"Applegate, Katherine A - Animorphs - 08 - The Alien" - читать интересную книгу автора (Applegate Katherine A)




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ISBN 0-590-99728-9

Copyright © 1997 by Katherine Applegate. All rights reserved. Published
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ii For Michael


B efore Earth . . .

Captain Nerefir said in

I was on the bridge of our Dome ship. It was an amazing moment. I had
never been on the bridge before. I'd always been stuck in my quar ters,
or up in the dome. It was an honor to be on the battle bridge with the
full warriors, the princes, and the captain himself.

It was because I was Elfangor's little brother. An aristh like me, a
warrior-cadet, wouldn't have been on the bridge otherwise.

Especially not an aristh who had once run into Captain Nerefir so hard
he'd fallen over and