"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)189: Bernakes and botures in baterde dysches,
190: Юareby braunchers in brede, bettyr was neuer, 191: With brestez of barowes юat bryghte ware to schewe; 192: Seyn come юer sewes sere, with solace юerafter, 193: Ownd of azure all ouer and ardant юem semyde, 194: Of ilke a leche юe lowe launschide full hye, 195: Юat all ledes myghte lyke юat lukyde юem apon; 196: Юan cranes and curlues craftyly rosted, 197: Connygez in cretoyne, colourede full faire, 198: Fesauntez enflureschit on flammande siluer, 199: With dariells endoride and daynteez ynewe; 200: Юane clarett and creette, clergyally rennen, 201: With condethes full curious, all of clene siluyre, 202: Osay aХnеd algarde and oюer ynewe, 203: Rynisch wyne and rochell, richere was neuer, 204: Vernage of Venyce vertuouse and Crete, 205: In faucetez of fyn golde, fonode whoso lykes. 206: The Kyngez cope-borde was closed in siluer, 207: In grete goblettez ouergylte, glorious of hewe; 208: There was a cheefe buttlere, a cheualere noble, 209: Sir Cayous юe curtaise, юat of юe cowpe seruede: 210: Sexty cowpes of suyte fore юe Kyng seluyn, 211: Crafty and curious, coruen full faire, 212: In euerilk a party pyghte with precyous stones, 213: That nan enpoyson sulde goo preuely юervndyre, 215: Or ells юe venym sulde voyde thurghe vertue of юe stones. 216: And the Conquerour hym seluen, so clenly arayede, 217: In colours of clene golde cleede, wyth his knyghttys, 218: Drissid with his dyademe on his deesse ryche, 219: Fore he was demyd юe doughtyeste юat duellyde in erthe. 220: Thane юe Conquerour kyndly carpede to юose lordes, 221: Rehetede юe Romaynes with realle speche: 222: "Sirs, bez knyghtly of contenaunce, and comfurthes 3our seluyn; 223: We knowe noghte in юis countre of curious metez, 224: In thees barayne landez, bredes none oюer; 225: Forethy, wythowttyn feynyng, enforce 3ow юe more 226: To feede 3ow with syche feble as 3e before fynde." 227: "Sir," sais юe Senatour, "soo Criste motte me helpe, 228: There ryngnede neuer syche realtee within Rome walles! 229: There ne es prelatte, ne pape, ne prynce in юis erthe, 230: That he ne myghte be wele payede of юees pryce metes." 231: Aftyre theyre welthe юey wesche and went vnto chambyre, 232: Юis ilke kydde Conquerour, with knyghtes ynewe; 233: Sir Gaywayne юe worthye Dame Waynour he ledys; 234: Sir Owghtreth on the toюer syde, of Turry was lorde. 235: Thane spyces vnsparyly юay spendyde thereaftyre: 236: Maluesye and muskadell, юase meruelyous drynkes, 237: Raykede full rathely in rossete cowpes, 238: Till all юe riche on rawe, Romaynes and oюer. |