"If the Stars are Gods by Benford & Eklund" - читать интересную книгу автора (Benford Gregory)Turning back to Reynolds, Richard again asked, "May I pay obeisance?" Reynolds could only say, "Yes." Why not? Richard acted immediately. Its legs abruptly shot out fro beneath its trunk at an angle no giraffe could have managed:' Richard sat on its belly, legs spread, and its neck came down, the snout gently scraping the floor. "Thank you," Reynolds said, bowing slightly at the waist..` "But there is much we can learn from you, too." He spoke t hide his embarrassment, directing his words at Jonathon while hoping that they might serve to bring Richard back to its feet as well. When this failed to work, Reynolds launched into the` speech he had been sent here to deliver. Knowing what he had t say, he ran through the words as hurriedly as possible. "We are backward people. Compared to you, we are children in the universe. Our travels have carried us no farther than our sister planets, while you have seen stars whose light takes years to reach your home. We realize you have much to teach us, and we approach you as pupils before a grand philosopher. We are gratified at the chance to share our meager knowledge with you and wish only to be granted the privilege of listening to you in return." "You wish to know deeply of our star?" Jonathon asked. "Of many things," Reynolds said. "Your spacecraft, for instance. It is far beyond our meager knowledge." Jonathon began to blink its right eye furiously. As it spoke, the speed of the blinking increased. "You wish to know that?" "Yes, if you are willing to share your knowledge. We, too, would like to visit the stars." Its eye moved faster than ever now. It said, "Sadly, there is nothing we can tell you of this ship. Unfortunately, we know nothing ourselves." "Nothing?" "The ship was a gift." "You mean that you did not make it yourself. No. But you must have mechanics, individuals capable of repairing the craft in the event of some emergency. " "But that has never happened. I do not think the ship could fail." "Would you explain?" "Our race, our world, was once visited by another race of creatures. It was they who presented us with this ship. They had come to us from a distant star in order to make this gift. In return, we have used the ship only to increase the wisdom of our people "What can you tell me about this other race?" Reynolds asked. "Very little, I am afraid. They came from a most ancient star near the true center of the universe." "And were they like you? Physically?" "No, more like you. Like people. But-please-may we be excused to converse about that which is essential. Our time is short. " Reynolds nodded, and the moment he did, Jonathon ceased to blink. Reynolds gathered that it had grown tired of lying, which wasn't surprising; Jonathon was a poor liar. Not only were the lies incredible in themselves, but every time it told a lie it blinked' like a madman with an ash in his eye. "If I tell you about our star," Jonathon said, "will your consent to tell of yours in return?" The alien tilted its head forward, long neck swaying gently from side to side. It was plain that Jonathon attached great significance to Reynolds' reply. `_ So Reynolds said, "Yes, gladly," though he found he could= not conceive of any information about the sun which might come. as a surprise to these creatures. Still, he had been sent here to discover as much about the aliens as possible without revealing anything important about mankind. This sharing of information about stars seemed a safe enough course to pursue. "I will begin," Jonathon said, "and you must excuse my impreciseness of expression. My knowledge of your language is limited. I imagine you have a special vocabulary for the subject. " |