Series Top
1. The Book of Three (1964)
2. The Black Cauldron (1965)
3. The Castle of Llyr (1966)
4. Taran Wanderer (1967)
5. The High King (1968)
Vesper Holly
1. The Illyrian Adventure (1986)
2. The El Dorado Adventure (1987)
3. The Drackenberg Adventure (1988)
4. The Jedera Adventure (1989)
5. The Philadelphia Adventure (1990)
1. Westmark (1981)
2. The Kestrel (1982)
3. The Beggar Queen (1984)
Novels Top
Time Cat (1963)
Coll and His White Pig (1965)
The Truthful Harp (1967)
The Marvelous Misadventures of Sebastian (1970)
The King's Fountain (1971)
The Four Donkeys (1972)
The Cat Who Wished to Be a Man (1973)
The Wizard in the Tree (1974)
The First Two Lives of Lukas-Kasha (1978)
The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen (1991)
The Fortune-Tellers (1992)
The Arkadians (1995)
The House Gobbaleen (1995)
The Iron Ring (1997)
Gypsy Rizka (1999)
How the Cat Swallowed Thunder (2000)
The Gawgon and the Boy (2001)
The Rope Trick (2002)
Collections Top
The Foundling: And Other Tales of Prydain (1973)
The Town Cats: And Other Tales (1977)
A Lloyd Alexander Collection: 3 Complete Novels (2001)
Non fiction Top
My Cats and Me: The Story of an Understanding (A Blank Journal) (1989)
Anthologies containing stories by Lloyd Alexander Top
The Year's Best Fantasy Stories (1975)
Short stories Top
The Sword Dyrnwyn (1973)
Books about Lloyd Alexander Top
Lloyd Alexander: Bio-Bibliographies in American Literature No 1 (1991) by James S Jacobs and Michael O Tunnell
Lloyd Alexander (1991) by Jill P May