"Blyton, Enid - Famous Five 03 - Five Run Away Together" - читать интересную книгу автора (Blyton Enid)Famous Five 3—Five Run Away Together—Blyton, Enid.
It was exciting, remembering all the things that had happened last year. It made George long all the more for the next day, when her three friends would arrive. "I wish Mother would let us go and live on the island for a week," thought George. "That would be the greatest fun we could have. To live on my very own island!" It was George's island. It really belonged to her mother, but she had said, two or three years back, that George could have it, and George now thought of it as really her own. She felt that all the rabbits on it belonged to her, all the wild birds and other creatures. "I'll suggest that we go there for a week, when the others come," she thought, excitedly. "We'll take our food and everything, and live there quite by ourselves. We shall feel like Robinson Crusoe." She went to meet her cousins the next day, driving the pony and trap by herself. Her mother wanted to come, but she said she did not feel very well. George felt a bit worried about her. So often lately her mother had said she didn't feel very well. Perhaps it was the heat of the summer. The weather had been so very hot lately. Day after day had brought nothing but blue sky and sunshine. George had been burnt a dark-brown, and her eyes were startlingly blue in her sunburnt face. She had had her hair cut even shorter than usual, and it really was difficult to know whether she was a boy or a girl. The train came in. Three hands waved madly from a window, and George shouted in delight. "Julian! Dick! Anne! You're here at last." The three children tumbled pell-mell out of their carriage. Julian yelled to a porter. "Our bags are in the guard's van. Hallo, George! How are you? Golly, you've grown." They all had. They were all a year older and a year bigger than when they had had their exciting adventures on Kirrin Island. Even Anne, the youngest, didn't look such a small girl now. She flung herself on George, almost knocking her over, and then went down on her knees beside Timothy, who was quite mad with joy to see his three friends. There was a terrific noise. They all shouted their news at once, and Timothy barked without stopping. "We thought the train would never get here!" "Oh Timothy, you darling, you're just the same as ever!" "Woof, woof, woof!" "Mother's sorry she couldn't come and meet you too." "George, how brown you are! I say, aren't we going to have fun." "WOOF, WOOF!" "Shut up, Tim darling, and do get down; you've bitten my tie almost in half. Oh, you dear old dog, it's grand to see you!" "WOOF!" The porter wheeled up their luggage, and soon it was in the pony-cart. George clicked to the waiting pony, and it cantered off. The five in the little cart all talked at once at the top of their voices, Tim far more loudly than anyone else, for his doggy voice was strong and powerful. "I hope your mother isn't ill?" said Julian, who was fond of his Aunt Fanny. She was gentle and kind, and loved having them all. "I think it must be the heat," said George. "What about Uncle Quentin?" asked Anne. "Is he all right?" "Father's all right," said George, cheerfully. "Only he's worried about Mother. He doesn't seem to notice her much when she's well and cheerful, but he gets awfully upset if anything goes wrong with her. So be a bit careful of him at the moment. You know what he's like when he's worried." The children did know. Uncle Quentin was best avoided when things went wrong. But not even the thought of a cross uncle could damp them today. They were on holiday; they were going to Kirrin Cottage; they were by the sea, and there was dear old Timothy beside them, and fun of all kinds in store for them. "Shall we go to Kirrin Island, George?" asked Anne. "Do let's! We haven't been there since last summer. The weather was too bad in the winter and Easter holidays. Now it's gorgeous." "Of course we'll go," said George, her blue eyes shining. "Do you know what I thought? I thought it would be marvellous to go and stay there for a whole week by ourselves! We are older now, and I'm sure Mother would let us." "Go and stay on your island for a week!" cried Anne. "Oh! That would be too good to be true." "Our island," said George, happily. "Don't you remember I said I would divide it into four, and we'd all share it? Well, I meant it, you know. It's ours, not mine." "What about Timothy?" said Anne. "Oughtn't he to have a share as well? Can't we make it five bits, one for him too?" "He can share mine," said George. She drew the pony to a stop, and the four children and the dog gazed out across the blue bay. "There's Kirrin Island," said George. "Dear little island. I can hardly wait to get to it now. I haven't been able to go there yet, because my boat wasn't mended." "Then we can all go together," said Dick. "I wonder if the rabbits are just as tame as ever." "Woof!" said Timothy at once. He had only to hear the word "rabbits" to get excited. "It's no good your thinking about the rabbits on Kirrin," said George. "You know I don't allow you to chase them, Tim." Timothy's tail dropped and he looked mournfully at George. It was the only thing on which he and George did not agree. Tim was firmly convinced that rabbits were meant for him to chase, and George was just as firmly convinced that they were not. "Get on!" said George to the pony, and jerked the reins. The little creature trotted on towards Kirrin Cottage, and very soon they were all opposite the front gate. A sour-faced woman came out from the back door to help them down with their luggage. The children did not . know her. "Who's she?" they whispered to George. "The new cook," said George. "Joanna had to go and look after her mother, who broke her leg. Then Mother got this cook—Mrs. Stick her name is." "Good name for her," grinned Julian. "She looks a real old stick! But all the same I hope she doesn't stick here for long. I hope Joanna comes back. I liked old fat Joanna, and she was nice to Timmy." "Mrs. Stick has a dog too," said George. "A dreadful animal, smaller than Tim, all sort of mangy and moth-eaten. Tim can't bear it." "Where is it?" asked Anne, looking round. "It's kept in the kitchen, and Tim isn't allowed near it," said George. "Good thing too, because I'm sure he'd eat it! He can't think what's in the kitchen, and goes sniffing round the shut door till Mrs. Stick nearly goes mad." The others laughed. They had all climbed down from the pony-cart now, and were ready to go indoors. Julian had helped Mrs. Stick in with all the bags. George took the pony-cart away, and the other three went in to say how-do-you-do to their uncle and aunt. "Well, dears," said Aunt Fanny, smiling at them from |