"Brin, David - Earth (UC)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Brin David)EARTH
HEART OF THE COMET (with Gregory Benford) THE POSTMAN THE PRACTICE EFFECT THE RIVER OF TIME STARTIDE RISING S U N D I V E R THE UPLIFT WAR EARTH DAVID BRIN BANTAM BOOKS NEW YORK • TORONTO • LONDON • SYDNEY • AUCKLAND EARTH A Hunttim SpfCtrti Hook Ktsntam hardcover edition/)unr J990 Bantam Hack edition/lime 1991 SPECTRA and the portrayal of ci boxed 's tire trademarks of Htintam Hooks. a el/vision ofHiintam Douhleday /)elf I'uhlishiny, Croup. Inc. At! rights reserved. Copyright © 1990 by Davit! Hrin Cover tirt copyright © 1991 hy Dennis Duvidson Library of C.onKress Cata lay. C.tiril Number 904 No part of this book mny hi: reproduced or transmitted in tinv form or hy tiny nif storay.f and rctrii'vcif system, without pcrniis.-iion in writing, from For inforimition {lihircss: Huntcmi Hooks If you purchased this book without a caver you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as "unsold and destroyed" to the publisher and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this "stripped book." /.S7W 055329024'-X I'tihlishcii simultaneously in the Uniteil Stales hiedav Dell Puhlisbmy. Croup. Inc Its trademark, consi^tiny. of the words 'fifiniiun Hooks" und the portrayal of 11 rooster, is Registered in (/..'>. f^ileni and Trademark Office and in other countries Marea Re^is trada Hunttiin Hooks. 666 Fifth Avenue. New York. New York 10103 ItlNliniN III) UN11U1 S! AH-' 01 AMmil A OPM 0 9 K 7 (S S 4 3 TO OUR COMMON MOTHER AUTHOR'S PREFACE As writers go, I suppose I'm known as a bit of an optimist, so it seems only natural that this novel projects a future where there's a little more wisdom than folly . . . maybe a bit more hope than despair. In fact, it's about the most encouraging tomorrow I can imagine right now. What a sobering thought. EARTH PART I |