"09.Myth.Inc.in.Action" - читать интересную книгу автора (Asprin Robert)

before things get flowing (These books only look spontaneous and easy to write. Honest!) Anyway, the cruel realities of the situation surfaced when I tried to meet my promised schedule, and I fell far behind my anticipated timetable. As the queries and demands from the readers grew, the tolerance of the publishers for late delivery grew less and less, and the pressures on me increased "to get the manuscript in" with, less and less time for rewrites and polish. Finally, in 1988, things blew up. I got into a dispute with Donning/Starblaze (the prime Myth
publisher . . . the mass market [small paperback] editions from Ace are subcontracted reprints) over royalties. The dispute has been settled, and the M.Y.T.H. INC. IN ACTION ix only reason I mention it here is that it lasted the better part of a year . . . delaying my writing that much more.