"The Chinese Maze Murders" - читать интересную книгу автора (Gulik Robert Van)Twelfth ChapterThe next morning when Tao Gan was crossing the main courtyard on his way to the judge's private office, he saw Ma Joong sitting hunched on a stone seat, his head in his hands. Tao Gan stood still and looked for a moment at this silent figure. Then he asked: "What is wrong with you, my friend?" Ma Joong made a vague gesture with his right hand. Without looking up he said in a hoarse voice: "Go away, brother, I am resting. Last night I had a few drinks with Woo. Since it had grown late I decided to stay overnight in that wine shop, hoping that I would learn more about Woo's activities. I walked back here half an hour ago." Tao Gan gave him a doubtful look. Then he said impatiently: "Come along! You must hear my report to His Excellency and see what I have brought here!" As he spoke he showed Ma Joong a small package wrapped up in oil paper. Ma Joong reluctantly rose from his seat. They left the courtyard and entered Judge Dee's private office. The judge was sitting behind his desk absorbed in a document. Sergeant Hoong was sitting in a corner sipping his morning tea. Judge Dee looked up from his papers. "Well, my friends", he said, "did our painter go out last night?" Ma Joong rubbed his big hand over his forehead. "Your Honour", he said unhappily, "my head feels as if it were full of stones. Tao Gan will be able to present our report!" Judge Dee shot a searching look at Ma Joong's gaunt features. Then he turned to listen to Tao Gan. Tao Gan related in detail how he had followed Woo to the "Hermitage of the Three Treasures", and about his curious behaviour there. When he had finished, Judge Dee remained silent for a while, a deep frown furrowing his brow. Then he exclaimed: "So the girl did not turn up!" Sergeant Hoong and Tao Gan looked astonished and even Ma Joong evinced some interest. The judge took the picture that Woo had given him. He rose and unrolled it on the desk, placing a paper weight on either end. Then Judge Dee took a few sheets of writing paper and covered the picture up in such a way that only the face of the goddess Kwan Yin was visible. "Look carefully at this face!", he ordered. Tao Gan and the sergeant rose. They bent their heads over the picture. Ma Joong was going to leave his footstool also but he sat down again quickly with a look of pain. Tao Gan said slowly: "This certainly is an unusual face for a goddess, Your Honour! Buddhist female deities are always depicted with a serene, quite impersonal face. This, however, rather seems a portrait of a living young girl!" Judge Dee looked pleased. "That is exactly what it is!", he exclaimed. "Yesterday when I looked over Woo's pictures it struck me that all his paintings of Kwan Yin show the same, very human face. I concluded that Woo must be deeply in love with a certain girl. Her image is continually in his mind. Thus whenever he paints a female deity he gives it the features of this girl, probably without realizing it himself. Since Woo undoubtedly is a great artist, this picture must be a good portrait of that mysterious girl. It shows a definite personality. I am convinced that this girl is the explanation why Woo did not leave Lan-fang. She may provide the clue that links him with the murder of General Ding!" "It should not be too difficult to trace this girl", Sergeant Hoong observed. "We might have a look around in the neighbourhood of that Buddhist temple." "That", Judge Dee said, "is a very good idea. All three of you will imprint this picture on your memory!" Ma Joong rose with a groan and had a look at the picture too. He pressed his hands against his temples and closed his eyes. "What ails our wine bibber?", Tao Gan inquired nastily. Ma Joong opened his eyes. "I am sure", he said slowly, "that I have met that girl once. Somehow or other her face is familiar to me. But try as I may I cannot remember when and where I saw her!" Judge Dee rolled the scroll up again. "Well", he said, "when your head is clear it may come to your mind. Now what have you brought there, Tao Gan? " Tao Gan opened the package with great care. It contained a wooden board with a small square sheet of paper pasted on its surface. He put it in front of the judge saying: "Your Honour please be careful! The thin paper is still moist and will easily tear. Early this morning as I was peeling off the lining of the Governor's painting, I discovered this sheet pasted behind the lining of the brocade mounting. This is the testament of Governor Yoo!" The judge bent forward over the small writing. Then his face fell. He leaned back in his chair and angrily tugged at his whiskers. Tao Gan shrugged his shoulders. "Yes, Your Honour, appearances often prove deceptive. That Mrs. Yoo has been trying to fool us." The judge pushed the board over to Tao Gan. "Read it aloud!" he ordered curtly. Tao Gan read: "I, Yoo Shou-chien, feeling the end of my days draw near, hereunder state my last will and testament. Since my second wife Mei has been guilty of adultery and the son she gave birth to is not my flesh and blood, all my possessions shall go to my eldest son Yoo Kee who shall continue the tradition of our ancient house." Signed and sealed: Yoo Shou-chien After a slight pause Tao Gan remarked: "Of course I compared the seal impressed on this document with the Governor's seal on the painting itself. They are perfectly identical." A deep silence reigned. Then Judge Dee leaned forward and crashed his fist on the table. "Everything is completely wrong!", he exclaimed. Tao Gan gave Sergeant Hoong a doubtful look. The sergeant imperceptibly shook his head. Ma Joong goggled at the judge. Judge Dee said with a sigh: "I shall explain to you why I am certain that there is something fundamentally wrong here. I depart from the premise that Yoo Shou-chien was a wise and farsighted man. He fully realized that his eldest son Yoo Kee had a wicked character and that he was violently jealous of his young half-brother; until Yoo Shan was born Yoo Kee had for years considered himself as the only heir. When the Governor's end drew near his last thoughts were how to protect his young widow and his infant son against the wiles of Yoo Kee. The Governor knew that if he divided his property equally between his two sons, not to speak of disinheriting Yoo Kee, the latter would certainly harm his infant half-brother and perhaps even kill him to appropriate his part of the inheritance. Therefore the Governor made it appear as if he disinherited Yoo Shan." Sergeant Hoong nodded and gave Tao Gan a significant look. "At the same time", the judge went on, "he concealed in this picture the proof that half or the greater part of his property should go to Yoo Shan. This is evident from the curious formula which the old Governor employed when he expressed his last will. He said clearly that the scroll should go to Yoo Shan, and 'the rest' to Yoo Kee; he carefully refrained from defining this 'rest'. The Governor's idea was through this hidden testament to protect his infant son until he would have grown into a young man and could take possession of his inheritance. He hoped that after ten years or so a wise magistrate would discover the hidden message of the scroll and restore to Yoo Shan his rightful inheritance. It is therefore that he instructed his widow to show the scroll to every new magistrate that would be appointed to this district." "That instruction, Your Honour", Tao Gan interrupted, "may never have been given. We have only Mrs. Yoo's word for it. In my opinion this document proves clearly that Yoo Shan is an illegitimate child. The Governor was a kind and forbearing man, he wished to prevent Yoo Kee from avenging the wrong done to his father. At the same time he wished to make sure that in due time the truth could be established beyond doubt. This is why he concealed the document in this scroll. When a clever magistrate would have discovered it he would be able to dismiss any claim that Mrs. Yoo might try to file against Yoo Kee." The judge had listened carefully to this argument. He asked: "How then do you explain that Mrs. Yoo is so eager that the riddle of this scroll is solved?" "Women", Tao Gan replied, "are liable to overrate the influence they have on the man who loves them. I am convinced that Mrs. Yoo hopes that the old Governor in his benevolence has concealed in the scroll some money draft or a direction how to find a hidden sum of money, to compensate her for losing part of the property." The judge shook his head. "What you say", he remarked, "is quite logical, but it does not accord with the old Governor's character. I am convinced that this document here is a forgery produced by Yoo Kee. It is my theory that the Governor hid some unimportant document in this scroll in order to lead Yoo Kee on to a false trail. As I said before, this is too crude a device for Governor Yoo to have used for concealing something of real importance. Next to this false clue, the picture must contain a real message concealed in a much more ingenious manner. Since the Governor feared that Yoo Kee would suspect that this scroll contained something valuable and would have it destroyed, he inserted some document in the lining for Yoo Kee to find. Thus he made sure that Yoo Kee, having found that, would not search further for the real clue. Mrs. Yoo told me that Yoo Kee kept the scroll for over a week. That would have given him sufficient time for discovering the document. Whatever it was, he replaced it by this spurious testament, so that he would be safe no matter what Mrs. Yoo would do with the scroll." Tao Gan nodded. He said: "I admit, Your Honour, that that is also a very attractive theory. But I still think that mine is the simpler one." "It should not be too difficult", Sergeant Hoong remarked, "to find a specimen of Governor Yoo's handwriting. Unfortunately he used archaic script for his inscription on this landscape painting." Judge Dee said pensively: "I had planned to visit Yoo Kee in any case. I shall go there this afternoon and try to secure a good specimen of the Governor's regular handwriting and of his signature. You will go there now with my namecard, Sergeant, and announce my visit." The sergeant and his colleagues rose and took their leave. As they were crossing the courtyard the sergeant said: "Ma Joong, what you need is a large pot of hot, bitter tea. Let us sit down in the guard house for a while. I would not like to leave the tribunal before we had cheered you up a bit!" Ma Joong agreed. In the guard house they found Headman Fang sitting at the square table talking earnestly with his son. The latter rose hastily when he saw the three men enter and offered them seats. They all sat down and the sergeant ordered the constable on duty to bring a pot of bitter tea. After some desultory talk Headman Fang said: "When you people came in I was just discussing with my son where we should search for my eldest daughter." Sergeant Hoong sipped his tea. Then he said slowly: "I don't wish to mention a subject that must be painful to you, Headman. Yet I feel that we should not ignore the possibility that White Orchid had a secret lover and eloped with him." Fang shook his head emphatically. "That girl", he said, "is quite different from my youngest daughter. Dark Orchid is headstrong, she has a very independent character. She knew exactly what she wanted ever since she was but as high as my knee, and usually knew how to get it too. Dark Orchid should have been born a boy. My eldest, on the contrary, was always quiet and obedient. She has a soft, pliable character. I can assure you that she never even thought of having a lover, let alone eloping with one!" "That being so", Tao Gan remarked, "I fear that we must be prepared for the worst. Could not some low ruffian have kidnapped her and sold her to a brothel?" Fang sadly nodded his head. "Yes", he said with a sigh, "you are quite right. I too think that we should check the licensed quarters. You know that there are two of that kind in this town. One, called the Northern Row, is located in the northwest corner of the city wall. The girls there are mostly from over the border, that quarter prospered greatly during the time when the route to the west still led through Lan-fang. Now that Northern Row has fallen on bad times, it is a favourite haunt for the scum of this city. "The other one, known as Southern Row, consists of high-class establishments only. The girls there are all Chinese, and some are quite educated. They are not unlike the courtesans and singing girls of the larger cities." Tao Gan pulled at the three hairs on his left cheek. "I would say", he observed, "that we should start with the Northern Row. I gather from what you say that the houses of the Southern Row would not dare to kidnap girls. High class establishments like those are always careful not to offend against the law; they buy their girls in the regular way." Ma Joong laid his big hand on the headman's shoulder: "As soon as our judge has cleared up the murder of General Ding", he said, "I shall request that the job of locating your eldest daughter is entrusted to Tao Gan and me. If there is any man who can find her, it is this wily old trickster, especially when I am at hand to do the rough work for him!" Fang thanked Ma Joong with tears in his eyes. At that moment Dark Orchid entered the gate, demurely dressed as a housemaid. "How do you like the work, my girl?", Ma Joong called out. Dark Orchid ignored him completely. She bowed deeply to her father and said: "I would like to report to His Excellency, father. Would you kindly take me there?" Fang rose and excused himself. Sergeant Hoong went out to transmit Judge Dee's message to Yoo Kee, and the headman crossed the courtyard followed by his daughter. They found Judge Dee sitting alone in his office, his chin cupped in his hands. He was deep in thought. As he looked up and saw Fang and his daughter his face brightened. He acknowledged their bows with a friendly nod and then said eagerly: "Take your time, my child, and tell me all about your experiences in the Ding household!" "There can be no doubt, Your Honour", Dark Orchid began, "that the old General was in great fear for his life. The maids in the Ding mansion told me that all the food had first to be fed to a dog in order to prove that it had not been poisoned. The front and side gates had to be kept locked day and night, which is a great nuisance for the servants as they have to unlock the door for every visitor or tradesman who comes to the house. The servants don't like working there, everyone in his turn is the object of the old General's suspicion, and closely questioned by the young master. They don't stay longer there than a few months on end." "Describe the members of the household!", the judge ordered. "The General's First Lady died some years ago and now the Second Lady directs the household. She is in continual fear lest the others shouldn't treat her with sufficient respect and she is not an easy mistress to work for. The Third Lady is quite an uneducated person, fat and lazy, but not hard to please. The Fourth Lady is very young; the General acquired her here in Lan-fang. I suppose that she is of the kind that men find attractive. But while she was dressing this morning I noticed that she has an ugly mole on her left breast. She spends the greater part of the day in front of her mirror, if she is not trying to wangle some money from the Second Lady. Young Master Ding lives with his wife in a small, separate courtyard. They have no children. She is not very good-looking and a few years older than her husband. But they say that she is quite accomplished and has read many books. The young master has occasionally brought up the question of taking a second wife, but she would never allow it. He now tries to make up to the young maidservants but without much success. Nobody likes to work in that household and the maids don't care whether they offend the young master or not. This morning when I was cleaning young Master Ding's room, I rummaged a bit in his private papers." "That was not what I ordered you", the judge remarked dryly. Fang gave his daughter an angry look. Dark Orchid blushed and went on quickly: "I found in the back of a drawer a package of poems and letters written by young Master Ding. The literary style was too difficult for me, but I gathered from the few sentences I was able to understand that the contents are very peculiar. I brought the package with me to show to Your Honour." As she spoke she put her slender hand in her sleeve and took out a bundle of papers. She handed them to the judge with a respectful bow. Judge Dee shot a quizzical look at the indignant Fang, then rapidly glanced through the papers. He put them down and said: "These poems speak of a forbidden love affair, and in such a passionate language that it is all to the good that you could not understand them. The letters are of similar content, and all signed 'Your slave Ding'; Apparently young Ding wrote them to give vent to his passion, for they were apparently never sent to their destination." "The young master would hardly have written such things for the blue-stocking that his wife is!", Dark Orchid remarked. Her father soundly boxed her ears, shouting: "Don't you dare to speak if you are not asked to, you forward hussy!" Turning to the judge he added apologetically: "It is all because my good wife is not there to educate her, Your Honour!" Judge Dee smiled. "When we are through with this murder case, Headman" he said, "I shall arrange a suitable marriage for your daughter. There is nothing better for a wayward young girl than to settle down to the regular household routine." Fang respectfully thanked the judge. Dark Orchid looked furious but she did not dare to speak. Tapping the package with his forefinger, Judge Dee said: "I shall have these copied out immediately. This afternoon you will put back the originals where you found them. You did not do badly, young woman! Keep your ears and eyes open, but be careful not to pry into closed drawers and cupboards. Report again to me tomorrow." As Fang and his daughter took their leave, the judge had Tao Gan called in. "I have here a collection of letters and poems", he said. "You will copy them out carefully and try to deduce from all these passionate effusions some clue as to the identity of the lady to whom they are addressed." Tao Gan glanced the poems through. His eyebrows shot up.