"Anonymous - Alliterative Morte Arthure, The" - читать интересную книгу автора (Anonymous)

853: Beside Reynes as scho rade with hire ryche knyghttes;
854: Ledd hyre to юe mountayne thare юat lede lengez,
855: To lye by that lady aye whyls hir lyfe lastez.
856: We folowede o ferrom, moo then fyfe hundrethe
857: Of beryns and of burgeys and bachelers noble,
858: Bot he couerde the cragge, cho cryede so lowde,
859: The care of юat creatoure couer sall I neuer!
860: Scho was flour of all Fraunce, or of fyfe rewmes,
861: And one of the fayreste that fourmede was euere,
862: The gentileste jowell ajuggede with lordes
863: Fro Geen vnto Geron, by Ihesu of Heuen!
864: Scho was thy wyfes cosyn, knowe it if юe lykez,
865: Comen of юe rycheste that rengnez in erthe;
866: As thow arte ryghtwise Kyng, rewe on thy pople,
867: And fande for to venge them that thus are rebuykyde!"
868: "Allas!" sais Sir Arthure, "so lange haue I lyffede;
869: Hade I wyten of this, wele had me chefede;
870: Me es noghte fallen faire, bot me es foule happynede,
871: That thus this faire ladye this fende has dystroyede!
872: I had leuere thane all Fraunce this fyftene wynter
873: I hade bene before thate freke a furlange of waye,
874: When he that ladye had laghte and ledde to юe montez;
875: I hadde lefte my lyfe are cho hade harme lymppyde.
876: Bot walde юow kene me to юe crage thare юat kene lengez;
877: I walde cayre to юat coste and carpe wythe hym seluen,
878: To trette with that tyraunt fore treson of londes,
879: And take trewe for a tym, till it may tyde bettyr."
880: "Sire, see 3e 3one farlande, with 3one two fyrez?
881: Юar filsnez юat fende, fraiste when the lykes,
882: Appone the creste of the cragge, by a colde welle,
883: That enclosez юe clyfe with юe clere strandez;
884: Ther may thow fynde folke fay wythowttyn nowmer,


885: Mo florenez, in faythe, than Fraunce es in aftyre;
886: And more tresour vntrewely that traytour has getyn
887: Thane in Troye was, as I trowe, юat tym юat it was wonn."
888: Thane romyez the ryche kynge for rewthe of юe pople,
889: Raykez ryghte to a tente and restez no lengere;
890: He welterys, he wristeles, he wryngez hys handez;
891: Thare was no wy of юis werlde that wyste whatt he menede.
892: He calles Sir Cayous, юat of юe cowpe serfede,
893: And Sir Bedvere юe bolde, юat bare hys brande ryche:
894: "Luke 3e aftyre euensang be armyde at ryghttez,
895: On blonkez by 3one buscayle, by 3one blythe stremez,
896: Fore I will passe in pilgremage preuely hereaftyre,
897: In the tyme of suppere, whene lordez are servede,
898: For to seken a saynte be 3one salte stremes,