"FREE-53" - читать интересную книгу автора (Jerome Bigge - Warlady 9 - The Freedom Fighters Of Trelandar)Freedom Fighters of Trelandar A Tale of Adventure in the Second Dark Age Book Nine of the Warlady Series By Jerome B. Bigge Chapter Fifty Three "You are `good in bed'," Jon said to me as we laid together propped up, reading over what I'd written here so long ago now. "I'm glad you were a man of honor," I said, kissing him. ***************************************************************** "It is bad news?" Phara Holt asked as we mounted up for the ride back to the estate. I would sleep in one of the guest rooms and let Carl have our own quarters. I supposed my only option in the long run was a divorce, difficult after a marriage as long as mine had been, especially with children, the Priestesses frowning on such things. Lana was dead, having died in battle aboard the Ronda in the battle against the pirate Tarkas of the Seahawk. A battle that had left no doubts as to Lorraine's abilities to com- mand. Darlanis would no doubt make Lorraine "Warlady" of the Em- pire of California, and her first task would be to rid Trelandar of the Free Trelandar Movement, pitting me against her in a match that could have but one outcome, especially against such a woman! "We've lost everything..." I said, knowing there was no way that I could explain to Phara what it would mean to oppose such a woman as Lorraine. "Darlanis won Lorraine over to her side now." To me it was like "seeing" Paula die all over again, knowing that after all the fighting, the killing, the deaths, we'd lost here. "We've only `lost' when `you' give up," Phara said to me. I supposed that was true. Lorraine would be an awesome Warlady to fight against, but my tactics would still "work" against her just as effectively as they had against any of Darlanis' commanders... We'd have to be a lot more "careful" than we'd been, but I felt it would still be possible to continue to fight against Darlanis. "I suppose you're right," I said, knowing that she was now. I was a damn good Warlady, even if I didn't bear the caste mark. And if it came down to it, I felt that my knowledge, experience, would be the match for even Lorraine's awesome capabilities now! "Another thing," Phara now said to me then as we rode along. "What's that?" I asked, slapping at a mosquito here in the darkness, the trees only darker shadows bordering the trail here. "It hurts to see Carl and you like this," she said softly. "A slave girl I can accept, but Lana?" I protested here. "Don't `sully' her memory with this," Phara said to me. "Lana's `dead'," I said, standing there, seeing his eyes in the light of the lamp I held as he sat up in bed. I was tired, emotionally exhausted from everything I'd been through, ashamed too of myself, my own acts. Of throwing myself at Jon Richards. "You were the `only' one I ever `loved'," he said to me, the tone of his voice I felt speaking the truth. Lana had been more a "change of pace", a woman who was "needful" of a man's "touch". Maris Marn perhaps more a plaything that a man might sport with. "We have a daughter to raise," I spoke in level tones. "And a country to free from the clutches of Darlanis," I added then... I could not forget what had been done to me, but we both had our own duties to fulfill, responsibilities we couldn't shrink from. I feared however that it would be a long time before I could feel sexual desire for him again, especially after all he'd done now. "Looks like Darlanis didn't get her `way' after all," Phara said to me, talking about the latest news. The Lorr having come and taken Lorraine Duval to Mars with them, no doubt fearing with good reason what the woman from the past might do here. Lorraine of course being "knowledgeable" about technologies unknown today. My "troubles" with Carl here having drawn me closer yet to Phara. Carl on the other hand also seeming to "resent" Phara even more. Maris Marn being careful to avoid me, to keep out of my way here. With Lord Daris having committed suicide the estate was now Mara's in the legal sense, but just "who" would get it was a good question that none of us knew the answer to. Lord Daris also had relatives, and I supposed eventually the courts would get around to giving it to one of them to hold in guardianship for Mara now. In any case I was taking care of things, and would do so until I was replaced by another, whoever that person might eventually be. "She's also without a Warlady now," I pointed out to Phara. "I keep fearing that I could be a widow before I'm a bride," she answered, a justified fear considering how things were now. Jerry wrote about once a week to her, and a letter now and then to me, mostly about how life was going up on the Dularnian front. He was a noncom now, in command of a ballistae squad, which at least got him out of the front battle lines. On the other hand the Dularnians used tactics based upon my own from years ago, and there was always the danger of raiding forces striking from the flank and rear, something against which there was little defense. "There is a `glow' of fire from Lady Tirana's estate!" the man at arms spoke, shaking me awake. "The sky is lit up there!" There being no doubts in my mind that her manor had caught fire!! "Saddle mounts, we'll ride!" I snapped, getting out of bed, naked but for a brief nightshift that slid up over my hips now. The man nodding here, his eyes for a brief moment dropping down. "We have slave girls better looking than me!" I snapped! "The bodies are Dularnian," Carl said, looking up at me. I knew that much, that it had been a raid from the sea, that Lady Tirana had been taken, her husband killed, her livestock run off. Her slave girls seized, and the buildings burned. Tactics that I had once suggested to Queen Tulis, to Princess Janis years ago... "We made a pact with the Evil One, and this is it," I said, my voice bitter. The Dularnians had done what they were ordered to do by Tulis, attacking estates from the sea to draw Darlanis' forces away from the front, easing the pressure upon themselves. "I'm scared, mother," Sarah said to me as we sat discussing the events of the night, the dawn just breaking here in the east. Mara with her, with Maris Marn quietly sitting there to one side. "We're a lot `bigger' than the Greyson estate," Carl smiled. "You should post men, well hidden, to watch the sea," Maris suddenly spoke. "Keep more of your force `alert' at night," she now added, her eyes like glittering emeralds meeting Carl's here. "Also consider that ships can land a force almost anywhere along the coastline, and effective attacks can be launched overland..." "Too bad she's an `enemy'," my husband grinned back at me. "I'm going to try to get a few hours sleep," I answered. "There's `trouble' between you and dad, isn't there?" Sarah ventured as I had a late breakfast or perhaps now an early lunch. The fact that we no longer slept together perhaps proof of this. "It's nothing that you need to worry about," I now smiled. "It's over that `Dularnian', isn't it?" Sarah retorted. "She's just a slave girl, nothing more," I answered. "To Mara she's a `mommy' now," Sarah said to me. ***************************************************************** "There are ships rounding the point!" the man cried, running up to the house, my first reaction one of terror considering what had happened here to Lady Tirana here only a few nights before. "Two big schooners, a couple'a triremes along with some merchant- men!" the man now continued, this "settling" my nerves a little as he stood there panting, the day being hot, dusty, mid summer. "Find my husband, have everyone `gather'," I snapped, giving orders, aware that we were going to have "visitors" very soon... "Ship is the Squala," I said, lowering the telescope, giving it back to Carl. The Imperial flag now flying over its main mast leaving no doubts of what had happened. It had been the Squala that had attacked Lady Tirana's estate, killed her husband, taken her as a slave. Even though its loss to Dularn was painful, in a way I was now glad it had been taken by the Empire of California. "Lowering a boat now," he answered, it being my duty to meet those off the ship, the thought going through my mind that my own career here might be coming to an end if the Empire had sent out a new Lord or Lady to take control of the estate for little Mara. The sunlight glittering off the water making the boat seem like some insect as it came crawling over the water. Mara with Maris there on the dock waiting to greet whoever was coming ashore, the slave girl's own behavior such lately that I was just itching now to whip her. To remind her that she was still yet a slave girl. "I'd better go meet it before Maris does," I grinned back. "Wench does `put on airs'," Carl grinned, seeing me nod. I reached out, let her take my hand, the Imperial Lady's eyes dark behind her black net veil as she climbed up from the boat, a broad brimmed hat shading her from the sun's glare. Her "grip" was such that there could be no doubts that she was of the Warrioresses. The black silk of her stylish dress expensive, her trappings ornate, as befitting a high Lady. She was tall, slim, hard muscled, her hair black as coal. Not a woman any would call beautiful, but attractive in a way. That was my first impression of a woman who has altered my life in ways I'd never thought now. "I am Mrs. Sanda Talen," I said, wishing I'd had time to do myself up better, this woman obviously being my new mistress now! "Lorraine Duval, `Lady Lorraine' according to Darlanis," she answered, lifting her veil, her piercing dark eyes meeting mine! Freedom Fighters of Trelandar A Tale of Adventure in the Second Dark Age Book Nine of the Warlady Series By Jerome B. Bigge Chapter Fifty Three "You are `good in bed'," Jon said to me as we laid together propped up, reading over what I'd written here so long ago now. "I'm glad you were a man of honor," I said, kissing him. ***************************************************************** "It is bad news?" Phara Holt asked as we mounted up for the ride back to the estate. I would sleep in one of the guest rooms and let Carl have our own quarters. I supposed my only option in the long run was a divorce, difficult after a marriage as long as mine had been, especially with children, the Priestesses frowning on such things. Lana was dead, having died in battle aboard the Ronda in the battle against the pirate Tarkas of the Seahawk. A battle that had left no doubts as to Lorraine's abilities to com- mand. Darlanis would no doubt make Lorraine "Warlady" of the Em- pire of California, and her first task would be to rid Trelandar of the Free Trelandar Movement, pitting me against her in a match that could have but one outcome, especially against such a woman! "We've lost everything..." I said, knowing there was no way that I could explain to Phara what it would mean to oppose such a woman as Lorraine. "Darlanis won Lorraine over to her side now." To me it was like "seeing" Paula die all over again, knowing that after all the fighting, the killing, the deaths, we'd lost here. "We've only `lost' when `you' give up," Phara said to me. I supposed that was true. Lorraine would be an awesome Warlady to fight against, but my tactics would still "work" against her just as effectively as they had against any of Darlanis' commanders... We'd have to be a lot more "careful" than we'd been, but I felt it would still be possible to continue to fight against Darlanis. "I suppose you're right," I said, knowing that she was now. I was a damn good Warlady, even if I didn't bear the caste mark. And if it came down to it, I felt that my knowledge, experience, would be the match for even Lorraine's awesome capabilities now! "Another thing," Phara now said to me then as we rode along. "What's that?" I asked, slapping at a mosquito here in the darkness, the trees only darker shadows bordering the trail here. "It hurts to see Carl and you like this," she said softly. "A slave girl I can accept, but Lana?" I protested here. "Don't `sully' her memory with this," Phara said to me. "Lana's `dead'," I said, standing there, seeing his eyes in the light of the lamp I held as he sat up in bed. I was tired, emotionally exhausted from everything I'd been through, ashamed too of myself, my own acts. Of throwing myself at Jon Richards. "You were the `only' one I ever `loved'," he said to me, the tone of his voice I felt speaking the truth. Lana had been more a "change of pace", a woman who was "needful" of a man's "touch". Maris Marn perhaps more a plaything that a man might sport with. "We have a daughter to raise," I spoke in level tones. "And a country to free from the clutches of Darlanis," I added then... I could not forget what had been done to me, but we both had our own duties to fulfill, responsibilities we couldn't shrink from. I feared however that it would be a long time before I could feel sexual desire for him again, especially after all he'd done now. "Looks like Darlanis didn't get her `way' after all," Phara said to me, talking about the latest news. The Lorr having come and taken Lorraine Duval to Mars with them, no doubt fearing with good reason what the woman from the past might do here. Lorraine of course being "knowledgeable" about technologies unknown today. My "troubles" with Carl here having drawn me closer yet to Phara. Carl on the other hand also seeming to "resent" Phara even more. Maris Marn being careful to avoid me, to keep out of my way here. With Lord Daris having committed suicide the estate was now Mara's in the legal sense, but just "who" would get it was a good question that none of us knew the answer to. Lord Daris also had relatives, and I supposed eventually the courts would get around to giving it to one of them to hold in guardianship for Mara now. In any case I was taking care of things, and would do so until I was replaced by another, whoever that person might eventually be. "She's also without a Warlady now," I pointed out to Phara. "I keep fearing that I could be a widow before I'm a bride," she answered, a justified fear considering how things were now. Jerry wrote about once a week to her, and a letter now and then to me, mostly about how life was going up on the Dularnian front. He was a noncom now, in command of a ballistae squad, which at least got him out of the front battle lines. On the other hand the Dularnians used tactics based upon my own from years ago, and there was always the danger of raiding forces striking from the flank and rear, something against which there was little defense. "There is a `glow' of fire from Lady Tirana's estate!" the man at arms spoke, shaking me awake. "The sky is lit up there!" There being no doubts in my mind that her manor had caught fire!! "Saddle mounts, we'll ride!" I snapped, getting out of bed, naked but for a brief nightshift that slid up over my hips now. The man nodding here, his eyes for a brief moment dropping down. "We have slave girls better looking than me!" I snapped! "The bodies are Dularnian," Carl said, looking up at me. I knew that much, that it had been a raid from the sea, that Lady Tirana had been taken, her husband killed, her livestock run off. Her slave girls seized, and the buildings burned. Tactics that I had once suggested to Queen Tulis, to Princess Janis years ago... "We made a pact with the Evil One, and this is it," I said, my voice bitter. The Dularnians had done what they were ordered to do by Tulis, attacking estates from the sea to draw Darlanis' forces away from the front, easing the pressure upon themselves. "I'm scared, mother," Sarah said to me as we sat discussing the events of the night, the dawn just breaking here in the east. Mara with her, with Maris Marn quietly sitting there to one side. "We're a lot `bigger' than the Greyson estate," Carl smiled. "You should post men, well hidden, to watch the sea," Maris suddenly spoke. "Keep more of your force `alert' at night," she now added, her eyes like glittering emeralds meeting Carl's here. "Also consider that ships can land a force almost anywhere along the coastline, and effective attacks can be launched overland..." "Too bad she's an `enemy'," my husband grinned back at me. "I'm going to try to get a few hours sleep," I answered. "There's `trouble' between you and dad, isn't there?" Sarah ventured as I had a late breakfast or perhaps now an early lunch. The fact that we no longer slept together perhaps proof of this. "It's nothing that you need to worry about," I now smiled. "It's over that `Dularnian', isn't it?" Sarah retorted. "She's just a slave girl, nothing more," I answered. "To Mara she's a `mommy' now," Sarah said to me. ***************************************************************** "There are ships rounding the point!" the man cried, running up to the house, my first reaction one of terror considering what had happened here to Lady Tirana here only a few nights before. "Two big schooners, a couple'a triremes along with some merchant- men!" the man now continued, this "settling" my nerves a little as he stood there panting, the day being hot, dusty, mid summer. "Find my husband, have everyone `gather'," I snapped, giving orders, aware that we were going to have "visitors" very soon... "Ship is the Squala," I said, lowering the telescope, giving it back to Carl. The Imperial flag now flying over its main mast leaving no doubts of what had happened. It had been the Squala that had attacked Lady Tirana's estate, killed her husband, taken her as a slave. Even though its loss to Dularn was painful, in a way I was now glad it had been taken by the Empire of California. "Lowering a boat now," he answered, it being my duty to meet those off the ship, the thought going through my mind that my own career here might be coming to an end if the Empire had sent out a new Lord or Lady to take control of the estate for little Mara. The sunlight glittering off the water making the boat seem like some insect as it came crawling over the water. Mara with Maris there on the dock waiting to greet whoever was coming ashore, the slave girl's own behavior such lately that I was just itching now to whip her. To remind her that she was still yet a slave girl. "I'd better go meet it before Maris does," I grinned back. "Wench does `put on airs'," Carl grinned, seeing me nod. I reached out, let her take my hand, the Imperial Lady's eyes dark behind her black net veil as she climbed up from the boat, a broad brimmed hat shading her from the sun's glare. Her "grip" was such that there could be no doubts that she was of the Warrioresses. The black silk of her stylish dress expensive, her trappings ornate, as befitting a high Lady. She was tall, slim, hard muscled, her hair black as coal. Not a woman any would call beautiful, but attractive in a way. That was my first impression of a woman who has altered my life in ways I'd never thought now. "I am Mrs. Sanda Talen," I said, wishing I'd had time to do myself up better, this woman obviously being my new mistress now! "Lorraine Duval, `Lady Lorraine' according to Darlanis," she answered, lifting her veil, her piercing dark eyes meeting mine! |