"London: The Biography" - читать интересную книгу автора (Ackroyd Peter)ChronologyBC 54 Caesar’s first expedition to Britain AD 41 The Roman invasion of Britain 43 The naming of Londinium 60 The burning of London by Boudicca 61-122 The rebuilding of London 120 The Hadrianic fire of London 457 Britons flee London to evade the Saxons 490 Saxon domination over London 587 Augustine’s mission to London 604 Foundation of a bishopric, and St. Paul’s, in London 672 Reference to “the port of London.” The growth of Lundenwic 851 London stormed by Vikings 886 Alfred retakes and rebuilds London 892 Londoners repel Danish invasion fleet 959 A great fire in London: St. Paul’s burned 994 Siege of London by Danish forces 1013 The second siege of London, by conquering Sweyn 1016 Third siege of London by Cnut, repulsed 1035 Harold I elected king by Londoners 1050 The rebuilding of Westminster Abbey 1065 Dedication of Westminster Abbey 1066 The taking of London by William the Conqueror 1078 The building of the White Tower 1123 Rahere establishes St. Bartholomew’s 1176 The building of a stone bridge 1191 The establishment of a London commune 1193-1212 The first mayor of London, Henry Fitz-Ailwin 1220 Rebuilding of Westminster Abbey 1290 Expulsion of the Jews; Eleanor Crosses set up at Chepe and Charing Cross 1326 The London revolution: deposition of Edward II 1348 The Black Death kills one-third of London’s population 1371 Charterhouse founded 1373 Chaucer living above Aldgate 1381 Wat Tyler’s revolt 1397 Richard Whittington first elected mayor 1406 Plague in London 1414 The Lollard revolt 1442 The Strand is paved 1450 Jack Cade’s revolt 1476 The establishment of Caxton’s printing press 1484 The sweating sickness in London 1485 Henry VII enters London in triumph after the Battle of Bosworth 1509 Henry VIII ascends the throne 1535 Execution of Thomas More on Tower Hill 1535-9 The spoilation of London’s monasteries and churches 1544 Wyngaerde’s great panorama of London 1576 The building of the Theatre in Shoreditch 1598 Publication of Stow’s 1608-13 The construction of the New River 1619-22 The building of Inigo Jones’s Banqueting House 1642-3 The construction of earthen walls, and forts, against the king’s army 1649 Execution of Charles I 1652 The emergence of the coffee house 1663 The building of a theatre in Drury Lane 1665 The Great Plague 1666 The Great Fire 1694 The foundation of the Bank of England 1733 The covering of the Fleet River 1750 The building of Westminster Bridge 1756 The construction of the New Road 1769 The building of Blackfriars Bridge 1769-70 Wilkite agitation in London 1774 The London Building Act 1780 The Gordon Riots 1799 The establishment of the West India Dock Company 1800 The foundation of the Royal College of Surgeons 1801 London’s population reaches one million 1809 Gas-lighting instituted in Pall Mall 1816 Radicals meet at Spa Fields: riots in Spitalfields 1824 National Gallery founded 1825 Nash rebuilds Buckingham Palace 1829 London Metropolitan Police Force founded 1834 Houses of Parliament destroyed by fire 1836 University of London established 1851 The Great Exhibition opened in Hyde Park 1858 The “great stink” leads to Bazalgette’s sanitary engineering 1863 The opening of the world’s first underground railway 1878 The advent of electric lighting 1882 The emergence of the electric tram-car 1887 “Bloody Sunday” demonstrations in Trafalgar Square 1888 The appearance of Jack the Ripper in Whitechapel 1889 The establishment of the London County Council 1892 The beginning of the Blackwall Tunnel under the Thames 1897 The emergence of the motor-omnibus 1901 Population of London reaches 1913 The inauguration of the Chelsea Flower Show 1915 The first bombs fall on London 1926 The General Strike 1932 The building of Broadcasting House in Portland Place for the BBC 1935 The inauguration of the Green Belt 1936 The battle of Cable Street 1940 The beginning of the London Blitz 1951 The Festival of Britain on the South Bank 1952 The great smog 1955 The opening of Heathrow Airport 1965 The abolition of the London County Council; creation of the Greater London Council 1967 The closure of the East India Dock; the building of Centre Point 1981 The Brixton riots; the establishment of the London Docklands Development Corporation 1985 Broadwater Farm riots 1986 Completion of M25 ringway; abolition of GLC; the “big bang” in the Stock Exchange 1987 The building of Canary Wharf 2000 Mayoral elections |