"Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка" - читать интересную книгу автора (Каушанская В. Л.)


Exercise 1. State the morphological composition of the verbs.

To worry, to precipitate, to forbid, to retire, to retell, to do away, to whitewash, to whiten, to ascend, to apologize, to engage, to enfold, to give in, to decompose, to translate, to transport, to browbeat, to subscribe, to subordinate, to run away, to underestimate, to backbite, to mislead, to forget, to succeed, to disobey, to take off, to overrun, to satisfy, to recede, to come in, to resign, to superintend, I to descend, to blackmail, to put up, to unbind, to win, to counteract, to go on, to forecast, to befriend, to go away, to lie, to predispose.

Exercise 2. Point out notional, auxiliary, modal, and link verbs.

She went into the drawing-room and lighted the fire; then, picking up the cushions, one by one, that Mary had disposed so care-1 fully, she threw them back onto the chairs and the couches. That] made all the difference; the room came alive at once. As she wasi about to throw the last one she surprised herself by suddenly hugging it to her, passionately, passionately. But it did not put ou the fire in her bosom. Oh, on the contrary!

The windows of the drawing-room opened onto a balcony overlooking the garden. At the far end, against the wall, there wasi a tall, slender pear tree in fullest, richest bloom; it stood perfect,' as though becalmed against the jade-green sky. Bertha couldn't! help feeling, even from this distance, that it had not a single bud] or a faded petal. Down below, in the garden beds, the red and yellow tulips, heavy with flowers, seemed to lean upon the dusk. A grey cat, dragging its belly, crept across the lawn, and a black; one, its shadow, trailed after. The sight of them, so intent and scj quick, gave Bertha a curious shiver. Really — really — she had everything. She was young. Harry and she were as much in love as ever, and they got on together splendidly. She had an adorable baby. They didn't have to worry about money. They had this absolutely satisfactory house and garden. (Mansfield)

Exercise 3. Point out all the verbs. State whether they are transitive oi intransitive. Translate into Russian.


She had spoiled his life, wounded his pride to death, de frauded him of a son. (Galsworthy)2. The door opened, and a thick set heavy-looking young man entered... (Eliot)3. The paddock was fairly well filled with people and they were walking the horses around in a ring under the trees behind the grandstand. (Hemingway)4. Fleur did not answer. She stood for a moment looking at him and he mother... (Galsworthy)5. After turning the matter over and con suiting with Irene, he wrote to his daughter, Mrs. Val Dartie.. (Galsworthy)6. The soldiers pushed the foreign workers into groups and led them off. (Heym)7. Hughson marched him up to a sort of jarge desk that was all glass and shining metal. (Priestley) 8. While she stood hesitating, the door opened, and an old man came forth shading a candle with one hand. (Hardy)9. Fleur looked at her watch and rose. (Galsworthy)10. It was Fleur's turn now. She spoke of dogs, and the way people treated them. (Galsworthy)jl. The stream which worked the mill came bubbling down in a dozen rivulets. (Galsworthy)12. He was waiting for us... at the public house; and asked me how I found myself, like an old acquaintance. I did not feel, at first, that I knew him as well as he knew me, because he had never come to our house since the night I was born, and naturally he had the advantage of me. (Dickens)