Краткая библиография
Julian. The Works of the Emperor.
Ammianus Marcellinus. The History.
Libanius. Orations: «In Praise of Antioch*, «То Julian*, «Monody on Julian*,
«Epitaph on Julian*, «On Avenging Julian*, etc.
Gregory Nazianzen. «Oration Against Julian*.
Sozomen. Ecclesiastical History.
Socrates. Ecclesiastical History.
Theodoret. A History of the Church.
Eunapius. Lives of the Philosophers.
Pausanias. Description of Greece.
Edward Gibbon. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
Jacob Burckhardt. The Age of Constantine the Great.
R. A. Pack. Studies in Libanius and Antiochene Society under Theodosius.
T. R. Glover. Life and Letters in the Fourth Century.
J. Bidez. La Vie de TEmpereur Julien.
J. B. Bury. History of the Later Roman Empire.
Franz Cumont. The Mysteries of Mithra.
Norman Baynes. The Early Life ot Julian the Apostate. - Journal of Hellenic
Studies, Vol. XLV, p.-251-254.
G. E. Mylonas. Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries.
M. J. Vermaseren. Mithras: The Secret God.
Glanville Downey. Ancient Antioch.
* Дается в редакции автора.
Glanville Downey. Antioch in the Age of Theodosius the Great.
Stebe lion H. Nulle. «Julian Redivivus*. - The Centennial Review,
Vol. V, No. 3, summer.