"Arden, William - The Three Investigators 28 - The Mystery of the Deadly Double" - читать интересную книгу автора (Arden William) "They must have slipped through before we set up the block," the sheriff said. "Turned off on some crossroad. But they can't have gone far yet, and we've got every available man and car out searching for them."
"This area is in the county, boys, so it's the sheriff's jurisdiction," Chief Reynolds explained, "but in a case like this we all work together. We've already alerted the Los Angeles Police Department also." "Now," the sheriff said, "we'll search for clues here." Bob was glum. "I don't think you'll find anything, sir. The kidnappers weren't here long enough to leave any clues." Bob was right. The police and deputies searched every inch of the dirt road in the vicinity of the kidnapping. They found nothing. "All right, we'll go back to headquarters," Chief Reynolds decided. "It's time we informed the FBI too." "At least," the sheriff said, "we have one big advantage this time, thanks to you folks and that Rolls-Royce. We're right on top of the kidnappers, and everyone is searching already." "Yes, sir," Bob said, dejected, "but searching isn't finding. One car isn't so easy to spot, is it?" "No, but we've got the whole county covered, and all the roads out blocked. There's no way they can get out of the county!" Bob and Pete climbed into the Rolls-Royce. Neither of them spoke as Worthington followed Chief Reynolds' car toward Rocky Beach, but they looked at each other uneasily, and knew that they were both thinking the same thing. The kidnappers must have had some plan in case of roadblocks. Some way to escape, and take Jupiter with them. 4 On the Trail of the Villains THE MERCEDES stopped. Jupiter, in the dark under the heavy bag, had tried to follow the progress of the car, but it had made too many twists and turns. Now he listened for any familiar sounds that might tell him where he was. But there was only an empty silence. No movement anywhere, no sounds of traffic, or people, or the sea. "Get him out," the driver growled from the front seat. Jupiter heard the car door open, and hands pushed him on to his feet. He felt hard ground, and leaves, and grass under his shoes. "Take the bag off so he can see to walk." The bag was pulled roughly from over his chest and head. The glare of light through thick trees almost blinded him. He opened and closed his eyes to adjust to the light while the gag was removed from his mouth. It was untied by the stocky man with the curly hair who had first talked to Pete at the salvage yard--the man named Walt who had sat beside him in the car and poked him with a pistol. "Now be good, eh?" Walt said. "Nice and quiet." He waved his pistol to show he meant business. Jupiter nodded, but said nothing. Ever since he had realized that he could be in far more danger if the kidnappers discovered their mistake, he had hoped they wouldn't remove the gag. The boy they thought they had was from their country, whatever it was, and would probably have the same odd English accent. If Jupe spoke, they would know at once that he was the wrong boy--unless he tried to mimic their accent. Jupe thought he could, but it was risky. The slightest mistake could give him away. The stocky kidnapper watched him for a moment, then turned to the driver. |