"Blyton, Enid - Adv 01 - Adventurous Four" - читать интересную книгу автора (Blyton Enid)He soon saw that it was their own boat. He saw where Tom had dragged it down the beach. He could just see the boat rounding the corner of a cliff now.
"That was Tom all right," said Andy to himself. The girls came back at that moment and shouted to Andy. "What's the matter? Why do you look like that? Where's the boat?" "Tom's gone off with it," said Andy angrily. "Tom! Whatever do you mean, Andy?" asked Jill in the greatest surprise. "I suppose he felt upset about leaving his camera behind and he's gone to get it by himself," said Andy. "He really is a fathead. He may be seen and caught. I'm quite sure someone will be hunting for us soon. Really, I could shake Tom till his teeth rattled!" The girls stared at Andy in dismay. They did not at all like the idea of their brother going off alone in the boat. Well--they would just have to wait patiently till Tom came back. It should not really take him a very long time. The sun was sinking now. He should be back by the time it was gone. Then they could all start out again and try to make for home. Jill set the kettle of water down on the beach. She felt tired. Mary sat down beside her and looked out over the water for Tom to come back. Andy walked up and down impatiently. He could understand that Tom longed to get back his camera and put himself right with the others so that they no longer thought him careless and sffly--but he did wish he hadn't gone off in their precious boat! The three children waited and waited. The sun sank lower. It disappeared over the sky-line and the first stars glimmered in the darkening sky. And still Tom was not back. The girls could no longer see anything on the sea, which was now dark. They could only sit and listen for the plash of oars. "Tom ought to be back by now," said Andy anxiously. "He's had plenty of time to get a dozen cameras I Whatever is he doing?" Nobody knew. They sat there on the chilly beach, anxious and worried. If only, only Tom would come back! Nobody would scold him. Nobody would grumble at him. They just wanted him to come. "I should think he's been caught," said Andy at last. "There can't be any other reason why he's not back. Now we're in a pretty fix! No Tom--and no boat!" CHAPTER 14 A Prisoner in the Cave WHAT had happened to Tom? A great many things. He had rowed safely to the beach where the caves lay hidden in the cliff behind. He had dragged the boat up the sand and had gone into the first cave. He stumbled through the rocky archway and into the queer Round Cave, which was so full of food. He had no torch, so he had to feel around in the dark for his camera. It took him a long time to find it. "Where did I put it?" wondered the boy anxiously. "Oh, if only I had a match!" But he hadn't. He felt over tins and boxes--and at last his hand-fell on the box-like shape of his camera, safe in its waterproof covering! "Good," Tom thought. "Now I'll just rush down to the boat and row back. I really must be quick or the others will be worried." But Tom had a dreadful shock as he was about to make his way out of the Round Cave back to the beach. He heard voices! The boy stood perfectly still, his heart beating fast. Whose voices were these? Alas for poor Tom--it was the enemy! Tom had not heard the boom of the seaplane coming down on the water. He had not seen a rubber' boat putting off hurriedly to the cave. But now he could hear the voices of the men. They had seen the boat on the beach, and had come to examine it. They soon saw that it was the stolen boat, which had now been missed and was being searched for. The men knew at once where the owner of the boat was--in the eavel And they were going to search for him there. Tom darted back into the Round Cave and hid be-hind a big pile of boxes. He felt quite certain he would be found--and as he crouched there, trembling and excited, he made up his mind very, very firmly that he would not say how many others had come to the islands with him. He would make the men think that he was the only one--then nlaybe the other three would not be hunted for. "I've been a perfect silly to run into danger like this," thought poor Tom. "But, at any rate, I can save the others from being hunted for, perhaps." The men came into the Round Cave. They had powerful torches which they flashed around--and almost at once they saw Tom's feet sticking out from behind a box. They dragged him out and stood him up. They seemed most astonished to find only a boy. They had expected a man. They talked quickly among themselves in a language that Tom could not understand. Then one man, who could talk English, spoke to Tom. "How did you get to this island?" "I set off in a sailing-boat and a storm blew up and wrecked me," said Tom. "You can see my boat off the coast of the next island, if you look." "Is there anyone else with you on this island?" asked the man. "Speak the truth." Tom could reply quite truthfully that there was no one else with him on the island! Thank goodness, the others were on the first island! "There isn't anyone else here with me," he answered. "Search the cave, and see!" The men did search the cave again, but found nobody, of course. They did not seem satisfied, however. Tom could see that they felt sure there were others to find. "How did you find this cave?" asked the man who spoke English. "By accident," said Tom. "And I suppose you also found our boat by accident, and saw the submarines by accident?" said the man, in a very nasty voice. "Are you sure there is no one else here with you?" "Quite sure," said Tom. "Wouldn't you see them in the cave, if there were?" "We shall not take your word for it," said the man, with a horrid laugh. "We shall search this island and both those next to it--and if we find anyone else, you will be very, very sorry for yourself!" "You won't find anyone!" said Tom, hoping to goodness that they wouldn't, and wishing he could warn Andy and the girls somehow. "Are you going to keep me prisoner?" "We certainly are," said the man. "And as you seem so fond of ibis cave, we'll let you stay here! You've food to eat--and you won't be able to do any spying round if you're here in this cave! We shall put a man on guard at the entrance--so if you try to get out, or anyone else tries to get in, you'll be caught. Our man will be well hidden behind a rock at the entrance--and if any friends of yours try to rescue you, they will get a shock!" Tom listened, his heart sinking into his shoes. What an idiot he had been! He was to be a prisoner--and it the others tried to find him they would be made prisoners too, for they would never guess a sentry was hidden behind the rocks, watching for them. Tom sat down on a box. He would not cry. He would not show the men how frightened and worried he was. His face was brave and bold--but inside he felt as if he was crying buckets of tears! If only, only he could get word to Andy! There was nothing he could do--nothing! He could only sit there in the cave, surrounded by marvellous food that he felt too worried even to look at, and think abodt the others. Poor Tom! It was a dreadful punishment for being careless enough to forget his camera, and foolish enough to try and fetch it! The men left a lamp in the cave for Tom. It was getting late and the boy was tired--but he could not sleep. He heard the men go out, and he knew a sentry had been placed by the rocks. He could not hope to escape. But he could try! |