besides, there is some light. Wait and see."
I allowed him to draw me
into the passage, but closed my eyes like a child, only to be told to open them
once we had passed the first turning.
"If you don't I
shall let go your hand!"
Promptly they were open,
to be faced with a faint silver glow from the rocks around us, like a seam of
precious metal running through the stones. It was not so much a light as an
emanation, and only extended a few feet in front and, glancing back, the same
behind. As we paced it kept step with us.
"What is it?
Dragon-magic?" I whispered.
He pressed my fingers.
"No, it's a natural phenomenon; a kind of phosphorescence that is
activated by the heat of our bodies as we pass."
The ring on my finger
was tingling gently; no immediate harm, but a warning to go carefully; I
wondered for the second or third time why it seemed to be getting so much
The last time I had been
in this passage I had cursed at the twists and turns, eager to reach the end;
now I wished it would go on forever.
It didn't, of course. In
less time than it takes to tell we had rounded the last corner and there was
the cavern, lighted now by a broad spear of moonlight that shafted down from an
opening in the roof of the cave and lit a pile of rocks—or were they? I gripped
Jasper's hand more tightly.
Gently he loosed himself
and stepped forward. "You are speaking with animals, so your ring will
translate," he said to me. "Pay careful attention to what is said,
and remember your manners. These are creatures as old and venerable as any in
the land."
Then he spoke again, but
this time it was in a series of creaks, groans, hisses, sighs, and rumbles.
"I have brought
her. . . ."
I could understand what
he said, the ring translating in my mind as he spoke. I had been staring
straight ahead at the rocks, expecting some movement, but as he spoke I glanced
to my side, and was horrified to see it was no man who stood at my side but a
full-grown dragon! My heart gave a great jerk, then steadied. Didn't I say I
would trust him? In spite of this I had backed away a little, but my ring,
though still throbbing, had not increased its warnings.
The dragon at my
side—black, with tiny pinpoints of light illuminating his wing tips—turned his
bony face towards me, the yellow eyes still surprisingly kind. The rumble of
dragon talk started again, but thanks to my ring, Jasper's own voice came
through, warm and comforting.
"Don't be afraid:
it's better that I appear to them this way. Come, stand by my side. And toss
aside that cloak. I want them to see you as you really are."
I was quite glad to
throw the cloak aside. It was very warm in the cavern. The fissure that divided
us from the other side was throwing out a summer's night heat, and I found I
was perspiring. I stepped to Jasper-dragon's side, aware once again of the
cindery smell and the roughness of the stones beneath my feet. And now came a
sound, a sort of stirring, slithery scrape—
"What is it?"
"Watch. . . ."
Across the chasm
something stirred, a general sort of shifting; rocks altered their shape—round,
square, oblong, irregular, jagged—and also changed their position relative to
each other. A few pebbles rattled against each other. I could feel the hair
rising at the back of my neck, although Jasper-dragon stood calm and quiet
beside me. My ring gave a warning twinge, but no more.
I thought I saw a claw,
a bony head, a wing, decided I must be mistaken, then all at once everything
seemed to shimmer, like the sun on a long road on a hot day. No, not quite like
that; perhaps more like glancing down into a swift-flowing stream, trying to
make out what lay on the bottom through the uncontrollable shift of the water.
"Here be
Dragons," I thought stupidly, and suddenly they were there.
Still half-veiled,
distorted, shimmery, around a dozen of the huge creatures bestirred themselves,
yawning, stretching, unwinding long sinewy tails, opening dark eyes, extending
claws and wings. With them came color and light; it seemed they emanated their
own illumination, for now I saw gleams and sparkles at their feet. The piles of
pebbles, so dull and uninteresting before, now started to glow and sparkle with
an unquiet riot of colors as the dragons stirred them with their claws. Ruby,
beryl, garnet, fire opal, coral, rose quartz, topaz, peridot, emerald,
sapphire, amethyst, aquamarine, agate, jet, bloodstone, jasper, opal, pearl,
diamond—they were all there, plus gold and silver. Then I saw that the light
that shone over all did not come from the heaps of gems, nor from the dragons,
but rather from the shaft of moonlight catching the facets of a jewel that hung
in the air above all: the crystal I had given Jasper.
He stepped forward and
then came that confusing rumble of speech again that my ring sorted out for me.
"I have brought the
girl, the giver of this gift that now shines above us all." A soft hiss
from across the chasm.
"Bring her
I was nudged forward by
one of his wings. "Don't be afraid. . . ."
I went forward
hesitatingly till I stood at the lip of the chasm and felt as well as saw the
flickers of light that flashed across from the moonlit crystal; now everything
I looked at had a strange unreality.
"I'm here," I
said unsteadily. "What do you want of me?"
For a moment there was
silence and I thought perhaps they had not understood my human speech, although
the ring should be translating to them as well, but then came a low, grumbling
growl, like Growch magnified ten times. I thought about turning and running,
right away back and out to safety, but in spite of an involuntary step
backwards, I otherwise stood firm.
The ring on my finger
was still throbbing, but it was an encouraging feeling rather than a warning. I
repeated my question.
"What do you want
of me?"
When the answer came, it
was not what I had expected. "You gave this Dragon Stone as a gift to our
colleague. He-whose-wings-scrape-the-clouds?"
They must mean Jasper.
"I did."
"And what do you
hope for in exchange, daughter of man?"
I squared my shoulders;
all or nothing. "When your new Master Dragon was in his first incarnation,
I saved his life; I ask you now for the price of that life. Let him spend his
man-life time with me, a quarter of each year that we may have together."
Another growling roar,
louder this time. "You are impertinent!"
"I do not mean to
be. If I had not been in that place, at that time, assuredly the growing
creature that was to become your splendid He-whose-wings-scrape-the-clouds
would never be standing here in front of you, an addition to your—your . .
." (what on earth was a collection of dragons? A flock? A gathering? The
ring gave me the answer) " . . . your doom of dragons. I admit that I
kissed the creature he was then three times, causing this—this, to you, malfunction
in his makeup, but that was a human manifestation of what you would recognize
as kinship. . . ." Where were the words coming from? This wasn't me
talking! Thank you, ring! "As it is, if you agree to my proposal, for nine
months of the year you will have his company and his services, those of a
Master Dragon. Can you afford to lose these? If you refuse our request—and it
is his as well as mine—he will merely be sulky and uncooperative and absent
himself from your meetings.
"There are few
enough of you left: your distinguished race has been declining noticeably
during the last thousand years. Do you want this to go on happening? I rescued
one for you: surely you can grant me a quarter of his time?"
There was silence. And
silence. The air in front of me shimmered and the lights went out, one by one,
as the moon passed beyond the opening high in the cavern. The dragons
disappeared and so did their jewels till only the rocks and pebbles remained.
I blinked back the
tears. "Why didn't they listen to me?"
"But they
did." He looked across the chasm. "They just haven't made up their
minds, that's all. You were magnificent, by the way. . . ." If he had been
in his human form, I'm sure he would have been smiling. "What's a day or
two to a dragon, who measures your years as ten to his one? Give them time, my
love, give them time. . . . And now I must take you back. Put on your cloak and
wrap it tight. Close your eyes. . . ."
Once again I felt the
pressure on my neck, his breath on my face and then I was asleep with the wind
on my face, the flap of wings in my ears, the smell of cinders in my nostrils,
the dizzy descent—
I was lying in my own
bed and a voice whispered in my ear: "See you tomorrow."
"You gonna sleep
the 'ole day away?" said Growch peevishly. "S'long after my breakfast
. . ."
I sat up, blinking, to
find the sun fingering its way through the shutters and the sound of chanting.
"What time is
"Dunno. Near enough
noon, I reckons."
I looked down. I was
still wearing my green silk dress, my father's cloak. I remembered what had
happened during the night, and I sighed. There must be something I could do to
persuade them. . . .
"Enjoy yer
So he had been watching.
"What? Oh, yes. I suppose so . . . Sorry, Growch, I've been neglecting
you, but I've got a lot on my mind."
"That wouldn'
include food, would it?"
I sighed again, but I
loved him, grotty foulmouth that he was, and his devotion deserved some reward.
"I think that would
do us both good. Let's go down to the market in the village and see what
they've got."
And over honeyed and
spiced roast ribs, egg noodles and sweet-berry tart I made final plans for the
strategy I had been planning for the last couple of days. As far as I could see
there was only one sure way of granting that which I wished for both Jasper and
Tonight I would tell him
my plan.
First, though, there was
plenty to do. Practical things like hanging my dress free of wrinkles, taking
my sheets down to the laundry woman in the courtyard, washing my hair free of
wind tangles, warm water for a bath, bringing my journal up to date with last
night's happenings. Certain things to be specially packaged, two letters to
write. The first, to Matthew Spicer, was finished quickly. The other, to his
agent in Venice, Signor Falcone, took longer. And I must have a talk with
And what if it all went
wrong? The letters were easily torn up, but the rest? I wouldn't think about
Something else had been
niggling me for days: I had been neglecting my prayers. Of course there was no
Christian church within a thousand miles but God was God, wherever worshipped,
so at the next call to prayer in the monastery I knelt and closed my eyes,
offering up my heartfelt thanks for all that had gone before, and my various
deliverances from evil. I prayed for those dead, my mother and my father, and
for those I hoped still lived: the no-longer blind knight, Matthew and
Suleiman, Signor Falcone, the sea captain and his big wife, little prince Tug,
even Dickon. Then there were the animals. Jesus had been a shepherd to his
people, so surely He would understand the prayers to those creatures I had
loved and lost to their new lives: Mistral, Traveler, Basher, Ky-lin, of
course, even Bear, and my darling Growch. Last of all there was Jasper, my one
and only love, Master of Many Treasures. Easy enough to pour out my prayers for
the man, but how did one pray for a dragon? I suppose if one owned a lizard
that grew out of all proportion, turned nasty, started to fly around all over
the place and charred all it ate, then one could pray for a dragon.
I tried my best, but
even the patience of God must have been tried by my ramblings.
I took out the egg. It
had grown even larger. I placed it on the clothes chest against the wall and
covered it with my shift. I looked around the room: all seemed ready. Bed
freshly made with clean sheets, my dress free of creases, a skin of honeyed
rice wine and two mugs on the side table—
" 'Spectin' 'im in
'ere, then? Where does you want me to go?"
Oh, poor Growch! But I
had thought about him earlier. A large bone awaited him in Dickon's empty room
next door.
"You goin' to do
naughties again?"
I nearly cancelled the
Chapter Thirty
The rest of the day
dragged by on leaden feet, and two or three times I found myself pacing
restlessly around and around my room like a caged animal, chewing my nails,
until Growch planted his tail under my foot and I had to spend a quarter-hour
The sun went down and I
tried to stay relaxed, knowing that Jasper would not come till moonrise, for
dragons don't like flying in full dark, and the few stars were still lie-abeds,
reluctant to leave their day's sleep.
The night was chill: no
wind, no clouds. I took to twisting my ring about my finger; it was definitely
looser today, and with a pang I thought I knew the reason why. This was one of
my possessions I had not taken into account on settling my affairs. I must see
Ky-Lin. There was also an addition I must make to Signor Falcone's letter.
I could leave it until
tomorrow—no, I would do it right now. So it was with pen in hand, paper in
front of me, legs curled up beneath, and my tongue between my teeth (normal
position when I was writing) that Jasper found me. I had my back to the balcony
door, which was open, in order to sit as near as I could to the candles, and
the first I knew was when he dropped a light kiss on the nape of my neck.
I jumped up, scattering
paper, pen and ink; there was a huge blot on the paper which no amount of sand
would soak up.
"Jasper! How did
you manage to be so quiet?"
"You were
busy!" He kissed me again, this time properly. "Catching up on your
correspondence?" He was only joking, but it was too near the mark for me.
I gathered up the papers, turned them facedown.
"Something like
that . . . oh, I am glad to see you! I thought the moon would never rise."
He drew me out onto the
balcony. "Well there she is, near full. Whatever they call the days and
months here, do you realize that tomorrow night it will be two years since we
returned to the place where I was hatched at that farm by the Place of Stones?
All Hallows' Eve . . . Remember?"
As if I could ever
forget. That was the night when my beloved Wimperling had turned into an even
more beloved man-dragon. Fiercer, more unpredictable, someone to fear as well
as love, an unknown quantity in many ways, he had still captured both my
imagination and my heart. I had watched him fly away that night knowing he had
taken part of me with him.
And that feeling of loss
had never grown less. This was why I had travelled so far to find him, knowing
that no other man would do for me. My thoughts scurried back to another All
Hallows' Eve: the night I had found my mother dead and had left my home forever
to seek my fortune. That had been three years ago, but it seemed more like ten.
So much had happened to that naпve, ingenuous, then-plump girl who had believed
that all she had to do was travel to the nearest town to find a husband! So
proud I was then, I remembered, of my book learning and housekeeping skills.
The ability to read, write and figure had been useful, especially when
travelling as Matthew's apprentice, but as for my skills in cheese making,
embroidery, rose-hip syrup, possets, headache pills, smocking, elderflower
wine, besom making, green poultices, patchwork, face packs, spinning and
weaving—none of these had ever been exercised.
The fine sewing had
descended to plain sewing and mending, the cookery to tossing whatever there
was into the pot on an outside fire, and the fat girl had slimmed down
dramatically and was lithe as a boy.
So here came another All
Hallows. I felt a tiny prick of foreboding—whether it came from the ring or not
I wasn't sure—but after all, the saints had seen me through so far, and there
was no need for the superstitions of a hag-ridden night to disturb me now.
"Yes, I
remember," I said, in answer to his question. "I reckon they are
lucky for me, those dates."
"Me too!" He
hugged me tight. "Don't you want to know what the Council said?"
No, I had been too
frightened to ask. "Yes, of course I do! Tell me?"
"Well it's not bad,
and it's not good. They are still deliberating, but although it seems they will
probably agree to my spending my man-time with you, they are still divided on
whether I can have three months at a time. Most of them would prefer one, I
I pretended to consider,
all the while knowing that I had something priceless with which to negotiate.
"Yes, I suppose that would be better than nothing. April, August,
December? Then I would have you for late spring, full summer and the snows of
"Good." He was
kissing my throat and shoulders now, and it was difficult to concentrate.
"They want to see you again, tomorrow night, to hear their decision.
That's good, because I don't think they would waste their time seeing you once
more if they intended to refuse."
"Perhaps they mean
to serve me up for supper," I said lightly.
My dress fell to my
ankles; those shoulder ribbons were too easy.
"I told you, sweetheart,
they don't eat damsels anymore—if they ever did."
"I believe
you," I said obediently. My hands went to his head, feeling with pleasure
the strong bones under my fingers as he bent to my breasts, the exquisite
reactions this engendered almost unbearable. The rest of my body was shivering
with anticipation—that or the night wind, I had no idea, nor did I care, for a
moment later he had swept me up in his arms and carried me to the bed. As I
felt his weight press down on me, his mouth on mine, his hands busy elsewhere,
the rapture I felt surpassed anything I had ever known. But even as I lost
myself in his embrace I thought I felt a faint tingle in my ring, and somewhere
a dog barking—
But a moment later all
was forgotten with his body in me, with me, by me, part of me. . . .
Later, much later, we
lay in each other's arms, at peace. It must have been near dawn, for the last,
low bars of moonlight lay aslant the floor and the candles were burning low. I
snuggled closer, feeling his body stir in sympathy.
"Do you—do you . .
." But no, I couldn't ask him. Women always wanted the answer to
"that" question, if it hadn't been volunteered before: men always
tried to avoid committing themselves. That much my mother had taught me.
"Do I—do I . .
." he mimicked gently. "Of course I do! Why do you think I am here?
But you want to hear me say it, don't you my love?"
"It doesn't matter,
truly it doesn't—" Liar!
"It matters to both
of us," he said gently. "You see when I saw you again and realized just
how far you had travelled to see me—I know you pretended otherwise but it
didn't work—I felt guilty. Then my conscience took over; my man-conscience,
because dragons don't have one you would recognize. That conscience told me you
would be far better off without me, so I tried to play it casual. I wanted you
to think I no longer cared for you, because I knew I could never give you the
sort of life you deserve—"
"But you have!
"Hush! Let me
finish. This sort of life we hope to wrest from the Council isn't anywhere near
perfect. You could do much better: go back to your merchant. At least there you
will be safe, secure and loved for twelve months of the year."
"I don't love him,
I never did!"
"I know, I know! As
the Wimperling I knew; as myself I know. But my conscience—that damnable thing
that a certain young woman encouraged in a pig once upon a time—won't let me
capture and keep you without a struggle. Dragons are totally selfish: sometimes
men are not. I love you so much I want what is best for you."
There. He had said it.
"And I love you, as you know. All I want is to be with you, even if it's
only for a day a year, so don't let's have any more trouble from your
conscience. Go ahead: be selfish!"
He smiled wryly. "I
knew it wouldn't work. . . ."
"But I have
something that might. . . ." I slipped from his side and, naked, crossed
to the clothes chest, peeled back my shift from the egg, picked it up as if it
were the finest porcelain and carried it back to the bed. "There! What do
you think of that?"
He sat up, slowly at
first, then suddenly, as though he had sat on a pin.
"What's this?"
He answered his own question. "It's a dragon's egg, or I'm—I'm a pig
again! Where did you find it? How long have you had it?"
"I've had it for
about a year. But it was hidden for a year before that, and it has grown a good
deal since it first saw the light. When I first saw it, it was about the size
and color of a freshwater pearl, but it was quite soft to the touch. So I kept
it safe and warm until it hardened. Since then, until now, I have kept it in a
pouch round my neck. Pretty, isn't it? Somehow I never thought a dragon's egg
would look like this. . . ."
"Where did it come
He scowled. "I
don't want to guess: I want to know! This is important, don't you
realize that?"
"Of course I do! It
is our bargaining power: it's the most valuable thing we have!"
He leant forward, took
it in his hands. "This is incredible! The Council can surely refuse us
nothing now. But I must know where you found it."
"Oh, it has an
impeccable pedigree." I was enjoying this. "Like a mug of rice
wine?" He shook his head impatiently. "It is a Master Dragon's egg,
no less."
"How do you know
that? How could you know . . ."
"Because it's
yours, that's why!"
"Mine!" I
watched the various expressions chase their way across his face: amazement,
disbelief, doubt, hope, puzzlement and, finally, a sort of bewildered joy.
"But—how do you know? How can it be?"
"That time at the
Place of Stones. Remember? You held me in your arms, you kissed me, you changed
back and forth from dragon to man, man to dragon, and all the while you
were—you were . . . You made love to me."
"But—it couldn't
happen that way! It's impossible!"
"You told me
dragons could self-procreate and that's difficult for me to believe. If that
can happen why couldn't you have produced a life of your own for me to
hold?" I leant forward and kissed him. "All I am sure about is that
it is yours, and that I held it within me for a year. I had no usual monthly
flow during that time, and it was Ky-Lin, the creature I told you about, who
helped me with the pain of producing it. Since then I have been normal. So, I
truly believe we share it."
yours," he said wonderingly. "They say there is nothing new under the
skies. . . . What do we do with it?"
"It belongs to
those who are left: the Council, to guard and nurture until it is time for the
hatching. Many years too late for me, my love . . . But surely, with a gift
such as this, you can persuade them to give me your lifetime as a man to spend
with me? Not a week, a year, our time as man and woman together. When I
am—gone—then you can be theirs again. In return for the egg, another dragon for
He rose from the bed and
took me in his arms.
"My dearest dear,
my little love, there is nothing would please me more! I'm sure they will
agree—and that island I promised you still waits for us!"
He drew me tight and
showed me just exactly what I had to look forward to.
It was nearly dawn; the
first flush of light was graying the outlines of the shutters as I opened my
sleepy eyes. Jasper had left me as the last rays of the moon slanted across the
valley, promising to put our request to the Council. He had left the egg with
"Tomorrow night we
shall go together with the egg, and exchange it for our freedoms—don't worry:
they will want our egg more than any jewel in the world: it is their promise of
continued life. After tomorrow night, the world is ours! We can be an ordinary
couple—even go to one of your churches and become man and wife. Would you like
So, there were—how many
hours? Perhaps sixteen. And everything to do. And nothing. I stretched
luxuriously and turned over on my back. I would have just five minutes more,
then get up and go down to the market and buy something special for Growch, to
make up for sequestering him in Dickon's room all night.
It can only have been a
couple of minutes' doze when I heard the door to the balcony creak open and
soft footfalls on the matting. A moment later a hand stroked my shoulder.
Jasper must have come back. I turned over to face him, my eyes still closed, my
arms outstretched in welcome, disregarding the sudden prickle of my ring.
something, my love?"
A breath on my cheek, a
fumbling hand and then a weight, an alien weight on top of me, a strange mouth
grinding down on mine and an insistent knee pushing my thighs apart. I
struggled violently, but an arm was across my throat, a hand pinioning my hands
above my head. His sweat was rank in my nostrils, his knee grinding my thighs,
his mouth and tongue a-slobber all over my face. I jerked my head aside, took a
gulp of air and yelled as loud as I could.
Instantly the arm across
my throat pressed down harder and now I was choking. My ears were full of a
roaring sound, my eyes felt as though they were popping out, I couldn't
breathe, but I knew I couldn't resist much longer—
There was a yell of
surprise, a frantic growling and all at once I was free, gasping for welcome
breath, and my assailant was rolling in agony on the floor, flailing and
kicking ineffectually at a small dog, whose sharp teeth were fastened firmly in
his left buttock.
I couldn't believe my
eyes. "Dickon!" I croaked. "How could you! What in the world
were you thinking about?"
"Get the bugger off
me, damn you, get him off!"
I took my time, pulling
down my green dress, wiping my face with the hem, spitting his taste from my
mouth. "All right, Growch, let him go. He doesn't deserve it, but thanks
anyway. Where were you?"
"Shut me in 'is
room. Came out through the winder. 'E's bin askin' for that 'e 'as! Pretty boy
won' be able to sit down for a day or two. Let 'im try showin' that to the
ladies! Now if'n I'd got 'im at the front—"
"That's enough,
Growch," I said hastily. Standing up, hands on hips, I glared down at
Dickon, who was trying to examine his bites, a near-impossible task without a
mirror. I was glad to note that all other pretensions had withered into
"Now then," I
said. "Why? What have I ever said or done to make you think you would be
welcome in my bed?"
Dickon rose to his feet,
rather unsteadily, but his chin was jutting out dangerously. "It's rather
what you haven't done! All the time we've been together you've been playing the
little virgin, Mistress-Hard-to-Get, and at the same time you've been giving me
those come-hither looks, little enticements, half-promises—"
I was astounded. After
doing my utmost to discourage anything like that! "You must be mad,"
I said finally. "Utterly mad."
"Don't kid me! I've
seen you—it's been all I could do to keep my hands off you! Touching me, making
suggestive remarks, all but stripping off and asking for it . . ." He
ranted on, while I tried desperately to remember if I had ever given him the
slightest encouragement, knowing all the while I had not. But the more I heard
him, the more I realized that he truly believed what he was saying. In some
part of his twisted mind his sexual psyche had convinced him that he was
irresistible, so if I didn't fling myself at him it was my fault, all my
refusals merely stimulating his desire still further.
"Why do you think I
kept on going to those brothels? Because if I hadn't I wouldn't have been able
to keep my hands off you!" His voice was rising, he was on the verge of
"Dickon, I never
meant you to believe—"
But he was past
listening to anything except his own twisted logic.
"I worshipped you!
I believed that one day, if I waited long enough, you would come to me, say you
loved me, ask me to be with you while we worked together. That's why I followed
you! Not for any treasure that doesn't exist: You were my treasure, my
unspoilt, virgin bride!" He was so far out of control by now that his
hands were tearing at the loose robe he wore.
"And then I come
back unexpectedly and what do I find? You in the arms of a stranger as soon as
my back is turned, all decency and decorum forgot! What do you think I felt,
seeing your abandoned behavior? You, whom I thought above reproach behaving
like a strumpet! Why, you're nothing but a whore, a bloody whore!" Saliva
was trickling from the right corner of his mouth, and his eyes were glazed.
It took only a couple of
steps and I had slapped him hard on both cheeks.
"Don't you dare
speak to me like that! You don't deserve an explanation, but I think you'd better
know that the man you saw is my betrothed. He is the one I have been seeking
all this long time, the 'friend' I told you I sought. My journeyings have all
been towards this end and have never, ever, had anything to do with treasure!
And now we have found each other again, we are going to spend the rest of our
lives together." I paused. He had reeled back when I struck him, and now
he was regarding me with a bemused expression on his face. But at least now he
looked sane. "Now, isn't it time you apologized?"
"I—I—I . . ."
"I—I—I!" I
mocked. "And you are supposed to have the gift of tongues! You'll have to
do better than that."
He tried to pull himself
together; it was a visible effort. "Of course, I didn't realize . . . but
now you've explained . . ." He seemed to draw into himself; his eyes
hooded any expression, his lips drew back into a thin line. "I am
sorry," he said formally. "I was obviously mistaken. What are your
plans now?"
I was surprised by how
quickly he was back to normal. "I was going to see you later today if you
were back," I said. "Or leave a message with Ky-Lin. But if you like
we can talk now."
"Let's get on with
it. Tell me." He sat down on the stool, drawing his confidence around him
again, like his tattered clothes.
So I told him I was
leaving that night with Jasper for another life in another place, where no one
could follow us. I explained that I had not forgotten him. He was to have all
the moneys I had left (excluding my father's coins, which were to go to the
monks) on condition he took a package of letters and my journal and delivered
them to Signor Falcone in Venice. This gentleman, I explained, would reward him
handsomely for his efforts, but only if the packet was delivered intact.
"You will do as I
He stood up. "I have
no alternative."
"Then I will leave
it on my bed, together with my blanket, the cooking things and anything else I
don't need. Do with them what you will." I held out my hand. "Thanks
for your help. No bad feelings?"
Ignoring my hand he
suddenly embraced and kissed me, then as quickly stepped back, so abruptly I
nearly fell.
"No bad
feelings," he said. "But you can't blame me for trying."
And that was the last I
saw of him.
Ky-Lin visited me at
midday. He knew without the telling what I was planning to do. He looked at me
gravely, asked me once more if I truly knew what I was doing. Of course I
reassured him, told him of my happiness, our hopes for the future. He looked so
down, not like his usual ebullient self, that I feared he might be ill.
"Ky-Lins are never
"Then what is it,
my dear? You don't look at all happy."
"I cannot answer
that. Ky-Lins are always supposed to be happy."
"I know—it's
because your task is finished, isn't it? You've seen me through, done all you
had to do—"
"No. I have not.
But I am not allowed to interfere."
"I don't
understand. . . ."
He must have seen my
distress for he came forward and laid his head against me. I bent and kissed
him, stroked his sleek hide.
"I wish you could
come with us."
He drew back. "I
told you: we do not deal with dragons. There is a rule. It is like your
Waystone; there are laws that repel, others that attract."
Although I didn't
understand what he was saying, that reminded me to tell him what I had done
with Dickon, and how I had enclosed the Waystone in my package to Signor
Falcone, asking him to deliver it to the captain's wife, telling her that the
crystal she had given me had been a gift to my betrothed's kin. "Rather
neat that, don't you think? After all, it has gone to Jasper's dragon
But he didn't smile.
Later he took the pouch
into which I had placed my father's coins, promising to deliver the money to
the monks. I asked him if he would give Growch a tiny pinch of Sleepy Dust
later, to make his flight to the Blue Mountain easier, and this he promised to
do around suppertime.
The cloak I shall leave
behind. Its color, weave and texture are the same as the cloth of the monks'
robes, and now I am sure that the father I never knew once lived here. He probably
committed some sin and had to leave; this would explain why the Unicorn's ring
would no longer fit him and also why the coins of my "dowry" led me
across the world to this place. So it is fitting that it remain here with the
This is the last I shall
write. Half an hour ago Ky-Lin left me, having given Growch his
"dose." My dear dog is fast asleep on the bed now, snoring gently. I
have told him nothing except that we are going on a trip, but have fed him all
the things he likes best, in case it is a long journey.
Myself, I cannot eat.
Surprisingly, I feel depressed. Perhaps it is something to do with my ring. It
had been a part of me for so long that I felt a real sense of loss when it just
slipped from my finger when Ky-Lin was here.
At first I couldn't
believe it. I just stared at it, then picked it up between finger and thumb. It
was so light, so thin, just a sliver of horn so delicate I could crush it
between my fingers. . . . I tried to put it on again, but somehow it had curled
around itself so that now it was too small.
"You have no need
of it anymore," said Ky-Lin gently. "It cannot go where you go. Let
me take care of it. I shall keep it safe until there is another who needs
"But aren't you due
to go to your heaven?"
"My task is not finished.
You have your future, but others . . . There is another who will need me for a
while. And afterwards?" He shrugged. "Time is a relative thing."
"Don't talk in
riddles! So, where will you keep my—the ring?"
He bent his head.
"It will have a home on the horn of my forehead. Like to like."
Again he was being
abstruse, but I placed the ring as he had said, and it fitted at once as if it
were a part of him.
"And now, good-bye.
It has been an interesting time. I shall miss you, girl, but I shall pray for
you. Now if you cry like that, you will get my hide all wet, and Ky-Lins don't
like the damp. . . ."
* * *
It is All Hallows' Eve,
not far from midnight, and the moon, a bloodred full moon, has just risen. The
piece of paper on which I am writing this I will tuck away into the package at
the last moment.
It is strange, writing
like this in the present; I have been used for so long to write in the past,
catching up on my journal, which I hope will explain to Signor Falcone—and
Matthew if he passes it on—exactly what has happened to me. I hope they will
understand how all my life for the past two years has led to this moment, how
this is the culmination of all my dreams.
How do I feel?
Frightened a little, yes, but once Jasper is here all fear will go. The egg is
by my side; I have sewn it into the scrap of skin that was once the Wimperling,
the outer self of Jasper. Two years ago, to the day, we created this egg; a
year earlier I started on this travelling, and now that I was about to lose it
I had a sudden flood of maternal feeling for the egg and had to tell myself it
was only a stone, even though within it lay hidden a tiny creature that was
certainly a part of Jasper and perhaps of me too. But even if I kept it I would
never see it hatch . . .
It has been a long, long
journey. God keep all those I have loved.
Moonlight floods the
room: out with the candle. The light that is the love of Jasper and myself will
illuminate the rest of my life.
A last prayer . . .
Away with this. He is
To the illustrious Signor Falcone: greetings. This by the
hand of Brother
Boniface of the Abbey of the same name in Normandy.
Sir, I introduce
myself as the Infirmar of the Abbey. Recently I took under my care a traveller
by the name of Ricardus. When he was admitted to the Infirmary it was obvious
he suffered from a low fever, with much coughing and spitting of blood. We kept
him close, administered plasters to his chest, doses for the ill humors and
bled him, but a practiced eye could see that the Good Lord was the only one who
could intervene in a terminal illness.
Alas, this was
not to be, our prayers being unavailing, and the Lord moving in mysterious
Two days before
the patient died, fortified by the rites of Holy Church, confessed and given
the Last Rites, he asked to make a deposition that was to be forwarded to
yourself. He had given us the last of his silver for Holy Church and was
currently in a State of Grace, so I placed a young novice who writes in the
shortened form by his bedside. He took down the words of Ricardus, later
transcribing them into proper form, the result of which is here to your hand.
A great deal of
what the patient said was not understood, and towards the end he rambled a
great deal, but the words are his and will doubtless mean more to yourself,
illustrious Signor.
I am dying: they told me
so. They don't mince words, these monks. All that chanting; reminds me of a
monastery where—
To be fair, I asked
them, but then I think I knew, anyway.
I am accursed. . . .
At first, after I
delivered Summer's package to you, and went on with the letter to Master
Spicer, everything was fine. With the moneys you both gave me I set up in
business for myself. For the first ten years I travelled the Western World and
had ample compensation for my outlay. And yet . . .
Some years ago I caught
a disease in a brothel in Genoa—God curse it!—which no medicines, poultices or
prayers could assuage. Another infection caused my hair to fall out and great
boils appeared on my body. Then, to add to all this, I contracted the Great
Itch on my arms and legs and great sores in my groin that caused me much
discomfort. Because of these afflictions I remain covered at all times, and
have had to confine my business to the colder northern clime where such garb is
accepted all year round.
Yet still did I prosper,
enough to buy me those pleasures not readily available to those in my
unfortunate condition, but during the last couple of years, due to unwise
investment in cargoes that foundered, all my fortune has dwindled away, and now
I only possess the silver in my pocket and a certain object which I shall ask
to be forwarded to you. Of that, more later.
I lied to you, you know.
When I brought Summer's journal, fifteen years ago, I made it sound so
romantic, didn't I? And you have probably believed all these years that she
flew off into the sunset with her man-dragon and lived happily ever after.
But it wasn't like that.
That night didn't go as any of us expected, least of all her. Why didn't I tell
you the truth? Because I thought you and Master Spicer would pay more for good
news than for bad, that's why.
I fancied her myself,
did you know that? When she turned up in that boy's gear, with those long legs
and all . . . Respected her, too. All that reading and writing, the way she
trained those animals of hers, the ladylike way she spoke. She never paid any
attention to the men, either; always kept herself to herself, never flirted.
She behaved like a virgin and I treated her like one. I mean, I never really
tried it on. Not really. Not until the end, that is, when I saw her with that
fellow of hers—
No more now, I'm tired.
Leave me a candle. It'll be full dark ere long.
The patient
worsened overnight, with much coughing up of blood and loss of breath, and was
not well enough to dictate in the forenoon. In the afternoon we were afflicted
with sudden gales, which stripped the last of the fruits in the orchard and
loosened the roof on the guest house. These strong winds seemed to stimulate
the patient, who indicated he wished to continue his deposition, albeit in a
more disjointed and rambling way. . . .
Where was I? Oh, yes.
I fancied her, yes, but
I doubt I would have left the caravans to follow her unless I was sure she was
after treasure. There were the maps, you see—and who was right in the end?
She told me there was
nothing, and I know now she believed that, but I thought she was trying to con
me, wanted it all for herself. The thought of treasure can do strange things to
your mind. . . . Radix malorum est cupiditas . . .
She talked your monk
tongue, learnt it from an old priest. . . . But you met her, you know what she
was like. No, not you, him . . .
God, I'm thirsty, give
me wine! Gnat's piss . . .
Of course I didn't know
about him then, her pig-man-dragon, did I? How could she prefer a man like
that? All dark, with yellow eyes like a wolf! The girls have always said I was
handsome, well endowed—still am, and know how to use it too—
Heard them that night,
saw them as well. Disgusting, from one I had thought so pure! Tried it on after
he'd gone, but she wasn't having any; set the dog on me, she did. Hated that
But I knew what I knew
then, didn't I? Knew that what I'd seen wasn't what it seemed. Heard enough to
know where to go that night—
Moon was red as blood,
bats flying like witches. Alone . . .
For Christ's sake, can't
you stop that wind? I'm fucking dying, and I want some peace! Ahhh . . .
The patient
being in obvious distress he was dosed heavily with poppy juice till he quieted
and enjoyed an uneasy sleep. He continued late that night, when he awoke,
although his testimony became increasingly disjointed.
I was there before them,
knew where to hide, they didn't see my horse. They came down on the ledge and
she had that blasted dog in her arms. One moment he was a dragon—near shit
myself—then just the fellow she slept with. Followed 'em down the passage, not
too close . . .
Got to the cavern. Hid
in the entrance. They walked to the chasm, he said something and the whole
place lighted up. Talk about fucking rainbows! There was this light. . . .
Thirsty: any more of
that wine? God, how you drink it, I don't know! Now if you were me, travelled
all over the world, tasted the wines of—What was that? Bells, bells, bells!
Same in that monastery. Bloody monks . . .
The jewels! Never seen
anything like those jewels! Piled up like mountains they were. Forgot to be afraid
of the dragons. Gold, too. Enough to buy you and your trading empire out a
thousand times. Dazzled . . .
There was a lot of
growling and hissing and roaring and from what I had heard last night they were
going to try and exchange that obscene thing she called a dragon's egg for him,
her fellow, to stay human. Well, she brought it out from behind her back, held
it up for them to see, then laid it on the ground together with her sleeping
dog. It all went quiet, I tell you!
Then Summer and her
boyfriend walked over a kind of bridge and there was a sort of ceremony, lots
of spitting and hissing and roaring, and then they started to walk back, with
smiles on their faces like they got what they wanted. It was their own fault, I
tell you! They stopped in the middle of the bridge and started kissing and
cuddling and I couldn't stand it no more!
Couldn't get near the
jewels, but if that egg thing was that important, why shouldn't I have a piece
of the action? Never meant no real harm, just a bit of a threat; hold it over
the chasm, they'd give me enough of the loot to keep me going.
Crept forward, had my
hands on the thing, when that bloody dog woke up and started barking—
How was I to know they
thought it was a plot? How was I to know they thought she and him was in it
too? I didn't mean no harm, honest! No one can say I haven't suffered for it
neither. He was trying to shout something and she was clinging to him like ivy
when it happened—
Oh, God, Jesu, I can see
it, hear it, smell it, now!
I swear I didn't mean
to. . . . The fires of Hell, I can feel them now! I'm burning, burning! Christ
Jesus, I never meant to hurt her! I loved her, God curse it, I loved her. All
right, so I was jealous; that too. But you don't hurt those you love, do you?
What time is it? Time
for me to go. Creep into a dark corner, like an animal. Like the bloody dog . .
. The rainbow creature came for him afterwards, all bloody and singed as he
was, took him away and healed him. But you can't heal a mind, can you? She
loved them both, more than she ever cared for me. . . . Hated them!
The fires, the fires!
Have you ever smelled singeing flesh? She screamed, so loud it burst something
in my heart. Couldn't feel anything for anyone after that.
It seemed the top of the
world blew off. They were in the middle of the bridge when it collapsed, he had
her in his arms and the flames came up and caught their hair. I saw him change
man-dragon, dragon-man, so quick you couldn't blink and he wrapped his wings
about her and then they were gone as though they'd never been!
That scream . . . she
knew it was me. She looked at me. Just once. Oh, Summer, it wasn't my fault, it
wasn't, I swear it!
Dark, it's dark; why
don't you light the candles?
The patient
became delirious, then relapsed into a coma; he awoke for the last time just
before midnight. He was given wine, but was unable to drink it. He asked the
time, day and date.
All Hallows' Eve? I
might have known it. She had her revenge after all. Fifteen years . . . Oh,
Lord: was it worth it all?
Ricardus lapsed
again into a coma, the storm returned to harass us, and then, just before
midnight, he woke once more, sat bolt upright in bed and uttered his last
But I did get something
out of it! And now those dragons can search till Doomsday, God curse them and
curse you all! Do with it what you will—
This is the
testimony the man Ricardus asked us to forward to you. If you feel so disposed,
our messenger will willingly bring moneys back to us for Masses to be said for
the deceased's soul, for I fear he did not die in a State of Grace.
In fact any
donation towards the upkeep of the Abbey would be most welcome. . . .
I also send with
Brother Benedict whatever poor possessions Ricardus carried with him: his few
clothes were distributed to the poor, as was his staff and mug and plate. There
was, however, a certain object he referred to in his disposition and kept in a
pouch around his neck; a round pebble wrapped in hide, and a scrap of paper.
Although the object appears to be worthless, no doubt it will prove of
sentimental interest to yourself. As you can see, the piece of paper bears the
misspelt legend: "This be Dragonnes Eg."
In the Indian Ocean
there is a small island, situated well off the trade routes. It was charted in
the eighteen thirties by the Portuguese, who mapped it as Discovery Isle. Many
years later the missionaries arrived and once they understood the native
language, found that the inhabitants had always called it "Dragon
Isle." When questioned, the islanders related the legend that accompanied
the name.
There were two points of
consistency, otherwise the tale had obviously changed with the years and
recollection. The points of agreement were that one day in the distant past a
great black dragon, sore wounded, had arrived in the skies from the northeast
bearing a burden. It had circled the island three times before alighting
somewhere in the hills to the north. The other point of agreement was that the
creature eventually left in the same direction, after circling the island in
the same fashion.
Between these two
"facts," there were two different versions of events. The first had
it that the dragon laid waste to the forests of the island till the air was
black with the fires, then he buried whatever he carried in a cave high in the
mountains before flying away again.
The other version had
the dragon again alighting in the hills with his burden and three days later a
man and a woman, both badly injured, coming down to dwell among the islanders.
This story would have it that the pair recovered and lived for many years at
peace, the woman communing with the beasts of the field, the man a master of
weather. In the fullness of time the woman died, and the man bore her body up
into the hills and buried it, then the great dragon appeared again and flew
away, sorrowing. . . .
Here There Be Dragonnes
Mary Brown

This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this
book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely
Copyright © 2003 by Mary Brown
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions
thereof in any form.
A Baen Books Original Omnibus
Baen Publishing Enterprises
P.O. Box 1403
Riverdale, NY 10471
ISBN: 0-7434-3596-6
Cover art by Carol Heyer
First omnibus printing, March 2003
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Brown, Mary, 1929–
Here there be dragonnes / by Mary Brown.
p. cm.
Previously published as three separate novels: The unlikely ones, Pigs don't
fly, Master of many treasures.
ISBN 0-7434-3596-6 (pbk.)
1. Young women—Fiction. 2. England—Fiction. 3. Rings—Fiction. I. Title.
PR6052.R6143 H47 2003
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Produced by Windhaven Press, Auburn, NH
Printed in the United States of America
Here There Be Happy Readers
"What a splendid, unusual and intriguing fantasy quest! You've got a
winner here." —Anne McCaffrey
"I think The Unlikely Ones is going to be a new classic for
generations of young people to fall in love with. I already have."
—Marion Zimmer Bradley
"Beautiful . . . compelling; I got caught reading [Pigs Don't Fly]
late at night, and lost sleep, because it did what fiction seldom does: held my
attention beyond sleep." —Piers Anthony
"Summer is a fully realized character . . . and there are generous
dollops of humor to balance the tenser moments." —Starlog
"Delightful!" —Kliatt
"A captivating fantasy, with a lovable cast of characters." —VOYA
* * *
Best known for her
popular quest fantasies, Mary Brown also wrote the historical romances Playing
the Jack and The Heart has Its Reasons, the post-apocalyptic fantasy
novel Strange Deliverance, and a fourth Unicorn Ring novel, Dragonne's
Eg. Several of her fantasy novels were selected by the American Library
Association for their Best Books for Young Adults list, by the New York Public
Library for their annual list of Books for the Teen Age, and by the Young Adult
Library Services Association for their Best Books for Young Adults list. Before
becoming a full-time writer, she had been an artist's model, actress, caterer,
and store clerk. She wrote her novels in a home located high in the scenic
mountains of Spain, which she shared with her husband, cats, tortoises, and
assorted fish and pigeons. Her death in 1999 was a loss to the many readers of
her quirky and fascinating brand of fantasy.
Strange Deliverance
Here There Be Dragonnes (omnibus)
The Unlikely Ones
Pigs Don't Fly
Master of Many Treasures
Dragonne's Eg
The Unlikely Ones
To the then of "C" and "Ly," my father and my mother and the
now of Christopher, their great-grandson.
My thanks as usual to:
My husband, Peter;
My editor, Paul Sidey;
My typist, Anne Pitt.
Especial thanks to the author
A. C. H. (Anthony) Smith,
Without whose encouragement this book
would not have been written, and
Finally, last but not least,
Love and thanks to "Wellington,"
Once again my companion and also this time
Invaluable referee on the peculiarities of
animal behaviour . . .
The Beginning
The Thief in the Night
The cave itself was cosy
enough as caves go: sandy floor, reasonably draught-proof, convenient ledges
for storing treasure, a rain/dew pond just outside, a southerly aspect and an
excellent landing strip adjacent, but the occupant was definitely not at his
best and the central heating in his belly not functioning as it should. Granted
he must have been all of two hundred and fifty years old but that was merely a
youngling in dragon-years, measuring as he did a man-and-a-half (Western
Hominid Standard) excluding tail, and at his age he should have been flowing
with fiery, red health.
He was not. He was blue,
and that was not good. Dragons may be red, scarlet, crimson, vermilion,
rose-madder at a pinch, purple, gold, silver, orange, yellow, even certain
shades of green—but not blue.
He lay in a muddled heap
on the cave floor, not even bothering to arrange his tail into one of the
regulation turns, hitches or knots, listlessly turning over and over the pile
of pebbles that heaped the space before him. The dull, bluish-purple glow that
emanated from his scales illuminated only dimly the confines of the cave but
made mock-amethysts and sham-sapphires of the grey and white stones he sorted:
a semiprecious illusion. Nothing could transform them into a ruby from a sacred
temple of Ind, an emerald from the rainforests of Amazonia; a diamond
from the Great Desert, a sapphire from the Southern Seas or a great, glowing
pearl from the oyster-mouth of the grey Northern River. And that was the
trouble: they were pebbles, nothing more, the insulting substitute left by The
Thief . . .
For the three thousand
two hundred and fifty-fifth time or so he went over in his mind that dreadful
day, some seven years ago, when he had sallied forth all unsuspecting for the
Year's-Turn Feast. Over the few years previously spent
gold-and-silver-gathering in this retrospectively accursed, damp, boggy,
sunless island, he had made the cave his principal headquarters and had
twice-yearly, shortest day and longest, received his tribute of roast mutton,
pork or beef from the village below (after he had explained that raw maidens
were not in his line). He had good-humouredly tolerated the current yokel
dragon-slayer brandishing home-made spear, sword or some-such who insisted on
defending a symbolic maiden staked out in front of his feast; he even retreated
the regulation ten paces in mock-submission before insisting on his roast. He
had flown forth that day secure in the knowledge that he need only wait for the
better weather of the equinox to return Home with the assorted extras of gold
helm, breastplate, mail, dishes, brooches, bowl, buckles and coin (there was
too much silver to carry) and the glory of the necessary jewels, and was urged
on with a healthy hunger for his last tribute. The side of beef had, he remembered,
been slightly underdone, and he had had to barbecue it a little himself to
bring out that nice charred flavour that added scrunch to bones and singe to
fat. He remembered, too, that he had obligingly restarted the damp, smoky fire
on which his rather unflattering effigy was regularly cremated, and had even
joined in the dancing and jollification that always succeeded his surrogate
demise, and so it had been well after midnight when he had returned to the
cave, replete, sticky and tired, to find—
The end of his world,
and a heap of pebbles.
* * *
His quest had been
specific: one each of ruby, emerald, diamond, sapphire and lastly, the pearl.
And any incidentals by way of gold or silver, of course. The ruby had been an
easy snatch-and-grab, but the emerald had required travel at the worst time of
year over seas grey and wrinkled as an elephant's hide; the diamond had proved
troublesome and the sapphire fiendishly difficult, but one expected a gradation
of difficulty in all quests, and he had been well within the hundred-year limit
when the fresh-water oyster had yielded the final treasure, his personal
dragon-pearl beyond price, the largest and most perfect he had ever seen,
mistletoe-moon-coloured and perfectly cylindrical.
And now? And now he
remembered as vividly as ever his return to the furtive sweat-smell of excited
theft in the night, an unidentified shadow that left only a silhouette of the
sorcery that had accompanied it. He had roared out into the dark, his whole
body twisting into an agonized coruscation of shining scales whose thunderous
passage through the gaps between the mountain and the hills had left a rain of
split rocks and splintering shale cascading in a black torrent to the valleys
beneath. But there had been no sight, no sound of the thing he sought, only the
taint of a thing that crawled, that flew, that walked, that ran; a shape
intangible, a sniggering darkness that fled faster than he could pursue and
left no trail to follow. And this—this Thief-without-a-name—had stolen his
jewels, his quest, his very life, for he could not return Home without those
precious things. The gold was still there, true, but it was merely incidental:
every dragon collected gold as a child might gather shells from the shore, but
the jewels were special. They were the confirmation of his maturity, the price
of his transition from Novice to Master-Dragon, and without these proofs of his
quest, the badges of his success, he was condemned to die. Oh, not a sudden
execution, that perhaps he would have welcomed: rather an exile's slow
withering, an embering and ashing of the once-bright fires, a shrivelling of
scales from calcined bones, a fossil's hardening in the remorseless silt of the
years. And if he attempted to return without his treasure there would be the
turned shoulder, the stifled snigger, the, in itself, mortal loss of face that
would be death in life. And he could not bear that: better to die a suicide of
wasting, cold and hunger on this wretched Black Mountain far from home; better
to suffer the slow pangs of winter and starvation than to return disgraced.
For a moment his tired
brain flickered with pictures of his bright egg-brothers and sisters, a
remembrance of sky-soaring flight, of play among the circumscribed cloudlets of
his youth; once again he saw the heaven-turn of pagoda roof, heard the
dissonant tonk of temple bells, felt the yellow sun of the yellow people gild
his scales, tasted fire in his mouth, smelt sandalwood and cedar, and all at
once he let out such a howl that for the first time in many, many moons the
peasants in the village some two miles below heard him quite clearly; a cry of
such piercing despair that it slunk under their ill-fitting doors like the
keening of hound condemned to out-kennel in the worst of wolf-pelt winters. And
those hearing crossed themselves, touched lucky charms, threw placatory
offerings on the smoky fires, whichever pleased whatever God, gods or Fate to
which their superstition turned. Then they cursed the dragon, near-forgotten in
the years of silence, and at the same time were glad he still lived, for he was
their very own living legend. They wished him gone and they wished him come,
wished him dead and wished him living, all at one and the same time, like all
disconcerting, uncomfortable, prestige-making myths-come-alive that they could
neither control nor explain.
But this time the echoes
of the dragon's despair went farther than the confines of the little village beneath
the Black Mountain. Something of it travelled, thinner and more attenuated the
farther it went, and eventually reached an ear just waking from sleep, an ear
that had been seeking a diversion such as this. The owner of the ear thought
about it for a moment, weighed the pros and cons, and then bestirred himself to
look for a miracle.
And found it, in the
unlikeliest septet imaginable . . .
The Gathering: One
The Unicorn and the Prince
He was bathing in a
rainbow, the rainbow made by the long fall of waters, and the colours shone in
bands of coloured light across the white screen of his hide. Long mane and tail
rippled like silver seaweed in the clear waters and the golden, spiralled horn
flashed and sparkled in the light. Tender pink of belly and gums assumed a rosy
glow, the long white lashes were spiky with water and the cloven hooves stamped
the spray with sheer enjoyment until it splintered into mist. He was a splendid
creature, at the height of his powers, all white, pink and gold except for the
dark, deep, beautiful eyes which held a colour all their own that none had been
able to name, but that reminded some of the sky at night, others of dark,
new-turned earth, a few of the tender greening spring slips of fir and pine.
The falls dropped hissing
to foam about his hooves, the sun flickered and shone on the tumbling waters, a
crowd of gnats danced in crazy circles above the ripples, a dragonfly,
iridescent green and purple, darted away to the tall reeds on the left; a
silver fish clooped a lazy arc downstream, not really caring that the mayfly
were out of reach; kingfisher flashed blue to his nest in the bank and an otter
drifted by on its back, paws tucked up on its chest, creamy belly-fur warmed by
the sun, ruddered tail lazily steering. All was right with the world, all was
beautiful, all was high summer and yet, suddenly, like the shadow of a bird
across the sun, black and fleeting, an alien fear touched the unicorn and he
knew that something unknown threatened his world.
Flinging up his head, the
droplets scattering like diamonds from his thick, floss-silk mane, he snuffed
the air through flaring nostrils, the long, pointed ears with their furred
inners laid back against the small delicate head. There was no strange sound or
scent, yet still a feeling lingered in the air. As he stepped from the stream,
the waters flowed away from rounded shoulders and back to trickle into the
plumed fetlocks above the bifurcated hooves. A green-white shadow, he slipped
into the forest, bending in and out of the drowse-leafed trees, his hooves
leaving no trace on the soft turf. Then, leaving the deciduous fringes for the
quiet corridors of conifer, he heard it. A thin sound, a catch of music as
plainly faery as himself, that stole like mist through the silent, bare trunks
of the trees. Hurrying now, desperate at what he would find, he brushed
heedlessly through the forest until he came to the clearing where he had left
his prince, and the sudden sunlight shone upon a scene so unexpected, so
bizarre, that he checked back violently on his haunches, hooves skidding on the
In the middle of the
open space between the dark avenues of trees a young man, no more than nineteen
or twenty, was dancing. At first sight this was a beautiful thing to see: he
moved so lightly, so gracefully, his whole being responding instinctively to
the music—
The music? This appeared
to come from a harp, played pleasantly by a pretty young girl seated on a
hummock on the opposite side of the glade, but the unicorn had the eyes of
faery and what he saw struck sudden fear to his heart. He saw the young maiden,
assuredly, but she was merely an ephemeral outline, a deceiving frame for the
evil thing that crouched within. A naked witch mouthed there, her wrinkled,
sagging body twisting and turning within the illusionary young body that
covered it like a second skin, her face alight with malice as she watched her
prey dance himself to death. Already, even as the unicorn watched helplessly,
the beautiful face of the prince aged some five years, and the lithe, lissom
figure hesitated as it attempted a twisting leap into the air. But the music
quickened, drove him on and on, and the movements of his dancing body grew more
and more frenzied as his proud countenance tautened and paled.
The unicorn started
forward, neighing his distress, and for a moment the music faltered and the
young prince stumbled and slowed, but then the tune grew louder and more
insistent and he danced on, his face now turned imploringly to the great white
animal, his arms extended in entreaty while his body and legs turned and
twisted to the infernal music. The unicorn reached his side by tremendous
effort of will, it seemed, his body for the moment a shield from the witch, and
the prince stopped dancing and laid his trembling hands on the curling mane,
whimpering, "Help me, help me!" The great horned animal turned his
head to gaze deeply into the distressed blue eyes so near his own, at the sweat
pouring down the beautiful, ageing face, at the sweet mouth imploring his aid,
felt the slim hand shaking as it clutched at his mane and the young/old heart
racing close to his, and bent his head to nuzzle the damp tangled-gold curls.
"Trust me," he
breathed. "I love you more than life, you know that . . ."
He turned to face the
witch. And the birds of the forest fell silent, the small creatures were still,
the wind held its breath and no cloud crossed the sun.
* * *
That very sun was
declining behind the trees when at last the unicorn had to admit that he was
beaten. The witch and her music now lay in an enchanted bubble that no hoof
could break, no charging shoulder shift, no tooth pierce; he had blocked the
tune effectively enough for a while by throwing a magic sound barrier round his
beloved but the music had shifted, crept, sidled, turned about his shield and
the prince was now lying exhausted on the grass of the shadow-lengthening glade
and the unicorn dared not look into his face for fear lest all youth, all
beauty had fled. Runnels of foam dripped from the animal's muzzle, flecking his
neck and forelegs and the great head was lowered, the dark eyes full of pain.
After a while the spiral horn on his forehead touched the ground in his
exhaustion, sending a sharp pain through his body and jerking him fully upright
once more. At once he knew what he must do. The magic horn, that which confers
enchantment upon all unicorns, was irreplaceable; if it became damaged or
broken he was no longer immortal. But he knew there was no choice—for the love
he bore was greater than his fear of death and he lowered his head once more,
giving himself no time to weigh the chances, and in that last moment before his
magic horn pierced the bubble that encapsulated the witch and her killing music
he at last saw fear in her eyes.
The bubble burst with
the noise of a great crystal palace shattering around his ears, and the ringing
and clattering echoed the great pain that suffused his head, his whole body. He
knelt on the grass, his flanks heaving, a stink of singed flesh and horn in his
nostrils, and knew without mirrored confirmation that his proud golden horn was
no more. He was nothing now, a white horse with cloven hooves and no magic, but
at least his beloved was safe and young again and beautiful, and would weep
tears to heal the broken place where the horn had been, and together they would
flee this horror, and find a kind of peace—
Not so. As he turned, he
saw with dismay that the witch had escaped the destruction of her bubble and
stood, tall, dark-cloaked and menacing over the senseless body of his prince.
Even as the unicorn started forward to challenge her, the pain in his mutilated
head receding to a dull, bearable ache, he heard her begin to chant a spell of
such malevolence that he started back again, his great eyes wide with distress,
realizing too late that without the magic horn he was impotent. The darkening
forest seemed to close in against the reddening sky as between him and the
witch there appeared a deep pool: not of water, but hard as diamonds and as
clear, with the illusion of plants waving in invisible currents in its depths.
And there, at the very heart of it, resting on a bed of pebbles, grey, blue and
white, lay the prince, eyes closed, legs and arms flung carelessly as though he
slept on some feather bed.
Vainly the unicorn
stamped and pawed at the unyielding surface of the magic pond, neighing his
distress. He turned once more to the witch and she answered his unspoken
"Why? He refused
me, that's why, even though I made myself young and beautiful as he: I was not
to know he was a freak, a creature-lover, was I?" and she spat. "But
no, he is not dead, he lies in spelled sleep. And the only thing that can save
him—" and she laughed shrilly, confident in her revenge "—is a whole
unicorn, who will sacrifice himself and his horn to pierce that sleep! And
you—" she pointed derisively, "—you are hornless!"
And her shrieks of
laughter pursued him like demons as he fled despairing into the forest.
The Gathering: Two
The Knight and a Lady
She was the fairest lady
he had ever seen: eyes like sapphires, lips ruby-red, diamond-fair hair flowing
down her emerald-green dress, skin translucent as pearl. Although the fire on
which he had toasted the rye-bread of his supper had burned low this jewel-creature
seemed to carry her own light and her voice was soft and caressing as she
crossed the clearing towards him, her robes making the faintest susurration in
the long, dry grass.
"All alone, fair
He rubbed his eyes,
convinced he must be dreaming. Sure his eyes had been closed but a moment—too
short a time for sleep—but what else in the world could this apparition be but
a dream? This one must come from a towered castle somewhere in Germanica; she
should live in pillared hall on the slopes of the Middle Sea; she would not
have been out of place in a screened harem in the Great Desert; she could have
come from anywhere beautiful, faraway, exotic: all he knew was that she did not
belong here, on the scrubby edges of this shabby forest hundreds of miles from
the nearest towers, halls or harems.
He pinched himself,
half-hesitating even as he did so, for if this were indeed a dream, he would be
fool to wake just as everything seemed to be going so nicely. The pinch hurt
and she was still there so she must be real, and indeed now she was standing a
mere foot or so away and her heady perfume flowed out round him like a bog
mist, a miasma, near-palpable in its form. All at once he became conscious of
the sleep in the corners of his eyes, his two-day stubble, untrimmed moustache
and crumpled clothes. All else, sword, armour, purpose were instantly
forgotten: she was all that mattered.
"I—I—" he
stammered, for coherence was gone also.
"I—I—" she
mocked, and laid her cool hand on his wrist, where it burnt like fire.
"L—Lady," he
stuttered then recalled, by a tremendous effort of will it seemed, the
courtesies and protocol demanded. Knights were always respectful and courtly;
ladies, in return, gracious and yielding. The men were allowed a little
flattery and boldness of the eye, plus a little twirl or two of the moustache
and from the women one expected a fluttering and dimpling, a casting-down of
eyes and an implied admiration. But of course at first one had to go through
the preliminary ritual of polite verbal exchanges—How the hell did it go? Ah,
yes . . .
"Lady, I am at your
service, and with my sword will gladly defend you from all perils and dangers
of this night." (When he had been a mere squire there had been the usual
ribaldry with his fellows as to the true connotation of the "sword"
and whether it was "night" or "knight.") "And if you
will inform me of your desire, I—"
"Tu," she
interrupted. "Tu es mon seul desir . . ."
Somehow her use of the
Frankish tongue made this all much more difficult. Although he could not fault
her courtly language, yet the words were in the wrong context: they were the
words one would use to one's affianced or groom, and this one looked neither
virginal nor a bride . . .
He found himself
trembling, hot desire running like siege-fire into the pit of his loins. He
gritted his teeth: this must be A Temptation, sent to test him; he had heard
They sometimes took fleshly form, the better to ensnare and seduce. Sadly,
Goodness usually came wrapped plain in everyday clothes and required effort of
a different kind: a dragon slain (only nowadays there were none left), the
routing of wolf or bear or somesuch. Anyway, This in front of him now, clad in
shameless importunity and little else, was not Good, so therefore must be Bad,
coming as It did in the middle of the night, that lonely vulnerable time when a
man's strength is at an ebb and his resolve at its weakest. Still, if It were A
Temptation, all one had to do was to summon up the required Formula, step
smartly away, and deliver the words with clarity and feeling, and after a
moment the temptation would disappear. Simple.
Pulling free of her hold
he crossed himself.
"Begone, Foul
Fiend!" he said, in capitals, and crossed himself once more, to be on the
safe side. "For I Know You For What You Are . . ."
Initially he could not
have wished for a more gratifying result. She hissed and drew back, her silken
locks seeming to writhe like a nest of blond snakes, but before he could even
draw breath for a sigh of relief that he had been right, everything was as it
had been a moment since, only worse, for he found himself gazing, with a lust
he found increasingly difficult to control, at a long, perfectly formed leg,
bare to the thigh, and pointed, rosy-tipped breasts that spilled out like
forbidden fruit, from a suddenly diabolically disarranged dress. These delights
invited a more intimate examination than the eye alone could give, caressing
hand or tongue or both, and he had to concentrate very hard on knightly vows,
candled altars (priapic, phallic candles; bare naked, unclothed crosses—No!
dear Lord, no . . . ), hard, penancing stone floors, the weight of mail, the
chill of steel at dawn (better . . . ), chanting monks with tonsured heads,
cold water and thin gruel, hair-shirts and such, before his rising excitement
cooled sufficiently for him to be able to stand comfortably again. It did not
help that instantly he wished to relieve himself.
Resolutely he drew his
"Thou art an Evil
Thing, a witch, and ere you suborn me further I shall set good Christian steel
to your flesh . . ." It was all excellent stuff, learnt from The
Knight's Manual, but unfortunately it seemed to have little effect on its
intended victim. The manual had not provided for laughter, for disdain, for a
flying-off of all clothes, for a moving forward until bare flesh was pressed
skin-tight against his suddenly disarranged wear. Neither had it dealt with
seeking hands that drew out a rebellious prick and caressed it unbearably
If that had been all,
then he would have been lost indeed, but even Evil makes mistakes.
"Swyve me,
soldier-boy," she said.
Instantly his prick
shrivelled like a salt-sprinkled slug and he felt as naked and cold as a fowl
plucked living in a snowstorm. It was the words that did it. During his military
service it had been an almost universal and convenient phrase that was accepted
in all the stews and bordellos; it was used by the sluts on the quaysides, the
wenches in the hedge, the girls (and boys) of the back streets all over the
world, the preliminary to quick bargaining, the passing of coin, and even
quicker release. It was a phrase become meaningless with time that nevertheless
came trippingly off the tongue, alliteratively used as it usually was with
other words than "soldier": sailor, sweetheart, sire, sugar, saucy,
sheikh, sahib, sergeant, signor, senorita . . . But a lady would never say it,
never, not even in extremis.
The court ladies he had
known, in reality quite as randy as their stew-sisters, if not more so, were
all brought up to use polite euphemisms. "Put the Devil in Hell" was
a popular one, as was "Sheath the sword," and the less flattering
"Pop the coney down its burrow." All these were perfectly acceptable,
and the very words gave the actions a superficial respectability, so that
the lady could ask whether the Devil found it warm enough yet, or the gentleman
assure his partner that the scabbard was a perfect fit without blush staining
either's cheek.
So, for the second time
that night his proud prick took a tumble, for the words had dampened his ardour
irretrievably. It was just like being asked to drink nectar from a piss-pot.
She sensed his
withdrawal, and for an instant she seemed to him to flare and grow taller, then
her face crumpled, her bosom sagged and she spat in his face from blackened,
broken teeth.
"You will pay for
this, my fine gentleman, you will pay!"
Considerably frightened,
but more scared to show the fear, he recalled the torn edges of his dignity and
neatly sewed them straight with the classic line: "Do your worst, foul
hag: I am ready for you!" And perhaps he thought he was.
Stepping back, the once
beautiful hair now a greasy grey thatch, she raised her left hand and pointed
the index finger at him, the nail curved and blackened. She started to curse
him, roundly and fluently. Shrinking back in spite of himself he forgot to
cross himself: afterwards he wondered if it would have made any difference; on
balance he thought not.
"I hereby curse
you, and call the trees that stand and the stones that lie, the sun that rises
and the moon that sets, the wind that blows and the rain that falls, the sky
above and the earth below, and all creatures that walk, run, crawl, fly and
swim betwixt and between to bear witness to the same . . ."
As if in answer there
was a sympathetic growl of thunder: it had been a hot, sultry day.
"I curse you
waking, I curse you sleeping; I curse you standing, sitting, lying; I curse you
by day, I curse you by night; I curse you spring, summer, autumn and winter;
hot or cold, wet or dry . . ."
So far, so good: it was
the Standard Formula, nothing specific, and easy enough to be lifted by a bit
extra to the priest and a few penances to the poor. The knight wondered if,
after all, he was going to get away with it.
"And my special and
irrevocable curse is this: may your armour remain rusty, your weapons blunted,
your desires unfulfilled and your questions unanswered until you ask for the
hand in marriage of the ugliest creature in the land!"
He started back,
appalled, but before he could interrupt she went on: "May she not only be
ugly, but poor, twisted and deformed as well! And may you be tied to her for
life!" And she laughed, shrilly, exultantly. In a blind rage he snatched
up his sword again from where it had fallen during the cursing and sprinted
forward ready to run her through in his anger, female or no, but came bump! up
against some invisible wall that snapped off his sword some three inches from
the hilt and bloodied his nose. He went hurtling back as if he had been thrown
in a wrestle, to lie on his back on the ground, his head ringing and the broken
sword blade embedded in the turf an inch from his left ear.
When he finally rose to
his feet, pale and winded, she had gone, leaving a foul, decaying stench that
made him gag and pinch his nostrils. Gone, too, was his horse, probably miles
away by now, to be appropriated by some grateful peasant in the morning, who
would have great difficulty in persuading a fully trained warhorse to submit to
the plough. He peered at his heaped armour; already small spots of rust, like
dried blood, were speckling and spreading on the bright metal.
There was only one thing
to do.
Falling to his knees he
prayed: long, angrily and in vain.
The Gathering: Three-
Four- Five- Six- Seven
The Slaves of the Pebbles
One moment our little
world was predictable, safe, ordinary: the next we were nearly immolated in a
welter of flame.
Predictable, safe,
ordinary: I suppose those words could be misleading. Perhaps I should explain
that "predictable" meant that we knew tomorrow would be as miserable
as today; "safe" meant housed and tolerably fed without outside
interference, and that "ordinary" meant just that. It meant an
existence we had always known, as far back as faulty memory would take us; it
meant a crouching, fearful, nothing-being, prisoned, chained and subject to the
whims of our mistress. She should have a capital letter: Mistress. There. For
that is what we called her, the only name we knew, slaves as we were, and woe
betide any who even thought of her with a small "m" for she would
know, or pretend she did, and punish us, and we were so accustomed to her
domination that we believed she could read all our thoughts, sleeping and
We? Us? There were five
of her creatures in that small hut on the edge of the forest. Slaves, I should
say. I was the only one ever let out of the hut, and that for necessaries
alone—a sack of flour, tallow for dips, herbs from the hedgerow—and then I was
spat upon, ridiculed, even pelted with stones upon occasion by the
superstitious villagers who called me her "Thing," her Familiar. Even
those intermittent forays were no freedom, for the stomach cramps hit me even
worse when I was from her side, only easing when I returned, so it was no
wonder that people only saw me as a humped, ugly, deformed thing. I could not
even speak properly, for the only tongue I heard was an occasional command,
spells and the words of my friends, the others who shared my thrall.
There was Corby, the
great black crow, Puddy, the warty toad, Pisky the little golden fish and
kitten-cat Moglet, and though we conversed quite freely amongst ourselves when
the Mistress was out, it was a language of squawks, hisses, spits, bubbles, and
more thought-communication than human speech. I told you I was held near my
Mistress by stomach-cramps, and the others, in addition to cages, strings and
bars were held in the same fashion, by a pain that increased by degrees of hurt
the farther we were from our jailer. The origins of all these hurts were
concrete enough; small pebbles or stones that clung to our bodies as though
they were part of us. For me it was a sullen red stone that stuck to my navel
like a crab; for Corby it was a blue chip that stopped the stretch of his right
wing; for Puddy a green rock on his forehead that gave him headaches; for
Moglet a crippling glass piece that was embedded in the soft part of her left
front pad and for poor Pisky a great moon-coloured pebble that quite filled his
starving, round mouth. Why not pull them out? We had tried and all we had got
was an intensification of the pain, till it grew too excruciating to bear and
we had to stop.
Perhaps the worst part
was that we could not remember them being put there, nor coming to this place
nor, even, who we were. Yet there were tantalizing remembrances for us all of
another life of freedom without pain, in another place, another time: yet so
fleeting was this recall to all of us, swift as the space between puff and
candle-out, that it was only when the flame dipped and wavered and bent a
little before expiring that one remembered a swoop of wings, a cool stone
grotto, the rasp of another tongue on one's fur, a gnat at twilight and—another
name, clash of swords, warm arms, crying . . . We all had these moments, yet
even as we snatched at memory, like a snowflake on the tongue it dissolved and
all form was lost. Some things we could remember, though: apparently Corby remembered
us all coming, except himself; Puddy remembered me, Moglet and Pisky; I
remembered the last two, but Moglet remembered only Pisky, and he not even
himself. The interval between arrivals none could judge, so it could have been
seven hours, days, weeks, months, years between first and last. Neither did we
know why we were held thus, nor would She tell us, and all questions were
answered by laughter, blows or the scorn of silence. Seasons meant little to
us, cabined as we were, for we saw and felt little of sunshine or storm, light
or dark, rain or warmth—the inside of the hut was always cold, a meagre fire
kept burning and the one window shuttered fast, so that day or night, summer or
winter were much the same to us. Sometimes birds whistled down the chimney or a
hedgepig would pause on the doorstep when She was out, but always these
encounters were reported to Her on her return by her Creature-in-the-corner,
the broom that was her real familiar, and we were beaten for encouraging
curiosity. Once, I remember, I asked a martin resting on the thatch whether it
was spring or autumn, and when she heard of this from the sly, crackling spy,
she had it beat me senseless.
Yet this Broom-Creature
was not only violent towards us, for sometimes when the air, even inside, was
sticky and hot, and it was difficult to sleep, She would take the thing into
her arms and whisper to it and push the smooth, knobbed end under her skirt and
it would jerk and throb until she cried out in what seemed pain and would
thrust it from her, its tip swollen into the thickness of a man's fist and all
glistening and wet with what looked like blood . . . But it was not real as she
and we were. It was only a piece of wood bound with dried stems and twigs and
she had to use words to bring it alive, the same sort of words she used to
bring things into the hovel, things that were shadows so thin you could put
your hand through them like smoke and yet which threw writhing coloured
patterns on any surface they touched. These apparitions floated and gestured
and whispered in an obscene language only she could understand and always after
they had gone she became increasingly short-tempered and restless, and sooner
or later would come the time when we would be caged and tied and she would
begin the preparations for a Shape-Change.
In some ways I looked
forward to this, for it meant that I was let out to gather plants and herbs for
her spells: mugwort and valerian; comfrey and stinking hellebore; bryony and
monkshood; oak galls and liverwort; fly agaric and pennyroyal. All the
ingredients She used I did not know, for she had others in bottles and jars and
boxes I was not allowed to see, locked away by magic words in cupboards and a
chest. And of the mixing we saw little for She would go behind a curtained-off
alcove at the other end of the hut when she was ready to begin. Then all we
would know was the stink of dried, crushed and powdered ingredients in the
smoke that rose from the blending of her concoctions, a stench that invaded
every corner, lending foul odours to the dry bread we ate, the cold water we
drank. We could hear a little of the muttered spells and incantations that
accompanied all this and we were allowed to see all the transformation: I think
having an audience for this somehow fed her overweening vanity, even of small
account as we were.
She would come out from
the alcove and stand in the middle of the hut, and gradually her whole
appearance would change. First she would untwist her body and grow taller, then
her greasy grey locks would untangle and grow lighter or darker, straighten or
curl as she desired. Even as we watched she took breasts that rose firm and
round, instead of flapping around her waist like empty goat-skins; her stomach
flattened, her legs and arms grew shapely and hair-free; her skin whitened and
discarded the liverish brown spots, the crooked, dirty nails on fingers and
toes became pink and the dry, split pouch at her groin would rise, mounded with
curling, moist hair. Lastly her face would take on the lineaments of a beautiful
woman: gone the warts, the beard, the moustache and come rosy cheeks, sparkling
eyes, white teeth and full, red lips. Then she would laugh and stretch her arms
wide and her voice would come sweet and rich as she called from the air silks
and fine linen to clothe her nakedness. Then she would beckon Broom, her
creature, and sit astride, call on the roof to open and fly out into the dark.
But She would not forget
us, oh no. The very last thing would be a spell to bind us faster than the
rope, cage, chains and bars that already held us. But once She had gone we
would breathe freer and stretch a little and talk, and that is when we
practised conversing without the usual constraints of her presence, exchanged
hopes and fears, ideas, what little we remembered of the past, and endless
speculation on the immediate present. Talk of the future held small part in all
this, for I found that my friends had very little conception of what it was,
and I was afraid even to think about it.
Perhaps I should qualify
"talk," for it was not the sort ordinary beings would recognize, let
alone understand. When I had first arrived I had talked wildly in human speech
to Corby and Puddy, and they had understood nothing except the terror and
distress, but in their different ways they had tried to soothe and reassure and
gradually I had come to understand a little of what they were trying to
communicate, and had tried to copy. It had become easier when Moglet and Pisky
arrived later. Communication of the simplest kind was usually by noise; more
complicated ideas were expressed by bodily position, movement, odour—in this I
was way behind the understanding, let alone the expressing—but the most
refined, and to me eventually the easiest to understand and adopt, was thought.
A simple dialogue between Moglet and myself would use all these processes:—
Moglet:—A loud,
attention-seeking mew, on a particular pitch that meant "I'm hungry!"
Moglet:—Body position
tight, paws together: "And I've been waiting ages . . ."
Moglet:—A thought, like
a ray of light penetrating my mind, giving me a memory-picture of what
happened, cat's eye level, of course: "Breakfast was the last meal and
that was only gruel and it was a long time ago when that slant of sun was over
in the corner and the fly buzzed up the wall and I caught it but Puddy ate it .
. ."
Me:—"Mmmm . .
Moglet:—Left eye
blinking twice. "You're not even listening straight!"
Me:—"You'll have to
wait . . ."
Moglet:—Eyes glancing
sideways, to the right. "Don't want to wait."
Me:— "Will a small
piece of cheese rind do, for the moment?"
Moglet:—Blink with both
eyes, lids returning to halfway. "Yes."
Me:—"Was that
Moglet:—Tail flat out
behind, tip gently vibrating. "Very nice . . ."
Me:— "What do you
want now, then?"
Moglet:—Tail gently
swished from side to side, right, left, right. "More, please . . ."
Of course it was not all
as easy as this. Abstract ideas like "fear," for instance, were most
difficult to express, for they did not use words for these, rather a
thought-impression of what frightened them most, and it was easy to get an
actual picture of our Mistress approaching the hut mixed up with an impression
of her doing so, which might approximate to, say, Corby's idea of fear. None of
this came naturally to us: it was just that we were thrown together in such
close proximity that we formed a sort of alliance of misery—and in some queer
way I believe our burden of pebbles brought us and our understanding closer
together. And so gradually I forgot my human speech and could barely mutter my
requests in the marketplace: my mother tongue became almost a foreign language.
Instead I would listen
while Corby would tell of the grasping of sliding air under the fingertips of
his wings, or soaring heights and dizzy drops; then there was Puddy reminiscing
of cool grottos, buzz of fly and crawl of worm; Moglet half-remembering a warm
hearth and dishes of cream, a substance none had tasted save Her, which sounded
rich, thick and delicious; Pisky recalling the silk-slide of summer waters, the
bright shoaling of his kin. While I held a dream of an armoured warrior, a fair
lady and someone singing—but who was to say that all these were not just
imaginings, for none of us could recall a place, a time, nor indeed how or why.
These respites together
were all too short and sometimes not worth Her absence, for twice latterly she
had returned in daylight and a foul temper, screaming at the air, the times and
us. The first time she had contented herself with kicking out at whoever had
been nearest, joggling Corby's perch till he fell off and emptying most of
Pisky's water till he gasped. But the second time was worse. Usually she
returned in the garb and looks in which she had departed, losing them only
gradually, but this time she dragged herself back with the dawn in her
accustomed evil form and there was a slitting to her eyes and a slavering to
her mouth that boded ill. At first she had laughed shrilly and pointed at me.
"I thought of you,
you ugly thing, when I cursed him! Yes, I tried to think of the worst fate I
could for the accursed fool, and then the thought came to burden him with the
dirtiest, most hideous creature I could imagine and you came to mind, you
filthy little obscenity! Twisted, monstrous, revolting—Thing—that you are . .
." And I had shrunk back, for the venom in her voice frightened me more
than anything she had done before. "Yes!" she had howled, "I
cursed him, for he refused—" but she suddenly snapped her mouth shut and
seizing her Broom, proceeded to beat me so hard I could not help but cry,
despite my determination never to let her see how much she hurt me either
physically or mentally. Then she seized Moglet and tried to throw her on the
fire, but I snatched her back and hid her, mewing pitifully, under my cloak.
Thwarted, she kicked Puddy out of his crock and stamped down catching my hand
instead, for he had jumped into my pocket for protection. Poor Pisky was next,
for she threw his bowl against the wall where it smashed and he lay helpless
and flapping on the mud floor till I stretched forth my uninjured hand and
popped him into the leather water-bucket, drawing that also under my cloak.
Then came Corby: she snapped the fine chain that kept him to his perch and
pulled and twisted at his neck until he pecked her and spiralled down helpless
to join the rest of the creatures huddled under my cloak. Then she seemed to go
mad, and though she now made no attempt to touch us herself, she shrieked a
curse that made all the pebbles we were burdened with hurt as they never had
before. And then her Broom was beating and beating at my bowed head until the
blood ran . . .
That seemed to calm her,
the sight of my blood, for she called off her minion and I heard her whisper,
as though to herself: "No, no not yet: They must have a living home, a
living body, or He will seek them out . . . Hide, hide, my precious ones, till
I find the formula . . ."
* * *
For a while after that
She had stayed at home and life had resumed its monotonous sameness, but I
never forgot that moment of utter terror when she had lost control and we had
seemed to face extinction; nor had I forgotten how my friends, for that is what
they were, had all sought refuge under my cloak, as though I were in some way
responsible for them all.
This action seemed to
bind us all closer together in a way we all secretly acknowledged but never
mentioned, which appeared to make our lives together easier and more hopeful in
the days that followed.
And now came this day,
the day that was going to change our lives irrevocably. The preceding night She
had left the hut just before moon-high, and the whole of the two days preceding
had been taken up with Shape-Changing. It was early autumn, for she had sent me
out for a few heads of saffron which I had found easily enough and then
lingered awhile at the edge of the forest gazing down at the village below.
Two-wheeled carts laden with the last of the hay and straw creaked down the
muddy street; children played with top and ball, their happy squeals and shouts
loud in the still air; men trudged back from the fields, mattocks on their
shoulders from breaking up the earth ready for the winter sowings; a woman beat
out a rag rug and farther off they were burning off stubble, for the smoke
curled up thin into my nostrils and stretched them wide with the acrid, sad
smell that is the ending of the year. At last an extra-sharp twinge in my
stomach reminded me of my Mistress and I hastened back in the blue twilight,
snatching a handful of blackberries from a bush as I went and eating each bleb
separately to make them last longer. I had been almost happy for a moment or
two that afternoon, but there had been a cuff for my tardiness and another for
my betraying, juice-stained mouth and I had gone into the corner by the fire
and turned my face to the wall. And so, in a fit of the sulks, I missed that
last change to beauty, with all its preenings and posturings, which to the
others at least broke the monotony of their drab days. So once I heard her
split the roof and disappear I was surprised as snow to find a beautiful lady
return by the door some two minutes later, to fling Broom at my head with the
remark to it: "No point in taking you, after all: it's not far. There'll
be no point in the binding, either," and with a few words she loosened the
invisible ties we were bound with, like a soaking in warm water softens dried
meat. Broom hustled up next to me and rustled and chattered, so I moved away
from my corner to join the others by the fire. Our Mistress paused once more
before she left by the conventional door, swirling her long, purple gown:
"I shall not be late," she warned. "So, quiet as mice and no
tricks or I shall have you all with the cramps when I return . . ."
She looked very
beautiful that night, with long brown hair the sheen of hazelnuts hanging down
her back and eyes the colour of squirrel-fur. I wondered what it felt like to
be beautiful.
It may seem strange that
we never queried her Shape-Changing, nor questioned where she went in that
guise, nor why, but it was so much a part of our lives that we just accepted
it, I suppose: I do not remember puzzling over it—I was just glad that she was
not there. Afterwards the reasons became clearer, but at the time we all took
it as a sort of Holy Day, and relaxed. That night I rustled up some nice bone
broth I had hidden away and ate it with freshish bread, sharing it with Corby
and Moglet, and shaving a sliver of new-dead moth and slipping it with
agonizing patience round the moon-pebble in Pisky's mouth, giving the rest,
wings and all, to Puddy. I was comfortably dozing, back against the angle of
the fireplace, when the door was flung open and she was back.
I could see that this
time it was going to be different from any time before. She seemed to glow, to
expand, to fill the whole room with a musky odour of femininity that scared me.
Her eyes were sleep-puffed, satiated, and her lips full as a wasp sting and red
as new-killed meat. There were scratches on her bare arms and legs as though
she had run through bramble and her gown hung open on her breasts. But she
seemed in a singular good humour and did not even ask whether we had behaved
but whirled about the room in her ruined dress like the wind in a pile of
new-fallen leaves.
"Now there was a
man!" She sighed and yawned. "A village yokel maybe, but hard as iron
and full of juices . . . This time there will be a child! And then you, my
pets, will be superfluous . . ." We shrank back, for even in the unaccustomed
mellowness of her tone there was an implied threat, even though the others
could not clearly understand what she said. "I may decide however to keep
you as you are for a while, slaves and servants, for Thing there at least is
sometimes useful." She ran long, still-beautiful fingers through her hair,
for the magic had not yet slipped away. "And of course the babe will need
a nurse . . ." She mused. "I shall have to see . . ." and such
was our awe of her that I believed in the immediate appearance of some infant
witch, a smaller version of herself, and even peered into all the corners when
one did not immediately materialize. I told the others what she had said and we
huddled round the cheerless fire, trembling at this new threat, but she did not
appear to notice and went into her alcove from whence we could hear her
chinking glass and pouring liquid. She came out at last and drained a green,
smoking mixture with every indication of enjoyment, but as she set down the
drinking-flagon a couple of drops spilled on the oaken table and crackled and
fizzed in the dark wood, leaving two shallow, smoking depressions.
She, however, looked
more beautiful than ever, and as soon as she had drunk her fill she went over
to her couch under the shuttered window. "I shall sleep long during the next
few months, Thing, and you will have to keep the place tidy and provisioned. I
want no disturbances, no undue noise, and I expect the stock-pot full if ever I
wake and am hungry." She reached beneath her pillow for some copper coins
and flung them to the floor, watching me scrabble in the dirt. "That
should last till the turn of the year, if you are careful. Buy the cheapest you
can find, remember: I am not made of money. Gruel and bones will do fine for
you," and she yawned and lay down on the couch. "I shall want you to
go out at first light in the morning: there is one more mixture I have to
complete. Bring me ten drops of blood from a boar; three heads of feverfew and
twelve seeds of honesty. Oh, and six fleas from a male hedgepig not more than
six months old. You may wake me when you return," and with that, perfectly
composed, she closed her eyes, her beautiful lips parted, and she started to
snore as she usually did.
We looked at one
another, afraid of being vocal, concentrating on thought, but were too
frightened, too confused by the turn of events for the refinements we had so
carefully practised. All I had from Corby was: "Oh Hell! Hell! Witch
brat—that's all we need!" Puddy said "Shit!" and nothing more,
but he was never a quick thinker. Moglet mewed that she was frightened and
Pisky rushed round and round his bowl, talking to himself backwards, the
thoughts and sounds bubbling up in little pops through the gaps between his
stretched mouth and the moon-pebble. I tried calming thoughts for them all:
grass, trees, lakes, rivers, wind, sky, stars, dark, sleep . . . And gradually
they quietened and we settled into an uneasy doze.
As first light pinched
through the edges of the shutters I blew the embers of the fire into a blaze
and swung the gruel pot over the flames; it needed no salt, for as I mixed the
oatmeal and water the miserable tears dripped from the end of my nose. I sensed
change in the air and did not want it, for always change had been for the
worse. My little friends stirred in their sleep; Corby creaked and hunched his
feathers; Puddy glugged, his yellow throat moving up and down; Moglet stretched
and mewed in the stretch as though her muscles hurt, but her eyes remained
shut; Pisky's tail waved, once. In that quiet time, apart from my silent tears,
I suppose we were at peace.
I went out while the dew
was still on the grass and spiders' webs hung with diamonds. I found the pearl
plates of honesty and harvested the black seeds, one from each pod; withering
head of feverfew, with its pungent leaves, grew near the hut; an obliging
hedgepig curled from his coat of leaves in the roots of an oak, only too glad
to lose a few fleas at hibernation time. I tickled his coarse, ticked fur
stomach and rolled him back into his hole with thanks, then set off for the
village since wild pig were uncertain at the best of times, even though now was
acorn-harvest, and I should have better luck with one of the domestic ones. A
quick and relatively painless nick on the ear should do the trick and I had a
pocketful of beechmast and acorns for sweeteners: in my experience one never
took without giving, for that would upset the balance we all lived by. As I
crept down the narrow path to the village I took care to keep well out of
sight, for as I said before the peasants mistrusted me as a representative of
my Mistress and would not hesitate to harm me if they could, especially if I
was not buying anything. I found a convenient sty and struck a bargain with the
boar, for my time with the others had given me a primitive understanding of all
beast-talk and certainly enough to bribe a pig. I nicked his ear neatly enough
and dripped the blood into the little glass phial I carried. The drops were
slow in coming for it was a cold morning and I fed the pig a few more acorns to
keep him still.
He whiffled contentedly.
"Mmm . . . make a nice change, these do. What's your old woman been up to
then? They say as she's gone too far this time . . ."
"How?" I
questioned. Six drops; better make it seven.
"Seems as she
rogered young Cerdic to death last night. Sprang on him and tuckered him out in
five minutes . . . Mind you, these humans ain't got no stamina. Now I, I could
tell you a thing or two about that . . ." and he rumbled away for a moment
or two about servicing the sows they kept for him but I wasn't listening.
"He's dead?" I
remembered the lad, bonny and brawny in the fields at haying, from my lonely
spyings. Was that what my Mistress had meant, with all her talk of witch-babe?
Had She taken man-seed into her body and now hoped—but she couldn't: she was
too old. But then, her spells were strong. And was this what had happened on
those other times, when she had returned angry and frustrated? Was this because
her spells had not worked on those others, whoever they had been? My mind was
in a whirl; why had she to kill that handsome young man, especially when he had
obviously pleasured her so well? "Dead, you say?" I repeated.
"As firewood. Seems
they're all cut up about it; say she's gone too far this time." His fanged
mouth nudged me, none too gently. "Got any more?"
"Of course."
To retreat safely from these razor-backed horrors, a precarious domestication a
few generations back having done little for their manners, always required a
diplomatic withdrawal. I threw down the rest of the mast and nuts and scuttled
back over the fence.
"Where have they
put him?"
"Huh? Oh, the dead
'un. Square. There's a meeting. All there. Come again . . ."
Stoppering and pocketing
the phial, I crept cautiously round the back of the houses till I could see,
between the washerwoman's and the whore's, that rectangle of trampled earth
they called the Square. Sure enough the place was crowded, and there was talk I
could not hear so, not daring to approach directly, I made a leap for the
thatch of the washerwoman's house, luckily only a few feet from the ground at
this point, and crept up among the straw till I could both hear and see without
fear of discovery. Glancing sideways at the next roof I was glad I had chosen
the one I was on, for the whore's roof was all rotten grey straw and loose with
it; I could see an old nest or two and the roots of sear vervain: it would not
have held me for two breaths.
Below me was a lake of
people, heads bobbing like floats, and an angry hum of voices, a hive
disturbed. In a space in the centre was a bier, roughly fashioned from larch
poles and skins and the body of Cerdic lay disarranged upon it. His clothing
was rough, homespun of course, but the young face held an unworldly look of
disillusion and, strangely enough, an air of peaceful exultation too, at odds
with the rough, uncomprehending features of the villagers surrounding him. The
talk confused me, for I was not used to such a babble, but the gist was of
witchcraft and revenge. They led forward a young woman, pretty enough, and she
cast herself down weeping by the bier, clasping the careless dead hand of the
young man and carrying it to her mouth, kissing it feverishly, and sobbing the
while in an uncontrolled burst of emotion that made me hot all over.
I moved away, sliding
back down the thatch till my feet found the ground, and crept back home,
thoroughly bewildered and with a horrible feeling that something nasty was
about to fall on my head or leap out and bite my ankles. The air was very
still, as if everything was holding its breath, waiting, and I found myself
glancing over my shoulder every few yards; I couldn't get back quick enough.
Back there, there where
we all belonged, I tried to tell the others what I had seen and heard but it
was only Corby and perhaps Puddy who understood. "Always like that when
they turn the corner," said the former. "Turn a corner and see Death
staring 'em in the face. Gets 'em all, one way and another. Know it's long past
childbearing time but reckon a touch of magic might make the difference. Think
they'll renew themselves. Seldom works, but I've heard tell of a deformed
mippet born of an old witch. Nigh unkillable, too. Pity She couldn't keep it
off'n her own doorstep, though; sounds as though she's stirred up a hornet's
nest down there. Could mean trouble for us all . . ."
"Water," said
Puddy. For a moment I thought he wanted a sprinkle from the water jar, but he
continued his thought a space later, as was his wont. It was sometimes a little
irritating waiting for a toad's thoughts, although they were usually worth
having. "Don't like it. That and fire . . ." He appeared to meditate.
"Best things for killing them off."
A hiss from Moglet
alerted me as the Mistress yawned, stretched and rose from the bed in the
corner. She still looked remarkably young and beautiful, so much so that I
forgot to duck as her ringed hand slapped my cheek.
"Well, where are
they? The things I sent you for?"
Humbly I offered my
gatherings. She picked them over grudgingly, then took them over to the alcove,
where we could hear her chopping and pounding and mixing during a long
afternoon, while we huddled together, not sure what the next hours would bring.
Twice I tried to tell her what I had heard and seen in the village and twice
she stopped me, the second time with a jar hurled across the room and a threat
that she would get Broom to beat me if I disturbed her further. "I am not
interested in what those peasants do or think," she said, so I held my
When it was dusk within
and near enough outside I lighted a tallow and stirred the omnipresent stew;
putting bowls by the fire to warm, I opened the earth-oven and took out the
day's bread, standing it on end to cool and tapping it to make sure it was
cooked through, for the oven was very slow. I fed the others surreptitiously,
with an eye to the alcove and ear to the mixings and a nose pricked against the
unpleasant aromas. When they were satisfied I gestured them back to their
boxes, crocks and perches, for all day we had been uncharacteristically free to
move and I did not want her reminded we were comparatively free.
"Supper is ready,
Mistress," I said timidly, but as she came from the alcove I saw with
horror that her beauty had faded by ten years while her smile showed that she
had not consulted her mirror recently. What had happened to the magic she was
convinced would keep her young forever now she was pregnant of a witch-child?
And was she indeed? My eyes went to her swelling belly: she seemed some three
or four months gone, and that in less than twenty-four hours.
"Nine days!"
she said triumphantly, her eyes following my gaze. "Nine days, that is
all! And then you will have a new Master, you miserable worm . . ." Her
mood changed as she took the bowl and bread, well over half of what I had cooked.
"What do you mean by giving me these slops? My baby needs good, red meat
and fresh vegetables and fruit, and wine to strengthen his blood! Why did you
not prepare such?"
Mistress," I faltered, "you told me to—"
I got no further for her
free hand shot out and gave me a stinging slap. Holding my hand to my reddened
cheek I backed away.
"Go now, and fetch
me a rich pie from the village and a flagon of their best wine." She
reached into one of her boxes and spilt coins, silver coins I had never seen,
in a stream onto the floor. Scrabbling to obey I pocketed ten, twenty even. I
knew my task would be difficult, or well-nigh impossible, at this time of the
evening, for it was now dark and the villagers would equate me with the
darkness and chase me from their doors—but which was worse, their
vindictiveness or hers? And there was the dead man . . . I hesitated.
And even as I did so,
everything began to happen at once.
There was a thump, as
some large object struck the door and a crash as stones rattled against the
shutters. Starting back I whimpered with shock and fright, my hand still
tingling, for it had been on the latch when the door had vibrated under the
blow. For a long moment my mewlings were the only sound in that confined space,
then there was a voice outside; ragged, scared, but still truculent.
"Come out, Witch!
Come out and meet your accusers!"
For a moment the
stillness inside was intensified. Then my Mistress hissed like a snake behind
me and, turning, I saw such a look of evil on her face that even I, inured as I
was, cowered flat in terror. But her look was not for me, and her voice, when
it came for those outside, was honey-sweet, though I could see her hair and
fingers writhe like snakes.
"Who calls so late,
and on what errand?"
"You know who's
here, and why!" came the answer. "You knows what you've done, there
were those that oversaw. Time's come to pay for it!"
She hissed again, but
her voice was beguiling still. "I know not of what you speak . . . Has
someone been hurt? Perhaps my medicines . . ." but even as she finished
speaking she was muttering under her breath spells I had never heard even the
echo of before. All at once the pretence of beauty was gone and her body
resumed its usual hideosity—all except her belly. Her fine clothes dropped to
the floor but her stomach seemed to swell visibly—a smooth, rounded mockery in
that ancient frame. She caressed it with her fingers, still spell-making—the gnarled,
dirty fingers were an obscenity against the youthful mound she touched.
"Grow, grow!"
she muttered. "Grow, my manikin! I give you my strength, my lust for
life—Make it not nine days, nor even nine hours . . . Not five, not four, not
even one! Less, less!" and her voice became louder with the repeated
rhythms of some incantation in a strange tongue. "Help me, help me,
Master, and he shall be yours!"
Of a sudden it grew
deathly cold and a foul stench filled the hut. I crawled back to the fireplace
unregarded, to cower against the hearth where the fire now burned blue and
heatless. Outside the clamour rose; more voices, more stones, and a flicker of
flame blossomed behind the gaps in the shutters. They were firing the hut! Now
there was a scrambling outside, another thump above our heads this time, and a
tearing at the thatch on the roof and an ominous chanting.
"Burn the witch!
Burn the witch!"
The smell of smoke
filled my nostrils. There was a crackling, a flaming of tinder-dry straw
roofing and the voices grew louder, a chant to rival my Mistress's mouthings.
"To the stake, to
the stake! Burn the murderess, the witch!"
But my Mistress
continued her spells, louder now and even louder till I covered my ears and
shut my eyes, pressed back against the back wall of the hut as far as possible
from threat and danger. It was cold; it was hot; flames shot up, smouldered
down, till it all grew as regular as my pounding heartbeats and I was afraid as
I had never been.
And there my life might
have ended, choked by smoke and charred by fire, but for one thing—
The Gathering: Three-
Four- Five- Six- Seven
Death of a Witch
A mew.
A small frightened mew
from a small, helpless cat. All at once I stopped being so scared and gathered
Moglet in my arms, soothing and caressing as I had done so often in the lesser
bad times. At the same time I felt Puddy climb onto my lap and heard Pisky
bubbling in distress and Corby thumped down from his perch, breaking his tie,
to flap around my feet.
"Get us out, for
goodness sake!" he croaked. "You'll have us all cinders!"
Get us out, but how? For
a moment or two my brain would not work, then Puddy nudged my knee.
"Back wall. Weak.
Corby's beak . . ."
Of course! Corby had
heard too and we both remembered where the stones had fallen away from the side
of the fireplace last winter with the cracking of the Great Frost, and how we
had repaired it with a temporary amalgam of stones and mud. Tumbling the others
from me I took out my sharp knife and tried to remember where our botched
repairs had begun. There it was. I attacked it at once with the knife and
beside me Corby pecked away with his strong, yellow beak—both unheeding
everything else except the desperate need for clean air, for outside, for life.
I knew the villagers would not be on this side, for out there the ground
dropped steeply away to the stinking ditch where we emptied the slops.
Desperately I chipped and scrabbled at the caked mud, my fingers tearing at
stones, my nails breaking on flints, while behind me the clamour grew louder.
Glancing round for one terrified moment I saw our Mistress outlined by the
flames from the burning hut, her belly grown monstrous and huge, her screams
rending the air and in the corner her familiar, Broom, with fire creeping
towards the tangled heathers of its feet. Suddenly my bruised and torn hands
jerked forward into open air and without thought I picked up Puddy and thrust
him through the hole I had made, careless of where he fell.
quickly!" I thought-shouted, then reached for little Moglet: "Run, my
dear, run!" The hole was only just big enough for Pisky's bowl and I
reached through the gap and balanced it carefully outside. But that was it: no
way was the hole big enough for Corby, let alone me; the others would perhaps
be all right—Oh Hell, however I hurt the bird must be given his chance, too!
"Keep pecking, you great black gormless thing!" I hissed, and
together we renewed our attack on the crumbling wall. A sudden blast of heat
behind me redoubled my efforts and all at once the gap was large enough for me
to push the crow through, scraping his feathers against the stone unmercifully.
"Hop away, friend," I muttered, "and please push Pisky's crock
down to the ditch; he may be able to find his way down to the stream. Help him,
help the others . . ."
"Don't be so
blasted silly!" came the hoarse croak from outside: "Come and do it
yourself! Get scraping: I'm not nursemaiding this lot. We need you . . ."
And there was a gurgle, a mew, a glug less than a foot away. They were waiting for
me, they needed me to look after them! Perhaps without the incentive of their
responsibility I might have succumbed, let the now-choking smoke take my last
breath, but the knowledge that I was needed gave me the spur that fear and
exhaustion had blunted.
With the last of my
strength, from the crouching position in which I found myself, I charged that
hole in the wall; my head was through, one shoulder. Breathing the fresh air
outside aided my efforts; I twisted, scraped, shoved, tore and wriggled and
with a final heave fell free of the inferno behind me, to lie gasping on the
steep bank outside, my head lower than my heels, bruised, battered and
exhausted, smoke pouring from the gap behind me.
"Come on then,
Thing," they all cried. "Come on; we're not free of her yet . .
* * *
We crept stealthily to
the edge of the wood, me carrying Pisky's crock, and hid behind a great
bramble-patch. The hut was ringed by fire, except for the back part where we
had escaped, and even now flames ran around the corner to eat the dry grass at
that side. Not only ringed but crowned, for hungry tongues of fire leapt like
bears licking for honey up among the thatch and all around was the choking
smoke. The noise was indescribable: although we hid in comparative safety some
hundred yards from the hut, yet the clamour, both of shouting villagers and
their barking dogs, the crack and crackle of burning wood and the screaming of
our Mistress seemed but a foot or two away. The men were gathered in a
semicircle about the hut, most armed with clubs, billhooks or scythes, but even
as we watched they were retreating step by step from the heat of the fire,
hands before their faces. And what of my Mistress? Thoroughly sickened by the
mad screaming we heard, I almost determined to go back and try to get her out
through the hole in the back wall, but Corby grabbed my sleeve in his beak.
"Wait! She's not
done for yet . . ."
True enough: as we
watched there was a sudden change to the quality of the flames. One moment they
were hot-tongued, roaring with insatiable desire, the next they were cool and
pretty, green and blue, burning with a delicate flame that decorated rather
than consumed. The hut now looked as if it were dressed for an autumn Maying,
the scorched timbers and charred thatch hidden by the green leaves and blue
flowers of the flames, and as we watched the whole place blossomed as the
thatch burst asunder. The sudden flowering created a seed-pod burst as the
witch, our Mistress, black and ripe and full, thrust from the roof, borne
astride by her faithful Broom.
I picked up Pisky and
with one accord we fled deeper into the forest as She swooped and shrieked
among the villagers who cowered and ran from her as though she were a hornet,
stinged and deadly. There was a path that twisted and turned away from the
holocaust behind us, and at first the fluttering Corby was well ahead, with
Moglet running behind, but before long they lagged back, crippled wing and foot
hampering, so I stopped, gathered Moglet in my arms with Pisky's crock slopping
water over all of us, perched Corby on my shoulder, pocketed the tired Puddy
and scuttled as fast as I could, not even sure why I was except that somehow we
all knew we had to get as far away as possible as quickly as we could. The
trees grew denser and I halted, out of breath and lost, and in that moment they
came again, those terrible pains near the seating of our pebbles so that I
cried out and doubled up. I heard Puddy's moans and Moglet's mew, Corby's
screech and Pisky's demented bubbles and realized that we were still in
terrible danger.
"She wants
us," breathed Moglet. "Wants us still . . ."
"Watch it,"
said Corby. "She's not going to let us escape if she can help it . .
"Help, help, help!"
bubbled Pisky.
"What can we
do?" I was screwed up in agony. "Oh, the pain . . ."
"Lake," said
Puddy. "Head hurts . . . Left and down: hates water."
His words stuck in my
fuddled, paining brain: "Lake . . . hates water . . ." Of course:
clever toad. All witches avoid water like the plague and the stretch of lake
lay to our left: I could see a glint of water in the direction Puddy had
indicated. Gathering the others close once more, my stomach still contracting
with pain, I crashed heedlessly through the bushes towards the stretch of
water, tumbling at last down the steep bank to land us all splash! in the murky
waters among the sear reeds and drowned twigs that littered its edge.
Not for nothing was this
called the Dead Water, for nothing grew on or in it except the nastiest weeds.
Even frogs, desperate for cool in the summer, eschewed its water, while in
spring the shallowest puddle seemed preferable for their spawn. Long ago the
lake had been fished-out and even restocking had failed, for the villagers said
it was cursed by the drowned souls of a party of young men and women who had
gone out on a raft for a dare on Beltane's Eve countless years ago and never
returned. The raft had been found the following morning, caught in reeds at the
edge, but of the dozen or so—the superstitious said thirteen—that had essayed
the water there was no sign. Of course the villagers had gone out and dragged
the depths with hastily made rope nets but these yielded nothing, and one
intrepid fellow who had ventured the depths at the end of a line had burst to
the surface with tales of huge snake-like leeches that had curled for him out
of the watery dark and of a ring of dead bodies silently dancing among the
tangled weeds of the deep, their white faces and open eyes full of the horrors
of the drowned, and worms and bubbles rising from the open mouths that cried of
devils and black magic. Certain it was now that no one would venture out on
this black smoothness and I had seen none but the rash, unfearing wild pig ever
drink from its waters when I had been out early for herbs.
Even now, stranded as we
were among the shallows, me sitting in but two inches of water, Pisky bubbling
up in his crock, which was bobbing up and down where I had dropped it, I had
all the others clutched and clinging to my head and shoulders with beak, claw
and damp feet rather than touch the waters.
"Pick me up, pick
me up!" panicked Pisky.
"Help!" moaned
up-an'-orf," croaked Corby.
"Not healthy,"
pondered Puddy.
All at once, of course.
I struggled to my feet,
as much to escape their din as anything else, but then looked down with horror
at the breeches I always wore, on our Mistress's instruction. I was damp from
the waist down from sitting in the water and on the wet leather fat blue-grey worms
crawled with open mouths, burrowing blindly for my naked skin. I struck out,
brushing them back into the scummy water, only to feel them immediately fasten
on my bare ankles. Stumbling to the bank I lay back against the sloping earth
thrusting with panic at the evil things that still clung and sucked at my skin.
Unexpectedly I was helped by Corby who fluttered from my shoulder and pecked at
the slimy things with his beak, wiping them off into the sludge as a bird will
clean his beak on a twig.
At last I was free and
turned to struggle to the top of the bank when the pains struck us all again
and we screeched and tumbled back towards the water. Desperately I clung to a
gnarled tree root that jutted out above the water, my feet frantically
scrabbling for a hold on the greasy earth, Pisky's bowl jammed under my chin,
the others hanging on as best they could. Something made me look up and there a
great bat-like shape blotted out the hazy light from a wisp-clouded harvest
moon that rocked unsteadily through the trees, and with despair I realized that
our Mistress had found us and was flying over our hiding place on Broom.
"She'll get
us!" I screamed. "We'll never escape!"
This time I knew She
would at last kill us and then throw our bodies into the black waters of the
lake, and I could not think at all, only feel as the cramps clutched at me
again and my terrified friends clawed and clung till I could feel the trickle
of blood from torn shoulder-skin. I felt a sudden rush of stinking air as our
Mistress swooped down on us and the smell of singed cloth overwhelmed even the
stench of scummy water: a burning fragment from somewhere had landed on my arm
and there was a smoulder of cloth which I beat at frantically as the witch
misjudged her landing and soared away to approach from an easier angle.
I heard Puddy trying to
say something, urgently for him, agonizingly slow for the rest of us in those
few moments when everything—pain, fear, drowning, burning, death—was rushing
upon us like a great, irresistible storm wind that will snap and crack even the
most pliant tree in its fury.
"Can't get us
surrounded by water . . ." but even as I understood and acknowledged what
he was saying I knew I could not wade out into that lake of desolation and
stand, helpless, while my flesh was sucked away from my bones by the unseen
horrors that lurked beneath.
somewhere," came Corby's hoarse voice, stirring into a sort of incredulous
hope. "If you could wade out, Thing . . . Think it's over there to the
left someways . . ."
I do not remember
scrambling up the bank, scurrying through the thin belt of trees that lined the
shore, searching ever for a darker shape on the waters, ducking automatically
from the swooping thing that held off only because of the branches that hid us
from full view. I do remember at last seeing a dark lump that rose from the
water some hundred yards out and recall too the fear and pain that accompanied
my wild splashings through the shadows; I remember that at one stage the water
sucked greedily at my waist, at another my foot turned on a treacherous stone
and slime rushed headlong into my open mouth, but that at last my feet found
dry ground and I staggered free of the clutching waters to fall to my knees,
shedding cat, bird, toad and fish's crock, and lie prone, crying my exhaustion.
The islet on which we
found ourselves was only a scratch of ground barely ten feet long and half that
wide with a stunted tree and a prickly bush for company: I looked back and the
bank seemed an immeasurable distance away. Had I really crossed that stretch of
water? I shivered with wet and cold and beside me Corby ruffled and rattled his
feathers and Moglet tried to wipe herself dry against my ankles, mercifully
leech-free: I supposed my wild splashings and the speed of our progress had
hindered the creatures' blind seekings. For the time being, too, we were
witch-free, but a massy heap of clouds raced up on the increasing wind that
rattled the branches of the stunted tree above me and whispered in the bush to
my right, fluttering the ivy that clung to the ground round our feet. I bent
and straightened Pisky's bowl which was dangerously tilted and heard him mutter
and cough as he rushed around backwards: "Horrid black stuff: chokes the
lungs, black water does, not good for my gills. Oh, deary, deary me! If my
great-grandfather could see me now . . ."
I put out my hand and
stroked Moglet's damp fur. "Are we all right now?" she asked
anxiously, purring a little to reassure us both.
Corby and Pisky were
conversing in low tones. "Notice them trees?" I heard the bird
"And the ivy,"
said Puddy. "Should help."
"Wouldn't be a bad
idea to form a ring, though," said Corby. "Can you remember any of
that stuff? You know . . ."
"A little."
They turned to me.
"Best get into a
circle and hold fast to each other: dip a finger in Pisky's bowl and touch his
fin and toad here can do the same with a toe t'other side. Now, Thing dear,
before it is too late . . ."
Hastily we arranged
ourselves: me with Moglet and Pisky on either side, Corby and Puddy opposite. I
did not question how or why for obviously these two knew something I did not.
"Now then, all
close your eyes and empty your minds," said Corby urgently. "Let old
Puddy and I do the thinking here, for this is what we knows. Go on, sharp about
it! Listen to nothing save our words, our thoughts . . ."
"And don't let
go," murmured Puddy. "Keep in touch . . ."
For a moment there was
nothing as I knelt with closed eyes, listening to Corby muttering and Puddy
coming in now and again with a single word, almost like the priest and
congregation I had heard sometimes from outside the little church in the
village. Then, as now, I did not understand what was being said, for it seemed
to be in a language I had never heard, and yet in spite of this I felt a sort
of strength flow back into my limbs and a string of hope seemed to circle
between our points of contact; fingers, claws, paws and fins. I felt Pisky
quieten under my touch and Moglet had ceased her trembling.
And then the pictures
came into my mind.
A sunlit grove,
whispering leaves, white berries, bearded faces with sad, dark eyes, a flashing
knife and with all these an instinctive knowledge of great secrets, of ancient
ways; between the mutterings something deeper and even more secret came from my
left hand where Moglet's race-memory wandered back to an even earlier time
where the dominant figure was female and the secrets were held only by women .
. . On my right hand a golden sun, silk-embroidered cities, a great wall that
wound like a snake; from somewhere else there was a rumble as the Sea-God
stirred and cones of bright fire erupted on the hillsides bringing cliff and
temple tumbling together; tall candles, a man kissing the cross-hilt of a
"Hold fast, hold
fast to that which is great, that which is good," came the message between
us. "Keep your eyes closed, closed . . ."
Perhaps if I had not
been reminded they were shut I should not have opened them just to see—
"She's coming
again!" I screamed, jumping up and breaking the circle, and the others
scattered as the great bat-like figure swooped down on us again, howling
imprecations, only to veer at the last moment to avoid the tree, whose twisted
branches defied a landing.
"A circle again,
you dumb idiots!" yelled Corby, but the spell was broken and we were in
disarray, all concentration gone, running hither and yon in the small space
afforded us like rats terrier-struck in a pit. Again and again the figure dived
down on us and in the end we stopped trying to escape and cowered between the
prickly bush and the stunted tree clutching at anything to stop ourselves being
scooped up off the island, up, up into her clutches.
Up? Or down? For
suddenly it felt as though the island had turned upside down and we now hung by
fingertip and claw from the strands of ivy as flies on a ceiling; I had Pisky's
bowl under my chest and so great was the illusion of being topsyturvy that I
remembered being amazed that the water from his crock did not pour all down my
But still She did not
land, could not reach us, and I glanced up, or down, I was not sure which, and
saw her hovering some twenty feet above, or below us, and I almost did not
recognize her. She had grown incredibly old and ugly and was naked except for a
few shreds and tatters that hung from her shoulders. And her belly—her belly
was a huge, monstrous puffball of growth that rocked and swelled in front of
her. Even as I watched in terrified fascination it seemed as though it were
being struck like a great gong from within, a soundless blow that yet brought
an answering scream from my Mistress.
"It is time!"
she shrieked. "I give birth to my son, my monster, who shall rule you all!
But I need blood, blood for him to suck, blood to bring him alive, and I will
have it!" and she raised her arms and chanted a spell I remembered: the
fire-bringing one, only this time much stronger and more vindictive than I had
heard it when she had used it once or twice to relight our fire when the wood
was too damp to do anything but smoulder. As we gazed up at her we saw her body
redden with reflected flame and I glanced down to see flickers and sparks among
the fallen leaves at my feet. Springing up I stamped frantically but all the
time the ground was growing hotter and the stones started to glow like the
embers of a fire, even as a tongue of flame licked the trunk of the twisted
tree and ran up into the branches like a squirrel. Tearing off my cloak I
flapped despairingly at the flames, and beside me Puddy and Moglet were leaping
up and down squealing at the pain from singed paws; Corby had fallen on his
back, feathers browning, and poor Pisky's bowl was steaming as he gasped away
his life on the surface.
Then something inside me
snapped, and I behaved like a mad thing, for the dreadful pains were twisting
my guts again and I came outside myself with pain and stood like a creature of
no substance and all substance and I was nothing and everything and had no
power and all power. Stretching out my hands I gathered the flames into them
and cooled them and rolled them into a living entity in my palms. Throwing back
my head I stood as firm as a pillar of stone upon the ground beneath and
opening my mouth I cursed the witch that hovered and swooped above us. Using no
language and all language I cursed her into Hell and eternal fire, I cursed the
monster she bore and wished it non-born; I cursed them living and dead and
forbade earth, air or water to receive their bones. Then, gathering all my
strength, I took the ball of fire that yet clung to my hands and flung it
straight up into her face.
While I had been cursing
her, she had dipped and wavered and I could see her shocked mouth and suddenly
wary eyes. But as soon as the ball of fire left my hands she swerved away on
Broom and then seemed to redouble her strength, as I collapsed like a pricked
bubble on the stony ground, whimpering for the pain in my burnt hands. But at
least the fire on the island was out, and the stones once more blessedly cool.
The others clung to me and I felt Puddy spit into my burning palms and mutter
something and at once they were soothed.
"Good try,"
croaked Corby, "but I'm afraid she's coming back . . ."
We all looked up at her
then, waited for her to come down the inevitable last time, the time when we
would have no strength, no reserves left. We were all brave now, I think, for
there comes a time when death must be faced, and it is only the manner of the
dying that matters. And as she rose to a greater height the better to gain
momentum, then turned and bore down on us like a meteor, I felt strangely calm.
Like a meteor? With flames
streaming out behind her? Even as I wondered, as I dared surmise, there was a
sudden mew of excitement from Moglet, Pisky stopped going backwards and I do
not think I heeded Corby's expletive or Puddy's awed croak. She had swerved her
face and body from the ball of fire I had thrown but it had landed on the tail
of Broom, where the bunched heather and twigs were already tinder-dry and
needed only that final spark.
Down, down she came,
either not knowing, or not caring in her madness that Broom was on fire, but
then it added its scream to hers: "Mistress, Mistress, I burn, I burn! Put
me out, put me out!" And it wavered in its course, bucked like an unbroken
horse and twisted off course so that she passed us by yet again, missing the
island by a hand's-breadth and soaring back into the blackness above. By now
her bearer was truly on fire and I saw her lips move, one hand to belly, the
other beating at the flames behind her. She must have been reciting the
Flame-Cooler spell, for I saw the fire falter, turn for a moment blue and green
and then steady, but at the same moment there was a rip of lightning to the
east and a crack of thunder that momentarily deafened us, and I saw that her
travail was beginning.
Desperately she tried to
control her bearer, to quench the flames, to catch us, to give birth at one and
the same time, but she could not do it and Broom in its insensate agony bore
her away from us to the centre of the lake, to try and quench its tailing
flames in the dark waters. Just as desperately she screamed imprecations and
beat it with her fist, raising it by sheer willpower. By now she was afire also
and the tattered remnants of clothing flamed and sparked. Even from where we
stood, mesmerized by the drama that had suddenly made us spectators instead of
victims, we could smell the sickening stench of burning flesh. In spite of my
fear, my misery, my hatred of the evil tyrant who had kept us thralls to her
pleasure for so long, I could not help a tremendous surge of pity: if then it
had been within my power to quench the flames, to end her misery, I think I
would have done so.
But the Power was now
Another's, a greater force than mine, with perhaps a greater pity also, for at
that moment there came a great fork of lightning that blinded us with its light
and for a moment illuminated the whole world in which we stood. The same fork
split our Mistress from breastbone to groin and a great gout of night-blackened
blood ribboned into the air, and out from the gash emptied a twisting, tumbling
manikin with mortal face and body and the claws and wings of a bat. It mewled
and screeched and clawed at the air like a falling cat and its mother, our
Mistress, stretched and grabbed at the hideous creature with hungry arms and it
turned and bit her and scratched and sucked at the black blood that ran down
her thighs and dripped, hissing, into the lake. It crawled up her legs and up
to her breasts but, scorning the empty, flapping dugs, reached up for her
throat and fastened there, sucking the last of the life-blood from scorched and
blackened flesh. At last she realized just what she had spawned and beat at it
with her fists: in vain, for it clung now like a lake-leech so that she, greasy
hair now spitting and bubbling with the flames, her Broom and her manikin were
one, sinking indivisible to destruction.
In a last effort she
pointed Broom at the sky and they shot up like some huge, rocketing pheasant,
but even as I thought they might escape another bolt of lightning struck them.
For an instant time stood still, they hung in the air as though pinned to the
night, and then—and then they plummeted slowly down, a dying, screeching,
moaning, blackened bundle. And the waters of the lake rose to greet them, to
eat them, to drown them, to exterminate them. There was a fearsome hiss as the
burning mass hit the water which fountained into black fingers around them,
fastened and drew them down, and then for a moment it seemed as though a
ghostly ring of dancing figures ringed the yawning chasm that received them—
"Hang on
lads," warned Corby. "And lasses. Here comes trouble . . ."
Huge waves, displaced by
the falling bodies, were rearing and racing across the empty waters and
instinctively I clung to the stunted tree, Corby and Moglet in the branches
above me, Pisky's crock in my free hand, Pisky in my pocket. Then we were
deluged with evil slime, weed and black water till I was sure we would drown;
there was a moment's respite as the wall of liquid surged past us to beat
against the banks and, frustrated, fall back so that we were subjected to the
process in reverse. At last, choking and gasping, my mouth and eyes were free,
but then came an immense pulling and we all clung for dear life as the waters
rushed away from us to the centre of the lake, where it seemed a great
whirlpool sucked all down into a vortex.
For a moment the last of
the waters swirled about our feet, and then came a great rumble like thunder
and I felt as though the soles of my feet had been struck a blow that drove
them up into my hipbones, just like jumping off a roof in the dark, not knowing
where the ground was. They stung with pain and instinctively I lifted them off
the ground as a second jolt, slighter than the first, disturbed the island.
Then all was quiet.
We shook ourselves,
moved all our legs, arms, wings, fins, joints and muscles to make sure they
worked and felt hastily all over to make sure none of the leeches from the dark
water were left behind. Just as we were reassured there came a great wind that
thrashed the branches of the trees on the bank and buffeted us and tugged hair,
fur and feathers the wrong way. On its heels came the rain: cold, hard,
freezing us in a moment. But as we gasped and chattered with the chill the
quality of the downpour changed and it was soft and warm. The rain came down
like a torrent and we stood beneath a waterfall, and if we were wet before we were
now drenched. But it was a cleansing, gentle rain, washing away all dirt, all
grime, all fears and tears in its caress and even Moglet, who hated the wet,
stood and steamed and licked and steamed again, and I emptied Pisky's crock
three times, until the water felt like silk.
And then it stopped, as
suddenly as it began, and the moon shone bright and sweet, a curved lantern
high above us, and the stars pricked out one by one and, wet as we were, we
collapsed where we stood and slept like dead things until dawn.
The Gathering: Three-
Four- Five- Six- Seven
The Escape
We awoke to a beautiful
morning, and a different world.
One by one we crept back
to consciousness, stretched stiff joints, yawned, opened our eyes. And all,
without exception, let out some exclamation of surprise: in fact my initial
awakening was to an uncharacteristically unladylike screech from Moglet.
"Spiced mice!
Marooned . . ."
Sitting up and surveying
our position I was as inelegant as Corby: "Cripes!" while Puddy was
puffing and panting and Pisky, who could see nothing at all except the sky, was
rushing around in circles bubbling "Lemme see! Lemme see!
Lemmelemmelemmesee . . ."
I lifted him up
automatically, tilting his crock and murmuring soothing thought-sounds. Slowly
I stood up and gazed at the scene around us. As I said before, it was a
beautiful morning, the sun shining on the colouring of the leaves; the breeze,
what there was of it, was from the south, birds sang their thin autumn songs
and all in all the world seemed a promising place. The woods stood around us on
the bank as though there had been no storm of the night before, no rain; the
island was the same island, the stunted oak still holding its leaves, the
prickly bush discovered as a holly with clusters of berries lightening to
crimson, and the dark, secret ivy still clinging to the ground at our feet . .
It was everything else
that was different.
Before we had been
surrounded on all sides by black, thick, scummy water, now the island on which
we stood was still an island, but an island on dry land. We were about ten feet
above the dried-up bed of a lake which had disappeared in the night. The ground
beneath our perch was hummocky, pebbly, undulating, bare, but it was not a
lake, not a pond, not even a puddle: it was dry, dry as a bone. Wildly I turned
about. The bank was the same distance away, the bare expanse on which our islet
stood was lake-size, but there was no water, no leeches, no nothing! I gazed
down at the lake-bed: no scum, no mud; I looked out over the bare expanse to
the lake-middle: stones, sandy soil, bones—bones?—bleached and bare, a heap of
rocks in the middle like a sunken cairn, but still no lake, no water . . .
Slowly I sat down again.
"What—What happened?"
There was a moment's
silence, then Puddy delivered his opinion. "Earthquake."
I looked at Corby.
"The old lad may be
right; summat happened, sure enough. Seems the land here rose and the lake
drained away when old Mistress went to perdition."
I remembered the thump
to the soles of my feet, the roaring noise, the vortex.
Pisky bubbled: "My
great-great-great-grandmother told me of somesuch: when there is great evil the
land and the sea conspire to destroy it. Earthquakes can happen undersea as
well as on land and can swallow whole cities . . ."
Moglet said: "And
you called out a spell, Thing; you said neither earth nor air nor water could
receive Her body . . ."
"But my feeble
curses couldn't have made any difference! Besides, I didn't realize what I was
saying at the time."
"Doesn't really
matter what did it," said Corby thoughtfully. "There was more'n one
thing on our side. The oak, f'r instance: even has a sprig of mistletoe
in the crook of that branch . . ."
"Holly and
ivy," said Moglet.
"What do you
mean?" I asked. "And where is the water?" But they did not
answer. I persisted. "What do you mean, holly and ivy and oak and
mistletoe? What's that got to do with it?"
Puddy tried to explain.
"It's what one's used to: gods and suchlike. Forces. Good and evil."
I remembered him chanting
with Corby and turned to Moglet. "Holly and ivy?"
"Older things in
the world than we know, and sometimes they can be on your side. Sometimes . .
"She was a bad 'un,
right enough," said Corby. "Bad through and through. And there was
only one place for her." He nodded to the sunken place in the middle of
the once-lake. "Down under there is fire like you never did see before,
all running and boiling and bubbling like porridge, and that's where She
belongs, her and her manikin. Down there all the bad things gets churned up and
chewed-like, and then sometimes the old Earth gets indigestion, collywobbles,
and burps or farts out the bad airs through them volcanoes and those hot
mud-holes what travellers speak of."
said Puddy.
I looked at them with
new respect: what a lot they knew! "You mean She won't ever come back? Not
"Not never,"
said Corby. "Just bits and pieces, she is now. 'Sides, plughole is blocked
with them rocks, see?"
"Then . . . Then
we're—we're free?"
"As air—an' twice
as hungry . . ."
"Then why . .
." I suddenly felt terribly lonely. "Why does my stomach still
We gazed at one another.
Moglet tested her paw, and lifted it hastily. Corby stretched his wings: one
side went the full distance, not the other.
"Still got heavy
head," said Puddy.
I shook Pisky's crock
but could see the pearly pebble firmly fixed in his mouth. "So we're not
really free at all," I said slowly. "Her spell is still on us."
"Seems so,"
said Corby. "Yet I would have thought—"
We were interrupted by a
wail from Moglet. "I'll never walk properly again! No mice, no birds . .
." and she spat at Corby.
"Now then, now
then," he said, backing away. "You're not the only one, you know:
Thing here has still got the cramps, and—"
"But not as
badly," I said thoughtfully. "And at least we're free of her. There
must be a way to break this last spell. Let me think . . ."
But it appeared I was
not much good at this; besides, while the others were being quiet to let me
concentrate they made a further discovery about themselves which was alien to
me, who had spent at least part of my time out of doors when we lived with the
witch. The first I knew of this new element in our lives was when Moglet
crawled up on my knee and hid her head away from the nice, fresh air in the
crook of my arm. A minute or two later she was joined by Puddy, who at least
apologized as he crept into a fold of my tattered cloak. Next Corby shuffled up
close to me, on the pretence of looking for woodlice under a stone, and Pisky
started to swim backwards again.
"All right," I
said. "What is it?"
said Puddy after a considerable pause, which the others were unwilling, it
seemed, to interrupt. "It's big. Bit overwhelming."
"Frightened of the
open," supplemented Moglet, sniffling a little. "Not used to it,
Thing dear—what happens when it gets dark?"
"Long time since
I've been out in the wide-open spaces, as you might call 'em," said Corby.
"Bit—well, different you know, if you've been used to a cage of sorts for
as long as you can remember. There's rather a lot of it, too, if you follows my
meaning: sky and trees and ground . . . Sun's a bit bright, too."
"Know where you are
if there's a still crock or bowl," muttered Pisky. "All this moving
about and rocking back and forth and jiggling up and down and not a bit of weed
to soften the light—"
"Well, you
miserable lot!" I cried, jumping to my feet and scattering them like
discarded toys. "Here we all are, free from—from Her, and all you can do
is grumble! As for all this talk of being afraid of the open air and not liking
the sunshine and what happens when it gets dark and being jiggled back and
"Up and down,"
said Pisky. "Up and down for jiggles. Back and forth for rocking. I should
know! Up and down gives you stomach-wobbles; back and forth makes you
"Oh shut up!"
I was becoming exasperated, the more so because, at the moment, I could see no
further than the next five minutes, knew they were looking to me for guidance
and hadn't the faintest idea how to proceed. So I fell back on anger.
"We're free, free, don't you realize that? Surely that means
something to you after all those years we spent shut up in that hellhole? All
you wanted then was to be free and look at you now! Whingeing and crying
because you've got what you wanted, but it's going to take a little getting
used to! The powers-that-be give me patience! Whatever did I do to be saddled
with such a bunch of—of stupid animals!"
I had not meant to say
that, and luckily for me they knew it, for even as the bright tears blurred my
vision, making the trees on the bank dance up and down like unsteady puppets, I
felt a rub of fur around my ankles and Pisky burped past his pebble.
"Don't blame
you," said Corby. "Big responsibility, changing one's way of
"Insecurity breeds
uncertainty," added Puddy.
"Oh, blast you
all," I said unsteadily. "I love you all, you know that . . . Right!
First thing to do is get off this island, then count up our assets and take a
vote on what we do next. We'll go back to the hut and see if there is anything
we can salvage, then we'll plan our next move. Any questions? No? Good."
And as we climbed down from the islet, with difficulty, I added: "You're
not alone in feeling a bit—afraid—of the open, but don't forget most people
have managed it all their lives. It's just that we will take a little while to
adjust to it, that's all."
I hoped that I was right.
* * *
Whatever I had thought
to find at our former home I do not know—some food perhaps, clothes, useful
things like cooking pots—but my hopes were doomed to disappointment, for as we
neared the clearing where we had lived it was obvious that either the villagers
had been up all night or they had risen at dawn, for they were there before us.
As we crept down the track that led up to the lake we could hear them shouting
to one another and banging and clanking, and as we came nearer we slid behind
the big bramble bush, Corby hopping off my shoulder, Puddy out of my pocket and
Moglet from my arms and Pisky's crock set with its mouth to the scene.
Through the thorned
branches I could see our former home, or what was left of it, and that was not
much. The hut had been mostly wattle and daub, built on the foundations of an
earlier home, basically stone, and the roof had been thatched. I had expected
that the roof would have gone and probably much of the upper walls, but what I
had not expected was the total destruction that met my eyes. The peasants, some
twenty or so of them, mostly men but I counted some women too, were tearing
down what remained of the walls and scattering the stones about the clearing,
stamping and chanting as they did so, words that, half-heard, appeared to
relate to their relief at the disappearance of the witch. It was possible that
they did not yet know of her death. What was certain was that they would ensure
She would not return to her former home. I saw a large crock of precious salt standing
ready: they were even ready to sow this on the ground which had held her, thus
ensuring that no plant would grow there for the next ten years, to be infected
with the evil she might have left behind.
"I wish I could
hear what they are saying," I muttered. "Perhaps if we moved a little
closer . . ."
"Not you!"
said Corby sharply. "We don't know that they aren't still on the lookout
for you, and if they catch you—" He made expressive gurgles in his throat.
"Don't forget they will think you and She one and the same."
"I'll go,"
said Moglet. "I can creep through the grass, and even if I don't
understand human speech I can tell by the tone of voice whether they mean us
"Me too,"
supplemented Puddy. "Won't notice old toad. Perhaps we can hear them think,
"Well, just be
careful," warned Corby. "Toads and cats are known witch-familiars . .
They were back within a
half hour or so and the tale they had to tell was disturbing. Apparently some
of the villagers had seen our Mistress soaring over the lake and then struck by
lightning but were not sure of her fate. The manikin had also been spotted,
although a few people thought it might be me, and that I had fallen to earth
somewhere and was in hiding. They were going to finish making the hut and its environs
unlivable-in, the priest was coming to pronounce a blessing or curse or
somesuch, and then they were going to look for me, just to make sure.
"Said they would
burn you," said Moglet. "All up, in a bonfire."
Frightened and
bewildered, for I had never harmed any of the villagers that I knew of, I
glanced round at the others. "What shall I—we—do?"
"Time for a
strategic withdrawal," said Corby.
"What's that?"
"Beat a hasty
retreat. Come on, where's a handy place to hide till they've cooled off a
We finally climbed to a
convenient perch in the old oak tree that stood at the junction of the path
from the lake to the remains of the hut, where it joined another that I used to
use down to the village. From here we were hidden and could watch the comings
and goings, and were an audience for the priest when he came, incense and all,
to cleanse the witch's former abode from any lingering taint of evil. At noon
he came back down the path, accompanied by most of the villagers, and I was
just going to climb down after they passed for some nuts and berries at least,
for we were all starving, when a shouting arose from the direction of the lake
and a youngster dashed past down the road that led to the village and was
stopped by two tardy peasants returning from the hut with the empty salt crock.
"Whoa there,
lad," said one of the men, neatly stopping the boy by dint of tripping him
full-length. "What be your hurry, now?"
"They've been up to
the lake," he gasped, winded. "Found the bones of those drownded all
that long time ago and ol' witch's burnt-out stick and no water left, none at
all. I've to fetch the priest again and a cart for the bones so's they get
decent burial . . ."
"Well, get along
then," muttered the other and aimed a kick as the lad staggered to his
feet again and set off running. "Come on, Matt: I've a mind to see all
this for meself."
And the two left the
crock where it was and set off at a fast pace for the lake.
Again I was about to
climb down and seek sustenance when Moglet growled "Wait!" and a
moment or two later it seemed the whole village streamed away below us in the
direction of the lake; men and women, some still with tools or pots in hand;
children and babes-in-arms, the latter carried by their siblings; the old and
lame and fat on sticks and one in a litter. I even noted the village whore,
dressing herself as she went, arguing with a sheepish fellow who was apparently
unwilling to pay the full price for an obviously interrupted session. Bringing
up the rear, jouncing and rattling on the uneven track, came a large cart
driven by the miller and filled with his wife and the priest, once again hung
all about with crosses and baubles and beads and robes and candles.
We waited for a moment
or two longer when they had passed, until we heard shouts and exclamations from
the lakeside, then I jumped down and extricated the others, arranging them on
my person like a verderer's gibbet, for that seemed the quickest way to travel.
"Where now?" I
panted, for together they were no light weight.
Corby spoke in my ear,
claws firm on my shoulder. "Now, if'n they are looking for you, where's
the last place they'd look?" And as I still did not understand he tweaked
my hair. "Come on, Thing, where's your brains? Where's the one place they
ain't at, right now?"
"Ow! The
"Right! Best foot
forward now, and see if we can't make summat of this yet!"
* * *
Ten minutes later we
stood in an empty village square. Doors and windows swung open, piglets
rootled, a tethered dog barked, chickens pecked at the dirt, but of people
there was no sign. I had never had time to stand and admire the buildings
before, for my visits to the market had been short, sharp, fear-filled: in and
out as quickly as possible before someone threw a stone, or worse. But our
Mistress's money had been good, and I was always charged over the odds for even
the scraps she had me buy. Money! Suddenly I remembered: the money she had
given me the night before—was it only a few hours past? It seemed like a
year!—was it still in my pocket? Frantically I felt about. Yes! I drew them out
into my hand: three small gold pieces, three large silver ones, six copper
"We're rich!"
I shouted. "Look, Corby, Moglet: I can buy stores to take with us . .
"Buy? Buy!"
snorted Corby. "Why buy? There's no one about, things are here to take—and
do keep your voice down, Thing, there might just be someone still here!"
"But I can't just
take things: that would be stealing, and then they really would be after
"They're after us
anyway, by all accounts, and you might as well be hung for stealing as burnt
for summat you ain't done! Come on, don't they owe us something for all the
hard words you had and the shit they chucked after you? We'll only take what's
necessary: it's for the sake of us all . . . Hurry, do!"
We needed food: a small
sack of flour, a joint of fatty ham, a piece of cheese, half-a-pound of salt.
All this went into a sack, together with a cooking pan, a large spoon and a
couple of wooden dishes; I had my sharp knife, almost dagger-long, and flint
and tinder, and I thought a length of fine rope and a small trowel would come
in useful. Needle and thread were necessaries, filched from someone's
workbasket. Anything else? Well, if I were to look tidily inconspicuous I would
need a new cloak, preferably with a hood, my hose was a disgrace, and I had no
shoes. I was tempted by yellow stockings and a red jacket, but in the end
settled for brown wool hose, sensible short boots, and a splendid cloak that
almost reached my ankles, with a deep hood, all in a mixture of dyed green,
brown and black threads and thick as two pennies laid together. I think it
belonged to the priest, for it lay just within the church porch. I also took a length
of linen and a piece of leather, for I thought they might come in useful, too.
The only trouble with
stealing was that you got used to it with alarming rapidity, and my greed
nearly had us caught. Puddy had just found the most useful thing yet, a green
glass bottle with a fat belly, a sensible corked top and threaded all about
with a net of twine, ideal for carrying Pisky, and I entered the shop where he
had found it. It was full of jars, boxes, containers, bottles, chests and other
paraphernalia and I set down everything I had gathered just to admire and then
covet an utterly useless bowl with decoration of interlacing gold snakes on its
rim, when there was a squawk from Corby outside and Moglet came racing in, bad
paw and all.
"Quick!" she
mewed. "Some of them are coming back! Oh, Thing dear, please hurry!"
For a moment I panicked,
then common sense reasserted itself. "How many?"
"Two—three. Old
woman with stick, girl, young man."
"That'll be Gammer
Thatcher: she lives at the far end with her daughter and son-in-law.
Bad-tempered old soul: probably couldn't get to the lake fast enough to get a
good view so pretended she was ill . . ."
I had a few moments to
get myself ready. Rope round middle with knife; sack full on my right shoulder;
Pisky transferred (only for a short while I hoped) to carrying-bottle—not
without protest—and slung from my waist; Puddy in pocket, Corby on left
shoulder, Moglet tucked in my jacket, new cloak over all.
A muffled: "Yes . .
. S'pose so . . . Just don't jiggle up and down . . . Headache . . ." and
I stuck my nose out of the doorway. All clear. Keeping to the sides of houses,
scuttling behind the church, I soon left the village behind and found myself in
unknown territory. Ahead was a track leading through fields of harvested grain,
an orchard, a vegetable patch and ahead, low scrub melting into forest. A path
led off to the left across the fields, another to the right, behind us the
track back to the village.
"Which way?"
It may sound stupid, but provisioning and unaccustomed freedom had taken up all
my thoughts. Where and why were new.
"Away from the
village," suggested Corby sensibly.
"Under cover,"
added Puddy.
A donkey, tethered on
common ground to our right, trotted over as far as his tether would allow, and
I more or less understood what he was trying to say.
"Want directions?
Cut my rope, let me get at those thistles over yon, and I'll tell you which way
is best."
Three minutes later we
left him chewing ecstatically, safe in the knowledge that to the left was marsh
and, eventually, sea; to the right the track led back to the lake; but straight
ahead if we walked about two miles, we came to a great ditch that marked the
boundary between the lord of this demesne and the next, and beyond that was
forest for days. Once beyond the boundary none from this place could pursue . .
We took the middle road.
The Gathering: Three-
Four- Five- Six- Seven
The Fellowship of the Pebbles
Climbing up into a tree
is normally fairly easy, climbing down the same. Sitting in a tree and just
relaxing is a fine way to enjoy oneself, while the world passes by beneath.
Using the vantage-point of a tree to spy out one's surroundings, or as an emergency
escape route is useful too, but I had never tried sleeping in one. All night .
. .
In theory it is a very
good idea if you are travelling light with no fixed idea where you will find
yourself at nightfall, and are too small a party to risk wolf, boar or robber
by staying on the ground, and there are no convenient caves, ricks or ruins to
provide shelter. Just find a nice, comfortable-looking tree with a fork in the
main branches for a sleeping-place and lowest support not too far from the
ground, hoist your belongings up with a rope and follow. Settle your bits and
pieces in a convenient niche or crook, lean back in comfort against the main
trunk of the tree and spread your legs along a branch or even let them dangle.
Wrap your cloak about you and wriggle comfortable; tuck your hands around your
body to keep them warm, close your eyes, listen to the pleasant little rustles
and chirps of the nightlife around you and—
"Want to get
down," said Moglet. "Must . . . You know."
"Oh dear . . .
Can't you just do as Corby does? Over the edge?"
"Can't. It's . . .
private. You wouldn't . . ."
"Maybe not, but I
saw to all that before I came up here!"
Perhaps I should have
said that all the necessary functions should be attended to before climbing the
tree. So, now compose yourself for sleep, shut your eyes and—
"Bloody hell!"
Peering down from the
branches: "What on earth are you doing, Corby?"
"What the bleedin'
hell do you think I'm doing? Fell off, din't I? Trying to get me balance on
that rotten branch, weren't I? Cracked, din't it? Well, what you waiting for?
Not an effing squirrel am I?"
For the third time
compose yourself for sleep, listen to the pleasant night-sounds—
I should also add that
if there is the slightest chance that a screech-owl might startle you out of
your wits, it is perhaps a wise precaution to attach yourself securely to the
trunk so that you do not fall out of it yourself.
One last word on trees
as sleeping-places: they look much more comfortable than they really are, and
in some of them, especially the more bendy and wavy ones, the actual motion
when there is a wind blowing can make toads and fish sick—if, of course, you
are idiot enough to take them up there in the first place.
We stood three nights of
this, and could have made little more than six leagues progress during the
days, when I called a conference.
"Now, listen!"
I said. "We can't go on like this . . ." I was raggedy at the edges
from lack of sleep and jumped and twitched at every sound, so had decided we
would rest in the middle of the day and, leaving Corby as notional lookout, we
had all settled under the shelter of a huge beech and slept for a couple of
hours. Then I had lit a cautious fire—our first—and made thin pancakes to eat
with a slice of the fatty ham. It tasted like the best food I had had for ages,
and I had finished with a handful of late brambles and some just-ripe
hazelnuts. Moglet had shared the ham and I had shovelled away at the earth
under the nearest heap of leaves to provide a feast of insects and worms for
Corby and Puddy, and had as usual coaxed a sliver round Pisky's pebble. We were
fed, a little rested and warm and now, while daylight chased fears away, would
be the best time to pool our ideas and decide where we were going, why and how.
I knew animals found it difficult to concentrate, certainly on abstracts, for
any length of time, so decided to keep it as simple as possible.
"We have been on
the road—all right, Moglet, through the forest and in the trees—for nearly four
days now; food is running short, we haven't had much sleep and we haven't made
much progress, either. I reckon at this pace we might make a hundred miles by
next new moon—if we survive that long. And we don't even know which way we're
going, or why . . ." I glanced around at them, all attention, for the
moment. "Now, let's think about this. Firstly: what was the most important
thing we did four days ago?"
"Escaped from
Her," suggested Moglet.
"Good! That was
what was more important than anything else at the time. And we did it: we
escaped! More by good luck and—" I glanced at Corby and Puddy, "—and
a few charms than our own skill, perhaps. That was step number one. What was
most important next?"
"Getting you—and
us, probably—away from those nasty minded villagers, I reckon," said
"Right again. So
we've managed two important things: we've gained our freedom, and we've kept
it—so far. But what is most important to us now?"
"Food," said
"Water," said
said Moglet.
"Safety," said
"All short-time
daily goals, yes," I said. "But what about the longer term? Why are
we all together like this? What are we aiming for? What's stopping us, for
instance, just splitting up and going our separate ways and finding different
homes or colonies or ponds or what?"
And it was the usually
feather-brained Puddy who got it right, rushing around his bowl in great
excitement, making wavelets splash against the sides in his desire to get it
"We want to get rid
of the nasty pebbles so we can eat and stretch and fly and walk and not be
bad-tempered with headaches all the time," and he bumped his nose against
the glass in the direction of Puddy. "We aren't any of us really free till
we do that. Not until I have a pond of golden wives, Puddy has a lady toad and
plenty of stones to hide under, Corby can go off and swim through the air
again, the cat has cream and a fire and can go hunting at nights and you, dear
Thing, can walk upright and not have cramps in your belly . . . So, can I have
some sand and a nice plant in my bowl now 'cos I'm clever and it takes a golden
king-carp like me to tell you what you ought to know anyway, and I want the
plant now and how about another slice of that centipede or midge or whatever it
I clapped my hands then,
both to stop and applaud him. "What a clever king-carp! Yes, that is just
what I meant. We are all here and belong together because we have a common aim:
we want to get rid of these hurting, disfiguring pebbles! They have been with
us ever since we can remember—and that's another thing: do any of you find you
are recalling more about the time before?"
It was a regrettable
digression for they all spent the next quarter hour telling me of brief flashes
of memory they had experienced. I had had these too: I could remember now some
time when I was without my burden; a pleasant villa in the country, a
brown-faced nurse, music from a tinkling fountain—
"All right, all
right!" I clapped my hands again. "So, for all of us, part of our
Mistress's curse is wearing off. But not these burdens," and I touched my
stomach, Corby's wing, Moglet's paw, Puddy's forehead and dipped my finger to
Pisky's mouth. "So this is a stronger spell, but one we must be rid of if
we are to lead normal lives, as Pisky suggests."
He stood on his tail and
waved his fins but I interrupted quickly before he could remind us again about
sand and plant.
"Now none of us can
remember the stones being put in place, but that our Mistress set great store
by them there is no doubt. There is another thing, too: She was so frightened
lest they be discovered that she covered them all with a disguise of skin. Each
of your pebbles, whether you can see them or not, is hidden under a covering
like a blister: this is one of the things that makes me think they were stolen.
What is more, I believe they were all stolen of a piece from the same person,
for if you remember when we were apart from each other she would chastise us
unmercifully, yet when you clustered under my cloak she would not dare touch us
herself but would order Broom to beat me . . ."
"Brave Thing,"
murmured Puddy.
"Saved us
all," said Moglet, and nuzzled against my hand.
"Nonsense," I
said gruffly. "What I was trying to get at was that once the stones were
together within us, near touching, they themselves gave us some sort of
protection. A sort of power, if you like . . ."
"The Fellowship of
the Pebbles?" suggested Corby caustically.
"Don't be silly!
And yet . . . Yes, perhaps even that. This is why we must stay together for our
own protection and seek the owner of these stones, for obviously they must be
important to him. Or her. We must find this mysterious person and ask them to
take the pebbles back. They will know how to remove them without hurting
us." I hoped I was right. "But where do we look? That's our real
They were all silent for
a minute or two.
"Can't be from
nearby," considered Puddy. "She'd never risk nearby."
"How do we know the
owner won't kill us when he finds us, or we find him?" said Corby.
"May think we pinched the bloody things!"
"It's a
possibility," I admitted. "But we shall just have to explain. After
all, only an idiot would burden themselves with these things voluntarily, and
might be even bigger idiots to return them. I think that whoever it is will be
so glad to have them back that he will reward rather than punish."
"Could be an
ogre," said Moglet nervously. "Or another witch. Or a dragon . .
But at this Corby, Puddy
and myself all jeered: there weren't any dragons. They were just a myth, a tale
to frighten children.
"Now, concentrate:
how do we go about looking for him, this pebble-owner?"
We were silent again for
a while.
"Ask someone?"
said Moglet.
"But who?"
said Corby. "Use your chump, feline. Most people wouldn't have any idea
what we were talking about."
"Magician might
know the answer," said Puddy. "Or wise man. Or sage."
"A good idea,"
I said. "But how does one go about finding one? And how would we know we
were going in the right direction? I don't even know whether there are any
magicians or wise men any more, like Moglet's dragon—"
great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-greatgrandfather used to live
in a lake where dragon-shadows floated over like kites at noonday," said
Pisky unexpectedly. "All colours they were, like jewels, and they sang
songs like cymbals and temple-gongs . . ."
"But that must have
been a long, long time ago," I said gently. "For each generation of
king-carp lives for a great many years. No, I think we must try and find the
owner of these stones. Somehow we must decide on a direction and it must be the
right one, then when we have done that we can worry about food and transport
and the quickest way of getting there.
"Now, can any of
you remember anything the Mistress ever said or hinted or implied that might
give us some idea where these came from?"
We all thought. I could
recall little except that She had always seemed nervous that the pebbles would
be found; not by the villagers certainly, for she was always contemptuous of
them, and there were only certain times when she would not let me, who carried
one of the stones in my navel for any to discover, out of the hut on errands.
In winter I had been glad not to go when the easterly wind howled across the
icy meadows, or when the wind veered northerly and flakes of snow or sleet
stung one's cheeks; but sometimes when those same winds brought long, hot days,
settled weather and even the far distant smell of the seas over which it had
But Corby was there
before me. "There were times when she wouldn't let you out, Thing, even
though we were down on provisions, times when it seemed she tested the wind to
see if it blew too strong from one direction, or near it. Then she kept us all
close, even in the hottest weather, when all within stank, as though she feared
the scent would be carried downwind too far."
"The east
wind," said Puddy, "and the northeast. So, who looks for these
pebbles lives to the west, or southwest. That is the way we must go."
It was so simple, now we
came to consider it! And the very next pond we came to Pisky was given his
layer of sand, fresh water and a little green plant with two snails on it for
company. He was so proud and happy that he was like a housewife in spring,
moving that plant busily from one side of the bowl to the other, until Moglet
remarked that perhaps we should fit wheels to it. The snails, too, though of
somewhat limited intelligence, discovered something neither Pisky nor I had:
the pebble would revolve in the fish's mouth and therefore, with some
reminding, they would make a paste of whatever I offered Pisky, smear it on the
pebble and revolve that segment into his mouth, which kept him going and was one
less chore to worry about.
From then on, perhaps
because we had a definite goal in view, however vast and faraway was the
southwest, we made better progress and the weather held good for us. Now was
the month of Leaf-Change, so we hastened as well as we could to beat the frosts
of Leaf-Fall, splitting our sleeping into an hour or two at midday and pressing
on well into dusk before seeking shelter and rising again at dawn. I had crept
into a couple of villages we passed, usually at twilight when my appearance
would cause less comment, for more flour, cheese and eggs, and supplemented
this diet with berries, roots and nuts, and we were only hungry half the time.
Then with the new moon
the weather changed and we ran into rain and wind, a roaring wind that swung
crazily from south to northwest and back again, and we were chased from the
shelter of barn by barking dogs, from warm rick by angry farmer. Corby was not
too bad, Pisky of course couldn't care less and Puddy was more or less
comfortable, but Moglet and I were thoroughly wet and miserable and shivered
and growled and spat at ourselves and the others impartially. My cloak was
reasonably weatherproof, but there came a time when it was so waterlogged and
heavy that it would have been a pleasure to throw it away, and one night when
it was too wet to light a fire and the flour and salt were damp and the cheese
mouldy, I just threw myself on the ground scattering sack and animals anywhere,
and sobbed my despair.
"Oh, I wish I were
The Gathering: Three-
Four- Five- Six- Seven
“Now then, that's no way
for youngsters with all their life afore them to be speaking! Just a little
rain it is and isn't the earth glad, her being so thirsty after the suns of
ripening? And the wind running free like a 'prentice let out early . . . And
can't you smell the salt of the sea and the pines and the black rocks and the
heather and curving downs that he brings with him?" The voice was high,
light and ran on like a stream over small stones.
At the first words I had
sprung to my feet, knife at the ready, and of course all my friends were now
clustered under my cloak, hampering any footwork I might need. But as the voice
went on and on soothingly, a hand holding a flickering lantern appeared from
beneath the stranger's cloak, was held steady for a moment and then moved
slowly up and down so we could see who was speaking.
A tall, tall man,
seeming almost as tall as a tree in that flickering, smoky light, and as thin
as a shadow seen sideways. Clothes all browns and greens, like the earth and
the grass and the leaves, and then a merry red cap atop an untidy cluster of
black curls, all twisted and gnarled like the potbound roots of a youngling
tree. A face round and guileless as a child's, full red lips and rosy cheeks,
but skin tanned and seamed like leather; a pair of snapping black eyes, by
turns bright and shy.
The figure bowed and set
down a covered basket.
"Thomas Herrilees
Trundleweed at your service, Missy. Commonly known as Mushroom Tom, by'r leave.
On account of my tasting 'em and treasuring 'em, and gathering 'em and selling
'em, too. Out in all weathers I am, best to find my little darlings and talk to
'em and tickle 'em awake and pluck 'em and eat 'em raw, or cooked in a little
butter, or added to a stew, or even dried at a pinch . . . And whom may I have
the honour of addressing?"
His flow of talk was
having its soothing effect on me, and apparently on the others as well:
Moglet's fur flattened again. "Seems all right, Thing dear . . ."
Corby rearranged his feathers. "Hmmm . . . Harmless enough, I reckon;
still, keep a hand to that knife." Puddy snorted: "Mushrooms!"
while Pisky rushed round and round, dislodging the disgusted snails: "My
great-great-great-aunt on the paternal side told me of the efficacious
properties of fungi . . ."
All this communication
took but a moment, then I bowed in return.
"My name—my name is
Thing, and these are my friends," and I introduced them.
"Thing? A Thing is
a thing is a Thing—and there's more to you than a name, I'll be bound, you and
your friends . . . Still, a merry meeting, masters and mistresses all!" He
hesitated a moment then smiled, showing strong, long teeth rather like a horse.
"None of my business why you are all out in the wet on a night like this,
but Tom fancies company and has a pot bubbling and a fire burning just a
little-ways ahead. Perhaps you travellers would do me the honour to share both,
and perhaps a tale or two to brighten the evening?"
It would have been
churlish to refuse, but anyway I had the feeling it would be all right,
especially as Moglet needed no second invitation but was curling herself around
his ankles, while Corby gave an approving "Caw!" So we followed him
down an almost invisible trail to the right to find a ruined cottage with half
its roof sagging to make the inside like a cave, and the aroma of a stew, that
smelt like pigeon and hare and onions and turnip and mushroom, hit me like a
blow to my empty stomach. A fire burned brightly in the old fireplace and a
trickle of smoke rose from the hole in the turved roof.
We crowded in and Tom
let down a flap of hide to make us enclosed and cosy.
"There, now! That's
something like, isn't it?" Without waiting for an answer he had my wet
cloak hanging over a rail near the fire, stoked the fire with more peat and
wood till it blazed high, tasted the stew, brought forward a bundle of heather
for me to sit on and with a wave of his hand invited us all to sit round the
fire. "Now, who's hungry?"
Some half-hour later I
leant back and licked my wooden platter clean. "Mmmm . . . That was the
best meal I've ever tasted. Thanks!"
"Best till next
time as you're starving and cold! That's one of the best things about food:
every much-needed time is the best. Like love . . ." He stared at the
fire. "All warm and cosy, now?"
I glanced round at the
others: Puddy had earlier found some disgusting scuttling things in a corner
and was nodding happily; Pisky burped round the remnants of the paste from the
bread that had accompanied the meal; Corby was perched on a stack of logs,
already half-asleep, and my little cat, her creamy black-barred stomach as
tight as a barrel, was stretched out on the hearth, paws and eyes
"Seems so," I
said. "I don't know how to thank you. We—or I at least—had come to the end
of my tether, I think. We all started out with such high hopes, but it's so
slow, and winter's coming on and there is so far to go—" I shut my mouth
with a snap, realizing I had said too much.
But Tom didn't seem to
notice, stretching behind him for a flask. "Perhaps you'll join me in a
little nightcap? Very thing to settle the stomach, soothe the nerves, dissipate
the ill-humours that a soaking may bring and avert the chills: you don't want
to be sneezing and coughing and shivering tomorrow, now do you?"
It was the last that
decided me. I didn't want to catch cold, and the liquid looked innocuous
enough. I had heard of drugs and suchlike, but if I were to watch him drink
some first . . . I accepted the little horn cup he offered, and pretended to
He laughed. "Nay,
it's not poison, little Missy, and 'twill do you no harm. See, I'll drink some
first," and he swallowed half his cup. I took a cautious sip: it tasted of
honey, sunshine and herbs and ran down my throat like hot soup: unlike hot soup
the warmth seemed to spread into my stomach, chest and limbs till I felt warm
to my toes. I took another sip: definitely more-ish.
"Nice," I
He topped up my cup.
"Drink up, then: plenty more where that came from." Leaning forward
he appeared to throw some dust onto the fire: immediately it flared up then
died down again and now appeared to shimmer like silk, all colours, red, blue,
green, purple . . . In its depths I saw great trees as high as hills, hills as
tall as mountains, and mountains touching the clouds . . . Little faces peeped
out of the corners, cheeky mischievous faces which thumbed their noses at me
and giggled. A fiery snake coiled itself into a knot and interlaced itself with
another. Great molten rivers ran, earth shifted, winds blew, seas came and
went, sun and moon and stars ran together in a mad dance . . .
"And where did you
say you were going?" said someone.
"To find the owner
of the pebbles, somewhere in the southwest. But maybe first a wise man, a sage,
to show us the right path . . ."
"And where do you
come from? And why? And how?" The voice seemed to come from the fire and
dreamily I answered it, dreamily I told the fire the whole story.
"There now,"
said the fire. "There now . . . Finish your drink and lie down by me and
rest till morning. There's nothing to fear and you are safe and your friends
are safe and travelling will wait till later . . ."
I felt the spring of
dried heather and bracken beneath me, a cloak over me, heard the rain pattering
harmless on the roof, had Moglet curled up against my chest and I was warm and
full and safe and so, so tired . . .
* * *
"You told him everything!"
accused Moglet. "Every single thing!"
"All about the
pebbles," added Corby. "And about the Mistress and Shape-Changing and
her manikin."
"And about trying
to find someone to take this great lump out of my mouth so I can eat again
properly: I've never heard so much talk since my great-great-aunt on the
maternal side came back from—"
"And about losing
our memories and not knowing where we came from," added Puddy.
I had awoken some five
minutes past. It was obviously well on into the morning, though no sun shone;
it was not raining either, though the air was damp. Beside me the fire was
damped down, a thin wisp of smoke curling up with its acrid, peaty smell. Swung
over the fire was a small pot, contents simmering, and on a rack above my small
sacks of flour and salt were drying.
"Did I?" I
couldn't remember. I only knew that I felt rested as I had not in years, warm
and comfortable, and extraordinarily well-disposed to the world in general.
"It was that drink
that done it," said Corby. "Loosened your tongue something
"My paternal
grandfather's cousin twice removed—no, thrice times—told me sometimes men fell
into the waters and drowned because of strong liquor," added Pisky,
unhelpfully I thought, seeing there was nothing but his bowl for me to fall
I took refuge in
indignation. "Well you lot didn't try and stop me! You were all flat out
and snoring like pigs, as I remember . . . And, after all, what harm did it
"Why, none at all,
none at all," came a voice from the doorway. "Old Tom's got more than
one secret tucked away in his noddle, and no one the wiser." And he came
in, smelling of falling leaves and earth, in his hands a flat basket of
mushrooms. "Mind you, there's not all of it I understood: 'tis a long time
since you've used proper speech, aren't it, my flower?"
At his last words
something flashed into my mind and was gone again, as swift as a blink.
"Proper speech?" I said. "And why did you call me your
"Manner of
speaking," he said easily, and bent over the pot to stir it. "As to
speechifying: well, I understand a lot of what the birds and the trees and the
creatures says, being as I've lived here and abouts many, many years, but
though I reckon you can understand me well enough, some of your words come out
like a man with the runs, all anyhow and in a hurry. Now then, 'tis
breaking-fast time." And he held out his hand for my bowl. Thick gruel,
nutty and sharp, with honey on mine, but none on Moglet's. Corby had a strip of
dried meat, Puddy found something to his satisfaction in the hearth, and a
small gobbet of the same, squashed, satisfied both Pisky and the snails. I had
a second helping.
When we were all
satisfied, Tom squatted down on his heels and tickled Moglet under her chin.
"Like to come a-mushrooming, then? We've some six hours of daylight,
"We really should
get on," I interrupted, getting to my feet. "Thank you all the
"—of those perhaps
two, two and a half will be fine," he went on, as though I had not spoken.
"'Twill rain heavy again tonight, but clear by midnight and wind'll veer
southeast for a day or two's fine weather. So, there's no point in you
a-setting off till the morrow, to get wet again. 'Sides, then I can put you on
the road to another night's shelter and a lift partways, if'n I can get my
baskets full. So, how do you say you help a man out for an hour or so?"
I learnt a lot in those
two hours, about both mushrooms and fungi. I learnt to recognize the poisonous
ones, especially the most dangerous of all, Death-Cap, deadly even to touch; I
learnt that the prettiest—Red-Cap, Yellow-Belly, Blue-Legs, Blood-Hose and
Magpie, the latter little white stars on black—were harmless but tasted foul,
but that some that looked disgusting, like the tattered Horn of Plenty, the
wavy-wild Chanterelle and the Oyster, the dull Cob and the Green-Nut, can all
be cooked or eaten raw. Tom also gathered some he would not show
me—"Later, Flower, later" —and with Corby's keen eyes and Puddy's
ground-level view we had two baskets full before it started to spit with rain.
We must have covered at least four or five miles, but had circled and were
within easy distance of the ruined cottage, so did not get too wet. Moglet and
Pisky, left behind at their own request, had obviously been idling away the day
in sleep for they were both lively and hungry when we returned; I pointed
Moglet to a rather large and hairy spider with short legs—the sort that go
plop! when they drop off a shelf—and told her to cull it for Puddy and Pisky,
but she pretended she couldn't see it: I think she was frightened of spiders.
Tom set me to making oatcakes and getting a good blaze going, then fished
around outside for a crock containing fat. He produced a large pan and some slices
of smoked ham from a flank hung in the rafters and fried these up with a
handful or two of mushrooms, including the raggedy Chanterelle we had picked
and before long the insidious good smells were making us drool.
I fetched a jug of water
from a stream some two hundred yards away and we feasted like kings, forcing me
to say with a grin: "You were right: every much-needed time is best! I
shall know how to find those mushrooms again and they will help our diet on—on
the way . . ."
"Mind you, most of
those we saw today you'll only see in woods: a tree-mixture, with some oak and
some birch thrown in, is best."
"Well, I suppose we
shall find plenty of woods: it's safer travel that way, rather than trying the
roads . . ." I hesitated: I still couldn't remember, but the others had
said—"I believe I told you all about us last night?"
He chuckled. "A
goodly tale, and one to keep old Tom a-thinking on cold, dark nights!"
"It wasn't just a
tale, it was true, all of it! At least, so the others say," I amended.
"I don't really remember what I said . . ."
"Didn't say as how
it wasn't true, just said it was the kind of tale to keep a man awake at night
and wondering . . . You did say as you were a-looking for the party as
those—pebbles, as you call 'em—belong to, and thinks your way might lie
southwestish: well, I think as you are travelling in the right direction. As
for finding a wise man or a magician to help you on your ways—well, there's
plenty of magic still left in this old world and your direction is as good as any,
especially as I heard tell a while back that a venerable sage lived near the
sea thataways . . . But that, as I said, was a while ago, when the land was
full of battle and surmise, and the beacons flared from down to hill—Why,
what's the matter, Flower?"
"Beacons," I
murmured, feeling strangely uncomfortable. "I seem to recall something
about beacons . . ."
"Memory is a thing
that can play strange tricks: it seems yours is buried deep and will only be
dug up piece by piece. Don't try too hard, 'twill all come in good time."
I was silent for a
while, staring into the fire: ordinary pictures now. "How can we ever
thank you?" I said at last. "Not only have you housed and fed us, but
taken us at our word and kept our confidence . . ."
"And who else would
there be to tell, youngling? 'Sides, Tom's always kept his own counsel
since—Never mind . . . You've all been good company, and worth your keep, for
Tom gets lonely, sometimes."
"Do you live here
all the time?"
"Here? Why, bless
me, no! Tom has homes all over the place: he has another ruined cot like this,
an abandoned charcoal burner's place, a hollow tree six feet across, a cavelet,
even the corner of a derelict cell that once held an eremite—my home is
everywhere and nowhere! Meadowland, ditch and hedgerow; pine forest, oak wood;
heath, fen and bog, wherever my little darlings grow! And they may be found in
the most unexpected places, too: halfway up a tree, under a turd, in among the
ashes of last week's campfire . . . And they all have their uses, wet or dry,
oh yes!"
And for a moment he
looked sly and crafty and I did not like him so much—but then, like sun in and
out of cloud, he was his normal, jolly self again.
"And does he live
off his mushrooms, you ask yourselves, and the answer is yes: he gathers them
and he eats them and he markets them, too. Tom's patch is a hundred miles all
ways, give a league or two, and stretches north to where the hills begin and
south to the great river; west to the farmlands and east—why, east as far as
here, and lucky you are to find him this late, for winter comes and he should
be working south now, to fetch up a moon or two hence in a snug little nest he
"It sounds an
interesting life," I ventured. "But don't you ever get . . . well,
For a moment his face darkened,
shadowed, then again he laughed. "No, for I see those I sell to when I
have a need for company—and there, my friends, is where you can help me out. I
have three baskets of mushrooms here, including those dried, which I would be
obliged if you would deliver on your way tomorrow. Then I can stay here a
further two-three days and look for some old Tough-Trunks: haven't seen any
round here for a couple of years but they makes excellent eating, and if I try
a couple of the larger clearings there might be a few left. They likes a bit of
air and sun, see, but the shelter of the trees to run to if'n they wants. Left
more'n a day or two 'twill be too late, for they're coming to the end of their
season. Then, if I'm lucky, I can travel the way you go and pick up goods in
pay to see me on my way. The folk I'll send you to will travel the next day to
sell in the town, for mushrooms is best fresh, and so they'll carry you in
comfort a mile or ten nearer your goal . . . How long is't since you laughed,
It seemed such an odd
question, coming after all that talk of mushrooms, that I gaped.
"Aye, laughed.
Rolled around on your belly and held your ribs till they ached, and howled with
merriment and joy? Laughed till tears ran from your eyes and your ears
I could still only gape
at him: I didn't know what he meant. The only laughter I had seen was the wild
cackling of our Mistress when something pleased her, and sometimes I had seen
young men and girls from the village laughing in the fields at harvest, as they
chased each other in and out the stocks of corn, teasing with chaff, dried
milkweed or poppy-heads . . .
I didn't know what it
was to laugh.
I stretched my mouth as
I had seen them do and gave an experimental "Ho-ho-ho, Ha-ha-ha" as I
remembered the sound, but it didn't seem quite right and certainly felt very
silly. It had an unexpected effect on Tom, too, for it sent him off into
paroxysms of giggles that sounded strange coming from a grown man.
"I don't believe
you know how!" he accused, and giggled again.
remember," I said crossly. "What does it matter, anyway? I'm not
missing anything."
"Don't be too sure
about that, then! All folks feels better after a good laugh: almost as good as
a—Never mind: you're too young. Like to try some of Tom's magic?"
"You can do
magic?" I gasped.
"Oh, not your old
spells and suchlike, only the magic what's in my little friends here," and
he opened his pouch and took out some more mushrooms, a large red one with
white spots on it and some tiny brown ones with a little knob on top.
"This one here, the big fellow, is what they call the Magic Mushroom. Why
there are folks overseas who worship this one like a god on account of it gives
them pleasant dreams if they take it in moderation, and kills their enemies for
them taken in larger amounts: I reckon enough of 'em died finding the right
doses . . . I ain't going to give you none of him 'cos you has to think of size
and weight and age and tolerance to make the dose right for dreams and wrong
for t'other, but these little fellows—Fairies Tits when they're fresh and
Mouse-Dugs dried—these fellows I can measure out for you and give you nothing
more'n a good laugh or two. Not that they ain't bad when taken too much, but
I'll only give you a tickle.
"Well? You looks
doubtful: then I'll take 'em too, like the drink last night, but I'll take
twice as much . . ."
In the end he persuaded
me, not so much from his words as from a mutter from Puddy: "Seen 'em
before: not poison in small quantities. No more than the number of my toes,
mind . . ."
And that is exactly the
number he gave me, lightly cooked in the fat remaining in the pan-juices:
fourteen tiny little mushrooms. I tasted one: nothing special. I waited till he
had eaten half his—double my quantity—before I started on the rest.
Then I waited for the
laugh. Nothing.
He read my mind.
"Oh, you has to linger awhile for them to work . . ."
"How did you come
to know so much about mushrooms?" I asked curiously, while I waited.
That darkening of his
face again. He seemed to hesitate, then shovelled the rest of his mushrooms
into his mouth and drank the pan juices. When he looked at me he was smiling.
"A tale for a tale,
then? 'Tain't much, when all's said and done, not really . . .
"Well, see, once
Tom loved a fair lady and they lived in a fine house in a town many miles from
here. Now Tom had a good living then and they were both happy, this beautiful
lady and he, and their happiness was crowned when she told him there was a child
on the way. And as is the way with ladies in that condition she came to have
strange tastes, wanting things out of season and difficult to come by. But Tom,
he kept her satisfied, going miles out of his way for strawberries in April and
brambles in June. Then came a time, and she was near her lying-in, when of all
things she wanted mushrooms, some of those wood mushrooms that grow best near
pines. And Tom knew where he had seen some, near to a clump of fir trees, so
off he went and picked them and rushed back and tossed them in a pan and
carried them in to her on a silver platter, and she cried with joy when she saw
them and kissed her Tom and turned to scoop them to her mouth . . ."
He stopped, and I knew,
oh I knew, what was to come next and tried to stop him, but he shook his head.
"Better out than
in, Flower . . .
"I should have
known that smell: smelt of sleep, smelt of death." Now there was no
third-person Tom, it was himself . . . "They was Destroying-Angel, all
white in their purity, all black in their intent, and my lady died in agony and
the child with her. After that I was a little mad, I think, for they shut me
away . . .
"But I had time to
think, there in the darkness of soul, and when they finally let me out and I
found the business sold and all moneys gone I didn't care: it was the mushrooms
that had taken from me all I held dear and by my own ignorance and I swore to
spend the rest of my life learning about the little devils until I was always
one jump ahead and could fair say I had beaten them at their own game. And so I
"So, old Tom's a
mushroom expert, you might say . . ."
"I'm sorry," I
"No need to be, no
need. 'Tis time past, and if there is one thing I did learn then it was to look
to time present . . .
"And, talking of
the present: how do you feel?"
Now he came to mention
it, I was beginning to feel different, as if my stomach had a pleasant little
fire chuckling away all warm inside it. The fire light seemed stronger too,
making all colours brighter, but a little fuzzy round the edges.
Nice . . .
Then it happened. Tom
got up to throw more wood on the fire, slipped, and for a moment, trying to
regain his balance, stood on one leg like a heron, lanky and ungainly, arms
flapping like wings, and such a comical look of surprise on his face that I
felt a little tickle of amusement jerking my tummy, then another and another,
till I was like a pot waiting to boil, bottom all covered with bubbles. I
couldn't help it: I came to the boil, slowly but surely. Snorts, spasms, gasps
all accompanied these completely new feelings till, with a painfulness that
only those who laugh out loud but seldom could appreciate, merriment rose to
the surface and, once there, wouldn't stop, and I was boiling away like a pot
of forgotten water, salted by the tears of laughter that coursed down my
cheeks. At first I thought I was dying, for I could not laugh and breathe and
cry at the same time and got the hiccoughs, but in the end everything sorted
itself out, except that by that time my ribs ached and so did the bones at the
back of my ears.
The trouble was that
once started, I couldn't stop: Moglet's studied aversion and turned back and
Corby's offended stare only set me off worse than ever.
Tom poked me in the
ribs: he too was laughing fit to burst, his arms hugging his ribs, knees up to
his chin. "Tell—tell me: why—why do you wear that terribly tatty little
flap of—of leather? Oh, dear me, what with a fringe of hair like a taggley pony
and that flap of hide there's nothing but eyes like post-holes to be seen—oh,
dear me!—all across your face."
I giggled helplessly.
"'Cos—'cos I look like a fright without! I've worn it ever since—ever
since I could remember! Our Mistress made me, so I didn't frighten the
villagers to death! Got a face like a—like a cross between a pig and a snake
without it . . . Oh, dear: how do you stop laughing? It hurts . . ." And I
doubled up.
"How—how do you
know what—what you look like, then?"
"Mistress showed
me—in a mirror of polished metal . . . Ha! Ha! Ha! You should have seen me! Oh,
dear, I shall die if I don't stop this . . . Said I was too ugly to go abroad
without a mask, so I made—tee-hee!—this. Ho! Ho! And if any ask—He! He!—I say I
am marked bad with the 'pox!"
"You don't mind
looking like that, then?"
"Can't, can I? Always
have, s'pose . . . Oh, mercy, mercy! Stop making me laugh!"
"What with that
mask and walking around doubled up with that—stone—in your stomach, you
look—you look much like a hobgoblin!"
"A hob—hobgoblin?
Oh dear, yes, I must do! How—how hilarious! What a fright! Enough to scare the
children, and the old folk from the chimney-corner . . . He-he-he . . ."
And thus was changed in
my mind the hidden hurt of the day when our Mistress had found me trying to
gaze at my reflection in a pail of water—just to see whether my fingers lied
when they felt a straightish little nose, a wideish mouth and long lashes—and,
muttering a few words, had shown me what a horror I really was, in that
polished mirror of hers: jutting brow, little snake-like eyes downturned at the
corners, a crooked nose, squashed like a pig's, uneven, jagged teeth, and a
drooling, loose mouth. The whole face, from brow down, was covered in
skin-blemishes: blue scars, pocks and a web of red like a spider's which had
spread up from the red pebble in my navel like the plague . . . After that I
had begged a piece of soft leather from her and hung it on a thong threaded
through the top over my nose and across the rest of my face.
And she had laughed even
more when she had seen it.
But now it was I who was
laughing, and far harder than she had ever done.
After that I fell
suddenly asleep, exhausted by the strange thing called laughter, but the others
told me in the morning that even in my dreams I had been giggling happily,
though when I awoke I could not recall a single thing.
The Gathering: One- Three-
Four- Five- Six- Seven
The White Horse
The last sight we had of
that extraordinary man, Thomas Herrilees Trundleweed, was of him bowing us
exaggeratedly away, and then striking his head on a branch some seven feet up
as he straightened, and being showered thus with last night's raindrops. I had
smothered a giggle against the back of my hand, remembering the release of the
night before, but he was, by then, too far away to have heard anyway. I was
still not sure whether I really liked him, in spite of his kindnesses, for he
was too mercurial and fey to understand completely, but I had to admit we had
been very well treated and were now better off with a route to follow for the
next few miles, full stomachs, dry clothes, fur and feathers, the promise of a
lift partways, a grounding in the art of mushrooming—and in the case of the
latter, a further present.
That morning Tom had
handed me a small package of the dried Mouse-Dugs, as he called them, enough
for two adult dosings.
"Though I doubt if
you'll find any other that hasn't laughed for seven years . . ." But when
I had queried the specific number seven he had just winked and tapped the side
of his nose. "It's a number, just like any other, ain't it? 'Sides, old
Tom listens to the trees and the birds, don't forget." And that was all I
could get out of him, try as I would.
We made fair progress,
although the village we were aiming for was a good ten miles away, and arrived
soon after noon. Tom's contacts were an elderly couple, quiet and reserved, but
ready enough with food and lodging once we had explained who we were; they said
that it would be a waste of time to set out for the market till the following
morning as it would take at least three hours at their donkey's sedate pace. So
I had to curb my natural impatience to get on, and spent the afternoon learning
to weave simple baskets and carriers, which was their trade. I grew quite
proficient after an hour or so, and by the time the light faded and rushes were
lit I had managed a creditable back-carrier, which they gave to me, pointing
out that my sack was almost threadbare. The broad top of the carrier meant that
there was somewhere for Moglet to perch, so that only one
shoulder—Corby's—would be sore, and this I padded with a scrap of leather.
We suppered from fresh
bread, goat's milk and cheese, and they parted with some eggs and a loaf for
our journey, taking but one copper coin, so we bedded down in the lean-to shed
at the side of the cottage with light hearts soon after eating, warned of an
early start. They woke us before light as they had stock to feed and the little
cart to load with their weavings and the mushrooms and me, and we eventually
set off an hour before daybreak, to arrive at the market as early as possible.
We slipped away before they came to the town proper, for though neither of them
had made any comment about my friends, the woman especially had cast curious
glances at my mask, and I judged it better not to risk us with the more open townsfolk.
So, considerably
heartened, we set off again on our way south and west. Before long the broad
road on which we found ourselves became too well populated, and we took to the
byways and woods again, only using the main thoroughfare very early or very late
and in this fashion, lucky with our nightly lodgings—ruined hut, upturned
wagon, barn and, once, church porch—we made another fifty miles or so.
Then our luck changed.
The road we were following took in another and turned to run due
southeast/northwest for many miles, and though we followed the left hand for
many miles it soon became evident that we were bearing ever more easterly, and
when I assisted Corby with his keener eyes to the top of the tallest tree
around he came fluttering to earth with the news that there was no change in
direction "as far as a crow can see." I was disheartened, for that
meant either a detour to find another road, or crossing the present one and
plunging into forest that looked far less hospitable than the one we had so
recently left. A detour was too risky, so for the next day or two it was
scratched arms and legs from briars, whipped head and shoulders from tangled
branches and snappy twigs and a rapidly dwindling store of food.
One thing I learnt:
staying in one place and going round and about with an expert gathering
mushrooms was one thing; gathering them without one on the march was another.
You only saw them if they were right in front of you, or at least in eye-reach,
and then one had to stop, dislodge Corby, wake up Moglet in the
carrying-basket, set down Pisky, where he moaned that he couldn't see, and, if
you were lucky, get away without disturbing Puddy in the side-pocket. Then,
when you had examined the mushrooms they might turn out to be the wrong sort,
or if they were the right kind there weren't enough of them to justify cooking
or, more often, they were a species I had not come across before.
We were down to our last
handful of flour and a rind of cheese when we came to a small village. Here, in
the forest, were signs of cultivation: trees had been lopped and felled for
building and fuel and the scrub thinned down in the direction of a navigable
river, unluckily flowing the wrong way for us, otherwise I might have risked
trying to hire a boat, but here the only transport available seemed to be large
working rafts, and I did not have the strength to pole one of those against the
current. Leaving the others on a knoll overlooking the river I slipped down to
the village and paid the usual stranger's over-price for bread, cheese, apples
and a hand of salt pork. This reduced our savings to two silver and two gold
coins: these latter I was wary of changing, for the last time I had been
short-changed and almost openly accused of being a thief, for obviously no one
who looked as I did could possibly come by gold honestly.
I was anxious to rejoin
the others as soon as I could because for the last few days, even as the trees
had thinned and broadened into great stands of leaf-dropping beech and oak and
the going had become easier, I had had the uneasy feeling that we were being
followed. Not that there had been anything to see, merely a fleeting impression
of something white through the trees to the left, the right; the half-heard
sound of a footfall, muffled by leaves, ahead, behind; a soft breathing in the
night-hours; a feeling of loneliness, of an empty heart . . . None of the
others had seen anything, although they too were uneasy.
However, today the sun
was shining full on the knoll, they were safe and sound, and we ate till we
were comfortable. Stomach full I felt decidedly soporific: after all, if we had
an hour or so's rest now, safe out of sight of the village, it would mean less
time tonight in a possibly uncomfortable sleeping-place.
Unbuttoning my jacket to
the pleasant rays of the sun, I laid aside my mask and stretched out, pillowing
my head on my cloak.
"We'll stay here
for a while," I told the others. "Moglet: you can keep half an eye
open, can't you?" For I could see that Corby and Puddy fancied some
Closing my eyes I
slipped effortlessly into dreamless sleep.
"Pig, pigs,
pig-person! Wake up, Thing—" Moglet's urgent mew in my right ear and I was
struggling to open my eyes, to make some sense of what was happening. There was
a rootling, grunting, scrunching noise, a strong, not unpleasant piggy smell
and then Corby's raucous croak: "Geroff! That's mine, you big bastard!
Find your own, you great vat of lard—" and then the sound of a stone
striking the earth and a yelp from the crow. I leapt to my feet, the sun in my
eyes, and squinted at a herd of swine grunting their way slowly along the
fringes of the forest, and standing about six feet away the swineherd, another
stone ready to follow the first.
Snatching up my mask
with one hand and fumbling with the fastenings of my jacket with the other, I
cursed Moglet for not waking me sooner.
"Fell asleep . . . wind
in the wrong direction . . ." she whispered.
said the swineherd. "What-have-we-here?" Each word was slow,
measured, calculating. He was a dirty-looking man, short and squat but
powerful. He smelt of pig and frowsty nights of drink and even as I watched he
took a flask from his pocket and offered it to me. I shook my head but he took
a draught and replaced the stopper but not the flask. Instead he eyed me up and
down and smiled. Not a nice smile: his mouth was too fat and he looked to have
twice as many teeth as he should, yellow, sharp teeth with little pits in them.
His skin, too, was pitted and the pits black; his nose was upturned, the
nostrils sprouting black hairs like his ears, and his eyes were too small.
I backed away a step or two
and Moglet backed with me, her fur anxious. Out of the corner of my eye I could
see Corby hopping up and down, luckily undamaged, and the movement of grass as
Puddy crawled closer.
"Keep back," I
thought-ordered them. "I don't like the look of this fellow . . ."
"You'd like him
even less if you'd had a ruddy great rock up your arse," was Corby's
succinct reply. "And we're not abandoning you in a dangerous
situation," he added. "Fellow like that means business. Where's your
"Words first,"
said Puddy. "Action second if necessary. You've never used that knife in
anger . . ." No. It was the one I used for vegetables, peeling and
slicing. But it was very sharp.
The swineherd had moved
forward as I moved back, and now he was the same distance away as before.
"No-harm-meant," he said ingratiatingly, and stretched out his free
hand to my still half-covered chest. "Pretty-little-bubs-them.
Shame-to-hide-them. Like-to-touch-them-I-would . . ."
I backed away again,
looking away past him to where I had left our belongings, with Pisky's bowl in
the shade of the wicker carrier. I received his anxiety and sent back a
reassurance, but inside I was panicking. I did not know what this man intended:
did he mean to kill us for our paltry belongings? He could not know I had our
remaining coins hidden away in a pouch in my breeches. Perhaps if I offered
them to him he would let us go . . . Frantically I dug down and his eyes
followed my hand, his tongue passing slowly over his lips.
the voice was suggestive, nasty.
I held out the coins.
"That's all I have. Please take them and leave us alone . . ."
His eyes lit up and he
snatched the coins away from me and bit them. "Good-good . . ." He
took another pull from the flask, pulling the cork with his teeth and spitting
it to the grass. "Why-don't-you-speak-proper? Why-the-mask?
And-what-you-got-over-there?" and he gestured in the direction of our
He wasn't going to leave
us in peace, he wanted everything. "Take it all," I said despairingly.
"Except my little fish. Then please let us alone . . ."
He put down the flask
and placed the coins atop, where they winked in the sunshine.
"Don't-hear-you-right-girl. Ain't-answered-my-questions.
Let's-see-what-else-you-got-in-there—" and he made a grab for me but I
jumped back, and this time my knife leapt to my hand, glinting to match the
"Let us alone, or
I'll—I'll kill you!"
He couldn't reach me but
unfortunately Moglet had not moved fast enough and he grabbed her and held her
high by the scruff of the neck, his other hand flashing to his own knife. He
made as if to strike her and I screamed, a scream that was echoed by a
strangled wail from Moglet.
"Help me, Thing
dear, help me!"
"No, no!" I
yelled. "Anything you want, anything!"
Apparently this time he
understood, for he lowered my kitten, but his knife was still at the ready.
All-right-put-your-knife-down-over-there-and-I'll-let-it-go. That's-right . .
." For a moment longer he held her, then opened his hand and she dropped,
choking and gasping, to crawl back to my side. I bent to stroke her, but a
moment later a hand was at my throat and I was forced backwards to the ground
and his other hand tore at my belt. "Get-'em-down, get-'em-down," he
muttered and pulled my trews past my knees. In hideous shame I tried to cover
my red-pebbled belly with my hands and roll over, but he slapped my face till
my head rang. "Lie-still-curse-you-or-it'll-be-the-worse-for-you—"
At that moment he broke
off with a yell for all at once he was attacked by the spitting fury of Puddy,
whose venom shot up into his face, the claws of an enraged Moglet, scratching
blood from his hands, and the beak of an angry Corby, who tore at his rear.
"Run, Thing,
run!" they yelled, but with a fist the swineherd punched Moglet from him,
with a foot he kicked Puddy away and his knife flashed within an inch of Corby.
I knew it was no use and called on them to stop.
"Go away, go away,
my dear ones: you cannot help me now. Go into the forest where he cannot find
you, and drag Pisky's bowl with you. I'll be all right, only please, please
go!" But still they hesitated, crying and cursing, till I used the words
of command. "Go, and do not disobey. I command you by all that holds the
Earth, the Waters, the Sky in their accustomed places; the Now, the Then, the
Hereafter . . ."
I heard them leave me,
and the desolation of the abandoned tied my stomach in knots, spilt the tears
from my eyes and cut at my heart as keen as any knife. The sun went behind
cloud and the figure standing over me assumed the proportions of a giant. Why
doesn't he kill me, I thought, and get it over with? And I sent a hope-call for
my dear ones, to be left to fend for themselves. Let them be brave and
resourceful, I prayed, let them find their own peace . . .
The swineherd unbuttoned
his trousers. Staring upwards, all at once I realized what he intended: he
meant to use me as Broom used to punish our Mistress, for the great thing that
poked out from his groin was smooth-knobbed, and ridged and gnarled along its
length like Broom, and it throbbed and pulsed and swelled like Broom, and like
Broom it had a great bush of furze at its base the colour of dead heather, and
it waved and nodded and beckoned just like Broom and any moment now it was
going to thrust into my stomach where the pebble hurt and bring forth great
gouts of blood and pain, and I began to whimper and cry.
"Oh, do not hurt
me! Do not hurt me—I cannot stand more pain! Please, please!" I did not
want to writhe and curse and bleed as she had done—
The sun came out from
behind the clouds, there was a thudding noise on the turf, a wild neighing, and
all at once the swineherd was gone, clear over the top of the knoll, and soft
horse-breath was sweet on my face.
"Come up,
youngling, come up! He is gone and you are safe, for the moment. Gather your
things quickly, for he will be back . . ."
I stared up in
bewilderment at the tattered, ragged-maned horse that stood over me.
"Gather your things
quickly, before he returns," he repeated. "The others are safe: I
will take you to them. Come!"
* * *
That night we had a
fire, and ate at our leisure, and slept in the open. No looking for a tree to
climb up, a hole to crawl into; that night we slept at peace for the first time
since we had left on our great adventure. It is difficult to explain just why
we all felt this sense of security—and we all felt it, not just me—except that
the finding of the white horse, or rather his finding of us, was at the root of
it all. Not then nor after did we ever question his unerring sense of
direction, his knowledge, his warm benignity: we just accepted them, and him as
something special.
Not that he was a
splendid white stallion of some eighteen hands, like the great chargers I
seemed to recall from some other time, some other place; he was small, perhaps
a little larger than pony-size, with cloven hooves and tatty feathers, a long
tail and mane, curly and tangled, and large, soft, brown eyes. It was probably
those eyes that set the seal on it: they seemed brown most of the time, but in
sunlight they were blue-green, in shade brown-green and they beamed—there is no
other word for it. Reassurance, comfort and a strange other-worldliness shone
from those eyes, and yet they were not happy . . .
He promised us nothing
that first day, except that he would take us to a place of safety: he had
carried us all smoothly and swiftly through the forest, stopping as twilight
fell in a particularly pleasant glade to let us down. After gazing at us
reassuringly for a moment or two he went to lie down a little distance away,
leaving us, as I said, feeling so calm and confident that I had lighted a fire
without further thought, and we slept in the open that night all wrapped under
my cloak, for the nights were chill—all that is except Corby, who preferred to
roost off the ground.
In the morning the white
horse was still there, quietly cropping the sweet grass that still lingered in
the hollows. He seemed shy of approaching us, so I went across with one of the
small russets I had bought the day before.
"Please have one:
they are nice and juicy."
Lipping the apple gently
from my palm, he scrunched it with evident enjoyment. "Thank you."
"Talking of thanks,
I quite forgot to offer mine—and ours—for the rescue and the ride and—and
"I had been near
you for some days: I thought sometimes you realized I was near."
"I thought someone,
or something, was following us, but I wasn't sure. And if you hadn't, I don't
know what would have happened to us. That—that man, with his—his—" I still
wasn't sure what it had been.
"I followed you
because you seemed a small and vulnerable party to be making your way in such a
determined manner, and I was curious. Besides, you are a maiden, and even in my
present state I have not forgotten my duties."
"To defend all
maidens and the pure and unsullied from Evil, in whatever form that may come .
. ." The answer was confident as if it came from a much bigger animal, but
my eyes must have mirrored my astonishment, for the white horse blew softly in
my ear. "Things are not always what they seem," he said. "I was
not always the wretched thing you see me now . . . No more of that. Now tell
me, youngling—"
"My name is
Thing," I interrupted. "And may I know just whom I have the honour of
addressing?" I knew that was the correct way to ask someone's name because
I had overheard two gentlemen meeting on the road one day, and they had
addressed one another in just that way. I had crept away and practised it.
"You may, but not
just now. Give me a name of your own: whatever you would call a white
I thought of all the
things that were white: clouds, linen, daisies, dough (sometimes);
swan-feathers, chalk, marble, eggwhite; snow—Snow. "Would you mind if we
called you 'Snowy'?"
"I would not mind
being called Snowy at all," he said gravely. "I do not think I should
have liked 'Doughy' or 'Eggwhitey' as much . . ." He had been reading my
mind! That was another thing: all of us could understand him perfectly, but
none of us considered this strange, although we had been used to our own
methods of conversation for so long. And he seemed to sharpen our understanding
of all the other creatures we met along the way, as if he were a catalyst
through which all tongues became one. What surprises me now is that we accepted
it without question at the time, but perhaps that was all part of his magic,
"And now," he
said. "Would you like to trust me with your purpose in journeying so far
and so poorly attended? I can see you have a tale to tell—but perhaps you would
prefer it if we talked as we went? I am afraid I am not strong enough to carry
you far in one go, but if you can manage to walk a league, say, and then travel
on my back for the same distance, we could probably manage double your usual
"You go our way,
then?" I said, delighted.
"For want of a
better, my road lies with yours for a while, yes," replied the gentle
It was a day of sun and
shadow, wind and the falling of leaves. As we went I told our new companion our
story, right from the beginning. He questioned me closely about our Mistress,
then sighed. "You are sure She is indeed dead?"
I was sure, and he
sighed again. "Then that is that: no hope that it may be changed." He
seemed to make up his mind. "Then, if you will have me, I shall be with
you till your journey's end.
"You wanted to find
a magician, a wise man: I heard tell of a great sorcerer who lived once in the
arm of the west. I had supposed him dead or fled, but you have such faith that
it is possible he is still there. If he is, I think I know the way.
"Come, my friends:
the sooner we are there the better. I have an idea the hour-glass has been
turned for the last time . . ."
The Gathering: One- Two-
Three- Four- Five- Six- Seven
The Rusty Knight
It had been a beautiful
morning. For some days now we had been following the upstream course of a big
river, which the white horse, Snowy, said was called the Tamesis. It was
fordable, but he said the going was better on this side and we could make another
seven leagues or so before crossing and striking more southward. We had woken
that morning to the loud, sweet song of a little wren, and everything touched
with frost fingers. It was near the end of the month of Leaf-Fall and soon we
should be in the Moon of Mists, but the morning was sparkling and still and
clear. We had spent the night cosily enough in an abandoned charcoal-burner's
hut, but the sharpness of the morning turned my nose pink and snapped at my
cheeks, or so Corby said. "You look just like a ripe apple, m'dear,"
which was a generous compliment to my maskless face, for I now only wore this
disguise if there was a chance of meeting other folk on the way. Not that this
was a frequent occurrence, for we left the road if we heard steps on the way,
and hid till they were past.
Snowy had made no
comment on my disfigured face, for which I was grateful: he just seemed to
accept it as the others had. I always considered this a peculiarly delicate
gesture on their part, until I overheard Moglet one day remark to Corby:
"I don't know why Thing bothers with that silly piece of leather: she
looks all right to me," to which the gracious bird replied: "She
could be as beautiful as Heaven or ugly as Hell, as the saying goes, and it
would be all the same to me: humans all look alike, don't they? I can't tell
one from t'other 'cept by their height and the length of their beaks, and hers
is nothing to beat the drum for. Now mine, mine you would call a patrician beak
. . ."
So much for vanity.
The road swung away from
the river for a while and lay between high banks where beards of traveller's
joy draped the bushes and blackbirds feasted from the last brambles and watched
the haws ripen. We had climbed a little and now stood on an escarpment. To the
left, down by the river, a few houses hugged its curves, smoke rising straight
and thin into a pale sky. Below us in a clearing was a winter barn full of hay;
the southering sun shone on gleaming pebbles on its roof, and only when I saw
their restless shift and heard the bubbling chatter carried up to us on the
still air did I realize they were those tardy travellers, house martins,
adorning like pearls the rough surcoat of the barn roof. Beside the barn
someone had planted a line of fruit trees and these, for rapture of the
morning, had shed their last leaves to lie, discarded red petticoats, around
their feet, and stretched bare silver limbs to embrace the shafted sunlight.
Beneath our feet, as we trod the rutted road, fallen leaves leapt away like
frogs from our intrusion, and somewhere amidst the smells of cold stone, damp
earth and the sweet sweat-smell of Snowy, was the evocative scent of burning
apple logs—
"Listen!" It
was Moglet, large pointed ears flickering back and forth.
We stopped and at first
I could hear nothing, but as I watched the others their reactions told me what
was afoot long before the faint sounds reached my ears. It was a stealth of
ambush, a fight-back, a battle, and as we hurried towards the sound,
half-afraid, half-curious, I found my heart beating with a rare excitement as
if something special was about to happen. We rounded a corner, the road dropped
away in a steep decline and there beneath us where the road banked high, river
on one side, forest the other, a lone man in rusty chain mail was trying to
fight off three sneak-thieves with his fists and a broken sword.
Even as we watched he
was beaten to his knees then rose again, staggering, with scarce enough breath
to call for help, and the next moment returned to the attack, in the name of
one St. Patrick. He was a bonny fighter, but I could see he had no chance at
all, and would be lucky to escape with a broken skull and the loss of his pack.
I turned impulsively to
Snowy. "We must help him! We can't just stand by and let him be
"Are you sure you
want to be involved? We could lie low till they have done . . ."
Somehow I knew this was
no cowardice on his part, more a test of me, the biggest coward I knew. But—
"Of course we must
help him! We must draw them off, distract them—"
"I can imitate a
horn," said Corby, hopping up and down.
"Hear me
shriek!" said Moglet.
"Poison in their
eyes," muttered Puddy.
"You can borrow my
water," bubbled Pisky. "But only borrow, mind . . ."
"Right," said
Snowy. "I shall gallop round through the trees and try to sound like a
troop of horses, dropping you off, crow, to make your horn-calls on the other
side of the road, with cat doing her screeches. Toad, you shall be left nearer
to aim your poison, and the maid here shall hide in the trees with the fish and
bang against a pan and shout 'A rescue! A rescue!' in as deep a voice as she
can. Ready?"
We had no time to think.
Up on Snowy's back, then away like the wind down through the trees and into
action. It was wildly improbable, highly dangerous, wholly exhilarating—and it
worked. A perfect cacophony of horn and trumpets sounded from the river side of
the road, accompanied by ear-splitting screeches. A cavalcade of horsemen
thundered through the woods; one attacker was half-blinded by an evil jet of
poison that shot from the bushes at his feet and my clattering sounded like at
least three men in armour blundering through the trees. In a moment the three
attackers were flying for their lives down the road away from us, leaving a
huddled figure heaped in the ditch, pack still intact by its side. We
approached warily from our various concealments, one eye on the dust of the
attackers' retreat, the other on the victim. The only one making any noise was
Pisky, furious at not being allowed to help in the attack, sulking vociferously
at the bottom of his bowl.
The knight lay on his
face in the muddy ditch.
"He's awfully
still," I said doubtfully.
Puddy hopped closer.
"He's breathing, though."
"All bloody,"
said Moglet. "Not nice . . ."
"I've seen worse
get up and walk," said Corby. "But not much."
Pisky decided to ignore
the whole thing.
"Well," said
Snowy, "we should get him away from here in case they come back; we should
be safer under cover. If you will pull him on to my back and walk beside to
keep him steady we can make a mile or two to an abandoned anchorite's cell I
know of in the forest. Can you manage his pack as well?"
Somehow we did manage,
though we were all exhausted when at last we laid him on the floor of the cell,
a gloomy place that smelt of old bones and cat-piss. I placed the knight's head
on his pack, but carefully because the back of his head was sticky with blood,
and covered him with my cloak. He moaned a little and moved his legs, so we
knew they weren't broken; I flexed his arms: they were whole too, though his
knuckles were broken and bruised with the fighting. He seemed to be whole in
body, no holes or gashes, but I fancied from the bruising and his ragged
breathing that a couple of ribs might be broken, but I dared not completely
remove his rusty chainmail coat to confirm this. His head seemed worst hurt: it
bled freely from a gash on his forehead, he had a black eye and a bloody nose,
but these would heal; I was more worried about the injury at the back: a lump was
already forming, though the blood oozed more slowly now.
I sat up from my
examination. "Can we light a fire? He's very cold . . ."
"We're safe enough
here," said Snowy.
Corby rattled off for
some twigs for kindling, I found some larger pieces of branch and soon we had a
fire blazing away in the corner. I remembered the so far unused piece of linen
I had taken from our village, what seemed so long ago, and knew at last how to
make my peace with Pisky as well. With dampened cloth, carefully dipped in his bowl,
I wiped away the worst of the blood from the knight's head and bound up his
wound as best I could; he moaned a little and grimaced but still remained
unconscious, and I looked up anxiously at Snowy.
"Will he be all
"Lift his head a
little and give him half a cup of water from Pisky's bowl. Wait: put the cup on
the ground," and I watched as he bent his head and covered it with his
mane. I wondered for a moment whether he was checking for weed or snails, but
when he nodded to me to take up the cup the liquid within was warm and cloudy
and smelt of herbs. "Now, give him a drink."
I put the cup to his
lips. "Drink, Sir Knight: you are in safe hands."
Obediently he swallowed
the liquid and, as I held his head on my arm, a pair of autumn-brown eyes opened
and gazed into mine. Too late I remembered I was maskless.
But he was whispering
something. "Thank you, beautiful one . . ." His eyes closed and he
was unconscious again, but he had looked at me, he had spoken, he would get
better . . . He must, for at that look, those words, something in my middle had
started galloping round like a colt in spring, ungainly and clumsy and untamed,
and I knew I could not let him die, even if common sense told me that it was
not me he had seen but some lady of dream.
"He'll do for the
moment," said Snowy. "There's a spring down in the trees a small walk
away. Make your suppers and put on some broth for when he wakens. I'll fetch
herbs, and I think you'll find a flask of wine in his pack: put a cupful in the
* * *
We kept watch all night,
in turns, lest he should need us, and I put his broken sword in his right hand
in case he woke and thought it lost. Dawn came in frost again and a chill wind,
and I built up the fire and tucked my cloak more closely about him—though my
teeth were chattering with cold and I could well have done with it myself. The
broth I had prepared tasted strong and stimulating and I had a cupful myself
and soon felt warmed through.
The sun spear-slanted
among the trees as it rose and a shaft touched the Rusty Knight's face. His
eyelids fluttered, he frowned, moved a little, and hastily I put away my dreams
and donned my mask. The others crowded round: he opened his eyes once more,
this time in puzzlement, put his hand to his head, shut his eyes again,
groaned, winced, lay still. After a moment his eyes re-opened and this time he
spoke, too.
"Wha—What happened?
Where am I?"
I explained as best I
could, introducing the others, lifting his head, offering the broth, but I was
nervous and the words got tangled up and didn't sound right, so I tried again
and that was worse.
The Rusty Knight raised
himself on one elbow and opened his mouth again.
"By all that's
holy! Would you credit it? I am attacked, I am wounded, I am rescued—and by
what? A broken-down nag, a tatty black bird, a scraggy cat, a frog,
something-in-a-bowl and—and a hobgoblin who talks scribble!"
The Gathering: One- Two-
Three- Four- Five- Six- Seven
Peter and Paul
But by midday his
breathing was worse and he had lapsed into unconsciousness again, muttering and
moaning in delirium.
Snowy looked grave.
"It would seem there is infection in the chest: I can do nothing about
that, but if it is untreated he may succumb. Dangerous as it may be to move
him, I think we should try."
"But where?" I
cried, hearing the tiredness and tension in my voice. "There's just forest
for miles!"
"Not quite: two
leagues to the north there is a hump of folding hills where two brothers from
an order of monks tend sheep from late autumn to lambing; they are experienced
with animals of all kinds and would at least know what was best for the knight,
of that I am sure. Come, we will have to start now, otherwise it will be night
before we reach them."
It took over five hours,
for Snowy could not carry his burden for long and had to rest as did I,
burdened as I was with the others. Each time we had to move the poor knight he
seemed worse, and I was in a right old state by the time we heard the distant
blearing of sheep and emerged from the twilight of the forest to smoothly
sweeping downs and the Evening Star pricked clear into the deepening blue of a
frosty sky. The shieling was built of stones and mud and lay low to the ground,
surrounded by wattle-fenced enclosures filled with restless sheep, just driven
in for the night by a monk in brown habit and a couple of shaggy, point-nosed
dogs. To the left was a barn, full of hay and housing a two-wheeled cart and a
donkey, whose braying blotted out the baa-ing of sheep, calling of monk and
barking of dogs.
We approached warily, my
hands palm outwards to show we came in peace, and Snowy whispered a word of
advice. "Play dumb, youngling: once they see he is injured you may leave
the rest to them."
I took his words
literally, and when the monk came running, a tall, thin figure with robe kilted
up thin shanks to knobbly knees, I mouthed distress and pointed to our burden.
Luckily he understood immediately.
"Tut-tut, whatever
have we here? A poor wounded fellow and an assortment of animals . . . Deary,
deary me! May the Good Lord preserve us!" and he crossed himself.
"This person needs attention, yes indeed . . . An accident, perhaps?"
He had a thin, high, fluting voice and his eyes were kind.
I mimed sword-play, an
"Ah, yes; I see.
How unfortunate: travelling has become so fraught these days . . . Well, well,
well! Never mind, we must get him to shelter and comfortable as soon as
possible. Brother Paul!" He had a surprisingly loud hail.
"Coming, Brother
Peter!" and a fat, squat monk came running out of the shieling, his robe,
even hitched as it was through his belt, trailing a little on the ground
behind. "What is it, what is it?" His voice was as deep as the
other's was high. "May His Holy Angels defend us! A wounded man, with
servant and—and pets? Brother Peter, the place for him is inside, with a robe
to cover, a posset to soothe and a fresh bandage for that head . . ." And,
fussing and fretting, he led the way over to the barn. "Now then, now
then: baggage and animals to remain here with Brother Donkey, and servant and
master to the house . . ."
I thought-transmitted
delay to the others, a later visit with food, but they were already abandoning
themselves to sleep. Snowy was lying down, Corby had shuffled to the beam above
the door, Moglet was curled up in the hay, weather eye open for the dogs, and
Puddy, eyes shut, was sheltering under a convenient crock. I put a somnolent
Pisky beside him, drawing hay round them both.
"I'll be back . .
I doubt if they heard
for all had been made to walk, crawl and hop further than usual during the day.
My eyes were closing too, as I followed the monks to their home. I looked round
for the dogs, but they were obviously well-trained and were already kennelled,
but unchained, ready, I supposed, to patrol the sheep pens against thief or
even wolf, though the latter usually left their hunting so far south till
winter really bit.
The room I was drawn
into, in the wake of the monks and their burden of wounded man, was long and
low, heat well-trapped in the rafters. To my right was a huge fire and
simmering pot, a drying rack of herbs suspended from the ceiling; two stools, a
table and hooks for cloaks and tools. Facing me were two pallets, straw-stuffed
palliasses on a wood and rope frame; to my left sacks and bales of provisions,
more tools and a barrel of apples. On shelves were arranged jars of ointment
and pots of unguent and packets of dried leaves and there was also room around
and about for shepherd's crooks, a large wooden tub, two leather buckets and a
besom. My nose wrinkled as it was assailed by the assorted odours of plain
stew, baking bread, leather, hay, sheep, dog, tallow, herbs, strong medicaments
and rather smelly monks, and my eyes stung with tiredness.
Peter and Paul laid my
knight carefully on one of the pallets and covered him with a woollen blanket,
twittering and muttering to each other as they did so; then the taller one
indicated the other pallet.
"Rest there,
traveller, while we attend to your master and prepare supper."
I had meant to stay
awake, to watch that they were careful of my knight, to return with food to the
others, but as soon as my head touched the pillow, rustling with lavender,
rosemary and thyme, I was asleep.
* * *
In the morning I woke
guiltily, aware that I had overslept, vaguely remembering that I had woken
briefly to drink a bowl of thick broth, then had fallen asleep again almost
immediately. Aware, too, that I had neglected my friends in the barn
shamefully, for I had not returned as promised.
Sunlight streamed in
dusty bars through the open doorway beyond my bed, and the fat monk was
sweeping out the dust into the yard, making the sunlight dance with motes that
climbed and fell, twisted and turned like tiny peasants celebrating a miniature
feast day. There was music too, for somewhere I heard the soft clucking of hens
and the monk was humming through his nose, a little bass tune that repeated
itself, then paused and was repeated in a higher key. It was soothing and yet
somehow disturbing, as though it perhaps required a respect that lying lazing
on a bed was not according it, so I jumped up. The broom fell with a clatter—a
perfectly ordinary broom used for sweeping and nothing else, I was glad to
see—and the little monk came fussing up, inquiring whether I had slept well and
pouring me a mug of goat's milk and handing me a heel of bread.
Miming my thanks, I took
these over to see the knight. It seemed he slept, though his breathing was
ragged and he frowned a little. They had stripped him down to his shirt, and
the discarded spotty mail lay to one side; his face had been cleaned up, to
re-dress the head wound, and though now much of his head was covered with the
bandage, over his brow a few springy curls escaped, russet as beech leaves, and
looking curiously soft. Wondering a little, for lambs' coats look soft as down
and are wiry instead, I stretched out a hand and lifted a strand, where it
curled round my fingers like a living thing; soft, yes, but with a strength and
hold I had not anticipated. It gave me a curious delight to touch, and next I
laid a finger on one frowning brow and traced the curve to its outer edge. The
skin beneath was burning hot, and under his high cheekbones the flesh was drawn
in, hollowed, and a dark red stubble shadowed his chin.
I drew back as the monk
approached, to take the empty mug from my hand.
"It is a pity you
are dumb, poor creature, else could you tell us this knight's pedigree and
destination. Brother Peter and I are most worried about his condition, indeed
we are, and fear that he needs better care than we can provide in our humble
quarters." He fussed round the patient, laying a hand on his forehead,
shaking his own head, drawing the coverlets higher. "Not good, not good at
all. We are used to sheep of course, sheep in a fever we can deal with, but
this man needs Brother Infirmarar.
"Now, there is
water to wash yourself; we prefer those who relieve themselves to go to the
corner of the yard, where we have a trench. Waste products attract flies; flies
lay maggots; maggots pester sheep. Simple enough if one uses logic . . ."
I washed my hands, wiped
my mouth and escaped from his chatter to the yard. From thence, affecting an
unconcern I did not feel, I sauntered over to the barn. The sheep were back in
the fields, the pens were empty, save for one limping ewe, and there was no
sign of Brother Peter or the dogs. I rounded the corner to the open front of
the barn.
morning," I said heartily. "Ready for some breakfast?"
"What happened to
supper?" said Corby.
They let me suffer and
apologize for fully two minutes before Snowy took pity and explained that
"the thin one" had been over with a handful of oats for horse and
donkey and some scraps for Moglet.
"And two
eggs," said Corby, "for me. Broken eggs, and not of the freshest.
Still, they were better than nothing." And he glared at me.
"Then this
morning," said Moglet, "I had goat's milk. And more scraps."
I lifted the straw from
Puddy and Pisky. The latter was languidly waving his tail and Puddy had a
moth's wing sticking from the corner of his mouth.
"I see you two are
all right," I said.
"Fair," said
Puddy. "Fair."
bubbled Pisky. "A nice little sliver of moth . . . But you left me where I
couldn't see, couldn't see, and you know how important it is to me to have a
good view. A fish hasn't much choice, you know, shut up like a genie in a
"A what?"
But he didn't reply, and
went on grumbling till I explained that the straw was to keep his water
"And how is the
knight?" asked Snowy. "Any better?"
I described his
condition as best I could.
"I feared as much.
I have seen that gasp of the breath in man before, and it can be grave."
"I just wish there
were something I could do: I feel so helpless . . ."
"We could do,"
corrected Snowy, gently. "We are all in this together, for the present,
"Yes," I said.
"Yes, of course." I must stop thinking of him as my knight, because
he wasn't and never would be. And what would I, ugly, deformed Thing, want with
a knight? And if I had one, what would I do with him? Tie him down to a bed or
something forever, fasten his legs and arms down tight, just so I could get
that strangely exciting feeling curling his hair around my grubby little
fingers? The idea was ridiculous, and yet lying there he had seemed so
vulnerable, so nice, so—
coming," warned Moglet.
I peered round the
corner of the barn: Brother Peter was striding down the nearest field, his gown
flapping vigorously against his thin shanks, the two sheepdogs slinking at his
He saw me and waved.
"How is our patient, the gallant knight? Such a well-set-up young man!
Such strong shoulders, and a fine pair of . . . And his hair: my dear, such an
unusual colour . . . Ah well."
I shook my head,
remembering in time I was supposed to be dumb.
"No better? I
feared not. And, much as I—as we—would like to keep him longer, I think it best
if we take him up to the Priory."
I manifested alarm.
"Much better for
him, much better. He will have a comfortable bed in the infirmary, where they
have salves and ointments and infusions and draughts which will go a long way
towards reducing the fever and healing his head.
"Come, now, we
shall go and consult with Brother Paul: we always decide things together."
My—our—knight was worse,
I could see that. The two monks consulted in a corner, a high mutter, a deep
rumble, bobbing their heads up and down like ducks' tails, but at last they
came to agreement.
"He must be taken
to the Priory," said Brother Paul.
"So pack up his
belongings," said Brother Peter. "We shall harness Brother Donkey to
the cart, and perhaps you might ride your white nag—strange animal that: never
seen hooves like that on a horse before—or perhaps you may prefer to walk: he
does not look overly strong."
"It is not
far," added Brother Paul. "You will be there before nightfall."
"Brother Paul will
stay behind with the sheep," explained Brother Peter. "Sheep must be
brought down before dark. Foxes; wolves; thieves after a nice piece of mutton,
for all it is a hanging offence . . ."
"May the Lord
forgive them." Brother Paul cast his eyes upwards. "And may we
remember that He shared His last hours with such . . ."
"Amen, amen,"
intoned Brother Peter.
They were like two
turtledoves, bowing and cooing to one another.
* * *
The two-wheeled cart was
harnessed to the protesting donkey and a bed of bracken prepared. The two monks
carried out the poor knight, bandaged head bobbing, and laid him carefully
down, padding him round with blankets to stop him from rolling. I added Pisky's
bowl, Moglet and Corby to the load, keeping Puddy in my pocket, and balanced
Snowy on one side with our wicker carrier, the other the knight's pack,
covering all with the knight's mail, now rustier than ever, for I thought it
better if I tried to walk.
The day was fair enough,
but a rising wind from the west scattered leaves about our feet and blew
Moglet's fur the wrong way, and I was anxious lest it rain before we reached
our destination. The way was uphill at the beginning and I found it hard going,
but Brother Peter strode ahead, seeming almost to pull the cart himself plus
the donkey, for the latter was mutinous at first, only cooperating when we
reached flatter countryside and Brother Peter remembered the slices of raw
turnip Brother Paul had put in his pocket, which was fed to the happier animal
at appropriate intervals. The sky darkened early, and as we passed through the
first of two small villages, large drops of rain plopped on my cloak. For a
hopeful moment I thought we might stop and shelter but Brother Peter strode on,
only stopping to cover the knight (who looked the worse for his jolting and
bumping) with his cloak, under which crept Moglet and Corby as well.
Then it started to pour
down in earnest: my cloak offered me some protection, but the poor monk was
soaked in minutes and his sandals squelched and his robe dripped, and so did
the end of his beaky nose. I pulled the end of the cloak over the knight's
face, for he was getting rustier than ever, and I could see a stain of dark
blood on his bandages. The donkey now stepped up his pace without bribery and
we staggered and stumbled and rattled over tracks that were rapidly becoming
impassable. At last, at long last, I saw through the drifting curtain of rain a
lantern, a dim, twinkling light suspended over a pair of high, closed wooden
gates. Away to either side stretched stone walls: Brother Peter lifted his
staff and beat at the gates, the while hailing in his loud voice.
There was a shuffling,
another voice raised in query, a drawing of bolts, a swinging back of one of
the gates, and suddenly we were in a courtyard full of scurrying welcome
. . .
The Gathering: One- Two-
Three- Four- Five- Six- Seven
“Come along now,"
said a not unkindly voice, as Brother Matthew came into the stable carrying a
large binding strap. "You and your animals will be eating us out of priory
and refectory soon: how about taking your nag out to eat fresh grass instead of
our precious hay, and bringing back some kindling in this strap to set against
your keep?"
Brother Matthew was one
of the younger brethren, lay brothers they were called, who were mainly
concerned with the physical work of the Priory of St. Augustine. Shared with
Brother Mark it was his concern to care for the stock and the provision of wood
for the fires. They kept two heavy draught horses, five cows, three goats and a
billy, two pigs for fattening and one for farrowing, and about three dozen
hens, some of which, the poor layers, would be eaten during the winter. These
two monks also kept the stables and courtyard clean, and the harness and tack
oiled and mended, and this all between their numerous calls to prayer,
signalled by the little bell in the chapel. I had been told that all the
brothers, whatever their tasks, and all visitors, which included me, were
expected to attend prayers three times a day—morning, noon and night, and the
ordained monks those in between as well.
His request wasn't
unreasonable and I got to my feet, yawning and shivering a little in the cold
morning air that was rushing, unnecessarily fast, through the open door and
dissipating the nice fug we had built up during the night. We were in a stable
along the western side of the courtyard, a small one obviously for donkeys or
ponies, for the stalls were not big enough for the larger horses. The mangers
contained loose hay, more bales of it were stacked in a corner, and there was a
comfortable layer of straw on the floor which I had not had to muck out, for I
had asked Snowy and Moglet to please use the midden corner in the courtyard,
and had persuaded Corby to turn his tail over one particular spot, which he
usually remembered. If Puddy did anything I didn't find it, for he was eating
less now and sleeping more, it being near winter-sleep for him, and of course
the snails took care of Pisky.
I think it rather
surprised Brother Mark the first time I escorted Snowy and Moglet over to
evacuate themselves and empty out my bucket and wash it out, for he called
Brother Matthew and they came over afterwards and asked me how I trained my
animals. Of course I did not answer but merely shrugged my shoulders, for
Brother Peter before he had returned to Brother Paul had told them all that I
was dumb, as he truly believed of course.
Even had I not been the
knight's servant, I believe they would still have treated me with kindness, for
they believed, I think, that in strangers and the lost and afflicted they
received their own God, who by all accounts was stern but kind. Sometimes, in
the words they used in prayer, I thought I caught an echo of something I should
remember, but was never quite sure. One thing I did find special was the
chanting of the monks: a sort of extension of the humming of Brother Paul at
the shieling, it had its own sort of magic. Sometimes in the night I would wake
and hear them and the sound always made me comfortable and secure; when I was
in the chapel, what with the dancing of the tallow dips and the question/answer
of the chants, it made me feel as if I always wanted to be good and kind, and I
usually managed to find something special for the others as a consequence: a
bigger share of my supper for Moglet, some oats filched from the big horses for
The knight was housed in
the Infirmary, on the opposite side of the courtyard from the gateway, and one
floor up. When we had arrived I had been allowed to carry up his pack and mail
and see him safely bestowed on a raised pallet, and water and clean linen
brought, before I was firmly shooed away to where I belonged: in the stable
with the animals. I was allowed upstairs once daily to see my master, and I
could see he was profiting from their care, for after a couple of anxious days
when his bedside was always attended by a couple of the brothers praying, his
fever abated slowly and—although the brothers had kept him largely unaware of
what went on around him, aided I suspect by Brother Infirmarar's poppy-juice—he
was nevertheless much better. On my brief visits, more to do me good than my
master, I suspect, I was supposed to contribute to his recovery: at first I had
not known what was expected of me and just watched as Brother Infirmarar sank
to his knees by the unconscious man's bed, folded his hands, bowed his head and
began to mutter in a foreign language. It was only after he had put out an
impatient hand to tug me down beside him that I realized that I, too, must bow
my head, fold my hands and pray. This last wasn't so difficult after all, for
as I was supposed to be dumb I didn't have to say anything.
Once the knight was
safely in the monks' care, why didn't we leave and continue our journey? One
reason, I suppose, was that the brothers believed me his servant, the animals
his pets. That would not have stopped us slipping away unnoticed while they
were all in chapel, of course, but there was another, stronger reason why we
did not leave him: it just never occurred to us that he was not part of the
team. We would wait till he was better and go on together. It may not have been
in any of their minds, of course, but they never said anything and I never
asked: perhaps it was only that I was being selfish . . .
I think the monks all
became a little wary of me, because of the way I could apparently manage my
friends without words of command, and I even caught Brother Mark crossing
himself one morning surreptitiously after I had forgotten to bring back the
water bucket and asked Snowy to bring it back on his return. Because of this,
perhaps, they tended to leave us alone, and this started me thinking of my
curious position within our group, and the difficulties this posed in the world
of man. I could communicate with my friends and some of the lesser beasts—the
pigs and the donkey in our village, migrating birds—but though I understood
human language I could only answer in what the knight had rightly called
"scribble," on that awful day when he had called me a hobgoblin. And
I didn't know how to correct this. I knew the words, understood the
inflections, appreciated the intonations, but still my words came out like
accidentally spilling a bag of dried peas: all over the place. To get any
further—and especially to be able to explain things to the knight, I realized
guiltily—I should need to practise words properly: everyone wasn't as clever as
Mushroom Tom, who had lived so long away from people that the language of
nature was more real to him.
* * *
One afternoon when,
having collected a large bundle of wood in the morning and helped with
mucking-out the other stables, I was free and bored and playing a game of tag
in the courtyard with Moglet, who was bored too, I heard my name—or rather what
the monks called me: "Boy!" —called from an upstairs window. That was
another thing: the monks accepted my hunched back, my mask, my silence, but I
would not have been allowed within the Priory if they had known I was female—or
perhaps they guessed but were pretending not to know. After all, if I wished to
relieve myself I had to squat, not having one of the useful pipes that men were
equipped with, that allowed them to stand and spray all over the place for this
most necessary of functions, and I couldn't be sure no one had seen me. I
remember, when first I had noted this distinct advantage that males had, I felt
envious; then I had thought perhaps it was more of a disadvantage, for one had
to find somewhere to put it, to tuck it away, and I had finally come to the
conclusion that being a female was probably tidier.
"Hist! Boy . .
." The voice came again, louder this time, and I looked up towards the
library, which was on the upper floor to the left. The shutters were open at
the end nearest the gateway and a youth leant out, his sandy hair catching the
last gleams of the misty sun.
I nearly said
"Hello!" back again because he had a nice, cheerful face, but I waved
instead and Moglet came to wipe her dusty fur clean on my ankles.
"Doing anything special?"
asked Cheerful Face.
I shook my head and
picked up Moglet, wary of an extra chore.
He glanced around, saw
the courtyard was empty but for us two. "Hang on a minute: I've a favour
to ask." The head disappeared, but a moment later it reappeared, attached
to a small wiry body clad in the usual brown, rope-girdled sack, at the bottom
of a small stairway set in the wall at the corner of the courtyard. "Come
up for a moment, if you can spare the time—please, that is?" It was the
honest smile as well as the words that made me decide: I put Moglet down, but
the young Brother held out his hand. "Please bring your little cat: I like
"It's all
right," said Moglet. "He means it. He looks as if he has a
comfortable lap. And perhaps milk . . ."
I followed the boy up
the stairs, Moglet trotting just ahead of me.
She was disappointed
about the milk, but there was a sliver of cheese. The room in which we found
ourselves was obviously an annexe to the library proper, for an archway filled
by a curtain separated it from the dusty main room, and here was a cheerful
brazier burning, two candles, a large sloping desk, a table and two stools. On
the table were quills, inks, brushes and tiny pots of different coloured
liquids, tightly stoppered. On the desk was a partly written manuscript.
The boy followed my
gaze. "That's Brother John's work: he has an ague at the moment so I'm on
my own. I'm his apprentice and I have to finish the script on that page, but
apart from the gilding I'm not yet allowed to make the illustrations. I'm to
practise on these scraps of vellum—see?—and while I'm pretty good on leaves and
flowers, I've had very little practice on animals. That's why I'd like to
borrow your little cat—such splendid colours she is, all the bars and stripes
and splotches of autumn woods—that is, if you could persuade her to sit still
for a little while? I hear you're very good with animals," and he smiled
ingenuously. "If you could manage to come two or three times—just before
dusk is the best time, they leave me alone then—I could get some good sketches
done. Please?"
I spoke to Moglet, who
was agreeable so long as there was a tit-bit and she could pose near the fire.
"She says
yes," I translated. "For a piece of cheese or somesuch and a share of
the fire for each sitting," and it was only when I saw the boy's eyes
round with shock that I realized I had broken my vow of silence.
"They told me you
were dumb," he said after a moment, fiddling with a brush, but as he
didn't rush away to tell on me or shout for help, I made up my mind to trust
him and, speaking very slowly, carefully, weighing each word, I explained.
I-have-been-with-my-friends-so-long-I-find-it . . . it . . ." I wavered.
he supplied.
I stopped.
But he had understood.
"You know the words: it's just practice, I suspect. You're not deaf, are
you?" I shook my head. "Good. And you can understand what I
say?" I nodded. "Fine! Tell you what: I'll draw little cat—what's her
name? Such a pretty little thing . . ."
She bridled visibly, and
the tip of her tail vibrated. "Nice man . . ."
"Moglet," I
"Moglet it is,
then," and he bent to tickle her just behind her ears. "And if you
can tell her what I would like her to do: stand, sit, lie down—you know—at the
same time as I'm drawing her, I'll teach you to talk properly. How's that?"
I turned a somersault
(easy with my humped back) and then had a sudden thought.
"Of course! Half
the fun!"
As it turned out, the
fact that it took almost a month for our Rusty Knight to be anywhere near ready
to continue the journey was a blessing in disguise, for in those four weeks
Brother Jude-the-Less as he was called grew amazingly proficient at drawing
cats, birds, toads and fish and my hands and feet (he was delicate enough not
to ask me to remove my mask once I had explained) and I—I found I could speak
human-talk. Not all at once, not every time, but day by day it grew easier to
express myself so that others could understand. I suppose the most difficult
was the radical switch from thought-pictures to word-symbols to describe the
same thing. Apart from the more primitive sounds that normally expressed fear,
pain, hate or desire, my animal friends usually presented most of their
thoughts in visual gradations of fur, feathers, scales and so forth, in size
and texture of touch, position of limbs and tail, attitude, flicker of eyes and
movement of whiskers, ears or mouth. Apart from that, when it was less a matter
of immediate communication than of thought, they sent vibrations in the form of
pictures into one's mind, and I had become adept at receiving messages from
their various eye levels, even through the distortion that Pisky's waterbound
existence gave him.
At first I thought the
human way of expressing oneself a clumsy and longwinded one, especially as
people didn't always say what they really meant, but gradually I became used to
it. I still sometimes got the order of words wrong, or missed out the, to me,
unessential ones, but soon I found I could carry on a reasonable conversation
with Brother Jude (the Less). We were undisturbed at our lessons because I
would only creep back and forth by way of the side stair when the coast was
clear, and at that time the monks were sitting down to break their daily fast
before the first of the three evening prayer sessions. Brother Jude, being a
lay brother, had a meal in the middle of the day and a snack in the evening.
I still performed my
daily tasks of taking Snowy out to graze—although fresh grass was getting more
difficult to find—fetching water, helping clean out the stables and sweep the
courtyard, and I paid my daily visit to the Rusty Knight. By now the fever was
gone, the gash on his forehead had healed and he was all cleaned up and
presentable. They had bandaged his ribs as well and these, together with his
ragged breathing, appeared to be mending. He was often awake now when I
went to visit him, but there was a blank look in his eyes as though he were
still dreaming and he obviously didn't recognize me, nor could he yet answer
coherently the questions Brother Infirmarar or his assistant put to him.
But one day I had to
face reality.
That day he was awake
when I paid my visit, and not only awake but sensible and he recognized me.
"Sit down," he
said. "There, on that stool. No, bring it nearer. I don't want the whole
world to hear our conversation."
We were chaperoned, but
only by old Brother Timothy, who was deaf as a blue-eyed cat and spent most of
his days nodding away happily in a corner. Reluctantly I turned back to my
inquisitor. Now that he was better and cleaned up and tidy I saw him properly
for the first time, and I am afraid I ignored his first few words because I was
listening to the lilt of them rather than the meaning.
" . . . remember it
all. The monks have told me how I was brought here, but why did you give them
the impression you were my servant?"
"I didn't: they
just assumed it. They think I am dumb." Between the words I was studying
his face. His hair curled as I remembered it, the colour almost that dull red
of hedgerow hips.
"How could you
possibly be dumb, when I remember that torrent of words with which you and—and
your animals overwhelmed me? I do recall some animals?"
"Yes. They are my
friends. We are travelling together." He has a broad, high brow, I
thought, and his dark eyebrows are straight when he frowns and a lovely curve
when he doesn't—
"And where do you
"To find the
answers to our problems . . ." He is very pale still, and his cheeks
hollow beneath the bones. He has a very firm chin—
Brother Timothy stirred
from his stool and put a fresh piece of peat on the brazier, nodding and
smiling over at us.
The knight lowered his
voice. "Speak softly, now . . . What problems have you?"
"You see me: you
called me hobgoblin, remember?" He had a firm mouth, too, under that
curling moustache, but it looked as though it would curve upwards and transform
his face if he smiled. "The others are deformed too. We seek release from
this bondage."
"But surely if you
are deformed there is no cure?"
"Not deformed by
nature, by a spell." His eyes were brown like peaty water, yet clear and
sparkling too.
"A spell!
Then—" The curtain at the end of the Infirmary opened and another of the
brothers entered, bearing a steaming bowl. "Quiet, now. I'll ask for you
tomorrow, earlier maybe. Now, go!" I turned away but his hand shot out and
caught my wrist. "Do you really talk with your animals, as the monks say?
And what is your name?"
I nodded. "We do
talk, and—and the only name I know is 'Thing' . . ."
Suddenly he grinned: it
made him look five years younger.
"Perhaps you aren't
so daft after all . . ."
* * *
I reported back to the
"We can go, then,
now he's better?" said Corby.
"We could, I
suppose," I said slowly. "But I had hoped . . ."
"That he would join
us," said Snowy softly. "I think—I think we should give him the
choice. You would be better with an escort, my little wandering ones. You will
do well enough here for the time being . . ."
This left me wondering
how long the white horse would remain with us if the knight joined us. We still
had no firm destination, but that we were on the right path towards the owner
of the pebbles I had no doubt. Since the witch's death our pains and cramps had
been better, and once we had headed in the general direction of the southwest
they had eased even more. Pisky was able to eat a little more, Corby's crippled
wing stretched farther, Moglet's paw was less tender, Puddy complained less of headaches
and I was standing at least an inch more upright, with only a stab now and
again, as if I were pulling at stitched leather.
Out of, perhaps, a
general feeling of optimism and inner gratefulness for the knight's recovery, I
offered to comb out the tangles in Snowy's tail and mane. He was looking much
sleeker and fatter since we came to the Priory, and he seemed calmer and less
sad, so I thought it would be nice if he had to leave us sometime that he
should do it looking tidy as well. When I offered he seemed to be surprised,
and glanced round at his tail as if expecting it to be immaculate, then shook
his head ruefully.
"You are reminding
me that I have neglected myself . . . If you please, youngling; I would deem it
a favour." He tended to talk like that, rather formally, but I supposed he
had probably lived among courtly people at one time. A teasing thought about
talking and speech touched my mind for a moment but was gone before I could
identify it, so I started on Snowy's tail: burrs, tangles, mud, nasty bits and
all. It took the rest of the evening, but by yawning-time it was sleek, curled
and oiled like even the best horses in our village had been—though they had
been beribboned as well—for the feasts of Beltane or Lugnosa.
"I'll do the rest
tomorrow," I promised, as I blew out the lantern and settled to sleep, my
head on his comforting flank, Moglet on my lap, Corby on his beam, Puddy and
Pisky tucked up in their hay. My last thought was of the morrow, and seeing
my—our—knight again . . .
But when I finally
reached the Infirmary it was to disappointment. The knight was propped up in
bed, but the Prior was there on a courtesy visit with his chaplain, and I was
only allowed to join dumbly in the prayers before being dismissed. I did try to
creep back later but Brother Matthew caught me and set me to replaiting and
lashing some frayed rope-ends, which was a boring task that took till supper,
which I always collected from the kitchen after six o'clock prayers. That
evening, I remember, it was cold salt pork and black bread and, for once, a mug
of ale, which I found sour but warming. Because of the pork, fatty from
fingers, I had to go and rinse my hands at the well before starting on Snowy's
mane with my rather battered comb. I made him lie down and leant against his
warm flank, pulling all the mane over to my side. It had incredibly long, soft,
silky hair and as I gradually worked from withers to ears it began to shine
like a rippling curtain. I only had to cut out a couple of the really tangled
bits, and he began to look beautiful.
"You should take
more care," I said, as I reached his ears. "It was a shame to get it
all tangled like that. Now, just your forelock—What's that?" For as I
lifted the hair from his forehead my hand touched a knobbled lump in the centre
and he started violently away, rising to his knees and giving a little whinny
of pain. I patted his neck. "Poor old fellow! Did someone give you a bad
knock, then? I'll be gentle, I promise . . ." But he pulled his head away.
"Come on," I urged. "It won't hurt, I swear, and you look so—so
beautiful now, almost like a faery horse—"
Snowy rose to his feet,
and all at once he seemed to grow twice as large, and his hide shone like
silver in the flickering lamplight.
"Oh wise young
maid, wise for all your tattered clothes and crouched back—you have discovered
what all others could not see . . ." He tossed back his forelock and
stamped dainty cloven hooves on the straw. "See, maid; see, O wandering
ones! See, and marvel, for this is probably the only time you will witness such
I stared at the jagged
coil of gold on his forehead, curled like a shell and rising perhaps an inch
from the bone.
"Trotters and
swill!" I breathed, my reverence in direct contrast to the words. "A
At these words the
others, hitherto in disarray because of our jumping up and down, crept closer
and gazed up at Snowy.
"A unicorn!"
breathed Moglet. "Magic!"
"Should have
known," muttered Corby. "Evening, Your Gracefulness . . ."
"A unicorn without
a horn," mused Puddy. "Unusual . . . Cloven hooves: obvious when you
think about it."
want-to-look; can't see a thing down here. Want-to-see, want-to-look!" So
I lifted Pisky's bowl to a level with Snowy's head. "Hmm . . . My
grandfather's cousin mentioned unicorns, but I don't see much more than a white
horse here . . ."
"And that is all I
am now," said Snowy quietly. "My precious horn is gone by the sorcery
of a witch—your Mistress, little maid. You tell me she is dead and so there is
no hope for me but to travel back to my once-kin and try to end my days, my now
mortal days, in peace."
"But how?" I
asked. "Why? And can't you grow another?"
"The how and the
why I will tell you another time, perhaps. Suffice it for now to tell you that
the spell is unbreakable, as far as I know. Once, a drop of dragon's blood,
freely given, could reverse the spell, but there are no dragons any more that I
know of. I had hoped . . ." He hesitated.
"Yes?" I
"I thought maybe a
wise man, a magician, could find a solution. There was one such, The Ancient,
who lived the way we travel. But he must be dead a hundred years since . . .
Then, when I heard your story, knew you had been cursed by the same witch, I
had thought that some way we were bound together, might even find the
"Yes!" I
almost shouted. "I am sure now there is someone, something that can help
us all. Maybe not the immediate answer right away, but at least an indication
of our next move . . . Don't give up on us, Snowy dear: we need you!
"Er . . . Should we
call you something more formal now?"
"Snowy will
do," and his voice was gentle. "My secret name is not for you, I'm
"Well, Snowy then:
where do your kin live?"
"The last I heard,
they too were in the southwest, in the forests of the Old Land."
"A double reason
for coming our way! Please . . ." For a moment the unicorn-without-a-horn
laid his cheek against mine.
"You are very
convincing, little maid. Very well: I will stay with you all for as long as you
need me . . ."
I realized afterwards
that I should have been quicker to recognize our unicorn for something special,
even if not for what he was, for of course there had been that question of
words and language that had been nagging me. I had become so used to only
communicating with my friends, and they with me, that we had all forgotten that
talk across different species was unusual; of course most birds could speak
with one another, gull, owl or sparrow, but they did not communicate, except in
the most superficial way, with felines, reptiles and fish and the same applied
to the others, and of course humans were special: it took a long time to work
out what they meant, even if you were one yourself.
We five had almost
evolved our own language and were so self-orientated that it had never occurred
to us to question how easy it had been to understand, and be understood by, the
white horse. Of course, coming across him in a moment of crisis had meant less
formality, but now that we had been formally introduced, as it were, I
understood why we had always felt so safe with him and why his manners and way
of speaking sometimes sounded so old-fashioned: magic ones couldn't be expected
to talk slang like we did.
* * *
Once again I was looking
forward to my meeting with the knight, for there was now lots to tell him, but
once again I was disappointed. For the second time it was other visitors, dumb
attendance, lots of prayer, but on the next day we had the Infirmary to
ourselves and he once more indicated that I should bring a stool close in case
someone came in unexpectedly.
"Now," he said
purposefully. He was propped up against high pillows, had on a clean linen
shift open at the neck, and a little bulge-ended cross rested on a chain around
his throat. "Now . . ." he began again, perhaps unnerved by my intent
gaze. His skin was still pale but now there was a faint tinge of colour under
the high cheekbones and his moustache was jauntier, the ends not drooping
towards the corners of his mouth as it had before. No bandages now marred his
head and a shaft of sun lit his russet curls.
"What are you
staring at?" He glared at me.
"You," I said.
"Very gratifying. Rather like picking up a stone and finding it an egg.
Are you feeling better?" I had been practising my words, and they were
coming out beautifully, though perhaps not exactly as planned: sometimes the
thoughts better unsaid were coming out with the politenesses.
He had the sort of face
that could scowl or smile, harden or become tender as if the expression had
never been used before—
"I want an
explanation," he said and folded his arms. "Begin."
"At the beginning
of course, er . . . Thingummy jig."
I had a new name: I was
delighted, and did not attempt to enlighten him.
"Right," I
said. "Once upon a time there were five of us living with a witch . .
." It took some time to tell it properly, but when I finished he was
staring at me as if he could not believe his ears.
"Take off that
mask, Thingumabob," he commanded.
I wriggled: another
name! "No," I said.
"No," I said
again, and explained why.
He gazed at me
broodingly. "Shame," he said at last. "Shame . . ."
"I don't
mind," I said, which wasn't exactly the truth. "But I think I would
rather have known all along that I was ugly than have been surprised into it.
Disconcerting, it was." That was a good word, and I said it again to make
sure it came out right a second time, and then explained to him how Brother
Jude (the Less) had been teaching me to speak properly. He was impressed, I
could tell, because he stroked his moustache and under his hand I saw his lips
twitch a little.
"And where do you
go now?"
"To find the owner
of the pebbles, of course: this is mine, see?" and I pulled up my jerkin.
"Put it away,"
he said hurriedly, and went quite red. "You shouldn't—never mind."
"You mean it's a
"Very. Don't do
that again."
"But I just wanted
to show—"
"All right! Enough
. . . Just don't go—displaying—it like that again. Understand?"
I didn't, but I nodded
wisely. "Are you coming with us, then?"
"With you . . .
?" He was plainly at a loss.
"Well, we came
together, so we'd better leave the same way, I suppose, or the monks will think
it rather funny."
"Oh. Yes. Of
"But I didn't mean
just the leaving bit, I meant about coming with us to find a magician first.
It's obvious you are also under some spell or other too, with that rusty armour
and broken sword—"
"Nonsense!" he
shouted. Really shouted, so that I fell off the stool in surprise and ended up
on the floor. He glared at me again. "Nothing of the sort!"
The curtains at the end
of the Infirmary parted and Brother Infirmarar came rushing in. "You
called, Brother Knight, you called? You are worse? Dearie, dearie me: too much
excitement, I fear. Your servant must return to the stables, but before that we
shall pray together, and then I will bleed you . . ."
* * *
I reported back
despondently to the others, but Snowy comforted me.
"You did your best.
Don't forget that we shall be leaving together and he may well change his mind
once we are on the road . . ."
And so it was that, some
five days later in the Moon of Frost, we seven were assembled at the gates of
the Priory. Snowy was loaded with our gear and the knight's, the animals all in
or on my wicker carrier. The knight and I were on foot. The Brothers came to
wish us "God-speed," and Brother Jude (the Less) even gave me an
affectionate hug, at which Brothers Matthew and Mark looked suitably
scandalized. We were provisioned for three days and I saw the knight hand over
a suitable "donation" to the Head Prior, for of course they would not
charge for their charity to us. The size of the gift occasioned much bowing of
heads, folding of hands and the beginning of what looked like another prayer
session, but we didn't wait for the end because I nudged Snowy and we moved
away, the knight following.
"Looks like
snow," said Corby, and ruffled his feathers against the cold.
The Gathering: One- Two-
Three- Four- Five- Six- Seven
We had our first
confrontation that very evening.
We had walked due south
from the Priory, because Snowy said there was a reasonable road some couple of
leagues away that was heading in the right direction. At first the knight
strode ahead, scornful of our slow pace, but after the third stop he made for us
I could see he was still not as strong as he thought. He leant against a tree,
ostensibly being very patient and forbearing of our tardiness, but I could see
the beads of sweat on his forehead. Somehow I knew that his pride was a very
big thing in him, and if necessary I should have to pretend sometimes to give
him an excuse to indulge his weakness—
Another knight in
another time, a woman feigning fatigue to hide his convalescent wound, an
uncomprehending child who could run forever—
I shook my head, and the
vision faded.
"I'm sorry we're so
slow," I said. "But poor old Snowy is laden down and I've got much
shorter legs than you. It was kind of you to wait."
He shrugged.
"Doesn't matter. But the days grow shorter: perhaps we should look for a
night's shelter soon."
I snatched at his
suggestion. "Snowy says there is a ruined church some half-league away:
most of the walls are standing and Puddy says it will be fine."
He scowled. "Which
is Puddy, for God's sake? A toad! He says, the horse says . . . Never mind.
Lead on then, but it had better be there!" and he gave Snowy a gentle slap
on the rump. I hoped he didn't mind: I had forgotten to tell the knight he was
The church had three
walls left, but only a scrap of roofing, in the corner nearest where a desecrated
altar still stood. The knight stood in the ruined nave and stared upwards to
where a trefoil window, framed in still-green ivy, showed us the last of a
reddening sun.
"Vandals," he
muttered. "Barbarians."
Again my mind gave a
sudden jump: soldiers in armour; horses, spears, swords; long hair, beards,
distant shouting; a hiding place—Gone.
"What is there to
eat?" demanded the knight, but did not wait for an answer, lifting his
pack and my baggage from Snowy's back. "How about a fire, Thingummy, while
I make this fellow more comfortable . . ." and I crept to the roofed
corner and Corby brought me sticks. The knight rubbed Snowy down with a wisp or
two of dried grasses, then gave him a handful of oats from the provisions sack.
"There you are, old lad: there's still grass between the stones, and a
dew-pond over there . . ."
We ate; cold lamb, rye
bread and cheese, and shared a flagon of ale. The empty jar would be useful for
water, in case we were away from a supply, so I packed it with our things: the
knight had a proper one in his pack, but just in case he decided—But I would
not think about things like that.
The fire burned brightly
and we had no need of the lantern the Brothers had so thoughtfully provided.
"This is
cosy," I said, throwing the rest of the crumbs to Corby and taking Moglet
on my lap, where she continued to clean lamb-fat from her whiskers. "Find
something to eat, Puddy?"
His throat moved up and
down towards the roof of his mouth, which was a toad's way of toothless
chewing. "Would you believe gnats? It's sheltered here: fine tomorrow,
I translated the last
bit to the knight, and added that Snowy had said we were free from danger for
the time being.
"I don't believe
all that falderal about speaking with animals," said the knight, crossly.
"None of you said a word just then: nobody even moved. I think you are
just making it all up."
Patiently I explained
about thought-messages, about the niceties of body-communication, but obviously
my words were not enough.
"Prove it! Make
them do things . . ."
"They're not
performing animals!"
"I never said they
were!" He was getting crosser by the minute: then he sighed and shook his
head. "Sorry, Thingummybob—You must have some other name than that?"
I looked at the fire,
and shrugged. "I've known no other, ever since I can remember." I
didn't want to add that it was just "Thing," because I rather liked
the way he added bits like "ummy" and "ummybob" at the end:
it made it more personal between him and me. And nice.
There was a nudge on my
chest. "If he wants some sort of proof," sighed Moglet plaintively,
"I don't mind chasing my tail, or something like that . . ."
"Count me in,"
said Corby and Puddy and Pisky, one after the other, for I had been thinking to
them what the knight had been saying, even while we were talking, and that
hadn't been easy.
"All right, Sir
Knight," I said. "My friends have volunteered to prove that we do
communicate. First, here's Pisky. You remember I told you about the pebbles we
were burdened with? Well, his is in his mouth so he can't eat properly.
See?" And I held up his bowl.
The knight peered
closely. "Won't it come out? No, you did say you'd tried. Poor fish: he
won't get much bigger if he doesn't eat. Still, he's a handsome fellow, though,
and with a bit more weight to him would be a real beauty. Very imposing fins .
. ."
"Shall I ask him to
wave them for you? First one, then the other and then his tail?" I took
his silence for answer and relayed my request to Pisky, who performed his trick
slowly and gracefully, ending with two extra large bubbles. "Thanks,"
I said. "Now, Puddy dear, forward. I shall ask him to turn around three
times and then croak," I added to the knight. Puddy rather ponderously executed
this, and I tickled him under his chin. "Puddy's pebble gives him
headaches," I added. "It's in his forehead, as you can see. But we
have all felt somewhat better since we started out on our quest. Now, Moglet:
her pebble is in her paw—show him, darling—and she can't put much weight on it,
but I will ask her to walk backwards three steps and then sit down. Will that
do?" I glanced at the knight: his eyebrows were up somewhere near his
"My turn,"
said Corby, as Moglet returned to my lap. "I'll do the mating-dance if you
"Corby's pebble is
in his wing," I explained, as the crow creaked his way through his ritual,
ending with a couple of beak-scrapes on the knight's right boot. "That's
his burden: he can't fly any more."
By now our audience was
goggling. "All right," he said slowly. "I believe you have some
hold over these creatures. But how do I know this isn't just something you've
taught them, that they wouldn't do the same each time?"
I sighed: he really was
a sceptic. "Well, then," I said. "How about you deciding what
you want Snowy to do—if you don't mind, dear one? He's a unicorn, by the way,
so he understands all speech, even yours. So, just ask him yourself what you
want him to do."
punycorns," said the knight. "Oh well, where's the harm? Here, horse:
go over to the west window and find me that piece of wood that's lying
underneath and bring it over here for the fire . . ." He obviously thought
the whole thing was a joke, but his expression when Snowy laid the wood at his
feet was a study. "All right," he said at last. "If you're a
unicorn, where's your horn?"
Snowy tossed his head,
exposing the golden stump.
"Don't touch it,
please," I warned. "It still hurts him . . ."
Then the knight did a
strange thing: he got to his feet and bowed to the white horse. Taking his
broken sword from his pack, he offered it to Snowy, hilt first. "May my
sword, broken or whole, never harm thee or thy kind, O Wondrous One. I offer
you my friendship, my respect, my trust . . ."
Snowy bowed his head in
return. "Peace, friend," he said. "If I could mend your sword,
Knight, I would, but the spell under which you lie is stronger than I, no
longer a unicorn, can break."
I started to translate
to the knight, but saw he had understood the gist of Snowy's message.
"What spell?"
I asked him.
He frowned and shook his
head. (I wished he wouldn't frown so much: he would soon grow two little lines
between his eyes if he went on like that.)
"No spell.
Misfortune, perhaps. Nothing else . . . Time for bed."
But that night, and for
a while afterwards, he talked in his sleep. During the next few days we made
fair progress, thanks to clear days and cloudy nights, which made the weather
unseasonably warm. Our Rusty Knight had obviously taken to heart our burdened
plight, for he no longer strode ahead but suited his pace to ours and we made
at least three leagues a day. He had money, a purse of silver coins, so we were
never without food and several times sheltered in villages at night instead of
the open. At those times I persuaded him I was happier in the stables with my
friends, and everyone accepted me without question as his servant.
In this fashion we made
fifty miles or so and it was near The Turn of the Year when we had another
confrontation. Somehow, during all those miles together I had persuaded myself
that we would continue to travel together, all seven of us, until we found
someone to show us how to get rid of our burdens and spells, so I was utterly
unprepared when we came to the crossroads.
The road we had been
following had been well used, judging by the ruts, wheel-tracks and potholes,
but on this particular day we came to another, much larger, going straight as a
die north-south, and here the knight stopped.
"Well," he
said. "It was fun while it lasted, but this is where we part
For a moment I did not
understand. "Part company?" but even as I said the words I realized
what he meant, and I felt as if someone had kicked me in the stomach and then
pulled out the stuffing.
"Yes. Part company.
Our ways lie in different directions henceforward." He tugged at his
moustache. "I never said I would go all the way with you. Besides, I think
your expedition is a waste of time. You're obviously hoping some miracle-man,
like the fabled Arthur's Merlin, is sitting waiting for you, just longing to
wave his magic wand and solve all your troubles." He snorted. "Me, I
have more commonplace ideals. I'm going south to the nearest port to cross back
to the Frankish lands, where I can easily find work as a mercenary. A few spots
of rust on my mail mean nothing: I can afford more armour anytime I choose, and
as for swords—"
"A few spots of
rust!" I exploded, raging against his departure. "A few spots! Why,
you are covered with it from shoulder to thigh like—like a beech-hedge! And any
other armour you buy will be covered the same way in five minutes flat! You
can't just get rid of a witch's curse by—by snapping your fingers—" I
"And how," he
said, his voice nasty, and the scowl more ferocious than ever, "just how
do you know about curses and spells and things? And your answer had better be
good, or shall I believe you are in league with the Powers of Darkness
I backed away. "You
talked in your sleep . . ."
He flushed angrily.
"And who says you should eavesdrop on a man in his most private moments?
Besides, 'twas but dream, no foundation in fact—"
"We all heard
you," I interrupted. "No help for it. You were shouting. All about a
witch and a spurning, and the curses she laid upon you because of it. The rusty
armour and the bit about asking the hand in marriage of the ugliest creature in
the land. And how it was your father's sword, and—"
"I've heard
enough!" he shouted, very red in the face now. "It's all a pack of
lies, the lot of it, and I won't stay to listen to a word more on the subject.
Goodbye!" And he snatched his pack from Snowy's back and flung it over his
shoulder, before setting off at a determined pace southwards, towards where the
smoke of a fair-sized village showed on the horizon.
I ran after him down the
road, not thinking, just not wanting to lose him, hoppity-skip-jump down the
rutted way till I fell flat on my face, out of breath and crying. With the last
of my strength I yelled out: "And after we saved your life! And learnt to
love you . . ." That last bit hadn't meant to come out at all, and I lay
where I was and the rebellious tears seeped through my mask and dripped onto
the road, where they dried in an instant on the hard-baked clay.
A moment later there was
a snuffle and Snowy nudged my shoulder. "Don't worry, dear one: I am sure
he will think better of it . . ."
"He won't!" I
howled. "He's a pig, and an ungrateful wretch into the bargain!"
Moglet sat on my back
and teased at my hair with her claws, but gently. "Come on, Thing dear, we
love you . . ."
"And will go on
with you whatever happens," added Corby.
"Of course. Goes
without saying," said Puddy, from the now lopsided basket on Snowy's back.
"My great-great
cousin twice removed said constancy was greatly to be admired," declared
Pisky. "Don't make salt-drops, Thing dear: my very constitution shrinks
from the thought of salt-drops . . . And can you come and straighten me up? I
don't want to lose my snails."
I laughed through my
tears. "Dear friends," I said, "you are idiots, and I love you!
Who cares about Rusty Knights, anyway?" And we camped just across the road
and I made an extra effort to give them a very special midday meal, even
scrabbling under leaves to find insects Puddy could share with Pisky and
letting Moglet and Corby have one of the pig's feet we had bought the day
before. I drank the last of the goat's milk and even doled out a little fresh
cheese to the others. By now it was darkening, and I gave Snowy an apple.
"Shall we move on a
He scrunched
contentedly. "We can camp for the night right here. The night will be fine
and we can build a fire without fear of passers-by: the road is empty of
I did not really care
for the thought of a night in so exposed a position, even with the
lattice-shelter of bare trees, but he had never been wrong, so I moved a bit
further into the woods and soon had a fine blaze crackling up through the trees
and spread my cloak among the fallen leaves, ready to dig a shallow pit if it
grew too cold.
Perhaps because I was a
little lonely, in spite of the nearness of my friends, perhaps because,
although safe, I felt far from home, wherever that was, perhaps just because, I
took off my mask and sang a small song, a lonely sort of song that came into my
head from nowhere and ran down to my lips and tongue. I sat gazing into the
fire, seeing ruined castles, great pits of flame, towering mountains and
endless forest, and I sang the song of the traveller far from home. It had no
words, just a rising and falling tune that could have rocked a babe to sleep,
but in my mind's eye I was in a green and pleasant land; rolling meadows,
gentle hills, smoke rising from a little cottage set in the angle between sea
and down. In that home there were children, a woman waiting for—
I broke off suddenly as
my tune was echoed by a voice from the road. Springing to my feet, my hand
snatched at my dagger, but Snowy murmured "Steady, now!" and through
the trees came the Rusty Knight.
Over his shoulder,
besides his pack, was slung a sack of provisions, and these he slung to the
ground, before remarking: "Trying to set the forest on fire? I could see
your blaze for miles . . . Well, now: how are we all? Had something to eat? If
not, I've got—"
"You've come
back?" I interrupted, scarce believing, still poised dagger in hand.
"Well . . . Had a
think about it, after I left you. Thought of what my mother might have said if
she had known I was leaving you parcel of sillies to go forward on your own;
thought about my duties as a knight to protect those weaker than myself;
thought about my Christian conscience, too. Came to the conclusion I might as
well see you to wherever you're going, before I set off on my own travels
again. So, here I am again, for the time being at least—Whatever's the matter,
For I had leapt across
the fire to embrace him in my enthusiasm, remembered in mid-leap I was still
carrying my dagger but not wearing my mask, leapt straight back again to
rectify both errors, and then jumped to his side once more, only to find that
the idea of hugging him was ridiculous, so just stood there, feeling foolish.
back," I said inadequately. "I say: how did you know my song?"
"Your song? I first
heard that sung in some court or other abroad oh, years ago. It's a Frankish
tune; I was going to ask you where you knew it from . . . I've forgotten most
of the words, but it is something about a lady waiting in vain for her lover to
come back from the wars. I remember the air, though: very pretty."
I couldn't tell him how
I knew it, because I didn't know, but there were more important things to think
about than a sad tune that teased at memory. He was back, he was coming with
us, and the others shuffled closer, Moglet even going so far as to twine round
his ankles. He bent to stroke her.
"They all say
they're glad to see you back," I said. I didn't interpret exactly: would
he have been as happy with Corby's "Well, I suppose he's better than
nothing: at least he has silver for food," and Puddy's: "Tell him not
to shout all the time: gives me a headache"?
"Have you eaten,
Rust—er, Sir Knight?" I asked.
He glanced at me
quizzically. "If we are to become fellow-adventurers 'tis as well for you
to know my name, and where I come from . . ."
His name was Connor
Cieran O'Connell of Hirland, and he was the younger son of a chief. When his
father died, as was the custom, his lands and belongings had been divided
equally among his kinsmen, and to Connor's lot had fallen a bag of gold and his
father's sword, so, landless, he had set off to seek his fortune. He had
travelled a great deal and had earned his knighthood in the Frankish lands, for
some "trifling service" as he put it, to a Duke. Earlier this year he
had travelled back to his homeland, found his brother dead, his mother
remarried and an unwelcoming cousin the new chief. So he had decided to make
his way back to the Duke's court and seek employment in the endless wars that
part of the world produced.
"A man's
life," he said, and scowled at me. "Still, there may have been
something in what you were saying about swords and rust and—and spells and
things. I'll tell you someday. But for the present we won't mention it again.
I nodded. "Don't
worry," I said. "I know it will turn out all right; I feel it in my
heart, Sir Connor."
He smiled then, and his
smile was all I had known it would be.
"I wish I had your
faith, little Thingummy, though I think it depends more on hope than
experience. And never mind the 'Sir': call me Conn."
"Yes—Conn," I
said shyly.
He glanced around at us
all, his eyes sparkling, and pushed up the edges of his moustache with his
finger. "A crippled cat, a creaky crow, a torpid toad, a miserable minnow,
an unhorned unicorn and you and me, Thingy: did you ever see a more unlikely
combination for high adventure? 'Twould make the angels themselves laugh fit to
weep . . .
"Come, my friends:
supper and bed, before I change my mind and regret the very day you rescued
But he was smiling again
. . .
The Gathering
The Turning-point
It may have been the
sunlight that awoke him, low enough now at midday on the shortest day to shine
momentarily on the neglected heap of pebbles; it may have been his dreams, too
intolerable to be longer endured, concerned as they were with happier times,
the search for his treasure—whatever it was, the dragon jerked in his sleep,
coughed like one strangling, and opened his eyes to stare out over the
snow-shrouded hills beyond his cave. He blinked once, twice, the narrow slits
of pupil narrowing still further, then their gaze shifted to the piled stones
before him, and a great sigh moved the scaly flanks that hung, mere skin upon
bone now, behind the sharpened shoulders.
The sun prismed an
icicle that hung from the mouth of the cave, and a single drip of water plopped
onto the rock beneath. The dragon considered this for a moment, then his forked
tongue flickered out of his mouth and he hissed. It took a long time for him to
uncoil stiff joints and rise, and the sunlight had shifted away from the mouth
of the cave by the time he reached it. Stretching up, his yellow fangs snapped
off the icicle at its base and then scrunched the ice between his teeth,
swallowing the pieces before they melted so that they rattled and chinked on
their way down to his stomach.
He burped uneasily, then
suddenly sniffed the air like a surprised hound that scents hare when he least
expects it. For a moment his whole body tensed, straining after the elusive
hint of something alien, then his brow wrinkled and he shook his head as if to
clear it. Again he sniffed the clean, cold air, but the trail had gone stale,
He went back and lay
down again, this time not even glancing at his pebbles, but now his sleep was
lighter, uneasier, and once or twice he rumbled and frowned and raised his
head, as though the thing he thought he might have sensed had left the faintest
trace of itself behind, to tease at the edge of consciousness with the merest
shadow of hope . . .
* * *
Ki-ya the buzzard moved
cramped pinions, one eye on the weather outside, the other warily watching the
now sleeping dragon. He had sought shelter two days since during the blizzard,
and had perched on the pinnacle of rock just inside the cave-mouth, stomach
empty, one tail feather damaged. Now that feather, groomed, smoothed, oiled,
would carry him on a favourable wind, but he would have to take care. A week
ago he had strayed from his home territory, a bold yearling male, and the great
southwesterly had caught him foraging on the edge of the moor. A more
experienced bird would have sought shelter but he had thought, with his young
defiance, that he was strong enough to ride out the storm, to slip the winds
under his wings and rise above the worst of it, but the elements had decided to
teach him a lesson and had lifted him high, high on a thermal, then tipped him
sideways across the mouth of the Great Western River and flung him
helter-skelter to the teeth of the Black Hills, where he had spun crazily from
one down-draught to an up and vice-versa, until the wind had veered in a night,
and dawn had found him disorientated and dispossessed on the ledge of the
dragon's lair.
At first, with the
northering wind fetching a blizzard, he had not noticed that the inner side of
the cave was occupied, and when he had it seemed the heap of bones and scales
was merely that: Now it was different: nest-tales had included Dragons,
Fire-drakes and Wyrmes, but this was his first encounter with one. He was not
even sure this was a dragon: parent tales had described him as such, but with
fire in his belly and flying, higher and faster than even his own kin. But this
thing looked near dead and its fires were out: still, a good enough tale to
carry to The Ancient, if he were not off on his travels again. Fair exchange
for a decent dinner . . . His stomach contracted and he spread his wings.
* * *
Five or so days later,
living by rick and midden, tolerably full but defeated from straight flight by
adverse winds, he followed a trail of footprints through the new snow some
quarter mile below. The trail wound over the downs for half-a-league, going in
his direction, and lazily he let it lead him, switching off the nagging pull
and ignoring the pre-set markers for a while, till he saw the footprints halt in
a huddle of creatures a mile or so from a village. Coasting down, for now he
could feel a favourable veer in the wind was imminent and see the build-up of
high, scattered cloud to the west, which would mean a good six hours' clear
flight, he alighted silently in a tall pine some fifty yards from the party.
Two humans, a unicorn if his guess was right, but in a sorry, hornless state, a
crow, a . . . cat? something that looked amphibian in a basket and a bowl with
a tiddler in it. The smaller human was holding the bowl and breathing on it to
melt the thin coating of ice.
The crow glanced up.
"Greetings, brother!" He had a crippled wing.
"Greetings: may the
wind lift your wings and smooth your passing, your eyes never grow dim, nor
your beak or talons less sharp." It was the standard predator's greeting.
"Whither away?"
"Southwest, to seek
a sorcerer they say still lives there."
"All of you?"
"All of us."
"A quest?"
"Something of the
sort . . ."
"Travel well,
brother: I shall be there before you," and he coasted up until he felt the
familiar tickle of wind slide round to hug his body and then he spread the
fingers of his wings to grasp at the air, joying in the buoyancy, the waves
that met and passed him, the crests that he rode as easily as a gull on the
He screamed his name:
"Ki-ya! Ki-ya!" that all should know him. Here was another tit-bit of
news: he should reach the old man in a couple of days. He screamed again.
But they would
have a longer journey . . .
The Gathering
Hedged by Magic
It was a long, hard
journey and a long, hard winter.
At the turning of the
year I had thought we were over the worst of it, but with the lightening of the
days came a darkening of the weather. The Moon of Snows lived up to her name
and by Inbolc, or Candlemas as Conn called it—a much prettier name—we were
still up to our ears in the white stuff. Well, nearly. Well, Moglet was, and in
the drifts Snowy was in to his belly. Twice we were forced to make long
detours, once for unseasonable floods, and for two weeks we were holed up in
one village, snow to the lintels. Conn's money ran low and mine was finished
and by the Moon of Waters we were cold, hungry, tattered and snappy with each
other. Puddy and Pisky fared better than the rest of us because they went into
half-hibernation, stirring only on warm days and requiring little or nothing to
eat. Corby and Moglet were reasonably sheltered and not unfed but Conn, Snowy
and I fared worse. Conn, despite his long legs, found the going hard and his
mail, which he wore all the time now to lighten Snowy's load, heavy and
cumbersome, and he still did not have my belief in journey's end and the
magician to lessen his burdens. Snowy, for all he was a unicorn, albeit no longer
magic, could still feel hunger, cold, the weight of his burdens, and the frost
struck cruelly at the poor, tender stump of his horn. And I? I felt I was
colder, tireder, hungrier than all of them put together, and even the binding
of my feet with rags, the wrapping of sacking around my shoulders and chest and
Conn's purchase of a squirrel-fur hood did little to keep out the shivers that
chattered my teeth and rattled my bones.
We almost quarrelled and
parted company more than once, but now it was Snowy that kept us together. As
the weather gradually changed for the better he declared he could smell spring
on the softer winds from the south, and broke into a trot now and again,
snuffling the breeze and discovering the new, tender mosses and thin slivers of
fresh grass revealed by the thaw to persuade us. We crossed the downs and came
to the high moors, and the last, bitter fling of a winter whose reign was
nearly over. Below us to our left lay a grey-green expanse that Conn said was
the sea, but all we were concerned with was struggling through bog, slough,
bitter thicket and twisted, stunted wood. One night we spent crouched in the
lee of some towered stones on the flank of the moor and even Snowy stamped his
hooves and looked uneasy, and I dreamt of our Mistress and woke screaming till
Conn clapped one hand over my mouth and with the other stroked my back until I
Then, suddenly, things
We came off the moor
after five days, slipping and sliding down a steep combe to a valley, and it
was as if the Moon of Birth had arrived three weeks early and spent her first
few days all out, day and night, to persuade us our sense of timing was all
a-kilter and surprise us with her husbandry. On either side of the narrow track
that led deep between bank and wood, bracken was uncoiling in shy green crooks,
grass spiked in surprised clumps, colts-foot shocked with their bright heads,
furred bramble leaves were gently unfolding and everywhere birds sang. Rounding
a corner to where a stream chattered across stony hollows a willow was already
greeny-yellowing with slim leaves, bending to the water to admire its
reflection, and downs-pastured lambs ran wag-tailed to their dams with dirty
knees and black faces as they heard us approach. Somewhere high above us a lark
strove mightily with the heavens, and other birds darted busily across our
path, twigs, dead leaves, sheep's wool and dried grass in their beaks,
nest-building leaving them too busy to do anything but ignore our passing. A
balmy breeze from the south kissed us in greeting and Corby shook up all his
"Not bad," he
said. "Not bad at all. Feel like a dip in that puddle over there. Too much
grease on your feathers and you can't fluff 'em up at night . . ."
"Think I'll try a
walk," said Moglet. "Sun's warm. And a drink from the stream."
Puddy emerged, looking
rather saggy and crinkled. "May we stop? Definitely need some water . .
Pisky swam to the top of
his bowl. "I fancy a little dip, and perhaps a change of water. My
grandmother always said . . ."
Conn and I watched them,
and I kept an eye on Pisky in case the stream ran too strong, and re-filled his
bowl with fresh water and set it in the sunshine to warm.
"D'you know,"
said Conn, stretching upwards till his fingertips burnt red in the sunlight,
"I think they've the right idea. Mind if I wander off downstream and have
a dip? The winter's sweat is sticky on my body like scum," and he ambled
off down the road, whistling an experimental happiness.
I turned to Snowy.
"A good idea: I could do with a wash. How about you, dear one?"
"If you could set
down the packs for a while . . ." I unloaded him and he pranced like a
yearling to the nearest patch of grass and rolled, his tummy pink and his
hooves tucked up close to his body. I wandered down till I found a pool then
undressed, hesitating for a delightful moment of anticipation before gasping
into the water. It was freezing and exhilarating and glorious; putting on my
old clothes while I was still damp was rather nasty, but I heard Conn returning
and dared not shame him with my ugly nakedness.
He came striding down
the road, jerkin and mail over his arm, his hair curled tight, dark red with
the water, and it gleaming in drops on his shoulders and running to the darker
hairs on his chest, and a smile on his face as he saw me. I felt a jolt in my
insides like someone had kicked me, but without the pain and yet with it—
"Fish for dinner,
Thingy dear!" and he held aloft two silver trout. "And I'd never have
caught them but that the wash of my dive into the water threw them up onto the
bank, and they surrendered without a fight . . . I had not realized how long
your hair was; right down your back it is and black as Corby's wing," and
he flicked the damp fringe on my forehead as he passed and I was absurdly pleased,
almost as though he had told me I had turned pretty overnight, and I watched
the muscles on his back and shoulders as he broke up some dead branches for our
fire, and longed to touch their hard knots . . . Then laughed at my foolishness
and went to gather up the others, fussing over them more than usual, stroking
and holding them.
The fish were delicious
and fed all of us, one way and another, although in truth they were but one
man's dinner, but I made oatcakes to go with them for Conn and myself, and we
had the snow-fed waters of the stream to wash them down. That night we found an
old barn and slept warm and dry in the last of the winter hay and woke early,
for though none of us said so, I think we all felt that the end of our search
was near. And as we walked that day it seemed that spring walked with us, or
ran a little ahead and turned and beckoned so that we had no need to ask the
way, and all our aches and pains were smoothed away and we paced as if in a
dream . . .
And so we came to the
"We can't get
through there," said Conn, scratching his head. "Not without an axe
or two," for our way was blocked by a tangle of briars and thorns well
above man-height. "We shall have to go round," and indeed the track
we had been following branched off to the left and right as though there had
never been a way through, though the barrier seemed to stretch as far as the
eye could see without a break.
"But that's the
way," I said, pointing ahead, as sure as eggs, though I could not have
explained why.
"It can't be,"
said Conn. "You must be wrong. There's nothing behind there, there can't
be . . ."
"There is," I
insisted. "I'm sure of it. Come on," and without thinking I walked
forward straight into—and through—the thorny mass, just as if it hadn't been
there. Snowy followed by my side, the others on his back, but when we found
ourselves on the other side and I turned to look for Conn, I found he had not
followed us.
"Bother!" I
said. "Conn?" Faintly, very faintly, I heard him call back, as though
he were on the other side of a house, for the thorn hedge had closed behind us
as though there had never been a way through. "I shall have to go back for
him," I said, and started forward, but this time I merely scratched my
hands and arms, for the thorns would not give way. I shook the branches
frantically, but try as I would they did not shift, and all the time I could
hear Conn calling, calling . . . Bursting into tears I tore and pulled at the
thicket till I was covered in scratches, but it was no good.
Rushing over to Snowy I
clasped him round the neck. "Help me, dear one, help me!"
He breathed gently down
my neck. "There is no way back, only forward. He can come to you, but you
cannot return to him. You will have to use your mind, make him believe he can
walk through, just as we did . . . Concentrate: call him to you."
"Call him?"
But even as I questioned I knew what to do. Kneeling down I heeled my palms
over my eyes till all was blackness and dug my fingers into my ears till all was
silence and thought hard of Conn, conjuring him up in my mind from feet to
crown of head and then walking towards him in my mind, back through the hedge,
till I stood again by his side and held out my hand.
"Come," I
said. "Come with me. Don't be afraid . . ."
But he looked at me as
though I were someone different.
"I cannot go
through there: it is solid. Must be five or six feet thick."
"It's not
there," I said. "Not there. It's an illusion . . . Close your eyes,
take my hand, and believe!"
And I took his hand and
led him through the way I had come.
"What on earth—Are
you all right, Thingy?"
I opened my eyes and
they hurt with sunlight and I took my fingers from my ears and they rang, and
there was Conn coming across the grass towards us. I stumbled to my feet and
hobbled towards him.
"I'm fine . . . You
all right?"
"Think so . . .
Extraordinary thing: one moment I thought I'd lost you all, and then there was
this gap—What is this place?"
We were standing in a
glade, full of sun and sound and smell. To our left was the hedge we had come
through, but already it seemed some distance away, and between it and us there
were trees, some blossoming, some in full leaf, others with the tints of autumn
and bearing scarlet and yellow fruit. Before us a meadow, full of daisies and
buttercups and clover and blue, white and yellow butterflies. Beyond that was
what I thought might be the sea, now sparkling and blue, with little white
lines dancing towards the shore. To the right were more trees, a wood of
conifer, all greens from black to yellow. Squirrels ran up and down the trunks
and along the branches, nuts in their mouths, and tall ferns rustled as deer
came out from the shadows and sniffed the air and gazed at us, their furred
ears swinging back and forth, their tails wagging. Behind us a little spring
gushed out of the rock and ran away, disappearing into a shallow pool. And by
the spring was a cave, and at the mouth of the cave lines of strata where
martlet and martin bubbled and chattered. And I could hear the sea and the
trees and the birds and the bees and the wind in the grass and smell pine and
ripe apples and clover and—
And on a rock-seat in
front of the cave, apparently asleep, sat the largest owl I had ever seen.
"It's an
illusion," I said, but I wasn't quite sure.
"Not all of
it," said Conn, plucking and scrunching a rosy apple from a nearby tree.
Snowy was cropping the
short, sweet grass and, reassured, I lifted down Puddy, who made for the stones
by the pond; next I put Moglet down, and she was off batting at butterflies in
a blink, but never quite catching them. I carried Pisky over to the pond and
submerged his crock. "There," I said. "I think it's all right .
. ." Corby had not waited: turning over a pile of leaves he had found some
grubs, or what looked like grubs.
"Have an
apple," said Conn, already on his second, but I shook my head. At my feet
the runners of a strawberry were thick with tiny pointed, scarlet fruit which
burst in my mouth in an explosion of delight.
But things were just not
right: they looked as they should, felt as they should, tasted and sounded as
they should, but where in the world would you find a place that held all
seasons as one? The promise of spring blossom, the warmth of summer sunshine,
the fulfilment of autumn's apples, the consolation of winter's conifers . . .
But it didn't feel bad, not as though it were an enchantment to thrall us into
evil: there must be an explanation.
I looked around me again
for some sort of clue to these contradictions. My friends seemed to find nothing
strange in the situation: they were peaceful and happy enough for the moment. I
supposed I was meant to be too, but somehow I felt annoyed with whatever-it-was
for presuming I could be so easily lulled into compliant acceptance of the
situation. For something to do I picked and ate another strawberry,
appreciating its tart sweetness, the gritting of pips in my mouth. One got
stuck between my teeth, and I nudged it loose with my tongue; if anything were
designed to convince one that life was normal a pip between one's teeth was the
thing . . .
I felt a tickly feeling
between my shoulder blades and whirled round: the owl was shutting his eyes
"All right," I
said. "Explain!"
But the bird remained
silent, eyes firmly shut, feathers fluffed, just as we had first seen him. I
was sure now that I was right so I marched up to where he was sitting in the
bright sunshine on that throne-like chair, and addressed him again. "I know
you're foxing," I told him. "Tawnys don't sit out like that in the
sunshine at midday. And all the rest of this," I waved my hand, "is
just too perfect. So, bird, tell me what all this is about or I'll—I'll break
your blasted neck!"
There was a little
silence. The others left off eating or playing and came up behind me, Pisky
swimming up the stream to where the spring gushed out, Corby wiping his
feathers with his beak, Puddy damp, Moglet with pollen on her flanks, Conn with
an applecore in his hand, Snowy smelling of new grass.
The owl opened one eye.
"Just try it, that's all: just try it!"
He closed the eye again.
He had spoken so Conn and I could understand, man-speech, but even as I
registered this I realized he had also answered so the others could understand
as well, the different sounds and attitudes echoing one behind the other with
the fraction of a second between so that only I, and most probably Snowy, would
know this was some kind of magic. I shook my head: only one way to deal with
this. I did the same thing, talked so they could all understand, but whereas
the owl had talked to each in their individual speech, I just used human speech
and the special language my friends used. It was still like trying to do five
things at once.
"I will, don't
think I won't! We haven't travelled all this way to find a magician, a wise
man, just to be put off by apples and strawberries and—and things! Now then, I
know this is the right place, so please tell us where we may find your
The owl opened his eyes
again, and now they were full open, considering. "What business have you
with The Ancient?"
"That's ours to
say, to him. Tell your master we are here!" I sounded bold, but inside I
was shaking. For the last few minutes—hours?—since we had arrived, ever since
we had come across the thorny hedge in fact, I had seemed to assume charge, and
now I realized how that was entirely against my nature; with Conn and Snowy so
much better qualified than I, the strain began to tell. So I repeated what I
had just said, but my voice was uncertain, to my ears anyway. "Tell him
we're here . . ."
The owl shifted on his
perch. "You're too late."
"Too late?"
"Too-hoo late. By
about two-hoo hundred years . . ."
"What do you
mean?" But even as I spoke I could feel the frustration, the despair of
having walked so many, many miles for nothing, and my stomach contracted as it
used to when we were with the witch, and it seemed the others were similarly
affected, for I heard a curse from Corby, a wail from Moglet and sympathetic
noises from the others, echoing my distress.
"Do you mean, by
all the saints, that we've come all this way for nothing?" began Conn
angrily, and it was only Snowy who said nothing, his large, dark eyes switching
from me to the owl and back again. Somehow this gave me confidence, and I
looked hard at the fluffy bird again. There was something cloudy, undefined
about the area behind him, something not quite right . . .
"You say your
master died—er, two hundred years ago? Can you prove this?" I spoke
carefully, politely.
"Why, of course!
Come this way," and he waved an inviting wing.
Conn had learnt enough
about my friends by now to go back for Pisky's bowl without being asked, and we
all followed the owl as he flew into the cave. Inside it was light, dry and
airy, about twenty feet long by ten or twelve wide; torches burned quietly in
sconces and there was no need for the owl to indicate a recess in the
right-hand corner, for we could not have missed it.
Behind a kind of crystal
curtain hung a suit of clothes, enclosing a skeleton. The clothes were ornate,
jewel-encrusted, richly embroidered; the skeleton was—a skeleton, with a few
wisps of greying hair still adhering to the skull. Though there can have been
no wind behind that curtain, yet the whole thing swayed, very gently, back and
The owl waved his wing
again. "There you see the mortal remains of my dearly beloved master,
trapped into a living death by a treacherous maiden," he intoned.
"Here he wasted away, imprisoned by the webs you see fastening his legs
and arms, enchanted by the power of a woman's wiles. For weeks he endured,
railing against his fate, but at last he succumbed . . ." The owl wiped
his eye, visibly affected. "With his last breath he forgave the errant
maid who enslaved him, and now his remains are a reminder to mortal man that
even the greatest may not be proof against female pulchritude and greed . .
It might have been a
servant showing unexpected guests around a castle in the owner's absence, and I
didn't believe a word of it. Conn, on our travels, had sometimes beguiled us
with folk tales and legends, and among the latter I remembered various episodes
in the life of one Artorius, a Romano-Saxon king of Wessex and his magician
friend Myrddin of Cymri—but even Conn sometimes mixed these tales with others
about an Arthur Pendragon of the Old Lands and a shaman of Scotia called
Merlon—and although all these tales bore some similarity and indeed did have a
treacherous maiden in them, sometimes it was the king who fell foul of her and
other times the magician, so this hotch-potch of the owl's was obviously meant
to beguile the superstitious into connecting a very-present enchantment with
something that happened, or might have happened, two hundred years ago, and was
obviously intended to deter us from further inquiries, pack ourselves up and go
But I had no intention
of going away; here we were and here we stayed until we got some of the right
answers, at least. I would have to be careful, though, and play it just right.
"Thank you, O
Guardian of the late-lamented One," I said, bowing to the owl. "May
we now go back outside? I find this sad atmosphere somewhat oppressive, and I
am sure my companions do also," and I rushed back into the open, hoping
for a glimpse of that shadowy something I thought I had detected behind the
owl. Nothing. Still . . .
"What the hell are
you doing?" queried Conn, but I turned my back to the cave and gave him a
big wink.
"Trust me . .
." I turned to the owl, back once more on his perch on the stone.
"May I question you a little further before we gather up our belongings
and take our leave of this fair place?"
"But of
course," said the owl, fluffing up his feathers and mollified, no doubt,
by my obsequious tone. "Pray proceed."
"Your master (rest
his soul) has been dead—or in this state in which we found him—for two hundred
years, you said?"
"Alas yes, almost
to the day. And many the pilgrims, like yourselves, who have passed this way to
marvel and to mourn . . ."
I said, and bowed my head. "It is the world's loss . . . Men say he could
have been the greatest sorcerer and magician since the world began—"
greatest," asserted the owl, nodding his head wisely.
"Yet I question
this," I said. "Tell me—"
"Question it?"
said the owl in a different voice. I looked again: yes, I was not mistaken.
There was a sort of greyish, wavery background to the bird.
"Yes," I
hurried on, for I was almost sure now: "for I have heard of other such who
gave counsel and comfort to the great ones of the land who were accounted less
great than this Ancient One we came to seek, and then lived their allotted span
and passed away amid scenes of universal grief: they did not succumb to mortal
wiles, they—"
"My master was
greater far than these—these minor tricksters you speak of," said the owl,
and he was definitely becoming more ruffled. "My master is—was—the
greatest sorcerer the world has ever seen! Master of the Art of Illusion,
Traveller in Time, Licentiate of Language, Far-Seer . . . Why, he was a man so
great that the kings of the world came to him on bended knee asking him to
solve their problems, work out their battle strategy, choose their companions,
and would not rest until he had seen them and given them the benefit of his
experience. It's not my fault if they didn't listen . . ."
I pretended not to hear
this last. "Yet he succumbed to a bronze-coin's-worth of tawdry
female," I said warmly. "Just like any other male. No magician worth
his salt would even admit to—"
"Do you dare to
question The Ancient?"
"Oh, I don't
question his mortality, his frailty: I do question, yes, whether he ever was
the great magician he claimed to be!"
"Not claimed to be:
is! Er . . . was."
"No! For no
magician as great as that could possibly behave as vulnerably as you say; no
sorcerer with his reputation could be so reduced by a mere woman—" I moved
closer. "And no Master of Illusion worth anything could resist the
temptation to try and con ordinary people into believing he was dead and gone,
if only because he was too lazy to—"
"Lazy!" came
an indignant voice. "I've never been accused of being lazy all my life!
And I am the greatest!"
"Then stop mucking
about, Ancient or whatever you call yourself," I said.
"Right! You've
asked for it," he said, and materialized behind the owl.
The Gathering
The Ancient
“You've asked for
it!" repeated The Ancient crossly, swatting at the owl, who fluttered onto
his shoulder and shut its eyes again. "I'm not used to visitors, don't
want visitors! Anyway, you've come too soon—stop digging your claws in,
Hoowi!—and I'm not ready . . ." and he went on grumbling and grousing to
himself, a seamed old man with nut-brown wrinkles, bright blue eyes, long white
hair and a longer tri-forked beard dyed yellow, red and blue. He wore a
lopsided paper crown that kept slipping to one side, a mothy green velvet cloak
edged with tarnished gold braid, and what looked like a rather lived-in
yellow-woolly night robe. His feet were shoved in scuffed purple slippers; his
fingernails looked chewed, although what teeth he had were decidedly rocky. His
voice was high, nasal and singsong; not lilting like Conn's. His nose was
rather large and definitely hooked; his ears stuck out, and behind the one that
wasn't saving the paper crown was a quill pen; round his neck hung a rope of
blue glass beads.
"Done weighing me
up?" he snapped, but I fancied the snap was as harmless as an old dog
threatening flies.
I bowed: time for
politeness and diplomacy. I had tried him very hard and he had let me, but I
thought that so far he was merely amusing himself, pretending wrath merely to
see me crumple at his feet in awe. My bow extended so far I could almost bump
my forehead with my knees, for this man was an unknown quantity.
"Dear Sir," I
began. "Am I correct in supposing that we have reached journey's end? That
I am, in fact, addressing The Ancient, a magician and sorcerer without
parallel, whose reputation reaches far across the land?"
"That's not what
you said two minutes ago . . ."
"Ah, but then you
were playing games with us. I may have seemed presumptuous, but I assure you it
was the presumption of desperation. We have come so far, and it has been such a
hard journey, and we are so—so in need of your help . . ." My voice
quavered: I couldn't help it.
"Indeed, sir, the
little lassie speaks only the truth." Conn's hand was on my shoulder.
"She can be a mite sharp-tongued perhaps, but this Thingummy has had one
hell of a life and you have only to look at her to know she is really as guileless
as a newborn lamb. She—"
"I know, I
know," said The Ancient. "You all are. Lambs to the slaughter, all of
you; except perhaps the White One, and even he has been foolish enough to
forget the rules of faery and lose his heart along with his horn . . . Never
mind, never mind. Come, all of you: you are all welcome. We shall eat, and then
we shall talk." He looked at me. "Here you, Flora who brought the
Fauna," and he wheezed at some joke only he could understand, although I
felt a sudden jolt of recognition I could not account for. "Go back into
the cave. On a shelf you will find oatcakes, butter, honey and a flagon of
mead, a crock of goat's milk and some cheese . . ."
They were there as he
said, and of course the silly skeleton had gone, as had the crystal curtain.
Moglet had milk and cheese, Corby oatcakes and cheese, Puddy appeared to be
devouring fireflies, though there were always as many again, but for Pisky
there was something special: the old man scooped him up in his bowl, and
sprinkled something into the water.
"Here, Emperor of
the fishes: my de-luxe mixture."
This kept Pisky quiet
for at least ten minutes, then I saw him glance down at his flanks, flirting
his tail, standing on his head: "Emperor of the fishes, he called me. Did
you ever! Emperor . . ."
At last I leant back,
wiping my sticky mouth on the back of my hand: I was full. Any more and I
should be uncomfortable. I looked round at the others. Snowy was lying down,
legs tucked under. Puddy had his eyes shut, which meant he was still chewing;
he burped. Pisky was still. Corby groomed his uninjured wing, oiling it evenly
with his beak. Moglet was licking her stomach, with long, even strokes that
left sticky runnels on it. Conn was lying full-length on the grass, chin in
hand, his rusty armour a discarded heap in the shadows. It was a still, warm
night, with just the faintest breath of a mint-smelling breeze to touch our
faces, ruffle my hair. Somewhere a bird still sang, sweet and low, and
fireflies danced among the trees. Perfect.
"Now then,"
said The Ancient. "We shall talk . . ."
* * *
I do not remember what
tongue we spoke; I know we all understood. One by one we told The Ancient who
we were, how we met and why we were travelling together. It was thus I learnt
more fully of Conn's encounter with our Mistress and a little of what it had
meant to Snowy, and less and less did it seem that our meetings were chance.
"So, you are bound
together, all of you, by the unfortunate wiles of a powerful witch," mused
The Ancient. His throne-like rock seat gave him an advantage, for sitting on it
he was taller than any of us standing up, even Conn. "And so she is dead .
. . I find it hard to believe she is gone, for she was an adversary worthy of
even such as I, but she moved away to the east many, many years ago, so long
that I have forgotten her name. Strange, for once I could recall her with ease
. . . You are sure she is dead?"
We reassured him.
"One of the best
Shape-Changers ever, too: I remember once . . . No matter." He stroked his
beard. "Not at her best recently, I gather. However, good as she was, I
fancy I could give her a run for her money. Watch this!"
And as we gazed his
edges grew blurred, then he disappeared completely, leaving in his place a
white rabbit washing its whiskers. Then it wasn't a rabbit but a hedgepig. Then
a rather foolish-looking sheep. Then just a head, looking rather like Tom
Trundleweed. Then a brightly spinning ball. Then nothing. Then The Ancient
He beamed at us.
"How's that for Shape-Changing, then?"
Conn applauded, clapping
his hands, but I frowned. "That's not Shape-Changing!"
"Then what is it,
clever-sticks?" and he frowned, too.
"Illusion. Like
your hedge. And a lot more here, I shouldn't be surprised."
"You're a fine one
to talk of illusion!" He had half-risen from his seat, and Conn put a hand
on my arm.
"Now then,
Thingummy dear," he muttered. "You may be right and all that, but the
laws of hospitality—"
I began to apologize,
but The Ancient cut me short. "She's right, you know, right in her own
way. Comes of spending her formative years with that old bitch of a witch
What's-her-name . . . No, no apologies. I'm not a true Shape-Changer, but I am
an Illusionist and, though I say it myself, the best!" He failed to look
modest. "One can't do everything, and I concentrated on what I did best.
Worth remembering that: forget what you want to do, find something you do
better than anyone else, even if it's only turd-throwing, and become undisputed
champion: better a champion shit-shoveller than a forty-second-rate turnip-carver
. . . Where was I? Ah yes. Time-Traveller, too, and Master of Languages and the
Crystal Ball. Not very good at the last: lost the old ball . . . Some are good
at one thing, some at another. Never fancied the Resurrectionists, for example;
there is always a price to pay for immortality, and sometimes it is far harder
to render than the common coin of mortal clay. And who knows what one might
have to bear? Watching those one has loved pass into decay and die; perhaps
seeing all one believes in, had fought for, pass into disrepute . . .
"The enchanted may
mourn, but they may not weep: that relief is the only compensation for mortal
grief. My friend, the White One, knows that, do you not?" And he nodded at
Snowy, who bowed his head until I could see the maimed stump where his horn had
Without thinking I rose
and went to his side and knelt down and kissed him. "Never mind, dear one,
The Ancient will help you find a new horn—you will, won't you?" I asked
anxiously. "We've come all this way . . . Forgive my rudeness and help
them. Please?"
"Depends on what
you want, doesn't it? I can't work miracles!"
"Sure and we don't
ask for the impossible, your Sagacity," said Conn earnestly, rising to his
feet. "All we seek is your wisdom. As you said, it seems we are all
enchanted by the same witch, and I, for one, will not believe that her spells
cannot be broken."
"Broken, perhaps
not: bent a little is what we seek. Never go at magic straight on, you'll only
bruise your hopes. Sneak round the edges if you can. It's like Roman law:
or," looking at Conn, "killing a boar, if you like. Get round to the
flank." He blew his nose on an orange scarf he pulled from his cloak.
"Now then, my White One, let's begin with you: what do you wish for? You
know, of course, that it would take far stronger powers than mine to undo the
ill to your enchanted prince? Only a life, freely given, may release him, and
then only to a Between-World . . . So, if it is possible, you would wish your
horn to be restored?"
Snowy bowed his head,
and I thought I could see the gleam of a tear in his eye. "Yes, then if—if
all else fails, I shall still have the right to rejoin my brethren in the west,
and live out the rest of my life with them."
"Then I do have
some hope for you; small hope, 'tis true, but one grain of salt on an egg is
better than none at all. The witch's curse was powerful enough, but there was
more concentration on the boy than on you, and I am fairly sure, from what you
said, that she cut off the closing words that stifle all hope.
"Your horn, my
friend, may be restored by one thing and one thing alone: a fresh drop of
dragon's blood, freely given!"
"But that is not
fair!" burst out Conn, coming over to Snowy's side. "There are no
dragons! They all died out—oh, hundreds of years ago! You're just saying
something to comfort the poor old thing that can't possibly come true, and
that's the cruellest kind of hope—"
thundered The Ancient, and for a moment, behind the doddery old man who rose
unsteadily from his seat, I caught a glimpse of another, a tall stern-faced
warrior wearing purple and blue and carrying a wand in his right hand . . .
Then the vision faded, but it was my turn to catch at Conn's arm, anxious not
to offend.
"Yes, wait, my dear
. . ."
"For, if I mistake
me not, all your problems resolve around the same end," said the old man,
slowly resuming his seat, as if there had been no interruption. "Tell me
now, Connor O'Connell, as you seem to like the sound of your own voice. What is
your heart's desire?"
"My desire? Why
sure and that's plain enough to see. My sword, my father's sword, is snapped in
two and needs to be made whole; my armour is rusted past polishing and I want
it once more bright!"
"And then?"
"Then? Oh, I see.
Well, then I would go off to Frankish lands or Germanica and hire myself out as
a mercenary, or maybe even seek adventure farther abroad. There is money to be
made in service, you know, and perhaps more as free-sword."
"No settling-down,
then?" The Ancient stroked his beard, the yellow bit on the right.
"Me? Not likely!
There's all life to be lived out there. No, worthy Sir, I'm just not the
settling-down kind!"
"Pity, pity,"
said The Ancient, "for part of the lifting of the witch's curse depended
on your asking the hand in marriage of the ugliest female in the land, as I
recall—and that part cannot be altered, not in essence, anyway."
Conn went bright red.
"As to that—if I ever find this female, then 'tis to be hoped that for her
sake she is rich; if she is, then might I ask for her hand, for then she'll be
so grateful she'll give me her dowry, and I'll kiss her goodbye. And if she's
not rich—why then she won't get asked. And any that question my right to travel
this world in tarnished mail, then my sword—if I can get it reforged—will teach
them a lesson they won't forget in a hurry!" He looked very fierce and
pushed up the tips of his moustache, then spoilt the whole effect by
apologizing to Moglet for nearly treading on her tail.
"You also wished
your sword whole again: that curse cannot be lifted save by the same magic the
White One seeks. In your case that sword, which bears magic runes not seen by
mortal eye, can only be welded together by flame from dragon's tongue, again
freely given."
Conn started up in
protest, no doubt once again to point out that dragons were extinct, but The
Ancient waved him to silence, and I felt a sudden surge of excitement, as if
there was more to come.
He turned to me.
"And you: do you believe in dragons?"
"I believe in them,
yes of course, because everyone knows they existed once. My—the witch sometimes
used powdered dragon-bones in her spells: the one to make different coloured
flames, I think . . ."
The Ancient positively
beamed. "Well, then?"
"But Sir . .
"I must confess to
believing, like Conn, that they—they . . ."
"Well?" He
"Well, that
they—are extinct."
"Like witches and
unicorns, I suppose. And magicians," he added maliciously.
"Well, no . .
." I trailed off.
"You see? Never
take things like that for granted, youngster. You, of all people, with your
upbringing, should know better! I daresay if you told the folk in—oh, say Sarum
or Silchester of your life with the witch, they would pelt you with refuse for
lying." He leant forward. "Now, leaving aside the question of dragon/no
dragon for the moment, why have you come on this quest? What is your
"To get rid of my
pebble," I said, on surer ground. "And so have the others," and
I nodded at Corby, Puddy, Pisky and Moglet. "You see we all want to be
whole and unencumbered and free of pain again. I want to be able to walk
upright, Corby wants to fly, Puddy wants to be rid of his headaches, Pisky
needs to eat properly and little Moglet wants to run fast enough to catch mice.
And to do this we must find the person or thing who rightfully owns these
pebbles and give them back; the witch stuck them fast but I expect the rightful
owner might have a way to extract them. Oh, and we'd like our memories back,
too," I added.
"Don't want much,
do you?" but he was smiling. "Right: Let's have a look at these
famous pebbles . . ."
One by one we showed him
our encumbrances, and he himself picked up Pisky's bowl. Then, when he had
inspected them all, he did a very strange thing.
He laughed.
He laughed till the
rheumy tears ran down his cheeks, leaving rather dirty runnels; he laughed till
he wheezed and coughed and, speechless, pointed to his back and Conn kindly
went and gave him a couple of good thumps between his shoulder blades to stop
him choking. At last he sat up, wiped his eyes on the orange scarf, blew his
nose again, and took a swig from Pisky's bowl.
"Oh dear, oh
dear," he said at last, still chuckling. "Oh dearie, dearie me . .
We looked at one
another, feeling like idiots, and it was Corby who voiced our feelings.
"What we done, then? Must be mighty foolish to make the Man o' Wisdom
laugh as if we were the village idiot who saw his face reflected in the pond,
thought it were the moon, an' tried to pluck it out to stop it from
"No, no, my
friend!" said The Ancient, trying to compose his features. "I'm not
laughing at you: I'm laughing with you, and for you, for I think I have solved
the mystery!"
We all began talking at
once, but he raised his hand for silence.
"I'm going to tell
you all a story," he said. "So settle down and listen . . ."
The Gathering
So it was that the warm
night closed around us like a cloak as we heard the tale of a young dragon sent
out on his Master-Quest. We heard of the gold he collected, of the brilliant
jewels he snatched, stole, retrieved, found; we heard how the last search, for
his personal pearl, had led him to this land, and how he had stored his
treasure high in a cave in the Black Mountains, and one night had left it
unguarded to pay one last visit to the villagers nearby who had feasted him
regularly during his years of search. How in that last feasting a black shadow,
a greedy, grasping thing, crept to his cave and stole his hoard, fleeing into
the forests of the night where he could not find her. And how the dragon could
not return to his homeland without the jewels, and lay a-dying from grief and
frustration in that same cave.
How the thief fled far,
far away, as far as the winds would take her; how she had to hide the jewels,
possession of which, given the correct spells and formulae, would give her a
mastery of magic greater than any ever known. How she had not hidden them from
the dragon by burying them deep, lest they be dug up; neither had she thrown
them into the deeps, lest they be trawled to surface; nor had she hung them
from a tree, lest they fall: rather had she fastened them safe into living
creatures snatched at random from the highways and byways, as they came to
hand. A netted crow, a toad pulled from under a stone, a kitten taken from its
doorstep, a fish scooped from a rich man's pond, a child taken under promise of
"It's us!" I
shouted, bobbing up and down like some crazy creature. "It's us!"
bubbled Pisky. "Which have I got? What am I? Tell me quick!"
"My headache is a
jewel?" pondered Puddy.
squawked Corby, peering under his wing. "Bleeding 'ell! A sapphire for a
splint . . ."
"Don't want
it," mewed Moglet. "Take it away, Thing dear! Don't want a diamond .
. ."
"I don't
particularly want a ruby navel either, my pet," I said, after a quick peek
to confirm, picking her up and cuddling her. "But at least we now know
what they are. And just think how costly that paw of yours is now!"
Pisky was trying to squint
at the bulge in his mouth. "What-is-it, what-colour, which-one? Quick!
The Ancient took pity on
him. "A moon-pearl, precious one. The dragon's special stone . . ."
Puddy had got his by a
process of elimination. "An emerald? Hmmm . . . could be worse, I suppose.
Green is my favourite colour . . ."
"Ruby, emerald,
sapphire, diamond, pearl," I said, musing. "Is that why we used
to—still do—hurt? The spell she put on us to keep them hidden?"
"Yes," said
The Ancient. "But the spell worked against her in the end. At first,
individually, she could keep you in thrall but later, collectively, and without
realizing it, you formed a bond between yourselves that was enforced by the
holding of the jewels: if you like, the dragon's power was transformed into a
shield against harm, as long as you kept together, and neither the witch, nor
anyone else, could really hurt you. Especially if you kept in physical contact
with each other."
I nodded. I could
remember when she had had to set Broom to beating us because she dared not do
so herself; those times when we huddled together under my cloak.
"And so she never
really benefited from the jewels," said the old man. "You never gave
her the chance: by the time her knowledge was sufficient to use them you lot
had adopted them for yourselves. If you hadn't that last experiment would have
worked, and powers that should lie hidden would have walked the Earth . .
I shivered: I could
still remember with loathing that night on the island when our world had nearly
come to an end . . .
Conn had remained silent
until now. "But—does that mean that there really is a dragon still alive?
That somewhere, in those Black Mountains you spoke of, he is waiting for Thingy
and her friends to return his jewels?"
"I think he has
given up all hope," said The Ancient, "but yes, he is still
there." He glanced round at us all. "He is the only one who can rid
you of your burdens, his jewels; he is the only one to mend your sword, Connor
O'Connell, and grow your new horn, White One, with a blast of fire and a drop
of blood. He is your only hope, my wandering ones . . ."
"I knew we all
belonged together," I said. "I knew it!"
* * *
We talked far into the
night—at least the others did, for all too soon the excitement, the warm night,
my full stomach, the earlier travelling and, most of all, the knowledge that
our quest had not been in vain, that there really was hope for us all, however
far away, induced in me the most complete and utter weariness, and my eyes kept
closing in spite of themselves. In the end I fashioned my cloak into a pillow
and lay down, an equally soporific Moglet tucked up to my chest. As we dropped
off to sleep Conn was questioning the magician on Time-and-Space Travelling,
and I heard him ask what the other side of the moon looked like.
"Very disappointing
. . ."
And so I fell asleep to
dream I travelled in a silver tube with windows open to the stars to where the
moon grinned away like a yellow cheese; and then I spun round to her backside
to find—
"But supposing you
could," said Puddy. "Just how much would colour weigh?"
I drifted off again to
find myself trying to scrape colours from a leaf, a stone, a jewel and weigh
the differences in little pots and pans on my fingers . . . But before I knew
where I was I had taken all colour from everything, and the whole world was
white, white as snow; but white is a colour too, and I had to catch each
snowflake and take away the white, and wash the white from every fleece of
every sheep in the world, but Snowy was the only white thing that wouldn't play
and ran off into the forest, but I could still see him for now everything else
was without colour, clear as glass, transparent as crystal; and The Ancient was
an icicle, and then he melted and dripped all over me—
"Come on
children," he said. "It's starting to rain. You'll be better off
And Conn picked me and
Moglet up in one sleepy heap and carried us into the cave and plonked us down
on a heap of bracken and heather, covered with some soft, silky material, and
we snuggled down and I could smell thyme and rosemary. Someone covered me with
my cloak, tucked it round snug, and then someone else was singing, a wordless
song that ran and turned and curled back on itself like the golden ring Conn
wore on his finger . . . And then I felt him lie down beside me, and his hand
stroked my hair, and the trees and the rocks began to sing too, and the wind
and the waters, a song so heart-catching and sad and beautiful that my eyes
were full of tears, and yet I was smiling—
said The Ancient, at least I think that is what he said. "But for you it
will be Liebeslied . . ."
I didn't understand the
words but I did understand my feelings, and I snuggled up to Conn's breathing,
sleeping body and my heart sang with the music.
* * *
After breakfast the next
morning—a helping of what looked like gruel but tasted of butter and nuts and
honey and raspberries and milk—the magician led us outside into a morning sparkling
with raindrops and clean as river-washed linen, but strangely the grass was dry
when we seated ourselves in a semicircle in front of his throne. Hoowi, the
owl, was again perched on his shoulder, eyes shut, and he took up Pisky's bowl
into his lap. Although the birds sang, their songs were courtesy-muted, for The
Ancient's voice was softer this morning as though he were tired, and indeed his
first words confirmed this.
"I have been awake
most of the night, my friends, pondering your problems. That is why I have
convened this meeting. We agreed yesterday that you had all been called
together for a special mission, a quest to find the dragon. You need him, but
he also needs you." He paused, and glanced at each one of us in turn.
"But perhaps last night you thought this would be easy. Find the Black
Mountains, seek out the dragon's lair, return the jewels, ask for a drop of
blood and a blast of fire and Hey Presto! your problems are all solved.
"But it is not as
easy as that, my friends. Of your actual meeting with the dragon, if indeed you
reach him, I will say nothing, for that is still in the realms of conjecture.
What I can say is this: in order to reach the dragon you have a long and
terrible journey ahead of you, one that will tax you all to the utmost, and may
even find one or other of you tempted to give up, to leave the others and
return; if that happens then you are all doomed, for I must impress upon you
that as the seven you are now you have a chance, but even were there one less
your chances of survival would be halved. There is no easy way to your dragon,
understand that before you start. I can give you a map, signs to follow, but
these will only be indications, at best. What perils and dangers you may meet
upon the way I cannot tell you: all I know is that the success of your venture
depends upon you staying together, and that you must all agree to go, or none.
"I can see by your
expressions that you have no real idea of what I mean when I say 'perils and
dangers': believe me, your imaginations cannot encompass the terrors you might
have to face—"
"But if we do stay
together?" I interrupted.
"Then you have a
better chance: that is all I can say. It is up to you." He was serious,
and for the first time I felt a qualm, a hesitation, and glancing at my friends
I saw mirrored the same doubts.
"And if we don't go
at all—if we decide to go back to—to wherever we came from?" I persisted.
"Then you will be
crippled, all of you, in one way or another, for the rest of your lives."
"Then there is no
choice," said Conn. "And so the sooner we all set off the
better," and he half-rose to his feet.
thundered the magician, and Conn subsided, flushing. "That's better. I
have not finished."
"Sit down, shurrup,
be a good boy and listen to granpa," muttered Corby sarcastically, but The
Ancient affected not to hear.
"There is another
thing," said he. "If you succeed in your quest and find the dragon,
and if he takes back the jewels, and if he yields a drop of blood and a blast
of fire, if, I say . . . then what happens afterwards?"
The question was
rhetorical, but Moglet did not understand this.
"I can catch mice
again," she said brightly, happily.
But he was gentle with
her. "Yes, kitten, you will be able to catch mice, and grow up properly to
have kittens of your own—but at what cost? You may not realize it but your
life, and the life of the others, has been in suspension while you have worn
the jewels, but once you lose your diamond then time will catch up with you.
You will be subject to your other eight lives and no longer immune, as you
others have been also, to the diseases of mortality.
"Also, don't
forget, your lives have been so closely woven together that you talk a language
of your own making, you work together, live, eat, sleep, think together. Once the
spell is broken you, cat, will want to catch birds, eat fish and kill toads;
you, crow, will kill toads too, and try for kittens and fish; toad here will be
frightened of you all, save the fish; and the fish will have none but enemies
among you.
"And do not think
that you either, Thing-as-they-call-you, will be immune from this; you may not
have their killer instinct but, like them, you will forget how to talk their
language and will gradually grow away from them, until even you cross your fingers
when a toad crosses your path, shoo away crows and net fish for supper—"
"You are
wrong!" I said, almost crying. "I shall always want them, and never
hurt them! We shall always be together!"
"But will they want
you," asked The Ancient quietly, "once they have their freedom and
identity returned to them? If not, why is it that only dog, horse, cattle, goat
and sheep have been domesticated and even these revert to the wild, given the
chance? Do you not think that there must be some reason why humans and wild
animals dwell apart? Is it perhaps that they value their freedom, their
individuality, more than man's circumscribed domesticity? Is it not that they
prefer the hazards of the wild, and only live with man when they are caught,
then tamed and chained by food and warmth?"
"I shall never
desert Thing!" declared Moglet stoutly. "I shan't care whether she
has food and fire or not, my place is with her!"
"Of course . . .
Indubitably . . . What would I do without her . . ." came from the others,
and I turned to the magician.
"You see? They
don't believe we shall change!"
"Not now,"
said The Ancient heavily. "Not now. But there will come a time . . . So,
you are all determined to go?"
"Just a
moment," said Conn. "You have told Thingmajig and her friends just
what might be in store for them if we find the dragon: what of me and Snowy
here? What unexpected changes in personality have you in store for us?" He
was angry, sarcastic.
"You," said
The Ancient, "you and my friend here, the White One, might just do the
impossible: impossible, that is, for such a dedicated knight as yourself . .
"And what's
"You might change
your minds . . ."
"About what,
pray?" And I saw Snowy shake his head.
"What Life is all
about . . ."
"Never is a long
time . . . Ah me, I'm getting old: another clitch."
"What's a
clitch?" I asked, trying not to let the thought of losing Conn and Snowy
at the end of it all, if ever we got to the beginning, upset me too much.
"A clitch?" He
sniggered. "It's like 'It always rains before it pours' or 'Every cloud
has a silver lining'—you know, the sort of hackneyed phrase everyone says over
and over again until it becomes boring and predictable and—and a clitch.
Clichй," he amended.
Although I had heard
neither phrase before, I tried to look wise. "Comme: 'Toujours la
politesse,' ou 'chacun а son goыt'," I suggested, then was shocked when I
realized I didn't know where the words had come from, let alone what they
"Exactly," he
said, glancing at me sharply from under thatchy brows. "Exactement, p'tite
. . . Couldn't have put it better myself . . ."
Conn looked as if he was
going to say something, but didn't.
"Well," said
The Ancient. "It's midday: supposing we meet again at supper, and you can
tell me what you have all decided. Think about it carefully, mind, and don't
forget what I told you." But he sighed: it must have been clear to him
even then that none of us believed his dire predictions.
* * *
We all spent the
intervening hours characteristically, I suppose.
Snowy disappeared into
the wood and every now and again I saw his shadow flickering among the trees.
Conn went to a little knoll, got out his broken sword and, holding it up before
him hilt uppermost, prayed with his eyes open, face to the sky. Pisky spent the
time rearranging his bowl to his liking, pulling the weed this way and that,
nudging the poor snails all over the place. Corby went into a corner by
himself, walking about in circles and muttering. Puddy found another corner and
sat quiet, looking as though his head were aching. Moglet chased a butterfly or
two, then washed herself from ears to toe and tail, then went and sharpened the
claws on her good paw. And I? I, I regret to say, did none of these useful,
constructive things. Instead, I crept closer till I could see Conn's profile,
then lay back in the long grass and watched the clouds pass, then rolled over
on my stomach to regard the busy ants scurrying to and fro. I listened to the
ascending lark, smelt the cowslips, stroked Moglet and ate wild raspberries.
And fell asleep and dreamt of nothing—
Conn shook my shoulder.
"Suppertime, Thingumabob . . . Made up your mind?"
We all had, as I found
out when we rejoined the others. We were determined to set out on this perilous
venture, keep together and risk whatever came.
The Ancient heard us
out, Conn the spokesman.
"Then all I can do,
my friends, is to prepare you for your journey as best I can—and wish you luck.
You'll need it . . ."
* * *
I was dreaming, a long,
slow, wordless, placeless dream, and there were people I knew but could not
know, and then someone was pulling me away and I was rushing faster and faster
until the wind howled in my ears with the speed of my passing, and I was being
pulled upwards to a hole in the ceiling, and then I bumped my head and fell
back with a thud and—
"Wake up,
child!" said The Ancient. "The others are almost ready, and you'll
want a bite to eat before you set off."
I stumbled out into a
mist that curled round my feet like an attenuated cat. Everything looked
unreal, almost as though I were still dreaming, or had missed out on a day
somewhere. I rubbed my eyes and Conn was busy loading up Snowy and the others
were waiting, more or less patiently, for their turn. A hand appeared at my
elbow: a hunk of bread with a slice of cheese tucked inside. A mug of goat's
milk followed and I munched and drank, then moved forward to help the others.
Besides the meagre
provisions we had brought with us there were flour and salt, apples, cheese and
a large jar of honey, and the water-bottle was fresh-filled from the spring.
Poor Snowy looked very laden, so I took Moglet in my arms and Puddy in my
pocket and, to my surprise, Conn put Corby on his shoulder and strung Pisky's
bowl round his waist.
Catching my look, he
grinned. "We'll swap later! Besides, as we eat the provisions the old
horse—sorry, unicorn—will find his burden that much lighter."
The Ancient was in his
best today: a purple robe sewn with silver stars and his beard in three shades
of blue, although his conical hat with a crescent moon on its tip was crooked
and threatened to slip over his ears, protruding though they were. In his hand
was a roll of soft leather.
"Your map," he
announced. He unfolded it and we stared at squiggles, arrows, letters: it
didn't look like a map at all.
I pointed to some humps
and bumps. "What are those?"
"What do they look
like?" snapped the magician. "Hills, mountains, that's what!"
"And the
"Rivers, streams .
. ."
"The dotty
places?" At least the forests were shown by recognizable trees.
"Waste land: moors,
heaths, bogs . . ."
"The straightish
"Roads. Such as
they are. Roman mostly: the straight ones are, anyway. Probably a bit out of
date . . ."
Conn put his finger on
the middle of the map, on a thing that looked like a cross between a star and a
spider. "What's this?"
"A compass: north,
south, east, west—"
"I've seen
something like that before," said Conn. "Only they didn't call it a
compass: a magic needle, I think. I was hitching a trip cross-channel on a
Skandia galley—and damned uncomfortable it was too, full of great sweaty
fellows splashing everyone with their oars—and they had this little sliver of
metal suspended in a stone bowl of oil. They reckoned they could find their way
in dark, fog, storm because the thin end of the metal pointed always north,
whichever way they turned. The captain said he had it from a trader from the
east, in exchange for a bale of furs. Swore he had the best of the bargain,
"There you are, then!"
"But we've no piece
of metal," I said. "And if we are to go in any special direction . .
. And what's that, round the edge?" I looked closer. "That says
'ENE,' or something: I've never heard of that word . . ."
initials," said The Ancient impatiently. "East-north-east: those
letters are your direction-finders. And you have got a magic needle, of
sorts: the White One knows one way from t'other, and come to that so does the
raggedy bird."
said Corby, looking slightly offended at the adjective. "As the crow
flies, of course . . ."
"There are some
tiny circles marked as well," said Conn, peering closely. "There is
one on its own, and there's three together, and four—"
"Those are your
markers," and the old man looked at each of us in turn. "And you have
to go their way. One, then two, then three and so on up to seven. They are all
standing stones, some higgledy-piggledy, some straight, some in circles. You go
by the directions I have marked in the margin: there is the letter one, and a
direction. Follow that and you come to the first stone, then letter number two
and its direction et cetera."
"Sounds simple
enough," said Conn, but he was frowning.
"It is simple: just
follow your noses. And the directions, of course," he added hastily.
"Now: are you all ready?"
"Thank you," I
said, "from all of us. For the hospitality and the help and the food
and—and everything."
He pinched my cheek, not
hard, but I could feel it through my mask just the same. "Think nothing of
it, Flower: it has been vastly amusing, so far. I was out of practice . .
I didn't quite
understand what he meant. "Shall we see you again?"
"Very likely, if
you follow the instructions and remember what I said about staying together.
Don't look so gloomy: you will have your sunny days too, you know . . . Now,
see that wood over there? Well that's a good enough marker for your first
direction, east by south. That's your way. Goodbye, and good luck . . ."
The mist had thinned,
and so had his voice: it sounded now like an echo.
We had all been
straining our eyes to the wood, answered "Goodbye," and then turned
to wave, but he had gone. So had the glade, the cave, the stream. We were
standing on the highest point of a bleak moor in the burning-off of a summer
mist that rolled away from our feet as rapidly as Brother Jude-the-Less's
manuscripts rolled up across the table if they weren't weighted down. Nearby
was what might once have been a ring of stones, but there was nothing else
recognizable for miles: even the wood was a half-day's walk. It was as if
something had picked us up from somewhere and dumped us down again nowhere.
"Well, I'll be . .
. blest!" said Conn, scratching his head. "However did he manage
But nobody had an
answer. There was the illusion-bit, which I thought might help, but even I was
uneasy about this. If I explored it too deep I should have to explain how it
was we seemed to have only been with the magician a couple of days, reaching
him in early spring, while now we were standing in countryside that was—
"High summer,"
said Moglet. "How nice. Didn't know we'd been there so long . . ."
There: where was there?
What about all the anachronisms of season? The strange sleep that had fallen so
easily on us all, a blanket of time-consuming dream so that one woke unsure
whether one still slept? I should have pinched myself, but didn't, I don't know
We all felt the same, I
could see that, but no one wanted to talk about it: a bit like suspecting there
might be a wasp in the preserve, but hoping it will fly out of the window
before you have to disturb it.
It was Snowy who pulled
us together. "The wood is indeed east by south, and that is our first
direction, is it not? Come, my friends, this quest is for all, and better to
start at once than to question too much. We are together, that is what matters.
Friend Corby, do you confirm the direction?"
Corby shuffled on Conn's
shoulder. "As the crow flies, unicorn, as the crow flies. Not that crows
allus fly straight, mind . . ."
The Binding: Unicorn
The Castle of Fair Delights
And so we went south by
east and past the wood, and on to a different mark as we passed through it. The
going was easy, the foods of the wayside plentiful, and both Conn and I found
we had more money than we thought in our pockets, so it was easy to keep us all
provisioned. It was almost dream-like, that progression, from the high
heathlands to the downs, the plain to the valleys: everywhere they were bringing
in the first cutting of hay, and the air was full of the sun-warmed smell of
the drying grasses, the honey-heavy perfume of may, the bruise of wild garlic.
Lambs, colts, calves, kids were younglings now, no longer babes, and the birds
were feeding their second brood; sweet cicely pollen-powdered my knees,
keck-parsley my hips, angelica my shoulders; corn-poppies, Demeter's bane, bled
at my feet and elder laced my hair, and all day and every day the sun walked
with us. There may have been days when it was cold or cloudy or it rained, but
in truth I do not remember.
It was, therefore,
something of a shock to all of us when we were brought abruptly back to the
realization of our quest by finding the first standing stone. Bare, ragged as a
sore tooth, twice man-height, it stood alone on the crest of a little hill and
pointed with afternoon's shadow finger to the valley beneath, a valley ringed
by forest and bearing in its midst a fair castle, towered and beflagged. The
building lay in greensward; at the front a wide driveway led to the massive
doors of the courtyard and at the back was what looked like a jousting-yard.
From the four corners of the main building where little wooden towers rose like
siege-toys, fluttered pennants, banners, flags in stripes of yellow and gold,
seeming to beckon us down to this place that might have been painted onto the
landscape one moment since, a scene from some legendary tale. Indeed I blinked
twice, to make sure it was really there, and it was only on the second blink
that I saw something I had missed before: the crescent-shaped lake that lay to
the left of the castle. Even at this distance it was dark and deep and still, a
black scar on the green.
exclaimed Conn. "And isn't that a sight to gladden the heart? There we
shall surely find a warm welcome and hospitality of the finest if I'm not
mistaken, Thingummy. And as the finger of the stone points that way and the
direction on the map says the same . . . Well, then?"
I frowned. For no reason
I felt shivery.
"If it's so fair .
. ." said Puddy.
"And we're supposed
to face great danger?" supplemented Moglet.
"What the hell's
wrong with it?" added Corby. "Must be something we can't see from
great-great-great-grandfather was fond of remarking that the prettiest flies often
hid the sharpest barb," contributed Pisky, helpfully.
"Oh, come on now!
You're just a bunch of confirmed pessimists!" exploded Conn. "You see
something nice and welcoming and all you want to do is run away from it, just
because it is pleasant! That old magician did say that the sun would
sometimes shine on our endeavours, didn't he? Well it is, and down there is a
castle as fair as any I've seen, and I'm longing to sit at a table bearing
venison pasties and beef and oyster pies and drink a decent Frankish burgundy.
And when I've eaten and drunk I should like to be shown to a chamber containing
a man-sized bed laid with real linen sheets and pull a bear-pelt over my
toes—not lie out under the stars itching with hay-ticks and walked over by
hedgepigs! Down there is civilization and that's where I'm going, and you can
come or not, as you please!" He tugged at Snowy's bridle.
"It is as The
Ancient said," he replied cryptically. "This is the way we must
"Told you,"
exulted Conn. "Now, are you others coming or not?"
He knew we would, if
only because we remembered what the old magician had said about the importance
of keeping together, and indeed, as we descended the gentle path that led to
the fringe of woods surrounding the castle, we all began to wonder—us
pessimists, that is—what foundation, if any, our fears were grounded upon, for
the day was fair and the sun indeed shone, and little fluffy clouds
deliberately either missed it or else hid it for a moment only, just to remind us
how beautiful it beamed uncovered; bees fed on deep trumpets of creaming
honeysuckle, grasshoppers made a raspy music and above us larks climbed to
their pinnacle of song—
Then we descended to the
The trees closed in, the
sun was a sullen greenish glow; there were no flowers for the bees, no grass
for the grasshoppers and no bird sang. Silence, and only our footsteps on the
loamy track that led, straight and true, through the heart of the trees. I felt
as though I were in a bowl of silence, as confining as Pisky's crock; drowning,
oppressed unbearably by the lack of sound. Conn had stopped whistling the merry
tune he had had on his lips a moment since and even the echoes had fled without
memory. We all trod softly, as if some terrible thing lurked asleep in the
shadows, only waiting a snapped twig to waken to attack.
It was Moglet who voiced
our fears: "Why no birds? Where are all the creatures who should be here?
Are they all frightened of something?"
I could not have
answered, but luckily there was no need for at that moment a half-dozen
men-at-arms appeared on the path before us, clad in blue and yellow, spears at
the slope, and at their head a knight, mounted on a black palfrey. He was
elderly, moustached and bearded, and his hand was held up and open in the
universal gesture of greeting.
friends," he called, and we halted. At that moment I had Corby on my
shoulder, Moglet in my arms, Puddy in my pocket, head out, and Pisky's bowl
dangling from my elbow, and I could feel their united suspicion as they turned
to the stranger.
Conn and I confirmed his
gesture of greeting, and he dismounted, waving back the men-at-arms to stand
"Greetings: name's
Egerton de Ruys. Glad to welcome you, Sir Knight," and he strode forward
to clasp arms with Conn. He had a nasal, pinched sort of voice and clipped his
words off short; one eye socket was empty: a retired knight, if I was not
mistaken. "You and y'r servant very welcome, by'r Lady! Saw you from the
west tower, don't y'know, and m'niece, the Lady Adiora, sent me to beg you to
take advantage of our hospitality in the Castle of Fair Delights and sojourn
awhile. Be glad of y'r company."
"Well, and that's
gracious enough," said Conn. "Hear that, you disbelievers?" But
seeing that he was apparently talking to a broken-down pony, a hunched servant
carrying a scrawny crow, a frightened kitten and a small fish, he pinched his
lips together and stroked his moustache, trying to look nonchalant. It was
evident that the time spent in our exclusive company had made him forget that,
to anyone else, talking to animals and a mere servant like that would be
considered eccentric, to say the least.
"Sir Egerton: your
servant," he said formally, and introduced himself. "My—my servant
and I would be glad to accept your hospitality . . ." and he turned and
scowled at us, as if daring us to contradict.
So we came through that
last fringe of wood, silent still save for the jingling of harness on Sir
Egerton's horse, the plod-plod of the men-at-arms and the thudding of my heart.
The track broadened as
we left the trees, and as we approached it I was better able to admire the
grandeur of the castle. The bottom storey-and-a-half was built of stone,
perhaps fifty or so years ago and, I guessed, founded on an earlier structure,
Roman perhaps. The upper storey-and-a-half was completed in wood, as were the
four towers, the whole gilded and pierced and painted in blue and gold and
decorated with carved and sculpted figures of knights, ladies and mythical
beasts with three heads or a dozen feet, and there were many little narrow
windows, like surprised eyes. A bit draughty in winter, I thought. However, it
was difficult to remember snow and ice on so pleasant a day, though
paradoxically it certainly seemed cooler down here in the valley. Once more for
no reason I shivered, and glanced sideways at the lake: it should have sparkled
with sunshine and glinted in the breeze that cracked and snapped the pennons
and flags atop the towers, but instead it lay dark and still, dead, and I felt
the others shift and press closer as we passed through the heavy wooden gates
into the courtyard. This was paved with white cobbles, and to left and right
were stables and sheds, and servants in a scurry: one boy's task, I noticed,
seemed to be solely that of picking up any stray leaf, straw, or other piece of
rubbish that might mar the otherwise pristine approach. I hoped Snowy wouldn't
disgrace us by relieving himself, because that would obviously have meant
shovels, buckets and mops almost before he had finished.
The stable to which we
were assigned was, again, almost too clean and, apart from two palfreys, clear
of horses. Sir Egerton indicated the end stall, away from the other mounts.
"Can put your—er,
nag, here, don't y'know. The other creatures—er, pets?"
"Er . . .
yes," said Conn, his swift glance at us coloured by his suddenly luxurious
surroundings to the extent that we obviously appeared to him suddenly exactly
as we were: dirty and disreputable. "And my—my servant, er—Thingummy . .
"Well," said
Sir Egerton, rubbing at the white whiskers on his chin. "Can see you have
problems, yes indeed. Never can remember their names meself! Like to leave the
animals here, and you and your er, servant can be housed within? M'niece don't
care much for cats, or birds come to that, and that fish don't look big enough
for eating."
I was frowning
dreadfully at Conn, but he affected not to notice. "Why, of course, of
course! Just leave the—the animals comfortable, Thingy, and follow me."
Making sure there was
fresh fodder and water for Snowy and stowing the others in the manger, I wiped
my grubby hands ineffectively on my jacket. "I'll be back," I said
shortly. "Just spy out the land."
"Don't like this
place," wailed Moglet.
"Neither do
I," said Corby. "Summat wrong somewheres . . ."
Puddy hunched up.
"Don't be long."
Pisky was at the very
bottom of his bowl and said nothing.
I turned to Snowy.
"Keep an eye on them, dear one."
He shook his head.
"I agree with the crow. Listen hard when you are in that place, watch
closely. All is too fair, too clean. And guard the Rusty One: we don't want to
lose him."
"Lose him?"
"Are you
coming?" said Conn, poking his head round the door. "For goodness
sake! Leave those animals alone for a moment, can't you?"
So, it was just
"animals" they were, was it? For a moment I almost hated him.
But only for a moment,
for as soon as we entered the castle proper I was traitor too to my friends,
and had eyes and thought only for the delights that surrounded us. We entered from
the courtyard through a pillared portico raised, surprisingly, only a couple of
feet from the white cobbles, unlike most castles in which the ground floor was
used for stores and the main floor was reached by outside steps: this place was
obviously not built for siege.
There were no windows in
the great hall in which we found ourselves, but large oil lamps hung from the
high ceiling in chains and a cheerful fire burned in a huge fireplace opposite
the doors: another innovation, for most hearths were still in the centre. The
walls were hung with fine fabrics and tapestries, and a long table stretched
the length of the room, with the usual dais at the end for the gentry. The
floor, again unusually, was not covered with rushes but laid bare a very fine and
detailed mosaic of a hunting scene. It must have predated the present building
by a couple of centuries at least and some pieces were missing, others trod
pale of colour, but at one end a very convincing stag fled its pursuers,
antlers laid back across its shoulders, one terrified eye glancing back at the
pursuing hounds, while at the other end a huntsman wound his horn and another
notched his bow.
"Ah, my weary
travellers, you are welcome!" Down a marble staircase behind the pictured
hunters floated a vision. Even to my inexperienced eyes she was a very lovely
lady, clad in a clinging robe of blue, fair hair bound and twisted in bands of
gold, slippers of the same colour on her feet. Her gown had a long train that
whispered over the patterned floor as she moved towards us, hands outstretched
to Conn, no eyes for me, and on her fingers and slim wrists more bands of gold.
A Golden Lady with hair to match, and eyes as blue as her gown.
And now Sir Egerton was
introducing them but to my eyes they needed none such, for her hands were in
Conn's and his eyes locked to hers as if they would never let go. She was near
as tall as he and slim as a wand, and as she talked and smiled and nodded her
little pointed teeth shone and her pink tongue flickered over her lips and they
had no eyes for any but each other.
I suddenly felt very
small and mean and hunched and dirty and would have given anything not to have
seen these two together, to be back with the others, outside, free . . . And
even as I thought this I felt the ground beneath my feet groan and move and cry
so that I almost stumbled, but even as I looked around, terrified, I saw that
no one else had noticed anything out of the way. There it was again! A
voiceless moaning, a wordless fear, an empty desolation that beat at the soles
of my feet until I felt as though the whole floor moved, and in the flicker and
sway of the oil-lamps the stag looked more terrified than ever; his eye shut
and opened, his muzzle dripped foam and the hounds bayed their blood-lust—
I dropped to the ground,
staggering at the shift in the floor, my eyes shut, my hands over my ears to
stop that awful sound—
But Conn was shaking me.
"Whatever's the matter, Thingy? Are you all right? Then for heaven's sake
stand up and behave yourself! Whatever will the Lady Adiora think of you? Come
now . . ." and he raised me and pushed me in the direction of the lady,
but I would not look at her, and hung my head and shuffled my feet.
"But how clever of
you, my dear Sir Connor!" she exclaimed, and I detected a slight lisp.
"How amusing: a hunchie! Does it do tricks? Tumble? And it wears a mask—it
must be perfectly hideous! Do let me see . . ." and she stretched out her
hand, but with a curiously protective gesture Conn drew me against him.
"No creature for
laughter or amusement, my Lady," he said quietly. "Merely a poor
unfortunate that cannot help either the shape or the looks the dear Lord saw
fit to burden it with. And it is under my protection, as are the other
creatures I travel with—"
But immediately she was
all smiles, all contrition for her thoughtlessness, as she came to lay her hand
on his arm.
She also trod on my
foot, quite hard.
"But of course, Sir
Connor! I did not mean to make fun of your servant or your playthings. 'Tis
just that I, too, have an interest in finding—employment—for like unfortunates.
You will see them tonight . . . And now, if you will follow me?" She
gathered the train of her gown. "I declare! It is so good to see a fresh
face! Sometimes I feel I shall die with boredom in this out-of-the-way
prison . . ."
And she took his hand,
as naturally as if they had known each other years, and led him towards the
stairway and the first floor, me trailing miserably and awkwardly behind.
* * *
The room we were to
share was octagon-shaped, in one of the towers overlooking the back of the
castle. This part was built of wood, in the Moorish pattern, Conn told me, and
the tall, leather-curtained windows looked out over the enclosed courtyard
behind, curiously bare of ornamentation except for tubs of bay and myrtle, and
with an open end enclosed by tall, pointed stakes of wood, with a gateway set
in, firmly latched and bolted. Around the two sides were pavilions, set some
ten feet from the ground, but there was no indication what it was used for: on
closer acquaintance it was far too small for jousting or tourney. As I stared
down at its emptiness, again I felt that desolation that I had experienced
below, though all seemed fair on the surface.
"Did you ever see
such a bed!" exulted Conn, and I turned back from the window to see him
stretched out full length on a massive couch set on a platform, hung around
with curtains and spread with clean linen and plump cushions and a great
coverlet of wolf-skins. "Here's luxury, then!"
"Just what you
wanted," I said. "Except it's wolf and not bear."
"One's as warm as
the other, and there's only one thing wanting to make it perfect," and he
winked at the ceiling, but did not elaborate. "Tell you what, Thingumajig:
I reckon we've cat-fallen on our feet here, and no mistake! My nose tells me
dinner's on the way, and did you see Milady? Have you ever seen anyone more
"No," I said
truthfully, for though our Mistress had been more lovely still in some of her
Shape-Changes, that had been magic and not painted prettiness like the Lady
Adiora. "Conn . . ."
"Did you notice
anything—odd—downstairs? I mean a sort of feeling, a strangeness in the air, a
sort of—well, unhappiness?"
"Not a thing,
Thingy, not a thing!" He leant up on his elbow. "Was that why you
came over all unnecessary?"
I nodded. "I
just—felt something. Queer. Nasty . . ."
He leant back again,
obviously bored with my imaginings. "Well, there's nothing nasty here, I
assure you. Just good living, a beautiful lady, and—"
"And" was a
servant, attired in the castle blue and yellow, scratching at the door with a
flagon of wine and a Roman glass, green and fragile. One glass.
Conn filled and raised
it. "Here's to adventure, Thingy: may all quests be as promising! Oh, look
here, the servant must not have been told you were with me . . . A sip from
mine: come now, no need to sulk!"
I wasn't sulking, far
from it, but I suppose it must have looked that way. Obediently I sipped from
the other side of the goblet: it was sweet and heady. I watched Conn help
himself to another glass.
"You haven't eaten
"No hurry, no
But by the time other
servants brought hot water and cloths and filled the tub in the corner, I had
practically to undress him. A lot of water went on the floor while he splashed
and sang, a mournful ditty of great emotion and little tune, and I had to help
him into the clean linen, hose and embroidered surcoat that the Lady Adiora had
thoughtfully provided, both to please her eye and put him more firmly in her
debt, I had no doubt.
He spoilt the whole
effect by falling asleep, fully clothed, on top of the bed, waking up crumpled
and cross when a great dinner-gong sounded below some half-hour later. I had
taken advantage of his unconsciousness to use the cooling water for a bath
myself, and felt immensely better and enormously hungry when he woke, and
trotted down to the hall quite happily at his heels, telling myself that my
earlier unease was merely engendered by fatigue, an empty stomach and an
overactive imagination.
This time there was
noise enough to drown any half-imagined sounds from beneath my feet and food
enough to ease the stomach-cramps—which strangely enough had re-occurred quite
sharply since we came to the castle—and entertainment to feast the eye as well.
Though I was seated well below the salt I had a good view of Conn and the Lady
Adiora. She had him on her right hand, Sir Egerton on her left, and I could see
they were all enjoying themselves. The food was excellent—there was even the
venison Conn had craved—and I stuffed myself on pig and truffles and roast duck
till I had no room left for the other dozen or so dishes. So I relaxed,
pleasantly full of rich food, and listened to the conversation on either side.
My companions were
inferior servants of the other gentlemen who attended the feast—there were no
ladies save our hostess—and, although they ignored me except for a nod of
courtesy and a look of disdain at my shabby wear, they chattered quite freely
amongst themselves, and once I had done pigging I listened more carefully. What
I heard disturbed me. There were six knights in attendance on the top table,
four of whom were staying at the castle, the other two neighbours. They were
all well attired, handsome, and of an age or younger than Conn, but once I
realized what their servants were saying I observed them more closely.
The conversation I
overheard went something like this:
Servant One: "Yours
doesn't look too chuffed . . ."
Servant Two: "Yours
neither." (Belch) "What do you expect? Stranger appears and knocks
their noses together!"
Servant One: "Yours
had had it anyway. Six weeks . . ."
Servant Two: "So
what? Yours took longer, but look at his eyes! Doubt if he'll carry those
saddle-bags round much longer."
Servant Three, from
across the table, picking at his teeth: "What gets me is how she does it!
Cool as the lake and twice as deep."
Servant Two: "Cool?
By'r Lady, she's no more cool than this stew! Randiest whore I ever
Servant Three:
"Anyway, this one's no better than his stamina, and by the looks of him
he's travelled hard already—"
Servant One:
"Nothing to the road he has to ride!"
The others sniggered,
then one of them glanced at me and winked his companions to silence, and after
that I turned to their masters with more awareness. I saw pinched faces under
the handsome exteriors: hollow eyes, nervous fingers crumbling unregarded
bread, sidelong glances; tongues licking lips, but not of gravy; a hand too
ready to stray to knife or dagger; damp palms, pallor, greed—and all directed
to where Conn sat, blissfully ignorant, picking at a capon with idle fingers,
his gaze always toward the sparkling Adiora, looking more beautiful than ever in
a midnight-blue dress sewn with silver thread, her hair unbound save for a
silver fillet round her brow. In spite of the look of bemused happiness on
Conn's face, and the sight of his moustache once more elevated in eagerness, I
felt uneasy: it seemed the lady's interest had antagonized just about everyone
except Sir Egerton, who was dozing happily.
All at once I wanted to
be back on the quest again together, in spite of my present ease and comfort; I
wanted the sweet horsey smell of Snowy's flank to snuggle up to; I wanted
Corby's caustic comments, Puddy's good sense, Moglet's soft fur, even Pisky's
endless reminiscences, tangled as a nest of grass snakes . . . I wanted Conn
back with us, dusty, irritable sometimes, gentle always—
Oh heavens! Hours ago I had
promised to go back and report to the others, and by now they must be starving!
Pretending I was still hungry I helped myself to a plate of the beef and oyster
stew, then slipped away from the table unnoticed and found my way back to the
stables. I expected the usual wails and moans about hunger and promises not
kept, but they were remarkably quiet. It appeared Puddy had caught a couple of
fat bluebottles and had shared shreds with Pisky, so it was only Moglet and
Corby for stew. I thought of telling them about Conn's infatuation, about the
strange sounds I thought I had heard, but decided it would be foolish:
everything would probably be different in the morning, and after all we should
be on our way again in a day or so. In the meanwhile, I was missing the
promised entertainment at the feast, so after ten restless moments I announced
I was going back inside.
Then in their eyes, all
five pairs of them, I saw the knowledge of my neglect and guilt lent an angry
and spiteful spark to my tongue.
"No reason why I
shouldn't go and enjoy myself once in a while! Everyone but me seems to have
fun, gets to eat at a table like the gentry, sometimes joins in pleasant
conversation, exchanges gossip, has a change of company every now and again!
Everyone but me, it seems, finds themselves among their own kind! And what have
I got? The promise of a smelly stable and a load of helpless animals!"
And, thoroughly frightened at my reaction, guilty at my outburst and lonely as
hell without either my friends or Conn, I went back to the feast, to be faced
by a thoroughly distasteful entertainment I would have done well to miss.
This consisted of
"performances," if you could call them that, by dwarves, manikins,
cripples and deformed animals. I found it very easy to imagine myself and the
others in their place, and it seemed worse when I saw Conn, his flushed face
and sparkling eyes telling only too well their story of too much food and wine,
applaud and laugh as heartily as the rest at some poor creature with but one
eye in the centre of its forehead and no arms, doing a wretchedly inept
tumbling act which ended with it falling into the hearth and setting up a
bewildered howl as its hair caught fire. I felt even sicker when they put an
emaciated dog with only three legs into a sack with a giant rat: I did not wait
for the outcome but ran out to the coolness of the courtyard and was sick on
their nice, clean cobbles.
After that I was too
ashamed to return either to the others or the feast, so crept away to the
shadows of a side-stair and up to our chamber, and there lay down by the fire
and sniffled myself to sleep.
* * *
I must have slept
heavily, for when I awoke the bed in the shadows was already occupied. Still
feeling slightly sick and with a nasty taste in my mouth, I blinked sleepily at
the fire, which someone had replenished for it was now leaping and dancing like
those wretched creatures downstairs, throwing shadows crooked enough to give
one the frights. And it was not only the flames that made the shadows caper on
the wall, for somehow there was a different shadow-play from the bed. The
firelight shone ruddily on Conn's red hair, his eyes, shining bright, and over
his thin, white body. But not only Conn: the Lady Adiora hung over him, and her
hands and legs and teeth were busy on him, holding, twisting, biting,
clutching, pulling, tearing until I heard him groan as if in pain and jumped to
my feet despite my thumping head and scuttled over to the bedside.
"Stop it!" I
cried shrilly to the lady, who was clad only in her golden hair. "You're
hurting him!" And I drew my dagger, prepared to drive her away by force,
for he now lay gasping as in a fever, with her sitting across his loins and
raking his chest with her pointed fingernails till the blood darkened his skin
like sloe-juice on a pigeon's breast. But he only gazed at me with unseeing
eyes and groaned the more and she leant across and struck me on the cheek.
"Don't you dare
interfere, you dirty little hunchie! You're—you're no better than those others
in the dungeons: you should never have been allowed inside! Now, get out! Out,
I say, or it will be the worse for you!" And she spat at me so hard that
the gobbet stuck to my mask and I had to wipe it away with the back of my hand.
Slowly I sheathed my
dagger and looked again at Conn, whose eyes and hands were on the lady's
"Er . . . it
doesn't understand, my beautiful." He turned for a moment to give me an
apologetic smile. "Do as she says, there's a good, er . . .
"And don't come
back!" she hissed.
"But—but she's
hurting you!" I faltered, but at that they both gave such a snigger that I
started back, and then suddenly knew what they were doing.
I understood all at once
about our Mistress and her Shape-Changes and the sticky head of Broom; about
the swineherd who had threatened me with that great thing sticking out in
front; all about what it meant to be a female; most of all what the parts of
Conn's body were for, and hers—and mine, and it was as if someone had flung me
naked from the warm into a bank of snow, so that I gasped with shock and
disbelief and ran to the curtained doorway and fought my way through the thick
folds and stumbled tear-blinded down the steep stairs, my shadow running
hunched before me from the flaming cressets in the wall, until I fell down the
last few steps to lie, stunned, on the patterned marble mosaic of the empty
It was the cold that
brought me to: I suppose I must have lain there no more than a few minutes, yet
in that time it seemed everything had changed. The oil lamps still guttered in
their chains, the dampened fire still stuttered and lisped in the fireplace,
but the air was filled with an echo like a great gong and the mosaic beneath me
sweated with fear. I managed to raise myself to my hands and knees, and from
where I crouched I could see the glazed eye of the great stag, running away
from me, hear the beat of his terrified heart, the thud of his hooves, the
harsh rasp of his breathing and wiped a fleck of bloodstained foam from my
hand. And then I was running with him, crashing heedless through the
undergrowth, careless of stinging bramble and whipping branch, and the ground
sprang away from beneath my feet and the knot of fear in my stomach grew into a
physical pain that made me cry out, but still the pursuers came on and at last
I turned to face them and an arrow hissed through the singing air and thudded
into my breast and I was bleeding, dying, dead—
"Come back, come
away, dear one!" All at once I heard my friends calling me, and with a
great effort I dragged myself back to reality, staggered to my feet and hunched
my way to the great oaken doors that led to the courtyard, struggled with bolts
and latches strangely heavy and stiff, flung myself through the gap that
offered and stumbled down the shallow steps and across the cobbled yard to the
safety of the stable, where Snowy took my arms around his neck, Moglet caressed
my ankles, Corby brushed his sound wing across my face, Puddy hummed gently and
Pisky sang me a bubbly song.
"I'm sorry, so
sorry!" I sobbed. "And so afraid!"
"We know,"
whispered Snowy, "but you are safe now . . ." and he let me cry out
my tears and remorse and wipe my eyes on his silky mane. When I was comforted
enough they asked me what had happened, and first I told them about Conn and
the lady and then of the fear and sorrow that I had experienced in the hall.
They listened
attentively, but it was Corby who summed up our problem, in his own inimitable
"So he's
temporarily not one of us," he said slowly. "And there's something
nasty under the floorboards . . ."
The Binding: Unicorn
The Terror under the Floor
After a good night's
sleep we went over it all again, and I had to endure once more my memories of
Conn and the lady, but my friends instinctively made it easy for me, and once
again it was Corby's good sense that made it bearable.
"Time you grew up
anyway, Thing dear, and my guess is that it was only a thing of the flesh and
nothing to worry about in the long run. Sometimes with humans, I understand, it
is a bit like eating: wasn't it the Rusty Knight himself that said he was tired
of plain fare and craved venison? Fair enough, but a diet of venison day and
night will make you liverish, and before long you're back to bread and cheese
and ale, the stuff that keeps you going most of your life.
"So, let it be:
he'll return to plain fare soon enough . . ."
After I was reconciled
to all this—superficially at least—there was still the wonderment of realizing
where men and women fitted into each other like mortice and tenon, their bodies
tongued and grooved and dovetailed like fair furniture. But I had not thought
that this coupling could be a thing of such violence, of cries and tearings, of
hurt and passion. Still, it was interesting, just the same, and I thought about
it at intervals for quite some time. The only sure thing in all this cogitating
was that a body such as mine, all humps and crookedness, would need a very fine
carpenter indeed to marry the parts to another.
Of the strange noises in
the hall, the feelings of terror and despair, Snowy at least was positive
something should be done. The trouble was, we did not know whether there was
anything actually underneath the floor, as I suspected, though when I went back
later and stamped, quietly, I reported back that there seemed to be an echo of
sorts beneath my feet.
"Sounds like a
cellar," said Puddy. "Or a dungeon."
Something tickled at the
back of my mind: hadn't the Lady Adiora said something about a dungeon? But my
thoughts were going back farther than that.
"The castle seems
to have been built on the foundations of a large Roman villa," I said
slowly. "And if I remember—if I recall—someone must have told me that
those old villas had great storerooms underneath, and lots of pipes and
channels for a hot-water warming system; sometimes these cellars extended even
beyond the foundations of the house itself if there wasn't a ready supply of
water adjacent—"
"The lake!"
said Corby. "But they don't use it now: go a half-mile for fresh water
from a river through on the other side of the woods. Heard one of the nags
grumbling 'bout doing the journey three times a day or more when there's
"Water in that lake
looks dead," said Puddy. "Can't have been alive for years."
"We must take a
look," said Snowy. "All that you have said, Thing, makes me believe
that there is something gravely amiss here. A larger amount of fodder than is
necessary for the beasts here is collected daily, and some of it carried outside
the castle walls. As far as I remember there are no outer stables, nor any
cattle grazing . . . I think, friends, it is time we took some exercise."
So it was that I rode
out of the stable, Moglet and Puddy inside my jacket, Pisky's bowl slung round
my waist and Corby wobbling on my shoulder, to ask the soldiers on duty that
the main gate be opened.
We were greeted by a
shout of laughter. "Call that thing a horse?" guffawed one of the
gate-guards. "And as for that tatty bird . . . Any more in the travelling
I frowned most
dreadfully, and I could hear Corby grinding his beak, but Snowy behaved just
like the clown they believed him: stumbled a little, flicked his ears back and
forth, swished his tail and gave me some good advice in the midst of all this
as well.
"Go easy, Thing
dear: every human likes to laugh, and the more they despise us the more ready
they will be to disregard us as a threat to whatever they are hiding. Play as
silly as me, there's a good girl. And, wise crow, fall off your perch and try
and look ridiculous, if you can . . ."
So we found ourselves
outside the gate, with a good deal of chaffing on the guard's part, and a
secret rage in my breast. I turned Snowy's head eagerly towards the side of the
castle nearest the lake, but quite unexpectedly he stopped suddenly and lowered
his head and I slid gracefully down his neck to land on the turf in a heap. I
got to my feet, spilling cats and toads and fish all over the place.
"What on earth did
you do that for?" I demanded furiously, but even as I asked I heard the
sound of laughter carried from the gateway, and turned to see them all still
watching us.
"That was the
reason," said Snowy. "So, today we shall not go near the lake, but
shall rather ride innocently through the forest for a while. Get up again,
Thing: I promise none of this will be wasted."
So that day we rode the
perimeter of the castle, but some hundred yards hidden in the forest. We found
neither bird nor beast to disturb its stillness, but we did find another exit.
We had originally approached the castle from the east, joining the woodland
ride that approached it from the south; but running near north there was
another ride that ended on a knoll looking over a swift-running river, which
was obviously where the household water was collected each day. Beyond this was
a wooden bridge, a small village on the other bank, and thick forest. We
followed the ride back towards the castle, and found that we emerged some
quarter mile from the strange enclosed space at the back of the building, and
even as we watched from the shelter of the trees we could see that the
pavilions inside were being enlarged and painted, and at one time someone
opened the bolted wooden gates and we could see the gravel within being
meticulously raked into formal patterns and the tubs of shrubs being moved to
the sides.
Snowy sighed, and I
could feel him shiver beneath me. "I think we are almost too late:
tomorrow and the day after it will rain, and then I think they will leave it
till the full moon . . . We have five days. Tomorrow we shall have to risk
going by the lake. It is too soon, I fear, but it is a risk we shall have to
take if we are to free them."
"Them?" I
echoed, but he only shook his head, and carried us swiftly back through the
rest of the semicircle of forest.
The next morning we were
out again, but this time attracted far less attention from the guards, as Snowy
had predicted. Again as he had promised the sky was overcast and a little
warning wind rattled the flags on their poles, then died away.
I had attended supper
again the previous night in the great hall, and had had to face once again the
sight of Conn, utterly besotted, eyes only for the Lady Adiora. Upstairs there
had been castle servants who shouldered me out of the way when the
bathing-water was produced, and there were others to air his new clothes—russet
and green, fine wool and silk—and make up the bed, so I was largely redundant
as far as I could see. We had only exchanged a couple of words, when he had
fallen over me in his hurry to bathe and change and then, as I had apologized
for being in the way, he had looked at me with an air of puzzlement as if he
did not recognize me, and had merely asked, after a moment, if my room were
comfortable. I had said yes, of course I had, for it was obvious that he had
forgotten about the rest of us, or at least put us to the back of his mind for
the time being. So I had not reminded him I had been banished to the stables,
had not told him our fear of what the dungeons held, and most of all had not
let him know how I hated the Lady Adiora for stealing him away and despised him
for letting her. In all this, of course, I was forgetting Corby's wise words,
but solecisms and banalities, however true they may be to the objective eye,
are no use at all to one who is subjectively green with jealousy all over like
an unripe apple, even if that one has absolutely no right to be . . .
So, as I said, we went
out that next morning to spy out the land on the lakeward side of the castle. I
dismounted on the other side of a clump of sear and withered reeds and tipped
Puddy and Pisky into the waters to see what life there was, if any, and Moglet
was detailed to work her way around the edge, keeping as far as possible out of
sight. Corby was set as lookout and Snowy was to crop aimlessly towards the
castle and an interesting-looking dark, gullied gateway set in the castle wall.
I was the distraction: if I thought anyone was watching I behaved like the
village idiot, capering around and turning somersaults and picking daisies for
a chain.
We agreed a sun-time,
which I reckoned would be near enough an hour, and it must have been near
midday when we met again, casually enough, behind the clump of reeds. Pisky and
Puddy were last at the rendezvous and I had to haul them both out of the water,
gasping and distressed, all too ready to blurt out their joint discoveries.
"It's all dark and
lifeless and choking and black with slime and mud and there are no fish—"
"Water's stagnant,
been like that a long time. Once connected to the castle. Long pipe, blocked up
with mud. Tried to get down it but failed."
"Pipe is all choked
up with clay and dead bones and gravel—"
"Could be cleared.
Water level is above pipe-mouth."
"—and nasty,
smelly, stinking water. A hand beneath the water and you can't see a fin in
front of you. No water-bugs, no snails, no red bottom-worms even, no nothing .
. ."
"There's something
like a sluice gate above that pipe," said Moglet unexpectedly. "I've
seen something like that before: the wood is sound, but it looks as though it
hasn't been used for many years, and would need a good greasing before it would
shift. The rest of the lakeside is barren, and there is very little
"The Romans' water
system worked something like that," I said, still wondering how I knew.
"Water from an outside source ran through pipes that were heated in
cavities under the house. A—a hypocaust . . ."
"Well," said
Snowy. "I've been cropping grass till I'm swollen-bellied, but I still
can't see a way into the dungeons, or whatever they are, to find what I know is
there. There is nothing but that barred gate to see."
"That pipe runs
right beneath the grass and through that gate," said Corby. "The
grass is a different colour. Dug years ago, but you can always tell."
"But the water
can't get through," I objected. "Moglet and Puddy and Pisky said so.
It can't have anything to do with floods or things drowning—"
strangers!" hissed Corby, and we all ducked down behind the reeds except
Snowy, who was too big.
From the front of the
castle came half-a-dozen or so stable-hands carrying sacks and fodder and as we
watched they moved, bowed with the weights, to the dark gateway in the wall.
One man took out a large key and unlocked it and they passed inside—and out
from that unlocked gate flowed such a miasma of fear and despair that it
crawled as palpable as a fog to where we lay hidden, and such overwhelming
sorrow struck my heart that I beat my hands against invisible bars and sobbed
out my prisonment.
"Shut up,
Thing!" warned Corby. "They're coming out again."
And as we watched the
stable-servants emerged with baskets of ordure and cast them into the cesspit
beyond the lake and rapidly infilled with fresh earth, but as they did so
Moglet and Snowy sniffed the wind.
"Deer, boar . .
"Hare, coney?"
"Bear? Wild pony,
"We must get in
there somehow," said Snowy urgently. "My nose tells me that there are
dozens of animals in there, and we still don't know why!"
The idea seemed
ridiculous to me. Why keep animals imprisoned underground? If one wanted meat
one either grazed cattle or hunted, that was part of life. Why keep them fed
and watered underground, when it was so much cheaper to let them roam free?
Deer and boar were plentiful, at least outside this forest, and so were the smaller
game. Everywhere else but here: was that the answer? Was that why they stored
them? But what of the absence of any kind of life: no birds, no hedgepigs, no
mice, no rats? And the overwhelming fear that overlaid all? But why, why? There
must be a simple explanation . . . A feast and a fair, that was it! They had
some deer, boar and hare for the feast, ready for easy slaughter when the time
was ripe. And the others were for the usual tainted entertainment this place
seemed to afford. The smell of badger that Moglet had detected in the droppings
must mean that one comer of that enclosed space they had been tidying and
gravelling yesterday would be reserved for baiting, and the bear must be a tame
one, trained for dancing. The wild ponies? Those I supposed would be for the
lady's horsebreakers to show off their arts. If the general standards of
entertainment in this place were anything to go by, this was an improvement:
better than the stupid torturing pleasure they usually seemed to take with
strange, twisted things like me . . .
"No," said
Snowy, who had obviously been reading my thoughts. "No, there are too
many, dear child, and their fear has infected all the land around. It is more
than mere sport or entertainment."
"Then what?"
"I am not sure. Not
yet . . . But one of us must get in there to find out."
It started to rain,
quite heavily. One of the men carrying over more hay looked up and saw us.
"Hey you:
Crookback! Yes, you . . . Bring that nag of yours over here and make him
useful, otherwise we'll all get soaked."
I would have refused,
but Snowy spoke urgently. "This is just the chance we have been waiting
for! Take me over . . ."
"You're not a beast
of burden at the beck of anyone!"
"Don't argue, for
once. Just do as I say."
So I left the others
sheltering as best they could and led Snowy over. "You want to borrow the
pony?" I asked, sounding, and looking too, I suppose, like a halfwit.
The stable-hand grabbed
Snowy's bridle and thwacked his rump. "C'mon, you bag-of-bones!"
I watched him load up,
noted Snowy's meek head hanging down, saw him led down a slight incline to the
mouth of a tunnel that revealed itself now I was nearer to the barred gate,
then made my way back to the others.
Puddy and Pisky were
fine, revelling in the warm summer rain, which was coming down faster now, but
Moglet made a wild leap at me, burrowing under my jacket and proceeding to soak
us both, and Corby, nothing loath, tried to huddle under my cloak. We made our
way back to the castle, more or less together, and I stowed away the others,
for I could not know how long Snowy would be. Then, as luck would have it, I
ran straight into Conn and the Lady Adiora.
We had obviously missed
their riding out, for they were now returning wet with rain, Conn mounted on a
beautiful strawberry-roan Apparisoned with red velvet, both now dark with rain.
I rushed over to clutch at his bridle but he looked down at me as though I were
a stranger, all the while listening to the lady's prattle.
" . . . but because
of the weather we had better postpone it. My weathermen say it should clear up
by New Moon, so probably four days hence. You will have to practise your
archery, meanwhile—What is that dirty creature doing?" In a different
voice. I was frantically pulling at Conn's bridle to try to gain his attention.
"Send it away! That part of your life is gone, my love, but if you still
have a fondness for the creature I will find it work in the kitchens . .
Conn pulled away from
me. "Not now, not now," he said. "Later, Thingy, later . .
I spat on the ground as
they passed, but the angry tears were not far from my eyes, and when I went
into the castle that night I was denied the table and pushed towards the
kitchens, where a greasy scullion grabbed me and made me turn one of the spits
while he dipped his fingers in the gravy and lay back at his ease, and every
time I tried to escape he pulled me back by my ear, cackling with laughter at
my discomfort.
I was worried, for Snowy
had not returned by the time I went over to the castle, and each minute dragged
interminably. When I finally escaped the rain had stopped and the summer stars
were shining faintly, and low clouds obscured the moon. I had only had beans
and bread for supper and water to wash them down, but managed to salvage a
beef-rib bone from under the nose of a great hound and, dusted down, it would
be more than adequate for Corby and Moglet. I hoped Puddy had managed to find
one of his unmentionables during the day, and Pisky could have a sliver of the
But when I reached the
stable all this planning was forgotten, for there was Snowy, head drooping,
flanks heaving, trembling as though in an icy blast. The bone went flying as I
rushed forward, and I will give the others their due, that bone was not touched
until we had heard Snowy's story.
At first I thought his
distress was due to ill-treatment and abuse, and I ran my hands over his hide,
his joints and tendons, looked to see he had water and fodder, but all was as
it should be. And then, though he had volunteered nothing, I realized that the
aura of near-palpable suffering that emanated from him was an exhaustion of the
spirit that has had to suffer mental ill-treatment as real as if it had been
beaten or starved, and I put my arms around his neck and leant my head against
his jaw.
"Tell me—tell us—dear
one, what has happened, what you saw that was so dreadful . . ." And as he
told us it was as if we were there and could see through his eyes, hear through
his ears, smell it and taste it and feel it.
As he had approached the
open gate in the wall a great stench of animal came from it, and out of the
dark, yawning mouth of the tunnel a belch of fear, raw and undigested, that had
made him stop in his tracks, and the men had used a whip to urge him on,
jesting that he could smell the wolves and was afraid he would be turned into
their dinner.
And wolves there were,
penned next to the great dusty bear and her yearling cub: three grey, slinking
animals, eyes slitted sharp as their teeth. And next to the wolves two large
badgers, almost as big as the half-dozen wild boar, both these pig-like animals
full still of rage and lust for killing, wasting their strength on futile
rushes against the bars as the men approached, the badgers' claws rattling
impotently against the metal, the boars' tusks ringing as they clashed with
their prison. And opposite these fierce creatures were the grass-eaters, the
proud stag with his three terrified hinds, the wild ponies, mountain goats,
hares, coneys—and their keepers rattled the bars and taunted them as they threw
them their food, gave them their water, telling them how their days, hours,
minutes were numbered.
"Four days from
tomorrow you've got, my fine creatures, and then you'll be so much skin for the
buzzards! Midsummer Night will be perpetual night for you all! And not from
each other, oh no! 'Twill be the fine lords and ladies as will lead the
massacre, and them getting points each for the ones they kill. Not so many for
the bears, 'cos they're a bigger target, though more difficult to finish off,
but big points for the hares, 'cos they're smaller and move faster. Roast
venison all round from you, my fine fellow and your dames; only ones we can't
eat are the pesky wolves and rancid badgers, but they'll do for bait for the
next lot of meat-eaters. Ah yes, roll on the Midsummer-Night massacre!"
And so, Snowy told us,
big-eyed with wonder and horror, he had had to calm all those beasts, tell them
what they needed and hoped for.
"And what was
that?" I asked, knowing what the answer would be even as I asked the
"Why, that we would
rescue them all, of course," he said.
The Binding: Unicorn
Midsummer Madness
And, looking at the
faith shining from those strange brown-grey-green eyes I almost believed we
could, even as I asked the hopeless: "But—how?"
So he told us.
In essence the plan was
to open the exit gates beyond the slaughter-yard and guide the animals away
from the castle to the ride leading through the woods to the bridge across the
river that marked the boundary between this petty tenure and another. The plan
entailed opening well oiled gates, the control of panic among the animals and
slowest ones to go first, and also a distraction at the castle end to divert
those attending the Madness. Snowy promised to organize the animals and keep
them from panic, if the rest of us could ensure the opening of the gates and
the distraction.
"There," he
said. "How about it?"
We all agreed
enthusiastically, caught in the euphoria of the moment, but it was the
common-sensical Puddy who brought us back to reality.
"A good idea,"
he said, with his sometimes maddening slowness, "but what would distract
the lords and ladies enough not to send their servants chasing the beasts? And
how would we escape afterwards? And what of the Rusty Knight? Remember, The
Ancient insisted that we had all to keep together, and this is only the first
of our trials. By all accounts he has eschewed his loyalties already."
Conn! Oh, dear Gods, I
had forgotten him already!
No, I had not forgotten,
that was not the right way to think of it. He was in my thoughts day and night,
and I was made both fiercely jealous and desperately miserable by his defection
to the beautiful Adiora, but he had assumed the proportion of a dream, not to
be confused with the day-to-day realities of eating and drinking, sleep,
discoveries, plans for the escape of the animals. I cursed myself for my
forgetfulness of his place in the general scheme of things as I gazed blankly
at the others.
"Thing-dear will
think of something," said Snowy comfortably, and such was the assurance in
his voice that at that moment I truly believed I would, and put the problem
temporarily from my mind.
But there was still the
question of a distraction, and it was Corby who suggested fire. "Top half
of this place is all wood, and would make a merry blaze . . ." and so I
volunteered the next day to scout around on the upper floors and try to find a
convenient corner to set combustible material. For the escape afterwards Snowy
promised that we would not be left behind. Pisky asked why the animals couldn't
be let out now, please, but Snowy confirmed that there were guards on duty day
and night around the castle, and escape before massacre-day would be
We settled down for the
night, curiosity allayed by Snowy's story and a definite plan of action to
follow, but perhaps because of this the stimulation of thought made us
restless, bog-eyed sleepers when at last dawn broke on another grey, dripping
The stable-servants
"borrowed" Snowy again, and I asked him specifically to look out for
and question the prisoned animals as to the whereabouts of a particular item I
thought might be in the dungeons; Conn and the lady went out riding again,
accompanied only by two discreet grooms, and I shut my mind to reclaiming him
for the time being. By dint of dodging servants on occasion and behaving as if I
belonged on others, I managed to gain access to the upper floors of the castle.
The first floor consisted of bedchamber after bedchamber, a magnificent solar
and a small library, but the next floor with its jutting towers was more
hopeful. Those rooms facing to the front of the castle were all occupied, but
of the others overlooking the back Conn was in one and the last was full of
empty chests, discarded pallets, hangings in need of repair and tattered
tapestries: these were all dry, and would give off a good smoulder-smoke if
All this reconnoitring
took time, and I still had not had a chance to speak to Conn alone by the time
the rest of us gathered in the stable after supper. I had managed a bowl of
scraps for the others, having been relegated to the kitchens again, and also a
useful pocketful of fat strips, ideal for starting a fire. I had also checked
the gates out of the slaughter-yard: these had been opened again today, and
while I noted the ease with which the bolts slid back, I also saw that it took
two men to swing them open, largely because the ground sloped slightly upwards
at this point. A careful removal of accumulated stones and debris was all that
was needed, and I saw how I could play an idiot and build mudpies at this
point, and also lay out a couple of arrow-pointers the way the animals were to
Snowy was able to
confirm what I had suspected, that a pipe, now blocked with debris, led into
the upper part of the dungeon and thence into a disused cistern, cracked and
"That must be the
pipe that leads to the lake," I said eagerly. "Which animal is
"Luckily for us it
is the badgers; their cage holds both pipe and cistern. I have asked them to
clear away what rubble they can and pile it under the pipe. Some of the smaller
coneys are going to squeeze through their bars to help. Now it's up to you lot
at the lake end. Have you spied out the escape route?"
"Tomorrow," I
* * *
The next day was the
penultimate one before the intended killings, and there was a lot to do. The
most important thing, of course, was to investigate the escape route, but my
idea about the underground pipe, which had started merely as a secondary
diversion, now assumed greater importance in my mind, for if it succeeded it
would mean no more "games" like these could be played at the castle
ever again: fire from above, water from below . . .
But I was thinking ahead
too fast: back to the first priority. That morning I begged a ride on one of
the water-carts, Corby paying for our passage by playing counting tricks with
stones, to my dictation: Pisky, Puddy and Moglet I kept hidden under my cloak.
As soon as the cart stopped at the river and they started to fill the
water-skins I excused myself, saying I would walk back. There was a wooden
bridge across the river and I strolled across, to be accosted by a sleepy
bridge-keeper on the other side, who demanded a copper coin before I could
proceed to the village, five huts and a tavern.
"Lord Ric's
demesne," yawned the bridge-keeper. "Naught to look at for miles.
Forest clear through for five leagues at least, then the Hall. Looks of you,
you wouldn't want to try it without a mount."
"Where does the
river come from?" I ventured.
"Gawd knows!
Somewheres to the west. Now, you coming or going?"
"Going," I
said, and went.
So far, so good. A
bridge guarded by one man, a forest north for miles, a river flowing east/west:
the animals had a good chance if they got this far; it was to be hoped that
there were meadows or clearings for the coneys and hares farther up the
Now for the sluice in
the lake. Luckily I got a lift back with a later water-cart because the pebble
in my stomach was pulling again—no, not a pebble, the dragon's ruby: I kept
forgetting. It was midday when we reached the scummy waterside, and I asked
Pisky to swim down as far as he could to determine the construction of the
sluice, and Puddy to hop down the pipe to see how far in it was blocked; I set
Corby to find likely pieces of wood in case we had to lever up the sluice, and
sat back on the bank for five minutes' rest, Moglet on my lap.
After a moment or two
she became restless. "Why can't I do something?" she demanded.
"Everyone else is being important . . ."
"I was just coming
to that," I said carefully. "I couldn't manage without you, Moglet
dear. We need a sentinel, a watcher, and I can't be in two places at
once." I was improvising rapidly, my thoughts in careful man-speech so she
wouldn't understand. "You were just what I had in mind; would you go
behind that clump of dried grasses, keep an eye on the comings and goings at
the castle, and watch the tunnel-gate as well?"
Pisky reported back,
choking, that the nether end of the sluice was deep in mud, but that the
mechanism seemed simple enough; the only bar to raising it seemed to be a block
of iron placed crossways across the wheel that had to be turned north/south to
engage a number of teeth that governed the height. Puddy said that, as far as
he could judge, the tunnel, apart from silt, was clear up to within a foot of
the walls of the castle: the echo of his splashes changed in quality with the
weight of the walls above him. We called it a day after I had leant over as far
as I dared to try turning the wheel, and had fallen in. The wheel needed
greasing and I needed a bath.
That night I told an
exhausted Snowy what we had found out. He nodded.
"The badgers have
worked hard all day, and they say there is only a foot or so more of debris to
move; they reckon they are right under the castle walls now. But the last bit
will be the hardest: there are rocks and hard-packed earth in there."
"How deep is the
water in the pipe?" I asked Puddy.
"Inches only. The
silt piled up at the lakeward end is what holds the water back. Once the pipe
is clear it will run straight down to the dungeon, provided the digging beasts
get it clear. Pressure of water will take all before it—the last six inches,
I instructed Snowy to
have the badgers excavate through as far as they dared, leaving an airway of
about three inches at the top; the pipe's diameter was at least two feet, but
we didn't want anyone excavating so far that they leaked the plot. On the other
hand, if I could wind up the sluicegate just a little, at least we would know
if our plan might work.
"Is it level, or
does it slope down towards the castle—the pipe, I mean?" I asked Puddy.
"Slopes down. Only
gradually. Exit is some foot or two lower than the lake end."
"Bother!" I
said, thinking rapidly. "That means someone will have to come back for us,
Snowy dear, after you have led the others out. Can you find someone else to
lead them down to the river?"
"I am the only one
who speaks all their languages. Perhaps I could send back a couple of the
ponies . . ." he hesitated. "Is all this necessary, my dear?"
"Yes," I said.
"Very necessary. The majority of the animals may well escape this time,
but what about the next ones? And the next? We want to make certain, don't we,
that it never happens again, and if we flood the dungeons it will take them a
long time—a very long time—to dredge it out again. Perhaps never, as the
lake is on a higher level than the castle. Then maybe they will give up this
sort of thing forever. I hope so . . . Send us back whatever help you can, for
there will be all five of us—"
"And what about the
Rusty Knight?" asked Snowy.
* * *
What indeed about the
Rusty Knight? About Conn, the redhaired wanderer who had captured my heart . .
. I had not seen him, except fleetingly, since the night we arrived. And when I
had tried to speak to him it would seem he had forgotten all about us, for his
eyes were only for the Lady Adiora in all her seductive beauty. For a moment or
two I felt sorry for myself, lying sleepless on the straw in the stable, while
he—while he luxuriated in silks and linen, but then the straw pricked at my
spine and with that discomfort came the realization that I hadn't done much,
hadn't done anything in fact, to wrest him from his diversion. I had crept away
like a whipped slave on the lady's bidding and had sobbed from the hurt his
carelessness of me had engendered, but had I gone back upstairs and tried to
win him back to us next morning? No. Had I fought for what I wanted, even
though it might be impossible? No. Had I reasoned with him, bribed him,
suborned him, warned him? No. Had I reminded him of the quest we were bound
upon, of The Ancient's words, of the dragon? No. Had I rebelled, fought,
poisoned, stabbed? No . . .
In fact I was a coward,
that was the truth, as soft as Moglet who now lay across my chest, sides gently
heaving, needing the reassurance of my body for her tentative purr. But then
Moglet had me, and I had—? Them, of course, Snowy, Corby, Puddy, Pisky and my
little cat. We were interdependent. Independent, too, by very virtue of our
differences. But Conn? He and I should have been closer, for we were humans;
but then he was a man, and men were different, it seemed. They had all sorts of
privileges and greeds and lusts of their own, which they were allowed to
indulge quite freely, it seemed, but didn't they too have such fundamental
qualities as loyalty, for instance? Couldn't he, even for the short time the
quest might take, leave his pleasures for another time?
I realized, of course,
that he did not see the Lady Adiora quite as we did. To him she was a lovely
body, a luxury, a dream to be indulged. To us she was a shallow, heartless
queen who exploited the fears and vulnerabilities of helpless animals for her
own pleasures and satiation, much as she was using Conn—
I sat up suddenly,
disturbing a protesting Moglet. Of course! Just as she had to have this
midsummer madness of a massacre to satiate her lust for cruelty, so also did
she have to have this succession of men to satisfy her other lusts; not only
Conn, but also those other knights with pale faces and jealous eyes who had
stared at him on that first night. And Conn would become a cast-off, just like
the rest of them, so soon as a fresh male appeared! Now I understood the
mutterings of the servants, the angry looks of the desiccated knights. She was
the spider, they the flies, to be seduced and devoured, sucked dry and
discarded as and when she pleased.
And poor Conn believed
she was the love of his life, true and tender and everlasting! But how could I
possibly disillusion him, show him he was only one of many? And how, most
important of all, persuade him to leave her the day after tomorrow? How make
him understand what she was, his impermanence in her life? Make him realize
about the massacre, her part in it? I didn't know, I just didn't know. And
there was so little time . . .
* * *
There was less time than
I had bargained for. That next morning there was more hustle and bustle than
usual and I caught at a servant's sleeve.
"What goes
"Her Ladyship's
weathermen have been at it again, that's what! They say all's changing, and
that if we leave the entertainment till tomorrow 'twill be wet. So, 'tis
tonight, an hour after sundown, and there's lights and tapers and rushes to
set—don't bother me, I've enough to do!"
I rushed back to Snowy.
"It's today, tonight, at twilight! We'll never be ready!"
"The animals must
be told," worried Snowy. "And if it is to be tonight they won't
bother feeding them. I wondered why I had not been sent for . . ."
"But you must get
in there, they won't know what to expect! If we ever manage it . . . There's
Corby to stake out, the sluice to make operable, and—oh Gods! Conn . . ."
And I ran my fingers through my tangled hair in desperation.
panicking," said Snowy gently. "All will be done. Just tell me when
you expect everything to be ready . . ."
Hastily revising
practically everything I set approximate times, my mind racing ahead with gates
to clear, dried rushes and fat to add to fuel, Conn . . . oh dear! And the
problem of everyone being prepared to escape.
"Just be ready at
the end of the lake nearest where all will be moving," said Snowy.
"Someone will pick you up. It may not be me, but you will be rescued, I
promise. Now, your only real problem is to persuade the Rusty One to
"But you—how will
you get in to tell the other animals?"
"That is the
easiest part! Go over now and tell the head-groom—that sharp-faced fellow in
the striped yellow breeches—that your master has donated me to the
entertainment. Go on: do as I say!"
"But—but that means
. . ."
"That I shall be
there to lead them to freedom, yes. Go, child: do as you are told. It's our
only chance."
I wanted to say no, no!
We can escape, we can leave the other animals to their fate, we seven can get
away, but knew it would be no use, knew that our unicorn would never agree. To
him those lost, frightened animals down there in the dark were just as
important as we were and that was right, I knew, but the miserable cowardly bit
of me would not admit it. I knew that those prisoners were just as important to
the world as the king in his castle, the knights in their armour, the maidens
in their towers, and I wished there was something, someone, who would look
kindly on our enterprise just for the sake of all the lost and frightened and
persecuted ones who could not help themselves. Conn prayed regularly: perhaps I
should too. I shut my eyes and tried to think of a force, a power, a stream of
goodness, pity, love.
"Please, please
help us!" I prayed. "Help us to free those animals, help us to ensure
it doesn't happen again. Help me to help poor Conn, help me to take care of
them all; keep us together and safe . . ."
I should have liked to
record that I felt an enormous force sweep through me in answer, making me feel
ten feet tall, full of courage and capable of dealing with anything, but I
regret to say that all I felt was Moglet's claws in my right ankle.
* * *
After that I was too
busy to think of anything, except the searing compunction I felt as they led
Snowy away.
They had laughed at my
offer at first. "What, that decrepit old bag o' bones?" they had
jeered. "Don't you know we don't take jades? Down there we have the pick
of the fields and forests—what, an old hack like that?" Then: "But perhaps,
being white and so slow an' all, he'd be an easier target for some of the
less-practised ladies . . . All right, then, we'll take him."
And then, before I had
time to think how desperately easily all this could go wrong, it was off to the
kitchens to steal oil, tallow and fat-scraps, and racing upstairs to secrete it
behind the other materials for Corby's fire. And back down again for some dried
rushes . . . Then over to the lake. The waters had risen with the rain of the
last couple of days and I had to grope for the lever that worked the sluice: it
would still not budge further, but I had brought some tallow to grease it
later. Then over to the wooden gates, and a frantic clearing of any dirt and
stones that might impede their easy opening: no one took much notice. They were
too busy with last-minute raking of the gravel, the fixing of tallow-dips, the
hanging of silks and flags to the pavilions. Then I left the others in the
stable while I attempted the task I had secretly been putting off till the last
moment, the most difficult one of all . . .
Halfway up the steep,
twisting stairs to Conn's room I hesitated. It was well into the morning:
suppose he was due to go riding with Lady Adiora? Suppose he was with her now?
Or perhaps with the other knights and newly arrived guests in the solar?
Perhaps with Sir Egerton in the library? I realized I was trying to put more
obstacles in my own way, and that maybe I could put it off till later: it was
no use, procrastination would just make it worse. I should have to search until
I found him and hope it would not be too long.
But I need not have
worried. Pushing aside the curtain to his room, still not sure what to say, how
to persuade him to leave with us, I found him stretched out on the bed, still
apparently in the blue-and-silver garb he had worn to last night's banquet and
certainly with the day before's stubble on his chin, and a stale, perfumed air
about him. He lay flat on his back, his arms folded on his breast, his toes
pointed down for all the world like a knight laid out for his burying. If it
hadn't been for the frown and the open eyes I might well have believed him
Going over to the bed I
laid my hand hesitantly on his arm, still not sure of what I was going to say.
"Conn? Are you all right?"
He didn't move, not even
his eyes: it was as if he were in a trance. Then—"Thingy?"
"Haven't seen you
for days—weeks." Slowly his eyes swivelled round to meet mine. "Yes,
I'm all right. I think . . . Where have you been?"
I forebore to remind him
how I had been thrown out. "Oh—around. You know . . ."
"Mmmm. What's been
"Nothing much. What
about you?"
"The same." He
sighed. "Er . . . I've been thinking . . ."
"I had almost
forgotten, in this—this Castle of Delights, that we were supposed to be on a
quest. Came to me last night. Wasn't sleeping. You know . . ."
I nodded. "I know.
Restless . . ." Keep up the pretence, especially as I knew how awkward he
felt by the staccato sentences, just as he had been when he first met us,
before he had become used to us and spoke with that lovely, running lilt I
remembered so well.
Then, to my horror, my
utter embarrassment, my downfall, he suddenly started to cry. Not noisy sobs,
his head in his hands, but the slow, hopeless, unable-to-stop kind of tears
that trickled from the corner of his eyes and ran down to his ears, leaving
little snail-tracks glistening in the space between.
"Conn! Oh Conn,
don't! My dear, don't cry!" and I reached forward, quite without thinking,
and held his hands, my heart bursting. "What is it? Who has hurt
He released one hand,
but only to wipe away the emotion, then sniffed, blew his nose on the linen
sheet, and drew me down to sit on the edge of the bed beside him. Propping
himself on one elbow he regarded me steadily. "Thingummy, I've been a
I agreed wholeheartedly,
but inside. "No," I said. "Of course you haven't! Whatever makes
you think such a silly thing?"
"Don't deny it, you
know I have!" Luckily he went straight on without expecting any more
protests, because I am sure a second time around he might have noticed my
insincerity. "I've been a complete idiot! I fancied myself a youth again
and tried to behave like one, when I should have remembered I am nearly
I put my hand over his
mouth. "Age doesn't matter," I told him firmly. "Just how you
feel . . . Er, were you talking of the Lady Adiora?" I knew he was, but
guessed it would be easier for him if I pretended I hadn't noticed his
infatuation. I was right, for immediately he loosed a torrent of words,
conveying his hopeless adoration, her surprising reciprocation, his
forgetfulness of aught else—and then came the interesting bit. I think he had
temporarily forgotten that I, the deformed, ugly little Thing, with potentially
no knowledge of Life with a capital L, would, or should, be unable to
understand what he was saying.
"—and I thought it
was only because it was the first time for ages, you know, when one gets too
keyed up and can't perform. Like drinking too much wine, when the intent is
there but you can't raise a thing. But she seemed to be satisfied enough when I
found myself in a permanent state of arousal, but getting nowhere. I tried,
dear God! how I tried, but I just couldn't come off! It was all right for her,
me with a permanent hard-on, but I got nothing from it except frustration and a
sore prick . . ."
I understood enough now
to anticipate his next remark.
"Then I remembered
that old witch, cursing me in the forest, all that long time ago. She
"That your desires
would remain unfulfilled until you asked the ugliest woman in the world to
marry you!"
He sat straight up on
the bed and glared at me, his brow a thick, uncompromising and unbroken line
across his forehead. "How the hell—!"
"You talked in your
sleep. When you were sick after that ambush. And you told The Ancient too,
He subsided, but not for
long. "Well, I'm damn well not going to ask any female to marry me, ugly
or no! Sod that for a game . . . No, if I'm to get no satisfaction, I'll put
the temptations out of the way from now onwards. Pity, never fancied celibacy.
Still, could shave my head and become a monk, I suppose . . ." The grim
lines were smoothing themselves out from his face.
"The Ancient said
that some spells could be broken if one sneaked up on them, took them by
surprise, went in by the side entrance," I reminded him, though how this
would apply in his case I could not imagine. "He also said that if we
completed this quest and returned the dragon's jewels our troubles would be
solved. Remember?" Not exactly how he had put it, but still . . .
"Just what I was
thinking first thing this morning," he said, more cheerfully. "I
reckon we should be going back to the road in a day or two—"
"No!" I cried.
"A day or two will be too late—" and for the next quarter hour, half
hour, I tried to explain to him what was happening, what we had planned to do.
It was no use: he
utterly refused to believe me.
"But that would be
like—like the Slaughter of the Innocents! No hunter would trap animals like
that and wipe them all out without a chance of escape. It's—it's just not done,
that sort of thing!"
"But it will be
done, just like that, unless we carry out our plan!"
Thingumajig! Now you're letting your imagination run away with you—"
"Come with
me!" and I half-pulled, half-dragged him from the bed. The lancet windows
overlooked the yard at the back. "See? They have everything ready!"
"But for what? Lady
Adiora said there was to be an outdoor entertainment, that was all . . ."
"Then why all those
bows and spears stacked over there? And the carts outside the walls, waiting to
carry off the dead animals? And the sand and sawdust in those leather buckets
to cover up the blood, lest the ladies feel squeamish?
"Conn, wake up! Believe
me . . ."
He still shook his head,
but there were frown lines between his eyes. "No, you must be wrong . .
I could feel the tears
of anger and frustration seeping through my mask. "Well, if you don't
believe it, hard luck, that's all! We'll manage without you: you can stay with
your—your precious Adiora and—and—and never 'come-off,' as far as I'm
concerned!" and I turned and stumbled away towards the door. His bundle of
clothes, the ones he had travelled in, were in a heap in the corner: we still
had his mail in the stable. I glanced back. He was staring down from the window
and his fingers were tapping restlessly on the sill. Gathering up the bundle of
clothes I fled downstairs. Perhaps he would come. Perhaps . . .
The others were restless
for action after being cooped up, and I hastily packed up all our gear and
humped it and them over to the lakeside, then went back to beg some scraps for
a meal, coming away with some bread and cheese, a ham-bone destined originally
for the stockpot and a half-empty jar of honey. That would have to do, but I
remembered to fill the water-bottle from one of the river-water buckets.
It may seem strange that
no one grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and asked what the hell I was doing
and where I was going, but everyone was, thankfully, far too busy preparing for
the evening's festivities. In the kitchens the spits were turning with fowl and
game and pork, bread and pies filled the ovens and the tables were already
laden with sweetmeats and glazed confections, but I was too busy and
apprehensive to feel hungry. Guests were still arriving, and already the
wineskins were being broached, and more decorations were being carried through
to the hall.
I crept back to the
others, wondering what poor Snowy was feeling at this moment, far beneath us in
the darkness. They could not help but hear some of the preparation and, perhaps
because of this, my stomach began to stretch and pull in sympathy with the
trapped ones. I would not have had our unicorn's courage, I knew that.
The others had sensibly
hidden in the reeds with our gear, and we ate frugally, not knowing when food
would come our way again, so I saved a little of everything and packed it with
the rest. Then I stripped off, for as much as I hated the idea I knew I should
have to climb down into that scummy water and clear away all the debris I could
from round the sluicegate.
The water was cold as
death and smelt of rotting corpses, and I was gagging as I came up for a breath
of fresh air.
"It's impossible! I
can't shift it!"
"Let me take a
look," said Puddy, diving neatly into the stinking water. He came up
filthy, and looking grave. "Gives me a worse headache than ever, down
there," he said. "There's a great pile of silt on both sides of the
gate. Goes down two or three feet at least. Have to be scooped away."
"What with?" I
said despairingly, for looking round there was nothing to scoop with, no
container of any sort except Pisky's bowl—
"No!" said the
little fish. "Not never! Not my bowl . . ."
I was not even conscious
of having transmitted the thought, but quickly reassured him. "No, no, my
pet, not your bowl. I'll—I'll just have to dig it away with my hands and throw
it up on the bank."
"There's the
cooking-pot," said Corby slowly, "or, better still: this!" and
he stalked over to Conn's pack and tapped sharply on the hidden shape of his
conical helmet. I drew it out, rust-spotted and dented—it couldn't look worse.
A little mud . . .
For two hours I
struggled with the slimy muck that squelched between my toes, choked my
nostrils and layered my body with its evil-smelling slime, and I was hot, dirty
and exhausted when Puddy finally took another dive to see if it was clear. His
report was optimistic.
"You've shifted all
that was blocking it. Now try the lever—gently, mind. We don't want the water
through yet."
I put my weight on the
lever: nothing. I tried, again and again, and at last, to my gratification,
felt the whole thing stir, quiver under my hand, and shift all of an inch to
the next ratchet. Puddy went down again.
"It's moving. Jaws
are locked and the wheel engaged with the teeth. Don't move it any more for a
moment," and he disappeared again. Five minutes later he reappeared
gasping for breath. "Water's trickling down the pipe. Three inches of
debris only holding it back at the other end. Badgers did a good job. Can hear
the animals."
"And Snowy?" I
cried. "Is he all right?"
"Sorry. Forgot. Get
my breath back and—"
"Oh, no! I can't
let you go back!"
"My fault for not
checking." And back he went, and this time he was so much longer that my
nails were digging into my palms by the time his head emerged plop! from the
water and he swam, very tired, to the bank.
I stroked his back and
his belly and used some of the water from Pisky's bowl, eagerly offered, to
wipe his eyes and mouth, then puffed a little of my air into his lungs.
"Are you all right? You're a very brave toad . . ."
He perked up a little,
but his skin was still pale and bloodless. I snapped my hand fast round a
passing damselfly and stuffed it in his mouth. His throat worked up and down,
an absurd wing sticking out of the corner of his jaw, but at last he swallowed,
breathed more easily, and squatted down comfortably.
"I went right
through, down the tunnel, over the barrier and into the dungeon. Snowy sensed I
was coming and was there to meet me. Place stinks: haven't cleaned it out this
morning, of course, but neither have they fed or watered them and they are all
hungry and thirsty and it is stifling hot. But Snowy has kept them in stout
heart, and he shines like a light in the darkness—"
"A light?" I
questioned, momentarily distracted.
"Why, yes: the
silver light, like star-glow, that shines from him all the time. You must have
noticed it?"
"But I hadn't. The
others had, of course, and it was strangely humbling to remember that I was
merely a human being, and because of that missed so many things these animals
took for granted, like a unicorn's light . . .
"I fear,
though," added Puddy, "that his light grows dimmer, for he is near
exhausted, I think. He says be sure to wait by the north side of the lake. Oh,
and try your best to persuade the Rusty One. I think that was all," and he
shut his eyes and went promptly to sleep, after the most sustained bout of
communication I had ever heard him make, albeit the words had taken an
agonizing ten minutes to emerge. It felt that long, anyway.
A horn sounded from the
battlements behind us; it was about the sixth hour after noon, and a warning
that the banquet was about to begin. I hid Moglet, Puddy and Pisky in the reeds
as best I could and piled our belongings nearby where they would be readily
accessible. Tucking Corby under my arm I scuttled back to the castle and was
only just in time, for the gates were being shut as the last of the guests, a
straggler knight, clattered into the courtyard.
I was pushed roughly out
of the way for all the stables, including the one we had used, were full, and
ostlers and grooms had no time for someone underfoot. So I made my way past
them and into the Great Hall, where the noise and bustle were, if possible,
worse. Creeping round the wall I went to the kitchens, and my only problem
there was not to be grabbed to hold, baste, cut, drain, chop, pour, slice or
wipe anything as the whole place was full of the reek of burning fat, people's
feet and elbows, temperamental shouts and greasy tiles, but no one noticed as I
slid past and made for a little-used staircase that wound up to the unused
tower. Luckily the torches were already burning in their sconces, and there was
one near enough to the room we had chosen for it to be easy enough for Corby to
climb onto the stool I dragged out for him and pull it from its fastenings when
the time came. I hid him behind a pile of heaped hangings, gave him a hug and
my blessing.
"And mind, as soon
as you see me wave . . ." The tall window gave an excellent view of the
yard and the double gates. "Are you sure you will be all right coming
He eyed the drop.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained," he said gloomily. "Just you
take care, Thing dear: we couldn't manage without you."
Just for a moment I had
a sickening realization of how inadequate I was; of how easily things could
still go wrong; of how we seven were so separate, that should be together; how
futile this venture really was—but luckily it was only a momentary pang,
however sharp, for there was still so much to do, and doubts such as these had
no place with action.
I went to see if Conn
was in his room, but he had gone down with the others to the banquet. It was
lucky, though, that I had checked his room for there, lying beside the bed, was
his broken sword, so that meant a journey back to the lakeside, over the wall
by the pigsties, where the others greeted me: nervous, on edge, and definitely
scratchy. I reassured them, feeling far from confident myself, then made my way
back to the castle, having to knock at the postern for admittance and receiving
a cuff for bringing the porter out while he was relaxing with ale and a pie.
I aimed at the banquet,
where the air made my eyes smart with its smoke of candles, tallow, fat and
incense. Conn was at the top table but he was only picking at his food, and the
Lady Adiora was fully engaged with a young knight on her left whom I had not
seen before, though I noticed she kept a proprietary hand on Conn's wrist the
while. Taking advantage of shadows and the distracting screech of pipes and the
patter of drums from a troupe of musicians in the centre of the hall, I sidled
up to the table nearest the main doors and scrabbled on hands and knees up on
to the platform of the top table. Luckily distraction was provided by a
juggler, in competition with the music, tossing brightly coloured wooden balls
in the air, who lost his rhythm and his footing when he tripped over one of the
bone-gnawing hounds.
I crept up to Conn's
side in the ensuing merriment and plucked at his sleeve.
"What the devil—Oh,
it's you, Thingy."
"Yes it's me,"
I said, unnecessarily. "We're all ready. Don't forget: Snowy is going to
lead the animals out and across to the river. The rest of us will wait for you
at the north end of the lake. I've got all your gear. Oh, and don't worry if
the castle catches fire: it's all part of the plan," and I didn't give him
time to question, but slid back the way I had come.
Now for the real
business of the evening. Climbing out over the castle walls again, I made my
way to the gates at the far end of the slaughter-yard. It was still light,
although there were dark clouds massing to the west and the sun was glimmering
through them like a lantern through strips of cloth, yellow light flashing
intermittently. The air was heavy and close, and it was not only fear that made
me sweat as I crawled round to my position. The bolts in the gates appeared
well oiled, the gates themselves were free of obstruction, but I had not
bargained for the two-wheeled carts that were already drawn up at one side, for
the carcasses I supposed.
There were three
drivers, playing five-stones in the lee of one of the carts, and I had to
retreat swiftly in case they saw me. This was an added and unforeseen danger:
would they stride forward and stop me opening the gates? I crouched behind the
near wall, biting my nails, thinking furiously, but the more I thought the more
my mind chased itself in circles, like a wasp in a jar. And as I thought,
conjectured, despaired, the answer came from another source. A serving-man
poked his head over the wall and waved his hand at the men cheerfully.
"There's ale at the
side-gate. Cook's in a good mood. But you've to save a couple of hares and the
smallest of the hinds—on the side, you understand. His cousin's brother will
pick 'em up later . . ." And he tapped his nose and winked.
The drivers understood
well enough; with a glance at each other they hobbled their horses and almost
ran in the direction of the side-gate, one remarking to the other: "Well
enough: there's coneys and to spare, so they said, and the wife fancies a
badger-skin mantle. Pity they don't hold these do's more'n twice a year . .
Creeping forwards I went
over to the carts: the grazing horses glanced at me incuriously and went on
with their feeding, and I had not their language so could not explain that I
wished them to pursue a policy of non-cooperation: instead, with my knife I cut
through the leather strips that hobbled them and prayed that they would gallop
their carts to the four winds once the animals were running.
And even as I moved back
to the shelter of the gate, and the advantage of a knot-hole in the wood that
afforded me all but a minimal viewpoint of what was going on, the fine lords
and ladies came out from their feasting and took their places in the bright
pavilions. The sky was more overcast than ever to the west and great clouds,
castled and battlemented now, reared high and threatening, yet seeming not to
move at all, and over everything was a sickly, greenish light, lurid and yet
speaking of dark to come. The air was breathless and tasted of wet iron.
The audience, the
murderers, were dressed in gay colours, the ladies in blues, yellows and reds,
with fillets set with rough-cut stones on their brows; the gentlemen sported
browns, purples and greens and all voices were high and shrill, light and
laughing, and the liveliest and most beautiful of them all was the Lady Adiora.
One could almost believe she had eaten magic mushroom to see her, all laughter
and glinting teeth and tossing hair and swaying body. By her side, as she led
him to the most resplendent pavilion, Conn looked dull and heavy and uneasy, and
I could tell he had eaten little and drunk less for once, his eyes the only
alive things about him, darting anxious glances from side to side.
I watched him carefully,
for on him, on his reactions to what was about to happen, depended all our
perilous venture. If he understood, soon enough, how depraved the Lady Adiora
and her guests were, then he might be able to escape with us and the Seven
would be together again; if, on the other hand he could not see how wrong it
was to herd some fifty or sixty animals into an enclosure from which they could
not possibly escape and proceed to make a sport of their slaughter, then he was
lost to us indeed, as we were to him. No quest, no return of the jewels to the
dragon . . .
A trumpet sounded. A
herald, clad in the castle's colours of blue and yellow, advanced to the centre
of the courtyard, and the knights and ladies settled themselves to listen with
a great shushing of skirts and creak of leather, jangling of ornaments and
clashing of ceremonial mail.
"My Lady Adiora,
Sir Egerton, brave knights, fair ladies, esquires, gentlemen and franklins:
this night will see the culmination of our pleasures, an entertainment
especially designed by our hostess to determine the best archer amongst her
guests. Shortly there will be released below you in the yard various ferocious
beasts and creatures of the wild" (affected screams from the ladies)
"some large and some small. The Lady wishes me to emphasize that in no way
are you in any danger from these animals, ladies, for the pavilions have been
placed too high for even the tallest to reach.
"You will each
receive a bow and arrows—" the servants were distributing these as he
spoke "—and each set of six arrows is notched or fletched in a different
manner so as to be readily identifiable. After the—er, destruction of the game,
scores will be added up for each hit. The highest number will win this jewelled
casket, donated by the Lady Adiora. If several arrows hit the same animal, then
that blow which would be deemed most fatal will be the winner.
"May the best
marksman win!" and the herald stepped back and out of the way as four
servants went to the wooden doors that led down to the dungeons, ready to fling
them open on command.
This then was it. I
glanced at Conn, and saw him expostulating with his hostess, his bow lax in his
hand, and she ignoring him for the young knight I had seen earlier; but I could
wait no longer. I was not aware of even breathing as I raised my hand clear and
glanced up at the northwest tower; I had to strain my eyes for the night was
now drawing in fast and my gaze had become accustomed to the glare of
torchlight in the yard, but I managed to make out Corby perched on the lintel
of the narrow window, and saw him flap his wing in answer to my gesture and
disappear inside.
Then Lady Adiora must
have given some signal, for at that moment, with a grinding of bolts and a
creaking of hinges as cages were opened, the prisoning doors to the dungeons
were thrown wide and I, like the rest of the audience, peered down into the
blackness beyond, nose wrinkling against the stench. Already my hand was
reaching for the bolts on the outside gates when something moved back there in
the darkness, and two dozen arrows were notched to two dozen bows as we all
waited for the prey to pour out, defenceless, into the brightly lighted arena—
But what did emerge was
not at all what any of us had expected.
The Binding: Unicorn
The Running
Out of the darkness
trotted a dainty white horse, trim and neat, mane curled, tail flowing, and on
its back was a hare, an ordinary brown hare.
Fingers relaxed on
bowstrings, arrows drooped and were unnotched and a buzz of speculation ran
round the audience. The white pony, in whom I scarcely recognized a transformed
Snowy, knelt on one knee and bowed, his companion nodding on his back, paws
stretched forward to prevent him sliding over the withers. Then Snowy executed
a few light dancing steps, first to the left, then to the right, so that he
zigzagged across the yard and in doing so approached the pavilion where the
Lady Adiora was sitting, a bemused expression on her face. I distinctly saw him
say something to Conn, who backed away with an unreadable expression on his
face, then he was approaching the gate where I was hidden.
"All well, Thing
dear? This nonsense will go on for a minute or two longer, but when I kick my
heels against the gates, open them as fast as you can—" and he was gone,
trotting like a white fire around and around the yard, faster and faster, now
and again bucking and kicking up his heels, whilst the hare, descended from his
back, was punching the air in the centre, turning somersaults, leaping in the
air and twisting like a falls-riding salmon and now the audience were applauding
and the bows and arrows were being laid aside, one by one. And now Snowy went
faster still, until the wind of his passing streamed and extinguished the
torchlight, and he seemed like a continuous incandescent circle. The hare
bounded higher and higher and if one closed one's eyes the images spread right
over the darkness and were still there when they opened again. All at once they
stopped and with an almighty kick Snowy opened one of the gates, neighed
shrilly, and called forward the other animals waiting at the entrance to the
yard. Immediately I pulled back on the other gate and even as I did so a brown
flood poured across the gravel. Coneys and hares, two badgers, a bear and her
cub poured out of the gate and raced towards the woods and the river, led by
the hare who had performed with Snowy.
The surprise lasted long
enough among the audience for me to glance up at the northwestern tower in time
to see a black, spiralling, flapping shape launch itself down the side of the
building, bounce off the roof beneath and catapult out of sight to the ground.
From the window it had left curled a lazy puff of smoke . . . Dear, good Corby!
I hoped he had landed safely, then stopped thinking as the horses with the
carrion carts at last took off across the gateway. I had to somersault out of
the way and then was narrowly missed by a squealing of swine who rushed out at
the same time, eyes red, teeth fearsome under curled lips. In their midst ran
Snowy, and as he passed me he called: "The lake, the lake!" and I
suddenly realized just what I should be doing. I risked one last, despairing
look for Conn, but he seemed to have disappeared in a melee of shouting
knights, screaming ladies, floundering servants and the tossing antlers of a
great stag. One or two of the guests had drawn their bows and I heard a sudden
cry as an animal was hit. Another arrow thudded into the open gate at my side,
a couple of servants ran over to try and close the gates, a snarling wolf leapt
and I fled.
Scuttling along as fast
as I could I reached the lakeside to see a lick of flame and then another
reflected from its black surface. I looked up at the tower: smoke was now thick
and oily, fed well by the rancid fat I had poured over the rubbish earlier. A
freshening wind from the west pushed the tongues of flame towards the roof
between the northwest and northeast turrets. A cry of "Fire!" and I
ran back towards the castle to the point where I had seen Corby fall. I found a
still, black shape on the grass. Sobbing with fear I reached forward and gathered
him into my arms, feeling with a sudden stab of relief the strong heart beating
warm and fast beneath the draggled feathers.
He opened one eye.
"Hullo, Thing: sorry to be a nuisance, but I still feel a bit groggy.
Knocked myself out, I did, when I tried a glide—forgot all about the blasted
old wing, didn't I? Sorry and all that . . ." and his eye closed. It
opened again. "How's it going, then?"
I ran back to the
lakeside, to find the others huddled expectantly beside the baggage, laid Corby
on Conn's pack, with strict instructions to the others to look after him, then
went round to the sluicegate. Grabbing the lever I heaved with all my strength:
nothing. I heaved again, crying out with the pain in my stomach as the muscles
of lifting fought with the cramps from the red stone, that contracted as the
others expanded. At last there was movement beneath: a grudging, slurring
sound, and the lever moved a little and I heard the rush of water seeking its
lower level in the pipe. Eagerly, in spite of the pain, I strained at the lever
again and with a crack! the handle broke off in my hand and I tumbled back onto
the bank, the loose wooden lever sailing over my head to land on the grass
behind me.
I crawled back to the
sluice; the water was still running, but even as I listened I could hear the
suck of mud and stones against the gate. Despairingly I shook the wooden
structure, but the water had slowed to a trickle now, and there was the sound
of running footsteps behind me. I turned to see three or four of the castle
servants making for the near side of the lake, leather buckets in their hands.
There was only one thing
for it: I dived into the stinking water, my hands scrabbling at the stones that
choked the partially opened sluice. Lungs bursting I tugged and pulled upward
at the gate, but it wouldn't shift. I rose to the surface gasping and blowing,
to be greeted by a hand on the scruff of my neck hauling me out onto the bank
to lie in a half-drowned heap.
"Out of the way,
stupid child! This is man's work," said Conn, and he dived into the water
just as the servants with the buckets arrived.
I was in a panic, and
instead of realizing that three or four buckets of slopped-out water could not
possibly halt the fire that was now almost enveloping the whole of the wooden
upper structure of the castle I lost all reason, and flung myself at the
servants, knocking the bucket out of one's hand and doubling another over with
a butt to the stomach, then ran back to look anxiously at the turmoil of water
that swirled where Conn had disappeared.
His head emerged, black
with mud, his eyes like eggwhites in a dirty frying pan, his mouth opening
briefly. "Bloody thing's well and truly stuck—" then he disappeared
again. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see one of the servants,
dagger upraised, but even as I ducked beneath his arm a grey shape snapped at
his heels. He swung with his knife and kicked out at the same time and the
cabling wolf yelped as his shoulder was laid open and spun and collapsed as the
boot caught his head. Instantly I straddled his inert body and snatched up
Conn's broken sword, which lay where he must have dropped it.
"Don't dare touch
The servant circled
warily, dagger glinting in the lurid light that heralded storm; he feinted but
I stood still, the hilt of Conn's sword to my stomach, both my hands to it, the
jagged end of it about two feet from my body. Two of the other servants came
running to his aid, the other went back to the castle presumably for more
support, but help for me was at hand. Two other wolves, full adults, a dog and
a bitch, hackles raised, had come to look for their cub and now snarled at my
side. The young cubling struggled to his feet, shaking his head, obviously not
too badly hurt. Even so, we were outmatched, for each of the servants was
armed. I do not know how it would have ended but there was a sudden tremendous
flash of lightning, a crack of thunder and then a roar that shook the ground as
the sluicegate at last opened fully and a torrent of water plunged down the
pipe towards the dungeons.
That was not all: a
figure, back-lit by another flash of blue sheet-lightning, appeared to leap
from the disappearing waters, as black in itself as the clouds now racing in
from the west, its mouth and eyes white gashes in the dark, and it howled like
a devil from hell. What it actually said was: "Thank Christ that's over! I
thought I would choke . . ." but it came out like:
"Worra-worra-worra!" To a man the servants flung down their weapons
and fled convinced, I am sure, that some black demon had drunk the lake dry
and, appetite unslaked, had now risen to devour them. Watching them run I
laughed weakly and collapsed, shouting: "We've done it! We've done it! Oh
bravo, Conn!"
maybe," said my Rusty Knight, looking more like a tall, thin hobgoblin
than a warrior, "but how the hell do we get out of here? And what in the
name of goodness are you doing with a wolf in your arms?"
For I was soothing the
young cub, afraid he was concussed still, and the two adults were anxiously
nuzzling and licking his injured shoulder. But even as Conn spoke, the answer
to his first question came in the form of two mountain ponies, who galloped up,
manes tossing nervously at sight of the wolves. They patently offered
themselves as mounts, though we had not their language: out of the corner of my
eye I saw a further detachment of men appear beneath the castle walls, this
time armed with swords and staves. With them was a knight, fighting to control
a panic-stricken horse that screeched with fear as burning sparks from the
building floated down on its quarters, singeing its tail.
"Up!" said
Conn briefly, tossing me onto the back of the first pony and handing me a
frightened Moglet, (inside-jacket-at-once), a pocketed Puddy and Pisky's bowl.
Corby was recovered enough to ride on my shoulder and Conn snatched his sword
from my hand and mounted the other curvetting pony, the packs set before him.
"Right: go!" he shouted and dug his heels into his mount, which
careered off in the direction of the wood, mine following, the wolves bringing
up the rear, the youngster recovered enough to run, albeit with a limp.
We fled across the field
to the white blur that was Snowy, guarding, encouraging and shepherding at the
entrance to the ride in the woods that led to the river and safety. I glanced
quickly back at the castle: all the upper part was well ablaze by now, and, as
I watched, one of the towers, the southeastern, swayed and collapsed into the
cobbled courtyard behind. The slaughter-yard was still full of people milling
around, and even now the stragglers among the animals were making their slow
way to safety: a couple of bewildered coneys, a disorientated boar, a hind
heavy with young, the last glancing anxiously behind her to where her stag,
horns flailing, hooves striking out, was discouraging those few who essayed to
follow the escaping animals, though few among the former audience could still
believe that this flight and fire and flood was part of a planned
My heart lurched for the
stag when I saw his reason for lingering: an older hind lay twitching in her
death throes, an arrow in her throat. I slipped from my pony's back and ran
over to Snowy, indicating the stag. "Call him in, dear one! She is dead,
his lady, but he has another in calf to care for and this one." I nodded
at a younger hind who trembled indecisively just inside the wood.
Snowy nodded. "Just
wait for the coneys—they are smaller, but just as precious," and a moment
later he called out shrilly. Reluctantly the great stag, a twelve-pointer red,
still angry and sad at the death of one of his wives, joined the other hind and
the one in calf, snapping at two arrows sticking in his shoulder as if they
were of no more consequence than buzzing flies. I slipped over and pulled them
out as gently as I could.
"Come," said
Snowy, "to the river. There is nothing left for us here . . ."
We were lucky that no
humans followed until daybreak, for some of the animals, good for short runs,
were paw-weary and fur-dulled by the time they reached the river. The swine had
passed their lower brethren and crossed the bridge first, without a word of
thanks; most of the hares, too, were over by the time we stragglers reached it.
The five or six houses in the village on the other side were all barred tight
shut—I should think the vision of all those animals charging across must have
been too much for them. Even the bridge-keeper was missing.
The she-bear had waited
with her cub to thank Snowy: she, too, had arrows in her hide but nothing
serious for her coat was thick, and we removed the barbs before the animals
slipped into the river, noses making arrowheads in the flowing water as they
swam quietly upstream to a place they called Malbryn, bare hills to the
northwest. The ponies who had carried Conn and me clattered across the bridge,
all wild again; the shuffling badgers, tireder I should think than the rest of
us put together, rattled their claws, snuffled and shuffled off bandy-legged
into the undergrowth, and the great stag—so like the mosaic on the floor of the
Great Hall we had left—bowed his head to us and led off his two surviving
It was the poor
bewildered coneys who needed most help, and in the end we had to go back and
find the last ones, weary and disorientated. I also ended up carrying one
little doe in my arms across the bridge, but luckily on the other side we found
a wise old buck who had come to investigate the commotion, and agreed to lead
the survivors to a warren some two miles away, by easy stages.
As I watched them leave
us it was sad to think that these animals, united in purpose so short a while
ago, were reverting again to hunters and hunted, without more than a breath's
pause. A cold nose touched my hand and I started back as three great grey shapes
fawned at my feet, pushed at the back of my knees, nudged my thighs.
"They give you
thanks for the cub," said Snowy. "They wish me to say that they and
theirs are yours to command until the debt is paid."
"Ask them—ask them
then not to hunt those who were their companions," I said, thinking of the
tired coneys. I glanced down doubtfully at the pointed muzzles, the swelling
cheeks, the slanting yellow eyes, and smelt the breath of meat-eater that
curled up through the sharp teeth and the grinning, foam-flecked jaws.
"That will repay, and more."
promise," said Snowy. "But they will travel a couple of leagues
before they kill anyway, to lose the trail."
"Call it quits,
then," I said, and knelt to embrace each of them. This time the words came
plain to me.
"There is still a
debt to pay," said the bitch softly. "One day, when your need is
great, one will come . . ." and they melted into the trees like shadows.
Dawn was breaking. I
looked at Conn. "You're filthy!"
"The river is clean
and flows quiet on this side," said Snowy. "Go wash, children."
As I luxuriated in the
clear, sharply cool water, washing the ooze and slime of the lake, the sweat of
flight and the smuts of burning from my aching body, conscious of Conn, a
shadow to my left, doing the same, I glanced up and saw a buzzard wheeling
lazily against a sky the colour of daisy-petal tips.
"Ki-ya, ki-ya,
ki-ya," he called.
Snowy on the bank above
neighed once in answer. "He says the castle is in ruins: they are coming
to seek for succour this side . . . Sir Rusty Knight, if you push quite hard on
the bridge-piling to your left—"
The piling collapsed,
its weakness no doubt exacerbated by the unusual amount of traffic it had had
during the night, and the whole structure slid gracefully into the river, to
drift away down the current even as the thud of hooves announced the arrival of
the advance-guard from the castle. There were shouts, curses; Conn leant over
to pull me from the water. Hurriedly I donned clothes and mask, grateful to realize
that he had been too busy bridge-pushing to see I had been barefaced.
We set off along the
riverbank towards the rising sun, but I don't remember much of the next
half-hour or so; I was so tired that I could not even feel elation when Conn
swung me up in his arms to carry me after I had stumbled and fallen for the
second or third time.
Later, as he laid me
down in the shelter of trees to sleep, my head on a mossy bank, and had assured
me that, yes, the others were all right, I heard something that sounded strange
after all those terrible days at the castle. Momentarily I forgot all about how
tired I was and sat up, clutching at his arm.
"Listen, Conn, oh
listen! All the birds in the world are singing!"
The Binding: Toad
The Trees that Walked
And after that all the
birds in the world did indeed sing for us day and night, for a while at least.
Although we found the stones we sought quite soon and followed the line of the
second one, it was many recuperating days later before we happened on the next
test. Meanwhile, I found we all seemed to be drifting into a dream-like state,
not noticing the world about us. Towns and villages, feuds and dissensions,
forests and rivers, all drifted past like a vision, and the most detached of
all was myself, who probably should have been the most impressionable after my
long years incarcerated with the witch. But now only our quest seemed real, the
rest grey and apart . . .
When our next adventure
came it was over almost before we realized, in a flash of fire: like paying
one's penny in advance for the entertainment and then finding the performance
over before one had had a chance to lay one's cloak upon the ground to
appreciate the entertainment.
Only this was not
entertaining . . .
The country we travelled
turned upwards, and before long we were in the high down where wind twisted our
clothes and pulled our hair and puffed from behind boulders and blew up our
trews. Grey rock stuck up through ling and bracken like knees and elbows
through tattered clothes and birds slid sideways in the wind. Villages were few
and far between and the people startled and shy at our approach; not because
they saw in us any threat, I think, it was just that visitors were rare.
Perhaps because of this
the hospitality was greater when they granted it. One night, a week or so after
we had escaped from the castle, we had been regarded at first with suspicion
followed by tolerance, then given pallets and marrowbones, hare-stew, goat's
milk cheese and bread, and were invited to sit round the host's fire for music
with pipe and tabor. No one at any time thought it strange of us to be
travelling with an assortment of animals, and all expected a story, a song, a
tune to pay the way rather than the few coins we had to offer. That night Conn
told a tale, I sang a lullaby I remembered from somewhere, Corby picked out a
chosen stone or two and everyone was cosy and warm when one of the host's
friends—for we were an entertainment in ourselves, and the whole village
expected to be invited to meet us, that was clear—asked our destination.
But when we pointed
north and east he crossed himself.
"Not the way of the
questioned Conn.
"Yes. Those that
walk the forests and devour travellers . . ."
"Walk the forests .
. . ?"
"We never goes that
way now. Time was there was safe passage through the heathland to the
northeast. Time was trade came through the hills. But then they came . .
"Come, now,
Tod," said our host uneasily. "That's talk, no more. None here's seen
"Ever travellers
come from that way?" said Tod. "No. Ever travellers go that way and
come back to tell? No. Ever anyone from round here go that way? No . . ."
I took a nervous sip of
my mead. "But we are bound that way . . ."
"Then more fool
you," said Tod. "More fool you . . ." Around that fire others
seemed to agree, for there were shaking heads, spittings into the embers, a
furtive crossing of hands, pointing of two fingers, sighings, groans . . .
"Oh come now,"
said Conn. "What solid proof have you? Travellers do not return the same
way if they quest as we do; visitors do not come that way for probably there is
an easier route. And if you listen to old wives' tales here no wonder none of
you ventures further!"
I looked at him with
admiration. Since our time at the castle he seemed in some subtle way to have
grown into his years. No more did he think of this as some careless expedition
to be endured, now he was as dedicated as the rest of us; no longer was he just
my dearest Rusty Knight, he was a thinking, caring man. But not once had I
referred to the things he had confessed to me at the castle, nor had I ever
mentioned the faithless Lady Adiora, much as my bitter tongue had wished it.
For I knew, deep down in that submerged part of me that was totally female, that
a man sets great store by his pride and that only a nagging wife or a fool
would remind him of his fall from sense, and then be lucky not to have a
slammed door and empty chair to remind them of their folly.
And I was neither wife
nor nag—but would have wished for the choice.
The men round the fire
stirred uneasily, glanced everywhere but at each other, then a short, stout man
spoke up.
"We've been up
there. Found a skellington. Flesh cleaned clear off . . ."
"Up where?"
asked Conn sharply.
The man shrugged.
"Anywheres. Near the trees. Doesn't matter: they can walk. Come out of the
night . . ."
I shivered. "What
"Knobby peoples.
Root peoples. Tree peoples . . . Folks say as they are trees. Eating
trees . . ."
"Eating trees?"
I tried to keep the panic from my voice.
Conn put his hand on my
arm, and his brown eyes were warm and kind.
Thingummy, folktales. Part of the night and the entertainment. Worry not,
little one: they shan't touch you. Trust Conn . . ."
Oh, how I loved him! How
that careless touch tingled my whole body, far stronger in that moment than the
cramps that bound my stomach. Through the eyes and touch of imagination for one
breathless instant I allowed myself the indulgence of my mouth touching his
under the soft moustache, and flesh met flesh in a stab of loving—
"Doesn't sound all
faery-tale to me," said Corby, considering.
"Don't want to
go!" said Moglet, stirring uneasily on my lap.
"No smoke without
fire," said Puddy gloomily from my pocket.
great-great-grandfather once said that some trees ate a village," offered
Pisky, helpfully.
"Oh, shut up!"
I said crossly, annoyed with myself for relaying both the conversation and my
fears to them. "That's the way we have to go, so that's that! No, Pisky,
not another word, or I'll—I'll move your snails!" This was a dire threat
indeed, as Pisky felt threatened if any but he rearranged his bowl, which he
did whenever he was bored. I felt mean as soon as I had said it, because in
spite of the brave words I knew I was the most cowardly of them all.
No one in the room had
understood our exchange of course, except possibly Conn, but the villagers
looked tolerantly enough on someone who shook and twitched, breathed heavily,
blinked, grunted and sniffed all of a sudden for no apparent reason. I saw one
of them lean over and poke Conn in the ribs.
"That lad of yourn
. . . ?" and he tapped his forehead. "Never mind: that sort's usually
good with horses. Rubbed that old nag of yours down a treat earlier . . ."
Conn winked at me and
rubbed the back of his hand over his mouth to hide the smile-twitch.
* * *
Two days later we had
climbed even higher, into an area of twisting tracks, moorland turning purple
and bracken browning; of startled flocks of plump brown birds who broke cover
almost from beneath our feet; of keen winds that hissed through the dried
grasses; of solitary trees leaning away from the blast; of hunting creatures
that slipped sly and secret from our path; of the water tumbling icy from no
source we could see; no people, no habitations, no woods . . .
Of that I think we were
most glad, although no one was idiot enough to refer to the talk in the
village. That would have been inviting Fate, or the gods, or whatever. No
woods, that is, until the third day, when the land broke into deep combes where
the north-flowing streams had bedded into the rock. Then there were trees:
spindly rowans clinging for their lives to cracked rocks with only a pocketful
of earth to offer; pines twisted beyond recognition, oaks leaf-shredded, ivy
twisted and gnarled, ash already almost keyless in the Moon of Plenty . . .
We breathed easier.
Nothing had come to threaten us, nothing had answered the description the
villagers had given us of knobbly Tree-People, of devouring trees, and that
night we camped in a convenient hollow, a riverlet to our left, heath and a few
scattered pines on its banks, a small copse to our right. It had been wet all
day, with that fine, penetrating rain that looks like mist and is as good as a
bath you don't want. We lit no fire, for luckily the night was suddenly warm
and we had oatcakes, cheese, a bottle of wine and honey. After our meal we
drowsed in the hollow, unwilling to unpack and settle for the night and too
lazy to move for the moment, while the few summer stars pricked into the
deepening sky, a curlew called on its homeward flight and directly above us a
buzzard swung his dreaming circles. He must have a wonderful view, I thought
dozily. Miles and miles, from the village we had left to the edge of the
uplands further north, and who knew what from side to side, and all the while
he could even see a mouse bend the grasses, a hare's ear prick the bracken, a
beetle on a rock, a fish in the stream . . .
Suddenly he called:
high, weird, lonely, a warning perhaps: "Ki-ya, ki-ya, ki-ya . . ."
and I saw Snowy fling up his dreaming head and warnings buzzed in my ears.
I sat up. Nothing had
happened, nothing had changed. The others still lay where they were and Conn
was chewing a blade of grass, his eyes closed. Dusk had crept down like an
interloper to the bank of the stream, stretching towards the rocks, trying for
entry. The trees to our right seemed to have moved in with the darkening to be
nearer company, and the trees to our left had their feet in the water and
were already starting to cross—
I could not put my fears
into words. Instead, as I glanced behind me at the oaks, the ash, the ivy, then
before me at the pines, the birch, the rowan—the hair on my head stirred.
"C—C—Conn," I
whispered shakily. "S—S—Snowy . . . The trees. Oh, look at the trees . . .
Instantly all were awake
and Snowy neighed once, shrilly, and started to circle us as fast as he could.
It was no use; now I could actually see the trees moving, hear the rustle and
squeak of leaf and branch, feel the earth tear beneath the protesting roots.
Snowy's circle grew smaller as I rose to my feet, Conn at my side, and gathered
the others into my arms. Now we could see gnarled roots stretch forth their
questing feet, branches reach and curl, leaves glint and flash like eyes.
I was turned to stone. I
could not move, could not speak, only whimper, seeing with despair the futile
stump of Conn's sword waving and jabbing at the threat.
"Help us, dear
Lord, help us . . ." It was my voice, but the words came from nowhere.
Then came another voice.
"Fire, Thing, fire!
That is what they fear!"
With an astonishment
quite separate from my terror I recognized the voice of Puddy, no longer slow
and ponderous but sharp and decisive. Fire? Of course. Fire eats wood. With
stiff fingers I fumbled for flint and tinder, but fear and a damp day would not
produce even the tiniest spark. More urgently I chipped and struck: desperate,
the tears ran down my cheeks and I prayed again and again: "Please, help
The strong voice came
again. "There is more than one kind of fire. Remember the words, remember
what She used to say! Fire to set them back, to drive them away—the
words, Thing, the words!"
I put my hands on Puddy
and through my fingers I recalled the right spell as he put it on my tongue.
The words, sharp and harsh, poured forth and instantly we were ringed by blue
flame that licked and spat like a grass-fire. Immediately, or so it seemed, the
crowding trees drew back and I saw clearly the evil, knotted, earthy brown
faces, the squat bodies, the bulbous eyes, the yellow teeth, the pale tongues
like the underside of slugs—
I seized a rotted branch
and dipped it in the fire and ran with my torch at the nearest tree: there was
a sigh, a hiss, a tearing sound and the ring melted, the trees dissolved
into the night and we were alone once more—
Without another word we
picked up our belongings and fled.
The Binding: Cat
Under the Mountain
Once more we were in the
lowlands, in pleasant undulating countryside and heading due north. By unspoken
consent the ordeal of the walking trees was forgotten, but once, in a quiet
moment, I spoke of it to Conn.
"Did we see—what we
thought we saw? Did those trees walk? Did they have grinning mouths and fingers
like twigs? Or . . ."
"Or," said
Conn. "Most probably. If we hadn't all been frightened out of our wits we
would have seen an old army trick, I reckon."
"Mmmm. I saw
something like it once in Scotia, and again in the Low Lands—only then they
used reeds." I wriggled impatiently and he ruffled my hair.
"Patience, child! When I saw it in Scotia it was an ambush, sort of. There
were these savage highlanders sitting round their campfires—oh, perhaps a
hundred, two hundred—and the besieging force was less than half that, and their
only advantage lay in surprise. So they cut down a rowan or two and some gorse
bushes—have you ever tried to cut into a gorse bush in the daylight, let alone
when it's pitch black? Bloody prickles everywhere . . . As I was saying, they
had some dozen fellows move these, bit by bit, nearer to the enemy, and the
others lined up behind in the shadows. They were into the camp before the
defenders realized they were there."
"And the
"Same idea, only
this time the reeds were protection as well. A thick wall of reeds, green ones,
the sort that arrows bounce off . . . There were more of them that time, so the
odds were even. We lost. And ran."
"You were with the
attackers the first time?" I said, remembering what he had said about
"And the defenders
the second. I reckon that's what the Tree-People do. An outlaw band with
perhaps an old campaigner like me among them, preying on unsuspecting
travellers. Probably been watching us for days."
"You're not
old," I said absently, trying to reconcile what I thought I had seen with
what Conn had just said. But his reaction to my remark was entirely unexpected.
His thin, warm, pale-freckled hand closed over my grubby paws.
"That's nice: no, I
suppose I'm not really, not by actual years. It's just that time sometimes
seems to be slipping by . . ." He released my hands with a sigh.
I looked at him
compassionately. So my Rusty Knight was afraid of growing old. Men took a lot of
understanding, I thought. One part of them is grown-up, brave, lustful, full of
confidence, and the other, as I had also seen at the castle, is still little
boy, needing encouragement and reassurance.
"You should try
being me," I said, as cheerfully as I could. "I don't even know how
old I am . . ."
"And ugly to
boot," he said softly. "Never mind, Thingummybob, I love you . .
." He patted my head as kindly and absent-mindedly as a lord would pat one
of his hounds. And he couldn't, even now, get my name right! If it was my name
. . . I was glad, then, for the mask, for it hid and soaked up the stupid tears
of frustration and disappointment his well-meant words engendered. But what
right, I told myself furiously, did I have to be either? I had made the mistake
of falling in love, and cripples should never make the error of doing that,
especially if they are also ugly. If I had known how it would hurt, this love,
then I should never have indulged in it.
And yet I didn't want to
let it go, to deny it, for it made me alive in a way I had never known. I
tingled from top to toe. I felt beautiful inside, as beautiful as the Lady
Adiora. Love made me aware of Conn's frustrations and anxieties, made me
willing to sacrifice all I was, anything I had, for his wellbeing. And, in an
obscure way, it made me understand and love my animal friends even more.
I sensed now why Pisky
talked like an ever-running stream, knew why Moglet was near as great a coward
as I was myself, acknowledged the slowness of Puddy—except for the other
night—and understood Corby's coarse carelessness. I was also starting to
comprehend—but the fringes only, because he was magic—what our beloved Snowy
had loved and lost, and how his love was different, somehow stronger than life
itself. And as I realized this, a great calm and peace stole over me.
* * *
It rained, and it rained
and it rained. Non-stop. For three nights and three days, and it was just our
luck that we were between villages and had to seek shelter every night where we
could. The first night it was in a deserted barn by a crumbling cottage, the
second in the open and the third—
"A cave!"
called Corby. "Just past the three stones—are those the ones we're looking
For the last five miles
or so we had encountered gently rising ground, and had begun to hear our own
footsteps beneath us, each step with the faint echo of a drum. Snowy lowered
each hoof with increasing suspicion.
caves," he said. "Deep ones, at that. With all this water about we
shall have to be careful."
So when Corby hopped
into the cave ahead of us, giving a hollow and thankful caw! as he arrived,
Snowy was the only one to hesitate, but he could do little but follow when we
all rushed in to celebrate our shelter. My flint and tinder was dry enough from
the oiled pouch I now carried it in, and I soon had a lusty fire going where
the floor fell steeply from the entrance towards a large passageway we had had
no chance yet of exploring. The cave had obviously been used before. There were
two piles of kindling, some logs and peat in a dry corner, although it was
clear that the usage was not recent, for boulders had rolled down from the cave
entrance, partially blocking the passageway, and the store of wood was almost
rotted through.
It all made a fine
blaze, however, and I soon had our last strips of pork fat spitting from
skewers above, curling and browning with a smell that made my mouth water. I
still carried cheese and some rather stale oatcakes and had picked wild
raspberries earlier, so we made a fine supper and afterwards lay lazily around
the fire, listening to the rain outside, while the smoke rose up in a wavering
pillar and flattened itself against the roof of the cave.
"Funny," I
said. "D'you think the bats don't like our smoke?"
"What bats?"
said Conn lazily.
I sat up. "Well,
the cave is a bit smelly, isn't it—"
"But dry—"
"But dry. And there
are fresh bat-droppings around and bat-ledges up there, but no bats. And they
wouldn't be flying in this weather. Perhaps they've gone off down the passage .
. ."
"No bats,"
repeated Moglet, from my lap. "No bats; no rats, no bats but a cat . .
Of course Pisky took
that up. "No bats, but a cat; no dish, but a fish with a wish . . ."
"A crow that can't
go, and so full of woe . . ."
"A toad with a
node, who bears a load on the road—"
"Quiet!" said
Snowy sharply. I thought for an instant that he was annoyed with the game, that
he didn't want one of them to come to the bit of the "unicorn with no
horn"—I had already thought of rhyming "Knight" with "blight"—but
as we stopped I could hear it too.
A queer, rumbly,
shifting sound. A runnel of water slithered past my toe, and then another. I
looked up at the mouth of the cave, some three or four feet higher than the
place where we sat, and more muddy water was pouring over the lip. The sounds
of movement intensified; small stones clattered over into the cave—but they
were falling from above! I scrambled to my feet with Conn, even
as a shape flitted past my ears, then another and another, flittering and
piping, wide mouths agape on needle teeth, ears like open leather purses. I
couldn't tell what they were trying to communicate, although the shrill sounds
overrode the dull rumble that seemed all around us, but Snowy understood well
enough. With a wild call he had us all gathering up our belongings in a
scrambling haste. One moment Conn was loaded with everything, then I was, then
Snowy and Moglet and Corby and Puddy and Pisky were passed from one to other of
us like a first lesson in juggling but eventually—and this took but one
bat-sweep round the cave—Conn had the baggage balanced on Snowy, Corby on one
wrist and Pisky's bowl dangling from the other, and I had Moglet inside my
jacket and Puddy in my pocket.
The bats' cries grew
more urgent and the rumbling louder: I felt the floor shift and sway under my
feet and clutched at Snowy's mane.
"What do we do?
Where do we go?"
"The bats will show
us. Take a brand from the fire—nay, better two, one to light from the other,
and some kindling. But hurry, dear one, there is little time!"
I snatched a glowing
branch, whereupon it snapped and sparked about my feet. I drew a deep breath;
we were together, don't panic, nothing can harm us if we're together . . . I
picked up a convenient bundle of kindling and thrust it into my jacket, where a
protesting Moglet fought with the twigs. Selecting carefully I picked out a
large gnarled branch and then another. Thrusting the tip of the first into the
fire I soon had the tip ablaze and swung it round the cave: the bats were
sweeping and squeaking round a jut of rock to the left. Ahead of us was the
unexplored passage we had noticed earlier and Conn was scrambling towards that.
"No!" called
Snowy. "Not that way, Rusty Knight: it's a dead end, they say!"
There was a louder roar
than before and by the light of my improvised torch we swung round to face the
entrance of the cave. It was collapsing before our eyes. Where before there had
been a clear, jagged outline with the fall of rain hanging like a curtain
behind a stone arch, now the outlines were blurring before our eyes. The arch
was changing shape, becoming rounder, lowering, cracking and the rain-curtain
became a fall of stones that blotted out the last dim shapes we had seen
before. But that was not all: the curtain now started to slide towards us,
faster and faster, as if some wind had bellowed out behind an arras.
"Follow the bats:
it's our only chance!" cried Snowy.
I thrust my burning
branch into Conn's hand, grabbed his belt and he jinked behind the rock: so
there was another passage. The bats flew ahead into the cold darkness and I
followed Conn's first hesitating steps. I turned my head for Snowy but even as
he followed I saw the river of slurry engulf our fire with a despairing hiss,
and then all was black except for the flickering torch. The floor of the
passage was painfully sharp with stones as we hobbled along. Of a sudden Conn's
belt was jerked from my grasp. The torch went out and I could hear nothing but
the great roar of stones behind, felt a great, stuffy blast of air buffet my
ears and screamed as I fell helplessly into darkness—
The Binding: Cat
Stalagmites and Stalactites
It was cold. I was lying
on bare rock, there was no light, my head hurt. The end of the world? Not
quite. A raspy tongue was scraping my chin under the mask with anxious zeal.
There was a terrible cursing in my right ear.
"Caw! Blind me—why
can't someone strike a light? Black as a raven's armpit in here . . ."
But there was light, of
a sort. A dim white shape stood where I thought my legs should be, if only I
could think and see straight.
Snowy bent his head and
snuffed gently. "All right, Thing dear? You will have a headache for a
while—you bumped your head. But we're safe, for the time being . . ."
"No worse than my
headache," said a muffled voice from my pocket, and I felt Puddy
squeeze himself out. "How goes it, fish?"
"Well," said
some extremely angry little bubbles. "I'm not broken, but a lot of
water has slopped out, thanks to nobody in particular, and one of my
snails is missing."
"Here's your
snail," said Corby soothingly, "and a couple of nice new round
pebbles." I heard three little plops. "And a—oh, no: it's a bone . .
. Sorry."
"What sort of
bone?" I sat up incautiously, to be rewarded with a pain that beat like a
drum behind my eyes.
"Only a little 'un.
Rat, mouse; bat perhaps . . ."
There was a shuffling
behind me and Conn's groping hand closed on my shoulder. "Sorry about
that, Thingy dear: there was a drop at the end of the passage. No bones
"I don't think
so," I said crossly. "Where—where are we?"
Snowy shifted his
hooves. "Under the mountain . . . Have you your flint and tinder safe?"
I felt in my pocket.
"Yes, but—"
"What happened to
the torch you carried?"
I groped. "Here . .
"Right. You have
kindling somewhere about you, too; I saw you pick it up. Let's have some light,
shall we?"
Given something to do, I
felt better, and even more so when Snowy bent his head and touched the stub of
his horn to my head. I heard his soft moan even as my pain lessened, and I
reached forward to push him aside.
"Don't, oh don't! I
can bear it. Don't hurt yourself . . ."
"We are one, child,
all of us. All pain is to be shared, all troubles; all endeavour, all joys . .
." I felt an immense comfort, as though my mother had kissed me better, my
nurse taken me on her lap, my father laid his hand upon my head. It was another
of those elusive flashes of what I could not even call memory, and gone as
swift as kingfisher-flash.
I lit the
kindling—birch-bark, moss, twigs—and took from their friendliness a branch-tip
of fire. As it flared I stood up, all aches and pains miraculously gone, and
held it out to Conn.
"Hold it high—let's
see where we are . . . Oh, oh!" I gasped in awe as Conn held up the torch.
It flared and dipped and crackled and shone its flickering light upon towers,
castles, trees, mountains, cliffs, frozen waterfalls, avalanches—all shimmering
like ice and moon-glow. "What—what are they? So beautiful . . ."
castles," said Corby admiringly. "Cliffs; snow-slides . . . Caw . .
"Stalactites and
stalagmites," said Conn, and he whistled through his teeth.
"Magnificent! I've seen the like in Frankish lands, but nothing so grand .
. ."
As we stood there,
admiring, I heard a faint tinkling sound as first one great icicle and then
another dripped into the silence. Moglet wrapped herself round my ankles.
"Too big," she
said. I knew what she meant, and some of her unconscious, unspoken fear formed
my next words.
"Which is—is the
way out?" and even as I spoke the torch in Conn's hand flared and
sputtered and I realized how little fuel we had left.
Then came Snowy's
comfort. "There are several openings on the other side of the cavern. To
save fuel we shall go without light, travelling around the perimeter and
exploring each passageway as we come to it.
"I shall go first
as, to some extent, I can see in the dark. Thing dear can come next, holding to
my tail—but try not to pull it—and the knight shall bring up the rear. We shall
not travel too fast, and if I come across any obstacles I shall try and warn you
in plenty of time. Toad and cat with Thing, crow and fish with the knight . . .
It will take some time, but we have that to spare. Now, get ready, and remember
to bring what wood we have left and any kindling. Easy does it!"
I don't know about the
others but I kept my eyes closed, pretending to myself that it was only a game
and that if I opened them there would be light. Puddy was quiet in my pocket,
but I could feel Moglet trembling against my chest. Snowy's tail was soft and
silky and comforting to hold and Conn's hand warm on my shoulder. It seemed we
stumbled, tripped, wandered for hours; sometimes we climbed over rocks,
sometimes squeezed round or ducked under; sometimes there was open space and
nothing tangible save the last step and the next. If we paused for even an
instant, the silence clawed back into our consciousness as palpable as the
ever-present dark. But there was always the tinkle-drip of water, sometimes
nearby, sometimes seeming miles away, by its very randomness making the black
silence all the more terrifying—the drip of melting snow in an immense and
deserted forest, the crack of ice on a hollow lake, a child crying in a
deserted house—
By now my mouth was dry,
my brain in a vacuum, my senses like little sea-anemone tentacles, scared of
touch or bruise. Some of the passages Snowy didn't even bother with, as if he
knew at once they were dead ends; others we traversed for a hundred steps or so
until they narrowed impossibly. I lost count: was this the fifth or
twenty-fifth way we had gone? And all the while an uncooked lump as big as a
cottage loaf, doughy and indigestible, was rising, ever so slowly, from my
stomach to my throat, so that when the squeaking began all my tensions, all my
fears, erupted in a small shrill scream.
"Quiet, child!"
said Snowy sternly. The perspiration ran through my fingers into his tail and
Conn's fingers gripped my shoulder so fiercely in answer to my terror that I
could not help but cry out again. "Quiet: the bats are back!"
The bats! I had
forgotten them, although it was they who had led us the right way after the
deluge of water, mud and stones had destroyed our first refuge. I felt a sudden
rush of air as myriad wings brushed my mask, stirred my hair, and a language I
did not understand touched the high pitches of my hearing. Apparently Conn
noticed nothing, neither did Puddy or Pisky, but Corby put his head on one side
to listen and Moglet poked her head from under my jacket.
"What do they
say?" I asked.
"That the way out
is three openings to the right: we were nearly there," said Snowy
comfortingly. "Best foot forward!"
We squeezed into a
narrower passage than most we had tried, but even I beneath closed lids could
feel the gradual difference in the quality of the light, and risked ungluing
gummy lids. We found ourselves now in a smaller cave than the last. There was
light but no magic castles of rock, no everlasting dripping. Ahead was a rift
or chasm, and beyond it the cave mouth and the setting sun sending bars of
rose-colour across the floor. We had been entombed for nearly twenty-four
hours. No wonder I was suddenly ravenous!
Over the chasm stretched
a natural bridge of stone, wide enough for two to cross abreast. I started
towards it eagerly, only to be halted by a buffet of bat-wings and a hundred
shrill voices, and Conn's voice, harsh and incredulous.
"Look! Sweet Jesus,
Mary and Joseph! Look to the right, Thing!" He had got my name right at
last but I did not heed it.
Across the chasm,
stretched from side to side in eight equally spaced strands, was an enormous
web. Even as we watched, a spider, as thick in body as a Lugnosa moon and as
black and hairy as the Devil himself, legs jointed and hooked like some
grotesque toy, ran across to the centre of the web and halted, multifaceted
eyes glaring and mouth moving like the jaws of a wolf. I did not need Snowy's
words to know we were beyond hope.
"The bats say that
she stops all who would cross: see the corpses parcelled among the strands?
They have tried to break through but fall helpless to the glue on the web.
There is no way out for any of us, none, unless we can bring the spider to
destruction . . ."
The Binding: Cat
Web of Despair
It was Conn's fighting
Hirlandish temper that brought me to my senses. With a cry of rage he had
charged the web, only to be repulsed by a twang! of impenetrable strands, a
sticky front and a menacing clatter of joints from the spider. Conn collapsed
on the ground by my side, such a comical look of frustrated fury on his face
that I forgot my worries and patted his shoulder.
"You all
"All right! All
right? I'll kill the bastard, sure and I will! Just let me take my sword to its
evil body and I'll—" but then he stopped and of course remembered that his
weapon was in pieces. "Ah, wouldn't you believe it then! Just when I
needed it . . ." He put his hands to his head and tugged at the unruly
curls. All of a sudden he had shed ten years and was again an edgy,
temperamental lad, the brogue tripping from his tongue like a slashed wineskin.
"Ah, 'tis terrible, terrible! How in the world can we get past that—that
black bag of air?" He sprang to his feet and began to pace the ten feet or
so of rock in front of the chasm. "See, the bugger has stuck its net to
the rock; there, there and there," and he pointed to thick suckers that
anchored the strands. "And two at this side, one the other and two at the
top—eight together, by the saints!"
Between the thick
strands glistening with an evil, tarry glue that clung to whatever touched,
were finer strands that glowed with a greyish light of their own. These were
pearled with sticky droplets and clogged with pitiful little bat-parcels, some
still feebly struggling in the last rays of the setting sun that slanted
through the seemingly unattainable mouth of the cave. Freedom! So near, so frustratingly
near! Were we, too, to end like those bats, waiting to be sucked to the bone,
then discarded into the torrent of water we could hear echoing in the chasm far
below the web? Or would we choose rather to drown in those depths, so far
beneath the open sky, the woods, the fields we were used to? Or would we huddle
here, cowards all, and slowly starve to death?
"Time for
supper," said Snowy. "What have you got in the pack, Thing
Not much: half a flagon
of water, some ends of ham, rinds of cheese, honey. We ate what we could,
bunched close together and shivering now, for the sun had gone down. Conn
doubled his cloak to sit upon, for the rock struck chill, and Snowy lay down
behind us so that my cloak would do as a coverall. Beyond us and the web the
cave mouth was pricked with stars and a near-full moon swung into view, her
pale light too high to penetrate the gloom of the cave. A couple of desperately
hungry bats dared the web; one pulled back at the last moment, the other, with
a high-pitched scream, became entangled and a moment later a pair of
pincer-like jaws fastened on the poor, furry body. Poisoned venom quickly did
its work and the stunned bat was rolled and twisted into an obscene shroud. The
dry rustling and shaking of the web ceased, and the only sign of the terror
that lurked there was a hooked claw that crossed the rising moon, a bar
sinister on the gold.
I leant back against
Snowy. "What can we do? How . . ."
"We must
think," he said. "Consider, assess. There must be a way . . . But now
sleep, my friends, sleep. Often in dreams the answer comes. Sleep . . ."
And cold, still hungry,
I dozed off, the comfort of a strangely silent Conn's shoulder my pillow.
* * *
thinking," said Moglet.
After breaking our fast—a
bad joke, this, on what we had left—Moglet had washed her face and perched on
an outcrop of rock some discreet ten yards from the web. With inscrutable eyes
she had watched the loathsome spider take two bat-parcels and suck them dry,
then spit the bones to the torrent below. She had watched the giant insect wipe
its jaws with a rattle of forelegs and, satiated, settle back in the middle of
the web, to watch us.
The rest of us,
excluding Snowy who said nothing, had spent some two hours in fruitless argument
and discussion, first one and then the other putting forward wild schemes that
could come to nothing. The only idea that had seemed remotely feasible, that of
Pisky's to dare the torrent below, had been dashed by one quick look, a wary
eye on the spider the while. If we managed to miss the ledges and projections
on the way down and avoided being dashed to pieces on the rocks that reared up
like fangs, we should surely perish in the swirling black waters that
disappeared into a gaping hole in the rock to heaven knew where.
Twice Conn had tried to
get near the bridge of stone that spanned the chasm and twice had been
threatened by an immediately alert spider who had run down the web to meet him,
jaws clashing. It even pursued him on to the rock floor of the cave the second
time, to be driven back by some stones I flung in desperation. After this we
were exhausted, and it was only then I had noticed and questioned the
non-participating Moglet.
A careless retort sprang
to my lips on her reply, engendered perhaps by frustration, but Snowy blew
softly down the back of my neck before I could say anything.
"It is perhaps her
turn," he murmured softly, which I did not understand. "Gather close,
all of you, and send your thoughts to her aid. Close your eyes and empty your
minds of all except that which will help her thoughts. Concentrate on cunning,
wisdom, energy and, above all, freedom. Now, my dears, now . . ."
So we did. Huddled
together, hungry, thirsty, cold and in despair, we nevertheless freed our minds
and sent them over to where Moglet sat, a little receiving statue.
At last she stirred. She
had been sitting bolt upright, large ears forward, eyes apparently unblinking.
But now she performed a long, slow stretch, arching her rump in the air, tail a
relaxed loop, front legs stretched out, claws a-scrape against the rock, ears
back, head sloped down between her front paws, jaws almost at right angles in
an exaggerated yawn. The ritual done, she sidled over to us.
"Well?" I
asked, aware that the sun outside was at its zenith, aware of time trickling
away like water through carelessly cupped hands.
"Stones," said
Moglet. "Lots of them. A big pile. As heavy as you can throw . . ."
And, exasperating animal as she could sometimes be, she folded her front pads
underneath her and promptly went to sleep.
Stones it was then,
gathered in the half-gloom by Conn and myself, pecked from ledges by Corby,
hoofed from their hiding places by Snowy, until there must have been two
hundred of them of all shapes and sizes.
Moglet opened her eyes
and considered. "That should be enough . . . Now then, Sir Rusty Knight, I
want you to cut two strips from your cloak, about half a man-hand thick and a
hand-and-a-half wide—"
"From my good
leather cloak? You must be joking!" expostulated Conn.
"Do as she
says," said Snowy quietly.
Surprised into
compliance, Conn did as he was told and laid the tanned strips by the stones.
"Now what?"
"Now," said my
kitten, thoughtfully flexing her paws, "now I shall have to ask our white
friend here to do some interpreting to the bats: don't speak their squeak
myself, but I gather he does . . ."
Quickly she explained
what she wanted, and while we were still exchanging glances wondering whether
it would work, the bats had swarmed down and picked up, four to each strip, the
pieces of leather. For a minute or two they practised flying in formation, a
thing they were obviously not used to, the strips falling from their grasp
twice, luckily onto the rocks close by. Then they were ready, hovering above us
with strange clicks and twitters.
"Right!" said
Moglet. "Thing dear and Conn, will you please throw stones as hard as you
can at the web in the bottom right-hand corner, there where the web has been
darned; the small strands, not the thick ones. As soon as you have made a hole,
start to make another, still at the bottom, but this time on the left-hand
side." She turned to Snowy. "Tell the bats to go as soon as I say
'Ready!' "
Conn and I started
flinging the stones: his aim was much better than mine. Some of the missiles went
through the fine meshes, clattering across to the cave mouth. Many of mine
dropped soundlessly into the water-filled chasm, but before long we had a
sizable hole in the right side of the web. As soon as the first stone struck,
the spider was down to investigate, throwing out fast streamers to try and plug
the holes we made. The stones themselves seemed to have little effect on it,
bouncing off the tough carapace like pebbles off armour, but its anger at our
attempted destruction of its trap was plain to see, for, even while knitting up
the severed strands, it chattered and snapped its jaws.
I heard Moglet's
"Ready!" to Snowy and would have stopped to watch the bats but for
his hissed warning.
"Keep going: do not
let your eyes stray!"
By now each stone was
getting heavier and heavier, and as we switched to the left side of the web,
Conn was throwing at least three to my one; in the end I was chucking them
underarm, scarce able to see their direction for the sweat that ran down inside
my mask and threatened to blind me. I thought I could do no more, but suddenly
there was a loud twang! from above and the whole web dropped about six feet.
With the speed of light the spider turned and ran up one of the central struts
towards the roof. At last I could look up to see what the bats had been doing.
The leather flaps had been wrapped round two of the central struts and, thus
protected from the gluey stickiness, the bats had been able to bite completely
through one strand so that the web hung now only from seven supports instead of
eight. The other four bats had not fared so well: the second top main strut had
not parted, and even as they tried to escape, one poor bat was caught in
snapping jaws. No refinements this time: the spider crunched it with one bite
and then spat it out to spiral down, back broken, into the torrent below.
Then the great insect
went back to the repair of its web. Spreading itself on the surface of the rock
above the break, it clung safe with the four back legs while holding the
severed end in its front claws, dribbling some foul oozing mess on it and then
drawing up the longer end to meet the shorter and binding all together with
some kind of thread it teased from its belly.
"Now," said
Moglet, her eyes green with concentration. "Take your sharp little knife,
Thing dear, and a piece of leather to protect you from the stickiness, and saw
through the left-hand bottom strut. You, Sir Conn, do the same for the upper
right-hand one: you are the only one tall enough to reach, and your broken
sword has a nice sawy edge. Don't worry: the spider cannot be in three places
at once and I'll ask Snowy to get the bats to tackle the bottom strut on the
right at the same time. That will account for four more struts; one is already
through and the other nearly, I think. That leaves two, the extreme left one
near the bridge and the one nearest us in the middle. Sir Conn, before you
start please make a loop round that one—yes, more leather, please—and attach it
by our rope in Thing's pack to Snowy. He may not be able to free it, but at
least the shaking will give the creature pause." I marvelled at my
incisive, logical, quick-thinking kitten; never would I have believed her
capable of five minutes' sustained thought, let alone the drive and
determination she had shown thus far. She gave a quick lick to each front paw.
"I shall give each warning if the spider changes direction: off you
An hour later we were
totally exhausted, and the spider must have been too. The bats had gnawed
through one more strand, Conn had cut through another and so had I, but all
Snowy's weight had not shifted the bottom one. We had lost two more bats, but
now the web was looking decidedly the worse for wear. Great holes marred it
where the stones had gone through and the insect had only managed temporary
repairs. Now, not counting the first strut the bats had failed to sever, four
had been cut through and temporarily repaired, but did not look as though they
would bear any weight until the tarry substance that anchored them had had time
to set. And time was something none of us had to spare.
Moglet still burned with
energy. Her eyes were huge in the early twilight, for the sun had sulked behind
cloud since midday. None of us had had time to think of food but I would have
given almost anything for a drink, and looking round at the others I knew they
felt the same. For two pins I would have drunk Pisky dry and watched enviously
as Moglet lapped a quick half-inch, with permission of course.
work," she remarked, fastidiously pawing the top clear of weed and snails.
"Now: one last go! Conn, take the last right-hand strand and bats the
left. Thing dear, sharpen that knife of yours once more, for the strand in the
middle here is the strongest—"
The right-hand strand
parted. Conn ran to my side and together we sawed away at the middle one. The
last left-hand strand suddenly snapped loose from the wall above the bridge and
the bats screeched above our heads as the maddened spider came rushing down towards
us. The bats suddenly flew in a cluster at her eyes so that she could not see,
and at last with a strange thrumming noise our strand broke. The others, the
mended ones, sucked stickily away from their supports and now the whole web
hung suspended by one single line.
The black creature
retreated to the middle of her ruined web, hairy legs waving, jaws snapping,
eyes darting from side to side judging which repair to make next. Then,
crouching back, it gathered its legs to spring—
"A torch, Thing, a
torch!" called Snowy urgently.
With a speed I had not
thought my tired body possessed I grabbed what kindling we had left, bound it
with the cord from Conn's cloak to a piece of wood and struck tinder and flint.
In a moment I had a blazing torch that illuminated the whole cave even as the
spider leapt from the web to the rock before me. Waving the torch I advanced.
"Back, back you
thing of darkness and deceit! Back, I say—" and I flung the fiery brand
straight at its eyes.
With a screaming hiss it
leapt back for the web, which rocked crazily at the impact. There was a crack!
like a whiplash and the last strand parted. For an instant web and spider
seemed to hang suspended, then with a rush both fell down into the chasm. The
torch followed, and as we rushed forward for a moment it lit up the shattered
body of the monstrous creature—arms and legs broken and askew, all smothered by
the broken web. Then the foaming waters closed over it and spun it away into
the endless rivers below the mountain . . .
The Binding: Crow
The Great White Worm
Outside, in the clean,
cool evening air, it was raining again. But now none of us would have exchanged
the downpour for the deceptive shelter of those accursed caves. As for me, I
opened my mouth and let the blessed water bounce off my tongue; I even sucked
the ends of my hair for the precious drops. In spite of being drenched Moglet
stood stiff-legged and tail-high as if she had just routed a pack of marauding
toms from the backyard, revelling in our admiration and affection. As for the
bats, they swarmed away in a great cloud, despite the rain, only to return in
twos and threes to drop small fragments of food. I didn't fancy the idea myself
but Corby, Pisky, Puddy and Moglet were delighted. It was the bats' way of
saying thank you.
After a while common
sense reasserted itself; I was pretty wet but Conn was in a worse plight. His
cloak now, with all the pieces hacked from it and the cord missing, was more
like a tatty head-cape, and he was drenched and shivering.
"Skin is supposed
to be watertight," he grumbled, "but I'll swear this water is leaking
through to my bones . . . There's a village of sorts down in the valley: I can
see smoke. Shall we?"
Above our heads the last
escort of bats swooped in farewell, and somewhere a buzzard called its lonely:
"Ki-ya, ki-ya, ki-ya . . ."
An hour later I was dozy
with heat, more-or-less dry and had a stomach full of a thick, meaty stew. The
last piece of bread still firmly clasped to my chest, I fell asleep on the
* * *
We found the four stones
the very next day, on the edge of the uplands north of the village, and
consulted The Ancient's map.
"North from here,
due north," said Conn. "That should be easy enough. Even I know
north. Well, that's three adventures past us and we're still all in one piece.
Allonz, mez enfants! Four to go . . ."
"What's that?"
I asked. The words sounded familiar.
"What? Oh, allonz
et cetera? The Frankish words for let's get going," he said
But I knew, even as he
spoke I had heard them before—somewhere. Another of those tantalizing glimpses
of another life.
"Don't you mean:
'En avant, mez braves?' " I suggested, and was rewarded by a startled look
from those brown eyes, but he said nothing further.
The moors and forests
through which our way led were bare, for the most part, of human life, but the
cooler, crisp air did not deter an abundance of wild life. Hares, foxes,
stoats, weasels; badger, deer, squirrel, marten; eagle, merlin, finch, tit; and
the purple heath and heather, crisp, curling bracken and colourful butterflies,
dingy moths and laden bees. Here I found, in the endless quest for berries and
roots, two plants I had never come across before; one, with sticky-pad leaves,
trapped small insects much as Puddy did with his tongue, and the other, looking
deceptively like a large violet, had fleshy leaves which performed much the
same function. Pisky declared the brownish water we replenished him with as
"a nice change"; Moglet managed, even with her damaged paw, to find
voles and mice. At times voles in particular were almost too easy to catch,
running away from us like a brown wave in the long grasses. Indeed Moglet
became rather blase about her new-found prowess, and shared her meals with
Corby, so they both grew sleeker and better groomed. Snowy, too, enjoyed the
change in diet. Now I only had to provide for Conn and myself and we relied
mainly on what I could cull, for we had no bows, arrows or spears for hunting,
and did not stay long enough in any one place to set snares.
We made good progress,
only having to detour once when a stagnant bog barred our way, a question mark
to safety with its green slime lying quiet on ominously inviting open
stretches, midges dancing their one-day life above. The main impediment to any
enjoyment was the rain that seemed to fall more plentifully on these bleak
uplands, so perhaps it was with a sense of relief that we found the ground
sloping away beneath our feet and that one day the rising sun showed us cliffs
and the sea.
Again that nagging sense
of a thing known and should-be-remembered tugged at my mind. The salty smell,
the crash and roar of the waves, the endless shift of great waters, all these I
had seen before, somewhere, sometime. Only the steep, black, boulder-shod
cliffs were different; the ones I thought I remembered were—white? Cream?
Gentler, with sandy beaches, not these pebble- and rock-encumbered stretches. A
summer house by the sea, collected shells, sea-bright pebbles that faded
without the lap of water, the grit of sand between teeth and toes, the
salt-harsh cry of gulls—
The great gulls wheeled
and broke before us, screamed a welcome, and for two days they accompanied us
as we traversed the edge of those dark and frowning cliffs, unable to find a
way down. On the third day we came to a small river, which afforded access to
the beach below. It flowed gently between restraining banks to a large bay,
some three miles across at the widest part but narrowing at its mouth to about
fifty feet, enclosed by sharply rising cliffs. Here the sea frothed and
seethed, eager to burst its bottleneck as the tide receded. The beach around
the wishbone-shaped bay was broken with tumbled rocks and boulders but inland
the terrain was smooth and low, until it rose behind to the moors we had left.
In that fair and gentle valley lay a prosperous-looking village, more a small
town, with houses on either side of the river and boats drawn up tidily on the
shelving banks.
For a while as we
descended to the beach, I became aware of a curious shifting movement among the
rocks, and thought I could hear a strange mixture of sounds: keening, grunting,
shuffling, splashing. The smell was less indistinct: a fishy, animal smell, but
it was Corby's keen eyes, perched as he was on Conn's shoulder, that recognized
all this for what it was.
"Caw! People of the
Sea—ruddy millions of 'em!"
Almost at the same
moment came Conn's voice. "Seals! A great colony of seals! But rather
late, I should have thought . . ."
Even as we adjusted to
the sight, a boy of ten or twelve, clad in rough homespun and barelegged, rose
from behind a clump of gorse to our right and stood regarding us wide-eyed.
"Hullo," said
The boy's eyes opened
wider than ever, as if he thought us incapable of ordinary speech. "Be you
they travellers what are spoke of and expected?" It came out in a rush and
in an accent strange to me and hard to follow. "If you be, then I bids you
welcome, masters both, and ask that you follow me to't chief's house," and
he set off forthwith down a narrow track leading to the village, with many a
scared, backward look. I almost expected him to cross his fingers against the
Evil Eye.
We looked at one
"We are
travellers," said Conn. "But as to being expected—Or spoken of, come
to that—"
"Strange tales
travel with the wind," said Snowy. "And, like smoke, they change
shape in passing."
"Well," I
said, "we can only find out if they mean us by going down and
" 'What am I?' as
the worm said to the blackbird," contributed Corby, gloomily. "Oh,
well, don't say as I didn't warn you . . ."
So we followed the boy,
who kept pausing for us to catch up, as if afraid of losing us, but at the same
time he kept his distance, as if afraid of what we might do if we came too
close. We passed several huts and the people there also regarded us with a kind
of wary fascination. The town was well laid out, with straight streets swept
clear of rubbish, animals tethered or penned and folk decently dressed. Most of
the people were tall and slim, many with fair hair, the men moustached and
bearded, some with tattoos on their arms and fingers. As we walked I glanced
over my shoulder: we were being followed. Men, women, children, all had put
aside what they were doing and were pacing behind us. At another time this
might have seemed menacing, but in spite of the numbers I was aware most of all
of curiosity, and almost began to wonder whether we had all grown two heads,
though the others looked normal enough to me.
After what seemed a very
long walk, we reached a bluff overlooking the river and what I supposed to be
the chief's house. It was a long, low building, the wooden supports curiously
carved with serpentine figures picked out in red and blue, the shapes outlined
with rows of white shells. We reached the entrance, preceded by a couple of
townspeople obviously come to forewarn of our presence; no leather-hinged door,
no curtained flap awaited us, instead two painted panels that fitted into
well-grooved wood top and bottom and now slid apart to reveal a dark, smoky
interior. I thought it a very good idea for a door and was busy examining the
mechanics when someone nudged me forward and I found myself inside, adjusting
my eyes to the gloom.
Wooden pillars down each
side supported a steeply pitched thatched roof; behind these were stacked
trestles and stools. In a central stone fireplace, raised some three feet from
the ground, smouldered a peat fire, smoke wisping up through a square exit in
the thatch. At the far end were curtained recesses, no doubt for sleeping and
stores. Light was provided by stands holding small basins of strong-smelling
oil with wicks floating inside, although iron sconces were set in the pillars
should stronger illumination be needed.
Beside the fire stood a
taller man than the rest, with white hair that curled to his shoulders, wearing
blue woollen trews and a fine cloak to match, fastened by a cord drawn through
ornamented bronze rings; on his right side hung a short, bright sword and his
arms were braceleted above the elbow by golden snakes. By his side stood a
tall, dark lady with plaited grey hair and the same strong features as her
husband, and behind them lurked three tall boys and a girl, by the mark of
their features their children.
travellers all," said the chief. He, too, used that strangely accented
speech—they clipped the hard sounds short and drew out the soft ones—but he
spoke, majestic and slow, so that it was easier to understand him than the boy
earlier. "We have much to talk of, you and I. My name is Ragnar. My wife,
Gunnhilde, and I welcome you to our house and our town of Skarrbrae. You must
rest yourselves and eat. When the sun is low we shall speak again."
He clapped his hands and
hot water and towels were brought. Conn and I retired to separate recesses,
where I luxuriated in a clean body once again. When we emerged, stools and a
wooden trestle were set in front of us with great wooden bowls of some fishy broth,
strips of dried fish and a coarse bread. There were also bowls of goat's milk
and a refreshing herbal brew, in which I thought I detected camomile and
feverfew. Snowy and the others were not neglected either, and while I wondered
at why (to them) a pony was allowed within doors, a great pile of hay was set
in front of him; Corby was given fish-guts, Moglet the same with goat's milk,
and I crumbled a paste of bread into Pisky's bowl. Puddy stayed quiet in my
pocket after a snorted: "Fish!" I wasn't worried, as insects had been
plentiful during our journey.
Stuffed full, we were
led to a pile of rushes on which were spread fur rugs, and, perhaps because of
the food, or the gloom, or simply because we were dry and warm and welcome, we
all dozed off for a couple of hours. When I awoke, torches were being lit in
the sconces along the pillars and Puddy was sitting three inches away from my
nose, a wing and a leg of some large insect sticking out of the corner of his
mouth. His throat moved up and down decisively. As I watched the bits
disappeared, and he burped.
I said.
"Each to his
own," said Puddy. "Anyway, I didn't think you would like it marching
down the back of your neck . . ." and he crawled back into my pocket,
where I could feel him hiccoughing quietly.
"Serves you
right," I said.
Corby came up and looked
me in the eye—one of his to both mine. "Does one crap inside or out?"
I rose to my feet.
"Those who wish to crap," I said carefully, "crap, to use your
expression, outside." I looked down at my pocket. "And those who crap
in my pockets, or sick-up because they're too greedy, get their mouths fastened
together for a week!"
"Want to . . . the
other," said Moglet. So did I, so we all went outside for five minutes.
When we returned, Ragnar
and his wife were waiting for us and invited us to join them round the
replenished fire. Everyone else had disappeared, and I judged the serious part
of the business was about to start.
Ragnar nodded at us.
"You may wonder," he began, "why it is that you are looked-for:
but perhaps you know?"
I glanced at Conn, who
shook his head. "No, we do not know how it is that you expected us,"
he said slowly, choosing his words carefully. "We are on a journey that
means much to us but, I should have thought, little to others. Yet are we
grateful for your welcome and hospitality, and if our appearance in your part
of the country means that my friends and I can help you in any way, then I
think I speak for us all when I say we will do our best." He glanced round
at us all, receiving our agreement. "But may I ask why you need us
particularly and how you knew that we should come—if, indeed, it is us you
expected?" He sounded doubtful.
Gunnhilde took up some
embroidery. "It is a combination of a need and a legend. The need I shall
come to later, but I assure you it is very real." Her husband nodded
gravely. "First, the legend. Our people have lived here for many generations.
They say that folk from the northern lands were wrecked on this coast during a
great storm; the survivors scrambled ashore and settled among the fisherfolk
who already lived here, in a village much smaller than you see it now. The
marriage of different peoples and variant skills brought both peace and
prosperity to this part of the country; we had the sea for fishing, our friends
who visited us every year—"
I looked at Snowy: the
seals? He nodded.
"—sweet water from
the river, good earth for crops and the uplands and forests for hunting and
timber. For many years we prospered—I speak of a time before I was born, you
understand—but a wise man, a shaman as we call them, who once lived and died
here warned of a time when the sea should boil, the fish flee and our friends come
no more to visit us. Then, it was a tale for children but even so his words
were remembered, for who knows what the gods have in store? My mother's mother
told me of the prophecies when I was a child and I remembered. But unlike some
prophecy it was not all doom: there was a promise of deliverance also."
She glanced at her husband. "You tell them, for you know the words as well
as I."
"Indeed I do, for
it was a tale to fright children into the dark imaginings of the night. We
learnt it as it was told, in verse, so that no meaning should be lost by later
mis-telling or exaggeration. It goes thus," and he straightened his back
and delivered the lines in a deep, sonorous voice. I didn't think much of them
as verse; they didn't even rhyme, but some of the words started with the same
letters, so it had a kind of hypnotic beat to it, wrapped up as it was in
symbolism and metaphor.
"And in that time:
the token of the terror shall be thus:
The people of the sea shall come: and bring forth their young that year;
And the young that year shall be great: and their melody music the meadows.
But for jealousy of their joy: evil shall bring forth evil e'en greater
And the sea shall boil: and bring forth a beast to despoil.
Men shall starve and women too: and children cry from hunger,
And the sea-people and people of the sea: shall keen and cower,
While the great White Wyrme: shall devour the dead and despoil the sea . .
He paused. "If it
were only that, then we should be lost indeed, for that which was prophesied
has indeed come to pass—more of that later. But the prophecy speaks of a
deliverance, and this is where I believe you were sent to help us." He
cleared his throat.
"But this shall last only so long: then from the south shall come the
A wight on a white horse: holding for help in his arms
The moon and stars for measure: and the stars shall be green as grass
Blue as a babe's eye: red as rust and clear as river running.
And the seven shall strive: and the White Wyrme shall wither.
And behold! all shall be: as before and better.
Then the people of the sea and the sea-people: shall gift and guard them,
For they go with the gods: and shall take the road west with weal . . .
"So, that is why we
have looked for you, for now is the time of our greatest need, and in your
company there would seem to be at least part of the promise of our deliverance.
A man on a white horse, that is clear enough, but the prophecy foretold of
seven. I count but six—"
"Seven," I
said, and plonked Puddy on a free stool.
There was a moment's
silence and then Gunnhilde laughed and put aside her sewing.
"Seven it is,
seven. We are lucky husband, for in them the prophecy does come true!"
I wriggled on my seat.
"But the bit about the moon and stars?"
Ragnar frowned.
"That I cannot see, but there must be an answer . . ." He glanced at
his wife but she was staring at Puddy and then picked up Pisky's bowl.
"Green as grass:
the moon," and she threw back her head and laughed. "Under our noses,
husband, other riddles to be read, I fancy . . . And you and you and you,"
she pointed to me, Corby, Moglet, "must hold the other 'stars?' "
I lifted Corby's wing
and Moglet's paw and pointed to my stomach. "And there is another tale.
But it hasn't been written yet, 'cos it isn't finished."
"The riddle is read,"
said Gunnhilde. "Husband, call them to prepare a feast!"
Amidst the bustle, the
uproar, the feasting, the smiles, I caught a mutter from Corby. "First
part's easy, all feasting and fal-lals and what-a-pretty-bird: I've an idea the
second part will be more difficult . . ."
It was not until the
morrow that we realized just what we had let ourselves in for, but that evening
it was indeed all "feasting and fal-lals" for it was obvious the
townsfolk were sure we were the answer to all their prayers. We ate and drank
our fill and were entertained by their songs and dances until the small hours.
It wasn't till all was quiet that I began to wonder what was in store for us.
Then I remembered the verses and fell asleep uneasily wondering about boiling
seas and great white worms which, together with the cheese I had eaten earlier,
engendered weird and disturbing dreams. Twice I woke in a cold sweat, only to
be soothed to sleep again by the gentle breathing of my companions and a sort
of mournful lullaby that seemed to come in time with the distant rush and suck
of the sea.
The next morning Ragnar,
with about fifty interested townspeople in tow, took us down to the beach, and
there, restlessly milling and turning, were about two to three hundred seals.
They were of all ages and sizes, male, female and pups, and seemed to have
little fear of humans, allowing us to walk amongst them on the rocks and the
greyish-black sand. They became excited when they saw Snowy and gave soft
hooting sounds and groans and I realized they were telling him something,
recognizing that he was one who would understand. There were more of them
bobbing about in the bay, seeming to stand on their back-flippers in the water
eyeing us with curiosity. Some porpoised up and down, showing off, others with
mouthfuls of seaweed were tossing their heads from side to side, threshing the
water, exactly like a housewife beating clothes on stones in a river—another
way of drawing attention to themselves, I supposed. All seemed jolly, a
gathering of wild animals grown tame and choosing to live in close proximity
with man, but there was an unease, a restlessness, a frustration that
communicated itself as surely as the ever-moving sea.
Conn questioned Ragnar
on their lameness. "Are they always like this?"
"Not always, but at
the moment they have no choice; they are restless because they know the time
has long passed this year when they should be at sea. Supplies of food are
running low, both for them and us, though we have given them what we
could." He paused. "You see, we have an arrangement with them; oh,
nothing that has ever been written down by us nor agreed with them: one cannot
speak with animals."
I opened my mouth, but
Snowy nudged me, and I closed it again.
"The way it works
is this: every year the seals are allowed to come to our beaches and have their
pups, and then they mate again. During that time we leave them unmolested.
Then, when autumn and winter comes we go forth to hunt them, mainly for their
skins, for that is our only surplus for trading. By then they are out at sea,
and it is an even battle between man and beast. Even then, we do not hunt
indiscriminately; each spring the pups are counted. Of these a third will not
survive their first year, from natural causes. We only cull a half of the
number of adults of the number remaining, the population is kept more or less
constant. There are enough pelts for us and enough fish for both man and
I looked at Ragnar with
new respect: a little different from Lady Adiora's method.
The tide was retreating
now, making a noise on the pebbles like someone clearing their throat and then
spitting. Ragnar waved to the townsfolk not to follow us further.
"We shall go on
alone," he said. Alone? Where? Echoes of last night's dreams made my heart
beat faster. "Of course there may be little to see: if the creature has
eaten recently he may not show himself. But if we stay quiet and tempt him a
little, then perhaps—" He beckoned to one of the men, who ran back to one of
the huts and reappeared with some strips of dried goat's meat. "Ah, yes:
this should do it."
With the chief leading
we made our way round the bay to the southernmost tip, climbing steadily all
the way and passing through a small flock of horned sheep, almost
indistinguishable from their goat-brothers, so unlike the low-slung fatties
Brothers Peter and Paul tended: still, I supposed the brothers' sheep would
have been hard put to it to find sustenance on these harsher uplands, while
Ragnar's sheep looked fit and well on their poor diet. More evidence of how
careful husbandry had made this such a prosperous place. I supposed The Ancient
would have a "clitch" for all this: "Difficult to tell sheep
from goats when both wear horns"?
At last we stood on the
edge of the cliff, the breeze from the sea ruffling Moglet's fur and snatching
at my mask. The sea foamed and raced beneath us and some twenty feet away was
the opposite cliff, crowned by an immense slab of rock that reared precariously
over the edge with what looked to me like a dangerous tilt.
"The Look-Out
Stone," said Ragnar. "The highest point around. We use it for spying
out shoals of fish, for posting a beacon if anyone is overdue and, of course,
for spotting the forerunners of the seal-cows in April. But there is a
suggestion for building a tower on this side instead: that rock can sway
dangerously in a high wind and we're not sure how firmly it's anchored."
He sighed. "It seems we can have little use for either till the Wyrme is
destroyed. When the seals whelped this year we had promise of good hunting, for
there were more than usual and we only took the born-dead or injured as we
always do. Then the Wyrme came, and they could not escape. They lost about
twenty cows and pups, before the males arrived looking for them. They only got
in by dint of numbers, a mad rush on a high tide. But now of course the beast
knows where they are and also knows a mass exit will leave the pups behind. The
cows will not risk the pups and the bulls will not leave the cows . . ."
He sighed again. "And it is not only them, it is us also. We have tried to
take to the boats and carry on our fishing but the Wyrme overturns them and
anyone who swims is immediate prey. We are trapped and the seals are trapped!
This is why we welcomed you, knowing that, through you, the second part of the
prophecy would come to pass." And he began to recite.
"And the seven
shall strive: and the White Wyrme shall wither.
And behold! all shall
be: as before and better."
"Doesn't he know
any nice cheerful little ditties?" muttered Corby. "Anyway, he's
missed out that bit about the road west. And gifts . . . Fat chance! Looks as
if we are trapped as tight as the rest. After all that mumbo jumbo can you see
'em saying 'Bye-bye, thanks for trying and all that?' No, we ain't going north,
south or east, let alone west—"
"Well, then,"
said Snowy, "put your tongue back in its beak, where it belongs, and use
your eyes and your cunning brain to see if you can come up with a solution! It
could be your turn, you know."
There it was:
"turns" again. Moglet's turn, Corby's turn—
"Watch," said
Ragnar, who of course had heard none of this by-play. "Down there, in that
wide cleft in the base of the opposite cliff where the water is calmer . . .
That's where he rests and watches and waits." And with that he tossed a
strip of goat's-flesh out as far as he could.
Nothing. We watched the
meat sink slowly in the clear water beyond where the tide was racing out, until
it touched bottom some twenty feet down. Ragnar took another strip of flesh; I
was still gazing at the first and the water appeared to be cloudier, as though
something had stirred the grey-black sand. Ragnar flung the second piece.
A gull, a yearling with
less sense than it should have, flung itself seawards in a dive after the meat;
they touched water together and for a moment I believed the bird had won, but
there was a boiling beneath us, a great rearing and with the speed of my
thought bright blood sprayed between great sharp teeth, teeth like a hundred
bone needles, and the blood became the darker colour of the sea and there was a
white, grey-tipped feather floating and nothing more . . .
The air was filled with
the screaming of sea birds: gulls, guillemots, tern, as they rose from crevices
in the cliff upwards from the sea, and the harsh cries of raven, crow and
cormorant who banked and wheeled from their perches on the rearing rocks. Bird
mingled with bird, and screamed with fright and mourned with despair and
watched the feather as it slipped, alone and broken, away with the ebbing tide.
Black and white, grey and grey, and the birds calling and Corby answering and
trying to fly from my arms on one wing only, and me clasping him tight to save
him from further harm, and the stone in my belly hurting—
And then Snowy called,
loud and clear. What had been senseless flight settled into a pattern, rising
and falling like the midsummer dance of gnats over a pond, and the voices
softened and fell quiet. Corby ceased struggling and lay quiet too, except to
say in a small voice: "Those are my brothers—if only I could fly!" I
could do nothing save stroke his untidy feathers in sympathy.
Conn nudged me.
"Did you ever see anything so fearsome, Thingumajig?"
Down there, some five
feet below the surface, its body undulating with the unseen currents, was a
great white worm-like creature. Despite the distortion of the water I could see
quite clearly; I suppose it was not a true white, more a grey-tan colour but
the green water gave it luminescence. At first, horror made it a hundred feet
long and twenty wide at the least, but when sense reasserted itself I suppose
it must have been about eighteen to twenty feet in length, including a flat,
splayed, scooping tail. It was segmented, but the shell seemed to be soft,
judging by the ease with which it arched and bent its spine; there were two
vestigial suckers on the foremost segment behind the head, and double gills
like fringed curtains. The head itself was the most frightening of all: it
looked much as an eel's but the eyes were positioned much closer on the top of
its head and the mouth was wider and set, as far as I could see, with a triple
row of the fearsome, needle-sharp teeth.
I shivered. "Do
you—" I said, "do you think it is the only one of its kind—or—or
could there be others?"
"Well," said
Conn. "The sight of that little monster does bring to mind a tale I heard
once, told by one who had returned from seas on the other side of the world. He
said it had been narrated to him (and I cannot vouch for its veracity, mind,
though one of his longer tales about a great grey beast like a mountain with an
extra arm in the middle of its head I do know to be true, for my friend
Fitzalan had seen such) but, as I was saying, this traveller had been told that
in a sea as warm as new milk, a seaman had fallen overboard and by chance
bobbed up again where a lucky rope had saved him. But he had come aboard quite
mad, babbling of a great forest of worms such as this one, waving beneath many
fathoms like a field of sun-white grain. All thought him touched and suspected
a knock on the head had addled his brains, but he insisted and it was
all written down by the captain in his log."
Ragnar had been paying
keen attention to this story and nodded his head. "The water you spoke of
was warm; hereabouts, even in winter, there is a warm current that brings the
fish in close to our bay. Maybe such a worm as you speak of could have lost its
way and followed such?"
It all sounded highly
unlikely to me, but here it was and here were we, and I was not looking forward
to closer acquaintance. Neither were the others, to judge by the careful way
they avoided looking at us and each other. There was not even a "Lemme
see! Lemme see better . . ." from Pisky.
Ragnar brought us back
sharply to the task in hand. "Well now, you have seen our monster: you can
see our problem. I realize you will have to think about this, so I will leave
you to confer."
"A conference was
just what I had in mind," said Conn, as easy as if he were discussing the
weather, and looking Ragnar straight in the eye. "Of course, you realize
that deep magic such as we shall have to use takes a while to conjure . .
We watched the chief out
of sight.
I turned to Conn
admiringly. "You were great! Just what idea have you got?"
"Not a one, not a
one in the world, Thingummy, but I thought we needed a breather. That fellow is
not going to let us out of his sight until his little miracle-workers have got
rid of that—that creature down there, and I thought we could talk more freely
amongst ourselves. Now then, who's got an idea?"
No one, it seemed. I
glanced desperately round our circle.
"We cannot dig it
out," said Snowy. "Nor lead it away."
"Fire's no
good," said Puddy gloomily.
"We can't spike it
or claw it or carve it up," said Moglet.
"Can't starve it
either," said Pisky, from the bottom of his bowl.
Which left little. I
could think of nothing, save drinking the sea dry, and even I knew better than
to make that sort of suggestion.
Eventually, aware of an
uncharacteristic silence, we all looked at the culprit. We looked so hard that
Corby started shifting from claw to claw and muttering to himself.
"Well?" I
"Well, nothing!
Just don't expect me to come out pat with the solution. Still . . ."
I think we all shuffled
forward a pace.
"Still . . ."
he continued, musingly, "there's something a-tapping from the inside of
the shell. Probably as addled as the rest of the eggs in the nest, but you
never know . . . Tell you what: all right if we go into one of those huddles,
like what we used to? You know, when we all held beaks and claws and things
under Thing dear's cloak, in the good old days of Her Ladyship? Always felt it
concentrated my mind wonderfully . . ."
It was stuffy and warm
under my cloak and I was only too conscious of how silly we must have looked as
we wriggled together, until I heard Snowy's thoughts through the thick folds
and felt Conn's hand on my shoulder.
ideas," they seemed to say. "Think, think; concentrate, concentrate.
Give Corby your minds, your help . . ."
Deliberately I tried to
make my mind go blank, but still a series of pictures flashed across my mind,
like the glint of sunlight on metal, seen a long way off. Cliffs; movement of
green water; a rock; birds, flocks of birds; pecking beaks; the sky turning over—
"Got it!"
cried Corby. "Leastways . . ."
I flung back the cloak
and we all blinked in the midday sun.
said Corby. "A possibility, anyways. Beaks out: can feel the sun. Now to
chip away the rest of the shell . . ." I realized that what I had thought
foreign language and complicated imagery merely meant that he had gone back to
his nestling days. "Can't say for certain . . . Still covered with egg
yolk at the moment. But, it might work . . ."
"What?" cried
Conn in exasperation.
"Not in words. Not
at the moment. Lot of thinking to do . . ."
"How can we
help?" asked Snowy, practical as always.
Corby glanced up, but
his gaze was abstracted. "Hmmm? Help? Oh—yes, you might at that. I need to
get around this bay to the other side. Over by the big rock. Perhaps, if you
wouldn't mind like, you could give me a lift . . ."
And so, for the rest of
the afternoon, as the rest of us watched and wondered, Snowy or Conn carried
him round the bay, back and forth the three miles or so that separated one headland
from the other. Each time he reached the other side he was met by an increasing
number of birds, many of them crows as ragged as himself. They all seemed to
crowd and confer around the base of the great lookout rock that reared up
across from us, but no one said anything specific, although Conn looked
thoughtful when he came back with Corby the third time, and Snowy was obviously
in on the secret too. For secret it was: Corby refused to discuss his idea with
the rest of us, afraid, perhaps, that he might look a fool if it didn't work.
The only clue came from
Moglet, who at one stage remarked frivolously that it might save time if we ran
a cat's cradle between the two headlands, and Corby looked at her so sharply
that I thought we were on to something. Unfortunately, I didn't know what.
His behaviour later that
day when we returned to the town, also had us puzzled. He first asked Pisky if
he could practise dropping pebbles in his bowl, and met an indignant refusal
when the first one narrowly missed one of the snails. Then he asked Conn to
fill him a leather bucket with sea-water and by dusk was still picking stones
from the beach and dropping them in the water until the container was full,
then was asking Conn to empty them out and repeating the process until it was
too dark to see.
If we were mystified, so
were the townsfolk, and in the end Ragnar himself came down to watch.
"This is obviously
powerful magic," he observed, but I could see one hand was stroking his
beard and he was frowning.
"Yes," said
Conn. "And it works better, it does, if the whole world is not breathing
down our necks. Some things are meant to be secret, you know."
And, as everyone
retreated precipitately, it was only I who caught his irreverent wink.
Later that night, Corby
asleep before any by the smouldering fire, I tried Conn again.
"Can't you tell
"Tell you
"What's this
business with the pebbles? Why did you ask Ragnar tonight about the weather and
the times of the tides and so on?"
He pinched my cheek
through the mask, but his eyes were dancing.
"'Tis Corby's
secret, so it is, and it's for him to tell. Go to sleep, Thingy, and perhaps
you'll learn all in the morning." And he ruffled my hair with an intimate
caressing gesture that sufficiently banished sleep. If it had only been the
puzzle over Corby's scheme for ridding the town of the White Wyrme I might have
dropped off eventually, but what does one do when one tingles and throbs and
glows from nose to toes? It wasn't as though he had meant it as something more
than the pat he would give Snowy's flank, the tickle behind Moglet's ear or
under Puddy's chin—My stupid, vulnerable inside made me want to make more of
it, to kid myself that he had a special feeling for me, that he even looked beneath
the hunched back, the mask, the hidden ugly face, and saw someone to love. I
knew also that it was no good for me, for us, to think this way. Ever since we
had rescued him from that ditch, so many moons away, I had loved him. And
although the adventures we had undergone had bred an easy, superficial
comradeship that sometimes helped me forget my hopeless love, it was at times
like these when I lay unable to sleep; at dawn when we woke to a new day; at
evening when the night cloaked our familiar forms; when we were nearest in
joint endeavour and when we were farthest, like the time when he had conceived
his passion for the Lady Adiora—it was at all these times that I held fast in
my heart, knowing, hoping, despairing, realizing, the love I knew would never
give me peace.
I looked over to where
he lay, long and relaxed on the cushions, one hand flung over his head, the
other curled close to his body, breathing gently in a deep sleep. If I had
dared, I would have leant over and kissed his curving mouth—
"Do stop fidgeting!"
said Moglet sleepily. "Got a tummy-ache?"
The Binding: Crow
The Sea-People and the People of
the Sea
“What a marvellous
idea!" I said, for Corby had at last outlined his plan.
"But surely we
can't manage it on our own? Can't we get the townsfolk to help?"
"That's the general
idea," said Conn. "Corby thinks his friends, the other birds, can do
a great deal, but we need some strong men or women, and we've got to get it all
exactly right, the timing and everything."
"Then," said
Snowy, "as we are supposed to be magic, it were surely best to see that
all those details are worked out beforehand. If we ask for aid too early they
may doubt our powers and perhaps realize that eventually ordinary brains such
as theirs could have worked out such a solution—not to detract in any way from
your achievement, Crow dear—so we shall give them a hint, but no more.
"Now," he
continued, "there are the tides. At low on the slack, I think you said?
Then there is the question of light: that from the sun is best. Dawn, or
perhaps noon when the sun strikes sword-straight into the flesh of the water.
The timings we shall leave to your discreet inquiries, Sir Knight. Corby will
coordinate the birds so that they work from dawn till dusk, and the people
shall be told that the headland is out of bounds—it would make sense to tell
them that we are drawing a magic circle round the beast, or somesuch. I shall
accompany the crow and also arrange for the decoy, which is most important, and
keep the people of the sea from trying any more suicidal attempts to escape.
"Which leaves you,
Thing dear, and Moglet, Puddy and Pisky. As you realize, we shall need two
ropes, and at a pinch could manage by binding those available, but I should
prefer entirely new ones, so I want you to explain that we need one rope one
hundred feet long, with nine strands worked into nine twists—seven or eight
would do, of course, but nine is a magic number and that they'll understand—and
the other eighty feet long, twists and strands three and three (more magic),
and a net the same, to measure three by nine. That should convince them they
are being allowed on the fringes of our 'magic,' but just to add verisimilitude
I want you to cast spells on the making, all of you, in full view of everyone.
Not real ones, of course, any mumbo jumbo will do. And don't let them know what
the ropes are for; let them believe, if you like, that they are to bind the
beast when we have captured it. Anything: I'll leave it to you . . ."
* * *
It appeared the tides
were approaching the midpoint between neap and flood, which meant we were in
the Moon of Harvest, and the most favourable time—slack at midday and ideally a
sunny day—would occur in seven days. Seven, a magic number, too . . . This made
it easier to explain to Ragnar and Gunnhilde about the "magic" ropes.
They fully appreciated the significance of numbers (this is why we made the
ropes ninety-nine and eighty-one feet respectively, to fit in with the
illusion), but it did not give Corby and his friends much time.
Moglet, Puddy, Pisky and
I were so busy supervising and spelling the ropes, we saw little of what the
others were doing, though of course we all compared progress at night. Corby
said little, beyond moaning that his beak hurt, and indeed he looked more ragged
and unkempt than ever. Conn said little either, but ate (and drank) more than
he had for some time, declaring that "opportunity makes gluttons of us
all"; Snowy was obviously tired, too, and we had little to report, for
ropemaking is, even with "magic" rope, a very boring business. That
is, until it gets snarled up . . .
Ever tried inventing
convincing spell-words? Especially a different one for every foot of
one-hundred-and-eighty feet of rope and a net? At first it's easy: you say
things like "Shamma-damma-namma-a-do-ma" which doesn't mean anything,
as far as I know—leastways it may in another language, but it didn't have any
effect on the rope—and then you get bored and think you are clever to say
things backwards (I was very proud of "Der-obots-ra-et" and
"Sra-etot-der-ob"). But eventually I became so "derob,"
both backwards and forwards, that I started to say anything. It was on the
third day, after the net and the shorter rope were completed, I was half asleep
and yawning and gabbled the first thing that came into my head—
"Er . . . Thing
dear," said Moglet. "Did you mean to do that?"
I thought it had gone
quiet. I opened my eyes. Everyone but us had fallen asleep where they were;
standing, sitting; upright, leaning; working, idle. Fast asleep. Just like
"What did I
"The instant
turned-to-stone-where-they-stand one," said Pisky, rushing round
excitedly. "Isn't it peaceful? None of that nasty dust flying
around . . . When are you going to wake them up?"
I hadn't the faintest
idea. I realized with horror that I had used, all unknowing, one of the Witch's
spells. Not one I had ever heard her use, but one I must have read from her
books when she was absent—and now, how on earth did I unsay something I hadn't
known I'd said in the first place? I went cold all over.
"Puddy . . ."
His slow, quiet thinking
reassured me. "Not to worry; no harm done. 'Tis a weak spell anyway, and
needs but a break in the conjunction. Saw Her try to use it once, but She only
had me and a bowl of water; need a cat or somesuch as well. You, me, Moglet and
the fish's bowl make a filled triangle. Now, if we move a fraction . . ."
Of course the first time
we all moved the same way so the conjunction stayed the same, with Pisky's bowl
the central point, but we got it right the second time. I looked around
fearfully, but all the folk were taking up their tasks as if there had been no
break. My heart pounded sickeningly for a full five minutes and I was very
careful after that. Not that it did us any harm in the long run, rather the
reverse, for whilst the sleepers were not aware that anything untoward had
happened, others too far away to hear the spell had seen what had occurred, and
we were treated with an added respect and awe after that.
The seventh day dawned
misty and damp. It must, it must be sunny at midday! The night before,
Conn had told part of Corby's plan to Ragnar, who had promised to find the
seven times seven volunteers to man the rope and do the pushing. And that was
all of the plan he had outlined, on Snowy's advice. The headlands had been
out-of-bounds for the last week, and although the increased activity of the
birds, wheeling and crying, must have been some indication that something
special was going on, no one questioned us—especially after my unfortunate
slip—though I could see they were muttering amongst themselves. I had had awful
stomach-cramps after the spelling, incidentally, almost as though by remembering
the witch's spells in my unconscious I was also subconsciously calling up the
pain associated with Her.
"The sun will show
its face before midday," said Snowy, as if he had read our thoughts.
"Come, you laggards: today is the day . . ." and so after a hurried
breakfast of oatcakes, cheese and goat's milk we set off for the headland.
Conn and Snowy and Corby
carried the beautifully coiled new ropes—well, the first two did, and Corby
supervised—over to the far cliff. I left the others on the near clifftop and
made my way to the narrow strip of beach below. From where I stood I could see
Conn passing the longer rope around the base of the black slice of the lookout
rock and tying it off in a complicated knot. Once he nearly slipped on the
bird-droppings which whitened the surrounding stones, but eventually the rope
was tied to Snowy's satisfaction. Then they made their way down to the beach
opposite and I could see them bending over something else on the stones, but
knew I must wait. There was a splash! the other end, then nothing for what
seemed ages. As I was beginning to think everything had gone wrong, a round
head with tearful brown eyes popped up in the shallows nearby and a large seal
dragged itself up the beach to my feet.
Round its neck were the
two ropes. Swiftly I stroked the seal's head, surprised to find how warm the
skin over the skull was, then unlooped the ropes. It—I think it was a
he—grunted, a soft moan, its eyes shining. I patted its head again. "Well
done . . ."
I attached the shorter rope
to the netting left on the beach with the tie Snowy had taught me, and helped
the seal into his net-sling. "I think you are very brave," I said,
and stroked him again.
Then it was up to my
side of the clifftop again, hauling both ends of rope with me and paying it off
as I went, puffing and panting with the effort. The longer piece, taut now
across to the opposite headland, I tied to a pre-chosen rock, and the other I
anchored under a stone nearer to the cliff-face.
I waved to Conn and
Snowy. All set.
I gazed down into the
dark, green sea, still half-hidden by wisps of morning mist that clung to the
columns of the cliffs and wreathed the rocks. I was half-convinced I could see
the shape of the White Wyrme, distorted by the water, lurking under the shelf of
rock that was its favourite resting-place . . .
The sun brightened, the
last wisps of mist blew away like smoke from a camp fire, the tide drew softer
and softer away from the cliffs until the pebbles and rocks shone like jasper
before catching the drying dullness of sun and breeze.
Behind me I heard the
people who were to haul on the rope, twenty-eight of them; across on the other
headland I watched Ragnar lead the other twenty-one behind the Look-Out Stone:
I hoped someone had got their calculations right. There were onlookers too; I
noticed the boy who had led us into the town on that first day sitting on his
father's shoulder for a better look. Below us, in the bay, the people of the
sea seethed like tadpoles in a drying rut, venturing ever nearer the mouth
between the headlands.
Conn came up behind me,
breathless. "Dear God, and isn't it a haul around that bay? Snowy says
that when the sun strikes that submerged rock—there—it will be time. I'd better
get the haulers briefed."
I watched the sun creep
round, fascinated by the finger of light that probed—so slowly when watched,
two inches at a time if you took your eyes away—deep into the waters below.
About five minutes before time I glanced back at Conn who had his contingent
holding the longer rope, just off the taut, ready between nervous fingers. Too
late I wished we had had time to have a rehearsal, had a tug-of-war to test the
ropes, had—
Conn was at my side
again, this time taking the end of the second rope in his hand and thrusting it
into mine. "Christ! I near forgot—You'll have to help me with this, Thing
dear!" I was so astonished I grasped the rope without further thought. He
had got my name right again . . . "Belay it now, round that rock, there's
a good girl, and when I say 'Pull!' do it as though your life depended on
Two inches of sunlight
to go . . .
Below me one after
another of the bull seals and a couple of the cows were venturing almost to the
gap between the cliffs, and then seeming to think better of their effort were
plunging back into the bay with a great slapping of the water with fins and
"Oh, Conn!" I
said despairingly. "It's too soon! Tell them—tell them to go back! They'll
be killed . . ."
"Never worry,"
said a concentrating Conn. "Snowy has briefed them; they know what they
are doing. Just stirring up a little interest . . ." As he spoke a
greyish-white shape stirred under the ledge on the far side of the rocks and
the White Wynne's monstrous head and six feet of his body came into view.
"A minute, a
minute! Oh, dear Lord!" Conn muttered from beside me, his lean body coiled
with tension. "Now, my friend, now!"
As if in answer to his
fierce vehemence, a solitary seal swam into view beneath us, seeming to test
the water, the tide, the creature itself. A foolish, young seal that behaved as
though it had never heard of danger . . . Slow, hesitantly, it paddled right
through the gap in the cliffs, and the very tide itself stood still . . .
And the sun, the sun,
shining clear and true through the slack water, touched the special rock
beneath us and the seal swam straight out into the sea, right into the sudden
uprush of teeth from the monster below and Conn cried: "Pull! Pull, you
bastards!" even as there was a shrill neigh from Snowy and all the birds
in the world rose in the air screaming and Conn's hands closed over mine as we
hauled desperately on the shorter rope and the weight below almost pulled my
arms from their sockets and—
There was a crack! and
groan from across the water and I watched almost unbelieving as the pinnacle of
rock, the Look-Out Stone, shivered a little, leaned, hung for a moment at an
impossible angle, and then toppled with at first maddening slowness and then
faster and faster towards the water beneath.
"Leave go the
rope!" yelled Conn to the haulers behind him. "Drop it, if you value
your lives!" They let go just in time for the depth the rock had to plunge
was far greater than its length of ninety-nine feet. I watched the end snake
and whip over the edge of the cliff. There was an almighty great splash beneath
us and then a high-pitched whistling sound. Conn belayed the taut rope we held
around a rock and rushed forwards, grabbing my hand.
Through the mist of
still-falling spray, the cloud of screaming birds, we peered into the waters
beneath. The great black stone had fallen true, just as had been planned. The
monster, the great White Wyrme, lay pinned beneath its biting edge, its back
broken, a strange whistling noise coming from between its wicked teeth. A great
cheer rose from the townsfolk and those with us ran back to join the others,
all streaming back to the bay to launch anything seaworthy, mostly skin and
wood boats for inshore and bank fishing. The people were armed with spears and
short, stabbing swords, and these they waved in the air as they took to the
I went forward to check
on our seal-lure, the animal we had hauled up with such desperate haste in his
netting hammock. I saw him wriggle free, but as he dived the ten feet or so
back into the sea I could see a gash on his shoulder, a torn flipper.
The people in their
boats were racing across the bay, the bows throwing up steep little waves. The
first boats were reckless, came too close, too soon, and one was overturned by
a thrash of the dying beast's scooped tail and another's side was stove-in by
the still-lethal jaws. But soon there were too many of them and the water oozed
with a greenish-white murk as the spears and swords rose and fell; thrusting,
tearing, gouging out great clumps of flesh until I had to turn away, sickened
with the sight.
Snowy, a triumphant
Corby on his back, nuzzled my shoulder. "The creature is dead: he can feel
nothing . . ."
Conn nodded soberly,
watching the carnage beneath. "'Tis often that way, after long fear and
frustration; all a man's tensions build up, and unless one takes the lid off
the pot—" He shivered, and a haunted look came into his eyes and was gone,
so quickly I almost believed I had imagined it.
"Come on,
now!" said the irrepressible Corby. "Where's all the feasting and
fal-lals, then?"
* * *
The following morning we
stood once more on the headland. The feasting was over, the songs sung, the
thanks given, the gifts received. On Snowy's back, besides two panniers full of
food and some herb wine, was a fresh-cured sealskin, soft and supple, ready to
make into mitts, slippers, leggings, whatever we chose. Conn sported a new
cloak, as like the old as made no difference, and our pockets were lined with
silver. We were waiting for the great procession, the release of the seals—the
people of the sea, and the townsfolk—the sea-people. It had been arranged that
at midday, tide-slack, both animals and men would venture beyond the cliffs,
past the mutilated body of the Wyrme, now fast disappearing down the throats of
the constant sea birds, and out, out into the limitless sea. From then on,
after this last day of amnesty, man and seal would revert to their natural
roles, hunters and hunted. Until the spring, and the coming of the seal-cows .
. .
I shivered a little as
my hand crept to the soft hide on Snowy's back: perhaps this skin had come from
some autumn killing like the ones that would start soon. I didn't want to think
about it, for I had a secret, a secret only Snowy and I and one other shared.
For last night . . .
Last night either the
feasting had been too rich or my sleep had been too light, but suddenly, in the
dark hour before dawn, I had awoken, all my senses keen, aware of far music in
my ears. I sat up in the warm darkness of the hall. There it was again, quite
unmistakable. Four notes in a descending scale, as though a child stepped down
a great staircase, then an upward note as though he had gone back, up a missed
step, and then down again to the ground on the last note, and all in a sadness
of sound like innocence lost.
The melody was repeated,
and I saw the shadow of our unicorn push aside the hangings from the shrouded
doorway and disappear into the night. I tiptoed after him—none of the others,
even Moglet of the bat-ears, had heard me go.
I followed Snowy down to
the beach, his unshod hooves making no sound on the shingle, my stumbling
progress plain enough to my ears and his, though he had not turned his head.
There, beached on the pebbles, was the source of the song, our brave young
seal-lure, his eyes swimming in the light of the half-moon, singing a song of loneliness
and present pain. Snowy bent to the torn side, the injured flipper and I felt a
shudder of power pass from him.
"There, my
friend," he said. "It will heal. It is healed . . ."
I joined them, and in
that dream, half-dream, I looked at the young, royal seal and thanked him
again, and the scar on his side and the rip in his flippers shone white and
healed. And it seemed to me that he asked whether I would like to try his world
and that I agreed, and stripped off my clothes and mask and stepped into the
waves and that they were as warm and smooth as new-drawn milk. And I put my
arms about his neck, or so it seemed, and with Snowy's blessing we slid into
the flooding bay, and the sea closed round us like the finest silk cloth, and
there was the taste of salt in my mouth and the waves slid over my back with
the gentlest of caresses.
The seal's body
undulated like the weeds that waved in dark streamers from the rocks. When we
reached the inlet, I felt the sudden great surge of the ocean and I held on
tight, breathed deeply and then we were in his world, into the sudden cold
beyond the cliffs, and the water sang and bubbled in my ears and lifted me from
his back until only my arms held me to his curving, twisting body, and I knew
what it was to fly in water and walk in water and live in water . . .
"You helped
us," he said. "And because of that we shall sing to you when you come
to your home by the water. Listen for us . . ."
* * *
Now, as we all watched
from the headland, the tide from the bay started to flow out from the beach.
First came the seals, the people of the sea; the males, the females, the
younglings, surging out to meet their natural element, the sea; and after came
the sea-people, the townsfolk and fishermen, singing and shouting and brandishing
their spears, paddles flashing in the sun. And leading them my seal,
breasting proudly the breakers that led to his freedom of the seas.
My eyes prickled with
Over our heads the sea
birds and the cliff birds screamed their victory, told of the long hours spent
chipping away at the base of the great, lost Look-Out Rock and above them a
lone buzzard spiralled, his call lost in the clamour.
"Shall we go?"
said Conn. "They won't miss us now . . ."
The Binding: Knight
The Holy Terrier of Argamundness
The ruined fortified
wall ran just the way we wanted to go, judging by our next marker: the five
fingers of rock indicating northwest-by-north that we found on the edge of the
moor above the town of the sea-people.
The shortening days were
sunny and dry and bramble and hazel yielded a rich harvest. Brimstone (first
and last in every year), tortoiseshell and peacock fluttered in ditch and
hedge, some of the trees were goldening towards their fall and sheep fleeces were
thickening. Folk were hospitable, for harvest was in, and for a time there
would be an abundance of fruits and grain, and cattle- and pig-salting was
still some way off while there was still stubble for the former and an
abundance of acorns for the latter. Thatch was being replaced, wood chopped,
peat stacked, preserves jarred, honey collected, grain threshed and stored;
everywhere was bustle, harmony, plenty, and we ourselves were in fine fettle,
exchanging shelter and food in the main just for a tale or two, a song, some of
Corby's "tricks," but for the most part we just walked the wall,
content with our own company and aware that we had in some way "turned a
Conn had shown us The
Ancient's map and with charcoal had traced the way we had come so far.
"See, 'tis the four sides of a septagon we have done already: over
halfway, and not a bone broken!"
"Yes," I
objected, "but it has taken us at least three months to get this far: at
this rate we will be into the Moon of Fogs at least before we finish. And who
knows what else we have to face? Snowy got us and the animals out of that
prison of a castle, Puddy reminded me of that fire-spell before we got eaten by
tree-roots, Moglet thought of a way to get rid of that spider before we and the
bats starved to death, and back there Corby and his friends chucked half a
mountain at a sea-monster but—" I stopped. I had suddenly remembered what
Snowy had said about it being someone's "turn," and thought flashed
past thought; Snowy, Puddy, Moglet, Corby: they had all had their turns. Which
left . . . ? Me, Conn and Pisky. "Oh dear!" I said.
Snowy gave me a
sympathetic look. "They were not all as bad as each other."
"Bad enough!"
I said gloomily, and spent the next couple of days in fruitless speculation on
who would be the next one to save his comrades, and would it be difficult and
long-drawn out or just plain scary? And would whoever-it-was prove equal to the
task? (I meant me, of course.)
But the sun continued to
shine by day, and when there were no hamlets we snugged down on colder nights
in the remains of stables, dormitories and officers' quarters along the wall.
We built fires against the ghosts that still marched those ramparts and stewed
hare and wild fowl and vegetables, drank wine if we were lucky and water if we
were not. Soon I forgot my cares and exulted in the peace and companionship and
stared north up the steep decline from whence the blue-painted savages had
challenged the ordered life and discipline of the Romans. I found a sandal,
thongs broken, the haft of a sword, burnt grain scattered among broken shards,
a pin without its set-stone, half a helmet . . .
"We turn
here," said Conn. "Away from the wall, if we are to keep our
direction." To the north the hills were starting to crowd down, though still
blue with distance. We were on a plateau, but from now on the way was down, the
slopes thickly wooded. It was a clear, pleasant day, but ahead lamb's-fleece
cloud banked high on the horizon. "Leaf-Change will be with us soon, and
the way lies through the woods. Corby, your eyes are best." He took him on
his shoulder. "Is that the sea?"
I squinted through my
lashes as he asked the question, but could only make out a haze, a deepening of
colour, a glint of sun.
"Two rivers,"
said Corby slowly. "Small 'un and a bigger. Second one's got a wide
estuary. Tide's out: plenty of sand."
"That's our
way," said Snowy. "We could follow the river from its source, but it
would be easier to cut down through the woods and join it nearer the mouth . .
. What do you say?"
With the weather
changing there was only one answer: we took our bearings and plunged into the
forest. The way was difficult, for these woods were old as time and scarce of
habitation, and fallen timber and thick undergrowth pestered our way, but I
found plenty of mushroom and fungi to supplement our diet, though none of the
Magic ones or the Fairies' Tits Tom Trundleweed had shown me. I remembered I
still had a little packet of the dried ones in my pack, never used. I checked:
they were still there, perhaps a bit squashed and crumbly, but better not to
throw them away, just in case.
We descended to the
river plain, and here the land had been cleared and farmers and smallholders
raised sheep and a few cattle on the sparse, thin grass and fished the banks of
the river for salmon and trout. Small, stunted trees bent their backs away from
the westerly winds and the fleeced sky brought rain and an uneasy half-gale
that gusted and died an instant before it was born. At last the river broadened
into a wide estuary where the river Rippam, as it was called, ran fast and wide
over great ribbed flats of sand, birds flocked and ran at low tide among the
shrimped pools and worm-casts, and the heron flapped slow home with dab and eel
in its craw.
We stayed in a
fisherman's cottage the night of the Big Storm and lucky it was we found
shelter, for the forest and fields of Argamundness, as it was called, were soon
roaring with an equinoctial tide and a following gale that had waves leaping
twenty feet high over the artificial barriers erected years ago in the little
hamlet of Lethum in which we found ourselves.
We had crossed a
precarious log roadway over the marsh; the earth and sand packed between the
logs were seeping away, and more than once we found places where the logs themselves
had disappeared. So it was with a sense of relief that we found the little
hamlet tucked away on sand dunes, some twenty feet above the usual tide-level,
and protected by an artificial barrier about ten feet high of smooth pebbles,
glistening grey, pink and white under the onslaught of the waters. There were
also the dunes of sand, bound by spiky marram grass, themselves a natural
barrier to the west and north. The hamlet was a poor one, the only livelihood
being the fishing that depended so much on wind and tide. Their sturdy boats,
broad in the beam, could go out in all but the fiercest weather, and they had
nets fine enough for shrimp and tough enough for plaice and dab, which hung
pungently from the rafters of the cottages whose shuttered windows faced away
from the prevailing westerlies.
Lethum was so poor, it
did not even have an inn and the speech of its inhabitants reflected their
isolation, being thick and sprinkled with a patois we could not understand.
However, our coin they did recognize, and we fed well on fish stew, crabbed
apples and goat's milk, and were provided with sacking pallets against the wall
of one of the larger cottages. There was no problem with bringing Snowy inside
either, for our host's few scrawny hens, a pig and a patient donkey were
obviously used to sharing his space. It was warm, if fuggy, and I was more than
accustomed to animal smells, so sleeping would have been no problem but for the
violent wind.
Suddenly it was upon us,
battering and hammering at doors and windows, skirling the rushes on the floor,
puffing the smoke from the peat fire in our faces, and ripping great chunks of
thatch from the roof, netted and weighted as it was. The mud-and-stone cottage
seemed to crouch down upon itself, shrinking into the earth with ears back and
eyes closed, a hare in the swirling, shifting dunes. Sand was everywhere; it
gritted our teeth, rubbed the sore places in our skin, spun into little
shifting castles on the floor. The whole world roared and bellowed and screamed
and shouted outside like a huge army of barbarians come to pillage and destroy.
I found myself huddled
in a heap on the floor, hands to my ears and eyes tight shut. I only realized I
was moaning with fear when Conn took me by the shoulders and shook me.
"Pull yourself
together: look at the others!"
I sat up, still
shuddering. Snowy was fine, reassuring our host's animals with his mere
presence, but poor Moglet was plastered like a dying spider against the far
wall, eyes rolling in terror; Corby had his head under his wing in a corner and
his feathers were twitching; Pisky had dived right to the bottom of his bowl
and hidden his head under the weed; Puddy's throat was gulping up and down in
distress and his eyes bulged more than ever. Our host crouched in a corner and
was muttering, whether prayers, charms or incantations I could not tell.
I looked up at Conn; his
eyes were troubled, and he moved as restlessly as a penned horse who has been
used to the plain, but he showed none of the panic of the others. I took courage
from his brown eyes, his firm chin, the challenge in his slim taut body.
"Well," I
said, rising a trifle unsteadily to my feet. "It's going to be at least
morning before this thing blows itself out, and I don't feel like sleep. Come,
you lot, closer to me so I don't have to shout, and we'll think of a game to
pass away the time." And I staggered over to Moglet and prised her claws
from the mud wall, picked up Puddy and put him in my pocket, then made my way
to Corby's side and indicated that he should join us by Pisky's bowl. Once
there we went into our familiar huddle, all of them under the shelter of my
cloak, and there we played "Going to Market" which Pisky won, having
one of those retentive memories that remembers every detail, relevant or no;
Corby was runner-up. Then we played it again, with the same result, for by now
another sound had added itself to the din outside, and we were all trying our
hardest to shut it out—
The sea.
The wind had been bad
enough, but now there was the regular beat and fall of waves upon the barricade
outside; on the mutable bank of pebbles, on the shifting sand dunes, and with
every moment the thrusting, sucking roar came nearer and nearer. I glanced from
under my cloak at our host: he was on his knees. I looked over at Snowy: he,
too, was listening, poised on his hooves as if for flight. I opened my mouth to
say something, I will never know what, and then Conn's arm was about my
shoulders and his smile stopped my mouth.
"'Tis only the
tide, Thingy dear. 'Twill soon be full, and then back it will go again . . .
Can I join your game?"
Instantly everything was
all right again, or very nearly. He must have been as anxious, if not actually
as afraid, as we were, but all he was concerned with was our fear, our anxiety,
and in so doing, in forgetting himself, he gave us all a courage we had not
known we possessed. Suddenly all would be bearable, just so long as we were
together. Even death, for surely the frightening part of that is not what comes
after but the loneliness of dying, the actuality of leaving the world on one's
own. But if we held one another tight and didn't let go, it would surely only
be a little jump, like leaping down steps in one's dream and awaking with a
sudden jolt into reality. And I supposed that Death must be as great a reality
as Life. It must be, for everything, everyone, had once been alive, and would
all be dead. So, if it happened to everyone, to everything, it could be no
worse than Life, for everyone could manage that, one way or another. And, although
Life could be difficult, at least it was never so bad that one wanted to leave
it. And yet . . . ? Snowy? Had he not spoken of despair, of a longing so great
it was a Death-Wish? If so, the Death was to be desired, for if Snowy knew it
would bring him release from whatever tortured him, then surely—
"Tide's on the
turn," said Conn. "And the wind has outrun itself. It's tiring . .
From the cracks in the
shutters facing east came the first grey, sandy light of morning, and his words
were true; the sound of the tide, once advancing so ferociously, was now
retreating, but with a sullen roar that spoke of victory lost. The wind still
buffeted the cottage but the impetus had gone.
I was suddenly tired, so
tired, and I sank down upon the floor, the others huddled to me in like
fashion, and now the sea became a lullaby. I felt Conn stretch out beside me,
sensed Snowy's relaxation and I slept. We all slept.
It was well into
daylight when we awoke, to a grudging bowl of oatmeal and milk, seasoned by
sand, and a rind of cheese. The hamlet had suffered badly. Two roofs were blown
clean away and the sand dunes, under the driving force of wind and sea, had
changed their shape, creeping towards the huts, half-burying the one nearest
the shore. Two boats were also lost; one, its sides smashed, had been flung
high up the strand to lean crazily against a de-roofed cottage. And sand was in
everything: gritty, pervasive, yielding like water and as impossible to shift,
for it ran through one's hand and off shovels like liquid, only twice as heavy.
The pebble dyke was in
most need of urgent repair; parts of it were entirely washed away where the sea
had breached, and all in all it seemed some two or three feet lower. The
villagers were working frantically for the tide was at the slack and they had
barely six hours to patch things up before high. We offered to help, but even I
could see that an inexperienced knight—a novice at building dykes, that
is—however willing, and a small hunched female would be of more hindrance than
help, so we left our host an overpayment of two silver pieces and set off
I could see Snowy
becoming anxious, for we were running out of land. Ahead of us the deepening
river channel was starting to curve across to the right, directly in our path,
and ahead there was nothing but an uneasy ocean. Walking was difficult, for
though the sand was firm enough the retreating water had ridged it into tight brown
waves some two inches high and it was hillocked with sandworm casts so that I
stumbled and stubbed my toes and cursed. The wind had shifted north and though
it had lessened considerably it was strong enough still to skim the sand from
the shifting dunes to our right and send it wraithing across the firmer beach
to redden our legs and arms and grit our teeth. Above our heads tattered,
yellow-eyed gulls screamed and slid, tip-winged, into the currents of air and
beyond the river mouth we could still hear the sullen roar of surf. Our way was
further hampered now by the detritus of the receded tide: uprooted trees and
bushes, the carcases of drowned sheep, logs, bales of soaking straw and even a
broken chair. One of the Lethum boats was also stranded, its stern shattered.
Little brown crabs ran in and out of its broken ribs.
Moglet's ears pricked
from the shelter of my jacket. "Listen! A dog barking . . ."
"Out here?" I
said incredulously. "Don't be daft! There's nothing out here but sea and
sand and wind and gulls—" But then I heard it too, a high yapping that
seemed to come from our left. We peered through the clouds of sand that swirled
round us and saw a sky-ring of gulls circling slowly about a sandbank.
"There's someone
out there," said Conn. "Come on!"
We came upon an
extraordinary sight. On a sand bar, some hundred feet long and half as wide, a
tall, thin man was sitting on an upturned fishing boat, reading, his thin hair
blowing in his eyes and as calm and unperturbed as if the tide was not already
sneaking in behind him, fast and stealthy, scummy skirts brushing the sand to
hide its hurrying feet. Between the man and us was a bubbling race of water,
widening by inches every minute, and at the man's feet was the source of the
barking: a small, dock-tailed mongrel terrier, white, brown and black. He was
racing in circles, yelling his head off and now and again tugging at the
voluminous skirts of the unheeding reader's habit.
We glanced at one
another, then Conn hailed the stranded man. "Ahoy, there!"
The reaction was not
what we had expected; the tall man merely looked up, regarded us, raised his
hand in greeting, then fell to reading again, just as if all in the world was
perfect and he were not threatened by imminent immersion, or worse.
But the little dog was
different. Even as we stared in stupefaction at his master's apparently
careless attitude to life, the animal had thrown himself into the channel that
lay between us and was paddling valiantly in our direction. The race of the
incoming tide inevitably carried him off to our left and he was struggling to
reach our position, but Conn moved along the water's edge and, wading out,
grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and bore him to safety, gasping and
choking with the salt water.
Conn set him down.
"Now then . . ." he said uncertainly. "Good doggie—"
"Bloody good
doggie, nuffin!" hiccoughed the animal and, probably thanks to Snowy's
mind-interpretation we could understand everything he said. "Bleeding
salt-water—gets up yer nose, it does . . . Wait a bit, me hearties . . ."
He sneezed and coughed and hacked and shook himself in a mist of droplets.
"That's better!" He glanced at us all in turn, brown eyes keen and
calculating. "Well, not exactly the Imperial Guard, are you then? Not even
the rearguard . . . Still, he says you are the deliverers; more like the
unlikely ones, you look to me, but you never can tell . . . What's the scheme,
then? 'E can't swim, you know . . ."
"Scheme?" we
"Yus. How're you
getting 'im orf, then?"
"Getting him
off?" We must have sounded like the chorus to a play.
"Orf! Orf!! C'mon
then, get the grey stuff workin'!" He really was worse than Corby, who
could be difficult enough to understand sometimes. But then, I reminded myself,
upbringing and privilege had a lot to do with it; he was obviously a Deprived
"I can't
swim," said Conn. "Can you, Thingummybob?"
"I—I don't think so
. . ."
"But I can,"
said Snowy. "Leastways, unicorns can and horses can—I've never tried it.
But I guess now's the time . . . Conn, can you hang on to my tail and wave your
legs up and down? Thing dear, you can ride on my back with the others as safe
as possible. The water will be cold, but don't be frightened."
We got there, but it
wasn't easy. Moglet screamed every time she got splashed, Pisky grumbled and
choked on the odd drop of salt water and said it was making his snails curl up,
Corby rattled his pinions and flapped a wet wing in my face and Puddy made a
mistake and shot out a jet of evil-smelling liquid into my pocket, from the
wrong end. And me? I was terrified, of course, cold and wet, and hung on to
Snowy's mane as if it were a lifeline. It felt so strange to know there was no
firm ground beneath his hooves, to know we were at the mercy of the tide, the
waves, the water. And it was so cold, that tidal sea, the waters coming
sweeping in from the deeps ready to freeze your legs, your arms, your stomach;
pulling you gently, insistently, inexorably in the way it would go . . . I
tried to remember my seal-friend, and how natural he had found it, and I felt a
little better.
We landed on the edge of
the sandbank, upriver where the tide had carried us in spite of Snowy's strong
swimming legs, and walked back, shivering, to where the man in the long robe
was still sitting. He raised his eyes from the page he was reading, still
apparently oblivious of the encroaching waters that were creeping up behind his
"My friends:
welcome!" He closed the book, leaving his finger as a marker. "I see
you have met my companion." And he nodded at the dog, who was shaking
himself again, wetting us even more. "Now, I am ready when you are. I do
not, at this moment in time, see exactly how you will transport myself and my
precious cargo—" He indicated with a wave of his fine, long-fingered hand
a leather-wrapped bundle at his feet, "—across yon turbulent waste,"
(the ever-encroaching tide) "but as the Good Lord has sent you to my aid,
I am confident in our safe passage." He drew the skirts of his habit
absent-mindedly from an early wave, which retreated as if stung. "We have
not long, I surmise . . ."
"I gather you need
transport for yourself, the dog and—and those books, to dry land," said
Conn, politely, but breathing hard. "It has proved a hard task to reach
you; perhaps if you left behind those last—"
"And the
books," said the other, firmly. I glanced up at his face; thin, ascetic,
with deceptively mild, pale-blue eyes. A strong nose, thin-lipped mouth, long
chin, large ears, almost nonexistent eyebrows; a large Adam's apple, unshaven
chin whose hairs were whiter than the thin wisps that floated about his head.
Pointy fingers, pale-skinned, the index finger of his left hand off at the
second joint—not a recent injury—ridged fingernails, long elegant feet in
much-mended sandals, with uncut toenails that either curved yellow round the
toes or were broken off in jagged points. He smelt quite strongly, too.
"You will be doing
the Lord's work, my son . . ." And he sketched a vague cross in the air,
in Conn's direction.
I saw Conn bow and cross
himself, and knew we were all now committed to getting this strange man and his
cargo across to dry land, and Conn's next words confirmed this. "Any
particular part you are bound for, Father?"
"The brothers at
Whalley; my associates at Lindisfarne have lent their precious Gospels for the
copying, and I have other relics, scrolls and records to convey to our order on
the Holy Isle." He shifted his now decidedly wet feet again. "I
should be obliged, Sir Knight, if we could proceed as soon as possible. The
written word does not take kindly to immersion in salt water, and although I
protected them as well as I could during the voyage across some two days since,
and this morning on our trip from Martin's Mere, I fear that the Sea of Galilee
and the Sea of Hirland have little in common. I did indeed try the Lord's
commandment: 'Peace, be still!' but I fear I was presumptuous, and later said
several 'Pater Nosters' to atone for this. However, the weather is now less
inclement, and by this sign I see that He has graciously forgiven me . . ."
I hadn't a clue what to
do next, but luckily that magic cross-in-the-air had worked a miracle on Conn.
Motioning the tall monk to stand he upended the boat on which the man had been
sitting and scratched his head. The craft was small, bluff-bowed, wooden, and
two of the wooden planks in the bows were split. The rest was sound enough, but
the mast was missing, snapped off some two feet from its stepping. Conn
scratched his head.
It began to rain, quite
"Right!" said
the Rusty Knight. "The sealskin from the pack, Thingy, and the rope . . .
Thanks." And in a moment it seemed he had slit the skin a third, two
thirds, and the larger piece was wrapped round the bows of the boat, secured by
twine, and the smaller effectually parcelled the books, including the one that
was being read. The rope was attached to the stump of mast and a loop at the
other end was placed round Snowy's neck. "Now, Father, if you will sit
well back in the stern—the back of the boat—with the—er, books on your lap, my
horse will tow you through the flood, letting the tide take us with it until we
hit a sandbank or firmer ground. Right, Snowy?"
"What abaht me,
then?" asked the dog. "Bloody swim again, is it? And how do we know
our white friend can manage?" He jerked his head at Snowy. "Beggin'
your pardon I'm sure, Your Worship, and appearances are deceptive, so they say,
but you look fair knackered already, if you'll pardon the expression," and
he sniggered to himself at the pun.
said Snowy mildly, "are, as you remarked, sometimes deceptive. As you
should know," and he shot a glance full of such sharp intent at the dog
that if it had had eyebrows to raise it would have done so.
"I see," said
the mongrel softly. "I see . . ." and when Conn lifted him into the
boat by his master's feet he made no further protest at the water slopping
around his paws but settled down quietly. On his face, as he looked at Snowy,
was much the same expression that Conn had worn when the monk had crossed
With little ceremony
Conn put Moglet and Puddy on the monk's lap, bade him hold Pisky's bowl safe
and perched Corby high on the bows. By now water was sloshing round my calves,
insidiously nudging at me like a dog, turning in little currents about my
ankles, and any minute now it would rear up and butt me behind my knees. I
dared not look at the increasing expanse of water that separated us from the
nearest land. My breakfast rose to the back of my throat in sheer terror and I
had to swallow back on the bitter bile.
"Ready?" asked
I nodded. "Any
time," I squeaked, wishing I had kept it to the nod.
"Right, then—"
raining," said the monk gently. "If you could just tuck the end of
the wrapping more securely round the books . . ."
Grimly Conn re-wrapped
the parcel. "All right now?"
The monk nodded, then
rose to his feet in the now gently rocking boat and raised his right hand,
upsetting practically everything in the process. "I think a
"Sit down!"
said Conn savagely. "And stay there . . ."
Luckily it was easier
than I had expected, for the tide was stronger now and soon Snowy found the
main current. We moved steadily upstream, Conn and I clinging to the sides, the
better to tip up the suspect bows, gently kicking our legs up and down as Snowy
directed. I felt better this time, partly because the exercise warmed me up;
indeed I let go of the boat a couple of times, just to see what it felt like,
and paddled with my hands. I even turned over on to my back and let the sea
sing in my ears the way it had with my friend the seal, and my body unfolded in
the water like seaweed and stretched itself, crooked back forgotten, and I
floated, a log beneath the racing clouds—
yelled Conn. "You're getting lost!" and in a frantic panic that
forgot seal and swimming and turned my body awkward and deformed again I
threshed my way back to the safety of the gunwhale, my throat and mouth full of
choking, salty water.
We landed safely on a
spit of land some miles upstream, where the river narrowed and curved to meet
the opposite bank. Conn beached the boat, retrieved the rope and offloaded
everything and everyone. I noticed how exhausted Snowy looked and slipped a
comforting arm around his neck. "Another half-mile and it's shore and supper,"
I said. "You were great . . ." He nuzzled my neck, and I was aware in
myself of an aching tiredness and the pain of cold limbs.
I looked round at the
others: all present and correct, if as wet, cold and tired as me. All but our
passenger; he seemed invigorated by the cold, revitalized by the water, and now
flung his arms in the air and began invoking his Lord. Conn sank to his knees
and bowed his head; I thought I had better do likewise, and let the
foreign-sounding words flow over my head like a warm, drying wind.
Behind us, in the
fervency of prayer, the boat slipped off the bank and rocked on its way
upstream, with two thirds of the sealskin . . .
"I shall travel to
my brothers at Friarsgate first," said our travelling monk. "Will you
not go with me part of the way?" He was addressing Conn, who shook his
"Thank you, but our
way now lies—" he glanced at Snowy, "—southeast." There was the
faintest interrogative lift to his voice.
"Six stones lie
half a mile south," said Snowy.
"So we shall bid
you farewell and safe journey," added Conn. He helped the monk arrange his
pack of books—still wrapped in the other third of our sealskin—comfortably on
his shoulders. "God speed you . . ."
"He will, He
will," said the monk fervently. "He has my project in his care, for
He sent you to my succour . . ."
I wished fervently at
that moment that He, whoever He was, had thought to ask us first, for I could
not remember ever having felt so damp and cold.
The monk hitched up his
robe through his belt. "Goodbye, then, goodbye!" and he strode off
towards the dunes behind us, wet robe flapping about his knees. "Ask for
me if ever you come to Lindisfarne. Or the Holy Isle. Or . . . Name's
The little dog still sat
where he was; at last he stirred, had a good hoof of his left ear and shook out
some salt water. "Oh, well," he sighed, and rose to his feet.
"Better see the old boy doesn't turn left at Priorstown. Thanks, you lot .
. . Still say you're unlikely."
"Why don't you
travel with us?" I asked. "You're welcome, you know . . ."
"He knows,"
said the dog, nodding at Snowy. "He knows as how the old boy would be
hopelessly lost without a guide. Sort of thing I've got to do, somehow. Sorry
for the old bugger, really: head in the clouds, feet anywhere . . . Oh,
well," and he sighed again.
I pulled out a piece of
dried fish from the pack. "Here."
"Ta!" He
swallowed it. "Can't live on fresh air like some people I could mention.
Likes me nosh, I does." He burped fishily. "Don't worry; I'll get him
where he wants to go. Keep him snug for the winter, then back to the bloody bogs
come spring." He scratched again. "Gawd! Anyone'd think all that
bleeding water would have drowned the perishers! Well, benny-bloody-dickerty,
you lot!" And he was away, jaunty docked tail and ears erect, trotting off
in the steps of his master.
"There are saints
and saints," said Snowy cryptically.
"Will he be all
right?" I asked, and didn't need to specify whom I meant.
"Of course,"
said Snowy. "They both serve the same Master, don't they? He is a good
guide: he found us." He twitched his ears. "The unlikely ones: I
rather like that . . ."
"Come on!"
called Conn, by now well ahead. "I can see the stones, as you said. So
we're on the right road . . . Got any dry wood, Thingummy? I fancy a hot drink
of something-or-other . . ."
Slinging the others all
over me as best I could I followed Snowy's sure steps, while above our heads a
storm-driven buzzard or kite or whatever fled our path south.
The Binding: Fish
The Face in the Water
Pisky's adventure, when
it came, was over in a flash of fins.
But there were many days
of travel before he had his moment of glory, and all through the preceding
misty mornings and sharp nights of Leaf-Fall I was wondering, on and off,
whether it would be his turn or mine. Each day was so beautiful and smelt so of
the poignancy of decay as the world wended its way to the long sleep of winter,
that often I would forget and run to catch a falling leaf, or gather
finger-staining dewberries for their sharp-sweet explosion of taste. The last
flowers were a patchwork of butterflies and moths, and martlets gathered in
soft twittering lines on bending sprays of hawthorn, their gaze south. Bees fed
heavy and wasps found fallen fruit before I did, angry colours a warning.
Squirrels raced the treetops, younglings not yet the russet of their parents,
and chattered angrily as we plundered the nuts they would have hoarded and
forgotten. We heard wild pig crashing in the undergrowth in their search for
acorn and truffle, and at night their little prickly brothers wandered
sharp-nosed and blind amidst our sleeping bodies, rootling for slugs and
snails. At night, too, the dog-fox barked his territory and once, far away, we
heard the howl of wolf. Rutting stags roared and clashed their antlers, owls
ghosted through the twilight to screech threat to every tiny creature that cowered
within range, and mushroom and fungi uncurled and swelled between dawn and dusk
so that we trod a cushion of them, marvelling at the shelvings and bloatings
that shawled and blanketed the trees with deep, livid colours in contrast with
the other, more muted colours of autumn.
Then came storms that
shook the trees, bent the brittling grass, drove the clouds so fast they seemed
not to know whether to drop their rain or carry it on to another market. On
such a day as this I found two martlets and three fledglings locked fast in a
cot where the door had slammed shut and the latch fallen. We were seeking
shelter ourselves and I was first to the hut—probably some
charcoal-burner's—and wrenched open the door. Immediately I was swathed with
wings, and even without Snowy's interpreting presence I could understand what
they said.
"Thank you, human,
thank you: it is late, and we must fly. The children are fat, but little
practised in flight. We had hoped . . ."
I listened to their soft
trilling and stretched my arms wide so they might light on them. "Fear
not, travellers; the wind is from the west and will carry you all high in its
arms to safety. Fly now, and fear not . . ."
"We go, we go . . .
And are grateful that you came. We and ours shall bring summer to your eaves
when we return, and your home shall be blessed . . ."
And they were gone, the
youngsters a little unsteady at first then, escorted tenderly by their parents,
flying higher and higher till they were mere specks in the air and turning
"Gawd! Wish I could
stretch my wings like that!" muttered Corby who had joined me, striding
and hopping through the undergrowth.
"You will, you will!"
I promised, bending down to stroke the ruffled feathers. "Not long now . .
But in spite of my
optimism—had we not, after all, covered some hundreds of leagues in our quest
and taken a whole summer and much of the autumn to do it?—the end of our
travels, expected now in every turn of the road for there were only two
adventures to go, still seemed as far away as growing up: the nearer, the
farther. In the end even I grew impatient, feeling that if it were my
"turn" next I should welcome it; anything would be better than this
endless walking. Not that the way was unpleasant; rivers to follow, streams to
cross, blue hills to our right, the vales to our left, woods full of the
russet, yellow and browns of Leaf-Fall—but there was a sense of urgency in the
air that sharpened and quickened with the first frosts and the great skeins of
geese that passed swiftly overhead, the way we were going but so much faster!
We ate well enough from
wood, river, coppice and field, for the earth gave forth in plenty that year.
With our fast-dwindling stock of silver we paused at town and village as seldom
as we could, but we exchanged a night or two for the nuts and mushrooms we
gathered on the way and luckily did not fall foul of foresters or verderers,
for great lords seemed few and far between. The robin began his song again and
once more we heard the large voice of the wren and the twitter of sparrow, long
silent over the summer.
Then we came to the
meres, the pools, the lakes—and, in particular, one lake. We had managed, so
far, to keep our direction by sidestepping, cornering, splashing straight
through the shallower pools, but now we were faced by a lake whose ends, to
right and left, seemed boundless. It was a misty, moist day and the sun shone
faint as a moon through a veil of gauzy cloud. Ahead of us the water lay still,
unnaturally still, its grey waters scarce rippling though all the while a cold
steam rose from it and the reflected sun floated like a blob of yellow fat on
its surface. Reeds stood up from the fringes some ten feet distant but they
were winter-dying back to their roots and bent in dry hoops to their images,
until the edges of the lake seemed looped with them. Ahead, perhaps some
half-mile distant, hanging as though suspended above the surface, were trees,
land; an island? The farther shore? There was no way of telling.
Conn chucked a stone
into the water, as far out as it would go. There was a dull cloop! as though a
lazy fish rose for sport instead of food, and a ripple or two ran in
faint-hearted circles but disappeared before they reached the shore, as if the
water were thick as oil.
"Hmmm . . ."
he said. "A dead lake. Not very inspiring."
"Dead?" said
Pisky's inquiring bubbles. "Lemme see, lemme see . . ."
I tilted his bowl nearer
the water. "There . . ."
He said something
surprising. "I want to try the water!" He had never said anything
like this before, had never ventured willingly outside his bowl except at The
Ancient's, and for a moment I hesitated, almost as though I was afraid that
once in he would be lost.
"Don't be silly,
Thing dear," he said, reading my thoughts. "I only want a quick look.
Besides, my scales itch. My great-aunt on my mother's side always said that if
one's scales felt itchy it was either a change in the weather or mites."
"Tickly things that
bite like the fleas you humans and animals have. Now, lemme see!"
Obediently I lowered his
bowl to the still lake and tipped it until he had ingress and egress. He
hesitated for a moment and I saw a convulsive shudder run through his little
frame, then slowly he moved from the shelter of his weed and I saw what I had
feared, a golden-orange shape dim and falter as he moved out into the deeper
water. Almost, stretching out my hand, I betrayed his trust, distressfully
trying to catch him back before I lost sight, but Snowy nudged me with his nose
in time.
"He knows what he
does, Thing dear: have faith! And patience . . ."
It nevertheless seemed
an age before the orange blur moved back to his bowl again, very thoughtfully.
"I don't know, I just don't know . . . Never seen or felt water like that
before. Soft, soft as the robes of a courtesan, the robes they used to trail in
the Great Pond at Chaykung . . . Misty on top, but there are clear pools.
Bottom's thick mud and tangled roots. Difficult to swim in; slows you down, it
does, but it's breathable, just. Nothing living that I can see, but I feel that
there is something, or someone, down there . . . Curious. Whatever it is
is not unwelcoming, there's just a kind of . . . nothingness. No feeling,
nothing positive. Doesn't operate on any level that I recognize.
"Wouldn't do to
fall in the deeper bits, Thingy . . ."
"As if I
"There's a sort of
boat here," called Conn and, sure enough, there was a broad-bottomed craft
lying hidden under the bank some hundred yards further up. It was built of some
tough, greyish wood and looked very old, but when I tried it with my dagger it
seemed sound enough. The flat planking inside was almost covered by a drifting
of last year's leaves. A long paddle lay amidships, obviously for steering and
propelling the boat through a ring in the stern.
"Some sort of
ferryboat?" I ventured. "Is it safe?"
"Seems so,"
said Conn, jumping down into the bows. He stamped around for a minute or two,
but apart from the quiet ripples that spread in the water there was no other
disturbance, hardly even a lowering of the boat's level from his weight.
Jumping back on the bank he leant forward and pulled in the broad stern.
"Well, the only way is across, and it seems there's land of sorts over
there . . . Shall we risk it?"
"As you say, it's
the only way," said Snowy. "However, I don't like the feel of this
place and I shall be glad when we're across." He stepped delicately onto
the boards and lay down, his hooves tucked close. Somewhere a bird cried
mournfully, but there was no other sound save the sluggish lap of water. I went
up to the bows carrying Pisky, and the others settled themselves beside Snowy.
Conn pushed the boat away from the bank and leapt in after, stepping the steering-paddle.
It was an eerie passage,
no sound save the creak and swish of the paddle, Conn's heavy breathing and the
"sss" of the water past our bows. No one felt like talking: it was
almost as though we held our breath for fear of waking something. I looked back
at the bank we had left but already it was disappearing in mist. The land ahead
looked no nearer, although the trees we could see held a dark and menacing
We were perhaps some
three-quarters of the way across when, glancing down, I became aware of a
difference in the quality of the water. Where before it had had a thickness, an
opacity that made it look like liquid iron, now this seemed to be drifting
away, like heavy clouds clearing a rainwashed sky. If it had been real sky then
all one would have seen would be an infinite blue, but in the depths there
seemed to be tantalizing glimpses of another world, a world in which there were
trees, fields, mountains and valleys, an image so immediate and real that I
glanced up, expecting to see it was merely a reflection. But no: the mist
seemed thicker and, more disturbing, my companions appeared somehow different
too; discontented, distorted, disturbingly alien, like the time when I had
laughingly viewed them through a piece of broken green Roman glass on our
journey. Suddenly they all seemed strangers and I turned from them in
discomfort to look again at my prettier pictures in the water.
They had changed also.
Where there had been vague landscapes, viewed from a distance, now I could see
flowers in the fields, birds in the trees. I leant closer and someone spoke
behind me; irritated, I turned back and saw Conn mouthing at me, but he was
speaking as though he had a mouthful of rags, and his face and figure were as
grey as the mist. Impatiently I turned back. There were other words, other
voices still squeaking in my ears but I covered them and leant closer to the
water, the better to appreciate the bright colours, the beautiful pictures that
were such a contrast to the grim, grey reality above.
Now there were animals
and people down there, too. Horses ran through the meadow, manes and tails
flowing in the breeze; fair knights armed and helmed were practising swordplay;
hounds were on the scent, their bright tongues lolling; birds, fishes, deer,
all living in colours livelier than the day. It was like some great new-woven
tapestry, but a tapestry that moved and lived and breathed. And there, right in
the middle of it all, was a lady, a beautiful dark-haired lady who stretched
her arms out to me and smiled a smile that I remembered from times past. Surely
my mother must have had a smile like that? I cried out to the pretty lady and
she leant up to take my hand and I clasped hers in both of mine and was drawn
down, down into the overwhelming brightness beneath.
The waters sang in my
ears and I was warm as an infant enshawled. The lady, so like my mother must
have been, drew me into her arms and rocked me back and forth and the knights
smiled and nodded and clashed their weapons, the horses threw back their heads
and neighed and the hounds bayed a welcome, their tails waving like weeds in a
"Weeds in a stream!
Weeds in a stream!" came a little voice in my ears, as insistent and
annoying as the zinging of a gnat. "Rocks in a pool! Bones in a bog!
Illusion, illusion and death! Come away, Thing dear, dearest dear, before you
drown in a dream, before your lungs burst and the Creature nibbles your flesh
from your bones in a kiss of death and arranges you in her gallery like the
others . . . Look! Look, and see . . ."
And I looked, and I saw.
As Pisky swam to and fro in front of my eyes I had to shift my focus and the
lady's green gaze no longer held mine. Her arms were about me still, caressing
and stroking and soothing and I was aware of her smiling, scarlet mouth and the
questing teeth—
The knights were bones,
the horses were bones, the hounds were bones. Their hair, their manes, their
tails waved in the gentle current and they were prisoned by their feet, their
hooves, their legs to the floor of the lake to dance and prance and bounce to
the Creature's whim. And were long dead and Its playthings, as were the rocks
and stones and weeds that made Its landscapes. I saw, too, that It had no
heart, no evil intent even, just an overweening curiosity. And that curiosity
drew me closer, closer, and I saw that It had drawn from me my own thoughts to
create the illusions I had seen, and that It had no real form of Its own, just
the locking arms and the open mouth and the teeth, that sought me and my blood
and my breath and my being.
All at once I could not
breathe and a little orange-gold fish with a pearl in his mouth swam between
the teeth that threatened me and down the throat that waited and the Creature
choked and gasped and convulsed and spat and loosed Its hold and I shot to the
surface and was grabbed and hauled into the boat and all I could think about
was a little fish and the sight of him disappearing down that gaping throat—
"Thing, darling,
are you all right? Christ Almighty, she's near drowned!" came Conn's distracted,
loving voice and even with my tortured lungs and rasping throat I recognized
that he had used my right name for a third time while I lay on the bottom
boards of the boat, heedless, soaking, abandoned to decency and decorum, and
spewed up the foul, cloudy water, murmuring between the violent retchings that
Pisky had saved me.
"No thanks to your
abominable gullibility!" came a little bubbling voice in my ear, and there
was my rescuer, leaping back into his bowl no worse for wear. "How anyone
in their right mind could mistake an apparition like that for the real thing I
do not know! My grandmother's cousin, twice removed, was once suborned by one
such but her disgrace was never mentioned. By my fins and scales—"
"Pisky you're a
darlin' and a hero, and if you weren't in that bowl I'd pick you up and kiss
you, that I would!" declared Conn, and leaving the paddle he stepped
forward to cradle my helpless, revolting body in his arms. "I shall never
be able to thank you . . . But unless we get this child to dry land and the
water pumped out of her—"
With a sudden jolt—just
as I was warming to his utterly unexpected embrace and revelling in both my
escape and the sweetness of breath in my lungs and wondering at the supreme
courage of Pisky's rescue—the boat grounded on dry land and promptly broke up
in pieces. I was shoved and trampled on as the others struggled with me and the
baggage over rocks and boulders. Once there I was subjected to further
indignity as Conn rolled me over on to my face and proceeded to press the air
out of my lungs with the flat of his hand. I consequently threw up the contents
of my stomach onto the ground, near choking with vomit and froth, my mask
tangled in my mouth.
Just before I died from
his ministrations Snowy luckily told him to stop and I was hauled round to sit
upright, still gasping for air and shivering uncontrollably.
"Stay with
her," ordered Conn to Moglet, Corby, Puddy and Pisky. "The unicorn
and I will search for wood to make a fire before she perishes from cold."
demanded Pisky, and, such was the aura of his recent success, Conn picked him
up without demur and carried him off.
I staggered to my feet,
I wanted to ask questions about the Creature in the water, about the bones and
the hair and the pictures—but at that moment I looked up and saw the shadow of
the seven stones and my adventure began . . .
The Binding: Thing
The Last Giants and Ogres
Except for the seat of
my breeches which was still damp against the stone floor, at least now I was
dry and warm for the fire was very hot. Not that I was exactly next to it: I
lay bound and trussed like a recalcitrant chicken against the woven fence that
formed the outer wall of the cave-house. The wind whistled past my ears and
outside I could hear the gale that roared and tore at the last remains of the
trees in the forest. It was night, for we—me, Moglet and Corby—had been carried
here for many miles along twisting, curling paths after our capture.
Prisoners. I had never
been physically tied up before and I didn't like it, not one bit. I closed my
eyes, looked back on what had happened, wondered if it could have been
Conn, Snowy and Pisky
had gone to find wood to build a fire and dry me out—so it had been my fault
from the beginning. I had started to ask Moglet, Corby and Puddy a
question—what question? It had all gone now, was not important any longer—and
then had come that sudden crash, a cry from Conn, an unintelligible whinny from
Snowy and the awful, hair-raising howl—
I had run, we had run,
away from the lakeside, stumbling and cursing over the twisted tree-roots,
tearing our way through the shoulder-high ferns, pushing through thicket and
briar, and all the while the wild threshing and howling grew louder until—until
we came to the clearing, the net and the pit.
At first I thought I had
been carried away by the Night-Mare, and fought against the reality I saw, even
shutting my eyes tight and throwing my arms wide in an effort to transport
myself to another dream or even, please the gods! to awake sweating on some
pallet, somewhere else . . .
But no; it was real, and
it was horrible.
In front of me, almost
at my feet, opened a pit, dark and deep, and the broken branches that had
hidden it tipped, crazy and broken, laced with man-high ferns, to the bottom
some ten or twelve feet below, where Conn and Snowy were milling about, pulling
at the branches which slid down on top of them. Conn's anxious eyes lifted to
mine, then I saw him glance over his shoulder towards the other side of the pit.
I followed his gaze and recoiled in horror. There, illuminated by branch
torches, sputtering with some oily foulness, stood half-a-dozen giants! Ogres.
Trolls . . . ten feet high, more perhaps, covered with shaggy hair, their
clothing a few skins. Barefooted, tangle-locked, with long yellow teeth, flat
noses and great craggy brows overhanging small, dark, red-rimmed eyes. Legs
bowed with the weight of their bodies, hands with hairy backs grasping clubs, a
spear, a—
"Thing, look out!"
yelled Conn, but even as I turned I was meshed in a creeper net, borne down by
heavy bodies, smothered in the sharp tang of earth and leaves. I could not
breathe, Moglet was nowhere, Puddy was missing, Corby was flapping on his back
at my side; we were all panicking, panicking, and we shouldn't panic, we
I felt a thump on the
side of my head, there were bright lights . . . then darkness.
* * *
I awoke to the
realization that we were being carried in a kind of sling between two poles. My
lungs were not fully recovered from the water, my head hurt, but even greater
was the pain from creeper-fastened wrists and ankles. Worst of all was the
terror of not knowing how or where, the disappearance of my friends, the
awe-inspiring figures of my captors—Not knowing, not understanding what one is
facing is far more terrible than facing the most tremendous calculable odds;
the Tree-People had been worse than the Great Spider or the White Wyrme.
"Heart up,
Thing!" came a hoarse croak above my head. "At least you're right-way
up!" I glanced through tears at the ragged bundle trussed to the pole
above me. Corby, poor dear Corby, was hanging by his bound legs, wing flapping,
beak agape, eyes rolling. "Not as bad as it looks," he thought
quietly at me. "Least I've got a better view . . ."
"Where are Puddy
and Moglet?" I thought back urgently at him.
"Former jumped out
of your pocket way back; latter is tied in a bundle at your feet."
"Thing! Corby! I
can't see, I'm frightened—"
"Hush dear!" I
tried to quiet her audible wails. "It'll be all right, I promise. Just lie
There were only three of
us left. Somehow we had to escape, find out what had happened to the others.
But supposing there were no others? Supposing the frightful creatures that
captured us had killed them? Supposing, even now, that my beloved Conn was
lying somewhere with his head smashed in by one of those vicious clubs, the
bright blood shaming his russet hair, his fierce brown eyes staring up at a
darkening sky he could not see? And dear, gentle Snowy? And silly, voluble
last-minute courageous Pisky, and stolid, dependable Puddy? Had the one been
gobbled in one bite, the other crushed in careless passing beneath some
primeval foot? I sobbed again, but not for myself.
I suppose it must have
been some half-hour later, and quite dark, when we arrived at the cave. We were
untied from the carrying poles and carried roughly over stones, past a wicker
fence, into the prison in which we now found ourselves. I had looked round it
so many times during the last minutes—hours?—that I knew it by heart.
High-ceilinged with, as
I have said, a wicker or wattle fence behind my back protecting about one half
of the perimeter. The other half was the stone face of the cave, which extended
back into the hillside about thirty feet, in a roughly semicircular shape. At
the far end, in the shadows, was a deep ledge, about twelve feet wide and the
same deep, and about two feet off the floor, on which was a pile of skins and
three toothless and white-haired creatures with hanging dugs (though men or
women I could not tell), who mumbled and waved and shrieked with laughter as
the fire was replenished.
This same fire was built
high in the middle of the cave, fed by large pieces of green wood which snapped
and spat and twisted in sappy fury, belching great clouds of choking smoke up
to the blackened roof. Every now and again a lurid flame leapt like a new-drawn
sword to be as quickly spitting-sheathed in the scabbard of the dark logs,
bejewelled by oozing black resin, before it had time to do more than stab
twice, thrice at the darkness.
The torches had been
extinguished as soon as we arrived, to conserve them I supposed, and were now
stacked upright against the left-hand wall, together with clubs, spears and
queerly shaped stone axes, wood-hafted and bound with twine. On the right-hand
wall were hung more skins over a stack of roughly chopped wood. Behind this
were heaped crudely fashioned pottery bowls and platters, and then a pen
containing five or six skinny goats. These were nannies, all of them, who
looked as if they had not seen a billy for years. There were no younglings. The
floor of the cave was stony, dung-ridden, running with filth; no attempt had
been made to sweep away the ordure, both human and animal, and the stench
fought an even battle with the smoke.
And the giants, the
ogres, the trolls, whatever they were? The flames threw their shadows
flickering on the cave wall. They were the creatures of legend: threatening,
huge, terrible—until one looked at the substance rather than the shadow. Six of
them, that was all, not counting those elders on the ledge at the back. About
four feet tall, perhaps a little more; covered with reddish hair and
bandy-legged, with low foreheads, jutting chins and wide noses. The youngest I
suppose was about fourteen, a boy; two women in their twenties; three men,
ranging from early twenties to late thirties: and all of them weak, rickety,
with missing teeth, sores on their bodies, arthritic joints. No children,
either; where were their youngsters, their promise of a future?
The wood caught suddenly
and flared its banners to the roof, and there, silent, vibrant, moving with the
firelight, a whole host of creatures was revealed, chased by hunters wielding
spears and clubs. A giant striped cat bared its fangs, incisors reaching
beneath the chin; deer with mighty horns raced across the plains, hooves
flying; a creature such as Conn had talked of, tail both ends, all coated in
reddish hair like a shaggy goat, impaled a man with its yellow tusks as the
spears in its hide maddened it past bearing. The man's mouth was open forever
on a silent scream. Other men, defiant, puny, armed only with spears, managed
to herd, pit, snare all these creatures in a magnificent display of primeval
bravery and guile. Great fish opened their toothed mouths to engulf; huge
lizards flicked their tongues; birds with strange, barbed wings, or ones hooked
and spread like bats, flew shrieking from a rain of arrows, and still the
hunters advanced, striking, stabbing, flaying, destroying—
They were sketches only,
in browns, whites, blacks, greys, ochres, but the sudden firelight made them
live and die in glorious movement on the walls of the cave. In a sudden pitying
moment, quite divorced from my immediate terror, I could see how these few
stunted survivors would spend their last years; drawing their pride, their
comfort from the splendid, fierce deeds of their forefathers, those who dead a
thousand years had yet ensured their present existence on earth.
My imagination when we
were trapped in the pit had given our captors twice their height, three times
their ferocity but they still outnumbered us, small, weak and diseased as they
were; in this and in one other fact, lay their squalid strength. They had an
overwhelming need that our combined strength could not overcome. They were
Not only hungry:
I knew this because of
their staring bones pushing at the skin as if mad to break out; I knew this
because of the thin streams of saliva that ran between their bared and gappy
teeth; I knew this because the fire had been built higher, higher; I knew this
because of the water now boiling in the misshapen pot at the side of the fire.
I knew it because I could see the skewers ready to be thrust into the heart of
the flames; I knew it because of the animals they had prepared to thrust on
those same bone skewers. I knew it because the first of those creatures was my
darling Moglet, trussed up in a bundle on the end of a stick, paws together,
jaws bared in agony, her pitiful wails half-drowned by the roaring of the
flames. I knew it because my friend Corby was hanging by his legs, the next to
go, his beak half-open, his eyes closed. I knew it because they had poked and
pinched me, licked the salt from my face and hands with eager tongues, made to
tear out my hair, pinched my legs until the blood ran . . .
Tears ran helplessly
from my eyes and I could see nothing now between the swollen lids except a
merciful blur. Then, oh then! something moved under my bound hands, something
dry, warty, breathing fast.
"Puddy? Oh,
said the toad, puffing asthmatically. "I come from the others—"
"They are all
right? Oh, dear one, say they are all right!"
"Yes, yes. They will
be all right, given time . . ."
"Given time . . .
"To get out of that
"But how—?"
"It is not that
deep. When I left them they were pulling down branches to raise the level. Then
Sir Knight will climb out over the unicorn's back and throw down more foliage
until he is able to scramble out. My feet . . . The webs are all
I was filled with
instant contrition. "Poor Puddy! Is it very far, then?"
He moved under my hands.
"The way your captors took 'tis two, three miles, but straight up—toads
can climb, you know—it's much less. But Snowy will find a way." His flanks
were still heaving. "Let me see what's happening . . ." He moved out
to get a better view. "Ye gods! 'Tis as well the fish is with the others,
else would he boil!"
Someone picked up the
stick on which Moglet's trussed figure swung and pointed it towards the
crackling fire. I heard her anguished cry, saw the fire turn to lick at the
fur, and then something suddenly clicked in my mind, like fivestones on a stone
floor. I found myself remembering.
"Fire cold, flames
die, heat go, no warmth . . ." but not in those words, in another language,
an older one full of spits and clicks and grunts and as old as the earth. Words
I had learnt long ago in another life, in another time than the feared one with
our Mistress. Words older even than the creatures painted on the walls; words,
not words, sounds only that came with the dawning of time when earth and air
and fire and water were still one and four, and apart and together, divisible
and indivisible, and Man crouched among the animals and was part of them and
Woman was the God . . .
The fire burned blue and
cold and died. The painted creatures on the walls faded and disappeared, and an
ice crept into the cave. The giants, the ogres, the trolls became small and
helpless and frightened and I stepped from my bonds and went to the middle of
the cave and gathered the cat to me smoothing the charred fur until it was new,
and took the plucked bird from his ties and the feathers grew again under my
hand. And I stood in the ashes of the fire and the strength flowed up through
the soles of my feet, until my fingertips tingled with the strength of it and I
stood straight and tall and unblemished and nursed the creatures in my arms
until they, too, were whole—
"Thing, darlin',
oh, Thing! Are you all right, then?" And Conn was there, taking me and
Moglet and Corby in his arms, while the creatures cowered in the farthest
corner of the cave. Suddenly I was myself and glad of his human comfort, and
fell in love again with the strength of his arms.
Snowy was holding the
troll-men back, dancing on his hooves and neighing, striking out at their
slowly recovering bodies.
"Come, my children,
come: magic lasts only so long!"
Magic, I wondered,
magic? For what I had been, what I had done, seemed of a sudden in another
life, far away, and now there was only bewilderment as I glanced down at my
chafed wrists. In my arms was a purring Moglet—the purr of relief rather than
content—and a once-more sleek Corby. Puddy nudged my toe and Pisky was bubbling
away in his bowl dangling from Conn's wrist, telling of dark pits and torches
and spears, of great scrambles of wood and a swinging forest, of travel
sickness and a lack of water. I looked up at Conn's smiling eyes, his shining
white teeth and curling moustache, his sweat-dampened hair and thanked the
gods, and his God too, for our preservation.
"Come!" called
Snowy again. "I cannot hold them back any longer!" and indeed the
troll-men from the corner were stealing forth again. The youngest seized a
spear and hurled it in our direction, but luckily it missed. Conn tucked Moglet
inside my jacket and Puddy in my pocket, picked up Corby and resettled Pisky,
then grabbed my wrist and hurried us out of the cave, stumbling and swearing
under his breath.
"Which way?"
"Follow your noses
and then bear right . . ."
I heard scuffles behind
me, howls of rage as Snowy carried on a rearguard action, then we were plunging
helter-skelter through bush, thicket and wood, branches whipping our faces and
shoulders, stones slipping under our feet and briars and nettles tearing and
stinging. Pursuit was not far behind and the thump of feet mixed with the
bearing of my heart. We had been running downhill but at last the ground
levelled out and we were splashing amongst reeds, mud sucking at our feet. Now
Snowy went ahead for we were in a quaking bog and heatless fires started at our
steps, evil little voices sang in our ears and would have led us astray. All
the while the stink of bubbling decay was in our nostrils, but Conn followed
the white glimmer that was our unicorn and dragged me in his wake.
I stumbled and swayed
from sheer exhaustion and did not even heed Moglet's panicky claws on my chest.
At last the ground was firmer beneath our feet and the air smelt sweet and
clean once more. We were on rising ground and the wind swung behind us, but it
was chill, so that for all my exertions I shivered.
"Are we safe?"
"The men from the
cave would not dare the bog," came Snowy's comforting voice. "Yes, we
are nearly there. Just up this slope and you will see . . ."
I was not sure I could
make it. My legs no longer seemed part of me, my feet were numb, my arms locked
rigid around a protesting Moglet. There seemed to be a ring of stones—had I
seen them before?—then some sort of prickly barrier, a hedge, I could hear a
buzzard calling—
And firelight, gentle
and warm, a familiar voice, hands taking Puddy and Moglet, a drink of fire and
ice, a bed—
The Binding: Magician
Past, Present, Future
I opened my eyes to sun
shining through the narrow opening to the cave. I was warm, I was refreshed with
sleep, I was hungry. The cave! Which ca—
"Easy now,
lambkin," said The Ancient, and pressed me back gently against the
pillows. "Time enough to talk, to question. Here's oatmeal and cream and
cheese. Break your fast at your ease. The others are taking the air."
"Food first, buts
later. Sufficient that you are safe, well, and finished with journeyings for
the time being. Now, eat: there's a pitcher of spring water by your elbow, and
if you want to wash there's a bowl of warm water by the fire and privacy and
cloths behind that curtain. Oh, and the usual offices are where they were
before . . ."
A wren was bursting his
heart with sweet song when I at last hurried out to join the others. Conn was
lying back in the sunshine, his jerkin unlaced and the dark red hairs on his
chest glinting in the light; Corby was preening, Moglet chasing after a scarlet
leaf on its breeze-helped progress across the grass, not really interested, but
it was something to do; Puddy had his eyes shut, a revolting remnant of legs
and wings sticking out of the left side of his mouth; Pisky's bowl was in the
little pool nearby and he was housekeeping his weed and the snails, and making
little flicking jumps in the air to rid himself of even the suspicion of
parasites; Snowy, ungainly for once, pink belly in the air, tail and mane
a'tangle, was rolling in the lush grass under the apple trees, where there was
the usual bewildering mixture of blossom and ripe apple. I looked for The
Ancient: he was walking some distance away on a rise in the ground.
"Better now,
Thingummyjig?" asked Conn, stretching lazily.
"Come and
play," said Moglet.
"Could you just
pull my third tail-feather straight?" asked Corby. "No, from the left
. . . Your left—"
morning," said Puddy, stickily.
"Just look how
clear the water is," said Pisky. "I doubt if my grandfather, or even
his, ever bathed in such as this. And some nice new pebbles, too . . ."
No answers here and it
was answers I wanted, so after politely attending to the others I walked up to
the hillock where The Ancient was standing, apparently lost in thought. He had
one of his more absurd hats on this morning, green, with a white bobble that
kept falling in his eyes, and yellow ribbons hanging from the back.
He greeted me
effusively, perhaps too effusively, spreading an imaginary cloak on the ground
and inviting me to sit down.
"A beautiful
morning, is it not? You rested well, I hope?" Receiving no answer, he
plucked at his beard, neatly plaited and tied off in a knot. "You are
well, I suppose? No ill effects?" He looked at me again, then shuffled in
his purple slippers, the ones with pointy toes. "No harm done, no harm
done—and you completed the quest. Admirably, I might say—Go away!" he
shouted, flapping his arms at a large buzzard importuning the air a few feet
above his head. "Come back later . . . Pestiferous nuisance. Now, where
were we?"
I shaded my eyes and
looked up at the bird. "Perhaps you should give him his reward now,"
I suggested. "After all, he worked for it."
"Worked for
it?" spluttered The Ancient, then turned the splutter into a fit of
"Well, he kept an
eye on us all the way," I said, and plucking a stem of grass, pulled at
the delicate inner core and nibbled it gently. "Go on: I can wait."
The Ancient flustered
and puffed, but eventually called down the bird who alighted on his
outstretched arm, wings a'tilt and yellow eyes wary at me.
Without concern I rose
to my feet and stretched out my hand to the restless pinions and the
surprisingly soft and warm breast-feathers. "Well done, Kiya." (I
knew instinctively the bird's name.) "I'll vouch that you were there, all
the time . . . What has he," and I nodded at The Ancient, "promised
"Leave off!"
said the old man, his beard coming untied as if it had a life of its own and
curling up on either side of his face like lamb's fleece. "I'll
deal with this . . . Now then bird, what was to be your reward?"
"You know
well," said the handsome buzzard, fluffing his feathers, and I was
surprised I could understand. "For a watching brief—a week only you said,
and nothing of the distances, the time-shift, the abominable weather—you said
you would find me—"
"Ah, yes,"
said The Ancient hastily. "Now I remember . . . Well, then: fly some seven
leagues west-by-south—you'll have to correct with this wind—turn due south by
the cross at Isca—now the new-fangled Escancastre, I believe—then another two
leagues. Bear west again till you come to the old highway bearing roughly
north-south. Two miles further on there is a sudden switch to east-west and
there you will find a southerly track. Half a mile on there is a barton in a
valley, a stream running east-west on its southern border: can't miss it, the
place is full of sheep. In a wood just northeast of the barton—Totley, it's
called—you will find a deeper wood, triangular in shape, and there you will
find—what I promised you. She has," and he glanced at me to see if I was
listening and, as I was, lowered his voice. I did not realize till afterwards
that he was speaking bird-talk, but it didn't seem to make much difference: I
still understood. "She has," he repeated to the bird, "been
blown from oversea by that last southeasterly and is not used to us as yet.
Wants to return to the mountains of Hispania . . . But doubtless you will be
able to persuade her to stay. Tell her . . ." and he bent forward to
whisper in Kiya's hidden ear. "That should do it!" And he tossed the
buzzard in the air and it rode the wind, balancing delicately from wingtip to
wingtip, before taking an updraught and sliding away out of sight above the
conifers to my right.
"Now then,"
said The Ancient, flicking a lump of bird-dropping from his already liberally
marked blue gown. "Now then—where were we? Ah, yes. You were about to
thank me for my hospitality and ask about the next stage in—"
"Sit down," I
interrupted, reseating myself and patting the turf beside me. "And
explain. Please?"
But he remained
standing, drawing the edges of his cloak together and becoming very tall all of
a sudden.
"And don't," I
said, "fly off into another dimension or something: we've had enough of
that for the time being . . . Just think of me as your equal, for the moment,
and, as such, wanting answers."
"To what?" But
he did sit down, rather heavily it's true, and at a discreet distance.
"What to?"
I crossed my legs,
comfortably, and selected another blade of grass. "Lots of things . . .
Firstly, how long has this quest taken us? The truth, mind!"
He regarded me under
bushy eyebrows like the thatch of an ill-kept house. "Why—how long do you
think it took?"
I recognized the ploy,
but went along with it for the time being. "Well, the others obviously
think it took at least six months—"
"So why is my hair
no longer? So why are my clothes no tattier? So why did we conveniently lose
all those things on the way, like the sealskin, that could have proved we
actually went anywhere? So why did Kiya still have the feathers of a yearling?
"All right, all
right, all right!" yelled The Ancient. "All right . . . I can
see you have been talking to that blasted unicorn—"
"Not a word! So,
you do admit—"
"I admit nothing!
So there . . ." and he grabbed a stalk of grass, just like me, and stuck
it in the corner of his mouth. "Just prove it, that's all! Prove it!"
"So there is
something to prove, then?"
"I didn't say
"You did!"
I lay back and laughed.
"For an Ancient you are behaving more like a New—no, listen!" For he
had half-risen and his face was all red. "I didn't mean to be rude, you
know I didn't. But isn't it time we stopped being childish and started talking
like—like adults?" Like human beings, I had been going to say, but I
wasn't sure of his claim to this. I rolled over on to my stomach. "I admit
I am being presumptuous, but there are certain questions I should like—more, I
think I deserve—answers to. Straightforward answers. Agreed?"
"Agreed," came
the rather sulky answer, but a sharp glance from under the bushy eyebrows
accompanied it. "Shake on it?"
"Good!" I
offered my hand, all unsuspecting. A moment later an almighty shock ran through
my fingers and palm and up my arm into my shoulder and I was knocked sideways
by a sudden strike of power that left me numb. I had not anticipated he would
use anything like that: so far it had been a low-dice board game but now he had
thrown a double and I was no match for this.
"Thanks," I
said, rubbing my still-tingling arm. "All right, you're the boss. My
strengths have been accidental, yours are calculated. Truce?"
For the first time he
smiled, and nodded his head. "You are an endearing child, Flower . . . I
must admit you have called upon powers that I would have thought impossible.
Still, a flower may hold a thorn . . ." and he chuckled, shaking his head,
and somewhere bells rang.
"You," I said,
"have had ever so much more practice . . . Perhaps, then, because of what
I did accidentally, you will accept that I have a right to some truthful
answers? No more evasions? No more—" I rubbed my arm "—games?"
He nodded and his beard
replaited itself, even to the knot. "No more games."
I studied him; at last
we were on equal terms, but only perhaps because he had won earlier.
"Right. Last things first: in that cave . . . The Power. Where did it come
from? How did I manage to use it? And was it bad or good?"
"Backwards answer:
neither good nor evil. Just there."
He considered for a
moment, chin in hands. "Under and over and about and through this old
world of ours there flow sources of Power, as aimless as streams and rivers. As
I said, they are neither good nor bad, they are just there. Clever
magicians and wise men and shamans know where and when and sometimes how, but
how you knew how to use it, I just don't know."
"But the
gods—God—whatever; are they, It, good or bad, or just people like ourselves? Or
forces and powers in their own right? And how many are there of them?" I
was bewildered.
"I think—but I do
not know, child, I do not know—that there must be a Supreme Being, above all
others, who wishes for us, for the world as we know it, our good. There are
also Forces, name them I cannot, who wish to take all Power for themselves:
riches, domination, everlasting life. And they have forgotten the welfare of
ordinary people. Just see you use whatever powers you find in the proper way.
There is good, there is bad: make sure you choose aright!"
I wanted to ask whether
it would make the slightest difference what I did, but then, stealing into my
heart as soft as a mouse at dusk, came the answer; a tentative sureness that
quietened my fears and gave me breath where before there had been none. It was
a sureness outside of myself, borne on the gentle touch of breeze on my cheek,
the feel of the crisscross of grass under my hand, the sad smell of autumn, the
sweet call of the wren, the taste of doubt in my mouth—
"I will try,"
I said simply. It did not matter whether one used the prayer of the peasant or
of the enlightened, the supplications of the Christian or the infidel, like
smoke they would find their outlet, their goal. The only thing one had to
remember was that one's reach had to be towards this goal, this good, and that
prayer was the way—not for oneself, for all.
I smiled at The Ancient.
"Thank you. I feel much better." I noticed him shuffle himself
together, as if he had just got out of a tight corner and was now about to
obliterate himself from further questions. "But there are other things . .
He glowered at me.
"What things?"
"Time," I
said. "Time . . . What is time?"
"Time? Time . . .
is something man invented to table the night and the day. To explain the good
times and the bad. To excuse the wrinkles in the skin. To count the falling of
the leaves; to guard against the sudden sun—to know how long to boil an egg . .
"And our
time?" I prompted. "Our time? The days, the weeks, the months
we spent on our quest? Why did it take six months by our calculations and
nothing by yours?"
"How did—? No, you
have answered that question. All right. Time was invented by man: you
understand that?"
I nodded. "Minutes,
hours, days—yes. But not the concept in full." I hesitated. "We
arrived with you in late winter, left on a summer's day when it seemed we had
been with you but a week, and arrive back in late winter again apparently not
one day older. Some of our travelling seemed to take weeks, some days. Some of
the places we visited looked as if they existed now, others had a strangeness
we could not account for—"
travelled," said The Ancient, "in time. As you know it."
"Think of a
tapestry. It perhaps shows a court scene, a country scene, a hunt; someone has
embroidered part of it only. At the sides are the silks that wait to be sewn,
the future. Those already in the picture are the past. The threads now on the
needle are the present. All there, all at the same time, yet not all in the
picture. Not yet. But the picture can be added to at any time without changing
the essentials. It will still be a court scene, a hunt . . . And even if the
tapestry is complete, or one thinks it is, as the hangings shift and sway in a
draught and a candle brightens one fold and then another, one can imagine it is
only the lighted corner that is important." He leant forward and cupped my
masked face in his hands. "So, you found yourselves first in one part of
time and then another." He wagged his beard. "And don't ask how I got
you there and back, because a magician never gives away all his secrets.
Suffice it to say that I had the power—" He laughed, and released me.
"No, the knowledge to do it. And you didn't change anything: Time-Travellers
are observers. Oh, you robbed the Tree-People of a meal, released some trapped
animals, helped a traveller on his way, but you didn't change history; you can
only do that in the now, when it is your hand guiding the needle."
I rose to my feet. I did
not fully comprehend, but the image of the tapestry stayed in my mind. So time
was a vast picture, never finished, that one could stitch oneself into at any
point . . .
"I don't really understand,"
I said.
He laughed, and rose to
his feet also. "Sometimes I feel I don't either, if that's any
Together we walked back
down the little hill towards the others, but slowly.
"Snowy? He
understands all this?"
"Better than you or
I, for he is immortal."
"Can the immortal
never die?"
"No one can kill
them, unless it is their choice to die."
We walked on in silence
for a moment.
"Was it necessary
for us to go the long way round?" I asked.
"The long
"Yes. Making us
suffer all that long journey, making us believe it took so long . . ."
"Maybe it was not
necessary. But think how much you all would have missed, how much all those
adventures and travelling together taught you of each other and of
"We might have been
killed, any or all of us—"
"Not while you five
held the jewels and the dragon was still alive in the Now. You were
"And Snowy? And
"As I said,
unicorns are immortal, with or without their horns."
"And Conn?"
"Ah, well . .
." For the first time he looked guilty. "Well, I must admit that there
I took a chance. But then . . ." He reached out and squeezed my hand,
regaining his composure. "But then . . ." He winked and tapped his
nose, "I knew you would look after him, you see . . ."
I frowned. "As far
as I can recall he took care of himself, and all of us too, in the end. And it
was rather presumptuous of you to suppose that I—"
"Loved him?"
I went all hot under my
mask. "That has nothing—"
"—to do with it! It
was only in the beginning—"
"The Lady
"—that he faltered.
In the end he was looking after everyone."
"Your tests came
when you were ready for them, not before. The first was Snowy, as you call him,
to point the way."
"I notice I was
last . . ."
"So? It was rather
a grand finale, wasn't it?"
* * *
We stayed in that
enchanted place for a week, allowing even for The Ancient's erratic sense of
time, grew sleek and mended our gear and healed the last bruises the quest had
engendered. And though it was winter away from this place, where we were the
sun shone by day and the old man's owl too-whitted us to sleep at night, cosy
in the cave. I was given a new comb by the magician and it did wonders for my
tangles and for Snowy's mane and tail. I sharpened my little dagger on the
honing-stone by the cave entrance till it was as sharp as a dragon's tooth.
Conn looked over his spotty armour and pronounced it "no worse."
Pisky's bowl was cleaned to his satisfaction, Corby's plumage once more lay
straight, Puddy had a nice rest and declared his headaches much better, I
played with Moglet with twine, leaf and nut till she grew tired, and The
Ancient appeared in a different robe and headgear every day.
I didn't tell the others
about the Time-Travel bit: it had confused me enough without my having to
explain it to anyone else.
On the seventh day I
found The Ancient on his hands and knees with a measuring stick at midday,
frowning at the shadow it cast.
"One more
day," he said.
"Then it's on your
travels again. The dragon still waits, or had you forgotten?"
No, I had not forgotten.
I had just hoped against hope that perhaps we would have had a little longer .
. .
The Binding: All
Journey to the Black Mountains
It was near the shortest
day. Away from the shelter of The Ancient's hide away we found how much the
weather had changed in the world outside. In spite of our thickest clothes we
shivered in the chill wind that whined down from the northeast and huddled
closer as he led us across moorland, past the stone circle where I now
recognized we had started and ended our quest, and northwards towards the sea.
Across the tumbled grey water of the straits one could see the farther shore,
massed and woody on its lower slopes and soaring upward to bare scree and the
distance-shrouded mountains, their tops capped like the magician himself with
fanciful shapes, in their case of snow. It was both an awesome and an
awe-inspiring sight and I was not the only one who drew back and trembled, for
Moglet cuddled closer in my arms, Corby blinked and Conn whistled.
"Not easy, not easy
at all! How do we get across, Sir Magician?"
For answer The Ancient
leant among the reeds that bordered the little estuary in which we found
ourselves and pulled on a rope. Slowly, silently, a narrow boat, half a man wide
but the length of three and more, nosed its way to the bank. It was painted
black but on the bows, on either side, were depicted great slanted eyes in some
luminous, silvery substance, watching us from the beaked prow of the boat with
a calculating stare.
Silently we boarded,
silently The Ancient leant back to fend us off, and silently but for the slap
of waves at the bow, we headed for the farther shore. There were no oars, no
rudder, no sails and yet none of us thought to question our effortless progress.
The Ancient stood in the prow, hatless for once, the wind blowing his white
locks into strange patterns behind. It seemed that with his right hand he
guided the passage of the boat and with the left gathered the waters behind to
aid its progress. But still no one said anything and we moved as if in a dream
on those dark waters, a great stillness all around us.
I do not know whether it
was minutes or hours we were upon that ghostly passage, but it was with a sense
of thankful awakening that I felt the bows of the craft ground upon the farther
shore and my feet once more trod upon dry land. If all this had been magic,
then I felt more comfortable without. I glanced back at the boat as we crunched
up the shingle and the luminescent eyes stared back at me.
We found ourselves in a
barren land. The trees were in their winter sleep, only showing they still
breathed by the melted circles of frost beneath their branches; they were heavy
with years and twisted by wind, and the moss and lichen that licked their roots
and slithered down their northern sides only survived by grudging assent. There
were no animals, no birds except a couple of gulls who came screaming down to
see whether we had any scraps, but we had nothing to spare from our packs, for
The Ancient had warned us that our journey would take over a week with no
unnecessary stops. He was to come with us, partways as he said, to set us on
the right path, and for the next few days, always cold, always hungry, we
followed his tall and tireless figure ever higher among the folds of high hill
that confronted us.
It was hard going, and
even more so because of the hurt our burdens of the dragon's stones gave us.
The nearer we came to him, still a mythical idea to me, the more we were
reminded of the jewels we had carried so long, though of late they had seemed
lighter and easier to bear. Now we were assailed by pains as strong as those
that had hindered us while we were still prisoners of our Witch-Mistress. Puddy
complained daylong, night-long, of headaches and hid his eyes from the winter
sun in my or Conn's pocket. Pisky was always hungry, in spite of the
hibernation-cold and rushed around his bowl seemingly lightheaded and losing
weight at an alarming rate. Corby dragged his injured wing, lost his cheery
banter and grumbled all the time. Moglet could not even put her damaged paw to
the ground and had to be carried inside my jacket. And me? The stomach-cramps
became worse, I was more doubled-up than ever. Only Conn and Snowy—and, of
course, The Ancient—seemed unaffected. Snowy had the restoration of his horn to
think about and was impatient—as far as that most patient of creatures could
be—of our necessarily slow progress; Conn was cheerful, for now it seemed he
was nearing the end of his quest to mend his broken sword and go adventuring
again. So, added to my burden of physical pain was an extra heartache. Seeing
how optimistic Conn was becoming, I could not but realize that while his mended
sword would mean escape for him once more to foreign lands, for me it would
mean loss and an eternal worry as to his well-being; I cried a little, but
under my mask, and any who saw reckoned it was the hurt of the stone I carried.
It grew colder, and the
land became ever more barren save for the occasional green valley sheltering
sheep and a few shepherds' houses, and they had little enough to spare for
unexpected travellers. Our burdens became heavier even as our packs of food
grew lighter, or so it seemed, and in the end Snowy, who alone seemed to thrive
on the sparse herbage and icy streams, carried me as well as the remains of our
food. The Ancient, too, another member of the Faery kingdom, or near-kin to it,
seemed to stride faster, eat less and grow younger as the days passed and the
hills grew taller.
We rested up at night,
but although the days now gave but some seven hours of travelling light we made
good progress. Ever nearer, glimpsed but fleetingly at first but now more
menacing, loomed the cone-shaped Black Mountain. Tantalizingly far, ominously
near, it was the first thing we looked for at dawning, the last thing at night.
At first it had looked smooth, almost like a child's brick placed among the
rougher stones of the other mountains, but as we drew nearer we could see the
cliffs, gullies, crevasses that marred its surface. Corby swore that he, with
his keen eyesight, could even see the cave, high up on the southern slopes, but
I don't think any of us believed him. At last the mountain towered above all
its fellows, dark, forbidding, looking virtually unclimbable, and that was the
day that the magician led us through a high pass, chilly with the grey-sky
threat of snow, into a bowl of green grass right by the mountain's root.
Here we were sheltered
somewhat from the wind and here we found also a moderate-sized village, some
twenty houses and huts, a meeting-house and even the ruin of a once-fortified
manor. The priest that had occupied the little chapel—big enough to hold two
dozen, no more—had died three years back and had not been replaced, but I
noticed a ram's horn twisted with berries and fresh winter-ivy under the
half-hidden shrine that held a rudely carved wooden figure that could have been
either male or female, so religion of some sort still held their superstitions.
We were welcome in the
village, albeit shyly, for travellers in this high valley were few and far
between and we were more unusual than most; but over a supper of mutton broth,
barley and rye-bread we learnt at first hand that our fabled dragon did indeed
exist, and had last been seen in the valley some years back. He could be heard
at certain times of the year when the wind was in the right direction, roaring
in great desolation from his cave. No, no one had dared the mountain in pursuit
but yes, they were sure he was still there, though it was six months back since
last Michaelmas or Samain that any had heard him. Yes, once he had been a
regular—and welcome—visitor, but since that last feasting some years ago—as far
away in time as young Gruffydd here had years—he had not visited them. No, he
never did them harm, but had entered pleasantly enough into the spirit of the
jollifications they had held in his honour, and it was not many who could boast
of a dragon on their doorstep. No, not large, but again not small. Yes, fire
and smoke, but not too much damage. And were we really come to seek him out?
"So you see,"
said The Ancient, when we were at last alone, with the doubtful luxury of a
smoky fire that seemed afraid of standing tall and puffing its smoke through
the opening of the meeting-house in which we had been lodged, instead creeping
along the floor and curling up among the smelly sheepskins we were to use for
our bedding, "I wasn't telling stories. Your dragon is up there, on that
mountain, waiting for the return of his jewels."
"But no one's seen
or heard of him for an awful long time," said Conn. "And if, as they
say, he's not been down here to feast for some seven years or more, how do we
know he's still alive?"
"We don't,"
said The Ancient, "but I think he is. Your stones still hurt, my children,
don't they? Well, if he were dead, they would fall away from your bodies like
dust, but you have all complained of greater hurt as we approached this
mountain, have you not? And I can feel—and I think your unicorn can, too—a
sense of latent power, a drawing-forward towards some central point . . ."
"He is still
there," said Snowy. "But only just. The fires burn low . . ."
"Then the sooner
you climb that mountain the better!"
"That sounds,"
I said, "as if you are not coming too."
"Right. I'm not.
This is your quest. I am only your guide . . ."
We gazed at one another.
Somehow this old man—older in years, but with the single-mindedness and
determination of one much younger—had kept us all together without our giving
much thought to what would happen next. We had all conveniently forgotten that
he was only coming part of the way with us and now, faced with the reality of
his departure, I think we all felt rather like that boat we had ridden in,
rudderless, sailless, oarless, without the guiding force.
Conn cleared his throat.
"And just how—er, hmmm, sorry; how will we know the right route?"
"You have guides:
Corby's eyes and Snowy's good sense. They will show the way."
"And you? You will
wait for us? Watch us go?" I thought perhaps he felt too tired to go
further and didn't want to admit it.
But there was a flash of
fire from those usually mild eyes. "And why should I? Think you that you
are the only creatures on earth who have a task to fulfil? That you are the
Only Ones because you are the Unlikely Ones?" He frowned, those thick
eyebrows coming down over the windows of his eyes like snow-laden eaves.
"You are not. But if you come through this—if, I say—I shall see you
again. That is all!"
"But I thought—I
thought it would be easy once we . . ." faltered poor Moglet.
His gaze softened.
"Easier than your spider, my kitten, perhaps. But it will demand a great
deal of physical effort. And you will be cold, very cold . . ."
"But it will be
worth it, won't it?" she persisted. "For then we shall all lose our
burdens and be whole again and able to run down the mountain and play!"
He smiled. "If that
is what you choose . . ."
"Hang on,"
said Corby. "Of course that's what we choose. Isn't that what we came all
this way for? To lose these wretched encumbrances!" And he flapped his
burdened wing.
"Maybe that is what
you wanted when you started. But perhaps you will not be of the same mind
"Of course we
are!" said Puddy. "Anything to rest this weary head of mine . .
"And I want to eat
again," said Pisky. "Properly. A feast. Talk right, instead of with a
mouthful of pebble. If my parents could see me now they would think I was last
year's laying instead of . . . whenever it was," he finished lamely.
Conn glanced at us all.
"I think you have your answer, Magician. I for one came on this journey
for one reason, and one reason only: to mend my father's sword so that once
again I can hold up my head and fight with the best!"
"And the
armour?" said The Ancient, slyly.
"Oh, that! Well—I
can buy fresh armour easy enough," but he scowled, obviously annoyed at
being reminded of something he had patently forgotten.
"And before you ask
it," added Snowy softly, "yes, I want my horn back, more than
anything, and all that has happened will be worth just that. But I think, my
friend, you were about to question our motives: and I confess mine are not as
clear as I thought. I believed I had made up my mind—but I am not sure, not
sure . . ."
I could not understand
why The Ancient was sowing doubt in our minds, and making even the
always-dependable Snowy have second thoughts!
"Look here!" I
said, rising to my feet. "No one has asked me! I am determined to see this
thing through to the finish as I want more than anything, whatever the cost, to
rid myself of this accursed burden and walk straight!"
"Well done,
Thingy!" applauded Conn. "We're all behind you—"
But The Ancient had
caught at my words—and I suspect that he had chosen them for me even as I
spoke. I sat down again sharply. "Whatever the cost? Whatever-the-cost? Whatever?"
His voice, heavy and pregnant with meaning, filled the sudden silence until
there was no room for further thought. "Think, oh think, my children of
what I warned you, so long ago! You have forgotten, I believe, what I said . .
Yes, we had.
"I said then, and I
repeat it most solemnly now: whatever we gain in this life must be paid
"But we are about
to give something back that we never asked for in the first place—"
He glared at me.
"Did I say different? So—you offer back your burdens, in return for
"Freedom from
pain," I suggested. "A straight back, mended wing, whole paw, open
mouth, clear head—"
"And do you not
think that these also must be paid for?" he thundered, rising to his feet
and towering above us, his robe drawn close about him. For a breathless instant
I caught a glimpse once more of a younger, sterner warrior, helmed and
dour-faced. "How can you have the presumption to imagine that life will
then become a bed of mosses, free from trouble? The unicorn here has admitted
that perhaps his motives have altered: can you be sure that you will not change
also? All of you?"
"All right," I
said, and stood up again. "Remind us. Tell us again of the cost we shall
bear, that once before we said we could discount. Tell us what we have to lose,
we who have nothing save pain and burden. What could possibly be worse than
For a moment he glared
at me, then slowly his hand came out to pat my head, very gently. "Why,
nothing but the loosing. That is it. The loosing not only of the burdens but
also of the bonds . . . Come, sit down. And listen."
He sat down by the fire
and I followed suit, but immediately coughed at the crawling smoke. Almost
abstractedly the old man waved his hand and the smoke gathered itself up from
the floor, formed a wavery pillar and found the roof-exit.
"That's better . .
. Listen well, my children, for I shall say this just once more." He
turned to me. "You said just now 'We have nothing but burden and pain . .
.' Now, is that entirely true?" I opened my mouth, but he waved me to
silence. "None of your silly remarks now about being alive, food in your
belly, clothes . . . Think, child, think! Look about you . . ."
"What I think he
means, dear one," said Moglet, crawling onto my lap, "is that we have
each other. That we all belong together, after our quest more than ever. That
we love each other. That we have been through so much, shared so much, that we
are more like one than five."
"O wise
kitten," said The Ancient softly.
"And not just
five," said Conn, smiling and leaning over to tickle Moglet's ears.
"For have we not, the unicorn and I, shared your travels?"
"I like that,"
said Puddy ruminatively, a couple of sentences behind. "The seven who are
one . . . Yes."
"Mmmm," said
Corby. "Not bad; never thought of it that way meself. But now as you comes
to mention it . . ."
said Pisky, bubbling happily, "is one of the finest gifts one can ever
expect, my great-great-grandmother used to say. When I was swimming around in
shoals with my brothers and sisters and cousins and second cousins and
half-brothers and half-sisters and—"
I dipped my little
finger in his bowl. "Yes, dear one, it is." I was ashamed. When I had
spoken so carelessly a few minutes ago, I had not really meant to sound callous
and unthinking. I knew that I loved my companions and that they loved me, but I
had been with the idea so long, took it so much for granted, that it was as
much a part of me now as—as my mask. As night and day. As loving Conn, in a way
that was not quite the same as loving the others . . .
"So you have all
this," said the old man, no doubt reading my mind, "and you have your
burdens. To you these burdens are your greatest handicap, the one thing you
wish to be rid of—and once rid, you will be happy?"
"Of course!"
"And once Sir
Knight has his sword and the unicorn his horn—then you will all be happy and
all your problems will be solved?"
"Well, you know now
that I shall be pitifully sorry to say goodbye to my friends, but I shall need
to find my way to some indulgent duke or princeling who needs a
mercenary—" Conn scowled suddenly. I reckoned he had remembered his armour
"And I can join my
kindred again," said Snowy. "Or not . . . At least I shall have the
choice . . ." There seemed to be more to this than I understood, but I
could see The Ancient did.
"And we," I
nodded at my friends, "must find somewhere to live, and the means of
livelihood too . . ." I had not seriously considered this before. I
supposed I could work at something to keep us all going, but what? Perhaps we
could build a little cottage somewhere in the woods and grow our own produce
and—and Moglet could catch mice and Puddy and Corby and Pisky would be all
right, and I could gather mushrooms . . . No point in working it out in too
much detail now. Getting rid of our burdens was the most important thing. It
was! I could see the others were following my thought processes and agreeing,
The Ancient threw some
powdery stuff on the fire and of a sudden it flared blue and a strange, sweet
smell stole into—our noses, I was going to say, but it was more like our minds,
and the perfume acted like a dousing of cold water, waking us up, sharpening
what little wits we had, and I suddenly realized what he had been trying to
"The loosing? You
are telling us that when—when we are whole again, we shall be so busy being
ourselves again—real animals and people—that we shall not need each other
anymore? That we shall be happy to split up, each to go his own way?" I
knew we should lose Snowy and that I should never see my beloved Conn again,
but the others? "Rubbish! We shall always want to be together, shan't
They all agreed. Of
course . . .
"And the forgotten
years?" came the creaky, inexorable voice. "The years you have all forgotten?
How long do you think you were with the witch? Now, you live in an enchantment
of arrested and forgotten time: what happens when your memories return? And how
old will you be? Were you with her five minutes, two days, six months, seven
years? That time will have to be paid for, you know: soon, if all goes well,
you will be as old as you really are. And those years will have gone and you
will be left with what remains of your normal span—"
"Golden king-carp
live for fifty years and more," said Pisky bravely, but his voice was
smaller than usual. "My great-aunt on my father's side said her
great-great-great-grandfather was over eighty . . ."
"Cats have nine
"Crows don't do so
badly, neither!"
"And toads are
noted for their longevity . . ."
"And I," I
said slowly, "don't know how old I am, but I don't think it matters. And I
don't think I have anything to go back to either. There is only forwards
. . . Oh, why do you have to muddle us so!" I turned on The Ancient in a
fury. "I'd never have thought about all this, but for you!"
"But you had to!
You must not believe that just because your burdens are removed all your
problems will be solved! You must not think that life will then be yours to do
with as you will! I have to warn you—and not only you five jewel-bearers, but
the knight and the unicorn too! You think that all your dreams will come true,
just as you have planned, and it may not be so!"
"I don't
care!" I turned to the others. "Just as we are so near our goal, just
as we are about to realize our dearest wishes—don't listen to his gloomy
forecasts! After all we have been through—" I turned back to our tormentor
"—you don't think we will just give up, do you?"
"No. I did not
expect it for one instant. I only wanted to remind you not to expect things to
turn out exactly as you planned." He smiled brilliantly, and his face was
transformed. "Thank the gods that you are all children of Earth! Yes, even
you at times, my friend." He nodded at Snowy. "The world will never
die when there are brave idiots such as you." He smiled. "Just
remember that you always have a choice . . . And now, my children, my weary
travellers, I will give you all one more thing to counter all that wearisome
advice." He waved his hands and the lights in the wayward fire turned rose
and green and violet and gold and we fell asleep in a moment, just where we
were, and slept dreamlessly and deep.
And, in the morning when
we awoke, he was gone.
The Binding: All
The Black Mountain
The first part was
relatively easy, and the weather was with us. The lower slopes of the so-called
Black Mountain—nearer to it was more dark grey, but littered with shiny black
rocks that seemed to absorb the light, making it all look darker from a
distance—were made up of hummocky ground bisected by small, cold streams that
were no barrier to hurrying feet. Now that we were on the last lap, everyone
was eager to finish the marathon endeavour as soon as possible. On the second
day, however, it began to rain, rain that penetrated our furs and feathers and
skins, and by nightfall we were grateful for the shelter of a cluster of pines
that clung grimly, roots deep in crevices, to the inhospitable rock. We lit a
fire, inadequate barrier to the cold stone beneath and the colder sky. By
morning it had begun to snow; fine, thin snow as small as salt with none of the
largesse of the patterned crystals that had delighted my eyes as a child—as a
child! A sudden memory of stars on my window ledge . . . Gone. But this snow
was different. It was hard as hail and ran away beneath our feet, only to
circle back behind and around our ankles and paw up the backs of our legs.
Before us we could see it form trickles, streams, rivers, sheets, whirlpools in
the towering obsidian rocks above, pouring and falling and tumbling down to
meet us.
The going became
increasingly treacherous, for though Snowy's unerring hooves found a track of
sorts that led up towards the top, yet it twisted and turned—one moment edging
a crevasse, another stealing behind a buttress and yet again scaling in steps
straight up the mountain. Gone were the sheltering trees. Only that morning we
had seen our last, a twisted ash bent like an old woman, an incredible last
bunch of skeleton keys clinging to the lowest branch, twig-fingers rattling
them as if in an ague. Dark clouds raced overhead and no sun shone. Now there
was only a lace-pattern of lichen, dank mosses, dead bracken, a few tufts of
grass and once in this twilight world we saw five goats, their wild yellow eyes
glaring, slanting in single file down the shoulder of the mountain towards the
kinder shelter of the valleys beneath.
Only at night did the
snow cease completely. Then the moon shone on a scene so desolate, so forlorn,
that she would have been better to hide her face. We were halfway up the mountain
by now but the climb, the lack of food and the thin air were all beginning to
take their toll. That night we scarcely seemed to sleep at all in spite of our
weariness, and used the last of our precious store of wood, our fire a brief
and brave candle, and as near comfortless.
An inch of ice formed in
Pisky's bowl, and in the morning Conn took his pack, unwrapped it and put on
his rusty armour.
"'Tis only a
further burden for poor Snowy here, and mayhap it will keep out a few of the
draughts, rust and all . . ."
We continued our upward
climb, clawing, slipping and stumbling, eyes half-closed from the bitter chill
which rimed our eyelashes and made my teeth ache. The last of the food—oatmeal,
apple and honey—we had eaten that morning, and the summit of the mountain
seemed as far away as ever. My hands and feet ached with cold and the tears
froze on my cheeks under the mask. Now Conn had rucked Corby within his cloak
and looped a corner of it into his belt to hold Pisky's bowl. I had Moglet
inside my jerkin and Puddy permanently in my pocket. Only Snowy seemed
unaffected, but the breath from his nostrils came like plumed smoke.
At last we could go no
further, although the sun was still a red ball in the southwestern sky. We
crawled onto a wide shelf beneath an overhang of rock, too exhausted to speak.
Moglet voiced what, I think, most of us felt.
"We're not going to
get there! We're going to die . . ."
"Nonsense!" I
said immediately, not because I believed what I was saying but because she was
smaller and needed comforting. Conn echoed me at once, and much more
"Blather and
winderskite, kitten! Of course we'll get there!"
"Let me lie
down—so," said Snowy, and positioned himself on the outer edge of the
shelf so that he formed a retaining wall. "Now, if you put the creatures
next to me and you, Thing dear, put your feet by me and Sir Knight sits behind
you . . . That's better, isn't it?"
And indeed it was.
Somehow that wonderful white creature threw out a warmth that thawed the
fingers and toes and doubts of us all.
"And now," he
said, "I think it is time for that little packet in your pack."
"Remember that
evening in the forest with Tom Trundleweed, and the mushrooms?"
"Of course! The
Mouse-Dugs . . ." I scrabbled frantically in the almost-empty haversack.
At last I found the desiccated remains and held them up to Snowy. "How
"Divide one between
cat, crow and toad, and a sprinkle in the fish's bowl," he suggested.
"I want none. Take two for yourself and three for Sir Knight. Let them lie
first beneath your tongue to moisten, then chew them slowly . . ."
At first there was
nothing, then gradually a warmth and fullness crept into my belly. The drug was
quicker-acting on the animals. One by one they started talking. Pisky bubbled
away of what he was going to eat when his pearl was gone, Puddy explained how
much time he would have for constructive thought and philosophy once rid of the
emerald, Corby described his anticipations of flight, and Moglet purred and
licked her diamonded paw and thought of mice, until all at once they fell
asleep. Moglet even snored a little.
I leant back and there
was Conn's chest behind me, his mailed shoulder a pillow for my head. He didn't
seem to mind, just shifted a little so that he was wedged more comfortably
against the rock face, his knees on either side of me.
"They've got
themselves all sorted out, haven't they?" he said.
"Mmmm. I hope it's
all as instantaneous as they hope. Won't it leave a dent in Puddy's head? And,
after all, if one hasn't flown for a while . . . ?"
"It'll all take
time, I guess, but the loss of pain and inconvenience will be enough for a
while, I suppose. Your stomach, fr'instance: that'll stop aching, but you won't
be able to stand upright properly for a while. Your bones will have become used
to being in a different position."
"Yours should be
easier: one moment two halves of a sword, then suddenly—"
"If it works. If
the dragon condescends to help. If he's in a good mood. If he's even there . .
"'Course he is!
We'll give him our jewels first, then he'll be in a good mood for you . . . No,
perhaps it would be better to give him one, then get your sword mended, give
him one more, then ask for Snowy . . . Or perhaps two first, then Snowy, and
once he had his horn back he could help to persuade the dragon with his magic
"Stop whittering,
child!" and Conn put his arms round me and squeezed. "God! you're as
skinny as a starved rabbit!" And as I protested he shushed me. "Don't
talk too loud, they're all asleep . . ." Glancing round, I saw that
Snowy's white lashes, the last to close, were lying in a calm fringe on his
cheeks. "Never mind about planning about dragons: let what will be happen
. . ."
"That's not really
the philosophy of a soldier, I shouldn't have thought." I snuggled closer.
He rested his chin on my
head and I could imagine him staring out into the dark night, a frown of
concentration between his brows. "No . . . Most military actions are
planned, methodical—that's if we are hunting down an enemy, of course—but there
is always a hell of a lot of waiting around just polishing up arms, tending the
horses, mending gear . . . Of course in an ambush it's training plus instinct.
And then there's the awful anticipation when two forces are drawn up opposite
one another, each waiting for the other's attack; you spend the days with your
stomach a'churn and the nights on your knees, praying, afraid to rest your head
in case the other side takes advantage of the dark. You have to wait too for
the high-ups to decide when and where: that's how planning comes into it. But
it's never your decision. For all you know you may be sacrificed as a
diversion, a suicide troop, or may spend your time fuming in the rear as a
reserve that never gets used at all—"
"Doesn't sound much
fun to me," I observed.
"It's a way of
life. Besides, what else is there for a youngest son with no skills but his
sword and a touch, perhaps, of the old blarney?" I could hear the smile
round the words.
"Aye, there's an
old stone somewhere in Hirland, so they say, where they hang you by your heels
to reach it and if you manage to touch it with your lips then you can charm the
lassies into Kingdom-Come with just words. Me mother said as I had no need to
seek it . . . Said it came as natural as a hen laying eggs . . ." The
mushrooms made his voice more lilting. He shifted a little to make us both more
comfortable. "And, believe you me, there were times when I found it
useful." He laughed out loud. "Why, I could tell you such tales! When
I attended my first court I had no idea at all what was expected of me . . .
"I had just been
accepted in one of the courts of Brittanye on the recommendation of my father's
name—for a grand warrior he was, and his name good as a password in all the
lands across the water—and there was I, but a scrap of a lad from the bogs of
Hirland with nothing to my name save the horse I rode, a second-hand suit of
clothes and my father's sword, pitched of a sudden arse-over-noddle into the
silks and jewels and soft hands of a parcel of women, the likes of whom I had
never seen before! Plucked were their eyebrows and oiled their skins and
painted their eyes and lips, and they walked small but tall in their pattens,
like cripples, and swayed their hips and fluttered their scarves till I was as
helpless as a newborn babe! And if it hadn't been that as a lad of fifteen I
had already spent time with the lasses at home and learnt to give them
pleasure, I would have had problems, I promise you.
"They all thought,
you see, that it would be amusing to sport a little with me. Until I knew what
it was all about, I played the innocent and listened to their soft words and
pretended I did not know what lay behind them. It did not take me long to
realize that they all suffered from the same thing: their lords were so often
away at war, and worn out with battling when they returned, and had no time for
the soft words, the strokes and caresses, that they were all like pullets
without the cockerel. So, when one day they said I had to pass this test they
had planned for me, and that six of the chosen ladies were to visit me one
night to initiate me into the ways of the court, I knew what was coming.
"For three days I
ate lamb's fries, bull's pizzle and herring roe and bathed in rose water till I
was surfeited and stank in my own nostrils, but when they came I was ready for
them and serviced them all, one after the other, with flattering words and
pleasant courtesies between, till the eyeballs fair popped from their heads and
they declared themselves worn out!" He chuckled again. "Took me a
week to recover, so it did, but after that I could do no wrong. They declared I
was a poet of the bedchamber, so they did!"
I think he had
temporarily forgotten to whom he was talking, for he had never disclosed his
past so freely before and the topic was not the most suitable for the youngster
he obviously considered me. But I stayed quiet and did not remind him, for I
was where I had always longed to be, in his arms, albeit as unregarded as a pup
or a child's wooden doll. It was only gradually, I think, that I had fully
realized my good fortune, for the drug we had chewed, while heightening our
sensibilities in some ways, made stranger things as acceptable as they would be
in dreams. So, it was only now that I realized the full implications of Conn's
arms about me and I had to hide my jubilation, for it was in me to tremble and
shake and behave as those women he had spoken of, perfumed and pretty and
seductive in silks. Except that I was not like them and never could be, ugly
and crooked and poor as I was!
But my love for him was
beautiful, more beautiful even than they could ever be, for I loved him without
subterfuge. I did not desire him from boredom, or the joy of conquest or in
rivalry. I loved him firm and true and plain. Not unquestioningly, for we had
travelled too long together for that, but acceptingly and thankfully, for he
was a man who deserved to be loved and cherished, even if only in secret.
"I can see you
cannot wait to get back to it all," I said wistfully, and with no hint of
sarcasm. "I suppose the Castle of Fair Delights was a bit like that
"Something like.
But do you know, Thingy, the good life can pall after a while? A man can yearn
for the simpler things, he can become tired of trailing across indifferent
country through all the seasons to face an enemy he has never met, and would
probably drink with instead of fighting if he had the chance. I was bored, for
too long, and too often." He relaxed his arms about me. "That's why,
I suppose, I began to spend so much time with the surgeons—"
"Yes, the fellows
who patch up the damage done by sword and axe, pike and spear, bolts, daggers,
falling horses; the men who try to cure gangrene and chopped-off limbs, set
bones, assuage fever, bandage boils on the bum, scalds from burning oil and
give you a cure for the clap. The ones who give the same ointment for dog-bites
and pox and saddle-blisters, who gave wine to all and unction to the dying if
there was no priest about . . . Horse-doctors, most of them, used to galls and
spavin, mange and sprains, but not to humans. But there was one—a little man,
dark and pocked from some obscure town in Italia, I think, but married to an
English wife, who had a gift with bones. He did not just bind and bandage and
splint, he had a full set of human bones, of horse bones, of dog bones, and
these he had cunningly strung together with wires so that they held like
puppets on strings and he could study the way they moved and were dependent on
each other. Also, when a man died of some blow to his head, back, hip, he would
lay back the flesh when he could and study the injured bones, to see where and
how they might have been mended." He sighed. "I learnt a lot from
him, Thingummy. That's one of the reasons that makes me suspect that to
straighten that back of yours will take more than a sudden dragon-spark. The
spine is a marvellous thing, all locked and connected like a necklet of ivory shapes
. . ." He settled back against the rock. "Got any more of those
mushroomy things?"
"Let's split it.
Thanks . . ." He chewed for a moment, then tucked the scrap under his
tongue. "Mmmm, that's better . . . So, I might think twice before committing
myself to anything too protracted this time; a short campaign, perhaps.
"And you—what will
you do?"
I sighed. "Try to
find somewhere to live, then make a home of it for the others. Scratch a living
somehow, whether by trying to be self-sufficient with food, or by trading
mushrooms, or—oh, something or other will turn up, I suppose. It must. It
always has . . ."
"What else is there
to be? Pessimists are always expecting the end of the world tomorrow, so don't
bother doing anything in case it comes today instead. Optimists fall flat on
their noses often, too often, but at least they don't believe the worst will
happen till they've had time to get in the harvest, sow the winter wheat, spin
the fleece, set the ram among his ewes, lay in wood, jar the honey—"
"Oh, darling
Thingummyjig! You're a tonic for the footsore and heart-weary, truly you
are!" And he threw back his head and laughed, quite forgetting I think
that he had hushed me a moment since for the sake of the others. They stirred,
but it was only to seek a more comfortable position. He hugged me. "I
shall miss you, girl, sure and I will! You're more fun altogether than those
fine court ladies with their fal-lals and insipid talk—and if it's more than
that I seek, sure a willing trollop from the village is heartier and more
honest by far!"
"I shall miss you
too," I said, but I tried to keep my voice light. "We have had some
good times together, have we not, even among the bad?"
"Sure we
have!" He seemed to hesitate for a moment. "You know, I don't like to
think of you and all those animals just going off into the wilderness after
this is all over without making proper plans. Why, there's no telling what
mischief you might get up to, and there's all those dangers along the road . .
. 'Sides, you need someone to help build that house you spoke of . . ." He
hesitated again, then seemed to make up his mind. "So—'tis in my mind to
stay with you awhile, just until you're all set up. Then my mind would be at
ease when I took to the road again."
I couldn't help the
shiver of excitement that started in my stomach and ran out to fingertips and
toes and shut my eyes on its way to burning my ears.
"You mean . . .
"I mean that we'll
be companions of the road that much longer."
I wriggled inside my
clothes like an eel through grass. "Hurray! I mean—I mean thanks! I
suppose I didn't really fancy being on my own, and then having to find
somewhere and build a house with only the others to help. A—" I was going
to say "young woman" but changed my mind, "a person can have a
hard time persuading villagers to accept them if they don't appear to have
a—" oh dear, this was getting difficult; "—I mean, females do . . .
If they don't . . . So you see it will help if they see you around at first:
you can say I'm your—your servant . . ."
He didn't answer, so I
twisted round in his arms anxiously for confirmation that he had understood,
for by now I had a clear picture in my mind of myself, grown straight if not
beautiful, dressed in a skirt instead of trews, spinning thread at the doorway
of my little hut on the edge of the clearing near the village, and perhaps even
leaving off my mask once Conn had gone, and of the villagers accepting me
eventually and not even looking at my ugly face after a while, but glad to
welcome me into their world because I had arrived with a great knight like
"I know it's a lot
to ask, but if you just said—said to whoever is there that you would be back
every now and again—you wouldn't really have to, of course—to see that I was
comfortable, then I'm sure they would treat me as—as more normal. More like
them . . ."
My voice trailed away,
for I was suddenly aware how close we were, now I was facing him. His eyes
glittered down into mine, our noses almost touched through my mask and his
chainmail tunic rubbed my chin as he breathed. I quite forgot what I had been
saying and when his next words came, for a moment they had no context.
"Servant? No, you
deserve better than that." His breath came in little white puffs of vapour
and for a moment he closed his eyes. "Dear Mother of God, she's such a
helpless little Thing really . . . Let this be one unselfish thing I do."
He opened his eyes. "So, Thing dear, as they all call you, before I go off
on my travels again, if you're agreeable that is, we'll tie it up all nice and
neat in a contract before the priest. I shall give you my name so you'll be the
equal of all, and I'll have a home to come back to when I weary of my
travels." He regarded me for a moment, then frowned. "Well?"
"I—I don't
understand . . ." I didn't.
He gave me a little
shake. "Thick, all of a sudden? Well, I'm telling you that my hand is
yours, my name will be yours, and my sword to defend, if necessary, when I'm
around. Damn it all, Thing—what is your real name, by the way? I can't marry
'Thing'—We'll have to find you a name; what would you fancy? How about Bridget?
Or Freya? Claudia?"
"Marry?" I
faltered, and it must have come out like the silliest bleat in the world.
"Of course. What
did you think I had been trying to say?"
"You—you haven't
seen my face, and I don't think I want—"
He misunderstood what I
was trying to say, interrupting me so I should not get the wrong idea.
"No, no, of course it won't be like that, silly girl! A marriage in name
only, I promise you that. We'll be just as we are now, good companions, and you
can keep your blasted mask on if you like, though I'm sure I could get used to
what's underneath!"
"But supposing you
find someone else, someone—well, er, more suitable you wished to marry? Marry
properly, I mean. A pretty lady . . . With money?"
"I am nearly thirty
years old and I have seen enough 'pretty ladies' to last me all my days! They
are all alike, believe you me, and the prettier the worse! As for money—I can
earn my keep, and if not, I've managed before and can again. And as for—the
other—well, I can always find that when I need it, and I promise I would not
disgrace you by seeking it while I was with you. No soiling your own front step
and all that sort of thing . . . Well, what do you say?"
All sorts of thoughts
were chasing through my brain. The first, illogical one: suppose I had been
pretty? Would he by now have got so used to me that he would still have
conferred his request for my hand like a royal order, assuming that I had no
other choice—but that thought was so stupid, so illogical that I shocked it
into oblivion. The second thought: the man I love above all others has asked me
to marry him!! The stars should whirl from their courses, the rivers run
backwards, hills grow flat, trees flower in winter and cattle bring forth in
threes . . . Why, then, did they all stay as they were and why did I feel like
crying? I knew the answer to that one in my rebellious heart, but frantically
pushed it away. The third thought: I want to be sick . . . And the fourth? It
suddenly burst like an overfull wineskin and I was drowned in intoxication for
I loved him so, so, and here was my chance to really do something for my
dearest knight at last—
I stumbled to my feet,
pulling at his hands. "Stand up!"
"Stand up!
Now, quick: I have something for you—"
"An answer, I
hope," he grumbled and unfolded himself so that we stood, precariously
facing one another.
"Now what?"
"Now, say it over
again. Formally. But before you do, just say that you realize just what I
"What you are? Oh,
come on, Thingy, no time for games—"
"No game. Promise!
Listen . . ." I was trembling with excitement. "Am I or am I not poor
and deformed?"
"At the moment,
yes, but—"
"And am I not also
the ugliest person in the world?"
He shifted his gaze.
"Now, you know I would never say that . . ."
"You wouldn't say
it, but do you not truly believe me to be so?"
"A man can get
"Am I not?"
"Well, yes, I
suppose you must be. You keep saying so, but remember I have never seen you
"Still, you believe
me to be?"
"I told you—"
"Never mind! In spite
of all this," I spoke clearly, slowly, emphatically and could see out of
the corner of my eye that Snowy was awake and the others stirring, and there
was a hint of a lightening in the sky to the east, "in spite of all this,
you have made me an offer?"
"Oh Thing, you know
I have! Why all this rigmarole?"
"Then please ask me
"Ask what?"
"Ask me to marry
"But why—"
He looked at me
impatiently for a moment, then his gaze softened and he smiled so that my heart
turned over.
"All right, my
dear, all right, have it your way . . . Hey, you lot!" He looked over at
the others, all now awake and alert in the growing light. "Your Thingy
doesn't seem to credit what I asked her a moment ago, and I need you as
witnesses. So, we'll go over it once again, just so as we all get it
right." Squaring his shoulders, he put his hand to the hilt of his broken
sword. "In the full understanding that Thingy here is poor and deformed
and I believe the ugliest person around—though I have told her that does not matter
and I could get used to it—I hereby ask, in front of you all, for her hand in
marriage. In name only," he added hastily, "on that we are agreed.
But marriage, nonetheless . . ."
There was a gay,
tinkling sound.
"And I
refuse!" I said triumphantly, as the sun's first rays slanted full on my
beautiful knight, glinting on his armour till it almost blinded us.
"Sir Conn,"
said the others, more or less in unison, "your armour isn't rusty any more
. . ."
And indeed it wasn't,
celebrated with all the "Begorras," "Hail Marys," holy
shamrocks and all the saints in the calendar (especially St. Patrick), and a
whooping and hollering that woke all the echoes in that previously God-forsaken
He honestly hadn't
remembered about the witch's curse when he had asked me to marry him and it had
to be explained to him all over again.
"But you turned me
down!" he expostulated.
"That didn't
matter! You asked, that was all the curse said you had to do. Don't you
remember how The Ancient said you can't face straight up to a curse like that,
you had to go at it sideways? You could have broken it any time if you had
bribed someone ugly enough to refuse you!"
"To the devil with
anyone else! It was you I asked, and you refused. But I'm not taking no for an
answer: I shall marry you whether you want to or no. As I told you, you need
looking after—"
"Wait till all this
is over then. Till we are all whole. You still have a broken sword—"
"And don't you
think me still capable of defending you, even with my bare hands? Mother of
God, you take some convincing! Very well, I shall ask you once again when all
this is over, and you'll not refuse!"
* * *
It was a glorious
morning. The snow sparkled on the mountain and all around us stretched a chain
of hills white and shining, their shadows purple and blue and green. No longer
were we hungry, no longer cold, and when Conn set off again up the steep slopes
we followed with more enthusiasm than we had shown for many a day. When we were
faced with what looked like a sheer wall of rock, Snowy took the lead, slipping
and stumbling for all his surefootedness. I felt like a fly crawling up a wall,
my hands grasping poor Snowy's tail like a lifeline, Conn panting behind, but
at last we emerged on a ledge far bigger than we had seen before, wide and long
enough to hold a wagon and two horses.
Even as we gazed out
over the ridged carpet of hills below us we became aware of a sound, alien even
to our harsh breathing.
There was somebody,
something, up there with us—
The Binding: Dragon
The Dragon Awakes
Raised in natural steps
some four or five feet above the ledge on which we stood, was the dark,
triangular shape of a cave mouth, and it was from this direction that the sound
came. Instantly we all retreated to the very edge of the ledge, clutching at
one another in panic like children caught stealing apples. All, that is, except
Snowy, who stood his ground, snuffing the air.
"He's asleep,"
he said. "Or in a coma."
"Is it . . .
"Of course. We were
bound to reach him sooner or later. Come, my children, you're not afraid?"
"No! . . .
Certainly not . . . Afraid, us?"
But we were, of course
we were. It was all right for Snowy, I reasoned, being of faery stock to begin
with, but the rest of us were all mortal. Too late I began to recall all I had
heard about dragons; immense scaly beings, with leathery wings and huge claws
and mouths full of teeth and fire. They ate people, whole sometimes depending
on size, and were capable of incinerating entire towns and villages with their
flame. They guarded vast hordes of treasure with jealous attention and demanded
a sacrifice of seven maidens every year. They hatched from golden eggs and took
only a day to reach full size and after that a thousand years to die. They flew
in swarms a hundred strong and mated once every nine years, laying nine eggs
which took another nine years to hatch—
I jumped back as if I
had been punched and fell over the edge of our precarious perch, luckily
landing on soft snow only some five feet below, to be hauled back by an anxious
Conn. Puddy and Moglet, in jerkin and pocket respectively, had of course
accompanied my fall but as I had landed on my back they escaped with bumps but
not bruises.
When we were all
assembled back on the ledge I looked at Conn. "I'm not sure . . ."
"Neither am I,
neither am I, dear girl, but this is what we all came for . . ."
"Bravo, Sir
Knight!" said Snowy. "Now, shall we—?"
"I'm frightened!"
said Moglet.
"So am I," I
said. "But, dear one, Conn is right. This is what we came for. And we're
together, so nothing can really hurt us—remember what The Ancient said?"
And so it was that, with
Snowy ever so slightly in front, we climbed up the last steps of rock and found
ourselves in the mouth of the dragon's cave.
The winter sun was at
its highest, illuminating all but the farthest depths of the south-facing cave.
Fearfully we peeped: a bare stone floor, stained with droppings; shelves
running erratically across the back and sides, and on these humps and piles of metal:
shields, helms, coins, a cup or two. In the middle of the cave a few discarded
bones—bullock or sheep, perhaps—and a bluish leathery cloak or bag, flung aside
from some foray probably, tattered and patched and torn.
But no dragon . . .
Perhaps there was an
inner cave. Perhaps—my heart lifted, coward as I was—perhaps he had gone.
Perhaps he had never been here. But there were the piles of metal, the bones .
. .
"There's nothing
here," I whispered. "Except rusty metal, old bones and rubbish."
"Rubbish is rubbish
is rubbish," said Snowy cryptically, who alone of us did not seem
disturbed, anxious or disappointed, the sun shining on the hairs on his chin
and making his lips pink.
"Well there
isn't," I said. "If—he—was here, then he's gone, long since. Look!
These old bones were chewed years ago."
"And the noise we
"Oh—wind in the
rocks, I expect . . ." I became bolder and advanced into the cave, while
Conn stepped forward and examined the shelves.
"Darling girl,
there's gold up here!" His voice was excited. "Lots of these shields
and things are bronze or iron, but there's silver and gold coin and buckles and
rings and brooches set with coloured stones . . ."
I put Moglet and Puddy
down so they could explore. "So what? What good is gold on a mountain-top?
We need broth and bread. And, besides, we came here to get rid of our burdens,
not set up a second-hand armour stall in the market." I was disappointed
now, angry with anticlimax. "The place is disgusting, that's what it is,
and this heap of rubbish smells!" and I kicked the heap of
leathery discard in the middle of the cave.
Upon which the bundle of
rubbish stirred.
And opened one baleful
Upon which we beat a
fast retreat. I had heard of the phrase "one's hair standing up on one's
head" and now I experienced it. It was horrid! I felt as though a hand had
scooped its icy fingers up the back of my neck and yanked my hair by the roots.
Once again only Snowy
seemed at ease.
"One doesn't kick
dragons," he said mildly. "At least, not until one has struck up a
friendly acquaintance."
Helplessly I stared at
that yellow eye and, unbidden, a child's rhyme I had learnt—when? where?—popped
suddenly into my mind.
"Let sleeping
dragons lie;
Tread soft, child, pass
him by.
Better not know the
power and glory,
Learn it best by myth
and story . . ."
Too late! I had awoken
chaos, and ineptly too.
The bundle of rubbish
stirred again, rearranged itself, snorted, sneezed, and opened the other eye,
which was, if anything, more baleful and bleary than the first, and for a long—a
very long—moment, we all stared at it, and it at us.
Then the bundle spoke,
coughing out an ashy, cinderous breath. "Who disturbs my
Nobody moved, nobody
even breathed, then suddenly an absolutely unstoppable sensation rose somewhere
behind my eyes, gathered strength behind my cheekbones, ordered itself behind
my tongue, pressing its advantage so firmly I had finally to snatch for breath
The best of it was that I hadn't sneezed for months.
"Bless you!"
said the dragon, and suddenly everything was much better, so much so that
almost without thinking I wiped my nose on my sleeve and advanced two paces.
"Good-day," I
said, and bowed. "I regret that we disturbed your slumbers, O—O
Magnificence, but I'm afraid it was necessary. Well, not afraid exactly:
that's perhaps the wrong word." (It was the right word.) "But it was
necessary . . ."
Uncompromising. "And who are you, anyway? From the village, perhaps? Well,
if you are, your climb was for nothing. I do not intend to play puppet for your
silly games any longer." He yawned, and a furry yellow tongue curled up
like a cat's around stained, yellow fangs. "Now, go away!"
"At once!" He
raised himself for a moment and his wings rustled as he half-opened them. A few
dry, diamond-shaped scales fell to the floor in dusty disarray, and he sank
back on his haunches.
I retreated one step but
no further, for Snowy's nose nudged me forward again, none too gently.
"Please Sir, please
Lord-of-the-Sky . . ."
The eyes, which had gone
slitty, opened wide again. "What, still here?"
"Yes, if it please
Your Eminence. I . . . I—We're not from the village; no, we're from much farther
away. Much farther," I repeated firmly, for now I realized it was no good
blurting everything out in one go. It would have to be told in stages, perhaps
like a story, for I would have to wake this creature gradually to the reason we
were here, lest he lose his temper and blow us over the edge. So, a tale for
the fireside . . . "It all started this way: once upon a time . . ."
When I had got into my
story and the dragon was clearly listening, his claws folded in front of him, I
sat down cross-legged on the cave floor and made myself comfortable, giving him
a condensed version of all that had happened, introducing us all by name at the
appropriate moment, so he knew where we fitted in the story. When I spoke of
the witch the dragon allowed a wisp of smoke to emerge from his right nostril,
but otherwise there was little show of emotion. He glanced at Snowy once or
twice and nodded when I spoke of The Ancient, as though they were acquainted,
but otherwise he was a quiet and attentive audience. By the time I had
finished, the sun's rays cast a fading light on the left wall of the cave.
I coughed heartily for
my throat was now dry and parched, but Conn handed me Pisky's bowl and he sank
warily to the bottom as I sipped.
"Is that it?"
said the dragon, but it was not really a question. "So . . ."
Slowly he seemed to
reassemble himself, taking deep breaths, scales rustling like a long-forgotten
pile of dry leaves. Now I could see the shape of his ribs, the heave of his
flanks and he seemed to swell to twice his original size before our eyes.
Suddenly we all became less cold, as though we had stepped into a room where
the ashes were still warm. Indeed little curls and wisps of smoke issued from
the dragon's nostrils and when he opened his mouth I stepped back involuntarily,
for a small flame licked momentarily between his teeth and then died back
"Fear not," he
said. "I mean you no harm, but when a dragon wakes from as long a sleep as
mine the fires take some time to get restarted. Come forward, nearer to me, you
and your companions. Show me where the sorceress hid my treasure . . ."
Slowly the others joined
me; I pointed to Puddy's head, lifted Corby's wing and Moglet's paw, held up
Pisky's bowl and hefted my jerkin to expose my navel.
"It was true, then
. . ." Somehow he was changing colour. At first he had been a dull,
metallic grey-blue, but now the colour was deepening, brightening, and round
the middle of his body assuming a purplish hue. I jumped back again as with a
hissing, swishing sound his tail, which had so far been hidden, twitched and
curled and unfolded itself, the tip, like a huge arrow-head, curling up against
his left flank.
Now he addressed Snowy
and Conn. "Come hither, let me look at you . . . Ah, I see. You both want
restored that which you would not use . . ." They both looked puzzled, but
he did not explain. "And what would you give, to restore a horn, to mend a
"What you would
need of healing to set you free," said Snowy, stepping forward and nodding
at the discarded scales.
"And I," said
Conn, "will trim and sharpen your claws that you may take flight and
return home without pain." And he indicated what I had not noted before,
the bent and twisted claws on the right front paw.
The dragon nodded.
"A fair bargain, from you both. Stand aside, Sir Knight, stand aside all
save the unicorn!"
No need for second
telling. We all pressed back against the cave wall as the dragon took several
deep breaths and then shot a jet of flame that flared with a gassy roar, like
those lumps of blackened wood that one sometimes finds in peat. A thick, acrid
smoke curled in our nostrils and I put my hand over Pisky's bowl to save him
from the smuts that floated down.
"Sorry," said
the dragon. "Out of practice. Must concentrate." And now the flame
quietened, burned steady, changed colour from yellow to orange to red to a sort
of silvery pink and now we were all very warm indeed. The flame seemed to
transmute into a shimmering glow.
Into that glow stepped
Snowy, for all that I extended a last-minute hand to stop him and cried out:
"No, no! You will be burnt . . ." and shut my eyes and put my hands
over my ears. From her perch on my shoulder Moglet's cold nose nudged my cheek.
"Look! It's all
right, really it is . . ."
The shabby little white
horse, uncombed and uncared for, stood calmly in the silver fire. As the light
streamed over his dumpy body and lifted his mane and tail with the breath of
its passing, a curious change took place. The lumps and bumps and tangles were
smoothed out and curried and combed and he stood taller, slimmer and shining
with the light itself. And suddenly there were golden sparks and a ting! as of
a golden bell and there, between his ears, on the sore little stump he had
borne so long, there sprouted a beautiful, spiralling golden horn. The silver
fire died down and he stepped forth, shining like the moon at Lugnosa, the
harvest month; not gold, not silver, but a glorious mixture of both. For a
moment he stood, a creature of pure faery, untouched and untouchable, the snow
with the sun upon it, and I sank to my knees in awe as he reared and neighed
his triumph. Then hooves found the floor of the cave again and he looked over
at us.
"It's all right,
you know," he said, and suddenly he was our beloved Snowy again. Going
over to the dragon he bent on one knee, his horn touching the floor.
"Thank you, O Master of the Clouds!" and, standing now, he circled
the dragon on delicate hooves, bending to touch certain portions of the scaly
hide with his golden horn. To my astonishment I saw the parts touched burn with
a blue light which gradually faded to leave new scales growing in place of the
"Magic," I
whispered. "Real magic . . ."
"Good magic,"
said Snowy, and came over to bend his head and nuzzle my hair, his rippling
mane curtaining us both. "I am whole again . . ."
And now it was Conn's
turn. He was told to place the broken halves of the sword upon the ground in
front of the dragon. The latter carefully rearranged the pieces, muttering
under his breath as Conn retreated to join us.
murmured Snowy, "and a perfect alignment, north/south."
The dragon's tail lay
straight behind him this time and the fire he breathed was red and hot, so hot
that I began to perspire, and the sword itself glowed with a fire of its own.
It seemed to me, through the shimmer of heat, that letters of fire appeared on
the blade, but if so they were in symbols and words that I could not read. I
could not have pinpointed the moment when the two pieces became one; suffice it
to say that when the metal glowed as one piece the dragon suddenly roared for:
"Snow! and plenty of it!" Conn and I ran outside, scooped up handfuls
and placed them in heaps on the glowing metal. The snow hissed and melted as we
watched, and then the blade of the sword gleamed blue and whole on the floor of
the cave. Conn, in wonderment, bent to pick it up, but a claw fastened on his
"Not yet, not yet:
the metal still burns!"
"But the magic . .
." faltered Conn.
"No magic. Expert
welding, that's all. Dragon-fire and snow."
It was many minutes
before the hilt had cooled enough, even with more snow, but eventually Conn
wrapped a piece of cloth around his right hand and raised the sword. Blue light
still seemed to flow along the blade and it sang in the air as Conn swung, thrust,
"Begorra, 'tis
better than ever it was! A power in the hand with a mind of its own! Many
thanks, Great Sky-Lizard, for giving me back my right arm!" and he bowed
deeply to the beast, sword-point down, both hands folded over the hilt.
"Let's try the
edge, then," said the dragon. "These pesky claws . . ."
The sun was much lower
in the sky by the time his claws were trimmed to his satisfaction. I knew that
it was now our turn and my heart seemed to bounce between my mouth and my boots
as he beckoned us forwards. I had to carry Moglet, who by now was so terrified
that I felt a warm trickle on my arm as I lifted her; Puddy and Corby shuffled
forward slowly of their own volition, and the only one who seemed eager was
Pisky, who was frisking about happily in his bowl.
"Going to see a
dragon face to face, a thing even my revered great-grandparents never did; their
parents, on the great-grandmother's side, had one drink from their pool,
but they hid and were afraid. I'm not! This is a thing I am going to tell my
great-great-grandchildren! Wish I could have something special to remember it
by . . ."
So did I: instant
"Now," said
the dragon, as we arranged ourselves in a semicircle before him. "Now, did
The Ancient, as you call him, tell you of the possible consequences of
relinquishing these jewels?"
I nodded.
"You realize that
you must give freely?"
"I cannot force you
to give these jewels up—"
"We understand. But
"I could take them?
No. You yourselves have bound them into a magic of your own, something never
envisaged by the sorceress. She merely thought to hide them from me, knowing I
should find them difficult to locate if she hid them within living flesh in
five different locations. She did not reckon with the bond you forged between
you, a bond so strong that, had she tried, she could not have taken them
"She—you—could kill
us and rip them away . . ."
"No again. I could
kill, she could have too, if you were separate, but even then the jewels would
be worthless, dull and insignificant. You were given them to guard, whether you
realized it or not, and a gift like that can only be returned freely, never
forcibly taken."
"We—we have
travelled many miles, not only to rid ourselves of our burdens, but to return
that which is not ours to keep. We are not thieves: the jewels are yours, and
we bring them to you through storm and fire, flood and cold, distance and
dangers for precisely that reason. It was a joint decision," and I looked
round at the others for confirmation.
"Agreed," said
said Corby. "Mind you, I don't think I realized all that was entailed.
Still . . ."
"I'm ready, ready,
ready!" sang Pisky, happily. "Great privilege, meeting a
"Don't want
to," whispered Moglet. "Changed my mind . . . Frightened . . ."
"No, you're
not!" I whispered back. "You want a nice painless paw, now don't you?
So you can play and hunt properly? Surely my brave Moglet, who wasn't afraid of
the wicked spider, won't balk at the last moment when all her friends are willing?"
"Are you?"
"Of course," I
lied, more frightened than I could remember. "Of course!"
"That's all right
then," said Moglet. "But you must hold me tight!"
The dragon had missed
none of the exchange, I am sure, but he chose to ignore it. "You do
realize, also, that you will regain your memories?" And he looked at me.
"Not all at once, perhaps, but eventually you will remember where you were
taken from, your past life, your home . . . And this may be more painful than
anything else."
"We understand. But
sometimes the torture of not knowing is worse. You should know that . .
." It was daring to speak thus to a dragon, but apart from a hiss and a
wisp of smoke he did not respond.
I spoke again. "We
are ready. How will you remove these stones?"
I thought he meant one thing, but as it transpired he was being literal and
physical rather then mental.
"Who will be
We glanced at one
another, then Puddy gamely dragged himself forward.
"I only hope it
will not hurt too much," he said mildly. "Until now the headaches
have been bad, but not unbearable. Will the hole in my head hurt worse?"
"I shall take care
of that," said Snowy, stepping forward to stand beside the dragon.
"My golden horn, now it has been restored, will heal your pain."
"Come," said
the dragon, addressing Puddy. "Close your eyes and think of nothing save
willing me back your burden, my treasure . . ."
The air grew soft,
spring-like, and a greenish haze surrounded Puddy where he sat, feet planted
firmly on the ground. The light grew brighter and it was now a sharp, metallic
green and suddenly Puddy seemed impelled forwards towards the dragon's mouth.
Without thinking I leapt forwards and grabbed him, found myself in the green
haze and also in a visionless storm of wind sucking me forwards towards the
dragon. Shutting my eyes I hung on grimly, my hands cupped round Puddy's frail
body, and suddenly there was a pop! as if someone had squeezed a seaweed pod
between finger and thumb, a tiny scream, and I was flat on my back still
holding the toad, with Snowy bending over us both.
"There," he
said. "It will soon be better . . ." and he touched Puddy with his
"Sorry," said
the dragon. "Took more breath than I thought. Been there near seven or
eight years . . ."
I turned Puddy round
anxiously, looking for the hole in his head, but there was only a shallow
depression, through the thin, healing skin of which I could see a throbbing
vein. "Are you all right, dear one?"
He considered, eyes
shut. "Headache's gone. Head feels cold—sort of empty. Much lighter,
though." He opened his eyes. "Bit like waking up out of hibernation:
you feel stiff and cold for a while and have forgotten the taste of a meal. Get
used to it. Much better, really; can't grumble . . ." He inclined his head
to the dragon. "Thank you, Your Graciousness. My goodness! Was I carrying that
Well might he express
disbelief, for the greenish, muddy lump that I had grown so used to on his
forehead now lay before the dragon, a shining, glittering clear green stone,
sparkling like spring water at the edges, dark and deep as a forest in its
depths. Lovingly the dragon curled his claws about it, turning it so that the
low rays of the sun caught it with a sudden flash of green fire.
"You were,"
said the dragon. "An emerald from the cloudy heights of a rainforest on
the other side of the world, where their gods demand a blood-sacrifice and the
suns that shine from the gold they bear are as uncountable as the rays from
this stone. Green it is as their forests, deep as their fears . . ."
I shivered, and looked
at the jewel with new respect: it was not such as I would care to wear. No
wonder it had given Puddy headaches.
"I'll go
next," said Corby, after a doubtful look at Moglet, cowering again under
my jacket. "Can't be so bad . . . 'Sides, I'm interested to see how long
it takes before I'll remember how to fly."
"Well done,
bird," said Snowy. "I'll be here to ease any hurt."
"I'd better hold
you," I offered. "The pull is very strong, and we don't want you a
dragon's dinner . . ."
I was only joking, but
the dragon made a terrible frown and Snowy hastened to intervene. "The
inhalation, the drawing of the burden, it worries them: the child but makes
jest to lessen the fear . . ."
The dragon said nothing
but settled down, elbow-joints protruding. I sat about six feet away, holding
Corby's wing spread with one hand, the other binding him tight to my breast.
"Close your eyes," I whispered. "Remember I've got you . .
The dragon intoned:
"Concentrate, bird; will me your burden, my jewel . . ."
"Gawd knows I
do," said Corby. "'Tain't no use to me, Your Worship . . ."
This time the
drawing-power was greater, and I found the hair blowing forward round my mask
as I hung on grimly to my friend, whose feathers were pulled forward as in a
gale. His claws were fastened tight in my drawn-up knees and I had to clench my
jaw to stop from flinching. Now the light was a burning, scorching blue, and
before I closed my eyes from its intensity it seemed as though great waves were
rearing their foaming crests and threatening to engulf us. Suddenly as we hung
on there was a crack! as of a breaking branch and once again I was on my back
on the cave floor, Corby by my side in a squawking, tangled heap.
Snowy stepped forward
and stroked the injured wing with his horn, the bare featherless joint
pathetically pink, and slowly the desperate fluttering stopped.
I lay eye to eye with
the exhausted bird. "How does it feel, dear one?"
He considered, getting
to his feet and bringing the injured wing gingerly to his side, then stretching
it again. "No pain. Stiff, but it's getting easier every minute.
Look!" and he flapped the wing—an awkward effort it was true, but still
the first movement of the sort he had been able to make since I knew him.
"Thanks again, Your Worship!" and he bowed to the dragon.
We looked over at the
sapphire. Unlike the emerald it lay beside, rectangular and deep, the stone was
oval and shallow, yet a blue more dense than I had ever seen. It was deeper
than the deepest sea, yet on its edges was a lighter, sparkling fringe, like
waves upon a shore. Now the great beast turned it in his claws, murmuring
lovingly: "A fine journey I had for you, my friend: across the warm
oceans, skimming the little islands that rose like pustules on the pocked sea;
but I found you where others had hidden you, didn't I, left to rot as you were
with the other jewels. But you were the prize, my beautiful one, as blue as the
eyes of the dead who buried you . . ."
I gazed at the jewel
with new respect: dead man's treasure, not such as I would wish to wear. No
wonder it had twisted Corby's wing.
"And now,"
said the dragon. "The little cat and her diamond . . ."
"No, no, no, no!"
howled Moglet, burying her head into my armpit, "I'm afraid! It's
going to hurt . . ."
"Only a little, I
promise," I said, comforting her trembling body. "Ask the others, ask
Puddy and Corby: was it very bad, you two?"
"Not unbearable, I
suppose," said Puddy. He looked very wrinkly and thin. "More
unpleasant than anything."
"Felt for a moment
as though my wing was coming out by the roots," admitted Corby, "but
the feeling didn't last long." I noticed for the first time how grey the
feathers were above his beak. Strange how fear sharpened the senses, for I was
afraid, just like Moglet, yet for her sake hid it.
"There you are, you
see?" I exhorted. "And Pisky's not afraid . . ."
"Then why can't he
go first?" demanded Moglet. "I don't mind."
"But I do!"
interrupted the dragon. "You are next, cat, but you must be willing."
"She is, she
is!" I said. "You are really, you know, dear one: it's just that,
like me, you don't like the unknown. I'm next, you know, and I can't get rid of
this—this dreadful stomachache till you loose your burden."
"It's very deep,"
said Moglet, showing me her paw. "It'll hurt much more than the others . .
"Then it's very
brave of you to agree," I said hastily, sensing her weaken. "You must
show me how to be courageous."
"I wouldn't really
mind keeping it," she said. "With you to carry me round. Still . . .
If you say your stomach hurts most of the time?"
"Oh, it does!"
I assured her, though at the moment it felt both numb and tingly at the same
"Right!" said
Moglet and, shutting her eyes, she stretched out her burdened paw in the
general direction of the dragon, while fastening the claws of the other three
firmly in my sleeve.
"You are sure? You
will me freely your burden, my stone?"
"Yes . . ."
The dragon gave her no
time to reconsider. A roaring, sparkling wind surrounded us and my back bent
further in its hunch as I tried to step no nearer the dragon. Stars wheeled and
danced around us, there was a blinding flash as of a veritable avalanche of
snow falling about our ears and, before I had to close my eyes against the unbearable
aching of the light, I saw a rainbow that spanned the distance between Moglet's
paw and the dragon's mouth. She howled, an awful sound, her claws tore trails
of blood from the outer side of my wrist so that I nearly cried out too. There
was a long ripping sound, the light died behind my clenched eyelids, I was on
the floor again and Snowy was bending to Moglet's paw and my lacerated flesh.
"Better now?"
The dragon had three
stones now and the latest, Moglet's burden, sparkled and spiked with a thousand
coloured lights as he turned it in his claws. "A rare flight that was, the
sands burning bright and the sun a molten dagger in one's back. They laboured
to bring wealth out of the depths, they died in the darkness that this might
have light . . ."
I shuddered: I would not
willingly wear such. No wonder Moglet hadn't been able to put paw to ground.
But she was dabbing at
my face. "Let go of me, I want to try it!" Already the healing hole
was closing up, the blackberry pads drawing together. She seemed heavier,
sleeker, pain now forgotten in the space of two breaths. I set her down, and
gingerly at first but then with increasing confidence she set down the
once-burdened paw on the ground. "Look! Look!" she cried with
delight. "It's better! Soon be quite well . . ."
"Now you, little
wanderer," said the dragon. "You are ready?"
No, I wasn't. Suddenly
gripped by irrational fears I sank down again. It was not only the thought of
more pain, sharp and quick-over though it might be, it was also the familiarity
of the burden itself, like an aching tooth that, however irksome, is still an
understood part of one till removed. Most of all, I think, it was the certainty
that once I lost it and regained both health and memory, paradoxically this
latter might prove a greater burden than the burden itself. I was afraid to be
given a future so sudden, so different. Better the devil one knew—
"Come on, Thing
darling," said Conn. "I've watched you bravely hold the others, now
it's your turn to be held . . ." and the words—my name clear and
"darling"—rang so loud in my ears that body was all unresisting as he
reached down and lifted me to my feet, kneeling behind me on one knee, one arm
across my thighs, one across my breast. He pressed me back against his chest and
his breath was warm on my cheek. "Courage, girl, courage: 'twill soon be
over and I'm here, your Conn is here . . ."
My Conn! I felt at least
one joint of my backbone click as I tried to straighten. Without further
hesitation I pulled my jerkin up with one hand, my trews down with the other
and pre-empted the dragon's question.
"Yes, yes; I give
freely my burden, your treasure. Take it, take it away quickly, please!"
I was staring straight
at the dragon who seemed to grow immensely tall and then there was fire all about
us and toppling towers and men and women crying out in fear. The fire blazed
stronger and there was a tearing, twisting pain in my guts that I could not
bear. I tried to bring down my hands to cover the agony but somehow Conn was
preventing me, and I screamed. With a sound like tearing a snail from its
shell, but horribly magnified, I felt my burden leave me and there was Snowy's
horn to numb the pain and take away the sickness. Strangely the greatest
discomfort was Conn's arm across my breasts, which suddenly felt full and
tender. I straightened up one crick! more, drew together my clothes and turned,
for an instant, to bury my head in Conn's shoulder. He patted my back and
released me.
The ruby lay in the
dragon's claw and burnt cool as he turned it lovingly. "The temple held it
dear, but it was housed in a heathen idol that crumbled to the touch. The
priests in their robes cried desecration and the temple dancers fled into the
night as it was drawn from their grasp . . ."
I shuddered, and the
stone seemed to wink back evilly at me; if I had known what I carried I would
have cut it from my flesh like a canker. No wonder it had hurt . . .
"Are you ready, O
King of Fish? You I have left till the last because the burden you bear is
probably the greatest, my last and most beautiful gain . . ."
That muddy pebble?
"Of course, Lord of
the Clouds, Master of the Skies; all my life I have wished to be acquainted
with you and your brethren. It had been my ambition to mount the Dragon Falls
that I might join you in the skies, but now that can never be. I shall be
content to see you a little closer, perhaps to touch fin to scale. Pray, Thing
dear, move my bowl nearer . . . so. It will do." In his exuberance bubbles
broke from either side of the burden in his mouth. I knelt by his side, my
finger in the water.
"You are
"Sure? Why, of
course I am sure! I have been carrying this stone safe for a Dragon-Master and
now I yield it with eagerness, with pride!"
The dragon bent closer
and I flinched. But he did not notice.
"Here, little
brother, take a closer look. Look your fill . . ."
For a moment dragon and
fish touched, nose to nose as Pisky rose from the water. He looked so small, so
defenceless, so like a gulp for breakfast that I leant forward, ready to snatch
him away from danger, but he turned on me.
"No, Thing, no!
This is my day, my moment that I have waited for so long and you
must not spoil it!"
"I was only—"
"There is no need.
We understand one another." It was the dragon who spoke, but the words
might just as well have been Pisky's.
"He is so small . .
. the wind of withdrawal . . ." I faltered.
"He is stronger
than you think. Watch . . . It is given freely, and you are cognizant of the
"It is," said
Pisky. "I am. But spare my friends the snails; slow and unintelligent they
may be, but excellent privy-servants. And prolific, I hope."
The air grew thick, like
the mist that streams between the trees at shoulder-height on a late-autumn morning;
then it was as if the moon rose on this same mist, silvering it until it glowed
and shimmered with an unearthly light. I saw clear water running, waves
tumbling, spray mounting the rocks, horses of sea-foam . . .
There was no sound when
the pearl left Pisky's mouth: it rose like a little moon and hung between them
like a sigh. Then the magic disappeared and Pisky sank back in his bowl, his
mouth a pained O of surprise and hurt. Swiftly golden horn touched golden mouth
and he sank to the bottom, the snails crowding close for comfort.
The dragon had a huge
pearl between his claws—how its sheer size must have hurt poor Pisky!—but he
was holding it with reverence, for it still glowed and shimmered and shone like
a moon behind thin cloud.
"A hard struggle it
was for you, my most precious of all; searching fjords and creeks, inlets and
rivers; I glimpsed you beneath tossed waters and running streams; saw you in
the reflection of the moon on swollen rivers and high tarns; you were the
winter sun on ice, a wraith of summer stars; I tasted you on tumbling stones
and in the thickness of reeds; sensed you in the flash of scales, the turn of
fin; always you called to me and at last you came of your own free will when I
had despaired . . ."
The pearl glowed, and it
was a stone I, anyone, would have been glad to touch, admire, hold in one's
hand, bear on one's breast . . .
"And now,"
said the dragon, "it is almost time for me to go. But, before I do, I
would thank you all again for returning my jewels, my treasure. Because of you,
because of your honesty and determination, I am now a Master-Dragon, as the
little fish so truly observed." He bowed gravely to each one of us in
turn. "Now, I must try my wings: if you will excuse me?" He went to
the mouth of the cave and down the steps flexing his bony, leathery, creaky
wings, which gusted a powdering of cinder-tasting snow back into the cave. I
gazed at the ring of glowing jewels lying on the cave floor and wondered at
their gathering, their binding, their loosing. Lying there like that, now that
they were back with the dragon, they still seemed to have a magic of their own,
a kinship; they seemed almost like a ring of animals who will turn into a tight
circle to meet a common enemy, horns lowered and rear protected against wolf or
bear . . . Like us, when we bore them—
There was a humph!! of
flame from the dragon, a series of short, staccato bursts from his rear, as one
who has dined too exclusively on pease-porridge, and then he turned to where we
watched him, smuts on his face.
"A trial flight . .
. I think the Lord of the Carp would like to see my world; after all, had he
stayed in our country he might well have climbed the Dragon-Falls. This will
only be a substitute, of course, but I think he would enjoy it. Would you be so
kind as to accompany us and carry his bowl?"
He was looking at me,
but I wasn't quite sure what he wanted. Pisky popped his head out of his bowl,
speaking like someone who has had a tooth pulled.
"I should like it
above all, Thing dear—please?"
"Yes, but I—"
I suddenly realized what was expected. Oh, no! I couldn't, I couldn't! I looked
at Snowy, and he nodded.
"It will be all
right. You will be safe. I promise."
So, awkwardly, stiffly,
still hunched, I clambered onto the dragon's back, Pisky's bowl clutched in my
arms, and lay down, my face to the leathery scales, my heart thudding.
"Hold tight!"
There was a slithering followed by a sudden sickening lurch. I opened my eyes
and my mouth to yell as I saw the mountainside slipping away from me in a
sideways slide. My breath was snatched away by the wind, my face froze and my
cheeks blew inward with the sudden rush of air. There was another lurch that
left my stomach behind somewhere and then we steadied and the mountain slid by.
"Sorry about that:
trailing-edge muscles weren't working." I could only just hear the words,
for the roar of wind and wings in my ears. My eyes were shut once more and
would have stayed so but for a little bubbling voice beside my left ear.
"Isn't it
beautiful? Just like being in a bigger, lighter bowl. Look, far down below are
the weeds and the stony bottom, around us the waters rushing over our fins, and
above the deep bowl of air beyond the rim of everything . . . Hold me up,
Thing, that I may see and remember!"
"Let the King of
the Carp see!" said the dragon, and such was the command in his voice that
I obeyed at once, sitting up and holding Pisky's bowl high in my hands, though
my fingers were half-frozen: I wound his string round my wrist to make sure he
didn't fall. The rest of me was warm enough, for the huge reptile now exuded
warmth, and the inside of my calves were, indeed, becoming uncomfortably hot.
But all this was forgotten as I looked about and saw what Pisky saw, but with
human understanding.
Below, so far as to take
away fear, lay the village we had come from. It was dusk down there, for I
could see the little twinkling lights of rush and candle; higher the sun still
shone on snowy slopes, but to the west great purple shadows showed glen and
canyon as they crept forward like a massed pack of wolves towards the
lamb's-fleece snow of the nearer slopes. Black sticks of winter forest covered
the lower slopes and iced streams lay like saliva among the black-fanged rocks:
but it was all remote, like sand-houses made by children's hands and I was
curious, but not fearful. Nearer, the mountains stood like sentinels and I saw
great orange fires burst from the dying sun, so that it seemed that pustules of
fever opened on a great sore. No bird flew as high as we and all was silent
save for the pumping of the dragon's fire-bellows, a gentle thrumming, and the
whistle of the wind past my ears. I remembered my swim with the seal: as Pisky
said, it was like, very like, an ocean of sky.
With a creak of wings we
altered course, and once again I felt the cold air buffet my body and, too
soon, we were again at the mouth of the cave. A sudden, jolting landing, a
slurp of water from Pisky's bowl, and Conn's arms were lifting me, bowl and
all, from the dragon's back.
"You all right,
I nodded and clung to
him, my legs strangely weak. As in a dream I watched the dragon pick up his
jewels one by precious one and place them in a pouch of skin beneath his jaw,
lastly his precious pearl, which he rolled around his forked tongue for a
moment before placing it with the others. He was no longer a blue dragon, he
was a pearl-pink dragon, and even the long whiskers on his jaw curled and
vibrated as if fired with his new vitality. He gazed around the cave, and then
at us, and in his eyes was a remoteness, as if we and the cave were discarded
bones and his eyes were on another prey.
"That is all, then.
Farewell to my imprisonment, and farewell to you, my deliverers."
With a scrabble of
impatient claws upon stone he moved once more toward the opening of the
"Wait!" called
Conn. "The gold—the silver—you have left it!" He gestured to the
shelves round the cave.
"Keep it: it is
yours. You deserve it. The jewels were what mattered . . ." and he was
gone, launching himself in a clatter of wings into the sunset.
The wind of his passing
scuffled the dust in a spiral over the spot where his jewels had lain. When it
settled there was no sign of their presence. It was as if they had never been.
In the country of his
upbringing they would have recognized the special corkscrewing rocket-rise with
the sideways twist, but all the watchers from the cave and the village below
could say afterwards was that the dragon ascended like a reversed shooting star
with a noise like twenty hungry bears.
A handful of rustic
peasants and the seven weary travellers were the only witnesses of the most
extraordinary and accomplished display of free—as opposed to compulsory—figures
of dragon skyrobatics since the illustrious Master of the Chrysanthemum had
given the Millennium Display for the Many-Titled
Emperor-of-the-Thousand-Palaces five centuries past and three oceans away . . .
The dragon swam in the
air as if it were water and he an otter, a shark, a seal, a fish. He used the
air-currents and therms as an acrobat would use bars and trampolines and
springboard, and all the while he played with his great pearl as though it were
a ball, an essential part of his act, tossing it in the air so that it
described milky arcs, letting it fall a thousand feet and diving like a
thunderbolt beneath to catch it again.
For what seemed an hour,
but might have been no longer than ten to fifteen minutes, the great beast
played like a child in the nursery with its first toy, then as the sun dipped
to touch the horizon with its burning belly and as the eastering shadows threw
their arms across hill and valley alike, he snatched his pearl from the sky, a
pearl now pink as an opened rose, stood on his spade-tail for a heart-stopping
moment then clapped his wings together like a vengeful cormorant and dived the
depth of the mountain towards the village below, the wind of his passing
creating a down-draught like a thousand flocking geese at marshing-time. In a
flash of fire he incinerated their alarm beacon and burnt the easterly copse.
The villagers cowered
together, the men cursing and shaking impotent fists at the fast-retreating
sky-climber, the women flapping useless aprons. Only the children cheered and
waved. In their maturity, when visiting other villages, the story would
crystallize into legend. They would tell of the thunder-crack of his passing,
of a red dragon who soared over their impossibly green fields, until the
telling became a symbol recognized by all who listened to a tale: an
inspiration, a banner, under which princelings would rise to repel invaders,
ordinary men would fight and fall, and a usurper unite and divide . . .
But the Master-Dragon's
mind had turned from them all—the past imperfect, the passing present. Taking
his bearings from the first stars that winked from the eastern sky, he wiped
his memory free of time, of disappointment, of frustrations, tucked away his
pearl with the other jewels in the pouch beneath his jaw, spun thrice on his
spade-tail and then sang his farewell song.
To those watching and
listening, dodging the mini-avalanches and fires set off by his rejuvenation,
watching stone clatter down the slopes, regarding with dismay the collapsing
huts that disintegrated like imploding puffballs, all they heard was an
enormous clash and rattle as of giant metal plates tumbled together, a ringing
of bells so huge their peals were as sound-sight, ripples of torturing
light-noise in a stone-tossed lake—but to the dragon the cacophony was the best
music he had ever made, a soaring passion of release from bondage, a paean of
An ascending
rocket-burst of flame, crackling in the still air, a rapid climb to five, ten,
twenty thousand feet; a moment's hesitation when dying fires fell like
shattered stars to the mountains beneath, and then the Master-Dragon shook free
and headed east for Home.
The Loosing
In spring the young
shoots of corn struggle hesitantly from their blanket of earth and poke wary
green heads up into the unfamiliar air; too soon, and the frosts nip them
black; too late, and they are drowned in the shadows of their bigger brethren,
starved of light and nourishment, and shrivel and die. Just as I, the new
Thing, was not sure whether I had emerged from the darkness of forgetting to
the lightness of an Inbolc or a Beltane. At first I was ill, tossing and
turning in fever, waking briefly to moments of lucidity. But before I could reorientate
myself, grab hold of life and become better, back I would slide into a haunted
black vault of the mind where hope ran down the mazed tunnels of thought,
knocking in vain on doors that would not open, with the hounds of Hell baying
They said afterwards it
was seven days I was unconscious, sent back into the earth to remember the seed
from whence I sprang, but it could have been seven hours or seven years for all
I knew. Conn was kept away from me for fear of contagion, for it seemed my skin
sloughed away in great strips with the fever. They took away my clothes and
burnt them.
When I woke up at last
clear-headed, starving hungry, I felt the cold air touch my face with
inquisitive fingers: when I put up my own I found my mask had gone, and panicked.
Throwing the shift I was dressed in up over my head I screamed: "Where is
it? Where is my mask?"
"There now, dearie,
what a to-do!" Strong, warm hands pulled up the covers, covered my hands
with hers. "No need to take on so! Come, take your hands from your
"They'll see my
ugliness! He will see . . ."
"Now, then!
Ugliness is a state of mind, and there's none wrong with that face of yours
that fresh air and sunlight and a little extra feeding-up wouldn't cure. Got
eyes like piss-holes in snow, you have . . . Now, then: that's better! Let Old
Nan (what has been chosen to care for you because she's born twenty and buried
all but three, survived four husbands and the phlegm and the sores and the runs
and vomits and scabs) let her comb out that nice, thick hair of yours and then
Megan—she's the youngest, touched a mite some would say, but a grand girl with
the sheep—she will fetch some broth and bread. Been told to make a fuss of you,
I has, by that nice tall fellow with the sword. Soon as I lets him know you're
better he's to come and see you, he says, and all those animals you brought . .
Unlike most chatterers
her actions were suited to her words and she had me combed and tidied and fed
in no time at all, all the while her strangely accented voice, hovering like a
salmon in leap on the vowels until you sometimes wondered whether she would
ever reach the smooth waters of the consonants, burbled on like a busy brook,
soothing and stimulating at the same time. At my insistence she fashioned me
another mask, from kidskin, although I could see she was bewildered by the
need. In truth her face was so seamed and pocked that it was difficult to
identify any features, except for toothless mouth and red nose, so perhaps my
physical deficiencies were not so strange to her after all. I made up some tale
about being handfasted to Conn, but having made a vow not to uncover my face
until we were wed. This made sense to her, full of superstition like all
country folk, who must explain away disaster and joy, gain or loss somehow.
Their "little people," for instance, seemed to have a hand in
everything, from birth to death; and they seemed to prefer these household gods
to any other, although Conn found a deserted Christian shrine in the woods to
say his prayers by.
Once my mask was on I
couldn't wait to see the others again, and indeed the next time the door was
left open Moglet was on the bed in a flash, and enthusiastically kneading my
"Look! it's much
better . . ." She turned over her damaged paw and now there was only the
smallest hollow and increased width among the pink and black pads. "Are
you better, too?"
"Been a bit worried
about you," said Puddy, from under the bed. "Thought you were . . .
Nice to see you. My head is much improved."
"Caw! Bleedin' cold
out there!" said Corby, actually managing a flapping ascent to the
rafters, and landing safely. "Best off where you are . . ."
"Look at me, look
at me!" bubbled Pisky, borne in by Conn. "Twice the size I was
already, they say, and eating better all the time. Sir Knight says that if I
don't stop I shall have to have a bigger bowl, and the snails are complaining
at the extra work—"
Conn sat down on the bed
and took my hand. "How are you, Thingummy? We were all worried about you,
but they said it was only a bad fever. Still, you've been away from us a whole
week, and had it been but one day longer I should have insisted, infection or
no, on taking a turn at minding you. How's the back?"
"The back?" I
had genuinely forgotten my other deformity with the trauma of the mask. So much
had happened in my feverish tossings and turnings, happened, that is, to memory
and understanding, that I had had no recall of my twisted and bent spine. Now I
sat up as best I could and eased back my shoulders. There was a little crick!
as another knob in my spine straightened its alignment and I found that my eyes
were on a level a good six inches higher. With Conn seated so near I could look
almost straight into those kind, concerned brown eyes.
I saw him glance down in
surprise at my front. "Why, you've—" He stopped, confused.
"Got a proper
front," said Moglet happily, and pushed painfully against my budding
"Er—it's better, I
think," I said, and I pulled away my hand, that had gone hot and sticky
with embarrassment. I pulled up the covers to my chin. "Where's
"Here, dear
one," and he stepped daintily through the doorway. A shaft of late
sunlight followed him in and ran in admiration down the beautiful spirals of
his golden horn and over the waves of his luxuriant mane and tail. "I only
come in the village when there are few about, for I reckon a dragon-memory is
enough for these simple folk, without having to get used to a unicorn as well.
I can make them unsee me for a while, but it is more convenient to stay out of
sight in the forest. Glad to see you are recovering . . ."
"But—isn't it
awfully cold out there?"
He lifted his head in an
unconsciously arrogant gesture. "Unicorns don't catch cold," he said.
* * *
I suppose we were there
for about another three or four weeks. Gradually I grew stronger in body,
although my mind was still full of darkness. When I got up they brought me
woman's clothes, for another thing had happened that had sent me cowering to
the floor in terror. Until Snowy explained. I had spent the day in bed, with
intervals on the stool at the side, and had been feeling grumpy and unsettled
all morning with a vague stomach-ache, then suddenly, as I stood up to practise
walking a few steps, I was seized with one of the old pains I had thought gone
forever. There was no one with me, as Old Nan was busy baking, Conn had gone
hunting with Corby, and the others were holed up somewhere in the warm. The
pain hit me again and of a sudden a bright scarlet plop! of blood hit the floor
from beneath my shift and then another. In terror I flung open the door and
rushed out into the snow, instinctively heading for the forest.
"Snowy, oh Snowy!
The pain's come back, worse than ever, and there's blood . . ."
Another moment and he
was there, his warm breath on my face, his mane sheltering us both as he bent
and snuffed at me gently.
"No, dear girl, it
hasn't, not in the way you think. Listen to me . . ." and he told me how I
had become a woman, and that what was happening to me now was something I had
been waiting for during the seven long years of the stone's captivity.
"That is why it hurts so much: it means you are catching up on all those
years in one go. Now you are girl-child no longer." He looked sad and I remembered—so
many things to remember!—that unicorns appear only to young virgins, never to
mature women, and I suddenly understood a whole lot more.
He bent his head and
touched my stomach with his healing horn. "There: the pain is gone, and
never will be so bad again."
I kissed him, suddenly
shy. "I won't . . . I don't mean to . . ."
"I know. I shall be
with you till you don't need me any more . . . Now, come: sit on my back and I
will bear you to the hut, otherwise you will freeze to death!"
The pain disappeared,
but when Snowy turned once more to return to his voluntary exile I noticed a
small spot of blood on his otherwise flawless back, like the stain of a trodden
berry . . .
At last the snow started
to slide from roof and rick, the sun stayed longer with us, fingernails of ice
fell with a tinkle from the swelling buds in the trees, and it was time to say
goodbye to the village, for we all felt we should move on with the lightening
days, though where we had no clear idea. Conn gave the headman three gold coins,
a princely sum, for their care of us. He also told him that the dragon had left
some treasure in the cave for them—silver and bronze armour, plates and cups
(we had the gold coin)—as recompense for burnt thatch and general damage. I
could see they could scarcely wait for the snows to melt. The coins and the
anticipated treasure were celebrated in our farewell party, which included a
roasted steer, mock dragon-fights and much mead, so that it was with a thick
head that I turned for my last look at where our quest had ended. The villagers
stood a quarter-mile away, still watching us go. I waved once more and then
glanced up at the Black Mountain. I could not see the cave, and of a sudden
clouds from a warmer air frothed and spilt over the top like scum from a mess
of new-boiling bones until all was hidden from view.
The road ahead lay
downhill. Once again we heard the tentative song of birds, buds were thick and
sticky, and catkins hung like lamb's tails from the willow and everywhere there
was promise and hope. Conn sang and the others grew strong and fat, but my
heart still lay heavy and full of dread, for I had grown up.
Every day fresh memories
arrived with the softening of the days. Sometimes I felt as though my heart
would break, for I now knew who I was, where I had come from, some, not all
yet, of what had happened in the twelve years before the witch abducted me. I
remembered, too, what had befallen my parents and wept the inner tears of one
who could only mourn too late. Conn kept glancing at me anxiously but I could
not tell him, not yet. And there were the others: I began to appreciate fully
what my "release" meant now for, as The Ancient had predicted, whole
and free again, they spent far less time with me and I found my eyes and ears
and touch and taste and smell not understanding them as before, as if a veil
lay between us.
I think perhaps I
realized more was to come, so I was not unduly surprised when one spring day we
found ourselves in a countryside of rolling downs and there, sitting on a rock
as coolly as if he had only wandered a little way ahead five minutes ago, was
The Ancient.
Part of me wanted to run
and embrace him, part to refute his very presence, to blame him in some obscure
fashion for my private world of misery, so I stood and did nothing as the
others crowded round him. Conn's sword, Snowy's horn, Puddy's forehead, Corby's
wing, Moglet's paw, Pisky's mouth were all exhibited and admired: he did shoot
one piercing glance at Conn's armour and then at me, but had the sense not to make
any remark.
That night we spent
round his campfire and ate better than we had for weeks. The only question he
raised was, where were we bound? Had we thought of this? Yes. Come to any
decision? No. It seemed everyone thought everyone else was leading the way . .
At last Conn voiced all
our thoughts. "We—we all thought there must be something else. What, we
did not know. Perhaps it was you?"
"Not me," said
The Ancient, taking off his red-and-white striped hat, decorated with shells,
and scratching his head. "I'm merely here to see the fun . . ."
"The fun!" I
exploded, exasperated at last into coherent speech. "What fun do you think
it has been for us? Where have you been, that you think that cold and hunger
and fear and illness constitute fun? What makes you think that
the traumas, the tiredness, the soul-searchings, have been fun? You're
just a stupid, uncaring, flippant old man who is concerned with nothing but his
vicarious pleasures, and has merely learnt enough so-called 'magic' to think
himself immune from us mortal creatures! You are complacent, narrow-minded,
cold—" I ran out of words.
The others, except Snowy
who merely looked amused, stared at me in varying degrees of horror.
reminded Puddy.
"Bit strong,"
added Corby.
"Special case,"
remarked Moglet.
"I really don't
think—" Puddy.
"Hang on, Thing
dear, moderate it a bit," from Conn.
More or less all
"No," I said.
"I won't moderate or anything! I meant it!" and burst into tears.
Huffily pushing them all aside, I retired to a corner, wrapped myself in my
cloak and pretended to go to sleep.
The next morning I arose
very early and wandered off among the dunes to where the land sloped away into
a haze of forest and fields. It had turned cold again, so the streams were
marked by twisting snakes of mist that followed the waters and trees held a
shadow-self of clear earth beneath their branches and the rest was tipped and
branched and swathed with fingers of frost. I shivered.
"I'm sorry,"
said The Ancient. "Forgive me, Fleur?"
I remembered what he had
called me before. "You knew . . . All the time?"
"Of course. And now
you do, too?"
"Most of it. Some
of it won't come yet."
"It has made you
sad . . . And bitter."
Of course it had. To
lose your parents, home, nurse, childhood all in one day, to lose your memory
for seven years and then to remember everything at once, more or less, was like
being forced to swallow huge doses of bitter herb-medicine. I felt
disorientated and most of all, alone. Remembering nothing, I had had my friends:
the comradeship, their love, and my passion for Conn. Now it was all coloured
differently but, in spite of my new knowledge I was not sure who I was, what I
felt, where I should be . . .
"I warned
"Yes, I know: but I
didn't know it would hurt so much!"
"Don't forget that
your friends are in exactly the same boat."
"The same?"
"Of course the
same. As if it were yesterday. Your cat now remembers the home she was stolen
from, the warm fire, the loving mother; the toad remembers his pond, the crow
his treed brethren and the fish his capture and long travel from abroad while
his kin died one by one in neglect . . . Don't you think that they, too, have
regrets and memories? Are you unique in suffering just because you are a human
"But they didn't
say . . ."
"Of course not.
You've been ill. You recover to look like a wet Lugnosa! What did you expect?
You have always been something special to them, something that to them was
better, more able to cope—of course they are uneasy when you appear to go to
"But we no longer
talk as we used to . . ."
"I told you that
would gradually go as well."
"But I don't want
it to!"
"You said a lot of
things last night that were true—about me being immune from reality, from
mortality—well, I'll say the same to you, but in reverse. You are mortal,
and being so must accept that mortality, with all it implies. You wished to
escape from a painful and confining enchantment, but now you refuse to accept
the responsibilities that go with the release!" His tone softened.
"Being a human is hurtful at times but it can also be wonderful, more
wonderful than the immortals can ever experience."
"How can that be?
You have life everlasting, if you want it—"
"For that very
reason! Quite apart from life itself becoming boring when one has lived it two,
three, four times as long as anybody else, it is rather like always having
enough money to buy whatever you desire. If you can always have what you want,
on demand, it ceases to be desirable. In the end there is nothing left to experience."
He frowned, and his look dared me to probe further.
"But do you—can
you—never die?"
"Oh, yes. But only
by our own choice, by our own hand. There is another way, but that involves the
Powers I told you of once. They are stronger than all."
"The powers of good
and evil, you mean?"
"I have told you,
there are no such things. There is Power, there are so-called
Forces. They are like—oh, like a team of strong horses, harnessed and ready for
a driver. It is up to their user, whether he or she directs it to plough a
field or ride down innocent bystanders." He nodded. "Mmm."
"I still don't
quite see . . ." I hesitated. "This question of immortality: surely
the promise of a life eternal, dependent on your own decision to terminate,
must far outweigh our little lives, that are bound by the certainty of
"That very thought
of mortality adds spice to what you do, don't you see? A summer's day is all
the more beautiful for the knowledge that storm could blight the blossoms and
frost surely will; a child is all the more precious for the perils of
growing-up and the winter of old age; love is all the more glorious for its
very ephemerality, the pain of parting or disillusion." He frowned.
"But perhaps worse than this is when immortal loves mortal . . ." His
face darkened, and all at once in his place was a grim warrior standing:
illusion, for the image passed and he was once again an untidy old man.
"Ask Snowy . . ."
"He will tell you
one day, perhaps."
"I don't understand
. . ."
"You will, sooner
or later."
My mind went off on
another tack, perhaps inspired by all this talk of love. "And that's
another thing: when I was—was hunched and miserable it didn't matter that I
loved Conn, because he was so far out of reach. It seemed right. But now—"
and I gestured to my nearly upright stance "—now I am nearly a respectable
woman (except for my face, of course). I find I want more, desire more, need
more. When it was impossible I could bear it: now, I can't!"
"So that's it . .
"No! Not just that—"
He grinned at me.
"It's not!"
"To me it's simple.
Then, you loved like an idealistic twelve-year-old; now you are nineteen and a
woman grown. At twelve one is allowed to worship from afar, because one's
thoughts don't usually encompass anything physical, real . . . Now you are
suddenly grown, the passions you feel are different. You have missed the years
from twelve to now that would have made you someone's lover, wife, mistress,
and now it is all coalescing into an unbearable desire that you think—"
"—cannot be
satisfied, because under that mask of yours lies ugliness."
I stared at him.
"What do you mean—'wrong'?"
But he seemed to change
his mind, became a grumpy old man again: even his hands started to dither and
fuss among his brooches and fastenings till he seemed the very dotard I knew he
was not.
I persisted. "What
do you mean 'wrong'? My body may have changed, I can see and feel that, but my
face hasn't. I know: I feel it all over every day when no one's looking, hoping
against hope, but it feels exactly the same as it did when we lived
He steepled his fingers
and considered me under eyebrows like thatches. "What you need—what you
all need—I reckon, is a bathe in the Waters of Truth."
"And where and what
are they?"
"They are in the
centre of the world that you know, and they have the gift of clearing your
mind, making you see things as they really are."
I suppose I must have
sounded wearily disbelieving. "And just how do we find these—these magical
He snorted crossly.
"In order to get you lot off my back and out of my hair I shall lead you
there myself. Right away!"
The Loosing
The Waters of Truth
We travelled by the
Secret Ways, the paths known only to sage and faery. Under hedge, by forest
path, through tunnels of ancient, gnarled wood, once through caves; and all
that while we met none others save shadows, a disembodied greeting, a stirring
of windless branches and a bending of grasses, laughter, the sound of dissonant
harebells, and yet we knew They crowded us through our journeying, watching,
guarding, guiding, enfolding us in their hands so soft we could not see . . .
They? The spirits that man has driven from his world to hidden fastnesses among
the rocks, the dells, the streams that wind through underground caverns.
Listening to their laughter, feeling their mischievous hands I could understand
and yet regret man with his earthy, clumsy honesty—but did not Time itself lay
aside these Earlier Ones, for They were children of another world than ours, too
delicate to survive in ours?
They loved Snowy,
climbed on his back for rides, plaited his mane in the night, garlanded him
with faery flowers none could see, but picture from their evocative scent. They
tweaked The Ancient's beard unmercifully and rode unseen on his shoulders, and
he was as indulgent as a father to his children. They pressed fruit I had never
tasted and could not see against my lips till the juices ran down my chin, and
yet when I opened my eager mouth they were gone, skin, flesh and seeds so that
I stood there like a gaping idiot and their laughter tinkled in my ears and I
could smell cowslips and rain.
We walked, rode, slept,
talked, ate and drank like any other travellers, but of that time I remember
less than any other. I do not even remember how long it took, faery time I
suppose; all I know was that we left the dragon's village in early spring and
it was near the summer of Beltane when we came to our destination. Like all
things to do with The Ancient there was a certain dream-like quality about the
whole thing, with none of the wear and tear associated with ordinary
One evening we couched
on soft moss in the forest, the next morning we burst through the thinning
trees, breasted a soft green slope starred with day's-eye and lion's teeth,
speed-you-well and bright-eyes, and there beneath us lay a secret valley.
Behind us the deciduous forest, to the north steep crags, to the east a forest
of pines, to the south downs melting misty blue with distance and cuddling a
lazy river in their arms. Below us a thin cascade fell like a veil from the
crags above onto dark rocks and down to a deep pool of water surrounded by
banks stained with flowers. A rainbow arced the falls and from where we stood
we could hear the birds sing.
As if in a dream we
descended the steep sides of the valley almost as though we were floating, and
dropped down by the water and drank deep. And fell asleep, fast asleep, all of
us, without dream.
When we awoke the sun
was still rising in the sky and we had no way of knowing whether we had slept
five minutes or a whole day and night. We stretched, yawned and greeted each
other with smiles as if this were one day when all was right with the world. A
fire smoked lazily and there were thin pancakes and honey, a mess of vegetable,
tiny strawberries and The Ancient in a sparkling robe of purple with golden
glints, sleeves rolled up to the elbows, dishing out our breakfast. I moved in
a daze, sticky and replete, my nostrils filled with strange, soft smells, my ears
full of the rush and fall of water, the song of a blackbird—"veni, vidi,
vici, Dubree, Dubree" (whoever he was)—my body warm, my eyes closed
against the flicker of sunlight on water. I opened them to roll over on to my
stomach and watched an ant climb a stalk of grass until it tilted with its
weight against another, which it scaled, busy and full of purpose. My eyes
closed again—
There was a slap on my
rump that had me leaping to my feet with a yowl of indignation.
"What did you do
that for?"
"You were asleep."
"Wasn't! I was
just—resting my eyes."
"Sounded like
snores to me," said The Ancient, nursing his right hand. "'Sides,
that hurt me as much as it did you. What in the world have you got back there
that is so hard?"
"My knife."
"You don't need
that now."
"You never know . .
. Anyway, why did you want me awake? To wash the pots? Can't you just wave a
wand, or something?"
He ignored my flippancy.
"We're here!"
'here'?" I was being naughty, for I saw all the others were seated around
looking expectant and I knew we were about to have A Serious Talk, and I wanted
to giggle instead and run away very fast and pick flowers. I did giggle, then
clapped my hand to my mouth over my mask, remembering that I hadn't wanted even
to smile for what seemed like months.
Conn patted the grass by
his side. "Come and sit down by me, darling girl. Sure, and I haven't
heard you laugh like that in an age!"
But I sat down
cross-legged between Moglet and Corby, facing him. I could not trust myself
nearer to Conn. Snowy blew down the back of my neck.
"Right," said
The Ancient. "Now then . . . Well, this is it!"
He glared at me.
"Will you let me speak? Good. As I was saying—"
Puddy burped loudly and
happily, his eyes closed, a wing or something worse sticking from the corner of
his mouth.
"As I was
Corby bent his head
under his left wing then rattled all over, ending with his tail, like a wet
"As I was saying—"
shouted The Ancient.
Moglet jumped, then
scratched inside her right ear, contemplated the sticky mess on her claws, and
licked them clean.
"Can't we go in the
real water?" asked Pisky. "I've been waiting ever so long for real
water and I am sure there are ever so many good things over there. My blood
needs variety, you know, and when one is trying to regain weight after an
enforced diet my aunt twice-removed on my mother's side used to say—or was
yelled The Ancient.
"No need to shout,
now," said Conn peaceably. "We're all listening, you know, and—"
There was a sudden
gesture from the old man and the fire jumped into a shower of blue and green
sparks as if it had been booted across the grass. Then it died down into pale
steady flame.
"Right! Now, can we
get on without interruption? Good." The Ancient seated himself. "I
have brought you here, as I promised, because I think you have all lost your
purpose." He absent-mindedly plaited the wisp of hair above his right ear.
"My way is clear,"
said Snowy softly. "At least . . ."
"I think . . . I
should . . . I ought . . . There are places I've never seen. Now my sword is
mended . . ." said Conn vaguely, and trailed off into silence.
"Now these
headaches are better," said Puddy slowly, "I suppose . . ."
"I could go
and—" said Corby. "On the other hand . . ."
There was a protracted
"I don't
know!" wailed Moglet.
I hugged her.
"Neither do I, dear one! Except . . ." I looked everywhere except at
"You see? I was
right. This is why I brought you all here." The Ancient glanced round at
us all. "Do you want to wander around for the next ten years or so
wondering who, what, why and when? Or would you rather wash away the cobwebs,
rattle your brains into some sort of order, discover again the ability to make
decisions—your own this time, not everyone else's?"
There was another
silence, all of ten heartbeats long. Then, faint and faraway, I thought I heard
music. Not the flute and drum of village dances, nor the chant of monks, nor
yet the harsh trumpet of battle, rather a gathering together of sounds from
wind and sky and sea, rock and stream, trees and leaves . . . It was gone.
"What do we have to
do?" I asked.
"That's my girl!
Easy. Go bathe in the pool."
"Just that?"
asked Conn. "Simple—too simple, methinks." He got to his feet and
yawned. "Still, I could do with a dip. Wash off some of the grime. Coming,
I wanted to say that I
wasn't Thing, Thingy, Thingummy, or Thingumajig, but held my tongue.
"Perhaps. In a moment. You go."
said Pisky. "Carrymeover, carrymeover . . . !" Gently I tipped him
into the water, so clear, so cold. His little body wriggled delightedly and
sank like a stone to the bottom, where I could see him nosing among the
plants—trouble was, that pearl had stretched his mouth so that he now ate twice
as much as I was sure a fish should, even a starved one: still, I suppose he
was making up for seven years—and sucking and spitting, standing on his head,
flashing his sides against the sandy bottom as if to rid himself of mites.
"Oh, well,"
said Corby. "Nothing ventured . . ." and he splashed himself into the
shallows, claws gripping at stones, wings flapping an arc of spray. "Corrr
. . ."
Beside me Puddy slid
into the water and paddled away, bubbling thoughtfully, then shooting off into
the reeds with a stretch of legs and a flash of pale belly.
"Can't swim. Don't
like water," said Moglet, but she dipped her paw in and shook off the
droplets in a fine spray that diamonded her fur in a million droplets.
"Still, water's warm. I'll soon dry off in the sun, I suppose," and
she stepped delicately into a puddle and wriggled.
I looked around; Snowy
had disappeared—strange, I should have thought he would be first into the
water—and The Ancient was tending the fire, once more trying to go to sleep.
Conn? Ah, there was
Conn. And I blushed and hid my eyes, then peered through my fingers. For Conn
stood, naked, right where the cascade of water hit the pool and he was misted
with water, his tall, slim body gleaming, the hair on his chest and under his
raised arms darker than the hair on his head and the hair at his groin—
I hid my eyes and wished
myself desperately somewhere, nearer, farther—
"Come on,
Thingummy!" called Conn, splashing happily. "It's wonderful!"
"In a minute, a
minute," I answered, but I crouched down and held my head in my hands. I
did not want—
There was a tremendous
shove in the small of my back and I was gasping, drowning, freezing, the water
roaring in my ears, my dress floating up past my face, the hair on my head
streaming like seaweed. I surfaced, spluttering, to see The Ancient grinning as
he fished out my shift and dress with a stick and hauled it to the bank.
"You pushed me
"If I'd waited for
you to jump there'd be as much snow on your hair as mine." He picked up my
clothing. "I'll dry these out by the fire. Enjoy your swim . . ."
For a moment I panicked
and tried to climb out, only to slip on the wet grass and fall back in,
struggling like a hooked trout, the water filling my eyes, my nose, my mouth
once again; but suddenly I realized that the water was not cold, as my frantic
mind had told my skin. It seemed now almost the same temperature as my own
body. I relaxed, and it caressed me, tickling and stroking, hushing and
soothing, a nurse calming her charge. I remembered again how the seal had borne
me on his back out of the bay. I turned to embrace the water, and, sliding into
the unseen depths, gave myself to the element as though we were indivisible so
that I was almost resentful that I had to rise to the surface and take breath.
Then, when I surfaced the sun struck me full upon the face. For a moment I did
not recognize the significance, but when I did I dived straight back into the
water searching frantically, but the mask had gone!
Borne away by the
vagaries of the current maybe, tangled in the weed, trapped by a shifting
stone: all I knew was that I could not leave the water without it. Why, I had
rather stumble naked than bare my ugliness! At any moment now I might come face
to face with Conn. Desperately I paddled away into the middle of the stream;
perhaps I could ask Pisky and Puddy to look for me: but they seemed to have
disappeared. If I gathered a handful of reeds, could I plait them into a square
and hold that before my face? But the reeds bent away from my questing hands,
slipping teasingly through my fingers, and all at once the water silvered with
bubbles, like a pan of water just before it boils, and I forgot I needed to
breathe, forgot everything except the shower of brightness that surrounded me.
It scoured my mind free
of the stains of bitterness and despair, as it sloughed away all the remaining
grime and dirt from my body, until I was as clean as a new-washed child,
carefree at last. Now all the memories had returned, but tidied into their
proper places; I knew how and where and why and what, and with this came a sort
of peace, an acceptance of what I had been, what I was now, so that my face was
my face and that was that; no moaning over lost looks, for I had been fair as a
child, I had had my mother's silver mirror and my nurse's words for that. So,
when the change? The day the raiders came? Had my nurse scarred me to be no
longer desirable as a slave? Or had the witch disfigured me? There were no
memories for this, but perhaps I had not known at the time. Useless to
speculate: I was ugly now, would be ugly for the rest of my life, but at least
now I was straight and slim, and unknotted in body as well as mind. Perhaps I
could still be of use to Conn, keep house for him while he went off on his
adventures. I recognized, too, that the paths of my other companions might take
a different direction from mine.
I accepted all this, but
it did not mean I wanted it so. No, what had been washed away in those waters
was not desire or love or needing, but the worst of my selfishness. I was aware
that I must show Conn my face before I lost courage, because this was the face
he would have to accept if he were to ask me again to take his name. And if he
changed his mind when he saw it, if he did not renew his offer, then I knew he
would be gentleman enough at least to help me to find a place of my own. And
with that I might have to be content . . .
I surfaced for breath
and he was standing thigh-deep in the water, some dozen or so yards away, his
back turned, the water running from his freckled shoulders down into the hollow
of his back and dropping from his firm buttocks. I stood up and my hair
streamed down my back and my face and body were naked to the sun.
Now! Now—or never. Oh,
how I loved him, in that last moment before he turned. I should not be able to
bear that look of revulsion, I knew that, but I had to, I had to, there must be
truth between us. I held that last moment tight as a precious stone . . . I was
aware that the water was quiet, the birds had hushed their song, that my
friends were nowhere to be seen, except for the flicker of Snowy between the
dark trees away to my right. I wished I knew how to pray . . .
"Conn!" I
called softly. "Conn . . ."
And slowly, so slowly he
turned and we stood face to face, and then the waters parted and he walked
towards me and there was nothing except a loving astonishment in his eyes as he
reached for my hands.
"And is it really
you? Why, in the name of all the saints, did you hide that away and pretend to
be ugly? Sure, and you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!"
And suddenly there was
music, music that The Ancient had said was Love's Song rather than Love's
Death, and all the earth sang until my whole body was filled with it and it
spilt from my mouth, nostrils and ears and gushed from my eyes in astonished,
grateful tears. For he told the truth. It was in his eyes, and to him, at
least, I was beautiful. I freed my hands and put them to my face to discover
the sudden difference but it was the same face. Then, how? Was he blinded by
the waters? Had some spell diverted him from the truth? And how long would this
illusion last?
"I'm not really.
It's this place, I suppose. I'm ugly: I saw my face in the witch's mirror and
felt it all over and the feel hasn't changed. It was scarred and twisted and
blurred and askew, as though someone had ground their heel into the bones and
turned it against the flesh. Truly, truly Conn . . ."
He smiled, and the tips
of his moustache curled upwards and smiled also. His eyes held laughter-wrinkles
at the corners and what I saw in their depths made me conscious that I stood
breast to breast with a naked man, naked myself. I lowered my gaze and saw his
body, which was more embarrassing still. I blushed, and would have turned away
but he reached out and took my shoulders and held them fast. I was intensely
aware of the rough callouses on his hands, the puckered scar that ran across
his left palm. I raised my eyes to his again, surprised to see the reflection
there in miniature of a face I did not recognize.
I had to know.
"Tell me what—tell me what you see?"
"Vain is it now,
and asking for compliments? Very well—" He saw me flinch, "—it's
teasing I was. Now, let me see . . ." He stood back a pace. "Well,
the hair is straight, and black as Corby's wings, that you'll agree. The skin
is pale, as well it might be, hidden all that time behind that pestiferous
mask! But I think it will always be milk rather than ale . . . Cheekbones that
stretch the skin high and a chin that bodes ill for anyone that crosses you—No,
no!" He leant forward and his hand caressed my cheek. "I did not mean
ill, and if you scowl like that you'll turn the milk of your complexion sour,
so you will . . . That's better!" He smiled again, a heart-turning smile,
and I shut my eyes. "And if that's for me to admire your eyelashes,
they're as long as grass-spider's legs . . . Look up. I'll tell you that your
eyes are the colour of the violets under the hedge and big as an owl's, but
twice as pretty. But your mouth . . ."
He frowned, and my heart
stopped. Had I fangs like a wolf, a mouth like a fish? Or a beak like a bird?
Was it puckered like a tight-drawn purse or sprouting with hairs? Was this last
to spoil the whole?
He laughed, and the sun
caught his eyes so that they screwed up. "Your mouth is different,"
he said. "It is the most kissable mouth I have ever seen!"
And he bent his head and
placed his lips on mine.
The Loosing: Unicorn
The Sleeping Prince
“But then of course you
always were pretty," said The Ancient.
In utter confusion I had
fled Conn's embrace back to the fire, flinging on my still damp clothes with
scant ceremony, and combing my hair furiously with my fingers. The Ancient had
chuckled, obviously having overseen our dramatic meeting in the waters. Of
course I had had to ask whether my new face would last, and he had told me it
was my always-face. "The one you were born with," he had said, and
somehow, even in all the confusion of remembering, the traumas of the quest,
the half-forgotten pains, this little consolation was the most important thing
of all.
"But it was
different when I lived with the witch," I said, for he had reminded me
that my nurse had called me her "pretty chick." My father told me
that although I had my mother's colouring and eyes, I had his chin, cheekbones
and hair. I could recall him well: tall, lean, fierce, with scowling brows yet
with a mouth that could smile as easily as it would tighten in determination.
And my mother; small, rounded, soft, with hair a little lighter than Conn's,
skin like cream and a mouth to kiss and laugh—but remembering was still very
painful. It was as though they had died a few days since, and I did not want to
think of them as I had seen them last, not yet . . .
"Of course it was
different with the witch," scoffed The Ancient. "Because you were
told so."
I dragged my mind back
to the present. "She showed me. She had a mirror . . ."
"A magic mirror.
You saw what she wanted you to see. She told you you had a face like the
arse-end of a pig with a curling snout, and that's what you saw in the mirror.
You were conned, my flower, conned good and proper." He flung a couple
more sticks on the fire and I leant forward to dry my hair the better.
"Not surprising really."
"Why convince you
you were ugly? She could see even then that you would grow into the beauty she
could never be, save by sorcery. Number one: jealousy. Number two: even if you
were unconscious of your attraction, those morons in the village would soon
have sought you out as you grew. Notoriety of any kind she did not want.
So, you became her hunched and ugly familiar, a Thing to be avoided by
outsiders and ignored by her, for masked you were as anonymous as the furniture
. . .
"Have you told him
who you are?"
I blushed. "Not
yet. We—we didn't have much chance . . ."
"Chance enough
now." He dropped the stick he had been using to poke the fire as Conn came
striding up towards us, his hair still darkened and wildly curling from the
water. "Come, Sir Knight, and be properly introduced to your
"I'm not—"
"She hasn't—"
we said together, and then would not look at one another.
"Come, come
now!" said The Ancient, absent-mindedly throwing a handful of some pungent
powder on the fire so that we all started back, eyes smarting from the smoke.
"Damnation and pestbags! Wrong one . . . Never mind. Chaudy-froidy then,
you two?"
But apparently Conn
understood his jargon. "Not exactly. Not as far as I'm concerned. But
she—" he hesitated. "Her, Thingy I mean, er—She's different."
"Not at all! You
agreed to give your name to a person, not a pretty face. You too, flower."
"That's another
thing!" I said, glad to snatch at any excuse to change the course of this
embarrassing conversation. "You knew my real name all along, didn't you?
All that business of flowers and flora and fauna and things . . ."
echoed poor Conn, the only one not in the know.
"Of course I did!
What's the use of being unusually gifted—" He failed to look modest,
"—if one doesn't use the gift? Come on now, tell him your real name . .
I remembered my manners
and curtseyed formally in Conn's direction. "My name, Sir Knight, is Fleur
de Malyon, only child of the late Sir Ranulf de Malyon of Cottiswode and his
wife, Julia Flavia, second daughter of Claudius of Winkinworth . . . So my
blood is just as good as yours!" I added childishly and glared at him.
"I never—"
"I know you didn't!
But that's not the point . . ."
"Well what is? I
"Not really! Really,
really . . . It's just like buying a hen that lays one a month and then
finding it performs every day instead. Or twinned lambs from a barren ewe . . .
All of a sudden you develop a special affection for your liability—"
"I never said
"I know you didn't!
But that's not the point—"
"Well, in Heaven's
name what is, then?"
"You thought it,
even if you didn't say so!"
"I did not!"
"Anyway, I'm not,
so there!" I left Conn standing with his mouth open and ran towards
the river, angry tears rolling down my new-old face, not even sure why I was
behaving this way. Was it because everything seemed to be going right, that now
I had a reasonable face I also had bargaining power? Had I really wanted to be
ugly, to make a martyr of Conn and a victim of myself? Wasn't I glad he would
have a pretty face to look at? Did this mean that perhaps he would no longer
want me, except as a plaything? Had my ugly security vanished? I didn't know, I
didn't understand myself and, blinded by the futile tears, I ran straight into
Snowy. "Sorry!"
"No bones broken,
Fleur," he said mildly, and nuzzled my cheek. "Come now, no tears:
life is for enjoying, my little one, and what seems an insurmountable mountain
one day will be a molehill the next. No, don't try to explain—" for I had
opened my mouth to sick-up my troubles, "—there is no need. Come, we shall
pay a visit together . . ."
"A visit?"
"To a place I know
nearby. I have a tryst to keep. Are you too ladylike to ride astride once
"I'm no lady . .
"You will be some
time, whether you wish it or no. We must all grow up."
So I vaulted to his back
and clung to his mane as we splashed through the stream and moved into the dark
forest on the other side. His coat was damp, so he, too, must have bathed in The
Ancient's Pool of Truth. He carried me swiftly down a path that snaked among
the cool, pale trunks of conifer that crowded in on either side, his hooves
making no sound on the deep carpet of old needles. Although here it was dark,
and the spring sun seemed far away, there was a sense of stealthy movement, of
trees stretching and yawning from their sleep, and the slow stir of sap. Once
or twice there was the russet flash of squirrel and roe deer, but for the most
part only the soft beat of our passing. We emerged into a bare clearing, where
the trees drew back into a circle—winter-blackened grass, a few scrubby bushes,
a cloudy sky now visible above.
Snowy halted so smartly
that I slid from his back.
"Are we here?"
I said, struggling to my feet.
"We are . . . Come,
I want to show you something." He paced slowly to the northernmost corner
of the clearing and stopped. There was a bare patch, moss and lichen scraped
away but recently, a space surrounded by rock and stone, about as wide and long
as a man. Just like a grave—
"Look!" said
Snowy. "Come and look close . . ."
I looked, and saw what
seemed like a sheet of dirty ice, but as I knelt down the substance cleared
when my breath touched it and it seemed as though I was staring down into a
deep, transparent pool.
"Oh, dear
Gods!" I cried. "There's a body down there! Snowy, Snowy, help me
drag him out! He may not be quite drowned. See, there is colour still in his
cheeks, and—"
"No, my dear
one," said Snowy sadly. "There is no life there, not as we know it.
Do not break your nails, child, it is useless . . ." For I was scrabbling
vainly against what I first had taken to be ice, then water, and now knew to be
neither. It seemed like some thick, diamond-clear glass, and yet the hair of
the drowning boy waved with the weeds and if only I could—I looked wildly round
for a rock, a stone.
"It is
enchantment," said Snowy. "And one of her best."
"Her?" I
questioned, but there was no need for the question. I knew at once who he
meant. "You mean you fell foul of Her, too? But how?"
And then he told me of
the dance of death his beloved prince had performed to her bidding, how he and
the witch had battled and how the prince now lay in everlasting sleep, locked
in the crystal pool. I gazed down at the long limbs, slim hips, broad chest,
tapering fingers; at the cloud of fair hair that framed the handsome, perhaps
too handsome face.
"But—but there must
be some way of releasing him!" I said. "The spell she laid on
us was dispelled by the dragon, that on Conn by a twist of words . . ."
"Oh yes, there is a
way. But it means death, death to both of us. If I strike the crystal with my
new golden horn, the one the dragon restored, then I cease to live in this
world; I choose death, as mortals have to die. And my prince? Now, see, he dreams,
and could be left forever in a kind of immortality. If I break the spell he
dies also, for he is mortal like you. Do I choose that for him, or am I content
to leave him to his dreams, and find my brethren in the west?"
"But how can you
know what he dreams? See, he frowns, even now, and turns his head . . ."
Snowy reared up, and
struck his front hooves hard on the crystal tomb. There was a hollow ringing,
but no sign of a crack. "How do I know whether she locked away nightmares
in that living death?" I put my arms around his neck, but what could I
say? How could I, with my petty temper and uncertainties, console this faery
creature whose agony was so much greater than mine had ever been? How could I
reconcile the love of human being and immortal, when apparently I couldn't even
manage a mortal affair myself?
* * *
When we reached the camp
again it was dusk. I slipped down from Snowy's back and joined the others round
The Ancient's fire, but no one asked where we had been, or what we had done.
There was a vegetable
stew for supper and rye bread, and then a truffle cake, tasting sweet and warm
and earthy all at once and we all, even Snowy and Moglet and Pisky, had
generous helpings. It was strange, it seemed to answer all the needs for taste
in the world. In a way it reminded me—
I accused, sitting bolt upright and glaring at The Ancient. "And something
else . . ."
"Maybe. Maybe
not," he answered mildly, tapping the side of his long nose. "And
then again, perhaps."
"But you know it
makes us all act funnily . . ." I giggled, remembering Tom Trundleweed and
as suddenly sobered, recalling Conn's proposal.
"Does no harm.
After all, it's our last meal together: you won't need me any more after
"Last meal?"
said Conn. "Why, are you going away?"
"Away? Where's
away? You knew I could not stay with you once the quest was completed. There are
other little crises here and there, you know, and also with increasing age
I need my sleep. A hundred years perhaps, and then something interesting might
turn up . . ." His voice trailed away and he poked the fire until it
burned blue.
I looked at him, it
seemed for the first time. The trouble was, he kept shifting; like three or
four people playing peep-and-hide all at the same time. One moment there was a
very, very old man with cheeks wrinkled like a forgotten russet and wearing a
silly hat, the next a young helmeted warrior sat there, dark and grim-faced;
again, a merry-eyed child with inquisitive eyes and snapping fingers, or a
mild-faced middle-aged man with receding hair and protruding teeth . . . I shut
my eyes: it was too confusing. Which was The Ancient? Or was he all of
them? Or they all part of him?
I must have dozed off.
When I opened my eyes again the fire was pale green with crackling silver sparks.
The Ancient was an old man again, answering some question of Conn's of which I
caught the echo but not the sense.
" . . . a question
of a different dimension," The Ancient was saying. "And only those
who have been there could understand. They don't very often come back. It is, I
suppose, very much like a vivid dream; you are real and there and experiencing
everything as though it were here and now, but when you return you have to
re-adjust to now as if now were the dream . . . It's confusing,
especially if something momentous is involved: sometimes you wish to stay too
long, and then you are trapped in that time forever . . ."
Time-Travel. I dozed
again, and then someone else must have asked a question—Moglet?—for The Ancient
was answering again.
"No, once they have
gone, let them go. They have a journey to make and are only confused if you try
and call them back, and might lose their way. You would not wake a smiling
child from dream, nor yet a peaceful kitten, would you? No, let them go: in
peace, and with your blessing."
Suddenly I did not like
all this talk about "going"—was he talking about death? I sat up,
rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
"You say we don't
need you anymore, now we have completed our quest—but we haven't." I
tucked my feet under me and glanced round at the others. Snowy's long mane hung
down, hiding his eyes; Corby was preening, Puddy's throat moved up and down;
Pisky's fins, beautiful now, waved gently from side to side; Moglet was purring
with her eyes shut and Conn—Conn was looking across the fire at me, his eyes
bright and soft at the same time: I took a deep breath and looked away.
"What I mean is this: we have lost our burdens, thanks to you and the
dragon, and you told us that once this was done we should be healed—which we
are—" I stretched, feeling with pleasure the way my spine arched back,
"—but you also said we should find our own destinies, or words to that
effect, and you made us bathe in that pool over there to clear our minds. Well,
has it? Cleared them, I mean?"
The fire was now a soft,
rosy pink and the cinders gold and purple.
"Oh, I think they
all know what they want," said The Ancient. "But let's ask them, just
to make sure . . ."
"Well, now,"
said Puddy, "let me consider . . ." He made up his mind. "I have
a picture in my mind of a low heath topped by a wood and dotted with broom,
furze, gorse and thickets of bramble. There are two or three ponds—nothing too
grand, you understand—and there is a jumble of rocks to hide amongst when the
sun is too hot or the wind too cold. And there are others there of my kind, to
exchange reminiscences with during the long days . . . A toad could grow old
there, with pleasure."
"And I sees a bit
of countryside, nothing too grand neither, with a bit of a village with fields
and woods behind and cliffs in front," said Corby. "Something like
that place of the White Wyrme. A place where the wind stretches your wings and
there's food when you seek it and company in plenty and shelter if the going's
tough. But the great thing is to have the fellers to natter to and the
youngsters growing up to be taught to take your place . . ."
"A lake," said
Pisky. "Full of bright shallows and deep crannies, so you may have the sun
and the shadow when you wish it. People to come down and feed you and trail
their fingers in the water, which warms at their touch; and they call you by
name and there are other, lesser fish, who need a king, a consort. By and by
the lake runs with your kind and your children and grandchildren and
great-grandchildren come to you for your wisdom . . ."
"A fire and fish
and milk and a cuddle," said Moglet. "Mice to catch, the run of the
rooftops, a length of twine to chase, a basket full of milky kittens . .
And they lapsed into
their dreams again, dreams that now had a purpose.
I thought, jealously,
that I could find them their sandy heaths with pond, cliffs and woods, a small
lake, a warm fire; they didn't have to sound as if it would all have nothing to
do with me.
"And you,
Flora?" said The Ancient. The fire was gold, all gold.
I leant back in the long
grass and looked up at the stars, so near I could reach out and pluck them,
then blow them away like thistledown . . . "I want a house, not a big one,
but large enough to have separate rooms to sleep, to eat, to cook, to sew and
just sit. It must be near enough to the sea for me to hear the seals sing, with
a stream that wanders nearby. It would be nice if it were near a hump of hill
that would shoulder away the north winds, and I should welcome the martlets in
the eaves, come summer. I should grow herbs for the market and we should keep
goats and chickens and have a big enough plot to keep us in vegetables . .
"We? Us?"
"Me and my husband
and the children. Two boys and two girls. And cats. And a dog, something to
guard us when my husband is away, but who will go hunting with him when he is
home. Oh, and his horse, a mare so we can breed."
"And what is his
name, this husband-to-be?"
I frowned; I had been
able to see all this like a picture, a tapestry of bright colours, but somehow
a draught had caught the weave and I could only catch glimpses, no faces, no
names. "I don't know: he won't keep still. Perhaps if I close my eyes . .
." I did, and was drifting off into a dream where I was standing near a
gate in the sunshine with a blue butterfly on my finger and the scent of honey
in my nostrils, when I heard someone I knew talking nearby.
" . . . and I
thought I would go back to travelling, to fighting, the only things I knew, but
I have changed my mind. Once, I thought that all I wanted was a sword to be
mended and armour to be clean, but now I know there are other, more important
things in life than wandering. I, too, want a house, a home; I want a woman to
love me and be loved in return, and I want children as well. The sword I was so
proud of shall be used no more. I want to mend bones, not break them . .
I smiled in my dream:
that was my husband talking. I knew who he was now and I turned to greet him
and the butterfly flew out of my hands into the sun . . .
The Loosing: Unicorn
Snowy's Choice
I awoke with a start,
clear in mind and very cold, for Corby and Moglet had appropriated my cloak.
Puddy squatted on a stone nearby, Pisky was dreaming in his bowl, Conn and The
Ancient were huddled under their cloaks, the latter snoring gently. We were complete
still, in spite of all the talk earlier, all seven of us, eight with—I knew
immediately what had woken me: Snowy was gone. Not just physically, for he
often wandered off on his own; no, it was more than that. It was as though he
had suddenly severed the ties that had bound us all, cut us from his heart,
banished us from his thoughts, and with a growing sense of anxiety I knew what
he was about to do. No wonder he had been silent earlier.
Springing to my feet I
scanned the far bank of the stream . . . There was a ghostly shimmer of white
among the dark trunks of the trees. I should not have seen him at all but that
it was the still hour before dawn, when there is an almost imperceptible lightening,
as though one veil at least has been drawn back from night's dark window.
Without thought I followed him, splashing through the shallows of the stream
and scrambling up the bank, running onto the silent pine carpet that aisled its
way through the trees, always that pale glimmer tantalizingly far ahead. He was
so much faster than I, too, and it was only my desperate desire to catch him
before he abandoned us all that lent speed to my stumbling feet.
At last I reached the
clearing and there he was, standing before the crystal pool. Stumbling over a
fallen log I fell to my knees with a jolt that knocked the breath from me. But
with the last of my ebbing strength I called out to him with my mind, my heart.
He raised his head and
looked over at me. "I must," he said. "You know that, my little
Fleur. Go back, child, to your love, and leave me to mine . . ."
"But my dear one,
my dearest one, we need you too!" Crying helplessly now, I buried
my face in my hands; only to feel his soft nose against my wet cheek, his mane
brushing my hair.
"Peace, peace . . .
I loved you, too. Remember us!" I listened to the soft thud of his hooves,
dying away. Then there was silence. Opening my tear-blurred eyes, I started at
a terrible crash and a scream of anguish I will always remember. Afterwards all
that could be heard was the agonizingly slow tinkle as of thousands of glasses
I was almost afraid to
look up. At the edge of the clearing, where the trees faded into darkness,
stood my beloved unicorn, the first light of dawn catching the gleam of his
golden horn. Standing by his side, one arm flung around his neck, stood the
"You're all
right," I whispered. "You're all right . . ."
They did not hear me,
they could not hear me! Slowly they walked away from me into the forest, in a
world of their own.
The tears were scalding
my cheeks, as I watched them go, the most terrible thing of all was that I
could see the trees beyond them right through their bodies, clearer and
clearer, and the rising sun rose and dissolved them slowly, like mist, until
they were merely a twist of smoke that rose into the air, hung for a moment
like a frosty breath, and then were no more . . .
The Loosing: Toad , Crow
Six Feathers
Conn found me a little
while later. He caught me close and hugged me, not entirely and unreservedly,
but with a sort of courteous passion, as though he was not yet quite sure how I
should welcome his embrace. "Don't cry, girl," he said. "It's
what they wanted. And there are other worlds than this."
I looked up at last,
wiping my swollen eyes. Everything had changed. Where there had been
desolation, now the sun struck through the dim conifers, a diffused morning
light that candled the wild anemones into pink and mauve and purple, touched
late snowdrops into warm white, glowed among the violets, turned the coltsfoot
into flame, uncurled the tiny daffy-down-dillies into open-faced wonder and
crept like a hesitant visitor among the moss, lichens and first tender spears
of grass. A squirrel raced down a tree and hesitated upside down, cocking his
head, bright eyes gleaming, russet tail twitching as if timing the
full-throated, sweet music of the wren on the branch above. A tiny round vole,
furry, sat up and washed his whiskers in the dew.
I stood up. Where the
crystal tomb had shattered a tiny spring rose and bubbled in the grass. With a
breath that tore in my throat I stepped forward to pick up a scrap of gold that
glistened in the clear water, and held it out to Conn.
"It's from his
horn!" I said, marvelling at the three-spiralled gold ring.
Without a word, Conn
took it from me, and gently slipped it on the middle finger of my right hand.
* * *
"Went at early
light," said Puddy, back at the camp. "Packed up his things and just
"Without even
saying goodbye?" said Conn.
"Not exactly,"
said Corby. "Sort of said it was time he made tracks. Said you two would
"Well, I don't . .
"'Course you
do," said Pisky briskly. "He said so last night. Not in so many
words, I admit, but I understood him to say that we didn't need him any more
now we knew what we were looking for . . ."
"He left you a
message," said Moglet. "Well, all of us, really. 'A direction and
some reminders' he said . . . Where's Snowy?"
So we told them.
"Glad for
him," said Puddy.
"Brave thing to
do," said Corby.
"Wish I had seen
his prince," said Pisky. "Never seen a prince . . ."
"I wish I was
brave," said Moglet. "When Snowy was here he made me braver."
Conn looked at me.
"So, now what?"
"I suppose we pack
up and go—wherever we belong," I said slowly. "Wherever that may be .
. ." I would not look at Conn. "Where's this 'direction' you were
talking about, Moglet?"
She led us over to a
flat patch of ground. There, forming a rough arrow pointing southwestish, were
six feathers. A rook's and a martlet's; a sparrow's and a cockerel's; an owl's
and a dove's.
Conn took a sighting,
then picked up the feathers one by one, scratching his head. "The
direction's clear enough, but what's the reminder? What have any of us, apart
from Corby here, got to do with feathers?"
" 'One each,' he
said," said Moglet. " 'So as we wouldn't forget . . .' "
I looked at the feathers
in Conn's hand. "Some of them do have meanings," I said. "Like
flowers . . ."
"Of course! Cock
feather for courage, owl for wisdom; martlet's traveller's luck; dove . . .
"Or fidelity,"
said I. "Sparrow is for fecundity—Lots of babies," I explained to
Moglet, because we had been talking human-speech.
"And a rook does
nothing but chatter, so I suppose that one is for the power of speech,"
said Conn. "Well, who has what?"
I glanced at the others.
"They could apply to us all, one way and another. Why don't you just pin
them to your cloak until we discover which is which?" I said to Conn.
"Right," he
said, twisting the feathers into a badge.
"Fleur, is
everything packed up? Puddy, into my pocket! Corby, would you take a scan from
the top of that tree and see if the path is clear: in line with the oak and the
ash . . . Like a top-up before we go, Pisky? Moglet, you can run on a little until
you get tired, then I'm sure Thingy—sorry, Fleur, won't mind carrying you for a
while, I'll take the big pack, girl, if you can manage the other?"
I gazed at him in
astonishment. Here was a new Conn, very definitely in command. He caught my
gaze and winked. "Amazing what a few feathers will do, isn't it?"
We left that enchanted
place in early summer, but when we left its shelter we found that the world
outside was still in early spring and none too warm.
For the first few miles
I missed both Snowy and The Ancient, maddening magician that he was. Sometimes
I would look up, half-expecting to catch a glimpse of our unicorn. But I knew
in my heart that he had gone for ever, and gradually his loss became less hard
to bear. But Conn kept up a fast pace with Corby calling out the route from
overhead. Moglet continually got lost in the bushes chasing inviting smells.
Pisky demanded to stop every time we came to a likely pond. We also had to buy
provisions in the first village we came to, and I had Conn's shirt and my shift
to wash as well as a rip in his hose to mend.
We travelled the way The
Ancient had indicated, and were happy in each other's company as every day the
light grew stronger, the sun rose higher and the land burgeoned. Every day the
animals grew stronger, braver, more capable of providing for themselves, and
every night they slept nearby and every morning I found it easier to talk to
Conn than to remember their speech, and forgot to remember why . . .
Until one day, just
after Conn's Easter Feast. It had been cold at night and sharp during the day
for a week. Spring had held back her buds, but that morning we awoke to a
change of wind; a warm southerly breeze shook the pale catkins and ruffled my
hair. We had been climbing a small escarpment under a hazy sun, and at midday I
suggested we sit under the trees for bread and cheese.
"Can we go just a
little further?" asked Puddy, restlessly shifting on webbed feet.
"And a bit to the left?"
"What's 'a little
"I don't know; just
a feeling. Can we?"
If only I had said
no—but would it have been any different in the long run?
Instead I picked him up
in my hands and followed his directions, the others trailing behind. The land
dropped away into a sandy slope, rock-strewn and gorse-covered. Beyond lay scrub,
marsh, two ponds—
"Oh, Puddy," I
said. "Not yet, not yet!"
"But this is the
place," he said simply. "My home."
"You can't! We
belong . . ."
"Yes. We belong,
and always will. But I had a picture in my mind, and this is it. Sorry, Thing
dear, but this is where I want to live out the rest of my life." He looked
up at me. "You wouldn't want to deny me this?"
I shook my head, not
trusting any other form of communication.
"Glad for
you," said Corby. "Hope it's as easy for the rest of us . . ."
"Nice ponds,"
said Pisky. "But too shallow for me, I suspect; a king-carp wants a larger
territory. Still, I'm pleased you have found your destiny so soon. May luck go
with you, my friend: cool summers and warm winters and food and company
whenever you need it."
said Moglet.
"Good place for
toads, I should think," said Conn. "Shall I carry him down to the
nearest pond?"
"Next one's
best," said Puddy. "Doesn't dry up in a drought, as I remember . .
But I had to carry him,
not anyone else. Making my way down between rocks and yellow gorse I trod upon
the soft sand where all about me were the tracks of other creatures:
water-birds, lizards, frogs, newts, grass snake, and I saw several toads bound
on the same journey as Puddy. A brimstone butterfly brushed my cheek and joined
another dancing towards the bright waters. Midges patterned rhythmically above
our heads.
Gently I set Puddy down,
looking for the last time at that warm, warty little body, the bright eyes, the
tapered toes, the gulping throat, and the slight, light scar where the emerald
had lived for so long. The wind was soft, the water ruffled with cat's-paws,
and all around bird-song, the calling of frogs late, toads early.
"Oh, Puddy," I
said. "I didn't realize how much it would hurt!"
Conn came over and
tickled his finger under Puddy's chin. "Goodbye, old comrade: it was fun
travelling together. Now, go and find a nice young lady toad . . ." I
doubted if Puddy understood, for Conn was speaking human. "Come on, girl,
he'll be just fine now."
But I knelt and cupped
Puddy in my hands once more. "I love you," I said.
"Me too,
human." He nodded at Conn. "I understood . . . Our ways are different
now, but I shall not forget. It was good, was it not?" And he jumped from
my hands and waded into the pond, turning at the last moment. "May your
destiny be near," he said formally, "and me and mine will always live
in peace with you."
"And I with
you," I answered, equally formally. "And all creatures that share
water and land shall be my concern and that of my children and theirs for ever
"Thanks. Can I have
my feather? The rook's, I think: I have rather got out of the way of speech, of
gossip . . ."
My fingers trembled as I
unfastened the feather from Conn's jacket. "I'll stick it here, so you can
see it when you come out of the pond . . ."
"Remember me!"
he said, and I watched the gallant little form, moving a little stiffly, for he
was well into middle-years, toad-time, swim down and down into the depths until
he was hidden from view.
From then on it was as
if I had forgotten how to speak to his kindred. I could never again, as long as
I lived, converse with them as I had once done.
But Moglet snuggled up
to me and whispered: "I'll never leave you . . ."
* * *
It was Corby's turn
After three days the
wind changed yet again and came gusting in from the northeast, and farmers were
looking anxiously at their orchards as the trees tossed and troubled, blossom
falling too soon. One morning Corby declined breakfast, but stretched and
flapped his wings, rising a few feet, then sinking down again, his eyes bright,
his head restless.
"It's no use,"
he said at last. "I shall have to go; the winds are calling . . ."
"Oh, no, Corby! Not
you, too!" I cried.
"Me too, lass. You
knew it had to come."
"But so soon!"
"Human years are
not crow years; I'm not a youngster any more, you know." It was true:
around his bill, and under his wing where the sapphire had been, the feathers
were greying. "The winds tell me of that village I was speaking of, remember?
And I know my brethren are waiting: I can hear them call down the wind. You
wouldn't deny me that, now would you?"
What could I say? But I
tried to put him off, till tomorrow, next week—
"The winds are
right and I can smell my way home. If I wait . . ."
"But—I shall never
see you again!"
"Who knows, who
knows . . . Better choose a feather, I s'pose . . . Give us the martlet's:
traveller's luck, that's what I need." And he tucked it under his wing,
where it blended with the rest of his feathers.
I wanted the others to
help me to persuade him to stay, but once again they played me traitor.
"Fly the air like
water," said Pisky. "And may you have food a-plenty, comradeship, and
your choice of the ladies."
said Moglet.
"Fare you
well," said Conn. "Enjoyed your company, bird . . ."
I sank to the ground and
held out my arms and he waddled to my lap, his beak nibbling my ear. "Now,
come on then, human: your life lies ahead of you too, you know . . . We all
knew this had to happen sooner or later, didn't we? Me and mine will always
live in peace with you . . ."
"I love you,"
I said, and he walked from my lap and rose into the air, at first clumsily,
then as a gust of wind caught him, riding the currents easily.
"Me too!" he
cried. "It was fun, wasn't it? Remember me . . ." and he spiralled
upwards and then headed northeast into the wind, and the sun hurt my eyes so I
could not see for the tears.
"The winds be with
you," I said unsteadily. "And all creatures that fly the air shall be
my concern and that of my children and theirs for ever more . . ."
But from then on it was
as if I had forgotten how to speak to his kindred and I could never again, as
long as I lived, converse with them as I had once done.
For days after, whenever
I saw an untidy bundle of crow on the ground, or heard their harsh cry or
watched their erratic flight in the air, my heart beat faster, hoping against
hope that it was Corby. But it never was.
There was no bright
destiny waiting for me that I could see. But I had Pisky still, trapped in his
bowl, and my beloved Moglet.
And every night now she
snuggled up to me and whispered: "I'll never leave you . . ."
The Loosing: Fish
The Lake by the Castle
During the next six
weeks I was lulled into a sense of false security, for the four of us travelled
undisturbed and undivided. There seemed no change in anyone although there was,
so subtle that I did not note it at the time. Every day, imperceptibly,
Moglet's and Pisky's voices dimmed to me and more and more I heard Conn's. I
grew stronger in body, more capable of walking the distances he demanded and,
in secret, I bought a mirror at the first opportunity and it was as The Ancient
had said: I was pretty, or at least not ugly. I begged silver from Conn for a
new dress, sandals, a fillet for my hair and he indulged me without quibble,
for we had plenty of dragon-gold to spare.
Once or twice I asked
where we were bound, but he only answered that he followed The Ancient's
directions. Still, it was pleasant travelling, for the weather was warm and I
did not have to decide anything. There was one puzzling factor: Conn had never
again referred to the contract between us; at first I was glad not to have to
think of an answer, then I became a little uneasy, and at last I became
downright anxious. Had he forgotten? Did he think, perhaps, that my
metamorphosis from masked hunchie to presentable female absolved him? Was the
new me—because less pitiable, less dependent—less attractive to him also? I
longed to ask and almost succumbed once or twice but held my tongue. I had rather
anything than be rejected, for my love, dimmed and almost forgotten sometimes
in the trials we had endured, nevertheless had always burned true and clear.
Every day when I woke I
checked first to see whether he was awake, perhaps to dwell on his sleeping,
unprotected face, mouth calm under the curling red moustache; to watch the
fluttering lids, so white against the lean brown cheeks; to touch, perhaps, the
unruly curls that framed his head; and then, when he was awake before me, to
note with delight the flash of those red-brown eyes, so clear, so positive; and
all the while to watch the taut grace, the economy of movement, the sudden,
fierce aggression. Had he some goal in mind that did not include me? I tried to
remember what he had said that last night round the fire with The Ancient, when
we had all eaten those tongue-loosening mushrooms, but could recall very
little—something about healing instead of fighting? Memory teased at the
fringes of consciousness, a cat's paw under the curtain.
The beginning of the
Month of Maying, Beltane was warm, very warm, and it was with relief that we
crested a hill and saw a castle off to our right, the town beneath us.
"Cool ale,"
said Conn. "And a fresh shirt. This one is in tatters."
"I need more needle
and thread," I said. "And more provisions all round."
"Houses mean
mice," said Moglet. "And things . . ." She did not specify what.
I looked at her. My
kitten no longer, she was grown of a sudden to a full-size cat, small maybe,
and dainty, but nevertheless mature.
"Did you say there
was a castle?" asked Pisky. "A real one? Lemme see, lemme see . .
He was growing out of
the bowl I obligingly raised, and he now had twelve snail retainers. His fins
were bright red, not gold, and they waved like the pennons on the litter we saw
being carried down from the castle towards us.
Pisky contemplated the
castle and gave a bob of satisfaction, then his eyes slid sideways. "Is
that gleam over there a lake by any chance?"
"Er . . . yes, I
believe it is . . ."
"With trees all
around, and a sunny bank covered with flowers?"
"Why, yes: but you
can't possibly see—Oh, Pisky . . ."
"I only
"I know what you
asked! And I won't let you! You can't walk over there, and I'm not going to
take you, and besides the castle probably belongs to someone important and they
will chase us away . . ."
I had been standing on
the bank to let the litter go by. It swayed with white and gold curtains and
was accompanied by six men-at-arms riding before and behind. Conn bowed
courteously as it passed, the dust from flying hooves powdering his boots. I
was so busy reprimanding Pisky that I shook his bowl, to emphasize my
displeasure, and water splashed over my bare feet and I had to rescue a snail.
There was an unseen command and the liner came to a lurching stop, and twelve
unprepared horsemen reined in their skittish mounts with difficulty on the
narrow path. The curtains of the litter parted and a dumpy little lady with her
grey hair drawn back in an optimistic bun leant out. She spoke to one of the
escort and he beckoned to us.
"The Lady Rowena
wishes to speak with you!"
Conn held out his hand
to me and slowly I descended the bank, Pisky's bowl in my hands, Moglet keeping
pace safely from beneath my skirts. I curtseyed then looked up at the lady
shyly. She had merry eyes, a round red face full of fine wrinkles, a generous
mouth, and surprisingly looked all-over untidy. The gown she wore, though of
stiffened silk, did not sit prettily on her overweight figure, the rings on her
fingers were either too tight or too loose, hair wisped about her face because
the pins in her bun had come out and she was eating sweetmeats out of a box and
dropping the crumbs in her lap. But her voice was surprisingly young, clear and
"My dears . . . You
did not mind me stopping you to have a word?" She didn't wait for a reply,
but first dabbed at her sticky mouth with a linen cloth, then ineffectually
flicked at the crumbs. "Oh dear, oh dear, I am so . . . Now, what was I
saying? Ah, yes. Stopping you . . . You did say you didn't mind? But I
thought it was—yes, it is!—just what I have been looking for all
these years! I send my men far and wide, and seven years ago I was all but
promised . . . He said it had been stolen: probably kept it for himself, if the
truth were known . . . Inferior ones I have been offered from time to time, but
this!" She tumbled out of the litter, all skirts and grey hair and crumbs,
and clasped her hands round Pisky's bowl. "A king! A king Magnus golden carp!
And in such condition! A youngster, not more than twenty years old—they
take an unconscionable time a-growing, my dears—and this one has fifty—nay,
seventy or more years to go and may end up as long—as long as my arm! And who
would have thought . . . It's my birthday, you see, and I had meant to treat
myself to some more . . . But no matter. Just to see him is sweetmeat
enough! Here, my handsome fellow: a crumb of something special . . .
There!" And she dropped a sliver of sweet stuff from her sleeve into his
"What does she say,
what does she say?" said Pisky excitedly, between further offerings.
I translated the
relevant bits, adding: "And she talks more than you do, even!" in
human speech, but luckily she was casting about for the combs to fasten her
hair at the time and didn't hear me. The combs and pins were all scattered in
the dust, and she and Conn bumped heads companionably a couple of times before
they were all retrieved.
I put my nose up against
Pisky's: "And she's not having you," I added, but he was not
listening either.
"There now, that's
better!" said Lady Rowena, at last, patting a precarious pile. "And
now—why, I don't even know your names! A handsome knight and a pretty young
lady, a king among fish and—ah, yes! I thought so: a little cat, and so dainty,
too . . . There must be a story to tell here . . . Now, come: I have quite lost
interest in a trip to town; we must all go back to the castle and have some
refreshment. My husband must see the fish! You, dear child, squeeze up beside
me in the litter . . ."
And so, without going
willingly at all, resisting her blandishments in my mind, I nevertheless found
myself being carried back to the castle among the crumbs and scattered
cushions, with a suspicious Moglet on my lap and Pisky's bowl cradled in hers.
She chattered all the way to the keep, and although she asked questions she
never quite waited for all the answers and by the time we were introduced to
her husband, the lord of the manor of Warwek, she had twisted our names to
Connie (me) and Flint.
Sir Ranulf was as tall,
thin and cadaverous as his wife was short, plump and rosy, but his eyes were
brown and kind. "Now then, Rosie dear, don't bewilder the young people . .
"Now, would I!
But see here, Ranny darling, what the young lady has brought with her!"
She exhibited Pisky, who was now beside himself, aware that all eyes were
admiring. He pranced and danced, curved and pirouetted, rose and sank, fluted
his fins and tail and pouted and gasped, till I muttered that he would run out
of air.
"Shan't! But I want
to see the water she talked about. Ask them, ask them, Thing dear!
I knew I had lost the
battle as soon as they led us to the lake. It was large and calm, its northern
side some hundred paces from the castle, shallow, reed-fringed waters dipping
to a deep centre. On the eastern side were thick trees, to the south a smooth
hillock and to the west the land sloped gently away. There were water lilies, a
little artificial island, an arch of rocks, again artificial, and the water was
warm and clear. A moorhen with her half-grown chicks swam away from the reeds
at our approach and two black swans, younglings, curved to their high-winged
"Down in
there," said the Lady Rowena, pointing down into the water, "there
are twenty-five assorted fish, including three young golden carp princesses. My
collection . . . It is mating-time now, and the water is the right temperature
. . ." and she knelt down and pulled up her sleeve, testing the lake with
her elbow, just like a nurse trying the water for a babe.
Sir Ranulf stood
watching her, twirling the ends of his moustache. "Loves 'em, you know.
Never had any children . . . Pity. Spends all her time caring for the fish.
Feeds 'em every evening, rain or shine. Designed all this herself. Been looking
for one like yours for years. Pride of her collection and all that. Still . .
"Now then,"
she said, "I should love him above all the others; I can't help thinking
of those carp princesses waiting too . . . They are a little larger, being
females, and they usually spend their time near the western bank, under the
lily-leaves, just hoping . . . But I could never try to persuade these darlings
to part with him against their will!"
"It's his
decision," I said, knowing all the while what that decision would be, for
he was leaping about now like something possessed. "Oh, Pisky, dear one,
is this what you really want?"
"Lemme see
first," he said, and gently I lowered his bowl to the waters and with a
flash of silver belly he was gone. We waited for five minutes, for ten, for
twenty . . . Oh, Pisky! I prayed for his return, I prayed for him not to like
it, for disillusion to overcome the invitation of the lake. Conn looked at me,
and in his expression I read that I was wrong.
"It's right, Fleur
love," he said, and at that moment Pisky's head popped out of the water at
my feet.
"Oh, Thing dear,
you've no idea how beautiful it is! Everything laid on! There are waters deep
and cool, waters shallow and warm and a veritable underwater garden to
exclusive design, with tall spawning-trees just to fin! And I found them, the
lady fish: they are a beginning, a beginning! Oh, dear one, my father, my
grandfather, my uncles, my great-grandfather—they never had it so good! A fish
could be happy here for a hundred years, he could found a generation that would
last a thousand . . ."
I turned to Lady Rowena.
"He wants to stay," I said, and my throat tightened on the words,
thick with unshed tears. "A gift for your birthday."
Her face lightened with
joy, and she bent to tickle Pisky's chin, very gently. "Bless you, King
"Can I?"
"Pisky," I
said. "You don't have to ask . . ."
"Good manners . .
"Yes," I said.
"You always had those . . . Oh, Pisky, are you sure?"
"Sure as snails . .
. Which reminds me: can I have them, please?"
I submerged his bowl in
the water. "There; let them crawl out in their own good time."
"Now. I am king
of the lake!" And, sure enough, the bowl was empty in double-quick time as
I teased out the last of the weed.
"There, dear one .
. ."
"Thanks . . ."
He whirled away, but in a moment he was back, balancing on his tail. "It
was a tremendous experience, wasn't it? I rode the winds with a dragon . . .
Bless you both, and you, cat. I love you. Remember me!" and he was
away, lost forever to me beneath the water of his lake. I plucked the sparrow
feather from Conn's jacket and stuck it in the earth at the water's edge.
"I love you,
too," I said unsteadily. "The waters give you peace . . . And all
creatures that swim the waters shall be my concern and that of my children and
theirs for evermore . . ."
But from then on it was
as if I had forgotten how to speak to his kindred, and I could never again, as
long as I lived, converse with them as once I had done.
* * *
They asked us to stay at
the castle that night, and the Lady Rowena found me a gold pin and a pearl
necklace she wanted me to have, but we pleaded urgent travel and refused both
hospitality and gifts, and left them with her searching for ant's eggs for her
"children" and spent the night in the nearest hostelry. I could not
bear the thought of being so near to Pisky as to want to go and scoop him back
into his bowl . . .
"Do you think he's
all right?"
"The best of them
all, so far." I didn't like the last two words. "He's found his
kingdom. Be glad for him!"
"Oh, I am, I
am!" I said, the stupid tears pressing hard behind my eyes, all the while
cuddling my beloved Moglet, who had whispered earlier: "I'll never, ever
leave you!"
"But I do miss
"That's not what
you said when you had to carry him all those miles without spilling!" said
"That was
different." And it was. "He will—he will live for seventy
"And found a
dynasty. All of whom will be exactly like him, down to the smallest tiddler
who, in hundreds of years to come, will bore his great-great-great-grandchildren
with the tale of his great-great-great-grandfather who spoke to dragons and,
for a little while, carried a Dragon-Pearl . . ."
"You're laughing at
"Perhaps just a
little . . . But think of it rationally, Thingy—sorry, I just can't get used to
the 'Fleur' bit after all this time—if you can. Three creatures: a toad,
happily basking in the sun in the company of his friends, and probably already
having contributed to the increase of the toad population, is sitting with his
eyes shut digesting some horrible insect, and remembering happily his moment of
glory with the Walking Trees; he's home, and has no more headaches . . . Then
there's that great crow, soaring happily over the cliffs somewhere, enjoying
the feel of the wind under his once-crippled wing; remembering, too, his part
in the White Wyrme adventure; beneath him, somewhere, his mate is on the eggs
that will produce other Corbys. He is fulfilled. And Pisky: his own kingdom,
able to eat what he wants, when he wants, a harem attendant on every wish, and
memories of a dragon, and of rescuing you from that thing in the water—Dear
Christ, girl, let them be! It's just selfishness to want them back!"
"I know," I
said, cuddling Moglet tight. "I know . . ."
The Loosing: Cat
A Gain and a Loss
In the morning Conn
declared his intention of going to buy a horse. "We're travelling too
"To where?"
"How should I know?
The way The Ancient pointed us."
"But why the
"I don't know that,
either. I just feel that something is waiting. And . . ." He hesitated
"Today I am going
to buy a horse."
So we went to the
market, held in the square. How he knew, I do not know, but it was the monthly
horse-trading fair and we dodged hooves as they were trotted up and down, some
still shaggy with winter. There was no other stock; on inquiry I found that
apparently one week it was fowl and pigs, the second sheep and goats, the third
cattle and the fourth horses. I left Conn watching the trading and wandered
among the other stalls, Moglet under my cloak, buying eggs, salt, cheese,
bread, honey and my needles and thread. I found some excellent cured pork and
bought a small sack of oatmeal; it would hardly fit in my hard-pressed
haversack, but I reckoned if Conn found a horse we should have saddlebags as
I reached the pens where
the last of the horses were being held; there were a few left, the dregs by the
look of it, but I glanced at them all, nevertheless. One never knew—Perhaps,
that one in the corner . . . A pale mare, filthy dirty, with matted mane and
tangled, soiled tail, her ribs sticking through her coat; unclipped, uncared
for. I moved over, pushing the others aside, and pulled a tuft of grass from
the stones outside the pen.
"Here, girl . .
." She did not raise her head. I coaxed. "Here my beauty . . ."
The Roman nose lifted, dark brown eyes regarded me steadily, warm breath blew
in my face. "So it's Beauty, is it? Here, take it . . ." Gently she
lipped the grass, no snatching. I studied the collar marks that had seared the
skin, the missing slashes of hair on the rump where the switches had bitten
deep. "Here, Beauty, let's see . . ." I took the jaw and opened the
mouth; six, seven years old, no more. She blew at me again, searching for
response. "I can't talk your language, sorry . . ." But I blew back
gently and brushed aside the ragged forelock, then slipped into the pen beside
her, to run my hands down her legs, lift the hooves to look for rot, try the
lameness test, legs held bent tight for a minute. She was basically sound, as
far as I could see, but had been badly neglected, was weak with winter fasting
and hard work. I had hooked my haversack over the nearest post, now I popped
Moglet on top. "Keep an eye open; I'll be back in a minute."
Conn was watching a
rangy chestnut being run up and down, all rolling eyes and flaring nostrils,
ears laid back.
"Mettle, yes, but
temper too. Did you find anything?"
He turned. "Was
outbid on quite a nice grey, but I decided I would only pay twenty silver
pieces top, and he went for twenty-two. You don't think this one . . . ?"
"No," I said
firmly. "All fire and no heart; short-winded too, I shouldn't be
surprised. Come on, I've found one to show you." I dragged him back to the
pen and led him over to the corner. "See? There's a good horse lost under
all that hair. She's been hard-used, but with a little feeding-up . . ."
"She wouldn't carry
your kitten, let alone you or me! She's clapped-out!"
I leant forward and
pulled at her halter. "You're not, are you, Beauty?"
"Beauty?" He
managed to make it sound utterly ridiculous.
"Yes, Beauty."
The mare gave a soft whinny and lipped at Conn's sleeve. He moved back,
frowning, then suddenly leant forward and pulled aside her forelock.
"I don't believe
it! I-just-don't-believe-it . . ."
I pulled at his sleeve.
"Don't believe what?"
"Look here—there,
on her forehead. Yes, there . . ."
There was a silvery
patch arranged in a peculiar radiating whorl.
"Is that
But Conn was dancing
around like a mad thing. "Special? I'll say it is! And of course she's
Beauty, you were right there. When I got her in the Low-Lands she was booty,
and that's what I called her: 'Booty' or 'Beauty.' Seems she still knows her
name. She ran off when—" He stopped abruptly.
"When the witch . .
. ?" I prompted.
"Yes. Well—The
horse got frightened by her fireworks and I never thought to see her again.
Yet, here she is. I'm sure of it." He snatched a wizened apple from my
pack and offered it to Beauty, who again took it gently and scrunched it
happily, allowing him to pass his hands all over her. "Hmm . . . a bit of
muscle strain in the right shoulder. No problem. Well, well, well . . ."
"You're sure it's
"Quite. Here's the
little knot in her shoulder where she was nicked by an arrow just before I got
her. How's my old Booty, then?" and the beast nuzzled his shoulder only to
start back nervously, flinging her head up, as a diminutive man came and
perched himself on the pen rails.
"Thinking of buying
'er, then?" He had a cold. "Shouldn't. Not with 'er 'istory. Three
owners already from 'ereabouts she's 'ad, and not a one satisfied. No good to
none of them, she's been. Some feller east of here found 'er eighteen months
back, tried 'er with the plough—"
"The plough!"
snorted Conn.
"No good,"
continued the snuffly little man, nodding his head. "Got a good price for
'er though, none knowing 'er 'istory. Second feller, Wyngalf, tried putting her
in shafts: no good. Still got a decent price, 'cos she were a looker, then.
Peterkin's 'ad 'er overwinter—couldn't even put 'er to 'is stallion, she
weren't 'aving none. No good for anything, if you asks me . . ."
"Perhaps not round
here," said Conn, sarcastically. He ran his hand over the scarce-healed
weals on her quarters. "Doesn't look to have been well-treated."
"That Peterkin's a
violent man, 'e is. 'Eard 'im say as 'e'd carve 'er up for meat 'imself if she
didn't fetch ten of silver . . ."
"Well," said
Conn. "In spite of what you say, I've a mind to her."
The man jumped down from
the rails. "Don't say as I didn't warn you, then." He shuffled off,
then looked back. "'E'll ask fifteen, but'll take ten . . ."
Conn tossed him a coin.
"Thanks for the advice. Get something for that cold of yours . . ."
We got her for the ten
pieces of silver: no one else was interested beyond knacker's price. Afterwards
Conn bought second-hand bridle, saddle and saddle-bags cheaply and led her to
the nearest stables to give her a rub down, clean and file her hooves, curry her
mane and tail and bed her down with oats and a bran-mash. "We'll spend
another night here," he said cheerfully. "Give her time to get used
to the saddle again tomorrow. See if the inn can put us up again, will
"I'll leave the
haversack with you, then," I said, setting it down. "And come back
and let you know. Come on, Moglet . . . Moglet? Oh, Conn! I've lost
He stopped rubbing
Beauty down, hearing the anxiety in my voice. "She was with us at the
pens, because she hopped off the haversack when I gave Booty that apple. Don't
worry, she can't have gone far. Just got lost in the bustle, I expect. She'll
turn up."
Frantic, I ran back to
where the horses had been corralled: no kitten-cat. I wasted time asking
passers-by whether they had seen her; some were sympathetic, others just stared
or tapped their foreheads significantly. I asked at every open doorway I could
find, but still no cat. There were a couple of tabbies, a black and white, a
ginger torn, but no multicoloured striped/brindled/spotted cat like Moglet. At
last, almost crying, I went back to the stables, where I found that Conn had
spread out some sacking in a corner and laid out bread, pies and ale.
"No inn tonight.
Too late to get a decent lodging," he said, seeing from my face how miserable
I felt. "We'll have a bite to eat and then I'll have a look with you for
that wretched animal of yours." He was only teasing with the
"wretched," I knew that, but I couldn't stop myself.
"You don't care
about her!" I sobbed. "You don't care about me, either! Now you've
got that—that wretched horse of yours back again all you can think about is
going off adventuring! You don't need us anymore . . ."
"Don't be
silly!" He was quite sharp with me, a fact that set me wailing again.
"Of course I care; but she'll be back—and, if not, don't you think she
might have found something she wants to do, somewhere she wants
to go? She's got the use of her paw back now and this town is full of nooks and
crannies where mice hide out. She's probably out hunting her dinner—"
"She may have been
"Why on earth would
anyone want to steal a scrawny little scrap like that? Be sensible!"
But I didn't want to be
sensible, all the more so because although he had been quick to assert that he
did care about Moglet, he still hadn't mentioned me . . .
I ran out into the
street, darkening now, with shadows deep in the alleyways. "Moglet!
A little figure, tail
high in greeting, came running down the centre of the road. "I'm here:
stop shouting!"
I scooped her up into my
arms, my heart beating more wildly than hers, and now that I had her safe I
scolded her like a mother who has snatched her child from under the hooves of a
runaway horse, anger proportionate with relief. "You're naughty! Where on
earth have you been? You had me worried sick—didn't you hear me calling?"
"I was hunting . .
. Two mice! And I was invited into a house for supper. Such nice people!
They fussed over me as though I belonged to them and had been lost, and in
truth it did feel like some place I had been before. There is a girl
there, younger than you perhaps, and she can't walk properly—like me when I had
the stone in my paw. The back of their house leads down to the river and it's
there, in their mill, that I caught the mice. And the miller's daughter, the
one who is crippled, was watching him work and he saw me catch the mice and put
me on her lap for a cuddle. And he has a little cart to wheel her in, because
she can't walk, and I went back to their house in the cart with her, and they
gave me a bowl of cream, real cream! Then they let me out, and the girl was
sad. And then I heard you calling and I came . . ."
I had never heard Moglet
talk so fast, so excitedly, nor had I been able to understand her so well for
ages. At first I was so glad to get her back that the implications of what she
was saying didn't register, but at last I understood: Moglet had found a
family, a home—
She was the one of them
all, perhaps, that I had loved the most, because she had been, then, like I was:
small, crippled, female, frightened and tatty. Now she was a full-grown cat,
quick, alert, loving and whole, and she wanted a fire to dream by, mice to
catch, a bowl of cream and a basketful of kittens to croon over and tell how
once she had been on a quest and had carried a dragon's diamond in her paw. And
the kittens would not know what a dragon was, but would listen just the same.
But she would be able to catch a spider for them and tell of the one that was
as big as a house . . .
But I could give her all
that! She could come with me and I would give her cream and shelter. She
didn't need this—or the crippled girl who had to ride in a cart. I opened my
mouth and my mind to say all this, to explain to Moglet that she mustn't be
misled by the first family who fancied a mouse-catcher, to tell her that I
needed her because I had no one else, but instead I listened to myself say:
"Well, I'm glad you're back, 'cos I've saved some pie. Tell you what,
we'll all go back and see these people tomorrow, shall we, and you can see that
crippled girl again. I'm sure she'll be glad to see you." And Moglet
purred, and lifted her face to my hand and showed her teeth and half-closed her
eyes and opened her mouth to take in all my scent, the greatest show of affection
a cat can give, and the back of my throat ached with the effort not to cry.
* * *
Magdalen was actually a
very nice girl; small, pale, with a twisted and shortened leg, but eyes that
were loving, and hands that gentled Moglet with a skill I had never achieved.
Her parents had married late in life and obviously adored their only child. The
home they lived in was one of the more prosperous in town with a large kitchen
and eating room on the ground floor, with a solar and three bedrooms above.
I began by resenting the
whole idea of the family and ended up by liking them, although I confess I was
surprised by the way they had taken to Moglet, until the wife explained.
"It's like this, my
dear; when that little cat appeared it was just like seeing a ghost! You see our
mother cat, bless her, lived to fifteen years and only passed away last winter.
She hadn't had kits for seven years and the last one she had was stolen off
this very doorstep when our Mag was seven years old, and this one is as like as
two peas, even to the one white whisker. My husband says she's a champion
mouser, like our Sue that died, and Mag just fell straight in love with her!
She cuddled her like she never did with dolls when that kitten was stolen. It
were she, though, as knew that the cat belonged to someone else, and insisted
we let her go, otherwise I'd have shut that door tight last night, bless me if
I wouldn't! As it was, she cried fit to flood the meadows when the little thing
slipped out and was away . . ."
I looked across the
solar to where the sun shafted through the windows; Magdalen had rolled a scrap
of leather into a fair imitation of a mouse, ears and tail and all, and had
attached it to a length of her sewing silks, and now Moglet was playing
catch-as-catch-can among the rushes, eyes intent, body totally involved. I
realized with a pang that I had never played with her like that . . . At last
the girl drew the toy up onto her lap and Moglet followed, to settle down in
the sunshine with a yawn of delicious tiredness.
"Would you let her
have kittens?" I asked.
"First thing,"
said the father (I never did find out their proper names). "I could do
with a good mouser or two in the mill and there's plenty of the neighbours as
could do with one too; been a shortage of good ones since our Sue died."
"There's a nice
ginger tom down the road," said the mother. "He might do."
I glanced again at
Moglet; she was purring. Yes, the ginger tom "might do" very well.
The girl glanced across
at me, but her hands did not cease their caressing, I was glad to see. Her
speech was slightly impaired, but I could understand her well enough. "But
you love her too: we can't take her away. It wouldn't be right."
"She is not mine,
nor yet Conn's," and I nodded in his direction. "She is her own
creature, and as such is free to choose her own destiny. And if you will care .
. . ?"
"Always," and
she gently stroked Moglet's ears the right way so that she sighed happily and
settled deeper.
I plucked the cock's
feather, emblem of courage, from Conn's jacket and gave it to the girl.
"Let her play with this sometimes . . ."
But we had not reached
the turn in the street when there was a cry behind us and Moglet was in my
"You are leaving
For the last time I
hugged her. "But you want to stay. So, we were only leaving you without
saying goodbye because we thought it was best. Besides, I hate goodbyes . .
She looked up at me.
"You don't mind? I thought . . . I thought . . ."
"Of course we mind!
Don't be silly!"
"But I always said
. . ." she hesitated.
"That you would never
leave us," I supplied. "But—but she definitely needs you.
She—she hasn't a dragon to cure her of that poor leg, and because you were
crippled once you will be able to understand her better. And I am cured, and
I—I have Conn."
"I still promised
never to leave you . . ."
"And I said all
sorts of things. And meant them, at the time. Circumstances change, my dearest
one, and so do we."
"You won't cry, and
call me back?"
"I can't promise
not to cry, but I will try not to call you. But if I do, and you hear me, just
ignore it . . . You may miss us too, you know."
"Oh, I will, I
will!" and the little wet nose touched mine. "Always . . . But it was
fun, wasn't it?"
I nodded, not trusting
myself further.
"Even the bad times
. . . I'll never forget!" She purred anxiously. "Are you sure?"
"Oh Moglet! You're
grown-up now, so am I! Yes I'm sure. Go, and live your life, and kittens and
mice and cream be yours always!" I spoke the formal words. "And all
creatures that walk the earth shall be my concern and that of my children and
theirs for evermore . . ."
She licked my right ear,
briefly, rough-tongued, and then sprang down and away, back to where her new
mistress waited hopefully by the open door.
"I love you!"
"Me, too," I
"Remember me . .
." and tail up, little pale dot-and-dash under her tail the last things I
saw, she went happily to her new life.
"Oh, I will, I
will!" and I turned to Conn and cried into his leather jacket until the
front was all damp with my tears.
But from then on it was
as if I had forgotten how to speak to her kindred, and I could never again, as
long as I lived, converse with them as once I had done . . .
The Loosing: Dragon
The Journey Home
It was a long journey,
that last one, the longest he had ever made in one haul. At first the very
flush of enthusiasm, the knowledge of his quest ended, the eager thought of
Home, carried him hundreds of miles with ease, helped by a fresh westerly.
Initially, too, it was easy to forget the hunger, the thirst, the scorching
heat as he flew nearer the sun by day, the searing cold of brittle nights, but
he had forgotten how low his reserves had become over the bitter seven years of
waiting. At first he had thought the sudden dizzy drop of a thousand feet or
so, the giddy turns of a hundred-and-eighty degrees, the retching and nausea,
were due to the weather and his inevitable weariness but at last, after an
unplanned and disorientated plunge into the black cold of a northern fjord,
which almost extinguished his fires forever, he realized that part of his
trouble was lack of nourishment. Then, also, he remembered Precept No. 137 of
Dragon-lore: never forage in a northern winter.
There was no food:
berries, a pitiful few; nuts, a mere clawful; moss and cones a bland taste, no
more, and the icy waters of the tarns and rivers gave him stomach-cramps and
hiccoughs. Vainly he searched for frog, toad, newt, fish: they were all
hibernating and sifted easily through claws grown desperate with famine as they
scooped the silt of scummy, half-frozen ponds. And all the animals were crowded
too deep in safe burrow or fled too fast to catch, and the domestic ones were
close-byred or cottage-stabled for the winter.
Somehow he kept going,
though his flights became shorter and lower, so that fanged mountains with
glaciered saliva reached hungry jaws to scrape his belly. His tired eyes were
forced to follow the slow, silver snake-wind of rivers instead of a higher scan
for the headwaters and a shorter route, and all the while a north-falling
dragon-shadow kept pace on the earth beneath, sometimes ahead, sometimes
behind, depending on sun or moon. And then came the snow, borne in from the
north in goose-feather flakes, striking across his path in cruel, blinding
flurries that weighted his back and iced-up the trailing edge of his wings till
he was forced to lie-up in a convenient pine forest for a few days, pondering
his mistake in not taking the longer, southerly route home; but it was too late
for him to change his mind for the detour would cost him precious weeks, and he
doubted whether he would now have either the strength or the memory. His
enforced stay in the forest brought him some sort of luck, however, for he
found a cache of frozen meat left by some hunter, and managed enough heated
breath to thaw out the chunks to an acceptable chewy stage, though he suffered
from indigestion for days afterwards.
But there were many,
many hundreds of miles still to go and the weather, if anything, grew worse. It
was a mere shadow of a dragon that turned due south for the last few leagues
and drifted down like a spent leaf into his own, welcoming valley. There was a
cessation of singing wind in his ears, no more rattle of sleet on his stretched
skin, no creak and flap of shedding wings. His breath no longer rasped
painfully in his throat. It was suddenly warm in this sheltered valley, though
the towering mountains that surrounded it seemed to touch the sky, their
snow-covered tips tapering to the sun.
The sun! The golden sun
that tinted the yellow skin of the villagers who crept out to look, to touch
him, to wonder as he lay at last in the dusty square under the green
Heaven-Trees that sheltered the temple. A tonk! tonk! of bells heralded more
people still and there was the smell of cedar and sandalwood. A silken robe was
slipped beneath his tired limbs. Warm, scented oils washed away the crusted
tears of effort from his eyes and the dried saliva from jaws grown strangely
slack. There was rice, too, in flat wicker baskets, but suddenly he was hungry
no longer. Hunger and tiredness had no place here. All he wanted was the
friendly scrape of scale against wing-tip, the intimate caress of spade-tail,
the warm, ashy smell. He opened his eyes and there they were: gold upon silver
upon red upon green upon yellow upon purple, breathing a fiery welcome from the
steps, the walls, the doors of the temple. He lurched forwards crying his
greeting, a clashing of cymbal and rattle of drum—
But there was no
answering greeting, no surging forward to welcome him. The dragons were not
real dragons, they were stone, they were wood, they were plaster, they were
paint. He tore his claws reaching for them and swung round and round in his
dismay until he was circled by his own disillusionment. The villagers fell to
their knees at the sight of his distress, their pigtails bobbing in the dust.
At last there was one brave, or wise enough, to come forward and explain: an
old, old man with a moustache that hung like white string to his knees, and who
lisped in the faded, once-familiar sing-song that the dragon remembered from
his childhood. He told how the last of the dragons had left the valley in his
father's father's time, taking their treasure back with them to the mountains
from whence they came, but leaving gold to gild the temple and memory to make
their likenesses.
And the tired dragon
lifted his eyes to the distant peaks and he sighed.
After a little while he
took out his pearl and looked at it for a long, long time. Then he took out the
diamond, the ruby, the emerald and the sapphire and looked at them. He rolled
the pearl on his tongue and then he put all the jewels back in the pouch under
his jaw and sighed again and then seemed to fall asleep and all the people
tiptoed away, shushing each other to let him sleep in peace.
But in the morning he
was gone, leaving only the shallow depression where he had lain and several
baskets of uneaten rice. So they painted his picture on the temple, in the one
space above the doors that was left: a small blue dragon with a red belly and a
pearl the size of the moon curled on his tongue. And they pointed out to
visitors the high peaks where he must have gone and told of his last visit,
until the paint faded from the temple in the time of their children's children
and the dragon passed into legend.
The Gleaning: Dog
“Where the hell are
we?" said Conn.
"How do I know?
You're the one who's supposed to be guiding us."
The fog lay like a
dense, muffling blanket all around. When we stopped all we could hear was our
own breathing, the chink of Beauty's harness, the stamp of her hoof.
"I'm sure I heard .
. ."
"Something. It
sounded like a dog howling. Yes, there it is again!"
"I can't—"
"Shut up, and
We were near to
quarrelling. Over the past few days our relationship had worsened, and now,
with the added uncertainty of direction, the baffling fog, the hint of
something crying in the mist, I felt I hated everything and everybody,
including Conn.
For nights I had lain
awake mourning my lost ones and he had wearied of my sullenness and misery and
told me so. And I had snapped back at him that he was unfeeling, uncaring, a
man without sensitivity—and so it had gone on. Vanished was the comradeship,
the warmth there had always been between us; instead there was a tension, a
bitterness, a resentment on my part and irritation and arrogance on his. No
longer did I wake early from sleep just to wonder at his resting form, nor
watch his lithe movements during the day, nor tease a smile from those curving
lips. No longer did he pay me little compliments, pick me a flower from the
hedge, glance at me sometimes with an unfathomable look in his eyes that made
me turn away, suddenly embarrassed. No, it had all gone as sour as yesterday's
milk and every moment we spent together drove us farther and farther apart—
There it was again, a
high, plaintive keening, a dog mourning. I shivered. Conn sighed with relief.
"We must be near a farm, a village, some habitation. That dog is tethered,
not roaming. Come on." He pulled at Beauty's bridle and started off in the
direction of the sound, me trailing miserably behind, damp and cold. Who would
have imagined weather like this in high summer?
The howl came again, but
apparently from another direction, more to the left. We stopped.
"This damned
fog," muttered Conn. "It distorts everything . . ." We listened,
and again came the keening. "Left it is," said Conn.
We found the village, if
you could call it that, after another half-hour of tripping and stumbling. The
fog, if anything, was worse. There were some half-dozen hovels, single-roomed,
and a somewhat larger farmhouse. Doors were closed, tallow-dips flared at
midday through chinks in the shutters, but no one, not even dog or cat, was
abroad. We groped our way towards the gate to the farmyard, for none but
funerals or weddings went to the front door, and all the while we heard the
keening of the dog grow louder.
"What the
hell—!" I stopped behind Conn, fighting to control Beauty, who was doing her
best to dislodge his hold, puffing and snorting and stamping her hooves, trying
all the while to sidle away from whatever it was that hung threateningly from
the tall farm gate. Peering past Conn's shoulder I saw snarling teeth, grey
hair— "Thank the Lord!" said Conn. "It's only the skin . . .
Still, one of the biggest I've ever seen."
It was a wolf-pelt, torn
with rents as if from sword or spear, and those teeth were fighting even in
death. "Poor thing," I said. The eyes had gone long since, probably
pecked out by birds. I lifted one of the huge, bony feet and the dry claws
"Poor thing, my
arse!" said Conn. "A great brute like that could even take a pony,
let alone sheep or pig. Villagers were well rid of him. Shouldn't like to come
up against such myself, without weapon."
But still I held the
lifeless paw, remembering the wolves at the Castle of Fair Delights, so long,
long ago . . . Had he forgotten so easily?
The gate was firmly
bolted, and Conn rattled the latch. "Hola! Anyone at home?" For a
long while it seemed as though the fog itself held breath, then a door opened
and shut and we heard uncertain steps across the yard.
"Who's there?"
It was a woman, the voice thin and quavery with a hint of fear beneath.
travellers, Ma'am," said Conn in his most reassuring voice. "Me
and—" he glanced at me, "—my wife, seeking shelter and a bite to eat.
And with pence in their pocket." He jingled his purse.
"Go away!"
came the uncompromising reply. "We want no strangers here!"
Conn glanced at me
again, a quick frown on his face. "Strange: a poor village that needs no
company and no copper . . ." He raised his voice again. "Bring your
lantern nearer and see that we pose no threat to you and yours. We have but one
sword and two daggers between us."
There was hesitation,
the steps retreated then advanced again, and now I could hear clearly the click
of dog's claws on the stones. I peered through a knot-hole in the thick wood of
the gate and saw a middle-aged woman, some forty years old, advancing across
the yard, lantern in one hand, a great bitch-hound on a leash in the other. She
was an old dog, with thick curly hair, a long, lean body and small ears,
obviously built for speed. I wondered if it were she we had heard howling
earlier. They arrived at the gate and the woman thrust aside a looking-panel
and gazed out at us.
Conn returned her gaze
steadily. "We mean no harm, as you can see. Just shelter for the night,
for 'tis miserable cold and dripping out here. And perhaps a bowl of broth and
bread and a handful of hay for the horse?"
"There's no hay and
no broth neither," said the woman, her eyes fearful in the wavering
lantern-light. "And no letting-in of strangers. And hasn't been since that
great devil came to the village at the turn of the year." And she
indicated the great wolf pelt. The bitch hound reared up, as tall, taller, than
the woman, and put her muzzle to the dried pelt. Gently she blew through her
nostrils, stirring the skin, making a strange growl-snarl-wail in the back of
her throat. Conn started and cursed. The dog turned her brown yellow-flecked
eyes on him, considering.
"By the Saints!
'Tis one of the Great Ones!"
"Great Ones?"
"Aye, the Great
Dogs of Hirland." As always when he was excited his voice held a singing
lilt. "By all that's Holy! Here, girl . . ." and he placed his hands
on either side of the great muzzle that poked out through the looking-panel.
The woman gasped and dropped the wildly flickering lantern, as the dog growled
softly in her throat but did not move her gaze from Conn's nor pull away from
his hold.
The woman retrieved the
still-burning lantern. "She's supposed to bite!" she whispered, her
eyes large with distress. "She's supposed to kill!"
"Not this
one," said Conn confidently. "Not with me. She's a princess, this
one, and princesses know their own . . ."
The great dog still
regarded him steadily, then whined softly and turned to look at me, her muzzle
still in Conn's hold.
"She wants
something," I said. "More than anything ever before . . . I don't
know what it is."
"She's after that
pup of hers," said the woman, and I could see by her guilty expression and
the hand she clapped to her mouth that she had not intended to speak of it.
Conn released the dog.
"What pup? Oh, come on now: you started to tell us."
She hesitated, then made
up her mind. "You'd better come in." She unbolted and unlatched the
gate. "He's away hunting . . ." She nodded back at the house, and I
presumed she was speaking of her husband. She led the way into the yard and
Conn looped Beauty's reins over a post, loosened her girths and offloaded the
Inside the hall a
cheerless fire burned fitfully, adding smoke to the fog that curled under the
door and through the ill-fitting shutters. "You see? Even the fire won't
burn true!"
draught," muttered Conn out of the side of his mouth, then he put some
coin on the table, addressing the woman. "Some bread, perhaps?"
She put the coin back in
his hand. "What I can give you will be a gift: we have tempted the Gods
far enough." From a cupboard she brought stale bread, a rind of cheese,
and from the barrel in the corner two horn mugs of sour ale. "'Tis all we
have since—" She shivered.
"Since?" Conn
prompted, making a face as the liquid touched his tongue.
"Since—What harm
can the telling do now?" She was persuading herself. "None, I reckon
. . . Well, it was like this . . ."
Like all tales it had
grown in the telling and now was so twisted and twined with her own thoughts
and local superstitions that it took two or three times as long as it should,
but the bare facts were these. It had been a late, cold spring and just before
lambing a number of wolves had pestered the village, setting the sheep and
cattle to uneasiness and the dogs to singing the night long. This was not
unusual, for many outlying villages were used to wintering packs like these, on
the scavenge. What was unusual, apparently, was that their leader was a giant
wolf, more cunning and ferocious than any seen before, who had led his
inferiors in raids of such daring that the villagers had lost three tups and
two swine before they had had time to organize themselves.
All efforts to drive the
wolves away had failed, until the woman's husband had a bright idea. His hound,
now old but still fertile, had come into season and he had staked her out one
night and watched from the safety of a tree. It appeared that the giant wolf
had not been able to resist this lure, and on the second night the husband had
gathered all the able-bodied of the village together and when the wolf returned
they had rushed in and slain him on the spot, though he had not given up
without a fight. The pelt had been borne home in triumph and nailed to the
gate. The village had celebrated, in anticipation of the routing of the wolves
and a return to normality. Not so: from that moment the cattle had suffered
from a murrain, the ewes had slipped their lambs, the hay crop had been
blighted, blossom had not taken, milk went sour between udder and pail and the
women had miscarried.
Apparently, the wolves
had disappeared, but their presence was still felt. Paw-prints were spotted in
the village street, chickens and a goat went missing, yet never was there clear
evidence. No one ever saw anything . . . Added to this, the hound was
now clearly in pup, and her behaviour so peculiar that it was suspected she was
suffering from wolf-bite. She was short-tempered, skulked in corners, cried at
night and would not hunt anymore. Eventually she whelped, one pup only. The
husband and wife were not allowed near her nest in the barn, so it was only
after the pup was able to crawl out into the open that they could see what had
happened: the pup was part hound, part wolf, and the bitch was so intensely
protective that she would still not let anyone near. Twice the husband, fearing
the wolf blood, had tried to kill it and twice the bitch had forestalled him.
But when the pup was some seven or eight weeks old, he had lured its dam with
fresh-killed hare and had tied her up; he was about to hit the pup over the
head when thick fog swirled in about them and they had heard the howling of a
wolf at noonday. The wife had warned him against shedding the pup's blood in
the face of these obvious signs and he had said: "Let his kinfolk have him
then." Hurrying across the fields to the great pit where all the village
rubbish was dumped, a deep gash in the earth with unscalable sides and a deep
pool at the bottom, he had tossed the pup down. He had heard a yelp, a splash,
then silence. He wasted no time in making for home, lantern swinging wildly,
breaking into a run when he imagined he heard the padding of feet behind him.
This had happened only
the night before last. Since then, the bitch had howled constantly, driving all
distracted, and the unlifting fog was full of wolves, grey and vengeful.
It was a strange enough
story. I looked over at Conn for his reaction, but he was frowning. The hound
stood quietly by the door, now and again scratching at the lintel and whining
softly. The wife jumped to her feet. "I shouldn't have let her loose! My
husband said to hold her fast, lest she go after the pup!" She rose to her
feet, but Conn forestalled her.
"Wait a moment . .
. Fleur—Thingy dear—what's to do?"
For a moment I was so
flummoxed with him calling me "dear" again that I could only stare,
then I pulled myself together and went over to the hound. Lifting her chin in
my hand I looked into her eyes aslant, avoiding the threat of out-staring, and
although I could no longer receive her thoughts in my mind, nor give her mine,
yet I could read puzzlement, hatred, yearning. I put my hand on top of her head
and my fingers tingled, and all became clear.
I beckoned to Conn and
he came to stand beside me, putting his hand over mine on the dog's head, then
snatching it back and shaking his fingers. "Like touching iron in a
thunderstorm! What is it?"
I kept my voice low,
looking over my shoulder at the woman, who had backed away from us. "I
don't want her to hear, otherwise they might destroy this one too . . .
Somewhere near here is a Place of Power, where the lines cross—Oh, you
know!" I said impatiently. "Don't you remember The Ancient saying
that power sometimes lies beneath our feet, neither good nor evil, just waiting
to be used?" He nodded, his eyes grave, his fingers fiddling with the
little silver cross he wore about his neck. "Well, this one, without
knowing it, has tapped the power. She grieves for her lost pup, she mourns the
great wolf that was its father, and it is she that has cursed the village,
albeit without conscious evil . . .
"You said she was a
Great One?"
Conn nodded. "In
Hirland her line is royal."
"Then would she
have the greater power . . . Poor lass!" And I kissed the wide brow while
the woman cowered behind us in terror. "You don't know what it's all
about, do you?" I whispered softly to the dog. "What's her
"He bought her from
traders, ten year back. Deirdre, they called her . . ."
"Deidre of the
Sorrows," said Conn. "I'll tell you the story sometime, Fleur."
My heart jumped and I
reached for his hand and held it tight, for all the good was suddenly back
between us. "Right now this princess is sorrowing for her pup.
He nodded and turned
back to the woman. "We are—we are going to lift the spell. But we shall
need the bitch. All right?" Without waiting for an answer he lifted the
latch and we slipped out into the fog, now denser than ever. "Which
"Follow the dog . .
Out through the gate,
down the narrow street, up on to the downs. I stumbled and fell once but
dragged myself to my feet, for the great bitch was outrunning us. Instantly
Conn whistled and she turned, ears pricked.
"Wait, girl,
After that we moved more
easily, for she kept turning, to accommodate our slower speed. Behind us the
fog closed in and I, too, could hear the pad of paws keeping pace to our right.
I looked at Conn, but he had not heard it as clearly as I. "You are going
to have to help me."
He misunderstood.
"Not far now, I shouldn't think. Here, take my arm: I won't let you fall
again, I promise."
I smiled to myself.
Darling Conn, so eager to help even if he didn't understand . . . We were
panting up a slope now and ahead of us the bitch had stopped and was whining
softly. We reached the brink of the pit and gazed down together at the
precipitous sides, the jagged boulders, the bushes dinging with precarious
roots to the few pockets of earth.
Conn dropped a stone
into the depths and counted under his breath before we heard the splash.
"It's deep: we'll need a rope."
"You go back for
one. I'll stay here."
The instant he had gone
I felt the wolf-fog close in about me. "I'm going down," I said
steadily into the mist. "He shall be brought up, never fear. Just wait,
and do not harm my friends."
Hitching my
now-cumbersome skirt into its waistband, longing for the once-despised trews
and jacket, I lowered myself over the edge, clinging to a rowan tree as I did.
I looked up at the bitch; she whined, and paced the edge of the pit. "It's
all right, old girl; stay there. Conn will know where I've gone down. I'll
bring your pup back if he's there, never fear." Slowly, cautiously, I
lowered myself down, grabbing at whatever prominence or crevice I could for a
finger- or toe-hold. It was nearer fifty feet than forty, and looking up, I
realized I could never manage the ascent without help. By a miracle, I
completed the descent without falling, and at last felt firm ground beneath my
My arms and shoulders
ached intolerably, my exposed legs were badly scratched and my nails broken,
but at least I had made it. The fog was slightly less dense at the bottom.
Piles of stinking rubbish, old bones, a broken wheel, shards of pottery,
droppings, torn cloth lay around me. Behind me was a scummy pond, dancing with
midges. Every now and again a plop! disturbed the surface, but there were no
fish here. The borborygmi from decaying matter were eructating spontaneously
from the foul depths. If the pup had fallen into that—! I moved forward and
heard, just ahead, a whining snarl. So, he was here!
Forgetting caution,
forgetting that I no longer held the power to communicate, I stumbled in the
direction of the sound, to be brought up short by bared teeth and a definite
growl. I peered through the murk; there, back against a rock, was one very
hungry seven-week pup, stomach cramped, paws thrust hard against the earth to
keep him upright, determined to fight to the last!
I crumpled to the
ground, fighting a desire to laugh. I could have eaten him for breakfast! But
still, the courage of the little thing! Recollecting myself, I feigned the
surrender position, carefully avoiding looking him straight in the eye.
"Come, little one, I mean you no harm . . ." I edged forward, my
hands held for him to sniff. As if to help, I heard his dam's whine from up
above and so did he; absurd ears cocked, he gave a little yelp, all the while
keeping his eyes steady on mine. This time the teeth were not bared, although
he shrank back as far as he could. I used all the powers I could remember to
reassure, to comfort. At last I was near enough to reach out without the smell
of fear on my fingers and stroke his muzzle.
"Come, little Great
One: I am here to take you back. It's cold and lonely down here, and up there
the world awaits you. Be brave, and let me take you back where you belong. I
promise you no harm: my man and I will keep you safe, and you will grow into a
great hound whose fame will travel far and wide. You are hungry, and your dam
waits to feed you. Come to me, and show you are my friend, as I am yours . .
." I patted my lap. I do not know how much he understood but two seconds
later I had a lapful of tired, desperate pup and a tongue sought my face and
two very dirty paws were around my neck.
Luckily he appeared
uninjured by his fall into the pit, so I wrapped us together tightly in my
shawl, and when Conn's rope came snaking down I made a loop in it and he hauled
us seemingly without effort to the top, using the rowan tree as a belayer. He
embraced us both and I released the pup, who immediately rushed over to his
dam, two days of deprivation emptying the two rows of teats in record time.
Conn watched him, still
keeping his arms around me. "You all right?"
"Fine," I
said. "Just fine!" I leaned against his shoulder, burning hands,
scarred knees and aching shoulders forgotten for the moment.
Suddenly there was a low
yipping from the other side of the pit. Peering through the fog, I thought I
could see grey shapes and the glint of yellow eyes, a prowl of wolves reminding
me that all was not yet well. I shivered for a moment then walked over to the
pup: the concave stomach was now rounded and full and as I picked him up he
once more smelt as any pup should, of fur and sunshine, warm milk and hay.
"Come on, you
two," I said. "Time to get things sorted out . . ." And I led
the way back to the village, the pup in my arms, Conn's hand round my waist,
the bitch at our side. But keeping pace, just out of sight, something moved
beside us in the fog.
Halting outside the gate
of the farmhouse I hooked the pup's paws over the top bar and motioned to the
bitch. "Up, girl!" She stretched to her full height so that now the
pup was between the pelt of his father and the head of his mother, his body
against my chest. I sensed rather than saw the woman on the other side of the
gate and knew that eyes and ears in the village were pressed against gaps in
the doors, chinks in the shutters. I took a deep breath and, summoning up
memory and instinct, spoke clearly and slowly so that all who wished could hear
and remember. Clasping the pup firmly with my right hand I raised my left, the
sinister, the magic hand, to pass from pelt to pup to bitch.
"Father, son,
mother; dog, pup, bitch; each of each and one of both; wild one, child, tame
one: here I lay the spirit of the father to rest, nevermore to roam: may he
give the little one his courage, his cunning, his hunting skills. I release the
spirit of the bitch back to her owners. May she give the little one her speed,
her wisdom, her devotion. I take this pup for me and mine. He shall be ours to
take away, ours to keep, ours to cherish. He shall never come nigh this village
again, and the curse that was laid upon this place shall vanish with his
departure, never to return . . ."
I was exhausted: all
this meant nothing in real terms, just reassurance for the villagers, the
farmer's wife. Conn slipped an arm about me and the pup, his other hand through
Beauty's bridle.
"Well done, dear
one." What the others used to call me . . . "We've done all we can
here. Give me the pup, and do you mount and ride for a while." He had no
idea that this was only the beginning . . .
We progressed slowly
down the main street, conscious that the skulking villagers spied our every
movement. The great bitch trotted at our heels, her eyes fixed on the pup Conn
was holding. I had a moment's unease; supposing . . . ?
We came to the edge of
the village and I looked back; already the fog was thinning behind us. I
slipped from Beauty's back and held out my arms for the pup. "Let me have
him, Conn."
I put him to the ground
and he gambolled over to his dam, nuzzling at the empty teats, and biting
teasingly at her ears. Elbowing him aside I knelt to the bitch and used all the
powers I had left to try to communicate, voicing the words to myself as I tried
to remember the nuances of thought communication I had once so easily used with
my friends, such a little while ago . . .
"He is old enough
to leave you now, and if you take him back they will destroy him. Let us
take him, Great One: we will care for him as one of our own and he will grow to
be the greatest hound of his time and his children's children shall hunt with
kings. Go back to your people, who have loved and cared for you over many
years, and live out your life in peace . . ."
She was listening to me,
but I could feel the power still rising through her, confusing thought.
"Give me your
hatred, your bewilderment, your fear—Conn! Pick her up in your arms high above
the ground, when I give the word—Now!" And as he did so, staggering under
her weight, I flung myself directly beneath her and covered the Power, pressing
it back to flow once more beneath the earth where it belonged. "Back, back!"
I heard my tongue use words in a language I do not remember. Slowly,
reluctantly it seemed, the tension eased. At last I nodded to Conn to put the
bitch down; she whined, looked puzzled for a moment, shook herself all over
from ears to tail, then turned towards the village.
"Back then, girl;
but first say your goodbyes to the pup. He is in good hands: make him
understand that he must not follow you."
I watched as she gently
licked his head and under his tail. Then, as he jumped up, snapping playfully,
she raised her head to us, eyes full of sorrow, then snapped back at him and
growled. He shrank bewildered into an uncoordinated heap. I longed to pick him
up and comfort him: not yet, not yet! The bitch turned and trotted off
purposefully towards the village, and after a moment the pup gathered his feet
together and stumbled after her. Conn started forward but I clutched his arm.
"It's all right: wait . . ."
The pup reached his
mother: she checked and turned. For a moment I feared, then as he attempted to
nuzzle her she growled again and nipped him sharply in the flank. He yelped,
and for a moment did not know where to turn, then came pelting back to us, ears
back, tail between his legs, the whites of his eyes showing. I picked him up.
"He has chosen . . . Conn, a rind of cheese from the pack!" I cuddled
him, feeding him a scrap of cheese from my fingers, then deliberately walked on
up the down, Conn following with Beauty. Once, I looked back. The bitch stood,
just within misty vision, gazing at us. "Go on, girl," I willed.
"Back home. And forget . . ."
She turned, and went her
We reached the top of
the down and the fog was still with us. But now it had a different quality;
before, it had blanketed all in still, grey anonymity, now it had shape. The
pup shivered in my arms and Beauty flung up her head fretfully. Only Conn was
steady as a rock at my side, asking no questions, trusting me.
I halted. "This is
the place."
"The place?"
"The boundary
between the village and their world. Listen!"
All around us the fog
was advancing and retreating; paws rattling, tails swishing; whining, yapping;
ears laid back, eyes yellow; teeth bared, tongues lolling—
"Dear God!"
muttered Conn. "Are they real?"
"More or less. Take
Beauty up to that small hawthorn and tether her tight, otherwise she will
panic. They won't hurt either of you: they are only interested in the pup. I'll
be all right . . ."
Brave words . . . Now I
was alone with them. The pup lay quiet in my arms but now and again a shiver
ran through him and a little trickle of warm wet ran down my arm. But he was
trying hard to hide his terror and in that moment I accepted him as one of us.
The wolf-fog swirled
closer and now I was truly alone, for no longer could I see either Conn or
Beauty, some hundred yards away. The beasts were becoming braver, encroaching
on the unwritten empty space that humans keep between themselves and other
creatures, beyond which none may come unless invited. A tail brushed my leg, a
muzzle snatched at my skirt, a paw struck my arm.
"Enough!" I
said, and used a Word of Command, one that our Mistress had used.
The fog hesitated then
steadied, and I had my space again. Remembering the witch's spells, The
Ancient's commands, the bond that had existed between me and my friends, and
now, most of all, the memory of Snowy, I summoned up all my strength. "I
am not calling you back, dear one," I said in my mind, "for that I
know is forbidden, but please give me what help you can . . ." Instantly,
or so it seemed, the middle finger of my right hand itched intolerably.
Absentmindedly I reached to scratch and touched the golden band around it. I
felt a charge go through me. Touching the pup on the head with Snowy's ring, I
boldly set him down at my feet.
"Once, long
ago," I said to the fog, "you and yours said you were mine to command
until a certain debt was repaid. The debt is still owing. I was also promised
that when my need was great, one would come. I have him here: the answer to a
need, the repayment of the debt." The words were only in my mind, but I felt
their meaning ring round the circling mist. "This pup before you is not of
yours; he is neither dog nor wolf, and as such is only acceptable to such as
we. Let him go! His dam has released him: now it is your turn! This pup before
you, sired by your dead leader, now belongs to me and the man who—"
The man who now strode
urgently through the mist to my side, wading carelessly through tails and
muzzles, to stand with sword drawn, his other arm encircling my waist.
"You're not
tackling this on your own! We may be outnumbered, but my sword can bite as
sharp as their teeth!" He never knew how near he came to upsetting
everything, even while my heart sang with his "rescue," for as I let
my attention turn to him the thread that kept the wolves at bay nearly snapped.
In time I recalled myself.
"No need, I think,
my dear Conn . . ." I touched Snowy's ring to my lips and concentrated
again, willing a visual impression of that strange flight from the Castle of
Fair Delights. I tried to project that last meeting with the three wolves, the
bitch's last words . . . I felt the wolves about me grow still, then there was
a pause, as though they were considering. The mist thinned a little and I could
see a silent, watchful ring of animals. They sat or lay where they were as if waiting
for something to happen. A young wolf, scarce six months, became tired of the
delay and crawled towards the pup. Instantly an old bitch snapped it into
We waited. And waited.
At length, trotting
proudly through the pack, came the largest of the wolves. In its jaws were the
dangling remains of a fresh-killed hare. He halted in front of me, eyes
blazing. A pledge. I held out my hand and he laid the limp body of the hare in
front of the pup, who immediately sniffed at the still-warm body. Kneeling, I
took out my knife and, slitting open the body, brought out the liver, steaming
in the cold mist. Quickly I sliced at the meat and handed a piece to the
leader-wolf, who snapped it from my fingers. Quelling my nausea I stuffed a bit
in my own mouth and handed a piece up to Conn.
"Eat! and don't
argue. It's important . . ."
The last piece I gave to
the pup, who took it delicately and chewed likewise, his eyes never leaving the
wolf. The body of the hare still lay before the leader: in one swift movement
he snatched it up and tossed it over his shoulder, almost like a game, and
immediately the whole pack fell on it, growling and snarling till there was not
the smallest scrap of fur or bone left. The new wolf-leader looked at me, at
Conn, then slowly, deliberately, he lifted his leg and urinated on the pup and
then wheeled round into the thinning mist without looking back. One by one, in
correct pack order, the other wolves got up and followed him until at last we
were alone.
A fresh breeze blew from
the west.
said Conn, "you tell me what all that was about?" I picked up the
pup. "Pah! You smell, you poor little so-and-so! Let's find a stream and
get you cleaned up . . . Yes, I'll tell you, Conn, but shall we get out of
here? I'm hungry, and cold, and tired . . ."
Without a word he picked
me up, pup and all, and carried me over to where Beauty was waiting.
The Gleaning:
The Knight and His Lady
Journey's End
After that it was
different. We were back to the easy, gentle relationship we had had when first
setting out on our journey, when Conn had plucked me flowers from the hedge and
I had gazed at him when I did not think he would notice.
But that was all: we
were back where we started, but no further. It was just like going to all the
trouble of preparing a meal, smelling the delicious aromas as it cooked,
tasting to see that the juices blended right, preparing the table, sharpening
the knives, wiping the bowls, even putting the serving spoon into the stew—and
then, no food. Just the tantalizing smells, the salivating mouth, the
stomach-turn of anticipation, the growing hunger. And surely, just like a meal
that is kept too long, the meat would dry up, the bread go mouldy, the wine
sour, and the chief guest disappear? I was hungry for love, real love,
desperate to taste what I was sure would be the finest nourishment I had ever
been offered, sure that it would fill me to satiation: but the guest at the
meal was too polite to invite himself to dinner, and I was too proud to ask,
lest I be refused.
That was the worst of
all, I suppose, not knowing. When I had been ugly he had promised to take care
of me; when I was pretty he had tried to renew his offer but I had sidestepped,
and since then he had not referred to it again. I knew he had a journey's end
in mind where everything would suddenly be right, why else had we hastened all
these miles? But I was not so sanguine. Had I dreamt those moments round The
Ancient's fire when he had talked about laying down his arms? Did I imagine in
dreams that he had said he wanted to settle down with wife and children? Or had
he some other person in mind? To me, love didn't wait on destinations—if,
indeed, this were love, this funny, aching, irritating, lovely, despairing
longing that I felt.
But thankfully I could
not be introspective the whole time. We were travelling through countryside
rich with late summer, through forests where the leaves hung heavy and the
birds were almost too drowsy to sing, across streams and rivers where the trout
lay in somnolent shoals, through villages where it was too hot to do anything
but laze in the sun. Beauty grew sleek and plump, Conn and I became almost as
tanned as the Dark People and the pup grew tall and strong. We had discussed
what to call him. None of the names I tried—Misty, Silver, to do with his
colour; Hero and Speedy (hopefully his attributes)—seemed to fit. Then Conn
told me how, as a child, he had tumbled on the floor of the Great Hall of his
father's home with all the hounds and dogs and terriers, and how he had had a
chosen animal he had later hunted with and loved above the rest, one of the Great
Ones named Bran. I looked at the pup. "Bran?" I said. He wagged his
tail. So Bran it was.
He was already showing
promise. Every day Conn, firm and dedicated, taught him obedience and exploited
those skills in which he showed promise. For an hour at a time man and dog
worked like teacher and pupil, both wearing frowns of concentration, both
throwing all they had into the lessons. Then would come a break; Conn would
relax, lie back with cheese and bread and the pup would come running to me, all
smiles and wagging tail, and I laughed with him and we tussled on the ground
together until we were both exhausted. He would roll onto his back, ears
flopping in the dust and his hairless belly gleaming in the sunlight and I
would kiss his nose and pick the burrs out of his coat . . .
"You spoil
him," grumbled Conn. "He's a working dog."
"Not all the time.
You weren't a soldier every minute of every day. He's only young: he's got to
relax sometimes, just as you are doing now."
"I'm eating."
"And resting . .
"At least I'm not
playing about!"
"Children must play
sometimes; he's still only a youngster."
And then Conn would
relent and come and join us, playing with the great paws and scratching him
behind the ears. "He's going to be a beauty, just like his dam!"
But the pup would slide
his slitted yellow eyes round to mine, eyes slanting back along his head that
were pure wolf—
And so the promise they
had made, all that long time ago when they escaped from their prison in the
Castle of Fair Delights, was fulfilled . . .
* * *
And then we came to
Encancastre, that the Romans before us had called Isca, through fields heavy
with harvest and sickle Lugnosa moon at night. The town stretched away in front
of us up narrow, winding streets, a roof-pattern of thatch and wood and
tile—and the river ran away at our feet. A haze of smoke drifted down to our
nostrils and somewhere was the merry sound of pipe and drum and all the usual
hubbub of people living on top of one another: shouts, hails, laughter,
complaint; a man singing, a cow bellowing, a dog barking, a child crying—
Part of me welcomed
this, looked for the close intimacy of person to person, the comfortable
proximity of my own kind; part rejected the whole idea and wished for the
loneliness, the open spaces, the close communion that was possible between
humans and nature—or was it that I was frightened of giving myself unreservedly
to my own kind? Perhaps this had something to do with the gulf that still
existed between Conn and myself? I knew, by that extra sense that all women
have, that he was far from indifferent to me and even desired me, but I also
knew that he was ignorant of the full extent to which his feelings were
involved. I knew also that unless he was reminded fairly soon we should just
drift farther and farther apart, until—
"—so I thought it
would be fair if we split it two-thirds to you and one to myself," said
Conn, arranging the gold pieces on a convenient tree-stump. "That means
twenty for you and ten for me. I can earn my living easily enough now that I
have Booty back and sword and armour. I'll leave Bran with you for the time
being anyway, because you need some kind of protector and, although he's by no
means full size yet, I'd not like to—"
"What are you talking
He looked across at me,
puzzled. "Weren't you listening? I said that now we had reached journey's
"I don't believe
you heard a word I said!" He frowned. "A long time ago, or so it
seems, I said I knew of an army surgeon and bonesetter from my Frankish days
who had settled with his English wife in Isca and that I had a mind to learn
his trade—"
"But you just said
you were going back to fighting—"
"I said that now I
had horse and armour I could earn my living, yes, but I intend to learn the
trade of surgeon, to travel to where the battles are, fight if needs be, but to
offer my services initially as mender rather than breaker."
I was silent. My insides
had settled in a doughy lump and my head felt as if it were stuffed with
uncombed fleece. He was really going, then: I was to be left on my own.
I tried to keep my voice
steady. "I—I remember you saying you—you would see me settled . . ."
"Of course, of
course!" He looked uncomfortable at the reminder, was speaking too
heartily, would not look at me. "Well now, I've given the matter more than
a little thought in the last few days—" (I'll bet! I thought bitterly)
"—and the best idea is that I leave you with my friend's wife, who I am
sure will prove an excellent chaperone until you get settled. You will have the
gold as a nice little—dowry, or somesuch, and when you find someone—somewhere
that you want to settle—What's the matter?"
He had said once that I
had a stubborn chin: I stuck it out. "You said you would! I don't
want just any old female looking after me, either! Besides—" I had a
sudden, saving thought. "How do you know she'll agree? In fact, how do you
even know they are still there?" I warmed to the theme. "Hadn't you
better make sure that this is journey's end before you start dividing up
the dragon's gold?" And our lives, I added silently. "Why don't you
take Beauty and go up into the town and find out? Bran and I will wait for you
here." It sounded thoroughly reasonable, yet I thought he might detect the
guile that had prompted my words.
He didn't. "Very
well. You are sure you want to stay here?"
Oh yes, I was sure, very
sure. Even if the animals conspired against our parting, Beauty turning her
head twice to look back at me, and Bran whining to see them go.
"Traitor!" I
murmured, and stroked his ears. "Now, it's long past noon already, and
there is a lot to do . . ."
Further into the woods
behind the town I found what I wanted and spent a very busy two or three hours.
It was already blueing into twilight when I heard Beauty's hooves on the track.
On one edge of the world a thin silver reaper's knife peeked over to
counterbalance the gold-plated platter that was sliding away over the other
side. Between them a star blinked and yawned, ready to blaze the night, and the
air was very still: earth, sun, moon and stars in perfect conjunction and the
paths of Power beneath my feet. All boded well and it must be near, or on, the
actual feast of Lugnosa, when all good things ripened and fell to the knife and
were gathered for harvest. Not the painful, cold birth of Inbolc, nor the
frenzied coupling of Beltane, nor yet the haunted darkness of Samain, but still
a time for magic . . .
"Did you find
him?" I asked Conn as he tethered Beauty to the rowan where I had already
tied Bran. Pretending to fuss I looped the garland I had prepared over her neck
and turned for Conn's answer.
"After a fair bit
of searching, yes. His name is Hieronymus, but he is called Jeremy here, so
that complicated the search. But he is just the same, and his wife's as
charming a lady as you could hope to meet: makes three of him but still
handsome enough, and she's more than willing to take care of you—"
"And what does he
say," I interrupted, "about you learning the trade?"
"He agreed at once!
He wants us to set up in business together for a while, and says that after a
year or so I shall be able to start up on my own if I wish, or buy him out,
because he wants to return to his birthland and—"
"Well, isn't that
nice!" I said. "Just what you had hoped for!"
"You'll like them
too, darling girl. And now shall we—"
I was temporarily
sidetracked by the "darling girl" but not so much as not to try and
divert him as he moved back towards Beauty, obviously wanting us to go back to
the town straightaway. "Let's just have a last, quiet supper on our own
tonight and go and see them tomorrow first thing. I made a stew, just in case,
and baked some bread, and I saved some of that mead you liked . . ."
The smoke from the fire
drifted upwards in a careless spiral, the air was lazy and warm, and all the
scents of the earth mingled and thrust at one's senses; great hawk-wings
fluttered on teasel and late foxglove, bats swung low, and the ground was dry,
the heath springy beneath one's feet. Such a perfect, sweet-smelling night
meant unsettled weather for the next few days, especially as tabby-stripe
clouds were rising slowly in the west, but now it was perfect.
As was the place I had
Once there had been a
circle but now only the pestholes were left for those who cared to see. A minor
place of power, else there would have been standing stones instead of rotted
wood, but the rowan, ivy, holly and hawthorn were still there. There were paths
of Power beneath our feet, and Conn had seated himself unknowingly on the old
altar stone, a slab of rock half-overgrown by the ubiquitous ivy.
He stretched back, his
arms behind his head. "What a perfect night! Just right for—" He
stopped abruptly. "Er . . . Dinner ready, Thingy?"
Fine, it was going as I
had planned.
"Nearly. Why don't
you go over to the stream, down there in the hollow, and wash off the grime of
the day? I have a clean shirt waiting for you. I'll just add a pinch or two of
salt to the stew and cut the bread and then it'll all be ready."
If he thought it was a
little odd having a dip at this time of day he made no sign and disappeared
behind the bushes. Good. It was necessary to be cleansed.
I added the special
touches to the stew, inhaling the pungent, earthy smell of the mushrooms before
crumbling them into the bubbling pot, then laid the bowls and horn mugs ready,
unstoppering the mead to let it breathe the night air. I had bathed earlier and
now, in these few stolen moments, was the time to tune myself to the Power.
I was about to step into
the circle to begin the incantations but suddenly there came the hoot of an
owl, as out of season as The Ancient's Hoowi. Without thinking I looked across
the clearing at Conn's discarded jacket, where the owl's feather and the dove's
still blazoned the right breast. The owl's, wisdom; the dove's, peace and
fidelity. The owl hooted again, urgently it seemed. Was that, then, my feather?
Wisdom? And surely what I was about to do was the only wisdom: lulling Conn
into an acceptance of what he really felt, make him declare that which was
My right hand spasmed as
if it were cramped, but only for an instant. I opened the fingers again and
stretched them: strange, for one's toes sometimes cramped, but not one's
fingers . . . I stepped towards the circle, the owl hooted, my hand spasmed
once more and this time the ring on my middle finger, Snowy's spiral of magic
horn, bit into the palm of my hand. I pulled at it, tried to unwind the coil,
but it was as firm as a fingernail yet still soft and malleable, and as like my
own flesh as if it had grown into it, and it wouldn't shift.
Once again I stepped
forward, once again my fingers clenched involuntarily. So, I was doing
something wrong. Had I mispronounced one of the correct words, mispaced one of
the steps, forgotten one of the essential herbs? Quickly I ran through them in
my mind, but everything seemed as it should. Then through the soft night air
came stealing a strange, alien odour, compounded of so many different things
that were foreign to the time and place. There was a warm, sweaty horse-smell,
like but unlike Beauty; a scent of singed horn, fresh spring grass; water
bubbling over rocks, summer hay; moss, trampled pine-needles—Snowy!
Forgetting, I turned to
look for him, but the traitorous moon showed only emptiness. My eyes flooded
with tears, aching for one more sighting of that beloved form, my hands
reaching in vain for the soft curtain of his mane, my ears for that quaint,
gentle speech. At this moment he was nearer to me than he had ever been since I
had seen him pace away into oblivion with his prince, the prince he loved
without subterfuge or dissembling or magic—
Oh, Snowy! Of course.
Real love was either there or it wasn't. No need to conjure it with runes, bind
it with ivy and hawthorn, induce it with mushrooms and mead! Love thus forced
was as bad—worse!—than our Mistress's Shape-Changing that had seduced an
innocent village-lad and near-trapped Conn also. What was I doing, what was I
thinking of? If Conn loved me he would tell me: if he didn't then I had no
right to drug him into believing he did!
Running over to Bran and
Beauty I tore off their garlands, untied them from the rowan and tethered them
again to an innocent oak sapling. Picking up the heavy cooking pot I attempted
to heave away the contents into the bushes, but some of the scalding fluid
tipped down my dress; panicking both from the heat of the liquid and from some
imagined contamination I ripped it off and stood naked. Quickly I circled
widdershins to counteract any lingering spells, then raced away to the stream
to rinse my dress, without thinking further than that a great load was off my
mind: I was free of power, spells and enchantments forever. Now I was me,
myself, and never again would I be tempted to use a magic I was not entitled
Running through the
bushes barefoot I stumbled more than once, but the knowledge that I must wash
away all traces of my foolishness spurred me on. Splashing at last into the
clear, cold water, I held my dress under and scrubbed away all traces of the
magic between my ringers and looped it over a bush to dry, then turned to wash
all fever from myself.
"Whatever in the
world are you doing, Thingy dear?" There was a lilt to his voice like the
turn of the water over the stones, and once more we stood face to face in
running water, birth-naked the pair of us, but this time there was no shame on
my part, no coyness, no hesitation. I had to know, I had to know right there
and then, and convention and a few scraps of cloth, or rather the lack of them,
were irrelevant.
"Oh, Conn! I had it
all planned but it wasn't right, it was wicked and Snowy told me so and I think
The Ancient's owl did too, but I spilt the supper down my dress and had to get
myself clean and please say you don't mind, but I must know!"
"Darling girl,
you're talking scribble again! Spilt the supper, have you? No bother: there's a
tavern not a half-mile from here—"
"You don't
understand!" I wailed. "I'm unclean, I—"
"Then that's soon
remedied. Just stand still, girl dear, and I'll scoop some water over you . . .
So." The water poured from his cupped hands over my shoulders, between my
breasts and down my flat stomach to the cleft between my thighs. He lifted
more, and this time the tips of his fingers accidentally brushed my breasts and
I felt as though I had been kicked in the stomach. Looking down, I saw that my
nipples were hard and firm like two wild cherries.
Looking down revealed
something else, as well.
"Is that—is that
because of me?" I asked wonderingly and put out my hand to touch, but he
leapt back as though he had been stung, hands over his crotch, and all but lost
his balance.
he said. "You don't know, you don't realize . . ."
"I'm sorry," I
said, but there was no consciousness of shame, only a lively curiosity. "I
just wanted to touch. You see, that sort of thing has always frightened me
before; there was Broom, and then the swineherd: they only wanted to attack, to
hurt . . . But yours looks rather nice and friendly, not threatening at all. I
have seen it before, you know," I added. "When you were ill, or
bathing or getting dressed." I was going to say something about the Lady
Adiora, but thought better of it.
"If you try and
touch me," he said unsteadily, "knight or no, I won't answer for the
consequences . . ."
"Do you mean—you
would make love to me?"
"Just that!"
"Then—Oh Conn, I
must ask! Does that mean you love me, just the littlest bit? Or is it only what
they call lust? You see, I have to know. I've loved you so much all this time,
ever since we found you in that ditch, in fact, and at one time I thought you
might—Then you didn't ask again, and I thought you didn't . . . I know ladies
aren't supposed to ask things like this, and it doesn't matter if you don't, I
won't mind—well, not much anyway—but I must know—"
He stepped forward and
kissed me then, quite hard, and I fitted nicely into his arms and everything
was very interesting, because although my feet by now were cold from the stream
and the skin was going all washerwoman-wrinkly, the rest of me was warm and
smooth and tingly.
"Does that mean you
do?" I asked, when I had got my breath back.
"Does it mean . . .
! Dear Christ, girl, I've worshipped you ever since I first saw you properly in
those Waters of Truth! I loved you before, poor helpless little Thingummy that
you were, but when I saw that beautiful face on you and the body to match and I
knew you were born a lady it was just like your dull pebbles turning into the
dragon's jewels: I felt you were way beyond my reach and would never consider
an ageing, well-used adventurer!"
"But I love you—"
"But I wasn't to
know, now was I? You never said . . ."
"Neither did
you!" I thought back over the wasted miles. "You're not really
well-used . . . Can I now?"
"What? Oh. Well . .
." He seemed a little disconcerted, but I looked down and saw that his
body was still keen. Perhaps he was hungry. My mother had always made sure my
father was fed and wined before she asked him something special, especially if
she was afraid he might say no.
"Perhaps we could
have supper first," I suggested. "There's bread left and a bit of
cheese, and the mead—"
"Blow supper!"
said Conn. "Hang supper! To perdition with supper!" And he picked me
up in his arms and carried me all the way back to the fire.
On the way I tried to
explain what I had intended to do and he kissed me in all the nicest places and
told me he didn't need magic and moonlight and mushrooms to know that I
belonged in his heart for always and then he laid me down and took me in his
arms again and the earth stretched beneath us like a dreaming beast, and the
sickle of the reaper took the last thread that bound me to my past and gathered
me and tied me to my love and I heard the music again, the music The Ancient
had called Love's Song, and the air sang with it the whole night through . . .
* * *
"How about
breakfast?" said Conn.
"Yes, breakfast: making
love always leaves me with an appetite . . . Now you are to be my wife I shall
expect all the comforts of home, you know: meals on demand, and all the rest of
it . . ."
"Your wife? Am I
really to be your wife?" I looked at him. He was laughing, his moustache
curled upward, his eyes sparkled, and on his face was a look of love and
contentment and on his jacket our two feathers: wisdom and fidelity. Yes, he
meant it.
"Just as soon as we
can say the right words in front of the right person." He reached over and
spanked my rump. "Now, lazy one, get some clothes on and we'll go up to
town." He followed the spank with a kiss on the offended portion.
"And then if you'll bear with me learning the surgeon's trade for a while,
we'll go on afterwards and find that home you dreamt of: sea, hills and a
stream, wasn't it, with martlets in the eaves and seals to sing us to sleep?
And we'll settle there and have children and love and quarrel and then kiss and
make up. I'll cure the people and you will tend to the hurts of the animals,
and we'll live happily ever after . . ."
And so we did.
And so the soldier: hung up his sword;
The hands that had hewn: turned to heal.
The loves she had lost: became different loves,
And the martlet made: his mansion in the eaves.
The wolf-cub waited: by the wall of the house
And the people of the sea: sang them to sleep.
Pigs Don't Fly
This one is for my little brother,
Micky-Michael, and my half-sister,
Anna, and their families.
Thanks, as always, to my husband Peter, for his care and patience.
Belated thanks—sorry, folks!—to Bobby Travers and his daughter Joanna for
smoothing our way out here.
Thanks, too, to Margaret and Barry Shaw for their help with Christopher.
I am also grateful to our alcalde, Don Carlos Mateo
Donet Donet, for his assistance and encouragement.
Last, but never ever least, thank you Samimi-Babaloo, my Sam—just for being
Part 1:
An End
Chapter One
My mother was the
village whore and I loved her very much.
Having regard to the
nature of her calling, we lived a discreet distance away from her clients, in a
cottage up the end of a winding lane that backed onto the forest. Once the
dwelling had been a forester's hut, shielded by a stand of pines from the
biting winter northerlies, but during the twenty years since she had come to
the village it had been transformed into a pleasant one-roomed cottage with a
lean-to at the side for wood and stores. Part of the ground outside had been
cleared and fenced, and we had a vegetable patch, three apple trees, an
enclosure for the hens, a tethering post for the goat and a skep for the bees.
Inside it was very cozy.
Apart from the bed, which took, with its hangings, perhaps a third of the
space, there was a table, two stools, hooks for our clothing, a chest for linen
and a dresser for the pots and dishes. Above the fire was the rack for drying
herbs or clothes, beside it a folding screen that Mama sometimes used when she
was entertaining if it was too cold for me to stay outside—though as I grew
older I preferred to sit among the pungent, resinous logs in the lean-to,
wrapped in my father's cloak, thinking my own thoughts, dreaming my own dreams,
where witches and dragons, princes and treasure could make me forget chilblains
or a runny nose until it was time for Mama to call me back into the warmth and
the comfort of honey-cakes and mulled wine in front of the fire.
Then Mama would sit in
her great carved chair in front of the blaze—a chair so heavy with age and
carving it couldn't be moved—a queen on her throne, me crouched on a cushion at
her feet, my head against her knee, and if she were in a good mood she would
talk about Life and all it held in store for me.
"You will be all I
could never be," she would say. "For you I have worked and planned so
that you may have a handsome husband, a home of your own, and a dress for every
season. . . ."
That would be luxury
indeed! Just imagine, for instance, a green dress for spring in a fine, soft
wool, a saffron-yellow silk for summer, a brown worsted for autumn and a thick
black serge for winter with fresh shifts for each. . . . A man who could afford
those for his wife would have to be rich indeed, and live in a house with an
upstairs as well as a downstairs. Even as I listened the dresses changed colour
in my mind's eye as quick as the painted flight of the kingfisher.
Mama's planning for me
had been thorough indeed. On a Monday she entertained the miller, who kept us
regularly supplied with flour and meal for me to practice my pies, pastry and
cakes; Tuesday brought the clerk with his scraps of vellum and inks for me to
form my letters and show my skills with tally-sticks; on Wednesday Mama spent
two hours with the butcher and once again I practiced my cooking. On Thursday
the visit of the tailor-cum-shoemaker gave me pieces of cloth and leather to
show off my stitching; Friday brought the Mayor, who was skilled with pipe and
tabor so I could display my trills and taps and on a Saturday the old priest
listened to me read, heard my catechism, and took our confessions.
Sunday was Mama's day
She had other visitors
as well, of course, besides her regulars. The apothecary came once a month or
so, sharing with us his wisdom of herbs and bone-setting, the carpenter usually
at the same interval, teaching me to recognize the best woods and their various
properties, and how to repair and polish furniture. The thatcher showed me how
to choose and gather reeds for repairing the roof, the basketmaker, also an
accomplished poacher, instructed me in both his crafts.
All in all, as Mama kept
telling me, I must have been the best educated girl in the province, and she
covered any gaps in my education with her own knowledge. It was she who taught
me plain sewing, cooking and cleaning, leaving the refinements to the others.
She insisted that as soon as I was big enough to wield a broom, lift a
cooking-pot or heat water without scalding myself, that I kept us fed, clean
and washed, and throughout the year my days were full and busy.
During the spring and
summer I would be up before dawn—taking care not to wake Mama—and into the
forest, cutting wood, fetching water, looking to my traps, gathering herbs and
then home again to collect eggs, feed the hens, and weed the vegetables. Then I
would milk the nanny and lay and light the fire, mix the dough for bread, sweep
the floor and empty the piss-pot in the midden, so that when Mama finally woke
there was fresh milk for her and a scramble of eggs while I made the great bed
and heated water to wash us both; then I changed her linen, combed and dressed
her hair and prepared her for her visitors. Once the ashes were good and hot
they were raked aside for the bread, or if it was pies or patties I would set
them on the hearthstone under their iron cover and rake back the ashes to cover
Once Mama was settled in
her chair by the fire it was away again for more wood and water and once I was
back there were the hives to check, a watch on the curdling goat's milk for
cheese, digging or sowing or watering in the vegetable-patch and perhaps mixing
straw and mud for any cracks in the fabric of the cottage. Then indoors for
sewing, mending, washing pots and bowls, followed by any other tasks Mama
thought necessary.
Once the gathering,
storing and salting of autumn were over, my outside tasks during the winter
were of a necessity curtailed, although there were still the wood- and
water-chores, even with snow on the ground. There were the stores to check:
jars of our honey, crocks of flour, trays of apples, salted ham, clamps of root
vegetables, strings of onions and garlic, bunches of herbs, dried beans and
pulses. That done, it was time for candle-dipping, spinning, carding wool,
sharpening of knives, re-stuffing pillows and cushions, sewing and mending,
mixing of pastes and potions and repairing of shoes.
Then came the time I
liked best. While I dampened down the fire and made us a brew of camomile
flowers, Mama would comb her hair and sing some of the old songs. We would
climb into bed and snuggle down behind the drawn hangings for warmth, and if
she felt like it my mother would either tell me a tale of wicked witches and
beautiful princesses or else, which I like even better, would tell once more of
how she had come to be here and of the men she had known. Especially my father.
I had heard her story
many times before, but a good tale loses nothing in the retelling, and I would
close my eyes and see pictures in my mind of the pretty young girl fleeing home
to escape the vile attentions of her stepfather; I would shiver with sympathy
as I followed the flight of the pregnant lass through the worst of winters and
sigh with relief when she reached, by chance, the haven of our village, and my
heart filled with relief when I re-heard how she had been taken in by the
miller and his wife. Once her pregnancy was discovered, however, there was a
meeting of the Council to decide what should be done with her, for now she was
a Burden on the Parish and could be turned away to starve.
"But of course
there was no question of that," said Mama complacently. "Once I had
discovered who was what, I had distributed my favors enthusiastically to those
who mattered, and all the important men of the village were well disposed to
heed my suggestion for easing their . . . problems, shall we say? Of course
much was tease and promise, for there is nothing more arousing to a man than
the thought of undisclosed delights to come. . . . Remember that, daughter. You
had better write it down some time. Of course I was far more beautiful and
accomplished than the other girls in the village, though I say it myself, even
though I was four months gone. I still had my figure and my soft, creamy skin,
and of course every man likes a woman with hair as black and smooth as mine. .
. .You would say, would you not, child, that my skin and hair are still
"Of course,
Mama!" I would answer fervently, though if truth were told her hair had
grey in it aplenty, and her skin was wrinkled like skin too long in water. But
she had no mirror but me and her clients, and who were the latter to notice in
the flattery of candles or behind drawn bed-curtains? Besides, those she
entertained were mostly well into middle age themselves and in no position to
"So by the time the
meeting of the Council came round it was a foregone conclusion that I would
stay. It was decided to offer me this cottage and food and supplies in return
for my services," continued Mama. "Of course I laid down certain
conditions. This place was to be renovated, extended, re-roofed and furnished.
I was also to entertain six days a week only: Sunday was to be my day of rest.
"At first, of
course, I was at it morning, noon and night, but eventually the novelty-value
wore off and my friends and I settled to a comfortable routine. Your elder
half-brother, Erik, was born here and three years later your other
half-brother, Luke. . . ."
Erik now was a man grown
with a shrewish and complaining wife. Dark, long-faced, with tight lips, he had
teased me unmercifully as a child. Luke I remembered more kindly. He was
apprenticed to the miller and had the same sandy hair, snub nose and gap-toothed
smile. It was obvious who his father was and he even resembled him in
temperament: kind and a little dim.
And now came the part of
Mama's story of which I never wearied.
"Some dozen or more
years ago," she would begin, "your half-brothers were fast asleep and
I was all alone, restless with the spirit of autumn that was sending the
swallows one way, bringing the geese the other. It was twilight, and all at
once there came a knocking at the door. It had to be a stranger, for there was
fever in the village and I had forsworn my regulars until it had passed. . .
"And so there you
were, Mama," I would prompt, "all alone in the growing dusk. . .
." Just in case she had forgotten, or didn't feel like going on. So vivid
was my imagination that I felt the shivers of her long-ago apprehension,
imagining myself alone and unprotected as she had been with the October mist
curling around the cottage like a tangle of great grey eels, slither-slide,
slither-creep. . . .
"And so there I
was," continued Mama, "determined to ignore whoever, whatever it was.
But again came that dreadful knocking! I grasped the poker tight in my hand,
for I had forgotten to bolt the door—"
"And then?" I
could scarcely breathe for excitement.
"And then—and then
the door was pulled open and a man, a tall, thin man, stood in the shadows, the
hood of his cloak pulled down so I could not see his face. You can imagine how
terrified I felt! "What—what do you want?" I quavered, grasping the
poker still tighter. He took one step forward, and now I could see his cloak
was forest-green, and the hand that held it was brown and sinewy but still he
said nothing. Then was I truly afraid, for specters do not speak, and of what
use was a poker against the supernatural?"
I gasped in sympathy,
crossing myself in superstitious fear.
"I think that my
bowels would have turned to water had he stood there silent one moment
longer," she said, "but of a sudden he thrust one hand against his
side and held the other out towards me, saying in a low and throbbing tone: 'A
vision of loveliness indeed! Do I wake or sleep? In very truth I believe the
pain of my wound has conjured up a dream of angels.' "
How very romantic! No
wonder Mama was impressed.
"The very next
moment he crumpled in a heap on my doorstep, out like a snuffed candle! What
else could I do but tend him?" and she spread her hands helplessly.
And that was how my
father had come into her life. At once she had taken him into both her heart
and her bed—what woman wouldn't with that introduction?—and nursed him back to
health. For an idyllic month, while the village still lay under the curse of a
low fever, my father and mother enjoyed their secret love.
"He was both a
courtly and a fierce lover," said my mother. "A trifle unpolished,
perhaps, but not beyond teaching. He was always eager to learn those little
refinements that make all the difference to a woman's enjoyment. . . ."
and my mother paused, a reminiscent smile on her face.
"And what did he
look like, my father?"
But here always came the
odd part. Perhaps the passage of years had played strange tricks with my
mother's memory for my father never looked the same for two tellings. At first
he was tall, then recollection had him shorter. Dark as Hades, fair as
sunlight; eyes grey as storm clouds, blue as sky, brown as autumn leaf, green
as duck-weed; he was loquacious, he was taciturn; he was happy, he was sad;
shy, outgoing . . . I was sure that if ever I loved a man I would remember
every detail forever, right down to the number of his teeth, the shape of his fingernails,
the curl of his lashes. But then Mama had known as many men as there were
leaves on a tree, so she said, and always tended to remember them by their
physical endowments rather than their physiognomy. In this respect she assured
me that my father was outstanding.
I hated the sad part of
my father's story, but it had to be told. One frosty day, as my mother told it,
the men from the village came and dragged him from the cottage and carried him
away, never to be seen again. "They were jealous of our love," she
said, and she had never ceased hoping that he would return, her wounded lover
who came with the falling leaves and left with the first frosts.
He had left nothing
behind save his tattered cloak, a purse full of strange coins, and a ring. Mama
said the coins were for my dowry, but that the ring was special, a magic ring.
She had shown it to me a couple of times, but it looked like nothing more than
the shaving of a horn, a colorless spiral. It would not fit any of my mother's
fingers, and she would not let me try it on.
"He wore it round
his neck on a cord," she said, "for it would not fit him either. He
said it was from the horn of a unicorn, passed down in his family for
generations, but it did nothing for him. . . ."
She had tried to sell it
a couple of times, but as it looked so ordinary and fit no one, she had tossed
it into a box with the rest of her bits and pieces of jewelry—necklace, brooch,
two bracelets—where it still lay, gathering dust.
* * *
My days were not all
work and no play, though I mostly made my own free time by working that much
harder. I had two special treats. If the weather was fine, summer or winter, I
would escape into the woods or down by the river, lie under a tree and gaze up
into the leaf-dappled sunshine and dream, or sit by the river and dangle my
toes in the fast-running water. This would be summer, of course, but even in
the cold and snow there were games to play. Skipping-stones, snowballs,
imaginary chases, battles with trees and bushes . . . Away from the cottage I
was anything I chose and could forget the confines of my cumbersome flesh and
flew with the birds, swam with the fish, ran with the deer. Gaze up into the
rocking trees in spring and I was a rook, swaying with the wind till I felt
sick, my beak weaving the rough bundles they called nests. Dangle my fingers in
the water and I was a fish, heading upstream into the current, the river
sliding past my flanks like silk. Given the bright fall of leaves and I ran
along the branches with the squirrels and hid my nuts in secret holes I would
never remember. Winter and I sympathized with the striped badgers, leaving the
fug of their sets on warmer days to search for the scrunch of beetle or a
forgotten berry or two, blackened into a honey sweetness by the frost.
But the thing I loved
most in the world to do was write in my book.
This had grown from my
very first attempt at writing my letters, many years ago. Now it was thick as a
kindling log and twice as heavy. At first the clerk had formed letters for me
in the earth outside, or had taught me to mark a flat stone with another,
scratchy one, but as I progressed he had shown me how to fashion a quill pen
and mix inks, so it was but a short step to putting my first, tentative words
on a scraped piece of vellum.
As parchment or skin was
so expensive I sometimes had to wait for weeks for a fresh piece, but I
practiced diligently with my finger on the table to ensure I should make no
mistakes when the time came.
For the Ten
Commandments, my first page, the old priest provided me with a fine, clear
page, but by the time I finished it was as rough and scraped as a pig's bum. My
next task was the days of the week, months and seasons of the year, followed by
the principal saint's days and festivals of the Church calendar. Then came
numbers from one to a hundred. This done, the elderly priest dead and another,
less tolerant, in his place—he never visited Mama—I was free to write what I
wished, whenever I could beg a scrap of vellum from the clerk. Down went
recipes for cakes, horehound candy, poultices, dyes and charms.
I do not remember what
occasioned my first essays into proverbs, saws and sayings. It may have been
the mayor, once chiding me for hurrying my tasks. "Don't remove your shoes
till you reach the stream," he had said, and this conjured up such a vivid
picture of stumbling barefoot among stones, thorns and nettles that down it had
to go. Not that it cured me of haste, mind, but it was an extremely sensible
suggestion. Then there were my mother's frequent strictures on the behavior
expected of a lady: "Do not put your chewed bones on the communal platter;
reserve them to be thrown on the fire, returned to the stock pot, or given to
the dogs." Or: "A lady does not wipe her mouth or nose on her sleeve;
if there is no napkin available, use the inner hem of your shift."
She also gave me the
benefit of her experience of sex; pet names for the private parts, methods of
exciting passion, of restraining it; how to deal with the importunate or the
reluctant, and various draughts to prevent conception or procure an abortion.
Down these all went in my book, for I was sure they would one day prove useful,
though she had explained that husbands didn't need the same titillation as
clients. "After all, once you're married he's yours: you will need excuses
more than encouragements."
When the pages of my
book grew to a dozen, then twenty, I threaded them together and begged a piece
of soft leather from the tanner for a cover and a piece of silk from Mama to
wrap it in. A heated poker provided the singed title: My Boke. At first
Mama had laughed at my scribblings, as she called them, for she could not read
or write herself, but once she realized I was treasuring her little gems of
wisdom and could read them back to her, she even gave me an occasional coin or
two for more materials, and reminded me constantly of her forethought in
providing me with such a good education.
"What with your
father's dowry and my teachings, you will be able to choose any man in the
kingdom," she said.
And that was perhaps the
only cause of friction between us.
A secure, protected,
industrious childhood slipped almost unnoticed into puberty, but I made the
mistake one day of asking Mama how long it would be before she found me the
promised husband, to be met with a coldness, a hurt withdrawal I had not
anticipated. "Are you so ready to leave me alone after all I have done for
you?" I kept quiet for two more years, but then asked, timidly, again. I
was unprepared for the barrage of blows. Her rage was terrible. She beat me the
colors of the rainbow, shrieking that I was the most ungrateful child in the
world and didn't deserve the consideration I had been shown. How could I think
of leaving her?
Of course I sobbed and
cried and begged her on my knees to forgive me my thoughtlessness, and after a
while she consented for me to cut out and sew a new robe for her, so I knew I
was back in favor. Even so, as year slipped into year without change, I began
to wonder just when my life would alter, when I would have a home and husband
of my own, as she had promised.
And then, suddenly,
everything changed in a single day.
Chapter Two
That morning Mama was
uncharacteristically edgy and irritable. She complained of having eaten
something that disagreed with her, and although I made an infusion of mint
leaves and camomile, she still seemed restless and uneasy.
"I shall go back to
bed," she announced. "And I don't want you clattering around. Have
you finished all your outside jobs?" I had. "Then you can go down to
the village and fetch some more salt. We're not without, but will need more
before winter sets in. Wait outside and I'll find a coin or two. . . ."
This was always the
ritual. Our store of coins, which Mama always took from passing trade, were
hidden away, and only she knew the whereabouts. I didn't see the need for such
secrecy, but she explained that I was such a silly, gullible child that I might
give away the hiding place. I couldn't see how, as I scarcely spoke to anyone,
but she insisted.
I picked up an empty
crock and dawdled down the path towards the gate. It was a beautiful morning,
and I was in no hurry to go. I hated these visits to the village, but luckily
only made them when there were goods we could not barter for—salt, oil, tallow,
wine, spices. I enjoyed the walk there, the walk back and would have also
enjoyed gazing about me when I got there, but for the behavior of the
villagers. When I was very young I did not understand why the men pretended I
didn't exist, the women hissed and spat and made unkind remarks and the
children threw stones and refuse. Now I was older I both understood and was
better able to cope. When I complained, Mama always said she couldn't
comprehend why the women weren't more grateful: after all, she took the heat
from their men once a week. Like everyone else, she said, she provided a
service. But that didn't stop the children calling after me: "Bastard
daughter of a whore!" or worse.
daughter!" I turned back to where Mama stood on the threshold. She would
never come outside. In summer it was "too hot," in winter "too
cold." In autumn it was wasps and other insects, in spring the flowers
made her sneeze, and through all the seasons it was a question of preserving
her complexion. "I wouldn't want to be all brown and gypsyish; part of my
attraction to my clients is my pale, creamy skin. You had better watch yours,
too, girl: you're becoming as dark as your father. What's acceptable on a man
won't do on a woman."
Now she handed me some
coin. "Watch for the change: I don't want any counterfeit. And if I'm
asleep when you return, don't wake me. I shall try and sleep off this
"If you're really
feeling ill I could fetch the apothecary—"
"Don't be stupid: I
am never ill! Now, get along with you before you make me feel worse—and for
goodness sake straighten your skirt and tie the strings on your shift: no
prospective husband would look at you twice like that! Do you want to disgrace
I kissed her cheek and
curtseyed, as I had been taught, and walked away sedately till I was out of
sight, then hung the crock over my shoulder by its strap, hitched up my skirts
and scuffed my feet among the crunchy, crackly heaps of leaves along the lane,
taking great delight in disordering the wind-arranged heaps and humming a
catchy little tune the mayor had taught me for my pipe.
It seemed I was not the
only one fetching winter stores. Above my head squirrels were squabbling over
the last acorns. I could hear hedgepigs scuffling in a ditch searching for
grubs, too impatient for their winter fat to wait till dusk, and thrushes and
blackbirds were testing the hips and haws in the hedges and finishing off the
last brambles, while tits and siskins were cheeping softly in search of
insects. A rat, obviously with a late litter, ran across in front of me, a huge
cockchafer in her mouth.
The sun shone directly
in my eyes and shimmered off the ivy and hawthorn to either side, making their
leaves all silver. I passed through a cloud of midges, dancing their
up-and-down day dance—a fine day tomorrow— and on a patch of badger turd a
meadow-brown butterfly basked, its long tongue delicately probing the stinking
heap. My only annoyance was the flies, wanting the sweat on my face, and the
wasps, seeking something sweet, so I pulled a handful of dried cow parsley and
waved that freely round my head.
I purchased the salt
without much notice being taken, for a peddler had found his way to the
village, and the women and children were crowding round his wares. So engrossed
were they that the miller passing by with his cart had time to give me a huge
wink and toss me a copper coin. "Don't spend it all at once. . . ."
Money of my own! A whole
coin to spend on whatever I wanted! At first I thought to buy a ribbon from the
peddler, but that would need explanations when I returned home, and somehow I
didn't think Mama would approve of her clients giving me money. Lessons and
food were different. Food! I had just reminded myself I was hungry. I looked up
at the sun: an hour before noon. Still, if I bought something now I needn't
hurry home, and Mama could enjoy her sleep. I peered at the tray in the bakers.
Ham pies, baked apples, cheese pasties . . . The pies looked a little tired and
I had had an apple for breakfast, so I carried away two cheese pasties.
One had gone even before
I reached the lane again, but I decided to find somewhere to sit in the sun and
thoroughly enjoy the other. There was a bank full of sunshine a quarter mile
from the cottage just where the lane kinked opposite one of the rides through
the forest, and I seated myself comfortably and enjoyed the other pasty down to
the last crumb, wiping my mouth thoroughly to leave no telltale grease or crumbs.
I found a couple of desiccated mint leaves in the hedge behind and chewed those
too, just in case Mama spotted the smell of onions, then burped comfortably and
lay back in the sunshine, the scent of the mint an ephemeral accompaniment to
the background of autumn smells: drying leaves, damp ground, wood smoke, fungi,
a gentle decay.
I sniffed my fingers
again, but the scent of mint had almost gone; strange how the pleasant smells
didn't last as long as the stinks. I must put that thought down in my book.
"Perfumes are nice while they last, but foul smells last longer"?
Clumsy. What about: "Sweet smells are a welcome guest, but foul odors stay
too long." Still clumsy; it needed to be shorter, more succinct, and could
do with some alliteration. "Sweet smells stay but short: foul odors linger
longer." Much better.
As soon as I had time to
spare I would write that down. The trouble was that it took so long; not the
actual writing, now that I was more used to it, but the preparation beforehand.
First, I had to be sure I had at least a clear hour before me, then the weather
had to be right: too hot and the ink dried too quickly; too wet and it wouldn't
dry at all. It had to be mixed first of course to the right color and
consistency, and the quills had to be sharpened and the vellum smoothed and
weighted down and the light just right.
But then what joy! I
scarcely breathed as I formed the letters: the full-bellied downward curve of
the l the mysterious double arch of the m, the change of quill
position for the s, the cozy cuddle of the e—each had its own
individual pattern, separate symbols that together made plain the things I had
only thought before.
Magic, for sure. First
the letters themselves, precise in shape and order, then the interpretation
into words and meaning and lastly the imagination engendered by the whole. The
old priest had once given me a saying: "God created man from the clay of
the ground: take care lest you crack in the firing of Life." I had
dutifully copied this down, but once it was there it took on a new dimension.
In my mind I could actually see little clay men running round with bits broken
and chipped off them, crying out that the Almighty Potter had not shaped them
right or had made the kiln too hot or too cold, and—
"Hey, there! Wake
up, girl!"
Suddenly the sun had
gone. I opened my eyes and there, towering over me, was the awesome bulk of a
caparisoned horse, snorting and champing at the bit. Still half-asleep I
scrambled to my feet and backed up the bank, wondering if I was still dreaming.
"Which way to the
High Road?"
The horse swung round
and now the sun was in my eyes again. I dropped down to the road, and was
seemingly surrounded by a party of horsemen who had obviously just ridden along
the ride out of the forest. Hooves stamped, harness jingled, men cursed and I
was about to panic and run for home, when the face of the man on the
caparisoned horse swam into view and I felt as though I had been struck by
He was the handsomest
man I had ever seen in my life. It was the eyes I noticed first, so dark and
deep a blue they seemed to shine with a light all their own. Dark brows drawn
together over a slight frown, a high, broad forehead and crispy dark hair that
curled down unfashionably to his collar. His skin was faintly tanned, his nose
straight; there was a little cleft in his rounded chin and his mouth—ah, his
mouth! Full and sensual, wide and mobile . . . I remembered afterwards broad
shoulders, wide chest and long, well-muscled legs, but at the time I could only
stare spellbound at his face.
Someone else spoke, a
man who was probably one of his retainers, but the words didn't register. I
couldn't take my eyes off his master.
The mouth opened on
perfect teeth and the apparition spoke.
"I asked if you
knew the way to the High Road."
"She's maybe a
daftie, Sir Gilman. . . ."
I shook my head. No, I
wasn't a daftie, I just couldn't speak for a moment. I nodded my head. Yes, I
did know the way to the High Road. I was conscious of the sweat pouring from my
face, an itch on my nose where a fly had alighted, could feel an ant run over
my bare toe—
"If you follow the
lane the way I have come"—I pointed—"you will come to the village. If
you take the turning by the church you will have to follow a track through the
forest, but it is quicker. Otherwise go across the bridge at the end of the
village, past the miller's, and there is a fair road. Perhaps four miles in
all." I didn't sound like me at all.
He smiled. "And
that is the way to civilization?"
I stared. Civilization
was here. Then I remembered my manners and curtsied. "As you please, sir.
. . ."
He smiled again.
"Thank you, pretty maid. . . ."
And in a trample of
hooves, a flash of embroidered cloth, a half-glimpsed banner, he and his men
were gone clattering down the lane.
I stood there with my
mouth open, my mind in a daze. He had called me "pretty maid"! Never
in my wildest imaginings had I conjured up a man like this! Oh, I was in love,
no doubt of it, hopelessly, irrevocably in love. . . .
I must tell Mama at
I hugged his words to my
heart like a heated stone in a winter bed as I raced home, near tripping and
losing the salt. Flinging open the door and quite forgetting she might be
sleeping, I rushed over to the bed where she sat up against the pillows.
I grabbed her hand.
"Mama, Mama, I must tell you—Mama?"
Her hand was cold, and
her cheek, when I bent to kiss it, was cold too. The cottage was dark after the
bright outside and I could not see her face, but I didn't need to. She couldn't
hear me, couldn't see me, would never know what I had longed to tell her.
My mother was dead.
Chapter Three
At first I panicked,
backing away from the bed till I was brought up short by the wall and then
sinking to my knees and covering my head with my arms, rocking back and forth
and keening loudly. I felt as if I had been simultaneously kicked in the
stomach and bashed over the head. She couldn't be dead, she couldn't! She
couldn't leave me all alone like this! I didn't know what to do, I couldn't
cope. . . . Oh, Mama, Mama, come back! I won't ever be naughty again, I
promise! I'll work twice as hard, I'll never leave you, I didn't mean to upset
My eyes were near
half-shut with tears, my nose was running, I was dribbling, but gradually it
seemed as though a little voice was trying to be heard in my head, and my sobs
subsided as I tried to listen. All at once the voice was quite plain, sharp and
clear and scolding, like Mama's, but not in sentences, just odd words and
"Pull yourself
together . . . Things to be done . . . Tell them."
Of course. Things
couldn't just be left. I wiped my face, took one more look just to be sure,
then ran as fast as I could back to the village. Luckily the first man I saw
was the apothecary. As shocked as a man could be, he hurried back with me to
confirm my fears. He examined Mama perfunctorily, asked if she had complained
of pains in the chest and shook his head as I described her symptoms of this
morning, as best I could for the stitch in my side from running.
"Mmm. Massive heart
attack. Pains were a warning. Must have hit her all at once. Wouldn't have
known a thing."
Indeed, now I had lit a
candle for his examination I could see her face held a look of surprise, as
though Death had walked in without knocking.
"Will tell the
others. Expect us later." And he was gone.
Expect us later? What .
. . ? But then the voice in my head took over again.
"Decisions . . .
Burial . . . Prepare . . . Food."
Of course. They would
all come to view the body, decide how and when she should be buried, and would
expect the courtesy of food and drink. What to do first?
"Cold . . . Water .
. ."
The fire was nearly out
and there was a chill in the room. For an absurd moment I almost apologized to
Mama for the cold, then pulled myself together, and with an economy born of
long familiarity rekindled the ashes, brought in the driest logs and set the
largest cauldron on for hot water. With bright flames now illuminating the
room, I checked the food. A large pie and a half should be enough, with some of
the goat's-milk cheese and yesterday's loaf, set to crisp on the hearth. There
were just enough bowls and platters to go round, but only two mugs; I could put
milk into a flagon and what wine we had left into a jug and they could pass
those round. Seating was a problem; the stools and Mama's chair would
accommodate three, and perhaps two could perch on the table or the chest. The
rest would have to stand.
The water was now
finger-hot, and I turned to the most important task of all. Crossing to Mama's
clothes chest I pulled out her best robe, the red one edged with coney fur, and
her newest shift, the silk one with gold ribbons at neck and sleeve, and the
fine linen sheet that would be her shroud.
The heat from the fire,
which had me sweating like a pie, had relaxed her muscles, so it was an easy
enough task to wash her, change the death-soiled sheets, pad all orifices and
dress her in her best. That done, I combed and plaited her hair and arranged it
in coils around her head, but was distressed to see that the grey streaks would
show once I had the candles burning round the bed. She would never forgive me
for that, I thought, then remembered my inks. A little smoothed across with my
fingers and no one would notice. . . .
I crumbled dried
rosemary and lavender between the folds of her dress for sweetness, then went
outside and burned the soiled sheets and the dress she had been wearing when
she died. Outside it was quite cool, the sun saying nearer four than three, and
the smoke from the bonfire rising thin and straight: a slight frost tonight, I
thought. On the way back in I gathered some late daisies and a few flowers of
the yellow Mary's-gold, and placed them in Mama's folded hands, then set the
best beeswax candles in the few holders we had around the bed, ready to light
once it grew dark.
I looked at her once
more, to see all was as she would have wished and to my amazement saw that
Death had given her back her youth. Gone were the frown lines, the pinched
mouth, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. She looked as though she were
sleeping, her face calm and smooth, and the candle I held flickered as though
she were smiling. She was so beautiful I wanted to cry again—
"Enough! Late . . .
Tidy up. Wash and change . . ."
I heeded the voice, so
like hers—but it couldn't be, could it?—and a half-hour later or so I had swept
out and tidied, washed myself in the rest of the water, including my hair and
my filthy clothes, hanging out the latter to dry over the hedge by the chicken
run, and had changed into my other shift and my winter dress. Mama would be
proud of my industriousness, I thought. But there was no time for further
tears, for I could hear the tramp of feet down the lane. My mother's clients
come to pay their last respects.
* * *
Suddenly the room,
comfortably roomy for Mama and me, had shrunk to a hulk and shuffle of too many
bodies, with scarce space to move. The only part they avoided was the bed.
They had all come:
mayor, miller, clerk, butcher, tailor, forester, carpenter, thatcher,
basket-maker, apothecary; all at one time my mother's regular customers. The
new priest was the only odd one out. In spite of their common interest I
noticed how they avoided looking at one another. At last, after much coughing,
scratching and picking of noses, the mayor stepped forward and everything went
as quiet as if someone had shut a door.
"Ah, hmmm, yes.
This is a sad occasion, very sad." He shook his head solemnly, and the
rest of them did likewise or nodded as they thought fit. "We meet here to
mourn the sudden passing of someone who, er, someone who was . . ."
"With whom we
shared a common interest?" suggested the clerk.
"Yes, yes of
course. Very neatly put. . . . As I was saying, Mistress Margaret here—"
Isabella," said the miller.
Isabella," said the butcher. "Susan."
said the clerk. "Or Bess for short."
"I thought she was
Alice," said the tailor.
"Maude, for sure .
. ."
"No, Ellen—"
"I'm sure she said
"Sukey . . ."
I stared at them in
bewilderment. It didn't seem as though they were talking about her at all: how
could she possibly be ten different people? Then, like an echo, came my
mother's voice: "In my position I have to be all things to all men,
daughter. . . ."
The mayor turned to me.
"What was your mother's real name?"
I shrugged my shoulders
helplessly. "I never asked her. To me she was just—just Mama." I
would not cry. . . .
"Well," said
the priest snappily, "you will have to decide on something if I am to bury
her tomorrow morning. At first light, you said?"
They had obviously been
discussing it on the way here.
"It would be . . .
more discreet," said the mayor, lamely. "Less fuss the better, I
"Aye," said
the butcher. "What's over, is over."
"What I want to
know is," said the priest, "who's paying?"
They all looked at me. I
shook my head. I knew there were a few coins for essentials in Mama's box, but
not near enough to pay for a burial and Mass.
"I don't think she
ever thought about dying," I said. This was true. Death had never been
part of our conversations. She had been so full of life and living there had
been no room for death. I thought about it for a moment more, then I knew what
she would have said. "I believe she would have trusted you, all of you, to
share her dying as you shared her living."
I could see they didn't
like it, but there were grudging nods of assent.
"What about a
sin-eater?" said the priest suddenly. "She died unshriven. Masses for
a year and a day might do it, but . . ."
More money. "There
isn't one hereabouts," said the mayor worriedly. "I suppose if we
could find someone willing we should have to find a few more coins, but—"
"I'll do it,"
I said. "She was my mother." I couldn't leave her in Purgatory for a
year, even if I was scared to death of the burden. "What do I do?"
But no one seemed very
sure, not even the priest. In the end he suggested I take a hunk of bread,
place it on my mother's chest and pray for her sins to pass from one to the
other. Then I had to eat the bread.
It near choked me, and
once I had forced it down I was assailed by the most intolerable sense of
burdening, as though I had been squashed head down in a small box after eating
too much.
They watched me with
"Is it
working?" asked the priest.
"Yes," I
gasped, and begged him for absolution.
said the priest, looking relieved. "We shall repair to the church, choose
the burial site and you may confess your mother's sins and I shall absolve
It was cold inside the
church for the sun was now gone and twilight shrouded the altar, mercifully
hiding the mural of the Day of Judgment which, faded though it was, always gave
me nightmares. To be sure, there were the righteous rising in their underwear
to Heaven, but the unknown artist had had an inspired brush with the damned,
their mouths open on silent screams as they tumbled towards the flames, poked
and prodded by the demons of the Devil.
The priest led me
through Mama's confession—it was very strange confessing unknown sins for
someone else—and he told me to confess to absolutely everything, just in case.
Some of those sins he prompted me with I had never even heard of.
"Now you may either
say a thousand Hail Marys in expiation, or perhaps find it more
convenient to make a small donation," he said hopefully.
As it happened I had the
change from buying the salt still tied round my waist in my special
purse-pocket, so he gave me a hurried full absolution to our mutual
satisfaction. Immediately it seemed as though the dreadful heaviness left me, just
like shucking off a heavy load of firewood after a long tramp home. Now Mama
could ascend to Heaven happily with the rest of the righteous.
We came out into a dusky
churchyard, and found the others grouped in the far corner against the wall.
"This'll do,"
said the mayor. Next to the rubbish dump. "It'll take less digging and is
nicely screened from view. Why, you could even scratch the date of death on the
wall behind. Pity she couldn't lie next to your father, girl, but of course his
bones were tossed to the pigs long ago—"
"My father?"
I could not believe what I was hearing. My father had been driven away by
jealous villagers and dared not return; my mother had told me so.
"Of course. Led us
a merry chase, but we caught him about two mile into the forest, and—"
"She doesn't
know," interrupted the miller, glancing at my face. "Happen her Ma
told her something different." He looked at the others. "No point in
bringing it up now."
I could feel something
crumbling inside me, just like the hopeful dams I had built as a child across
the stream, only to see them crumble with the first rains. I had cherished for
years the vision of a handsome soldier-father forced to leave his only love, my
beautiful mother, and now they were trying to say—
"Tell me!" I
shrieked, the anger and bewilderment escaping me like air from a pricked
bladder, surprising them and myself so much that we all jumped apart as though
someone had just tossed a snake into our midst.
So they told me, in fits
and starts: apologetically, belligerently, defiantly. At first it was just as
Mama had related it; there had been fever in the village, the stranger had
sought refuge at our cottage and they had enjoyed their secret idyll. Then
everything had gone wrong. Houses left empty by fever deaths had been looted,
and as they reasoned no one in the village could have been responsible, they
had searched farther afield, and had found some of the bulkier objects hidden
in a sack at the rear of our dwelling. My father had run; they had pursued him
into the forest where a lucky arrow had brought him down. Although he was dead
they had had a ceremonial hanging in the village, then had chopped him in
pieces and thrown the pieces to the pigs.
So the man whose memory
I had cherished, the father who my imagination had made taller, handsomer and
braver than anyone else in the world, was nothing more than a common thief!
"I don't believe
you, any of you! You're all lying, and just because Mama isn't here
you're—you're—" I burst into tears. But I knew they were telling the
truth; they had no reason to lie, not after all this time. But the anger and
frustration would out, and I switched to another hurt. "And I won't have
Mama buried next to the midden! She must have a proper plot, a proper marker, a
decent service and committal, just as she deserves—"
"Now look here,
girl," interrupted the butcher angrily. "Don't you realize we have to
pay for all this? Now your Ma's dead you have nothing, are nothing. Of all the
ungrateful hussies—"
"Easy, Seth,"
said the clerk. "She's upset. None of this is her fault. It's up to us to
do the best for—for . . . I'm sorry, girl, I don't think I remember your
"My name?"
"Yes," said
the tailor. "Always just called you 'girl,' as your mother did."
There were nods, murmurs
of confirmation from the others.
"Well?" said
the priest.
I stared at them all
aghast. I could feel myself falling. . . .
"I haven't the
faintest idea. . . ." I croaked, then everything went black.
Chapter Four
They brought me round
with hastily sprinkled font water.
I had never fainted
before in my life and I felt stupid, embarrassed and slightly sick. Their faces
swam above me like great moons, in the light from the miller's lantern. For a
moment I could remember nothing, and then it came back like a knife-thrust:
Mama was dead, my father a thief, and I had no name. In a way the last was the
worst. Without an identity I was a blank piece of vellum, a discarded feather,
the emptiness that is a hole in the ground. I felt that if I let go I should
float up into the sky like smoke, and dissolve as easily. I was deathly
Then somebody had a good
idea. "You must have been baptized." Of course, else would I not have
been allowed to attend Mass.
They helped me to my
feet and we all repaired to the vestry, where by the light of the lantern and
the priest's candle, the fusty, dusty, mildewy parish records were dragged out
of a chest.
"How old are
But I couldn't be exact
about that either, till the miller suggested the Year of the Great Fever, and
there was much counting backwards on fingers and thumbs and at last the entry
was found, in the old priest's fumbling, scratchy hand.
"Here we are. . . .
Strange name to call anyone," said the present priest. Only the clerk, he
and I could read, and I bent forward to follow his finger. There it was,
between the death of one John Tyler and the marriage of Wat Wood and Megan
Baker. The cramped letters danced in front of my eyes, but at last I spelled it
No date, but the
previous entry was June, the latter July.
"Baptism of dorter
to the Traveling woman: one Somerdai."
"Somerdai . .
." I tried it out on my tongue. "Summer-day." And Mama had
called herself one of the Travelers. All right, she had given me an outlandish
name, but at least I now existed officially. And, according to the records, I
was seventeen years old, and knew something more of Mama's origins. All at once
I felt a hundred times better, and was able to invite them all back for the
funeral meats almost as graciously as she would have done.
* * *
It did not take them
long to demolish everything. I closed the shutters, made up the fire and
lighted the candles around Mama; they threw our shadows like grotesques on the
whitewashed walls and made it look as though Mama sighed, smiled and twitched
in a natural sleep.
The mayor accepted the
dregs of the wine jug, drained them and brushed the crumbs from his front.
Clearing his throat, he addressed us all.
"I now declare this
special meeting open. . . ."
What meeting?
"Having determined
to settle this little matter as soon as may be, I think it is now time for us
to agree on our previously discussed course of action."
My! They had certainly
been busy amongst themselves, either on the way here or in the churchyard. . .
. But what "little matter"?
Summerhill, or whatever your name is—I should like to thank you on behalf of us
all for the refreshments." Everyone murmured their approval. "We have
already agreed to attend to the burial of the—the lady, your mother, and to
defray all costs." He cleared his throat again. "Now we come to the
distribution of the assets. . . ."
"My hens,"
said the butcher.
"My goat,"
said the tailor.
"My bees,"
said the clerk.
"The clothes
And suddenly they were
all shouting against each other, pointing at our belongings, even gesturing
towards the padded quilt on which Mama lay and touching the gown she wore.
I was horrified, but as
they quietened down it became obvious that everything I had thought we owned,
Mama and I, belonged in some way or other to her clients. They were just loans.
If I had ever thought about it at all, which I hadn't, I should have guessed
that the finely carved bed, the elaborate hangings, some of the fine clothes,
could not have been gifts, like the flour, meat and pulses.
Now the butcher was on
his feet. He was the man I had always liked least of Mama's clients, not only
because he sometimes tried to put his hands down my front.
"Comrades . . .
Quiet! I know what we all have at stake here, but we cannot leave the new whore
entirely without."
Surely they couldn't
mean that I—
But the mayor took over,
with an uneasy glance in my direction.
"Normally, of
course, we could have left all this for a day or two until everything settled
down," he said. "But under the circumstances—"
"With her losing
her job and all—" said the butcher.
"—we shall have to
make a quick decision," continued the mayor.
My heart gave a sudden
lurch of thankfulness. They hadn't been thinking of me as a replacement after
all. But the mayor's next words hurt. "Normally we might have offered
young Summer-Solstice here the job, as her mother's daughter, but under the
circumstances I don't believe she would attract the same sort of custom. . .
"Oh, come on!"
said the miller, always ready with a kind word. "She's not that bad! A
nice smile, all her teeth, small hands and feet, a fine head of hair . .
." Even he couldn't think of anything else.
"Mama wished me to
become a wife, not a whore," I said stiffly. Whores were special, but
wives came in all shapes and sizes, so I had a better chance as the latter,
especially with my learning and dowry—come to that, where was it? Mama had
never said. And when I found the coins, how did I set about finding this
elusive husband I had been promised? With winter coming on, it would be better
to leave it until New Year. If what they had said about the furniture going to
the next whore was true, the cottage would seem very bare. I had a few coins
left of Mama's, and perhaps if they let me keep a couple of the hens and I
could persuade the carpenter to knock me up a truckle bed, I could manage with
what was laid aside. But I should have to buy some salted pork—
" . . . so, if it
is convenient, shall we say noon tomorrow?" asked the mayor.
"Although your brothers are not here now, they will attend the interment
in the morning, and your eldest brother let it be known his wife would not be
averse to the dresses. . . ."
I had lost something in
his speechifying, but that pinched-nosed sister-in-law of mine was not going to
wear my mother's dresses, and I told him so.
"Why not? They're
of no use to you. Your ma was tall and thin."
"I still would not
like to see another in her dresses—"
"Nonsense! Why
waste them? The new whore, Agnes-from-the-Inn, would fit into them nicely, too.
No point in wasting them."
So that sandy-haired,
big-bosomed wench was to be the next village whore! "No," I said.
"As she's getting
everything else," said the butcher, "including this cottage, why not
chuck the dresses in as well? Not yours to dispose of, anyway."
"This place? But
it's ours—mine, surely?"
The mayor shook his
head. "Goes with the job. So, as I said a moment or two back, I can expect
you out by midday tomorrow?"
"I can't! I've
nowhere to go!" This just couldn't be happening. All in one day to lose my
mother, the shreds of my father's reputation and also find I possessed a
ridiculous name, then to be turned out into an unknown world with nothing to my
name and nowhere to go—
I burst into tears;
angry, snuffly, hurt, uncontrollable, ugly tears. Now Mama had always taught me
that tears were a woman's finest weapon. She had also tried to teach me how to
weep gently and affectingly, without reddening the eyes or screwing up the
face, but all my tears produced were embarrassment, red faces and a rush for
the door, just as if I had been found with plague spots.
"Back at
dawn," called out the mayor. "We'll bring a hurdle for the body. . .
The priest was the last
to leave. "Not even one coin for the Masses?" I shook my head.
I heard their footsteps
retreating, then one set returning. The miller poked his head round the door.
"Just wanted to
say—will miss your Ma. She was a lady. Sorry I can't take you in like your
brother, but the wife wouldn't stand for it." He turned to go, then
stopped. "Thought you might like to know; years after your dad—died—someone
else confessed to planting those stolen goods. Said he was jealous. Dead and
gone, now . . . Hey there: no more tears! Could never abide to see a lass cry.
Here, there's a couple of coins for your journey. And don't worry, you'll do
fine. I'll see the grave's kept nice," He sidled out through the door.
"Sorry I can't do more, but you know how it is. . . ."
"Yes," I said.
"I know how it is. . . ."
Alone, I sank to my
knees beside the dying fire, my mind a muddle. Shock and grief had filled my
mind to such an extent I was incapable of thinking clearly. All I wanted was
for Mama to be back to tell me what to do, for I felt an itching between my
shoulder blades that told me I had forgotten something, and could not rest till
it was seen to.
A log crashed in the
hearth and I started up. Mustn't let the fire die down, tonight of all
nights—But why? Of course: tonight was All Hallows' Eve, the eve of Samhain.
Tonight was the night when the unshriven dead rode the skies with the witches
and warlocks and the Court of Faery roamed the earth. . . . Tonight was the
night that, every year, Mama and I closed and locked the shutters and doors
early, stoked up the fire and roasted chestnuts and melted cheese over toasted
bread, thumbing our noses at those spirits who moaned and cursed outside,
wanting to take our places and live again. But it was the fire that kept them
away, so Mama said, that and the songs we sang: "There is a time for
everything," or "After Winter cometh Spring," and "Curst be
all who ride abroad this night."
I rushed outside and
brought in all the wood I could gather. Why bother to save any for the new
whore? Let her seek her own. And she had no daughter to fetch and carry as Mama
had done: they would soon be sick of her. I even emptied the lean-to of our
emergency supply, running back and forth under an uneasy moon, till the room
was overflowing with faggots and logs. Tonight we would have the biggest blaze
ever, Mama and I.
By the time I had
finished I was quite light-headed, even addressing the still figure on the bed.
"There you are, Mama! Enough to set the chimney alight!"
"And everything
else . . ." came a voice in my head. "Everything must go with me. . .
. Nothing left."
Was that what she
wanted? Everything burned? But wasn't that what her people, the Travelers, did?
Hadn't she told me once that when a chief died his van was piled with his
belongings, his dogs and horses were sacrificed and all consumed in a great
pyre? Then if that was what she wanted, that was what she should have.
I approached the bed
again. "You shall have a bonfire fit for a queen," I told the silent
figure. "They shall not have your bed, your dresses, your chair; I
"Open . . . Fly . .
I frowned; what did that
little voice mean: Fly? What was to fly? There was a moth doing a
crazy dance round one of the guttering candles and I moved my hand to bat it
away, upon which it swerved over my head and made for the shuttered window,
beating frantically against the wood. Then I understood.
"Sorry, Mama . .
Ceremoniously I flung
back the shutters onto the night, then wedged open the door. Coming back to the
bed I blew out the candles, one by one, then knelt to pray. I prayed for a safe
journey for my mother's soul, reminding God that her sins were all absolved. Then
I leaned over for the last time and kissed her brow.
"All ready, Mama.
Go with God." As I did so it seemed a little breeze stirred the hangings,
and I distinctly felt a rap on my head—the sort Mama used to make with her
knuckles when I had completed a task after a reminder. A moment later the door
crashed shut. She had gone.
I refastened door and
window, then bethought myself of my own arrangements. If I were to be away from
here before they discovered what I had done, then I must pack up all I needed for
my journey quickly. Clothes, food, utensils, blanket, money . . . Money. Where
had Mama put my dowry? Frantically I searched all the places it could be and
came up with nothing. It must be somewhere; Mama wouldn't have made it up. I
wished it was light again, for the cottage was full of shadows and every corner
looked like a potential hiding place. I must find it, I must! I couldn't face
the wide world with the few coins left in Mama's box and the couple the miller
had left me.
Opening Mama's box,
however, discovered her bracelets, necklet and brooches, and the horn ring my
father had left behind. I took them over to the bed, fastened the brooch and
necklet, and then tried to force the ring onto her fingers, one after the
other, but it wouldn't go: her fingers were too fat. Strange, she had long,
slim fingers. I put on the bracelets, deciding I would take the ring with me,
wearing it on a string round my neck. It might bring me luck, I thought, and
without thinking slipped it onto the middle finger of my right hand, while I
bent forward to adjust the bracelets on Mama's wrists to their best advantage.
As I placed her hands
once more crossed upon her breast, I noticed something strange; although I was
certain I had washed her thoroughly there was what looked like a sooty residue
caught under the fingernails of her right hand—All at once I knew where the
dowry would be. Rushing over to the fireplace I felt high up in the chimney,
first to one side, then the other. At first all I got were scorched fingers and
a fall of soot, but at last on the left-hand side my scrabblings found a ledge,
and on the ledge a bag of sorts, which I snatched out to drop on the floor with
a clink and chink of coin.
I fell to my knees on
the hearth and gazed with excitement at the pile of coins that had burst from
the split leather pouch that had contained them. I had never seen so much money
in my life! And all the coins looked like either silver or gold. . . . All in
all, a fortune. Hastily wiping my sooty fingers I began to examine them, one by
one. All but two were strange to me, the inscriptions and symbols utterly
alien. A scrap of singed paper fluttered to the floor. It was so brittle with
age and heat it crumbled to pieces in my fingers even as I read it:
"Thomas Fletcher, Mercernairy, his monnaies." There followed a list I
could not follow, then "Ayti coyns in all."
So my father had been
named, and could write, after a fashion! That surely was where I had got my
learning skills. But eighty coins? There were less than half, surely, for even
with the confirmation of my tally sticks there were forty-seven missing. I
glanced over to the bed where my mother lay in all her finery, extra dresses
and shifts spread around her, and my eyes filled with tears, remembering the
silver coins and a couple of gold that had purchased them. At the time I had
wondered where they had come from, and now I knew. But how was I to know that
my father hadn't wished it so? After all, she had been his beloved, and I
shouldn't grudge a single coin. Before me lay enough still for a fair dowry,
even if the coins would have to be weighed for their metal content only, as
they were foreign. But there were still a couple of our own coinage: I could
manage for a while on those.
Before my eyes the piece
of paper crumbled into ash, the pouch also, as if they had been just waiting
for me to find them and were now dead like my mother. Carefully I packed the
coins inside my waistband purse, determined as soon as possible to make them a
separate hiding place.
As I tucked them away I
noticed for the first time the ring upon my finger. I couldn't remember putting
it there, and absent-mindedly tried to pull it off to tie round my neck, as I
had originally intended. But it wouldn't come. There it was, settled snug on my
finger as if it was part of the very skin. . . . Suddenly I tingled all over
and everything became brighter and sharper, as if a veil had been pulled away.
As if a stranger I saw
all the cracks in the wall, the shabbiness of the room; I heard the crackle of
the fire, the creak of furniture as if it were talking to me; for the first
time smelled the sweetish-sickly odor of decay coming from the bed so strongly I
had to pinch my nostrils and swallow hard. There was a taste of soot and ashes
in my mouth where I had licked my fingers and the hearth beneath my hands was
rough with grit and dust.
But there was something
else as well. Not exactly hope, that was too strong a word, but a sort of
energy I had not known I possessed. Something enforced the knowledge that I was
alone for the first time in my life, but also that I would manage somehow or
other, that I wasn't a complete idiot, that life held more than I had expected.
I rose to my feet. There
were things to be done and, as my inside time clock told it was near midnight,
the sooner the better. Outside, when I went to check that the goat and chickens
would be safe, the moon was riding clear of cloud, the stars were bright and a
crispness to the air confirmed frost.
I loaded up the sledge I
used for wood with what I thought necessary, did a last check, then piled wood
around the bed, sprinkling it with oil the better to burn. I opened the
shutters for a draught and left the door open. That done I made a last check,
then gazed around the cottage that had been my home, expecting nostalgia.
Nothing. Nothing at all.
It was just a place that
two people had lived in, an empty shell with now no personality left. A room,
nothing more, as empty of life as the still figure on the bed, the living and
memory seeping from it as surely as the body became cold in death. No, there
was nothing for me here now.
Mama," I said, and threw a lighted brand from the fire towards the bed.
Part 2: Summer's Journey
Chapter Five
Someone had
opened both shutters and door, and pulled back the bed
clothes; the light was shining in my eyes and I was freezing—
I came to with a start.
I was in a forest, so had I fallen asleep while collecting wood? Realization
came as bitter as the early morning taste in my mouth, as I struggled out of
the blanket I had wrapped myself in.
I was in the woods
somewhere between the village and the High Road, I was alone, and I was hungry
and needed to relieve myself. First things first, and as I squatted down I
glanced around the little dell in which I had hidden myself the night before.
Last night's frost still silvered the grasses and ferns, but the rising sun
promised a warm day. Already a cloud of midges danced above my head and a
breeze stirred the almost leafless trees. A pouch-cheeked squirrel darted
across the glade ahead, and I could hear the warning chink of a blackbird as I
scrambled to my feet. Otherwise everything was quiet, except for the tinkle of a
stream away to my right.
So, I hadn't been
followed. So far . . .
I cringed when I
remembered my escape of the night before. Once I had been sure the cottage was
blazing merrily, the flames lighting up the night sky until I feared the
conflagration would be spotted in the village, I had set off down the path,
dragging the loaded wood sledge behind me. Sighting the way had been easy, with
the fire behind and the moon above, so I had not needed my lantern. But where
had my caution, my fear of the night, gone? As I remembered it I had strode
through the village as if it were a midsummer day, singing some crazy song I
couldn't now remember, almost asking those within doors to come out and
discover the suddenly-gone-mad girl who had made the cottage a funeral pyre for
both her mama and all those goods that now belonged to someone else, and who
was now disregarding the terror of All Hallows' night and marching down the
road with the demons at her heels and the witches swooping around her head.
But no one had appeared.
Doors remained bolted and barred, shutters firmly closed. Those who had heard
my wild passage had probably hid beneath the bedclothes, crossed themselves and
been convinced that at last all their fears walked abroad in ghastly form and
that to look on such would snatch what little wits they had away forever. And
in the morning, when they saw what remained of the cottage, with luck they
might think it had all been a ghastly accident, and that I had been immolated
with Mama. Of course, once the embers had cooled down and they could rake
through the ashes they would probably realize what I had done and make some
sort of search for me—but by that time I hoped to be well away beyond their
My stomach gave a great
growling lurch, reminding me it had had nothing since I couldn't remember when.
I didn't remember eating a thing last night, so those cheese pasties must have
been the last thing to comfort it. I scrabbled among the wreck of my belongings
on the sledge—it had tipped over twice last night and scattered everything—and
at last found twice-baked bread, cheese and a slice of cold bacon. Washing it
down with water from my flask, I refilled the same from the stream nearby,
determined next to sort out the things I had brought. But I was still hungry. I
couldn't think straight without something else in my stomach. After all, to
someone who was used to breaking her fast with gruel, goat's milk, bread and
cheese, ham, an egg or two and honey cakes, this morning's scraps were more of
an aggravation than a satisfaction.
Searching among the
debris I found a heap of honey cakes I had forgotten about. I gobbled down one,
two, three. . . . That was enough; I should have to go easy. I couldn't be sure
when I would come upon the next village. Well, perhaps just one more: that
would leave an even number—easier to count.
Feeling much better, the
stiffness of the night nearly gone, I spread out my belongings on the grass.
The sledge looked the worse for wear; too late I remembered it was due to be
renewed as soon as possible: the carpenter had promised to make new runners. I
should just have to hope it would carry my belongings as far as the High Road,
then I would have to think again. Even now, there must be at least something I
could leave behind to lighten the load.
An axe for chopping
wood: I couldn't do without that. Tinder, flint and kindling, also necessary.
Lantern, candles, couldn't do without those either. The smallest cooking pot,
with a lid that would double as a griddle, a ladle, large knife and small one,
spoon, two bowls and a mug. Essentials. Water flask, small jug, blanket, rope,
couldn't do without those, either.
Clothes? I was wearing
as much as I could, but surely I still needed the two spare shifts, ditto
drawers and stockings? My father's comfortable green cloak, pattens for the
wet, clothes for my monthly flow, comb, needles, thread and strips of leather
for mending clothes and shoes. Packets of dried herbs and spices, seeds for
planting when I finally reached my destination—onion, garlic, chive, rosemary,
dill, bay, thyme, sage, turnip, marjoram—and a small pestle and mortar.
Which brought me to the
food. A small sack of flour—bread to eat if nothing else—a crock of salt,
bottle of oil, pot of honey, jar of fat, pack of oats. And for ready
consumption two cheeses, a hunk of bacon, two slices of smoked ham, some dried
fish, two loaves and twelve honey cakes.
Which left my writing
materials, tally sticks and the Boke. Those came with me if nothing else did.
I surveyed the articles
laid out on the grass with dismay. There was nothing, absolutely nothing, I
could leave behind. Somehow or other I would have to pack them better, and
trust the sledge would at least get me as far as the High Road. Then perhaps I
could find a lift, or could repair the runners well enough to get me to a
The sun was already
clear of the trees: I had better get moving. Setting to work I found the
packing much easier and the result neater and better balanced, especially when
I utilized one of the double panniers I had also dragged along for the
eatables, salt and flour, and I reckoned I should get along much faster now.
Perhaps the pannier
would be better balanced if I distributed the food more evenly: it must be ten
o'clock, and I should travel better with a nibble of something in my stomach.
That bread was already stale, so if I ate a crust and a slice of cheese—or two
. . .
"Proper little
piggy, ain't you?" said a voice.
I whirled around on my
knees, sure I had been discovered. But there was no one in sight, the forest
was in the same state of suspended alert and there was no sound of footsteps. I
decided I must be light-headed and had imagined it. I took another bite of
cheese, and—
"Some of us ain't
eaten for two days," said the same voice. "Chuck us a bit of rind,
and I'll go away. . . ."
Dear God! It must be one
of the Little People, of which I had heard from Mama. I crossed myself hastily.
What had she said about Them? Mischievous, usually only out at night, not to be
crossed lightly. With shaking fingers I cut a piece of rind and threw it as far
as I could, then hid my eyes, remembering that They don't like to be looked at
"Mmm, not bad at
all," said the voice again. A very uneducated voice, I thought, then wondered
if They could read minds. "How's about a bite of crust, while we're at
Obediently I threw the
crust, and this time there were distinct crunching noises, then silence. I
decided I could risk a peep. Surely It had gone. . . .
At first I thought It was
an Imp, a black Imp, then I saw that Whatever-it-was had taken the form of a
dog. At least I think it was meant to be a dog. I shut my eyes again.
"Gam! I ain't that
bad-lookin', surely?"
"Of course
not," I said, still with my eyes shut tight. Heaven knows what would
happen if I looked at it straight in the eye. "If—if there is nothing
else, may I please go my way?"
"I ain't stoppin'
you," said the Thing. "Though I thought as how you might like a bit
of company, like."
"No thanks," I
said hastily. "I'm fine, thanks."
"Pity," said
the Thing. "Could be a lot of use to you, I could. Fetch and carry, spot
out the way ahead, general guide, guard dog . . ."
"Guard dog?" I
said, suddenly suspicious. "You did say 'dog'?"
"'Course. Don' look
like a cat, do I?"
I scrambled to my feet
and stared at the apparition. "I've seen you before somewhere. . . ."
"Course you have,
in the village; seen you a coupla times, too."
I stared across the
diplomatic space that still separated us. Of course he was a dog, how had I
ever thought otherwise? But dogs don't talk. Especially this one. He resembled
nothing so much as a scrap of rug you might leave outside the door to wipe your
feet upon. He was like a furry sausage, a black and grey and brown sausage. One
ear was up, one down; there was a tail of sorts and presumably mouth and eyes
hidden under the tangle of hair at the front. The nose was there and underneath
four paws, big ones like paddles, but set under the shortest set of legs
imaginable. I remembered now where I had seen him before: chased down the
village street by the butcher, those stumpy legs going like a demented
All right, he wasn't a
figment of my imagination and he wasn't one of the Little People, but there was
still something wrong. Dogs don't talk. . . .
"Where you goin'
"To—to seek a new
home. My mother died yesterday."
"Makes two of
us—lookin' for somewhere, that is. Never had a place to set down me bum
permanent-like. Folks is wary of strays."
Dogs don't talk.
. . .
All right, if he wasn't
the Devil himself—which was just possible—and he wasn't of Faery stock, then
this must be magic. A very powerful magic, too. Surreptitiously I first crossed
myself again, then made the secular anti-witch sign, the first two fingers of
my hand forked. Nothing happened; he still sat there, but now he indulged in a
fury of scratching and nipping, then hoofed out both ears with a dreadful, dry,
rattling sound.
"Little buggers
lively 's mornin'. . . . Tell you what: I'll just come with you as far as the
road—that's where you're headed, ain't it? Keep each other company, like."
"No . . . Yes, I
don't know. . . ." I said helplessly.
"Aw, c'mon! What
harm can it do? You and I will get along real well, I know we will. 'Tween us
we'll make a good team—"
The scream would out. It
had been sitting there at the bottom of my throat like a gigantic belch and I
could hold it back no longer. It escaped like the tuning wail from a set of
bagpipes, only ten times as loud.
"Go away, go away,
go away! I can't stand it anymore! Dogs don't talk, dogs don't talk, DOGS
And I ran away across
the glade, screaming like a banshee, until there was a thud! in the
middle of my back and I fell face down in a heap of leaves, all the wind knocked
out of me.
"Shurrup a minute,
will you? Want the whole world to hear? Got hold of the wrong end of the stick,
you has. Just sit up nice and quiet-like, and I'll explain. . . ."
I did as I was told,
emptying my mouth of leaves and pulling twigs from my hair. The dog sat about
six feet away, his head on one side. Close to he was even tattier. I felt like
a feather mattress that has been beaten into an entirely different shape.
"Now then you says
as how dogs don't talk. Well o' course they does. All the time. Mostly to each
other, 'cos you 'umans don't bother to listen. You expects us to learn how you
speak, but when we tries you tells us to shut up. Ain't that so?"
I nodded. I had had
nothing to do with animals, except the goat, hens and bees—Mama wouldn't have a
dog or cat in the house: she said they were messy, full of disease, and took up
too much space. Some of the dogs in the village were used for hunting, others
as guards, a couple as children's pets, but I had never heard anything from
their owners save a sharp word of command, though I had seen kicks and cuffs in
plenty. Certainly no one talked to them.
"We don' only talk,
we sings, too. P'raps you heard us sometimes o' nights, when the moon is full
and the world smells of the chase and we can hear the 'Ounds o' Eaven at the
'eels of the 'Unter?"
Indeed I had. Some
nights it seemed that the dogs of the village never slept, and even where we
lived we could hear the howling and baying and yelping.
"Lovely songs they
are too," he said. "'Anded down from sire to dam, from bitch to pup.
. . ."
"But why," I
said carefully, "can I now understand what you say?"
"Now, I could spin
you a yarn as fine as silk and tell you as 'ow I was the magickest dog in the
'ole wide world, and you'd believe me. For a while, that is, till you found as
you could talk with other animals, too. No, I won't tell you no lies, 'cos I
believe we got business together, you and I—" He nipped so quickly at
whatever was biting him that I jumped. "Got the little bugger. . . . Truth
is, lady, that why I can talk to you and you to me is all on account of that
there bit o' Unicorn you carries round with you." And he scratched at his
left ear, the floppy one, till it rattled like dry beans in a near-empty
I was lost. "Bit of
a Unicorn?" Unicorns were gone, long ago.
"The ring you wear,
you great puddin'! That what you got on that finger of yours. Bit of 'orn off'n
a Unicorn, that is. Now you can understand what all the creatures say if'n you
pays a bit of attention. Din' you know what you got?"
I sat looking at the
curl of horn on my finger in bemusement. It still looked like nothing more than
a large nail-paring, almost transparent. I tried to pull it off but it wouldn't
budge. Indeed, it now felt like part of my skin. I tried again. "Ouch!"
"Once it's on, it's
on," said the dog. "Only come off if'n you don' need it no more, or
don' deserve it. Very rare, these days. . . . Come by it legal?"
I nodded, remembering my
mother telling me how my father had worn it round his neck. So perhaps he hadn't
needed it anymore—or hadn't deserved it. But I wouldn't think about that. Nor
that it wouldn't fit my mother. But why me? Perhaps I needed it more than them,
specially now I was on my own. Indeed, it had a comforting feel, like something
I had been looking for for a long time and had found at last.
"Well," said
the dog. "We'd best be goin'. Day ain't gettin' any younger, and we've a
ways to travel to the Road."
"I'm not sure I
want . . . What I mean, is . . ." However I said it, it was going to sound
ungracious, but I had no intention of sharing my dwindling rations with a
smelly stray dog with an appetite even bigger than mine.
"Come on, now: you needs
me. I can be your eyes and ears, I can. Best thief for fifty mile. Nab you
a bit o' grub any time; never go 'ungry with me around. 'Sides, I'll be
comp'ny, someone to talk to. Nighttimes I'll keep watch, so's you can sleep
easy. No one creeps up on me, I can tell you!" He put his head on one
side, in what I supposed he thought was an engaging manner. "What d'you
say? Give us a trial. We can always part comp'ny if'n it don' work. . . ."
Some of what he said
made sense, if he stuck to what he said. And I wouldn't really be any worse
off, unless he decamped with all the food. He made it sound, too, as if all the
advantages were on my side.
"And just what do
you get out of it?"
He hung his head, and I
could scarcely hear what he was saying. "P'raps I'm tired o' bein' on me
own. P'raps, just for once, I should like to belong. Never had a 'ome, nor one
I could call boss." He looked up, and there was a sort of defiant guilt in
the one eye I could see. He shook his head as if to free it of water. "Got
me whinging like a sentimental pup, you has. C'mon, let's get started; with all
that fat you're carryin' it'll take us twice as long. . . . Now what's the
Just exactly what he had
said: that was the matter. The words were carelessly cruel but none the less
accurate. He had put into words a fact that everyone—me, my mother, her
clients—all knew but never mentioned. The children in the village shouted it
out often enough, one of the reasons I hated shopping there, but I could always
pretend they were just being malicious. That was one of the reasons the mayor
last night would not have accepted me as Mama's replacement; the reason the
kind miller had run out of compliments past hair, smile, teeth and the size of
my hands and feet.
The fact was I was fat.
Not fat, obese. No, admit it: gross. I was a huge lump of grease, wobbling from
foot to foot like ill-set aspic. I couldn't see my feet for my stomach, hadn't
seen them for years; I had to roll myself in and out of bed, was unable to rise
from the floor without first going on hands and knees and grabbing bedpost or
chair. I couldn't climb the slightest rise without panting like a heat-hit dog;
had lost count of my chins and got sores on my thighs with the flesh rubbing
And I had been unable to
stop eating, which made it worse. Surprisingly Mama had made no attempt to stop
me: she had even encouraged my consumption of honey cakes, fresh bread and
cream after that time I had asked her about a prospective husband—
"Missin' your Ma,
eh?" said the dog sympathetically. "Understand how you feels; felt
the same myself once . . . Are you all right, then?"
* * *
We had struggled on for
perhaps another half mile when the dog stopped suddenly, his good ear cocked.
"Shurrup, and
Gratefully I put down my
burdens. I could hear nothing. Perhaps a kind of rustling and stamping far
ahead, a sort of cry . . .
The dog was off through
the undergrowth like a flash, his legs a blur of movement. He was gone what
seemed like hours, but could only have been a matter of minutes, and arrived
back literally dancing with impatience. "C'mon, c'mon! I got us
"A—a cart? Another
"Nah! The real
thin'! I got us a 'orse!"
Chapter Six
“That's—that's a horse?
You're joking!"
A creature with four
legs, sure, head and tail in the right place but the mess in between—was a
mess. From what I could see, shading my eyes against the sun, it was
swaybacked, gaunt, hollow-necked, filthy dirty and with a hopelessly matted
mane and tail.
"Sure it's a 'orse.
Got all the essentials. Needs a bit of a wash and brush-up, p'raps. . . ."
It would need more than
that. As I walked cautiously forward, fearing it might run at sight of us, I
saw that it wasn't going anywhere. It had got itself hopelessly entangled in
the undergrowth by bridle, tail, hoof and the remains of a slashed girth and
saddlebags that had ended up under its stomach. Its eyes widened with alarm as
we approached and it made a token struggle against the bonds that held it, only
to become more enmeshed than ever.
I halted a few feet away
and spoke soothingly, using the words I had heard the villagers use to their
workhorses, for I had never had cause to deal with one before and wasn't quite
sure how to begin. The horse showed the whites of its eyes, as well as it could
for the sticky tendrils of bindweed that clung to mane and ears.
"Speak to it nicely,"
said the dog. "Just like you would to me."
"You mean—it can
understand me?"
he said. "Din' I tell you about the ring? 'Course it understands, but it's
a bit scared right now and may not listen. Nice and easy, now." He walked
nearer. "Now stand still, 'Orse, and 'er ladyship 'ere will see to you. .
. ."
"Get away, get
away! I'll kick you to death—"
"You an' 'oose
I had understood this
plainly enough, so I walked up to the horse more confidently and stretched out
my hand. It made a halfhearted snap, but seemed quieter, though it still
trembled till the branches and twigs which held it fast shook like
wind-troubled water.
"Look," I
said, "at my finger. I wear the ring of the Unicorn and that means we can
understand each other. All I want to do is help. If I release you, will you
promise not to run away till we have talked?"
It looked at the ring,
at my face, and back at the ring. The shivering stopped, and I gathered it
agreed, though I heard nothing definite.
It took a long time, and
I was sweating as much as the horse by the time it was released and stood free.
I picked away the last of the bramble and bindweed, and tried to comb out the
worst tangles from mane and tail with my fingers. Standing free it didn't look
much better. There was a long gash across its rump where someone had tried to
slash the girths that held the now-empty saddlebags, but these had only
loosened, not broken. I slid them up from under the belly and restrapped them.
"There, that's
better. . . . Stand still a moment and I'll put some salve on the cut and the
graze on your shoulder." In my belongings, dragged along behind as I
followed the dog to his "'orse," was a pot of one of the apothecary's
favorite healing balms, a mixture of spiderwebs, dock-leaf juice and boar's
grease. I smeared some gently on the broken hide, and found another gash on one
hock, which I treated the same way.
"There," I
said, standing back. "Near as good as new. . . ."
"I thank you,
bearer of the Ring," said the horse. It had a soft, gentle voice, quite
unlike the dog's raucous voice. "I am in your debt—"
"Then you can help
us carry 'er things," said the dog, who had been remarkably quiet during
the last half hour or so, not surprising when I found he was chewing on the
rest of the cheese I hadn't packed well enough.
"There was ants on
it . . . All right, all right! Won't do it again. Well, what about it, 'orse?
Gonna 'elp?"
The horse glanced from
one to the other of us. "I don't know. . . ."
"Of course I can't
ask you to help if you belong to someone," I said. "That would be
stealing. Is your master hereabouts?"
"All gone, all gone
. . ." It started shivering again. "I ran away."
Obviously some disaster.
"Calm down! Well, if you don't belong to anyone, what did you plan on
doing, boy?"
I was interrupted by a
loud snigger from the dog. "Blind as a bat, you is! 'E's a she. . .
I felt as though I had
been caught in a thicket with my drawers down, and apologized profusely.
"My name is
Mistral," said the horse, "and among my own people I am a princess. I
wish to go back to where I came from, of course."
Anything less like a
princess of anything I had yet to see, but I hadn't had much experience of
horses. "And where was that?"
The horse hung her head.
"That I do not know. They stole my mother when she had me at her side, and
would not leave me to escape. She told me of our people, of how we lived, and
of my inheritance. But she died, they killed her with overwork, and I was sold
as a packhorse. That was a year, two, ago. All I want now is to find my way
back to my people. . . ."
"And you have no
idea where that is?"
"No, except that
south and west feels right."
"Well," said
the dog, "if'n you goes on your own you could be picked up by anyone; best
you can get from that is 'eavier burdens or a knock on the 'ead for the glue in
your bones and a tough stew or two. Then there's wolves if'n you're thinkin' o'
goin' the long way round. Now we offers you a bit o' protection-like, a step or
two in the right direction, reg'lar food and all in exchange for carryin' a
light load for this lady. What d'you say?"
"And you go south,
south and west?"
The dog must have seen
my mouth open to say we had decided nothing like that, for he jumped in before
I could say anything. "'Course we is! With winter comin' on, 'oo'd be
idiot enough to go north? North there is snow, west there is storms, east there
is icy winds, so south we goes. Right, lady?"
Weakly I nodded. Put
like that it seemed like the only road to take.
"Right," I
said. "And—and if you agree to come with us, then I will care for you as
best I can and try and put you on the right road for your home. Is that
"Without you I
should probably have starved to death, or worse," said Mistral. "I
accept. And now, perhaps, we should load up. The sun starts to go down."
Indeed it was well past
its zenith. Hastily I started to pack our belongings on the horse, only to be
brought up short by her patient explanation of weight distribution, top-heavy
loads, etc., so the light was already reddening as we set off. Even then she
seemed curiously reluctant to go the way I wanted, the way the dog assured me
led straight to the High Road.
"We'll have to go
past there," she said. "There, where it happened."
"Where what
"Yesterday . . .
sun-downing. Men, horses, swords. Panic, fighting, blood . . . No, I can't go
that way again!"
muttered the dog.
"They came out of
the trees, the sun behind them. Couldn't see . . . Noise and pain. I ran this
way. . . ." Indeed I could see we were now following the road she must
have taken: branches broken, shrubs torn by her wild progress, grass trampled
and leaves scattered.
"Look," I
said. "Whatever happened, happened yesterday. It sounds as though it was
an ambush, but they will all have gone by now. It's perfectly safe, I promise.
. . . Go forward, dog, and reconnoiter."
"You what?"
I explained, and he ran
on ahead. The ground started to slope downwards towards a little dell and
Mistral was breathing anxiously.
"Down there . .
." she whispered.
The dog came running
back, his tail between his legs. "You ain't goin' to like this, lady: 'old
your nose. . . ."
But I could already
smell the stench of death, and hear a great buzzing of flies, the flap of
carrion crow. There were four of them, lying sprawled in the random
carelessness of sudden death, naked except for their braies. Their eyes had
already gone, and the crows rose heavily gorged, the men's wounds torn still
further by cruel beaks. I shouted and ran at the birds till they flapped to the
nearest tree; they would be back, and there was nothing I could do about the
clouds of flies, the ants, the beetles. I moved among the corpses, holding my
nose, but there was nothing to say who they were, where they had come from,
save a scrap of torn pennant under one twisted leg—
My heart gave a sudden,
sickening lurch. Staring at the scrap of silk I suddenly recalled what I had
completely forgotten until this moment: a tall, beautiful knight on a huge
horse, who had smiled a heart-catching smile and called me "pretty."
So much had happened since that encounter that he had not crossed my mind
again—until this bitter moment. And I had sent him down this road. . . . No,
no, it couldn't be! Life couldn't be that cruel!
Frantically I ran among
the corpses in the dell, no longer squeamish, turning the lolling heads from
side to side, seeking my knight. One head, already severed from the body, came
easily to my hand, and I was left holding something that was shaped and heavy
as a cabbage, but crawling with maggots. . . .
He wasn't there, he
wasn't there! I ran up from the dell, farther into the forest, but there was no
other stink of death, nor flies, nor carrion. I ran back to the horse, Mistral.
"What happened to
him, where is he? Where is your master, Sir—Sir . . ." But I had forgotten
his name.
"Who? What
"He was a knight
and rode a black horse—you must remember!"
"They killed the
men and took the horses and the baggage. I ran away. That's all I know."
"All of them?"
"I don't know. I
only saw my corner of it."
Maybe they had taken him
for ransom. Perhaps they had ridden him away into the forest on his fine black
horse, to bargain with his folks for far more than the horses and baggage they
had stolen—I held the tattered piece of blue silk in my hand and prayed for his
The dog nudged my knee.
"Better find a place to kip for the night soon: near sundown."
I gestured towards the
bodies. "We can't just leave them like this. . . ."
"You gotta spade
and a coupla hours? No. Don't worry 'bout them. This track is used by those in
the village; they'll deal with the remains. Bury them the way you 'umans do
things. To my way o' thinkin', better leave bodies to the birds and the foxes
to pick clean."
I muttered a prayer,
crossed myself. "Right: lead on, dog."
About a half-mile
farther along, as it grew too dark to see underfoot and my feet felt swollen to
twice their usual size with the unaccustomed walking, the trees suddenly
thinned and we found ourselves at the top of a steep bank. The moon rode out
from behind some scummy clouds and there beneath us was a luminous strip of
roadway, wide enough for six horsemen to ride abreast.
"Is that it?"
"Well, it's a
road," said the dog. "Give or take . . ."
"It runs
north/south," said Mistral.
"Come on,
then," and in my eagerness I started to slide down the bank towards the
shining expanse.
"Not so fast,
lady," said the dog behind me. "You doesn't travel a road like this
at night—"
"Scared?" and
I slid down to the bottom, giving my right ankle a nasty jar, but determined to
continue our journey now we had found what we were looking for.
"—'cos it's too
dark to see," continued the dog, as the moon disappeared again.
"Neither do you
travel alone," said Mistral. "There is safety in numbers. Look what
happened to me."
A night-jar churred
above my head and I lost one of my shoes in the scramble back. The dog
retrieved it for me, all slathery from his mouth.
Scrabbling around in the
dark, for I was now afraid of the risk of a lantern, I found the ham and the
rest of the honey cakes, sharing a third, two-thirds with the dog. Afterwards,
snugged down in my blanket, I listened to Mistral cropping the grass, sounding
in the night like the tearing of strips of linen, and felt strangely comforted
by the proximity of the two animals, even though the promised guard-dog, alert
to every danger, the one who had promised to stay awake so I could sleep easy,
was snoring heavily long before I closed my eyes.
* * *
I woke early and now
that we had reached the road I was eager to be on my way. Not only impatience
but also the knowledge that we were still within a half-day's travel of the
village by foot, and those on horseback could travel much faster. I had no
intention of being called to account for burning down the cottage and
everything in it, and at mention of the villagers' possible vengeance the dog,
too, looked thoughtful, then volunteered to scout out the road beneath us.
He was gone some twenty
minutes, and arrived back to announce that all was clear as far as eyesight.
"Been a group of
people past in the last twenty-four hours," he reported. "Mule turds,
dried piss. Doubt if there'll be others on the road today."
I decided we'd risk it,
and the sooner we were away the better. A quick snack of cheese for the dog and
me and we all scrambled down the bank and onto the road.
My memory of the highway
from the night before had been of a broad ghostly ribbon winding away smoothly
into the distance, but the reality was far different. The surface was stony and
uneven, marred by wheel-ruts and loose flints big enough to turn one's ankle,
and it twisted and turned like a pig's tail, to follow the contours of the
land. Nor was it the same width all the way. Sometimes it narrowed to pass
through a gully or across a bridge, like the one that spanned the river that
flowed away from our village; at other places it widened or split in two where
the ground was obviously boggy after rain.
After an hour of this I
felt I had had enough, even though Mistral matched her pace to my waddle—the
dog scurried about like an agitated beetle, up and down, back and forth, till
it made me dizzy to watch him—and I called a halt. The sun was shining in my
eyes, sweat running into my eyes until they stung; my feet were swollen, my
thighs sore with rubbing together and my stomach was howling-empty.
But unpacking the food
gave me a shock. I hadn't realized how much I—we, I thought, scowling at the
dog—had consumed. All that was left that didn't need cooking was a rind of
cheese, a slice of cold bacon and one squashed honey cake. I threw the rind to
the dog and ate what was left almost as quickly, while Mistral munched
philosophically among the scrub at the side of the road, lipping at leaves I
wouldn't have thought edible. Obviously her wasted look was partly due to
The dog, too, found
something edible: he crawled out from under a bush crunching on an enormous
stag beetle. I felt sick.
"Better get
goin'," he said. "Only done a coupla miles . . ."
"Oh, do stop
grouching!" I cried in exasperation, all the more annoyed because I knew
he was right. "Grumble and grouch and eat, that's all you do all day!
Matter of fact, that's what I'll call you from now on: 'Growch'! So there . .
He spat out stag-beetle
bits, then hoofed his right ear and inspected the results. "Never had a
name before," he said. "Thanks." He tried it out. "Growch,
Growch, Growch . . . Not bad."
And I immediately felt
mean: how would I have felt if I had been christened "Grumble"? Even
though "Somerdai" was odd, it had nice connotations. But the dog
seemed happy enough; I think he liked the subdued barking noise his name made.
We progressed better for
the next hour or so, heartened by the various pieces of evidence that others
had traversed this way earlier—a scrap of cloth, more droppings, a midday
cooking fire. I began to feel much better, as if a great load had left my mind.
I was no longer confined by routine, everything was new and exciting and
different. All I encountered from now on would be fresh to my senses and would
have to be dealt with by me alone, no one to tell me what to do. In a way
daunting, in another exciting. I hoped I was equal to the challenge. But why
not? With my education and God's help even I could have a stab at Life. True,
not everything was on my side, and I now had the added responsibilities of the
horse and the dog, but the former at least was more of a help than a hindrance.
So it was with a sense
of lively anticipation that we topped a rise shortly after midday to see,
spread beneath us, a huddle of roofs that meant safety and food. The air was
still, and the northerly drift of house fires stained the deep blue sky like
snarls of sheep's wool caught in a hedge.
I forgot my discomforts
and hunger as we wound our way down into the valley beneath, and even though
the journey was longer than I thought, due to the bafflement of distance in the
clear air and the twists of the road, it was not much after two in the
afternoon by the time we reached the outskirts of the sizable village. It must,
I calculated, hold at least five times as many people as ours, if not more.
Even without my tally-sticks that would mean well over a thousand: more people
than I had ever seen in my life!
I stopped to enquire if
a caravan of people had passed by of the first person I saw, an old crone
catching the last of the sun outside her hovel.
"Went this way
yesterday and on again this morning. Left the blind idiot behind."
My heart sank. The sun
was now dipping away behind the hills to our right and there was no way we
could hope to catch them up. That would mean we should have to shelter here for
the night and think again in the morning. I asked if there was a traveler's
rest place.
"Not as such. Ask
at the inn down the road for stable space."
We trudged down the main
street till we came to the tavern she had indicated, a mean-looking place with
a tattered bunch of hops hanging over the doorway. I was not reassured by the
surly landlord telling me he was short on both food and ale.
"Blame them as came
through yesterday," he said brusquely. "More'n usual for this time o'
year. Can do you a stew tonight and there's space in the stable out back."
"How much?"
He named an outrageous
price, but Mama had taught me how to bargain and the matter was settled for a
couple of coins. I begged a crust of bread in anticipation of the stew, which I
shared with Growch, then bedded Mistral down in the dilapidated stable,
collecting together some stray wisps of hay for her. Growch I left on guard,
mindful of the packs I had stored away under the manger. I reckoned the threat
of a horse's kick and a dog's bite would be enough to deter even the landlord
or his wife, were they inquisitive enough to try and inspect my belongings.
I decided to take a walk
through the village while it was still light. In the distance, from the
direction of the church tower, came shouts of merriment and I made my way in
that direction. Turning a corner I saw that the space in front of the church
was crammed with people all apparently enjoying themselves heartily. Children
were screaming and running about, playing tag, and over to my left folk were
dancing to the strains of a bagpipe.
I caught the sleeve of a
woman passing by with her friends. "Is it a festival? A Saint's Day?"
She stared at me and
shrugged. "Not as I know. We just come to see the fun. Got a blind idiot
in the stocks over there, been pelting 'im all day. Come night we drums 'im
outa town, as the rules say."
I knew these
"rules." Anyone liable to be a burden on the parish was got rid of,
quick. I remembered what the old crone had said.
"Is this the man
that was picked up on the road by the caravan yesterday?"
"The same. Now,
if'n you'll 'scuse me . . ."
I peered over shoulders
in the direction the woman went, but was too short. Might as well see what was
going on. We had the small-brained in our village, more than one, but people
were generally kind enough to them. After all they were part of the community,
somebody's relatives. Of course the worst ones got smothered at birth. This one
must be something special.
Using my elbows I
squirmed through for a better view. A few minutes later I was at the front,
staring at the pathetic figure drooping over the stocks. He was naked except
for a short pair of braies, and his hair and body were matted with filth.
Someone picked up a
rotten apple, obviously used before for target practice, and chucked it, but it
fell short.
I stared hard at the
pilloried man. There was something familiar about that tall figure. But what
did some disreputable blind idiot in the stocks of an out-of-the-way village
have to do with me? I edged nearer: now I was only a couple of feet away. Look
up, I begged him silently; let me see your face. . . .
I found I was twisting
the horn ring on my finger, unreasonably agitated, as if something unexpected
was about to happen.
And then it did.
Someone threw a stone
which struck the man in the stocks a painful blow on the shoulder and he lifted
his head and howled like a dog at his tormentors.
"Leave me alone!
What have I done to you that you should torture me like this?"
My gasp of horror and
recognition was lost in the jeers and catcalls of the crowd. How could I have
been so blind? That filthy, disheveled, near-naked creature in the stocks had
been wearing silks and riding a tall black horse the last time I had seen him.
It was my beautiful
knight, Sir Gilman!
Chapter Seven
Horror, exultation,
anxiety: all three emotions chased through my mind at the same time. Horror at
his condition, exultation at his survival of the ambush, anxiety as to how I
was to get him out of this terrible mess. Indulge in the other two later, I
told myself: concentrate on the last. Come on, now: it's up to you. No one else
can save him. You fell in love with him at first sight, remember? You never
believed you would see him again, he was just someone to fantasize about. Well,
here he is, just like all the stories you used to tell yourself. In those
stories you got your hero out of the most impossible situations: what would
your heroine do to save him?
I rushed to the foot of
the platform on which stood the pillory and shouted up at him: "Sir Gilman!
Sir Gilman? Can you hear me?"
But his face,
bespattered with grime and with a two-day growth of beard, showed no
recognition, his blue eyes staring past my right shoulder.
Behind me I heard ribald
comments, requests to move myself, but my whole being was concentrated on the
figure before me. I noticed a huge bruise on his right temple, extending from
his hairline right down to his eyebrow; it was a livid, raised purplish-blue,
and I recalled what they had said of him: "Blind idiot." Had the blow
to his head robbed him both of his sight and his wits? I tried his name again,
but there was no reaction.
"Move aht the way,
yer silly cow!"
"Shift yer fat
arse, and let's get a sight o' the action!"
A hand grasped my arm. A
stout man with a colored sash round his waist frowned down at me. "Now
then, lass . . ."
I twisted the ring on my
finger in my agitation, opened my mouth to say something, but found I was
speaking words out of the air instead!
"Are you in charge
of—of this travesty, sir?"
"I'm the bailiff,
yes, but—"
"Then kindly
release my brother at once!" Now I knew what to say, what to do; it was
just like my stories. I jingled the few coins in my purse. "I have been
seeking him three days now. I am sorry if he has been a nuisance, but . .
." and I tapped my forehead significantly. "You know how it is."
He nodded. "And you
come from . . . ?"
I mentioned the name of
our village and even spoke the first deliberate lie of my life. "Of
course, the mayor, our cousin, has been worried sick! He has always been very
fond of—of er, Gill, and even lent me his horse to seek him out, and I have
bespoke stabling for us all tonight at the 'Jumping Stag' down the road. . . .
And now, if you would please release him, I promise to be responsible for the silly
boy!" and I pressed a couple of coins into his hand.
He glanced at me keenly
out of eyes like currants, pocketed the coins, and turned to address the
restless crowd.
"Listen here, my
friends . . ." and as he spoke I climbed up to the pillory and whispered
in Sir Gilman's ear.
"Don't fret! I've
got you out of this and we'll sort things out in the morning. . . ." I
didn't want him disclaiming all knowledge of me.
He swung his confined
head in my direction. "Who am I!"
"I know who you
are, but you must be patient. Say nothing, just take my hand when you are free,
and I will lead you to safety."
The bailiff took keys
from his pocket and I led my knight down from the platform and through a
clearly discontented crowd, already armed with sticks and stones to drive him
out of town. These expulsions often meant the death of the victim, I knew that;
I also knew that the bailiff believed little, if any, of my story. Still, he
had the coins in his pockets and it was too late to send a horseman to the
village to check tonight. Tomorrow I determined to be away at dawn.
I led Sir Gilman through
darkening streets to the stables behind the inn, lucky to be unfollowed.
"What the 'ell's
that?" said Growch.
But Mistral recognized
him and crowded back in her stall. "He brings danger! He led the
"Rubbish! He's in
need of care and attention. He's no threat to anyone. Just stay quiet while I
see to him."
I went to the inn and
begged a bucket of washing water, but had to part with another small coin. I
gave my knight a strip wash, even taking off his braies to rinse them out, and
he stood quiet as a felled ox, even when I rinsed his private parts, which I
noted were ample. But Mama had always said that the criterion was less in
inches than in the performance.
Apart from his trousers
he wore a pair of tattered boots, and that was all. I should have to make him
something to wear, but in the interim I put my father's green cloak over his
shivers and went to fetch the promised stew and a helping of bread. It was
tasteless and stringy, but I added salt and a sprinkle of dried parsley and
thyme to make it edible. I fed him with soaked bread until he pushed aside my
hand and said: "Enough."
That was the first word
he had spoken since his release, but as if a dam had been broken he now started
with how's and why's and when's until I shushed him. "Enough for now. It's
night and you should sleep. Rest easy. Does your head still hurt?"
"Very much. What
happened to it?"
"I told you: in the
morning. Lie still, and I'll put salve on it and give you a sleeping
draught," remembering of a sudden the vial of poppy juice I had brought
with me.
I led him out to piss
against the wall, but two minutes later, after I had tucked him up in the
straw, he was snoring happily. I fended off questions from the others, merely
asking the more reliable of them to wake me at false dawn. That done, the rest
of the stew shared between Growch and myself and a few strands more of hay
scrounged for Mistral, I lit my lantern and settled down with scissors, needle
and thread to turn the better of the two blankets into a tunic for my knight.
A round cut-out for the
neck, plus a strip cut down the front for ease of donning; seams sewn down the
sides, with plenty of room for arms; laces threaded through holes in the neckline
and rope bound into an eye at one end, knotted and frayed at the other for a
belt . . .
I opened my eyes,
lantern guttered, stiff and sore, to find Mistral nudging me.
"An hour before
dawning . . ."
We crept through the
outskirts of the village till we found the road south and once out of sight of
the village I cut an ash-plant stave from the roadside, thrust it into my
knight's right hand, put his left on Mistral's crupper, and determined to put
as many miles as I could between us and possible questions or pursuit.
We made about four miles
before a growling stomach, the proximity of a nearby stream and the knight's
questions decided me it was time to break our fast. As the thin flames flared
beneath the cooking pot and the gruel thickened around my spoon, I answered Sir
Gilman's questions as best I could. His name and station, the ambush, his blow
on the head, that was all I really knew. And he knew no more. Even what I told
him raised his eyebrows. "You are sure?"
I reassured him, but did
not remind him of our meeting in the forest the day before, lest he remember a
hideous fat girl he had courteously called "pretty." . . . Indeed, I
was careful to avoid any physical contact except by hand or arm, so that he
wouldn't guess at my bulk.
After I had explained
twice all that I knew of his circumstances he was silent for a moment or two,
spooning down his gruel which I had sweetened with a little honey.
"So I am a knight.
But of what use is my knighthood without sight or memory? Where can I go? What
can I do? How can I manage without my horse, my sword and armor, money? How do
I even know which road to take?" He flung the bowl and spoon away and
buried his face in his arms. I longed to put my arms about him, to thrill to
the feel of his helplessness, but I knew better than to try. Instead I went
over to Mistral and talked quietly to her.
"All I know is
this," she said slowly in answer to my questions. "I was hired as a
packhorse to carry his armor—and heavy it was. This was in a town many miles
north of here. In winter it was very cold in that town, and the people's talk
was heavy and thick, not like yours or his. When he set off he said farewell
with much of your human embraces and tears with a young woman who seemed
reluctant to let him go. Since then we have traveled south by west, and I
gather there were many more miles to go. That is all I know."
"Who are you
talking to?"
"No one, Sir
Knight," I said hurriedly. "I was thinking aloud."
"And what
conclusion have you come to?" he said sarcastically. "I for one am
tired of walking in this stupid manner and eating food for pigs. I demand you
take me to someone in authority and see that I am escorted—taken . . . That I
am properly cared for till I regain my memory, and can return to my home. Wherever
that is . . ."
He was being rather
tiresome. After his experiences of the last few days, how on earth did he think
that anyone would believe his story, even with my word as well? Folk would
think we were trying it on. If he could have remembered where he came from,
even, it would have been a simple matter of sending a messenger to his home,
requesting assistance, and then waiting a week or so for grateful parents or
family to rescue him. As it was, he was lucky to be still alive. Patiently I
tried to explain this to him, but he was not in a receptive mood.
"Still," he
said magnanimously, "I am grateful for your help, girl. You know my name:
what's yours? And why are you here? Where is your home?"
What a wonderful tale I
told! The only really true fact was my name. He learned of loving parents dying
of fever, leaving their only child with a huge dowry, traveling south to find
her betrothed—
"But why did you
not wait till he could send for you?" he asked reasonably.
"Ah," I said,
thinking rapidly. "The fact is, my parents did not entirely trust his
family, although they paid over the dowry. They said, before they died—" I
crossed myself for the lie: he could not see me. "—that it were better I
arrive unannounced. Then they could not turn me away."
"Sounds chancy to
me. Which way do you go?"
"I was just coming
to that," thinking again as fast as light. "I am not in any hurry to
reach my new home, so I thought we might try and find where you live first. You
were traveling south, so why don't we both go that way and hope you recover
your memory on the journey? I have very little money, but we'll manage—if you
don't expect too many comforts. As for walking—it will do you good, help you
recover. What do you say?"
"It seems I have
little choice." He still sounded resentful. "But you will promise to
speed my return when I regain my memory?" He sounded so sure.
"Of course! But in
the meantime . . ." I could see so many problems ahead if we continued as
we were. "It would seem strange if we travel together and I address you as
a knight and no relation. We may have to share accommodation, so I think it
best—until you regain your memory—if we pretended we were brother and sister,
traveling south to seek a cure for your blindness. If you didn't mind I could
call you Gill and you can call me Summer. . . . No disrespect intended, of
He sighed heavily.
"Again I see no help for it. All right—Summer," and he suddenly
smiled that heart-catching smile that had me emotionally groveling immediately.
"Any more pig food? A drop more honey this time, please. . . ."
* * *
That night we were dry
and cozy enough in a small copse off the road, with the slices of ham fried
with an onion and oatcakes, but in the morning as I prepared gruel again, I had
an argument with Growch. This precipitated another confrontation with Sir
Gilman—Gill, as I must remember to call him. It still seemed disrespectful.
Growch:—"Is that
all, then?"
Me:—"You've had as
much as anyone else."
don't go far. . . ."
Me:—"We've all had
the same."
Growch:—"'E's 'ad
more'n me. . . ."
Me:—"He's a man. He
needs more."
Growch:—"You gave
'im some o' yours; I saw you."
Me:—"So what? I
wasn't very hungry."
that's what it is. Ever since 'e joined us you been 'anging round 'is neck like
'e was the Queen o' Sheba, 'stead o' a bloody hencumbrance. Don't know what you
sees in 'im. Can't see a bloody thing; can't hunt, can't keep watch, all the
Me:—"Shut up!
Otherwise no dinner . . . Go and catch another beetle."
"You're doing it
again," said Sir—said Gill, irritably.
"Talking to
yourself." I loved the way he spoke, with an imperious lilt to his voice—I
must practice the way he pronounced things—but I wasn't too keen on some of the
things he said, especially when I had to explain something awkward, like now.
I decided the truth was
best. Some of it, anyway; he didn't look the sort of man to believe in magic
rings, unicorns and such.
He wasn't. "What
you're telling me, Winter—sorry, Summer—is that you possess a ring your father
gave you that enables you to understand what the beasts of the field say?"
I nodded, then
remembered he couldn't see. "Yes, more or less. It heightens my
"What utter
rubbish! There are no such things as magic rings, and as for conversing with
animals . . . Does not religion teach that animals are lower creatures, fit
only to fetch and carry, guard, or hunt and kill?"
I didn't think so. What
did religion have to do with it anyway? I knew that Jesus had shown his friends
where to fish, and had ridden on a donkey into Jerusalem but I didn't remember
him talking about hunting and killing. And hadn't he somewhere rebuked one of
his followers for holding his nose against the stink of a dead dog in the
gutter, and said something like: "But pearls cannot equal the whiteness of
its teeth?" It showed he noticed things, anyway.
But Gill hadn't
finished. "I'm surprised you should try and deceive me in this way! I had
thought you to be an intelligent girl, but now you're talking like a superstitious
village chit!"
He was so persuasive
that for a moment I began to doubt the ring, my own powers. Had I made up what
Growch and Mistral said to me, a mere delusion bred of my loneliness and
anxiety? I glanced down at the ring to make sure it still existed, and found it
no longer a thin curl of horn but rather a sparkling bandeau, glittering like
limestone after a shower of rain.
"What's 'e on
about?" asked Growch. I opened my mouth, but daren't speak back. The dog
cocked his head on one side. "Like that, is it? Don't 'eed 'im. 'E'll get
used to the idea. You can think-talk, you know, long as you keeps it clear.
Easier for us, too. Try it: tell me to do somethin' in your mind," and
after I had successfully demonstrated that Growch would turn a circle and
Mistral nod her head up and down, I felt much better.
I remembered something
my mother had once said: "Don't expect them (men) to have any imagination,
except what they carry between their legs. Don't forget, either, that they are
always right; even if they swear black's white, just agree with them. No point
in aggravation . . ."
This exchange had only
taken a few moments—that was another thing: this communication by mind was much
quicker than speech—and I was able to answer Gill almost immediately. "You
are quite right, of course; and yet . . ."
"Would you not call
the commands you teach your dogs, horses and falcons a sort of magic?"
"Certainly not!
Their response is limited to their intelligence. And they are our servants, not
our friends and equals."
He really could be
rather stuffy at times, but I had only to gaze across at him to renew my
adulation. Torn and bruised he might be, my beautiful knight, with a three-day
growth of beard and blind to boot, but he was all my dreams rolled into one.
Nay, more: for what dreams could have prepared me for the reality! And the very
best thing of all was that he was so helpless he needed me, fat, plain Summer,
to tend him. And he couldn't see my blemishes; that was perhaps even better. To
him I was just a voice, a pair of hands, and I could indulge my adoration
unseen. It was just as if Heaven had fallen straight into my lap. All I could
further hope was that it would be a long time before he regained his memory. In
the meantime he was mine, mine, mine!
* * *
By midday we had made
eight or ten miles and it started to cloud over. It had been gruel again for
lunch, there was nothing else, and I was eager to press forward, especially as
Growch's nose told him of smoke ahead, borne tantalizingly on the freshening
breeze. Gill grumbled constantly and the weather worsened, so it was with a
real sense of relief that we glimpsed the roofs of a village away on a side
road to our right. I had given up hope of catching the caravan ahead of us, and
was now resigned to spending the night in a stable. Money wasted, but at least
we could stock up on provisions, even if it meant breaking into my dowry money.
Needs must, and I thought I could recall at least two coins of our
We still had a couple of
miles to go when it started to rain, hard. Leaning into the wind, my cloak
soaked, my feet slipping and sliding in the mud, dragging behind me a reluctant
knight and complaining animals, I had to think quite hard about my blessings.
But then, in which of the stories I remembered did the heroine have it all her
own way? On the other hand, reading and hearing of privations was quite
different from enduring them.
Three quarters of an
hour later the animals were rubbed down and fed, dry in a warm stable, and my
"brother" and I were ensconced in front of a roaring fire, our cloaks
steaming on hooks, our mouths full of lamb stew and mulled ale. I wanted
nothing more than to nod off with the warmth and the food in my belly, but
there were things to be done. Upon enquiry I found a cobbler and leather worker
and a barber, and by suppertime Gill was washed, shaved, trimmed, and had
mended boots, a leather jerkin and woolen hose, and we had paid for our food
and lodging in the stable. That took care of the silver coin in my father's
dowry, which left only the gold one of our coinage. The others were all strange
to me, though mainly gold. These I would keep untouched, for unless I could
find an honest money changer, as rare as bird's teeth, they would have to be
handed over to my future husband intact. If I chose a sensible man, he would
know what to do with them.
And when would I find
this husband of mine, I wondered, as I lay quiet on my heap of straw, listening
to the gentle snores of Gill and the snorting of Growch, who seemed to hunt
fleas even in his sleep. When I had left home my plan had been to join a
caravan, travel to the nearest large town, engage the services of a marriage
broker and be wed by Christmas. Now I was promised to the service of a man who
had lost his memory, had pledged assistance to a horse who had forgotten where
she came from, and was lumbered with a dog nobody wanted—and they had
preference over my plans, I realized. I was beginning to understand the meaning
of the word "responsibility."
* * *
The weather had cleared
by morning. By diligent enquiry I found that the larger caravans of travelers
came past about once a week in either direction during the summer months, but
far more rarely during autumn, scarcely ever in winter. The one we were
pursuing hadn't stopped at the village, and I realized now that they had a
two-day start and we should probably never catch them up. The nearest town, we
were informed, was two days travel south—nearer three for us, I thought—but I
wasn't going to waste money waiting for the next party of travelers or
pilgrims. We had been safe from surprise on the road so far, and with Growch
and Mistral as lookouts we could probably make it as far as the next town,
where three roads met: a better chance to find traveling company.
But first I had to
change my gold coin to buy provisions, and I knew it was a mistake as soon as I
handed it over at the butcher's in exchange for bacon and bones for stew. He
took the coin from me as though it were fairy gold, liable to disappear at any
moment. He held it up to the light, turned it over and over, tested it on
tongue and teeth, showed it to the other customers, then called his wife to a
whispered conference.
Apparently satisfied it
was real, he turned suspicious again and demanded to know where I had got it,
implying with his look that no one as tatty-looking as I was could possibly
have come by it honestly.
The real story was so
preposterous—renegade father, a dowry of strange coins found stuffed up a
chimney just before I sent my Mama's body up in flames and fled—that I realized
I should have to make something up, and could have kicked myself for not
thinking it out earlier. Embarrassed, unused to lying, I floundered.
"It's . . . it's .
. ." In my distress I found I was twisting the ring on my finger and all
at once, so it seemed, a story came out pat.
"It is a
confidential matter," I said glibly, "but I am sure there is no good
reason why I should not tell you." I looked around: the place was filling
rapidly, and even the local priest had turned up. "My brother is blind,
but he heard of the shrine of St. Eleutheria where it seems miracles have
occurred, and there was nothing for it but that he must travel there. My father
wished him to travel in comfort of course, with a proper escort, but my brother
insisted that it must be a proper pilgrimage, every inch on foot, dressed
poorly and eating the meanest viands on the way." I smiled at the priest.
"You will agree, good Father, that this shows true religious intent?"
The priest nodded, and I could see him trying the obscure saint's name on his
tongue: I hoped it was right.
"As the youngest
daughter," I continued, marveling at when I was ever going to find the
time to confess all my duplicity, "it was decided I should accompany him
to find the way. But my father was determined we should not want on the way,
whatever my brother said, so he gave me a secret hoard of coin to smooth our
passage. But no one must tell my brother," I said, gazing round at the
assembled company in entreaty. "It would distress him to think we could
not manage on the few copper coins he holds. . . ."
The priest gave us his
seal of approval. "I shall pray for you both, my child," he said
solemnly. "Take good care of the change: we are good, honest people here,
but farther abroad . . ." and he shook his head.
After a deal of counting
and re-counting I pocketed a great deal of coin, more than I had ever handled
before, and made sure to give the priest a couple of small coins for prayers.
On to the vegetable stall for onions, turnip, winter cabbage; the merchant for
more oil, the millers for flour and oats and a small sack to carry everything
in, and lastly the bakers for a loaf and two pies for the day's food. The
cheese at the inn was of excellent quality so I bought a half there, then had
to shuffle all round to get it packed tidily on Mistral's back.
Everywhere I went in the
village I found my invented tale had preceded me, and folks nudged each other
and nodded and smiled as I went past. It seemed everyone came to see us off,
just as if we were a royal procession. Quite embarrassing, really, especially
as I couldn't explain to Gill what all the fuss was about.
We made reasonable progress,
stopping a little later than usual for our pies and bread and cheese. I had
indulged in a couple of flasks of indifferent wine, but it was warming and
stimulating, so that when we resumed I endured the discomfort of a blister long
after it would have been prudent to stop, so that when it finally burst I found
I could hardly walk. Cursing my stupidity I unpacked salve and was just
applying it when both Growch and Mistral pricked up their ears.
coming," said Growch.
I was ready to pull off
the road and hide, but Mistral reassured me. "Cart, single horse, coming
fast so either empty or certainly holding only one man . . ."
By the time I had put on
my shoe again I could hear it too, and after a minute or two a simple
two-wheeled cart came into view, carrying a few hides. The driver pulled up
beside us.
problems?" he asked.
I recognized him as one
of the men from the village. He had been in the butcher's when I was trying to
change the gold coin, and afterwards I had seen him outside the inn just before
we set off. He had a cheerful open face, a smile which revealed broken teeth
and eyes as round and black as bilberries. I remembered what the priest had
said about the villagers being honest, and smiled back.
"Not really,"
I said. "We're slowed down a bit because I've blistered my heel."
"Well now," he
said, "seems as I came by just when needed! Couldn't ha' timed it better,
now could I? We'll all get along fine if you an he"—he nodded at the
knight—"just hops aboard the back o' the cart and you ties your horse to
the tailgate. That way we'll reach my cousin's afore nightfall. He's got a
small cottage on the edge of the woods a few miles on, and he'll welcome
company overnight. By tomorrow you'll be in easy reach of the next town. That
suit you?"
It suited me fine. The
heavy horse he drove seemed more than capable of taking our extra weight—after
all the cart was nearly empty—so I tied Mistral securely to the back and guided
Gill to sit so that his long legs dangled free of the road, then pulled myself
up beside him.
It was sheer bliss to be
riding instead of walking, and the countryside seemed to slip by with
satisfying speed. The only complaints came from Growch, and after I saw how
fast those little legs of his were working, trying to keep up, I leaned down
and hauled him up by the scruff of the neck and sat him beside us.
I relaxed for what
seemed the first time in days. Soon, with the sun already dipping red towards
the low hills to the west, we should be snug in some cottage for the night, with
perhaps a spoonful or two of stew to warm our bellies.
The driver pulled to a
halt, and skipped down to relieve himself. "Best do the same
yourselves," he said cheerily. "Last stop before my cousin's. I'll
help your brother, lass, and you disappear in them bushes."
I needed no
encouragement: I had been really uncomfortable with the jolting of the cart
over the last mile or so. I clambered down and looked about me. The road was
deserted and the land lay flat and featureless, except for a dark mass of forest
a couple of miles or so ahead. The nearest shrubs were a little way off, and as
I trotted towards them the ring on my finger started to itch: I must have
caught one of Growch's fleas or touched a nettle.
Squatting down in
blissful privacy I looked up as a flock of starlings clattered away above my
head, bound for roosts in the woods. It was suddenly cold as the sun
disappeared: even my bum felt the difference as the night wind stirred the
grasses around me and I stood up hastily and pulled up my drawers.
Suddenly there was a
shout from the direction of the roadway, a clatter of hooves, frantic barking
and the creak of wheels. Whatever had happened? Had we been attacked? Had the
horse bolted? Had my beloved Gill been abducted? Hurrying as fast as I could, all
caution forgotten in my anxiety, I tripped over a root and fell flat on my
face. Struggling to rise I was immediately downed again by a hysterical dog.
"C'mon, c'mon,
come-'n'-see, come-'n'-see!" was all I could get out of him.
"I'm coming!"
I yelled back at him, skirt torn, face all muddy, shaking like a leaf.
"Get out of the way!"
The first thing I saw as
I arrived at the roadside were the long legs of Gill waving from the ditch as
he tried frantically to right himself. I rushed forwards and grabbed an arm, a
hand, and by dint of pulling and tugging till I was breathless, managed to get
him back on his feet again, spluttering and cursing.
"Are you all
"No thanks to that
cursed carter! Just wait till I see him again—till I get hold of him," he
"The carter? Oh, my
God! Where is he?"
"Gone," said
Growch, back to normal, his voice full of gloom. "Gone and the horse and
all our food with 'im. Waited till you went behind those bushes then tipped
your fancy-boy into the ditch. Chucked a stone at me and was off down the road
like rat up a drain. Got a nip at 'is ankle, though," he added more
cheerfully. "Now what we goin' to do?"
Chapter Eight
What, indeed! As for
this "we," it was down to me really, wasn't it? So, I could cry,
scream, yell, kick the dog, run off down the road in vain pursuit. I could
refuse to go any further, abandon both my knight and the dog, do my own thing.
I could tear my hair out in handfuls, creep away into the wilderness and die; I
could become a hermit or take the veil. . . .
I did none of these, of
course. Instead I sat down by the roadside and considered, steadily and calmly,
the options left to us. I was aware that despair was only just around the
corner; I was also aware just how much I had changed. A few days ago, while
Mama was still alive, I would have been totally incapable of coping. Then, if
even the smallest thing went wrong, my fault or no, I had run to her skirts and
asked for forgiveness, aid, advice, whatever; I had been whipped, scolded, but
given my course of action. Now I was on my own.
No, not on my own. I had
the others to consider. Without me they would probably perish, except perhaps
for Growch. Had the unaccustomed responsibility brought this mood of somehow
being able to deal with it all? Or had my "magic" ring wrought the
change? It had certainly tried to warn me of danger when it prickled and itched
on my finger. I glanced down at it wryly. In the stories I remembered one twist
and straw would be spun into gold, a table spread with unimaginable
delicacies—But of course! I still had all my money safe, so we wouldn't starve.
We might have lost our transport, food, provisions, utensils and, saddest loss
of all to me, my Boke and writing materials, but what was that against our
lives and some money?
And my ring did give me
the power to communicate with Growch and Mistral: why not send out a call to
her to escape back to us if she could, however long it took? Given the choice,
I would rather have her back than regain our goods. If the carter turned her
loose perhaps she would find us. Shutting my eyes and praying that my thoughts
had the power of travel I sent her a message, wondering at the same time if I
wasn't being foolish to hope.
And while I was about
it, an ordinary prayer wouldn't do any harm. So I made one, and Gill joined in
with an "Amen."
Rising to my feet I
dusted myself down, retrieved Gill's staff, put one end into his right hand and
took the other in my left.
"Right! Hang on
tight. I'll try and keep to the smoother part of the road, but it will soon be
dark and we must seek shelter."
"There are woods a
mile or so down the road."
"And what do we do
for food?"
"I'll find
"Not more of your
stupid 'magic,' I hope!"
"If you must know,
yes, I have tried to reach Mis—the horse."
"What rubbish!
She's miles away by now. You'll never see her again."
"Wait and see. . .
And in this way we set
off down the road in the gathering gloom, a sneaky wind fingering my ankles and
blowing up my skirts indecently. Then just as we reached the shelter of the
first trees, it started to rain. It was now almost too dark to see, and we
sheltered uneasily, unwilling to lose our footing venturing father into the
forest. But the rain came down harder, and while the firs and pines provided
some protection, the oaks and beech had lost most of their leaves by now and
were useless as shelter.
From the distance came a
growl of thunder, a gust of wind shook the branches above us, increasing our
wet misery with a few hundred more drops, and we struggled on, Gill falling on
every tenth step and Growch tripping me up on every twentieth. If we didn't
find better shelter soon we could die of exposure—
A vivid flash of lightning
flared through the trees, followed almost immediately by a tremendous
clap of thunder and—
And something else.
A frightened cry. An
owl? Something trapped? Someone in distress? It came again. The high-pitched
whinny of a terrified horse. This time I recognised it at once.
"Mistral!" I
shouted. "Mistral, where are you?"
An answer came, but from
which direction? I plunged forward, forgetting Gill, and we near tumbled
"Mistral, Mistral!
Here, we're here!"
But it took a few
minutes more of stumbling around and calling before she found us. I flung my
arms around her trembling neck, dropping my end of Gill's staff.
"What happened? Are
you all right? How did you escape?" I had forgotten about thought-speech,
forgotten that Gill would hear me.
She told me that when
the carter had rattled off down the road she had resigned herself to her fate,
but once she heard my thought-call—yes, she had heard it—she struggled
to free herself, but alas! I had fastened her too securely to the tail of the
cart. Then she had tried to bite through the rope, with little success until
the cart had bumped over a particularly deep rut, when the chewed rope had at
last parted, and she had galloped back to find us.
"Brought the food
back with you?" asked Growch hopefully.
"Everything is just
as it was. He didn't stop to investigate." She paused. "But now I am
so tired and wet. . . ."
"Now you're back
everything will be fine," I said. "I'll light the lantern and we'll
find a snug spot in no time at all!"
"And eat,"
said Growch.
For once I was in full
agreement with him. "And eat."
I held the lantern high
to try and get our bearings and saw what seemed like a reflection of our light
off to the right. I blinked my eyes free of moisture and looked again. As I
watched, the lantern or whatever it was swung slowly from side to side. Yes, it
wasn't my imagination.
I stumbled forward,
never considering any danger I might be heading for. "Is there anyone
there? Help, we need shelter. . . ." and grabbing Gill's hand I made off
towards the other light.
The trees shuffled away
into the shadows on either side and we found ourselves in a small clearing. A
flickering lantern held by a small man threw dances of light onto a queer,
humpbacked building, no taller than me, that crouched for all the world like a
giant hedgehog beneath the trees. It must be a charcoal-burner's hut, I
thought, and certainly not big enough to hold us all. A wisp of smoke trickled
from the roof.
The small man bowed.
"Welcome travelers. It is not often I have the pleasure of welcoming
visitors so far into the forest. Pray take advantage of my humble dwelling, for
methinks the weather can only worsen." He spoke in a creaky, old-fashioned
way, as though speech came seldom to his tongue. He was elderly, and looked to
be dressed in skins; the hand that clutched the lantern was gnarled like a
bunch of twigs.
"Thank you, sir,
for your kind offer," I said formally. I looked at the low doorway.
"But there are four of us, and I fear . . ."
"Plenty of room:
You will see."
One of us wasn't
waiting; Growch pushed past and disappeared behind the hides that covered the
entrance and I found myself pulling Gill in with me. Inside it wasn't a bit
what I expected.
Somehow the roof seemed
higher—perhaps we had come down a step or two—and the space far greater than I
had imagined. It was quite roomy, in fact. The floor was clean sand, the walls
wattle and daub; there were piled skins to sit on and a merry fire burned in
the center, the smoke curling up tidily to a hole in the roof. To one side of
the fire a cauldron simmered and on the other meat was skewered to a spit,
browning nicely. A pile of oatcakes was warming on a flat stone, a flagon of
wine stood by a jug and wooden bowls and mugs were piled ready. The tantalizing
smell of the food was almost more than I could bear without drooling.
I guided Gill to a pile
of skins and sat him down, hanging his sodden cloak on a hook in the wall.
Growch was already steaming, as near to the fire as he could get, and biting at
his reawakened fleas. I heard a munching sound and there was Mistral behind me,
lipping at a bunch of winter grass.
It was all rather
unexpected, but then I was still unused to much of the refinements of the
world. Perhaps houses could, and did, stretch to accommodate extra guests; far
more likely, I told myself, my eyes had deceived me outside and I had thought
the place much smaller than it obviously was; if not, then we must be in some
underground chamber.
Our host came forward,
rubbing his hands together with a dry, whispery sound. "Help yourselves to
refreshments, my friends. There should be more than enough for all."
Indeed there was. Gill
and I spent the next half hour or so crunching into the delicious spicy meat,
throwing the bones to Growch, and chasing the last of a thick, hearty broth
with oat bread. Then with a mug or two of wine to follow I leaned back and
relaxed. The fire still chuckled merrily, apparently without need of fuel,
although our host threw a handful of what looked like powder into the flames
and instantly the room was full of the scents of the forest.
He was much taller than
I had thought, nearly as tall as Gill. How could I ever have thought him
smaller than me, I thought muzzily. It was difficult to make out his features properly,
too. He seemed to have greyish hair and bushy eyebrows, big ears like ladles
and small, round eyes so deeply set I couldn't make out their color. I thought
at first his nose was as round as an oak-apple, but in the firelight it
suddenly seemed sharp as a thorn and twice as long. His mouth was hidden by an
untrimmed beard, but one moment he seemed to have long, sawlike teeth, then
none at all.
The food and the wine
and the fire were getting to me, I thought: I must pull myself together.
Glancing to one side I saw that Mistral's eyes were closed, her head drooping;
Growch was staring vacantly at the fire and Gill had his head on his chest. I
pinched myself on the hand, surreptitiously, to try and keep awake, catching at
my ring as I did so. It seemed very cool to the touch.
I looked up at our host.
"I thank you, from all of us, for your food and shelter."
"A pleasure, young
traveler. As I said, it is rare for anyone to venture this far into my
"Your territory?"
"Indeed. I said so.
This forest is my domain."
Surely all land and the
people thereon were owned by the lords of the manors? Even in our village we
owed ours work in his fields and tithings.
"You are a
He chuckled, a sound
like wind in the trees. "Lord of the Forest, yes. All around you are my
trees, my shrubs, my brushes. My birds, my wild creatures. Every living thing .
. ." He sounded quite fierce.
"It—it must be a
big responsibility," I said weakly.
He shrugged.
"Everything usually runs smoothly: I see to that. Besides, who is there to
challenge my authority?"
Certainly not me, I
thought, noting the scowl, the beetling brows.
"And now," he
continued, "I should like to ascertain just how you come to invade my
territory. You seem an ill-assorted company, if I may say so. This young man .
. ." Gill was fast asleep, too far gone even to snore. " . . . is a
relative, perhaps?"
In the silence that
awaited the answer to his question, short though it was, I suddenly became
aware of all sorts of sights and sounds that had been hidden before. The uneasy
prickle of the ring on my finger, the rush of wind and thunder of rain outside,
the fire that needed no wood, the unnatural stillness of my companions. Even
the shelter in which we found ourselves was seeming to change: the walls were
closing in, the roof becoming lower. It's all a big illusion, I thought; he is
trying his magic on me and if I tell him the wrong thing—
Before there had been a
great compulsion to tell the truth, but now outside reality and I had erected a
kind of barrier between the Lord of the Forest and us. So, I told him the story
I had told everyone else, lying as though it were the truth.
At the end of it all he
humphed! as if he knew it was untrue but couldn't fault the telling. I was
beginning to relax again when he suddenly switched his attention to something
"That's an unusual
ring you have on your finger. A pity it is so undistinguished. Not worth much,
I should say."
"It is worth the love
of my father, who gave it to me. Were it made only of thread, still would I
treasure it. Of course, because it is part of the horn of a—" Horrified, I
stopped myself, the ring itself now throbbing like a sore on my finger.
"The horn of a
what? Some fabled creature who never existed, save in the imagination of man? I
am surprised you believe in such a fable. Still," and now his face was all
smiles, benign, kindly, "I am willing to exchange it for something far
more valuable, just because I am grateful for your company. See here. . .
." and from his pocket he drew out a handful of jewels; gold, silver,
green stones, red ones, blue, purple, yellow. "Rings, brooches, necklaces,
bracelets: take your pick! Just slide that old piece from your finger and I
will give you two for one! How's that?"
"It won't come
off," I said flatly. "Not even if I wanted it to. Which I don't. It
was my father's gift, and I shall keep it. Sorry."
Of a sudden I felt a
great squeezing, as though the breath were being taken from my body by an
unwelcome hug, and the walls were so close as to squash me up against the
others. Instinctively I took hold of Gill's sleeping hand and cuddled Growch
close. Above me Mistral's mane hung like a curtain before my face and I grabbed
a handful with my free hand.
Then sleep came down
with a rush like a collapsing tapestry.
* * *
A drop of rain plopped
onto my nose, the aftermath of the storm. Opening my eyes, I blinked up at the
trees above. I was cold and very hungry. I had been lying uncomfortably
on a heap of twigs and stones and my hip and back ached. I sat up; where was
the fire? A tiny charred ring in the grass. Walls had gone, roof disappeared. I
let go Mistral's mane, Gill's hand, moved away from Growch. Whatever had
happened? In a little heap beside the remains of the fire lay a pathetic heap
of small, burnt bones: mouse, rat, vole? By them a small pile of desiccated
skins crumbled to dust, and blew away on the morning breeze together with half
a dozen acorn cups.
Gill stretched and
yawned. "What time is it? I'm hungry."
"Hungry?" said
Growch. "Hungry? I could eat an 'orse!"
"You can talk! I
haven't eaten for twenty-four hours," said Mistral.
I gazed at them all.
"But don't you remember last night? The food? The little man?" But
none of them had the slightest idea what I was talking about.
Chapter Nine
After that, all I wanted
was to get away back to normality, and I never thought I should be so glad to
see a plain old ribbon of road again. We had no idea exactly where we were, but
with the aid of a watery sun headed west by south; even so it must have been at
least an hour of stumbling progress before we were free of the forest.
All the while I wondered
about what had really happened during the night. As far as we four were
concerned we shared the experience of seeing the flickering light between the
trees, but after that the others remembered nothing but disturbed dreams. Only
I recalled a gnarled old man first small then tall, a room that expanded then
contracted, a fire that needed no fuel, food and drink. . . . And in the
morning the Lord of the Forest had gone, if he had ever existed. So had his
shelter. I might have believed myself the victim of hallucination, except for
that tiny ring of charred ground, the little chewed vermin bones, the acorn
cups. Magic of a kind, but not nice.
How many other travelers
had succumbed, I wondered? If it hadn't been for my ring, the ring he had
coveted, the ring that I realized had bound us all together as I gathered the
others around me, we too might have been bones on the forest floor. I glanced
down at the circle on my finger: it was the color of my skin and nestled
quietly now. Whatever had threatened was behind us now, but I wouldn't rest
easy till we were away from the forest completely. The trees still crowded the
road on either side, dank and dripping, their rain-laden branches drooping down
like disapproving faces, and no birds sang.
* * *
A half hour later we
were out in the open. Standing once again in the blessed sunshine, I offered up
a silent prayer for our deliverance. It was a chilly morning, last night's rain
still lingering in pockets of mist that swirled about our feet and slithered
down into the valley below. The countryside was spread out like a checkered
quilt beneath us, and some five miles or so distant I could make out through
the haze the snaking of a river that curled round the smoke of a fair-sized
town. I even imagined that I could hear on the freshening breeze the faint
ting-ting of a church bell.
There was little enough
dry wood about, but with the aid of the kindling in my pack I soon had a fire
going, and spread out cloaks on bushes as I hurried up the first solid food we
had eaten for hours—bacon, fried stale bread, cheese and onions eaten raw. It
seemed like a feast, but I still mentally gagged when I remembered the
"food" of the night before and could swallow but little, busying
myself instead finding choice bits of fodder for Mistral.
We reached the town by
midday, and I managed to find an inn which provided both stable room and
pallets in the attic. After hearing that a caravan from the east, heading
south, was expected within the next couple of days—a rider coming through had
reported passing it—I determined to stay until they arrived. Far better to
travel in company after the misadventures of the last few days. It meant
spending money, but at least we could tidy ourselves up and have the choice of
provisions before the others arrived.
I took our washing to
the river stones and beat it clean, bought hot water to cleanse ourselves and
took Gill once more to the barber, investing in a razor which I thought he
could use if careful. I also bought him a cloak with a hood, at horrible
expense, and a silken scarf to tie around his eyes: although he could still see
nothing, he complained of headaches and a cold prickling in the eyes
themselves. The bump on his head was scarcely visible now, but I gave it more
salve, just in case.
After decent food and a
good night's rest I felt a hundred times better and much more optimistic. I sat
Gill out in the sunshine while I caught up with the mending, and tried to jog
his memory regarding his family, his home, anything relevant, but he still shook
his head sadly.
"I don't remember,
Summer: I'm sorry." I could not bear to see someone who should be so
haughty and sure of himself brought so low. I tried to recall anything I could
of that scene of carnage in the woods and suddenly bethought myself of the
scrap of silk I had rescued. Digging it out from the baggage I showed it to
Mistral, who sniffed at it, identified it as belonging to the knight's train,
but knew nothing of color or shape, as I understood it. I took it to Gill,
tried to describe the blue and yellow and what looked like a beak, but he still
shook his head. I was sure I could recall a bird's head on the shield I had
glimpsed that first day when he asked the way, and tried to combine it all in a
drawing, but it was hopeless. Still, I asked about the town as best I could
with the scrap of silk, but met with no success there either.
I was making my way back
to the inn at dusk, after a wasted afternoon's questioning, when I came across
a scuffle of small boys throwing stones up onto the roof of a deserted cottage,
shouting and yelling with enjoyment. Looking up, I saw the feeble flapping of
wings—obviously they were trying to finish off an injured bird. Even as I
passed the bird fell off into the gutter, where it was scooped up by greedy
hands and held on high by the tallest boy.
"Mine! Mine!"
he chanted. "Pigeon pie for supper!" He was a thin, starved-looking
child of about nine, and I couldn't blame him for capturing his supper, but as
he put his hand around the bird's neck something made me put out a hand to stop
"Stop! Don't kill
it. I—I'll buy it off you. . . ." I said impulsively, cursing myself for a
soft-pate even as the words were out. What on earth did I want an injured
pigeon for?
The boy hesitated, his
hand still ready to wring the bird's neck.
"'Ow much you
givin' us, fatty?"
I flushed with anger—but
then I was fat, wasn't I, and he was as skinny as only starvation can make one.
"Twice as much as
it's worth in the market. Only I want it alive—to fatten it up." I
reckoned an alley-wise kid such as this would appreciate that argument. I
pulled some coins from my pocket and jingled them invitingly. Immediately his
eyes glowed fiercely, and I realized I had made a mistake: I should have only
produced the two small coins I was willing to part with. I held out my other
hand. "Give me the bird. Please."
He clutched the bird
closer. "Four pennies, then."
"Rubbish! It's only
worth one in that condition, and you know it." To my alarm I sensed the
other children closing in around me. There were at least a half-dozen, and I
knew I could never escape by running. The alley we were in was narrow and
twisting, and if they made a concerted attack I would have no chance. They
could crack my head open with a stone with as little compunction as they would
wring the bird's neck and share the coins between them, and none the wiser.
If only I had thought to
at least bring Growch with me! Nothing to look at, he still had a fearsome
bark, a worse growl and very sharp teeth. I took a step back, which was a foolish
thine to do. "I—I'll give you another half-penny on top, and that's my
last offer."
But still they crept
closer, so near that one child nudged my elbow. I took a further step back till
I was up against the wall. My heart was beating like a tambour at a feast, and
I felt like chucking the money in my hand away as far as I could and taking a
chance on running. If only I could reach the end of the alley . . . I lifted my
hand, but suddenly there was a small frightened voice in my ears.
"Help me!" The
ring on my ringer tingled briefly. "Help me. . . ." It was the bird.
Suddenly I felt a surge of anger and stepped away from the wall. "Give me
the bird! At once! Or I'll . . ."
"You'll what?"
But it was the boy who backed away.
"Just wait and see!
Well?" I spoke from a confidence I did not feel but even as he shook his
head my deliverance was at hand.
A black blur erupted at
the far end of the alleyway and charged towards us, bringing its own cloud of
dust, the little legs were working so fast. Then there was a nipping and a
snarling and a yarling and a yelping and a barking and a biting and boys were
scattering everywhere to escape. The pigeon's tormentor dropped the bird in his
flight and I snatched it up and made for safety, closely followed by Growch.
We fetched up near the
inn and I paused for breath. He spat a fragment of cloth from his mouth, tail
wagging. His eyes were bright as blackberries and he smelt as high as hung
venison. I made a mental note to dunk him in water whether he liked it or not.
"Lucky I was only
dozin' when you called," he observed. "Saw that lot off pretty
sharpish, din' I?"
"I called
"Yeh, you yelled
'help!' in my ear. Took off like a flea on a griddle I did. What's that you
Once again the ring had
worked, and only a thought this time. . . .
"A . . . a
pigeon," I said, and loosened my fingers a little, aware that I was
holding the bird far too tight. "I think it has a broken wing."
"Certainly not!
Don't you ever think of anything except food?"
"Yes, but I ain't
seen nor smelt any likely bitches recent. . . . Don' I get anything for
helpin'? A reward, like . . ."
He was disgusting, but I
bought a pie and gave him half, stuffing the rest into my mouth with relish.
"Mmmm . . . Good."
"Might justa well
been your bird. Pigeon pie, weren't it?"
"Of course not!
Pork and sage," I said, before I realized he was teasing. The bird
shivered in my hands.
Upstairs at the inn I
examined it more closely. It was a handsome bird in an unusual coloring of soft
pinky-brown and buff. On its leg was a tiny canister, locked tight. So, it was
a homing pigeon. But from where? One wing lay splayed and crooked and I touched
it gently, using slow thought for my question.
"Is this where it
"Yes. Broken I
think. Falcon strike, two days back. Hungry . . ." The voice in my head
was faint but clear. A mug of water and some oats later and the voice was
strong enough to guide me as I bound and strapped the wing with a splint of
wattle and strips of cloth while he mind-guided my clumsy fingers into the most
comfortable position.
"That'll take a
while to heal," I said. "Where are you from?"
"South. A town tall
with towers. I am a messenger."
"I can see
that." I touched the canister on his leg. "How far have you
"From north fifty
miles or so. The same again three times to go."
"Well, you can't
fly for a while. . . . South, you said?"
"Yes, and a little
"Is your message
"It is a message of
love from my mistress' betrothed."
Urgent enough to the one
who waited. "We travel south," I said. "But not as fast as you
could fly. I don't know how long you will take to heal, but you are welcome to
travel with us if you choose. I can make a box for your transport."
Of course my dear Gill
thought I was quite mad when he found out what I was doing sitting on the
settle by the fire that night, weaving a little basket from withies I had
gathered from the riverside by lantern light (with Growch for company this
time). When I explained about the injured pigeon he snorted most unaristocratically
and asked whether I was thinking of gathering any more encumbrances to hold up
our journeying.
Of course I loved my
knight most dearly, and could not now imagine the day when I could not refresh
my heart by gazing at his beautiful face; marveling at the high forehead,
straight nose, and those darkly fringed eyes, so blue in spite of their
blindness—but I did wish sometimes that he would grumble a little less.
"Anything the
"Of course not.
I'll just finish this, then perhaps I could ask the landlord for some mulled
ale. You'd like that?"
"I should prefer a
decent bottle of wine."
Wine was twice as dear. "I know how you must hate all this idleness, but
perhaps the caravan will arrive tomorrow. . . ."
* * *
The travelers straggled
in at midday the next day, some fifty of them. The inn and all the other
lodging places in town were full that night and we had to share our pallets and
those spare with a husband and wife and their three half-grown children. I
doubled up with the wife and Gill with the largest boy. The latter grumbled
that Gill took up too much room, while I found myself on the floor a couple of
times, the wife having a thin body but a restless one, and the sharpest elbows
this side of a skeleton.
The caravan did not
waste time and was determined to set off again next day. I had had the
forethought to stock up with provisions the previous day, so not for me the
frantic buying of everything eatable. I already had flour, oats, cheese, salt
pork, dried beans, honey, a small sack of onions and vegetables and a dozen
apples, but I did remember to buy some barley for the pigeon and a truss of hay
for Mistral in the morning.
I judged there would be
room for barter on our travels, for I noticed a couple of goats and a crate of
hens were traveling with us, part of a merchant's entourage. Milk and eggs
would be a treat, although it was late in the year for laying.
Like all so-called
"safe" caravans, this one was in charge of a captain and men-at-arms,
six of the latter in this case. The captain's job was to determine our rate of
progress, decide when and where to halt and to keep us safe from marauders. Our
captain was a very large man called Adelbert; he looked quite outlandish,
wearing skins and a huge helmet decorated with a pair of bull's horns sticking
out on either side. He had a habit of hunching his broad shoulders and
thrusting his head forward if anyone dared to question his decisions, that made
him look more taurine than ever. His men were a surly bunch, too. They
conversed with their captain in a guttural patois I didn't recognize and kept
themselves well apart from the rest of us.
Before we set off the
following morning "Captain" Adelbert explained his terms. In return
for his guidance and protection he demanded a penny a day from each traveler,
or sixpence a week in advance. Wagon and carts double, but no charge for
horses, asses or mules. I was only too happy to relinquish my worries to
someone else, so handed over money for Gill and myself. A week at a time would
That first day there
were forty-seven of us. Besides the captain and his men, Gill and me, there
were the merchant, his wife and four attendants, five lay monks returning south
after pilgrimage to another monastery, our room companions of the night before,
another family consisting of four generations and thirteen assorted people, a
trader and his assistant, a clerk and a troupe of jugglers going south for
winter pickings. Captain Adelbert himself led the caravan, two of his men
brought up the rear, and the other four patrolled out on either side.
Our pace was of
necessity that of the slowest amongst us. We were ruled by a rigid routine
imposed by our leader, who became increasingly autocratic the farther south we
traveled. We rose an hour before dawn, broke our fast and were on the road as
the sun came up. We traveled for four hours, then broke for a meal—not longer
than an hour: the captain had a very efficient sand-glass, which to me always
traveled faster than the sun—then we were on the road again till dusk, another
three hours, perhaps a little more. We camped where he stopped us, unless we
were in reach of a town, then it was first in, best served. If we were camping
out then we built fires for our evening meal, sometimes combining with others
for a joint meal, which was a nice change: the merchant and his wife were too
aloof, but the other families and the jugglers became good companions. If the
weather was wet we supped cold and soon huddled beneath what shelter we could
Luckily we had few
really cold days; farther north by now all would be huddled in front of roaring
fires, waiting for the snow. I think this was the first thing that made me
realize how far we had already come, for by the beginning of December I must
have been at least a hundred and fifty miles south of my old home, if not more.
I began to enjoy my life
outside, to look around me more. I started to notice weather signs, to see
trees, rocks, stones, streams as separate entities. I delighted in the colors
of the falling leaves—red, yellow, brown, purple, orange—was forever running
off the road to supplement our diet with mushroom and fungi, and was the first
of the humans to hear and see the skeins of geese winging south, though I must
admit it had been our little pigeon who had alerted me.
He was healing slowly
but well, and I didn't need to alter the splint of his wing. Seen at close
quarters he was extremely handsome, his pinky-brown plumage set off by creamy
beak and legs and bright eyes as red as rubies. He was in no doubt we were
heading in the right direction for his home, though he found it difficult to
explain why.
"Don't know for
sure . . . Something inside my head pulls me the right way." He scratched
behind his left ear, or where I supposed it to be, with a delicate claw, then
followed the itch all around his neck. "You see, when I am taken away from
home and then released to carry a message I climb slowly in spirals, looking
all the while for familiar landmarks. If there are none, which means a long
journey, I climb until the tug inside comes and I know which way to go."
He settled down in his basket, fluffing out his breast feathers. "Of
course if I am within ten miles or so of home, then I can see my way, and will
be home, weather and hawks permitting, between strikes of the church of the
tall tower, which is nearest my loft."
Three hours was the
usual interval between strikes of the bell, if the priest was awake, to
coincide with the church Offices.
"What does it look
like, the earth, from so far above?" I asked hesitantly.
I had put his basket and
our baggage on a rock while we took one of our halts, so that Mistral could
graze unburdened, and now the bird looked up and then down and around. For a
while he said nothing, then: "Stand you up and look down on this rock.
This is a mountain. That clump of grass over there is a forest. Scratch a line
on the ground and stick two or three twigs along it and you have a river with a
town beside it. The ants you can see are the people . . ."
For an instant I could
feel the currents of air beneath my wings, stroking my feathers, and glancing
down watched the moving map beneath unfold, instinct pulling me farther and
farther south—
"You all
right?" asked Growch. "Got a funny look on your face, like you was
goin' to be sick. If'n it's the bacon, I don' mind finishin' off that bit for
you. . . ."
Gill had been remarkably
silent about my exchanges with the animals ever since Mistral had found us in
the forest; of course I now mostly used thought-communication, but sometimes
forgot and used speech. I don't for a moment believe he thought I was really
talking to them, or they to me, but he suspected there was something special
between us and was no longer sure enough of himself to ridicule it.
The fresh air, plain
food and walking miles every day did appear to be helping his memory a little;
odd things, like: "I remember having my hair cut when I was a child, and
the smell as the pieces burned on the fire," or: "My mother had a
blue robe with a gold border," and: "I fell out of a tree when I was
six and broke my arm." All endearing memories that made the child he was
more real to me, but not really helpful as far as finding out where he lived.
Still, it was a hopeful sign.
* * *
The caravan changed its
character, size and shape as various travelers left or joined us. Among the
former were the jugglers and the large family, but the farther south we went,
the more our numbers swelled. There were more merchants, with or without wives
and attendants, a merry band of students, a couple of pardoners, craftsmen and
masons looking for work during the winter and even a dark-skinned man wearing a
turban who had woven silk mats and hangings in his wagon.
Of course as the road
became more traveled, the deeper the ruts and the more chance of being held up
for repairs to wheels or axles. Then we would all stand round cursing the
inaction while the Captain organized repairs and restless horses steamed in the
chill of December mornings. In spite of this we still managed an average of
some fifteen miles a day.
At this time we were
traveling through broken countryside: small hills, stony heath, straggly old
woods half-strangled with ivy, isolated coppices and turbulent streams. The
road, from its usual width of twenty or thirty feet, had shrunk to a wagon's
width. Earlier in the day we had come to a crossroads and Captain Adelbert had
insisted on taking this narrower right-hand road, saying it was a short cut. I
began to wonder if he had made a mistake. It had obviously rained heavily here
in the last twenty-four hours, for in many places the horses were splashing
through shallows and I had to lift my skirts to my knees and paddle. Once I
actually had to carry the smelly Growch twenty yards when he pretended he
couldn't swim—it was easier than arguing.
It was getting dark,
with a lowering sky overhead, but there was no sight of a suitable camping
site. The countryside looked even more inhospitable, outcrops of rock and
tangled undergrowth crowding down towards the narrowing road. To make it worse
Adelbert's men were harrying the train, trying to make us close ranks and we
were soon almost treading on one another's heels. The wagon ahead of us snagged
on an overhang and came to an abrupt halt. I was bursting to relieve myself, so
dragged Gill and Mistral off the track and behind some rocks, just as the monks
behind us closed up.
Our departure went
unnoticed in the general hubbub, and I was able to squat down in peace. That
was one of the only advantages of Gill's blindness: I had no need to hide
myself. He took advantage of the break also, and I was just leading him back to
Mistral when the ring on my finger started to itch and burn, and a moment later
all hell broke loose in the direction of the road.
Shouts, screams, the
thunder of hooves, the frantic barking of a dog, sickening thuds and crashes—
Whatever in the world had happened? Making sure Gill had hold of Mistral's
mane, I pulled at her bridle to lead her back to the road, but she dug in her
hooves and refused to budge, wordless terror coming from her mind to mine.
Well, if she wouldn't move I would have to come back for her, but I must see
what was happening.
Just as I stumbled
towards the rocks something thumped me hard in the stomach and down I went to
my knees. Growch was tumbling all over me, stinking of fear.
"Get back, get
back!" he barked over the increasing din. "Hide, quick! It's a
Chapter Ten
I woke with a sudden
jerk, as though I had plummeted down a steep stair, and gazed around wildly.
Mistral blew soothingly through her nostrils.
"All safe: sleep .
. ."
I lay down again,
chilled through to the core of my being, glad for once for the smelly warmth of
Growch against my back. Gill was breathing heavily beside me and above the
stars shone clear. I closed my eyes, tried to doze off again, but even if I
managed a moment or two I soon jumped into wakefulness, fighting the hideous
images that crowded sleep.
We had camped beneath an
overhang of rock off the road—somewhere. It had been too dark to see, I had not
dared light the lantern, and sheer luck and Growch had found this comparatively
sheltered spot. We had eaten hastily of broken meats—some sort of pie, I
judged—then had wrapped ourselves in the extra blankets and tried to sleep.
Gill had dropped off first, but then he hadn't seen what I had. . . .
* * *
When Growch had cannoned
into me crying "Massacre!" I had not at first believed him, despite the
shouts and screams, the clash of weapons. At first I thought it was a minor
ambush and that Captain Adelbert and his men were fighting off the attackers,
glad that we were out of the way. I saw two monks flee past our hiding place,
pursued by a man on horseback waving a sword. It was obviously not safe for us
to emerge.
I crept back to Gill.
"It looks as though the caravan has been ambushed. It's not safe to move
until it's all over. . . ."
But the noise seemed to
go on for ever. The screams of anguish and pain were the worst, and I held my
hands over my ears; I saw Gill do the same. Perhaps through his dim memory he
was reminded of the ambush in which he had been caught.
At last it grew quiet,
as far as the screaming was concerned, but I could still hear the tramp of
hooves, the crunch of wheels, men's voices, curiously exultant voices. The
battle was over; someone had won. I crept forward for a better look. Nothing to
be seen, just an empty road. I was about to step out for a better look when
there was a fierce tugging at my skirt.
"No! Not yet,"
growled Growch. "Let me take a quick sken first."
"No buts! You ain't
got the sense of a newborn pup!" and he crawled forward on his belly and
disappeared. I waited for what seemed an age, shivering a little from both fear
and excitement, but he came back so stealthily that I heard and saw nothing
until a wet nose was pressed into my hand, making me jump. He was shivering,
"What's happened?
Is anyone hurt? Is it over?"
"S'over all right.
They'll be movin' off soon, I reckon. Got what they wanted." He lay down,
panting. "All dead."
"I can smell the
blood," came the frightened thought from Mistral.
"Like a
slaughterhouse," said Growch, still shivering. "Move back a bit:
they'll be coming past in a minute or two."
"Who? Who will be
coming past? You haven't explained anything! Who is dead? Who attacked
"Never trust no
one," was all he would say. "Never trust no one. . . ."
Impatiently I moved for
a better view of the road, crouching down behind a rock, mindful through my
curiosity of Growch's warnings. Two minutes later I nearly burst out of my
hiding place with relief, for here rode our Captain on his stallion, leading
behind him two pack horses laden with unwieldy packages. So we had beaten off
our attackers! I opened my mouth to cry out, but then I saw the sword hanging
from his hand, thick with congealing blood. Instinctively I shrank back; if I
leapt out at him too suddenly he might use it without thinking. A moment later
and his six men followed, one nursing a gash on his arm, but all chattering and
laughing among themselves. Each one led two or three laden horses, and on one I
saw the silken rugs from the dark merchant's cart. And surely those two
piebalds were the ones who had pulled one of the other merchant's carts? And
wasn't that mule the one belonging to one of the pardoners? Where were the
I craned forward; the
horsemen passed, but there were no others behind. Their voices still carried
"Din' take too
long. . . ."
"Pity about the
younger woman—"
"Should'a thought
o' that before you chopped her!"
"Whores aplenty
where we're goin'."
"Why din' we take
one o' the wagons?"
"Captain says as
we're goin' cross-country."
"Three cheers for
'im, anyways! More this time than last!"
"'E says enough to
lay up for the winter. No pickin's worth the candle till spring."
"What about those
that ran?"
"Two-three at most.
One o' the monks—"
"Din' see the fat
girl and 'er blind brother. . . ."
"Quite fancied 'er,
I did. Like an armful, meself. . . ."
"Won't none of 'em
get far. Not with the bogs all around."
"Shit! Dropped a
bundle. . . ."
"Coupla blankets.
Leave 'em. Got plenty. . . ."
Their voices faded as
the road bent away, until there was only the dull clop of hooves and a tuneless
whistling, and soon both were lost in distance and the growing dark.
I sat down heavily, my
mind whirring like a cockchafer. Had I heard aright, or was it all some
horrible nightmare? Had our captain, the man we all trusted, led us all astray
and proceeded to massacre everyone for the goods we carried? And was it his
living, something they did regularly?
Growch slipped past me.
He was back in a couple of minutes, looking jauntier. "All clear. You can
come out now. Not much to see, though. Or do . . ."
He was right, about the
second part anyway. They were all dead, all our companions, strewn along the
road for two or three hundred yards like broken dolls—
But dolls never looked
like this. Gash a doll and you have splintered wood; wood does not bleed, and
there was blood everywhere. My shoes stuck in it, clothes, faces, limbs were
caked with it. Dark blood, pink, frothy blood, bright blood—my lantern showed
it all. Who would have thought blood would have so many different shades?
And the flies—It was
December: where had they all come from? Greedy, fat, blue-black flies crawling
everywhere over the carrion that lay cooling in the dark. And in the morning
would come the kites, the crows, the buzzards. . . .
Gill was at my side as
we picked our way through the corpses, but of course he could see nothing.
Growch sniffed his way from corpse to corpse, but there was no life left. We
came to the end of death, and there, on the narrowest part of the roadway, a
great tree blocked any further progress. At first I thought it had fallen, then
I saw the axe marks. So, this had all been carefully planned, and by the look
of the tree this way had been used before, this sudden death had come out of
the dusk to other travelers.
I must leave word,
warning, at the nearest town, I thought distractedly, but first we must get
away from here ourselves. Mistral wouldn't come near, and the pigeon cowered in
his basket. Taking Gill's hand once more I led him back through the obscenity
of bodies, the bile rising in my throat and threatening to choke me. I found I
was muttering: "Oh God! Oh God!" over and over as I turned from
slashed limbs, contorted bodies, gaping wounds and from the faces that wore
death masks of surprise, terror and pain.
Behind me Gill stumbled
and cursed. "What the devil—?"
He jerked his hand from
my grasp as he fell to one knee, groping in front of him.
"I kicked
something: a flagon of wine, a bladder of lard?"
This time I was sick,
though there was little save bitter water to spit out. The thing he had
stumbled over was a severed head.
"Let's get outta
here," said Growch. "Nothin' left but stink o' death."
True enough. The
assassins had stripped the caravan of everything: clothes, goods, weapons,
valuables, harness, horses and mules, even all food and drink. There was no
reason to believe they would return, and they were probably miles away by now,
but I still felt uneasy. They had said three others had run off, but if it were
true about the bogs they were probably drowned by now.
As if to echo the dread
and fear that still lingered among the corpses, a thick miasma of mist started
to rise from the ground around us, curling round my ankles with cold fingers.
I took Gill's arm.
"We must move. There is nothing we can do for these poor souls save give
them our prayers." And we bowed our heads, the muttered prayers sounding
loud in that unnatural stillness. There was only one way to go; that was down
the road we had come by, for none of us wanted to linger near the slaughter
longer than we could help. Even a mile or two would make a difference, for who
knew what ghosts might not rise from those poor unshriven souls, to harry us
through the night?
Growch slipped off
ahead, and I extinguished the lantern: I could not risk the murderers seeing a
light, though common sense told me we would never see them again. I knew the
dog's and horse's ears were sharp enough to pick up any danger, but we walked
forward cautiously, a step at a time. Growch came running back.
"No sign of anyone
for miles, but there's a bundle what they musta dropped just ahead. Over to the
right . . ."
Two new blankets, still
smelling of sheep oil and practically waterproof. I strapped them on Mistral's
back. They had been someone else's property, but that person was now dead: no
point in leaving them there to rot. There was also a small sack of various
broken foods: no point in wasting that either.
We stumbled forward for
another mile or so, then Growch had found the rocks we were now sheltering
beneath. I shared out the broken pies and bread and cheese and covered us with
the new blankets, and then tried to sleep for a few hours.
* * *
And was still trying.
But the sights and
sounds of the carnage we had left behind were still sharp and shrill in my
imagination, too clamorous for sleep. Why did it have to end like that, the
journey I was becoming so used to, was even beginning to enjoy? I had become
accustomed to walking all day, to spending the occasional night huddled under
the stars, to cleaning and mending and patching and gathering wood and cooking.
I had met more people in the last few weeks than I had come across in the whole
of my life before, seen more villages, towns, hills, rivers, forests and fields
than any lord could own in one holding. Of course I had been bone-weary at
times, hungry, cold and burdened with responsibility but, given the choice, I
would not have retraced one step. Had not my father traveled the world, and
Mama been one of the Travelers?
No, I would not have
gone back—until now.
Right now I would give
almost anything to be back in my own village, under any conditions—even working
in the tavern, or as kitchen maid to the sharp-tongued miller's wife. I wanted
desperately for life to be ordinary again, safe and predictable. I didn't want
responsibility for anyone or anything but myself; I didn't want to think, to
plan, to lead. I wanted to have all the decisions made for me. No more
choices, please God! I couldn't cope, I couldn't, especially if they were going
to turn out like this.
I snuggled into the
scratchy, uncomfortable-because-new blanket, more awake than ever. Gill was now
snoring loudly, Growch smelt like a dung heap and I was sure I was starting a
miserable cold. . . .
I awoke with the sun
full on my face.
"What time is it?
Why didn't you wake me?"
"I thought you
needed the sleep," said Gill gently, putting out a tentative hand till he
found my shoulder, then patting it. "You do so much for us: you deserve a
lie-in once in a while. We couldn't manage without you, you know. . . ."
And suddenly, somehow,
it all seemed worth it.
Chapter Eleven
We regained the
crossroads at midday. It was empty. The road north by which we had originally
come stretched back into the distance, a straight arrow. The turnoff that had
proved so disastrous, we left thankfully. There remained two ways: southeast
and southwest. I sent the turd expert down first one then the other.
He came trotting back
triumphantly. "Not thataway," he said, indicating southeast.
"They went along some twelve hours back, then camped for the night and
struck off 'cross the moor."
I turned to Mistral and
the pigeon. "Does this southwest road seem all right to you?"
Unfortunately I had used
human speech, and Gill stared towards me irritably. "Do we have to
consult—pretend to consult—the impedimenta every time anything is to be
decided? Or can't you make a decision on your own?"
"Animals have a
much better sense of direction than we humans have," I said stiffly.
"And I do communicate with them, whatever you may think!" And
I explained about Growch's foray down the roads. "If you still aren't
convinced, we can waste time going down the southeast road till we find the
relevant horse droppings and you can feel and smell them for yourself!"
He shook his head and
sighed. "No. I believe you somehow manage to tell them what you want,
better than most. Now, can we go?"
I turned to Mistral and
the pigeon once more. "What do you say?"
She snuffed the air.
"We go the right way, for me."
"It will do,"
said the pigeon. "If only I could fly up and take a look . . ."
"Patience," I
said. "You are healing nicely."
"I know . . . Not
fast enough." He paused, and preened himself shyly. "They—the
others—have names. I should like a name too. If you wouldn't mind. If it's not
too much bother . . ."
"But of
course!" I suddenly realized that the name had been there all the time.
"I have been thinking of you as 'Traveler' all this while. Will that
He crooned to himself.
" 'Traveler' . . . Thank you."
* * *
We camped off the road
that night, and made reasonable progress the next day, without seeing another
soul. The same the day after, though by midday we were down to a handful of
flour and two wrinkled apples, so it was with relief that I saw the outline of roofs
and a church tower some distance ahead. The land around us became cultivated,
there were sheep in a fold guarded by two dogs and I could hear wood being
chopped in a wood to the west. Small tracks came to join the highway from left
and right: it all pointed to a fair-sized town.
Indeed it was so
prosperous that on the outskirts were two or three large houses standing in
their own walled grounds, which must mean this was a peaceful area too. We were
passing the last of these mansions when I stopped abruptly. My ring was
tingling and I thought I heard something—no, not heard, rather felt.
"What was
"Bells ringing for
afternoon Mass," said Gill, as indeed they were.
"No. Something
else. Listen. . . ." There it was again: a sad, cold, dying call.
"Came from over the
wall," said Growch, ear pricked. "Somethin' shufflin' about."
there?" I called and thought, "Answer me!"
There was a longish
pause. "Help. . . ." The sound was faint, drawn out like a thread.
"Sooo . . . cooold . . ."
I had to find out what
It was, what It wanted. I looked about, but the pebble-dash walls surrounding
the house were some ten feet high. No way could Gill lift me up—besides he'd
discover just how fat I was—and there were no handy trees to climb. I followed
the wall till I came to a small gate, but it was firmly bolted. Still—
I called Mistral and
explained what I wanted. We managed it on the third attempt as she bucked me up
high enough to grab the top of the gate, climb over and drop to the other side.
The first thing I did was to draw back the bolts to ensure a swift exit, just
in case. Then I looked about me.
I was in a small formal
garden, with apple and pear trees, leafless now, graveled paths, boxed alleys,
square and diamond-shaped plots edged with rosemary, a scummy pond and the
remains of a camomile lawn. All winter-dead and desolate. The house beyond was
shuttered and quiet too.
I peered around in the
gathering gloom. Nothing moved. And yet—I started back. Over there, at the edge
of the shriveled lawn a rock moved. Rocks don't move, I told myself firmly. But
It did it again and I backed away:
"Heeelp . . ."
Talking, moving rocks? If
it hadn't been for the positive feeling in the ring on my finger I think I
would have fled, but instead I approached It cautiously, ready however to run
if It jumped up and tried to bite. Seen closer It was a sort of rough oval,
almost black, with orangey-brown patches. I stretched out my hands to pick It
up and It suddenly sprouted a smooth head, four scrabbling claws and a stumpy tail.
I sprang back: perhaps It did bite!
came the mournful, slow voice again. "Faairly fraaagile. Chiiip eaaasily .
. ."
I squatted down to look
more closely. "What are you?"
. . ."
It was talking Latin,
and that was not my best subject. I understood Church Latin and some market
Latin—both understood wherever one went in a Christian country of course,
whatever local language the native people spoke—but classical and scientific
Latin were beyond me. "Er . . . How can I help you?"
"Cooold . . .
Fooorgotten. Neeeeeed fooooood. Sleeeeeep . . ."
It was getting more and
more difficult to understand. Obviously as the house was shut up It could
expect no help from there. At least I could see It-whatever-it-was-in-Latin got
some warmth. "You'd better come with me." I bent to lift It, my hands
closing round a cool, horny shell. "Don't stick your claws in . . ."
but I was brought up short by a sharp tug. I put It down again. "What's
"Chaaain. Caan't escaaape.
Caaan't buuurrow . . ."
Looking more carefully I
could see that a thin chain was looped through a hole pierced in the rear of
the shell and then went to an iron staple driven into the ground some eighteen
inches away. It was an easy matter for me to lift the chain over the staple and
release It, but I could see how constricting it had been, for the creature's
walking round had worn a deep circular trench, the limit of the chain.
I looked around, but
there was nowhere I could put It that wasn't just as exposed, and no food that
I could see.
"What do you
Fruuuit . . ."
I sighed. "And
where do you come from originally?" but even as I asked I knew what the
answer would be.
"Sooouth . .
Another one! Whatever
would Gill say? I stooped to wrap the chain around Its shell and started to
lift It, but was arrested by a hiss of pain. "Toooooo faaast . . . Huuurts
Slow and steady then. I
wrapped him in my shawl and left by the side gate; I couldn't bar it again.
There was nothing to steal in the garden, and anyone wanting to rob the house
was perfectly capable of climbing the wall.
"What you
got?" asked Growch. I showed him. "Hmmm. Smells like dried grass and
Gill asked the same question
and I placed It in his hands. He ran his hands over the shell and his face lit
up. "Ah! A tortoise! Had one when I was a boy. . . . Laid eggs, but never
came to anything. Ran off one August and we never found it again. . . ."
I was delighted. He had
not only identified the strange creature, but it had also touched off another
piece of memory, however irrelevant. And I had heard of tortoises, but never
seen one before.
I hesitated. "Do
you mind if we take it with us? I believe its kind live farther south. . .
"Of course.
Tortoises can't stand winter here. Ours used to bury itself in cold weather.
Where did you find it?"
I explained. "It
feels as though . . . I think it's hungry. I believe they eat greens, but there
aren't many to be found right now. . . ."
He was delighted to be
consulted. "Some sops of bread in milk. Ours used to love that."
So that was one problem
solved: bread and milk as soon as we reached a decent inn. I wrapped the
tortoise in a piece of sacking and tucked him up on Mistral's saddle.
"Food soon. You may
find your perch a bit rocky, but you'll get used to it. What do we call
you?" I wasn't going to make the same mistake as I had with Traveler, the
Now he was warmer his
speech wasn't (quite) so slurred or slow. "Back at hooome," he said,
shuffling around a little as if he were embarrassed, "the ladies called me
Basher. Could hear me for miles," and he gave a little sound, which, if he
had been human, I would have interpreted as nothing more or less than a snigger.
* * *
By the time we reached
the town proper it was near dark and we were lucky to knock up an inn with
reasonable stable accommodation, which we shared with the animals, snug enough
on fresh hay. I was lucky also with chicken stew, bread and mugs of milk for
Gill and myself, and Basher the tortoise had his first meal "for three or
four mooonths," he said. He didn't eat much, but as he said: "Little
and oooften. The shell is a bit cooonstricting on the stomach." Like armor
must be, I thought.
"How did they come
to forget you?" I asked.
"Neeews came.
Somebooody ill. All left. Forgooot me."
I fingered the chain
wrapped around him. "Shall I take this off?"
"Please. Dooon't
want to be reeeminded."
I found there was a
catch, easy enough to unfasten, and it now looked just like a gold necklet,
something used as an expedient rather than something permanent.
"Who put this on
"Maaan drilled
hole. Huuurt. Lady put on chain. Laaaughed . . ."
"Do you want it? It
looks as if it might be gold, enough to buy us more food and lodging."
"It's yours. Paaay
for my travel . . ."
In the morning we found
the town full of people, and the landlord told us many had come from roundabout
for the feast day of the Eve of St. Martin, the last chance of fresh meat
before the spring. There was a traditional fair to be held on a piece of common
land and dancing on the green in front of the church. "Be glad when it's
all over," he grumbled. "House is full of the wife's relations. We'll
dine early tonight, if you don't mind. Everyone'll be at the fair later."
I didn't know whether to
stay another night or no: it rather depended on whether the tortoise's necklet
was indeed gold. I remembered Mama's strictures on trading and bargaining, and
went to three different coin and metal traders. It was indeed gold and the
middle one offered the best price but was too inquisitive: "Who gave it to
you? Where are you from? Where are you bound for?" and in the end the last
man, an elderly Jew, exchanged it for enough moneys to keep us in food and
lodgings for many a day, and without too much haggling.
So much money, in fact,
that I decided to sleep another night in the town and also visit the fair. I
had never been to a fair before. I had been partly persuaded to find in my
travels round the town that our acquaintances of a few weeks earlier, the
jugglers, were to perform that night.
When told of the
disaster that had overtaken us at the hands of Captain Adelbert and his men,
the juggler's eyebrows rose into his thatch of fair hair, and his mouth made a
great "O" of surprise. He crossed himself several times in thanks for
his deliverance and promised us a free show that evening. I left him going into
the church to give a donation for his lucky escape, for I was reminded to
report the caravan master's perfidy to the authorities.
This took longer than I
had expected, as everything had to be written down, and as it was a holiday the
town clerk was nowhere to be found and I had to be content with his deputy, who
was mighty slow with pen and ink. I could have done better myself. Then they
had to have Gill's corroboration, for what it was worth, so we were only just
in time for our midday meal—rabbit and mushroom stew, dumplings, bread, cheese
and ale—and the fair was already in full swing by the time Gill and I arrived.
I had wanted to leave Growch behind, but he had promised he would sneak out and
follow us anyway.
"Like a couple of
unweaned pups, you two! Not fit to let out on your own . . ." So he
trailed a few yards behind us.
I took hold of Gill's
hand, and because this was a leisure time, not leading him to relieve himself
or across obstacles, the touch of his skin sent little shivers of excitement
rolling up and down my spine. Routine flesh to flesh contact became, in my
case, imbued with all sorts of undertones and overtones that had my palm sweaty
in a minute, and I had to wipe it a couple of times and apologize.
It was difficult in any
case to thread our way through the crowds that milled more or less aimlessly
among the stalls, tents, platforms and stages that filled the common ground.
Like me, I suppose, they wanted to see everything before making up their minds
what to spend their money on. As it was afternoon, over half the crowd
consisted of children: tonight husbands would bring their wives, young men
their sweethearts and the singles would seek a partner.
We found our friends the
jugglers easily enough and, as promised, had our free show, though I could tell
Gill was bored, his blindness making a mockery of the tumbling balls, daggers
and clubs. I found some musicians and we listened to those for a while, then I
bought some bonbons which we shared. I described a couple of wrestling falls
for him, as best I could, also the greasy pole contest, which to me was
hilarious, but again irritated Gill because he could not watch the humor.
The further we went, the
more I realized how much these entertainments relied on visual enjoyment—morris
dancers, animal freaks, the strong man, a woman as hairy as a monkey, a
"living corpse," and all the throwing, catching, running and contests
of strength. The only real interest he showed was when I found a stall selling
rabbit-skin mitts, and I treated him to the biggest pair I could find.
I was reluctantly
leading him back, when I came across a treat I could not resist. Outside a tent
hung a sign saying: the winged pygge. To reinforce the words (for most could
not read) there was a lurid poster depicting something that looked like a cross
between a huge bat and a plum pudding with a curly tail. Perhaps I would have
lingered for a moment, yearned for a while and then walked on, but at the very
moment we stopped, the showman flung aside the flaps of his tent and strode
forward, ready to capture the passing trade with his spiel.
"My friends, lads
and lassies, youngsters: I invite you all to come in and see the marvel
of the age!" His restless little eyes darted amongst us, noting those who
had paused, those who would listen, those who were customers. "Here we
have a magic such as I dare swear you never have seen! A horse may swim, an eel
walk the land, but have you ever seen a pig fly? No, of course you have not!
But here, fresh from the lands of the East—the fabled lands of myth and
mystery—at great expense I have managed to purchase from the Great Sultan
Abracadabra himself, the only, original, once-in-a-lifetime Flying Pig!"
The crowd around us was
growing, their eyes and mouths round with speculation and awe. The showman knew
when he was on to a good thing.
"Here is your
chance to see something that you can tell your children, your grandchildren,
your great-grandchildren, knowing they will never see the same! And how much is
this marvel of the senses, this delectation of the eyes, this feast of the
consciousness?" He had captured them as much with his long words as with
his subject, I realized. "I am not asking the gold I have received from
crowned heads, nor the silver showered on me by bishops and knights. . . . No,
for you, my friends, I have brought down my price, out of my respect and fellow
feeling, to the ridiculous, the paltry, the infinitesimal sum of two copper
The crowd hesitated,
those at the fringe began to break away, but immediately the showman drew them
back into his embrace with a dramatic reduction.
"Of course this
ridiculous price includes all children in the family. And for the elderly, half
price!" Some people who had been leaving turned back, but others remained
irresolute. Down came the price again.
"All right, all
right!" He spread his arms in supplication. "But this price is just
for you: you must not tell your neighbor how little you paid, else will I
starve. . . . My final offer: one copper coin, just one, for the treat of a
lifetime! Come on, now: who will be first?"
Should we, shouldn't we?
After all, I would have to pay for Gill and he would see nothing. I nudged
Growch with my foot.
"There's supposed
to be a pig with wings in there," I nodded towards the tent. "Be a
dear and check up for me. I don't want to waste money if it's a con."
He slipped away towards
the back, presumably to squeeze under the canvas unseen. A steady trickle of
people were now paying their coin: soon the tent would be full. Growch nudged
my ankle.
"Dunno. Honest I
don'. There's summat in there. . . ."
"Is it a pig?"
"Could be . .
"What do you mean
'could be'? It either is or it isn't. Which?"
"Looks like one,
but don' smell like one. Don' smell o' nuffin, really. Nuffin as I
"Perhaps somebody
washed him. Unlike some I could mention," I added sarcastically.
"Does it have wings?"
He scratched. "Sort
of. Bits o' leathery stuff comin' out o' its shoulders. Like bat wings . .
That decided me. I bargained
for Gill's blindness but got a "takes-up-the-same-space-don't-he"
answer. Inside it was dark and stuffy, lit only by tallow dips. Tiptoeing, I
could see a small stage hung with almost transparent netting that stretched
from floor to ceiling and was nailed to the floor. To stop the creature flying
away, I thought.
There was a rustle of
anticipation. The showman reappeared, on the stage this time. He was carrying a
large cage which he set down before him, and then started another harangue.
"You've got your
money," I thought. "Why prolong it?"
"Once in a lifetime
. . . marvel of the age . . . far lands of the East . . ." It went on and
on, and the thirty or so people in the tent started to grow restive, shuffle
their feet, mutter to one another. A baby began to cry and was irritably
"Get on with
it," somebody shouted from the back.
The showman changed his
tack. "And now, here is the moment you have all been waiting for! Come
close, my friends—not too close—and wonder at this miracle I have procured
solely for your mystification and delight!" And with this he opened the
cage, groped around in the interior and finally hauled forth, by one leathery
wing, a small disreputable object that could have been almost anything.
It could have been a
large rat, a mangy cat, a small, hairless dog or, I suppose, a pig. A very
small, tatty pig. Pinkish, greyish, whitish, blackish, it certainly had four
legs, two ears, a snout and a curly tail, but even from where I stood I could
understand Growch's earlier confusion.
There was a murmur of
astonishment from the audience, which quickly grew to ooh's and aah's of
appreciation as the showman plucked at first one stubby little wing and then
the other, extending them until the creature gave very pig-like squeals of
"There now, what
did I tell you? Never seen anything like this before, I'll be bound! Worth
every penny, isn't it?" He brought the creature nearer to the front of the
stage and the crowd pressed forward, making the tallow dips flare and the net
curtains bulge inwards.
I held on tight to Gill,
explaining what I had seen as best I could.
"Sounds like some
sort of freak to me. . . . Are you sure those wings aren't sewn on?"
He wasn't the only one
to express doubts. Once the first wonder had worn off there was muttering and
whispering all about us, one man going so far as to suggest that there was a
manikin sewn up inside a pig's skin.
"Let's see it fly,
then," shouted one stalwart, encouraged by his wife. "You promised us
a flying pig, so let's see a flying pig!"
His cry was taken up by
the others, and for the first time I saw the showman discomfited.
"Well now, the
creature does fly, I can certify to that, but it strained its wings last week,
and—" but the rest of his words were drowned in a howl of protest.
"You promised . . .
we paid good money . . . cash back . . ."
It was probably the last
that decided him. Retreating to the back of the stage, he held the creature
high above his head.
"Right, then!"
He seemed to have recovered his equilibrium. "A flying pig you shall see!
Stand back!" and he threw the creature as high as he could, as you would
toss a pigeon into the air. For a moment it reached the top of the tent and
seemed to hang there, desperately fluttering its vestigial wings. Then, abruptly,
they folded and it spiraled to the floor, to land with a sickening thump and a
heart-rending squeal.
Quite suddenly it was
over. The creature was stuffed back in its cage and we found ourselves out in
the sunshine. For no reason that I could think of I found my eyes were full of
indignant tears. It was so small! I told Gill what had happened.
He shrugged his shoulders.
"They would have
done better to wire it up and suspend it in the air," was his comment.
"I'm getting hungry: shall we go?"
* * *
I took Gill to Mass and
then we ate a rather scrappy supper, everyone in the inn eager to be off to the
evening's festivities. There was to be a bullock roasted in the churchyard,
maybe two, and all you could eat for two pence. I was in two minds what to do.
Part of me couldn't get the images of that pathetic little pig out of my mind
and wanted to see him again, the other part knew that Gill would be bored and
unhappy if I dragged him round the fair again.
My dilemma was solved in
the most satisfactory way. One of the landlord's cronies came dashing into the
inn for a quick ale before the festivities started, grumbling that their best
tenor had dropped out of the part-singing with a sore throat.
"We'll just have to
cut out 'Autumn leaves like a young girl's hair' and 'See the silver moon.'
Pity: they're very popular. . . ."
From the corner by the
fire came a soft humming, then a very pleasant tenor voice started to sing the
descant from "Autumn Leaves." It was Gill; I had never heard him sing
before and my heart gave a sudden bump! of unalloyed pleasure.
Everyone turned to
"Can you do 'Silver
Moon'? 'The bells ring out'? 'Take my heart'?" and a half-dozen more I had
never heard of. Gill reassured the landlord's friend he knew all but two.
"Then you've saved us
all! You come alonga me, we'll slip into the church for a quick practice, then
you're part of our singers for tonight. No arguments: there'll be plenty to
drink and eat. Blind, are you? Pity, pity . . . Don't worry, we'll look after
you!" and he took Gill's arm and whisked him away before one could say
"knife." At first I was dubious, but one look at Gill's face
reassured me. It was full of animation: at last he had found something he could
do for himself, I realized, and wondered for a moment whether I was coddling
him too much. No man likes to be smothered, Mama used to say. . . .
Which left me free for
an hour or so. At first I pretended to myself that I was just going to have a
general look around, perhaps buy a ribbon or two, arrive at the barbecue in
time for some roast beef and then stay to listen to Gill sing, but my feet knew
a different route. Before long I found myself once more outside the
"Flying Pygge" tent listening to the showman's spiel. This time I
pushed my way to the front, determined to be near the stage. And the silly
thing was that I didn't know why, though there was a prickling in my ring that
told me that somehow it was important.
I stopped the speech in
mid-flow. "My penny, sir!"
He stopped and
glared at me, and I realized he had not yet reached his "special
reduction" bit. Blushing, I prepared to step back into the crowd, but he
recognized me, and seized on his opportunity.
"See how eager
this—this young lady is to see the show! Don't I remember you from this
I nodded.
"And you have come
back because you marveled at the show, never having seen its like before? And
you told all your friends about it, so I have had two more performances than
I nodded again.
Anything, but let's get a move on!
He beamed. "There's
your proof, then," he said to the rest. "Can't wait to see the
performance again . . . The young lady perhaps forgets that the price is two
copper coins, but I think that this time, as a special treat—and don't tell
your neighbors—I shall do as she suggests and reduce the entrance to just one
penny. . . ."
Once inside I rushed to
the front as if blown by a gale and clutched at the curtains. The showman
brought out the cage and far away in its depths I could see two sad little eyes
staring out, and a great shudder shake the small frame. "It's not fair,
it's not fair!" I thought angrily and, impelled by I knew not what, I bent
down while the showman had his back turned and ripped up a section of the
curtain nearest the bottom of the stage. Looking at the pig as he hung in the
showman's hands I willed him to see what I had done. All the while the ring on
my finger was pulsing like mad.
The pig was held on
high, then hurled towards the ceiling. Once more it appeared to rise a little,
then hover, but it was only an illusion, for down it came to land with a crash
and a whimper right in front of me—
I ripped up the rest of
the curtain, snatched the pig into my arms and, using surprise and my
considerable weight, carved my way through the astonished crowd and out into
the darkness. I could hear the howl of the showman behind and ran until there
were a couple of stalls between us. Then I set down the pig and gave it a
little shove.
"Now's your chance
to escape! Run, run away as fast as you can!"
But the stupid creature
wouldn't move. . . .
Chapter Twelve
I took a quick glance
behind. The crowd were still pouring out of the tent, getting tangled up with
the tent flaps, guy ropes and each other. I hesitated, then darted back and
picked up the creature from under the noses of our nearest pursuers and set off
once more. If the silly animal hadn't the sense it was born with—!
I ran in the direction
of the town, dodging between strollers, around trees and bushes, tents, wagons
and stalls until my heart was banging in my ears. I was wheezing like an old
woman and could hardly draw a breath. My feet felt like balls of fire and the
salty sweat was stinging my eyes till I could hardly see. Behind me I could
hear the thud of pursuing feet and cries of "Thief! Stop thief!"
Twice I tried to rid
myself of my burden but each time part of it became entangled with my clothing
some way or another, and I was scared to pull too hard lest I damage its
fragile wings. At one moment it felt as heavy as lead, at another as light as a
farthing loaf; it seemed to change shape with every step I took: now long and
thin, now short and fat; round, square, oblong—
"What the 'ell you doin'?"
Growch was dancing alongside. "Got the 'ole town after you . . ."
I panted. "Help me get away!"
He swerved off to one
side and a moment later I heard a loud crash. Risking a backward glance I saw
he had cannoned into a stall selling cooking pots; those that survived the fall
were rolling about on the grass, bringing some of my pursuers down. But not the
showman: he was in the van of about twelve yelling, shouting villagers. I then
saw a blackish blur run between his legs and bring him crashing to the ground,
also bringing down another who upturned a stall of fruit and vegetables in his
wake. The rest of the pursuers lost interest in the chase and began to fill
pockets and aprons with the spoils.
Slowing down I gained
the outer streets of the town and sought the temporary refuge of a deserted
doorway, panting, disheveled and exhausted, the pig-creature still clutched
beneath my arm. Growch came trotting down the alley, tail jaunty.
"Well, that stirred
'em up! What was you doin' anyway?"
"Tell you later . .
. Thanks, anyway. Let's get back to the inn."
I crept into the stable,
looking fearfully behind, and deposited the creature in the manger.
There was a long moment
of silence.
"W - e - l -
l," said Growch. "Don't look any better close to. What you want to
pinch that for?"
Mistral blew down her
nostrils then sniffed, trying to catch its scent. "Strange . . ."
"Those supposed to
be wings?" asked Traveler.
"Claaaws like mine
. . ." mused Basher, awake for once.
Indeed, its cloven
hooves did have tiny hooks embedded in the horn. Those must have been what
caught in my clothes when I tried to put it down earlier.
"What are you?"
I whispered, as if the whole world were asleep and the answer was a secret.
Was it a pig? The snout
seemed too long, the bum too high, the skin hairless. The backbone was knobbed
as though it hadn't eaten for ages and the tail had a little spade-like tip.
The ears were small, and then there were the wings. . . . Scarcely stretching
beyond the span of my hand, they were leathery like those of a bat, but without
the claw-like tips. He was stretching them out tentatively right now—there was
no doubt it was a he—but when folded they tucked away in a couple of pouches on
either side of his shoulders. It was a freak—
"I am a pig. At
least I think I am. . . . When I came out of the egg—"
He looked at me.
"Yes. Does not everything come from an egg?"
I didn't mink so. As far
as I knew horses, cows, sheep, dogs, cats, rats, mice, people and—yes—pigs were
born bloody and whole from their dams. But on the other hand hens, ducks,
birds, snakes, lizards, fish, frogs and toads laid eggs. But he wasn't one of
the latter. It was all very puzzling. Perhaps he was a new species.
"Some creatures
come from eggs," I said cautiously. "Are you absolutely sure you
"I remember being
in a tight place and fighting my way out with my nose. Then there was my mother
and my brothers and sisters; they were all pigs. But they picked me out and
sold me because of these things," and he nodded along his back to where
his wings were folded away. "A man said pigs do not have wings. Said I was
a freak. Called me not a pigling but a wimperling, because I cried so much when
they tried to stretch my wings. So I suppose that is what I am."
Wimperling?" I shook my head. "I'm afraid I've never heard of one of
those." It looked sadder than ever, its big brown eyes with the long
lashes seeming ready to shed tears any minute. "But I'm sure you're not on
your own," I added hastily.
"Thank you anyway
for rescuing me. I hope I shall not get you into trouble?"
I hope not, too, I
thought. Pig stealing was punishable by hanging. "Of course not. Er . . .
Now you are here is there anywhere I can take you? Drop you off?" I waited
for the dreaded word "south," like Mistral, Traveler, Basher and
Gill, but it didn't come.
Instead: "I do not
know where I belong. Nowhere I suppose. Perhaps I might travel with you a
while? I shall be no bother. And I eat anything and take up but little space. .
. ."
What could I say? After
all, I had stolen him from his owner, and so I was now responsible for his
well-being. But what about Gill? What would his reaction be when he learned I
had burdened us with yet another responsibility? And another thought: how long
would it be before they traced the stolen pig to me? After all, I was scarcely
invisible and there were plenty of people to remember.
First things first. I
must hide the little thing securely—from both the villagers and Gill. I made a
space under the manger behind our baggage.
"Just for tonight.
We'll be away early in the morning. Are you hungry?"
The Wimperling shook his
head, but Growch muttered: "Starving, I am. What about all that roast
beef?" and my stomach gave a growl of sympathy. I decided that my best cover
was to go out again, in my hooded cloak this time instead of the shawl, and try
and look as though I had been listening to Gill's singing all the time. Trying
to be insignificant was easier than I thought; everyone was so busy enjoying
themselves that no one gave me a second glance. Growch and I chewed the rather
tough meat—the roasted ox was down to skin and bone by the time we got
there—and I was able to listen to the last couple of songs, in which Gill
comported himself very creditably.
Afterwards Gill's
newfound friends escorted us back to the inn, roistering noisily. On the way I
heard a strange tale of a long-haired witch who, accompanied by a pack of
fierce hounds, had stolen a flying pig and rode up into the sky on him. . . .
"Wake me an hour before
dawn," I said to Mistral.
In any event I was awake
long before, spending most of the night tossing and turning, my snatched dreams
full of visions of the hooded hangman. We were away long before anyone else was
stirring. Gill, of course, had no idea it was still dark. Unfortunately it was
a damp, misty morning, threatening rain. The dropleted air smelled of wood
smoke, night soil, last night's bad ale and wet wool as we groped our way out
of the town, but once on the road again it was wet leaves, damp earth, the
complicated decay of December.
A fine, hazy rain
started to fall, too light yet to do anything but lie on top of everything like
an extra skin. Growch, as usual, grumbled like mad, but Mistral was easy,
plodding forward at walking pace, her load balanced so the tortoise and pigeon
were basketed on one side, the pig in a pannier on the other. I made sure Gill
walked on the former side.
I had bethought myself
the day before to renew our dry goods and buy more cheese, so we breakfasted by
a quick, small fire on gruel, oatcakes and honey. I dowsed the fire as soon as
the food was cooked, pleasant though it was, because I was still afeared of
pursuit. I had made extra oatcakes for our midday meal, to be eaten with the
cheese, and without thinking I handed them to Gill to tuck away under Mistral's
blankets while I finished scouring the cooking pot. There was a sudden sharp
squeal and a shout of anger.
"Summer! Come here.
. . ."
Oh no! I had thought to
get away with it a while longer. "Coming . . ."
"What is this?"
"What's what?"
"You know perfectly
well what I'm talking about—"
"Oh, that . .
"Yes, that!"
"Um. It's a pig.
Sort of. A very little pig. It'll be no trouble. . . ."
"And where did it
come from?"
"Er . . . the town.
Last night. It's come along for the ride."
"That's a
ridiculous thing to say, and you know it!" He frowned in my direction.
"As you're
determined on being flippant, I suppose you are now going to suggest to me that
it's another of your talking animals and that it stood by the roadside and
begged a lift? Tchaa!" he snorted. "Well, it can come right out of
there and—What's this?"
Damnation, hell and
perdition! He had been fumbling inside the pannier and he must have found—
"Where did you
get this animal?"
"I told you—"
"You stole it! This
is the creature we went to see yesterday afternoon, the one you told me had
wings! You were the 'witch' they were all talking about last night!"
I wanted to giggle: he
looked so—so silly, when he was angry, not at all like his usual handsome
self. More like a cross little boy.
"I didn't exactly steal
him; it was more of a rescue."
"Don't play with
words! Don't you realize this could be a hanging matter?" Suddenly he
looked scared. "And they might say I was aiding and abetting you—"
but my heart began to beat a little faster. I had never thought my deed might
involve anyone else.
The pig's head popped
out of the pannier like a puppet on cue. "I told you I don't want to be
any bother. Let me out and I'll—I'll just disappear. No bother . . ."
"You just stay
right where you are!" All this was beginning to make me quite angry.
"I said you could come with us and I meant it." I turned to Gill.
"This animal was being badly mistreated. If I had left it where it was it
would have died. After that stupid story about a witch, no one is going to come
after us. And as for anyone recognizing the animal, I'll—I'll make it a little
leather coat so you can't see the wings. Satisfied?"
He looked dumbfounded. I
had never shouted at him before. Growch sniggered. "All right, whatever
you say. But don't blame me if we get caught."
"I won't." I
shouldn't get the chance: everyone would be too busy blaming me.
We made damp progress
during the rest of the morning and ate our midday meal on the move. Only a few
weeks ago I hadn't been able to walk more than an hour without having to rest
for another; strange how easily one became accustomed to a different
life-style. Besides, it helped that I had lost at least a little weight; my
clothes no longer fitted as tightly as before and I didn't have to lever myself
up from the ground by hanging on to something. A small victory, perhaps, but it
did me the world of good.
Around three in the
afternoon it began to rain in earnest, the sort of rain that states its
intention of continuing for some time. We pulled off the road to shelter while
we donned our cloaks and I adjusted Mistral's load to give the animals maximum
protection; it also gave Growch the opportunity to shake himself all over us.
It was lucky we were off
the road, for Mistral pricked her ears and gave us warning of horsemen
approaching. We crowded back farther into the trees as six horsemen rode by,
looking neither to left nor right, mud splashing up from the horses' hooves to
mire the fluttering cloaks of the riders. They went by too fast for me to
recognize anyone and they were probably not seeking us at all, but their
appearance gave us all a nasty jolt.
Besides, even innocent
travelers were wary of sudden strangers, especially when they were as
unprotected as we were. Bandits, brigands, mercenaries were none of them averse
to slitting a quick throat and making off with the spoils and even opposing
armies had been known to break off the conflict for long enough to plunder a
caravan and share the spoils, then happily rejoin the conflict.
We waited for half an
hour before rejoining the road, just in case, and the downpour grew steadily
worse. We found we were plodding, head down, the freshening wind driving into
our faces and under our clothes till we were all as blind as Gill and soaked
through. There was little shelter to either side and I couldn't have lighted a
fire, so we just struggled forward, hoping against hope for a deserted hut, a
byre, anything at all we could use to get out of the wet.
To add to our misery
there came an unseasonal thunderstorm, lightning crackling down the sky with a
noise like ripped cloth and thunder bouncing along the road ahead of us. We
even seemed to be walking through the fires of hell, for the road by now was a
shallow lake with the rain, and the sheets and daggers of lightning were
reflected off it like a burnished shield, till I was almost blinded.
A bolt of lightning
split a tree off to our right and as I instinctively started back I thought I
could see a building just beyond the smoldering tree. Another flash lit up the
sky and yes! there was definitely something there. Grabbing Mistral's bridle
with one hand and Gill with the other I started to follow a narrow path that
seemed to lead in the right direction. As we drew nearer the building the storm
revealed it as a small castle built of stone, but there was no sign of life.
We ended up in front of
a massive oaken door studded with iron and with a huge ring set in one side. I
thumped on the wood and shouted: "Anyone there?" two or three times,
but there was no answer. I tried again with the same result, and at last,
greatly daring, twisted the iron ring. At first it was so stiff it would not
yield an inch, but when Gill lent a hand it slowly turned and the door, with
our weights behind it, juddered open a fraction.
"Once more," I
panted, and suddenly it swung wide with a loud groan. As I stepped forward into
the stuffy darkness I became aware of two things: my ring was burning like fire
and the pig was crying: "No, no, no! It's bad!"
Chapter Thirteen
Too late for any
warnings: we were in. The relief was so great that any trepidation I might have
had was canceled by the luxury of four walls and a roof. The place was dusty,
fusty, stuffy, but it was sheer heaven contrasted with outside. Obviously old
and untenanted, except probably by rats, mice and cockroaches, it nevertheless
must have once been a place of some consequence.
It was fashioned on the
old lines; a great hall on the ground floor with a fire in the center that
would have found its way through a hole in the roof, a raised dais at one end
for the lord and his guests to dine, and presumably outhouses for cooking and
stabling. There were turret stairs leading to two round towers I had noticed
from outside, but the stairs had collapsed and there was no way up. There was a
stairway at the back, but this led only to the chaos of storm-ridden
Our priorities were
warmth and food. There were plenty of crumbling sticks of furniture—tables,
stools, benches—so I soon had a brisk fire burning in the central fireplace,
unpacked Mistral and rubbed her down, plonked Gill down on a rickety stool near
enough the fire for his clothes to steam and hung our sodden cloaks to dry.
Deciding to feed the animals first, I gave the pigeon some grain and dashed out
in the rain again to pull up some grass for Mistral and the tortoise. I set out
some corn for the Wimperling, but he cowered under Mistral's belly, still
moaning about things being "Bad, bad!"
Growch, stretched out
beside the fire steaming gently and beginning to smell quite high in the
warmth, told him quite rudely to shut his trap.
I rummaged in our packs
for food, wishing I had had time to stock up better. There must be something. .
. . In the end I decided on an experiment. I had plenty of beans and grain, but
no time to soak the former. Perhaps the latter would yield to drastic
treatment. I put some pork fat in the cooking pot, heated it till it smoked,
then dropped in a handful of grain. The results were quite dramatic.
There was a moment's
pause and then the pot crackled, spat, popped, and grain cascaded everywhere,
all puffed up to three times its size or more. A lot sprang back into the fire,
more over the floor and I caught some in my apron. Too late I slammed the lid
on the pot. In the end I had a large bowlful of something crunchy and very
tasty. I devoured a handful then gave the rest to Gill, under protest from
"Mmmm," said
Gill. "Any more?"
The second and third lot
was much better because I remembered the lid. Not entirely filling, but
certainly better than nothing. I offered some to the Wimperling, hoping to
tempt him out of his terrors, but he wasn't having any.
"No, no, not here!
This place is bad. . . ."
yourself," I snapped, by now quite cross, more so because my ring was
still tingling and yet my sight and common sense told me there was nothing
wrong. The place was old, but it was empty of threat, I was convinced.
"Seems to be
getting colder, Summer," said Gill. He was actually shivering. Suddenly it
seemed also several degrees darker in the hall. Of course it would, I told
myself: it must be well after the set of a sun we had never seen; time to make
up the fire and settle down to a night's rest. I made up the fire, fetched out
the blankets, luckily only slightly damp, and wrapped myself up tight. I fell
into an uneasy sleep, waking every now and again almost choking with the smoke
that no longer found its exit in the roof, but was wreathing the hall with
bands and ribbons of greyish mist.
Growch and Gill were
snoring, but Mistral was restless, twitching her tail; the pigeon was still
awake, and so was the tortoise. There was no sign of the pig. I got up to
replenish the fire yet again, but it was no longer throwing out any heat. It
sulked and spat and burned yellow and blue around the wood, which smoldered but
would not catch. I lay down again but sharp cold rose from the flagstones
beneath me, making my bones ache. Flinging the blanket aside I grabbed Gill's
stool and hunched as near as I could to the fire, till my toes were almost in
the embers and the wool of my skirt smelled as though it were scorching, though
it was cool to the touch.
"May I join
I must be dreaming, I
thought. I could have sworn somebody spoke. I glanced around: nothing but
wreaths of smoke crowding the shadows. No one there except the animals, Gill
and myself. I kicked the fire, hoping for flame, but there was none. It must be
well after midnight—
"Greetings! May I
join you?"
I whirled around, my
heart beating like a drum. "Who—who's there?" It didn't sound like my
voice, all high and squeaky. In spite of the cold I could feel myself beginning
to sweat. Cautiously I slid my hand towards the bundles and luckily found a
candle almost at once. Lighting it in a stubbornly flameless fire was more
difficult, but the melting wax encouraged a quick flare. Holding the candle
high I stood up.
"I said: 'Who's
there?' "
"Only me. Sorry if
I gave you a fright." Whoever it was gave a little laugh as though he was
perfectly at home.
"Where are
"Here . . ."
The voice came from the
shadows on the other side of the fire, and now I thought I could see an
indistinct shape among the clouds of smoke that made me cough and squint.
"Do I have your
permission to join you?" From what I could make out the figure was small
and slight, not much taller than I was. What a strange question though:
presumably the place was as much his as ours; we were all trespassers.
"Are you
alone?" I asked.
"Alone? I am always
alone." Again that light, sneering laugh. "No one has visited this
place for a very long time. You must be the first for . . . oh, I suppose at
least fifteen years. Before that—Nice to see fresh faces. The last people here
were a band of robbers. Not very nice people. No culture . . ." The
figure came nearer, but the smoke made it seem blurred at the edges. "I
ask again: may I join you?"
Why this insistence upon
invitation? It was the fourth time. From the way he spoke—
"Is this your
place? Do you live here?"
He paused for a moment,
then laughed again. "This is my family home, yes. But I don't live here.
Not exactly. More visitor's rights, you might say."
"Then we are the
intruders. Please—" "make yourself at home" I was about to say,
but there was an agonized squeal from the shadows.
"No, no, no!"
cried the Wimperling. "Don't ask it in! Part of the spell! Bad, bad,
I felt him creep against
my skirts, and nudged him with my foot. "What spell? You're being stupid.
He has more right than us to be here. Just be quiet."
"Don't invite him
to join you—"
But this time I kicked
him quite hard, my irritation getting the better of me, and he scuttled away
into the shadows again, with a pitiful cry like a child's. I was instantly
sorry, of course, but turned my pity into a welcome for our visitor.
"You are most
welcome. Please come and join us."
Couldn't he see?
"My—my brother and our animals. They are all asleep. Except for the
I could have sworn he
hissed between his teeth. He moved forward, however, and now I could see him
more clearly.
To my surprise our
visitor was little more than a youth, perhaps a year younger than myself, with
the beginnings of a fluff of beard. He was fair, with unfashionably long hair
curling down to his thin shoulders, and likewise his clothes were unfamiliar. A
long tabard reaching to below his knees, complemented with old-fashioned
cross-gartered hose and set off with a short, dark cloak, fastened to one
shoulder with a gold pin. In his left ear he sported a gold earring, and there
were rings on his fingers and a twisted bracelet on his right arm. He carried,
of all things, a tasseled fly-whisk, which he waved in one languid hand.
I vacated my stool.
"Please . . ."
He smiled and sat down,
showing small, pointed teeth. "I thank you, fair damsel."
Unaccountably flurried,
I found a backless chair and joined him by the fire. We stared at one another
across the cold flames. I was shivering, but he seemed perfectly comfortable.
"You said this was
your family's home? Do you live nearby?"
"I regard this as
my home. Do you know any stories?"
I blinked at the change
of subject. "Why, yes, I suppose so. My mother was a great storyteller.
But first—"
"Nothing like a
good story to pass the time." He wriggled on the stool like an expectant
child. "I hope you have a great story to tell me." He stroked
his almost nonexistent beard. "A story is almost my favorite thing
in the world. . . ." Close to he was very, very pale, almost chalk-like,
the skin near transparent. Obviously he didn't get out much. Contrasted with
him, Gill and I looked disgustingly tanned and healthy. So far he made me feel
uneasy, uncomfortable: I couldn't say I liked him at all, but we were intruding
in his home, and I thought I should try and make myself agreeable.
"Would you like
something to eat? There isn't much, but—"
He turned on me a look
of fury. "What makes you think I am hungry for your disgusting
comestibles? Of what use are they save to make you better able to—Never mind. .
. ." With a visible effort, it seemed, he settled back on the stool and
gave another of those rather unpleasant sniggers. "Don't mind me; I am my
own company much of the time, and it makes me forget the social niceties."
He waved that absurd fly-whisk in front of his face. "Quite warm for the
time of year isn't it?"
As I was practically
freezing and it seemed to be getting colder and colder, I didn't know what to
say to this. I changed the subject.
"You said this was
your home?"
"I have lived here
all my life." He leaned forward and quite deliberately passed his thin,
white hands through the blue flicker of flame in the fireplace. I reached
forward to snatch at him, but the fingers were white and unmarked as before.
Suddenly I wanted to wake Gill, Growch, all of them. "Very fond of this
place I am," he mused.
"I am sorry we
intruded. I did call out. . . ."
"I heard you,
but—but I was some way away at the time. Don't apologize. You are more welcome
than you know. It is rare that I can welcome strangers these days. . . ."
He stroked his beard once more, once more came that disconcerting giggle.
"Of course in the old days this place was quite, quite, different. . .
A story was coming, I
was sure of it. His story. I leaned forward on the chair, my chin in my
hands, as I used to do when Mama had conjured up a fresh tale for my delight.
The stranger smiled,
showing those pointy teeth again. "The story starts many years ago—I am
enjoying this: it is many years also since I had the chance to tell it—when
the country was wilder and less civilized than it is now. It all began when a
great chief who had fought in many wars and gathered much plunder decided to
build for himself and his new wife (part of his booty) a home in which to
settle down and raise a family. He was now well into middle age and wearied of
battle." The stranger almost absent-mindedly passed his hands through the
flames again, and this time it seemed for a moment as though his thin, white
fingers were lapped in fire. "He chose this site, near the highway,
topping a small rise, surrounded by forest and near enough a stream for water.
He annexed a thousand acres of the forest for his hunting and set those slaves
he had captured to building this castle. By the time it was completed his
eldest son was nineteen, the second seventeen, the youngest . . ." For a
moment he hesitated. "The youngest near sixteen."
There was a movement at
my side: Gill had woken and was propped on his elbow, listening. Quickly I
explained what had happened. The stranger frowned petulantly: obviously he did
not care for interruptions.
"To continue . . .
The finished castle was furnished in the most exquisite way possible. The Lord
had brought with him hangings, gold, silver, silk, wool, carved chests of
sandalwood, pelts of wolf and bear, timber and pottery, all part of his
conquests, and his wife, children—even his servants—were dressed in the finest
of materials."
My eyes half-closed, I
could see it all: the splendor, the comfort, the ease of living . . .
"It seemed nothing
could ever mar this idyllic existence: a united family, devoted servants, a
fine home, but all was not as it seemed." He shifted on his stool, stroked
his wispy beard, flicked the fly-whisk, toyed with his earring. "From an
outsider's point of view the three sons were all their father could have wished
for. The eldest, tall and fair-haired like his father, was skilled at arms, a
womanizer and a prodigious quaffer of ale; the second son was dark like his
mother, merry and careless, with a fine singing voice. It was the third son who
was different. Outwardly unlike either parent, except for his father's fairness
and his mother's eyes, he was slighter, more refined in manner, a great reader
and penman. His ideas were in advance of his time; he wanted his father to
annex more land, build onto the castle, expand a common holding into a kingdom!
But his parents were not interested." He frowned. "They should have
known better. . . ."
I glanced around. All
the animals were awake too.
"His father's hairs
were grey now, and when he wasn't in the saddle with his falcons he was dozing
by the fire. The mother died of a low fever and the two eldest boys ran wild,
promising each other how they would enjoy life after their father's death,
filling the castle with wine, women and song! They laughed at the youngest son,
gibed at his bookish ways, his ineptitude at the hunt, his miserable showing
with the two-handed sword, his distaste for wenching, his lack of prospects as
the youngest. By law the estate should be divided between all three equally on
their father's demise, but he knew he had little chance of a fair deal with two
such brothers."
The stranger was still
scowling, now biting at his nails between sentences. He really was absorbed in
his story, I thought. The ring on my finger was now colder than I was. Biting
cold . . .
"The youngest son
smoldered with anger, with frustration, with contempt for his weak father, fear
of what would happen when his brothers inherited. It was as he feared. His
father was scarcely in his grave when the two eldest brothers filled the castle
with whores and roisterers. Week-long, month-long, they caroused and capered
till the air was thick with the stench of scorched meats, sour wine and stale
sex!" He rose to his feet and paced back and forth, the smoke from the
fire swirling round his fingers like an extra cloak. "Driven to near
madness, the youngest son consulted a witch, then sought certain plants in the
forest. Taking them up to the turret room where he spent his days he brewed and
distilled them until he had a vial of liquid the color of blood and clear as
wine. He tasted—Ach! Bitter! Too bitter to mix with anything. He added more
water, cloves, honey; much better.
"Waiting for
another night of feasting the youngest son crept down with the vial beneath his
cloak to join the revelry. He watched until the servants had been dismissed and
the eldest brothers were too drunk to notice his actions. He then proposed a
toast to a long life and a happy one, taking care to open a new bottle and add
his poison to the brew. It did not take long: within five minutes they were
slumped at the table, no longer breathing. The young man then went out to the
kitchens and stables and threw out the servants, not caring where they went.
Coming back into the hall he gloated over the bodies at the table, then
remembered his two young sisters, asleep in the other turret. Taking a knife he
crept up the stairs and cut their throats as they slept. It was like
slaughtering two suckling pigs. . . ."
I shivered, not from the
cold this time. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Gill had made a grimace
of distaste; he liked the story no better than I did. I liked even less the way
it was being told—there was a sort of gloating about the stranger that I found
"Coming back to the
hall the young man noticed with horror that one of the brothers was groaning.
Obviously diluting the poison had weakened it, so he took his brother by the
hair, tilted back his head and slit his throat. Then he did the same to the
other, just in case, and the bright blood spurted onto the linen cloth, quite
ruining it." He sounded more regretful of the spoiled napery than the
murders—I shivered again. I could swear that a fine mist was stealing through
the high slit windows of the hall and under the door, to thicken the smoke that
already seethed around us.
The young man reseated himself,
rubbing his hands together with a dry, whispery sound like the shuffle of dead
leaves. "A good story, don't you think?"
Gill sat up and rubbed
the sleep from his eyes. "And all this happened right here? Then I am
surprised it has not been pulled down long since! Such places are accursed! If
we had known . . ."
"But we didn't and
it has done us no harm," I said briskly, as much to convince myself as
him. "I presume the young man was taken and hanged for his crimes?"
"No, it was not at
all like that," said the stranger. "No one came near the place—the
servants were all gone, if you remember, and this place is very isolated—so the
young man's crimes went undiscovered. At first he delighted in the solitude,
the peace, but after a while the silence began to oppress him and he found he
was talking to himself, just to hear another voice. He even invented
conversations with the corpses at the table. . . ."
"They were still
there?" I queried, aghast. Something too terrible to name was nagging at
the back of my mind, but as yet I couldn't put a name to it. But when I did—
"Oh, yes. He left
them as they were, a reminder of his victory. As time went on and no one came
to investigate, he loosed the horses, hounds and falcons and the corpses were
chewed by rats till nothing but the lolling bones, strands of hair and scraps
of clothing were left." He sighed. "After a while even talking to the
dead began to pall, so the young man traveled to the nearest town, seeking
company. He had not eaten for weeks and he thought perhaps the lack of food had
made him transparent, for all passed him by as though he did not exist and none
answered his pleas for help. In the end he went back to his dead family, for
that was all he had left. After many years, at infrequent intervals, travelers—like
yourselves—sought shelter. Then the young man was happy, for he persuaded them
to tell him stories, tales to remember that he could hug to himself during the
long years when no one visited." And he hugged his arms around his knees,
much as that other young man must have done all those years ago.
"And the
bodies?" I asked, glancing about me fearfully.
"Oh, they
eventually crumbled into dust," said the stranger indifferently. "It
all happened over two hundred years ago. Even the bodies of the last travelers
are dust. . . ."
"The last
travelers?" said Gill sharply, while a rising panic threatened to choke
me. "Why did they not leave?"
"They didn't know
any stories," said the stranger discontentedly. "The young man wove
his spell about them, but still they didn't understand. He even offered to
break the chain that held them, let them out one by one, but they still
wouldn't play fair. So . . ." He fell silent.
"And so?"
prompted Gill, and in his voice I heard an echo of all the horrors that were
threatening to envelop me entirely.
"Eh? Oh, the usual
thing happened. When they found they couldn't escape they went mad. Killed each
other. The only exciting thing was betting on the survivor. Not that he ever
lasted long on his own . . ."
Gill rose to his feet.
"Then, with all these bloody murders, I'm surprised the place isn't
"Oh, but it
is," said the stranger. "It is haunted by the ghost of the youngest
son. He still waits here for those who have a tale to tell."
I could feel the hair
rising on my scalp. "Then—then why aren't you afraid?" I backed away,
my chair overturning with a crash.
"Afraid? Why should
I be afraid?" He smiled at us sweetly. "You see—I am the
Chapter Fourteen
I is impossible to
describe what happened in the next few moments. For one thing, I was too
frightened to do anything except open my mouth and yell; for another,
everything happened on top of itself.
I screamed, Gill fell
over something and brought me down with him, the animals panicked and yelled as
well and the stranger rushed round and round bleating trivialities like a
demented sheep. That made it worse. My expectant terror had anticipated that
he—It—would turn into something shrieking and gibbering, wearing a linen sheet,
dragging Its chains and blowing like the east wind through a fleshless mouth—
Instead he—It—seemed to
flow around us like the smoke from the fire, never touching us but making
little patting, placatory gestures, tut-tutting in that high, mellifluous
voice, soothing as if the terror I felt had an origin other than Itself. Apart
from Its outlandish dress, It looked disturbingly normal, capering around us
with Its senseless blandishments.
"No need to panic .
. . didn't mean to alarm you . . . all a joke really. Want to be friends . .
. you must stay awhile . . . don't run away . . ." It went on and on
till the whisperings were as thick in my ears and nose and mouth as the air I
breathed and I would have promised anything if it would just stop for a minute
and let me think. . . .
So this—this
creature—purported to be a two-hundred-year-old fratricide! This pale, frail
youth walking and talking like anyone else . . . No, it just wasn't believable.
It was a joke: in bad taste, to be sure, but still a joke. Well, I would call
Its bluff.
"That's a—" My
voice was coming out like a bat's squeak. I tried again. "That's a good
act of yours. . . ." Better. "I congratulate you. But perhaps if you
dressed differently, tried a few screams and howls, colored lights . . ."
It stopped rushing about
and looked at me doubtfully. "What do you mean? I can't change myself.
It's how I was—am! You don't like the story? I can't change that either."
It seemed really put out. "You want special effects? Well, perhaps I can
arrange some of those. Wait just a minute or two. . . ." and It turned and
walked up to the other end of the hall.
There was a violent
nudge at my ankle.
"Get away,
quick!" whispered the Wimperling. "Now's our chance!"
"What for? I want to
see what he's doing—"
"No, you
don't!" and this time he gave me a sharp nip. "If he weaves a strong
enough spell he can keep us here forever! Didn't you listen to his story?"
"Of course I did!
But he's not a real ghost; ghosts don't look like that. He's just a
storyteller, playing a game—"
"Game, my
arse!" growled Growch, shivering so hard his teeth clattered. "You've
lost yer senses of a sudden; let's go!"
I looked round at the
others. Mistral had backed away into a corner and the pigeon and the tortoise
had hidden their heads. I suddenly felt betrayed by them all. Even Gill looked
disturbed, afraid, but I knew there was no harm in the youth: how could there
be? All I wanted was to see what It would do next. Even my accursed ring was
hurting so much I wanted to tear it off.
All right: if I couldn't
have my fun, then I would teach them all a lesson! Striding over to the horse
with the blankets over my arm, I rolled and stowed them, snapped shut the cages
that held Basher and Traveler and fetched the cooking pot and slung it over the
other goods. Lucky I hadn't unpacked all our gear. If I'd had to start at the
beginning my temper would have gotten even worse.
Running over to the door
I flung it open with a crash, letting in a howling gale and lashing rain.
"You are scared
shitless? You want to go out in that? Then go, and good riddance! Me, I'm
staying here."
They cowered away from
me as though I had struck them, all save the Wimperling. He stood his ground.
"We're not going
without you," he insisted. "But don't you see what danger
you're in? There is no more substance to that—that Thing than the
shadows which surround him!"
"Rubbish!" I
snapped, and went back over to Gill, still standing by the cold fire, moving
his blind head from side to side like a wounded animal.
"Summer? Is that
you? What's going on?"
"I'm here. . .
." I took his hand, if possible even colder than mine and clammy with
fear. "Don't worry; there's nothing to be scared of. The stranger has
promised us some magic. Special effects, he said. Ah, it looks as though they
are starting now."
Beyond us, on the dais
where once the high table had stood, came a reddish glow. I moved down the
room, dragging the reluctant knight with me, and out of the incandescence I
could hear the high, mannered voice of the stranger.
"Come nearer,
nearer! That's it, right at the front. No, you won't need that candle. . . .
Now, watch!" It sounded just like a showman at a fair.
As I stared at the red
light, which shifted and swayed like smoke, now brighter, now dimmer, I thought
I could discern the outlines of a table, a bench, shadowy figures seated in
front of dishes and goblets.
"Closer . . ."
urged the voice, now almost in my ears. The smoky dimness swirled back like a
curtain and everything became clearer. There was no sound and the outlines
wavered now and again like wind on a tapestry, but I could see distinctly two
men seated at the table, obviously enjoying the remnants of a feast. A silent
carousal, I nevertheless added imagined sounds to myself. They chewed at lumps
of meat, quaffed their wine, tossed back their heads and laughed, clapped one
another on the shoulder. They both seemed to be dressed in the same quaint way
as the stranger, but their outlines were so changeable it was difficult to be
"Not perfect,"
said the languid voice in my ear, "but memory is not infallible. Watch
this: enter the villain!"
Behind the two men I saw
the stranger, a flagon of wine in one hand, a vial in the other. He was as
insubstantial as the others but I saw part of the story he had told enacted
before my credulous eyes. The vial was tipped into the flagon, the men drank a
toast and then their heads sank to the table as though they were asleep, and
the stranger tiptoed away with a silent giggle. The wavering picture remained
thus for a minute or two and I explained to Gill what I had seen.
"It's very
clever," I said. "I don't know how he does it!"
"I don't like
it," muttered Gill. "Please can we go?"
"It's pitch-black,
blowing a gale and raining torrents outside," I said. "Besides, I
want to watch. . . ."
The men in the illusion
were very still, but then one of them moved a little, choked, flung out an arm.
The figure of the stranger appeared again, but this time he carried a knife, a
knife that already dripped blood. A hand came out, plucked at the hair of the
man who had moved, jerked back his head until the throat was stretched tight, and
then slit it from ear to ear. At first a thin beaded seam where the knife had
entered and then a great gush of blood that fountained across the table—The
stranger turned to the second man—
"No, no!" I
screamed. "I believe you, I believe you!"
I pulled at Gill's hand,
my heart thumping, and turned to run, but now, between us and the open door at
the other end of the hall, stood the grinning figure of the stranger, the
murderous ghost, knife still in hand, and now he seemed of a sudden more
substantial than anything else around us. Even the animals huddled by the door
were assuming a dim and cloudy aspect, seeming to have lost their colors like
well-leached cloth.
It smiled that
sickly-sweet smile at us again. "Well, I gave you your special effects:
did you like them? You must admit I have played my part: now it is your
turn to entertain me." The last words were as sharp and
threatening as the knife he carried.
"Let us go, we
haven't harmed you. . . ." Why, oh why, hadn't I listened to the
"You haven't done
me any good, either! That illusion-making takes it out of me." The tone
was as sulky and whining as a child's. "Tell me a story, you promised me a
story. Lots of stories! I'll let you go when you have told me a story—if I like
it, that is. If I haven't heard it before." He moved closer, tossing the
knife in the air and catching it. "Come on, we haven't got all night. . .
I backed away, still
clutching Gill's arm, looking desperately for a way to escape, but the ghost
was still between us and safety, and now he seemed to be taller, broader than
before. I fetched up against the wall, sidestepped and seemed to find another I
couldn't see, only feel—like cushioned stone. I moved the other way and there
was another barrier. It seemed as though we were surrounded—was this what the
Wimperling had warned me against? Was this the invisible "chain" that
had trapped all others who visited the hellish place? There was only one thing
for it.
"Just one story and
you will let us go?"
"If I like it well
"What—what kind of
"Oh, knights and
ladies, witches and dragons, giants and ogres, shipwrecks and sea monsters,
spells and counter-spells—Heaven and Hell and the Four Winds!"
Up until that very
moment I had known dozens of tales; ones my mother had told me, stories from
the Bible the priest told us, tales we had heard on our travels, ones I made up
for myself (the largest amount). I could have sworn that with a minute or two's
thought I could spin a yarn to satisfy any critic, but all of a sudden my mind
was completely empty. I couldn't even summon up the magic formula that started
all stories, that first thread drawn from the spinning wheel that has all else
following without thought.
"Well? Why haven't
you begun?"
"I—I . . ."
"Get on with it! I warn
you, I'm beginning to lose my patience! You're just like all the others: no
fun. . . ." The voice managed at the same time to be both petulant and
menacing. "'Once upon a time . . .'"
That was it! I looked
once more at the ghost, who had stretched and expanded until his head nearly
touched the beams overhead, a thin wraith like a plume of colored smoke, a
genie escaping its lamp. I opened my mouth to start, hoping now that the rest
would follow. My ring throbbed mercilessly.
"No!" It was
another voice, a small voice but one made sharp and decisive by some sudden
determination. It didn't sound like the Wimperling at all. "He'll have you
if you do! Don't say another word. Just get ready to run. . . ." And with
that I saw the most extraordinary sight.
A roundish object
suddenly launched itself like a boulder from a catapult. As it reached a height
of a couple of feet from the ground it seemed to waver for a moment, then there
was a snap! and a crack! like a pennon flapping in a gale, and wings sprouted
on either side, a nose pointed forward, a tail balanced back, and the pig rose
to ten, twelve feet in the air and then, yelling like a banshee, swooped down
and passed right through the ghost's body, just where its stomach would
The ghost-thing wavered
and twisted and began to thicken and shrink back to its normal size, but where
the Wimperling had flown through there was a great gaping hole, a sudden window
through which everything once more looked clear and sharp. But the hole was
beginning to close up again, to heal itself even as I dragged Gill forward.
Then was a buzzing above our heads like a thousand bluebottles and the
Wimperling zoomed above our heads, yelling: "I'm going to try it again,
but my strength is failing. . . . As I go through, run for your lives!"
He arrowed down once
more on the now normal-sized figure and as his flailing wings beat aside the
trails and tatters of vapor that made up the creature, Gill and I ran
hand-in-hand right through what remained. For one heart-stopping moment there
was resistance, a sudden darkness, a frightful stench, then we were near the
open door. Now the darkness was only that of night; the resistance, the wind;
the smell that of rain. Never had I been so glad to face a storm before!
I grabbed Mistral's
bridle with my free hand and we all ran down the path away from the castle,
unheeding of dark and wind and rain. Some fifty yards away I stopped and
counted heads.
"Oh, God! Where's
the Wimperling? He must be . . . Wait there, the rest of you!" and I ran
back to the castle door, my heart thumping with renewed terror. Growch, to do
him credit, was right at my heels. I stepped into the hall and there was the
ghost, still gathering pieces of itself together, gibbering and mouthing threats;
there, too, was the little pig, trying vainly to drag its battered body towards
the door. Growch hesitated only a moment then rushed forward, barking and
snapping hysterically. Seizing my chance I dashed forwards, snatched up the
pig, tucked him under my arm and, shouting to Growch to follow, escaped down
the path once more.
As we moved off into the
storm we could hear a wailing cry behind us, full of reproach and self-pity.
"Come back, come
back! I wouldn't have hurt you. . . . all I wanted was a story!"
* * *
After that it was hard
going, for all of us. The weather cleared for a while after that dreadful
night, but the Wimperling lay for days in his pannier in a sort of coma, hardly
eating anything. Tenderly I greased his sore wings and saved the choicest pieces
of food, and gradually he started to pick up. Gill, however, caught a chill and
could not shake it off; night after night I heard his cough get worse. Mistral,
too, coughed and shivered; Basher the tortoise retreated into his shell and
refused to eat, and Traveler's wing wouldn't heal. As for me, my stomach and
bowels churned for days and I had to keep dashing off the road to find a
convenient bush.
The weather grew
steadily colder, with a biting east wind that snapped at our faces, bit at our
heels, snatched at our clothes and blew a scud of leaves and grit into the
food. The fires wouldn't light and if they did the hot embers scattered and
threatened to set fire to everything. To add to our miseries, we seemed to have
lost our way. All the roads were mere tracks between villages, and however much
we asked for directions south and followed the road indicated, we still twisted
and turned until, as often as not, we ended up facing north again.
The lodgings and food we
found were poor and mean, and we were charged far too much: they knew, of
course, that we had no choice but to pay what they asked. I began to think we
were accursed, except that the ring on my finger was quiet—never again would I
ignore its warning—and that of course Gill and I had made confession as soon as
we could and been absolved. But the days themselves ceased to have individual
meaning, apart from the labels of the Saint's days as we passed through various
villages: Barbara, Nicholas, Andrew, Lucy, Thomas . . .
After a particularly hard
day—we hadn't seen a village for forty-eight hours and were on short
rations—and five hours, walking without rest, it started to snow. Just the odd
flake floating prettily down, but the sky above held a grey cloak that was
gradually spreading from the northeast and the air smelled of cold iron. I
shuddered to think what might happen if we were caught without cover; we had
escaped any heavy falls so far south, but that searing east wind canceled any
advantage of distance.
But it seemed our luck
had at last turned, for the next twist in the road revealed below us what
seemed like a fair-sized town, with at least five or six streets, a large
square and two churches. For the first time in days I could feel my cold face
stretching into a smile.
"Warm lodgings and
a fair supper tonight, for a change! Come on, it's downhill all the way. . .
By the time we reached
the outskirts the snow was falling with that unhurrying steadiness that meant
that, like an uninvited relation, it was here to stay. Because of the weather
there were few folk around; those that were were engaged on last-minute
precautions: putting up shutters, stabling beasts, hurrying home with a bundle
of kindling or a couple of pies. We enquired for an inn, but the first we found
was closed for the winter, as we were informed by the slatternly girl who
answered my knock, slamming the door in my face before I could ask for further
The snow was now so
thick that we found the square by luck only; I caught at the sleeve of a man
hurrying past with a capon under his arm and a sack over his head for
"An inn, good
He paused for a moment,
blinking the snow from his eyelashes, then pointed to the other side of the
square, gave us a left and a right and a left. "Martlet and Swan," he
said and was gone, swallowed by the swirling snow.
Now we were the only
ones moving in a world of white. We found the first turning right enough, but I
had a feeling we had missed the second. I could scarce see more than a few
yards; the snow was clogging our footsteps and weighting our clothes. I took a
last left turn, but it seemed as though we were right on the outskirts of town
again. I was just about to turn and retrace our steps, knock at the first door
that would open to us, when I caught sight of the inn sign swinging above my
head. Snow had already obliterated most of the sign, but I could make out the
"M-A" of the Martlet and the "S" of Swan, so I knew we were
on the right road.
It was larger than the
inns we had frequented so far. Double-fronted, the door was locked and barred
and there were no lights to be seen. I knocked twice, but there was no answer.
On the right, however, the gates were open onto a cobbled yard. We passed under
the archway into lights, bustle, activity. On the far side a wagon had just
been unloaded and was now being tipped against the snow, while its cargo of
sacks was being hurried into shelter. Two steaming draft horses were being led
into stables on the right, and buckets of water were sluicing down the cobbles.
To our left the door was open onto firelight and the enticing smells of food.
Everyone was too busy to
notice us, until I spied out the man who seemed to be directing operations, a
well-fed man with a long, furred cloak and red hair, on which the snow melted
as soon as it touched. I went over and tugged at his sleeve.
"Sir! Sir? You have
lodgings and stabling for the night? For myself, my brother and the animals . .
The face he turned
towards me had a pleasant, lived-in look, but he seemed to be puzzled.
"Why, yes."
Quickly I explained how I had been directed here. "And I saw the sign
outside—only a couple of letters, but it was obviously the right place. You
aren't full up, are you? I'm afraid my brother is not at all well, and we are
cold and hungry. . . . If you are, perhaps you could direct us somewhere else,
but . . ." Then I am afraid I started to cry. I couldn't help it. It had
been a long, hard, frustrating time since we had fled the castle and the ghost.
He looked at me for a
moment longer, then he smiled, a full, heartwarming smile. "Never let it
be said . . . Come on, let's look at that sign of mine." Hurrying me out
into the street, he gazed up at the nearly covered letters. "'Martlet and
Swan' . . . Dear me: I must get that cleared. No matter, little lady: you found
me." And he smiled again, and I knew we were home.
Before I knew what was
happening, and with the minimum of direction from the landlord, Gill, his
blindness noted, was being led away towards that enticing open door, and I,
having insisted, was bedding down the animals with the help of the young stable
boy. A rubdown and unloading for Mistral, followed by bran-mash; sleeping
Basher tucked away in his box under the manger. Grain for Traveler and the run
of the stall. Chopped vegetables and gruel for the Wimperling and a large bone
for Growch: everything I asked for, diffidently enough, appeared as if by
magic. But then the inn was obviously not full: Mistral had a commodious closed
stall to herself, and there were only the draft horses and a brown palfrey to
occupy the rest of the large stables.
The stable boy lighted
me over to the side door, now closed, after fastening the yard gates and
bolting them. He was obviously glad to be back in the inn, and after a dazzled
look around the large kitchen in which I found myself I agreed with him
It was the largest
kitchen I had ever seen, stretching the length of the stables which matched it
across the yard. And there were two fires; one obviously incorporating
some kind of oven, the other a large spit. Two long tables, one for preparation
of food, the other for serving. Cupboards and shelves full of pots and
crockery, long sinks for scouring and cleaning, wood stacked waist-high,
clothes drying on racks, herbs, onions and garlic swinging gently from strings,
hams and bacon hanging from hooks in the smoke-blackened ceiling, baskets of
eggs and vegetables, jars of pickles, preserves and dried fruits . . .
And everyone merry and
busy, not a long face or laggard step among them. And the nose-tickling smells
. . . My mouth was watering as I followed a beckoning finger and found, behind
a hastily slung screen, Gill immersed in a large tub of hot water.
"You all
He couldn't answer, for
at that moment one of the giggling maids who were scrubbing him put a cloth
across his mouth, but he looked happy enough. The landlord poked his head
behind the curtain.
"I thought it was
the quickest way to warm him up. He'll feel better with the grime of the road
away, too. You're next."
No arguments, I noticed.
A moment later my clothes were taken away to be washed and I was relaxing in
the hot, herb-scented water, my hair combed and rinsed. A brisk rubbing in
warmed towels and someone handed me a clean shift and wrapped me in a blanket,
shoving my feet into felt slippers a size too large.
I looked around for
Gill, but he had evidently preceded me, for by the time one of the servants had
ushered me into a parlor at the front of the house, he was already tucking into
a bowl of thick vegetable soup. A small round table in front of a blazing fire
was laid with linen, bread platters, spoons and knives. I sat down and was
instantly served. As I supped I gazed around the comfortable room. Red tiles on
the floor, shuttered window, tapestry, huge sideboard decked with pewter and
silver, linen chest, a rack of wine . . . What a strange inn!
Hot baths, clothes
washed, expensive surroundings—I hoped to God my purse would cover the cost!
And where were the other guests? True, there was a third place laid at the
table: we should have to wait and see. I must discuss terms with the cheerful
landlord as soon as possible. I finished my broth and the bowl was whipped
away, to be replaced by steaming venison-and-hare pasties, the juice soaking
into the bread platter beneath. A pewter goblet of wine appeared at my elbow as
I leaned over to cut Gill's pasty and guide his fingers.
"May I join
you?" It was our host, changed into a crimson wool robe and a white
undershirt, his feet in rabbit's-wool slippers. He should never wear
that shade of red with his color hair, I thought abstractedly, even as I
welcomed and thanked him for his excellent hospitality. I had better tackle him
straightaway, I thought, even as fruit tarts and cheese were placed on the
table. He gave me the opening I needed. "I trust everything is to your
"Everything is just
fine, sir, and we are most grateful, but I am afraid we cannot afford—"
He frowned, then smiled.
"I had forgot. Perhaps I had better explain. That notice, so helpfully
cloaked by the snow, does not read 'Martlet and Swan', but rather 'Matthew
Spicer, Merchant.' The inn is two roads away, I'm afraid, but the natural
mistake has given me the opportunity to enjoy your company. As my guests,
naturally, so no more talk of money, little lady!"
Chapter Fifteen
Those weeks we spent in
Matthew's house were like another world to me. Not only were we cosseted, fed,
warm, entertained and cared for—we were safe. We had only been on the
road some seven weeks or so, and yet it seemed to me that I had spent an
eternity footsore, usually hungry and cold and always anxious. Not anxious for
myself so much as the others. And to have that burden of responsibility taken,
however temporarily, from my shoulders was like shucking off a load of wood I
had carried, and immediately feeling I could bounce as high as the trees.
My mother had taught me
a trick when I was little; lean hard against a wall, pressing one arm and
shoulder as tight as I could. Count to a hundred then stand away from the wall.
Your arm rises up of its own accord, like magic! I felt like that released arm.
Of course on that first
evening there was a lot of explaining to do. At first I had felt like grabbing
Gill's arm and rushing out into the night, so embarrassed was I at mistaking a
rich merchant's house for an inn, but our host soon made us feel at home.
"A natural mistake,
little lady, in all that confusing snow! And what would you have done in my
place? Confronted by a damsel in distress, what could any Christian do but take
her and her brother in?" He chuckled. "Besides, the servants tell me
it is getting thicker by the moment out there. Six inches settled already, and
by morning it will be two or three feet. No, it was Providence that brought you
to my door, I'm convinced, and Preference will keep you here! But of
course," he added hastily, "if after a while you tire of my
hospitality, you are perfectly free to go elsewhere."
"But we cannot
impose on you like this! You must allow me to—"
"Now you're not
going to spoil our new acquaintanceship by talking about money, I hope! Money
is one thing I don't need. Companionship I do. As a widower without family I
find I do not make friends easily, and strangers such as yourselves will give
me an interest to take me out of my usual dull routine. So, you will be doing me
the favor by staying for a while. . . . Ah, mulled ale! Just what we
It was piping hot,
redolent with cloves, cinnamon and ginger. I stretched out towards the fire,
dazed with heat and food and drink. I hadn't felt as good as far back as I
could remember—in fact since before my mother died, when we had stoked up the
fire, told stories and eaten honey cakes, while the wolf wind of winter had
howled down the chimney and keened under the door, making the sparks at the
back of the chimney glow into patterns among the soot.
"Perhaps for a day
or two, then . . ." I said weakly. He had sounded as though he
meant it.
Gill was seized with a
fit of coughing and clenched his fist against his chest with a look of pain. I
leaned over and rubbed his back but the merchant went into action at once.
"Time we got your
brother to bed. That cough sounds bad. Tomorrow we shall engage a doctor, snow
or no snow."
He led us up a winding
stair to the next floor and pointed to the left. "That is the solar. And
here . . ." to the right: "the bedroom."
It was a lone,
commodious chamber, strewn with rushes, hung with tapestries, dominated by a
huge bed that would have slept six with ease. A huge fire burned in the hearth;
candles were glimmering on a table by the fire and on two blanket chests
against the walls. Two heavily carved chairs stood on either side of the
fireplace and a series of hooks on one wall provided hanging space for clothes.
Between the two shuttered windows was a small prie-dieu. A low archway
at the far end was protected by a curtain.
"For washing and
the usual offices," said the merchant, following my gaze. "I shall
show your brother. Come, sir," and he led him away.
I moved over to the bed
but let out a stifled gasp as I saw the covers move, and a moment or two
afterwards a naked man and woman slipped from beneath the covers and
unselfconsciously donned the clothes they had left on the floor. The woman
bobbed a curtsy.
"I believe the
chill is off the sheets now, mistress, but a maid will be up in a minute or two
to renew the hot bricks. . . ." and with that the pair of them disappeared
downstairs, leaving me open-mouthed. What luxury! Was this the way it was done
among the rich? Come to think of it, many times at night my mother had insisted
I retire first "to warm up the bed for my old bones. . . ." A maid
scurried in with hot bricks wrapped with flannel, which she exchanged for those
that must have already cooled. The bed looked very inviting, piled high as it
was with furs.
The merchant came back
with Gill, now shivering. "Into bed at once. Shall we put him on this
side? No, I think it better if he is in the middle, then with you and me on
either side he will keep warmer." He helped Gill under the covers and
slipped into bed beside him. He nodded at the curtained recess. "Take a
candle with you, little lady," and I headed for the garde-robe.
When I returned another
maid was handing Gill a posset; she waited till he drank it then snuffed all
the candles but two slow burners, in case we needed to relieve ourselves during
the night. She bobbed away, but I hesitated. I knew it was the custom for a
host and his lady to share their bed with guests, but even in the ill-assorted
places in which Gill and I had slept we had never shared a pallet. In the open
we had slept with more intimacy, but the animals had been there too. . . .
Matthew Spicer propped
himself on his elbow. "Something the matter?"
"Er . . . No. That
is . . . I think I'll just stay here by the fire for a while. I—I'm really not
"Nonsense, young
lady! You've been yawning and blinking for the past two hours!" He
scrambled out of bed and came over to me, the long night-shift flapping round
his ankles. "It's something I've done, isn't it? Or not done . . . Tell
me." For a successful merchant, he had the least self-confidence I had
ever seen. But perhaps women made him nervous. Mama had always said that men
like that were a pain to begin with but sometimes made the best lovers.
"No, no! You've
been kindness itself. It's just that—" I glanced over to the bed: Gill was
snoring softly. "You see, even at home I never shared a bed with my
brother, and on our travels I slept separately also. I have never shared
sleeping space with a man. Perhaps I'm being silly, but—"
He struck his forehead
with the palm of his hand. "Of course, of course! Being a widower I don't
have someone to remind me of the niceties. Come to think of it, if we had
people staying overnight they were always married couples who shared. Since
then all my guests have been men. Do forgive me! I shall have a pallet made up
for you immediately. I—Whatever in the world is that?"
"That" was
He must have escaped
from the stables and somehow infiltrated into the kitchen, for in his mouth was
a large piece of pastry. He was soaking wet and smelled like a midden, but he
rushed to my side and sat on my feet, growling softly through the pasty, his
eyes swiveling from me to the merchant, the servants who were in pursuit, and
back again.
He "spoke"
through his full mouth. "Found you! What's goin' on then?"
"Nothing is 'going
on'! You've no right up here! Why couldn't you stay where you were put?"
To Master Spicer: "I'm sorry. It's my—our dog. I left him in the stables,
but he's been spoiled, I'm afraid, and is not used to being on his own."
To Growch I added furiously: "Just get back to the stables right now, and
behave yourself!"
"No way! Needs
lookin' after, you does. . . ." He belched, having swallowed the pastry
whole. "My place is with you." I could see him eyeing the fire
greedily. "Never tell what mischief you'll get into without me. No, here I
am, and here I'll stay." He looked up at me through his tangle of hair.
"Send me back down there again and I'll howl all night, full strength.
Keep yer all awake . . . Promise!"
I turned to the merchant
apologetically—my exchange with Growch had taken no more than a couple of
silent seconds. "I'm sorry if he has been a nuisance. May he stay up here
for tonight? I'll—I'll make some other arrangement tomorrow."
He considered. "I
have no objection, though in the morning he might reconsider his decision. I
happen to share the house with a rather large cat. . . ." He smiled.
"Saffron will sort him out. In the meantime he could do with a bath. While
they make up your bed."
No sooner said than
done. Up came a large tub, in went Growch, and by the time his outraged
grumbles had subsided, the bed was made up and he was clean and combed—probably
for the first time in his short life. In the meanwhile Matthew Spicer sent for
more wine and little spiced biscuits and we sat by the fire together. He didn't
ask any questions, but I decided I had better tell him our names and our story.
Not the real one of course: I used the one I had told everyone so far, but this
time I killed off our parents and for some reason didn't mention my
"affianced," or the dowry.
"You have had a
hard time, Mistress Somerdai. That is a pretty name, by the way: most unusual.
If I may say so, it suits you. . . . I see your bed is made up. We shall
talk further in the morning."
Shyly I knelt before the
prie-dieu to give hearty thanks for the temporary haven we had found,
then cuddled down in the pallet by the fire. I lay awake for a while, tired
though I was, listening to the gentle contrapuntal snores from the bed, and the
occasional stifled cough from Gill. There was a soft flumph! from
outside as a load of snow slid off the roof to the yard below. The fire
crackled pleasantly but there was another, less endearing sound: Growch was
scratching his ears, flap-flap-flap, and snorting into his coat as he chased
fleas made lively by the heat. It seemed a bath wasn't enough.
I raised myself on one
elbow, my head swimming with the need for sleep. By the light from the
night-candle and the fire I could see that my scrawny little black dog was
black no longer. He looked half as big again, now his cleaned coat had fluffed
out—though nothing could lengthen those diminutive legs—and he was not only
black, but tan and brown and grey and ginger and white also.
He sneezed six times.
"Can't you stop
He glared at me from
under a fuzzy fringe. "Sneeze or scratch?"
"Listen 'ere . . .
Never mind. All I can say is, if'n you 'ad these little buggers chasin' around,
you'd scratch."
"You wanted to be
beside the fire! And don't pretend it was all concern for my welfare, 'cos it
wasn't! Anyway, why the sneezing? Caught a chill from the unexpected
"Nar . . . Stuff
they washed me in: smell like an effin' whore, I do."
* * *
In the morning Gill was
definitely worse, tossing and turning in a fever, his cough hard and painful.
Matthew Spicer shook his head. "He needs treatment right away." He
flung open the shutters: snow was still falling. He closed them again, and
shook his head. "Don't worry; one of the servants will get through."
Up and dressed—my
clothes returned clean, mended, pressed—I slipped across the cleared yard to
the stables. The others were fine; Mistral had been given fresh hay, Basher was
still asleep, and I found grain in the bins for Traveler. The Wimperling's nose
peeped out from a nest he had made for himself.
"Everything all
I told him about Gill,
and the merchant sending for treatment.
"Don't let him
bleed the knight; he needs all his blood." I wondered what on earth he
knew of doctoring, but let it pass. After all, he had been right before.
"Are you
"A little grain
will do. I've had a nibble of hay already."
"apothecary" arrived an hour or so later, in a litter. I don't know
what I had expected, but it was certainly not the small, scrunched-up man with
the brown skin, hooked nose and black eyes whose candle-lit shadow on the
stairs was the first I saw of him. The stooping silhouette with the grotesque
reaping-hook nose at first made me cross myself in superstitious fear, but face
to face there was nothing to alarm, quite the reverse. The black eyes sparkled
with a keen intelligence, the mouth curved easily into a smile and the thin,
hunched shoulders and long, clever fingers emphasised everything he said: a
shrug of the body, a wave of the hands more expressive than mere words. These
he spoke with a heavily accented touch, at first a little difficult to follow.
Matthew Spicer introduced
him with pride. "My friend Suleiman, who comes from the East and
specializes in many things, including medicine. We have worked together for
many years. He has for a long time been my agent in Araby, but now he has been
caught by the weather, providentially for us, I might add! I know of his
healing powers and salves of old, and he has consented to treat your brother,
Mistress Somerdai." He noted my expression of doubt—so did the visitor.
"You couldn't do better, I assure you!"
This was soon evident,
at least in Suleiman's meticulous examination of Gill. The Arab first
questioned his patient thoroughly, asking for all the symptoms, their duration
and severity, before he even touched his body. Then he felt his forehead,
looked in his eyes and ears with a little glass, put a spatula in his mouth and
peered down his throat, then counted the pulse at his wrist.
He glanced up at me.
"Your brother has a high fever; to bring this down is our first priority,
but first we must find the seat of it. I believe it is in the chest, and I
shall now listen to this."
"How?" I was
by now too interested for politeness.
"Watch." From
the folds of his capacious red robes he brought forth a metal object shaped
like a Madonna lily with a hollow, twisted stem. He held it out to me.
"Copied from the horn of a rare antelope in the sands of the desert."
He held a silver cup to Gill's mouth and asked him to cough, looking gravely at
the sputum. "Too thick . . ." Then he placed the wide end of the
metal object on Gill's chest, the thin end in his own ear, and listened
intently. Repeating this on various parts of the knight's chest, he asked him
to sit up and repeated the process on his back. He then beckoned to me.
"Do as I did and listen; make sure the instrument is firmly against his
At first all I could
hear was a shush-beat, shush-beat which I realized must be the heart, then as
Gill breathed in there was a gurgling wheezy noise, as he breathed out a
whistling bubble. Incredible!
Master Suleiman took the
instrument from me and held it to his own chest. "Listen to the
difference. . . ." The steady heartbeat, somewhat slower, but no wheezing,
no whistling. "You understand? Your brother has a deep infection in the
lungs, hampering his breathing: it is almost as though he drowns in the ill
humours that have gathered. So, we can only cure the fever by eradicating its
cause: the lung infection. I shall return to my rooms and prepare certain
"You're not going
to bleed him, then?" I blurted out, remembering what the Wimperling had
He shot me a sharp
glance from under dark brows. "Sounds as though you are no friend to
"A—a friend of mine
. . . He says it takes away your strength."
"Perfectly correct.
I sometimes wish we had a method to pump blood in instead of taking it out."
He looked over at Gill, manfully trying to stifle another bout of coughing.
"We'll soon ease that. . . . Keep my patient warm, no solid food, plenty
of drinks. I shall prepare herbs to be steamed over water on a low boil, to
soften the air he breathes in here. Please see the fire does not smoke too
much. I shall also prepare an expectorant, a potion to reduce the fever and a
sleeping draught."
For once I didn't think
of cost: whatever he needed, Gill must have. "Will . . . will he be all
right?" I asked, hesitantly, fearfully.
Suleiman glanced at me
sympathetically. "I tell the truth. He is very ill, your brother. I have
seen men die in his condition and I have seen them live. His advantages are his
youth and strength—and, I hope, my medicines. And a prayer or two wouldn't come
For three days my knight
seemed to hover between life and death, but gradually the fever abated, his
breathing grew easier and the coughing less painful. I did not leave his side
save to tend the animals, relieve myself and wash. I even ate my meals by the
bedside, though I have no memory of their content.
Suleiman called twice a
day, Master Spicer fussed and cosseted, the maids washed and dried the patient,
gave him fresh linen and night clothes daily. I dozed in fits and starts on a
stool by the bed, trying always to be ready for the turn of the sand-glass for
the regular dosings, to see the fire was kept topped up, to be ready with
cooling drinks and a damp sponge to wipe away the sweat.
On the morning of the
sixth day from our arrival Suleiman came in, examined his patient, then crossed
the room and flung the shutters wide.
"The sun is
shining, the wind has dropped, the temperature is rising and my patient is
recovering! Some fresh air will do us all good." He glanced at me, dazed
by sudden sun and ready to drop. "I have the very thing for you, Mistress
Somerdai. . . ." and he handed me a vial of thick, greenish liquid.
"Half of this in a glass of wine—now!—and I guarantee you will be a new
young woman before you know where you are!"
I hadn't the strength to
resist and downed the bitter-tasting liquid without a murmur. I don't know
about feeling like a new woman, I thought, but if I just lie down for a moment
or two and close my eyes I'm sure I will. . . .
* * *
"Time to wake
up," said Matthew Spicer, gently pinching my earlobe. "I'll bet you
are hungry. Hot milk and honey has been recommended. Sit up and take a
I did as I was told,
opening gummy eyelids, considering how I felt. Apart from an unpleasant taste
in my mouth, soon dispelled by a sip or two of the milk, remarkably fit.
"What time is
"A little after two
in the afternoon."
"I must have slept
over four hours! Sorry . . ."
"Four? More like
twenty-eight. You took that draught yesterday morning."
"Yesterday? But I
can't have. . . ."
"You did!"
said another voice, and there, sitting in one of the large chairs by the fire,
wrapped in blankets, sat Gill. A pale, thin Gill, but the hectic flush was gone
from his cheeks. He smiled in my direction. "Sleepyhead Summer!"
My heart turned over
with love and longing. It was a long time since I had had the chance to study
him at leisure. Being on the road had been such a struggle just to survive,
especially latterly, that I had grown accustomed to an unshaven, grumbling,
blind man who needed all my spare attention. Now he was washed, shaved, fed and
at ease, and I found once more I was seeing him as I had that first day, and
all the old adoration rushed to the surface, so that I had to hide my face lest
Matthew Spicer saw my confusion.
"And in case you
are worrying about your menagerie," said the merchant, chuckling:
"Don't! The horse and the pig—that one will never fatten—have been given
mash, the pigeon grain and the reptile left to sleep. When we have some time
you must tell me how you acquired such a motley collection! As for your
dog—" he nudged a recumbent form lying in the hearth: "—he has been
bathed again and near eaten his weight in leftovers. . . ."
Growch was stretched out
in a nose-twitching, leg-paddling dream. His curly coat of black and tan,
ginger and grey, his white chest and paws, all gleamed in the fire and
candlelight, and his stomach was so full it was stretched as tight as the skin
on a tabour, the thinner hair on his belly showing the pied skin underneath.
"He met Saffron, my
ginger cat, on the stairs," continued the merchant. "And he retreated
at once, as I knew he would: Saffron makes two of most dogs, especially in his
winter coat. However, I think you will find they have come to some agreement.
Your dog is allowed inside as long as he recognizes who is boss. . . . And now,
Mistress Somerdai, when you are dressed and have broken your fast, perhaps I
may show you something of my house?"
Through the archway at
the top of the stairs was the solar, a pleasant room with a deep hearth, set
with benches on either side. The floor was polished oak, partly covered with
two large rugs the merchant told me had come from a place called Persher; these
were pleasant underfoot and partially muffled the creak of the floorboards. Two
carved chairs stood by the window, and leather-topped stools provided further
seating. On one side of the curtained doorway were hooks for cloaks; there were
two chests, one containing cushions for extra comfort, the other a set of
games: chess, draughts, backgammon and dice.
In the center of the
room was a table, the top inlaid in marble to represent a chess or draughts
board; a hanging cupboard contained three precious books: a psalter, a
breviary, and a delightful Boke of Beestes. Eventually I read this from cover
to cover more than once, carefully examining the delightfully illustrated
initials, head- and tail-pieces, marveling all the while at the strange creatures—spotted,
dotted, patched, striped; furred, feathered, scaled; toothed, beaked, tusked,
clawed—that curled, writhed, marched and snaked across the pages. There were
creatures I had never heard of, others I couldn't believe in—gryphons, mermen,
crocodiles, elephants—and yet, amongst them all were tortoises! Very strange .
. .
The walls of the solar
were part paneled, part painted, these latter in patterns of yellow suns, moons
and stars on a pale blue background. Just as the bedroom windows overlooked the
yard, the window in the solar looked out over the street in front, and it was
this window that was the most curious item in the room. There were the usual
shutters, of course, but now no one need freeze to death to look out on the
busy street below, for the merchant had installed proper windows that opened
outwards for summer and remained closed in winter—all of glass! Not just plain
glass, either: he knew a man who restored stained-glass in churches, and the
window was filled with a higgle-piggle of colors, all small pieces like a
patched cloak—red, blue, yellow, green, purple and even some that had been part
of trees, creatures, faces—so that one looked out on the street through colors
that discolored the folk below, and yet when the sun shone these same pieces
threw a rainbow of light onto the polished floor. Like a spring lawn sown with
wildflowers . . .
Down the stairs and
there were the long kitchens at the back where the staff lived, ate and slept.
At the front was the room where we had dined on that first night: "Near
the kitchens so the food doesn't get cold," my host explained, and, next
to it, with a separate entrance and shuttered counter to the street, the shop
where the merchant did his day-to-day business.
A long counter held
weighing scales, paper, wax and string. Behind this were piles of small sacks,
neatly tied and labeled and above them shelves reaching to the ceiling, filled
with bottles, jars, pouches, boxes of all shapes and sizes and parcels. Behind
the counter was the merchant's assistant, a small, pocked man called Jacob. But
it was the smell of the place one remembered. All through Matthew Spicer's
house little teasing scents met one on the stairs, hid in chests, fled down
nooks and crannies, popped up in the linen, but here was the source, the heart
of it all.
There were herbs in
plenty—rosemary, thyme, dill, fennel, sage, rue, peppermint, balm, bay, basil,
but it was the scent of the exotic spices that overlay all. Cloves, ginger,
cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, mace, saffron, pepper, cumin, all combining to
tickle the nose with their pungency and invite their flavors to match their
Matthew Spicer was a
member of the Guild, and he explained that most of his goods came from the East
to a place called Vennis, a magical town that floated on the sea like an
anchored island. From there the goods traveled overland to the nearest western
port and again took ship across the Mediterranean to a southern port. From
there it came by road to the merchant's house, the bulk being stored in the
large sheds at the back of the yard, to be packed into smaller containers ready
for distribution to various large towns and cities throughout the country, and
even farther north.
It sounded like a long
and complicated business, and I said so.
"Certainly it
is," he said. "Sometimes it can take up to three years between
ordering something and its delivery."
"And what if one of
the ships founders, or your wagons are attacked? Or the spices spoil in
"Luckily that
doesn't happen very often. God is good." He crossed himself. "Also,
there is a very good profit margin. I am not poor." He sighed. "But
money isn't everything. I lost my wife seven years ago, God rest her soul, and
I have no family to carry on the business."
"You could marry
again. . . ."
"I could, yes, but
if I found a woman who pleased me, who knows but that she might refuse
me?" He attempted a smile. "I am not very good at understanding the
fair sex, I'm afraid, and I am no longer a young man."
I presumed him to be in
his early forties. Not stout, but not slim either; not handsome, but not ugly:
he had a pleasant, lived-in sort of face. His reddish hair was thinning
slightly but his teeth were still good. I spoke to him as I thought Mama would
have done.
"I am sure any
woman you chose would be only too pleased to accept your offer. Youth is only
an attitude of mind, after all, and you are the kindest man I know."
His face brightened.
"You really think so? You have cheered me more than I would have thought
What with Gill's illness
we had missed any Christmas festivities, but with Suleiman as another guest we
four celebrated the New Year in style: the rooms decorated with sprays of
evergreen, sprinkled with rose water, alive with candles; Mass (except for
Suleiman), then back to a veritable feast. Chicken stuffed with dates and
olives—two fruits I had never tasted before—a baked ham stuck with cloves and
glazed with honey, root vegetables in butter with a touch of ginger, small
pastry cases full of meat and spices, the latter so hot they made you feel you
breathed fire, roast chestnuts, rice with apple, apricot and other dried fruit
and a soft, sheep's-milk cheese.
And to drink a toast to
the rebirth of the year, an ice-cold sweet white wine that came, like the
silken hangings, from a place called Sissilia . . .
* * *
I had anticipated taking
our journey up again within days, but the visit to church had not done Gill any
good—except spiritually, of course. He started to cough again, and Suleiman
insisted that he stay quiet and within doors for a week or more at least. This
meant that we fell into a certain routine. After breaking our fast we would,
Gill and I, go into the solar, where I would take up sewing and mending, which
our clothes sorely needed.
I was surprised to find
just how much thinner I had become, and the chore of sewing was mixed with a
secret delight in being able to take in my clothes as well as patch and repair
them. I regretted that my things were so shabby and worn, but they still
covered me well enough and I could not afford to indulge in non-necessities.
Gill was a different matter. He had been used to so much better, whether he
remembered it or not, and as I had taken to exercising Mistral and Growch if
the weather was fine, I took the opportunity of buying some rough woolen cloth,
burel, and fitting my knight for longer braies and a new surcoat. The town was
a pleasant place and obviously Matthew Spicer was held in high regard, for once
folk knew we were staying with him—and news travels faster than a grass fire in
a place like that—we were welcomed with smiles and cheerful greetings. I
suspect, too, that I was given a special price for my cloth, and for the repair
of our shoes which was also essential.
One morning Matthew—he
had asked us to dispense with the more formal address—came into the solar
looking helpless, a length of fine green wool over his arm. He hesitated for a
moment, then asked if I had much sewing in hand.
"Why, no. I have
only to finish attaching the ties to these braies. Is there something you would
like me to do?"
"Er . . . yes.
There is, actually. If you're sure you don't mind? I have a sister, married to
a Dutchman, and she writes in her letters that she finds it difficult to buy
wool in this particular color." He held the soft wool against my shoulder.
"Yes, the shade is just right! Her coloring is near yours, and I wonder .
. ."
"Yes?" I
encouraged, indulgent of this successful man who could yet be so diffident.
"If you could make
her a surcoat," he said, all in a rush. "Something simple and
serviceable, nothing fancy? You and she are much of a height and size, and if
you make generous seams and hems . . . But perhaps I ask too much?"
"Of course not! I
only hope I can do this beautiful material justice." I fingered it: strong
and hard-wearing, it was still fine enough to hang practically creaseless.
"A lovely color: like fresh mint."
He was obviously
pleased. "Again, if it's not too much trouble, she would need two
undercottes; I have some fine linen dyed a soft brown which would go nicely. .
. ."
It was the least I could
do. He had been so kind to us both: a man in a thousand.
During the time I sewed,
Gill would be practicing on a small lute Matthew had found, or on my pipes,
although he soon became bored and restless; sighing deeply, drumming his
fingers on the furniture, yawning. Then I would coax him to sing:
"Winter's weary winds," "Silk for my sweetheart," or, if
Matthew joined us, tenor, baritone and soprano would essay a round: "The
beggars now have come to town," or something similar.
Afternoons I would read
while Gill rested, though if there were a hint of warmth and sunshine I would
take a stroll with Growch—who had become so used to Matthew's majestic cat,
Saffron, that they would now share the solar hearth together. In the evenings
we played chess or draughts or backgammon, Matthew against Gill and me. Not
surprisingly, Gill was familiar with all the games, and once recalled a chess
set he had had, each piece carved in relief, birds for red, animals for white.
If Suleiman joined us the men would swap rhymes and riddles while I stayed
quiet and listened, for it was not proper for women to assume an equality with
men in this sort of area.
If enough wine had been
consumed after Suleiman went home, then Gill and Matthew would sing again, each
trying to outdo the other. First Gill might chant the "Gaudeamus
igitur," Matthew follow this with the drinking song: "Meum est
propositum in taberna more" and both finish with the sentimental "My
mistress she hath other loves."
We had further snow in
mid-January, but by the end of the month Suleiman pronounced Gill fit enough to
travel. He had been taking more exercise each day and almost looked as good as
new. But Matthew was a puzzle: the nearer the time came for us to leave, the
more restless he became. Then one night it all became clear. Gill had just
retired and Matthew roamed around the solar, then abruptly followed Gill. I
stretched and yawned, enjoying a few more moments before the fire, when
suddenly the curtain was flung back and Matthew appeared, looking thoroughly
upset. Had something happened to Gill? I rose to my feet in alarm.
"Whatever's the
He hesitated, then came
towards me. His face was all red. "I'm not sure. . . . Perhaps you can
"I don't
understand. . . ."
"I—I approached the
man you call your brother upon—upon a certain matter, only to be told that you
and he were not related at all." He really did look most upset. "I
think I deserve an explanation!"
Chapter Sixteen
So I gave him one.
Not the real, entire,
whole truth. He wouldn't have believed me. He heard about the knight passing
through our village one day, being ambushed the next and wandering about blinded
until I found him by chance and had promised to try and find his home, when it
was obvious no one else either believed his story, such as it was, or was
willing to help.
I told Matthew how Gill
couldn't even remember his name, that all I could recall was an impression of
his standard. I even brought out the scrap of cloth I had kept, but he shook
his head. No help there. From there it was an easy progression to explaining
away the "menagerie," as he called them. My dog, fair enough, a horse
to carry our gear, no trouble there. The pigeon? Found wounded, a carrier,
unusual color, might breed from him. Satisfactory. The tortoise? Abandoned,
feed him up and sell him off. Fine.
The pig was more
difficult. Runt of the litter, got him for next to nothing. Foraged off the
land as we passed, always a useful standby for barter. He accepted that, too,
and I breathed a sigh of relief. No need for him to know we "talked"
among ourselves: animals didn't in Matthew's circle, in spite of all the folk
tales of talking foxes, mice, bears and fish. People should pay more attention
to stories: they didn't make themselves up.
I thought I had gotten
away with it beautifully, but there was obviously something still bothering our
host. He umm'd and aah'd and then came to the point.
"And you had no
hesitation in—in helping this man, Sir Gilman?"
"Of course not! I
had nothing to keep me in the village, I had some money put by, and thought I
would like to see a little of the world before I settled down. Besides, if you
had seen him that first time, all handsome and elegant, just like a prince in a
fairy tale! He was so utterly unattainable, that when I saw him again, all
threatened, maimed and desolate, it was like being given a present! Even beaten
up and dirty as he was, he was still the handsomest man I had ever seen in my
life! And with him being blind, it was like an extra bonus, because—" I
stopped. I had given myself away well and truly this time.
He looked at me in a way
I couldn't fathom. "Because what?"
So I told the truth.
What did it matter, now? "Because he couldn't see me; he couldn't see how
fat and ugly I was. And, please God, he never will. I don't ever want him to
know what I look like: I couldn't bear it!" I paused: he was looking most
odd. "There, now I've told you. I would be obliged if you don't
disillusion him." I looked down at my feet—yes, I could just about see
them now—feeling very uncomfortable; I hated remembering my ugliness, my
But he didn't give me
time to feel sorry for myself. "Fat?" he said. "Ugly? Whatever
in the world gave you that idea? A little on the plump side, perhaps, a
comfortable armful for any man, but ugly? Not at all! You have lovely
greeny-grey eyes, a straight nose and—"
"Please don't!"
I cried. "You're only making it worse!" I lost all discretion:
kindness and tact could go too far. I knew what I looked like: hadn't I
seen my reflection in the river often enough? Piggy eyes, squabby nose, double
chins and all? And Mama had sighed, but added that my superior education and
dowry would "go a long way towards overcoming" my other deficiencies.
"You know perfectly well that in a million million years I could never
attract a man like Gill, that the only time I will ever be able to hold his hand,
care for him, gaze unhindered on his beautiful face, is now, when he's
"You—you love him,
"Of course I do!
How could I not? He is the sort of man every woman dreams about, and I am
lucky, lucky, that even part of that dream has come true! I don't want
to find his home, I don't want him ever to see again, may God
forgive me!" Suleiman had examined his eyes and could find no obvious
cause for the sudden blindness and loss of memory, except the blow to the head.
He had advised him that memory might return gradually and he could even regain
his sight one day as quickly as it had gone, if the circumstances were
right—what circumstances he wasn't prepared to say. "I shouldn't have said
that, I know I shouldn't, but each day I have him as he is, is one day snatched
from heaven!"
Matthew looked
completely different: older, greyer, sort of crumpled. "I did not realize.
. . ."
"And neither does
he!" I said quickly. "He treats me like a sister since we decided on
the story we told you earlier: it is easier to travel that way."
He gathered his robes
tightly around him as if he were suddenly cold. "Don't worry: your secret
is safe with me. . . ."
The next time we were on
our own I asked Gill how he had come to betray our true relationship.
He laughed. "You
won't believe this, Summer, but he actually came and asked me, as your brother
and next of kin, if he had my permission to pay court to you! Of course I
couldn't say yea or nay, could I? So I had to tell him we weren't related.
Anyway, I gather you must have talked your way out of it. Pity: you could have
done worse, I imagine, and he seemed very taken. . . ."
Just imagine what my
mother would have said! She would have considered him the perfect catch.
"You should have had more sense!" I could hear her scolding.
"What future is there traipsing around the countryside with a blind and
helpless knight, handsome though he may be, when there is absolutely no future
in it? Here is a comfortable home, a good-natured husband who is bound to die
before you and leave you with his wealth; you just haven't the sense you were
born with!" and then she would have given me a good beating, and it would
have been no use pointing out that I had no idea Matthew felt that way.
Too late now, and it
wouldn't have made any difference if I had known: my heart, for however short
the time, was given to Gill. I was truly sorry if I had hurt Matthew, but I
hoped it wouldn't spoil our last few days with him.
I needn't have worried;
he was quieter than usual perhaps, and spent more time at his work, but there
were no sulks, no reproaches, although I sensed he was under strain and would
be glad when we were gone. Suleiman was going to supervise a consignment of
spices further north and it had been agreed we would accompany him as far as the
crossroads on the main north-south highway, for we had indeed come much too far
east for our purpose.
So we set off at
Candlemas, in a fine drizzle, all save Mistral safe under cover of one of the
wagons, with Matthew out to see us go. I watched him dwindle on the road and
then vanish as we turned the corner towards the countryside. I said a short
prayer for his future well-being: I felt sorry for him, but had no regrets as
to my decision.
"Nice to be on the
road again," said Gill. "Perhaps this time I can get nearer home. . .
I think the animals felt
the same way. The rest and food had benefited them all: Mistral had filled out
and her coat shone with regular brushing; Basher was eating a little and still
sleeping a lot, but Traveler's wing was almost healed and he was taking short
flights with increasing regularity. The biggest change of all was in the
Wimperling. He had grown almost out of recognition; he was three times as big
as before, easily, and tubby with it. No more lifts in the pannier for him: he
would have to walk with the rest of us. There seemed to be changes in his shape
as well. His nose was longer, the claws on his hooves were bigger, his rump was
higher than his head and the vestigial wings were vestigial no longer, in fact
they looked definitely uncomfortable. In fact he looked so odd that the first
thing I did that first night on the road was to fashion him a sacking coat that
at least hid the worst of his strangeness. Funnily enough, though, other people
didn't seem to notice he was any different from a normal pig. Very strange . .
Too soon our journey in
comfort came to an end. At the crossroads, the third day after we had set out,
I loaded up Mistral once more, checked and double-checked that everything was
where it should be, then turned to say good-bye and thanks to Suleiman. He
handed me a parcel.
"You'll have to
find room for this," he said. "It's from Matthew."
Inside were the green
woolen dress and undershifts I had made for Matthew's sister. "He must
have made a mistake. . . ."
Suleiman smiled.
"No mistake. He has no sister, never had." He handed me a small
leather purse. "He said this was for the extra care of your knight."
Inside were five gold coins. "He asked me to remind you that love cannot
feed on thin air, and that the rain and wind are no discriminators. . . ."
Less than an hour later
we were lucky enough to catch up with a small caravan of pilgrims and
journeymen; the weather fined up, the road was easy, other travelers joined us.
We became friendly with our companions of the road, swapping experiences and
comparing dogs and horses: I even remember boasting that Growch was the
cleverest dog for miles and that our pig could count to twenty—and this last
idiocy got us into real trouble.
* * *
It all started about two
weeks after we had left the crossroads. It was around midday, the sun was
shining, a soft breeze came from the south, the grass was looking greener than
it had for months, little shoots were pricking up through the earth, buds were
starting to uncurl on bush and shrub, birds were becoming much more urgent in
their courting and I was planning ahead for the next two days' meals. Someone
ahead was singing a catchy little tune, behind us a baby was being hushed; Gill
was whistling the same tune as the singer, the pigeon was giving his wings a
tryout on Mistral's back and—
—and they came out of
the woods on our left with a clatter of arms and thud of hooves. A dozen or so
men, mounted and in half-armor, all in burgundy livery. They clattered to a
halt and their leader drew his sword.
"Halt! Halt, I say!
Stay right where you are, or it will be the worse for you!"
Panic does all sorts of
strange things to people. Some freeze in their tracks, others run, it doesn't
matter where; others scream and scream; some faint, others wet themselves.
Remembering the last attack in which I was involved, I was about to run to the
shelter of the tree—we were at the back, and I could probably have made it—but
was brought up short remembering Gill and the others.
At least they weren't
killing anybody yet, but a couple of the soldiers cantered down to our end and
rounded up the stragglers.
"Move along there,
now: not got all day . . ."
Now we were circled by
restive, sweating horses, stamping their hooves, tossing their heads till the
harness jingled. Behind me someone was moaning in terror. I reached for Gill's
hand, whispered what was happening, conscious of Growch's unease, of the
Wimperling rock-steady at my other side. My ring wasn't sending out signals,
The leader of the troupe
stood in his stirrups and addressed us.
"Just shut up, the
lot of you, and listen to me! I mean you, you miserable worms! I am Captain
Portall from the Castle of the White Rock—look, if you aren't quiet I shall be
forced to make you. . . ." and he raised his sword threateningly.
"That's better. . . ." He gazed around us, his expression adequately
conveying just what a sorry lot we were, how far below his normal
consideration, and just how wearisome he found the whole business. "Now,
as I said, I am from White Rock Castle, and my lady Aleinor is bored—even more
bored than I am in talking to you peasants." He brushed at his drooping
mustache with a mailed fist. "And when the lady is bored we all suffer!
And her husband and four sons being off on some crusade or other doesn't help;
she wants cheering up, does the lady, and that's what I'm here for." He
looked at us all once more, even more despondently. "Now, what I want to
know is, which of you likely lot has the skills to entertain a lady? And you
can drop that sort of thought," he said threateningly at a ribald snigger
from somewhere at the back. "I mean singing, dancing, tumbling, juggling,
minstrelsy, tricks, that sort of rubbish. Trifles to amuse, tales to entertain,
ballads to hearten—something to make her laugh, dammit! Come now,
half-a-dozen volunteers . . ."
Such was my relief at
realizing that we were not about to be hacked to death, robbed or raped that I
paid little attention to the captain's speech. Everyone else began to relax
also, picking up whatever they had dropped, gathering their scattered
belongings, chattering among themselves.
"Well, that's
that!" I said to Gill confidently. "We should be on our way—"
"I meant what I
said!" suddenly shouted the captain. "Unless I find volunteers to accompany
me back to the castle to entertain the Lady Aleinor, there will be . . .
trouble! And I mean trouble! I want half-a-dozen right now: if not, I shall
start stringing you all up, one by one!" He leaned from his horse and
grabbed a man by his ear. "And we'll start with this one!"
A woman and girl started
wailing, and everyone seemed to shrink into little family and friends groups.
The circle grew smaller as the horses closed in. Fear became something you
could touch and smell.
"Well? I'm waiting.
I shall count to ten. One, two, three . . ."
"I've done a bit of
juggling in my time." A man pushed forward. "Nothing fancy, mind . .
"You'll do."
Captain Portall released the ear he was holding and rose in his stirrups once
more. "Who else? You'll get a meal and a handful of silver if you please
the lady. Come on, now. . . ."
"Should have
mentioned that earlier," muttered a man to my left. He raised his hand.
"I know a ballad or two might suit her."
One by one we got a
tumbler and his son, a teller of tales, a man who could twist himself into
impossible positions.
"Is that all? I'm
disappointed, very disappointed! Singers, tumblers, a juggler, contortionist,
story-teller: can't any of you do something different?"
To my horror one of our
fellow travelers piped up with: "That girl over there, the one with the
blind brother, she's got a dog what does tricks and a pig that counts. . .
I could have sunk
straight into the ground! What a fool, what an utter idiot I had been to boast
in such a way the other night! And it was lies, all lies—
But the captain on his
horse was towering over us. "A counting pig? Now that is different.
Never come across one of those before. Right, that's enough! Get them all
organized, men! This the pig? I'll take him, then." And before I knew it
he was down, had heaved up the Wimperling onto his saddle bow and remounted.
"Heavy, isn't he?" and he turned and trotted off.
What could we do but
follow? We couldn't desert the pig.
Our anxious way took us
down a broad ride of the wood for perhaps a half mile, the fallen leaves of the
autumn before muffling the thud of the escort's hooves, the chinking of the
harness echoed by the chattering of a jay as it jinked away to the left. About
twenty minutes later we came through thinning trees into the afternoon February
sunshine and saw a picture that might have graced a Book of Hours.
Perhaps a couple of
miles away, girdled by the neatest fields I had ever seen, rose the towers of
faery. Perched on a grey-white outcrop of rock, from where we stood it looked
insubstantial, a building from the edges of dream. There were four towers of
unequal height, one much taller than the others. The castle itself was built
from white stone, just whiter than the rock from which it rose; silhouetted
against the clear, blue winter sky it looked like something one could cut from
As we drew nearer we
could see the crenellations along the walls and even small figures patrolling
the perimeters, and the road along which we traveled curving up towards a
drawbridge and portcullis, over what looked like a moat of some kind. On our
travels we had glimpsed other castles in the distance, most of them squat and
frowning, with solid grey foundations and the hunched look of a sick animal,
but this was quite different. Apart from its coloring, the way it seemed to
spring upwards out of the rock, there were colored flags fluttering from the
gateway, and the thin sound of a trumpet announcing our arrival.
We were traveling
through fields plowed or already sown, through orchards of fruit trees beneath
which not a single weed could be seen—unlike the unfamiliar orange groves
outside the last town we had visited, the goat's-foot trefoil beneath their
trunks a yellow so bright it seared the eye—and past the twisted, bare branches
of dead-looking vines, that later would cluster with heavy grapes. There was
also an avenue of pollarded oaks, their knobbed branches giving no hint of the
summer lushness to come. Everything neat, everything tidy, not a wavy line in
the plowing, not a weed in the fields, not a dead leaf on the paths. Perhaps I
had an untidy mind, but I would have welcomed a little disarray, a hint that
outside belonged to nature as well as man.
Small houses were
clustered at the foot of the White Rock, all as spic and span as the rest, and
these we passed, together with the huge communal bread ovens, as we trudged up
the sudden steep ascent to the castle proper and clattered over the short
drawbridge. I peered over the edge as I passed: as I thought, a dry moat, and
judging by the stench and the brown streaks down the walls that had not been
evident from a distance, showing that refuse from the kitchens and garde-robes
was allowed to flow unchecked, it was evident that there was no constant source
of water. The creaking of the portcullis preceded us, but it needed only to be
drawn halfway for us all to squeeze beneath.
We found ourselves in a
large, cobbled courtyard, full of noise and bustle. Horses were being curried
and exercised, wagons loaded and unloaded, soldiers were practicing with short
swords, others examining armor and mail newly come from the sand barrels that
were rolling up and down a short slope. A bowyer was stringing bows, a fletcher
feathering arrows, an armorer busy at his anvil. Stable boys were shoveling
ordure into an empty cart and a couple of cooks were gutting and jointing
venison. The noise was indescribable.
Captain Portall
dismounted his troop and started issuing orders as to our disposition. He
lifted the Wimperling from his saddle with a look of distaste: the pig had just
let loose a series of little popping farts.
Once down, the
Wimperling nudged me. "We must be together. . . ."
Captain Portall turned to me. "You and you—" he pointed to Gill:
"—over there in one of those huts. Animals in the stables. Gerrout, you
mangy hound!" and he aimed a kick at Growch, who was trying to christen
his boots. "Whose is this?"
"Mine," I said
firmly. "Just like the horse and the pig. All part of our act. And if you
want a decent performance for your—your lady tonight, you'll see we are kept
together. To rehearse," I added. "It is a couple of months since we
have performed together. I presume you want us to be at our best?"
It worked. Ten minutes
later we were snug in a stall at the end of the stables nearest the entrance,
and a sullen stable boy was bringing hay, oats, mash and buckets of water.
"Two more
buckets," I said firmly, twisting the ring on my finger to give courage.
"This time of hot water. And towels. Hurry, boy."
Then I had to explain
everything to Gill: where we were, what we were supposed to be doing.
"But we are
performing nothing until we are clean and presentable: it's obvious the Lady
Aleinor places great store on everything being just so. She also wants
entertainment, so we've got to prepare something to please her. Besides, we
could do with the silver she is offering."
"Have you ever done
anything like this before?" asked poor, bewildered Gill.
"There's always a
first time. . . ."
"And a last,"
muttered Growch. "Glad I'm not part of this farce."
"Oh, but you
are," said the Wimperling unexpectedly. "We all are. That's why we
couldn't be separated."
"Well, what we
goin' to do, then? She said you could count, whatever that means: I
heard her. What about me? The 'orse, the tortoise, the pigeon? Them,"
indicating Gill and me.
"Be patient,"
said the Wimperling. "And listen. . . ."
Chapter Seventeen
It was both hot and
smoky in the hall. Although there was a huge modern hearth, tall and wide
enough for half a dozen to stand upright, there seemed to be something amiss
with the chimney, or perhaps the wind was in the wrong direction, for as much
smoke came down and out as went up. The torches smoked in their holders on the
walls, the candles on the tables smoked; an erratic wind would seem to have
taken possession of the kitchens as well, for the bread was burned, the meat
tasted half-cured, the fowls were charred on one side and nearly raw on the
other and the underdone chickpeas, lentils and onions sulked in a sauce that
reeked of too much garlic and was definitely full of smuts.
But we were too hungry
to care much. The ale was good, the smoked herring and eels very tasty and the
cheeses of excellent quality. We were seated at the very bottom of the left-hand
table, and it was a good place from which to see everything. The edge off my
hunger, and Gill well provided for, I had time to gaze around, and a word or
two with our neighbors identified who was who.
There must have been
upwards of a hundred and fifty people in the hall, counting servitors. The
level of conversation was deafening, and this, coupled with the hysterical
yelping and snarling of hounds fighting for bones and scraps in the rushes, the
roar of flame from the fireplace, the clatter of knives, the thump of mugs
impatient for refill and the intermittent screeching of a cageful of exotic
multicolored birds, made hearing a sense to endure rather than enjoy.
So I used my eyes
instead. At the top table, raised some two hands high from the rest of us, sat
the Lady Aleinor with a neighbor, Sir Bevin, and his wife on her right, and on
her left her sister and her husband on a visit. Also on the top table were her
daughter, a pudding-faced girl of twelve or thirteen, her chaplain, steward and
Captain Portall. Below the salt ran the two long tables, seating about thirty
on each side, crammed elbow to elbow on benches with scarce room to lift hand
to mouth. At the ends nearest the top table were accommodated the more
important members of the household: reeve, almoner, chief usher, head falconer,
armorer, apothecary, head groom and verdurers; between them and us were the
middle to lower orders: smiths, farriers, bowyers, fletchers, coopers, dyers,
gardeners, soldiers, hedgers, cobbler, tinder-maker, trumpeter, clerk,
wine-storekeeper and all my Lady's maids, her housekeeper, tirewoman, sewing
ladies and her daughter's nurse-companion.
The table manners of
those nearest us left much to be desired. Those sharing two to a trencher were
using their hands rather than their knives, and even those who had their own
place were tearing at the bread and meat instead of cutting it neatly. There
was much munching with open mouth and unseemly belching, and few were using
cloths to wipe their fingers and mouths: it appeared sleeves were more
convenient for the men, hems of skirt or shift for the women. Not that the
manners on the top table were much better, though the Lady Aleinor did at least
lick her fingers one by one before applying them and her mouth to the linen
We had not yet seen the
lady close to and were bowing respectfully when she entered the hall, so I had
only had a quick impression of a tall, slim woman in rich red robes and an
elaborate headdress of linen, lawn and ribbons. Now I could see her more clearly
I saw she was handsome enough, but her face was marred by a discontented
expression—much as my mother used to wear if bad weather kept her customers
away too long. The lady was obviously bored.
The hall grew hotter,
noisier, smokier, but at last the tables were cleared, the hounds kicked into
silence, a cover put over the squawking birds and water brought for
finger-washing. The steward rose to his feet, banged on the top table for
silence, and announced that the entertainment would begin. A young varlet, one
of the two cadet-squires who had been serving at the top table—much more
palatable food than we had been served with, I noticed—walked down the room and
picked out the first of our "volunteers."
After a whispered
conversation he walked back between the two lower tables, bowed to the lady,
and announced that Master Peter Bowe would sing a couple of ballads:
"Travel the Broad Highway" and "Lips Like Cherries." He had
a pleasant enough voice, but it was suited to a smaller place than this vast
hall, whose timbers reached up into a ribbed darkness like leafless trees.
However the Lady spoke to her steward and he was rewarded with a couple of
silver coins.
Next it was the turn of
the juggler, who was reasonably dextrous. He was certainly good at improvisation,
for he had only what lay around to toss and catch; eventually, one by one, he
had two shriveled apples, a goblet, a large bone and a trencher all in the air
at once. He, too, received two silver coins.
The teller of tales was
found to be hopelessly drunk and was thrown out, so it was the turn of the
tumbler and his boy. Once the man had obviously been very good, but he was well
into middle age and I could tell by the grimaces that he suffered from
rheumatism, and both his spring and balance were faulty. The boy did his best
to cover for his father's deficiencies—one day he, too, would be very good—but
in the end he was dropped heavily; judging by his resigned expression as he
rose to his feet, rubbing his elbow, it wasn't the first time and wouldn't be
the last. They were given three coins.
Now it was the turn of
the contortionist, but I had to miss his performance to slip outside and
collect Mistral and the others, for we were next—and last. I brought them in by
the kitchen ramp, for the steps up to the main door would not have done: too
steep. Leaving them just outside, I rejoined Gill for the applause and coin for
the contortionist. The varlet walked up to us, I whispered to him, he went back
and announced us.
"My lady . .
." a deep bow: "for your entertainment I present travelers from the
north, the south, the east, the west: fresh from their successful performances
all over the country, I crave your indulgence for brother and sister, Gill and
Summer, and their troupe of performing animals!" Another deep bow, a
ripple of interest.
Smoothing down the dress
Matthew had given me with nervous fingers I led Mistral towards the top table,
Gill on her other side, flanked on either side by a sedate dog and a sedater
pig. Traveler was perched on Mistral's back. We all looked our best, I had seen
to that, and the animals wore colored ribbons—a sad good-bye to my special
ones, I thought. (We had had to leave Basher behind, for there isn't much
lively capering to be got from a hibernating tortoise.)
Reaching the dais we
performed the only trick we had rehearsed together: we all knelt—man, girl,
horse, pig, dog. Traveler bowed his head.
Applause. Encouraged, I
rose and addressed the lady. "First we shall show you a roundelay. . .
." and pulling my pipe from my pocket I gave Gill the note and he began
singing the "Bluebell Hey." For a dreadful moment I thought it wasn't
going to work, then my dear animals obeyed my unspoken instructions. Mistral
and the pig revolved slowly, majestically, and Growch began to chase his tail.
No matter they were not in time with the music: we were receiving applause
already. Traveler rose into the air and gracefully circled the top table. . . .
Then it happened.
It is well-nigh
impossible to house-train birds, and Traveler was no exception. On his last
circuit, obviously full of grain, he let loose and an enormous chunk of
pigeon-dropping landed unerringly on the bald pate of the lady's chaplain.
There was a long drawing in of breath and then total silence. I stopped playing,
Gill stopped singing, Growch stopped chasing his tail. Mistral and the
Wimperling stood like statues.
We all gazed at the Lady
Aleinor. She rose to her feet, her face suffused with color. If she had said:
"Off with their heads!" I would not have been surprised. I twisted
the ring on my finger, still cool and calm. The lady's eyes seemed ready to pop
out of her head, and the silence was something palpable, a thing you could
touch and weigh. She opened her mouth—
And laughed.
And she went on
laughing. Not a genteel titter behind her hand, as I had been taught, but a
gut-wrenching belly laugh, the sort my mother had produced one day when the
butcher had risen from her bed in a temper, tripped and landed bare-arsed and
bum-high with his nose in the dirt.
What's more, she went on
laughing. She laughed until the tears spurted from her eyes, she laughed till
her ribs ached and she had to double up to stop the ache, till she had to cover
her ears for the pain behind. And the more indignant the lugubrious chaplain became,
trying to wipe the yellow mess from his bald head with the tablecloth, the more
she laughed.
Her sycophantic
household took its cue from her, and soon the whole place was rocking with
guffaws and the very flames of the torches and candles were threatened by the
shouts and table-thumpings. The most relieved face in the hall, apart from
mine, was that of Captain Portall, who had promised amusement for his lady.
The noise, however, was
upsetting Mistral, however I tried to calm her, and Traveler was no better.
Growch, too, was starting to growl at the lymers, brachs and mastiffs who had
started up again with their baying and yelping, so I grabbed the horse's bridle
and led them back to the courtyard. Growch, of course, took advantage of this
to snatch a rib bone from a distracted greyhound on his way out.
Picking up a leathern
bucket I had appropriated earlier I rejoined Gill and the Wimperling, the
latter of whom seemed totally unmoved by the hullabaloo around him. In fact his
snout was working happily above exposed teeth, almost as though he were
laughing too. As I re-entered the merriment was dying down, and the lady leaned
forward and addressed us.
"I hope the rest of
your act is as stimulating: I declare I have not been as diverted for months!
Of course—" she waved her hand dismissively: "I realize it was but a
fortuitous accident. Presumably the rest of your performance owes more to
I bowed. "My lady .
. . First my brother will sing a ballad dedicated especially to yourself. An
old tune, but new words." I gave Gill his note, and he began to sing:
"When I hunger, there is meat;
When I tire, there is sleep;
I am cold, there is fire;
I am thirsty, there is wine.
But when I love, unless you care,
I am poorer than the poor.
Hungry, thirsty, sleepless, cold.
But smile, lady, and I am full;
Touch me and I am warm;
Kiss me once and I
Need never sleep again. . . ."
It was a touching song,
and Gill sang it as if he held a picture of a secret love tight behind his
blind lids. So heartfelt was the throb in his voice that it gave me goose
bumps. The lady seemed to like it too.
Now for the culmination
of our act: I crossed my fingers and went down to the Wimperling.
"If you are . .
I upended the bucket and
lifted his front hooves onto the top, catching one of my fingers on the funny
claws that circled them. "We will have to clip those. . . ."
"I think they are
meant to be there . . ."
Gill finished his song
to sentimental applause from Lady Aleinor, which everyone copied. So, the lady
decided what amused and what did not. In that case, the Wimperling and I would
play to her alone.
"And now, my lady,
we present to you the wonder of this or any other age: a pig who counts. As
good as any human, and better than most. Would you please give me two simple
numbers for the pig to add together?" I saw her hesitate, and gathered
that tallying was not her strong point. She would probably be furious if we
exposed her weakness so I played it safe. "Perhaps we could start more
simply: if you would place some manchets of bread in front of you in a line, so
that your guests may see the number, then I will ask the pig to guess
correctly. He cannot, of course, see what is on the table."
She looked more pleased
and lined up five pieces of bread. I thought the number to the Wimperling, then
made a great fuss and to-do with waving of arms and incantations.
Obediently the
Wimperling tapped with his right hoof on the top of the bucket: one, two,
three, four . . . There was a hesitation, a ghastly moment when I thought everything
was going to go wrong, then I saw from the gleam in his eye that he was
enjoying himself . . . five.
Applause, again, and
from then on in it was easy. Shouts from those on the top table who could
count: "Three and two . . . Six and one . . . two and four . . ." The
lady was counting frantically on her fingers to keep up with her guests, then
nodding and beaming as though she had known the answer all the time. Her
daughter intervened in an affected lisp.
"Does the creature
subtract as well?"
It could, if my mental
counting was swift enough.
We finished, by prior
agreement with the Wimperling, by me asking him a leading question: "You
are a pig of perspicacity: tell me now, O Wise One, who is the fairest, the
most generous, the most beloved lady in this castle?" I went along the
tables, touching each woman on the shoulder as I passed, and each time the
Wimperling shook his head—a pity, for some of the ladies were really far
prettier than our hostess. At last, and last, I came to the Lady Aleinor. At
once the pig drummed both hooves on the bucket, squealed enthusiastically and
nodded his head.
Everyone clapped, as
they knew that they had to, and the lady was so pleased she snatched the purse
of silver from her steward and threw it to me. As I shepherded Gill back
outside, the Wimperling trotting behind, I counted the coins: twelve!
"Told you it would
be all right," said the Wimperling happily.
We had almost reached
the stables when there were running footsteps behind us. It was the varlet who
had introduced us earlier.
"You are invited to
dine with the rest of the household at dawn," he panted, "and the
lady requests that you and your brother—and the wondrous pig—attend her at noon
in the solar. I am to come and fetch you at the appointed hour."
Back at the stables I
requested more hay and made comfortable resting places for Gill and myself,
then went to say goodnight and congratulate the animals.
"You were
absolutely marvelous, all of you! The lady liked our performance, and we have a
purseful of silver to prove it! She wants to see Gill and me and the Wimperling
again tomorrow morning, but we shall be on the road again just after noon, I
"Tonight was one
thing," said the Wimperling, "but tomorrow might be different again.
. . ."
"Oh, stop being
such an old pessimist!" I cried. "You were the star of the show,
remember?" and in my euphoria I raised his front hooves, bent down, and
kissed him fair and square on his pink snout.
Bam! I felt as
though I had been struck by a thunderbolt. Once when combing my hair at home by
the fire, I had leaned forward to sip at a metal dipper of water and had the
same sharp prickling, but this was a thousand times worse. I must have jumped,
or been thrown, back about six feet, my lips numb and feeling twice their size,
my hair standing up from my head. But this was as nothing to the effect it had
on the pig. He leapt up at the same distance I had back, his wings creaked into
action as well and bore him still further until he cracked his head against the
rafters and came plummeting back down to the floor.
We stared at one another
in horror. The feeling was coming back to my lips, but I still had to put up a
hand to convince myself they weren't swollen. They tingled like pins and
needles, only far worse.
"What happened?"
He shook his head as
though his ears were full of ticks. "I don't know. . . . I feel as if all
my insides have turned over. Most peculiar. I'm not the same as I was, I know
"I won't do it
again, I promise!"
"No, don't. It's
just that . . . I don't know. Very strange. . . ."
I had never seen or
heard him so confused. After a moment or two he slunk off into a corner under
the manger and hunched up. I thought he would sleep, but when I settled down on
my bed of hay he was still awake, his eyes bright and watchful in the light of
the lantern that swung overhead.
* * *
When we entered the
solar a little after noon, the Lady Aleinor was seated in a high-backed chair
by a roaring fire; like all the chimneys in the castle, this one smoked. The
lady's daughter was on a stool at her feet, the nurse and two tirewomen stood
behind the chair.
Though the room was
sumptuously furnished, it did not have the cozy, lived-in look of Matthew's
solar: it was a room to be seen in, rather than used. Candles were lit because
the shutters on the one window at the back were tight closed.
The lady received us
graciously. We were invited to move into the center of the room—though not
asked to sit down—and she started to question us: where we trained the animals,
where we were bound, etc. From anyone except a fine lady like herself it might
have seemed an impertinence, but we had been long enough together for the
brother/sister story to come out like truth. It was more difficult to answer
questions about the animals, but I did emphasize (in order that our
performances were worthy of reward) the years of training, the bonds of
familiarity that had to be forged, the difficulty of communication—and here I
mentally crossed myself and touched my ring.
"But surely the
whip speaks louder than words?"
I was shocked—would I
have been before I wore the ring of the Unicorn? I wondered—but did my best to
hide it. Her ways were obviously not ours.
"You may use a whip
when breaking in a horse, my lady, or beat a dog, but how can you use punishment
to train a pigeon? Our training is accomplished by treating the animals as if
they were part of our family and rewarding their tricks, not punishing their
mistakes. It has worked well, so far."
Her eyes flashed as
though she would argue, then once more she was sweetness itself. "Would
you let me see what else your pig can do? I am sure there were tricks you did
not show us last night. . . ." I almost looked for the honey dripping from
her tongue.
I was deceived, I admit
it, even as a warning message came from the Wimperling. "Don't intrigue
her too much. . . ."
"Hush!" I
thought to him. And to the lady: "I am sure we can find something to
divert you. . . ." Back to the Wimperling, quick as a flash: "Can you
keep time to a song? Find hidden objects if I tell you where they are?"
He answered reluctantly
that he thought he could: "But don't overdo it!" Why? More
tricks, more money, and we should be away from here in an hour or two with
enough to keep us going for weeks.
I asked Gill to sing
"Come away to the woods today" which was a song with a regular,
impelling beat, and my pig trod first one way and then the other in perfect
time, to polite applause from the lady and her daughter.
"Now the pig on his
own," demanded Lady Aleinor, dismissing Gill's song, which privately I
thought wonderful, as a mere trifle. "Come on girl: show us what else he
can do!"
"Very well.
Perhaps, my lady, if you would hide some trifling object—yes, that needle case
would do fine—while the pig's back is turned—so, then I will ask him to
discover it."
And behind a cushion,
under a chair, beneath the sideboard, in the wood-basket—he found it every
time. After I had told him where to look, of course.
The lady watched him
perform with a gleam in her eyes. "Very good, very good indeed! Anything
else he can do?"
I was about to open my
mouth and rashly volunteer his flying abilities, when his thoughts struck into
my mind like a string of sharp pebbles to the head. "No, no, no!
Don't tell her that! Tell her I am tired, anything! Let's get out of
Confused, I stammered
out an excuse. She looked at me coldly. "Very well, you may go now and
rest. But I shall expect another performance tonight. I have sent out
messengers to others of my neighbors and I look forward to an even better
exposition of the pig's power." She saw my face. "What's the matter,
girl? A few coins? Here you are, then. . . ." and she tossed a handful of
silver at my feet.
Automatically I bent to
retrieve it, then straightened my back. "It is not a matter of money, my
lady, thank you all the same. Last night you were more than generous, and we
had not planned to stay longer than midday today. We must be on our way as soon
as possible."
Another flash
of—what?—from those hooded eyes, then the pleasantness was back again, on her
mouth at least. "Of course, of course, but I couldn't possibly let you go
without one more of your marvelous performances! You can't let me down after I
have invited extra guests! Please say you will do this last favor? One more
treat for us all and then you may go on your way. . . ."
It would have been more
than churlish of me to refuse, in spite of the warning signs I was getting from
the Wimperling. Gill, poor dear, had no idea of the conflict that was going on
and added his voice to the lady's plea.
"Of course we must
oblige the Lady Aleinor, Summer: it will be no hardship to stay one more night,
I could hear the
Wimperling almost screaming at him to stop, stop, stop! but of course he
couldn't hear the pig's thoughts as I could, and he went on with a few more
complimentary sentences until I could have screamed also. There was no doubt as
to the outcome now, and I picked up the coins and we made our way down the
winding stone stairs to the courtyard. Up had been much easier for all of us,
and the Wimperling nearly ended by rolling down the last few twists. Once in
the courtyard he started to say something, but I hushed him, using our midday
meal in the hall as an excuse. Right at that moment I didn't want any prognostications
of doom and disaster, so I saw him back to the stable before hurrying back for
what was left of the meal.
I purposely lingered
over the last night's leftovers, plus a thick broth, a blancmange of brawn and
custards of potted meats, but I couldn't put off the reproaches forever. Even
so, it was a little past two by the time Gill and I regained the stable,
whereupon I immediately found a stool for him out in the sunshine, and returned
alone to face the agitation I had sensed at once.
They all had something
to say, but it was Growch who was noisiest. "What's all this, then? 'E
tells me—" he nodded towards the pig: "—that we're all in danger!
Danger from what, I'd like to know? Last night you was full of how well we
done, and now 'e tells us the Lady-of-the-'Ouse is poison! In that case, why
don't we all go, right now? O' course, if I was just to nip into the kitchens
and fetch a bone first . . ."
"I think we should
go," said Mistral restlessly. "But our companion tells us we must
perform again tonight."
Traveler flapped his
wings. "Listen to the pig: he is a wise one."
Thank the Lord the
tortoise was still asleep! "What's all this, then?" I asked the
Wimperling. "We have a purse full of money and will get more tonight. All
we have to do is one more performance and we can leave in the morning. What's
one more day? The more money the better."
"If it is
only one more day . . . I do not trust her. I can read her heart a little way
and it is full of wickedness, guile and greed. I cannot see what she intends,
for I believe she does not yet know herself, but it is not good for any of us,
of that I am sure."
"You have no
"No, Summer, but in
this you must trust me. Tonight when the performance ends we must be ready to
leave, all packed up. If we don't, tomorrow may bring disaster to us all."
I shook my head. I just
couldn't believe she meant us harm. And yet—I recalled those flashes of spite
from her eyes. Perhaps . . . "It would be too dark to see. Besides, the
portcullis will be down."
"Stays up for them
as was guests and isn't stayin' over," said Growch. "'Sides, we've
traveled at night before. Moon's near full."
"I shall have to
ask Gill," I said weakly.
"Consult 'im?
When've you ever consulted 'im? You tells 'im what to do an' 'e does it!
Couldn't 'ave got this far without you, an' 'e knows it!" Whenever he got
particularly agitated Growch's speech went to pieces. "Consult 'im
indeed!" And he emphasized his annoyance by kicking up a shower of hay
with his back legs.
"You've all had
your say: why shouldn't he?" I was angry, largely because I wasn't sure
that they weren't right.
said Growch. "Not-nuffin!"
"That's only
because he's blind," I said quickly. "You try going around for a
while with your eyes tight shut and see how you get on! Anyway, I shall ask him
just the same. We're all in this together."
And before I could
change my mind I went outside and suggested to a dozy Gill that we leave that
night. Of course I couldn't give the true reason, and, understandably, he
couldn't see why we didn't postpone it till morning. I decided to wait and see
what the evening brought, but packed everything ready, just in case.
We made a good job of
our performance that night, repeating much of what we had done the evening
before, but adding a couple more tricks to the Wimperling's repertoire. Led by
the lady, we received prolonged applause, a purse from her and another from one
of her guests. When we returned to the stable there was disappointment: none of
the guests was leaving that night and the portcullis remained down.
Right, first thing in
the morning then, when the first wagons came up with provisions. If we were
ready in the shadow of the wall, we would sneak out as soon as the portcullis
was raised. . . . I willed myself to wake up an hour before dawn.
I woke on time, loaded
up our gear and we were ready in the darkest part of the courtyard a good
quarter-hour before we heard the first wagon rumble across the drawbridge. The
driver called out; two yawning soldiers ran across and started to wind up the
portcullis with enough creaks and groans to awaken the dead. I shivered: my
teeth were chattering both with the early morning chill and with dread.
Three wagons passed
through, steam rising from the horses' and the drivers' mouths. I grabbed
Gill's hand and Mistral's bridle, and we had almost reached the first plank of
the drawbridge when two sentries I hadn't seen stepped out and barred our
progress, their spears crossed in front of us.
"Sorry girl,
sir," said one of them peremptorily. "None of you is to leave the
castle. Orders of the Lady Aleinor . . ."
Chapter Eighteen
I stared at them in
horror. "But why?"
They looked at one
another and then the spokesman said: "We don't ask questions of the lady.
All we know is, orders were sent down yesterday midday as you weren't to be let
"Doesn't pay to
disobey," said the other soldier. "We just does as we're told. Sorry
an' all that . . . Enjoyed your performance, by the way: that pig's a good 'un.
Would he do a trick for me?"
"No, no," I
said distractedly. "Only for me . . ." Which was the best answer I
could have given, although I didn't realize it at the time. "Er . . .
Under the circumstances, perhaps it would be better if—if the lady didn't think
we were trying to leave." Scrabbling in my now full purse I handed out a
couple of coins. "I think she might be annoyed if she thought we didn't
appreciate her hospitality."
On our dispirited way
back to the stables I noticed a boy from the village unloading his wagon and
eyeing us speculatively: he had obviously seen the exchange of coin. I clutched
my purse tighter and hurried past.
I was all for requesting
an instant audience with Lady Aleinor, demanding to know the reason for our
confinement and insisting on instant release, but Gill urged caution.
"I reckon that
might make her more determined to keep us a while. She seems to be a very
contrary lady. . . . After all, where's the harm of a few more days? Personally
I'm growing a bit tired of singing love ballads to a woman I can't see, but at
least it means more money, and we are fed and housed. Not that the food is all
that good, but—"
"The most important
thing is to be very, very careful," said the Wimperling. "We must
find out what she has in mind. Don't force the issue: corner any vicious animal
and you relinquish the initiative."
"I want to
go," said Mistral impatiently. "This place is bad, and—"
There was a rustling
noise from farther down the stable and silhouetted against the open door was
the figure of the boy I had noticed earlier. "Hullo . . ." he called
out tentatively.
I was in no mood to be
polite. "What do you want?"
He hesitated for a
moment then moved towards us, twisting a piece of straw between his fingers. He
was dressed in a rough, patched jerkin, trousers tied beneath the knee with
twine, and was barefoot. He was also filthy dirty—I could smell him from where
I stood—and his thatch of hair could well have been fair if it had ever been
washed. He could have been any age from twelve onwards.
"To see if I can
help. I heard what was going on. Gather you want out of here?" His
speech was country-thick but in the lantern light I could see a bright
intelligence in those grey eyes.
I temporized: who knew
where his real interest lay? "Maybe we do—but why should you help?"
"No love for the
Lady 'Ell-an'-All," he muttered. "Killed my father she did," and
he glanced over his shoulder as if he, too, was afraid of being overheard.
"Killed him?"
and once he started telling us, I thought his story to the animals at the same
time as he told it.
"We live in the
hamlet beneath the castle. Two rooms, patch of ground behind. Lived there
happy, father, mother, self and three young sisters. Father was a forester for
the lady, mother helped in the fields with the girls, weeding and picking
stones. I was a crow-scarer, then a shit-shoveler. Still am. Bad winter last
year, after the lord and his sons went off. Not much food. Pa helped himself to
a hare—"
"A poacher?"
"First time he ever
done it. We needed the food, and there were a glut of 'em. Kept helping
theirselves to our vegetable clumps. Pa caught this one with the dog, on our patch
at the back. Someone saw him, told the Lady 'Ell-an'-All. No excuses, no trial.
Hanged the dog, old Blackie, castrated my father—"
"Oh, my God!"
It was Gill. "How barbaric! My father—My father . . ." He put his
hands to his head. "I don't remember. . . ."
"And then she had
his eyes put out," continued the boy, stony-faced. "My father stood
it for six month. Last August we came in late, found he'd cut his throat. With
the trimming knife. They let him keep that."
I put my hand on his
arm, but he shook it off.
"Don't want no
sympathy. Understand why he did it. Less than half a man . . . Anyway, if you
means harm to the lady, then I'm your man."
I didn't know what to
say. We still didn't know if our position was serious. It might just be that
all the lady wanted was a couple more performances. Even as I tried to persuade
myself that the situation didn't warrant any panic, I got a strong signal from
the Wimperling to enlist this boy on our side.
"Thank you," I
said formally. "We don't wish personal harm to the lady, but we do wish to
leave here as soon as possible."
"If she's taken a
fancy to you, here you stay."
"We've given her
what she asked—"
"Look," I
said. "First we have to find out exactly what is going on. I don't quite
know how you can help, but—"
"You'd be
surprised. Bet I can get you all out of here in twenty-four hours." He
hesitated. "'Course, there'd be a price. . . ."
I thought rapidly of
what we could afford. "Ten silver pieces. If we need you, that is . .
His eyes gleamed.
"Done! I'm getting out myself, soon as I can, but can't leave Ma and the
sisters without. See you later. . . ."
* * *
"But I don't
understand," I said.
Gill and I were in the
lady's solar again, having requested an audience after the midday meal. She had
us standing in the center of the room as before while she reclined by the fire.
There was more light in the room today, for the shutters at the window had been
flung back on a sunny sky. The room must face south, for low bars of February
sunshine slanted through the window and across the floor, specks of dust
dancing like midges in the beams. Outside I could see a forest of leafless
trees stretching to the horizon, while black specks rose and fell lazily above
the branches, a soft breeze carrying the quarreling cries of nest-building
I had come straight to
the point and asked why we had been refused permission to leave. She had gazed
at us through half-closed lids.
"I should have
thought that would be perfectly obvious."
But when I said I didn't
understand, she seemed to come to life and sat up, arms gripping the sides of
her chair: "You are not an idiot, girl. If I say you are not to leave, it
is because I wish you to stay. And why? Because, for the moment, I find you and
your animals—diverting. Life can be so boring. . . ." Leaning back
in her chair she closed her eyes. "And now I shall rest for a while, I
expect more entertainment this evening. Some new tricks, please. . . ."
And she let her voice die away, as if indeed it was too tiring to try and
explain further to peasants such as ourselves.
"But I don't want—we
don't wish to stay," I said. "You told us we might leave if we
gave an extra performance, which we did. We do have a life of our own to lead,
you know, and—"
She rose to her feet in
a sudden swirl of skirts, the cone-shaped headdress she wore wobbling
"How dare you! How dare
you! What matter your wishes, your little lives? All that
matters here is what I want! This is my castle, my demesne!
Within its bounds I have jurisdiction of life and death over everyone—everyone,
do you hear?" She was almost hysterical, red blotches on her neck and
face, her eyes snapping sparks like fresh pine bark on a fire. She rushed
forward and struck first me and then Gill hard across the face. My eyes
smarted with the sudden pain, for one of her thumb rings had caught my lip and
I could taste the salt of blood. Gill swayed on his feet and would have fallen
had I not caught at his arm and steadied him.
"God's teeth! What
was that for, lady?"
"Impertinence, blind
man! And there's more where that came from if you do not both watch your
tongues. I will not be disagreed with, do you hear?"
I was so angry with the
way she was treating us that given a pinch of pepper I would have sprung
forward and given her a dose of her own treatment, but the presence of Gill
gave me pause. That, plus the possible danger to the animals. God knew what she
could do if further provoked.
"We have no wish to
cross you," I said, as meekly as I could. "But we would like to know
when we can leave. If you could let us know how many more performances you
require? And if you have any special tricks in mind . . . Of course, it will
take time to teach them all—"
"There is no need
to teach them all fresh tricks: I am only interested in the pig! Any fool can
make a horse turn, a dog obey, a bird fly in circles. You combine them
cleverly, I agree, but it is only the pig that has real intelligence. Your
brother has a pleasant enough voice, I dare say, but singers are a dozen a
week, and you know it! No, the rest of you may leave as and when you wish, but
the pig stays!"
"But—but he
"What do you mean
'can't'? If I say he stays, he stays." She looked at us for a moment, then
changed her tactics. Sitting down once more, she smoothed her skirts, turned
the rings on her fingers. "Of course you will be recompensed. I realize
your pig is a means of livelihood and that you are seeking a cure for your
brother's blindness, which will need special donations. I will give you what I
reckon it will cost for a further three months' travel. Now, I cannot say
fairer than that, can I?"
"You don't understand!
It's not just—just what he could earn us, he is part of us: I couldn't
leave him behind. Besides, he won't do tricks for anyone else, only me."
"Well, you can stay
for a while, too. Just till you have taught me how he works."
The woman was mad!
"But I can't teach you—"
"Can't? Or
won't?" She rose from her chair again, as angry as before. She narrowed
her eyes. "Everything can be taught—unless it's some form of magic. . . .
Magic? Yes, I suppose that could be the answer. If so," and now her voice
was full of menace: "I could have you denounced as a witch! And you know
what that means: trial by fire, earth and water and lastly, being burned at the
stake. . . ."
"I'm no
witch!" I felt the ring of the unicorn cold, cold on my finger. Was that a
form of witchcraft? It had never occurred to me, being as it was a gift from my
dead father which helped me understand the speech of animals and also warned me
of danger, gave me courage—yet perhaps to the lady, to the gullible majority,
it would seem like a form of magic—
Suddenly I was
terrified. Death came in many forms: illness, accident, war, pestilence, age,
famine—but to be burned at the stake! God, please God, sweet Jesus, Mary,
Mother of Sorrows, No! I was trembling; the lady saw it, and smiled gleefully.
"Then if it is not
magic, it is trickery, and that can be taught. Right? And if you do not wish to
teach me, and your—companions—are so precious to you, then perhaps they can
be persuaded to persuade you. . . . Pigeons' necks can be wrung, a horse can be
hamstrung, a dog hung by its tail, a man—"
"Stop it, stop
it!" I had my hands over my ears. "Leave them alone! They have no
part in all this! You said they could all go. . . ."
I should not have been
so vehement. I realized from the gleam in her eye that she now knew I was
vulnerable to the threat of harm to the others.
"Certainly not! I
have changed my mind. They can all be hostages to your good behavior. And just
so as there will be no mistake, we can start the lessons right now! Go fetch
the pig!"
There was nothing I
could do but obey. As I led the Wimperling back I told him what had happened.
"What are we going to do?"
He looked worried, as
worried as I felt, the loose skin over his snout all wrinkled up in perplexity.
"The only thing we can do is go along with what she wants for the moment
and trust to luck. You had better make plans with that boy to escape if you
can. In the meantime give me something simple to do—count to five, perhaps—give
her some gibberish to learn, then say I can only adapt to a new mistress slowly
and tomorrow she will learn more."
So it was decided, but
unfortunately it didn't turn out quite as we had planned. . . .
At first it was all
right. I gave the Lady Aleinor some rhyming words to repeat—taking great
pleasure in correcting her twice—and obediently the Wimperling tapped his hoof
five times. She practiced it half a dozen times, but in the middle of the
nonsense the pig sent me an urgent message.
"Take a look out of
that window. Remember everything you see."
I wandered over and did
as I was bid. A sheer drop of some forty feet to the dry moat below; beyond
that the forests, with a stretch of greensward in front of the trees.
"What are you
doing, girl?"
I walked back.
"Turning my back on the pig, lady, just to prove I am not influencing him.
I just thought—"
"You do not think!
You do as you are told. Come back here and teach me some more."
"The pig is tired,
it will take time for him to get used to—"
"Rubbish! We have
been at this less than an hour! Do as you are told!"
"He won't—"
"He will!
You can make him." She paused, and her next words came honey-sweet and
loaded with sting. "Unless, of course, you would rather I summoned my
soldiers to give your brother here a painful lesson. They are experts, I assure
you. . . ."
The Wimperling flashed
me a warning. "Do as she says! Simple addition: two and one, two and two.
She can't count."
And so it went on, until
the Wimperling himself took a hand, sinking to the ground with a groan and
puffing and panting, rolling his eyes round and around.
"There! I told you
so!" For a heart-stopping moment I believed he was indeed ill, but as I
rushed forward and knelt distractedly at his side, I saw him wink.
"Tell me, quickly,
what you saw from the window. . . ."
So, as I fussed over
him, I described the scene outside.
"Mmm . . . Doesn't
sound too promising. Don't look so worried! We'll find a way out of this."
The Lady Aleinor at last
seemed persuaded she could go no further today. She sank back in her chair,
still repeating to herself the rubbish I had taught her.
"Very well,"
she said after a moment. "What does it eat?"
"He eats
most things," I said. "When I get back to the stables I can ask
"The stables? The
creature stays here. It's mine now, and I shall look after it."
I was devastated. How in
the world could we all escape together when we were down there and he was up
here? Together we had a chance: apart, none.
"But—but he needs
exercise, grooming, companionship, light. . . ."
"All of which he
will get. My soldiers will escort him out twice a day—the exercise will do them
good as well. A nice trot around the castle grounds . . . Now, you can go.
Attend me tomorrow at the same hour."
"But—but I . .
"Do you want a
beating? No? Then get out! The creature will soon adapt to its new
surroundings. As soon as you have taught me all I need to know you may leave.
But if there is any more argument or backsliding I shall have to reconsider.
Just remember what I said about the expendability of your other animals. . .
* * *
Back in the stables I
sobbed in despair, trying to explain to the others the mess we—I—had gotten us
into. Gill patted me awkwardly on the shoulder, Growch whined in sympathy and
Mistral and Traveler shifted from foot to foot in anxiety. I felt terribly
alone. I had not realized before how much I had relied on the simple common
sense of the Wimperling, his stoicism, his comfortable, fat, ugly little body.
Not that he was so small anymore . . . Only a few weeks ago I had been able to
tuck him under my arm, and now he seemed near full-grown. One of the nicest
things about him was that he never grumbled, and now he had been taken from us
I felt utterly helpless: I couldn't even think straight.
"There's the
boy," said Gill. "He said he could get us out of here,
"But that was
before she took the Wimperling," I wept.
"Let's see what he
got to say, anyways," said Growch. "Ain't nuffin more than we can do
today: gettin' dark already."
So it was, and we had
missed the midday meal. I found, too, that no one was going to rush to feed the
animals, and in the gathering gloom I had to find my own oats and hay, and fill
the buckets with water from the well in the courtyard.
It was even more obvious
that we didn't exist when we went into the hall for the evening meal. Word had
obviously got around of the lady's displeasure, for we were elbowed away from
the table, were not offered a trencher, nor any ale. In the end I snatched what
I could for both of us and we ate standing; rye bread, stale cheese and a
couple of bones with a little meat left on them.
Worse was to come. The
Lady Aleinor brought in the Wimperling, an animal so bedecked with ribbons and
bunting as to be practically unrecognizable. She made him go through what I had
taught her in front of the whole assembly, mouthing the rubbish she had
learned; she had a little whip in her hand with which she stroked his flanks:
if she had actually struck him I don't know what I would have done.
The applause was loud
and sycophantic, and as soon as she had done I rushed forward to give him a
reassuring hug before they dragged me away. He managed some quick words:
"See the boy! If the rest of you can get away, I think I can manage as
well. . . ."
Slightly reassured, we
all spent a better night, and in the morning, after feeding and watering the
animals and snatching some bread and cheese from the hall for Gill and myself,
we settled down to await the boy and his wagon. He brought winter cabbage, some
turnips, a barrel of smoked fish and some firewood for the kitchens. Once he
had unloaded he picked up a shovel and started to clear the far end of the
"Down here as well,
please!" I called out, as if I had never seen him before. He walked down
the aisle, trailing a barrow behind him, and bent to shovel out Mistral's
"Well? Thought
about it, then?" All the while he spoke to us he never stopped his steady
shoveling. "Still want out?"
"Yes, yes; we do.
Are you willing to help us?"
"I said so, didn't
I? Ten silver pieces you said? Good. How many are there of you?"
I pointed to the others.
"And our packages." I mustn't forget the tortoise, either.
"The—the pig has been taken into the castle."
He shook his head.
"Can't help you there. There's no getting it out now. One of them out
there—" he jerked his thumb over his shoulder: "—told me as how you
had taught the lady some magic words?"
"Not really,"
I said hurriedly. "Just the words I always use to direct his act. She's a
slow learner. . . . What about the rest of us, then?"
He carried on shoveling.
"Dog can slip through the portcullis any time: bars are wide enough.
Pigeon can fly over, right?"
"And my brother?
He's blind."
"Him and your
packages can go in the back of the wagon. I'll back it up to the door at the
end of the stables tonight. He'll have to sit under a load o'shit, though, but
I got a cover."
"And me?"
"Got a cloak?
Right, then. Pin up your skirt and I'll bring a pair of my pa's braies. Be a
tight fit, but . . . At dusk, won't matter as much. Get you a hat as well. Find
a sack of something to put over your back, walk out t'other side from the
soldiers. Dirty your face a bit, too."
"What about the
"Swap her for mine.
Blanket over her, bit of muck on her quarters and head, sack on her back. I'll
let on mine's lame and I'm borrowing."
"Quicker the
better. We'll all meet behind the castle, in the forest. Follow the wood trail.
Clearing about quarter-mile in."
"But . . . will it
He stopped shoveling and
grinned. "Got to. Else I don't get my money, do I?"
There was much to do.
Everything, including the tortoise, to be parceled as small as possible,
Traveler and Growch to be briefed as to our meeting place, Mistral to be
dirtied up, Gill to be encouraged—
"Hidden in a manure
cart? I couldn't possibly. . . ."
—and in between as much
food as possible to be filched from the hall and kitchens.
Promptly at midday I was
summoned once more to the Lady Hell-and-All (as I now thought of her). More
instruction included the Wimperling "finding" lost objects. He was
deliberately slow, earning one sharp reprimand and a slash with her jeweled
girdle at me for not teaching her properly. In between I managed to convey to
him what we had planned and where we were to meet.
"But what about
"Have you
forgotten? I can fly. . . ."
I thought he was joking,
trying to make me feel better.
The afternoon seemed
interminable, though there was only now some three hours till dusk. I checked
and re-checked that all was packed and prepared; noted that the sky was clear
and remembered there would be a helpful moon; worried lest we didn't get away
quick enough, for the lady's soldiers and her scent-working lymers and brachs
could pick up a trail easily enough if she discovered us missing too soon; I
also prayed: hard.
In between I paced the courtyard
restlessly, watching people come and go, all busy, all employed on some task or
another. Soldiers drilling, squires practicing with wooden swords, wood being
stacked, slops emptied, weapons being cleaned and sharpened, horses groomed and
exercised, dogs fighting, chickens being plucked for the evening meal . . .
I felt terribly
conspicuous, as if everyone could read my mind, knew what I was planning, but
in fact no one took the slightest notice of me. Most were too busy, but as for
the others, all knew I had incurred the lady's displeasure, so it was as if I
didn't exist at all. If there had been any dungeons in the castle, I should
have been shut away in those; being denied the gates, the courtyard was as good
a prison as any.
At long last the sun
started to sink behind the castle walls. The boy's was one of the last wagons
to enter through the gate, and to my dismay he was directed, not to the
stables, but to picking up empty water casks. This meant he was half-loaded. He
then backed the wagon as near as he could to the stable door and muttered:
"Can you get your dog to start a fight?"
Get Growch to fight? It
had been with the greatest difficulty I had restrained him during the last few
days, and now he needed no further bidding. He chose a pack of hounds near the
gateway, slipped on his short legs beneath their bellies, and with a couple of
sharp nips here and there and a heap of shouted insults had them in a trice
snapping and barking and snarling and biting at one another, in an unavailing
attempt to catch him. As soon as the pace got too hot, even for him, he
careered through the open gates and across the drawbridge, yelling the dog
equivalent of "can't-catch-me!" Half-a-dozen hounds tore off in
immediate pursuit, which meant at least the same number of servitors went in
pursuit, to ensure the lady's precious dogs came to no harm.
The chase was enlivening
an otherwise boring afternoon, and more and more people were breaking off what
they were doing to cheer, laugh or shake their heads disapprovingly. A couple
of the horses who were being groomed chose that moment to display temper,
snapping and kicking out at their handlers, scattering the rest of the dogs and
some hens and ducks, whose squawks added to the commotion.
"Load up now!"
hissed the boy, and in a fumblingly long moment I had Gill and our packages up
and into the back of the wagon, and a tarpaulin hastily thrown over the whole.
I threw Traveler up, and after a couple of abortive flutters he took wing and
wheeled out of the gate, heading west. "Bring out the horse!" and in
a moment he had exchanged her in the traces for his own animal, stooping to
fiddle for a minute with his horse's off-hind hoof. He then thrust a bundle
into my hand: "Change into these!" And a moment later was
nonchalantly loading up a couple more casks and roping them down. All this had
taken perhaps three minutes. "See you in the forest," he muttered,
and led Mistral and the wagon towards the gateway, his own horse limping
I watched them, my heart
in my mouth, but no one took the slightest notice, and in a minute they were
trundling across the drawbridge and away, just as the last of the protesting
hounds were being led back to the courtyard. I heard a derisive bark from the
far side of the moat and knew Growch was safe.
But I was wasting
precious time. Ducking back into the stables I opened the package the boy had
given me, tucked up my skirt as best I could and struggled into the braies, a
very tight fit. I shoved my hair up under the broad-brimmed straw hat—why the
hell hadn't I thought to braid it up!—and wrapped my cloak around me. Picking
up the sack I had earlier filled with hay I flung it over my shoulder and
stooped over as though I was carrying a much heavier burden.
It was perhaps twenty
yards from the stable to the gateway, but it seemed like a million miles. I had
to walk slowly, I had to hunch up to keep my face hidden, and with the broad
brim of the hat I could only see a couple of paces in front of me. At last I
could see the penultimate wagon ahead trundling through the gateway, and
hurried a little to pass through in its wake. I had my hand out ready to hang
on to the tailgate when everything went horribly wrong.
I had hurried too much
in changing and hadn't fastened my skirt up securely. It started to drop down
and, bending to retrieve it, I felt my hat fall off and my hair cascade down
round my face. There was a shout off to my left and I dropped the sack and was
panicked into running, my heart thumping like a drum. A soldier slipped from
the shadows, stuck out a foot and I landed flat on my face in the dust, winded
and bruised.
I was hauled to my feet,
none too gently.
"What's all this,
then? Trying it on again, are we? We'll just see what the lady has to say about
all this. . . ."
Chapter Nineteen
The lady had a great
deal to say, or rather scream, the words punctuated with slaps, punches and
pinches which I was helpless to avoid, being held firmly by the two soldiers
who had brought me upstairs. I was almost blinded by tears of rage and pain and
at first I only half heard the little voice in my head. There it was again:
"Courage; we'll soon be out of this. . . ." Then I realized the
Wimperling must be in the solar as well.
The lady eventually ran
out of breath and went back to her chair, her face crimson with rage and
exertion. "After all I've done for you, you ungrateful little whore! Oh, I
see I shall have to teach you a real lesson this time? Misbegotten little tart!
You can't say I didn't warn you. . . ." She turned to the soldiers.
"Go and wring the neck of that pigeon of hers, then take it to the
kitchens and bid them make a little pie of it: I shall start my meal with it
tonight. Then bring her brother here: we'll see how he likes losing his tongue
as well as his eyes. . . ."
"Oh, no!" The
words were out before I realized that the others had gone, were hopefully safe
for a while, but she enjoyed my reaction, clapping as if she had just performed
a clever trick and was applauding herself. Her tongue flickered back and forth
between her teeth, a snake tasting the air for my terror.
"I'll show you just
who is in charge here! If you don't want your brother to lose other parts as
well—a hand, his ears, his balls perhaps—you will swear on God's Body not to
dare cross me again!"
We were alone now—where was
the Wimperling? The fire smoked abominably, my face hurt and the soft flesh
on my upper arms throbbed where she had pinched and nipped with unmerciful
nails. My loosened hair was plastered across my face, and I lifted my hands to
braid it back, but she half-rose from her chair on an instant.
"No tricks, now, or
I'll call the guard!" I let my hands drop again and she subsided. Just
then the Wimperling appeared from behind her chair, festooned as before with
ridiculous ribbons and bows. He gave me a reassuring wink; I could see his ears
were cocked, listening to something I could not hear.
"Not on their way
back yet," he said to me. "On my count of three run across to the
window and open the shutters as wide as you can!" He started to take deep
breaths. The lady's expression changed; she bent down to caress him.
"But you
"Don't argue!"
he said. "Just go. Trust me. . . . One, two, three!"
I should perhaps have
rushed to the window without risking a glance back. As it was I nearly knocked
myself senseless on the corner of the ornate sideboard just to glimpse the lady
rise from her chair and call out, the Wimperling circling her warily with
exposed teeth—he had real tusks I noticed—all the while hissing gently.
I reached the window
without further mishap and looked round wildly for the fastening. Of course!
There was a heavy bar that dropped into slots on either side. I tried to lift
it, but it wouldn't budge. Swearing under my breath, I heaved and heaved again.
One side started to move, the other was stuck. Helplessly I shoved and pulled,
then realized that one shutter hadn't been closed properly and was catching
against the bar. I slammed it shut with the heel of my hand then hefted the bar
once more. It came loose so easily it flew up in the air and narrowly missed my
feet as it crashed onto the floor. I tugged the shutters open as hard as I
could till they crashed back against the wall and suddenly the room was flooded
with dusk-light and there was a great gust of welcome fresh air.
"Right!" I yelled,
and turned back to an incredible sight. The Wimperling appeared to have grown
to twice or three times his normal size: he was blowing himself up as one would
inflate a bladder, and looked in imminent danger of bursting. I could hardly
see his eyes, his tail stuck straight out like an arrow and his wings were
unfolding away from his shoulders, because there was no room to tuck them away.
The lady's eyes were
almost popping out of her head, but she was still making valiant attempts to
reach me, thwarted by the pig's circling motions. I took a quick peep out of
the window; we couldn't possibly escape that way. It was a sheer drop down to
the dry moat and I didn't fancy suicide.
The Wimperling took a
last, deep, deep breath, adding yet more inches all over, until his tightly
stretched skin looked as if it were cracking all over onto tiny, fine lines
like unoiled leather.
I could hear footsteps
on the spiral stair.
"Bolt the
door!" cried the Wimperling. "Then watch out!"
As I ran to the door I
saw him charge the Lady Hell-and-All, knocking her flying into the hearth,
shrieking and cursing. I threw both bolts and dashed back, the lady being
occupied in trying to extinguish the smoldering sparks that had caught her
purple woolen dress, doing less than well because the bright-edged specks were
widening into holes and then crawling like maggots this way and that in the
close weave.
Somehow the Wimperling
had managed to heave himself up onto the windowsill, and was now balanced
precariously on the edge. He was so fat he could barely squeeze his bulk
through the frame.
"Hurry up,
"What? Where?"
"On my back,"
he said impatiently. "Hurry!"
"You can't—"
"I can!"
I tried to
scramble up, but whereas the windowsill had been on a level with my waist, with
the pig's bulk on top his back was at chin-height and I kept slipping off. Now
behind us we could hear a hammering on the door, the lady was still screeching
and any minute she would rush over and snatch me back—
I grabbed a stool,
climbed on that and found myself lying flat on the pig's back.
"Arms round my neck
and hang on tight! Here we go-o-ooo!" and before I could take a breath
there was a sudden sickening plunge and we were away. I felt a shriek of pure
terror wind its way up from my stomach and escape through my mouth, the sound
mingling with the screech of disturbed rooks and the rush of air past my ears.
There was a sudden Whoosh! of sound and then a Crack! as of flags snapping in a
sharp breeze, and we were flying!
A steady rush of air
came from the Wimperling's backside and his wings spread out from his
shoulders, balancing us on our downward path away from the castle. The moat
slid away from beneath my frightened eyes; there were the trees of the forest,
the patch of greensward rising gently to meet us. . . .
It was a terrifying,
wonderful few moments. The wind blew my hair all over my face, I felt utterly
insecure, my teeth were chattering with fear, yet there was enough in me left
to appreciate just what I was experiencing. The world was spinning, I was a
bird, I was going to the moon, I would live forever, I was immortal,
The hiss of escaping air
behind us stopped suddenly, started again, then deteriorated into a series of
popping little farts, and in an instant we were wobbling all over the sky. The
world turned upside down and a moment later we landed on the strip of grass in
front of the trees with an almighty crash that rattled my teeth and knocked all
the breath from my body.
For a moment—a minute?
longer?—I lay fighting to regain my breath, then sat up and felt myself all
over. Plenty of bruises and bumps, but nothing broken. Where was I, what was
The Wimperling! Oh, God,
where was he?
I gazed around wildly,
saw what looked like a shrunken sack lying a few yards away. "Wimperling?
Are you all right?" I crawled over and poked the heap.
"Yes," said a
muffled voice. "No thanks to you. I was underneath when we landed. . .
He sat up slowly, shook
each leg in turn, then his tail and ears and took a deep breath. Immediately he
looked less like a sack and more like a pig.
I shook my head
admiringly. "How did you do it? The flying, I mean?"
"Improvisation. I
don't think I'd try it again, though: not easy enough to control emission.
Without it, though, I couldn't have managed you as well—my wings aren't strong
enough yet."
There was a sudden shout
from the direction of the castle. I looked back and could see the lady hanging
out of the window we had just left, waving her arms and shouting, and around
the corner of the castle came a party of foot soldiers, trotting purposefully
our way. I scrambled to my feet.
"Quick! We've got
to find the others. Something about a firewood trail . . ."
"I saw it on the
way down, as well as I could for mouthfuls of your hair," said the pig
tranquilly. "Off to the left." And he set out at a fast trot, with me
stumbling behind. We swerved into the undergrowth and it was hard going, for
the bushes were thick and overhead branches became tangled in my hair while
roots tripped my feet. But the Wimperling kept going and soon we burst out into
a twig-strewn ride.
Behind us we could hear
shouts, the lady's fading screams, and we ran as fast as we could down the ride
into the forest, me fearful lest we had missed the others. The trees swung away
on either side and there were stacks of part-chopped wood, two
charcoal-burner's huts and—yes, they were all there, Mistral already loaded.
Growch came bouncing to
meet us. "Hullo! Got away all right, I see. Didn't I do well? Saw that lot
off, I did."
Gill fumbled for my arm.
"You all right? That cart . . . I smell terrible." He did.
I mind-checked the
others: all well. Even Basher was awake, and grumbling. "A-a-all that
bouncing . . . Chap ca-a-an't sleep. . . ."
The boy was dancing
about impatiently. "Hurry! I must be away before they come. Wind's from
the east—them to you, which'll help you with the dogs. I'll try and head 'em
off. . . ." and he swung a smelly sack from his hand.
"Thanks!" I
panted. I had a stitch in my side from running. "Why the extra help?"
"Catch you and they
catch me," he answered succinctly. "If they screwed your arms out of
their sockets you'd tell. Have to."
I pulled out my purse
from under my skirt and poured coins into my hand. "Ten silver pieces:
one, two— ey! What are you doing?" To my consternation a dirty brown hand
had snatched the purse and scooped the coins from my hand.
The boy stepped back
well out of reach. He pulled a knife from his belt, and I bent down to restrain
a growling Growch.
"For my Mam and
sisters, remember? Reckon they need the money more'n you. You got the pig:
reckon he can earn for you. Better get going: the lady has a long arm. Take the
path to your right, then first left to the stream. Walk in the water to confuse
the hounds till you come to a grove of oaks. After that take the path either to
the east or south. Lady's demesne finishes at the road you'll find either way.
Twenty miles or so. Get going, will you?"
"Wait!" I
called, as he made for the shelter of the trees. "What's your name?"
"Dickon. Why?"
I should have been
furious with him, risked setting Growch on him, fought him myself for the
money, but in a queer way I knew he needed it more. It was a shame, but I still
had some of Matthew's money left: we'd manage. "When are you
"Soon as the
weather brings the first leaves on the beech. Go and get myself 'prenticed.
Come back for the family once I'm earning."
"If you go north,
seek out . . ." and I gave him Matthew's name and direction. "Say we
sent you. He's a kind man but a canny merchant. He might fix you up with
something. Treat him fair and he'll do the same."
"Thanks. I—"
But there came a flurry of shouts and barking behind us and we fled one way, he
the other.
At first it was easy, in
spite of the deepening dusk. Behind us we could hear the hounds and then a
sudden whooping, hollering sound and gathered they had picked up a scent. I
only hoped it wasn't ours, but the sounds seemed to be away to our left, no
nearer. We nearly missed the path to the stream, it was so overgrown, but at
last we found ourselves splashing ankle-deep in freezing water, and by the time
we managed to identify the grove of oaks the icy chill of my feet had crept up
to my stomach and chest. It was near full dark; Mistral, the pigeon and the
tortoise were fine, but Gill, Growch and I were so cold that all we wanted to
do was light a fire and roast ourselves by it, forgetting bruised feet, turned
ankles and scratched faces and hands.
But there was no way we
could risk that. Far away I could still hear the mournful belling of the
hounds, though the distance between us seemed to be increasing. I hoped Dickon
was safe back home. Even if he had laid a trail, eventually when it came to an
end they would cast back, though they would probably wait now until morning:
the lady would not thank them for losing any of the hounds, even to catch us.
And I knew she would be even keener to do that now she knew the pig could fly.
. . .
We stumbled on as best
we could through the long night, halting only for a quick snack of the bits and
pieces I had managed to bring with me. We had the advantage of clear skies, a
near-full moon and the prickle of stars, but it was still hard going. There
were no rides here and the undergrowth hadn't been cleared for years. Fallen
trees, hidden roots, sudden dips and hollows, the tangle of briars, an
occasionally stagnant pond—all contrived to hinder our halting passage.
The noise of our
progress effectively drove away most of the wildlife, though tawny owl hunted
relentlessly. There was the intermittent scurrying in the undergrowth as some
small animal was disturbed, and we almost fell over a grunting badger, turning
the fallen leaves for early grubs. Towards dawn I called a halt under some
pines and we hunkered down in an uneasy doze. There was nothing much to eat for
break-fast but the rest of what I had brought from the castle, and that was
little enough: the bread stale, the cheese hard, the pie so high only the
Wimperling and Growch would touch it. Luckily there was grazing for Mistral,
some seeds for Traveler; Basher had dozed off again.
It was a long day. Once
or twice we heard the far-off sounds of men, dogs and even horses, but even
these receded after a while. At the midday halt Mistral and the Wimperling
foraged as best they could, the pigeon found some thistle heads, and Basher,
thankfully, had decided to hibernate again. Gill and I just had to tighten our
belts and trudge on. Luckily that afternoon I found some Judas' Ear growing on
elder: it was a tough fungus with little taste, but after dusk I risked a small
fire—during the light I reckoned smoke could be still seen from the turrets of
the castle, but a tiny red glow in a hollow was more difficult to spot at
night—and chopped the fungus into the pot with oil, salt, a pinch of herbs and
a little flour and water and it made a filling enough mess. I also made some
oatcakes to eat in the morning. Of course we were still hungry, but at least
our stomachs didn't grumble all night.
And this was the pattern
of the next two days. Luckily the sun shone and we took whatever promising
trail we could, though very often these animal tracks started going east or
south, and then wandered all over the place, sometimes even circling right
back, and the undergrowth was too thick for us to wade through, unless we found
bare ground beneath pine or fir. Twenty miles straight it might be, crooked it
was not. I wondered how far we had really come: probably halfway only.
I looked for more fungi
and found a few Scarlet Cups, better for color than taste, some Blisters, and a
few Sandys. This time I boiled them up with a dozen or so chicory and dandelion
leaves and the last of the flour. Growch dug up a couple of truffles and I
added these and the result was quite tasty. Gill and I were down to one thin
meal a day, though the animals fared better with their foraging, and the
Wimperling it was who found us both some shriveled haws and the handful or so
of hazelnuts the next day. But we were all weakened and weary by the evening of
the fifth day when the trees started to thin out and at last we could walk
straight with the setting sun to our right.
I don't think any of us
quite believed it at first when we found ourselves actually stepping on a
proper road, able to see in all directions and with no pushing and shoving
along a trail. I looked back. Nothing save anonymous trees: it could have been
anyone's demesne. I felt like putting up a great notice by the side of the road
saying: "Beware! The Lady Aleinor is an evil Bitch!" But what good
would it do? Most who passed here would not be able to read, and for those who
did the castle was twenty miles away from this side.
I hadn't realized how
tired I was: we were on a road, pointing in the right direction, but we had no
food and no shelter: I didn't feel I could go a step further. Growch nuzzled my
knee sympathetically, but it was Traveler who called to be let out of his cage.
"I'll fly a little
way and see what I can see. . . ."
He was back in ten
minutes, to report a hamlet some two miles ahead. I don't know how we made it
but we did, just before dark. We had to knock them up, the food was poor, the
shelter minimal, but at that stage we couldn't be choosers. We ate, we slept,
and the next day we did the same. On the second day we were on our way again,
wending from hamlet to hamlet. The weather remained dry, the village folk were
hospitable, the food adequate, but I was worried at how far east we were
veering, although there was no alternative except the occasional track. Even
Traveler, who was a definite bonus, could see no alternative way, fly as high
as he could.
The countryside was
changing, too. It was becoming more rocky and the road more undulating, and we
passed through scrub and pine as the land gradually rose. On either side
mountains rose in sympathy, at first blue and distant, then nearer and sharper
each day, till we could clearly see the tall escarpments, the towering crags,
the black holes of faraway caves, the skirts of pine that clothed their waists.
Above our heads we could hear the complaint of flocks of crows and sometimes
see the mighty soar of eagles, their great wings fingering the winds we could
not feel.
Understandably Traveler
became wary of flying too far with so many predators about, but one day he came
winging back to report a "town of sorts" off to our left. Three or
four flights away, he said, but a pigeon's flight was variable, relying as it
did day by day on weather conditions: wind, rain, cloud, sun and the type of
flight needed to suit each variation.
"Can we reach it
before nightfall?"
"Up the hill, down
the hill, round the next hill, turn east, twisting road between high
escarpments, down to the valley . . . Yes."
"And what's it
like, this town?" A town meant proper shelter, a full replenishment of our
stores, mending of shoes, a warm wash—everything we had sorely needed for the
past two weeks.
"Difficult to say.
Never seen anything like it. Lots of tents, few buildings. Many people and
animals. No castle, no church. Big road leading on to the south."
And that is what decided
me. This was the road we needed, and if it meant going through the
"town" Traveler had described, then that was the way we had to go,
although many times during that long day I cursed the pigeon's directions.
Birds fly, they don't walk, and their "up" and "down" meant
little to them, but a hell of a lot to those on foot. The narrow path we
followed that crawled and looped what seemed a million miles towards the valley
floor nearly finished us all off: it was so frustrating being able to see our
goal one moment, and then having to turn away from it. That, plus the falling
rocks, the blocked paths we had to climb around, the streams that poured on our
heads or meandered across the track . . .
I had already lit the
lantern and fixed it to Mistral's crupper by the time we reached the valley
floor. Ahead was a short walk through well-trodden scrub to the perimeter of
the "town," marked by a regular series of posts set into the ground,
a very shallow artificial moat and a couple of temporary bridges. Beyond we
could see a score of small stone buildings, a mass of tents, a half-ruined
amphitheater and a slender temple, the broken columns throwing exquisite
shadows in the moonlight. Obviously once this had been the site of an earlier
civilization. And now?
We were stopped at the
nearest bridge. Not by a soldier, but by a fussy little civilian with a mass of
papers in his hand, a quill behind his ear and an ink pot in his pocket. His
very officiousness calmed any fears I might have had, and before long I was
trying not to smile at his earnestness. Here was normalcy: no shrinking houses,
ghosts or wicked ladies.
"What have we here,
then? There are only two weeks left, you know: you're late!" He consulted
his lists. "Do you know just how many models we have had this year? Nearly
two hundred! And of course now accommodation is at a premium. . . . Do you have
a sponsor? No? Still, there is always Mordecai, the Jew, or Bartholomew. . . .
I believe they are both short this year. Now, how many are there of you? A man,
a lady and a horse . . . And what's this? A pig? and do I see a dog? Well, I
don't think I've seen a pig, this year, but of course dogs are two a farthing.
You have a pigeon? And a tortoise? Now that is a novelty! This might make all
the difference. Quite a call for exotic creatures like that, especially for
breviaries. Haven't by any chance got a coney or a hedge-pig, I suppose? Pity;
both in short supply this year. Seven of you, then: lucky number, seven . . .
Come far? Now, that will be nine of copper: two each for the humans, one for
the animals."
I was completely
confused. "Models," "sponsors," a tortoise to make all the
difference? Instead of the expected normalcy, this place sounded like a
madhouse. But the word "models" gave me a clue: perhaps this place
contained artists who wanted various creatures to draw and paint, human and
"How many artists
here this year?" I asked diffidently, to make sure I was on the right
"Artists? A few
more than last year . . ." So now I was right. "Now, let's have your
names. . . ." He took them down.
"What—what are the
"Depends on your
sponsor. You haven't been before? No, well if you follow me I will try and find
someone to take you on."
He led us across the
wooden bridge to a squalid huddle of temporary huts, a line of tethered horses,
mules and donkeys. Small cooking fires burned in the deepening gloom and people
scurried back and forth carrying washing, water, pots and pans, babes in arms.
"This is the poorer
end," said our guide, wrinkling his nose. "Not organized at all, this
lot . . . Farther in are the stores, stables, cooking and washing areas. Plus
of course the hiring place, market and artists supplies . . . Stay here: I
won't be long." And off he strode with a purposeful air, papers flapping.
"What have you
got us into this time, Summer?" said poor Gill.
He might well ask!
Our guide, Master
Fettiplace, returned, and led us a few hundred yards to a row of orderly tents.
"Let me introduce you to Master Bumbo—" a small, bustling,
bald-headed man, with a snub nose red from wine and a potbelly to match.
"He is willing to take you on, providing terms can be agreed."
"No reason why
not!" cried our new sponsor. He beamed at us all, but the smile did not
reach a pair of small, black, calculating eyes. He would drive a hard bargain
but we had no option. He had a large black mole on his left cheek, from which
sprouted three bristly hairs: this should not have made him any less likable,
but somehow it did.
"Come along, come
along, all of you!" said Master Bumbo. "Let's get you settled in.
You'll be hungry and tired, I have no doubt. . . . Er, you did say you had a
tortoise . . . ?"
I sized up Master Bumbo,
and decided it would be a battle. But we needed the money. . . .
"Of course," I
said. "A trained one. As are the horse, the pigeon, the pig and the dog.
Very expensive animals. They will do exactly as I say: stand, sit, walk, fly,
or be perfectly still. But they only obey me. We do not come cheap, my brother
and I. . . ."
"Of course, of
course! My commission is small, very small—and in return you will have
bountiful accommodation, free, and one good meal a day. And of course your fees
for posing . . ." He walked along the row of tents, disappeared into one;
there was the sound of an altercation and a moment or two later a tawdry female
came flying out, followed by half a dozen cushions, a blanket and various pots
and pans. Master Bumbo returned with an ingratiating smile and a bruised lip.
"As soon as you like . . ." The tent smelled like a whorehouse, and
showed signs of the hasty eviction of its former occupant: underwear, pots of
perfume, a torn night dress. I handed these gravely to our sponsor.
"You mentioned a
meal. . . . I think we will take today's now. And if I may accompany you to the
cooking lines, I believe we shall have better service when we need it.
Precooked meals, or will they cook our own?"
"Er . . . Either.
They are not cheap, but who is these days?"
I decided to build our
own fire. Hanging our lantern on a hook, I saw there was rush matting on the
floor and a few rather tatty cushions. We had our own bedding, so that was all
right. "Is there a bathhouse?"
"Over there."
He pointed. "Again, not cheap . . ."
Right. We would pay for
hot water once, and I would wash the clothes, myself; there must be a stream
He tried again.
"Fodder for the animals a hundred yards to your right—"
"Not cheap," I
said gravely.
"Er . . . No. Your
horse can join the lines down—"
"My horse," I
said, "stays here, behind the tent. She's trained, remember?"
And so the first small
victory was mine, but it didn't remain that way for long. Every day it swung
first one way then the other, as first Master Bumbo then I gained advantage. Of
course he tried to cheat us, and I retorted by snatching the odd freelance for
any of us I could.
The "town" was
as I had suspected: a winter retreat for artists where they could paint, draw
or sketch in peace with everything provided—from the latest tube or pot of
Italian Brown to the row of whores' tents behind the temple. They had all the
scenery they needed—a river, mountains, forests, romantic ruins—and all the
models imaginable; black, white, brown; tall, short, wide, thin; dwarfs and
giants, men, women and children; the beautiful, the ugly and those in between.
They had animals of all shapes and sizes (but ours was the only tortoise), the
flowers of the field carefully painted on wood and cut out to be placed where
they wished and all the impedimenta of indoor life—pots, pans, candlesticks,
stools, chairs, tables, hangings, goblets, knives etc. There were costumes and
armor, swords and spears, in fact everything an artist could need. At a price.
Why in this hidden
valley? I had thought we were miles from anywhere, but in fact the road
Traveler had seen led straight to an important crossroads, and was only ten
miles from the nearest town. The whole venture was run by an Italian, who had
another such project in his own country, held in the autumn. Signor Cavalotti,
whose brainchild this was, believed that exchanges of ideas and techniques were
essential to the development of art; indeed, I was told there had been
significant advances in perspective and the mixing of paints in the ten years
the two "towns" had existed.
Well, Signer Cavalotti
may have had high ideals and thought he was a philanthropist, but the
consortium who ran this caper was very far from being either. Everything was
very highly priced, but those who came off worst were probably the models like
us. It went like this: the artist paid the model, who then relinquished some
seventy percent to the sponsor; he in turn paid ten percent for food, five
percent to pitch the tents, and then perhaps twenty percent to the consortium
for the privilege of sponsorship. Probably the artists spent more than everyone
else—space, canvas, paints, props, costumes, models, food, accommodation—but
then they had the money to start with.
Most of them were
sponsored by rich families or the church—I counted at least a dozen altar pieces
and triptychs in various stages of completion—and many had private means. There
was a handful of students and apprentices, but most of these were under the
patronage of the artists themselves. Useful to be able to take credit for the
important bits and have an unpaid lackey to fill in the background!
Master Bumbo had very
little idea how to promote his models—he had ten others besides ourselves—but
in spite of his laziness, incompetence and avariciousness Gill's good looks
provided us with two St. Sebastians and a disciple; I got two crowd scenes,
very background, and Basher was fully occupied with two young monks composing a
bestiary and an artist creating a series of panels on popular legends. One
artist was interested exclusively in birds and their plumage and anatomy and
was very pleased with the (private) sittings with Traveler.
And what of the
Wimperling in all this? All in all, he earned more than the rest of us put
together. Master Bimbo gave up on him after the first day: he was, after all, a
rather ugly pig—but I had better ideas. A German artist who had used poor
Mistral in an allegory for famine recommended a Dutchman who was looking for
"odd" creatures, and I saw why when I peeped round the corner of his
screened off area. He was painting the pains of Hell on a large canvas, and
very frightening they were, too. Fires, flames, smoke; imps, demons, devils,
trolls, dragons: all delighting in torturing, beheading, raping and
disemboweling the hapless sinners who cascaded down from the top of the canvas
in a never-ending stream. And everywhere there was an inch or so of space
capered creatures from a wildly demented imagination, gleefully cheering on the
These creatures could
never have existed: birds with fish heads, lizards with horses' hooves, cats
with six arms and two heads, mouths with thin spindly legs, spiders with human
faces, torsos with heads in their stomachs, a pair of legs with wings—It was
this last that gave me the idea. Withdrawing quietly before the artist noticed
me, I returned later with a fully briefed Wimperling.
The artist was a
thoroughly unpleasant little man, hunched and smelly, so much I had already
heard, but I wasn't prepared for the brusque way he dismissed me before I had
opened my mouth.
"Unless you've got
an extra pair of tits or balls I don't want to know: bugger off!"
But I wasn't going to be
thrown out just like that. Instead I dared his wrath and looked critically at
the lizard-like thing with wings he was trying to draw.
"You've got the
wings wrong," I said. "They should be more leathery and the tips less
scooped. . . ."
"What? What do you
mean? How do you know anything about Wyrm-wings?"
"Look," I
said, and the Wimperling carefully extended one wing. "And if it's claws
and hooves you are after, just look at these. . . ." The pig lifted one
hoof. "And as for fangs—" Obligingly the Wimperling bared his teeth.
I hadn't realized just how sharp they were till now. The pig folded himself
away again. "What do you say?"
breathed the artist. "Do that again!"
The Wimperling obliged.
"How much do you
want for it?" snapped the artist, his eyes even piggier than the pig.
"I'll give you what you want. Within reason . . . Ten gold pieces?"
His ringers were crawling towards the pig with desire, his sleeve smudging the
charcoal sketch I had criticized.
"He's not for
sale," I replied firmly. "But I am offering him to you as a model:
exclusive rights, of course. At a reasonable price."
"For the rest of
the time here? Nine days? One gold coin."
"Two. He's worth
far more, and you know it. Exclusive rights, remember: you'd better keep
him hidden away." I was calculating on his artistic greed in this: I
didn't want anyone else to know about the wings. I needn't have worried: the
artist's "find" was far too precious to share, and at the end of our
two weeks the artist had dozens of sketches of every part of the pig's anatomy,
from the tip of his fanged snout to the end of his spade-tipped tail and
everything in between.
I supposed this was the
way to assure immortality, I thought, looking at the sketches, remembering the
other drawings and paintings of all of us, even my crowd scenes. Some day, many
years hence perhaps, people would look at a pigeon's wing, a horse's flanks, a
scruffy dog, a tortoise in a bestiary, the wings on a creature from hell, a
woman bending over a basket, a saint's agony, and maybe wonder at the originals
they were created from. But only we would know, and we wouldn't be there to
tell them. It was a shivery thought.
But once more on the
road, with the warm wind lifting the hair from my forehead and the
prickly-sweet perfume of the gorse on the hillsides tickling our noses, all
such somber thoughts were chased away.
"I can smell
spring," said Gill, lifting his blind eyes to the sun. "And after
spring comes Summer!" and he smiled at his own little joke, a smile to
lift my heart and renew my love.
Chapter Twenty
It was true, Spring had
arrived, and with it came an uplifting of the spirit, a healthy optimism that
had nothing to do with reality. I would wake in the mornings, stretch the
creaks from my bones (for the nights were still cold), sniff the crisp dawn air
and feel as though I had drunk a bucketful of chilled white wine.
As we traveled further
and further south, I delighted in plants, trees and herbiage that were strange
to my northern eyes. All seemed brighter, bigger, pricklier; citrus trees with
evergreen leaves sprouted little dots of white bud; bushy grey-green cacti and
succulents were tipped with barbs like daggers; a yellow cascade of mimosa
poured over stone walls, and miniature iris and crocus speared up through the
scrub under olive and carob. Of course I had to ask the names of all these, but
there were plants I recognized, though their flowering was at least a month ahead
of ours at home.
I found the pale tremble
of pink-white-purple wood anemones, petals ready to fly on the slightest
breeze; heart-shaped leaves of deepest green hiding the thick, soft scent of
violets; the perfumed cream of wild jonquil; shaggy coltsfoot and tender
celandine, days-eye, lions-tooth—the last two demanded daily by an awakening
Basher, together with the tender young leaves of chicory and clover.
As we passed through
villages and hamlets the pink smoke of almond blossom clothed the slopes of the
hillsides, though the knobbed vines were still bare. I experimented with the
new-grown herbs: wild mint (good with lamb and goat), young and bitter shoots
of asparagus, pale among its prickly adult cage, the tasty tips of nettle, and
thyme and rosemary (excellent with all meats and fish).
And the birds and
animals echoed this burgeoning promise. Sparrows, thrushes, blackbirds, green-
and gold-finch, tits, siskin, flycatchers, brambling, all were busy picking and
pecking for insects, snails and young shoots, twigs, hair, moss and mud for
nests. Wrens scuttled along old walls, tree-creepers sidled up the bark, and
against the eaves of buildings the house martins were already building new
nests or repairing last year's, dark mud against pale. In the trees the russet
squirrels were dashing about with their usual indetermination, all mouth and
ruffed tails; shy roe deer leapt among the ground elder and sweet cicely, the
hinds already heavy with young; the jaunty scuts of coney were glimpsed
flashing through the undergrowth, we could hear the crash and grunt of swine,
the faraway howl of wolf and scream of vixen; the shepherds who walked their
sheep and goats along the slope often carried new-dropped lambs, their wool
still sticky with pale birth blood, the ewes reaching up anxiously to nuzzle
their young, the dogs chewing at strings of afterbirth as they followed the
flock. Above our heads came the first sweet babble of the ascending larks, and
if you searched carefully you could find in nests soft with down and moss the
incredible promise of eggs blue as the sky, or scrambled with speckles and
blotches, like a child's scribbles.
The first flies came to
torment us, yolk-yellow butterflies quivered on the scarcely less bright gorse
and broom, mornings showed the sliver-slime trail of snails, clouds of midges
danced about our heads, bees buzzed from flower to bush; from the groves of
pines crept processions of striped caterpillars: I picked up a couple,
disturbing the caravan of their passage, and was well rewarded with a crop of
white blebs which itched intolerably till an old crone in one of the hamlets
took pity on me and threw a jug of sour wine over me: I stank for days, but the
irritation was gone.
In the ponds and ditches
humps and strings of spawn showed where frog and toad had been: some had
already hatched into flickering life and sun-warmed lizards ran along the
stones. Fish began to spawn, a flurry among the stones of streams, three or
four males to every female, or so it seemed.
The farther south we
went, the more the countryside changed: arid, mountainous, yet conversely in
the valleys, more fertile. The air was clearer, colors brighter, contours
sharper; the people wore more colorful clothes, too: patterned skirt, red
scarf, purple jacket although the elderly were still in a contrast of black,
for mourning: who at their age had not lost a member of the family? We passed repainted
shrines and gaily clad processions for St. Joseph's day, disregarding the
rigors of Lent, and then the hearty celebrations for the new Year of Grace on
March 25, a fiesta full of green branches, embroidered shawls and colored
The going became easier
the farther south we went, perhaps because our feet had become accustomed to
the ruts, bumps, flints, pebbles and stones of the highways. More and more we
traveled in company, too many for ambush or treachery. Many languages were
distributed among the mighty campfires each evening; men spoke of ice, fog and
snow in islands to the north and west, even in summer; of sand, sun and people
black as ink to the southlands, of great temples of stone and creatures as tall
as a house and with horns of ivory; when they spoke of the east they told of
beasts of burden who never drank, yet carried houses upon their backs, of
heathens who sang to their gods from tall towers, of men as yellow as a canary
bird who fought like devils. The west was full of great grey seas, ships with
bird's wings that skimmed the waves to deliver their cargoes of cloth and wine,
spices and silk, of great sea monsters who devoured a ship in one mouthful, and
of the sea maidens with long hair and fishes' tails who sang the mariners to destruction
on the rocks.
All this talk was heady
stuff: it whetted my appetite to see more of the world before I finally found a
husband and settled down. If men could travel around the world, why not a
Travel seemed to improve
the health and well-being of us all. Gill became tan-skinned, his step was
bolder, he lost his gauntness. Mistral grew rounder and sleeker, her tail and
mane longer, her hide lightened to a creamy color. Basher ate till he filled
his shell and developed an extra ridge on his carapace, demanding a short walk
each day to exercise off the excess. Traveler declared himself fit and
wing-whole again, taking longer and longer flights and dancing back in
brightened browny-pink feathers to wheel and dive above our heads. The Wimperling
grew stouter and stronger by the day, until he was fast becoming the largest
pig I had ever seen, and I felt lighter and fitter every day.
But it was Growch who
took full advantage of all spring had to offer. One day the caravan in which we
currently traveled was joined by an abbess and her servants, bound to take
healing waters. She rode in a litter with silk curtains and was too superior to
mix with the rest of us. Not so, apparently, her dogs. With her in the litter,
fed on a diet of chicken and milk and sleeping on silk cushions, were two
small, long-haired bitches, silky hair trimmed, curled, plaited and beribboned;
they were exercised four times a day by the lady's attendants, waddling around
like small brown sausages, their long black claws clip-clipping on the road,
their plumed tails cleaned every time they excreted, their hair combed free of
tangles by their mistress herself, using the same comb she used on her own
hair, it was rumored. Growch's inquisitive nose and eyes found them the first
time they set paws to ground, although his first essay was beaten back by the
lady's attendants.
"Stripe me like a
badger! What little chunks of sweetness! Plump and petted and just ready for
it! You've no idea—"
"Now just you keep
away from them," I said severely. "We don't want any trouble. The
lady's servants will chop you in half if you—"
"Gam! Got to catch
me first! 'Sides, I can have 'em away any time I choose. They fancies me, I can
tell. . . ."
And apparently they did,
to my amazement, for first one and then the other managed to escape from the
servants and disappear from sight in the undergrowth, hotly pursued by a dog I
promptly disowned. The abbess was distraught and insisted on staying behind
until her "darlings" turned up again. . . .
Growch rejoined us two
days later, some fifteen miles further on, absolutely shattered, his belly
dragging on the ground. He was even filthier than usual, and declared himself
"You don't deserve
a thing!" I said, giving him a hunk of cheese and some stale bread. "You're
absolutely disgusting! Er—what happened to the bitches? Did their owner get
them back?"
Servants caught one, t'other went back when she was hungry. Not before we'd had
a coupla nights of it . . . I can recommend a threesome. Never enjoyed one
before," and he smacked his lips, whether from the cheese or fond memory I
wasn't sure.
"I'd never seen
dogs like them before," I said, remembering their snub noses, plumed tails
and flouncy way of walking.
"Come from a place
east, long-a-ways," said Growch, scratching furiously. He smelled like a
midden, and I determined to dump him in the next stretch of water we came to
and scrub him, hard. "Nice manners—none of this nonsense of equality
between the sexes—just the right height with them little bow legs, and virgins
as well . . . Not that that made much difference once they got goin'—"
"Shut up!" I
said automatically. "I don't want to know!" I wondered whether the
pups would look like him: probably a mixture. The abbess would have a shock.
"They had nice faces. . . ."
"Faces? Faces?"
He leered. "'Oo the 'ell was looking at their faces?"
* * *
We were holed up for
five days by howling winds and driving rain, which Basher assured us were
normal at this time of year. "Good for the young heather shoots," he
said. Traveler took advantage of the downpour to sit in puddles and air his
wing-pits to the rain.
"Gets rid of the
ticks," he explained.
I decided to take the
opportunity of tidying us all up. We had taken a large loft above the stable in
a hospitable farmhouse and there were a couple of rain butts in the yard below,
now overflowing, so we were allowed unlimited bucketfuls and paid for two
cauldrons of water heated over the kitchen fires.
First I scrubbed
Growch—who immediately went out and found something disgusting to roll in—then
the Wimperling and Mistral, combing out the tangles in the latter's mane and
tail. With fresh water I washed our winter clothes, hoping that now we could
wear our lighter things. With the hot water I found an old tub and first
submitted Gill and then myself to a thorough going over. I remembered thinking
it was a good job he was blind, else he would have seen my blushes as I washed
those parts difficult for him to reach. . . .
I felt wonderfully fresh
myself after I had bathed and washed my hair, changing into a clean shift and
my thinner bliaut, surprised to see how winter storage had stretched the
material: it was far roomier than I remembered, and I had to take it in an inch
or two down the side seams.
I finally caught Growch
and washed him again, threatening permanent exile in the rain if he did it
Being a stock farm we
were staying in, there was no lack of leather and I bought some and busied
myself stitching fresh boots for Gill. I used my mother's simple recipe: triple
leather soles turned up at the sides and hemmed for a lace that fastened at the
front, the whole stuffed with discarded sheep's wool for comfort and warmth.
While I was about it I also made us sandals for the warmer weather: thick
soles, a single band across the instep, a toe thong to go between the big toe
and its brother, and a loop at the back to thread with a lace that tied round
the ankle.
When we took to the road
again we found that the wind and rain had washed the world as clean and fresh
and new as we were. The grass was greener and taller, all the trees were in
leaf, the woods were full of birds shouting, singing, quarreling, wildflowers
and weeds had sprung up overnight and the stones and rocks sparkled and glinted
like jewels in the sun.
Now many roads joined
the highway and wandered off again and the houses were whitewashed against the
summer sun. People were smaller, darker and spoke with a harsher patois and
used their shoulders, hands and their faces to express themselves, like actors in
a play.
Our little group was
just one of many traveling the roads, but I could see that while we were
nothing out of the ordinary, the Wimperling did attract attention. He was so
large that I could see by the speculation in many an eye that they were measuring
him for chops, sausages, brawn, roasts and bones for soup. I was careful to
keep him by my side at night, though I believe he was more than capable of
taking care of himself.
By now I was content
with our little group, used to all their idiosyncrasies and fond of them all,
but I knew it couldn't last. One by one the animals would leave us when they
found whatever haven they were seeking, and each departure would diminish me.
Once I had been alone except for my beloved Mama; now it seemed I was friends
with all the world via a dog, a horse, a pigeon, a tortoise and a pig. I
couldn't bear the thought of losing any of them, and when the time suddenly
came for the first of them to leave us, I was unprepared.
One fine morning
Traveler ate a handful of grain, pecked digesting grit from the roadside, drank
from a puddle and rose in the air to scan our road southward as usual. But this
time he was gone longer than usual, so long in fact that I began to gaze
anxiously up in the sky for eagles or falcons but could see none. I was
beginning to get really fidgety when I saw him skimming back across the trees
as he slowed his wings, starting to curve down at the tips, and waver a little
as he gauged the wind. He skidded down in front of us, trembling from both excitement
and exhaustion.
"I've found it!
It's there! I had begun to think it wasn't—I hadn't—"
"Calm down!"
He was so elated his beak was gaping and I was afraid his heart would stop.
"Here, take a sip of this," and I poured some water from my flask
into my horn mug. "That's better. . . . Now, tell us!"
It seemed he had flown
higher than usual to surmount a range of hills to the southeast and had seen
through the haze a large town and a ribbon of river, much like others on our
journey, but as the mist cleared and he flew closer the sun touched the towers
and pinnacles with gold, and he knew he had found his home town.
"I flew on and on,
just to make sure, but there was no need. The knowing in my body, the thing
that tells me where to go, it was pointing right at the city. . . ."
"What's going
on?" asked Gill. "Why have we stopped? Don't tell me you are talking
to your animals again. . . ."
"Hush! Let him
finish. What then? You're sure it's the right place?"
"Sure as eggs
become squabs . . ."
"Did you go near enough
to find your home?"
"Not enough
wing-time. Tomorrow, perhaps."
I turned back to the
pigeon. "Just a minute, Gill! Will you . . . Will you go on your
own, then?" I was suddenly scared that the time had come to say goodbye,
and I wasn't ready, not yet.
"No, of course not!
I need you to tell the lady about the broken wing so she understands why I was
so long."
"Very well . . .
The message on your leg is for her, if I remember?"
"Yes, I told you.
From her lover."
"Then she will
forgive the delay, I'm sure. How far away is this town of yours?"
He considered. "For
you, three, four days," and began to nibble at the tender shoots of grass
by the roadside, tired of talking.
I knew Gill still didn't
believe I had any real communication with the animals, but I reported exactly
what the bird had said. There was a silence.
"I'd like to say
I'll believe it when I see it," he said carefully. "But you know
that's impossible. I'll say this, though; if we find this town, and his
home, and the lady he speaks of, then I will ask your forgiveness for
doubting you. If . . ." He suddenly grinned. "Ask him if the lady is
pretty." And he grinned again, not really expecting an answer.
"He says he doesn't
know the meaning of the word 'pretty' as applied to humans," I translated
after a moment or two. "He says she is smaller than me and that her hair
is straight and pale. He says she has a quiet voice and gentle hands."
He thought about it.
"Well . . . Tell you what, as long as there's a town ahead, she can be
tall or small, fat or thin, dark or fair, just so long as we have a day or two
in comfort again. No reflections on your cooking, Summer, but it will feel good
to have my feet under a table again, eat a great chunk of game pie and drink a
quart of ale."
"Well in that case,"
I said stiffly, "the sooner we get going the better!"
* * *
We arrived at our
destination mid-afternoon of the fourth day, guided all the way by an ever more
excited pigeon. After a couple of his disastrous "shortcuts," we kept
to the roads; the flight of a bird takes no account of hills, rivers, stones or
Once we had entered the
town by the west gate and paid our toll, Traveler disappeared. He had obviously
flown straight on, but like all the towns we had been in, there was no straight
way anywhere; side roads, crooked lanes, blind alleys, and everywhere choked
with traffic: horses, mules, carts, wagons, litters, pedestrians laden and
unladen, children, cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs and cats.
He eventually returned
and tried to guide us, soaring above us one minute, on a ledge the next, but
several times we lost sight of him altogether. I became more and more conscious
of the curious glances we were attracting: a blind man holding on to a horse's
tail, and a scruffy dog, large pig and fat girl all scanning the rooftops like
It seemed to take hours,
but at last Traveler led us, fluttering just above our heads now, down a quiet
street near the river, with high-walled houses on either side and a tall church
at the end just striking the office for three hours after noon, echoed by
others near and far.
Traveler came to rest
atop a large double gate and fluffed his feathers. "It's here. . . ."
I could feel his anticipation and anxiety as if it were my own and shivered in
sympathy. Lifting my hand I knocked firmly: no answer. Somewhere down the road
a dog, awakened from his siesta, barked for a moment. I knocked again, and
there was a limping step, a creaking bolt and a face peered out at us, the
chain still prudently fastened. Traveler hopped down to my shoulder.
"Yes?" said
the door porter. He was almost bald and nearly toothless but had fierce, bushy
"I wish to—to see
the lady of the house," I said, conscious that a name would have been
better, but of course names meant nothing to a bird. "About a pigeon. This
one," and I touched Traveler with my finger. "I believe he is one of
hers. He has a message to deliver."
The porter stared out at
us, at our travel-stained clothes, our generally tatty appearance, and I didn't
blame him for his next remark.
"My mistress don't
entertain rogues and vagabonds. Why, you don't even know her name, do you?
Besides, how do I know it ain't all a trick to get in and rob us all? Could be
anyone's pigeon you got."
"This color?"
and I stroked Traveler's wing. "Pink pigeons don't come in dozens.
Besides, only your mistress has the key to the message strapped to his leg. . .
He thought about it.
Finally: "I'll go and see," and he shut the gate again.
We waited for what
seemed an age. I urged Traveler to fly over the gate and find his mistress, but
he refused.
"We go in together,"
he said firmly.
Once more the shuffling
steps approached the gate, but this time one half was flung open.
"Mistress Rowena is in the garden at the back. Leave the beasts
here." I took Gill's hand and followed the way that was pointed out to me,
across the cobbles and down a narrow alleyway at the side of the house to a
garden full of sun and sleepy afternoon scents.
Square beds were planted
centrally with bay or evergreen, fancifully trimmed, and edged with box or
rosemary. In the beds themselves were the long runners and green tips of
miniature strawberries, the soft faces of violet and pansy, the tight buds of
clove carnations. Beside each bed ran a little canal of water, probably fed
from the river I could see glinting at the foot of the garden, beyond a lawn
starred with daisies, camomile and buttercups. Against one wall were trellises
for the climbing roses, on the other were tall clumps of dark Bear's Braies and
pale fennel, and behind was a thick hedge of oleander.
At the top end of the
garden fat, lazy carp swam in a pond plated with water-lily pads and
there, tossing pinches of manchet into their hungry mouths, was Traveler's
owner, who turned to meet us with a smile. She was as the bird had described:
small, slim, with icy blond hair hanging straight down her back with a blue and
gold fillet binding her brow, to match her deep-sleeved dress. Her face was
pale, as were her lashes, brows and blue eyes.
Her smile revealed white
teeth as small as a child's, with tiny points. A cat's smile, I thought. She
held out her hands and reached for Traveler, fluttering nervously on my
shoulder, and pinioned him in her soft white hands.
"My servant,
Pauncefoot, told me you had found one of my birds, but I never expected it to
be my Beauty! Where did you find him?" and she put her cheek against his
head, crooning softly.
I started to explain how
I had rescued him, about the broken wing and how long it had taken to heal, but
as soon as I mentioned the message on his leg I could see the rest didn't
matter. Still nursing the bird she fumbled in her purse pocket and drew out a
tiny key, as fine as a needle and in a moment the leg ring was open and she was
unrolling a thin strip of paper between finger and thumb. For the first time I
saw a tinge of color in her cheeks as she read the few words it contained. She
looked at us, smiling that cat smile.
"He comes at the
end of this month, as he promised. . . ." Her eyes were dreamy. "I
knew he could not stay away. He was my father's apprentice. When he asked for
my hand, my father stipulated that we spend a year apart and he sent Lorenzo
north on business, with the added proviso that we should not communicate with
each other. He still thinks Lorenzo is after my money. . . ." She cuddled
Traveler closer. "I thought of a scheme to circumvent my father's dictum.
Lorenzo took two of my pigeons with him: a grey, and Beauty here. The grey
arrived back in October confirming his love, and he must have sent Beauty soon
after. My father will know nothing of the message. He had bribed the servants
to intercept any letters, but he never thought of the pigeons." She turned
to me. "I cannot thank you enough: with my father ill I cannot ask you to
stay overnight, but perhaps with these—" She handed me some coins, one
gold, I noticed "—I can combine my thanks with assurance you may find good
At first I was shy of
accepting, but looking at the well-cared-for garden, her clothes, the tall
house behind, I realized she could well afford it. "Thank you . . . The
pigeon: his wing has healed, but he may not be able to manage such long flights
as before. You will . . . ?"
"Still care for
him?" she supplied. "Of course. Somehow he guided you here with my
message—I can always breed from him. I have a couple of females the same shade.
. . ."
I turned to go but
suddenly Traveler—I couldn't think of him as "Beauty"—flew from her
arms onto my shoulder. I turned my head to see his ruby eyes regarding me
steadily. "Thanks," he crooned. "I shall always remember you,
all of you. . . ." And he leaned forward and pretend-fed me, as an adult
pigeon would a squab, then sprang from my shoulder and flew to the pigeon loft
against the house wall.
I heard his owner draw
her breath in sharply as she watched his flight, but my eyes were suddenly too
blurred to see the expression on her face. She called out peremptorily to a
gardener's boy raking the gravel between the flower beds. "Shut the loft
door! Hurry . . ."
Out in the street again,
the doors shut behind us, the coins jingling satisfactorily in my pocket, I should
have felt satisfaction at a task well completed, a wanderer having found his
home, but I didn't. I felt uneasy, depressed, somehow all wrong. I
opened my mouth to say something and the ring on my finger, dormant so long,
gave me such a sudden painful jolt that I cried out instead. At the same time a
voice full of terror rang in my mind: "Help me! Help me. . . ." It
was Traveler. What in the world had gone wrong?
Obeying an instinct
stronger than thought or caution I turned and began to beat on the closed gate:
"Let me in!" but there was no answer, and all the while I could sense
the feather-flutter of Traveler's fear in my mind. I threw myself against the
gate, but it wouldn't yield; by now the others, with the exception of course of
Gill, had also "heard" the pigeon's panic. They needed no urging to
help my assault on the gate. Growch barked hysterically, setting off other dogs
down the road, the Wimperling added a shoulder-charge to my efforts and Basher
even battered his head against his basket, but it was Mistral who got us in.
Turning, she aimed two
vicious kicks at the gate panels, which gave on the second blow, allowing me to
reach in and slip the bolts. As I reached the garden again at a run, I saw the
gardener's boy hand a feebly fluttering bird to his mistress. Grabbing his
wings cruelly with one hand she put the other hand around his neck, the tendons
on her wrist already tightened to twist his head off. "Stop!" I
cried. "In the name of God, stop!"
Chapter Twenty.One
She paused, her fingers
still cruelly tight on Traveler's wings and neck. "Get out! What business
is it of yours?"
"But you promised.
. . ." I was bewildered. "You said you would care for him. . . . I
don't understand!"
"It doesn't matter
whether you understand or not!" she hissed. "It is my bird, to
do with as I will! If I wish to wring the wretched thing's neck because it has
betrayed me—"
"Betrayed you?
She showed her small,
pointed teeth in a grimace. "He is my bird, he does as I
say, he owes me all his devotion! I saw what he did to you: he has never
done that to me!"
She was jealous! Jealous
of an affectionate gesture the poor bird had given me. . . . She must be mad.
Feeling in my pocket I tossed her coins to the ground in front of her.
"Take your money: I
don't want it! Instead, I'll take back a bird you obviously don't want
White lids came down
over pale blue eyes, but not before I had seen the sudden gleam of cunning, so
quickly veiled. "Very well," she said slowly, but her fingers were
almost imperceptibly tightening round the bird's neck. At the same moment the
ring on my finger gave me another sharp shock and my hand jerked forward, the
ring now pointing at the Lady Rowena.
She screamed as though
she had been stung and dropped Traveler, who lay at her feet, fluttering
feebly, scrabbling round in the dirt in helpless circles. I picked him up
gently and held him close. "It's all right now. . . ."
His owner backed away
from me, crossing herself, her eyes wide with an emotion I couldn't fathom.
"Witch! What have you done?" I moved towards her and she crossed
herself again: I realized now the emotion she felt was fear. "All right,
all right, take him! I wouldn't have kept him anyway: there is a knot in his
wing, and I never keep anything that isn't perfect. . . ." And she spat at
me, the phlegm landing in a yellow gobbet at my feet. "Now get out, before
I call the servants to have you thrown out, or summon the soldiery and have you
all arrested for theft and witchcraft!"
We went.
When I told Gill what
had happened he actually put out a finger and stroked the still-trembling bird.
"Poor little thing," he said. It was the first time I had seen him
ever evince any interest in any of the animals: his usual stance was
indifference. "What will you do with him now?"
"The first thing to
do," said the Wimperling, "is to get out of this town right now,
before she pulls herself together and does get us all thrown into jail. A woman
like that cannot bear to be bested."
We took the southern
gate from the city, not stopping even to eat. A trembling Traveler sat on my
shoulder, looking back at the towers and pinnacles from which he had hoped so
much, now bathed in the magical light of a yellow-orange sunset. I smoothed his
"Don't worry,"
I said. "We'll find you somewhere better. . . ."
"But that was my
home," he said with sad, unassailable logic.
The Wimperling looked
up. "A home is not one place," he said slowly. "A home can be a
place where you are born and brought up, a place you like better than any
other; it can be a dwelling where your loved one lives, a house in which your
children are raised, or somewhere you have to live because there is no other. A
home is made by you, it does not create itself. It can be large or small,
beautiful or ugly, grand or mean. But in the end it is only one thing: the
place where your heart is. And you don't have to be there in your bodily self;
you can carry it with you in spirit wherever you go. . . . Like love," he
I thought about what he
had said later that night when we had found a farmhouse and paid a couple of
coins for well-water and a share of the undercroft with their other
animals—goats and chickens. What did "home" mean to the bird, the
tortoise, the horse, the knight? For them it was where they were born, where
their own kind lived, simple as that. Growch and I were on the lookout for
comfort and security, in my case a husband, and in his case I suspected he
would settle wherever I did—and wherever it was, and with whom, there we would
call "home."
But what about the
Wimperling? He was the philosopher, but he had never indicated where he wanted
to go, where his heart lay. Born from an egg (if his memory was to be
believed), raised as the runt of a litter of piglets and sold into a life of
performing slavery—where did he want to go? South, he had said, but I
believed he had no clear direction. I must ask him. If he went on growing at
his present rate he would have to go and live with the hellephunts, which I
understood were as big as houses, or live by himself in a cave, for no sty
would hold him.
We traveled south and
west for six days and the terrain grew gradually wilder; the roads more
tortuous. Now the hills were of limestone, striped by tumbling streams fed by
the snow water that still lingered on the high peaks. Pockets of reddish earth
were starred with the scalding yellow of gorse and broom, pink-plumed spears of
valerian and blossom from wild cherry. The pines and fir were showing a new,
tender green at their tips, and the air was full of the scribble-song of
siskins; orioles swung above our heads, gold and blue; flycatchers, wagtails
and bee-eaters chittered and bobbed ahead of us on the road, and from far away
I could hear the strange call of the hoopoe. Bees droned on the bushes, all on
the same soporific note, ants marched in lines across our path, wasps were
after anything we ate and the dusk was full of the piping of pipistrelles—the
airy-mouses of legend.
And above and beyond all
this there was a teasing, ephemeral scent that came and went with the southern
breeze: a smell that could have been wet rocks, a drying lake, salted fish,
dried blood but was none of these.
"It is the
ocean," said Traveler, soaring high above us.
"It's the Great
Water," said Basher, now stuffing himself from dawn to dusk with heather
shoots, clover and young grass till his scales shone and his voice no longer
was drawn out, thin and feeble.
"It's the
sea," said Mistral, her pink nostrils flaring as she snuffed the wind.
"But not my sea. This is a little sea; mine is endless and comes crashing
in from the far corners of the world and the foam is like the manes of my
people as they outrun the waves. . . ."
"Can you see this
Great Water from your home?" I asked Basher curiously.
"It is a glint in
the sun, far, far away, but you can taste it in the breeze and the salt
sometimes touches the air like seasoning." He scurried away among the
undergrowth, his long black claws clicking on the stones. "Thirsty-making
. . ."
Southward still we went,
leaving the great snow-tipped mountains behind. The land was gentler, there
were farms, orchards, tilled fields, small towns. The midday sun burned Gill's
and my faces, arms and legs and we shed clothes till he only wore a pair of
shortened braies and an open shirt, and I kilted my skirt between my legs, glad
that he could not see my bare legs.
One night, when sudden
warm rain and a gusting wind that chased up and down like a boisterous child
made us seek shelter, we found a ruined chapel on a little hill. Once there had
been a settlement of houses nearby, but these were deserted and had fallen into
disrepair, like the chapel. There was no clue as to what had happened to the
previous inhabitants, but beneath the chapel walls were more than the usual
number of untended graves. Perhaps one of the sudden pestilences had decimated
the villagers and they had abandoned their homes; perhaps marauders had carried
off the women and children: who knows?
It was near dusk when we
sought shelter under the crumbling tower of the chapel, and I found enough
broken sticks of furniture in the deserted houses to build a good blaze. There
were no church vessels to be seen, nor any crosses, and the once-colorful
murals had faded to blisters of pale brown and yellow—an arm, a leg, part of a
flowing robe—so the place had obviously been de-consecrated, and I had no
hesitation in building a fire to cook our strips of dried meat and vegetables.
The smoke rose upwards
and then wavered as the gusts of wind from the round-arched windows caught it
and blew it like a rag. Soon enough the pot was bubbling and the seductive
smell of herby stew set my—and Growch's—stomach rumbling. I pulled the pot to
one side and lidded it, to simmer till the ingredients were softer, and set
about cutting up the two-day-old bread to warm through.
Suddenly there was a
wild flutter and commotion above our heads and debris showered down amongst us.
I was glad the lid was on the pot: I didn't fancy stewed pigeon shit.
"What in the world
. . . ?"
Traveler took wing and
circled our heads. "I'll go and see. . . ."
He was gone some time,
and there were more flutterings, scrapings and dried excreta, which luckily
burned well. The noise subsided, there were a couple of coos and soft hoots and
he rejoined us, feathers ruffled and disheveled, but he looked brighter, less
despairful, than he had since we left his hometown.
"There are couple
of dozen of my kind up there—wild ones, with little civility, but they are
thriving. They have been in the tower since any can remember, and manage well
enough foraging off the land. I have promised we will douse the fire as soon as
possible, for the smoke is choking the young squabs who cannot leave their
nests. I shall talk to them again in the morning."
With the morning came
the sun again, and I built a fire in the open for oatmeal porridge and cheese
and toasted bread. At dawn Traveler had disappeared up into the chapel tower
again, and I saw him perched on a ledge with some of the other grey pigeons, or
flying around the tower in formation, his pinky-brown color the only dissonance
in the otherwise perfect unison of their wheeling and turning.
I scrubbed out the
cooking pot with grass and sand from the nearby stream, filled the water
bottle, packed everything up, washed my hands, feet and face, and helped Gill
to do the same, but Traveler still did not reappear. I went into the chapel
again and called him, and eventually he came fluttering down to land on my
shoulder, his feathers a little disarranged.
"Time to go,"
I said, stroking the soft feathers on his neck and scratching him under his
chin. He shuffled about on my shoulder.
"Do you mind . . .
Do you mind if I stay?"
I looked up at the tower
above; little heads peeped down, there was a ruffling of neck feathers, a
warning "hoof!" , a croon or two, the pleading cheep of a squab.
"Are you sure? They don't look very friendly to me."
"They know I am
different: it will take time. But there are more hens than cocks and rats got
at the eggs last year. The ropes the rodents used to climb with have rotted and
gone, but the flock needs building up. I think it will be all right. . .
." He sighed. "I hope so."
"But you don't know
how to forage the countryside as they do," I objected. "You will go
He straightened up and
preened himself. "Then I shall just have to learn, won't I? I have all the
summer to learn, and by winter I will be no different from the others."
"This wasn't what I
meant for you. . . ."
"I know that, but
you cannot decide my life for me: only I have the right to do that, now that
you have freed me. Do not worry, I shall be fine. It is better that I take this
chance while I can for I may not find a better. Living is better than
not-living, whatever it brings. . . ."
"Good-bye," I
said and kissed the top of his head. He sprang away and flew up to the rafters.
We had not gone far down
the road, however, when there was a rush of wings and he was circling above us.
"May you all find what you seek. Remember me!" And he was gone,
leaving me feeling as empty as though I had had no breakfast.
"We have a dovecote
at home," said Gill unexpectedly. "Their cooing was the first thing I
used to hear when . . ." He trailed off. "I don't remember any
But at least he was
recalling more and more; inconsequential little fragments maybe, but one day
they might all fit together like a tapestry. And if I was missing the pigeon so
much, what would it be like when my beloved knight finally found his home?
* * *
It was about a week
later that we came to a place on the road where the land sloped sharply down to
the south and there, a glittering shield that stretched away as far as the eye
could see, was Basher's Great Water. I sniffed the air and there it was again,
that tantalizing salt smell that was like no other, even mixed as it was with
pine, heather, wild garlic and gorse. I started to point it out to Gill, before
I remembered he couldn't see.
Mistral was also
snuffing the air, as was Growch, and Basher stopped chewing the chicory leaves
I had put for him in his basket.
"It's here,"
he said. "Here, or hereabouts. We've found it. . . ."
"You're sure this
is the place?"
"Smells right.
There should be land sloping to the sea, way off in the distance. Lots of
heather, sandy soil for the eggs and hibernation. Pools or a stream, trees for
shade. Rocks to keep the claws strong. No people. Lots of lady tortoises."
"From what I can
"Oh, let meee
doooown," he said impatiently. "Let meee see . . ."
Holding him to my chest,
I scrambled down the steep slope to level ground, Growch beside me. I stood and
looked about me for Basher's specifications. The sea was about three miles distant
and there was no sign of human habitation. The soil was sandyish, rocky, there
was the sound of a stream off to the right and there were both pines and
heather in abundance. Gorse, broom, wild garlic, oleander, fan palms, Creeping
Jesus, the huge leaves of asphodel, thyme and rosemary—"Looks all
right," I said cautiously. "But I can't see any other
"I can!"
helped Growch, who had christened every bush in sight and was now foraging
farther down. "There's more movin' rocks down here: 'ow the 'ell do you
tell if'n they're male or female? Looks all the effin' same to me. . . ."
"Females larger,
flat shells underneath," said Basher succinctly. "Males undershells
curved concave. Makes sense. Think about it . . ."
But I was about to get a
demonstration. Growch came panting back.
"Two females down
there. Tell you what, don't like bein' up-ended! Cursin' like 'Ell, they
By the time we got there
they had righted themselves again, their pale brown patched shells disappearing
into the undergrowth at speed. I put Basher down and immediately he was off,
pausing only to eye the disappearing females with an experienced eye and turn
in scurrying pursuit of the larger. A moment later there was a resonant
tap-tapping noise, a pause, then a sort of triumphant mewing. Cats? No, just a
tortoise enjoying himself; as I came nearer I could see him reared up at the
back of the female, his mouth open on pointed pink tongue. "M-e-e-w! Oh,
what bliss! How I've missed thiiiis! Hey—"
With several violent
jerks from side to side, the female disengaged herself and charged off once
again, Basher in pursuit. Then once again the tap-tapping, pause, and
"M-e-w! Bliss . . ."
"Basher! Are you
all right?"
"Couldn't be
better! Thanks for eeeeverything . . ."
"Basher, wait . . ."
There was something wrong, something about him, about the female . . . Oh, God!
They were a different species! He was black and gold with a shell that frilled
out at the back, they were pale brown shaped in a perfect hump. . . . I ran
after him. "Wait! They're a different species! Come back, and we'll go on
further. . . ."
"No fear!" His
voice was rapidly diminishing. "This'll do me. Color isn't everything. . .
. Their parts are in the right place!" Tap-tap. "This is far better
than freezing to death! May you all find what you seeeeek. . . ."
When I rejoined the
others, my heart heavy, Gill was listening, his ears cocked. "That tapping
noise: reminds me of the cobbler mending my boots. . . . Is he all right?"
"Yes," I said.
"He has—what he wants." What he thinks he wants, I added to myself.
But there would be no eggs to hatch into little black and gold tortoises: his
would be sterile couplings. Why couldn't he have waited till we found the right
place? And yet, like Traveler, he seemed to be content with a substitute, and
they had both said it was better than being dead. . . .
Were none of us to find
what we really sought, I wondered?
"Half a loaf is
better than none," said the Wimperling unexpectedly. "Especially when
you're hungry."
"Talkin' of bein'
hungry," said Growch: "Ain't we stoppin' for lunch today?"
Chapter Twenty.Two
We had come as far south
as we could, without crossing into another country. As one accommodating monk
explained when next we sought food and lodging (overnight stay in the guesthouse,
sleeping on straw; stew and ale for supper, bread and ale for breakfast and
please leave a donation, however small), our country was a rough square,
bounded to the northeast by one kingdom, the southeast by another and the south
by a third. The other boundaries were sea, but there was still a lot of the
square to explore. He drew everything in the dirt with a stick so I could
Because he was a monk I
told him a bit more of the truth than I had anyone else, and once he understood
I was looking for Gill's home he worked out roughly for me the way we had come,
like the right-hand side of a tall triangle. He suggested that I travel along
the ways that led from east to west till I came to the sea, then either
complete the triangle by going northeast, or bisect it by going straight up the
That seemed good advice,
but there was not only Gill to consider. The Wimperling contemplated for a
moment, then said he had felt no tuggings of place so far, and was content to
continue as I suggested. Growch scratched a lot—warmer weather—and said that as
long as there was food and company he wasn't bothered. But it was Mistral who
was keenest on the idea. She said that the distance south seemed about right,
and if there was a real sea to the west of us, that would be right too.
Not having told Gill
about consulting the others, of course, he was happy enough to fall in with the
idea, so we walked the many miles west during those spring days in a sort of
dreamy vacuum. Mistral became more and more convinced we were heading in the
right direction and I knew I wasn't about to lose Gill, for he had suddenly
recalled that he couldn't see any mountains from his home—which was comforting
to me, as we were leaving the highest ones I had ever seen to our left as we traveled.
The range seemed endless, rearing purple, snow-fanged tips so high that the sun
hid his face early behind them, the shadows stretching cold in our path.
But even the biggest
mountains come to an end, and gradually they sank away the farther west we
traveled. By now we looked like a band of gypsies, brown and weatherbeaten, our
clothes comfortably ragged, although I tried to keep Gill as smart as possible
by trimming his hair and beard regularly, and I kept my hair in its plaits.
Mistral was shedding her winter coat, and I could have stuffed a mattress with
the brown hair that came out in handfuls when I tried to brush her. Growch
evaded all attempts to wash, brush or trim anything.
But it was the
Wimperling that was changing faster than anyone else—so much so that his name
seemed too childish to fit the long-as-me-and-growing-longer animal that
trotted away the miles beside us. He was taller, too, near up to my waist, and
his knobs and protuberances were growing more pronounced as well. The claws on
his hooves were real claws, the tip of his tail more like a spade than ever and
his wings were bigger as well.
He was shy of showing
them off, preferring to flex them behind a tree or large rock or in a dell, but
I saw them once or twice. They resembled bat's wings more than anything else,
but they were proper wings, not extended hands and fingers like the night-flyers.
I began to feel embarrassed in villages or with our fellow travelers, for fear
they would think him some sort of monster and stone him to death, but for some
peculiar reason they seemed to see him as just another rather largish pig: they
even looked at him as if he were much smaller, their eyes seeming to span him
from halfway down and halfway across. It was most peculiar, but the Wimperling
merely said: "They see what they expect to see. . . ."
"But why don't I
see you like that?"
"You wear the Ring."
And quiet it was now, almost transparent, with tiny flecks of gold in its
As he had no objection,
every now and again the pig gave a simple performance in a village square, to
augment our dwindling moneys—nothing fancy, just a bit of tapping out numbers,
no flying, and Gill and I would sometimes literally sing for our suppers.
Growch disappeared a
couple of times—I caught a glimpse of him once on the skyline at the very tail
end of a procession of dogs (five hounds, two terriers, three other mongrels),
following some bitch in season, but he had little success, I gathered, spending
more time fighting for a place in the queue than actually performing. Being so
small, he was a master of infighting, but he would have needed a pair of steps
to most of the females he coveted. He remembered with nostalgia the two little
bitches with plumed tails he had successfully seduced way back.
"Don't make them
like that round here. Some day, p'raps . . ."
I hoped so. Fervently.
Then perhaps we would all get some peace.
The terrain became
flatter, more wooded, and every day I peered ahead to try for my first glimpse
of the sea. Now and again I thought I caught a teasing reminder of that
evocative sea smell, and Mistral was forever throwing up her head and snuffing
the breeze. Now she had shed her winter coat she was a different creature. Her
coat was creamy white, her mane and tail long and flowing, and the sharp bones
of haunch and rib were now covered with flesh. Her step was jauntier, her chest
deeper, her head held high and proud; she was no longer just a beast of burden,
and sometimes in the mornings when I loaded her up I felt a little guilty, as
though I were asking a lady to do the tasks of a servant.
At last one morning she
sniffed the air for a full five minutes, and she was trembling. "It is
here," she said. "Over the next ridge, you will see . . ."
And there, glittering in
the morning light, some five miles or so distant across flat, marshy land, was
her ocean.
"You are
"I am certain. This
is the place. This is where I came from."
I looked more carefully
and there, sure enough, some two miles away, were other horses, mostly white,
some with half-grown brown colts, grazing almost belly-deep in grass. Perhaps
because we were not as high as when we had seen Basher's Great Water, this sea
seemed different: steely, clear, sharp against the horizon. And the smell was
subtly different, too; colder and saltier.
"Right," I
said, my heart strangely heavy. "Let's go and find your people,
Princess." And taking Gill's hand I followed the sure-footed Mistral
towards the shore. As we drew nearer the sands, I could see that the grassy
stretches I had taken for meadows were in fact only wide strips of green, full
also of daisies, dent-de-lions, buttercups and sedge, bisected by narrow
channels of water, so that the ground was sometimes treacherous underfoot and
we had to take a circuitous path.
Growch took a flying
leap into the first channel we came to, after what looked like a bank vole,
which disappeared long before we hit the water, and we had to spend the next
five minutes or so fishing him out, as the banks were too high for a scramble.
When he finally landed he was soaking wet and, choking and hawking and
spitting, he managed to let us know that the water was: "salty as dried
'erring, and twice as nasty!"
Now we were in a marshy
bit—it didn't seem to bother Mistral, and for the first time I noted that her
hooves were wider than usual in a horse—and Gill and I took off our shoes and
boots, squelching with every step. The Wimperling and Growch were even worse
off, and when the horse noticed our difficulty she led us off to the right and
firmer ground, through a thicket of bamboo twice as tall as Gill.
At last we emerged on a
firm stretch of sand and there in front of us was the sea, stretching on right
and left as far as the eye could see. From here I could see whitecapped waves
that looked like the fancy smocking on a shirt, but moving towards us all the
time, like never-ending sewing. A cool breeze lifted the hair from my hot
forehead and flared Mistral's tail and mane.
I lifted the packs from
her back, undid the straps and took off the bridle, laying them down on the
sand. Strange: I had never thought how we were to manage our burdens when she
was gone; share them out, I supposed now. I looked at the pile with growing
dismay—we had taken her bearing of our goods so much for granted.
"There you
are," I said. "You're free now. . . ."
In a moment she was
flying across the ribbed sand away from us and towards the foam-fringed edges
of the sea, then turning and galloping along the shoreline, her hooves sending
up great gouts of water until she was soaked and streaming. Then she came
thundering back and wheeled round us, her hooves whitening the sand as they
drove out the water, the prints hesitating before they darkened again into
hoof-shaped pools.
"This is
wonderful," she neighed. "It's been so long, so long. . . . And now
I'm free, free, free!" and away she galloped again, until she was only a
speck on the horizon.
I sighed. Was that the
last we would see of her?
"Let's walk down to
the sea," I said to the others. "I have a fancy to paddle. And I want
to taste it, too. I've never done either."
It was farther than I
thought, nearer a mile than a half, but the long walk was worth it once I got
there, for it entranced all my senses. The regular shush, shush, shush as the
waves broke on the shore like a slow-beating heart, the faraway scream of a sea
bird; the limitless horizon seeming to curve down at either side as if the
world were round; the unutterably strange and pleasurable feeling of walking
along the water's edge, the yielding sand spurting up between my toes, the
sharp taste of salt on my tongue, the smell of water and mud and weed . . .
I stepped into the water
and it lapped around my ankles like the warm tongue of a calf or pup. I had
been so certain it would be cold that I threw away all caution and kilted up my
skirt till my behind was bare and waded further in, until the water was round
my knees, up to my thighs. I lifted my skirts higher, and now it was round my
waist, but also noticeably colder, too.
Suddenly I began to feel
the power of the sea. What at first had been a gentle push against my knees, my
thighs, now became a more insistent thrust against the whole of my body. At
first the sensation was pleasurable, then a stronger wave actually lifted me
from my feet, knocked me off balance, and I tipped back into the water.
Help! I was drowning!
There was a roaring in my ears, my hair was floating round my face, I swallowed
a mouthful of water, I couldn't breathe, I didn't know which way was up.
Desperately I flailed with my arms, paddled with my legs and, perhaps five
seconds later, though it felt like forever, I was once more standing upright. I
coughed and choked, dribble running from my mouth and nose, my eyes stinging,
my ears still bubbling and popping.
As soon as I had pulled
myself together I turned to wade back to the others—but they were miles away!
Surely they had been nearer than that? Now I could see Gill waving, apparently
calling my name, saw Growch shaking with barks, the Wimperling running up and
down the shoreline anxiously, but I could hear nothing for the freshening
breeze, which was whistling in my ears and making the waves angry, so that they
swished past me with foam on their tips.
I set off towards the
others as fast as I could, but I was now hampered with the drag of wet clothes,
and fast as I tried to go the sea seemed to beat me, and I could see the others
retreating even as I watched. The water was definitely pushing hard at me now,
even when I was only thigh and knee deep, and twice I nearly stumbled and fell,
but at last it was only round my calves, and I thought I was safe. But then
came another hazard; as I reached the shoreline the waves no longer pushed,
they pulled, scooping back from where they broke and drawing the sand with them
so that I almost lost my feet again.
At last I stood on firm
sand, chilled to the bone and shivering violently.
Gill groped towards the
sound of my heavy breathing. "Are you all right? You were gone such a long
time. . . ."
"Look just like a
drowned rat," said Growch, with relish.
"I can't
swim," said the Wimperling, "else I would have come in after you.
Come on, we'd better get going: the tide's coming in fast."
"What's that?"
I asked, wringing the water from my hair and skirt as best I could.
"The very thing
that means you were on dry sand a moment ago and now are standing in water
again," he said, retreating as the water washed over his hooves.
"Twice a day the sea comes in, twice a day it goes out. That is a tide.
Hurry, there's a way to go till we're safe."
We set off at a brisk
walk, the sun and breeze soon drying my exposed skin, though my bodice was damp
and my skirt flapped in dismal, wet folds, irritating skin already chapped by
salt and sand. The latter had even got between my teeth, making them grind
unpleasantly together.
The Wimperling was
right: the tide was coming in very fast, and the haven of the fields ahead was
still a long way away. We trudged on through sand that seemed to drag at our
feet like mud, till my legs were aching and Growch was whimpering away to
himself, lifting his feet more and more reluctantly. At last I picked him up
and tucked him under my arm, only to have him grumble about my wet clothes.
"Shut up, or I'll
put you down!" I threatened. Turning round I glanced back at the sea, to
comfort myself that it was at least as far behind us as the fields were ahead,
meaning we had come at least half way. To my horror the creeping water was only
some twenty yards behind us, creaming forward inexorably like a brown flood.
Surely we had not stood still? Even as I watched the next wave spread within a
few yards of us. The tide . . .
"Run!" I
yelled. "Run!" and I grabbed Gill with my free hand. As we stumbled
along I saw we were at last keeping pace with the sea, it was no longer gaining
on us, thank God! But now, on either side of us I could see arms of water
creeping to surround us; with relief I realized the fields were much nearer, I
could see the shrubs tossing in the wind, the heap of our belongings. . . . I
slackened speed nearly there.
The Wimperling and
Growch had galloped ahead as Gill and I caught our breath, but now I saw them
come to a sudden stop, Growch running from side to side and barking
hysterically. I pulled Gill forward again and my heart gave a sudden lurch of
fear: ahead of us, cutting us off from safety, a swirling mass of water frothed
and bubbled and roiled, growing wider and deeper by the second. To either side
the arms of water encircled us and behind the tide raced to catch us up.
We were trapped!
Chapter Twenty.Three
I was riveted with fear
and panic, terrified of coming into contact with that suffocating water again.
"Gill, we're cut
off by the tide: can you swim?" I was unable to keep the panic from my
He shook his head.
"I don't think so. . . . Is it that bad?"
"Yes, and getting
worse every minute!" I glanced back: the water was flooding towards us,
and now we had to retreat a step or two from the flood in front as it bubbled
and frothed. Without being asked Growch and the Wimperling dashed off in different
directions to see if there was any escape to left or right, but returned within
a few moments to report we were entirely cut off.
Now we were marooned on
a strip of sand some hundred yards long and twenty wide, and it was getting
smaller by the second.
"We shall have to
try and wade across," I said firmly, twisting the ring on my finger to
give me courage: strangely enough it was not emitting any warning signals; a
little bit warmer than usual, with a light throbbing, that was all. We must be
all right: we would be all right, please God! "The water can't be
all that deep. Dogs can swim, Growch, so you'll be all right. Now's the time to
find if you can paddle as well as you can fly, pig dear." I tried to
smile, but it was difficult. "Right, Gill: keep tight hold. Off we
The animals plunged in
ahead of us gamely enough, Growch's legs going like a centipede, but the
swirling currents were making a nonsense of him swimming in anything but
circles, until I saw the Wimperling, who had floundered a couple of times,
suddenly spread his wings and float like a raft. He came up alongside the dog,
who grabbed his tail in its teeth and then they headed in the right direction.
I pulled Gill into the
water, but as soon I did so I knew we had no chance. The water deepened after
less than a couple of steps and the swirling water clutched at our legs, so
that we had to lean sideways as if in a great subterranean wind. We couldn't
swim and we couldn't float, and as soon as we took another step we were
immersed up to our shoulders, our legs flailing helplessly in the water. I lost
hold of Gill and we were swept apart, choking and gasping. I grasped his tunic
and we were swept together again and somehow we managed to scramble back to our
"island" again, now half its size.
I clutched the ring on
my finger, shaking so hard it nearly slipped from my fingers. "Help us,
please help us. . . ."
Across the widening
stretch of water I saw the dog and the pig struggle out of the water and flop
down on the sand, completely exhausted. Thank God, they at least were safe.
Gill was muttering a prayer, but prayers were a last resort: surely there must
be something we could do? If only there was something we could
cling to and paddle across, if only the tide would suddenly turn—
I gazed around wildly,
and suddenly saw what seemed like an apparition racing through the water
towards us from our left, throwing up great clouds of spray as it came.
"Mistral! Gill,
it's all right, it's all right! Mistral's coming!"
She arrived with a snort
and a skid of hooves, her body flowing with water.
"I heard your call.
. . ." The ring on my finger gave a sudden throb. "I should have
warned you about the tides. Quick, follow me: it's shallower this way."
She led us at a trot to a place where the water was wider, but I could see none
of the eddies and swirls of deep currents. "It will only be a short swim
this way; wade out as far as you can, one on either side of me, and then hold
fast to my mane when I tell you." I told Gill what we were going to do,
guided his hand to her neck, and after that it was easy, taking only a few
minutes to cross what had once seemed impossible, her warmth and steadiness
against me giving me back all my confidence, so that once we were safe I flung my
arms about her neck and gave her a big hug.
"Thanks, Princess
Mistral, thanks a million times!" Once the word "princess"
applied to the tatty, broken-down horse I had first known was nothing more than
a joke, but now it was nothing more or less than the truth. She was utterly
changed from the swaybacked skinny creature who had trudged the roads with us,
head down: now she was white as the foam of the sea, sleek as the waves; her
eyes were bright, her neck arched, her long mane and tail like curtains of mist.
"You are so beautiful now. . . ."
"Thanks to
"I did nothing. . .
"You rescued me,
healed my hurts, fed me, talked to me and burdened me but lightly. I am
grateful to you. And now . . ."
"And now you must
go and join your kin. We shall miss you." I had seen out of the corner of
my eye a mixed herd of horses, colts and foals, led by a great white stallion,
moving across the fields to the reeds and shallows. She neighed once and the
stallion flung up his head. She turned to me. "Make for that clump of
trees; keep to the higher ground. You will be safe now. Remember me: and may
you all find what you seek!" And she was gone, cantering up to the other
horses and wheeling into the middle of the herd.
She was full-grown now,
but I saw with a stab of pity how much smaller she was than the other mares.
Her hard life had stunted her growth. Would the great stallion consider mating
with one so undersized? Could she carry a foal to full term and deliver it
successfully? To me she was the most beautiful of all those beautiful horses,
but would they see it that way?
My eyes filled with
tears. It was the tortoise and the pigeon repeated again. Why could not their
lives be as perfect as they deserved? One robbed of his home and forced to
fight a wilder existence, another living in the wrong place, and now one
handicapped among her peers by the life she had been forced to lead. If these
were to be the precedents, then what in the world would happen to Growch, the
Wimperling, Gill and me?
"We keep thirty
horses in the stables," said Gill suddenly. "My stallion is called
Fleetfoot, but I take Dainty when I go falconing. My tiercel kills rooks and we
. . ." He trailed off. "I forget. . . ."
I opened my mouth but
was interrupted by Growch's salt-roughened bark. "Better get 'ere quick!
The blankets is soaked and yer pots and pans is floating out to sea. . .
* * *
Midsummer's Day, and we
were no nearer finding Gill's home. Yet there seemed no hurry. Deceived by a
summer dreaminess we drifted down tiny lanes and dusty highways, the former
further drowsing us with the honey-sweet scent of hawthorn and showering us in
the pale petals of the hedge rose, the latter a patchwork of blinding white
road and the black shadow of forest.
Everywhere color
brightened the eye; scarlet poppies shaking out their crumpled petals,
gold-hearted daisy and camomile, creamy elder and sweet cecily, sky-blue
lungwort, vinca and chicory, pink mallow and bindweed, white asphodel, purple
vetches. And all the greens in the world: willow, beech, oak, ash, pine, fir,
reed, duckweed, grass, ground elder, horsetail, clover, moss, nettle, sorrel,
ivy, bracken—grey-green, red-green, blue-green, yellow-green, shock-green and
baby green: both a stimulus and a soothing to the eyes. There was color, too,
in the myriads of butterflies, in the dragon- and damsel-flies and even in the
barbaric stripes of wasp and hornet.
The spring shrillness of
the birds had abated somewhat; at one end of their scales was the brisk morning
chirping of sparrows scavenging hay and straw for seeds and the faraway bubble
of ascending larks; in the middle, hot afternoons held the sleepy croon of wood
pigeons and the evening sky rang with the high scream of swifts scything the
sky. We passed lakes and ponds where frogs barked like terriers and sudden
splashes marked the recklessness of mating fish; whirring grasshoppers sprang
from beneath our feet, bees and hummingbird hawk moths droned like bagpipes,
cicadas sawed away incessantly and great June Dugs racketed clumsily by.
We were surrounded, too,
by the particular scents of summer; not just the dried dung and dust of the
highways, the pungent smells of grass and leaves after rain, the thin,
evocative perfume of wildflowers, but sudden surprises: a pinch of fresh mint,
crush of thyme and rosemary underfoot, warm river water, salty smells of fresh
sweat, the clean smell of drying linen, the oily smell of resin from fresh-cut
logs stacked to dry for winter and the gentle, fading scent of drying hay.
Different tastes, too.
Salads instead of stew, fresh meat instead of salted, plenty of eggs and milk,
newly brewed ale. Fish and eel and shellfish from the rivers, butter and cheese
so light they had practically no taste at all. A deal of vegetables I could
collect myself from the fields and woods: hop tips, ground elder, duckweed,
dent-de-lion, nettle, wood sorrel, broom buds, ash keys, young bracken fronds
and the leaves of wild strawberry and violet. Chopped up with a little oil and
salt and eaten with a hunk of cheese and fresh rye bread it made a feast.
Not that we were short
of food. If there was a fair, a saint's day or a local fiesta, out would come
my pipe and tabor and Gill would sing, Growch would "dance for the
lady," answer yes or no and "die for his country." My
instructions to him were simple enough; the "dance" consisted of him
chasing his tail, yes and no barking once or twice, nodding or shaking his
head— "bend your head down as if you had fleas under your chin, shake your
head as if you had mites in your ears—you haven't, have you?"—and dying
was merely lying down and pretending to go to sleep. But he had a short
attention span, and if we really wanted to bring in more than a few coppers
then the Wimperling would do some of his tricks.
He was still
growing—which was just as well, for he was needed to share with Gill and me the
carrying of our bundles—but still people saw him as smaller than he was: in
fact one traveler accused us of overloading him! But he was looking at a pig he
expected to see, as the Wimperling reminded me, not the giant he had become.
June became a warm,
thundery July. Once I had decided that Gill's home must lie farther north—for
he had not recognized many of the plants I had described to him, nor the
terrain this far south—I led them first east northeast then west northwest as
best my judgment and the countryside would allow, trying to cover both the
left-hand side of the triangle the monk had described and the bisection of the
whole at one and the same time.
Gill was recalling more
and more as the days went by; little inconsequential things for the most part,
like a favorite tapestry; the pool where they bred carp for the table, the time
he was scraped by a boar's tusk—sure enough, there was a crescent scar on his
thigh. Once or twice he did remember facts relevant to our search. I already
knew there were no mountains, I realized that if he went falconing for rooks
his home was probably surrounded by fields of grain crops and there must be
woodland or forest for both the birds and wild boar; now he talked of the Great
Forest half a day's ride across the plain where once the king had hunted. Which
king? He shook his head. He also spoke of the wide and lazy river that curved
round the estate, but again a name meant nothing.
So we were looking for a
province of plains, rivers and forests, and as he never spoke of the sea we
didn't travel too far west and kept the mountains to a distance. I continued to
question people we met and showed them the sketch I had made of Gill's
escutcheon, also the scrap of silk I had kept, but they all shrugged their
shoulders and shook their heads.
The breakthrough, when
it came, was entirely unexpected.
We had lodged on the
outskirts of a largish town overnight, on the promise of celebrations for St.
Swithin on the following day. There was to be a fair in the marketplace and
dancing in the church yard, plus the usual roasts. I groomed both Growch and
the Wimperling thoroughly, a ribbon round the neck of one, the tail of the
other. The skies remained clear and as long as the prayers at Mass that morning
were efficacious, it would remain that way until harvest, so the superstition
We did well in the
marketplace, for folk were happy at the prospect of a good harvest, and wished
to relax and enjoy themselves. There were other attractions of course, but a
counting pig was still a novelty, and I collected enough coins that afternoon
and early evening to keep us going for a week or two.
As it grew dusk, great
torches were stuck in the ground and lanterns hung from the branches of the
trees, and the people gathered to dance away an hour or so as the lamb
carcasses turned slowly on the spits set in a corner of the square. A traveling
band—bagpipes, two shawm, a fiddle, trumpet, pipe and tabor and a girl singer
with a tambourine—performed for the dancers. Round followed reel and back
again, until the dust was soon rising from the ground with the pounding and
stamping of feet, jumps and twirls. When they paused for breath jugs of ale
were brought out from the nearest tavern, and enterprising bakers sent their
assistants round with trays of pies and sweetmeats.
As Gill couldn't see to
dance I had not joined in, though my feet were tapping impatiently to the
music. During one of the intervals I brought out the Wimperling again for a few
more coins, then went and joined the line for slices of roast lamb and bread.
Afterwards we sat for a while longer, watching and listening. As the evening
wore on and it became quite dark, one by one the dancers dropped out,
exhausted; couples snuggled up to one another in the shadows, children fell
asleep in their parents' laps, babies were suckled, dogs snapped and snarled
over the scraps, the church bells sounded for nine o'clock and some went in to
pray. Somewhere a nightingale provided a soft background for the girl with the
tambourine to sing simple, sad songs of love, of longing, of childhood.
She sang without other
accompaniment than her tambourine, just an occasional tap or shake to emphasize
a word, a phrase. She sang as if to herself and to listen seemed almost like
eavesdropping. It was so soothing that I found myself nodding off, and was just
about to gather us all together and find our lodgings, when Gill suddenly gave
a great start as though he had been bitten.
"That song . . .
Song? A sentimental song
of swallows, eternal summer, of home. One I had never heard before, with a
plaintive descending refrain.
"What about
But he wasn't listening
to me, and when she started on the second verse, to my amazement he joined in,
at first hesitantly, as though he had difficulty remembering the words, then
more confidently. At first they sang in unison, then he took the harmony in the
last verse.
"The sun is warm, the wind is soft,
O'er wood and plain, house and croft;
I long to wake again at dawn,
In the land where I was born. . . ."
Gill looked as though he
had awakened from a dream and to my embarrassment I saw that tears were pouring
down his cheeks. He rose to his feet.
"The singer . . .
Take me to her!"
But she had come over to
us. "Congratulations, stranger: you sing well. But where did you learn
that song?" Close to she was no girl. The paint on her cheeks, eyes and
mouth had disguised at a flattering torchlit distance that she must be at least
thirty. "I had thought no one outside my own province knew it. Do you come
from there?"
Gill stretched out his
hand to her, and it was shaking. Quickly I explained his condition and that we
sought his home, and this was the first real clue we had had.
"Tell me, are there
great plains, a big river, forests, much grain growing?" I was trying to
remember all Gill had recalled.
"Assuredly the land
is flat. There are cattle, many fields of grain, great orchards—"
"Apples," said
Gill. "And plum and cherry."
She glanced at him.
"You are right. And there are wide rivers, and forests stretching as far
as the eye can see. Can you not remember your name, now?"
He shook his head.
"But I know that is where I come from," and his voice was strong with
a confidence I had never heard in him before. "My nurse taught me that
song when I was scarce out of the cradle." He turned to me. "That is
the way we must go, don't you see? Oh, Summer, take me there, take me
there!" And now his tears were spilling down onto the skin of my arm, warm
as summer rain.
"Of course we
will!" I turned to the singer. "Thank you so much, you don't know how
much this means! We have been searching for nine months, so far. . . . Here, do
you recognize this emblem?" and I pulled the scrap of silk from my purse.
She peered at it,
listened to what else I could recall of it, but shook her head regretfully.
"No, but it is a large country. I come from the southeast, but your—your
friend may well live to the north and west. But you can ask again when you get
"How far away is
it?" asked Gill eagerly. "How long will it take us?"
She shook her head
again. "Straight, I do not know. Many days. You will have to ask my
husband. We travel as the will and the weather take us, following as best we
can fairs and feast days, the larger towns." She turned and beckoned, and
the short, dark man who had been playing the fiddle joined us.
Once she had explained
he, too, shook his head. "It lies to the northwest of here, but I can give
you no direct route. If you head that way, and take the better roads, it might
take a month, perhaps two. It depends on the roads, the weather, your pace, as
you must know. If you are lucky, you will reach there in time for
"The best time of
the year," murmured Gill. "Great feasts, hunting songs, dancing . . .
We must start at dawn."
"Yes, yes, of
course," I said. "But now we must sleep. In this weather it's better
to travel early and late and rest at midday—"
"But not for long!
I could walk a hundred miles without rest if I knew home was at the end of
it!" Gone was the often sad, sometimes complaining man I had known: here
was an impatient young man with hope in his face, as eager for tomorrow as any
The singer and her
husband wished us luck, and I emptied the day's takings into her hand.
"Pray that this time we were heading in the right direction. . . ."
Gill fell asleep as soon
as he lay down in the straw of the stable we occupied that night; all the way
back he had been humming the song that had awakened his memory, but I could not
sleep. I tossed and turned restlessly. Outside a full moon shone through the
gaps in the planking of the walls, its pale light seeming to touch my closed
lids whichever way I turned on the rustling straw. I told myself I was relieved
we knew the way at last, how happy I was for Gill; in a month, two at most, he
would be restored to his family, and my responsibility towards him would end.
Then I would be free to pursue my original objective and find a safe,
respectable husband and a comfortable home.
And at that happy
prospect, I cried myself to sleep.
Chapter Twenty.Four
It took us exactly six
We departed at dawn on
the day after St. Swithin's and arrived on the feast day of Saints Cosmos and
Damien. It was a long, hard trek, with a hotter August and early September than
I could remember. At home with Mama, of course, I was not exposed to the
merciless heat of an open road; I had been able to take my ease under the trees
in the forest, once my chores were done, and perhaps cool my feet in the river.
Even at night we sometimes slept with the door open, the goat tethered nearby
to challenge any intruder and give us time to bolt the door.
But now I was walking
all day—at least the hours between dawn and two in the afternoon, and then
again for a couple of hours in the evenings. Often there were no trees to shade
our path, no streams or rivers to cool our feet or to bathe in. In fact water
became scarcer the farther we traveled, and often they had none to spare in the
villages we passed through. I bought another flask and filled it when I could,
sometimes walking a good way cross-country to find a river, after spying out
the land to find the telltale signs of willow, shrub and reed which marked its
I think the flies were
the biggest nuisance. Somehow they always managed to find us, great tickling,
annoying things, alighting on any part of our exposed bodies to suck the salty
moisture from our skins. They buzzed, they clustered, they crawled; other
insects, midges, mosquitos, horseflies and wasps stung also, and unless one
flailed ones arms like a windmill all day long, or waved a switch cut from the
hedgerows, one was irritated to say the least and, more usually, infuriated and
exhausted by nightfall, for they wouldn't even let us alone during the
afternoon rest.
No food could be left
uncovered for more than a moment because it was immediately attacked. I had
never particularly disliked any insect before, except perhaps for the ugly
black cockroaches that scuttled and tapped around fireplaces at night, but now
I had a personal vendetta against any fly, wasp, hornet, midge, mosquito,
horsefly or ant in the country. Gill was not as badly affected as I was—perhaps
he didn't taste as good—and Growch's thick coat protected most of him, although
he was regularly infested with sheep ticks, which were as difficult to dislodge
as body lice.
Strangely enough, they
all left the Wimperling well alone.
All around us the
country was getting ready for harvest. In the south the grapes were swelling
and coloring, often on land that looked too arid to support anything, and we
passed olive and orange trees that looked ready for picking, but as we headed
north it was the grain that caught the eye and the orchards of apple and
espaliered pears that promised delights to come. It was a bounteous time in the
woods and wayside, too, and many a skirt of raspberries and blackberries I
gathered. Hips, haws and hazelnuts had a month or so to go, but the autumn
mushrooms and fungi were coming to their best.
The drought dried many
of the ponds and streams that would have provided fish, and sheep and cattle
were being fattened for the winter salting, poultry were wilting in the heat
and there was little milk, but we managed, though I could feel the lighter
clothes I wore were hanging looser by the day, and Gill and Growch looked
leaner and fitter. Not so the Wimperling.
He still appeared to eat
anything and everything with gusto and to my eyes was bigger than a small pony
and no longer as pig-like as before, though it was difficult to say exactly
what he did resemble. One day I took a piece of the rope we used for tying our
bundles and surreptitiously measured him as he lay snoozing. From stem to stern
he was as long as Gill was tall, and, if my calculations were right, near as
much around the middle.
"No, you're not
imagining things," he said, opening one eye. "I'm growing. A lot of
it is the wings, though."
I was so startled I
dropped the piece of rope. "Wings?"
"Round the middle.
Look." And he rose to his hooves and slowly, lazily, extended his left
wing. What I had taken for fat was in fact a combination of the wing itself and
the disguising pouch he hid it under, grown larger with its contents. The wing
itself now extended some five feet away from his body, a warm, living extension
of himself, lifting in the slight breeze of evening. "See?"
"I still don't
understand how everyone else sees you as small," I said helplessly, more
shocked by the revelation than I cared to say. "When—when will you stop
"I told you: people
see what they expect, and to help that I think pig." He didn't answer the
second question, I noticed. Perhaps he didn't know.
This was a silly
conversation, and I decided to be silly, too. "So if I wanted people to
believe me beautiful, all I would have to do was think it?"
"Matthew the
merchant thought you were beautiful. . . ."
"But I didn't try
and make him think so!"
"So perhaps you are
"Rubbish! My mother
always said—"
"You shouldn't
believe all she said. Many mothers tell their daughters they are plain in order
to steal their beauty for themselves. Think yourself ugly and unattractive and
you will be."
"My mother wouldn't
have done a thing like that!" Would she? No, of course she wouldn't. That
would have been cruel. Besides I must have been ugly: I was never considered as
her replacement when she died. Then had I thought myself ugly, as he was
suggesting? No, I remembered my reflection in the river: fat,
double-treble-chinned, mouthless, eye-less, disgusting. "Anyway, I'm fat,
gross, obese." These at least were true.
"Was what?"
"Fat. Didn't you
boast once to your knight about how well you were fed by your imaginary
family?" How did he know I hadn't been telling the truth? "You said
your mother fed you with all the greatest delicacies; it sounded more like
force-feeding, and you were the Michaelmas goose. That was another way to make
you less attractive than she was. No competition."
"Nonsense! She
wouldn't have done a thing like that! It would be wicked!" Why, she had
loved me so much she had had me educated for the best in the land, and could
not then bear for me to leave her to seek a husband!
Apparently the
Wimperling could read my mind. "Most men don't choose their spouses for
their education. A pretty face goes further than being able to construe Latin.
Child-bearing hips and a still tongue go even farther. And a dowry, of course .
. ."
"I have that!"
I said, stung with anger. "My father left it for me."
"All of it? Or was
some of it gone? And did your mother show you it?"
"No, but—"
"Exactly. Another
five years as her slave and there would have been no dowry left, only a grossly
fat woman tied irrevocably to her mother's side, a useless human being who
could hold a pen, add two and two, sew a seam, cook a meal—and eat most of
it—and who would have had ideas far above her station. When your mother died
you would have been released from your bondage only to starve, or become a kitchen
slut. You would have been the pig, not I!"
"But she didn't
know she was going to die!" I flung back at him. "She—she thought she
would live a long, long time, and . . . and . . ."
"I know that, don't
get angry. I don't suppose for a moment she realized how selfish she was: she
just didn't want to lose you. But she went about it all the wrong way. There
are people like that, so scared of losing the ones they love that they cling to
them like ivy on a wall, not realizing that you have to let go to retain."
I thought about it: poor
Mama, she should have realized I would never leave her. If she had found me a
husband I would have been happy for her to live with us, or at least have a
house nearby.
"But I'm not like
that now," I said, subdued. "Life is very different on the road. . .
"Yes, and thank the
gods for that! But mostly you have your father and the ring he left you to be
grateful for."
"My father? The
"He bequeathed a
ring to the child he would never see, a ring he knew he could no longer wear
because he did not deserve it. It probably served him well in earlier years,
but his life must have been such that the ring shed itself from his finger. The
ring on your finger—diluted by age and wearing—is part of a Unicorn, and as
such cannot be worn by anyone undeserving of its protection."
How did he know all
Again he seemed to read
my mind. "Because your tumbled thoughts spill out into the wind sometimes,
and before you have a chance to catch them back I can pattern them in my mind.
Better than you, sometimes. Besides, I can sense the power. Unicorns—and
witches and warlocks, wizards and dragons, fairies and elves, trolls and
ogres—are become unfashionable in this modern world of ours. Yet all are still
there, if you look for them or need them, although their power is greatly
diminished by man's indifference and disbelief. One day they will disappear
altogether, and the world will be a sadder place."
I looked down at the
ring on the middle finger of my right hand. A sliver of horn, almost transparent,
nearly indistinguishable from the flesh it clung to. And yet it had served me
well. How else would I have been able to communicate with the others, the
animals? I should have rejected Growch, probably misused Mistral, would not
have been able to mend Traveler, never heard Basher in his cold misery. And
what of the Wimperling himself? Would he not still be a showman's toy if the
ring had not sharpened my pity when I heard his cry for help? Or dead?
One way or another, the
ring had given them all another chance: me too.
* * *
The farther north we
traveled, the more soldiery we came across. Not fighting, just minding their
own business: wars were things that happened all the time. Some soldiers were
quartered in the villages we went through, and there food was scarce: for
whatever king, lord or seigneur they served made it a practice to utilize their
subjects to supply their troops. Cheaper than having them loll around the
castles idle, and out on the borders they were nearer the action, if and when
it came.
Apparently no one had
fought any battles for at least three years but rumors were rife of imminent
attacks here, there and everywhere and hostilities were expected any time. I
began to wonder if we should find Gill's home under siege or razed to the ground,
but said nothing of my fears, for each day he grew more and more tense, fuller
of longing to see his home again—for he was sure, too, that once back his sight
would return also.
"It is a fine
place, Summer: not a fortress, more a fortified manor house, as I recall. . . .
I seem to remember my nurse's name was Brigitte. I think my mother was as tall
as my father, but very thin. . . . We have lots of hounds. I seem to remember a
friend called Pierre. I don't think I enjoyed my lessons. . . ." And so
I tried to keep him as
clean, shaved and smart as I could, just in case we suddenly came across
someone who recognized him, for I remembered only too well how magnificently he
was dressed and accoutered that never-to-be-forgotten day when he had asked me the
way to the High Road. Now I doubted even his mother would recognize him, in
spite of my care. I bought a length of linen and made him a tunic that reached
mid-calf, as befitted his station, but kept it hidden till the time was right.
When the light lingered in the evenings I would take it out, to complete the
key pattern I was edging the hem and side slits with, in a blue to match his
beautiful, blind eyes. . . .
One August morning,
around ten of the clock, we came to a confused halt, we and the dozen or so we
were traveling with, for ahead of us the highway, which had broadened out
considerably during the last few days, was now blocked by a formidable line of
the military. A caravan ahead of us had also been halted, for beasts were
already tethered for foraging by the side of the road, carts and wagons were
drawn up in orderly rows, their occupants either resting or arguing with the
captain of the troops, with much gesticulating and nodding and shaking of
Whatever it was, it
obviously meant delay. Seating Gill in the shade, I pushed my way forward,
asking first one and then the other the reason for the delay, but got only
confused replies. "It's the war. . . . Road ahead is blocked. . . . Plague
. . . Robbers and brigands . . ." In the end I approached one of the
ordinary soldiers, relieving himself in a ditch some way away from the others,
a bored expression on his face. I remembered what the Wimperling had said about
thinking oneself into what people expected to see, so I tried to project myself
as pretty.
"Excuse me,
captain. . . ." He turned, shook off the drops and tucked himself in
again. I saw the boredom on his face replaced with interested speculation.
Perhaps it was working!
"Yes, missy? How
can I help you?" His gambeson was food- and sweat-stained, he hadn't
shaved for days, his iron cap was missing and his hose full of holes. Most of
his teeth were rotting or gone, and he spoke with a thick, clipped lisp.
I smiled sweetly.
"I can make neither head nor tail of what is going on, sir, so bethought
me to seek one out who surely would." Mama had taught me how to flatter.
"One can tell at a glance those worth talking to." I smiled again.
"A man of experience such as yourself must surely know everything. . .
It worked. He grinned
self-consciously, then with a quick look over his shoulder to where his captain
was still waving his arms about and shouting, he settled the dagger at his belt
and took my arm, drawing me away behind a clump of elder bushes, strutting like
the dung-heap cockerel he was.
"Well, look here,
pretty missy, it's like this. . . ." The Wimperling had spoke true! He had
called me "pretty"! "You knows of course we is at war, has been
for as long as I can remember. . . ."
"But there haven't
been any battles for years. . . ."
"That don't matter
round here. 'Readiness is all,' as the captain says, and we can't afford to
relax for a moment." He spat on the ground. "Arrogant bastard! Thinks
he knows it all because he fought in a couple of campaigns abroad! Still, no
use crossing him. Worth a flogging, that is." He peered at me.
"What's a nice-spoken lass like you doing here, anyways?"
But I was ready for
that. "Traveling north with my father, a spice merchant," I said
quickly, conscious that he had moved closer. "He's over there," and I
pointed in the direction of the still-arguing captain. "He's also trying
to find out what is going on—but I think I am having a better success! Er . . .
I heard somebody say something about a renewal of war?" And that was the
last thing we needed, I thought.
"Not exactly, but
there have been a couple of skirmishes on the border last few days. Still it
puts us on alert, and means the border's closed for a while. Usually it's open
twice a day for trade and barter: they likes the wine and fruits from the
south, we likes their grain, cider and cheese. Everyone gets searched, 'cos
that's enemy territory over there, there's a small toll, and everyone's happy.
Not strictly official, mind . . ." He sucked his teeth. "Still, none
o' that for a week or so." He looked disconsolate: I could imagine in
whose pockets the "tolls" went.
Oh, no! Gill, I was
sure, could not bear to be patient for so long now he was near his home. Our
money was running out, there'd be little food nearby and as for entertaining,
with only the soldier's pay to depend on, we should soon starve.
"Is there no other
way across?"
He turned me round to
face north, taking the opportunity to put his grimy hands round my waist. My
mind shuddered at his touch, my nose wrinkled up at the stinking breath
whistling past my left ear, but I kept my body still. He pointed over my
"See there, that
line o' trees? That's the border between here, what belongs to our king,
and there, what belongs to the king over-water, Steady Eddie, they calls
him. Got quite a bit o' land over here: that's what the battles are about. Road
across goes through the trees. Left there's thick forest for miles, fifty or
so, and their patrols go up and down there day and night." He swiveled me
towards the right. "There's the village. T'other side o' that's the river
what runs into enemy territory. They got their camp on the banks; we patrols
this side, they patrols the other. No way through . . ."
But there had to be:
somehow we must cross that border. From the other travelers I had confirmed
that what lay ahead was indeed Gill's part of this divided country, so for his
sake it was imperative we lingered no longer than was necessary. But how to
evade the patrols? Alone, I might have tried to creep through their lines at
night, especially with Growch to spy ahead, but a blind man was clumsy at the
best of times and the Wimperling's bulk precluded any attempt for the four of
us together.
Successfully evading the
importunate soldier we ate what little we had left and lazed the day away, but
in the evening, to quiet Gill's restlessness, I took him to the tavern in the
village for an indifferent stew and a mug or two of thin ale, together with
half-a-dozen or so other disconsolate travelers.
And there, in that
stuffy, malodorous little ale house, came the answer to our prayers. . . .
Chapter Twenty.Five
“Hullo, Walter! How many
this time? A dozen? Good. Welcome to our side, gents—and lady. . . ."
A trap, a stupid,
miserable trap! All we had thought of was crossing the border, too eager to
question the ease with which our "safe" passage had been procured. If
I had had half the sense I credited myself with we should have been suspicious
from the start and never joined this sorry enterprise.
Thinking back, Walter
the ferryman had been a shifty-looking individual from the start, but his
suggestion of slipping through enemy lines on his raft—at a price—had seemed
like the answer to a prayer to all of us. He said that if we set off around
three in the morning we could drift past the sentries on both sides, and
assured us he had done it many times. Twelve of us had paid the silver coin
demanded, and rushed back to gather up our belongings. The Wimperling said that
nothing in the world would get him on a raft, he would spread his wings and float
past, and Growch said that if he couldn't slip past a sentry or two we could
chuck him in the river. Next time . . .
The raft nearly tipped
twice, although the river was low and sluggish, for most of the other
passengers were frightened of the water and didn't heed instructions to keep to
the center and be still, but rushed from side to side, imperiling us all. The
boatmen poled us out from the bank with a suck and a slurp and a pungent smell
of mud, and once all was settled we drifted downstream through the oily water.
There was a quarter
moon, few stars and an absence of sound: no wind, no birds. It was warm and
still, the heat of the day still lingering in the heavy air. I trailed my
fingers in the river: water warm as my skin. The banks on either side seemed
All at once the sneaky
Walter started to pole us in towards the bank—surely we couldn't be beyond the
enemy lines yet?—and I could see a makeshift landing stage through the gloom.
The raft slapped against the pilings with a jolt that nearly had us all in the
water, sudden torches flared, a dozen hands pulled us from the craft and hauled
us up on the bank. By the flickering light I could see we were surrounded by
soldiers. Different ones.
said their leader again, snickering. "Line 'em up, lads, and let's see
what they got. . . ."
They relieved us of our
packs and bundles, chuckling and commenting to themselves all the while.
"Sorry-lookin' set o' buggers . . . Which pack belongs to the Jew? Pity
they don' close the border more often. . . . Got a blind 'un here, with 'is
girl. . . ." One of them gave a couple of coins to Walter, our betrayer.
"Bringin' more
"If'n I can con
'em. Two lots if possible. Twenty-four hours'll make 'em keener. Don' let any
o' these slip back to give a warnin'. . . ."
A moment or two later
the Jew broke away from the rest of us and fled into the darkness and another
of our companions jumped into the river, where he foundered and gasped and was
twirled away on the current, flowing faster here, his mouth open on a yell
drowned by a gurgle of water. A moment later he was swept out of sight.
They brought the Jew
back five minutes later. He was unconscious and had obviously been beaten. He
was thrown to the ground and disregarded, while the soldiery enjoyed themselves
opening the packs and sharing out the contents, including our blankets, which
they declared "a fine weave—good against the winter," and promptly
confiscated. Luckily they could find no use for Gill's new tunic, and by the
time they had emptied the other pack they were so surfeited with some golden
spices, oils and unguents, jewelry, embroidered cloth, carved bone figures,
some fine daggers and a silver crucifix that they tossed my pots and pans to
one side. They were momentarily puzzled by my precious Boke, ripped off its
cover looking for a hiding place, then tossed the loose pages into a bush.
Anyone who protested was
beaten quiet. My pens and inks were scattered on the ground but they took what
little food we had, chomping noisily on hastily divided cheese. The ten of us
who could still stand were then searched. Rings were pulled from fingers (mine
went suddenly invisible), brooches unfastened, earrings torn from ears,
embroidered clothes ripped from the owner's back, leather boots pulled off.
Ours were too tatty to bother with. Luckily Gill and I looked so poor that our
search was perfunctory, and they didn't discover the dowry, or the few coins I
had left of ordinary money.
Some of our compatriots
were weeping and wringing their hands, but I held Gill's hand and preserved a
stoical silence. What else could I do? I was worrying about Growch and the
Wimperling, but at least we no longer had Mistral, Traveler and Basher with us:
I could well imagine what would have happened to them if we did.
Searching and scavenging
done, one of the soldiers ran off in the darkness to return a moment or two
later with a man on a horse, obviously in command. There followed what was a
well-rehearsed interchange between the captain and his troops. I don't think it
fooled anyone.
Captain: "What have
we here, then?"
Soldiers: (One, two,
three or seven, it didn't matter which: sometimes they answered singly,
sometimes together, like a ragged chorus. Suffice it to say they all knew their
parts off pat.) "Infiltrators, sir! Crossing the border without
permission, sir!"
Captain: "Have you
examined them and their belongings?"
Soldiers: "Yes,
Soldiers: "All
guilty, sir! Carrying contraband, some of 'em . . ."
Captain: "Let me
see the goods."
Here some of our fellow
travelers tried to protest, but a stave round the legs, a buffet to the jaw
soon silenced them. The captain dismounted and pawed through the heap of
spoils, finally selecting the silver crucifix, one of the more ornamental
daggers, a ring set with a ruby and the gold coins. "Mmmm . . ." He
shook his head. "Obviously stolen goods. I shall have to confiscate these
while further enquiries are made." He carried a big enough pouch to hold
them all. "Now then, men: what is the punishment for spies and
I gripped Gill's hand so
tightly I could feel my ring biting into flesh. One of the other travelers
broke away and flung himself at the captain's knees, scrabbling at his ankles,
sobbing pitifully.
"Mercy, kind sir,
mercy! I have a wife, three children. . . ."
The captain kicked him
away. "So have I, so have the rest of us! You should have thought of that
before you entered a war zone." He rubbed his chin. "Mind you . .
I think we all took an
anxious step forward, for the soldier's voice held a considering tone.
"Mind you . .
." he repeated: "If they were willing to pledge themselves against a
little ransom, as an earnest of their repentance, men, I think we might
reconsider, don't you?"
Immediately the man
still on his knees was joined by three others, all well-dressed, pledging
house, money, jewels, coin or livestock as bribes. The four were led aside into
the darkness, their faces now expressing a hope none of the remainder could hope
to match. The captain gestured at the unconscious Jew. "And him?"
"Caught trying to
run off, sir . . ."
"His baggage?"
"Nothing of
consequence. Papers mostly, sir." The soldier pointed to a scatter of
"Cunning bastard;
not worth the investigation. Get rid of him!"
To my horror two of the
soldiers came forward, picked him up and flung him into the river. A couple of
large bubbles broke the surface and that was all.
The captain surveyed the
rest of us. "Send the rest of them back: let their own side deal with
them." My heart leapt, but I might have known it was just a cruel jest.
"No, wait: they can either enlist with us or work as slaves: give them the
choice." He turned away to remount but one of the soldiers who had been
eyeing me with a leer went over and whispered in his ear. The captain turned
back, beckoned us nearer. "And what have you to say for yourselves?"
He addressed himself to me.
I kept my gaze modestly
lowered, my voice meek. "My blind brother and I are returning home, sir.
We traveled south in a vain attempt to find a cure for him. We live in this
province, we are not spies, and we have spent all our money in doctor's bills.
We are only here because war does not take account of innocent travelers. . .
He stared at me in a
calculating manner. "What was in their baggage?"
One of the soldiers
indicated the scattered pots and pans, the flasks, odd bits of clothing.
"Just these, sir."
"Whereabouts do you
come from? What does your father do?"
I had dreaded such
questioning. "Our—our father is a carpenter. We were sent—" I twisted
the ring on my finger in my agitation and out of nowhere came a name I must
have heard somewhere, sometime I could not recall. "We were sent south
with the recommendation and blessing of Bishop Sigismund of the Abbey of St.
Evroult," I said firmly, and raised my head to look at him straight.
He raised his eyebrows.
"I see. . . . Let them continue their journey." He crossed himself.
"I have no quarrel with the church." He turned away again, but once
more the soldier whispered to him. He turned and looked at me again. "Very
well: I am sure she will cooperate. But no rough stuff, mind." And with
that he remounted and clattered off into the darkness.
The importunate soldier
came over and took my arm, not unkindly. "You come along o' me, you and
your brother."
"Our things . .
." I pointed to the pots and pans.
"Well, pack 'em up,
then," he said impatiently. "Coupla minutes, no more . . ."
Well within that time I
had retrieved everything, even my torn Boke, and tied it into two bundles. The
pans were dented, one of the horn mugs was cracked and one of the flask
stoppers had disappeared, but at least we were alive. The soldier plucked up
one of the torches stuck in the ground and nodded to us to follow, winking at his
fellows as he led us off.
"She'll keep till
later!" one of them yelled, and suddenly I realized the implication of the
captain's words: "I am sure she will cooperate. . . ." and a cold
finger of fear and revulsion touched my spine.
He led us to a broken-down
hut that must once have housed sheep or goats, for the earthen floor was
covered with their coney-like droppings and the place smelled of fusty, damp
wool. There was no place to sit so we huddled against a wall, and he took the
torch with him so we were left in darkness. As we became more used to our
surroundings, however, I could see, through the gaps in the wattle and daub
walls and the rents in the reed thatch, a certain lightening outside: false
dawn preceding the real one.
I tiptoed over to the flap
of skin that served as a door and peeked out. To my right, about ten yards
away, two soldiers sat cross-legged by a small fire, playing dice. No escape
that way. Coming back into the darkness I felt my way round the wall seeking
for a weakness, but apart from a few fist-sized holes there was nothing. If
only we had been able to reach the roof, now, there was—
I nearly leapt out of my
clothes as something damp and cold touched my bare ankle.
"For 'Eaven's sake!
It's only me. . . ."
I knelt down and hugged
him, tacky though he was. "Where've you been? Are you all right? Where's
the Wimperling?"
"'Ush, now! We're
all right. More'n I can say for you . . . Now, listen! I gotta message for you
from the pig." And he told me what they planned to do, but when I started
to question, he shut me up. "No time to argue: we gotta get goin'. Be
light soon," and he slipped out of the door as I felt my way back to Gill
and explained, slinging our packs ready as I spoke.
This time he didn't
argue about talking to animals but shrugged his shoulders fatalistically.
"Just carry on: we couldn't be in a worse position, I suppose."
I felt like saying that
it was me, not him, that was liable to be raped, but thought better of it.
"It'll be all right, I'm sure: just a couple of minutes more. . . ."
It felt like an
eternity, and I kept wiping my hands nervously on my skirt because they were
sweating so much, I pulled Gill over to the doorway with a fast-beating heart
so that we were ready—ready for the shout that came moments later from over to
our left. Peering through a gap in the hide covering I could see a tongue of
flame shoot upwards at the fringes of the forest, some quarter-mile away, then
heard the drumming of hooves from a couple of panicking horses. The two guards
outside leapt to their feet, undecided what to do, but when a second tongue of
flame started to run merrily towards the tents of the soldiery and there were
more galloping hooves, ours abandoned fire and dice and started running towards
the confusion.
Now was our chance.
Grabbing Gill's hand I led him, stumbling, out of the hut and to our right,
where the river should be. It was much closer than I thought and in fact we
nearly fell in, because at the wrong moment I risked a glance behind us, to see
a merry blaze had caught the summer-dry grasses at the fringe of the forest
and, fanned by the dawn breeze, the flames were creeping towards the
encampment. Luckily Gill fell full length as we reached the riverbank, just
before we both plunged down the slope into the water, and a moment later Growch
appeared to lead us further downstream to where a small rowing boat was
tethered in the reeds. Untying the rope I helped Gill aboard, instructed Growch
to jump in, and—
"Where's the
"Right here,"
grunted a hoarse, cindery voice and he rolled up, panting and covered with
smuts. "Don't wait: I'll float. Need to get rid of the smoke . . ."
"You're sure?"
"Just get going!
Push off from the bank, keep your heads down and the boat trimmed."
"Both of you in the
middle. No looking over the side. The current will carry us away from all
It was as he said. I
kicked off from the bank and collapsed in an ungraceful heap at Gill's feet, as
the boat nudged out into the center and found the current. It seemed my knight
had been in boats before, for he told me much the same as the pig: "Sit
down in the middle, Summer, hands on both thwarts—" (thwarts? I presumed
he meant the sides) "—and don't lean over the side, either. That's it. . .
Slowly and surely we
gained speed to almost a walking pace. Over to our left fires were still
burning, accompanied by shouts and curses, but everyone was too busy to have
noticed our defection, and a moment later we swung round a bend in the river,
shaded by trees, and the fire and commotion died away behind us. Gill seemed
calm and content, but I was still terrified of rocking the boat, and
desperately needed to relieve myself. The Wimperling was floating just behind
us, so when I told him he gave the boat a nudge out of the current and I
scrambled ashore, and thankfully ran behind some bushes, while Growch
christened the nearest tree.
"Do we have to go
back?" I asked the pig, gesturing towards the boat, where Gill was happily
trailing his fingers in the water. "I—I feel safer on land."
"Not safe yet.
Besides, we can travel faster by boat."
"We're not going
very fast now," I objected.
"We will, just wait
and see. Back you go. . . ."
We swung out into the
channel again, and I gripped the sides as tight as I could, till my knuckles
turned white with the strain. The Wimperling swam up behind us once more.
"Move towards the
bow—the front—both of you." I told Gill and we both shuffled
forward and it was just as well we did, for a moment later the rear of the boat
tipped down as the pig hooked his useful claws into the broad bit. I thought
for a moment he was going to try and clamber in, but a moment later there was a
flapping noise and his wings lifted out of the water and spread until they
caught the now freshening breeze behind us, and we were bowling along in a
moment at twice the speed, and the banks of the river were fairly whizzing by.
We traveled this way for
the rest of the day, with a couple of stops for me to forage for berries, for
we had nothing to eat. We saw no one, and I became used to the rocking motion
of the boat eventually. The only creatures we disturbed were water fowl, a
couple of graceful swans with their grey cygnets and an occasional water vole.
At dusk the Wimperling steered us to the bank again.
"There's a village
ahead—you can see the smoke. You can find a buyer for the boat. It'll provide
you with enough for some days' food."
"Thank the gods for
that!" said Growch. "The sides of me stummick is stuck together like
broken bellows. . . ."
And the thought of dry
land, food, and perhaps a mug or so of ale, rather than the risk of river
water, so filled my mind that I quite forgot the question that had been
tickling at the back of my mind since our escape: how on earth had the
Wimperling managed to light those fires?
* * *
No one questioned where
we had come from, where we were going, and there were no soldiers. I got a
reasonable price for the boat, even without oars, and that night we slept in
comparative luxury in a barn attached to the alehouse. It was fish pie for
supper with baked apple and cheese, but everything was fresh and tasty. There
was no talk of war and battles, only of the approaching harvest. I tried once more
to describe Gill's home and showed them the piece of silk, but they shook their
"Further north's
best place for grain and orchards. . . ."
My hopes were
momentarily dashed, but Gill's enthusiasm was unabated. He declared he could
hear in the villager's voices the echo of the patois they used near his home,
and the more ale he drank the more details he seemed to remember. Wooden toys,
servants, fishing, a boat, a blue silk surcoat, a flood . . . After he had
downed his third flagon of ale I tried to dissuade him from more, but he
declared petulantly that I was spoiling his evening and was worse than a
nursemaid, so I mentally shrugged my shoulders and ordered a fourth.
Halfway through he fell
asleep with his head on the trestle table, and I had to enlist the help of a
couple of the locals to carry him back to the barn and lay him down on the
straw, face down in case he vomited during his sleep. I stayed awake for a
while, for sometimes when he had drunk too much he woke and the liquor excited
that ache between the loins that all men have, so Mama used to say, and he
would toss and turn and groan until his hands had accomplished relief; at times
like that I couldn't bear to listen, and would tiptoe away till he had
Tonight, however,
everything was quiet and peaceful, so I wriggled myself about till I was
comfortable and fell asleep at peace with the world—
To awake in the dark
with a hand on my bosom and a voice in my ear.
"My dearest one . .
. I've waited so long for this moment! I've been thinking of you night and day.
Don't turn me away, I beg you, I implore you! I need you, oh, so much. . .
My heart was thumping,
my breath caught in my throat with a hiccuping sob, and I reached up in
wonderment to hold Gill's head with my hands, ruffling the familiar curly hair
with my fingers. I had waited so long for a sign, anything to prove he cared
for me, and now my whole body was filled with an aching, melting tenderness, a
yielding that left me trembling and helpless. His hand left my breast and slipped
beneath my skirt, his hand warm on my thigh, and his seeking mouth found mine
in our first kiss. . . .
So that was what it was
like to be kissed by the man you loved! A little, distracting voice from
somewhere was whispering: "Not yet, not yet! He's drunk too much, you only
lose your virginity once. . . ." But if he was drunk, then so was I: drunk
with desire for this man I had secretly loved so long.
Already he was fumbling
with the ties of his braies and I felt him gently part my thighs.
"My sweet Rosamund,
my Rose of the World . . ."
Chapter Twenty.Six
I froze, like a rabbit
faced by a stoat. Rosamund? Who the hell was Rosamund? Not me, anyway. But
perhaps I had misheard. . . .
I hadn't.
He nuzzled my neck.
"I have waited for this so long, my Rosamund of the white skin, the golden
hair! At last you are mine. . . ." and he thrust up between my legs, still
murmuring her name.
That did it. In a sudden
spurt of anger, disappointment and frustration I kneed him as hard as I could
then rolled away from beneath him, got to my feet and ran out into the night.
He yelled with pain, then groaned, but I didn't look back: I couldn't. My fist
stuffed into my mouth to stifle the sobs, I let the stupid tears run down my
cheeks like a salty waterfall till my eyes were swollen and my throat felt all
closed up.
I didn't know whether I
hated him or myself the most.
Hating him was
irrational, I knew that in my mind, but my heart and stomach couldn't forgive.
He was drunk, and in his dreams had turned to a suddenly recalled love; he had
found a female body and mistaken me for her.
But I was worse, I told
myself. Without thought I had surrendered to my feelings and immediate
emotions, forgetting all Mama had impressed upon me about staying chaste for
one's husband, not succumbing to temptation, etc. All I wanted was to indulge
myself with a man I had fantasized about for months—husband, future, possible
pregnancy, all had been disregarded in the urgency of desire. And if I thought
about it for even one moment, I would have realized that it could never lead to
anything else once he returned home, for he was a knight and I was nothing. I
cursed myself for my stupidity.
But at the back of my
mind was something else, something worse: hurt pride. He had preferred his
dreams, his memories, his vision, to me. In reality I hadn't even been there.
Summer was a companion, his guide, his crutch, his eyes: if he had known it was
me he wouldn't have bothered, drunk or no. The tears came so fast now they
hadn't time to cool and ran down into my mouth as warm as when they left my
eyes. They tasted like the sea.
There was a shuffling
and a grunt behind me and the Wimperling lumbered out of the barn and looked up
at the lightening sky, sniffing. "Another fine day . . . Did I ever tell
you about the story of the pig with one wish?"
"Er . . . No."
I couldn't see what he was getting at. Surreptitiously I wiped my eyes on the
hem of my skirt. "What—what pig?"
"It was a tale my
mother pig used to tell us when we were little. Once there was a pig who had
done a magician some service, and in return he was granted one wish. He was a
greedy thing, so immediately without thinking he wished that all food he
touched would turn into truffles, because that was what he liked most. His wish
was granted, and for days he stuffed himself so full he nearly burst. Then as
he grew surfeited, he wished once more for plainer fare, and he cursed the day
he had wished without thought. . . ."
"And then what
happened?" I was interested in spite of my misery.
"Well, first he
tried to punish himself by trying to starve to death, but that didn't work, so,
because he was basically a kind and caring pig, he decided to turn his
misfortune into a treat for others, going around touching other pigs' food so
they had the treat of truffles. And it did his sad heart good to see them
enjoying themselves. . . ." He stopped. "What's for breakfast?"
I smiled in spite of
everything. "Not truffles, anyway! And then what?"
"Then what
"The pig."
"Oh, the pig . . .
I disremember."
"You can't just
leave it like that! All stories have a proper ending. They start 'Once upon a
time . . . ' and end ' . . . and so they lived happily ever after,' with an
exciting story in between."
"Life's not like
"I don't see why it
can't be. . . ."
"That is what man
has been saying for thousands of years and look where it's got him! Without
hope and a God the human race would have died out eons ago."
"You say that as if
animals were superior!"
"So they are, in
many ways. They don't think and puzzle and wonder and theorize, look back and
look forward. What matters is only what they feel right now, this minute, and
if they can fill their bellies and mate and keep clear of danger. And when they
dream, and twitch and paddle in their sleep, then they are either the hunters
or the hunted, nothing more. No grand visions, no romance—and no tears,
So he had noticed.
I felt embarrassed and went back to his tale. "But the story was a story,
so it must have an ending. . . ."
"Well, then, you
give it one, just to satisfy your romantic leanings."
I thought. "Because
the pig turned out to be so unselfish after all, helping his friends to enjoy
the truffles when he could no longer, the wizard reconsidered his spell and
then lifted it. And—and the pig was properly grateful to have been shown the
error of his ways and never again yearned after something unsuitable. He
married his sweetheart pig, who had stayed loyal to him through good times and
bad, and they had lots of little piglets and lived happily ever afterwards.
There!" I stopped, pleased with myself, then had another thought.
"Oh, yes: The strange thing about it all was, that the piglets and their
children and their children's children couldn't stand truffles!"
The Wimperling made
polite applause noises with his tongue. "A predictable tale—redeemed, I
think, by the last line. I liked that. And the moral of the story is?"
"Does it have to
have one?"
"All the best ones
have. Disguised sometimes, but still there."
"Er . . . Don't
make hasty decisions; think before you open your mouth?"
"Or your
legs," said the Wimperling. "Exactly!" And off he trotted.
* * *
Over a breakfast of
oatcakes, fish baked in leaves and ale, Gill told me he had had a wonderful
dream during the night. "And Summer, it seems my memory is really coming
It was lucky for him he
could not see my face, and did not sense the desolate churning in my stomach
that made me push aside the fish with a sickness I could not disguise.
"In this dream I
was wandering through a building that seemed familiar yet wasn't, if you know
what I mean. Then I realized I was in the household where I had served my time
as first page, then squire. But I was no longer a boy, I was as I am now, but
without the blindness—you know how illogical dreams can be."
I nodded, then
remembered. "Yes." In my dreams I was slim. And beautiful . .
. How illogical could you get?
"Then suddenly I
was in a barn—a barn in the middle of a castle, Summer!—and there, lying in the
straw, was my affianced, my beloved, my Rosamund!"
"Yes—I told you my
memory was coming back. Any more ale?"
I handed him mine.
"Tell me more about—about this Rosamund."
"Ah, what can I
say? No mere words could do her adequate justice! I met her when I was a squire
and with my parents' consent we became affianced. Her father was a rich
merchant and his daughter Rosamund, the middle one of three, with a handsome
dowry. She is two years older than I, but as sweet and chaste and demure as a
nun. We plighted our troth five years ago, but I was determined to earn my
knighthood before I claimed her as my bride. I journeyed north to bring her
gifts from my parents and say we were ready to receive her, and on my way back
I think I . . . That bit still isn't clear. I don't remember."
On that journey back he
had been ambushed, and he wouldn't be here if I hadn't rescued him, I thought
bitterly. "Is your bride-to-be as pretty as she is chaste?" I asked
between my teeth.
"Pretty? Nay,
beautiful! Tall, slim, perfectly proportioned. Her skin is white as milk, her
cheeks like the wild rose, her hair like ripened corn—"
"And her teeth as
white as a new-peeled withy," I muttered sulkily.
"How did you know?
I was going to say pearls. . . . A straight nose, a small mouth—" He
sighed. "Truly is she named the Rose of the World. . . ."
I rubbed my smallish
nose and practiced pursing my not-so-small mouth.
He sighed again. "As
I said, she is as chaste as a nun, and has never permitted me more than a kiss
or two, a quick embrace. . . . But in this dream I had my impatience got the
better of me and I threw aside her objections and embraced her long and
heartily. It was just getting interesting when—when . . ."
"Yes?" I said
"When all of a
sudden I was in a tournament and my opponent unhorsed me, to the detriment of
my manhood, if you will excuse the expression. . . ." He scowled.
"Very painful."
"You got kicked in
the balls," I said succinctly. "And woke up. Are you sure it wasn't
the fair Rosamund defending her chastity?"
He looked shocked.
"Really, Summer! Even in dreams she wouldn't be so—so unladylike! And she
was never coarse in her language . . ."
Of course not. "Seeing
how much your memory had improved, was there anything else you recalled that we
might find useful in our search for your home and family? Such as a name, or a
He looked surprised.
"Oh, didn't I say? How remiss of me. I meant to. I remembered my father's
name a few days ago, just before we came to the border. But then there was so
much to think about, with escaping and all. . . ."
I could have throttled
him. "Well?"
"My father's name
is Sir Robert de Faucon and our nearest big town is Evreux; we live some thirty
miles to the west. My mother's name is Jeanne, and—"
"Why in the world
didn't you tell me before!" Of course: the bird on his pennant was a
falcon; I remembered it now. And the name was the same. Simple.
"We were trying to
cross the border—"
"But your name
might have meant something—"
"Yes! A ransom. And
we'd still be there."
Very reasonable, but I
was sure it had never crossed his mind till now. I simmered down. We would make
our way to Evreux, the place that had come so providentially to mind when we
were questioned at the border, and from there on it should be easy.
Not as easy as I had
hoped. There were fewer travelers on the road and fewer itinerants as well, for
these latter were hoping for jobs with the imminent harvest. It was the wrong
time and the wrong place for pilgrimages also, so we had to keep to the high
roads in daylight and not chance evening walking. We also found these people of
the north stingier with their money and their handouts, more suspicious of
strangers: maybe it was the war that had been going on for so long, maybe their
northern blood ran colder, I just do not know.
We took some money with
a performance or two in the cathedral town of Evreux, and confirmed the
westerly road towards Gill's home. Now we were so near our objective I would
have expected him to be far more impatient to press on than he actually was.
Instead he walked slower than usual, complained of blisters, said his back
hurt, had an in-growing toe-nail. I pricked and dressed his blisters with
salve, rubbed his back and examined a perfectly normal toe. Next day he felt
dizzy, had stomach pains, nausea, vomiting and cramps. I treated all these,
difficult to confirm or deny, but on the third day, when we were less than five
miles from the turn-off that we had been told led straight to his estates, and
he said his legs were too weak to hold him, I knew something was seriously
I sat him down under the
shade of a large oak tree, dumped our parcels and asked him straight out what
was the matter.
"For something is,
of that I am sure. And it has nothing to do with bad backs, blisters or your
belly!" I remembered how he had "forgotten" his father's name so
conveniently, until I had jolted his memory. "For all your talk of your
beautiful lady, you are behaving like a very reluctant bridegroom! One would
almost think you didn't want to go home!" I was joking, trying to
bring an air of ease to a puzzling situation, but to my amazement he took me
"Perhaps I don't."
"What do you mean?
Ever since I first met you we have been trying to find out where you live, and
no one has been more insistent than you! We have traveled hundreds of
miles—never mind your blisters, you should see mine!—and have gone through
great dangers, faced starvation, scraped and scrounged for every penny, crossed
innumerable provinces, just so that we can bring you to the bosom of your
family once more! You can't mean at this late stage that you don't want to go
home, you just can't!"
His blind eyes were
fixed unseeingly on his boots. He muttered something I couldn't catch, so I
asked him to repeat it.
"I said: what use
to anyone is a blind knight?"
Dear Christ, I had never
thought of that. How terrible! When first I had rescued him I had thought of
nothing but helping him to recover, largely, now I admitted, for my own
gratification. His blindness had been an inconvenience for him, but a bonus for
me. It had meant I could worship him unseen; feed him, clothe him, wash him,
cut his hair and beard, touch him, hold his hand. . . . And all without him
realizing how fat and ugly I was. Facing it now, I could see that all I had
wanted was his dependence, in a false conviction that that would bring me love.
And also boost my own self-importance: was that why I had also taken on a
hungry tortoise, a broken pigeon, a decrepit horse? Just so that they would
pander to my ego by being grateful to me? Dear God, I hoped not: I hoped it was
the gentler emotion of compassion, but how could I be sure? I had had little
choice with Growch, and the Wimperling was almost forced on me, but the others?
It didn't bear thinking of.
And now my beloved Gill
had faced me with an impossible question: what, indeed, was there for a blind
knight? Knights fought in battles, competed in tourneys, hunted, went on
Crusades—what did a knight know save of arms? Would his overlord, the king from
oversea, want a man incapable of warring?
Quick, Summer, think of
something. . . .
"There are plenty
of things you can do," I said briskly. "People will still obey your
commands, won't they? A blind man can still ride a horse, play an instrument,
sing a song, run an estate, make wise judgments, and . . . and . . ." I
had to think of something else. "Remember what that wise physician, Suleiman,
said? He foretold you would regain your memory, as you have, and he also said
there was nothing wrong with your eyes that time also couldn't cure. He said
you could regain your sight suddenly, any day!"
I don't think he was
listening. There was something even more pressing at the back of his mind.
"Of what use is a blind husband?"
I was about to observe
that most lovemaking took place in the dark anyway, but suddenly realized just
how much he must be fearing rejection: some women wouldn't consider allying themselves
to a blind man, never mind that to me it would be an advantage. But then, I
wasn't beautiful. . . . I remembered that Mama had told me that a man's pride
was his greatest emotion. Let's give him a boost and a get-out, however
frivolous the latter.
I put my arms about him
and hugged him. "Any woman would be crazy to look elsewhere!" I said
comfortingly. "A handsome man such as you? Why, if she won't have you, I
will!" I added in a lighthearted, teasing way. "We shall take to the
road again, you and I, and have many more adventures, until your sight is
returned. We'll go back and stay with Matthew the merchant for a start,
and—" I stopped, because his hands had sought the source of my voice, and
now they cupped my face.
"You know, you are
the kindest and most warmhearted woman I have ever known," he said, then
leaned forward and kissed me. "And I don't think I shall ever forget you.
Tell me, Summer, are you as pretty as your voice? If so, I might even take you
up on your offer," and now his voice was as light and teasing as mine had
I leapt to my feet, my
stomach churning, my face red as a ripe apple, my mind all topsy-turvy. It was
the first time he had ever offered me a gesture of affection. Why now? I
screamed inside, why now when you are so near home and in a few hours I am
going to lose you? If he had told me before of his fears, if he had once shown
me any love, then I would have ensured it took twice as long to reach here. And
now how I regretted refusing his love-making attempt: what would it have
mattered if he had thought me someone else? What would have been simpler than
to take what he offered and enjoy it, then perhaps confess to him afterwards?
But all I said was:
"You can judge of that when you can see again. But the offer's open. . . ."
in my gruffest voice, adding: "Enough of all this nonsense! Let's get you
cleaned up, bathed and properly dressed, so you will not disgrace us all. And I
must do the animals as well. . . ." and I grabbed Growch, who had gathered
the main import of what I had been talking of in human speech, and was about to
disappear down the road.
Luckily there was a
meandering stream not far away through the trees, and though it was summer-low
I managed to dunk the dog and comb out the worst of the fleas, and freshen up
the pig. Then I gave Gill an all-over, my eyes and hands perhaps lingering too
long on those special parts that would soon belong to another. I trimmed his
beard and mustache as close as I could and cut his hair, then gave him a fresh
shirt and the new blue-embroidered surcoat.
There was little I could
do for myself except bathe, plaiting my hair, donning a fresh shift and the
woolen dress Matthew had given me, but I felt clean and more comfortable. One
bonus was to find some watercress to supplement our bread and cheese.
We still had several
miles to walk before we reached Gill's home. Once we found the left-hand
turning we were bounded by forest on both sides, and the road narrowed to a
wheel-rutted track, but after a mile or so we came to a pair of gates that
seemed to be permanently fastened back, and through them the road wound among
orchard trees and harvested fields towards a fortified manor house some
half-mile away. There were few people about, and no one challenged us as I led
Gill slowly towards his home.
It was now late
afternoon, but the sun had lost little of its heat and we finished off the
water in the flask and I picked three apples from those near-ripe. Then another
and another for the Wimperling, who had suddenly decided they were his favorite
food. I picked them quite openly, for there were none to see, save a boy
coaxing some swine back from acorns in the forest, and a gin with her geese
picking at the stubble. Besides, I thought, these are Gill's orchards, or will
be some day.
I started to describe
our surroundings to him, but I had no need. Now his memory was nearly complete
once more, he could smell, hear, taste and touch his own land; at first
tentatively, then more assured as he described what lay on either side of us as
we passed. Here a copse, there a stream, crabapples on one side, late pears on
the other, and he even anticipated the flags flying from the gateway.
As he drew nearer I
could see that his memory of the grandness of the manor house was a little
exaggerated, like most fond memories. It was nothing special; we had passed
much grander on our travels. The original structure was of wood, in two
stories, but a high stone wall now surrounded it, embracing also the courtyard,
stables, kitchens and stores; outside, small hovels housed the workers, though
everything seemed empty and deserted.
said the porter at the side gate. "Everyone's welcome today, even your
beasts. Round to your right you'll find the kitchens. Tonight's the Grain
Supper: always held on this day, come rain or shine." And he went back to
gnawing at what was left of a large mutton bone.
"This is
ridiculous!" protested Gill, as we started off again across the courtyard,
also deserted. "I belong here: this is my home! What in God's name are we
doing creeping round like a couple of thieves? Just lead me over to the main
door—no, I can find my own way!"
"Wait!" I
said, catching hold of his arm. "Let's not rush it. You don't want to give
them all heart failure! Let's surprise them gently. Listen a moment, and I'll
tell you what we'll do. . . ."
Leaving Gill and the
animals outside, I went to the kitchens and was given a large bowl of mutton
stew and a loaf of the "poor-bread" I remembered as a child, before
Mama could afford better: the grain was mixed with beans, peas and pulses, and
this was fresh as an hour ago and very filling. We ate hungrily, sitting in the
courtyard with our backs to a sunny wall, then I went back and asked to see the
steward, asking permission to perform in the Great Hall later. As it happened
there were a juggler and a minstrel already waiting, but we were added to the
All that remained was to
keep out of the way of anyone who might recognize Gill, and a couple of hours
later I was waiting nervously at the side door, Gill tucked away in the shadows
with the hood of his cloak pulled well down over his face, Growch and the
Wimperling at his side. As the minstrel sang the song of Roland, I peeped into
the hall; so thick with smoke, I could barely see the top table, but obviously
the thick-set, bearded man must be Gill's father, the thin woman with the tall
headdress his mother. And there, sitting beside Gill's father, was a slim woman
with long blond hair fastened back with a fillet: the fair Rosamund, if I
wasn't mistaken. I wished I could see her more clearly.
Beside me the kitchen
servants brushed past, ducking their heads automatically as they passed under
the low lintel, laden with dishes and jugs, though this was the last course:
fruits in aspic, nuts and cheese, so there was more clearing away than
The juggler had passed
back to the kitchens a half-hour ago, jingling coins in his hand, and now the
minstrel was coming to the end of his recital. There was polite applause, the
tinkle of thrown coins, and a hum of conversation as the singer made his way back
to the kitchens. Our turn next: I don't think I had ever felt so nervous in my
One of the varlets
announced us. "Entertainers from the south, with a song or two and some
tricks to divert . . ."
"danced" to my piping, somersaulted, rolled over and over, nodded or
shook his head as required and "died" for his king, then the
Wimperling did some very simple counting; a) because I was nervous to the point
of nearly wetting myself and b) wanting to get it all over and done with, at
the same time fearing the outcome—a little like having severe toothache and
knowing the tooth-puller was just around the corner; it was the last few steps
to his door that were the worst.
I finished the tricks to
a good deal of applause and dismissed the animals, picking up the coins that
were thrown and putting them in my pocket. "Thank you ladies, knights, and
gentle-persons all. If I may crave your indulgence, my partner and I will
conclude with a song," and taking a candle branch boldly from one of the
side tables I walked back to the doorway where Gill was waiting, his hood
hiding his face.
"When I come to the
right words," I whispered, "throw back your hood, hold the candles
high and march through the doorway, straight ahead. I'll come and meet
Walking back to the
space in front of the high table I started to sing, beating a soft
accompaniment on my tabor. It was an old favorite, the one where the knight
rides away to seek his fortune.
A knight rode away.
In the month of May,
All on a summer's day;
"I shall not stray,
Nor lose my way,
But return this way,
On St. Valentine's Day. . . ."
It had several verses,
with lots of to-ra-lays in between, and I had to sing quickly to turn
"Valentine" to "Cosmos and Damien." The ballad tells of how
news came to the knight's fiancee that he was dead; she visits a witch and
sells her soul to the Devil in order that her beloved will return. And, of
course, he returns, the rumor of his death having been exaggerated, right on
the day he foretold. Just as she calls on the Devil to redeem his promise she
hears the voice of the knight. This was Gill's cue, and his clear tenor rang
out through the hall.
"I have returned as I said,
I am not dead,
But astray was led. . . ."
I answered his words
with the words of the song:
"Knave, knight or pelf:
Come show yourself!"
Gill threw back the hood
of his cloak, held the candles high and stepped firmly forward. There was a
hush from the audience, then a muffled scream as his face was illuminated. He
hesitated for a moment on the threshold, then threw back his head and marched
briskly forward.
And then it happened.
There was a crack! that
echoed all around as his head came into contact with the low lintel of the
doorway. He teetered for a moment, rocking back and forth on his heels, then dropped
like a stone to the rushes.
I ran forward with my
heart full of terror and reached his side, kneeling to take his poor head in my
arms, looking with horror at the red mark across his forehead where he had
"Gill! Gill . . .
Are you all right?"
He opened his eyes,
thank God! and stared straight up at me.
"That bloody door
was always too low. . . . And who the hell are you?"
Chapter Twenty.Seven
After that everything
became confused.
I got up, was knocked
down, rose again and tripped over the Wimperling and Growch, was overwhelmed by
a great rush of bodies, flung this way and that, buffeted and elbowed. I saw
Gill embraced, hugged, kissed, slapped on the back, borne off, brought back, cried
over. Women fainted, men wept, dogs howled; trenchers, mugs, jugs, cups, food,
drink littered the rushes. Trestles and small tables were overturned, candles
burned dangerously and the clamor of voices threatened to bring down the roof.
Little by little the
animals and I found ourselves, from being at the center of the fuss, to being
on the fringes of the activity. Behind us was the door to the kitchens. I
looked at them, they looked at me, and with one accord we marched off. The
kitchens had been abandoned as the staff heard the commotion in the Great Hall,
and we found ourselves alone, surrounded by the detritus of the Grain Supper in
all its sordidness. Unwashed dishes, greasy pans, empty jugs; bread crusts,
bones, fish heads, chicken wings littered the tables and floor, and half-eaten
mutton and beef showed where kitchen supper had been left for the excitement
"Well . . ." I
said, and sat down suddenly on a convenient stool. There didn't seem anything
else to say.
Growch was sniffing
round. "Pity to waste all this," he said, helping himself to a rib of
beef almost as big as he was.
The Wimperling rested
his chin on my lap. "Give it all time to settle down," he said.
"He'll remember about us later. In the meantime, why not stock up on a bit
of food and drink and find a stable or something to settle in for the
I scratched his chin
affectionately. "Why not?"
There were some boiling
cloths drying on a rack, so I wrapped up a whole chicken, slightly charred,
three black puddings, a cheese and onion pasty and a half-empty flagon of wine,
and crept away guiltily to the courtyard. The stables were all full, but I
found a small room that must have been used for stores, but was now empty
except for a heap of sacks in one corner and a pile of rush baskets. The whole
place smelled pleasantly of apples.
We could still hear
sounds of revelry and carousing from the direction of the Great Hall, but it
was full dark outside by now, so I closed the door and lit my lanthorn and we
shared out the food. I had half the chicken and all the crispy skin, and the
pasty, and I shared the rest of the chicken and the black puddings among the
other two, though the Wimperling said the latter could be cannibalism.
"I thought you said
you didn't know whether you were a pig or not," I said sleepily, for it
had been a long day and the unaccustomed wine was making me feel soporific. I
arranged the sacks to make a comfortable bed for us.
"True," said
the Wimperling. "And I'm still not sure. . . ."
"Then pretend
you're something else. A prince in disguise . . ."
Growch snorted.
* * *
We were wakened at dawn
by an almighty hullabaloo. I was grabbed from the pile of sacks and held,
struggling, between two surly men; another had hold of the Wimperling's tail
and was hauling him towards the door and two others were trying to corner a
snapping, snarling Growch. The storeroom seemed to be full of people all
jabbering away, pointing at me, the animals. What had we done? Then I
remembered the food I had filched from the kitchens the night before: was I
about to lose a hand for thieving?
"Is this the
one?" shouted one of the men who was holding me.
The steward stood in the
doorway, consulting a piece of vellum. "A girl, named of Summer; a pig and
a small dog. Seems we've got 'em. Well done, lads." And, addressing me:
"Is your name Summer?"
What point in denying
it? "Let the animals alone: they've done nothing!" I suddenly
remembered. "I demand to see Gill—Sir Gilman, immediately! There's been
some mistake. . . ."
He thrust the piece of vellum
back in his pocket. "You're all wanted, girl, pig and dog. Do you realize
just how long we've been looking for you?" He seemed in a very bad temper,
and my heart sank. "Why, not a half-hour ago I sent mounted men out to
chase you up. . . . Have to send more to recall them. All this fuss and pother,
never a moment's peace. . . . Well, come on then! They're waiting. . . ."
and without giving me time to tidy my hair or smooth down my dress I was hauled
across the courtyard, in through the main doorway, across the Great Hall—still
full of last night's somnolent revelers, the smoldering ashes of the fire and a
stink of stale food and wine, dogs, guttered candles and torches, vomit and
sweat—closely followed by a man carrying the Wimperling, who seemed to have
shrunk of a sudden, and three others still trying to catch Growch.
Up a winding stone
staircase hidden by an arras behind the top table and we were thrust, carried
or chased into a large solar wherein were seated four people: the lord of the
manor, Sir Robert, his wife, the golden-haired Rosamund and—and Gill. A Gill
close-shaven, handsomer than ever, clad in fine linen and silks. He looked now
just as he had when I first saw him: beautiful, haughty and unattainable.
As we were shoved into
the room he rose from the settle where he had been holding hands with his
affianced, a look of bewilderment on his face as he gazed first at me, then the
animals, and back to me again.
"Can it be . . .
The steward gave me a
shove in the back that had me down on my knees and addressed Sir Robert.
"Is this them, then?"
Sir Robert glanced at
his son. "Gilman?" but Gill had started forward, a look of anger on
his face as he helped me to my feet.
"Whether it is or
no, you have no right to treat a girl like that! Leave us, I will deal with
this!" The steward and his men bowed and retreated and Gill looked
searchingly into my face. "Is it really you, Summer?"
Of course he had never
seen me, except for that time he had asked the way, and he didn't know it was
the same girl. I blushed to the roots of my hair that now he should see me in
all my ugliness.
admitted finally. "I am Summer. And this is the Wimperling and that is
Growch," hoping he would stop staring at me.
"But I had no idea.
. . ." He plucked a dried leaf from my hair abstractedly, then took my
hands in his again. "I thought—I had thought you were quite different. . .
"Blind men have all
sorts of strange fancies," I said, then forgot myself to ask anxiously:
"You are all right, then? You can see properly again?"
"Apart from a
slight headache, yes. You and Suleiman were right. I reckon it was the knock on
the head that did it. It all happened so quickly I still feel confused—"
"And so you
should!" came a cool voice from behind him and there stood the fair
Rosamund, who pulled his hands from mine and tucked them round her arm, all so
gently done that it seemed the initiative had come from him. She gazed at me, a
faint sneer on her lips. "I'm not surprised you feel confused! Used as you
are to the best, it must have been hell for you to traipse around the
countryside with this tatterdemalion crew!" Her cold blue eyes raked me
from head to foot. "Still, I suppose the girl needs some recompense,
before she and her—menagerie—take to the road again." She paused. "I
may well have a dress I need no more, though I doubt it would fit. . . ."
"Enough of
this!" It was Gill's tall, thin mother Jeanne who spoke. I had the
impression that nothing short of a catastrophe gave her the courage to speak
normally, though now of course her beloved Gill's return must have sparked her
into fresh resolution. "The girl brought our son back to us safe and
sound, and she deserves the very best we can give her. As long as she wishes to
stay, she is our honored guest. As—as are her pets! See that they are
accommodated in the hall tonight: I myself will find a length of cloth so she
is decently clad."
"The hall?"
said Gill. "Father, Mother, nothing less than a good bed will do! Why, I
am sure my betrothed would be only too glad to share her room with Mistress
She looked at me as if I
had the plague, then turned to Gill as sweet as honey. "My dearest,
whatever you wish. But—" and she flashed me a glance that would have split
stone as neatly as any mason's chisel and hammer: "—perhaps we should ask
the young person herself? She may have other ideas. . . ."
Meaning I had better.
She needn't have worried. The last person in the world I wished to share a bed
with was her. Now, if it had been Gill . . . I pulled myself together and
addressed Sir Robert and his wife.
"I thank you Sir,
Lady, for your kind offer," I said, and curtsied. "The length of
cloth would be most welcome, and I can make it up myself. As for accommodation,
however, if I might be allowed to sleep in the storeroom where I spent last
night, then I can be with our traveling companions, who are used to being with
us and have been of great assistance in our travels, as no doubt Sir Gilman has
told you." I curtsied again. "I should also be grateful for hot water
for washing and some extra thread: I used the last to make Sir Gilman a
There! I thought: that
should give them something to think about. Polite, accommodating, clean,
thrifty and yet independent, with a couple of reminders of the life we had led
and how I had cared for Gill . . . I smiled at him. Never mind my ugliness: he
still seemed to care about my welfare.
Sir Robert inclined his
head. "As you wish. I shall see to it that the room you prefer is made
more comfortable. And now, I think it is time to break our fast. . . ."
And while we ate—just
below the top table this time: on it would have been too much to ask—the
storeroom was transformed. Swept out, sacks and baskets removed, a table, stool
and truckle bed installed, hooks for our packages knocked into the wall, two
large lanthorns and a pile of straw for the animals—luxury indeed!
After breakfast servants
brought hot water, soap, linen towels, and from Gill's mother came a length of
fine woolen cloth in blue, needles and thread, a new comb and ribbons for my
hair, and even a new shift: too long, of course, but surprisingly, none too
tight. I took it up, cut out my new surcoat, mended my old one, washed and
indulged recklessly in the bottle of rosemary oil that came with the soap and
towels, washed my other two shifts and stitched my shoes where they were coming
The midday meal was at
noon, the evening meal at six, and by that evening I had my new surcoat
finished, so for the first time I felt comfortable enough to survey my hosts at
my leisure. My position just below the top table gave me ample opportunity to
look at both Gill's parents and his affianced.
Sir Robert was stout
rather than tall; he had fierce mustaches and a rather dictatorial manner, but
he always treated me with kindness. His wife was normally silent, looked older
than her husband, and her usually careworn expression only lightened when she
talked to her beloved son. I scarcely recognized him that evening, for he had
had his curly hair cropped short like his father's, to facilitate the wearing
of the close-fitting helmet they affected in these parts. I liked him better
with it long.
It was the fair Rosamund
however who intrigued me most. "Fair" once I judged, but whatever she
may have told Gill about her age, she must be at least four or five years
older. Already fine lines radiated from the corners of her eyes when she
smiled, which was seldom enough, and her mouth had a discontented droop. She
was also missing two teeth; perhaps that was why she didn't smile much, that
and the fear of deepening her lines.
She had pretty manners
however, using her table napkin often to dab away grease from mouth or fingers.
Her voice was pleasant enough, her figure good and her walk swaying and
graceful and her hands were white and beautifully shaped. Her hair was rather
thin—or mine was too thick—but it was her pale complexion I envied most of all;
but, come to think of it, if she tramped the roads as we had, it would have
reddened and blotched it a most unsightly way.
In all this I was fully
aware that I was being over-critical, but I knew she didn't like me, and I
hated the way she monopolized Gill, snatching his attention if ever he glanced
over at me, and giving exaggerated little "oohs" and "aahs"
as he told of our adventures. And it didn't do any good for me to remind myself
she had a perfect right to do so.
Several times during the
next few days he tried to speak to me alone, and each time he was foiled,
usually by her, sometimes by other interruptions. Sometimes I would catch him
gazing at me, and if I smiled at him he would smile back, but it was always an
uncertain, puzzled smile. It got to the stage when I started worrying whether I
had two noses or was covered in some disfiguring rash.
But life drifted by for
a week in this lazy fashion, eating, sleeping, and I let it, for I was in no
hurry to leave. A golden September would all too soon give way to October. The
mornings even now held a hint of the chill to come, dew heavy on the millions
of spiderwebs that carpeted the stubble till it glinted in the rising sun like
diamonds; the swifts were long gone, but a few swallows still gathered on the
tower tops, and martins on the slopes of the roofs like a scattering of pearls.
The leaves of the willow were already yellowing, and across in the forest the
trees were a patchwork of color.
Noons were still warm
and heavy, the sparse birdsong drowsed by heat, only the robins still disputing
their territory in fierce red breastplates. Nights were colder and it was nice
to snuggle under a blanket once more and listen to the tawny owls practicing
their "hoo-hoos" across the empty fields.
I thought of Mistral; at
this time of year, she had told us, the tide sometimes raced in and overwhelmed
the fields till even the horses ran from it, their coats flecked with foam from
the waves that roared in over the ribbed sands from the other side of the
world. I thought of Traveler, safe I hoped in the ruined chapel tower; at this
time of year there were still seeds and fruits in plenty, but soon would come
the harsh winter, when the weakest would die. I thought of Basher: about now he
would be looking for a soft, sandy place to dig himself in for the winter, till
that funny shelled body of his was safe for the long sleep. . . .
I thought of them all, I
missed them all, I prayed for them all.
And what of the fourth
of the travelers to find his "home"? The others had accepted less
than they deserved: would Gill, too, be cruelly rewarded? I hoped not, but I sensed
there was something amiss, in spite of the fact that he had regained his sight,
his home, his beloved.
One night after supper
he caught at my sleeve and murmured urgently, "At the back of the room you
sleep in there is a stairway up to the walkway on the wall: meet me there in an
hour. I need to talk to you."
My heart gave a great
thump of apprehension: what was so important we couldn't discuss it openly?
I found the doorway he
described, behind some stacked hurdles, but it was so small I could only just
manage to squeeze my way up the dusty, cobwebbed spiral. Obviously it hadn't
been used in years and there was a stout wooden door at the top, luckily bolted
on my side, but it took all my strength to slide back the rusty iron.
Once out on the guarded
walkway I felt a deal better; I had never liked confined spaces, and now I took
deep breaths of the welcome fresh air. Not that it was all that invigorating:
the night was cloudy, the atmosphere oppressive, as though we waited for a
storm. Down in the courtyard the little chapel bell rang for nine of night and
I could see one or two going for prayers. An owl hooted, far away in the
forest; a dog barked from the cluster of huts beneath the wall. Somewhere a
child wailed briefly, then all was quiet once more.
I leaned against the low
parapet and rested my eyes on the darkness. I heard quick footsteps mounting
the outside stair to my right but didn't turn; for a moment longer I felt I
didn't want to know what Gill had to say, didn't want to become involved once
more. Whatever it was, I had the feeling it would mean more heartache, one way
or the other.
"Here . . ." I
turned and was immediately taken into an urgent, awkward embrace that had my
nose squashed against his shoulder and the breath knocked out of me. I pushed
him away as hard as I could.
"Are you
He stepped back, but
regained possession of my hands. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean . . . Look
here, Summer, I can't stand this much longer, not being able to see you and
speak to you! There is so much we must talk about, and I—"
"Hush!" I
pulled my hands from his grasp. "If you yell like that you'll have
everyone up here!" for his voice had risen with his anxiety. I looked down
into the courtyard but all was quiet. "Now, just tell me—quietly—what on
earth's the matter?"
"Don't be so
dramatic! You are back home, safe and comfortable, you have your sight back,
and are reunited with your betrothed—so what could possibly be wrong?"
He hesitated. "I
don't know. . . . It's just that—that everything, everybody's changed. It's not
what I expected. . . ."
My breathing slowed down
a little. Silly fellow! "You've been away for over a year, you know! But
they haven't done anything drastic like moving the house or burning down the
forest, have they? Perhaps there are some new faces, old ones gone, different
fields plowed, but—"
"It's not that. How
can I explain it?" He ran his hand through his close-cropped hair.
"Everything looks somehow smaller, shabbier, meaner!" he burst out.
"Shhh . . . That's
easily explained. While you were away you'd built up a picture in your mind,
that's all—like a dream. Things always look larger in dreams."
"But what about the
people? My mother looks older, sort of—defeated. And I don't remember my
father's beard having so much grey in it."
"But they are
older: over a year older. So are you. . . . Life didn't just stand still,
waiting for you to come home. They probably feel the same about you. You are
thinner, browner, more restless, and have had enough adventures and mishaps to
change anyone. You've got to have patience, time to settle in once again."
I patted his arm. "There: lots of good advice! I'm afraid there's no other
way I can help. . . ."
He turned away, gripped
the parapet, stared out into the darkness. "Yes. Yes, there is."
"How? Do you want
me to talk to them? I don't think they would take much notice of me."
"It's not that. . .
. It's Rosamund." He exhaled heavily, as though he had been holding his
breath, and turned back to me. "You see, I just don't love her
I was speechless. Of all
the things I had expected him to say, this was the last.
"It happened as
soon as I saw her again," he hurried on, as if now eager to tell
everything as fast as possible. "Perhaps, as you say, I had built up an
idealized picture of things in my mind, and especially her. It wasn't only that
she looked—looked older, harder; it seemed she had changed in other ways, too.
I hadn't remembered her as so overpowering and at the same time sickly-sweet.
And I had forgotten her little mannerisms; things that I found once so
enchanting now did nothing but irritate me. You must have noticed them,
Of course I had. But let
him tell it in his own way.
"You know the sort
of thing: the little cough to get attention, the way she keeps smoothing her
throat to draw notice to its whiteness, how she holds her head to one side when
she listens to you and opens her eyes wide like an owl's, the way she sucks her
teeth. . . . She's stiff, unreal, mannered, like one of those jointed wooden
puppets you can buy. . . . I can't explain it any better."
What could I say? I
tried the same arguments I had used before, how it took everyone time to
adjust, that he had changed too and there were probably things about him that
annoyed her too, and all the while I had the horrible feeling that I knew just
what he was going to say next, and I hadn't the slightest idea how to deal with
"But you are not
like that, Summer! You are young, younger than I, and so full of life! If I had
had the slightest idea what you were really like, if I hadn't been blind in
more ways than one, then—then I should never have come back! Not unless and
until I could have brought you back with me as my wife!"
He couldn't mean it! Not
now; it was too cruel a twist of fate! For how many months had I worshiped him
in secret, never once letting him know how I felt? If only . . . He couldn't
see the tears on my cheek but I tried to keep them from my voice.
"You know it
wouldn't have worked. I'm not your kind, would never fit into this kind of
life. No, wait!" For he had moved forward to embrace me. "Besides,
you could never have broken your betrothal vows. They are sacred things, as
sacred as marriage itself, and you know it. The dowry has been paid, she has
been accepted into your family, there is no going back now. In the eyes of God
you are already wed."
"God could not be
so cruel, not now when I have found my one, my true and only love! To hell with
the dowry, that can be paid back. . . ." He took me in his arms, and I
could smell the acrid sweat of emotion and anxiety. "The contract can be
canceled. Come away with me, Summer! We can go back on the road, we managed
before. Now I can see again I can find work somewhere farther south where no
one will follow us." He tipped up my chin with one hand. "And don't
tell me you have no fondness for me: I know you have!" and he bent his
head and kissed me, at first soft and then hard and hungry.
It was my first real
kiss; I had always wondered where the noses went, how the faces would fit, what
it felt like to taste someone else. Now I knew, but even as my whole body
seemed to melt against him, part of me knew it was wrong, wrong!
"Stop it, Gill! Let
me breathe, let me think. . . . Please!"
He released me and I had
to cling to the parapet, I was shaking so much. He took my hand. "I know
it's sudden, my dearest one, but don't you see? It's the only way. Please say
you will at least consider it. I have some moneys, not a lot, but enough to
find us a safe haven for the winter. I swear to you that I will make it worth
your while. Why shouldn't we both be happy instead of both miserable?"
There were a hundred, a
thousand reasons why, but I couldn't think straight. "Give me time to
think. . . . I don't know, right now I don't know." And then the words
that must have been spoken so many times in the past by women far less surprised
than I: "This is all so sudden!"
He bent and kissed my
hands, one after the other.
"Of course, my
love, but not more than a couple of days. I am being pressed already by
Rosamund to name the wedding date. Tonight is Tuesday; I'll meet you here for
your answer the same time on Thursday. In the meantime," he added, "I
shall find it extremely difficult to avoid grabbing you and kissing you in
front of everyone! I love you, my dearest. . . ."
I staggered back to my
room down the stone stairs in a complete daze. At the bottom, by the light of a
candle I had left burning, I saw two pairs of eyes staring up at me accusingly.
Too much to expect that, between them, they didn't know exactly what had
"I'm going to
bed," I said firmly. "Right now. We'll talk in the morning, if you
have anything you want to say."
The truth was that for a
few precious hours, just a few, I wanted to hug to myself everything he had
said, everything he had done, without dissipating the secret joy a jot by
sharing or discussing it. If you leave the stopper off a vial of perfume it
soon evaporates, and this love potion I had received tonight was the sweetest
perfume in the world, and I had every intention of staying awake all night to
conserve and savor every drop. . . .
* * *
said the Wimperling succinctly, "is outside the door. As we didn't turn up
for breakfast, they brought it to you."
I opened bleary eyes,
for a moment lost to the day and hour. Then I remembered. But surely I couldn't
have fallen asleep—
"What time is
"Getting on for two
hours after dawn, I reckon."
So much for spending the
night awake, relishing the declaration of Gill's love! I must have fallen
asleep almost at once and been tireder than I thought, for now I was grouchy,
headachy, scratchy-eyed. The storm that had threatened last night hadn't broken
after all and, like most animals, I still felt the oppression in the air, like
a hand pressing down on the top of my head. And there was so much to do, so
much to think about. . . .
We ate, what I don't
remember, but I know the others had most of whatever it was. All the while the
thoughts in my head danced up and down, round and about, like a cloud of
midges, and as patternless.
"I'm going for a
walk," I said abruptly. "You can come or stay as you wish."
We left the courtyard
and passed the cluster of huts below the wall. Ahead stretched the long,
straight road that led through the fields and orchards, past the fringes of the
forest, to the gates of the demesne. I walked, not even noticing the surrounding
landscape, just thumping my feet down one after the other, my mind a hopeless
blank. It was an unseasonably hot day and at last sheer discomfort made me turn
off to the shade of one of the still-unpicked orchards. I sank down on the long
grass, leaned back against one of the gnarled trunks and sank my teeth into one
of the small, sweet, pink-fleshed apples they probably used for cider. The
Wimperling wandered off in search of windfalls, and the breeze brought faint
and faraway the sound of the chapel bell ringing for noon.
Even Growch knew what
that meant. "We've missed the midday meal," he said plaintively,
sucking in his stomach.
"I know," I
said unsympathetically.
"Ain't you got
nuffin with you? Bit o' crust, cheese rind?"
"No. You had most
of my breakfast, remember? Go away and look for beetles or bugs or something
and don't bother me. I need to think," and promptly fell asleep once more,
to awake only when the lengthening shadows brought with them a chill that
finally roused me from sleep. The Wimperling lay by my side, the freshening
breeze lapping his hide with the dancing shadows of the leaves above; Growch
was lying on his back, snoring, his disgraceful stomach, pink, brown and
black-patched, exposed to a bar of sunshine.
I sat up, suddenly feeling
rested, alert, alive once more. I stretched until my bones cracked and twanged,
then bounced to my feet and snatched another apple, sucking at the juice
thirstily, then another, not caring whether I got stomachache. Time to walk
back, or we should miss another meal, and now I felt hungry.
I realized I was
enjoying the leisurely walk back, and spoke without thinking. "It'd be
nice to be back on the road again. . . ."
Then began the Great
Campaign, as I called it later, though the first few words were innocuous
"Nice enough when
the weather is like this," said the Wimperling. "But it's autumn
already. All right for those with stamina and guts."
"Remember how cold
it was last winter?" said Growch. "His Lordship—beggin' your pardon,
lady—caught a cold what turned to pew-money?"
"Certainly doesn't
like cold weather," said the Wimperling. "His sort are used to
riding: never liked walking far."
"Remember how he
used to complain about his feet?" said Growch. "Used to whinge about
the food, too. . . ."
"That's the trouble
with knights," said the Wimperling. "Only trained for one life. Give
them a sword, a charger, a battle, and they're happy. In civilian life they can
loose a hawk, sing a ballad—"
"Or flatter a lady
. . ." said Growch.
"Easy enough for
them to get accustomed to being waited on, having the best of everything—"
"Soon enough blame
anyone what robs 'em of it—"
At last I realized where
all this was leading, refused to listen, stopped up my ears. How dared they
try and influence what I was going to do! It had nothing to do with them, it
was between me and Gill.
The trouble was, their
words remained in my consciousness, as annoying and insidious as the last of
the summer fleas and ticks. And what they had said, exaggerated as it was, still
held a grain of truth. Gill had grumbled a lot—but then he had had a
right to. But would choice make it any easier for him to bear a simple life?
Yes, he did catch cold easily, yes he was a bit soft, but he hadn't been used
to the traveling life. Would he be any better prepared now? A small voice
inside me whispered that it had been a new way of life for me, too, though
perhaps I had made a better job of it, but I brushed the thought aside
impatiently: everyone was different.
It was true, too, that
the only life he had known was that of a knight, and that in spite of his brave
words he would find it difficult to turn his hand to anything else. And that
bit about flattering ladies: were the words he had spoken to me merely the
courtesies he thought I would like to hear, not meant to be taken seriously? If
he found it so easy to be turned from his betrothed, would a week or so in bad
weather have him feeling the same way about me?
I got through the rest
of the day somehow or other, but at dinner that night I found myself studying
Gill's face for signs of what he was really like. Was his chin just a little
bit weak, compared with his father's? Had he always looked so petulant when
something displeased him, as it did that night when a particular dish was empty
before it reached him? And if he now disliked his fiancee so much, why was he
paying her such great attention? His fine new clothes certainly suited him:
that was the third new surcoat I had seen him in. Who would carry all his gear
if we were on the road once more?
That night I couldn't
sleep at all. Hoping a little fresh air would help, I crept up the spiral stair
to the walls again, but just as I drew back the bolts, greased earlier in
anticipation of my meeting with Gill on the following night, I saw that the
walkway was already occupied, although it must be near midnight. A man and a
woman stood close by, talking softly. I was about to descend again when
something about her stance made me believe I recognized the woman, and
curiosity kept me where I was.
" . . . that makes
it so important to risk being seen?" I couldn't identify his voice, and he
had his back to me.
"I had to see you!
As things are, I have to be with him all the time. . . ." Rosamund's face
was as pale as the moon that rode clear of cloud as she turned fully towards
the man before her. "Robert, what are we going to do? I'm at least two
months pregnant!"
Chapter Twenty.Eight
I couldn't help a gasp
of horror as I realized the implications of what she had just said, but they
were so intent on each other that they didn't hear. Once again I knew I should
retreat without further eavesdropping, but how could I? This concerned Gill's
and my future so closely I had to listen.
"Two months, you
say?" said Gill's father, after a pause. His voice never faltered: he
might have been discussing the gestation period of a favorite horse.
"I have missed two
monthly courses, yes. One could have been ignored perhaps, but I have always
been as regular as an hourglass, and now there are further signs. . . ." A
shrug of those cloaked shoulders. "It will start to show soon."
"Let me think. . .
." He started to pace up and down the walkway, up and back twice, his arms
folded across his chest. How like Gill he walks, I thought. He came back to
face her. "You were no virgin when I took you," he stated flatly.
"How do I know . . . ?"
"Of course it's
yours! You know it is. Whatever I did in the past has nothing to do with
He regarded her
broodingly. "Maybe not, but you were already a practiced whore when you
came here. You seduced me with sighs and words and gestures, and I believed you
knew what you were doing, that there would be no harm in it. I am not in the
habit of soiling my own midden."
"You were as eager
as I," she said sulkily.
"Maybe . . . How
come you never got caught before?"
"Medicines, herbs;
they are not available here."
"Then it was either
intentional, because you thought my son would never return, and you wished me
to keep you as my mistress—"
"It was an
accident. Do you think I wanted to spoil my figure on the chance you would
accept the child? No: like you I gave way to something I could not help."
She spoke with conviction, and apparently he accepted it.
"Then there are two
ways to deal with this—three, if you count being sent home in disgrace. But I
shall not do that. Your dowry has been paid, and some of it already spent. The
second way is to seek out the witch in the wood, and try one of her
"I have already
tried that. The maid you gave me was pregnant by one of the grooms, so I sent
her for a double dose. It worked for her but not for me. Your child is lusty,
Robert: it wants to live."
He thought for a moment.
"Then it has to be the third way, and no delay. No one knows about this
but us, so let's keep it that way, but I shall want your full cooperation. . .
She nodded. "You
have it."
"Right. The first
thing is to get my son to your bed now, tonight—no, listen to me! I will give
you a potion that I have sometimes used when my wife has failed to excite me.
Make sure he drinks it, and if you cannot tempt him to your bed, then visit
his. He will be so befuddled he will not know whether he has or has not
performed. He will sleep without memory, but make sure you are there beside him
when he wakes. He is a simple man: he will believe whatever you say."
"And the
"There are plenty
of seven-month babes. And he could be away. . . . There are many errands I
could send him on."
"But your wife . .
. She would know."
"She will say
nothing. Her only thought is of Gill, what would make him happy. She may
suspect, but once the babe is born, she will accept it. And once he, and
everyone else, is persuaded he has slept with you then the wedding can take
place within the week."
"The sooner the better
. . ." She moved forward and rested her hands on his shoulders. "You
think of everything. I had rather it had been you, but I promise to make your
son a good wife." She was smiling like a pig in muck. "And your son—our
son—will be the next in line, after Gill. Quite something, don't you
think?" She leaned forward and kissed him, and I noticed he didn't draw
back, but rather folded his arms around her and returned her embrace. "And
perhaps, another time?"
"Get away with you,
hussy. . . ." but he didn't sound displeased. "Remember, my son
mustn't suffer over this."
"Of course not! I
am really quite fond of him. There will be no complaints from that quarter, I
swear. I know some tricks that even that girl he traveled with would not
know—which reminds me: I fancy he became quite close to her, and I would not
wish her to distract him from what we have planned. I have caught him looking
at her a couple of times as if he were quite ready to disappear with her
again—and we can't have that, can we?"
Oh, Gill, you idiot! I
thought, shrinking back into the shadows as far as I could go. She is much
cleverer than you thought. . . .
"She shall be
disposed of, if you play your part. By tomorrow morning I want to see everyone
convinced that my son will be the father of your child."
"Disposed of?"
"An accident, a
disappearance: what do you care? No problem. It will be in my interest as well
as yours, remember? But first, you must do your part. Tomorrow I will take care
of Winter, or Summer, whatever she calls herself. . . . Meet me in the chapel
in ten minutes and I will give you the potion."
I started back down the
stairs, carefully closing the door behind me, shocked and horrified by what I
had just heard. First their arrant duplicity regarding Rosamund's pregnancy:
what could I do? Rush and find Gill, tell him what I had heard? I didn't even
know how to find him and if I did, would he believe me? I doubted it. Whatever
happened, I realized that Gill's dream of running away with me was gone
forever. If his father's plan succeeded, by tomorrow morning he would believe
he had seduced a virgin, his betrothed, and would be honor bound to marry her
as quickly as possible; in cases like these his knightly training would give
him no choice, however much he fancied someone else. And had I the right to try
and stop it, even if I could? That baby could not be born illegitimate; I was
myself, and I knew how it felt, not to have a father and to be jeered at
because my mother was a whore. It would be worse in the sort of household Gill's
father ran, and I believed both he and the perfidious Rosamund would bring the
child up as Gill's. He need never know, and I was sure he would make a good
So now the choice I had
thought would be so difficult was taken from me. Why was it that with no
decision to make, I now felt a great sense of relief? Did that mean that what
had happened was for the best, that Gill was not, never had been meant for me?
I should always remember his declaration of love, I thought, but now I need
never discover he would change, or I would as we traveled the roads. It was as
if he were dead to me already: I should just remember the best, and nurse a few
sentimental regrets.
said the Wimperling at my elbow. "Nothing like the real thing. You wait
and see."
"What are you
doing! You made me jump out of my skin!"
"Just wanted to
remind you that we'd better not tarry—yes, I was listening to your
thoughts—because I reckon they mean you harm. . . ."
Of course! How could I
have forgotten. I had to be got out of the way, and that didn't mean a bag of
gold and a lift to the nearest town, I knew that. Headfirst down the nearest
well, a stab in the back, perhaps a deadly potion . . . It would have been
better to leave right away but I wanted to be sure, quite sure, that there was
no chance Rosamund had failed in her plan. I knew in my heart she would
succeed, but something within me wanted to twist a knife in the wound already
so sore in my heart. Besides, Sir Robert had said he would do nothing until the
During that long night I
packed everything securely into two bundles, one for the Wimperling, one for
me. The only money we had left were the few coins tossed down for our
performance before Gill's miraculous appearance on the first night, but I
wasn't worried. The countryside was still full of apples, late blackberries,
enough grain to glean to thicken a stew, fungi and mushrooms. Besides we could
always give a performance or two.
The last thing I did was
to write to Gill: I felt he deserved some explanation, even if not the true
one, and it might also serve to put his father off trying to pursue us. I tore
a blank page from the back of my Boke and thought carefully.
* * *
"Gill:— I am sorry
to leave without a farewell, but it is time I was on my way. Besides, I hate
good-byes. Perhaps I should have confided my hopes to you earlier, but I have
not had the chance to speak with you alone. . . ."
* * *
That should allay their
suspicions, I thought.
* * *
"I am going back to
Matthew, and will now accept his proposal. It will be a good match for
* * *
I paused, flicking the
end of the quill against my cheek. Yes . . .
"Please thank your
family for their hospitality. I wish you and your betrothed every happiness,
and many sons."
I signed my name
"Someradai" as it had been written in the church register at home.
After some thought I scratched out "Gill" and substituted "Sir
Gilman." There, that would do. I rolled it carefully and tied it with one
of the ribbons Gill's mother had given me. I would leave it on the table.
Satisfied that I had
done all I could until dawn, I snatched a couple of hours sleep, but was up and
ready as soon as the kitchens opened. We might as well take something with us,
so I made up some tale about spending the day out-of-doors, missing meals,
etc., but everyone was only half-awake, so it wasn't difficult to help myself
to a cold chicken, some sausages, a small bag of flour and a string of onions.
After taking these back
and packing them, I slipped into the Great Hall for breakfast, as if everything
was normal, the Wimperling and Growch with me as usual. We should have to eat
as much as we could, for the other food would have to last some time.
I watched carefully as
the family appeared, one by one, on the top table. First Sir Robert, yawning
hugely, downing two mugs of ale before touching any food. He never even glanced
in my direction. Next came Gill's mother, who picked listlessly at a manchet,
dipping it in wine, her eyes downcast. Where, oh where was Gill?
At last he appeared, but
I would not have recognized him. Even on our worst days on the road he had not
looked so disheveled, haggard, outworn. Unshaven, tousled in spite of his
cropped head, it seemed as though he had thrown his clothes together in a
hurry, and as soon as he sat down next to his mother, he grabbed her arm and
started whispering in her ear; no food, no drink, nothing. He didn't glance in
my direction either.
Then came Rosamund, and
as soon as she appeared she made the position quite clear. In an artfully
disarranged dress, she yawned, rolled her eyes; her hair was unbound, her
cheeks flushed, and as she made the obligatory curtsy to Sir Robert and his
wife she pretended to stagger a little. She sat down next to Gill, and to
everyone's fascinated gaze, proceeded to examine her arms and neck for
imaginary bruises, smiling contentedly all the while. Above the neckline of her
low-cut shift were strawberry bruises; love-marks. She could not have placed
them there herself. She appeared to notice Gill for the first time, and her
hands flew to her mouth and she gazed away as though she were ashamed.
It was a consummate
performance, and it quite halted breakfast. Eating and drinking were
temporarily suspended as elbow nudged elbow and nods and winks were exchanged.
The message was quite clear, even to those on the bottom tables, and there was
a sigh of envious relief as she suddenly swamped him in her arms, pouting,
grinning, cuddling up, murmuring in his ear. He looked half-awake, bemused,
bewildered, but she leaned across and spoke to his parents, then she nudged him
and, prompting as she went, she made him say what she wanted.
I had seen enough, and
even as Sir Robert rose to announce that his son's wedding would take place a
week hence, the animals and I were making our way back across the courtyard.
Now the plotting was confirmed, I had no intention of finding myself suffocated
in the midden or letting the Wimperling crackle nicely on a spit; Growch would
escape anyway, but what use was that to the pig and me?
I loaded up the
Wimperling and myself as quickly as I could and made our way to the gate. We
were in luck; two carts were about to go down to the cider-apple orchards,
farthest away from the house, and we accepted a lift; no one questioned our
right to leave, though all the talk was of the coming wedding and who would be
invited. It had been less than a half-hour since Rosamund's performance, yet it
seemed everyone had a topic of conversation to last for days. I tried not to
We were only a quarter
mile from the forest when the wagon halted. Getting down I thanked them for our
lift, and at a nudge and thought from the Wimperling, asked for the quickest
road to Evreux, making sure they remembered the direction I had asked for.
"Now, make for the
gates as fast as possible," said the Wimperling and within a quarter hour,
breathless, we were on the road again. A couple of foresters were at work
clearing the undergrowth, and once again, on the Wimperling's prompting, I
asked the road to Evreux. Once out of earshot I asked him why the insistence on
that road.
"Because if they
come after us, they will waste time looking along that way," he answered
tranquilly. "We will take the other road west just to throw them off the
"I see. . . . In
the note I wrote to Gill I said we were going to Matthew's, so everything is
consistent. Clever pig!"
"But your knight
won't get the note."
"Why not?"
"If he had done,
then he wouldn't bother any further, and the road would be clear for his father
to pursue you uninterrupted. Without it he will worry, perhaps insist he goes
out with a search-party. . . . Sir Robert won't have it all his own way, and it
will give us a better chance."
I hadn't considered
this: the Wimperling was cleverer than I thought. He must also know who I was
writing to. How did pigs know things like that?
"But what did you
do with the letter?"
"I ate it. Ribbon
and all."
"Did it taste
nice?" asked Growch interestedly.
"But why should
anyone come after us now?" I questioned. "Sir Robert and Rosamund
have everything as they want it, surely?"
He didn't answer for a
moment, then he said: "Just suppose you had been bothered by a mosquito
all night, but hadn't caught it? Then in the morning you saw it again, ready to
swat? Would you leave it, on the off chance it would disappear, or would you
annihilate it there and then, so there was no further chance of it
"I see. . . . At
least, I think I do."
"All that matters
to Sir Robert now is that his son is born legitimate, and no one to question it
or deflect his son's interest. He is a very proud man, and to ensure this he
would do almost anything, believe me."
The Wimperling wouldn't
even let us stop to eat at midday; instead we had to march on, chewing at the
chicken. I was getting crosser and crosser as we approached the fork in the
road we had turned off before, the right-hand fork, leading to Evreux, the left
to the west. I was about to demand a rest when we came across a swineherd
grazing his half-dozen charges along the fringes of the forest.
By now I knew what
question we were supposed to ask. He pointed the way to Evreux, but as soon as
we left him at the turn in the road the Wimperling directed us into the trees
to double back.
"Why? Can't we
leave it a little longer? This is a good road, and so far no one has come after
us. . . ."
"You've still got a
lot to learn about human nature! Do as I say. . . ."
We crept back through
the trees till we were almost opposite the fork in the road again, and skulked
down behind some bushes. Ahead I could see the swineherd patiently prodding his
"Now what?"
"We wait."
Nothing happened for
five, ten minutes, a quarter hour. Then I heard them: hooves thudding down the
road from the de Faucon estate. A moment later two horsemen clattered by,
wearing swords but no mail. They halted by the swineherd and one called out:
"Seen a girl on the road with a couple of animals?"
The swineherd pointed in
the direction we had supposedly gone, but when asked how long ago he looked
blank; time obviously meant little to him. The horsemen rode off in the
direction of Evreux and in a moment were out of sight.
I stood up. "Gill
might have sent them. Why should we hide?"
"They would hardly
have come seeking you with an invitation to the wedding armed with swords and
daggers! Be sensible. It's as I said; Sir Robert wants to be rid of you."
I had the sense to
become frightened. "Then, what do we do?"
"Once they find you
are not on the road they have taken, they will come back and take the western
road. And if they don't find us, others will be sent out. So, we go back to the
"You must be mad!
That's straight back into danger!"
"Not at all. The
last place they would look is on their own doorstep. Come on: there's a good
five miles to go before sundown!"
Chapter Twenty.Nine
So, using the road, but
dodging back into the forest when we thought we heard anything, we made our way
back to the estate. We had one more narrow escape: Growch was fifty yards
ahead, the Wimperling the same distance behind, and their danger signals came
at the same moment. Luckily I had time to hide, only to find that the first
couple of horsemen had ridden back, to meet up with a fresh contingent of four
who had come straight from Sir Robert. They halted so near my hiding place I
could smell both their sweat and that of their lathered animals.
anything?" asked the leader of the second band.
"They took the road
to Evreux, according to a peasant we met, but we went a good five miles down
and no sign of them. Another fellow coming back from the town reported a wagon
going the other way, but we saw no sign of it."
instructions: Sir Robert found a door or something leading up to the walk-away,
and has reason to believe the girl may be wise to the pursuit. Go back the way
you came, search along the way for more clues. We are taking the western road.
Orders are the same: lose 'em, permanently!"
"Jewels still
"So the lady
"How's the boy
taking it?"
"State of shock.
Can't believe it. I fancy he was sweet on her. Can't say as I blame him: know
which one I'd've preferred."
And they rode off in the
direction of the fork in the road, leaving me in a state of disbelief. So that
was Sir Robert's excuse: I was supposed to have stolen some jewels! I realized
that it would have made no difference what I had written; valuables would still
have disappeared, and I should have been to blame. So now there was a price on
my head, and death the reward. No turning back, however much I might have
wanted to.
I wondered when the
jewels would conveniently turn up again—or would Gill's father believe it worth
the game to leave them buried or whatever, and buy Rosamund some more?
Once we reached the
demesne, the Wimperling led us along deer tracks through the forest, at a
convenient distance from the manor house. We described a great loop around the
demesne, going short of food because I couldn't light fires, though the
Wimperling and Growch were quite happy with raw sausages. On the third day the
Wimperling declared us free of the de Faucon estate, and we found a road of
At the first village we
came to, two days later, I threw caution to the winds, and spent far more than
I intended on bought food, luxuriating on pies and roasted meat. In the next
village and the next I recouped some of the results of my spendthrift ways with
a performance, but villagers have little enough to spend at the best of times,
and now the winter was fast approaching.
Which led to the
question of where we were headed.
All I had thought about
up to now had been escaping Sir Robert, but now was the time to consider our
future. I knew Growch had said he wanted a warm fire, a family and plenty to
eat, and I had set off on this whole enterprise with the thought of finding a
complaisant and wealthy husband, but as far as I could see, neither of us were
nearer our goal, once I had refused Matthew's offer. And what of the
Wimperling? He had never asked for a destination, had seemed content to follow
wherever we went. But we couldn't just go on wandering like this: if nothing
else we had to find winter quarters, and soon.
The question of which
way to go came up naturally enough. One morning we stood at a crossroads; all
roads looked more or less the same, and I had no particular feeling about any
of them, except that south would be warmer, and it might be easier to
over-winter in or near some town.
"Which way?" I
asked the others, not really expecting an answer, for Growch was a follower
rather than a leader, and the Wimperling had never expressed a preference. Now,
however, he did have something to say.
"Er . . . I'd
rather like to discuss that," he said diffidently. "Perhaps we could
sit down?"
anyhow," said Growch, looking up at the weak sun. "Got any more o'
that pie left?"
"We finished that
yesterday. Cheese, apples, bean loaf, cold bacon—"
The Wimperling chose the
apples and I munched on the cheese.
"Right, Wimperling,
what did you have in mind?"
He still seemed
reluctant to ask. "When—when you so kindly rescued me," he began,
"I said I would like to tag along because there was nowhere special I
wanted to go. . . ."
I nodded encouragingly.
"And now there is?"
"There wasn't then,
but there is now. Yes." He sat back on his haunches, looking relieved.
"Let me explain. When I was little I was brought up as a pig and believed
I was one—in spite of the wings and the other bits that didn't quite fit."
He held up one foot, and looked at the claws, much bigger now. "See what I
mean? Well, ever since then as I have been growing I have felt more and more
that I wasn't a pig. What I was, I didn't quite know, though I had my
suspicions. Then, that night when we crossed the border, I thought I knew. And
the feeling has been growing stronger ever since."
"Can you tell
He shuffled about a bit.
"I'd rather not, just yet. In case I'm terribly wrong . . . But I should
like you to come with me, to find out. You might find it quite interesting, I
I looked at Growch, who
was practically standing on his head trying to get a piece of rind out of his
back teeth. No help there.
"Of course we will
come. Where do you want to go? How far away is it?"
"One hundred and
twelve miles and a quarter west-southwest," he said precisely. "Give
or take a yard or so."
I flung my arms about
his neck, laughing, then planted a kiss on his snout.
"How on earth can
you be so—"
But before I had finished
my sentence an extraordinary explosion took place. The Wimperling literally
zoomed some twenty feet into the air vertically, then whizzed first right and
then left and then in circles, almost faster than the eye could see. As he was
now considerably larger than I was, I was tumbled head-over-heels and Growch
disappeared into a bush, rind and all.
The whole thing can only
have lasted some fifteen seconds or so, but it seemed forever. I curled up in a
ball for protection, my fingers in my ears, my eyes tight shut, until an
almighty thump on the ground in front of me announced the Wimperling's return
to earth.
I opened my eyes, my
ears and finally my mouth. "You nearly scared the skin off me! What in the
world do you think you're doing?" I asked furiously. Then:
"You're—you're different!"
He looked as if someone
had just taken him apart and then reassembled him rather badly. Everything was
in the right place, more or less, but the pieces looked as if they might have
been borrowed from half a dozen other animals. His ears were smaller, his tail
longer, his back scalier, his snout bigger, his chest deeper, his stomach
flatter, his claws more curved, and the lumps on his side where he hid his
wings looked like badly folded sacks. He looked less like a pig than ever,
while still being one, and his expression was pure misery.
My anger and fright
evaporated like morning mist. "Oh, Wimperling! I'm so sorry! You look
dreadful—was it something I said? Or did?"
His voice had gone
unexpectedly deep and gruff, as if his insides had been shaken up as well.
"You kissed me. I told you once before never to do that again. . . .
I did, now. "Sorry,
sorry, sorry! It's just that—just that when one feels grateful or happy or
loving it seems the right thing to do. For me, anyway." I thought.
"It didn't have the same effect on Gill. And, come to that, I've never
kissed Growch. . . ."
"Who wants kisses,
anyway?" demanded the latter, who had crept out from his bush, minus rind,
I was glad to see. "Kissin's soppy; kissin's for pups and babies an' all
that rubbish!" Something told me that in spite of the words he was
jealous, so I picked him up and planted three kisses on his nose.
"There! Now you're
one ahead. . . ."
He rubbed his nose on
his paws and then sneezed violently. "Gerroff! Shit: now
you'll have me sneezin' all night. . . . Poof!" He nodded towards the
Wimperling. "An' if that's what a kiss can do, then I don' wan' no more,
I turned back to the
Wimperling. "Better now?"
He nodded. "Think
so . . ." His voice was still deep, and if I hoped he would regain his old
shape gradually, I was to be disappointed. "As I was saying, before
all—this—happened—" He looked down at his altered shape. "I should
like to go to the place where it all started. The place where I was hatched,
born, whatever . . . The Place of Stones."
This sounded
interesting. "And is this the place that you said was a hundred miles or
so to the west-something?"
He nodded.
I wasn't going to miss
this, hundred miles or no. "Will you set up your home where you were
born?" "Hatched" still sounded silly. Pigs aren't hatched.
"No. It will merely
be the place from where I set out on a longer journey, to the place where my
ancestors came from."
"A sentimental
journey, then," I said.
"An essential one.
Without going back to the beginnings I will not have my coordinates."
"Yer what?"
"Guidelines, dog.
Itinerary to humans."
Growch scratched
vigorously. "Me ancestors go back as far as me mum, and I doubt if even
she knew who me dad was, and as for me guidelines . . . I follows me
nose." And he accompanied the said object into the bushes, his tail waving
"And how far is it
to where your ancestors came from?"
"Many thousands of
miles," said the Wimperling. "A journey only I can take. But I should
be glad of your company as far as the Place of Stones. . . ."
"You have it,"
I said. We sat quiet for a moment, and I suddenly realized that my
conversations had been, for a long time, on a different level with the
Wimperling than with the others. He didn't just "talk" in short
sentences about the food or the weather, he communicated with me as though we
were two equal beings, talking about feelings and emotions, even philosophizing
a little. He wasn't really like an animal at all—
"And then you will
be free to seek that husband of yours," continued the Wimperling, as
though I had just said something. "Will you tell him your real name?"
I gazed at him blankly.
"My real name? What do you mean? My name is Summer—well,
"The name on the
register, as you keep telling yourself. Your birth was recorded by the priest
but he never knew the exact date. So he wrote 'Summer day,' only he ran the
letters together and misspelled them because he was an old man. . . . But when
you saw it written down you seized on the name, as a convenient way of burying
deeper the hurt when you learned your real, given name. . . ."
I was stunned. How did
he know about the register? But it was my name, it was, it was! If I'd had
another, then my mother would have called me by it instead of "girl,"
or "daughter" as she always did.
"I know because the
memory is still there inside you," he said, "hurting to get out.
Thoughts like that escape sometimes when you are asleep because they want to be
out in the open. I have become used to your thoughts in the time we have
traveled together. You have tried to kill the memory because you are ashamed,
but let it go and you will feel better. I know, because I am not what they
called me, Wimperling, and when my new name comes I shall be a different
A nasty, horrid picture
was forming in my mind, however hard I tried to stifle it, cry "Go away! I
don't want to remember. It happened to someone else, not me!" A child, a
girl of four or five, a fat little girl, was playing on the doorstep as one of
her mother's clients came to the door. And the mother said to the child:
"Go and play for a while, girl. . . ." And the man said: "Why
don't you call her by her given name?"
" . . . and my
mother said: 'How can I call that shapeless lump with the pudding-face Talitha
when she is neither graceful nor beautiful, nor will ever be? I was
pregnant when—when her father died, and he had made me promise to give her that
name if it were a girl. Of course I agreed, never expecting she would be so
plain and clumsy!'" I was crying now, hot tears of shame and remembered
humiliation. "How could you remind me! I had forgotten, I didn't remember,
it hurts!"
"And that is why
you stuffed the memory away for so long, just because you were afraid of the
hurt. But it was a long time ago, and things—and people—change. Now you have
let it out, you will heal, believe me, and be whole." He hesitated.
"I will not be with you much longer, so please forgive me. I did it for
"Yes, yes, I know
you did. . . ." I tried the name on my tongue. Now I remembered my father
had chosen it, it seemed right. "I feel better already. Thanks, Whimper .
. . But you said you weren't. Aren't . . . you know what I mean! What is your
real name?"
He shook his head.
"That's the exciting thing. I don't know yet. It comes with the change,
the rebirth if you like. All I know is that I took a form and a name that was
convenient at the time, in order to survive. That's how I remember how far it
is, counting the steps we traveled when they took me away. And that is how I
can guide you there."
"Then what are we
waiting for? Let's get going. Come on Growch, wherever you are: we are going to
a place full of stones, and you can christen every one!"
"Oh, I don't think
so," said the Wimperling. "These stones are—different."
* * *
We were now in the last
couple of weeks of October, and the weather stayed fine. We made leisurely
progress, ten or twelve miles a day, but the terrain changed dramatically with
every turn of the road. Villages became smaller, more isolated, there were
fewer farms and no great houses or castles. The land became rocky, wilder, less
hospitable, and now, instead of dusty lanes, there were sheep tracks, moorland
paths, great stretches of heather, thyme, gorse and broom. A barren land as far
as crops went, but with a wild beauty of its own.
The winds blew with no
hindrance, whirling my hair into great tangles and carrying in their arms
gulls, buzzards, crows, peregrines and merlin. The undergrowth hid fox, hare,
coney, stoat, weasel and an occasional marten; under our feet the ground was
springy with mosses, lichen, heather, bilberry, juniper, cotton grass and
bracken, the latter the color of Matthew's hair, Saffron's cat-coat. Away from
the paths the going was tough; wet feet, scratched legs and turned ankles the
penalty for trying a shortcut.
We came upon a small
village, some seven days before the end of the month, and the Wimperling
advised me to stock up. They had only had a small harvest, but were eager to
have coin to buy in some grain, so I used what little I had left and was
rewarded with cheese, salt pork, honey, turnip, onion and small apples, till I
could hardly stagger away under the weight. Once away from the village however,
the Wimperling insisted I load most of it on his back.
"My strength is
much greater now I approach the end of my journey."
"So is your
size," I said, for now he was truly enormous: over twice as big as me,
length and breadth.
"Ah, but I have
much to hide. . . ."
"If you hides it
much longer you'll burst," said Growch. "If'n I had that load abroad
I reckon me legs'ud be worn to stumps."
"Really? I was
under the impression that is what had happened already. . . ."
The next day we topped a
rise in the land and there were the Stones in the distance. Not just ordinary
stones, but ones of great size and power, even from miles away. I could feel
them now from where I stood, both repelling and attracting at the same time. We
had already passed the odd standing stone and the stumps of plundered circles,
but there for the first time was a veritable forest, a city of stones: circles,
lanes, avenues, clumps; grey and forbidding, they pointed cold stone fingers at
the sky, now whipped by a westerly into a roil of rearing clouds. Down here at
ground level it was still relatively calm, but the heavens were racing faster
than man could run.
The Wimperling heaved a
great tremble of anticipation and satisfaction. "The Place of Stones
starts here. Half a day's journey and we are there."
Briefly I wondered how
we were going to find our way back to civilization without our guide, but I
held my tongue, sure he would have a solution.
That night we sheltered
in a dell, the freshening wind creaking the branches of the twisted pine and
rowan above our heads, the latter's leaves near all gone, the few berries
blackened. I fell asleep uneasily, with Growch tucked against my side, to wake
half a dozen times. And each time it was to see the Wimperling standing still
as the stones, his gaze fixed westward, the wind flapping his small ears, his
snout questing from side to side and up and down, as though reading a message
in the night only he could comprehend.
In the morning the wind
had swung to the northwest and it was noticeably chillier. After breakfast, as
I strapped the Wimperling's burdens to his back, I noticed how hot his skin
felt, as if he was burning from some internal fever; I made some silly quip
about burning my fingers, but I don't think he even heard. His gaze was fixed
on the journey ahead, and he didn't seem ill in any way, only impatient to be
The further we went, the
more stones; some upright, others broken, a few lying full length, yet more
with a drunken lean like the few trees in this bare landscape, which all grew
away from the prevailing westerlies, like little hunched people with their
hoods up and their cloaks flapping in the breeze.
More and more stones,
and yet we never seemed to get near enough to them to touch. There they were to
left and right, ahead, behind, distinguishable apart by their different shapes,
height, angle, markings and yet as soon as I headed towards one I found I had
mysteriously left it behind, or it had grown more distant. I even felt as
though I passed the same monolith a dozen times as if we were walking in
circles through a gigantic maze, but the Wimperling still trotted forward
confidently and the ring was quiet on my finger.
At last we came to a great
avenue of stone, and there in the distance was a huddle of ruined buildings on
a small rise. The Wimperling stopped and looked back at us. "There it
is," he said simply. "Journey's end."
It didn't look like much
to me, and looked less so the nearer we approached. It was the remains of what
had obviously been a small farm—cottage, barn, stable and sty—and the buildings
were rapidly crumbling. The thatch had gone, apart from some on one corner of
the cottage, the broken-shuttered windows gaped like missing teeth and all
walls and fencing had been broken down. The place was deserted, no people, no
animals and, perhaps because it was the only sign of civilization we had seen
in a couple of days, the desolation seemed worse than it probably was.
"And all this in
less than a year," said the Wimperling, as if to himself. "They
angered the Stones. . . ." Then he turned to us. "You must be hungry
and tired. And cold, too. Come with me and don't be afraid. I promise you will feel
better in a little while."
I hoped so. Just at that
moment I felt I had had more than enough of the mysterious Stones: all I wanted
was to find some cozy corner inside where I could curl up and forget outside.
He led us to that part
of the cottage adjoining the barn where there was still a corner of roofing.
The room itself was about twelve feet square, with a central hearth, but I
dragged over enough stones to make another fireplace under the remaining
thatch. There was plenty of wood lying about, and I soon had a cheerful blaze
going, the smoke obliging by curling up and disappearing without hindrance. I
found a stave in one corner and, binding some heather to the end, made a broom
stout enough to sweep away the debris from our end of the room. Then I went out
and gathered enough bracken to make a comfortable bed for later. The Wimperling
showed me where a small spring trickled away past the house, and I filled the
cooking pot and set about dinner.
I had the bone from the
salt bacon, root vegetables and onion, and was just adding a pinch or two of
herbs when the Wimperling strode in with a carefully wrapped leaf in his mouth.
Inside were other leaves, some mushrooms and a powder I couldn't identify, but
on his nod I added them all to the stew, and the aroma that immediately spread
around the room had me salivating and Growch's stomach rumbling. I had a little
flour left so I put some dough to cook on a hot hearthstone. I tasted the stew,
added a little salt, then walked outside to join the Wimperling and Growch, who
were variously gazing up at a waxing moon, some three or four days off full,
riding uneasily at anchor among the tossing clouds, and searching the old
midden for anything edible.
"Will it rain
said the Wimperling. "But we have shelter."
"Is it—time? Are
you going tomorrow?"
"No, the time is
not quite right. A day or two."
"We haven't got
much food left. . . ."
"Don't worry. The
food will last."
And that night it seemed
he was right. However much we ate—and Growch and I stuffed ourselves silly on a
stew that tasted like no other I had ever come across—the pot still seemed
full. The Wimperling said he wasn't hungry, but he did have a nibble of bread.
As we sat round in the
firelight, the fire damped down by some turves of peat I had found in the barn,
I felt sleepier than I had for ages; not exhausted but happily tired, the sort
of tiredness that looks forward to dream. Growch was yawning at my feet,
stretching then relaxing, his eyes half-shut already.
"Gawdamighty! I
could sleep fer days. . . ."
"Why not?"
said the Wimperling.
"He'd die of
starvation in his sleep," I said, laughing, and stifled a yawn.
"Not necessarily.
What about those animals who sleep all winter?"
"Good idea," I
said. "Wake me in March. . . ." And as I wrapped myself tight in my
father's old cloak and lay down on the springy bracken bed, Growch at my feet,
I gazed sleepily at the glowing embers of the fire, breaking into abortive
little flames every now and again, or creeping like tiny snakes across the
peat, till all merged into a pattern that repeated itself, changed a fraction,
moved away, came back. Soothing patterns, familiar patterns, patterns in the
mind, sleep-making patterns . . .
* * *
When I finally came to I
found it was already mid-afternoon, and Growch was still snoring. The fire
smoldered under a great heap of ash that seemed to have doubled overnight. I
broke the bread, stale now, into the stew, and put it on to heat up. Then I
went outside to relieve myself and look for the Wimperling, but he was nowhere
about. I went down to the spring for a quick, cold wash, for I still felt
sleepy, then combed out my tangled hair. Still no sign of the Wimperling. He
couldn't have gone without saying good-bye, surely?
It had obviously rained
overnight, for the ground was damp and the heather wetted my ankles as I lifted
my skirts free from the moisture. After calling out three or four times I
shrugged and went back to dish out the stew, leaving a good half for our
companion. I cleaned out the bowls, banked up the fire and went outside again.
The wind was still strong, but it seemed to be veering back towards the west
and the biting chill had gone.
Something large trotted
out of the shadows. "Were you looking for me?"
"Wimperling! Where
have you been?"
"Around and about .
. . Did you sleep well?"
"Like a babe! Your
supper is waiting."
"I'm fine without,
thanks." He gazed up at the sky, where the moon seemed to bounce back and
forth between the clouds like a blown-up bladder. "Tonight I can sup off
the stars and drink the clouds. . . ."
"And what about the
moon? I teased, looking up at where she hung, free of cloud at last. "A
bite or two of—Oh, my God!"
I felt as if I had been
kicked in the stomach. "I don't understand!" Suddenly I was afraid.
"Last night when I went to sleep the moon was three or four days short of
full. And now . . ."
And now the moon was
Chapter Thirty
“Yes," said the
Wimperling, following my gaze. "You have slept through four days. 'Like a
babe' is what I think you said."
Just like that. Like
saying I overslept. Or missed Mass.
There was still a clutch
of fear in my stomach. "I don't understand! Magic? How? Why?"
"No magic, just a
pinch of special herbs in your stew. They slowed down your mind and your body,
therefore you needed less breath, less food, less drink. As to why . . . As you
said, there was little food left, and I had some things to do while you
I still felt scared that
anyone's body could be so used without their knowledge and permission; suppose,
for instance, the dose had been too strong? And did one age the same while in
that sleep? Did one dream? I couldn't remember any.
As usual, he knew what I
was thinking.
"I wouldn't hurt
you for the world, you know that. The dose was carefully measured. All it meant
was that you and the dog had a longer rest than usual, that's all. And saved on
food. No, you haven't gained time and yes, you did dream. One has to. But you
don't always remember."
you do?"
"I will show you.
When—when I am gone, if you travel due west for two days, you will come to a
road that leads either south or east. You will have enough food to last till
you come to another village. As to coinage—Follow me!"
He led us back to the
room we had slept in, and there, in a heap on the floor, were twenty gold
"It takes time to
make those," he said.
I ran the coins through
my fingers. "Are they real?" They felt very cold to the touch.
"As real as I can
make them. More solid than faery gold, which can disappear in a breath. But you
must be careful how you use them. As long as they are used honestly for trade
they will stay as they are, although each time they change hands they will lose
a little of their value. A coating of gold, you might say. But if they are
stolen or used dishonestly, then the perpetrator will die."
"How are they
"White fire, black
blood, green earth, yellow water."
None of which I had ever
come across, but I supposed anything was possible with a flying pig-not-a-pig.
A large flying pig. Very large. Now he almost reached my shoulder: those four
days sleep of mine had made him almost twice as big again.
"You will soon be
too big for your skin, you know," I said jokingly.
He looked at me gravely.
"I hope so. . . . Come and see what else I have been doing. You'd better
make up the fire, while you're at it."
"I've been letting
it die down. I can light it again for breakfast. It's not cold."
"Don't you remember
what your mother taught you? On no account let the house fires go out on the
eve of Samhain, lest Evil gain entry. . . ."
"Samhain? All
Hallows' Eve?"
He nodded, and I
suddenly realized that it had been exactly a year ago that I had made a funeral
pyre of our house for my mother and had set out on my adventures.
A year, a whole year . .
. Somehow it seemed longer. That other life seemed a hundred years and a
million miles away. I couldn't even clearly recall the girl I had been then:
this Summer was a totally different person. For one thing she had a name—two
names, in fact. For another, this person would not have been content to sit by
the fire and dream, and eat honey cakes till she burst. In fact, I couldn't now
remember when I had the last one. This girl now talked to animals, tramped the
roads, thought less of her own bodily comforts and more of others, and had
learned a great deal that was not taught in books. And hadn't used one single
item of her expensive education that she could recall . . .
I threw a couple more
logs on the fire and then followed the Wimperling out and across the yard to
where the pigsties had once been, an unusually subdued Growch tailing us. The
Wimperling stepped over what had once been one of the walls of the sty, and now
in the middle, rising some six feet high, was a newly built cairn of stones.
"Did you build
point," he said.
I looked at him. He
seemed so different from the little persecuted pig I had stolen from the fair
and run off with tucked under my arm. Not just the size, which was phenomenal;
he had also grown in confidence over the months I had known him. He was mature,
patient, wise, and had saved us more than once with courage and good advice. I
had lost my little piglet to an adult one, and wasn't sure whether to be glad
or sorry.
"What are you going
to do?"
"You will see.
First let me tell you a little of what happened when I was young. . . ."
I sat down on part of
the old wall and listened, Growch at my feet.
"This is where I
was bom. The very spot I hatched." "Hatched" again, as though he
truly believed he had come from an egg. "I was raised, as you know, among
a litter of innumerable little piglets, although I didn't grow exactly the same
and stayed the runt of the litter. As I told you, I would probably have made a
fine dish of suckling pig if the farmer hadn't discovered my stubs of wings,
and sold me. After weeks of torment you found me, and the rest you know."
"But if you were
unhappy here, and pretending to be something you were not, why come back?"
"Because this place
is a Place of Power. It was arranged that I start my breathing life here, and
also meant that I eventually leave from here for the land of my ancestors. The
fact that a farmer built a pigsty over my hatching place was an accident that
couldn't have been foreseen. However, once I had been sold, the Stones made
sure they left and destroyed what remained of the farm. The Stones are my
Guardians, they have watched and waited for a hundred years for my birth and
then the Change."
"What?" I
couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was fantasizing. "You waited to be
born—for a hundred years?"
"Legends have it as
a thousand, but that is an exaggeration. A hundred is the minimum, though, but
the warmth of the sty above me accelerated things somewhat and I only had
ninety-nine years. This hadn't given my personality enough charge to resist the
nearness of the other piglets, so I adapted their bodily conformation to give
myself time to acclimatize before the Change. Exactly a year, in fact."
I was utterly
bewildered. I had lost him somewhere. Hatching, a hundred years, Stones of
Power, a "change," guardians . . . I seized on one question.
"You say the stones around us are Stones of Power? What does that
"Listen. Listen and
feel. Where we are now is the centre of it all, like the center of a spider's
web. If you hung like a hawk from the sky you would see the pattern. This is
not the only Center of Power, of course: they exist in other countries as well.
Because of their special magic they have been used since understanding began
for birth, breeding, death, religions, sacrifice, healing. I say again: listen
and feel. . . ."
I tried. At first,
although the night was still as an empty church, I could hear nothing special.
Then there was a growl from Growch and I began to feel something. A low, very
faint vibration, as though someone had plucked the lowest string of a bass
viol, waited till the sound died away, then touched the silent string and still
found it stirring under their finger. I put both hands flat on the ground and
found I could hear it as well, though the sound was not on one note, it came
from a hundred, a thousand different strings, all just on the edge of hearing.
I felt the sound both through my body and in my ears at the same time, both
repelling and attracting, till I felt as if I had been a rat shaken by a
terrier. Beside me Growch was whimpering, lifting first one paw then the other
from the ground—
now?" asked the Wimperling, and with his voice the noise and vibration
faded and was still. "That is why I had to come back. Had my life been as
it should, my hatching taken place at the right time, had I not become part
pig, I should have needed no one. But you were instrumental in saving my life,
you have fed and tended me, and now I need you as the final instrument to cut
me from my past. I cannot be rid of this constriction without you," and he
flexed and stretched and twisted and strove as though he were indeed bound by
bonds he could not loose.
"Anything," I
said. "Anything, of course. How soon—how soon before you change?" I
wanted to ask into what, but didn't dare. I didn't think I wanted to know, not
just yet, anyway. In fact, just for a moment I wished I was anywhere but here,
then affection and common sense returned: nothing he became could harm us.
He glanced up at the
sky. The moon was calm and full and clear and among the stars there ran the
Hare and Leveret, the Hunter, his Dog and the Cooking Pan. There were the
Twins, the Ram, the Red Star, the Blue, the White. . . . No wind as yet, night
a hushed breath, as if it, too, waited as we did.
Around us the ruins of
the farm, all hummocks and heaps, farther away the Stones, seeming to catch
from the moon and stars a ghostly radiance all their own, casting their shadows
like fingers across the heath, so the land was all bars of silver and black
like some strange tapestry bearing a pattern just out of reach of
comprehension. And yet if one looked long enough . . .
minutes," said the Wimperling. "When the shadow of the cairn touches
the nearest Stone. Climb up with me and you will see. . . . That's right. See,
there is room for us both at the top."
Growch yipped beneath
us, and scrabbled with his claws at the stone but could get no further.
"This is not for
you, dog," said the Wimperling. "Be patient." He turned to me.
"Do you have your sharp little knife with you?"
"Of course." I
touched the little pouch at my waist where it always lay, wondering why he
wanted to know.
"Then it is
farewell to you both, Girl and Dog. My thanks to you, and may you find what you
seek soon." He took a deep breath. "I had not thought partings would
be so hard. . . . Are you ready, Talitha?"
"Yes," I said,
wondering what was to happen next. The shadow was creeping nearer and nearer to
the Stone. . . . "At least I think I am."
"Then take out your
knife, and when I count to ten, but not before, cut my throat. One . . ."
Chapter Thirty.One
“Two . . ."
"What are you talking
"Three . . . Four .
. ."
"I'm doing no such
thing! How could I possibly hurt you?"
"Listen, listen!
If I dig this knife into you—"
"—you will die!
I thought you said you were going to—"
"I won't, I
Wimperling, I can't kill you!"
"Nine! Do it! You must!"
"I love you too
much to—"
"Do it now, before
it's too late! Ten . . ."
And there was such a
look of agonized entreaty on his face that I brought the knife out and drew it
across his skin. The tiny gash started to bleed, a necklace of dark drops in
the moonlight, and I couldn't do any more. I had rather cut my own throat.
Summer—there are only a few seconds left!" His voice was full of an
imprisoned anguish. "Please . . ."
"I can't!
Stay a pig: I'll care for you always, I promise!" and I flung away the
knife, threw my arms around his neck and kissed him.
There was a tremendous
bang! like a thunderbolt, a great blast of hot air, and I was toppled off the
cairn. The moon and stars were blotted out and I lay stunned, conscious only of
a huge tumult in the air, as if a storm had burst right over my head. I could
hear Growch yelping with terror, but where was the Wimperling?
I sat up, my head
spinning, and saw an extraordinary sight. The body of the flying pig was
hurtling around the cairn like a burst bladder, every second getting smaller
and smaller. Pony-size, man-size, hound-size, piglet-size, until at last it
collapsed at my feet, a tiny bundle no bigger than my purse, and the moon
appeared again.
Crawling forward I
picked up the pathetic little bundle and held it to my breast, rocking back and
forth and sobbing. Once again I had been asked to help, once again it had all
gone wrong. At least I had never physically harmed any of the others, but there
was my precious little flying pig burst into smithereens, and all I had left
was a split piece of hide with the imprint of a face and a string of tail, four
little hooves and two small pouches where his wings had been—
"Look up! Look up .
. . !" The voice came from the air, from the clouds that were now massing
to the west, from the Stones—
The Stones! They were
alight, they burned like candles. One after the other their tips started to
glow with a greenish light as if they were tracking another great shadow that
glowed itself with the same unearthly light as it swooped, banked and turned,
dived in great loops from sky to earth and back again. The sky was full of
light and there was a smell like the firecrackers I had once seen, and a
beating sound like dozens of sheets flapping in a gale.
Again came the voice:
"Look up! Look up!" but I could only hug the remains of the Wimperling,
little cold pieces of leather, and cry. Growch crept to my feet from wherever
he had been hiding, whimpering softly.
"Great gods! What
was it? Where's the pig? Are you all right? C'mon, let's get back inside. . .
But even as he whined
there was a sudden rush of air that had me flat on my back again and there,
balancing precariously on the cairn above us, wings flapping to maintain
balance, clawed feet gripping the shifting stones was a—
Was a great dragon!
I think I fainted, for
darkness rushed into my eyes and I felt my insides gurgling away in a spiral
down some hole, like water draining away and out down a privy, and there was a
peculiar ashy smell in my nostrils. Then everything steadied, I decided I had
been seeing things because of the terror of the night, and cautiously opened
one eye. . . .
It was still there.
The great wings were now
quiet at its sides, and the scaly tail with the arrow-like tip was curled
neatly around its clawed feet. The great nostrils were flared, as if questing
my scent, the lips were slightly curved back above the pointed teeth, but the
yellow eyes with the split pupils seemed to hold quite a benign gaze. I could
see its hide rise and fall as it breathed.
I had never seen a dragon
before, but it closely resembled the pictures I had seen, the descriptions I
had read, so I knew what it was. Perhaps if I stayed perfectly still it would
go away. It couldn't be hungry, for it had obviously eaten the Wimperling. So I
waited, scarcely daring to breathe, conscious of Growch trembling at my side.
It cleared its throat,
rather like emptying a sack of stones.
"Well?" it
said, in a gritty voice. "How do I look?"
I swallowed, surprised
it could speak or that I could understand. But of course the ring on my finger
. . . Come to think of it, why wasn't it throbbing a warning? To my surprise it
was still and warm. Perhaps after all, dragons didn't eat maidens, in spite of
what the legends said.
"Er . . . Very
smart," I said, my voice a squeak. "Very . . . grand."
It stretched its great
wings, one after the other, till I could see the moon shine faintly through the
thin skin, like a lamp through horn shutters. "Still a bit creaky, but
they haven't dried properly yet," said the dragon. "Everything else
seems to be stretching and adjusting quite nicely. Of course I shall have to
take it in short bursts for a day or two, but—"
"What have you done
with the Wimperling?" I blurted out. "He was my friend, and all he
wanted was to return to his ancestors! He never harmed anyone, and—and . . . If
you've swallowed him, could you possibly spit him out again? I have his skin
here, and I could sew him up in it and give him a decent burial. And if you're
still hungry, I have some salt pork and vegetables left. . . ."
He stared at me, and for
a moment I thought if he hadn't been a dragon, he would have laughed.
"You want your
little pig back?"
"Of course. I said
he was my friend. Now I am alone, except for my dog. He—he's somewhere about. .
. ." Hiding, I thought, as I should have been.
"You offered me
salt pork. . . . Pork is pig."
"Not—not like the
Wimperling. He was different. He wasn't a real pig. You want some? Wait
a moment. . . ." and I dashed back inside and emerged with the cook pot
and put it on the cairn. "I'm afraid it's only warm. . . ." But there
was no sign of the dragon. "Don't go away! It's here," I called out.
"So am I,"
said a small voice. "But I can't reach it there," and a tiny slightly
blurred piglet was at my feet, just the same size as the Wimperling when I
first met him. I bent to scoop him into my arms, my heart beating joyously, but
as my hands closed over him he was gone, only the scrap of hide I had earlier
cuddled in my fingers. Then I was angry. I shook my fist at the sky.
"I don't care who
or what you are!" I screamed. "You cheated me! Just eat your accursed
stew, and I hope it chokes you. Where's my Wimperling?"
A man stepped from the
shadows behind the cairn, a tall man wearing a hooded cloak that was all jags
and points. I could not see his face and my heart missed a couple of beats. I
snatched up my little sharp knife, the one I had thrown away only minutes ago,
and held it in front of me.
"Keep away, or I'll
set my dog on you!"
"That arrant
coward? He couldn't—Ouch!"
Apparently Growch was
less afraid of strangers than he was of dragons, for he darted from the shadows
and gave the man's ankle a swift and accurate nip before dashing back, barking
"Mmmm . . ."
said the stranger. "I could blunt all your teeth for that, Dog!" He
addressed me. "I mean you no harm, so put that knife away. You weren't so
keen to use it five minutes ago, to help your friend."
So he had seen it all. I
wondered where he had been hiding. I tried to peek under his hood, but he
jerked his head away.
"Not yet. It takes
time. . . ."
I didn't know what he
was talking about. Just then the rising wind caught the edge of his jagged
cloak and a hand came out to pull it back. I stared in horror: the hand was
like a claw, the fingers scaled like a chicken's foot. What was this man? A
monstrosity? A leper? He saw the look in my eyes.
Talitha-Summer. I had thought to spare you that. See . . ." and held out a
hand, now a normal, everyday sort. "I told you it would take time. Better
with a little more practice. And it's all your fault, you know. . . . If you
hadn't kissed me—not once, but the magic three times—I would have appeared to
you only in my dragon skin. As it is, I am now obliged to spend part of my life
as a man." He sighed. "And yet it was that last kiss of yours that
set me free. If you had but kissed me once there would have been a blurring at
the edges every once in a while, human thoughts. Two kisses, a part-change now
and again and a definite case of human conscience—which hampers a dragon, you
know. But the magic three . . ."
"The same. And
different." He came forward and one hand reached out and clasped mine,
warm and reassuring. The other threw back the concealing hood and there,
smiling down at me, was at one and the same time the handsomest and most
forbidding face I had ever seen.
Dark skin and hair, high
cheekbones, a wide mouth, a hooked nose, frowning brows, a determined chin. And
the eyes? Dragon-yellow with lashes like a spider's legs. Under the cloak he
was naked; his hands, his feet, were manlike, but at elbow and knee, chest and
belly, there was a creasing like the skin of a snake's belly. Even as I looked
the scaly parts shifted and man-skin took their place.
"You see what you
have done?"
"Does it
hurt?" I asked wonderingly. Down there, at his groin, he was all man, I
noted, with a funny little stirring in my insides.
"Changing? Not
really. More uncomfortable, I suppose. Like struggling in the dark into an
unfamiliar set of clothes that don't fit and are inside out."
"How long can you
stay? When did you know what you were meant to be? When—when will you change
back? Er . . . Do you want the stew?"
He laughed, a normal
hearty man's laugh. "How long can I stay? A few minutes more, I suppose.
Until I start changing back into my real self and my dragon-body. When did I
know I was meant to be a dragon? Almost as soon as I was hatched, but the
piglet bit fazed me a little. I was sure again that night when we crossed the
border and I set the forest on fire with dragon's breath—" Of course! The
question I had forgotten to ask at the time. "The stew? No, from now on my
diet will be different. Here," and he lifted it down from the top of the
"Like what?"
said Growch, already accepting the situation and sniffing around the stew pot.
I tipped some out for him.
"Well, back east
where my ancestors come from, there is a land called Cathay, and there—"
"And there they has
those enticing little bitches wiv the short legs and the fluffy tails!"
said Growch, the stew temporarily forgotten. "That was the name
they used: Cathay!"
"And men with
yellow skins and a civilization that goes back a thousand years! You have a
one-track—no, two-track mind, Dog: food and sex. There are other things in
life, you know. . . ."
"Not as important.
Think about it, dragon-pig-man: reckon in some ways as I'm cleverer than
Sustenance and
propagation, with the spice of fear to leaven it: he could be right.
But the
Wimperling-dragon-man ignored him and took my hand. "Let's walk a way. I
don't know how long I can stay like this. Trust me?" And we strolled towards
the nearest Stones, an avenue shimmering softly in the moonlight, a soft green,
nearly as bright as glowworms.
As we walked I became
gradually aware of his hand still clasping mine, of the contact of skin to
skin, and my whole body seemed to warm like a fire. There were tickly
sensations on my groin, tingly ones in my breasts and I'm sure my face burned
like fire. I had never realized that palm-to-palm contact could be so erotic,
could engender such a feeling of intimacy.
He stopped and swung me
round to face him. "Well, Talitha-Summer, this is journey's end for us.
Where will you go?"
"Wait a
minute!" I didn't want to say good-bye, and couldn't think straight.
"You know my name, but what is yours? We called you the Wimperling, but
that was a pet name, a piglet name."
He laughed. "In
Cathay they will call me the
One-who-beats-his-wings-against-the-clouds-and-lights-the-sky-with-fire, but
that is a ceremonial name and you'd never be able to pronounce it in their
tongue. My shorter name is 'Master-of-Many-Treasures,' and that does have a
Western equivalent: Jasper."
"Like the
stone," I said. "Black and brown and yellow . . . I don't want you to
go!" Gauche, naive and true.
He didn't laugh, just
took both my hands in his.
"If I were only a
man, my beautiful Talitha-Summer, I would stay."
But that made me angry
and embarrassed, and I pulled my hands away. "Now you are laughing at me!
Don't mock; I am fat and ugly, not in the slightest bit beautiful. . . ."
I was close to tears.
"Dear girl, would I
lie to you? Look, my love, look!" And in front of us was a mirror of
clarity I couldn't believe. I saw the reflection of the man-dragon beside a
woman I didn't recognize. Slim, straight-backed with a mass of tangled hair, a
pretty girl with eyes like a deer, a clear skin, a straight nose and an
expressive mouth—a woman I had never seen before.
"You're lying! It's
some fiendish magic! I'm not—not like that!" I gestured at
the image and it gestured back at me. "I'm ugly, fat, spotty. . . ."
"You were. When you
rescued me you were all you said, but a year of wandering has worn away the fat
your mother disguised you with. She didn't want a pretty daughter to rival her,
so she did the only thing she could, short of disfigurement: she fattened you
up like a prize pig, so that only a pervert would prefer you. Now you are all
you should be. Why do you think Matthew wanted to marry you? Gill leave all
behind and run away with you? You're beautiful, Summer-Talitha, and don't ever
forget it!"
I reached out my hand to
touch the reflection and it vanished, but not before I had seen the Unicorn's
ring on my finger reflected back at me. So, it was true.
"Look at me,"
said the dragon-man, the Wimperling, Jasper. "Look into my eyes. You will
see the same picture."
It was so. Dark though
it was, I could see myself in the pupils of his eyes, a different Summer. I
shivered. Instantly he put his cloak around both of us and pulled me towards
him, so I could feel the heat of his body.
"Too much to
comprehend all in one day? Don't worry: tomorrow you will be used to being
beautiful. And now I must go: it will take me many days and nights to—"
"Don't! Please
don't leave me. . . ."
"I must, girl. From
now on our paths lie in different directions. Go back to Matthew, who will love
and care for you, take the dragon gold to a big city and find a man you fancy,
travel to—"
"I want you,"
I said. "Just you. Kiss me, please. . . ." and I reached up and
pulled his head down to mine, my hands cupped around his head. Suddenly he
responded, he pulled me close, as close as a second skin, and his mouth came
down on mine. It was a fierce, hot, possessive kiss that had my whole being
fused into his and my body melting like sun-kissed ice into his warmth.
Then, oh then, we were
no longer standing, we were lying and—and I don't know what happened. There was
a pain like knives and a sharp joy that made me cry out—
And then I was pinned to
the ground by a huge scaly beast and I cried out in horror and scrambled away,
my revulsion as strong as the attraction I had felt only moments since.
"You see,"
said the dragon, in his different, gritty voice. "It didn't work. For a
moment, perhaps, but you would not like my real self. Don't hurt yourself
wishing it were any different."
I swallowed. "But
for a moment, back there, you forgot the dragon bit completely. We were both
human beings." I felt sore and bruised inside.
He was silent for a
moment, shifting restlessly. "Perhaps," he said finally: "but it
shouldn't have happened. It gave me a taste for . . . Never mind. Forget it.
Forget me. Bury your remembrances with that scrap of hide you kept. Go and live
the life you were meant to lead.
"And now: stand
He flapped his great
wings once, twice, as a warning and I scrambled back to safety, watching from
behind one of the Stones. He flapped his wings again, faster and faster, and it
was like being caught in a gale. Bits of scrub and heather flew past my ears till
I covered them with my hands and shut my eyes for safety. There came a roaring
sound that I heard through my hands and a great whoosh!, a smell of cinders, my
hair nearly parted from my scalp and I tumbled head over heels.
Once I righted myself
and opened my eyes, my dragon was gone. A burned patch of ground showed where
he had taken off and in the sky was a great shadow like a huge bat that circled
and swooped and filled the air with the deep throb of wings. To my right—the
east—the Stones had started to glow again, a long avenue of them, like a
The shadow swooped once
more towards the earth then shot up like an arrow till it was almost out of
sight, then it steadied and hovered for a moment before heading due east,
following the direction the Stones indicated, head and tail out straight, wings
flapping slowly. I watched until its silhouette crossed the moon, then went
wearily back to the ruined farmhouse.
I wasn't even annoyed to
see Growch with his head inside the now-empty cook pot. I was too tired. His
voice sounded hollow.
"I saw you! Doing
naughties, you was!"
"Naughties? What do
you mean?" But even as I said it I realized what it must have looked like
to an inquisitive dog. Was that what had happened?
"You know . . . you
didn't do naughties with the knight or the merchant with the cat and the warm
fires: why with him?" He pulled his head out of the pot a trifle
guiltily and his ears were clogged with juice. "Sort of fell over it did;
din' want to waste it. . . . Why don' we go to that nice place for a while?
Likes you, he does, and it's too cold to stay outside all winter. Just for a
coupla months . . ."
"Matthew?" I
was deadly tired, confused, bereft, couldn't think straight. I must have time
to sort myself out, and better the known than the unknown. "Yes, why
Chapter Thirty.Two
Easier said than done.
It was the beginning of November now, and we were all of three or four hundred
miles from the town where Matthew lived, north and east. It took us two weeks
to get anywhere near a decent, well-traveled road, and those people we met were
usually traveling south as we had done the year before, so we were heading
against the flow of traffic. Company and lifts were few and far between and I
was burdened with all the baggage, now there was no Wimperling, and what I
would have expected to travel before—ten or twelve miles a day—was now only
five or six: less if we were delayed by rain.
For the weather had
changed with the waning of the moon: cold, blustery, with frequent rain
showers. We seldom saw the sun and then only fitfully, and too pale and far
away to heat us. To ease my burdens I made a pole sleigh—two poles lashed
together in a vee-shape, the tattered blanket acting as receptacle for the rest
of the goods—but the majority of the roads were so rutted and stony that the
sleigh either kept twisting out of my hands, or the ends wore away and the
poles had to be renewed.
Thanks to a couple of
good lifts, by the end of November we were over halfway, but every day now saw
worsening weather, and at night sometimes, if the wind came from the hills, we
could hear wolves on the high slopes howling their hunger. Mostly we slept in
what shelter we could find by the way—an isolated farmhouse, a barn, a
shepherd's croft—but sometimes I paid for the use of a village stable or a
place beside a tavern fire. Careful as I was, the cost of food and lodgings was
so high in winter that almost half the dragon gold had gone when disaster
struck us.
One night in a tavern I
had been paying in advance for a meal when my frozen fingers spilled the rest
of the gold from my purse onto the earthen floor. I scooped it up as quickly as
I could, but three unkempt men at a corner table were nodding and winking at
one another slyly as I did so. That night I slept but little, although the men
had long gone into the dark, and in the morning my fears were justified.
Growch and I had
scarcely made a couple of miles out of the village when the three men leapt out
from the bushes at the side of the road, kicked and punched me till I was
dazed, snatched my purse, pulled my bundle apart and flung Growch into the
undergrowth when he tried to bite them. They were just pulling up my skirts,
determined to make the most of me, when there was the sound of a wagon
approaching and they fled, taking with them my blanket, food, cooking things
and my other dress.
The carter who came to
my rescue was from the village I had just left, and he was kind enough to help
me gather together what little I had left and give the dog and me a lift back.
I was in a sorry state: my head and arms and face bruised and swollen and my
clothes torn, but poor Growch was worse off, with a broken front leg. The
tavern-keeper's wife gave me water to wash in, needle and thread to mend my
torn skirt and sleeve and a crust of bread and rind of cheese for the journey
and I made complaint to the village mayor, but as the thieves had not been
local men there was nothing they could do, and I was hurried on my way with
sympathy but little else, lest I became a burden on the parish.
Once out of the village
I bound up Growch's leg, using hazel twigs wrapped with torn strips from my
shift, and poulticing it with herbs from the wayside to keep down the swelling
and aid the healing, using the knowledge I had and the feel of the ring of my
finger to choose the best. Of course now I would have to carry him, so I
discarded any nonessentials, leaving me a small parcel to strap to my back, and
my hands free for Growch.
By nightfall, hungry and
depressed, I reached a tumbledown hut just off the road. As I walked through
the scrub towards it I saw various articles strewn by the way: a man's belt, a
rusty knife, a tattered blanket—surely that last was mine? I shrank back into
the undergrowth ready to run, but Growch sniffed, wrinkled his nose and demanded
to be put down. My ring was quiet, but cold, so I let him hobble forward on
three legs to investigate further.
He came back a few
minutes later. "We're not dossin' down there tonight, that's for sure.
They's all dead an' it stinks to high heaven."
I crept forward, but
even before I reached the hut I was gagging, and had to hold my cloak across my
face. There, huddled on the earth floor, were the men who had robbed us only
this morning, dead and smelling as though they had been that way for weeks. The
contorted bodies lay in postures of extreme agony, mouths agape on swollen
tongues and bitten lips, arms and legs twisted in some private torture, a
noisome liquid oozing from great suppurating blisters on their blackened skin.
Surely even the plague could not strike so quickly and devastatingly?
Then I noticed a little
pile that was smoking away in a corner, like the last wisps from a dying fire.
It was from here also that the worst stench came. Carefully stepping over the
bodies, I walked over to investigate. There, dissolving in a last sizzling
bubble, were the remains of the coins of dragon gold the then-Wimperling had
left for me. I remembered what he had told me: given or used for trade they
were perfectly safe; stolen, they brought death and destruction. I shivered
uncontrollably, but not from cold.
That night we spent in
the open, the first of many. With no money but my dowry left, which coins the
country people would not accept, not recognizing the denominations and being
suspicious of strangers anyway, I was reduced to begging, to stealing from
henhouses, a handful of grain from sacks, vegetables from clamps. It was a
wonder I was never caught, but with a dog who could no longer dance for his
supper what else could I do? I did find the occasional root or fungi and gather
what I could of herbs and winter-blackened leaves, but every day I grew weaker.
Growch's leg healed slowly, but he probably fared worse than I did, for I could
no longer find even the beetles and grubs that he would eat if there was
nothing else. I even tried to trap fish, as I had been taught as a child, but
with the frosts the fish lay low in the water and it all came to nothing, even
the frogs having burrowed down under the mud.
There were one or two
remissions, like the time I came upon a late November village wedding—none too
soon from the look of the bride's waistline—and I stuffed myself stupid in
return for a handful of coins and a tune or two on my pipe and tabor which I
had providentially kept. I took with me a sack of leftovers that lasted us for
a week.
But that was the last of
our good luck. The weather got even worse and our progress slowed to a crawl.
Lifts, even for a couple of miles, were few, and the stripped hedgerows and
empty fields mocked our hunger. A couple of times, dirty and disreputable
though I now was, I could have bought us a meal or two by pandering to the
needs of importunate sex-seekers, but somehow I just couldn't. I do not believe
it had anything to do with morals, nor the off-putting stench of their bodies:
it was something deeper than that. I had been infatuated with Gill—the
Wimperling had been right about that—I had had an affection for Matthew,
and—But I would think no further than that. The recent past I blotted out from
memory. Sufficient that it stopped me from greater folly.
I have no clear
recollection of those last few days. I know I was always hungry, always cold.
My shoes had fallen to pieces but my numb feet no longer hurt on the sharp
stones. I was conscious of a thin shadow that dogged my heels as a limping
Growch tried to keep up, and I do recall him bringing me a stinking mess of raw
meat he had stolen from somewhere and me cramming it into my mouth, trying to
chew and swallow and then being violently sick. I also remember a compassionate
woman at a cottage door, with half a dozen children clinging to her skirts,
sparing me a mug of goat's milk and a few crusts, and finding rags to bind my
feet, but the rest was forgotten.
It started to snow. At
first thin and gritty, hurting my face and hands like needles, then softer,
thicker, gentler, drifting down like feathers to cover my hair, burden my
shoulders, drag at my skirt, but provide a soft carpet for my feet. I think it
was then that I realized I wasn't going to make it, although some streak of
perversity in my nature kept me putting one foot in front of the other. I
remember falling more than once, stumbling to my knees many times, and on each
occasion a small hoarse voice would bark: "Get up! Get up! Not far to go
now . . . We ain't done yet. . . ."
But at the end even this
failed to rouse me. The snow was up to my knees, above them, and I could go no
further. Even Growch, plowing along in my dragging footsteps and then trying to
tug at my skirt to pull me forward, failed to rouse me.
"Come on, come on,
now! A little further, just two steps, and two more! Round this corner, that's
right! You can't give up now. . . . Now, down here a step or two—don't fall
down, don't!" Another tug at my skirt, and this time a nip to my ankle as
well. I tried to thrust him away, but he was as persistent as a mosquito. I
staggered a few steps, fell again. The snow was like a featherbed and no longer
cold and forbidding. If I could just lie down for a few minutes, pull up the
covers and sleep and sleep and sleep . . .
"Get up! Don't go
to sleep! Up, up, up!" Nip, nip, nip . . .
"Go away! Leave me alone!"
For the last time I got to my feet and stumbled down the road. "Leave me,
go away, I don't want you anymore!" and I fell into a snowdrift that was
larger, deeper, softer, warmer than any before. Shutting my eyes I burrowed
deeper still and drifted away, the last thing I heard being Growch's hysterical
barking: "Yip! Yip! Yip!" but soon that too faded and I heard no
more. . . .
* * *
"I think she's
coming round . . . How are you feeling?"
A strangely familiar
face swam into focus, an anxious, rubicund face with a fringe of hair like the
setting sun. I shut my eyes again, opened them. Did angels have red hair?
Assuredly I must be in Heaven whether I deserved it or not, for I was warm,
rested, lying I suppose on a cloud, and no longer hungry, thirsty or worried
about anything. Except—
"Growch? Where's
Growch? Is he here too?"
"She means the
dog," said someone, and something walked up my feet, legs, stomach and
chest, then thrust a cold wet nose against my cheek and I smelt the familiar,
hacky breath.
"Been here all the
time—'cept for breakfast 'n' lunch 'n' supper—thought at one time as how you
wasn't goin' to make it. . . ."
I put up a strangely
heavy and trembly hand to touch his head. Did they have dogs in Heaven,
then? I'd think about it later. Just have a little sleep . . .
down," said another voice I thought I recognized. "By the morning
she'll be fine."
And by morning I was at
least properly awake, conscious of my surroundings and hungry, though not
exactly "fine" just yet, for all the damaged parts of me that had
been exposed to the bitter weather started to smart and ache, and I was still
very weak.
Of course I had ended up
at Matthew's house, thanks to Growch. He had led us both over the last few
miles, scenting food and warmth and comfort, and luckily my final collapse had
taken place just outside the merchant's house, though it had taken Growch a
long time to rouse them from sleep and he had ended up voiceless, for a few
hours at least.
At first they were
convinced I was dead, so pale and cold and lifeless I had become, but
providentially for me Suleiman had been staying with Matthew once more and he
found a thin pulse and proceeded to thaw me out.
"Not by putting you
in hot water or roasting you by the fire, as my dear friend would have me
do," he said. "That would have killed you of a certainty. Instead I
used a method I learned when a boy, from the Tartars my father sometimes traded
with in hides. A tepid bath, oil rubbed gently into the skin, a cotton
wrapping, then the natural warmth of naked bodies enfolding you. The servants
took it in turns. Then the water a little warmer, and so on again . . . It took
many hours until you were breathing normally, though once I saw you could
swallow, though still unconscious, I gave you warm sweet drinks.
there was a fever there, waiting for your body to warm up, but with one of my
special concoctions and poppy juice to keep the body asleep, we managed to pull
you through, though it was a close thing. The bruises and cuts will heal soon,
but you have two broken toes, and I have bound those together; you were lucky
you did not get frostbite as well."
After I had done my best
to thank him, I asked about Growch's broken leg.
"Ah, you did a good
job there. He still limps a little, but I have removed the splints and renewed
the healing herbs. He will be as good as new."
Once I started to eat
again properly I made rapid progress and was soon allowed up to sit by the fire
in the solar, with a fully mobile Growch at my feet, luxuriating in the
idleness, and Saffron, the great ginger cat, actually venturing his weight on
my lap, though he was singularly uncommunicative, even when he realized I could
talk to him. Of course I was petted and pampered and cosseted by Matthew, who
seemed delighted to have me back. Both he and Suleiman could hardly wait to
hear of my travels and find out what had happened to "Sir Gilman," so
I gave them an edited, but nevertheless entertaining, account of my wanderings.
I had had plenty of time
while convalescing to think up a good story, for who would believe the real
one? I told them about the ghost in the castle and about our sojourn in the
artist's village, and they were suitably impressed, both believing in the
supernatural and Suleiman having heard of the other artist's seminars in
Italia. When I recounted our stay with the Lady Aleinor, I had a surprise, and
further confirmation (to them) of the complete veracity of my story.
"I quite forgot to
tell you!" exclaimed Matthew. "The lad who helped you escape, Dickon,
came here eventually, he said on your recommendation. He seemed an enterprising
sort of lad and brought news of you—though he did embroider the facts a
"Something about
you flying to safety on the back of that pig of yours," said Suleiman, but
his eyes were speculative. "It was a good tale. . . ."
"Anyway, I decided
to give him a chance, for your sake," said Matthew. "Sent him off on
one of our caravans with a letter of introduction. He'll be away at least a
year, and he may prove useful. We can always do with promising
Of course I didn't tell
them the whole truth about Gill. I made a great tale of our escape across the
border and of the miraculous return of his eyesight, however, the latter
gratifying Suleiman.
"A theory of mine
proved. One blow to the head: blindness. Another knock, and whatever has been
displaced in the brain is jarred back. I expect he will have recurrent
headaches for a while, but all should be well."
Matthew looked
uncomfortable, but after a while he asked: "And the young man's parents?
They must have been glad of his return. . . . He—also had—others—who must have
I nodded and said, my
voice quite steady and unemotional, "His fiancee had almost given him up
for dead. They celebrated their nuptials while I was there and Rosamund, a
beautiful fair-haired lady, was already with child when I left, I believe. . .
." That at least was true.
"And the rest of
your little menagerie?" asked Suleiman. "The horse, the pigeon, the
tortoise and the—er, flying pig?"
"The pigeon flew
away once his wing was healed and joined a flock of his brethren." Truish.
"The tortoise I let loose in suitable surroundings." True, but
short of the full facts. "The mare—she grew up into quite a fine specimen
and went for breeding." Again, basically true, but not the full story.
But what is truth? I
thought to myself. It is always open to interpretation. Even if I had told them
everything it would have been colored by the telling, my subjectiveness, and
they would have heard it with ears that would hear parts better than others,
would remember some facts and forget others, so the story to each would be
different. If someone asked you what you ate for breakfast and you answered
truthfully: "eggs," that would be truth but still not tell the
enquirer how many, how cooked and what they tasted like, though they would
probably be quite satisfied with the answer.
"And the pig?"
asked Suleiman. "The odd one out . . ."
"He—the pig,
died." I said. Another sort of truth. "He just dwindled away. He
doesn't exist anymore." I still had the little scrap of hide, shriveled
still smaller now though still bearing the imprint of its owner's face and the
remnants of his hooves. Stuffed, it would make a mini-pig, and child's
plaything. My eyes were full as I remembered all that had happened.
"Well, it seems all
turned out for the best," said Matthew comfortably. "Feel well enough
for a game of chess, Mistress Summer?"
* * *
Through the colored
glass of the window in the solar I watched the sun climb higher in the sky
every day as the celebrations of Candlemas gave way to the rules of Lent.
Matthew and Suleiman still insisted on convalescence, so I brought out my Boke,
one of the few things I had managed to save, and wrote out my adventurings as
best I could, but the version for my eyes only. When I had finished, the fine
vellum Matthew had insisted on buying stood elbow to wrist high and my fingers
ached. And even then the story wasn't complete.
It ended when the
Wimperling "died," for there were still some things I couldn't bring
myself to write down, or even think about.
Matthew and Suleiman
brought out their maps, planning the year's trade and seeking a faster route to
the spices of the East. I studied the maps too, fascinated by the lands and
seas they portrayed, so far from everything I knew. At one stage Suleiman
mentioned the difficulties of coinage barter and exchange between the different
countries and I bethought myself of my father's dowry gift, bringing the coins
to show him.
To my amazement and
delight he recognized them all and spread out the largest map in the house,
weighing it down at the four corners with candlesticks.
"See, these coins
all belong to different countries: Sicilia, Italia and across the seas to
Graecia. Then Persia, Armenia . . ." and he placed the coins one by one
across the map so they looked like a silver and gold snake. South by east,
east, east by north, northeast; all tending the same way. "Your father
must almost have reached Cathay. . . . He did: look!" And he held out the
last and tiniest coin of all, no bigger than a baby's fingernail and dull gold.
"Either that, or he was friendly with the traders who went there. These
coins follow our trade routes almost exactly. . . . Don't lose them: they might
come in useful some day."
I offered the coins, my
precious dowry, to dear, kind Matthew when he tentatively proposed marriage to
me just before Easter, but he closed my hand over them. "No, I have no
need of them; you are enough gift for any man. Keep them in memory of your
It was agreed we would
be wed when he returned from a two-week journey to barter for the new season's
wool in advance. He and Suleiman set off together one fine April morning and I
waved them out of sight, clutching Matthew's parting gift, a purseful of coins,
to buy "whatever fripperies you desire."
He had kissed me a fond
good-bye, and as his lips pressed mine I remembered Gill's urgent mouth on
mine. And another's . . .
"Well, then: that's
settled," said Growch by my side, tail wagging furiously. "Home at
last, for both of us. When's lunch?"
Part 3: A Beginning
Chapter Thirty.Three
I awoke with a start to
find Growch trampling all over me, tail wagging furiously. Night had fallen
early with lowering cloud, but I was snug in the last of the hay at the far end
of the barn, wrapped in my father's old cloak, and had been sleeping dreamlessly.
"D'you know how
long I been lookin' for you? Four days! Four bleedin' days . . . Fair ran me
legs orf I did. You musta got a lift. . . ."
"I did.
Yesterday." I sat up. "How did you know which way I'd gone?"
"Easy! Only way we
ain't been. 'Sides, I gotta nose, and that there ring of yours got a pull,
I glanced down at it.
Warm, but pulsing softly.
"Got anythin' to
eat? Fair starvin' I am," and he pulled in his stomach and tried to look
I gave him half the loaf
I had been saving for breakfast. "And when you've finished that you can
turn right round again and head back where you came from!"
He choked. "You're
"No, I am not. I
left you behind deliberately. I even asked Matthew in my note to take care of
you while I was away. . . ."
A note he wouldn't find
yet, not for a couple of days at least, and by that time I should be aboard a
ship for Italia, cross-country to Venezia and ship again for points east. And
then to find Master Scipio and present myself to the caravan-master as Matthew's
newest apprentice . . .
* * *
Once the merchant and
Suleiman had disappeared I had had plenty of time to think.
Before, there had always
been someone hovering, in the kindest possible way of course, making sure I
wasn't hungry/cold/thirsty/tired/bored. I hadn't realized how constricted I had
felt until they were both gone: the first action of mine had been to run from
room to room, down the stairs, round the yard and then back again, flinging
cushions in the air and the shutters wide open. Free, free, free! I sang, I
danced, I felt pounds lighter, almost as if I could fly. Growch thought I was
mad, so did the cat and surely the servants.
Once I had calmed down I
asked myself why I had acted like that, and I didn't particularly like the
answers I came up with. One of them was obviously that a year or more traveling
the freedom of the roads had left me with a taste for elbow room; another that
I was obviously not ready to settle down yet. The third answer was, in a way,
the most hurtful: I obviously didn't care enough for Matthew to marry him—at
least I didn't return his affection the way he would have wished.
And why should you
expect to love him? I could hear my mother's voice like a dim echo. Marriage is
a contract, nothing more. You are lucky in that you don't actively dislike him.
Just look around you, see what you will have! A rich husband who will grant
your every wish, a comfortable home, security at last . . . A little pretense
on your part every now and again: is that so much to ask?
Yes, Mama, I answered
her in my mind. You had my father, don't forget, you knew what real love felt
like. You, too, had a choice. Didn't you ever regret not flinging everything
aside and following him to the ends of the earth and beyond? A cruel and unjust
death took him away from you, but at least you had your memories. And what have
I got? A taste, just the tiniest taste, of what life could really be like, what
love meant.
If I married Matthew
now, feeling the way I did, I should be doing him a grave injustice and he was
too nice, too kind a man for that. He would know I was pretending. Whereas if I
tried to find what I was seeking and failed, then I could return and truly make
the best of things. If he would still have me, of course. And if I succeeded .
. . But I wouldn't even think of that, not yet. Besides, the odds were so
great, maybe ten thousand to one, probably more. But I was damn well going to
That letter to dear
Matthew had been difficult to write, for I knew how it would hurt him.
I know you will be upset to find me gone, but I find I cannot yet settle
down, much as I am fond of you and am grateful for your many kindnesses. I hope
you can forgive me. I am not sure where I shall go, but I hope to return within
a year and a day, all being well. By then, of course, you may well have changed
your mind about me, but if not I hope I shall be ready to settle down with you.
I have taken the bag of coins you gave me so I shall not be without funds,
although I know you intended them for more frivolous purposes. Thank you again
for everything. Please, of your goodness, take care of my dog till I return. .
. .
There were two
things—three—that I didn't tell him. I had spent a few coins in kitting myself
out in boy's clothes: braies and tunic, stockings and boots. Also, I had cut my
hair short. At first I had been horrified at the result, for now my hair sprang
up round my head in a riot of curls, but I soon became used to the extra
lightness, and it would be much more convenient. I had taken the discarded
tresses with me, for there was always a call for hair to make false pieces and
they might be worth a meal or two.
Another thing he
wouldn't know was that I had copied his maps showing the trade routes, and the
last way I had taken advantage was to use his seal and forge his signature to a
letter of introduction to one of his caravan masters, the same one who had engaged
young Dickon. Having memorized, unconsciously at the time, the schedules of the
routes, I now knew I had a couple of days more to make the twenty miles or so
to the first rendezvous. And now here came trouble on four legs just to
complicate matters. . . .
"I locked you in
deliberately to stop you following! You can't come with me! I'm not even sure
where I'm going. . . ."
"Why can't I come?
S'all very well tellin' the servants as you're goin' visitin', but I ain't
stupid! They tried to keep me in, as you ordered, but I jumped out a window, I
did. You ain't goin' nowheres without me. You knows you ain't fit to be let out
on your own. Din' I get us to that fellow's house?"
I admitted he had.
"Well, then!
There's gratitude for you. . . . I don' care where you're goin', I'm comin'
too. Try an' stop me."
"I thought all you
wanted was a comfortable home. Matthew would take good care of you. And all
that lovely food . . ."
"I can change me
mind, can't I? You have. Don' know what you wants do you? Well, then . . .
Where we goin'?"
I gave up. "To
sleep, right now. In the morning . . . east."
"Where the little
fluffy-bum bitches come from? Cor, worth a walk of a hundred miles or so . .
Nearer thousands, I
thought, as I lay down again. It was a daunting prospect, thought of like that.
But otherwise how could my mind and body ever be rid of the ache, the
questioning, the unknown, engendered on that never-to-be-forgotten night when
my world had turned upside down?
Growch had been wrong
there: I did know what I wanted.
Somewhere a dragon was
waiting. . . .
Master of Many Treasures
It was a difficult
Once in the air he had
thought the flight would be easy; after all, he would be flying higher than all
but the largest raptors. The thermals, currents of air, clouds, and winds
provided his highways, hills and vales, and the skyscape freed him from the
pedestrian pace of those on the earth beneath. In that other skin he had once
worn ten or fifteen miles a day had been enough, but now he could easily manage
a hundred in one stint, though he usually cut this by half. After all, there
was no hurry.
No problems with the
route, either. Like all of his kind the ways of the air were etched into his
brain as a birthright, a primitive race memory he shared with birds, fishes and
some of the foraging mammals.
At first the wind aided
him on his way and the sun shone kindly at dawning and dusk, for he preferred
to return to land during the day for food and rest, ready for the guidance of
the stars at night. The sleeping earth rolled away beneath his claws, and his
reptilian hide adapted to the cold better than he had expected, not slowing him
down with his reduced heartbeat as he had feared.
Rivers glinted in
serpentine curves beneath the moon, hills reared jagged teeth, tiny pinpoints
of light showed where those wealthy enough burned candles and tapers in castle
or church, and he grew complacent, so much so that when the Change came, he
wasn't ready for it.
It was that comfortable
time between moondown and sunrise and he was cruising at about a thousand feet,
ready to do a long glide down in search of breakfast, when he suddenly became
aware that something was terribly wrong. Although his wings were beating at the
same rate, he was losing height rapidly and feeling increasingly cold.
Glancing from side to
side, he was horrified to see that his wings were almost transparent, were
shrinking; his heartbeats were quickening, his legs stretching in an agony of
tendons and muscles, his clawed forefeet turning into . . . hands?
Then he remembered.
She had kissed him, not
once but three times, and so as part of those accepted Laws—Laws that until now
he had dismissed as mere myth, though he had jokingly told her of them as
truth—he would now have to spend part of his life as a human, earthbound as any
All right, all right, so
he was going to be a man for a minute, two, five, but why no sort of warning?
He was falling faster and faster, but all he could think about was there should
be some way of delaying the Change, or of controlling it—
He landed plump in the
middle of a village rubbish dump, all the breath knocked out of him but
otherwise unhurt. For a moment he lay dazed and winded, then the stench was
enough to make him stumble to his feet and stagger drunkenly down the main (and
only) street, shedding leaves, stalks, bones and worse. Halfway down he
realized he was not alone.
A small boy, perhaps
five years old, clad only in a tattered shirt, was watching him with solemn
brown eyes in the growing dawnlight. By his side was a smaller child, perhaps
his two- or three-year-old sister, in a smock far too short for her, thumb
stuck firmly in her mouth.
He thrust his hands out
in a useless gesture of friendship. "Sorry, children: didn't mean to scare
you. Just passing through. . . ."
Fiercely he concentrated
on his real self—though what was real anymore?—and to his relief he began the
awkward pain of changing back. In the midst of his discomfort he became aware
of the children still watching him, their eyes growing rounder and rounder with
amazement, and the humor of the situation struck him even as he took a running
leap into the air, as clumsy as any heavy water fowl.
"Good-bye," he
called, but it sounded just like the rumble of thunder, and he could see now
the terrified children beneath him rush for the nearest hut and safety. Never
mind, they would have a tale to tell that would keep the village buzzing for
After that the weather
became more hostile, and not only was he battling against his
"changes," which took time to recognize and regularize, but also
strong easterlies, snow, and sleet, so it was well after the turn of the year
before he saw in the distance his objective, four thousand miles from the Place
of Stones of his transformation: a small conical hill set proud on a plain, a
hill that shone softly blue against the encircling mountains. . . .
Part One
Chapter One
Venice stank. For the
loveliest city in the world (so I had been told), center of Western trade,
Queen of the Adriatic, she certainly needed a bath. One would have thought with
all that water around the smells would have been washed away, but the reverse
was true: it made it worse. The waters in the canals were moved only by the
water traffic, which stirred but did not dissipate, and all the slops and
garbage merely settled a few feet further on.
The city was certainly
busy with trade and teeming with merchants and dripping with gold, but she was
only beautiful at a discreet distance. Pinch one's nose and one could admire
the tall towers, fine buildings, richly dressed gentry; one could feel the
sun-warmed stone, listen to the sweet dissonance of bells and the calls of the
gondoliers; watch the bustle at the quays as the laden barques and caravels
were rowed in the last few yards . . . but keep one's nostrils closed.
I moved restlessly from
bed to window and back again: three paces and then another three. It was hot
and stuffy in this little attic room, but when I had opened the window some
time back the stench had made me gag, so it stayed shuttered. Consequently it
was not only stifling but also dark: I had trodden on my dog twice, but
couldn't keep still.
Mind you, I was lucky to
have a room to myself. Apart from Master Adolpho, the trading captain, all the
others—horse master, interpreter, accountant, guards, cooks and servants—had to
share. And why was I so privileged? Because I bore papers that proved I was
under the personal protection of the wealthy merchant who had financed the
expedition, Master Matthew Spicer.
And I was the only one
who knew the papers were forged. By me.
I had a couple of other
secrets, too, and secrets they must remain, else this whole journey would be
jeopardized, and that mustn't happen. I had left too much behind, risked too
much, hurt too many people to fail now. This was the most important journey of
my life, and to justify what I had done, it must succeed.
A bad conscience and a
real fear of pursuit had kept me glancing over my shoulder during our
journeying the last couple of months, but at least then we had been moving,
whereas for the last two weeks we had been stuck in this stinking city. No
wonder I couldn't keep still. I—
Feet on the stairs, a
thumping on the ill-fitting door.
"Hey, boy! Wake up
there. . . . Cargo's in, we're going down to the quay. Coming?"
Action at last! Telling
my dog, Growch, to "stay," I jammed my cap on my head, grabbed my
tally sticks and clattered down three flights of wooden stairs to the street
below. Outside it was scarcely less hot than my room, but at least there was
shade and a faint breeze off the sea. Master Alphonso, the interpreter, and
half a dozen others were milling around, but as soon as I appeared we set off for
the quay, through the twists and turns of narrow streets, across the elegant
curves of bridges, through the busy thoroughfares, all the while having to
contend with the purposeful and the loiterers; carts, wagons, riders,
pedestrians, children, dogs and cats impeded our progress. Watch out for the
overhead slops—forbidden, but who was to see?—and be careful not to trip over
that heap of rags, a sudden thin hand snatching at your sleeve for alms. Keep
your hand on your purse and your feet from skidding in the ordure. . . .
Matthew's ship was
already being unladen. Because of the press of the sea traffic she was anchored
some way out, rowing boats busy ferrying the cargo ashore. A couple of our
guards stood over the deepening piles of bales on the quayside, and our
accountant started setting out paper, pens and ink on his portable writing
desk, ready to itemize the cargo.
I tugged at Master
Alphonso's sleeve. "How soon before it is all unladen? When can we go
aboard? When do we sail?"
He twitched his sleeve away
impatiently. "How many times do you have to be told, boy? When all the
cargo is on dry land and checked by description against the captain's listings,
then it is taken to a warehouse, opened and itemized, piece by piece. Then, and
only then, will it be distributed as Master Spicer wishes. In the meantime the
ship will take on a fresh crew and fresh supplies, the new cargo will be listed
and loaded aboard. Then if the weather is fair, the ship sets sail. If not, it
waits. Satisfied? I shan't tell you again."
I nodded, but inside I
was in turmoil. Just how long would all this take? A week, at least . . . I
turned away, but he stopped me.
"Just where do you
think you're going? You may be Master Spicer's protegeй, but that doesn't mean
you skip out every time there's work to be done. You're here to learn the
business, that's what your papers say, so stop farting around and go help the
So I spent a long, hot
afternoon working my tally sticks at top speed against the accountant's vastly
superior abacus, then helped load the cargo for the warehouse. All my own
fault; when I had forged Matthew's signature on the carefully prepared papers,
I had represented myself as a privileged apprentice, to learn a merchant's
trade from the bottom up. This was obviously the bottom. Up till now I had been
a supernumerary; now it appeared I was about to earn my keep.
Snatching a meat pie and
a mug of watered wine from a stall, I followed the cargo to a warehouse on the
outskirts of the city. There the bales were off-loaded, recounted against the
existing lists and at last opened to check the contents.
This was the exciting
bit. Although Matthew was principally a spice merchant, and some eighty percent
of the cargo was just this—mainly pepper, cloves, nutmeg, and mace—he also
traded in whatever was out-of-the-way and unusual, sometimes to special order.
Thus the rich, black furs would be auctioned off in Venice, the jewelry
entrusted to another outlet; some rather phallic statues were a special order,
as were certain seeds of exotic plants. This left drawings and sketches of
strange animals, two curiously-shaped musical instruments, and several maps.
These last were earmarked for Matthew himself, together with a couple of rolls
of silk so fine it ran through one's fingers like water.
And who was in charge of
these sortings and decisions? A tall thin man with a hawk nose, conservatively
dressed, who Master Alphonso whispered to me was Matthew's agent in Venice,
responsible not only for distribution and collection of cargo, but also for
hiring and firing.
It happened that he and
I were the only ones left later: he because he was arranging for warehouse
guards, I because I was going back over one of my calculations which did not
tally. By now I was almost cross-eyed with fatigue, so was only too grateful
when the soft-spoken Signor Falcone came over and in a couple of minutes traced
my mistake and amended it.
"Only one error:
tenths are important, youngster. Still, well done." His fingers were long
and well manicured. "You are Master Summer, I believe?"
I nodded. Relief at
having finished without too much blame made my tongue careless and impudent.
"Matthew must have great trust in you. I wouldn't—" and I stopped,
blushing to the roots of my hair.
"Trust someone so
greatly without supervision? Of course you should not, unless you know him
well." He regarded me gravely. "But then, you see, I owe him and his
friend not only my livelihood, but my education. And also my life."
"Your life?"
He hesitated.
"I'm sorry," I
said. "I shouldn't be so inquisitive."
"No matter. At your
age I was the same." He hesitated again. "It is not a tale I recount
easily. Still . . ." His eyes were bright and dark as sloe berries. He
took a bundle of keys from his belt and, beckoning me to follow, locked up the
warehouse, nodded to a couple of armed men lounging nearby, and started back
towards the center of the city. "Come, we shall walk together. . . ."
It was a strange enough
tale, and I forgot my weariness as I listened.
"When I was eight
years old I was sold into slavery by a parent burdened by too many children. It
was in a country far from here, and I was pretty enough to be auctioned as a
bum-boy—you understand what I mean?—but I was lucky. A stranger stopped to
watch the bidding and among those who fancied me was an old enemy of the
stranger. So, to teach this man a lesson, the stranger bid for me too, and in
the course of time he won himself a boy he had no use for. The stranger's name
was Suleiman, on his way to visit his old friend Matthew Spicer—I see that
first name means something to you?"
I wasn't conscious of
having betrayed myself, but I nodded. "I met him while I was at Master
Spicer's." I didn't add that it was the gifted Suleiman whose doctoring
had saved the life of my blind knight, the man I had once fancied myself in
love with.
"Then you will know
that he is both wise and kind. He left me with his friend, to care for and
educate, to learn to read, write and calculate. There I also learned French,
Italian and Latin, for my own language was Arabic. At about the same age as
yourself I was sent abroad to learn the ways of trade, and after some years
Matthew appointed me his agent here. I have never regretted it, nor, I believe,
has he. His is a generous and trusting nature, and such a man's trust is not
easily abused. Nor should it be: remember that."
How could I not? For in
my own way I had betrayed his trust in worse ways than Signor Falcone could
We had reached the end
of the street where I lodged.
"Your journey
starts in a day or two. I do not think you have the slightest idea how far it
will take you, nor are you mentally prepared as you should be. About that I can
do little, but at least I can see you are physically ready. Do not forget you
will be representing Master Spicer, and you need a new outfit for that."
He fished in his purse and brought out a handful of coin. He saw my eyes widen
with surprise at the gold, and allowed himself a wry grimace. "Call this
the Special Fund. For emergencies—and youngsters who need smartening up. Choose
good materials, and something neat but not gaudy." He put a couple of
coins in my hand. "You will also need travelling gear: leather breeches
and jacket; a thick cloak; good, strong boots; riding gloves." Another
couple of coins in my hand. "It can be cold at nights where you are going,
so a woollen cap, underwear and hose." A last coin. "And a good,
sharp dagger. Go to Signor Ermani in the Via Orsini and say I sent you."
And he swung away across the square. "And get your hair cut! At the moment
you look like a girl!"
It was so late by now
that the pie shop around the corner was closing as I went past, but I managed
to grab some leftovers and broken pieces for my dog, who was almost crossing his
back legs in an effort not to relieve himself by the time I reached my room. So
pressured was he that he forwent his supper until he had christened every post
and arch within a considerable distance. I trailed after him without fear of
marauders, for he had a piercing bark, an aggressive manner, and extremely
sharp teeth.
And, after all, when one
has bitten a dragon and got away with it, what else has a dog to fear?
That evening, what was
left of it, I brought my journal up to date. This was Part Two of my life. Part
One was already finished the day I left Matthew's for the second time. It was a
bulky volume, bound with a wooden cover, and as I weighed it in my hands I
realized how much of an extra burden it would be to carry it any further. It
would be better to leave it with someone I could trust.
Part Two was far less
bulky. I had already devised a form of shortened words and wrote smaller, so
could justify taking it with me. Pen and inks would have to go with me as part
of my job, and a couple of extra rolls or so of vellum were neither here nor
Next morning I went out
in search of new clothes. Neat but not gaudy, Signor Falcone had said, but
although hose, breeches and boots were easy enough in shades of brown, the
jacket was an entirely different matter. Finding a good, plain one was
practically impossible. They all seemed to be embroidered with vine leaves,
pomegranates, artichokes, red and white flowers and even stars and moons, but
then Venice catered mainly to the rich and fickle. The materials, too—silks and
satins—were too fine for prolonged wear, but at least after a search I tracked
down a fawn-colored jerkin with the minimum of decoration, and a green surcoat
of fine wool, without the usual scallops, fringes and frills.
The afternoon I spent in
mending my existing hose and underwear, a chore I detested, but just as I had
decided it was candle time, there was a rush of feet on the stair and a
hammering at the door.
"Master Summer? You
"Yes . . ." I
was practically naked, so the door stayed shut.
"Master Alphonso
says you're to be ready at dawn."
"So soon?"
"Outbreak of plague
reported in the south. Report to the quayside at first light." The feet
stumbled back down the stairs.
Plague? Perhaps the
greatest fear man had, far more threatening than battle or siege. Against a
human enemy there were weapons, but the plague recognized no armies
but—deadlier than sword, spear or arrowhead, unseen, unheard, unfelt—could
decimate the largest army in the world within days. Either great pustules broke
out on the skin and the victim died screaming, else it was the drowning
sickness, when the chest filled with phlegm and a choking death came in less
than a day—
I shivered in spite of
the heat, fear closing my throat and opening my pores. No time to waste. I must
call down for water to wash in, then collect my cloak from the laundry down the
road. Once my father's, then my mother's, it was practically indestructible,
being of a particularly fine and thick weave, though light and soft, with a
deep hood. Much mended and much worn, it was nevertheless better than many new
ones I had seen, but I had thought to have the mire and mud of the journey to
Venice dispersed by a good soak.
So, that to collect, a
good scrub for myself—and the dog, if possible—then everything to be packed as
tight as could be. Something to eat, and lastly a safe place to leave Part One
of my journal.
I hurried as well as I
could, but the last streaks of gold and crimson were staining the skies to the
west when I knocked at Signor Falcone's door, praying that he had not gone out
to dine.
I was shown by a
liveried servant to an upstairs room and gasped in wonder at the fine
furniture, glowing tapestries, delicate glass and silken drapes. My host smiled
at my expression.
"Without Suleiman
and Matthew a mere slave could never have afforded all this. . . . What do you
want of me, youngster?"
I started to explain
about the plague and our early departure, but he cut me short.
"I know all this. We
have worked throughout the day to get everything loaded and ready. What is that
package under your arm?"
Straight to the point,
Signor Falcone! I had rehearsed my story on the way.
"It contains a
journal I have been keeping. Before I—before Master Spicer sponsored me I had
some amusing adventures, which I have written down plain. If—if anything should
happen to me on my travels I should wish Master Spicer to have it. A sort of
thanks . . . It might also explain some of my actions more clearly." I was
floundering, and I knew it. "Besides, it is too heavy to carry.
"So, if anything
should happen to you on the way—Allah forbid!—this is to be forwarded to
Matthew? Otherwise I hold it until your return; is that it? Very well. The
package if you please." Going over to his ornate desk he extracted sealing
wax and, rolling the stick in a candle flame, dropped the pungent-smelling
stuff onto the knots in my package. He motioned to quill and ink. "Write
Master Spicer's name there clearly. So. Now come with me."
Taking up a candle I
followed him down a short passage into a small locked back room, windowless,
full of shelves and nose-tickly with dust. Boxes, scrolls, books, small
paintings and other packages lined the shelves, all neatly labelled. He placed
my parcel high up on the nearest shelf.
"There, it will be
safe till you return. And, should anything happen to me, my servants' orders
are to forward everything in here to the name on the label. And now, if there
is nothing else you wish to tell me, I think I shall take to my bed, and I
would advise you to do the same." Ushering me downstairs, he opened the
door on a night of stars, with a thin veil of mist creeping up from the east.
"Hmmm. Don't like the look of the weather."
"There's no moon,
no land breeze either, but the sky is clear enough."
"Exactly. Moon
change and a sea mist. Still . . . off you go, sleep well." He turned to
re-enter, then turned back. "I thought I told you to get your hair
Dear Lord, I had
completely forgotten! Surely it would be too late at night now. Taverns,
brothels, gaming houses, eating places would be open for business, but barbers
. . . Collecting Growch from some odorous rubbish bin, I set out to look.
I was lucky, although it
looked very expensive.
A gilded sign above the
door hung motionless, announcing to those who could read that Signor Leporello
was hairdresser and barber to the greatest in the land. On the door was tacked
a list of prices; a trim didn't look too expensive. Telling Growch to wait, I
lifted the latch and peered within. A little bell on a string gave a melodious
"Hallo? Anyone
there?" A couple of candles burned on a side table, otherwise the room was
empty. I called again.
A moment's pause, then a
bead curtain swung back and a creature teeter-tottered forward on those ghastly
wooden-platformed shoes that the fashionable all seemed to be wearing these
days. This man—if it was a man—had mismatched hose, red and blue, slashed
sleeves and a surcoat flapping with pink and gold embroidery. Topping it all
off was a huge green turban with a large purple stone set in the center.
Probably real, which made it all worse. Gaudy, but not neat . . .
A waft of oil of
violets, the glint of rings as he lit a couple more candles. "And what
have we here? A late customer, I do believe. Come in dear boy, come in! A shave
perhaps? No, not a shave, definitely not. A trim? Yes, a trim I think. A trim
and a wash. Pretty hair like yours should always be clean and dust-free. . .
"Pretty hair?"
I squeaked. This was obviously the sort of place and proprietor young boys were
warned about. "I'm sorry, there is some mistake: I have no money,
"Nonsense! You need
a trim and I am in a good mood. Come, it shall be on the house," and
before I knew what was happening he had plonked me down on a tall stool, and
swiftly plucked a few hairs from my head, holding them to the candlelight.
"See these? All different colors. Two shades of red, two of brown, blonde
and black." It was true. "All together they are individually
responsive to light and shade, like those clear eyes of yours. Now, bend over
that basin and we'll begin!"
If there was to be a
dangerous moment, this would be it, but my worries soon vanished as he washed,
rinsed, rubbed, combed, brushed and clipped. At last he brought me a mirror,
and even with its uncertain depths and the flicker of candles I was gazing at a
different me. Gone was the tangle of jagged ends and unruly curls. The hair was
layered and waved neatly to my head—
"Is he someone I
would know? How long ago did you run away from your family—or the convent,
perhaps? Come, I've seen all this before, many times. A young girl imprisoned
against the unsuitability of her beloved, dresses as a boy, runs away to find him.
. . ."
"A—girl!" I
stammered, and I must have been as red as fire.
"Why, yes! Oh
come!" and he leant forward and lightly brushed his fingers across my
chest. "I have been leaning over you for near an hour . . . I happen to
have some stretch webbing that will hide those breasts much more discreetly,
young lady, and only a silver piece a yard. . . ."
Chapter Two
The morning was gray,
dull, misty, chill. A sulky red sun lurked behind the mist and I was shivering,
both from cold and anticipation. Strange to think the Shortest Day was but a
week past: it felt more like November.
Dirty water slap-slapped
against the piles of the Piazetta as the rowboats came and went, ferrying the
last of the cargo aboard. Behind us the square was deserted, or so I thought,
but at the last moment a figure came scurrying across carrying a tray of
freshly baked rolls and pasties. They were delicious, the meat sending little
pipes of steam into the air from the crumbling pastry. The baker was an
enterprising fellow baking so early—but then his prices were enterprising too,
as I discovered after Growch and I had burnt our tongues.
"Feel better?"
asked a familiar voice. I turned to see Signor Falcone, well wrapped against
the cold.
"Well try and keep
it down. I still don't like the look of the weather; red sky at morning,
sailor's warning . . . Still you're safer away from the plague, and the captain
has done this run many times."
"Aren't you afraid
of catching the sickness?"
He smiled. "It is
as Allah wills. If it comes too close I have a small villa in the hills to the
north. I usually spend August there anyway: it is pleasantly cool, and Matthew
curtails his trade during the hottest months. In fact, the stuffs now in the
warehouse are the last but one Master Alphonso will escort back till
I glanced over to where
the trade captain was talking to his accountant. "But—but I thought they
were coming with us. . . . With me." I should be alone, no one to ask
questions of, to depend on. A little fist of panic curled up in my stomach, and
I could taste the pasties a second time around.
Falcone patted my
shoulder. "Stop worrying. Master Scipio takes over on the other side, and
he is a competent man, one of the best. You'll be safe enough with him.
Matthew's papers and listings are on board, and mention has been made of you. .
. . Have I said how much better you look with your hair cut?" He smiled.
"Now, I must bid you farewell, but first I have a commission to
execute." He pulled a small, tightly wrapped package from an inner pocket.
"This arrived some time back, but I had to be sure it was going to the
right person."
I took the package and
turned it over. No name, no superscription. "Who's it from? How do you
know it's for me?"
"The sender is a
mutual friend. And how do I know it is for you? Just answer me one question:
what is the name of your dog?"
"My dog?
Why, Growch . . ."
"Exactly! That was
the password, just in case I was not convinced by my own observations. You make
a handsome enough lad, but I'm sure the woman underneath is even more
attractive." He laughed a little at my stricken face. "Your secret is
safe. Our—friend—believes he knows the purpose of your journey and its
destination. You are a brave lass: may Allah be with you. Now go: you don't
want to miss the boat."
As the rowers pulled
away from the quay, my mind was in turmoil. Disguising myself as a boy had
seemed a good idea at the time, but in less than twenty-four hours two men had
discovered at least one of my secrets. Did anyone else suspect? I felt as
though my face was burning as I tried to flatten my chest, pull my long legs in
under my surcoat.
Of course even twelve
months ago it would have been impossible to think of posing as a boy. At that
time I had still been decidedly plump, decidedly female. It had been that last,
impossible journey back to the haven of Matthew's home that had fined me down
to the weight I now carried, that and the pain of losing the one love I could
never replace, the love I had found too late by the Place of Stones. . . .
I had tried, of course I
had, to be satisfied with a substitute, but even the kindest of men—and Matthew
was certainly that—could not compensate for that searing moment when I
discovered what true love really meant.
And that was why I was
here, in this rackety little rowboat, heading for—for what? Even I wasn't sure.
All I knew was that somehow I must find my love again, see him just once more,
for the touch that had fired my blood with an indescribable hunger could never
be satisfied by another.
Perhaps I would never
find him, perhaps if I did he would spurn me, or be so changed I would matter
less than a leaf on a tree but at least I had to try! Nothing else in
the world mattered.
The rowboat bumped
against the towering hull above, a rope ladder dangling just out of reach. Only
the most agile of monkeys could have scaled that, what with the overhang and
the sluggish dip and sway of the ship, but luckily there was one more bale to
be hauled up by hand, and Growch and I went the undignified way, bumped and
banged against the ship's sides on what felt like a bed of nails.
If I had expected a
fanfare of trumpets to greet me once on board I was to be disappointed. In fact
no one took the slightest notice of us at all. We were tipped unceremoniously
off the bale, which was then lashed to others on the deck. The whole ship was
boiling with activity, and gradually we were pushed into an obscure corner as
sailors scurried around getting us ready for sea. Up came the anchor, down came
the sails, two men unlashed the tiller and swung it across, and everyone seemed
to be shouting commands and countercommands. What with that and the creak of
chain, snap of sail, hiss of rope and scream of the gulls overhead, I doubt if
anyone would have noticed if I had set fire to myself.
But all this frantic
activity didn't seem to be getting us anywhere at all. The ship wallowed
uneasily from side to side, the sails flapped listlessly, everything creaked,
but we weren't moving. After half an hour or so, a flag was run up on the
forward mast, and eventually a rowing barge came astern, took a line and
ponderously towed us, tail first, outside of the shipping roads and into clear
Peering over the side, I
could see how, even here, the contamination of the city behind us reached its
dirty fingers into the main. The water was still brown and scummy and I could
see flotsam from the sewers float past, plus a broken packing case and the
bloated carcass of a goat. I glanced back at the city and now, at last, she
resembled the lady I had heard about. She looked to float well above the water,
the pale sun gilding her towers and cupolas till she seemed crowned like any
The sails above me
filled at last, the tiller was pushed over to starboard, and at first slowly,
then with gathering speed, we headed northeast into the open sea. Immediately I
had to grab at the side to keep myself from slipping: it was probably only a cant
of a foot or so, but it was most disconcerting for me and worse for Growch, for
his claws slipped and he slithered straight into the scuppers. We would have to
find a place to call our own.
The ship was quieter
now, although everyone seemed to have a job to do: trimming sails, coiling
rope, swilling down the deck, and I could see an extremely large lady was
shaking out bedding and punching energetically at what seemed to be a feather
mattress. Probably the captain's wife: I had heard they often accompanied their
husbands to sea. I had correctly identified the captain as the man who shouted
the loudest and longest, and decided now was the time to introduce myself. He
was a self-important looking man, stout and short, with a bristling beard and
lots of hair in his ears. He stared at me as I approached.
"Who's this,
I introduced myself, but
had to explain who and what I was before his brow cleared and he nodded his
head. Yes, yes, he'd heard I was coming aboard, but it had slipped his mind,
and now he was too busy to deal with me personally. I would have to see the
mate, find myself quarters, settle myself in. And keep that blasted dog from
under everyone's feet. . . .
The mate, when I found
him, had even less time for me. I was handed over to one of the crew, who
showed me round in a desultory manner, and had me peering down the
bilges—sick-making—and trying to climb in and out of a string bag he called a
hammock; needless to say I fell out either one side or the other immediately.
Apparently all the crew slept in these because a) they took up little space and
b) they always stayed level, however the ship swayed. I went down into the
hold, where everything was stacked away neatly, and into the galley, where it
wasn't. Pots and pans, jugs, bottles, a side of ham, bags of flour, jars of
oil, dried beans, strings of onions and garlic, sultanas and raisins, boxes of
eggs, all hugger-mugger on shelves and floor. Outside, a couple of barrels
rolled from side to side, and a couple of crates of scrawny chickens were
stacked next to a bleating nanny goat. The cook was snoring it off in a corner.
But where was I to
sleep? There were eighteen crew, split into three watches, so that at any one
time there would be six on duty, six asleep and six relaxing, and I wasn't going
to fall out of hammocks all day and night. Besides, there was no locker in
which to stow my gear. I asked if there was any other space, but apparently
not. The captain and his wife had quarters aft, the mate a tiny cubicle next to
the rope locker and the cook slept in the galley.
The sailor had one
useful suggestion. I could either doss down in the hold, although the hatchway
was normally battened down, or find myself a niche topside, among the deck
I didn't fancy being
shut away, so I inspected the bales on deck and, sure enough, they were so
stacked that there was a cozy sort of cave to one side, which I thought would
do. Even with my gear dragged in as well, there was room to lie down or sit up
quite comfortably, and the smell of tarred string and sea salt was far
pleasanter than bilge water.
I had about got myself
settled down when bells rang for noon and food. I never quite got the hang of
those bells; I knew they signalled change of watches, time passing, but the
number of chimes never seemed to fit the hours, striking as they did in
By the time I had
unpacked my wooden bowl and horn mug I was almost too late; there was only a
scrape of gristly stew left and a heel of yesterday's bread, plus some watered
wine, but I wasn't particularly hungry so Growch benefitted. The bread and wine
sloshed around uncomfortably in my stomach, for the ship was definitely rolling
more heavily now. Before long, too, there came the pressing need to relieve
myself. I had watched at first with embarrassment, then in increasing awareness
of my own problems, as the crew relieved themselves when necessary over the
side, and had seen the captain's wife empty a couple of chamber pots the same
way. I couldn't do the first and hadn't got the second. Then I remembered there
were some buckets and line in the rope locker. I pinched the smallest of the
former and fastened it to a length of rope long enough to drop over the side
and rinse in the seawater as I had seen the crew do when they needed water for
swilling anything down.
Temporarily more
comfortable, I slid my knife under the seals and string of the packet Signor
Falcone had given me and drew out a letter. I might have known: it was from
"I believe this
will reach you before you sail. Do not fear pursuit for there will be none.
Matthew was most distressed to find you gone, and hopes for your return, but I
know better, I think. Something changed you before you came back to us; I have
seen that restless hunger in other eyes. So, go find your dragon-man—yes, you
talked a great deal in your delirium, but I was the one who nursed you, so it
is our secret. In case you did not copy all the right maps before you left, I
enclose one that is the farthest east that I have.
"Use the gold
wisely: you will need as much as you can, the way you go. May all the gods be
with you, and may you find your dream."
There were tears in my
eyes as I unfolded the map and found the gold coins he had enclosed. His
understanding touched me deeply.
Sitting back I recalled
the time Suleiman had taken the handful of coins my father had left me and
arranged them across a map of the trade routes, showing how each one—copper,
silver or gold—led inexorably towards the east and the unknown, the very way a
certain dragon had gone, that night when he had left the Place of Stones—
And me.
Towards evening the
weather steadily worsened. The wind blew in gusts, first from one quarter, then
another, the lulls leaving the ship rolling uneasily on an increasingly oily
swell. Dusk came down early, showing the thinnest crescent moon slicing in and
out of the clouds; the cheese I had for supper was causing me great discomfort.
At last it and I just had to part company, and I rushed for the rail, only to
be jerked back at the last moment by the brawny arm of the mate.
"No puking into the
wind!" he hissed. "Else you'll spend all night swilling down both the
decks and yourself!"
I made it to leeward
just in time, and spent the rest of that miserable night rushing back and forth
to the rail. Sometime in the small hours all hands were called to shorten sail,
and now I was pushed and cursed at and stumbled over, until in the end someone
tied a rope around my waist and wrapped the other end round the after mast,
leaving just enough room and no more for me to move between the rail and my
improvised quarters.
In the end there was
nothing more to come up and I curled up miserably in my cloak, dry-retching
every now and again, a sympathetic Growch curled against my hip. In the morning
I was no better; I staggered along the now alarmingly tilted deck to fetch
food—cheese once more—but it was for my dog. I took a sip or two of wine, but
up it came again, and as I was leaning over the rail a huge wave came aboard,
near dragging me away back with it, and soaking me to the skin.
Somehow I just couldn't
get dry again; rain came lashing down, and the ship was running bare-masted
before a wind that had decided to blow us as far off course as possible. The
whole vessel creaked and groaned under the onslaught of the waves, and it took
three men to hold the ship steady, the tiller threatening to wrest itself from
their grasp. I lay half in, half out of my shelter, too weak now to move either
way, conscious of Growch's urgent bark in my ears, but lost in a lethargy of
cold and darkness of soul and body. Soaked by the rain, tossed to and fro by
the motion of the ship, stomach, ribs and shoulders sore and aching, I slipped
into a sort of unconsciousness, aware only that I was probably dying. And the
worst of it was, I didn't care, even though the ring on my finger was stabbing
like a needle.
Suddenly an extra lurch
of the ship rolled me right into the scuppers. This is it, I thought. Good-bye
world. I'm sorry—
Someone grabbed me by
the scruff of my neck, hauled me to my feet and shook me like the drowned rat I
so nearly was. A couple of discarded chamber pots skittered past my feet and a
voice boomed in my ears in a language I couldn't understand. I shook my head
helplessly, muttered something in my own tongue and tried to be sick again.
"Ah, it is so? You
come with me . . ." and I was tossed over a brawny shoulder and carried
off in a crabwise slant across the deck. A foot shoved hard, a door crashed
open and I was spilled onto the floor of a room full of fug, wildly dancing lantern
light and blessed warmth.
Dimly I realized that
the stout boots and swishing skirts that now stood over me were those of the
captain's lady, and that it was her strong arms and broad shoulders that had
brought me to the haven of their quarters. Squinting a little through the salt
water that still stung my eyes, I saw the captain and mate seated at a center
table screwed to the floor, studying what looked to be maps. They had obviously
been discussing how far we had been blown off course, but the captain's wife wasn't
I was hauled to my feet
"What is this poor
boy doing out there? Who is he? Where he come from?" She was speaking my
language, although with a strong guttural accent.
The captain rose to his
feet. "Ah—an apprentice, my dear, to be delivered to Master Scipio—"
"Then what he do
dying out there in storm? No good to deliver dead boy! What you thinking? Get
out, both of you! I take charge now—"
"But my dear, we
were just—"
"Out! This is now
sick bay. Find elsewhere. I take care now. You go sail ship, storm slack
There was a scuffle of
feet, a door opened to let in a gust of tempest, shriek of wind. "And you
find chamber pots and bring back clean. . . ." The door shut.
I was picked up again,
more gently this time, and placed on a bunk in the corner. A large hand felt my
forehead, brushed the salt-sticky hair from my brow.
"There, poor boy!
You stay still and Helga will care for you, make you well again. Now, out of
those wet things and we give wash . . ." and fingers were at the
fastenings of my clothes.
I tried to sit up, to
protest, but my voice was gone, my hands too feeble to pull my jacket tight
across my chest.
"Now, boy, no
modestness! I have born and raised six strong boys, and know what bodies is
like! Lie still! Once I have . . . Ahhh!" There was a moment's pause.
"What do we have here, then?" Rapidly the rest of my clothes were
peeled off and I lay naked and exposed, in agonies of shame.
I think I expected
almost anything but what I got: a great roar of laughter.
"This is what you
call a joke, yes? I feel sorry for skinny lad, and what do I get? A young lady
instead . . ." But the voice wasn't unkind, and even as I tried to explain
in my cracked voice I was enveloped in a bone-breaking hug. "No talking,
that come later. We get you warm and dry first."
A knock at the door.
"You wait. . . ." Hastily she flung a blanket over me. "What is
Apparently the return of
the chamber pots. "Good. Now you fetch two buckets fresh water. Where are
your things?" to me. I whispered. "And boy's things in bales on deck.
He stay here. Hurry! What devil is this?"
"This" was
Growch, a small, wet, filthy bundle that hurled itself across the cabin and
onto my bunk, sitting on my chest and growling at everyone and everything,
teeth bared.
I found my voice.
"My dog. Very devoted. Please don't throw him out. He and I are alone in
the world." Weak tears filled my eyes.
"Poor little
orphans!" Another hug, for us both this time. "He can stay, but on
the floor. Is filthy!"
As usual.
The water arrived plus
my cloak and bundle. Ten minutes later I was in cold water, being scrubbed
clean, my dirty clothes were handed out for washing, and then I was rubbed warm
and dry, donned someone's clean shirt and drawers, and was thrust back into
bed. A moment later and Growch was in the tub as well, too shocked to protest,
and five minutes later he was shaking himself dry in a corner, thoroughly
Out went the dirty
water, in came food, a sort of broth and some real bread. I went green at the
thought of anything to eat, but the captain's wife insisted.
"If you going to be
sick, better you be sick with something to be sick on. Dip bread into soup,
suck juices, nibble bread. Count to ten tens—you can count?—then do again. And
again. Try . . ."
I did, and it worked.
After a few queasy moments I kept the first two pieces of bread down, and the
rest was easy. The last few pieces of bread and broth I indicated were for
A hammering on the door
again, and that loud-voiced martinet who strode the deck of his ship like a
small but determined Colossus and ruled his crew with the threat of a rope's
end, was heard asking his wife in the meekest way possible if he might have
some more maps?
"Take them and be
quick about it! Take also a blanket and your eating things. You will bunk with
the mate. Now, be off with you! I have work to do. . . ."
I suppose my mouth must
have been hanging open, because as he left she turned and winked at me.
"Never let them get away with nothing, my chick," she said comfortably.
"Out there—" she gestured to the sea, the storm, the tossing deck,
"—he is boss. In here, I am, and he don't forget it."
I looked around the
cabin. Comfortable, yes, but not luxurious. Not the sort of place one could
call home.
"Do you sail with
him all the time? I mean, haven't you got a place ashore? And aren't you ever
She laughed. "No,
yes, and yes. I sail when I want a change, go to new places. I have a home far
from here, near youngest son, not yet married. Afraid? Of course. But this not
bad storm, only little Levante who blow us off course forty-fifty mile. Rest of
voyage routine. My man know this: he only want maps to make him look
important." She bustled about, tidying the already tidy. "Now you get
some rest. Tell me all about yourself when you wake up." She held up one
of the chamber pots. "You or dog want pee-pee?"
I slept all through the
rest of that day and the night, and when I awoke at last the storm was off away
somewhere else, my sickness had gone, I was hungry for the first time in days
and all I had to do was concoct a romantic enough story to satisfy my indulgent
hostess. It wasn't too difficult: I remembered my beautiful blind knight,
invented parents who didn't understand my love, relived parts of my earlier
journeys, including a near rape, and finally sent my betrothed off on a
pilgrimage from which he had not yet returned, thus my escapade.
Tears of sympathy poured
from her eyes. She sighed, she sobbed as my tears—of hunger: where was my
breakfast?—mingled with hers.
"My dearest chick!
How often I wish for a daughter! Now my prayers will all be with you. . .
." She dried her eyes, glanced at me. "You are sure you are set on
this knight of yours? My youngest son, he is not the brightest boy in the
world, but . . ."
I was almost sorry to
disappoint her.
One fine evening we
sailed between two jaws of land into the mouth of a bay made bloodred by the
setting sun. Climbing the hill behind was a beautiful city, with gold cupolas,
pierced minarets, palaces and tree-lined streets. Even as we nudged in towards
the quay, lights appeared in windows, along streets, moving with carriages or
hand-held, until the whole city resembled a rosy hive alive with sparkling
Matthew's ships had a
permanently allotted landing stage, so we were rowed in and tied up right on
the quayside. Immediately aboard was the Master Scipio I was waiting to meet.
Of medium height, with a forked beard, he exuded authority. After a brief
courtesy to myself, he took Falcone's papers from the captain and started the
unloading with his own team, disregarding the swarm of itinerants who crowded the
quay touting for work.
The cargo was checked by
myself, now fully recovered, and Master Scipio's assistant, a dark man called
Justus, then it was borne away to a warehouse for storage. It was well into the
night by the time we finished and we ate where we stood, highly flavored meats
on skewers with a sort of pancake bread. At last we went back to the ship for
what remained of the night. It was strange to lie down and not be rocked from
side to side, and it took a while, tired as I was, to get to sleep.
Added to the lack of
motion there was the noise from ashore. Used as I was to the creaking of the
ship, the noise of wind and sea, my ears were now assailed by the sounds of
humanity at large, determined to wine and carouse the night away. The ship was
moored right up against the "entertainment" part of the harbor, and
the night was alive with singing, wailing and shouting, wheels, hooves, and
musical instruments. I learned later that the captain's wife had stood guard
for the rest of the night on the gangplank, armed with an ancient sword,
turning back not only those members of the crew who wished to creep ashore, but
also any enterprising whore who attempted to board.
Before we went ashore
finally she drew me aside and pressed a small packet into my hand.
"Is a
nothings," she said. "But pretty enough perhaps. You take it for
present. My husband he bring it back as gift when he sail alone. Say it come
from wise man down on his luck. . . ." She laughed. "Only truth is, I
get gift means he has another woman somewhere. Guilty conscience. Better you
have it for dowry," and she gave me another of her bear hugs, which almost
had my eyes popping out. "Take care, chick; I so hope you find your
On shore Master Scipio
was waiting with his second-in-command, half a dozen guards and a horse master.
After briefly introducing me, we went off for breakfast at a small tavern some
half-mile from the port. We ate a thick fish stew, more of the pancakelike
bread, olives, a bland cheese, and drank the local wine. A street and a half
further on were our lodgings; a three-story house in a narrow twisting alley,
that almost touched its neighbor across the street at roof level.
Our rooms were little
more than cubicles, overlooking a central courtyard where a small fountain
tinkled pleasantly amid vine-covered walls. I was lucky enough to have a small
space to myself: a clean pallet and a stool, and it was relatively cool.
Master Scipio spoke to
us from the stairs. "I have things to arrange. We shall meet again tonight
at the same tavern. To those of you who are new to the city, a word or two of
advice. Don't venture far and keep your hand on your purse. Don't get involved
in arguments on religion or over women, because I won't bail you out. Watch
both the food and the drink; if you are ill you are left behind. One last
thing: do not discuss our cargo or our destination."
"How long are we
here for?" asked one of the guards.
"We start out at
dawn tomorrow. Anyone not packed and ready will be left behind," and off
he clattered down the stairs. Not a gentle man, but at least one knew where one
was with him.
Two of the guards set
off almost immediately, to "see the sights," as they put it, but the
others lingered. Eventually one, a local man, went off to visit some relative
or other, and the others decided to go out sightseeing.
"You coming,
I would dearly have
loved to explore the city, but after last night's sleeplessness the pallet was
more inviting. I took off my jacket and lay back, promising myself a good wash
later. My eyes closed. . . .
At the foot of the
pallet Growch made a great to-do of hoofing out his ears and nipping busily for
"Can't you do that
on the floor?" I asked sleepily.
"More comfortable
up 'ere." He was quiet for a moment or two, and I began to drift off.
" 'Ow long you goin' to kip, then?"
"An hour or so.
"I'm 'ungry!"
"You're always
hungry. . . ."
"Can you remember
the last thing I ate? No, and neither can I."
"Just give me an
hour," I said between my teeth. "One hour . . ."
Chapter Three
Actually he let me sleep
for two and I woke gently and naturally, lying back in a luxury of lassitude. I
could hear him out on the landing, snapping at flies. He was quite good at it,
usually; having such short legs he tried to compensate in other ways, and
quickness of paw, mouth, and eye were three of them.
And of course it was
Growch who had alerted me to the other of my secrets: the power of the ring I
wore on my right hand. One could hardly guess it was there, I thought, lifting
my finger to gaze at it. As thin as a piece of skin it nestled on my middle
finger as if it were a part of it. I couldn't remove it, either. According to
what I had heard, the ring chose its wearer and stayed there, until either the
wearer had no further use for it or grew unworthy to wear it.
This latter must have
been what happened to my father, who had left the ring, some coins and his
cloak as the only legacies to my mother and myself. He had been hunted down and
killed on a false accusation before I had ever been born, but my mother—who was
the village whore and no worse for it either—had kept the few pieces he left as
mementos. She had worn the cloak I now possessed, had spent all the current
moneys he had left, but was unable to change the curious coins I inherited,
that had so fitted the maps Suleiman and I had studied. Coincidence perhaps,
but intuition told me my father had once come this way, too. A good omen.
As to the ring I had
slipped on my finger so thoughtlessly the night my mother died, it had been the
most magical thing in my life. According to Growch, the first creature I had
met after fleeing the village where I was born, it was a precious sliver of
horn from the head of a fabulous Unicorn, and as such enabled me to communicate
with other creatures and also, as I discovered later, warned of impending
I wondered what sin my
father had committed for it to leave his finger; my mother had not been able to
fit it to hers either, whereas it had slipped onto mine like bear grease and
stuck like glue.
I couldn't have managed
without it. Nor, I thought with a wry smile, would I have once encumbered
myself with not only a blind knight, but also a dog, Mistral the horse,
Traveler the pigeon, Basher the tortoise, and my beloved little pig. . . . No,
I mustn't think about the pig.
Be that as it may, the
ring had completely changed my life. My mother had had ambitions for me. With
the help of her "clients," I had been educated far beyond a village
girl's station. I could read, write, figure, cook, sew, carpenter, cure, fish,
hunt, brew, farm, spin and weave. She had plans for me to become the sort of
woman who could choose her own husband and take a place in society, but the
queer paradox had been that she couldn't bear to part with me, so had,
knowingly or not, fed me with sweet cakes and honeyed fruits until I was the
fattest, most unattractive girl in the province and no one would have me. I
hadn't realized it until after she died, and it took a while to become
reconciled to her duplicity, conscious or not.
But, as I said, the ring
had changed all that. By the time I had learned to communicate properly with
all the creatures I met and who needed my help, the original intent of seeking
the first husband I could find had disappeared under other considerations.
Not that understanding
the animals had been easy. Only one-tenth of animal speech is in sound—barks,
neighs, bleats, etc.—and another three-tenths are in body movement, position of
head, legs, ears, and feel of coat and fur. The other, and greater part, is
thought-talk. This last was the most difficult for me, even with the help of
the Unicorn's ring. Animals think in sorts of pictures, colored only by their
own thoughts and seen from their own angles, so a bird didn't send back the
same images as, say, a dog or a horse. Eventually, though, it became easier,
and Growch and I spoke to each other almost entirely by thought.
Dear dog: all he had
wanted in the beginning was a real home, a warm fire to curl up by in the
winter, regular food and a pat or two, but he had left all that behind to
follow me into an uncertain future. He had pretended that his real reason was
to find more of those "fluffy bum" bitches he had fallen for in our
earlier travels, pampered creatures from Cathay with legs as short as his and no
morals whatsoever, but I knew better. He had decided that his real role in life
was to keep an eye on me: he was convinced I couldn't manage on my own.
He trotted in now, one
ear up, one down, as usual.
"Awake now, are we?
'Ow's about some food, then?"
We assembled in a small
square behind our lodgings in shivering dawn. The sun would soon rise above the
rearing mountains, but now the sky was a pale greenish-blue, and the mist lay
knee-high in the streets. Breakfast was pancake bread and honey, and as the
church bells called out six and a muezzin sang from his tower, the convoy got
under way.
A string of heavily
laden mules, two wagons, eight mounted guards and horses for Master Scipio,
interpreter Justus, horse master Antonius and our guide, a skinny fellow called
Ibrahim. Nothing for me: Master Scipio explained that I either walked or
hitched a lift in one of the wagons.
"Do you good,
boy," he said robustly. "Half day walk, half ride. And you can
alternate the wagons. One driver doubles as the cook—you can give him a hand,
he'll teach you what foods are best for travelling. T'other wagon is driven by
the farrier: knows all there is to know about horses. Right?"
So we were off, all
yawning, for we had none of us had much sleep at the lodgings. The guards had
straggled back at all hours, full of the local wine and boasting of their
winnings and/or conquests.
I reached up to pull at
Master Scipio's sleeve.
"Where are we
"For the trading
town of Kьm."
"How long will it
"Over the trails we
follow, four or five days."
So long! Now that we
were finally on our way proper I was eager to complete my journey east as fast
as I could. It seemed I would have to be patient.
Our way lay to the
northeast, and once we left the city behind the travelling was frustratingly
slow. We twisted and turned along trails that followed the lowest contours of
the land; the tracks had been there for time immemorial, the easiest for man
and beast, and for the most part were within easy reach of water, but were also
rutted and broken by the years of travel.
At first the surrounding
countryside was relatively well wooded and we were hemmed by low hills, but the
farther we travelled the wilder became the terrain. The hills grew higher and
crowded closer, the trees gave way to low scrub and the sun burned us in the
breezeless valleys. It was cooler at night, but we always built a fire, both to
cook the evening meal and to deter any wild animal; every evening we heard
mountain dogs howling at the moon, sometimes near, sometimes far.
We had brought our own
provisions with us, to avoid paying high prices in the small villages we passed
through, and this proved our undoing.
On the third night the
cook prepared a stew, and in order to disguise the (by now) high smell and
taste of the meat, threw some very pungent herbs and spices into the pot. I
watched him take various packets from his pockets, but after asking the names
of a few, all unknown to me, I lost interest; besides, he said my watching him
made him feel nervous. He was a taciturn man at best, and poor company if I
rode in his wagon. He wasn't a very good cook, either.
I took a portion of the
stew over to Growch and sat down beside him to eat mine, but two very
disconcerting things happened. One, my precious ring gave a little warning
stab, and two, Growch took one sniff and flatly refused to eat any.
Now, my dog doesn't
refuse food. Ever. He can devour stuff that turns my stomach even to look at.
"What's the matter?
It smells all right. A little spicy, perhaps, but you've eaten worse." I
lifted my spoon to my mouth but his tail got in the way, and at the same time
my ring prickled again.
"Don' touch it!
S'not good to eat. Don' know why, but somethin' in there ain't right."
"Are you suggesting
it's poisoned?" I tried to laugh it off. I was hungry.
"Not poison. Told
you, don' know what's wrong; all I know is, I'm not havin' any, and you
shouldn' neither."
The ring stabbed again.
"All right," I said crossly, as much to it as to Growch. "Cheese
and dates."
"Skip the dates. .
. ."
As I went to return our
untouched food to the stew pot, I noticed others doing the same. Not all, by
any means. About half the men were eating heartily, others were just picking.
If I had needed any confirmation that it wasn't entirely palatable, I would
have had it in the fact that the cook himself wasn't eating his own food: he
had just handed the guide Ibrahim a plate of dried fruit and cut himself a heel
of cheese, although he scowled when I asked for the same.
It wasn't until we had
been on the road for a couple of hours the next day that the wisdom of avoiding
the stew became apparent. One by one men groaned, clutched their stomachs and
disappeared into the brush to be violently ill. By noon about half were
incapacitated, unable to ride, and had to be hauled up onto the wagons, their
horses tied behind.
Master Scipio called me
over, his face gray and sweating.
"Here, boy: take my
horse. I'm going to rest for a while," and off he disappeared into the
bushes, to reemerge some moments later to help me up on the horse and then
climb himself onto the nearest wagon.
At first it was just
fine to be riding up so high, feeling well and fit while all around were
groaning and moaning, but Growch was grumbling that he was wearing his legs
down to their stumps trying to keep up with me as I rode from one end of the
line to the other, as Master Scipio did, and after a while the high wooden
saddle began to chafe and the bottom of my spine felt bruised. I checked up and
down once more: half the mule drivers and half the guards were riding the
wagons and the guide, Ibrahim, was driving the farrier's cart.
I brought the horse to
an amble beside Master Scipio.
"Like to ride
again? Or shall we halt and have a rest, water the horses?"
He looked better, but
not much.
"Not yet. We won't
stop, because if we do we'll never get going again. Keep riding; there's a good
camping place a few miles further on. We'll stop there overnight."
The trouble was, we had
had to travel so slowly with the overladen wagons that we had made very little
progress by the time the sun slid behind the hills and the valley we travelled
became gloomy and full of shadows. Once again I implored Master Scipio to take
to his horse but once again he refused.
"A mile or so more,
that's all, then we can rest, I promise. Ride up to the head of the line and
see if you can hurry up those mules. . . ."
I was so sorry for
myself and my saddle sores as I rode to the front, noting the weariness of the
animals as they plodded on, heads hanging, puffing and blowing, that it wasn't
for a moment or two that the growing noise behind me made any sense. It seemed
that the hubbub and the prickling of my ring coincided, which meant danger, so
I wheeled the horse as quickly as I could (not easy because the track had
narrowed to a defile) and pushed him back towards the wagons and Master Scipio.
Our whole caravan
stretched back now over a quarter-mile or thereabouts, because of the growing
dusk, general weariness, lack of Scipio's incisive leadership and, most of all,
the narrowness of the trail. As I kicked my reluctant jade to a faster pace,
Growch panting at our heels, the noise—shouts, yells, neighing of horses, clash
of swords—made no sense, until I rounded a curve and saw the horde of ragged
men armed with spears, swords, clubs, and knives that were creeping out of the
bush and attacking the wagons.
My heart gave a thump
of terror, and the hand that fumbled at my belt for the dagger I kept there was
slick with the sweat of fear. My horse had caught the scent of blood and reared
suddenly, so that I lost the reins and had to hang on to his mane with both
hands as he turned away from the battle. I tried my damnedest to pull his head
round, find the reins again, but all of a sudden a figure leapt from the
undergrowth, a knife between his teeth, a spear in his hand.
The ring was burning on
my finger but I could do nothing but freeze in horror as the spear was lifted
in my direction and the man's mouth opened in a howl of exultation. Death
stared at me, and I couldn't even pray—
There was a growl, a
yelp, a cry of pain, and the spear missed me by a fraction and struck my
horse's rump. It reared with a scream of pain, its flailing hooves downed my
would-be attacker, luckily missing Growch, then it plunged off again down the
track and away from the fighting.
Once more it was all I
could do to hang on as I was bounced and jounced like a sack of meal on that
horrid hard saddle. I bumped both nose and chin on the high pommel, banged my
leg on a rock as the horse swerved at the last moment, and scratched my arm on
some branch or scrub that scraped our sides.
Tears of pain squeezed
past my closed eyelids: would this never stop? We must have galloped at least—
The animal came to an
abrupt halt, forelegs quivering, and the sudden lack of motion did what the
flight couldn't. I fell off onto the ground and lay there with my head spinning
and everything else hurting, while the wretched animal cropped the grass next
to my ear with a sound like tearing linen.
I'm dead, I thought. I
must be. No one could have survived that headlong gallop. I'll just lie here
and wait for the golden trumpets. . . . Washed in the blood of the Lamb—
Nothing so sacred. I was
being washed, but by a sloppy, anxious dog. I sat up gingerly.
"Go away, Growch!
I'm all right. . . ."
"Then get up and
tell 'em! 'Bout the ambush!"
I opened my eyes. We
were in a clearing full of people running towards us. Over to one side a huge
fire was flickering. For a desperate moment I thought I had stumbled into the
ambushers' camp, but a closer look showed these were respectable travellers. In
a moment I was surrounded and a babel of tongues was flinging questions at me
till my head hurt worse than ever. I explained in my own tongue, market Latin,
a little Italian and a couple of words of Arabic I had picked up (I think these
last were profanities, remembering where I had heard them, but no one seemed to
mind) and a moment or two later armed men were clattering away back the way I
had come.
Someone led me over to
the fire and smeared an evil-smelling grease on the more obvious bumps and
bruises, and gave me a mug of spiced wine which I downed gratefully. I accepted
another and a bowl of rice and chicken. Something nudged my arm, and half the
contents of the bowl were on the ground.
"Ta!" said
Growch pleasantly, licking up the last grains. "That was fun, wasn' it?
That fella din' 'alf yell when I nipped 'im! Quite a battle . . ."
Of course! I remembered
now. He had doubtless saved my life when he bit my attacker's ankle, though I
didn't know whether he realized it. I tipped the rest of the rice out.
"Here: I'm not
hungry. . . . Thanks."
"Nothing to it.
'Ere: why don't you ask for another bowlful?"
It appeared the ambush
had been well planned. The stew had been dosed with a powerful emetic, and both
the guide Ibrahim and the cook had made good their escape. We had lost two
guards and a mule driver and there were several wounded, including Master
Scipio, who finally rode in with his arm in a sling. But I was hailed as a hero
for riding to seek help and feted with choice titbits and a handful of hastily
gathered coin, a whip-round from the survivors.
I felt a trifle guilty
as I accepted the coins and blushed when they called me a hero, but as Growch
remarked, now was not the time to tell them my horse had bolted from a
superficial spear wound and heroism had nothing to do with it.
Master Scipio accepted
the offer of our new friends to travel under the protection of their bigger
caravan—a friendship cemented in gold I noticed—as far as the trading city.
Being a larger party, and with wounded to care for, our progress was of
necessity slow, so it was on the third afternoon after our rescue that we
topped the final ridge and I gazed down on the city of Kьm.
Chapter Four
“But that's not a town,"
I said, bitterly disappointed. "It's just—just a collection of
Scipio drew his horse
alongside the wagon I was riding in.
"Tents maybe, but
still the largest trading center for hundreds of miles." He gestured
below. "A plain some three miles wide, the same long, with a river to the
east. Mountains all around, yes, but with age-old trails that lead in from
Cathay, India, the Middle Sea, the Baltic, the Western Isles . . ." He
leant back, let the reins lie slack, as we waited for the wagon ahead to start
the narrow trail down. "Looks fine now, doesn't it? But in the autumn when
the rains come the river down there is a raging torrent; in the winter the
bitter winds blow in from the north, the river freezes over and the sands below
are as sharp as hailstones as they whirl across the plain. In the spring the
rain and the melting snows from the hills flood the plateau, but when the
waters recede and the sun comes out, the grass and flowers grow thick and fast.
Then the advance parties come, those who cut and dry the grasses for forage;
after them come the men with tents for hire, the cooks, the laundrymen, the
farriers, and the men who dig the cesspits. Local villagers bring in fresh
fruit, vegetables, chickens, sheep, and goats, and there is a committee of
those concerned who ensure everything runs smoothly for when the first of the
traders arrive in mid-June. From then until mid-September the place is
seething. I truly believe one can find anything in the world down there if
needed. . . ." And off he spurred down the hill.
I turned to Nod, my
driver. "Have you been this way before?"
"Oh, aye: wouldn't
miss it for the world. Just as Master Scipio says: the world and his mate meet
here. Nice rest for us too. We can just sit back and enjoy ourselves while the
bosses natter and bicker and blather and dicker over every blessed piece of
barter." He was chewing on a root of liquorice and spat a brown stream
over the edge of the wagon as we began the descent. "I seen stuff there as
you couldn't imagine: furs, silks, wools, dyes, carpets, rugs, 'broideries;
copper pots, clay pots, glass, china; daggers, swords, spears; paintings and
manuscripts, pens and brushes; all the spices you could think of and dried
herbs; wines, dried fruits, rice, and tea. There's even bars of gold and
silver, precious jewels, children's toys—Whoa, there!" He was silent for a
moment or two as we negotiated a difficult turn. He spat out more juice.
"Then there's the animals. . . ."
"Lions and
"Sometimes. They're
mostly to special order. I seen a panther and a spotted cat with jewelled
collars, tame as you please, and even once, a helefant, with a nose longer than
its tail. . . . No, mostly they's more portable. Monkeys, 'xotic birds, snakes
as thick as your arm, queer little dogs . . ."
Oh, no! I thought. Not
Growch's "fluffy bums"; keeping an eye on him in that place would be
"Then there's the
slaves. Mostly men, 'cos women and children don't travel well, but you see the
occasional two or three. All colors, too: mostly black or brown, but there's
some yellows and near-whites. Dwarfs, sometimes, they fetch a good price."
He spoke as indifferently as if they were bales of cloth.
We were on easier ground
now, and the town beneath seemed to be taking on a pattern. The tents appeared
to be arranged in rows rather than haphazardly, and although the number of
people running around made it seem chaotic, there also seemed to be a purpose
in all they did.
Nod pointed out the
various vantage points with his whip.
"To the right
there, by the river, is the laundries, below 'em the cesspits, above stables
and forage. In the center the living accommodation, to the left the cooking
areas. Below us are the money-changers. Top left the brothels. Clear space in
the middle, the market, held daily. Doubles up for special entertainment at
"What sort of
special entertainment?"
"Oh, dancing girls,
snake charmers, acrobats—whatever's going. One year there were those belly
dancers from Afriky: sight for sore eyes they were. . . ."
It seemed Master Scipio
was right: everyone was catered for.
Rent-a-tent came first.
We hired four. Scipio, interpreter Justus, horse master Antonius and I shared
one, the remaining guards and mule drivers another, larger, and our goods took
up the last two.
The sleeping tents were
circular, those for the goods rectangular. The poles were bamboo, the canvas
thin and light, for no rain was expected at this time of year. Other traders
had brought their own, more luxurious, with hangings to divide the interiors
into smaller sections for sleeping or entertaining. Some had oriental rugs and
silken cushions to sit upon, small brass or inlaid wooden tables, oil lamps and
fine crockery, but we had grass matting, stools and wood-frame beds strung with
rope, which were highly uncomfortable. I stated my intention of sleeping on the
floor, but Scipio pointed silently to a double column of ants, in one side of
the tent, out of the other. He then handed me some small clay cups.
"Fill these with
water, then put the feet of the beds in them, otherwise we'll have all sorts
climbing up. Bad enough with the mosquitoes."
He wasn't joking; I
spent a most uncomfortable night, listening with dread for the sudden silence
which meant they had found their target. The next night I was given a jar of
evil-smelling grease, which helped, but that first day I was as spotty as any
adolescent lad.
Even without the
mosquitoes, that first night would have kept me wakeful. I had not yet learnt
how to fold my blanket so as to even out the rope sling I was suspended upon,
the moon shone with relentless brightness through the thin walls of the tent,
and the night was full of unaccustomed noise. There were snores from my
companions, barking from scores of dogs—including Growch, who was absent
without leave—the flap-flap of canvas as it responded to the night breeze,
shouts and yells in the distance, and somewhere someone was singing what
sounded like an endless dirge full of quarter tones that scraped at my
sensibilities like the squeaks of an unoiled axle.
That first day—and many
afterwards—was spent visiting tent after tent with the attendant interminable
bargaining that seemed so much a part of any sort of trade out here. No price
was ever fixed, not even for the food we ate, and even less so for the goods we
bought and sold. A great deal of exchange and barter took the place of coin: we
exchanged all our wool, for instance, for what seemed to me a minute quantity
of saffron and some lily bulbs, but Scipio was more than satisfied.
I had to attend as it
was part of my (supposed) training, and if it hadn't been for the endless
hospitality—sherbet, yoghurt or mint tea, small sweet cakes or wafers—I should
have dropped off long before the sun was high. Nearly everything had to be done
through our interpreter, Justus, and one had to go through all the politenesses
of enquiry about travel, friends, relatives, weather and health long before one
revealed one's true objectives. It seemed such a waste of time, but Master
Scipio was insistent that I realize it was the only way to get things done, and
was less than sympathetic when I begged off the last visit with an
ill-concealed yawn.
"I'm sorry: I
didn't sleep very well last night. I'll be better tomorrow, I promise."
"And so you better
had; you're here to work, to learn, to become a trader, and a night or two's
lost sleep is neither here nor there. A young lad like you should party the
night away and then be fresh as new milk in the morning. I don't know what the
world is coming to: why at your age . . ." and so on.
They went off on their
last visit, I smeared myself with grease, fell on the bed and must have slept
for hours, for when I awoke, hungry and refreshed, they were all abed and
snoring and it must have been around an hour past midnight. It was Growch's
cold nose that had woken me: he was hungry too.
As he had been absent
most of the day I wasn't sympathetic, would probably have turned over and tried
to sleep again, except that my own stomach was grumbling likewise. I was also
sweaty and sticky and needed a good wash. By the sounds outside, the food
stalls would probably still be open, so I swung my legs off the bed and we
crept out through the tent flap into the moony night.
It was as near light as
day, and there was no problem in finding our way towards the cooking stalls. I
found one of our guards seated on a long bench by a large barbecue and he
invited me to join him in a dish of chicken, lentils and herbs. I sneaked some
to Growch, then repaid the guard by buying the wine. While we travelled food
and lodgings were paid for out of the travelling purse, so at a place like this
we were given a food allowance every day, the same for all. The guards and
drivers were either paid their wages at the end of the journey or re-engaged to
be paid at the other end on their return, which was the case with our guards
and drivers, so they would have little enough to spare. I left him a couple of
coins for more wine, then strolled in the direction of the river, hoping it
would be deserted enough for a wash.
It seemed, though, that
some people worked throughout the night. The forage-and-horse lines were
relatively quiet, but the launderers were hard at work, washing and rinsing,
beating out the dirt on great flat stones and draping the clothes out on rocks
to catch the early sun. Here the river was scummy with dirt, which flowed on
down towards the cesspits, where I could hear the noise of digging.
I turned north, past the
great tumps of hay and straw to where the land grew rockier and the river
flowed faster, and was lucky enough to find a tiny sandy bay which curved round
a pool where the water was quieter.
I gazed about me but
could see no one, and all the activity seemed to be away south.
"Keep watch,"
I said to Growch. "I fancy a quick dip—"
"You're mad!"
he snorted. "Wouldn' catch me bathin' in that! Un'ealthy, all this washin'
. . ."
I stripped right down
and plunged into the water, stifling a yell as the freezing mountain water all
but numbed me. Summer it might be, but the water didn't know that. After the first
shock, however, I luxuriated in the fast-flowing water as it washed away the
stinks and grime of the last few days. Even my bruises from the bolting horse
had started to fade, I noted. My underwear and shirt joined me in the water:
they could dry out on my body, for the night seemed positively hot after the
icy water.
My last act before
getting clothed again was to pick up a furious, scratching, nipping Growch, and
dump him in the deepest pool I could find. . . .
He cursed for a full
fluid minute without repeating himself when he reached dry land, but I had a
couple of raisin biscuits in my pouch which mollified him somewhat, though he
did treat me to an exhibition of the hollow cough he had suddenly picked up,
and shivered most convincingly.
"Don' ever do that
again! 'Nough to give me my death, that was!"
I suggested a walk, to
dry us both off.
"Quickest way to
the food tents is straight across," he said, so that was the way we went,
though I doubted they would still be serving. Luckily for him we found a couple
of stalls still open and I bargained for some skewers of meat, which we chewed
as we wandered back towards the sleeping tents.
Growch stopped in
midstride. "Listen . . ."
At first I could hear
nothing, then the wind picked up the sound. A soft whimpering, moaning,
keening, like the sound a child will make when it has been punished and sent to
bed, but dare not make too much noise unless it invites more punishment. The
breeze changed direction and the noise died away, then I heard it again.
Growch's nose was
working overtime. "Back there," he said tersely. His nose was
pointing way beyond the rest of the encampment. "Not nice . . ."
My ring was warm on my
finger, so there was no danger, and there was something in the sound that
called out to me, like the despair of a trapped animal. Almost without
conscious thought I started to walk towards the crying. At first, in spite of
the moonlight, I could see nothing unusual, but as I rounded an outcrop of rock
I saw what looked like a huge cage, or series of cages, like those in which
they kept the exotic animals on offer.
But animals didn't sound
like this, or smell like this either.
I wrinkled my nose with
distaste and beside me Growch was growling, not in anger but rather in a
mixture of bewilderment and disgust, as if this was a situation he did not know
how to cope with. I moved closer till the moonlight threw the shadow of the
bars across me like cold fingers, and I could see the full horror of what lay
behind them.
The cages were crowded
with human beings, men, women and children, all shackled, and all standing,
sitting, or lying in their own foulnesses. Even in the stews of large towns I
had smelt nothing like this, and it was not only the excrement but a sort of
miasma of despair and fear that came from the unwashed captives that made me
recoil in disgust.
Hands were stretched out
between the bars towards me, the keening rose in volume and now there were
words I could not understand, except that they were pleas for help. Against my
will I moved closer and now the chains were clanking, the babble of words grew
louder and fingers clutched at my sleeve with a strength I would not have
thought possible.
"I can't do
anything," I said urgently, although I knew they would not understand.
"Let me go. . . ."
But their seeking hands
found more and more of me, until there was a prickle from my ring and almost at
once a shout and running feet. At once I was released and, looking back, I saw
a couple of men with lanterns bobbing in their hands running towards the cages.
barked Growch urgently. "We don't want to be caught by that lot. They'll
think we've been tryin' to help 'em escape. . . ."
Dodging in and out of
whatever shadow I could find, I ran back to the safety of the lines of tents,
my heart beating uncomfortably fast, my mind churning. It was not that I didn't
know slavery existed—why, in the very village in which I had grown up, we were
less than animals to the lord of the manor, who held the power of life and
death, imprisonment or mutilation, as he chose. But there at least we had known
the rules and abided by them, and life was comfortable enough if we paid our
dues. Besides we knew no other existence; those poor captives back there had
been snatched away from homes and families against their will—and what sort of
future could they expect?
That they would be
exploited there was no doubt. If you paid for something you expected your
money's worth. Physical labor, prostitution, degradation, these were the least
they could look forward to. Perhaps I should not have minded so much if I
hadn't remembered Signor Falcone's far kinder fate—but where were the Suleimans
of this world to rescue this batch? And the thousands of others, both now and
in the future? How many of these would still be alive in, say, a year's time?
I was saddened and
frustrated, and said extra prayers for those poor creatures before seeking what
I thought would be a sleepless bed, but I must have been more exhausted than I
thought, for I slept like a child.
The following days were
spent in more trading. It seemed that you could exchange what you had for
something of equal value, and the next day swap that for something you
considered to be more valuable, sell half that, find a customer for the rest,
use the money for another purchase and so on. In this way our tents of goods
were emptied and filled at least three times to my knowledge. Master Scipio did
not appear to lose by these deals for he went about with less than his usual
degree of taciturnity, though whether this had anything to do with the nightly
entertainments he went to, I do not know. Sufficient to note that he, Justus
and Antonius seldom came to bed before the small hours.
The pattern of barter
and trade soon became easier for me to follow, although I still found the whole
process tedious and realized I would never have either the patience of Matthew
nor the acumen of Suleiman. But this apprenticeship was the only way to my
goal, so I tried my hardest to learn and even earned compliments from Scipio
for my diligence. Of course there were still the language barriers, but I was
picking up a word or phrase or two of Arabic every day and could refer to our
interpreter, Justus, if I had need.
On the fifth day I asked
Scipio how much longer we should be at Kьm, to receive the answer that we
awaited one particular trader to conclude our business.
"We shall do no
more trading until he arrives," continued Scipio, "so why don't you
take the afternoon off and see the sights? Here, go buy yourself a trinket or
two," and he tossed me a couple of coins.
Glad enough not to be
shut up in a stuffy tent for hours, Growch and I wandered off into the
sunshine. For many this was the afternoon time, which meant we could roam at will
without being trampled underfoot, so we stopped for sherbet and barbecued meat
on sticks, then watched a basket weaver for a few minutes. Growch decided he
was going to investigate what sounded like one of the interminable dogfights
that went on day and night, so I just walked where my feet took me, refusing a
sweet seller here, a rug seller there, until I found myself at the western end
of the camp, beyond the tents.
Here on the edge of the
encampment lived those too poor to hire tents, or nomads who preferred to
wander the fringes with their flocks, sleeping under the stars. Among the
former were the fearsome men from the far north who had brought their shaggy
ponies laden with furs, carvings of wood and bone and metal ornaments in the
shape of dragons and strange sea creatures. I had learned from the horse
master, Antonius, that they found no trouble in disposing of their wares,
exchanging them for salt, dried fruits, linen and presents for their women:
combs, polished metal mirrors, needles and colored threads, but that as it was
all strictly barter they were always short of cash for food and amusements, and
often went to unorthodox methods to obtain it. Of course they could go straight
home once the goods were exchanged, but it seemed they stayed as long as they
could, loath to return to their cold and barren lands.
They were wild enough to
look at, these northerners. Dressed in their outlandish gear of iron skullcaps
(some with horns affixed), fur capes and short leather trews, their faces
scarred with ritual knife cuts and adorned with straggling moustaches, they
would have been fearsome enough even without the assortment of knives and axes
they stuck in their belts.
If truth would have it
though, they were probably no more fearsome than the adolescent town louts of
any large town, swaggering the streets with boasts of their conquests on the
field and in bed, swearing that they could drink anyone under the bench. All
mouth and cock, as my mother used to say.
They appeared to have
arranged some sort of wrestling match and had shouted up a reasonable audience
for it, one man busy taking bets on the outcome. It was to be a no-holds-barred
free-for-all, with kicking, gouging, biting, hair-pulling and balls-grabbing
part of the fun, as a bystander explained to me; he seemed to think all the
fights were fixed, but watching the first, in which the loser ended up with
half an ear torn off and his face ground into the dirt till he lost
consciousness, I wasn't convinced.
Someone came round with
an upended skullcap and I tossed in the smallest coin I could find. Another
bout was just starting—promising, from the look of the combatants, to be even
bloodier than the first—but by now more people, siesta over, had arrived to
watch, and being slighter and smaller than most I found myself elbowed out to
the fringes, where I could see but little. I had just decided to look for
amusement elsewhere when there was a nudge on the back of my leg and Growch,
absent till now, said quietly: "Look at that feller over there; pickin'
their purses, he is. . . ."
Nearby was a stack of
bales, ready for loading onto the shaggy ponies when these warriors decided
enough was enough and I moved behind it to watch the thief unobserved. He was
younger than most—around seventeen I should guess—and slim, stealthy and quick.
I could not help but admire the way he circled the back of the crowd, picking
his next victim, then holding back till the people surged forward at a
particularly vicious moment in the wrestling to yell encouragement to one or other
contestant, then taking advantage of the press of bodies to lift a purse to his
hand, weigh its possibilities—I saw him reject two in this way—and then use his
sharp knife to detach pouch and contents from its owner. Judging from the bulge
at the back of his trews he had been busy for quite a while.
I was so busy admiring
his expertise that it wasn't until he had lifted three more purses that I
realized that I should do something about it. But what? Shout "Stop
thief!"? Thieving was a sin, but did I owe the gullible crowd anything?
Besides he was an artist, in his own way, and nearly everyone would steal if
the need was great—Stop it, Summer! I told myself severely. Never mind the
ethics, just prevent him from further robbery.
I had a word with
Growch, then stepped from behind my hiding place and tapped the young man on
the shoulder. He jumped about a foot in the air and was about to bolt, but
Growch's teeth were now fixed lovingly in his right ankle, and he had no
alternative than to follow me to my hiding place behind the bales.
Perspiration was pouring
off his forehead and I could smell the acrid sweat of fear. We knew not a word
of each other's language but I mimed my disgust at his actions and threatened
to trumpet his thefts to all within earshot.
He crumpled at my feet;
purses and bags came tumbling from his trews. One by one he offered them to me,
his hands shaking, but this was not what I had meant at all. He was obviously
terrified, so the purpose of my intervention had worked: there would probably
be no more stealing today.
I shook my head
vigorously at the pile of purses at my feet and backed away, but he must have
thought I wanted more, something special, for he offered me a blue amulet that
hung round his neck, then an iron ring set with a red stone, and the more I
shook my head, waved him away, the worse he got. I suddenly realized the reason
for his fear; thieves could be hung, or at the least their hands cut off—
Something was thrust
into my hands, a hard object wrapped in soft leather, and from the look of the
thief's face it was his prize possession, the ultimate gift. I unwrapped it,
curiously, but all it was was a piece of stone or rock or metal pointed at one
end, about two fingers long and one wide. There was a small groove around the middle
and wound round this was a piece of gut with a loop at the end so that it could
be hung from one's finger. What was it? A weapon? A child's toy?
My puzzlement must have
shown, for the thief took it from my hand, gestured to the north and held the
stone so that it pointed in that direction. He looked at me, then turned the
pointed end to the south, let it go—and it swung back to the north again. He
handed it back to me and it worked once again. Sure that there was some
trickery I twisted the gut round and round and let the stone twirl—still it
ended up pointing north. Light dawned: this was a fabulous navigating
instrument that would work even if the sun was hidden or the night without
stars. Just think how wonderful it would be at sea, with no landmarks to steer
But apparently this
stone had other properties, for he held out the iron ring on his finger and the
stone swung towards it, then to his iron dagger and it did the same. He shook
his head, indicating that it would only work away from iron.
As the sounds of the
fight—which I had completely forgotten—rose to a real hubbub of yells and
counteryells, I tried the stone myself on an iron spear, a discarded buckle,
then back to the north again, thinking with wonderment as I did so that there
must be the biggest mountain of iron in the whole world up there in the frozen
" 'E's orf!"
barked Growch. "Want me to chase 'im?"
I shook my head. The
thief was gone with his gains, but he had left behind something far more
precious to me: a magic stone!
When I returned to our
tent and showed it to the others, I could not miss the look of envy on their
"That there is a
Waystone," said Antonius at last. "Heard of 'em but never seen one
"Look after it
well, boy," said Scipio. "It could fetch a penny or two. Want to sell
I shook my head.
"Where did you get
it?" asked Justus.
I decided to tell them
half the truth: the rest was too complicated. "I had it from one of the
northerners. He wanted cash to spend before he left for home."
Luckily they didn't ask
me how much I had spent, but apparently they, too, had a surprise for me. Sayid
ben Hassan, the trader they had been expecting, had turned up at last, and we
were to go to his tent at sundown for the usual courtesies.
"So, spruce
yourself, boy; put on something more appropriate. And we don't take dogs."
Obeying Master Scipio's
instructions I scared up a clean shirt and the clothes I had bought in Venice,
sending the rest down to the laundry via one of the guards. Buying a bucket of
water from one of the water sellers I made myself look as presentable as I
could, and bribed Growch to be good in my absence with a pie from the stall
nearest the tents.
Sayid ben Hassan's tent
was at the end of a line. He had obviously brought his own, although the three
next to it, full of goods, were hired. It was huge, to my eyes, easily
rivalling any others I had seen. Fashioned of some dark-blue material, thicker
than the usual canvas, it was layered like some extravagant fancy, the lowest
being a sort of corridor, then the next, rising higher, compartmented into
small rooms and the third and highest a spacious circle full of rugs, small
tables and embroidered cushions.
Incense smoked on one of
the tables—a sickly sort of smell, like powder—and water was bubbling in a
little burner. A servant came in and made mint tea and remained to serve small
dishes of nuts and raisins. Elaborate courtesies followed, meaning nothing but
essential to Eastern hospitality. Then out came the cargo manifests from both
sides and the haggling began. For once I didn't mind, for there was plenty to
look at.
Sayid himself was a
tall, slim Arab with a large hooked nose and piercing black eyes. He was
dressed simply enough in white robes, but on his wrists were several gold
bangles and the dagger at his belt had a jewelled hilt. The servant and the
guards outside were all young, handsome men, dressed in short blue jackets and
voluminous baggy trews; and the rugs, hangings, cushions, shawls, tables,
lanterns and pottery were of the highest quality. I wouldn't mind living in
such sybaritic luxury, I thought, but there was something perhaps a little too
soft, too cloying, for it to be enjoyed forever.
I dragged my mind back
to the haggling and Justus' whispered translations. It seemed that we had raw
ivory from Africa and cotton from the same source and he had a mix of spices
and silk carpeting of an incredible lightness and color. I let my mind drift
again, only to be brought up short by the mention of my name.
"Master Scipio just
said that you will be travelling with Sayid to—"
"With him? Why not
with you?" I interrupted. Surely I wasn't going to be shuffled off to
someone strange yet again?
"I thought you
understood that," said Scipio. "We all go only so far, you know. We
each have our own territory and our own contacts. I go no further than
this." He saw me open my mouth and snapped: "Don't argue! As an
apprentice you do as you are told! If you don't wish to continue your journey
now you may come back with me for the winter but you will have to start over
again next year. Or, if you wish, you can surrender your papers right now and
cancel your apprenticeship. It's up to you."
Out of the corner of my
eye I could see Sayid listening to what was said, and from the expression on
his face I believed he understood much more than people imagined. For some
reason I began to blush, and I thought I saw a spark of amusement in the Arab's
eyes. He murmured something to Scipio, who looked annoyed.
"What did he
say?" I whispered to Justus.
"He said . . . He said
he didn't know Master Scipio was in the habit of hiring children to do a man's
All of a sudden I hated
this supercilious Arab with his fine tent and expensive accoutrements and would
have given anything not to be travelling with him. But what choice did I have?
I had come this far in pursuit of a dream, far, far further than I had ever
been before. How big was this world of ours, anyway? If I went back now I would
be wasting all I had planned and saved for. And it would all be worth it in the
end, it had to be!
"I shall be honored
to travel with you," I said and bowed to Sayid.
"Good, good,"
said Scipio. "And now, if the business is concluded I believe Sayid wishes
to visit the slave market?"
The Arab nodded.
"Then we shall join
you. Come along, boy: it should be an interesting experience for you."
Chapter Five
We made our way to the
open marketplace, cleared now of stalls and lit with flares and torches. A
temporary platform had been erected in the middle and there, huddled together as
if for mutual protection, were the captives I had seen in the cages.
They had all been washed
down, for there was less smell, and now the shackles had been removed and they
were roped loosely between the ankles. They looked reasonably well fed; most
were dark-skinned, but one or two were lighter. An overseer stood on the
platform with them, running the thongs of a whip through his fingers.
Many of those crowded
round had merely come to watch, but there was a scattering of genuine traders
like Sayid, who had their servants clear a way close to the platform.
The slave master, a fat
Arab wearing rich robes, had a thin, drooping moustache and great dark pouches
under his eyes. He waited until he reckoned all prospective buyers had arrived,
then stepped up onto the platform and the sale began.
But first he had to
extol the worth of his wares, the exotic locations they had come from, the
distances travelled, the hardships he had had in transporting them, all to bump
up the price as master Justus explained as he translated for me. "He
doesn't say how many he lost on the way, though," he added.
I shivered, although it
was a warm night.
One by one the slaves
were paraded around the platform. Bids were called in a leisurely fashion, and
betweentimes would-be buyers went up on the platform and examined the slaves as
casually as they would choose fruit in a market. Mouths were wrenched open for
teeth to be counted, heads inspected for ringworm or lice, joints tapped,
eyelids lifted and—embarrassing to me at least—genitals were scrutinized for
disease and, in the case of the men, testicles weighed in cupped hands.
"Estimating whether
they will be good breeders," said Scipio. "Bit of a hit-and-miss way
to do it, I should have thought. I remember . . ."
He turned to Antonius
and I missed the rest.
The slave master could
have earned his living on the stage. He had a rather high-pitched, whiny voice,
but he wiggled and postured across the platform in spite of his bulk, all the
while beseeching, cajoling, exhorting. He begged for bids, he pretended horror
at their paucity and near wept with gratitude when his price was reached.
Sayid ben Hassan went up
to examine four men of much the same height and age. He bid for three and
settled for two, having them led off by four of his guards. Once again Justus
explained to me.
"He had an order
for two good-looking blacks for a widow in Persia. Got fancy tastes,
apparently. Told to look for sweet breath and large, er, you-know-whats."
"Why didn't he bid
for the fourth one?"
"Foul teeth and a
leery left eye."
We were coming to the
end; now there were only some four or five scrawny children left. These were
going at much lower prices.
"Might survive,
might not," said Scipio. "Not everyone wants to take a chance on a
child. The next one, though, he's different: fetch the highest price of the
night, I shouldn't wonder," and he pointed to a slight, exceptionally
beautiful black boy of perhaps twelve or thirteen with huge, lustrous eyes.
He gave me a quick,
almost contemptuous glance. "Where've you been, lad? Maybe you missed out
on all that, but he's ripe for it. Bum-boys like that will be pampered pets for
years, then go to train others. Wait for the bidding. . . ."
And indeed the boy
fetched an astronomical sum, sold after brisk bidding to a thin Arab with long
slim fingers that could not forbear from caressing his purchase even as he led
him away. Another two children went for small sums, and now there was only one
figure left. At first I thought it must be a dwarf, so much smaller and squatter
he was than the rest. The other boys had been either brown or black, this one
was a sort of yellowish color. His hair was as black as the others had been,
but unlike theirs it was straight as a pony's tail, hanging over his eyes in a
ragged fringe. His body was muscular enough, but his legs were slightly bandy
and he scowled horribly.
For the first time the
auctioneer seemed less than confident.
"What does he
say?" I asked Justus.
"He says the boy is
special. He comes from the east, was captured by brigands, nearly drowned
trying to escape, was sold to someone or other who lost him in a game of
chance. He speaks an unknown tongue, but is fit and healthy and good with
horses." He yawned. "That's as may be, but the lad looks like trouble
to me. Probably a pickpocket and thief—Ah!"
This exclamation was
prompted by the said small boy suddenly bending down and freeing himself from
the ropes around his ankles, butting the overseer in the stomach and jumping
off the platform into the crowd. Although he seemed as slippery as an eel as he
successfully eluded one pursuer after another, he really had no chance in that
audience, and was finally hauled back onto the platform, kicking and biting. The
overseer grabbed him by his hair, lifted him off the ground and hit him so hard
across the face that he at last hung limp and shuddering.
My ring was suddenly
warm on my finger, throbbing with my heartbeat.
The auctioneer stepped
forward and spoke, but his words were lost in a howl of derision from the
"He says all the
boy wants is a bit of correction and lot of understanding," translated
Justus, without me asking. He snorted. "The only thing that child would
understand is a rope's end. . . ."
The slavemaster made a
last appeal; the overseer lowered the boy to his feet and gave him a shake. The
boy turned his head and spat, accurately.
The audience clapped and
jeered, but in a good-natured way, the overseer lifted his hand to administer
another blow—and the ring on my finger throbbed harder than ever.
Without quite realizing
what was happening, I found I was on my feet.
"I offer—ten silver
pieces," I called out, astounded to hear my own voice. Now why on earth
had I done that? I sat down again in confusion, conscious of the incredulous
looks of those around me. Never mind: perhaps the auctioneer hadn't understood,
for I was speaking in my own tongue.
But slave-trading
auctioneers don't get rich without learning more than one language. He
understood all right. He gesticulated, cupped his ear, pretended he had
misheard my paltry bid. Then came the histrionics. The very idea that anyone
could have the gall, the impertinence to offer a mere ten pieces of silver for
this treasure of a boy! High spirited he might be, yes, but with a little
judicious discipline . . .
He appealed to the
audience: he would be generous. As a great favor he wouldn't ask for
twenty-five silver pieces, though even that was a mockery: just this once he
would settle for fifteen, although that in itself was sheer robbery . . . the
bargain of the day! Now, what about it?
The audience laughed,
they jeered, they clapped their hands together, they pointed at me.
"What are they
"That yours is the
best offer he will get!"
As if to underline this
the boy tried to kick the overseer where it would hurt the most and almost
succeeded, to be rewarded by another blow to the head. My ring throbbed again
and I leapt to my feet.
"Stop that! I said
I offer ten silver pieces—"
Scipio reached up to
pull me down. "Steady on, boy: if you're not careful you really will buy
him, and you don't want . . ."
But I was pushing myself
to the front. I stepped up on the platform, fumbled in my purse and took out
the ten coins.
"My final offer!
Take it or leave it!"
The slave trader stared
at me. "Twelve?"
I knew enough Arabic to
count and shook my head.
Behind us the audience
were whistling and jeering. The auctioneer must have realized he was making an
idiot of himself by trying to force up the price, because his face darkened and
he snatched the coins from my hand, grabbed the boy and thrust him towards me.
"Take the son of
Shaitan then," he hissed between his teeth in a sort of market-Latin.
"And may Allah deliver me from such again. You deserve each other!"
The boy had sunk to the
ground. I touched him on the shoulder and he flinched. Reaching for his hand, I
pulled him to his feet.
"Come with me.
There's nothing to fear."
I knew he would not
understand, but hoped the tone of my voice was enough. The ring on my finger
had quietened down, so I was obviously doing the right thing. Not according to
Scipio, Justus and Antonius. They were loud in condemnation.
"Complete waste of
time and money . . . be off as soon as you look away . . . watch your purse,
etc. . . ."
Luckily Sayid ben Hassan
had already left, so I didn't have to undergo his scorn as well. As it was I
felt like a mother who has been left with her newborn for the first time: I
hadn't a clue what to do next.
I needn't have worried.
"What you goin' to do with that?"
Him as well! But that
was the spur I needed. "We're going to feed him, wash him and clothe him,
Growch: in that order. And you can come along to see he doesn't run off.
"Right!" If I
hadn't named our chores in that particular order he probably wouldn't have been
so cooperative.
Keeping a firm hold on
the boy's hand we made our way over to the food. I let him choose. He pointed
to rice, curd cheese, and yoghurt, mixing it together in the bowl and eating
hungrily with his fingers, while Growch and I chose something more palatable. I
let him have a second helping, then dragged him towards the river.
All at once he twisted
away and was gone, running across the sand like a young deer.
"Growch . . ."
But he was already in pursuit, his short legs a blur of determination. They
both disappeared behind some rocks, there was a yell, a cry and then Growch's
"Come and get
When I reached them the
boy was sitting on the ground rubbing his left ankle, where a neat row of
dents, already turning blue, showed how my dog had floored him.
I knelt by his side and
mimed a slap, upon which he immediately cowered, but I shook my head.
"No," I said slowly. "But you must be good," and I made
soothing gestures. "And now—" I mimed again "—down to the river
to wash . . ."
Half an hour later we
were all soaked, for it was obvious the boy and water were virtual strangers,
but at least he didn't smell anymore. We found the tailors and menders next to
the launderers, which should have been obvious. Now what clothes to fit him
with? I looked at his naked body and could see faint marks which were paler
than the rest. It seemed that once he had worn short trews of some sort and a
sleeveless jacket. I asked the tailor in market-Latin and sign language for
what I wanted, adding underdrawers and a short smock, remembering what Signor
Falcone had said about the cold to come. We bargained, the tailor fetched a
relative to help with the sewing, and the clothes were promised within the
What next? I looked at
the scowling little face: I could hardly see his eyes. At the barbers he
panicked again once he saw the knives and shears, but this time I had a firmer
grip. Patiently I mimed and he consented to sit on a stool, his eyes tight
shut, shivering like a cold monkey as the barber snipped and cut his hair into
a basin cut, so that at least his eyes, ears, and nape of the neck were free of
the wild tangle that had obscured them before.
The barber brushed away
the cut hair from the boy's face, neck, and shoulders, then proffered a
polished silver mirror. The boy stared at his reflection, his narrow eyes
slowly widening, until at last he flung the mirror away before bolting again.
"Probably never
seen hisself afore," said Growch resignedly, before taking off in pursuit.
This time he didn't get so far, and I led him back to the tailor's. The clothes
were ready, and now, washed, barbered and decently dressed, he really looked
quite presentable.
But how to keep him from
running off? He looked quite capable of taking care of himself, but supposing
another slave trader found him? Or if he was caught stealing and had his hands
chopped off? Or starved to death because of not knowing the routes? No, I had
bought him and he was my responsibility.
But how to convince him
of that? How to explain that he would travel with us until he was near enough
to his home and people to travel alone? How had things been explained to me as
a child, when words were not enough?
Of course! I led him
back out beyond the tents until I found a smooth stretch of sand. I motioned
him to sit beside me, then pointed at myself, repeating my name slowly and
clearly. Then I pointed at him and raised my eyebrows in enquiry. He just
grinned as if it were some sort of entertainment, but at least it was the first
time I had seen him smile. I tried again.
"Summer. Summer.
Summer . . ."
A grunt, then "Umma
. . ."
"Good, very
good!" I clapped my hands. Did I have one of those salted nuts left in my
pouch? I did, and popped it in his mouth.
"Summer. Summer . .
"Zumma. Summa . .
I clapped my hands
again, gave him another nut, then pointed to him. He said nothing, so I cupped
one ear as if I was listening and jabbed him in the chest.
A slow smile spread over
his face, making his eyes crease up more than ever. He pointed to himself and
out came a string of clicks and whines and grunts that sounded something like:
"Xytilckhihijyckntug." I tried it out—hopeless! His black eyes
crinkled up more than ever. He repeated the word more slowly and again I made a
fool of myself, waving my hands in frustration. Again. And again. The only bit
I could remember was the last syllable: tug.
I pointed to him.
He grinned again, then
nodded. He pointed to me. "Summa" then to himself "Tug,"
clapped his hands as I had done and held his out for a nut.
So far so good, but now
he had become withdrawn again, the scowl was back, and he kept glancing from
side to side as if gauging his chances of escape.
Right, if words wouldn't
do, it would have to be pictures. I smoothed out the sand, took out my dagger
and drew a circle in the sand. The rising moon cast our images long across the
ground, so I moved round until what I drew was clear of shadows. Inside the
circle I drew a rudimentary tent, then pointed back at the encampment. Then
came two little stick figures. I pointed to him and to me and the tent. He
nodded his head. Now came the tricky bit. Moving a little way to the west I
drew another circle, another tent, another stick figure, then pointed to myself.
Then I "walked" my fingers slowly to the first circle. And stopped,
pointing at him and then to the east. He took the dagger slowly from my hand,
and I had a moment's panic, then he moved away to the path of the rising moon
and drew a wavery circle. A tent inside the circle, a line with a little head
atop, and his fingers walked back to the first circle the way mine had done.
But had he understood so far? I hoped so, for the next bit was the important
Taking his hand, dagger
safely back in my belt, I walked our fingers to the west, to my circle, then
shook my head, making sure he was watching. Back in the center circle I pointed
first to him then to me and used our fingers to reach his circle. I looked at
him; his brow was creased in thought. At last he took my hand and we went
through the same performance, only this time he did the finger-walking and it
was he who shook his head at my circle. When we came to his he nodded his head
vigorously, pointed at both of us and clapped his hands. I shared out the last
of the nuts.
" 'E's got
it," said Growch wearily. "The thickest pup in the world wouldn' 'ave
taken that long. . . . Now do the bit about you 'avin' the cash an' buyin' the
food and all that. . . ."
That night Tug slept at
the foot of my bed, ants or no ants, with a watchful Growch stretched across
the tent flap in case he did a runner.
The next morning Scipio
and company were keen to be on their way. They were travelling back with
another trader for extra safety, and I spent most of the day helping them load
up, after making a careful inventory of the goods they carried. They set off
midafternoon, with just enough time to make their first scheduled camp stop.
Tug had stayed near my side all day, helping with the loading and carrying. He
was even more anxious than I was to be on our way, and every now and again he
would pull at my sleeve and point towards the east. I had no idea how much
longer Sayid wished to stay, so I pointed at the sun, mimed it rising and
setting twice, and luckily for Tug's faith in me, was exactly right.
That night I had
presented myself at Sayid's tent, and one of the guards pointed me in the
direction of the tents packed with goods, which suited us fine. It seemed we
were not invited to eat with the rest of them, and I felt a little anxious
about this, as food and lodging were normally included, but reasoned that once
we were on the road things would be different. So we made pigs of ourselves on
chicken and rice and slept comfortably on the bales of wool in the tent.
Tucked inside my jacket
were my apprentice papers and a note from Master Scipio to the merchant at our
next destination; they had been entrusted to me rather than to Sayid, and for
this I was both apprehensive and grateful; apprehensive because it seemed that
Scipio trusted Sayid about as much as I did, grateful because it meant that
even if I was abandoned I had the means, and the money—for Scipio had given me
an advance—to make my own way.
The next day, and the
next, Sayid did more trading, we slept in the same tent and bought our own
food. On the third morning, however, things were different. At dawn the tent
was pulled down around our ears, a string of men carried the goods away and we
found ourselves on the edge of the camp, shivering in the cool morning air,
while a half-dozen grumbling, spitting camels and the same amount of mules were
loaded up.
It was the first time I
had been near one of these fabled camels, with the floppy humps, long legs and
disagreeable manners. Growch had warned me about them: apparently he had been
near enough to just escape being badly bitten. From what I had heard, however,
they were the ideal beasts of burden over long journeys, being strong, swift,
and needing little water: every three days was enough, Antonius had said.
Water: I had seen two or
three large containers being loaded onto one camel. Did that mean we should
bring our own? I turned tail and ran back to the water carriers, purchased two
flasks and a fill from the yawning vendor. Why didn't anyone tell me? As I
arrived back I saw my pack being loaded onto an already overloaded mule;
hastily I strapped on my flasks.
It seemed we were ready.
The camels were loaded, so were the mules, on two of which perched the cook and
Sayid's personal servant. The two slaves the Arab had purchased were manacled
in the space between camels and mules. The guards and Sayid were mounted on
magnificent Arabs, but where was our transportation?
It seemed we were to
walk. (Later it transpired that we were to share the mules, but it was an
uneven swap: the servant and the cook were loath to set foot on the ground.)
Tug had given a moan of
terror when he saw the chained slaves, but I quieted him. During the last
couple of days I had spent an hour or two teaching him simple words and
phrases, and he had responded remarkably well. Now was the time for another
I pointed to the
manacled slaves. "Tug bad, chains. Tug good, no chains . . ."
"Tug good," he
said perfectly clearly, and held out his hand for a reward.
Chapter Six
Thus began the most
arduous part of my journey so far. Our destination, a town called Beleth, was
some three hundred miles away, and it took four weeks to reach it. Of those
three hundred miles, I reckon Tug, Growch and I must have walked two-thirds.
Growch I carried when he was too exhausted to go further. Tug's feet were tough
and horny, but after the first day my soft leather boots were the worse for
wear and my feet were killing me.
At the first village we
stopped at, Tug—yes, Tug of all people!—persuaded me with signs and a few words
to buy a pair of the ubiquitous sandals worn there, and after that it became
easier. It was Tug, too, who made the first contact with the rest of the
caravan that eventually made our presence more welcome. Every night he helped
with unloading the camels and mules, assisted with setting up Sayid's tent,
brought wood for the cook and led the horses down to drink. He was a marvel
with the horses, and before long the guards allowed him to ride their mounts
for an hour or two each day. He was even allowed to groom Sayid's own mount, a
magnificent white Arab, whose mane and tail nearly reached the ground.
Thus it was we found
ourselves welcome in the big tent at night, albeit in the outer corridor with
the slaves, and shared the somewhat monotonous food: couscous or rice with
whatever meat or vegetables the cook had been able to buy.
We travelled a well-worn
trail from village to village, though there were days when we camped out at
night. A large fire was always built and the guards would spend the evenings in
wrestling with each other or playing endless games of chance. I took these
opportunities to teach Tug more of my language; in the meantime he was also
picking up a good deal of Arabic. One day I noticed he wore a brand-new knife
at his belt; I decided not to ask him where he got it, although I suspected he
could gamble with the best.
For the most part the
weather was fair, although it became progressively colder, not only because the
nights were drawing in, but also because we were climbing, gradually but
surely, into the foothills of the mountains that loomed ever nearer. Those
nearest were green with thick vegetation; behind, some fifty miles farther
away, they assumed a more jagged and unfriendly look, while those on the
farthest horizon reared so high they seemed to touch the very sky, their sides
white with snow.
Was it there, among
those unimaginable heights, that my love, my dragon-man, had his home?
The terrain around us
changed in character, too. From sun-baked earth, scrub, and tumbled rocks, with
scant water trickling down deep canyons, we then travelled grass-covered
slopes, with herdsmen tending their goats along the trail, and through
deciduous woods and windswept valleys. As we trekked even higher we were among
pines and spruce, seemingly brushed by the wings of great eagles soaring on the
thermals that sometimes took them beneath us, to dive on some prey unseen. It
seemed the less we saw other human beings, the more vigilant Sayid became, and
the guards closed up every time we traversed any place likely for ambush, and
were doubled at night.
As there were now four
guards around the campfires at night, that meant Tug, Growch, and I moved into
one of the smaller cubicles that led off the main room of the tent. It was so
nippy after dark that I wished I had more blankets, and I envied Sayid the
brazier that burned so warm in his inner sanctum. I envied, too, those guards
he chose to share his luxury: a sort of reward, I supposed, for their devotion.
Sometimes it was one, sometimes two or three. His method of choosing was always
the same; he would tap the privileged one on the shoulder and offer him a
sweetmeat, upon which they would disappear to the cosiness of cushions and
warmth, and the silken drapes would be drawn to.
One night I, too, had my
chance to sleep soft.
I had rolled myself up
in my blanket and was drifting off to sleep when there was a touch on my head,
more of a stroke really, and I opened my eyes to see Sayid squatting by my
side. As I sat up, struggling free of the blanket, he popped a sugared fruit in
my mouth and then another. Taking my hand he pulled me to my feet, nodding
towards the inner tent as he did so.
I had taken no more than
one step forward when there was a sudden commotion and somehow or other there
was a fierce little Tug standing between us, knife in hand. Shoving me back he
hissed: "No! No! Bad . . ." and then followed some words in Arabic I
didn't understand.
But Sayid obviously did,
for he backed away, a scowl on his face, after a moment choosing one of his
guards to accompany him, who gave me a big grin and an obscene gesture before
following his master.
"What in the world
. . . ?" I turned furiously to Tug. "Why did you do that?"
"I shouldn't ask, I
really shouldn't," said Growch.
But Tug was not
inhibited, and after a minute or two of a few words and plenty of bodily
gestures I realized what I had escaped.
"Yes, yes,
thanks!" I said, to save further embarrassment. "Very good,
I learned later that it
was common practice among the Arabs to seek out their own sex for relaxation
when away from women for any length of time and no one thought twice about it
but, unprepared as I was at the time, I was both scared and disgusted. Luckily
there was also a small bubble of amusement lurking around: whatever would have
happened if Sayid had found out I was a girl? It would almost have been worth
it to see his face. . . .
After that he was very
cool towards me, and I also earned the derision of the guards, so it was
perhaps just as well that we had our first sight of the city of Beleth less
than a week later.
It lay like a child's
toy extravaganza at the foot of a steep valley, probably some three thousand
feet straight down from us. I could make out what looked like a large square
with streets radiating from it, a palace, big and small buildings, twisty
alleys and the smoke of a myriad house fires. I wanted to run down the track
straightaway, but Sayid camped where we were for the night and I saw why in the
daylight, for it took half a day to bring us all down safe, the precipitous
trail winding like the coils of a snake in order to use the safest ground.
Everyone had spruced
themselves up that morning, and there was a lot of combing, plucking and
twisting of hair, oiling of skin and use of a blackened stick to enhance the
eyes, but I decided to leave well alone, except for a clean shirt and the
donning of my boots once again.
At noon, or a little
past, we clattered across the wooden bridge that spanned the narrow river
flowing to the west of the city. We had already passed through neat and
obviously fertile fields, the soil dark and friable. At the town side of the
bridge we passed under a splendid carved arch set in battlemented walls, and
onto a broad street, paved with river cobbles, that led after a half-mile to
the large square that dominated the center of the city. All the way along the
route we were flanked by laughing children and saluted by well-dressed
citizens. It seemed a well organized, wealthy city, and my spirits rose. A
proper bed—
"A proper
meal," said Growch.
And no more walking, at
least for a while.
Everyone dismounted, and
I was glad enough to squat down and rest in the sunshine as the unloading began
and men rushed in all directions, presumably to herald our arrival. The square
must have been a quarter-mile across; at the moment it was full of market
stalls, but these looked about ready to pack up for the day. Tall houses, many
set back in courtyards, ringed the perimeter, and facing us was the imposing
facade of the palace, with—as I learned later—one hundred marble steps leading
up to the columned portico, built in the Greek style. Some twenty or thirty
soldiers lounged on the steps, and others were tossing a ball about in a corner
of the square. All very relaxed and comforting: obviously they were more for
show than use.
I glanced up at the
houses. They were in different styles, although most were white with flat
roofs, and the windows were either tightly shuttered or barred with a fancy
fretwork. Smoke rose lazily into the air and there were tantalizing snatches of
music, pipes and strings and a tabor. Growch's nose lifted.
"Food . . ."
he said.
Just then one of Sayid's
guards returned, accompanied by a fat, waddling creature in purple silks and a
large turban. He was perspiring freely and mopping his brow with a long scarf,
whose color matched his red leather shoes with curved toes. He and Sayid
embraced conventionally and exchanged courtesies, then Sayid produced papers,
the fat man did the same; another thin man in white started checking the bales
and porters appeared from nowhere and started to carry off the items as soon as
they were unloaded and checked on both manifests. In no time at all it seemed
all that was left to be dealt with were two loaded mules, three loaded camels,
the slaves, and ourselves.
Sayid signed to his
guards and drivers and the animals were led away. He assigned two guards to the
slaves and these also were led away, but in a different direction. Sayid
remounted and swung his horse in a long curvette before bowing his farewells to
the fat man.
"Hey! What about
us?" I ran forward to clutch at his bridle.
He spat on the ground
just in front of my boots.
"You go with
him," and he nodded in the direction of the fat man, who had sat down on
one of the bales, mopping his brow again. He shouted something which sounded
nasty, indicated us, then reared his stallion so sharply the bridle was
snatched from my hand and I tumbled back in the dirt, then rode away out of the
I got up, dusted myself
down, and walked over to the fat man who had relinquished the last bale to one
of his porters.
I looked at him, he
looked at me.
I bowed, he did the
same. We spoke together.
"My name is Master
. . ."
"And whom do I have
. . ."
He had a sense of humor,
this fat man, because he grinned when I did. I handed him the sheaf of papers
Master Scipio had given me and introduced myself. He read through the scrolls
rapidly, then handed them back to me, and bowed again.
"Welcome, Master
Summer. I am Karim Bey, accredited agent to Master Spicer, and have been these
past fifteen years." He bowed again. "I am happy to welcome you to
our city, and hope to make your stay as pleasant as possible."
He spoke my tongue very
well, albeit in a slightly archaic manner.
"I am happy to be
here," I said. "Tell me, what did Sayid say to you about us?"
"Something to the
effect that I had inherited excess baggage . . . Do not mind him. He is a very
proud man, he likes his own way. But he is trustworthy, and guards his goods
well. And now, if you and—your friends—would please to follow me?"
He led us to a pleasant
house down a side street, set in a courtyard draped with bougainvillea and with
a fountain tinkling away in the center. He indicated a stone bench covered with
a Persian rug. Tug and Growch perched themselves on either side of me. Karim
Bey looked at me interrogatively.
"My friend
Tug," I said, indicating the boy. "I rescued him from a slave market
and am trying to find his people. The dog's name is Growch, and he has been
with me on all my travels."
"Where does the boy
come from?"
"I don't rightly
know. He speaks a language no one seems to understand."
"From his looks he
comes from farther north and east. Let me have a word. . . ." He tried
various dialects, but Tug shook his head, speaking in his strange clicks and
hisses. Karim shook his head, too. "No, the language is unfamiliar to me,
and he does not appear to understand any Italian, French, Spanish, Arabic,
Turkish, Hindi, or Persian, all languages familiar to me. I will make further
enquiries." He clapped his hands. "And now I think we shall
Five minutes later we
were tucking into kebabs of meat and red peppers, boiled and fried rice, pastry
cases full of beans, peas and bamboo shoots, with a dessert of stuffed dates,
peaches, cheese, and yoghurt. There was a chilled red wine, sherbet or goat's
milk to quench our thirst.
After dining we were
invited to bathe and rest, while Karim Bey made arrangements for our lodgings.
We were led to a room in which stood two tubs of warm, scented water, towels,
and various oils. Tug needed persuading to the water, but not the ointments: he
smelt like a bunch of mixed out-of-season flowers when he had finished. In the
next room there were pallets for our siesta, and I persuaded him to take a nap
so I could bathe in private, unafraid my true sex would be discovered. I
luxuriated in the chance to have a proper soak and wash my hair, the first time
since I couldn't remember when.
Around dusk Karim sent
one of his servants to wake us up, and announced that we were to lodge with
another of his "regulars"—whatever that meant—and that the servant
would escort us. He added that he would be seeking my help the next day in the
warehouses. More tallying, I thought dismally.
The servant shouldered
my pack with ease and led us through a maze of streets and alleys until we
arrived at a thick double gate. We found ourselves in a courtyard with a well
in the center, stables to the left, living quarters to the right, and a low
arch, on either side of which was a washhouse and a kitchen, leading through
into what looked like a vegetable garden. Stone steps led up to a galleried
upper floor, with half a dozen closed doors.
The servant put down my
pack, saluted and left, just as a man emerged from the downstairs living
quarters and hurried towards us. He was dark-skinned, black-haired, small and
thin, clad in a white jacket, cap and a sort of skirt looped between his legs
and tucked into his belt. On his fingers were many rings and a jewel dangled
from one ear, though both metal and gems looked too large for real worth.
He was already gabbling
as he came towards us, and his speech was the most amazing I had ever heard. He
used words from every language I had ever heard, and some I hadn't, though when
he found where I came from it settled into a mixture of Arabic, French,
Italian, market-Latin, Greek and what I learned later was his native tongue,
Hindi. Whatever it was, his sentences had a quaintness that kept me constantly
"Velly welcome,
isn't it? Chippi Patel at your service, young sir! Jolly damn glad see you.
Room you are taking. Up this, pliss," and he led the way up to the
verandah. Stopping at one of the doors he flung it open and ushered us into a
small whitewashed room containing two pallets, two stools, two wooden chests, a
grass mat, a row of hooks on the wall and a small, shuttered window at the
"Habitation of
other young sir, Ricardus, happy to share. Boy sleep on mat. Dog too,
"You are most kind,
Master Patel, but—"
"No, no, no! My
name Chippi! Mix marriage, Daddy name Chippi, Mummy Patel. Many Patel, few
"Very well, Master
"No mater-pater
here! Just Chippi . . ."
"Well then, Chippi,
my name is Summer, and—"
He took my arm and
clasped it fervently, then clapped me on the back. "Happy you meet, Zuma!
You happy here. Nice room, nice mate to share . . ."
"No, Chippi,"
I said firmly, disengaging myself from his clasp (he did smell awfully garlicky)
and knowing that if I did not stop this garrulous little man right now I never
should get my own way. "We need another. Just for us. For me, my friend
Tug, my friend Growch." I indicated us in turn.
"Not friend with
dirty pi-dog . . . ?"
"Not pi-dog . .
." I found to my exasperation that I was speaking just like him. "Dog
is good friend for many miles. Long pedigree: much money. Not see another like
He looked askance at my
filthy, tatty animal.
"You right there .
. . Now, this room most commodious, and—"
"Karim Bey assured
me we should have our own room," I said mendaciously.
That did it. At the
mention of the agent's name Chippi scuttled away down the verandah and showed
us into another room two doors down, the twin of the first. He had an injured
air, but I learned later it was common practice to try to make newcomers share
and collect for two separate rooms. Corruption became more rife the farther
east we came, but it was all good-humored, played as a sort of game: you won
some, you lost some, and within a minute or two Chippi was all smiles again,
showing us the washhouse and taking away our dirty laundry, to be returned
spotless within hours.
For the next few days I
worked busily for Karim, first in the warehouses where I assisted his tally man
as goods moved day by day; one morning we would exchange silks from Cathay for pottery
from Greece, and in the afternoon check in rice or rugs or rich tapestries.
Perishables were usually targeted to the market, but in the main office, full
of scrolls, clerks and comings and goings, the rest of the goods were assigned
to various caravans, north, south, east or west; orders were taken, part
consignments made up, other traders contacted for out-of-the-way requirements.
Karim also had an army of scouts distributed throughout the town and outlying
villages, ready to report the unusual, and if he thought it worth his while he
would send an expert to bargain for whatever it was. He also did his own
trading, short journeys only, mainly in small goods and local pottery.
Besides the warehouses,
and the office, I was also sent to the market to oversee the trading in the
perishables, and by the end of that first week I earned a commendation for my
hard work.
"And now we must
concentrate on the language. Master Ricardus, he must be much of an age with
you, and he was fluent in basic Arabic within weeks, could add and subtract
faster than most and bargain with the best. An old head on young
"And where is this
young paragon now?" I asked, masking my irritation with a smile. I could
just imagine this pompous, unbearable young man strutting around dispensing
wisdom I didn't want at all hours of the day and night.
"He has accompanied
a small caravan some seventy miles south, to act as my agent. It is the second
such journey he has undertaken; he made me a good profit the last time. I
expect him back within a couple of days."
But in fact he came back
that very afternoon. When I returned to our room at sunset, after making a
couple of deliveries of orders for ribbons and sewing materials to some small
shops down the alleys, Chippi met me at the gate to the courtyard with a
conspiratorial smile on his lips.
"Your new friend is
back being with us. He has just had a big bath. . . ." He indicated the
bathhouse. "At suppertime you will see."
I hurried up the steps,
Tug and Growch close behind. I had better have a wash myself, find a clean
shirt and comb my hair before I met Wonder Boy. But there was someone in my
room already, bending over the wooden chest at the foot of my bed, just about
to lift the lid.
"What the hell . .
. !"
He straightened up guiltily,
then just stared and stared.
"When I heard the
name . . . You've come a long way, haven't you, Mistress Summer!"
The recognition was
"My God!" I
said, "You . . ."
Chapter Seven
Instantly my mind was
whirled back to a stretch of forest in a country hundreds of miles away. It
must have been some eighteen months ago but it seemed like a hundred years. So
much had happened in between that I didn't even feel like the same girl. Now
the scene came back with sudden clarity, and I could see the dirty-faced stable
lad who had helped me and my previous friends escape imprisonment and torture,
been well paid for his trouble—and then robbed me of the rest of my moneys.
Even then I had somewhat
admired his cheek and, remembering he was only stealing to help his widowed
mother and sisters, I had told him to seek out Master Spicer, feeling sure that
the kind man would give him a better-paid job in his own stables. I recalled
Matthew had said the lad had been sent somewhere for "training," but
until this moment had thought no more about it.
But the young man
standing in front of me now, with his freshly coiffed hair, fine clothes and
added inches of height—he must be at least as tall as I—bore little resemblance
to the scruffy boy I had thought to be only about fourteen. Amazing what good
food and an easier life could do; he must be about seventeen, I guessed, and
the only familiar features were the thatch of fair hair—still untidy in spite
of the fashionable basin cut with the curled fringe—the intensely blue eyes
with their look of sharp intelligence, and the rather greedy mouth.
"What in the world
are you doing here, Dickon?"
"Not Dickon
anymore: Ricardus. I'm working for Matthew Spicer as a trainee trader and have
done pretty well for myself—"
"So I've heard . .
"—and Dickon is a
common, peasant name. Latinized it sounds far more impressive, don't you
To me he was still
Dickon. "How are your mother and sisters?"
A hint of a scowl.
"Well enough. Master Spicer secretly sends them a part of my wages. My
eldest sister has got married. . . . But what about you? Why are you here? And
why dressed as a lad? What happened to the rest of the ragtag you carted round
with you?"
"Part of it is
still here," I said, pointing to Growch, who was growling softly.
"Quiet, boy; you've met him before." I nodded at Tug. "He
travels with us to find his people; he was stolen as a slave sometime
back." Tug was scowling. "Friend, Tug. Ricardus. Say it . . ."
But he wouldn't, and, still scowling, spat over his shoulder, which is neither
easy nor a sign of approval.
"Looks a bit of a
dimwit to me," commented Dickon. "What of the others?"
"The knight went
back to his lady—"
"Thought you were
sweet on him?"
"—and the mare, the
tortoise and the pigeon found their own kind."
"What about the
pig? The one I saw fly. What of him?"
"Nothing," I
said defensively. I still didn't want to think about him. "He—went back to
his beginnings." Which was true enough, but light on the full details.
"Thought you might
have got some money out of it by selling him to a freak show. Pigs don't
fly." His eyes were too sharp, too inquisitive.
"His wings were
only temporary things. . . ."
"Oh, fell off did
they? You should have sewed them on more firmly. . . . Still haven't told me
why you're here, though. Must say you've got nice long legs, Mistress
I pulled my jerkin down.
"Master Summer, if you please!" I had had just about enough
time to think. "I'm here for the same reason you are: to learn the
business. Matthew—Master Spicer—thought I would be safer dressed this
way." Why was I blushing?
He grinned, winked.
"Way he talked about you, took me in without question on your word,
thought he was keen on you. . . . Fact remains, dressed as a lad or not, this
is no job for a female. Surprised he let you come."
"It wasn't a
question of letting me—" I stopped. Better not tell him too much. Somehow
I didn't feel I could trust him. Apart from that brief meeting a year and a half
ago, what else did I know about him except that he was a thief, made the most
of his opportunities and had become a bit of a snob?
His eyes were narrowed,
considering me. "And no one knows of this change of sex, 'cept me?"
"Apart from
Matthew, Suleiman—and Signor Falcone in Venice." Two of the three, anyway.
He seemed satisfied.
"Must admit you don't look too bad. Bet you don't walk right, though;
women walk from the hips, men from the knee."
"You haven't seen
me walk," I objected.
"Not yet, but I'll
bet you . . ."
"Just wait and
see," I snapped. "At least I don't suppose you have ever been
propositioned as a bum-boy!"
His eyes widened.
"My, you have been living it up! How did you get out of that one?"
I shrugged. "A
knife and a few words, carefully chosen . . ."
"I still can't
believe Master Spicer sent you all the way out here just to learn the
business." He narrowed his eyes again. "Are you sure you weren't sent
out on a special mission? As a spy, perhaps?"
"Don't be
ridiculous. I just wanted to see a bit of the world, that's all. I haven't the
money to travel as a pampered female and I—we—thought this was a good way to do
it." What had he been searching for in the wooden chest? Why was he afraid
of someone spying? After all, he hadn't known I would turn up until he saw me.
Chippi came bustling up
the stairs to announce that the evening meal was ready.
"Ah, the great
friends they have met! Two such pretty young fellows, by damn! Much good pals
will be. Wife has prepared special dish. Coming down for same, isn't it?"
Tables were set out in
the courtyard as usual, but tonight Chippi deigned to sit with us at the table
of honor nearest the kitchen. Mistress Chippi wouldn't join us, of course:
women were generally of lower status than the menfolk out here. As dark as her
husband, but much fatter, she bustled about setting out delicacies for
starters: crisply fried savory biscuits, bean shoots, meat balls. Then came the
special dish, a steaming heap of meat and vegetables on a bed of boiled rice. I
watched how Dickon would cope; he took up one of the soft pancakes Chippi
called chapatis, folded it round a mouthful of food, conveyed it to his mouth
without so much as spilling a grain of rice and chewed appreciatively.
He spoke with his mouth full: he hadn't learned everything yet.
It looked easy enough,
and I managed quite nicely but, as I leant forward to scoop up another
mouthful, a terrible delayed reaction set in.
My tongue, my mouth, my
throat, my stomach—they were all on fire! I had been poisoned! My eyes were
streaming, I couldn't breathe. . . . Struggling to my feet, choking and
gasping, I signalled frantically for a drink—water, wine, sherbet, anything!
Slurping down whatever
was offered—it could have been anything for all the effect it had on the
terrible taste in my mouth—I could feel a gradual lessening of the burning
heat. Perhaps I hadn't been poisoned after all.
At last I could breathe
normally again. I mopped my streaming eyes and looked across at Dickon and
Chippi—they were doubled over with laughter!
"It's not funny!
What on earth was it?"
"Oh, dearie, dearie
me!" Chippi blew his nose on his sleeve. "We are larks having, isn't
it . . . First time you eat curry, yes?"
"Curry. Very hot
being. Wife cook it good, yes, Ricardus?"
"Very good,"
said the objectionable Dickon, tucking in heartily. "You'll soon get used
to it, Master Summer."
"I will not!"
And I kept my word.
For the next few days
Dickon initiated me further into the mysteries of merchanting, and I took care
not to show him how bored I became, trying to appear interested and attentive.
He of course knew nothing of my true reason for taking on the guise of
apprentice; my only worry was Tug, who was growing increasingly restless at being
confined to the town.
I had a word with Karim
Bey on the subject of moving on as soon as possible, pretending eagerness to
travel further. He looked shocked.
"But it is entirely
the wrong time of year to venture further, Master Summer; everything closes
down shortly because the higher routes will soon become impassable. I had
thought you would be content to over-winter here, and learn as much as possible
for the spring journeys." He must have seen the disappointment on my face.
"I myself shall not be sending out any more caravans. However, as you seem
so keen, I will try and get you a place with an eastbound trader, if I can find
one. You may well find that you end up at the back of beyond, forced to stay
until the snow melts, and find it difficult to return. However, that is up to
And with that I had to
be content. I told Tug we were waiting for a special trader to take us further
east, and I think he believed me.
Our daily work had to
finish sometime, and in the evenings after supper Dickon, Tug, Growch, and I
took to wandering down the myriad side streets and alleys that radiated from
the square right through to the edges of town, as haphazardly as the tiny veins
on the inside of one's elbow.
Here lay the real life
of the city, a place where the great and wealthy never came. During the day one
might see town officials bustling about in the city proper, respectable
citizens about their business, soldiers exercising, merchants fingering the
goods on offer in the market, discreetly veiled ladies taking the air, either
on foot or in gilded palanquins, and all around were the workers, those who
catered to their whims: servants, both male and female, stall holders,
farriers, cooks, children running errands, water carriers, weavers, tailors,
hairdressers, beauticians, fortune-tellers, launderers, beggars, refuse
gatherers, cleaners, night-soil collectors, rope makers, jewellers, wine
sellers, oil vendors—in fact all those unregarded people without whom the city
could not function at all.
At night, though, it was
as if a soft blanket came down on all this bustle and the little side streets
and alleys came into their own, for this was where the workers lived. Here they
had their homes; here they were born, grew up, loved, hated, became ill, died.
Here was all manner of meaner housing; tenements, small one-roomed hovels,
stables, tents, holes in the ground or in the walls, shacks and even the bare
Here also were the
little family restaurants, minor businesses, brothels, stalls that sold items
not available in the open market: strange drugs, stolen goods, information;
here there was trade in quack medicines and human beings; much gossip and
entertainment; and lastly were the stalls that sold those small, largely
useless objects that might just fetch enough to buy the daily bowl of rice.
These alleyways were
only dimly lit and the town guard generally gave them a wide berth. It was not
wise for a stranger to walk there alone, but I had always felt safe with Tug
and Growch, though we didn't go far. However when Dickon heard of our
expeditions he insisted on accompanying us, ostensibly as guard, but I
suspected he had never dared go alone before and we were merely an excuse. As
it was he strutted and postured like a young lord, especially when there was a
pretty girl about. He was trying to grow a moustache, none too successfully,
and he fancied himself as a ladykiller. In fact on the third evening he
thoroughly embarrased me, suggesting a visit to one of the many little
"I'm not going to
one of those! How could I?"
"You're dressed as
a lad. You don't have to—participate. You can just watch, can't you?"
"Certainly not! You
can do what you like, but I'm staying outside."
"Suit yourself!
Just don't get lost: I may be some time. . . ."
Which left the rest of
us wandering up and down the street, pretending to examine the goods at one or
another of the stalls, fending off too persistent vendors and generally feeling
conspicuous. I had almost made up my mind to trust Growch's sense of direction
to get us back to our lodgings, when Dickon reappeared with a smirk on his face
and ostentatiously adjusting his clothing.
"I hope it was
worth it," I said nastily.
"Of course. I
always ensure that I get value for money. Pity in some ways you ain't a lad: I
could show you a thing or two in this town."
"If I were, I doubt
if I'd take advantage of your offer. I wouldn't want to risk catching something
"I know what I'm
"Good for you. Can
we go now?"
He didn't repeat the
experiment, if that was what it was. After all he certainly hadn't been in
there more than a quarter hour, however long it had seemed outside. But perhaps
that was the way they did things in those places. I wasn't going to ask.
Two nights later
something very strange happened.
We had wandered farther
than usual and came at last to a narrow street that twisted and turned like a
snake almost under the tall battlements that protected the city. Here were more
stalls than usual, some set out on the ground on scraps of cloth, others
displayed on stools or tables, yet more in tiny cupboardlike niches in the
walls. There was less noise than usual and those who passed by seemed to do so
as if in a dream. Even the bargaining sounded muted, the examination of objects
slow and unhurried. At one corner the street seemed as light as a fairground,
at another full of shadows, much as a candleflame in a draught will flare one
moment and be down to a mere flicker the next.
I found myself infected
with the same strange lethargy, yet my mind seemed as sharp as a needle. I
found I, too, was taking my time at each stall, examining everything minutely,
yet no one was pressing me to buy. I looked at small prayer mats, embroidery
silks, combs and brushes, painted scarves, brooches and bangles; I picked up a
length of silk here, a phial of perfume there. I waved a fly whisk, tried on a
pair of felt slippers, tapped a brass tray, turned over some table mats,
flicked my finger at a tray of pearls that rolled about like a handful of dry
white peas; I bought and ate a couple of sticky, green sweetmeats, passed by
painting brushes, colored inks, charcoal, dyes, spices, pellets of opium. . . .
Between a hole in the
wall occupied by a man selling sachets of sweet-smelling dried flowers and a
conventional stall laden with pots and pans, an old man squatted behind a small
folding table on which was displayed a heterogenous collection of what looked
like secondhand curios. I bent down to see a small, blue brush jar with a chip,
a dented brass bowl, a piece of dirty amber, a paperweight dull with use, some
scraps of embroidery, a yellowed piece of carved ivory. . . .
I straightened up, ready
to pass on, when the old man lifted his head and looked straight into my eyes.
He was nearly bald, what was left of his hair hanging white on either side of
his face to mingle with a wispy beard. There were laugh lines at the corners of
his eyes, and his whole expression radiated a warmth and good humor, although
if you asked me to describe him feature by feature I could not have done so.
He nodded at me as if we
were old friends, said something I didn't understand, then indicated the tray
in front of him. Obviously an invitation to look closer. I glanced around for
the others. Tug was bargaining for some sweetmeats in sign language with some
coins I had given him. Growch was flushing out imaginary rats from some rubbish
heap, Dickon was chatting up the girl selling rice wine in tiny cups.
Why not indulge the old
man while I waited for the others? He seemed pleasant enough, although I had
seen nothing that attracted me on the tray, except perhaps that little ivory
Strange. The goods
looked different. A pearl, discolored; a chipped blue and white cup; a carved
bamboo flute the worse for wear; an old inkpot—surely those had not been there
before? Ah, there was something I recognized: the little ivory figure. I
couldn't quite make out what it was meant to represent. The old man said
something, and as I looked up he nodded, wreathed in smiles.
I smiled back and
squatted down in front of the tray.
Now the tray was full,
and every object, cracked, chipped, dented, worn or just old, all were carved
or decorated with representations of living things. The blue brush jar had a
lively dragon wrapped around its base, the brass bowl had raised figures of
mice chasing each other's tails; inside the amber, carved as a fish's mouth, a
tiny fly awaited its fate. Embroidery covered with lotus blossoms, a
paperweight with a grasshopper for a handle, a carved bee on the side of the
flute looking alive enough to fly away, a pearl etched with chrysanthemums, a
blue and white cup painted with butterflies, and an inkpot decorated with a
flock of small birds: broken they all might be, but these objects had an exquisite
living grace. And around them all, lively as a kitten, cavorted the ivory
Some part of me, the
sensible part, told me there was something very amiss here. Half a dozen
pieces, less than interesting, then others, and now both lots together, and all
worth a second look. But the sensible side of Summer stayed quiet and the
credulous Summer just accepted what she saw.
Or thought she saw . . .
The old man stretched
out his right hand and took mine; in his left he held a green bowl of water
that danced its reflections in the lamplight as the ring on my finger tingled,
but not unpleasantly. He nodded at me again, indicating that I should look into
the liquid. I leaned forward and found myself gazing into a swirl of colors.
Figures passed through the water; I saw a white horse with a horn on its
forehead, a frog or toad, a cat, a black bird, a fish. . . . Then something I
thought I recognized: another horse galloping across the sands, a scrabbling
tortoise, a pink pigeon, a small elongated dog with short legs, a pig . . . Ah,
the pig!
A pig with wings. A pig
I had kissed three times. A pig that turned into a dragon.
And the girl in the
picture kissed the pig-that-was-a-dark-dragon for the third time, and he turned
into a man. A dark man called Jasper, Master of Many Treasures, and my heart
broke as he turned back into a dragon again and flew away from the Place of
Leaping to my feet, I
dashed the bowl from the old man's hands. I could feel the stupid tears welling
"How could you
know? Dickon?" I called over my shoulder. "Come and translate for me,
please. I want to ask this old man a couple of questions."
He, too, had risen to
his feet, although he still had hold of my hand. He was speaking again, but
thanks to Dickon who must have been standing behind me, I now had a
"I mean no harm,
young traveller."
"The pictures in
the bowl . . ." I stopped. I didn't want Dickon to know what I had seen.
"Before you there
was another who wore a ring," said the old man, and now the translation
was almost simultaneous. "Many, many years ago. She, too, adventured with
animals she was wise enough to call her friends. The rest you saw was what you
wanted to see."
"No! I never wanted
. . ."
"Then the head
denies the heart it would seem. You travel far, girl, to find what you do not
want, then?" There was a gentle, teasing quality in his voice, which I now
seemed to hear clearer than Dickon's. "It will be a long journey for the
seven of you. . . ."
"Seven? Three, you
mean." Me, Tug and Growch.
"Three is a lucky
number, I agree, but seven is better. She who first wore the ring knew
"It's just
three," I repeated firmly.
"Life does not
always turn out the way you want it. I think you will need help with your
journey, extra help."
"You—know where we
are bound?"
"I know
everything." He picked up the bowl again, and miraculously it was still
full of colored water. "Look again. Closer . . ."
Forgetting Dickon, I
gazed once more into the bowl. The colors paled, faded, and now there was just a
milky haze. The haze steadied, snow was falling and I was in it, flying like a
bird between high mountain peaks. But the snow started to drag at my wings, at
the same time destroying my perspective of the land beneath, the familiar
landscape I should know so well. Mountain after mountain, peak after peak, they
all looked alike. The snow grew heavier and now I was weary, blinking away the
flakes of snow that threatened to blind me. Each beat of my wings seemed to
wrench them from their sockets; if I couldn't find what I was looking for soon
I should have to land, but it was unlikely I would find shelter in unknown
Then, suddenly, I saw
A momentary lessening in
the blur of snow, and the three fangs of the Mighty One, gateway to my goal,
loomed up ahead. A turn to the left and I steered between the first two of the
three rock teeth that were so steep that even now they gloomed blackly in the
snow that could not rest against their sides.
Over at last and down,
down, down into the valley beyond. There was the monastery on its hill, where
the saffron-robed monks rang their gongs, sounded their queer, cracked bells
and said their prayers to an endlessly smiling, fat god. Finally a switch to
the right, away from the Hill of Constant Prayer and the village beneath, and a
long slow glide to the Blue Mountain and the cave entrance hidden on the
northern face.
Wearily I braked back,
my leathern wings as clumsy as the landing gear of a youngling. Wobbling a
little, I shoved forward my dragon claws and—
"Jasper!" I
cried out, and smashed the green bowl into a thousand pieces. "Jasper! I
was him!"
The old man stooped down
and picked up one of the tiny shards of glass. One piece? No, for now all the
others seemed to fly into his hand and the bowl was whole again. He tucked it
away in his robe.
"And so you now
know the way to go," he said. "It is always the last part of the
journey that is the hardest."
My mind was in such
turmoil that I could think of nothing to say—except thank him.
He bowed. "It is
nothing; a breath of wind across a sleeping face, bringing with it a dream of
the poppies over which it has travelled. . . . And now, young traveller, you
were thinking of bearing something away from my tray."
I was? Yes, perhaps I
was. That must be why I was bending over the tray again, and now all the
creatures and flowers were real, alive. A butterfly perched on my finger, then
flew to the old man's beard; a tiny fly cleaned its wings of the amber that had
imprisoned it; a fish swam in the brass bowl that the old man tucked away in
his robe; a string of mice disappeared up his sleeve; a tiny blue dragon flew
to his shoulder then vanished down his collar; a grasshopper leapt to his head,
a flock of tiny birds circled the stall and a bee, heavy with pollen, rested
for a moment on my sleeve, before crawling up a fold of the old man's robe,
whose lap now held a mass of flowers. . . .
Now all that was left on
the tray was the little ivory figure. It was still difficult to make out
exactly what it was meant to represent—he looked like a mixture of dog, horse,
dragon, deer—but he did have a very intelligent expression.
"How much?"
"He is not for
sale. He goes where he wishes." He spoke as though the creature had a will
of its own, but then nothing would have surprised me now.
"May I pick him
"If he will let you
. . ."
What did he do then?
Bite? Disappear in a puff of smoke?
Gingerly I bent forward,
picked him up between finger and thumb and put him on my palm. Exquisitely
carved, he had the body of a deer, hooves of a horse, a water buffalo's tail
with a huge plume on the end, a stubby little face with a minihorn in his
forehead and what looked like fine filaments or antennae sweeping back from his
mouth. Funny that I hadn't been able to see him clearly before, especially as
he was the only perfect piece. He sat quite comfortably on my hand.
"What is
"That is for him to
tell you. If he wishes."
I waited for something
to happen, but nothing did, so with a strange reluctance I put him back on the
tray. My ring was warm on my finger.
"Are you coming?
The young lass over there says her dad has an eating house round the
corner." Dickon spoke over my shoulder. "I'm hungry even if you're
All the lights were
suddenly brighter, and I could smell sewers.
He nudged my arm impatiently.
"You've been staring at that tray for hours. Looks like a lot of junk to
I looked down. An old
man squatted in front of a tray of secondhand objects, none of which I had seen
before. The ivory figure I thought I remembered seeing wasn't there.
I shook my head, as much
to clear it as a form of negation. "I can't see anything I want," I
said slowly. "Thanks for translating just the same." I bowed to the
old man, and we moved away down the street. I felt all jangled inside as if
someone had jumped me out of a dream too soon.
We were finishing off an
indifferent dish of vegetables and rice when Dickon said suddenly: "What
did you mean: 'thanks for translating'? I wasn't anywhere near you."
"Yes you were! I
called you over because I couldn't understand what the old man was saying. You
were just behind me."
"Was never!"
"You're kidding. .
. ."
"I'm not!"
And the more I insisted,
the more adamant he became. Had I imagined it all, then? The whole episode was
becoming less clear by the minute, but still I clung to an image, a feeling: a
dragon—me, him?—flying in the face of a storm to the Blue Mountain.
Jasper . . .
lover-dragon, dragon-lover.
He was what this journey
was all about, of course. Once upon a time I had rescued a little pig with
vestigial wings from a cruel showman. The pig had grown and grown until one day
when we found the place where he had hatched out, the pig's skin had been cast
away and there was a beautiful, dark, fearsome dragon in the place of my pig.
But why fall in love
with a dragon? Because I had loved the pig and the dragon wasn't a dragon all
the time. And that was my fault. Three times I had kissed the pig, out of
affection and gratitude, and because he was a dragon inside that pig skin I had
broken a law of the equilibrium of the universe, and for each kiss the dragon
was forced to spend a month a year in human form.
That's how he had
explained it to me as he kissed me, made love to me as Jasper the man, just
before he changed back into what he called his true self and flew away to the
east, where all dragons come from, leaving me sick at heart beside the Place of
The blind knight had
offered me love of a sort, Matthew Spicer had proposed marriage, but it had
only been in the arms of Jasper, the Master of Many Treasures, that I had found
that overwhelming joy that true love brings.
And that was why I was
here, in this strange town many hundreds—nay, thousands—of miles from my home.
I would find him, I had sworn I would. I would sacrifice anything for just one
more embrace—
"Your turn."
"I beg your
"Wake up,
Summer!" said Dickon. "I said it was your turn to pay."
I fished among the small
change I kept in my pouch (the greater coins I kept next to my skin) and all of
a sudden I drew out an extraneous object and placed it on the table.
"What the hell's
"The old man had it
on his tray. . . . Quick, I must take it back," and I picked up the ivory
figure and hurried out, leaving Dickon to settle up. Search as I would,
however, there was no sign of the old man. Even the street seemed different,
better lighted, less twisty, and when I found a stall holder I thought I
recognized he said he had seen me standing in a corner talking to myself. Which
was ridiculous!
In the end we returned
to our lodgings, though I promised myself I would go back the next day and try
and find the old man. In the meantime I put the figurine on the chest at the
foot of my bed and curled up in bed seeking a sleep that seemed strangely
elusive. I tossed and turned, flickered in and out of brightly colored dreams I
could not recall, but was at last sinking into deeper slumber when all at once
there was a voice in my ears, a tiny, shrill voice that snapped me back into
consciousness at once.
"Stop thief! Stop
Chapter Eight
I sat up at once, my
sleepy eyes just making out a shadowy form slipping through the open doorway
into the near darkness outside. Stumbling off the bed I made my way over to the
door, shut and bolted it. Normally I didn't bother with the bolt, as Dickon and
I were the only occupants of the verandah at the moment. Feeling my way back to
the chest, I discovered that the lid was open, meaning flint, tinder and candle
stub must be on the floor somewhere. I found the first two and was fumbling for
the third when that squeaky voice came again.
"To your right a
little . . . That's it!"
Needless to say I nearly
dropped the lot.
"Who's there?"
Nothing, save Tug's soft
breathing and a snore from Growch. Fingers trembling, I at last managed a light
and held the candle high. Plenty of shadows but no intruder. Tug rolled up on
the floor in his blanket—he still wouldn't use the bed—and Growch curled up at
the foot of mine. No one else—
"I'm here. On the
floor by your feet. Please don't tread on me. . . ."
I stared down at the
ivory figure. Surely not! I must be dreaming.
"Yes, it's me. You
can pick me up, if you don't mind. Quite uncomfortable standing on one's head.
I found I had picked it—him—up
and put him on the chest, right way up. I stared down; no damage from his
tumble as far as I could see. But the voice! Surely that would have woken the
others, or one of them would have heard the intruder. If there was one.
Suddenly I wasn't sure of anything anymore.
"If you could just
touch me with your ring for a moment—that's it—then I shall find the transition
much easier. . . ."
I did as he said: my
ring thrummed with energy for a moment, but there was nothing but good here.
"Dearie, dearie
me!" said the squeaky voice. "It's been such a long time! Ivory is
pretty to look at but it hasn't the warmth of amber or the manipulation of
wood. But with wood there's always the threat of woodworm of course. . .
I sank to my knees in
front of the chest; this wasn't happening! That little figure wasn't talking to
me, it wasn't, it couldn't!
"Oh, yes I am! I
suppose it must be rather disconcerting for you, but if you will bear with me
I'll try and make the change to living as quickly as I can. . . ." He thought
for a moment. "If you could just hold me in your hands for a moment, warm
me up. That's fine. Don't worry about your friends: they can't hear us."
I put him down on the
chest again and sat back on my heels to watch one of the most amazing things I
had ever seen. It was almost like a chicken breaking from an egg, a crumpled
poppy unfurling its petals from the bud; you wondered how on earth it ever
fitted inside. Of course this creature's task was different: it had to turn
from inanimate to living, but the process seemed about the same.
First I saw the nostrils
dilate as the first breaths of air were inhaled, then the nostrils became
pinkish and the antennae at the side of his mouth flexed back and forth. Like a
chick's feathers, dry little hairs released themselves from the ivory and
fluffed up around his face; dark brown eyes blinked and moistened. Then came
the ears and throat, the former twitching back and forth till they were set as
he wanted. A forked tongue tested the air.
"A little rest:
this is tougher than I thought. It's been a long time. Please excuse the delay.
. . ."
He curled back his lips,
panting a little, and I could see a tiny row of chewing teeth. Now the process
speeded up; tiny hooves stamped, ribs expanded, a rump gave an experimental
wiggle and lastly a short tail with an outsized plume gave an exultant wave.
"There! That's
better. How do I look?"
"Er . . . very
impressive." I didn't really know what to say. The whole process was
mind-bending, but as I didn't know what he was supposed to look like, I
couldn't really qualify my statement.
He seemed to be reading
my mind. "You're quite right! I've forgotten the colors, haven't I? Just
watch. . . ."
In a way this was the
most impressive of all his tricks. From being a dullish creamy yellow, he
rapidly developed a uniquely tinted body that glowed like a jewel on the lid of
the chest. First came a bright yellow belly, then the fur on his back developed
shades of blue, purple, violet, brown and rose, his legs and tail darkened to
gray and lastly the plume on his tail fanned out into crimson, gold and green.
For a brief moment it seemed that his whole body was lapped by flame, but then
he was as before.
"Not bad, not bad
at all. I'm particularly proud of the tail: not exactly conventional, but we
are allowed a certain latitude. . . . Just a moment. I'd feel more comfortable
with a bit more space."
And something that had
been beetle-sized rapidly expanded to the dimensions of a mouse.
"Er . . . are you
going to get any bigger?" I asked nervously, as the growth seemed to be
"Sorry! Not for the
moment. Would you like to see just how big I can grow?"
"Not at the
moment," I said hastily. "Some other time."
"Very well. I
suppose it has taken it out of me a little. . . . Let me introduce myself. My
name is Ky-Lin." His voice was less squeaky.
"Ky-Lin," I
repeated like a dummy. I found it difficult to cope with what was happening.
"Yes, and
"My name is Summer.
Pleased to make your acquaintance."
"A mutual
A little silence, then I
plucked up courage. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'm not quite sure to what
I owe the pleasure of your company? I found you in my pouch last night, and I
was going to try and find the old man tomorrow to return you—"
"Didn't he say that
I went where I wanted? Where I thought I was needed?"
"Yes, but—"
"So, I am here. You
need me, I think. You have a long journey ahead of you and I believe I might
prove useful. The trip sounds interesting and if I comport myself well I shall
have earned myself more points."
"Points? For
what?" This conversation was very confusing.
"For my
"The old man?"
"No, no!" He
looked scandalized. "He is one of the Old Ones, a Master of Illusion, but
quite earthbound I assure you. No, I speak of my Lord." He settled back on
his haunches. "A long, long time ago there lived a great and good man
called Siddhartha, later known as the Buddha. He was so wise and so loving that
he gave up all worldly distractions. He had to walk about the world in poverty,
preaching of the Divine Way to Eternal Life. He saw life as a great wheel that
eventually led to Paradise, which is a way of becoming part of the Eternal. But
this way can only be realized by living a perfect life, and as man is not
perfect he is given many chances. These take the form of various animal lives
or incarnations, accompanied by rewards and punishments—points, if you like.
You may be a good horse in one incarnation, and be rewarded by being a man in
the next. Or you may be a bad man, and find yourself a lowly insect in another.
Do you see?"
I thought so, though it
was a novel idea, these many chances to be good. Like all people in my country
I had been brought up a Catholic, but since then on my travels had come across
many other religions: Judaism, Hinduism, Mohammedanism. It seemed there was
more than one road to God. A clever God would understand that just as different
countries, different climates, different cultures produced different ideas, so
He could tailor these to men's beliefs so that their worship was comfortable to
"You are partly
following my Lord's teachings," he continued, "because you care about
animals. We are taught to go even further; we believe that we must not damage
any living thing, because we might be hurting one of our fellows, temporarily
on a lower path or incarnation."
"But you—you are
not like any creature I have ever seen."
"Because I, and my
many companions, were created especially by my Lord Himself to epitomize how
many creatures may be one, a harmonious whole. We traveled with Him, as His
guards and friends."
"Your Lord, whom
you said lived many years ago, has presumably found His Eternal Life: why are
you still here, and not with Him?"
There was a longer
silence. "I hoped you wouldn't ask. . . ."
"Sorry, I didn't mean—"
"It's all right.
You should know." Another silence. "The fact is, I should be perfect,
and I'm not. Wasn't."
The words came out in a
rush. "I-was-careless-and-trod-on-the-grass.
I-was-also-greedy-and-lazy-and-rebellious." He paused. "But the worst
was—I-said-I-didn't-want-Eternity. . . . I thought it would be boring. There!
Now you know. That's why I'm here. I can't change my shape, but I have to work
off my badnesses by helping others, until my Lord Buddha decides I am fit to
join Him."
It seemed so unfair to
me. Poor little creature! How on earth could you remember not to tread on
grass? I reached out a finger without thought and stroked his head, and there
was a little grumbling purr, like a cat, but suddenly he twitched his head
"You mustn't
indulge me; that is pure pleasure, and I am forbidden anything like that. I've
lost a point already, being proud of my plumed tail a moment ago."
"All right." I
had made a mistake with my pig-dragon. "And how many points have you got
"I don't know. The
trouble is, my last choice was purely selfish, and my Lord recognized it as
such. I came across an old man—he was nearly eighty—who wanted help translating
Greek and Roman texts. I reckoned he might last another five years or so, but
my Lord saw through my deception, and the old man lived to a hundred and ten.
It was hard work, too," he added, and sighed.
I found myself trying
not to smile. The idea of this vibrant little creature being tied to dusty
scrolls for thirty years . . . I had another idea.
"You speak, or
understand, other languages, too?"
"Most. My Lord
arranged it so we have an inbuilt translator in our heads."
An extra bonus: perhaps
he would be able to make sense of Tug's click-clicks, and find out where he
came from.
Ky-Lin yawned, his
forked tongue curling back on itself till I could see the ridged roof of his
mouth. "And now, it is time for sleep. I shall, with your permission, curl
up inside the chest, if you would open it up? Thanks."
A last wave of his tail
and I found I couldn't keep my eyes open nor my brain fit to think over what I
had just seen and heard. As I pulled the blanket up round my ears, I realized
that I hadn't asked him who had been the potential thief he had disturbed.
And in the morning there
wasn't time.
Karim Bey sent for both
Dickon and I shortly after dawn. He had found a caravan that had come in the
previous day and intended to leave at midday for points further east, with a
special order of furs, perfume and German glass. When Karim told Dickon I had asked
to accompany it, he at once volunteered to go too. "Just to keep an eye on
a trainee," as he put it.
I was surprised: I
thought the distractions of the town would have been more enticing. I wasn't
sure whether to be glad or sorry; Dickon was a passable lad, a good linguist,
knew far more than I did about merchandising and had always been helpful. But
there was something, just something I couldn't put a name to, that made me
uneasy in his company. It wasn't his womanizing, though that was annoying enough,
nor was it his vanity—how many lads of seventeen or so wouldn't take advantage
of good wages to dress well? If I were back in my girl's guise wouldn't I want
ribbons and fal-lals? No, there was something else, something sneaky
about him.
We were hurriedly
introduced to the caravan owner, a small and undistinguished character called
Ali Qased, then Karim paid out moneys for our food and lodgings and the hire of
a couple of mules, making sure we realized that the latter would be deducted
from our commissions.
I hurried back to our
lodgings for a quick breakfast, an even quicker packing—a sleepy Ky-Lin tucked
surreptitiously in the lining of my jacket—and a prolonged and formal farewell
to Chippi and his wife, with much head bobbing and wringing of hands from them
The sun was high in the
sky when we set off, winding away from the city and up again into the hills,
this time to the east. Tug was beside himself with happiness that we were at
last on the move, and sang tunelessly as he trotted along beside us, disdaining
the offer of a ride.
I didn't find things so
easy. For some reason I felt out of sorts, with a grumbling stomach, a sort of
warning that things might get worse. I was snappy with the others, critical of
the journey, couldn't sleep—in fact it reminded me of nothing so much as those
times before my monthly loss. It was a shock to realize too that these had not
manifested themselves for nearly a year, a fact I had initially put down to the
terrible journey I undertook to return to Matthew, after my dragon had flown
away and left me.
The lack of a monthly
flow had been a boon in my travels as a boy, and I had completely forgotten
about it until now. Perhaps I should be worried, I thought; perhaps there was
something permanently wrong. Surreptitiously I felt my stomach: a little
swollen, but nothing else. If it was pregnancy I was worried about, then there
was nothing to fear, of course, for Jasper was the only man to touch me in that
way and the nine months needed to make a baby had long gone. Just in case I
checked my pack to make sure the cloths I had packed were still there if
It grew rapidly much
colder the farther east and north we travelled, with an intermittent icy wind
sliding down the ever-nearing mountains, and it was with relief that we mostly
found small villages in which to spend the lengthening nights; tents in the
open were no substitute for four walls and a roof, however basic. Tug was the
only one who didn't feel the cold, merely wrapping himself up tighter in his
I kept Ky-Lin hidden, as
we mostly shared quarters with Dickon, and for some reason I was reluctant to
share him. I fed him scraps of rice or dried fruit, because of his taboo on
eating or killing anything live.
One night we were on our
own, Dickon and Tug foraging for wood for the communal fire and Growch off on
an expedition of his own. I set out some raisins and a few nuts in front of
Ky-Lin, watching his pleasure as he nibbled at the latter.
"You like
"Mmm. One of my
favorites. You know what I like best of all?"
"Flaked almonds
coated with honey, or a nice pod or two of carob. Very bad for the teeth, but
quite delicious."
I made a mental note to
seek out either or both as soon as I could.
As I watched him I
suddenly remembered something I had meant to ask a long time ago.
"Ky-Lin, that first
night you came to us . . ."
"You woke me up
calling out 'Stop thief!' "
He nodded.
"Did you see
He nodded again, mouth
full of nut.
"Did you see who it
Another nod.
It seemed ages before he
answered. "Got sticky fingers that one."
"Who has?"
"Your friend
Dickon, of course! Who did you think it would be?"
Chapter Nine
“I don't believe
it!" I shook my head. "There's nothing there he would want."
"Have you anything
in your baggage he desires?"
I thought through all my
belongings: clothes, writing materials and journal, now written in a form of
shortened hand and difficult to decipher; tally sticks, a few herbs and
simples, my forged papers from Matthew, Suleiman's letter—had Dickon made
something that wasn't out of that?—mug, bowl and spoon, plus the lump of glass
the captain's wife had given me. This had proved rather disappointing:
beautifully shaped and cut, it nevertheless had looked nothing other than dull
when I had looked at it one gray evening when we had been on our way to the
tent city of Kьm. My other treasure from that city, the Waystone, I kept in a
pouch about my neck, together with some little scraps of discarded skin that
had come from a certain little pig; just a keepsake, I kept telling myself.
But there must be
something. Think . . . I went through the list again in my mind. No, there was
nothing else—nothing except the maps I had copied, and the one Suleiman had
enclosed with his letter. Could it be these he had been looking for?
Ky-Lin was reading my
mind. "Could be," he said. "Especially if he has the sort of
suspicious mind that believes you are doing something other than just being an
I remembered Dickon's
accusations of being a spy, or on a secret mission for Matthew. "Let's
take a look," I said. I peeked past the hanging leather that served as a
door in this poor place; Tug was squatting by the fire, Dickon was talking to
one of the village girls.
"All clear." I
pulled out the two maps I had duplicated at Matthew's and spread them out on
the dirt floor using elbows and knees to keep them flat. Ky-Lin trotted over to
sit on the fourth corner.
I pointed to the first,
larger map. "Here's where I come from, and that's the route, marked out,
that we took to Venice. . . . Here's the sea we crossed to the Golden Horn, and
this could be the way we took to Kьm. But there are lots of trails leading from
there, so we must have used the most easterly. I suppose we could be just about
here, now. . . ."
Ky-Lin squinted horribly
and shook his head from side to side which he explained helped him concentrate.
"The trouble with maps is that they are never used by people who know the
routes and know the terrain, so there is no one to update them. Most of them
are hopelessly inaccurate, and at best are mostly guesswork. Distances, too,
can be very misleading, for who counts his paces or even his days to mark his
passage? Ask one caravan master how long it takes from this city to that and he
will tell you ten, twenty days, depending on the weather. Another will take a
different trail over easier ground and shorten the time by half, yet as the
bird flies the mileage would be the same."
"It's marked with
mountains and things," I said defensively. An erupting volcano graced part
of Italia, a couple of small ships on the seas; there was what looked like a
lion and a triangular temple on the coast of Africa, and Cathay was shown with
snaky rivers and high mountains. In the corner where Ky-Lin was sitting was a
great empty space and the legend: "Here be Dragons." That was one of
the reasons I had been keen to have a copy.
"Pictures of them,
yes, but are they where it shows them? I think you have a clue here," and
he tapped his hoof right in front of where he was sitting. "To the
ignorant layman, when you see the word 'dragons,' what would you immediately
think of? Yes," he added, crossing my thoughts. "Treasure. Maybe your
young friend believes you are on a treasure hunt, with or without Master Spicer's
assistance or knowledge. Let me see the others. . . ."
The second of Matthew's
maps he pronounced as better, but not much. I produced the one Suleiman had
"Ah, this is more
like it. The man who made this actually travelled these routes. I recognize
this, and this, and this. . . ." He shook his head, crossed his eyes
alarmingly, waved his plumed tail.
"But I can't read
these squiggles. . . ."
"Those 'squiggles'
are in Cantonese, but even without them I can see places I have visited. See,
the Land of the Lotus, the Singing Gardens, the Desert of Death, the City of
Golden Towers (not true, they are only gilded), and there are others I have
heard of. The country of Snakes, the town of the Three-legged Men (named after
an annual race they hold), the Blue Mountain, the—"
"Did you—did you
say the Blue Mountain?"
"Yes. Here it is,
just beyond the Three Fangs of the Mighty One. This means something special to
All at once all I could
think about was the vision the old man had shown me in that magical bowl of
colored water, where I had been for a brief moment or two a dragon, steering my
way through the Fangs and down to the valley beneath and the Blue Mountain with
the hidden cave.
I jabbed my finger down
on the map. "It's there, it's true, it's real! That's where I must
go!" I was almost shouting with joy.
There was a sudden
silence. The ivory figurine that had been holding down the map rolled off into
the shadows. I looked up, and there was Dickon framed in the doorway.
I don't know how much he
had heard or seen, but of course he pretended there was nothing amiss, merely
saying that he had come to ask whether I would prefer rice or pancakes for our
evening meal, but all the time he was speaking his eyes were darting
suspiciously around the hut, glancing at the map I had immediately released so
that it had scrolled itself and rolled into a corner.
Poor Ky-Lin, I thought:
he will have to start all over again. Even while I was thinking this I was
gathering up the maps and stuffing them back in my pack, and all the while
chattering away like a demented monkey.
"Hello, Dickon, I
didn't see you there! How nice of you to come and ask what I wanted. . . . Let
me see, now. We had pancakes yesterday, didn't we? Or was it beans . . . On the
other hand I'm a bit tired of rice. My stomach hasn't been all that good, as
you know, so perhaps it had better be pancakes. Or do you think they will be
too greasy? What do you suggest?"
I continued to rummage
around for my writing things.
"I thought I would
catch up with my diary of our travels, so I checked the maps to make sure I
have the route all planned out correctly. They're not very accurate, though;
what's this place called, do you know? Never mind, I'll just mark it as a village.
. . ."
And so on, trying to
cover my confusion and making it worse.
But he couldn't contain
his curiosity for long. "I heard—I thought you were talking to someone . .
. ?"
"Me? Now who could
I be talking to: there's no one else here. The place is empty. . . ." Think
of something quick, Summer! "Oh that! You heard me talking to myself, I
suppose. Haven't you ever done that? It always helps if you're trying to work
something out in your mind, makes it all much clearer. . . ."
I could see he wasn't
satisfied, kept looking around the room, but there was nothing to see.
"I'll order you rice then. It'll be ready soon."
As soon as he was gone,
I rushed over to Ky-Lin and picked him up.
"I'm terribly
sorry. I hope it isn't too difficult to come alive again?"
Almost at once out
popped a living nose and mouth. "Easier each time. Give me a few minutes.
Go and get your food; if you wouldn't mind bringing me a few grains of rice? I
always get particularly hungry after a change. . . ."
The meal was an uneasy
one. Dickon put himself out to be charming and entertaining, but I still
worried about what he might have seen and overheard. Besides which, my stomach
had started aching again and I definitely felt queasy. I couldn't finish all
the rice and vegetables and excused myself before the others had finished,
longing to just wrap myself in a blanket, lie down on my pallet and try to
forget the pain in my guts in sleep. It wasn't particularly cold, but I was
"Did you remember .
. . ? It doesn't matter. You look ill. . . ."
"Oh, hell! Sorry
Ky-Lin. Yes. It does matter." I went to the door and called Tug over and
explained what I wanted. He had been playing five-stones with the village boys,
but he was always cheerful and willing these days. Two minutes later he was
back with some rice and vegetables wrapped in a vine leaf.
"You still hungry,
I made up my mind.
"Tug come with me. New friend to meet."
Tug's eyes were as wide
as I had ever seen them as Ky-Lin fluffed out his tail in welcome. But instead
of dropping the rice or running off in horror, he instead gave a stiff little
bow, then walked over to the creature and placed the food in front of him,
standing back to watch him eat.
"Tug, this is
said Tug, and gave that jerky little bow again. "Very good. Go with
Lord Buddha."
"He knows. . .
"My Lord's wisdom
has travelled to many places, like the wind," said Ky-Lin, chasing the
last pieces of rice with his forked tongue. "If I am not mistaken, this
child comes from the Northern Plains."
"Can you speak his
tongue?" Perhaps at last we should be better able to help him.
"I will try. . .
." And for the next few moments there was an incomprehensible (to me)
series and exchange of clicks and hisses, at the end of which Ky-Lin's eyes
were crossed and Tug had a broad grin on his face.
"I was right,"
said Ky-Lin. "The boy is one of the Plainsmen, the great Horsemen. They
are nomadic herdsmen, live in tents, and travel many hundreds of miles in a
"And how far away
is his homeland?" I asked, my heart already sinking in anticipation of his
"Perhaps a thousand
miles to the north, perhaps a little more."
It was as I had feared.
I had promised Tug, in sign language if not in words, that I would take him
back to his homeland, and I couldn't break a promise, even if it meant I went
hundreds of miles out of my way. I looked at the hope in his face, and knew I
couldn't let him down. How should I have felt if I had been snatched away from
home and family at ten or eleven years old, transported hundreds of miles, only
to be sold like an animal to the highest bidder? After all, my dragon would
wait, wouldn't he?
"Do you know the
way there, Ky-Lin?"
"I can guide you in
the right direction, if that is what you wish; the way is quite clearly shown
on that last map of yours. But I warn you that the country itself, besides
being many miles away, is also far vaster than anything you have come across so
far. Another thing; it will take many months to reach, and this caravan we
travel with is taking us too far to the east."
Which meant we should
have to abandon the safety of the caravan and strike out on our own. For a
terrible moment I thought I hadn't got the courage; feeling as I did now, I
would have been thankful to have just curled up for the winter and hibernated
like the red-leaf squirrels near my old home. My ring gave a little throb, and
I remembered we had Ky-Lin with us, and we hadn't failed up to now, had we? And
we wouldn't: not with the help of God's good grace—and a little luck.
But we should have to be
careful not to rouse Dickon's suspicions. He was the last person I wanted to
accompany us, but if he got the slightest hint we were to be away on our own he
would be sure to follow, especially if, as Ky-Lin had suggested, he believed we
were after treasure. And, knowing Dickon, he would stick like a leech.
The following morning I
made enquiries that all could hear as to when we would reach the next town,
explaining that I needed the services of a competent purveyor of pills for my
stomach pains. The answer was three days; once there I would plead
indisposition and stay behind. Of course once I announced my indisposition, it
miraculously cured itself, as an aching tooth will while queuing for the tooth
puller, but I still pretended it was worsening, and this was aided by the fact
that apparently I still looked pale and drawn.
In the meantime I
introduced Growch to Ky-Lin, only to be informed that he had "known all
the time, and just how many more spare parts was I going to invite along on
what was, after all, supposed to be a special journey just for the two of us .
. ." etc.
I realized that he was
jealous, only had been too caught up in my own plans to recognize it, so from
then on I made a special fuss over him, even going to the extreme of treating
him to a bath and comb. He whined like hell, of course, but secretly I believe
he thought any attention was better than none, and we were soon back to our old
The journey that should
have taken three days took five, due to torrential rains, but this worked to my
advantage in the end, because Ali Qased, the caravan master, was eager to press
on immediately before any more autumnal downpours held him up, and as far as he
was concerned one sick apprentice more or less would only hold him up.
Using Dickon as my
interpreter, he was quite willing I should stay behind until he returned—a
guess of a month or more—but he also insisted that I consult the local
apothecary, a shabby little man with an obsequious manner and a satchel full of
phials of crushed insects, dried bats' wings, unidentified blood, powder of
tiger claw, bitter herbs and pellets of opium. He prodded my stomach, shook his
head, and went away to make up some pills.
To add color to my
"illness," I took to my bed in the small attic room Dickon had found
for me. He returned with powder in a twist of rice paper and half a dozen
pills, insisting that I take them at once.
"You owe me two
silver coins—"
"Yes, but if you
take these at once you may be better in the morning and ready to continue the
journey. We don't leave till ten."
I fished out the money,
then groaned. "I don't think I shall. . . . Now, leave me alone to get
some rest."
"When you've taken
your medicine. The powder is to be dissolved in water and the—"
"I haven't got
He nodded at Tug, who
was arranging some stones on the floor in a complicated game. "Send your
slave boy."
I was tired of his
attitude towards Tug.
"Once and for all,
he's not a slave. I bought him and gave him his freedom. And no, I'm not
sending him: he couldn't make himself understood. Go yourself."
"He's a cretin. . .
"He's not that
either. You just don't understand him."
I might add that Tug was
perfectly well aware of Dickon's dislike and played up to it, acting like a
village idiot when he was near, so Dickon's remark wasn't entirely unjustified.
Now the boy stuck out his tongue and waggled his fingers in his ears.
"Tug . . ." I
said reprovingly, wanting to giggle.
"Told you,"
said Dickon. "All right, I'll fetch you some water. Just stay here till I
get back."
What did he think I was
going to do? Fly out the window?
As soon as he had gone I
scooped Ky-Lin out of my sleeve.
"Quick!" I
said. "The medicines. Are they fit to take?"
He sniffed delicately at
the twists of paper.
"Mmmm . . . the
powder is harmless. Crushed pearl, a pinch of gentian for color, cinnamon for
taste. The pills? Sweetener for coating, a little clay for setting; inside
rat's blood, burnt feathers and a good dose of opium."
"You've eaten
worse, certainly from my point of view! At least there is nothing to harm you
permanently. Try and get away with just drinking the powder: the opium in a
pill will make you sleep heavily, and if you want to be away tomorrow as soon
as they leave . . . spit it out as soon as he's gone."
But the trouble was he
wouldn't go. He watched me tip some of the powder into my mug and add water,
stirring it with my finger till it was purple. I drank it down with an
expression of disgust, though the taste was not unpleasant.
"I think I'll take
a rest now. . . ."
"Pills first."
"In a minute! I'll
just see if the drink will—"
"The pills are to
be taken at the same time. Go on. Two."
"I am not
taking two! Suppose they don't agree with me? Do you want to spend the night
nursing me?"
"One, then.
I put it in my mouth,
and tucked it quickly under my tongue, making exaggerated swallowing motions.
"There! Now you can go and leave me alone."
He still wouldn't leave;
instead he paced the floor, small though the room was: three steps one way, two
"How can I leave
you on your own? Master Spicer would never forgive me if you worsened. . . .
You said yourself that heathen boy can't make himself understood. No, my duty
is to stay here with you. The caravan can manage without me."
The pill was gradually
melting in my mouth. I could taste the bitterness through the coating.
"And Matthew would
never forgive me if you broke your apprenticeship just to look after me! I'll
be fine in a couple of days. I've enough money to stay here until you come
back, and I can spend the time bringing my journal up to date and learning a
bit more of the language. I wouldn't dream of you staying behind!"
"Don't tell me what
I ought or ought not to do!" Then in a gentler tone: "I consider it
my duty to look after you. Don't forget I am the only one who knows you are a
girl . . ."
Was this an implied
" . . . and you
wouldn't want anyone else to find out, would you?"
Yes, it was.
"What harm can it
do for me to stay and—you to go?" The pill must be taking effect. I
mustn't go to sleep, I mustn't! "After all, I can't go anywhere, can I?
Ali Qased said his was the last caravan expected this year. . . ." I
yawned uncontrollably.
At last he left,
promising to look in again, and the next thing was Ky-Lin hissing in my ear:
"Spit it out! Spit it out!"
The pill, what little
was left of it, dropped to the floor. I struggled up on my elbow. "Mustn't
sleep . . . lots to do. Got to find out—find out—how to get away. Transport . .
. food. Can't . . . can't sleep."
said Ky-Lin, close to my ear. "We-will-see-to-it. Leave-it-to-us.
Sleep-in-peace. . . ."
I didn't hear or see
them leave, knew nothing else in fact until a bright light flashed across my
eyelids. I tried to open my mouth, my eyes, but nothing happened. It was as if
I was frozen to my bed. The light flashed again.
"Perhaps you were
telling the truth after all, little witch," said a voice I should
recognize. Then more sharply: "Wake up, Summer! Time to get up," and
someone shook me, none too gently. I moaned and rolled over, but could respond
no further, slipping back down into a velvety darkness.
Then something triggered
a thought. Of course I recognized the voice: it had to be Dickon. With a
supreme effort I opened my eyes. There was a lantern on the floor, and by its
light I could see Dickon going through my papers, my pack open at his side. He
held up first one map and then another, frowning and muttering to himself.
"Can't see much there. . . . Possible, possible. We're way off track,
though. . . ."
He rolled the maps,
turned his attention to my journal but, as I had anticipated, he could make
little of my scrawl, especially as it had been only recently that the former
stable lad had learned to know his letters. "Still, I heard her say there
was somewhere she had to go . . . but where, where?"
He glanced across at me,
but luckily my face was in shadow and I closed my eyes quickly.
"Still, there's
nowhere to go from here. Safe enough, I reckon."
At that moment there was
a bark on the stone steps that led up to my room; the others were back.
With a speed that
obviously owed much to practice, maps and papers were stuffed back in my pack
and it was rapidly refastened. A moment later and he was standing over the bed,
lantern held high.
Growch rushed in
growling, closely followed by Tug. Dickon straightened up.
"Just checking on
the patient, for the benefit of a cretin and a scruffy hound," said
Dickon. "I know you can't understand, stupid bastards both, but I'll be
back to check in the morning."
I heard his steps on the
stair and tried to keep awake long enough to tell Ky-Lin, emerging from Tug's
jacket, just what had happened, but he shushed me.
"Go to sleep. Don't
worry about a thing. We have got it all organized. By this time tomorrow we
shall be spending our first night afloat. . . ."
I could have sworn he
said "afloat." But we weren't anywhere near the sea. I must have been
And two minutes later I
really was.
He was bored. Restless.
He told himself not to
be stupid, that he had everything he needed, that dragons did not admit to
boredom, or restlessness. And, most of all, not to unhappiness. Yet how else
could he explain why he felt as he did? Dragons usually were only affected by
purely physical things: heat and cold, hunger and thirst; and by the pure
pleasure, endless delight, of jewels and gems, and the retelling of tales of
But then he wasn't a
dragon all the time, was he? Like now. Now he was a man sitting on a deserted
beach somewhere, chucking stones into the sea and suffering from indigestion.
And that was another
thing: a man ate what a man ate, dragons were different. If one had a fire in
one's belly, used regularly or not, one could digest anything, bones and all,
but a man's stomach churned on the remains of a dragon dinner.
He gave a snort of disgust.
This just shouldn't be happening to him. He had reported back, been welcomed
and initiated into the proper rituals, then allowed the treat of inspecting the
Hoard. He had been obliged, however, to disclose his Affliction, as he termed
it, and been rewarded with consternation and disbelief. Spells had been cast,
charms used, lore memory consulted, but all to no avail. Nothing like this had
ever happened before; of course it was known that it could, but what mortal
maid in her right mind had ever kissed a dragon?
At first, of course,
they hadn't believed him, until he had done an involuntary change and back
right there in front of them. It was the most exciting thing that had happened
to the community since the Blue Dragon had returned hundreds of years back with
his jewels and the tales of the witch who had stolen them, and the knight and
the girl and the animals who had returned them.
His Affliction had had a
mixed reception. Some of them thought it added to his powers, others that it
must inevitably detract from the purity of line they had preserved.
Five minutes, ten, of
thought, and he was still bored, restless and unhappy, and the sea a hundred
stones fuller. He might as well admit it; he still hankered after that lass
with the long legs who had rescued him from death in his first incarnation as a
pig, cared for him, loved him and finally—irony of ironies!—given him the three
kisses he would remember forever. That, and the moment of passion when he was
caught between man and dragon—Aiyee! That experience had been enough to make
anyone's toes curl!
Fire and ice! He must
see her again—if only to convince himself that he didn't need to. . . .
It was late spring when
he started his journey. Back first to the Place of Stones, where his
transformation had taken place, then retracing her route back to that fat
merchant she would probably marry. As a man he came down to earth to ask
questions, see if she had passed that way, but to no avail. By midsummer he had
even dared the servants at the merchant's house, only to find she had
disappeared a few weeks before with her dog to parts unknown, and that the
merchant, heartbroken, had gone on pilgrimage to Spain.
So, where was she, the
girl whose memory still tormented him? North, south, east, west? He tried haphazardly:
northern fjords, southern deserts, western isles, eastern mountains—but surely
even she wouldn't travel that far. Why run away from a perfectly good marriage
anyway? What was she looking for now? What worm was eating her brain this time,
silly girl?
He grew crosser and
crosser; what right had she to haunt him so? Time he pulled himself together;
what he needed was a break, a few months, a year perhaps; time, anyway, that he
sought some gifts for the Hoard, part of his dragon duty. Perhaps by then he
would be free of what was rapidly becoming an obsession.
So, which way? Somewhere
warm for the winter. Africa, India, the isles of the Southern Seas? It didn't
really matter. . . .
Part Two
Chapter Ten
I had never thought it
would be so wonderful to be one's own mistress again, to be free of caravans,
merchants, warehouses, tally sticks, accounts, invoices, bales and bargaining.
Most of all it was wonderful to be rid of Dickon. More and more he had constricted
my every move and his suspicions had haunted me so much I found myself glancing
over my shoulder even now to make sure he wasn't following.
Of course being free was
a comparative term. I had the others to think about and care for, Tug to return
to his people and my own journey to complete, but at least we could proceed at
our own pace.
It was bliss to just lie
back against the thwarts of the boat, even hemmed in as we were by peasants,
farmers, children, sacks of grain, rolls of cloth, strings of dried fish and
crates of chickens. Above us was a cloudless sky, rice fields and stands of
bamboo slid past with a lazy regularity, and the smooth water of the Yellow
Snake River gurgled and slapped against the hull, accompanied by the flap of
sail and creak of rudder.
Ky-Lin, Tug and Growch
had done well while I lay deadened by the opium. Ky-Lin had remembered from the
map that the river looped briefly towards the town some five miles away and had
ascertained that boats travelled regularly both north and south, and in fact we
had picked up one this midafternoon. The river eventually turned to the east
and Cathay, but by this way, though slower, we should be some two hundred miles
farther towards our goal, with little effort on our part. Just as long as the money
held out: we should have to be careful and economize where we could. Luckily
nobody would charge for Growch, and Ky-Lin was tucked up in the hood of my
cloak, both for safety and so he could whisper translations if necessary.
I patted Tug's knee.
"Not bad, eh?" He shivered and snuggled nearer, his eyes rolling in
fright. "It's all right," I said slowly, hoping he would understand.
"Ky-Lin: tell him there's nothing to be afraid of."
But though the magic
creature did his best Tug refused to be comforted, and I recalled my own
experience with water. The first time I had been in a frail rowing boat
carrying me away from marauding soldiers; the second I had nearly been drowned
when I was cut off by an incoming tide and the third had been that dreadful
storm when we had left Venice, so perhaps Tug was to be pitied. I stretched out
my hand but he had bolted to the side and heaved up into the river.
I moved over to rub his
back, a thing my mother had done when I was a child in some sick situation, and
I had always found it comforting. Remembering my ring had many powers, I drew
that gently down his spine too, and wasn't surprised when he turned to me with
a weak smile and announced he was: "Better with no tum!" He added:
"Like ride horse. Fall off two three time. Learn quick." And after
that he was all right.
We travelled from one
stopover to another, at each one discharging cargo and passengers and taking on
others. I had no word of the native tongue, even having to bargain for our fare
with sign language and Ky-Lin's whispers, but the people were kind and
cheerful, inviting us to share their meagre provisions. These were usually
cooked on a brazier in the well of the boat, although occasionally we tied up
for the night by some village or other and dined there in one of the tiny
eating houses. In this way we travelled some seventy or eighty miles north,
then the boat in which we were travelling turned back and we took another,
smaller, which tied up every night. In order to eat I had to buy a small
cooking pot, food on the way and have Tug forage for the wood for a fire. This
took us another fifty miles, and then we swapped to a string of barges carrying
cattle—not an experience to be repeated.
The weather gradually
changed as autumn and the approaching north brought colder winds, rain, falling
leaves, and cranes winging south. By now we were some hundred and fifty miles
further on, but the river narrowed into a series of gorges through which water
raced in a torrent, and only the hardiest and most reckless boatman would
venture the rapids. It seemed this terrain was unchanged for fifty miles or so,
and we decided to finally leave the river and start walking.
We hadn't gone more than
a couple of miles or so when I, at least, was regretting it. I had gone soft,
what with mule and river travel, and although Tug carried his fair share of the
baggage, mine felt to weigh a ton, and we were all hot, sticky, and tired by
the time we had walked ten miles that first day. A village gave us shelter for
the night, we had a lift on a bullock cart the following day, which was a bit
like travelling snail-back, but at least it gave my feet a rest. My stomach,
too, had begun to play up again, but only intermittently. For the next three
days it rained continuously and we were holed up in a miserable hovel with a
dripping roof and I began to wonder if we had offended some local god.
On the fifth day our
luck changed for the better. The sun shone warm, we dried out, and I reckoned
we could risk a night in the open if we could find some bushes or convenient
trees. During the day we had managed to gather some nuts and berries to
supplement our diet, and as we were now in sight of a good-sized village, I
decided to go in and buy rice or beans. Travelling on the river, the money had
trickled away as fast as the water ran, and I had no idea how much farther we
had to go.
We had just found a
likely camping spot and set down our baggage, dusk was falling and Tug was
about to forage for wood, when we heard the sound of pipes and firecrackers
from the village. I never got used to the half and quarter tones of eastern
music and firecrackers always made me jump, but Tug loved both, so we picked up
our packs again and set off towards the celebrations. At the very worst there
would be some scraps of food dropping from the tables for Growch to scrounge,
and at best we might be invited to share with some hospitable villager.
Although the outer
streets were deserted there had obviously been a procession of sorts earlier,
for the ground was littered with scraps of colored paper and burned-out
firecrackers, but the noise now came from the center of the village, as did a
healthy smell of cooking meat and rice. We followed our ears and our noses and
found ourselves in the village square.
In one corner a couple
of spits were turning vigorously and large pans were simmering over a trench
fire; while they waited for the food, the villagers were clapping an
entertainment. As usual at these functions, like any other village in the
world, certain unwritten rules for social behavior were observed. The elderly
were comfortably seated around the perimeter, some with smaller children and
babies on their laps, the young men congregated in one corner, the girls in the
opposite, parents and middle-aged bustled from one group to another exchanging
gossip, and the older children played tag and got under everyone's feet.
But for now all was
relatively quiet as they watched the performers. A trio of children, some
younger even than Tug, were working acrobatic tricks with a man who was obviously
their father, while an older boy twisted himself into knots and did cartwheels
round them; in another space a pair of jugglers tossed balls, rings and torches
into the air and at each other, while on the fringes waited a great brown bear
with a ring through its nose, shifting restlessly from paw to paw. Its owner, a
thickset man with a pipe in his hand ready to play the music for the creature
to dance to, suddenly jerked at the chain that ran through the ring in the
bear's nose, which bit into the soft part of the nostril and made the poor
thing squeal with pain. Simultaneously, it seemed, my heart jumped in sympathy
and the ring on my finger gave a sudden stab.
The ring stabbed again,
and all at once I had a brilliant idea. In what seemed another life my
beautiful blind knight with his clear singing voice and the animals with me
then had given performances such as these to pay our way. Why not try it again?
True, the only original members of our troupe were Growch and myself, and all
he had ever done was beg, turn somersaults, and lie down and "die,"
but surely we could concoct something between us. I asked Tug if he knew any
tricks, through Ky-Lin.
"He says,"
translated the latter, "give him a horse and he is the best in the world.
He also says he can turn cartwheels, do leaping somersaults and walk on his
hands as well as the children over there. Oh, and he says he dances and plays
the pipe also."
I had left my old pipe
and tabor behind at Matthew's, but I supposed one could be bought somewhere
here. In the meantime . . .
"Growch darling,
come over here." But he had found some scraps under a table and was
discussing their ownership vigorously with a couple of village curs. I dragged
him away.
"What d'yer wanna
do that for? Got 'em on the run, I 'ad—"
"Listen to me a
moment! I'll buy you all the supper you want if you'll do me a small favor. Do
you remember . . ." and I reminded him of our past performances, and tried
to get him interested in some more immediate ones.
"Not on yer life!
Right twit I used ter look, all ponced up in ribbons an' fings! Said then
'never again' I said. . . ."
"You never
"Said it to meself.
Never break a promise to yerself." And he scratched until the fur flew.
"Right. Have it
your own way. But the only way we can buy supper—slices of juicy meat with lots
of crackly skin, nice crunchy bones filled with marrow—is by earning some money
performing here and now."
He hoofed out his left
ear, looked at his paw and licked it. "Well, what you goin' ter do,
What indeed. I didn't
sing or play their music and couldn't stand on my head.
Ky-Lin spoke softly in
my ear. "How about a little magic?"
"Real magic?
"What they will
believe is magic. How about a talking dog?"
"Who else? Listen .
. ." and he outlined a scheme so beautiful in its simplicity that I felt
at once optimistic. We crept around a corner to rehearse.
I thought I foresaw a
"How can I announce
us and also name the objects when I don't speak a word of their language?"
"Simple!" said
Ky-Lin. "Mime. I'll speak the words and you just open and shut your mouth
and wave your arms about. Listen!" and all at once in my ear came my own
voice, echoing my persuasions to Growch awhile back. This was followed by a
rapid speech in the language of the country. As he was sitting on my shoulder
it was like having an echo to the earlier part. "Convinced?"
With a little more
practice it might just work. After all, they could only boo and jeer and turn us
out of the village if they didn't like us, and we'd be no worse off. . . .
"Well," I
said, patting my stomach, "I haven't eaten so well for weeks!"
palatable," said Ky-Lin, licking the remains of the honey from his
"Good, good,
good!" grinned a greasy-faced Tug, and belched—a habit which seemed to be
the polite way to express appreciation in his country. "Do again, more
money, more food . . ." He belched again.
"Growch? Are you
But a snore was the only
answer. His stomach was so distended with rice, pork, beans and pancakes that
it shone like a pink-gray bladder through the thinner hair of his belly. A
couple of fleas scurried through the curls quite clearly. Oh, Growch! Still he
had done a great job this evening: so had they all.
I curled up on my pallet
in the small back room we had hired for the night and let the images of our
performance dance behind my closed eyelids, secure in the comfortable
discomfort of a just-too-full stomach and the consciousness of a pouch full of small
coins . . .
villagers, fathers of industry, mothers of many, older folk with the wisdom of
the years, youngsters who will grow strong and tall as their ancestors . .
"Move your mouth a
bit more," whispered Ky-Lin. "It looks more authentic."
We should have to
practice this more; still in the torchlight it probably didn't look too bad.
"Tonight we bring
you, from the far corners of the world, an entertainment to delight and
mystify. You will see marvels of agility from a prince of his people, feats of
intelligence from a dog who learnt his wisdom from the Great Masters of the
East, and finally an act so mind-bending that you will be telling your
children's children of it for years to come. . . ."
It was strange to hear
my voice ringing strong and confident, translating the words I gave Ky-Lin in a
whisper into the local language. It was the showman's spiel, of course, used
throughout the world with only local variations. Grab the attention of your
audience, flatter them, then give them an inflated idea of the acts they were
about to see, and provide the performers with exotic backgrounds for greater
wonder and appreciation.
Puff the acts as they
appear and keep the best till last, for that is how your audience will remember
you when the bowl comes round for the coins. In this way Tug did his
acrobatics, Growch his tricks. Then came the part I was dreading: if it failed
we would be laughed out of town.
But it hadn't, the dear
Lord be praised! In fact it had gone better than expected. After an
introduction, explaining what we intended to do, Tug had moved among the
audience borrowing an object here, another there. These he showed to Growch one
by one, and the dog had then trotted over to where I sat with my back turned
and "told" me what each object was with barks and yips, Ky-Lin,
tucked up in my hood, correctly identifying the objects as Tug showed them to
Growch. I then made a great thing of rising to my feet and pretending to
consider what the dog had "told" me, Ky-Lin eventually announcing it
in my voice. To add verisimilitude I had once or twice pretended that I hadn't
understood, and made Growch repeat his noises with a little variation, till he
had informed me he was giving himself a headache. . . .
Sleepily I began to plan
ahead. If we could polish up the act a little, were sure of finding enough
audiences, then we should not only not have to worry about money, but could
afford some costumes: the more profitable you looked, the more likely you were
to attract more money and greater respect.
It may have been the
unaccustomed feast that lay uneasy on my stomach, but when I finally did fall
asleep it wasn't of our better fortunes that I dreamt: it was of a poor
tormented bear, dancing an eternal jig to a screech of pipes, his nose bleeding
and his feet sore. . . .
From then on the
travelling, though not perfect, became more tolerable. Our first
"take" lasted until our next, more polished performance in a larger
village. That one not only filled my pouch, but provided a bright costume for
Tug (he wanted to wear it all the time) and ribbons for Growch (who never
wanted them at all). Now we could afford a lift to the next villages and if,
when we got there, they were too poor to pay us in anything except a bowl of
rice and a room for the night, then that was all right too. We were moving in
the right direction as Suleiman's map showed and my Waystone confirmed.
The only drawback was
that the weather was worsening; it was now late fall and we were travelling
towards the northerly cold as well. Every now and again a flurry of sleet bore
down on the winds, and a chill breath lay over the early mornings. In the
countryside the harvests of rice and grain were safely gathered, fodder for the
wintering beasts stacked and fruits dried, cheeses stored. The peasants knew
that their food had to last until spring so there was little enough to spare
for travellers, even if they could pay. One could not eat coin, but two
handfuls of rice saved meant another day's bellyful.
As we travelled farther,
rumors began to trickle back about a great celebration to be held in one of the
principal cities of the province. Ky-Lin (who listened to everything about him)
reported that the second and favorite son of the ruler was to be married amid
great pomp and ceremony.
"They say it will
be a sight no man should miss. There will be enough food and drink to feed the
whole city free for a week, and entertainments are to be held day and night. It
is also said that those who have such entertainments to offer will be doubly
welcome and paid accordingly."
"It might be just a
rumor. You know how these things get exaggerated by hearsay."
He waved his plumed
tail. "True, but judging by the consistency of the tales, I think we can
safely say that there is to be a marriage, there will be celebrations and
possibly entertainers would find it worth their while to attend."
"Is it far out of
our way?"
"A little perhaps,
but that should be outweighed by the fact that as we go towards the city more
lifts will be available. The same after the celebrations, for everyone will
disperse to their homes again, and that will include those who travel our way.
It should bring us nearer Tug's people."
"Can we wait for a
day or so more? Just in case . . ."
But it seemed that
Ky-Lin was right. The roads became suddenly more crowded; not only with the
usual traffic but with other entertainers and even a more prosperous traveller
or two, able to afford his own transport, and they were all moving in the same
direction. Now we were joined by caravans carrying goods and provisions, and it
became more difficult to find food along the way, so we took to carrying and
cooking our own, it having been tacitly decided that we would take our chances
with the rest travelling to the celebrations.
Along the way we met
other entertainers we had come across before—the father with his acrobatic
children, two or three jugglers, a sword swallower. Also on the road were cages
of exotic animals: I saw two lions, large apes, a striped horse and huge,
comatose snakes. And then, in a largish village some seventy miles short of our
destination, we came across the dancing bear again.
For once I had managed
to secure a room for us in a ramshackle house on the edge of town, but at least
it was shelter from the cold. The proprietor had also provided a reasonable
meal of rice and vegetables, with even a bit of meat thrown in. It had been a
miserably wet, windy day's travelling, but the rain let up in the evening, and
we decided to take a stroll, having no intention of wasting a show on such an
inclement night, but wanting to see if anyone else was desperate enough to try
As I thought, most
houses were already tight-shuttered for the night, just a chink of light from
their lamp wicks floating in saucers of oil to show they were occupied, and
even these would soon be dowsed to save the precious fuel. It wasn't till we
came to the ubiquitous square that we saw others had braved the weather. This
village boasted the equivalent of a town hall, and on its steps lounged a
couple of the village law enforcers, stout cudgels in their hands. In the
square itself were half a dozen men, two women and about twenty children,
watching the antics of a second-class juggler and a magician whose tricks were
of the simplest. The juggler, a thin man with long, yellowed teeth, dropped his
last few sticks, grimaced, and, picking up the single coin that had been
dropped, disappeared down a side street. The magician continued to pull his
colored scarves, open and shut his "magic" boxes, but now all eyes
went to another attraction: the bear had emerged with his keeper, the latter
obviously well away on rice wine.
The creature looked
worse for wear than ever; he was shabbier and thinner than when I had seen him
last, and his fur now stuck up in spikes from the soaking he must have got
earlier that day. His owner was in a foul mood as well as being too drunk even
to play his pipes properly. The worse he played, the more he jerked on the
chain that ended at the bear's nose as it refused to respond, even kicking it
with his heavy boots till it grunted in pain. A couple of the village curs
decided to join in, nipping at the bear's heels till it roared in pain; the
owner struck it on the nose with his pipe, the crowd jeered and the bewildered
creature dropped to all fours.
The ring on my finger
was throbbing, and I could bear the cruelty no longer. I started forward, but
Ky-Lin hissed in my ear: "Wait! oh impatient one, wait a little
"We must do
"We will. Just be
still. . . ."
Eventually the torture
stopped. No coins were forthcoming, the dogs found something else to distract
them and the bear owner gave a last cruel twist to the chain and led the beast
"Now we
follow," said Ky-Lin, "if you still wish to help."
"Of course!"
But how, I wondered.
We followed them at a
discreet distance right to the outskirts of the village, where there was fifty
yards or so of open land till thick wood crowded in. The bear and his keeper
disappeared into the trees. With open ground to cover we were threatened with
"I'll go,"
said Growch. "See what 'e's up to. You wait 'ere."
Five minutes later he
was back. "Anchored the bear to a rock in a clearin'," he reported.
" 'E's on 'is way back. Better clear out."
We made our way back to
our lodgings, but I couldn't settle.
"Can't we take him
some food or something? The poor thing was starving." In a corner of our
room, also used as a storeroom, there was a pile of root vegetables. I picked
out two or three. "These'd do; I'll pay for them in the morning."
Ky-Lin thought for a
moment. "We need a clear field," he said at last. "No
interruptions. I think I can arrange that. Follow me. . . ."
At a little smoky eating
house we found the bear keeper, seated on a stool, arguing with the two law
keepers we had seen earlier. They were not inclined to argue back, I could see
that, but Ky-Lin had a little magic at his disposal. I heard him chuntering
away to himself, and a moment later the stool on which the bear keeper sat
collapsed under him, he grabbed at one of the law keepers for support and the
pair of them crashed to the floor, fists flying. In a moment the other man had
joined in, and the upshot of it all was one rebellious bear keeper dragged away
to the village's small lockup to spend the night.
"How did you do
that?" I asked Ky-Lin, as we hurried off to feed the bear.
"All matter has its
own composition; it just needed disarranging a little," he said, which I
didn't understand at all.
Growch led us across the
waste ground, littered with rubbish and odds and ends, and through the scrub to
a path between the trees, now faintly illuminated by a quarter moon.
"Down 'ere a bit.
You'll 'ear 'im afore you sees 'im, more'n like."
I had thought it was the
moaning of the wind in the trees, but it was a voice, made clear and stark by
the ring on my finger, throbbing once more in time with my heart.
"Oh me, oh my, how
miserable I be! How I hurts, how I stings! How dark is the world, how drear . .
. I be hungry, I be wet, I be cold! I long to be dead, dead or back in the land
that gave me birth. My hills and forests, they call out to me. . . ."
" 'E's mad!"
breathed Growch. "Stark, starin' . . . Don' go too near 'im, girl!"
In the clearing, chained
to a rock, the bear was weaving his own kind of dance. Moonlight dappled his
shabby fur as he swayed from front to back, his paws leaving the ground one
after the other and back again, his head swinging from side to side, his eyes
crazed and red.
Strangely I felt no
fear, and my ring was comforting. I stepped forward and placed the roots on the
ground in front of him, then stepped back again. "Food for you,
Bear," I said slowly and clearly.
But the animal still
swung back and forth, his eyes glazed, his jaw dripping spittle. I went forward
again, and this time, in spite of an anguished squeal from Growch, I gripped
the dripping muzzle firmly in my hands. "Stop it! We are friends. We have
come to free you. . . ."
Gradually he stilled,
and a pair of small black eyes looked straight up at me.
"Who are you?"
"A friend." I
brought the ring close to his eyes. "We have come to help you."
"How? But
how?" The head started swinging again. "I am chained, chained
forever! Nose hurts, but keeps me chained . . ."
I hadn't thought about
the chain. "Ky-Lin?"
A tiny sigh. "If I
thought what I thought just then it would put me back another twenty points. .
. . But I'm not going to think it. I am here to help. Now, listen: it is time
for a little more magic. This time both yours and mine."
"How? I have no
magic. . . ."
A patient sigh. "Of
a sort. Just do as I say." He leaned over my shoulder and a tiny puff of
smoke escaped his nostrils and drifted towards the bear. A moment later the
beast's eyes closed, its head drooped. "He's asleep. Take out your
Waystone and stroke it round and round the nose ring—no questions, just do as I
ask. That's it: one hundred times, no more, no less. Are you counting?"
A minute, two, three.
"Ninety-nine, one hundred. Now what?"
"Hold me close to
the nose ring. . . ." There was a ting of metal and the ring
snapped. "Twist it out of his nose." The chain fell to the ground,
the bear opened his eyes and blinked. "Alteration of matter twice in one
night: amazing! Just pass your Unicorn's ring across his nose: it'll ease the
The bear was free:
groggy, but free. I stepped back and breathed more easily. "Eat the food
and then get yourself back to your hills or forests," I said. "Good
luck, Bear!"
I was just going to ask
Ky-Lin how on earth the Waystone had anything to do with snapping the ring in
the animal's nose when I tripped over Growch who had stopped suddenly on the
path back to the village. He growled menacingly.
I gazed ahead: nothing
unusual. "One of these days you'll give me heart failure," I said.
"Move over—"
It was then I screamed.
Without any warning a heavy hand clamped down on my shoulder, a voice hissed in
my ear.
"Got you! Thought
you'd escaped me, didn't you? Well, you can think again. . . ."
Chapter Eleven
It was just as well I
had no pressing need to relieve myself. I leapt away, Growch growling, Tug
cursing, but it was a moment longer before I recognized the shabbily dressed
"The same, my girl!
I've had the devil's own job finding you, although at the end you left enough
clues with your playacting—"
"But why? Why did
you follow us? I told you—"
"A pack of lies! I
know where you're bound, and why! I'm just not going to let you get away with
it, that's all! I don't know whether you're in league with Matthew Spicer, or
that darkie fellow Suleiman, or whether you're working on your own, but either
way I'm going to be a part of it."
"Part of what? Oh
Dickon! You're not thinking we're after treasure, are you? I tell you, there's
no such thing!"
"You have maps. On
it is the legend 'Here be Dragons.' And where there are dragons there is
treasure. Everyone knows that!"
"Oh, you silly
boy!" I said wearily. "If you could read a bit more you would know
that all mapmakers put that when the terrain is unknown. It's their excuse,
don't you see?"
"Then why are you
headed that way? What's in it for you? What would drag you halfway round the
world unless it was a fabulous treasure?"
"That's my
business," I said. "Now why don't you leave us all alone and go back
where you came from?" I was so utterly fed up with his sudden appearance
that had I had a magic wand I would have waved him away to perdition. "I'm
leaving, and I don't want to see you again."
His hand snapped down on
my wrist. "Not so fast! I'm not letting you— Ow! Let go! Summer . .
"You want me to
kill?" asked the bear, whom I had completely forgotten. On his hind legs
he was taller than any man I knew, and he held Dickon against his chest as
easily as I would hug a doll. I thought he had eaten his roots and disappeared,
but it seemed he was trying to repay me for his freedom.
"No, no!" I
said hastily. "You can let him go. Thank you just the same. He is no
threat, just a bloody nuisance."
"You sure?" He
sounded disappointed.
"I'm sure." I
went forward to help Dickon to his feet, for the bear had dropped him pretty
hard on his rear. "Get up, Dickon, and be on your way."
He scrambled to his
feet. "You can communicate with that—that beast? I realized when I saw you
all that time ago that you had some sort of rapport with the other animals,
especially that flying pig of yours, but I thought it was just good training.
But that—that Thing," and he nodded in the direction of the bear, now busy
polishing off the roots I had brought him, "He's new to you, surely?"
"Best I've ever
tasted," mumbled the bear. "Best I've ever tasted. My, oh my, oh
I suppose I hadn't
thought about it. My ring could give me access to animal communication, but
this time I had just "talked" to the creature without prior
reasoning. Well, it had worked.
"Yes," I said.
"We can understand one another."
"Well, tell him to
disappear," said Dickon, brushing himself down. "You've set him free,
I saw you unlock his chain, but that's that, isn't it? Come on, let's get back
to that room you've hired. I've got to talk to you. It's important."
To whom? I wondered. It
meant that I couldn't get rid of him immediately, not if he had been following
us so close he even knew where we lodged. I supposed the least I could do was
explain once more and give him a few coins to speed him on his way. The trouble
was, he had a very persuasive tongue. . . .
"Very well. You go
ahead, you obviously know where it is. I'll just see this creature on his way.
Growch, you go with him." I didn't want him searching my baggage again.
I turned to the bear,
now cleaning his mouth with his paw of any residue of root.
"All better now?
Good. Now you are free, free to go wherever you please. Your master is locked
up for the night, but you had better get going so he doesn't catch you again.
Why don't you go back home?"
The bear turned puzzled
eyes towards me. "Home? Home many, many, many treks away. Not sure where
to find. You help."
"Oh dear!"
said Ky-Lin. "I should have guessed as much. Sorry, girl."
"What that?"
said Bear, his scarred nose questing the air. "Demon?"
Ky-Lin showed himself
and Bear seemed suitably impressed. "Good demon."
"I'm afraid he is
of limited intelligence," said Ky-Lin for my ears only. "Probably
taken too soon from his parents, and the treatment he has suffered would make
it worse."
I felt that at any
moment I should have a headache.
"Don't you have any
idea which way is home?" I asked wearily.
He settled down on his
haunches, closed his eyes and began to recite.
"Long times ago,
cub with sister. Hunters come, kill mother, take cubs." He stopped, and
his head began to sway from side to side again. "First treat good, feed
well. Then hot stones to burn feet, make dance. Tie up with chain to stand
high. Pipe make squeak, dance, dance . . ." and now his whole body was
swaying, his paws leaving the ground rhythmically, one after the other.
"Ring through nose, much pain. Sister lie down, not get up any more.
Aieee, aieee!" and he lifted his muzzle and roared in pain and anger.
"Hush, now!" I
was scared we were making too much noise. "No more pain. You'll find home
soon. . . ."
"How? Bears not see
good longways. Know from that way," and he nodded west. "Mountains.
Trees. Streams. Caves. Honey, roots, grubs. Mother, warm, milk, play, sister,
love . . ."
That did it. Love is so
many things.
"If we show you the
way to go?"
"Lose way without
help. You help, Bear help. Show you where is honey, roots." He smacked his
lips. "Bear find caves to sleep. Bear protect. Bear come with you."
I saw it was hopeless.
"Very well. Bear come with us. First we find home for boy—" I nodded
at Tug, who was keeping his distance, "—then we find your home. But we
have little . . ." I hesitated, then drew some coins from my pocket.
"We have little of these. They buy us food and lodging. You will have to
forage for food."
"Is same as man get
for dance—you want more? I dance for you. All eat well."
It was an idea, but we
should have to move fast if we were to get away from his former master. If he
wasn't chained we couldn't be accused of stealing him, I reckoned. I led the
way back to our lodgings without meeting anyone. Perhaps the better for
Dickon's peace of mind, Bear elected to sleep outside by the woodpile. I warned
him to keep out of sight.
"If Bear want no
see, no see."
Inside, Dickon had made
up the fire in the brazier and was sitting on a stool nervously regarding
Growch, who was perched like a hairy statue on top of the baggage. Part of his
left lip was snagged back on a tooth, showing he had had occasion to snarl.
"Not very trusting,
is he?" said Dickon, sucking the knuckles of his right hand.
"Depends. He takes
his duties very seriously."
"I was just trying
to be friendly. . . ." There were a couple of neat blue puncture marks on
his hand.
"Friendly is as
friendly does," said Growch. "Don' call it friendly when 'e puts 'is
paw where 'e shouldn'."
I sat on the other
stool, a sullen Tug crouched at my feet.
"Now, Dickon, what
was it you wanted to say?"
He shifted
uncomfortably. "It's a bit difficult. You see, when I left the caravan,
I—I sort of resigned."
"You what?"
"Chucked it in,
said I wasn't going back. You see, I thought that when I found you—"
"Not that stupid
business of a treasure again! If I've told you once, I've—"
"I know you have! I
just don't believe you. I thought it was worth the risk."
"Well it wasn't! It
was just plain stupid of you to throw all that away. Just look at you: where
are all your fine clothes, your fancy haircut?" There must be a way out of
this. "If I give you some travelling money and a note to Matthew, I'm sure
he'd take you back."
"Why? You two got
something special going? He'll take me back just to keep my mouth shut? Is that
"I assure you, once
and for all," I said through gritted teeth, "what I'm doing here has
absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Matthew Spicer. Quite the reverse, in
"Well, I can't
afford to go back, not now. I used all the cash I had in tracing you." He
gestured at his rags. "Even had to sell my clothes. Got anything to eat?
I'm starving! I'm also broke, and cold. Didn't reckon you'd use the river:
clever, that." He stood up. "Thanks for offering some travel money,
but how far do you think I'd get before winter caught up?" His tone
changed; now it held a wheedling note. "Look, I'll accept all you say
about not going after treasure, but you must see that you need me. You're going
somewhere, that's plain, and presumably also coming back. So why can't I go
with you? If it's no secret, then how can you possibly object? After all,
you're only a girl, and you need a man to look after you. . . ."
"I seem to have
managed all right so far with Tug and Growch. And now the bear has volunteered
to join us." I stood up. "Going somewhere? Yes. I'm taking Tug back
to his people, then finding Bear his home; after that, who knows? So, there's
nothing in it for you except a lot of travelling with companions you have
already found—unfriendly. What's more, we just can't afford you. Back there you
spoke the language, you had experience of the routes; here, you're less than we
are. We have to work our passage and we have enough mouths to feed
"I can work!"
"Doing what?
Standing on your head, walking on your hands, turning cartwheels? Or would you
fancy a bit of mind reading? Oh, come on, Dickon!"
"No, no, no! Don't
be silly, I've seen your act twice—just waiting a good moment to approach
you—and I think you could do with someone more polished to choose the objects
from the audience. We could establish a code, you and I; if I said 'what have
we here?' it could mean a scarf; 'what is this?' a piece of jewelry—"
"Don't be silly! If
you spoke in our language folk would believe you were telling me straight out
what was in your hand, and you don't speak their tongue. Besides, I don't need
your code; Growch manages quite well to tell me what Tug has in his hand. If
you've seen us perform you'll know how it works."
"Stuff and
nonsense! That cur wouldn't know how to describe—a spectacle case, for
instance, or an embroidered purse, whatever primitive language you have going
between you. I've seen you identify things like that, so, how do you do it?
Mirrors? And where did you learn the language? They seem to understand you."
So he didn't know our
secrets, didn't know about Ky-Lin.
"I don't need
mirrors; I am told exactly what Tug holds up—by magic."
"Rubbish! No such
thing. You can't kid me. It's all a trick, albeit a damned clever one."
I shrugged. "Think
what you like. . . . So, what else could you do?"
"Manage the bear.
With a bit more training, it'd—"
"He, then. I'm not
in the business of sexing bears. He could learn a few more tricks, and
"He doesn't like
"A bear on a chain
doesn't have to like you. . . ."
"He's not on a
chain, and he's never going to wear one again."
"Then how are you
going to control him? He's vicious, you know."
"He's as gentle
as—a lamb. Just a bit bigger, that's all."
"And the rest! That
creature isn't safe! You can't control it with—"
"—a softly, softly
approach. Now if you'd just let me have a go—"
"Why not? We'd
increase our profits, buy new clothes, even could hire a wagon to travel in;
you'd like that, wouldn't you?"
All of a sudden he had
become a part of the "we". . . .
"Of course I
would," I said. "But I've freed Bear and in return for trying to find
his homeland, he has already agreed to work with us. I don't know yet just what
form this will take, but no way will I have a chain put back on him, or try and
coerce him into something he doesn't want to do. He's suffered enough."
He looked at me for a
long moment, but I couldn't read his expression. Then he looked away and
shrugged his shoulders.
"Have it your way.
I still think I could be an asset. Let me travel with you for, say, a couple of
days: after that, if I don't prove my worth, we'll say farewell. Fair
"And if I don't
"I'd follow you
anyway. And you wouldn't like any disruption to your plans, would you?"
That sounded like a
veiled threat. Welcome me into the bosom of your little family, otherwise I'll
throw firecrackers at the bear, interrupt your mind-reading sessions and tell
everyone you're a girl. . . .
If I'd had more time to
think, had considered how Ky-Lin could perhaps have come up with a better
solution, I probably wouldn't have caved in so easily. As it was I was too
tired to argue.
"Two days, then.
We're off at dawn. Walking—until of course your grandiose schemes come to
pass," I added nastily.
He had never been one to
recognize sarcasm. Instead he beamed, giving me a glimpse of the handsome lad
he had become, in spite of the rags.
"Thanks. I sort of
thought you might see it my way eventually. We'll make a great team, you and I,
Summer. You want to get ahead in the world, make some money, then I'm your man.
You're really quite an attractive girl in your own fashion and if you let your
hair grow and—"
"Have you
eaten?" I was furious at his condescension. "Here you are!" I
flung a couple of coins in his direction. "Don't disturb us when you come
back. I'm sorry there isn't another blanket, but you could always go outside to
the woodpile and curl up with Bear!"
But as it happened he
did wake us, and that long before dawn.
I heard someone
stumbling around, knocking over a stool, treading on my foot, groaning. It must
have been around four in the morning, and I reckoned he must have spent most of
his money on rice wine and was too drunk to keep quiet. Sitting up, I unwrapped
myself and lit one of the oil lamps.
"Can't you keep
quiet?" I hissed. "Some of us are—why, whatever's the matter? Are you
Even by the scanty light
I could see his face had a greenish cast, and he was swaying from side to side,
wringing his hands.
He shook his head, less
in negation than in what seemed an effort to clear it of some awful memory.
"No, no, it's
nothing like that. . . ." Even his voice was different: he sounded like a
child afraid of the dark.
"Then, what? Here,
sit down before you fall down. I've got some water—"
He waved it away.
"No thanks. It's just that . . . I've never seen . . . Oh, Summer, it was
terrible! You wouldn't believe—" and to my complete consternation he broke
down and wept noisily. "We must get away, now!"
All animosity forgotten,
I went over and laid a hand on his shoulder.
"Tell me. Take your
time, but I want to know. . . ."
I held my lantern high
over the form of the sleeping bear, curled into a ball like any domestic cat,
paws over his nose and snoring a little.
"Wake up,
Bear," I said. "Time to go."
He opened his small
black eyes, blinked, yawned and stretched. "Why go in dark? Wait till
"No, Bear; we move
now. Village not safe anymore. There are—there are men who seek to hurt you.
Come, quick: we are ready."
"You say go, we
go." He lumbered to his feet and had a good scratch, his loose skin moving
up and down as if it were an extra coat. "Why men want to hurt Bear? Bear
not do wrong. . . ."
No, Bear, I thought: you
wouldn't think it wrong. To you it was the law by which you had been taught to
Dickon had told me how a
man had come stumbling into the eating house where he had been sitting, yelling
and shouting, pointing down the street towards the thatched hut where the bear
owner had been imprisoned overnight. The clientele had all streamed out and
followed the man to a terrible sight. The flimsy thatch on the low roof had
been torn away, and inside lay the prisoner, the skin flayed from his back, his
throat chewed open.
No, Bear, I said to
myself again, you didn't do wrong. But I watched with a squeeze of horror in my
heart as the animal completed his toilet by licking the last of the dried blood
from his claws.
Chapter Twelve
We made the best speed
we could that day and the next, but to my great relief no one seemed to have
followed us. There was no reason why they should, of course; they would assume
that the bear had killed his master and then fled into the wilderness. All the
same, I didn't want anyone to see the animal until I had changed his appearance
a little. To that end he had a thorough wash and brush and, at Ky-Lin's
suggestion, I used some wood dye to darken his mask and paint a broad stripe
down his back, like a badger's. In truth though, washing and brushing and good
food made more alteration than anything else: after a few days I doubt
anyone—even his old master—would have recognized him.
The thought of what he
had done still gave me shivers, but once again it was Ky-Lin, the creature who
could not even bend a blade of grass, who understood better than I.
"He is a
child," he said. "In his last incarnation he was probably a neglected
baby never taught right from wrong and died before he learnt. The
Great-One-Who-Understands-All would not blame him. He has a chance now to learn
from us that we all owe each other something and that includes living together
in a social harmony. He was just removing something that had hurt him—like you
humans think nothing of swatting a wasp."
I managed a weak smile.
"Wasps don't sting you," I said. "They wouldn't dare!"
He fluffed out his
plumed tail. "The colors put them off," he said, perfectly serious.
"Besides," he added: "Like your Son-of-God, we are taught to
turn the other cheek. One good thing has come out of this."
"The bear's owner
has been sent away before he can compound his crimes. Perhaps the Great One
will bring him back as a bear, so that next time he will have learnt and will
be redeemed to a higher plane."
I didn't feel I was
competent to enter into a religious discussion with Ky-Lin; all I was grateful
for was that Bear was gentle and sweet-tempered with us, and willingly
cooperated in perfecting our act.
Tug did his acrobatics
first, then Bear ambled in, wearing a soft red collar I had made for him, decorated
with little bells. Tug coaxed a weird tune or two out of the pipe I had bought
for him, the bear danced and when he had finished dropped to all fours. Tug
climbed on his back with a shivering, eyes-tight-shut-all-the-time Growch in
his arms. Bear rose to his hind legs as Tug climbed up his back and, having
perfect balance, the boy stood on the bear's shoulders, holding Growch aloft as
Bear slowly clapped his paws together. Needless to say, the only one who needed
persuasion, bribes and petting, was Growch.
dignified," he said, "for the star performer, the talkin' dog, to be
'ung up in the air like so much washin'. 'Sides, makes me all dizzy!"
"But just listen to
the applause," I said slyly. "How many of your kind do you know that
could be as brave? And just look at all the fine meals we're having, and all
because of you. . . ."
After that he didn't
grumble as much, but he still kept his eyes tightly shut.
I kept Ky-Lin a secret
from Dickon still, and although the latter now took over the job of selecting
trinkets from the audience for me, dressed in a multicolored costume I had sewn
from scraps of colored silks and cottons I had bargained for, he was still
mystified at my "guesses," as he called them.
For the most part Ky-Lin
lived either in the lining of my jacket or in the hood of my cloak, though if
we had a room to ourselves at night, he would come out and prance around like a
tiny pony, all fluffed up and full of energy. Separate rooms were becoming an
increasing problem, though, as we neared the city. At most, with the increasing
traffic, we were making only a few miles a day, and accommodation in the
villages we rested at was becoming difficult to find, bespoke by those who came
first. Sometimes we were lucky, sometimes not.
On one of the luckier
occasions we were only twenty miles short of the city: we tried the houses on
the edges of the village first and, just as it started to rain—a rain that
would last for two, soaking days—we found a widow woman willing to rent us her
Through Ky-Lin I learned
that her daughter-in-law was expecting her first and had taken to her bed, so
the woman was going to keep house for her son till the baby appeared. It was
less costly to hire than I thought, and I asked Ky-Lin (who had done the
bargaining in my voice) just why.
"I told her that on
the third day from now she would be nursing a fine, healthy grandson on her
"Wasn't that
chancing it a bit? Supposing it arrives tomorrow and it's a girl?"
"It won't and it
won't be."
I opened my mouth and
shut it again. By now I was learning not to question Ky-Lin: he was always
We spent a restful
night. The house, if you could call it that, had a largish room, partitioned
off by a screen to make a living and sleeping area. Outside was a woodshed,
where Bear was comfortable enough. I lit the small brazier and cooked a meal I
had sent Dickon out for: ubiquitous rice, beans, and some vegetables. Out of
respect for Ky-Lin I kept our consumption of meat to a minimum (except for
Growch). Him I kept content with a huge ham bone I had been saving, and Bear
was perfectly happy with beans and some pancakes I made.
In the morning it was
still raining, so I decided to do some sewing. I thought that my cloak, warm
and comfortable as it was, needed tarting up a little for our performances, so
had sketched a design of a blue dragon I had seen on a broken-down temple,
bought a piece of sky-blue silk and now settled down to cut it out.
Suddenly I felt a cold
breath touch my cheek, as though sleet had been chucked in my face. At the same
time my ring stabbed like a pinprick and my stomach throbbed in sympathy. I had
a vision of great mountains, like those that marched alongside our daily
travels, but these were much nearer, rearing up until they filled the sky, the
snow glittering on their sides, their tops clouded by the spinning of
wind-driven flakes like a permanent veil. I saw a blue dragon, I saw a black
matter?" said Growch. "Look like you seen a ghost. . . . Hey, you all
right? That ol' stummick again? Too many of those black beans; been fartin'
meself all mornin'."
"Nothing to do with
the beans," I said, by now doubled over in pain, "I'll be better in a
moment. . . ."
But I wasn't. It was
worse by the minute, like I used to get with my monthly show, only sharper.
Ky-Lin whispered
urgently in my ear. "Send Dickon out for a drink. Tell him you have
woman's trouble and wish to be alone for a while. He'll go if you give him some
coin: the rain's eased off a bit."
I gave him enough to get
drunk twice over, and dragged myself off to my pallet in the partitioned part
of the room. I heard Ky-Lin speak to Tug, and a moment later the boy had
brought in both the little oil lamp and our own stronger lantern.
"Lie down,"
said Ky-Lin. "Take your clothes off and lie under the blanket—"
"He has known all
along you were a girl. You washed him once in a river, so he says, and you all
got so wet your outline was unmistakable. He's never questioned it: I need him
now to help me. Don't worry: it means nothing to him at his age."
"It hurts," I
whimpered like a child.
"Not for
long," and he spoke to Tug, and a moment or two later one of the opium
pills I had kept in my pouch, just in case, was pushed into my mouth, followed
by a draught of cool water.
I undressed with
difficulty and lay on my back, as instructed by Ky-Lin. Then I was told to rub
my ring in a circular movement round my navel, and whether it was the pill or
that, or both, the pain diminished and I felt sleepy and relaxed. I began to
fantasize. I saw again the cottage where I was born, the forest and river where
I played as a child; I could taste the honey cakes my mother gave me,
remembered the little church where the mural of the Last Judgment faded gently
on either side of the altar. A knight rode by, a handsome knight; a white horse
gambolled in surf no whiter than she; I heard a tortoise rustle away into the
undergrowth and the clap of a pigeon's wings; I was flying, and then suddenly
the dream changed. A castle whose stones were stained with the sins before
committed, a thin, wheedling voice: "Tell me a story. . . ."
gently," said a voice in my ear. "Nearly over . . ."
I dreamt again. A dog
was barking, his voice ringing through woodland; I flew once more, then crashed
to the ground, bruised and breathless; waves dragged at my clothes, I was so
cold, so cold—
No, it was only my
stomach that was cold, numbing the pain. . . .
"Rest, rest, lie
still. Remember the Place of Stones and what happened there a year ago
Yes, yes, of course I
remembered! I was looking for a pig, a large pig, who had disappeared. It was
All Hallows' Eve, exactly a year since I had left home, and the air about
crackled with mystery and magic. And then I had found my pig, my dearest pig,
and had kissed him and suddenly there was a stranger in his place, a dark
stranger—but no! it was a dragon, a black dragon with claws that could rend me
in twain—
"Just a minute more
. . ."
And the dragon was the
stranger, no stranger, again. And he had enfolded me in his arms. He had kissed
me, lain with me, and a hot flood of feeling had filled me like an empty skin
waiting to be filled and the pain had been so exquisite that I had cried out—
"Aaahhh . . ."
But when I opened my
eyes he was a dragon again and had flown away into the east, his shadow passing
across the moon, and I was alone. . . .
A warm tongue caressed
my cheek and my nose was filled with the smell of warm, hacky breath.
"Better, Summer dear?"
But I wasn't Summer: I
was Talitha. He had called me Talitha, and he was . . . he was Jasper,
Master of Many Treasures.
"Wake up!"
barked Growch.
"All over,"
said Ky-Lin. "No more pain."
I tried to sit up, but
there was a sort of stitchy feeling in my stomach. Tug's hands raised my head,
propped something behind it and fed me some welcome, warming broth. Then I was
lying down again, a blanket tucked under my chin.
"You can sleep
now," said Ky-Lin. "No more pain."
"But I don't
"Yes, you do. In
the morning you will feel wonderful. Just breathe deeply and I will give you
some Sleepy Dust. . . ."
My mouth and nose were
filled with the scent and taste of fresh spring flowers, summer leaves, autumn
fires, winter snow. . . . I breathed it all in greedily until I was floating
way up, up, up till I could touch the damp edges of the clouds and twist and
turn with the screaming swifts. Ghostlike, I flew on silent wings with the
owls, hung on the tip of a crescent moon, fell back into a bed of thistledown,
a nest lined with the bellyfur of rabbit, a bed with down pillows—a hard pallet
with a couple of blankets and someone shaking me awake.
"Hey! You going to
sleep all day as well?"
"Oh, piss off,
Dickon!" I said irritably. "I was having a wonderful dream. . .
"Well, you can't
sleep all day! We're all hungry, and you've got the money. . . ."
And will have to cook it
too, I thought. "How long have I slept?"
"You were asleep
when I came back yesterday, you've snored all night, and it's around noon
Nearly twenty-four
hours! Still, it was as Ky-Lin had promised: I felt wonderful, relaxed,
happy—and now I came to think about it: very hungry.
"Is it still
raining?" A nod. "Well give me a few minutes to get dressed and we'll
go to the eating house. My treat."
It was while I was
dressing that I discovered something wrong.
"Ky-Lin," I
hissed. "What's this around my waist?"
"Just something to
keep you warm," came the small voice from under my pillow. "Leave it
there for the time being, there's a good girl." He must have sensed my
indecision. "Have I ever given you bad advice?"
So I left it where it
was. It didn't discommode me at all, but I was a little disconcerted to find
out I had started my monthly flow again, which was annoying after so long
It stopped raining on
the afternoon of the third day, and with the weak sun came the widow woman,
almost crying with joy, the rent money held out for me to take.
"It is as I
said," whispered Ky-Lin. "Now, open and shut your mouth as you do in
our performances. I have something to tell her. . . ."
And to the openmouthed
astonishment of Dickon, out came a soft stream of words from my lips and, for a
moment hidden from all but the woman, Ky-Lin showed himself.
She fell to the floor
and gabbled, the tears of joy streaming down her face, then bowed her way out
of the door. Dickon picked the coins up and tucked them in his pouch.
"What was all that
gibberish about?"
Luckily Ky-Lin had
briefed me.
"It was a prophesy;
her grandson will become one of the great sages of the country."
"Still don't know
how you do it," he muttered. "However, a nice way of conning her out
of the rent."
I bit back an angry
retort. Ky-Lin whispered in my ear.
"Right, everyone,"
I said. "Time to go. We'll steal a march on the rest who have stopped
over. With the roads empty we can make good time. Oh, Dickon: leave that money
on the stool. Call it a present for the baby. . . ."
We made reasonable
progress during the next couple of days, and on the second night, Dickon having
gone out scouting the prospects for a performance, Ky-Lin made me lie down on
the bed.
"I want to take the
bandage off." He seemed uncharacteristically nervous; he had gone a shaky
sort of blue color all over. "Let's have a look. . . ."
He spoke to Tug, who
slowly and carefully unwound the cloth.
"Mmmm . . ."
"What's the
matter?" I tried to sit up; my stomach felt cold.
"Nothing. Nothing
at all." His color had returned to normal. "Take a look. . . ."
Sitting up, I gazed down
at my stomach; at first I could see nothing and then—
"Hey, Summer! We've
got a performance!"
Damn and blast and
perdition! Hastily pulling my shirt down and my breeches up, I staggered over
to the bolted door. Dickon burst in.
"There's a rich
caravan just pulled in and they were enquiring about entertainment; Arabs and
Greeks mostly, so you'll have to 'Magic' some of their language. . . ." He
sniggered. Little did he know Ky-Lin!
"But it's full
dark; must be near nine at night."
"They're camping in
the square, 'cos there's no other accommodation. Plenty of light, torches,
lanterns. They're being fed now, so we'd better hurry before they decide to kip
down for the night."
It was past midnight
before we returned to our quarters, but my pouch was full of coins. It had been
a treat to have a relatively sophisticated audience, for it was a rich caravan,
and they had insisted on us performing twice over. They had travelled from the
south, with a special order for the wedding: gold and silver platters,
silver-handled daggers and filigree jewelry, and were near two weeks late.
Tonight would be their last stop, for with horses and camels they could make
the city easily by the next day.
So they were relaxed and
generous, and Ky-Lin's Arabic, Greek and a little Persian was impeccable. When
we packed up Dickon obviously had a yen to go farther afield, so I gave him a
generous advance, knowing full well he had also gathered tips on the way from
the audience, and he disappeared for a while in search of his own
Growch was on a high;
one of the objects held up for my "discovery" had been one of his
"fluffy bum" pups, and he had nearly let us all down at this point,
completely forgetting to concentrate, even running over to the puppy and investigating.
"Keep your mind on
the job!" I hissed at him when at last he reached me.
"Thought I 'ad—my
job. Why I came, an' all. Boy pup: pity."
I was so tired when we
returned that all I wanted to do was flop down on my pallet and sleep, but
there was one other thing to do: look once more at my stomach. I thought I had
seen—but no, it couldn't be. I lay down, lifted my shirt and peered down, aware
out of the corner of my eye that Ky-Lin was watching anxiously. At first
nothing, then—
What looked like a pearl
nestled in my belly button. I touched it gingerly: it gave a little to my
touch. I tried to prize it out—
"No! Don't touch it
yet; it hasn't quite hardened." Ky-Lin had gone quite pale again, and was
peering anxiously over my shoulder. "Give it a day or two more. . .
"But what is
it?" It resembled nothing so much as a jewel one might stick in a belly
dancer's navel. "And how in heaven's name did it get there?"
"Er . . . I put it
there. For safekeeping. Nicely insulated. Warm . . ."
"What is
it's quite simple really. It's a dragon's egg."
Chapter Thirteen
“A . . . what?" I
was already asleep; I must be.
"Egg. Dragon's. Not
yet set," said Growch succinctly. "Leastways, that's what I thought
'e said." He didn't seem the least surprised or alarmed—but then it wasn't
happening to him.
I attempted to laugh it
off, all the time nursing a horrible feeling it wasn't a laughing matter.
"If this is all a joke, it's not in very good taste. Now be a good
creature and take it away, Ky-Lin, and I'll forget all about it."
"I can't 'take it
away,' just like that," said Ky-Lin unhappily. "It's yours. Yours
I knew immediately who
he meant, but wasn't going to accept what he said. It was impossible! That sort
of thing just didn't happen; it couldn't.
"That was what was
hurting you, giving you the stomachache. It was ready to come out for the
second stage of its development," said Ky-Lin. "Don't ask me how, or
why; I'm no expert in this sort of thing, and indeed I doubt it has ever happened
before just like this. Humans don't mate with dragons. Normally dragons are
bisexual: they can reproduce themselves. Theoretically so can Ky-Lins; that's
what my name means: male/female. We never have, though."
I remembered the pain of
that embrace by the Place of Stones: the pain and the ecstasy. Had we bypassed
the natural laws, my man-dragon and I? Was this, this tiny pearl, still
semisoft and shining, a product of a love that had never been seen before, just
because I had kissed a creature and made him man, however temporarily?
I gazed down at my navel
and, gently, so gently touched the shining pearl. Just in case . . .
"But it's so
"Oh, it grows. A
fully developed egg, ready to hatch, will be at least as big as a human baby.
But, I warn you, this one could take many, many years—longer than you have—to
grow and mature. You will never see what it contains. You are just its
guardian, for a little while. So, don't get fond of it. Your job is to keep it
warm, give it its first few weeks of incubation." He sighed. "You are
very privileged."
I didn't feel the least
bit "privileged": quite the reverse, in fact. I felt confused, hurt,
bewildered, used, somehow dirty.
Ky-Lin read part of what
I was thinking. "You truly are privileged, dear girl. You may not realize
it now but that egg, however it got there, has been a part of you for a year,
you nourished it in your body, and whatever happens to it in the future, you
will always be a part of it. Also remember, it was created in love."
I looked down again;
right now it was tiny, soft, vulnerable. Anyone could squash it, crush it,
snuff the little life that lay inside. . . . Without conscious thought my hands
curled protectively over my navel, and emotion took over from instinct,
realizing ruefully that once more I had conned myself into caring for yet one
more burden. Once before they had all been maimed in their separate ways; this
time they were all more or less normal, even if they still had their particular
needs—except Ky-Lin, of course, though even he was trying to gain extra points
towards his redemption.
"And so we are
lucky seven," said Ky-Lin happily. "You and I, Growch and Tug,
Dickon, Bear and the Egg. Just as the Old One foretold."
I shivered and crossed
myself; the Good Lord protect us all and bring us to a safe haven. . . .
Two days later we topped
a rise and there lay the Golden City beneath us. They called it golden because
the stone used was a warm, yellow sandstone, quarried from goodness knew where,
because the surrounding hills and mountains were dark and forbidding. Right
now, at midday, the sun made the whole place glow, picking out the various
towers and steeples that were gilded with real gold, till the whole scene
shimmered with warmth and welcome.
We had a steep descent,
but beneath us a wide river curled around the east of the city, a river so wide
I could see the boats, like beetles at this distance, scurrying about on the
water. To the south the plain widened out, and I could see a wide field, with
men drilling and horses being exercised.
It looked like a place
full of promise, but it took all of three hours to reach the city gates, the
road ahead being crowded to suffocation with caravans, carts, wagons, cattle,
horses and travellers on foot like ourselves. Past experience made us head for
the side streets once we had passed through the west gate; the city would be
crowded already, and the best chance of accommodation was out of the
mainstream. We were lucky; entertainers were at a premium, and although I had
to pay more than I had reckoned, we found two ground-floor rooms with
accommodation in a shed for Bear, breakfast and midday meal included.
After a plain but
satisfying meal of rice, chicken, and fruit, we left Bear behind and decided to
explore the city. By now it was dusk, and evening fires hazed the rooftops.
There was already a chill to the air but it made no difference to those who,
like us, were determined to make the most of all the city had to offer. The
main streets were paved and bordered with fine buildings, but the streets
radiating from the main square were full of bustle, crowd, and character.
The stalls were crammed
with all the goods in the world, or so it seemed. Over glowing braziers meat,
fish, glazed chicken wings, and nuts sizzled and popped and every available
space was filled with beggars, jugglers, fortune-tellers (bones, water, sand,
and stones), and pretty ladies plying their charms, which is how we lost
The rest of us found
ourselves in the huge main square, deserted now except for a few gawpers like
us. Ahead of us lay the palace, a heterogenous mass of gilded roofs, towers,
tilted eaves, and balconies, approached by wide steps guarded by soldiers in
green and gold. Flares, torches and lanterns kept the whole facade brightly
lit, and through the screened and fretted windows could be glimpsed figures
scurrying to and fro.
"This square is
where the main celebrations for the wedding will take place," said Ky-Lin,
who as usual had been listening to everything going on around him. "During
the next few days, palace scouts will seek out the best entertainers and they
will be invited to perform here in front of the prince and his prospective
" 'Ow they goin' to
choose us, then?" asked Growch.
"They go around the
streets and smaller squares, list those they prefer, then send others for a
second opinion."
We had already come
across some half-dozen of these smaller squares.
"Do we keep to one
or try as many as we can?" I wondered.
"More the
better," said Ky-Lin. "That way we reach a wider audience and have a
better chance of being noticed. Even if we aren't picked, we can at least earn
some money. There are many very good acts here already, so we need to polish up
our performances, make some new costumes, and I will provide some powders to
burn that will give you a better light, sprinkled on torches. Can you walk on
your hind legs, dog?"
" 'Course I can!
Well, sometimes. A bit. I could try. . . ."
His legs were so short
and his body so long, I sometimes wondered how his messages got from one end to
the other. "That would be very nice," I said enthusiastically.
"Worth an extra bone or two."
And he tried, he really
did; at the end of two days he could stagger at least two yards. . . .
We made—I made—new
costumes, we played the small squares and larger side streets from one end of
the city to the other, and at the end of four days both Dickon and Ky-Lin
recognized the same nonpaying faces at our performances.
Ky-Lin nodded his head
in satisfaction. "Definitely scouts," he said.
In the meantime we had
been making more money than in all our journey so far and I was perplexed as to
where to keep it—by now a small sackful—safe. I daren't leave it in our rooms:
quite apart from thieves I couldn't trust Dickon's sticky fingers, and it was
Growch who suggested the solution. " 'Oo's the one they're all scared of?
That great bear. 'E can guard it daytimes, and when we give performances, 'e
can 'ave it tucked under 'is arm or sumfin'."
Which solved the
With only twenty-four hours
to go before the grand entertainment we were visited in our lodgings by two
palace officials, smartly dressed in gold jackets and green trews, who informed
me (through Ky-Lin) that we had been picked to perform in the Palace Square the
following evening. It was a great honor, as the acts were limited to thirteen,
the Moons of the Year. We were allowed a half-hour only, to give time for all
the other acts, so we practiced curtailing Tug and Bear and it made for a
crisper performance, which we took round the streets that night, able to boast
that we were one of the chosen ones for the following night. Our purse was
heavier than ever that day.
Our actual performance
seemed to be over before it began. We had to wait through performing ponies,
acrobats, contortionists, a magician, and a woman who climbed a ladder of
swords and lay on a bed of nails with a man standing on her chest, but
eventually the large hourglass was set down again in the sand and it was our
turn. By now I had worked myself into such a lather of expectation that I was
trembling in every limb, my mouth was as dry as the sands of the desert and I
desperately needed to relieve myself.
Once we started,
however, I was as cool as a draught of cold water, even remembering to direct
our act towards the balcony where the prince had his seat. They said afterwards
that the prince, a sophisticated man, was bored by much he saw, but that his
prospective bride, an ingenuous girl, clapped enthusiastically the whole way
through. Be that as it may, each performance was rewarded by a bag of silver
coins, good, bad or indifferent, and was cheered impartially by the large crowd
penned behind rope barriers at the perimeter of the square.
There were many acts
after ours, but I fell asleep through exhaustion, tucked up against Bear, and
only woke when Dickon nudged me. The square was emptying, torches guttering and
a chill wind blew away the detritus of the evening.
"Bed," said
Dickon. "There are three days till the wedding and after tonight the
audiences will pay even better. . . ."
But the morning was to
bring a further surprise. Before the first cock had even cleared his throat,
another official from the palace, this one with gold braid and tassels,
presented us with an invitation to perform that evening within the palace
confines themselves. Apparently the prince and his bride-to-be wished a closer
look at some of the acts they had enjoyed the night before.
"We've cracked
it!" exulted Dickon. "Can't you just see it? We can advertise
ourselves as by royal command!"
It was an attractive
idea, but I could see it would only complicate matters. As far as I was
concerned I had places to go, people and animals to answer to, and that was
enough. I didn't want more than would carry us to our next destination, but
Dickon wanted it all: gold, prestige, fame.
"Are you coming,
then?" asked Dickon.
"I've just been
telling you. Outside the city, on the parade ground, they're having races,
entertainments, wild animals. It's a day out. It's a free day out. All
you want is money for some food. Or, take our own. Hurry up, or all the best
vantage points will be taken."
We left Bear in the
shed; as the winter advanced, although he had never been allowed his natural
hibernation since he was a cub, he nevertheless became more lethargic, and was
quite happy to be left guarding the money and snoozing the day away. I hoped
that when, and if, we ever found his homeland, he would find a convenient cave
in which to sleep every winter till spring.
The races and
entertainment were held in the amphitheater to the south I had noticed on first
looking down on the city. Cordoned off and edged with a low wall of stones, it
was an oval, sandy space perhaps three-quarters of a mile in length and half
that distance wide. Roughly marked out were four staggered lanes for foot or
horse racing, and in the center a raised circle for wrestling. Seats there were
none, but plenty of boulders and banked sand, so we made ourselves comfortable
behind the ropes, knotted with colored cloths, that kept us from the tracks.
Heats of the footraces
had already been run, and the finalists rested while the children of the city
had their turn. All kinds were represented, from the silk-kilted privileged to
the half-naked urchins, and it was one of the latter I was glad to see that won
the junior race, two laps of the track, to bear a purse back to his delighted
I could see that Tug,
too, would have liked to participate, but we didn't know the rules, so I
consoled him with sticky sweetmeats from a peddler's tray. There was plenty to
eat—if you could afford it—for behind the crowd there were braziers frying and
roasting all sorts of delights, and trays of cheeses, cakes, boiled rice, and
fruit. The poorer people had brought their own food, but we were in a festive
mood and nibbled away all afternoon, fortified by drinks of water, wine, or
goat's milk from the skins of the sellers.
The day wore on. We
watched the wrestling—which seemed to be a near-killing exercise of arms, feet,
hands, teeth and nails—and applauded the finals of the footraces. Then came the
chariot races; light, wicker-framed two-wheeled carts with two horses. There
were plenty of thrills and spills, and special applause when the prince's
charioteer won the top prize. Next was an exhibition of kite flying, great
monsters of birds, flowers, giants, and dragons, but there was little or no
wind, so these were a disappointment. We were about to pack up and go back to
our lodgings to ready ourselves for tonight's performance, when there was a
clamor from far across the field.
A distant thunder of
hooves, a murmur from the crowd: "The Riders of the Plains!" and into
the arena galloped a troop of wild-looking horsemen, riding even wilder horses.
They circled the arena at an even faster pace, churning the sand into swirls of
smoke, manes and tails flying, the horsemen uttering wild yells of
encouragement until suddenly, with no apparent signal, they crashed to a
rearing halt in the center, shouting what sounded like a battle cry to my
untrained ears.
There was an eruption at
my side and Tug sprang to his feet, his face alight with joy, his fists raised
over his head in salute.
"My people, my
people! They come. . . ." and he was gone, scrambling over rocks and
people with abandon, to disappear into the amphitheater amid the melee of men,
horses, sand and dust.
I called after him, but
it was no use: he couldn't, or wouldn't, hear.
"Leave him
be," whispered Ky-Lin. "He will be back. Just watch."
And watch we did, an
unparalleled exhibition of horsemanship. Horses raced, apparently riderless,
till their riders twisted up from under their bellies; one horseman balanced on
the backs of two, three, four mounts at a gallop; they threw spears at targets
as they raced past, hitting them every time; they leapt to the ground first one
side, then the other, rode with their heads towards the horse's tail; they
fought mock battles; they jumped—one, two, three men—onto the back of a
galloping horse until we were exhausted just watching.
The crowd was as
stupified as we were, then on their feet yelling for more.
And Tug? He was in the
midst of it all. Running, riding, vaulting, balancing; handstands, yells, two
hands, one hand, no hands . . . On the ground he was a rather awkward boy with
bandy legs and a usually sullen expression; put him on a horse and he was
transformed. I could see now that those bandy legs had been used to riding from
the time he could toddle and saw from his face how much being back with his own
kind meant to him. I didn't need the confirmation of his words when he finally
climbed back to us, tattered, sweaty, and utterly happy.
"Found them! They
mine . . . Go home!" He started to speak in the few words of my tongue I
had taught him, but soon lapsed into his own language, and I was glad to have
Ky-Lin's whispered translation. Dickon stood by, his face a picture of
bewilderment, but Growch's tail was wagging furiously: he at least understood
what was going on.
"My people come for
prince's wedding: special invitation. Prince rides with us, in disguise. . .
." He pointed to a taller man, dressed as the rest, who was sneaking off
the field. "His treat . . ." He waved his hand at the rest of the
horsemen. "They are of my people, but not of my tribe, although they know
of my father. He is chieftain. They return to our lands tomorrow, next day,
before snows come and I will travel with them."
"If your father is
chieftain, then you . . . ?" I asked through Ky-Lin.
"I am my father's
first son, and will be chieftain when he dies."
So, I had rescued a
prince among his people, this shabby boy who now squatted before me, took one
of my hands in his and pressed it to his forehead.
"I shall always be
in your debt," he said simply. "You bought my freedom, fed me and
clothed me, treated me with kindness. I shall never forget you. And you, Great
One," and he bowed in the hidden direction of Ky-Lin.
"Rubbish!" I
said gruffly, conscious that I had difficulty in speaking. I ruffled his hair,
just as if he were the young boy who had already shared our adventures, and not
a young prince.
Dickon had finally
picked up the drift of what was happening. "He's not going, is he? Not
before the performance tonight, surely! In the palace, by special request,
remember? You don't turn up only with half your act!" He looked
scandalized. "Out here they could cut your head off for a thing like
that—or at least chuck you in a dungeon and throw away the key. . . . Besides,
just think of the money!"
In the excitement I had
completely forgotten; although I did not believe we should be punished for
turning up without Tug, it would certainly mean a revision of our act. I asked
Ky-Lin to explain as best he could.
As we had been talking,
we had gradually become surrounded by Tug's fellow countrymen, smelling
strongly of horses and sweat. Smaller in stature than most, they were still a
fearsome-looking lot, with their yellowish faces, high cheekbones, long hair,
fierce eyebrows and drooping moustaches. Like Tug, they had black eyes and
bandy legs. They shuffled closer, and I had the distinct impression that they
were quite ready to kidnap Tug and carry him away if we had any intention of
trying to keep him.
But Tug listened to what
Ky-Lin had to say, shrugged his shoulders and nodded. Turning to his people he
made a little speech, indicating us, then bowed quite regally in dismissal. The
men glanced at each other, then, thankfully, bowed also and moved away.
"I have told
them," said Tug formally, "that I have an obligation to fulfill, but
shall join them later tonight. All right, Summer-Lady-Boy?" And he
grinned, once more the boy I would always remember.
Returning to our
lodgings, we washed and dressed in our costumes and made our way as previously
directed to the side door of the palace, giving onto the kitchens, armory, stores,
laundries, etc. We crossed the large, cobblestoned courtyard and were shown
into an anteroom. Like the largest houses I had seen, this part of the building
was strictly utilitarian. No fancy clothes, no elaborate decoration, everything
meant for use. In the anteroom the other three acts were already waiting,
obviously as nervous as we were ourselves. They became positively agitated when
they saw Bear, however, and that coupled with the thought of bear droppings on
the carpets, made me ask through Ky-Lin if we might wait in the courtyard.
It was chilly out there,
so I walked over to one of the braziers to warm myself up. There were some
half-dozen of these, crowded by off-duty soldiers, kitchen porters, and
itinerants waiting for the scraps of the feast now taking place. Obviously they
were still eating, for enticing smells were coming from the kitchens: behind
the bland scents of rice and vegetables came the aromas of fish and meat,
sharpened to a fine edge by the pungency of spices such as ginger and
coriander. My stomach started to rumble, although we had all eaten before we
came out. A couple of trays of saffron-colored rice full of niblets of dried
fish were thrust out into the courtyard; you ate, if you were lucky, with your
fingers: the beggars had brought their own bowls.
I managed a handful for
Bear and Growch; one of the better-dressed beggars shouted at me, gesticulating
to his friends.
"What does he
say?" I asked Ky-Lin, passing him a grain or two of rice.
"Not to waste good
food on animals. Just ignore him."
"It's just that—I'm
sure I've seen him somewhere before. . . ."
I racked my brains, but
came up with nothing; here, there, somewhere, I was sure of it. "I don't
know. . . ."
"Well, don't worry
about it: it's our turn next."
It must have been near
midnight when we came out into the courtyard again, still dazed by the lights,
music, dancing, gold, embroideries, costumes, decorations, plate, jewelry, and
sheer opulence of all we had seen, touched, heard, smelled, in the last couple
of hours. The inner reality of the palace was like something from a legend;
pointless to wonder where the money had come from to create such luxury: to
marvel and enjoy was enough.
In the vast banqueting
hall in which we had been called upon to perform there were patterned marble
floors, thick colored rugs, gilded pillars, painted walls and ceilings,
embroidered cushions, long carved tables, a silver throne, and men and women
guests wearing robes of silk and fine wools, heavily sewn with gold and silver thread
and studded with jewels. The whole area was lighted to brilliance with oil
lamps, torches and flares, the light reflected from vast sheets of brass,
placed the best for catching the flames.
Behind painted screens
musicians sighed and wailed on strings and woodwind, with the insistent
drubbing of a tabor; there was a heavy scent of incense, sweet oils, of opium
and hashish, both cloying and exciting at the same time.
The prince, on a silver
throne, had been gracious enough to lead the applause for our act, but as an
audience the rich guests could not have been more different from our credulous
village spectators. There was a background murmur of conversation all the
while, the applause was polite and it seemed there was more attention paid to
eating and drinking than to the performance. It was not just us though: all the
other acts were received in the same way, a restrained appreciation for
something far beneath such a sophisticated guest list.
Still, the coins we were
paid with this time were of gold. . . .
As we came out into the
courtyard we all breathed in the clean, cold night air with relief. All but a
couple of the braziers had been extinguished and someone was unfastening the
heavy gates for us, just as a shout came from away to our left, and a figure
ran at us, followed by a half-dozen others. I stopped, bewildered; it was the
man I thought I had seen somewhere before, but now he was yelling out something
over and over again. Ky-Lin hissed urgently in my ear: "Run, girl, run!
Tell them all to run and hide. . . ."
"But why? What's he
"That's the man you
thought you recognized; he comes from the village where Bear's former master
was found dead. They are going to arrest you and Dickon on a charge of
Chapter Fourteen
I opened my eyes:
I shut them tight again,
screwed them up, rubbed them with my knuckles, opened them again.
Nothing. Black as pitch.
If I wasn't so cold and
it didn't hurt when I pinched myself, I might have thought I was still asleep
and dreaming, or in that muddled half-awake situation children find themselves
in sometimes when nothing makes sense. Once—I think I was six or seven at the
time—I found myself trying to pull up the earthen floor of the hut in which my
mother and I lived, in the mistaken belief that it was a blanket. I had fallen
out of bed but the fall had only half woken me, so I thought I was still there.
I remembered crying with the cold and frustration, then Mama had leaned over
and plucked me to her side again, scolding me heartily for waking her. . . .
I wanted my Mama again,
right now, scolding or no. I wouldn't have cared if she had thrashed me—the
physical blows wouldn't have counted against the warmth of contact with another
human—but she was long dead and I was alone, totally alone, in a mind-numbing
darkness that froze my mind and made icicles round my heart.
I hadn't even got the
comforting presence of Ky-Lin: he had disappeared together with the others.
In the confusion of that
sudden attack in the courtyard we had all become separated. The gate was
half-open, I had shouted a warning, and a white-faced Dickon had been first
away, followed by a bewildered Bear. I felt Ky-Lin leap from my shoulder, heard
Growch growling and barking at my feet and was conscious of Tug trying to fend
off my attackers. Somebody had grabbed the boy by his jacket, but he twisted
free and punched someone else on the nose. Growch had another aggressor by the
ankle and was being shaken like a rat, and a guard tried to catch me by the
"Run, you idiots,
run!" I yelled. "Watch the gate!" Which was already being closed
again. I started off for the narrow gap that remained; ten feet, five, four. My
hands touched the thick oak, I pushed with all my might, Growch squeezed
through, then suddenly I tripped, fell flat on my face and was immediately
pinned to the ground by half a dozen men. Fighting to keep my head clear, I saw
the gate clang to, followed by a flying leap from Tug, who seemed to run up the
ten feet or so like a cat scaling a wall, to disappear over the top.
So at least Tug, Growch,
Bear and Dickon had a chance of escape, although I had no idea of Ky-Lin's
whereabouts. Knowing how violence of any kind was anathema to him, I wondered
if he had hidden himself away somewhere; wherever he was, I could certainly
have done with his help during the next hour or so.
I had been hauled into
the palace again, but this time to a small windowless antechamber, in which I
was ruthlessly questioned, my accuser and his friends pointing the finger of
guilt; a senior palace official tried to get a statement out of me. Impossible,
of course: without a translator we couldn't understand each other at all. In
any case I was so bruised, battered and confused by now, that I doubt I could
have said anything sensible in any language.
My brain seemed to have
gone to sleep, and after three hours we had gotten nowhere. For the moment it
seemed it was one person's accusation against my silence, for my accuser was
treated no better than I; finally we were both marched along endless corridors,
down steps, across a winding walkway and finally into what could only be the
dungeons. Then we were separated: my accuser went one way, I went the other, to
end up in front of a low, barred door. The bolts were drawn, the door creaked
open and I was flung headlong onto a pile of filthy straw; the door clanged
shut and the bolts were drawn with a dull finality. Something was shouted from
outside, and the footsteps marched away, their sound to be smothered all too
soon in the darkness of the thick walls.
The stench of the cell
was terrible. At first after I got to my feet I wasted my breath calling and
shouting, but the air was so thick my voice lost itself in the gloom, and there
was no answer. Next I felt my way all around the cell—with, strangely enough,
my eyes shut: it seemed easier that way—only to find it was empty of all but a
rusty ring on one wall with a chain dangling from it and a small drain in the
floor, presumably for excreta. I must have spent an hour trying to find a way
out, but in the end had sunk to my knees in the filth, as miserable as I had
ever been in my life.
And what of the others?
Dickon had got away and was capable of looking after himself, but Bear was too
large and clumsy to hide. Tug and Growch would probably come looking for me,
but what could a boy and a dog do on their own? And what had happened to
Ky-Lin? I had not seen him at all and he was so small that someone might have
trodden on him—But I could not bear to think of that.
I had no idea of time,
for in that fetid darkness my inside body-clock seemed to have stopped; I found
I could no more judge either time or distance.
My ears caught a sound:
a tiny, scratching, rustling noise. My God—rats! No, I couldn't stand rats, I
couldn't! There it was again. . . .
Rising to my feet I
shuffled backwards until my trembling hands touched the damp wall. I listened:
nothing, except a distant irregular drip of water. I must have imagined it. I
took a deep breath, tried to relax. I counted to a hundred slowly under my breath.
No sound—Scratch, scritch . . . thump!
I screamed: I couldn't
help it. The sound bounced back off the walls in a dead, muffled tone. No one
could hear me—I opened my mouth again—
"Steady there,
girl," came a small voice. "It's only me. Quite a jump down—"
"The same. Now,
stand still, and I'll find you. . . ."
There were further
rustlings and a moment later something touched my ankle. I bent down and found
a plumed tail.
He was now puppy-sized.
"It seemed like a
good idea. Better for getting around. There was a lot to do before we could get
to you."
"Tug, Growch, and
myself. Bear was willing to help, but we left him guarding the money and
baggage. All safe. Now, just listen; in another hour or so—"
"How did you get
in?" I interrupted. The door was solid and I hadn't found the smallest
space anything could crawl through. "How did you find the others? Where
are they? Where's Dickon?"
"In what order am I
supposed to answer these questions? Perhaps in reverse. The young man has
disappeared: I smelled his fright as he ran—"
Typical Dickon, I
thought. Keen for gold, coward for danger.
"The bear went back
to your lodgings. I had climbed onto the boy's shoulder when I left you; we had
to persuade the dog to follow us: he was all for staying by the gate."
Typical of Growch too:
loyal and devoted, whatever the danger.
"We packed your
belongings and moved them to a safe place. The boy went away to arrange certain
matters and is less than two hundred yards away with the dog. As to how I got
in? Through the window."
"What window?"
I stared around once more. "I can't see any window!"
"Perhaps because
you are not looking in the right place. Besides, there is no moon."
"Look to your right
. . . no, much higher, to twice your height. Keep looking; let your eyes get
accustomed to the dark. There now: do you see it?"
Yes, now I did. A
grayish sort of oblong. Like all things, obvious once you knew where they were,
I wondered how I could have missed it earlier. I stared and stared, with
growing hope, until I got dancing specks in front of my eyes. Specks . . . and
"But—there are bars
across! You might be able to squeeze through those, but I couldn't. Besides,
it's miles too high to reach!"
"Don't exaggerate!
We've thought about all that."
"You're sure?"
"Sure." He
hesitated. "At least . . ."
least—what?" Hope received a dent.
"If everything goes
according to plan. Don't worry! If plan alpha doesn't work, we can
always go to plan beta."
"If I don't get
away from here before morning they'll probably haul me up for questioning
again, and I'll need you to translate. And you can't hide in my cloak if you're
as big as—"
"There is another
hour until the false dawn, and now is the time when everyone sleeps deepest. That's
why we chose it." He interrupted. "And now, if you will excuse
"Don't go!" I
was going to panic again, I knew it.
"Courage, girl! We
have things to do. Firstly, put the Waystone in my mouth—that's it. Now lift me
to your shoulders and bring me under the window. . . ."
He was much heavier now,
and the spring he took from my shoulder nearly knocked me to the floor. I
stared upwards, and could make out a darker shape against the outline of the
window. He appeared to be doing the same he did with the bear's nose ring:
stroking the iron bars in one direction. It seemed to take an age.
"Shhh . . ."
I shushed, for what
seemed a lifetime. At last the scraping noise stopped. "That should do it:
catch!" The Waystone dropped into my cupped hands. "Can you climb a
"I don't know. . .
." I never had.
"Well, now's the
time to find out!"
Something touched my
face and reaching out a hand I found I was clutching a knotted rope. Looking
up, I thought I detected movement, a muffled whisper, but still eight bars
stood between me and freedom. It must be getting lighter, because now I could
make them out quite clearly.
"Wait for a
moment," breathed Ky-Lin. "But when I say 'move!' you move!"
A moment's pause, a
straining noise, a muffled thud of hooves, and the first bar snapped cleanly
away from the window. Two minutes later another, then a third. The fourth broke
only at the top.
"Now!" said
Ky-Lin urgently. I grabbed the rope tight, wrapped my legs around it and tried
to pull myself up. The rope swung wildly, I made perhaps a couple of feet,
banged hard against the wall, let go and dropped heavily to the floor of the
cell. I didn't even manage a foot of climbing before banging my knuckles against
the slime of the walls and falling down again.
"It won't work. . .
." I was desperate.
"Wait. . . ."
What seemed like a
muttered conversation took place above, then Ky-Lin called down: "Wrap the
rope around your waist, hold it tight in your hands, and hang on!"
I swung out and in
against the wall, almost fainting at one stage from the pain of a bruised
elbow, but gradually I was being hauled higher and higher. At last, when I
thought the strain was too great and I would have to let go, a pair of hands
gripped my wrists and pulled me up the last few inches till my shoulders were
level with the window.
"Tug . . . !"
With his hands to help
me I tried to wriggle through the space left by the missing bars. At first it
was easy, and I was halfway through and could just make out, in the grayness
that preceded the false dawn, a courtyard and a couple of the Plainsmen's small
horses, ropes around their necks. At last I was breathing fresh air again, and
Growch's eager tongue lapped at my cheek. Another pull, I was nearly there—and
then I stuck.
That last bar, the one
that had only broken halfway, was lodged against my hip, and I couldn't move.
Tug tried to maneuver me past it, but it was hopeless. At last Ky-Lin slipped
in beside me and pushed sideways as Tug pulled, and with a final jerk I was
free, minus some trouser cloth and skin.
But there was no time to
feel sorry for myself. I was shoved onto one of the horses. Tug led both out of
the gates, then went back to bolt the gates on the inside, climbing back out when
he had finished.
"That courtyard is
where prisoners' friends are allowed to bring the food," explained Ky-Lin.
"They are fed through the bars. For most that is all they get. The boy has
bolted the gates so they will think you escaped by magic—or flew away with the
dragons—and nothing will be traced back to his people."
The sky was lightening
perceptibly as we moved silently through the deserted streets, the horses'
hooves muffled with straw, to one of the smaller gates in the city wall. A few
early fires smudged the clear, predawn air, a child whimpered somewhere, a dog
howled, but that was all.
A smaller gate it might
be, but it was still some twenty feet high, bolted, barred and with an enormous
keyhole that could only encompass an equally enormous key. I knew these gates
were not opened until the dawn call from the muezzin, and feared that if we
lingered here my escape might be discovered. Besides which, we were a motley
enough collection that any guards would remember, for at that moment two of Tug's
people came to join us on horseback, Bear ambling amiably behind. Our packs
were fastened on the horses.
I gazed fearfully at the
gate house, expecting the guards to emerge any moment and tell us to be about
our business; instead, Tug dismounted, went over, opened the door and a minute
later reappeared with a key almost half his size. Over his shoulder I could see
the two guards lying in a huddle on the floor.
"Sleepy Dust,"
said Ky-Lin, his tail fluffed out. "Good for another hour at least. . .
With a struggle Tug and
his fellows managed to slide back the bolts and bars and manipulate the key; we
slipped through the gate and there was a straight road leading north. Tug
stayed behind to close up again and return the key, before scaling the gate and
rejoining us on the road.
"Right!" said
Tug, in my tongue. "Now ride. Slow first, then faster."
Once the city was out of
sight behind a curve in the dusty road we quickened our pace; as we rode we
shared rice cakes and a flask of water but there was no slackening until the
sun was at its zenith, when Tug led us off the road into a stand of trees.
Behind the trees was a
tumbledown, deserted hut, and Bear collapsed into the shade, closely followed
by Growch. Tug dismounted and helped me down, bumped and bruised from the ride,
my hip aching from the scrape against the broken bar in the cell. Tug's friends
dismounted, took the muffles from all four horses' hooves and led them over to
a nearby stream to drink. Our baggage they put in the shade. I drank deep of
the clear, cold water then lay down in the winter sun, glad of the transient
warmth. I felt I could sleep for a week. . . .
"Anyfin' to
I don't think I could
have roused myself even for Growch's plaintive plea, but luckily Tug and his
friends had lit a discreet fire and we were soon eating cheese, strips of dried
meat and pancakes.
Tug pointed to the road
ahead. "Bear's way," he said. "Keep to trail during day, not
roads. Bear will soon sniff way. We go now." He bent and put his forehead
to my hands. "My freedom—your freedom. It is right. When I man, I travel
much. Good for learn better things my people."
I didn't kiss him
good-bye, although I wanted to; I just ruffled his hair, waved, and listened to
the sound of hooves as he and his followers rode away out of my life.
Just before I fell
asleep, Growch already snoring at my side, Ky-Lin at my feet, I asked the
latter a question that had been bothering me.
"Ky-Lin . . . if
plan alpha had failed, what was plan beta?"
"Plan what?"
"Beta. You told
"Oh that. I haven't
the faintest idea, but we would have thought of something. Alpha, beta, gamma,
delta . . . Now that really would have been a test. . . ."
Chapter Fifteen
As far as I knew, we
were never followed. It would have been difficult for the townspeople to trace
our route, even if they had bothered. Probably it was as Ky-Lin had surmised:
they would think I had had magic to help me escape, and you can't chase magic.
I slept—we all slept—for
the rest of the day and the ensuing night, waking cold, hungry, but thoroughly
rested. Tug had left us provisions, so we broke our fast with gruel and honey,
cheese and dried fruit.
Bear was eager to be
away, declaring in his slow way that we were on the right road for his
homeland. He sniffed the air, sneezed, then shook himself like a dog just out
of water, his pelt rippling like a loose furry robe.
"Not far," he
said, and sneezed again. "Air smells good. Woods, rivers, mountains."
Fine. The sooner the
better as far as I was concerned, then we could take the more northern route to
where I hoped I would find the Blue Mountain. Right at this moment, though, I
couldn't see how we were going to move an inch further. I had repacked our
baggage and rescued our money—including the gold from the palace performance—from
Bear and tucked it away. I thought I could just about manage my pack, though
how far I could carry it in one day was doubtful, but there was another
problem. Tug had left us provisions, obviously believing we would find villages
few and far between the farther we travelled, but now I looked with dismay at
the sack of rice, the smaller ones of beans and oats, the pack of dried fruit,
another of dried meat, a half of cheese and the three jars of salt, oil and
Now there was no Tug or
Dickon to share the burdens. I thought of Bear: he was big enough and strong
enough to carry the burdens, but he was too unpredictable in his mode of
travel. Sometimes he was content to lope along by my side, but he would often
go off on his own for long periods of time, searching for grubs, roots, and
honey. During one of these foragings he would be quite capable of forgetting
his burdens, or dropping them, or just leaving them behind.
I scratched my nose;
perhaps I could fashion a litter, or a form of sleigh, but they would have to
be pretty tough to withstand the terrain. Perhaps Ky-Lin could think of
something constructive.
But once again, he had
read my mind and was now shaking his head from side to side in self-reproach.
"Aieee! What a fool I am! If only we could all exist on fresh air . .
." He pulled himself together. "But we don't and can't, so there is
the little matter of carrying the provisions is there not?"
"Not exactly a
'little' matter," I said. "There's enough there for a small
"Of course! Exactly
what I had calculated. And I must now work twice as hard for not having
anticipated all this, otherwise my Lord will be displeased. . . . You will
excuse me for ten minutes, please?" and he disappeared into the
undergrowth. Perhaps he had gone to look for some wood to build a litter, I
thought; in any case, he had no need to reproach himself for anything; he had
organized our escape, designed our performances and been a cheerful companion
in all our journeying. And even now, running off like that, he had moved from
stone to rock, in order not to even bend a blade of grass. His Lord was surely
a hard taskmaster. On the other hand, the idea of not harming anything living
if one could help it appealed to my soft heart. I should—
" 'Elp! 'Elp! Go
'way! Geroff!" and Growch burst into the clearing, barking wildly, closely
pursued by what looked like a running rainbow, about four times his size.
I leapt to my feet and
snatched up the cooking pot, now fortunately attached to the other implements,
but at least it made a satisfactory clanging noise. Both Growch and the
apparition stopped dead. Pulling out my little knife and wondering where the
hell Bear had disappeared to, I walked slowly nearer.
"Now then, what do
you—my God! Ky-Lin!—but you've grown . . . ! Growch, it's all right:
just turn around and look!"
Instead of the
puppy-sized Ky-Lin, there stood a creature the size of a small pony, perhaps as
high at the withers as my waist. He looked extremely diffident, in spite of his
new size, for parts of him hadn't grown as quickly as the others. No longer
neat and petite, he was now large and untidy. The only completely perfect part
of him was his plumed tail, with a spread now like that of a peacock.
He looked down and
around at himself.
"It's a long time
since I did this," he said apologetically. "Unfortunately it would
seem that not everything changes at the same rate. Perhaps a grain or two of
rice, or a little dried fruit . . . Thank you."
Almost immediately the
shortest leg at the back grew to the right size.
"A little
more?" I asked.
Ten minutes later and he
was more or less all of a piece, except for a smaller left ear, a bare patch on
his chest and extremely small antennae.
"A couple of days
and everything will be as it should," he said. "I hope. . . ."
He glanced at the packs of food. "And now, if you would load me up please?
If you would put the spare blanket on first, I would find it more comfortable,
and I could manage the cooking things as well."
I tried to balance the
load as evenly as I could.
"Have you . . . ?
Can you . . . ? Do you do this often?"
"Bigger and
smaller? Let me think. . . ." I could almost hear the sound of the mental
tally sticks flying. "This will be the seventy-ninth time bigger. Three
times with you: figurine to mouse-size, then puppy-size and now what you want,
pony-size. Smaller? Fifty-three times. I think that's right."
"Try notchin' yer
'ooves," said Growch. He was still behaving in a surly way, just because
he'd allowed himself to be panicked, and had let me see it.
"I couldn't do
that," said Ky-Lin seriously. "They are living tissue and I mustn't
harm anything living, you know that."
"Funny way o'
thinkin' . . ."
"Well then, what is
your philosophy of life, dog?"
"Filly—what? Oh,
you means what life is? Life is livin' the best way you can for the longest
time you can manage. Grab what you can while you can, is me motto. An' that
includes nosh. Catch me eatin' rice an' leaves when there's rats and rabbits!
Anyways, it don' make no difference when you're gone."
What a contrast! One
striving for (to me) an impossible state of perfection, the other living only
for the day. And I suppose I was somewhere in between. But even I was having
rebellious thoughts about what I had been taught. After all I had experienced I
couldn't imagine a happy Heaven without my animal friends somewhere around. And
think how sterile it would be without trees and flowers, streams and lakes, sun
and rain? Hold it, I told myself, crossing myself guiltily. God knows what He's
doing. Would the Jesus who considered the beauty of the lilies, who knew where
to cast a fisherman's net and admired the whiteness of a dog's teeth expect us
to live without natural beauty in our final reward?
Bear made no comment
when he saw Ky-Lin's change of size. As I said, he was a very phlegmatic bear.
We set off west by
north, using the Waystone and a fixed point every morning. We used mostly
trails, but also the occasional road, though these were few and far between,
only existing between villages, which also became scarcer. Money meant little
out here in the wilds, so if we came to a village Bear danced for our supper,
Ky-Lin keeping well out of sight to save scaring the children.
It was Bear also who was
adept at finding shelter for our nights in the open: a cave, an overhang of
rock, a deserted hut—we usually stayed warm and dry. Without realizing it, the
turning of the year passed us by, and it grew imperceptibly lighter each day.
Careful as I was with
our food, our stores diminished rapidly, for the villagers had little to spare
and had no use for our money, relying on the barter system. Hens don't lay in
winter, and their stores of grain, beans, cheeses, and fruit were all
calculated to a nicety for their own needs. Now of course, Ky-Lin was eating as
befitted his size and work load, so I sent Bear foraging. He seemed to find a
sufficiency for himself, so I hoped for something to supplement our diet. Nine
times out of ten I was disappointed because he either hadn't found anything
extra, or had eaten it or just plain forgotten, but occasionally he returned
with a slice of old honeycomb, a pawful of withered berries or some succulent
roots which I baked or boiled.
There was one thing he
was excellent at, however, and which helped our diet considerably, but we only
found that out by accident.
One morning we came to a
small river swollen by melted snows. It wasn't deep, perhaps three or four feet
at most, but it was wide, probably a hundred feet across, rushing busily over
stones around rocks, forming swirling pools and mini-rapids. I turned
downstream to find an easier place to cross; no point in getting the baggage
" 'Ey-oop! Just
look at that!" Growch's voice was full of genuine wonder. I turned, just
in time to see Bear flipping a fat fish from the shallows and swallowing it
whole. "That's the second one. . . ." He was salivating.
I ran back along the
bank, just in time to see Bear miss number three. He growled with
disappointment and turned away.
"Can you do that
He stared at me, his
little eyes bright as sloe berries. "If I want fish."
"Well, want!"
I said. "Did it never occur to you that we should like some, too?"
He stared at me.
"You not like grubs and beetles I bring. Should ask."
"You eat our gruel
and rice: we like fish. I ask now, to try."
He caught two more and I
cleaned and grilled them over a small fire for our midday meal. They were
delicious. After that, whenever we came across a stretch of water we encouraged
him to go fishing. All he caught didn't look edible to me, but he wasn't fussy
and ate the rejections as well. A couple of times we even had enough to barter
for salted meat or beans, and we ate tolerably well.
The mountains came
nearer to the north and west of us, the terrain was rougher and the air colder.
Growch and I tired more easily, though Ky-Lin seemed unaffected, and Bear was
positively rejuvenated. He bounced ahead of us most days, sniffing, grubbing,
rolling in the undergrowth, snatching at leaves like an errant cub, splashing
noisily through any water we came across, eating like a pig and snoring like
one at night, too.
I reckoned we must have
covered near three hundred miles since we left the Golden City when we stood on
a wide ridge and looked down on a limitless land of forests, rivers, lakes and
crags. Not a village or hamlet to be seen, no sign of human habitation for
Bear sniffed deep, then
reared up on his hind legs, to tower over all of us.
"My land," he
said. "Start here, go on forever."
I smiled at his
enthusiastic certainty. "Then we can leave you here?"
He sank down on his
haunches. "Be with me until I find cave to sleep for rest of the cold, and
I find you food to take with you. My country; I find fish and honey."
Near though the woodland
had seemed, it took us two days to reach the forest proper, and as we came to
the more thickly carpeted ground it was a difficult time for poor Ky-Lin, sworn
as he was not to tread on anything living. Once under the trees it was easier
for him; they were mostly pine and fir, and the dead needles made a nice carpet
for his hooves.
Three days later Bear
found his cave. Entered through a narrow cleft that widened out into a cozy
chamber behind, it had not been occupied for years, judging by the thick drift
of leaves that had piled up. The cave was situated at the foot of a bluff; in
front the land stretched down to a thick stand of conifers and a stream
trickled away to the right. An ideal hibernation place for a winter-weary bear.
He grunted with
satisfaction. "Stay here till spring. You need fish. Go get, you light
fire. Stay here tonight."
And off he trotted. True
to his earlier word he had found us honeycombs and half a sack of nuts. He had
obviously spied or smelled some water, so we could stock up with fish as well,
God willing.
I dithered over lighting
a fire inside the cave or out, but decided on the latter, reckoning that
lingering smoke might disturb our night's sleep. There was plenty of wood and I
filled the cooking pot from the stream and set it on to boil with salt, herbs,
and some wild garlic I found growing nearby. It all depended on what Bear
brought back, but if the worst came to the worst I could chuck in some rice and
dried meat.
Just as I sat back on my
heels, enjoying the warmth of the fire, and Growch had come to lean against me,
there came a noise, and simultaneously my ring gave a sharp stab. Growch
stiffened, Ky-Lin's antennae shot out in the direction of the forest and I
sprang to my feet. It wasn't Bear, it was men's voices I had heard.
There it was again: voices,
crackle of twigs, a laugh.
"Quick! Back in the
cave, Ky-Lin. Growch, stay with me." There was no point in us all
retreating to the cave; the fire was sending up a thin plume of smoke and
whoever was out there would soon be coming to investigate. I didn't fancy being
trapped in a confined space, but they might miss Ky-Lin if we hid him away. If
we were lucky it might just be a couple of hunters, but my ring was still
sending out warning signs and the hair had risen on Growch's back.
He growled. "There
they are. . . ."
There was a shout,
another, and three figures stood at the edge of the pine trees and gazed up the
short slope towards us. I ignored them, putting more kindling on the fire and
stirring the pot, although my hands were trembling.
"They look bad 'uns
to me," muttered Growch. "Rough. Got weapons, too. Better run . .
Where to? The bluff was
too steep to climb, the cave a trap.
"Just don't get
into trouble," I urged. "Low profile . . ."
The strangers moved up
the slope towards us, and now I could see them more closely my heart sank. They
were ragged, dirty and unshaven with straggling moustaches and their hair tied
up in bandannas. As Growch had said, they were armed; a rusty, curved sword, a
couple of daggers, a club spiked with nails. They were used to this: as they
moved up the slope they spread out, so they were approaching me from three
sides, their dark eyes darting from side to side in case of ambush.
They came to a halt some
ten yards away and I could smell the rank stench of sweat, excitement and fear.
The one in the middle stepped forward. He spoke, but my heart was hammering so
hard I couldn't hear him, even if I had been able to understand. Perhaps Ky-Lin
was sending a translation from his hiding place in the cave, but I couldn't hear
that, either. I could feel my knees knocking together.
"What—what do you
want?" I asked in my own tongue, but my voice came out high and very
unladlike. They glanced at each other, and the one in the middle muttered out
of the corner of his mouth. He addressed me again. This time I heard Ky-Lin's
"They are asking if
you are alone."
I nodded my head
foolishly, then could have kicked myself. Why, oh why couldn't I have indicated
four, five others in the forest?
They grinned, shuffled
closer, their hands resting on their weapons. The middle one squatted down in
front of the fire, warmed his hands, pointed at the pot and asked a question.
"He asks if there
is enough for all, and where is the meat," translated Ky-Lin.
I tried to smile, but my
face seemed frozen. I shrugged my shoulders and waved at the pot, then at them.
If you want meat, then go get it yourselves. . . . The leader leered at me,
plucked a dagger from his belt and made slicing motions in the direction of
Growch, who was growling valiantly. The man's meaning was plain: no ready meat,
then the dog would do.
I backed away, pushing
Growch behind me, still trying to smile as though it was all some huge joke—but
I knew it wasn't. I thought even I might not be safe if they were especially
hungry; I knew that in certain parts of the world human flesh was considered a
"No," I said.
"Please no! Let us alone. . . ." and I could hear myself whimpering
like a child as I retreated with Growch until my shoulders were hard against
the bluff behind me.
The bandits were
laughing as they closed in for the kill, but suddenly there was a call from the
forest behind, then another and another, as if the forest were suddenly full of
strangers. My attackers drew back uncertainly, and at that moment Ky-Lin leapt
from the cave, his tail seeming aflame with color. I snatched my knife from my
belt and Growch attacked the legs of the man on the right. For a moment I hoped
we could scare them away, but then I realized that Ky-Lin couldn't attack any
of them: he could only frighten. Growch's teeth were sharp but not killers, and
I had never used a knife on anyone in my life.
I saw Ky-Lin dodge a
sword thrust and then be clubbed over the head and crumple into a heap and lie
still; Growch was still snarling and growling and snapping and had done some
bloody damage to one of our attackers; then a boot caught him on the side of
the jaw, he shrieked with pain and somersaulted through the air, to land with a
sickening crack against one of the rocks. At the same time I was caught from
behind, my arm was twisted behind my back and the knife clattered harmlessly
from my grasp to the ground. I screamed, but the sound was choked off by the
hand at my throat.
I could feel the blood
thumping in my ears as the hand squeezed tighter. I couldn't draw breath, felt
consciousness slipping away—
So this was what it was
like to die, I thought: strange but it doesn't hurt that much, it's just
uncomfortable. I was already rushing away down a dark tunnel, a long tube with
a tiny light at the other end, when suddenly everything changed.
The pressure went from
my throat, my breathing eased, but I could feel cold air on my body. As
conscious thought returned I realized they must have been searching me for
hidden moneys, but their rough handling had torn my clothes and revealed my
true sex. Now their handling of me changed in character; they were eager for
something other than my immediate death, they wanted to enjoy my body first.
I struggled now, really
struggled, for the threat of rape seemed far more terrible than the certainty
of death. I could feel the obscenity of their hands on my private parts, their
hot breath on my face, something hard and thrusting against my thigh, and the
more I fought them, the more they liked it. Despairingly I clenched my free
hand, the right, and aimed for one of the faces above me. I missed, but felt
another stab from my ring, my magic ring.
"Help me," I
breathed, "please help me. . . ."
The hands still probed,
my back was naked to the sharp stones on the ground, a mouth reached for mine,
excited voices were laughing and urging each other on, then the whole world
seemed to erupt in a world-shaking sound: an ear-splitting roar like a volcano.
Suddenly I was free. My
attackers no longer threatened. The air was cold on my bruised flesh as I
staggered to my feet, striving to cover my nakedness with the torn remnants of
my clothes.
That dreadful roar came
again, loud enough to make me cover my ears. I looked down towards the forest
and there, coming up the slope towards us, was Bear!
But it was a Bear I had
never seen before. . . .
Chapter Sixteen
Even I was frightened.
Bear stood on his hind
legs, his great arms spread wide, the five oval pads set in a row on his front
paws each sprouting a wickedly curved claw. The mane on his shoulders stood up
like an extra fur cape, but the greatest change was in his head. Usually the
fur framed his face rather like the feathers on an owl, his round ears pricked
forward: now his ears were slicked back to his head, the ruff of fur was gone
and instead there was a pointed snout with lips curled back in a snarl over a
double row of pointed teeth. Saliva dripped down onto his chest and the little
eyes were red with anger.
He roared again, and the
sound seemed to reverberate from the rocks of the bluff behind me, then he
dropped to all fours and bounded up the slope towards us.
Suddenly I was alone.
The bandits were running helter-skelter towards the trees, their weapons
scattered, the air full of their cries of terror. As one passed too close to
the bear I saw a paw flash out and ribbons of cloth and skin flew from the
gashed shoulder of one of my attackers. He shrieked and clasped his arm, blood
dripping through his fingers, but he didn't stop running, though he stumbled
now and again in his flight.
Bear reached me and
reared up, his snakelike head twisting down till he nearly touched me. He
sniffed, and almost too late I remembered how shortsighted he was.
"It's me, Bear. . .
He sniffed again.
"So it is. Smell of them. Heard you call. All right? The others,
then," and he whipped round and shambled off towards the forest, where the
crashing sounds of the escaping bandits were growing fainter.
I pulled my clothes together
as best I could, though needle and thread were urgently needed, found the pouch
that had been ripped from my neck lying close by, then hurried over to where
Growch lay, moaning a little. He wagged his tail however as I lifed his head to
my lap.
"You all
right?" As I spoke I was feeling him all over for breaks or wounds, but
although he winced now and again there didn't seem to be anything broken,
"Ouch! Them's me
"Do they
"Reckon I cracked a
couple." He struggled to his feet, shook himself, groaned, and spat out a
couple of teeth, luckily not essential ones. "You all right? What about
'im?" He nodded towards the motionless figure of Ky-Lin.
He lay where he had
fallen, utterly still. My heart kicked against my breastbone. No, not dear
Ky-Lin! Not after all he had done for us. He had existed for so many hundreds
of years, he couldn't suddenly end like this. I bent over him, the tears
dripping off the end of my nose.
"You're wetting my
fur," came a muffled voice.
"Ky-Lin! You're alive!"
"Of course I'm
alive! Take more than a knock on the head to finish me off!" and a moment
or two later he was up on his hooves again, shaking out his crumpled tail and
straightening his twisted antennae.
"You all right? I
heard your ring call the bear, and I presume he has chased them off. Oh dear .
. ." and he sat down suddenly on his haunches, looking puzzled.
"What's the
matter?" I asked anxiously, for his colors had also faded.
"Long years; lots
of changes; body material not what it was . . . Would you be kind enough to
examine the dent in my head? It feels quite deep."
It was, a cleft running
from where his left eyebrow would have been to the opening of his right ear.
The skin, or hide, didn't appear to be broken, but I wasn't happy about the
bone beneath. Recalling the healing properties of the ring I drew it slowly and
gently along the indentation.
"That's better; a
Unicorn has great healing powers. Dog would benefit too, I believe."
And so he did. I found
some Self-Heal growing nearby, mashed it into a paste, bound up Growch's ribs
and Ky-Lin's head, and they both declared themselves much recovered, though
Growch said the healing process would be accelerated by a spot of something to eat.
. . .
I remade the fire, got
the pot boiling again, and threw in rice and some rather dessicated vegetables
in deference to Ky-Lin's tastes, Growch getting a strip of dried meat to chew.
Where was Bear? There
was neither sight nor sound of him, and the sky was darkening into twilight.
"He'll be all
right," said Ky-Lin. "Why not get out your needle and thread while
you wait? Your clothes are falling to pieces!"
By the flicker of the
flames I was able to cobble together my jerkin, rebind my breasts and renew the
laces in my trews; my shirt was in ribbons, and I used it for binding up the
animals, but I had one more in my pack. First, however, I scrubbed myself with
cold water, determined to rid myself of any lingering taint from my attackers.
It was now full dark,
and the dancing flames threw our shadows on the rocks behind, making them
prance like demons. A larger shadow overtopped us all: Bear was back.
I hadn't heard him
approach, but suddenly there he was, fur smooth once more, his face round and
innocent, in his jaws a couple of trout.
He dropped them at my
feet. "Took long time to catch."
I looked at him. He
seemed as unconcerned as if he had been out for a stroll. Skewering the trout I
laid them across the fire to broil.
"Have you
"Trout. Roots.
I turned the trout.
"What happened?" I was dying to know how far he had chased them, but
knew I would have to be patient.
"Long walk to lake.
Take time to catch."
"No, not that! The
men—the bad ones. Did they all go away?"
He looked puzzled, licked
his paw.
"I called you: you
chased them. . . ."
"Oh, them.
"They won't come
"Not ever.
I breathed more easily.
He seemed very sure.
"All dead. Lives
for life. You help me, I help you. Will have some honey. . . ."
I carved him off a chunk,
although I thought he had said he was full.
"But how . . .
?" I didn't know how to put it, was afraid of the answer.
"Men?" He
thought for a moment. "In ravine. Long way down to rocks. All still."
He turned to the pot. "Smells good. Small portion . . ."
And that was all I, or
anyone else for that matter, ever got out of him, for the following morning he
was so deep in his hibernating sleep that we couldn't rouse him even to say
His deep, rumbling
snores kept me awake that night—that and the various aches and bruises I
nursed. I kept thinking about the complexity of the creature, if one could call
one so simple complicated. The problem lay in me, I finally decided; I just
couldn't comprehend a mind that thought in such straight lines. All that
concerned him was food, sleep, and play. Like all simple souls he could only
hold one thought at a time: once fixed, though, the idea was carried out
ruthlessly, whether it was to catch a fish, scoop out grubs from a dead log,
sniff out a honeycomb, chase a butterfly—or kill a man. And someone as simple
as that would have no conscience, wouldn't know what one meant.
When we stepped out of
the cave the following morning, we realized that Bear had the best of it,
snoring away the winter in his drift of leaves, because the weather had changed
for the worse. A nasty, nippy wind churned the ashes of last night's fire,
whipping the tall grass into a frenzy and driving the tops of the distant pines
into uneasy circles. The sky was gray, flat and oppressive, and looked as
though it might hold snow.
We packed up quickly,
then had to decide in which direction to go. I pulled out Suleiman's map and
unscrolled it on a rock. Ky-Lin bent over it, doing his disconcerting bit of
shaking his head from side to side with his eyes crossed.
"We are too far
west," he said finally. "If we could all fly over the mountains for a
thousand miles, it would be easy. But not even a dragon would go that way in
this weather." His sensitive antennae traced a line to the northeast.
"We need to turn east and find the Silk River, then follow it north to the
headwaters. Then when the weather is better we find the Desert of Death, cross
that, and we are within a few miles—say, a hundred—of our destination."
"Yes," I said.
It sounded simple, and also rather daunting. I didn't like the sound of that
desert, and a thousand miles in a straight line meant many more afoot.
Ky-Lin glanced at me.
"Don't be disheartened; think how far we've come already! The next few
days, till we reach the river, will be tough; but once we get there, there will
be plenty of villages."
He was right: it was
tough. It took over a week of hard slog to reach any sort of civilization, and
by that time we had run out of provisions and were footsore and cold and weary
to the bone. The snow held off, but the winds were fierce and biting, shelter
hard to find and our faces burned from several sharp showers of sleet. It might
be February, but the winter's hold was tightening rather than otherwise. Once
we came to the river it was easier.
Apparently it connected
farther south with another, larger, which in its turn coincided with the
caravan routes, so the boatmen were used enough to taking paying passengers up
to the headwaters, especially with the rivers being so low at this time of
The town at the head of
the river was one that concerned itself with the weaving of plain silks, ready
for transport in great flat barges to the caravan routes. During the winter
months the river was too low for large-scale transport, so the townspeople used
this time to spin the silks, dye some of the hanks and bale eveything up for
the first barges to come through once the melting snows made the river navigable.
We made our way to this town by leisurely stages from village to village, with
a lift here, a boat trip there. Everywhere there were mulberry trees, the harsh
winter making the icicles that hung from their branches tinkle like wind
The headwaters of the
river were a disappointment. No waters gushing from a spring, rather a seeping
from a huge bog that stretched for miles to the north. This was a smelly place,
and I was not surprised to learn that it had been the custom, years back, to
execute their criminals by tying them up with a hood over their faces and
chucking them into the marsh. But the bog got its own back. Eventually the
bodies were spewed forth again in the spring rains, to float away down the
river, providing their own curiosity, for their long immersion in the bog had
preserved their bodies like tanned leather. I saw one once; the clothes were
stiff and shrunken, but the whole effect was rather that of an amateur wood
carving. This practice of execution had been discontinued some fifty years
back, but the odd corpse resurfaced now and again.
The town itself was a
prosperous one with everyone, from children to grandparents, all engaged in
work connected with the silk trade. At one end were the weaving sheds, at
another the huge barns where the silkworms were reared, in artificial heat if
necessary. In between were the huge vats for the dyes, the boiling rooms, and
the sheds of drying racks. Nearer the docks were the baling sheds.
We rented one of the
ubiquitous summer workers' houses; it was like a thatched clay beehive, one
large room with shelves built into the walls for food and utensils, a sleeping
platform, a central brazier and smoke hole, and niches in the walls for lamps.
The floor was covered with rush matting and there were a couple of functional
stools and a low table. Clothes were hung from a pole above the sleeping
platform. No windows, and the door was like a heavy sheep hurdle, to be placed
as one desired.
Once we reached
civilization again Ky-Lin had decided to revert to a smaller size to avoid
embarrassing questions, and now he travelled once more on my shoulder, ready to
interpret if necessary. Coin was acceptable once more so there was no problem
with food, nor with the warmer padded clothing I bought, the kind the locals
wore. My hair had grown quite long, too, as it hadn't been trimmed since we
were in the Golden City, and I adopted the local custom, used by men and women
alike, of plaiting it into a pigtail.
For six weeks the
weather pressed in on us; rain, sleet, snow, gales, frost and ice. The little
house however was warm and dry, raised as they all were from the streets to
prevent flooding, and there was plenty to keep me busy. Mending and repairing,
bringing my journal up to date, going to the market, cooking and cleaning,
buying off-cuts of silk for underwear—luxury!—and yet I yearned for action. To
be so near and yet still so far from my objective kept me in a permanent fret
for the better weather.
Growch, however, was in
his element.
Fortunately for him,
unfortunately for me, he had at last found his "fluffy bums." The
town was full of them. It seemed that every family had one as a pet, and at the
rate Growch was carrying on, there would soon be the same amount of
After the first
complaint from an irate owner Ky-Lin and I put our heads together and decided
Growch was one of the rarest dogs in the world:
With a title like that, who could resist seeing what the puppies would be like?
The bitches were soon literally queuing up and Growch was totally exhausted.
He came in one day, even
filthier than usual, his fur matted and muddy, his stomach dragging on the
ground, his tail and ears at half-mast, his eyes—what you could see of
them—half-closed and his tongue hanging out like a forgotten piece of washing.
"Serves you
right," I said unsympathetically. "It's what you wanted, isn't it?
The reason you came all this way with me?" I jabbed my needle into the
sandal I was finishing off, trying hard not to laugh. "Unlimited sex,
that's what you wanted, isn't it? Well now you've got it, so don't
" 'Oose
complainin'? I ain't. It's just—just I think I've gorra cold or somefin'. . .
"Dogs don't catch
"Well, a chill, then.
Think I'll stay in fer a coupla days. Have a rest."
"All right," I
said placatingly. "I'll give you a dose of herbs, and if you have a fever
we'll have to cut down on meat. Slops and gruel for you, my boy," and I
bent over my sewing again and coughed to hide my giggles.
The transition from
winter to spring, when it finally came, seemed to take place over a couple of
days only. One moment a grim wind blew from the north and the ground was hard
with frost, the next the sun shone, the ice melted and caged canaries were
singing outside every door. It seemed thousands of little streams from the bog
emptied into the river, which awoke from its sluggish sleep and ran merrily
between its banks once more. Bales of silk were loaded onto flat-bottomed boats
and set off southward, but the first trading boats didn't come upriver until
the end of April, struggling against the swollen waters.
The whole town turned
out to welcome the first string of barges, bearing long-needed supplies and the
first of the seasonal workers, many of whom had relatives in the town. Ky-Lin
and I had decided to start our journey north again within the week, so it was
with holiday mood on me that I joined the rest of the town to watch the boats
come in. I noted with satisfaction that the cargoes included dried fruits,
grain, strips of meat and fish and cheeses, all goods that had been in short
supply for the last month and that we would need for our journey.
Goods hauled ashore,
passengers politely clapped and welcomed, bales of silk waiting to be loaded,
we turned for our lodgings, content that the world had started awake again. In
a few days we should be on our way.
"Got you!"
A hooded stranger, one
of the passengers, had stepped from behind one of the warehouses and grabbed me
by the wrist, so tightly I fancied I could hear the crunch of bone.
"Let me go! You're
hurting me!" With my free hand I attempted to strike out at him, but he
dodged the blow, holding me even tighter.
Growch growled
warningly, and the stranger kicked out at him.
"You want to keep
that cur of yours under control, Summer," came the voice again, but this
time I recognized it, and my heart sank.
Dickon had found us
Chapter Seventeen
His explanation of what
had happened to him since he ran away when I was arrested was very plausible; I
think that after all the rehearsal it must have gone through he even believed
it himself.
After I had fed him—and
I admit he needed food; he looked half-starved—and had gone out for a jar of
heady rice wine to loosen his tongue, he settled down on a stool by the
brazier, a second mug of wine in his hand.
"I just didn't know
what way to turn," he confessed. "I went chasing the bear, but he
escaped me—where did he go, by the way? Never saw him again. Good riddance, I
say. If it hadn't been for him murdering his master you would never have been
arrested in the first place."
As I remember it, he had
been running in a different direction from the animal; as for the reason for my
arrest, how could I blame Bear? I had never had my feet scorched to make me
dance. I didn't think it necessary to explain we had returned him to his own
"I couldn't find
your dog, either, but I see you got him back. I saw that heathen boy and his
friends carrying off your baggage, but there were too many for me to tackle.
Once a thief always a thief, I say; I never trusted him."
He took another swig of
the wine.
"After that I went
back to the palace and demanded an interview, late though it was."
Unlikely even a minor palace official would have bothered to get out of bed;
besides, they were looking for him, too. "I begged, I pleaded to be
allowed to see you; I even offered a bribe"—as far as I knew he had no
money at all—"but they said I would have to wait until morning.
"I walked the
streets all night, my mind in turmoil, turning over in my mind the options open
to us. I had little money, no influence, and my command of the language was not
as good as it should be. I thought of you, all alone and helpless in some
underground dungeon—" he leant forward and patted my knee "—and I
wept to think of your suffering."
I'll bet: he probably
spent the night in a brothel. But now he was getting into his stride, aided by
the wine.
"I went back to the
palace at crack of dawn, to find everything in complete turmoil! I found that
you had disappeared into thin air—'flown up into the clouds' was the way they
put it—but of course I knew that was rubbish, even with your magic bits and
pieces and talking animals, so I reckoned that you'd had some kind of help. I
thought, too, that they might recognize me as having been with you, so I
decided to lie low for a while till things settled down; found a nice young
lady who let me stay rent free for a while. . . ." His face grew dreamy,
and he finished the mug of wine. "That's why I didn't immediately come
looking for you. How did you escape, by the way? Bribe the guards? Pick the
"As a matter of
fact," I said stiffly, "that 'little thief' as you called him, and
his friends, pulled the bars from my cell and saw me safe on the road, together
with my baggage, money, and extra provisions. He called it an exchange for the
slavery I rescued him from."
"Oh . . . well, you
never can tell, I suppose. Any more of that wine?"
"It's quite
strong," I said, refilling his mug for the third time.
"I've got a strong
enough head to take piss water like this. . . . Now, where was I?"
"Hiding," I
"Not for long, my
dear, not for long! I found it very difficult to pick up your trail, though; no
one had seen you go, though I realized you must have used one of the gates.
After having questioned everyone I knew, and some I didn't, I remembered those
maps of yours. You know the ones: 'Here be Dragons'?" I wondered whether
he realized he had given himself away by confirming he had seen them. "I
recalled the direction was north, but where? Here I was lucky." He tapped
his nose. "I came across a mapmaker and—for a consideration—was allowed to
take a peek and managed to copy a couple. Here!" He reached into his
tattered clothes and brought out a couple of pieces of rice paper, the folds
marked with the sweat from his body.
Gingerly I unfolded the
scraps, still warm from his body. The first one was very like the ones I had
copied at Matthew's house although with more detail: a couple more rivers and
towns, more routes. The other was far more precise and Ky-Lin, viewing them
from his hiding place on my shoulder, gave a little hiss when he saw it. I
looked more closely. The Silk River was marked quite clearly, although in the
unintelligible (to me) picture scribble they used. Here was our town, mountains
to the north and west, and what looked like a plateau to the northwest.
Dickon was now nodding,
his eyes closed, his body swaying on the stool.
"Keep that
one," whispered Ky-Lin. "That is one we could use. If he won't part
with it, we'll copy it while he sleeps."
But even as I prepared
to tuck it away in my jerkin the mug fell from his lax fingers, his eyes
snapped open and he reached and took the map from my hand.
"Oh, no you don't!
I'm not having you running off on your own again. I have the maps, and we go
for the treasure together!"
"There isn't any
treasure! There never was!"
"Rubbish! What kept
you going all this long time? We've been all through this before, and I know
you're lying."
There was no point in
"If you really
believe that, then go and look for it on your own. As for me, I am on a private
pilgrimage to find a friend and there is no, repeat no, money at the end of
it." I rose to my feet. "There is a spare blanket over there but
you'll have to sleep on the floor. If you wish to relieve yourself there is a
communal latrine at the end of the street."
Later I peered down from
the sleeping platform; he was muffled up in the blanket on one of the grass
mats, snoring gently. Slipping to the floor I made up the brazier and brewed
myself a mug of camomile tea, an excuse in case he woke, though I usually had
one before I went to bed anyway.
"What's so special
about the map?" I whispered to Ky-Lin.
He sipped at the tea.
"Nice . . . The map shows that we are on the right track. It also
indicates the way we must take once we cross the Desert of Death."
I shivered. "We
must go that way?"
He nodded. "If you
can study that map you will see it is the most direct route. The only other way
lies through the mountains, which are notorious bandit country."
I had had enough of
"Then we had better
pinch the map and copy it. Is he fast enough asleep, do you think?"
"I shall make sure.
. . ." He trotted across the floor. I saw him touch Dickon's face with one
of his hooves, there was a tiny puff of what looked like pinkish smoke, and he
trotted back, nodding his head. "You can take it now; I gave him a little
Sleepy Dust."
Together we studied the
map. He pointed to where the town was marked: "We are here." With his
delicate antennae he traced a way around the bog, shook his head and marked a
path across the middle. "Quicker; as I remember there are markers."
I didn't ask how long it
was since he had been this way. "What if they are no longer there?"
"We'll check first.
After the bog the trail winds along that valley bottom to the desert. The
Desert of Death," he repeated.
"Is it—is it that
He hesitated. "I
have only been there once, and I was with my master and the others of my kind.
Then it was not too bad, but you must realize that my brethren can manage on
little water and food if necessary, and my Lord had reached such an exalted
plane of consciousness that he could, I believe, have existed on air
alone." He was perfectly serious. "Besides which, there was a town
and temple halfway across."
"Isn't it very
"Yes, during the
day. At night it can be equally cold. The terrain is difficult too. It is a
bare, arid place, littered with small stones and rocks. It is necessary to
carry all one's food and water; it is not called the Desert of Death for
nothing. However if we take care and prepare ourselves properly it shouldn't be
too difficult. I am sure I can find the temple again, and there we can stay for
a while and stock up with fresh provisions; it is on the only oasis we shall
come across."
He paused and his
antennae flicked across the map.
"Once across the
mountains we are in the foothills of the final range of mountains. Over them,
just there, marked by a circle, is a Buddhist monastery. It looks over a deep
valley, and in the center of that valley there is a conical hill—they say it
could be the core of a long-extinct volcano—and because of the way the light
falls and its distance, they call it the Blue Mountain. In the margin of the
map is written: 'This is believed to be the home of Dragons.' This, by the way,
and whatever your friend says, is an original map, not a copy."
"Then he must have
stolen it. . . ." But I was not really concerned with that; all I could do
was concentrate on that little hill on the map. It looked so near, but also, if
the truth were told, so insignificant a thing to hold all my dreams.
"I saw it once in
the distance," said Ky-Lin, "and it did look blue, but I did not know
then that it was rumored a dragon lair. Come, you should make a copy before he
My hands were shaking so
much both with anticipation and the discovery that my mountain did exist, that
it took me longer than I had anticipated to complete the copy, but we managed
to get the original back in Dickon's clothing without him waking.
"Ky-Lin," I
whispered. "How soon can we go?"
He considered. "The
weather is set fair, new provisions have come into the town, we have the
confirmation of the map . . . two days, perhaps."
"Why not
tomorrow?" I couldn't wait to leave.
"Provisions to buy
and pack for a start; you need to make a proper list. Then we shall need a
half-dozen water skins, more blankets, a length of rope and you could do with a
new pair of strong boots. In order to carry all the baggage, I shall have to
grow again, and you will have to alert your friend to my existence."
I glanced over at
Dickon. "But he's not coming!"
"You don't want him
to accompany us?"
"Certainly not!
We've managed fine without him so far."
"He could be useful
carrying the baggage. . . ."
"I—I just don't
want him along, that's all." I couldn't explain it. It wasn't the sort of
thing you could put into words. I could quote his cowardice, his obsession with
the thought of treasure, his searching of my belongings, the way he literally
seemed to haunt my every move, but it wasn't just that; it was something deeper
and more frightening. Inside of me there was an unspoken dread of him: not what
he was but what he might become. He posed a threat to my future happiness, of
that I was sure, but how or why I had no idea. It was like waking to a day of
brilliant sunshine and being convinced that it would rain before nightfall, but
far more sinister than that. All I was sure of was that I couldn't explain it.
"Very well; if you
can manage the purchasing tomorrow, and the packing, then we'll make it the day
after. I'll tell you again what we need in the morning."
"Can you give him
some more Sleepy Dust?"
Ky-Lin hesitated.
"It is not good for humans to give them too much. Ideally there should be
a twelve-month between each dose. But he did not take much tonight; perhaps a
small dose will do no harm."
From the moment he awoke
in the morning Dickon did his unintentional best to hamper all my attempts to
organize our departure; he was a positive pain, following me round the town as
I made my purchases.
"Why are you buying
that? We've got a couple already. What do we need those for? When are we
setting out? Where are you supposed to be going on your pilgrimage? How are we
getting there? I hope you don't think I'm going to carry that. Are we going to
hire some sort of transport? How much money have you left? Are we going to do
another performance?" Etc., etc., etc., till I could have screamed.
But I knew I had to behave
in a calm and rational manner, as if the last thought on my mind was to escape
from him that very night, so I made up answers to those questions I couldn't
answer truthfully, telling a heap of lies with a smile on my face and my
fingers mentally crossed. Fifteen Hail Marys later . . .
By late afternoon I
think I had persuaded him we would not be leaving for a few days' time, and I
tried to make my frantic packing that evening look like routine tidying up. He
eyed the sacks, packs and panniers with distrust.
"We'll never carry
all that!"
"It's not more than
we can manage; you carry your share, I'll carry mine."
"I shall just look
like a donkey. . . ."
"No more than
usual," I said briskly. "Now, what would you like for supper?"
We dined well, as Growch
and I would be snacking until we had crossed the bog, and we didn't know how
long that would take, so it was chicken soup with chopped hard-boiled eggs,
fried pastry rolls filled with bean shoots and herbs, and chopped chicken
livers in a bean and lentil pudding. I had camomile tea, Dickon had rice wine.
I thought to allay further suspicion by begging for a further look at his maps,
knowing what his reponse would be.
"Oh, no you don't!
I'm not having you learn them by heart and then steal a march on me! Once we're
on the road together you can take another look."
I yawned. "Have it
your own way. There's no hurry. I'm for bed. The clearing-up can wait till the
morning. Blow out the lamp before you go to bed, please. . . ."
I watched Ky-Lin scuttle
out of the door to effect his "change," and lay down, convinced that
I wouldn't sleep a wink, but my eyes kept closing in spite of it: must have
been that heavy meal. Still, Ky-Lin would wake me as soon as he returned. . . .
I woke to broad
daylight, Growch still snoring at my side and Dickon returning with a pitcher
of water for washing.
"Wake up,
sleepyheads!" he called out cheerily.
What in the world . . .
Where was Ky-Lin?
The answer came from
beneath my blanket. "I spend all evening changing to a suitable size, then
find when I return that your ridiculous friend has so jammed the door tight
shut that I can't gain entrance! So, I have to spend more time changing to be
small enough to get back in again!" He wasn't at all happy.
"Sorry," I
whispered. "We'll manage it better tonight, I promise."
But the matter was taken
out of my hands by Dickon himself. That evening I left a stew of vegetables
simmering on the brazier, and suggested we take a walk. I was hoping this would
give Ky-Lin the chance for his change, since we had discovered that the house
next door was empty, and he could hide in there while I ate less and didn't
fall asleep before Dickon, so I could ensure the door was left open.
Dickon, however, had
other ideas. We were wandering through the bazaar examining the goods without
any intention of buying, when I straightened up in front of a stall selling
slippers and found he had disappeared.
Not into thin air and
not forever. On the other side of the road was a lighted doorway, screened by a
beaded curtain still gently swaying as though someone had just entered. I
crossed over and peeped inside. A waft of perfume, smoke from incense sticks,
rustle of silks, a mutter of feminine voices. It was obvious what sort of place
it was. I knew Dickon had no money, so wandered slowly off towards our
lodgings, fairly sure he would seek me out. I was right; I had only gone a
hundred yards when he caught me up.
"I say, Summer: got
a bit of change on you?"
"No. It's
suppertime. Come on, before it spoils."
"It's just that—that
I saw there was to be an entertainment tonight and I thought I might take a
look. . . . There's an entrance fee, of course, and I'd need a few coins for
drinks. Come on, Summer! Life's short enough without missing out on all the
fun! You're a real sobersides, you know: getting just like an old maid!"
Old maid, indeed! I
should like to see anyone of that ilk who had travelled as far as I had, faced
as many dangers, had two proposals of marriage and a dragon-lover! But I
mustn't lose my temper.
I thought quickly. If he
went to a brothel—place of entertainment as he preferred me to think of it—then
he would roll home hungry at midnight and keep us all awake. On the other hand,
if I could drag out supper till around nine, then give him extra moneys, he might
well stay out all night, which would be perfect for our plans.
first," I said. "Then I'll see if I have a few coins to spare. Er . .
. do you think it's the sort of entertainment I should enjoy?"
not!" he said, and added hurriedly: "You might attract unwelcome
attentions. It would be a shame if I had to escort you back just when it
started to get interesting. . . ."
I made sure he had extra
helpings of the meal, much to Growch's disgust, watched him finish off the rice
wine and gave him more than enough coin to buy his choice for the night.
"Don't wake us when
you return. . . ."
I waited until he had
turned the corner, then went to the empty house next door to see how Ky-Lin was
managing. Very well, he informed me, but was there a bowl of rice to spare? It
helped the changeover.
I was too nervous to go
to bed; I reckoned if Dickon was going to roll home before dawn it would be
around two o'clock. At three he still hadn't arrived, so I went for Ky-Lin.
"Any reason why we
can't leave right now?"
"We should wait for
a little more light, but I expect we can manage. Light a lantern, and load me
Less than ten minutes
later we were creeping through the deserted streets and, following Ky-Lin's
lead, found ourselves in the poorer section of town. I kept the lantern as well
shaded as I could, but in this part of town the streets were ill-kept, and we
stumbled over rubbish and filth, so we needed the lantern on full beam. Ky-Lin
was uneasy that someone would see us, but to me the streets were as quiet as
the grave.
The ground beneath our
feet became soft and spongy as we left the last straggle behind, and I was glad
that my new boots had been thoroughly oiled.
"How much
further?" We were splashing through pools of water now, and in the east
the first graying of the sky announced the false dawn.
"Nearly at the
causeway," said Ky-Lin, a large shadow ahead of me. "From there,
about a mile to the first of the markers."
"Can't come too
soon for me," grumbled Growch. "Me stummick is wet as a duck's arse and
me paws full of gunge. When do we eat?"
Some time later we stood
on a relatively dry pebbled causeway. Ahead of us lay a flat, steamy expanse of
what looked like a vast, waterlogged plain, tinged pink by the just-rising sun.
Tufts of grasses, the odd bush, a stunted tree or two, a couple of hummocks
were all that interrupted the horizon, fringed in the distance by the
ever-present and distant mountains.
Ky-Lin was
concentrating: eyes crossed, head weaving from side to side.
"Well, this is it.
I can see the first marker. Shall we go?"
Chapter Eighteen
I was soaked to the
skin. No, I hadn't fallen in the water, nor had it been raining; it was just
the all-pervading miasma of damp that rose from the bog that drenched us all as
thoroughly as if we had jumped in. Ky-Lin's coat shone with droplets of
moisture, like a spider's web heavy with dew, and poor Growch's hair was
plastered down to his body as if it had been soaked in oil. I was not only wet,
I was cold. Although there was a sun of sorts, it had to fight its way through
the steamy mists it sucked up from the stagnant pools all around us.
The ground beneath our
feet was solid enough, thanks to Ky-Lin's instinct; how he did it I couldn't
even guess, for I had seen nothing to guide us. Around us the bog bubbled,
seethed, slurped, belched and burped, an ever-present reminder of the dangers
we faced if we stepped off the invisible path we followed.
No animals, no birds.
Plenty of insects, though; whining mosquitoes, huge flies, buzzing gnats, all
of whom welcomed the chance to land on my face and hands, and Growch's nose,
eyes and bum. Ky-Lin they left alone, as if he were composed of other than
flesh and blood.
We seemed to have been
walking all day but the sun was at less than its zenith when Ky-Lin called a
halt. There was a small, knee-high cairn to our left, and we shed our loads,
sat down and I unpacked some cheese and dried fruit. Growch had a knuckle of
ham which he chewed on disconsolately, deliberately dropping it into the muck
every now and again to emphasize how hardly used he was.
Ky-Lin insisted we
continue our journey as soon as we had eaten.
"To the next
marker, and then perhaps another rest," he explained.
I sighed as I packed up
again. "I haven't seen a marker yet! How do you know where they
"You're sitting on
one," he said. "Or were. The last one we passed was that pile of
peeled sticks, and the first was that moss-covered rock."
"And the
"The skeleton of a
bird with one wing missing."
"But how can you
see from all that way off?"
"Because my
antennae give me enhanced sensibilities—like extra eyes, noses and ears; two
are arranged so they see further ahead; two tell me what goes on at the side;
two what happens behind."
I was busy counting.
"You've got four pairs. . . ."
"The last ones are
for seeing beneath the ground for a few inches, so I don't damage anything
growing out of sight; a germinating seed, a worm, an incubating chrysalis: my
master thought of everything."
"Then you could see
where a squirrel hoarded its nuts?"
"Or a dog a
bone," said Growch, interested in spite of himself in what he had
considered up to now to be a very boring conversation. "Or a burrow of
nice, fat little rabbits?"
"If I could, I
shouldn't tell you," said Ky-Lin. "The eating of flesh—"
"All right, you
two," I said soothingly. There could never be true accord between one who
believed all killing was wrong, and another whose greatest pleasure was eating
red meat.
We had walked perhaps a
half hour more when we came to a division of the ways. To our left the track
had obviously been repaired, and was neatly outlined with stones; the track we
had been following continued ahead, but was now rutted and pocked, with pools
of standing water as far as one could see. Ky-Lin was plodding along the old
path, head down, so I stepped onto the new one and called him back.
"Hey! You're going
the wrong way!"
He turned his head.
"No. I'm not. That way may look to be the right road but it is a
deception. Especially constructed to trap the unwary. Go down that road and you
step straight into a quagmire which will suck you down into an underground
river that would carry you to a subterranean tomb."
But I was tired of him
always being right, tired of the seemingly endless bog, tired of playing
follow-my-leader! "I don't believe you! The road you are taking is the one
that looks like it ends in disaster; why, even now you are nearly hock-deep in
He splashed back to my
side. "Very well, have it your own way. We will take this road. But I warn
you, you are wasting our time."
I felt exuberant, glad
that I had shown an obviously tiring creature the correct route, and for a
while, as the ground beneath us remained firm and dry, my spirits rose still
further, especially as it seemed a more direct route to the mountains ahead,
and although my ring had started to itch intolerably, I ignored it, telling
myself it was just another mosquito bite.
I turned to Ky-Lin who
was some ten yards behind. "I told you this was the right—Ow!"
Walking backwards, my feet suddenly found the path had disappeared and,
scrabbling at the air for balance, I toppled back into the slimy, sucking mess,
dragged down still further by the weight of my pack.
A moment later I felt
Ky-Lin's teeth in my jerkin and I was dragged back onto the path, a sticky mess
smelling like a midden.
I looked back: the open
maw I had so nearly been sucked down into was closing up again, and in less
than a minute the path gave the illusion of being as it was before.
"Better get cleaned
up," said Ky-Lin. "There's a small spring a little way back. . . .
You're not crying, are you? Anyone can make a mistake."
"But you knew
I was wrong: why didn't you shout at me?"
"Ky-Lins don't
"Well they
should!" I sniffed and wiped my eyes with my filthy hand. "We're
friends aren't we? Well then: don't be sweet and gentle and kind and forgiving
all the time. Next time I do or say or suggest something stupid or silly, say
so! Loudly . . ."
"You shouts at
me—" grumbled Growch.
"If I shout at you,
then you deserve it!"
"Not always! I
"All right, you
two," said Ky-Lin, in such a perfect mimicry of my earlier attempts to
soothe him and Growch, that I couldn't help laughing.
"Sorry, Ky-Lin! And
thanks for pulling me out. From now on you lead the way." And next time I
would heed the ring, I promised myself.
After that interruption
it was a real slog to reach the spot Ky-Lin had decided would be our night
stop. Several times, when we reached a comparatively dry spot, I begged him to
stop, but he was adamant.
"There we will be
safe. The ground is dry, but more important is our safety."
"But there's
nothing to threaten us—except mosquitoes," I added, slapping at my face
and neck. "You're not going to tell me there are monsters down
"I do not know
precisely what is down there. But I do know that the place I seek will keep us
safe from whatever could threaten."
So we trudged on. The
sun sank below the horizon, the mist thickened and it grew more chill. All at
once the air above us was darkened by clouds of great bats, obviously seeking
the insects who had so plagued us during the day. They weaved and ducked and
swerved only inches above my head, and I found myself wrapping my hands about
my head, uneasy at their proximity.
"They will neither
touch you nor bite you," said Ky-Lin peaceably. "Those are not the
Then as quickly as they
had come, they were gone.
Everything was quiet;
now the whine of insects was gone there was nothing to break the silence except
the sound of our steps and an occasional suck or blow from the bog itself. It
was eerie.
"You'd better light
the lantern," said Ky-Lin, his voice loud in the gloom. "It's getting
dark, and we still have a couple of miles to go."
Easier said than done.
The air was damp, so was I, and when I opened my tinderbox I couldn't raise a
spark. More and more frantic, my fingers now bruised, my breath dampening the
dried moss, I was ready to cry with frustration.
"Here," said
Ky-Lin. "Let me try." He breathed over the box, and miraculously
everything was suddenly dry, and my lantern lighted us over the last stretch.
When we reached the
marker it was not in the least what I had expected, although it was a place
that was recognizable. There was the skeleton of a bird, hanging upside down on
a roughly fashioned wooden cross, and the whole area, a paved rough circle some
eight feet across, was surrounded by a raised rim of stones a couple of inches
high. Within the circle were a couple of stunted shrubs, one with sharp,
prickly leaves like holly, the other bearing hairy leaves with a sharp, bitter
smell. In the middle was a symbol picked out in white stones, but I couldn't
make out exactly what it was meant to represent.
"Right," said
Ky-Lin. "We can have a fire now, dry ourselves out. The dry kindling and
charcoal are in the left-hand pannier."
In a few minutes the
fire shut out the dark, creating a cozy circle like a room. I reheated some
rice left over from the day before, adding herbs, and also ate some cheese and
a couple of sweet cakes. The food, though dull, put new heart into me. I was
warm for the first time that day, and we were drying out nicely. Even Growch
had stopped grumbling.
"How much
further?" I asked Ky-Lin.
"If we make good
progress tomorrow, then we should be across by nightfall."
"Can't be soon
enough," said Growch. "Never bin so cold or wet in me life, I ain't.
'Cept for now," he added, stretching his speckled stomach to the glow of
the fire.
"Throw on the last of
the charcoal," said Ky-Lin. "And sleep. If you wake, or think you do,
pay no attention to what you see, or think you see."
"Why?" How
could you see something that wasn't there?
"This is a Place of
Power," he said. "And as such attracts both good and evil. But we are
safe as long as we stay within the circle." Searching the ground he found
a couple of discarded leaves from the bushes and threw them on the fire, where
they blazed brightly for a moment then smoldered, giving off an unpleasant
smell. "Lie down, close your eyes. . . ."
I scarcely had time to
wrap myself in my blanket before I was asleep and slipping from one fragment of
dream to another. I played in the dirt in front of my mother's house, drawing
pictures on the ground with a stick; I struggled through a storm to reach
shelter; once, for a startling moment I saw the father who was dead before I
was born: I knew the tall smiling stranger was my father because I could see
him from where I lay in my mother's womb. He had stretched out his hand to rest
it on her belly and through his fingers I heard the resonance of the name he
then gave me, that my mother later denied me: Talitha, the graceful one. My
dragon had known that name. . . .
Another dream—no, this
time a nightmare. I was shut in, enclosed, chained up in the dark, and
something was there beside me, something with scrabbly sounding claws like a
crab, something with fetid breath, something that was crawling nearer and
nearer, something that had grabbed at my arm and was drawing me into its mouth—I
And woke.
And it was real, not a
nightmare. Something had gripped my arm, something I couldn't see, and it was
dragging me over the edge of the rim of stones, down into the stinking depths
of the bog. I screamed again, Growch barked wildly and suddenly there was
light, a flashing light, my jerkin was gripped in strong teeth and I was
dragged back to safety beside a fire blazing up a shower of colored sparks,
nursing a bruised arm.
"You tossed about
in your sleep and your arm went over the edge," said Ky-Lin.
"Whatever you dreamt about awakened one of the creatures in the bog."
"But—what was
"Look." And
there, in the extended light thrown by the still-sparking fire, I saw the waters
of the mere surrounding us stir and shift as strange creatures broke the
surface. Just a claw, a spiny back, an evil eye, the glimpse of a whiplike
tail, then they disappeared again in bubbles of foul-smelling gas.
"Some of these
creatures are blind, some deaf, but all are hungry. They are not necessarily
evil—evil needs an active determination—and that is a concept alien to them.
They will eat you or their fellow creatures, even each other, but they lack
discrimination. You should be afraid of them, but also feel pity. Human beings
have choice, most animals too. They have none."
I shivered. They were
foul, distorted creatures and they made me feel sick. If I had been dragged a
little further I should now be beneath that slime with mud in my lungs, being
chewed into fragments. How could I possibly show pity for such? I wasn't a
saint like Ky-Lin, full of his Master's all-forgiveness, I was just a
frightened human being.
The rest of the night
Growch and I huddled together, both for warmth and for company. I slept but
little, for the creature who had grabbed me seemed to have woken all the rest,
and the waters around us seethed and gurgled, every now and again throwing up a
great gout of water. I heard the wicked snapping of teeth, splash of tails,
queer gruntings and groans. Even worse were the lights. Livid yellow, sickly
green, lurid purple, they shone both above and below the surface. I couldn't
tell whether they were animal or plant or some other manifestation, all I knew
was some of them hovered, some zipped through the air, others hopped in and out
of water like frogs, with a strange whistling sound.
I must have dozed off
eventually, because when Ky-Lin woke me it was light again and, apart from the
mist, insects and unhealthy-looking surroundings, all was as it had been the
day before.
"Let's get
going," I said. I couldn't stand the thought of another moment in that
place. We ate breakfast as we walked, stale pancakes and dried fruit, and made
good progress, although the path, if you could call it that, was almost covered
with water most of the way. At noon we halted briefly at the last of the
markers, so Ky-Lin told us, though to me it looked just like a bundle of dried
rushes. There was little left that didn't need cooking, but even Growch didn't
grumble at the rice cakes and cheese.
But Ky-Lin ate very
sparingly, and kept glancing back the way he had come.
"What is it?"
"Not sure. We were
followed earlier—men and horses, but they have gone back. But there is still
someone back there, I am sure."
"Can't you see
"No. The land where
we rested last night is on a sort of hummock, and that is between me and our
pursuer, if there is one. No one from the village comes further than the
circle, where they used to hold sacrifices and ritual executions—"
"You never told me
"Would you have
felt any easier?"
"So all I can think
He was interrupted by a
scream, a howl of pure terror. In that misty desolation it was difficult to
tell what direction it came from, but as it was repeated Ky-Lin's antennae got
busy, swivelling this way and that and finally pointing firmly back the way he
had come.
There was a further
shriek: "Help me! Oh God, help me. . . ."
"It's Dickon!"
I felt a sudden violent
jolt of revolt. If he were in trouble, then let him get out of it himself. I
didn't want him with us, he had no right to follow, and more and more I felt he
was a threat to us all. I wanted to run away, put my hands over my ears and
escape as fast as I could, leave him to die, but even as I wished it my
reluctant feet were carrying me back along the path we had come.
He was sinking fast. He
had obviously stepped off the path, tried to cut a corner where the trail
twisted back on itself after a half mile and had been caught in a morass.
Already the green slime was bubbling up around his hips, and the more he
struggled, the faster he sank.
He was crying, tears of
pure terror, choking on my name.
I pulled the rope from
Ky-Lin's pack, put one end between his teeth and threw the other towards
Dickon; it fell short, and I drew it back, already slick with green slime. He
started to flail his arms, and sank down further still.
"Stay still, you
This time he caught the
end of the rope and Ky-Lin and I started to drag him out, but it was hard work,
as at least half his body was now out of sight. We at last were making headway
when the rope suddenly refused to move; we tugged again with all our strength
and found we were not hauling at one body, but two: tangled up with Dickon was
a corpse, one of the criminals executed ages ago. The face had been eaten away,
and as Dickon caught sight of the grinning skeleton skull he gave another
scream and let go the rope.
I threw it again and
this time we managed to pull him free, the corpse releasing its hold and
sinking back beneath the slime, throwing up its arms as it disappeared in an
obscene gesture of farewell.
Dickon at last lay on
the path, gasping and groaning, covered in stinking mud and slime. He staggered
to his feet, attempted to thank me, but I had had enough.
I walked away from him
and didn't look back.
Chapter Nineteen
And what is more I
didn't even speak to him until we had finally crossed the bog by last light and
reached firm ground. I let Ky-Lin lead the way and followed close behind with
Growch, paying no attention to the plodding footsteps behind, the whimpers and
The bog finally petered
out into a series of dank pools, bulrushes, bog grass and squelchy mud. The
land then rose sharply into a stand of conifers and we moved thankfully into
the shelter of the trees and were immediately enclosed in an entirely different
atmosphere. The needles underfoot cushioned our tread, the air was soft and
full of the clean smell of resin, and the evening breeze soughed gently in the
branches above.
I could hear a stream
off to our right, so, after unloading Ky-Lin, I brushed aside the needles till
I found some stones, then built a fire from pine cones and dead wood, before
unpacking the cooking pot and going in search of the water.
The stream dropped into
a series of little pools and, after filling the pot, I stripped off and stepped
into the largest one, enjoying the shock of cold water, and scrubbed myself as
best I could with my shirt and drawers, which I washed as well. Ky-Lin had
followed me and drank deep, then stepped into the water and managed to surround
himself with a fine cloud of spray, coming out as clean and fresh as ever.
I was about to don my
clothes again, wet as they were, when he remarked: "The egg is ready to
find another resting place: put it in your pouch for safety. Wrap it in a
little moss."
I glanced down: it had
certainly grown, and looked ready to pop out of my belly button any minute. I
picked it up between finger and thumb expecting it to still give a little, but
no. It was set hard and came away easily. I wrapped it in some dry moss,
promising myself to make a proper purse for it as soon as I could. The pearly
sheen had gone, and it now held a sort of stony sparkle, like granite in the
A nose nudged my knee.
"Where's the dinner then? Fire's goin' a treat, and all it wants is—"
diners," I said, picking him up and dropping him into the pool, leaving
him scrabbling to get out and cursing me fluently.
Back at the fire, which
I noticed had been replenished by a cowed Dickon, I put the pot on to boil,
added dried vegetables, salt, herbs, dried fish and rice, and mixed some rice
flour to make pancakes on a heated stone. A livid Growch came back in the midst
of all this preparation and shook himself all over everything and everyone, so
that the fire spat and sizzled and God knows what ended up in the cooking pot.
Dickon still cowered on
the other side of the fire, a truly sorry sight, his clothes tattered and torn
and covered with drying mud and slime, his face greenish under all the muck. I
enjoyed my first words to him.
"You'd better go
over to the stream and wash yourself. You stink! Wash your clothes out as well:
you're not sitting down to eat like that. They'll soon dry out by the
fire." Then, as he hesitated, glancing nervously at Ky-Lin, who was
resting a little way away: "Go on; he won't bite you!"
"What . . . what is
it?" he whispered.
" 'It' is a
mythical creature called Ky-Lin. He and his brethren were guardians of the Lord
Buddha. He is my friend."
His lip curled in a familiar
sneer, obvious even through the layer of dirt on his face. "Oh, another of
your only-talks-to-me creatures is he? Like the cur, the mad bear and the
flying pig you once had—"
"Not at all!"
I said sharply. "He understands you perfectly and talks as well as anyone.
He's worth his weight in gold, and has been a perfect guide. If it hadn't been
for him I could never have pulled you out of that morass, so mind your manners.
Now, go wash!"
He told me later that
the reason he had been able to find us was that someone from the seedy edge of
town had seen us go, and he had persuaded a couple of horsemen to follow us as
far as the Place of Power. But no further.
"I should have
thought that by now you would have got the message," I said. "We
don't need you; we can manage without your ceaseless suspicions and innuendos.
The only reason you followed this time is because of your obsession with
treasure, a treasure I have told you again and again doesn't exist. I am on a
private pilgrimage to find a friend of mine and Growch has come along to keep
me company."
"And—him?" He
jerked his head in Ky-Lin's direction.
"I've told you that
too. He is my guide and my friend, and I am his mission, if you like."
"Mission, suspicion
. . . All a load of shit if you ask me. Anyway, who's this 'friend' you're
looking for?"
"None of your
business. And there is no place for you where I must go. I have a little money
saved: I shan't need it where I am going, and I'm willing that you should have
it if you will go back." I realized as soon as I opened my mouth that it
was the wrong thing to say. By implying that I was unlikely to need money, it
would only make him more convinced than ever that I was in expectation of
finding more. I think my next remark made it worse, if possible. "I can give
you ten gold pieces."
I still had the money
Suleiman gave me, together with the coins my father had left me—but he wasn't
having those.
I saw his eyebrows
raise, but he was still staring into the fire, avoiding my eyes. The other two
were already asleep, but I had stayed awake in order to have it out with him.
"If it is as you
say," he said slowly, "then it matters little to either of us whether
I go now or stay and see you safe. If I do the latter, then at least I can bear
a message back to Matthew Spicer that I have left you safe and well. I can
still be useful in fetching and carrying and I wouldn't feel I was doing my
duty after all we've been through together if I didn't offer you my protection
while I could."
Oh, very clever! I
thought. Showing merely friendship and concern for my safety, but ensuring he
kept his eye on me—and my money—right to the end. If I hadn't still had this
indefinable feeling that only harm could come from his accompanying us, then I
probably wouldn't have hesitated—but if I didn't know exactly what I was afraid
of, how could I insist on leaving him behind?
"Very well," I
said. "But I expect you to share all the chores and portage. And
don't," I added, "grumble. Wherever you find yourself, or however
tough it gets. I still think you're wasting your time."
"We'll see,"
he said, and by the next morning he was almost his usual cocky, arrogant self,
just as if he had donned a new suit of clothes.
In fact more clothes
were the first things we bought when we came across a decent-sized village. Our
winter things had suffered badly in the bog, and besides the warmer weather was
here and we needed thinner coverings. I bought us both loose cotton jackets and
short breeches, reaching to the knees, and on Ky-Lin's recommendation, straw
hats against the sun. I was going to buy sandals as well, but he advised me to
keep my boots until we had crossed the desert.
As the villages we
passed through were scattered, it didn't seem worthwhile Ky-Lin changing his
shape or trying to hide, so we met a great deal of superstitious terror, but
were better able to bargain: in many cases I believe they were only too glad to
get rid of us!
As we worked our way
through the foothills of the mountains towards our next objective, the Desert
of Death, my spirits rose with each day that dawned, each mile we walked, each
hour that passed. This was the last barrier to surmount, the last real test of
our endurance. And with Ky-Lin to lead the way, what could possibly go wrong?
Suddenly, one day, there
it was, stretching to the horizon as far as the eye could see. Even the
mountains to the north seemed farther away than ever, misty blue in the haze
that hung over the sand. There was no gradual approach; it seemed that one
stepped off civilization into the wilderness like crossing a threshold. One
pace and there you were.
We spent the night at
the last village marked on the map, a tiny place squashed between two rearing
crags, like a piece of stringy meat caught between two teeth. We were
curiosities; very few travellers came their way, but even their awe at seeing
Ky-Lin could not overcome their horror at the realization that we were
intending to cross the desert.
At first Ky-Lin was
reluctant to translate what they said, seated with us in the headman's hut that
night, privileged guests, but I insisted, and he was honest enough to interpret
Did we understand that
it was called the Desert of Death?
Yes, we did.
Did we understand why it
was called thus?
We thought so.
Did we know that no one
returned from such a journey?
There was no call to, if
they were travelling further on.
Then it was our turn to
ask some questions.
Did the villagers ever
venture out there?
Why did they go?
To hunt desert foxes and
Then there must be food
for them, and water?
A shrug was the only
How far did the hunters
go into the desert?
Well provisioned they
could last for a week, over a twenty-five-mile radius. After that there are no
more animals to hunt.
What about other settlements?
Another shrug, then
someone ventured that there were legends of a fabulous city, a great temple,
but . . .
But what?
More shrugs. A long time
ago, many lifetimes. No one came back to tell. Maybe it got lost under the Sand
What are those?
Great hills of sand that
march across the desert, eating everything they come across.
"Are you sure we're
going in the right direction?" muttered Dickon.
"You can always
turn around and go back," I whispered in return.
All the village turned
out the next morning to see us off, and it didn't help one bit that they were
burning incense, chanting prayers, and already looked at us as if we were
"Don't worry too
much," said Ky-Lin. "I assure you that out there, there is a huge
temple and a thriving town: I've been there. It's situated on an underground
river, but there is plenty of water. It was a while ago since I was there, but
bricks and mortar and bronze and gold don't just disappear."
Comforted by his
assurance we made our way to a line of scrub that, the villagers had informed
us, marked the course of a now dried-up riverbed. Ky-Lin frowned a little as he
gazed down at the river pebbles that lined the bottom.
"I remember a river
running here. . . . Perhaps I was mistaken. Still it goes the way we want to,
so let's follow it."
As the sun got higher in
the sky the sweat started to trickle down my face, back and from under my arms.
Five minutes later I saw Dickon drop behind and take a surreptitious swig from
one of the water bottles he was carrying. He and I both carried four, and
Ky-Lin another two, and these were meant to last us until we reached the
temple: Ky-Lin's were for cooking and washing, ours for drinking. I was sorely
tempted to copy him but decided to wait until Ky-Lin called a halt.
By my reckoning this
must have been near noon, and we were now in a shimmering landscape, strewn
with rocks under a baking sun. I blinked gritty eyes, but the shimmering
persisted, like some curtain of gauze billowing out over a scene at best only
guessed at.
"Right," said
Ky-Lin. "Unload me, please, and then start digging."
I had wondered why we
bought two mattocks some days past: now it seemed I was to find out.
Dickon and I queried in unison.
said Ky-Lin firmly. "Every midmorning and every night you will dig a hole,
or a trench, or whatever you prefer, to hide us from the worst heat of the day,
and the extremes of cold at night. During the journey we will travel till noon,
then rest until sunset. Then we shall march again till it gets too cold, and
rest till dawn. That way we shall escape the worst extremes of temperature.
First, a drink for everyone—only a mugful—and after the hole is dug we can
Growch was so exhausted
he just lay on his side, panting, his tongue flapping in and out like a snake
tasting the air, so I served him first, letting him lap the lukewarm water from
the cooking pot. He was so grateful that he showed us the best place to dig,
and even helped for a while, the sand flying out between his hind legs far
faster than we could dig. Once we had dug a reasonable trench we settled down
in it and shared out the rice cakes, dried fruit, and cheese that was to be our
midday meal from now on. At night we should have something cooked, and I would
make enough rice cakes to eat cold at the next meal.
Propping a blanket
across the trench, supported on the upended mattocks, I settled back to sleep
for a while in sticky shade, but saw Dickon once again helping himself from one
of his water skins, and was alarmed to see that he had almost finished one.
Well, he'd get none of mine: I had to share with Growch.
I noticed that Ky-Lin
had eaten but little and drank less; when the same thing happened that evening,
I questioned him.
"I can manage for a
few days; then I shall need rice, water, and salt in quantity."
"Salt? In this
heat? It will only make you thirstier!"
"Not at all.
Everyone needs salt, and you humans sweat it away in the hot sun. Without it
you will become weak and dizzy, and your arms and legs will ache. That is why I
insisted you bring salted meat with you: at least you will receive some that
We moved on again as the
sun sank, a red ball, into the western sky, and kept the same routine day by
night by day. It was very hard to reconcile the great extremes of temperature;
at midday I would have given anything to be naked and blanketless, at night I
could have welcomed two layers of everything. Once the shimmer of heat left the
land at night, the stars were incredible; they seemed to be so much nearer, as
if one could reach up and snatch them from the sky. It seemed some little
compensation for the sting of sweat in one's eyes at midday, and the chattering
of one's teeth twelve hours later.
Have you ever heard a
dog's teeth chatter?
By the third day the
mountains we had left had disappeared into haze, those we were moving towards
seemed no nearer, those to the west invisible. The desert makes you feel very
small: there is too much sky. There is nothing to mark your progress, no trees
or bushes or other landmarks, so you might just as well be standing still, or
be an ant endlessly circling a huge bowl.
When I woke on the
fourth morning and reached for the last of my water flasks, I found it was
missing. I had been careful to follow Ky-Lin's instructions; it would be on the
fifth day that we would reach the temple, and the water must last that long.
There was a full day to go, and there wasn't a drop left! Frantically I shook
the other skins: all empty. I couldn't have dropped the full one, surely! No, I
remembered clearly the night before shaking it to make sure none had
Springing to my feet I
was just in time to see Dickon emptying the last of the water down his throat
and sprinkling a few drops over his head and face. He started guiltily as he
saw me.
"Sorry! I was just
so thirsty. . . . Anyway, it's not far now. We can manage for a day. . .
I struck him hard across
the mouth. "You selfish bastard! You had four skins all to yourself, and
Growch and I had to share! I wish you had never come, I wish you were
"Hush, child!"
said Ky-Lin. "Bring Dog over to me and close your eyes. I will give you
some of myself. . . ." and he breathed gently down his nostrils onto our
faces. "There! You will not feel thirsty for a while."
And it was true. Both
Growch and I managed that day without needing water; somehow Ky-Lin had
transferred liquid, precious water from his body to ours: I only hoped that it
would not hurt him. Magic only goes so far.
That day we travelled
faster and further than any day before, and the following morning Ky-Lin woke
us early.
"By midday we
should be there," said Ky-Lin encouragingly. "Just over that little
ridge ahead and you will see the temple. And then water, food, rest, shelter .
. ."
The struggle up that
ridge was a nightmare. The sweat near blinded me, I ached, my limbs wouldn't
obey me, my throat hurt, I was too dry to swallow. At last we topped the
incline and, full of anticipation, gazed down on Ky-Lin's fabled city.
Only it wasn't there.
Nothing, except a heap
of tumbled stones.
Chapter Twenty
I gazed around wildly,
thinking for one stupid moment that we were in the wrong place, but one look at
Ky-Lin's stricken face told me the truth.
It was Dickon who voiced
all our thoughts.
"Well, where is it
then? Where's your town, temple, water, food, shelter, and rest?"
I had never seen Ky-Lin
look so dejected. For an eye-deceiving moment he lost all color and almost
appeared transparent, his beautiful plumed tail dragging in the dust. But even
as I blinked he regained his color, and his tail its optimism. The only sign of
disquiet was a furrowing of his silky brow.
"Well?" Dickon
was panicking, his voice hysterical. "What do we do now?"
"What happened,
Ky-Lin? There was something here once. . . ."
He turned to me. "I
don't know. I wish I did. I told you it was a long time since I was here. Let's
go down and see. There must be something we can salvage from all this."
At my feet Growch was
whimpering. "Sod me if I can go no further. Me bleedin' paws hurt, me legs
is sawn off, me stummick tells me me throat's cut and I could murder a straight
bowl of water. . . ."
I picked him up, though
my body told me I ached as much and was twice as thirsty, and we all stumbled
like drunkards down the slope to the first of the tumbled wrecks of stones.
When we reached them we found they were not stones but mud bricks, and as I
looked around I could see this was the remains of what had once been a street
of shops or small dwelling places, and as they fell they had crumbled and broken.
Ky-Lin prowled down the
street, looking here, there, everywhere. "No sign of war or pestilence.
This place has been empty for many, many years, but it looks as if they went
peaceably. Everything has been cleared away, no artifacts left about, no evidence
of fire. . . . Let's take a look at the temple, or what's left of it."
Not much. We threaded
our way through other deserted, tumbledown streets until we reached what must
have been a courtyard. It surrounded a partly stone-walled temple, with now-roofless
cells behind, which would have housed the monks. Sand had drifted deep on the
temple floor, the roof had fallen in and the stone altar was empty. No idols,
no incense, no prayer wheels, no bells. Only the wind, shush-shushing the sand
back and forth across the stone floor in little patterns. On either side of the
altar were a couple of stone lumps, now so eroded by sand, sun and wind that
they were unrecognizable.
Unrecognizable to all
but Ky-Lin, that was.
"Here, girl: come
see what is left of my brothers. . . ."
Nearer I could see what
must have once been their heads, their tails.
"Were they Ky-Lins
He nuzzled the stones
lovingly. "Once. But these two attained Paradise a long time ago, and the
monks carved them to remind them of my Master's visit." He sighed.
"At least it shows one thing, all this: the soul outlasts the strongest
"How about getting
your priorities right?" came Dickon's voice over my shoulder. "Souls
belong to the dead: we're living. But we won't be much longer unless you find
us something to eat and drink."
Without cooking I had a
couple of rice cakes, some dried fruit, a little cheese.
"If you will unload
me please," said Ky-Lin, "you will find one small water skin under
the blankets. One mug of water each, no more; the rice cakes and cheese will be
enough for now."
Strange: I had never
noticed that particular water skin before, but then he was Magic. . . .
I shared my cheese and
water with Growch, and although his share of the liquid was gone in half a
dozen quick laps, I sipped mine as slowly as I could, running it over my
parched tongue before swallowing, to get the maximum benefit; behind me I heard
Dickon's water gone in a couple of quick gulps. I went over to Ky-Lin with some
dried raisins and apricots.
"Come, you must eat
something too; we depend on you to keep us going."
His forked tongue, ever
so soft, lapped the fruit from my palm. "Now get some rest. Go into the
shade of that wall. I am going to reconnoiter. I shall return as soon as I
I settled back with my
back against the stone. Just five minutes' nap, and then . . .
And then it was dawn.
Someone had tucked a blanket round Growch and me, and further away Dickon was
snoring softly. I was neither hot nor cold, hungry nor thirsty, and I felt
rested and refreshed. Beside me was a heap of wood, smooth, bleached wood that
had obviously been around for a while. Beyond, Ky-Lin was curled around, fast
asleep, only the rise and fall of his chest showing that he was still alive.
A surprisingly wet and
cold nose was shoved in my face. "What's for breakfast, then?"
I used half the water
that was left to boil up rice, beans, dried vegetables and herbs, on Ky-Lin's
advice adding the rest of the salted meat, and some rather dessicated roots he
had found. They smelt oniony, and looked like water lily suckers. The wood
burned brightly and too fast, with a sort of bluish flame, and I kept it down
as much as I could, for now the sun was high and extra heat was unwelcome. Just
before it was cooked I took the pot off the fire and clamped on the lid tight,
then buried it in the sand so it would retain heat and absorb the last of the
liquid, as I had seen it done in this country to ensure both tenderness and
conservation of fuel.
"And now,"
said Ky-Lin, "we must find somewhere to shelter. I can smell wind, and
that here will mean a sandstorm." He led us through the remains of a small
archway to the left of the altar. Behind was part of a wall and domed roof, and
a set of steps leading down into the darkness. There was remarkably little of
the ubiquitous drifted sand.
"The way the wind
blows here," explained Ky-Lin, "the sand merely piles up on the other
side of the wall. Now, we shall go down the steps to better shelter. Once at
the bottom, if we spread out the blankets, we shall be snug enough."
Something scuttled past
my feet and I gave a stifled scream.
said Dickon. "I'm not going down there, and that's flat!"
He kicked out at the
creature, who raised its stinging tail threateningly and disappeared through a
crack in the wall.
"The ultimate
survivors," said Ky-Lin. "When everything else has disappeared from
the earth, the ants, the scorpions, and the cockroaches will have it all to
themselves. Don't worry," he added. "There are no more down there.
Follow me," and he disappeared down the flight of stone steps.
"You're on your
own," said Dickon, as I prepared to follow. "I'm not going
I fumbled my way down
steps worn smooth by generations of monks. Once at the bottom the air was
pleasantly cool, with only a fine layer of sand underfoot. The light from above
was enough for me to see that this was a little cul-de-sac, but large enough to
hold us all comfortably.
"Come on
"Not on your
life," came Dickon's voice, oddly distorted by the turn in the stairs,
although Growch had already joined me quite happily.
"In that
case," I yelled back, "you can go out and fetch in all the baggage.
And the cooking pot," I added.
I knew he wouldn't, and
it took the three of us to transfer everything to safety, Dickon grumbling all
the while. By the time all was stowed away safely the wind had risen enough for
us to hear even at the bottom of the stairs, and when I went out to retrieve
the cooking pot it was really nasty up top. The wind was whining like a caged
dog, gusting every now and again into a shriek, and with it the sand was
spiralling as tall as a man, blasting into any unprotected skin like the rasp
of a file. The very heaps of sand in the courtyard had changed position so much
that it took me several minutes to locate where I had buried the cooking pot;
it was still hot, and I had to take off my shirt and wrap it in that to carry
it safely, the driving sand stinging my bare skin unmercifully.
I served out half the
contents of the pot; a bowl each, my meat ration for Growch, and half a mug of
water, and as I scoured out the bowls with the ubiquitous sand I wondered which
of us was still the hungriest and thirstiest. Settling down on my blanket, I
asked the questions that would probably mean the difference between life and
death to us. Somebody had to ask; I didn't want to, but it was obvious Dickon
wanted to hear the answers even less than I did.
"What did you find
out, Ky-Lin?"
"I searched the
whole of the ruins while you were asleep. I gave you all a little Sleepy Dust
to ensure you slept for a day and a half—" He raised his left front hoof
as we protested. "Yes, yes, I know; but you needed the rest, and I wanted time
without your worries burdening me. I needed to let my senses roam free.
"This place was
abandoned some eighty years ago. What drove them out was probably the threat of
famine. From what I could determine, the wells on which the town depended for
its water started to dry up, due to the river deep beneath the desert floor
changing course. There may still have been enough for drinking, but certainly
not enough for irrigating their crops.
"Added to this,
there was the unprecedented advance of the Sand Mountains, a phenomenon
peculiar to this desert. The villagers mentioned them, remember? They are
formed by a combination of wind and sand, and move to any place they are
driven. They may not be seen for a hundred years, but given special conditions
they can build up within days, and overwhelm anything in their path. Such a
disaster overtook this town. They had enough notice to move out in an orderly
fashion, so everything portable was taken with them. The monks were the last to
"And where are the
Sand Mountains now?"
He shrugged. "Who
knows? They were not here long, but time enough to destroy the fabric of the
buildings, as you saw."
"Where did the
people go?"
He shrugged again.
"Probably west and north. The way we go. . . ."
Here it was, the
question I had so been dreading. "Any—any sign of water?"
He looked at me with
compassion, then shook his head. "No, I found no trace of water. Not yet,
anyway. That doesn't mean there isn't any."
Dickon leapt to his
feet. "No water, no food—what the hell do we do now?"
"We would do well
to pray. Now, together. Each to our own God or gods." He bowed his head.
"In any case it will concentrate our minds if we are quiet for a few
minutes. Prayer always helps. Focus on our predicament and ask for guidance. .
. ."
I wanted to pray as my
mother had taught me: speak to God direct, she had always said. But she had
sent me to the priest to learn my letters and the Catechism, and it was these
familiar formulas, as comforting as a child's rhymes, that I now found filled
my mind; the priest had taught me that God could only be approached through His
intermediaries, those like Himself. My mother, on the other hand, had never
been afraid to speak her mind, and she told me God was there to be talked to, just
like anyone else, person to person.
I don't know whether she
believed in Him; I think she only believed in herself. I recited three rapid
Ave's under my breath, not thinking of anything really, except the comfort of
the formula. I glanced at the others; Ky-Lin was obviously in communication
with his Lord, but Dickon's hands were twisting as if he was wringing out a
cloth, his eyelids flickering. No point in looking at Growch; his god, Pan, was
a heathen.
But it was Growch who
saved us.
I was in the middle of
my third Paternoster when a sacrilegious interruption destroyed all thought of
"Bloody 'ell!
Effin' little bastards!"
"Sorree! But
what d'you say if'n you'd just been bit on yer privates by a bunch o' ravenin'
"Ants? But—"
Ky-Lin and I had the
same thought at the same time. Ants in a town deserted for many years and
surrounded by an arid desert could mean only one thing: ants, to exist, need
both food and water, however minimal. So, somewhere there was water!
"Move, dog!"
said Ky-Lin. "Slowly and carefully. The lantern, girl!"
At first the flames
flickered wildly all over the stone floor because my hand was shaking so much,
but as it steadied we all saw what had so rudely interrupted whatever Growch
had been thinking about. A double line of ants, both coming and going, the ones
advancing towards us laden with what looked like grains, the others
empty-legged. I swung the lantern to the left; the laden ants were disappearing
into a large crack in the masonry, obviously behind which they had their nest.
The outgoing ones, where did they go?
I swung the light the
other way, but obviously too far: no ants.
"Gently does
it," breathed Ky-Lin. "Back a little . . ."
And there it was. There
was a long, straight crack in the floor, and down this the ants were appearing
and disappearing without hindrance. I brushed away some of the sand, and there
was another crack in the stone, this one at right angles to the first. Ky-Lin
used his tail on the sand as well, and between us we uncovered a full square,
some two and a half feet along each side. It was obviously an entrance of some
sort to an underground storage area, but how did it work? I scraped away at the
center: nothing! I blew at the sand, I scrabbled with my fingers, still
Ky-Lin's delicate
antennae were probing the surface. "Try here," he said, indicating
the corner farthest away. I brushed away the sand and there, recessed into the
stone, was a rusty iron ring.
"That's it! That's
it!" I was now in a fever of excitement. "There must be something
down there, there must!" and bending down I tugged at the ring, but all I
got was red, flaky dust on my fingers; the square had not budged.
Dickon had finally
worked out what all the fuss was about, and exercised all his strength, again
to no purpose except for rusty fingers.
"Let's try this
scientifically," said Ky-Lin. "Neither of you is powerful enough to
shift the trapdoor on your own and I cannot get a grip. Think, my children; how
can we raise it?"
I knew he had something
in mind, but Dickon and I could only gaze at each other in perplexity. It was
Growch, puffed up with his success in finding the stone trapdoor, who provided
us with the simple answer.
"Well, you are a
coupla dummies! Rope, that's what you want: rope."
Of course! And while the
increasing wind raged outside and the sand trickled its way in little drifts
down the steps, we found the rope in the baggage, looped it through the ring in
the floor and, one end tied round Ky-Lin's neck, the other held by Dickon and
myself, we tried once more to heave the square of stone from its bed.
"One, two, three,
heave! One, two, three, heave!" We heaved, we pulled, we jerked, we
struggled, but the damned thing wouldn't shift. We tried again and again, and
finally there was a faint grating noise and it seemed the trapdoor shifted just
a fraction.
"We've got
it!" yelled Dickon. "Just one more heave. All together
Another minuscule shift
in the stone, then it settled back into its square with a little puff of dust.
The ants had disappeared, not surprisingly.
"Once more,"
exhorted Dickon. "Pull up and back this time. Now!"
We heaved as hard as we
could, there was a sudden snap and we all three landed in a tangled bruised
heap in the corner, the rope coiling itself round our legs. I pulled the length
through my fingers, conscious of a bruised shoulder. "But it hasn't
broken. . . ."
"No," said
Ky-Lin. "It was the ring that snapped; it had rusted right through."
I burst into tears: I
couldn't help it. "It's not fair! I'm so thirsty. . . ."
Ky-Lin nuzzled my neck
comfortingly. "Courage. We haven't lost yet." He inspected the broken
ring. "It was weak at this one point. Perhaps it could be repaired.
Remember the bars in your prison, girl? Well this time we shall have to try the
process in reverse. Give me some space; I shall have to think about this."
Obediently we moved
back, and one look at Dickon's stricken face told me what I must be looking
like too. True, we didn't know what we would find down there, but hope had been
rekindled, only to be dashed again by a few flakes of rust. I had never felt so
thirsty in all my life, not even as a child in a high fever when I had cried
and begged my mother for the cool spring water she had trickled down my throat
from a wet cloth.
"Shut your eyes,
children, you too, dog!"
Suddenly I felt the hair
curl on my head, and even behind closed eyelids I was near blinded by a
brilliant light. There was a smell of ozone, of snow, of wet iron. I opened my
eyes to see Ky-Lin momentarily surrounded by a haze of colorless flame. I shut
my eyes again, and when I opened them the ring was whole again, though
considerably smaller.
I stretched forward to
touch it, but Ky-Lin stopped me. "Not yet; it is not yet cool enough. . .
." He looked tired, diminished.
I put my arms about his
neck. "Rest awhile; we can wait."
But it seemed an age
before the ring cooled enough to try; up above it was full dark, and the wind
still howled.
At last Ky-Lin nodded
his head. "This time just keep pulling: no sudden jerks."
Once more I looped the
rope around his neck, once more Dickon and I took up the slack at the other
end. This was it.
"Now," said
Ky-Lin softly. "Pull as hard as you can—and pray. . . ."
Chapter Twenty.One
This time I didn't pray;
I swore.
It made me feel better
as I once more took the strain of the rope, endured the aches in my shoulders
and arms, the rasp in my throat, the grit between my teeth—oh yes, I really
enjoyed that swear, and I used all the bad words I had ever heard, whether I
knew their meaning or not, and included the sort of things one sees written on
walls. In fact I was concentrating so hard on remembering all the words, with
my eyes shut, that I didn't see the stone begin to shift.
The first I knew was
Dickon's mutter: "It's coming, it's coming. . . ."
There was a sudden
slither, a grinding of stone against sand, and the rope burnt through my
fingers. I collided once again with the other two, but this time it didn't
hurt, and I found I was staring down at a black hole in the floor, revealing a
triangular gap and the glimpse of more stone steps leading downward.
With the opening came a
sudden breath of stale air, thick with the stink of rancid oil, dust, decaying
"I can smell
water," said Growch. "There's some down there somewheres. Faint, but
it's there. Shall we go?"
A gap that would admit a
dog wasn't large enough for two adults and a pony-sized mythical creature, so
we had to push the stone trapdoor right away to one side before we could
descend, Ky-Lin in the lead and Dickon and I with the two lanterns. Growch in
his eagerness near tripped me up. I sat down hurriedly on one of the steps,
noticing that even here the sand had penetrated, the only clear spaces being
the lines where the ants had trailed up and back over the years. I had a sudden
idea, which got shoved to the back of my mind immediately I reached the
It was a huge cellar in
which we found ourselves, the stone roof supported by a row of pillars marching
away into dark corners our lanterns didn't reach. The floor was flagged, and on
either side stone shelves lined the walls. Empty shelves, no sign of containers
to hold the water Growch still insisted he could smell. Slowly we walked the
full length of the cellar, the lantern light sending our shadows into black
giants that climbed startled pillars, crept along stone walls, trailed our
footsteps like devoted pets.
To the left and right of
us there were only empty shelves, dust and ancient cobwebs like dirty,
disintegrating lace. The atmosphere was dry and choking and I sneezed
involuntarily, expecting the noise to echo and reverberate, but the cellar had
a peculiar deadening effect and the sneeze seemed to die at my feet. It was
like being stuck behind the heavy curtains of a four-poster.
We reached the far end
and there, ranged against the walls, were several tall clay pots, seemingly
sealed with wax stoppers. My heart gave a bound of anticipation and I rushed
forward, lantern bobbing wildly, my knife cutting hastily through the seals. I
stepped backward, covering my nostrils as a dreadful stench seeped out.
"It's fermenting
grain," said Ky-Lin. "Not fit to touch. Except for the ants," he
added. "This is what has kept them going over the years. With luck it will
last for many years more. They are sensible creatures and will not overbreed,
so perhaps—"
"But where is the
water?" shouted Dickon, coughing and choking, all control gone.
"Don't you realize, you stupid creature, that we will die without it? Who
cares about bloody ants? Fuck the ants!"
"I care about
them," said Ky-Lin severely. "And so should you. I care for all
living creatures, and if you would just realize that those little creatures can
point the way to your salvation—"
salvation!" yelled Dickon. "And fuck you too!" and flung his
lantern full into Ky-Lin's face.
There was a burst of
colored light—red, green, purple, orange, blue, yellow—then nothing.
Darkness. Even my
lantern had gone out.
A brief moment of panic,
angry sobs from Dickon, then a comforting nudge at my ankle.
"You stay 'ere,
nice an' quiet, an' I'll nip up top an' get your lightin' things. Don' move
now," and Growch's claws click-clacked away over the stone floor. A faint
light came from the opening above, and I saw him disappear over the last step.
A moment or two later he was back, and thrust the box into my free hand with
his muzzle.
"Nice bit o' light,
an' things'll look different . . ."
My hands were shaking so
much it took two or three goes before I could light my lantern. I swung it over
my head and saw Dickon, his face all blubbery with angry tears, the other
lantern shattered at his feet.
"I didn't mean to
hurt him," he whined. "It wasn't my fault! He shouldn't have riled
me! Where's he gone, anyway?"
Where indeed? I rushed
from one end of the cellar to the other, my lantern swinging wildly, but there
was no sign of Ky-Lin. Perhaps he had gone up the steps?
Growch shook his head.
" 'E's not up there. 'E ain't nowhere as I can see. Can't smell 'im
I stumbled and fell to
my knees, the lantern nearly slipping from my fingers. I had fallen over
something, a stone, a pebble—
No, not a stone, not a
pebble. A tiny little image, looking as old as the stone from which it had been
fashioned. Tears stung my eyes as I recognized the pudgy little features, the
plumed tail.
"He's here," I
said. "What's left of him."
The stone was cold in my
hand. There was no life here, no flicker of movement. Just the small shell of
what had been a vibrant, loving, colorful creature. Even my ring was cold and
dead, like Ky-Lin.
I felt anger rising in
me inescapably, like the sudden jet of blue flame from a burning, sappy log. I
thrust the stone figure under Dickon's nose.
"You killed him!
You destroyed him with your evil temper! I hate you! I hate you! I hate
you!" I sobbed, and swung my lantern at his head as he ducked.
"Steady on
there," said Growch mildly. " 'E wouldn't 'ave wanted no 'istrionics.
What's done is done. Nuffin's ever truly lost. 'E may be just a bit of stone in
yer 'and right now, but what 'e was is still 'ere. What 'e taught you. Well
then, try and think like 'e would 'ave wanted you to. Pretend 'e's still 'ere.
If you concentrate 'ard enough it'll be like 'e's still speakin' to us."
I could feel my ring
warming up again; looking down it had a pearly glow. Growch was right, wherever
his doggy wisdom had suddenly come from. My anger evaporated. I kissed the
little stone figure and tucked it in my pouch, promising it a better resting
place when I found one.
What would he have done
now? I shut my eyes and concentrated. Looked for water, of course. Just before
we came down here, when I was sitting on the step, I had had an idea, a good
one, I was sure. But what was it? Something to do with . . . Stone? Tracks?
Ants? Yes, that was it. But how could it help? Think, girl, think! Ants,
sand-covered stone, tracks, Ky-Lin saying they had to have water—That was it!
Rushing back to the steps
I held the lantern high, searching for ant trails, but our comings and goings
had made a complete mess of anything I was looking for, and the ants themselves
were milling around in aimless circles. Half-shuttering the lantern, I settled
down to wait.
"What the hell are
you doing?" asked Dickon irritably. "We're wasting time. We should be
searching for water."
"I am."
"What? Sitting on
your arse?"
"Just shut up, keep
still, and be patient."
"I know, I know, I
know!" said Growch triumphantly. "Clever lady."
Which left Dickon in the
dark, especially as he couldn't understand Growch, but seeing us both
concentrating he lapsed into silence. The ants settled down and began their
marching from the nest above. Down the steps in a double line, then—yes, my
theory was correct. The line split into two, one set of ants going off to the
darkness at the rear end for food, the other half turning left, and—
"Under the
steps!" I called out. "We never looked there!"
Behind the steps was a
man-sized space and three shallow steps leading down to a small cistern and—a
thousand candles to Saint Whoever when I could afford them!—it was still a
third full.
The water was clear, but
littered with unwary ant bodies and with a layer of silt beneath, but nothing
had ever tasted so good. We scooped it with our mugs into the cooking pot, then
all of us drank till we were full and I for one felt slightly sick.
Growch rolled over with
a grunt and a distended belly. "Near as good as a beef bone . . ."
A drink seemed to bring
Dickon back to sense once more and cooled his temper for days to come. "We
mustn't stir up the water too much," he said. "We need to fill the
water skins with clean."
Looking at the cistern
more carefully, wondering how the water hadn't dried up long since, I noticed a
darker patch at the back which felt damp to the touch, so there was obviously
seepage from some long-forgotten spring or rivulet behind. Not enough to keep
the temple in water, just enough for the ants—and us. Praise be!
By now it was full dark
above and the wind still whined and shrieked unabated, so we moved everything
down into the cellar and I used what fuel we had left to cook up enough rice to
keep us going that night and the following morning.
We fell asleep over the
meal, but I had had sense enough to remove everything eatable from the ants
though, remembering Ky-Lin, I sprinkled a few grains on the floor near their
trail. Ky-Lin would have done the same if he had been with us, of that I was
sure, making some gentle remark about it being a "change of diet" for
the insects. Anyway, they deserved it: they had shown the way to the water.
The following morning
the wind was gone as though it had never been and the sun shone brilliantly
from a clear sky. We all wanted to get going as soon as possible, but now there
was no Ky-Lin to help with advice and porterage, we were faced with real
problems. The mythical creature had told us that the temple was
"halfway," which meant there were at least five more days of travel
to endure. He had consulted the maps and shown me the route we should follow,
and with my Waystone I thought I could manage that. Burdened as we were,
though, we should probably have to expect at least one more day's travel,
bringing it to six, which would be over the limit for even the stretching of
what food we had.
Well, we could go
hungry, but not thirsty. I spread out everything from our baggage, hoping we
could leave at least half behind to lighten our load, while Dickon carefully
filled the ten water skins. I knew how heavy these were from bitter experience,
but they were essential. But what to leave behind? The remaining food, blankets
against the cold, and mattocks, these must come as well. Money in a belt around
my waist, personal possessions (and the egg) in a pouch at my neck. Cooking
pot, spoons and mugs (I had dismissed the idea of boiling everything up before
we went: in the desert heat it would be uneatable in twenty-four hours); honey
and salt were heavy to carry, but both were necessary. Likewise my few packs of
herbs, the maps, sewing kit and oil: all had their uses.
In the end all we could
reasonably do without was everything we were not actually wearing, the broken
lantern, one blanket out of three, my writing things and my journal. This last
went with me, I was determined on that; at worst if our skeletons were found in
the desert, it would explain everything. I hefted the bundle we could leave: I
could lift it on one finger. Well, two. So that wasn't going to make much
"Dickon," I
called out. "We'll never carry all this!"
He emerged with the last
two water skins. "I've been thinking about that. The water is covered with
a small grid the monks must have stood on to bucket up the water, and if you
recall, there was a metal cover lying to one side. We could use both as
sledges; why carry if you can pull? Both are metal, so they shouldn't wear
away. The grid is no problem, and the metal cover has holes where it fitted
over the cistern, so if we cut the rope in half you can pull the grid as it's
smaller, and I'll take the cover. Right?"
So it was decided. We
then ate, packed up and waited for the worst of the day's heat to dissipate,
deciding to keep to Ky-Lin's order of march: early evening and dawn. While we
were waiting I soaked some beans and dried vegetables for the following day,
ready to cook. Fuel was going to be a problem, but I persuaded Growch to pick
up everything we could burn during the march. Before we left we drank as much
as we could take from the cistern, and I even took the luxury of a quick wash,
soaking my clothes as well for a cool start to the trek. The water was all
cloudy by the time I had finished, but it would soon settle back for the ants
and I left them a few more grains and a dollop of honey as compensation.
We left the trapdoor
open, in case other travellers came that way, and I took a soft stone and drew
the universally recognized symbol of an arrow on the cellar floor to indicate
the position of the cistern.
And so we left the
temple to the ants and set off across the desert towards the dying sun.
At first our progress
was slow but steady. The management of the improvised sledges was difficult to
master. The metal cover travelled easier, but was more unstable. As we
travelled the sledges became lighter each day, and now we took turns with each.
The weather stayed clear, my directions appeared to be correct, for each day we
persuaded ourselves the mountains we were headed for came fractionally nearer.
Then on the fourth day
we ran into trouble.
The night had been
overcast, for once, and we had overslept after a hard day's trek the previous
day. When we awoke the eastern sky was bright and we cast long shadows ahead of
us. We ate a hurried breakfast—not as much as any of us wanted, but rations
were short by now—and set off at a good pace for a steep rise just ahead. We
hauled the sledges up the rise, looking forward to the incline beyond and—
"What the hell . .
. !" If he hadn't said it, I would. Ahead of us, about a mile distant,
reared a sudden and unexpected range of mountains.
Sand Mountains.
These were the ones
Ky-Lin and the villagers had warned us about, the giants who could stay in one
place for years and then, given the right conditions, move across the desert
floor at a terrifying speed, destroying everything in their path. And here they
were, straight across our path, barring our way to the mountains. At the moment
they were quiet, a range of sandhills some fifty to a hundred feet high at
their lowest. And they stretched for miles. As we moved close an errant wind
agitated sand on the tops into whirls and curls like smoke, and every now and
again miniavalanches of sand fell down the steeper slopes.
For the rest of the
morning we tried to climb those restless, shifting mountains, but for every
stride up, we tumbled back two. The sledges became bogged down in the sand and
we sank to our knees in it, like falling into quicksand, and twice we nearly
lost Growch. Eventually we tried to find a way between, but the sand blew in
our faces and filled our footsteps within seconds.
There was only one thing
for it: we should have to take the long trek round them; the worst of that was
we had no idea whether the way east or west was shorter, as they stretched as
far as the eye could see in both directions.
Three days later we
struggled round the western end and tried to pick up our bearings. We had
wasted three days to find ourselves in virtually the same spot we had started
out from and the real mountains seemed as far away as ever. On we tramped, our
travelling time curtailed by our increasing weariness from lack of proper
nourishment. Two days later the last of our food and water was gone and we
piled all our goods onto the smoother sledge, pulling it in tandem to conserve
our strength.
I began to see things
that weren't there—houses, lakes, trees, camels, people—shimmering in the
distance some feet above the desert floor, and beside me Dickon was
hallucinating too. On the tenth day we put Growch on the sledge because he
could move no further and lay there with his tongue hanging out like one dead.
Dickon and I now fell
every dozen yards or so and our throats were so parched we couldn't even curse
each other. At last we both tripped and fell together and I just wanted to lie
there forever and forget everything. I was conscious it was high noon already
and I knew if we didn't get up and seek shelter we should surely be dead before
I rose to my knees and
peered ahead, but all I could see was one of those fevered images again: a
train of camels seeming to stride six feet above the sand and some half mile
away. I collapsed, without even the energy to rouse Dickon, to offer a last
prayer, and drifted off into unconsciousness.
But somewhere, somehow,
I could swear I heard a dog barking. . . .
Chapter Twenty.Two
…A dog barking.
Cautiously I opened my eyes. Normally in the desert Dickon and I slept within
feet of each other, but now all my hands encountered was a blanket. There was a
dim light over to my right, it must be the moon. No stars. And where was
Growch? I was sure I had heard him a moment ago. I struggled to sit up, and
there was a cold, wet nose against my cheek.
" 'Ad a nice kip,
then? Thought we'd lost you at one stage. Feel a bit better?"
"I don't
understand. . . . What's happened? I—" And then, suddenly, it all came
back to me. The desert, the vast, terrible, unforgiving desert. Sun, heat,
thirst, hunger, hallucinations, death already rattling in my throat, the last
thing a dog barking . . .
I sat up slowly,
stretched, wiggled my fingers and toes. I seemed to be all in one piece, but I
was dreadfully stiff, my throat was sore and my head ached.
"Wanna drink? On
yer right. On the table. That's it. Careful now, don' spill it."
Blessed, beautiful,
clear cold water. The most wonderful liquid in the world. I drank it all, then
burped luxuriously. I looked around me. I was obviously inside a house or hut,
and the light I had thought the moon was a saucer oil lamp. I was on a pallet
of sorts and it must be sometime at night. So, we had been rescued, but how and
when? Where were we? And where was Dickon?
More than one question
at a time flummoxed Growch. "I'll tell yer, I'll tell yer, but one at a
time! Dickon? 'Is lordship is around and about in the town somewheres,
"Which town? What's
it called? Where is it?"
" 'Ow the 'ell does
I know? A town's a town ain't it? Same as all towns. 'Ouses, streets, people,
dogs, food . . . We're still in the desert, but they got plenty o' water.
Goats, chickens, camels. It was their camels as brought us in. I barked till I
was 'oarse, managed to get over to the caravan, and they came back and picked
you up."
"Oh, Growch! You
saved our lives!" and I hugged him till he swore he couldn't breathe and
why did I have to be so soppy? All the while his tail was wagging like mad, so
I knew he was secretly as pleased as could be.
"An' afore you ask,
all yer belongings is snug as well."
I felt for my money belt
and neck pouch: all safe.
"Short and long of
it is, they brought us in—gave you camel's milk out there, they did, an' you
sicked it all up—" I was not surprised: the very thought of camel's milk
made me ill again. "—then they gave you water an' things an' brought us
'ere. Got two rooms, an' I kep' 'is lordship away from all what is ours."
I stretched again, felt
my headache lessening. "What time is it?"
"Middle evenin'.
Sun down, moon not yet up."
"I must have been
asleep for—nine or ten hours, then?"
"An' the rest! Four
days ago it was when they brought us in. There's a woman been feedin' you slops
an' things with a spoon."
"Four days!" I
swung my legs over the edge of the bed, tried to stand up and fell back again.
"By our Lady! I feel so weak!"
"Not surprised.
Slops never did no one no good. Yer wants some good red meat inside of yer,
like what I have." He smacked his chops. "Nuffin' like it. Treated me
real well they 'as. Called me a 'ero . . ."
"And so you
are," I said, giving him another hug. "Be a dear and go and find
Dickon for me?"
Two days later I was up
and about again, with an urge to get going as soon as we could. It was now well
past Middle Year, we had been travelling for over fifteen months, and now I had
recovered from my ordeal I felt a renewal of hope and energy. But it seemed we
should have to wait a little longer. The nearest town, at the foothills of the
mountains we were seeking, was a good four-day journey away by camel train—the
same one that had rescued us—and they were not due to leave for another two and
a half weeks, and strongly advised us not to try it on our own.
They were a hospitable
people, and their town was clean and prosperous. Everywhere we went we were
greeted with bows and smiles and clapping of hands, and though we couldn't
speak a word of their language, we managed very well with sign language and the
occasional drawing. As they existed solely on the barter system, our money
meant nothing to them, and they insisted on treating us as honored guests.
Which was lucky, seeing we had nothing to barter with.
Under the town was a
river system that kept their cisterns full, with enough also for their crops of
fruit and vegetables and the watering of their stock: goats, chickens, ducks,
camels. They even kept ponds stocked with fish that looked rather like carp.
The only goods they needed from outside were rice, clay for pots, and cotton
cloth, and these they traded for with their own produce, which included pickled
eggs, a special spiced pancake and other delicacies, desert fox furs, and
exquisite carvings fashioned from the soft stone they found roundabouts. Once a
month they journeyed to do their bargaining, and we agreed to await the next
There was plenty for us
to do, however—for me at least, that is. Our clothes, what was left of them,
were a disgrace, and I had spent four or five days doing the best I could with
my sewing kit, when we had an unexpected bonus. Growch, investigating a
tempting little bitch—what else?—had chased her into a store where cotton cloth
awaited making up into the loose clothes the inhabitants preferred, and had
been diverted by finding a huge nest of rats. He had set about them in true
Growch fashion, and the grateful owner of the store had come to me, counting
out at least twenty on his fingers, bearing also a roll of cloth sufficient to
clothe both Dickon and myself.
Only when all my tasks
were done, which included tedious things like washing blankets and mending
panniers, did I keep a promise I had made to myself some weeks past. We had
found out that the monks who had fled the destruction of the temple in the
desert had found this town in time for survival, and had built a small temple
to give thanks for their deliverance. This temple was now in the custody of one
of the original monks, then a boy, now a blind old man of near a hundred. One
of the village boys was his apprentice, and led him about the village with
their begging bowls—always full—and assisted in leading the prayers.
One evening, when I knew
the old monk and his acolyte would be dining, the sun tipping over the rim of
the world had led to the lighting of the dried camel-dung fires for cooking and
the last of the workers and herd's boys came tramping home, I made my way down
the deserted streets towards the temple, the sad stone remnant of what had been
Ky-Lin clutched in my hands.
It was only a small
edifice, this temple, built from desert stone and mud bricks, but inside the
floor was flagged, the air smelt of incense and oil saucers burned in front of
the stone altar. Someone had left a garland of wildflowers by the crossed knees
of the little smiling Buddha.
I had thought I would
feel like an interloper, not knowing the language either, but it felt entirely
natural to stand in front of the idol and speak in my own tongue.
I looked up at the
statue, who stared above my head the while with empty, slanted eyes and an
eternal smile, then I knelt down, as I would in one of my own churches, shut my
eyes, and folded my hands around the remains of Ky-Lin.
"Please forgive me
for not knowing your customs and language, Sir, but I have a special request.
In my hands are the remains of a true friend, counsellor and guide, whom You
lent to us to help us on our journey. He no longer has life, as You can see,
but his death was a tragic accident, and he would have been the first to
"He was one of
Yours, a Ky-Lin, who was left on earth to work off some trifling sins he had
committed. Well I thought they were trifling. . . . Whatever they were,
I assure You they must have been more than cancelled out by his care of us. So,
will You please take him back? He spoke of a place where all was perfect and at
peace: we would call it Heaven. Please allow him in Yours. Amen. Oh, and thanks
for lending him to us. Amen again."
The Buddha had one
gilded hand on his knee; the other was cupped on his chest. Reaching up as far
as I could, I kissed the tiny stone that had been Ky-Lin and placed him gently
in the cupped hand.
There: it was done.
Ky-Lin could rest in peace.
I rose to my feet, bowed
to the Buddha and backed out of the little temple. The idol seemed to be
smiling more broadly than ever.
I had never ridden a
camel before. It was extremely difficult to adjust to the rocking, swaying
movement so far above the ground, and there was more than one moment when I
definitely felt camel-sick. However, even the lap-held Growch agreed that it
was better than walking, and in four days we were in a village in the foothills
of the mountains where we said good-bye to our kind hosts, replenished our
stores and set off in a direction of north by west.
At first we had an easy
time of it; the tracks we followed led to other villages and small towns, where
our money was accepted. We travelled easily into autumn, through reddening
leaves, ripening fruit and the migration of small animals and birds: pint-size
deer, foxes, squirrels; duck, swallows, swifts; the large butterflies flirting
their just-before-hibernating wings on clumps of pink and purple fleshy-leaved
plants. Peasants brought in the last of their harvest, stored their fruits,
pickled and salted their meats, and the bats were coming out earlier and
earlier to catch the last of the midges that stung us so heartily during the
day. So, were the bats eating us, I wondered?
As we climbed higher the
air became more exhilarating, and the streams were ice cold from the snowy
heights above. All this, and the plain but adequate fare we ate satisfied me
well enough, but Dickon was always grumbling, comparing our food with the
comparative luxury he had enjoyed on the caravan routes.
"Nobody asked you
to come," I said crossly one day, when he had been whining all day about
not being allowed extra money to buy some more rice wine. "You're here
because you wanted to be, remember?"
"And you're not
being reasonable," he said, dodging the issue. "A man needs a bit of
relaxation now and again, a sip or two of wine."
"You've already had
a sip or four," I said. "And you said not yesterday that it was piss
water, rotgut."
"Depends on the
vintage . . ."
"This stuff doesn't
have any vintage. They make it all the year round."
"I only want a nip.
Set me up for the evening."
I flung him a coin.
"Buy yourself a measure then. But only a small one, otherwise you won't be
fit to go on."
I was right. That
afternoon's trek was a complete waste of time. He swayed from side to side of
the road, fell over twice, and when I went to help him up he made a grab at me.
"C'mon Summer: gi'e
us a kiss!"
I kicked him where it
hurt, and when he doubled up pushed him into a ditch and marched on for a half
mile without him. By then, as I could see he wasn't following, I retrieved my
steps, my temper near at boiling point, especially when I found him still in
the ditch, snoring his head off. I was strongly tempted to leave him where he
was and travel on alone, but common sense told me I couldn't manage the baggage
on my own.
We climbed higher and higher,
but the mountains we were aiming for, our last barrier, called on the maps
Ky-Lin had explained to me the "Sleeping Giants," still seemed many
miles away. Travelling during the day was still pleasant, but the nights were
increasingly chill and we needed extra clothes plus the blankets to keep warm,
especially if we spent nights in the open. A couple of times we slept under
both blankets together, Dickon and I, but his behavior on these occasions
worried and annoyed me. On both these times after I had dozed off, I awoke to
find his hands where they shouldn't be.
At first I thought he
was searching my person for money, but the intimate movement of his hands on my
breasts and thighs persuaded me otherwise. I could not believe it was a
personal thing, rather that he had been robbed of his usual visits to houses of
pleasure, but in any case I found it highly embarrassing.
After all we had
travelled together in enforced intimacy for many months, and in all that time,
especially with all our differences, there had never been any hint of sexual
familiarity. As it was, on both occasions I had turned away as if in my sleep,
wrapping myself up tight so there was no way he could attempt anything further.
I tried to enlist
Growch's help, but his views on sex being what they were—the more the merrier,
whoever or whatever it was—I received little encouragement, until I slanted my
argument towards the money I was carrying.
"I don't like him
searching me like that when I'm asleep. Just think what would happen if he ran
off with all our money!"
Growch knew what money
meant: it meant food.
"Right, then. I'll
see 'e don' touch you nowheres from now on. Sleep between you both, I
Which worked much
better, especially as my dog by now smelt so high that Dickon and I slept
back-to-back by choice. It was either that or holding our noses all night.
We came to the last
village before the snow line of the mountains we planned to cross to our goal.
I consulted the best of the maps. It showed a route that wandered away in the
lee of the mountains to the east for what looked like a week's journey, before
finding a gap into the valley beyond. There was another trail, however. This
led almost due north from where we were now and, looking up, I could see, or
believed I could see, past a thick stand of coniferous forest, the gap I was
seeking, the first in the three-peaked range. This reminded me of the
illusion/dream the old man in the market had engendered in me, when I had
imagined I was a dragon flying through that very gap.
But when the villagers
realized our intent there was an indrawing of breath, a lowering of lids, a
shaking of heads.
"What's the matter
with them? There's a trail that starts off that way. I can see it leading up to
the forest."
Dickon shook his head.
"They seem to be afraid of something up there."
"How the hell do I
know? Look at that old fool in the corner: he's been jabbering away for five
minutes now, but I can't understand a word he's saying. Can you?"
"N . . . no. Not
exactly. But he's making signs as well." I felt uneasy, not least because
the ring on my finger felt uncomfortable, as if it was too tight. I went over
to the villager and squatted in front of him watching his dirt-ingrained hands
expressing alarm and dismay. Making signs that I didn't understand—oh, what I
wouldn't have done for Ky-Lin's comforting presence!—I motioned him to slow
down, hoping this would make him more intelligible. It didn't, but one of the
brighter of his friends understood what I wanted and came to join us.
It went something like
this—all in sign language, whether with hands, eyes, expression, body language,
or sheer acting and mime.
Why can't we go that
Huge men up there.
No giants now.
Yes. They also eat
They eat anything. Prefer
Have you seen them?
Heard them howling.
No. Human voice.
How do you know they are
When they howl we leave
them food at the edge of the forest.
How do you know they
aren't animals?
What sort of print?
In snow.
Show me.
And that was the most
puzzling of all. They drew in the dirt the outline of a foot, but it was no
ordinary one. In general it followed the shape of a human foot, but it was two
or three times as large. I drew one smaller, but they rubbed that out and drew an
even larger one. What was worse, this foot had eight toes, with sharp long
nails, if their drawings were to be believed.
I looked at Dickon.
"Could be. They've
never seen one of these creatures."
"Exactly. And if
they've seen some prints in the snow—well, when snow melts so do the prints.
Outwards. So a small print would look bigger after an hour or so. Right?"
"Could well be
wolves, as you suggested."
"Wrong time of the
year for them to be hungry. Shall we chance it? It'd save three or four days'
travel. . . ."
"Why not? I'm game
if you are."
"Of course!"
At least I would have if my ring hadn't kept on insisting that somewhere ahead
lay the possibility of danger. But this way would save so many days, and if we
were careful . . .
In order to try and
reach the gap before nightfall, we set off before dawn. None of the villagers
came to see us off. At first it was easy, a clear track leading up towards the
forest, which we hoped to skirt to the east. On the fringes we could see where
the villagers below had started to clear the wood for fuel, for we came across
chippings, a discarded and broken axe, a couple of sleds they used for
transporting the wood.
Dickon pointed to one of
these. "Why shouldn't we borrow one? It would make carrying all this stuff
much easier. Quicker, too. The runners on the underside are obviously meant for
Growch cocked his leg,
then thought better of it. "Good for a lift, too, for those poor critturs
as 'as short legs . . ."
"We can't just
steal it. . . ."
"I said 'borrow,'
" said Dickon quickly. "Once we get to the top we can send it back
down. The slope'll carry it back."
"All right, we'll
haul it unladen till we get to the snow line, to preserve the runners, then
we'll load it up."
When we stopped to eat
the sun was already high in the sky, and I reckoned we were nearly halfway to
the summit. For some reason, although nothing stirred except a couple of eagles
taking advantage of the thermals high above, we all felt irritable and uneasy.
Dickon kept glancing over his shoulder in the direction of the forest we were
skirting, my ring was getting more uncomfortable by the minute, although I
reckoned any threat would come from the trees and we were giving them a wide
berth. Growch said his mind felt "itchy." I knew exactly what he
We carried on climbing.
The forest thinned out to the left of us, and we came across the first patches
of snow as the air grew colder. To our left the sun began its western descent
and I realized it would be a race for the gap between us and the dark. We
stopped briefly for food again, and this time we loaded the sled with
everything portable, including Growch.
I looked up. Another
couple of hours should do it, and there would be the valley I had dreamed of
for so long, the valley that cushioned the fabled Blue Mountain. "Here be
Dragons. . . ."
"Let's go," I
said. "Let's go!"
Now we were crunching
our way through real snow, unmelted all the way through summer, not the slush
we had encountered on the lower slopes. The sled slid easily in our wake; we
had attached the rope so that we could both pull it. The slope however grew
steeper, and now we were bending forward, me at least wishing I had stouter
boots: the cold was already striking through the soles and I had hardly any
grip, but at least we were nearly there. The thinning forest was behind us and
the gap was only some half mile away. The last bit looked the worst; the
incline became so steep that it looked as though we should have to crawl on
hands and knees.
We took a final
breather; less than a half hour should do it. The breath plumed from our
nostrils like smoke. Growch's eyebrows, such as they were, were rimed with
frost. The sun was near gone, a red ball waiting to slide down the western
"Right," I
said. "One more push should do it. . . . What's the matter?" Dickon
was staring at something in the snow just ahead of us. With a sudden look of
horror he backed away, his hands held out in front as though he was pushing the
sight away from him.
Summer," he said. "Look there! It was true what they said!"
And there, clear as
crystal in hitherto untrodden snow, was the print of an enormous eight-toed
Chapter Twenty.Three
I clapped my hands to my
mouth and stepped back in unconscious repudiation, but there was no denying
what I had seen. It was as clear as the ice that lined it, reflecting the last
of the red sun so it looked as though the giant that made the print had bled
into the snow. Dickon pointed out another print, another and another. They came
from just above us and then went away down towards the forest.
I swallowed, hard. Those
footprints were just as large and terrifying as the villagers had indicated,
and I couldn't begin to imagine the height and breadth of a creature who
boasted feet that big. And eight toes . . .
Suddenly the sun was
gone, like blowing out half the candles in a room at once, and a cold chill of
terror gripped us all. Without realizing it Dickon and I were holding hands and
a trembling Growch was actually sitting on my feet, his hackles raised, moaning
"We—we'd better get
going." I found I was whispering, although there seemed to be nothing
moving in the snow. "It's clear straight up to the gap, and if we . .
My voice died away as a
hideous ululating howl split the quiet around us, followed by another and
another. With one accord we ran, sled forgotten, scrambling on all fours to
find a grip. I could feel the hairs rising at the back of my neck and my heart
was bounding like a March hare.
The howl came again, and
this time it was answered by another—from ahead of us.
We came to a sudden,
skidding halt.
"What the
And Dickon's prophetic
exclamation was answered by a horrific apparition that rose from behind a huge
rock to our right. Nearly twice the size of a man, it was covered in fur—brown,
black, gray—and its face was a twisted mask of hate, with huge fangs sprouting
from its jaw. Slowly, lumberingly, it left the shelter of the rock and, with
arms raised, came down the slope towards us, uttering that hideous howl we had
heard before.
As one we fled down the
slope towards the shelter of the forest, slipping, stumbling, falling, rolling,
all thought gone save the urgency of escape, although something deep inside
seemed to tell me to stop, not to run, but it was such a tiny voice that my
fear drowned it.
Not looking where I was
going I crashed into the trunk of a tree, knocking all the breath from my body,
and I whooped and coughed with the effort to draw air into my lungs. I was
aware of Growch gasping and panting beside me, and the inert form of Dickon a
few yards away.
I struggled to my feet
to see what had happened to him.
"Come on, Growch,
we must get—"
"Too late!" he
whimpered. "Look behind you!"
I turned, and found we
were surrounded. Not by giants, but by strange, hairy humans holding stone axes
and primitive spears. They were no taller than I, slightly hunched, and the
hair on their bodies, thick on back and arms, was a reddish-black. Prominent
brows and jaws, small eyes and noses, wide mouths with yellow teeth and long,
tangled hair were common to all and they were mostly naked, though some of the
women had bound their babies to their backs with strips of fur.
These creatures looked
at us and chattered to themselves in a series of grunts, sibilants and clicks,
and a moment later a couple of them dragged the half-conscious body of Dickon
forward and dumped him without ceremony at my feet. He had a bruise the size of
an egg on his temple. As I looked down he stirred, put his hand to his head and
sat up, opening his eyes.
"Holy Mary, Mother
of God!"
But he wasn't looking at
the strange creatures who now crowded closer till I could smell the rank odor
of their bodies; he was staring back up the hill the way we had come. I
followed his pointing finger and gasped. Down the hill came striding the giant
we had fled from, swaying from side to side, arms spread—Arms? What beast had
four arms? I sank to my knees despairingly, clutching Growch for comfort, for
surely the hairy people would have no defense against this hideous apparition.
From the giant came that
dreadful wolflike howl again, and to my amazement it was answered with like
from the hairy people around us, waving their weapons in the air in greeting
with what could only be described as grins on their faces.
I scrambled to my feet,
pulled Dickon to his. What the hell was happening? Surely the giant and the
hairy people weren't in league with one another? Why didn't they—
Dickon and I gasped
together. The giant careening down the hill towards us had been gathering speed
in a more and more wild manner and now, suddenly, it broke in two! No, no, all
in bits. Two pieces came rolling towards us, another sheared off to the left,
one slithered to a stop against a tree—
And the hairy people
were laughing, dancing, waving their spears!
"Laugh too,"
came a tiny voice from somewhere. "It's all a big joke to them. You've
been had."
And I only realized just
how much when two of the "pieces" came to a stop, unrolled, and
became two more of the hairy people, one of them still wearing the misshapen
boots that had made such a convincing giant's footstep. The other man went back
and retrieved the mask that had so horrified us, plus the long cloak that had
so convincingly covered one man riding on another's shoulders.
My heart sank even
further as our captors, as they must be thought of now, closed in, pointing at
the boots, the mask, the cloak, laughing and jeering and miming our terror,
confusion and fear when faced with the "giant."
"Laugh with
them," came that tiny voice again. "It's your only chance to get
away. . . ."
But I couldn't. I tried;
I forced the muscles of my face into what I knew was a hideous rictus, but I
knew it only looked threatening, like that of a chattering monkey. I nudged
Dickon, tried to make him smile, laugh, speak, do anything, but it was hopeless:
he was almost rigid with fear.
One by one our captors
fell silent, glanced at each other, at us, scowled: we weren't enjoying their
joke. They muttered again, then gestured that we should follow them into the
forest. Dickon fell to his knees again. Growch whimpered in my arms, and my
ring felt as cold as ice.
"Do as they
want," said the little voice in my head. "Don't despair!"
So on top of everything
else, I was hearing voices. It must be all my terrified imagination, but the
voice sounded so much like my dead-and-gone Ky-Lin that I could have cried.
Perhaps it was his voice, perhaps his ghost had come back to comfort me.
I could feel the tears, warm on my frozen cheeks.
"Help us," I
whispered. "Wherever you are . . ."
Our captors hauled
Dickon roughly to his feet and jostled us both along a narrow track through the
trees. Too soon the last of the light was gone, forest gloom descended, and I
had to hold one hand in front of my face to push aside the whippy branches I
could hardly see. It was less cold under the trees, and the only sounds were
the shush-shush of pine needles under our feet and an occasional grunt or snort
from our captors, just like a sounder of swine.
After what seemed like
hours, but can only have been minutes, we stumbled into a clearing. Other hairy
people came out from the trees: the old ones and young children. About fifty or
sixty surrounded us now, pointing, grimacing and, what was much worse, touching
us; pulling at our clothes and hair, pinching our cheeks and arms, treating us as
though we were strange animals instead of human beings.
I wanted so much to hear
that ghosty voice of Ky-Lin's again, but, try as I could, the noise around us
drowned all else. The sound of wood being dragged to the glowing pit in the
center of the clearing, the hissing of the logs, the snorting grunts of those
around us—I should have liked to cover my ears, but daren't put Growch down.
The women arranged a
framework of sticks across the fire, and on these were spitted several small
animals: squirrels, what looked like rats, a small snake. In baskets at the
side were pine nuts, roots, wild herbs and a fungus of some sort. The smell of
the cooking meat was hardly appetizing, nor was the sight of the filthy fingers
that turned the sticks, poking the flesh now and again to see if it was cooked
Hands on our shoulders
forced us down to sit a little away from the fire while the men went into a
huddle, glancing over at us every now and again and then having some sort of
I poked Dickon, a rigid figure
of fear. "It doesn't look too good, does it? Got any ideas?"
He shook his head,
probably not trusting himself to speak, and I remembered what the villagers had
intimated: these people were cannibals. I shivered, in spite of the heat from
the fire, but the ring on my finger, though cold, didn't convey any threat of
imminent danger; for the moment we were safe.
By my side lay one of
the "giant's" boots; shifting Growch a little, I picked it up to have
a closer look. It really was rather ingenious. The sole was made of two bear
pads, sewn together, just four claws on each, making eight in all; the top was
ordinary leather, the whole sewn over a wickerwork frame and padded, so there
was just enough room for a human foot: it must have taken some practice to walk
properly, especially with someone else perched on one's back.
One of the hairy ones
saw me examining the boot, scowled for a moment, then nudged his fellows and
brought over the other with a grin, miming their walk. He also brought over the
mask for me to examine as well.
Near to it was quite
crudely carved, I guessed from the hollowed stump of a tree, so that it fitted
loosely over the head. The nose was a natural hooked beak of wood, stained red
by some sort of dye, the eyes had been burnt out and were outlined in yellow.
The top of the mask was covered with hair, real hair, and with a shock I
realized it was human. Of course it could have been cut from someone's hair
within the tribe but I had the terrible feeling that it came from some more
reluctant source. They showed me the robe as well, and my suspicions were
proved right: these were human scalps sewn together.
I pushed everything away
with a sudden surge of revulsion, and they laughed as if it were the best joke
in the world. Seeing them then one would have thought them a happy and harmless
people, until one realized that their secrets would not have been shared if
they had any intention of letting us go.
There was a diversion:
apparently the meal was ready. Flat pieces of bark and large leaves were
produced and filled with nuts, roots and fungi. Sticks were snatched from the
fire and fought over, the meat on them charred on one side, raw on the other.
No one offered us
They ate noisily,
licking their fingers before wiping them on their stomachs, hair, each other,
and the women spat out half-chewed bits to feed to the smallest of their
scrawny brats. Too soon for us the meal was ended; they finished with the last
of the unwashed pine nuts, crammed into their mouths so that the black, powdery
stain covered their faces and hair, the grease on their skins spreading it
still further.
Now they were looking
for entertainment—or was it more food? Several of the women were rubbing their
stomachs, looking at the men, looking at us. My ring was throbbing again, so
cold it felt as though it would burn straight through my finger. I looked
around desperately, but we were ringed in on all sides. Suddenly two of the men
separated from the rest and came towards us; Dickon and I scrambled to our feet
and backed away, a trembling Growch hugged close to my chest.
Dickon was pushed
unceremoniously aside and they approached me, great grins on their faces; in
the sudden clarity that terror can bring, I noticed how stained their teeth
were: fangs for tearing at the front, grinding molars at the back—
One of the men leaned
forward, jabbering excitedly—and tried to pluck the terrified Growch from my
arms. I had thought they came for me, and was quite prepared to take out my
knife and hurt them as much as I could before I was overpowered. But Growch?
No, never! Not my little dog spitted over a fire till his hair singed and the
blood and fat ran spattering into the fire! I had rather slit his throat myself
to spare him the pain and betrayal.
"Get away! Get your
filthy hands off!" I was shouting hysterically. "Dickon, for God's
sake do something! Help me. . . ." Now my knife was in my right
hand, Growch still held with my left, and as one man advanced still further I
connected with a lucky slash across his arm and he retreated with a grunt,
sucking at the blood.
Dickon's voice came to
me. "Give them the wretched animal, for Christ's sake! It's him they want.
Give us time to escape. . . ."
I couldn't believe my
ears! Give up Growch! In sudden anger I turned on Dickon and slashed out at him
also, and saw the bright beads of blood spring from a cut across his cheek.
Turning, I hit out again at my two attackers, and had the satisfaction of
seeing them spring back from the arc of my knife. But now the others behind
were closing in and I couldn't deal with them all—
"Help me! Help
me!" I didn't realize I was screaming, or to whom, but all of a sudden
everything changed.
"Leave this to
me!" boomed a voice, and with a burst of firecrackers that would have done
justice to a town celebration, into the clearing came bounding a huge creature,
an apparition surrounded with light and noise and color and fire.
The hairy tribe
scattered in all directions, sparks from the unguarded fire catching at their
hair and stinging their bodies. For a moment I thought we had exchanged one
horror for another, then I suddenly recognized the creature for who he was,
larger now than I had ever seen him—
"Ky-Lin! But how .
. . What did—"
"Follow me! No
questions, just hurry!"
I can't remember much of
that frantic dash through the trees, out into the snow and up towards the gap.
I do remember finding the sled, Ky-Lin taking the rope between his teeth and
dragging us all as hard as he could towards safety. I remember, too, the chill
of terror when we heard the howls of pursuit behind us, as the tribe realized
Ky-Lin provided no threat and they were losing a source of easy food. Their
noise came nearer and nearer, a couple of ill-thrown spears skimmed past our
heads, and we were there!
A gap as wide as a door,
no more, a glimpse of a valley, more hills and we were through. Ky-Lin loosed
the rope and the sled careened faster and faster down a slope of snow towards
the valley below.
Now the moon was up, and
through the tears of cold in my eyes and the wind whipping my cheeks a scene of
beauty spread itself beneath, and there in the midst of it all was a coldly
blue shape on the horizon.
"Look, look!"
I cried out to Ky-Lin who had been left behind. "It's there, we've found
the Blue Mountain—"
The sled veered,
skidded, struck something hard and I was lifted into the air. Suddenly
everything was upside down, and then my head hit something, lights buzzed
through my brain, and everything went black.
Part Three
Chapter Twenty.Four
The first thing I was
conscious of was a pleasant smell: sandalwood, beeswax, pine, cedarwood. It
reminded me of Ky-Lin. Then, what must have woken me, a dissonance, not
unpleasant, of tinkling bells, and a faraway chanting, a deep resonance of a
gong. For a moment longer I savored the light warmth of blankets tucked under
my chin, then I became aware of a dull throbbing in my head and an unpleasant
taste in my mouth.
I opened my eyes and sat
up, immediately wishing I hadn't done either.
I closed my eyes and lay
down again, but must have groaned, because at once there was a rustle of
clothing and a woman was chattering away quietly by my side. Her hands were
cool on my forehead; my head was raised and a feeding cup pressed to my lips.
The drink was warm and fragrant, tasted of mint and honey and camomile and took
away the nasty taste in my mouth. I wasn't about to open my eyes or sit up
again, but there was a sort of puzzle that wouldn't go away: where was I, and
indeed who was I? I couldn't remember a thing, so decided to think about
it later. . . .
When I opened my eyes
again the room was full of soft lamplight and shadows and I remembered who and
what I was, what had happened before, but I had no idea where I lay. My head
still hurt, but the pain was lessening. Putting up a languid hand I found a
cloth wound tight about my forehead, the rag cool and damp to my touch. The
last thing I recalled was riding at a giddy speed on the sled down the
mountain, of hitting some obstruction and flying through the air to hit my head
on something—it must have been quite a bump for me to feel like this.
Something moved up from
the foot of the bed, and a sloppy tongue and hacky breath announced the arrival
of my dog.
"Feelin' better?
Thought we'd lost you again we did; glad we didn'. Gawd, what a place this is!
All corridors, steps, passages . . . 'Nuff to turn a dog dizzy! Don't think
much of the nosh, neither. All pap, no gristle, nuffin' to get yer teeth into.
Still, most 'portant thing is you're back with us. I said to meself yesterday,
I said, if'n she don' wake up soon, I'm—"
"Can I speak? Can I
ask you a couple of questions?"
" 'Course. Ain't
stoppin' you am I? Now then, what d'you wanna know? Don' tell me, let me guess.
. . . Where is we? Well, I ain't ezackly sure. It's a sort o' temple, high up
in the mountains. Took us near a week to get 'ere, what with you bein'
unconscious an' all, but that big beast, 'e pulled the sled wiv you on it all
the way. 'Is lordship fancy pants weren't much use, 'e was all for stayin' in
the first village we come to but Ky-Lin 'e said no, you needed special
treatment and the best nursin'. Must say, though—"
"Where are Ky-Lin
and Dickon?"
"Well, 'is
lordship's next door, snorin' 'is 'ead orf, an' the lady what was tendin' you
'as gone fer a nap. Ain't seen much o' Ky-Lin, seein' 'e's special 'ere. 'E
comes an' checks on you, then back 'e goes to them monks. They seem to think a
lot o' 'im. 'E's the only one allowed inside their temple." He settled
down on the pillow next to me, had a good scratch, licked my ear and continued.
"This place, bein'
'arfway up a 'ill, is sorta built in layers. The temple and the monks' part,
they's at the top. This bit, the guests', is next down, then at the bottom is a
'uge courtyard, with goats 'n chickens 'n bees 'n things. All around is
workshops—they weave these blankets down there; must say they're the softest I
ever come acrost. Come from a goat wiv long hair what they combs. Cooking is
done down there, too, an' the washin'. . . . Well, then: look 'oose 'ere!"
and he jumped off the bed to greet Ky-Lin.
He seemed to have grown
larger and more splendid than ever. His hide and hooves shone with health, his
eyes were bright, his colors clear and vibrant. His plumed tail was truly
magnificent and his antennae curled and waved like weeds in a stream. Bending
over the bed he touched these latter to my head and immediately the dull ache
lessened. I flung my arms about his neck in greeting.
"I thought it was
you out there in the forest speaking to me—but then I believed I must have been
hearing things! How did you come back to us? When I left you on that altar I
was convinced you were—you were dead. Are you sure you are real?"
"Of course I'm
real, silly one! I never really went away. I was hurt, yes, but we soon heal. A
little rest, a word or two from my Master, and I was well enough to follow you.
I was sitting in the lining of your jacket most of the time, staying quiet
until you needed me."
I hugged him again.
"Thank you a million, million times! Thank you for saving us, for bringing
me here, for everything. Without you . . ." Words failed me. "But
there is just one thing I don't understand."
"And that is?"
"When—when I
thought you were dead . . ." I hesitated.
"Yes?" he
"I said a prayer
for you. I said to the Buddha that I thought you had already done enough to go
to your Heaven. Why didn't he listen?"
For the first time he
looked embarrassed. He looked away, he looked back, his eyes crossed, he shook
his head from side to side. Finally he mumbled something I couldn't catch.
"What did you
"I said . . . said
I was given a choice. My Lord was willing for me to go to rest with Him, or—go
back and see it through. I'm afraid that for me there was little choice."
"How wonderful of
you to choose the hard way!"
He raised a hoof, looked
even more abashed. "No, no, no praise! It was partly selfish. I told you
once before that I didn't think I would enjoy eternal peace and rest. Besides,
I have grown used to this whole big, imperfect world. I actually enjoy being in
it. I shouldn't, you know; it should be renounced, like anything
imperfect." His head bobbed again. "My Lord said I was a child still,
putting off the moment to go to bed."
The awkward silence was
luckily broken by the entrance of Dickon, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"What's all the
noise about? Oh, you're awake at last, Summer. Feeling better? What's the
matter? Why are you laughing?"
"What in the world
are you wearing?"
"A nightshirt.
What's so funny? You're wearing one too. . . ."
I had never seen him
look so ridiculous. The high-necked gray garment had short sleeves and was slit
down the sides, to end just below his knees, so that his thin, hairy shanks
poked out below it, and if he moved incautiously, one caught a glimpse of
dimpled backside.
Before I disgraced
myself by laughing too much and gave myself a second headache the nursing woman
bustled in, dismissing everyone except Growch—who retreated growling under the
bed—gave me a bitter draught, blew out all the lamps bar one, tucked me up
tight, and I had no alternative but to sink back again into a drugged sleep.
Three days later I was
well on the road to recovery. My headache was gone, the cloth on my head had
been removed, no more bitter draughts, and I was allowed out of bed to sit by
the fire. There was a washroom down the corridor and at last I could have a tub
of hot water to bathe in, although I had been sponged down while I was in bed.
Without asking, both Dickon
and I had been provided with new clothes, the sort the peasants wore: padded
jackets and trousers, with cotton drawers and undershirt and felt slippers.
The first thing I did,
after a really good wash, was to check that all my belongings were safe, although
Growch assured me that he had "guarded 'em with me life!" All was as
he said, though I was surprised to see how much the egg had grown. One evening
when Ky-Lin paid a visit, I asked about this.
"All the eggs I
have ever seen stay their laying size: it's the chick inside that grows, not
the shell. Why is this different?"
"The simple answer
is that I don't know, but then I've never had to deal with a dragon's egg
before. Obviously they don't behave like other eggs, but I can assure you that
there are live cells in there and I can hear them growing."
It was exciting,
awesome, and although I knew I should never see what was inside, I desperately
wanted to. "Can your antennae see inside?"
"If they could—and
I'm not going to try it—I wouldn't tell you. Some things are best left
alone." And with that answer I had to be content.
However he did reveal
something to me I hadn't suspected, perhaps to take my mind off the question of
the egg.
"Have you looked at
that piece of crystal lately?"
"The one the
captain's wife gave me? No, not recently."
"Then perhaps you
should take another look."
"Why not?"
I unwrapped it carefully
and laid it on the bed. "There's nothing special about it—oh!" Ky-Lin
had rolled it to the end where it caught the light, and now it was as though a
rainbow had entered the room. The lamps caught the glass in a hundred, a
thousand bands, strips and rays; red, crimson, scarlet, orange, yellow, green,
viridian, pine, cobalt, ultramarine, mauve, purple, violet—and colors in
between one could only guess at.
"Hold it up,"
said Ky-Lin. "Let it find the light it has been denied so long. . .
I was blinded by color;
it was the most wonderful jewel I had ever seen in my life. As I swung it
between my fingers the light flashed around the room ever faster, creating a
gem within a gem, and we were all patterned with color like strange
animals—even Ky-Lin's tail was dimmed.
"What is
"Whatever it is,
turn it orf!" said Growch. "You talk about your 'ead achin'. .
. ."
"It is only a
crystal," said Ky-Lin. "But beautifully cut. I've never seen a
better. Anyone would be delighted to own that."
I was reluctant to put
it away, like a child with a toy. I must try it again tomorrow. . . . Tomorrow?
Why was I wasting time like this?
"Ky-Lin . . . are
we in the right place? Is the Blue Mountain near? Is that really the place of
"Legend has it that
this is one of the few places on earth where dragons can still be found. The
Blue Mountain is a half-day's journey away."
"Then I must go
there. Now. Tomorrow." But if this was the place where my dragon-man had
headed for, why was it I had no sense of him being near? Surely my love was
strong enough to sense his presence, even over a half-day's journey. I couldn't
come this far to find I was wasting my time! "Tomorrow," I repeated
"You may go,"
said Ky-Lin, "when you are completely recovered. Not before. A week or
"But—but I want to
go now!"
"At the moment you
couldn't walk up a flight of steps, let alone climb a mountain. Come now, be
sensible! It has taken months to get so far: surely a few days more won't
change the world!"
"I shall be
perfectly recovered in far less time than that," I said firmly, although I
was fighting a rearguard action, and knew it.
"We shall
see," was all he said, but three days later he came for me. Not to climb
any mountains, but to speak to one of the monks, the Chief Historian and Keeper
of the Scrolls.
I followed him down a
narrow, twisting corridor, following the curve of the hill on which the
monastery was situated, narrow slit windows giving hair-raising glimpses of the
sheer drop below. Once I thought I caught sight of the Blue Mountain itself,
but couldn't be sure. Down some steps, up a lot more and then we found
ourselves in a small chamber, scarce six feet by six.
Facing us was an
intricately carved grille, decorated with red enamel and gold paint. Beside the
grille was a small brass gong and a shallow wooden bowl with a red leather
handle. The silence lay as thick as last year's dust.
"Strike the gong
once," whispered Ky-Lin. (It was a room for whispering). "Wait a
count of five and strike it twice, then once again."
"What is this—some
sort of secret society?"
"Each monk has his
own call; if you do it any differently you may get the Chief Architect, the
Cloth Master, the Master of Intercession or even the Reader of the Weather.
Every monk is trained to be an expert in one thing or another."
I wondered if there was
a Master of Sewers and Latrines. . . .
"Go on!"
I tiptoed to the gong—there
was no need; the stone muffled even our whispers—struck it once, then stepped
back hastily; it was far louder than I had expected.
"It won't
bite," said Ky-Lin.
I struck the gong twice
more, for a moment waited and struck it once again. As the last echoes died
away, the silence seemed thicker than ever. Then came a faint creak, the
distant sound of chanting, another creak, and the chant dying away. Another,
more comforting sound; the flap, flap of sandals, a wheezy breath, a cough.
Almost immediately a shadow formed behind the grille, a mere shift of light and
shadow, and a thin high voice asked a question.
Ky-Lin answered, then
turned to me. "If anyone knows of the dragons, he will. He has consented
to speak to you through me. He is not allowed to speak to a woman directly. I
will translate for you both. What is it you wish me to ask him?"
"Ask him how
recently there were dragons here?"
Apparently the answer
took some time, but eventually Ky-Lin translated. "He says it is unclear.
There has been certain activity reported around the Blue Mountain during the
last fifteen months, but these reports have not yet been substantiated."
"What sort of
"Strange lights,
odd noises, a smell of cinders, an unexplained grass fire," he translated.
"And has it always
been a tradition that dragons lived here?"
Apparently the records
of the monastery only went back the three hundred years since its inception. At
that time there was no direct mention of dragons, only a passing reference to
the fact that the locals believed the Blue Mountain was "haunted."
One hundred years later, when the monks had consolidated and had time on their
hands, there were several references to a "Blue Monster," which had
been reported many years back ravaging the crops in a particularly bad year for
harvest. This particular monster apparently flew in the sky and breathed flame
and smoke. There were no other sightings until another year of drought, when
the creature was apparently spotted "drinking a river dry." Another
time it was seen at night circling the valley, beating wings that "caused
a great draught to blow the roofs off several houses, and the populace to take
their children and hide them." Further sightings were reported over the
years, but nothing recent.
"Is there nothing
about dragons over the past two years?"
"He says not."
"Nothing at all out
of the ordinary? However unlikely it might seem?"
"The Master has
much patience, girl, but even I can see it is wearing a little thin. . . .
However, I am sure he will give us a recital of every unusual or unexplained
event that has come to his attention over the last couple of years, if I ask
Triplets, all of whom
survived; a two-headed calf that didn't; a fish caught in the river with
another fish in its belly; a plague of red ants; an albino child; another born
with a full set of teeth; a rogue tiger carrying off villagers in the foothills
to the north; rumors of a great battle to the east; the sudden appearance and
disappearance of a stranger borne on a great wind; death of the oldest monk at
the age of one hundred and twenty—
"Wait!" I
said. "The stranger: does he know any more?"
Ky-Lin made his query,
received his answer.
"Well?" I
asked, for a tiny hope had started to flutter in my breast and Ky-Lin was
looking puzzled.
"It seems . .
." He hesitated. "It seems all this happened in a village to the
north of here, many miles away, and a report was brought in by visiting monks.
There is doubt as to its authenticity as the only witnesses were children, yet
there is no doubt that some unnatural phenomenon took place, for damage was
done to buildings and many heard a strange noise. The children, a six-year-old
boy and his three-year-old sister, went out early one morning to relieve
themselves and suddenly there was a great wind and a man in a black cloak was
standing by them. The children said he looked angry with himself, but then he
laughed and spoke to them, but they don't remember what he said. They saw him
run off down the street, then came the fierce wind again and they thought they
saw a great bird in the sky."
I remembered a dark man
in a black cloak, a man with a hawk nose, piercing yellow eyes and a mouth that
could be either cruel or tender—
"That must have
been Jasper!" I said excitedly. "He had to spend part of his life in
human guise because I kissed him! Ask him—"
whatever—it was, it won't be there now," said Ky-Lin firmly. "And you
may have one more question and that's it. You are here on sufferance, remember?
Now, what do you want to ask?"
I thought for a moment.
"Ask him how long ago this took place."
"Do you have the
coins I asked you to bring?" I nodded. "Then when we receive our
answer, bow once, place the coins in that bowl and push it under the grille.
Then step back and bow again. The monks need the money, you needed the
information, and the bows are common courtesy here."
"What did he
say?" I pestered Ky-Lin as we walked back down the winding passage.
"He said that all
this took place sometime during the winter before last, but the exact month is
not known."
"But that means it
could have been my dragon-man! He left me at the Place of Stones at the
beginning of November and 'during the winter' could be anytime in the next four
"Patience! There is
absolutely nothing to indicate that he is here."
"But I've got to
find out! And if you won't take me to the Blue Mountain, I'll go alone!"
Chapter Twenty.Five
“The one thing Ky-Lins
can't do," said Ky-Lin firmly, "is fly. Ky-Lins can change their
size, their substance, their colors. They can run like the wind, go without
food and drink, speak any language. They can produce Sleepy Dust, firecrackers
and colored smoke. They also possess certain healing properties, but fly they
We were standing at the
foot of the so-called Blue Mountain. So-called because close to it didn't look
blue at all. It was a sort of blackish cindery gray, rising steeply from the
valley floor. Conical in shape, it was almost entirely bare of vegetation, and
I was quite ready to believe it was the core of an extinct volcano. It smelled
rather like the puff of air you sometimes get from a long-dead fireplace.
Ky-Lin had explained not
once but twice why it looked blue at a distance, but I had become more than a
little confused with the principles of distance, air, refraction (whatever that
was), and vapor.
"Well," said
Growch. "It's as plain as me nuts as we can't climb that. We ain't ruddy
Now Growch wasn't
supposed to be here at all. Three days after Ky-Lin had questioned the monk, he
had come to me suggesting we visit the Blue Mountain the very next day. "I
can carry you," he had said, "but even with what speed I can make it
will take several hours. I suggest, therefore, that we set off before light, in
order to be back before nightfall. I shall wake you when I am ready, and shall
ask one of the cooks to make you up a parcel of rice cakes and honey, and a
skin of water."
"Don' eat
'unny," said Growch. "You knows I don'. Bit o' cheese'll do. An' a
"You're not
coming," I said firmly. "This is my journey. After all," I added
placatingly, as his shaggy brows drew down in a dreadful frown, "this is
only a reconnaissance. I just want to know what's there."
"Never!" he
said. "Not never no-how. You ain't goin' nowhere without you take me.
You'd never 'ave got this far without me, and you knows it. Why d'you think I
left the comfort o' that merchant's 'ouse to go with you? Not to be left
behin', and that's flat! I bin with you since the day after yer Ma died an' you
left 'ome, ain't I? An' if'n you even tries to go without me I'll bark the
place down, that I will!"
Blackmail, that was what
it had come down to, so he had come too, and to my secret satisfaction had
hated every moment of Ky-Lin's erratic bounding from stone to rock to pebble,
as he had borne us on his back across the valley.
So had I, if it came to
that, but there's nothing like sharing one's woes, is there?
We had left well before
dawn, Dickon unaware and asleep, and were let out through the gates of the
courtyard by a half-awake porter. We had followed the twisting track down to
the village below, and once on level ground I had climbed on Ky-Lin's back,
taken Growch up in front of me and started the long journey across the valley
At first, along the
level bare tracks, it was easy, Ky-Lin skimming smooth and steady with scarce a
jolt to disturb us, but when the trail petered out we had a much more
adventurous journey. At first I couldn't understand why Ky-Lin was bounding
about like an overgrown and demented grasshopper, but then I remembered his
devotion to not even spoiling a blade of grass or errant ant. Obviously there
must have been many such in our path, for we jigged and jagged our way across
the plain till the breath was near knocked out of me.
"Sorry," said
Ky-Lin at one point. "It's not all (bounce) that easy (leap) by the last
light (swerve) of the (crunch) moon, but once the sun comes up (hop) it should
be better." Bump.
I sure hoped so.
It was a relief to us
all when we finally arrived at the foot of the mountain. Sliding off Ky-Lin's
back I collapsed on the ground, dropping Growch as I did so, and we spent the
next couple of minutes shaking ourselves together. We looked up at the
mountain; smooth rock all the way to the top, no bushes, shrubs, trees, grass
or foot- or hand-holds that I could see. Far, far above us was what could be a
ledge of some sort and a hole in the rock, but it was too high up to see
"Now what?"
said Ky-Lin, "and then I will scout around the base of the mountain."
He was gone about an
hour, and appeared from the opposite direction.
"What did you
"Better news, I
think. Around the other side, to the south where the sun shines strong, there
has been a certain amount of erosion over the years. The rocks are porous, and
I think there is a way up, a narrow way that follows a crack in the rock. Up
you get, and we'll take a look."
Perhaps because he had
been this way before, our ride this time was easier, and the other side of the
mountain provided a surprise. As Ky-Lin had said this side faced due south, and
perhaps because of this the lower slopes were covered with vegetation—young
pines and firs at the foot, and bushes, grass and scrub to about a third of the
way up before it reverted back to bare rock. There were also numerous cracks,
fissures and gullies worn away by rain, wind and sun.
I saw what I thought
were several promising paths, but Ky-Lin ignored all these and led us about
halfway round the southern side before stopping.
"Here we are: take
a look."
I couldn't see anything,
but Growch's eyes were sharper than mine.
"I sees it. Bit of
a scramble, then there's a crack as goes roun' like a pig's tail an' outa sight
roun' the other side."
"Does it go all the
way up to that ledge we saw?"
"Seems to,"
said Ky-Lin. "We'll have to try it. It's the only way I can see to get us
After the first
"scramble" as Growch had put it, which was a hands and knees job, the
first part of the narrow path seemed easy enough. We were gradually working our
way round to the westward, and when I looked down the first time the plain
still looked only a jump away, but by the time we were facing northwest it
looked a giddy mile away, although we could only have been a thousand feet up.
Now the path became more difficult. It narrowed, and some of the footholds were
crumbling away; at one point, when I paused for a moment's rest and gazed down
again, I felt so dizzy I had to shut my eyes and cling to the rock, too
paralyzed to move another step.
"C'mon, 'fraidy
cat!" It was Growch's ultimate insult. "If'n I can do it, so can
I chanced one open eye,
and there he was, perched on a rock some three feet above me. As I watched he
leapt down beside me and then up again.
"Up you
Then Ky-Lin was beside
me. "I told you not to look down. Come on, I'll give you a lift up to the
next bit. Don't let us down now, girl: there's only a short way to go."
And, incredibly, he was
right. With a leap of anticipation I saw the ledge we were heading for not a
hundred yards away, and five minutes later we were there.
It was obvious that the
ledge was part natural, part engineered. The natural rock jutted out like a
platform, perhaps six feet, but its inner side had been painstakingly excavated
to a depth of about ten feet further and smoothed down, making a natural stage
some fifteen feet deep and the same wide. Stage? What about a landing strip for
a dragon? Especially as, at the back, leading into the heart of the mountain
was a dark, yawning passage.
Suddenly the strange,
cindery smell was much stronger and I wanted to gag, so much so that I turned
away and looked across the plain to where the faraway mountains raised their
snowcapped heads. And with the sight came a scent from the distance, a hint of
snow, thyme, ice, pine, a perfume to dispel the one that had so disturbed me.
Ky-Lin lay down with a
sigh, hooves tucked under. "Well, we're here. Are you going in?"
I stared at him.
"Aren't you coming?"
He shook his head.
"Dragons are not—not within my commitments. It's like . . ." He
struggled for an explanation. "It's like two different elements. The
difference between a fish and a bird. Our boundaries just don't cross. I have
my magic, they have theirs."
I thought of flying
fish, of sea-diving eagles; for a moment at least they tried different
elements. But Ky-Lin was adamant.
"This is your
adventure, girl. I brought you here, I can take you back, but in there I cannot
help you."
For a moment I
hesitated. The passage looked dark and forbidding. I wished I had had the
forethought to bring some form of illumination. I looked at Growch.
"You coming?"
His ears were down, his
tail between his legs. " 'Course . . ." Not very convincing.
"Come on then: this
is what I came for."
"What you
came for! Orl right. Lead on. . . ."
But I didn't want to
either. I closed my eyes, just to remind myself why I was here. The maps had
shown a Blue Mountain, and I had no other lead to where my dragon-man had gone;
he was the reason I had travelled so many miles, to try and find the one who
had so roused my body and my heart to the realization that no one else but he
would do. A dragon-kiss, that was why I was here.
I tried to recall the
magic of that moment; the fear, the joy, the exhilaration of that moment nearly
two years ago, when I had tasted what love really meant—but like all memories
and the best dreams the edges were blunted by time, the sharpness rubbed off by
recollection. However, this was why I was here, so how could I fail at the last
moment, just because I was scared of a dark passage?
"You'll wait,
"Of course. Just
take it slow and easy. I don't believe there will be anything to fear except
I peered down the
tunnel. "It's very dark. . . ."
"You want a light?
You should have reminded me humans cannot see in the dark like us. Here, pluck
some hairs from the tip of my tail. Go on, it won't hurt you."
It might hurt him,
though. I chose a small handful and gave a gentle tug; it stayed where it was.
"It won't hurt me
either," said Ky-Lin. "As I say, I'm not a human."
I tugged harder and pop!—out
they came, immediately fusing together into a minitorch that burned with a
brilliant white light. I nearly dropped it.
"That won't hurt
you either," said Ky-Lin. "You can even put your finger in the flame.
It's really an illusion, like my firecrackers."
"How long will it
"As long as you
need it. Now, off you go: you're wasting time again."
Holding the torch high I
stepped into the tunnel, Growch's wet nose nudging my ankles. Now that we had a
light he didn't seem so reluctant. Step by step, my free hand against the
tunnel wall to keep me steady, I stumbled along—stumbled because the way was
littered with small stones, and even as we walked other stones and pebbles
detached themselves from the roof and walls to complicate our passage.
At first the tunnel—some
six feet wide—went straight, and if I glanced behind I could see the comforting
daylight behind me. Then it kinked sharply to the left, to the right and to the
left again, till the only light we had I held in my hand, except for a faint
illumination I could not trace to its source. It was very still; the air
smelled of rotten eggs and cinders, and it was strangely warm.
We seemed to have been
travelling into the heart of the mountain for what seemed ages but could only
have been a cautious five minutes, when suddenly the tunnel widened into a huge
cavern. It was so wide and high that, even with the brilliance of Ky-Lin's
torch, we couldn't see the roof or the far walls.
Two things I noticed at
once: both the smell and the heat were suddenly increased, and as far as the
latter was concerned it was like walking from winter into spring. The heat
seemed to be coming from somewhere beneath our feet, as a hearthstone will keep
the warmth long after the fire itself is out. It increased as we advanced further
into the cavern, until we were halted by a great fissure that stretched from
one side to the other, effectively blocking our way to the other side. It was
from this great crack that the heat and the smell came.
Cautiously I peered over
the edge, down into darkness so deep it was almost a color on its own. Up came
a waft of hot air; Ky-Lin had said this was the cone of an extinct volcano, but
there was certainly something down there still. No noise, however; no grumbling
and bubbling, so perhaps I was mistaken.
I stepped back and held
the torch as high as I could once more. It was like being in a huge cathedral,
ribs and buttresses of rock rearing up into shadow. On the other side of the
fissure, to add to the illusion, huge lumps of stone could well be mistaken for
effigies of long-dead knights. But giant knights these, in fact the shadows
thrown by the torch gave these effigies of stone less than human
characteristics: heads and claws and scaly backs.
"There's a sorta
bridge here," Growch grumbled. It wasn't the sort of place to be too
A thin arch of stone
spanned the chasm; perhaps a couple of feet wide, it looked both daunting and
insubstantial, and the thought of what might lie below was more than enough to
make me decide not to chance it. Besides, I persuaded myself, there was nothing
over there to look at, only misshapen lumps of rock and, now I noticed for the
first time, some irregularly spaced heaps of pebbles, the sort of heaps a child
might make while playing.
I felt terribly let
down. All that travelling, the building up of anticipation, the hard times, the
dangerous ones: was it all to lead to an empty, hot cavern scattered with
stones and smelling of cinders? And where, oh where was Jasper? Where was my
wonderful man-dragon? How could the maps, the legends, my own intuition, all be
so wrong?
In sudden frustration
and anguish I called out his name. "Jasper! Jasper! Where are you?"
but the echoes engendered by my voice magnified his name into a frightening
"Boom! boom! boom!" that bounced off the rocks, hissing on the
sibilant, popping on the plosive, till I felt as if I had been hurled headlong
into a thunderstorm.
Terrified, I clapped my
hands to my ears, dropping the torch, but to add to the din Growch started
yelping in fear and the noise was so dreadful it almost seemed as if the stones
themselves were adding to the clamor. To add to the confusion the fallen torch
was now pointing directly across at the misshapen rocks and I definitely saw
one move—
That did it. I snatched
up the torch, and with one accord Growch and I headed for the tunnel and fled
as if the Devil himself were after us, never mind stones and stumbles, emerging
out onto the ledge again with a speed that nearly had us over the edge.
"Well," asked
Ky-Lin, comfortingly matter-of-fact. "Was it worth the climb?"
Out it all came, my
disappointment, the way we had almost scared ourselves to death, the sheer
empty futility of it all.
"I had thought it
would be so different," I finished miserably. "Just great big rocks
and heaps of pebbles."
"What did you
expect?" he asked mildly. "A welcoming committee? Besides, rocks are
rocks are rocks, you know. . . ."
I could have done
without his homespun philosophy right then, especially as I didn't understand
what he was getting at, and nearly told him so. Instead we wended our way down
the mountain again and endured another bumpy ride, and it was well past dark
when we arrived back at the monastery.
And the last person in
the world I wanted to face was Dickon, but there he was, near hysterical.
"Where the hell do
you think you've been? You've been missing all day! What on earth time is this
to return?"
"Oh shut up,
Dickon," I said wearily. I was exhausted, bumped, bruised, fed up and near
to tears. "I'm tired. I want a bath and I want to go to bed. I'll tell you
all about it in the morning."
"I know what it is:
you went off on your own to find the treasure!"
"How many times do
I have to tell you?" I yelled back. "There is no bloody treasure!
There never was!"
"Oh, yes?" he
sneered. "That's what you keep on saying, isn't it? Well, let me tell you
this; nothing you say will ever convince me that you dragged us all this way
for nothing—"
"Us? You mean
you! Who dragged you? You insisted on coming. Each time we
tried to go on alone, you insisted on following. You left the
caravan to follow us, you travelled up the Silk River to find us, you
tracked us across the bog—"
He evaded that.
"But where did you go today, then?"
"Look," I
said. "If you will leave me in peace right now, I have already told you
I'll explain it all in the morning."
"I said so."
"I can trust
"It's your only
choice." I shrugged. "If you believe I am going to lie, I can do it
as well now as tomorrow. Think about it. Goodnight."
But even after a welcome
soak and a bowl of chicken and egg soup, and a bed that welcomed like coming
home, I could not sleep. I nodded off for an hour or so, then woke to toss and
turn. I was too hot, too cold, itchy, uncomfortable. The longer I tried to
sleep, the worse it became. I dozed again, with dream-starts that melted one
into another. One moment the once-fat Summer fled an imagined horror, the next
a huge moon was shining too bright on my face; now great bats chased across the
sky, their wings obscuring the same moon. I woke fretful and pushed a too-heavy
Growch away. I rolled down a steep mountain to escape the pursuing flames, a
sudden wind rattled the shutters and I opened my eyes to see the oil lamp
guttering. It must have been about three in the morning.
Growch stretched and
yawned. "You goin' ter tell 'im where we went?"
"What choice have
I? And what does it matter anyway?"
And I burst into useless
Chapter Twenty.Six
About two hours later I
had had enough. Although it was still full dark I disturbed Growch again as I
flung aside the blankets, donned my father's cloak and stepped outside onto the
narrow balcony that served both my room and Dickon's.
Although it was October,
the night was still comparatively warm and the stone of the balustrade under my
fingers was no colder than the air. Below was a set of steps leading down to a
small, ornamental garden, no bigger than ten feet by ten, facing south. I had
sat there during the day a couple of times, on one of the two stone benches,
amid pots of exotic plants, ivies, and those tiny stunted trees so beloved by
the people of this land. Pines, firs, even cherry trees were bound and twisted
into grotesque shapes no higher than my hand, yet it is said that they were as
much as one hundred years old!
I wondered vaguely if it
hurt them to be twisted so unnaturally, and whether it would be a kindness to
dig them all up secretly and replant them in the freedom of unrestricted soil
many miles away. Or were they so used to their pot-bound existence that they
would perish without special nurturing?
The stars had nearly all
gone to bed, those left pale with tiredness, but the waxing moon still held a
sullen glow as it balanced on the tips of the faraway mountains. It was the
color of watered blood, the warts and scars of its face showing up like plague
spots. A faint breeze touched my cheek; false dawn would come with the going
down of the moon. As I watched I could almost imagine it starting to slide down
out of sight. My breathing slowed: I was in tune with the speed of the heavens.
Then, just as the jaws
of the mountains gaped to swallow the moon, there came a lightening of the sky
in the east. False dawn had turned everything dark gray, and somewhere a sleepy
bird woke for an instant, tried a trill and fell silent once more.
And suddenly, like a
stifling blanket being pulled off my head, came a lifting of both mind and
spirit. I felt so different I could have cried out with the relief. But what
had brought all this about? I gazed around at the fading stars, the sinking
moon, a lightening in the sky to the east—no, it was none of these.
Then I looked back at
the nearly gone moon and realized there was something different about the marks
on its face. It was there, then it disappeared. I rubbed my eyes, but when I
looked again the moon had slid away and so had the strange mark I thought—I
imagined?—I had seen.
I wouldn't, couldn't
allow hope to rise once more, only to be dashed. And yet . . .
I went back to bed and
slept until midday.
And so, in the afternoon
when Dickon again tried to question me about yesterday's activities I told him
what we had done almost indifferently, as though it didn't really matter
anymore. And at that moment it didn't.
"So you see we just
went to look at the place the legends say the dragons live in, but after all
that there was nothing there; nothing except an extinct volcano and heaps of
rocks and stones, that is."
"Why didn't you let
me come?"
"Ky-Lin carried us:
he couldn't have managed you as well."
"I should like to
have seen it. There might have been something you missed."
"Go see for
yourself, then," I said recklessly, and described how he could climb up to
the cavern. "But I tell you, it's a waste of time!"
"Then if there was
nothing, and you didn't find this friend you told me about, why don't you just
pack up now and go back to your tame merchant boyfriend?"
"Here's as good a
place as any to overwinter."
"What about
I shrugged. "I
offered you some once. I still have it. I might even do a little trading
myself. And you: what are you going to do with yourself now your journey is
He looked aghast.
"But—I understood we were together in this! I haven't come all this way
just to be cast aside like an odd glove. I've got no capital! If you decide to
trade, we trade together. What do you really know about buying and selling?
Why, you can't even communicate with these people without that colored freak at
your heels. . . ." He had always been jealous of Ky-Lin. "At least I
have been learning the language in my spare time. You wouldn't last five
minutes without me and you know it!"
"Well I shall have
to try, shan't I? Don't worry, I shall manage. I shall stay around here for a
while, and I shall stay alone. Apart from Growch, of course."
I felt mean, but somehow
knew I had to shed him. I knew I had to be on my own, that whatever pass I had
come to in my life, whatever awaited me, I had to meet it alone, free of the
threat that someone like Dickon posed. No, not "someone like": it was
the person himself I had to be free of. He had always made me feel uneasy, that
was why I had tried so hard so many times to go ahead without him. And had
failed. He was not evil, most people would just see him as a nuisance, and
wonder why I had tried so hard to be rid of him. I couldn't explain it, even
now: it was just something that was part of him that one day would do me great
hurt, of that I was sure. It was nothing of which he was aware either, just as
a straight man will not glance back to see he has a crooked shadow. . . .
I made one last try.
"My offer of the
money still stands." I'd manage somehow.
"You can keep your
ten pieces of gold—or were they thirty pieces of silver?" And he slammed
out; as a parting shot it wasn't bad at all.
For the next hour I made
a full inventory of my possessions. It was time I moved from the monastery, now
I was fully recovered. I would try to rent a couple of rooms in the village
below, rather than presume too much on the hospitality of the monks.
There wasn't much to
take with me. A few well-worn clothes, sewing kit, leather for patching,
monthly cloths, comb; my journal, writing materials and maps; a cooking pot,
spoons, mug, and sharp knife; a bag or two of herbs. With a blanket to wrap it
all in and my father's cloak, that was about it. Except, of course, for my
money belt, in which I still had a little coinage from our performing days,
Suleiman's gold, and the assorted coins from my father's dowry to me.
Lastly there were my
special treasures: the Waystone, the beautiful crystal gem and, last but first
as well, the dragon's egg. I took it out now and looked at it: even since the
last time I had done this it seemed to have grown. I cradled it in my hands,
marvelling at its perfect symmetry and the way the light caught the speckles
that glinted like granite on its surface. I remembered what both my long-ago
Wimperling and Ky-Lin had said about the hundred years or so of incubation it
needed before hatching, and was sad I should never see what it contained; I
should have to find a suitable place to leave it soon, for it needed quiet and
rest, to develop as it should.
There were three or four
hours to go until dark, so Growch and I hitched a ride taking woollen cloth
from the monastery down to the village, but we hadn't gone far down the narrow,
twisty track when Growch announced that we were being followed.
"Who is it?" I
asked, peering back up the track. I could see nothing.
" 'Is lordship. 'Oo
"Hell and
damnation! Why can't he leave us alone?"
"Wanna lose
"Of course."
"Then when we gets
to the first 'ouses, jump off quick an' follow me, sharpish."
Once on foot, I realized
just how well Growch had used his time when he was off "exploring,"
as he put it. No doubt he had been in search of his "fluffy bums,"
but he had learnt the village like a cartographer.
He led me a swift left
turn down a side alley, turned right into a courtyard and straight out again
through someone's (luckily unoccupied) kitchen, across another street, into a
laundry and out again, ducking under wet clothes; two sharp lefts, three rights
and then helter-skelter up some steps, down others and into a stuffy little
room, greasy with the smell of frying pork and chicken.
Growch trotted up to the
cook, who had obviously met him before, because he aimed a halfhearted blow
with his skillet, then fished out a pig's foot.
"C'mon," said
Growch through the gristle. "Out the back."
This led out onto a
street where the unoccupied ladies of the town held their nightly
"entertainments." Everything was now closed, shuttered and barred,
and backed out onto some unattractive garbage heaps, but I could hear awakening
chatter behind the closed doors. Growch went over to inspect the rubbish, but I
called him sharply back.
"That's enough!
You'll be sick. . . ."
" 'Ow often you
seen me sick?" It was a rhetorical question, and he knew it.
"Where now?" I
asked, changing the subject.
" 'E's a'ead o' us
now. Let's see what 'e's up to. I'll scout, you follow close."
So we crept along the
irregular streets, stepping in and out of afternoon-going-on-evening shadows,
passing the elderly taking patches of sun, children playing primitive games
with colored squares of baked clay, or chasing each other in the eternal game
of tag. I ducked under lines of washing, stepped around rubbish, avoided the
throwing out of slops. There seemed no system or plan to the village; it had
just grown. Every now and then we passed through little squares, apparently
there just because the houses had been built facing one another. Several lanes
led nowhere.
Suddenly I heard
Dickon's voice. He seemed to be involved in some sort of altercation and,
rounding a corner, there he was, arguing with a couple of villagers over a
tatty-looking horse. From the look of it he wanted to "borrow" the
horse against future payment, but they were having none of it.
I ducked back into the
shadows, but he had seen me. All that rushing around with Growch for nothing,
but perhaps after all it had only been an excuse on the dog's part to pick up a
snack or two. He wouldn't admit it if it was.
"Hey, Summer! Come
here a minute. . . ." Dickon led me aside. "Look here. I've been
thinking about what you said earlier: the parting of the ways and all that
stuff. Well, I've decided to do something about it." He stood back and
folded his arms. "I think it would be best if I took off for a few days,
before the winter sets in. I could travel between the villages, see what
opportunities there are for trade, check on what goods they are short of, that
sort of thing. What do they import now? Rice, salt, oil, metals; those are
taken care of, but there must be other commodities they could do with. Why, if
I sat down and worked it all out I bet I could do substantial undercutting of
the other traders."
commendable," I said. Why was it I didn't believe him?
"Well, what do you
say? I was just bargaining with these fellows for the loan of their horse for a
few days, but they obviously want cash down. Now, if you want me to make a life
of my own—if you still insist you don't want to come in with me, which is the
most sensible thing to do, let's face it—then you can't deny me this chance. I
just need a few coins to hire the horse and kit myself out—"
"How much?" At
least it meant he would be out from under my feet for a few days.
He named a sum, but I
shook my head. "Too much. I'll talk to them, or try to. . . ."
"No, no, no. No
need. I'll do my own bargaining. Probably bring them down by half . . ."
Which meant he had been
trying to con me out of some extra for himself. Apparently the men were
satisfied with his revised offer, and I paid out a few coins from my money belt
after they had shown us where the horse was stabled and included the hire of
saddle and bridle.
We started back up the
steep track to the monastery together, hoping for a lift on the way, but quite
prepared to walk, though Growch would grumble long before the top.
"I suppose you were
in the village looking for lodgings," said Dickon carelessly, when we had
walked for about five minutes. "Any luck?"
"Not yet," I
answered, equally carelessly. "Plenty of time."
"Oh. Yes, of
course. Well you might as well wait now until I get back and I can give you a
hand shifting your gear."
"There's not much
to carry. Anyway, Ky-Lin can help me."
"He can do the
bargaining. Don't worry, just take your time. I'll be fine."
He hesitated. "In
that case—I'll need a bit more money. For provisions."
I gave him a couple of
coins. "That should be enough for some cooked rice and dried fruit."
He inspected the coins.
"Not very generous, are you?"
"We've managed on
Just then we heard the
rattle of the little wagon that carried goat milk down from the monastery twice
a day coming up behind us, so we rode the rest of the way.
That he was determined
on going somewhere there was no doubt; that night he was packed up well before
bedtime, and had already arranged a lift down to the village before cockcrow.
Once again I couldn't
sleep. Once again I went out onto the balcony, once again gazed out at the
waxing moon. Had it been just my imagination that had showed me a fleeting
shadow across that glowing surface? Was my sudden change of spirits due to no
more than an illusion? And then, just as the moon touched the tip of the
mountains I saw it again! No bigger than a distant leaf in autumn, it drifted
across the face of the moon. I was almost certain now. Almost . . .
My heart thudding, not
even bothering to throw a cloak over the nightshirt I wore, I ran down to the
little garden below, my hands grasping the balustrade so hard they hurt. But
there was nothing there, nothing.
Nothing other than the
whisper of air across my cheek as though great wings were beating far above.
I waited and waited, but
it seemed that was that. Despondently I trailed back to bed, and was just
dozing off when there came a sudden rattling crash. It seemed to come from the
direction of Dickon's room. He wasn't sleepwalking, was he? Or perhaps he had
decided to get up extra early so as not to miss his lift to the village. Once
again I hurried out onto the balcony; now the noise appeared to be coming from
the little garden. The stupid boy hadn't fallen down the steps, had he?
"What the devil do
you think you are doing, Dickon? Some of us are trying to sleep. . . ."
"Some of us can't
sleep," came a voice from below. "And who the hell is Dickon? Not
that stupid boy who stole your money all that long time ago, surely?"
Chapter Twenty.Seven
“Wimperling!" I
called out joyously.
But no, it wasn't my
little winged pig, the one who had flown me to safety all that long time ago,
because he wasn't a pig at all, was he? He had almost broken my heart when he
had burst to smithereens at my third kiss and left only a tiny piece of
shrivelled hide that even now I wore in the pouch around my neck.
"Summer? Somerdai .
. . my Talitha. Come here, my dear. Let me see you!"
A man, a tall man
dressed in the colors of the night, was leaning on the balustrade in the little
garden. I knew who it was although I couldn't see his face, of course I did,
but was I still asleep and dreaming?
"Come on down! It's
been a long time. . . ."
And many, many wearisome
miles. Heat, cold, exhaustion, near starvation, danger; and my imaginings of it
had not been at all like this, a hidden-faced stranger who lolled against a
balustrade and called my name as though we had only parted yesterday. The
memory that had sustained me had been of a snatched embrace, a burning kiss, a
wrenching away. Quick, violent, fraught with emotion for both of us.
"Do I have to come
up there and fetch you?" It wasn't a soft, warm voice like my blind knight
had used in his seducing mood, nor the comfortable town-burr of the merchant,
Matthew Spicer; it had a harsh, nasal quality, a sort of scraping reluctance
for the words to form. A disturbing voice, a compelling one, but not
necessarily a very nice one.
"No," I said.
"I'm coming down."
And slowly, almost
reluctantly, I moved down the steps till I stood on the bottom one, clutching
the neck of my nightshirt as if it could be the one gesture that kept me from
being stripped naked.
thinner," said the voice. "And your hair is shorter. But your eyes
are just the same; great big wondering eyes, mirrors of your soul. Why don't you
come nearer? Are you afraid?"
"I—I don't know. I
don't remember . . . I didn't think—"
"If you don't know,
remember, think—then why are you here?" The voice was gentler now, as if
it was getting more used to human speech, and there was even a hint of amused
tenderness. "And why don't you use my human name?"
Jasper. Master of Many
Treasures. The dragon-man, man-dragon I had travelled half the known world to
find. And yet I couldn't even use his name. Why? I was frightened, shy, now
uncertain of those feelings I had been so certain of before. Or thought I had.
Even while I cursed myself for my stupidity I could feel the tears welling up
in my eyes, spilling down my cheeks, blurring my vision, till the figure before
me wavered and dissolved.
Something touched my
face, and the corner of a cloak caught the tears as they fell, absorbed them as
they coursed down my cheeks, wiped my nose.
"Blow . . . That's
better! Am I so terrifying? Why you're trembling. . . . Here, wrap my cloak
around you. There, isn't that better?"
As he was still wearing
the cloak himself—yes, it was. Suddenly, very much better. But he didn't press
it; he had one arm round my shoulders now and with the other hand he lifted my
chin, but we were still inches away from a proper embrace. Physically, that is;
emotionally, as far as he was concerned, I could see it was miles.
"Open your eyes:
look at me! I don't bite."
"Dragons do,"
I said, still feebly resisting the temptations of his sudden nearness.
"I'm not a dragon
all the time. I've learnt a lot in the time we've been apart, including how to
keep my two selves separate—usually. I make mistakes, of course—and I still
find it difficult to land on narrow balconies at night, as no doubt you heard.
. . ."
"Have you been a
dragon all the time till now?"
"Mostly, but not
all. So now I am owed a little man-time."
"Three months in
every year," I said, remembering.
"And all because
you kissed a rather ugly little pig three times—"
"You weren't ugly!
I mean the Wimperling wasn't! You—he—wasn't exactly beautiful, I suppose, but
very endearing."
"More than me, I
suppose! Perhaps I'd better reverse the process."
"You can't, can
you?" Forgetting to be shy I opened my eyes properly and looked up at him.
It wasn't fair: I had
forgotten just how handsome he was. The dim light threw half his face into
darkness, but the dark, frowning brows, yellow eyes set slightly aslant,
strong, hooked nose and the wide mouth that could express both harshness or
humor, strength or tenderness, they were quite clear. Tentatively I raised my
fingers to the hand that cradled my chin; two years ago it had been cold, with
the traces of scales still evident, but now it was warm and smooth.
"Remember me?"
He was teasing.
"Of course I do,
but—" I lifted a finger to trace the thin line of moustache, the short
hairs along his jawline. "You're not quite the same."
"Neither are you,
my dear. You've grown up." He tipped my chin higher. "There are great
shadows under your eyes, your mouth is firmer, you are much slimmer. . . . Was
it bad, your journey? No, don't tell me now," and his mouth brushed mine
so gently it was come and gone like the touch of a moth's wing. "We have
plenty of time to talk." His lips met mine again, lingering there longer,
exerted a stronger pressure. "I can't tell you how nice it is to see you
again. And what a surprise!" The next kiss still teased, though it was
more like a proper one. "You know something, my little Talitha? You are
practically irresistible! Tell me something; how did you manage to end up here,
of all places in the world to choose from?"
For a moment the meaning
of what he had said didn't sink in, but when it did I pushed away from him and
stood there, bewildered. His question meant that he didn't realize that I had
come all this way just to seek him out; he didn't know how much I loved him.
How could I now betray my foolish hopes, my enduring love, to someone who
obviously thought of me just as a temporary plaything?
The hot blood rushed to
my cheeks and I was about to cover my shame and confusion by muttering
something utterly inane like "looking for treasure," when I was saved
from making a fool of myself by glimpsing a sudden flash of white on the
balcony above.
I tugged at Jasper's
sleeve. "Quick, you must go! Dickon—yes, the same one—is up there on the balcony,
and he mustn't see you!"
"Then I shall come
again tomorrow night. Earlier."
"He's away this
morning for a few days—"
"Good." He
leapt up on the balustrade. "Tomorrow. Midnight . . ." He paused for
a moment, then plunged over the edge.
My genuine cry of fright
was echoed by a yell from Dickon above. I rushed over to the void,
terror-stricken, my heart in my mouth, then I heard the crack! of
opening wings and saw my man-dragon soar away into the darkness.
Dickon, who had seen
nothing of this, joined me at the balustrade. "Who was it? What happened?
Where did he go?"
I was still trembling,
though he didn't notice this, and I tried to keep the shakes from my voice as I
"I've no idea. A
thief, a voyeur? I heard a noise, got up and came down here. I tried to talk to
him, find out what he was doing—" how long had he been listening?
"—but when he saw you he jumped down to the rocks below." I leant
over the edge. "There's no sign of him now."
"You must be more
careful! Are you sure that money of yours is safe? Bar your door and your
windows. Get that lazy dog of yours to stand guard out here at night." He
seemed genuinely worried, though whether it was me or my money he was more
bothered about it was difficult to say. "Promise me you won't do anything—foolish—while
I am away?"
No, I wouldn't do
anything foolish. I had done enough of that already, including coming here in
the first place, following an impossible dream.
"I promise," I
said. "I shall be here when you return, safe and sound. And—" the
thought coming to me unbidden and forcing itself into speech "—and I may
change my mind about staying here after all."
"You mean . . . go
back to the merchant?" He sounded incredulous. Then, suddenly, suspicious.
"You have found what you seek, then?" I could almost see the picture
of a heap of treasure in his mind, followed by the thought: where has she
hidden it?
"Why not? There I
was safe and secure. A good marriage . . ." I shrugged. "Or I could
still go into trade somewhere else. It's not entirely a man's world, you know;
there are women physicians, builders, painters, herbalists, farmers, metal
workers, writers. . . . And now I'm going back to bed. Have a good
It was a relief to be
rid of him, but unfortunately this also gave me too much time to think. Over
and over again I reviewed in my mind Jasper's visit, what he had looked like,
what he said, and, more important, what he didn't. I had been stupid, shy, tearful,
but he had been—different. I suppose it was ridiculous of me to suppose we
could pick up just where we had left off over two years ago, for that had been
a moment of such high intensity it could not be repeated, but I had expected
him to understand why I had travelled all this way to see him again.
Instead he was treating
me with an amused tenderness, just as you would a particular pet, indulging my
tears and stupid behavior. But hadn't he said I was now grown-up, too? And did
he truly not know why I was here? Long, long ago he had warned me against
loving him: was this because he knew he was incapable of such emotion? Or was
it that he no longer found me attractive?
Had my journey been in
vain, then?
I'd be damned if it had!
My pride wouldn't let me just creep away without a fight. I hadn't come all
this way to be brushed aside. As for being attractive—well, just let him wait
and see!
Off I went down to the
village and when I returned spent the rest of the day with scissors, needle and
thread, warm water, the opening of this jar, that bottle.
Ky-Lin visited me at
around six. I hadn't seen him for days, but it seemed he knew, somehow, of
Jasper's visit.
"Was it how you
imagined it, girl? Was it worth all the journeying?" He looked around at
my preparations. "You know, I remember something my Master used to say to
his disciples: 'Be careful on what you set your heart, for it may just be you
achieve your desire.' "
I didn't understand;
surely to get what you wanted was the ultimate goal.
He looked at me steadily,
his plumed tail swishing gently from side to side. "You will understand
someday, I think." I had never seen him look so sad. "Do not forget I
am still here to help you, if you need me."
At last I heard the
monks chanting their evening prayers, the dissonance of their softly struck
bells. Soon it would be midnight. I slipped the green silk gown I had made that
afternoon over my head. There was no mirror of course, but it felt good, the
dress swirling round me in soft, loose folds, as it did so catching the perfume
of sandalwood oil I had used in my bathing water. On my feet were a pair of
green felt slippers I had hastily cobbled once the dress was finished, and I
had a green ribbon in my hair.
I had told Growch whom I
was expecting and asked him to please not interrupt our meeting.
"Din' last night,
did I? You goin' to do naughties tonight, like the first time you met?"
Ridiculously I felt
myself blushing: fancy being embarrassed by a dog! "None of your business
what I'm going to do!"
"You looks
nice," he said unexpectedly. "Quite the lady . . ."
Probably I was now
wearing the most beautiful dress I had ever possessed, and after what Growch
had said, I wished, I wished I had a mirror. It would be nice to see a
beautiful Summer, just for once, especially as I had spent so much of my life
as a plain, fat girl nobody looked at twice.
I left a lamp burning in
my room, took the lantern from Dickon's room and set it on the balcony. Tonight
was overcast, the moon hidden behind a scud of cloud. There was a sudden sound
behind me: only a moth, banging helplessly against the oiled paper of the
lantern. I brushed it aside, although the flame was well shielded.
Suddenly it was cold; a
chill wind came rushing from the snowcapped mountains to the north and whirled
around me: my skin shivered into goosebumps and the breeze lifted the hair on
my head into tangles. Winter was giving its warning—or was it something else
that made me think of a dying end?
The wind ceased as
suddenly as it had risen, the clouds parted and the moon shone clear and
bright. I twisted the ring on my finger—strange, it seemed much looser; perhaps
I was losing too much weight—but it was warm and comforting, and I pushed any
dark thoughts from my mind as a shadow flicked across the edge of my sight and
swooped away beneath.
I ran down the steps to
the little garden and there, just climbing over the edge, was my man-dragon,
his cloak flapping behind him like wings. He stopped when he saw me, one foot
still on the balustrade.
"My, what have we
here, then? A strange fair lady!"
"Wha—what do you
"To what do I owe
this honor, beauteous maid?" Stepping down, he gave me a bow, his hand on
his heart. "I swear you are the very vision of loveliness. . . ."
For a moment I truly
believed he didn't recognize me, then he laughed, came forward, and took my
"You look
absolutely wonderful, Talitha! I wouldn't have believed it possible!" Did
it depend so much on the clothes I wore, I wondered? "Of course you are
beautiful anyway, always were, but that dress frames your loveliness perfectly!
Did you make it especially for me?"
"Of course
not!" I lied too quickly. (Never let a man think you've tarted yourself up
just for him, Mama used to say. They are big-headed enough as it is. A little
disarray is perfectly acceptable.) "It's just something I had put
He turned over my right
hand, brushing his thumb across my index finger. "With fresh needle marks?
You're not a good liar, my dear—no, don't be angry. I am deeply honored,
believe me," and he sang a little song I used to be familiar with in my
own country.
"Silver ribbons in your hair, lady;
"Golden shoon upon your feet.
"Crimson silk to clothe you, lady:
"And a kiss your knight to greet!"
Only he changed all the
colors to "green," and I got a kiss at the end of it, a proper one
this time.
In an instant my arms
went around his neck and my body curved into his, so you couldn't have passed a
silken thread between us. I felt as though I was melting, fusing with him until
we were metal of the same mold. I couldn't breathe or think, all I could do was
Then at once everything
changed. Suddenly I was standing alone, scarcely able to keep my feet for the
trembling in my limbs, shaking with a frustration I had no words for, an ache
that came from the deepest parts of my body.
All I could say was:
"Why?" and I didn't even realize I had spoken out loud.
"No," he said.
"No, my very dear one, no."
I didn't understand.
"What's wrong? What have I done?"
"Done? Nothing,
nothing at all. But we can't let this happen again. It was bad enough last
time, against all the laws of nature, and I was the one who let it happen. No,
now don't cry. . . ." He came forward and held my hands again. "Remember
this: we are different, you and I. You are human, through and through, and
nothing but. I am three-quarters, nay more, of a completely different creature.
Normally I have a different form, different morals, different view of life,
different future. There is no way, absolutely none, in which we could ever have
a future together, even for a few days, and anything less wouldn't be fair to
you. Don't you understand?"
"What about the
quarter that isn't dragon? What about the times when you are 'He who Scrapes
the Clouds' or whatever is your dragon name? What about the man who stands
before me now? What happens to Jasper?"
"Jasper," he
said, "may be the Master of Many Treasures, but not of his own soul—if he
has one, that is. He is ruled by his larger part and that is dragon; he is
subject to dragon rule and dragon law. He may make no important decisions
contrary to those that are already laid down, unless it is first referred to
the Council for consideration. And unless this Jasper is a Master Dragon, which
he is not, then there is no hope of changing the laws or of making any appeal
against them. . . ." He was speaking in a dull, monotonous way, like a
priest bored with the service.
I tried to humor him.
"What is the difference between an ordinary dragon and a master?"
"Treasure. The
gathering of enough to satisfy the Council. The last master brought five great
jewels, still much admired. An emerald from a rainforest on the other side of
the world, a sapphire from an island in the warm seas, a diamond from the mines
of the southern desert, a ruby from a temple of the infidel, and a priceless
freshwater pearl from the Islands of Mist."
"How long ago was
"Some five hundred
I gasped. So long ago!
"Then how long can a dragon live? And what is the Council?"
"A fit dragon can
live for a thousand years, perhaps more. Once there were hundreds, all over the
world, together with other similar creatures of all sorts, shapes and sizes.
Now their bones lie scattered, for our legends say that a disaster came from
the sky, a great ball of fire that brought with it a breath of death that
destroyed millions of creatures, the dragons among them. Some survived, but
very few, and those only in the high mountains, where the contamination
couldn't reach them. Other pockets of safety conserved other creatures, mainly
small ones: lizards, tortoises, lemurs. Then the world gradually changed,
mammals growing strong at the expense of the dragon." He glanced at my
indignant face. "That is what our legends say; yours are probably rather
"God created the
world," I said stiffly. "And Adam and Eve came before dragons. I
think. If He ever created them; some say they come from the Devil."
"Who's he?"
He didn't know?
"And in any case I don't think Noah would have been able to cope with a pair
of dragons in his Ark. It must have been difficult enough putting lions and
sheep with rats and camels. . . ."
He was laughing now.
"Oh Summer-Talitha, you take things so seriously, so literally!"
I was so happy to see
him back to normal, as it were, that I couldn't take offense. I knew what was
right, so what the dragons believed in didn't matter. "And the
Council?" I prompted.
"All the Master
Dragons who survive, eleven in all."
"And where is the
"You've seen
"I have?"
"Of course!" He
smiled again. "Let us say they saw you, and the dog. They told me
"The Blue
"But there was
nothing there—except rocks and stones and pebbles and dust and a nasty
"Rocks and pebbles?
Are you sure?"
I remembered something
Ky-Lin had said: "Rocks are rocks are rocks, you know. . . ."
"You mean—the
cavern was full of dragons? The rocks . . ."
"And the
"Treasure. Heaps of
So Dickon had been right
after all! There had been a fabulous treasure waiting at the end of our
journey. . . .
I was silent for a
moment. "How do they hide—look like rocks?"
"A mist of
illusion. Easy stuff."
"But don't you
think it's an awful waste having all that treasure just sitting there doing
"It's very pretty.
A delight to run between one's claws, to taste with one's tongue. Did you know
all jewels taste different? Like bonbons do to humans . . . Myself, I prefer
the tang of a fire opal."
I thought he might be
joking, but a glance told me he wasn't.
"I still think it's
a waste."
"Why? What about
all those kings and princes, merchants and misers who do precisely the same
thing? They have rooms full of treasure that never see the light of day. What
about those who bury treasure so it is lost forever? What about those vandals
that actually destroy what you would call treasure, just for the joy of it? Why
should a few ageing dragons be denied their simple pleasures? Which is worse:
to steal a jewel every now and again, or to take lives in the name of religion,
or whatever?"
"But dragons eat
people, too!" I remembered the tales of my childhood; beautiful damsels
chained to rocks, children offered up, young men stripped naked to fight with a
wooden sword a battle they could not hope to win.
"Perhaps some did,
once. There were many more of us then. Now we eat seldom, and then only to fuel
our fires, speed our wings. And there are not many of us left who undertake
journeys of any distance."
"Most of them are
too old, some well over the thousand-year norm. All they want is a little heat,
a little sleep, and their memories. They are great tale-tellers. To them the
puny adventures and battles and wars of humankind are like a breath, soon
I wondered. Sometimes he
spoke of "us," sometimes of "them." Was this because of the
life he was forced to lead? A quarter man, three-quarters dragon? I must try
and keep him thinking of dragons as "them," and concentrate on making
him feel like a man.
"Well, waste or no,
I didn't come all this way for treasure," I said, choosing my words
"Why, then?"
He released my hands and slipped an arm about my waist. "Adventure?
No, Love, you great
idiot! I thought, but of course didn't say it. "A little of both, I
suppose," I said. "All that travelling we did, while you were still
the Wimperling, gave me a taste for it. Besides which, I have had a chance of
earning my own living. Real money . . ."
"And where did you
pick up that little thief, Dickon, again?"
I explained. "I
kept trying to leave him behind, but he persisted in believing that I was after
treasure, dragon treasure. Thank God he has given up that idea and gone off for
a couple of days looking for trading opportunities."
"Oh, I don't think
he has given up. Did you tell him about your visit to the Blue Mountain?"
"Yes, but—"
"I flew over his
encampment earlier, frightened his horse off into the bush. Take him the best
part of a day to catch up with it again."
"You don't mean . .
"I do mean. He's
camped at the foot of the Blue Mountain, and tomorrow, if I'm not much
mistaken, he'll be climbing the path you took, looking for the treasure!"
Chapter Twenty.Eight
The crafty devil!
Telling me he was looking for new opportunities, and making me pay for yet
another treasure hunt! I should never have told him about the Blue Mountain; it
was obvious he hadn't believed me.
"He won't find
anything, will he?"
"No more than you
"Well, I hope he
falls off the path!" I said crossly. "He's been nothing but trouble
ever since we met up again."
"Tell me . .
." and he spread out his cloak on the stone flags of the little garden,
sat cross-legged and pulled me down beside him. "I want to hear everything
that's happened to you since the Place of Stones."
I glossed over that
dreadful journey back to Matthew's, for after all it wasn't his fault I had
near starved to death; I told him of my decision to turn down Matthew's offer
(but not the real reason), made him smile over my forgeries of the merchant's
signature and running off dressed as a boy to seek my fortune. I made my
adventures as amusing as I could: storm at sea, ambush, imprisonment, the bog,
bandits, the Desert of Death and the hairy people.
When I had finished he
ruffled my hair, leant forward and kissed my cheek.
"I reckon it was a
good job you had your friend Ky-Lin with you. I have heard of them, but never
seen one. You could have easily died a dozen times without him. . . ." He
frowned. "But all this doesn't explain why you left the caravan trails and
came this way."
Ah, Jasper, my love,
this was the difficult part. . . .
"I wanted to see
you again," I said lightly. "Man-dragons are a little out of my
experience, you see. Added to that, the coins my father left me led me all the
way across every country to this one. And on Matthew's maps this part was
marked: 'Here be Dragons.' Simple as that."
"Was it? Was it
really?" He slipped his arm about my waist again. "You know
something? I went back to look for you after I made my initial journey here. I
worried that you would find it difficult to find your merchant's house again.
But you had vanished from the face of the earth! Nice to know you were all
right." He cuddled me closer. "Well, now that you've found your
man-dragon again, what do you want of him?"
"A couple of
kisses," I said promptly. "Proper ones. Not
Neither should it be let's-have-a-laugh-and-a-kiss-and-say-good-bye! I want you
to pretend," I snuggled up closer, "just for a moment, that I am the
most desirable woman in the world. . . ." My hand stroked his cheek.
"I am a princess under a spell, and only you can break the ice about her
heart." Had I gone too far? "It's not a lot to ask, it can't threaten
your life! You're not going to change back into a pig, or anything like
"I should hope
He was chuckling; that
was encouraging. At least there was no outright rejection.
"Well, then?"
Now for it; my heart was beating uncomfortably fast and loud. "Or can't
you pretend?"
"I don't need to
pretend," he said, and gathered me in his arms.
At first he just held me
close, his hands stroking my hair, my cheeks, my hands. Every time he touched
me my inside tangled itself up into knots and I feared he would hear my heart,
but he hummed a gentle little droning song, as soothing as the sound of a hive
or the turning of a spinning wheel. Gradually the tune and his gentle touch
calmed my mind, but not my body.
I was aware of my skin,
my blood, my bones. I could see his shadowy face bent over mine; I could hear
his soft voice, with the slight grating tone in the lower notes; in the air was
the pungency of the rough-headed autumn plants in pots in the garden, the
night-wind smell of Jasper's clothes, and a certain slightly musky scent that
seemed to come from his skin. My whole body was stimulated to a point I had not
thought possible, and now came the taste of his lips.
I thought of the tang of
burnt sugar, the bitter black heart of an opium poppy, the smoke from autumn
bonfires, the cold, iron smell of ice and snow, newly washed linen sun-dried,
the sharp bite of a juicy apple, a snuffed candle—then I didn't think at all.
At first he was
experimenting with my lips and tongue, but gradually as he pulled me closer I
knew that at last it was me, me, me! that he wanted. I didn't care if it was
lust without love, desire without commitment, I just kissed him back with all
my heart. His hands found my breasts, his body was full of a hard urgency that
found a response in my yielding form.
Talitha," he murmured. "My little love . . ."
For answer I pulled him
down so we rested together on his cloak, our bodies inhibited only by the
clothes we wore. For a brief instant it seemed he might think better of it, but
then I took over the caressing, my fingers moving on his chest and stomach,
untying the laces of his trews, my mouth thrust up hungrily to his. . . .
And then it was too late
for either of us.
I remember the rip of
silk as my dress parted company with its stitches; I remember the feel of his
crisp, dark hair under my fingers, the rasp of his beard against my cheek; I
remember stifling my cries in the soft skin where his neck met his shoulder; I
remember, oh I remember the hard thrusts I welcomed with fierce ripostes of my
own; I remember—but there are no words to describe the cascades of delight that
followed, never will be. No words, no music, no painting: nothing can
adequately portray raw emotion like that. Until you have felt it you will never
know, and if you have you will realize it is beyond description.
Afterwards we lay in
each other's arms. Only now did my cheeks sting where his beard had rubbed
them; only now was I conscious of the uncomfortable rucks of the cloak beneath
us; only now did my insides ache with an inward tension as though they pulled
against a cat's cradle of tiny inside stitches. I was sticky and sweaty, but so
was he, and it didn't matter.
He stirred, sighed,
stroked my hair. "You are a witch, girl: you know that?" He leant up
on one elbow and gazed down at me. "You realize I had no intention of that
"I know." I
put up a finger and traced the line of his nose. "But I did." I sat
up. "And you wanted it too."
"Maybe. But it was
wrong, wrong! We shouldn't have done it."
"Why not? Who are
we hurting?"
His voice was bitter. "In time I could have forgotten you and, whatever
you think now, you would have forgotten me too. But now I shall always want
you. You will always want me. If we looked for love elsewhere, or tried to do
without, we should both think only of each other. We have forged a link that
can never be broken."
"But that was the
way I wanted it—"
"You didn't
understand what you were getting yourself into. We can never be together, don't
you understand? And you will suffer more than I. In my dragon form I can forget
you for three-quarters of the year, but you—you will never forget!"
"Then I shall wait
for the quarter-year you are a man," I said obstinately. "Wherever it
is. That will be enough for me. Three months with you is better than none at
He rose to his feet in
one swift movement and crossed to the balustrade. His whole posture was stiff,
his hands clenched on the stone, his shoulders raised, his head bent.
I went to stand at his
side, clutching at my torn gown, aware all at once of a chill wind that blew
from the north, making the stars shiver in sympathy. The moon was down, but a
pale light had followed her descent, a trace of silver on the permanent snows.
"Why is it
impossible? Don't you want to see me again?"
He glanced at me, but I
couldn't see his expression. "Of course I want to be with you, as often as
I can—but that is just the point. It's not possible!"
"But why, if
you want to? What's to stop you?"
He turned, gripped my
shoulders. "It's not as simple as you seem to think! If I could know for
sure, say to you: all right, my dear, my love, I am yours from November until
January. Find us a house where we can be one for those three months of the
year. . . . Or if I could say: I can be with you in March, May and September,
find me that house etc."
He released me, leant
over the balustrade again. "But it doesn't work that way: I wish it did. I
just don't have those certainties. These—" he gestured at himself
"—these remissions, if you can call them that, give me very little
warning. At first, they gave me none at all and it was dangerous. Then I had no
idea how long they would last either: five minutes, five hours, five days. . .
He traced the line of my
jaw with his finger. "That was one of the reasons I gave up looking for
you; it was too unpredictable, the time I could spend asking questions, and
twice I nearly got killed." He sighed. "It has become easier, like
changing to come and see you. I can control it for a couple of hours or so, and
if it is going to be longer, a week or so, I get a warning beforehand, a sort
of painless headache. But I still don't know how long it will last."
I was devastated.
"No," he said
firmly. "I couldn't live with you all the time. My dragon side is too
unpredictable. Nor could you keep me in a shed at the bottom of the garden
betweenwhiles, just waiting for my nicer side to come out. I think the
neighbors might object," he added, with a smile. "Oh, come on
darling: we'll think of something!"
"But what?" I
was close to tears.
He shrugged. "Right
now I have no idea. I shall consult the Council, though I warn you they are
finding it difficult to accept that I am not completely dragon. No precedent,
you see. Plenty of legends, but no firm records. At the moment I am something
of a celebrity, but there are those who wish to cast me out." He shook his
head. "I should have a better case to argue if I could bring them the
jewels they so desire—my permit to become a Master Dragon. But that, of course,
will take time."
"So it is just some
jewels they need?"
"To become a Master
Dragon and not a mere Apprentice—as I am now—I have to be able to perform the
usual flying tricks: spirals, hovering, steep dives, flying backwards,
backspins, and I also have to contribute something of value to the Hoard. It
can be of gold or silver, but they prefer the easier-to-handle glitter of
jewels, cut or uncut."
"Do there have to
be a certain number of these?"
He shook his head.
"Recently—within the last thousand years or so that is—it has become
traditional to bring in a selection, but the foremost criterion is that of
color. Sometimes one stone is enough; we possess, I believe, the largest uncut
emerald the world has yet seen. As big as your fist, Talitha, but too fragile
to cut."
An idea was forming in
my mind. "Do they have light in that cave of theirs?"
"Of course. There
are a number of small openings that let in both sun- and moonlight, and with a
blast or two of fire they can light semipermanent torches. Why?"
"Just wait a
moment. . . ." Running up the steps I found what I wanted in my room,
disturbing a sleepy Growch, then went back out again, picking up the lantern as
I rejoined Jasper in the garden. Setting the light on one of the benches I
opened my fist and slowly twisted the crystal the captain's wife had given me
in front of the flame. Even with that relatively dim illumination the crystal
threw a thousand rainbow lights across the garden, the balcony, our faces and
clothes, the wall above, the rocks beneath, and we were almost blinded by reds
and greens, yellows and purples, blues and oranges.
Jasper took it from my
fingers. "By the stars! This is the most beautiful . . . Where did you get
I explained.
"Do you know what
it is?" He sounded excited.
"A crystal. Nicely
cut, but—"
"But nothing! This
has been cut by a master! In fact—" He looked at it more closely. "In
fact I believe this may be one of the thirteen lost many hundreds of years ago
when pagan hordes overran the city of the Hundred Towers. . . . So far six have
been traced of the thirteen that were made by the Master of Cut Glass—one for
each lunar month, you see—and this might well be the seventh." He was
handling it as reverently as I would a splinter of the True Cross. "We—the
Council that is—already possess one of these, but to have a pair . . . Do you
realize what this means? If you let me take it to them, that will mean
automatic Dragon Mastership!" He wrapped his arms about me. "And that
would mean I would be equal to any, and they would be bound to consider any
request I made!"
"They could agree
to—regularize your changes?"
"Yes! I can also
ask to spend my man-time with you."
He was fairly dancing
around the small space of the garden, holding me up high against his chest.
"We can find somewhere. . . . Why, I've just remembered the very place!
There is an island set in the bluest of seas, miles away from the trade routes,
where the sun shines warm year round and the land is peopled by the gentlest of
natives, who would welcome us both. Everything you planted would grow, and
there are fish in the sea—"
"It sounds like
Paradise," I said wistfully. I could see it now. Yellow sands running up
to the greenery of a forest, cool streams running between moss-covered stones,
hills blue in the distance, huge butterflies feeding from the trumpets of
exotic lilies, trees alive with the chatter of multicolored birds. A little hut
set in a clearing, not too far from the sea, lines set out for fish, a net for
the collection of shellfish; a patch of ground for the vegetables, another for
a few chickens and a goat; a hammock slung between the trees, and Growch for
company when Jasper had to be away . . .
His kiss prevented any
further daydreaming.
"And now I must go,
and quickly; I can feel a change coming over me already. Forgive me, my dear: I
shall hope to see you tomorrow." He kissed me again. "And I shall
keep an eye on your Dickon. . . ."
"Not my
Dickon!" I protested, but Jasper had disappeared. Instead a black dragon
hung on to the balustrade: scaly body, gaping jaws, huge leathery wings
outspread, yellow eyes burning in a bony skull. I was afraid, but not so
frightened as I would have been two hours or so earlier if Jasper had suddenly
appeared in his dragon shape without warning.
The intelligence in
those yellow eyes was benign, I was sure of that, so I had no hesitation in
picking up the crystal and placing it in one outstretched claw.
"Godspeed, my
love," I said, then stepped back hurriedly as the wind of his wings blew
hair, dress, leaves, petals around me like a whirlwind.
All that long day I was
in a fever of impatience. I mended my green silk dress, sorted out my
belongings for the umpteenth time, brought my journal up to date, couldn't eat;
snapped at Growch, then hugged him; washed my hair and set it; didn't like the
result and washed it again to hang loose, and sun-dried it.
Ky-Lin paid a visit
around midmorning, looked at all my preparations, fluffed the tip of his tail
up like a peacock and retired, remarking: "I hope you know what you are
doing. . . ."
Of course I did! I was
getting ready for my love, shedding what I did not need, preparing for the time
when we would both be together forever, even if only for part of each year.
Nothing was more important than this, yet the day seemed to crawl by, the sun
standing still in the sky on purpose, the hours marked only by gongs, dissonant
bells, and the soft, monotonous chant of the monks.
Several times I went out
onto the balcony and looked in the direction of the Blue Mountain, wondering
how Jasper was presenting his case to the Council; I wondered, too, if Dickon,
that handsome treacherous boy, had reached the cave, only to be as disappointed
as I had been.
At last the sun really
did start to slide down the sky to the west. I supped some broth and bread,
tasting nothing in my impatience, took a warm bath, slid into my mended dress,
combed my hair until it sparked out from my head like a halo, then sat down by
the door to the balcony to wait.
And wait.
The moon came up, near
full now, and flooded the countryside with light, the stars pricked through
their cover; at midnight a small wind blew up; at one it died down again, and I
was yawning; by two I was half-asleep and must have drifted into a dream,
because I thought I was talking to my old friends Basher, Traveler, Mistral,
and the Wimperling, when suddenly the latter took wing, swung around in the sky
and came back to land at my side, only this time he was a man.
"Jasper!" I
started up, suddenly wide awake once more. "What did they say?"
"I am now a Master
Dragon, thanks to your gift!" Glints like raindrops or tiny diamonds
seemed to surround him. "But . . ."
"But what? Will
they let you go?" I ran into his arms.
He kissed me, but there
was a constraint in his manner. "They are considering it, yes. But they
want to see you: face-to-face."
Chapter Twenty.Nine
I drew back, shocked and
horrified. "B—but I can't! They might eat me!"
He drew me close again.
"Nonsense! They are so pleased with the Dragon Stone that a whole village
full of desirable maidens could parade in front of them and they would never
notice! They were so euphoric they gave me the accolade of Master Dragon at
once, without asking to assess my flying skills. Just as well: I think I would
have failed on the backspins. . . ." He kissed my brow. "Then I asked
for leave of absence from my dragon form for a fixed term each year. They
wanted to know why, of course." He frowned. "It was very difficult
for them to understand. To them, fair maidens were for dining on, not living
with—in the legends, of course," he amended hastily.
"There must be lady
dragons," I said. "Couldn't you have explained it that way?"
"There are no 'lady
dragons' as you call them. There may have been once, I suppose, but now many of
those left are hermaphroditic. There are others, like myself, who are totally
male, who can fertilize the hermaphrodites, though most of them manage on their
own. It's a bit difficult to explain, because it just—just happens. You don't
think about it."
He was right: I didn't
understand at all. Except the bit about him being totally male. I wouldn't like
to think I had been making love with a hermaphrodite. Then I suddenly
remembered something so important I couldn't get the words out straight.
"Supposing . . . if
it's as you say . . . the dragon's eggs . . . your being a male . . . it isn't
possible, is it? I mean you and me . . . Ky-Lin was so sure!"
"What in the world
are you talking about?"
But I had second
thoughts; my ring had given a warning tingle. Don't tell him yet: wait and see.
"Nothing. When were
you thinking of taking me to see them?"
"When? Right
"Now? But
I'm not ready, I've nothing suitable to wear, how do we get there, I don't want
"Now!" he said
firmly. "The sooner the better. Trust me—you do trust me, don't you? You
would have trusted the Wimperling, as you called him, with your life, wouldn't
you? Good. Go get your cloak and wrap yourself up tight: you're going to be
dragon-borne tonight!"
And it all happened so
quickly I had no chance to argue. One moment I was standing there in my silken
dress, terrified at the whole idea, the next I was back on the same spot,
swathed and hooded in my father's cloak.
Jasper held me close.
"You are not used
to riding on the back of a dragon, and now is not the time to teach you
properly." I could feel him laughing a little. "So we'll do it the easy
way. I shall carry you—no, don't panic! You won't know much about it. Close
your eyes and relax. I am going to make you go to sleep for a little while,
long enough to get you safe to the mountain. I don't want you struggling at the
wrong moment."
His lips came down on
mine and I surrendered to his embrace as his fingers came up to my neck. A
little pressure—in my mind or my body I wasn't sure—and I slipped into a sort
of waking unconsciousness. I didn't dream, or anything like that, but the
sensation of flying was curiously dimmed, though I could sense wind, the
clapping of wings, a cindery smell. . . .
My stomach gave a sudden
jolt, like the leap of a stranded fish.
"Sorry about that:
I came down a bit sharply and changed early. You can open your eyes now, my
It was lucky his arm was
around my waist, otherwise I might have tumbled to the ground. I was shaking
and cold and my hair, in spite of the hood of my cloak, felt as though it had
been attacked by a flying thornbush. I thought my eyes were open, but
everything seemed as black as pitch. I blinked rapidly a couple of times and
tried again. Looking up now I could see the stars and the moon illuminating the
ledge on which we stood, but I had been staring straight at the entrance to the
passageway that led to the cavern, and this still remained ominously dark. How
could we possibly negotiate that without a light?
"Come," said
Jasper. "Take my hand."
I pulled back.
"It's so dark. . . ."
"I know the way,
just as easily as you would in the dark of your own home without a candle.
Besides, there is some light. Wait and see."
I allowed him to draw me
into the passage, but closed my eyes like a child, only to be told to open them
once we had passed the first turning.
"If you don't I
shall let go your hand!"
Promptly they were open,
to be faced with a faint silver glow from the rocks around us, like a seam of
precious metal running through the stones. It was not so much a light as an
emanation, and only extended a few feet in front and, glancing back, the same
behind. As we paced it kept step with us.
"What is it?
Dragon-magic?" I whispered.
He pressed my fingers.
"No, it's a natural phenomenon; a kind of phosphorescence that is
activated by the heat of our bodies as we pass."
The ring on my finger
was tingling gently; no immediate harm, but a warning to go carefully; I
wondered for the second or third time why it seemed to be getting so much
The last time I had been
in this passage I had cursed at the twists and turns, eager to reach the end;
now I wished it would go on forever.
It didn't, of course. In
less time than it takes to tell we had rounded the last corner and there was
the cavern, lighted now by a broad spear of moonlight that shafted down from an
opening in the roof of the cave and lit a pile of rocks—or were they? I gripped
Jasper's hand more tightly.
Gently he loosed himself
and stepped forward. "You are speaking with animals, so your ring will
translate," he said to me. "Pay careful attention to what is said,
and remember your manners. These are creatures as old and venerable as any in
the land."
Then he spoke again, but
this time it was in a series of creaks, groans, hisses, sighs, and rumbles.
"I have brought
her. . . ."
I could understand what
he said, the ring translating in my mind as he spoke. I had been staring
straight ahead at the rocks, expecting some movement, but as he spoke I glanced
to my side, and was horrified to see it was no man who stood at my side but a
full-grown dragon! My heart gave a great jerk, then steadied. Didn't I say I
would trust him? In spite of this I had backed away a little, but my ring,
though still throbbing, had not increased its warnings.
The dragon at my
side—black, with tiny pinpoints of light illuminating his wing tips—turned his
bony face towards me, the yellow eyes still surprisingly kind. The rumble of
dragon talk started again, but thanks to my ring, Jasper's own voice came
through, warm and comforting.
"Don't be afraid:
it's better that I appear to them this way. Come, stand by my side. And toss
aside that cloak. I want them to see you as you really are."
I was quite glad to
throw the cloak aside. It was very warm in the cavern. The fissure that divided
us from the other side was throwing out a summer's night heat, and I found I
was perspiring. I stepped to Jasper-dragon's side, aware once again of the
cindery smell and the roughness of the stones beneath my feet. And now came a
sound, a sort of stirring, slithery scrape—
"What is it?"
"Watch. . . ."
Across the chasm
something stirred, a general sort of shifting; rocks altered their shape—round,
square, oblong, irregular, jagged—and also changed their position relative to
each other. A few pebbles rattled against each other. I could feel the hair
rising at the back of my neck, although Jasper-dragon stood calm and quiet
beside me. My ring gave a warning twinge, but no more.
I thought I saw a claw,
a bony head, a wing, decided I must be mistaken, then all at once everything
seemed to shimmer, like the sun on a long road on a hot day. No, not quite like
that; perhaps more like glancing down into a swift-flowing stream, trying to
make out what lay on the bottom through the uncontrollable shift of the water.
"Here be
Dragons," I thought stupidly, and suddenly they were there.
Still half-veiled,
distorted, shimmery, around a dozen of the huge creatures bestirred themselves,
yawning, stretching, unwinding long sinewy tails, opening dark eyes, extending
claws and wings. With them came color and light; it seemed they emanated their
own illumination, for now I saw gleams and sparkles at their feet. The piles of
pebbles, so dull and uninteresting before, now started to glow and sparkle with
an unquiet riot of colors as the dragons stirred them with their claws. Ruby,
beryl, garnet, fire opal, coral, rose quartz, topaz, peridot, emerald,
sapphire, amethyst, aquamarine, agate, jet, bloodstone, jasper, opal, pearl,
diamond—they were all there, plus gold and silver. Then I saw that the light
that shone over all did not come from the heaps of gems, nor from the dragons,
but rather from the shaft of moonlight catching the facets of a jewel that hung
in the air above all: the crystal I had given Jasper.
He stepped forward and
then came that confusing rumble of speech again that my ring sorted out for me.
"I have brought the
girl, the giver of this gift that now shines above us all." A soft hiss
from across the chasm.
"Bring her
I was nudged forward by
one of his wings. "Don't be afraid. . . ."
I went forward
hesitatingly till I stood at the lip of the chasm and felt as well as saw the
flickers of light that flashed across from the moonlit crystal; now everything
I looked at had a strange unreality.
"I'm here," I
said unsteadily. "What do you want of me?"
For a moment there was
silence and I thought perhaps they had not understood my human speech, although
the ring should be translating to them as well, but then came a low, grumbling
growl, like Growch magnified ten times. I thought about turning and running,
right away back and out to safety, but in spite of an involuntary step
backwards, I otherwise stood firm.
The ring on my finger
was still throbbing, but it was an encouraging feeling rather than a warning. I
repeated my question.
"What do you want
of me?"
When the answer came, it
was not what I had expected. "You gave this Dragon Stone as a gift to our
colleague. He-whose-wings-scrape-the-clouds?"
They must mean Jasper.
"I did."
"And what do you
hope for in exchange, daughter of man?"
I squared my shoulders;
all or nothing. "When your new Master Dragon was in his first incarnation,
I saved his life; I ask you now for the price of that life. Let him spend his
man-life time with me, a quarter of each year that we may have together."
Another growling roar,
louder this time. "You are impertinent!"
"I do not mean to
be. If I had not been in that place, at that time, assuredly the growing
creature that was to become your splendid He-whose-wings-scrape-the-clouds
would never be standing here in front of you, an addition to your—your . .
." (what on earth was a collection of dragons? A flock? A gathering? The
ring gave me the answer) " . . . your doom of dragons. I admit that I
kissed the creature he was then three times, causing this—this, to you, malfunction
in his makeup, but that was a human manifestation of what you would recognize
as kinship. . . ." Where were the words coming from? This wasn't me
talking! Thank you, ring! "As it is, if you agree to my proposal, for nine
months of the year you will have his company and his services, those of a
Master Dragon. Can you afford to lose these? If you refuse our request—and it
is his as well as mine—he will merely be sulky and uncooperative and absent
himself from your meetings.
"There are few
enough of you left: your distinguished race has been declining noticeably
during the last thousand years. Do you want this to go on happening? I rescued
one for you: surely you can grant me a quarter of his time?"
There was silence. And
silence. The air in front of me shimmered and the lights went out, one by one,
as the moon passed beyond the opening high in the cavern. The dragons
disappeared and so did their jewels till only the rocks and pebbles remained.
I blinked back the
tears. "Why didn't they listen to me?"
"But they
did." He looked across the chasm. "They just haven't made up their
minds, that's all. You were magnificent, by the way. . . ." If he had been
in his human form, I'm sure he would have been smiling. "What's a day or
two to a dragon, who measures your years as ten to his one? Give them time, my
love, give them time. . . . And now I must take you back. Put on your cloak and
wrap it tight. Close your eyes. . . ."
Once again I felt the
pressure on my neck, his breath on my face and then I was asleep with the wind
on my face, the flap of wings in my ears, the smell of cinders in my nostrils,
the dizzy descent—
I was lying in my own
bed and a voice whispered in my ear: "See you tomorrow."
"You gonna sleep
the 'ole day away?" said Growch peevishly. "S'long after my breakfast
. . ."
I sat up, blinking, to
find the sun fingering its way through the shutters and the sound of chanting.
"What time is
"Dunno. Near enough
noon, I reckons."
I looked down. I was
still wearing my green silk dress, my father's cloak. I remembered what had
happened during the night, and I sighed. There must be something I could do to
persuade them. . . .
"Enjoy yer
So he had been watching.
"What? Oh, yes. I suppose so . . . Sorry, Growch, I've been neglecting
you, but I've got a lot on my mind."
"That wouldn'
include food, would it?"
I sighed again, but I
loved him, grotty foulmouth that he was, and his devotion deserved some reward.
"I think that would
do us both good. Let's go down to the market in the village and see what
they've got."
And over honeyed and
spiced roast ribs, egg noodles and sweet-berry tart I made final plans for the
strategy I had been planning for the last couple of days. As far as I could see
there was only one sure way of granting that which I wished for both Jasper and
Tonight I would tell him
my plan.
First, though, there was
plenty to do. Practical things like hanging my dress free of wrinkles, taking
my sheets down to the laundry woman in the courtyard, washing my hair free of
wind tangles, warm water for a bath, bringing my journal up to date with last
night's happenings. Certain things to be specially packaged, two letters to
write. The first, to Matthew Spicer, was finished quickly. The other, to his
agent in Venice, Signor Falcone, took longer. And I must have a talk with
And what if it all went
wrong? The letters were easily torn up, but the rest? I wouldn't think about
Something else had been
niggling me for days: I had been neglecting my prayers. Of course there was no
Christian church within a thousand miles but God was God, wherever worshipped,
so at the next call to prayer in the monastery I knelt and closed my eyes,
offering up my heartfelt thanks for all that had gone before, and my various
deliverances from evil. I prayed for those dead, my mother and my father, and
for those I hoped still lived: the no-longer blind knight, Matthew and
Suleiman, Signor Falcone, the sea captain and his big wife, little prince Tug,
even Dickon. Then there were the animals. Jesus had been a shepherd to his
people, so surely He would understand the prayers to those creatures I had
loved and lost to their new lives: Mistral, Traveler, Basher, Ky-lin, of
course, even Bear, and my darling Growch. Last of all there was Jasper, my one
and only love, Master of Many Treasures. Easy enough to pour out my prayers for
the man, but how did one pray for a dragon? I suppose if one owned a lizard
that grew out of all proportion, turned nasty, started to fly around all over
the place and charred all it ate, then one could pray for a dragon.
I tried my best, but
even the patience of God must have been tried by my ramblings.
I took out the egg. It
had grown even larger. I placed it on the clothes chest against the wall and
covered it with my shift. I looked around the room: all seemed ready. Bed
freshly made with clean sheets, my dress free of creases, a skin of honeyed
rice wine and two mugs on the side table—
" 'Spectin' 'im in
'ere, then? Where does you want me to go?"
Oh, poor Growch! But I
had thought about him earlier. A large bone awaited him in Dickon's empty room
next door.
"You goin' to do
naughties again?"
I nearly cancelled the
Chapter Thirty
The rest of the day
dragged by on leaden feet, and two or three times I found myself pacing
restlessly around and around my room like a caged animal, chewing my nails,
until Growch planted his tail under my foot and I had to spend a quarter-hour
The sun went down and I
tried to stay relaxed, knowing that Jasper would not come till moonrise, for
dragons don't like flying in full dark, and the few stars were still lie-abeds,
reluctant to leave their day's sleep.
The night was chill: no
wind, no clouds. I took to twisting my ring about my finger; it was definitely
looser today, and with a pang I thought I knew the reason why. This was one of
my possessions I had not taken into account on settling my affairs. I must see
Ky-Lin. There was also an addition I must make to Signor Falcone's letter.
I could leave it until
tomorrow—no, I would do it right now. So it was with pen in hand, paper in
front of me, legs curled up beneath, and my tongue between my teeth (normal
position when I was writing) that Jasper found me. I had my back to the balcony
door, which was open, in order to sit as near as I could to the candles, and
the first I knew was when he dropped a light kiss on the nape of my neck.
I jumped up, scattering
paper, pen and ink; there was a huge blot on the paper which no amount of sand
would soak up.
"Jasper! How did
you manage to be so quiet?"
"You were
busy!" He kissed me again, this time properly. "Catching up on your
correspondence?" He was only joking, but it was too near the mark for me.
I gathered up the papers, turned them facedown.
"Something like
that . . . oh, I am glad to see you! I thought the moon would never rise."
He drew me out onto the
balcony. "Well there she is, near full. Whatever they call the days and
months here, do you realize that tomorrow night it will be two years since we
returned to the place where I was hatched at that farm by the Place of Stones?
All Hallows' Eve . . . Remember?"
As if I could ever
forget. That was the night when my beloved Wimperling had turned into an even
more beloved man-dragon. Fiercer, more unpredictable, someone to fear as well
as love, an unknown quantity in many ways, he had still captured both my
imagination and my heart. I had watched him fly away that night knowing he had
taken part of me with him.
And that feeling of loss
had never grown less. This was why I had travelled so far to find him, knowing
that no other man would do for me. My thoughts scurried back to another All
Hallows' Eve: the night I had found my mother dead and had left my home forever
to seek my fortune. That had been three years ago, but it seemed more like ten.
So much had happened to that naпve, ingenuous, then-plump girl who had believed
that all she had to do was travel to the nearest town to find a husband! So
proud I was then, I remembered, of my book learning and housekeeping skills.
The ability to read, write and figure had been useful, especially when
travelling as Matthew's apprentice, but as for my skills in cheese making,
embroidery, rose-hip syrup, possets, headache pills, smocking, elderflower
wine, besom making, green poultices, patchwork, face packs, spinning and
weaving—none of these had ever been exercised.
The fine sewing had
descended to plain sewing and mending, the cookery to tossing whatever there
was into the pot on an outside fire, and the fat girl had slimmed down
dramatically and was lithe as a boy.
So here came another All
Hallows. I felt a tiny prick of foreboding—whether it came from the ring or not
I wasn't sure—but after all, the saints had seen me through so far, and there
was no need for the superstitions of a hag-ridden night to disturb me now.
"Yes, I
remember," I said, in answer to his question. "I reckon they are
lucky for me, those dates."
"Me too!" He
hugged me tight. "Don't you want to know what the Council said?"
No, I had been too
frightened to ask. "Yes, of course I do! Tell me?"
"Well it's not bad,
and it's not good. They are still deliberating, but although it seems they will
probably agree to my spending my man-time with you, they are still divided on
whether I can have three months at a time. Most of them would prefer one, I
I pretended to consider,
all the while knowing that I had something priceless with which to negotiate.
"Yes, I suppose that would be better than nothing. April, August,
December? Then I would have you for late spring, full summer and the snows of
"Good." He was
kissing my throat and shoulders now, and it was difficult to concentrate.
"They want to see you again, tomorrow night, to hear their decision.
That's good, because I don't think they would waste their time seeing you once
more if they intended to refuse."
"Perhaps they mean
to serve me up for supper," I said lightly.
My dress fell to my
ankles; those shoulder ribbons were too easy.
"I told you, sweetheart,
they don't eat damsels anymore—if they ever did."
"I believe
you," I said obediently. My hands went to his head, feeling with pleasure
the strong bones under my fingers as he bent to my breasts, the exquisite
reactions this engendered almost unbearable. The rest of my body was shivering
with anticipation—that or the night wind, I had no idea, nor did I care, for a
moment later he had swept me up in his arms and carried me to the bed. As I
felt his weight press down on me, his mouth on mine, his hands busy elsewhere,
the rapture I felt surpassed anything I had ever known. But even as I lost
myself in his embrace I thought I felt a faint tingle in my ring, and somewhere
a dog barking—
But a moment later all
was forgotten with his body in me, with me, by me, part of me. . . .
Later, much later, we
lay in each other's arms, at peace. It must have been near dawn, for the last,
low bars of moonlight lay aslant the floor and the candles were burning low. I
snuggled closer, feeling his body stir in sympathy.
"Do you—do you . .
." But no, I couldn't ask him. Women always wanted the answer to
"that" question, if it hadn't been volunteered before: men always
tried to avoid committing themselves. That much my mother had taught me.
"Do I—do I . .
." he mimicked gently. "Of course I do! Why do you think I am here?
But you want to hear me say it, don't you my love?"
"It doesn't matter,
truly it doesn't—" Liar!
"It matters to both
of us," he said gently. "You see when I saw you again and realized just
how far you had travelled to see me—I know you pretended otherwise but it
didn't work—I felt guilty. Then my conscience took over; my man-conscience,
because dragons don't have one you would recognize. That conscience told me you
would be far better off without me, so I tried to play it casual. I wanted you
to think I no longer cared for you, because I knew I could never give you the
sort of life you deserve—"
"But you have!
"Hush! Let me
finish. This sort of life we hope to wrest from the Council isn't anywhere near
perfect. You could do much better: go back to your merchant. At least there you
will be safe, secure and loved for twelve months of the year."
"I don't love him,
I never did!"
"I know, I know! As
the Wimperling I knew; as myself I know. But my conscience—that damnable thing
that a certain young woman encouraged in a pig once upon a time—won't let me
capture and keep you without a struggle. Dragons are totally selfish: sometimes
men are not. I love you so much I want what is best for you."
There. He had said it.
"And I love you, as you know. All I want is to be with you, even if it's
only for a day a year, so don't let's have any more trouble from your
conscience. Go ahead: be selfish!"
He smiled wryly. "I
knew it wouldn't work. . . ."
"But I have
something that might. . . ." I slipped from his side and, naked, crossed
to the clothes chest, peeled back my shift from the egg, picked it up as if it
were the finest porcelain and carried it back to the bed. "There! What do
you think of that?"
He sat up, slowly at
first, then suddenly, as though he had sat on a pin.
"What's this?"
He answered his own question. "It's a dragon's egg, or I'm—I'm a pig
again! Where did you find it? How long have you had it?"
"I've had it for
about a year. But it was hidden for a year before that, and it has grown a good
deal since it first saw the light. When I first saw it, it was about the size
and color of a freshwater pearl, but it was quite soft to the touch. So I kept
it safe and warm until it hardened. Since then, until now, I have kept it in a
pouch round my neck. Pretty, isn't it? Somehow I never thought a dragon's egg
would look like this. . . ."
"Where did it come
He scowled. "I
don't want to guess: I want to know! This is important, don't you
realize that?"
"Of course I do! It
is our bargaining power: it's the most valuable thing we have!"
He leant forward, took
it in his hands. "This is incredible! The Council can surely refuse us
nothing now. But I must know where you found it."
"Oh, it has an
impeccable pedigree." I was enjoying this. "Like a mug of rice
wine?" He shook his head impatiently. "It is a Master Dragon's egg,
no less."
"How do you know
that? How could you know . . ."
"Because it's
yours, that's why!"
"Mine!" I
watched the various expressions chase their way across his face: amazement,
disbelief, doubt, hope, puzzlement and, finally, a sort of bewildered joy.
"But—how do you know? How can it be?"
"That time at the
Place of Stones. Remember? You held me in your arms, you kissed me, you changed
back and forth from dragon to man, man to dragon, and all the while you
were—you were . . . You made love to me."
"But—it couldn't
happen that way! It's impossible!"
"You told me
dragons could self-procreate and that's difficult for me to believe. If that
can happen why couldn't you have produced a life of your own for me to
hold?" I leant forward and kissed him. "All I am sure about is that
it is yours, and that I held it within me for a year. I had no usual monthly
flow during that time, and it was Ky-Lin, the creature I told you about, who
helped me with the pain of producing it. Since then I have been normal. So, I
truly believe we share it."
yours," he said wonderingly. "They say there is nothing new under the
skies. . . . What do we do with it?"
"It belongs to
those who are left: the Council, to guard and nurture until it is time for the
hatching. Many years too late for me, my love . . . But surely, with a gift
such as this, you can persuade them to give me your lifetime as a man to spend
with me? Not a week, a year, our time as man and woman together. When I
am—gone—then you can be theirs again. In return for the egg, another dragon for
He rose from the bed and
took me in his arms.
"My dearest dear,
my little love, there is nothing would please me more! I'm sure they will
agree—and that island I promised you still waits for us!"
He drew me tight and
showed me just exactly what I had to look forward to.
It was nearly dawn; the
first flush of light was graying the outlines of the shutters as I opened my
sleepy eyes. Jasper had left me as the last rays of the moon slanted across the
valley, promising to put our request to the Council. He had left the egg with
"Tomorrow night we
shall go together with the egg, and exchange it for our freedoms—don't worry:
they will want our egg more than any jewel in the world: it is their promise of
continued life. After tomorrow night, the world is ours! We can be an ordinary
couple—even go to one of your churches and become man and wife. Would you like
So, there were—how many
hours? Perhaps sixteen. And everything to do. And nothing. I stretched
luxuriously and turned over on my back. I would have just five minutes more,
then get up and go down to the market and buy something special for Growch, to
make up for sequestering him in Dickon's room all night.
It can only have been a
couple of minutes' doze when I heard the door to the balcony creak open and
soft footfalls on the matting. A moment later a hand stroked my shoulder.
Jasper must have come back. I turned over to face him, my eyes still closed, my
arms outstretched in welcome, disregarding the sudden prickle of my ring.
something, my love?"
A breath on my cheek, a
fumbling hand and then a weight, an alien weight on top of me, a strange mouth
grinding down on mine and an insistent knee pushing my thighs apart. I
struggled violently, but an arm was across my throat, a hand pinioning my hands
above my head. His sweat was rank in my nostrils, his knee grinding my thighs,
his mouth and tongue a-slobber all over my face. I jerked my head aside, took a
gulp of air and yelled as loud as I could.
Instantly the arm across
my throat pressed down harder and now I was choking. My ears were full of a
roaring sound, my eyes felt as though they were popping out, I couldn't
breathe, but I knew I couldn't resist much longer—
There was a yell of
surprise, a frantic growling and all at once I was free, gasping for welcome
breath, and my assailant was rolling in agony on the floor, flailing and
kicking ineffectually at a small dog, whose sharp teeth were fastened firmly in
his left buttock.
I couldn't believe my
eyes. "Dickon!" I croaked. "How could you! What in the world
were you thinking about?"
"Get the bugger off
me, damn you, get him off!"
I took my time, pulling
down my green dress, wiping my face with the hem, spitting his taste from my
mouth. "All right, Growch, let him go. He doesn't deserve it, but thanks
anyway. Where were you?"
"Shut me in 'is
room. Came out through the winder. 'E's bin askin' for that 'e 'as! Pretty boy
won' be able to sit down for a day or two. Let 'im try showin' that to the
ladies! Now if'n I'd got 'im at the front—"
"That's enough,
Growch," I said hastily. Standing up, hands on hips, I glared down at
Dickon, who was trying to examine his bites, a near-impossible task without a
mirror. I was glad to note that all other pretensions had withered into
"Now then," I
said. "Why? What have I ever said or done to make you think you would be
welcome in my bed?"
Dickon rose to his feet,
rather unsteadily, but his chin was jutting out dangerously. "It's rather
what you haven't done! All the time we've been together you've been playing the
little virgin, Mistress-Hard-to-Get, and at the same time you've been giving me
those come-hither looks, little enticements, half-promises—"
I was astounded. After
doing my utmost to discourage anything like that! "You must be mad,"
I said finally. "Utterly mad."
"Don't kid me! I've
seen you—it's been all I could do to keep my hands off you! Touching me, making
suggestive remarks, all but stripping off and asking for it . . ." He
ranted on, while I tried desperately to remember if I had ever given him the
slightest encouragement, knowing all the while I had not. But the more I heard
him, the more I realized that he truly believed what he was saying. In some
part of his twisted mind his sexual psyche had convinced him that he was
irresistible, so if I didn't fling myself at him it was my fault, all my
refusals merely stimulating his desire still further.
"Why do you think I
kept on going to those brothels? Because if I hadn't I wouldn't have been able
to keep my hands off you!" His voice was rising, he was on the verge of
"Dickon, I never
meant you to believe—"
But he was past
listening to anything except his own twisted logic.
"I worshipped you!
I believed that one day, if I waited long enough, you would come to me, say you
loved me, ask me to be with you while we worked together. That's why I followed
you! Not for any treasure that doesn't exist: You were my treasure, my
unspoilt, virgin bride!" He was so far out of control by now that his
hands were tearing at the loose robe he wore.
"And then I come
back unexpectedly and what do I find? You in the arms of a stranger as soon as
my back is turned, all decency and decorum forgot! What do you think I felt,
seeing your abandoned behavior? You, whom I thought above reproach behaving
like a strumpet! Why, you're nothing but a whore, a bloody whore!" Saliva
was trickling from the right corner of his mouth, and his eyes were glazed.
It took only a couple of
steps and I had slapped him hard on both cheeks.
"Don't you dare
speak to me like that! You don't deserve an explanation, but I think you'd better
know that the man you saw is my betrothed. He is the one I have been seeking
all this long time, the 'friend' I told you I sought. My journeyings have all
been towards this end and have never, ever, had anything to do with treasure!
And now we have found each other again, we are going to spend the rest of our
lives together." I paused. He had reeled back when I struck him, and now
he was regarding me with a bemused expression on his face. But at least now he
looked sane. "Now, isn't it time you apologized?"
"I—I—I . . ."
"I—I—I!" I
mocked. "And you are supposed to have the gift of tongues! You'll have to
do better than that."
He tried to pull himself
together; it was a visible effort. "Of course, I didn't realize . . . but
now you've explained . . ." He seemed to draw into himself; his eyes
hooded any expression, his lips drew back into a thin line. "I am
sorry," he said formally. "I was obviously mistaken. What are your
plans now?"
I was surprised by how
quickly he was back to normal. "I was going to see you later today if you
were back," I said. "Or leave a message with Ky-Lin. But if you like
we can talk now."
"Let's get on with
it. Tell me." He sat down on the stool, drawing his confidence around him
again, like his tattered clothes.
So I told him I was
leaving that night with Jasper for another life in another place, where no one
could follow us. I explained that I had not forgotten him. He was to have all
the moneys I had left (excluding my father's coins, which were to go to the
monks) on condition he took a package of letters and my journal and delivered
them to Signor Falcone in Venice. This gentleman, I explained, would reward him
handsomely for his efforts, but only if the packet was delivered intact.
"You will do as I
He stood up. "I have
no alternative."
"Then I will leave
it on my bed, together with my blanket, the cooking things and anything else I
don't need. Do with them what you will." I held out my hand. "Thanks
for your help. No bad feelings?"
Ignoring my hand he
suddenly embraced and kissed me, then as quickly stepped back, so abruptly I
nearly fell.
"No bad
feelings," he said. "But you can't blame me for trying."
And that was the last I
saw of him.
Ky-Lin visited me at
midday. He knew without the telling what I was planning to do. He looked at me
gravely, asked me once more if I truly knew what I was doing. Of course I
reassured him, told him of my happiness, our hopes for the future. He looked so
down, not like his usual ebullient self, that I feared he might be ill.
"Ky-Lins are never
"Then what is it,
my dear? You don't look at all happy."
"I cannot answer
that. Ky-Lins are always supposed to be happy."
"I know—it's
because your task is finished, isn't it? You've seen me through, done all you
had to do—"
"No. I have not.
But I am not allowed to interfere."
"I don't
understand. . . ."
He must have seen my
distress for he came forward and laid his head against me. I bent and kissed
him, stroked his sleek hide.
"I wish you could
come with us."
He drew back. "I
told you: we do not deal with dragons. There is a rule. It is like your
Waystone; there are laws that repel, others that attract."
Although I didn't
understand what he was saying, that reminded me to tell him what I had done
with Dickon, and how I had enclosed the Waystone in my package to Signor
Falcone, asking him to deliver it to the captain's wife, telling her that the
crystal she had given me had been a gift to my betrothed's kin. "Rather
neat that, don't you think? After all, it has gone to Jasper's dragon
But he didn't smile.
Later he took the pouch
into which I had placed my father's coins, promising to deliver the money to
the monks. I asked him if he would give Growch a tiny pinch of Sleepy Dust
later, to make his flight to the Blue Mountain easier, and this he promised to
do around suppertime.
The cloak I shall leave
behind. Its color, weave and texture are the same as the cloth of the monks'
robes, and now I am sure that the father I never knew once lived here. He probably
committed some sin and had to leave; this would explain why the Unicorn's ring
would no longer fit him and also why the coins of my "dowry" led me
across the world to this place. So it is fitting that it remain here with the
This is the last I shall
write. Half an hour ago Ky-Lin left me, having given Growch his
"dose." My dear dog is fast asleep on the bed now, snoring gently. I
have told him nothing except that we are going on a trip, but have fed him all
the things he likes best, in case it is a long journey.
Myself, I cannot eat.
Surprisingly, I feel depressed. Perhaps it is something to do with my ring. It
had been a part of me for so long that I felt a real sense of loss when it just
slipped from my finger when Ky-Lin was here.
At first I couldn't
believe it. I just stared at it, then picked it up between finger and thumb. It
was so light, so thin, just a sliver of horn so delicate I could crush it
between my fingers. . . . I tried to put it on again, but somehow it had curled
around itself so that now it was too small.
"You have no need
of it anymore," said Ky-Lin gently. "It cannot go where you go. Let
me take care of it. I shall keep it safe until there is another who needs
"But aren't you due
to go to your heaven?"
"My task is not finished.
You have your future, but others . . . There is another who will need me for a
while. And afterwards?" He shrugged. "Time is a relative thing."
"Don't talk in
riddles! So, where will you keep my—the ring?"
He bent his head.
"It will have a home on the horn of my forehead. Like to like."
Again he was being
abstruse, but I placed the ring as he had said, and it fitted at once as if it
were a part of him.
"And now, good-bye.
It has been an interesting time. I shall miss you, girl, but I shall pray for
you. Now if you cry like that, you will get my hide all wet, and Ky-Lins don't
like the damp. . . ."
* * *
It is All Hallows' Eve,
not far from midnight, and the moon, a bloodred full moon, has just risen. The
piece of paper on which I am writing this I will tuck away into the package at
the last moment.
It is strange, writing
like this in the present; I have been used for so long to write in the past,
catching up on my journal, which I hope will explain to Signor Falcone—and
Matthew if he passes it on—exactly what has happened to me. I hope they will
understand how all my life for the past two years has led to this moment, how
this is the culmination of all my dreams.
How do I feel?
Frightened a little, yes, but once Jasper is here all fear will go. The egg is
by my side; I have sewn it into the scrap of skin that was once the Wimperling,
the outer self of Jasper. Two years ago, to the day, we created this egg; a
year earlier I started on this travelling, and now that I was about to lose it
I had a sudden flood of maternal feeling for the egg and had to tell myself it
was only a stone, even though within it lay hidden a tiny creature that was
certainly a part of Jasper and perhaps of me too. But even if I kept it I would
never see it hatch . . .
It has been a long, long
journey. God keep all those I have loved.
Moonlight floods the
room: out with the candle. The light that is the love of Jasper and myself will
illuminate the rest of my life.
A last prayer . . .
Away with this. He is
To the illustrious Signor Falcone: greetings. This by the
hand of Brother
Boniface of the Abbey of the same name in Normandy.
Sir, I introduce
myself as the Infirmar of the Abbey. Recently I took under my care a traveller
by the name of Ricardus. When he was admitted to the Infirmary it was obvious
he suffered from a low fever, with much coughing and spitting of blood. We kept
him close, administered plasters to his chest, doses for the ill humors and
bled him, but a practiced eye could see that the Good Lord was the only one who
could intervene in a terminal illness.
Alas, this was
not to be, our prayers being unavailing, and the Lord moving in mysterious
Two days before
the patient died, fortified by the rites of Holy Church, confessed and given
the Last Rites, he asked to make a deposition that was to be forwarded to
yourself. He had given us the last of his silver for Holy Church and was
currently in a State of Grace, so I placed a young novice who writes in the
shortened form by his bedside. He took down the words of Ricardus, later
transcribing them into proper form, the result of which is here to your hand.
A great deal of
what the patient said was not understood, and towards the end he rambled a
great deal, but the words are his and will doubtless mean more to yourself,
illustrious Signor.
I am dying: they told me
so. They don't mince words, these monks. All that chanting; reminds me of a
monastery where—
To be fair, I asked
them, but then I think I knew, anyway.
I am accursed. . . .
At first, after I
delivered Summer's package to you, and went on with the letter to Master
Spicer, everything was fine. With the moneys you both gave me I set up in
business for myself. For the first ten years I travelled the Western World and
had ample compensation for my outlay. And yet . . .
Some years ago I caught
a disease in a brothel in Genoa—God curse it!—which no medicines, poultices or
prayers could assuage. Another infection caused my hair to fall out and great
boils appeared on my body. Then, to add to all this, I contracted the Great
Itch on my arms and legs and great sores in my groin that caused me much
discomfort. Because of these afflictions I remain covered at all times, and
have had to confine my business to the colder northern clime where such garb is
accepted all year round.
Yet still did I prosper,
enough to buy me those pleasures not readily available to those in my
unfortunate condition, but during the last couple of years, due to unwise
investment in cargoes that foundered, all my fortune has dwindled away, and now
I only possess the silver in my pocket and a certain object which I shall ask
to be forwarded to you. Of that, more later.
I lied to you, you know.
When I brought Summer's journal, fifteen years ago, I made it sound so
romantic, didn't I? And you have probably believed all these years that she
flew off into the sunset with her man-dragon and lived happily ever after.
But it wasn't like that.
That night didn't go as any of us expected, least of all her. Why didn't I tell
you the truth? Because I thought you and Master Spicer would pay more for good
news than for bad, that's why.
I fancied her myself,
did you know that? When she turned up in that boy's gear, with those long legs
and all . . . Respected her, too. All that reading and writing, the way she
trained those animals of hers, the ladylike way she spoke. She never paid any
attention to the men, either; always kept herself to herself, never flirted.
She behaved like a virgin and I treated her like one. I mean, I never really
tried it on. Not really. Not until the end, that is, when I saw her with that
fellow of hers—
No more now, I'm tired.
Leave me a candle. It'll be full dark ere long.
The patient
worsened overnight, with much coughing up of blood and loss of breath, and was
not well enough to dictate in the forenoon. In the afternoon we were afflicted
with sudden gales, which stripped the last of the fruits in the orchard and
loosened the roof on the guest house. These strong winds seemed to stimulate
the patient, who indicated he wished to continue his deposition, albeit in a
more disjointed and rambling way. . . .
Where was I? Oh, yes.
I fancied her, yes, but
I doubt I would have left the caravans to follow her unless I was sure she was
after treasure. There were the maps, you see—and who was right in the end?
She told me there was
nothing, and I know now she believed that, but I thought she was trying to con
me, wanted it all for herself. The thought of treasure can do strange things to
your mind. . . . Radix malorum est cupiditas . . .
She talked your monk
tongue, learnt it from an old priest. . . . But you met her, you know what she
was like. No, not you, him . . .
God, I'm thirsty, give
me wine! Gnat's piss . . .
Of course I didn't know
about him then, her pig-man-dragon, did I? How could she prefer a man like
that? All dark, with yellow eyes like a wolf! The girls have always said I was
handsome, well endowed—still am, and know how to use it too—
Heard them that night,
saw them as well. Disgusting, from one I had thought so pure! Tried it on after
he'd gone, but she wasn't having any; set the dog on me, she did. Hated that
But I knew what I knew
then, didn't I? Knew that what I'd seen wasn't what it seemed. Heard enough to
know where to go that night—
Moon was red as blood,
bats flying like witches. Alone . . .
For Christ's sake, can't
you stop that wind? I'm fucking dying, and I want some peace! Ahhh . . .
The patient
being in obvious distress he was dosed heavily with poppy juice till he quieted
and enjoyed an uneasy sleep. He continued late that night, when he awoke,
although his testimony became increasingly disjointed.
I was there before them,
knew where to hide, they didn't see my horse. They came down on the ledge and
she had that blasted dog in her arms. One moment he was a dragon—near shit
myself—then just the fellow she slept with. Followed 'em down the passage, not
too close . . .
Got to the cavern. Hid
in the entrance. They walked to the chasm, he said something and the whole
place lighted up. Talk about fucking rainbows! There was this light. . . .
Thirsty: any more of
that wine? God, how you drink it, I don't know! Now if you were me, travelled
all over the world, tasted the wines of—What was that? Bells, bells, bells!
Same in that monastery. Bloody monks . . .
The jewels! Never seen
anything like those jewels! Piled up like mountains they were. Forgot to be afraid
of the dragons. Gold, too. Enough to buy you and your trading empire out a
thousand times. Dazzled . . .
There was a lot of
growling and hissing and roaring and from what I had heard last night they were
going to try and exchange that obscene thing she called a dragon's egg for him,
her fellow, to stay human. Well, she brought it out from behind her back, held
it up for them to see, then laid it on the ground together with her sleeping
dog. It all went quiet, I tell you!
Then Summer and her
boyfriend walked over a kind of bridge and there was a sort of ceremony, lots
of spitting and hissing and roaring, and then they started to walk back, with
smiles on their faces like they got what they wanted. It was their own fault, I
tell you! They stopped in the middle of the bridge and started kissing and
cuddling and I couldn't stand it no more!
Couldn't get near the
jewels, but if that egg thing was that important, why shouldn't I have a piece
of the action? Never meant no real harm, just a bit of a threat; hold it over
the chasm, they'd give me enough of the loot to keep me going.
Crept forward, had my
hands on the thing, when that bloody dog woke up and started barking—
How was I to know they
thought it was a plot? How was I to know they thought she and him was in it
too? I didn't mean no harm, honest! No one can say I haven't suffered for it
neither. He was trying to shout something and she was clinging to him like ivy
when it happened—
Oh, God, Jesu, I can see
it, hear it, smell it, now!
I swear I didn't mean
to. . . . The fires of Hell, I can feel them now! I'm burning, burning! Christ
Jesus, I never meant to hurt her! I loved her, God curse it, I loved her. All
right, so I was jealous; that too. But you don't hurt those you love, do you?
What time is it? Time
for me to go. Creep into a dark corner, like an animal. Like the bloody dog . .
. The rainbow creature came for him afterwards, all bloody and singed as he
was, took him away and healed him. But you can't heal a mind, can you? She
loved them both, more than she ever cared for me. . . . Hated them!
The fires, the fires!
Have you ever smelled singeing flesh? She screamed, so loud it burst something
in my heart. Couldn't feel anything for anyone after that.
It seemed the top of the
world blew off. They were in the middle of the bridge when it collapsed, he had
her in his arms and the flames came up and caught their hair. I saw him change
man-dragon, dragon-man, so quick you couldn't blink and he wrapped his wings
about her and then they were gone as though they'd never been!
That scream . . . she
knew it was me. She looked at me. Just once. Oh, Summer, it wasn't my fault, it
wasn't, I swear it!
Dark, it's dark; why
don't you light the candles?
The patient
became delirious, then relapsed into a coma; he awoke for the last time just
before midnight. He was given wine, but was unable to drink it. He asked the
time, day and date.
All Hallows' Eve? I
might have known it. She had her revenge after all. Fifteen years . . . Oh,
Lord: was it worth it all?
Ricardus lapsed
again into a coma, the storm returned to harass us, and then, just before
midnight, he woke once more, sat bolt upright in bed and uttered his last
But I did get something
out of it! And now those dragons can search till Doomsday, God curse them and
curse you all! Do with it what you will—
This is the
testimony the man Ricardus asked us to forward to you. If you feel so disposed,
our messenger will willingly bring moneys back to us for Masses to be said for
the deceased's soul, for I fear he did not die in a State of Grace.
In fact any
donation towards the upkeep of the Abbey would be most welcome. . . .
I also send with
Brother Benedict whatever poor possessions Ricardus carried with him: his few
clothes were distributed to the poor, as was his staff and mug and plate. There
was, however, a certain object he referred to in his disposition and kept in a
pouch around his neck; a round pebble wrapped in hide, and a scrap of paper.
Although the object appears to be worthless, no doubt it will prove of
sentimental interest to yourself. As you can see, the piece of paper bears the
misspelt legend: "This be Dragonnes Eg."
In the Indian Ocean
there is a small island, situated well off the trade routes. It was charted in
the eighteen thirties by the Portuguese, who mapped it as Discovery Isle. Many
years later the missionaries arrived and once they understood the native
language, found that the inhabitants had always called it "Dragon
Isle." When questioned, the islanders related the legend that accompanied
the name.
There were two points of
consistency, otherwise the tale had obviously changed with the years and
recollection. The points of agreement were that one day in the distant past a
great black dragon, sore wounded, had arrived in the skies from the northeast
bearing a burden. It had circled the island three times before alighting
somewhere in the hills to the north. The other point of agreement was that the
creature eventually left in the same direction, after circling the island in
the same fashion.
Between these two
"facts," there were two different versions of events. The first had
it that the dragon laid waste to the forests of the island till the air was
black with the fires, then he buried whatever he carried in a cave high in the
mountains before flying away again.
The other version had
the dragon again alighting in the hills with his burden and three days later a
man and a woman, both badly injured, coming down to dwell among the islanders.
This story would have it that the pair recovered and lived for many years at
peace, the woman communing with the beasts of the field, the man a master of
weather. In the fullness of time the woman died, and the man bore her body up
into the hills and buried it, then the great dragon appeared again and flew
away, sorrowing. . . .