"Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка" - читать интересную книгу автора (Каушанская В. Л.)


Exercise 1. Point out ihe coordinate clauses (mark the elliptical ones) and comment on the way they are Joined.

1. It was high summer, and the hay harvest was almost over. (Lawrence)2. All the rooms were brightly lighted, but there seemed to be complete silence in the house. (Murdoch)3. One small group was playing cards, another sat about a table and drank, or, tiring of that, adjourned to a large room to dance to the music of the victrola or player-piano, (Dreiser)4. His eyes were bloodshot and heavy, his face a deadly white, and his body bent as if with age. (Dickens)5. He only smiled, however, and there was comfort in his hearty rejoinder, for there seemed to be a whole sensible world behind it. (Priestley) 6. You'll either sail this boat correctly or you'll never go out with me again. (Dreiser)7. Time passed, and she came to no conclusion, nor did any opportunities come her way for making a closer study of Mischa. (Murdoch)8. She often enjoyed Annette's company, yet the child made her nervous. (Murdoch)9. She ran through another set of rooms, breathless, her feet scarcely touching the surface of the soft carpets; then a final doorway suddenly and unexpetedly let her out into the street. (Murdoch)10. It was early afternoon, but very dark outside, and the lamps had already been turned on. (Murdoch)11. A large number of expensive Christmas cards were arrayed on the piano; while upon the walls dark evergreens, tied into various clever swags of red and silver ribbon, further proclaimed the season. (Murdoch)12. Brangwen never smoked cigarettes, yet he took the one offered, fumbling painfully with thick fingers, blushing to the roots of his hair. (Lawrence)

Exercise 2. Define the kinds of subordinate clauses (subject, object and predicative clauses). Translate into Russian.

1. Miss Casement stopped what she was doing and stared at Rainsborough. (Murdoch)2. What you saw tonight was an ending. (Murdoch)3. About what was to come she reflected not at all. (Murdoch)4. It's odd how it hurts at these times not to be part of your proper family. (Murdoch)5. The trouble with you, Martin, is that you are always looking for a master. (Murdoch)6. Suddenly realizing what had happened, she sprang to her feet. (Caldwelt) 7. "It looks as though spring will never come," she remarked. (Caldwell)8. I want you to sit here beside me and listen to what I have to say. (Caldwell)9. Who and what he was, Martin never learned. (London)10. That I am hungry and you are aware of it are only ordinary phenomena, and there's no disgrace. (London)11. What he would do next he did not know. (London)12. It was only then that I realized that she was travelling too. (Murdoch)i3. What I want is to be paid for what I do. (London) 14. I cannot help thinking there is something wrong about that closet. (Dickens)-15. And what is puzzling me is why they want me now. (London)16. That was what I came to find out. (London)17. What I want to know is When you're going to get married. (London)18. Her fear was lest they should stay for tea. (Ch. Bronte)19. That they were justified in this she could not but admit. (London)20. What was certain was that I could not now sleep again. (Murdoch)21. What vast wound that catastrophe had perhaps made in Georgie's proud and upright spirit I did not know. (Murdoch)22. After several weeks what he had been waiting for happened. (London)23. And let me say to you in the profoundest and most faithful seriousness that what you saw tonight will have no sequel. (Murdoch)24. I understand all that, but what I want to know is whether or not you have lost faith in me? (London)25. He could recall with startling clarity what previously had been dim and evasive recollections of childhood incidents, early schooling and young manhood. (Caldwell)26. It's been my experience that as a rule the personality of a human being presents as much of a complexity as the medical history of a chronic invalid. (Caldwell)27. He [Cowperwood] had taken no part in the war, and he felt sure that he could only rejoice in its conclusion — not as a patriot, but as a financier. (Dreiser)28. He felt as if the ocean separated him from his past care, and welcomed the new era of life which was dawning for him. (Thackeray)29. It was noticeable to all that even his usual sullen smile had disappeared. (Caldwell)30. That I had no business with two women on my hands already, to go falling in love with a third troubled me comparatively little. (Murdoch)31. I only write down what seems to me to be the truth. (Murdoch)32. Believe me, believe us, it is what is best for you. (Murdoch)33. Pleasantly excited by what she was doing, she momentarily expected somebody to stop her and remind her that she had forgotten to buy the evening paper and had failed to take the bus home at the usual time. (Caldwell)34. I dislike what you call his trade. (Murdoch)

Exercise 3. Define the kinds of attributive clauses. Translate into Russian.

1. "Everybody who makes the kind of blunder I did should apologize," he remarked with a pronounced nodding of his head. (Caldwell)2. Rachel had become aware of the fact that she was talking loudly. (Swinnerton) 3. He took after his blond father, who had been a painter. Rosa took after her dark-haired mother, who had been a Fabian. (Murdoch)4. What we are interested in, as author and reader, is the fact that publishing in England is now an integral part of big business. (Fox) 5. The first thing Martin did next morning was to go counter both to Brissenden's advice and command. (London)6. The invalid, whose strength was now sufficiently restored, threw off his coat, and rushed towards the sea, with the intention of plunging in, and dragging the drowning man ashore. (Dickens)7. He was suddenly reminded of the crumpled money he had snatched from the table and burned in the sink. (Caldwell)8. Georgie, who is now twenty-six, had been an undergraduate at Cambridge, where she had taken a degree in economics. (Murdoch)9. He would speak for hours about them to Harry Esmond; and, indeed, he could have chosen few subjects more likely to interest the unhappy young man, whose heart was now as always devoted to these ladies; and who was thankful to all who loved them, or praised them, or wished them well. (Thackeray)10. I hardly know why I came to the conclusion that you don't consider it an altogether fortunate attachment. (Pinero)11. He walked to the window and stood there looking at the winter night that had finally come upon them. (Caldwell)12. What terrified her most was that she found deep in her heart a strong wish that Mischa might indeed want to reopen negotiations. (Murdoch)13. Directly in front of her window was a wide terrace with a stone parapet which swept round to what she took to be the front of the house, which faced the sea more squarely. (Murdoch)14. He spent half the week in Cambridge, where he lodged with his sister and lent his ear to neurotic undergraduates, and the other half in London, where he seemed to have a formidable number of well-known patients. (Murdoch)15. I went upstairs to lie down and fell into the most profound and peaceful sleep that I had experienced for a long time. (Murdoch)16. "Palmer Anderson," said Georgie, naming Antonia's psychoanalist, who was also a close friend of Antonia and myself. (Murdoch)17. She looked to him much the same child as he had met six years ago... (Murdoch)18. Rosa had the feeling that she was both recognized and expected. (Murdoch)19. Maybe the reason you don't want to goto a specialist is because you don't want to change—you want to stay as you are. (Caldwell)20. Gretta regarded him with a look on her face that was unrevealing of her thoughts. (Caldwell)21. Such light as there was from the little lamp fell now on his face, which looked horrible — for it was all covered with blood. (Priestley) 22. Three days after Gretta and Glenn Kenworthy's Saturday night party, which was still being talked about among those who had been present, Royd Fillmore presented a formal jesignation to the governing board of Medical Square Clinic. (Caldwelf)

Exercise 4. Define the kinds of attributive clauses and punctuate accordingly.

1. That is all I can tell you. (London)2. He was under the impression that an attempt was going to be made to convict him. (Dreiser)3. Whenever she came which was often she came quite noisily. (Dreiser)4. The things her father said seemed meaningless and neutral. (Lawrence)5. Then she came to New York where she remained two years. (Lreiser) 6. I opened Palmer's close-fitting hall door which is always unlocked and ushered Dr. Klein inside. (Murdoch) 7. What happened was the last thing that any of them expected to happen. (Priestley) 8. I shook out my scarf which was damp and soggy. (Murdoch)9. She had no idea where she was going. (Murdoch)10. There were times when I wanted to stop the car and tell him to get out. (Maltz)11. His hair which was short sleek and black was just visible beneath the capacious brim of a low-crowned brown hat. (Dickens)12. But he could see now no reason why he should not smoke. (London)13. The bar was crowded with men which she had expected it to be and at first she was not able to find a place to sit down. (Caldwell)

Exercise 5. Insert who, whom, that, which, as.

1. One oil lamp was lit in the bow, and the girl __ Mr. Tench had spotted from the bank began to sing gently __ a melancholy, sentimental and contended song about a rose — had been stained with true love's blood. (Greene)2. None of us __ were there will ever forget that day. (Greene)3. I don't believe all __ they write in these books. (Greene)4. The great protective cover under __ the Germans had operated was torn from them. (Heym)5. I call her probably the very worst woman __ ever lived in the world... (Dickens)6. I saved such of the equipment __ could not be replaced, and I saved the personnel... (Heym)7. Pettinger was pleased that Prince Yasha, __ was a cool observer and a military man... estimated the situation exactly as he, himself, did. (Heym) 8. There was a feeling in the air and a look on faces __ he did not like. (Galsworthy)9. All __ I can remember is that you gave a beautiful performance. (Thornton)

Exercise 6. Define the nature of abverbial clauses. Translate into Russian.

1. He too had moved and was now standing where she had been a moment before. (Priestley) 2. Once they reached the open country the car leapt forward like a mad thing. (Murdoch)3. Alban's eyes glittered as he looked at the buses and policemen trying to direct the confusion. (Maugham)4. He watched until the final wisp of smoke had disappeared. (Caldwell)5. Even after Glenn had nodded urgently to her, she continued to look as if she did not know whether to run away from him or to walk back down the corridor to where he stood. (Caldwell)6. And he followed her out of the door, whatever his feelings might be. (Lawrence)7. I came away the first moment I could. (Galsworthy)8. If anything particular occurs, you can write to me at the post-office, Ipswich. (Dickens)9. A cat with a mouse between her paws who feigns boredom is ready to jump the second the mouse makes a dash for freedom. (Caldwell)10. Gladys leaned forward and then turned her head so that she could look Penderel almost squarely in the face. (Priestley) 11. I could work faster if your irons were only hotter. (London)12. The aftermath of the cub reporter's deed was even wider than Martin had anticipated. (London)13. But these two people, insufferable though they might be in other circumstances, were not unwelcomed. (Priestley) 14. Brissenden lay sick in his hotel, too feeble to stir out, and though Martin was with him often, he did not worry him with his troubles., (London)15. Had the great man said but a word of kindness to the small one, no doubt Esmond would have fought for him with pen and sword to the utmost of his might. (Thackeray)16. When Rainsborough received this news he was made so miserable by it that he was not sure that he could survive. (Murdoch)17. However friendly she might seem one day, the next she would have lapsed to her original disregard of him, cold, detached, at her distance. (Lawrence)18. Howard puffed his cigarette thoughtfully before speaking, as if he was still uncertain about what he should say. (Caldwell)19. How she would reach the villa, and what she would find there when she arrived, she had not even dared to imagine. (Lawrence)20. I paused while she took off her coat... (Murdoch)21. I don't know what would have concluded the scene, had there not been one person at hand rather more rational than myself, and more benevolent than my entertainer. (Lawrence)22. And you will find that it is scarcely less of a shock for you because you saw what you expected to see. (Murdoch)23. When he left the car, he strode along the sidewalk as a wrathful man will stride, and he rang the Morse bell with such viciousness that it roused him to consciousness of his condition, so that he entered in good nature, smiling with amusement at himself. (London) 24. Wherever they were together or separate, he appeared to be travelling in one intellectual direction or along one mental groove, and she another. (Dreiser)25. As I had no taste for this particular discussion, and also wanted to get off the subject of my dear brother, I said, "What will you be doing on Christmas Day?" (Murdoch)26. "In that case," said Palmer, "since we are going away for good, I doubt if we shall meet again." (Murdoch)27. Dazed as he was, he realized that there was just a chance of escape. (Priestley) 28. No matter how brilliant a physician is, a thing like that will ruin his career. (Caldwell)29. She could hardly hear his voice, so deafening and continuous was the clatter of the waves upon the stones. (Murdoch)30. At least it was good to be on one's legs again, and though the night was hideous, the situation seemed less precarious than it did when one was sitting in there, playing fantastic tricks with mechanisms. (Priestley) 31. It means to make the plane a part of you, just as if it were strapped behind you the minute it became airborne. (Moyt)

Exercise 7. Define the kinds of clauses introduced by that. Translate into Russian.

1. His smile was so easy, so friendly, that Laura recovered. (Mansfield)2. It was just luck that he didn't catch the boat. (Greene) 3. It infuriated him to think that there were still people in the state who believed in a loving and merciful God. (Greene) 4. The impression he gathered was that he would be able to make his own terms. (Galsworthy)5. In the front hall, under a large picture of fat, cheery old monks fishing by the riverside, there was a thick, dark horse-whip, that had belonged to Mr. Spears' father. (Mansfield)6. At first she used to read to me, but it was such a dismal performance that I could not bear to hear her. (Harraden) 7. I remember the landscape was buried deep in snow, and that we had very little fuel. (Aldington)8. In fact, Mrs. Spears' callers made the remark that you never would have known that there was a child in the house. (Mansfield)9. I believe that all we claim is that we try to say what appears to be the truth, and that we are not afraid either to contradict ourselves or to retract an error. (Aldington)10. The box that the fur came out of was on the bed. (Mansfield)11. "I sit alone that I may eat more," said the Baron, peering into the dusk... (Mansfield)

Exercise 8. Define the kinds ol clauses introduced by as. Translate into Russian.

1. Harmless as this speech appeared to be, it acted on the travellers' distrust, like oil on fire. (Dickens)2. Even as she talked she was here and there about the room, commenting on this, that, and other episodes with which both she and Miss Redmond seemed familiar. (Dreiser)3. I was in real distress, as I can tell you. (Dreiser)4. He kissed her quickly and ran towards the wicket as fast as he could. (Maugham)5. Then she looked very carefully around, nodding her head as she did so, seeming to count the objects. (Murdoch)6. He was, as I saw him now, too fanciful and too erratic. (Dreiser)7. His wife, as I have said, was small, talkative, cricketlike, and bounced here and there in a jumpy way. (Dreiser)8. Such trees as there were stood out ragged and lorn against a-wealth of sky, (Dreiser)9. She and a certain Wally, the surgeon above mentioned, as she breathlessly explained, were out for a drive to some inn up the Hudson shore. (Dreiser)10. As you may imagine, I am suffering from shock. (Murdoch)11. As I didn't reply, she sighed and turned away to pull the curtains across the darkened windows. (Murdoch)12. As you must know perfectly well, you could get your wife back if you wanted her even now. (Murdoch)13. Sally gave him a smile. It was as sweet and innocent as it had ever been. (Maugham)14. Another day, at tea-time, as he sat alone at table, there came a knock at the front door. (Lawrence) 15. "Do as I tell you," I said. (Murdoch)16. In front of a big book-case, in a big chair, behind a big table, and before a big volume, sat Mr. Nupkins, looking a full size larger than any one of them, big as they were. (Dickens)17. "This is grave news," she added, as we pushed our way to the exit. (Murdoch)18. "How are you and Alexander?" "We're as well as can be expected," said Rosemary. (Murdoch)19. And, young as you were — yes, and weak and alone — there was evil, I knew there was evil in keeping you. (Thackeray) 20. As I turned to look at her she seemed transfigured. (Murdoch) 21. He stretched himself on his bed as a dog stretches himself. (Maugham)22. Yet could I, as things were, rely on Georgie to be cheerful and lucid? (Murdoch)23. How trivial as this contact may seem to some, it was of the utmost significance to Clyde. (Dreiser)24. I shall only try now to describe him as I saw him at the start, before I knew certain crucial facts about him. (Murdoch)

Exercise 9. Define the kinds of clauses introduced by since and while. Translate into Russian.

1. Ever since you appeared on the scene, you have, for reasons which remain obscure to me, behaved towards me with hostility, and in two instances you have deliberately done me harm.(Murdoch) 2. I wanted to see you, since you wanted to see me. (Murdoch) 3. The master had remarked that even if he got it (the piano] into the cart he should not know what to do with it on his arrival at Christminster, the city he was bound for, since he was only going into temporary lodgings just at first. (Hardy)4. I wondered if Palmer and Antonia were indeed here, since we were much earlier than the time I had predicted. (Murdoch)5. They complained that he was concerted; and, since he excelled only in matters which to them were unimportant, they asked satirically what he had to be conceited about. (Maugham)6. Zillah is constantly gadding off to Gimmerton since papa went. (E. Bronte) 7. They went into the grill-room for dinner, since none of them were dressed. (Cronin)8. Then she lifted her hair on to the top of her head and balanced it there like a bundle while she tied it securely about with a handkerchief. (Murdoch)9. I felt in no mood for confronting Rosemary. She had never quite got on with Antonia and would on the one hand be delighted at what had happened, while on the other she would maintain a conventional air of distress. (Murdoch)10. Women with perambulators were parading in the green walks, and down long vistas of trees children bowled hoops while dogs ran barking behind them. (Murdoch) 11. While he was speaking, Joseph returned bearing a basin of mi Ik-porridge, and placed it before Linton. (E. Bronte) 12. There was no zest in the thought of departure, while the act of departure appalled him as a weariness of the flesh. (London)13. While he elbowed his way on, his eyes which he usually kept fixed on the ground before his feet, were attached upwards by the dome of St. Paul's. (Galsworthy)14. He had a glass eye, which remained stationary while the other eye looked at Reinhardt. (Heym)15. I had not communicated with Georgie since the day of the revelation, and since the thing was not yet common knowledge, she was still presumably ignorant of the change in my situation. (Murdoch)16. While he was standing there, a telegram was brought him. (Galsworthy)17. There was a moment's pause while he introduced her, and then they were off. (Dreiser)18. While they were happy for the first year or so... afterwards there had begun to appear difficulties in connection with her work... (Dreiser)

Exercise 10. Point out parenthetical clauses. Translate into Russian.

1. You never liked her, she says, and you have made him feel that she isn't worthy of him. (Dreiser)2. Already he was doing big things, so he thought, in surgery, and the older men in his line were regarding him with a rather uneasy eye. (Dreiser). 3. On one of these occasions, so Marie Redmond said, she came to her and announced that she was living in a basement room in one of the poorer sections of the city. (Dreiser)4. As I say, I was fortunate to get her. (Murdoch)5. Your story, you know, showed such breadth, and vigor, such maturity and depth of thought. (London)6. Her conduct, it was clear, was little satisfactory to her mother, who scarcely mentioned her, or else the kind lady thought it was best to say nothing, and leave time to work out its cure. (Thackeray)7. Thomas Esmond — captain Thomas, as he was called — became engaged in a gaming-house brawl, of which the consequence was a duel, and a wound so severe that he never — his surgeon said — could outlive it. (Thackeray)8 Truly, I thought, here is one who is startlingly beautiful. (Dreiser)9. The effect produced by both Lady Castlewood's children when they appeared in public was extraordinary, and the whole town speedily rang with their fame: such a beautiful couple, it was declared, never had been seen... (Thackeray)10. She suggested that she would come over and pack up my Minton dinner service and one or two other things which she said must on no account be trusted to the removal men. (Murdoch)11. My breathing, even my heartbeat must, I felt already, be audible through the house like the panting of an engine. (Murdoch)12. Two electric fires were burning in the room, but Antonia had insisted on lighting a coal fire, to cheer me up, as she put it. (Murdoch)

Exercise 11. Analyse the following sentences. Translate into Russian.

1. All f say is that only lies and evil come from letting people off. (Murdoch)2. The only thing which could be said against Miss Casement's report was that, if carried into effect, it would damage a great many existing interests. (Murdoch)3. Directly I began to cross the common 1 realized I had the wrong umbrella, for it sprang a leak and the rain ran down under my macintosh collar, and then it was I saw Henry. (Greene)4. Bigiardini, who had been allotted the window and door frames, summouned Michelangelo to his side, flicking his fingers for him to sprinkle some water, then stepped back in admiration from the tiny window he had just painted above Elisabeth's head. (Stone)5. I had left them early, declining a pressing invitation to dinner, and then had stayed up half the night drinking whisky, and I still felt, as I prepared to leave the office, rather sick and giddy. (Murdoch)6. All three incidents had resulted from the fact, of which he himself was well aware but which he was unable to overcome, that he was unstable and unreliable and a misfit in his profession. (Caldwell)7. But July arriving and his plan still indefinite, the first thing that occurred to him was that they might go off to some inexpensive resort somewhere. (Dreiser)8. When they met in the corridors and wards there had not been any semblance of the easy banter they had become accustomed to engaging in whenever they met. (Caldwell)9. And now Mason regretted that he had not telephoned before leaving Bridgeburg, for he could see that the news of his daughter's death would shock such a man as this most terribly. (Dreiser)10. She was in awe of Peter Saward, both because of those rather austere features of his character which inspired awe in most of the people who knew him and also for an extra reason of her own, because he was a sick man. (Murdoch)11. One day, however, very shortly after he had connected himself with the Green — Davidson, he had come in rather earlier than usual in the afternoon and found his mother bending over a letter which evidently had just arrived and which appeared to interest her greatly. (Dreiser)12. And then, without turning or seeing Clyde across the street, she proceeded to another house a few doors away, which also carried a furnished rooms card and, after surveying the exterior interestedly, mounted the steps and rang the bell. (Dreiser)13. Val was impressed; and happening to look at his mother's face, he got what was perhaps his first real insight that his feelings were not always what mattered most. (Galsworthy)14. So often throughout his youth in different cities in which his parents had conducted a mission or spoken on the streets it had been obvious that people looked down upon him and. his brother and sister for being the children of such parents. (Dreiser)15. He was so irritated and depressed by the poverty and social angularity and crudeness of it — all spelling but one thing social misery, to him — that he at once retraced his steps and recrossing the Mohawk by a bridge farther west soon found himself in an area which was very different indeed. (Dreiser)16. This visit had been planned to produce in Annette and her mother a due sense of his possessions, so that they should be ready to receive with respect any overture he might later be disposed to make. (Galsworthy)17. On hearing from the hall porter at the Iseeum that Mr. Dartie had not been in today, he looked at the trusty fellow and decided only to ask if Mr. George Forsyte was in the club. (Galsworthy)18. When he was born, Winifred, in the heyday of spirits, and the craving for distinction, had determined thai her children should have names such as no others had ever had. (Galsworthy)19. Having acquired so high a position locally, he was able to marry the daughter of a locai druggist of some means, and two children had been born to them. (Dreiser)20. On the night in question, at about nine o'clock, as they were nearing the south shore of Big Bittern, they encountered a young man, whom they took to be a stranger making his way from the inn at Big Bittern. (Dreiser)21. I attached little importance to Palmer's statement that what I had seen would be without a sequel. (Murdoch)22. The only person who appears to have seen the young man is the captain of that little steam boat that runs from Three Mile Bay to Sharon. (Dreiser)23. On seeing him, she stopped reading at once, and, flustered and apparently nervous, arose and put. the letter away without commenting in any way upon what she had been reading. (Dreiser)24. Just as he neared the corner and was about to turn at high speed, a little girl of about nine, who was running toward the crossing, jumped directly in front of the moving machine. (Dreiser)25. Hunter was twenty-seven and was what some people would have called a "pretty boy". (Murdoch)26. So convinced was he that he had seen her that he went straight home, and, encountering his mother in the mission, announced that he had seen Esta. (Dreiser)27. All she had to do after seeing him was to buy her ticket to Utica and get in one coach, and he would buy his separately and get in another. (Dreiser)28. I could not conceive what was the matter with me and it was not until halfway through the third day that I found out. (Murdoch)29. The chauffeur returning, she asked Clyde where he wished to go — an address which he gave reluctantly enough, since it was so different from the street in which she resided. (Dreiser)30. That I could love such a person was a revelation and education to me and something of a triumph: it involved a rediscovery of myself. (Murdoch)31. The day before he had heard Whiggam tell Liggett there was to be a meeting of department heads after closing hours in Smillie's office to day, and that he was to be there. (Dreiser)32. After swallowing a cup of coffee at one. of the small restaurants near the post-office and walking the length of Central Avenue toward the mill, and pausing at a cigar store to see if Roberta should by any chance come along alone, he was rewarded by the sight of her with Grace Marr again. (Dreiser)33. Being very lonely, and Dillard not being present because he had to work, Clyde decided upon a trolley ride to Gloversville, which was a city of some twenty thousand inhabitants and reported to be as active, if not as beautiful, as Lycurgus. (Dreiser)

Exercise 12. Analyse the following sentences. Translate into Russian.

1. Already when, at the age of thirteen, fourteen and fifteen, he began looking in the papers, which, being too worldly, had never been admitted to his home, he found that mostly skilled help was wanted. (Dreiser)2. He had a feeling in his heart that he was not as guilty as they all seemed to think. (Dreiser)3. He thought at first that having seen him at the moment he had struck Roberta, they had now come to take him. (Dreiser)4. Her voice sounded to her as if she had shouted, but the man to whom she had been speaking, evidently not hearing a word she had said, continued staring thoughtfully into his beer. (Caldwelt)5. He decided later that if she did not want him to know what she was doing, perhaps it was best that he should not. (Dreiser)6. In view of this, Mrs. Griffiths, who was more practical than her husband at all times, and who was intensely interested in Clyde's economic welfare, as well as that of her other children, was actually wondering why Clyde should of a sudden become so enthusiastic about changing to this new situation, which, according to his own story, involved longer hours and not so very much more pay, if any. (Dreiser)7. She had no idea how long she stood there in the gradually failing light, and the next thing she remembered doing was running to the telephone. (Caldwell)8. However, as he began to see afterwards, time passed and he was left to work until, depressed by the routine and meager pay, he began to think of giving up this venture here and returning to Chicago or going to New York, where he was sure that he could connect himself with some hotel if need be. (Dreiser)9. The table was in no way different from any other, and it was not more advantageously placed, but because the oldest residents sat there it was looked upon as the most desirable place to sit, and several elderly women were bitterly resentful because Miss Otkin, who went away for four or five months every summer, should be given a place there while they who spent the whole year in the sanatorium sat at other tables. (Maugham)10. As soon as he finds a foe near, no matter what he is doing, a well-trained Cottontail keeps just as he is and stops all movement, for the creatures of the woods are of the same colour as the things in the woods and catch the eye only while moving. (Seton Thompson)11. Then by some accident of association there occurred to him that scene when Emma had told him of his mother's death, and, though he could not speak for crying, he had insisted on going in to say good-bye to the Misses Watkin so that they might see his grief and pity him. (Maugham)12. He was developing a sense of humour, and found that he had a knack of saying bitter things, which caught people on the raw; he said them because they amused him, hardly realising how much they hurt, and was much offended when he found that his victims regarded him with active dislike. (Maugham)13. When Winifred came down, and realised that he was not in the house, her first feeling was one of dull anger that he should thus elude the reproaches she had carefully prepared in those long wakeful hours. (Galsworthy) 14. Behind him the nurse did he knew not what, for his father made a tiny movement of repulsion as if resenting that interference; and almost at once his breathing eased away, became quiet; he lay very still. (Galsworthy)15. The endless rhythmical. noise covered Annette and held her for a while motionless and appalled. (Murdoch)16. When they had passed through the Red Sea and found a sharp wind in the Canal, Anne had been surprised to see how much the men who had looked presentable enough in the white ducks in which she had been accustomed to see them, were changed when they left them off for warmer clothes. (Maugham)17. It was not raining, but it had been and a street lamp some way off streaked the roadway with reflections. (Murdoch)18. He knew her so well that she assumed he always knew when she was lying and so that made it all right. (Murdoch)19. The brothers, in whom there was apparent, as soon as they had overcome their initial animal terror enough to display ordinary human characteristics, an exceptional degree of parsimony, were pleased with their junkfilled room, which they were able to rent for eight shillings a week, arid whose bric-a-brack, once a senseless jumble, they soon set in order, giving to. each decrepit object a proper use and significance. (Murdoch)20. Soon, however, although the old woman never ceased to inspire in her a kind of awe which nearly amounted to terror, she fell into paying her no more attention, for practical purposes, than if she had been another quaint piece of furniture. (Murdoch)21. But such criticisms as she found herself obscurely tending to make of Annette's deportment had never yet been formulated, and she had not troubled to ask herself whether they were just and reasonable or not perhaps the expression of a sort of envy of a younger and in some ways luckier woman such as Rosa knew herself to be well capable of feeling. (Murdoch)22. If I lived here Г should have to get to know what you do in a big forest, if you should be lost. (Shute)23. Rainborough was not aware that he had at any time suggested to Miss Casement that he was likely to make such proposals, though he might possibly have dropped some remark which could be so interpreted in the early days of his appointment. (Murdoch)24. Although it happened to him so many times, Rainsborough could never resign himself to the idea that people should visit him simply in order to find out all that he knew about Mischa Fox. (Murdoch)25. Mischa approached, and it seemed to the two who were watching a long time before he reached her. (Murdoch)

Exercise 13. Insert it or there in the following sentences.

1. __ was too cold to sit down, but 1 paused every now and then to lean on the parapet... (Murdoch)2. __ was no mist here and a great vault of clear stars hung over the city with an intent luxurious brilliance. (Murdoch)3. In what I could discern of the Square __ seemed to be no one about. (Murdoch)4. __ took me several minutes to collect myself. (Murdoch)5. __ did not occur to me to reflect that there was anything illogical in this and indeed __ was nothing illogical. (Murdoch)6. He stood and watched her, sorry. But __ could be no altering it. 7. I kept my face stern, but __ was so much light within, __ must have showed a little. (Murdoch)8. __ was still nearly an hour to wait before their plane was due to leave... (Murdoch)9. __ was a little Hurry as Georgie dropped her handbag and Honor picked it up for her. (Murdoch)10. __ ihen occurred to me that just this was precisely what I might be able to manage. (Murdoch)11. Between Brangwen and Skrebensky __ was an unbridgeable silence. Sometimes the two men made a slight conversation, but __ was no interchange. (Lawrence)12. A terrible energy pervaded Antonia at this time and __ tired me extremely to be with her. (Murdoch)13. I say this in case you should after last night's exhibition, feel any apprehension of possible violence to your brother. I assure you sincerely that __ : is no such possibility. __,. only remains for me to apologize to you very humbly... (Murdoch)

Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences into English and point out the difference in the way subordinate clauses are introduced in Russian and in English.

1. Князь Багратион... сказал «хорошо» с таким выражением, как будто все то, что происходило и что ему сообщали, было именно то, что он уже предвидел. (Л. Толстой)2. В начале действий он знал только то, что по всему его полку стали летать ядра и гранаты... (Л. Толстой)3. Но одна мысль о том, что он боится, снова подняла его. (Л. Толстой)4. На слова Жеркбва некоторые улыбнулись, как и всегда ожидая от него шутки; но, заметив, что то, что он говорил, клонилось тоже к славе нашего оружия и нынешнего дня, приняли серьезное выражение, хотя многие очень хорошо знали, что то, что говорил Жерков, была ложь, ни на чем не основанная. (Л. Толстой)5. «И что за глупость все то, что я рассказываю, как будто это меня интересует, — думал дипломат, взглядывая на счастливые лица любовников,— вот это счастие!» (Л. Толстой)6. «Не для тебя это счастье, — говорил ему какой-то внутренний голос. — Это счастье для тех, у кого нет того, что есть у тебя». (Л. Толстой)7. «Ах, Наташа!» — сказала Соня восторженно и серьезно, не глядя на свою подругу, как будто она считала ее недостойною слышать то, что она намерена была сказать... (Л. Толстой)8. Она чувствовала, что то, что говорила Соня, была правда... (Л. Толстой)9. «Но что забавнее всего, — сказал он, вдруг добродушно засмеявшись, — это то, что никак не могли придумать, как ему адресовать ответ?» (Л. Толстой)10. Несколько минут после того, как проехал государь, дивизион павлоградцев потребовали вперед. (Л. Толстой) 11. Возвращаясь домой, князь Андрей не мог удержаться, чтобы не спросить молчаливо сидевшего подле него Кутузова о том, что он думает о завтрашнем сражении? (Л. Толстой)12. «На горе пикет, ваше сиятельство, все там же, где был с вечера»,—доложил Ростов... (Л. Толстой)