"Anthony, Piers - Adept - 01 - Split Infinity" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anthony Piers)lected modes but in no way a serious competitor. Her
body was too lush for most physical sports; the top females in track, ball games and swimming were small- breasted, lean-fleshed, and lanky, and this in no way described Sheen. Therefore he would have no physical competition here. Yet she was beautiful, and he was unable to speak. So he nodded acquiescence. She took his arm in an easy gesture of familiarity that startled him. Stile had known women, of course; they came to him seeking the no- toriety of his company, and the known fact of his hesi- tancy lent them compensating courage. But this one was so pretty she hardly needed to seek male company; it would seek her. She was making it look as if he had sought and won her. Perhaps he had, unknowingly: his prowess in the Game could have impressed her enough from afar to bring her to him. Yet this was not the type of conquest he preferred; such women were equally avid for Game-skilled teeners and grayheads. They found an unoccupied cubicle. It had a column in the center, inset with panels on opposite sides. Stile went to one side. Sheen on the other, and as their each panel, the panels lighted. The column was low, so Stile could see Sheen's face across from him; she was smiling at him. Embarrassed by this open show of camaraderie. Stile looked down at his panel. He hardly needed to; he knew exactly what it showed. Across the top were four categories: PHYSICAL—MENTAL—CHANCE—ART, and down the left side were four more: NAKED—TOOL— MACHINE—ANIMAL. For shorthand convenience they were also lettered and numbered: 1—2—3—4 across the top, A—B—C—D down the side. The numbers were highlighted: the Grid had given him that set of choices, randomly. THE GAME: PRIMARY GRID 1. PHYSICAL 2. MENTAL 3. CHANCE 4. ART |