"Лунная магия" - читать интересную книгу автора (Форчун Дион)


Come back to me, stay by me, lull me with touch of forgotten caresses,

One warm dream clad about with a fire as of life that endures;

And all of a man that regrets, and all of a maid that allures.

For thy bosom is warm to my fase, and profound as a manifold flower,

Thy silence as music, thy voice as an odour that dies in a flame;

Not a dream, is kiss of thy mouth, and tke bountiful hour

Nhat makes me forget what was sin, and would make me forget were it shame.

Thine eyes that are quiet, thine hands that are tender, thy lips that are loving,

Comfort and cool me as dew in the dawn of a moon like a dream;

And my heart yearns baffled and blind, moved vainly towards tkee, and moving

As the refluent seaweed moves in the languid exuberant stream.
