"Blatty, William - The Exorcist (b)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Blatty William P)"I'll be up in a second!" Chris called. For a moment she examined the script. Then gradually wilted. "So its probably crap." "Oh, come on, now. I really think it's good." "Oh, you thought Psycho needed a laugh track." Sharon laughed. "Mommy?" "I'm coming!" Chris got up slowly. "Got a date, Shar?" "Yes." Chris motioned at the mail. "You go on, then. We can catch all this stuff in the morning." Sharon got up. "Oh, no, wait," Chris amended, remembering something. "There's a letter that's got to go out tonight." "Oh, okay." The secretary reached for her dictation pad. "Wait'll I comes down," Chris told Sharon. She started to leave the kitchen, but stepped as Sharon eyed her watch. "Gee; it's time for me to meditate, Chris," she said. Chris looked at her narrowly with mute exasperation. In the last six mouths, she had watched her secretary suddenly turn "seeker after serenity." It had started in Los Angeles with self-hypnosis, which then yielded to Buddhistic chanting. During the last few weeks that Sharon was quartered in the room upstairs, the house had reeked of incense, and lifeless dronings of "Nam myoho renge kyo" ("See, you just keep on chanting that, Chris, just that, and you get your wish, you got everything you want...") were heard at unlikely and untimely hours, usually when Chris was studying her lines. "You can turn on TV," Sharon had generously told her employer on one of these occasions, "It's fine. I can chant when there's all kinds of noise. It won't bother me a bit." Now it was transcendental meditation. "You really think that kind of stuff is going to do you any good, Shar?" Chris asked tonelessly. "It gives me peace of mind," responded Sharon. "Right," Chris said dryly. She turned away and said good-night. She said nothing about the letter, and as she left the kitchen, she murmured, "Nam myoho renge kyo." "Keep it up about fifteen or twenty minutes," said Sharon. "Maybe for you it would work." Chris halted and considered a measured response. Then gave it up. She went upstairs to Regan's bedroom, moving immediately to the closet. Regan was standing in the middle of the room staring up at the ceiling. "What's doin'?" Chris asked her, hunting for the dress. It was a pale-blue cotton. She'd bought it the week before, and remembered hanging it in the closet. "Funny noises," said Regan. "I know. We've got friends." Regan looked at her. "Huh?" |