"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

289: Thow aughte to be ouerlynge ouer all oюer kynges,
290: Fore wyseste and worthyeste and wyghteste of hanndes,
291: The knyghtlyeste of counsaile юat euer coron bare;
292: I dare saye fore Scottlande юat we them schathe lympyde:
293: When юe Romaynes regnede юay raunsound oure eldyrs,
294: And rade in theire ryotte and rauyschett oure wyfes,
295: Withowttyn reson or ryghte refte vs oure gudes.
296: And I sall make myn avowe deuotly to Criste,
297: And to юe haly vernacle, vertuus and noble,
298: Of this grett velany I sall be vengede ones,
299: On 3one venemus men, wyth valiant knyghtes!
300: I sall the forthire of defence, fosterde ynewe,
301: Fifty thowsande men, wythin two eldes,
302: Of my wage for to wende whare so the lykes,
303: To fyghte wyth thy faamen, юat vs vnfaire ledes!
304: Thane the burelyche Beryn of Bretayne юe Lyttyll
305: Counsayles Sir Arthure, and of hym besekys
306: To ansuere юe alyenes wyth austeren wordes,
307: To entyce the Emperour to take ouere the mounttes.
308: He said, I make myn avowe verreilly to Cryste
309: And to юe haly vernacle юat voide schall I neuere,
310: For radnesse of na Romayne юat regnes in erthe,
311: Bot ay be redye in araye and at areste founden.
312: No more dowtte the dynte of theire derfe wapyns,
313: Юan юe dewe юat es dannke when юat it doun falles:
314: Ne no more schoune fore юe swape of theire scharpe suerddes,
315: Then fore юe faireste flour юatt on the folde growes!
316: I sall to batell the brynge of brenyede knyghtes
317: Thyrtty thosannde be tale, thryftye in armes,
318: Wythin a monethe daye into whatte marche
319: Юat юow wyll sothelye assygne, when thy selfe lykes.
320: A! A! sais юe Walsche kyng, wirchipid be Criste!
321: Now schalle we wreke full wele юe wrethe of oure elders!
322: In West Walys iwysse syche wonndyrs юay wroghte,
323: Юat all for wandrethe may wepe юat on юat were thynkes.
324: I sall haue the avanttwarde wytterly my seluen,
325: Tyll юat I haue venquiste юe Vicounte of Rome,
326: Юat wroghte me at Viterbe a velanye ones,
327: As I paste in pylgremage by the Pounte Tremble;
328: He was in Tuskayne юat tyme and tuke of oure knyghttes,
329: Areste them vnryghttwyslye and raunsound юam aftyre;
330: I sall hym surelye ensure юat saghetyll sall we neuer,
331: Are we sadlye assemble by oure selfen ones,
332: And dele dynttys of dethe with oure derfe wapyns!
333: And I sall wagge to юat were, of wyrchipfull knyghtes,
334: Of Wyghte and of Walschelande and of the weste marches,
335: Twa thosande in tale, horsede one stedys,
336: Of юe wyghteste wyes in all 3one weste landys!"
337: Syre Ewan fytz Vryence юane egerly fraynez,
338: Was cosyn to юe Conquerour, corageous hym selfen,